B737-Brnav-Rnp Ops and VNAV Approaches PDF

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RNAV/RNP Operations &

VNAV Approaches

Captain Bill Royce

Senior Technical Pilot
Flight Operations Training, Technical & Standards
Boeing Commercial
Commercial Airplanes
Discussion Objectives

Discuss current RNAV status US and Europe

Provide safety-related background information
Provide an understanding of basic RNP/ANP
concepts and operations
Provide an understanding of VNAV approach
selection, execution and related topics

The Boeing Company W100.2

RNAV Use is Growing
We are now seeing a gradual transition from ground-
based navigation aids to satellite based navigation
More routes and procedures with no underlying
navigation aids are being published
RNAV capabilities are now being exploited further by US,
European and other air traffic service providers
RNP operations
Increased traffic capacity en-route
SIDs, STARs and approaches
Operators taking advantage of RNP operations
Improved airport access; lower minima
Increased safety; less reliance on VOR/ADF
Increased payloads from special procedures

The Boeing Company W100.3

RNP/RNAV = Higher Payload

Hong Kong (departing RW07)
Weight limit governed by distant obstacle
Engine-out SID developed with immediate turn after
takeoff (RNP 0.15)
Payload increased by several tonnes

The Boeing Company W100.4

Current US RNAV Status

Use of RNAV widespread and growing

Many RNAV and GPS approaches
Lower VNAV minima available
GPS approaches being re-designated as RNAV
RNP 1.0 SIDs and STARs available and increasing
in number
Some special procedures developed (as low as
RNP 0.11)

The Boeing Company W100.5

RNAV VNAV examples

The Boeing Company W100.6

Current Euro-control RNAV Status

BRNAV (RNP 5.0) established for airways

PRNAV (RNP 1.0) is implemented for terminal
operations (before FAF) TGL 10 published.
Requirements for Baro-VNAV and RNAV/RNP
approaches being established TGLs being drafted
Some RNAV approaches available

The Boeing Company W100.7

Safety History of Non-ILS
Approaches Suggests RNAV/RNP

60% of CFIT accidents occur on NP approaches

47% occurred during step-down NP approaches
Almost all accidents occurred in darkness or IMC
48% in mostly flat terrain
Most common cause: descent below MDA

The Boeing Company W100.8

Map Location of Recent CFIT

The Boeing Company W100.9

Vertical Profile of Recent CFIT

The Boeing Company W100.10

RNP/ANP Operations

Why RNP?
Airplane capability
RNP/ANP displays and entries
Crew Alerting summary

The Boeing Company W100.11


RNP Required Navigation Performance.

Specified navigation accuracy for a route or
departure/approach procedure in NM units
Enroute RNPs usually 2.0 or greater
Approach RNPs can be as low as 0.11
ANP Actual Navigation Performance
The FMC calculated certainty of the airplanes
position in NM units
There is a 95% probability that the airplane is
within the displayed ANP

The Boeing Company W100.12

Why RNP?

Required Navigation Performance, or RNP, was

developed as a method for certifying the navigation
certainty for RNAV systems that can use multiple
sensors for position updating
RNP is used as a criteria for design of terminal area
procedures and en-route segments
RNP relates to obstacle clearance and/or traffic
separation criteria

The Boeing Company W100.13

Factors Influencing ANP

Method of FMC position updating (GPS, DME-DME,

GPS Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
(RAIM) only when using GPS updating
If using navigation radio updating, geometry and
proximity of stations to airplane position
Time since last radio or GPS update (for the 737,
without updating the ANP gradually increases)

The Boeing Company W100.14

ANP - a Measure of Position
Certainty and Route Containment

FMC position
95% Probability


RNAV route
The Boeing Company W100.15
What FMCs Have RNP Capability?

737-3/4/500 FMC U7.1 or later

737-6/7/8/900/BBJ All
747-400 FANS (FMC Load 11 or later)
757/767 Pegasus
777 All
[All FMCs that show RNP/ANP]

The Boeing Company W100.16

FMC-provided RNPs

The FMC provides the RNP for the current route

segment or terminal area procedure from the navigation
data base if available
If no RNP is available from the navigation data base, the
FMC provides a default value according to the current
phase of navigation:
Approach 0.5 or 0.3 NM
Terminal (below 15,000) 1.0 NM
En-route (domestic) 2.0 NM
Oceanic 12.0 NM
The operator may select different default values
If no RNP is specified for a route segment or terminal
area procedure, the FMC default value is normally

The Boeing Company W100.17

Procedure or Route-Specific RNPs
are Indicated on Charts

The Boeing Company W100.18

Procedure or Route-Specific RNPs
are Indicated on Charts

The Boeing Company W100.19

RNP for GPS Approaches

GPS approaches can be flown with RNP-capable

GPS updating may also be required
RNP 0.3 must be used and is normally manually
entered prior to commencing the approach
Some operators have selected RNP 0.3 as the
approach default value to eliminate the need to
make this entry

The Boeing Company W100.20

More About RNP & ANP

ANP does not relate to course tracking accuracy!

When ANP exceeds RNP the airplane position accuracy is
in question
Smaller RNPs require more accurate FMC updating sources
(DME-DME, GPS, etc)
When ANP exceeds RNP, the airplanes actual navigation
position does not meet the required accuracy and a crew
alert is provided

The Boeing Company W100.21

Crew Alerting Occurs When ANP
Exceeds RNP

757/67/77/47 Caution level EICAS alert message during

the approach phase, advisory level at other times
757/767: UNABLE RNP
747-400: UNABLE RNP
737: UNABLE REQD NAV PERF-RNP displayed on
Navigation Display during the approach phase, FMC
scratchpad message at other times
737: Loss of GPS updating may not result in an RNP alert
for some period of time since the ANP will change gradually.

The Boeing Company W100.22

Course Tracking Accuracy

Observe the relationship of the airplane symbol and track

line to the FMC course on the map display, and
Observe the cross-track error on the FMC PROGRESS
page 2
Use of the autopilot in LNAV is normally the best method
to ensure proper course tracking!

The Boeing Company W100.23

Response to an UNABLE RNP Alert

Verify position using radar or other available

If on an RNP route segment or RNP terminal area
Notify ATC immediately
Make an immediate missed approach if on an
RNP approach
Request an amended (non-RNP) clearance
If on the ground, a realignment is needed

The Boeing Company W100.24


This message occurs to alert the crew that the

manual RNP entry exceeds the default RNP or the
RNP from the navigation data base, if available
The crew must confirm the RNP entry
If required, delete the manually entered RNP to use
the FMC default value or the RNP from the
navigation data base, if available

The Boeing Company W100.25

VNAV Approach Topics

Types of approaches that are VNAV compatible

Types of approaches that are not VNAV compatible
Use of Decision Altitudes (DA(H)) versus Minimum
Descent Altitudes (MDA(H))
VNAV-related changes to charted approaches and
navigation data bases
FMC on-approach logic
Flying the approach
Other approach-related topics

The Boeing Company W100.26

Types of Approaches that are
VNAV Compatible

Non-ILS approach procedures such as RNAV, GPS,

VOR, NDB, LOC, LOC-BC, SDF, etc. that have one
or more of the following:
An appropriate path that has a missed approach
point at or before the runway threshold
There is a glide path (GP) angle indicated on the
chart and/or shown on the legs page
Approaches with a published VNAV DA(H)
Note: Many approaches are coded with a GP angle
which the charted Jeppesen procedure does not

The Boeing Company W100.27

On the LEGS Page, a VNAV-
Compatible Path Will Have:

An RWxx or MXxx waypoint at or before the

approach end of the runway
The waypoint altitude constraint will result in
approximately 50 feet threshold crossing height
Examples (runway 12, TDZE at 1000 MSL)
RW12 170/1050
MA12 170/1190
A GP angle shown on the LEGS page for the final
approach segment

The Boeing Company W100.28

FMC Legs Page Shows
Glide Path Angle

The Boeing Company W100.29

Approach Diagram Shows G.P.
Angle and VNAV Compatibility

The Boeing Company W100.30

VNAV DA(H)s also show VNAV

The Boeing Company W100.31

Types of Approaches That Are Not

Approaches that do not have a GP angle, and

There is no RWxx or MXxx waypoint with an
appropriate path terminating at approximately 50
above the runway threshold, or
The missed approach point is beyond the runway

The Boeing Company W100.32

FAA AC 120-29A Contains
Guidance on Use of VNAV

VNAV approaches are considered as a Category I Approach

with a decision altitude (DA(H))
VOR, VOR/DME, NDB, LOC or LOC BC approaches may be
flown with DA(H)s not less than 250 feet using VNAV, with
appropriate operational approval and equipment
A DA (QNH barometric altitude) is used
Use of a published VNAV path, or GP angle, is required when
a DA(H) is used

The Boeing Company W100.33

FAA HBAT 99-08 Permits Use of
MDA(H)s as DA(H)s

Eligible procedures include: VOR, VOR/DME, NDB,

When VNAV PTH is used, a slight momentary
descent below the published DA(H) during the
missed approach is acceptable
RNP 0.3 capability or less is required
Eligible procedures must have a visual segment
obstacle assessment
Without a published DA(H), the MDA(H) may be
used as a DA(H) (with operational approval)

The Boeing Company W100.34

FAA Visual Segment Obstacle
Assessment Complete for:

ILS approaches with a published GP angle

Runways with a VASI or PAPI
RNAV approaches with a published VNAV DA (H)

The Boeing Company W100.35

The GP Angle Provides Obstacle
A published GP angle is evidence that:
the VNAV path will arrive at the published TCH, and
complies with underlying step-down altitudes
The GP angle is constructed backward from the 50
runway waypoint and normally intersects the FAF altitude


3. 0
50 ft.
The Boeing Company W100.36
The GP Angle Complies with the
Step-down Altitudes

The Boeing Company W100.37

Most GP Angles Have a Fly-off

If the distance from the FAF to the runway is greater

than required for an immediate descent
The fly-off may be indicated on the chart. Some
FMCs (737 only) provide a T/D on the map display
at the end of the fly-off.
The FMC will command level flight in VNAV PTH
until reaching the descent path

The Boeing Company W100.38

GP Flyoff Example

The Boeing Company W100.39

Non-ILS VNAV Path Availability:
Total vs.% Flyable in VNAV

Europe 1028/93% USA 4400/90%

Africa 330/87% Canada 657/90%

S. America 337/56% Asia/Pacific 639/90%

Middle East 468/87%

Based on an informal navigation data base survey

Jeppesen is in the process of recoding all non-ILS

The Boeing Company W100.40

Typical VNAV Approach
Procedure (except 737-3/4/500)

Prior to
to approach
Select approach
approach procedure
procedure Final
Final descent
descent and
and at
at least
least 300
300 below
below MAP
MAP Altitude
Verify/enter RNP
Set missed
missed approach
approach altitude
DA (or
(or MDA
MDA ++ 50
50 feet)
Disengage Autopilot/Autothrottle
Approx 22 NM
NM prior
prior to
to FAF
FAF or
MDA/DA Go-Around
Verify/select roll
roll mode
mode (LNAV,
(LNAV, oror other)
Select VNAV
PTH) && speed
speed intervention
intervention (RWXX
(RWXX or
or MXXX)
Autopilot engaged

The Boeing Company W100.41

Typical VNAV Approach
Procedure (737-3/4/500, U7.1 or later)

Prior to
to approach
Select approach
approach procedure
procedure Approaching
Approaching MDA/DA
Verify/enter RNP
Set missed
missed approach
approach altitude
Disengage Autopilot/Autothrottle
DA (or
(or MDA
MDA ++ 5050 feet)
Continue to
to landing
Approx 22 NM
NM prior
prior to
to FAF
FAF or
MDA/DA Go-Around
Verify/select roll
roll mode
mode (LNAV,
(LNAV, oror other)
Select VNAV
PTH) && speed
speed intervention
intervention (RWXX
(RWXX or
or MXXX)
Autopilot engaged

The Boeing Company W100.42

Recommended Procedure if Use of
DA(H) Not Approved

Set MDA(H) + 50 using the minimums selector

Use the same procedure as previously discussed
Initiate the missed approach at MDA(H) + 50 if
adequate visual reference is not established

The Boeing Company W100.43

Approach Example

other info

GP angle

The Boeing Company W100.44

Autopilot Use

Autopilot use is recommended on VNAV

Experience has shown autopilot use on non-ILS
approaches to be beneficial
Better vertical and lateral path tracking
Lower workload
Less possibility of below path excursions

The Boeing Company W100.45

AFDS Mode Reversions from
VNAV PTH (747-400/757/767/777)

The 747-400, 757/767 and 777 AFDS, once in

VNAV PTH and on approach, will not revert to any
other mode automatically except to climb above the
path in VNAV SPD if the placard speed is
VNAV PTH mode must be exited by another mode
selection or via go-around initiation
With the AFDS engaged, the airplane will stay on

The Boeing Company W100.46

AFDS Mode Reversions from
VNAV PTH (737)

The 737NG AFDS, once in VNAV PTH and on

approach, will not revert to any other mode with
landing flaps selected
VNAV PTH mode must be exited by another mode
selection or via go-around initiation
With the AFDS engaged, the airplane will stay on
Note: Earlier NG FCCs and all 737-3/4/500 FCCs
permit the AFDS to automatically revert to LVL CHG
if a significant under-speed occurs (alpha mode).

The Boeing Company W100.47

Raw Data Monitoring

For all types of approaches that are based on

ground navigation aids raw data should be
monitored if available
A raw data check prior to final approach may be
accomplished by:
Using the POS function on the 737NG, 747-400,
767-400 and 777
Using the VOR/ADF function on the 737-3/4/500
The 757/767 still require a VOR deviation display for
VOR approaches on final approach

The Boeing Company W100.48

POS Function FMC Position is
Verified if Raw Data Matches Map

DME raw data

0 00

GPS position

The Boeing Company W100.49

On-Approach Logic
Criteria met for all airplanes using the published Boeing
VNAV procedure
Raises the alerting level to Caution for UNABLE RNP
Causes the RNP to change to approach RNP if not
manually entered
Permits selection of the missed approach altitude and
continued descent in VNAV PTH (except 737 classic)
Speed intervention is enabled in VNAV PTH mode
For VOR approaches, the FMC auto-tunes the VOR and
automatically inserts the final approach course on the
NAV RAD page and on the navigation display

The Boeing Company W100.50

Waypoint Modifications for VNAV
Approach waypoints should normally be used as is from
the navigation data base
Use of a VNAV DA(H) requires use of a GP angle
A straight-in intercept course to the FAF is permissible for
radar vectored approaches
Appropriate cold temperature corrections to waypoint
altitude constraints are permissible
Do not add or delete waypoints in the final approach

The Boeing Company W100.51

Pilot-Constructed Approaches
Navigation data base selection is required for RNAV and
GPS approaches
Approaches from the navigation data base are preferred for
other types of approaches
If no navigation data base approach is available and time
permits, a manually constructed approach may be flown
using LNAV provided:
Navigation data base waypoints and the RW waypoint are
VOR, DME or other raw data is used as the primary
navigation reference for the approach

The Boeing Company W100.52

Pilot-constructed approaches, cont.

VNAV (using speed intervention) would be available

only if using an overlay approach such as an ILS
when flying an NDB approach and the waypoint
altitude constraints were modified to comply with the
approach to be flown
Manually constructed waypoints are not compatible
with on-approach logic
Automatic procedure tuning will not occur for pilot-
constructed approaches (747-400, 767-400 and 777

The Boeing Company W100.53

Operations in Non-WGS-84

SIDs, STARs and enroute navigation are OK with

GPS updating active
GPS need not be turned off if appropriate
procedures are used
RNAV approaches may be flown with GPS active
only if appropriately verified in the non-WGS-84
VOR or ADF approaches may be flown using LNAV
with GPS active if raw data monitoring is used
throughout the approach

The Boeing Company W100.54

Cold and Warm Temperature
The VNAV path coincides with the published angle only when the
temperature is ISA (standard). It will be:
Steeper in warmer temperatures
Shallower in colder temperatures
Some approaches have a published minimum temperature
In extreme cold temperatures, when appropriate, the pilot should
consider adding a cold temperature altitude correction to the FAF
and approach transition waypoint constraints to correct the path
The altimeter error will be greater near the FAF and smaller near
the runway

The Boeing Company W100.55

The VNAV Path Is Affected By

FAF Warmer than ISA

Standard day (ISA)

Correction Colder than ISA

3. 0

50 ft.

The Boeing Company W100.56

System failures

With dual navigation systems most single navigation system

failures will not result in an UNABLE RNP alert or otherwise
prevent an approach from being flown
Loss of a single FMC or GPS receiver will not affect ANP
If operating with a single updating sensor (such as GPS or DME if
GPS is not being used) or a single FMC there must be a non-
FMC means of navigation available for the approach and missed
Radar vectors, or
VOR, or
NDB, etc.

The Boeing Company W100.57

RNAV with Non-GPS Airplanes
Without GPS updating the FMC meets accuracy requirements for
en-route and terminal area navigation (RNP 2.0 and 1.0)
assuming DME-DME updating is active
The 777/747/757/767 (both GPS failed) satisfies RNP 10
assuming max time from last DME update less than 6 hours
For approaches, including RNAV, RNP 0.5 capability exists but
DME-DME updating must be confirmed by the crew prior to
starting the approach
RNP display capability is not required provided approach RNP is
0.5 or greater
GPS approaches at US airports require GPS updating to be
active (D-D updating not allowed for RNP 0.3)

The Boeing Company W100.58

RNAV/RNP operations can be a significant operational
advantage to most airlines
Increased payload by creative procedure design
More reliable airport access thru lower minima
Possibility to eliminate problem approaches
LNAV/VNAV PTH operations are becoming the best way to
conduct non-ILS operations
Better control of lateral and vertical path
Lower minima
Lower workload; easier to fly & stabilize

The Boeing Company W100.59

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