Spred Newsletter March 2017
Spred Newsletter March 2017
Spred Newsletter March 2017
in Spredare abouthalf way throughour year and the gift-givingjust goeson in the
nicestpossibleway without amiety, concernand loneliness.
During the preparationphase,we sit quietly side by side in calming light with our
activities;we work slowly andpeacefully,stilling ourselves.Thereis beautiful,gentle
music playing to soothebody and spirit in readinessfor the celebrationroom. We
probablydon't eventhink aboutgift-giving, we may be unawarethat we have any gift
to give, but we do.
The gift we give and receiveis a specialgift indeed,and that is the gift of peace.
"For where two or three come toqether in mv name. I am there with them."
Matthew 18:20
is delivered
It is said thal the eyesarea mirror of the soul,so thatasthe message
with the leaderlooking directly into the eyesof eachperson,and they in turn
looking into the leaderseyes,eachseesdeeplyinto the soul of the other.As we
listen to the message,gazingintothe eyesof the other,we aiiow the Holy Spirit
to renew and transformus.
Whiie listening to that very short, simple messageboth friends and catechists
experiencethe love that flows betweenthem. The touch of handsbeingjoined
and held, which for our friends is somethingthey may not be comfortablewith
in normal circumstances,is waited for eagerlyand acceptedwillingly. We are
all awarethat we areall being given a gift.
I listento catechists
talking abouttheir experienceof Spredandthe thoughtsand
expectations theyhadwhentheyfirst startedandhow dramaticallytheir vier,vhas
changedover time.
Ard all of themtalk aboutthe wonderful feeling of how much they get from their
specialfriend and the other group members;about the gifts they receive w-hich
they had neverexpected;and how they all hope that the giving and receivingof
all theseamazing,wonderful gifts will just go on.
The gifts of Spredhaveno monetarycost but have a value way beyond any'thing
any of us could afford.
Emma Robertson
Special Rcligrous DcvCopmca'f
Noo-Prsfit Org-
of Ch.iczgo ,2556 S- Lo'weAveuuc,ChiczgaJ PAID
60616, Scptcmba-May Subsrriptioo SZ0-0 CHCACIO,IL
r Sr- M?ry Thffisc Ea-ringtcn S.IL EERTfiT}iO-7769