1a - Viiiviiii-Squadgoals
1a - Viiiviiii-Squadgoals
1a - Viiiviiii-Squadgoals
School: Conrad Ball Middle School Grade Level: 6 grade Content Area: Chemistry
Title: Squad Goals Lesson #: 8 of
Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: (Write Content Standards directly from the standard)
PS1-1: Develop models to describe the atomic composition of simple molecules and extended structures.
This is an ongoing standard for the entire atoms unit.
Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of instruction, select applicable
questions from standard)
1. What are valence electrons?
2. How many valence electrons does an atom need to have a full octet?
3. How do you construct a complete bohr model?
4. How do elements use their valence electrons to bond with one another?
5. What makes some elements want to bond with other specific elements?
Approx. Time Materials: students ipad, pencil for writing, squad goals worksheet, periodic table of elements
and Materials
Approximate time:
0-5 minutes: Do Now
5-8 minutes: Agenda, Standard, and Learning Target
8-54 minutes: Squad Goals
Anticipatory The students have a routine that they are used to. I like to keep the consistency each morning
Set when starting class so that students are always prepared and begin the day working. There will
be a Do Now activity for them to complete posted through the projector. This activity reviews the
material for the previous lesson in order for the students to remember what they learned and to
make connections to what they will be learning in todays lesson. I like to make the Do Now on
the easier side because I believe that if the students start the day with a correct response, they
will be more receptive to learning about new topics and continuing their academic growth. For this
Do Now, I will have students answer the question: Which element would be happier? An
element with 7 valence electrons, or an element with 8 valence electrons. Explain why. I chose
this question because it builds on students understanding that elements with 8 valence electrons
dont need to bond with other elements, but elements with 7 valence electrons really want to bond
to have a full octet, or full shell of 8 electrons.
Closure The closure for this assignment will be a debrief with the students. Towards the end of the class
period, I will talk with groups of students about their assignment. I will ask them questions that
pertain to their answers, such as, Who do you think that sodium will choose to be in his squad? I
will also ask students who choose to complete the more challenging assignment why neon does
not need to bond with anyone else. This will act as a closure because I will be able to assess
where students are towards the end of the lesson and design an introduction appropriate to reach
a variety of students for the next class period.
Differentiation Do Now: During the Do Now, students are allowed to use their notes to answer the prompt.
There are several modes of accessing the daily prompt, such as it is projected on the screen as
well as accessible through their iPads. The students are also encouraged to answer the prompt
using whatever creative outlet they choose.
Squad Goals: During the activity there are different levels of understanding that students can
choose to complete. Each student is given the opportunity to test their understanding at any level
they see fit and are encouraged to move up a level if the assignment is too simple, or to move
down a level if they feel they are struggling.
Assessment Do Now: The Do Now is a basic post-lesson assessment that students complete each morning
to help their understanding of prior knowledge and how they can connect that knowledge to the
day's lesson.
Check for Understanding: X2 throughout the lesson for basic understanding on how to guide
students for their best learning
Squad Goals: The students will complete the assessment in order to make sure they understand
the concept of valence electrons and how elements use them to bond and create molecules