Transient Short Circuit Current Calculation Using Decoupled Networks
Transient Short Circuit Current Calculation Using Decoupled Networks
Transient Short Circuit Current Calculation Using Decoupled Networks
3, July 1999
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rent sources in i, .
significant speed-up is achieved'by noticing that
ed networks can be solved on completely indepen-
dent processors.
The method presented in this paper has been implemented The first test case is the IEEE-14 bus system with added
in a production level package. It constitutes a direct upgrade 40% series compensation on the line connecting buses 7 and
and simply a new option for a standard short-circuit analysis 8. Fig. 5 shows the fault current resulting fiom a three-phase-
program used and maintained at Hydro-Qukbec. The needed to-ground fault at bus 7. The solution with the new short-cir-
input network data remains the same, since the zero, positive cuit program is superposed over the solution found fiom the
and negative sequences are the same as the 0 , a and p com- EMTP (DCG-EPRI version 3). Both waveforms are almost
ponents respectively. Transmission lines remain modeled as identical. Constant impedance loads and 60 Hz pi-sections for
fundamental fiequency pi-sections. For a balanced transmis- transmission lines are used in both programs.
sion line the a and p mode impedances are identical. The
new option allows data fields for fault occurrence time in
addition to fault location and fault type. It is allowed to apply
multiple-simultaneous and multiple-non-simultaneous faults.
The overall solution process can be summarized through the
following algorithmic steps:
1. create the vector tables
2. find the needed resistances R,F for all fault locations
3. compute fault currents using fault equations
4. use sparse matrix methods to solve equation (6)
5 . update history currents and increment time b , ,