Zones Lesson Plan

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Viterbo University

Lesson Plan Template

Effective Fall 2014

This lesson plan template includes all the Viterbo Essential Elements. For full instructions and examples of each
of the lesson plan components, see the Viterbo Essential Elements posted on Moodle in the Education Majors
course. All items below will expand as needed to add text.

Name__Chelsea Beinborn______________________ Date_3/1/17______________________

Lesson Title_____Creating Zones Posters______________ Grade Level __2nd___ Time Frame__30


Learner Profile and Contextual Factors: Increase knowledge of emotional vocabulary and recognition of facial
expressions that transfer outside the classroom.

Curriculum Standards: 2nd Grade Unit Goal/Central Focus Resources

Literacy in all subjects: Comprehension Student become familiar with the concept
and Collaboration: Participate in of The Zones. Students increase Materials:12x18 construction paper
collaborative conversations with diverse emotional vocabulary. Students increase in green, yellow, blue, red
partners about grade 2 topics and texts with recognition of facial expressions. Black construction paper
peers and adults in small and larger groups. Unit Summative Assessment Crayons, scissors, glue, Zones
a. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions Completed The Zones of Regulation wall Emotions (reproducible C), Zones
(e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, posters labels (reproducible D), Zones
listening to others with care, speaking one at regulation visuals (reproducible E),
a time about the topics and texts under container such as hat, basket, or
discussion). bucket
b. Build on others talk in conversations by
linking their comments to the remarks of Text: On Monday When It Rained
others. by Cherryl Kachenmeister
c. Ask for clarification and further
explanation as needed about the topics and
texts under discussion.
People: Special Education Instructor

Prior Student Knowledge: What previous knowledge is necessary for the students to successfully master the objectives? What knowledge do
students already have that this lesson will build upon? Can describe different feelings or emotions such as sad, angry, happy, etc.
Lesson Objectives: Defines what the student will learn, understand, and Formative Assessment: How will students demonstrate understanding
be able to do upon completion of the lesson. The instructions for writing of lesson objective(s)? How will you monitor and/or give feedback?
objectives and examples are found in the Viterbo Essential Elements. Make sure that each assessment measures the learning expressed in the
objective. Please indicate the tool that you will use and how you will
Students will be able to recognize their own feelings and corresponding measure student understanding. (See VU Essential Elements for more info.)
zones at a given time. Complete of The Zones poster will assessed for accuracy. Verbal
feedback for peers and teacher will be given during and after the poster
completion. Ongoing discussions will take place during the assessment.

Academic Language:
What is the key language demand/function?
What academic language will you teach and/or develop? What is the key vocabulary and/or symbols?
What opportunities will you provide for students to practice content language and/or vocabulary and develop fluency?
What supports will you provide that will help students understand and successfully use the academic language?

Key Language demands and Academic Language Practice Support
Happy, Sad, mad Good-to-go, calm, focused, Students will discuss pictures of The teacher will demonstrate
bored, frustrated, overwhelmed, facial expression and what zone some facial expressions or have
anxious, surprised, terror, they correspond to. We will volunteers demonstrate and
aggression, elation discuss what the new descried the known and
vocabulary terms mean and unknown vocabulary.
look like.
Lesson procedures reflect best practices that are research-based and have a direct and positive effect on the teaching/learning environment.
You should indicate the time needed for each component of the lesson. Lesson plans should be detailed enough that any teacher could teach the
lesson from the plan.

Time Intro/Motivation/Anticipatory Set: How will you engage Differentiation for All / Multiple Pathways/Alternative Teaching
your students interest and set the purpose and relevance for the Approaches
lesson? Use knowledge of students academic, social, and
cultural characteristics.
The introduction for the lesson will be a read aloud by the Students will have a hands-on activity, informal discussion, and
teacher of On Monday When It Rained. To activate prior teacher read aloud in order to provide concepts in different ways to
knowledge, an informal discussion will take place. Ask: Name meet different learning needs. Alternative mediums may be used
a time that you have felt(sad, frustrated, bored, etc.) and such as a video may be supplemented to reinforce concepts.
Instructional Procedures/Developmental Lesson/Universal
Core: See the VU Essential Elements for a List of Best
Teaching Practices to consider as you plan. Also, consider the
questions and/or activities that you will use to engage your
students in higher order thinking.
Students will cut out the traffic sign shapes from construction
paper. Students will cut out 4 traffic signs posts from black
construction paper and the Zones labels. Students will cut and
color all of the emotion cards. Put emotion cards in a hat, box,
or basket and let students pick one card. Students will discuss
what they think the facial expression emotion is and what zone
it belongs to. Ensure students explain why they are choosing
the zone. Continue until all emotion cards are placed. Glue
the cards to the appropriate zone. Hang posters in room where
students can see and read them.
Students will remain engaged by the teacher challenging them
to categorize all the ways we feel into the four Zones groups
(red, yellow, blue, and green). The concepts of the Zones will
be introduced with the wall posters.
Closure: Verbalize or demonstrate learning or skill one more
time. Connect to next steps or future learning.
Assess students abilities to recognize their zones at the end of
the lesson by having the students state how they feel at the
present time and asking them to identify their zone.
Ask: How will sorting the ways you feel and act into four
zones help you understand yourself better? How will it help
you understand your classmates better?
IEP Requirements
John will identify and manage feelings (i.e., anger, anxiety, stress, frustration) on a daily basis using appropriate
solutions (i.e. breathing, time-out, walking, meditation) with 80% accuracy.

Rationale/Theoretical Reasoning/ Research: What research or theory supports instructional strategies you are using with your students? Select a
strategy and justify with research or theory.

The Zones curriculum is designed for students who struggle with self-regulation. Sometimes deficits in regulation could be a manifestation of a
neurobiological disorder and/or a social-learning challenge. Self-regulation includes regulating ones sensory needs, emotions, and impulses to
meet the demands of the environment, reach ones goals, and behave in a socially appropriate way. Social-emotional awareness is a life skill that
all can benefit from.

Management/Safety Issues: What management and safety issues need to be considered when teaching this lesson?

Classroom Management: Student will follow the schools PBIS model. Students have previously created social skills
classroom rules of: Listen when other people are talking and wait until they are finished. Be nice. Take turns. Follow

Safety: Students will follow the schools safety/PBIS rules.

Analysis: Include quantitative (numerical) and qualitative (descriptive) data which address the questions: Did the students attain each objective?
How do you know? What is your evidence? The completion of the wall posters and discussion about facial expressions and their corresponding
zones placement will allow the teacher to assess understanding of objects and concepts. During the closing, students are to verbally identify how
they feel at the present time and identify their zone. Even if students dont have the tools yet to do something about their emotions, at least they
can better tell others how they feel using common language from Zone of Regulation.
Reflection/Future Modifications: Provide specific, evidence-based example, not generalizations.

To what extent did the class learn what you intended them to learn? Provide specific, evidence-based examples of
student learning?
What did you learn about your students as learners?
What will be your next instructional steps?
What have you learned about yourself as a teacher?

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