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System Dynamics and Control (ME422 - 03 - Spring - 2017) : Instructor: Prof. Ayman A. Aly El-Naggar

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System Dynamics and Control


Instructor: Prof. Ayman A. Aly El-Naggar

Professor of Mechatronics Engineering
Lecture 2-iii
Mathematical Modeling
Transfer functions
System Response
[email protected]
Mechanical Engineering Dept.,
Faculty of Engineering, Taif University
Saudi Arabia
To obtain a system transfer function ...
1. Decide what will be the input and the output variables for
the system
u(t) y (t )
G (s )
2. Obtain governing equations in the form of linear ODEs
y 2 y u u
3. Apply Laplace transform transform variable t to s
s 2Y ( s) sy(0) y (0) 2Y ( s) sU ( s) u(0) U ( s)
4. Set all initial conditions for the output and input variables
to zero
s Y (s) 2Y (s) sU ( s) U (s)

5. Arrange the result into the form of transfer function

transfer function
s 1 s 1
Y ( s) 2 U ( s) G (s) 2
s 2 s 2
Transfer Functions

For a linear system, the system transfer function can be used to

calculate the output signal for any known input signal.
The system transfer function is defined as

Laplace transform of output Y ( s)

G( s)
Laplace transform of input U ( s)

the transfer function is a function of the Laplace variable s

the transfer function maps the input to the output in the Laplace
Y ( s) G ( s)U ( s)
The transfer function contains all the information about the
system behaviour
Find the transfer function for this spring-mass-damper
system with
1. system input: applied force f
2. system output: displacement x

x Governing equation
f m x b x k x f (t )
f ( t) x ( t)
G (s )
Example: Transfer function of spring-mass-damper
system (cont.)
governing equation: mx bx kx f

apply Laplace transform: L{mx bx kx} L{ f }

m(s 2 X (s) sx(0) x (0)) b(sX (s) x(0)) kX (s) F (s)
assume zero initial conditions: x(0) 0 x (0) 0
(ms 2 bs k ) X (s) F ( s)
System transfer function:
Laplace transform of output X ( s ) X ( s) 1
G ( s)
Laplace transform of input F ( s) F ( s) (ms 2 bs k )

f(t) 1 x(t)
(ms 2 bs k )
Q. What will the transfer function be if output is x (t )
A system has a transfer function G ( s )
Find the output of the system y(t) when the input
is a step signal of magnitude 2
2 2
G (s ) ?
1 1

t t
Characteristic equation, poles and zeros

We may write a transfer function G(s) in the form

G (s)
p( s) s 1
e.g. G (s) 2
q( s) s 3s 2
p(s) is a polynomial function of s
q(s) is a polynomial function of s
q(s) is called the characteristic polynomial

Characteristic equation: q(s) = 0

e.g. s 3s 2 0
Characteristic equation, poles and zeros

p( s)
G (s)
q( s)
The characteristic equation q(s) = 0 is very important. It
governs the characteristics of the system e.g. response,
stability, etc...
the roots of the polynomial q(s) are called the system poles
(the values of s that give q(s) = 0)
the roots of the polynomial p(s) are called the system zeros
(the values of s that give p(s) = 0)
The system order is the degree of the characteristic
polynomial q(s) (the highest power of s)
It is also equal to the number of poles of the system and is
the highest order derivative in the governing equation.
What are the poles and zeros of a system with
transfer function
G(s) 2
s 2s 5

The zero is obtained from s + 3 = 0 which gives

one zero: s = 3

The poles are obtained from s2 + 2s + 5 = 0 which

gives two poles: s = 1 + j2 and s = 1 j2
Pole-Zero maps

The zeros and poles of a system are often shown

using a pole-zero map
A pole-zero map is a plot of the complex s-plane that
shows the location of all the poles and zeros of a
the location of a pole is expressed by
the location of a zero is expressed by
( s 3)
Pole-zero map of G ( s )
( s 1)(s 2)

This system has: one zero at s = 3 and

two poles at s = 1 and s = 2.

s = + j j

zero j2

-3 -2 -1 1

poles -j

Pole-zero map: - j2
System Response Characteristics
First Order System

A first order system is a system of order 1

(system with 1 pole)
A first-order transfer function can be written in the
k k pole: s = 1/
G ( s)
s 1 s 1
is called the time constant
k is a gain constant
System Response Characteristics
First Order System

Impulse response
If the first-order system has a unit impulse input: U(s) = 1 then

Y ( s) G( s) U ( s)

Y (s) 1
s 1 e-1 = 0.3679
Inverse transform:
0.3679 y (t ) e t /
y (t ) e t

0 t

Note: The impulse response is exponential.

At t = the output changes 63.21 % from its initial value (from 1 to 0.3679).
The time constant indicates how fast or slow the system will respond.

Find the impulse response of the following systems.

What is the time constant for each system?

3 1
1. G ( s) 2. G(s)
s 1 0.1s 2

3. G(s)
System Response Characteristics
Second Order System

A second order system is a system of order 2

(system with 2 poles)

Example: the spring-mass damper has a second-

order transfer function of the form
1 1m
G (s) 2
ms bs k s b m s k m

b m b m 4k m

The system has two poles at s

System Response Characteristics
Second Order System

A transfer function of a second-order system can be rearranged

into a standard form:
C : constant
G ( s) 2 : damping ratio
s 2 n s n2 n: natural frequency

Example: for a spring-mass-damper system we can rearrange the

transfer function into a standard form where

1 b k
2 km m

Expressing the transfer function in standard form allows us to deal with any
second-order system regardless of what the system may physically be
Poles of a second-order system
The characteristic equation of a second-order system is

s 2 2n s n2 0 (s s1 )(s s2 ) 0

The poles of the system are

s1 , s2 n n 2 1

From the above equation, we can categorize the system based

on the value of :

Damping ratio of a second-order system

Case 1 > 1 : s1, s2 both real system is overdamped
Case 2 < 1 : s1, s2 complex conjugates system is underdamped
Case 3 = 1 : s1 = s2 real and identical system is critically damped
Find the natural frequencies and damping ratios for
the following systems. Are they underdamped,
overdamped or critically damped?

1 4
1. G ( s) 2 2. G (s)
s 6s 4 s 12

3. G (s) 2
3s 6 s 9
Poles of an underdamped system
For an underdamped systems ( < 1), the poles are complex

s1 , s2 n jn 1 2 j
j n 1 2

n q = cos -1

cos q =
j n 1 2
q depends only on but not n s2
the distance from the origin (0, 0) to
the poles is equal to n
Poles of an underdamped system

s1 , s2 n jn 1 2
consider varying (n fixed): 0
q = cos-1

>1 >1

as increases from 0 to 1, the poles

move in an arc from the imaginary
axis to the real axis
the distance from the origin (0, 0) to
the poles is equal to n
as increases from 1 to , the poles separate along the real axis
System Response Characteristics
Second Order System
Impulse response
Unit impulse input U(s) = 1 then Y ( s ) G ( s ) U ( s )

Y (s) 2 1 (assuming C = 1)
s 2n s n

Inverse transform (using tables):

Y (s)
( s n ) 2 n2 (1 2 )
y (t )
1 2
e t
1 2

( s n ) 2 ( n 1 2 ) 2 constant decaying sinusoid
n n 1 2

1 2 ( s n ) 2 ( n 1 2 ) 2
Second Order System Impulse response
y(t) n
1 2
1 2 e-nt envelope

damped oscillation damped

Output y(t)


y (t )
1 2
e t
sin n
1 2
exponential sinusoid
1 2

Time t t
The Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB
The Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB
The Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB
The Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB
The Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB
The Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB
The Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB
The Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB
The Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB
The Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB
The Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB
The Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB
The Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB
The Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB
The Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB
The Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB
The Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB


Sys1 = sysh2 / sysg4

The Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB
The Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB


The Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB
The Simulation of Systems Using MATLAB

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