Case Study Gary

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Disability Categories > Case Studies: Full Individual Evaluation

Student Information
Name: Gary
School/Agency: High Expectations ISD
Gender: Male Grade: 9
Parent/Guardian Name: Mom & Dad Ethnicity: White
Primary Language: English
Teacher Name: Mrs. Smith

Reason for Referral

Gary needed a three year reevaluation to determine his current levels of achievement. He has a
previous diagnosis of autism and a learning disability in the area of written expression.

Health and Developmental History

Gary has vision within normal limits with his glasses and hearing within normal limits without
aids. Gary has good general health. Gary takes Lexapro for his Asperger's condition and is
under the care of a physician.

Educational History
Gary is currently passing his classes within the general education curriculum. His eighth grade
TAKS scores were as follows: On Math SDAA he scored an 8-II and in Reading SDAA he
scored 8-II meeting ARD expectations in both subjects. Gary scored a 2203 on his Social Studies
TAKS and a 1859 on his science TAKS. He met minimum requirements in social studies but not
science. Gary tends to get frustrated with lengthy assignments and tests. He would rather read
his own books. Gary has a history of difficulty in the area of written expression throughout his
academic career.

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College of Education, Texas Tech University
Funded by the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities November 15, 2008

The views contained herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the funding agency[s]. No
official endorsement should be inferred.
Language Background/Communication Development
Gary lives at home with his parents. He has access to educational experiences at home and
watches television, reads and eats together with his family. Gary and his family speak English.
According to the teacher information, Gary has average receptive and expressive language

Behavioral and Social/Emotional Functioning

Gary's diagnosis of autism is due to his Asperger's condition. This condition will affect his
ability to associate with his peers. Teachers report that Gary has difficulty making friends,
interacting cooperatively, and resisting becoming discouraged by academic challenges. Gary's
mom reports that Gary is made fun of at school. He currently has counseling to help him deal
with behavioral and emotional issues.

Classroom Observations
Gary was observed in his math classroom. He responded to questions and responded
appropriately. His vocabulary was age-appropriate. Gary had difficulty interacting with his
peers socially, attending to a task and working independently. Gary was able to cooperate with
his teacher, respond appropriately to praise and correction and had an appropriate activity level.

Formal Assessment
Test Analysis: Woodcock-Johnson III, Tests of Achievement
[Normative Update]
Gary had average abilities in letter-word identification, reading fluency, calculation, math
fluency, applied problems and writing samples. He scored below average in passage
comprehension and applied problems. Gary scored poorly in writing fluency and the score was
not taken. Comprehension could be poor because of the length of time taken to complete both
the math and reading sections. Gary was less likely to maintain attention and withdrew at the
end of each comprehension test. He wanted to read his own book which is characteristic of an
individual with Asperger's. Gary's writing abilities continue to be difficult for him and he
continues to qualify with a learning disability in the area of written expression.

Project IDEAL Page 2 of 4

College of Education, Texas Tech University
Funded by the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities November 15, 2008

The views contained herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the funding agency[s]. No
official endorsement should be inferred.
Consideration of Special Education Criteria
The following have been ruled out as a cause for the significant discrepancy:
1. A health screening ruled out any visual, hearing, or motor handicap.
2. Cognitive assessment ruled out mental retardation.
3. Review of parent and teacher information ruled out emotional disturbance.
4. Review of parent and teacher information ruled out environmental, cultural, or economic

Based on the information in this case study, what recommendations would you make for
Gary to succeed in the general education classroom? What strategies could you utilize for
Gary to be more successful in his general education classes? Does he need assistive

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College of Education, Texas Tech University
Funded by the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities November 15, 2008

The views contained herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the funding agency[s]. No
official endorsement should be inferred.
technology? What suggestions do you have for Garys parents? How can they help at
home? Explain reasons for making your specific recommendations for Gary.

Project IDEAL Page 4 of 4

College of Education, Texas Tech University
Funded by the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities November 15, 2008

The views contained herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the funding agency[s]. No
official endorsement should be inferred.

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