rsm462h1s 20171 (R20161220)
rsm462h1s 20171 (R20161220)
rsm462h1s 20171 (R20161220)
RSM 462H1S
Managing People in the Context of Globalization
Winter 2017
Companies that succeed in the global arena are those whose human capital can understand and adapt to the
demands of foreign partners and markets. Large markets for products and services are not the only things enticing
companies to seek globalization. Foreign labor markets also attract interest. At the same time, companies that
establish subsidiaries abroad or work in alliances with foreign partners face some liabilities of foreignness when
utilizing labour force across geographic boundaries. With global supply chains becoming more ubiquitous across
various industries, organizational structures that reflect and support globalization are becoming a necessity.
Effective managers need to develop skills to aid their organizations transition into the arena of more intense
worldwide competition as well as domestic competition.
In this course you wear the hat of a freshly hired HR consultant. You are introduced to the impact of global
conditions on the management of human resources at home and abroad and learn to apply the concepts to a
variety of cases. As a group we consider and discuss globalization and multinational human resource management
issues in the context of overseas subsidiaries, domestic locations and their use of immigrants, international joint
ventures, international mergers and acquisitions and the multinational enterprise itself. As we explore these
issues, country differences due to factors as cultural variation, socio-political differences, legal regulations,
economic and educational levels, and business customs are addressed. There are many opportunities to learn
about all these aspects of international (global) human resource management. The first part of the course focuses
on issues pertaining to global human resources management and less on the HR functionalities.
After the first four lectures, the course will then look at the techniques used in HR policies and practices such as
staffing, training, performance management, compensation etc. from an international perspective.
Overall this course is about:
1) Global strategy/structure and the HR linkage;
2) modes of entry and expansion; and
3) the HR function/structure/professionals.
Course Prerequisites
Prerequisite: RSM260H1;
Exclusion: RSM 410H1 - Managing Human Resources in Context of Globalization
Required Readings
Dowling, P. J., Festing, M., Engle Sr., A. D.,(2013) International Human Resource Management (6th Edition),
Cengage Learning EMEA. (DFE for the following discussion)
Grades are a measure of the performance of a student in individual courses. Each student shall be judged on the
basis of how well he or she has command of the course materials.
Students are expected to complete participation cards when in class and must share two worth news stories with
the class in the discussion forum on blackboard before the last day of class. Each valid story shared will
contribute 2.5% to the students participation grade, to a maximum of 5%.
Each assignment is a maximum of 5 pages of text (double-spaced with 1-inch margins on all sides, written in 12-
point Times New Roman font). In addition to the 5 pages, you have to include an Executive Summary at the
beginning of the assignment and also add a bibliography section at the end along with proper in-text citations (all
in APA-style for a guide on APA, click You are expected to
locate your supporting documents such as charts, diagrams etc. in an appendix section. All assignments must be
submitted to
Typically this assignment will consist of 3 questions, and your work will also be assessed based on quality of
writing, grammar/spelling, and proper APA citations.
You must submit the assignment before the start of class 3:59pm on Oct 26th
Go to and create an account if you do not already have one. Enrol in the class by using
the Class ID 14172308 Enrollment Password: GlobalHR17
Upload a single document (Rotman individual cover sheet and your full written work)
Click Submit and wait a few minutes to confirm a successful upload and also to confirm that your work
is indeed original.
In addition, please bring a hard copy to class as well.
Group Work:
Each presentation/week will focus on one particular country/region of the World (other than Canada). For
example, the first presentation will focus on North America; the second on the Caribbean States & Latin America
and so on until we will have hopefully covered the whole World. These regions have been selected more or less
in accordance with the World Banks Regional Doing Business reports. As such, you are encouraged to consult
the latest reports and to also read some books and web reports that talk about Country/Cultural differences.
Students would be expected to refer to Hofstedes cultural dimensions to conduct your analysis.
The presentations should be done on PowerPoint or Prezi and should contain meaningful charts/diagrams/tables
with proper sources in the respective captions. One student from each group needs to email me the file by 11 am
the day that particular group is presenting. I also need a hard copy so I can easily annotate. In terms of
grading, a detailed rubric is provided on Blackboard under Course Materials.
To assist you, the Rotman Business Information Centre (BIC) has created a guide for this course. You may access
it by clicking on
The Country Information tab should be particularly helpful.
2. X-Culture Group Project and Report (usually 6 to 7-person groups, with students enrolled in
International Business/Management classes around the World 22%)
This may be the most fun and yet the most career-defining project you will ever do in your undergraduate
experience. It will require a great deal of commitment on your part and students who do not participate fully may
be excluded from the project.
X-Culture ( is an endeavour to get students from around the World to participate in a real
international business/management/marketing challenge. The X-culture group of instructors will put you in
groups (close enough to a random selection) where you will be working to advise a company on a potential global
expansion. The crux of the project involves picking one of the following business problems
4 and providing an analysis on how the company could enter a foreign country, staff its
foreign operations, and market a new product or existing product with perhaps some tweaks.
This course is all about managing talent in a globalized World. This project will hopefully be that learning
experience that you will need before embarking on your immediate and future career. Most importantly, this
project will enable you to interact with students from around the World in that you will be working with them on a
real business challenge and will be proposing your analysis and solutions via a group report. Think of yourself as
a consultant working on a global project! There would probably be two students from this course in each group
and the rest of the group will be comprised of students from around the World who are studying international
Since you will be collaborating with international co-workers, you will be using tools such as Skype, Dropbox,
Google+, and Facebook in addition to emails. My general recommendation is to use your U of T email accounts
for email communication, Dropbox sharing, and Skype.
More details are in the pdf files within the X-culture folder on Blackboard and you have to read the Student
Instructions Manual and pass a pre-project readiness test to be considered a participant in X-Culture. For those of
you who do not wish to work in groups for various reasons, you will be able to carry out the whole project
individually. Note, however, that this is heavily discouraged because it would stray away from one of the
objectives of this course and also it would be very taxing on your time.
From the pdf documents in the X-Culture folder on Blackboard, you will read in more detail the requirements for
the X-Culture project and group report but the table below gives an indication of the requirements and deadlines
for this group work which is worth 22% of your course grade.
1. Pre-project Readiness Test (check your emails for personalized link)
2. Establish Contact and Meet your Teammates
3. Analysis of the Company
4. Identify Market Success Factors
5. Market Analysis and Selection
6. Entry Mode
7. Distribution and Pricing
8. Branding, Promotion and Advertising
9. Staffing
10. Complete Preliminary Draft
11. FINAL Team Report (Hardcopy and turnitin)
12. Post-project Survey
If you are the student who is responsible to submit the Draft (Milestone 9) and Final Report (Milestone 10) on
behalf of your group, log in to using your email address and use the following Class IDs and the
password is xculture
The final report will be graded in terms of Accuracy and thoroughness of the company analysis; Quality of the
market opportunity analysis, including the feasibility of the success criteria; Accuracy and thoroughness of the
market analysis; Feasibility of the product choice, its suitability for the suggested new market; Feasibility of the
suggested market entry mode and staffing policies; Feasibility and creativity of the marketing strategy; Quality of
the arguments in support of the recommendations provided in the report (clarify, strength and feasibility of the
arguments essentially how well you explain your decisions); Proper use of external sources and references;
Clarity of presentation, formatting quality, readability, visual appeal, grammar.
Learning to work together in teams is an important aspect of your education and preparation for your future
careers. That said, project-based teamwork is often new to students; to work well in teams, it helps to follow a set
of core expectations to best succeed at your team projects.
1. Read the document entitled, Working in Teams: Guidelines for Rotman Commerce Students which is
available on the RC portal under the Academic Services tab.
3. Resolving conflicts:
Conflicts are part of the teams process of learning how to work together. When handled well, it can generate
creativity and bring-multiple perspectives to the solution.
Student teams are expected to work through their misunderstandings as soon as they arise (and prior to
submission of the final project). When teams are unable to arrive at a solution that works for all members, the
team must meet with the Rotman Commerce Team Coach** as soon as possible. The Coach will listen to the team
and help develop options for improving the team process. All members of the project team must commit to, and,
utilize their action plans.
**For an appointment with a Rotman Commerce Team Coach, please contact Nouman Ashraf at
[email protected] Nouman is highly skilled at facilitating team dynamics and collaboration.
Note that the Team Coachs s role is to provide guidance, support and advice on team matters not to formally
evaluate or assess teamwork for academic purposes.
Weekly Schedule (Tentative)
Jan WEEK 1 Syllabus overview + Deliverables:
9th National cultural context and management
1. DFE Ch 2
1. DFE Ch 2
Jan WEEK 3 Institutional and legal context of international operations + Ethics in International Business
23th Deliverables:
1. Thomas, D. C., & Lazarova, M. B. (2014). Cultural and
Institutional Context of Global Human Resource Management.
In Essentials of international human resource management: (Within-class group
managing people globally (pp. 36-46). Los Angeles: Sage presentation: Region
Publications. 1 - North America
2 - Australasia)
2. Locke, R. M., & Romis, M. (2007). Improving work conditions
in a global supply chain. MIT Sloan Management Review, 48(2),
*Festing (2012). Retaining Talent in times of crisis: Opportunities
for the Robert Bosch Group in the context of the German Industrial
Relations System. In James Hayton; Michal Biron; Liza Castro
Christiansen; Bard Kuvaas (Eds.), Global Human Resource
Management Casebook, (pp. 12-21). New York: Routledge
Jan WEEK 4 International expansion and strategic context of international human resource management
30th (IHRM)
1. DFE Ch 3
(Within-class group
2. Briscoe, D., Schuler, R., & Tarique, I. (2012). Strategic presentation: Region
International Human Resource Management. In International 3 - Western Europe
human resource management: Policies and practices for 4 - Nordic Europe)
Multinational Enterprises (pp. 29-57). 4th ed. New York:
1. Recommended reading: Goleman, D. (2004). What makes a
leader? Harvard Business Review, 82(1), 82-91.
2. Recommended reading: Hae-Jung, H., & Doz, Y. (2013). L'Oral
Masters Multiculturalism. Harvard Business Review, 91(6), 114-
Cumulative exam
TBA Final Exam
In such cases, students must notify Rotman Commerce on the date of the missed test (or due date in the case of
course work) and submit supporting documentation (e.g. Verification of Student Illness or Injury form) to the
Rotman Commerce Program Office within 48 hours of the originally scheduled test or due date. Students who do
not provide Rotman Commerce or the instructor with appropriate or sufficient supporting documentation will be
given a grade of 0 (zero) for the missed test or course deliverable.
Note that the physicians report must establish that the patient was examined and diagnosed at the time of
illness, not after the fact. Rotman Commerce will not accept a statement that merely confirms a report of
illness made by the student and documented by the physician.
Late Assignments
All assignments are due at the time on the date specified in the course outline. Late submissions will normally be
penalized by 5% if the assignment is not received on the specified date, at the specified time. A further penalty of
2% will be applied to each subsequent day.
Students who, for reasons beyond their control, are unable to submit an assignment by its deadline must obtain
approval from the instructor for an extension. Supporting documentation will be required as per the policy on
missed tests and assignments.
Regarding Request for Term work
Students have up to 5 business days after written work has been graded and returned to them to submit it for re-
grading. Submissions for re-grading must be made in writing, with the student outlining the specific areas of the
work that he or she feels were incorrectly graded. All submissions should be signed and dated by the student. Your
TA will handle the regrading and will return a written response explaining the results of the review and indicating
whether the students grade has changed. If a student remains dissatisfied with the grading process, he or she will
have up to five business days after receiving the re-graded work to submit it a second time for re-grading. Course
instructor will handle the second round of re-grading and the mark will be final.
Accessibility Needs
The University of Toronto is committed to accessibility. If you require accommodations for a disability, or have
any accessibility concerns about the course, the classroom or course materials, please contact Accessibility
Services as soon as possible: [email protected] or
Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity is a fundamental value essential to the pursuit of learning and scholarships at the University of
Toronto. Participating honestly, respectively, responsibly, and fairly in this academic community ensures that the
UofT degree that you earn will continue to be valued and respected as a true signifier of a student's individual
work and academic achievement. As a result, the University treats cases of academic misconduct very seriously.
Falsifying institutional documents or grades.
Falsifying or altering any documentation required by the University, including (but not limited to),
medical notes.
All suspected cases of academic dishonesty will be investigated by the following procedures outlined in the Code
of Behaviour on Academic Matters. If you have any question about what is or is not permitted in the course,
please do not hesitate to contact the course instructor. If you have any questions about appropriate research and
citation methods, you are expected to seek out additional information from the instructor or other UofT resources
such as College Writing Centres or the Academic Success Centre.
At times, the course instructor may decide to communicate important course information by email. As such, all
UofT students are required to have a valid UTmail+ email address. You are responsible for ensuring that your
UTmail+ email address is set up AND properly entered on the ROSI system. For more information please visit
Forwarding your email to a Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo or other type of email account is not advisable. In
some cases, messages from addresses sent to Hotmail, Gmail or Yahoo accounts are filtered as junk
mail, which means that important messages from your course instructor may end up in your spam or junk mail
Recording Lectures
Lectures and course materials prepared by the instructor are considered by the University to be an instructors
intellectual property covered by the Canadian Copyright Act. Students wishing to record a lecture or other course
material in any way are required to ask the instructors explicit permission, and may not do so unless permission
is granted (note: students who have been previously granted permission to record lectures as an accommodation
for a disability are, of course, excepted). This includes tape recording, filming, photographing PowerPoint slides,
Blackboard materials, etc.
If permission is granted by the instructor (or via Accessibility Services), it is intended for the individual students
own study purposes and does not include permission to publish them in anyway. It is absolutely forbidden for a
student to publish an instructors notes to a website or sell them in any other form without formal permission.