Accpac - Guide - Manual For AR Getting Started PDF
Accpac - Guide - Manual For AR Getting Started PDF
Accpac - Guide - Manual For AR Getting Started PDF
Sage Software, Sage Software logos, and all Sage Accpac product and service names are registered
trademarks or trademarks of Sage Accpac International, Inc., or its affiliated entities. All other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Use of the software programs described herein and this documentation is subject to the Sage
Software License Agreement enclosed in the software package.
Getting Started v
Chapter 1
Introducing Accounts Receivable
This chapter introduces you to Accounts Receivable. It describes
important features of the program, discusses how Accounts
Receivable integrates with other applications, and suggests how to
use the manuals to learn about the system.
Use Accounts You can access your Accounts Receivable data using the Sage
Accpac desktop or through your Internet browser. All Accounts
through a browser
or from the Sage Receivable data entry forms are designed to enable users at remote
Accpac desktop locations to enter or view data using a browser.
To find out how to configure your system for use with an Internet
browser, see the System Manager Administrator Guide.
The rest of this section describes some of the tasks you can
accomplish using Accounts Receivable.
Getting Started 11
Accounts Receivable Features
Print invoices, bank deposit slips, customer statements, letters,
and labels using the supplied formats or change them to suit
your needs.
Set up billing cycles, so that you can print statements and charge
interest for groups of customers at convenient times.
Getting Started 13
Accounts Receivable Features
Adapt Transaction Processing to Your Needs
Maintain as many open batches of invoice, cash, and adjustment
transactions as you need, for example, to group transactions by
operator, time period, type of entry, or any other method you
find useful.
Quickly enter and print a deposit slip for the days receipts. You
can enter the remaining receipt details at your leisure.
Getting Started 15
Accounts Receivable Features
Define the prefixes Accounts Receivable assigns to invoices,
credit notes, debit notes, prepayments, unapplied cash, and
adjustment transactions.
When adding entries, you must use valid codes for customers,
customer groups, national accounts, account sets, terms, billing
cycles, recurring charges, distribution codes, tax groups, and
bank accounts.
Getting Started 17
Do Multicurrency Accounting
Sage Accpac multicurrency accounting allows you to enter, post, and
report transactions in all the currencies you use in your business,
including the euro.
Accept the exchange rate associated with a rate type and date, or
override the rate for individual invoices or payments.
View account balances and print key analysis reports in both the
functional currency (the home currency of a given set of data) and
source currencies (the currency in which a transaction was
Integrating with Other Programs
Recognize exchange gains and losses at the time of invoice
Getting Started 19
The User Guide
The User Guide
The Accounts Receivable documentation includes this Getting Started
manual and the User Guide.
Turn to the User Guide once you have finished setting up your
Accounts Receivable system, following the instructions in this
Getting Started manual.
Where To Now?
If you have just purchased the System Manager and Accounts
Receivable, install the applications on your computer following the
instructions in the System Manager Administrator Guide. If you have
already installed System Manager, install Accounts Receivable
following the instructions in the System Manager Administrator Guide.
When you are ready to create your own Accounts Receivable system,
follow the instructions in Chapter 3, Setting Up Your Accounts
Receivable System, in this manual.
Where To Now?
Converting from If you are converting your data from ACCPAC Plus Accounts
Receivable to Sage Accpac ERP, follow the instructions in the
Converting from ACCPAC Plus Accounting manual.
Chapter 2
What You Need to Know Before
Setting Up
Setting Up Accounts Receivable
Choosing Accounts Receivable Options .......................................... 22
Company Information ...................................................... 22
Processing Options ......................................................... 23
Using Multicurrency Accounting ........................................ 23
Processing Recurring Charges ........................................... 24
Listing Unposted Batches ............................................... 25
Editing Imported and External Batches ................................... 25
Keeping History ....................................................... 25
Using Retainage Accounting ............................................ 26
Accumulating Customer, Item, and Salesperson Statistics .................. 27
Keeping Comments in Customer Records................................ 211
Checking Customer Credit ............................................. 212
Transactions Options ...................................................... 213
Specifying a Default Invoice Type ....................................... 214
Specifying Automatic Tax Calculation ................................... 214
Specifying Options for Entering Items on Invoices ........................ 214
Specifying Options for Printing and Posting Invoices and Invoice Batches .. 215
Specifying the Default Transaction Type, Payment Code, and Bank Code ... 216
Include Pending Transactions when Applying Receipts ................... 217
Creating Create Deposit Slip When Receipt Batch is Created............... 218
Printing Deposit Slips.................................................. 218
Editing Deposit Slips After Printing Batch Listings ....................... 219
Entering Adjustments in Receipt Batches ................................ 219
Displaying Open Documents During Receipt Entry ....................... 220
Check for Duplicate Checks When Issuing Refunds ....................... 221
Numbering Options ....................................................... 221
Getting Started 2i
Setting Up
Setting Up Payment Codes ................................................. 253
Setting Up Item Records ................................................... 253
Adding Item Records .................................................. 254
Assigning Item Numbers .............................................. 254
Entering Item Units, Prices, and Costs ................................... 255
Calculating Tax on Items ............................................... 255
Entering Item Statistics ................................................ 257
Setting Up Salesperson Records ............................................ 257
Setting Up Terms Codes ................................................... 258
Setting Up Optional Fields ................................................. 260
Setting Up Customer Records .................................................. 264
Selecting the Account Type ................................................ 265
Open Item ............................................................ 266
Balance Forward ...................................................... 266
Assigning Account Types to Customer Records .......................... 267
Creating Customer Groups ................................................ 267
Assigning Credit Limits to Customer Groups ............................ 268
Keeping Statistics for Customer Groups ................................. 270
Assigning Optional Fields to Customer Groups .......................... 270
Creating National Accounts ................................................ 271
Processing Transactions for National Accounts ........................... 273
Specifying Billing and Shipping Addresses for National Accounts ......... 273
Assigning Credit Limits to National Accounts............................ 274
Placing National Accounts on Hold ..................................... 274
Assigning Inactive Status to National Accounts .......................... 275
Keeping Statistics for National Accounts................................. 275
Assigning Optional Fields to National Accounts .......................... 276
Creating National Accounts ............................................ 276
Adding Customers ........................................................ 277
Assigning Customer Numbers .......................................... 281
Chapter 2
What You Need to Know Before
Setting Up
Setting Up Accounts Receivable
This chapter contains an overview of the steps to set up a Sage
Accpac Accounts Receivable system, and explains the options
you can select and the data you add during setup.
Read this chapter Read this chapter before setting up Accounts Receivable. It will help
before setting up
you create a system that takes full advantage of the applications
Receivable features to meet your companys current and future needs.
Install and set up Before you can begin Accounts Receivable setup, you must:
the Sage Accpac
System Manager 1. Install the Sage Accpac System Manager (including Bank
first Services and Tax Services), General Ledger (if you want to use
it), and Accounts Receivable.
Getting Started 21
This section explains the purposes and effects of the options that
you can choose, presenting topics in their order of appearance on
the Options form. The options are briefly mentioned again in
sections that discuss operations that are affected by these options.
Company Information
You keep and update most company information using the
Company Profile form in Common Services. However, you can
store the name of an Accounts Receivable contact person or
position, and enter the telephone and fax numbers you use in
your Accounts Receivable system or department on the
Company tab of the A/R Options form.
The Company tab also displays the name and address entered for
the company in Common Services. To change the company name
and address, use the Company Profile form in Common Services.
Processing Options
Use the Processing tab of the Options form to specify whether
your Accounts Receivable system:
Setting Up
Uses multicurrency accounting.
Processes recurring charges.
Requires printing of batch listings before posting.
Permits editing of imported and external batches.
Keeps the details of posted invoices, receipts, and
Uses retainage accounting.
Accumulates customer, item, and salesperson statistics.
Allows you to edit statistics.
Includes pending transactions during credit checks.
You also use the Processing tab to set the type of year and period
by which to accumulate statistical data, and to specify the
number of days to keep comments in customer records.
Functional The Processing tab also displays the functional (home) currency
used for the Accounts Receivable ledger. You select the functional
currency for your company in the Company Profile form in
Common Services when you first set up your Sage Accpac
system. You cannot change the functional currency once you
have selected it. For more information, see the System Manager
User Guide.
Using To use more than one currency in Accounts Receivable, select the
Multicurrency option on the Processing tab on the Options form.
You can select this option only if you have already selected the
Multicurrency option for the company in Common Services.
Getting Started 23
You can select the Multicurrency option at any time but, once
you select the option, you cannot change Accounts Receivable
back to a single-currency ledger.
Using a You can use multicurrency Accounts Receivable with all Sage
Accpac applications, even if some applications use multicurrency
Receivable system accounting and others do not. For example, you can post
with other Sage transactions from a multicurrency Accounts Receivable system to a
Accpac single-currency Sage Accpac General Ledger.
Information about creating multicurrency records is included in
the discussion of each record type. A summary of the steps to
take to set up a multicurrency ledger is contained in the Setting
Up Multicurrency Accounting in Accounts Receivable section,
near the end of this chapter.
You can change your choice for the Process Recurring Charges
option at any time.
Turning off the Before turning off the Process Recurring Charges option, you should
Process Recurring
review any charges you have set up to make sure you do not want to
Charges option
continue invoicing them. You should also make sure you have
invoiced all the recurring charges you intended to process before
turning off the option.
If you turn the option off after you have created recurring-charge
records for your customers, you cannot produce recurring-charge
batches and you cannot edit or delete the records. If you later
turn on the option again, the records you previously entered are
still available.
Setting Up
Listing Unposted Batches
Using the Force To strengthen your audit trail, select the Force Listing Of All Batches
Listing Of All
option. This option requires that you print listings of all invoice,
Batches option
receipt, and adjustment batches before you post them, and provides
an important report for your audit trail. When you use the option,
you must also print new listings of batches you edit.
If you do not use You can print batch listings whether or not you use the Force Listing
the option
Of All Batches option. You can also print posting journals that
provide complete information about the contents of all posted
Accounts Receivable batches.
You can change your choice for this option at any time.
Allow Edit Of If you do not want to restrict editing of external batches, use the
External Batches
Allow Edit Of External Batches option. External batches are batches
that you create in other Sage Accpac programs and send to Accounts
Receivable (for example, invoice batches that you generate in
Project and Job Costing or Order Entry).
Allow Edit Of To permit editing of batches you import from non-Sage Accpac
Imported Batches
programs, use the Allow Edit Of Imported Batches option.
Selecting these options lets you edit external or imported invoice,
receipt, and adjustment batches in Accounts Receivable before
posting the batches. Not selecting the options increases your
auditing and supervisory control by reducing the possibility of
Keeping History
Getting Started 25
Select the To use retainage accounting in Accounts Receivable, you must select
the Retainage Accounting option on the Processing tab of the
Accounting option
A/R Options form.
Turning off the You can turn off the Retainage Accounting option, later, only if there
are no unposted batches that include retainage and no outstanding
Accounting option
retainage amounts.
Preparing your If you select the Retainage Accounting option, you must also specify
system for
a retainage control account for each account set in your Accounts
accounting Receivable system.
Setting Up
For an overview on setting up account sets, see Setting Up
Account Sets, later in this chapter.
Specify default You also use the Retainage tab to set options for processing original
retainage settings
and retainage documents in Accounts Receivable, and to specify
for customers
default settings for each customer, including the retainage
percentage, retention period, and retainage terms.
Use the Processing tab of the Options form to select the statistics
you want to keep and to make choices about how to report them.
Accounts Receivable automatically keeps customer statistics, and
you can choose whether to also keep statistics for your items and
Getting Started 27
Customer statistics Customers, National Accounts, and Groups. For each customer,
national account, and customer group, Accounts Receivable can
store the total amount and number of invoices, receipts,
discounts, credit notes, debit notes, adjustments, write-offs,
interest charges, returned checks, and paid invoices.
Customer activity Activity statistics kept for each customer include the amount
and date of the customers highest balance and largest invoice
in the current and previous years, as well as the amount and
date of the last invoice, receipt, credit note, debit note,
refund, adjustment, write-off, interest charge, returned check,
and discount posted to the account. Each customer record
also shows the number of invoices paid in the current year
and both the total and average numbers of days it took to pay
them all.
Reviewing statistics Both types of statistics are also kept for national accounts, and
for customer
period statistics are kept for customer groups.
groups and
national accounts
Use the Customer Groups, National Accounts, and Customers
forms to review the statistics.
Item statistics Items. For each unit of measure in which you sell an item,
Accounts Receivable can store: totals of sales, returns, cost of
goods sold, and gross margins; numbers of invoices and
credit notes issued for the item number, and the total
quantity sold; and the date of the last invoice posted using
each item number and unit of measure. You can also specify
Setting Up
Salesperson Salespersons. Accounts Receivable can store the total amount
and number of invoices, receipts, credit notes, debit notes,
discounts, and write-offs posted to each salesperson code. You
can also specify the type of year and period for which to
display the information.
Choosing which For each type of statistics that you want to maintain (customers,
statistics to keep
items, and salespersons), you must select the Keep Statistics option.
Turning off options If you turn off the Keep Statistics option for any type, the
to keep statistics
application immediately stops collecting statistics, although it
retains figures already in the system until you use the Clear
Statistics form to clear them. If you turn on the options again,
there will be a gap in the statistical information for the period
when the options were not used.
The type of year and period for which to display and report
Using the Allow Edit To allow editing of the statistics that you keep, use the
Of Statistics option
corresponding Allow Edit Of Statistics option on the Processing tab
on the Options form.
Getting Started 29
Updating statistics Normally, you do not need to change statistics because they are
updated automatically and accurately by Accounts Receivable
each time you post batches. However, if you set up your
Accounts Receivable system partway through a fiscal year, you
may want to use the option to edit statistics so that you can enter
figures for previous periods of the current year or for previous
From time to time, you may also want to edit a particular statistic
because unusual circumstances have exaggerated the amount.
For example, if a single invoice remained unpaid for a long
period in an otherwise satisfactory account, you could adjust the
total number of days to pay or the total number of paid invoices
to correct the average so that it more accurately reflects the
customers paying habits.
Keeping statistics If you edit a customers statistics, you should make the same
in balance in
changes to the statistics for the customer groups and national
customer groups
and national accounts to which the customer belongs. To verify that the totals still
accounts balance, print the Customer Group Statistics, National Account
Statistics, and Customer Statistics reports for the records you
Changing your You can change your choices for these options at any time. You may
want to turn on an option when you are setting up your system,
then turn it off to prevent errors caused by accidental editing.
Using the Include If your company is required to charge taxes on its sales, you can
Tax In Statistics
include tax amounts in the statistical totals using the Include Tax In
Statistics option on the Options form.
Changing your You can change your choice for the Include Tax In Statistics option
choice for the
any time you want, but should make changes only at the end of a
Include Tax In
Statistics option reporting period. If you change before the end of a period, statistics
for the period may include taxes in some amounts, but not in others,
so that you cannot make meaningful comparisons within a
period or with other periods.
Using the You can choose the type of period by which statistics are totaled and
Accumulate By
reported within the year. You can display statistical totals by
and Period Type
options to specify seven-day periods, weekly, bi-weekly, four-week periods, monthly,
Setting Up
reporting periods bi-monthly (two months at a time), quarterly, semi-annually, or the
for statistics periods in your companys fiscal calendar.
Choosing the type You can also choose whether to accumulate data by calendar or
of period
fiscal year. If you keep statistics by calendar year, the first period
begins with January 1. If you keep dates by fiscal year, the first
period begins on the first date in your companys fiscal year.
Changing the If you change the type of year and period by which Accounts
method of
Receivable reports all three types of statistics, you can distort the
reporting statistics
figures, and make all period comparisons meaningless.
Periods 1 2 3 4
Totals 500 300 600 0
If you then switch to monthly reporting, the totals from the first
three quarters then become the totals for the first three months,
causing incorrect figures for the first nine months:
Periods 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Totals 500 300 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
To make sure that comments are kept current, you can assign an
expiration date for each comment. When you use the Customer
Comments option in the Clear History form, comments that have
reached the expiration date you specify are deleted.
Specify how long To specify the default number of days to keep comments, use the
to keep comments
Default Number Of Days To Keep Customer Comments option on
the Processing tab of the Options form.
Transactions Options
Use the Transactions tab of the Options form to specify how the
Invoice Entry, Receipt Entry, Quick Receipt Entry, and Refund
Setting Up
Entry forms operate. You can specify:
The Transactions tab lets you specify a default invoice detail type
for Invoice Entry. Select Item or Summary, depending on the
type of invoice you normally use.
You can change the methods for individual invoices, debit notes,
and credit notes when you enter them.
display comments and costs from the item record when you enter
Setting Up
display the comments from item records when you enter
invoice details. You may want to see the comments, for
example, because they contain important information about
the item you are invoicing.
Using the Use Item To automatically display the comments, select Use Item
Comment As
Comment As Default on the Options form.
Default option
You can enter your own comments with detail lines on
invoices, whether you use this option or not.
Show Item Cost. You can display the cost from the item
record for each item number you enter on an invoice detail
line. The displayed cost is the extended cost (total cost for the
specified quantity).
Using the Show To display the cost automatically, select the Show Item Cost
Item Cost option
option on the Transactions tab of the Options form. If you do not
use the option, the program displays no costs during invoice
Using the Allow To print invoices, credit notes, and debit notes, select the Allow
Printing Of Invoices
Printing Of Invoices option. You can then print invoices using
one of the invoice formats that are shipped with the Accounts
Receivable package, or design your own format.
You can use the Invoice Printing form to print invoices, credit
notes, or debit notes even after you have posted the batches
that contain them. If you keep history, Accounts Receivable
retains the information needed to print these documents until
you clear the invoice data using the Clear History form.
Using the Allow Edit Specify whether to allow changes or deletions in invoice batch
After Invoice
entries after you have printed invoices from them.
Printed option
To be able to change or delete existing invoices, credit notes,
and debit notes after you have printed them, select the Allow
Edit After Invoice Printed option.
Assigning a default When deciding on the default bank code, you should select the code
bank code
for the bank or bank account you use most often in receipt
transactions, so that you have to enter a bank code only if you are
Setting Up
not using your usual bank.
You define bank codes in the Bank Services forms in Common
Services, as described in the Tax and Bank Services User Guide.
Assigning a default You can specify a transaction type to be used as the default during
transaction type
receipt entry. You can select Receipt or another type, such as
Unapplied Cash, that you use most often.
Assigning a default You can also select a payment code, such as check or cash, to appear
payment code
as the default payment code when you enter new receipts in the
Receipt Entry form and new refunds in the Refund Entry form.
You create records for the types of receipts and refunds your
company processes as described under Setting Up Payment
Codes, later in this chapter. Once you have added your payment
codes, you can select any of them as the default payment code.
To find out how to specify default rate types, see the Tax and Bank
Services User Guide.
If you do not select the option, you can assign several batches to a
single deposit slip. For example, if several clerks enter receipt
batches, but you make only one bank deposit per day, you can
consolidate the days receipt batches on one deposit slip.
You can use Accounts Receivable to print deposit slips for each
batch of receipt transactions you enter. Use the deposit slips to
verify batch contents to the receipts or documents from which
you entered the receipts and as source documents for filling out
the deposit slips you take to the bank.
Using the banks If you have deposit slips that are acceptable to your bank and that
deposit slips
you can use in your printer, you may also be able to use Accounts
Receivable to print on the deposit slips. (You can use Crystal
Reports, available separately, to customize report forms for use
with Accounts Receivable.)
Using the Force You can also make sure that you print deposit slips before you post
Printing Of Deposit
batches by selecting the Force Printing Of Deposit Slips option.
Slips option
When you select this option, you cannot post receipt batches until
you have printed their deposit slips.
Turning off the Before turning off the option to print deposit slips, be sure to print
Allow Printing Of
any outstanding deposit slips you need. When you turn off the
Deposit Slips
option option, you cannot print deposit slips from Accounts Receivable.
You could print them if you turned on the option again only if you
keep history and have not cleared the batch information.
Accounts Receivable lets you control whether you can edit entries
in receipt batches or delete the entries or batches after you have
Setting Up
printed deposit slips for them.
Using the Allow Edit To be able to change existing batches, select the Allow Edit After
After Deposit Slip
Deposit Slip Printed option. To maintain supervisory control over
Printed option
existing deposit slips, turn on the option to allow authorized
changes to the batches, then turn it off again to prevent changes
that have not been approved.
When not to use Do not allow editing if you want to prevent additions to, or deletion
the option
of, entries in receipt batches after you have printed deposit slips for
the batches. You can still view the contents of receipt batches,
regardless of your choice for the Allow Edit After Deposit Slip
Printed option.
The option also applies only to batch entries. You can always
change the batch date and description, and the bank account.
When not to use Do not allow editing if you want to prevent changes to receipt
the option
entries after you have printed receipt confirmations for them. This
choice helps to ensure that each receipt you post matches the
batch listing and other reports and documents you printed for it.
You can use this option, for example, when the amount of a check
you receive to pay an invoice differs slightly from the invoice
total. You can quickly write off the difference when you enter the
You can control the order in which you see unpaid invoices or
unapplied credit notes in selection lists when you are applying
receipts in the Receipt Entry forms. The Default Order Of Open
Documents option lets you display the documents in the order
that is easiest for you to use.
You can display open documents for each customer account by:
IN (invoice)
INT (interest invoice)
NCR (credit note)
NDR (debit note)
PP (prepayment)
UC (unapplied cash)
XADJ (adjustment)
Setting Up
purchase order numbers are displayed first.
The Check For Duplicate Checks option lets you choose whether
Accounts Receivable displays an error, a warning, or no message
when you attempt to issue a refund check that uses the same
number as an existing check for the same bank.
Numbering Options
Use the Numbering tab of the Options form to specify how
Accounts Receivable identifies transactions and batches that you
create. You can:
View the next batch numbers and the next posting sequence
numbers that Accounts Receivable will assign.
Continuing your You can enter separate prefixes and document numbers on the
present numbering
Numbering tab for debit notes, credit notes, interest invoices,
recurring charge invoices, receipts, prepayments, unapplied cash
transactions, adjustments, and refunds, so you can continue with
the numbering scheme used in your previous accounts receivable
Assigning prefixes For example, you might use PP- for prepayment numbers, UC-
for unapplied cash transactions, and AD- to identify adjustments.
You can use up to six characters in each prefix.
Changing the next If you want to assign a lower number to the next number, change the
document number
prefix for the document type as well. You cannot use the same
document number and prefix more than once in Accounts
You can also specify the length of each document number, using
a maximum length of 22 characters, including prefixes.
Letting A/R assign If you do not enter prefixes and document numbers, Accounts
prefixes and
Receivable automatically assigns 1 as the first document number and
numbers uses the following prefixes for each document type, as listed here:
Setting Up
Receipt PY
Prepayment PP
Unapplied Cash UC
Adjustment AD
Refund RF
Separate Accounts Receivable uses the prefixes and next numbers specified
numbering for
for invoices, debit notes, and credit notes when you create retainage
documents documents, until you choose to number retainage documents
Entering the If you prefer, you can enter your own document numbers when you
document number
add documents directly in a transaction entry form. However,
with transactions
Accounts Receivable does not update the next number on the
Options form when you enter the number yourself, even if you
use the same number as the application would have assigned.
Assigning numbers You must use the document numbers assigned by Accounts
to interest and
Receivable to the interest and recurring-charge invoices you produce
invoices using the Create Interest Batch and Create Recurring Charge Batch
forms. The application updates the Next Number boxes on the
Options form for these transaction types when it creates the batches.
The next invoice The Numbering tab also displays the numbers the program will
batch number and
assign to the next invoice batch, receipt batch, adjustment batch, and
posting sequence
number refund batch. It also displays the next posting sequence numbers to
use when you post invoices, receipts, adjustments, refunds, and
revaluation transactions.
Statement Options
You can define the aging periods that Accounts Receivable uses
to group overdue transactions or balances on customer
statements and analytical reports. For each aging period, you can
also specify the dunning message to print on customer
statements, such as reminders to pay outstanding amounts by
certain dates.
You can also specify whether to age credit notes, debit notes,
prepayments, and unapplied cash transactions, or to always
group these documents in the current (not due) category.
Setting Up
Defining Aging Periods
You can change the aging periods for statements and reports at
printing time, as well as choose whether to age transactions by
their due dates or their document dates for each type of report.
Entering different If you do not use the same messages on all your statements, you can
messages for
create different sets of messages using the Dunning Messages form,
described later in this chapter.
How Accounts When you print statements, you can select the set of messages to use.
Receivable selects
The message printed on a statement is the message that corresponds
the message to
print with the period that contains the oldest balance in the customers
The selections you make for these aging options also affect the
types of transactions you can select to write off in the Create
Write-Off Batch form. If you age unapplied credit notes and debit
notes in the current (not due) period, you cannot select them
when you are writing off overdue transactions.
Retainage Options
Select Retainage When you select the Retainage Accounting option on the Processing
Accounting before
tab of the A/R Options form, the Retainage tab appears.
Setting Up
setting other
retainage options
The section Using Retainage Accounting, earlier in this chapter,
describes how and why to select the Retainage Accounting option.
Chapter 2 in the User Guide contains overview information on
processing retainage.
The retainage tab lets you specify the following retainage settings
to be used as defaults for new customer records:
The default Default Retention Period. Use this field to specify the number of
retention period
days from an original document date that customers can
withhold a retained amount. The program determines the
default retainage due date by adding the days in the default
retention period to the original document date.
Report Tax. You use this option specify when to report tax
on retainage. You can select:
For detailed information that can help you decide how to use
this option, see Choosing How to Report Tax on Retainage,
later in this section.
Specify whether Base Retainage Amount On. Use this field to specify whether
the retainage
retainage is calculated on the document total before or after tax
amount is based
on tax is calculated.
If you do not select the option, the program assigns the next
invoice, credit note, or debit note number specified on the
Setting Up
Specifying when to
The Retainage tab also contains two options that let you control the
create retainage
timing of retainage processing:
Number Of Days In Advance To Create Retainage Documents.
This option lets you specify the default number of days before
retainage is due to generate retainage documents.
This number appears as the default when you use the Create
Retainage Batch form to generate a retainage batch. You can
change the number of days in advance for a specific batch.
(For example, if you use 5, the program creates invoices for
retainage that is due with the next five days.)
Zoom If the schedule does not yet exist in Common Services, you can
click the Zoom button beside the field, then create the schedule
using the Schedules form that appears. You can also click the
Zoom button to view the information for an existing
others let you report the tax when you post an original document
to which retainage applies.
Last invoiced date In the Last Invoiced field, the program displays the date that you last
ran Create Retainage Batch from the Reminder List.
Setting Up
Changing Retainage Options
You can edit the options on the Retainage tab at any time, but your
changes affect only customer records and transactions that you add
after making the changes.
Reporting general You can print the G/L Transactions report, a listing of the general
ledger data
ledger transactions created by Accounts Receivable, whether or not
you post batches in General Ledger.
Use G/L Integration The G/L Integration form, available in the A/R Setup folder,
to select options
provides several options for producing general ledger transactions
for G/L transactions
in the form and at the time that best suits your requirements.
Assign data to The G/L Integration form also lets you assign a wide range of
General Ledger
Accounts Receivable information to the entry description, detail
reference, detail description, and detail comment used in general
ledger transactions.
The Integration tab also displays the last posting sequence for
which you created general ledger transactions. (If you create
general ledger transactions during posting, this number is the
same as the last posting sequence.) The next posting sequence
numbers are displayed on the Invoicing and Transactions tabs of
the Options form.
Setting Up
You then use the Create G/L Batch form to create general
ledger batches.
The Integration tab lets you choose whether to add general ledger
transactions to existing batches when you post Accounts
Receivable batches, or create a new general ledger batch every
time you post Accounts Receivable batches. It also lets you
choose to post new general ledger batches automatically in
General Ledger.
Using the Create You use the Create G/L Transactions By option to specify whether to
G/L Transactions By
create one batch or separate batches for General Ledger, and
whether to post new batches automatically.
Creating detailed If you require detailed general ledger transaction information for
general ledger
your Accounts Receivable records, do not consolidate general ledger
transactions. Accounts Receivable then creates a single detail in a
General Ledger batch for each amount you post to a general
ledger account.
Setting Up
Including Descriptive Information with G/L Transactions
The Transactions tab on the G/L Integration form lets you choose the
types of information from Accounts Receivable transactions to use in
the transaction description, detail reference, detail description,
and detail comment fields for general ledger transactions.
Use the Transactions tab of the G/L Integration form to select the
information you need for your audit trail of unconsolidated
Accounts Receivable transactions.
Before you can use Accounts Receivable, you must add codes to
identify the account sets, billing cycles, distribution codes,
salespersons, customers, and other records you plan to add to
your system. You should take the time to design sensible coding
schemes for each type of code you require, before you start
assigning codes to records.
If you already have a system for most of these codes, you may be
able to continue with the same system. Check the following table
to see whether each code type allows for the number and type of
Setting Up
characters used in your previous system:
Codes used in Code Name Maximum Permitted Characters
Accounts Length
Account set code 6 numbers and letters
Billing cycle code 6 numbers and letters
Distribution code 6 numbers and letters
Interest profile code 6 numbers and letters
Payment code 6 numbers and letters
Salesperson code 8 numbers and letters
Terms code 6 numbers and letters
Item number 16 numbers, letters, symbols,
blank spaces
E-mail message code 16 numbers and letters
Customer group code 03 numbers and letters
National account number 12 numbers, letters, symbols,
blank spaces
Customer number 12 numbers, letters, symbols,
blank spaces
Ship-to location code 6 numbers, letters, symbols,
blank spaces
Recurring charge code 15 numbers, letters, symbols,
blank spaces
When you design new coding schemes, you should assign codes
that make it easy to identify each record type and that list records
in the order you want them to appear on reports and in Finders.
AB 1234
Setting Up
AB 1234
For SQL Server, you can set up the database as a binary sequence
or in a dictionary sequence (where upper and lowercase letters
are intermixed). Codes containing fewer than the maximum
number of permitted characters are left justified in Accounts
Receivable Finders and forms, and on reports.
Account sets
Billing cycles
Distribution codes
Dunning messages (optional)
E-mail/Fax messages (optional)
Interest profiles
Payment codes
Items (optional)
Salespersons (optional)
Optional fields (optional)
You can use just one account set for all your customers, or you
can add as many sets as you need to categorize customer
transactions by the accounts to which they are posted in your
general ledger. For example, you may want to use separate
account sets to designate different types of receivables or
customers in different geographical areas.
You use the Account Sets form in the Setup folder to add account
sets. You must define at least one account set before you can add
customers to Accounts Receivable.
Multicurrency If you use multicurrency accounting, you also assign unrealized and
account sets
realized exchange gain and loss accounts, and a rounding account,
to account sets that do not use the functional currency.
You must add at least one account set for each currency used by
your customers. The account set you assign to a customer
determines the currency you use for the customer.
General ledger You enter account numbers for the following general ledger
accounts in
account sets
Receivables Control account. An asset account to which you
Setting Up
post the total amount receivable from all customers assigned to
the account set.
If you use the same account number for all the unrealized and
realized exchange gains and losses accounts, the balance in that
account in your general ledger is the net exchange gain or loss on
receivables transactions.
Setting Up
The gain or loss is unrealized because the transaction is not
settled (that is, it has an outstanding balance, and the
exchange rate for the transaction can continue to change until
it is fully paid or written off).
The gain or loss occurred because when the invoice was paid,
you received more or less money in the functional currency
than you expected.
Assigning account After defining account sets, you assign them to customer records
sets to customer
using the Customer Groups form, the Customers form, and the
National Accounts form (if you use the National Accounts program).
Charge interest
Print statements
Print the Customer Transactions and Aged Trial Balance
Create write-off transactions
Keeping track of You can use billing cycles to invoice interest charges, and issue
billing dates
statements to selected groups of customers at different frequencies.
For example, you may process some customer accounts on a
monthly basis and others quarterly.
When you use the Year End form, you are warned if you have
not processed interest charges by billing cycle, but you can ignore
the warning if you do not process by billing cycle.
Defining billing Accounts Receivable allows you to set up a variety of billing cycles
using the Billing Cycles form in the A/R Setup folder. You must add
at least one billing cycle before you can add customer records,
because you must assign a billing cycle to each customer record.
Printing remittance You can enter a name and address to which customers assigned to
addresses on
the billing cycle are asked to send their payments. You can also print
statements this name and address on the statement forms you use for the billing
Setting Up
cycle. If you do not enter a remittance address, no return address is
printed on statements for the billing cycle, unless you add an
address to the statement report format you use for printing
The information kept for each billing cycle includes the dates on
which statements were last printed and interest charges were last
invoiced (if you process interest charges by billing cycle).
The dates are displayed in the Billing Cycles form. Each time you
make a change in a billing cycle record, the date of the change is
entered in the Last Maintained field.
ledger entries when you post transactions for the item number. If
needed, you can change any of the account numbers for a
transaction detail when you enter it.
You can also use distribution codes if you do not use an Accounts
Receivable item list. In this case, each distribution code identifies
only one general ledger revenue account. When entering
non-item transactions, you can either select the appropriate
distribution code or select the number of the revenue account to
Adding distribution If you will assign a distribution code to an item record, enter
codes for items
numbers for all three general ledger accounts (revenue,
inventory, and cost of goods sold).
Adding distribution If you will use the distribution code for summary transactions
codes for summary
(transactions without item numbers), enter the general ledger
account number for the revenue account only.
Add at least one You must add at least one distribution code before you can add item
distribution code
records and enter transactions that use item numbers. You can
for items
define as many distribution codes as you need to represent the
Setting Up
various combinations of general ledger accounts to which you
post sales data.
If you want, you can add a different message for each period into
which you age customer accounts, including the current (not
due) period. When producing a statement for a customer,
Accounts Receivable then prints the message you entered for the
period that contains the oldest balance in the customers account.
If you want to use more than one set of messages, add as many
sets as you need in the Dunning Messages form. You can then
select the messages when you print statements using the
Statements/Letters/Labels form.
Tailor messages for You can use variables (field names) from your company database to
include customer- or company-specific information on the messages.
(See the next section, "Substitute Variables for E-mail/Fax Messages,"
for a list of the variables you can use with each type of document.)
Invoice variables You can use the following variables with messages that you send
with e-mailed or faxed invoices:
Statement and You can use the following variables with messages that you send
letter variables
with e-mailed or faxed statements and letters:
Setting Up
Calculating Interest
Setting Up
If any document is overdue beyond the grace period specified in
the interest profile (in the Charge Interest On Accounts [] Days
Overdue field), interest is charged on the total overdue balance
from the date of the oldest overdue document. Current
documents are not included in the calculation.
The period used in the interest calculation is from the due date of
the oldest outstanding document to the Run Date you entered in
the Create Interest Batch form, unless interest has already been
charged during that period. If interest has been charged
previously, Accounts Receivable uses the period from the date
interest was last charged to the Run Date.
You can also specify the number to assign to the next interest
invoice. Accounts Receivable then automatically increases this
number by 1 for each subsequent interest invoice.
Use the Numbering tab on the Options form to enter the prefix
you want to use when assigning numbers to interest invoices. If
you do not enter this information, Accounts Receivable
automatically assigns INT as the prefix and 1 as the number of
the first interest invoice.
You must create at You must add at least one interest profile in Accounts Receivable
least one interest
before you can add customer records, and you must assign an
interest profile to each customer.
Assign profiles to You also assign an interest profile to each customer group and
customer groups
national account to set the default profile for new customer records,
and national
accounts but you can assign any of the interest profiles you use to your
customers, regardless of their groups or national accounts.
Adding interest Use the Interest Profiles form to create interest profiles. Enter a code,
using up to six characters, to identify the profile, a description, and
the other information that determines how interest is charged for
the profile.
Charging Interest
When you are ready to charge interest, you use the Create
Interest Batch form, specifying the accounts to charge, as
described under Charging Interest in Chapter 2 of the User
Setting Up
customers pay you, or that you refund customers.
Adding payment Use the Payment Codes form to define payment codes. For each type
of payment you process in Accounts Receivable, enter a unique
code, up to six characters, a description (such as the name of a
credit card), and the type of payment (cash, check, credit card, or
sold accounts used with the item. If you use the option to keep
item statistics, posting also updates statistics in item records.
You use the Items form to create a record for each item in your
price list.
Defining You can also create records for non-inventory items such as service
charges and delivery fees. For non-inventory items, you enter zero
as the cost, so that Accounts Receivable does not produce
transactions for the general ledger inventory and cost of goods
sold accounts when you invoice the items.
When to use item You must set up item records if you want to use item numbers for
invoice entry, and if you want to create transactions for the
inventory and cost of goods sold general ledger accounts.
Adding You can have an item list in Accounts Receivable even if you use
other Sage Accpac applications to print invoices and track inventory.
For example, you might use Accounts Receivable to invoice service
charges or other non-inventory items that you do not want to
include in your Inventory Control price list.
You should also consider the order in which you want to list
items on Accounts Receivable reports. Refer to the Sorting Order
of Codes section, earlier in this chapter, for information about
how Accounts Receivable sorts item numbers and other Accounts
Receivable codes.
In each item record, you can specify all the units (quantities) in
which you stock and sell the item, and you can enter a price and
Setting Up
cost for each unit.
If your item records contain costs, and you use the Show Item
Cost option to display item costs during invoice entry, you can
also see the extended cost for the unit of measure and item
quantity you specified.
Multicurrency In multicurrency systems, you enter separate prices and costs in all
the currencies you use for each unit in which you sell the item.
When you enter item numbers on invoices, Accounts Receivable
displays only the units, prices, and costs entered for the
customers currency.
Set up tax If you charge sales taxes, you must create records in Tax Services for
authorities and
all the tax authorities and tax classes in your selling areas before you
classes in Tax
Services first can enter tax information in item records.
Assign tax In each item record, you assign the tax authorities and
authorities and
corresponding tax classes that apply where you sell the item, and
classes to item
records indicate whether you include tax in the selling price in each class. If
1 2 3 4 5
Figure 2.1. You can assign a cost, price, and alternate tax base for
each unit in which you sell an item. In multicurrency systems, you can
enter the figures for all the units and currencies you use.
c Currency. Appears only in multicurrency systems. You enter units
of measure and other information for all the currencies in which
you sell an item. When you use the item number on an invoice,
Accounts Receivable displays only the prices, units of measure,
and costs entered in the item record for the customers currency.
d Unit of Measure. Lets you specify the quantities in which you sell
the item, so you can enter a separate cost, price, and alternate
tax base for each unit. The first unit in the list appears as the
default unit of measure when you enter the item number on
e Item Cost. Use this column to enter the cost per corresponding
unit. You can display this cost during invoice entry if you use the
Show Item Cost option on the Options form. (Do not enter a cost
for a non-inventory item if you want Accounts Receivable to
create general ledger transactions for only the revenue account
assigned to the item.)
f Item Price. Lets you enter the price that appears when you enter
the item number and corresponding unit of measure on an
invoice. You can change the price on the invoice, if necessary.
g Alternate Tax Base. Use this column to enter the amount on which
to calculate tax on sales of the item if you do not charge tax on
the item cost or price.
Setting Up
transactions. The statistics include the total amount and number
of sales and returns, total amount of cost of goods sold and gross
margin, and total quantities sold. Year-to-date statistics and the
last date on which you sold the item are also kept.
When you sell an item in more than one standard quantity (unit
of measure), Accounts Receivable keeps these statistics separately
for each unit of measure in the item record.
Entering item If you want to add item statistics during setup, you must first select
the Allow Edit Of (item) Statistics option on the Options form.
You then use the Items form to enter total sales, returns, and cost
of goods sold for the years, periods, and units of measure you
want to record. You can also enter the numbers sold and returned
in each unit.
After setup, you may want to turn off the Allow Edit Of Statistics
option or assign security to the Items form, to prevent accidental
option also lets you enter statistics for the year to date and for
prior years for each salesperson during setup, and edit or review
the statistics as needed.
Entering history If you use the options to keep and edit salesperson statistics in
Accounts Receivable, you can use the Salespersons form to enter
the amount and number of invoices, receipts, credit notes, debit
notes, discounts, and write-offs accumulated for each salesperson
for as many periods and years as you want.
Assigning sales You can assign up to five salesperson codes to each customer record
and specify a percentage of the customers transactions to apply to
each salesperson record.
Setting Up
Setting up terms for
You can use the Multiple Payment Schedule option to set up terms
codes that allow installment payments. You can define installment
periods that vary in length, and use different methods to calculate
due dates and discounts. You can also set up as many installment
periods for a terms code as you need.
Calculating If you charge taxes on sales, you can specify whether to include tax
discounts before or
in the document total that Accounts Receivable uses to calculate
after tax
discount amounts.
Using standard If you use standard due dates, regardless of when the invoice was
due dates
entered, you can create a terms code with a table to calculate a due
date for each of up to four consecutive ranges of days on which
invoices were issued. You can also specify due dates that are one
or more months later.
When you use this option, you can either define discount periods
in the same way as for other terms options, or you can enter a
table of standard discount periods to which a single percentage
Defining terms You must define at least one set of terms before you can add
customer records. For each set of terms, use the Terms form in
the A/R Setup folder to enter a unique code of up to six
characters, and a description.
You also specify whether to include tax in the discount base, the
type of due date, and the discount type and rate (if there is a
discount). Type can be a time interval (a specific number of
days, or a number of days from a specific day of the month) or a
fixed date (the end of the next month, or a specific day of the next
Assigning terms You assign a terms code to each customer record to set the default
codes to customer
terms that appear when you enter invoices for the customer.
You can choose different terms for customers during invoice
entry without changing the standard terms assigned in the
customer records. You can also change payment schedule
amounts and discount dates, and reduce discount amounts on
individual invoices. However, you cannot increase the number of
payments in a payment schedule.
Use optional fields Optional fields let you customize your Accounts Receivable system
to customize
by letting you store an unlimited amount of additional information
Receivable with transactions, and with customer and ship-to location records.
G/L can keep If you use exactly the same optional fields in Accounts Receivable
optional field
and General Ledger, General Ledger retains the optional field
information sent
with transactions information used in transactions that you send from Accounts
from A/R Receivable.
First, you must set You can use an unlimited number of optional fields in Accounts
up optional fields
Receivable. However, you must first define optional fields for your
for your Sage
Accpac system Sage Accpac system using the Optional Fields form in Common
Setting Up
Services. (For more information about setting up optional fields in
Common Services, see the System Manager Administrator Guide.)
Define the optional Once you have set up optional fields for your Sage Accpac system,
fields you want to
you use the Optional Fields form in the A/R Setup folder to define
use in A/R
optional fields for use with the following Accounts Receivable
records and transactions:
The optional field code for each optional field you are
defining. Note that if you want to retain optional field
information from Accounts Receivable transactions when
you create batches for General Ledger, you must use the
same optional fields for transactions in Accounts Receivable
as you use in General Ledger.
The Value Set field alerts the data entry clerk that a
seemingly blank optional field actually has an entry. (By
looking at the Value field, you cannot tell whether it has a
blank default value or no value at all.)
The default entry to use for the optional field. If the optional
field you select requires validation, you must select a value
that is defined for the optional field in Common Services.
However, if the optional field allows blanks, you can leave
the default entry blank.
Whether you must fill in the optional field during data entry
before you can save the record or transaction. If an optional
field is required and has a default value, you can accept the
value that appears or assign a different one, and then save
the record.
Setting Up
default entry on the form for the type of optional field when
you set up new records or enter transactions.
Assigning optional After defining optional fields, you can assign them to particular
fields to particular
customer, national account, customer group, and ship-to location
A/R records
records, as described in the section, Setting Up Customer Records,
later in this chapter.
A/R assigns Accounts Receivable assigns the optional fields you define for
optional fields
receivables transactions when you generate transactions using the
when you create
transactions following forms:
Create Write-Off Batch (adjustment optional fields)
Create Interest Batch (invoice optional fields)
Create Recurring Charges Batch (invoice optional fields)
Create Retainage Batch (invoice optional fields)
If you use Sage Accpac Project and Job Costing, you can also
specify whether optional field information for job-related
transactions is passed to Project and Job Costing, if the optional
fields match those used for billings in that program.
Important Note that while all account groups are initially selected for new
optional fields, you need to consider carefully the purpose of the
optional field you are defining. You should send values to
General Ledger only for optional fields that require financial
analysis, and only to accounts where they are required. For
example, you might want to send optional fields that contain
customer numbers or sales territories only to revenue accounts.
Use this section to find out how customer records are set up and
used in Accounts Receivable, and to choose the options that let
you process customer information and transactions to suit your
companys procedures.
Preparing to add Before you can add customer records to Accounts Receivable, you
customer records
must set up account sets, billing cycles, interest profiles, payment
terms, and customer groups. If you want to assign salespersons
to customer records, you must also set up salesperson records.
To read about these tasks, see the Setting Up section for each
Setting Up
type of record, earlier in this chapter.
You take the following steps to prepare for and set up customer
records in Accounts Receivable:
Open Item
Balance Forward
You assign an account type for each customer group you define.
The selected account type becomes the default account type for
Setting Up
the customers and national accounts you assign to the group, but
you can select a different type for individual customers or
national accounts.
Customer groups let you set default entries to speed up the task
of adding customer records and national accounts, if you use
them. You can also charge interest to a range of customer groups,
produce recurring-charge batches for them, and use them to
select accounts for which to print statements and reports.
You can add as many customer groups as you need, but you
must add at least one group.
Adding customer Use the Customer Groups form to define the customer groups you
need, assigning a unique code of up to six characters to identify
each group. For information about selecting customer group
codes, see the Designing Accounts Receivable Coding Schemes
section, earlier in this chapter.
Billing cycle
Tax group and tax classes
Whether to print statements
If you select this option, you also enter the number of days
overdue and the amount that a customer's overdue
transactions must exceed to issue a warning.
Setting Up
In a single currency system, you specify one credit limit and one
overdue limit for outstanding transactions for all the members of
the customer group.
Allow Edit Of Credit You use the Allow Edit Of Credit Check option to indicate whether
Check option
the customers and national accounts assigned to the group must use
the groups credit limit and overdue limit, or if they can have
other limits.
Multicurrency If you use multicurrency accounting, you enter a credit limit and an
overdue limit in each of the currencies used by the customers in the
group. The account set you entered for the customer group
determines the default currency for the customer group, but you
may assign different currencies to individual customers.
If the currency for the account set is not the functional currency,
you also select the rate type to enter as the default rate type when
you add a new multicurrency customer record to the group. (Rate
types determine the rates at which to convert source-currency
amounts to the functional currency.)
For each group, the application lists the amount and number of
invoices, receipts, discounts, credit notes, debit notes,
adjustments, write-offs, interest charges, returned checks, and
paid invoices. The application also calculates and displays the
total days to pay, the average days to pay, and year-to-date
statistics for the group.
You can edit the statistics in a customer group if you select the
Allow Edit Of (customer) Statistics option on the Options form.
Accumulating tax The totals kept for invoices, credit notes, and debit notes can include
or exclude any tax amounts that were posted with the documents,
depending on the choice you enter for the Include Tax In
Statistics option on the Options form, described earlier in this
If you use optional fields, you can assign to each customer group
the optional fields and values you want to use as defaults for new
customers or national accounts that use the group code.
You can accept the optional fields that are displayed as defaults,
or you can delete them. You can also assign any additional
optional fields that are defined in Accounts Receivable for
customers, national accounts, and customer groups.
You can also accept or change any entries that appear as defaults.
If the optional field is validated, you must select a value that is
defined for the optional field in Common Services.
Setting Up
You can add an unlimited number of optional fields to customer
group records, providing that you first set them up:
If you use the same optional fields in new national accounts and
customer records, Accounts Receivable uses the optional field
entries from the customer group as defaults in the new national
account and customer records. (If a customer belongs to a
national account, however, the values from the national account
are used.)
To use this feature, you set up a national account for the head
office, then assign the national account to the customer records
for the head office and all its subsidiaries or branches.
applying receipts from the national account, and want to see the
transactions for all the customers in the national account.
Keep contact If you deal with a main contact person at the national account,
information for the
Accounts Receivable lets you enter telephone and fax numbers, an
national account
e-mail address, and a Web site URL for the contact on a separate
Contacts tab.
You can look up and print a report of total statistics from the
transactions posted to all the customers in each national account,
and you can print reports for one or more of your national
Make sure that when you put a head office on hold, Accounts
Receivable warns you about the hold when you enter
invoices for its subsidiaries.
Setting Up
head office and apply it to invoices for any of the customers in
the national account.
If you need separate billing and shipping addresses for the head
office of the national account and its branches, you enter the
billing address in the national account record, then create a
ship-to location record for each of the other addresses you want
to record for a branch.
When you enter invoices for the branches, you select the ship-to
location (address) to which you are shipping the order. Accounts
Receivable then prints the national accounts billing address on
the invoices and the selected shipping addresses on any shipping
labels you print.
warns you about the hold when you enter invoices for customers
assigned to the national account. You then decide whether to
cancel the invoice or enter it.
Setting Up
The option has no effect on credit notes, debit notes, receipts, or
When you plan to delete a national account, you can make sure
that no further transactions are posted for its customers by
selecting Inactive as the status for the national account. You can
delete a national account only when no customers are assigned to
it and the national account balance is zero.
For more information about the Inactive status, see the Accounts
Receivable User Guide.
The application also calculates the total invoices paid, total days
to pay, average days to pay, and year-to-date statistics for the
Optional fields and Optional fields that you set up for automatic insertion in customer
group, national account, and customer records automatically appear,
along with their default entries, on the Optional Fields tab of the
National Accounts form.
You can accept the default optional fields, or you can delete
them. You can also assign any additional optional fields that are
defined in Accounts Receivable for customers, national accounts,
and customer groups.
If you use the same optional fields for the customer and the
customer group to which the customer is assigned, the values
from the customer group appear as defaults.
Default entries If no default entry is specified for a particular optional field in the
may come from
customer group record, the program displays the default value
the optional field
record assigned to the optional field on the A/R Optional Fields form.
You can accept or change the entry. However, if the optional field
is validated, you must select a value that is defined for the
optional field in Common Services.
Setting Up
fields (if you use them) that you use for most of the national
accounts customers.
You can enter the address to which you send statements and
letters for the national account, as well as the telephone and fax
numbers, and the name of a contact at the head office.
Adding Customers
You use the Customers form to add most of your customer
information to Accounts Receivable. This form lets you record
background information, such as:
The tax classes used for the customer in each of the tax
authorities that apply to the customers tax group, as
described in Entering Tax Information, later in this section.
Pricing information Pricing information. You can enter the customer price list and
customer type to use as defaults on orders that you enter for the
customer in Order Entry.
Setting Up
Inventory location. You can specify an inventory location to
use as the default on shipments that you process in Order
Preparing to You also use the Customers form to identify the ways in which you
process customer
process transactions for each customer, specifying the:
Account type (balance forward or open item). This choice
indicates whether you apply receipts to the account balance,
or treat each transaction as a unique document and apply
receipts to specific document numbers.
Rate type. The rate type identifies the set of exchange rates to
use to convert amounts in the customer currency to the
functional currency.
During receipt entry, when you select the payment code for
the customers credit card, Accounts Receivable displays the
credit card information from the customer record as the
Set up credit card Note that you must set up credit card types in Bank Services
types in Bank
before you can assign them to a customer or use them in Receipt
Services, first
when you enter an invoice, credit note, or debit note for the
Setting Up
displays the settings you specified in the A/R Options form
as defaults, but you can change them.
Entering customer In addition to the information you can enter for each customer in the
Customers form, Accounts Receivable automatically adds the
statistics it collects from all transactions posted to each customer
Using multiple If you need to keep more than one address for a customer, such as
addresses for a
when you send the customers orders to more than one location, you
single customer
can define as many additional addresses as you need, including a
set of default shipping details, using the Ship-To Locations form,
as described in the Adding Ship-To Locations section, later in
this chapter.
Delivery method You can also specify whether to deliver statements, letters, and
invoices to a customer by mail (by printing to your usual print
destination), or by e-mail (by printing to the customer's or the
contact's e-mail address).
Creating records If you regularly invoice the customer for the same order, such as
to invoice
monthly rent, you can create recurring charge records using the
recurring charges
Recurring Charges form, discussed under Adding Recurring
Charges, later in this chapter.
Importing You can import customer records into Accounts Receivable from
customer records
non-Sage Accpac programs, instead of entering them in the
Customers form. For information about importing records, see
the Importing and Exporting appendix in the User Guide.
You use the Customers form to add customer records. For each
new record, you assign a unique customer number of up to
12 characters, including letters, numbers, and symbols. You may
be able to continue with your present system of assigning
customer numbers.
If you assign a short name that uses up to the first ten letters of
the name by which you want to list the accounts, they appear in
this order:
Setting Up
Customer Name Short Name
Bashaw Bulldozing BASHAW
A. Carson & Co. CARSON
The Garden Restaurant GARDEN
Mr. Stephen Kershaw KERSHAW
Assigning a credit The credit checks and credit limits specified for the assigned
limit to customer
customer group appear as defaults for new customers you add to the
group, unless you assign a customer to a national account. If the
customer is assigned to a national account, the credit information
used for the national account appears as the default.
If the customer group does not use the Allow Edit Of Credit
Check option, the credit checks and credit limits that are assigned
to the customer group are also assigned to the customer, and you
cannot change them for individual customers or national
Using credit limits If a customers account is over its own or the national accounts
during transaction
credit limit or overdue limit, Accounts Receivable warns you when
you try to add a new invoice or debit note for the customer. You can
decide whether to add the transaction or not.
You can always enter and post credit notes, debit notes,
payments, and prepayments whether a customer account is on
hold or not.
Assigning inactive You assign Inactive status to customer accounts by selecting the
Inactive option in the customer record. You can assign this status to
Setting Up
When a customer account is inactive, you cannot post further
transactions to the account, but you can retain the account in
your Accounts Receivable system for as long as you need to keep
it. When you are ready, you can use the Delete Inactive Records
form or the Customers form to delete the account.
The application also calculates and displays the total days to pay,
average days to pay, and year-to-date statistics for the customer.
Activity statistics Accounts Receivable keeps track of the year-to-date amounts and the
dates of the highest balance and largest invoice in the current and
previous years, and the last invoice, receipt, credit note, debit
note, adjustment, write-off, interest invoice, returned check, last
discount, and last revaluation posted to the customers account.
The application also calculates the total invoices paid, total days
to pay, and average days to pay for the account.
Editing statistics You can edit the statistics in a customer record if you select the
Allow Edit Of Statistics option on the Options form. For more
information about accumulating customer statistics, see
Processing Options, earlier in this chapter.
Reporting tax The totals kept for invoices, credit notes, and debit notes can include
amounts in
or exclude tax amounts posted with the document, depending on
your choice for the Include Tax In Statistics option on the Options
You can also see, but not change, the outstanding balance,
number of open invoices, last statement balance, and last
statement date for the account.
You can specify the following shipping details for each customer:
Ship-via method
Setting Up
If a primary ship-to location exists for a customer, the
address and the ship via method from the primary ship-to
location record appear by default.
Order Entry uses these defaults when you process an order for
the customer.
You use the Optional Fields tab on the Customers form to assign
optional fields to particular customers.
You can also assign any additional optional fields that are
defined in Accounts Receivable for customers, national accounts,
and customer groups.
When you enter a comment, you can also enter a follow-up date
when you want to check on the comment, as well as an expiration
date when you want to delete the comment. Once the expiration
date is reached, you can automatically delete it using the Clear
History form to clear comments for the customer number.
Setting Up
You then select the tax class for each authority that indicates the
type of sales on which the authority charges tax to the customer.
You can also enter separate telephone and fax numbers, and an
e-mail address, for a contact person on the Contacts tab.
Each ship-to location can also specify the salespeople who share
in transactions posted using the code for the ship-to location, as
well as the percentage of transaction totals to allocate to each
salesperson. Accounts Receivable displays salesperson
information from the customer record as the default, but you can
change it for the ship-to location.
Specifying ship-to You use the Ship-To Locations form to add shipping addresses for
your customers and to designate a primary ship-to location.
Zoom You can temporarily change or add to the information for a ship-to
location while you are entering an invoice by clicking the Zoom
button next to the Ship-to Location field of the Invoice Entry
You assign a code to identify each location, then select the code
during invoice entry to identify the address and taxes for the
order and to display the shipping method and any special
Setting Up
instructions that apply.
Using Optional Fields with Ship-to Locations
You must first set up optional fields for ship-to locations using
the Optional Fields setup form before you can assign them to
particular ship-to location records.
If you define and use the same optional fields for customers and
ship-to locations as you use for invoices, the program can assign
optional field entries from the ship-to location record on invoices,
debit notes, and credit notes when you specify a particular
ship-to location in Invoice Entry.
Optional fields and Any ship-to location optional fields that you marked for automatic
values marked for
insertion on the Optional Fields setup form appear, along with their
automatic insertion
appear as defaults default entries, on the Optional Fields tab when you add a new
ship-to location.
You can accept the default optional fields, or you can delete
them. You can also assign any other optional fields that are
defined for ship-to locations in Accounts Receivable.
The default entry The program displays the default entry from the optional field
comes from the
record. You can accept or change the default value. However, if the
optional field
record optional field is validated, you must select a value that is defined for
the optional field in Common Services.
define records for the charges and customers using the Recurring
Charges form.
Specifying To determine when to invoice recurring charges and how to date the
invoice, you assign each recurring charge a schedule that you have
set up in Common Services.
Specifying limits for To limit the number of times you invoice a recurring charge, you can
the charge
enter an expiration date for the charge. No invoices would be
created for the charge after its expiration date.
You can also specify a maximum amount for a charge. When the
maximum amount has been invoiced to the customer, Accounts
Receivable creates no further invoices for the recurring charge.
Assigning payment You enter a terms code for each recurring charge. The code
terms to recurring
determines the due date for recurring charge invoices, as well as the
discount percentage and period. You can change any of this
information on the invoice.
Invoice type You specify for each recurring charge whether to use item details or
summary details when invoices are created. Accounts Receivable
displays the default invoice type you specified on the A/R Options
form as the default for new recurring charge records.
Adding general You can distribute each detail of a recurring charge to a different
ledger and tax
distribution code or general ledger revenue account, and you can
specify how to calculate taxes for each charge.
Adding detail Accounts Receivable also lets you enter a comment with each
recurring charge detail.
Using optional If you use optional fields, an Optional Fields tab appears.
Setting Up
When you first add a recurring charge, the tab displays any
optional fields that you set up for automatic insertion on invoices,
and assigns default entries, as follows:
You can delete or change the optional invoice fields used with a
recurring charge, or add any that you have set up for use with
Optional detail Any invoice details optional fields that you set up for automatic
insertion are assigned to recurring charge detail.
Zoom To check or to change the optional fields that are used for the detail,
select the detail, then click the Zoom button beside the field, or press
Shift+F9. The Optional Fields form appears, where you can add
or delete optional fields for the detail. You can add any optional
fields that are defined for invoice details.
Entering shipping You can assign a ship-to location and enter the shipping method or
information for a
carrier and any special instructions you want to print on the
recurring charge
You can also enter a sales order number and purchase order
number with each recurring charge.
Last Invoiced date The record for each recurring charge shows the last date on which an
invoice was created for it. This date is changed by Accounts
Receivable each time you use the Create Recurring Charge Batch
Setting Up
form to create an invoice for the charge.
Entering taxes Accounts Receivable lets you enter total tax amounts and detail tax
amounts manually in recurring charge records, or you can let the
program calculate taxes for you when you create a recurring
charge batch.
Processing When you are ready to invoice the customers for the charges, you
recurring charges
use the Create Recurring Charge Batch form to create the invoice
batch automatically.
Updating recurring You can use the Update Recurring Charges form, periodically, to
increase or decrease recurring charge details by a percentage or an
amount for a range of customers.
Deleting a
customer record Note: When you delete a customer record, all recurring
removes recurring charges for the customer are also deleted.
For information about creating and processing invoices for
recurring charges, see the Invoicing Recurring Charges section
in Chapter 2 of the User Guide.
You can also export records from another Sage Accpac Accounts
Receivable database, edit them in a spreadsheet or other program
to change codes, amounts, and other information, then import
them into the new Accounts Receivable system that you are
setting up.
Account sets
Billing cycles
Customer groups
Distribution codes
Dunning messages
Interest profiles
National accounts
Payment codes
Recurring charges
Ship-to locations
Terms codes
Optional Fields
and ODBC formats. You select the format to use when you export
the data.
Setting Up
Receivable records, see the appendix Importing and Exporting
in the User Guide and Importing and Exporting Data in the
System Manager User Guide.
There are other methods you may want to use to set up your
system. For example, you could add only each customers
outstanding balance on the day you start using Accounts
Receivable. Using this method, you post each customers
outstanding balance as a single invoice with a single document
date and due date, or as a single credit note, in the case of a credit
This system also does not let you use Accounts Receivable to
print complete receivables reports, and can cause confusion
about which system to check when tracking transactions.
Setting Up
Entering Historical (Previous-Year) Data
If you need to add sales history for previous years to a new
Accounts Receivable system, you can add it quickly and easily
using the form for the type of data you want, or you can import
If you use the options to keep and edit statistics, you can enter
figures for customer groups, national accounts, customers,
salespersons, and items. You can add the figures by the periods
and years you specified on the Options form.
Entering customer For each customer, customer group, and national account, you can
statistics for
enter the amount and number of invoices, receipts, discounts, credit
previous years and
periods notes, debit notes, adjustments, write-offs, interest charges, returned
checks, and paid invoices.
For customers and national accounts, you can also enter the:
Entering item For each item and unit of measure, you can enter the:
statistics for
previous years and Amount and number of sales and returns.
Total cost of goods sold.
Entering For each salesperson, you can enter the amount and number of
invoices, receipts, credit notes, debit notes, discounts, and write-offs
statistics for
previous years and posted for the salesperson in each period.
You can review the figures in the customer, item and salesperson
forms, and you can print them using the Statistics option in the
Setup reports for each type of data. Step-by-step instructions for
entering customer, item, and salesperson statistics are included in
Chapter 3.
If you do not need historical data right away, you do not have to
add it when you set up an Accounts Receivable system. The
application updates the figures automatically each time you post
Setting Up
This section summarizes the steps you take to set up a
multicurrency Accounts Receivable system.
Select the 1. Turn on the Multicurrency option for the company database,
and select a default rate type in the Company Profile form in
option for the
company Common Services.
Select the euro 2. If your company uses the euro as its functional currency, turn on
the euro option and select a reporting currency in the Company
Profile form.
Enter currency 3. Use the Common Services Currency forms to add any currency
information in
codes you need for Accounts Receivable, and enter rates for the
Common Services
currencies you use.
When you install Sage Accpac ERP, you also install a large
set of currency codes that use standard international
abbreviations and the format and number of decimal places
that are normally used with each currency. You probably do
not need to define new codes.
Turn on the A/R 4. Use the A/R Options form to select the Multicurrency option for
your Accounts Receivable system.
Add an account 5. Use the Account Sets form to add at least one account set for
set for each
every currency you want to use in Accounts Receivable. For each
account set that does not use the functional currency, enter the
currency code and the numbers of the exchange gain and loss
general ledger accounts to use.
Add interest rates 6. Use the Interest Profiles form to add interest records that include
for each currency
a minimum interest charge and annual interest rate for each
Where To Now?
Add item prices in 7. Use the Items form to add pricing information for every
each currency
currency and unit of measure in which you sell each item.
Enter multicurrency When you create customer groups, select the rate type for the
information for
group and enter a credit limit in each of the currencies used by
customer records
the national accounts and customers you plan to assign to the
Where To Now?
You are now ready to set up your own Sage Accpac Accounts
Receivable system, following the steps in Chapter 3, Setting Up
Your Accounts Receivable System.
Where To Now?
Setting Up
Chapter 3
Setting Up Your
Accounts Receivable System
Before You Begin .............................................................. 31
Setting Up A/R
Using Accounts Receivable with an Internet Browser .............................. 32
Overview of Accounts Receivable Setup ......................................... 32
While You Work ............................................................... 33
Guideposts to Accounts Receivable Information .............................. 35
Using Finders .......................................................... 36
Using Help ............................................................ 36
Finding Additional Information ......................................... 36
Finding Multicurrency Information ...................................... 36
Protecting Your Work .................................................. 37
Setting Up an Accounts Receivable System ....................................... 37
Step 1: Gather Data from Your Present Receivables System .................... 37
Step 2: Add Receivable Accounts to Your Chart of Accounts ................... 39
Step 3: Add Tax, Bank, and Currency Information for Accounts Receivable
in Common Services ................................................... 310
Step 4: Select Accounts Receivable Options.................................. 310
Changing Your Accounts Receivable Options ............................ 327
Select G/L Integration Options .......................................... 328
Step 5: Add Setup Records ................................................ 333
Add Account Sets ..................................................... 335
Add Billing Cycles .................................................... 337
Add Distribution Codes................................................ 339
Add Dunning Messages (Optional) ..................................... 341
Add Interest Profiles................................................... 342
Add Payment Codes ................................................... 345
Add Items (Optional) .................................................. 346
Getting Started 3i
Chapter 3
Setting Up Your
Accounts Receivable System
This chapter contains instructions for creating an Accounts
Setting Up A/R
Receivable system suited to your business. It also describes how to
transfer your existing receivable records to Sage Accpac Accounts
Receivable after you have set up the system.
Using the Setup If you are using the Setup wizard to create a new Sage Accpac
database, refer to the instructions in the System Manager Quick Start
Guide, then return to this chapter to complete Accounts Receivable
setup. The Setup wizard activates Accounts Receivable and lets you
choose Accounts Receivable options.
Converting from If you are converting from the ACCPAC Plus version of Accounts
Receivable, first read the instructions in the Converting from ACCPAC
Plus Accounting manual before following the steps in this chapter.
Getting Started 31
If you use Sage Accpac General Ledger, you must also add the
general ledger accounts you need for the account sets you want to
use in Accounts Receivable.
To find out how to set up your system for use on the Web and how
to sign on to Sage Accpac through your browser, see the System
Manager Administrator Guide and User Guide.
The flow chart on the next pages lists the tasks involved in setting up
a Sage Accpac Accounts Receivable system. The step numbers
identify the sets of instructions that explain the tasks more fully in
the rest of this chapter.
Review What You When you need background information before making a choice,
Need to Know...
While consult Chapter 2, What You Need to Know Before Setting Up
ou Accounts Receivable, in this manual.
Setting Up A/R
Using a mouse or Depending on your preference, you can use your mouse or your
keyboard to move from field to field, or from tab to tab, to enter data
in the forms. For information about using a mouse or keyboard, see
the appendix Using a Mouse or Keyboard, in the System Manager
User Guide.
Skip steps that do not apply to the way you will use Accounts
Getting Started 33
yes no
yes no
yes no
yes no
Setting Up A/R
Step 9B: Add year-to-date
yes no
Getting Started 35
Using Finders
Use the When you see a Finder icon beside a field in a Sage Accpac form,
you can use it to display a list of possible entries for the field. Use
your mouse to click the Finder button or press F5 on your keyboard.
To choose a record quickly from a long list, select the Auto Search
option. Then, type the characters that the record starts with or
contains. The Finder displays the subset of records that match your
search criteria.
Using Help
To get help on a specific topic, click Contents on the Help menu and
choose a topic from the list, or click the Index tab, type the word you
want to search for, then choose from the list.
As a rule, you should check integrity and back up your data any
time you have added records that would be time-consuming to have
to enter a second time.
You should also always check data integrity and make a backup
Setting Up A/R
copy before you post batches or do other tasks that change your
Accounts Receivable data.
If you are not familiar with how to navigate through the forms in
Sage Accpac, see the appendix Using a Mouse or Keyboard, in the
System Manager User Guide.
Getting Started 37
Refer to To begin, gather all your current accounts receivable records. These
can be manual records or printed listings and reports from other
accounting software, such as:
Step 1: A list of any general ledger accounts you need to add to General
Gathe Ledger for your accounts receivable system, including
r Data receivables control, receipt discounts, prepayment liability,
From retainage, and write-off accounts.
Your Multicurrency If you use multicurrency accounting, also list the numbers of the
Presen ledgers
accounts you use for unrealized exchange gain, unrealized
exchange loss, realized exchange gain, realized exchange loss,
and exchange rounding.
Syste See also These accounts are described in Setting Up Account Sets in
m page 2-40
Chapter 2.
A list of your customers and the data you keep for each
customer account, including year-to-date and previous-year
Use the Setup Use Setup checklist you printed and filled out while reading
Chapter 2, What You Need to Know Before Setting Up
Accounts Receivable.
Consider importing You may be able to enter much of the data by importing it from
the data
another application.
You can import data into Sage Accpac Accounts Receivable for
customer groups, national accounts, customers, account sets, billing
cycles, distribution codes, dunning messages, interest profiles,
optional fields, payment codes, items, salespersons, and terms codes.
To see whether you can make use of the import option, read
Appendix B, Importing and Exporting, in the User Guide.
Getting Started 39
Note that you may need to refresh your data by reopening your
company for some of these options to take effect. For example, if you
select the option to process recurring charges, you need to reopen
your company using the Open Company form to display the icons
related to recurring charges.
Retainage (if you use retainage accounting)
Help Remember to press F1 or choose a Help key any time you want more
information or have questions about the Options form.
See also For background reading about setup options, see Choosing
page 2-2
Accounts Receivable Options in Chapter 2 of this manual.
1. Choose the Options icon in the A/R Setup folder to display the
first tab of the Options form.
The company name and address displayed on this tab are taken
from the Company Profile form in Common Services. You can
change this information only in Common Services.
Currency Multicurrency. Select this option if you want to use more than
one currency in your Accounts Receivable system.
You cannot turn off You can turn the option on at any time, but you cannot turn it
the Multicurrency
off again once you select it and save your choice in the Accounts
Receivable Options form.
Processing Options Process Recurring Charges. Select this option if you want to be
able to automatically create invoices for customers to whom you
bill standard amounts on a regular basis, such as monthly rent.
When you use the option, you cannot post batches until you
print listings for them, and you must print new listings for
batches you edit.
You can change your choice for this option at any time.
Do not use the option if you want to make sure that imported
batches are posted without changes. If you do not use this
option, you must correct batches containing errors in their
source applications, and then import corrected transactions into
Accounts Receivable.
Do not use the option if you want to make sure that exported
batches are posted without changes.
This option can be turned on or off at any time. If you turn off
this option, the system stops storing posted transactions and you
are no longer be able to drill down from General Ledger to
documents posted after turning off the option, although
previously posted history remains intact.
See also For more information about retainage accounting, see the section
page 2-6
Using Retainage Accounting, in Chapter 2.
You can select this option only if you have selected the Keep
Statistics option.
Use this option You may want to turn on the option while you are setting up
when setting up
your Accounts Receivable system, particularly if you are
partway through
an accounting creating the system partway through an accounting year. You
year can then enter more complete receivables records by adding the
statistics from your previous system.
Once your system is operating, you may want to turn off the
option because the program automatically updates the statistics
when you post invoice, adjustment, and receipt batches.
You can select this option only if you have selected the
corresponding Keep Statistics option.
Use the same If you plan to enter historical data, ensure you choose the same
periods as in your
period and year types as used in your present system.
present system
Add statistics to the Customers, National Accounts, and
Customer Groups forms in Step 10. Add statistics to the Items
form in Step 11 and to the Salespersons form in Step 12.
Credit Checks Include Pending A/R Transactions in Credit Check. Select this
option to include pending (unposted) Accounts Receivable
transactions during credit checks.
The Transactions
tab of the Options
Invoice options Default Invoice Type. Specify the type of details you normally
use on invoices as the default for Invoice Entry. You can choose
Item or Summary.
You can change the method for individual invoices, debit notes,
and credit notes when you enter them.
Invoice Entry Use Item Comment As Default. Use this option to display any
comments from item records when you are entering invoice
Show Item Cost. Use this option to display the extended item
cost (quantity x cost per unit) when you add items to invoices.
Invoice printing Allow Printing Of Invoices. Use this option if you want to use
Accounts Receivable to print invoices.
Allow Edit After Invoice Printed. Use this option to allow changes
or deletions in invoice batches after you have printed invoices
for them.
You can select the option only if you also select the Allow
Printing Of Invoices option.
Unapplied Cash
Apply Document
Miscellaneous Receipt
When you enter receipts, you have to enter the payment code
only when it is different from the type you specify here.
See also Initially, Accounts Receivable has payment codes defined for
page 3-45
cash, check, and credit card. If you want to use another type,
you must first add it using the Payment Codes form, as
described under the Add Payment Codes heading in Step 5:
Add Setup Records, later in this chapter.
Default Bank Code. Select the code for the bank account to
which you most often deposit receipts.
You must use one of the bank codes defined in the Bank Services
form in Common Services. For information about setting up
bank accounts, see the Tax and Bank User Guide.
Receipts and Adjustments
Select the option to create a new deposit slip whenever you add
a new receipt batch.
Allow Edit After Deposit Slip Printed. Select this option if you
want to be able to edit or delete receipt batches after printing
deposit slips for them.
This option appears only if you first select the Allow Printing Of
Deposit Slips option.
Allow Edit After Receipt Printed. Select the Allow Edit After
Receipt Printed option if you want to be able to change or delete
existing receipts after you have printed receipt confirmations.
See also Prefix. Type the prefixes you use in your existing document
page 2-21
numbers, or use the default prefixes you see on the tab.
Next Number. Type the number you want to assign to the next
document of each type, either to continue with an existing
numerical sequence, or to start a new set of numbers.
Specifying default 11. Aging Periods. Use these fields to set the default time periods
aging periods
into which Accounts Receivable groups outstanding transactions
or balances for the Aged Trial Balance and Aged Retainage
reports and for customer statements.
The messages you enter on this tab become the default set of
dunning messages that appears in the Dunning Messages form
where you can add additional sets of messages.
12. When finished, click the Retainage tab. (The Retainage tab
appears only if you selected the Retainage Accounting option on
the Processing tab.)
If you do not select the option, the program assigns the next
invoice, credit note, or debit note number specified on the
document numbering grid on the Numbering tab.
Zoom If the schedule does not yet exist in Common Services, you can
click the Zoom button, then create the schedule using the
Schedules form that opens. You can also click the Zoom button
after entering a schedule code to view information about the
15. To print a list of the options you chose for your Accounts
Receivable system, click Print on the File menu or choose the
Options icon from the Setup Reports folder.
After setup, you can change any of the choices you made and
information you entered in the A/R Options form, with the following
exceptions and restrictions:
You cannot turn You can select the Multicurrency option at any time, but cannot
Multicurrency off
turn it off again once you select it and save the change.
Be careful You can change the type of year (fiscal or calendar) and period
changing the
by which you accumulate customer, item, and salesperson
method of keeping
statistics statistics, but should do so only at year-end. If you change either
method partway through a year, the statistics already
accumulated will be incorrect or in the wrong period.
Turning off the If you stop keeping history, you can no longer drill down from
Keep History option
General Ledger to source documents in Accounts Receivable
and Order Entry.
Turning off the You can turn off the Retainage Accounting option only if there
are no unposted batches that include retainage and there are no
Accounting option
outstanding retainage amounts.
You cannot You cannot change most of your choices in the A/R Options
change some
form if other Accounts Receivable forms are open or other users
options while other
Accounts are working with the Accounts Receivable database.
Receivable forms
are open You can change the information on the Company tab, the
information entered for optional fields, and dunning messages
at any time.
tep The G/L Integration form provides options that let you control how
: your Accounts Receivable system interacts with General Ledger, and
Ad lets you specify the types of information to send with the
transactions you send to General Ledger from Accounts Receivable.
1. From the A/R Options folder, choose the G/L Integration icon.
Rec The G/L Options form appears, with the Integration tab
rds displayed as follows:
If you use the Create G/L Batch icon to create general ledger
transactions, the sequence numbers identify the last posting
sequence of each batch type for which you have created the
Use this option You may want to select this option if your general ledger
during setup
already contains the transactions you will post during setup
to enter opening customer account balances and current
transactions. This choice reduces the number of general
ledger batches you need to delete after setup, making it
easier to ensure that you do not accidentally post general
ledger transactions twice.
Use this option We recommend you select this option during setup, so that
during setup
the G/L Transactions report will provide complete details of
all the transactions you enter to create opening customer
account balances. You can then check the report against
source documents and your general ledger account balances,
to be sure you entered all transactions correctly.
The Transactions
If you use Project and Job Costing, the names you chose
for contract levels also appear (for example, Contract,
Project, and Category).
Once the G/L Integration Detail form is open, you can assign
information to other Accounts Receivable transaction types,
as follows:
G/L Transaction ii. Select the G/L transaction field to which you are
assigning information.
6. When you are satisfied with your choices for G/L integration,
click Save, and then click Close.
Account sets
Billing cycles
Distribution codes
Dunning messages (optional)
E-mail/fax messages (optional)
Interest profiles
Payment codes
Items (optional)
Salespersons (optional)
Terms (of payment)
Optional fields (optional)
While adding these records, you may notice two fields that are
common to all Setup forms included in this step.
You would not likely use this option when adding records.
Normally, you select it when you have decided to delete a record
and want to ensure no further customer accounts are assigned to
it. You can change your selection for the option at any time.
To change You can revise most of your entries as needed. Refer to the
or delete a
Modifying Setup Records section at the end of this step for
record, see
page 3-63 information about how to change or delete records and about any
restrictions that may apply.
Use Help Remember to press F1 to display Help when you want quick
information about an Accounts Receivable field or form displayed
on your screen. (The Help button appears on error messages where
the F1 key is inactive.)
Find out the numbers to assign to each account set for these
general ledger accounts:
Receivables control
Receipt discounts
Prepayment liability
Multicurrency If you use multicurrency accounting, you also need to know the
account sets
currency code for each account set that does not use the
functional currency, as well as the account numbers for:
See also For more information, see Setting Up Account Sets in Chapter 2.
page 2-40
Starting a To begin adding a new account set, you can just type the code
new account
for the set, or you can click the New icon next to the Account Set
Code field.
Select If you use Sage Accpac General Ledger with your Accounts
Receivable database, a Finder icon appears beside each general
from the ledger account field. Click the icon or press F5 to display a list of
Finder general ledger account numbers. Highlight the account you
want, then press Enter to insert it in a field.
Multicurrency In a multicurrency account set that does not use the functional
currency, you must also enter the currency code and account
numbers for the unrealized exchange gain, unrealized exchange
loss, realized exchange gain, realized exchange loss, and
exchange rounding accounts.
Add the account 3. When finished, click the Add button. Repeat the preceding steps
for each account set you want to add.
4. Click Print on the File menu or choose Account Sets from the
Setup Reports folder to print a list of the account sets you have
added to verify that they are correct and complete. File the
tep Billing cycles specify the frequency with which you bill the
: customers assigned to each cycle. You can use billing cycles to select
Add customers for printing statements and reports, and for charging
etup interest.
s You must add at least one billing cycle to Accounts Receivable before
illin you can add customer records.
See also For more information, see Setting Up Billing Cycles in Chapter 2.
page 2-44
Remit To. Type the name of the person or position to which you
want customers assigned to the billing cycle to send their
Add the billing 3. When finished, click the Add button. Repeat the preceding steps
for each billing cycle you want to add.
4. Click Print on the File menu or choose Billing Cycles from the
Setup Reports folder to print a list of the billing cycles you have
added to verify that they are correct and complete. File the report.
Revenue account
Inventory account (used only with an item list)
Cost of goods sold account (used only with an item list)
Using distribution If you do not use items in Accounts Receivable, type the number
codes without
for the revenue account only.
Using distribution If you plan to use the distribution code with an item list, you
codes with items
must type numbers for all three accounts.
Select If you use Sage Accpac General Ledger with your Accounts
Receivable database, a Finder icon appears beside each general
from the ledger account field. Click the icon or press F5 to display a list of
Finder general ledger account numbers. Highlight the account you
want, then press Enter to insert it in a field.
Add the 3. When finished, click the Add button. Repeat the preceding steps
distribution code
for each distribution code you want to add.
2. Add the dunning messages you need, entering for each set:
Add the 3. When finished, click the Add button. Repeat the preceding steps
message set
for each set of messages you want to add.
Interest profiles define the ways in which you charge interest. You
assign an interest profile to each customer account to specify the rate
and methods you use when charging interest on the customers
overdue invoices or account balances.
You must add at least one interest profile before you can add
customer records. If you do not charge interest, you should create a
profile that uses 0 (zero) as the annual interest rate.
ep 5:
Step 5: Add Setup Records Interest Profiles
ofiles Decide on the code to identify each interest profile.
Know the currency code for each currency that uses the interest
2. Add the interest profiles you need, entering for each profile:
You see the above form on your screen only if you use
multicurrency accounting. You must enter an annual interest
rate for each currency you assign to the interest profile. You can
also enter a minimum interest charge for each currency.
Annual Interest Rate. Type the annual rate at which you charge
interest for this interest profile. For example, to enter a nominal
annual rate of 10 percent, type 10.
Add the interest 3. When finished, click the Add button. Repeat the preceding steps
for each interest profile you want to add.
You must add at least one payment code before you can add
customer records.
Before adding payment codes to Accounts Receivable, you must:
Decide on the codes to use for all the types of payments you
Add the payment 2. Add the payment codes you need, entering for each type
Payment Code. Type a code to identify the payment code,
using up to six characters.
3. When finished, click the Add button. Repeat the preceding steps
for each payment code you want to add.
4. Click Print on the File menu, or choose Payment Codes from the
Setup Reports folder, to print a list of the payment codes you
have added to verify that they are correct and complete. File the
tep Accounts Receivable lets you create a list of items with price, cost,
: and tax information to aid data entry on invoices. When you post
Add item details, Accounts Receivable creates transactions for the
etup revenue, inventory, and cost of goods sold general ledger accounts
Recor assigned to the items.
Skip this step if you do not need an item list in Accounts Receivable.
If you use Sage Accpac Project and Job Costing, note that item
records are required in invoice details for time and materials
projects. Also, the program uses the tax class and tax status from
item records as defaults in job-related transactions.
Be sure you have used the Distribution Codes form to add the
distribution codes you want to assign to items.
Adding item If you want to add year-to-date or prior-year statistics with items,
you must first select the Keep Item Statistics option and the Allow
Edit Of (item) Statistics option in the A/R Options form.
Before using an Before you can use an item number on an invoice, you must enter at
item number
least one unit of measure in which you sell the item, and you should
also assign the applicable tax authorities and classes to item records.
See also For information about adding item records, see Setting Up Item
page 2-53
Records in Chapter 2.
Item information
Pricing information
Item Statistics (appears only if you use the option to keep item
The Item tab of 1. Choose Items from the Setup folder to display the Item tab, the
the Items form
first tab of the Items form.
You can display You can display the comments when entering invoices for the
comments on
item if you selected the Use Item Comment As Default option in
the A/R Options form.
You do not see this column on your screen if you do not use
multicurrency accounting.
Be careful typing Check your entry before you leave the Unit Of Measure field,
the unit of measure
because you cannot change it later. If you need to change a unit
of measure, you must add a new line with the correct unit of
measure, then delete the incorrect line, as follows:
c. Click or Tab to the incorrect line, then press the Delete key to
delete it.
Item Cost. Type the cost of the item per the unit of measure.
Multicurrency If you use multicurrency accounting, type each cost and price in
the currency you specified for the line.
Assigning costs for When adding non-inventory items, such as consulting fees or
delivery charges, enter 0 (zero) as the cost, so that Accounts
Receivable does not create entries for the inventory and cost of
goods sold general ledger accounts when you post transactions
using the item numbers.
Item Price. Type the normal selling price of the item per the unit
of measure.
Specifying an Alternate Tax Base. Type the amount on which to calculate tax
alternate tax base
for the item and unit, if the tax authority does not charge tax on
the price or cost.
If you charge tax on the item price or cost, you do not need to
type an amount in this column.
Use the Tax Authority. Type the code that identifies the government
body that taxes sales of the item, or choose the code from the
Tax Class. Type the code that identifies the tax class for the item
under the corresponding authority, or choose the code from the
Note that to be able to select this option in the Item record, you
must first select the Allow Tax In Price option for the Tax
Authority, in Tax Services.
Repeat steps 1 through 7 for each of the items you want to add,
then go to step 8.
Add statistics after If you selected the Allow Edit Of (item) Statistics option in the
Options form, you can also add current-year and previous-year
statistics for each of your items and units of measure, as
described in Step 11, Add Item Statistics, later in this chapter.
8. Click Print on the File menu or choose Items from the Setup
Reports folder to print a list of the items you have added, to
verify that they are correct and complete. File the report.
If you have added a large group of item numbers, you should now
check data integrity through Administrative Services and make a
backup copy of your data.
See also For information about adding salesperson records, see Setting Up
page 2-57
Salesperson Records in Chapter 2.
Add the record 3. When ready, click Add (to add the record).
Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each of the records you want to add,
then go to step 4.
Adding If you want to add salesperson statistics for prior periods, follow
the instructions in Step 12, Add Salesperson Statistics, later in
this chapter.
See also For background information about payment terms, see Setting Up
page 2-58
Terms Codes in Chapter 2.
1. Choose Terms from the Setup folder to display the Terms form.
Calculate Base For Discount With Tax. Use this option to specify
whether to include tax amounts in the invoice totals on which
discount amounts are calculated.
Then type the number (representing the due date) in the Day
Of Month column, as shown in Example 3.
Use Help If you need help adding the information, press F1 to display
Help windows (or click Help on the menu) to find out how to fill
in a particular field or column.
Discount Type. Select the method you use to calculate the last
day on which you allow your customers to take a discount for
prompt payment. You select from the options described above
for Due Date Type, then type discount percentages. (See
Example 2, in the next section.)
Add the terms 3. When finished adding a set of terms, click the Add button.
4. Click Print on the File menu or choose Terms from the Setup
Reports folder to print a list of the payment terms you added to
verify that they are correct and complete. File the report.
Example 2 Terms are 2%/10 Net 30 (invoices are due in 30 days, 2 percent
(2/10 Net 30)
discount if paid in first ten days).
1. From the Due Date Type field, select Days From Invoice Date for
both Due Date Type and Discount Type.
Example 3 Invoices are due on the 15th day of the month that follows the
(Due on the 15th)
invoice date. (Invoices issued in June are due on July 15.)
1. From the Due Date Type field, select Day Of Next Month.
Example 4 (Due in Invoices are due 30 days after the 15th day of the month that follows
the month after the
the invoice date. (Invoices issued in June are due on August 14.)
invoice date)
1. From the Due Date Type field, select Days From Day Of Next
Example 6 Invoices are due on the date assigned for the range of days in which
(Due Date Table)
an invoice was issued. (In this example, invoices dated from the 1st
to the 15th of June are due on July 1, while invoices dated from the
June 16 to 30 are due on July 15.)
Standard discounts If you use standard discount periods for invoices entered within
(Discount Date
specified ranges of days, type the discount percentage for the terms,
then complete the Discount Date Table, as described above for the
Due Date Table.
Last Maintained. This display-only field shows the last time you
modified this e-mail message.
Inactive. Select this field only when you want to make this
message unavailable to use in invoices or statements.
E-mail/Fax Subject. Enter the subject line you want to use for
the e-mail message. Note that you can use field names, preceded
by a dollar sign (as illustrated in the example, above), to insert
customer- or company-specific information in the subject line of
the e-mailed messages.
3. Enter the body of the e-mail message. Use field names preceded
by a dollar sign to identify variable information that you want to
include with the message.
4. Click Add or Save when you are satisfied with your message.
ep 5: The Optional Fields form is available in the A/R Setup folder if you
dd use Transaction Analysis and Optional Field Creator.
Before adding A/R Before you can define optional fields for use in Accounts Receivable,
ecords optional fields
you must first set them up for system-wide use in Common Services.
ption For information on setting up system-wide optional fields, see the
System Manager User Guide.
elds See also For background information on the types of optional fields you can
page 2-60
use in Accounts Receivable, see Setting Up Optional Fields in
Chapter 2 of this guide.
2. Complete the following fields for each optional field you plan to
use in Accounts Receivable:
Ship-to Locations
Invoice Details.
When you select an optional field code, the program displays the
description for the optional field.
You must set the Value Set field to Yes to specify a default
value for the optional field.
If the optional field does not use validation, you can do one of
the following:
Auto Insert. Select Yes in this field if you want the program to
display the optional field and its default value when you set up
new records or enter transactions on the form for which you are
defining the optional field.
ep 5:
Modifying Setup Records
etup You can modify and delete the records you set up in this step as
ecords needed.
Modifyi To modify a record, you select the code that identifies it (such as the
g account set code or the item number), then make your changes and
ecords save them.
Deleting records You can delete dunning messages (except the default dunning
message), payment codes, and items without restriction.
ep 6:
Step 6: Add Customer Records
dd This step guides you through the process of adding your customer
usto records to Accounts Receivable.
cor You use icons in the Customers folder to add the following types of
customer records:
Customer groups
National accounts (optional)
Importing You can import your customer records into Accounts Receivable
customer records
from another Sage Accpac Accounts Receivable database or from a
non-Sage Accpac program. You can import everything in the records
except customer activity statistics.
You must add at least one customer group before you can add
national accounts and customer records.
Determine the credit limit and the overdue limit for outstanding
balances for the group.
Multicurrency If you use multicurrency accounting, you must also know the rate
type to use for the group, and you must assign an account set that
uses the same currency as customers and national accounts you plan
to assign to the group.
Adding statistics If you want to enter statistics for customer groups, first turn on the
Allow Edit Of Statistics option on the Processing tab of the
A/R Options form.
To modify You can revise most of your entries as needed. Refer to the
Modifying Customer Groups section at the end of these
groups, see
page 3-71 instructions for information about how to change or delete customer
groups and about any restrictions that may apply.
Group Code. Type the code that identifies the group, then press
Tab to move to the Description field.
See also For information about account types, see Selecting the Account
page 2-65
Type in Chapter 2.
The account type you specify and the choices you make for the
remaining fields on this tab are displayed for the new customer
records you add to the group. You can change them for
individual customers, if needed.
interest profile to use for the group, or select them from the
See also For more information, see Entering Credit Information and
page 2-84
Credit Limits in Chapter 2.
In a single currency system, you specify one credit limit for all
the members of the customer group.
If you select this option, use the Days box to enter the number of
days that transaction balances can be overdue before generating
a warning.
Tax Group. Enter or select the tax group for the taxing
authorities and tax classes that normally apply to customers in
the customer group.
You define and update tax groups and enter other taxation
information in the Tax Services forms in Common Services.
Tax Class. Enter or select the tax classes for each tax authority
normally used to calculate taxes customers in this customer
group. (Tax classes identify the tax rates used to calculate taxes
when you enter invoices, debit notes, and credit notes for
The tax group and tax classes you specify for the customer group
appear as defaults when you assign new customers to the group.
Optional Fields 7. If you use Transaction Analysis and Optional Field Creator and
you want to assign optional fields to this customer group, click
the Optional Fields tab.
You can accept the optional fields that appear or you can delete
them, and you can accept or change any default values that
Use the Optional Field. Use the Finder to select the optional field
codes you want to use with this customer group.
Note that the Value Set field alerts you whether an optional
field has an automatically inserted default value. If the field
looks empty, but has a blank value, the Value Set field
displays Yes. (You cannot tell whether an optional field has a
blank default value or no value just by looking at the
Value field.)
If you use the same optional fields in new national accounts and
customer records, Accounts Receivable assigns optional field
values from the customer group as default entries for the new
records. (If the customer also belongs to a national account,
however, it assigns the values from the national account.)
Add the group 8. When ready, click Add to add the group.
Add statistics after If you selected the Allow Edit Of (customer) Statistics option in
the Options form, you can also add current-year and
previous-year statistics for each of your customer groups, as
described in Step 10, Add Customer Statistics, later in this
Starting a To start a new record, click the New icon next to the Group
new record
Code field, then type the code for the new customer group you
want to define. Repeat steps 2 through 5 to add the record.
If you do not want to erase the information you entered for the
previous group, simply type the code for the new customer
group in the Group Code field, then press the Tab key. Edit the
new record to change entries, as needed.
10. Click Print on the File menu or choose the Customer Groups
icon from the Setup Reports folder to print the Customer Group
List of the records you added.
You can modify and delete customer groups as needed, with these
To change the customer group code, you must first set up a new
customer group with the code you want to use, then delete the
group using the code you no longer want.
You can enter and edit group statistics only if you use the Allow
Edit Of Statistics option.
You do not have to use national accounts, nor do you have to assign
a national account to every customer record. If you set up without
them and later decide to use them, you can assign national accounts
to existing customer records as needed.
Add the customer group, account set, billing cycle, and interest
profile you want to assign to the national account.
Multicurrency If you use multicurrency accounting, you must also know the rate
type to use for national accounts that do not use the functional
currency, and you must assign an account set that uses the same
currency as the customers in the national account.
Adding statistics If you want to enter statistics for national accounts, select the Allow
Edit Of Statistics option on the A/R Options form.
To modify You can revise most of your entries as needed. Refer to the
a national
Modifying National Accounts section at the end of these
account, see page
3-80 instructions for information about how to change or delete national
accounts and about any restrictions that may apply.
Use the Group Code. Type the code that identifies the customer group
for the national account. You can also press F5 or click the
Finder button, then choose the code from the Finder.
See also For more information, see Placing National Accounts on Hold
page 2-74
in Chapter 2.
See also For more information, see Assigning Inactive Status to National
page 2-75
Accounts in Chapter 2.
This information appears for all new customers you add to the
account, but you can enter different information for individual
customers in the Customers form.
Web Site (optional). Enter the URL (Internet address) for the
national account, if known.
See also For more information, see Selecting the Account Type in
page 2-65
Chapter 2.
You also can choose whether to print statements for the member
customers of the national account when you set up the customer
records. Then, when you print statements for the national
account, Accounts Receivable prints additional statement pages
for member customers for whom you selected the Print
Statements option.
The billing cycle and interest profile you choose for the national
account apply as well to the customer accounts that use the
national account, and you cannot change them for individual
Credit bureau Credit Number / Rating / Date. If you use credit bureau
information for your accounts, type the credit bureau number
and rating for the national account, and the date on which the
rating was assigned.
Credit checks The credit checks and amounts you specified for the assigned
customer group appear as defaults when you add a national
You can change the credit checks, as follows, only if you selected
the Allow Edit Of Credit Check option for the customer group to
which the national account belongs:
The Credit Limit for the customer group appears as the default.
If you want to enter a different credit limit for the national
account, type the amount.
If you select this option, use the Days box to enter the number of
days that transaction balances can be overdue before generating
a warning. Also, type the limit that overdue transactions must
exceed to trigger the warning.
The days and overdue limit specified for the customer group
appear as defaults, but you can change them if the customer
group allows you to edit credit checks.
The days and overdue limit you specify for a national account
appear as defaults in new customer records you assign to the
national account, but you can change the days and limit for
individual customers.
Rate type for Rate Type. If you use multicurrency accounting, select the rate
type that you use most often when converting multicurrency
transactions for the customers in the national account to the
functional currency.
You see this field only if you use multicurrency accounting and
the national account does not use the functional currency.
Assigning optional 6. If you use Transaction Analysis and Optional Field Creator and
you want to check or change the optional fields assigned to the
national account, click the Optional Fields tab.
If the optional field is not used in the customer group record, the
program displays the default value assigned to the customer
optional field on the A/R Optional Fields form.
7. You can change the optional fields or values that appear on the
tab, as follows:
Use the Optional Field. Use the Finder to select the optional field
codes you want to use with this national account.
Add the record 8. When ready, click Add to add the national account.
Add statistics after If you selected the Allow Edit Of (customer) Statistics option on
the Options form, you can also add current-year and previous-
year statistics for each of your national accounts, as described
in Step 10: Add Customer Statistics, later in this chapter.
Starting a To start a new record, click the New icon next to the National
new record
Account Number field, then type the code for the new national
account you want to define. Repeat steps 2 through 8 to add the
If you do not want to erase the information you entered for the
previous national account, simply type the number (code) for the
new account in the National Account Number field, then press
the Tab key. Edit the new record to change entries, as needed,
for the new national account.
10. Click Print on the File menu or choose the National Accounts
icon from the Customer Reports folder to print the National
Accounts List of the records you added.
You can modify and delete national accounts, as needed, with these
You can change the credit limit for the national account only if
you selected the Allow Edit Of Credit Check option for the
national accounts customer group.
You can edit national account statistics only if you selected the
Allow Edit Of Statistics option in the Options form.
Multicurrency If you have a multicurrency ledger, you can change the account
set assigned to a national account only to another account set
that uses the same currency.
Add Customers
Use the Customers form to add records for your customers to
Accounts Receivable.
Cust You must add customer records before you can enter and process
ome transactions in Accounts Receivable.
Rec Before adding a customer, you must:
Add the customer group, national account (if applicable),
Multicurrency If you use multicurrency accounting, you must know the rate type to
use for each customer who does not use the functional currency. You
must also assign an account set that uses the customers currency.
Adding statistics If you want to enter statistics for customers, first turn on the Allow
Edit Of Statistics option on the Processing tab of the Options form.
See also For more information about customer records, see Adding
page 2-77
Customers in Chapter 2.
To add a customer:
Group Code. Type the code for the customers group or choose
it from the Finder.
See also For more information about the On Hold and Inactive fields in
page 2-84
customer records, see Assigning On Hold or Inactive Status to
Customer Accounts in Chapter 2.
See also For information about using short names, see the Entering
page 2-82
Short Names section in Chapter 2.
If you use territory codes, you create and maintain your list of
the codes outside of Accounts Receivable.
Start Date. Type the date when the customer first became one of
your companys accounts.
Web Site. If this company has a Web site, type the Web site
address in this field.
Account Type. Select Open Item if you apply receipts to, and
charge interest on, individual invoices for the customer. Select
Balance Forward if you apply receipts to, and charge interest on,
the balance in the customers account.
Terms Code / Billing Cycle / Interest Profile. The codes you see
in these fields are the codes that were assigned to the
Credit Bureau Credit Bureau Number / Rating / Date. If you use credit bureau
information for your accounts, type the credit bureau number
and rating for the customer, and the date on which the rating
was assigned.
Credit checks The credit checks and amounts you specified for the assigned
customers group or national account appear as defaults when
you add a national account.
You can change the credit checks, as follows, only if you selected
the Allow Edit Of Credit Check option for the customer group.
Credit Limit. Type the credit limit you allow for this customer, if
it is different from the default and the customer group uses the
Allow Edit Of Credit Limit option.
A/R Transactions [#] Days and Later Exceed Amount. Select this
option to generate a warning when you enter transactions for the
customer if the balance of their overdue transactions exceeds a
specified amount and a specified number of days.
If you select this option, use the Days box to enter the number of
days that transaction balances can be overdue before generating
a warning. Also, type the amount that overdue transactions
must exceed to trigger the warning.
See also For more information, see Entering Credit Information and
page 2-83
Credit Limits in Chapter 2.
Assign the Rate Type. If you use multicurrency accounting, select the rate
rate type
type to use when converting multicurrency customers
transactions to their functional-currency equivalents.
Ship Via. If you use Order Entry, type a code that you have set
up in Order Entry or select it using the Finder. If you do not use
Order Entry, you can enter a code that you maintain elsewhere.
Accounts Receivable and Order Entry use the Ship Via details by
default when you create an order, an invoice, or a recurring
charge record for the customer, unless:
You can also leave this field blank if you do not want to use a
Ship Via code.
Description (beside the Ship Via field). If you enter a Ship Via
code, the description for that code appears by default. You can
accept the description, or enter a new one.
Tax Group. Select the code that represents the tax group to
which the customer belongs.
Multicurrency If you use multicurrency accounting and you select a tax group
tax groups
that uses a different currency than the customers account set,
the program warns you. When you enter invoices, debit notes,
and credit notes using the tax group, Accounts Receivable
displays amounts in the tax reporting currency, as well as in the
customers currency.
Tax Class. Select the customers tax class for each of the tax
authorities in the tax group.
Optional Fields Optional customer fields that are marked for automatic insertion
appear on the tab, along with their default values, as follows:
You can accept or change the default entries, or you can delete
them. You can also assign any additional optional fields that are
defined for customers.
Add statistics after If you selected the Allow Edit Of (customer) Statistics option in
the Options form, you can also add current-year and
previous-year statistics for each of your customers, as described
in Step 10: Add Customer Statistics, later in this chapter.
Enter customer 10. Click the Comments tab. If you do not want to enter comments,
go to step 12.
Date Entered. Type the date on which you are entering the
Expiration Date. Type the date on which you want to delete the
Credit card 12. If you accept credit cards as payment from your customer, click
the Credit Card tab.
13. Select the customers credit card type, then, enter the credit card
number, cardholder name, and the cards expiration date.
Add the customer 14. When finished, click Save. Repeat the preceding steps for each
customer you want to add.
15. Click Print on the File menu or choose Customers from the
Customer Reports folder to print the Customer List.
Check your When you finish adding your customer records, you should check
data integrity through Administrative Services and make a backup
copy of the data to help ensure that you do not have to add the
records a second time.
You can modify and delete customer records, as needed, with these
Account type
Billing cycle
Interest profile
You can edit customer statistics (period and activity) only if you
use the Allow Edit Of Statistics option.
See also If you use optional fields, you also need to define the optional fields
page 2-60
that you want to assign ship-to location records. For more
information on defining optional fields, see Setting Up Optional
Fields, in Chapter 2 in this guide.
See also You can revise most of your entries as needed. Refer to the
page 3-100
Modifying Ship-To Locations section at the end of this step for
information about how to change or delete ship-to locations and
about any restrictions that may apply.
Use Help Remember to press F1 to use Help when you want quick
information about fields and tabs in the Ship-To Locations form.
If you need help figuring out how to use the Ship-To Locations form
using either a mouse or your keyboard, refer to the appendix Using
a Mouse or Keyboard, in the System Manager User Guide.
2. Type the customer number (or choose it from the Finder), then
press the Tab key.
The program displays a list of the ship-to locations that you have
entered previously for this customer.
Territory. If you use territory codes, type the code for the
customer or shipping location.
6. When finished, click the Contact tab, and enter the name,
telephone and fax numbers, and an e-mail address for a contact
person at the ship-to location.
Ship Via. If you use Order Entry, type a code that you have set
up in Order Entry or select it using the Finder. If you do not use
Order Entry, you can enter a code that you maintain elsewhere.
You can also leave this field blank if you do not want to use a
Ship Via code.
Description (beside the Ship Via field). If you enter a Ship Via
code, the description for that code appears by default. You can
accept the description, or enter a new one.
See also You add salesperson information for the ship-to location as you
page 3-81
did for the customer record, following the instructions in the
preceding Add Customers section in Step 6: Add Customer
Tax Group. Select the tax group, if any, that contains the tax
authorities, classes, and rates in effect at the shipping address.
Tax Class. Select the tax classes for the tax authorities in the tax
Optional Fields 9. When ready, click the Optional Fields tab, if it appears.
If the optional fields for the ship-to location match those defined
for customers, national accounts, and customer groups, the
10. If you want to assign new optional fields, use the Finder on the
Optional Field column to select an optional field code. You can
select only optional fields that you have set up for use with
ship-to locations.
See also For more information about optional fields, see Setting Up
page 2-60
Optional Fields in Chapter 2.
Add the ship-to 11. When ready, click the Add button. Repeat the preceding steps
for each ship-to location you want to add.
12. Click Print on the File menu or choose Ship-To Locations from
the Customer Reports folder to print a list of the locations you
added to verify that they are correct and complete. File the
You can modify a ship-to location at any time. However, you cannot
delete a ship-to location, or set it inactive, if it is used on any
unposted documents.
You can change all the information in a ship-to record for a customer
except the ship-to code. To change this code, you must add another
record with the code you want to use, then delete the record you no
longer need.
You can add only optional fields that you defined for ship-to
locations using the A/R Optional Fields setup form.
Changing If you use multicurrency accounting, you can change the tax group
only to another tax group that uses the customers currency.
tax groups
When finished modifying a record, click Save to confirm your
To delete a ship-to record using the ship-to location form, select the
customer number and the line for the ship-to location, then click the
Delete button. You can also open the ship-to location record, and
click Delete.
Decide on the code to identify the recurring charge. You can use
the same code for different customers, so that all customers with
service contracts could be assigned a SERVICE FEES charge code.
Determine the start date and expiration date for the charge, and
the day of the month on which the recurring charge is due to be
If you use optional fields, make sure you have defined the
invoice optional fields and invoice details optional fields that
you want to assign to the recurring charge.
To change or You can revise most of your entries as needed. Refer to the
delete a
Modifying Recurring Charges section at the end of this step for
charge, see
page 3-110 information about how to change or delete recurring charges and
about any restrictions that may apply.
Use Help Remember to press F1 to use Help when you want information
quickly about fields and tabs in the Recurring Charges setup form.
Using Zoom To display the customers name and billing address, click the
to display
Zoom button to the right of the Finder. You can also press F9
when the insertion point is in the Customer Number field.
Start Date. Enter the date that the recurring charge for this
customer begins.
When you select Specific Date, another field appears to let you
enter the expiration date. If there is an expiration date, the
program includes the invoice in the recurring charge batch only
if the expiration date is later than the run date.
Multicurrency Rate Type. If you use multicurrency accounting, specify the rate
type normally used to convert transactions entered for the
recurring charge to the functional currency.
Order Number. Type the sales order number, if any, issued for
the recurring charge.
Terms. Select the code for the payment terms you allow the
customer for the recurring charge.
Zoom To check or to change the optional fields that are used for a
selected detail, click the Zoom button beside the field, or press
Shift+F9. The Optional Fields form appears, letting you change
or delete optional fields for the detail. You can also add any
other optional fields that are defined for invoice details, and you
can change their values.
To assign an optional field, press the Insert key, then use the
Finder to choose the code for the recurring charges optional
Detail Accounts/
Taxes in the
Recurring Charges
setup form
You can also use the Detail Accounts/Taxes form to change the
Discountable option, to change the optional fields assigned to a
selected detail, or to view the entire comment you have entered
for a detail.
7. If the recurring charge includes more than one detail, press the
Insert key to start a new line, and then add the next detail as in
step 4, above.
Initially, any invoice optional fields that you set up for automatic
insertion appear on this tab when you add a recurring charge.
(The Value Set field indicates whether a field contains a default
To add an optional field, press the Insert key, then use the
Finder to choose an optional field code.
9. When ready, click the Sales Split tab to assign the salespeople, if
any, who are responsible for the recurring charge.
See also 10. Fill out the salesperson information for the recurring charge as
page 3-81
you did for customer records, following the instructions in
step 6 in the Add Customers section, under Step 6: Add
Customer Records, earlier in this chapter.
Enter tax totals for the document, if you are entering taxes
When you enter taxes manually, you must ensure that the
total amount you enter for the authority on the Tax/Totals
tab equals the sum of the detail taxes for each tax authority.
Tax Group. Select the tax group that contains the tax authorities
and tax classes to use for the recurring charge.
Tax Base. If you did not select the Calculate Tax option, use this
field to specify the base amount on which taxes are calculated.
Tax Amount. The Tax Amount column appears only when the
Calculate Tax option is not selected.
For each tax authority, in the Tax Amount column, enter the
total taxes for the recurring charge.
Add the recurring 13. When ready, click Add to add the recurring charge. Repeat the
preceding steps for each recurring charge you want to add.
14. Click Print on the File menu or choose Recurring Charges from
the Customer Reports folder to print a list of the recurring
charges you have added to verify that they are correct and
complete. File the report.
You can change all the information in a record except the recurring
charge code. To change this code, you must add another record with
the code you want to use, and then delete the record you no longer
Changing If you use multicurrency accounting, you can change the customers
tax group only to another tax group that uses the same currency.
tax group
When finished modifying a record, click Save to confirm your
You have already added the tax groups, authorities, classes, and
rates you use with Accounts Receivable. You do not want to
send any tax information to Tax Services when you add your
Accounts Receivable setup entries in this step.
You have defined the banks you need for Accounts Receivable in
Bank Services, and have added outstanding deposits. You do not
want to send information to your banks while you are entering
setup transactions in Accounts Receivable.
You have selected the options you want to use to enter and edit
customer, item, and salesperson statistics in the steps that follow
this step. Some of these statistics are created as you post the
setup transactions.
See also For more information about other methods you may want to use to
page 2-98
set up your system, see Entering Opening Balances in Customer
Accounts in Chapter 2.
See the Tax and Bank User Guide for information about defining
3. If you have not already done so, select On Request Using Create
G/L Batch Icon for the Create G/L Transactions option on the G/L
Integration tab of the A/R Options form.
5. Create batches of the receipts, credit notes, debit notes, and other
transactions that you applied to the invoices in your other
Use the SETUP bank Use the SETUP bank code with each receipt batch you post.
If you find mistakes, correct the batches, then print new listings
of the corrected batches.
14. Choose the Create G/L Batch icon from the Periodic Processing
folder, then create the general ledger transactions for the batches
you posted.
15. Choose the G/L Transactions icon from the Transaction Reports
folder, and then print the report for each of the batch types you
posted in Accounts Receivable.
16. File the batch listings, posting journals, and other reports you
printed in these steps as part of your setup records.
17. Check the Integration tab of the A/R Options form to see
whether you want to change your selections for any of the
options, such as the Create G/L Transactions By option.
18. If necessary, change your selection for the Tax Tracking option to
At Invoice Level for the tax authorities you use with Accounts
Receivable. (You selected No Reporting for the option in Tax
Services in step 1 of these instructions.)
a. Make a bank entry for the total deposit amount sent to the
bank by your Accounts Receivable setup transactions.
See the Tax and Bank User Guide for instructions about
reconciling and deleting banks.
If you do not use Sage Accpac General Ledger, use your copy of
the G/L Transactions List to enter the transactions in your
general ledger manually, or import the General Ledger batches
into another computerized general ledger.
Cus See also For more information, see Using Customer Statistics in Chapter 2
om page 2-85
r To add statistics:
tat 1. Choose the Customers icon from the A/R Customers folder.
2. Enter the number of the customer for whom you are adding
statistics, or choose the number from the Finder.
Year. Type the year for which you want to add statistics, or use
the Finder to choose the year.
To choose Period. Type the next period for which you want to add
the period
statistics, or click the keys to select the period.
7. Check the statistics on the Activity tab. You may have filled
them in already through the transactions you posted to set up
the customers account.
Multicurrency Currency. Select the currency type. You can add statistics in the
customers currency and in the functional currency.
You do not see this field on your screen if you do not use
multicurrency accounting in Accounts Receivable.
Date. Type the date on which you entered the amount for each
Total Invoices Paid. Type the number of invoices that were fully
paid by the customer in the current year to date.
Print the Customer 10. Click Print from the File menu or choose the Customers icon
Statistics report
from the Customer Reports folder. When the Customers Report
form appears, select Customer Period Statistics as the report
type. Make other selections to include the periods and customers
for which you have entered statistics, and then print the report.
If you find mistakes, edit the statistics for those customers again
to make corrections.
Add national 12. If you have added national accounts, use the National Accounts
account statistics
form to enter the statistical totals you need for all the customers
in each national account. Follow the steps you took to enter
statistics for customers, entering combined totals for all the
customers in the national account.
Print the National 13. Click Print on the File menu or choose the National Accounts
Account Period
icon from the Customer Reports folder. When the National
Statistics report
Accounts Report form appears, select National Account Period
Statistics as the report type. Select Number Of Documents. Make
other selections to include the periods and national accounts for
which you have entered statistics, then print the report.
14. Check the report to be sure the totals for the national account
equal the totals for the customers in the national account. Correct
any errors, either in the national account record or the customer
Add customer 15. Use the Customer Groups form to enter statistical totals for all
group statistics
customers in each of your customer groups. You enter only
period statistics for customer groups. No activity statistics are
kept for groups.
Print the Customer 16. Click Print on the File menu or choose the Customer Groups
Group Statistics
icon from the Setup Reports folder. When the Customer Groups
Report form appears, select Customer Group Statistics as the
report type. Select Number Of Documents. Make other selections
to include the periods and groups for which you have entered
statistics, and then print the report.
17. Check the report to be sure the totals for the customer group
equal the totals for the customers in the group. Correct any
errors, either in the customer group record or the customer
18. If desired, turn off the Allow Edit Of (customer) Statistics option
in the Options form to prevent accidental changes to the
Step 11: Add Item Statistics (Optional)
If you use an item list and chose the option to keep item statistics in
A/R Options, you may have created some item statistics as you
posted transactions to set up the current balances in your customer
accounts. After setting up your customer accounts, you may also
want to add item statistics from earlier periods and years.
Select the Keep Item Statistics and Allow Edit Of (item) Statistics
options on the Processing tab of the A/R Options form.
To add statistics:
2. Enter the item number for which you are adding statistics, or
choose the number from the Finder.
Unit Of Measure. Type the unit of measure for which you are
adding statistics or select it from the Finder.
Year. Type the year for which you want to add statistics, or use
the Finder to choose the year.
To choose Period. Type the period for which you want to add statistics.
the period
You can also click an up or down button to choose the period.
Accounts Receivable also enters the date of the last sale of the
item in the specified unit and the total number of the units sold,
and it updates the year-to-date statistics for this item, as well.
5. When finished adding the statistics for a period, click the Save
Select the unit of measure, year, and period for which to add the
next set of statistics, as you did in step 4. When finished, click
Save, then repeat steps 2 through 5 for all other statistics you
want to add.
Turn off the Allow 6. If you turned on the Allow Edit Of (item) Statistics option in the
Edit Of Statistics
Options form so that you could add item statistics, turn off the
option when you are finished to prevent accidental changes.
To add statistics:
Year. Type the year for which you are entering statistics, or
choose it from the Finder.
Step 13: Design Customer Invoices, Statements, Deposit Slips, Labels, and Letters
Period. Type or select the period for which you are entering
5. When finished adding the statistics for a period, click the Save
Select the next year and period, then add the next set of statistics,
as you did in steps 3 and 4. When finished, click Save, then
repeat steps 2 through 5 for all other statistics you want to add.
Turn off the Allow 6. If you turned on the Allow Edit Of (salesperson) Statistics option
Edit Of Statistics
in the Options form so that you could add salesperson statistics,
turn off the option when you are finished, to prevent accidental
changes to the statistics.
13: After setup, Accounts Receivable automatically updates these
Desig statistics when you post transactions using the salespersons
n number, including year-to-date statistics.
Step 13: Design Customer Invoices, Statements, Deposit Slips, Labels,
es, Checks, and Letters
State Sage Accpac Accounts Receivable includes sample report formats for
ments, an invoice, credit note, debit note, statement, deposit slip, refund
Depos check and payment advice, letter, and label. You may be able to use
t or adapt the formats to print on the forms you already send to your
Slips, customers. You can also create your own formats.
and The Readme file, Forms.wri, lists the types of data you can select
Letter from your customer records to print on the various forms. (To view
Where To Now?
Use the Receipt Entry icon from the A/R Transactions folder or
the Deposit Slips icon from the Transaction Reports folder to
print deposit slips. (You must select the Allow Printing Of
Deposit Slips option from the Options form, then create at least
one receipt batch containing cash or checks.)
Where To Now?
Your Accounts Receivable system is now ready to use. Refer to the
User Guide for information about entering transactions and operating
your Accounts Receivable system on a daily basis.
Appendix A
Setup Checklist
This appendix describes and shows the Accounts Receivable Setup
Checklist, and tells you how to print it.
You can print the Setup Checklist (form AR-SETUP.PDF), then use it
to follow the step-by-step instructions for setting up Accounts
Receivable in Chapter 3 of Getting Started. As you complete each step
of the setup process, check off the item on the list, including:
Adding tax, bank, currency, and security information.
Getting Started A1
4. On the File menu, click Print. Adjust the settings, and then
click OK.
Add bank information in Bank Services, including the check stocks and credit card
types you will use in Accounts Receivable.
Add currency information in the Currency forms in Common Services
(if you use multicurrency accounting).
Add security information in Administrative Services.
4. Choose A/R options.
Determine which options you want to use, then select them on the Accounts Receivable
Options form,
5. Add setup records.
Add account sets
Add billing cycles
Add distribution codes
Add dunning messages (optional)
Add interest profiles
Add payment codes
Add items (optional)
Add salespersons (optional)
Add terms
Add e-mail / fax messages
Getting Started A3
using, 3-35 billing cycles, 3-37
Account type overview, 2-44
assigning customer groups, 3-64
to customer groups, 3-66 overview, 2-67
to customers, 3-85 customer records, 3-81
to national accounts, 3-75 overview, 2-64
assigningto customer groups, 2-67 distribution codes, 3-39
balance forward overview, 2-45
applying receipts, 2-66 dunning messages, 3-41
calculating interest charges, 2-66 overview, 2-47
information on statements, 2-66 e-mail messages
overview, 2-66 overview, 2-47
open item fax messages
applying receipts, 2-66 overview, 2-47
3-25 Billing cycle code
Batch listing designing, 2-44
credit limit warning for recurring Billing Cycles form
charges, 2-84 using, 3-37
Force Listing Of All Batches options, 2-5 Browser
Batch number using Accounts Receivable through, 3-2
assigning numbers, 2-24
Batch processing options
Adding To An Existing Batch, 2-33 C
Allow Adjustments In Receipt Batches,
2-19, 3-20 Calculate Tax Reporting Amounts
Allow Edit After Deposit Slip Printed, Automatically option, 3-17
2-19, 3-20 overview, 2-14
Allow Edit After Invoice Printed, 2-16, Calculate Taxes Automatically option, 3-17
3-18 overview, 2-14
national accounts, 2-74, 3-77 multicurrency information, assigning
warning during invoice entry, 2-84 currency code, 3-68
warning on recurring charge invoices, rate type, 3-67
2-84 overview, 2-67
Credit note purpose, 2-67
Age Unapplied Credit Notes And Debit statistics (overview), 2-70
Notes option, 2-26 Customer group
document numbers assigning to customer records, 3-82
prefix and next number, 2-22 Customer group code
printing (overview), 2-16 overview, 2-36
Currency code sorting order, 2-38
functional currency for the Accounts Customer group statistics
Receivable ledger, 2-3 overview of options, 2-7
in customer groups, 3-68 Customer groups
in item records, 3-48 assigning optional fields to, 2-70
for customer, 3-86
D for national account, 3-76
Deposit slip
Debit note Allow Printing Of Deposit Slips option,
Age Unapplied Credit Notes And Debit 2-18
Notes option, 2-26 Force Printing Of Deposit Slips option,
document numbers 2-18
assigning prefix and next number, Designing Accounts Receivable codes and
2-22 numbers, 2-36
printing Discount
overview, 2-16 including tax in the base for discount,
Default Bank Code option 2-59
overview, 2-16 Discount date table
selecting, 3-19 overview, 2-59
Default dunning messages, 2-25
General ledger accounts
adding during setup, 3-9
assigning to distribution codes, 2-45
exchange gains and losses, 2-42
in account sets, 2-41
G/L Description Feld option
in multicurrency account sets, 2-42
selecting, 3-31
Interest Income, 2-49
G/L Integration
Prepayment Liability, 2-41
assigning information to G/L fields,
Realized Exchange Loss, 2-43
2-35, 3-31
Receipt Discounts, 2-41
consolidating G/L transactions
Receivables Control, 2-41
effect on G/L fields, 2-36
Retainage, 2-42
specifying for items, 3-48
selecting options, 3-28
Unrealized Exchange Gain, 2-42
selecting, 3-17 tax information, 3-50
document numbers, 2-22 units of measure, 3-49
printing (overview), 2-16 overview, 2-53
Show Item Cost option, 2-15 prices
Use Item Comment As Default, 2-15 in multicurrency systems, 2-55
Invoice batch overview, 2-55
specifying next numbers, 2-24 Show Item Cost option, 3-17
Invoice detail optional fields specifying tax information, 2-55
assigning to recurring charge details, statistics (overview), 2-57
3-106 units of measure
Invoice Entry options in multicurrency systems, 2-55
Calculate Tax Reporting Amounts overview, 2-55
Automatically, 2-14 Use Item Comment As Default option
selecting, 3-17 selecting, 3-17
creating (overview), 2-76 Number Of Days In Advance To Create
credit limit, 2-74 Retainage Documents, 2-29
entering Numbering options, 2-21
account type, 3-75 Numbers, document, 2-22
credit information, 3-77
credit limit, 3-77
customer group code, 3-74 O
data in optional fields, 3-78
Inactive status On Hold status, assigning
effect on customers, 2-75 to customer records, 3-83
multicurrency information overview, 2-84
selecting the rate type, 3-78 to national accounts, 3-74
On Hold status overview, 2-74
effect on customers, 2-74
overview, 2-71
Options form option, 2-27
Allow Edit After Receipt Printed option, Default Retention Period option,
3-20 2-27
Calculate Tax Reporting Amounts Number Of Days In Advance To
Automatically option, 2-14 Create Retainage Documents,
changing your selections, 3-27 2-29
Check For Duplicate Checks option Schedule To Use For Automatic
overview, 2-21 Creation Of Retainage
selecting, 3-20 Documents, 2-29
Create Deposit Slip When Receipt Batch Use Separate Document
Is Created, 2-18, 3-19 Numbering When Creating
Include Pending Transactions, 2-17 Retainage Documents, 2-28
Integration tab selecting options during setup, 3-10
Adding To An Existing Batch, 2-33
Consolidate G/L Batches, 2-34
Options form P
Statement tab
Age Unapplied Cash And Payment code codes
Prepayments, 2-26 assigning, 2-53
Aging Periods, 2-25 overview, 2-53
Dunning Messages, 2-25 Payment Codes form
Print Zero-Balance Statements, 2-25 overview, 2-53
Transactions tab using, 3-45
Allow Adjustments In Receipt Payment terms
Batches, 2-19 See: Terms
Allow Edit After Deposit Slip Percentage (sales split)
Printed, 2-19 entering in customer records, 3-89
Allow Edit After Invoice Printed, Posting options
2-16 Adding To An Existing Batch option,
Allow Edit After Receipt Printed, 2-33
2-19 Consolidate G/L Batches, 2-34
Allow Printing Of Deposit Slips, Create G/L Transactions, 2-32
2-18 Creating A New Batch option, 2-33
Allow Printing Of Invoices, 2-15 Creating And Posting A New Batch
Calculate Taxes Automatically, 2-14 option, 2-33
Default Bank Code, 2-16 Posting sequence
Default Invoice Type, 2-14 invoice posting sequence number, 2-24
Default Order Of Open Documents, Prefix (document number) options
2-20 selecting, 3-21
Default Payment Code, 2-17 Prepayment
Default Transaction Type, 2-17 Age Unapplied Cash And Prepayments
Force Printing Of Deposit Slips, option, 2-26
2-18 document numbers
Show Item Cost, 2-15 assigning prefix and next number,
Use Item Comment As Default, 2-15 2-22
using the Company Options tab during Prepayment Liability account
setup, 3-11 overview, 2-41
Order Entry Price
drilldown to originating transaction, 1-9 specifying for items, 3-49
integrating with Accounts Receivable, Price list
1-9 assigning to customer records, 3-88
Overdue balances assigning to ship-to-locations, 3-97
calculating interest charges, 2-51 See: Item list
Overdue limit Price, item
specifying for customer groups, 3-68 in multicurrency systems, 2-55
overview, 2-55
changing, 2-4 selecting, 3-20
overview, 2-4 Allow Edit After Deposit Slip Printed
selecting, 3-13 option, 2-19
Processing by billing cycle selecting, 3-20
remittance address on statements, 2-45 Allow Edit After Receipt Printed option,
updating the Last Maintained field, 2-45 2-19
Processing options selecting, 3-20
Keep (Customer, National Account, and Allow Printing Of Deposit Slips option,
Group) Statistics, 3-14 2-18
Keep History, 3-14 selecting, 3-19
overview, 2-3 Create Deposit Slip When Receipt Batch
Retainage Accounting, 3-14 Is Created, 2-18
selecting the Multicurrency option, 3-12 selecting, 3-19
Processing retainage Default Bank Code option, 2-16
Report Tax option, 2-30 selecting, 3-19
When Creating Retainage Sample terms, 3-56
Documents, 3-25 Schedule To Use For Automatic Creation Of
Retainage percentage Retainage Documents option, 2-29
customer record, 3-90 Schedules
Retainage Terms and timing of recurring charge invoices,
customer record, 3-90 2-92
Retention Period Setting up Accounts Receivable
customer record, 3-90 account sets, 2-40
adding account sets, 3-35
adding billing cycles, 3-37
S adding currency information (for
multicurrency ledgers), 3-10
Sage Accpac General Ledger adding customer records, 3-64
using G/L Integration options, 2-31 adding distribution codes, 3-39
Sage Accpac Workbook, 1-11 adding dunning messages, 3-41
retainage accounting (overview), 2-6 preparing in your other system, 3-8
salesperson records, 2-57 salesperson records, 2-57
selecting options from the Options form, sorting order of codes and numbers,
3-10 2-38
selecting the Multicurrency option, 3-12 terms codes, 2-58
ship-to locations Setup wizard
overview, 2-89 using to create new database, 3-1
summary of multicurrency setup, 2-101 Ship Via Description, 3-89
summary of steps, 3-1 Ship Via method
terms codes, 2-58 specifying defaults for customers, 2-86,
using the Setup Checklist, 3-3 3-88
using the Setup wizard, 3-1 Shipping address
Setting up Currency information entering for ship-to-locations, 3-97
summary of setup, 2-101
statistics, 2-10 selecting Multiple Payment Schedule
in customer records option, 3-54
overview, 2-88 using due date tables, 2-59
including in discount base, 2-59 Terms code
including in statistics, 2-10 Multiple Payment Schedule option, 2-59
on retainage Terms form
timing, 2-30 using, 3-53
specifying alternate tax base amounts in Terms record
item records, 3-49 adding, 3-53
Tax calculation Territory code
default calculation methods for invoice entering in customer records, 3-83
entry, 3-17 entering in ship-to-locations, 3-97
specifying a default calculation method Timed payments
for invoice entry, 2-14 See: Multiple Payment Schedule option
Transaction Analysis and Optional Fields Use Item Comment As Default option
Creator overview, 2-15
install before activating Accounts selecting, 3-17
Receivable, 2-2 Use Separate Document Numbering When
Transactions Creating Retainage Documents option,
assigning data to G/L transaction fields, 2-28
2-35, 3-31 Using Accounts Receivable
entering to set up customer balances with a browser, 3-2
overview, 2-97 with other Sage Accpac programs, 1-9
processing for national accounts Using an Accounts Receivable item list
overview, 2-73 with Sage Accpac Inventory Control,
Transactions options 2-54
Default transaction type, 2-17 Using Finders, 3-6
Using Help, 3-6
Using the Getting Started manual, 1-10
Zero rate
to turn off interest charges, 2-52
Zero-balance accounts
Print Zero-Balance Statements option,