22 - Renewable Energy Case Study ZA Kusakana
22 - Renewable Energy Case Study ZA Kusakana
22 - Renewable Energy Case Study ZA Kusakana
Renewable Energy
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This study investigates the possibility of using and developing hydrokinetic power to supply reliable,
Received 21 August 2012 affordable and sustainable electricity to rural, remote and isolated loads in rural South Africa where
Accepted 24 December 2012 reasonable water resource is available. Simulations are performed using the Hybrid Optimization Model
Available online
for Electric Renewable (HOMER) and the results are compared to those from other supply options such as
standalone Photovoltaic system (PV), wind, diesel generator (DG) and grid extension. Finally the paper
points out some major challenges that are facing the development of this technology in South Africa.
Hydrokinetic power
2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Renewable energy
Rural electrication
South Africa
0960-1481/$ e see front matter 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy
Table 1
Hydropower potential in South Africa.
seriously in South Africa. No signicant development of hydropower The terms hydrokinetic encapsulate both tidal and river appli-
in the country has been noted for 30 years, except the new small- cations. Within the context of this paper, the focus is on river
scale installation of 7 MW capacity commissioned at the Sol Plaatjie application, since it is suitable for energy generation at remote and
Municipality Free State province. At the present the overall hydro- isolated locations.
electricity generation capacity represents only about 5% of present
total 45,500 MW installed generation capacity [5]. Table 1 below 3.2. The turbine
gives a summary of the hydropower potential in South Africa.
Most of the operation principles of the hydrokinetic turbines are
2.2. Where to look for hydroelectricity in South Africa based upon wind turbines, as they work in a similar way but with
the possibility of having close to 1000 time more energy from the
The rural communities in the Eastern Cape, Mpumalanga and hydrokinetic compared to the wind turbine of the same swept area
KwaZulu-Natal provinces have access to water resources with good [8]. The power available (Pa) in watts can be worked out using the
hydropower potential [6]. The development of small-scale tradi- following equation.
tional hydroelectric installation particularly for the commercial and
domestic consumption should be strongly promoted and sup- Pa A r V 3 Cp (1)
ported. Communities with hydropower potential and interest in 2
developing hydroelectricity needs a wide professional support
since any new hydropower installation is costly and requires A area in metres squared (m2)
technical and operational inputs from civil, mechanical and elec- r density of water (1000 kg/m3)
trical professionals. The gure below shows the areas where po- V velocity of water (m/s)
tential site for development of micro-hydropower as well as the Cp the power coefcient
location where they have already been implemented [7].
We have to notice that Fig. 1 and Table 1 do not take into con- The theoretical maximum power available from the river is
sideration the energy potentially available from hydrokinetic which expressed by the equation above using a power coefcient of 0.592
can represent a potential source of electric power even greater than or 59% efciency. But a small-scale river turbine has its own losses
the one from micro- and pico-hydropower plants. The ideal loca- which will reduce the power coefcient to around 0.25.
tion for a hydrokinetic turbine is to be located in deep strong From equation (1) above, it is noticeable that the power in-
owing rivers or immediately downstream from an existing con- creases in a cubed relationship to the velocity of the ow of water
ventional hydropower plant where electric transmission wires and
interconnection facilities are located, and also where the energy
remaining in the water current existing from the turbines in the
dam can be reused. Theoretically, a greater number of potential
sites to implement hydrokinetic power can be identied compare
the traditional small-scale hydropower.
3. Hydrokinetic power
3.1. Technology
No dam,
No destruction of nearby land,
No change in the river ow direction,
Reduction of ora and fauna destruction. Fig. 1. Small-scale hydropower distribution in South Africa.
Author's personal copy
Table 2 Table 4
Domestic power demand estimation. BTS load.
Equipment Amount Power (kW) Time (h) Energy (kWh/d) Items Power consumption (kW) Usage h/day
Light 5 0.006 6 0.18 Constant site load (BTS, TX) 2 24
Radio 1 0.020 5 0.1 Air-conditioner (12,000 BTU) 1.8 6
T.V. 1 0.07 5 0.35 Air-conditioner start-up 3.3 e
Iron 1 1 0.1 0.1
Kettle 1 1.5 0.05 0.075
Fridge 1 0.12 24 2.88
Phone charger 3 0.004 1 0.012 4.1.2. Resources assessment
The summary of the water velocity [14], wind velocity and solar
radiation [15] from the site is shown in Table 3.
past the turbine. Therefore it is important to nd the best ow to The theoretical potential power available from the hydrokinetic
get the best power output. turbine (Pa) can be found with the help of equation (1) using the
following characteristics from the selected stream:
3.3. Generator
Minimum water velocity in the worst month: 1.41 m/s
In order to reduce costs, and to be able to rely on locally-made Viable depth: 1.8 m
technology, permanent magnet generator can be used. The mag- Width: 5.2 m
nets allowed the speed of generation to be reduced, and lowered Cross sectional area: 9.36 m2
the cost of the equipment, which itself could be adapted to be Pa 1075 kW
a river turbine rotor and ultimately, tested and built [9]. Due to
lower generation speed, gearboxes or generators with high number A correction factor of 0.8 has been applied to the measured
of poles can be used [10]. values to accommodate friction effects along the bottom and sides
of the river on the current velocity [16]. With reasonable sizing of
the battery storage system, this available power can cover the load
4. System design
energy requirement without interruption. The selected site has
very good solar and wind resources as shown in Table 3, so the solar
The HOMER simulation program has been chosen as a tool for
PV system, wind and the standalone diesel generator can be com-
system design. HOMER was selected due to its capability to evaluate
pared to the hydrokinetic while supplying the same load to nd out
the best option by harnessing energy from a single or combination of
which one is the best supply option for the site.
various energy resources [11]. It is an economic model that provides
rational selection of the most cost effective option [12]. Fur-
thermore, its hourly energy ow approach offers a comprehensive 4.2. Case 2: base transceiver station
analysis of the system performance throughout a year. Two case
studies have been conducted on different sites from which the load 4.2.1. Load description
energy demand, the renewable energy resources, as well as the cost The medium-sized indoor base transceiver station used has an
of the supply options (hydrokinetic, solar PV, wind, diesel generator equipment power loading of 2 kW. The items and their power
and grid extension) have been used as input to HOMER. consumptions are given in Table 4. Normally the full load will only
be the constant site load and the air-conditioner running power (or
3.8 kW), or when temperatures permit the air-conditioners to be
4.1. Case 1: rural household
shut off, only the BTS load (2 kW) [17]. The total power required in
the worst case will be the full load plus the air-conditioner start-up
4.1.1. Load description
power (7.1 kW). Thus the load is 7.1 kW peak and 58.8 kWh energy
For this rst case, a typical rural household in the KwaZulu-
consumption per day.
Natal has been selected.
The site is situated at 30.6 Latitude South and 29.4 Longitude
4.2.2. Resources assessment
The summary of the water velocity [14], wind velocity and solar
Table 2 gives domestic appliances, power demand and running
radiation [15] from the site is shown in Table 3 plus the air-condi-
times for an average typical household in rural South Africa [13].
tioner start-up power (7.1 kW). Thus the load is 7.1 kW peak and
The load is 3.4 kW peak and 9.5 kWh per day.
58.8 kWh energy consumption per day.
Table 3
Site 1 energy resources. Table 5
Site 2 energy resources.
Month Water speed Daily radiation Wind speed
(m/s) (kWh/m2/d) (m/s) Month Water speed (m/s) Daily radiation (kWh/m2/d) Wind speed (m/s)
January 5.31 6.23 4.1 January 6.410 8.44 6.6
February 7.25 5.83 3.9 February 5.270 7.50 5.9
March 6.09 5.21 3.8 March 3.830 6.22 5.8
April 1.81 4.46 3.9 April 3.120 4.66 5.1
May 2.67 3.81 4.1 May 2.470 3.43 4.9
June 2.18 3.33 4.5 June 2.160 3.01 5.3
July 1.84 3.62 4.5 July 1.580 3.21 5.1
August 1.54 4.29 4.6 August 1.220 4.10 5.3
September 1.41 5.08 4.8 September 1.710 5.33 5.6
October 1.69 5.41 4.6 October 2.430 6.82 6.2
November 2.83 6.00 4.3 November 4.190 7.96 6.2
December 5.27 6.35 4.0 December 6.600 8.51 6.0
Average 3.32 4.947 4.26 Average 3.047 5.76 5.7
Author's personal copy
Power Output (kW)
Table 7
Simulation results summary (Case 1).
Table 8
Diesel generator emissions.
Table 9
Simulation results summary (Case 2).
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