Word Study Weekly Lesson Plan: Fourth Grade
Word Study Weekly Lesson Plan: Fourth Grade
Word Study Weekly Lesson Plan: Fourth Grade
For my word study lessons, I based it off of my teacher and the group of students that comes to her class during their
daily language arts time. For this reason, the student I assessed at the beginning of the year when doing my spelling
inventory was not one of the ones in this class at this time, because she was at a different ability level. The students that
are participating in this word study lesson are all around the late within word pattern spelling stage to the early syllables
and affixes stage. At this point in time the students know sight words and vocabulary and they have mastered the basic
letter-sound correspondences of written English. Their fluency is becoming stronger and they are ready to move on to
more conventional spelling. They are also reaching pattern mastery and are working especially hard at mastering long
vowels. These students still need some help and focus with recognizing and using vowel patterns correctly all the time
and reading some of the more challenging words. They are able to spell many high frequency words but they are still
struggling to spell many words. At this point these children might be using but confusing many things so it is important
to encourage them to try spelling words several ways, to use resources around the classroom for help, to use dictionaries,
and to constantly remind them about what they do already know.
Objectives for week Practice words with spelling patterns ui, ue, and u as well as oddballs. Be able to sort them properly and
spell them correctly. Be doing their assigned work and practicing the sort everyday. Understand the relationships between
different words in the sort. Be able to think of synonyms and antonyms for their words, use the words in sentences, and find
other words with these patterns in their independent reading books.
SOLs for week (it is a 4th grade class but the 3rd grade SOLs align the most with the spelling stage that the students are at and what the focus
of their word study lessons are on)
3.3The student will apply word-analysis skills when reading.
a) Use knowledge of regular and irregular vowel patterns.
b) Decode regular multisyllabic words.
3.4 The student will expand vocabulary when reading.
a) Use knowledge of homophones.
b) Use knowledge of roots, affixes, synonyms, and antonyms.
c) Apply meaning clues, language structure, and phonetic strategies.
Word list:
o Blew, beauty, coupon, duty, tulip, bruise, fruit, juice, suitcase, super, blue, fluid, ruin, cruise, menu, clue, rescue,
statue, tissue, Tuesday
Scissors and plastic bags for the word sort.
Spelling menus for homework.
Spelling notebooks for homework and practice test.
Their independent reading books.
Tape (for heads up game).