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Word Study Weekly Lesson Plan: Fourth Grade

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Word Study Weekly Lesson Plan

Name: Alexandra Tocman Student Grade Level:

Fourth grade

For my word study lessons, I based it off of my teacher and the group of students that comes to her class during their
daily language arts time. For this reason, the student I assessed at the beginning of the year when doing my spelling
inventory was not one of the ones in this class at this time, because she was at a different ability level. The students that
are participating in this word study lesson are all around the late within word pattern spelling stage to the early syllables
and affixes stage. At this point in time the students know sight words and vocabulary and they have mastered the basic
letter-sound correspondences of written English. Their fluency is becoming stronger and they are ready to move on to
more conventional spelling. They are also reaching pattern mastery and are working especially hard at mastering long
vowels. These students still need some help and focus with recognizing and using vowel patterns correctly all the time
and reading some of the more challenging words. They are able to spell many high frequency words but they are still
struggling to spell many words. At this point these children might be using but confusing many things so it is important
to encourage them to try spelling words several ways, to use resources around the classroom for help, to use dictionaries,
and to constantly remind them about what they do already know.

Objectives for week Practice words with spelling patterns ui, ue, and u as well as oddballs. Be able to sort them properly and
spell them correctly. Be doing their assigned work and practicing the sort everyday. Understand the relationships between
different words in the sort. Be able to think of synonyms and antonyms for their words, use the words in sentences, and find
other words with these patterns in their independent reading books.

SOLs for week (it is a 4th grade class but the 3rd grade SOLs align the most with the spelling stage that the students are at and what the focus
of their word study lessons are on)
3.3The student will apply word-analysis skills when reading.
a) Use knowledge of regular and irregular vowel patterns.
b) Decode regular multisyllabic words.
3.4 The student will expand vocabulary when reading.
a) Use knowledge of homophones.
b) Use knowledge of roots, affixes, synonyms, and antonyms.
c) Apply meaning clues, language structure, and phonetic strategies.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Introduction: Day two: Day three: Day four: Assessment:

We will start off by We will start off by We will start off again We will start off by The students will be
reading all of the words having the kids sort the by sorting the words. doing another partner read each word in a
in the sort- I will say the words. We will go over Today instead of doing sort. This one will work random order. The
word and the class will the sort quickly and it and going over it as a more like a practice test word will be said, used
repeat the words. Then review the patterns and class they will just sort though. The partner in a sentence, and then
I will ask the students big idea of the sort- the the words with partners will read them all the said again. The
what sounds they are ui, ue, u patterns and and then they will words in the correct students will have to
hearing in these words? their sounds. It is quickly check their work order. Students will spell them correctly and
After we talk about this important for us to once everyone is done. have to spell the words put them in the correct
I will go over each of review and go over the Next the students will correctly and identify category of the word
the categories with the words everyday so that get into their reading the sort category for sort. Each word will be
class saying each and the students get groups. The groups are each one. After this worth two points- one
what sound they make, practice, get faster, and reading aloud a book on they will check each for spelling the words
having the students increase their fluency of the Revolutionary war others work. After that correctly and one for
repeat after me. Then the words and sort. The since that is what they we will play a word sorting them correctly.
the students will do a students will then work are learning about in game to help the I1-3 bonus words will
blind sort. After it with partners to social studies. Before students review the also be included that
seems that the class is practice the words. we start reading they words for their the students can try
finished we will do the They will be instructed will be instructed to pay assessment the next and spell correctly and
sort as a class. I will to give their partner attention for words that day. A popular game sort correctly.
call on someone to say synonyms, antonyms, fit in with the patterns for the students is For homework:
a word, I will repeat it, or clues to a word and of the week. At the end heads up so at their No homework.
and then I will ask them then their partner has of each page, or when it table groups they will
where it goes. If they to guess that word and makes sense we will mix around all their
dont know or they sort it correctly. Each stop reading and talk words, pick one up and
dont get it right I will group of partners will about the words they tape it on their head,
ask someone in the do all of the words to found and their and then they will ask
class to help them out. get practice. meanings. If students the table members
Once the first word is For homework: find words that they questions until they
placed I will ask people The students will be think should fit in the guess the correct word.
for the rest of the words instructed to once again patterns but dont, we Once each member has
in that category. I will use their cards and re- will discuss these and finished a round they
occasionally ask people sort the words at home. why they dont actually will take the word they
what sounds they are They will also be work. had and write a
making to remind them required to re-write the For homework: sentence using that
why they are being sort, this time The students will be word in their spelling
placed in certain underlining the patter in instructed to once again notebooks.
categories. When we each word. At this point use their cards and re- For homework:
get to certain words I they should really be sort the words at home. The students will be
may stop and ask them practicing and They will also be instructed to once again
some questions. For mastering what the big required to use their use their cards and re-
example I may ask idea of each category independent reading sort the words at home.
them why Tuesday is is. In addition, the will book and find 3 words They will also be
capitalized (proper be required to do 3 from each category required to take a
noun). I may ask them spelling menu activities within the next pages practice test at home.
what kind of word by Friday (see attached that they are to read The parents/guardians
suitcase is (compound sheet). that night for of these students know
word). I also may ask homework. In addition, how this works. It is the
them the definition of the will be required to same set up as the test-
some words and how do 3 spelling menu they are read the words
they might use them in activities by Friday (see in random order and
a sentence. Some good attached sheet). have to spell them
words for this might be correctly and sort them
coupon, tulip, or statue. correctly. In addition,
I could also them about the will be required to
the multiple uses for a do 3 spelling menu
word, for example activities by Friday (see
cruise (go on a cruise or attached sheet).
cruise down the street).
For homework:
The students will be
instructed to use their
cards and re-sort the
words at home and then
write the sort down in
their spelling notebook.
In addition, the will be
required to do 3 spelling
menu activities by
Friday (see attached
Describe in detail all materials you would use including listing the words for the word sort of the week, any games, or what they
might do in their word study notebook.

Word list:
o Blew, beauty, coupon, duty, tulip, bruise, fruit, juice, suitcase, super, blue, fluid, ruin, cruise, menu, clue, rescue,
statue, tissue, Tuesday
Scissors and plastic bags for the word sort.
Spelling menus for homework.
Spelling notebooks for homework and practice test.
Their independent reading books.
Tape (for heads up game).

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