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Leaching of copper and zinc from copper converter slag otation tailings using H2SO4
and biologically generated Fe2(SO4)3
Maxim I. Muravyov a,, Natalya V. Fomchenko a, Alexey V. Usoltsev b,
Evgeniy A. Vasilyev b, Tamara F. Kondrat'eva a
Laboratory of Chemolitothrophic Microorganisms, Winogradsky Institute of Microbiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 117312 Moscow, Russia
Laboratory of Hydrometallurgy and Dressing, Research Center, Uralelectromed, 624091 Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Russia
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Leaching of converter slag otation tailings from the Svyatogor copper smeltery (Sverdlovsk region, Russia)
Received 6 July 2011 by sulfuric acid solutions containing ferric ions was investigated. The solutions were obtained using oxidation
Received in revised form 27 February 2012 of ferrous sulfate by a consortium of moderately thermophilic acidophilic chemolithotrophic microorgan-
Accepted 4 March 2012
isms, including Sulfobacillus species. Flotation tailings contained 0.56% Cu and 4.74% Zn. Copper was present
Available online 10 March 2012
mostly as digenite, bornite, and free metal. Zinc was present as a ferrite (franklinite) ZnFe2O4 and, to a lesser
degree, as silicate. The effects of pH, pulp density, temperature, initial Fe 3 + concentration, and the presence
Copper converter slag of oxygen in the leaching solution on the leaching dynamics of copper, zinc, and iron were investigated. In-
Flotation tailings creasing Fe 3 + concentrations was found to have an inhibitory effect on zinc and iron leaching, but not on
Zinc ferrite copper leaching. Temperature had the most pronounced effect on the kinetics of copper and zinc leaching.
Ferric sulfate leaching Kinetic analysis was carried out, and the calculated activation energies for copper and zinc leaching were
Sulfuric acid dissolution 51.3 and 53.8 kJ/mol, indicating control of this process by a chemical reaction on the particle surface. The
recommended technological parameters for leaching of copper (the most important component) from con-
verter slag otation tailings are: pulp density of 30% (w/v), pH 1.5, temperature of 70 C, initial Fe 3 + concen-
tration of 15.7 g/L, no aeration, leaching for 1.5 h. This process resulted in solubilization of 81.6% copper and
37.7% zinc with the relatively low iron recovery of 26.2%. Metal content in the leach residue was 0.13% Cu and
3.69% Zn.
2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0304-386X/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.I. Muravyov et al. / Hydrometallurgy 119-120 (2012) 4046 41
Hydrometallurgical techniques for processing (leaching) the slags Thus, the treatment of converter slag otation tailings may be car-
and the products of their depletion recently attracted attention. These ried out as follows: (a) the chemical leaching by a biogenic ferric sul-
techniques include: leaching with chlorate (Yang et al., 2010), hydro- fate solution in sulfuric acid medium; (b) removal of Fe 3 + ions after
gen peroxide (Banza et al., 2002), solutions of sulfuric acid (Anand et the chemical leaching of slag by addition of CaO or CaCO3 into the
al., 1983), ferric sulfate or chloride (Anand et al., 1980; Carranza et al., pulp with following solidliquid separation; (c) copper cementation
2009a, 2009b), potassium dichromate (Altundogan et al., 2004), and from liquid phase; (d) removal of zinc (as ZnS) by addition of NaHS
aquatic solutions of SO2 (Ahmed et al., 2000; Gbor et al., 2000). Indus- (Khalezov et al., 2005) with following solidliquid separation; and
trial application of these techniques is, however, impeded by their (e) separation obtained liquor (after non-ferrous metal removal)
high cost and the heavy environmental problems caused by discharge into two parts, the rst part of the ow may be used as a coagulator,
of toxic liquid waste. the second part (after dilution with an aqua) is sent to biooregenera-
Since most minerals exist in mineral associations, recovery of non- tion and further to step (a).
ferrous and noble metals from technogenic waste is a difcult task. The goal of the present work was to investigate the processes of
Bioleaching (biooxidation) of sulde materials and non-ferrous met- leaching of non-ferrous metals from otation tailings of the copper
allurgical waste may be an efcient and environmentally friendly al- converter slag with ferric sulfate solutions in sulfuric acid medium
ternative to traditional pyro- and hydrometallurgical processes. obtained using a consortium of acidophilic chemolithotrophic
Bioleaching of refractory sulde ores for gold recovery (van Niekerk, microorganisms.
2009) and heap bioleaching of non-ferrous metals from off-grade
and low-grade ores (Watling, 2006) have long been used as efcient 2. Materials and methods
and economically protable techniques for processing such materials.
The processes of two-stage bacterialchemical leaching were pro- 2.1. Slag otation tailings characterization
posed by various authors for treatment of sulde raw materials and
concentrates. Its modications have been tested using sulde copper Flotation tailings were obtained under industrial conditions as a
concentrates (Kinnunen et al., 2006; Muravyov et al., 2011; Romero waste of dressing of converter slag of the Svyatogor copper smeltery
et al., 2003), copperzinc waste of sulde ore dressing (Fomchenko (Sverdlovsk region, Russia), at the same time the otation concen-
and Biryukov, 2009), and gold-bearing sulde concentrates trate is recycled to the smelter. The product contains mainly magne-
(Fomchenko et al., 2010), etc. During the rst stage, the metals are tite Fe3O4, fayalite Fe2SiO4, and glass in fusion with franklinite
leached by microbially produced ferric sulfate. The pulp density may ZnFe2O4 and zinc silicates. Copper minerals were represented by in-
be signicantly higher than in traditional biohydrometallurgical tech- clusions and fusions with glass of digenite, bornite, chalcopyrite, and
nology and the process temperature may be up to 80 C, which in- metallic copper. The P95 was 0.071 mm. The chemical composition
creases its rate signicantly. During the second stage, ferric iron is of the converter slag otation tailings is presented in Table 1.
regenerated, elemental sulfur is oxidized, and suldes are terminally
oxidized. Depending on the temperature conditions at the rst 2.2. Generation of ferric iron for the chemical leaching experiments
stage, regeneration is carried out by different communities of acido-
philic chemolithotrophic microorganisms. Biological oxidation is the A moderately thermophilic microbial community containing Sulfo-
most simple way to regenerate of ferric iron at a low cost. The separa- bacillus thermosuldooxidans VKM B-1269 T, Sulfobacillus strains Sh1
tion of the chemical and biological stages of the process makes it pos- and Sh8, as well as the pulp from the bioreactors of the Olimpiada
sible to create conditions favorable for the chemical processes of gold processing plant (Krasnoyarsk region, Russia), and the enrichment
mineral oxidation and for microbial activity. This technique for leach- culture obtained on the copperzinc otation waste of the Uchalinskoe
ing of non-ferrous metals is sufciently exible to be applied to al- deposit were used as inocula to obtain the ferric iron-containing culture
most any material containing non-ferrous metals as sulde liquid for the subsequent chemical leaching experiments. Biooxidation
minerals, including converter slags of copper-smelting plants. Analy- of ferrous iron (FeSO47H2O) was carried out in a 5.0-L vessel with
sis of the slags revealed that copper was mostly present as suldes 4.0 L of the liquid at 40 C and aeration rate 4 min- 1. The liquid phase
fused with glass, oxidized minerals, and metal copper (Carranza et was 9 K medium (Silverman and Lundgren, 1959) supplemented with
al., 2009b), which is also oxidized and solubilized by solutions of fer- 0.02% (w/v) of yeast extract and 10% (v/v) inoculum. The nal Fe3 +
ric sulfate. Converter slags of copper-smelting plants are specic concentration was 33.6 g/L at pH 1.6. This liquid (microbial cells were
products containing up to 50% iron, mainly as magnetite and silicate not separated) or its dilutions with distilled water were used as lixiviant
(fayalite), as well as silicates of other metals, including zinc. Dissolu- during the chemical leaching experiments.
tion of silicates in sulfuric acid medium used in the processes of bac-
terialchemical leaching may result in formation of silica gel 2.3. Chemical leaching experiments
according to the following equations:
Chemical leaching was carried out in a 2.0-L reactor containing
M2 SiO4 2H2 SO4 2MSO4 H4 SiO4 1 1.0 L of the pulp. The stirring rate was 760 rpm. The temperature
was maintained by means of heat exchangers connected to a thermo-
stat. The leaching was carried out at batch conditions. The solid phase
H4 SiO4 H2 SiO3 H2 O 2
was loaded and mixed with the Fe 3 +-containing solution. The liquor
was preheated to the desired temperature. Sulfuric acid (98.5%) was
H2 SiO3 SiO2 H2 O 3 added when necessary to maintain the pH value. The data obtained
were used to calculate the metals recovery into solution and the aver-
where M is a metal (Fe, Zn, Cu, Co, etc.). age rate of changes of the copper and zinc ions concentrations in the
The presence of a silica gel makes it difcult or impossible to carry liquid phase.
out the subsequent operations of phase separation (ltration or sedi-
mentation) and extraction of metals from the solutions (liquid ex- Table 1
traction, chemical precipitation, etc.). The process of recovery of Analytical data for the converter slag otation tailings.
non-ferrous metals from industrial slags should therefore create the Element Fe Cu Zn S SiO2
conditions making it possible to solubilize non-ferrous metals with
Content (wt.%) 43.3 0.56 4.74 1.4 21.02
the minimal dissolution of the silicate phase.
42 M.I. Muravyov et al. / Hydrometallurgy 119-120 (2012) 4046
2.4. Analytical methods Moreover, decreased pH during chemical leaching means excessive
consumption of sulfuric acid.
The values of pH and Eh were measured with a pH-150MA pH The experiments were carried out at 40 C, initial Fe 3 + concentra-
metermillivoltmeter (Belarus). Redox potential was measured with tion in the liquid phase of 5.3 g/L, and 10% pulp density (w/v). The pH
a platinum electrode relative to the silver chloride electrode; the value was adjusted at 1.5 or 1.8.
values were recalculated relative to the normal hydrogen electrode. The results are presented in Fig. 1. They show that while ~40% of
The concentrations of Fe 3 + and Fe 2 + ions in the liquid phase were copper was solubilized during the rst 5 min of the process, zinc ex-
determined by reaction with potassium thiocyanate (Reznikov et al., traction did not exceed 10%. This may be due to the fact that oxidized
1970) on a KFK-3 photometer (Russia) at = 475 nm. The concentra- copper compounds and metallic copper reacted during the rst mi-
tions of copper and zinc ions were determined on a Perkin Elmer nutes of the process. Suldes were probably oxidized later. During
3100 ame atomic absorption spectrometer (USA). 5 h of chemical leaching of converter slag otation tailings at pH
The content of copper, zinc and iron in the solid phase was deter- 1.5, 73.0% copper and 23.8% zinc was solubilized, while at pH 1.8
mined by its dissolution in the mixture of concentrated hydrochloric the values were 65.2 and 17.0%, respectively.
and nitric acids (3:1 v/v) supplemented with ammonium uoride Consumption of sulfuric acid for pH maintenance at 1.5 and 1.8
under boiling conditions and subsequent determination of the con- during ve hours was 258 and 201 g/kg, respectively. Over 50% of
centrations of dissolved copper, zinc and iron by the atomic absorp- the acid was consumed during the rst 5 min of the process.
tion method. Dissolution of fayalite, as expressed by solubilization of ferrous
iron, was higher at pH 1.5. In this case, iron extraction was 17.1%,
3. Results and discussion while it was only 11.0 at pH 1.8. Moreover, a decrease of Fe 3 + con-
centration was more pronounced than at pH 1.5 because of jarosite
Considering the mineralogical composition of converter slag ota- formation.
tion tailings from the Svyatogor copper smeltery (Sverdlovsk region, Thus, pH 1.5 is preferable for chemical leaching of otation tailings
Russia), chemical leaching of non-ferrous metals with ferric iron- of converter slag due to better solubilization of copper and zinc, a
containing sulfuric acid solutions should be based mainly on the fol- small increase in fayalite solubility, and less intense formation of jar-
lowing reactions of oxidation or dissolution of metallic copper, digen- osite sediments.
ite, bornite, magnetite, and copper and franklinite:
3.2. Effect of pulp density
0 3 2 2
Cu 2Fe Cu 2Fe 4
The hydrodynamic conditions of a reactor is an important param-
3 2 2 eter of chemical processes. It is crucially important in reactions con-
u9 S5 8Fe 5CuS 4Cu 8Fe 5
trolled by the rate of diffusion processes. The content of the solid
u5 FeS4 4Fe
2CuS uFeS2 2Cu
6 phase in a suspension (pulp density) is one of the major parameters
affecting hydrodynamic conditions in the reactor. In order to deter-
3 2 2 0 mine the effect of the hydrodynamic situation in the reactor on the ef-
CuS 2Fe Cu 2Fe S 7
ciency and rate of chemical leaching of non-ferrous metals from
2 3
converter slag otation tailings, experiments at different pulp densi-
CuO Fe2 O3 8H Cu 2Fe 4H2 O 8 ties were carried out.
The experiments were carried out at the previously accepted pH
2 3
Fe3 O4 8H Fe 2Fe 4H2 O 9 1.5, 40 C, and initial Fe 3 + concentration in the leaching solution of
5.3 g/L. The solid phase was introduced into the reactor in order to
2 3
ZnFe2 O4 8H Zn 2Fe 4H2 O: 10 obtain pulp densities of 10, 20, and 30% (w/v).
The results are presented in Fig. 2. Variations in pulp density from
Reactions of dissolution of iron (fayalite) and zinc silicates may 10 to 30% had no effect on zinc recovery, while copper recovery de-
occur in the system according to Eq. (1), with formation of silica gel creased with increasing pulp density. It is noted that within the rst
according to Eqs. (2)(3). The higher the temperature and pH of the 30 min of the leaching a signicant decrease of the rate of copper re-
pulp, the higher is the rate of the reaction with jarosite formation covery with increasing of the pulp density from 10% to 2030% was
(Dutrizac, 1980): observed. Later it was more or less the same at all variants of the
3Fe2 SO4 3 12H2 O M2 SO4 2 M Fe3 SO4 2 OH6 100
6H2 SO4 11 90
where M = K +, Na +, NH4+, H3O + 1
Taking into consideration the chemistry of leaching of converter
Recovery (%)
slag otation tailings, the experiments were planned in order to max- 60
imize the solubilization of non-ferrous metals (primarily copper) and 50
minimize the solubilization of silicates (mostly fayalite) and jarosite
3.1. Effect of pH 20
The pH value is the key parameter of leaching with sulfuric acid
solutions of ferric iron. Its increase to a certain value results in inten- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
sication of the reaction according to Eq. (11), up to complete binding
Time (h)
of ferric ions in complexes which form precipitates. On the other
hand, reactions according to Eqs. (1) and (2), which are intensied Fig. 1. Copper (1, 2) and zinc (3, 4) recovery during chemical leaching of converter slag
at extremely low pH, result in formation of unlterable gels. otation tailings at pH 1.5 (1, 3) and 1.8 (2, 4).
M.I. Muravyov et al. / Hydrometallurgy 119-120 (2012) 4046 43
100 100
90 90
80 80
70 70
Zn recovery (%)
Recovery (%)
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 6 30 1
20 4 20 3
10 10
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (h) Time (h)
Fig. 2. Copper (1, 2, 3) and zinc (4, 5, 6) recovery during chemical leaching of converter Fig. 4. Zinc recovery during chemical leaching of converter slag otation tailings at
slag otation tailings at different pulp densities: 1, 410%, 2, 520%, 3, 630%. different initial Fe3 + concentrations: 10 g/L, 25.3 g/L, 315.7 g/L.
experiment. This can be explained by a multi-component composi- As was already mentioned, over 50% of sulfuric acid required for
tion of the converter slag otation tailings (metallic copper, suldes, pH maintenance was consumed during the rst few minutes of the
copper ferrite) and by different inuence of hydrodynamic conditions process (up to 258 g/kg at 10% pulp density and pH 1.5). Converter
in the reactor on mass transfer processes of different copper phases in slag otation tailings are thus a highly acid-consuming material.
leaching solution. While copper recovery was 73.0% after 6 h of treat- This may result in abrupt pH increases during continuous chemical
ment at 10% pulp density, it was only 58.3% at 30% pulp density. A leaching in reactors, which will have a negative effect on the result.
similar pattern of copper solubilization depending on pulp density Preparation of the slag otation tailings by treatment with sulfuric
was reported by Carranza et al. (2009b) and may result from the acid solutions prior to chemical leaching seems logical, similar to
fact that during leaching at higher pulp density (i.e., higher amount the analogous techniques for processing of sulde materials
of the solid phase per unit volume) Fe 3 + concentration in the solu- (Fomchenko et al., 2010). For this purpose, the control variant was
tion is lower at a given moment. This is the consequence of batch designed, where the mineral salt base of 9 K medium acidied with
mode of the experiments, when only the initial iron concentration sulfuric acid and containing no ferric or ferrous iron was used as a
in the leaching solution is specied. leaching solution.
The effect of ferric iron concentration on copper and zinc leaching The results are presented in Figs. 35. They show that in the pres-
will be considered below. ence of Fe 3 + ions copper recovery increased, while recovery of zinc
Since a threefold increase in pulp density resulted in only a 1.25- and iron decreased, especially during the rst 30 min of the process.
fold decrease in copper recovery (after 6 h) and had no effect on Thus, copper recovery after 30 min without iron in the leaching solu-
zinc recovery, while the economical efciency of the process in- tion and at 5.3 g/L Fe 3 + was 21 and 42.6%, respectively, while zinc re-
creased at higher pulp density, the 30% value is optimal within the covery was 25.4 and 13.6%, respectively. Iron recovery was similar to
studied range. that of zinc: 25.1 and 9.3% after 30 min in the absence of iron and at
5.3 g/L Fe 3 + in the leaching solution, respectively. These results may
be explained by the fact that while Fe 3 + ions are reagents in the reac-
3.3. Effect of the concentration of ferric iron ions tions of copper leaching (4)(7), so that their increased concentration
increases the reaction rate, they are products in the reactions of zinc
The experiments were carried out at 40 C, pH 1.5, and pulp den- (9) and iron leaching (10), so that their elevated concentration in-
sity 30% (w/v). The reactor was lled with the leaching solution with- hibits the reactions.
out Fe 3 + ions or with initial Fe 3 + concentrations of 5.3 and 15.7 g/L. The concentration changing of ferrous and ferric iron during the
chemical leaching with sulfuric acid solution and in the presence of
90 100
80 90
3 80
Cu recovery (%)
Fe recovery (%)
2 60
1 40
30 1
20 2
10 10 3
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (h) Time (h)
Fig. 3. Copper recovery during chemical leaching of converter slag otation tailings at Fig. 5. Iron recovery during chemical leaching of converter slag otation tailings at
different initial Fe3 + concentrations: 10 g/L, 25.3 g/L, 315.7 g/L. different initial Fe3 + concentrations: 10 g/L, 25.3 g/L, 315.7 g/L.
44 M.I. Muravyov et al. / Hydrometallurgy 119-120 (2012) 4046
45 100
40 90
Concentration (g/L)
Zn recovery (%)
3' 50 5
20 3
15 30
10 3 20
5 10
1 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (h) Time (h)
Fig. 6. Fe3 + (1, 2, 3) and Fe2 + (1, 2, 3) concentrations during chemical leaching Fig. 8. Zinc recovery during chemical leaching of converter slag otation tailings at
of converter slag otation tailings at different initial Fe3 + concentrations: 10 g/L, different temperatures: 128 C, 240 C, 355 C, 470 C, 585 C.
25.3 g/L, 315.7 g/L.
60 where k is the reaction rate constant, k0 is a pre-exponential factor, E is
50 1
the activation energy (J/mol), R is the gas constant (8.31 J mol 1 1),
and T is absolute temperature ().
20 Table 2
10 Main results of the leaching of converter slag otation tailings.
4.5 100
Zn 90
R = 0.987 1
3.5 2
Recovery (%)
Cu 70
-ln k
R = 0.973 50
2 40
1.5 30
1 20
0.5 10
0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
2.7 2.8 2.9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4
Time (h)
1000/T (K-1)
Fig. 11. Copper (1, 2) and zinc (3, 4) recovery during chemical leaching of converter
Fig. 9. The Arrhenius plot for the Cu and Zn using linear slopes of the curves in Figs. 7 slag otation tailings under bubbling with air (1, 3) and argon (2, 4).
and 8.
4. Conclusions
600 100
Consumption H2SO4 (g/kg)
500 The process of leaching of converter slag otation tailings from the
80 Svyatogor copper smeltery (Sverdlovsk region, Russia) by sulfuric
400 acid solutions containing Fe 3 + ions was investigated. The effect of
60 pH, pulp density, temperature, initial Fe 3 + concentration, and the
300 presence of dissolved oxygen on the dynamics of copper, zinc, and
40 iron leaching was studied. Chemical leaching at pH 1.5 yielded the
best results with higher solubilization of copper and zinc, low in-
20 crease in fayalite dissolution, and less intense formation of the jaro-
site precipitate. Increasing pulp density from 10% to 30% resulted in
0 0 only an 1.25-fold decrease in copper recovery (after 6 h) and had no
0 1 2 3 4 5 effect on zinc recovery. Since the decrease in copper recovery may
Time (h) be compensated by increased Fe 3 + concentration in the leaching so-
lution, while the economical efciency of the process increases at
Fig. 10. Consumption of sulfuric acid during chemical leaching of converter slag
otation tailings at 70 C: 1 g H2SO4 per 1 kg of the solid phase; 2 g H2SO4 higher pulp densities, 30% density is the optimum within the investi-
per 1 g of leached copper. gated range. The presence of high concentration of Fe 3 + ions was
46 M.I. Muravyov et al. / Hydrometallurgy 119-120 (2012) 4046
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