Hunt For Red October OCR
Hunt For Red October OCR
Hunt For Red October OCR
Situation Briefing:
A Soviet submarine-the most powerful vessel ever to put to sea-has disap-
peared. Captain Marko Ramius has made a fateful decision: Red October is
heading west! But with the entire Soviet Navy, with orders to destroy on con-
tact, in pursuit, can Ramius make it to the safety of a U.S. port?
This scenario, based on Tom Clancy's bestselling novel, The Hunt For Red
October, is just one of the many tense situations you can create with this
The navies of the Soviet Union and the United States, together with its
NATO allies, are the mos't powerful seagoing forces ever assembled. If war
between these superpowers ever arises, the North Atlantic Ocean will cer-
tainly be a decisive battleground.
In the Hunt For Red October game, you command naval task forces and air
squadrons. As the attacker, you must maneuver your ships and airplanes to
find, catch, and destroy the enemy fleet. As thedefender, you must evade the
enemy's patrols and wear down his force with hit-and-run attacks.
Design: Douglas Niles Editing: Steve Winter
Graphic Design: Susan Myers
Maps: Diesel
Playing Pieces: David C. Sutherland and Dennis Kauth
Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House, Inc., and in Canada by .
Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors.
Distributed in the United Kingdom by TSR UK Ltd.
This adventure is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any
reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited
without the express written permission of the United States Naval Institute or TSR, Inc.
THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER "&"I988 United States Naval Institute. All Rights Resewed.
Game Design "1988 TSR, Inc. All Rights Resewed.
The Game Pieces Setting Up the Board Hunt For Red October is eight different
and Displays games. All eight scenarios are played
Your Hunt For Red October game
with the same rules, but the NATO and
should contain the following pieces: Set out the Map Board, the Battle Soviet navies start in different places,
3 sheets of fold-up ship pieces Board! and the NATO and Soviet Task with different numbers of ships, and
1sheet of air squadron counters Force Cards. Place the Map Board on a different goals,
1map board table between the two players. The
NATO player sits at the west map edge Scenarios 1 and 2 are good scenarios to
1 battle board
start with if you haven't played the
1 NATO task force card
1 Soviet task force card
Layout of game before. They are simple situations
1rule book
144 plastic bases
2 colored dice (numbered 0 to 9)
2 white dice (numbered 1to 6 )
Carefully separate the ship pieces along
the perforations and fold them over as
shown, mounting each on a plastic
Diagram 1
Folding Ship Pieces
(U.S. and Canada). The Soviet player with relatively few ships and air squad-
sits at the east map edge (Europe and rons per side. You will enjoy playing the
Africa). Set up the Battle Board and other, larger scenarios more if you first
both player's Task Force Cards at the learn the rules by playing the small sce-
north edge of the map. (This setup can narios.
be changed to fit your table.) The
whole layout should look something Once the scenario is chosen, sort out
like this: and assemble the ship, submarine, and
air squadron pieces needed to play that
scenario. Put them on the map in their
Learning the Game starting positions, and you are ready to
Set out the Map Board, the Battle begin playing!
Board, and the NATO and Soviet Task
Force Cards. Put a few Soviet and
NATO ships, subs, and airplanes on the
board for reference. Now page through
the rule book. Look at the diagrams and All the information needed about ships,
the Turn Steps, and skim the rules. submarines, and air squadrons is print-
Next separate ("punch out") the card- Next, read the rules from beginning to ed on the playing pieces.
board counters. Sort them into NATO end. Don't try to memorize them, but The pieces are designed to conceal cru-
detection markers, Soviet detection as you finish each section review it
markers, NATO air squadrons, and cial information from your opponent.
briefly to be sure you understand it. If For example, your ship pieces are
Soviet air squadrons. you have questions, read the appropri- placed on the board facing you. All
Look at the dice. The colored dice are ate example in the middle of the rule your opponent sees are the flags on the
used for most game functions. They book, moving pieces on the board if backs, telling him that these are enemy
have ten sides, numbered 1to 0 (The 0 necessary. This should clarify how the ships. Aircraft squadrons are placed
is read as a lo). The white dice are used rule is used in the game. face down so your opponent cannot see
for Soviet initiative and to attack The Hunt For Red October game has what type they are.
detected submarines. The rules always eight scenarios. Each scenario is a dif-
state when to roll a red (ten-sided) die ferent game situation; in effect, The
and when to roll a white (six-sided) die.
Ship Pieces The back of a ship piece shows its
Throughout these rules, the term "ship" flag. This identifies the piece as either
ASW Helicopter a Soviet or NATO warship. The back
refers to both surface ships and subma-
rines. of a submarine piece shows its flag
and a generic silhouette identifying the
This is what the numbers on a ship piece piece as a submarine.
Ship Piece Task Force Pieces
Front Task force pieces represent large groups
of ships. Instead of bunching a lot of
individual ship pieces into one space on
the board, ships in a task force are kept
on the task force display. A single piece,
representing the whole task force,
shows where those ships are on the
The Attack Rating shows how much
firepower the ship has. Ships with map.
Task Force Piece
Rating Rating white attack ratings are especially effec- I I
tive when attacking enemy surface Task Force
ships (not submarines). Pieces with yel-
Name or TYP low attack ratings are especially deadly
Class when attacking enemy air squadrons. Alpha
Back when one of your ships attacks an ene-
my piece, roll one colored die. The ene-
my piece is hit if the number rolled is
, Front
equal to or lower than your ship's
attack rating. (Sometimes you roll the
white die instead. This is explained fur-
ther under Attacking Enemy Pieces. )
The Detection Rating indicates how The Ship Type is included for interest
good that ship's radar, sonar, and only; it has no effect in the game. The L
search helicopters are. These things are abbreviations used are: Back
used to detect enemy ships and air SSN Nuclear powered submarine
squadrons. Ships with high detection Task force pieces do not have detection
SSGN Nuclear powered cruise ratings, attack ratings, or ship type des-
ratings usually find what they are look- missile submarine
ing for; ships with low detection ratings ignations.
SS Conventionally powered
tend to overlook things. submarine Aircraft Squadron Pieces
Your ships can try to detect enemy ships SSBN Nuclear powered ballistic
Many different types of aircraft appear
and air squadrons at several different missile submarine
FF Frigate in the Hunt for Red October game. All
times during the turn. This is explained aircraft squadrons have three ratings:
further under Detecting Enemy Pieces. FFG Frigate with anti-aircraft
A ship with a helicopter printed next to missiles Air Squadrons
its detection rating can search for ene- FFL Light frigate
my submarines when it is part of an DD Destroyer
ASW screen.
When you try to detect an enemy piece,
roll one colored die. If the number
rolled is equal to or lower than your
piece's detection rating, the enemy
piece is detected.
DDG Destroyer with anti-aircraft
CV Aircraft carrier
CVN Nuclear-powered
aircraft carrier
CVL Light aircraft carrier
or long)
BB Battleship
CGN Battle Cruiser
CG Cruiser
LPD Soviet Amphibious
Assault Ship
LHA NATO Amphibious
Assault Ship Back
The Detection Rating and Attack Rat- Detection Markers
ing are the same as a ship's detection
and attack ratings. Front
Range indicates how many spaces an
aircraft squadron can move. Aircraft
have either short (S), medium (M), or
long (L) range. These ranges allow air-
craft to move:
S aircraft can move 1space.
M aircraft can move 4 spaces. Back
L aircraft can move 8 spaces.
Some aircraft squadrons are especially
good at finding and destroying enemy
submarines (anti-submarine warfare-
ASW). These ASW aircraft squadrons
have white airplane silhouettes instead Sonar
of black:
Force Force
F+T Fi+
Placing Pieces on
the Battle Board
Only pieces in the space where the detec-
First Attack Area of Battle Board (shaded) tion markers were played can be placed
on the Battle Board. Pieces in a task force
must be placed in the same spaces on the
Battle Board (ASW screen, AA screen, or
task force center) that they occupied on
the Task Force Card.
Surface ships that were not in a task
force, and all submarines and air squad-
rons, are placed in the non-task force por-
tion of the Battle Board.
Detected pieces are turned so both play-
ers can see them on the Battle Board.
Undetected pieces are kept turned away
from your opponent on the Battle Board.
Sea Movement Step, you can place the
decoy in any space containing another
Some aircraft squadrons protect other of your submarine (or decoy!) pieces.
squadrons by jamming enemy radar.
Only those air squadrons with no Anti-Aircraft Quality
attack ratings can jam (AWACS, Instead of destroying an air squadron
Hawkeyes, and Bears). whenever a 1 or 2 is rolled, this rule
A jamming aircraft squadron is turned reflects the qualities of individual fight-
face up (it is detected automatically) ers and AA systems.
and placed on top of the squadrons it is An aircraft squadron is destroyed if the
protecting. A jamming aircraft can die roll against it is equal to or less than
screen any number of squadrons. Up to one-half of the attacking piece's attack
three aircraft can jam a given space. rating. Any other hit forces the squad-
Each jamming aircraft reduces enemy ron to return to its base.
detection ratings by one when used Example: An F14 squadron (attack rat-
against aircraft in the protected stack. An ing = 6) destroys an enemy air squad- I
aircraft squadron cannot attack or detect ron with a die roll of 1, 2, or 3, while a
enemy pieces on a turn when it jams. 4, 5, or 6 sends the enemy back to its Splitting Attack Ratings
base. A Grisha-class light frigate
Fast Submarines (attack rating = 3) only destroys an Against Multiple Targets
The Soviet Alfa and Akula submarines enemy air squadron with-a die roli of 1, Pieces which get to roll two dice in bat-
are very fast. These ships can move while a 2 or 3 sends the enemy air tle can use them against separate tar-
four spaces per turn instead of three. squadron home. gets. Both attacks have to be
announced before the dice are rolled.
Reaction Attacks Anti-Aircraft Doctrine
Shivs eauivved with extensive AA Airbase Defense SAMS
An undetected piece which attacks in *.
the second battle round escapes auto- weapons (those with yellow attack rat- The prohibition against flying over ene-
matically under the basic rules. In fact, ings) must be positioned properly to my air bases reflects the presence of
some sort of limited counterattack take full advantage of their equipment. surface-to-air missile defenses (SAMs)
would always be possible. If your You can roll two dice when one of your at these bases. These SAM launchers
opponent has undetected pieces in the pieces with a yellow attack rating can be represented directly in the game.
"Attack Second portion of the Battle attacks an enemy aircraft squadron, if: Allow aircraft to fly over enemy air
Board, you can designate any number
of ships and air squadrons for Final
Attacks. These pieces can't attack dur- Your attacking piece is in the AA
ing the first or second battle rounds, screen or center of a task force.
Each land air base mace has an attack Norway. All of these air bases begin the detection marker (sonar or radar) and
rating equal to the number of air squad- game under NATO control. If one is search for the piece. Patrol symbols
rons that can base there. Air bases with taken by the Soviets, the NATO player have a detection rating of 5. They can-
unlimited capacity have an attack rat- can use amphibious assault to try to not attack, however; their purpose is to
ing of 6. Every time enemy air squad- take it back. aid friendly ships and aircraft and to
rons move into your air base space, you detect and identify enemy vessels.
An amphibious assault happens at the
can immediately roll two colored dice end of turn step 5 after all detection
to attack those ~lanes.No detection attempts and battles are finished. The Damage Control
marker or search is necessary: SAMs
assaulting player rolls a colored die. During step 6 of each turn, players can
can attack undetected enemy aircraft. The amphibious group's attack rating is
Hits have the usual effect. Without flip- try to repair damaged ships.
determined by the air units that are still
ping the counter to its detected side, flying in the space with the assault ves- If the ship is at sea (not in a port space),
point to which of the enemy aircraft roll one colored die. You can remove
squadrons you want to attack. one damage flag if the die roll is 10.
9 Only the assaulting player has air
squadrons in the area. If the ship is in a port space, roll one
Aircraft on Patrol white die. If the die roll is 5 or 6, the
7 The assaulting player has more air
Long range aircraft can be assigned to squadrons than his opponent in the ship is completely repaired and can sail
patrol an area. When you move a long area. next turn. If the die roll is 1 or 2, the
range aircraft squadron to a space, you 4 Both players have air squadrons in ship is too severely damaged to be
can announce that the squadron is the area, but the assaulting player repaired in the course of the game;
patrolling that area. The squadron does does not have more. remove it from play. If the die roll is 3 or
not have to return to base at the end of 3 No one has air squadrons in the 4, there is no effect; the ship stays in
the turn; it can stay on patrol until it is area. port and is still damaged.
shot down or forced to land. However, 1 Only the deiender has air squadrons
it cannot move to any other space until in the area. Tankers
after it returns to its base, either
because of combat or at the end of a Subtract 2 from the die roll if the Airborne tankers are used to extend the
turn. amphibious vessel has suffered any range of aircraft squadrons. During air-
damage. Ii the attacker rolls a number craft movement, a tanker can fly with
Alternately, patrolling aircraft can equal to or less than his attack rating, two other aircraft squadrons. All three
accompany a task force. These aircraft he captures the air base. squadrons can fly to the limit of the
are placed on the Task Force Card with tanker's range. The two accompanying
the task force. Thev can be in the ASW Shallow Water Detection aircraft can then continue on as if their
screen, AA screen, or center of the task movement started from the tanker. Two
force. They do not remain in one space; A submarine is easier to detect in shal- medium-range aircraft, for example,
instead, they are always with the task low water. The light blue sea areas are could fly eight spaces with a tanker and
force. The only other move they can shallow water. The detection rating of four more on their own to reach 12
make is to return to base at the end of a any piece searching for a submarine in spaces away from their air base. If the
turn. Aircraft patrolling with a task shallow water is increased by 1.This is tanker is destroyed or forced to return
force do not need to stay within range cumulative with modifiers for detecting to its base, however, the aircraft it is
of a base when the task force moves. submarines. supporting are destroyed, unless there
The task force must be within range of is another friendly air base within
the base when the squadron joins it, SOSUS and range.
however. The squadron can return to
any friendly ai; base, regardless of
Standing Patrols Tankers are used only in scenario 8,
range. The NATO and Soviet symbols printed War in the Atlantic. That scenario
on the map mark spaces where these describes how to set up the pieces.
Amphibious Assault forces maintain constant surveillance.
They represent a combination of
This optional rule is used in scenarios patrolling surface ships and aircraft,
where at least one player has an and SOSUS (Sonar Surveillance Sys-
amphibious assault vessel (LPD or tem). These symbols are referred to as
LHA). Players can use amphibious Patrol Symbols.
assault to take air bases (but not ports)
away from their opponents. Patrol symbols act as immobile,
unarmed submarines. Whenever an
The only air bases that can be taken by enemy ship enters a space containing
amphibious assault are those on Green- one of your patrol symbols, or is in the
land, Iceland, the Faeroe Islands, and space during turn step 5, you can play a
Example 1: Task Force Alpha intends to move three spaces. It
drops off two frigates in the first space, before the task force
moves. Attw the task force Is done moving, the two frigates also
move three spaces along a parallel course. This concludes the
NATO Sea Movement Step. In the Air Movement Step, two squad-
rons of A& from N l m h (In Task Force Alpha) Ily tour spaces to
attack the Soviet vessel in the Norwegian Sea.
Example 2: As the NATO task force moves
into the space containing a Soviet subma-
rine, the Soviet player announces that his
submarine is trying to detect the NATO
lask force. The lask force stops moving
temporarily while the search is resolved.
The Soviet player plays three detection
markers in the space. The NATO player
has the option to respond with detection
markers of his own. He decides to play
four sonar detection markers. This is the
maximum number he can play because he
has only tour helicopter-equipped ships in
his ASW screen. When the searches are
resolved, the Soviet player rolls 1, 5, and
8; the lask force is detected. The NATO
player rolls 2, 3, 5, and 8; two Soviet sub-
marines are detected.
Example 3: (Below) This is how Task
Force Alpha is organized on the Task
Force Card.
3 8
Center Anti-AircraR Screen Anti-Submarine Warfare Screen
Task Few
Fo ce Bravo I a
~ask;-;-- . A + E-
Charley -1
- %F
+I+ -
---m Delta
Orders of Battle - Scenario 1
The Hunt for Red October game has The first three scenarios-Arctic NATO:
Patrol, The Hunt for Red October, and
eight scenarios. Each scenario is a dif-
ferent situation, with different groups North Atlantic Convoy-are good I Los Angeles SSN 1
of ships, aircraft, and starting loca- choices for your first few games. Sce-
tions. The scenarios all start with a brief narios 4 through 7-MAG to Norway,
description of the situation. Orders of Long Live the Queen, The Gauntlet,
Battle lists the forces involved on both and Amphibious Assault-use more 4 Los An* class submarines
sides. When aircraft carriers are listed, pieces and take more time to play, so
the carrier comes with a full load of air- they are better choices after you have
craft squadrons. Setting Up describes
where the pieces are when the game
starts. How to Win describes what each
played the game a few times and are
familiar with the rules. The last
scenario- War in the Atlantic-uses all
I Trafalgar
side's goal is. Special Rules contains any of the pieces in the game and can last I I
changes to the standard rules, or rules many hours as players battle back and 1 Trafalgsr c b s submarine
that apply only to that scenario. forth across the sea.
Scenario 1
1 P 3 C Orion air squadron
two decoys to both sides pieces. 2 points per enemy sub sunk;
3 points for each of your subs that is
Setting Up within five spaces of the enemy air-
The Soviet player places his air squad-
rons in the Kola air base. He then places Special Rules
2 Tan
his submarines no more than two per
The air squadrons can fly missions nor-
space, within three spaces of Kola. mally, but they must return to the air-
The NATO player places his air squad- base where they started the game at the
ron on Iceland and sets up his pieces, end of each turn.
Scenario 2
The Hunt for Red October
morsk. One Soviet task force can begin
Can you, as Captain Marko Ramius, in the North Atlantic.
skillfully guide your submarine from
the chill waters near the Arctic Ocean Red October begins the game anywhere
to the safety of an American port? Or, in the North Atlantic within four sea
can you, with the entire force of the spaces of Severomorsk. Do not, how-
Soviet Navy at your disposal, locate ever, place the Red Octoberpiece on the
and destroy the traitor who threatens to board. See the hidden movement rule.
turn over your most advanced vessel to How To Win
i the capitalist foe? The Red October player wins by enter-
One player controls Red October. ing an American port in 10 turns or less.
Using special, hidden movement, he The Soviet player wins by sinking Red
L tries to escape across the North Atlan- October.
tic, remaining undetected all the while.
Special R u l e s
The other player controls the rest of the
Soviet Navy. He combs the waters 04 The Soviet player always has the initia-
the Atlantic Ocean, setting up under- tive in this scenario. He does not roll a
water blockades with submarina while die to get detection markers. Instead,
his surface fleets desperately 4for every Soviet piece can try to detect Red
the escaping Red October. If he finds it, October once per turn.
he must sink it; Red O c t o h ca~ot t# All Soviet ships suffer a -2 penalty to
allowed to fall into American h d s l their detection ratings when searching
for Rad October, instead of the usual -1
Setting Up for detecting a Soviet submarine.
Put all of the Soviet submarines in a The Red October piece is not used on
bowl, hat, box lid, or other convenient the game map. Instead, the player uses
container. Then draw 12 submarines Red October is a large piece, so three
a copy of the map printed on page 16 of hits are necessary to sink it. The first hit
randomly-these form your submarine the h(or a photocopy of that page)
force. Then select 15 (small) ships of reduces its speed to one space per turn.
to track the location of his submarine.
your choice to escort Kiev, Kirov, and Place a numeral 1 in the space where
Minsk. Only Soviet submarines can enter the
Red O a o k begins. It can move one two spaces adjacent to Norfolk and
The Soviet player can place six subma- space a turn, so place a numeral 2 in the New York. Soviet surface ships and air
rines, one per space, anywhere on the space it moves to on the second turn, a squadrons cannot enter these spaces.
board. The other submarines and two 3 on the space it moves to on the third Red October can enter any sea or
task forces start in the port of Severo- turn, and so on. American port space on the map.
O r d e r s o f Battle S c e n a r i o 2
Red October
ssBN 1
Captain Ramius: Red October
Task Force 1-KCevwith 5 escorts Task Force 3-MCnsk with 5 escorrs
Scenario 3 Scenario 4 .-
North Atlantic Convoy MAG to Norway
Protecting sea lanes has historically Le Havre, whichever happens first. With the main blow to NATO forces in
been one of the primary functions of a Germany comes a coordinated drive,
The Soviet player wins automatically if
navy, Never was this more graphically with airborne. amphibious, and mecha-
the convoy has not reached Le Havre
illustrated than during the world wars, nized Soviet &visions pushing into
after five turns. If it reaches Le Havre,
when battles against German subma- Norway. Their target is the strategic
each player totals up his victory points.
rines proved crucial to Allied victory. airfields that control the Norwegian
The player with the most points wins.
The North Atlantic is sure to be a bat- Sea. The Norwegian army, hastily
tleground again, as NATO convoys The Soviet player gets: mobilized, offers stubborn resistance,
strive to maintain the lifeline between 2 points per merchant ship sunk but help is needed.
American production and the European 2 points per NATO warship sunk A U.S. Marine Assault Group swiftly
front line. (including subs) boards its transport in Virginia. For the
1 point per NATO warship damaged next several days. this is one of the most
Setting Up
The NATO player gets: important vessels in the world. Dozens
The Soviet player places his submarines of ships are assigned to protect it, and
in any spaces he wants, except for spac- 3 points per Soviet sub sunk the Soviets try everything they can to
es with NATO patrol symbols. He can sink it.
place up to two subs per space.
Special Rules Setting Up
The NATO player places all of his sur-
face ships, including the convoy, in the The convoy piece (and thus, any task All Soviet surface ships are placed in
port of New York. All of these ships force containing it) can only move two two task forces and start in the port of
form a task force. He can place his sub- spaces (not three) per turn. Severomorsk. The air squadrons start
marines, up to two per space, in any The convoy piece represents dozens of at the Kola air base. The submarines
spaces not occupied by Soviet subs. merchant ships. The piece itself can can be placed, one per space, in any
never Ix sunk. Each hit against the con- spaces except those with NATO patrol
How to Win voy piece sinks a merchant ship. Play- symbols.
The scenario lasts five turns, or until ers must keep track of merchant losses NATO surface ships are placed in three
the convoy marker reaches the port of on a separate sheet of paper. task forces, one each with Saipan,
Orders of Battle - Scenario 3
2 Spruance class destroyers
1 convoy piece
1- Los Angeles
2 Alfa class submarines
L 1 4 Los Angeles class submarines
4 Perry class frlgates 3 November class submarines
141. 41 --- -
4 Knox class frlgates 4' Victor class submarines 1 Akula class submarine
Nimitz, and Wisconsin. The Saipan Special Rules
task force starts in the port of Virginia.
The other two must be placed within Both players place four detection mark-
three spaces of Virginia. The subma- ers in their "Detection Markers" space
rines can be placed in any sea spaces at the
. start of the turn, instead of the
Orions start at Iceland.
How To Win
The NATO player wins if he moves
Saipan into a space adjacent to Norway 14 31
and keeps her there for one full turn. Klev
The Soviet player wins by preventing
this. 2 Ticonderoga class cruisers
Orders of Battle Scenario 4
14- 31
5 Spruance class destroyers
Nimitz Cm
5 Adems class destroyers ,ha clar
1 I
6 Perry class trlgatea 2 F-15 air squadrons 4 Kresta class crulsers
How To Win
The game ends anytime after the second
turn when only one player has surface
ships in the North Sea. (The North Sea
Great Britain. The aircraft squadrons is the two sea areas containing the
rines are placed in Great Britain. The subs words "North Sea" and "Scotland.")
are placed, one per space, in any spaces The last player to have a surface ship
the NATO player wants. anywhere in the North Sea is the win-
Soviet surface ships are placed in one ner.
Orders of Battle Scenario 5
3 Nimrod air squadrons
3 Bear air squadrons 3 Leander class frigates
4 Broadsword class frigates
3 ltafalgar class submarines 3 Krivak class frigate -#
2 MiG-, . .. -,-..Jrons L
2 S
1 cnarlie class submarine
Scenario 6
The Gauntlet
A carefully formed plan is set into NATO submarines are set up in spaces
motion: a powerful task force from the containing NATO patrol symbols, one
Soviet Mediterranean Fleet is to sail submarine per space. The two Tornado
northward to join the Northern Fleet squadrons are placed in England.
before hostilities erupt. But the timing
is off, and war breaks out before the How to Win
task force sets out. Including the new The game ends when all Soviet ships
super carrier, Kremlin, the fleet must have reached Severomorsk or have
run through the heart of NATO sea been sunk.
power to reach safety in the north. The player with the most victory points
Setting Up at the end of the game wins. Victory
points are earned as follows:
All of the Soviet ships are placed in a
single task force in the Gibraltar space. 5 points for each large enemy ship
All Soviet air squadrons are placed at sunk
Kola. 3 points for each small enemy ship
NATO pieces are assembled into three 1 point for each hit inflicted on surviv-
or four task forces. Each task force can ing enemy ships
have no more than one aircraft carrier. lopoints for each Soviet ship that
NATO task forces are placed on the reaches Severomorsk (Soviet player
map using this procedure:
The NATO player chooses a space (oth-
er than the space containing the Soviet Orders of Battle - Scenario 6
fleet) where he would like to start his
task force. The Soviet player rolls the America Wisconsin BB
colored die. If the result is 0, the fleet
starts right where the NATO player
wants it to. If the result is 1through 9,
however, the Soviet player chooses any
sea space that many spaces away from
the space chosen by the NATO player. America Wisconsin
That is where the task force begins.
Example: If the die roll is a 6, the Soviet Nimitz CVN
player puts the NATO fleet in a space
that is six spaces away from the spot
chosen by the NATO player.
This procedure is repeated for each 6 Perry class frigates
NATO fleet. No two NATO fleets can
start in the same space. Nimitz Continued
Orders of Battle Scenario 6
-a- 3 1
14- 41
7 Knox class frigates
3 Leander class frigates
2 Ticonderoga class cruisers
1- Brodsr
4 Los Angeles class submarines
3 MiG-29 alr squadrons
I sturgeon SSN I
1 Sturgeon class submarine Kiev
Scenario 7
Amphibious Assault
first submarine. Only one submarine
Losses in the first phases of the war are
can be placed per space.
heavy on both sides. Still, the Soviets
take the offensive. A strong task force How to Win
sails from Severomorsk for an
Before the game starts, the Soviet play-
unknown destination. It contains the
er secretly selects a target for his inva-
large amphibious assault vessel Ivan sion. It must be Greenland, Iceland, or
Rogov. NATO forces must rally to
the Faeroes. The Soviet player writes
defeat this invasion force before it can
this on a slip of paper and sets it aside.
Setting Up The NATO player wins by sinking Ivan
Rogov. The Soviet player wins by mov-
Each player arranges his surface ships ing Ivan Rogov adjacent to his target
into two or three task forces. All Soviet space and keeping it there for one full
task forces start in Severomorsk. One turn.
NATO task force must be placed adja-
cent to Le Havre. All other NA'ID task Special Rules
forces must be placed within two spaces At the start of each turn, both players
of the United States. put four detection markers in their
Players then take turns placing subma- "Detection Markers" boxes instead of
rines on the board. NATO places the the usual two.
Foch CV I John F. Kennedy Cv I
3 p-4 Kennedy
Adams Sturgeon
2Ad.rrrschmdsstroyws 3 Sturgeon c b submarines
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