Black Orc Warband v1.1
Black Orc Warband v1.1
Black Orc Warband v1.1
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
4 4 4 4 4 1 3 1 8 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 1 7
Weapons/Armour:A Black Orc Boss may be Weapons/Armour:A Black Orc Big 'Un may be
equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the
Black Orc list. Black Orc list.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
4 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 7 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7
Weapons/Armour:Black Orc Boys may be equipped Weapons/Armour:Orc Boys may be equipped with
with weapons and armour chosen from the Black Orc weapons and armour chosen from the Henchmen
list. list.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
6 3 1 5 4 3 1 3 4
Fear, Stupidity, Large Target.
Regeneration: Trolls have a unique physiology that
allows them to regenerate wounds. Whenever an
enemy successfully inflicts a wound on a Troll roll a
D6, on a result of 4 or more the wound is ignored
and the Troll is unhurt. Trolls may not regenerate
wounds caused by fire or fire-based magic. Trolls
never roll for Injury after a battle, unless they were
taken Out of Action by a Flaming weapon or spell.
Then they roll after the battle as a normal
Dumb Monster: A Troll is far too stupid to ever
learn any new skills. Trolls do not gain experience.
Always Hungry: A Troll requires an upkeep cost.
This upkeep represents the copious amounts of food
that must be fed to the Troll in order to keep him
loyal to the warband. The warband must pay 20 gold
crowns after every game in order to keep the Troll. If
a warband lacks the gold to pay the upkeep, the Boss
has the option to let him count as 2 members, letting
the Troll cost only 5 crowns. However this does
effectively drop your maximum warband size down
to 11 models).
Vomit Attack: Instead of his normal attacks, a Troll
can regurgitate its highly corrosive digestive juices
on an unfortunate hand-to-hand combat opponent.
This is a single attack that automatically hits with a
Strength of 5 and ignores armour saves.
Additional Notes and Rules
Designer's Notes: D6 Result
My main reason for writing this set of rules is that 1 I Erd Dat! The warrior decides that the nearest
while the original Black Orc warband was friendly Orc or Goblin Henchman has insulted his
interesting, it seemed more like a restricted version lineage or personal hygiene and must pay the price!
of Da Mob Rules with Black Orc Heroes (well... If there is a friendly Orc or Goblin Henchman or
three of them) than a Black Orc warband. Hired Sword within charge reach (if there are
Here I wanted to address this while still allowing a multiple targets within reach, choose the one nearest
similar style of warband that the previous version to the mad model), the offended warrior will
enabled. immediately charge and fight a round of hand-to
Primarily this meant removing the Young 'Un hero hand combat against the source of his ire. At the end
option, increasing the allowance of Black Orcs (re- of this round of combat, the models will
named as Black Orc Big 'Uns) and adding a Black immediately move 1" apart and no longer count as
Orc Henchmen type. The single Orc Henchmen being in close combat (unless one of them fails
group should provide the freedom to do what you another Animosity test and rolls this result again). If
could with the Boys, Shootaz and Nuttaz though I there are no friendly Orc or Goblin Henchmen or
admit that the flavour might be lost a bit. That said I Hired Swords within charge reach, and the warrior is
always felt the Nuttaz were slightly out of place, armed with a missile weapon, he immediately takes
better suited for a possible Savage Orc warband and a shot at the nearest friendly Orc or Goblin
the restriction on Shootaz/crossbows seemed Henchman or Hired Sword. If none of the above
unnecessary applies, or if the nearest friendly model is an Orc
Hero, the warrior behaves as if a 2-5 had been rolled
Large portions of this document are taken from the on this chart. In any case, the warrior in question
original rules so credit where it's due. may take no other action this turn, though he may
defend himself if attacked in hand-to-hand combat.