Procedure: Experiment #2 Objective

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Experiment #2

To investigate the relationship between Moment of inertia and
radius using pin point masses.

1. Apparatus for investigating inertia in rotational motion (TM
2. Digital Stop Watch
3. A steel meter ruler
4. A set of weights (100g, 200g and 400g)

1. As in Part A, the pipe is being fixed to the center of the
rotational axle.
2. Two 400g of weights are being fixed on the pipe by placing
each of the weights on each sides.
3. The effective radius (R) is set sequentially at 0.210m, 0.180m,
4. Besides that, the drive mass for this part experiments are fixed
to 100g as well.
5. The drive mass is adjust to the height of 40cm from the ground
for each experiments and the lapsed time (t) is being calculate by
using the stop watch.
At the moment of the drive mass is start dropping, the stop watch
is started
and is stopped when the drive mass had reach the ground.
6. The experiments are repeated three times using the same
heights in order to
limit error in time measurement. After three trials, the
experiments are
carried on by adjusting the radius R as mention ion step 3.
7. The average time obtained is recorded into the results table.
The I experiment
and I corrected are being calculated and graphs are being plot as to
identify the
relationship of rotational inertia to the radius.
Observations & Calculations:
Radius( Time (t) Avg Time Iexperiment(kg Icorrected
mm) (t) m2 ) (kgm2)

As conclusion, we can say that the moment of inertia of a rigid
body is actually being affected by two variables, mass and the
effective radius. Both of these variables are directly proportional
to the moment o inertia of the rigid body. In other words, the
moment of inertia is increases as the mass increase or as the
effective radius increase. Besides that, the hollow cylinder has the
larger moment of inertia when compared with the solid cylinder.
The value of moment of inertia of the hollow cylinder is twice as
much as the moment of inertia of the solid cylinder.

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