KIZAD Guidelines
KIZAD Guidelines
KIZAD Guidelines
Scope of Work
The scope of work includes, but is not limited to the following minimum requirements: -
All staff working at site shall undergo a KIZAD safety orientation and wear PPE at site. Approval from
ADPC and relevant authorities shall be sought prior to start of works.
Trial holes dug prior to drilling commencing (to check for any existing utilities) shall be slightly to one
side of the borehole location so the borehole starts from undisturbed existing ground level which is not
contaminated by soil from the trial hole.
For boreholes, a truck mounted rotary drilling rig and a trailer mounted Pilcon Wayfarer drilling rig is
proposed, using a combination of cable percussive boring and rotary coring techniques
All works shall be carried out in accordance with British Standards BS 10175: Code of practice for
investigation of potentially contaminated sites, BS 5930:1999 Code of Practice for Site Investigation,
and BS 1377:1990 Methods of Test for Soils for Engineering Purposes.
investigation of potentially contaminated sites and BS 5930:1999 Code of Practice for Site
Investigation method for chemical testing.
Setting out
Set out the borehole and other field test locations, with references to coordinates and at least two
benchmarks nearby or close to the site. At least one borehole with standpipe (piezometer) shall be
located outside the footprint of the permanent buildings/structures to allow for future long-term
monitoring by the Occupier. All test locations shall be at least 15m from the boundary wall inside the
plot to be away from the minimum setbacks specified in Kizad Development Control Regulations as part
of Kizad Rules.
Truck mounted rotary drilling rig and a trailer mounted Pilcon Wayfarer drilling rig, using a combination
of cable percussive boring and rotary coring techniques. The boreholes shall be advanced using tricone
drilling bits in a diameter suitable for the intended purpose, but not greater than 250mm. With this
method of drilling no flushing medium is used, however once groundwater is encountered water has to
be introduced to the hollow stem in order to stabilise the base of the hole when the inner rods or plug
are withdrawn. Potable water shall be used for this purpose. Should rock be encountered the boreholes
would be advanced using a tricone drill bit with potable water being used as the flushing medium.
Samples of the soils would be obtained at 1 meter and 2 meter depth using a split spoon sampler. After
each sample has been taken the sampler shall be carefully cleaned using potable water and detergent.
After rinsing with de-ionised water, the sampler shall be allowed to air dry before being used again.
When handling the sampler personnel shall wear disposable rubber gloves at all times.
No petroleum based products shall be used on either the drill or sampling tools. If required a light
coating of vegetable oil may be applied to threaded connections.
Any samples required for chemical analyses shall be placed into appropriately prepared and labeled
containers, which will then be placed into an ice filled cool-box for transportation to the laboratory.
Any water samples required during drilling will be obtained using a disposable bailer.
On completion of each borehole, the drilling rig and all down-hole equipment will be thoroughly cleaned
using a high pressure, hot water cleaner, prior to moving to the next location.
All works would be carried out in accordance with British Standards BS 10175: Code of practice for
investigation of potentially contaminated sites, BS 5930:1999 Code of Practice for Site Investigation,
and BS 1377:1990 Methods of Test for Soils for Engineering Purposes.
Monitoring Wells
Upon completion of a borehole, a monitoring well shall be formed through the hollow stem of the auger.
Each installation will consist of commercially produced 50mm ID uPVC well screen and casing, with
threaded connections. Each well consists of 3m of screen, 2m of which will be placed below
groundwater level. Plain casing shall then be used to about 0.5m above ground level. The annulus
between the pipe and the wall of the borehole shall be backfilled with suitable filter material. The
material used for this purpose will be agreed with the Owners Representative prior to mobilisation to
At the surface the riser pipe shall be enclosed within a steel protective casing, which will be set into a
concrete pad. The identification number of each installation shall be marked in the wet concrete.
Groundwater Sampling
To ensure that there is no cross contamination between monitoring points, disposable sampling bailers
shall be used, with a new one being used for each location.
Before sampling, each well will be purged by removing a volume of water to approximately 5 times the
theoretical volume of each well. This purging will also be carried out using disposable bailers, with the
volume removed being measured by emptying the bailer into a bucket. Temperature, pH and EC will be
monitored during purging and a record kept.
At the moment of sampling, the temperature will be recorded using calibrated thermometer. The sample
will be poured into specimen bottles, which will contain stabilising chemicals appropriate to the suite of
tests for which the sub sample is required.
The sample bottles then be placed into cool boxes and packed around with ice to prevent evaporation
of any volatile compounds. The samples shall be delivered to the testing laboratory within 24 hours of
While purging each well and during sampling personnel shall wear disposable latex or neoprene gloves.
Sample Handling
The water and soil samples shall be packed in coolboxes and sent to laboratory. All efforts shall be
made to transport the samples within 48 hours of sampling.
Accredited Laboratory
The above laboratory tests on soil and water samples shall be performed by an accredited laboratory
approved by the Emirates Standardization and Metrology Authority (ESMA), in compliance with Emirates
National Accreditation System (ENAS). Occupiers must refer to the latest updates for ESMA accredited
laboratories active in UAE (link below).
The factual report on the work shall include a general description of the works, site plan and details of
each well installation with the recorded water level during the site work. No interpretation will be given.