Complementary Push-Pull Amplifiers
Complementary Push-Pull Amplifiers
Complementary Push-Pull Amplifiers
Email: [email protected]
20 February 2008
Revised 10 June 2008
Revised 2 December 2008
Revised 4 July 2013
Revised 15 September 2013
As it is, the 2N5160 is currently only avail- Fig. 3 - 2N5160 Characteristic Curves
able from Microsemi, as part of its ever-grow- (horizontal 1V/div, vertical 2mA/div,
ing line of replacement semiconductors. That 20A/step)
product line grew substatially a few decades
ago when Motorola suddenly decided that it creases with time.
was no longer going to be a participant in the
discrete semiconductor market. The 2N5160 A Pair of Updated Complementary
now costs around $US10 each in small quanti- Push-Pull Amplifier Designs
ties, and will likely increase as the demand for
replacement devices such as this naturally de- Both of the circuits discussed thus far
Parts List
Parts List
C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 - 0.1uF Q4 - 2N2907, 2N4403, MPS6523, or
BFQ149 (see text)
D1, D2 - 1N914 or 1N4148
R1, R2 - 1.0M
Q1 - J309, J310, or U310 R3 - 100 ohms
Q2 - J174, J270, or J271 (preferred) R4, R6 - 10K
Q3 - 2N2222, 2N4401, MPS6521, or BFQ19 R5 - 3.3K (estimated)
(see text) R7 - 22 ohms
Prototype Construction
and Testing
The HE010 Active Rod a push-pull Darlington output stage, which pro-
Antenna Amplifier vides better linearity by way. Biasing control
circuitry is also included that maintiains a con-
An interesting active antenna amplifier trolled output stage biasing current over tem-
worth considering is the HE010 Active Rod perature. Overall, this is a high-quality product,
Antenna manufactured by Rohde & Schwarz but the push-pull Darlington configuration of the
(3). Shown in block diagram form in Fig. 7, the output stage combined with the current sens-
amplifier consists of a single-ended JFET in- ing resistot R5 negatively impacts the dynamic
put stage similar to that of the KAA 1000, and range of the output stage.
This shortcoming can be remedied by by way of the DC voltage drop across the base-
employing complementary Darlington pairs in emitter junctions of Q3 and Q4, which allows
the output stage, as shown in Fig. 8. Compar- the signal voltages driving the base terminals
ing this ampflifier with those of Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, of output transistors Q5 and Q6 to approach
the intermediate stage transistors Q3 and Q4 closer to the supply rail and ground, respectively.
replace the temperature compensating diodes
D1 and D2, retaining the desireable tempera- Another commercial product, the Clifton
ture compensation scheme and at the same Laboratories Z1501D, employs a configuration
time retaining the higher gain and hence better similar to that of Fig. 8, using a single-ended
linearity as with the HE010. In addition, the intermediate stage in place of the complemen-
dynamic range of the output stage is increased tary pair Q3/Q4 (4).
beyond that of the amplifiers of Fig. 4 and Fig. 5
sense, the difference between the signal cur- T1 of fig. 10. Now, the amplified error signal is
rents of Q1 and Q2 will result in a difference coupled to the sources of JFETs Q1 and Q2,
signal voltage at the gate of the added JFET resulting in a substantial improvement in the
Q7. When in proper balance, the signal and balance of the two devices and a subsequent
odd-order distortion products will cancel and reduction in the even-order distortion products
the even-order distortion products will be conducted to the output stage.
summed, resulting in an error signal.
The push-pull complementary Darlington
The negative feedback loop is easily com- output stage of Fig. 9 can be added to Fig. 11,
pleted by adding a third winding to transformer and the full circuit is shown in Fig. 12.
1. -----, Erzeugnisunterlage Aktive Stabantenne KAA 1000 Typ 1557.28 (Equipment Docu-
mentation Active Rod Aerial KAA 1000 Type 1557.28), Funkwerk Kpenick, Berlin, July
1982 (copies in both German and English are available on eBay from the seller Klaus-
Dieter Brunn of Berlin).
2. Lankford, D., Simplified Complementary Push-Pull Output Active Whip Antennas, 7 Dec
2007 (online publication)
3. -----, HE010 Active Rod Antenna Manual, Rohde & Schwarz, Radiomonitoring and
Radiolocation Division, Munich, Germany, 30 September 1998.
4. Smith, Jack, Z1501D Active Antenna Instruction Manual (revised), Clifton Laboratories,
Clifton, Virginia, 8 September 2010.