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Casinos Bro-10v2:Access Casino 2010.

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Casino Gaming Environments

High Performance and Sustainable Service Distribution

to the Power of
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Your casino will discover

improved levels of
flexibility, environmental
integrity, and cost control.

A low flow air system contributes

to improved indoor air quality in
the casino. Fresh air is delivered at
floor level, rises and is eventually
vented at ceiling level. As a result,
patrons are not exposed to the
stale air that collects above them
and is vented out of the building.
- Roy Mares, Assistant Director of Facilities at ARIA
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High Performance & Sustainable Casino Environment

Buildings which incorporate strategies to conserve resources,

operate efficiently and improve the overall indoor environment for
occupants are becoming the standard. There are many high Performance
performance & sustainable strategies available to create an
attractive gaming environment however, very few deliver both,
and do it cost effectively. Tate access floors with underfloor
service distribution should be considered as a standard design
feature for all casinos because it provides numerous sustainable Building
and high performance benefits in a cost competitive system.

High Performance Service Distribution

Tate Access Floors offers a fluid capacity to react and respond
to your casinos need for change. Whether enhancing the Cost
gaming layout and experience, or adapting to new technologies
and integrating the next generation of security tools, Tate
provides easy and flexible solutions now, and in the future. The
gaming environment is further improved with better indoor air
quality and thermal comfort by using underfloor air distribution.

Sustainable Gaming Environments Cost Control

Tate access floors provide significant sustainable advantages for Tate understands that even the most advanced technology
the construction and operation of a casino. Tates underfloor needs to offer long-term value if it is to provide a positive return
service distribution system can significantly reduce construction on your investment. That is why Tate access flooring for casinos
materials through the elimination of ducts and a reduction in wire has been designed to control costs through durability and long-
and cable drop-down lengths. term service, adaptability to future expansion and change,

The underfloor air system requires much lower pressure and along with easy, low-cost maintenance requirements. Additional
warmer supply temperature than a traditional ducted overhead cost savings are also realized through easy installation as well
system. These features help improve energy efficiency through as lower operating and system requirement costs for power and
the downsizing of mechanical equipment and longer economizer communication, and air services.
hours. Reusing service supply materials such as wires, cables,
outlets and diffusers during reconfiguration further improves the
life-time sustainability of any tenant space.

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Creating the Perfect Gaming Environment

The perfect gaming environment must address a variety of

needs. These needs include maintaining high-quality clean air, Air distribution through slot base provides increased energy
attenuating noise, responding to equipment layout and efficiency thermal comfort and improved indoor air quality.
technological changes quickly and easily, and supporting the
overall aesthetic value of the space - all while being cost-
effective during construction and operation. With Tates
Underfloor Service Distribution solution, youll be able to address
all of these factors to create the perfect gaming environment.

Enhanced indoor environmental quality through superior IAQ,
improved acoustics and increased floor to ceiling height.

Maximum occupant comfort at design inception and

throughout the life of the facility using Underfloor air with
modular plug & play VAV or passive diffusers.

Energy efficiency through economizer operation, and less fan

energy due to convection enhanced ventilation.

Easily adapts to technological changes over the casinos life-

cycle at low cost.

Increase flexibility for changing space layout to quickly adapt to

the latest gaming trends.

Point-of-use services wherever you need them with complete

flexibility, accessibility, and unlimited capacity.

Reduced first cost and construction time due to significant

reduction in HVAC ductwork and use of underfloor pre-
fabricated plug & play wire/cable services.

Reduced operating costs and lower facility and maintenance

costs through accessible, flexible, and adaptable services -
accommodating any layout changes..

Tate ConCore access floor system - made from over 48%

recycled content the welded steel floor panel is filled
internally with light-weight cement for the ultimate in strength
and acoustic performance.

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Ceiling design freedom with services such as ductwork Plug & Play modular power wiring and data cabling
and data cables underfloor in an optimized fully accessible systems save valuable construction time and
service distribution cavity. facilitates quick and easy gaming reconfigurations.

Tate Bolted Stringer understructure system Underfloor service pathway accumulates any A full range of finishes available to
provides positive panel positioning and type of voice and data system approach, from satisfy all application requirements.
exceptional lateral stability. homerun to passive or active zone cabling.
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Casino Solutions:
Starlight Casino
Queensborough, BC, Canada

The British Columbia Lottery Corporations vision for the Tate Underfloor Service Distribution System:
casino marketplace is revitalization through fewer and The sustainability award, promotes cleaner and healthier
better casinos. The Starlight Casino is a prime example of communities by recognizing a facility that incorporates
this strategy. They wanted the Starlight to offer much sustainable features and initiatives. Casinos require a fair
more than gaming entertainment. The BCLC wanted a amount of energy because of the type of business
casino with amenities such as increased hospitality provided within. Starlight received the sustainability award
services and show theatres, while providing a modern, because of the stems that have been included to allow the
comfortable, and sustainable facility. building to recover the energy from the casino and
reinvest that energy back into the building. The building
The facility's first and largest phase is a 100,000 square
uses an underfloor air handling system that distributes the
foot casino with 852 slots and many other gaming
air in the building through the floor rather than overhead.
opportunities. The Starlight also features a show lounge, a
This gives it a more comfortable environment for
Kirin Chinese Restaurant and a 25,000 square foot
customers and allows less use of energy. A beautiful piece
interactive sports bar. The success of the design and
of architecture, the Starlight casino is not only pleasing to
construction of the Starlight Casino was most evident at
the eye but provides its patrons with a comfortable,
the 2008 Royal City Builders Awards where the Starlight
modern and sustainable gaming environment.
Casino picked up awards for sustainability, universal
access, modern development and people's choice.
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A Healthy Gaming Environment

Tate Access Floors provide significant advantages in maintaining keys to creating a healthier facility for patrons and staff
air quality and control of a facilitys environment. Air quality, Deliver fresh supply air at or near floor level to improve
correct thermal and humidity conditioning, and proper acoustics ventilation effectiveness and provide patrons with first benefit of
all work together to create a comfortably maintained gaming clean air.

environment. Tates Underfloor Service Distribution system Return air through ceiling to create a one directional airflow
features high performance underfloor HVAC services that provide removing smoke and other impurities from the gaming floor.

energy efficiency, improved indoor air quality, enhanced comfort Locate air diffusers throughout facility for even and properly
conditioned circulation of clean air.
control, floor to ceiling height optimization and improved
acoustics. Increase floor to ceiling height through overall reduction in
service distribution space.
Provide diffusers with plug and play placement flexibility to
ensure maximum comfort control.
Deliver floor supply air at low pressure to maximize acoustic
performance, energy efficiency, and maintain clean air in
occupied zone.

This system will make the casino experience more

enjoyable for patrons, and at the same time
provide a much better working environment for
the many staff and employees.

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Casino Solutions:
FireKeepers Casino
Battlecreek, MI

Planning on the FireKeepers Casino began not just as a Tate Underfloor Service Distribution System:
business venture but as a way to benefit the community.
The Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi indian
The owners made it a point to make sure they hired as
tribe put great emphasis on a clean air quality experience
many local workers as possible both in the construction
at FireKeepers. Using an underfloor air service distribution
phase and operation phase. They made a point to use
system, FireKeepers has a state-of-the-art facility in place
Michigan vendors first when purchasing materials and
that brings fresh air from outside. It ushers air underneath
incorporated as many green initiatives around the building
the gaming floor and comes up through vents in the floor
as possible. The result is a Vegas-style casino with state
that you can see throughout the casino. It's designed to
of the art lighting, underfloor air, 2,680 slot machines, 78
take smoke to the ceiling instead of letting it loiter around
gaming tables, a 120 seat poker room along with other
the head and shoulders area of the patrons. It provides
amenities. The design features colorful lights simulating
great air quality and comfort for smokers and non-
raindrops and flames. Like other 21st-century casinos,
smokers alike.
FireKeepers is an entertainment center with live acts
nightly, five restaurants, a sports bar and opulence in
every detail. The most noticeable attribute, however, is
clean air!

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Easy Adaptation and Flexibility for

Years of Low-Cost Service
The Tate Underfloor Service Distribution system has been The Freedom of Flexibility
designed to provide optimum value, flexibility, and trouble-free Spaces and equipment are constantly changing. To meet this
service now, and in the future. The modular design allows you to demand for change, Tates underfloor service distribution system
adapt to change easily and at a low cost. With Tate, adapting to is designed to afford interior design freedom and quick plug &
ever-changing technologies and constant gaming shifts will no play access to all services.
longer demand expensive facility investment and construction Flexible and accessible services allow you to plan your
costs. Tate underfloor systems allow you to update your space around functional requirements rather than be limited
technical capabilities, floor plan, HVAC controls, and image, by fixed, inflexible services.
using your own effective and low-cost resources. Simple service connections minimize the need for
professional outside services.
Power, voice, data, and heating and cooling services can all
be quickly accessed and reconfigured to meet any layout.
Service changes can be made with minimal disruption to the
work environment.

Access floor and underfloor modular plug and

play services allow for quick and easy
equipment and technology changes at low
cost with minimal disruption

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Tate Underfloor Service Distribution

Avoid the Complaints

Conventional overhead HVAC
systems do not provide optimum
efficiency or comfort. With Tates
underfloor air system, consisting of
modular plug & play floor mounted
diffusers, ultimate flexibility, energy
efficiency, and personal comfort
control can be assured.

Improved Comfort
With the entire space under the access floor
used as an air distribution pathway, you can
plug modular AirConnect in anywhere, and
when you make changes in your space,
simply unplug and relocate in minutes!

Improved Energy Efficiency

Save 30% of your HVAC energy cost using
underfloor air. How? Significantly reduce
fan energy requirements and only condition
Improved Indoor Environment Quality
the occupied zone.
Underfloor air doesnt churn the smoke up. It
efficiently and effectively removes the smoke
and keeps it out of the occupied zone.

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Dont get Trapped!

Avoid the trap of using inflexible and
expensive wire and cable systems in
your facility. Tates underfloor wire
Hot polluted air rises
and is exhausted and cable management solution,
through the ceiling consisting of a Tate Access Floor
with modular plug & play power
wiring and zone cabling solutions will

No mixing of indoor provide ultimate flexibility allowing

air pollutants you to respond to equipment layout
and technology changes quickly,
easily and cost effectively.

Cool air is
supplied through
base cabinet

Reduce impact on base building

Access floors eliminate the need to embed
wiring and cabling within concealed rigid
structures such as walls, columns and concrete
floors; thereby allowing you the freedom to
access wiring and cabling quickly and easily.

Complete accessibility and

unlimited capacity
An access floor provides you with access to
your service pathway at any location on the
floor plate, with finished floor heights that
accommodate any capacity needs.

Complete flexibility and

reconfiguration capability Point of use services wherever you
need them
An access floor with modular plug & play
power wiring and cabling components provides SlotLink with modular plug & play connections
complete flexibility. As your casinos needs or grommeted access holes provide point of
change so too can your service distribution use delivery of power, voice, and data to any
system - quickly, easily and cost-effectively. location on the floor plate.

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Cii Power Distribution Box SlotLink Power Termination Box SlotLink Data Termination Box
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Underfloor Power and Data Management

Tates has partnered with Cii, the leading manufacturer of Capacity multiple outlet units allow high capacity multi-circuit
modular power and voice data systems to provide flexible wiring configurations to be added for future equipment needs.
solution for casinos. Cii offers superior quality and fast, flexible
Customization the SlotLink can be customized to provide
service with custom application capabilities.
any power, voice or data service to any type of equipment.
Ciis SlotLink is the modular answer to providing multiple
Better Management Dont waste money backing up non-
power and data circuits to gaming machines in the casino. This
critical systems. Up to 4 dedicated circuits and custom duplex
plug-and-play system allows you to add new equipment or make
colors and labels help you manage critical power requirements,
moves, adds and changes very simply and quickly. The patented
ensuring only critical systems reside on expensive UPS grid
connector is UL listed and approved to connect and disconnect
potentially reducing the number of back-up generators.
while energized, meaning the circuit breaker does not need to be
locked and tagged-out to make changes. As easy as unplugging Life Cycle Costs the SlotLink extends the life of your

a lamp, the user can disconnect and move an entire cluster of gaming floor by allowing you to add and change floor layout as

machines with a minimal amount of disruption to the gaming floor. often as you need, or relocate without having to reinvest in a
new power system.
Key features of SlotLink Power & Data Management
Flexibility- with plug-and-play units, installing and reconfiguring Safety all SlotLinks are UL and CSA approved. The power

gaming layouts is fast, easy and cost-effective. connectors have a first make last break grounding and are
keyed to ensure proper connection.

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Designed to Fit Any Air Diffuser Floor Mounted Grommet AirConnect Assembly in Slot Base

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Casino AirConnect
Creating A Healthy Gaming Environment

Tates AirConnect provides significant advantages in maintaining key features of the AirConnect Casino Diffuser
air quality, flexibility and the aesthetic integrity of a Casinos Provides 67 CFM at .05 H2O static pressure when connected
gaming environment. AirConnect uses a flexible duct to tap into to a diffuser that has at least 12 of open space.
the pressurized plenum of an underfloor air distribution system. Easily mounts to any slot base cabinet or pit boss stand.
The air is then delivered at or near the floor through diffusers Can be used with any air diffuser provide by a third party
mounted in slot bases and other structures built on top of the vendor or custom fabricated by the slot base manufacturer for
raised floor. AirConnect offers the same flexibility and improved a seamless integrated look.
indoor air quality of a typical floor mounted diffuser used in All components are quick connect for easy installation and
underfloor air distribution systems. However with AirConnect the removal during casino layout configuration changes
diffusers can be concealed out of sight from the gamers keeping AirConnects plug and play placement flexibility ensure
a clean appealing aesthetic throughout the entire gaming floor. maximum comfort is maintained.
Designed to deliver air near floor level to maximize acoustic
performance, energy efficiency, and help eliminate smoke in
the occupied zone.

Conventional Overhead System Underfloor Air Distribution with AirConnect

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Corporate Headquarters: International Sales & Support Office:

7510 Montevideo Road, Jessup, MD 20794 169 Jalan Jurong Kechil
Tate Hotline: 1-800-231-7788 #7-011, Sherwood
Tel: 410-799-4200 Fax: 410-799-4207 Singapore 598669
Production Facilities: Tel: 65-6468-1332 Fax: 65-6468-6681
7510 Montevideo Road, Jessup, MD 20794
52 Springvale Road, Red Lion, PA 17356

Tate Access Floors, Inc.

components are proudly
made in the U.S.A.

Canadian Office & Production Facilities:

880 Equestrian Court, Oakville, ON L6L 6L7 Canada
Tate Hotline: 1-800-231-7788
Tel: 905+847-0138 Fax: 905+847-0141

A member of

Tate Building Technology Platform, ConCore, GrateAire, PosiLock, PosiTile, PVD Servicenter, Floating Floors, Integral Trim, SustainAbility and AirArrest are registered trademarks of Tate Access Floors, Inc.
DirectAireTM, SmartAireTM, PowerAireTM and AirConnectTM are Trademarks of Tate Access Floors Inc. 2004 Tate Access Floors, Inc. Revised 2010.

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