Textbook Stuguide
Textbook Stuguide
Textbook Stuguide
Corporate Communication
Study Guide
Athabasca University a
Course Team
Course Professor: Dr. Evelyn Ellerman
Authors: Bill McMillan, Holly Dougall (2006)
Editors: Timothy Anderson, Gilda Sanders (2000)
Lori--Ann Claerhout, Gilda Sanders (2007)
Cover Design and Illustrations: Margaret Anderson
Visual Presentation: Digital Media Technology Unit
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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Unit 2 Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Unit 5 Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
The course demands that you apply the concepts presented to real corporate settings
and experiences. If you have not had such experiences first hand, the course offers
you an opportunity to draw out the experiences of others.
He has also led many courses and seminars on topics such as public consultation,
decision making, teamwork, managing customer services, problem solving and
creativity; and he is a coauthor of, Opening the Door: Improving Decisions through
Public Consultation.
In 2006, this course was revised by Holly Dougall (B.A., B.Ed., M.A.), who has held
various communications-based positions in the advertising, manufacturing and
educational sectors. Her current research interests include organizational development,
media literacy, civic engagement and critical theory.
Note: Within this course, the concepts of corporation and organization are
treated as equivalent. The content of this course is equally applicable to government,
private sector and nonprofit sector organizations.
When you have completed Unit 1, you should be able to
3. describe the biological, systems and adaptive organizational models, and discuss
their implications for communication.
Note: As described in the Student Manual, these questions for thought are intended
as a guide for your journaling. Your responses throughout the course can be used as a
basis for your Questions for Thought assignment responses, ten of which you are
required to submit for grading. You may wish to revisit your answers as you work
through the course.
4 Corporate Communication
Hierarchical Corporations and Formal Communication
In 1969, Rensis Likert documented a management typology in New Patterns of
Management, describing the linking pin concept (group communication across
hierarchy). It is clear that he was describing a way of trying to overcome the natural
limitations of communication in a hierarchy. In 1960, in The Human Side of
Enterprise, Douglas McGregor described the difference between hierarchical and
cross-cutting communication as a choice between Theory X and Theory Y. Both
authors described choices that were a consequence of the form and the growth of the
bureaucratic organization.
The twentieth century began as a continuation of the industrial era, and Western
culture remained dominant. As the century has unfolded, it has been shaped by
warfare. The two world wars that dominated Europe prior to 1950 brought the
military concept of hierarchical power into vogue (as had Napoleons victories a
century earlier). The resurgence of the Western economies after each world war
reinforced support for the hierarchical model that the military had used to gain
success. The concept of marshalling resources, the image of the commanding
leader, and the value of organized bureaucracy, all rose to prominence after each
war. These concepts, along with vestiges of the machine model, informed large
organizations of this century until the 1980s, and resulted in organizations that
visualized themselves as structures similar to the one shown in Figure 1.1, below.
Over the course of the century, organizations have also been affected by the growth
of professional and managerial positions. Instead of the simple top and bottom
levels that characterized the early industrial corporations, there was now a very
significant middle. By the 1960s, the importance of managers and leaders in the
middle had been documented in the works of Peter Drucker who emphasized
management as a distinct social force (see Drucker, 1994). The growth of a powerful
and influential middle layer made communication in the organization more complex,
and increased the number of people who saw themselves as sources of organizational
direction. G. Lumsden (1982) describes the important new class of middle managers
as, the people who work below a policy-making level, but who have some say in
how policy will be implemented and considerable involvement in carrying out that
implementation (p. 4).
In the last three decades, many large organizations influenced by hierarchical and
machine model assumptions have exhibited the following communication
communication from those at the top is perceived to be important
selling managements message, to both employees and customers of the
organization, is emphasized.
consultation with employees is undertaken to gain buy in, but the decision
process is reserved for executives and senior management.
line and support functions are separate, and line (production) functions
are considered to be more important.
formal communication methods (e.g., brochures, binders, videos) are considered
to be important and to require executive review (and editing), while informal
communication methods (such as informal meetings, casual discussions) are not
considered official.1
a communication group is established as a specialized support function, and is
not imagined to be integrated into line functions.
rumours (the grapevine) capture employee attention and energy.
1 Marion Kellogg (1969) describes the ambiguous thinking about informal communication: There is a
persistent theme in management thinking today: to increase employee influence on the goals of the
organization. . . . This implies that managers should become more democratic in their approach, more
open minded . . . but informality can be . . . overdone in work situations (p. v).
6 Corporate Communication
External Forces of Change
After the Second World War, the economies of North America and Europe grew
rapidly, and this growth provided the environment within which corporations
developed and operated. During this period, it was often perceived that the
corporation was driven by the internal priorities of management, and often assumed
that the corporation worked within a generally stable environment. While there were
considerable external changes in the environment, governments generally had the
resources and the power to resist short-term changes, and people accepted long-term
trends, such as inflation, without direct concern about the consequences.
In the early 1970s, the first serious threat to this stable world occurred with a world
oil supply crisis. People were amazed both that such a thing could happen, and that no
one had any immediate answers to the problem. During the 1980s, there were
continued shocks that demonstrated that national governments and corporations
were far more vulnerable to outside change than had been thought.
The recognition that corporations work within a changing external environment led
to a corresponding view that corporations must be adaptive. This change in
perspective was a dramatic one: the machine corporation had been based on a
model of rigid control, and was therefore ill-suited for the organic process of
adaptation. Many corporations were challenged by the changing environment and
took far too long to adjust. Corporate leaders learned along the way that they would
have to redesign their structures and processes to work within the emerging
In The Age of the Manager Is Over! (1975), S. Thompson describes the influence
of external factors.
The shifts that are displacing whole patterns of existence are not shifts and
forces and effects deliberately willed by leaders and managers who are
bent on inventing the future . . . . The changes that are conditioning new
preferences are unmanaged changes in the sensibilities of vast populations .
. . . They are not clashing with their superiors so much as forgetting about
them altogether. (p. 16)
Reading Assignment
Ohmae strongly believes that the global marketplace has become borderless and
that this change will affect all of government and all corporations.
3. Do you think this change is as profound as Ohmae asserts? Why or why not?
Offer examples to support your position.
5. Using the Internet, library, and other sources, research the work of
Kenichi Ohmae. What are his current research endeavours? Critically
examine a website or journal article relative to his research.
As Michael Goodman (1998) points out, the reality of the global marketplace
presents specific cultural challenges to corporate communicators. Effective
communication is measured by different standards in different parts of the world.
Variations in language, language use, technology, environment and social
organization create contexts that might be entirely different from those to which we
are accustomed. An effective corporate communicator will be sensitive to these
cultural distinctions, and will perform the research necessary to encourage successful
8 Corporate Communication
Reading Assignment
In the Digital Reading Room (DRR), read Unit 1Changing Concepts, Article #1.
6. Compare low context and high context cultures. Using examples, discuss
the strategies of communication commonly used within each type of culture, and
the problems they may pose to communicators from a culture of the opposite
The lessons of the 1980s, notably the experiences of corporate giants, such as IBM
and General Motors, which were forced to undergo painful restructuring, suggested
that organizations were at risk if they followed the fallacy of linear projection (the
assumption that the future will be a linear extension of the past). In the systems or
biological view, an organization is seen as a continually adaptive place that uses
sophisticated methods to sense its environment and to change in response to what it
The biological or systemic view includes the concept of networks within and beyond
the organization. The network approach ensures that people are connected, and that
information can travel in any direction as required to create the best possible
approach to an emerging situation. The concept of network (see Figure 1.2, below)
is vastly different from the hierarchical machine concept we discussed earlier.
Unfortunately, many organizations retain the structure and reward systems of the
hierarchical model, but have created programs, processes and plans that assume the
biological or system model. This disjunction creates difficulties for corporate
communication managers, who find that four serious problems emerge:
formal communication occurs far too slowly to keep pace with organizational
10 Corporate Communication
communication needs become complex and unpredictable.
Reading Assignment
7. Naturalist Charles Darwin coined the phrase survival of the fittest. Explain
how an organization featured in Article #2 exemplifies this concept. Support
your position with examples. Can you think of any other strategically adaptive
System Improvement
In describing adaptive organizations, some observers have noted the concept
of system improvement as a means of achieving the required changes.
James Harrington (1987) suggests that, The only way improvement gains can be
effectively and permanently embedded in the fiber of a company is through changing
the systems that control the companys operations (p. 135). Jill Janov (1994)
similarly notes that, Regardless of organizational type size, we need to think
systemically (p. 119).
Louis Fried (1995) describes how systems thinking affects the design of information
systems: We have learned . . . that companies must abandon old hierarchical
organization models and organize along lines that optimize business processes
(p. 9). When considering the fact that information systems did not always achieve
intended results during the 1980s and early 1990s, he observes that
A substantial part of the failure of systems to pay off must be attributed to
the analytical methods of the past, in which applications were designed to
automate the business processes as they existed rather than to redesign the
business processes first. (p. 12)
Every organization has its own set of cultural norms; that is, accepted patterns,
preferences and unspoken rules. The culture of an organization has a major influence
on the role of communicators and on the processes used to support communication.
Edgar Schein (1989), one of the most respected commentators on corporate culture,
observes that
The most powerful primary mechanisms of culture embedding and
reinforcement are (1) what leaders pay attention to, measure, and control;
(2) leader reactions to critical incidents and organizational crises; (3)
deliberate role modeling, teaching, and coaching by leaders; (4) criteria for
allocation of rewards and status; (5) criteria for recruitment, selection,
promotion, retirement, and excommunication.
If leaders are . . . inconsistent in what they pay attention to, subordinates and
colleagues will spend inordinate time and energy trying to decipher what the
leaders behavior really reflects and even project motives where none may
exist. . . .
Some of the most important signals of what the founders/leaders pay
attention to are sent during meetings and other activities devoted to
planning, which is one reason why planning is such an important
managerial process. In forcing subordinates to focus on certain issues in a
certain way, leaders can get across their own view of how to look at
problems. The ultimate content of the plan may not be as important as the
learning that goes on during the planning process. (pp. 224-226)
12 Corporate Communication
Based on Scheins observations, one could conclude that the corporate
communicator should observe and interpret leader attention, reward and punishment,
and should engage leaders in the communication planning process as a way to
integrate corporate culture and communication.
In the larger picture, however, power has shifted dramatically from the internal
executives of the organization to external sources: shareholders, investors and
customers. The rising importance of external stakeholders often leads to a great deal
more emphasis on communication related to strategic benefits and service processes.
Reading Assignment
8. Describe a situation in which power and influence have played a major role in
shaping corporate communication priorities and messages in your organization.
Which of Kotters methods of influence were used in that situation?
Ubiquitous Computers
Corporate communication has been changed by an ongoing shift towards computers
as a basis for information development, exchange and broadcasting. Louis Fried
describes the change as follows:
We are also facing a major shift in the way people work and live with
computing and communications. Computing futurists have called this the
era of ubiquitous computing. Ubiquitous computing means . . . an
increasingly computer-literate society will expect computers to do what it
wants, the way it wants it done. And it means that users will increasingly
desire to create or tailor their own applications, often using objects created
by computer professionals. (1995, p. 8)
Information flow in the machine organization was often out of step with changing
perceptions and problems. It was not uncommon for a document that had taken years
to produce to be almost totally ignored on release and distribution. Tolerance of this
lack of synchrony and relevance was a signal that the organization did not view the
changing environment to be a critical factor in its success.
14 Corporate Communication
what happens is that the behavior inheritance persists. As it is passed down
deeper in the organization, sans power, such behavior begins not to work so
well. And at lower levels it gets muddied even further because its being
used on individuals who dont understand it, arent impressed by it, or are
downright opposed to it. (p. 8)
Priority is related to the relevance of the project to customers and investors, not
to executive enthusiasm.
The move towards an adaptive service process (along with rapidly changing
communication technologies) has also distributed communication roles and abilities
much more broadly throughout the organization. This development has meant that
the communication professional is much more likely to be valued for coordination,
facilitation and support than for direct expertise in language or communication
10. As stated above, computers in the workplace allow almost anyone to broadcast
information. What effect can this factor have on communication within an
organization? Draw from your own experiences or well-known media examples
to support your position.
11. Describe some ways that you would alter the communication function within an
organization with which you are familiar to make it more service-oriented and
Reading Assignment
In the DRR, read Unit 1Changing Concepts, Article #3 and Article #4.
16 Corporate Communication
Unit 2
In this unit, we examine how the traditional view of organization changed in the
latter part of the twentieth century. In particular, we consider how communication
and leadership are inextricably bound, and how changing concepts of leadership have
affected and continue to affect corporate communication.
When you have completed Unit 2, you should be able to
What is a leader? How do you define leadership? The question of what makes
a good leader has bedevilled Western society since the late Middle Ages. In the
many commentaries on leadership written between the 1500s and 1970, the most
common view presented is that a leader is someone who is influential and decisive.
Niccolo Machiavelli presented the archetype of this view in The Prince, written in
1513. Machiavelli implied that the leader has a brilliant sense of context and
direction, and a strong sense of strategy (to the point of being manipulative
we now use the adjective Machiavellian to mean brilliantly manipulative).
However, one must bear in mind that Machiavelli was fully aware that he had to
assemble a composite of several leaders to achieve the ideal he was describing.
The concept of the brilliant leader closely follows earlier beliefs about the divine
right of kings. This notion served the needs of the ruling class, and later, industrial
magnates, who needed the full belief and support of their followers. Divine leaders
were nearly always supported by force; often, they had absolute power of life and
death over their subjects.
Even in times when the idea of the divinely appointed leader prevailed, there was
often a contrary view, held by social activists, that a leader was actually empowered
by the followers, and that strategy was really a product of the followers needs,
not of the leaders single-minded brilliance. This view was concisely stated by
Thomas Paine in 1791, Titles are but nicknames . . . it is common opinion only
that makes them anything or nothing . . . . [A] body of men, holding themselves
accountable to nobody, ought not to be trusted by anybody (1944, pp. 59-60, 63).
Our views of leadership changed greatly during the twentieth century. In the early
part of the century, it was widely held that leaders gained their skills through
inheritance. As the century progressed, the alternative view, that leadership is a
learned behaviour, became dominant. There was an emerging sense that leaders
could behave in ways that would motivate followers and ensure effective results.
During the latter part of the century, the role of the leader changed fundamentally in
industrialized nations. Changing conditionsmost notably the emergence of highly
educated masses with ready access to informationmade it difficult for a leader to
18 Corporate Communication
claim inherited brilliance. The emergence of an independent mass media created a
new challenge to the structures that had supported leadership in earlier times. As the
century progressed, public leaders found themselves under intense scrutiny that
exposed weaknesses that the public was reluctant to accept. At the same time,
concepts of democracy shifted towards the view that power and intelligence reside
with the masses, and that leaders must listen to, and gain information and support
from, followersthat leaders acquire power, influence and intelligence by listening
and to communicating with followers.
The new view of leadership has raised difficult questions for leadersnotably, how
to determine what is best when the followers have many conflicting interests; and
how to maintain credibility when it is widely known that leaders are not divinely
better than followers. Furthermore, citizensand employees in the corporate
modelhave not been as thrilled with the new structure as one might think: the
consultation process is time consuming and confidence in leaders has dropped. The
paradox of the egalitarian leadership model is one of the great organizational
challenges at the beginning of the twenty-first century.
Contemporary views of leadership are wide and varied; they include feminine styles
of leadership, servant leadership and socially responsible styles of leadership, among
others. As such, this facet of organizational life is dynamic and typically changes to
reflect the various values and concerns of stakeholders in business communities. The
DRR articles on leadership reflect this diversity of theory and approach.
Reading Assignment
In the DRR, read at least two of the first six articles in Unit 2Leadership. All of
these articles address different leadership approaches.
Note: Take notes as you read; you may wish to use the table on the following page to
guide your note-taking.
1. Describe a famous Machiavellian leader with whom you are familiar. Why is
this leader described as such? Consider his or her actions, personality and
reputation, among other factors.
Accountability and
20 Corporate Communication
The Work of a Leader
The historical shift in the perceived source of powerfrom God and genes to
peoplehas led to considerable confusion about what leaders are now supposed to
do. Modern leaders must consult a wide range of people, each of whom has some
stake in decisions. Then, they must implement decisions in a way that will achieve
effective results. This shift requires leaders to use skills that were not as necessary in
earlier times.
Similarly, the machine organization rarely included the customer in the decision
process, and often provided products or services with the assumption that customers
would be pleased with whatever was available. If you examine approaches to
banking, for instance, you will note that, during the 1960s and 1970s, customers were
generally told what to do by the banks, and often had to line up for services and
accept whatever they got. By contrast, since the 1990s, banks have invested heavily
in services that are supposed to maximize convenience and attractiveness to the
customer, although many customers might take issue with being forced to receive
service from a banking machine (see Unit 7 for a discussion of customer service).
These changes suggest that we have reduced the distinction between leaders and
followers. Increasingly, we see that attempts to isolate a chief executive or a group
of senior executives as the leaders in an organization are unworkable. Instead, as
De Pree notes, leaders are embedded in the organization. His model is not consistent
with words such as superiors, subordinates, insiders and executive suite.
Emerging language about teams, associates, families, communities and
constituents represents contemporary efforts to envision the corporation as a
shared place rather than a ruled place.
In this course, we employ the word community to refer to people who share
common values and beliefs, or share a common situation (the definition is taken
from Collins Dictionary). While we have come to use the word community to
mean municipality or neighbourhood, it has a larger meaning that we will use here.
The concept of community is important to the adaptive organization because it
describes the interdependencies and variations that typify an organization. In
leadership and in communication, it is much easier to describe and respond to the
needs of communities than to respond to a multitude of individuals. Typically, an
organization will have a direct relationship with a number of communities, both
inside and outside.
Using the adaptive model, it is no longer desirable to isolate the organization from the
communities it serves. The sense of shared relationship often flows beyond the
walls of the organization, and many outsiders have a significant impact on the
outcomes the organization seeks.
You have probably experienced this kind of discussion. The hierarchy may not tell
you who the real leaders are.
There are many attempts to define leadership these days. Most people writing in the
field accept that leaders
communicate well.
In The Leader in You (1993), S. Levine and M. Crom describe an example of the
kinds of leadership changes that one adaptive organization valued:
Good human-relations skills have the ability to change people from
managing others to leading others, says John Rampey, director of
management development at Milliken and Company, a leading textile
manufacturer. People can learn to move from directing to guiding, from
competing to collaborating, from operating under a system of veiled secrecy
22 Corporate Communication
to one of sharing information as its needed, from a mode of passivity to a
mode of risk taking, from one of viewing people as an expense to one of
viewing people as an asset. (p. 15)
Levine and Croms book is an overview of valued leadership behaviours, which are
summarized in the list below.
listening so that you can learn (no one is more persuasive than a good listener)
Reading Assignment
Information Overload
In the information age, there can be too much exposure and too much
information and too much sort of quasi-information. (Bill Clinton, quoted in
Shenk, 1997, p. 17)
The amount of data that flows through a typical organization in a day is enormous.
People in the organization can become overwhelmed and unable to determine which
information is critical. Or they can become weary of reviewing the huge amount of
David Shenk describes this problem at length in his book, Data Smog: Surviving
the Information Glut (1997). He begins with a simple statement: Information, once
rare and cherished like caviar, is now plentiful and taken for granted like potatoes
(p. 27).
He observes that, at the end of World War II, We began to produce information much
faster than we could process it, and he believes that computers, microwave
transmissions, television and satellites have surged ahead of human processing
ability. . . . [W]e have vaulted from a state of information scarcity to one of
information surplus . . . in the geological blink of an eye (p. 28).
Increasingly, communicators hear that they have not made enough effort to make the
key information available. Common stakeholder complaints include: I didnt even
see it, or I couldnt find it. The communicator may be astounded that information
sent directly to stakeholders did not reach them. However, in the age of information
overload, people make quick decisions about what is relevant. Humans survive in an
information-rich environment by forgetting information deemed irrelevant, so they
can concentrate on information that is relevant.
Types of communication that would have been effective in the 1970s may now go
almost unnoticed. The communicator must always be concerned about the perceived
relevance and credibility of the information provided. Ideas are more commonly
reduced to the thirty-second sound bite, a term derived from the length of news
items and film clips on television newscasts. An information-rich environment
requires that communicators focus on being succinct and on targeting their audience.
We identify three favourite strategies below.
24 Corporate Communication
on specific information. This approach is often called the retreat. It has the
advantage of allowing participants to focus on building relationships to a greater
extent than might be possible in the office. Unfortunately, many participants will
bring their information-rich environment with them, in the form of cellular
phones, portable computers with modems, and extensive project files. It is
difficult to enforce limits on information sources when constant access has
become the norm.
The likelihood that information distributed only once will be noticed and
recalled by all who receive it is relatively low. Knowing this, corporate
communicators reinforce the information through repetition. Repetition can
greatly increase the likelihood of recall, but it also increases the amount of
information that must be reviewed. Obviously, there must be greater selectivity
about which information merits repetition, or this technique ultimately will
become counter-productive.
The growth of teams has meant that the communicator must pay more attention to the
connections among teams. The need for effective communication links among teams
The art of problem solving is not foreign to anyone. We all learn to solve problems
early in life. However, problem solving in an organizational context requires
additional skills that may not have been learned. The main impediments to problem
solving in organizations are a belief that bringing attention to problems could harm
the organization; an inability to frame the problem in a way that helps create
solutions; and difficulties with group process.
Ernie Zelinski (1994) suggests that problems are good for an organization. In Boy
Are You Lucky, You Have Problems, a chapter of The Joy of Not Knowing It All, he
notes that
Individuals and corporations will not only survive, but flourish in todays
rapidly changing world if they are good problem solvers. Good problem
solvers are those who welcome problems and are challenged by them.
(p. 111)
However, some organizations retain the view that problems are a bad thing: having a
problem means that someone will be accusedand punished. [Culturally, this view
may be valid. For centuries, the punishment for being associated with certain
problems, such as bringing the news of a military defeat, was severe, if not terminal.]
Since the 1980s, most organizations have been trying to find ways to encourage an
acceptance of problems as the basis for breakthroughs and sustained effectiveness.
More dramatically, organizations are seeking ways to redesign processes to create
new value and advantage.
Many organizations have discovered that their ability to solve problems has not only
led to new value in their services, but also to a new product: they are now able to sell
their problem-solving skills and experience. For example, General Electric, one of
the worlds largest and most successful organizations, is now selling its ability to
solve the problems that it overcame in becoming a successful adaptive organization.
Communicators must learn community and corporate expectations and how current
service varies from those expectations, before acting on a perceived problem.
Identifying ways in which service can be changed to meet expectations is the key
to problem solving. Often service providers see the expectations as unreasonable.
The adaptive concept suggests that corporations will welcome unreasonable
expectations and closely examine the possibilities they present.
26 Corporate Communication
orderly conduct, but led to concerns that any efforts to do things differently would
not be tolerated.
Emotional Intelligence
Although recently popularized in the business world for its holistic approach to
leadership, strategy and problem solving, the concept of emotional intelligence is
not entirely new. As Paul Wieand (2002) states,
During the past two decades, no psychological concept has had a greater
influence on leadership development than emotional intelligence. On the
other hand, no other concept in the past 20 years is so tied to ancient
wisdom: 2,000 years ago Socrates declared that the attainment of
self-knowledge is humanitys greatest challenge; Aristotle added that this
challenge was about managing our emotional life with intelligence. (p. 32)
7. Using the Internet, library, and other sources, research the work of Harvard
psychologist Howard Gardner. What is his relevance to the concept of emotional
28 Corporate Communication
Alliances and Coalitions
In the Industrial Era, assumptions based on the machine model led most organizations
to develop internal capacity and scope rather than engaging in external partnerships.
This response made sense given the core requirement to control all aspects of
production, and the belief that the market was a stable place.
However, as the Information Era has emerged, the perceived desirability of self-
reliance has faded, and a preference for working with contractors, partnerships and
alliances has grown. Several key characteristics of the marketplace have driven this
organizations have thrived when they keep their internal focus on core
competencies (and rely on other suppliers to provide products and services as
technologies and market opportunities have changed so quickly that it has been
very difficult for a single organization to retain leadership in all of the services it
the cost and risk of developing future opportunities has not been manageable by
a single organization, and is better shared.
G. Hamel and C. K. Prahalad (1994) refer to this growing need for coalitions:
Many of tomorrows most intriguing opportunities . . . will require the
integration of skills and capabilities residing in a wide variety of companies.
Competition for the future often takes place between coalitions as well as
between individual firms. Sometimes these coalitions are cemented by
substantial share holdings. . . . Sometimes they involve the creation of a new
joint venture company. . . . And some coalitions simply involve close,
collaborative development work. . . .
Coalitions may be required for several reasons, the most obvious being the
fact that no one firm possesses all the requisite resources to bring the new
product or service to fruition. Nestl and Coca-Cola are collaborating to
distribute hot, canned drinks through vending machines. . . . This alliance
combines Nestls strength in soluble coffee and tea with Coca-Colas
powerful international distribution and vending machine network. (p. 187)
Reading Assignment
8. Do you think that there is one best structure that is appropriate for every
organization? Why or why not?
9. Using the Internet, library and other sources, research organizational structures.
Define concepts such as networks, clusters and joint ventures. Does your own
organization use any of these alternative structures in its operations? How do
alternative structures affect leadership?
10. How do alliances and coalitions affect communication activities and priorities?
30 Corporate Communication
Communication Ethics
We have referred repeatedly to communication leaders. Leadership brings with it
great potential to influence both the results and the means used to achieve them. With
this potential comes a responsibility to act in accordance with societys values and
interests. This responsibility is guided by ethics: the standards of conduct of your
Cicero, the Roman political leader, established ethical requirements that guide us to
this day. In approximately 100 BC, he noted several ethical guidelines (which he
called virtues) in On Moral Obligation. They include honesty, the willingness to
keep faith and deal honourably; generosity; mercy; and liberality, the willingness to
give freedom of choice, rather than to enslave (Skinner, 1981, p. 36). The assumption
that Cicero embedded in his work was that it is always rational to be moral.
In modern times, Machiavellis theory of leadership has been reduced to the end
justifies the means, but this maxim does not fully capture what he was saying. It
would be more accurate to say that Machiavelli felt that leaders must respond to their
current situation, and that rigid moral guidelines do not serve them as well as does
reflection on the requirements of the moment.
Liberality was one of the attributes of leadership that Machiavelli most valued in his
later career. He proposed that leaders would be most successful when they supported
the freedom of their subjects to make decisions within their culture. Ironically,
however, this is the very situation in which ethics become most important. Where
delegation and creativity are practised and valued, ethical guidelines become
increasingly necessary.
Many philosophers have pondered the relationship of ethics and the public sphere.
Immanuel Kant addressed the need for ethical guidelines in 1785, noting that nothing
in the world can be seen as good without qualification (e.g., love can lead to revenge,
In 1861, John Stuart Mill promoted an ethical approach called utilitarianism in his
treatise Considerations on Representative Government. His theory was that each
person has a responsibility to do what creates the most happiness, and the least pain,
for all concerned (including the agent). The moral agent should regard his or her
happiness as equivalent to the happiness of anyone else. In essence, Mill supported a
situational consideration of ethics that had superficial similarities to the ethics
described by Machiavelli 350 years earlier, but that defined the measure of glory (or
success) differently: while Machiavelli felt that the leader could define success, Mill
felt that everyone involved must share happiness.
All writers on ethics have had to consider the fact that the need for ethics is
incrementally linked to increases in personal freedom. Society considers it desirable
that people be empowered, but such empowerment creates a new ethical climate.
Some studies on workplace ethics indicate that workplaces which have written
ethical guidelines often also have an unspoken code that may contradict the written
one. In such circumstances, people encounter situations and practices in the
workplace that conflict with their personal ethics. Many people are coerced or subtly
pressured into behaviour they do not consider ethical (Sims, 1992).
In other words, models for the creation of ethical guidelines for corporate
communications may be found in those areas of the workplace where individual
responsibility to the maintenance of the whole is recognized and valued.
Reading Assignment
11. Should ethics be a rigid moral code, or should ethics provide guidelines that
communicators can interpret within their actual situation? What are the
implications of taking either stand?
32 Corporate Communication
12. Give an example of an ethical principle that is, or could be, a practical guideline
for a place where you have worked.
14. Consider the content of Article #10 and recent media examples of ethical or
unethical corporate communication. In your estimation, do ethical
communicators finish first?
Consultation is merely one part of the decision process, but its importance has grown
as power has shifted to consumers and investors. Under certain circumstances,
governments and corporations will make efforts to consult with the public at some
point in a decision-making process, especially if the decision may be contentious or
directly affect the lives of many people.
The public consultation process above stemmed from citizen movements, the
growing environmental movement, and finally from prescriptive regulation
(particularly in relation to environmental protection). James L. Creighton describes
the growth as follows: public participation in the 60s was urban, with the key issues
being race and poverty. In the 70s, the action moved to environmental issues (1995,
p. 7). Creighton writes that in the United States, consultation efforts diminished
under the Reagan administration, while in Canada, consultation efforts continued to
grow during that period.
Barry Sadler (1995) notes that in Australia, public consultation began to grow in the
1970s, with the requirement for environmental impact statements, and that in the
1990s, the growth of public consultation was stimulated by management cultures
which emphasize internal and customer involvement (p. 37).
Many organizations now place a high value on ongoing relationships with the
communities that affect them most, and have developed both formal and informal
methods to contact, consult and involve people from those communities on a
regular basis.
When you have completed Unit 3, you should be able to
36 Corporate Communication
Is Public Consultation a Benefit or a Detriment?
Consultation is valued because it has potential to increase the effectiveness of
organizations. It also has value in reducing the likelihood of making investments or
changes that will either be unsupported in the long run, or directly deleterious to
environment or health. However, some observers note that the opposite may also be
true: public consultation may be an expensive diversion that keeps organizations from
committing to any action; it may also expose the organization to hazards created by
external stakeholders who wish to influence the work of the organization.
Obviously, the leadership and practice of public consultation can greatly affect
support for the process and confidence in the results. While many organizations
have professed their commitment to consultation, others avoid consultation wherever
possible. Often, individual project managers will avoid consultation because they do
not want to be exposed to, or risk, potential criticism and conflict.
There are many critics of the public consultation process. Benjamin Ginsberg wrote
a major thesis against public opinion measurement in 1986. In The Captive Public:
How Mass Opinion Promotes State Power, he argues that public consultation may
just be a means of building a constituency for services.
As they began to respond to citizen opinion, governments in effect created a
mass market for their services . . . governments have learned to expand their
power by actually stimulating citizen demand for their services. (p. 30)
Jane Aronson (1993) concurs, stating that participatory processes fall far short of
their promise to give people a say and some control over policies and practices that
affect their lives (p. 368).
When Jean Chretien was elected as Prime Minister of Canada in 1993, he committed
his government to public consultation, as documented in the news media: The
Liberals, it seems, are going to go out of their way to let the public have its say on
major issues (S. Durkan, Ottawa Sun, February 3, 1994). At last count, seven
ministers in Jean Chretiens cabinet had announced plans to consult Canadians
before making major policy decisions (C. Goar, Vancouver Sun, February 11, 1994,
p. A19). However, the same media reported skepticism about these consultative
approaches: The problem with front-end consultations is that they can be
manipulated in pretty much the same way as opinion polls can be manipulatedto
give you the results you want (Durkan). If participatory democracy is to work,
politicians are going to have to find better ways of reaching out to voters (Goar).
Reports of excellent results from consultations are harder to find, perhaps because
few organizations document or feel a need to make a further evaluation of successful
consultations. However, the example below is offered as evidence that there are
successful consultation processes.
William Renfro notes that corporations, as well as governments, must follow and
anticipate the will of the people (1993, p. 27). Renfro says that public issues are
forcing these institutions to become as responsive asand in many ways, far more
responsive than . . . their federal, state and local governing bodies (p. 27).
1. When the potential of consultation is fulfilled, what benefits would you expect
an organization to gain?
2. What concerns would you expect an executive to have about hosting a public
consultation program? What concerns would you have?
38 Corporate Communication
The Goal Is Good Decisions
In 1991, in a speech to the graduating class at the University of Western Ontario,
Arthur Kroeger (then Deputy Minister of Employment and Immigration Canada)
noted that
One reason why people have become so much more critical . . . is the
coming of the Information Age. It has fundamentally changed the way
people regard organizations and the way they respond to authority. . . .
Decision making proceeds not by recommendations up, orders down, but
by development of a shared sense of direction among those who must form
the parade, if there is going to be a parade.
Decisions are, very simply, choices. Decisions are made when someone selects the best
option for action. A model for decision making is illustrated in Figure 3.1, below.
In this model, decisions are portrayed as logical processes (i.e., one step follows
another in sequence). Not surprisingly, it is important that the need for a decision, and
the purpose of the decision (Stage 1) are clearly communicated to everyone at the
outset. In Stage 2, however, the development of intentions and options may be
Consultation does not end with options. Stage 3 of the decision process also requires
input from people, and offers an important opportunity for affected communities to
express any concerns with the preferred option. If the preferred option is to proceed,
there should be contingency responses to any concerns raised by affected
communities, or at least, clearly expressed reasons why the chosen option is
preferable to any other reasonable option.
40 Corporate Communication
outcome, their sector, and/or their geographical location (p. 33). They note that
stakeholder perceptions can be influenced by proximity, economics, changes to
traditional or habitual activities, mandate and values.
Stakeholder communities are not static: they change in relation to the decisions that
are being made. For example, discussions of whether protected areas should be
maintained as wildlife habitat in a forested area might elicit a parallel response from
hunters and birdwatchers (who might be grouped as the outdoor recreation
community). However, decisions about hunting guidelines within the protected
areas might see a strong divergence between hunters (consumptive users) and
birdwatchers (nonconsumptive users).
Drucker (1994) notes that the old communitiesfamily, village, parish, and so
onhave all but disappeared in the knowledge society. . . very few [social tasks]
are being done by the old communities any more (p. 72). The disappearance of
traditional communities makes public consultation more challenging.
In the health sector, health management organizations have found that they must
define the communities with which they want to communicate. In 1994, the
American Health Association recommended that providers define their own
communities. Whatever the community is, it must tie the institution in to individuals
and organizations that can help shape the direction of health services to meet peoples
needs (p. 7).
Reading Assignment
4. McMillan and Murgatroyd also describe six levels of decision. What are the
advantages and risks of involving external stakeholders in decisions about the
goals and objectives of the organization?
Project managers have a concern that early contact with stakeholder communities
will raise expectations and create alarm. This concern assumes that information is
secret until it is formally announced. The assumption of secrecy is rarely realistic
in adaptive organizations.
Desmond Connor (1997) refers to the development of a social profile early in the
consultation process. He notes that
The social profile is a comprehensive summary of the key characteristics of
the people of a community or study area. Its purpose is to orient planners,
engineers and administrators to the social and cultural realities which they
need to understand and take into account if a project, program or policy is to
be accepted. (p. 9)
People contacted during the profile exercise usually aid the consultation process by
creating interest in it. As well, the information gained provides a strong basis for the
public consultation plan, and gives significant insight into the nature of the
discussion that is to come.
Interest Groups
Ian Montgomerie notes that
Rather than a single consistent understanding of who constitutes the public,
there are many. Generally in the literature four broad conceptions of the
public emerge: the public as interest groups, the public as consumers, the
public as clients, and the public as constituents. (1994, p. 66)
42 Corporate Communication
William Renfro contends that
No sooner is an issue defined than a group is formed to advocate a particular
resolution. . . . Some groups stumble into being from grassroots incidents,
while others are carefully created with ample resources to define and market
an issue. (1993, p. 35)
Jonathan Rauch (1994) regards the role of interest groups in the consultation process
with disdain. Rauch calls interest groups a parasite economy (p. 64) and notes that
one of the nastiest surprises is that the rise of government activism [by interest
groups] has immobilized activist government (p. 149). W. T. Stanbury (1993) notes
that public interest groups who claim to speak for the poor or the disadvantaged
deserve skepticism, and contends that all interest groups actually operate in their own
self-interest, no matter how noble their cause may appear.
Nevertheless, interest groups balance the self-interest of the corporate sector, and
often, the ideological self-interest of some governments. Indeed, as government
abandons its role in preserving and protecting the public good in favour of
encouraging private interests, the role of the interest group has necessarily changed.
Now, more than ever, it is vital for interest groups to speak up for their constituencies.
The communicator can therefore expect that interest groups will take a large role in
public consultation. Their presence completes the circle of private and public
interests at the consultation table. In fact, so experienced and adept have such groups
become over the last few years, that the communicator will find that their
representatives are often more experienced in public consultation than is the
communicator himself or herself.
5. What would you want to know about any interest group involved in your
consultation process?
6. What factors should be considered as part of a decision about the role that
interest groups will play in the consultation process?
7. Can interest groups play a positive role in achieving desired changes? Explain.
a. coordination
d. training
e. quality control
f. executive involvement
g. media relations
9. Identify other roles you feel are necessary, and the specific tasks you think they
should involve.
Desmond Connor (1996) observes that government and corporations often try the
traditional Decide-Announce-Defend approach, and discover that it is no longer
effective. Instead, he writes, they need to examine how participation fits into the
organizational environment and develop a systematic policy, guidelines and revised
job descriptions appropriate for their organizational culture (p. 9).
The Niagara Process was developed as a framework for response for use by
corporations, government and interest groups to deal with difficult national issues
44 Corporate Communication
surrounding hazardous chemicals in the environment. We quote a few tenets of the
process here, because they specifically point out the need for a larger view of
Consultation may be initiated by any stakeholder or group of
stakeholders, and need not necessarily be initiated by governments. . . .
Consultation should, as a general rule, take place under the auspices of
an independent facilitator who does not represent major stakeholder
interests and is perceived by all as a neutral party. . . .
The consultation process should be viewed as ongoing . . . .
The process must encourage building trust among stakeholders,
including clarifying values, building a common data base that various
stakeholders agree is accurate, developing norms for cooperation, and
applying these to specific problems. (Whitby, 1996, pp. 28-29)
Note that public consultation processes are most often used for decision making about
and researching issues of the environment, public policy and land development, as
these issues are crucial to their stakeholders. The following articles illustrate these
processes in action in such contexts.
In 2006, the full potential of public consultation had not yet been realized on a grand
scale. The widespread adoption of such democratic and inclusive processes in the
business community would be indicative of a society espousing adaptive
organizational principles. The rise of arguably democratizing media, such as the
Internet, increasing globalization and media awareness, and a greater demand for
organizational accountability may lead to the expansion of public consultation
further into the private sector.
Reading Assignment
In the DRR, read Unit 3Public Consultation, Articles #1, #2 and #3.
10. In the articles above, how do the public consultation processes differ from the
approach to decision-making processes and stakeholder relationships described
by McMillan and Murgatroyd (1994)?
11. In your estimation, has public consultation realized its full potential in the form
of public policy, and environmental and land planning efforts?
12. Do you think that the private sector will adopt public consultation programs on a
wide and public scale? Why or why not?
Those who define the issue win the debate. (Renfro, 1993, p. 40)
In this unit, we examine the nature of issue and crisis management within
organizations. In particular, we consider how such challenges can be dealt with
through internal communications, situation identification and analysis, and
pre-emptive strategy.
When you have completed Unit 4, you should be able to
4. describe some of the common communication mistakes that can occur when
managing an issue or crisis.
1. value determines the monetary and anecdotal worth of what you are
3. effort determines how much time and how many resources will be required to
communicate the message effectively.
4. perception determines the nature of the gap between reality and expectations.
Sierra posits that within this framework, perception is the most significant
elementit permeates an organization . . . [and] is the conclusion people draw from
the things your organization says and does (2003, p.40). Therefore, it is necessary
for organizational members to have a solid concept of the organizations internal
goals, strategies, objectives and ideals in order to encourage effective external
Reading Assignment
48 Corporate Communication
Questions for Thought
Through his research, Smudde has found that cultural predisposition (p. 35) is a
significant factor in the handling of organizational issues and crises. Smudde contends
that a sound, proactive and pre-emptive internal milieu is essential to uniformity and
solidarity in organizational communication:
Corporate officials can choose to predict potential issues that may emerge as
publicly important, and they can anticipate certain adverse circumstances
that could precipitate a crisis. The organizational culture that those leaders
foster predisposes communications officials (and others) to prepare for it in
advance, ignore it until a response is absolutely necessary, or somewhere in
between. Communications professionals in these situations can be a real
catalyst to help shift cultural attitudes toward being more proactive in
communications planning, execution and measurement regarding issues or
crises. (Smudde, 2001, p. 36)
Corporate communicators can influence the way an issue or crisis is handled by the
organization long before the problem arises. All members of the organization can
contribute to a culture of awareness by learning the strategic communication goals of
the organization, and acting on them.
Reading Assignment
50 Corporate Communication
Questions for Thought
Collectively, the media form a pervasive and complex entity with its own objectives
and agendas. Therefore, PR and communications specialists must be familiar with the
complex nature of the media, and aware of its motivations in order to deal effectively
with the challenges it poses. These skills are especially important when an issue or
crisis attracts media attention. A failure to respond effectively to media scrutiny can
be disastrous for any organization.
A true crisis may surprise even the most skilled corporate communicator. Therefore,
it is important that organizations prepare a general strategy for managing crises. In
the first of the articles assigned below (Ashcroft, 1997), the author, Linda Ashcroft
recommends several strategies for preparing for crises long before they arrive, and
considers several examples of poor crisis management in order to draw out some
best practices for communication in a crisis. For example, she recommends the
reparation of a Crisis Management Manual that contains such information as who
will handle what aspects of the communication process (including designated
spokespersons), what communication lines are in place for incoming and outgoing
queries (telephone, fax, email, etc.), how and when support staff will be trained, and
rules for communication with the media (e.g., how to handle journalistic subtleties
such as off the record inquiries).
Quoting N. Purdom (1995), Ashcroft also recommends that the following Crisis
Checklist be used by communication managers:
Identify which managers will be part of the crisis handling team.
Establish who is the spokesperson and ensure they are trained.
Ensure that out of hours contact numbers of senior staff are available to
relevant staff, including evening security cover.
Establish a control room away from the day-to-day running of the
business. Ensure computer equipment, TV and radio are available.
Practice makes perfect. Senior management should run through a
simulation of a crisis including dealing with the media under pressure.
Dont forget to train support staff. Often it will be customer service,
secretarial staff or telephonists who will be the first to receive a call.
52 Corporate Communication
Consider arrangements for receiving large numbers of telephone calls.
Telesales companies can offer consultancy and support in this area.
Dont keep crisis plans confidential among a select management group.
All staff should know the procedures during a crisis, whether it is a
material disaster or a media siege. (cited in Ashcroft, 1995, p. 329)
Reading Assignment
In the DRR, read Unit 4Issue Management, Article #3 and Article #4.
5. Do you believe that the media attempts to tell the truth about situations? Why or
why not? Support your response with examples.
This new reality of organizational communication reinforces the need for strategic
Ihator (2001) makes a pivotal point when characterizing this new communication
environment as complex and fragmented. Audiences and stakeholders can and do
assume a variety of identities, orientations, responsibilities and interests, even though
they may be in the same audience category vis--vis the organization. Stakeholders
may also differ in the media through which they prefer to receive information, further
complicating the execution of communication tasks.
Consumers [and other stakeholders] want substantive and updated
information. They demand real-time interactivity with a corporation. Quick
answers to specific questions and responses to public issues are expected,
More than ever before, publics demand corporate social responsibility and
transparent ethical behavior. (Ihator, 2001, p. 202)
54 Corporate Communication
Corporate messages and advertisements are carefully timed and placed in
preferred media. There is a careful balancing of the need for the public to
know and of guarding sensitive corporate information.
Easy access to decontrolled and unfiltered information by the public, makes
reputation and crisis management more difficult to control. Shortness of
time to react, uncontrolled information, lack of effective audience
identification and limited strategic information for management options,
make the stakes very high for corporations during crisis situations in the
new information technology milieu. . . .
For formative and summative research programs of corporations to be
effective, there is a need for reliable feedback from the target audience. This
helps in the designing and implementation of future communication
activities (p. 203).
Reading Assignment
7. Ihator (2001) states that the Internet audience cuts across geographic, national,
cultural and political boundaries (p. 200). What are the effects of this feature of
the Internet on your organization?
In this unit, we explore the need for organizations to integrate strategy into their
culture, and the role of communication in bringing strategic intentions to fruition.
For several decades after the Second World War, organizations treated strategy as the
purview of the executives. It was seen as an element of higher command, mirroring
military structure. By the 1970s, most organizations had a strategic planning group
that was assigned the task of looking ahead and assessing the organizations
prospects and requirements. Henry Mintzberg (1994) wryly comments on the
changing value placed on strategic planning:
The mid-1990s is perhaps the right time to publish such a book [as this]. It
might have been dismissed before 1973, when planning could do no wrong,
and after that submerged in the wave of anti-planning sentiment that
continued for a decade or more . . . . Perhaps now people are more inclined
to consider [planning] in a more reasonable way, as neither a panacea nor
the pits but a process with particular benefit in particular contexts. (p. 4)
58 Corporate Communication
The Competitive Environment
In Post-Capitalist Society (1993), Peter Drucker observes that capitalism, communism
and the Industrial Revolution all emerged between 1776 and 1816. He observes that
while communism has collapsed as an economic system (p. 12), and capitalism has
been the dominant social reality for 250 years (p. 7), both [communism and
capitalism] are rapidly being superseded by . . . a post-capitalist society [which] will
use the free market as the one proven mechanism of economic integration (p. 7).
Drucker further comments that while the post-capitalist society will still be market
driven, the basic economic resource will be knowledge instead of the means of
production that emerged as the core of capitalism in the eighteenth century.
Strategy is therefore the means of adaptation used in a free market to ensure the
survival and success of the organization. In Organization Theory: A Macro
Perspective for Managers (1986), J. H. Jackson, C. P. Morgan and J. Padillo
note that
It has been suggested that adaptability is far and away the most critical issue
in determining the survival of the organization . . . Leavitt and colleagues
agree that an organizations quick and accurate response to environmental
alterations will account for the lions share of its success and continuation.
(p. 335)
Throughout the capitalist era there has been discussion about the extent to
which government should be affected by the forces of a free market. In 1992,
David Osbourne and Ted Gaebler described adaptability and market-based strategy
in the public sector in Reinventing Government: How the Entrepreneurial Spirit is
Transforming the Public Sector. The list below summarizes the concepts they see as
the hallmarks of strategy in the public sector.
They note that the delivery of public service is no longer viewed as a monopoly, and
that there is an expectation that an agency must be competitive with any alternative
delivery means. This thinking has greatly influenced the management of public
sector organizations.
Reading Assignment
60 Corporate Communication
The Process of Forming Strategy
Mintzberg describes a core process of strategy formationthe design school
model (1994, p. 37) He explains that this approach barely qualifies as a model,
because planning models are usually more complex, but that its strength is its
Mintzbergs core model shows the major steps in the strategy process (see
Figure 5.1, above). The process begins with situation analysis: the appraisal of
external and internal conditions that most affect the organizations priorities and
actions. This analysis reveals key success factors related to external changes and
distinctive competencies related to internal skills and culture. The organization
also considers its social responsibilities and values in determining what its actions
should be.
External Forces
It is increasingly evident that external forces of change have a major influence on the
responses and success of every organization. In many cases these forces are global in
nature and quite beyond the control of any national government.
David Carr and Henry Johansson comment on this fact in Best Practices in
Reengineering (1995):
The compelling need [to change] is driven by the marketplace and the
competitive environment. Without a compelling need to increase
competitiveness, efforts to transform a company will run up against
the who cares syndrome. (p. 40)
Trends can be best imagined as waves of change. The problem is that it is difficult to
predict their wavelength. Some trends arrive quickly and offer tremendous
potential, but only for a short while; we usually call them fads. Other trends arrive
gradually, but have very significant effects over the long term. Global warming may
be an example of this sort of trend.
There are many kinds of trend. The categories of trends that organizations usually
look for include environmental, social, economic, governmental, competitive,
market place, technological and work place. Organizations need a way to identify
and assess possible trends to determine both the probability that they are actually
occurring, and the significance that they could have for the organization.
62 Corporate Communication
A SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis of a situation can
help to identify both the trends that an organization faces and the best possible
defence against those trends (or perhaps, the best way to take advantage of them).
According to Scott Beagrie (2004):
A SWOT analysis is one of several business planning tools that an
organisation can use to examine its state of health and investigate business
opportunities by itemising its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats (SWOT). It can also be used on a personal basis in a variety of career
applications. (p. 21)
Reading Assignment
In his 1986 book Winning on the Marketing Front, William Cohen identifies several
theories of strategy that combine market relationships and organizational focus. He
cites Michael Porter, a leader in identifying the competitive nature of strategy. Cohen
consolidates Porters approach into three components of strategy (see p. 171):
Cohen also consolidates the PIMS (Profit Impact Marketing Strategies) approach,
which emphasizes market share and quality leadership as keys to competitive
advantage. There are many other approaches to strategy, including the Boston
Consulting Group portfolio method and the GE-McKinsey portfolio matrix. The
important thing about all of them is that they require the strategists to be highly
familiar with competitors and the success of competitors in the marketplace.
By the 1990s, methods of learning more about competitors had become entrenched in
the corporate world. Benchmarking of competitors had become part of corporate
practice and a necessary tool for making strategic decisions. In 1990, General Electric,
described by Thomas Stewart (1991) as the Harvard of corporate America, instigated
a process called Best Practices, which went beyond the benchmarking lots of
companies do . . . GE was looking less for nuts and bolts than for attitudes and
management practices (p. 45). Jack Welch, CEO at General Electric, determined that
market share was critical to their strategic investments: he sold any companies or
divisions that were not first or second in their markets. Interestingly, one outcome of
the studies that GE undertook was a rethinking of the managerial role: They will be
people who are comfortable facilitating, greasing, finding ways to make it all
seamless, not controllers and directors (p. 49).
In Leading Change (1996), John Kotter asserts that developing a good vision is an
exercise of both the head and the heart, it takes some time, it always involves a group
of people, and it is tough to do well (p. 79). He describes the process of creating a
vision, emphasizing the importance of a guiding coalition . . . or an even larger
64 Corporate Communication
group of people that elaborates a vision statement over time, and insists that
effective teamwork is a prerequisite. He notes that vision is never created in a single
meeting. The activity takes months, sometimes years (p. 79).
In the same book, Kotter discusses the challenge of communicating the vision:
For people who have been trained only to be managers, communication of
vision can be particularly difficult. Managers tend to think in terms of their
immediate subordinates and boss, not the broader constituencies that need
to buy into a vision. They tend to be most comfortable with routine factual
communication, not future-oriented strategizing and dreaming . . . One of
the main reasons that vision creation is such a challenging exercise is that
those on the guiding coalition have to answer all these questions for
themselves, and that takes time and a lot of communication. (1996, pp. 87-88)
The use of the terms vision and mission often leads to confusion in an
organization. While the terms are often used interchangeably, they are really
very different concepts.
Vision Statement: The vision statement functions within the context of the mission
statement. It is a statement that offers direction to employees about what the
organization wants to change or achieve over a shorter term (e.g., within five years).
As organizations have become more adaptive, they have discovered a greater need to
have core values that provide guidelines for how people behave. Values are expressed
as moral or ethical statements. In Managing by Values (1997) Ken Blanchard and
Michael OConnor point out that organizations that adopt values find that everyone in
the organization becomes involved in the process of defining values and translating
those values into behaviours. They note the importance of communication support in
defining and transmitting values throughout the organization.
4. Find a mission statement for an organization with which you are familiar and
that is posted on the Internet. Discuss whether you find the statement effective
or representative (or both) of your experiences with the organization.
66 Corporate Communication
Strategic Initiative/Strategic Withdrawal
Once an organization has a strategic approach, it can focus on areas into which it is
intentionally expanding, and areas from which it is withdrawing. The latter process is
more difficult for most organizations. In The Northbound Train (1994), Karl Albrecht
notes that it is difficult for people to let go of the things with which they are familiar
the things that they feel competent doing (pp. 107-108). Traditionally, communicators
have focused on the new initiatives within an organization, but have not given much
attention to the process of ceasing activities in areas where the organization has
decided to withdraw. People involved in initiatives feel glorified, while those
affected by withdrawal feel abandoned.
Reading Assignment
5. Describe a situation in which you experienced one of the weird practices that
work illustrated by Polly LaBarre (LaBarre, 2001, p. 68). Was this practice
effective in your experience? Why or why not?
Strategic focus implies that an organization has a mission, vision, values, customer
segments and priorities that provide guidance for all activities undertaken. These
factors lead the organization towards consistency of purpose and interpretation, but
they are not intended to dictate uniformity. Instead, the organization should use the
strategic focus as a framework within which creativity and initiative are nourished.
Ironically, creativity can be stimulated by the clear set of requirements that strategic
focus implies. The barriers to creativity are usually embedded in the culture of the
organization, not in the strategic direction.
Edgar Schein has studied organizational culture through most of his career. In
Organizational Culture and Leadership (1989), he states that, At every stage the
role of the leader and the group must be understood if one is to make sense of how
the culture evolves (pp. 221-222). As we discussed in Unit 1, Schein notes the
importance of leaders in embedding attitudes and perspectives into corporate culture,
stating that
The most powerful primary mechanisms of culture embedding and
reinforcement are (1) what leaders pay attention to, measure, and control;
(2) leader reactions to critical incidents and organizational crises; (3)
deliberate role modelling, teaching and coaching by leaders; (4) criteria for
allocation of rewards and status; (5) criteria for recruitment, selection,
promotion, retirement and excommunication. (pp. 224-225)
Scheins work suggests that personal action and role modelling are the focus of
culture formationthat leaders must actively lead the process of establishing
68 Corporate Communication
strategic thinking within corporate culture. Most others agree with this view,
although it is somewhat paradoxical if hierarchy is to disappear in an organization.
Leaders, however, cannot do it all. Authors such as Carr and Johansson suggest that
extensive communication can greatly help the process of creating a strategic culture.
As they note, It is impossible to use too much communication (1995, p. 40).
As you will see in the reading assigned below, Clampitt, Berk and Williams (2002)
offer a four-step model to guide leaders efforts to communicate (p. 51). This
model comprises the following steps: assessing the context, crafting the strategy,
implementing the strategy and provoking the dialogue. The first three steps support
and enhance the precepts of pre-emptive strategy and SWOT analysis discussed
above. The fourth step however, provoking dialogue, emphasizes a new dimension
that is characteristic of the systems or adaptive organizational model. Dialogue
provocation means that leaders ensure that dialogue goes further, encouraging
give-and-take, and allowing everyone to influence outcomes (p. 56).
Reading Assignment
6. Identify and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each of the five basic
communication strategies outlined by Clampitt, Berk and Williams (2002, p. 52).
Which of these strategies is commonly used in the organization with which you
are most familiar? How successful is it?
When you have completed Unit 6, you should be able to
Reading Assignment
Reading Assignment
2. Do you agree with Hurst that organizations must have crises to stimulate
change? Explain your position.
72 Corporate Communication
Homeostasis: Our Warm-blooded Heritage
As warm-blooded animals, we humans have bodies that are accustomed to dealing
with change in a certain way. Our bodies are a system of individual cells that operate
in a synchronized manner to maintain conditions within an acceptable range, and thus
to allow the whole system to function effectively. For example, in temperate climates,
we live with external temperature variations within a range of 80_C or more: a range
that the cells of our bodies should not be able to tolerate. Our bodies store energy and
release it to allow us to maintain a narrow range of internal temperature, even when
the external temperatures vary considerably.
Jaffe concludes that Health . . . is your adaptive capability to meet the demands
posed by your environment (p. 66).
3. If organizational health were defined in the same way that personal health is
defined above, what would be the organizational equivalent of disease?
Denial and isolation A buffer period that protects the individual from the
reality of the situation.
Anger Often expressed as blame. In organizations, people may
talk about shooting the messenger.
Negotiation An effort to create the best possible future (perhaps one
that is very different from the future that was originally
Depression A period of withdrawal and adjustment, accompanied by
a loss of social energy.
If one applies these stages to any change that is characterized by a sense of loss,
then one may understand the reasons people act in ways that initially appear to be
irrational during major change. Kbler-Ross indicates that the behaviours she
describes are needed for the psychological adjustments that take place in cases of
imminent death. She strongly cautions against pushing people through these stages in
order to get them to Acceptance. She also notes that the stages are not linear; that is,
not all individuals go through all stages in the same order.
The following simple model of change is based on Flachs experience with hundreds
of patients and in his own life. Flach was seeking ways to help people remain resilient
through change. He began with the concept of homeostasis, and then noted that new
stimuli create disruption. Change naturally leads people into a period of discomfort
typified by a sense of loss of control. Flach notes that therapists must face a critical
question about discomfort, Is it better to minimize discomfort, or is discomfort a
necessary part of change? He concludes that discomfort is necessary, because it
leads to a search for new opportunities. This search then leads to reintegration, which
leads to a new homeostasis. Flachs model is diagrammed in Figure 6.1, below.
74 Corporate Communication
Figure 6.1: Flachs model of response to change
Flach notes that the change process is not necessarily continuous. He points out that
people commonly get stuck at two stages of the change process. The first sticking
point is failure to accept the disruption; that is, holding on to the past as if nothing had
changed. For example, workers have sometimes picketed a plant that has already
closed. The second sticking point is marked by a failure to reintegrate. In some
cases, people get used to the period of discomfort and lose their expectation that
reintegration will occur. They become accustomed to being uncomfortable.
76 Corporate Communication
Barriers to Change
Leaders of the change process soon discover this paradox: while change is inevitable
in organizations, the characteristics, culture and expectations embedded in
organizations work against the natural process of change.
While barriers to change are not necessarily bad, it is important for a communicator
to realize that part of effective change management is overcoming barriers. Barriers
can delay effective change if they are not addressed.
In Leading Change (1996), John Kotter describes many of the barriers that can delay
the change process. These barriers are summarized below.
Reading Assignment
6. Of the twelve steps for change management specified by Mento, Jones and
Dirndorfer (2002), which do you think receives the most emphasis in
organizations? Which is the most overlooked?
78 Corporate Communication
Organizational Change and Communication
At this point, we leave our consideration of broad theoretical and philosophical views
of organizational change to concentrate on applied view of change, and on the
specific role of communication leaders in the change process.
Where to Begin?
At some point in time, organizational leaders who assess emerging risks and
opportunities that confront the organization will conclude that significant change is
required. Communicators can help in this part of the process by ensuring that trend
analysis is part of the organizations strategic management process. By the time
leaders have accepted the need for change, the forces acting on the organization are
usually significant. Timing is important, but leaders commonly feel political pressure
to delay change rather than to initiate it.
Once the leaders determine the need to change, the organization starts a process
of intensive communication and human adaptation. However, the leaders first
challenge is to divert the attention of everyone in the organization away from their
everyday tasks and toward the greater challenge of change. It is not easy to do so.
No matter the nature of the change, a considerable effort must be made at the
beginning of the process to gain attention for the need to change, and to make the
need credible. Experience shows that there will be significant resistance to the very
idea of change.
Experience also shows that a failure to grasp the need for change, and the extent
of the changes needed, can have drastic effects, not only on the success of current
efforts to change, but also on the attitude of employees to changes that may prove
necessary later.
There are two schools of thought about where to begin the process of change. Both
schools require that leaders express conviction about the need for change, and
demonstrate a sense of urgency. Leaders must be seen to be deeply supportive of
change. Conveying this support usually requires that the message stimulating change
is repeated many times, given a very high profile, and backed up with solid data that
makes it clear why the change is necessary.
One school of thought suggests that the leaders should focus on the New Vision for
the organization. This approach requires that the leaders quickly profile the issues in
the organization, and develop a new vision of excellence that the organization must
pursue. The leaders then must sell this vision as being more than management
claptrap, and must have a way of developing local leaders who can adapt the vision
to their part of the organization, and gain commitment from employees. This method
was widely used during the 1980s and early 1990s, and has been very successful in
some organizations. However, there is evidence that the concept of vision is
wearing thin. Several organizations have had multiple visions without creating
fundamental change, and have developed a resistance to the vision concept.
people tend to add new requirements to the organization without being specific
about what they will give up. This tendency weakens the organizations focus.
people tend to disassociate the vision from their everyday activities; they will
think of vision meetings as an interruption of their actual work. At a recent
meeting of this sort, one leader said Will you people get on with this, we have
work to do here, and I resent these continual interruptions.
School B: Crisis
The other school suggests that leaders must convince employees that there is a crisis.
It is assumed that if employees understand the problem, they will embrace the need to
change. In some cases, the problem is well advanced; in others, it is emerging.
Alberta provides an example of the working of the crisis approach in politics. In
1992, Alberta Premier Ralph Klein used this approach to stimulate change in the
provincial government. Although there was some description of a new vision of
government, the major emphasis in early communication was the problem, in Kleins
view, of an unacceptable deficit.
In the crisis or problem approach, leaders must be tenacious and must absolutely
convince people of the crisis. Action to resolve the crisis must be initiated quickly,
and there must be a strong sense of urgency. Leaders must be visible and must
constantly draw peoples attention to the crisis. Effective problem selling usually
means openness (for example, open books). The creation of momentum leads to
urgent guidelines, and may force people into making changes without a plan. Leaders
support simultaneous changes, and accept risks and unintended consequences in the
effort to mobilize the organization. The problem approach requires a communication
plan that constantly emphasizes the problem and ties every initiative to the solution
of the problem. This approach allows rapid mobilization and change, as in the
invocation of the War Measures Act during the 1970 October Crisis in Quebec.
80 Corporate Communication
1. Tuning in to the environment Be aware of what is going on within the
organization; respond sensitively and appropriately.
5. Learning to [persevere] Remember that change can be difficult and that the
change initiative may seem ineffective in the middle of the process.
Reading Assignment
7. Which of the skills that Rosabeth Moss Kanter describes do you think is most
important? Why?
8. If possible, describe a leader with whom you are familiar who embodies some of
the skills identified in this article.
82 Corporate Communication
When tough decisions are made, compensation is often given
for disruption and displacement. An orderly system ensures
that people make tough changes immediately; their reward is
immediate compensation. Efficient communication is crucial to
the success of this stage.
Ideally, tough decisions include changing the systems (e.g.,
hierarchical decision processes or compensation approaches)
that specifically work against the intended change.
Tough decisions also cause stress, and the stress must be
managed. The most effective leaders in such situations are
fully aware of stress responses, and have developed some
skill in managing them.
9. Building a new Local leaders enter a period of community development to
delivery system rebuild working groups (or teams) within the organization. It
is very important during this time that priorities and
guidelines be effectively communicated to leaders and teams.
It is equally important that the communication reinforce the
activities of the local leaders, and does not send conflicting or
changing signals.
During the development phase, local leaders focus on the
internal needs of their teams, and often pay too little attention
to connecting the teams to one another and maintaining
coordination in the organization. Communication support
during this period is essential.
Again, it is necessary to ensure that the needs of the leaders
and teams are communicated to the executive, and
particularly that aggravations or barriers to change are
quickly revealed and removed.
10. Endorsing and The change process often causes a loss of capacity, before
rewarding new capacity is discovered. A period of stress and
disorientation occurs during change, and there is often a
significant need for positive reinforcement. People may need
recognition and reward before the big gains are achieved and
the long process is completed.
Successful organizations: first, consider the sacrifices that
people make in the change process and reward those efforts;
second, recognize that rebuilding the delivery system and
regaining former capacity is an achievement and should be
rewarded; and third, formally endorse promising initiatives.
A surprising number of good initiatives die because they
apparently have not been endorsed.
11. Integration The organization enters a creative period that is fertile and
exciting as people discover new ways and new capacity.
However, it must be remembered that all of these changes
take time to integrate through extensive communication and
first-hand experience. Integration also requires process time:
high-performing teams must take time to examine their
methods and analyse how they work.
The integration phase basically follows the guidelines
described in the learning organization.
This fact would suggest that organizations gain the most advantage from change
process when they are prepared for the rigours of change and when change leaders
are prepared to facilitate process through a variety of stages. Figure 6.2, below,
illustrates how change often results in a short-term loss of capacity in the
organization. While the graph is based on qualitative, rather than quantitative,
observations, it provides a useful way to think about how the capacity of the
organization varies during the change process.
Figure 6.2 illustrates the process of personal adjustment described in the first reading
by Flach. Capacity refers to the ability of the people in the organization to meet all
of their commitments and intentions. For example, capacity can be thought of as the
capability of a work team to solve problems and create solutions that are valuable to
the organization and its customers. For ease of discussion, we have highlighted five
specific moments in the continuous process of change.
84 Corporate Communication
3. Recovery Rebuilding capacity by working together and learning
new ways to meet needs and create useful outcomes.
4. Integration Development and integration of new approaches that
create significant gains in capacity.
5. Refinement Further improvement and advances that come from the
people who have integrated new methods and new
problem-solving skills.
Note that the timelines needed to move through the change process and achieve
greater organizational capacity are often much longer than leaders imagine. The
figure shows a five-year change process. The length of the process varies, but is
rarely less than two years, and may be much longer than five: Compaq achieved
integration and growth within two years during the significant refocusing mentioned
in the article by Hurst which you read earlier in this unit; Xerox found that the
process took seven years.
The most important role of leadership during the change process is to help people
through the transition and toward achieving new capacity. However, there is
continuing evidence that most executives view the change process as something apart
from their role. A prospectus for a consultant to support part of the change process in
the Alberta government included the following guideline: The process is to be
designed so as to minimize the time requirement of executives.
Let us assume that the model above is broadly representative of the process of
organizational change. The leaders role in this process is to reduce the length and
depth of disruption (Step 2), to increase the rate of recovery (Step 3) and integration
(Step 4), and to create the maximum value and return from refinement (Step 5).
1. What communication needs do you expect during the disruption stage of the
change process mode shown in Figure 6.2?
Reading Assignment
1. How can a communication plan meet the needs of wait and see adopters?
86 Corporate Communication
Unit 7
Learning Organizations
The basic function of all education, even in the most traditional sense, is to
increase the survival prospects of the group. If this function is fulfilled, the
group survives. If not, it doesnt. (Postman & Weingartner, 1969, p. 195)
This unit is about how organizations learn and adapt. In it, we take the implications of
the systemic model, as it applies to human systems, to their logical conclusion: that
adapting is really a consequence of learning. Therefore, we do not deal with the few
informal efforts that most organizations make to promote learning; instead we
assume that the learning organization has learning and adaptation as its central
focus. Not surprisingly, the role of communication is dramatically affected by the
focus on learning.
When you have completed Unit 7, you should be able to
The concept of the learning organization appeared in the late 1980s as a response to
concerns that organizations were failing to take advantage of the human propensity to
learn. Peter Senge notes that
Children come fully equipped with an insatiable drive to explore and
experiment. Unfortunately, the primary institutions of our society are
oriented predominantly toward controlling rather than learning, rewarding
individuals for performing for others rather than for cultivating their natural
curiosity and impulse to learn. (1990b, p.7)
Senge also notes that the school system and the organizational focus on
performing for others effectively trains people not to learn. Neil Postman and
Charles Weingartner made the same observation over a decade earlier, in Teaching
as a Subversive Activity (1969).
As is the case with many of the concepts in this course, the idea of the learning
organization began with the assumption that the organization gains by being
adaptive. Senge comments, The prevailing view of learning organizations
emphasizes increased adaptability, but goes on to state that adaptability is only
the first stage in moving toward learning organizations (1990b, p. 8).
Senge considers that the next stage of the movement toward the learning organization
is to focus on generative learning, which he describes as learning about the
systems that control events (p. 8) He believes that while people can solve problems
without solving the generic source of the problem, learning organizations should
focus on the system, not the incident.
While the concept of learning organization is relatively new, many of the practices
it implies are not. Drucker (1989) points out that the force driving change in
organizations is a renewed focus on information and information systems. Drucker
cites the symphony orchestra as a historical example of this kind of organization,
noting the emphasis on individual specialists who work in teams and are very focused
on learning all they can within their specialty (see p. 211). He notes the complete
absence of management, with a focus instead on an empowered conductor. While
Druckers analysis fails to mention that most modern orchestras are run according to
the negotiated agreements with musicians unions, and are actually highly structured
in terms of management, his observation does apply to the performance of the music.
Drucker also notes that the British civil service that operated in India for 200 years
met most of the characteristics of a modern, information-based organization
(1989, pp. 211-213). In giving these examples, Drucker is making a basic
assumption: that information-based organizations are very likely to be learning
88 Corporate Communication
organizations as well. This assumption is so widely held today that the words
information and knowledge are often used interchangeably in discussions about the
economy, society and age in which we live.
In The Global Learning Organization (1994), Marquardt and Reynolds state that
learning organizations are those in which learning is accomplished by the
organization system as a whole rather than by individual members of the system
(p. 20). On pages 20-23, they cite several definitions of the learning organization.
[An organization in which people] continually expand their capacity to
create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of
thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free and where
people are continually learning how to learn together. Peter Senge
[An organization that] facilitates learning and personal development
for all of its employees, while continually transforming itself.
Michael Beck
[A] system of actions, actors, symbols, and processes that enables an
organization to transform information into valued knowledge, which in
turn increases its long-run adaptive capacity. David Schwandt
1. Using the Internet, library, and other sources, research Neil Postman and
Charles Weingartners seminal book Teaching as a Subversive Activity (1969).
How does the content of this book relate to organizational behaviour and
corporate communication? Critically examine a website or journal article that
relates to this publication.
Leader as steward: supporting and helping people achieve their potential, and
supporting the mission of the organization.
Senge also notes that the dominant skills of the successful leader in the learning
organization differ from commonly noted leadership skills. The new skills he
outlines (1990b, pp. 10-16) include the ability to
Drucker (1989), considering the impact of information systems and data processing
in organizations, presents a somewhat different view. He claims that the number of
management levels and the number of managers can be sharply cut (p. 209). He then
suggests that leaders will have to be more driven by strategy, transforming the
investment decision from one driven by numbers into a decision based on the
probability of alternative strategic assumptions (p. 209). He sees that the main role
of managers will be to relay information from a sender to receivers.
90 Corporate Communication
Drucker also notes that there will be more emphasis on specialists in information-
based organizations, and that these specialists are more likely to be located in
operational areas rather than in traditional headquarter functions. The need for
service staff associated with headquarter functions will shrink:
Todays typical organization, in which knowledge tends to be concentrated
in service staffs perched rather insecurely between top management and
operating people, will likely be labeled a phase, an attempt to infuse
knowledge from the top rather than obtain information from below.
(1989, 210)
In the same analysis, Drucker observes that, Traditional departments will serve as
guardians of standards, as centers for training and for the assignment of specialists.
The work itself will largely be done by task-focused teams. (1989, p. 210)
In summary, then, the concept of the learning organization places a great deal of
emphasis on teams, systems thinking and the value of systemic solutions. Learning
organizations are composed of specialists who work together. Leaders in learning
organizations are advised to become highly social, and to support and coach others
through the process of learning about themselves, the organization and its
The Transition
Is such an organization possible, or is it largely a utopian vision? How can an
organization make the transition to the learning state?
In Ten Steps to a Learning Organization (1993), P. Kline and B. Saunders write that a
safe learning environment has three requirements: structure, with agreed ground
rules that specify behaviour; nurturing, which involves people supporting each other
in their learning processes; and problem solving as a constant focus (see
pp. 79-80).
XBS has had to adopt learning approaches since they are experiencing huge growth
that creates three big issues . . . business context issues, [internal] community issues
[and] skills issues (p. 113). XBS focused initially on visioning exercises, with
120 people in the first workshop and 400 people in a second. The next step
emphasized training approaches and involved a learning camp focused on recreating
the organization and accepting a more organic approach to organization. It appears
that XBS has made solid progress by using systematic learning and a tangible focus.
Reading Assignment
2. What steps do Heifetz and Laurie (2003) recommend for organizations looking
to adopt a learning organization model?
3. Does the concept of the learning organization appeal to you? Why or why not?
Refer to specific features and characteristics of this model. Is there another
model you prefer?
92 Corporate Communication
Learning Communities
Asked what is needed to create a learning organization, Chris Turner of Xerox
Business Services (cited by Webber, 1996, 116) notes that the first requirement is a
shared vision, defined as an ongoing conversation about the community being
created; the next requirement is trust. Turner states that trust is one of the essentials
for learning.
A learning community is therefore a group of people who share a common vision and
collectively explore new means to achieve the vision in a way that serves everyones
needs. The learning community is not limited to people who work together in the
same area, or even to people who work in the same organization. The important
binding element is a common vision, not a common work place.
Ryan, and Kofman and Senge, note that members of a learning community support
each other in the learning and development process. The members view the
development of the community as a positive gain, and do not control or gate keep
knowledge to gain personal power. Ryan notes that members of learning communities
are good at giving and receiving critiques, and they spend a portion of their time
examining their thinking processes because they value collective performance
(1995, p. 280)
Are learning communities a new form of organization? The reader may remember
that nearly all of the assumptions and principles of the learning community have been
embedded in previous philosophical views and community practices, especially in
the Western monastic tradition established by St. Benedict, and in the community
described by Sir Thomas More in Utopia (1515). In The Social Philosophers,
Community and Conflict in Western Thought (1973), Robert Nisbet observes of the
Benedictine monastic community that the very essence of the order was its
communality . . . and that the monastery, especially as it was conceived by Benedict,
is the real source of most of our Western ideas of community (p. 320). Nisbet
describes both Benedictine and Utopian communities as ecological communities,
referring to the natural interdependences found among organisms, including human
beings, and between organisms and their environment (pp. 324-326). The Utopian
community was modelled after the Benedictine community. It, too, emphasized
community and learning. Interestingly, Nisbet notes that key characteristics of these
communities include autonomous associationgroups, associations and communities
which are, as near as is humanly possible, free of authority or coercion (p. 328),
cooperation (as a reaction to competitive, individualist industrial capitalism) and
Reading Assignment
4. Pinchot (1998) defines the concept of organizational community. Apply the six
steps of creating such a community to an organization with which you are
familiar to see if this model has been adopted.
94 Corporate Communication
Even in traditional hierarchies designed to control information pathways, there has
always been another information system: the rumour mill. This network broadcasts
all of the unofficial information, alerting people to changing patterns, threats and
opportunities before any announcement is made. The rumour mill also gives
people a way to address the personal relationships that are part of the organization,
although they may never be officially talked about.
Electronic networks such as email, LAN systems, and intranets have greatly
increased the potential for networking, and have created a new architecture of the
network. The use of electronic networks has increased the potential for uncontrolled
information, as in the example below.
Employees at Netscape Communications and Silicon Graphics [write their
worst complaints down] . . . every day, in wide-open virtual conversations
housed on company servers, for anyone within the fire walls to read . . . .
Drew Banks, who oversees all of SGIs newsgroups as manager of employee
communications [says that] a vibrant bad attitude serves as an escape valve
for negative energyand keeps the gripes that usually circulate at happy
hour in-house . . . the kiss of death for bad attitude is any attempt to
domesticate it with rules or policies. Just the barest hint of management
interference splintered Netscapes forum. (Mieszkowski, 1997, pp. 26-28)
It may appear from our discussions that learning organizations would lack boundaries,
but this is not necessarily so. Jill Janov notes that boundaries are the most critical
aspect of any system; that a boundary can be technical, such as the ability of one
One must also bear in mind that computer systems have been widely adopted by
learning organizations. Louis Fried comments that the information systems that
support immediate exchange of information generally require standards for
hardware, software and development methods, because such standards lessen the
variability of the results. He states that good standards reduce complexity . . . and
save costs. Poor standards, on the other hand, may paralyze an organization with
paperwork and procedures or lead to ingrained thinking (1995, p. 24).
He points out that there are specific requirements for information security in the
network. Information security addresses both the integrity of the information
(avoiding loss or corruption of data) and its confidentiality. Fried says that most
organizations should, Establish and coordinate the information security
standards-setting process [which defines] program elements, responsibilities and
high-level control requirements (p. 22). In Frieds opinion, information security
should be supported by an awareness program and a training program.
96 Corporate Communication
The use of standards and protocols has a distinct advantage: it allows work to proceed
smoothly and ensures that the information and formats are compatible. In the
emerging world of intranets, a close relationship is needed between communicators,
who shape the standards for communication, and information services, who shape the
standards for electronic formats.
In the learning organization, corporate communication often has a major role in the
development and distribution of standards and limitations, so that the organization
can be consistent and well operated, as well as experimental. The key to effective
communication is to get the standards directly into the work process, without having
them appear too limiting.
Reading Assignment
7. Lidsky (2004) advances the notion of being an idea farm. Explain and discuss
the significance of this concept using practical examples with which you are
Coyne casts doubt on this observation by noting that executives are asking whether
all companies can be distinguished from competitors based on greater service, and
whether customers will actually pay for service. He warns that investments in service
can either create large benefits or . . . be a massive waste of time, effort, and
shareholders money (1989, p. 69).
Coyne also notes that many service investments fail because managers
think incorrectly about service issues. They approach service issues in
warm, fuzzy terms, rather than as a set of hard business decisions. . . .
They believe superior service is the result of an all-pervasive good
attitude among employees. (pp. 69-70)
Zeithamel, Berry and Parasuraman (1988) analyse why gaining consistent quality of
service is difficult. They conclude that most factors involve communication and
control processes implemented in service organizations to manage employees
(p. 37). They note that there is a significant gap between what the customer expects
and what management directs to guide service delivery, and they suggest a reason for
this gap: layers of management inhibit communication and understanding because
they place barriers between senders and receivers of messages (p. 39). They also
suggest that the teamwork is an important requirement for effective service, and note
specifically several important factors: the extent to which employees view other
employees as customers; the extent to which employees feel management cares about
them; the extent to which employees feel they are cooperating with rather than
competing against each other; and the extent to which employees feel personally
involved and committed. These authors also propose that an important aspect of
horizontal communication is the coordination or integration of departments in an
organization to achieve strategic objectives (p. 44).
98 Corporate Communication
plan. Without such consistency, customer service efforts can quickly become random
and ineffective.
Reading Assignment
Read the excerpt from Communicating the complex truth about cholesterol, by
Bradley T. Gale, reproduced in the Reading File.
8. Think of an organization of which you are aware that is currently adopting the
learning organization model. Explain how the process is being undertaken.
Critically examine their website (if available).
When you have completed Unit 8, you should be able to
As a result, organizations are making conscious efforts to avoid the scandal and
corruption that can destroy them and devastate the lives of their employees,
customers and investors. Many organizations are consciously adopting ethical
frameworks predicated on commitments to socially beneficial philosophies and
visions that are expected to translate into socially constructive effects and outcomes.
This CSR framework is supported by its own set of theories, practices and networks,
including organizations such as Canadian Business for Social Responsibility and the
Canadian Centre for Ethics and Corporate Policy, among others.
Corporate Irresponsibility
The media coverage of corporate scandals (e.g., the Enron, Nortel and Parmalat
scandals) generates intense public scrutiny. Key questions generally posed by the
media within such contents are How does an organization end up in such turmoil?
and How were such results allowed to be produced? The answers to such questions
are meant to serve as admonitory lessons to other organizations and as cautionary
tales for other stakeholders, such as alliance partners and investors. These answers
also indicate why and how corporate social responsibility emerged as a progressive
In their article, Corporate social responsibility: Why good people behave badly in
organizations (2004), Bansal and Kandola acknowledge that is it challenging, even
through research, to determine why the individuals who are responsible for
corporations facilitate questionable practices within their organizations. They suggest,
however, that the following two factors are essential to the deterrence of corporate
social irresponsibility: a set of strong and consistent organizational values that
espouse corporate social responsibility, and employee empowerment that permits and
encourages individuals to express their concerns to senior management (p. 4).
Reading Assignment
When consumers and other stakeholders recognize that an organizations values and
commitments are comparable to their own, they are more likely to solicit the services
and products offered by that organization. Likewise, when consumers and other
stakeholders recognize that an organization is working to better the community in
which they live and work, they are more likely to support the mission and overall
objectives of the organization. Management professor Michael Russo of the
University of Oregon states that
Greener companies tend to promote innovation, conserve valuable
resources in their production systems and enhance their reputation for both
prospective employees and potential customers. They go beyond the
minimum required by law, and their shareholders reap the rewards. (quoted
in Priesnitz, 2003, p. 11)
Reading Assignment
Reading Assignment
7. Do you agree that the bottom line in contemporary economies is now three-fold:
economic, social and environmental (Mees & Bonham, 2004, p. 11)? Can an
organization prosper if it is not succeeding in one or more of these areas? Explain.
Laura Bogomolny (2004) of the Institute for Business Ethics comments that
establishing widespread ethical compliance is challenging to achieve; this
compliance, however, is essential to the effectiveness of corporate social
responsibility efforts. Bogomolny notes that
Executive leadership is the most important feature in creating a company
that integrates ethical considerations into its business decisions. . . .
Once staunch support from the executive level is established, two distinct
initiatives should also occur. Begin frequent discussions with staff groups
about real-life ethical dilemmas that take place (or may happen) at the
office. . . .
As well, proceed with an ethics review. Honestly determine your companys
ethical strengths and weaknesses. . . .
After a thorough discussion and review, the ethical values and principles to
which a company aspires should be more evident, and a meaningful code of
conduct and ethics can be drafted. . . .
Code completed, continued training, reinforcement, and compliance
monitoring are critical. (2004, p. 88)
Reading Assignment
There are many different standards and systems for the measurement of these aspects
of organizational performance. It is the responsibility of CSR coordinators within an
organization to determine which standards and systems best suit their particular
needs and agendas. The Canadian Centre for Ethics and Corporate Policy, or Ethics
Centre CA, is an organization dedicated to the promotion of organizational ethics
resources and information, and could be of significant value to an organization
developing, expanding, or managing a CSR program. Take this opportunity to visit
the Centres website (see Canadian Centre for Ethics and Corporate Policy, n.d.)
It is also important to note that the measurement tools chosen for a particular
organization or project must be context-specific. A firm embarking on a local
community service project, such as offering employees work time to volunteer in a
local classroom, may find that measurement in the form of the children and teachers
appreciation is all that is required.
Reading Assignment
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