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Common Inspection Training Report Kosovo (UNHCR1244)

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The European Unions Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)

Working Group 4 ECENA Activity Scheme 4.1

Capacity building regarding compliance with environmental
legislation through better understanding of issues and identification
of targeted solutions (training of inspectors and permit writers)


Country: Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

Dates: 12 15 April 2011

This project is funded by A project implemented by a

the European Union Consortium led by Hulla & Co.
Human Dynamics KG
Training Evaluation report Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

RENA Working Group 4 ECENA - Activity 4.1 Capacity building regarding compliance with
environmental legislation through better understanding of issues and identification of targeted
solutions (training of inspectors and permit writers) , 12 15 April 2011, Pristina, Kosovo under
UNSCR 1244/99

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 2

2. Background 2

3. Delegates ` 3

4. Training Materials 4

5. Course Content 4

6. Feedback and Response 5

7. Conclusions 5

ANNEX 1: Training Programme

ANNEX 2: a. Environmental Consent SHARRCEM Cement Factory, Kosovo
b. Presentation SHARRCEM Cement Industry - Kosovo
c. Presentation Basic Information Cement Industry in Croatia
d. Presentation permit new cement industry and inspection in Albania
ANNEX 3: a. Training Evaluation Form Summary- Kosovo participants
b. Training Evaluation Form Summary- Invited inspectors Albania and Croatia

Report prepared by:

Rob Glaser, Senior Technical Expert , Permitting and Inspection
Ike van der Putte (RENA Team Leader and coordinator WG 4 ECENA)

Dr. Ir. Ike van der Putte
Tel: +31 15 750 16 00
Mob: +31 653 948 067
Fax: +31 15 750 1610
e-mail: [email protected]

This project is funded by the European Union.

RENA Secretariat: Hulla & Co. Human Dynamics KG; Lothringer Strasse 16, 1030 Vienna (Wien), Austria
Tel: +43 1 402 50 21 12; Fax: +43 1 402 50 20 20; email: [email protected]
Website: www.renanetwork.org

Training Evaluation report Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

1. Introduction
The second training course in the series of eight courses was given in Kosovo in the AFA Hotel, Pristina
from 12 15 April 2011. The total number of participants was 30 (inspectors and permit writers),
including a representative from the EC delegation, two inspectors from Albania and two inspectors from
Croatia. The SHARRCEM Cement factory at Hani i Elezit (40 kilometres from Pristina) served as the site
where a site visit and a common inspection were held. The training was given by Rob Glaser and Ike
van der Putte.

Figure 1. The Common Inspection at the SHARRCEM Cement Factory at Han I Elezit

2. Background
Within the defined RENA WG 4 ECENA programme a series of national training programmes in eight
RENA beneficiary countries are to be held. The basic elements are in brief:
Implementation of 3.5 days training workshop on permitting and inspection in each individual country for
20 participants (10 permit writers max and 10 inspectors max), or depending on the country on any other
identified weakness in the regulatory cycle element (20 participants max.).
A site visit with around 2 invited participants (inspectors) from other RENA countries, is included
(common inspection) in order to promote the exchange of experience within the region. However, if the
expertise for a defined topic is not available within the RENA countries, the inspectors from other MS
will be invited.
The priorities indicated in the inception mission reports and filled in questionnaires for each country are
used as a basis for composing the national trainings aiming at a tailor made approach to the trainings. The
selected topics and preliminary programmes for the first batch of four countries (Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, and Turkey) have been assessed (see separate report).
The topics to be covered in the 3.5 day training programme will be generally composed of:
Day 1: General subjects (management of inspections, priority setting, reporting feedback, exercises, and
introduction to special subjects)
Day 2: IPPC/IED requirements
Discussion on integrated permit content (permit application, BREFs/BATs selected industry); on
content of translated permit for the selected pilot.
Presentation of selected pilot factory specialist

Training Evaluation report Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

Experience from other countries inspectors (preferred regional)

Site visit preparation
Day 3: Site visit and reporting
Day 4: Presentation of results and special subjects.
The special subjects and specific directives and regulations to be selected might include IED/IPPC with
EIA, LCP, PRTR, RMCEI, SEVESO II, VOCs, Waste and Chemicals management and Environmental
The selection of Inspectors that join the training from other countries (Common Inspection) will have to
meet the following criteria:
Must have experience in inspecting a similar facility in their own country
Must be able to present their inspection and enforcement system applied
Must be capable to present how reporting, feedback and follow up of their enforcement activities
are organised.

3. Delegates
The participants in the training in Kosovo were 17 persons from the Ministry of Environment and Spatial
Planning and 8 persons from the municipal agencies and inspectorates. A representative of the EC
delegation also participated in the course. Croatia and Albania have each sent two inspectors respectively
to be involved in the common inspections and presentations:

1. Muhamet Malsiu, Director of the Department for Environment Protection MESP (Ministry of
Environment and Spatial Planning)
2. Florije Kqiku, Construction and Environmental Inspector ,MESP
3. Mustaf Hyseni, Environmental Inspector, MESP
4. Vehbi Ejupi, Environmental Inspector, MESP
5. Ismet Dervari, Environmental Inspector, MESP
6. Isak Pllana, Environmental Inspector MESP
7. Qefsere Mullaku, Environmental Inspector MESP
8. Shqipe Buzuku, Water and Environmental Inspector MESP
9. Safete Kuqi, Environmental Inspector, MESP
10. Shukri Shabani, Permit writer (EIA), Chief of Sector , MESP
11. Merlinda Bllata Di Brani,, Permit writer (EIA) , MESP
12. Ahmet Ahmeti, Permit writer (IPPC),Chief of Sector, MESP
13. Naim Alidema, Permit writer (IPPC) , MESP
14. Adem Tusha, Permit writer (SEVESO II), MESP
15. Jehona Mavraj, Chief of sector for Environmental Protection, Prishtin
16. Sylejman Selishta, Municipal Environmental Inspector Gjilan
17. Xhelal Shabani, Chief of sector for Environmental Protection, Mitrovic
18. Miftar Shala, Municipal Environmental Inspector, Pej
19. Bajram Berisha, Municipal Environmental Inspector, Prizren
20. Lulzim Mjekiqi, Municipal Environmental Inspector, Obiliq
21. Ahmet Ahmeti, Municipal Environmental Inspector, Drenas
22. Nadire Mici, Municipal Environmental Inspector, Hani I Elezit
23. Tringa Gjikoli (MESP)
24. Fatbardha Bushi (MESP)
25. Jemin Bytigi (MESP)

Training Evaluation report Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

Representative EC delegation
Gazmend Selimi
Inspectors from Albania
Enver Halipaj
Adi Madhi
Inspectors from Croatia:
Ante Belamaric
Ivan Pusic
Rob Glaser
Ike van der Putte

4. Training Materials
All delegates were provided with printed copies of the manual and presentation materials. A digital version
can be found on the RENA website (www.renanetwork.org).

Simultaneous translation was provided throughout the workshop with presentations given in both English
and Albanian. A translator English/Croatian was also provided for,
As special subjects Kosovo has chosen IPPC/IED and SEVESOII, with the SHARRCEM cement
factory as the pilot site for site visit and common inspection.
The training materials included those in the manual developed in specific for Kosovo in which also the
selected special subjects were taken up. Example IPPC permits for the cement industry, with BAT and
BREF information materials were incorporated. In the manual also extra materials were included covering
other items which have not specially been selected by Kosovo, but which are of general relevance for the
ECENA countries.

5. Course Content
The agenda, containing a summary of the content of the training and presentations, is given in Annex.1
Introductions and explanations were given on the regulatory cycle with the human resources aspects in
permitting and inspection. Special attention was given to the IED and consequences for the inspection
and enforcement.
About 40% of the course was devoted to the site visit, group discussion and feedback and to practical
exercises with the delegates divided into three working groups dealing in specific with the following units
in the cement factory operations:
1) Quarry operation and rehabilitation (including transport and storage)
2) Kiln area (dust measurements/maintenance/accidents and incidents)
3) Laboratory (monitoring (SOx, NOx, dust)) and dispatch area (bags,dust abatement)
The site visit was executed according to a checklist prepared by the participants.

SHARRCEM is an existing cement plant with following history in production capacity and ownership:
1936 Start of production, one vertical kiln with production capacity of 4 415 t/year
1972 rotary kiln with production capacity of 180 000 t/year
1980 rotary kiln with production capacity of 525 000 t/year
2000 Holcim entered into a 10 year leasing contract to operate the plant
From January 2011, Sharrcem is a privatized company managed by the Titan group.

.A summary of the environment consent (Annex 2a) and EIA for SHARRCEM was provided and
discussed against the BAT/BREF requirements.

Training Evaluation report Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

In the course a presentation was given by the SHARRCEM environmental manager (Annex 2b). The
invited inspectors from Albania and Croatia made presentations to share their experiences in IPPC
permitting and enforcement with special reference to the cement industry.
These materials are included in Annex 2c-d.

6. Feedback and Response

The course was lively with questions and discussions between the delegates as well as with the trainers,
almost from the start throughout the three and a half days of the course.
A similar set-up for the training has been followed as the first course held in Albania (1 4 March 2011).
In Kosovo the distribution of permit writers and inspectors among the participants was more in balance.
For the SHARRCEM factory no specific permit exists at all. However the EIA and the environmental
consent for the factory were provided. The EIA gave the impression that a number of environmental
issues are going to be covered in the future rehabilitation process of the factory. Outcomes of the EIA are
however not effectuated in a proper integrated permit. No process of a permit application and issuance of
a permit have been lined up. Monitoring of emissions is carried out on a periodical basis by a certified
laboratory. The contribution of Croatia showing online (continuous) monitoring results of their cement
factories has been well received and serves as an example for the region (www.cemex.hr).
The contribution of the Albanian inspectors was appreciated as well. Especially their experiences in the
cement industry were recognized; with an additional advantage that there were no language barriers in the

Formal feedback forms were distributed at the end of the course, and are analyzed below. 21 responses
were received from the participants form Kosovo as the formal target group for the training. In addition
responses were received from the four invited inspectors from Albania and Croatia.. The questions refer
1. expectations of the participants
2. the training and presentations
3. comments and suggestions
The results are given in summary tables in Annex 3a covering the feedback from the participants from
Kosovo, and in Annex 3b covering the response from the invited inspectors from Croatia and Albania..
The expectations were generally and in specific met (almost all respondents). One respondent from the
invited inspectors answered that expectations were partially met. In the latter case it should be mentioned
that the target group of the training were the participants from Kosovo and not the more experienced
invited inspector, who has already a considerable level of know how on integrated permitting and

The training and presentations were in various ways considered as excellent to good (96% of the total
score). The quality of the training materials, the practical work and the quality of the trainers (knowledge
and preparation) were especially highly rated, next to the logistical arrangements. A similar response was
given by the invited inspectors fro Croatia and Albania.
On comments and suggestions the following can be mentioned:
From 4 participants a recommendation was received to translate the manual into the Albanian language;
More of such training are needed in future ( 8 respondents).
In general the training was considered important with the level of training being in accordance with the
7. Conclusions
The second training course held in Kosovo was also well received. The contributions of the inspectors
from Albania and from Croatia were excellent and especially contributed to the understanding of the
permits and permitting process in their respective countries. Presentations were well prepared.
The site visit was very illustrative for the limited possibilities industry has in solving problems in enclosed
urban areas. The cement factory is located in a valley in which it is very difficult to avoid dust problems.
Also the quarry is very close to the urban area aggravating the situation.

Training Evaluation report Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

Rehabilitation of the factory will be very expensive and requires measures including: installation of:
- bag filters
- continuous monitoring system
- enclosure of all activities that show dust emissions (dispatch area, loading of cars etc.)

The SHARRCEM factory is presently operated based on the issued Environmental Consent and an EIA.
There is no Integrated Permit issued yet, although the factory would like to have one, on which basis
investments can be done for monitoring systems and emission control (bag filters).
The course was well received and a good exchange of views took place onsite of the factory with the
management and operators. The conditions were surveyed and comments from the inspectors were
discussed with the management of the factory.
The materials provided, were very well compiled and printed. There was a strong wish to have more of
such trainings.

ANNEX 1. Training programme Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99
Training Programme Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

Capacity building regarding compliance with

environmental legislation through better
understanding of issues and identification of targeted
solutions (training of inspectors and permit writers)
Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

April 12 15, 2011

08.00-08.45 Registration
08.45 Opening

Session 01 09.00- 09.20 (20 minutes)

(explanation of the training programme, information on RENA, ECENA and the project
activity: Introduction of participants) (IP/Gl)

Session 02 09.20 - 09.40 (20 minutes)

Regulatory cycle
(the role and functioning of the regulatory cycle; consequences for the organisation of the process of
environmental policy-making and strategy with its implementation; systematic approach;
feedback asked from participants and explanations of what is presented; how are they going to
use this in practice during their training) (short discussion on regulatory cycle) (RGl)

Session 03 09.40 - 10.00 (20 minutes)

Minimum criteria for inspection

(Scope, definitions, Inspection, Inspectorate, Inspectors, why to inspect routine and non-routine
inspections, frequency of inspection setting priorities new trends in permitting and compliance,
RMCEI) etc.) (RGl/IP)

10.00 10.15 Coffee Break (15 minutes)

Session 04 10.15 - `11.15 (60 minutes)

Planning use of human resources capacity scheme (exercise)
(human resources calculation scheme) (RG)

Session 05 11.15 12.30 (75 minutes)

Basics of Integrated Permitting and its Application
(background information on IPPC and related permitting and application aspects)
Training Programme Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

Training Programme Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

12.30 13.30 Lunch break (60 minutes)

Session 06 13.30 - 14.15 (45 minutes)

On site inspection and planning
(which ways to inspect; announced/unannounced; desk/versus -on site; preparation of site visit;
identification of roles; use of checklists; example of checklist for a virtual site to be visited)

Session 07 14.15 15.00 (45 minutes)

Monitoring/Self monitoring
(quality assurance management; impact of self monitoring on inspections, LCP monitoring,)

15.00- 15.15 Coffee Break (15 minutes)

Session 08 15.15 - 15.45 (30 minutes)

General analysis of the inspection results (evaluation of results and
(Covering evaluation, feedback and three types of reporting: individual inspection report, annual
summary report for the site and country report. Should cover, prompt reporting, better comment
and analysis after the inspection.)

Session 09 15.45 - 16.30 (75 minutes)

Special Subject: SEVESO II intro/ VOCs intro (IP)

17.00 Closing Session

Training Programme Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

Training Programme Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

Capacity building regarding compliance with

environmental legislation through better
understanding of issues and identification of targeted
solutions (training of inspectors and permit writers)
Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

Session 10 08.45 -09.30 (45 minutes)
IED in context with IPPC and other directives
(General information on developments and current situation of the environmental legislation with
consequences for enforcement mechanisms in EU)(IP)

Session 11 09.30 11.00 (90 minutes)

Permit applications
(Contents of a permit application in detail in general, cement industry as an example
Explanation of the cement process applied in Kosovo)(REPRESENTATIVE OF

10.30 Coffee Provided

Session 12 11.00 12.30 (90 minutes)

Integrated permit of factory to be visited
(The translation of the permit conditions of the prevailing permit and comments of invited
inspectors as well as local country inspector in charge of inspection, discussion on enforceability of
permit conditions )(REPR OF FACTORY, inv INSP and RGL)

12.30 13.30 Lunch Break (60 minutes)

Session 13 13.30 -14.10 (40 minutes)

Introduction to BREF and BAT of the cement industry
(Comparison of prevailing emission and monitoring data with the information from the

Session 14 14.10 - 15.00 (50 minutes)

Basic approach to site visits
(overview of methods and questioning during investigations and inspection Exercise:

15.00 Coffee Break (15 minutes)

Session 15 15.15 16.15 (60 minutes)

Training Programme Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

Training Programme Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

Planning of visits in groups with specific assignments . preparation for next

day inspection visit
(Study in groups on the specific assignments setting up a questionnaire with questions and
attention points during the site visit (IP)

Session 16 16.15- 16.45 (30 minutes)

(Invited Inspectors presenting experiences in their country)

16:45 Closing Session (IP)

Training Programme Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

Training Programme Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

Capacity building regarding compliance with

environmental legislation through better
understanding of issues and identification of targeted
solutions (training of inspectors and permit writers)
Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99


09.00 Departure to CEMENT FACTORY

Execution of site visit according to prepared plan of action.

At the site.
Preliminary discussions in the office
Review documentation (monitoring data, quality checks, site plans, permits)
is necessary documentation in place?

Comments and questions

Divide into groups with chairman and reporter in each. Chairman has allocated
specific responsibilities to each member of the group

Site visit:
Request site staff to provide guides: groups to see all of the site, but focus on
areas: like handling and storage, dust abatement, waste handling and filling
stations, cleanliness of factory, evaluate surrounding area.
Each member of the group will make their own inspection and make notes and
compare results later in the group.

Return to Meeting room at the factory.

General comments on visit site and any further questions

15.00 Return to meeting room in the hotel

Session 17 16.15- 16.45 ( 30 minutes)

Visit report preparation in groups

Session 18 16.45 17. 30 (45 minutes)

Presentation of reports by members of the groups
(Comments by invited Inspectors. Conclusion of site visit
Suggested follow-up actions.)

Training Programme Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

Training Programme Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

Capacity building regarding compliance with

environmental legislation through better
understanding of issues and identification of targeted
solutions (training of inspectors and permit writers)
Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99


Session 19 08.45 10.15 (90 minutes)

Special subjects
Follow-up of session 8

10.15 Coffee Break (15 minutes)

Session 20 10.30 11.45 (85-90 minutes)

Cooperation between authorities

12.00 Closing session and evaluation forms

12.30 Lunch Break

Delegates leave after lunch

Training Programme Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

ANNEX 2. Presentation materials of Invited Inspectors and Environmental consent

For: cement factory,, Sharrcem , Hani Elezit

From: Muhamet Aliu .U.D. Permanent secretary

Subject: Answer to the request to review the report of Environmental Decision for
reconstruction of the cement plant,, Sharrcem in Hani Elezit

Attachment: Report of Environmental Decision for reconstruction of the cement plant,,

Sharrcem in Hani Elezit

Number: 1431/ZSP-256

Date: 06.02.2004

According to your request protocol number 1431, the commissions for Environmental
estimation, in the meeting they reviewed the report of Environmental Assessment and
decided, see the attached Decision.

On the basis of clause 20, paragraph 1,2 and clause 21, paragraph 3 of Environmental Law ,
Regulation nr. 2003/9 and clause 202 this law , ministry of Environment and Spatial Playing,
considering the opinion of competent body for report of environmental assessment ,
brought a:


The request for Environmental Decision (ED) for reconstruction of the cement plant
,,Sharrcem in Hani Elezit is APPROVED

The Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) reviewed the report for EIA and
visited the factory. From the report we can see clearly the situation of the plant prior to
reconstruction (end of 2000). Unacceptable environmental situation.
Also at the report, the investments and planned measures from the investor, that impact
positively in the environment during the production, are indicated. Based on this, MESP
approve the report for ED, which should be understood as initiative for environmental
improvement at the cement factory SHARRCEM. This should be accomplished in close
cooperation between Sharrcem and MESP, under MESP recommendations.

Having in mind the investors initiative for environment improvement in long-term plans,
then the fact that the Environment Law aim in Kosovo is to achieve European standards
while Sharrcem is still under the reconstruction, also lacks of environment datas, MESP
recommends the measures for environment improvements, that should be achieved by the
investor till the end of 2004.

To have the continuous monitoring system for dust and standard components
(first of all components coming from the kiln chimney): NO2, SO2 and CO2, during the
regular production, starting no later than March / April 2004.

- Graphical maps of monitoring points ( emissions, emissions, water, noise)

- Chemical analyses of sediment / dust for specification of heavy metals (two or three
times annually)
- Isolation of the generation / creation point of dispersed dust, first of all the clinker
and opalite hall, no later than June 2004.
- The greenery spots to be increased, road improvement and installment of water
splash system for the entire surface.
- Immediate transport improvements of ash from KEK to Sharrcem , providing
the ash isolation.
- Continuous water monitoring at the potential pollution points and starting the
projects for polluted, lab and technological water treatment. Its recommended that
the polluted water needs to be accumulated in one collector, to be analyzed, and
finally unload to river Lepenc. Also has been suggested that the equipment to
separate the oil, lipids, should be provided.
- Within a period of three months to have a report concerning the situation of power
transformer, showing the oil type (to show if the oils with contents of PCBI are in
use) their temperature and the times of their replacement.
- Within a period of three months to have a report for the type, amount and technical
situation of the condenser at the production department
- We consider that its important to measure the amount of radioactivity of cement,
also anytime when the raw materials and other supplements without radioactive
emissions are changed.
- If the alternative energetic materials are in use, MESP request special environment
estimation, that can be used as foundation for preliminary measurements at the kiln
chimney, not only for the standard components emission, as dust, SO2, NO2, CO2,
but also for acid emissions (HF, HCl ), heavy metals (Pb, Cd, As, Hg, Cr, Ni, Cu etc),
organic volatile components, dioxins and furans.

In manner that MESP will have clear and real picture of the environment and
improvements done to the end time frame, request from the management oh
Sharrcem a annual report, for other efforts in the future to comply with standards
regulated by the Law.

These measures should be mitigating circumstances for the investor, when we have
in mind the monitoring of the air, soil and water, also the criterias for their limit, will
be obligatory to the regulations and laws, and approved in short period of time.

So, since the, mandate of the competent body is to do the estimation, it has been
decided on availability of this decisions.

This decision is in power from the issuing date.

Legal Advice / Complaints: Unsatisfied party has the right to initiate the process
of Administrative Dispute at the Supreme Court of Kosovs, within 30 days of the
data of this decision.

Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

2.Commission for ED

Signed by: Muhamet Aliu


Sharrcem Plant Hani i Elezit

History SHARRCEM History

1936 Start of production as Lepenci cement factory, one

vertical kiln with production capacity of 4 415 t/year

1972 rotary kiln with production capacity of 180 000 t/year

1980 rotary kiln with production capacity of 525 000 t/year

2000 Holcim entered into a 10 year leasing contract to

operate the plant
From January 2011, Sharrcem is privatized company from
Titan group based on a legally process from KPA

Plant Materials technology

1. Quarry the source of raw
Marl: Supplied from
own property using
mining (excavation)
2010 production:
Limestone and Opalit are
delivered by local suppliers
2009 Raw mix proportion:
86% M, 12% L, 2% O


Plant Materials technology

2. Raw material preparation:
Major equipment:
Double shaft hammer crusher used in primary stage:
Nominal capacity 300 t/h

3. Raw meal preparation:

Major equipment:
Crusher dryer 1.6 m, 980 rpm
Center discharge tube mill 4x10.5m
BDP: 125 t/h

Plant Materials technology

4. Clinker production
Dry process
Major equipment:
Shaft preheater kiln
with 2 stages 4.6 x 67m
Original design capacity:
1500 t/d BDP 1,588 t/d
Grate cooler (KHD) and
Main burner (Pillard Rotaflam)
installed 2002
Traditional Fuels are used:
Heavy fuel oil and petrol coke. Specific thermal energy
consumption: 3,762 MJ/t clinker 2010:
Clinker production 376,952.40 t

Plant Materials technology

5. Cement production and dispatch

Major equipment:
End discharge tube mill
4.4x15m, x2 off BDP: 130 t/h
End discharge tube mill
3.2x10m, x1 off BDP: 26 t/h
Standard cement capacity
volume: 650,000 t

Products: PC 32.5: PC 42.5; PC 52.5; Sharrmal

Dispatch: Bulk and 50 kg bags
Overall Clinker Factor (2009): 64 %
2010: Overall Cement production 561,687.99t


Reconstruction activities

When Sharrcem assumed the operations of the plant in June of

2000, the condition of all Environmental Control devices was
pitifully deficient. None of the bag filters were functional; and the
operating EPs (electrostatic precipitators) had not received major
overhaul in the preceding 10 years.

Clinker storage closing - reducing of fugitive dust

Reconstruction Reconstruction activities

Environmental technology

Bag filter reconstruction in cement mills

Investments Environmental investments

Replacing mechanical filters with new bag filters

Installation of new bag filters in pollution sources
Clinker hall dust improvements
Electrostatic filters for de-dusting the kiln improved
Waste management and regularly cleaning
Extending greenery surfaces
Environment impact assessment project (EIA) for the plant and
marl quarries
Total investment :EUR 1,500,000 (during reconstruction)
Monitoring program from third party
Refilling the part of quarry where exploitations are
completed(320,000 Euro)
During the 2010,investeents: new bag filter in fly ash dedusting
system, new heavy oil tank , tress planting project, automatic
watering system of greenery areas in the plant (total investment
100,000 euro )


Investments Positive changes

Backfilling has started in the part of

quarry where exploitations are
completed (320,000 Euro)

Plant Plant flow chart

impact on Environment
Dust Gases ,SO2, NOx,CO2,
Noise Heat

Extraction Dust
1 Dust

Material Raw Meal Shipping
Preparatio Preparation Clinker Production Cement Grinding Station
3 4 5 6

Indicators Atmospheric emissions

Before After


Indicators Emission control

From IPPC directive , general indicative list of the main air polluting
substances, relevant for cement manufacturing , are:
Oxides of nitrogen (NOx)
Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
Dust- Dust emissions are the immediately visible impact on
environment from cement factories. Raw mill, system of rotary kiln,
clinker pre-heater and cement mills usually cause these emissions.
Electrostatic filters and mechanical bag filters control these
emissions which are installed in front of sources for discharge in
Nitrogen oxide (NOx)- NOx emissions are caused as a result of
not optimal burning process in rotary cement kilns and just a few as
NOx from fuel.
Sulfide Dioxide (SO2)- SO2 emissions in cement factories are
caused as a result of presence of sulfur in raw material and
presence of sulfides in fuel, which is usually connected with clinker
and quite few it emits in atmosphere.
SO2 emissions are checked preliminarily with analyzes and selection of raw

performance indicators
ELV: - SO2 400 mg/m
800 - NOx 800 mg/m
- Dust 50 mg/m
[mg/Nm dry,10%O2]







AY03 AY04 AY05 AY06 AY07 AY08 AY09 YTD 10

Annual average SO2 emission at kiln stack Annual average NOx emission at kiln stack Annual average Dust emission at kiln stack

CO2 performance
1,000 4,400

[kg CO2/tcemnt], [Mj/tclink]


[kt CO2]

500 3,800



0 3,200
AY03 AY04 AY05 AY06 AY07 AY8 AY09 YTD 10

Absolute gross CO2 emissions Specific net CO2/t clinker

Specific net CO2/t cem Specific themal energy consumption


Legal frame Permits

Sharrcem possess Environmental

consent for the plant from Minister of
Environment and Spatial Planning(M
o E & SP), for Marl Quarry for current
use and for marl quarry as a new
source in Paldenica

Social CSR
Corporate Social Responsibility

Sharrcem supports sport, social and cultural event since 2000 in

addition to the community projects

Social CSR
Corporate Social Responsibility

Titan Group has a

founding member and
subscribed Global
Compact Initiative of
the United Nations
and endorsed the
CSR principles as
well as the worldwide


Social CSR
Corporate Social Responsibility

From June 2000 Sharrcem

project supports and donations
are about 800,000 Euro.

Till October 2010 project

supports and donations from
Sharrcem amounted 90,000

In addition, in 2010, drinking

water treatment facility to the
community of Hani I Elezit was
commissioned by CDI (Sharrcem
contributed 130,000)

Relation to the public

Sharrcem is publishing Bulletin and

distributes it to the Authorities and the
public. The information about the plant
activities and environmental
improvement is regularly published.

Sharrcem has developed and

approved a plan for emergency cases
on environment as well as safety at
work (OHS).

Fides award

Key safety environmental issues

Continuously improvement of environmental

performance through reducing the emissions to air,
soil and water
Continuous monitoring and measurement of the key
aspect of processes and activities that have a
significant environmental impact
Work in cooperation with controlling bodies, local
authorities, the general public and all other
stakeholders in seeking solutions to environmental


What need to be done, what is

necessary for the future?
Investing on main pollution sources such is:
Replacement of the dedusting system of EP
with new hybrid filter
Replacement of the existing multy cyclone
deusting system in clinker cooler with new ESP
Installing of the automatic Continuous Emission
Monitoring equipment in the kiln stack
Up building the closing system of clinker storage
(by closed system)
Waste water treatment project before to
discharge in to the river

Thank you ....



Permit for a new cement installation and
inspections in ALBANIA

Enver HALIPAJ Environmental inspector

Adi MADHI - Chief of REA Elbasan

Kosovo April 12 15, 2011

Cement industry in Albania

Albania currently are 3 cement manufacturing plant in
Elbasan, in Fushe Kruje and the other in Kruja
trumpeters belonging to the "TITAN
Are given an environmental permit and for 5 other
factories in the area Kruje-Lezhe-Shkoder.
The plant production capacity ranges from 1 to 1.5
million tons / year
Cement production plants in Elbasan and Fushe
Kruje were built prior to 1990 but that are
reconstructed by the company that has privatized
Cement production factory "Titan" group was built in
2010 and is a modern factory with latest technology.
Construction of the factory has cost 200 million


Environmental Permit System

Albania has implemented the IPPC Directive in
the law "On Environmental Protection ", in 2008,
but currently the environmental permits for
cement factories are not assigned according to
the IPPC Directive.
Not given integrated environmental permit, but
granted an environmental permit for the plant,
an environmental permit for limestone quarries,
quarries environmental permit for an
environmental permit for clay and gypsum.

Application for Environmental

In Albania, the environmental permit
application is made in the National
Licensing Center. Here the operator takes
the necessary information for technical
and legal documentation must meet to
obtain the environmental permit.

The application of the operator for operating
Legal documentation, registration form consists
of the NRC of activity, registration form to the Court as a
legal person of Tax Form.
Technical documentation consists of:
Characteristics of the project (description of technology,
key processes, capacity, raw materials, energy, auxiliary
materials, intermediate products and final.
Location of the project (with limits spatial layout of the
project, maps and photographs showing the project
location, existing plans of the territory where the project
will be developed).


Profound Report on Environmental Impact Assessment
drafted by experts licensed by the Ministry of
Environment, Forests and Water Administration.
Information on the data in consultation with the public
which identify problems that may have areas on the
environmental impacts from this activity.
Rehabilitation Plan Limestone quarries, quarries clay
and gypsum quarries.
Plan of emergency
Opinion of the municipality or commune
The invoice for the payment of environmental permit fee

The procedure for Environmental

Technical and legal documentation fulfilling the requirements of
law submitted to NLC
NLC sends documentation electronically to the Ministry of
Ministry of MPAU road sends the electronic documents which
will be held ARM project
ARM makes the verification of documentation, field inspections
and send its opinion to the Ministry.
Technical Directorate of the Ministry MPAU, examines the
project and report on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
and environmental permit designs.
Environmental permits licenses approved by the committee in
the Ministry which is headed by the Minister.
Environmental permits approved electronically sent to the NLC,
where the applicant appears to take.

Contents of the environmental

Location with correct address and coordinates
Annual production capacity
Production Technology
Raw and auxiliary materials
The emission rates for LN, CO, NOx, Sox
Noise Level
Waste Management
Monitoring the indicators above and send the results of
monitoring in the Regional Environmental Agency


Duration of approval of the Environmental

The law "On Environmental Protection " has sanctioned
the environmental permit should be approved within a
period of 5 weekly from the moment of application until
the environmental permit approval.
When there are gaps in the documentation subject
formally notified to make additions and time of approval
of environmental permits extended.
In cases where the applicant does not receive an official
response to the reasons for disapproval of the
environmental permit, then called the approved
environmental permit

The emission rates

According to Albanian environmental
legislation permitted emission rates in air
LN 50 mg/m3
CO 200 mg/m3
SOx 400 mg/m3
NOx 800 mg/m3

Cement Factory TITAN Group



Quarries limestone has an area of 100 ha.
Quarries clay has a surface of 55 ha.
Quarries of gypsum has an area of 20 ha.
Square for the construction of 70 ha
Opening up the road from the factory on the
highway about 5 ha (5.7 km)
The total area of 250 ha

The surface area of 250 ha has been removed
from the forest fund by special laws.
Operator according to the law must reforest area
of 250 ha.
Reforestation Project approved by and is
controlled by DFS MoEFWA of project.

The operator has the obligation to make the
rehabilitation of the area that used for Limestone career,
career clay and gypsum career.
The rehabilitation project is part of the documentation
and prepare environmental permit before approval.
CMD operator pays cash value as bank guarantees
needed for rehabilitation.
Institution that controls the process of rehabilitation is
AKBN (National Agency of Natural Resources)
In case when the operator does not rehabilitate the
deadline as required AKBN engage private operators to
rehabilitate the bank guarantee funds


Elements of Rehabilitation
Creation of stairs (use the roof top-down). Width of stairs
is usually 8-10 m
Planting trees for greening the landscape
Erosion protection measures by clearing drainage
channels on the basis of any escarpments that make the
waters in case of fall rains.
Collection and protection of upper soil layer (10 - 30 cm).
This layer is rich in N, P, K, which are important
elements that will feed on vegetation planted. This layer
will be used for filling the holes where trees will be
planted for the staircase and garment planting grass
surface protection from erosion.


To control a cement factory should be

1) Raw material quarries

2) Ovens, homogenizing, cement grinding

mills, packing

Questions to run on quarries

Water and its quality
Where the water ends
Bunkers, milling, storage of raw materials
A work in dusty places
Does heavy metal
What made analysis


Quality control of materials and products
As operating furnace - burner method
As the gases are prohibited powders
Stored as coal, quality, impact
As developments in the furnace checked
What happens to heavy metals
Temperatures min - max

What happens to the filters

What happens to the dust
A riciclohet and how riciclohet
A dioxins measured Cl-O, as is their level
Are there plans for pollution systems
How long does it work filters


Is there dust on the road
How well maintained area
As monitored environment around the
What tools are used to haul cement
What protective measures have workers
What analysis performed sdandartet
Is there a manual for accidental release


Is there storage site for the remaining

Where do these materials
Treated sewage
A measured noise levels inside and
Does monitoring reports



Thank you !

Kosovo April 12 15, 2011

Ministry of Environmental Protection,
Physical Planning and Construction



Ante Belamari, dipl.ing.geol.

Ivan Pui, dr.vet.med.


Contents of presentation

National legislation
General overview of cement industry in Republic of
Cement plants in Republic of Croatia

Regulation on limit values

for pollutant emissions
from stationary sources into the air

(OG 21/07, 150/08)

Article 28.

(1) The ELVs for a new installation for cement

production in rotary kilns using the dry or wet
procedure, with an oxygen content of 10%, are:

dust substances 30 mg/m3,

nitrogen oxides expressed as NO2 500 mg/m3,
sulphide oxides expressed as SO2 50 mg/m3.

Article 28.

(2) The ELVs for an existing installation for cement

production in rotary kilns using the dry
or wet procedure, with an oxygen content of 10%, are:

dust substances 50 mg/m3,

nitrogen oxides expressed as NO2 800 mg/m3,
sulphide oxides expressed as SO2 400 mg/m3.

Artical 162

The ELVs prescribed for existing technological

processes of cement production referred to in Article
28 of this Regulation and the ELVs prescribed for
co-incineration of waste in existing technological
processes of cement production referred to in Article
143 of this Regulation shall be achieved no later than
31 December 2010.

Article 163
The ELVs of existing stationary sources prescribed
pursuant to this Regulation may be exceeded by no
more than three times the prescribed value prior to
31 December 2009 and, after that period, by no more
than 1.5 times prior to the time lines prescribed in
Articles 160, 161 and 162 of this Regulation, unless
other deadlines are laid down in the provisions of
this Regulation.

In RH exist 4 Co with 6 cement plants:


HOLCIM (Hrvatska) l.t.d., Koromano
ICI d.d. (male koliine specijalnog cementa),
Cement plant Sv. Juraj,
Cement plant Sv. Kajo,
Cement plant 10. kolovoz

Cement plants locations

Dry process

Emissions CO2


clinker cement concrete infrastructure


Resources limestone fuels aggregates

Wastes of one
Substitutes Alternative By-products Recycled industry are the
fuels / waste from other building starting
materials industries materials materials of
Industrial another


Impacts of the cement production


Quarrying and raw materials Clinker production Cement grinding

preparation and distribution
use of fossil
consumption of non- use of raw
fuels materials and
resources atmospheric electricity
impacts on local landscape, emissions, can have
ecology and communities especially CO2 impacts on local






HOLCIM (Hrvatska) d.o.o.

500.000 t/year klinker
713.000 t/year cement

(production capacity 1.600 t/day klinker)


Normal working conditions (Holcim)

Stone coal 6,5 t/h

Petcoke 1,0 t/h
Used tyres 0,6 t/h
MBM + sawdust 0,5 t/h
Used oils 0,3 t/h
Sunflower shot (43 t/year)


HOLCIM d.o.o.
co-processed in 2009:

End-of-life tyres - 16 01 03 3.983 t

Mineral based oil 13 02 05* 1.028 t
Non-chlorinated emulsions 13 01 05* 463 t
MBM 02 02 03 386 t
Sawdust 03 01 05 2.397
Refuse derived fuel (RDF) 19 12 10 3.436 t
Fly ash 10 01 02 38.352 t
FGD calcium 10 01 05 24.732 t
Bottom ash 10 01 01 3.391 t
Other slags (ARA kola) 10 08 99 297 t
Waste from gas treatment 10 13 13 282 t
Animal feedingstuffs 02 03 04 0,3 t

Continuous emission measurements at the

rotary kiln in HOLCIM

Component Supplier Type Installed

dust Sick FW 101 2004
NOx Sick GM 30-2P 1997
SO2 Sick GM 30-2P 1997
VOC Siemens FIDAMAT 5E 2003


Discontinuous emission measurements
at the rotary kiln in HOLCIM

Component HCl & HF NH3 C6H6 PCDD/DF Heavy metals

Frequency 4xyear 1xyear 1xyear 1xyear 4xyear


Emission measurements at the rotary

kiln from 2004 2007 - HOLCIM

MU 2004 2005 2006 2007 YTD LV-actual LV-2010

dust mg/Nm3 8 8 15 9 90 30
SO2 mg/Nm3 70 96 95 60 1200 400
NOx mg/Nm 1021 1059 709 900 2400 800
VOC mg/Nm3 32 14 18 25 240 80
dioxins & furans ng/m3 <0,001 0,005 0,003 <0,005 0,3 0,1


Naice cement


NAICECEMENT d.d. in 2006

1.500.000 t cement

(production capacity 2.400 t/day klinker)


Naice cementco-coprocessed in 2009:

End-of-life tyres - 16 01 03 1.498 t

Oil wastes (8 tipes of waste) 13 00 00* 1.532 t
Fly ash 10 01 02 44.038 t
Furnace slag 10 09 03 77.788 t
Narcotics 16 03 03 1,23 t
Waste ceramics 10 12 08 95 t
Protective chlothing 20 01 10 0,5 t


Sv. Kajo


Sv. Jure the modernest coal transport from the boats



Sv. Juraj - klinker 3.200 t/day

Sv. Kajo - klinker 1.450 t/day
10. Kolovoz -klinker 1.400 t/day


Cemex Hrvatska d.d. Sv. Kajo co-

processed in 2009:

Oil wastes (11 type of waste) 13 00 00* 704 t

Wastes containing oil 16 07 08* 222 t
Plant-tissue waste 02 01 03 116 t
Grease and oil mixture 190 08 10 8t
Other tars 05 01 08 1,5 t
Brake fluids 16 01 13 0,6 t




Dalmacijacement (3 measuring stations:

Split, Solin, Katel Suurac)
On measuring stations there are automatic measurements
conducted every hour regarding concentrations of SO 2,
nitric oxides (NO, NOx, NO2), smoke, particle matter of
aerodynamic diametar 10m i 2,5m .

On the same measuring stations 24-hour samples of total

particle matter are collected, as well as total sedimentary

In total particle matter the content of lead, manganese and

cadmium is determined.

Meteo-parameters: speed and direction of wind, and

temperature and humidity of air. 29

Dalmacijacement - measuring station


Used tyres co-processing


RDF co-processing already started


Measured values in cement plants

coprocesed by waste, 2009

Dust mg/m3 9 4,76 1,76 30*
SO2 mg/m 35 42,2 431,73 400
NO2 mg/m 911 508,16 1131,06 800
HCl All values are
2,29 0,39 10
HF mg/m3 below LV
0,2 0,027 1
0,0014 0,00043 0,0014 0,1


Falimenderit pr vmendje


ANNEX 3. Summary course evaluation forms
Training Evaluation Form


building regarding compliance with environmental legislation through better
understanding of issues and identification of targeted solutions (training of
inspectors and permit writers


DATES: 12 15 April 2011.

1. Statistical Information

1.1 Training Session Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

1.2 Trainer Name Ike van der Putte/ Rob Glaser

1.3 Name and Surname of See participants list participants from Kosovo
Participant (evaluator) under UNSCR 1244/99

2. Your Expectations (21 respondents)

Please indicate to what extent specific expectations were met, or not met:

My Expectations My expectations were met

Fully Partially Not at all
1 several (Industry visit, 21
inspection, permitting), manual,
general and specific

3. Training and Presentation

Please rate the following statements in respect of this training module:

Aspect of Training Excellent Good Average Acceptable Poor Unacceptable

1 The training achieved the 14 4 3
objectives set
2 The quality of the training 12 8 1
material given to me was of a
high standard
3 The content of the training 12 9
course was well suited to my
level of understanding and
4 The practical work was 13 8
relevant and informative
5 The training was interactive 15 5 1
6. The mix between theory and 14 6 1
practise allowed sufficient
Training Evaluation Form

opportunity to implement
acquired knowledge and skills

Aspect of Training Excellent Good Average Acceptable Poor Unacceptable

7 Trainer was well prepared and 13 6
knowledgeable on the subject
8 The duration of this training 10 9 1 1
course was neither too long nor
too short
9 The logistical arrangements 9 11
(venue, refreshments, equipment)
were satisfactory
10 Attending this training course 19 1
was time well spent

4. Comments and suggestions

I have the following comment and/or suggestions in addition to questions already


Training Session: was considered all excellent to good, and very valuable, with a rating of
96% of the total score. The duration of the course was also considered to be meeting the
expectations (90% of the participants), whereas two participants have given this aspect a
lower rating. The latter is presumably linked to the expressed need for more training (see
other remarks)

Trainer: the trainers were considered very experienced and good in transfer of know-
how. The rating was good to excellent (100%)

Training level and content: All participants considered the training good (9) to excellent
(12) and in accordance with the needs of the participants.

1) From 8 participants a recommendation was received to have more of such training in
the future.
2) The manual should be translated into Albanian (4 participants)

3) The training itself was considered important for a number of participants and the level
of training was in accordance with the needs.
Training Evaluation Form


building regarding compliance with environmental legislation through better
understanding of issues and identification of targeted solutions (training of
inspectors and permit writers

LOCATION OF THE TRAINING: Pristina, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

DATES: 12 15 April 2011.

1. Statistical Information

1.1 Training Session Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

1.2 Trainer Name Ike van der Putte/ Rob Glaser

1.3 Name and Surname of Invited inspectors from Croatia and Albania. See
Participant (evaluator) participants list

2. Your Expectations (4 respondents)

Please indicate to what extent specific expectations were met, or not met:

My Expectations My expectations were met

Fully Partially Not at all
1 several (Industry visit, 3 1
inspection, permitting), manual,
general and specific

3. Training and Presentation

Please rate the following statements in respect of this training module:

Aspect of Training Excellent Good Average Acceptable Poor Unacceptable

1 The training achieved the 1 2 1
objectives set
2 The quality of the training 1 2 1
material given to me was of a
high standard
3 The content of the training 4
course was well suited to my
level of understanding and
4 The practical work was 3 1
relevant and informative
5 The training was interactive 2 2
6. The mix between theory and 4
practise allowed sufficient
Training Evaluation Form

opportunity to implement
acquired knowledge and skills

Aspect of Training Excellent Good Average Acceptable Poor Unacceptable

7 Trainer was well prepared and 3 1
knowledgeable on the subject
8 The duration of this training 4
course was neither too long nor
too short
9 The logistical arrangements 4
(venue, refreshments, equipment)
were satisfactory
10 Attending this training course 2 1 1
was time well spent

4. Comments and suggestions

I have the following comment and/or suggestions in addition to questions already


Training Session: was considered by the majority as good, with one of the inspectors
giving a lower rating

Trainer: the trainers were considered as good to excellent

Training level and content: the majority considered the training good .

Other: Preference for a per diem instead of fixed meals at the hotel (1 participant)

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