Geoprobe Online
Geoprobe Online
Geoprobe Online
Users Guide
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Landmark Graph-
ics Corporation. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this documentation, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil
and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law.
Landmark Graphics may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering
subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copy-
rights, or other intellectual property.
3DFS, 3D Drill View, 3D Drill View KM, 3DView, 3D Surveillance, Active Field Surveillance, Active Reservoir Surveillance,
ADC, Advanced Data Transfer, ARIES, Asset Development Center, AssetJournal, Asset Performance, AssetView, Atomic Mesh-
ing, Automate, BLITZ, BLITZPAK, CasingSeat, COMPASS, Contouring Assistant, Corporate Data Archiver, Corporate Data
Store, DataManager, DataStar, DBPlot, DecisionSuite, Decisionarium, DecisionSpace, DecisionSpace AssetPlanner, DecisionS-
pace AssetView, DecisionSpace Atomic Meshing, DecisionSpace Decision Management Systems(DMS), DecisionSpace Nexus,
DecisionSpace PowerGrid, DecisionSpace PowerModel, DecisionSpace PrecisionTarget, DecisionSpace Reservoir, DecisionS-
pace TracPlanner, DecisionSpace Well Seismic Fusion, DepthTeam, DepthTeam Explorer, DepthTeam Express, DepthTeam
Extreme, DepthTeam Interpreter, Desktop Navigator, DESKTOP-PVT, DESKTOP-VIP, DEX, DIMS, Discovery, Discovery
Asset, Drill-to-the-Earth Model, Drillability Suite, Drilling Desktop, DrillModel, DrillVision, DSS, Dynamic Reservoir Manage-
ment, Dynamic Surveillance System, EarthCube, EDM, eLandmark, Engineers Data Model, Engineer's Desktop, Engineers Link,
Executive Assistant, ezFault, ezSurface, ezTracker, FG+, FastTrack, FieldWorks, FZAP!, GeoDataLoad, GeoGraphix (stylized),
GeoGraphix Exploration System, GeoLink, GeoProbe, GeoProbe GF DataServer, GES, GESXplorer, GMAplus, GRIDGENR,
Handheld Field Operator, I2 Enterprise, iDIMS, IsoMap, iWellFile, Landmark, Landmark & Design, Landmark Logo & Design,
Landmark Decision Center, Landscape, Lattix, LeaseMap, LMK Resources, LogEdit, LogM, LogPrep, Magic Earth, MagicDesk,
Make Great Decisions, MathPack, MIMIC, MIMIC+, MIRA, Model Builder, MyLandmark, Nexus, Object MP, OpenBooks,
Open Explorer, OpenJournal, OpenSGM, OpenVision, OpenWells, OpenWire, OpenWorks, OpenWorks Well File, PAL, Paral-
lel-VIP, PetroBank, PetroWorks, PetroWorks ULTRA, PlotView, Point Gridding Plus, Pointing Dispatcher, PostStack, PostStack
ESP, PowerCalculator, PowerExplorer, PowerHub, Power Interpretation, PowerJournal, PowerModel, PowerView, Presgraf,
PRIZM, PROFILE, Project Administrator, ProMAGIC, ProMAGIC Connect, ProMAGIC Server, ProMAX, ProMAX 2D, Pro-
MAX 3D, ProMAX 3DPSDM, ProMAX MVA, ProMAX VSP, pSTAx, Query Builder, Quick, Quick+, QUICKDIF, QUIKCDP,
QUIKDIG, QUIKRAY, QUIKSHOT, QUIKVSP, Quickwell, Quickwell+, RAVE, RayMap, RayMap+, RTOC, Real Freedom,
Real Time Asset Management Center, Real Time Asset Management Centre, Real Time Operations Center, Real Time Produc-
tion Surveillance, Real Time Surveillance, Reference Data Manager, Reservoir Framework Builder, RESev, ResMap, RightTime,
RMS, SCAN, SeisCube, SeisMap, SeisModel, SeisSpace, SeisVision, SeisWell, SeisWorks, SeisWorks PowerCalculator, Seis-
Works PowerJournal, SeisWorks PowerSection, SeisXchange, Sierra, Sierra (design), SigmaView, SimResults, SIVA, SIVA+,
smartSECTION, Spatializer, SpecDecomp, StrataAmp, StrataMap, StrataModel, StrataSim, StratWorks, StressCheck, STRUCT,
Surf & Connect, SynTool, SystemStart for Servers, SystemStart, SystemStart for Clients, SystemStart for Storage, Tanks &
Tubes, TDQ, Team Workspace, TERAS, Total Drilling Performance, TOW/cs, TOW/cs Revenue Interface, TracPlanner, Trend
TIVE, VIP-Local Grid Refinement, VIP-THERM, WavX, Web Editor, Well Seismic Fusion, Wellbase, Wellbore Planner, Well-
bore Planner Connect, WELLCAT, WELLPLAN, WellXchange, WOW, Xsection, You're in Control. Experience the difference,
ZAP!, and Z-MAP Plus are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of Landmark Graphics Corporation.
All other trademarks, service marks and product or service names are the property of their respective owners.
The authors make NO WARRANTY or representation, either express or implied, with respect to this software, its quality, accu-
racy, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. This software is provided "AS IS", and you, its user, assume the entire
risk as to its quality and accuracy.
(1) If any part of the source code for this software is distributed, then this README file must be included, with this copyright and
no-warranty notice unaltered; and any additions, deletions, or changes to the original files must be clearly indicated in accompa-
nying documentation.
(2) If only executable code is distributed, then the accompanying documentation must state that "this software is based in part on
the work of the Independent JPEG Group".
(3) Permission for use of this software is granted only if the user accepts full responsibility for any undesirable consequences; the
authors accept NO LIABILITY for damages of any kind.
These conditions apply to any software derived from or based on the IJG code, not just to the unmodified library. If you use our
work, you ought to acknowledge us.
Permission is NOT granted for the use of any IJG author's name or company name in advertising or publicity relating to this soft-
ware or products derived from it. This software may be referred to only as "the Independent JPEG Group's software".
We specifically permit and encourage the use of this software as the basis of commercial products, provided that all warranty or
liability claims are assumed by the product vendor.
ansi2knr.c is included in this distribution by permission of L. Peter Deutsch, sole proprietor of its copyright holder, Aladdin Enter-
prises of Menlo Park, CA. ansi2knr.c is NOT covered by the above copyright and conditions, but instead by the usual distribution
terms of the Free Software Foundation; principally, that you must include source code if you redistribute it. (See the file
ansi2knr.c for full details.) However, since ansi2knr.c is not needed as part of any program generated from the IJG code, this does
not limit you more than the foregoing paragraphs do.
The Unix configuration script "configure" was produced with GNU Autoconf. It is copyright by the Free Software Foundation but
is freely distributable. The same holds for its supporting scripts (config.guess, config.sub, ltconfig, Another support
script, install-sh, is copyright by M.I.T. but is also freely distributable.
It appears that the arithmetic coding option of the JPEG spec is covered by patents owned by IBM, AT&T, and Mitsubishi. Hence
arithmetic coding cannot legally be used without obtaining one or more licenses. For this reason, support for arithmetic coding
has been removed from the free JPEG software. (Since arithmetic coding provides only a marginal gain over the unpatented Huff-
man mode, it is unlikely that very many implementations will support it.)
So far as we are aware, there are no patent restrictions on the remaining code.
The IJG distribution formerly included code to read and write GIF files. To avoid entanglement with the Unisys LZW patent, GIF
reading support has been removed altogether, and the GIF writer has been simplified to produce "uncompressed GIFs". This tech-
nique does not use the LZW algorithm; the resulting GIF files are larger than usual, but are readable by all standard GIF decoders.
"The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark prop-
erty of CompuServe Incorporated."
Installation 16
Learning GeoProbe 17
Training 17
Online Manuals 17
Online Help Overview 20
Introduction 20
Navigating Online Help 20
Printing the Users Guide 21
Main Window 22
Viewing Area 22
Hover Buttons 22
HUD 22
View Mode 23
Pick Mode 23
Control Pick Mode 24
Icon Buttons 24
Thumbwheels 27
Menu Bar 28
Popup Menus 28
Displaying in Stereo 29
Stereo Icons 29
Main Window Menu Bar 32
File Menu 32
Edit Menu 32
Applications Menu 33
Tools Menu 33
Help Menu 33
Save and Restore a State 35
Tools Menu 36
Loading Tools Files 36
Tools File Format 36
Standard Tools Menu 37
Using PD Connect 39
Connecting SeisWorks and GeoProbe 39
Dynamically Viewing CDP Gathers in Well Seismic Fusion 39
Applications Menu 44
Loading Application Files 44
Applications File Format 44
Popup Menus 46
View Mode Popup 46
Pick Mode Popup: No Probes Selected 48
Pick Mode Popup: One or More Probes Selected 49
Spin Animation 52
Project Selection 53
Shortcut List 53
GeoProbe Projects 53
SeisWorks Projects 54
Project Subdirectories 55
projects.dat file 56
Add a GeoProbe Shortcut 57
Controls 57
Drop a GeoProbe Shortcut 58
Close Project Selection 59
User Preferences 60
Viewer Preferences 60
Volume Preferences 60
Probe Preferences 61
Well Preferences 61
Points Preferences 61
Surface Preferences 62
Horizon Preferences 62
Seed Points Preferences 64
Keyboard and Mouse Controls 65
Keyboard 65
Mouse 68
Console Dialog 70
Message List 70
Controls 70
Exiting GeoProbe 72
Unsaved Dialog 73
File List 73
Controls 73
FLEXlm Licensing 74
FLEXlm Error Dialog 74
Introduction to FLEXlm 74
GeoProbe FLEXlm Files 75
S99GeoProbe 75
Volumes Object Manager 79
Volumes List 79
Controls 79
Load Volume 80
Select Volumes List 80
Trim/Decimate 80
Scale 81
Show Coordinate Info 81
Controls 81
Scale a SeisWorks Volume 82
Volume Coordinate Info 83
Attach a Volume 84
Volumes Loaded List 84
Controls 84
Memory Management 85
Shared Memory Housekeeping 85
Semaphore Housekeeping 85
Changing the Global Scale 86
Volume Annotation 87
Volume Data Range 88
Volume Colormap 89
Colormap Similarities 89
Main Menu 89
Colormap Controls 90
Preset Colormaps 92
Default Colormap 92
Ramp Edit Mode 93
Palette Edit Mode 94
Volume Information 96
Coordinate Systems 96
Controls 96
Volume Sequence 98
Trim/Decimate 99
X, Y, and Z Fields 99
Edited Size 99
Controls 99
Probes Object Manager 103
Save Probe Size 104
Multiple Volumes 104
Arbitrary Planes 104
Ribbon Sections 105
Create a New Probe 107
Probe Style 108
Probe Options 110
Render Quality Settings 111
What Is Volume Rendering? 111
Volume Render Performance 111
Controls 111
Pick Information 113
Probe Annotation 114
Tick Marks 114
Grid Lines 114
Controls 114
Probe Control 115
Slider Bar Operation 115
Combo Mambo 117
Dialog Controls 118
Illuminating Data Selection 119
Defining Combo Mambo Illumination Settings 121
ezCorrelation 124
Using ezCorrelation 124
Controls 127
Area/Distance Calculation 128
Calculating an Area 128
Probe Information 131
Miscellaneous Well Information 158
ManuTrack Options 193
Using Manual Track 193
Controls 194
ezTracker 196
Picking Style 196
Wavelet Display 197
Dialog Controls 197
ezTracker Standard 199
Input Parameters 199
Using ezTracker Standard 200
ezTracker Plus 201
Input Parameters 201
Creating a Horizon with ezTracker Plus 203
ezTracker Tiling 206
How does Tiling Work? 206
Horizon Editing Tools 210
Filling Horizon Holes 211
Filling Holes in a Horizon 211
Horizon PolyEdit 215
Deleting Horizon Points 215
Creating Edit Polygons 217
PolyEdit Controls 218
Color by Score 220
Color By Tile Size 221
Editing a Horizon using Tile Size 221
ezTracker Heredity Editing Tool 226
Horizon Filter 227
Smoothing a Horizon 227
ezTracker Doublet Pick Mode 230
Horizon Colormap 231
Horizon Attributes 232
Dip 232
Azimuth 232
Dip/Azimuth 234
Controls 236
Creating an Editable Surface from a Horizon 237
Creating an Editable Surface from a Horizon 237
Horizon Contour 239
Creating Horizon Contours 239
Horizon Convert to SubSample 242
Light Editor 244
Using the Interactive Light Editor 244
Controls 248
Geobody Builder 249
Using Geobody Builder 249
Controls 249
Geobody Export 251
Geobody Information 252
Loading SWFaults 290
Select SWFaults List 290
Controls 290
2D Data Style 325
2D Data Limit Control 326
2D Data Trim/Decimate Dialog 327
X, Y, and Z Fields 327
Edited Size 327
Controls 327
Saving Semblance Volumes 371
Combo Volume 372
Amplitude and Semblance Combo Example 373
Surface Attribute Extraction 377
Utility Launcher 379
Volumes 379
Wells 380
Surfaces 381
Shapes 382
Points 383
Miscellaneous 383
Building Movies in GeoProbe 385
Controls 386
Configuring the Linux MPlayer 387
Spectral Decomposition 388
Technical Description 388
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) 390
Tuning Cube Analysis 392
SpecDecomp Interactive 395
Surfaces List 395
Controls 395
Window Length 396
Frequency Range 397
Surface Shift 398
Tuning Cube Type 399
Taper 399
Maximum Entropy Method 402
Frequency Slice Animator 403
Configuring WBP Connect 405
Connecting WBP Connect to OpenWorks 405
Preparing GeoProbe Volume data for WBP Connect 405
Selecting the right time-depth relationship if your GeoProbe volume is in the
time domain 406
Notes 406
WellborePlanner Connect 408
Launching WBP Connect 408
Controls 410
Time/Depth Domain 410
Uncertainty Setting 411
Connecting to Well Seismic Fusion 413
Dynamically Viewing CDP Gathers in Well Seismic Fusion 413
Running the projectSwap Utility 426
projectSwap Error File 426
Setting the Window Focus Preference on Linux Systems 428
For KDE 428
For Gnome 428
Operating System Tuning - IRIX 429
Systune 429
Syscheck 430
Swap File 433
Simultaneous GeoProbe Sessions 433
GeoProbe Configuration Files 435
Introduction 435
Projection Geometry 436
Configuration File Format 444
Running GeoProbe 449
Configuring Stereoscopic Displays 450
Configuring a Linux Workstation for Stereo 451
Configuring the Video Format Using the XFree86-4 Configuration File 451
Configuring a Linux Workstation for Multiple Graphics Cards 458
Configuring Multiple Graphics Cards Using the XFree86-4 Configuration File
Configuring Genlock/Framelock for Systems with Multiple Graphics Cards.
Configuring an SGI Workstation for Stereo 463
Configuring the Video Output Format 463
Configuring the Xservers File 465
Configuring an SGI Onyx 4 Workstation for Stereo 467
Video and Window System Configuration Files 467
Precedence of Operations 468
The /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 File 469
Configuring the System for Stereo 479
Configuring the System for Dual Channel Displays 481
Adding or Removing Pipes from the System 482
Configuring a SUN Workstation for Stereo and Multiple Graphics Cards
Configuring the Video Format 484
Configuring the Xservers File 485
Framelocking Multiple Graphics Cards 486
Remote Execution 489
Networking Specifics 489
Client Setup 490
Server Setup 492
Running Remote Execution 493
RESCUE Loading 494
Preparing Data for RESCUE Loading 494
Index 496
Getting Started
Learning GeoProbe
GeoProbe packaging is a set of fully contained CDROMs. Installation instructions
include hardware and system requirements, installing GeoProbe, setting up the license,
and possible system tuning. The installation instructions can be found in the
README file on the CDROM, as well as in the Release Notes.
To start GeoProbe, enter the name of the launcher script in a shell window. If the
GeoProbe installation is /home/magic, then the launcher script would be /home/magic/
Learning GeoProbe
The best way to learn GeoProbe is to take a training course from Landmark. The
instructors are experienced interpreters and teach techniques to fully utilize GeoProbe.
For training on features new to the current version of GeoProbe, view the New
Features Tutorial, launched from the Help pulldown menu.
Training Landmark offers introductory and advanced classes on GeoProbe. For more
information about the training classes, go to
Online Manuals This GeoProbe Users Guide is the main source of reference information about using
GeoProbe. Also, each GeoProbe dialog has a Help button that brings up the first page
describing the dialog. For more information about how to run the online help and
printing the manual, refer to the How to Use Help chapter.
The Release Notes are available online through the Main Window Help pulldown
menu. They contain the latest information about the release.
Main Window
Main Window
Displaying in Stereo
Tools Menu
Applications Menu
Popup Menus
Project Selection
User Preferences
Console Dialog
Exiting GeoProbe
Unsaved Dialog
FLEXlm Licensing
Online Help Overview
Introduction Welcome to GeoProbe Online Help. The purpose of the Online Help is to provide
instant access to reference information while using GeoProbe.
GeoProbe has many dialog boxes. Each one has a Help button. Selecting a Help
button brings up an internet viewer with the Online Help page. Subsequent requests
for help will use the same internet window.
Navigating There are two navigation courses for using the GeoProbe Online Help. One is the Help
Online Help buttons in GeoProbe dialogs and the Help pulldown menu in the Main Window. The
other course is to use the navigation tools in the Help System itself.
Contents Tab
The Contents tab displays the entries from the help systems table of contents in the
form of an expandable/collapsible tree view. Closed book icons represent entries that
have subentries. Click a closed book to open it and see its contents. When you expand
a book, the closed book icon is replaced by an open book icon. You can click the book
again to close it. The page icons represent individual Help topics.
Index Tab
The Index tab displays the entries from the help systems index. You can scroll to find
the index entry you want, or you can type the first few letters of the term in the text
box, and the index will scroll automatically as you type. Double-click an index entry
to display the corresponding Help topic, or select an index entry and then click the
Display button.
Search Tab
Using the Search tab, you can search the full text of a single-volume or multi-volume
Help system. You type the word or phrase to search for, and then press Enter or click
Go. The Search tab displays a list of all the topics in the Help system that contain the
word or phrase you entered. If you search for multiple words, the search finds Help
topics that contain all the words you entered. The topics found by search are ranked in
order of relevance. The higher the ranking, the more likely the topic includes the word
or phrase you searched for.
Favorites Tab
You can add frequently accessed Help topics to a personal list of favorites, which is
displayed on the Favorites tab. Once you have added a topic to your list of favorites,
you can access the topic by double-clicking it on the Favorites tab.
Click Add to add the currently displayed topic to your favorites list. Select a favorite
and then click Remove to delete a topic from your favorites list.
Printing the We recommend you use the Adobe Acrobat Reader for printing the full GeoProbe
Users Guide Users Guide. There are Acrobat Readers for SGI, SUN, Linux, Windows, Apple, and
most computers. If necessary, you can copy the gphelp.pdf file to another computer,
run Acrobat, open the file, and print from there.
Start Acrobat.
Open the gphelp.pdf PDF file.
Select the Print command in the File pulldown menu.
Choose your printer and print. Note that you can also print a range of pages
instead of the entire document.
Main Window
The Main Window contains the Viewing Area surrounded by the Menu Bar, Icon
Buttons, and Thumbwheels.
Viewing Area The Viewing Area displays the 3-dimensional view of the volumes, Probes, surfaces,
and other GeoProbe objects that make up the scene. The mouse controls the view, as
described below in View Mode. The right-button of the mouse can activate Popup
Menus for convenient access to GeoProbe commands. The Heads Up Display (HUD)
shows numeric information about the currently selected Probe.
Around the Viewing Area are controls for quick access to GeoProbe features. The
controls include Icon Buttons on the sides, Thumbwheels along the bottom, and the
Menu Bar along the top.
Hover Buttons For a brief description of an icon, position the cursor over the icon. A short
explanation of its use will immediately appear.
HUD The Heads Up Display (HUD) contains numeric information about the currently
selected Probe, volume assignment, the pick point, and the Control Pick Mode. The
HUD only appears when one Probe is selected. If more than one Probe is selected or
no Probes are selected, the HUD disappears. The following figure shows the HUD.
The Min, Max, and Size values are in Project Coordinates. The Mode is the current
Control Pick Mode. The Vol field shows the volume for the selected Probe.
The following figure shows the HUD with a Seed Point picked.
The additional column under Pick contains the Seed Point location (in Project
Coordinates) and the volume attribute value (Value field).
Placement of the HUD can be any of the four corners of the Viewing Area. The 0 key
(above the alphabet keys) toggles through the four locations. The HUD disappears
while the Ctrl key is held down.
View Mode When the pointer is in the Viewing Area, the mouse has many controls. There are two
modes for using the mouse, Pick Mode and View Mode. When the pointer looks like a
hand, then View Mode is in effect. In View Mode, the mouse can control the view
using the following button controls.
MB1 down - The view maintains pointing centered on some point in the scene.
Moving the mouse rolls the view around that point.
MB1 + MB2 down - Moving the mouse forward and back will zoom the view in an
MB2 down - Pans the view, changing what point the view is centered on.
The view can also be adjusted by centering on an object, or using Views (Views
Pick Mode and View Mode can be toggled by using the Esc key, by double-clicking
with MB1, or temporarily using the ALT key.
Pick Mode When the pointer is an arrowhead, the mouse is in Pick Mode. This mode allows
selecting, moving, and resizing Probes. By positioning the pointer over a Probe and
clicking MB1, the Probe is selected.
While in View Mode, the Pick Mode can be temporarily toggled on by pressing and
holding the Alt key, and vice versa.
To move a box Probe, position the pointer over a face of the Probe, hold MB1 down,
and drag the Probe to a new location. The Probe will only move in the plane of the
selected face. To move the other direction, you need to grab another face. Plane Probes
cannot be moved using this method. Use the Slice Dialog to move a plane Probe.
After selecting a Probe, green handles appear at the eight corners and in the middle of
each edge. To resize the Probe, position the pointer over a handle, press and hold
MB1, and drag the handle. The handle color changes to purple when it is grabbed.
Resizing only works in one plane, so you may need to grab another handle to change
other dimensions.
Control Pick While in Pick Mode, holding down the Ctrl key and clicking with MB1 will pick a
Mode point in the volume, depending on the eight Control Pick Modes. The following table
describes these eight modes.
Mode Description
Seed Point Picks a Seed Point.
Ribbon Section Creates a new point or moves an existing one on a ribbon section.
Well Build Creates a new point or moves an existing one on a well path.
ezCorrelation Creates a polygon which can be used to correlate from one part of the
volume to another.
Horizon Poly Edit Launches the Edit Tools dialog, and allows the user to create a polygon
on the active horizon for deletion.
The M key toggles through the nine Control Pick Modes. The HUD contains a field
with the current Control Pick Mode. The Pick Mode Popup has a Control Pick Mode
Cascade to select the Control Pick Mode.
Icon Buttons The Main Window of GeoProbe contains the Viewing Area surrounded by icon
buttons. These icon buttons control common operations such as bringing up a dialog,
changing View and Pick mode, or changing the viewing angle. The following table
briefly describes the icon buttons.
Icon Description
Opens the Save State Dialog.
Icon Description
Opens the Probes Dialog.
Icon Description
Sets the MB1 usage to Pick Mode for selecting, moving, and resizing Probes, and
for selecting the Seed Point. Pick Mode and View Mode can also be toggled by
using the Esc key. View Mode can be temporarily toggled on by pressing and
holding the Alt key.
Sets the MB1 usage to View Mode for controlling the viewing angle. Pick Mode
and View Mode can also be toggled by using the Esc key, or by double-clicking
Go to the Home View position for the volume. This changes the volume
orientation without moving the Probe. This is a remembered view not in the
Views List.
Set the current view as the Home View. To set multiple positions, use the Views
View all.
Icon Description
Turns PD Connect on and off.
Opens the Console Dialog, displaying log messages for the session.
Thumbwheels Thumbwheels work with the mouse by clicking on one side and dragging the wheel
towards the other side. The following figure shows the thumbwheel.
The X thumbwheel tilts up and down, the same as holding MB1 down and
moving the mouse up and down in View Mode.
The Y thumbwheel tilts left and right, the same as holding MB1 down and
moving the mouse left and right in View Mode.
The Zoom thumbwheel zooms in and out, the same as holding MB1 + MB2
down and moving the mouse forward and backward in View Mode.
The Stereo thumbwheel adjusts eye separation for stereo mode. The small
button to the right resets to the default separation.
Menu Bar The menu bar contains pulldown menus with additional commands. These commands
are described in the Main Window Menu Bar chapter.
Popup Menus The popup menus are accessed by clicking the right mouse button within the Viewing
Area of the Main Window in either View Mode or Pick Mode. The menus provide
quick access to common commands. The popup menus are described in the Popup
Menus chapter.
Displaying in Stereo
When properly configured, GeoProbe can operate in stereo mode on all platforms.
The user has the option of displaying stereo in either Active or Anaglyphic stereo
mode. Active stereo uses special glasses and an infrared emitter to operate the glasses.
These glasses rapidly switch on and off the right and left eye views in sync with the
stereo images. Anaglyphic stereo mode is one type of passive stereo. In this mode
the image is separated into a red component and a cyan component. When wearing
simple (often cardboard) 3D glasses, the image appears in stereo.
Please note that using stereo mode on SGI Octane and Indigo2 workstations forces a
lower resolution display and only 16-bit color. Because of the lower screen resolution,
the existing window size may no longer be completely visible on the screen. You may
need to make the Main Window size be smaller than the screen before switching to
2. Visualization Centers require switching the projectors to stereo mode and possibly
other complex operations.
4. If you will be switching to a lower resolution for stereoscopic display, resize the
window to be about half the width and height of the screen. Switching to a lower
screen resolution for stereo may cause parts of the Main Window may be off the
edge of the screen.
7. Put on the glasses. Use the stereo thumbwheel on the Main Window to adjust the
double image (eye separation). The tiny square button to the right of the stereo
thumbwheel resets the separation to the default value.
Stereo Icons The stereo icons can be found along the left side of GeoProbes main viewer window.
Icons Description
Toggles stereo mode between stereoscopic and monoscopic displays.
When displayed with a circle around it with a slash through it, this
option is not available.
Upon launching GeoProbe, the executable will search for a visual display that supports
GLX_STEREO. The following table describes the resulting stereo icons that will be
available in GeoProbe for supporting visual displays vs. non-supporting visual dis-
plays for any given command flag.
Does Not
Command Supports Notes
Does Not
Command Supports Notes
geoprobe -stereo Since this command is explicitly
requesting stereo, if the system fails to
find a visual that supports stereoscopic
displays an error dialog appears saying
that ActiveStereo has failed to initialize.
See Configuring Stereoscopic Displays for
more information.
geoprobe -nostereo
Main Window Menu Bar
The Main Window Menu Bar contains the following menus:
File Menu The File menu accesses dialogs concerning the Project Directory, Screen Capture,
Save and Restore State, User Preferences and Exiting the current session. The
following table describes the menu entries.
Command Description
Select/Create Brings up the Project Selection Dialog.
Save Data and Brings up the File Selection Dialog to save the current settings and object
State... names (volumes, probes, surfaces, wells, etc.) to disk for later
restoration. See the discussion on Save Data and State.
Restore State... Brings up the File Selection Dialog asking for the Save State file name to
restore settings. Clears all objects and settings before processing the state
file. See the Save Data and State discussion.
Print... Creates a postcript file that is sent directly to a specified printer of the
GeoProbe scene.
Save Picture As... Brings up the File Selection Dialog to take a screen shot (*.rgb or *jpeg
file) and save it to file in the Pictures directory of the current project.
Overlap checkbox is used on multipipe systems only, to construct a
panoramic view of multiple screen shots.
User Preferences Brings up the User Preferences Dialog, allowing the user to save certain
non-project specific parameters to a preferences file which will then be
in effect at any new session launched.
Exit End this session of GeoProbe. The Unsaved and Exit Dialogs may
Edit Menu The Edit Menu allows you to quickly jump to the object managers for those objects
that can be edited within GeoProbe.
Applications The Applications Menu is defined by the .geoprobeApps file found in the GeoProbe
Menu Install directory, in the Utils subdirectory. The contents may change and may be
customized by the user. Typical installations of GeoProbe may have entries for
Remote Collaboration, SpecDecompInteractive, WellborePlanner Connect and the
OpenWorks and GF DataServers.
Other possible applications to add to this menu may be the RSI and FFA modules.
These applications, installed separately from GeoProbe, must be added to the
.geoprobeApps file with correct paths. Otherwise, an error message will appear
instructing you to change the path.
Tools Menu The Tools Menu is defined by the .geoprobeTools file found in the GeoProbe Install
directory, in the Utils subdirectory. The contents may change and may be customized
by the user. This menu is described in detail in the Tools Menu chapter.
Help Menu The Help Menu accesses the Online Help pages. Several useful pages are included in
this menu.
Hotkeys... Displays the keyboard and mouse control quick reference Online Help
Support Info... Displays customer support information containing the phone numbers
and e-mail addresses for Landmark support world wide.
New Features Displays a New Features Tutorial which highlights the main new
functionality in each release.
How To Use Help... Displays the Online Help Overview page describing how to use Online
About GeoProbe... The About GeoProbe splash screen contains information about the
version, contacts, and licensing. The Version line shows the version,
date, and time GeoProbe was built. Beneath it are copyright notices.
The license information defines who owns the license for this copy of
GeoProbe, the number of days before the license expires, and whether
this is a full license or demonstration only license.
Save and Restore a State
The Save and Restore State feature of GeoProbe remembers all settings, views, and
objects in the scene between GeoProbe sessions. There are three uses for this feature.
Return to the exact point of work with a new GeoProbe session, even on a
different computer.
Remember key points of a workflow and return to them.
Remember part of a workflow to quickly merge it with other work.
Save Data & State creates a file of special GeoProbe commands that define the
current point of work. These commands use the TCL language.
Restoring a state reads the saved state file, clears all current objects and settings, and
restores the objects and settings defined in the state file. This is useful to jump to a
point in the workflow during presentations.
The state file contains commands equivalent to the ones in the GeoProbe menus and
buttons. Most objects, such as volumes and surfaces, are stored in data files. The state
file simply references the data file. Only colormap data is saved in the state file.
During a restore, if a Project Directory is set, GeoProbe will try to load files relative to
it. If a file is outside the Project Directory, the files full path will be used. Be sure to
set the Project Directory before restoring a state file.
If the -state command line argument is used, be sure the Project Directory is the
current directory or set the GEOPROBE_PROJECT_DIR environment variable first.
Tools Menu
The Tools Menu contains commands that are external programs to GeoProbe. The
menu contents come from the following two Utils files:
Loading Tools When GeoProbe starts, it automatically loads the contents of both Utils files and
Files creates the Tools Menu. The file in the GeoProbe Install Directory fills the top of the
Tools Menu. The file in your HOME directory fills the bottom of the Tools Menu,
separated by a horizontal line.
If the GeoProbe command line argument -utils is present, the file in the GeoProbe
Install Directory is not loaded.
Tools File The Tools files can be customized. Each line of the file creates an entry in the Tools
Format Menu. A line has the following format.
The menu label is what appears in the Tools Menu. A colon must separate the menu
label and command line. The command line defines how to run the utility, as if it were
entered into a shell window. Please note that an ampersand must end the line.
Tool utilities are simply standalone executables. Selecting the menu label in the Tools
Menu runs the command line. The ampersand meaning is to run the command line in
background, allowing GeoProbe to continue running without waiting for the utility to
Standard Tools The .geoprobeTools file installed with GeoProbe in the GeoProbe Install directory, in
Menu the Utils subdirectory contains the following commands.
Tool Description
Volume Phase, Frequency, Multiple, Inst. Amplitude, Salt Detect
The Seismic Attributes utility calculates a new attribute volume and stores it in shared memory. By
default, the selected Probe determines the size and location of the new volume, or the user may
specify the entire volume. The procedure calculates Phase, Instantaneous Amplitude, Frequency,
and/or combinations of these attributes. When processing the entire volume, output may be scaled
using the Balance Using Probe checkbox.
Combo Volume
The Combo Volume utility calculates a new volume by marking a base volume at a user-specified
level where a coincident volume contains values within a user-specified range. The new volume is
created in memory and is attached to the current GeoProbe session. Output can be calculated on a
Probe or the entire volume.
Semblance Volume
The Semblance utility calculates a new edge-detected volume and stores it in memory. By default,
the selected Probe determines the size and location of the new volume, or the user may specify the
entire volume. The procedure calculates a new volume based on the semblance of each trace with
either three or nine of its neighbors. The semblance window length (default 12) determines the
vertical extent of the instantaneous calculation. Smaller numbers generate sharper, but potentially
noisier, output. Using nine traces will result in a better Semblance Volume, but it will take longer to
Flatten Volumes
Volume flattening is an alternative to surface slicing. This utility flattens either an active Probe or an
entire volume to a gridview (*.gvw) surface. The surface must be present and in the Surfaces List for
the Flatten Surface Utility to work.
NOTE: When you flatten a volume, it is very important not to trim the bottom of the Probe/volume.
This is the area where important volume flattening information is stored. If you are going to trim a
volume after you flatten it, be sure to include the base of the Probe where the flattening was
Attribute Extraction
The Surface Attribute Extraction utility allows you to calculate a variety of attributes on a window
above and below the selected surface, or on an interval between two surfaces.
Utility Launcher Brings up the Utility Launcher window, from which to access file manipulation and I/O utilities.
Memory The Memory Management utility displays the volumes present in shared memory. From this dialog,
Management shared memory segments can be deleted. This utility is analogous to the UNIX ipcs command.
Movie Builder Launches the Movie Builder dialog, enabling the user to make movies from their GeoProbe session.
Tool Description
PD Connect Only available when working in SeisWorks mode, this option displays a tracking cursor on the
GeoProbe and SeisWorks windows to show mouse locations from one Landmark application to the
next. For more information, see the discussion on Using PD Connect.
Using PD Connect
Only available when working in SeisWorks mode, this option displays a tracking
cursor on the GeoProbe and SeisWorks windows to show mouse locations from one
Landmark application to the next.
In addition, Well Seismic Fusion (WSF) can be used to view prestack data from user-
determined locations in the GeoProbe project space, accelerating prospect
identification and validation.
3. Launch GeoProbe in SeisWorks mode, using the same project youre currently
displaying in the SeisWorks session, and load a volume.
4. Now we need to enable GeoProbes ability to send and receive PD calls. From
GeoProbes main menu, select Tools > PD Connect.
5. Notice that when the cursor is in the views of the SeisWorks session, a small
seedpoint will track the cursors movements within the GeoProbe display.
Dynamically Using the hotkey combination of <Ctrl + Shift + MB1>, we have the ability to select
Viewing CDP any location within the 3D window, and the associated prestack seismic and attribute
Gathers in Well data will be displayed in Well Seismic Fusion dynamically. In addition, key prestack
Seismic Fusion attribute volumes can be created in Well Seismic Fusion, and saved as *.vol files into
the GeoProbe project for further interpretation.
1. From the OpenWorks launcher, select Applications > Well Seismic Fusion.
3. Set up the project as you normally would for OpenWorks and SeisWorks
connectivity. Under the Active seismic data section, make sure to Select the
active GeoProbe project to link this session of WSF to the GeoProbe session that
will accompany it.
4. Finish setting up the WSF session, and load the desired well logs, gathers, and
attribute data for display.
When it turns from red to green, it will receive and send PD messages to any
available program.
6. Well Seismic Fusion can listen and respond for calls to both well and seismic data.
In this case, we want to listen for the location of seismic data, so we need to toggle
on the Seismic cursor tracking icon.
7. Now we need to enable GeoProbes ability to send and receive PD calls. From
GeoProbes main menu, select Tools > PD Connect.
8. From any location on the face of the probe, click Ctrl+Shift+MB1 to send the
location to Well Seismic Fusion.
9. The first location you send will cause Fusions Seismic Navigation dialog to
display. To avoid this dialog for the rest of the session, toggle on Apply PD
Location Immediately, and click Close
The prestack data from the location selected in GeoProbe is now displayed in Well
Seismic Fusion.
Applications Menu
The Applications Menu contains commands that are external programs to GeoProbe.
The menu contents come from the following Utils file:
Other possible applications to add to this menu may be the RSI and FFA modules.
These applications, installed separately from GeoProbe, must be added to the
.geoprobeApps file with correct paths. Otherwise, an error message will appear
instructing you to change the path.
Loading When GeoProbe starts, it automatically loads the contents of the Apps file and creates
Application the Applications Menu. If this file does not exist, no error results.
The GEOPROBE_UTILS environment variable defines the location of the directory
containing the standard utilities and .geoprobeApps file in the GeoProbe Install
Directory. This environment variable is set automatically in the GeoProbe Launcher
Applications The Applications files can be customized. Each line of the file creates an entry in the
File Format Applications Menu. A line has the following format.
The menu label is what appears in the Applications Menu. A colon must separate the
menu label and command line. The command line defines how to run the utility, as if it
were entered into a shell window. Please note that an ampersand must end the line.
Appication utilities are simply standalone executables. Selecting the menu label in the
Applications Menu runs the command line. The ampersand meaning is to run the
command line in background, allowing GeoProbe to continue running without waiting
for the utility to finish.
The following is an example of a working .geoprobeApps file, with both the RSI and
ffA applications loaded:
OpenWorks DataServer:
startDataServer &
OpenWorks DataServer :
GeoFrame DataServer :
RSI/ATTRIB3D... : rsi/rsi_attr.csh &
ffA/SEA3D... : sea3d/bin/SEA3D GeoProbe&
Popup Menus
The Popup Menus in the Viewing Area provide convenient access to commonly used
commands. There are three popup menus.
View Mode
Pick Mode nothing picked
Pick Mode one or more probes picked
To access the Popup Menus, move the pointer to the Viewing Area. Press and hold
MB3, and one of the Popup Menus will appear next to the pointer.
View Mode The View Mode Popup contains commands to set the view. The following figure
Popup shows the View Mode Popup.
Entry Description
View Opens the View Cascade.
Viewing Toggles the MB1 usage to View Mode for controlling the viewing angle.
Reverts to Pick Mode when toggled off.
Spin Toggles the spin feature on/off. When Spin Animation is turned on, the scene
Animation is allowed to rotate or spin. When it is turned off the scene will not spin. For
more information on this feature, see the Spin Animation help page.
Entry Description
View Axes A toggle button to turn the Orientation Axis object visibility on/off. The
Orientation Axis is a small, 3-D icon in the lower left corner of the Viewing
Area. It shows an origin with arrows and labels pointing in the positive
direction of the X, Y, and Z axes.
Decoration A toggle button to turn on/off the presence of the Icon Buttons, Thumbwheels,
and Menu Bar around the Main Window. Removing the decorations increases
the size of the Viewing Area.
Headlight A toggle button to turn on/off a headlight that illuminates whatever is in front
of the view.
Render on A toggle button to turn on/off automatic scene rendering. When toggled on, the
Demand scene will only re-render when commanded to do so by the user. When toggled
off, the scene will continuously re-render, even when there is no need to refresh
the display.
View Cascade
Entry Description
Go to home view Returns the current view to the position set as the home view when selected.
Set current view as Remembers the current view. Return to this position with Go to home view.
View All Change the view to center and zoom to include the bounding box of all
attached volumes.
The Draw Cascade contains radio buttons for the scene draw style.
Entry Description
Filled The normal setting. Draws all objects in the scene as solid objects.
Points Draws all objects in the scene with only points representing the vertices.
Pick Mode There are two Pick Mode Popups. One appears when no Probe is picked. The other
Popup: No appears when one or more probes are picked. If no Probe is picked, the following
Probes popup appears.
The Pick Mode Popup with no probes picked contains four cascade menus.
The Control Pick Modes define the function of the left mouse button while holding the
Ctrl key down.
Options Cascade
The Options Cascade contains the following entries. These controls affect all probes
and are identical to the ones in the Probe Options Dialog.
Entry Description
HUD Toggles the HUD display on and off.
Limit All Clips all enabled surfaces, faults, pointsets, and wells to the actively selected
Limit Surfaces Clips all enabled surfaces to the actively selected Probe.
Limit Faults Clips all enabled faults to the actively selected Probe.
Limit Pointsets Clips all enabled pointsets to the actively selected Probe
Limit Wells Clips all enabled wells to the actively selected Probe.
Limit Horizons Clips all enabled horizons to the actively selected Probe.
Limit TSurfs Clips all enabled TSurfs to the actively selected Probe.
Expand Clip Expands the clipped data 10% outside of the actively selected Probe.
Probes Cascade
The Probes Cascade contains the list of active probes. Each entry is a toggle button to
toggle on and off the selection of individual probes. The Select All command selects
all probes. To deselect all probes, simply left click with the pointer over the
background in the Viewing Area while in Pick Mode.
Create Cascade
The Create Cascade creates a new Probe of type Box or X, Y, or Z Plane. These
commands are identical to the Create Probe Dialog.
Pick Mode The following popup appears in Pick Mode if one or more probes are selected.
Popup: One or
More Probes
All entries lead to cascade menus except for the following three entries.
Entry Description
Enabled Toggles Probe visibility on and off for all selected probes.
Colormap Brings up the Volume Colormap Dialog for the volume the selected Probe is
Probe Ctrl Brings up the Probe Control Dialog for the selected Probe. If no plane probes are
in the Probes List, this entry will be grayed out
Some entries may be grayed-out (inaccessible) depending on the number of box and
plane probes selected.
This cascade is identical to the one in the Pick Popup with no Probe selected.
Options Cascade
This cascade is identical to the one in the Pick Popup with no Probe selected.
Location Cascade
The Location Cascade concerns the Home Location of a Probe. Set Home sets the
current position of the selected Probe as its Home Location. Go Home moves the
selected Probe to the last set Home Location.
Style Cascade
The Style Cascade contains settings found in the Probe Style Dialog. The cascade
contains the following toggle buttons. Changes affect all selected probes.
Entry Description
Cut Toggles on and off the Probe type as Cut.
Int Faces Toggles the visibility of volume data on the internal faces of a box Probe.
Draw Cascade
The Draw Cascade sets the Draw As and Move As Probe styles for all selected
probes. These same settings are in the Probe Style Dialog.
The Arb Planes Cascade controls Arbitrary Planes in a box Probe. Although there are
many Arbitrary Planes, this cascade contains only three of the most commonly used.
There are three entries, all radio buttons, as described in the following list.
Entry Description
All Faces This is the normal style of a box Probe where all six faces are visible and there
are no arbitrary planes.
Diagonal 2 Only one diagonal arbitrary plane appears in the Z axis, crossing the Diagonal 1.
You can toggle through 21 different arbitrary planes using the 1-hotkey.
Volumes Cascade
The Volumes Cascade contains the list of volumes attached to the current session.
Each entry is a radio button. The selected radio button reflects the volume assignment
of the selected Probe. Selecting an entry assigns all selected probes to the volume.
Probes Cascade
This cascade is identical to the one in the Pick Popup with no Probe selected.
Create Cascade
This cascade is identical to the one in the Pick Popup with no Probe selected.
Spin Animation
Toggled on and off from either the View Modes MB3 menu or the Viewers User
Preferences dialog, Spin Animation allows the scene to rotate, or spin.
In addition to simply spinning the scene, here are three additional workflows and
hotkeys that can be used with Spin Animation.
1. The CTRL key will toggle the spin animation direction, which allows you to
quickly concentrate in a specific area by toggling the spin direction back and forth.
This enables you to use motion parallax to improve your understanding of the data.
In motion parallax as we move, objects that are closer to us move farther/faster
across our field of view and objects that are farther move slower. Our brain is
wired to quickly understand complex scenes and differentiate these objects using
this technique.
2. The RIGHT/LEFT CTRL keys can be used to set a spin animation range. The
animation range will go from where the LEFT CTRL key was pressed to where
the RIGHT CTRL key was pressed. To disable, just press the RIGHT CTRL
3. The SHIFT key, pressed while trying to start a spin, lets you start an animation in
the clockwise direction. Normally, spin animation is started counterclockwise and
the clockwise direction can be used to spring load a spin.
Project Selection
The Project Selection Dialog defines the default location for GeoProbe and SeisWorks
data files. The Project Directory is an organizational tool that encourages a directory
structure containing all data files for one project.
Setting the Project Directory allows the user to store their data anywhere they like,
whether theyre accessing a GeoProbe or SeisWorks project. When a project directory
is set, additional subdirectories for data storage are automatically created.
A command line utility has been added to enable customers to work with legacy
GeoProbe projects in an OW/SW environment. Users can take an existing GeoProbe
project that has an axis orientation different than the SeisWorks default orientation and
create a new GeoProbe project where the objects have the same orientation as
SeisWorks. See the projectSwap help file for information on running this utility.
Shortcut List The Shortcut list shows all the shortcuts to project paths available to the user.
Shortcuts are simply user-defined names for an existing GeoProbe or SeisWorks
project directory. Projects that were created within GeoProbe will be listed with a
(GP) after the shortcut name. Projects that are connected to a specific SeisWorks
project will be listed with a (SW) after the shortcut name.
Shortcuts and new projects can be added to the GeoProbe session using the Add
GeoProbe Shortcut dialog, or removed using the Drop GeoProbe Shortcut dialog.
Shortcuts are saved into a projects.dat file in the GeoProbe preferences directory.
GeoProbe The following table describes the controls for this dialog.
Control Description
Path The full directory path for the highlighted shortcut.
Add Launches the Add GeoProbe Shortcut dialog to create new shortcuts to
GeoProbe projects.
Drop Launches the Drop GeoProbe Shortcut dialog to remove the highlighted
shortcut from the Shortcut List.
OK Sets the project directory to the highlighted shortcut and closes this dialog.
Close Launches the Close Selection dialog. This dialog asks the user if they wish to
continue working on the application, as closing the project selection dialog
will exit them from GeoProbe.
SeisWorks GeoProbe projects can be created from OpenWorks/SeisWorks projects instantly
Projects using the project selection dialog. Within the selected SeisWorks project, a working
directory will be created in the specified directory using the user-defined shortcut
name. Under this directory will be the listing of the GeoProbe project subdirectories.
Files in the Wells directory are rebuilt with each new GeoProbe session to refresh any
new information from OpenWorks.
When saving ezFault files (.eds) back into OpenWorks, make sure to give these
files unique names as to avoid overwriting exiting OpenWorks fault files. There
may be some resolution loss in this conversion, and by overwriting the source file
you may lose valuable work.
Control Description
Add Launches the Add GeoProbe Shortcut dialog to create new shortcuts to
SeisWorks projects.
Drop Launches the Drop GeoProbe Shortcut dialog to remove the highlighted
shortcut from the Shortcut List.
Fault Select a OpenWorks fault set for loading into GeoProbe, All Faults to
load all faults in the project, or No Faults to load none of the faults into
GeoProbe from OpenWorks.
A fault set is a particular combination of faults identified as a single entity.
The names of the faults in the fault set are stored in a fault set file (.fst),
located in the seismic project directory.
Horizon Select a SeisWorks horizon list for loading into GeoProbe, All Horizons
to load all horizons in the project, or No Horizons to load none of the
horizons into GeoProbe from SeisWorks.
A horizon list is a subset of the horizon inventory in the current SeisWorks
Control Description
Well Select an OpenWorks well list for loading into GeoProbe, All Wells to
load all wells in the project, or No Wells to load none of the wells into
GeoProbe from OpenWorks.
A well list is a subset of the well inventory in the current OpenWorks
project. It allows the user to limit the number of wells available for
selection to particular areas of interest within the project.
OWSYSSID Lists the name of the current Oracle instance database server.
OpenWorks Lists the current OpenWorks project associated with the selected
Project SeisWorks project.
GeoProbe By default, the working directory is located within the SeisWorks project
Working directory, called GeoProbe/<shortcut name>.
For example, if the Seisworks project was called Floun3D, and the
shortcut was called flounder, the resulting working directory would be:
This is the default setting only. You can specify a different location for
the files by typing in, or browsing to, the desired directory path.
OK Sets the project directory to the highlighted shortcut and closes this dialog.
Close Launches the Close Selection dialog. This dialog asks the user if they
wish to continue working on the application, as closing the project
selection dialog will exit them from GeoProbe.
Project Beneath the GeoProbe Project Directory and SeisWorks working directory are several
Subdirectories standard subdirectories, one for each type of object in GeoProbe. The following table
describes the standard subdirectories.
Name Description Extension
Faults Load faults, save faults .eds
projects.dat file All shortcut information is saved in a projects.dat file located in the .geoprobe_pref
directory. An example of which is shown below.
# This is a file to store the project shortcut
information. The asterisk * indicates the last shortcut
# GeoProbe shortcut format:
# GP <Shortcut Name> <Project Directory Path>
# SeisWorks shortcut format:
# SW <Shortcut Name> <SeisWorks Project Name>
<Interpreter> <SeisWorks Working Directory Path>
* GP GP-SMiller-Paradise /home/sbmiller/paraTest
* SW paradise Prdse3D ATB /data4/Prdse3D/GeoProbe/
Add a GeoProbe Shortcut
The Add GeoProbe Shortcut dialog allows the user to create their own names, or
shortcuts, for GeoProbe project directory paths. Once a shortcut to a project is created,
the user will not have to type in the full path to the GeoProbe project directory when
launching new sessions of GeoProbe.
If a project directory does not already exist, the user can create a new one using this
dialog. Upon clicking OK, the user will be asked if they wish to create the named
project directory and the resulting object directories.
Controls The following table describes the controls for this dialog.
Field Description
Shortcut Name In the text field, type in a user-defined name that will represent the project
path in the Shortcut list.
GeoProbe Type a new directory path to the desired projects location or select Browse
Working to search existing files.
Browse Brings up the File Selection Dialog to browse to the Project Directory. If OK
is selected in the File Selection Dialog, then the path is placed in the Path
text field.
OK Sets the Project Directory and Shortcut name to the Path defined. If the
Project Directory does not exist, then a query dialog asks to create it.
Drop a GeoProbe Shortcut
The Drop GeoProbe Shortcut dialog asks the user to confirm whether or not they
would like to drop the listed shortcut. Select OK to remove the shortcut from the
shortcut list, or Cancel to return to the Project Selection window.
Close Project Selection
By selecting Close from the Project Selection dialog, instead of selecting a shortcut,
the user is effectively exiting the GeoProbe session. This dialog asks the user to
confirm whether they want to continue working in GeoProbe by selecting Yes, or
whether they wish to exit GeoProbe by selecting No.
User Preferences
The User Preferences Dialog allows the user to set and save certain non-project
specific parameters to a preferences file to avoid having to re-set those parameters
each time GeoProbe is started. The dialog contains object tabs across the top, as
described below.
Control Description
Load Brings up the File Selection Dialog to load an existing user preferences file.
Save Brings up the File Selection Dialog to save the current settings to a file.
Viewer The viewer preferences dialog allows the user to adjust background color, axis and
Preferences spin animation.
Options Description
Background Color Allows the user to change the background displays color and hue using the
color wheel.
Spin Animation Toggles the spin animation feature on/off. When spin animation is checked,
the scene is allowed to spin at a constant speed when the scene is rotated. For
more information on additional options, see the Spin Animation help page.
Keep Elevation When toggled on, spinning or rotating the scene will always be at a constant
Constant while elevation within the project. This will keep your scene from eventually
Rotating/Spinning turning over on itself if spun at an angle.
Save Reminder Allows the user to enable and set a time increment for a reminder to save the
Volume The Volume Preferences dialog allows the user to select north arrow and axis space
Preferences displays.
Options Description
North Controls the visibility of the north arrow. A north arrow may be displayed as
Arrow either a low resolution 2-D arrow without annotation or a high resolution 3-D
compass with annotation.
Options Description
Axis Space Controls the designation of the axes, labelled as either x, y, and z or as inline,
crossline, and time.
Probe The Probe preferences dialog allows the user to set render quality and to toggle on/off
Preferences the HUD and lighting.
Options Description
Render Controls the sample rate at which data is displayed on static, volume rendered
Quality probes. Adjusting the render quality does not change the volume decimation.
Low render quality results in improved system performance, but at a lower
quality display. High render quality results in decreased system performance
but at a higher quality display.
Move Equivalent to render quality except it affects the dynamic (in motion) volume
Render rendered probes.
Expand Expands the clipped data 10% outside of the actively selected Probe.
Clip Limits
Well The well preferences dialog allows the user to set desired log size and scale.
Options Description
Well Bore Sets the diameter of the well bore.
Well Log Sets the magnitude of deflection of the log curve away from the well trace.
Points The points preferences dialog allows the user to set the point display attributes.
Options Description
Point Size Sets the size of each point. This is a pulldown menu containing six point sizes -
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. This size is designated by number of voxels.
Options Description
Marked Sets the color of marked points using the color wheel.
Point Color Sets the point color using the color wheel.
Digibrush Sets the color of digibrushed points to either yellow, red, green, blue, cyan,
Color magenta, white or black.
Surface The surface preferences dialog allows the user to set surface display attributes.
Options Description
Draw High Res When checked, static surface is viewed at high resolution.
Move Low Res When checked, moving surface appears at low resolution. This is usually
checked to increase performance.
Level of Detail Enables and disables various levels of geometric fidelity of the surface based
upon the distance from the viewpoint to the surface.
Flash on Select When toggled on, a surface will flash in the 3D viewer when selected in the
surfaces list.
Draw As Determines how the surface appears when viewing in a static mode.
Solid - Surface appears as a solid or semi-trans-parent object.
Points - Surface appears as a collection of points representing the grid
locations used to construct the surface.
Wire - Surface appears as a wire frame. Each line segment connects grid
points used to construct the surface.
Boundary - Only the bounding limits of the wire frame are displayed.
Move As Determines how the surface appears when moving. The Move As styles are
exactly the same as the Draw As styles.
Horizon The horizon preferences dialog allows the user to set horizon display attributes.
Options Description
Solid Surface
When toggled on, the horizon will be displayed as a solid surface. Clicking
on the colorbox allows you to change how the horizon is colored using the
Surface Colorwheel. Toggling on By Z will display the horizon surface
colored by its Z values.
Options Description
Lines Lines
When toggled on, all lines for the selected horizon will be displayed.
Clicking on the colorbox allows you to change how the lines are colored
using the Lines Colorwheel. In addition, the size of these lines in voxels can
be selected from the Width dropdown menu.
When toggled on, the selected horizon will be displayed as a wire-frame
mesh. Clicking on the colorbox allows you to change how the mesh is
colored using the Mesh Colorwheel. In addition, the size of mesh lines in
voxels can be selected from the Width dropdown menu.
Points Points
When toggled on, the selected horizon will be displayed as a series of points.
Clicking on the colorbox allows you to change how the points are colored
using the Points Colorwheel. In addition, the size of these points in voxels
can be selected from the Size dropdown menu. Keep in mind that for large
horizons, increasing the point size may impact performance.
Horizon points created using the Fill Hole editing option will be colored
using the color selected from the HoleFill colormap, and sized according to
the selection made from the Size dropdown menu.
Horizon points created by import will be colored using the color selected
from the Imported Colorwheel. In addition, the size of these points in voxels
can be selected from the Size dropdown menu.
Undo # levels
When toggled on, you will be allowed to undo the number of horizon-
generating steps as entered into the text field.
When toggled on, you will be allowed to undo an unlimited number of
horizon generating steps.
Flash on Select When toggled on, a horizon will flash in the 3D viewer when selected in the
horizon list.
Clip to Probe When toggled on, horizons will be limited to the extent of the active Probe.
Seed Points The seed points preferences dialog allows the user to set the seed point display
Preferences attributes.
Options Description
Seedpoint Color Sets the color and hue of the seedpoint using the color wheel.
Marker Scale Allows the user to change the size of the displayed seed point.
Keyboard and Mouse Controls
Keyboard Standard Keyboard
The following table describes the standard keyboard controls. Please note that these
controls are not case sensitive.
Key Description
A Toggles display of the Orientation Axis.
F Flips the fault interpretation plane to the opposite site of the Probe.
J Pauses Movie Builder. Until the hotkey is pressed again no frames will be
written to disk.
M Toggles through the Control Pick Modes in a set order. Using Shift + <M> will
reverse the direction through this order. Depending on your systems settings,
you may have to configure your preference file to be able to use this
functionality in the manner in which it was intended.
O Toggles the Probes ability to move outside of the projects boundary. This is
especially useful during ezFault/ezSurface interpretation.
R Available when running remote collaboration, this hotkey toggles the resolution
between depopulated, constant full resolution, and adaptive resolution.
0 Toggles the HUD position between four corners of the Viewing Area.
1 Toggles through preset arbitrary planes in a set order. Using Shift + <1> will
reverse the direction through this order.
Special Keyboard
The following table describes the keyboard controls involving the Alt, Esc, and Ctrl
Key Description
Alt Temporarily changes Pick Mode to View Mode, while holding the Alt key
down., and vice versa.
Ctrl Temporarily deselects selected probes. Allows picking of the Seed Point, Well
Build points, Ribbon Section points, ezFault/ezSurfaces, DigiBrush points , and
ManuTrack horizons in Pick Mode, depending on the Control Pick Mode setting.
F3 Sets the view along the Y-axis looking from the origin.
F4 Sets the view along the X-axis looking from the origin.
F5 Sets the view along the Y-axis looking towards the origin.
F6 Sets the view along the X-axis looking towards the origin
F7 Similar to the top down view, this view will always orient the scene so that North
is pointing upwards.
Edit Keypad
The Edit Keypad is in the middle of the keyboard. Four arrow keys are at the bottom.
Six keys above the arrow keys are labeled Insert, Home, Page Up, Delete, End, and
Page Down. The following table describes the Edit Keypad usage.
Key Description
Insert If the Control Pick Mode is Ribbon Section or ezFault/ezSurface and a point
(handle) is selected, this key inserts a new point to the right of the selected
Key Description
Delete If the Control Pick Mode is Well Build and a point (handle) is selected
(yellow), this key deletes the point from the well segment.
If the Control Pick Mode is Ribbon Section or ezFault/ezSurface and a point
(handle) is selected (yellow), this key deletes the selected handle.
If the Control Pick mode is Horizon PolyEdit, this will delete all highlighted
horizon points. If no horizon points are highlighted, it will delete the Edit
polygons control points in the order in which they were created.
Ctrl + Delete When in Horizon PolyEdit more, this will Delete the entire polygon, without
deleting any selected horizon points.
Page Up If the Control Pick Mode is Seed Point, Well Build, Ribbon Section or
ezFault/ezSurface, this key increases the size of the handles.
Page Down If the Control Pick Mode is Seed Point, Well Build, Ribbon Section or
ezFault/ezSurface, this key decreases the size of the handles.
Shift + Increases the tab handle size on all probes and planes.
Page Up
Shift + Decreases the tab handle size on all probes and planes.
Page Down
Numeric Keypad
The numeric keypad is located on the right side of the keyboard. The following table
describes the numeric keypad controls.
Key Description
1, 3 Move active Probe along the X axis.
Key Description
Ctrl+4, Ctrl+6 Decrease/increase size of active Probe along the Y axis.
Button Description
MB1 Drag The view maintains pointing centered on some point in the scene.
Moving the mouse rolls the view around that point.
MB2 Drag Pans the view, changing what point the view is centered on.
MB1+MB2 Drag Moving the mouse forward and back will zoom the view in an out.
Pick Mode
The following table describes the mouse button controls in Pick Mode.
Button Description
MB1 Selects the Probe under the pointer, deselecting all other probes.
MB1 Drag Over a box Probe face moves the Probe within the plane containing the
Over a box or plane Probe handle resizes the Probe within the plane
containing the face.
Use the Slice Dialog to move a plane Probe.
Ctrl+MB1 If the Control Pick Mode is Seed Point, selects a seed point on a Probe
If the Control Pick Mode is Ribbon Section, selects a handle to move it
or creates a new handle on a Probe surface.
If the Control Pick Mode is Digibrush, selects points on a Probe surface.
If the Control Pick Mode is ManuTrack, digitizes a horizon on a Probe
If the Control Pick Mode is Well Build, selects a handle to move it or
creates a new handle on a Probe surface.
If the Control Pick Mode is ezFault/ezSurface, selects a handle to move
or creates a new handle on a Probe surface.
Button Description
Ctrl+Shift+MB1 When PD Connect is turned on, using Ctrl+Shift+MB1 will send the pd
location within GeoProbe to WellSeismicFusion.
MB3 If one or more probes are selected, brings up the Pick Mode Popup.
If no probes are selected, brings up the Pick Mode (Nothing Picked)
Console Dialog
The Console Dialog displays diagnostic messages from GeoProbe and controls how
messages are logged to a file. The log file can help resolve problems with GeoProbe.
Message List The Message List at the top contains the messages. Each message has a letter and
hyphen before it. The letter indicates what type of message it is. The following table
describes the types of messages.
Error (E) An error occurred. The error indicates a problem with the hardware,
GeoProbe, or access, such as not having permission to save a file. Errors
generally indicate a failed operation.
Warning (W) A warning also indicates a problem, but not severe enough to be considered
an error. Warnings could indicate a failed operation or an incompatibility
Info (I) An Information message does not indicate an error. Instead, GeoProbe is
journaling operations or confirming a successful operation.
Debug (D) Debug messages are special messages meaningful only to the developers.
They may be helpful in resolving a problem.
Controls The following table describes the controls for the console dialog.
Control Description
Log File A text entry field that displays the log file path name. You can enter a new name
for the log file here. When a new GeoProbe session starts, a new log file is
created in the path /usr/tmp with the syntax of geoprobe<processed>.log. In
addition, the same log file will be created in /run/GeoProbe.err, but this file is
recreated with each new instance of GeoProbe.
Filter This button determines what type of messages are seen in the Message List.
Setting the filter restricts messages of lesser importance from appearing in the
Console list. All messages, regardless of type, are still added to the log file (if
Logging Enable is on). For example, setting the filter to Information will only
display Error, Warning, and Information type messages in the Message List,
but not Debug messages.
Logging This toggle button enables and disables logging to the log file. You can pause
Enable logging messages and resume logging with this button. When you resume
logging to the same log file, messages are appended to the end. To start a new log
file, first disable logging, then change the log file name in the text entry field, and
then re-enable logging. If you change the log file name to an existing file and
then enable logging, that file's contents will be overwritten.
Control Description
Clear Removes contents of the Message List. Does not affect the log file.
Exiting GeoProbe
The Exit Dialog appears when exiting (Exit) GeoProbe and at least one volume is
attached. It asks to remove the volume(s) from shared memory as a courtesy to the
next user of this computer. Answering Yes will try to remove all volumes currently
attached. Some volumes may have been loaded by another user, and the ownership
may prevent you from deleting them. Once the volume is removed, it must be loaded
again using the Load button on the Volumes Dialog.
Button Description
Yes Tries to remove all attached volumes from shared memory and exits GeoProbe.
Cancel Cancels exiting GeoProbe and returns to the current session. No volumes are
Unsaved Dialog
The Unsaved Dialog appears when exiting (Exit) GeoProbe or saving state (Save
Data & State). The dialog is pointing out that some objects created during this session
have not been saved to a file. This is especially true for Points, Surfaces, Horizons,
Wells, Geobodies, Faults, Seed Points, and Views. Save State needs all data to be
saved in files.
File List The top of the dialog contains a list of objects that have not been saved to a data file.
The name suggests a path and file name based on the file type and Project Directory.
Button Description
File This text entry field allows changing the name of a file in the list. Select a file from
the list and the name appears in the text entry field, ready for editing.
Note: Be sure to press the Enter key to assign the name back into the File List.
Otherwise, the changes to the file name are not used.
Save After verifying what data needs to be saved and the file name, select the files in the
Selected list to save. This button saves the selected files.
Done Closes the dialog and continues the Exit or Save Data & State operation.
Cancel Cancels Exit or Save Data & State, does not save any of the files in the list, and
returns to the current GeoProbe session.
FLEXlm Licensing
GeoProbe uses a license system called FLEXlm and requires a valid license to run.
FLEXlm Error The information in this dialog may explain the problem, or it may be deceptive as to
Dialog what the real problem is. The important part of the message is the line beginning with
FLEXlm error:. The two numbers following this message tell exactly what the
problem is. Appendix E of the FLEXlm End User Manual defines the error numbers.
Be sure to write these numbers down and relay them to Magic Earth Customer
The license file is not The LICSRV_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is not set
found. correctly. This value is set in the geoprobe launcher script.
The license server is not Verify the license server is running and start it if not.
The license count has been Check for idle sessions of GeoProbe and shut them down.
exceeded by other users.
Wait for another user to finish their GeoProbe session.
Consider using a FLEXlm Options file to reserve or restrict licenses
by machine, groups of machines, or groups of users.
Purchase more licenses from Landmark Graphics.
LICSRV vendor daemon Could be a collision with the port ID, the fourth word on the
will not start or cannot SERVER line in the license file. The default is 27000.
connect to the license Could also be the wrong hostname, the second word on the SERVER
server. line in license file.
Could also be a problem with the host table (hostname to IP address
lookup). Verify the hostname and IP address in the local host table (/
etc/hosts) is the same as the domain name server (DNS) or NIS.
GeoProbe All of the GeoProbe FLEXlm files are in the GeoProbe installation directory in the
FLEXlm Files subdirectory Flexlm. The following table describes the files.
File Description
licsrv The Landmark vendor daemon executable.
lmutil A utility for commanding the license server for shutdown, restart, and
other operations.
S99GeoProbe A convenience script to start, stop, and manage the license manager.
FLEXlm99999.old License manager log files from past sessions of the license manager.
S99GeoProbe The S99GeoProbe Korn shell script provides some convenience in managing and
checking the status of the license manager and licsrv vendor daemon.
The script takes a single word for a command line argument. The following list
describes the S99GeoProbe arguments.
Argument Description
start Validates the checksum of the license file, checks the status of existing license
manager and licsrv vendor daemon, and starts the license manager and licsrv
vendor daemon if not already running. Saves the FLEXlm license manager log
file to FLEXlm99999.old. If the license manager is already running, performs a
This is the default operation of S99GeoProbe. If S99GeoProbe is run without
any arguments, it is equivalent to running with the start argument.
cksum The license file (license.dat) may contain checksum values (ck=999) on each
FEATURE or INCREMENT line. This argument will validate the license file
using the checksum values. If there are any typos, it will report which line
numbers. Beware that some license lines are continued, that is, they have a
forward slash at the end and continue on the next line. The checksum test may
report line numbers that are the first line of the FEATURE or INCREMENT
lines when the typo occurs on one of the continuation lines.
This command does not require the license manager to be running.
Argument Description
status Displays the status of the license manager, equivalent to lmutil lmstat. It also
looks for lmgrd and licsrv processes running. One common problem is to start
the license manager more than once or an extra licsrv daemon is running.
quickstatus Checks the status of the license manager using lmutil lmstat.
reread Rereads the license file and makes appropriate changes. This is useful for
installing a new license or new lines in the license file. May not be successful if
licenses are checked out. If not successful, it is best to stop, wait a minute, then
start. Equivalent to lmutil lmreread.
killmagic Uses the list of processes to look for all licsrv daemon processes and sends a
KILL signal to them. This is useful for stopping extra licsrv daemons. Only one
licsrv daemon should be running. Multiple licsrv daemons prevent the licensing
from working properly.
Only use this as a last resort! Try stop first.
killlmgrd Uses the list of processes to look for all license manager processes (lmgrd) and
sends a KILL signal to them. This is useful for stopping extra license managers.
Only use this as a last resort! Try stop first.
deletelogs Deletes old FLEXlm log files, named FLEXlm99999.old, where 99999 is some
number (process id). Only deletes log files older than 2 weeks.
Load Volume
Attach a Volume
Memory Management
Volume Annotation
Volume Colormap
Volume Information
Volume Sequence
Volumes Object Manager
The Volumes Dialog manages the data volumes stored in shared memory that are
attached to the current session of GeoProbe.
Volumes List The Volumes List shows all the volumes stored in shared memory currently attached
to this session of GeoProbe. To load a volume from a file, use the Load button. To
attach to a volume already loaded in shared memory, use the Attach button. Multiple
volumes can be attached to GeoProbe at one time. To use multiple volumes, see the
discussion in the Probes Dialog.
Controls Most of the buttons act on the currently selected volume in the Volumes List. Select a
volume from the list first, then click a button. Grayed buttons are not appropriate for
the current selection in the list, or no volume is currently selected.
Control Description
Load Launches the Load Volume dialog, to load one or more volumes into shared
Attach Brings up the Attach Volume Dialog to attach a volume in shared memory to the
current GeoProbe session.
Save Brings up a File Selection Dialog to save the selected volume to a .vol file.
Remove Removes the volume from the session, and from shared memory.
Detach Immediately detaches the volume from the current GeoProbe session. Does not ask
are you sure? The volume remains in shared memory. To remove a volume
from shared memory, see Remove in the Attach Volume Dialog.
Enable/ Toggles on and off a Volumes bounding box in the main viewer window.
Scale Brings up the Global Scale Dialog to control scaling the display.
Annotation Brings up the Volume Annotation Dialog to turn axis labels and the North arrow
on or off.
Range Brings up the Volume Data Range Dialog to set the data range.
Colormap Brings up a Volume Colormap Dialog to change color hues representing the
Info Brings up the Volume Information Dialog to view the volume file name,
dimensions, memory usage, range, and scaling.
Sequence Brings up the Volume Sequence Dialog to allow users to flip through different
volumes in a user determined order.
Load Volume
The File selection dialog is used in many places in GeoProbe to both load and save
files. The Project Directory determines the initial directory, depending on the context
in which the File Selection Dialog was invoked.
For the Load Volumes dialog, volumes from either SeisWorks or GeoProbe projects
can be loaded into the GeoProbe session, depending on the mode the GeoProbe
session was started in. When starting in SeisWorks mode, SeisWorks volume files can
be selected, converted to GeoProbe .vol files, and stored in shared memory. These
same .vol files can also be saved back to the Working Directory of the SeisWorks
project. When starting in GeoProbe mode, only native GeoProbe volumes may be
loaded into the session.
Select Volumes The Select Volumes List section is a list of all volumes in the current path. Toggling
List on SeisWorks will display all the seismic surveys available in the current SeisWorks
project. Toggling on GeoProbe will display all the GeoProbe volume (.vol) files
currently stored in the working directory of the SeisWorks project.
The Volumes list can either be sorted in Alphabetical order, or in the order with
which they were modified using the Chronological toggle.
To filter the list, simply type in a text string with a wildcard in the text entry field.
Select the Filter button to display only the matching files.
If GeoProbe detects a differing orientation between a loaded GeoProbe .vol volume and the
SeisWorks volume the user is attempting to load, an error message will display instructing
the user to flip the volumes orientation before loading. This can be accomplished using the
Volume Flip utility.
Trim/Decimate The Trim/Decimate toggle button appears on the Load Volume dialog when loading
either GeoProbe or SeisWorks volume data files. Enabling this option brings up the
Trim/Decimate Dialog once OK is pressed.
Changing the Trim/Decimate toggle button will deselect all Volumes List entries. When
Trim/Decimate is On, only one entry in the List and one file may be loaded at a time. When
Trim/Decimate is Off, multiple volume files may be selected and loaded.
Scale The Scale toggle button only appears when loading SeisWorks volumes into
GeoProbe. Enabling this option will launch the Scale Volume dialog once OK is
pressed. This dialog will display a histogram of the volumes data values, and allow
the user to set a Min and Max for the Volumes scale range.
Show The Show Coordinate Info toggle button only appears when loading SeisWorks
Coordinate Info volumes into GeoProbe. Enabling this option will launch the Volume Coordinate Info
dialog once OK is pressed. This dialog is simply for QC purposes only, and will
display a graphic of the SeisWorks grid for the selected volume, and its respective
coordinate information.
Controls The following table describes the controls and buttons for this dialog.
Control Description
OK Accepts the volume in the text entry field for loading.
Refresh Queries the SeisWorks project and refreshes the Volume List. This is especially
useful to retrieve the full Volumes List after filtering the displayed volumes.
Filter A wildcard name contains part of a file name and represents the rest of the name
with a wildcard character (*). For example, the wildcard name of *.vol would
show only files with an extension of .vol. Click Filter and the Volumes List will
contain only files matching the filter.
Scale a SeisWorks Volume
The Scale toggle button only appears on the Load Volume dialog when loading
SeisWorks volumes into GeoProbe. Enabling this option will launch the Scale Volume
dialog once OK is pressed. This dialog displays a histogram of the volumes data
values, and allows the user to set a Min and Max for the Volumes scale range.
GeoProbe requires 8-bit data, therefore all seismic data is converted to 8-bit during the
transfer of SeisWorks volumes into GeoProbe volumes. The default rules for this
conversion are:
If the data is 8-bit, i.e. in the range -128 to 127, the values are left unchanged.
If it is not 8-bit, the data will be sampled for minimum and maximum values
and the amplitudes will be scaled between these.
The Scale Volume dialog allows the user to override this default scaling. The selected
volume will be sampled and a histogram and default range will be shown.
Control Description
Histogram The histogram shows the distribution of voxels by data value. The X scale is the
data value range. The Y scale is the voxel count.
Toggle Logarithmic to display the Y axis in a logarithmic scale. This will
generally dampen large spikes (often zeros or null values) in the data curve,
allowing the user to see more of the data.
Volume Scale The Min and Max data value range in the volume. Edit these values to apply a
Range scaling to the selected volume.
Percentile The percent of the data that falls within the Min and Max Volume Scale Range.
Apply Applies the scale range to the data and loads the volume.
Volume Coordinate Info
The Show Coordinate Info toggle button only appears on the Load Volume dialog
when loading SeisWorks volumes into GeoProbe. Enabling this option will launch the
Volume Coordinate Info dialog once OK is pressed.
This dialog displays the orientation and extents for the SeisWorks project. The inline,
crossline, Easting and Northing for the corners are listed under the diagram.
This dialog is for display purposes only, as the SeisWorks grid orientation cannot be
altered on this window.
Attach a Volume
The Attach Volume Dialog attaches a volume stored in shared memory to the current
session of GeoProbe. You can also remove a volume from shared memory (this will
not delete the volume file on disk). To detach a volume from the current session of
GeoProbe and keep it in shared memory, use the Detach button on the Volumes
Volumes The Volumes Loaded List shows the volumes currently stored in shared memory. The
Loaded List buttons operate on the currently selected volume in the list (only one volume may be
selected at a time).
Control Description
Attach Attaches a volume in shared memory to the current GeoProbe session.
Remove Removes a volume from shared memory. Does not delete the file from disk.
Use Load on the Volumes Dialog to load the volume back into shared
Refresh Updates the Volumes Loaded List with the volumes stored in shared memory
that can be attached to the current GeoProbe session.
Memory Management
The Memory Management utility displays the volumes present in shared memory.
From this dialog, shared memory segments can be deleted. This utility is analogous to
the UNIX ipcs command.
Button Description
Delete Deletes a volume from shared memory. Does not delete the file from disk.
Use Load on the Volumes Dialog to load the volume back into shared
Refresh Updates the Volumes Loaded List with the volumes stored in shared memory
that can be attached to the current GeoProbe session.
Shared Memory System shared memory should be checked periodically to ensure no memory is being
Housekeeping wasted. Unused shared memory segments need to be deleted to maintain the best
system performance.
Semaphore Like shared memory, semaphores are another system resource requiring housekeeping
Housekeeping on occasion. Semaphores do not take up any appreciable memory, but they may cause
problems with running subsequent GeoProbe sessions.
Changing the Global Scale
The Global Scale Dialog contains controls to set the scaling factor of the X, Y, and Z
axes for viewing purposes only. It also shows the World Coordinate scaling from the
volume file header. None of these controls changes the volume in shared memory or
its disk scale.
Moving the slider bars immediately changes the aspect ratio of the objects in the
display. Left-clicking in the trough to the right or left of the slider bar allows more
precise control of the scale factor (.1 per click). Middle-clicking in the trough jumps
the scale to that value.
Control Description
View Scale Contains slider bars for changing the View Scale of each X, Y, and Z axis. The
View Scale increases or decreases the distance between each unit on the axis.
World Scale The X and Y fields show the World Scale from the volume file header. The Z
text field allows entering a user defined scale.
Volume Annotation
The Volume Annotation Dialog turns the volume axis annotation visibility on and off.
Control Description
Annotation Controls visibility of annotation in general. Tick marks may be displayed
with full annotation or just minimum and maximum values.
Off - Toggles off all annotation and tick marks.
On - Toggles on all annotation and tick marks.
Min/Max Only - Turns on minimum and maximum values and tick marks.
Annotation Detail Controls the level of detail for the annotation. There are three settings to
control how often tick marks and labels occur.
Low - Tick marks occur every 10 voxels and labels occur every 50 voxels.
Medium - Tick marks occur every 5 voxels and labels occur every 20
High - Tick marks occur every 2 voxels and labels occur every 10 voxels.
North Arrow Controls the visibility of a north arrow. A north arrow may be displayed as
either a low resolution 2-D arrow without annotation or a high resolution 3-
D compass with annotation.
Off - Toggles visibility of North arrow off.
Low Resolution - Uses a 2-D north arrow.
High Resolution - Uses a 3-D north arrow.
Coordinate Controls the displayed coordinate system. Users may choose between the
System following coordinate systems.
Survey - Displays seed point coordinates in survey coordinates.
World - Displays seed point locations in world coordinates.
Volume Data Range
The Volume Data Range Dialog is used to map the data values of a volume to a
different range of values on the display. The original data values are not changed. The
new working range is reflected in the following dialogs.
Volume Information
Pick Information
Points Autopick
Volume Colormap
Probe Colormap
Surface Colormap
Geobody Colormap
The top entry is the original data range (prior to importing as an 8-bit GeoProbe
volume). The second choice is the original data range scaled to values of 0 to 255. The
third choice (the default) is the original data range scaled to values of -128 to 127. The
fourth choice allows the user to specify a non 8-bit range of data in the Min and Max
fields. This can be useful if, for example, a geostatistical volume is loaded and you
desire to compose colormaps based on the actual percentages (range from 0 to 100).
Control Description
(original values) Scales the working data range to the original volume data range (in
the example above, -128 to 127).
-128 to 127 Scales the working data range from -128 to 127 (default).
User Specified Range Uses the Min and Max values specified by the user.
Apply Accepts the range and applies it to the currently selected volume in
the Volumes Dialog.
Volume Colormap
The Volume Colormap Dialog assigns colors to ranges of volume data. Each volume
can be assigned its own colormap.
Colormap There are many colormap dialogs in GeoProbe. There are similarities and slight
Similarities differences. The Probe Colormap is identical to the Volume Colormap. The top of this
dialog is similar to the Well Log Curve Color and Surface Colormap (By Value style).
The buttons differ and are described in the help pages of those specific dialogs.
Main Menu The following table describes the main pulldown menu entries. The left mouse button
activates the menus and selects entries.
File Load
Brings up a File Selection Dialog to load a colormap from file. Users have the option
of loading either colors or opacity, or a combination of both:
Load Colors Only - Loads only the color values associated with the selected
Load Opacity Only - Loads only the opacity values associated with the selected
Load Colors & Opacity - Loads both colors and opacity values associated with the
selected colormap. This option can also be launched using the icon.
Brings up a File Selection Dialog to save a colormap to file. A list of the 10 most
recently used colormaps, regardless of the project, is displayed below the Load and
Save menu items.
This option can also be launched using the icon.
Edit Reverse
Reverses the colors in the colormap by horizontally flipping the colormap over the
entire data range.
This option can also be launched using the icon.
Copies the colors and opacity settings of the active colormap.
This option can also be launched using the icon.
Pastes copied color and/or opacity settings to a new colormap.
Colors - Pastes only color values for the copied colormap.
Opacity - Pastes only opacity values for the copied colormap.
All - Pastes both colors and opacity values for the copied colormap. This option can
also be launched using the icon.
Session A cascade menu of colormaps used and/or created in the current GeoProbe session,
shown as thumbnail pictures. If you hover the pointer over a thumbnail, the colormap
name will appear. Click on the desired colorbar with MB1 to select.
Colormap The following table describes the controls in the Colormap Dialog.
Control Description
Colormap Mode Changes the colormap from Ramp Mode (gradational colormap) to
Palette Mode (256-color palette).
Add Thumb Creates a new thumb to the right of the active thumb. If there is too little
space to the right, no thumb will be created. All Colormap Dialogs can be
resized horizontally stretching the colormap and creating more space on
the colormap. Stretching the colormap also allows thumbs to be dragged
close to each other at very close spacing.
Delete Thumb Deletes the active thumb. Thumbs with the lowest and highest data values
cannot be deleted. At least two thumbs will always be displayed. After
deleting a thumb, the active thumb will be the next thumb to the right.
Control Description
Lock Thumb Locks the active thumb in place with the present value. This gives the
user more control when using the Proportional Move option to scale the
HSV Use the Hue-Saturation-Value model for defining thumb colors in Ramp
Mode or palette colors in Palette Mode. The Saturation and Value colors
vary from 0 (left) to 1 (right) and by default are shown in black. If
changes in the hue slider are not reflected in the thumb color, make sure
neither Saturation nor Value is pegged to the left.
Thumb Opacity Below the color slider bars is the Thumb Opacity slider for controlling
the opacity of single 8-bit data values in the volume. The Thumb Opacity
slider works in both Ramp Mode and Palette Mode for a single volume
attribute value. Single volume attribute values are selected with a thumb
in Ramp Mode or a single palette color in Palette Mode. Data values are
fully opaque (100% opacity) when the opacity thumb is moved all the
way to the right and fully transparent (0% opacity) when the opacity
thumb is moved all the way to the left.
Continuous When toggled on, the volumes display in the viewer window will
Update immediately update with each change of the opacity settings.
When toggled off, the volumes display will not update with changes
made to opacity settings until MB1 is released. This is a useful setting
when using the Draw Opacity feature, as a smoother opacity line may be
created than when Continuous Update is toggled on.
Opacity Editor Controls the opacity over the entire volume data range. Full volume data
range opacity (for Transparent and Volume Render Draw Style probes)
is controlled by the Opacity Editor.
In the Opacity Editor, the horizontal axis represents the range of volume
attributes, and the vertical axis represents the amount of opacity (more
opaque towards the top and more transparent towards the bottom).
Initially, opacity is set to fully opaque across the entire volume attribute
range, represented by a horizontal line at the top of the opacity editor.
Control Description
Uniform Opacity The Uniform Opacity button sets equal opacity across the entire volume
data range. The opacity editor curve becomes a horizontal bar, which can
be adjusted up (more opaque) and down (more transparent) by dragging
the bar while holding down MB1. The horizontal bar cannot be edited,
only moved up and down.
Draw Opacity The Draw Opacity button allows the user to manually edit the opacity
curve across the entire volume data range.
Opacity can be adjusted by dragging the opacity editor line while holding
down MB1. The curve controls which data values are assigned opacity
and the degree of opacity. It is often useful to have the Histogram button
toggled on while determining opacity for a visual image of what is
actually being assigned opacity.
To achieve a smoother curve (with no steps along the diagonal), it is
recommended to toggle off the Continuous Update option until the
desired curve is achieved.
Histogram Displays a histogram of the entire volume data range in the Opacity
Editor. The histogram is color coded to better show where the data values
fall in respect to the colorbar.
Zoom Histogram In some instances, there may be a high occurrence of one data value in the
volume, such as zeros or null values. When this occurs, the histogram
may be difficult to see, as it is obscured by a spike. By toggling on the
Zoom Histogram button, the user can scale the appearance of the
histogram by holding down MB1 in the opacity viewer and moving the
pointer up and down in the view.
All Volumes Attaches the current colormap settings to all volumes currently attached to
the GeoProbe session.
Default The GeoProbe Install Directory contains the preset colormaps in the Presets/
Colormap Colormaps directory. The initial, or default colormap is in this directory with file name
vdefault.gpc. If this file does not exist, then the default will be a rainbow colormap. To
set the default colormap, create the colormap file and copy it to Presets/Colormaps/
Ramp Edit There are two colormap modes, Ramp and Palette. Ramp Mode sets colors at one or
Mode more volume attribute values and interpolates hues between these points. Palette Mode
is discussed below.
Ramp Mode uses a gradational color ramp to assign specific colors to 8-bit volume
attribute values. The X scale of this box represents the full range of data values of the
volume, with lower values to the left and higher values to the right. The colors seen in
the color ramp will be assigned to the corresponding data values.
Mode Selector
The colors are controlled by a series of thumbs (the small triangular sliders at the
bottom of the box). Colors in the box are linearly interpreted between the thumbs. The
corresponding volume attribute value is posted above each thumb. At least two thumbs
must exist for each colormap.
To use the thumbs, click on one to select it. A solid black square appears inside the
active thumb, with its value posted in the Selected Thumb Value text box above the
colorbar. One and only one thumb is always active.
Once selected, you can slide the thumb left or right. This changes the color assigned to
the corresponding volume attribute value.
Setting Colors
The color of the active thumb is controlled by adjusting the three color slider bars
below the thumbs (labeled either R/G/B for Red/Green/Blue or H/S/V for Hue/
Saturation/Value). While moving the color slider bars, the Ramp changes color to the
left and right of the current thumb.
The HSV setting determines the color model (HSV or RGB) for mixing colors.
The Rotate thumbwheel located above the colorbar, allows users to rotate the
colorbar, in a circular fashion, through the set thumb values. Thumbwheels work with
the mouse by clicking on one side and dragging the wheel towards the other side.
To reset the colorbar to its original orientation, simply click the box to the right of the
wheel, or click the icon.
Palette Edit The Colormap Mode can be changed from Ramp Mode (default) to Palette Mode by
Mode clicking the Colormap Mode button. The top of the Colormap Dialog changes from a
gradational colormap to a 256-color palette when the Colormap Mode is changed.
All of the controls below the color palette are identical to the controls for Ramp Mode.
The top of the Palette Mode Colormap contains a rectangular box with a 256-slot color
palette and a condensed color ramp below. The condensed color ramp is not editable.
The Ramp and Palette Modes work together. Black squares within palette slots
indicate where the corresponding thumbs are in the Ramp Mode colormap.
Each of the 256-slots in the color palette can be changed independently. The resulting
changes affect the Ramp Mode Colormap. Occasionally, Palette Mode changes are not
properly translated to the Ramp Mode Colormap due to a Lossy Translation.
Specifically, the resulting linear interpolation between thumbs in Ramp Mode may not
occur properly and discontinuities in the gradational Ramp Mode colormap exist. To
correct this discrepancy, click the AutoPick button which adds thumbs to the Ramp
Mode Colormap so that linear interpolation is consistent across the full range of data.
The resulting Ramp Mode Colormap is displayed below the color palette.
The Palette Mode is most useful when a single or limited number of data values need
to be changed or made transparent, such as Geostatistical data volumes with a null
Volume Information
The Volume Information Dialog displays volume statistics and allows access to a
histogram of data values.
Coordinate To the user, GeoProbe has two coordinate systems, Project and World Coordinates.
Project Coordinates
Project Coordinates is a right or left handed coordinate system defined by the volume
file header. There is an offset from the origin and a step. The Viewing Area annotation
(volume bounding box, Probe) and HUD always show Project Coordinates. Some
parts of Information Dialogs show Project Coordinates.
World Coordinates
The other coordinate system is World Coordinates. This is a right-handed coordinate
system. The X and Y axes are length measurements. The Z axis is a length or time
measurement. The units come from the volume file header. The X axis always points
East. The Y axis always points North. The Z axis is normally elevation from sea level
(if a length). The World Coordinates rotate the Project Coordinates about the Z axis
and have an X and Y offset from the origin. The origin is usually a known location. All
of these definitions are defined in the volume file header.
When loading a volume, trim loads a subset of the volume, increasing the offset.
Decimate on load changes the step. The volume data file could already have a step
factor, so the decimation is a meta-step, a step of the possibly already stepped volume
The Global Scene Scale only affects the view. It does not scale the volume data. It
only stretches or compresses the view of each axis.
Control Description
Name The filename of the selected volume.
Range The data range for the volume as set in the Volume Data Range Dialog.
Min and Max Minimum and maximum values in the X, Y, and Z dimensions.
Control Description
W. Units World Coordinate units (feet or meters) for the X, Y, and Z dimensions.
The World Coordinate units are read from the volume file header if the
volume is loaded using World Coordinates. If world coordinates are not
available, the fields will display n/a.
The following units are possible, based on the VoxelGeo definitions and
represented in the header of the volume file.
m - meters
dm - decimeters
cm - centimeters
km - kilometers
ft - feet
decifeet - ten feet
mi - miles (5,280 feet)
s - seconds
ms - milliseconds
us - microseconds
ft/s - feet per second
m/s - meters per second
km/s - kilometers per second
Histogram The histogram shows the distribution of voxels by data value. The X scale
is the data value. The Y scale is the voxel count.
Logarithmic This setting is only available when Histogram is set. It changes the
histogram Y axis to a logarithmic scale so the histogram is not so spiked.
Volume Sequence
The Volume Sequence Dialog allows the user to flip through a set of selected volumes
in a user-defined order.
The Probe 1 list is considered the master list for the sequencer. Therefore, if Probe 1 has 3 volumes
loaded, and Probe 2 has 4 volumes loaded... only the first 3 volumes in Probe 2 will be sequenced
through. If you wish to have one Probe with more volumes than the others, make sure that you use
Probe 1.
Field Description
Available Lists all probes in current GeoProbe session. The user chooses the volume
Probes which they would like to apply volume sequencing.
Add Probes-adds selected Probe to sequencing
Remove Probes-removes selected Probe from sequencing
Available Lists every volume currently loaded into GeoProbe for selection in volume
Volumes sequencing.
Probe X Lists the probes that have been selected for sequencing. If no probes have
been selected, these columns will not appear.
Add Volumes-Adds selected volume in available volume list to
Del Volumes-Removes elected volume in available volume list to
Up-Moves selected volume in Probe list up one spot.
Down- Moves selected volume in Probe list down one spot.
Sequence Allows user to adjust the speed in which the volumes are flipped through.
Subsets of data volumes can be loaded in GeoProbe or volumes may be decimated in
the X, Y, or Z dimensions. This is useful if one wants to view only a portion of a data
volume or if a smaller data volume is desired to speed up system performance. In the
File Selection Dialog for Load Volume, if the Trim/Decimate option is on, this dialog
comes up before loading the volume file.
The Volume field at the top of the dialog is the volume filename being loaded.
The text entry fields allow you to change the range (trim) or loading increment
(decimate) for each axis. The original volume file settings are seen above the text entry
To change a text entry field, select it with the mouse, type the new value, and click on
another field or press the Tab key. If you enter a value outside the X, Y, or Z range, an
error dialog appears. A similar error will occur if an incorrect X, Y, or Z loading
increment is entered.
In setting the decimation, smaller numbers do less decimation and require more
memory than larger numbers.
Edited Size The Edited Size is the size the volume would occupy in shared memory. This field
changes when the X, Y, or Z ranges or load increment change.
You must be cognizant of the amount of memory on your computer to determine the
trade-off of volume size and decimation. If the decimated volume size exceeds more
than half physical computer memory, then the volume must be trimmed or decimated
further. Large volumes may require working with subsets of the volume (divide and
Control Description
Load Accepts the trim and decimation parameters and loads the data volume
into shared memory. During the loading process, the Load Volumes
Dialog box appears and shows the loading progress.
Control Description
Template Brings up a File Selection Dialog to select a volume file and uses its
dimensions for the X, Y, and Z ranges and decimations.
Reset Resets the X, Y, and Z minimum, maximum, and load increment field
values to their original values. This is useful if an incorrect value was
entered in one of the X, Y, or Z fields.
Probe Style
Probe Options
Pick Information
Probe Annotation
Probe Control
Combo Mambo
Area/Distance Calculation
Probe Information
Probes Object Manager
The Probes Dialog manages probes, which are either planes or boxes, that view a
subset of the assigned volume.
The Probes List contains the probes in the current GeoProbe session. Most buttons act
on the current selection in the Probes List. Select a Probe from the list and then click a
button. Grayed buttons are not appropriate for the current selection in the list.
Control Description
Create Brings up the Create Probe Dialog to create a box or plane Probe.
Delete Immediately deletes the selected Probe. Does not ask are you sure?
Style Brings up the Probe Style Dialog to set the draw styles.
Options Brings up the Probe Options Dialog to change lighting, HUD, and
smoothing on the selected Probe.
Render Quality Brings up the Volume Render Settings Dialog to define the volume
render quality.
Pick Brings up the Pick Information Dialog to show the current X, Y, and
Z position of the pick point and value of the corresponding voxels.
Probe Ctrl Brings up the Plane Slice Control Dialog to move the selected plane
Probe manually or automatically.
Save Brings up a File Selection Dialog to save a new volume file with the
dimensions of the current Probe.
Set Home Remember the current location and dimensions of the Probe. After
moving or resizing the Probe, it can be returned to this location with
Go Home. It does not remember which volume was assigned to the
Probe, Probe options, Probe style, or other settings.
Go Home Return the Probe to the location and dimensions defined by Set
Control Description
Combo Mambo Brings up the Combo Mambo Dialog for co-rendering volumes.
Save Probe Size The Probe Info dialog reports the X/Y/Z sizes of voxels. Multiplying them and then
dividing by the X/Y/Z scale factors will roughly give you the volume size. The
reported values count the number of voxel centers between the min and max values. If
you need to estimate the volume size exactly, you can take the product of
(where XInc is from the Volume Info dialog), and add the corresponding expressions
for Y and Z and the constant 3072.
Multiple Multiple volumes can be attached to a GeoProbe session giving the user the flexibility
Volumes of viewing multiple volumes simultaneously or panning through attached volumes
within a single Probe. Only one volume can be attached to a Probe at a time, but it is
easy to reassign volumes to probes using one of the following methods.
Select a Probe from the Probes List or in the Viewing Area then select a
volume from the Volume List in the Volumes Dialog.
Select a Probe from the Probes List or in the Viewing Area then press the 2 key
on the keyboard. The 2 key toggles through all the volumes attached to the
current GeoProbe session.
Select a Probe in the in the Probes List or Viewing Area (you must be in Pick
Mode), right click to bring up the popup menu, slide to the Volumes menu, and
select a volume from the list.
Arbitrary Arbitrary planes are pre-defined orthogonal and non-orthogonal planes located inside
Planes a box Probe. The 1 key toggles through 21 pre-defined planes within the selected
Probe. Stretching and resizing the Probe resizes and moves the arbitrary plane(s)
inside. Some planes actually rotate within the Probe as the Probe is resized. Volumes
can still be assign to the box Probe containing the arbitrary plane(s).
Ribbon Sections
A Ribbon Section consists of a series of connected planes inside a box Probe. Create a
Ribbon Section by picking a series of points on one face of a box Probe. (NOTE:
Ribbon sections cannot be created along an arbitrary plane or a plane Probe.) Line
segments connect the points, and planes are created by extending the line segments
orthogonal to the box Probe face. The Ribbon Section can be redefined by moving or
deleting points. Ribbon Sections can exist in the XY, XZ, or YZ planes.
A Ribbon Section is created by going to Pick Mode and setting the Control Pick Mode
to Ribbon Section. Hold down the Ctrl key and click a series of points, or handles,
with the left mouse button on a single face of a Probe. A 2-D plane will appear
between each handle (in series) and orthogonal to the Probe face. Once the Ribbon
Section is created, only the box Probe face on which the handles reside will be visible.
You can make the Probe face invisible by changing the Probe Style to Empty.
Ribbon Section handles can be moved, added and deleted. Make sure you are in Pick
Mode and the Control Pick Mode is set to Ribbon Section. Also make sure you did
not switch to one of the arbitrary planes. If so, use the 1 key to toggle back to the face
planes. To move a handle, place the pointer over the handle, hold down the Ctrl key
and hold the left mouse button down. Drag the handle to the new location. Notice the
Ribbon Section changes dynamically as the handles are repositioned.
The size of the handles can be increased while the Probe is selected by pressing the
Page Up key, and decreased by pressing the Page Down key.
Handles can be added to the Ribbon Section by selecting a handle then press the
Insert key. The new handle will be inserted after the selected handle based on the
order the handles were created. Note that a handle cannot be added to the right of the
last handle using this technique. To do this, hold down the Right-Shift key while you
click with the left mouse button on the face of the Probe.
Handles can be deleted by selecting a handle with the left mouse button while holding
down the Ctrl key, then pressing the Delete key on the Edit Keypad.
The entire Ribbon Section can be deleted by deleting each handle. The Probe Draw
Style may still be set Empty, so you may need to set the Draw Style to Opaque.
Ribbon Sections can be moved through the volume by moving the bounding box
Probe with the mouse or by using the keypad keys 1 & 3, 4 & 6, and 7 & 9. Changing
the volume assignment to the Probe also changes the Ribbon Section assignment.
Control Description
Ctrl+MB1 Creates points (handles) for a Ribbon Section on the surface of a box
Probe. Also add handles to the end of the Ribbon Section and changes the
location of existing handles.
Page Up Increases the size of handles. Increasing handle sizes makes picking the
handles with the mouse easier. This key is on the Edit Keypad.
Page Down Decreases the size of the handles. This key is on the Edit Keypad.
Insert Inserts a handle after the selected handle. This will not insert a handle to
the right of the last handle. To add a handle past the last one, hold the Ctrl
key down while clicking on the Probe face with the left mouse button.
This key is on the Edit Keypad.
Delete Deletes the selected handle. This key is on the Edit Keypad.
Create a New Probe
The Create Probe Dialog creates a new instance of a Box, X plane, Y plane, or Z plane
Control Description
Box Creates a square-sided box Probe.
Probe Style
The Probe Style Dialog sets properties of the selected Probe. If the controls are
inactive (grayed-out), make sure a Probe is selected either using the Probes List in the
Probes Dialog or by left-clicking on a Probe in the Viewing Area while in Pick Mode.
Cut Probe and Show Internal Faces do not apply to plane probes and will be inactive
whenever a plane Probe is selected.
Control Description
Cut Probe Setting this box will force both Draw As and Move As to Empty and allow
the Probe to penetrate other box probes. Once Cut Probe is set, Draw As and
Move As can be reset to any of the choices on the list. This feature is often
used to arrange chair displays.
Show When zoomed-in past the front face of a box Probe, this setting shows voxel
Internal colors on the internal faces the same way as they appear on the outside faces.
Faces Otherwise, the internal faces are blank or all one color.
Smooth Smoothing interpolates edges of voxels as seen on the Probe faces. With
smoothing off, you can see the individual voxels. Smoothing is a display
attribute and does not modify the volume data. Point picking is always by
voxel and is not affected by smoothing.
Force Force Move As and Draw As choices to be the same. To do this one choice
Move and must be changed after this checkbox is selected.
Draw Style
to Same
Control Description
Draw As Probes have the following styles when static and can be controlled by the
colormap and Opacity Editor.
Opaque - All Probe faces are visible and display the full assigned volume data
range. Opaque probes are unaffected by transparency.
Transparent - All Probe faces are visible and display the assigned volume
data range as defined by the opacity editor in the Volume Colormap Dialog.
The opacity can range from 0 to 100%.
Volume Render - All Probe voxels, not just the faces, are visible through a
technique known as volume rendering. Volume rendered probes display the
assigned volume data range as defined by the Opacity Editor in the Volume
Colormap Dialog. The opacity can range from 0 to 100%.
GeoBody - Draws volume as a geobody.
Empty - Only a Probe's bounding box is visible. This is the default Probe style
of cut probes. The Seed Point can be picked on the face of an Empty Probe.
Invisible - Neither Probe nor bounding box is visible. Must be selected from
Probes List. The Seed Point cannot be picked on the face of an Invisible Probe.
Not applicable to plane probes. This setting is useful when creating a Probe as
a light source.
Probe Poly Delete - Only the Probes location is visible. The user can pick a
polygon on any of the Probes faces using Ctrl-MB1. The resulting polygon
can then be used to delete horizon points within the Horizons Object Manager.
Move As Probes have the following styles when dynamic (when moving) and can be
controlled by the colormap and Opacity Editor. The Move As settings are
identical to the Draw As settings described above.
Probe Options
The Probe Options Dialog controls several Probe attributes. Probe Options work on all
probes, not just the selected probes.
Control Description
Show HUD Toggle visibility of the HUD.
All Objects Clips all enabled surfaces, faults, pointsets, and wells to the actively
selected Probe.
All Surfaces Clips all enabled surfaces to the actively selected Probe.
All Faults Clips all enabled faults to the actively selected Probe.
All Pointsets Clips all enabled pointsets to the actively selected Probe.
All Wells Clips all enabled wells to the actively selected Probe.
All Horizons Clips all enabled horizons to the actively selected Probe.
All TSurfs Clips all enabled TSurfs to the actively selected Probe.
Expand Clip Limits Expands the clipped data 10% outside of the actively selected Probe.
Render Quality Settings
The Volume Rendering Settings Dialog controls the display quality and performance
of all volume rendered probes, not just the selected Probe. This dialog also adjusts the
threshold for picking Seed Points in a volume rendered Probe. With other Probe styles,
seed picking is done on the Probe face. Volume rendered probes allow picking seed
points inside the Probe.
What Is Volume Volume rendering displays all voxels inside a Probe as defined in the colormap and
Rendering? Opacity Editor.
Volume Render Volume rendering uses more computer resources than the other draw styles. This can
Performance greatly affect performance. There is also the possibility of running out of memory and
GeoProbe exiting without saving your work.
Be careful not to volume render a large number of voxels. The settings in this dialog
helps tune the trade off of volume rendering quality and performance.
Controls The following table details the controls for this dialog.
Control Description
Render Quality The Render Quality controls the sample rate GeoProbe uses to display
volume data on static, volume rendered probes. Adjusting the Render
Quality does not change the volume decimation, only the sample rate for
displaying volume rendered probes. Low render quality results in
improved system performance. High render quality results in decreased
system performance.
Move Render Move Render Quality is the equivalent to Render Quality except it
Quality affects the dynamic (in motion) volume rendered probes.
Min Opacity to Pick Min Opacity to Pick controls the sensitivity of picking Seed Points in a
volume rendered Probe in which the colormap opacity editor has been
enabled. A seed point can be picked only for visible voxels whose
attributes equal or exceed the Min Opacity to Pick set in this dialog. A
Seed Point cannot be picked inside volume rendered probes in areas that
have been made transparent using the colormap Opacity Editor. This
feature allows for more accurate seed point picking when using volume
rendered probes.
Control Description
Retain Volume The Retain Volume Rendering Data option affects performance when
Rendering Data using volume rendering. Within the GeoProbe application, special
representations of the volume are kept in blocks called bricks. When
moving a volume rendered Probe, GeoProbe has to calculate display data
within the bricks, which interrupts the interactive nature of GeoProbe.
When a brick no longer resides within the Probe, the brick calculation is
Setting the Retain Volume Rendering Data option retains the brick
calculations in memory. This can improve system performance if a volume
rendered Probe is moved over the same section of the volume more than
once. Large volumes or systems with limited memory may not be able to
retain the bricks in memory. When GeoProbe runs out of memory, it exits
without saving your work.
Pick Information
The Pick Information Dialog shows the location and value of the Seed Point, the same
as the HUD. The X, Y, an d Z location are in World and Survey Coordinates.
To select a Seed Point, make sure you are in Pick Mode and the Control Pick Mode is
set to Seed Point. Hold the Ctrl key down and press the left mouse button on the face
of a Probe.
Controls Description
Value The volume data value appears in the top text field. The first number reflects the
range set in the Volume Data Range Dialog. The second number, in parentheses,
reflects the actual unsigned 8-bit range of the data in the volume file.
X, Y, and Z These fields show the Seed Point location in World and Survey Coordinates.
Probe Annotation
The Probe Annotation Dialog controls the annotation, major and minor tick marks,
and grid lines of the selected Probe.
Tick Marks Tick marks are the small white lines along the edges of the Probe. GeoProbe has two
sizes of tick marks: major and minor. The minor tick marks occur every step in Project
Coordinates. The major tick marks occur every 10, 20, or 40 steps.
Grid Lines Grid lines are white lines across the Probe faces connecting major tick marks.
Control Description
Annotation Annotation is the labeling of tick marks. The values are in Project
Coordinates. Only major tick marks have annotation. The three radio
buttons control visibility of annotation for the selected Probe.
Off - Toggles off all annotation and tick marks.
On - Toggles on all annotation and tick marks.
Min/Max Only - Turns on annotations for minimum and maximum
values only, along with the tick marks.
Axis Annotation These three toggle buttons control visibility of annotation and tick marks
along each axis.
X Axis - Toggles visibility of X Axis annotation and tick marks.
Y Axis - Toggles visibility of Y Axis annotation and tick marks.
Z Axis - Toggles visibility of Z Axis annotation and tick marks.
Annotation Detail These three radio buttons determine the occurrence of major tick marks
for every minor tick mark. The major tick marks determine the grid lines.
Low - Major tick marks and grid lines occur every 40 minor tick marks.
Medium - Major tick marks and grid lines occur every 20 minor tick
High - Major tick marks and grid lines occur every 10 minor tick marks.
Show Grid Toggles the grid line visibility on and off. The grid lines are white lines
connecting major tick marks across the selected Probes faces or bounding
Probe Control
The Probe Control Dialog allows Probe movement parallel to the x, y or z axis. The
Keypad keys can also control probes movement. The top of the dialog shows the name
of the selected Probe.
Slider Bar Slider bars allow smooth adjustment of a value that has a fixed range. On the left and
Operation right are labels for the minimum and maximum values. The current value is marked
with a thumb and labeled above the thumb. The thumb slides along a trough.
Drag the slider bar thumb side to side by positioning the pointer over the
thumb and holding down MB1.
Click MB1 in the trough to the side of the thumb to nudge thumb by one step.
Hold down MB1 in the trough to continuously move the thumb.
Click MB2 in the trough to jump the thumb to the pointers location.
Field Description
Move Toggle X, Y or Z for Probe movement parallel to the specified axis.
Move Slice This slider bar allows interactive movement of a Probe. The slider bar scale
shows the X, Y, or Z value on the axis the Probe is moving parallel to in Survey
Survey This field shows the Survey Coordinate location on the axis to which the Probe is
Coordinate moving parallel.
Slice Increment Slice increment allows the user to select an increment for viewing slices in
Animation or by clicking within the Move Slice slider bar.
The reverse direction (left) arrow button moves the Probe by decrements along
the axis.
Stop Freezes Probe movement at the current location and stops the AutoSlice.
The forward direction (right) arrow button moves the Probe by increments along
the axis.
Field Description
Close Closes the dialog.
Combo Mambo
At this time, Combo Mambo is only available on Linux and Onyx4 systems.
Attribute volumes within a Probe can now be co-rendered with each other using a
technique in GeoProbe called Combo Mambo. This visualization technique allows
the simultaneous display of two attributes, one defined by color and one by shading.
Also called bump mappingthis technique is often used in graphics programming to
produce the appearance of textured surfaces by altering the brightness of pixels in
specific patterns. The result is similar to that produced when light shines at an angle
on a surface. Bump mapping adds per-pixel surface relief shading, increasing the
apparent complexity of the surface of the Probe.
In the following example, weve taken a seismic amplitude volume as a Base Volume,
and shaded (co-rendered) it using a semblance volume. Since the Emboss Height is
set to a negative value, faults now have the appearance of valleys on the Probes
By altering the Emboss Height, Intensity and Highlight scalar values, in addition to
changing the direction of the light source using the Light Direction Editor, the eye is
drawn to features in the data that were previously difficult to define. The power of this
technique is that it is not just a visual display, as all faults, surfaces, pointsets and
horizons can be interpreted while in Combo Mambo mode.
Combo Mambo effects are only visible when the Probe is drawn as transparent and
opaque. No co-rendering effects will be seen when the Probe is drawn as a geobody or
volume rendered.
Control Description
Base Volume A list of all the attached volumes in the GeoProbe session. Highlight the
volume to be used as the base color for the Probe display. If Combo Mambo
is turned Off, or the Emboss Height is set to 0, this is the only volume that
will be displayed.
Second Volume The second volume is used to compute a shading effect to the color produced
by the Base Volume. Highlight the desired volume from the list and turn
Combo Mambo On to see the effect.
On/Off When toggled On, the selected base and second volumes will be co-rendered
in the active Probe. Additional editing options for the co-rendered Probe
will become available in the dialog.
When toggled Off, the Probe returns to its original view, only displaying the
base volume with no bump mapping.
Emboss Height This setting changes the apparent height of volume details on the face of
the Probe. The scalar values range from -30 to 30. A negative setting gives
surface irregularities the appearance of valleys, or depressions; while
positive values give the same irregularities the appearance of bumps.
Intensity A scale value, ranging from 1.00 to 2.00, for the computed diffuse color.
This simply makes each pixels red, green and blue component value
brighter, or more intense.
Highlight A scale value, ranging from 0.00 to 1.00, for the computed specular color.
While the Intensity setting scaled the RGB value of each pixel, this is a white
only color affecting the overall shininess of the pixels. The appearance of
the highlight is affected by both light direction (set by the Light Direction
Editor), and the bump normal direction.
Set Default Sets the current slider bar values as a new default value.
Control Description
Light Direction An interactive light source editor. The grey box displayed in the editor
Editor represents the Probe that is currently being co-rendered in the main viewer
Using MB1 in the editor window, you can grab the light source and move
it within the box display. The Probes lighting in the GeoProbe window will
change accordingly.
Opacity Curve/ When toggled on, an opacity editor allows you to draw in the values of the
Sliders second volume that will be used to illuminate the base volume.
When toggled off, you can use slider bars to determine the value range used
in the second volume.
Continuous When toggled on, the volumes display in the viewer window will
Update immediately update with each change of the opacity settings.
When toggled off, the volumes display will not update with changes made
to opacity settings until MB1 is released. This is a useful setting when using
the Draw Opacity feature, as a smoother opacity line may be created than
when Continuous Update is toggled on.
Illuminating When Draw is toggled on, an opacity editor allows you to draw in the values of the
Data Selection second volume that is being used to illuminate the base volume.
These values are described in detail in the following table:
Control Description
Opacity Editor Full volume data range opacity is controlled by the Opacity Editor.
In the Opacity Editor, the horizontal axis represents the range of volume
attributes, and the vertical axis represents the amount of opacity (more
opaque towards the top and more transparent towards the bottom). Initially,
opacity is set to fully opaque across the entire volume attribute range,
represented by a horizontal line at the top of the opacity editor.
Uniform The Uniform Opacity button sets equal opacity across the entire volume data
Opacity range. The opacity editor curve becomes a horizontal bar, which can be
adjusted up (more opaque) and down (more transparent) by dragging the bar
while holding down MB1. The horizontal bar cannot be edited, only moved
up and down.
Draw Opacity The Draw Opacity button allows the user to manually edit the opacity curve
across the entire volume data range.
Opacity can be adjusted by dragging the opacity editor line while holding
down MB1. The curve controls which data values are assigned opacity and
the degree of opacity. It is often useful to have the Display Histogram
button toggled on while determining opacity for a visual image of what is
actually being assigned opacity.
To achieve a smoother curve (with no steps along the diagonal), it is
recommended to toggle off the Continuous Update option until the desired
curve is achieved.
Display Displays a histogram of the entire volume data range in the Opacity Editor.
Histogram The histogram is color coded to better show where the data values fall in
respect to the colorbar.
Zoom In some instances, there may be a high occurrence of one data value in the
Histogram volume, such as zeros or null values. When this occurs, the histogram may
be difficult to see, as it is obscured by a spike. By toggling on the Zoom
Histogram button, the user can scale the appearance of the histogram by
holding down MB1 in the opacity viewer and moving the pointer up and
down in the view.
Selected Value The current attribute value at the location of MB1 in the opacity editor.
When Simple is toggled on, you can use slider bars to determine the value range that
will be used to illuminate the volume.
Control Description
Start/End The Start and End range for the Second Volume can be set either by moving
the slider bars, or by typing in the desired value in the respective text boxes.
Lock Range When toggled on, the current range size between Start and End will be
locked in place. Moving either slider bar will result in the other bar to move
accordingly to preserve this range.
Defining Combo 1. With an amplitude volume and an attribute volume loaded, select Combo Mambo
Mambo from the Probes Object Manager to launch the Combo Mambo dialog.
Settings 2. Highlight the amplitude volume as the Base Volume, the attribute volume as the
Second Volume, and toggle Combo Mambo On.
3. Set the Emboss Height to a negative value. This will give the faults an
appearance of valleys on the surface of the probe.
4. Determine the best Intensity and Highlight value for your lighting preference. Be
careful not to set these values too high, for if you make the data too "bright" you
wont be able to see changes in the data as well.
6. Click on the Draw Opacity icon, and using MB1, draw in the opacity curve for
the base volume.
8. Toggle on Continuous Update. This will allow you to view the changes to
volumes display immediately upon changing the Min and Max values of the
second volume.
Watching the volume change as you move the sliders will help you to find the
exact settings for displaying only the data values that will help the interpretation,
thereby removing any chatter, or noise, found in the other data values.
GeoProbe now allows you to correlate events across a fault, or just from one side of
the volume to another. Using ezCorrelation, you can draw a polygon around the
seismic data of an event that has been displaced by thrust or extension. You can then
move and resize this polygon with its enclosed seismic data to match it with the event
from which it has been displaced. The correlation polygon will duplicate and move
both seismic data and horizon interpretations.
Using 1. Select a Probe, then in the viewer window select MB3 > Ctrl Pick Mode >
ezCorrelation ezCorrelation. The ezCorrelation dialog will be launched automatically.
2. Use Ctrl-MB1 to set the first point on the face of the Probe. Continue to digitize
points for the polygon covering the area of interest. A polygon will appear after the
3rd point is picked, parallel to the Probe face.
3. The size of the handles can be increased while the Probe is selected by pressing the
Page Up key, and decreased by pressing the Page Down key.
4. Polygon handles can be moved, inserted, and deleted. To move a handle, place the
pointer over the handle, hold down the Ctrl key and hold MB1 down. Drag the
handle to the new location.
5. Handles can be inserted or deleted using the Insert and Delete keys on your edit
keypad, respectively.
6. When the polygon has been picked, click on the Lock Polygon button on the
ezCorrelation dialog.
7. You can now move the ezCorrelation polygon to correlate your interpretation with
another part of the volume, simply by dragging it using MB1.
8. In addition, you can resize the polygon image by grabbing any of the green
handles and dragging them with MB1. If you move or resize the original Probe
that the polygon was selected on, the polygon will remain in the plane on which it
was digitized.
9. In areas where there is quite a bit of dip on the events leading up to a fault, its
often useful to rotate the polygon image using the Rotation Angle slider bar. This
allows you to alter the image to match the apparent dip on the other side of the
10. To disable the viewing of the polygon, toggle off the On/Off option in the
ezCorrelation dialog. This does not remove the polygon completely, its just no
longer displayed in the viewer.
11. To completely delete the polygon, click the Delete button on the ezCorrelation
Controls The following table describes the dialog controls.
Control Description
Lock Polygon After digitizing in a polygon, this function locks the image into place for
movement to other parts of the volume. Clicking this button will also
delete any previous polygon selected.
On/Off Enables and Disables the display of the polygon in the viewer window.
This does NOT remove the polygon from the session.
Go Home Returns the polygon image to the position in which it was created.
Rotation Angle Move this slider bar to rotate the polygon from -90 to +90 degrees from
the orientation in which it was originally created.
Transparency Move this slider bar to change the transparency of the polygon image.
A value of 0 would make the image completely transparent, while a
value of 1.00 would make the image completely opaque.
Volume Select from any of the attached volumes in your project. Once the
polygon is locked, you can view data from any attached volume within
the ezCorrlation polygon.
Control Description
Ctrl+MB1 Creates points (handles) for a segment on the top surface of a box
Probe. Also adds handles to the area polygon and changes the location
of existing handles.
Page Up Increases the size of handles. Increasing handle sizes makes picking the
handles with the mouse easier. This key is on the Edit Keypad.
Page Down Decreases the size of the handles. This key is on the Edit Keypad.
Delete Deletes the selected handle. This key is on the Edit Keypad. To remove
the entire area polygon, press delete until all the handles have been
Insert Inserts a handle after the selected handle. This key is on the Edit
Area/Distance Calculation
Distance, area, and perimeter information can easily be calculated and displayed using
the Area/Distance Calculation dialog. These measurements can be displayed in either
Imperial (English) or Metric units. In addition, area/distance polygons can be saved
to a *.adp file for later use in a new directory under the GeoProbe project called
In the event that units are Unknown for the selected volume, you will be prompted to
select either feet or meters upon attempting to place the first point of the first segment.
Calculating an 1. Select a Probe, then in the viewer window select MB3 > Ctrl Pick Mode > Area/
Area Distance Calculation. The Area/Distance Calculation dialog will be launched
2. Use Ctrl-MB1 to set the first point on the top of the Probe. The Probe will change
to only display data on its top face. Continue to digitize an open polygon covering
the area of interest.
The initial point your digitized in is colored red, while the active point is yellow.
All other points are colored grey.
Notice that the Current Segment Length changes as you digitize in a new segment.
This segment is colored yellow. The line segment colored grey is used to close the
polygon. This segment is not included in the Length from Start measurements, but
it is included in the Perimeter measurements.
3. The size of the handles can be increased while the Probe is selected by pressing the
Page Up key, and decreased by pressing the Page Down key.
4. Polygon handles can be moved and deleted. To move a handle, place the pointer
over the handle, hold down the Ctrl key and hold MB1 down. Drag the handle to
the new location.
5. Handles can be deleted using the Delete key on your edit keypad.
6. Once the polygon is created, you can still move and delete the handles. In
addition, you can add points to the polygon using MB1. The new area of your
polygon will calculate automatically.
7. When finished, the polygon can be saved to an ASCII file using the Save button.
The polygon can also be deleted using the Delete button. When deleted, the Probe
returns to its normal display with volume information on all sides of the Probe.
Control Description
Load Brings up a File Selection Dialog to load an existing Area/Distance
Polygon into the GeoProbe session. Area/Distance Polygon files have a
*.adp extension, and are located in the GeoProbe Other directory.
Delete Deletes the Area/Distance Polygon from the session. When the polygon
is deleted, the Probe returns to its normal display with volume
information on all sides of the Probe.
The following keyboard keys control the creation of Area/Distance segments and
Control Description
Ctrl+MB1 Creates points (handles) for a segment on the top surface of a
box Probe. Also adds handles to the area polygon and changes
the location of existing handles.
Page Down Decreases the size of the handles. This key is on the Edit
Delete Deletes the selected handle. This key is on the Edit Keypad.
To remove the entire area polygon, press delete until all the
handles have been removed.
Probe Information
The Probe Information Dialog contains Probe location information.
Control Description
Name The name of the currently selected Probe.
Units The World Coordinate units for the Size. See the Volume Information Dialog for
a description of the units.
Min The location of the Probe corner nearest to the origin in Project Coordinates.
Same as the HUD information.
Max The location of the Probe corner farthest from the origin. Same as the HUD
Size The cubic size in Project Coordinates. Same as the HUD information.
Wells Object Manager
Loading Wells
Well Style
Well To Geobody
Well Markers
Adding a Well
Coloring Synthetics
When wells are loaded into GeoProbe, the software filters out the binary files that are
referenced to the logs in order to reduce the amount of memory the wells need.
Wells List The Wells List contains all wells currently loaded into GeoProbe or built and added
with Add Well. To use this dialog, first select a well from the list and then click a
button. Grayed buttons are not appropriate for the current well selection.
Button Description
Load Brings up the File Selection Dialog to load a well from a file. Multiple well
files may be selected. The user may toggle on Limit Well Extent to limit the
wells loaded to the area of the volume. When checked, the Limit Well Extent
dialog will launch upon clicking OK.
Save Brings up the File Selection Dialog to save the current well to a file.
NOTE: When saving a well from SeisWorks to GeoProbes well format, you
may want to append the assigned TD curve name to the well name for an easy
reference upon later use. To determine the TD curve used for a well, click on
Delete Immediately removes the selected well from the Wells List. Does not ask are
you sure?
Enable/Disable Turns selected well visibility on and off. While disabled, an asterisk will
appear beside the well name in the Wells List.
Style Brings up the Well Style Dialog allowing the user to change the appearance of
the well bore.
To GeoBody Launches the Well To GeoBody Dialog to create a volume rendered object
delineated by the well path.
Markers Launches the Well Markers Dialog allowing the user to select, add, delete and
change the appearance of well markers.
Button Description
Copy Marker Launches the Copy Well Marker Dialog allowing the user to copy a well
marker from one well to another.
Well Logs Brings up the Log Curves Dialog. This button is active only when valid well
logs are present in the selected wells file.
Edit Well Puts the user in Well Build mode where an existing well can be edited by
moving control points, or a new well can be created.
Add Well Brings up the Well Name Dialog to enter a well name for the well being
currently build and adds the well to the Wells List. Please note that this ends
building of the well and it can no longer be modified.
Synthetics Brings up the Synthetics Dialog. This button is active only when valid
synthetics are present in the selected wells file.
Info Brings up the Misc. Well Info Dialog. This dialog displays the time/depth
table associated with the selected well, as well as any other pertinent note
information associated with the wells T/D table.
Well Building One well may be built at a time using the Control Pick Mode. Make sure this mode is
set to Well Build. Building the well finishes when it is added to the Wells List with
Add Well. After that, the well may be edited using Edit Well.
The following table describes the controls for well building. Please note that the keys
are on the Edit Keypad.
Control Description
Ctrl+MB1 Creates a new handle.
Delete If a handle is selected (yellow), this key deletes the point from the well
Loading Wells
For the Load Wells dialog, wells from either SeisWorks or GeoProbe projects can be
loaded into the GeoProbe session, depending on the mode the GeoProbe session was
started in.
When starting in GeoProbe mode, selecting Load from the Wells Object Manager will
launch the File Selection Dialog to load a well from a file. Multiple well files may be
selected. The user may toggle on Limit Well Extent to limit the wells loaded to the
area of the volume. When checked, the Limit Well Extent dialog will launch upon
clicking OK.
When starting in SeisWorks mode, both OpenWorks and GeoProbe wells can be
selected. When loading an OpenWorks well, however, the user can select to bring in
the well in its entirety, or only the wellbore, depending on the selections made in the
Load Well dialog. In addition, the user can select to use a time-depth curve associated
with the well, and can change the TD curve to another one loaded in the OpenWorks
project. These controls are described in detail in the table below.
Select Wells The Select Wells List section is a list of all wells in the current path. Toggling on
List SeisWorks will display all the wells available in the well list that was selected upon
initial project selection. Toggling on GeoProbe will display all the GeoProbe wells
currently stored in the working directory of the SeisWorks project.
The Wells list can either be sorted in Alphabetical order, or in the order with which
they were modified using the Chronological toggle.
To filter the list, simply type in a text string with a wildcard in the text entry field.
Select the Filter button to display only the matching files.
Controls The following table describes the controls and buttons for this dialog when in
SeisWorks mode.
Control Description
Use T/D When toggled on, the Time/Depth curve displayed in the Selected Table Name
curve field will be used to convert the selected well upon loading.
Selected The current T/D curve associated with the selected well.
Table Name
Change Time/ Clicking on the Change Time/Depth Curve button launches the Time-Depth
Depth Curve Information dialog. This dialog displays a listing of all available T/D curves for
the OpenWorks project. To change the T/D curve associated with the selected
well, simply toggle on the desired curve then click OK. The new curve will
now be displayed in the Selected Table Name field.
Control Description
Wellbore When toggled on, only the OpenWorks wellbore will be loaded into GeoProbe.
Only Associated logs and picks will not be loaded.
Refresh Queries the SeisWorks project and refreshes the Wells List. This is especially
useful to retrieve the full Wells List after filtering the displayed wells.
Filter A wildcard name contains part of a file name and represents the rest of the name
with a wildcard character (*). For example, the wildcard name of *basin* would
show only files with basin in their names. Click the Filter button and the
Wells List will contain only files matching the filter text entry.
Limit Well Extent
The Limit Well Extent dialog is launched from the Load Wells dialog when starting
GeoProbe in GeoProbe mode only. This allows the user to limit the wells loaded
based upon either their location relative to the project or on their vertical extent.
Button Description
Top hole When toggled on, only wells that have top hole locations within the
location must be project area will be loaded.
in project
Bottom hole When toggled on, only wells that have bottom hole locations within the
location must be project area will be loaded.
in project
Limit vertical This setting allows the user to limit the vertical extent, or section, of a
extent well that is loaded to the project. The user can use the slider bars to set
upper and lower vertical extent limits to load only a portion of each well.
Well Style
The Well Style Dialog allows the user to change the appearance of a well bore.
Control Description
Clip to Probe Clips wells to the active Probe.
Wellbore Size Controls the diameter of the well-stick. This option is only available when
Display as Cylinder is toggled off.
Cylinder Radius Controls the size of the wellbore. This option is only available when
Display as Cylinder is toggled on.
Lathe Sides Sets the number of segments used to create the cylinder. For example, a
value of 4 would result in a square cylinder, a value of 3 would result in a
triangular cylinder, etc. This option is only available when Display as
Cylinder is toggled on.
Shininess Sets the factor by which the wellbore will reflect light. This option is only
available when Display as Cylinder is toggled on.
Label Allows the user to move the well name up and down the well bore.
Well To Geobody
The Well to GeoBody dialog allows the user to create a geobody around a set radius
from the well path.
Control Description
Clip Option Limits the creation of the geobody to inside the active Probe.
Radius Around Allows the user to set the radius from the well path in voxels for the
Well Path geobody to be created.
Well Markers
The Well Markers dialog allows the user to select, add, delete and change the
appearance of well markers. Well markers can be used to identify any significant event
in along the wellbore.
Well Marker List The Well Marker List shows all markers contained in the currently active well set file.
Multiple markers can be selected using the Shift and Ctrl keys, or by selecting the first
marker and dragging the cursor down the list.
Control Description
Toggle buttons Sort list by marker name. When toggled on, the list is sorted
Display markers perpendicular to wellbore. When toggled on, the
markers are rotated to be perpendicular to the wellbore.
Enable/Disable Toggles on and off the display of all selected markers. Disabled markers
will have an asterisk next to the name in the marker list.
Add Launches the Add Well Marker dialog where the user can create a new well
marker at a user-specified depth.
Change Name Launches the Change Marker Name dialog, allowing the user to change the
name of either the selected wells, or on all wells with the same named
ColorMap Launches the Well Marker Color dialog, where the user can change the
marker color and opacity
Measured Move the slider bar to interactively adjust the depth along the wellbore at
Depth which the marker is placed. Reset Depth will change the depth back to its
original value.
Note: This value is not strictly depth, especially in a time volume, but it
does give a unique value for each location along the wellbore.
Vertical Depth Gives the actual vertical location of the well marker. This value will differ
from the Measured Depth if the wellbore has a horizontal component.
Size Move the slider bar to dynamically set the marker size in number of voxels.
Add a Well Marker
The Add Well Marker dialog allows the user to add a new well markers at a user-
specified depth. Well markers can be used to identify any significant event in along the
Control Description
Name Type in the name of the well marker to be created.
Measured The user can set the desired measured depth from the wells origin by
Depth either typing in the z-value or adjusting it using the measured depth slider
Note: This value is not strictly depth, especially in a time volume, but it
does give a unique value for each location along the wellbore.
OK Adds a new well marker to the well marker list and closes the dialog.
Add Allows the user to add a new well marker without closing the dialog, and
without saving it to the well marker list.
Change a Marker Name
The Change Marker Name dialog allows the user to rename existing well markers.
Markers can be renamed on only selected wells, or on all wells with the same named
marker. This feature is useful when changing well pick names to match created
Control Description
New Name Type in the new marker name.
On selected Toggle on to change the marker name only for those selected in the
markers only marker list.
On all selected Toggle on to change the marker name for all highlighted wells that have
wells with the the selected marker.
named marker
Cancel Cancels the dialog without making any changes to marker names.
Well Marker Color
The Well Marker Color dialog adjusts the color for Well Markers. There are two ways
to color a well marker, by solid or by volume. If the marker is colored by solid, the
Well Marker Color Dialog is used. If the marker is colored by volume, the volume/
Probe colormap is used.
Control Description
Color Boxes The left color box displays the last selected color, which is the color on
the display.
The right color box acts as memory in a calculator. It remembers the last
color you assigned to it. Assignment is made by the right arrow and swap
arrow. You can recall the color to the left color box using the left arrow or
swap arrow.
Arrow Keys The left arrow copies the color in the right color box to the left color box
and updates the display.
The swap arrow exchanges the color values of the right and left color
boxes and updates the display.
The right arrow copies the color in the left color box to the right color
box and stores it in memory.
Color Wheel Left click or drag the small square to control the color displayed in the
left color box.
Transparency Sets the transparency level of the log curve. A value of 0 sets the marker
to 100% transparency, and a value of 1.00 sets the maker to 100%
By Solid The well marker appears as a solid color selected by this dialog.
By Volume The well marker appears as multiple colors based on the data in the
volume. Selecting this option launches the volume/Probe colormap
Edit Menu The following table details the contents of the Edit Menu.
Manual Adds the Accept button to the dialog. Color changes are seen in the left
color box but will not be assigned to the object until the Accept button is
Menu Item Description
WYSIWYG Checking this box changes the relationship between the colors in the slider
bars, the color wheel, and the left color box. The colors represented in the
color wheel, the left color box, and all slider bar thumbs are the same.
Changing any of the thumbs or the position on the color wheel changes all
elements to the same color, WYSIWYG means What You See Is What
You Get.
Sliders Menu The Sliders Menu provides a variety of ways to mix colors. Each entry is a radio
button, and electing an entry changes the controls in the dialog.
None There are no mixing slider bars in this mode. Use the color wheel to pick
colors. This is the default mode.
Value A single slider bar for color value (intensity) appears. Use the color wheel to
set the color (hue and saturation), then adjust the V slider bar for the intensity.
RGB Three slider bars appear in the dialog for adjusting the (R)ed, (G)reen, and
(B)lue color model components. Use the color wheel or the slider bars to set
the color.
HSV Three slider bars appear in the dialog for adjusting the (H)ue, (S)aturation, and
(V)alue (intensity) color model components. Use the color wheel or the slider
bars to set the color.
RGB V Four slider bars appear in the dialog for adjusting the (R)ed, (G)reen, (B)lue,
and (V)alue (intensity) color model components. Use the color wheel or the
slider bars to set the color. Notice that the Value slider bar limits the intensity
of the RGB components. Changes in one slider bar may effect the other slider
RGB HSV Six slider bars appear in the dialog allowing you to use either the HSV or RGB
color models. Use the color wheel or the slider bars to set the color. Changes in
one slider bar may effect the other slider bars.
Copy Well Marker
The Copy Well Marker dialog allows the user to copy a well marker from one well to
another within your project. The new markers can either be at the same depth as in the
original well, or at a new depth selected by the user.
Control Description
From Well This section lists all wells that are currently highlighted in the Wells
Object Manager. Select the well from which you would like to copy a
Marker to Copy When a well is selected in the From Well section, the available well
markers now appear in the Marker to Copy section. Highlight the marker
you wish to copy.
To Wells When a marker is selected, the available wells in the From Well list that
do not already have that marker are listed in the To Wells section.
Highlight the well or wells to copy the marker into.
Depth Options One of the following options must be selected for marker placement:
Copy depth from source well. When toggled on, the marker copied to
each well will have the same measured depth value as the original well.
Enter a depth for all target wells. When toggled on, a dialog will appear
once the user has selected OK. The user can set the same measured depth
value of the marker in all selected wells using the slider bar.
Enter a depth for each target well. When toggled on, a dialog will
appear once the user has selected OK. The user can set a different
measured depth value of the marker for each selected well using the slider
OK Creates the markers in the selected wells and closes the dialog.
Log Curves Dialog
GeoProbe supports display and manipulation of GoCad well (*.wl) files. Each file
may contain multiple wells and each well may contain multiple logs. Unfortunately,
well logs can be displayed for only the first well listed in the file. A workaround is to
split the ASCII *.wl file into separate files, one for each well.
Log List The Log List shows all well logs contained in the first well of the currently active well
set file. Multiple logs can be selected using the Shift and Ctrl keys or by selecting the
first well and dragging the cursor down the list. The operations described below are
performed on all selected well logs.
Control Description
Sort List by Log When toggled on, the list of logs is sorted alphabetically.
Enable/Disable Toggles on and off the display of selected logs. Disabled logs are shown
with an asterisk (*) in front of their names.
Log Scale - Controls the magnitude of deflection of the log curve away from the
Adjustments well trace.
Azimuth - Controls the direction of deflection of the log curve away from
the well trace. This is applicable only to Line and Ladder settings.
Sample Resolution - Controls the smoothness of the log curve for
increased performance. The options are High, Medium, and Low. For the
best performance, set the resolution to Low (default).
Lathe Sides - Adjusts the number of sides surrounding the well trace used
to define the lathe (i.e., the roundness).
Distance - Controls the horizontal distance at which the well log is
displayed from the well bore. The range from 0 to 1.0 are arbitrary values
relating to the scale of the log.
Reverse The default mode is to place the low well log values close to the stick.
Polarity Selecting this button reverses the mode, placing the high well log values
close to the stick and the low values away from it.
Control Description
Colormap Click to invoke Well Log Curve Color Dialog to allow use of color and
transparency in well log display.
Well Log Curve Color Dialog
There are two ways to color a well log, by solid or by value. If the log is colored by
solid, the Well Log Curve Color Dialog is used. If the log is colored by value, the
volume/Probe colormap is used.
The Well Log Curve Color Dialog adjusts the color for Well Log Curves.
Control Description
Color The left color box displays the last selected color, which is the color on the
Boxes display.
The right color box acts as memory in a calculator. It remembers the last color
you assigned to it. Assignment is made by the right arrow and swap arrow.
You can recall the color to the left color box using the left arrow or swap
Arrow The left arrow copies the color in the right color box to the left color box and
Keys updates the display.
The swap arrow exchanges the color values of the right and left color boxes
and updates the display.
The right arrow copies the color in the left color box to the right color box
and stores it in memory.
Color Left click or drag the small square to control the color displayed in the left
Wheel color box.
Slider Bar Drag thumb to set the hue of the color displayed in left color box and assign it
to the seed point.
Edit Menu The following table details the contents of the Edit Menu.
Manual Adds the Accept button to the dialog. Color changes are seen in the left
color box but will not be assigned to the object until the Accept button is
Menu Item Description
WYSIWYG Checking this box changes the relationship between the colors in the slider
bars, the color wheel, and the left color box. The colors represented in the
color wheel, the left color box, and all slider bar thumbs are the same.
Changing any of the thumbs or the position on the color wheel changes all
elements to the same color, WYSIWYG means What You See Is What
You Get.
Sliders Menu The Sliders Menu provides a variety of ways to mix colors. Each entry is a radio
button, and electing an entry changes the controls in the dialog.
None There are no mixing slider bars in this mode. Use the color wheel to pick
colors. This is the default mode.
Value A single slider bar for color value (intensity) appears. Use the color wheel to
set the color (hue and saturation), then adjust the V slider bar for the intensity.
RGB Three slider bars appear in the dialog for adjusting the (R)ed, (G)reen, and
(B)lue color model components. Use the color wheel or the slider bars to set
the color.
HSV Three slider bars appear in the dialog for adjusting the (H)ue, (S)aturation, and
(V)alue (intensity) color model components. Use the color wheel or the slider
bars to set the color.
RGB V Four slider bars appear in the dialog for adjusting the (R)ed, (G)reen, (B)lue,
and (V)alue (intensity) color model components. Use the color wheel or the
slider bars to set the color. Notice that the Value slider bar limits the intensity
of the RGB components. Changes in one slider bar may effect the other slider
RGB HSV Six slider bars appear in the dialog allowing you to use either the HSV or RGB
color models. Use the color wheel or the slider bars to set the color. Changes in
one slider bar may effect the other slider bars.
Adding a Well
The Well Name Dialog assigns a name to the well being built, adds the well to the
Wells List, and ends editing of the well. Please note that the well cannot be edited after
OK is selected in this dialog.
Control Description
Well Name A text entry field for typing the new well name.
OK Assigns a name to the new well, ends building the well, adds the well to
the Wells List, and closes the dialog.
GeoProbe supports display and manipulation of synthetic seismograms. These
synthetics can be particularly useful when attempting to tie well marker information to
their associated seismic amplitudes.
Viewing and 1. From the Wells Object Manager, highlight a well containing synthetic data and
Manipulating click Synthetics. (This option will be greyed out for wells with no synthetic
Synthetics data.).
2. From the Synthetics List, highlight the synthetic you wish to display and click
Enable. The synthetic is now displayed along the wellbore as a single trace in a
solid color.
3. Make adjustments as necessary for the Scale and Azimuth settings, so that the
synthetic is displayed parallel to the face of the probe.
4. Increase the Number of Traces to 3, and shorten the Distance Between Traces to
6. To display the synthetic as 3D object, lets draw it as a Lathe display. From the
Synthetics dialog, select Draw As > Lathe.
7. Now the synthetic can be tied to the seismic data from any direction.
8. Finally, to better tie the synthetic to the seismic, you may need to shift the
synthetic in time using the Shift slider bar.
Synthetic List The Synthetic List shows all synthetics contained in the first well of the currently
active well set file. Multiple synthetics can be selected using the Shift and Ctrl keys or
by selecting the first well and dragging the cursor down the list. The operations
described below are performed on all selected well synthetics.
Control Description
Sort list by When toggled on, the list of synthethics is sorted alphabetically.
synthetic name
Enable/Disable Toggles on and off the display of selected synthetics. Disabled synthetics are
shown with an asterisk (*) in front of their names.
Control Description
Draw As Draws synthetics using one of the following styles.
Line - Displays the selected synthetic as a line, or seismic trace.
Lathe - Displays the selected synthetic as a lathe (3-D representation).
Fill trace - Displays the selected synthetic as a seismic trace where both
positive and negative amplitudes are filled.
Positive Fill - Displays the selected synthetic as a seismic trace where only the
positive amplitudes are filled.
Negative Fill - Displays the selected synthetic as a seismic trace where only the
negative amplitudes are filled.
Colormap Click to invoke WellSynth Color Dialog to allow use of color and transparency
in well synthetic display.
Reverse This toggle reverses the polarity of the synthetic seismic trace. What once was
Polarity a positive amplitude is now negative, and vice versa.
Coloring Synthetics
There are two ways to color a synthetic, by solid or by value. If the synthetic is colored
by solid, the WellSynth Color Dialog is used. If the synthetic is colored by value, the
volume/Probe colormap is used.
Control Description
Color The left color box displays the last selected color, which is the color on the
Boxes display.
The right color box acts as memory in a calculator. It remembers the last color
you assigned to it. Assignment is made by the right arrow and swap arrow.
You can recall the color to the left color box using the left arrow or swap
Arrow The left arrow copies the color in the right color box to the left color box and
Keys updates the display.
The swap arrow exchanges the color values of the right and left color boxes
and updates the display.
The right arrow copies the color in the left color box to the right color box
and stores it in memory.
Color Left click or drag the small square to control the color displayed in the left
Wheel color box.
Slider Bar Drag thumb to set the hue of the color displayed in left color box and assign it
to the seed point.
Edit Menu The following table details the contents of the Edit Menu.
Manual Adds the Accept button to the dialog. Color changes are seen in the left
color box but will not be assigned to the object until the Accept button is
WYSIWYG Checking this box changes the relationship between the colors in the slider
bars, the color wheel, and the left color box. The colors represented in the
color wheel, the left color box, and all slider bar thumbs are the same.
Changing any of the thumbs or the position on the color wheel changes all
elements to the same color, WYSIWYG means What You See Is What
You Get.
Sliders Menu The Sliders Menu provides a variety of ways to mix colors. Each entry is a radio
button, and electing an entry changes the controls in the dialog.
None There are no mixing slider bars in this mode. Use the color wheel to pick
colors. This is the default mode.
Value A single slider bar for color value (intensity) appears. Use the color wheel to
set the color (hue and saturation), then adjust the V slider bar for the intensity.
RGB Three slider bars appear in the dialog for adjusting the (R)ed, (G)reen, and
(B)lue color model components. Use the color wheel or the slider bars to set
the color.
HSV Three slider bars appear in the dialog for adjusting the (H)ue, (S)aturation, and
(V)alue (intensity) color model components. Use the color wheel or the slider
bars to set the color.
RGB V Four slider bars appear in the dialog for adjusting the (R)ed, (G)reen, (B)lue,
and (V)alue (intensity) color model components. Use the color wheel or the
slider bars to set the color. Notice that the Value slider bar limits the intensity
of the RGB components. Changes in one slider bar may effect the other slider
RGB HSV Six slider bars appear in the dialog allowing you to use either the HSV or RGB
color models. Use the color wheel or the slider bars to set the color. Changes in
one slider bar may effect the other slider bars.
Miscellaneous Well Information
This dialog displays the Time/Depth table name associated with the selected well, in
addition to any other pertinent note information found in OpenWorks such as the T/D
datum, SeisWorks datum, etc. This information is not editable.
Points Object Manager
Pointset Information
Filter Points
Pointset Style
DigiBrush Options
Autopicking a Pointset
Hydrocarbon Calculator
Points List The Points List shows all the pointsets currently loaded in memory. To add a pointset,
create one with New or Load an existing one from a file. You can select one or more
points in the list using the Shift or Ctrl keys while clicking or dragging with the
Controls Most of the buttons act on the currently selected pointset(s) in the Points List. Select a
pointset from the list first, then click on a button. Grayed buttons are not appropriate
for the current selection in the Points List.
Control Description
New Creates a new pointset named pointset. Successive pointsets created have
the same name with a N suffix where N is a serial number. New pointset
are only stored in memory during the current GeoProbe session until
saved to a file using the Save button.
Load Brings up a File Selection Dialog to load a pointsets into shared memory.
Pointset files have a .pts extension.
Save Brings up a File Selection Dialog to save the selected pointset to a file.
Pointset files have a .pts extension.
Delete Immediately deletes the selected Pointsets. Does not ask are you sure?
Enable/Disable Toggles on and off the selected pointsets visibility. Disabled pointsets
will have an asterisk next to their name in the Points List.
Merge Merges pointsets selected in the Points List. You can select multiple
pointsets with the mouse while holding down the Shift or Ctrl keys. A
new pointset is automatically created and named Merge
pointset+pointset-1+pointset-2, depending on the names of the
pointsets merged. The merged pointset only exists in memory during the
current GeoProbe session and must be saved to a file using the Save
button. The Merge button will be greyed out if only one pointsets is
Info Brings up the Points Info Dialog to view the number of points, size, and
World Coordinates units for the selected pointset in the Points List.
Style Brings up the Points Attributes Dialog to set the size and color of points.
Control Description
Filter Brings up the Filter Points Dialog to allow attribute or Z-limited selection
from existing pointsets.
To Surface Brings up the Build Surface Options Dialog to create a surface from the
selected pointset.
Volumetrics Brings up the Hydrocarbon Calculator dialog. This feature allows you to
calculate net hydrocarbons in place, based upon a selected pointset or
To Geobody Brings up the Geobody Builder Dialog to create volume rendered objects
delineated by pointsets and surfaces.
To Horizon Brings up the Build Horizon Options Dialog to create horizons from
Pointset Information
The Point Information Dialog displays pointset statistics.
Control Description
Name Name of the pointset selected in the Points List.
Size Size in World Coordinates of the selected pointset in the Points List.
Units World Coordinate units associated with the size of the pointset selected in
the Points List.
Area If you start with a pointset in map view, each black box is a voxel. The voxel is a
Measurements graphical representation of a seismic sample whose physical location is at the center of
from Pointsets the voxel. The points mark selected voxels.
If you go to the Points Dialog and press the Info button, you will get the volume (size)
of this pointset in world coordinates. This number is calculated by multiplying the
number of marked voxels (points) in the pointset by the physical volume of a single
voxel. If the pointset has been filtered so that there is only one point per trace, then
when you divide that number by the vertical dimension of a single voxel, you will get
a number that represents the area, in world coordinates, of the shaded region at left.
Note the difference in size and shape between the shaded region at left and the shaded
region above. This difference exists because these are essentially two different
measurements. The surface that is created is a triangulated surface, designed to
connect the centers of selected voxels. Stranded points that cannot be connected by a
triangle to other points are not included in the area calculation on surfaces. The
pointset is simply a collection of marked voxels. Backing out the area from the
pointset size gives you the area of the marked voxels.
Filter Points
Filter Points deletes all but a single Z-value point for each X/Y location according to
the Keep Points setting in the dialog. Actions are made on each discrete (non-
connected) group of points. The Separation factor determines whether discrete groups
of points are considered connected.
Control Description
Volume Selects a volume attached to the current GeoProbe session that the Keep
Points parameter references when the Filter button is selected.
Keep Points Sets which parameter is used to determine the Z value(s) left after filtering.
Upper - Retains points with the topmost Z-value.
Lower - Retains points with the bottommost Z-value.
Max Attribute - Retains points with the highest attribute value.
Min Attribute - Retains points with the lowest attribute value.
Separation Sets the distance in voxels at which discrete groups of points are considered
connected in the Z direction.
Filter Perform the filter operation The dialog remains open until the Close button
is selected.
Pointset Style
The Pointset Style Dialog sets the size and color of points within the selected pointset.
Control Description
Clip to Probe Clips all enabled pointsets to the actively selected Probe.
Size Sets the size of each point. This is a pulldown menu containing point sizes
ranging from 1 to 6. The point size is in number of voxels. Keep in mind
that for large pointsets, increasing the point size may impact performance.
Auto Picked Sets the color of autopicked points. Clicking on Normal Color launches the
Points Set Normal Points Color dialog, using the same color wheel as the Well
Log Curve Color Dialog.
Hole Filled Sets the color of the points. Clicking on Filled Color launches the Set Hole
Points Filled Points Color dialog, using the same color wheel as the Well Log
Curve Color Dialog.
Digibrushed Sets the color of the DigiBrush and preview points. Clicking on
Points Digibrushed Color launches the Set Brushed Points Color dialog, using the
same color wheel as the Well Log Curve Color Dialog.
Marked Points Sets the color of marked points. Clicking on Marked Color launches the Set
Marked Color dialog, using the same color wheel as the Well Log Curve
Color Dialog.
All Points Sets the color of all points. Clicking on Color for All launches the Set
Pointset Color dialog, using the same color wheel as the Well Log Curve
Color Dialog.
DigiBrush Options
The DigiBrush Options Dialog controls the operation of the DigiBrush feature of
GeoProbe. DigiBrush allows painting or picking points on Probe faces using the
mouse. DigiBrush only selects points on a Probe face, requiring DigiBrush to be used
with probes. DigiBrush does not pick points inside a volume rendered Probe.
4. While holding down the Ctrl key, click the left mouse button down to digitize
points. Hold down the left mouse button to paint points. Picked points can be
limited to an attribute volume range by selecting a Volume and specifying the
Control Description
Brush Width/ Controls the height and width of the brush in voxels. Brush Size will be the
Height smallest odd number greater than or equal to the number input here which
represents the number of voxels.
Operation Fill - Highlight points at voxel locations while the brush is moved over a Probe
Erase - Erase points while moving the brush over existing points on a Probe
face. With DigiBrush, the points are immediately erased, not just marked. To
erase all points, use the Delete Points button on the AutoPick Dialog.
Point to Point - Digitize points using the point to point method. When selected,
the color pulldown menu will become active, allowing the user to select the
color of the brush and the resulting picked points.
Control Description
Erase Mode This is meaningful only when Operation is Erase. Points are permanently and
immediately erased. Points must reside on a Probe face before they can be
AutoPicked - Immediately erases AutoPicked points (points selected using
AutoPick). Does not erase DigiBrushed points.
Brushed - Erases points created by DigiBrush. Does not erase AutoPicked
AutoPicked and Brushed - Erases AutoPicked, DigiBrushed, and filled points.
NOTE: All points loaded from a file are considered as autopicked points,
regardless of how they were originally created.
Snap To This setting limits the selection of brushed points to a single Z value per X/Y
location. For all settings except None, a single Z value is highlighted in green on
the display.
As the brush is dragged with some component of vertical (Z) motion, the
highlighted voxels can be turned off and replaced by another. Except when
motion is purely horizontal, the direction in which the brush is dragged can have
a pronounced influence on which points are picked. When the setting is None,
multiple Z-values can be picked and the Range setting is honored. The most
useful settings are Min Amp and Max Amp, which demonstrate the Snap-To
None Paint on a Probe face using a solid brush with dimensions set in the
Brush Size. This setting is the only one that can be limited by a user specified
range of values.
Min Attr - Dynamically highlights the voxel with the lowest attribute value for
each brush location on a Probe face.
Max Attr - Dynamically highlights the voxel with the highest attribute value for
each brush location on a Probe face.
Zero Crossing Picks the zero crossing
Value - Snaps brushed points to a certain value.
Range Volume Sets a volume attached to the current GeoProbe session defining the
attribute range.
Min Minimum attribute value to be brushed.
Max Maximum attribute value to be brushed.
Undo Removes points picked during the last mouse event. GeoProbe defines a mouse
event as depressing or releasing any of the mouse buttons. Undo therefore
sequentially subtracts points highlighted back to the last time the left mouse
button was held down.
Build Surface Options
The Build Surface Options Dialog allows the creation of new surfaces based on the
current pointset (including those marked for erasure). There could be several points
with the same X-Y coordinate but different Z-values, unless Filter Points has already
been run.
Near the bottom of the dialog is a text entry field for the new surface's name. Press the
Create button to add the new surface to the Surfaces List. The surface is created in
memory and will be lost unless saved from the Surfaces Dialog.
Control Description
Manager Surface - Creates a surface using the GeoProbe GridView format,.gvw.
Fault - Creates a fault using the GeoProbe GridView format, .gvw.
Attribute Upper - Creates a surface from points with top most Z-value.
Lower - Creates a surface from points with bottom most Z-value.
Max Attr - Creates a surface from points with largest attribute value in the
selected volume.
Min Attr - Creates a surface from points with smallest attribute value in
the selected volume.
Surface Name A text entry field for the surface name. This is the name that appears in the
Surfaces List.
Create Creates a new surface in memory and adds it to the Surfaces List.
Autopicking a Pointset
The AutoPick Dialog is the main control for automatically picking pointsets. A
volume must be attached to the current GeoProbe session and enabled in order for the
controls of the AutoPick Dialog to be active.
1. Create a new pointset by clicking the New button in the Points Dialog and then
select AutoPick to bring up the AutoPick Dialog.
2. Select a volume attached to this GeoProbe session using the cascade for the top
3. Pick a Seed Point. The Seed Points volume attribute value is displayed in the Seed
field of the Pick Range.
4. Using the volume range as a guide, enter the data range for the pick in Pick
Range. The value of the Seed Point must fall within this data range, otherwise, no
voxels are selected.
6. Turn off all the Set Modes except Use Entire Volume.
GeoProbe will automatically pick all points within the data range that are connected to
the Seed Point. You may have to disable the Probe to see all of the points.
To refine the pointset, use a Probe and Interactive Build or the mouse and DigiBrush
to paint only desired points. These tools also allow you to remove points.
After picking points, you can create a surface by using Create Surface.
Often, surfaces generated this way contain unexpected spikes due to leg jumping. A
surface cannot be edited once it is created so it is a good idea to save the pointset.
Pointsets are editable, and multiple surfaces can be generated from pointsets at any
Connectivity There are two options to choose from to determine what directions GeoProbe will
search from a seed point, 6-way or 26-way connectivity.
Geoprobe uses 6-way connectivity as a default, which searches the six line/trace/z
directions orthogonal to the seed point and is the more constrained option of the two.
26-way connectivity looks at all possible neighboring values. This option makes
picking steeply dipping beds easier, but has the greater potential to jump to another
horizon above or below the target.
Pick Range The Pick Range is the inclusive range of volume attribute values that AutoPick will
use. A Pick Range can be specified for a single volume or a combination of two
volumes attached to the current GeoProbe session. When using two volumes, a
boolean operator must be selected in the Op field between the volume names. Both
volumes have their own range values. The boolean operator And will pick points that
are within both the volume ranges. The boolean operator Or will pick points that are
within either volumes range.
The values below the Min and Max fields define the volume attribute value range for
the two volumes.
Probe Modes The Probe Modes define the operation for AutoPicking. You can only choose one
option at a time. Be sure to select the Build button to begin the operation.
Build Pointset
This option picks points connected to the Seed Point. The picked points are yellow by
default. If no modes are selected, GeoProbe will pick connected points that are inside
the Probe and some outside the Probe. Points picked outside the Probe are within a
distance measured by 10% of the Probe size.
Mark Points
This option enables marking points already in the pointset. Marked points are colored
red by default. There is no buffer zone outside the Probe when marking points.
Marked Points can be deleted with the Delete Marked button.
Unmark Points
This option enables points previously selected with Mark Points to be unmarked.
There is no buffer zone outside the Probe when unmarking points. Unmarking points
will return them to yellow, and they will not be affected if the Delete Marked button
is selected.
Fill Hole
This option will linearly interpolate points between existing points picked with
AutoPick or DigiBrush. Its purpose is to fill holes in the pointset where connectivity
To use Fill Hole, select and position a Probe to encase at least part of the hole and
select Build. GeoProbe then looks at the existing points and identifies X/Y locations
that have no current Z value in the pointset. It then picks one point at each X/Y
location, interpolating the Z value from the closest points. Since it is interpolating the
Z value from existing points and there could be several points stacked along the Z axis
for any given X/Y location, the results may be more predictable if there is only one
point per X/Y location before filling. This can be accomplished by using Filter Points.
Fill hole should be used with caution since the holes contain information relating to
the geological environment.
Set Modes The Set Modes options determine the extent of point picking or Probe Modes
Interactive Build
This option uses the currently selected Probe to define the boundary for AutoPicking
points plus 10% as described above. You can sweep the Probe to interactively pick
points, extending the interpretation. Use a small Probe for detailed work and to limit
the number of points picked outside the Probe. It is advised to sweep the Probe toward
you so that the points being picked are visible and allowing you to monitor the quality
of the points selected.
Use Entire Volume
This option does not use a Probe to limit picking points. It sets the boundary to the
entire volume for point picking.
Use Boundaries
This option allows the actively selected pointset or an ezFault/ezSurface to be used as
a blocker for the AutoPicker. This option prevents the pointsets from crossing these
types of surfaces if they have been set as boundaries.
Pick The pick information displays specific x, y and z location information about the Seed
Information Point and pointset. In addition, the name of the active pointset is displayed, as is the
number of points it contains.
Control Description
Build Performs the operation you have marked in the Probe Modes section.
Stop Build Stops AutoPicking points. This is generally used when Use Entire
Volume has been chosen and the pointset is becoming too large or takes
too long to pick. Stop Build allows AutoPicking to be cancelled in order
to change the pick parameters, usually the range.
Delete Points Permanently removes all points picked with AutoPick or DigiBrush.
Control Description
To Surface Launches the Build Surface Options Dialog that allows the creation of a
surface from the current pointset.
Store Seed Allows you to name and store a seed point using the New Seedpoint
dialog. The seed point is not saved to memory until it is specifically saved
from the Seed Points dialog.
Hydrocarbon Calculator
GeoProbes Hydrocarbon Calculator enables you to calculate net hydrocarbons in
place, based upon a selected pointset or geobody. The Hydrocarbon Calculator is a
basic spreadsheet calculator that can give you up to five estimates of net hydrocarbons,
depending on your interpretation uncertainty.
Defining the The top half of the Hydrocarbon Calculator allows you to set units specific to your
Project volume.
The first value displayed is Voxels, stating the number of voxels contained in
your pointset. If you are editing the pointset as you perform the calculations,
simply click Recalculate Number of Voxels to update the calculator.
To obtain an accurate hydrocarbon calculation, your volumetrics must be done
using depth, rather than time. If your original pointset uses time, you can
convert it to depth using the Interval Velocity field.
The next field set is the default measurement units of your project, either
Meters/Sec, Feet/Sec, or User-defined.
Finally, clicking Bin Spacing launches the following dialog:
Here you can change the X, Y and Z bin spacing values. If the projects units are
not defined, this dialog is automatically launched when entering the hydrocarbon
Setting Optional the next line on the calculator allows you to set optional user units, and set the
Volume Units measurement units for the calculation.
User units
A field for optional User units (default is 1) enables you to enter a user-
specified factor that will multiply times the base volume to determine a
corresponding volume in the user-supplied units.
A popup menu for measurement units allows you to convert the volume to a
different measurement system.
Estimating Net The lower panel of the Hydrocarbon Calculator contains five rows of calculations,
Hydrocarbons which enable you to simultaneously define/view five estimates of the Net
Hydrocarbons. Net Hydrocarbons are the product of the previously computed volume
times five factors that you can define on each line (using decimal percentage, up to a
maximum of 1.00 for each factor):
Average Porosity
Net to Gross
Oil Saturation
User Factor
The User Factor can be anything you would find helpful. For example, it could be a
conversion factor from cubic meters to barrels of oil.
Control Description
Save As Saves the generated estimates to a .vcl file.
Build Horizon Options Dialog
The Build Horizon Options Dialog allows the creation of a new horizon based on the
current pointset (including those marked for erasure). There could be several points
with the same X-Y coordinate but different Z-values, unless Filter Points has already
been run.
Near the bottom of the dialog is a text entry field for the new horizons name. Press the
Create button to add the new horizon to the Horizons List. The horizon is created in
memory and will be lost unless saved from the Horizons Dialog.
Control Description
Volume Select an attached volume to use when creating a horizon.
Attribute The Attribute defines which point in a Z column connects the horizon.
Upper - Connects points with topmost Z-value.
Lower - Connects points with bottommost Z-value.
Max Attr - Connects points with largest attribute value in the selected
Min Attr - Connects points with smallest attribute value in the selected
Horizon Name A text entry field for the horizon name. This is the name that appears in the
Horizons List.
Create Creates a new horizon in memory and adds it to the Horizons List.
Creating an Editable Surface from a Pointset
The Create Editable Surface Dialog allows the creation of a new ezFault or ezSurface
based on the current pointset. There could be several points with the same X-Y
coordinate but different Z-values, unless Filter Points has already been run.
Control Description
Name A text entry field for the surface name. This is the name that will appear in
either the Surfaces List or Faults List. The default name is eds-pointset.
Surface/Fault Select whether to create an editable Surface or Fault. The only difference
between the two is where the resulting .eds file is stored.
Projection Select the X, Y, or Z plane for which the pointsets cover the most area. For
Plane example, if Z is selected, the resulting surface will be created as if it were
originally built on a timeslice.
Rib Direction Select the X, Y or Z direction in which to build the surface. Depending on
what Projection Plane is selected, you will be given only two options for the
Rib Direction. This prevents you from creating the worst possible fit for the
Number of Ribs Select the number of ribs along the created .eds surface or fault. A rib
indicates where a line of control points exists perpendicular to the direction
of the build.
Number of Select the number of nodes, or control points, to be created along each rib.
Nodes These nodes will be spaced in regular intervals along the rib.
Convert Select the precision with which the pointset will be converted to an .eds
Precision surface or fault: Coarse, Median, or Fine. A setting of Fine will most
closely honor the pointset, but will be more time intensive to calculate.
Create Creates a new surface or fault in memory and adds it to either the Surfaces
List or Faults List. This object will be lost upon exit from GeoProbe unless
saved from the respective managers.
Horizons Object Manager
Loading Horizons
Saving Horizons
Delete Polygons
Horizon Merge
Horizon Style
Horizon Information
ManuTrack Options
ezTracker Standard
ezTracker Plus
ezTracker Tiling
Horizon Colormap
Horizon Attributes
Horizon Contour
Light Editor
Horizons List The Horizons List shows all the horizons currently loaded in memory. To add a
horizon, create one with New or Load an existing one from a file. You can select one
or more horizons in the list using the Shift or Ctrl keys while clicking or dragging
with the mouse.
Controls Most of the buttons act on the currently selected horizon(s) in the Horizons List. Select
a horizon from the list first, then click on a button. Grayed buttons are not appropriate
for the current selection in the Horizons List.
Control Description
New Creates a new horizon named horizon. Successive horizons created have the
same name with a N suffix where N is a serial number. New horizons are
only stored in memory during the current GeoProbe session until saved to a
file using the Save button.
Save Brings up a File Selection Dialog to save the selected horizon to a file.
GeoProbe horizon files have a .hzn extension.
WARNING! When loading a SeisWorks horizon into a decimated volume
session of GeoProbe, then editing and saving it back to SeisWorks under the
same name, the horizon will only be sampled at the decimated rate.
Load Brings up a File Selection Dialog to load a horizon into shared memory.
GeoProbe horizon files have a .hzn extension.
WARNING! When loading a SeisWorks horizon into a decimated volume
session of GeoProbe, then editing and saving it back to SeisWorks under the
same name, the horizon will only be sampled at the decimated rate.
Delete Immediately deletes the selected horizons. Does not ask are you sure?
Enable/Disable Toggles on and off the selected horizons visibility. When disabled, the
horizon will be displayed with an asterisk next to its name in the Horizons
Merge Launches the Horizon Merge dialog to merges the selected horizons in the
Horizons List into a new, combined horizon.
Style Brings up the Horizon Style Dialog to set the size and color of points and
lines. In addition the user can toggle on and off the display of lines, points
and preview surfaces.
Control Description
Info Brings up the Horizon Info Dialog to view the number of points, size, and
units for the selected horizon in the Horizons List.
Edit Tools Launches the Edit Tools Dialog, for editing the selected horizon.
Colormap Launches the Horizon Color Dialog, allowing the user to color the horizon
By Solid, By Z or by a loaded volume.
Attributes Launches the Horizon Attributes dialog, allowing the user to color the
horizon by a series of dip/azimuth attributes.
Poly Delete Deletes all horizon points within a Poly Edit polygon. See Delete Polygons
for more information.
Update Updates the horizon surface with any edits applied. This preview horizon
Horizon will be colored by Z, and its display can be controlled using the Horizon
Style Dialog.
To Points Creates a pointset from the selected horizon. This pointset is then listed in
the Points List of the Points Object Manager.
To Surface Creates a GridView (.gvw) surface from the selected horizon. This surface
is then listed in the Surfaces List of the Surfaces Object Manager.
Contour Launches the Horizon Contour Dialog. This dialog allows the user to draw
topographic contours on the top of the selected horizon.
Light Editor Launches the Horizon Light Editor. Using this dialog you can alter the
lighting of the 3D scene using either Directional light or Positional light.
To SubSample Launches the Convert to SubSample Dialog. This dialog allows you to snap
the selected horizon to the true minimum, maximum, or zero crossing for
the trace as determined by a 21-point sinc function.
Loading Horizons
For the Load Horizons dialog, horizons from either SeisWorks or GeoProbe projects
can be loaded into the GeoProbe session, depending on the mode the GeoProbe
session was started in.
When starting in GeoProbe mode, selecting Load from the Horizons Object Manager
will launch the File Selection Dialog to load a horizon from a file. Multiple horizon
files may be selected.
When starting in SeisWorks mode, horizons can be loaded from either the SeisWorks
project or from the GeoProbe directory within the SeisWorks projects working
In GeoProbe 3.2, we have introduced a new horizon file format to enable saving
of Tile Sizes and heredity mapping. Therefore, horizons generated on GeoProbe
versions older than 3.2 will no longer have valid heredity information.
Select Horizons The Select Horizons List section is a list of all horizons in the current path. Toggling
List on SeisWorks will display all the horizons available in the horizon list that was
selected upon initial project selection. Toggling on GeoProbe will display all the
GeoProbe horizons (*.hzn) currently stored in the working directory of the SeisWorks
The Horizons list can either be sorted in Alphabetical order, or in the order with
which they were modified using the Chronological toggle.
To filter the list, simply type in a text string with a wildcard in the text entry field.
Select the Filter button to display only the matching files.
Controls The following table describes the controls and buttons for this dialog when in
SeisWorks mode.
Control Description
Filter A wildcard name contains part of a file name and represents the rest of the name
with a wildcard character (*). For example, the wildcard name of *basin* would
show only files with basin in their names. Click the Filter button and the
Horizons List will contain only files matching the filter text entry.
Refresh Queries the SeisWorks project and refreshes the Horizons List. This is
especially useful to retrieve the full Horizons List after filtering the displayed
Saving Horizons
For the Save Horizons dialog, horizons can be saved in either SeisWorks or
GeoProbe formats, depending on the mode the GeoProbe session was started in.
When starting in GeoProbe mode, selecting Save from the Horizons Object Manager
will launch the File Selection Dialog to save a horizon to a file.
When starting in SeisWorks mode, horizons can be saved into either SeisWorks or
GeoProbe formats. When saving back to SeisWorks, the horizon will be saved into the
selected SeisWorks project. When saving in GeoProbes format, the horizon will be
saved into the GeoProbe directory within the SeisWorks projects working directory.
Select Horizons The Select Horizons List section is a list of all horizons in the current path. Toggling
List on SeisWorks will display all the horizons currently in the SeisWorks project.
Toggling on GeoProbe will display all the GeoProbe horizons currently stored in the
working directory of the SeisWorks project.
The Horizons list can either be sorted in Alphabetical order, or in the order with
which they were modified using the Chronological toggle.
To filter the list, simply type in a text string with a wildcard in the text entry field.
Select the Filter button to display only the matching files.
Controls The following table describes the controls and buttons for this dialog.
Control Description
Save as Enter the desired name of the horizon into this text entry field.
OK Saves the horizon into either the SeisWorks project or the GeoProbe directory,
depending on the Save Horizon toggle option.
Delete Polygons
A Delete Polygon consists of a series of connected planes inside a box Probe. Create a
Delete Polygon by picking a series of points on one face of a box Probe. Line
segments connect the points, and planes are created by extending the line segments
orthogonal to the box Probe face. The Delete Polygon can be redefined by moving or
deleting points. Delete Polygons can exist in the XY, XZ, or YZ planes.
2. Hold down the Ctrl key and click a series of points, or handles, with MB1 on a
single face of a Probe. A polygon will appear after the 3rd point is picked,
orthogonal to the Probe face.
3. When the polygon has been picked, clicking Poly Delete from the Horizons Object
Manager will launch the Horizon Poly Delete dialog, allowing the user to choose
to delete all horizon points inside or outside the polygon.
Delete Polygon handles can be moved, added and deleted. To move a handle, place the
pointer over the handle, hold down the Ctrl key and hold the left mouse button down.
Drag the handle to the new location. Notice the Delete Polygon changes dynamically
as the handles are repositioned.
The size of the handles can be increased while the Probe is selected by pressing the
Page Up key, and decreased by pressing the Page Down key.
Handles can be added to the Delete Polygon by selecting a handle then press the
Insert key. The new handle will be inserted after the selected handle based on the
order the handles were created.
Handles can be deleted by selecting a handle with the left mouse button while holding
down the Ctrl key, then pressing the Delete key on the Edit Keypad.
The entire Delete Polygon can be deleted by deleting each handle. The Probe Draw
Style may still be set Poly Edit, so you may need to set the Draw Style to Opaque.
Delete Polygons can be moved through the volume by moving the bounding box
Probe with the mouse or by using the keypad keys 1 & 3, 4 & 6, and 7 & 9.
Controls The following keyboard keys control the creation of Delete Polygons.
Control Description
Ctrl+MB1 Creates points (handles) for a Delete Polygon on the surface of
a box Probe. Also add handles to the Delete Polygon and
changes the location of existing handles.
Page Down Decreases the size of the handles. This key is on the Edit
Insert Inserts a handle after the selected handle. This key is on the
Edit Keypad.
Delete Deletes the selected handle. This key is on the Edit Keypad.
Probe Poly Delete
The Horizon Poly Delete dialog, launched from the Horizons Object Manager, allows
the user to manually delete an area of horizon points. Using the steps outlined in
Delete Polygons, this dialog gives the user the option of either deleting horizon points
inside or outside the set polygon.
Toggling on Delete Inside, then clicking the Delete button, will permanently remove
all horizon points located within the delete polygon.
Toggling on Delete Outside, then clicking the Delete button, will permanently
remove all horizon points except those located within the delete polygon.
Horizon Merge
The Horizon Merge Dialog merges the selected horizons in the Horizons List into a
new, combined horizon based upon the options selected below for the overriding
horizon in the overlap area:
Control Description
Top Horizon The top-most horizon in the 3D view will be the overriding horizon in the
merge. In instances of more than two horizons being merged, the top
horizon will have preference over the ones below, then the next horizon
down in the scene will have preference over the ones below it... and so on.
Bottom Horizon The bottom horizon in the 3D view will be the overriding horizon in the
merge. In instances of more than two horizons being merged, the bottom
horizon will have preference over the ones above it, then the next horizon
up in the scene will have preference over the ones above it... and so on.
Compute The merged horizon will be located at the average Z-position between the
Average selected horizons. You will need to be careful with this option, for in
Horizon areas where one horizon has data points where the others dont, it may
result in data spikes on the merged horizon.
Select Horizon When toggled on, the desired overriding horizon can be selected from the
from List Below list of available horizons.
Merge Merges the selected horizons, and creates a new horizon in the horizon
list. This horizon will have the following naming convention:
Horizon Style
The Horizon Style Dialog sets the size and color of points and lines. In addition the
user can toggle on and off the display of lines, points, preview horizons and texture
Controls The following table describes the controls and buttons for the Horizon Style Dialog.
Control Description
Clip to Probe When toggled on, horizons will be limited to the extent of the active
Solid Surface
When toggled on, the horizon will be displayed as a solid surface.
Clicking on the colorbox allows you to change how the horizon is colored
using the Horizon Colormap.
Toggles on and off the display of a loaded texture map for the selected
horizon. To load an .rgb file for a texture, click the Load button.
Lines Intersect
When toggled on, the horizon intersection will be displayed on the faces
of the active probe. Clicking on the colorbox allows you to change how
the horizon is colored using the Intersect Colorwheel. In addition, the
size of this line in voxels can be selected from the Width dropdown
When toggled on, all ManuTracked lines for the selected horizon will be
displayed. Clicking on the colorbox allows you to change how the
ManuTrack lines are colored using the ManuTrack Colorwheel. In
addition, the size of these lines in voxels can be selected from the Width
dropdown menu.
When toggled on, the selected horizon will be displayed as a wire-frame
mesh. Clicking on the colorbox allows you to change how the mesh is
colored using the Mesh Colorwheel. In addition, the size of mesh lines in
voxels can be selected from the Width dropdown menu.
Control Description
Points Points
When toggled on, the selected horizon will be displayed as a series of
points. Clicking on the colorbox allows you to change how the points are
colored using the Points Colorwheel. In addition, the size of these points
in voxels can be selected from the Size dropdown menu. Keep in mind
that for large horizons, increasing the point size may impact performance.
Horizon points created using the Fill Hole editing option will be colored
using the color selected from the HoleFill colormap, and sized according
to the selection made from the Size dropdown menu.
Horizon points created by import will be colored using the color selected
from the Imported Colorwheel. In addition, the size of these points in
voxels can be selected from the Size dropdown menu
Horizon Information
The Horizon Information Dialog displays horizon statistics.
Controls Description
Name Name of the horizon selected in the Horizons List.
Units World Coordinate units associated with the size of the selected horizon.
ManuTrack Options
ManuTrack is a manual horizon picker, that allows the user to pick a horizon along an
inline and crossline face of a Probe. These horizon segments can then be used to
populate a full horizon interpretation using ezTracker. ManuTrack will interpret
horizon segments based on a set pick mode: point to point, the min or max attribute, or
the zero crossing. In addition, ManuTrack can be used to erase, or delete, portions of
existing horizons.
Using Manual Use the following steps to generate a ManuTrack horizon set.
1. With a box Probe displaying an amplitude volume, determine a horizon you would
like to pick. Using MB3 in the viewer window, set the Control Pick Mode to
2. From the Horizons manager, click ManuTrack. This will launch the ManuTrack
Options dialog.
4. Select the desired height of the Search Window, or accept the default value of 20
5. In the viewer window, start picking the horizon using Ctrl-MB1. You can edit
picks simply by re-digitizing the horizon over existing picks.
6. To erase a segment, toggle on the Erase Mode option in the ManuTrack dialog.
9. When you have a grid of horizon segments picked, you can use this grid to
populate ezTracker. With the horizon highlighted in the Horizons List, click
ezTracker on the Horizons manager.
10. Configure the values that best suit your data, and toggle on Use Selected Horizon.
11. Click Track. It may take a few moments to compute, so only click the Track
button once.
12. The horizon is now fully populated using the ManuTrack horizon segments as an
ezTracker constraint.
After picking horizons, you can create a surface by clicking To Surface from the
Horizons manager, or a pointset by clicking To Points.
Controls The following table describes the controls and buttons for the ManuTrack Options
Control Description
Volume This pull-down menu allows you to select the volume you want to track a
horizon on. This list contains all volumes attached to the session. Setting
a volume is necessary if using the Min/Max Attr or Zero Crossing modes.
Track Mode Auto Dip - the tracker follows the interpreters lead, attempting to pick
the desired amplitude while adhering to the false dip that is imposed by
the user.
Auto Track - the tracker follows the horizon, not the cursor. The
vertical location of the pick is irrelevant, the tracker continues to pick the
desired amplitude within its search window.
Point to Point - the horizon will be linearly interpolated from one control
point to the next, regardless of the attribute value at that point. This
mode gives the user total control, and while slower than the other modes,
it can be more reliable when the data is complex or noisy.
Onset Type Min Attr - the horizon will be interpolated from one control point to the
next along the minimum attribute value within the search window.
Max Attr - the horizon will be interpolated from one control point to the
next along the maximum attribute value within the search window.
+/- Zero Crossing - the horizon will be interpolated from one control
point to the next along the positive to negative attribute zero crossing
within the window.
-/+ Zero Crossing - the horizon will be interpolated from one control
point to the next along the negative to positive attribute zero crossing
within the window.
Doublet Pick Specifies how you want the tracker to pick on doublet wavelets. For
more information and a graphical representation of these modes, see the
discussion on ezTracker Doublet Pick Mode.
Current - Picks on the maximum onset type for the part of the wavelet
the seed currently resides on.
Upper - Picks the upper amplitude onset of the doublet.
Lower - Picks the lower amplitude onset of the doublet.
Largest - Picks the largest amplitude onset of the doublet, regardless of
whether it is above or below the seed.
Nearest - Picks the nearest amplitude onset to the seeds location on the
doublet, regardless of whether it is above or below the seed.
Control Description
Search Window The amount of data that ManuTrack will search on each trace. This range
is centered around the pick made using Ctrl-MB1. If the window is set to
20 voxels, then ManuTrack will search 10 voxels up and 10 voxels down
the trace from the picked point for the min/max amplitude, or zero
The ideal size is data dependent. The window must be large enough to
cover irregularities in the reflector being tracked, but not so large that
cycle skipping becomes a problem.
Erase Mode When toggled on, interpreted horizon segments can be erased using Ctrl-
MB1 to digitize along the unwanted events while in ManuTrack mode.
ezTracker is a seismic trace tracking-based horizon generator, where the tracker takes
into account how well adjacent points correlate with a picked trace sample. It is based
on a single seedpoint or selected horizon, with a single Z output. A volume must be
attached to the current GeoProbe session and enabled in order for the controls of the
ezTracker Dialog to be active.
Picking Style ezTracker provides two options for picking horizons: ezTracker Standard and
ezTracker Plus.
T Standard T T Plus
ezTracker Standard is a simple tracker that looks at the four adjacent traces from the
seedpoint to find a waveform match. The matched traces then become seed points for
the next set of adjacent traces. This tracker picks the horizon quickly, but is only rec-
ommended on good quality data.
ezTracker Plus is a more robust tracker, which picks a series of horizon tiles. Each
trace within a tile can be tied back to the original seedpoint, resulting in a more accu-
rate interpretation in areas with faulting, stratigraphic pinchouts, and/or poor data
When tracking inside the active Probe only, ezTracker Standard will track up to
the bounds of the Probe. ezTracker Plus, however, tracks using fully populated
tiles. Therefore, the interpretation will extend past the extents of the Probe by up
to half the Starting Tile size.
Wavelet Display The Wavelet Display is an interactive viewer showing the seed points location on the
trace, and the location of the upper and lower gate boundaries.
Upper Gate
Seed Point
Lower Gate
The display contains three bold horizontal lines: the middle line which is the center of
the gate, and one line above and below that defines the boundary of the gate. Samples
outside the boundary are extra samples shown to clearly display the full wavelet.
There are always 5 extra samples shown above and below the gate.
When the user selects a seed point, it is placed in the middle of the gate by default.
This value and the size of the gate can be changed using the ezTracker dialog. In
addition, you can interactively move the seed point and upper and lower gates by
clicking on them with MB1 and moving them along the trace. The trace display will
change as needed.
Dialog Controls The following table describes the main controls and buttons for the ezTracker Dialog.
These options do not change based on the chosen picking style.
Control Description
Volume Select a volume on which to track the horizon from the pull-down list. This
list contains all volumes currently attached to the session. A volume must be
attached to the current GeoProbe session and enabled in order for the controls
of the ezTracker dialog to be active.
Picking Style Select ezTracker Standard or ezTracker Plus. Depending on the selection, the
Input Parameters section of the dialog will change accordingly.
Entire Volume If checked, the tracker will search the entire volume for matching traces. If
not, it will use the currently selected Probe to define tracking limits.
Control Description
Interactive This option uses the currently selected Probe to define the boundary for
Build ezTracker horizon points plus 10% outside the Probe bounds. You can sweep
the Probe to interactively pick the horizon, extending the interpretation. Use a
small Probe for detailed work and to limit the number of points picked outside
the Probe. It is advised to sweep the Probe toward you so that the horizon
being picked is visible; allowing you to monitor the quality of the points
Use Boundaries This option enables the actively selected pointset or an ezFault/ezSurface to
be used as a blocker for the ezTracker.
Append Appends tracked points to the currently selected horizon. ezTracker will
create new points only where points do not already exist in the horizon.
Hotkey <D> has this same functionality.
Undo (#) Removes the previous results in the order in which they were created. Will
step back to the original track if multiple tracks have been appended.
This function is globally applied, regardless of how the horizon points were
generated. For example, horizon points from ezTracked horizons can be
removed using Undo from the Fill Hole dialog... and filled horizon points can
be removed using Undo from the ezTracker dialog
Redo (#) Re-applies the horizon points back into the horizon in the order in which they
were removed using Undo.
Stop Stops the horizon from being generated. This is generally used when Entire
Volume has been chosen and the horizon is becoming too large or takes too
long to pick.
Rebuild If in the midst of ezTracking, you decide to edit your fault or pointset which is
Boundary being used as a boundary, simply click Rebuild Boundary on the ezTracker
dialog. This alerts the next Track or Append within ezTracker to honor the
newly modified boundary.
ezTracker Standard
ezTracker Standard is a simple tracker that looks at the four adjacent traces from the
seedpoint to find a waveform match. The matched traces then become seed points for
the next set of adjacent traces. This tracker picks the horizon quickly, but can have
difficulty in areas of poor data quality. For a more robust tracker, use ezTracker Plus.
Input The following table details the Input Parameter options for the ezTracker Standard
Parameters Dialog.
Parameter Description
Onset Type Select the onset to track on either the peak (maximum), trough (minimum),
or on a +/- or -/+ zero crossing.
Snap Mode Specifies how you want the tracker to pick on doublet wavelets. For more
information and a graphical representation of these modes, see the discussion
on ezTracker Snap Mode.
Current - Picks on the maximum onset type for the part of the wavelet the
seed currently resides on.
Upper - Picks the upper amplitude onset of the doublet.
Lower - Picks the lower amplitude onset of the doublet.
Largest - Picks the largest amplitude onset of the doublet, regardless of
whether it is above or below the seed.
Nearest - Picks the nearest amplitude onset to the seeds location on the
doublet, regardless of whether it is above or below the seed.
Seed Input Seed Point - When toggled on, the active seed point in the Wavelet Display
will be used to begin the horizon tracking.
Selected Horizon - When toggled on, the currently selected horizon in the
Horizon List will be used as the initial set of seed points for tracking.
Gate (voxels) The wavelet size in samples. Gate describes the desired waveform to search
for. The tracker will search an adjoining trace and calculate a correlation
score for each sample. It will then check the highest returned correlation
score to see if it meets the threshold specified in the Score parameter by the
The Upper Gate and Lower Gate values can be changed by typing in the
desired number of samples, using the up and down arrow buttons, or
interactively by clicking on them with MB1 and dragging them into their
desired positions. For more information on interactively setting the Gate, see
the Wavelet Display discussion.
Parameter Description
Score (%) The correlation score is a measurement of how well the amplitude of the
target trace matches the amplitude of the seed trace.
The tracker will select one point in the target trace, if that score does not meet
the criteria then it is not added to the horizon. An identical trace to the one
picked would result in a 100% correlation.
Maximum Jump When a point is selected, the tracker moves from trace to trace looking for a
(voxels) correlating point. If the Z value is outside of the maximum jump range from
the original point, then the point is not added to the horizon even if the
correlation score is met.
Using ezTracker Use the following steps to generate an ezTracker Standard horizon.
1. With a box Probe displaying an amplitude volume, determine a horizon you would
like to pick, and using Ctrl-MB1 set your seed point.
2. From the Horizons manager, click ezTracker. You do not need to create a new
horizon, it will create one for you.
4. Select a volume, and configure the values that best suit your data.
5. Click Track. It may take a few moments to compute, so only click the Track
button once.
6. Move the Probe to a new area, select another seed point and click Append.
After picking horizons, you can create a surface by clicking To Surface from the
Horizons manager.
Often, surfaces generated this way contain unexpected spikes due to leg jumping. A
surface cannot be edited once it is created so it is a good idea to save the horizon.
Horizons are editable, and multiple surfaces can be generated from horizons at any
ezTracker Plus
ezTracker Plus is a robust horizon tracker, which picks a horizon using a series of
gridded Tiles. Each trace within a tile can be tied back to the original seedpoint,
resulting in a more accurate interpretation in areas with faulting, stratigraphic
pinchouts, and/or poor data quality.
Input The following table details the Input Parameter options for the ezTracker Plus Dialog.
Parameter Description
Onset Type Select the onset to track on either the peak (maximum), trough (minimum),
or on a +/- or -/+ zero crossing.
Doublet Pick Specifies how you want the tracker to pick on doublet wavelets. For more
information and a graphical representation of these modes, see the discussion
on ezTracker Doublet Pick Mode.
Current - Picks on the maximum onset type for the part of the wavelet the
seed currently resides on.
Upper - Picks the upper amplitude onset of the doublet.
Lower - Picks the lower amplitude onset of the doublet.
Largest - Picks the largest amplitude onset of the doublet, regardless of
whether it is above or below the seed.
Nearest - Picks the nearest amplitude onset to the seeds location on the
doublet, regardless of whether it is above or below the seed.
Seed Input Seed Point - When toggled on, the active seed point in the Wavelet Display
will be used to begin the horizon tracking.
Selected Horizon - When toggled on, the currently selected horizon in the
Horizon List will be used as the initial set of seed points for tracking.
Suggested As an aid to determine the best tiling and correlation settings for your data, we
Parameters have provided a simple slider bar based on our recommended parameters. As
you move the slider from left to right, the trackers Advanced Settings will be
changed accordingly.
There is a trade-off when tracking a horizon between tracking speed and
quality. If you are interpreting data with good signal-to-noise amplitudes and
few faults, moving the slider towards Fast puts fewer constraints on the
tracker, picking a horizon quickly. In areas with complex faulting,
stratigraphic pinch-outs and poor data quality, you will need to constrain the
parameters by moving the slider towards High Quality.
This is meant to be used as a starting point for determining tracking settings,
and any of the parameters under Advanced Settings can be set manually as
described below.
Parameter Description
Starting Tile The size of the initial tile, or grid, to begin horizon interpretation. This tile
size will be decremented by an increment of 2 until it reaches the Ending Tile
size. Note that when this tile size increases, tracking will take longer but the
accuracy will be greater.
For more a more detailed explanation, see the discussion on ezTracker Tiling.
Ending Tile The size of the last tile, or grid, to end the horizon interpretation. For a more
detailed explanation, see the discussion on ezTracker Tiling
Maximum Jump When a point is selected, the tracker moves from trace to trace looking for a
(voxels) correlating point. If the Z value is outside of the maximum jump range from
the seed point then the target is not added to the horizon.
Track Method You have the choice of applying a waveform correlation to the tracking
parameters. In areas of clean data, and little faulting, the Peak to Peak option
will quickly pick a horizon solely on the basis of the seed points onset type
with no cross-correlation applied.
For a more accurate, but slower, horizon tracking, choose the Cross-
Correlation tracking method. This method will pick target waveforms based
on how closely they match the seed points waveform. When enabled, you
can set the desired Gate and Score for correlation, as well as whether or not
to use an Evolving Seed.
Gate (voxels) The wavelet size in samples. Gate describes the desired waveform to search
for. The tracker will search an adjoining trace and calculate a correlation
score for each sample. It will then check the highest returned correlation
score to see if it meets the threshold specified in the Score parameter by the
The Upper Gate and Lower Gate values can be changed by typing in the
desired number of samples, using the up and down arrow buttons, or
interactively by clicking on them with MB1 and dragging them into their
desired positions. For more information on interactively setting the Gate, see
the Wavelet Display discussion.
Score (%) The correlation score is a measurement of how well the amplitude of the
target trace matches the amplitude of the seed trace.
The tracker will select one point in the target trace, if that score does not meet
the criteria then it is not added to the horizon. An identical trace to the one
picked would result in a 100% correlation.
When this value is increased, the tracker will pick less data, but it will be
more accurate.
Evolving Seed When toggled off, the wavelet at the original seed point will be used to
correlate against every target trace. This allows a specific wavelet to be
sought out and can be very restrictive.
When toggled on, once a target trace is accepted its waveform then becomes
a seed point for the next search.
Creating a 1. Use the following steps to generate an ezTracker Plus horizon.
Horizon with
ezTracker Plus 2. With a box Probe displaying an amplitude volume, determine a horizon you would
like to pick, and using Ctrl-MB1 set your seed point.
3. From the Horizons manager, click ezTracker. You do not need to create a new
horizon, it will create one for you.
5. For a first pass interpretation, slide the Suggested Parameters bar towards the
left. This will give us a quick first look, but at the expense of interpretation quality
if the data is complex.
6. Click Track. It may take a few moments to compute, so only click the Track
button once. As the interpretation builds, you will notice that it starts off with
large blocks of picks, then gradually fills in with more detail.
The large blocks are indicative of the Starting Tile size. In this example, the
Starting Tile size was set to 35. Therefore, areas picked with this large tile size
will be on reflectors that are structurally simple and fairly continuous
Now lets refine the tracking parameters to take into account those data areas of
greater complexity.
7. In the ezTracker Plus window, either slide the Suggested Parameters bar towards
the right, for higher quality; or click on the Advanced arrow to manually enter the
Advanced Settings.
8. Set the values for Starting and Ending Tile size, Cross-Correlation for the Track
Method, and toggle on Evolving Seed. You may need to experiment with these
values to find the ones that best suit your data.
ezTracker Tiling
ezTracker Plus uses a series of gridded Tiles to iteratively interpret a horizon. Each
traces waveform within a tile must be tied back to the original seed point before
moving to the next tile. In addition, tiles are incrementally decreased in size over
multiple iterations, resulting in a more accurate interpretation. Once completed, you
will have the ability to edit the tracked horizon based on these tile sizes using the
Horizon Edit, Color by Tile Size tool.
How does Tiling 1. Start with an initial seed point (S) on the desired horizon.
2. The tracker finds an adjacent target voxel (T), and makes it the center of an N x N
tile, as defined by the Starting Tile parameter on the ezTracker Plus dialog. In the
following example, the Starting Tile size was set to 7.
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * T * * *
* * * S * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
3. The tracker first attempts to pick from the seed to the target, and back again. If
successful, the target becomes a seed point.
4. Points adjacent to the target point are now evaluated. If picked, they become
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * T * * *
* * T T T * *
* * * S * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * T * * *
* * T T T * *
* T T T T T *
* * T S T * *
* * * T * * *
* * * * * * *
If at any point in the process it is determined that a point has been previously
picked from another seedpoint, a test is made to verify that the two picks tie. If
they do not tie, the entire tile is thrown out, and the original seed to target pick is
labeled a failure.
6. This process continues until the entire grid (tile) is filled out or until a pick fails.
7. In this example, all the traces within the tile can be tied back to each other. Traces
on the edges of the tile are now used as seed points for another set of 7x7 tiles.
8. When all the 7x7 tiles have been created, the resulting horizon in map view might
look something like the following:
9. The tracker now decrements the tile size by two. Using the edges of the horizon as
seed points (shown in red), a 5x5 tile is applied.
10. The tracker continues to decrement the tile size until the tile size set by the Ending
Tile parameter is reached. As the tile size decreases, the horizon becomes less
blocky looking, and more geologically reasonable.
Horizon Editing Tools
GeoProbe provides four different options for editing horizons:
Fill Hole
Color By Score
Horizon PolyEdit
ezTracker Heredity
Horizon Filter
Each of these options works solely on the active horizon in the Horizon List, which is
also displayed at the top of the Edit Tools dialog.
Filling Horizon Holes
This option will linearly interpolate horizon points between existing horizon picks. Its
purpose is to fill holes in the horizon where connectivity failed. Fill Hole uses a linear
interpolation from the nearest horizon picks. For a voxel to be "filled", it must have 4-
way connectivity with other points in the horizon. That is, there must be an existing
point somewhere left, right, above, and below the un-picked voxel.
Fill Hole should be used with caution, since holes in the interpretation can often
contain information relating to the geological environment.
Filling Holes in For any horizon loaded into GeoProbe, the Fill Hole editing tool can be used to
a Horizon linearly interpolate across gaps in the interpretation.
3. Toggle on Interactive Build. This will allow you to use the probe as a paintbrush
across the surface of the horizon.
4. Click Track to being filling in the horizon holes.
5. Move the probe over the holes (you will want to stay in a map view or close to it
for this) and observe that the holes are being filled in.
You can control the extent of the Fill Hole feature by adjusting the size of the probe.
Also, you may want to use a probe shaped like a pencil (tall and thin) when filling
holes on steeply dipping horizons. It makes manipulating the probe easier.
6. At any point, if you can remove areas that have been filled by stepping through the
fill application using the Undo button.
7. Finally, when you have finished filling holes, press the Stop button. The new
horizon is now listed in the Horizons List.
Control Description
Entire Volume If checked, all holes in the selected horizon. If not, it will use the currently
selected Probe to define tracking limits.
Interactive This option uses the currently selected Probe to define the boundary for filled
Build horizon points plus 10% outside the Probe bounds. You can sweep the Probe
to interactively fill the horizon. Use a small Probe for detailed work and to
limit the number of points picked outside the Probe. It is advised to sweep the
Probe toward you so that the horizon being filled is visible; allowing you to
monitor the quality of the points selected.
Append Click to begin filling holes in the horizon interpretation. Filled points will be
appended to the currently selected horizon.
Undo (#) Removes the previous results in the order in which they were created. Will
step back to the original track if multiple tracks have been appended.
This function is globally applied, regardless of how the horizon points were
generated. For example, horizon points from ezTracked horizons can be
removed using Undo from the Fill Hole dialog... and filled horizon points can
be removed using Undo from the ezTracker dialog
Redo (#) Re-applies the horizon points back into the horizon in the order in which they
were removed using Undo.
Stop Stops the horizon from being filled. This is generally used when Entire
Volume has been chosen and the horizon is filling incorrectly.
Horizon PolyEdit
The Horizon PolyEdit tool allows you to manually delete an area of horizon points,
either by simply clicking on the segments you wish to delete, or by specifying a region
for deletion.
The edit polygon line is actually displayed one voxel above the horizon. This can
sometimes result in odd artifacts of the polygon line when zoomed into the horizon and
viewed at an angle. For horizon editing, we recommend that you create these polygons
while either in Map View or close to a top-down view.
Deleting For any horizon loaded into GeoProbe, the Horizon PolyEdit tool can be used to delete
Horizon Points errant picks.
2. From the Edit Tools dropdown menu, select Horizon PolyEdit. The Ctrl Pick
Mode is automatically set to Horizon PolyEdit, as can be seen in the HUD.
3. In areas where horizon points exist that are not connected to the main portion of
the interpreted horizon, you can simply click on that portion with MB1. The
horizon points will appear highlighted in white.
4. Press the <Delete> hotkey to remove these points, or click the Delete Points button
on the Edit Tools dialog.
5. To delete parts of the horizon that are connected to the main horizon, use
Ctrl+MB1 to create an edit polygon.
6. Then, either click on the Select Inside button to highlight these points, or simply
click inside the polygon with MB1.
Once a group of horizon points are selected, they will turn white and the polygon markers
will grey out to indicate that the <Delete> hotkey will no longer delete the current marker.
7. Once the points are highlighted, you can delete them using the <Delete> hotkey, or
the Delete Points dialog button.
Creating Edit An edit polygon consists of a series of connected markers, or vertices, on the surface
Polygons of a horizon. To create an edit polygon:
1. Select MB3 > Ctrl Pick Mode > Horizon PolyEdit. The PolyEdit Tool will now
2. On the surface of the horizon, using Ctrl+MB1, digitize in a series of markers. A
polygon will appear after the 3rd point is picked.
3. To increase or decrease the size of the markers, use the Page Up and Page Down
5. Any existing marker can be moved by clicking on it with Ctrl+MB1 and dragging
it to a new location.
6. New markers can be inserted between the yellow and green markers, using
Note that if two markers are on the same edge of a horizon, they will automatically
connect with each other along the horizons boundary.
PolyEdit The following table describes the PolyEdit Tool dialog controls.
Control Description
Markers The following options are used when you specify a region for deletion with an
edit polygon. In a polygon, the active marker will always be yellow.
Reverse direction
Reverses the direction of the green marker in respect to the yellow, active
marker. Any new markers added to the polygon will always occur between
the yellow and green markers.
Delete Marker
Deletes the active polygon marker. The active marker is always shown in
yellow. In addition, using the <Delete> hotkey on the keyboard will also
delete the active marker. Note: Once horizon points are selected for deletion,
the markers will grey out... indicating that the <Delete> hotkey will no longer
delete the current marker.
Delete All
Deletes all polygon markers. In addition, the hotkey combination of <Ctrl +
Delete> will do the same.
Control Description
Selection Select Inside
Selects the horizon points inside the polygon for deletion. You can also
simply click on the area on the horizon with MB1.
Select Outside
Selects the horizon points outside the polygon for deletion. You can also
simply click on the area on the horizon with MB1.
Delete Points
Deletes selected horizon points from the horizon. The <Delete> hotkey on
the keyboard will also delete the highlighted points.
Deselects the highlighted horizon points. Clicking the same area again with
MB1 will also deselect the points.
Undo (#) Removes the previous results in the order in which they were created. Will
step back to the original track if multiple tracks have been appended.
This function is globally applied, regardless of how the horizon points were
generated. For example, horizon points from ezTracked horizons can be
removed using Undo from the Fill Hole dialog... and filled horizon points can
be removed using Undo from the ezTracker dialog
Redo (#) Re-applies the horizon points back into the horizon in the order in which they
were removed using Undo.
Color by Score
Colors the ezTracked horizon based on the correlation score at each horizon pick.
Using the slider bar, you can remove horizon points below a specified correlation
Control Description
Score (%) Slider The correlation score. This value depicts the effectiveness of the correlation
Bar to the wavelet across the horizon. The colorbar will range from a score of
10% to 100%. As you move the slider bar towards 100%, only the higher
percentages will be displayed on the horizon surface.
Discard points All horizon picks less than or equal to the displayed correlation score % will
less than or be removed from the horizon.
equal to
Undo (#) Removes the previous results in the order in which they were created. Will
step back to the original track if multiple tracks have been appended.
This function is globally applied, regardless of how the horizon points were
generated. For example, horizon points from ezTracked horizons can be
removed using Undo from the Fill Hole dialog... and filled horizon points can
be removed using Undo from the ezTracker dialog
Redo (#) Re-applies the horizon points back into the horizon in the order in which they
were removed using Undo.
To see a detailed histogram of the correlation values on the horizon surface, launch the
Horizon Colormap after coloring the selected horizon by score. Color the surface By
Z to display the populated histogram.
Color By Tile Size
Colors the ezTracked horizon based on the tile size that was used to make the pick.
Using either slider bar or simply MB1, you can remove horizon picks below a
specified tile size.
Editing a Using a previously created ezTracker Plus horizon, we can edit the horizon to only
Horizon using contain the interpretation points in which we are most confident.
Tile Size
1. With the ezTracked horizon selected in the Horizons List, select Edit Tools.
2. From the Edit Tools dropdown menu, select Color by Tile Size. The horizon will
now be colored using a rainbow colorbar with values ranging from the size of the
Ending Tile to the size of the Starting Tile.
3. Slowly move the slider bar closer to the Starting Tile size. Notice the horizon
picks that drop out as you do so.
4. When you are only displaying the values you wish to keep, click Discard tiles to
remove the horizon picks with a tile size less than the entered size.
5. To see a detailed histogram of the tile sizes on the horizon surface, launch the
Horizon Colormap from the Horizons Object Manager.
In this example, the Color by Tile Size slider bar was moved from a starting value
of 3 to a value of 7. Notice that the opacity line in the histogram view indicates
exactly where this change occurs. Using this view, you can get a better idea of the
amount of data that would be lost when deleting horizon picks less than the entered
tile size.
6. Another way to edit by tile size is to simply click with MB1 on the horizon.
Contiguous horizon points of a single tile size will be highlighted.
7. With the area that you wish to delete highlighted, click on the Discard selected
button to delete the points from the horizon.
Control Description
Tile Size Slider The colorbar will range from the Ending Tile size to the Starting Tile size
Bar set in the ezTracker Plus Input Parameters. As you move the slider bar
towards the larger tile size, only the more continuous pieces of the horizon
will be displayed.
Discard tiles less All horizon points less than or equal to the displayed tile size will be removed
than or equal to from the horizon.
Discard selected Using MB1 in the scene, you can click on the horizon and all points with the
points corresponding tile size will be highlighted. Use the Discard selected points
button to remove these horizon points.
Undo (#) Removes the previous results in the order in which they were created. Will
step back to the original track if multiple tracks have been appended.
This function is globally applied, regardless of how the horizon points were
generated. For example, horizon points from ezTracked horizons can be
removed using Undo from the Fill Hole dialog... and filled horizon points can
be removed using Undo from the ezTracker dialog
Redo (#) Re-applies the horizon points back into the horizon in the order in which they
were removed using Undo.
ezTracker Heredity Editing Tool
Even with constrained tracking parameters, your ezTracked horizon may still have
some leg jumps where the tracker skipped up or down onto the wrong amplitude
values. One method we have of editing these leg jumps out is through the use of
In GeoProbe 3.2, we introduced a new horizon file format to enable saving of Tile
Sizes and heredity mapping. Therefore, horizons generated on GeoProbe versions
older than 3.2 will no longer have valid heredity information.
Heredity Picking Options allow you to trace a series of tracked points (Descendents)
back to an original source (Ancestry).
Control Description
Heredity These options allow the user to trace a series of tracked points (Descendents)
Picking Options back to an original source (Ancestors). This feature is useful in instances of
editing leg jumps in the ezTracked horizon.
Toggling on Ancestors, then clicking on the horizon with MB1 will display a
yellow lineage line on top of the horizon from the selected point back to the
source wavelet for that pick. This allows the user to see the path the
ezTracker took to select that point.
Toggling on Descendents, then clicking on the Ancestry line with MB1 will
display a series of red points that marks the children of the Ancestry pick,
or , the picks that resulted due to the horizon value at that point. By
determining exactly where a leg jump occurred, the user can highlight the
errant picks and delete them from the horizon using the Delete Descendents
button. Multiple sets of Descendents can be selected by using Ctrl-MB1 to
pick points on the horizon.
Delete Clicking this button deletes all horizon points marked as Descendents.
Undo (#) Removes the previous results in the order in which they were created. Will
step back to the original track if multiple tracks have been appended.
This function is globally applied, regardless of how the horizon points were
generated. For example, horizon points from ezTracked horizons can be
removed using Undo from the Fill Hole dialog... and filled horizon points can
be removed using Undo from the ezTracker dialog
Redo (#) Re-applies the horizon points back into the horizon in the order in which they
were removed using Undo.
Horizon Filter
This option allows you to filter existing horizon points, using either a smoothing
function, a median filter, or a spike reduction filter.
Smoothing a For any horizon loaded into GeoProbe, the Filter editing tool can be used to smoothen
Horizon the horizon, apply a median function to it, or remove spikes.
3. Select the Smooth Filter Type, with a Filter Size of 3 lines by 3 traces.
5. Click Filter Horizon. A new horizon is created in the Horizons List named
<original horizon>-Mean_3x3.
6. Now experiment with a larger filter size, say 15 x 15. Notice how you begin losing
detail on the horizon. Always be aware of the trade-off between respecting data
points and removing "noise" from your interpretation.
Control Description
Smooth Applies a smoothing computation to the input horizon. The algorithm
performs a series of calculations, each time taking an average of a user-
specified area of samples that are centered on a single pick. Each smoothing
calculation is applied to the center pick. Calculations are performed for all the
traces in the area selected for smoothing.
Median Applies a median value computation to the input horizon. The algorithm
performs a series of calculations, each time finding the median of a user-
specified area of samples that are centered on a single pick. The resulting
median value is applied to the center pick. Calculations are performed for all
the traces in the area selected for the computation.
Control Description
Spike Removes spikes from the input horizon. The user specifies a deviation value
(# of Voxels from filters median Z) which is used to identify the spikes.
The algorithm performs a series of calculations, each time computing the
median values of a user-specified area together. It then compares the center
pick to the median value.
If the center point is larger than the median value plus the deviation value, or
less than the median value minus the deviation value, the filter software sets
the center value to null. Calculations are performed for all the traces in the
area selected for the computation.
Filter Size Contains Line and Trace operators for the smoothing filter. Operators must
be odd numbers. These fields set the X and Y extents for the computation. For
example, if you specify an line operator of 7 and a trace operator of 9, the
filter computation will be performed over a 7x9 area. The results will be
applied to the pick at the center of the filter area (where 1/DistanceX is the
weighting factor).
Weight Equally
Weights all values in the filter area equally. By default, all filter operations
are weighted equally except Smooth operations. If you select the Smooth
option, this radio button becomes active so that you can choose between
weighting equally and weighting by distance.
By Distance
Weights values according to how close they are to the center of the filter area.
This option is available only for Smooth operations. Picks that are close to
the center are weighted more heavily than picks that are far away. If this
option is selected, the program computes the relative weight of different picks
by their actual distance from the center of the filter (rather than by line/trace).
The weighting option uses the following algorithm:
Output Value =
ValueA - --------------------------
ValueB - --------------------------
ValueC -
-------------------------- + + +
Dis tan ceA Dis tan ceB Dis tan ceC
Sumof -----------------------
Dis tan ce
Control Description
Deviation Specifies the deviation value, in voxels, to be used in the Spike filter. For
example, in a 3x3 filter with a deviation (threshold) value of 10, if a spike is
more than 10 voxels higher or lower than the median value of the other 8
points in the filter... the horizon point will be assigned a null value.
To assign this point the median value of the filter, toggle on the Interpolate
Interpolate When toggled on, null values with at least 3 pre-existing corresponding
control points will be populated with an interpolated value.
For the Smooth function, the null value will be replaced with a weighted
average value of the points in the filter area.
For the Spike and Median functions, the null value will be replaced with a
median value of the points in the filter area.
Use Entire When toggled on, the horizon will be filtered over the entire volume. When
Volume toggled off, the horizon will only be filtered within the bounds of the active
Filter Horizon Click this button to filter the horizon based on the current dialog parameters.
Undo (#) Removes the previous results in the order in which they were created. Will
step back to the original track if multiple tracks have been appended.
This function is globally applied, regardless of how the horizon points were
generated. For example, horizon points from ezTracked horizons can be
removed using Undo from the Fill Hole dialog... and filled horizon points can
be removed using Undo from the ezTracker dialog
Redo (#) Re-applies the horizon points back into the horizon in the order in which they
were removed using Undo.
ezTracker Doublet Pick Mode
The ezTracker Doublet Pick Mode specifies where you want the tracker to pick when
it encounters a doublet on the target wavelet.
In the following example, it is assumed that the Onset Type was set to Maximum.
Seed Point
* *
* * *
Upper Picks the upper amplitude onset of the doublet. In this example, the tracker picks
the top peak of the doublet.
Lower Picks the lower amplitude onset of the doublet. In this example, the tracker picks
the bottom peak of the doublet.
Largest Picks the largest amplitude onset of the doublet, regardless of whether it is above
or below the seed. In this example, the largest amplitude was found in the bottom
peak of the doublet.
Nearest Picks the nearest amplitude onset to the seeds location on the doublet, regardless
of whether it is above or below the seed. In this example, the nearest peak was
actually the smaller amplitude above the seeds location.
Horizon Colormap
The Horizon Colormap Dialog adjusts the color for the selected horizon in the
Horizons List. This dialog changes after selecting one of the By Solid, By Z, and By
Volume buttons. By File is not an option for horizons. The default method is By
Choosing to color the surface By Volume will launch the Volume Colormap.
Control Description
By Solid The horizon appears as a solid color with intensity varying by illumination.
The controls and pulldown menus are identical to the Well Log Color Dialog.
By Solid is the default coloring method.
By Z The horizon color is defined by its Z value (time or elevation). Control of the
color is nearly identical to the Volume Colormap Dialog except the color
ramp and thumb values represent the horizons Z values.
In addition, the resulting histogram is also color coded. The user can set the
color ranges Min and Max by typing in the desired values. This is useful for
highlighting specific areas of interest on the horizon, and for coloring
multiple horizons with an equivalent color range.
By Volume The horizon color is defined by the selected volume in the the pulldown list.
The horizon gets a copy of the selected volumes colormap, and the horizon
colors are determined by the volumes voxel attribute values applied to the
horizons colormap.
After selecting the By Volume button, the Horizon Colormap Dialog changes
to a style similar to the Volume Colormap Dialog. Labels for the colormap
thumbs represent volume attribute values. Changes to the horizon colormap
do not affect the volume colormap. To use a different volumes colormap,
select the volume in the pulldown list.
Horizon Attributes
The Horizon Attributes dialog allows you to color the active horizon by its Dip,
Azimuth and Dip/Azimuth attribute. These attributes can help reveal fault trends,
lineations, and mispicks that may not normally be apparent.
For best results, use an input horizon that has not been smoothed. These algorithms
are applied to the interpreted horizon, not on the actual seismic data, so make sure that
the horizon has been interpreted in a consistent manner.
A dip map shows the magnitude of the time gradient. It is constructed by comparing
each sample of the horizon with two adjacent samples in orthogonal directions. A
plane is fit through the three points. The plane has a magnitude of dip in milliseconds
per unit distance x 100.
2 2
Dip = -----
+ ------ 1000
dx dy
dt/dx is the dip in the x direction, and dt/dy is the dip in the y direction, with x
and y as real-world coordinates.
Individual dip values are not particularly meaningful. but the relative difference
between various dip values is significant. Consequently, the most effective color map
for displaying dip values is a simple dichromatic ramp that shades gradually from one
color (corresponding to the minimum value) to some other color (corresponding to the
maximum value).
Azimuth The azimuth map is closely associated with the dip map. It shows the direction of
maximum dip. Like the dip map, it is constructed by comparing each sample of the
horizon with two adjacent samples in orthogonal directions. A plane is fit through the
three points. The plane has a direction of dip in degrees.
Azimuth = atan ------ ------
dt dt
dy dx
dt/dx is the dip in the x direction, and dt/dy is the dip in the y direction.
360o N
270o 90o
Dip/Azimuth This display combines dip and azimuth values to show aspects of both dip and azimuth
at the same time.1 For best results, use it with the dipazim color map, found under the
SeisWorks tab on the colormap.
Faults show up best where dip direction of the fault is opposite the dip
direction of the beds.
Faults show up poorly where dip direction of fault is similar to dip direction of
the horizons.
Faults show up best where dip angle of fault plane is opposite direction of
Geophysicists at Shell have observed that some faults show up clearly on a dip map
but not on an azimuth map, or vice versa. To compensate for this unpredictability, they
have devised the dip-azimuth mapping technique. It combines both dip and azimuth
values at every pick in the horizon.
The dip-azimuth map generalizes azimuth values to four quadrants of an azimuth map.
Variations of value within each of the quadrants represent variation in dip. For
example, a value of 1 indicates a shallow dip in the northern quadrant. A value of 15
indicates an extremely steep dip in the same quadrant.
The key to making sense of the dip-azimuth map is to use a color map that allows you
to identify the dip-azimuth trends in the data. Landmark provides a color map for this
particular purposedipazim. This map includes four bands of color, each
corresponding to one of the quadrants of the azimuth map.
1.The following account of dip-azimuth is derived from the research of two Shell geophysicists, E. J. H.
Rijks and J. C. E.M. Jauffred. They published their findings in The Leading Edge, vol. 10, no. 9, p. 11-19.
Red Red
(315o 45o)
Blue Yellow
(225 314o) (46o 134o)
(135o 224o)
When viewing a dip-azimuth map, you identify the primary dip directions by the
cardinal positions on the compass rose. Red is north. Yellow is east. Green is south.
Blue is west.
While the colors in the color map represent the azimuth values, the color intensity
indicates the dip angle. Each of the four bands of color in the dipazim color map spans
16 of the 64 increments on the mapping scale. The color within this 16-increment band
ranges from intense at the top to black at the bottom. When the color map is applied to
a dip-azimuth map, the intense colors represent shallow dip. The darker colors
represent steep dip.
For example, the map increments that represent the western orientation of the dip-
azimuth map are 4864. This band of color is most intense at 48, where it is almost
cyan. It darkens as the increment numbers increase, passing from cyan to royal blue to
dark blue and finally to black. If the colors were projected on the actual dipping
surface that they represent in a map, they would have correspondences similar to those
shown below.
royal blue
medium blue
dipazim color map
Controls The following table lists the controls and functions of this dialog.
Control Description
Active Horizon The currently selected horizon in the Horizons List.
Creating an Editable Surface from a Horizon
Editable surfaces can be created from horizons using the To Eds button on the
Horizons Object Manager. ezFaults and ezSurfaces can be created as if they were
initially interpreted on an Orthogonal Probe. In addition, you can set the number of
ribs, and control points along each rib, along with the precision with which the horizon
will be converted. The editable surface can only be built in the X or Y directions, and
not in Z.
Creating an 1. With a horizon highlighted in the Horizons Object Manager, select To Eds to
Editable launch the Create Editable Surface dialog.
Surface from a
Horizon 2. The default name given to the .eds surface will be eds<horizon name>. To rename
the file, type in the new name in the text field.
5. Select the number of Ribs and Nodes along your surface. You want to find a
compromise between having enough control points to image the horizon, but not
having so many control points that the surface would be difficult to edit.
6. Finally, select the precision with which the horizon will be converted. A setting of
Fine will most closely honor the horizon, but will be more time intensive to
7. Click Create. The new ezSurface or ezFault is now listed in either the Surfaces or
Faults Object Manager.
Control Description
Name A text entry field for the surface name. This is the name that will appear in
either the Surfaces List or Faults List. The default name is eds<horizon
Surface/Fault Select whether to create an editable Surface or Fault. The only difference
between the two is where the resulting .eds file is stored.
Rib Orientation The user must select the direction in X or Y in which the surface or fault is to
be built. For example, if X is selected, the resulting surface will be created as
if it were originally built on an inline.
Control Description
Number of Ribs Select the number of ribs along the created .eds surface or fault. A rib
indicates where a line of control points exists perpendicular to the direction
of the build.
Number of Select the number of nodes, or control points, to be created along each rib.
Nodes These nodes will be spaced in regular intervals along the rib.
Convert Select the precision with which the horizon will be converted to an .eds
Precision surface or fault: Coarse, Median, or Fine. A setting of Fine will most
closely honor the horizon, but will be more time intensive to calculate.
Create Creates a new surface or fault in memory and adds it to either the Surfaces
List or Faults List. This object will be lost upon exit from GeoProbe unless
saved from the respective managers.
Horizon Contour
For additional detail on a horizons view, the user has the option to turn on horizon
contours. These simple line contours, outlining increments of change in the Z
direction, help the user to distinguish features that may not be evident simply by
coloring the horizon. Options for setting the bounds and increments of the contour
lines, as well as for optimizing their display, are available in the Horizon Contour
2. Select the Min and Max values for you contour range. Its best to start with
numbers that will be even with your increment.
3. Set the Interval, or increment, for the contours. Either type in a new value, or use
the slider bar to determine what best fits your data.
4. Set the Bold Rate to determine how many nth contours will be displayed with a
heavier weight.
5. With MB1, move the Smooth Level slider to apply a degree of smoothing to the
contour lines ranging from 0 to 10.
6. Interactively determine the best Line Width ranging from 1 to 10 (with 10 being
the thickest), by moving the slider bar.
8. Finally set the Annotation Increment to Low to only annotate the bold contours,
and choose a Size for the text.
Control Description
Grid Min/Max A listing of the minimum and maximum values of the selected horizon.
These values are not editable, and will not vary with changes made in this
Contours On/Off
Toggles the contour visibility on the horizon on and off.
User-defined minimum and maximum values for the contour lines. The
default values are the min and max of the selected horizon. To edit these
values, type in a new value in the text entry field and press Enter.
User-defined interval for displaying contour lines. Either type in a new
value in the text entry field, or move the slider bar with MB1 to find the best
interval for your display. The slider bar will move in increments of 1 when
clicking with MB1 on either side of the slider.
Control Description
Bold Rate
This value determines the sampling of bold (thick) contours vs. plain
contours. For example, setting this value to 5 would result in every 5th
contour displayed with a heavier line weighting.
Smooth Level
A scalar value ranging from 0 to 10 setting the degree of smoothing applied
to the contour lines. 0 indicates no smoothing applied, while a value of 10
smooths the lines the most. Move the slider bar with MB1 to find the best
degree of smoothing for your data.
Line Width
A scalar value ranging from 1 to 10 setting the width of the contour lines. A
setting of 1 is the thinnest line available, and a setting of 10 is the thickest
line available. Move the slider bar with MB1 to change the contour lines
Launches the Set Contour Line Color dialog, where users can change the
color of the displayed contour lines to any solid color. This dialog has
equivalent controls to the Seedpoint Color dialog.
Color By Z
Toggling on Color By Z will color the contour lines by their Z value, using
the Rainbow1.gpc color table.
Launches the Set Contour Text Color dialog, where users can change the
color of the displayed text annotation to any solid color. This dialog has
equivalent controls to the Seedpoint Color dialog.
A scalar value ranging from 5 to 15 setting the size of the annotation text. A
setting of 5 is the smallest text available, and a setting of 15 is the largest
text available. Move the slider bar with MB1 to change the text annotation
Horizon Convert to SubSample
Horizons picked in GeoProbe are initially limited to only being able to pick on a
sample to sample basis. Therefore, there may be places in the data where youre not
picking on the true maximum/minimum amplitude or the exact zero crossing that you
specified as onset in the horizon tracker. The example below illustrates a seismic trace
as it exists in digital form, as a series of samples determined by the sample interval.
In this case, the horizon was not able to pick on the true maximum amplitude of the
trace, but on the sample closest to it. With the Snap to SubSample application, a 12-
point sinc interpolation is used to fit the waveform back onto the sampled trace, and
the horizon interpretation is then snapped to the true maximum, as shown below.
Horizon Pick SubSampled Horizon Pick
* *
Control Description
Volume This pull-down menu allows you to select the volume that you created the
highlighted horizon on. This list contains all volumes attached to the session.
Onset Type Select the amplitude onset to snap the horizon to, either the peak
(maximum), trough (minimum), or on a +/- or -/+ zero crossing.
Doublet Pick Specifies how you want the tracker to pick on doublet wavelets. For more
Mode information and a graphical representation of these modes, see the discussion
on ezTracker Doublet Pick Mode.
Current - Picks on the maximum onset type for the part of the wavelet the
seed currently resides on.
Upper - Picks the upper amplitude onset of the doublet.
Lower - Picks the lower amplitude onset of the doublet.
Largest - Picks the largest amplitude onset of the doublet, regardless of
whether it is above or below the seed.
Nearest - Picks the nearest amplitude onset to the seeds location on the
doublet, regardless of whether it is above or below the seed.
Convert Converts the selected horizon to the specified onset type and renames the
horizon in the Horizons list, titled SubSampled-<horizon name>.
Light Editor
Using this dialog, you can alter the lighting of the 3D scene using either Directional
Light or Positional Light.
Using the 1. From either the Horizons or Surfaces Object Manager, select Light Editor.
Interactive Light
Editor 2. The default setting is No Light Effect. First, toggle on Directional Light.
3. Using MB1 in the editor window, "grab" the light source and move it about the
box display. Notice how the lighting changes in the 3d viewer window.
5. With Show Light Source toggled on, move the light source position using the X,
Y and Z slider bars.
Control Description
No Light Effect When toggled on, no light effect will be applied to the 3D scene.
Directional When toggled on, an interactive light source editor is displayed. The grey
Light box displayed in the editor represents the volume bounds in the main viewer
Using MB1 in the editor window, you can grab the light source and move
it about the box display. The objects lighting in the GeoProbe window will
change accordingly.
Positional Light When toggled on, the positional light editor allows you to set the location of
the light source in x, y and z relative to the volumes boundary using the
respective slider bars.
Toggle on Show Light Source to view the lights position, depicted as a
sphere, in your scene. You can also change the Size of the spheres
appearance, but this does not change the lights effect on the scene.
Geobodies Object Manager
Geobody Builder
Geobody Export
Geobody Information
Geobodies Object Manager
The Geobodies Dialog manages geobodies, which are volume rendered objects
delineated by pointsets, surfaces and/or wells that are viewed within probes.
Geobodies List The Geobodies List contains the geobodies in the current GeoProbe session. Most
buttons act on the current selection in the Geobodies list. Select a geobody from the
list and select the button. Greyed out buttons are not appropriate for the current
selection in the list.
Control Description
Load Brings up the File Selection Dialog to load one or more geobodies (*.gbdy)
into shared memory.
Export Brings up the Geobody Export Dialog allowing the user to export the geobody
to a .vol file.
Volumetrics Brings up the Hydrocarbon Calculator dialog. This feature allows you to
calculate net hydrocarbons in place, based upon a selected pointset or
Info Brings up the Geobody Information Dialog to view the geobody name,
number of points, size, and unit.
Geobody Builder
The Geobody Builder Dialog allows the creation of geobodies from a pointset, a
surface/fault, two pointsets, or two surfaces/faults.
2. Under the Destination portion of the Geobody Builder Dialog box, type in a name
for the geobody.
3. Select the fill direction and number of voxels for the geobody.
4. Click Create.
5. The Geobody will form around the surface, fault or pointset selected. It can be
viewed by selecting Draw > Geobody from the Probe dropdown menu.
Control Description
Fill Direction Controls how the geobody will be created.
No Fill creates a geobody that consists of the pointset(s) or surface(s) the
geobody was created from with no fill.
X creates a geobody about the pointset(s) or surface(s) by adding a
designated number of voxels (Fill above and Fill below text fields) adjacent
to existing points along the X-axis.
Y creates a geobody about the pointset(s) or surface(s) by adding a
designated number of voxels (Fill above and Fill below text fields) adjacent
to existing points along the Y-axis.
Z creates a geobody about the pointset(s) or surface(s) by adding a
designated number of voxels (Fill above and Fill below text fields) adjacent
to existing points along the Z-axis.
Destination Allows the user to either create a new geobody (Create New) or merge the
new geobody with an existing geobody (Merge). Creating a new geobody
will add the name to the Geobodies List.
Geobody Export
The Geobody Export Dialog exports a selected geobody as a volume. This option
allows the user to create a new volume that will have values from an associated
volume file (such as amplitude, phase, etc.) only where the geobody exists. Voxels
outside the geobody will contain null values. This feature will facilitate faster volume
rendering in an isolated area of interest.
Control Description
Select Volume This pulldown menu contains all loaded volumes in shared memory. Select
the volume to associate with the geobody.
OK Launches the File Selection Dialog. Enter the name of the new volume and
select OK to save.
Geobody Information
The Geobody Information dialog displays statics relating to the selected geobody.
Control Description
Name The name of the file selected from the Geobodies List.
Size The area the surface occupies in the X/Y plane in World Coordinates, if
Units The World Coordinate units in the X and Y dimensions for the volume the
geobody was picked. If the volume uses inline and crossline values instead of
World Coordinates, n/a will be displayed in the Units field.
Surfaces Object Manager
Surface Information
Surface Colormap
Surface Style
Surface Processing
Surface Contour
Surface Decimation
Surfaces Object Manager
The Surfaces Dialog manages surface grids that are imported or created within
GeoProbe. Surfaces are generally used to represent seismic horizons or faults, but may
be used to represent any surface of interest.
Surfaces List The Surfaces List contains all surfaces in the current GeoProbe session. The number in
parenthesis next to the file name is the decimation factor at the time of surface creation
or loading. A value of 1 means the surface has not been decimated upon loading by
To use the dialog, first select a surface from the list and then click a button. Grayed
buttons are not appropriate for the current selection.
Controls The following table describes the controls and buttons for the Surfaces Object
Control Description
Load Brings up the File Selection Dialog to load a surface from file. If a file is
selected that is not a valid surface, it will not appear in the Surfaces List.
Surfaces have either a *.gvw or *.eds extension.
The File Selection Dialog contains a toggle button to Decimate the surface on
load. Setting this toggle button brings up the Surface Decimation Dialog to set
the decimation factor for newly created or loaded surfaces. This feature is only
available for *.gvw surfaces.
Toggling on Trim to Project will trim the aerial extent of the loaded surface to
the projects extents This feature is only available for *.gvw surfaces.
Save Brings up the File Selection dialog to save the current surface to a file. Surfaces
should have a *.gvw extension to the file you create.
Delete Immediately removes the selected surface from the Surfaces List. Does not ask
are you sure?
Info Brings up the Surface Information Dialog showing attributes of the selected
ezSurface Launches the ezFault/ezSurface Dialog, and changes the Ctrl Pick Mode to
ezFault/ezSurface for creating new *.eds surfaces.
Colormap Brings up the Surface Colormap Dialog to change the color and/or transparency
of the selected surface.
Control Description
Style Brings up the Surface Style Dialog to control the drawing style and resolution of
the selected surface.
Slice Brings up the Surface Slice Dialog to move the selected surface by translation
along the Z axis.
Texture Brings up a File Selection Dialog, where satellite images, aerial photos, etc. can
be selected for display on GeoProbe surfaces.
To Points Converts the selected surface to a pointset. The pointset will be named surface-
To TSurf Converts the active, editable surface to a TSurf. The new TSurf will appear in
the TSurf list with the naming convention of ts_<original surface name>. This
option is only available for *.eds surfaces, this function will be greyed out for
*.gvw surfaces.
Edit Brings up the Edit Orientation dialog. This dialog allows you to choose the
orientation with which you wish to edit your existing ezSurface (.eds).
Process Launches the Surface Merge/Trim dialog. This option is only available when
two editable (.eds) surfaces are selected.
Contour Launches the Surface Contour Dialog. This dialog allows the user to draw
topographic contours on the top of the selected surface.
Light Editor Launches the Surface Light Editor. Using this dialog you can alter the lighting
of the 3D scene using either Directional light or Positional light.
ezFault and ezSurface allow the user to quickly interpret surfaces and faults
accurately in a a fraction of the time currently needed. Neither feature requires good
data quality to make an interpretation. One of the most powerful aspects of ezFault/
ezSurface is that they are multi-z capable. Faults and Surfaces created with ezFault/
ezSurface are stored in their own file managers for ease of data management.
ezFault and ezSurface can be interpreted on both box probes and oblique planes. To
extend an interpreted ezFault/ezSurface outside the bounds of the project volume,
simply use the hotkey <O>, which toggles the Probes ability to move outside of the
volumes boundary. This hotkey is only applicable when first creating the fault or
surface, as upon re-editing the same object, the Probe will automatically be able to
extend past the volume boundary.
Picking on ezFault and ezSurfaces can now be interpreted on oblique, arbitrary planes. Beginning
Oblique Planes with a box Probe, toggle the hotkey <1> to select an arbitrary plane within the Probe.
Interpret the ezFault/ ezSurface on this plane as you would a normal Probe face.
Controls The following table describes the controls and buttons for this dialog.
Controls Description
Name The name of the ezFault/ezSurface being created.
Surface/Fault Allows the user to select whether they want to create a Surface or a Fault.
Toggle These radio buttons tell GeoProbe which file manager to store the surface
Resolution Controls the amount of detail and performance. Course has the least detail,
but optimizes performance; Medium (default) is a good balance between
detail and performance; and Fine his the most detail but may hinder
Interactive Build Toggles on/off building of ezFault/ezSurface when the Probe is moved.
Auto Tracking Toggles on/off the autotracker. Points will track along a set amplitude type
given the set tracking parameters.
Lock End Makes the ends of a fault/surface act as one unit. (Not applicable with
Autotracking is enabled.)
When moving edge Also move neighboring edge points. Keeps the fault/surface smooth and
points free from sharp breaks.
Controls Description
Move All Points When toggled on, the user can move all digitized points on a rib simply by
moving just one of the points using Ctrl-MB1. This functionality is also
available using the hotkey combination of Ctrl+A-MB1.
Handle Edit Mode Handles can be edited in three different modes. The user can choose the one
best suited for any given interpretation by toggling on that option.
Drag - existing handles can be dragged to a new position using Ctrl-MB1.
Clean slate - Only available for the first and last ribs when editing. When
switching from drag to clean slate, the subsequent ribs start with only the
first and last control points with intermediate handles added using Ctrl-
MB1. This method involves less holding and dragging of handles.
Snap - Only available for the first and last ribs when editing. Existing
handles can be snapped to a new location simply by clicking on that
location with Ctrl-MB1.
Sleep Surface/Fault Allows the user to temporarily stop growing a fault/surface while moving
the Probe. The fault/surface becomes active again when the Probe is pushed
back over the fault/surface, by making the control points visible.
Insert Segment Places a new segment behind the presently selected segment.
Flip This option flips the interpretation direction of the fault/surface to the inline
or crossline where you first started interpreting. (F hotkey)
Tracking When Auto Tracking is toggled on, the following options are made available.
Options Description
Minimum/ The amplitude onset that the surface will be digitized on.
Tracking The higher the value, the more accurate the results will be. There is a trade-off
Quality between accuracy and performance
Options Description
Tracking This value sets the number of total pixels to search on either side of the digitized
Window Size point. Basically, how wide do you want the algorithm to search? If the setting is too
small, the auto tracker will miss the surface. If the setting is too big, the
performance will be slower and the auto tracker may jump into another zone. This
value is the total length of the window
Tracking The lower the value, the less you trust the auto tracking algorithm. The higher the
Confidence value, the more you trust the auto tracker. This setting will be dependent on the
quality of the data youre interpreting. For example, in areas with good signal to
noise, and consistent data with good to strong amplitudes, you can set the
confidence to a higher value. However, in areas of poor data quality, you will want
to decrease this number to give less power to the auto tracker.
Surface Information
The Surface Information Dialog displays useful header information from the
GridView file of the selected surface.
Controls Description
Name The name of the file selected from the Surfaces List. You can also change the
surfaces name in this text field.
Nx and Ny
The dimensions of the surface grid.
Dx and Dy
The grid increments of the X and Y values.
Reports the decimation (skip) factor of the GridView file.
Surfaces have three levels of resolution: Fine, Medium or Coarse. These settings
are used internally for quality and speed trade-offs.
Projected X/Y The area the surface occupies in the X/Y plane in World Coordinates, if applicable.
Units The World Coordinate units in the X and Y dimensions for the volume the surface
was picked. If the volume uses inline and crossline values instead of World
Coordinates, n/a will be displayed in the Units field.
Surface Colormap
The Surface Colormap Dialog adjusts the color for the selected surface in the Surfaces
List. This dialog changes after selecting one of the By Solid, By Z, By File, and By
Volume buttons. The default method is By Solid.
Choosing to color the surface By Volume will launch the Volume Colormap.
Control Description
By Solid The surface appears as a solid color with intensity varying by illumination.
The controls and pulldown menus are identical to the Well Log Color
Dialog. By Solid is the default coloring method.
By File The surface color is defined by another surface file, typically created with
the Amplitude Extraction utility. The Amplitude Extraction utility is in the
Utility Launcher in the Surfaces tab under the Surface Manipulation
group. The second surface file contains X/Y locations with the Z-value
typically representing some attribute of the data other than depth. This
allows you to view different sets of attributes on the same structural
After selecting the By File button, a File Selection Dialog appears and asks
to load the second surface file. If the dimensions and space occupied by the
original surface and the second surface file are not exact, an error results
stating the Overlay Failed. After successfully loading the second surface
file, the dialog changes to a style similar to the By Volume Surface
Colormap (below), with the thumb values representing the attribute values
of the second surface file.
By Volume The surface color is defined by the selected volume in the the pulldown list.
The surface gets a copy of the selected volumes colormap, and the surface
colors are determined by the volumes voxel attribute values applied to the
surfaces colormap. This feature is powerful when used in conjunction with
Surface Slice.
After selecting the By Volume button, the Surface Colormap Dialog
changes to a style similar to the Volume Colormap Dialog. Labels for the
colormap thumbs represent volume attribute values. Changes to the surface
colormap do not affect the volume colormap. To use a different volumes
colormap, select the volume in the pulldown list.
Control Description
Close Closes the dialog.
Surface Style
The Surface Style Dialog sets the resolution and level of detail, enables the texture
map, and sets the Draw As and Move As properties of the selected surface.
Control Description
Draw High Res When checked, static surface is viewed at high resolution.
Move Low Res When checked, moving surface appears at low resolution. This is usually
done to increase performance.
Level of Detail Enables and disables various levels of geometric fidelity of the surface
based upon the distance from the viewpoint to the surface.
Use as Boundary Sets the selected surface for use as a boundary when autopicking a pointset.
EDS Fast Mode When toggled on, *.eds Surfaces and Faults will be displayed with only a
linear interpolation between rib locations, as opposed to the normal spline
interpolation. This will speed up the display of these objects when the
scene is moved.
Show Annotation When toggled on, *.eds Surface and Fault names will be displayed in the
objects color at the top-center of the object.
Show Ribs When toggled on, *.eds Surfaces and Faults will display the white "ribs", or
segments, where their picks were made.
Draw As Determines how the surface appears when viewing in a static mode.
Solid - Surface appears as a solid or semi-transparent object.
Points - Surface appears as a collection of points representing the grid
locations used to construct the surface
Wire - Surface appears as a wire frame. Each line segment connects grid
points used to construct the surface.
Boundary - Only the bounding limits of the wire frame are displayed.
Move As Determines how the surface appears when moving. The Move As styles are
exactly the same as the Draw As styles.
Probe Intersection When toggled on, the surface will be displayed only on the faces of the
Options active probe. This intersection line can be colored by clicking on the
Color Editor button, which launches the Intersection Colorwheel. The
width of this line is set using the Width dropdown menu, where you can
select from a size (in voxels) of 1, 2, 3 or 6.
Surface/Fault Slice Control
The Surface/Fault Slice Dialog works on surfaces and faults, allowing translation
along the X, Y and Z axes.
The name of the currently selected surface/fault appears at the top of the dialog.
Control Description
Move Surface Controls X, Y or Z-axis translation by way of the slider bar. The minimum
and maximum values are shown at each end of the bar and the current value
is shown above. The zero value represents the surface in its original
position. Each unit change in value represents one voxel change in the
respective position.
In addition, if you simply click once on the slider bar you can move the
surface up and down in the scene using the left and right arrow keys on your
World Offset This is a read-only field that represents the change in position in volume
World Coordinates (i.e., if the volume has 4ms sampling, each step of the
surface represents 4ms difference in Z-position).
The reverse direction (left) arrow button reverses the slices direction.
Stop Freezes surface/fault movement at the current location and stops the
The forward direction (right) arrow button advances the slices direction.
Update Color Surfaces only. When the surface is colored by a volume, this toggle appears
By Volume on the surface slice dialog. When toggled on, the surfaces amplitude
display will change to reflect its position in the volume.
Control Description
Reset Returns the surface/fault to its original X, Y or Z position in the volume,
depending on the toggled selection.
Reset All Returns the surface/fault to its original position in the volume for all X, Y
and Z.
ezFault/ezSurface Edit Orientation
ezFaults and ezSurfaces (.eds) can be edited in either the direction they were originally
created, or in a new direction as defined by a fixed set of 22 arbitrary planes
configured in GeoProbe.
Control Description
Original Launches the ezFault/ezSurface Options dialog to edit the fault or surface in
the direction in which it was originally built.
Arbitrary Launches the Arbitrary Plane ezFault/ezSurface Edit dialog to edit the fault
on one of 22, set arbitrary planes
Arbitrary Plane ezFault/ezSurface Edit
ezFaults and ezSurfaces (.eds) can be edited in a different direction than which they
were created, using a subset of the 22 arbitrary planes configured in GeoProbe. These
are the same preset planes that are displayed when using the <1> and <Shift + 1>
hotkeys in the main viewer window.
Editing an 1. With an existing fault loaded into the session, use the Fault Colormap dialog to set
Oblique Fault the faults transparency so that you can see through the fault to check the initial
on an Arbitrary interpretation.
2. If the fault was first picked on an amplitude volume, see how well the
interpretation maps along the same fault in the semblance volume.
Do you see areas where the interpretation could be improved upon? Lets edit this
fault using the semblance volume, in a timeslice plane.
3. With the fault highlighted in the Faults List, click Edit from the Faults Object
4. You are now given the option of editing the fault in the original orientation in
which it was created, or in a new, arbitrary direction. Select Arbitrary.
5. The fault is now encompassed in a probe, with the bottom Z plane active. To
toggle through the available options for edit planes within the probe, toggle the
hotkey <1> to move through preset arbitrary planes in a set order, or use the
Forward button on the Arbitrary edit dialog. Using Shift + <1> , or the Reverse
button, will reverse the direction through this order.
6. Once you determine the plane you wish to edit on, move the probes extents so that
the plane falls exactly on the part of the fault that needs to be altered.
7. Using Ctrl-MB1, move an existing rib of the fault along the edit plane to set a new
control point. To remove the control point, simply press Delete on the keypad.
8. In addition to editing the fault plane at existing grid line locations, you can also
insert extra segments if you decide you need more control.
9. From the Arbitrary Plane Edit dialog, click the Insert Segment button. A new
segment has been created at the midpoint between the current segment and the
segment behind it.
10. To insert a segment at a specific point along the fault plane, hold down Ctrl-Q and
click on the plane with MB1. The probe face will snap to that location.
Ctrl-Q +
11. To delete a segment, select the Delete Segment button on the Edit Surface dialog.
12. In addition to moving points and inserting segments, the active segment length can
be dynamically changed using the First Handle and Last Handle thumbwheels.
13. At any point in the editing process, you can change the orientation of the edit
plane, just make sure that the portion of the fault you are attempting to edit is still
encompassed by the probe.
14. Finally, when your editing is complete, select End to exit out of ezFault/ezSurface
edit mode.
Control Description
Toggle Preset There are 22 preset arbitrary planes to choose from when editing the fault or
Arbitrary surface. However, only a subset of these planes are actually used when
Planes creating ezFaults/ezSurfaces. Planes that cross one another are not
Just as hotkeys <1> and <Shift +1> move the plane selection forward and
backwards in this preset list, so do the Forward and Reverse buttons on
this dialog.
Insert Segment Places a new segment behind the selected segment, midway between the
selected segment and the segment behind it. Note that you can also
interactively place a segment anywhere on the fault/surface using the
<CTRL+Q+MB1> hotkey combination
Reset Probe Resizes the active probe to completely encompass the fault/surface.
Draw Controls the amount of detail and performance. Course has the least detail,
Resolution but optimizes performance; Medium (default) is a good balance between
detail and performance; and Fine his the most detail but may hinder
Active Segment Using the thumbwheels for the First Handle and Last Handle, you can
Length interactively lengthen or shorten the active segment length.
Undo Steps back iteratively through all changes made in the editing session.
Surface Processing
GeoProbe offers two ways to process your editable surfaces and faults after editing:
Merge and Trim.
Merge allows you to take two surface segments that are in the same plane, and merge
them into one. This is useful when interpreting en echelon faults.
Map View
Fault A
Fault B
Trim takes a surface and an intersecting surface (antithetic fault) and trims one fault to
the other. This is useful for interpreting branching faults.
Controls The following table describes the controls and buttons for this dialog.
Control Description
Merge - Processing Eds 1 overrides in overlap area. The resulting surface will consist
Options entirely of the first surface/fault in the dialog list, and will contain data
from the second surface only where it does not exist in the same space as
the first surface.
Eds 2 overrides in overlap area. The resulting surface will consist
entirely of the second surface/fault in the dialog list, and will contain data
from the first surface only where it does not exist in the same space as the
second surface.
Trim - Processing Eds 1 will be trimmed. The first surface/fault in the dialog list will be
Options trimmed against the second surface.
Eds 2 will be trimmed. The second fault/surface in the dialog list will be
trimmed against the first surface.
Seal Trim Only available when Trim is selected, this option allows the user to insert
segments to seal one surface against the other.
If two faults are built separately, they may have a differing number of
segments and the segments will probably not line up with each other.
When insert segments to seal is toggled on, segments are inserted into
each fault to ensure that they will match up correctly, with no overlap after
Surface Contour
For additional detail on a surfaces view, the user has the option to turn on surface
contours. These simple line contours, outlining increments of change in the Z
direction, help the user to distinguish features that may not be evident simply by
coloring the surface. Options for setting the bounds and increments of the contour
lines, as well as for optimizing their display, are available in the Surface Contour
Control Description
Surface Min/Max A listing of the minimum and maximum values of the selected surface.
These values are not editable, and will not vary with changes made in this
Contours On/Off
Toggles the contour visibility on the surface on and off.
User-defined minimum and maximum values for the contour lines. The
default values are the min and max of the selected surface. To edit these
values, type in a new value in the text entry field and press Enter.
User-defined interval for displaying contour lines. Either type in a new
value in the text entry field, or move the slider bar with MB1 to find the best
interval for your display. The slider bar will move in increments of 1 when
clicking with MB1 on either side of the slider.
Bold Rate
This value determines the sampling of bold (thick) contours vs. plain
contours. For example, setting this value to 5 would result in every 5th
contour displayed with a heavier line weighting.
Smooth Level
A scalar value ranging from 0 to 10 setting the degree of smoothing applied
to the contour lines. 0 indicates no smoothing applied, while a value of 10
smooths the lines the most. Move the slider bar with MB1 to find the best
degree of smoothing for your data.
Line Width
A scalar value ranging from 1 to 10 setting the width of the contour lines. A
setting of 1 is the thinnest line available, and a setting of 10 is the thickest
line available. Move the slider bar with MB1 to change the contour lines
Control Description
Launches the Set Contour Line Color dialog, where users can change the
color of the displayed contour lines to any solid color. This dialog has
equivalent controls to the Seedpoint Color dialog.
Color By Z
Toggling on Color By Z will color the contour lines by their Z value, using
the Rainbow1.gpc color table.
Launches the Set Contour Text Color dialog, where users can change the
color of the displayed text annotation to any solid color. This dialog has
equivalent controls to the Seedpoint Color dialog.
A scalar value ranging from 5 to 15 setting the size of the annotation text. A
setting of 5 is the smallest text available, and a setting of 15 is the largest
text available. Move the slider bar with MB1 to change the text annotation
Surface Texture Overlay
Draping image data (e.g. satellite images, aerial photos) onto surfaces for display in
GeoProbe is possible by selecting the Texture button in the Surface Manager.
How to overlay 1. Register the image to the surface in a using software such as Erdas or Arc/INFO.
satellite images This process consists of altering the image file so that the corners of the image file
and aerial match the corners of the surface in physical space. Use the GeoProbe utility Export
photos Surface to Assorted Point Formats to export the surface as a generic x,y,z file if
necessary for import of the surface to the image registration application.
2. Convert the image data from its native format to SGIs .rgb format. There are
public-domain (imconv, xv) and SGI-provided (imgworks) tools for doing this.
3. Edit the image to the proper size and orientation. The image must be 4096 pixels
by 4096 pixels in size. Use the SGI command imgworks (Transform -> Stretch
option) to stretch or compress the image Load the surface into GeoProbe. There
are also options in imgworks to flip or rotate the image if necessary.
4. Load the surface into GeoProbe, and press the Texture button on the Surface
Manager to get a file selection dialog that will allow you to select the .rgb file that
resulted from steps 1-3. You should see the image draped on the surface.
Surface Decimation
The Surface Decimation Dialog sets the decimation (skip) factor when loading
GridView (.gvw) surfaces. The decimation factor is set to 1 (no decimation) by
default. Although performance will be improved by using a larger factor, much less
surface detail will be seen. The surface decimation factor appears in parentheses next
to the its name in the Surfaces List. In order to change the decimation factor of a
surface on the surface list, it must be deleted (or saved, in the case of a created surface)
and reloaded to the list.
The Decimate field that appears in the Surface Info Dialog is the skip parameter
defined in the GridView file and is not related to the decimation factor set in this
Control Description
Load Loads the surface with the specified decimation.
Faults Object Manager
Loading Faults
Saving Faults
Surface Processing
Fault Information
Fault Colormap
Fault Style
Faults Object Manager
The Faults Dialog manages fault surface grids that are imported or created within
GeoProbe. Faults are created using the ezFault/ezSurface utility found under the MB3
> Ctrl Pick Mode> ezFault/ezSurface dropdown menu.
When creating faults in SeisWorks mode, you must add the fault to the fault list outside of
GeoProbe. This can be done by editing the ascii fault list stored under the SeisWorks project
directory, or by running SeisWorks. To see the edited fault in your GeoProbe session, you must
then load the updated fault list. This is only applicable when selecting specific fault lists at
GeoProbe startup.
Fault List The Fault List contains all faults in the current GeoProbe session. The number in
parentheses next to the file name is the decimation factor at the time of fault surface
loading. A value of 1 means the fault surface has not been decimated by GeoProbe.
To use this dialog, first select a fault from the list and then click a button. Grayed
buttons are not available for the current selection.
Controls The following table describes the controls and buttons for this dialog.
Control Description
Load Brings up the Fault Load Dialog to load a fault from a file. If a file is selected
that is not a valid fault, it will not appear in the Faults List. Editable Faults
have the extension .eds.
Save Brings up the Fault Save Dialog to save the current fault to a file. Editable
Faults should have a *.eds extension.
Delete Immediately removes the selected fault from the Faults List. Does not ask are
you sure?
Info Brings up the Fault Information Dialog showing attributes of the selected fault.
ezFault Launches the ezFault/ezSurface Dialog, and changes the Ctrl Pick Mode to
ezFault/ezSurface for creating new *.eds faults.
Colormap Brings up the Fault Colormap Dialog to change the color and/or transparency
of the selected fault.
Control Description
Style Brings up the Fault Style Dialog to control the drawing style and resolution of
the selected fault.
Slice Brings up the Surface Slice Dialog to move the selected fault by translation
along the X, Y or Z axes.
Texture Brings up a File Selection Dialog for texture selection. This is only available
for .gvw files.
To Points Converts the selected fault to a pointset. The pointset will be named fault-#.
To TSurf Converts the active, editable surface to a TSurf. The new TSurf will appear in
the TSurf list with the naming convention of ts_<original surface name>. This
option is only available for *.eds surfaces, this function will be greyed out for
*.gvw surfaces.
Edit Brings up the Edit Orientation dialog. This dialog allows you to choose the
orientation with which you wish to edit your existing ezFault (.eds).
Process Launches the Surface Merge/Trim dialog. This option is only available when
two editable (.eds) surfaces are selected.
Loading Faults
For the Load Faults dialog, faults from either SeisWorks or GeoProbe projects can
be loaded into the GeoProbe session, depending on the mode the GeoProbe session
was started in.
When starting in GeoProbe mode, selecting Load from the Faults Object Manager
will launch the File Selection Dialog to load a fault from a file. Multiple fault files
may be selected.
When starting in SeisWorks mode, faults can be loaded from either the SeisWorks
project or from the GeoProbe directory within the SeisWorks projects working
Select Faults The Select Faults List section is a list of all faults in the current path. Toggling on
List SeisWorks will display all the faults available in the faults list that was selected upon
initial project selection. Toggling on GeoProbe will display all the GeoProbe faults
(*.eds) currently stored in the working directory of the SeisWorks project.
The Faults list can either be sorted in Alphabetical order, or in the order with which
they were modified using the Chronological toggle.
To filter the list, simply type in a text string with a wildcard in the text entry field.
Select the Filter button to display only the matching files.
Controls The following table describes the controls and buttons for this dialog when in
SeisWorks mode.
Control Description
Filter A wildcard name contains part of a file name and represents the rest of the name
with a wildcard character (*). For example, the wildcard name of *basin* would
show only files with basin in their names. Click the Filter button and the
Horizons List will contain only files matching the filter text entry.
Refresh Queries the SeisWorks project and refreshes the Faults List. This is especially
useful to retrieve the full Faults List after filtering the displayed faults.
Saving Faults
For the Save Faults dialog, faults can be saved in either SeisWorks or GeoProbe
formats, depending on the mode the GeoProbe session was started in.
When starting in GeoProbe mode, selecting Save from the Faults Object Manager will
launch the File Selection Dialog to save a fault to a file.
When starting in SeisWorks mode, faults can be saved into either SeisWorks or
GeoProbe formats. When saving back to SeisWorks, the fault will be saved into the
selected SeisWorks project. When saving in GeoProbes format, the fault will be
saved into the GeoProbe directory within the SeisWorks projects working directory.
Select Faults The Select Faults List section is a list of all faults in the current path. Toggling on
List SeisWorks will display all the faults currently in the SeisWorks project for the
selected faults list. Toggling on GeoProbe will display all the GeoProbe faults
currently stored in the working directory of the SeisWorks project.
The Faults list can either be sorted in Alphabetical order, or in the order with which
they were modified using the Chronological toggle.
To filter the list, simply type in a text string with a wildcard in the text entry field.
Select the Filter button to display only the matching files.
Controls The following table describes the controls and buttons for this dialog.
Control Description
Save as Enter the desired name of the fault into this text entry field.
OK Saves the fault into either the SeisWorks project or the GeoProbe directory,
depending on the Save Faults toggle option.
Fault Information
The Fault Information Dialog displays useful header information.
Control Description
Name The name of the file selected from the Faults List. This text field also allows
the user to rename the fault.
Resolution Faults have three levels of resolution: Fine, Medium or Coarse. These
settings are used internally for quality and speed trade-offs.
Projected X/Y The area the fault occupies in the X/Y plane in World Coordinates, if
Area applicable.
Units The World Coordinate units in the X and Y dimensions for the volume the
fault was picked. If the volume uses inline and crossline values instead of
World Coordinates, n/a will be displayed in the Units field.
Fault Colormap
The Fault Colormap Dialog allows the user to change the color of the selected fault in
the Faults List. This dialog is equivalent to the Surface Colormap dialog, however
faults can only be colored By Solid, By Z, or By Volume.
Fault Style
The Fault Style Dialog is similar to the Surface Style Dialog.
Control Description
Clip to Probe Limits the selected fault to the Probe.
Use as Boundary Sets the selected fault for use as a boundary when autopicking a pointset.
EDS Fast Mode When toggled on, *.eds Surfaces and Faults will be displayed with only a
linear interpolation between rib locations, as opposed to the normal
spline interpolation. This will speed up the display of these objects when
the scene is moved.
Show Annotation When toggled on, *.eds Surface and Fault names will be displayed in the
objects color at the top-center of the object.
Show Ribs When toggled on, *.eds Surfaces and Faults will display the white "ribs",
or segments, where their picks were made.
Probe Intersection When toggled on, the surface will be displayed only on the faces of the
Options active probe. This intersection line can be colored by clicking on the
Color Editor button, which launches the Intersection Colorwheel. The
width of this line is set using the Width dropdown menu, where you can
select from a size (in voxels) of 1, 2, 3 or 6.
SWFaults Object Manager
Loading SWFaults
SWFaults Object Manager
The SWFaults dialog manages assigned fault segments loaded from OpenWorks.
SWFault List The SWFault List contains all OpenWorks fault segments in the current GeoProbe
Controls The following table describes the controls and buttons for this dialog.
Control Description
Load Brings up the SWFault Load Dialog to load assigned fault segments from an
OpenWorks project.
Delete Immediately removes the selected fault segments from the SWFaults List.
Does not ask are you sure?
Loading SWFaults
For the Load SWFaults dialog, assigned fault segments from SeisWorks projects can
be loaded into the GeoProbe session when the starting in SeisWorks mode.
Select The Select SWFaults List section is a list of all assigned fault segments in the current
SWFaults List faults list that was selected upon initial project selection.
The SWFaults list can either be sorted in Alphabetical order, or in the order with
which they were modified using the Chronological toggle.
To filter the list, simply type in a text string with a wildcard in the text entry field.
Select the Filter button to display only the matching files.
Controls The following table describes the controls and buttons for this dialog when in
SeisWorks mode.
Control Description
OK Loads the selected fault(s).
Filter A wildcard name contains part of a file name and represents the rest of the name
with a wildcard character (*). For example, the wildcard name of *basin* would
show only files with basin in their names. Click the Filter button and the
Horizons List will contain only files matching the filter text entry.
Refresh Queries the SeisWorks project and refreshes the Faults List. This is especially
useful to retrieve the full Faults List after filtering the displayed faults.
TSurfs Object Manager
TSurf Colormap
TSurf Style
TSurf Information
TSurfs Object Manager
For improved gOcad integration, you no longer have to use an external utility to
convert TSurf files for display in GeoProbe. The TSurf Object Manager allows you to
load TSurf files directly into the scene, with the option to alter the objects color and
viewing style.
TSurfs List The TSurfs List contains all TSurfs in the current GeoProbe session. To use the dialog,
first select a TSurf from the list and then click a button. Grayed buttons are not
appropriate for the current selection.
Dialog Controls The following table describes the controls and buttons for the TSurfs Object Manager.
Control Description
Load Brings up the File Selection Dialog to load a TSurf from file. If a file is
selected that is not a valid TSurf, it will not appear in the Surfaces List.
TSurfs have a *.ts or extension and are located in the TSurfs directory.
The File Selection Dialog contains a toggle button to Use World
Coordinates when loading the TSurf. This will ensure that the Tsurf is
placed in its proper location within the volume and project area. See the
discussion on Coordinate Systems for more information on World
gOcad does not enforce a standard Z nomenclature; therefore, data points
can have either positive or negative Z values in a TSurf file. If your TSurf
file contains mainly negative values, you may need to toggle on the Flip Z-
values option to display the file correctly in GeoProbe.
Save Brings up the File Selection dialog to save the current TSurf to a file. TSurfs
should have a *.ts extension to the file you create.
Delete Immediately removes the selected TSurf from the TSurfs List. Does not ask
are you sure?
Colormap Brings up the TSurf Color Dialog to change the color and/or transparency of
the selected TSurf.
Style Brings up the TSurf Style Dialog to control the drawing style and resolution
of the selected TSurf.
Info Brings up the TSurf Information Dialog showing attributes of the selected
TSurf Colormap
The TSurf Colormap Dialog adjusts the color for the selected TSurf in the TSurf List.
This dialog changes after selecting one of the By Solid, By Z, and By Property
buttons. The default method is By Solid.
Control Description
By Solid The TSurf appears as a solid color with intensity varying by illumination. The
controls and pulldown menus are identical to the Well Log Color Dialog. By
Solid is the default coloring method.
By Z The TSurf color is defined by its Z value (time or elevation). Control of the
color is nearly identical to the Volume Colormap Dialog except the color
ramp and thumb values represent the TSurfs Z values.
In addition, the resulting histogram is also color coded. The user can set the
color ranges Min and Max by typing in the desired values. This is useful for
highlighting specific areas of interest on the TSurf, and for coloring multiple
TSurfs with an equivalent color range.
By Property The TSurf color is defined by the selected property in the the pulldown list.
These properties are contained within the TSurf file, defined at the point and
time the TSurf was created. If no properties are available for the selected
TSurf, this option will be greyed out.
Control of the color is nearly identical to the Volume Colormap Dialog
except the color ramp and thumb values represent the TSurfs property
Displaying 1. From the Object Manager, select Objects > TSurfs to bring up the TSurfs
TSurfs With manager.
Associated 2. Click on Load.
3. Select the *.ts files you wish to load, toggle on Use World Coordinates, and click
OK. The TSurf files are now listed in the TSurfs list, and are displayed in the
viewer window.
4. From the TSurfs Object Manager, click Colormap to launch the TSurfs Color
Using the colorwheel and transparency slider, you can adjust the color and opacity
of the selected TSurf. Simply move the small box about the color wheel with
MB1, to interactively change how the TSurf is colored By Solid.
5. Now color the TSurf By Z. A colormap similar to the Surfaces colormap now
Here you have the same options to change the preset colormap. In addition, the
resulting histogram is also color coded.
6. Finally, we can also color TSurfs by properties that were associated with them
upon their creation. When properties are available, they will be listed under the By
Properties pulldown menu. In the example below, we are coloring the TSurf by
its isochore values.
TSurf Style
The TSurf Style Dialog sets the resolution and level of detail of the selected TSurf.
Control Description
Clip to Probe Limits the selected TSurf to the Probe. The TSurf will extend out to 10% of
the size of the active probe.
Draw As Determines how the TSurf appears when viewing in a static mode.
Solid - TSurf appears as a solid or semi-transparent object.
Wire - TSurf appears as a wire frame. Each line segment connects grid
points used to construct the surface.
Triangle - The default setting. The TSurf is displayed as a Solid object,
with the Wire frame as an overlay.
Move As Determines how the TSurf appears when moving. The Move As styles are
exactly the same as the Draw As styles.
Probe Intersection When toggled on, the surface will be displayed only on the faces of the
Options active probe. This intersection line can be colored by clicking on the
Color Editor button, which launches the Intersection Colorwheel. The
width of this line is set using the Width dropdown menu, where you can
select from a size (in voxels) of 1, 2, 3 or 6.
TSurf Information
The TSurf Information Dialog displays useful header information from the header file
of the selected TSurf.
Controls Description
Name The name of the file selected from the TSurfs List. You can also change the
TSurfs name in this text field.
Number of The number of triangles used to construct the TSurf. These triangles can have
Triangles varying areas associated with them.
Projected X/Y The area the TSurf occupies in the X/Y plane in World Coordinates, if applicable.
Units The World Coordinate units in the X and Y dimensions for the volume the TSurf
was picked. If the volume uses inline and crossline values instead of World
Coordinates, n/a will be displayed in the Units field.
Shapes Object Manager
Moving a Shape
Shapes Object Manager
Shape files are used by GeoProbe to display cultural and location information such as
lease block outlines, roads, scale bars and north arrows. Shape files are in Inventor
(*.iv) file format. They can be converted from GoCad T-Surf, GridView, or Landmark
culture file format using programs in the Utilities Launcher. North arrows can also be
created using the Create North Arrow utility.
Shapes can be translated along the X, Y, or (most commonly) the Z axis. They cannot
be scaled.
Shapes List The Shapes List contains the shapes in the current GeoProbe session. To use the
dialog, select a shape from the list and then click a button.
Controls The following table describes the controls and buttons for this dialog.
Control Description
Load Brings up the File Selection Dialog to load a shape from a file.
Delete Immediately removes the selected shape from the Shapes List. Does not ask
are you sure?
Move Brings up the Shape Shifter Dialog to translate the surface along any axis.
Moving a Shape
The Shape Shifter Dialog controls the position of Shape objects in the viewer window
relative to an arbitrary scale. Shapes can be moved in the X, Y or Z direction by
moving the respective slider handle, or clicking with MB1 in the slider bar.
Although Shape files can be placed precisely, they are usually moved only for visual
effect. The most common operation is to drop cultural features such as block outlines
or leases down into the volume so they may be viewed.
To restore the shape to its original location, press the Reset button.
Views Object Manager
Add View
View Type
Views Object Manager
The Views Dialog manages predefined and saved viewpoints.
Views List The Views List shows predefined and user defined views. Selecting an entry from the
list will move the viewing perspective to the view's definition. View definitions are
dynamic, so that an active view's definition changes as soon as the user rotates, moves,
or zooms in the View Mode.
By default, eight preset views will already be in the list, as described in the following
table. The five Axes views and the Map View can only be panned and zoomed, they
do not rotate. To go to one of these views that you can rotate out of... use the F# keys..
View Description
User-defined The default view.
-Z Axis A top down view. This looks down the z axis from above.
Map View Similar to the -Z Axis view, this top down view will always orient the scene
so that North is pointing upwards.
Controls The following table describes the controls and buttons for this dialog.
Control Description
Add Creates a new view with the current viewing perspective. Brings up the Add
View Dialog to ask for the name.
Load Brings up the File Selection Dialog to load a view definition from a file. The
filter is set to *.cam by default.
Save Brings up the File Selection Dialog to save the view definition to a file. The file
extension *.cam is suggested.
Delete Immediately deletes the selected view from the Views List. Does not ask are
you sure? The preset views may be deleted.
Add View
The Add View Dialog asks for the name of a new view to create in memory and add to
the Views List. The current viewing perspective defines the new view.
Controls Description
View A text entry field for entering the name for the new view.
Create Creates the new view in memory with the current view. Use the Save button on
the Views Dialog to save to a file.
View Type
The View Type icon allows you to alternate between two types of views: Perspective
and Orthographic These view types use different methods of projecting the contents
of GeoProbe onto the scene.
Perspective This view type exaggerates the depth of the 3D scene by making the data nearest to the
viewer more prominent than the data toward the back of the scene. Objects near the
viewer are uniformly exaggerated as they near the viewer. Objects in the background
are uniformly diminished. Their degree of exaggeration is 45.
Orthographic This view type provides equal emphasis to all the data in the scene. Objects are
projected onto the screen with parallel lines that are perpendicular to the screen
surface. The resulting image is not as realistic as the perspective projection. The tops
and sides of the scene seem to be tilted toward the screen at a distorted angle.
The orthographic projection is useful for examining data in detail. It allows you to
interpret faults and horizons without concern for the loss of detail that might occur
toward the rear of the scene if you were interpreting with the perspective view type
Seed Points
Seed Points Object Manager
Multi-Object Colorwheel
Seed Points Object Manager
The Seed Points Object Manager manages saved seed points that are imported or
created within GeoProbe. Seed points are used as starting points for Autopicking and
ezTracker, and can also be used as markers or flags. Currently, only one seed point can
be viewed at a time.
Seed Point List The Seed Point List contains all seed points in the current GeoProbe session. To use
the dialog, first select a seed point from the list and then click a button. Grayed buttons
are not appropriate for the current selection.
Controls The following table describes the controls and buttons for this dialog.
Control Description
Load Brings up the File Selection Dialog to load a seed point from file. If a file is
selected that is not a valid seed point, it will not appear in the Seed Point
List. Seed points have a *.seed extension.
Save Brings up the File Selection dialog to save the current seed point to a file.
Seed points should have a *.seed extension.
Delete Immediately removes the selected seed point from the Seed Points List.
Does not ask are you sure? The seed point will still remain in the viewer
window until a new one is selected from the seed point list.
Add Brings up the Add Seed Point Dialog to add the seed point that is currently
on the Probe to the list.
Scale Brings up a slider to adjust the size of the selected seed point.
Color Brings up the Seed Point Color Dialog to change the color and/or
transparency of the selected seed point.
Info Brings up the Seed Point Information Dialog showing attributes of the
selected seed point.
New Seed Point
The New Seed Point Dialog allows the user to add a new seed point to the Seed Point
List. This dialog can be launched either from the Seed Points dialog, or from the
AutoPick dialog.
Control Description
Name The name of the new seed point.
OK Accepts the settings, adds the seed point, and closes the dialog box
Seed Point Scale
The Seed Point Scale Dialog allows the user to change the size of the selected seed
point in the Seed Point List dynamically, by moving the slider bar from left to right.
The slider ranges from 0.25 to 40.
Seed Points can also by scaled using the Page Up and Page Down keys on the
keyboard for larger and smaller seed points, respectively.
Seed Point Information
The Seed Point Information Dialog displays useful information about the selected seed
Control Description
Name Name of the seed point selected in the Seed Points List. The seedpoint can also be
renamed by typing in a new name in this dialog.
Autopick What the connectivity was set to, which volume(s), and what logical operation
Info (none, and, or) were used in the Autopicker Dialog for that seed point.
Multi-Object Colorwheel
Multiple instances in GeoProbe require the use of the Multi-Object Colorwheel. In
each case, the color will be applied to the highlighted object.
Control Description
Color The left color box displays the last selected color, which is the color on the
Boxes display.
The right color box acts as memory in a calculator. It remembers the last color
you assigned to it. Assignment is made by the right arrow and swap arrow.
You can recall the color to the left color box using the left arrow or swap
Arrow The left arrow copies the color in the right color box to the left color box and
Keys updates the display.
The swap arrow exchanges the color values of the right and left color boxes
and updates the display.
The right arrow copies the color in the left color box to the right color box
and stores it in memory.
Color Left click or drag the small square to control the color displayed in the left
Wheel color box.
Slider Bar Drag thumb to set the hue of the color displayed in left color box and assign it
to the object.
Edit Menu The following table details the contents of the Edit Menu.
Manual Adds the Accept button to the dialog. Color changes are seen in the left
color box but will not be assigned to the object until the Accept button is
WYSIWYG Checking this box changes the relationship between the colors in the slider
bars, the color wheel, and the left color box. The colors represented in the
color wheel, the left color box, and all slider bar thumbs are the same.
Changing any of the thumbs or the position on the color wheel changes all
elements to the same color, WYSIWYG means What You See Is What
You Get.
Sliders Menu The Sliders Menu provides a variety of ways to mix colors. Each entry is a radio
button, and electing an entry changes the controls in the dialog.
None There are no mixing slider bars in this mode. Use the color wheel to pick
colors. This is the default mode.
Value A single slider bar for color value (intensity) appears. Use the color wheel to
set the color (hue and saturation), then adjust the V slider bar for the intensity.
RGB Three slider bars appear in the dialog for adjusting the (R)ed, (G)reen, and
(B)lue color model components. Use the color wheel or the slider bars to set
the color.
HSV Three slider bars appear in the dialog for adjusting the (H)ue, (S)aturation, and
(V)alue (intensity) color model components. Use the color wheel or the slider
bars to set the color.
RGB V Four slider bars appear in the dialog for adjusting the (R)ed, (G)reen, (B)lue,
and (V)alue (intensity) color model components. Use the color wheel or the
slider bars to set the color. Notice that the Value slider bar limits the intensity
of the RGB components. Changes in one slider bar may effect the other slider
RGB HSV Six slider bars appear in the dialog allowing you to use either the HSV or RGB
color models. Use the color wheel or the slider bars to set the color. Changes in
one slider bar may effect the other slider bars.
2D Data
2D Data Object Manager
2D Data Colormap
2D Data Range
2D Data Style
2D Data List The 2D Data List shows all the 2D data lines currently attached to this session of
GeoProbe. To load a 2D line from a file, use the Load button. Multiple lines can be
loaded into GeoProbe at one time.
Trim/Decimate When loading a 2D seismic line, you can trim and decimate it by selecting the Trim/
on Load Decimate toggle button on the File Selection Dialog.
Controls The following table describes the controls and buttons for this dialog.
Control Description
Load Brings up a File Selection Dialog to load one or more 2D lines (*.2dd) into the
GeoProbe session. SEG-Y seismic data can be converted to GeoProbes 2D data
format using the Utilities Launcher.
Note: Changing the Trim/Decimate toggle button will deselect all 2D Data List
entries. When Trim/Decimate is On, only one entry in the 2D Data List and one
line may be loaded at a time. When Trim/Decimate is Off, multiple lines may be
selected and loaded.
Note: If using in conjunction with 3D volumes, the 3D volumes must be loaded
before the 2D data to set the correct project coordinates.
Delete Immediately deletes the 2D line from the current GeoProbe session. Does not ask
are you sure?
Annotation Brings up the 2D Data Annotation Dialog to turn axis labels on or off, and set the
level of display detail.
Shift Brings up the 2D Data Shift Control Dialog to apply a bulk shift to the data.
Info Brings up the 2D Data Info Dialog, displaying information about the individual line.
Colormap Brings up a 2D Colormap Dialog to change color hues representing the voxels. This
dialog is identical to the Volume Colormap Dialog.
Range Brings up the 2D Data Range Dialog to set the data range.
Style Brings up the 2D Data Style Dialog to set the display properties of the 2D lines.
Limit Brings up the 2D Data Limit Control Dialog allowing the user to limit the display
extents of each line.
2D Data Annotation Dialog
The 2D Data Annotation Dialog turns the 2D seismic line axes annotation visibility on
and off as well as allowing the user to set the level of detail displayed.
Control Description
Annotation Off - Toggles off all annotation and tick marks.
On - Toggles on all annotation and tick marks.
Min/Max Only - Turns on minimum and maximum values and tick marks.
Annotation Low - Tick marks occur every 10 voxels and labels occur every 50 voxels.
Medium - Tick marks occur every 5 voxels and labels occur every 20 voxels.
High - Tick marks occur every 2 voxels and labels occur every 10 voxels.
2D Data Shift Control Dialog
The 2D Data Shift Control Dialog contains controls to shift the 2D seismic line by a
bulk amount using either the thumbwheel or by entering a set shift in voxels. Neither
of these controls changes the line on disk.
Control Description
Shift 2D Data Moving the thumbwheel up and down will bulk shift the seismic line in the
Z direction.
Shift in A specific value can be entered into this text field to shift the section by an
Milliseconds entered number of milliseconds.
2D Data Info Dialog
The 2D Data Information Dialog displays information about the line, including the
number of traces, how and when it was created and last modified, as well as the size in
project coordinates. There is also an option to toggle on a histogram showing the
distribution of voxels by data value.
2D Data Colormap
The 2D colormap dialog assigns colors to ranges of data. Each 2D line can be assigned
its own colormap.
2D Data Range
The 2D Data Range Dialog is used to map the data values of a 2D line to a different
range of values on the display. The original data values are not changed.
The top entry is the original data range (prior to importing as an 8-bit GeoProbe
volume). The second choice is the original data range scaled to values of 0 to 255. The
third choice (the default) is the original data range scaled to values of -128 to 127. The
fourth choice allows the user to specify a non 8-bit range of data in the Min and Max
fields. This can be useful if, for example, a geostatistical volume is loaded and you
desire to compose colormaps based on the actual percentages (range from 0 to 100).
Control Description
(original values) Scales the working data range to the actual lines data range (in the example
above, -127 to 127).
-128 to 127 Scales the working data range from -128 to 127 (default).
User Specified Uses the Min and Max values specified by the user.
Apply Accepts the range and applies it to the currently selected line.
2D Data Style
The 2D Data Style Dialog sets properties of the selected 2D line. If the controls are
inactive (grayed-out), make sure a line is selected.
Control Description
Smooth Smoothing interpolates edges of voxels as seen on the 2D section. With
smoothing off, you can see the individual voxels. Smoothing is a display
attribute and does not modify the data.
Force Move and Force Move As and Draw As choices to be the same. To do this one choice
Draw Style to must be changed after this checkbox is selected.
Draw As 2D lines have the following styles when static and can be controlled by the
colormap and Transparency Editor.
Opaque - The 2D line is visible and displays the full assigned data range.
Opaque lines are unaffected by transparency.
Transparent - All lines are visible and display the assigned volume data
range as defined by the transparency editor in the Volume Colormap Dialog.
The transparency can range from 0 to 100%.
Move As 2D lines have styles when dynamic (when moving) and can be controlled by
the colormap and Transparency Editor. The Move As settings are identical to
the Draw As settings described above.
2D Data Limit Control
To improve performance, if your 2D lines extend far beyond the reaches of the 3D
volume, you may want to limit the amount of data displayed in the session.
Control Description
Shotpoint To limit the extent of the traces displayed, slide the slider bars to the left and
Number right, or enter the exact shot point limits in the text boxes.
Time/Depth (in To limit the time or depth of the line, slide the slider bars to the left and right,
Voxels) or enter the exact Z value dimensions in the text boxes.
2D Data Trim/Decimate Dialog
Subsets of data can be loaded in GeoProbe or 2D lines may be decimated in the Trace
or Z dimensions. This is useful if one wants to view only a portion of a line or if a
smaller line is desired to speed up system performance. In the File Selection Dialog for
Load 2D Data, if the Trim/Decimate option is on, this dialog comes up before loading
the volume file.
The 2D Data field at the top of the dialog is the volume filename being loaded.
The text entry fields allow you to change the range (trim) or loading increment
(decimate) for either trace number or Z. The original volume file settings are seen
above the text entry fields.
To change a text entry field, select it with the mouse, type the new value, and click on
another field or press the Tab key. If you enter a value outside the range, an error
dialog appears. A similar error will occur if an incorrect loading increment is entered.
In setting the decimation, smaller numbers do less decimation and require more
memory than larger numbers.
Edited Size The Edited Size is the size the 2D line would occupy in shared memory. This field
changes when the ranges or load increments change.
Controls The following table describes the controls and buttons for this dialog.
Control Description
Load Accepts the trim and decimation parameters and loads the data into shared
Reset Resets the Trace and Z minimum, maximum, and load increment field
values to their original values. This is useful if an incorrect value was
entered in one of the fields.
GeoAnomaly Manager
Processing GeoAnomalies
GeoAnomalies Style
GeoAnomalies will not be performant on older SGI and SUN workstations that do
not support the newer graphics hardware extensions.
When a state file is saved, all of the GeoAnomalies (*.agr) included will be
duplicated in a file called <statename>.agr. For example, a session with five 1 MB
geoanomaly .agr files saved as a state will create a 5 MB combined file, which is
loaded when the state is restored.
GeoAnomalies Style - The GeoAnomalies Style tab allows you to change the
display attributes of the current GeoAnomaly Group.
Anomaly Table - Once a GeoAnomaly Group has been created using the
Processing tab, detailed information on how the Group was created, and the
resulting anomaly bodies is categorized in the GeoAnomalies Anomaly Table.
Main Menu The following table lists the controls and functions of the GeoAnomalies Object
Manager main menu.
Control Description
File Open
Opens an existing GeoAnomaly Group (*.agr) using the File Selection Dialog.
Save Group
Brings up a File Selection Dialog to save the selected GeoAnomaly Group to a .agr file.
Save All
Brings up a File Selection Dialog to save all GeoAnomaly Groups in the session to .agr
Export to Spreadsheet
Brings up a File Selection Dialog to save the selected Groups anomaly table to a tab
delimited text file (*.txt). See the discussion about Anomaly Tables for information on
what data is passed to this file.
Exits the GeoAnomaly Object Manager without saving any data to disk.
Edit All options listed in the Edit pulldown are only applicable to the Anomaly Table, and are
described in detail in the GeoAnomalies Anomaly Table > Edit Menu section.
Commands Once a GeoAnomaly Group has been created, the following commands become active for
the session. These commands can be selected from the pulldown menu, or simply by using
the hotkey combinations as described below. For more information, see the description on
the Anomaly Table.
Control Description
Help Whats This?
When selected, the cursor will change to a ? symbol allowing you to click on any section
of the dialog for a pop-up help dialog describing the feature.
Launches the online help module for GeoAnomalies.
Icons The following table lists the controls and functions of the icons found directly below
the GeoAnomalies Object Manager main menu.
Icon Description
Brings up the Processing section to create a new GeoAnomaly Group.
Opens an existing GeoAnomaly Group (*.agr) using the File Selection Dialog.
Save Group
Brings up a File Selection Dialog to save the selected GeoAnomaly Group to a .agr file.
Center on GeoAnomaly
Centers the active anomaly body in the 3D viewer window.
Whats This?
When selected, the cursor will change to a ? symbol allowing you to click on any section
of the dialog for a pop-up help dialog describing the feature.
Creating GeoAnomalies
The following workflow describes just a few of the options available when creating
GeoAnomalies. For more information on each specific processing option, see the
Processing GeoAnomalies section.
Getting Started
1. With at least one volume loaded into the GeoProbe session, select Objects >
GeoAnomalies to launch the GeoAnomaly Manager. (You can also click on the
icon along the left edge of the main GeoProbe window.
2. Choose the volume you wish to extract anomaly bodies on from the Current
Volume pull-down menu.
3. Currently, the anomalies will only be extracted from the region defined by the
active Probe. To perform this extraction over the entire volume, toggle on Use
Entire Volume.
4. Now we need to set a search range for processing the volume. This range
determines what voxels will be used to create the extracted bodies. Lets pick our
range based on the selected volumes colormap. Toggle on Opacity Curve.
5. In the Opacity Editor of the colormap, draw an opacity curve that will include only
the higher positive amplitudes.
6. Now specify the minimum and maximum anomaly size limits in voxels. Type in
10000 for the Min limit.
7. Click Create to generate our first pass GeoAnomalies. The extracted bodies are
now displayed in the 3D viewer window.
When depressing MB1 or MB1+MB2 in the main window while drawing GeoAnomalies,
the scene will flash. This is expected behavior, as it indicates to the program to stop the
process underway. This allows the user to interrupt the rendering at any point.
1. To review the extracted bodies in table form, click on the Anomaly Table tab on
the GeoAnomaly Manager window.
2. Each body within our anomaly Group is listed in numeric form, and all are
currently highlighted and visible. There are far too many bodies currently in the
viewer for us to be able to discern one from another, so click on the icon to
deselect the bodies.
3. Now in the 3D viewer window, use the [Ctrl + . ] and [Ctrl + , ] keys to page
through each individual anomaly body.
4. When you see an anomaly of interest (in the example above were looking for
channel features), you can increase the Rating of the visible anomaly using the
[Ctrl + Shift + >] and [Ctrl + Shift + <] keys. These ratings, or rankings, can
range from a scale of 0 to 5, with 5 being those bodies of highest interest.
5. Page through the remainder of the anomalies, ranking the bodies of interest, until
you reach the end of the anomaly table.
6. On the Anomaly Table, click on the Rating column heading twice to sort the
anomalies based on which bodies held the most interest.
7. Highlight the anomalies with a rating greater than 2, and Lock in their visibility by
clicking the icon.
8. You are now displaying only those anomalies of interest in the 3D viewer.
Advanced Processing
Now that we have our bodies of interest highlighted, we can apply a set of Advanced
Processing options to overlay more information on the anomalies.
1. Click on the Processing tab, and this time toggle on Advanced Settings.
2. In this example, we changed the Attribute Volume to a sweetness volume, and set
the Attribute Filter to Color by Thickness.
3. Extract Visible Anomalies Only. This will save time by only processing the
anomalies weve already determined are bodies of interest.
4. Click Create.
5. On the Anomaly Table, toggle off Enable for the first Group we created, expand
the Group list for the second group and change the Color By option to Attribute.
6. The anomaly bodies are now displaying the sweetness thickness on the surfaces
of the GeoAnomalies.
1. To save your GeoAnomaly Group, highlight it in the Anomaly Tables Group list
and select File > Save, or click on the icon. Your Group will be saved with
an *.agr extension.
2. To export the table data into a spreadsheet-ready text file, select File > Export to
Extracting Although not an explicit option in the GeoAnomalies process, there is an available
GeoAnomalies workaround for extracting GeoAnomalies between two horizons.
Between Two
Horizons 1. Using the To Surface option on the Horizons Object Manager, convert your two
horizons to surfaces.
4. With the resulting GeoBody highlighted in the GeoBodies Object Manager, click
6. Name and save the new volume that contains data only where the geobody was
located. You can now run GeoAnomalies on this volume only.
Processing GeoAnomalies
The GeoAnomalies Processing tab controls how anomaly bodies are extracted from a
volume. In addition, using the Advanced Settings options you can further constrain
the extraction and its display using Cell Attribute Filters, other volumes loaded into
the project, and other GeoAnomaly Groups that were previously created.
The following table lists the controls and functions of the GeoAnomalies Processing
dialog. Grayed out options are not appropriate for the current processing settings.
Control Description
Current From the pulldown list of all attached volumes, select the specific volume from
Volume which you wish to extract anomaly bodies.
By default the extents, or region, of the volume to process is determined by the
currently selected Probe. Toggle on Use Entire Volume to process the entire
volume project area.
Search Range Select an attribute range for processing the volume. This range determines what
voxels will be used to create the GeoAnomaly bodies, and all extracted bodies will
contain values within this range.
Determines the attribute range by setting the bounds for the minimum and
maximum attributes to extract the bodies. You may either type in the desired
values, or use the slider bars.
Please note that if you enter a value for Max that is less than the value set for Min,
the Max value will revert to the default setting.
Opacity Curve
When selected, the Volume Colormap will be displayed. Using the Draw Opacity
option, you can create a step function to set the bounds for the extraction. Values
set using this editor that are less than 50% will not be considered for the extraction,
while values greater than 50% will be considered.
Anomaly ID
Determines the attribute range by setting the exact Anomaly ID to extract the
bodies. You may either type in the desired value, or use the slider bar. This option
is only applicable on volumes that have been specifically processed to contain IDs,
such as an FFA created volume where a salt body would be given its own ID.
Control Description
Anomaly Size Specify the minimum and maximum size of the extracted GeoAnomaly in voxels.
Limits The resulting bodies can neither be smaller nor larger than the values you set.
(# Voxels)
When the Max toggle button is enabled, bodies are only limited by the minimum
size setting. This is the default option.
NOTE: GeoAnomaly groups are stored in shared memory. On machines with
limited memory, such as 32-bit Linux workstations, you may receive an error if
your anomaly size is too large for the available shared memory. In this case, you
may want to limit the area processed by defining the selected Probe size, confine
the Attribute Range, or limit the Anomaly Size range.
Create Creates a new GeoAnomaly Group with the current processing settings. This
Group will be named Group - ####. The GeoAnomaly bodies will be displayed
in the main GeoProbe window, as well as listed in the Anomaly Table.
Overwrite Creates a GeoAnomaly Group with the current processing settings by overwriting
an existing Group.
Control Description
Connectivity Determines the direction from an original cell that GeoProbe will search for
applicable GeoAnomaly cells. For a more detailed description, see the Connectivity
discussion below.
In 6-way connectivity, all anomaly cells are connected by at least one face to the
neighboring cells. The resulting display will be relatively smooth.
In 26-way connectivity, all anomaly cells are connected by at least one vertex to the
neighboring cells. This will not display as smoothly, but may be necessary to
extract the anomalies correctly depending on your data quality.
Proximity This option allows you to expand the search for anomaly cells in both the horizontal
and vertical directions. For example, when vertical proximity is set to 3, the
application will search up to 3 voxels above and below the original cell for
Control Description
Extraction There are two methods for extracting anomalies from the selected volume:
Seed Point - Creates anomalies based on connectivity to the current seed point.
Visible Anomalies Only - Processes only the visible anomaly bodies as set in the
Anomaly Table. This is often used to reduce processing extents and focus on
desired anomalies only. In addition, this feature can be used to delete anomalies
from a selected group, by selecting only the anomalies of interest and overwriting
the group with the results of the new processing step.
To improve performance of the anomaly extraction, you can toggle on Skin Voxels
Only. This will extract only the voxels occurring on the skin, or surface, of the
GeoAnomaly body. Will not extract those cells on the inside of the body.
Color By From the pulldown list of all attached volumes, you can select a separate volume to
Attribute: extract data from to display on the original volumes GeoAnomaly cells.
Control Description
Color By Volume (Intersection)
Each cell attribute corresponds to the attribute found in the volume used for
extracting the anomalies (the Color By Attribute: Volume).
Minimum Projection
Each attribute corresponds to the minimum attribute found in the Z vertical
direction and will be mapped to the surface, or skin, of the anomaly. This allows
you to easily visualize and understand the distribution of the minimum attributes
values within the body.
Maximum Projection
Each attribute corresponds to the maximum attribute found in the Z vertical
direction and will be mapped to the surface, or skin, of the anomaly. This allows
you to easily visualize and understand the distribution of the maximum attributes
values within the body.
Color by Anomaly Z
Colors each anomaly by mapping the current volumes colormap to each anomalys
minimum and maximum extents. Lowest regions of each anomaly will be mapped
to lower areas of the colormap, and higher regions of each anomaly will be mapped
to higher areas of the colormap.
Color by Group Z
Colors each anomaly by mapping the current volumes colormap to the groups
minimum and maximum extents. Deeply located anomalies will be mapped to
lower areas of the colormap, and shallow anomalies will be mapped to higher areas
of the colormap.
Color by Thickness
Colors the surface of each anomaly with thickness values mapped to the current
volumes colormap. For each anomaly, the thickest part of the anomaly will be
mapped to the highest values in the colormap and the thinnest parts on an anomaly
will be mapped to the lowest value in the colormap. This provides a relative
thickness display for each individual anomaly.
Control Description
Boolean None
The default setting. The Color By Attribute: Filter will be the only process
Attribute data is extracted from another volume and displayed on the anomaly
bodies. When toggled on, you will be prompted to select a second volume from a
pulldown menu listing all attached volumes in the session. In addition, setting a
second minimum and maximum range will further limit the cells on the extracted
When toggled on, a previously created Group selected from the pulldown menu can
be used to limit and filter the cells on the extracted bodies.
Intersection: Volume (A) & Group (B) - Only cells that are common between the
result of the processing parameters and the selected group will be extracted. For
example, this method can be used to calculate a group of anomalies that contain
both high amplitudes, and high velocities.
Difference: Volume (A) not Group (B) - Only cells that exist in the resulting
GeoAnomaly bodies and not in the selected group will be extracted. For example,
this option is useful when displaying differences in two 4D volumes.
Union: Volume (A) or Group (B) - The result of the processing parameters will
be joined with the selected group, and all redundancies will be eliminated. Useful
when joining overlapping surveys.
There are two options to choose from to determine what directions GeoProbe will
search from a cell, 6-way or 26-way connectivity.
Geoprobe uses 6-way connectivity as a default, which searches the six line/trace/z
directions orthogonal to the cell and is the more constrained option of the two. 26-way
connectivity looks at all possible neighboring values.
GeoAnomalies Style
The GeoAnomalies Style tab allows you to change the display attributes of the
current GeoAnomaly Group.
Control Description
Color By Volume - When a volume is selected from the pull down menu, the attributes from
Attribute that volume will be copied into the anomalies using the anomaly cells as a template.
(Post When Apply to Visible Anomalies Only is toggled on, only the visible anomalies
Processing) from that group will be processed. This helps in performance and provides control on
where to load the attribute data.
Render Using the slider bar, set the resolution that GeoProbe will display a static (non-
Quality moving) GeoAnomaly. Depending on the data, sometimes there are artifacts at certain
resolutions, and you can use this option to improve the display. Be aware that there is
a trade-off between resolution and system performance.
Lighting Lights On
The default setting. Shades the anomaly bodies based on a light source directed from
the users viewpoint. This is useful to define variations on the anomalys surface.
Lights Off
Removes all apparent shading from the anomaly bodies. Cells will be drawn with a
uniform color. This is useful and recommended when coloring the bodies by attribute
values, so that the attribute value color will exactly match the attribute volumes
Invert Direction
Shades the anomaly bodies based on a light source directed from the users viewpoint,
yet inverts the shading color table. Areas that would normally appear lighter are now
dark, and vice versa.
GeoAnomalies Anomaly Table
Once a GeoAnomaly Group has been created using the Processing tab, detailed
information on how the Group was created, and the resulting anomaly bodies is
categorized in the GeoAnomalies Anomaly Table. This dialog consists of three
Edit Menu & The following table lists and describes the icons and options for editing within the
Icons Anomaly Table.
Option Description
Select All Selects and makes visible all objects in the table.
Invert Selection Inverts the current table selection. All objects not previously selected,
are now highlighted and vice versa.
Lock Visible Locked objects will always be visible in the 3D scene regardless of
whether or not their row is highlighted.
Unlock Visible Unlocked objects will only become visible when their row is highlighted.
Selected .Converts each selected anomaly into its own pointset. These pointsets
Anomalies to will appear in the Points List using the same naming convention as the
Multiple Pointsets anomaly.
Selected Converts all selected anomalies automatically into a single pointset, and
Anomalies to a will launch the Geobody Builder dialog to create a single geobody.
Single Geobody
and Pointset
To Points Converts the selected body to a GeoProbe Pointset. The pointset is now listed in
the Points Object Manager.
Groups List The left side of the Anomaly Table dialog contains the Object Managers Groups list.
This list contains all groups that have been either loaded into or created in the current
session of GeoProbe. These Groups are listed in a tree structure, that allows you to
expand (+) or collapse (-) each Group for information on how they were created, and
how they are currently being displayed.
To select a group, simply click on it with MB1. To select a group and make it visible
at the same time, click on it with MB3.
The following table lists and describes the options available to each Group listed in the
Groups list.
Option Description
Enable When checked, all anomaly bodies that are marked as Visible within the Group
are visible in the 3D viewer. When this option is not checked, bodies in a Group
will not be displayed, even if they are marked as visible within the anomaly table.
You can also page through all available groups one at a time using the [Ctrl
+Shift + ?] hotkey while working in the 3D viewer window.
Color By You can dynamically change how anomaly bodies within a Group are colored by
toggling on one of the following three options. In addition, while working in the
3D viewer window you can change the Color By option by pressing the [Ctrl + /}
hotkey on the keyboard.
Attribute - Anomaly bodies will be colored by the attribute volumes colormap.
Connectivity - Each anomaly body within a group has its own solid color as
determined by a randomly generated colormap.
Group - Anomalies in each Group will be assigned a single color value based on a
randomly generated colormap.
Color By Lists the attribute volume used to process the current GeoAnomaly Group. For
Attribute: more information on Cell Attribute Volumes, see the Advanced Processing
Volume Settings discussion.
Color By Lists the attribute filter used to process the current GeoAnomaly Group. For more
Attribute: information on Cell Attribute Filters, see the Advanced Processing Settings
Filter discussion.
Group You have the ability to store a text comment for each anomaly Group. Click on
Comment the comment field once with MB1 to highlight it, then click it once again. You
will now be able to edit the text in a text entry field. Type in the desired comment,
then click Enter on your keyboard. The comment is now saved and displayed in
the Groups list.
Anomaly The following table lists and describes the columns of the anomaly bodies table. Each
Bodies Table column is sortable by simply clicking on the column heading. .
We recommend that you correlate these Area and Volume values with
the survey information to confirm that the values in the volume headers
are correct.
Column Description
Name The name of the individual anomaly body. By default, the bodies are given
number IDs. To rename an anomaly body, double-click on this text field with
MB1 and type in the new name.
Visible If the table row is selected, the body is automatically made visible in the 3D viewer
window. This anomaly will disappear from view once another row is selected.
Toggling on the visible key will make the anomaly permanently visible in the
In addition, you can page through all the anomalies within one group while
viewing them in the 3D viewer window by using the < and > hotkeys. NOTE:
Holding down the shift key while pressing these keyboard keys is NOT required.
Visible Voxels The number of voxel cells used to display the "skin" of the anomalies. To see the
number of voxels used to completely define the body, see the # Voxels column.
Area The projected area of an anomaly in acres if the project units are in feet, and square
kilometers if the units are in meters
Color The current color of the anomaly body if the color mode is by connectivity; or the
group color if the color mode is by group.
Click on the color box to launch a color editor for dynamically changing the color
of the anomaly body. You can either click on a Basic Color and then click Apply,
or create a new color using the color and intensity selections. When doing the
latter, make sure to click Add to Custom Colors or your created color will be lost.
Rating GeoAnomaly bodies can be ranked, or rated, using a scale of 0 to 5, with 5 being
those bodies of highest interest.
While paging through the anomaly bodies in the 3D viewer, you can also change
the rating for the visible anomaly using the [CTRL + <] and [CTRL + >] hotkeys
to decrease and increase a bodys rating respectively.
X, Y, Z The coordinates of the initial seed from which each anomaly body was created.
Volume The volume of the anomaly in the units specified. This volume is calculated by
(*10^3) multiplying the number of voxels in the anomaly by the voxel volume.
Column Description
Comment You have the ability to store a text comment for each anomaly body. Click on the
comment field with MB1, and a text editor will appear. Type in the desired
comment, then close the editor window. The comment is now saved and displayed
in the anomaly table.
Voxel Volume The calculated cell volume. This volume is calculated by multiplying the sizes in
X, Y and Z of the cell. These sizes come directly out of the volume header
Voxel Area The calculated cell area used for surface calculations. This area is calculated by
multiplying the size in X by the size in Y of the cell. These sizes come directly out
of the volume header information.
Min/Max Att The minimum and maximum attribute values found in the anomaly. These values
will only be displayed when the processing filter is set to Volume (Intersection),
since any other filter will affect the value that is used as an attribute by the
In addition to the above values, when you export the table to a spreadsheet... two
additional columns are included:
Column Description
M-Surface Shows when an anomaly may be represented by multiple surfaces (same effect as
"bleeding" in pointset terminology).
Top Surface Number of voxels projected to the surface. This number can be much larger than
the Area column
By reviewing these two columns we can get a feel for what the anomaly information
represents. A large difference between M-Surface and Top Surface could mean that
the anomaly is not confined to one horizon unit, i.e. it may represent multiple layers.
Collaboration Dialog
To enable access to the collaboration functionality, the user needs to provide the
collaboration flag at startup:
% geoprobe -collaboration
When running GeoProbe without the -collaboration command line flag, the
Collaboration Object Manager will still be available for display, but the collaboration
functionality will be disabled.
Controls Most of the buttons act on the currently selected client in the Client List. Select a client
from the list first, then click a button. Grayed buttons are not appropriate for the
current selection in the list, or no client is currently selected. The following table
describes the controls and buttons for this dialog.
Control Description
New Client Info Launches the New Connection dialog. This dialog allows the user to add a
new client to the session.
Lock Cursors When enabled, the user can share the window cursor among all clients. To
unlock the cursor, click UnLock Cursors.
For a more detailed explanation, see the Lock Cursors section below.
Close Remote Closes the client highlighted in the Client List. This will terminate the
Client connection with that client and will close the window at the respective display.
Enable/Disable Enables or Disables the client highlighted in the Client List. A disabled client
Client will not receive updates, and will not have keyboard control. These clients
will be signified by the text (Disabled) (Kbd/Mse Off).
To enable the client, press the Enable/Disable client button again.
Client Mouse/ Toggles keyboard and mouse control for the client highlighted in the Client
Kbd On/Off List. When toggled off, the client will still receive updates to the viewer, but
will not be able to control the view.
Control Description
Higher This feature toggles the resolution of the viewer between Lower
Compression Compression and Higher Compression. In cases of poor bandwidth or too
many clients in the session, it is recommended to use a lower resolution to
avoid performance degradation.
Open Session Brings up a File Selection Dialog to open a previously saved session
specification file.
Save Session Brings up a File Selection Dialog to save the selected session specifications to
a file.
Toggle Session Enables or Disables the entire Client List with one button click.
Close Session Closes the entire Client List at once, closing all remote windows.
Lock Cursors
This button allows the user to share the window cursor among all clients in a variety of
ways. When enabled, the following functionality is present:
Shares the same current cursor position with all the other users. The cursor
will only be tracked on the 3D viewer window. If the cursor is moved outside
the viewer window, the control will return to the local client user. This allows
every user to keep control of their own desktop.
The cursor will turn red whenever any user is actively interacting with the 3D
The name of the active client (client manipulating the view) will be displayed
automatically in the title bar.
Cursors are locked only when any of the mouse buttons are pressed.
If any client needs to lock the cursor in order to show certain features on the
screen without changing the view, the client can use MB2 in pick mode. This
allows the user to point to features without affecting the display.
Client List The Client List shows all clients currently available to this session of GeoProbe.
Multiple clients can be attached to GeoProbe at one time.
New Collaboration Connection
The New Connection dialog is used for entering the remote hostname/IP address of the
remote host, the display and the screen number of the remote display.
Control Description
Hostname or IP Type either the hostname or the IP address of the remote computer with which
you wish to collaborate.
Add Client Adds the client to the Client List and opens a connection on the clients remote
Xserver. If no connection or authorization is available, an error message will
Once a client has been entered, other clients can be added to the list. The number of
clients that can be added depends upon the network bandwidth availability, the
collaboration server performance, and the interaction levels that one expects to
Common Dialogs
Objects Menu Bar
File Selection
Objects Menu Bar
The various Object Managers, all share the same menu bar, detailed below.
Option Description
Volumes Brings up the Volumes Dialog.
File Selection
The File Selection Dialog is used in many places in GeoProbe to both load and save
files. The Project Directory determines the initial directory, depending on the context
in which the File Selection Dialog was invoked.
There are three main parts of the dialog, which are explained below. There are many
redundancies in the controls, so choose the method that is most natural.
Files List The Files section is a list of all directories and files in the current path. Directories are
listed alphabetically first, followed by an alphabetic listing of the files. If the filter is
set, all directories but only those files that match the filter are shown.
Load Mode During Load mode, all navigation and selection actions are accomplished with a single
click with MB1. Click on a directory name to view that directory. Click on ..[Parent
Directory] to move up one directory. Select a file and click the OK button to load the
file into GeoProbe.
Save Mode During Save mode, all navigation and selection actions are accomplished with a
double click with MB1. Double click on a directory name to view that directory.
Double click on .. [Parent Directory] to move up one directory. When the correct
path is shown in the Selection text entry field, type the desired file name on the end. If
an existing file is selected, a dialog will ask if it is okay to overwrite the file.
Trim/Decimate The Trim/Decimate toggle button only appears on the File Selection Dialog when
loading volume or 2D data files. Enabling this option brings up the Trim/Decimate
Changing the Trim/Decimate toggle button will deselect all Volumes and 2D Data List
entries. When Trim/Decimate is On, only one entry in the List and one file may be loaded
at a time. When Trim/Decimate is Off, multiple volume files and 2D lines may be selected
and loaded.
Decimate The Decimate toggle button only appears on the File Selection Dialog when loading
Faults or Surfaces. This option is only valid, however, for gridview (*.gvw) surfaces.
Trim to Project The Trim to Project Space toggle button only appears on the File Selection Dialog
Space when loading Faults or Surfaces. This option is only valid, however, for gridview
(*.gvw) surfaces. When selected, the surfaces will be limited to the project space.
Controls The following table describes the controls and buttons for this dialog.
Control Description
OK Accepts the file in the text entry field for loading or saving. Depending on the
object, loading files of incorrect format will either return a warning dialog,
allow the file to appear on the loaded list, or show nothing on the list.
Saving a file with the name of one that already exists will always result in a
warning dialog, asking if the file should be overwritten.
Filter Brings up a dialog that requests a wildcard name. A wildcard name contains part
of a file name and represents the rest of the name with a wildcard character (*).
For example, the wildcard name of *.vol would show only files with an
extension of .vol. Directory names are not filtered. Click OK and the Files List
will contain only files matching the filter. The filter settings will remain after the
dialog is dismissed, even if another object is requested.
Seismic Attribute Volumes
Semblance Volumes
Combo Volume
Utility Launcher
Spectral Decomposition
SpecDecomp Interactive
WellborePlanner Connect
Seismic Attribute Volumes
The seismic attribute volume utilities create new volumes calculated from existing
volumes. Either the active volume in GeoProbe, or a volume file in the Volumes
subdirectory of the current project can be selected for the attribute calculation using
the guis launched from Tools > Volume Calculations > Phase, Frequency,
Multiple, Inst. Amplitude or Salt Detect.
For volume files, GeoProbe does not need to be running. However, it is recommended
that files be local to the machine, otherwise the calculation may take an extremely long
SeisAttr Dialog The following figure shows the SeisAttr Dialog. Selecting a radio button in the top
section brings up another dialog.
Control Description
Multiple Brings up the Multiple SeisAttr Dialog.
Control Description
Use Entire A toggle button to determine if the seismic attribute volume is just the region
Volume defined by the selected Probe or the entire volume assigned to the Probe. This
setting carries forward into the other dialogs called by the SeisAttr Dialog.
Please note that calculating large volumes can take significant time.
Multiple The SeisAttr Multiple Dialog controls the calculation of four volumes consisting of
Seismic some combination of amplitude, frequency, and phase. The following figures shows
Attributes the SeisAttr Multiple Dialog.
Control Description
Iamp&Freq This attribute volume is known as Trio. Trio is a combined volume of
&Phase Instantaneous amplitude, frequency, and phase displayed by assigning
different colors to each attribute. Trio is useful for highlighting lateral
stratigraphic anomalies.
Max Phase This attribute finds and highlights the location of maximum and minimum
values for each onset along the trace.
Control Description
Use Entire Volume A toggle button to determine if the seismic attribute volume is just the
region defined by the selected Probe or the entire volume assigned to the
Probe. Please note that calculating large volumes can take significant time.
Balance Using Toggles GeoProbe to make seismic attribute volume calculation using
Probe amplitude balanced as in the selected Probe.
For detailed information on the above mentioned attribute volumes and their uses,
consult the following article:
Instantaneous The SeisAttr InstAmp Dialog controls the calculation of the Instantaneous amplitude
Amplitude and SaltDetect attribute volumes. The following figures shows the SeisAttr InstAmp
Seismic Dialog.
The following table describes the controls of the SeisAttr InstAmp Dialog.
Control Description
InstAmp This attribute volume is known as Instantaneous Amplitude. It is a measure of
reflection strength in time. All phase information is lost. It is primarily used
to visualize regional characteristics such as structure, sequence boundaries,
thickness, and lithologic variations.
Control Description
SaltDetect This attribute volume is known as Salt Detect. SaltDetect is a combination of
instantaneous frequency and instantaneous amplitude. The salt detect volume
is the Frequency Peak Onlap calculation done on an instantaneous amplitude
volume. It can make top and base of salt appear more continuous, and thus
easier to AutoPick.
This dialog can also be launched directly from the main menu bar using Tools
> Volume Calculations > Salt Detect.
Use Entire A toggle button to determine if the seismic attribute volume is just the region
Volume defined by the selected Probe or the entire volume assigned to the Probe.
Please note that calculating large volumes can take significant time.
Phase Seismic The Phase SeisAttr Dialog controls the calculation of Phase attribute volumes and
Attributes combination amplitude/phase attribute volumes. Instantaneous phase enhances the
continuity of events by ignoring the amplitude information in time samples. It is
always a value between 180 and 180. It is primarily used to enhance stratigraphic
relationships (prograding reflections, onlaps, pinchouts, etc.) on a regional and local
basis. In some cases, fluid contacts can be seen and phase reversals can indicate
downdip gas limits. The following figure shows the Phase SeisAttr Dialog.
Control Description
Phase Standard phase calculation where the trough becomes the center of the data
g ( x, t )
histogram. This is a phase only calculation. Ph ( x, t ) = arc tan ---------------
f ( x, t )
Control Description
Phase + pi Standard phase calculation where the peak becomes the center of the data
histogram. This is a phase only calculation.
Peak Peak is an amplitude volume with voxel 255 marked where the amplitude is greater
than 138 on a 0 to 255 scale and the phase crosses 128 (zero-crossing).
Trough Trough is an amplitude volume with voxel 0 marked where the amplitude is less
than 188 on a 0 to 255 scale and the phase crosses 128 (zero-crossing).
Zero (P/T) Amplitude volume where voxel 128 is marked where phase change has zero
crossing from peak to trough. Dead traces are placed in voxel 0. The range is 0 to
Zero (T/P) Amplitude volume where voxel 126 is marked where phase change has zero
crossing from trough to peak. Dead traces are placed into voxel 0. The range is 0 to
Zero (all) Amplitude volume where voxels 128 and 126 are marked where phase changes
have zero crossings at peak to trough and trough to peak respectively. Dead traces
are placed into voxel 0.
Use Entire A toggle button to determine if the seismic attribute volume is just the region
Volume defined by the selected Probe or the entire volume assigned to the Probe. Please
note that calculating large volumes can take significant time.
Frequency The Frequency SeisAttr Dialog controls the calculation of Frequency attribute
SeisAttr volumes and combination amplitude frequency volumes. The following figure shows
Volumes the Frequency SeisAttr Dialog.
The following table describes the frequency attribute calculations.
Control Description
Frequency Instantaneous Frequency consists of calculated frequencies (1-160 Hz) are
placed into voxels 1-255. Dead traces are placed into voxel 0. This a
frequency only calculation
[ Ph ( x, t ) ]
Freq ( x, t ) = ------------------------
Low Freq Amplitude volume where voxel 0 is marked where frequency values are
between 0 and 10 Hz. Dead traces are placed into voxel 255.
High Freq Amplitude volumes where voxel 0 is marked where frequency values are
between 80 and 255 Hz. Dead traces are placed into voxel 255.
PeakOnlap Amplitude volume where voxel 255 is marked when frequency values are
between 0 and 80 Hz and amplitude values are greater than 150 on a 0 to
255 scale.
TroughOnlap Amplitude volume where voxel 0 is marked where frequency values are
between 0 and 80 Hz and amplitude values are less than 96 on a 0 to 255
Use Entire A toggle button to determine if the seismic attribute volume is just the
Volume region defined by the selected Probe or the entire volume assigned to the
Probe. Please note that calculating large volumes can take significant
Saving Attribute If the source volume is the active volume in GeoProbe, the calculated (seismic
Volumes attribute) volume is created in shared memory only, and is attached to GeoProbe with
an appropriate colormap. If the source volume is a file, the calculated volume is stored
on disk, and is not attached to GeoProbe.
To save the calculated volume, use the Save button in the Volumes Dialog. After
creating a calculated volume, it is automatically attached to the GeoProbe session and
assigned to the selected Probe. Seismic attribute volumes can be calculated for the
entire source volume or just the region bounded by the selected Probe (default).
Semblance Volumes
The Semblance utility calculates a semblance coefficient volume from an existing
volume. Either the active volume in GeoProbe, or a volume file in the Volumes
subdirectory of the current project can be selected for the semblance calculation using
the gui launched from Utils > SemblanceVolume.
After selecting the desired Input and Output volumes, clicking Run it will launch the
Semblance Dialog.
By default, the selected Probe determines the size and location of the new volume.
This procedure calculates a new volume based on semblance over a vertical window
For volume files, GeoProbe does not need to be running. However, it is recommended
that files be local to the machine, otherwise the calculation may take an extremely long
The Semblance feature calculates a new volume based on the similarity of each trace
with either 2 or 8 of its neighbors. The semblance window length (default is 12)
determines the vertical extent of the calculation. Smaller numbers generate sharper,
but potentially noisier output. Window lengths that are too long can smear the
discontinuities. A recommended starting window length is 12 for 4ms data, and
modifying the window length, if necessary, in small increments from the starting
Two calculations are available for the semblance volume by selecting either 3 traces or
9 traces. Using three traces is slightly faster, and is often what is used for a quick first
look, but the 9 trace calculation is more accurate and preferred for interpretation
purposes. For more information, see the discussion below.
The following table describes the controls for the Semblance Dialog.
Controls Description
Semblance Toggles the semblance coefficient volume to be calculated. Result will be a
semblance coefficient volume.
Window Length Sets window length from 1 to 100 over which the semblance or fault detect
calculations are performed.
Use Entire Sets calculation to be performed on entire volume instead of selected Probe.
Volume This should only be done after test volumes have been calculated within
probes since calculating semblance over an entire large volume could take
many hours.
3 or 9 Traces The Semblance feature calculates a new volume based on the similarity of each trace
with either 2 or 8 of its neighbors.
When using 3 traces, the program looks at the current trace, the next inline, and the
next crossline.
NI = Next Inline
NX = Next Crossline
CI = Current Inline
CX = Current Crossline
PI = Previous Inline
PX = Previous Crossline
Saving If the source volume is the active volume in GeoProbe, the calculated (semblance)
Semblance volume is created in shared memory only, and is attached to GeoProbe with an
Volumes appropriate colormap. If the source volume is a file, the calculated volume is stored
on disk, and is not attached to GeoProbe.
To save the calculated volume, use the Save button in the Volumes Dialog. After
creating a calculated volume, it is automatically attached to the GeoProbe session and
assigned to the selected Probe. Semblance volumes can be calculated for the entire
source volume or just the region bounded by the selected Probe (default).
Combo Volume
When two attribute volumes may not be adequate to autopick geologically complex
horizons or autopick on poor quality data, Combo Volumes can be used with multi-
attribute autopicking. Combo volumes are new volumes created in shared memory
which contain information from at least two attributes.
The Combo Volume utility allows the user to create a new volume consisting of data
from a base volume, marked where the corresponding points of an attribute volume
satisfy user-defined criteria. All of the data from the base volume is written to the
combination volume except where the attribute ranges of both volumes meet specific
user-defined ranges. The voxel locations where these criteria are met, are marked by
assigning a specific data value.
The two volumes used to create a combo volume must be identical in size and extent
and be loaded into shared memory. The Combo Volume utility has the option to
calculate a new volume within the selected Probe or within the entire volume.
Control Description
Base Volume (input) Displays the volumes loaded in shared memory. One and only one volume
must be selected as a base volume to be marked.
Attribute Volume Displays the volumes loaded into shared memory. One and only one volume
(Input) must be selected whose attribute data will be used to mark the base volume as
specified by the user.
Attrib User specified range that determines the attribute range requirements that
must be met before a marker can be inserted into the combo volume. The
boolean operators And and Or are used to refine the attribute range
Base User specified range that determines the base volume range requirements that
must be met before a marker can be inserted into the combo volume. The
boolean operators And and Or are used to refine the attribute range
arguments. By using the default base volume range (>= 0 and <= 255), the
only effective requirement that must be met is the user specified attribute
volume range. However, both attribute and base volume ranges can be
specified to further restrict the criteria that must be met for a marker to be set.
Mark Volume at User specified location (0 to 255) for marker to be inserted into base volume.
Set Null Value at User specified null value for the volume.
Control Description
Volume Suffix A new volume name must be specified for the output combo volume. The
(Output Volume) output volume should have a *.vol extension. This field appends a suffix to
the name of the base volume for the output volume name. The volume will be
creating in shared memory and attached to the current GeoProbe session. The
calculated Combo Volume only exists in shared memory. The volume must
be saved to disk using the Save button in the Volumes Dialog. Various
Combo Volumes can be created within probes through the Seismic Attribute
Volumes utility whereby ranges are pre-specified for the base and attribute
Amplitude Volume
Semblance Volume
Amplitude Volume (base) - Contains amplitudes ranging from -128 to 127.
Include all amplitudes.
Amplitude Volume
Semblance Volume
2. To view this combo volume with the faults marked, we
first must alter the colormap.
4. The resulting volume is displayed as such:
Semblance Volume
Combo Volume
Amplitude Volume
Surface Attribute Extraction
The Surface Attribute Extraction utility allows you to calculate a variety of attributes
on a window about the selected surface, or on an interval between two surfaces. This
utility extracts the voxel values from a GeoProbe Volume file that coincides with the
surface, and displays them as an overlay on the surface. When the overlay is saved as a
GridView surface, it has the dimensions of the input surface with the Z-values
replaced by the volume attribute values.
Control Description
Data Interval Window
When toggled on, you can set the number of samples (voxels) above and below
the selected surface to create a window about the surface. It is over this interval
that the attributes will be calculated.
Between Surfaces
When toggled on, you will be prompted to select a second surface that is
already loaded into the project. The attribute will then be calculated on the
interval between the two surfaces, but displayed on the first surface.
Control Description
Attributes RMS
Root of the mean of the squares. Each sample in the window is squared, then
averaged, and the final result is the square of the average.
Average Absolute
The absolute value of each sample in the window, then averaged.
The average of the samples in the window.
Maximum Positive
The largest amplitude of only the positive amplitude samples.
Maximum Negative
The largest amplitude of only the negative amplitude samples.
Maximum Absolute
The largest absolute amplitude of all the samples.
Minimum Positive
The smallest amplitude of only the positive amplitude samples.
Minimum Negative
The smallest amplitude of only the negative amplitude samples.
x Thickness
A sum of each samples attribute over the z increment of the window.
Only applicable when calculating between surfaces. The distance between the
two selected surfaces.
Waveform Classifier
Classifies all waveforms encountered along the surface into a series of
waveform classes, or "bins", that contain like waveforms. This number of "bins
is set by the user, using the Waveform Classifier window that pops up when this
attribute is selected.
Offset in Before extracting the attribute, you can offset the original surface in Z by 100
samples voxels on either side of the surface. This only affects the attribute that is
extracted, not the placement of the selected surface.
Apply Launches the Surface Colormap, and applies the selected attribute as a color
overlay on the surface.
Save Saves the attribute overlay as a GridView (*.gvw) surface in the Surfaces
directory of the active project.
Utility Launcher
The Utility Launcher accesses many utilities for converting data files from one format
to another. The Utility Launcher Dialog contains five tabs across the top, one for
volume, well, surface, shape, and miscellaneous. Selecting a tab changes the contents
of the dialog. The contents are groups of buttons, each one accessing a particular file
conversion or filter utility. All of the buttons bring up a another dialog specific to that
All utility dialogs have a Help button that brings up a text dialog describing the utility
in detail.
Volumes The following table describes the buttons in the Volumes tab.
Import Volume SEGY Converts a Seg-Y format file to a Geoprobe 3-D volume
From format file. You can control the number of traces to scan, and/
or the number of trace headers to completely print out. The
scan gives a summary of values of the first and last trace
scanned, minimum and maximum of all traces scan, and an
estimate of the interval of change for each header value. If no
values given for the number of traces to print or scan, the
program scans the entire Seg-Y file.
Section Button Description
GoCad Voxet Converts a GoCad Voxet file into a GeoProbe Volume file. By
default, 98% of the Voxets data is used to establish the clip
range. Data within the clip range are rescaled to the 8 bit range
of a GeoProbe Volume.
Export Volume SEGY Converts either a GeoProbe 3-D volume to a generic SEGY or
To Landmark version file format.
GoCad Voxet Converts a GeoProbe Volume file into a GoCad Voxet file.
Wells The following table describes the buttons in the Wells tab.
Depth -Time Converts depth from a well file into depth using a time/
Conversion depth table.
Select Wells The Well selector looks at the well files in the input
directory and finds those which match all the constraints
given. The selector then creates the output directory and
puts symbolic links to the selected wells in the output
directory. The original wells are not copied, only a
reference to the original well is created.
Create Well Opens the Well Creator/Editor dialog, allowing the user to
create a new well, or edit an existing one.
Import Well Landmark R98 Converts Landmark 98 ASCII well exports into GoCad/
From GeoProbe well files. Running this program creates one
GoCad/GeoProbe well file per well.
Section Button Description
RC^2 Converts RC-squared well file into GeoProbe well files.
Surfaces The following table describes the buttons in the Surfaces tab.
Import Surface GoCad T-Surf Converts a GoCad T-Surf format file to a GeoProbe/
From GridView Surface format file.
Section Button Description
Charisma Converts a Charisma horizon file to a GeoProbe /GridView
Horizon Surface format file.
Export Surface GoCad T-Surf Converts GeoProbe Surface files into GoCad T-Surf files.
Shapes The following table describes the buttons in the Shapes tab.
Import Shape GoCad T-surf Converts GoCad T-Surf into GeoProbe Shape files. Uses a
From Volume file to convert world X/Y coordinates to inline/
crossline (default), or vice versa.
GoCad Polyline Converts GoCad Polyline files into GeoProbe Shape files.
Zmap file Converts Zmap culture files to ASCII Shape (Inventor) file.
Uses a GeoProbe Volume file to convert world coordinates
to inline/crossline (default) or vice versa.
Points The following table describes the buttons in the Points tab.
Point Set Attribute Used to extract attributes for pointsets from volumes
Extraction other than the one the pointset was created from.
Point Set Crossplot Crossplots the attribute values from two pointsets where
they are coincident or different attribute values from the
same pointset.
Point Set Clip Converts Horizon ASCII exports into GeoProbe point
Split Points in Z Splits a pointset into separate pointsets across its Z range,
based on the input minimum Z separation between
output pointsets.
Import Points ASCII XYZ Converts simple ASCII files into GeoProbe Point files.
Export Points Assorted Point Converts a GeoProbe Surface file into a Point file of
To Formats GeoProbe, GoCad Vertex, Landmark Dat file, or generic
ASCII file format. Uses GeoProbe Volume file to
convert inline/crossline to world coordinates (default) or
vice versa.
Miscellaneous The following table describes the buttons in the Miscellaneous tab.
Convert Units Allows unit conversions for lengths, areas, and volumes.
Section Button Description
Convert Dicom Converts Medical Dicom CAT scan files of well core
Core Slices samples to GeoProbe Volume files.
Segy Gather Reads a Seg-Y format file, organizes it by inline, finds the
Pre-process constant offset sections for each, and creates a new trace
header so constant offset sections are positioned next to
each inline. Normally a volume would be build from this
program's output file.
Prepare Segy Converts a standard Segy file to a Segyr file for use in Rock
for RSI Solid Images ATTRIB3D.
Import 2D Segy Converts a Seg-Y format file to a Geoprobe 2-D format file
(.2dd). You can control the number of traces to scan, and/or
the number of trace headers to completely print out.
External Screenshot Runs a utility to capture a window or area of the screen into
Utilities an RGB format file.
Building Movies in GeoProbe
The GeoProbe movie builder allows you to build a movie (.mpeg) consisting of a
series of frames (.rgb) that can be replayed in rapid succession. The movie captures
the GeoProbe scene at regular intervals once started from the movie builder window.
To invoke the movie builder, select Tools > Movie Builder from the main menu, or
click on the Movie Builder icon .
Once the Record button is clicked, .rgb images will be created for every frame
increment set in the Frame Capture Mode as the mouse is moving in the scene.
These images are written to a temporary file, usually Movies/TempFrames within your
GeoProbe project. To pause the creation of the movie frames, use the hotkey <J>.
Until the hotkey is pressed again no frames will be written to disk.
When you are finished writing frames to disk, press the Stop button to end recording.
After QCing the image frames in the temporary directory, select Build Movie to
compile the image frames into a .mpeg movie file, located in the Output Movie File
directory, usually /Movies within your GeoProbe project.
Movie files can be played with most any .mpeg movie player, but we recommend you
choose one of the following depending on your platform:
SGI - Onyx4 Onyx4 does not support movieplayer. The user must download the free Xanim
player from SGIs website: In the
alphabetized list, find the file xanim-2.80.1 and install it to your machine.
SUN Select Applications > Audio & Video Tools > Java media player from the
Solaris desktop.
Linux WorkStation 3.0 does not support a default media player. To access a
media player on this operating system, open an xterm from GeoProbe and go to
the GEOPROBE_UTILS directory. From this directory you can type mplayer
to run, "mplayer" on your Linux system.
For more information on running this media player, see the mplayer section
Finally, it is recommended to click Delete Temp Dir to remove the .rgb frame files
after building the movie file to save disk space.
Controls The following table describes the controls of the Movie Builder Dialog.
Control Description
Select Temp Dir The temporary directory where the image frames (.rgb) will be stored. By
default, the directory will be Movies/TempFrames in your project directory. If
changing this temporary directory from the default value, users should check
that sufficient disk space is available before recording GeoProbe movies.
Frame Capture The interval at which frames are captured as .rgb files to the temporary
Rate directory. This value must be an integer. For example, a value of 5 will
capture every 5th frame rendered when the mouse is in motion in the GeoProbe
Playback Rate Sets the number of frames/sec, or speed, to be played when creating the movie
Output Movie Select the directory and file name for the .mpeg movie. The default directory
File is the Movies directory in your current project.
Record Begins movie building mode. Subsequent motion within GeoProbe will be
recorded as a series of frames as .rgb images. Use hotkey <J> to pause and
resume movie building, and click Stop when finished.
Control Description
Build Movie Assembles the image frames in the temporary directory into a movie (.mpeg)
file in the Movies directory of your project.
Delete Temp Dir Deletes the temporary directory containing the movie frame .rgb images.
Save Status Text Saves all status messages into a text (.txt) file in the project directory.
Configuring the GeoProbe supplies a 3rd-Party product to view movies on Linux systems. This
Linux MPlayer product is called MPlayer v0.92.1-3.2.3. MPlayer is installed in the following
3. Open an xterm from the GeoProbe Viewer (Tools >Xterm) and 'cd' to the
directory containing the movie, by default the <project>/Movies directory.
4. Type in
and the MPlayer application will open. Use the menu to open and view the movie.
Spectral Decomposition
The SpecDecomp Interactive (SDI) utility provides a new, non-traditional approach to
seismic interpretation. Spectral decomposition is used for imaging and mapping
temporal bed thickness and geologic discontinuities over 3D surveys. This technology
can improve your prospect definition beyond seismic tuning resolution and it can often
help resolve what cannot normally be resolved in the time domain. Spectral
decomposition is a must use tool for:
Technical Different materials in the rock strata resonate at different frequencies, and therefore
Description can be distinguished from one another by their frequency response. As a seismic trace
is a sum of sinusoids with varying frequencies and amplitudes, and the resulting
response is then a mixture of these, we can decompose the trace back into its spectral
components via a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) or via a Maximum Entropy
Method transform (MEM). The trace is then converted into a complex-valued function
of frequency. For each frequency, there will be a complex number with an amplitude
value and a phase angle. The transformed (phase-independent) amplitude spectra are
used to delineate temporal bed thickness variability, while the phase spectra is used to
indicate lateral geologic discontinuities. These responses can then be overlain on a
loaded surface for visual interpretation.
3-D Seismic Volume
3-D Seismic Volume
Zone-of-Interest z
Zone-of-Interest x
Tuning Cube freq
(cross-section view)
Frequency Slices x
through Tuning Cube freq
(plan view)
Begin by mapping the temporal and vertical bounds of the zone-of-interest, in SDIs
case a loaded surface. A short temporal window about this zone is transformed from
the time domain into the frequency domain. The resulting tuning cube can be
viewed in cross-section or plan view (common frequency slices).
SpecDecompInteractive overlays the frequency slice as an attribute on the loaded
The frequency slice, also called a tuning map, is very useful because it allows you to
visualize thin-bed interference patterns in plan view where the frequency slices can be
animated through to identify textures and patterns indicative of geologic processes.
Animating through frequency sub-bands/tuning maps of the earth allows you to map
lateral variability in the subsurface. Please realize that you cannot collapse all the
information you gain by animating through a tuning cube into a single attribute map.
Discrete Fourier SpecDecomp Interactive offers two methods of spectral calculation, DFT and MEM.
Transform The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) method from British Petroleum is based on a
(DFT) transforming the seismic time data, g(t), into frequency space, G(f):
G(f) = g ( t )e dt
The DFTs geophysical properties are well known, and it has a highly deserved
reputation for being safe and reliable. Specifically, the DFT computes an amplitude
value at every hertz from the beginning frequency to the ending frequency. The
mathematics of the DFT algorithm are shown below.
DFT = A ( k ) = a ( j )e ( 2ijk ) N
i = 1
a ( j ) = amplitude value of the seismic time trace at sample j
A ( k ) = amplitude value of the transformed trace at frequency k
N = number of samples in the window
The resulting output is a complex spectrum, with the real part being the cosine
transform and imaginary part being the sine transform. This complex spectrum may
also be expressed as
A ( k ) e i ( k )
In general, the DFT method works best with analysis windows 30 ms or greater. The
DFT method is most useful for analysis at or above tuning thickness.
Tuning Cube Tuning cube analysis generates spectral amplitude or phase volume(s) over a time-
Analysis windowed zone of interest. These spectral volumes can be animated in GeoProbe,
where the animation is over frequency rather than the more conventional time
The concept behind tuning cube analysis is that a reflection from a thin bed has a
characteristic expression in the frequency domain. This characteristic expression is
indicative of the temporal bed thickness and can be resolved below one fourth of a
wavelength. Based on the peak trough time separation of the wavelets, traditional
thickness estimation can only resolve thicknesses greater than one fourth of a
For example, a simple homogeneous thin bed introduces a predictable and periodic
sequence of notches into the amplitude spectrum of the composition reflection.
Fourier Fourier 1
Transform Transform Temporal Thickness
Acoustic Reflectivity
Before running spectral decomposition, you must understand the difference in the
amplitude spectra frequency response between a long-window and a short-window.
The transform from a long-window approximates the spectrum of the wavelet, as
shown below.
Travel Time
Fourier Transform
The transform from a short-window, however, comprises a wavelet overprint and a
local interference pattern representing the acoustic properties and thickness of
geologic layers spanned by the window.
Travel Time
Fourier Transform
Through tuning cube analysis you will see that, in many cases, the loss of the high-
frequencies in porous (or hydrocarbon-bearing rock) is due to tuning and not just
SpecDecomp Interactive
The following figure shows the spectral decomposition main dialog window. The
volume used in all calculations is the currently highlighted volume in the Volumes
List of the Volumes Dialog.
SpecDecompInteractive will not execute when the volumes and selected surfaces
sample rates do not match due to decimation. When running this tool on a decimated
volume, be sure to first save decimated surfaces to disk.
Surfaces List The Surfaces List shows all the surfaces loaded in the current GeoProbe session. The
number in parentheses next to the file name is the decimation factor at the time of
surface creation or loading. A value of 1 means the surface has not been decimated by
GeoProbe. Select a surface by highlighting it with MB1.
Controls The following table describes the Spectral Decomposition Dialog controls.
Control Description
Window Length Input the desired window length in number of samples. The default value is 32
samples. For a more detailed description, see the Window Length discussion.
Frequency Range Input the min and max of the frequency range to be generated. Recommended
range is from 0 to Nyquist. For a more detailed description, see the Frequency
Range discussion below.
Control Description
More/Less More expands the dialog window to include additional processing parameters,
Less collapses the window.
Surface Shift The number of samples the center of the analysis window will be shifted from
the input surface. See the Surface Shift discussion for more information.
Tuning Cube Type Toggle on the type of Tuning Cube to be generated, either Amplitude or Phase.
Amplitude - when selected, will generate the amplitude spectrum at each trace
over the specified interval and frequency range.
Phase - when selected, will generate the phase spectrum at each trace over the
specified interval and frequency range. An additional field appears to enter the
wrap value for the wavelet.
Taper Allows the user to select between a Gaussian taper or a Cosine taper to
smooth the Fourier transform.
When Cosine is selected, a % taper must be entered. This specifies the
percentage of the analysis window to be tapered with a cosine weighting.
For more detailed information on the available tapers, see the Taper discussion.
Maximum Entropy Selects the Maximum Entropy Method to estimate the power spectrum instead
of the default DFT method. When toggled on, two additional fields appear to
select the min and max polynomial order values. See the Maximum Entropy
Method discussion for more information.
Load Frequency Launches a file selection dialog where the user can load a previously generated
Volume frequency volume from shared memory.
OK Generates the frequency volume and launches the frequency slice animator and
the surface colormap dialogs.
Refresh Resets all parameters to the default settings, and updates the surface list to show
any new surfaces that may have been added since the dialog was opened.
Window Length For optimum imaging, the analysis window size and position are key parameters. The
analysis window should be large enough to see tuning effects in the amplitude
spectrum, but small enough so that it does not encompass too much geology;
effectively striking a balance between tuning and localization. If the zone-of-interest
spans a significant vertical extent, expanding the analysis window to allow it to
encompass the entire zone can result in considerably poorer spectral decomposition
imaging. Too large a window will encompass numerous geologic sequences. As each
frequency in the decomposition carries information about all that is in the window, the
dominant characteristic becomes that which is common to all the sampled geology, i.e.
the wavelet. Too small a window will result in so few frequency estimates that it
becomes impossible to resolve tuning effects. If you shrink the window to one sample,
exactly the same image will then be observed at all frequencies. A one sample window
image is equivalent to a conventional amplitude extraction.
The secret to a good image in spectral decomposition is to sufficiently localize the
transform (target the analysis) without making the analysis window too small.
Window length determines the number of samples in the transform (N). Empirical
tests have shown that a window length less than 30 ms is not reasonable for the DFT
method. If you are looking for very thin beds and want an analysis window less than
30 ms you should use the Maximum Entropy method instead of the DFT method.
Statisticians prefer at least 32 samples in their transforms. Any transform less than
20 samples normally does not provide much resolution.
Nevertheless, many empirical tests on real data have shown useful DFT results
with a window length of 30 ms.
Be aware that all the window options will resample the input trace such that the
reference surface or reference time will cross the trace at the middle sample. This
resampling will not change the original seismic trace.
Sample {
The window length is truncated to an integer multiple of the sample length so that the
top and bottom of the window also fall on a sample.
Frequency Higher frequencies tend to reveal subtle, sub-resolution faults while lower frequencies
Range tend to cut through the noise and reveal gross structure and fault trends. For example,
thickness may tune in at 10 to 20 hertz while faults may tune in at 60 to 70 hertz.
Therefore, you should always run a broader frequency range than you think is in your
data. A frequency range of zero to Nyquist is a good default.
The minimum frequency must be an even multiple of the frequency increment. The
maximum frequency is always adjusted to an integer multiple of the frequency sample
interval. The highest frequency allowed is Nyquist, which is the highest frequency that
you can get two samples per cycle.
Any frequencies beyond Nyquist are ambiguous/aliased.
Surface Shift The Surface Shift value indicates the number of samples the center of the analysis
window will be shifted from the input surface. The example below has a time shift of
Analysis Window
} Centered
The next example has a time shift of +25 samples:
Time Shift
+25 samp.
Analysis Window
The amplitude tuning cube is essentially a volume of the amplitude values calculated
at various frequencies. This volume will consist of as many pseudo time samples as
there are frequency values. For instance, if a frequency analysis is performed from
zero hertz to Nyquist on 4 ms sampled data, the number of frequency values computed
will be 126 (0 to 125 hertz).
The phase tuning cube is similar to the amplitude tuning cube except it contains the
phase portion of the transform instead of the amplitude portion of the transform. The
phase tuning cube is mainly used for fault/discontinuity/reservoir
compartmentalization analysis. The mathematics of the phase volume are discussed in
the DFT section.
Taper When computing amplitude spectra it is important to taper the input seismic data over
the analysis window. The tapering will eliminate spurious high frequencies resulting
from truncation effects at the edges of the analysis window. Two tapering options are
available: Cosine and Gaussian. Tapering will blur/smooth the Fourier transform.
Often it is better to shorten the window than to lengthen taper.A comparison of the
different taper methods is displayed below:
No 100% Cosine
Taper Taper
Comparison of tapers
Cosine Taper
With the Cosine option, a % Taper parameter must be specified. This specifies the
percent of the analysis window tapered with a cosine weighting. For example,
specifying 60% for the Cosine Percent Taper will apply a weight of zero at the start of
the analysis window and use a cosine weighting up to a maximum of one at the start of
the analysis window + 30 ms (assuming a 100 ms analysis window). Similar weighting
is done from the end of the analysis window 30 ms. The remaining 40 ms (40% of
the window length) has a weight of one applied.
0 ms
Cosine taper
100 ms
{ 30 ms
70 ms
100 ms
Mathematically, the Cosine Taper can be expressed as:
( k + 1 )
1 cos -------------------
- 0k<M
W(k) =
1 Mk<NM1
For a 100% cosine taper: M%= INT ----
For an 80% cosine taper: M = INT -------
For a 25% cosine taper: M = INT ----
For a 10% cosine taper: M = INT ------
Gaussian Taper
The Gaussian taper is bell shaped and is most often used when you really want to
focuses the analysis on the center of the window. For a 100 ms window the Gaussian
taper appears as below.
0 ms 3
=16 2/3 ms
100 ms
Analysis Gaussian
Window Taper
100 ms
Gaussian taper
The shape of the Gaussian Taper is defined by the Normal Distribution equation.
1 (x ) 2
--- ------------------
1 2
Normal ( x ;, ) = --------------
e , < x <
Where equals the center of the analysis window and six times equals the length of
the window.
Shortening the window instead of using the taper will provide considerably faster
run times. Run time depends on the number of samples going into the calculation,
so shorter time windows give faster run times. There is a trade-off, however,
because a shorter window blurs/smooths the amplitude spectrum.
Maximum You must realize that the DFT is not the only way to estimate a power spectrum, nor is
Entropy Method it necessarily the best way for all purposes. The Maximum Entropy method (MEM) is
based on a Z-transform, Z e 2if . Where is the sampling interval in the time
domain. The Maximum Entropy (ME) spectrum has a remarkable ability to zoom in
on extremely narrow features.
Unfortunately, the ME method will still find a spectral spike, even if the spectrum is
essentially flat. For this reason you should always QC the ME results with the DFT
In Magic Earths SpecDecomp Interactive, the user can parameterize the ME method
by setting the number of ME poles, or polynomial order values to a user specified
min and max. However, in almost all cases, leaving these values set at 2 gives the best
The MEM works well with analysis windows 30 ms or less. The MEM is more useful
than the DFT for analysis at or below tuning thickness. Keep in mind MEMs
desirable property of being able to fit sharp spectral features such as channels.
Frequency Slice Upon selecting OK from the SpecDecomp Interactive main dialog, a progress bar
Animator dialog will appear while the tuning cube is being calculated. When the calculation has
completed, the frequency slice animator appears. If a frequency volume has been
loaded from shared memory, no calculation is necessary and the frequency animator
will appear immediately.
Control Description
Frequency The user can interactively animate through the frequency range by using
either the slider bar, or the arrow buttons.
Increment Sets the frequency increment value for the animation in steps of 1, 3 or 5.
Control Description
Color Surface By Choose from the following:
First Spectral Max - Colors the surface based on the frequency at which the
first maximum in the spectrum is found.
Amp at First Max - Colors the surface based on the magnitude of the
spectrum at the first maximum. Considered to be a "strongest response" map.
SpectralDecomp - The default setting. Colors the surface based on the
spectral amplitude at the specified frequency (or average frequencies) at each
location on the surface.
Attach Attaches the generated frequency volume to the GeoProbe session. The
Frequency Volume volume will now be listed in the Volumes list of the Volumes Object
Configuring WBP Connect
Follow the guidelines below to correctly attach and launch GeoProbes
WellborePlanner Connect utility.
1. Start GeoProbe at the same X term when you start your OpenWorks Command
Menu. GeoProbe will automatically share those OW environment variables as
defined in the users dot files, e.g. the ~/.lgclogin file.
2. If you only have one choice for OpenWorks installed in your setup, then you can
edit the script and hardcode these three variables inside the script. The script resides in the same GeoProbe Utils subdirectory as the executable
WBPServer. This way you can start GeoProbe in any manner, yet know the WBP
Connect will always seek the same OpenWorks.
1. The first volume loaded into GeoProbe at the beginning of a session sets the
coordinate system. Make sure this first volume has a world/survey coordinate
system conversion table. This can be easily verified by clicking on Annotation on
the Volumes manager in GeoProbe, and switching to a world coordinate system.
If the volume has conversion information, picks displayed in the HUD will change
to a world coordinate value.
2. Check to see if units are available in the volume header. Unit information is listed
with the Info button on the Volumes dialog. If there are no units, you can set up
the units at run time. When users start WellborePlanner Connect and no unit
information is available, a dialog appears that allows users to set units for the
current session. The preferred way is to quit the connection and use Edit Header
to permanently set the units.
Note: Units defined in the GeoProbe Volume header should be consistent with the
World coordinate values. However, it is not necessary to have the same units as the
OpenWorks project. Wellbore Planner will do a conversion for you.
Selecting the When the WellborePlanner Connect dialog comes up, select the Time Domain for
right time-depth time data. This will launch the Wellbore Planner Time/Depth Server automatically.
relationship if Using this server, select the time/depth model you want to use.
your GeoProbe
volume is in the Note: The Time/Depth Server needs always to be up when you are working in a time
time domain domain session.
Known Issue:
Sometimes when selecting a target in GeoProbe, the target will jump to a corner of the
volume. The work-around is to go to Wellbore Planner and move this target from the
Selected to the Available list or use the delete key in GeoProbe to remove the target
entirely. Then reselect the target. This behavior is caused by small cursor movements
when a target is selected a quick click, where MB1 is depressed for a very short
period, mitigates this problem.
WellborePlanner Connect cannot run concurrently with the Hydrocarbon
Calculator, SeismicAttribute Volumes, Semblance, ComboVolume, Flatten
Volume, Unflatten Surfaces, and SpecDecompInteractive.
WellborePlanner Connect cannot correctly handle time/depth tables which
contain non-zero datums.
Uncertainty cones cannot be displayed in time.
Well markers will disappear from view when editing a well using Wellbore
Planner. If the Target option is enabled and user wants to create a plan, use
Wellbore Planner, plan->new, to do it. Avoid reusing the same plan name
when redigitizing. This may cause WellborePlanner Connect to hang.
WellborePlanner Connect
In GeoProbe, the user can digitize a well plan by picking targets on actual data that is
displayed in the 3D view. Wellbore Planner is then used to apply various engineering
parameters to the digitized well plan and to generate a "computed plan" that
incorporates these values. The resulting computed well plan automatically displays in
both applications.
Launching WBP The GeoProbe to Wellbore Planner Connect utility is launched from the main menu
Connect bar of GeoProbe by selecting Applications > WellborePlanner Connect.
1. If no units have been set for your project, the following dialog will appear:
2. Selecting Yes cancels the utility, while selecting No, set up units now launches
the following dialog.
3. Select the surface units for your project (feet or meters) and the Z units (feet,
meters, ms, or seconds).
4. The following figure shows the WBP Connect main dialog window. There must
be at least one volume loaded into the Volumes List of the Volumes Dialog.
Controls The following table describes the WBP Connect controls.
Control Description
Target View Enable -when toggled on, the targets will be displayed along the well
path, with display properties set by Wellbore Planner.
Disable - when toggled on, the targets will not be displayed in the 3D
view, only the well build points.
Session Domains Wellbore Planner expects the Z values for the well plan to be in depth, if
your project is in time you must provide a time/depth curve.
Time Domain - Select this button if your data is in time. When toggled
on, the Wellbore Planner Time/Depth Server will launch. For more
information, see the section below titled Time/Depth Domain.
Depth Domain - Select this button if your data is in depth. This is the
default setting.
Well Drawing Style Line - when toggled on, the well path will display as a well-stick.
Cylinder - when toggled on, the well path will display as a cylinder.
Survey/World Click on this button to launch an information popup listing the ranges of
Coordinate & Units your well plan in world coordinates and in GeoProbe units.
Well Plan Name Enter the desired well plan name. When the first target is selected in
GeoProbe, Wellbore Planner will be populated with this plan name.
Time/Depth Wellbore Planner expects the Z values for targets to be in subsea true vertical depth
Domain (SSTVD). The Time/Depth server provides various time/depth conversion options that
you can use to fulfill this requirement.
You should always select a time/depth module that is appropriate for the type of data
that you are displaying in GeoProbe. Wellbore Planner will not receive any targets
from GeoProbe if you have toggled on the Time Domain and have not selected one of
the options provided by the time/depth server. For more information on this feature,
see the Wellbore Planner User Guide.
Uncertainty Directional surveys can reconstruct the position of existing wells, but never with
Setting complete accuracy. The accuracy of survey results depends on many factors, such as
field location and conditions, the type and quality of the survey tool or series of tools
used, the care employed in monitoring the survey, and the expertise applied to
interpreting survey results.
All of these factors contribute to a margin of error, which can be used to define an
envelope of uncertainty around the reported position of the wellbore. This range of
well position uncertainty is the area in which the wellbore is likely to be found. In an
inclined well, there is an increasing amount of well position uncertainty as the well
gets further from the surface.
Well position uncertainty is a familiar concept to drilling engineers. You can use
WellborePlanner Connects uncertainty setting to include survey tool considerations
in your well plans.
There are two options for displaying the uncertainty: Horizontal and Vertical.
Selecting Horizontal will display an uncertainty cone at each target horizontal to the
Z axis. Selecting Vertical will display an uncertainty cone at each target vertical to
the Z axis.
Connecting to Well Seismic Fusion
Well Seismic Fusion (WSF) can be used to view prestack data from user-determined
locations in the GeoProbe project space, accelerating prospect identification and
Using the hotkey combination of <Ctrl + Shift + MB1>, users have the ability to
select any location within the 3D window, and the associated prestack seismic and
attribute data will be displayed in Well Seismic Fusion dynamically. In addition, key
prestack attribute volumes can be created in Well Seismic Fusion, and saved as *.vol
files into the GeoProbe project for further interpretation.
Dynamically The following workflow assumes a working knowledge of both GeoProbe and Well
Viewing CDP Seismic Fusion.
Gathers in Well
Seismic Fusion 1. From the OpenWorks launcher, select Applications > Well Seismic Fusion.
3. Set up the project as you normally would for OpenWorks and SeisWorks
connectivity. Under the Active seismic data section, make sure to Select the
active GeoProbe project to link this session of WSF to the GeoProbe session that
will accompany it.
4. Finish setting up the WSF session, and load the desired well logs, gathers, and
attribute data for display.
When it turns from red to green, it will receive and send PD messages to any
available program.
6. Well Seismic Fusion can listen and respond for calls to both well and seismic data.
In this case, we want to listen for the location of seismic data, so we need to toggle
on the Seismic cursor tracking icon.
7. Now we need to enable GeoProbes ability to send and receive PD calls. From
GeoProbes main menu, select Tools > PD Connect.
8. From any location on the face of the probe, click Ctrl+Shift+MB1 to send the
location to Well Seismic Fusion.
9. The first location you send will cause Fusions Seismic Navigation dialog to
display. To avoid this dialog for the rest of the session, toggle on Apply PD
Location Immediately, and click Close
The prestack data from the location selected in GeoProbe is now displayed in Well
Seismic Fusion.
General Information
Command Line Arguments
Environmental Variables
projectSwap Utility
Remote Execution
RESCUE Loading
Command Line Arguments
Command line arguments are the settings specified when starting GeoProbe from a
shell window. Some arguments require a value following it. All arguments and values
are separated by a space.
The following table describes the command line arguments for GeoProbe.
Argument Description Next Argument Default
--noprojadddrop Disables the users ability to add None No
and drop shortcuts in both
SeisWorks and GeoProbe mode.
Environmental Variables
The following table describes environmental variables used in GeoProbe.
Variable Description Value
GEOPROBE_HELP_PATH_ Online help directory. $(GEOPROBE_HOME)/
GEOPROBE_HUD_XOFFSET Offsets the HUD display away from the Number of pixels.
edge of the screen by the specified
GEOPROBE_HUD_YOFFSET number of pixels. Useful in curved
screen environments where spherical
projection may crop the HUD display.
Variable Description Value
GEOPROBE_SGILINUXOK SGI to Linux not supported, this will
override so that it can be tested in that
GEOPROBE_STEREO_EYE_ Sets the default eye-separation for stereo a floating point number from
SEPARATION viewing. A negative number will -1.0 to 1.0 (default=0.011)
reverse the left/right eye polarity.
Variable Description Value
GP_PORT The port number used by geoprobe to
listen for Tcl commands. Used by the
API-based utilities
Variable Description Value
projectSwap Utility
A command line utility has been added to enable customers to work with legacy
GeoProbe projects in an OW/SW environment. Users can take an existing GeoProbe
project that has an axis orientation different than the SeisWorks default orientation and
create a new GeoProbe project where the objects have the same orientation as
% cd old_project
% ls -1 Volumes/*.vol Surfaces/*.gvw Wells/*.wl Horizons/
*.hzn Faults/*.eds Points/*.pts Shapes/*.iv > object_list
4. Create a new project directory, noted below as target_dir and run the projectSwap
The program projectSwap generates new objects in subdirectories of target_dir and for
each of them flips the x axis if requested, then flips the y axis if requested, then swaps
the x and y axes.
projectSwap All output from running the projectSwap utility can be preserved in an error file by
Error File using the following addendum to the command:
This can be run in the background of your session, and progress can be checked by
typing % tail -f swap.log
Setting the Window Focus Preference on Linux
On Linux systems, depending on whether you are running the KDE or Gnome
window managers, the <M> and <Shift+M> hotkeys may not be working as expected.
Depending on how you have set your individual preference for window behavior, you
may not be able to toggle through the Control Pick Modes through their complete
cycle. To avoid problems, we recommend the following:
1. Click the red hat at the lower left corner and select Control Center.
2. Select Index > Desktop > Window Behavior > Focus > Policy.
For Gnome
1. Click the red hat at the lower left corner and select Preference > Windows.
2. Check the option Select windows when the mouse moves over them.
Operating System Tuning - IRIX
GeoProbe on UNIX should run correctly with the default system parameters.
However, volume data larger than 1 GB may require changes to the operating system
kernel parameters. Only the system administrator can change the settings. In some
cases, only the system administrator can examine the settings.
To check and set the kernel parameters, use the following command in a shell window.
systune -i
The -i option means interactive. The command prompt for this utility is systune->.
Only the system administrator can change settings. Enter the following commands into
systune, pressing the Enter key after each one.
The value will display after each command. For shmmax, the value will look like the
following example.
Parameter Recommendation
shmmax twice the size of physical memory if shmmax is less than physical
memory size
Parameter Recommendation
rlimit_rss_max the size of physical memory if less than physical memory
rlimit_vmem_cur between the size of physical memory and twice the size
rlimit_vmem_max between the size of physical memory and twice the size
rlimit_stack_max 0x7fffffffffffffff ll
rlimit_stack_cur 0x7fffffffffffffff ll
rlimit_fsize_max AL
rlimit_fsize_cur AL
Syscheck For IRIX, GeoProbe includes a utility called syscheck. It is in the GeoProbe/
VERSION/bin directory. This utility performs the following checks.
hostname: whatever
lmhostid: 690cd23b
300 MHZ IP30 MIPS R12000
graphics pipes: 2
ESI (1)
EMXI (1)
physical memory: 2048MB
1GB = 1073741824 decimal = 0x40000000 hex
1MB = 1048576 decimal = 0x100000 hex
rlimit_data_cur 0x800000000 NA
rlimit_data_max 0x800000000 ok
rlimit_fsize_cur 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ok
rlimit_fsize_max 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ok
rlimit_stack_cur 0x4000000 ok
rlimit_stack_max 0x20000000 ok
rlimit_vmem_cur 0x800000000 ok
rlimit_vmem_max 0x800000000 ok
shmmni 0x1828 ok
sshmseg 0x7D0 ok
rlimit_data_cur 2147483648 NA
Systune Recommendations in Decimal
rlimit_fsize_cur 9223372036854775807 ok
rlimit_fsize_max 9223372036854775807 ok
rlimit_stack_cur 67108864 ok
rlimit_stack_max 536870912 ok
rlimit_vmem_cur 2147483648 ok
rlimit_vmem_max 2147483648 ok
shmmni 6184 ok
sshmseg 2000 ok
Parameter Description
physical_memory size of physical memory (RAM)
Systune Parameters Descriptions
Parameter Description
sshmseg maximum number of attached shared memory segments
The first two tables are identical other than one has values in hexadecimal and the
other in decimal. These tables contain current system parameter values and possible
recommended changes for running GeoProbe.
Swap File Swapping allows the operating system to simulate a larger amount of memory by
temporarily storing blocks of RAM onto the hard drive. There can be more than one
swap file.
To check the swap file(s) size(s), use the following command in a shell window.
/etc/swap -l
Note the sizes are given in 512-byte blocks. The results will look like the following.
The total size of the swap files should be no less than the size of physical memory. If
the total swap size is insufficient, add one or more secondary swap files.
To create a new swap file, you must be the system administrator. Use the following
command in a shell window.
Simultaneous A site may intend to operate multiple GeoProbe sessions on their Onyx system
GeoProbe simultaneously. In these cases, the user may run into a problem running out of
Sessions graphics contexts:
The solution is to increase the RMM_MAXRN value. The default value is 128, our
recommended value is 512.
1. Login as superuser.
3. Run /etc/autoconfig
4. Reboot.
GeoProbe Configuration Files
Introduction The configuration files for GeoProbe have changed completely in Release 3.0. The
new configuration files are simpler, more flexible and are easier to configure and to
understand. The GeoProbe configuration file can be used to control the number and
placement of GeoProbe rendering windows on one or more graphics boards (e.g.,
single and/or multi-pipe). As of GeoProbe Release 3.1, we are now supporting the
GeoProbe Configuration file on all platforms.
1. Read this entire chapter to familiarize yourself with the terminology and concepts.
2. Try GeoProbe with multiple pipes using one of the configuration files included
with Geoprobe. These files are located in:
You may find a file that is correct for your display system. For a system with
multiple projectors, if there is no overlap or the overlap area shows double lines,
then a new GeoProbe configuration file needs to be created. However, you may be
able to modify one of the existing files to work for your particular system
3. Get the values from the projector vendor (horizontal and vertical field of views,
overlap, left and right offsets).
4. If you have more than one visualization center running GeoProbe, create separate
configuration files and specify the correct file on the GeoProbe command line.
across several displays. An SGI Onyx system can have several graphics pipes, each
driving a separate display. SUN systems can also utilize multiple graphics cards in
this manner, although these configurations have not undergone certification testing.
Using multiple graphics cards increases resolution of the image and the interactive
performance by dividing the 3-D drawing across multiple graphics engines.
Projection The projection geometry definition controls how objects are rendered on to the screen.
Geometry The projection geometry defines the part of the scene that is displayed to each
projector or monitor. The projection geometry takes into account the orientation and
size of that projector or monitor with respect to the viewer, and accounts for scaling,
projection and offset to produce an accurate rendition of the scene.
The GeoProbe configuration file defines the projection geometry, or lens for the
camera associated with each monitor or projector used by GeoProbe. The GeoProbe
configuration file is very flexible and supports:
Included with your GeoProbe installation are a number of example configuration files
supporting various screen and projector configurations. Each of these configuration
files utilizes specific projection geometry. The projection geometry defines the
projection characteristics of the screen and projector(s) and the relationship of the
projected images to each other.
We can imagine the each monitor, or projector onto which an image is displayed has
an accompanying render surface. This render surface is defined in the GeoProbe
configuration file and is associated with a camera definition that specifies the
projection geometry for transforming a 3-D scene into an image to be displayed by a
monitor or projector.
A viewing frustum is 3-D volume in a scene positioned relative to the camera. The
shape of the volume affects how models are projected from object (real-world) space
onto the screen. The most common type of projection, a perspective projection, is
responsible for making objects near the viewer's eyepoint appear bigger than objects in
the distance. For perspective viewing, the viewing frustum can be visualized as a
pyramid, with the camera positioned at the tip.
This pyramid is intersected by front and back clipping planes. The volume within the
pyramid between the front and back clipping planes is the viewing frustum. Objects
are visible only when they are in this volume. The front and back clipping planes
define a region of a scene and within which objects are rendered to the display.
Objects between the eye and the front clipping plane are not rendered. Objects
between the front and back clipping planes are rendered. Objects further from the eye
than the rear clipping plane are not rendered.
The clipping planes are defined in normalized coordinates (as described below). The
distance between these clipping planes should be defined so that the display entire
scene can be displayed without being clipped. However, defining an excessively large
value for the rear clipping plane depth is discouraged. This is because GeoProbe uses
a depth buffer technique for hidden surface removal. The precision available in the
depth buffer is limited. Defining an excessively large value for the rear clipping
plane can lead to undesirable artifacts in hidden surface removal. Most of the
examples below use values of 1.0 for the near clipping plane and 1000.0 for the far
clipping plane. These values should work well for most configurations.
The configuration files provided with GeoProbe are as follows:
3p3w3ch.cfg Defines a three-pipe configuration for a "spherical" projection geometry. This
projection geometry is used for spherical section screens, and for some
cylindrical screens. The overlap between projectors is 12.5%, or 160 pixels.
octane.cfg In the absence of the "-stereo" directive, or especially with the "-nostereo"
directive, this configuration will disable active stereo, and provide a full 8bit
color display for the octane.
octane_stereo.cfg In the presence of the "-stereo" directive, this configuration will disable active
stereo, and provides a crummy 4bit color display for the octane with stereo.
Spherical projection geometries are defined by a horizontal and vertical field of view,
coupled with an offset that is defined as a rotation away from the position of the center
of the screen.
This image does not cover the entire screen, it only covers a segment, or arc, of the
screen. The angle of this arc from left to right is the horizontal field of view. Like the
horizontal field of view, there is also a vertical field of view. The value supplied for
the vertical field of view is not as critical as value supplied for the horizontal field of
view, but an incorrect value will create display that is geometrically distorted. In
addition, the correct setting will better utilize the top and bottom edges of the screen.
The example in the images below shows a three projector system, with the middle
projector pointing directly at the center of the screen. The center line runs from this
projector to the middle of the screen's horizontal field of view. The following figure
shows the geometry of the center projector.
Horizontal Center
Field of Line
Projector Screen
If the projection screen is evenly divided per projector, and the right and left projectors
are equidistant from the screen, then each projector will have the same horizontal and
vertical fields of view. The left and right projectors will horizontally overlap the center
projectors image by a small amount. The angle of this arc is called the overlap.
The final measurement is the offset. The offset of the right projector is the angle
between the center line of the screen and the center line of the right projector. In this
case, the center line of the screen is the same as the center line of the middle projector.
The following figure shows the left and right projectors with overlap and offset.
Left Right
Offset Offset
Center & Right
Left & Center Overlap
Left Right
In the GeoProbe configuration file, the Perspective directive is used to define the
projection geometry for each projector (e.g., Camera ). For example, for a screen
with a horizontal field of view (hfov) of 151 degrees, a vertical field of view (vfov)
of 45 degrees, and an overlap of 5 degrees, the Perspective definition would be as
For such a system, the offset of the left projector would be defined as a positive
rotation about the y axis:
The offset of the right projector would be defined as a negative rotation about the y
by the screen dimensions (e.g., x,y bounds) coupled with a shear, or offset in x and/or
y from the center of the display system to the center of the screen.
If we have a screen-size of 5.0 wide, by 4.0 high, and the eyepoint is 5.0 units in 'z'
from the screen and centered on the screen, then we would have:
Three Screens
For a three-pipe system, the outer pipes will use an "off-axis" projection and will not
be symmetric. For these systems, an offset is defined as a "shear" value, which is the
offset in x between the center of the projection system, and the center of the screen
being defined. The offset is defined in normalized screen widths.
Offset Bottom
Imagine that we have a 3-screen system, with the basic screen size defined above. If
we have a 25% overlap between screens, then the "shear" offset in "x" between the
center of the projection system, and the center of the left screen would be 1.5:
The "shear" offset in "x" between the center of the projection system, and the center
of the right screen would be -1.5:
The "shear" offset for the center screen of a 3 channel visualization system will be
Two Screens
For a two-pipe system, both pipes will use an "off-axis" projection and will not be
symmetric. For these systems, an offset is defined as a "shear" value, which is the
offset in x between the center of the projection system, and the center of the screen
being defined. The offset is defined in normalized screen widths.
Overlap Right
Offset Bottom
Imagine that we have a 2-screen system, with the basic screen size defined above in
Single Screen Planar Geometry. If there were no overlap, the offset would be 1.0:
If we have a 20% overlap between screens, then the "shear" offset in "x" between
the center of the projection system, and the center of the left screen would be 0.8:
The "shear" offset in "x" between the center of the projection system, and the center
of the right screen would be -0.8:
Configuration The configuration files for GeoProbe changed completely in Release 3.0. The new
File Format configuration files are simpler, more flexible and are easier to configure and to
understand. This section will describe each of the components of a GeoProbe
configuration file.
At the end of this section, we discuss the procedure for editing two of the example
configuration files included with GeoProbe:
The Camera
The basic building block of the new GeoProbe configuration file is the Camera. A
Camera corresponds directly to a projector. The Camera defines the projection
geometry, and the RenderSurface associated with a projector.
The projection geometry is defined by a Lens and an Offset. The projection geometry
can be either spherical, or planar. For a spherical projection geometry, the Lens is
defined by the Perspective declaration described above, while the Offset is defined by
the Rotate declaration. For a planar projection, the Lens is defined by the Frustum
declaration described above, while the Offset is defined by the Shear declaration.
These fields are described in more detail in the previous section on Projection
/* defines the projection parameters for the camera (can
use Perspective, or Frustum) */
/* Perspective <hfov> <vfov> <nearClip> <farClip>; */
/* Frustum <left> <right> <bottom> <top> <nearClip>
<farClip>; */
Frustum -0.5 0.5 -0.4 0.4 1.0 1000.0;
/* defines the camera offset (can use Rotate or Shear) */
Shear 1.5 0.0;
/* Rotate <deg> <x> <y> <z>; (commonly used in
conjunction with Lens/Perspective) */
/* Shear <hz> <vrt>; (commonly used in conjunction with
Lens/Frustum) */
The RenderSurface defines the window into which the Cameras scene will be
rendered. This definition includes the following declarations:
Declaration Description
Visual Defines the display attributes for the render surface
/* define the display attributes for the RenderSurface */
Declaration Description
Screen Defines the Xwindows 'screen' on which the RenderSurface is displayed.
From the user's perspective, every X server has a display_name of the form:
host: display.screen, where:
host - specifies the name of the machine to which the display is physically
display - refers to a collection of monitors that share a common keyboard and
pointer (mouse, tablet, etc.).
screen a graphics board set with its own set of windows. (e.g., a pipe on an
SGI ONYX mulitpipe configuration)
Screen 2;
/* The Xwindows 'screen' on which the RenderSurface is
displayed. */
Border off;
/* Border <on/off>; Display a window border around the
render surface. */
InputRectangle The extent of InputArea covered by this RenderSurface. This extent is given
in the coordinate space defined for the InputArea.
The InputArea
The InputArea is a collection of InputRectangles which describe the input area for
mouse events. This is really just a list of the RenderSurfaces defined for each
/* A collection of InputRectangles which describe the
input area for mouse events. */
RenderSurface "Window 1" ;
RenderSurface "Window 2" ;
RenderSurface "Window 3" ;
For SGI systems, if GeoProbe cannot at first find a visual that supports stereoscopic
displays, it attempts to use 4 bits of RGB instead of 8 bits (to accommodate users of
Octane workstations). If it finds a 4bit visual that works for stereo, and there is no
specific configuration file, then GeoProbe will look at the following environment
If these variables are set, they will be used when switching in and out of stereo. If
these commands are not set, then default values for these commands will be used.
The projector vendor should provide the following information needed to configure
Left and right offset
The left offset will be a positive angle, and the right offset will be a negative angle. All
other values are positive angles. The units for angles are degrees.
An example GeoProbe configuration file for spherical geometry can be found in the
file GeoProbe/<system type>/3.1/Config/3p3w3ch.cfg. Find this file in the GeoProbe
installation, save a copy somewhere (3p3w3ch.cfg.original), then edit this file
according to the following instructions.
1. Look for the Lens definition area within each Camera. As described above, edit
the Perspective definition to utilize the correct values for horizontal and vertical
field of view.
2. Look for the Offset definition area within each Camera. As described above, edit
the Rotate definition to utilize the correct values for Offset.
The projector vendor should provide the following information needed to configure
Dimensions of screen
Dimension of the projected area for each projector
Percentage overlap
Distance to center of viewing area
An example GeoProbe configuration file for spherical geometry can be found in the
file GeoProbe/<system type>/3.1/Config/3p3w3ch.cfg. Find this file in the GeoProbe
installation, save a copy somewhere (3p3w3ch.cfg.original), then edit this file
according to the following instructions.
1. Look for the Lens definition area within each Camera. As described above, edit
the Frustum definition to utilize the correct values for horizontal and vertical field
of view.
2. Look for the Offset definition area within each Camera. As described above, edit
the Shear definition to utilize the correct values for Offset.
Running Running GeoProbe with a configuration file requires several command line
GeoProbe arguments. In GeoProbe Release 3.0 and beyond, there is no default configuration file.
To run GeoProbe with a configuration, the configuration file must be specified on the
command line as shown in the following example:
X Display Specifications
Multiple pipe systems assign a distinct X Window screen to each pipe, or graphics
card. All three pipes run under one X server, but the three screens have different
names. Knowing the X Display specification for each screen is useful for positioning
the GeoProbe dialog boxes. These are the command line arguments used for
positioning the various parts of the user interface:
-display :0.1 positions the "main geoprobe menu", with or without it's embedded
graphics window
-guidpy :0.1 positions the "manager" dialog, and other dialog windows
-single overrides internal settings and places all GeoProbe dialogs on a single
screen defined by the DISPLAY environment variable.
For example, to place the GeoProbe dialogs on the screen identified as :0.1, add "-
guidpy :0.1" as a command line argument. Otherwise, the DISPLAY environment
defines which screen the dialogs appear.
Configuring Stereoscopic Displays
The configuration of stereo and mono display modes changed with GeoProbe Release
3.0. Configuring stereo and mono display formats are now only defined by using a
configuration file and specifying that file on the command line, as shown in the
following example.
Configuring a Linux Workstation for Stereo
Configuring the In the GeoProbe installation, the directory $(GEOPROBE_HOME)/Geoprobe/
Video Format Linux64/3.1/XFree86 (or $(GEOPROBE_HOME)/Geoprobe/Linux32/3.1/
Using the XFree86) contains a set of example XF86Config-4 files demonstrating the
XFree86-4 configuration steps necessary to support multiple displays with a single graphics card
Configuration (TwinView), stereo, edge-blending, and multiple graphics cards.
This documentation is simple and fairly basic. More complete information can be
found in the documentation for XFree86(tm) version 4.3 (
4.3.0/ ).
Additional information can be found in the "NVIDIA Accellerated Linux Driver Set
README & Installation Guide", (
1.0-8762/README/README.txt ).
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Mouse0"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Protocol" "PS/2"
Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Mouse0"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
Option "Device" "/dev/mouse"
The "PS/2" protocol should always be tried first for PS/2 mice regardless of type,
although wheels and other additional features may not be supported by this protocol.
After verifying the mouse works with this protocol, you may choose to specify one of
the "xxxPS/2" protocols so that extra features are made available in the X server.
Some operating systems may allow you to specify "Auto" as the protocol type for the
PS/2 mouse and the X server will automatically adjust itself.
If your mouse is connected to the USB port, it can either be supported by the "Auto"
protocol, or by an OS-specific protocol (see below), or as a generic Human Interface
Device by the "usb" protocol.
The "Device" option specifies the system device node. For most users this will be "/
dev/mouse", or "/dev/psaux" for PS/2 devices.
XFree86 supports mice with a wheel, a roller or a knob. This action is detected as the
Z (third) axis motion of the mouse. As the X server or clients normally do not use the
Z axis movement of the pointing device, a configuration option, "ZAxisMapping", is
provided to assign the Z axis movement to another axis or a pair of buttons as shown
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Mouse0"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
Option "Device" "/dev/mouse"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
Option "Buttons" "5"
The "Buttons" option tells the X server the number of buttons on the mouse. The
default value is three. This value is increased when assigning Z axis movement to
button events using the ZAxisMapping option.
Please refer to Appendix I of the Nvidia README document, "Configuring
TwinView". To enable TwinView, you must specify the following options in the
Device section of your XF86Config file:
Option "TwinView"
Option "SecondMonitorHorizSync" "<hsync range(s)>"
Option "SecondMonitorVertRefresh" "<vrefresh range(s)>"
Option "MetaModes" "<list of metamodes>"
Option "NoTwinViewXineramaInfo" "on"
You may also use any of the following options, though they are not required:
Section "Device"
Identifier "NVIDIA AGP TwinView"
Driver "nvidia"
VendorName "NVIDIA"
BoardName "NVIDIA Quadro 4"
Option "TwinView"
Option "SecondMonitorHorizSync" "30-96"
Option "SecondMonitorVertRefresh" "48-160"
Option "MetaModes" "1280x1024 +0+0, 1280x1024
Option "ConnectedMonitor" "CRT,CRT"
The "DFP" setting should be used when connecting to a digital flat panel display with
DVI cables. The "CRT" setting should be used in most other cases (e.g., with CRT
monitors, or when connected to a digital flat panel monitor with VGA cables).
Active stereo displays are compatible with CRT-based desktop monitors and with
certain types of projection equipment. Digital Flat Panels refresh too slowly to
support Active Stereo.
The files, XF86Config-4.twinview.crt and XF86Config-4.twinview.dfp, show
TwinView configurations using "crt" and "dfp" monitor specifications.
A single MetaMode describes what mode should be used on each display device at a
given time. Multiple MetaModes list the combinations of modes and the sequence in
which they should be used.
Offset descriptions follow the conventions used in the X "-geometry" command line
option. The XOFF and YOFF parts are measured in pixels and are used to specify the
distance of the window from the left or right and top and bottom edges of the
aggregate displayed area.
When no offsets are given for a MetaMode, the offsets will be computed following the
value of the TwinViewOrientation option. Note that if offsets are given for any one of
the modes in a single MetaMode, then offsets will be expected for all modes within
that single MetaMode; in such a case offsets will be assumed to be +0+0 when not
The "Stereo" option in the Device section of the XF86Config-4 file is used to enable
the offering of quad-buffered stereo visuals on Nvidia cards that support steroscopic
displays. Active stereo displays are compatible with CRT-based desktop monitors and
with certain types of projection equipment. Digital Flat Panels refresh too slowly to
support Active Stereo.
The value of the Stereo option indicates the type of stereo glasses being used.
Typically this option is set to "3" to enable Onboard stereo support. The
synchronization signal is then provided via a 3-pin DIN connector on the back of the
video card.
With "Stereo" option "3", the Nvidia FX-3000 board can support active stereo on two
monitors. This is the most commonly used stereo mode. Here is an example of the
Option line for this mode:
Stereo option 3,
Stereo option "1" - DDC glasses. The sync signal is sent to the glasses via the
DDC signal to the monitor.
Stereo option "2" - "Blueline" glasses. The glasses know which eye to display
based on the length of a blue line visible at the bottom of the screen.
Stereo option "3" - "Normal" Active stereo mode with LCD Shutterglasses
such as those produced by StereoGraphics or NuVision.
Stereo option "4" - Clone mode. The left eye image is displayed on channel 1;
the right eye image is displayed on channel 2. This mode can be used to
present a "single headed" display using a passive stereo projection setup.
Stereo options 1, 2, and 3 (aka "active" stereo) may be used with TwinView if all
modes within each metamode have identical timing values. Stereo options 1, 2, and 3
(aka "active" stereo) are not supported on Digital Flatpanels because Digital Flatpanels
refresh too slowly.
A video signal created when the display is utilizing Stereo option 4 can be directed to
a Digital Flat panel, but the user will only see the left eye, or right eye image and will
not seem a stereo display.
Please refer to Appendix L of the Nvidia README document, "Programming Modes"
for more detailed information on setting the video output modes for the video output
channels and for ensuring that the modes within your metamodes are identical.
These frequency ranges should be editted to match the sync frequency ranges for the
monitor or projector being used. The sync frequency ranges are usually listed on the
specifications page of the monitor's manual. If you are using a projector, you can
usually find sync frequency information in the specifications documentation, or on the
manufacturer's website. For DLP and LCD projecors ProjectorCentral
( is a good source of specification information.
Some functionality, such as Active Stereo with TwinView, requires that both output
channels use the same HorizSync and VertRefresh timings. To use this functionality,
you need to make sure that both display devices use the same HorizSync and
VertRefresh values when performing mode validation. This is accomplished by
making sure the HorizSync and SecondMonitorHorizSync match, and that the
VertRefresh and the SecondMonitorVertRefresh match.
The NVIDIA Accelerated Linux Driver Set supports all standard VGA and VESA
modes, as well as most user-written custom mode lines; double-scan modes are
supported on all hardware.
It is relatively simple to specify the use of a custom modeline (generated using one of
the many available modeline generators). For example, if you wanted to use
1280x1024 at 96 Hz on each monitor in TwinView with active stereo, you might
create a custom modeline that looks like this:
Modeline "1280x1024_96.00" 182.81 1280 1376 1520 1760
1024 1025 1028 1082 -HSync +Vsync
In the monitor section of your XF86Config file, you would then specify a MetaMode
as follows:
Some functionality, such as Active Stereo with TwinView, requires that both output
channels use the same HorizSync and VertRefresh timings. In this case, make sure to
specify the same modeline identifier for each channel in the "MetaModes" option.
In the Display subsection of the, Screen section of your XF86Config file, you will
need to specify an additional Mode, as follows:
Configuring a Linux Workstation for Multiple
Graphics Cards
In the GeoProbe installation, the directory $(GEOPROBE_HOME)/Geoprobe/
Linux64/3.1/XFree86 (or $(GEOPROBE_HOME)/Geoprobe/Linux32/3.1/
XFree86) contains a set of example XF86Config-4 files demonstrating the
configuration steps necessary to support multiple displays with a single graphics card
(TwinView), stereo, edge-blending, and multiple graphics cards.
This documentation is simple and fairly basic. More complete information can be
found in the documentation for XFree86(tm) version 4.3 (
4.3.0/ ).
Additional information can be found in the "NVIDIA Accellerated Linux Driver Set
README & Installation Guide", (
1.0-8762/README/README.txt ).
If one graphics card is not going to be used, then it may be best to remove it from the
system. An alternative is to configure the unused card as a single-display screen, and
assign it a screen number that no applications will use. Thus, the Xserver initializes the
unused card to keep GeoProbe happy, and you (explicitly) tell GeoProbe to not use the
unused card via the -display, -guidpy, and -helpdpy options.
The other alternative is to "chmod -rw /dev/nvidia1" so that the device file
corresponding to the unused card can not be opened. However, this is not a sure bet
since some login/authentication services may reset the permissions on this device.
Specifying the graphics cards using the BusID
The BusID line is used to specify graphics devices a specific XF86Config-4 device
definition section is intended for. When this line isn't present, a device section can
only match up with the primary video device. For PCI or PCI-Express devices a line
similar to the following could be used. This line should not normally be included
unless there is more than one video device installed.
Use "/sbin/lspci" to determine the appropriate BusID (note that the numbers below are
in hexadecimal, and need to be converted to decimal for use in the XF86Config-4 file).
For example, for a SUN Ultra 40 with two Nvidia Quadro FX-4500 graphics cards,
here is the output from "/sbin/lspci":
For a SUN Ultra 40 with two Nvidia Quadro FX-4500 graphics cards, these are the
corresponding BusID lines from the XF86Config-4 file:
BusID "PCI:3:0:0"
BusID "PCI:130:0:0"
For example, for an HP xw9300 with two Nvidia Quadro FX-4500 graphics cards,
here is the output from "/sbin/lspci":
For an HP xw9300 with two Nvidia Quadro FX-4500 graphics cards, these are the
corresponding BusID lines from the XF86Config-4 file:
BusID "PCI:10:0:0"
BusID "PCI:129:0:0"
For example, for an HP xw9300 with one Nvidia Quadro FX-4500 X2 graphics card,
here is the output from "/sbin/lspci":
For an HP xw9300 with one Nvidia Quadro FX-4500 X2 graphics card, these are the
corresponding BusID lines from the XF86Config-4 file:
BusID "PCI:12:0:0"
BusID "PCI:13:0:0"
The most performant way to configure multiple graphics cards is to define a single X-
display for each video output. If there is no requirement for genlock/framelock
synchronization, TwinView can be used. The current version of the Nvidia Driver
does not support the use of genlock/framelock when multiple TwinView screens are
configured across multiple graphics cards.
Configuring When using GeoProbe on a system with multiple graphics cards, it is often desirable to
Genlock/ synchronize the video outputs in order to provide high-quality stereo displays, or to
Framelock for provide the illusion of a seamless display across multiple projector. This
Systems with synchronization is enabled through the frame lock and genlock capabilities of the
Multiple NVIDIA driver. Please refer to Appendix X. of the Nvidia README document,
Graphics Cards. "Framelock and Genlock", which describes the setup and use of frame lock and
Supported Hardware
Frame lock and genlock are supported for the following hardware:
Two (2) Quadro FX-4500 cards + One (1) Quadro FX G-Sync card
One (1) Quadro FX-4500 X2 card + One (1) Quadro FX G-Sync card
Two (2) Quadro FX-5500 cards + One (1) Quadro FX G-Sync card
Installing the Cards
Please refer to the "Hardware Setup" section of Appendix X in the Nvidia README
document, "Framelock and Genlock", which describes the setup and use of frame lock
and genlock.
If you plan to use frame lock or genlock in conjunction with a two-GPU configuration,
you should connect the fourteen-pin connector labeled "primary" to the first, and
connect the connector labeled "secondary" to the second GPU.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the list of Nvidia X Server Settings and select FrameLock
4. Devices will appear corresponding to each configured video output channel on the
graphics cards. Select the topmost channel as the server, and select all other
channels as clients. If you cannot select the topmost channel as the server, you may
need to swap the cables that connect the graphics cards to the GSYNC card. The
"first" graphics card should be connected to the "primary" connector on the
GSYNC card, while the "second" graphics card should be connected to the port
labelled "secondary". This is documented in /usr/share/doc/NVIDIA_GLX-1.0/
6. Notice that the stereo genlock and the slave sync lights for the second card turn
Configuring an SGI Workstation for Stereo
This section pertains primarily to systems using InfiniteReality graphics, although
some of the information in this section will apply to other SGI systems. The system
configuration methodology for SGI Onyx4 systems is quite different and is covered in
the section, Configuring an SGI Onyx4 Workstation for Stereo.
Configuring the The video output format can be configured outside of GeoProbe using the SGI
Video Output commands ircombine, setmon, or xsetmon. If you wish to use same video
Format configuration for both stereo and mono video modes (this is common with sites using
DLP projectors), then there is no need to change the video format within the GeoProbe
However, if you wish to use a different screen-size, video format, or video refresh rate
within GeoProbe, then you must specify this within the GeoProbe Configuration file.
Genlock priority is also configured in this file.
These values must be set for every window (e.g., camera) defined in the GeoProbe
configuration file. If the size of the window does not change between monoscopic and
stereoscopic modes, then the StereoWindowRectangle directive may be omitted, or set
to the same values as used for WindowRectangle.
specific configuration file, then GeoProbe will look at the following environment
If these variables are set, they will be used when switching in and out of stereo. If
these commands are not set, then default values for these commands will be used.
The following is an example of the part of the GeoProbe configuration file where
video formats for monoscopic and stereoscopic viewing are defined.
This entry defines two commands to be run on a screen, or pipe. The first command is
run when the system is toggled into stereo mode. The second command returns the
system to mono mode.
The example above will cause a 1280x1024 size screen to be the default size when in
mono format and a 1024x768 sized screen will be the default bsize when in stereo
On multiple pipe displays, genlocking is needed to keep the video output synchronized
among the pipes. Genlocking causes the different video displays to synchronize to an
external video clock. Incorrect genlocking can cause a painful stereo experience with
one eye seeing an image on one screen that is slightly different from the other screens.
Commonly this appears as a black band in one or more of the video screens.
Enabling genlocking must be done physically by connecting cables at the back of the
SGI machine. In addition the setting stereo with the setmon command must also be
instructed to activate genlock-ing. This is done using the -g command line parameter.
For example, to enable genlocking and stereo in a visionarium setup, the following
lines would need to be specified.
Notice that pipe 0 does not contain the -g command line parameter. The other pipes are
syncing to this pipe (this is due to the physical cabling) and it does not need to have
genlock enabled. See SGI documentation for further information on genlocking.
Configuring the On SGI systems, the Xservers file is located in /var/X11/xdm/Xservers. This file
Xservers File controls the setup of the X servers running on the system. This file specifies which
pipes (e.g., graphics cards) will be used for each server (e.g., user login). It also
specifies the ordering of pipes from left to right, the mouse offset, and whether the
mouse is allowed to "wrap" from the right side of the rightmost pipe, to the left side of
the leftmost pipe.
This example shows a two pipe configuration with a 20% (or 256 pixel) blend. The
first entry on this line is the specification of the server, in this case ":0".
Pipe Ordering
The directive "-boards 0, 0", indicates that pipes 0 and 1 will be used for this server.
For each board, the relationship of that board relative to the other boards is specified as
follows. First we specify that board 1 is to the right of board 0.
-hw board=0,right=1
-hw board=1,left=0,xoffset=-256
Mouse Offset
When edge blending is used, one often sees the mouse do a "stutter-step" maneuver as
it moves from one screen to the next. What happens is that as the mouse moves from
the end of the left screen to the start of the right screen, it appears to "jump" backwards
because the screens are overlapped.
The xoffset directive corrects this by taking the blend into account. By specifying a
negative overlap that corresponds to the size of the blend, we enter the right screen at
the right edge of the blend region. For example, with a 20% blend (e.g., 256 pixels),
we would specify an xoffset of -256 for the right pipe.
-hw board=1,left=0,xoffset=-256
Mouse Wrapping
Adding the -wrapx directive allows the mouse to smoothly move from the right edge
of the rightmost screen, back around the the left edge of the leftmost screen. Whether
or not to use -wrapx is a matter of personal preference.
Configuring an SGI Onyx 4 Workstation for
This section pertains only to SGI Onyx4 workstations. For information on the
configuration methodology of other SGI systems, please refer to the section,
Configuring an SGI Workstation for Stereo.
The SGI Onyx4 workstation combines commodity graphics cards with SGIs NUMA
architecture, MIPS processors and IRIX operating system. This system uses a
modified version of the XFree86 desktop infrastructure. Most video configuration is
done using files and utilities related to XFree86, although some standard SGI video
configuration utilities (e.g., setmon) have been adapted for use on the ONYX4.
This document only covers basic setup of the Onyx4 for running in stereo mode.
These directions may not apply to systems using the Onyx4 compositor. For more
detailed and up to date documentation please contact SGI.
Video and A number of files are involved in specifying the setup of the Onyx4 graphics and
Window System windowing system. In addition, log files are available which collect information on
Configuration the operation of the Onyx4 graphics and windowing system. Some of these files are:
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 - This is the primary file modified by the user when
configuring a new video mode.
xsetmon commands. System problems can arise if the contents of these files is not the
same as the information in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4. In that case, these files may be
safely deleted and a stop/start graphics may be performed (/usr/gfx/startgfx; /usr/gfx/
stopgfx). This will cause these files to be recreated.
/var/X11/xdm/Xservers This file specifies the startup parameters for each Xserver
running on the system. This is where the mapping from an Xserver to the keyboard
and pipes that it will use is performed. The user can also specify that a specific /etc/
X11/XF86Config-4 file should be used.
/var/log/XFree86.*.log - This file stores errors resulting from parsing the /etc/X11/
XF86Config-4 file and starting the windowing system. This file typically contains
very useful debugging information.
Precedence of When starting graphics, a number of files are examined to determine the system
Operations capabilities and select a video output format to match those capabilities. This section
describes the order of these operations.
1. First the system attempts to determine the properties of the monitor. For
monitors that support EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) or DDC
(Display Data Channel), information about the monitors capabilities is available
to the system. In this case, the system gets information about the monitors range
of capabilities (e.g., horizontal and vertical refresh ranges, etc.) directly from the
The monitor may not support EDID or DDC, or these operations may be disabled
via options in the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file. In these cases, the system uses the
monitor capabilities stored in the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file.
When configuring the system for use with projectors it is often prudent to disable
EDID and DDC and force the system to use the contents of the monitor section in
the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file. In this case, contents of this section should be
edited to exactly correspond to the capabilities of the monitors or projectors being
var/X11/Xvc/SG2_formats and looks for the highest rate video format that will
work, given the capabilities defined in step 1.
The /etc/X11/ The /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file is the primary file modified by the user when
XF86Config-4 configuring a new video mode. This section covers the basics of this file, as it is used
File on the SGI Onyx4 UltimateVision platform. For more detailed and up to date
documentation please contact SGI.
If you modify this file, you would be well advised to make a back-up copy both of the
original file and of the file containing your changes. This is regenerated by the system
to add graphics boards.
Files Section This section defines the X11 RgbPath, the font paths, and the module
paths. There should be no need to modify this section.
Modules Section This section is used to specify run-time modules that are loaded
when the X server starts.
Server Flags Section This section is used to modify server flags that affect the
operation of the Xserver.
Input Device Section - This section relates to the keyboard configuration and should
not be modified. If you need a different keyboard it should be specified using the "
devdir" parameter in the /var/X11/xdm/Xservers file.
ModeLine Definitions - Modelines are defined within the monitor section to specify
resolution/refresh-rate video formats that can be used with the specified monitor.
More information on ModeLines is included below.
Graphics Device Section One graphics device section is created for each graphics
card. More information on this section is included below.
Screen Section - Also known as the "Core Pointer InputDevice Section". This section
defines the pointing devices and their behavior. More information on this section is
Server Layout Section - Also known as the "Core Pointer InputDevice Section".
This section defines the pointing devices and their behavior. More information on this
section is
A number of other pointer device definitions (e.g., Magellen, SpaceBall, Tablet, etc.)
are included, but are commented. The appropriate lines can be uncommented and the
Xserver restarted to activate these devices.
If the pointing devices are re-ordered, then the /etc/ioconf.conf file may need to be
rebuilt. Here is how that is accomplished:
% /usr/gfx/stopgfx
% rm /etc/ioconf.conf
% ioconf -f /hw
% /usr/gfx/startgfx
Monitor Section
This is where the user can set up different monitor and resolution settings. The
settings for a Generic Monitor are included in the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file.
Multiple monitors can be defined in a single /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file. Here are
examples of two monitor definitions:
Section "Monitor"
Indentifier Generic Monitor"
VertRefresh 50-160# multisync
Section "Monitor"
# The identifier line must be present.
# HorizSync 31.5
# HorizSync 30-64
# multisync
# VertRefresh is in Hz unless units are specified.
# VertRefresh 60
# VertRefresh 50-100
# multisync
# VertRefresh 60, 65
774 807
# If a monitor has DPMS support, that can be indicated
# Option "dpms"
ModeLine Definitions
Modelines are defined within the monitor section to specify resolution/refresh-rate
video formats that can be used with the specified monitor. A modeline can be
expressed in two different formats: a compact one-line format, or a multi-line format.
For example, here is a generic VGA (640x480) mode with horizontal sync equal to
31.5kHz and vertical refresh of 60 Hz. These two formats are equivalent:
ModeLine "640x480" 25.175 640 664 760 800 480 491 493 525
Mode "640x480"
DotClock 25.175
The format of a ModeLine in the compact format is:
<total lines>
The dot clock is calculated by multiplying the total pixels with the total lines and the
vertical refresh frequency. For example for a 1280x1024 format with the following
And the resulting number is rounded up to rounded to 108 MHz. By back calculating,
we see that the actual refresh rate will be 60.02Hz:
Section "Device"
Identifier "SGI SG-0"
Driver "fglrx"
BusId "PCI:2:0:0"
Option "noDDC"
Identifier This field is used for reference in other sections of the /etc/X11/
XF86Config-4 file. The identifier can be any string. However, by convention, the
Onyx4 UltimateVision cards are labeled as "SGI SG-0", "SGI SG-1", "SGI SG-2", etc.
Driver - This field is used to specify the driver to be used with this graphics card.
NOTE: This value should not be changed.
BusID - This is the actual graphics card location. Here is how you determine the
graphics card locations:
% (/usr/gfx/stopgfx;sleep 10;/usr/gfx/startgfx) &
MonitorLayout - This value is used for Dual Channel configuration. The format of
this option is as follows:
TMDS Digital signal (only the first channel of a pipe is capable of TMDS
DesktopSetup This option must also be specified for Dual Channel configuration
The format of this option is as follows:
0x00000000 - disable
0x00000100 - clone managed area
0x00000200 - scale managed area by 2 horizontally
0x00000300 - scale managed area by 2 vertically
Note: The same mode must be specified for all pipes managed by the same X server.
Overlay Planes Enabled - This option cannot be used concurrently with stereo mode.
The format of this option is as follows:
Option "OpenGLOverlay""on"
Option "noDDC"
Screen Section
Any number of screen sections may be present in the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file. Each screen
section describes the configuration of a single screen. A single specific screen section may be
specified from the X server command line with the screen option. Here is an example of a
screen section:
Section "Screen"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Depth 24
Modes "1280x1024"
Identifier This field is used for reference in other sections of the /etc/X11/
XF86Config-4 file. The identifier can be any string. However, by convention, the
Onyx4 UltimateVision screens are labeled as "Screen SG-0", "Screen SG-1", etc.
Device This references the graphics card defined in a Graphics Device section
within the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file.
Monitor This references the Monitor defined in a Monitor section within the /etc/
X11/XF86Config-4 file.
Modes Specifies which of the modelines, defined with the specified monitor, should
be used. The modeline specified here must be one of those defined within the Monitor
section where the specified monitor is defined.
ServerLayout Section
Any number of ServerLayout sections may be present in the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
file. Each ServerLayout section describes the way a collection of screens is organized.
A single specific ServerLayout section may be specified from the X server command
line with the "layout" option. Failing this, the first section defined is used. When no
ServerLayout section is present, the first Screen section is used alone. Here is an
example of a ServerLayout section:
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier"Main Layout"
Screen "Screen SG-2" """""Screen SG-1" ""
Screen Each screen line specifies a Screen section name, and optionally the relative
position of other screens defined in the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file. The four names
after the primary screen name are the screens to the top, bottom, left and right of the
primary screen. The format of this line is:
Where, [top] is the name of the screen directly above the specified screen; [bottom] is
the name of the screen directly below the specified screen; [left] is the name of the
screen directly to the left of the specified screen, and [right] is the name of the screen
directly to the right of the specified screen
InputDevice these lines identify the input devices associated with the server.
Configuring the To configure the system for stereoscopic displays perform the following steps:
System for
Stereo 1. In /etc/X11, copy XF86Config-4 to XF86Config-4.Stereo
NOTE: You could just modify the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file directly and have it
run this way without creating a new /var/X11/xdm/Xservers file or modifying /var/
4. Disable DDC and EDID. For monitors that support EDID (Extended Display
Identification Data) or DDC (Display Data Channel), information about the
monitors capabilities is available to the system. When configuring the system for
stereoscopic displays, or for use with projectors it is often prudent to disable EDID
and DDC. The options noDDC or ignoreEDID are used to do this, thereby forcing
the system to use the contents of the monitor section in the /etc/X11/XF86Config-
4 file.
Option "noDDC"
5. Add ModeLines providing support for stereoscopic display video modes to the
monitor section of the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.stereo file. For example:
Mode "1280x1024_96s_mirage"
DotClock 152.92
HTimings 1280 1330 1390 1500
6. Make sure your monitor or projector supports the high horizontal and vertical
refresh rates required for active stereo. Read the manual of the monitor. Modify
the HorizSync and VertRefresh values in the monitor section of the /etc/X11/
XF86Config-4.stereo file.
7. Modify the screen section of the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.stereo file so you use the
right modeline, for example:
Modes "1280x1024@96"
Configuring the To configure the system for dual channel displays perform the following steps:
System for Dual
Channel 1. In /etc/X11, copy XF86Config-4 to XF86Config-4.dualChannel.
NOTE: You could just modify the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file directly and have it
run this way without creating a new /var/X11/xdm/Xservers file or modifying /var/
where mode is one of the options defined above.
NOTE: that the same mode must be specified for all pipes managed by a particular
X server. Both channels will have the same display resolution.
3. The first channel is capable of digital (TMDS) output; the second channel has
analog output only. To configure analog output for both channels, append the
following entry in the graphics device section of the /etc/X11/XF86Config-
4.dualChannel file.
4. When using monitors or cables which do not conform to the VESA Display Data
Channel (DDC) standard, append the following entry in the "Device" section to
allow for proper
Option "NoDDC"
Adding or When adding or removing pipes from the system, perform the following steps to
Removing automatically regenerate an XF86Config-4 file that recognizes all of the graphics
Pipes from the cards properly.
1. Stop graphics with /usr/gfx/stopgfx
3. Ensure that the chkconfig flags for "xf86config_autoconfig" and
"xf86config_autoreplace" are is "on".
Note: You will want to back-up your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file prior to doing this
so that any customizations you have made to that file will not be lost. You may need
to edit the generated XF6Config-4 file to reintroduce your customizations.
Configuring a SUN Workstation for Stereo and
Multiple Graphics Cards
Detailed information on system configuration procedures for your specific graphics
card can be found on the SUN website:
host% /usr/sbin/prtconf
The fbconfig -list command displays the list of all graphics devices on your system:
The fbconfig -propt command displays the values of all options (for the specified
device) saved in the OWconfig file. These are the values the X window system will
use the next time it starts on that device:
The fbconfig -prconf command displays the current Sun XVR-1200 graphics
accelerator device configuration. If certain values (for example, resolution and sample
density) differ from those displayed in -propt, it is because those values have been
configured since the X window system started:
Set the screen resolution (and refresh rate) for each frame buffer:
host% fbconfig -dev jfb2 -res 1280x1024x112s
Configuring Two Video Streams Over One Large Frame Buffer with an XVR-
NOTE: This is not recommend and is NOT a certified configuration. The
performance when driving two (2) monitors with a single graphics card is
approximately that of driving each monitor with a separate graphics card.
This enables two monitor support without the use of Xinerama software. This means
that the Sun XVR-1200 graphics accelerator creates one wide (or tall) frame buffer,
displayed across two screens.
Configuring the For multiple graphics boards, you will need to modify the /etc/dt/config/Xservers file.
Xservers File This file tells the system to run the X window system on each of the frame buffers
listed in the Xservers file. You may also need to modify the Xservers file to use 24bit
color mode.
# cd /etc/dt/config
# vi + Xservers
Next, if the /etc/dt/config/Xservers file does not exist, create the /etc/dt/config
directory and copy the Xservers file from /usr/dt/config/Xservers to /etc/dt/config.
# mkdir -p /etc/dt/config
# cp /usr/dt/config/Xservers /etc /dt/config
# cd /etc/dt/config
# vi + Xservers
Then, modify the file by adding the device locations for the applicable frame buffers
being used. See the following example:
:0 Local local_uid@console root /usr/openwin/bin/X -dev /
dev/fb0 defdepth 24 -dev /dev/fb3 defdepth 24
If you are editing the Xservers file after completing all the installation steps outlined
above, including the framebuffer reconfiguration, simply reboot your system.
Framelocking If you intend to use stereoscopic viewing modes with more than one graphics card,
Multiple then you will need to purchase a DIN7 framelock cable from SUN.
Graphics Cards
This text is taken from the XVR-1200 Installation Guide:
Framelocking is necessary when running multiple stereo displays for the same
observer. All the displays must be synchronized so that the left and right views can
be seen correctly through one set of LCD stereo glasses.
The only means of synchronizing multiple stereo displays using stereo glasses and
stereo emitters is through the stereo DIN7 connector
The stereo DIN7 port framelock cable, FIGURE 6-3, is a Y-shaped cable with
three connectors for framelocking through the stereo DIN7 connectors. Use this
assembly to daisy-chain multiple Sun XVR-1200 graphics accelerators.
FIGURE 6-3 Stereo DIN7 Port Framelock Cable
The lower of the two XVR-1200 cards will most likely be jfb0. The upper of the
two XVR-1200 cards will most likely be jfb2.
As seen from the rear, as in the diagram below, the left connector on each card
corresponds to the left channel (e.g., DVI-I connector #1). The right connector on
each card corresponds to the right channel (e.g., DVI-I connector #2).
Set the screen resolution (and refresh rate) for each frame buffer:
For example:
6. Reboot
Remote Execution
Remote Execution is the latest in patented technology from Magic Earth. This option
provides companies with the ability to remotely share GeoProbe usage. Remote
Execution leverages standard and/or high speed networks (recommended 100 mbps or
better) so users can log in to an available remote server and run GeoProbe for their
daily work, review a peer's work, compare or monitor against drilling activity, etc. The
end user can be on most certified X-Emulators or X-platforms including Sun, SGI, PC/
Windows or Linux and even on Macintosh (though not certified at this time).
While the server can be on any certified SGI, Sun or Linux system. The one exception
is that currently SGI cannot serve to Linux.
Configured negotiated Full Duplex (as shown below)
For Linux, the configuration tool for the network card can be obtained using
the command mii-tool (as root)
# mii-tool
eth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD flow-control, link ok
Client Setup Remote Display of GeoProbe must be executed to a client using an X Server or
emulator. The following clients have been certified in testing:
xhost +
from the command line, or granting access only to the remote server (see your
system administrator for assistance)
Login session with global access control disabled by running
xhost +
from the command line, or granting access only to the remote server (see your
system administrator for assistance)
xhost +
from the command line, or granting access only to the remote server (see your
system administrator for assistance)
1. cd /etc/X11
Edit the XF86 Config-4 file. Go to each of the "Server Layout" sections,
and add the following line:
:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X
When running GeoProbe on Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 3.0, the LANG
variable is set by default to en_US.UTF-8.
When using this workstation as a remote rendering server, then the values of
LANG should be C or en_US.iso88591 in order for rendering from Linux to
SUN to work correctly.
Windows - using Exceed 3D
Server Setup The following servers have been tested and certified with the following requirements:
Both the client and server need to be running an X server
If for some reason you need to start the X server remotely, talk to your
system administrator.
Both client and server need to have global access control disabled by running
"xhost +" from command line or granting access only to the remote server
(see your system administrator for assistance).
To run remote to any client, you must change the permissions on your graphic
card devices. Have your system administrator do this.
As root, in an xterm
% cd /devices/
% chmod ugo+rw SUNW,XVR*
RESCUE Loading
From the Utilities Launcher, POSC Rescue models can be imported into GeoProbe as
volumes and shape files. The user can import reservoir blocks with a variety of
property attributes, horizons, wellbores, sections and polygons. However, the user
must first prepare the data before running this utility.
Preparing Data As GeoProbe is a geophysical interpretation system, the user is mainly working in a
for RESCUE survey coordinate system, i.e., inlines and crosslines. RESCUE models, however, are
Loading in world coordinate systems. Therefore, the RESCUE import utility must know the
necessary information from the server to convert back and forth for visualization and
calculation purposes. In addition to the correction survey coordinate conversion, the
utility must also be able to access the correct Units information from a volume. This
can be problematic when some GeoProbe volume files do not have this information
1. Make sure the GeoProbe volume file to be loaded has the correct world/survey
coordinate system conversion table. This can be easily verified by clicking
Annotation from the Volume Object Manager in GeoProbe and switch the
coordinate system to World. If this information is available, the annotation in the
3D viewer should change to world coordinate values.
2. This information would normally be attached to the volume when converting from
SEGY data, or when bringing volumes over using DataServer. If this information
is not attached to the volume, the resulting RESCUE volume will be in error, since
there is no way to know the correct project coordinate range. In this case, use the
Edit Header utility from the Volumes Utility Launcher to add this information to
the volume file.
These values are defined as Corner Points. Carefully define the relationship
between (inline, crossline) to (X, Y).
3. Finally, check to see if Units are available in the volume header by selecting the
Info button on the Volumes Object Manager. Units defined in the header should
consistent with the World coordinate values used in RESCUE model.
Symbols .geoprobe file 36, 44
Numerics 26-way 170, 344
2D colormap 323
2D Data
import from segy 384
2D data 319
2D data dialog 319
2D Data Style Dialog 325
data range 319, 324
decimate on load 327
delete 319
draw style 325
edited size 327
information 322
limit 326
list 319
load 319
shift 321
smoothing 325
trim on load 319, 327
2d data
annotation 319
Annotation Dialog 320
decimate on load 319
6-way 170, 344
A Acrobat Reader 21
Amplitude Extraction 379, 381
Ancestry 226
Applications Menu 44
arbitrary planes 104
connectivity 170
Axis 60
Axis Space 61, 87
B Background Color 60
C collaboration 353
client list 354
default 92
presets 90
Ramp Mode 93
thumbs 93
vdefault.gpc 92
Combo Mambo 117
highlight 118
intensity 118
Light Direction Editor 119
Combo Volume utility 37, 85
command line argument
utils 36
Connectivity 170
Console 27, 70
Control Pick Mode
defined 24
D debuggin 70
decoration 47
decorations 47
Delete Descendents 226
delete polygon 186
delete polygons 182
Descendents 226
picking 24
E environment variable
error messages 70
Exit Dialog 72
exiting GeoProbe 32
ezCorrelation 124
Lock Polygon 127
Rotation Angle 127
picking 24
ezSurface 257
ezTracker 182, 196
ancestry 226
delete descendents 226
descendents 226
heredity picking options 226
Tiles 206
F fault
area 284
Build Surface Options Dialog 168
name 284
File Selection Dialog 359
flatten volumes 37
common problems 74
display when license expires 33
error dialog 74
introduction 74
license check 419
license information 33
manage license server 75
G GeoAnomalies
connectivity 344
export 251
name 252
number of points 252
size 252
units 252
command line help 419
configuring multiple pipes 444
Install Directory 36, 44, 92
launcher script 36, 44
quitting 32
release notes 33
running multiple pipes 449
system check utility 430
system tuning 429
version 33
Global Scale Dialog 86
T-Surf conversion 381
T-surf shapes 301
Vertex 382, 383
Voxet 380
well 134, 147, 380
GridView 134, 260, 277, 301
H headlight 47
Heads Up Display. See HUD
about 33
description 20
hotkeys 33
keyboard and mouse controls 33
new features 33
release notes 33
specifying display 419
table of contents 33
using help 33
Heredity 226
HOME directory 36
Home View
go to 26, 103
set 26, 47
Build Horizon Options Dialog 177, 178
color by volume 231, 294
color by Z 231, 294
color solid 231, 294
Horizon Colormap 231
Snap to SubSample 242
attribute 232
color 190
delete polygon 186
ezTracker 182
Horizon Dialog 181
info 182, 192
ManuTrack 182
merge 189
poly delete 182
size 190
style 181, 190
update preview 182
HUD 22
popup menu 48
Hydrocarbon Calculator 174
I Icon Buttons 24
file format conversion 384
saving rgb 32
screenshot 384
imconv 384
K keyboard 65
Alt key 66
Ctrl key 66
edit keypad 66
Esc key 66
numeric keypad 67
L Landmark Graphics
horizon 381
SEGY 380
well 380
Licensing. See FLEXlm.
log file 70
Lossy Translation 94
M Main Window 22
Icon Buttons 24
Menu Bar 32
Manual Track
picking 24
ManuTrack 182
Map View 305
add 142
markers 141
mouse controls 68
Movie Builder 37, 385
movie builder 37
N North Arrow 60
north arrow 382
O Orientation Axis 47, 65
Orthographic 307
P PDConnect 38
Perspective 307
Pick Mode
Control 22
popup menu 49
toggle key 24, 65
keyboard control 66
nothing picked popup 48, 55
popup menus 48
toggle icon button 26
configuration file 419
configuring GeoProbe 444
multiple pipe configuration 435
single pipe or screen mode 419
X screen assignments 449
center 65
area measurement 163
AutoPick Dialog 169
Brush Options Dialog 166
color 165
DigiBrush 166
ezTracker Dialog 196
filter 168, 177, 178
Filter Points Dialog 164
Point Information Dialog 163
Point Set Style Dialog 165
Points Dialog 161
size 165
poly edit 182
popup menus 46
arbitrary planes 50
control pick mode 49
create (probe) 49
create probe 51
draw 47, 50
location 50
options 48
pick mode 48, 55
probe list 51
probe options 50
probes 49
style 50
volumes 51
Probe 115
annotation 114
arbitrary planes 104
arbitrary planes popup menu 50
center view 27
create popup menu 49
Create Probe Dialog 107
cubic size in Project Coordinates 131
cut 108
draw style 109
draw style popup menu 50
grid lines 114
home location 50, 103
internal faces 108
lighting 48, 65
list in popup menu 49
location popup menu 50
minimum and maximum extents 114
move 67, 68
number of voxels 131
options popup menu 48, 50
Pick Information Dialog 113
Plane Control Dialog 115
Probe Annotation Dialog 114
Probe Information Dialog 131
probe list popup menu 51
Probe Options Dialog 110
Probe Style Dialog 108
Probes Dialog 103
Probes List 103
resize 67, 68
select 68
size in World Coordinates 131
smoothing 108
style popup menu 50
tick marks 114
volume assignment 104
volume rendered 166
Volume Rendering Settings Dialog 111
ezCorrelation 124
directory 35
Project Directory 80, 359
set project directory 32
Project Coordinates 22, 96
center line 439
configuration 435
horizontal field of view 438
projectSwap 426
pulldown menus 28
Q quitting GeoProbe 32
R RC Squared 380
release notes 33
Remote Execution 489
render on demand 47
RESCUE import 384
RESCUE Loading 494
Ribbon Section
define 105
handle delete 67
handle insert 66
picking 24
S S99GeoProbe 75
Save Picture As 32
scene draw style 47
screen dump 32
screenshot 384
Seed Point 113, 249
in HUD 22
New Dialog 312
picking 24
Scale Dialog 313
Seed Points Dialog 311
threshold 111
SEGY 379
seismic attribute volume utilities 37
semaphores 85
Semblance Volume 37
Indigo2 29
Inventor 301
Octane 29
Shapes Dialog 301
shared memory 85
shell window 419
SpecDecomp Interactive 388
DFT 389, 390
Discrete Fourier Transform 389, 390
Frequency Range 395
Horizon Shift 396
Horizons List 395
Maximum Entropy 396
Maximum Entropy Method 389
Nyquist 398
polynomial order 402
Taper 396
Tuning Cube 396
Amplitude 396
Phase 396
Tuning cube analysis 392
tuning map 390
Window Length 395
Spectral Decomposition 388, 395
Spin Animation 60
spin animation 46
defined 35
file 35, 419
merge 35
restore 32, 35
save 32
Stereo Configuratin
IRIX 463
IRIX - Onyx4 467
stereo mode
defined 29
icon button 26
thumbwheel 28
StrataModel 380
area 260, 298
Build Surface Options Dialog 168
color by file 261
color by volume 261
color by Z 261
color solid 261
decimation 255, 260
dimensions 260
distance between X and Y 260
draw as 263
draw high resolution 263
draw style boundary 263
draw style points 263
draw style solid 263
draw style wire 263
ezFault/ezSurface 257
level of detail 263
move as 263
move low resolution 263
name 260
origin 260
save 255, 257, 293
Surface Colormap Dialog 261
Surface Decimation Dialog 277
Surface Information Dialog 260
Surface Slice Dialog 265
Surface Style Dialog 263
Surfaces Dialog 255
texture map 263
Z-axis translation 265
autotracking 257
unflatten 37
Survey Coordinates 87
swap file 433
syscheck 430
systune 429
T tick marks
control 87
major 114
Tiles 206
Tools Menu 36
trouble shooting 70
color 294
draw as 297
information 298
move as 297
name 298
style 297
U unflatten surfaces 37
Unsaved Dialog 73
update preview 182
User Preferences 60
user preferences
Points 61
Probe 61
Seed Points 64
viewer 60
volume 60
Well 61
.geoprobe file 36, 37, 44
2D Segy import 384
amplitude extraction 381
combo volume 37, 85, 372
dead traces 368
downdip gas limits 366
Duo 364
flatten volumes 37
Frequency Peak Onlap 366
Frequency SeisAttr Dialog 367
instantaneous amplitude 365
lateral stratigraphic anomalies 364
launcher 37, 85, 379
memory management 37, 85
onlaps 366
Phase SeisAttr Dialog 366
pinchouts 366
prograding reflections 366
RESCUE import 384
sand bearing geobodies in siliciclastic formations 364
SeisAttr Dialog 363
SeisAttr InstAmp Dialog 365
SeisAttr Multiple Dialog 364
seismic attribute volumes 37
semblance 369
semblance coefficient volume 369
semblance volume 37
stratigraphic relationships 366
Sweetness 364
Tools Files 36
Trio 364
unflatten surfaces 37
Utils file 36
WellborePlanner Connect 408
Utils Menu 36
V version 33
Vertex 382, 383
view all scene 65
View Mode
keyboard control 66
mouse control 68
toggle icon button 26
View Scale 86
Viewing Area 22
Add View Dialog 306
preset 305
Views Dialog 305
Views List 305
Visualization Centers 29
annotation 87
Annotation Dialog 87
assignment 65
attach 79, 84
center view 26
Colormap Dialog 89
data range 79
Data Range Dialog 88
decimate on load 99
detach 79
edited size 99
in HUD 22
information 79
Information Dialog 96, 98
multiple 104
original data range 88
popup menu 51
remove 84, 85
save 79
scale 79, 86
trim on load 99
user specified range 88
Volumes Dialog 79
Volumes List 79
flatten 37
Volumetrics 174
W well
add marker 142
building 135
delete handle 67
picking 24
size handle 67
center view 27
Change Marker Name 143
coordinate conversion 134
copy marker 146
end building 135
Limit Well Extent 138
Log Curve Color Dialog 149
Log Curves Dialog 147
markers 141
Name Dialog 151
Style Dialog 139
synthetics 152
to geobody 140
Well Markers 141
WellborePlanner Connect 408
Wells Dialog 134
uncertainty 411
WellborePlanner Connect 408
World Coordinates 86, 87, 96, 113, 265
World Scale 86
X X Display 449
X display
GUI 419
Main Window 419
online help 419
Z zoom 68