Of Mice and Men Essay

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Of Mice and Men Essay

Now that we are finished with the novel it is time for you to prove your analytical skills using
information we have gathered as a class. You are to write an essay using the method weve
used in class. For this essay you need to analyze a theme. A theme is a message the author
is trying to get across to the reader; it is the central or main idea of a work. We discussed
some possible themes for the novel Of Mice and Men in class. Your essay should analyze one
of the following themes:
Theme Choices
Loneliness can cause depression or insanity
Friendship is the key to happiness
Fate has the power to destroy our plans
The American Dream is an unrealistic fantasy
Humans continue to hope because it motivates us to keep living
Not all dreams come true

Essay Prompt: What is the main theme of John Steinbecks novel Of Mice and Men? Which
characters illustrate this? (Your thesis should be your answer to these questions!)
Must be at least 5 paragraphs (1 intro, 3 body, 1 conclusion)
Each paragraph must have all of its elements (ex: TS, CD, CM, CM, CS)
All CDs must be quotes
All quotes must use MLA parenthetical citations (Steinbeck 20)
Paper must be in MLA format
Must include a works cited page referencing the novel
Essay Checklist:
A) Intro:
a. Hook
b. Bridge
c. Summary of the novel
d. Thesis
B) Body Paragraphs (There should be three of these)
a. Topic Sentence (TS)
b. Chunk 1
i. CD (quote with citations)
ii. CM (Commentary- EX: This reveals/is significant because)
iii. CM (Commentary- EX: This reveals/is significant because)
c. Chunk 2
i. CD (quote with citations)
ii. CM (Commentary- EX: This reveals/is significant because)
iii. CM (Commentary- EX: This reveals/is significant because)
d. Concluding Sentence
C) Concluding Paragraph
a. Restate thesis using other words (paraphrase)
b. Main points summarized (1-2 sentences)
c. Commentary (Two or three sentences proposing a solution, offering advice or
d. Closure -Two or three sentences to give a sense of final conclusion by leaving
the reader with a final thought, quotation, image or example. Apply what
happens in the book to all mankind. What can we learn from this? If you
cannot imagine dropping the mike after your closure, it is not strong enough.
Essay Writing Tips and Requirements
Do not use 1st or 2nd person pronouns
o Forbidden: I, me, we, us, our, you, your. If you use these pronouns you
will receive a ZERO
Do not use contractions unless it is in your quote. Write out contractions
o Do not do use instead
o Cant cannot
o Couldve could have
o Doesnt does not
o Wont will not
o Isnt is not
o Hasnt has not
o Havent have not
Avoid vague language (You want to sound like an expert)
o Forbidden: sort of, kind of, maybe
o Use the pronouns he, she, or they only after you have used the
characters name. This makes your writing clear.
Use the present tense- When George kills Lennie, not when George killed
All Curleys wife wants is to have someone to talk to, not All Curleys
wife wanted was to

Name: Period:
Of Mice and Men Essay Rubric:
5-4 3-2 1
MLA Format Paper is in proper Paper is mostly in Paper is not in
MLA format w/ MLA format with a MLA format
perfectly cited few errors
quotes and works
Intro paragraph All required Most required Missing most
elements of an elements present. required elements.
intro paragraph Thesis may be Very weak or no
are present. Thesis unclear or weak. thesis present.
is clear and strong
Body paragraph 1 All required Most required Missing most
elements of a elements of an required elements
body paragraph body paragraph for a body
are present: 2 present. paragraph
complete chunks
Body paragraph 2 All required Most required Missing most
elements of a elements of an required elements
body paragraph body paragraph for a body
are present: 2 present. paragraph
complete chunks
Body paragraph 3 All required Most required Missing most
elements of a elements of an required elements
body paragraph body paragraph for a body
are present: 2 present. paragraph
complete chunks
Conclusion All required Most required Missing most
elements of a elements of a required elements
concluding concluding for a concluding
paragraph paragraph paragraph.
present. Strong present.
and relevant Commentary
commentary and and/or final
final thought thought not
relevant or strong
Spelling and Essay contains Contains many Contains many
Grammar very few spelling spelling and distracting
and grammatical grammatical grammatical and
errors. Sentence errors. Sentence spelling errors.
structure makes structure makes Sentence structure
sense. Careful sense. Revision is confusing or
revision is evident not evident awkward. Clearly
not revised.


TOTAL SCORE: _____/70

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