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Network Management System 5 UniX - B

User manual

MN.00219.E - 001
Volume 1/1
The information contained in this handbook is subject to change without notice.
Property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA. All rights reserved according to the law and according to the inter-
national regulations. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from SIAE MICROELETTRONICA.
Unless otherwise specified, reference to a Company, name, data and address produced on the screen dis-
played is purely indicative aiming at illustrating the use of the product.
MS-DOS, MS Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
HP, HP OpenView NNM and HP-UX are Hewlett Packard Company registered trademarks.
UNIX is a UNIX System Laboratories registered trademark.
Oracle is a Oracle Corporation registered trademark.
Linux term is a trademark registered by Linus Torvalds, the original author of the Linux operating system.
Linux is freely distributed according the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Other products cited here in are constructor registered trademarks.


NMS5UX-B SYSTEM .................................................................................................................. 7

MAIN FUNCTIONALITIES OF THE NMS5UX-B SYSTEM ................................................................ 8

MODULARITY OF THE NMS5UX-B SYSTEM................................................................................ 9

MAPS................................................................................................................................ 11

EQUIPMENT MANAGED BY NMS5UX-B ................................................................................... 12

RELEASE OF THE NMS5UX-B SYSTEM.................................................................................... 13

HARDWARE/SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................... 14

MAXIMUM NUMBER OF EQUIPMENT MANAGED BY NMS5UX-B ................................................... 15

MAXIMUM NUMBER OF NMS5UX USERS................................................................................. 16

UX MAP MANAGER WINDOW.................................................................................................. 17

MENU BAR......................................................................................................................... 19

TITLE BAR ......................................................................................................................... 20

TOOL BAR ......................................................................................................................... 21

MAP AREA ......................................................................................................................... 23

VIEW AREA........................................................................................................................ 25

NEW OBJECT AREA ............................................................................................................. 26

OBJECTS ........................................................................................................................... 27

STATUS BAR ...................................................................................................................... 35

PLATFORM STATUS BAR ...................................................................................................... 36

EQUIPMENT WINDOW............................................................................................................ 37

NODAL EQUIPMENT WINDOW................................................................................................ 38

RING MANAGER WINDOW...................................................................................................... 39

NMS5UX USERS...................................................................................................................... 40

RELATION BETWEEN UNIX USER AND NMS5UX USER .............................................................. 41

PREDEFINED NMS5UX USER ................................................................................................ 42

CHARACTERISTICS OF A NMS5UX USER ................................................................................ 43

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 1

EXPIRY OF A NMS5UX USER (ACCOUNT) ............................................................................... 48

ACCESS TO THE MAP (READ-WRITE/READ ONLY) .................................................................. 49


PASSING FROM READ ONLY MODALITY TO READ-WRITE MODALITY .......................................... 51

MODALITY OF ACCESS TO THE EQUIPMENT WINDOW ............................................................. 52

MODALITY OF ACCESS TO THE NODAL EQUIPMENT WINDOW................................................... 53

MODALITY OF ACCESS TO THE RING MANAGER WINDOW........................................................ 54



START-UP OF THE NMS5UX-B INTERFACE.............................................................................. 56

FIRST START-UP OF THE NMS5UX-B INTERFACE..................................................................... 59

CLOSING OF THE NMS5UX-B GRAPHICAL INTERFACE.............................................................. 60

AUTOMATIC CLOSING OF THE NMS5UX-B GRAPHICAL INTERFACE ............................................ 61

GRAPHIC NETWORK REPRESENTATION ................................................................................. 62

OBJECTS PRE-DEFINED FOR THE NETWORK REPRESENTATION ................................................ 63

RULES FOR THE CREATION OF THE OBJECTS ......................................................................... 66

OBJECTS CREATION - EDIT MENU ........................................................................................ 68

OBJECTS CREATION - ADD NETWORK FROM FILE FUNCTIONALITY............................................ 81

OBJECT CREATION - AUTO DISCOVERY FUNCTIONALITY ......................................................... 89

EQUIPMENT CONNECTION ..................................................................................................... 94

OPENING OF THE SERIAL PORTS .......................................................................................... 95

CONNECTION PROCEDURE .................................................................................................. 97

COMMANDS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE CONNECTION ...................................................... 98

CONNECTION STATUSES OF THE EQUIPMENT .......................................................................100

LOM/LCT ..........................................................................................................................103

ALARM MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................................... 105

ACQUISITION OF THE ALARMS............................................................................................106

DYNAMIC DISPLAYING OF THE ALARMS................................................................................107

DISPLAYING OF THE CURRENT ALARMS AND OF THE ALARM HISTORY .....................................108

ALARM CORRELATION ........................................................................................................109

SAVING OF THE ALARMS ....................................................................................................110

ALARM SEVERITY ..............................................................................................................111

ENABLING/DISABLING OF THE ALARMS ...............................................................................113

FLEETING ALARMS ............................................................................................................114

MARKING OF THE ALARMS (ACKNOWLEDGE) ........................................................................115

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 2

PERFORMANCE MONITORING MANAGEMENT ....................................................................... 116

ACTIVATION/DEACTIVATION OF THE PM MEASURES ..............................................................117

ACQUISITION OF THE RESULTS OF THE PM MEASURES ..........................................................118

DISPLAYING OF THE RESULTS OF THE PM MEASURES ............................................................119

SAVING OF THE RESULTS OF THE PM MEASURES TO DISK .....................................................120


MAP ..................................................................................................................................... 122


MAP PROPERTIES ..............................................................................................................124

SUBMAP PROPERTIES ........................................................................................................125

IMPORT/EXPORT ...............................................................................................................126

CHANGE MAP ....................................................................................................................131

EXIT ................................................................................................................................133

EDIT .................................................................................................................................... 134

ADD ................................................................................................................................135
DELETE ............................................................................................................................142


INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................146

GRAPHICAL SYMBOL PROPERTIES .......................................................................................149


ARRANGE SYMBOLS...........................................................................................................151
GENERATE INFO FOR WEB..................................................................................................152

SET CURRENT WINDOW GEOMETRY FOR ALL CONTAINERS.....................................................153

PERFORMANCE..................................................................................................................... 154

PERFORMANCE MONITORING READ .....................................................................................155

PERFORMANCE MONITORING ..............................................................................................156

OLD PERFORMANCE MONITORING .......................................................................................161

EXPORT PERFORMANCE MONITORING ..................................................................................163

VIEW/MODIFY P.M. STATUS................................................................................................165

CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................. 168

EQUIPMENT INFO ..............................................................................................................169

RADIO CERTIFICATE ..........................................................................................................171

LEGACY-HW/SW EDITION INVENTORY .................................................................................172

LEGACY-PHYSICAL UNIT INVENTORY ...................................................................................176

SNMP-SOFTWARE INVENTORY ............................................................................................180

SNMP-HW INVENTORY .......................................................................................................187

SNMP-NE BACKUP/RESTORE ...............................................................................................191

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 3

LEGACY-ALARM AVERAGE...................................................................................................197

LOCATE ................................................................................................................................ 198

EQUIPMENT LIST LOCATE ...................................................................................................199

PROXY EQUIPMENT LIST ....................................................................................................218

COMMAND............................................................................................................................ 220

LINE TEST ........................................................................................................................221

CONNECT .........................................................................................................................223


SNMP-FORCE NE DISCONNECT............................................................................................227
LEGACY-RESET&CONNECT ..................................................................................................228

ALARM RE-ALIGNMENT.......................................................................................................230

CONFIGURATION UPLOAD ..................................................................................................232

SNMP-CONFIGURATION DOWNLOAD....................................................................................234

COMMUNICATION SERVER BOARD.......................................................................................237

SNMP-RESET EQUIPMENT CONTROLLER ...............................................................................239

PMP CLEAR ALARM TABLE...................................................................................................240

FAULT .................................................................................................................................. 241

NETWORK ALARM HISTORY ................................................................................................242

NETWORK CURRENT ALARMS..............................................................................................251

OLD ALARM HISTORY.........................................................................................................257

NE ALARM HISTORY...........................................................................................................263

NE CURRENT ALARMS ........................................................................................................264

SNMP-NE HISTORY LOG .....................................................................................................265

SNMP-NE COMMAND LOG ...................................................................................................270

ALARM SUMMARY ..............................................................................................................275

SNMP-EVENT STATISTICS ..................................................................................................280

TRANSACTION LOG ...........................................................................................................285

TOOLS.................................................................................................................................. 291

ALARM NOTIFICATION VIA E-MAIL.......................................................................................292

SNMP-COMMAND EXECUTOR...............................................................................................298

SNMP-NE MONITORING......................................................................................................301

SNMP-AUTO DISCOVERY ....................................................................................................309

SNMP-RMON .....................................................................................................................318

OPTIONS.............................................................................................................................. 336

LEGACY-NETWORK ALARM HYSTERESIS ...............................................................................337

SNMP-NETWORK SEVERITY CODE........................................................................................339

SNMP-EQUIPMENT SEVERITY CODE .....................................................................................341

NMS5UX SYSTEM USERS ....................................................................................................345

NMS5UX LOGGED USERS ...................................................................................................350

SNMP-LCT EQUIPMENT USERS ............................................................................................356

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 4

SNMP-LCT LOGGED USERS .................................................................................................360

SNMP-REMOTE ELEMENT TABLE ..........................................................................................362

SNMP-NE SW/FW DOWNLOAD.............................................................................................373

SNMP-SCHEDULED SW DWL STATUS ...................................................................................376

SNMP-NE SW/FW RELEASE .................................................................................................379

FAMXC-NE SW/FW DOWNLOAD ...........................................................................................383

FAMXC-SCHEDULED SW DWL STATUS..................................................................................386

FAMXC-NE SW/FW RELEASE ...............................................................................................388

LEGACY-NE SW/FW DOWNLOAD..........................................................................................390

LEGACY-SCHEDULED SW DWL STATUS ................................................................................393

MISC .................................................................................................................................... 396

ALARM HISTORY BACKUP ...................................................................................................397

ALARM HISTORY RESTORE .................................................................................................398

ALARM HISTORY DELETE BACKUP........................................................................................399

PERFORMANCE MONITORING BACKUP..................................................................................400

PERFORMANCE MONITORING RESTORE ................................................................................401

PERFORMANCE MONITORING DELETE ..................................................................................402

NMS5UX GLOBAL DATABASE BACKUP ..................................................................................403

NMS5UX GLOBAL DATABASE RESTORE.................................................................................404

RING MANAGER ................................................................................................................... 405

EDIT > RM-ADD RING........................................................................................................406

EDIT > RM-DELETE RING ...................................................................................................407

EDIT > RM-MODIFY/VIEW RING ..........................................................................................408

FAULT > RM-NETWORK ALARM HISTORY ..............................................................................409

FAULT > RM-NETWORK CURRENT ALARM .............................................................................417

FAULT > RM-NETWORK ALARM SUMMARY ............................................................................424

FAULT > RM-ELEMENT ALARM HISTORY ...............................................................................430

FAULT > RM-ELEMENT CURRENT ALARM...............................................................................431

FAULT > RM-ELEMENT ALARM SUMMARY ..............................................................................432

LOCATE > RM-RING BROWSER ...........................................................................................433

LOCATE > RM-PATH BROWSER ...........................................................................................435

LOCATE > RM-EQUIPMENT BROWSER ..................................................................................450

HELP .................................................................................................................................... 453

ABOUT NMS5UX-B .............................................................................................................454

NMS5UX SOFTWARE MODULE .............................................................................................455

SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR ..................................................................................................457

OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................458

MANAGER .....................................................................................................................459

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 5


MENUS AND COMMANDS ...................................................................................................... 460

FIGURES INDEX ................................................................................................................... 466

TABLES INDEX ..................................................................................................................... 469

OPERATIONS INDEX ............................................................................................................ 470

GLOSSARY ........................................................................................................................... 478

ASSISTANCE SERVICE.......................................................................................................... 481

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 6



The NMS5UX-B system (Network Management System 5 Unix-B) has been developed to monitor and man-
age telecommunications equipment.

The user can communicate to the supervision system by means of a graphic window, called UX Map Man-
ager which represents the NMS5UX-B graphical interface at general level (see Fig.1).

The NMS5UX-B system has been developed to be used together with the UNIX operating system and
makes use of all the functionalities of this system.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 7


Monitoring of the equipment connected to the system; dynamic displaying of the detection of an
alarm and recording into the alarm history (resident on the machine disk).
The displaying stored into the alarm history are related among them: the date/time of detection
and clearing of the alarm are indicated in the same record. The alarm history can be saved and re-
covered later.
Management of the alarm Log stored in the controller of the equipment: storing of the Log on the
machine, deletion of the Log from the controller.
Management and change of the severity level coupled to each equipment alarm.
Notification via e-mail of the alarm detection.

Graphic or table representation of the network.

The representation of the network is executed by the user by means of a series of predefined ob-
jects. It is possible to add, delete, move or change the configuration parameters of the objects an-
The network can be represented in a single map, or subdivided in more maps. The objects of a map
can be saved to file and, then, imported in a different map.
The creation of the objects can be executed by the user by means of one of the following ways:
Creation of each single object by means of a specific command (see Edit > Add menu).
Creation of the objects by means of the Add Network From File functionality: automatic cre-
ation of the objects described in a file in csv format.
Creation of the NE objects by means of the Auto Discovery functionality: detection of the
equipment present in the network and not managed yet by the supervision system; auto-
matic creation and connection of the discovered NE objects.

Management of the measures of Performance Monitoring (PM) of all the equipment connected to
the system:
Activation/deactivation of the measures also contemporary for more equipment of the same
Check of the result of the measures in graphic format.
Store on disk/tape the results. Then, the data can be restored, displayed and saved (subdi-
vided by month) on a file. The saving operation can be executed for a single measurements
of a single equipment or for a measurement of all the equipment of the same type present
into the map.
Management of the equipment firmware: immediate or scheduled updating of the firmware of the
equipment connected to the system, check of the firmware versions.

Management of the equipment configuration: saving of the equipment configuration to file. Then,
it will be possible to transfer the configuration to any equipment present in the network.

Management of the virtual equipment.

Command Executor: program that executes predefined sequences of SNMP commands. The prede-
fined sequences of SNMP commands are provided at customers request by SIAE MICROELETTRO-

List of the application programs (browser, manager, etc.), relevant to the NMS5UX-B system, on
progress at the choice of the command.

Possibility to require for or to force the closing of an application program on progress (browser,
manager, etc.) of the NMS5UX-B system.

List of the users connected with the supervisory system. Possibility to require for or to force the
disconnection procedure (logout) of an user. Possibility to forward messages to a single user or to
all the users connected with the supervisory system.

Management of the LCT user list stored for each single equipment.

Access to the system with 5 different user profiles which determine the available commands and
the functions.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 8


The NMS5UX-B supervision system is a modular system.

It is composed by a set of main applications which, depending on the type of equipment it must manage
or on the type of functionality you wish to implement, one or more applications are added to.

The group of main applications manages the NMS5UX-B graphic interface at general level (UX Map Man-
ager window - Fig.1) through which the user can represent graphically the network, manage the connec-
tion, check the operating status, the results of the measures of Performance Monitoring, etc. of the
equipment. At this level, the equipment is considered on its whole.

The equipment additional application (called <equipment type> Manager) as the task to provide, to
the NMS5UX-B interface, specific commands and functions with respect to the type of equipment that must
be managed.

Each equipment additional application manages a specific equipment graphic interface (pag.37/pag.38)
through which the user can, besides checking the operating status of the equipment, directly intervene in
its management checking or modifying the configuration parameters and verifying the quality parameters
of the signal. The NMS5UX-B supervision system can be provided with one or more Manager applications
according to the equipment types present in its own network.

The access to the graphic interface at general level takes place at the opening of the UX Map Manager win-
dow, while the access to the graphic interface at equipment level takes place opening the equipment win-
dow relevant to the equipment itself. The opening of an equipment window depends on the opening of the
UX Map Manager window.

The additional application Ring Manager (RM) has the task to provide the NMS5UX-B interface with
the commands and the functions specific for the configuration and the management of the network paths
(Path) among the PDH and SDH telecommunications equipment.

The Ring Manager application is constituted by a part, integrated in the menus of the NMS5UX-B graphic
interface (menu Ring Manager - pag.405), allowing the graphical representation of the equipment sub-
networks (represented by Ring objects) which implements Paths into the maps, verifying the functional
status of the NEs/Links/Paths present in the Ring objects and displaying the list of the objects Ring, Path
and NE. At this level, the Ring object is considered as a whole.

The Ring Manager application, besides the Ring Manager menu, is constituted by the Ring Manager win-
dow (pag.39) which allows representing and managing the single equipment, Links and Paths present in a
Ring object.

The opening of a Ring Manager window depends on the opening of the UX Map Manager window. Moreover
a Ring Manager window can be opened only by an enabled NMS5UX user (see pag.43).

The additional application Remote Access NMS5UX (RAN) allows a NMS5UX user controlling and man-
aging the SNMP equipment connecting, via Internet, to his own NMS5UX-B system through his own PC and
using the installed O.S. and the browser.

The servlet RAN carries out the connection with the NMS5UX-B system and displays the Web page Remote
Access NMS5UX which allows monitoring/managing the equipment connected to ones supervision system
and present in a map.

The access to the servlet RAN takes place opening the Web page Remote Access NMS5UX, which can be
opened only by an enabled NMS5UX user (see pag.43).

The additional application Geographical Redundancy (GR) allows managing the redundancy of the
maps among the different NMS5UX-B systems in order to keep the supervision/management of the maps
of a malfunctioning system through a different NMS5UX-B or NMS5LX system.

With map redundancy we mean the management, by a NMS5UX-B or NMS5LX system, of all the equipment
associated to that specific map.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 9

The GM application has been designed to work as part of the NMS5UX-B, in fact its interface is integrated
within the TMNMENU window (start menu) of the NMS5UX-B graphic interface.

The additional application P.M. Data Export allows exporting the results of the Performance Monitoring
measures relevant to all the SNMP equipment managed by the NMS5UX-B system.

The data are exported directly from the tables of the NMS5UX-B database to a file in TLFF format. This
operation can be both manually carried out by the user or set and periodic operation.

Moreover the application allows re-importing the data previously saved to file into the Oracle table of PM.

The P.M. Data Export application is not provided with a graphic interface but its implementation is executed
by typing specific commands in the command line of a terminal window.

The additional application Proxy Agent allows dispatching the alarm traps, relevant to all the equip-
ment managed by ones NMS5UX-B system, to an higher level Central Element Manager.

The Proxy Agent application is, in part, integrated into the NMS5UX-B graphic interface (setting, at level
of single equipment, of the address of the machine, which the Proxy Agent sends the traps coming from
the equipment to) and, in part, integrated in the TMNMENU window (start menu) of the NMS5UX-B graphic
interface (activation, deactivation and management of the Proxy Agent application).

This manual describes the use of the NMS5UX-B graphic interface at general level (UX Map Manager
The use of the equipment graphic interface changes depending on the type of equipment which is referred
to. It is reported in the relevant user manuals.

For the description and use of the additional application:

RM, RAN and GR, refer to relevant documentation.
PM Data Export, refer to the relevant technical specifications.
Proxy Agent, refer to pag.136/pag.138 (setting of the Proxy address of the equipment) and to
the administrator manual (management of the Proxy Agent application).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 10


The NMS5UX-B system allows associating a map to each single NMS5UX user. More user can be associated
to the same map.

At the opening of the UX Map Manager window (Fig.1), the map associated to the user that executed the
operation opens.

The whole equipment network or a portion of it can correspond to a map. In this second case, the user
which the map is associated to, will receive only notifications coming from the equipment contained in his
portion of network.

To manage an equipment it is necessary to create a graphic symbol that represents it. The same symbol
can be created in more maps (creation of more copies of the symbol). In this way, the equipment data are
not duplicated in the database, but all the copies access to the same information.
Then, it is possible to save objects of a map into a file and export/import object of a map to another one.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 11


The NMS5UX-B system release 6.4.5 is able to manage at the same time equipment that use as equipment-
supervisory system communication protocol the following one:
A proprietary protocol. Into the manual, such equipment are called equipment managed by the
Legacy protocol (Legacy equipment).
The SNMP standard protocol (Simple Network Management Protocol). Into the manual, such
equipment are called equipment managed with the SNMP protocol (SNMP equipment).

Equipment managed with the Legacy protocol (Legacy equipment)

G series Radio with Legacy interface

B series Radio (Standard)
FAM Multiplexer
OLTME Multiplexer
C-FAM Multiplexer

Equipment managed with the SNMP protocol (SNMP equipment)

Telecommunication equipment

ALS series radio with IDU type:

AL IDU plus/ALC IDU plus
AL IDU plus 2/ALC IDU plus 2
EL series radio
US series radio
ELFO radio
ALFO radio
SDH N+1 radio
Nodal equipment (Node - set of minimum 2 and maximum 3 equipment of series ALS with AL
IDU plus interconnected by Nodal Bus).
FAMxc 5 RU multiplexer
FAMxc 2.5 RU multiplexer
ADM1 multiplexer
EXP63 multiplexer
ADMC multiplexer
PMP system - Point to MultiPoint
By means of a single PMP object, one PMP sector is controlled and managed (together with the
master station, the peripheral station and the optional equipment).

Network equipment


NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 12


The information contained in this manual refers to the system and the NMS5UX-B graphic interface release

The release can be checked at the opening of the graphic interface (Login window) or selecting the Help
> About NMS5UX-B (pag.454).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 13


The detail of the hardware and software requirements required by the NMS5UX-B system is reported in the
administrator manual.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 14


The maximum number of equipment that can be contemporarily managed by the NMS5UX-B system de-
pends on the code word required by the customer.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 15


The maximum number of NMS5UX users that can open the UX Map Manager window (Fig.1), using the
same map or different maps, depends on the code word required by the customer.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 16


At the start of the NMS5UX-B graphical interface the UX Map Manager window opens. The window is dis-
played in Fig.1.

The elements that compose the window are:

MENU bar (pag.19)

TITLE bar (pag.20)
TOOL bar (pag.21)
MAP area (pag.23)
VIEW area (pag.25)
NEW OBJECT aea (pag.26)
OBJECTS (pag.27)
STATUS bar (pag.35)
PLATFORM STATUS bar (pag.36)

First time the UX Map Manager window of a new map opens, the Map and View areas are empty (unless
the system has been previously configured by SIAE MICROELETTRONICA).

In this case, before connecting the equipment, it is necessary to graphically represent the network in their
own map (pag.62).

The NMS5UX-B graphic interface has been developed to be used in Unix environment, therefore it respects
the conventions - relevant to the menu arrangement, the window style, the use of the keyboard, of the
mouse and so on - typical of this operating system.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 17

Fig.1 UX Map Manager window

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 18


Map (pag.122). It contains the commands for the management of the map: to update the data,
to resize the symbols, to manage the background, to change/delete the map, to export/import
the elements of a map to/from another one and to save on a file all the symbols (container, NE,
etc.) present into a map.
Edit (pag.134). It contains the commands for the management of the objects: creation, modi-
fication, deletion, search, alignment.
Performance (pag.154). It contains the commands for the management of the measures of
Performance Monitoring (PM) of the equipment.
Configuration (pag.168). It contains the commands to check the status/operation of an equip-
ment and the configuration of the firmware/hardware of the equipment.
Locate (pag.198). It contains the commands to display and manage, in table format, the equip-
Command (pag.220). It contains the commands for the management of the connection be-
tween the equipment and the NMS5UX-B system and for the execution of the download of the
configuration of an equipment to another equipment.
Fault (pag.241). It contains the commands for the management of the equipment alarms and
for the display of the history of the operations executed by the NMS5UX users.
Tools (pag.291). It contains the commands to start the Command Executor application, for the
management of the alarm notification via e-mail, to manage the periodic monitoring of param-
eters, to manage the statistics of the Ethernet tributaries and to manage the Auto Discovery
Options (pag.336). It contains the commands for the management of the alarm severity, of the
NMS5UX-B/LCT users, of the list of remote equipment and the commands for the updating of
the equipment firmware.
Misc (pag.396). It contains the commands to save/recover/delete from disk/tape the alarm his-
tory, the results of the PM measures and the system database.
Ring Manager (pag.405). It contains the commands for the management of the Ring objects.
The menu is available only if the Ring Manager application is installed. For the use, refer to the
relevant documentation.
Help (pag.453). It contains the commands to open the on-line manuals of the supervisory sys-
tem and to check the list of the software programs that constitute the NMS5UX-B software pack-

Each item, if selected, opens a cascade menu that lists a series of commands.

Some commands immediately execute the action associated to them, others open further cascade menus
(items followed by ).

When a command is displayed greyed out, instead of white, it means that it is not available.

The deactivation of a command can depend on the type of access to the map (pag.49), on the equipment
type or one's user profile (pag.45)does not foresee the use of the command or, even, to make the com-
mand available it is necessary to execute before another action as, for example, to select a symbol.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 19


This bar points out the window name, which can be configured by the superuser. By default, the name is
<company name - UX Map Manager>.

For description convenience, in this manual the main window of the graphic interface of the NMS5UX-B
system is identified by the wording UX Map Manager.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 20


Tab.1 shows the description of the push-buttons.

Tab.1 Push-buttons (UX Map Manager window)

Buttons Description Equivalent command

It closes the UX Map Manager window Map > Exit (pag.133)

It displays the objects present at Map level in -

the View area (pag.23)

It displays the objects present at the previous -

level (parent level) in the View area (pag.23)

It displays the objects present in the last select- -

ed container (go back push-button) into the
View area.

It searches a symbol in the map Edit > Find (pag.150)

It aligns two or more objects vertically * Edit > Arrange Symbols > Vertical (pag.151)

It aligns two or more objects horizontally * Edit > Arrange Symbols > Horizontal (pag.151)

It hides/displays the Map area (pag.23) -

It hides/displays the platform status bar -


It creates a new SNMP equipment Edit > Add > Network Element > SNMP Managed

It creates a new container Edit > Add > Container (pag.135)

It displays the list of the equipment Locate > Equipment List Locate (pag.199)

It displays the results of the PM measures for Performance > Performance Monitoring (pag.156)
the selected NE **

It displays the alarm history Fault > Network Alarm History (pag.242)

It displays the list of the alarms active on the Fault > Network Current Alarms (pag.251)

It executes the Line Test for the selected NE *** Command > Line Test > Network Element

It connects the selected equipment *** Command > Connect > Network Element

It disconnects the selected equipment *** Command > Disconnect > Network Element

It re-aligns the alarms and the configuration for Command > Configuration Upload > Network Ele-
the selected equipment *** ment (pag.232)

It re-aligns the alarms for the selected equip- Command > Alarm Re-alignment > Network Ele-
ment *** ment (pag.230)

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 21

Buttons Description Equivalent command

It reduces the graphic symbols size in the View Map > Map Properties (pag.124) (20 pixel)
area (Zoom 40%)

It restores the average size of the graphic sym- Map > Map Properties (pag.124) (38 pixel)
bol in the View area (Zoom 70%)

It enlarges the graphic symbols size in the View Map > Map Properties (pag.124) (50 pixel)
area (Zoom 100%)

* The push-button is available only if at least two objects are selected.

** The push-button is available only if one equipment is selected.
*** The push-button is available only if at least one equipment is selected.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 22


The Map area is the part of the UX Map Manager window (Fig.1) where the map objects, created by the
user to represent the equipment network, are displayed (except for the Link and Label objects).

The displaying of the map is of tree type, in order to represent also the hierarchical links among the dif-
ferent items.

The Map: test map level (see Fig.2) represents the highest hierarchical level: Map level. It is automatically
created on the creation of the map and its name corresponds to the name assigned by the user to the map.
This level cannot be deleted using the commands present in the UX Map Manager window, it is automati-
cally deleted on the deletion of the map.

The lower levels are represented by containers that can contain more NE (pag.63), Generic Symbol
(pag.64), Link (pag.65), Label (pag.65) and Container (pag.63) objects. The presence of a Container ob-
ject automatically creates a hierarchically lower level (child level) with respect to the current level (parent
level) as shown in Fig.2.

The subdivision of the equipment network into containers, and then into levels, allows creating areas where
grouping the equipment and items related by some characteristics, for example geographical or other.

In this way, when a Container object is selected, in the View area (pag.23) only the elements present in
the container will be displayed and not all the network elements.

In fact, the selection of a container (or of an element contained in it) changes the content of the View area.

Each container (except for the Map level) has the + or - symbol, displayed one alternatively to the other
(see Fig.2). Symbol:
+. The elements present in the container are not displayed in the Map area under the container
itself (collapsed list).
-. The elements present in the container are displayed in the Map area under the container itself
(expanded list).

It is possible to expand/collapse a list selecting the +/- symbol.

The user (independently from its operating level or access type) can anytime display or hide the Map area

Fig.2 Map area (UX Map Manager window)

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 23

Passing from one level to the other one in the Map area

To pass to the:
Higher level (parent level), with respect to that selected and represented in the View area
(pag.23) press or select the container that represents the wished higher level.
Lower level (child level), with respect to that selected and represented in the View area, select
the container that represents the wished lower level.

To pass to the main window of the map (Map level) press or select the Map: container.

Objects of the Map area

The characteristics of the objects present in the Map area: symbol, check sign, note sign, colour, etc. are
described in the par. Objects (pag.27).

To display/hide the Map area

1. Press .
The Map area is hidden.

2. Press again to display the area again.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 24


The View area is the part of the UX Map Manager window where the objects present in the container, se-
lected in the Map area (pag.23), are displayed.

For example in Fig.1, if the Venice container is selected in the Map area, the NE objects ADM1, AL E/W,
AL-P1 and the possible Link and Label objects (objects that are not displayed in the Map area) will be dis-
played in the View area.

The selected container, once selected the level displayed in the View area, is indicated above the area itself
in the Contents of Map: field.

The symbol / separates the levels.

For example, in Fig.1, the Contents of Map: test map/Venice field points out that the objects represented
in the View area are present in the test map (parent level) and in the Venice container (current level).

Passing from one level to the other in the View area

To pass to the:
Higher level (parental level), with respect to that represented in the View area, press .
Lower level (child level), with respect to that represented in the View area, double click on the
container that represents the level you wish to access.

To pass to the main window of the map (Map level) press .

Objects of the View area

The characteristics of the objects present in the View area: symbol, check sign, note sign, colour, etc. are
described in the par. Objects (pag.27).

Background of the View area

It is possible to associate a background to each container, in such a way that, on its selection, the back-
ground is displayed in the View area besides the symbols present in the container (pag.125).

It is possible to associate a different background to each container of the same map.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 25


The new objects are parked in this area after their creation, waiting for their positioning by the user inside
the View area (pag.25).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 26


An object is the representation, in the graphic interface of the NMS5UX-B system, of a network element.

The NMS5UX user must consider each part of the network as an object. For example, the network on its
whole is an object, the container (sub network, station, sub-station) where the equipment are located is
an object, each single equipment is an object.

An object can be:

Created - see Edit > Add (pag.135), Tools > SNMP-Auto Discovery (pag.309) and Ring Manager
> Edit > RM-Add Ring (pag.406) command.
Deleted - see Edit > Delete (pag.142) and Ring Manager > Edit > RM-Delete Ring (pag.407)
Modified - see Edit > Modify/View (pag.143) and Ring Manager > Edit > RM-Modify/View Ring
(pag.408) command.
Moved. To move an object, it is sufficient to select it and, keeping pressed the left push-button
of the mouse, bring it to the new position.
In the Map area (pag.23), it is possible to move the objects from a container to the other. In
the View area (pag.25) it is possible to put the object in a new position inside the area (contain-
Furthermore, it is possible to select an object in the View area and drag it into a container of the
Map area or vice versa.

All the created objects and the relevant values of the parameters are stored into the database of the
NMS5UX-B system. They will be stored until the user deletes the object.

The NMS5UX-B system has a series of predefined objects, which allow the user drawing his network and
providing to the system all the information necessary for the supervision and the monitoring of each single
In details, Container (pag.63), Network Element (NE) (pag.63), Generic Symbol (pag.64), Link (pag.65),
Label (pag.65) and Ring (pag.65) objects.

On the creation/deletion/modification/move of an object:

Container, NE, Generic Symbol or Ring the object is represented/deleted/changed/moved both
in the Map area and in the View area.
Link or Label, the object is represented/deleted/changed/moved only in the View area.

The graphic representation of the object is the symbol (pag.28).

A symbol is composed by the following elements: icon (pag.28), name (pag.30), check sign (pag.30),
notes (pag.31) and it is characterized by behaviour (pag.31), colour (pag.31) and right button function

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 27

Graphic representation of the object: symbol

When an object is created, its graphic representation in the map is the symbol.

More symbols can correspond to an object.

In fact, if the same object is created more times, we do not create a new object but simply a copy of its
graphic representation, then a new symbol is created.
The symbol of the same object can be created more times in the same map or in other maps as shown in

In the system database, on the creation of the object, the relevant parameter are stored. On the creation
of the next copies (symbols) of the object, the values of the parameters are not inserted again, but the
values already present in the database are used.

Fig.3 Relation between object and symbol

To execute an operation, often it is necessary to select the symbol (or the symbols) which you wish to
operate on.

The selected symbol is characterized by a dark grey square. It will remain selected until the user selects
another symbol.

It is possible to select one or more symbols at the same time pressing the left button of the mouse and
drawing an area containing the interested symbols or keeping pressed the Ctrl key selecting the symbols.

Symbol items: icon

The icon is the graphic representation of the symbol.

All the objects of the NMS5UX-B system, except for the Label object, has a its own icon.

Tab.2 points out the symbol and the relevant icons represented in the Map (pag.23) and View (pag.25)

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 28

Tab.2 Icon (UX Map Manager window)

Symbol Icon (View area)
(Map area)



LEGACY equipment

FAM/C-FAM Mult. OLTME Multiplexer G series radio B series radio (Std)

SNMP equipment

ALS series radio with ALS series radio with ALS series radio with ALS series radio with ALS series radio with

ALS series radio with Nodal EL US ELFO
ALC IDU plus 2 equipment series radio series radio radio

ALFO radio SDH N+1 radio FAMxc 5 RU Mult. FAMxc 2.5 RU Mult. ADM-C Multiplexer

ADM-1 Multiplexer EXP63 Multiplexer PMP System COMM. SEVER-S IPBOX



Label -


NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 29

Symbol items: name

The name (or label) is the string of characters displayed under the icon (View area - pag.25) or next to the
icon (Map area - pag.23).

All the objects of the NMS5UX-B system has a name defined on the creation of the object. For all the objects
the name can be modified later.

For the Link objects, it is possible to hide the name (see pag.140).

For the Ring objects, the name represents the title of the window opened by the double selection of the
relevant symbol.

Symbol items: check sign

The check sign is an item that characterizes only the Container and Network Element objects, except for
the virtual Network Elements.

For the Network Element objects:

The presence of the check sign points out that:
At least one alarm (current and/or in the alarm history) relevant to the equipment has
not been marked (acknowledged).
To remove the symbol , mark the current alarms (pag.253) and/or in the alarm history
The LCT program has connected to the NE at least once in Configuration modality from
the last time that the Equipment window of the equipment has been opened.
To remove the symbol , open the NE equipment window.
The last operation of Configuration Upload towards the considered equipment is failed or
presents some errors.
The symbol is automatically removed at the first correctly executed operation of Con-
figuration Upload.
The check sign next to the icon points out that there is at least ONE of the listed condition.
It is possible to check the status of each condition in the Equipment Browser [List/Locate] win-
dow (see Fig.33) and Information window (see Fig.23).

By default, the symbol points out the status of the condition listed above.

It is possible to modify the list of the conditions associating the presence (or absence) of to
two or to only one of the above mentioned conditions. For example, it is possible to associate to
the check sign only the condition of failed Configuration Upload. The change can be made only
by the Superuser. More information is reported in the administrator manual.
The absence of the check sign points out that:
All the (current or historic) alarms of the equipment have been marked.
LCT has not been connected in Configuration modality from the last time that the NE
equipment window has been opened.
The last operation of Configuration Upload to the equipment has been successfully exe-

For the Network Element of Nodal type objects:

The presence of the check sign points out that at least an equipment with is present in the
The absence of the check sign points out that no equipment with is present in the node.

For the Container objects:

The presence of the check sign points out that at least a NE or Container object with is
present in the relevant container.
The absence of the check sign points out that no NE or Container object with is present in
the relevant container.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 30

Symbol items: notes

The note symbol ( ) is an item that characterizes only the Network Element objects. With details:

The presence of the note symbol points out that there is an informative note written by the user
associated to the symbol.
It is possible to see (modify/delete) the note opening the Information window (see Fig.23).
The absence of the note symbol points out that there is no informative note associated to the

Symbol characteristics: behaviour

The behaviour represents the action that is executed when a symbol is selected (Map area - pag.23) or is
selected twice in fast sequence (View area - pag.25).

Tab.3 displays for each object the relevant behaviour. Sometime, the behaviour changes depending on the
area where the symbol is selected.

Tab.3 Behaviour of symbol (UX Map Manager window)

Symbol Behaviour (Map area) Behaviour (View area)

It displays in the View area the objects It displays in the View area the objects
present in the container (child level) present in the container (child level)

If connected at least once, the equipment

NE (real) No action is executed
window opens (pag.37)

If connected at least once, the Nodal equip-

NE Nodal type No action is executed
ment window opens (pag.38)

NE (virtual) No action is executed The equipment window opens (pag.37) *

Generic Symbol No action is executed No action is executed

Link No action is executed No action is executed

Label No action is executed No action is executed

The Ring Manager window (pag.39) opens

Ring No action is executed

* For virtual SNMP equipment, the equipment window is opened only if the configuration of a (real or vir-
tual) NE of the same type has been transferred to the considered virtual equipment (see pag.63 and

** For the description and the use of the Ring Manager window, refer to the relevant documentation.

Symbol characteristics: colour

The colour of the icon identifies the connection status or the alarm status of the symbols contained in it.

Tab.4 displays, for each object, the colours that be assumed by the relevant icon and the description of
the condition represented by them.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 31

Tab.4 Colour of symbol (UX Map Manager window)

Symbol Colour Description

Container * Blue In the container:

There is no equipment in connected status
There is one or more equipment in connected status which the LCT program
in Configuration modality is connected to.
There is one or more equipment in maintenance status.

Green In the container there is at least one equipment in connected status. No NE has

Light blue In the container there is at least one equipment in connected status where at least
one alarm of Warning severity is active.

Yellow In the container there is at least one equipment in connected status where at least
one alarm of Minor severity is active.

Orange In the container there is at least one equipment in connected status where at least
one alarm of Major severity is active.

Red In the container there is at least one equipment in connected status where at least
one alarm of Critical severity is active and/or one NE in unreachable status.

NE (real) ** Brown The equipment is in disconnected status (pag.100)

Green The equipment is in connected status (pag.101) and does not present any alarm.

Light blue The equipment is in connected status and at least one alarm of Warning severity is

Yellow The equipment is in connected status and at least one alarm of Minor severity is

Orange The equipment is in connected status and at least one alarm of Major severity is

Red The equipment is in connected status and at least one alarm of Critical severity is

Red with X The equipment is in unreachable status (pag.101)

Pink *** The equipment is in maintenance status (pag.102)

White *** The LCT program in Configuration modality is connected to the equipment.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 32

Symbol Colour Description

NE Nodal type* Brown All the equipment in the node are in disconnected status

Green All the equipment in the node are in connected status. No equipment has alarm.

Light blue All the equipment in the node are in connected status. The most serious alarm
present on the equipment of the node is Warning.

Yellow All the equipment in the node are in connected status. The most serious alarm
present on the equipment of the node is Minor.

Orange All the equipment in the node are in connected status. The most serious alarm
present on the equipment of the node is Major.

Red All the equipment in the node are in connected status. The most serious alarm
present on the equipment of the node is Critical.


In the node there is at least one equipment in unreacheable status.

Red with X All the equipment in the node are in unreachable status.

Pink *** In the node there is at least one equipment in maintenance status.

White *** In the node there is at least one equipment which the LCT program in Configuration
modality is connected to.

NE (virtual) Brown The colour is fixed and does not point out any status condition.

Generic Symbol Blue The colour is fixed and does not point out any status condition.

Link Black The colour is fixed and does not point out any status condition.

Label Black The colour is fixed and does not point out any status condition.

Ring * Blue In the Ring:

There is no equipment in connected status
There is one or more equipment in connected status which the LCT program
in Configuration modality is connected to.
There is one or more equipment in maintenance status.

Green In the Ring there is at least one equipment in connected status. No NE has alarms.

Light blue In the Ring there is at least one equipment in connected status where at least one
alarm of Warning severity is active.

Yellow In the Ring there is at least one equipment in connected status where at least one
alarm of Minor severity is active.

Orange In the Ring there is at least one equipment in connected status where at least one
alarm of Major severity is active.

Red In the container there is at least one equipment in connected status where at least
one alarm of Critical severity is active and/or one NE in unreachable status.

* By default the color of the icon always reflects the colour of the (contained) object where the most serious
condition is present.
** By default, the colour of the icon always reflects the colour of the most serious alarm present on the
*** This condition is not propagated to the icons of the Containers that contain the NE.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 33

Symbol characteristics: right button function

The Map: container (Map level) present in the Map area (pag.23) of the UX Map Manager window is
not provided with the right button function.

Selecting a symbol and pressing the right button of the mouse, a context menu is displayed where the
following commands are present:
Open. If selected a:
Real NE (connected at least once) opens the equipment window (pag.37).
NE Nodal type (connected at least once) opens the Nodal equipment window (pag.38).
Virtual NE opens the equipment window (pag.37).
Container in the View area (pag.25), displays the objects present in the container in the
View area.
Ring opens the Ring Manager window (pag.39).
Command available only if a NE, Container or Ring object is selected.
Delete. It deletes the selected object (see pag.142).
Modify/View. It displays/modifies the configuration parameters of the object (see pag.143).
Information. It opens the Information window (Fig.23).
Command not available if a Label or Link object is selected.
Equipment Information. It opens the Equipment Information window (Fig.26).
Command available only if a NE object is selected.
NE Current Alarm. It opens the Current Alarm Browser window (Fig.37).
Command available only if a NE object is selected.
NE History Alarm. It opens the Alarm History Browser window (Fig.36).
Command available only if a NE object is selected.
Ping. It executes the Ping in order to check the presence and reachability of the selected equip-
Each Ping command sends the test packet three times.
After the selection of the command, the Ping window is displayed, where the operation progress
and the final statistics (number of sent and received packets, percentage of lost packet, etc.)
are displayed.
Command available only if a NE object managed by SNMP protocol is selected.

The heading of the context menu points out the name of the selected symbol.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 34


This bar displays:

Name of the currently open map (Map:).
Type of access to the map (Read-Write or Read Only).
Name of the user who opened the map (User:).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 35


NMS5UX. Status of the processes relevant to the NMS5UX-B system.
PROXY. Status of the processes which manage the Proxy Agent.
RING. Status of the processes which manage the Ring Manager application.

The colour of the box points out the status of the specific process:
Green. The process is active and operates correctly.
Red. The process is inactive or it does not operate correctly.
In this condition, the function implemented by the process will be not execute (for example, the
alarms or the PM are not collected).
Call one's network administrator in order to re-activate the process.
Gray. The modules for the management of the relevant processes are not installed.

A double click of the left button of the mouse on a box allows checking the status of the relevant process.

The user (independently from its operating level or access type) anytime, can display or hide the platform
status bar (see pag.36).

At the opening of the UX Map Manager window, independently from its previous setting, the platform
status bar is NOT displayed.

To display/hide the platform status bar

1. Press .
The platform status bar is displayed.

2. Press again to hide the bar again.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 36


The choice of a Network Element object allows accessing to the graphic interface at equipment level, level
represent by the equipment window.

At this level, the user can enter into the equipment to check and modify the configuration parameters, to
execute maintenance and test operations.

Each type of equipment, that can be currently managed by the NMS5UX-B system, is characterized by its
own equipment window.

The detailed description of each single equipment window and of the objects which it contains is reported
in the relevant Equipment user manual (see pag.459).

The management of each single equipment window is made from a specific application, called <equipment
type> Manager. These application are part of the NMS5UX-B system and are provided on request.

The equipment window of a NE can be opened by more users at the same time (see pag.52).

The first user that opens the window can check/modify the configuration parameters (Read-Write access).
The other users can only check the parameters (Read Only access).

What just said is valid only for the Superuser and the users with privileged or advanced profile. The
normal and entry users has always Read Only access to the equipment window, even if they are the first
to open it.

In the equipment window with Read Only access, the alarms will not be dynamically updated, it is neces-
sary to require the updating selecting a proper command.

The equipment window can be opened only if the NE has been connected at least once.

What just said is valid only for the objects that represent real equipment.

For the virtual SNMP NEs, the equipment window can be opened after having transferred, at least once,
the configuration of a (real or virtual) NE of the same type to the considered virtual equipment. Instead,
for the virtual Legacy NEs, the equipment can be always opened (see pag.63).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 37


The selection of a Network Element object of Nodal type allows accessing the graphic interface at level of
nodal system.

At this level, the user can enter into the node to verify the status and execute operations on the single
equipment constituting the nodal system as some commands, generally available for the NE objects in the
UX Map Manager window, are present in the nodal equipment window for the node equipment.

Moreover, it is possible to access to the graphic interface of the single equipment only via the nodal equip-
ment window. In fact, it is not possible to create in the map a NE object of an equipment which is part of
a nodal system. It is automatically created in the database of the NMS5UX-B system when the Nodal NE
object is created.

The definition of node (equipment forming the node, relevant IP address, etc.) MUST be carried out at
local level via the SCT/LMT application. For more information, refer to the relevant documentation.

The nodal equipment window can be opened:

By one user at a time (see pag.53).
Only if the node (and then all the node equipment) have been connected at least once.

The detailed description of the nodal equipment window is reported in the user manual ...Nodal Manager
(see pag.459).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 38


The selection of a Ring object allows accessing to the graphic interface of the Ring Manager application:
Ring Manager window.

This application has been developed to create, configure and manage the paths among SDH and PDH
equipment. A Path is a bidirectional connection between a source node and a destination node and is iden-
tified by an input channel on the source node and an output channel on the destination node.

The Ring Manager application is integrated in the NMS5UX-B system and supports the SNMP equipment
(Network Element) already managed by the supervision system.

The Ring Manager window, relevant to the same Ring object, can be opened by only one user at a time
(see pag.54).

The detailed description of the Ring Manager window and of the objects contained in it is reported in the
relevant user manual (see pag.459).

The Ring Manager application is optional and is provided on demand.

Moreover the Ring Manager window can be opened only by an enabled NMS5UX user (see pag.346/

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 39


The NMS5UX-B graphic interface can be started at the same time on more PCs or terminals connected by
an Ethernet connection.

In this way, the displaying of the information relevant to the equipment network is contemporaneous for
all the terminals and the insertion of the data or the sending of the commands by one user is possible from
all the terminals.

To open a copy of the NMS5UX-B graphic interface, it is necessary to have a NMS5UX user.

The supervision system is provided with a predefined NMS5UX user (see pag.42). In a second moment, it
will be possible to create all the wished NMS5UX users (see pag.346).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 40


The NMS5UX-B system has been developed to be used with the Unix operating system.

For each NMS5UX user you want to create, it is necessary to create a Unix user. There is a specific con-
nection between them: it is possible to associate a single NMS5UX user to a Unix user.

Then, before creating the NMS5UX user, it is necessary to create the relevant Unix user.

It is not necessary to create a Unix user for the Superuser (predefined NMS5UX user provided with the
supervision system - pag.42) because during the installation of the NMS5UX-B system a Unix user with
nms5ux username and password is created, which a NMS5UX user with nms5ux username and password
is associated to.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 41


During the installation of the system, a NMS5UX user is created with the following characteristics:
Username - nms5ux
Password - nms5ux
map - nms5ux
Profile - Superuser
Timeout password - Not expired
Internet/Ring - Active (if required by the user the relevant application: RAN/Ring Manager (see

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 42


Each NMS5UX user is characterized by an username (pag.43), a password (pag.43), a map (pag.44), a
profile (pag.45) and the Internet (pag.46) and/or Ring (pag.47)enabling.

The username and the password allow to the system acknowledge the user as NMS5UX user authorized to
start the NMS5UX-B graphic interface.

These data are required when an user wants to open the UX Map Manager window (Fig.1) (start of the
NMS5UX-B graphic interface).

The same NMS5UX user can open more NMS5UX-B graphic interfaces (on different PCs/terminals or on
the same) using the same username and password.

A map is associated to each user. The supervision system, at the start-up of the NMS5UX-B interface, au-
tomatically opens the map associated to the user that executed the operation.

The profile allows starting the NMS5UX-B graphic interface and having determinate commands and func-
tions available.

The Internet and Ring enabling allows the use of the (optional) applications RAN and Ring Manager (see


Each NMS5UX user is characterized by a name.

The name of the NMS5UX-B Superuser is defined during the installation of the system. The name of the
other NMS5UX user is defined during the creation of the relevant user.
After its creation, it is possible to modify the name of any NMS5UX user (operation available only to the


Each NMS5UX user is characterized by a password.

The password of the NMS5UX Superuser user is defined during the installation of the system. The password
of the other NMS5UX users is defined during the creation of the relevant user.

The privileged, advanced, normal or entry users, users can modify their own passwords. If an user forgets
his own password, the Superuser can define a new one.

The Superuser can modify his own password and the passwords of all the other NMS5UX users. If the Su-
peruser forgets his password, it is necessary to contact SIAE MICROELETTRONICA.

Expiry of the password

The NMS5UX-B system manages the functionality of periodic password change, which consists in asking
the user the change of his own password each N days (for example, each 6 months).

The functionality can be activated/deactivated by the system administrator who, if activates the function-
ality, sets the interval between a password change and the next one.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 43

If the functionality is active, 5 days before the expiry of the password, a message is displayed at the open-
ing of the NMS5UX-B interface, which allows the user modifying his own password. In detail, the message:
Your Password is going to expire on <data>. Please change it, signals that ones password is
This window is displayed 5 days before the expiry of the user password. It will be displayed each
time the user will start the graphic interface, until when he changes the password or this one
Password expired. Please change it to login, signals that ones password is expired.
To open the NMS5UX-B interface, it is necessary to change the password.

The activation of the periodic password change does not influence the expiry date of the user, which
can be set during the creation of a NMS5UX user.

The two functionalities are independent and can coexist at the same time.


The map corresponds to a network or to the network part graphically represented and managed by the
system. It can be arranged by the user according to his needs.

Each map has its own UX Map Manager (Fig.1).

The NMS5UX-B system can manage more maps at the same time.

The map, where he can operate, is associated to each NMS5UX user.

The access to a map is made via the start of the NMS5UX-B graphic interface: automatically, the system
opens the map associated to the NMS5UX user who required the start of the graphic interface.

It is possible to associate, on the creation of the user, to each NMS5UX user, a map that will constitute the
default map of the user.
The Superuser and the users with privileged profile can open their own default map and, then, change map
choosing among those managed by the system (see pag.131).

The users with advanced, normal and entry profile can open only one's default map.

On the installation of the system, the nms5ux map is created. Then, it will be possible to create a new map
(see pag.346).

More NMS5UX users, who can open and use the map at the same time, can be associated to the same map
(more users can have the same default map).

In this case, only the first user who access to the map will have the Read-Write access, all the other users
will have Read Only access (see pag.49).

What just said is valid only for the Superuser and the users with privileged or advanced profile. The
normal and entry users has always Read Only access to the map, even if they are the first to open it.

The max number of NMS5UX users who can access at the same time to the same map depends on the code
word required by the customer.

The same NE object can be created in more map and/or more times in the same maps. In this way, on the
creation of the first copy of the object in a map, all the parameters of the object must be set.
On the creation of the successive copies, it will be sufficient to enter the physical or logical address and,
automatically, the system will set the parameter and will associate the status of connection of the twin
object already present in the map.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 44

nms5ux map

During the installation of the system, the nms5ux map is created, associated to the Superuser, named
nms5ux (the name of the Superuser can be modified by the user itself).

This map will result the default map of the nms5ux user but, as all the other maps, it can be opened also
by privileged users and be assigned, as default map, to other users.


The NMS5UX-B system can be started at different operating level.

A group of enabling of commands, execution of operations, etc. corresponds to each level (also called pro-

The profile that characterizes each NMS5UX user is determined on the creation of the user himself.

After his creation, it is possible to modify the profile of each NMS5UX user, except for the Superuser.
The NMS5UX-B system has 5 operating levels (profiles):

Superuser (pag.45)
Privileged (pag.45)
Advanced (pag.46)
Normal (pag.46)
Entry (pag.46)

The availability of the commands of the UX Map Manager window depends on the profile of the NMS5UX
user who opened the map.

Tab.15 point out, for each command, the profile that the NMS5UX user must own to be able to use it.


The Superuser can start the NMS5UX-B graphic interface relevant to all the maps managed by the system.
In each map, the Superuser can access both in Read-Write and Read Only modality and can verify/set/
modify all the parameters (the detail of the commands/operations available to the Superuser are reported
in Tab.15).

The detail of the operations that the Superuser can execute in the equipment window is reported in the
specific equipment User Manual.

The NMS5UX-B system manages ONLY one Superuser. It is created during the installation of the system.

In a second moment, it will not be possible to delete the user or modify his profile, but it will be possible
to modify the username and the password.


The privileged user can start the NMS5UX-B graphic interface relevant to all the maps managed by the

In each map, the privileged user can access both in Read-Write and Read Only modality.

The detail of the commands/operations available to the privileged user is reported in Tab.15.

The detail of the operations that the privileged user can execute in the equipment window is reported in
the specific equipment User Manual.

On the installation of the system, there is no privileged user. Then, it is possible to create more privileged

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 45


The advanced user can start the NMS5UX-B graphic interface relevant to the only map associated to his
NMS5UX user (default map).

The advanced user can access to his map both in Read-Write and Read Only modality.

The detail of the commands/operations available to the advanced user is reported in Tab.15.

The detail of the operations that the advanced user can execute in the equipment window is reported in
the specific equipment User Manual.

On the installation of the system, there is no advanced user. Then, it is possible to create more advanced


The normal user can start the NMS5UX-B graphic interface relevant to the only map associated to his
NMS5UX user (default map).

The normal user can access to his map only in Read Only modality.

The detail of the commands/operations available to the normal user is reported in Tab.15.

The detail of the operations that the normal user can execute in the equipment window is reported in the
specific equipment User Manual.

On the installation of the system, there is no normal user. Then, it is possible to create more normal users.


The entry user can start the NMS5UX-B graphic interface relevant to the only map associated to his
NMS5UX user (default map).

The entry user can access to his map only in Read Only modality.

In his map, the user can only verify the parameters. The detail of the commands/operations available to
the entry user is reported in Tab.15.

The detail of the operations that the entry user can execute in the equipment window is reported in the
specific equipment User Manual.

On the installation of the system, there is no normal user. Then, it is possible to create more normal users.


Each NMS5UX user is characterized by the Internet option.

Setting this option determines if the user can use the Remote Access NMS5UX (RAN) application or not
(see pag.9)

In detail, if the options is:

Active. The NMS5UX user can open the Web page Remote Access NMS5UX.
Inactive. The NMS5UX user cannot open the Web page Remote Access NMS5UX.

The setting of the Internet option for the NMS5UX Superuser user is defined during the installation of the
system and depends on the presence or not, in the installation packet, of the RAN application.

The setting of the Internet option for the other NMS5UX users is defined during the creation of the relevant

After the creation of the user, it is possible to modify the setting of the Internet option of any NMS5UX user
(operation available only to the Superuser).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 46


Each NMS5UX user is characterized by the Ring option.

The setting of this option determines if the user can use the Ring Manager application or not (see pag.9)

In detail, if the option is:

Active. The NMS5UX user can open the Ring Manager window (pag.39).
Inactive. The NMS5UX user cannot open the Ring Manager window.

The setting of the Ring option for the NMS5UX Superuser user is defined during the installation of the sys-
tem and depends on the presence or not of the Ring Manager application in the installation packet.
The setting of the Ring option for the other NMS5UX users is defined during the creation of the relevant

After the creation of the user, it is possible to modify the setting of the Ring option of any NMS5UX user
(operation available only to the Superuser).

The Ring Manager application, besides the Ring Manager window, is constituted by a part integrated in
the menus of the NMS5UX-B graphic interface (menu Ring Manager - pag.405).

The use of commands of the Ring Manager menu is not affected by the possible use of the Ring option:
any NMS5UX user, independently from his setting of the Ring option, can create, delete, etc. a Ring object.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 47


During the creation of a NMS5UX user, it is possible to assign a validity of n days to the relevant user (ac-
count) (see pag.346).

At the expiry of this period, when the NMS5UX-B graphic interface is started, the system displays the mes-
sage Your Account is expired. Please contact the system administrator.

The displaying of the message forbids the opening of the UX Map Manager windows.

In order to modify ones user or its validity period, contact the Superuser.

If the message is displayed when the Superuser opens the UX Map Manager window, it is necessary to call

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 48


The NMS5UX-B graphic interface relevant to the same map can be started on more PCs/terminals at the
same time.

In order to avoid conflicts between the graphic interfaces started on different terminals that use the same
map, it is possible to open the UX Map Manager window (Fig.1) in two different modalities:
Read-Write. The user who accesses the map in this modality can add, delete, move the sym-
bols contained in the map and modify the characteristics of the symbols.
Read Only. The user who accesses the map in this modality can control the status of the map
and of the contained symbols, but he cannot create, delete or move any symbol or execute any
modification on the symbols.

The map can be opened in Read Only modality by all the user.

The access in Read-Write modality for each map is assigned to one user at a time.

This user corresponds to the first authorized NMS5UX user who opens the NMS5UX-B graphic interface
(then the associated map) on any of the PCs/terminals.

The users who will connect in a second moment to the same map will have the access in Read Only mo-

The access modality is displayed in the lower bar of the UX Map Manager window.

The map can be opened in Read-Write modality only by the Superuser and by the user with
privileged or advanced profile. A normal or entry user, even if he is the first user that access to
the map, will open the map in Read Only modality.

The availability of the commands of the UX Map Manager window depends on the modality of access to
the map.

Tab.15 point out, for each command, the access to the map necessary to use it.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 49


All the changes executed by Read-Write user in a map, are NOT dynamically displayed also in the UX Map
Manager window of the users, who have access to the same map, in Read Only modality.

To update the data of a map in Read Only modality, it is necessary to select the Map > Refresh (pag.123)

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 50


If the user, with access to the map of Read-Write type, closes his UX Map Manager window, the Read-Write
access becomes available to all the other users (Read Only) that opened the UX Map Manager window rel-
evant to the same map.

The user who wishes to modify his modality from Read Only to Read-Write must select the Map > Refresh
(pag.123) command.

The first users who executes the updating of the map changes his access from Read Only to Read-Write.

The availability of the Read-Write access is not signalled to the Read Only users.

It is possible to require (pag.351) or force (pag.352) the disconnection of one user, whose access is Read-
Write. If the user accept the request, his map is closed and the Read-Write access will be available.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 51


The equipment window can be opened by more user at the same time.

In this window, the Read-Write access modality is acquired by the first user who opens the window itself
(independently if his access to the map is Read-Write or Read Only).

All the users, who open later the same equipment window, will have the access in Read Only modality.

What just said is valid only for the Superuser and the users with privileged or advanced profile. The
normal and entry users has always Read Only access to the equipment window, even if they are the first
to open it.

The closure of the equipment window is not signalled on video.

It is not possible to request or to force the closure of the equipment window in Read-Write modality, but
it is possible to require (pag.354) or force (pag.355) the closure of the relevant Manager application.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 52


The nodal equipment window can be opened by one user at the same time.

It is not possible to request or to force the closure of the nodal equipment window, but it is possible to
require (pag.354) or force (pag.355) the closure of the relevant Manager application.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 53


The Ring Manager window relevant to the same Ring object can be opened by only one user at a time.

Instead more Ring Manager windows relevant to different Ring objects can be opened at the same time.

It is not possible to request or to force the closure of a Ring Manager window, but it is possible to require
(pag.354) or force (pag.355) the closure of the relevant Manager application.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 54




The first time that the NMS5UX-B graphic interface starts, after the installation of the system, refer to the
First start-up of the NMS5UX-B interface procedure (pag.59).

The next times, refer to the Start-up of the NMS5UX-B interface procedure (pag.56).

The start-up of the NMS5UX-B graphic interface corresponds to the opening of the UX Map Manager
window (Fig.1).

It is possible to start more NMS5UX-B interfaces on more machines or on the same machine.

The maximum number of NMS5UX-B graphic interfaces that can be started at the same time depends on
the code word required by the user.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 55


The following procedure presumes that the NMS5UX-B system has been already installed on the ma-
chine and that the processes necessary for the start-up of the interface. The procedure for the installation
and the start-up of the NMS5UX-B system is reported in the administrator manual.

It is supposed that the Unix user and the corresponding NMS5UX user, which you wish to use for the start-
up of the interface, have been created.

1. Start the machine up (pc, terminal, etc.).

The login window of the Unix operating system opens.
2. Type the name and the password of the Unix user in the relevant box.
If you have two or more Unix users, use the name/password of the Unix user associated to the NMS5UX
user that you wish to use to open the map.
This because a NMS5UX user is strictly associated to each Unix user. On the start-up of the graphic
interface, the system controls that the typed username of the NMS5UX user is the one associated to
the Unix user that started the operating system. If the users are not compatible, the NMS5UX-B inter-
face cannot be started-up. The Unix user - NMS5UX user association is defined during the creation of
the NMS5UX user.

3. Press the confirmation push-button.

If the typed data are correct, one's Unix operating system is started-up.

4. Open a terminal window.

5. On the command line, type:

cd /opt/nms5ux/start

6. Press Enter.
The TMNMENU window, shown in Fig.4 opens.

7. Double click on the icon:

NMS5UX Application Login, to start the NMS5UX-B graphic interface.
If the user, used to start the interface, has profile:
Superuser, privileged or advanced and it is the first user to access the default map rele-
vant to one's user, this one is opened in Read-Write modality.
Superuser, privileged or advanced and it is not the first user to access to the default map
relevant to one's user, this one is opened in Read Only modality.
Normal or entry, the default map relevant to one's user is opened in Read Only modality.
NMS5UX Application Login R/O, to start the NMS5UX-B graphic interface; the default map, rel-
evant to one's user, is opened in Read Only modality.
The Login window opens.
8. Type the username of one's NMS5UX user into the Login box.
If you have two or more NMS5UX users, type the username of the NMS5UX user associated to the Unix
user used to start the operating system.

9. Type the password of the NMS5UX user into the Password box.

10.Press OK.
The UX Map Manager window (Fig.1) opens with the default map associated to its user.
The Superuser and the users with privileged profile can change the map anytime (pag.131).

If the system displays the message:

Incorrect Login, the typed name of the NMS5UX user is incorrect.
Wrong Password, the typed password of the NMS5UX user is incorrect.
Wrong Unix User, the used NMS5UX user is not compatible with the Unix user used for the start-
up of the operating system.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 56

Your Account is expired. Please contact the system administrator, one's account is expired. Con-
tact the Superuser to set a new user or modify the current validity period.
Your Password is going to expire on <data>. Please change it, one's password is expiring. To
change it:
Type, in the Old password box, the current password.
Type, in the New password box, the new password (alphanumeric string, minimum 6
characters and maximum 21 characters).
Type again, in the Confirm New Password box, the new password and press Ok.
If the Cancel push-button is pressed, the password is not changed and the UX Map Man-
ager window opens. On the next start of the NMS5UX-B graphic interface, the window for
the change of the password will be displayed again.
This window is displayed 5 days before the expiry of the user password. It will be displayed each
time the user starts the graphic interface until the user changes the password or this one ex-
Password expired. Please change it to login, one's password is expired. To change it:
Type, in the Old password box, the current password.
Type, in the New password box, the new password (alphanumeric string, minimum 6
characters and maximum 21 characters).
Type again, in the Confirm New Password box, the new password and press Ok.
If the Cancel push-button is pressed, the password is not changed and the UX Map Man-
ager window opens. To change the password and start the graphic interface, execute the
procedure of step 7 again.

If, after more attempts, the Incorrect Login, Wrong Password or Wrong Unix User message is displayed
for three times consecutively, the Login window is automatically closed. To start the graphic interface, it
is necessary to execute again the procedure of the step 7.

The Your Password is going to expire on <data>. Please change it and Password expired. Please change it
to login message are displayed ONLY if the periodical password change functionality IS ACTIVE. It consists
in requiring to the user to change his own password each N days (for example each 6 months).

The functionality can be activated/deactivated by the Superuser, who, if he activates the functionality, sets
the interval between a password change and the successive one.

The activation of the periodical password change does not influence the expiry date of the user, which can
be set during the creation of a NMS5UX user. The two functionalities are independent and can coexist at
the same time.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 57

Fig.4 TMNMENU window

Fig.4 notes

(1) The selection of the icon:

NMS5UX Application Login, allows starting the NMS5UX-B graphic interface.
If the user used to start the interface has profile:
Superuser, privileged or advanced and it is the first user that access to the default
map relevant to one's user, this one is opened in Read-Write modality.
Superuser, privileged or advanced and it is not the first user that access to the default
map relevant to one's user, this one is opened in Read Only modality.
Normal or entry, the default map relevant to one's user is opened in Read Only mo-
NMS5UX-B Application Login R/O, allows starting the NMS5UX-B graphic interface; the de-
fault map relevant to one's user is opened in Read Only modality.

(2) The description and the use of these icons is reported in the administrator manual of the NMS5UX-
B system.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 58


The following procedure supposes that the NMS5UX-B system has been already installed on the ma-
chine and that the processes necessary to the start-up of the interface have been already activated. The
procedure for the installation and the start-up of the NMS5UX-B system is reported in the administrator

1. Start-up the machine (PC, terminal, etc.).

The login window of the Unix operating system opens.

2. Type the name of the Unix user: nms5ux.

3. Type the password of the Unix user: nms5ux.

4. Press the confirmation push-button.

If the typed data are correct, one's Unix operating system is started.

5. Open a terminal window.

6. At the command line, type:

cd /opt/nms5ux/start

7. Press Enter.
The TMNMENU window, shown in Fig.4 opens.

8. Double click on the NMS5UX Application Login.

The Login window opens.

9. Type, in the Login box, the name of the user: nms5ux.

10.Type, in the Password box, the user password: nms5ux.

11.Press OK.
The UX Map Manager window (Fig.1) opens with the nms5ux map, which is empty if the system has
not been pre-configured by SIAE MICROELETTRONICA.
The displaying of the Incorrect Login message points out that the typed name or password are incor-
rect. If, after more attempts, the Incorrect Login message is displayed for three times consecutively,
the Login window is automatically closed. To start the graphic interface, it is necessary to execute again
the procedure of the step 7.

The NMS5UX user, which the graphic interface has been started with, is assigned with the Superuser.
AS first operation, it is suggested to modify the password associated to this user (pag.347).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 59


The closure of the NMS5UX-B graphical interface corresponds to the closing of the UX Map Manager window
(see pag.133).

The closure of the UX Map Manager window causes the automatic closure of all the possible open win-
dow of NMS5UX-B (Alarm History Browser, Equipment Information, etc.).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 60


The UX Map Manager window is automatically closed when:

The system displays the WARNING!! Forced Logout from Superuser message. The Superuser
user has forced the disconnection of the user from the map (see pag.352).
The user closes the operation system.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 61


After the installation of the NMS5UX-B system, it is necessary to represent the network graphically.

The network configuration can be executed both by SIAE MICROELETTRONICA and by the user. If the net-
work has been configured by SIAE MICROELETTRONICA, pass to the equipment connection (pag.94). In-
stead, if the network must be represented, follow the indication reported below.

The network representation is made using a series of predefined objects (see pag.63).

To create them, some general rules pointed out at pag.66 must be respected.

The creation of the objects can be executed using:

Specific commands - Edit > Add menu (pag.68)

Add Network From File functionality (pag.81)
Auto Discovery functionality (pag.89)

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 62


The pre-defined objects, available to the user for the network graphic representation, are:

Container objects (pag.63)

Network Element (NE) objects (pag.63)
Generic Symbol objects (pag.64)
Link objects (pag.65)
Label objects (pag.65)
Ring objects (pag.65)

Container objects

These objects are used as containers of equipment, symbols or other containers.

No special meaning is assigned by NMS5UX-B to these objects. They have been introduced to help the user
to arrange the network to rapidly locate the equipment.

In fact the Container objects allow having a better overview of the network, as they allow grouping the
items according to criteria that can be geographical or simply logical, for example they group equipment
that belong to the same department or are located in the same area.

The Container objects can be compared to the directories in the arrangement of the files on a PC.

Network Element objects

These objects are used to identify the real or virtual equipment: Radio SDH, Radio PDH, etc.

Real NE

Real equipment (SNMP or Legacy) means those objects that have the corresponding equipment physically
present in the network.

A real NE is not automatically managed by the NMS5UX-B system when the relevant object is created,
but it is necessary to connect it. The only exception is when the created NE is already present in a map
and it is in connected status; in this case, the NE just after its creation acquires the condition of the same
symbol present in the other map.

Virtual NE

Virtual equipment means those objects that have not the corresponding equipment physically present in
the network.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 63

Depending on the type of protocol used to manage the equipment, the configuration of a virtual NE changes
as pointed out here below.

Virtual equipment (SNMP)

When a virtual SNMP equipment is created, its configuration database is empty.

In order to configure a virtual SNMP equipment, it is necessary to copy the configuration of an equipment
of the same type (real or virtual with an already configured database) to the virtual equipment just created
by means of the command SNMP-Configuration Download (pag.234).

Select the symbol of the virtual SNMP NE to open the relevant equipment window and set the configuration
parameters, the user inputs, the user outputs, the control parameters for the PM measures, etc. More in-
formation are reported in the equipment Manual.

Then the configuration of the virtual SNMP equipment can be transferred, always by means of the com-
mand SNMP-Configuration Download, to any equipment compatible with the considered virtual equip-

Virtual equipment (Legacy)

When a virtual Legacy equipment is created, its configuration database is empty.

In order to configure a virtual Legacy equipment, it is necessary to select the symbol of the virtual Legacy
NE. The equipment window is displayed. Set the parameters and, then, by means of a specific command
present in the equipment graphic interface, transfer the new configuration of the virtual NE to other (real
or virtual) equipment of the same type.

For some equipment types, when the symbol is selected, before opening the equipment window, a window
is displayed where the general parameters of the virtual NE you wish to configure can be defined, for ex-
ample the type of IDU or the number/type of tributaries.

More information are reported in the equipment Manual.

NE of Nodal type

With NE object of Nodal type we do not mean a single equipment but a set of minimum 2 and maximum
3 ALS equipment with AL IDU plus (nodal matrix) interconnected by Nodal Bus (Node).

These equipment are not managed one by one by the NMS5UX-B system, but are managed as a set rep-
resented by the object of Nodal type, which has not a corresponding real object present in the network but
works as container for the equipment of the nodal system.

The equipment of a node are not automatically managed by the NMS5UX-B system when the relevant
Nodal object is created, but it is necessary to connect them. The only exception is if the created node is
already present in a map in connected status; in this case, the equipment of the node will automatically
acquire the condition of the same Nodal symbol present in the other map.

Generic Symbol objects

These objects are used to graphically represent elements present in the network as, for example: pc, mo-
dem, etc.

The Generic Symbol objects, even if they have a physical match in the network, do not allow managing
the physical element which they are referred to, as they are a simple graphical representation.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 64

Link objects

These objects are used to graphically represent a connection between two objects.

The Link objects, even if they have a physical match in the network, do not allow managing the con-
nections, which they are referred to, as they are a simple graphical representation.

Label objects

These objects are used to type a text string into the map.

Ring objects

These objects are used to identify subnetworks of PDH and SDH equipment, managed by the NMS5UX-B
system, which implement Paths.

The selection of a Ring object allows accessing to the relevant graphic interface represented by the Ring
Manager window (pag.39).

The use of the Ring Manager window is reported in the relevant user manual (see pag.459).

For easiness of description, in this manual the word Ring will be used to point out the subnetworks of
equipment implementing Paths.

A Path is a bidirectional connection between a source node and a destination node and is identified by
an input channel on the source node and an output channel on the destination node.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 65


All the predefined objects must be created by the user.

It is possible to add, delete, move or change the configuration parameters of the objects anytime.

The network can be represented in a single map, or subdivided in more maps (see pag.11).

The objects of a map can be saved to file and, then, imported in a different map (see pag.126).

To avoid contemporaneous operations on the same object, only one user at a time can change the network
configuration in a map. This one has the access to the map in Read-Write modality: Read-Write user.

More users can access to the map at the same time. Only the Read-Write user can modify the network
configuration. The changes made by the Read-Write user are not dynamically displayed by the Read Only
To update the information of a map in Read Only modality, it is necessary to update the UX Map Manager
window selecting the Map > Refresh command.

Besides the general instructions described above, for some objects the rules described here below must
be respected.

NE objects

It is possible to create all the equipment in a network in a single map or to subdivide the network in two
or more parts and to associate two or more maps to these parts.

In this case, at the opening of each map, only the part of network associated to this map will be visible
and manageable.

A NE object is displayed ONLY in the map where it has been created. If you wish that an equipment is
present in two different maps, it is necessary to create the relevant symbol in both the maps.

If the created NE symbol is already present in a map, it will automatically acquire the status of the already
existing object. For example, if the NE-1 symbol in connected status is present in the map A, when the NE-
1 symbol (same IP/Physical address) is created in the map B, the symbol will result connected as it inherits
the status of the twin symbol.

The same NE object can be created in more maps and/or more times in the same map.

It is possible to create new NE objects even if these have not been physically installed in the network, for
example because they are foreseen for a future installation. In this case, it will be possible to open the
relevant equipment window only after the first connection; then, only after the equipment has been phys-
ically installed in the network and has been connected.

It is, instead, possible to create virtual NE objects, that is objects not having a corresponding equipment
present in the network, but which can be configured as a normal NE. Then this configuration can be trans-
ferred to any (real or virtual) equipment compatible with the virtual NE (see pag.63).

NE objects of Nodal type

For the NE objects of Nodal type, besides the rules defined for the NE objects, it is necessary to follow the
indications reported here below for their creation:

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 66

Before creating a nodal object, it is necessary that the node (set of minimum 2 and maximum
3 ALS equipment with AL IDU plus - nodal matrix interconnected by Nodal Bus) has been already
defined (equipment forming the node, relevant IP address, etc.) locally by means of SCT/LMT
application. For more information, refer to the relevant documentation.
If in the map there are already one or more copies of NE objects relevant to equipment belong-
ing to a node, before creating the relevant node it is necessary to DELETE all the copies of these
objects. As not supported by the NMS5UX-B system, the management of a nodal equipment only
by the interface of nodal equipment
After the creation of a node, it is not possible to create NE objects relevant to the equipment
forming the node. Their management is carried out from the nodal equipment window and not
directly from the map yet.
During the creation of the node, the system requires the IP address of the node. This corre-
sponds to the IP address of the main equipment forming the node.

As general rule for the node management.

All the commands, present in the map menu and executed selecting the node, are automatically executed
for all the equipment composing the node (for example Connect, Disconnect, etc.). Instead, the command
not available in the map menu but available in the interface of nodal equipment are executed selecting the
single equipment of the node (for example Configuration Download, NE Sw/Fw Release).

The connection/alarm status of the node always reflects the most severe status/alarm condition present
in the equipment composing the node.

Container objects

The container map windows allow subdividing the network into hierarchical levels in such a way that it is
possible to arrive from a general view to the displaying of the single elements, passing through interme-
diate levels.

In fact the network, made by the objects that the supervision system must manage and control, can be
considered from different points of view.

It can be observed taken as a whole, as distribution of elements in a geographical area (for example sub
networks), or you can decide to study a single object to see its configuration; the user can decide at which
level, and then which detail, to access to the network information. In this way, subdividing the network in
containers, it is possible to easily pass from a general overview to a more and more detailed view.

The user is totally free in the creation of the number and type of levels that better fits to the structure of
one's network.

Ring objects

A Ring object is displayed ONLY in the map where it has been created. If you wish that a Ring is present
in two different maps, it is necessary to create the relevant symbol in both the maps.

If the created Ring symbol is already present in a map, it will automatically acquire the configuration of
the already existing object.

For instance, if in the map A there is the symbol Ring-1, where are configured the equipment NE-A, NE-B
and NE-C and the relevant Paths, when the Ring1 symbol (same physical address) is created in the map
B, the equipment NE-A, NE-B and NE-C and the relevant Paths will result configured in the symbol because
the new symbol inherits the configuration of the twin symbol.

The same Ring object can be created in more maps and/or more times in the same map.

The commands for the creation/modification/deletion of the Ring objects are present in the Ring Manager
(pag.405) menu.

The menu is present in the UX Map Manager window only if the Ring Manager application, optional and
provided on demand, is installed.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 67


By means of the commands available in the UX Map Manager window, it is possible to create all pre-defined
objects available in the NMS5UX-B system.

In detail for the creation of the objects:

Container, Network Element (NE), Generic Symbol, Link and Label use the commands of the
Edit > Add (pag.135) menu.
Ring Manager, use the commands of the Ring Manager > Edit > RM-Add Ring (pag.406)

The Ring Manager menu is available only if the Ring Manager application have been in-

Here below a series of examples of graphic representation of a hypothetic network in one or more maps,
using the commands of Edit menu, is reported.

Examples of network graphical representation

Let us suppose to have to graphically display a certain Italia network in such a way to be able to execute
its supervisory operations by means of the NMS5UX-B system.

According to the equipment type present into his own network, the user has to refer to the specific exam-

Network composed by SNMP equipment (pag.68).

Network composed by Legacy equipment (pag.72).
Network composed by Legacy equipment and SNMP equipment one (pag.75).

Into the example described here below, the entire equipment network will be displayed into the same
map and it is assumed that such a map has already been created.

It is possible to subdivide the equipment network into two or more parts and to couple to such parts two
or more maps. In this case at the opening of each map, it will be visible, and it will be possible to manage
it, only the part of the network coupled with the map under examination. An example is pointed out to

Network composed by SNMP equipment

The Italia network shown in Fig.5, is composed by Radio SDH, Radio PDH and PMP equipment.

The NMS5UX-B system is loaded on a Workstation connected to an equipment by means of an Ethernet


A specific IP address has been locally assigned to each equipment by means of LCT.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 68

Fig.5 Example of network (SNMP equipment)

Before creating the objects that will allow to the system the management of the equipment, it is necessary
to subdivide the network into containers, objects, etc. Doing this, it is suggested to consider as the equi-
pment is connected and where they are located on the field.

Into the subject example, it is supposed that all the Italia network equipment have been created into the
same map. If the operator wants to subdivide the equipment into more maps, he has to respect the indi-
cation reported to pag.79.

A possible subdivision of the network is shown in Fig.6.

Fig.6 Subdivision of the network into objects (SNMP equipment)

In Fig.6, a name identifying a geographic area or a town has been associated to the containers. It is pos-
sible to assign any name to the Container objects, but it is suggested to set a name having a geographic

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 69

reference. In this way, it will be possible to determine the position of the equipment just from the name
of the symbol of the container.

An IP address and a logical address, different for each created NE object, have been assigned to each NE
object. ONLY if the equipment are inserted into an OSI network, it will be necessary to set also the NSAP
(Gosip) address of the equipment.

The IP Address and the possible NSAP (Gosip) Address, have to coincide with the IP Address and the NSAP
(Gosip) Address locally set (by means of the LCT program) for the relevant equipment. If the values do
not coincide, it will not be possible to activate the connection with the equipment.

The logical address corresponds to the name of the equipment that is displayed under the relevant icon.
Also in this case, as for the Container objects, it is possible to assign any value. It is suggested to assign
a name that makes easy the acknowledgement of the equipment.

Create the Italia map. The Superuser can create the map with a specific command (pag.346) or during the
creation of a new user privileged or advanced (pag.346).

Open the UX Map Manager window with a user associated to the Italia map (pag.56).

Now proceed in the creation of the objects (pag.135).

In order to create the objects, the map must be in Read-Write modality.

During the operation, follow a determinate order because it is not possible to create an object, for example
NE, if the Container object that must contain it has not been previously created.

The first symbols that must be created are the Container objects: Nord Italia and Sud Italia.

Then open, for example, the Nord Italia container and create the objects present in it, and so on.

In Fig.6, all the objects that must be created by the user, in such a way that each equipment of the Italia
network can be managed by NMS5UX-B, are identified by a number (1, 2, etc.) located in the upper right

In Tab.5, for each object present in Fig.6 and identified by a number, some information is reported that
allows understanding how and where the symbol must be created. In detail, there is the indication of the
type of object that must be created, which values must be assigned to the parameters of the object and
in which container the symbol must be inserted. Furthermore, the order of the objects respects a possible
creation order that assures the creation of the Container objects before the creation of the objects con-
tained in them. The Generic Symbol, Link and Label objects can be added in any container.

In Tab.5 not all the parameters are indicated, but only those whose setting is necessary for the creation
of the object.

Tab.5 Subdivision of the network into objects (SNMP equipment)

Type of object that Container where the ob- Setting of the values of the
must be created ject must be created main parameters

1 Container Italia * Label: Nord Italia

2 Container Italia * Label: Sud Italia
3 Container Nord Italia Label: Milano
4 Container Nord Italia Label: Torino
IP Address:
Network Element > SNMP Logical Address: PDH 30 **
5 Milano
Managed NSAP (Gosip) Address: ***
Type: Radio PDH
IP Address:
Network Element > SNMP Logical Address: PDH 31 **
6 Milano
Managed NSAP (Gosip) Address: ***
Type: Radio PDH
IP Address:
Network Element > SNMP Logical Address: PDH 32 **
7 Milano
Managed NSAP (Gosip) Address: ***
Type: Radio PDH

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 70

Type of object that Container where the ob- Setting of the values of the
must be created ject must be created main parameters

IP Address:
Network Element > SNMP Logical Address: PDH 33 **
8 Milano
Managed NSAP (Gosip) Address: ***
Type: Radio PDH
IP Address:
Network Element > SNMP Logical Address: SDH 20 **
9 Torino
Managed NSAP (Gosip) Address: ***
Type: Radio SDH
IP Address:
Network Element > SNMP Logical Address: SDH 21 **
10 Torino
Managed NSAP (Gosip) Address: ***
Type: Radio SDH
IP Address:
Network Element > SNMP Logical Address: SDH 22 **
11 Torino
Managed NSAP (Gosip) Address: ***
Type: Radio SDH
IP Address:
Network Element > SNMP
12 Sud Italia Logical Address: PMP 40 **
Type: PMP

* Main container that represents the map: it is created with the map and automatically acquires its name.
** The user can set any value, different from the displayed one.
*** Set the NSAP (Gosip) Address of the equipment only if it is inserted into a OSI network.

The creation of an object implies the displaying of the relevant symbol on video.

By means of the Container symbol, it is possible to display the detail of the network where the equipment
is contained, for example as shown in Fig.7, for the PMP 40 equipment of the Italia network.

Fig.7 Example of network (SNMP equipment) (UX Map Manager window)

Now the NMS5UX-B system knows all the information that allows managing each single equipment when
it will be connected.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 71

Network composed by Legacy equipment

The Italia network shown in Fig.8, is composed by FAM, OLTME and G series Radio type equipment.

The NMS5UX-B system is loaded on a Workstation which, by means of Ethernet LAN, is connected to a
CommServer-S and a IPBOX.

The physical address has been locally assigned by means of LOM, to each equipment. The IP Address has
been locally assigned to the CommServer-S and IPBOX.

The CommServer-S and IPBOX need for defining the connection line that physically couples each single
equipment, managed by means of the Legacy protocol, to the supervisory system.

Fig.8 Example of network (Legacy equipment)

Before creating the objects that will allow to the system the management of the equipment, it is necessary
to subdivide the network into containers, objects, etc. Doing this, it is suggested to consider as the equi-
pment is connected and where they are located on the field.

Into the subject example, it is supposed that all the Italia network equipment have been created into the
same map. If the operator wants to subdivide the equipment into more maps, he has to respect the indi-
cation reported to pag.79.

A possible subdivision of the network is shown in Fig.9.

Fig.9 Subdivision of the network into objects (Legacy equipment)

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 72

In Fig.9, a name identifying a geographic area or a town has been associated to the containers. It is pos-
sible to assign any name to the Container objects, but it is suggested to set a name having a geographic
reference. In this way, it will be possible to determine the position of the equipment just from the name
of the symbol of the container.
An physical or IP address (NE objects: Comm.Server and IPBOX) and a logical address, different for each
created NE object, have been assigned to each NE object.

The physical/IP address, has to coincide with the address locally set (by means of the LOM/LCT program)
for the relevant equipment. If the values do not coincide, it will not be possible to activate the connection
with the equipment.

The logical address corresponds to the name of the equipment that is displayed under the relevant icon.
Also in this case, as for the Container objects, it is possible to assign any value. It is suggested to assign
a name that makes easy the acknowledgement of the equipment.

To each NE object, during its creation, it is necessary to couple all the information necessary to allow the
equipment reaching. Such information are the IP Address of the Comm. Server-S or of the IPBOX and the
number of the used port.

For the equipment not directly connected to the serial port, it has to be set the IP Address of the Com-
mServer/IPBOX and the number of the port to which it is connected the equipment installed upstream of
the equipment chain to which belongs the equipment itself.

The equipment can be connected to the supervisory system, directly or undirectly by means of EOC or
other dedicated connection lines creating, in such a way, equipment chains.

Create the Italia map. The Superuser can create the map with a specific command (pag.346) or during the
creation of a new user privileged or advanced (pag.346).

Open the UX Map Manager window with a user associated to the Italia map (pag.56).

Now proceed in the creation of the objects (pag.135).

In order to create the objects, the map must be in Read-Write modality.

During the operation, follow a determinate order because it is not possible to create an object, for example
NE, if the Container object that must contain it has not been previously created.
The first symbols that must be created are the Container objects: Nord Italia and Sud Italia.

Then open, for example, the Nord Italia container and create the objects present in it, and so on.

In Fig.9, all the objects that must be created by the user, in such a way that each equipment of the Italia
network can be managed by NMS5UX-B, are identified by a number (1, 2, etc.) located in the upper right

In Tab.6, for each object present in Fig.9 and identified by a number, some information is reported that
allows understanding how and where the symbol must be created. In detail, there is the indication of the
type of object that must be created, which values must be assigned to the parameters of the object and
in which container the symbol must be inserted. Furthermore, the order of the objects respects a possible
creation order that assures the creation of the Container objects before the creation of the objects con-
tained in them. The Generic Symbol, Link and Label objects can be added in any container.

In Tab.6 not all the parameters are indicated, but only those whose setting is necessary for the creation
of the object.

Tab.6 Subdivision of the network into objects (Legacy equipment)

Type of object that Container where the ob- Setting of the values of the
must be created ject must be created main parameters

1 Container Italia * Label: Nord Italia

2 Container Italia * Label: Sud Italia
3 Container Nord Italia Label: Milano
4 Container Nord Italia Label: Torino

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 73

Type of object that Container where the ob- Setting of the values of the
must be created ject must be created main parameters

IP Address:
Network Element > SNMP Logical Address: IPBOX **
5 Milano
Managed NSAP (Gosip) Address: ***
Physical Address: 10
Logical Address: Radio 10 **
Network Element > Lega-
6 Milano CS/IPBOX IP Address:
cy Protocol Managed
CS/IPBOX Port: 2
Type: Radio G
Physical Address: 11
Logical Address: Radio 11 **
Network Element > Lega-
7 Milano CS/IPBOX IP Address:
cy Protocol Managed
CS/IPBOX Port: 2
Type: Radio G
Physical Address: 12
Logical Address: Radio 12 **
Network Element > Lega-
8 Torino CS/IPBOX IP Address:
cy Protocol Managed
CS/IPBOX Port: 2
Type: Radio G
IP Address:
Network Element > SNMP Logical Address: CS **
9 Sud Italia
Managed NSAP (Gosip) Address: ***
Type: Comm. Server
Physical Address: 21
Logical Address: Oltme 21 **
Network Element > Lega-
10 Sud Italia CS/IPBOX IP Address:
cy Protocol Managed
CS/IPBOX Port: 8
Type: Oltme
11 Container Sud Italia Label: Palermo
Physical Address: 6
Logical Address: FAM 6 **
Network Element > Lega-
12 Palermo CS/IPBOX IP Address:
cy Protocol Managed
CS/IPBOX Port: 2
Type: Fam
Physical Address: 7
Logical Address: FAM 7 **
Network Element > Lega-
13 Palermo CS/IPBOX IP Address:
cy Protocol Managed
CS/IPBOX Port: 2
Type: Fam
Physical Address: 8
Logical Address: FAM 8 **
Network Element > Lega-
14 Palermo CS/IPBOX IP Address:
cy Protocol Managed
CS/IPBOX Port: 2
Type: Fam

* Main container that represents the map: it is created with the map and automatically acquires its name.
** The user can set any value, different from the displayed one.
*** Set the NSAP (Gosip) Address of the equipment only if it is inserted into a OSI network.

The creation of an object implies the displaying of the relevant symbol on video.

By means of the Container symbol, it is possible to display the detail of the network where the equipment
is contained, for example as shown in Fig.10, for the Radio 12 equipment of the Italia network.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 74

Fig.10 Example of network (Legacy equipment) (UX Map Manager window)

Now the NMS5UX-B system knows all the information that allows managing each single equipment when
it will be connected.

Network composed by Legacy equipment and SNMP equipment

The Italia network shown in Fig.11, is composed by equipment managed with Legacy protocol (FAM) and
equipment managed with SNMP protocol (Radio SDH).

The NMS5UX-B system is loaded on a Workstation that is connected, by means of Ethernet LAN, to a Com-
mServer-S and to the equipment.

To each equipment, it has been locally assigned the specific address (physical/IP) by means of LOM/LCT.

The CommServer-S need for defining the connection line that physically couples each single equipment,
managed by means of the Legacy protocol, to the supervisory system.

Fig.11 Example of network (Legacy/SNMP equipment)

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 75

Before creating the objects that will allow to the system the management of the equipment, it is necessary
to subdivide the network into containers, objects, etc. Doing this, it is suggested to consider as the equi-
pment is connected and where they are located on the field.

Into the subject example, it is supposed that all the Italia network equipment have been created into the
same map. If the operator wants to subdivide the equipment into more maps, he has to respect the indi-
cation reported to pag.79.

A possible subdivision of the network is shown in Fig.12.

Fig.12 Subdivision of the network into objects (Legacy/SNMP equipment)

In Fig.12, a name identifying a geographic area or a town has been associated to the containers. It is pos-
sible to assign any name to the Container objects, but it is suggested to set a name having a geographic
reference. In this way, it will be possible to determine the position of the equipment just from the name
of the symbol of the container.

To each NE object, the system has assigned a physical address (IP Address for the SNMP equipment and
physical address with the Legacy equipment) and a logic one different for each created NE object. ONLY if
the equipment are inserted into an OSI network, it will be necessary to set also the NSAP (Gosip) address
of the equipment.
The physical/IP/NSAP address, has to coincide with the address locally set (by means of the LOM/LCT pro-
gram) for the relevant equipment. If the values do not coincide, it will not be possible to activate the con-
nection with the equipment.
The logical address corresponds to the name of the equipment that is displayed under the relevant icon.
Also in this case, as for the Container objects, it is possible to assign any value. It is suggested to assign
a name that makes easy the acknowledgement of the equipment.

To each NE object, during its creation, it is necessary to couple all the information necessary to allow the
equipment reaching. Such information are the IP Address of the Comm. Server-S and the number of the
used port.

For the equipment not directly connected to the serial port, it has to be set the IP Address of the Com-
mServer and the number of the port to which it is connected the equipment installed upstream of the
equipment chain to which belongs the equipment itself.

The equipment can be connected to the supervisory system, directly or undirectly by means of EOC or
other dedicated connection lines creating, in such a way, equipment chains.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 76

Create the Italia map. The Superuser can create the map with a specific command (pag.346) or during the
creation of a new user privileged or advanced (pag.346).

Open the UX Map Manager window with a user associated to the Italia map (pag.56).

Now proceed in the creation of the objects (pag.135).

In order to create the objects, the map must be in Read-Write modality.

During the operation, follow a determinate order because it is not possible to create an object, for example
NE, if the Container object that must contain it has not been previously created.

The first symbols that must be created are the Container objects: Nord Italia and Sud Italia.

Then open, for example, the Nord Italia container and create the objects present in it, and so on.

In Fig.12, all the objects that must be created by the user, in such a way that each equipment of the Italia
network can be managed by NMS5UX-B, are identified by a number (1, 2, etc.) located in the upper right

In Tab.7, for each object present in Fig.12 and identified by a number, some information is reported that
allows understanding how and where the symbol must be created. In detail, there is the indication of the
type of object that must be created, which values must be assigned to the parameters of the object and
in which container the symbol must be inserted. Furthermore, the order of the objects respects a possible
creation order that assures the creation of the Container objects before the creation of the objects con-
tained in them. The Generic Symbol, Link and Label objects can be added in any container.

In Tab.7 not all the parameters are indicated, but only those whose setting is necessary for the creation
of the object.

Tab.7 Subdivision of the network into objects (Legacy/SNMP equipment)

Type of object that Container where the ob- Setting of the values of the
must be created ject must be created main parameters

1 Container Italia * Label: Nord Italia

2 Container Italia * Label: Sud Italia
3 Container Nord Italia Label: Torino
IP Address:
Network Element > SNMP Logical Address: SDH 20 **
4 Torino
Managed NSAP (Gosip) Address: **
Type: Radio SDH
IP Address:
Network Element > SNMP Logical Address: SDH 21 **
5 Torino
Managed NSAP (Gosip) Address: ***
Type: Radio SDH
IP Address:
Network Element > SNMP Logical Address: SDH 22 **
6 Torino
Managed NSAP (Gosip) Address: ***
Type: Radio SDH
IP Address:
Network Element > SNMP Logical Address: CS **
7 Sud Italia
Managed NSAP (Gosip) Address: ***
Type: Comm. Server
Physical Address: 9
Logical Address: Fam 9 **
Network Element > Lega-
8 Sud Italia CS IP Address:
cy Protocol Managed
CS Port: 8
Type: Fam
9 Container Sud Italia Label: Palermo
Physical Address: 6
Logical Address: FAM 6 **
Network Element > Lega-
10 Palermo CS IP Address:
cy Protocol Managed
CS Port: 2
Type: Fam

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 77

Type of object that Container where the ob- Setting of the values of the
must be created ject must be created main parameters

Physical Address: 7
Logical Address: FAM 7 **
Network Element > Lega-
11 Palermo CS IP Address:
cy Protocol Managed
CS Port: 2
Type: Fam
Physical Address: 8
Logical Address: FAM 8 **
Network Element > Lega-
12 Palermo CS IP Address:
cy Protocol Managed
CS Port: 2
Type: Fam

* Main container that represents the map: it is created with the map and automatically acquires its name.
** The user can set any value, different from the displayed one.
*** Set the NSAP (Gosip) Address of the equipment only if it is inserted into a OSI network.

The creation of an object implies the displaying of the relevant symbol on video.

By means of the Container symbol, it is possible to display the detail of the network where the equipment
is contained, for example as shown in Fig.13, for the FAM 9 equipment of the Italia network.

Fig.13 Example of network (Legacy/SNMP equipment) (UX Map Manager window)

Now the NMS5UX-B system knows all the information that allows managing each single equipment when
it will be connected.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 78

Network subdivided into more maps

In this example, we suppose that the Italia network (see Fig.5) is subdivided and graphically represented
in two map, in such a way that at the opening of the map only the part of network associated to the specific
map will be visible and manageable.

A possible subdivision of the network is shown in Fig.14.

Fig.14 Example of network subdivided in more maps

In Fig.14, a name identifying a geographical area or town has been associated to the maps and to the con-
tainers. It is possible to assign any name to the maps and to the Container objects, but it is suggested to
set a name that has a geographical reference. In this way, it will be possible to determine the position of
the equipment just from the name of the map and of the container symbol.
An IP address and a logic address, different for each created NE object, have been assigned to each NE.

The IP Address must coincide with the locally set IP Address (via LCT program) for the relevant equipment.
If the values do not coincide, it will not be possible to activate the connection with the equipment.

The logical address corresponds to the name of the equipment that is displayed under the relevant icon.
Also in this case, as for the Container object, it is possible to assign any value. It is suggested to assign a
name that makes easy the acknowledging of the equipment.

Now proceed in the following way:

1. Create the Nord Italia and Sud Italia maps.

Create the Italia map. The Superuser can create the map with a specific command (pag.346) or during
the creation of a new user privileged or advanced (pag.346).

2. Open the UX Map Manager window with a user, which the Nord Italia map is associated to (pag.56).

3. Create some objects (pag.135).

In order to create the objects, the map must be in Read-Write modality.
During the operation, a specific order must be followed as it is not possible to create an object, for ex-
ample NE, if before the Container object that must contain it has not been created.
The first symbols that must be created are the Container objects: Milano and Torino.
Then, open the Milano container and create the objects present in it, and so on.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 79

In Fig.14, all the objects that must be created by the user, in such a way that each equipment of the
Nord Italia map can be managed by NMS5UX-B, are identified by a number (1, 2, etc.) located in the
upper right corner.
In Tab.8, for each object present in Fig.14 and identified by a number, some information is reported
that allows understanding how and where the symbol must be created. In detail, there is the indication
of the type of object that must be created, which values must be assigned to the parameters of the
object and in which container the symbols must be inserted. Furthermore, the order of the objects list
reflects a possible creation order that ensures the creation of the Container objects before the creation
of the objects which these must contain.
The Generic Symbol, Link and Label objects can be added in any container.
In Tab.8 not all the parameters are indicated, but only those whose setting is necessary for the creation
of the object.

4. Close the Nord Italia map.

5. Open the UX Map Manager window with an user which the Sud Italia map is associated to.

6. Create the objects as displayed in Tab.8.

At the opening of each map, only the part of network associated to the open map will be visible and

It is possible to create a NE symbol in two different maps. In this case, it is necessary to create the symbol
in both the map, assigning to it the same characteristics (IP address, type, etc.). At the creation of the
second symbol, given that the object is already present in a map, it will automatically acquire the status
of the already existing twin symbol.

Tab.8 Objects of a network subdivided in more maps

Map where
Type of object Container where
the object Setting of the values of the
Object that must be the object must
must be main parameters
created be created

1 Nord Italia Container Nord Italia * Label: Milano

2 Nord Italia Container Nord Italia * Label: Torino
3 Nord Italia Network Element > Milano IP Address:
SNMP Managed Logical Address: PDH 30 **
Type: Radio PDH
4 Nord Italia Network Element > Milano IP Address:
SNMP Managed Logical Address: PDH 31 **
Type: Radio PDH
5 Nord Italia Network Element > Milano IP Address:
SNMP Managed Logical Address: PDH 32 **
Type: Radio PDH
6 Nord Italia Network Element > Milano IP Address:
SNMP Managed Logical Address: PDH 33 **
Type: Radio PDH
7 Nord Italia Network Element > Torino IP Address:
SNMP Managed Logical Address: SDH 20 **
Type: Radio SDH
8 Nord Italia Network Element > Torino IP Address:
SNMP Managed Logical Address: SDH 21 **
Type: Radio SDH
9 Nord Italia Network Element > Torino IP Address:
SNMP Managed Logical Address: SDH 22 **
Type: Radio SDH
10 Sud Italia Network Element > Sud Italia * IP Address:
SNMP Managed Logical Address: PMP 40 **
Type: PMP

* Main container that represents the map: it is created with the map and automatically acquires its name.
** The user can set any value, different from the displayed one.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 80


The Add Network From File functionality allows automatically adding a group of predefined objects whose
characteristics have been edited in a file (csv format) to a map of the NMS5UX-B system.

The predefined objects, which can be automatically created by the considered functionality, are:
Container objects (pag.63)
Network Element objects (pag.63) managed with the SNMP protocol
Link objects (pag.65)
Label objects (pag.65)

The use of the functionality is structured in the following phases:

1. To create the file in csv format (pag.81).

2. To copy the file (.csv) to the server where the NMS5UX-B system is installed (default directory opt/

3. To open the UX Map Manager window:

Relevant to the map defined in the file (see pag.84).
The map must be opened in Read-Write mode.
With a user whose profile is Advanced, Privileged or Superuser.
4. To open the file (.csv) by means of the Edit > Add > Network From File command.
Opening the file involves the automatic creation of the objects in the UX Map Manager window.
At the end of the operation, the result of the creation is pointed out for each object.
The use of the Network From File command is pointed out at (pag.141).

At pag.85 an example is reported of complete use of the Add Network From File functionality.

To create the file in csv format

The Add Network From File functionality supports files in csv format with a predefined structure.

The user can create the file in the wished mode, but always respecting:
The format (.csv)
The file structure described at pag.81.
The rules for the compilation of the file, pointed out at pag.84.

At pag.85 the procedure for the creation of the csv file, starting from a model in xls format, is reported.

Structure of the csv file

Tab.9 points out the structure of a row of csv file. The column:

Parameter, displays the fields of the row.

According to the csv format, each field is separated from the next one by the character ";".
Possible values, displays the valid values.
Entering a different value or a value not in compliance with what displayed prevents the creation
of the object.

Fig.17 shows an example of structure of a csv file opened by a text editor.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 81

Tab.9 File structure (Add Network From File functionality)

Parameter Possible values

Category If you wish to create an object:

(Category of the object Label, type 1 or LABEL

you wish to create) Container, type 2 or CONTAINER
NE managed with the SNMP protocol, type 3 or NE
Link, type 100 or LINK
Type The possible values for this parameter change depending on the value set for the
(Type of object, within the Category parameter.
category, you wish to cre- In detail, if you wish to create a:
Container object of type:
Subnetwork, type 501 or Subnetwork
Station, type 502 or Station
SubStation, type 503 or Substation
Radio Station, type 504 or Radio Station
Small Station, type 505 or Small Station

NE object of type
EL series radio, type 1 or Radio PDH
US series radio, type 2 or Radio SDH
PMP system, type 3 or PMP
CommServerS equipment, type 4 or CS
ADMC multiplexer, type 5 or ADM-C
ALS series radio with AL IDU/ALC IDU, type 7 or Radio PDH-AL
ELFO radio, type 8 or ELFO
ADM1 multiplexer, type 9 or ADM-1
ALS series radio with ALS IDU/ALS-C IDU, type 11 or ALS
ALFO radio, type 12 or ALFO
ALS series radio with AL IDU plus, type 14 or ALplus
SDH N+1 radio, type 15 or SDH N+1
ALS series radio with ALC IDU plus, type 16 or ALCplus
ALS series radio with AL IDU plus 2, type 17 o ALplus2
ALS series radio with ALC IDU plus 2, type 18 o ALCplus2
FAMxc 5RU multiplexer, type 22 or FAMxc
FAMxc 2.5RU multiplexer, type 24 or FAMxc 2.5
IPBOX equipment, type 40 or IP-BOX
EXP63 multiplexer, type 41 or EXP63
Nodal equipment, type 64 or Nodal

Link object of type:

Generic line, type 1 or GENERIC
Dashed line, type 2 or DASHED
Dotted line, type 3 or DOTTED
Dotdash line, type 4 or DOTDASH

Label object, compiling this field is not meaningful. Type -

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 82

Parameter Possible values

IP-ADDRESS If you are creating a NE object, type the IP address (SNMP agent) of the equipment.
(Parameter meaningful For the NE object type:
only for the NE object) Nodal, type the IP address of the main equipment of the node.
PMP, type the IP address of the Proxy interface used for the connection
to the master station.

If you are creating a Label, Container or Link object, compiling this field is not
meaningful. Type "-"

NSAP If you are creating a NE object into an OSI network, white the NSAP address
(Parameter meaningful (GOSIP) of the equipment.
only for NE objects insert- For NE objects of Nodal type, write the NSAP address of the main equipment of the
ed in an OSI network) node.

The format of the NSAP address is the following:

If AFI is 49 (24 byte)
If AFI is different from 49 (40 byte)
39 or 49 = AFI (2 byte)
IIII = ID (4 byte)
VV = Ver (2 byte)
UUUUUU = Auth (6 byte)
RRRR = Reserved (4 byte)
DDDD = Domain (4 byte)
AAAA = Area (4 byte)
SSSSSSSSSSSS = System ID (12 byte)
EE = Sel (2 byte)

If you are creating a Label, Container, Link or NE object not inserted in an OSI
network, compiling this field is not meaningful. Type -

Name If you are creating an object:

(Object name) NE, type an alphanumeric string of max 32 characters

Container, type an alphanumeric string of max 48 characters
Link, type an alphanumeric string of max 40 characters
Label, type an alphanumeric string of max 50 characters
Map Type the name of the map where you wish to create the object.
(Map name)

Path If you are creating a NE, Container or Label object, type the complete path where
(Position of the map where you wish to create the object.
the object must be creat- Use the symbol / to point out the different level.
Example. If you are creating a NE object and you type the path Europe/Italy/Rome,
this means that the equipment must be created in the container Rome, contained
in the container Italy contained, in its turn, in the container Europe.

If you are creating a Link object, compiling this field is not meaningful. Type -

x If you are creating a NE, Container or Label object, type the position X (range 0-
(Position X of the object in 10) the object must take in the View area of the UX Map Manager window.
the View area. If X = 0 and Y = 0, the graphic symbol is created in the New Object area.
An 10x10 hypothetic grid
is taken as reference) If you are creating a Link object, compiling this field is not meaningful. Type -

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 83

Parameter Possible values

y If you are creating a NE, Container or Label object, type the position Y (range 0-
(Position Y of the object in 10) the object must take in the View area of the UX Map Manager window.
the View area. If X = 0 and Y = 0, the graphic symbol is created in the New Object area.
An 10x10 hypothetic grid
is taken as reference) If you are creating a Link object, compiling this field is not meaningful. Type -

Rules of the compilation of the csv file

Every Container, NE (SNMP), Label or Link object you wish the Add Network From File functionality auto-
matically creates must be inserted in the csv file.

Every object corresponds to a row.

All the object parameters (Category, Type, etc.) must be compiled as pointed out in Tab.9. If a parameter
is not meaningful for the considered object, type the character - (hyphen) in the relevant field.

Besides the general indications described above, some of the rules described below must be respected.

Map parameter

All the objects inserted in a file must have the same value for the Map parameter.

This means that you must insert into a csv file only the objects you wish to create in a specific map.

This map is the map the user shall open (in Read-Write mode) (see step 3 of the procedure described
at pag.81).

If you wish to create the objects of a network which must be represented in more maps, the objects shall
be subdivided according to the belonging map and a csv file shall be created for each map.

Path parameter

The Path parameter represents the position, within the map, where the object must be created.

To point out the containing levels, use the symbol /.

Example. If you are creating a NE object, typing the path:

Europe/Italy/Rome, means that the equipment must be created within the container Rome, con-
tained in the container Italy, in its turn contained in the container Europe.
/, means that the equipment must be created within the main container (level Map - see Fig.2).

If the container name includes the character / the container name must be enclosed between inverted
commas (" ") in the description of the Path.
For example, in the description of a path the container Station A/B must be inserted in the following way

If an object must be created in a container, this container must be already present in the map or must be
defined in the csv file (then created) before the object it must contain.

Example. Suppose to have to create the object NE1 in the container Italy and this container is not already
present in the map. In the csv file, the row defining the container Italy must be placed before the row de-
fining the NE object.

Link object definition

For the creation of a Link object, the parameters Category, Type, Name and Map must be pointed out.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 84

The parameters IP Address and NSAP are not meaningful.

In this case, even the parameters Path, X, Y are not meaningful as the position of a Link object is deter-
mined by the position of the two objects Container and/or NE and/or Label which it must end.

This position is determined by the following rule:

A Link object is created as connection between the two Container/NE/Label objects described
in the two previous rows.

If an object of Link type is present in the two rows before (e.g., in row 8) the row of a Link (e.g., in row
10), the creation of the Link (e.g. in row 10) will not be carried out.

To compile the csv file starting from a model

A model file, which can be used as starting point for the creation of the file, is available in the server where
ones NMS5UX-B system.

The considered path/model file is the following:


The model is in xls format and the user must have an application program supporting this format (e.g., MS
Excel) to use it.

For the creation of the csv file through the model AddNetworkFromFile_TEMPLATE.xls, carry out the fol-
lowing operations:

1. If ones machine is not provided with an application program supporting the xls format, copy the file
AddNetworkFromFile_TEMPLATE.xls to a PC provided with this application program.

2. Open the AddNetworkFromFile_TEMPLATE.xls file and rename it as you wish.

3. Define every single object you wish insert in the file typing the relevant characteristics in the specified
column of the table named TEMPLATE.
Each row represents an object.
Tab.9 reports, for every column, the list of values you can insert.
Before compiling the file, it is suggested to read the rules pointed out at pag.84.

The rows, whose first character is #, have been inserted only to help the user in the file compilation.
The information present in these rows WILL NOT be considered in the automatic creation of the objects,
then it is not necessary to remove them at the end of the compilation of the file.
The only information used for the automatic creation of the objects are those present in the

Save the file in csv format.

Example of use of Add Network From File functionality

Suppose to wish to graphically represent an hypothetic link ALplus1 - ALplus2 in the map nms5ux using
the Add Network From File functionality.

Before compiling the csv file, it is necessary to define if the link must be placed at the main level in the UX
Map Manager window or if it must be inserted into a container and which auxiliary objects (Link and Label)
you wish to create.

A possible representation of the link is depicted in Fig.15.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 85

Fig.15 Representation of the link (example Add Network From File)

Fig.15 points out, for every item to insert in the csv file, the object category (between brackets) and the

At this point, the csv file can be created.

Taking the model AddNetworkFromFile_TEMPLATE.xls (seepag.85) as reference and following the rules
pointed out at pag.84 and in Tab.9, the AddNetworkFromFile_EXAMPLE.csv file, depicted in Fig.16, has
been created.

Fig.17 shows the same file opened by means of a text editor.

Fig.16 AddNetworkFromFile_EXAMPLE.csv file (Add Network From File example)

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 86

Fig.17 AddNetworkFromFile_EXAMPLE.csv file (test editor)

At this point, it is necessary to copy the file AddNetworkFromFile_EXAMPLE.csv to the server where the
NMS5UX-B system is installed (directory opt/nms5ux/data/files).

Then open the UX Map Manager window with the map nms5ux in Read-Write mode using a user with profile
Advanced, Privileged or Superuser (pag.56).

Select the Edit > Add > Network From File command and open the opt/nms5ux/data/files/
AddNetworkFromFile_EXAMPLE.csv file.

The Add From File Report...AddNetworkFromFile_EXAMPLE.csv window, shown in Fig.18 opens.

Fig.18 Add From File Report window (Add Network From File example)

The automatic creation of each objects implies the displaying of the relevant symbol on UX Map Manager
window as shown in Fig.19.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 87

Fig.19 UX Map Manager window (Add Network From File example)

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 88


The Auto Discovery functionality allows detecting the SNMP equipment present in the network and not
managed yet by the supervision system.

When a new equipment is detected, NMS5UX-B automatically carries out the following actions:
It inserts the detected equipment into the Auto Discovery table.
It creates the corresponding object in a given map/container (optional operation).
It connects the NE object (optional operation).

Moreover the functionality can detect and notify the user if the type of an object, already managed by
NMS5UX-B, is changed.

The Auto Discovery functionality puts two modalities to detect new equipment present in the network at
users disposal:

Network Scan modality (pag.89)

NE Wake Up modality (pag.91)

In order to work, the two modalities must be configured and activated by the user and can
be active at the same time or one at a time.

Network Scan modality

The Network Scan functionality is not available on OSI network.

The Network Scan modality has the purpose to detect new equipment in the network, not managed by
NMS5UX-B yet, and equipment whose type is changed (equipment described in the DB of the supervision
system, but of a type not corresponding to the real one).
The search is executed by a cyclic scanning of the network, executing a SNMP get on all the IP addresses
belonging to given intervals (configurable by the user).

When an equipment answers to the SNMP get, if the equipment:

Is NOT managed by NMS5UX-B yet, it is inserted into the list of the detected equipment and the
relevant NE object, if configured by the user, is created and connected.
Is already managed by NMS5UX-B but with a type different from that pointed out in the network
for the specific IP Address, a notify of type change is inserted in the Auto Discovery table.
Example. Suppose that an EL series equipment with address is managed by
NMS5UX-B. At a given moment, the EL equipment in the network is replaced by an ALS series
equipment with AL IDU plus. The address is assigned to the new equipment.
If the user activates the Network Scan modality and defines that the address is in-
cluded in the scanned IP address, on the detection of the address a notify of type
change is inserted in the Auto Discovery table.

The equipment captured by the Network Scan and NE Wake Up modalities and the notify of the equip-
ment whose type is changed are inserted in the Auto Discovery table.
The table can be displayed any time by the user opening the Network Element Captured window (see
Fig.50). For the new captured equipment, besides the characteristics, the action automatically executed
by the system on the detection are pointed out.

In order to work, the Network Scan modality must be activated by the user. Before activating it, it is nec-
essary to define the operating parameters of the modality.

Then it will be possible to modify, in any moment, one or more parameters and establish if activating im-
mediately the new configuration or, if the modality is already active, waiting for the expiry of the current
scanning in progress. Moreover, it is possible to save a given setting of the parameters to a file an retrieve
it in a second moment (see pag.314).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 89

Setting of the parameters for the execution of the Network Scan mode

The parameters, which must be defined by the user and must be used by the Network Scan modality, are
the following:

IP addresses which must be scanned. One or more ranges of addresses and/or single IP address
can be defined.
Scheduling of execution of the cyclic scanning: once per day or continuous each X (hour:minute)
and number of IP addresses which must be scanned at the same time each X (seconds).
Example. Suppose that the cyclic scanning is set to be continuous each 3 hours and that, at each
scanning, 5 equipment must be scanned each 4 seconds. The IP addresses to scan in total count-
ing groups and single addresses are 15.
The scheduling of the cyclic scanning will take place as displayed in the following figure.

Action to execute automatically on the detection of a new equipment. It is possible to choose

among one of the following actions:
Insertion in the Auto Discovery table, creation and connection of the relevant NE symbol.
Insertion in the Auto Discovery table and creation of the NE symbol.
In this case, the equipment can be connected in a second moment.
Only insertion in the Auto Discovery table.
In this case, it will be possible then to create the equipment by means of a command
present in the Auto Discovery table (pag.317) or by the command Edit > Add (pag.136)
and to connect it.
Map where the NE symbol must be possibly created.

When the NE is created (automatically or manually by means of command of the Auto Dis-
covery table), if the map where the object must be created (map A) is different from that cur-
rently open (map B), the creation of the NE object will take place in the following way:
If the map A is open in Read-Write modality, the object is created and dynamically dis-
played in the map.
If the map A is open in Read Only modality, the object is created but not displayed. It is
necessary to execute a Refresh command on the map in order to display it.
Container where the NE symbol must be possibly created.

If the container is not present in the set map, on the creation of the NE object, the container
will be automatically created too.

The NE object is not directly created into the container set by the user, but in the following
/ <container set by the user> / <year> / <year/month> / <day/month/year>
Example. Suppose to have set the container Station-A. On June 23th 2009 the equipment AL24
is created (automatically or manually by means of the command of the Auto Discovery table)
and the corresponding symbol will be created in the container:
Station-A / 2009 / 06/2009 / 23/06/2009

Fig.20 displays an example.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 90

Fig.20 Path containing the NE (example Auto Discovery)

The procedure to set the parameters for the execution of the Network Scan modality is reported at

Activation (deactivation) of the Network Scan modality

Once the execution parameters have been defined, it is necessary to activate the Network Scan modality.

The modality is automatically activated if at least one IP address or a group of IP addresses has been set
and the configuration has been saved by means of the command Save as Active Conf (see Fig.49).

The Network Scan modality remains active until when the user deactivates it removing all the values
present in the areas Range IP Addresses and Specific IP Addresses (see Fig.49) and saving the new setting
by means of the command Save as Active Conf.

The procedure to activate and deactivate the Network Scan modality is respectively reported at pag.311
and pag.313.

NE Wake Up modality

The NE Wake Up modality has the purpose to detect new equipment in the network not managed yet by

In this modality, the supervision system intercepts the Wake Up notifications sent by the equipment and
containing the information necessary to the connection and the management of the equipment itself.

When a Wake Up trap is intercepted, the NMS5UX-B system carries out the following actions:

It disables the sending of Wake Up traps by the equipment (trap switch-off).

If the equipment which sent the trap:
Is NOT managed yet by NMS5UX-B, this inserts it in the list of detected equipment and,
if configured by the user, creates and connects the relevant NE object.
Is already managed by NMS5UX-B but with a type different from that pointed out in the
network for the specific IP Address, a notify of type change is inserted in the Auto Dis-
covery table.
Example. Suppose that an EL series equipment with address is managed by
NMS5UX-B. At a given moment, the EL equipment in the network is replaced by an ALS
series equipment with AL IDU plus. The address is assigned to the new

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 91

If the user activates the NE Wake Up modality and defines that the address
is included in the scanned IP addresses, on the detection of the address a
notify of type change is inserted in the Auto Discovery table.

The Wake Up notification is a SNMP trap sent by the equipment to the supervision system to notify its
presence in the network.
The configuration of the Wake Up trap (activation or not of the trap, IP/NSAP address of the machine which
the trap must be sent to, modality of trap sending, etc.) MUST be executed by the local management pro-
gram LCT. For more information, see the relevant documentation.

The equipment captured by the Network Scan and NE Wake Up modalities and the notify of the equipment
whose type is changed are inserted in the Auto Discovery table.
The table can be displayed any time by the user opening the Network Element Captured window (see
Fig.50). For the new captured equipment, besides the characteristics, the action automatically executed
by the system on the detection are pointed out.

In order to work, the NE Wake Up modality must be activated by the user. Before activating it, it is nec-
essary to define the operating parameters of the modality.

Then it will be possible to modify, in any moment, one or more parameters and establish if activating im-
mediately the new configuration or, if the modality is already active, waiting for the expiry of the current
scanning in progress.

Moreover, it is possible to save a given setting of the parameters to a file an retrieve it in a second moment
(see pag.314).

Setting of the parameters for the execution of the NE Wake Up mode

The parameters, which must be defined by the user and must be used by the NE Wake Up modality, are
the following:
Action which must be automatically executed on the detection of a new equipment. It is possible
to choose among one of the following equipment:
Insertion in the Auto Discovery table, creation and connection of the relevant NE symbol.
Insertion in the Auto Discovery table and creation of the NE symbol.
In this case, the equipment can be connected in a second moment.
Only insertion into the Auto Discovery table.
In this case, the equipment can be created in a second moment by means of the com-
mand present in the Auto Discovery table (pag.317) or by the command Edit > Add
(pag.136) and connect it.
Map where the NE symbol must be possibly created.

When the NE is created (automatically or manually by means of command of the Auto Dis-
covery table), if the map where the object must be created (map A) is different from that cur-
rently open (map B), the creation of the NE object will take place in the following way:
If the map A is open in Read-Write modality, the object is created and dynamically dis-
played in the map.
If the map A is open in Read Only modality, the object is created but not displayed. It is
necessary to execute a Refresh command on the map in order to display it.
Container where the NE symbol must be possibly created.
If the container is not present in the set map, on the creation of the NE object, the container
will be automatically created too.
The NE object is not directly created into the container set by the user, but in the following
/ <container set by the user> / <year> / <year/month> / <day/month/year>
Example. Suppose to have set the container Station-A. On June 23th 2009 the equipment AL24
is created (automatically or manually by means of the command of the Auto Discovery table)
and the corresponding symbol will be created in the container:
Station-A / 2009 / 06/2009 / 23/06/2009
Fig.20 displays an example.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 92

The procedure to set the parameters for the execution of the NE Wake Up modality is reported at pag.313.

Activation (deactivation) of the NE Wake Up modality

Once the execution parameters have been defined, it is necessary to activate the NE Wake Up modality.

The modality is activated (deactivated) activating (deactivating) the Manage Wake-up trap option and sav-
ing the configuration by means of the command Save as Active Conf (see Fig.49).

The procedure to activate and deactivate the NE Wake Up modality is reported respectively at pag.313 and

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 93


After having graphically represented the network, it is necessary to activate the connection, then the com-
munication, between the NMS5UX-B system (logic NE objects created by the users) and the peripheral area
(physical equipment).

For the equipment managed with the:

LEGACY protocol the connection procedure (pag.97) is preceded by the opening of the serial
ports (pag.95) that are physically connected to the equipment themselves.
SNMP protocol execute immediately the connection procedure (pag.97) because it is assumed
that the correct operation of the physical connection between the equipment and the supervi-
sory system is ensured by the TCP/IP network.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 94


The opening of the serial ports is NECESSARY ONLY for the Legacy equipment.

For the SNMP equipment do not execute this operation, but pass immediately to the connection (pag.97).

For the Legacy equipment, before starting the connection procedure, it is necessary to activate the man-
agement processes of the serial ports to which the equipment themselves are physically connected.

This procedure is usually defined to open a serial port.

It is possible to connect the Legacy equipment to the supervision centre by means of the serial ports of
CommServer-S or the serial port (if properly configured) of IPBOX.

According to the hardware elements provided with the system, it will be necessary to open the serial ports
of the CommServer-S (represented by the CSB Port symbols present into the Equipment window of the
CommServer-S) and/or the serial port of the IPBOX (represented by the Comm Server B Port symbol
present into the Equipment window of the IPBOX).

It is not necessary to open all the serial ports present into the network but only the ones connected
with the equipment to be managed.

Opening modes of the serial ports

Before opening the serial ports, it is necessary to activate the connection of the relevant equipment
(Comm. Server-S/IPBOX) and the supervision system.


1. Connect the equipment using the Command > Communication Server Board > Connect command

2. Open the serial ports.

The procedure is described into the CommServer-S Manager manual.


1. Connect the equipment using the Command > Connect > Network Element command (pag.223).

2. Open the serial port.

The procedure is described into the IPBOX Manager manual.

The opening procedure of the serial port involves the management of the polling process relevant to the
equipment group connected to the port under examination. The HDLC polling process and the return of the
alarms/events will be activated at the connection of the equipment.

During the opening of each single port, the user will have to set the values of the T and N parameters that
define respectively the time and the transceiving number of a message before that the system would con-
sider an equipment as an unreachable one. The default values are T=10 and N=2. Then, it is possible to
define the time range between the polling of an equipment and the next one.

Usually the opening procedure of the serial port, if the connection of the relevant Comm. Server or IPBOX
object has been successfully ended, is correctly executed.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 95

If the connection procedure of the Comm. Server or IPBOX has not been successfully executed, check the
following conditions:
The IP Address assigned to the NEs object is equal to the one assigned during the local config-
The equipment is turned on and correctly connected to the supervisory system.
ONLY if the equipment is inserted into an OSI network, check that the NSAP (Gosip) Address
assigned to the NE object coincides with the NSAP (Gosip) Address assigned during its local con-

Closing modes of the serial ports

After having opened a serial port, it is possible to close it (it is deactivated the relevant managing process).

The operation is not accepted if there is also a single NE in connected status connected to the port to
be closed.

Closing the serial port, it will not possible longer to connect the equipment physically connected to the port
itself. Then, the polling process, relevant to the equipment group connected to the port under examination,
is not managed longer. Also the Comm. Server and IPBOX can be always disconnected if any of the serial
ports present into them is in open status.

A port can be automatically closed by the system after a supervisory loop or for an overflow of alarms
on the serial port itself.

The automatic closing procedure is executed independently from the connection status of the equipment
connected to such ports.

At the end of the procedure, the equipment connected to the port under examination will results unreach-
able, with the exception of the ones that were disconnected before the procedure; Such ones do not change
their status.

Supervisory loop. The supervisory network is overplaced to the transmission network enabling the prop-
er interfaces. The transmission network can be configured as a loop, on the contrary the supervisory net-
work does not allow this configuration type.

In a loop configuration, the propagation mode of a message causes the re-typing of the message itself,
after having run into the entire loop, into the same supervisory port from which it has entered. In such a
way, it will reach the most upstream equipment present into the propagation chain of the messages, until
to reach the serial port from which such a message has been forwarded.

Usually, when the supervisory system receives the same message that it has forwarded, it automatically
disables the serial port. In such a way, the message forwarded by the centre continues to run into the loop.
This situation is called supervisory loop.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 96


When the user sends the connection command, the NMS5UX-B system sends a test message to verify the
reach ability of the equipment (Line Test).

If the test has result:

NEGATIVE, the procedure is stopped: the equipment is not connected.

POSITIVE, the system sends the global network parameters and then reads/acquires from the
equipment the current configuration and the alarms: the equipment is connected.

At the first connection the system, having no information stored in the database, acquires all the informa-
tion from the NE.

Then, if the equipment is managed with the Legacy protocol, the system will forward the messages relevant
to the configuration only when it is changed a parameter. On the contrary, the alarm status is periodically
get by means of a polling cycle (pag.106).

If the equipment is managed with the SNMP protocol, the equipment itself will spontaneously inform the
supervisory system about possible changes concerning the configuration or the status of the alarms (SNMP
trap). A polling cycle from the supervisory system is kept only to check the reachability status of the equip-
The connection of an equipment causes the automatic insertion of the equipment itself into the specific
polling cycle.

Only after that an equipment has been connected at least once, it is possible to open the relevant equip-
ment window.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 97


In order to modify the connection status of an equipment or to execute some tests or to re-align the infor-
mation stored in the database, the following commands are available:

Line Test (pag.98)

Connect (pag.98)
Disconnect (pag.98)
Alarm Re-alignment (pag.99)
Configuration Upload (pag.99)
Legacy-Reset&Connect (pag.99)

Line Test command

The Line Test command checks the real reach ability of the equipment.

The check consists in the request of the NMS5UX-B system to an NE of the value of the chosen parameter:
if the NE answers, the test has successful result, otherwise it fails.

All the NE, independently from their type or connection status, are programmed to answer to the test
message. Furthermore, the sending of the command does not influence the connection or alarm status of
the Network Element.

For the use of the command, refer to the par. Line Test (pag.221).

Connect command

The Connect command activates the connection between the NMS5UX-B system and the remote equip-

At the end of the procedure, if the result is positive, the system will be able to communicate with the NE,
it will have all the information relevant to the current status of the alarms and to the configuration and will
have sent the network time to the equipment.

It is not possible to connect an equipment in connected status. Furthermore, the connection command
towards an equipment in unreachable status is automatically sent by the system at regular intervals.

For the use of the command, refer to par. Connect (pag.223).

Disconnect command

The Disconnect command deactivates the connection between NMS5UX-B and the remote equipment: the
system stops the management of the present NE.

The disconnection of an equipment does not involve the deletion of the relevant information from the
database; they stay stored, even if the equipment is disconnected; the user can open the relevant equip-
ment window where the last acquired configuration is displayed.
For the use of the command, refer to par. Disconnect (pag.225).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 98

Alarm Re-alignment command

The Alarm Re-alignment command re-aligns the current alarms of an equipment.

The re-aligning procedure involves that the system deletes the information present in the current alarms
table, relevant to the NE involved in the operation. Then the system requires to the NE the status of its
alarms and stores them in the current alarms table. The content of the current alarms table can be di-
splayed opening the Current Alarms Browser window (see Fig.37).

This operation does not influence the connection status of the NE or its configuration.

It is suggested to select the command only when you suppose that a misalignment between the alarm
information known by the NMS5UX-B system and the real alarm situation present on NE occurred. In fact
this command does not represent the normal procedure to acquire the operating status of an equipment.

For the use of the command, refer to par. Alarm Re-alignment (pag.230).

Configuration Upload command

The Configuration Upload command re-aligns the information, relevant to the configuration and the
alarms, stored in the database to those really present in the equipment.

The execution mode of the procedure is fundamentally equal to the one used for the execution of the re-
aligning procedure on the alarms (pag.99); the only difference is that the system requires to the equipment
the status of the alarms and also the configuration information relevant to all the objects known by the
equipment itself. Also in this case, the information replace the ones recorded into the database.

This operation does not influence the status of connection of the NE.

It is suggested to select the command only when you suppose that a misalignment between the alarm
information known by the NMS5UX-B system and the real configuration and operating status of the NE
occurred. In fact this command does not represent the normal procedure to acquire the information rele-
vant to an equipment.

For the use of the command, refer to par. Configuration Upload (pag.232).

Legacy-Reset&Connect command

The command is forwarded only if it has been selected one or more Legacy equipment.

For the SNMP equipment the forwarding of the command under examination is not available because it
could be equal to the forwarding of the Connect command.

The Legacy-Reset&Connect command removes all the information stored into the database, relevant to
the equipment configuration and then activates the connection between the supervisory system and the
equipment itself.

At the end of the procedure, if it has been successfully executed, the system will be able to communicate
with the NEs as after a normal connection procedure; it will have get all the information relevant to the
configuration and to the functional status of the NEs then the NEs themselves will be automatically inserted
into the polling cycle.

This command has to be selected only in extreme cases, when the user supposes that it is present a
misalignment situation between the alarm information known by the supervisory system and the real sit-
uation present into the NEs. The duration of the reset and connection operation is usually longer than the
one of a normal connection because the entire configuration of the NE is transferred from the peripheral
part to the supervisory centre.

It is not possible to forward the Legacy-Reset&Connect command toward an equipment in connected


For the use of the command, refer to par. Legacy-Reset&Connect (pag.228).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 99


The connection status of an equipment shows to the user if the equipment is managed by NMS5UX-B and,
if managed, its operating status (alarms).

The status of an equipment are:

Disconnected (pag.100)
Connected (pag.101)
Unreachable (pag.101)
Maintenance (pag.102)

In the UX Map Manager window, the current status of an equipment is represented by the colour of the
relevant NE symbol. In fact, one or more colours correspond to each status (pag.31).

The colour of the NE symbol influences also the colour of the Container symbols that contain the equipment
in the following way. If a container:
Contains at least one connected NE, the Container object will assume the colour relevant to the
connected status: green (if NE is not alarmed) or light blue/yellow/orange/red (if the NE is
Contains more connected NEs or other Container objects, the colour of the Container object will
be determined by the colour of the NE or Container symbol where the most serious alarm is

The colour of the NE icon in maintenance status does not affect he colour if the Container icons where
it is present the NE. For instance, if into a Container object there is an equipment in connected status (gre-
en colour) and an equipment in maintenance status (pink colour), the Container icon will get the colour
relevant to the connected status (green).

Disconnected status

Initial status of an equipment just after its creation; then it is the status reached after a disconnection com-

In this condition, the equipment is not managed by the system: no message is sent or received and no
polling procedure is executed.

OPERATIONS that the user can execute when an equipment is disconnected

Send the Line Test (pag.221), Connect (pag.223) and Legacy-Reset&Connect (pag.228)
(only for the Legacy equipment) command.
Delete the NE object (pag.142).
It is possible to open the equipment window only if the equipment has been connected at least
The disconnection does not involve the deletion of the database of the information on the equip-
ment configuration. In this case, however, the status and the values of the attributes of the ob-
jects contained in the window are not referred to the current condition of the equipment but to
the last known configuration.

Conditions/commands that determine the PASSING FROM ONE STATUS TO THE OTHER

After the sending of the Connect or Legacy-Reset&Connect command:

If the operation is successfully, the equipment passes to connected status.
If the operation fails, the equipment passes in an unreachable status.

COLOUR of the NE symbol

The colour of the icon associated to the disconnected status is BROWN.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 100

Connected status

Status reached after a connection procedure gone well. In this condition, the equipment correctly answers
to the system polling.

During the period when the equipment is connected, the user can send commands and require information.
Only exception to this rule is the presence of LCT in Configuration modality (pag.103).

OPERATIONS that the user can execute when an equipment is connected

Open the equipment window and verify/modify the NE configuration.
The configuration/operating status of the NE corresponds to the real situation of the equipment.
Send the commands for the management of the equipment.

Condition/commands that determine the PASSING FROM ONE STATUS TO THE OTHER

The user sends the disconnection command, the equipment switches to disconnected status.
A system polling, if the equipment does not send any answer, the status from connected be-
comes unreachable.

COLOUR of the NE symbol

The colour of the symbol of a connected NE depends on the alarms present in the equipment itself. De-
pending on the severity of the current alarms, the colour can be:
Green. The equipment is not alarmed.
Light blue. At least one alarm of Warning level is present on the equipment (simple signalling).
Yellow. At least one alarm of Minor level is present on the equipment (alarm).
Orange. At least one alarm of Major level is present on the equipment (serious alarm).
Red. At least one alarm of Critical level is present on the equipment (very serious alarm).

If there are more alarms of different severity on the equipment at the same time, the colour of the NE
symbol will represent the most serious alarm.

Unreachable status

This is the status reached when the equipment, thought the automatic repetition of the messages, does
not answer to the polling of NMS5UX-B or sends unknown messages. In this condition, the NE is not man-
aged by the system, which however sends a connection command at regular interval.

OPERATIONS executable by the user when an equipment is unreachable

Sending the Disconnect (pag.225), Line Test (pag.221), Connect (pag.223) and Legacy-Re-
set&Connect (pag.228) (only for the Legacy equipment) command.
The equipment window can be opened only if the equipment has been connected at least once.
The status and the values of the attributes of the objects contained in the window will not be
referred to the current condition of the equipment but to the last known configuration.

Conditions/commands that cause the PASSING FROM ONE STATUS TO ANOTHER ONE

After the user or the NMS5UX-B system has sent the connection command (automatic re-connection):
If the operation is successful, the equipment passes to connected status.
If the operation fails, the equipment remains in unreachable status.

After an user has sent the disconnection command:

If the operation is successful, the equipment passes to disconnected status.
If the operation fails, the equipment remains in unreachable status.

COLOUR of the NE symbol

The colour of the NE icon associated to the unreachable status is RED with an X on the symbol.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 101

Maintenance status

The maintenance status indicates a transient condition.

The equipment assumes this status during the execution of an operation, for example during the connec-
tion. At the end of the operation, the NE will assume the status associated to its condition (connected, dis-
connected, unreachable).

OPERATIONS executable by the user when an equipment in unreachable

When the NE is in maintenance status, no operation can be executed.

COLOUR of the NE symbol

The colour of the NE icon associated to the maintenance status is RED.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 102


LOM/LCT term means the software application, developed to manage/control locally the equipment: Local
Operator Manager, Local Craft Terminal, WEB Local Craft Terminal.

The operations that can be executed via LOM/LCT are basically those that can be executed via NMS5UX-B.

More information on the use of the LOM/LCT program is reported in the specific documentation. Here
below only some indications are reported about the relationships between LOM/LCT and NMS5UX-B:

Types of LOM/LCT-equipment connection: Monitoring, Configuration (pag.103)

Indication of the presence of the LOM/LCT user to the NMS5UX user (pag.104)
Enabling/disabling of the LCT-equipment connection in Configuration modality (pag.104)

Types of LOM/LCT-equipment connection: Monitoring, Configuration

The local user can activate the LOM/LCT-equipment connection in Monitoring modality (the user can only
verify the equipment configuration) or in Configuration modality (the user can both verify and modify the
equipment configuration).

The local activation of a LOM/LCT-equipment connection in modality:

Monitoring, does not influence the acquisition of the alarms or the sending of commands by the
system: the NMS5UX user can open the equipment window and verify/modify the equipment
configuration itself.
Configuration, if the NE is:
Managed with Legacy protocol, it is not possible to change the configuration parameters
or to forward commands: the NMS5UX user can not open the equipment window.
Managed with SNMP protocol, influences the acquisition of the alarms or the sending of
the commands by the system.
The NMS5UX user can open the equipment window (except for the equipment of PMP
type) but it cannot modify the configuration and send commands with the following ex-
Execute the software reset of an equipment (pag.239)
Transfer the configuration of an equipment to another one of the same type
Updating the equipment firmware (pag.373)
Forcing the disconnection (logout) of a LCT user (pag.352)
During the period when the connection is active, no modification relevant to the alarms is sig-
nalled to the NMS5UX-B system.
When the local LCT-equipment connection is deactivated, the NMS5UX-B system automatically
re-aligns the configuration (sending of the Configuration Upload command - pag.99) to con-
trol possible changes executed by the local user and to acquire the current alarms.
If the local user has changed the configuration of the remote equipment, the new values are
acquired and replaced to those previously present stored in the database.

For SCT/WEB LCT program, the:

Monitoring modality corresponds to the activation of the SCT-equipment connection with Read
Only user profile.
Configuration modality corresponds to the activation of the SCT-equipment connection with
Read And Write, Station Operator or System user profile.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 103

Indication of the presence of the LCT user to the NMS5UX user

The activation and the deactivation of the local connection, both in Monitoring and Configuration modality,
are spontaneously communicated by the equipment to the NMS5UX-B system and signalled to the user:
In the map, a check sign is indicated next to the NE icon ( ) is indicated next to the NE icon.
This information is forwarded also to the Container objects containing the NE.
Furthermore, the activation of the local connection in Configuration modality is signalled to the
user in the map: the NE icon assumes the white colour.
This information is not forwarded by the Container objects that contain the NE symbol. For
example, if a Container object contains a connected NE (green colour) and an equipment which
the LCT program in Configuration modality is connected (white colour), the Container symbol
will assume the colour relevant to the connection status (green).
In the Alarm History Browser window (see Fig.36), Current Alarms Browser (see Fig.37), Equip-
ment Browser [List/Locate] (see Fig.33), Information (see Fig.23).
In the equipment window of the NE.

To enable/disable of the LCT-equipment connection in Configuration modal-


The description reported here below can be applied only for the SNMP equipment.
The NMS5UX user can enable/disable the LCT user to connect to the equipment in Configuration modality
setting the LCT Config.

If the parameter has value:

Enabled, points out that the LCT user can activate the connection with the equipment both in
Monitoring and Configuration modality.
Disabled, points out that the LCT user can activate the connection with the equipment only in
Monitoring modality.

Independently from the previous setting, when the equipment is switched off and switched on or reset, the
LCT Config parameter is automatically set to the Enabled value.

The command to set the LCT Config parameter is present in the equipment window. Besides the status of
the LCT Config parameter is displayed in the Equipment Browser [List/Locate] equipment (see Fig.33).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 104


Functionality of primary importance of the NMS5UX-B system is the detection, visual signalling and cen-
tralized storing of the alarm/status/event signallings present in the equipment that manages.

The alarm term defines the fault signalling generated by an error or by a bad operation of the NE or of
any element that composes it.

The status and event terms identify the signallings that do not indicate a bad operation but a status
change, a running operation or an operation condition. In detail, the signallings of:
Status, are communicated spontaneously from the NE to the system, as for example:
The activation/deactivation of the LCT-equipment connection
The start/end of the updating of the firmware of the equipment
The activation/deactivation of the manual operations
The status of active/stand-by of duplicated parts of NE.
Event, are generated by the system itself, as for example the start of an operation of alarm re-

In the following of the chapter, the alarm generic term indicates the alarm/status/event signalling.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 105


The acquiring process of the alarms changes according to the type of protocol used by the equipment. With
details for the equipment:
Managed with the Legacy protocol, the acquiring of the alarms is executed by means of a polling
process by the supervisory centre (pag.106), through the serial interfaces of the Comm Server
and/or IPBOX, toward all the equipment in connected status.
Managed with SNMP protocol, the detection and reset signals of an alarm are spontaneously for-
warded to the supervisory centre by the equipment (trap SNMP). A polling process executed by
the supervisory centre is kept only to check the reachability status of the equipment.

The equipment in disconnected or unreachable status are not cyclically subjected to polling. It is possible
to force the acquisition of the alarms of an equipment using the Alarm Re-alignment (pag.230) or Con-
figuration Upload command (pag.232).


The contents of the subject paragraph refer to the Legacy equipment. For the SNMP equipment
the polling process executes only the checking of the reachability of the equipment themselves, and does
not collect the alarms.

Polling execution

Each CS/IPBOX port autonomously executes the polling process relevant to the local equipment (directly
connected) and to the remote ones (connected in cascade by means of EOC, service channels, etc.). In
such a way, the acquiring times of the alarms are strongly reduced because for a high dimension network
it is not executed a single polling process but as much processes as are the managed and in open status
CS/IPBOX ports.

The polling process is managed by a properly devoted program, loaded into the CommServer for the CS
ports and into the IPBOX for the IPBOX port. Such a programs makes cyclically available the connection
line for each single equipment connected to the same CS/IPBOX port. The equipment involved into the poll-
ing cycle communicates to the supervisory system all the detected changes, if the alarm status has
changed from the last polling time. After having forwarded all the information, the connection line will be-
come available for the next equipment.

The duration of the polling cycle changes according to the number of equipment connected to the CS/IP-
BOX port and to the quantity of the transmitted alarms.

Though every alarm is timestamped (by the remote equipment at the occurrence of such an alarm), the
duration of the polling cycle or the query sequence of the equipment into such a cycle will not affect the
correct displaying of the alarm information for the user.

Polling and command forwarding

The polling procedure, executed between CS/IPBOX and equipment, is completely transparent for the user:
it is automatically executed without affecting the operations executed by the NMS5UX user.

But since the connection line between the serial port and the relevant equipment group is a single one, the
forwarding of a command executed by the centre is a priority one with respect to the cyclic polling process.
In fact, when it is forwarded a command (for instance, the change of a parameter), to an equipment A, if
the polling process of an equipment B is on progress, the system waits for the end of the polling operation
on the equipment A. After that it executes the command and then restart again the polling procedure from
the step it has been suspended on the equipment B.

Polling and LOM/LCT activation

The activation of the local connection between the equipment and the LOM/LCT program does not affect
the automatic acquiring of the alarms for the equipment under examination.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 106


At each change of the status of the alarms on the equipment present in the network, the NMS5UX-B system
informs the user by means of the UX Map Manager window, executing the following operations:
If present in the open map, the NE symbol where the alarm has been detected changes colour
according to the severity associated to the alarm.
If a alarm more serious than the detected one is present on the equipment, the icon does not
change colour, because it is determined by the alarm more serious present on the equipment.
The NE icon reports also the information that a not yet checked alarm is present.
The status of the NE (change of colour and presence of a not yet checked alarm) is signalled
also by the Container symbols that have, inside them, this NE (the colour of the Container icons
The colour of the Container symbol is determined by the colour of the NE symbol contained in-
side it, where the most serious alarm is present.
If open, in the Alarm History Browser window (see Fig.36) the record relevant to the detected
alarm is added.
If open, in the Current Alarm Browser window (see Fig.37) the record relevant to the detected
alarm is added.
If open, in the equipment window relevant to the NE, where the alarm has been detected, the
NE symbol is graphically modified.
If the equipment window has Read Only access the alarm is not signalled, as the window is not
dynamically updated. To update the alarms, it is necessary to require a new reading of the table
relevant to the current alarms.

In the Alarm History Browser and Current Alarm Browser window if:
Some filters are active, it is possible that the record is not added as it does not satisfy the set
filtering criteria.
The freezing of the window is activated, the record is not added.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 107


The user can anytime display:

The history of the alarms relevant to all the equipment (Network Alarm History command -
pag.242) or only to the selected equipment (NE Alarm History command - pag.263).
The alarm history term means the list of alarms, acquired and recorded by the supervision sys-
tem in the time. The alarm history records both the detection signalling and the clearing signal-
ling of the alarm.
In the alarm history, it is possible to configure the maximum number of records (value that can
be set by the Superuser) that can be stored.
During the day, all the alarms sent by the equipment are stored in the table (even if their
number exceeds the maximum value of records). At midnight, the number of record is checked;
if this exceeds the maximum set number, the system will delete, only among the raised and
cleared signallings, the oldest records.
If the alarm history contains all active and not cleared alarms and their number exceeds the
maximum set value, the system will NOT delete any record.
The list of the alarms currently active on all the equipment (Network Current Alarms com-
mand - pag.251) or only in the selected equipment (NE Current Alarms command - pag.264).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 108


The alarm correlation term means the functionality that puts in relationship, in the alarm history, the ac-
tivation of an alarm with that of its clearing.

In detail, in the Alarm History Browser window (see Fig.36) the notification of the activation of the alarm
is displayed by a record where the date/time of activation of the alarm activation is displayed. The clearing
of the same alarm is indicated adding, to the already existing record, the indication of the deactivation
After a forced alignment of the alarm status, not all the notifications of the alarms active on the equipment
are recorded, but only the possible new alarms.

Furthermore, after the forced realignment, for the alarms that are not active anymore, the deactivation
date/time will be inserted in the relevant record.

If an equipment is disconnected, all the (detected and detected/cleared) alarms relevant to that equip-
ment are removed by the alarm history.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 109


It is possible to save the alarm history stored in the NMS5UX-B database. In detail, it is possible:
To save all the alarm history to tape and/or to disk present in the database (pag.397).
Then, it will be possible to recover the data (pag.398) and display them in the Old History Brows-
er window (Fig.38).
To save to file the whole alarm history (or a part) present in the database of the system
To save to file the whole alarm history (or a part) recovered from tape or disk (pag.259).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 110


Each alarm, acknowledged and managed by the NMS5UX-B system, has associated a severity which de-
termines the alarm importance.

Each severity is identified by a name and a colour, as indicated in Tab.10.

Tab.10 Alarm severity

Severity Name Color

Very serious alarm Critical Red
Serious alarm Major Orange
Alarm Minor Yellow
Minor alarm Warning Light blue

The alarm severity is the criterion used by NMS5UX-B to represent graphically the operational status of the

When an alarm raises in a connected alarm, the icon that represents the equipment modifies its colour
according to the severity of the active alarm present inside it.

The colour of the Container symbols containing the NE reflects the condition of current alarm.
If more alarms of different severity are present at the same time, the colour of the icon will represent the
most serious alarm; the same occurs for the container icons.

The severity of an alarm is reported also in the Alarm History Browser (see Fig.36) and Current Alarm
Browser (see Fig.37).

Modification of the alarm severity

The contents of the subject paragraph can be applied only for the SNMP equipment.

The NMS5UX-B system allows modifying, for each alarm, the severity of network and the local severity.

Network severity means the severity that characterizes the alarm when displayed by the NMS5UX-B sys-
tem. For each alarm, the network severity is COMMON to all the NEs of the same type present in all the
maps. To modify the network severity of an alarm, use the SNMP-Network Severity Code command
(pag.339 - command available only to the Superuser).

Local severity means the severity that characterizes the alarm when stored by the controller of the NE and
displayed by the local management system (LCT); this severity is not used by NMS5UX-B. For the same
alarm, it is possible to define a local severity different from NE to NE. To modify the local severity of an
alarm, use the SNMP-Equipment Severity Code command (pag.341).


Suppose that two types of SDH Radio are connected to the NMS5UX-B system: NE-A and NE-B.

By means of the SNMP-Equipment Severity Code command, it is defined that, locally, the alarm x for
NE-A has severity Major, while for the NE-B has severity Minor.

Instead, using the SNMP-Network Severity Code command, it is defined that the alarm x for all the NEs
of SDH Radio type of Critical severity.

In the NE-A, the detection (or cleared) of the alarm x will be stored in the controller of the NE and seen by
LCT with Major severity, while it will be seen by NMS5UX-B with Critical severity.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 111

Instead, in the NE-B, the detection (or clearing) of the alarm x will be stored in the controller of the NE
and seen by LCT with Minor severity, while it will be seen by NMS5UX-B with Critical severity.

Modification of the severity of the alarms of User Input

What described below is valid for all the alarms (of all the types of SNMP equipment) with the exception of
the alarms used by the user input.

The severity of the alarms of User Input is defined by means of a specific command present in the equip-
ment window.

This severity constitutes both the network and the local severity.

For example, if the User Input x alarm for an equipment is defined having a Critical severity, on its detec-
tion the alarm will be stored in the controller of the NE, seen by LCT and by NMS5UX-B with Critical sever-

The setting of the severity is independent for each alarm of User Input, and local to the NE selected for the
operation. This means that the setting must be executed for each single alarm of user Input of each single

More information on the user inputs and on the command to modify the severity is reported in the equip-
ment manual of the NMS5UX-B.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 112


The contents of the subject paragraph are valid only for the SNMP equipment.

The NMS5UX-B system allows enabling/disabling the alarms and/or the sending of the relevant traps. In
detail, it is possible:
To disable the alarm; in this case the detection (or clearing) of the alarm is not recorded in the
controller of the NE and it is not communicated to the supervision program: as the alarm has
never occurred.
To disable the sending of traps; in this case, the detection (or clearing) of the alarm is recorded
in the controller of the NE, but it is not communicated to the supervision system.

If the Configuration Upload (pag.232) or Alarm Re-alignment (pag.230) command is

sent to NE, also the alarms, whose trap sending is disabled, will be acquired.
To enabled the alarm and the sending of trap; in this case the detection (or clearing) of the alarm
is recorded in the controller of the NE and communicated to the supervision system (with the
sending of the relevant trap) that display it in the current alarms and in the alarm history (de-
fault condition).

The enabling/disabling of the alarm and of the trap sending is independent for each alarm, and local to
the selected NE for the operation. This means that the setting must be made for each single alarm of each
single NE.

To enable/disable the alarms and the sending of traps of an equipment, use the SNMP-Equipment Se-
verity Code command (pag.341).

It is possible to verify the list of the NEs that have at least one disabled alarm/trap opening the Equipment
Browser [List/Locate] window (Fig.33) and configuring properly the filter.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 113


Sometime there can be that, in an equipment, an alarm is detected and is cleared many times in a brief

The instability that characterizes these alarms, defined fleeting, causes a such number of alarms to satu-
rate the network. In fact, each time the alarm raises/clears, the system records a signalling.

For this cause, before recording an alarm, the stability of the alarm itself is verified.

The criterion used to determine if an alarm is fleeting or not is the following: an alarm is considered fleeting
when NMS5UX-B, during a period of time t, records that the number of activation of the alarm is higher
than the thr_in threshold.

An alarm will not be considered fleeting anymore if, during the successive period of time t, the number of
activation of the alarm is lower than the thr_out threshold.


Suppose that the values t=120, thr_in=3, thr_out=1 are set.

The alarm A, within 120 seconds, activates and clears twice and, on its third activation, (thr_in=3) the
supervision system marks it as fleeting alarm: the successive activation/clearing are not recorded in the
Alarm History table.
At the successive period of 120 seconds, if the alarm A activates and clears only once (thr_out=1), the
supervision system does not consider the alarm A as fleeting anymore.

The parameter t and the thr_in and thr_out thresholds can be modified by the Superuser. Their default
values are: t = 120 sec., thr_in = 3, thr_out =1.

In the Alarm History Browser window, when an alarm exits from the fleeting status and the last signalling
came to the equipment pointed out the deactivation of the alarm, the management of the signalling alarm
will take place without differences with respect to a normal signalling of cleared alarm: the alarm is corre-
lated to the previous signalling.
Differently, when an alarm exits from the fleeting status and the last signalling came to the equipment
pointed out the activation of the alarm, the management will take place in the following way: first a sig-
nalling of cleared alarm will be forwarded, which will be correlated with the previous signalling of fleeting
alarm, and then a new signalling of active alarm of active alarm will be forwarded: in the Alarm History
Browser window, a record of fleeting alarm will be displayed, followed by a record of active alarm.

The fleeting condition of an alarm is not deleted at the forced realignment of the status of the alarms
(Alarm Re-alignment command - pag.230).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 114


The current alarms and those present in the alarm history can be marked: in the relevant window there is
the indication that the user acknowledged the detection or/and the clearing of the alarm.

For the alarms stored in the alarm history and listed in the Alarm History Browser window (Fig.36) or in
the Old History Browser (Fig.38), it is possible to mark both the detection and the clearing of the alarm

An alarm:
Detected and marked is identified by the letter S in the Ack column of the Alarm History Browser
or Old History Browser window.
Detected/cleared and marked is identified by the letter C in the Ack column of the Alarm History
Browser or Old History Browser window.

When the list of alarms is filtered or in the windows where the total number of marked alarms, the rules
to define if an alarm is considered marked or not are the following.

A marked alarm is:

An alarm detected and not yet cleared, for which the user has marked the detection (presence
of the letter S).
An alarm detected and cleared, for which the user has marked the clearing (presence of the let-
ter C).

A not marked alarm is:

An alarm detected and not yet cleared, for which the user has not marked the detection (ab-
sence of the letter S).
An alarm detected and cleared, for which the user has not marked the clearing (absence of the
letter C).

In this case, even if the user has marked the detection of the alarm (presence of the letter
S), it is considered as not marked because the user has not marked its clearing.

For the current alarms, listed in the Current Alarms Browser window (Fig.37), there is not the above men-
tioned distinction, because it is possible to mark only the detected alarms (pag.253).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 115


The quality of the signal of the telecommunication equipment can be controlled via measures of Perform-
ance Monitoring (PM).

A measure of PM consists in recording, during a set time period (observation period), the values of deter-
minated control parameters (BER, alarm counting, etc).

Threshold limits (that can be modified by the Superuser) have been assigned to these parameters.

The exceeding of threshold limit indicates a more or less serious degradation of the signal. This condition
generates an alarm, which is recorded and managed by the equipment and by the NMS5UX-B system as
any other alarm.

The number and the type of measures of PM and the relevant control parameters are specific for each
type of NE. For their description, refer to the relevant equipment Manuals.

The considered control parameters changes according to the type of equipment and of measures that this
equipment supports. Generally, all the executed measures refer to Recommendations of ITU-T (for exam-
ple G.826, G.821, etc.).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 116


It is possible to activate/deactivate the measures for a single equipment at a time or for more equipment
(of the same type) at the same time.

Furthermore, for each equipment, it is possible to activate/deactivate each single measure independently.

The command to activate/deactivate singly the PM measures is present in the specific equipment window.
The description of the equipment window and the procedure for the activation/deactivation of the PM me-
asures are contained in the equipment Manual relevant to the type of considered NE.

The command to activate/deactivate the measures for more equipment (of the same type) at the same
time is View/Modify PM Status (pag.165).

When a PM measure is activated, the controller of the equipment begins the storing of the values of the
control parameters.

The results of the measures are subdivided in records. Each record contains the values recorded in a spe-
cific time interval (observation period).

If, at the end of the observation period, the measure has not been deactivated, another observation period
begins and so on until the measure is not stopped.

When the system interrogates the equipment, this will send to it the records (daily and primary) that

The equipment managed by the NMS5UX-B, group the results of the PM measures in observation period of
15 minutes (primary records) and 24 hours (daily record).

The observation periods are not synchronized with the instant when the measure is activated, but refer,
for the primary records, to the quarter of the solar day (00.00, 00.15, 00.30, etc.) and, for the daily
records, to the time 00.00 of the solar day.

For example, if a measure starts at time 11.40, the first primary record will have, as observation period,
11.40...11.45 (corresponding to the interval 11.30...11.45), while the first daily record will have, as ob-
servation period, 11.40...00.00.

For each type of measure, the equipment keeps in memory the last 16 primary records (corresponding to
the last 4 hours) and the last 2 daily records (corresponding to the last 2 days). The previous records are

If an equipment has PM measures running and it is restarted or switched off, then, when it restarts to it is
switched on, the measures active before the switching off will be automatically restarted.

The (daily and primary) records relevant to the period when the measure has been interrupted will be emp-
ty and, if reached the limit of 16 primary records and 1 daily record, will overwrite the previous ones.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 117


The results of the PM measures are acquired by the NMS5UX-B system by means of a polling process (PM
polling) that is executed at regular interval that can vary from 1 to 4 h. The frequency for the request of
the PM information by the system to the equipment is determined by the function Tx15 minutes. The value
T, by default, is 8 (8x15min=2h), but it can be changed by the Superuser from 4 (4x15min=1h) to 16

The process of PM polling is managed by a dedicated program which, besides executing the polling, has
the function to determinate which equipment must be polled.

The rules that an equipment must satisfy to be polled are the following:

Equipment type. Not all the equipment managed by the NMS5UX-B system supports the PM func-
tion. This equipment are not considered in the PM polling cycle.
Equipment status. Only the equipment in connected status are polled. The equipment in disconnect-
ed or unreachable status are not polled.

Status of the PM measures. Only the equipment that have at least one measure active in progress
when the PM polling is executed.

After a PM polling, the polled equipment sends the daily and primary records relevant to the measures in

If the measure is deactivated, when the NMS5UX-B system executes the polling, the equipment sends all
the (primary and daily) records calculated until that moment, except the last one.
For example, if the measure is activated at 9.27 and deactivated at 18.42, the record relevant to the ob-
servation period 9.15...9.30 is transferred to the system in incomplete status, while the record relevant to
the period 18.30...18.45 is not sent.
If the measure is activated and deactivated more times during the same observation period, the record
containing the results of the last executed measure will be sent to the NMS5UX-B system.

For example, if the measure is activated at 9.02 and deactivated at 9.07, then it is re-activated at 9.09,
the record relevant to the observation period 9.00...9.15 will contain the results of the measures relevant
to the period 9.09...9.15, while the results relevant to the period 9.02...9.07 will not be sent.

PM Polling and sending of the commands

The PM polling is totally transparent to the user: it is automatically executed without affecting the opera-
tions executed by the NMS5UX user.

Being the only connection line between the system and the equipment, the sending of a command by the
centre is prioritary with respect to the process of cyclic polling.

For example, when a command is sent to an equipment A during the polling of an equipment B, the system
waits for the end of the polling in progress. After this, it executes the command towards the equipment A
and, then, it restarts the polling procedure from the point it has been suspended on the equipment B.

PM Polling and activation of the LCT-equipment connection

The activation of the local LCT-equipment connection does not affect the automatic acquisition of the re-
sults of the PM measures for the considered equipment.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 118


The NMS5UX user can anytime display the results of the PM measures of a given equipment, subdivided
in daily or primary records of the last 180 days.

To display the daily and primary records, select the equipment in the map and choose the Performance
Monitoring command (pag.156).

It is also possible to display the results of the PM measures, previously saved to disk by means of the Old
Performance Monitoring command (pag.161).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 119


It is possible to save the results of the PM measures stored in the database of the system. In detail, it is
To save to tape and/or disk all the results of the PM measures relevant to a month present in
the database (pag.400).
Then, it will be possible to recover the data (pag.401) and display them in the Graphic Perform-
ance Monitoring - OLD window (pag.161).
To save on file the results (present into the system database) relevant to a specific measure-
ment for all the selected NEs of the same type (pag.163).
During the saving operations, it is possible to forward the file to a user, via e-mail.
The data are saved in ASCII format, that can be detected by the great part of the text processing
programs and of the electronic sheets.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 120


The commands preceded by the wording:

NMS5UX, point out the commands relevant to the management of the NMS5UX-B system.
Legacy..., point out the commands relevant to the equipment managed with the Legacy proto-
col ONLY.
Such commands are present into the menus only if the modules for the management of the Leg-
acy equipment have been installed.
SNMP..., point out the commands relevant to the equipment managed with the SNMP protocol

The commands with the label that does not point out the Legacy or SNMP wording, are relevant to all the

Some commands are optional ones. Therefore, such commands can be absent into the specific menu of its
own NMS5UX-B system.

For each command, the type of access to the system (Read Only, Read-Write) and the user profile (Entry,
Normal,...) necessary to use it are described. The Reading terms indicates that it is possible to verify the
parameters, the Writing term that it is possible to set or modify them.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 121


The Map menu contains the following commands:

Refresh (pag.123). It updates the UX Map Manager window.

Map Properties (pag.124). It changes the dimension of the symbols of the map.
Submap Properties (pag.125). It associates/remove the background from a container.
Import/Export (pag.126). It compares/imports/exports the objects from a map to another. It
saves the objects of a map into a file.
Change Map (pag.131). It changes or deletes the map.
Exit (pag.133). It closes the UX Map Manager window (NMS5UX-B graphic interface).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 122


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Refresh command update the UX Map Manager window.

To update the UX Map Manager window

1. Select the Map > Refresh command.

The UX Map Manager window (Fig.1) is closed and then re-opened.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 123


System access Read-Write

User profile Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Map Properties command modifies the size of the symbols present in the View area (pag.25) of the
UX Map Manager window (equipment, containers, etc.).

To modify the size of the symbols

1. Select the Map > Map Properties command.

The Map Properties window opens.

2. Select the option relevant to the wished size (in pixel).

3. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
In the View area, the symbols of equipment, containers, etc. assume the new size.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 124


System access Read-Write

User profile Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Submap Properties command associates a background to the container in such a way that, on its
selection in the View area (pag.25), the background is displayed besides the symbols present in the con-

It is possible to associate a different background to each container in the same map.

To associate/remove the background to a container

1. Select, in the Map area (pag.23), the container which you wish to associated the background to.

2. Select the Map > Submap Properties command.

The Submap Properties window opens.

3. To add the background, type in the Background Pixmap box, the path/name of the file and press OK.
The system acknowledges, as background, the files in GIF format.
Press Browse to search the wished file in the disk.
The background is displayed in the View area.

4. To remove the background, delete the file specified in the Background Pixmap box and press OK.
The background is removed in the View area.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 125


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Import/Export command imports/exports/compares the objects from a map to another and saves
the objects of a map into a file.

With details it is possible:

To copy the objects of a map/container to a different map/container (pag.126)
To copy the objects, previously saved to a file, into a map/container (pag.128)
To save the objects of a map/container to a file (pag.128)
To compare the objects of a map/container with the objects of a different map/container
To compare the objects, previously saved to a file, with the objects of a map/container

To copy the objects of a map/container to a different map/container

1. Select the Map > Import/Export command.

The Import Export Map window opens (Fig.21).
2. Select, in the Operation area, the Copy data option.

3. Select, in the Import/Export area, the From Map/Submap to Map/Submap option.

4. Set the source map/container:

a. Press the Browse push-button next to the Source box.
The Select Submap window opens.
b. Select the wished map in the Map area.
c. If you wish to copy only the objects of a container of the map, select the container in the Submap
d. Press OK.
The source map/container is pointed out in the Source box.

5. Set the destination map/container:

a. Press the Browse push-button next to the Destination box.

The Select Submap window opens.
b. Select the wished map in the Map area.

The destination map must be different from the source map.

c. If you wish that the objects of the source map or container are pasted into a container of the
destination map, select the container in the Submap area.
d. Press OK.
The destination map/container is pointed out in the Destination box.

6. Select, in the Mode area, the option:

Clear and Copy All, if you wish that the objects present in the source map/container replace the
objects present in the destination map/container.
Copy Only Differences, if you wish to add only the different objects present in the source map/
container to the destination map/container. The identical objects will not be added.

7. Press Apply.
The Messages area displays the detail regarding the executed operation. A record is displayed for each
deleted and/or created object.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 126

Fig.21 Import Export Map window

Fig.21 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Close. It closes the window.

(2) Option:
Copy data. It copies the objects from a file or map/container to a different file or map/con-
Compare data. It compares the objects of a file or map/container to a different map/contain-
From Map/Submap to Map/Submap. It copies/compares the objects present in a map/con-
tainer into a different map/container.
From File to Map/Submap. It copies/compares the objects present into a file to a map/con-
From Map/Submap to File. Copies the objects present in a map/container to a file.
Clear and Copy All. It replaces the objects present into a file or map/container with those
present into a different file or map/container.
Copy Only Differences. It compares the objects present in two different files or maps/con-
tainers and copies into the destination map/container only the different objects.
Source. File or map/container from which the objects are copied (source).
Destination. File or map/container to which the objects are pasted (destination).

(3) Each record identifies an object involved in the operation.

Depending on the type of executed operation, one or more fields will be present pointing out the
type of executed operation, the object involved in the operation and the result of the operation it-

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 127

To copy the objects, previously saved to file, into a map/container

1. Select the Map > Import/Export command.

The Import Export Map window opens (Fig.21).

2. Select, in the Operation area, the Copy data option.

3. Select, in the Import/Export area, the From File to Map/Submap option.

4. Set the file from which you wish to copy the objects:

a. Press the Browse push-button next to the Source box.

The File Selection window opens.
b. Type the name of the file in the Selection box.
The system proposes the files present in the default directory. Change the path, if necessary.
c. Press OK.
The Source box displays the path/name of the source file.
5. Set the destination map/container:

a. Press the Browse push-button next to the Destination box.

The Select Submap window opens.
b. Select the wished map in the Map area.
c. If you wish that the objects stored in the file are pasted into a container of the destination map,
select the container in the Submap area.
d. Press OK.
The destination map/container is pointed out in the Destination box.

6. Select, in the Mode area, the option:

Clear and Copy All, if you wish that the objects present in the file replace the objects present in
the destination map/container.
Copy Only Differences, if you wish to add only the different objects present in the file to the des-
tination map/container. The identical objects will not be added.

7. Press Apply.
The Messages area displays the detail regarding the executed operation. A record is displayed for each
deleted and/or created object.

To save the objects of a map/container to a file

1. Select the Map > Import/Export command.

The Import Export Map window opens (Fig.21).
2. Select, in the Operation area, the Copy data option.

3. Select, in the Import/Export area, the From Map/Submap to File option.

4. Set the source map/container:

a. Press the Browse push-button next to the Source box.

The Select Submap window opens.
b. Select the wished map in the Map area.
c. If you wish to copy only the objects of a container of the map, select the container in the Submap
d. Press OK.
The source map/container is pointed out in the Source box.

5. Set the file into which you wish to save the objects:

a. Press the Browse push-button next to the Source box.

The File Selection window opens.
b. Type the name of the file in the Selection box.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 128

The system proposes the files present in the default directory. Change the path, if necessary.
c. Press OK.
The Destination box displays the path/name of the destination file.

6. Press Apply.
The Messages area displays the detail regarding the executed operation. A record is displayed for each
saved object.

To compare the objects of a map/container with the objects of a different


1. Select the Map > Import/Export command.

The Import Export Map window opens (Fig.21).
2. Select, in the Operation area, the Compare data option.
A box opens.

3. Select the wished value in the box:

View all data. Compares all the objects present in the source map/container with those present
in the destination map/container. The Messages area displays all the objects present in the
View aligned data. Compares the objects present in the map/container with those present in the
destination map/container. The Messages area displays only the objects present in both the
View not aligned data. Compares the objects present in the source map/container with those
present in the destination map/container. The Messages area displays only the different objects.

4. Select the From Map/Submap to Map/Submap option in the Import/Export area.

5. Set the source map/container:

a. Press the Browse push-button next to the Source box.

The Select Submap window opens.
b. Select the wished map in the Map area.
c. If you wish to copy only the objects of a container of the map, select the container in the Submap
d. Press OK.
The source map/container is pointed out in the Source box.

6. Set the destination map/container:

a. Press the Browse push-button next to the Destination box.

The Select Submap window opens.
b. Select the wished map in the Map area.
The destination map must be different from the source map.
c. If you wish that the objects stored in the file are compared with the objects present into a con-
tainer of the destination map, select the container in the Submap area.
d. Press OK.
The destination map/container is pointed out in the Destination box.

7. Press Apply.
The Messages area displays the detail regarding the executed operation. A record is displayed for each
compared object.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 129

To compare the objects, previously saved to file, with the objects of a map/

1. Select the Map > Import/Export command.

The Import Export Map window opens (Fig.21).

2. Select, in the Operation area, the Compare data option.

A box opens.
3. Select the wished value in the box:
View all data. Compares all the objects present in the file with those present in the destination
map/container. The Messages area displays all the objects present in the file and in the maps/
View aligned data. Compares the objects present in the file with those present in the destination
map/container. The Messages area displays only the objects present in the file and in the map/
View not aligned data. Compares the objects present in the file with those present in the desti-
nation map/container. The Messages area displays only the different objects.

4. Select the From File to Map/Submap option in the Import/Export area.

5. Set the file containing the objects to compare:

a. Press the Browse push-button next to the Source box.

The File Selection window opens.
b. Type the name of the file in the Selection box.
The system proposes the files present in the default directory. Change the path, if necessary.
c. Press OK.
The Source box displays the path/name of the source file.

6. Set the destination map/container:

a. Press the Browse push-button next to the Destination box.

The Select Submap window opens.
b. Select the wished map in the Map area.

The destination map must be different from the source map.

c. If you wish that the objects stored in the file are compared with the objects present into a con-
tainer of the destination map, select the container in the Submap area.
d. Press OK.
The destination map/container is pointed out in the Destination box.

7. Press Apply.
The Messages area displays the detail regarding the executed operation. A record is displayed for each
compared object.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 130


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Privileged *, Superuser

* The Privileged user cannot delete the map.

The Change Map command changes or deletes the map.

With details it is possible:

To close the open map and opening another one (pag.131)
To delete a map (pag.132).

To close the open map and opening another one

1. Select the Map > Change Map command.

The Change Map window opens (Fig.22).

2. Select a map from the list.

If the map has access:
Read-Write, press the push-button:
Open Map READ/WRITE to open the map in Read-Write access.
Open Map READ/ONLY to open the map in Read Only access.
Read, press Open Map READ/ONLY to open the map in Read Only access.
The Open Map READ/WRITE push-button is not available.
The current map is closed and the new map is opened.
One's user and operating level are kept also in the new map.

Fig.22 Change Map window

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 131

Fig.22 notes

(1) For each map, it is displayed in the column:

Map name. Name of the map.
Permission. Type of available access:
Read/Write; it is possible to open the map with Read-Write or Read Only access.
Read; it is possible to open the map only with Read Only access (the Read-Write ac-
cess is already occupied).
Comment. Additional notes.
The wording (Current Map) indicates the currently open map.

To delete a map

Operation available only to Superuser.

It is not possible to delete a map with Read access or the current map.

1. Select the Map > Change Map command.

The Change Map window opens (Fig.22).

2. Select a map with Read-Write access from the list.

3. Press Delete Map and confirm.
The map is removed from the list.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 132


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Exit command closes the UX Map Manager window and then the NMS5UX-B graphic interface.

To close the UX Map Manager window

1. Select the Map > Exit command or press .

A confirmation window opens.

2. Press Ok.

The closure of the UX Map Manager window causes the automatic closure of all the possible open
window of NMS5UX-B (Alarm History Browser, Equipment Information, etc.).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 133


The Edit menu contains the following commands:

Add (pag.135). It creates objects for the graphic representation of the network in the map.
Delete (pag.142). It deletes the objects from the map.
Modify/View (pag.143). It displays and/or modifies the characteristics of the objects.
Information (pag.146). It displays the information of the symbol.
Graphical Symbol Properties (pag.149). It displays the graphic parameters of the symbol.
Find (pag.150). It searches an object of the map.
Arrange Symbols (pag.151). It aligns vertically/horizontally the symbols.
Generate Info for WEB (pag.152). It checks the database information necessary to the RAN
(Remote Access NMS5UX) application.
Set Current Window Geometry For All Containers (pag.153). It sets the size of the con-
tainers windows such as the size of the window where the command is selected.

These commands are used to represent graphically the equipment network in the maps and to provide
to NMS5UX-B the parameters to manage and control each single object.

Before using them, it is suggested to read the Graphic network representation (pag.62) where the modal-
ities to configure correctly and rapidly one's supervision system are described.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 134


System access Read-Write

User profile Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Add command creates objects for the graphic representation of the network in the map.

With details it is possible:

To create Container objects (pag.135)
To create NE objects managed with SNMP protocol (pag.136)
To create virtual NE objects managed with SNMP protocol (pag.138)
To create NE objects managed with Legacy protocol (pag.138)
To create virtual NE objects managed with Legacy protocol (pag.139)
To create Generic Symbol objects (pag.140)
To create Link objects (pag.140)
To create Label objects (pag.141)
To create Container, NE (SNMP), Link and Label objects described in a file (pag.141)

Before creating an object, it is suggested to read the par. Rules for the creation of the objects (pag.66).

More information: Container (pag.63), NE (pag.12 - pag.63), Generic Symbol (pag.64), Link (pag.65)
and Label (pag.65) objects, Add Network From File functionality (pag.81).

To create Container objects

It is possible to create all the wished Container objects.

1. In the UX Map Manager window, move to the point of the map (container or main window) where you
wish to create the container.

2. Select the Edit > Add > Container command or press .

The Add Container window opens.

3. Type the name of the container (alphanumeric string of minimum 1 character and maximum 48 char-
acters) in the Label box.
The name will be displayed under the symbol of the container.

4. In the Type area, select the type of container you wish to create among: Subnetwork, Station, Substa-
5. In the Comment area, type possible information relevant to the object (max 100 characters).
The setting of this parameter is optional.

6. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The container is displayed in the New Object Area of the UX Map Manager window (Fig.1). Move the
symbol in any point of the View area.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 135

To create NE object managed with SNMP protocol

The maximum number of SNMP equipment objects that can be created depends on one's code word.

1. In the UX Map Manager window, move to the point of the map (container or main window) where you
wish to create the NE.

2. Select the Edit > Add > Network Element > SNMP Managed command or press .
The Add Equipment window opens.

3. Type, in the IP Address box, the IP address of the NE.

If you wish to create a:
Nodal object, type the IP address of the main equipment of the node.
PMP object, type the IP address of the Proxy interface used for the connection to the master
The IP address set in this field must CORRESPOND to the IP address of the NE, locally defined. If the
address do not coincide, it will not possible to send commands to the NE itself.

After the creation of the NE, the IP address cannot be modified.

It is not possible to assign the same IP address to two different NEs, even of different type.
If a NE object with the IP address is already present in the map, the values assigned to the same object
present in the other map will be automatically displayed in all the other fields of the Add Equipment
4. Type, in the Logical Address box, the logical address of the NE (alphanumeric string of max. 32 char-
The logical address will be displayed under the symbol of the NE.
It is possible to assign, as logical address, the same value to the IP Address, while it is not possible to
assign the same logical address to two NEs.

5. ONLY if the new NE is inserted into a OSI network, activate the Osi Address box and set the NSAP (Gos-
ip) address of the equipment, as pointed out to pag.137.
For the Nodal objects, if the Osi Address box is activated, it is NECESSARY to set the NSAP address of
the main equipment of the node. During the first operation of Line Test or Connect of the system to-
wards the main equipment of the node, the NSAP address of the other equipment belonging to the node
will be automatically detected.

6. In the Type area, select the type of equipment you wish to create (see Tab.2).

After the creation of the NE, the type cannot be modified.

7. ONLY if the equipment is managed by Proxy Agent and the Proxy Agent application is installed, activate
the Proxy Address box.
The box aside displays the default address, configured by the system administrator, with which the
equipment is acknowledged by Proxy Agent.
In order to modify the address, type in the box the new address of the machine to which the Proxy
Agent sends the traps coming from the equipment.
For the Nodal objects, if the Proxy Address box is activated, the addresses by which the equipment
belonging to the node are acknowledged by the Proxy Agent are configured.

8. In the Comment area, type additional information (max 100 characters).

The setting of this parameter is optional.

9. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The NE is displayed in the New Object Area of the UX Map Manager window (Fig.1). Move the symbol
in any point of the View area.
If the created NE symbol is already present in a map, it automatically will acquire the status of the ex-
isting object.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 136

NSAP (Gosip) Address

The NSAP Address, according to the GOSIP V2, is composed by two parts: IDP (Initial Domain Part) and
DSP (Domain Specific Part).

Each part is composed by parameters. The values of these parameters, represented by one or more bytes,
can be changed. Each byte is represented by means of two characters that are the exadecimal value of the
two byte nibbles as pointed out into Tab.11.

Tab.11 NSAP (Gosip) address

Byte Changeable
Part Parameter
number by the user
AFI (Authority and Format Identifier) 1 Yes
IDI (Initial Domain Identifier) 2 Yes
Ver (Version) 1 Yes
Auth (Authority) 3 Yes
Reserved 2 No
DSP Domain (Routing Domain) 2 Yes
Area 2 Yes
System ID (Network Element Identification) 6 Yes
Sel (Selector) 1 No

To change the AFI, IDI, VER, Auth, Domain, Area parameters (default part of the
NSAP Address)

1. Press Setup Default present into the Add Equipment window.

The system opens the Gosip Default Option window.
2. To change the AFI, IDI, VER, Auth parameters, type, into the relevant boxes, the value of the corre-
sponding byte/s.

3. To change the Domain parameter, choose the arrow placed on the side of the box and select the desired
value from the list.
To add a value to the list:

a. Press Add.
The Domain Settings window opens.
b. Into the Label box, type a name for the domain under examination.
c. Into the Hex value boxes, type the values of the bytes that represent the domain and press OK.
To remove a value form the list:

a. Select the value to be removed and press Remove.

4. To change the Area parameter, press the arrow on the side of the box and select the desired value into
the list.
To add or remove a value from the list, execute the procedures pointed out for the Domain parameter.

5. Press OK.

To change the System ID parameter

1. Press Settings present into the Add Equipment window.

The system opens the Settings window.

2. Type into the boxes the value of the 6 bytes that compose the System ID and press OK.
Into the text field on the side of the Settings push-button, the system points out the value of the set
System ID.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 137

To create virtual NE objects managed with SNMP protocol

It is possible to create all the wished SNMP virtual NE objects.

1. In the UX Map Manager window, move to the point of the map (container or main window) where you
wish to create the virtual NE.

2. Select the Edit > Add > Network Element > SNMP Managed (Virtual) command.
The Add Equipment window opens.

3. Type, in the Logical Address box, the logical address of the virtual NE (alphanumeric string of max 32
The logical address will be displayed under the symbol of the NE.
It is not possible to assign the same logical address to two virtual NEs.

4. In the Type area, select the type of virtual equipment you wish to create (see Tab.2).

After the creation of the virtual NE, the value cannot be modified.

5. In the Comment area, type additional information (max 100 characters).

The setting of this parameter is optional.

6. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The virtual NE is displayed in the New Object Area of the UX Map Manager window (Fig.1). Move the
symbol in any point of the View area.

To create NE objects managed with Legacy protocol

The maximum number of Legacy NE objects that can be created depends on one's code word.

1. In the UX Map Manager window, move to the point of the map (container or main window) where you
wish to create the NE.

2. Select the Edit > Add > Network Element > Legacy Protocol Managed command.
The subject command is available only if the modules for the management of the Legacy equipment
have been installed.
The Add Equipment window opens.

3. Into the Physical Address box, type the physical address comprised between 2 and 60000 (the value 1
is not allowed), to be assigned to the new NE.

After the creation of the NE, the value can not be changed.
Press Auto, to set, as value of the parameter, the first available address. It is possible also to set a
value into the Physical Address field and then to press Auto; in this case, the system will automatically
display the first available address that follows the set value.
The physical address set into this field has to CORRESPOND to the NE address, locally defined. If the
addresses are not the same one, it will not be possible to forward any command to the NE itself.
It is not possible to assign the same address to two different NEs also if they are two different type ones.
If into an map there is already a NE object with the same physical Address set into the field, the system
will automatically point out, into all the other fields of the Add Equipment window, the values assigned
to the same object present into the other map.

4. Into the Logical Address text field, type the logic address (alphanumeric string with maximum 32 char-
acters) to be assigned to the new NE.
The logic address will be displayed under the symbol of the equipment.
It is possible to assign, as logic address, the same value assigned to the Physical Address parameter,
while it is not possible to assign the same logic address to two NEs.

5. Into the CS Ip Address box, type the IP address of the CommServer-S or of the IPBOX to which it is
(or it will be) connected the Legacy equipment.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 138

The setting of this parameter is not mandatory but, if it is not set or it is not correctly set, it will not
be possible to forward any command (Connect, Line Test, etc.) toward the NE under examination.

6. Into the CS Port box, type the number of the port of the CommServer-S or of the IPBOX to which it is
(or it will be) connected the NE.

7. In the Type area, select the type of equipment you wish to create (see Tab.2).

After the creation of the NE, the value cannot be modified.

8. ONLY if the equipment is managed by Proxy Agent and the Proxy Agent application is installed, activate
the Proxy Address box.
The box aside displays the default address, configured by the system administrator, with which the
equipment is acknowledged by Proxy Agent.
In order to modify the address, type in the box the new address of the machine to which the Proxy
Agent sends the traps coming from the equipment.

The Proxy Agent manages only G series Radio equipment with Legacy interface.

9. In the Comment area, type additional information (max 100 characters).

The setting of this parameter is optional.

10.Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The NE is displayed in the New Object Area of the UX Map Manager window (Fig.1). Move the symbol
in any point of the View area.
If the created NE symbol is already present in a map, it automatically will acquire the status of the ex-
isting object.

To create virtual NE objects managed with Legacy protocol

It is possible to create all the wished Legacy virtual NE objects.

1. In the UX Map Manager window, move to the point of the map (container or main window) where you
wish to create the virtual NE.

2. Select the Edit > Add > Network Element > Legacy Protocol Managed (Virtual) command.
The subject command is available only if the modules for the management of the Legacy equipment
have been installed.
The Add Equipment window opens.

3. Type, in the Logical Address box, the logical address of the virtual NE (alphanumeric string of max 32
The logical address will be displayed under the symbol of the NE.
It is not possible to assign the same logical address to two virtual NEs.

4. In the Type area, select the type of virtual equipment you wish to create (see Tab.2).

After the creation of the virtual NE, the value cannot be modified.

5. In the Comment area, type additional information (max 100 characters).

The setting of this parameter is optional.

6. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The virtual NE is displayed in the New Object Area of the UX Map Manager window (Fig.1). Move the
symbol in any point of the View area.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 139

To create Generic Symbols (graphic symbols)

It is possible to create all the wished Generic Symbol objects.

1. In the UX Map Manager window, move to the point of the map (container or main window) where you
wish to create the Generic Symbol.

2. Select the Edit > Add > Generic Symbol command.

The Add Generic Object window opens.

3. Type, in the Label box, the name of the generic symbol (alphanumeric string of max 40 characters).
The name will be displayed under the generic symbol.
It is possible to assign the same name to more graphic symbols even of different type.

4. In the Group area, select the group where the generic symbol is contained.

5. In the Object area, select the generic symbol you wish to create.

6. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The Generic Symbol is displayed in the New Object Area of the UX Map Manager window (Fig.1). Move
the symbol in any point of the View area.

To create Link objects (connection)

It is possible to create all the wished Link objects.

1. In the UX Map Manager window, move to the point of the map (container or main window) where you
wish to create the Link.

2. Select the two objects among which you wish to create the connection.
The operation is not executed if selected:
A container and a NE or Generic Symbol
Two containers
A single object
More than two objects

3. Select the Edit > Add > Link command.

The Add Generic Object window opens.

4. Type, in the Label box, the name of the connection (alphanumeric string of max 40 characters).
It is possible to assign the same name to more Links even of different type.

5. Activate the Show Label box if you wish that the name of the connection is displayed in the map.
6. In the Connection type area, select the type of connection.

7. In the Comment area, type additional information (max 100 characters).

The setting of this parameter is optional.

8. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The connection line is displayed between the selected objects.
If one of the two object is moved, the line automatically adapted according to the move.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 140

To create Label objects (wordings)

It is possible to create all the wished Label objects.

1. In the UX Map Manager window, move to the point of the map (container or main window) where you
wish to create the wording.

2. Select the Edit > Add > Label command.

The Add Label window opens.

3. Type, in the Label box, an alphanumeric string of max 50 characters.

It is possible to insert the wording more times.

4. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The object is displayed in the New Object Area of the UX Map Manager window (Fig.1). Move the symbol
in any point of the View area.

To create Container, NE (SNMP), Link and Label objects described in a file

Before executing the operation, it is necessary:

To create the file (csv format) you wish to use for the automatic creation of the ob-
jects, as pointed out at pag.81.
To copy the file (.csv) to the server where the NMS5UX-B system is installed (default
directory opt/nms5ux/data/files).

1. Select the Edit > Add > Network From File command.
The Add Network From File window opens.

2. Select the wished file (.csv format) in the Files list.

The list points out the files present in the predefined directory (pointed out in the Selection box). Modify
the path, if necessary.

3. Press Ok.
The Add From File Report - <path/name of the selected file> window is displayed where, for every cre-
ated object, is pointed out in the column:
Category and Type. Object type.
Name. Logical address (NE) or name of the object.
Message. Self-explanatory message about the result of the object creation.
If the total operation of object creation:
Was successful, the objects described in the file will be present in the UX Map Manager.
Was failed, the message SYNTAX ERROR - operation ABORTED is displayed in the Add From File
Report... window.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 141


System access Read-Write

User profile Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Delete command deletes an object from the map.

To delete an object from the map

1. Into the UX Map Manager window select the object you wish to delete.
Container. It can be deleted only if it does not contain objects.
Network Element. If present only in one map, can be deleted only if it is in disconnected status
(brown symbol).
If the object is present in more maps, it is possible to delete the symbol even if it is in connected
status, except for the last copy for which the above mentioned rule is valid: it can be deleted
only if in disconnected status.
The virtual NE can be always deleted.
If the object is managed even by the Ring Manager application, first it must be deleted from the
Ring Manager window and then it can be deleted from the map.
Generic Symbol, Link or Label. It can be always deleted.
A connection is automatically deleted even when one of the two symbols, which is connected to,
is removed.
2. Select the Edit > Delete command or select the right button of the mouse and select the Delete com-
mand (this command is not available if a Link object is selected) and confirm.
The object is removed from the map.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 142


System access Reading Read Only

Reading/Writing Read-Write
User profile Reading Entry, Normal
Reading/Writing Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Modify/View command displays/modifies the characteristics of the objects.

With details it is possible:

To verify/modify the parameters of a Container objects (pag.143)
To verify/modify the parameters of a Network Element objects (pag.143)
To verify/modify the parameters of a Generic Symbol objects (pag.144)
To verify/modify the parameters of a Link objects (pag.145)
To verify/modify the parameters of a Label objects (pag.145)

The values of some parameters cannot be changed. If it was necessary to modify these parameters, it
is suggested to delete the object and then re-create it assigning the new values to the parameters.

If the same object has been created into two different maps, at the changing of the parameter values of
such an object into a map, the system automatically changes the values of the parameters relevant to the
same object into the other map.

To verify/modify the parameters of a Container object

1. Select the wished Container object.

2. Select the Edit > Modify/View > Container command or select the right button of the mouse and
choose the Modify/View command.
The Container Properties window opens.
Label. Container name.
Type. Container type.
Comment. Additional information
It is possible to change the all parameters. The setting mode of the parameters is the same one pointed
out to pag.135.

3. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
In the UX Map Manager window, the container assumes the new characteristics.

To verify/modify the parameters of a Network Element object

1. Select the wished NE or Virtual NE object.

2. Select the Edit > Modify/View > Network Element command or select the right button of the mouse
and select the Modify/View command.
The Equipment Properties window opens.
If a following objects is selected:

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 143

NE managed with SNMP protocol is displayed in the box/area:
IP Address, the IP address of the NE
Logical Address, the logical address of the NE
Osi Address, the NSAP (Gosip) address of NE
Type, the type of NE
Proxy Address, address of the machine to which the Proxy Agent sends the traps coming
from the NE.
Comment, additional information
It is always possible to change the Logical Address, Type, Proxy Address, Comment parameters
while the Osi Address parameter can be changed ONLY if the NE is in disconnected status (brown
icon). The setting mode of the parameters is the same one pointed out to pag.136.
The change of the Logical Address parameter involves the change of the name even for the cop-
ies of the same NE present in the additional applications of the supervision system (for example,
Ring Manager, RAN, etc.).
It is not possible to change the Ip Address parameter.
Virtual NE managed with SNMP protocol is displayed in the box/area:
Logical Address, the logical address of the NE
Type, the type of NE
Comment, additional information
It is possible to change the all parameters. The setting mode of the parameters is the same one
pointed out to pag.138.
NE managed with Legacy protocol is displayed in the box/area:
Physical Address, the physical address of the NE
Logical Address, the logical address of the NE
CS Ip Address, the IP address of the CS or IPBOX to which it is connected the NE
CS Port, the number of the port of the CS or IPBOX to which it is connected the NE
Type, the type of NE
Proxy Address, address of the machine to which the Proxy Agent sends the traps coming
from the NE.
Comment, additional information
It is always possible to change the Logical Address, Comment and Proxy Address parameter,
while the CS Ip Address, CS Port parameters can be changed ONLY if the NE is in disconnected
status (brown icon). The setting mode of the parameters is the same one pointed out to
It is not possible to change the Physical Address, Type parameters.
Virtual NE managed with Legacy protocol is displayed in the box/area:
Logical Address, the logical address of the NE
Type, the type of NE
Comment, additional information
It is possible to change the Logical Address and Comment parameter. The setting mode of the
parameters is the same one pointed out to pag.139.
It is not possible to change the Type parameter.

3. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).

To verify/modify the parameters of a Generic Symbol object

1. Select the wished Generic Symbol object.

2. Select the Edit > Modify/View > Generic Symbol command or select the right button of the mouse
and select the Modify/View command.
The Generic Symbol Properties window opens.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 144

Label. Generic symbol name.
Group. Group containing the symbol
Object. Symbol
It is possible to change the all parameters. The setting mode of the parameters is the same one pointed
out to pag.140.

3. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
In the UX Map Manager window, the generic symbol assumes the new characteristics.

To verify/modify the parameters of a Link object

1. Select the wished Link object.

2. Select the Edit > Modify/View > Link command.

The Link Properties window opens.
Label and Show Label. Name of the connection and if this is displayed in the map are respectively
Connection type. Connection type.
Comment. Additional information
It is possible to change the all parameters. The setting mode of the parameters is the same one pointed
out to pag.140.

3. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
In the UX Map Manager window, the connection assumes the new characteristics.

To verify/modify the parameters of a Label object

1. Select the wished Label object.

2. Select the Edit > Modify/View > Label command or select the right button of the mouse and select
the Modify/View command.
The Label Properties window opens.
The wording is displayed in the Label box.

3. To modify the parameter, type the new value (alphanumeric string of max 50 characters) in the Label

4. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The label is modified in the UX Map Manager window.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 145


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Information command displays the information of the symbol.

With details it is possible:

To verify the information (marking status of the alarms, of the signalling of LCT presence, In-
correct Upload and the notes) of a symbol (pag.146).
To add/modify/delete the informative notes of a NE symbol (pag.148).

The command is not available for the Generic Symbol, Label or Link objects.

To verify the information (marking status of the alarms, of the signalling of

LCT presence, Incorrect Upload and the notes) of a symbol

Operation not available for the Generic Symbol, Label or Link objects.

1. Select the wished object.

2. Select the Edit > Information command or select the right button of the mouse and select the In-
formation command.
The Information window opens, where the symbol characteristics is displayed, as shown in Fig.63.

Fig.23 Information window

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 146

Fig.23 notes

(1) If the selection is an object:

Network Element, the box:
Ack Alarm - active ( ), points out that, in the selected NE, there is at least a not
marked alarm (current and/or in the alarm history).
To mark the alarm, open the Alarm History Browser window (Fig.36) and/or the Cur-
rent Alarm Browser window (Fig.37).
Ack Alarm - inactive, points out that all the possible alarms are marked.
Ack LCT - active ( ), points out that, from the last time the equipment window of
the selected NE has been selected, the LCT connected to the NE at least once in Con-
figuration modality (LCT presence signalling).
To mark the signalling, open the equipment window relevant to the NE.
Ack LCT - inactive, points out that, from the last time the equipment window of the
selected NE has been selected, LCT has not connected in Configuration modality.
Incorrect Upload - active ( ), points out that the last Configuration Upload is failed
or ended with problems.
The signalling is automatically removed at the first correctly executed operation of
Configuration Upload.
Incorrect Upload - active, points out that the last Configuration Upload ended suc-
For the virtual NE the Acknowledge Information area is not meaningful.
Network Element of Nodal type, the box:
Ack Alarm - active ( ), points out that at least a NE of the selected node, has at least
one not marked alarm.
Ack Alarm - inactive, points out that no NE of the selected node, has not marked
Ack LCT - active ( ), points out that at least one NE of the selected node, has the
signalling of LCT presence.
Ack LCT - inactive, points out that no NE of the selected node, has the signalling of
LCT presence.
Incorrect Upload - active ( ), points out that at least one NE of the selected node,
has the signalling of Incorrect Upload.
Incorrect Upload - inactive, points out that no NE of the selected node, has the sig-
nalling of Incorrect Upload.
Container, the box:
Ack Alarm - active ( ), points out that at least a NE, present in the selected contain-
er, has at least one not marked alarm.
Ack Alarm - inactive, points out that no NE, present in the selected container, has not
marked alarms.
Ack LCT - active ( ), points out that at least one NE, present in the selected con-
tainer, has the signalling of LCT presence.
Ack LCT - inactive, points out that no NE, present in the selected container, has the
signalling of LCT presence.
Incorrect Upload - active ( ), points out that at least one NE, present in the selected
container, has the signalling of Incorrect Upload.
Incorrect Upload - inactive, points out that no NE, present in the selected container,
has the signalling of Incorrect Upload.

(2) If selected, an Network Element object, the Note area reports the possible informative notes insert-
ed by the user.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 147

To add/modify/delete the informative notes of a NE symbol

Operation not available for the container, Generic Symbol, Label or Link objects.

1. Select the wished NE object.

2. Select the Edit > Information command or select the right button of the mouse and select the In-
formation command.
The Information window opens (Fig.23).

3. In the Note area, add/modify/delete the text (max 50 characters).

4. Press OK.
If some notes are present, the symbol , is added next to the equipment symbol.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 148


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Graphical Symbol Properties command displays the graphic parameters assigned by the system to
the symbol.

The command is not available for the Link symbol.

To verify the graphic parameters assigned by the system to the symbol

Operation not available for the Link symbol.3

1. Select the wished symbol.

2. Select the Edit > Graphical Symbol Properties command.

The Graphical Symbol Properties window opens.
Selection Name. Graphic name of the symbol
Object Properties. Graphic parameters of the symbol
The parameters cannot be modified.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 149


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Find command searches a symbol in the map using, as criterion, an alphanumeric string that consti-
tutes one part or the whole name, the IP address or notes.

To search a symbol in the map

1. Select the Edit > Find command.

The Find window opens.

2. Type in the Text to find: box the alphanumeric wording relevant to the NE you wish to find.
It is possible to use the asterisk wild-card character (*). For example, typing in the box the letter:
p, the equipment with name, address or notes equal to p will be searched.
p*, the NEs with name, address or notes starting with p will be searched.
p*o, the NEs with name, address or notes starting with p and ending with o will be searched.

3. Select, in the Search for area, the field where the alphanumeric string must be searched:
Symbol Name. Name of the symbol.
IP Address. IP address of the symbol (parameter valid only for NE objects).
Note. Additional notes for the symbol (parameter valid only for NE objects).

4. Press Find.
In the Search result area, there are as many rows as the objects, present in the map, that satisfy search
For each object, the name and the position (map/container/) of the relevant symbol.

5. In order to bring the UX Map Manager window with a a highlighted symbol in foreground, select the
relevant row in the Search result area and, then, press Open or double click on the row itself.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 150


System access Read-Write

User profile Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Arrange Symbols command aligns the symbols.

To align the symbols

1. Select the symbols you wish to align.

The first selected symbol is taken as reference for the alignment.

2. To align:
Vertically the symbols, select the Edit > Arrange Symbols > Vertical command or press .
Horizontally the symbols, select the Edit > Arrange Symbols > Horizontal command or press

According to the selected command/push-button, the symbols are aligned vertically or horizontally.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 151


System access Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Generate Info for WEB command checks the database information necessary to the RAN. This op-
eration re-alignment the information between the NMS5UX-B and RAN application.

For more information about the RAN application refer to the specific documentation.

To check the database information necessary to the RAN

1. Select the Edit > Generate Info for WEB command.

The information present in the database is generated.
At the end of the operation, a message displaying the result of the operation itself is displayed.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 152


System access Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Set Current Window Geometry For All Containers command allows to set the size of the contain-
ers windows such as the size of the window where the command is selected.

To set the size of the containers windows

1. To resize the UX Map Manager window (Fig.1) at will.

2. Select the Edit > Set Current Window Geometry For All Containers command.
When a container is selected, the UX Map Manager window will keep the size set at step 1.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 153


The Performance menu contains the following commands:

Performance Monitoring Read (pag.155). It updates the results of the PM measures of an

Performance Monitoring (pag.156). It displays the results of the PM measures of an equip-
Old Performance Monitoring (pag.161). It displays the results of the PM measures of an
equipment, saved and restored from tape or disk.
Export Performance Monitoring (pag.163). It saves on file the results of the PM measures of
one or more equipment of the same type.
View/Modify P.M. Status (pag.165). It displays the status and allows activating/deactivating
the PM measures of one or more equipment of the same type contemporarily.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 154


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Performance Monitoring Read command updates the results of the PM measures of an equipment.
The updating request is sent to the controller of the equipment.

To update the results of the PM measures of an equipment

Operation available only for the NE in connected status.

For the NE objects of Nodal type, the operation is executed for all the equipment of the node.

1. Select the desired NE.

2. Select the Performance > Performance Monitoring Read command.
At the end of the operation, a message displaying the result of the operation itself is displayed.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 155


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Performance Monitoring command displays the results of the PM measures of an equipment.

With details it is possible:

To verify the results of the PM measures of an equipment, subdivided in daily records (24 hours)
and, for each record, verifying the values of the control parameters (pag.156).
To verify the results of the PM measures of an equipment, subdivided in primary records (15
minutes) and, for each record, verifying the values of the control parameters (pag.160).

The command is not available for the virtual NE objects and the NE objects of Nodal type (for the equip-
ment of a nodal system, the command is present in the nodal equipment window - pag.38).

For more information about the PM measures go to pag.116.

To verify the results of the PM measures of an equipment, subdivided in daily

records (24 hours) and, for each record, verifying the values of the control

Operation not available for the virtual NE objects and the NE objects of Nodal type (for the equipment
of a nodal system, the command is present in the nodal equipment window - pag.38).

1. Select the NE.

If the type of selected NE does not support the PM measures, a warning message will be displayed.

2. Select the Performance > Performance Monitoring command or press .

The Graphic Performance Monitoring window opens, where the period of time for which you wish to
verify the results of the PM measures is required.
In the boxes:
Date Reference, the start date (day/month/year) is displayed (by default, the current day is
Day Previous, the number of days, previous to the set date, that constitute the duration of the
period (by default, 30 days is set) is displayed.

3. Set the Date Reference and Day previous boxes to the wished values.
It is possible to set a value within 10 and 180 days.
Remember that it is possible to display at most the daily records relevant to the last 180 days (starting
from the current day). The results of the PM measures are stored in the database of the system (Per-
formance Monitoring table). They are available for a period of 6 months, then they are automatically

4. Set the Auto Select box. In detail:

Activate the box if you wish that, at the selection of a control parameter of a measure point, also
the other control parameters are automatically selected, compatible with the measure unit of
the selected item (see step 7).
Deactivate the box if you wish that, at the selection of a control parameter, no other parameter
is selected.

5. Press OK.
The Graphic Performance Monitoring window opens.

6. Select the TPC menu.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 156

All the types of measure (TPC - Termination Point Class - yellow wordings) and the measure points
(points where the control parameters are really measured) (TP - Termination Point - orange wording)
available for the selected equipment are selected.
The control parameters are contained in the pop-up menu that opens on the side of the measure point.
Generally, more control parameters refer to the same TP.

7. Select the control parameters, for which you wish to display the results of the PM measures.

All the control parameters of a TP can be displayed in the same graphic. They have been subdivided
according to the measure unit used for their counting: seconds, blocks, dBm, etc.
The Graphic Performance Monitoring window displays the results of the selected control parameters
Fig.24 shows an example.
When a parameter is selected, the name of the relevant TP changes colour: from orange, it becomes
red. While the selected control parameter is characterized by a led on its left side.
When a control parameter is selected, it is possible to select all the parameters that have the same
measure unit present in the same TP or in anyone of the other TPs.
The control parameters that have not the same measure unit of the selected parameter are not avail-
able (wording of grey colour).
In order to display the results of the parameters with measure unit different from the currently selected
one, it is necessary to deselect all the control parameters (Option > Deselect all TPC command) and,
then, select the new parameters.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 157

Fig.24 Graphic Performance Monitoring window

Fig.24 notes

(1) In order:
Type and logical address of the equipment.
Start date and End date.
Type of displayed record (Daily, Primary).
Type of graph (Histogram, Chart, Chart Comp).

(2) Menu:
File > Exit. It closes the window.
Option > Deselect all TPC. It deselects all the selected control parameters.
Option > Thresholds. It displays in the graph a broken line that represents the threshold val-
ue of each selected control parameter.
Each broken line will have the colour that represents the parameter in the graph.
Option > Type image. It modifies the type of graph. In detail:

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 158

Histogram, graph with histograms.
Chart, line graph.
Chart Comp., compressed line graph.
TPC. List of the types of measure (TPC - Termination Point Class - wordings in yellow) and
of the measure points (TP - Termination Point - wordings in orange) available for the selected
type of equipment.
Help > Index. It opens the on-line manual.

(3) The window displays the records contained in the set time period. They are displayed from the old-
est to the newest one. Use the scrolling bar to move among the records.
Each control parameter, within the record column, is identified by a colour. The colour legend is
displayed in the Legend and measure.... area

(4) Each record is identified by the relevant date (day/month/year).

The result of all the active measures is pointed out by a coloured wording under the date of the
record. In detail:
Not available. The record is not available, as in the observation period under examination no
measure was active.
No error (green). The record has been completely acquired and the measures are not errored.
Above Thrs (red). The record has been completely acquired and at least a control parameter
has exceeded the relevant threshold value.
Besides the record, in this case, the NE sends an alarm of exceeding of the daily record that
is stored in the alarm history.
Below Thrs (yellow). The record has been completely acquired and the measured control pa-
rameters have not exceeded their threshold value.
Lost (black). The record is not arrived to the main controller of the NE for example because
the corresponding peripheral card has been physically extracted before sending the record
itself or due to generic hardware/software troubles.
Incompl (yellow). The record has not been completely acquired during the corresponding ob-
servation period.
The record of measure start is always in this status. The daily record assumes this status
also when only one primary record of the corresponding day is in incomplete status.

The daily record of the current date will be always incomplete as the daily records are
acquired at 23.59 of each day.
Restarted (black). The record was lost due to a reset of the NE.
When the NE has a software restart and verifies that, for a given measure point, the measure
is active, all the records of that measure point will result in this status.

(5) For each control parameter, the following columns indicate:

Value, value of the control parameter. The colour of the number that represents the value
indicates the exceeding of the threshold:
Red. Value greater than the set threshold value.
Yellow. Value lower than the set threshold value.
White. Threshold value not set (threshold inactive).
The dash (-) indicates that the value is not available.
Col., colour that represents the parameter within the graph
State Rec., status of the record relevant to the control parameter. For the description of the
different statuses, see note (4).
Threshold, threshold level over which the relevant alarm is activated.
The wording Disable indicates that the threshold is inactive.
Description, name of the measure point (TP) and relevant to the control parameter.
The control parameters changes according to the TP. Their description is reported in the
equipment user Manual relevant to the type of NE which the measure is referred to.
The window displays contemporarily all the records relevant to the period set at the begin-
ning of the procedure.
RLT (dbm), power threshold level.
The field is displayed and it is meaningful only for power control parameters (e.g. RLTS,
RLTM, etc.).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 159

To verify the results of the PM measures of an equipment, subdivided in pri-
mary records (15 minutes) and, for each record, verifying the values of the
control parameters

Operation not available for the virtual NE objects and the NE objects of Nodal type (for the equipment
of a nodal system, the command is present in the nodal equipment window - pag.38).

1. Open the Graphic Performance Monitoring window as shown at pag.156.

2. Double click on the record relevant to the day whose primary records you wish to display.
Another Graphic Performance Monitoring window opens.
In this window, it is possible to verify the results of the PM measures of all the primary records of the
selected day.
The items of the window and their description are the same shown in Fig.24, the only difference is that
instead of the daily records, each column will represent a primary record (15 minutes).

3. To return to the displaying of the primary records, double click on any point of the window.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 160


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Old Performance Monitoring command displays the results of the PM measures of an equipment,
saved and restored from tape or disk.

With details it is possible:

To verify the results of the PM measures of an equipment, subdivided in daily records (24 hours)
present in the Old Performance Monitoring table (pag.161).
To verify the results of the PM measures of an equipment, subdivided in primary records (15
minutes) present in the Old Performance Monitoring table (pag.162).

Operation not available for the virtual NE objects and the NE objects of Nodal type (for the equipment
of a nodal system, the command is present in the nodal equipment window - pag.38).

In the Old Performance Monitoring table are stored the results of the PM measures saved (see pag.400)
and restored (see pag.401) from tape or disk.

To verify the results of the PM measures of an equipment, subdivided in daily

records (24 hours) present in the Old Performance Monitoring table

Operation not available for the virtual NE objects and the NE objects of Nodal type (for the equipment
of a nodal system, the command is present in the nodal equipment window - pag.38).

1. Select the NE.

If the type of selected NE does not support PM measures, a warning message will be displayed.
2. Select the Performance > Old Performance Monitoring command.
The Graphic Performance Monitoring window opens, where the time period, for which you wish to verify
the results of the PM measures, is required.
In the boxes:
Date Reference, the date (day/month/year) of period start (by default the current day is select-
ed) is displayed.
Day Previous, the number of days, previous to the set date, that constitute the period duration
is displayed (by default 30 days is set).

3. Set the Date Reference and Day previous boxes to the wished values.
It is possible to set a value within 10 and 180 days.
Remember that it is possible to display, at most, the daily records relevant to the last 180 days (starting
from the current day).

4. Set the Auto Select box. In detail:

Activate the box if you wish, on the selection of a control parameter of a measure point, also
the other control parameters, compatible with the measure unit of the selected item (see step
7) are automatically selected.
Deactivate the box if you wish that, on the selection of a control parameter, no other parameter
is selected.

5. Press OK.
The Graphic Performance Monitoring - OLD window opens.

If, at the opening of the window, the table is empty, it is necessary to restore from the backup file
saved before the list of the wished measures (see pag.401).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 161

They will remain available in the Old Performance Monitoring table and in the Graphic Performance
Monitoring - OLD window, until a different list of measures is not restored.

6. Select the TPC menu.

All the types of measure (TPC - Termination Point Class - wordings in yellow) and the measure points
(TP - Termination Point - wordings in orange) available for the selected equipment are listed.
The control parameters are contained in the pop-up menu that opens on the side of the measure point.
Generally, more control parameters refer to the same TP.
7. Select the control parameters for which you wish the display the results of the PM measures.

In the same graph not all the control parameters of a TP can be displayed. They have been subdi-
vided according to the measure unit used for their counting: seconds, blocks, dBm, etc.

The Graphic Performance Monitoring - OLD window displays the results of the selected control param-
The items of the Graphic Performance Monitoring - OLD window and their description are the same
shown in Fig.24.

When a parameter is selected, the name of the relevant TP changes colour: from orange it becomes
red. The selected control parameter is characterized by a led on its left.
When a control parameter is selected, it is possible to select all the parameters that have the same
measure unit present in the same TP or in any of the other TP.
The control parameters that have not the same measure unit of the selected parameter will not be
available (wording in grey colour).

In order to display the results of parameter with measure unit different from the currently selected
one, it is necessary to deselect all the control parameters (Option > Deselect all TPC command)
and, then, select the new parameters.

To verify the results of the PM measures of an equipment, subdivided in pri-

mary records (15 minutes) present in the Old Performance Monitoring table

Operation not available for the virtual NE objects and the NE objects of Nodal type (for the equipment
of a nodal system, the command is present in the nodal equipment window - pag.38).

1. Open the Graphic Performance Monitoring - OLD window as shown at pag.161.

2. Double click on the record relevant to the day for which you wish to display the primary records.
An addition Graphic Performance Monitoring - OLD window opens.
In this, it is possible to verify the results of the PM measures of all the primary records of the selected
The items of the window and their description are the same shown in Fig.24, the only difference is that,
instead of the daily records, each column will represent a primary record (15 minutes).

3. In order to come back to the displaying of the primary records, double click on any point of the window.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 162


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Export Performance Monitoring command saves on file the results of the PM measures of one or
more equipment of the same type. Then, during the operation, it is possible to forward the file to a user,
via e-mail.

The command is not available for the virtual NE objects.

To save on file the results of the PM measures of one or more equipment of

the same type

Operation not available for the virtual NE objects.

It is possible to select a maximum of 100 equipment.
For the NE objects of Nodal type, the operation will be executed on all the node equipment.

1. Select the real NE(s) of the same type.

2. Select the Performance > Export Performance Monitoring command.

The Export window opens.
Under the window title, it is pointed out the NE type.

3. Position the mouse cursor into the TPclass area and press the mouse R.H. push-button.
The system displays the list of the measurements foreseen for the selected type of NE.

4. Choose one measurement type from the list.

Into the Termination Point (TP) area, the system points out the relevant measuring points.
5. Choose one or more measuring points for which the results of the PM measurements have to be saved
on file. It is possible to select more records.

6. Select the option:

Daily, to save on file the daily records relevant to the selected measuring point/s.
Primary, to save on file the primary records.

7. Set the date (into the Date boxes) and the time (into the Time boxes) respectively for the starting (Start
Date Time box) and for the ending (Stop Date Time box) of the time for which the results of the PM
measurements have to be saved.
The supervisory system has at disposal the results of the PM measurements relevant to the last 180
days (6 months).

8. Type the directory and the file name, for which the operator wants to save the data, into the File Name
The system provides a default directory and name composed by specific information, such as, for in-
stance, the date, the time, the NE logic address.
The format of the provided default name can be changed by the Superuser.
9. ONLY if the user wants to forward the file to another user, it is necessary to set the name of the user
into the Remote Address box.
If the user positions the mouse cursor on the text field and press the mouse R.H. push-button, the sys-
tem displays a pre-defined list of users. Select the desired user.
In this case, the file will be as saved into the pre-defined directory as forwarded to the set user.

The predefined list of users has to be set and later it can be changed by the Superuser.
To be able to forward the file, the system administrator has to configure properly the mail server.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 163

10.Press OK.
The system displays the Preview window that points out the resuming of the executed setting opera-
Then, in the lower part of the window, the system points out the total number of records (Total Record
Number box) and the number of records that contain errored data (Records with counters box).

The system can display an error message that points out that the number of record present into the
set time is too high. This situation is caused because the system stores into each file a maximum limit
N of records. The limit N can be changed by the Superuser.
The data are saved in ASCII format that can be recognized by a great number of text processing pro-
grams and databases.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 164


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The View/Modify P.M. Status command displays the status and allows activating/deactivating the PM
measures of one or more equipment of the same type contemporarily.

With details it is possible:

To verify the operating status of the PM measure points of one or more equipment of the same
type (pag.165)
To activate at the same time one or more PM measures for one or more equipment of the same
type (pag.167)
To deactivate at the same time one or more PM measures for one or more equipment of the
same type (pag.167)

The command is not available for the virtual NE objects.

To verify the operating status of the PM measure points of one or more NEs
of the same type

Operation not available for the virtual NE objects.

For the NE objects of Nodal type, the operation will be executed on all the node equipment.

1. Select the real NE(s) of the same type.

2. Select the Performance > View/Modify P.M. Status command.

The View/Modify P.M. Status window opens, where the operating status of the measure points is dis-
played, as shown in Fig.25.

If more NE objects of different type are selected, the PM measures relevant to the first type of se-
lected NE are displayed. For example, if selected in order, one NE of SDH type, one NE of FAM type and
one NE of PDH type, on the selection of the command, the PM measures that characterize the SDH
equipment are displayed.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 165

Fig.25 View/Modify P.M. Status window

Fig.25 notes

(1) Area:
Equipment. Equipment selected in the map. Select the option:
All Equipment, to display the measure points relevant to all the equipment in the Ter-
mination Point area.
Selected Equipment, to display the measure points relevant only to the selected
equipment in the Termination Point area.
The option is available only after having selected at least one equipment.
Termination Point Class. Types of measures relevant to the type of equipment selected in
the map. Select the option:
All TP Class, to display the measure points relevant to all the types of measure in the
Termination Point area.
Selected TP Class, to display the measure points relevant only to the selected types
of measure in the Termination Point area.
The option is available only after having selected at least one type of measure.
Termination Point Instances. Status of the measure point. Activate the box:
Running Counters to display the active measure point in the Termination Point area.
Not Running Counters to display the inactive measure point in the Termination Point area.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 166

(2) For each measure point, the following column points out:
Logical Addr., the logical address of the equipment.
TP Class, the name of the type of measure.
TP Instance, name of the measure point.
Status, status of the measure: active (wording: Running), inactive (wording Not running).

(3) Menu:
File > Close. It closes the window.
Action > Start. It activates the PM measures.
Action > Stop. It deactivates the PM measures.
Action > Refresh Info. It updates the information contained in the window.
Help > On Usage. It opens the on-line manual.
Help > About Application. Version of the module that manages the considered functionality.

To activate at the same time one or more PM measures for one or more
equipment of the same type

Operation not available for the virtual NE objects.

For the NE objects of Nodal type, the operation will be executed on all the node equipment.

1. Select the real NE(s) of the same type.

2. Select the Performance > View/Modify P.M. Status command.

The View/Modify P.M. Status window opens (Fig.25).

3. To activate:
All the PM measures of all the NE of the same type selected in the map, select the Action >
Start > All command.
The measures relevant to the measure points present in the Termination Point area select the
Action > Start > Filtered command.
The measures relevant to the measure points selected in the Termination Point area, select the
Action > Start > Selected command.
In the Message area, the result of the operation is displayed.

To deactivate at the same time one or more PM measures for one or more
equipment of the same type

Operation not available for the virtual NE objects.

For the NE objects of Nodal type, the operation will be executed on all the node equipment.

1. Select the real NE(s) of the same type.

2. Select the Performance > View/Modify P.M. Status command.

The View/Modify P.M. Status window opens (Fig.25).

3. To deactivate:
All the PM measures of all the NE of the same type selected in the map, select the Action >
Stop > All command.
The measures relevant to the measure points present in the Termination Point area, select the
Action > Stop > Filtered command.
The measures relevant to the measure points selected in the Termination Point area, select the
Action > Stop > Selected command.
In the area Message, the result of the operation is displayed.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 167


The Configuration menu contains the following commands:

Equipment Info (pag.169). It displays the characteristics and the functional status of the
Radio Certificate (pag.171). It records the characteristics of the radio equipment.
Legacy-Hw/Sw Edition Inventory (pag.172). It displays the hardware version and firmware
version of the Legacy equipment present into the open map.
Legacy-Physical Unit Inventory (pag.176). It displays the units list of the Legacy equipment
present into the open map.
SNMP-Software Inventory (pag.180). It displays the firmware version and the units list
(where a controller or a FPGA is present) of the SNMP equipment present into the open map.
SNMP-Hw Inventory (pag.187). It displays the hardware version of the SNMP equipment
present into the open map.
SNMP-NE Backup/Restore (pag.191). It displays the backup files of the SNMP equipment
present into the open map.
Legacy-Alarm Average (pag.197). It displays the mean of the alarms per seconds sent by the
Legacy equipment and received by the NMS5UX-B system.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 168


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Equipment Info command displays the characteristics and the functional status of the equipment.

To verify the characteristics and the functional status of an equipment

1. Select the wished NE object.

2. Select the Configuration > Equipment Info command or select the right button of the mouse and
select the Equipment Information command.
The Equipment Information window opens, where the characteristics and the functional status of the
equipment are displayed, as shown in Fig.26.

Selecting more NE symbols and choosing this command, more Equipment Information window open for
each selected NE.

Fig.26 Equipment Information window

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 169

Fig.26 notes

(1) Option:
Physical Address. Physical address of the NE.
Logical Address. Logical address of the NE.
Type. Type of NE.
Equipment status. Status of the connection between the NE and the supervision system.
Alarm status. Functional status (alarms) of the NE.
The severity level of the alarm present on the NE is displayed. If more alarms of different
severity are present, the level relevant to the more serious alarm will be displayed.
LCT Presence. Status of the connection between the local program and the NE. Value:
Absent. The LCT user is not connected to the equipment.
LCT Config. The LCT user is connected to the equipment in Configuration modality.
LCT Monitor. The LCT user is connected to the equipment in Monitoring modality.
Alarm history. Number of alarms relevant to the NE, stored in the alarm history. Box:
Total. Total number of alarms.
Ack. Number of marked alarms.
Not Ack. Number of not marked alarms.
Current alarms. Number of alarms currently present on NE.

If a NE object of Nodal type is selected, the displayed information is referred in part to the node
(Physical Address, Logical Address and Type) and in part to the sum of the information of the equip-
ment belonging to the node (Equipment status, Alarm status, LCT Presence, Alarm history and Cur-
rent alarms).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 170


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced *, Privileged *, Superuser *

* The recording data, if modified, can be saved only the Superuser and by the users with privileged and
advanced profiles.

The Radio Certificate command records the characteristics of the radio equipment.

With details is possible:

To verify/modify the data registration (conformity certificate) of a radio (pag.171)
To save to file or print the conformity certificate of a radio (pag.171)

To verify/modify the data registration (conformity certificate) of a radio

The recording data, if modified, can be saved only the Superuser and by the users with privileged and
advanced profiles.

1. Select the radio equipment you wish to record.

2. Select the Configuration > Radio Certificate command.

The EqpInfoPage window opens where all the characteristics of the radio (conformity certificate) are
3. To enter a value or modify the existing one, select the relevant box and type the new value.

4. Press Save.
The certificate is saved in the database of the system.

To save to file or print the conformity certificate of a radio

The recording data, if modified, can be saved only the Superuser and by the users with privileged and
advanced profiles.

1. Select the radio equipment you wish to record.

2. Select the Configuration > Radio Certificate command.

The EqpInfoPage window opens.

3. To save to file the data, press Print to File.

During the saving, the Printing to file field is displayed which displays the path/filename where the data
are saved (default usr/tmn5ux/log/EqpInfo.log).
The files are saved in text format and can be opened using any text editor.

To print the data, press Print to Printer.

The certificate is printed on the default printer.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 171


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Legacy-Hw/Sw Edition Inventory command displays the hardware version and firmware version
of the Legacy equipment present into the open map.

With details it is possible:

To verify the hardware and firmware version of the objects relevant to the Legacy equipment
present into the open map (pag.172)
To save/print the list of the objects (pag.173)
To filter/order the list of the objects (pag.174)

The command is available only if the modules for the management of the Legacy equipment have been

Each NE is seen by the supervisory system as an assembly of objects that represent one or more phy-
sical parts of the NE itself. More detailed information concerning the objects that characterize each single
type of NE are reported into the relevant equipment manual.

To verify the hardware and firmware version of the objects relevant to the
Legacy equipment present into the open map

Operation available only if the modules for the management of the Legacy equipment have been in-

1. Select the Configuration > Legacy-Hw/Sw Edition Inventory command.

The Hw/Sw Edition Inventory window opens, where the characteristics of the hardware and firmware
are displayed, as shown in Fig.27.

Fig.27 Hw/Sw Edition Inventory window

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 172

Fig.27 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Print/Save. It prints/saves on a file the information.
File > Close. It closes the window.
View > Set Filter. It filters/orders the objects list.
View > Refresh Info. It refreshes the information present into the window.
Help > On usage. It opens the on-line manual.

(2) Into the table, one record is dedicated to each object. Such a record contains the following infor-
Equipment. Legacy equipment type that contains the object.
Address. Logic address of the NE that contains the object.
Object name. Object name.
Slot. Topologic position of the object inside the NE, pointed out by a letter and eventually by
a number. Some objects are not provided with such an information.
Hw/Sw Edition. Edition number of the hardware and of the firmware relevant to the physical
unit coupled with the object to which it is referred the record.

The information present into the table correspond to the characteristics of the objects at the selec-
tion of the command.

(3) Into the status bar, the system points out the following information:
The number of the displayed records (xx records).
The activation of one or more filters.
The date and the time when it has been opened or refreshed the window.

To save/print the list of the objects

Operation available only if the modules for the management of the Legacy equipment have been in-

1. Select the Configuration > Legacy-Hw/Sw Edition Inventory command.

The Hw/Sw Edition inventory window opens (Fig.27).
2. To print or save to a file:
The displayed records, select the File > Print/Save > Filtered Items command. If the filters
are not active, the displayed records correspond to the record stored in the database.
A group of records, select the records and then the File > Print/Save > Selected Items com-
The Output Device Selection window opens.

3. To print the data:

a. Select the Output To Printer option.

In the Printer Name box, the default printer is automatically set (Default Printer).
If you want to print to another peripheral device, type in the box the name of the printer you
wish to use.
b. Choose the layout of the page, selecting the Landscape or Portrait option.
c. Press OK.
The format used to print the information corresponds to the format used to display it.
To save the data to a file:
a. Select the Output To File option.
b. Type, in the File Name box, the path and the name of the file where the information must be
Typing only the filename, this will be saved in the /opt/nms5ux/data/export/<application
name> directory.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 173

c. Press Ok.
The files are saved in text format and can be opened using any text editor.

To filter/order the list of the objects

Operation available only if the modules for the management of the Legacy equipment have been in-

1. Select the Configuration > Legacy-Hw/Sw Edition Inventory command.

The Hw/Sw Edition Inventory window opens (Fig.27).

2. Select the View > Set Filter command.

The Set Filter window opens.
Select one or more boxes present in the window, depending on the criteria you wish to use.
The activation of each box expands the window, displaying a section containing the following options:
Match Object Type. Object of a NE.
To set the criterion:
Select the NE type into the Equipment Type list.
Select the desired object into the Object type list.
It is possible to set a single object class at a time or all the classes at the same time
choosing the All Objects option.
Match Address. NE logic address
To set the criterion type the NE address into the text field and press Add. The system inserts
the value into the area placed under the Match Address box.
The user can delete from the list a single option pressing, after having selected such an option,
the Remove push-button or he can delete all the options at the same time pressing Remove
It is possible to use the wild character asterisk (*). For instance typing into the text field:
12 the system will display, into the window, the NE with address12.
12* the system will display the NEs with the address that begins with 12 (12, 120, etc.).
1*2 the system will display the NEs with the address that begins with 1 and ends with 2
(12,102, 112, etc.).
Match Edition. In this section, it is possible to set, as a filter, the edition of the hardware and/or
of the firmware of the unit, executing the following procedure:
Type into the first text field (max 2 numbers) the edition number of the hardware and/or type
into the remaining 3 boxes (placed under the symbol /) the edition number (max. 2 characters
for each box) of the firmware.
To execute a general search, use the wild character asterisk (*).
The value 0/0.0.0 points out that the edition of the hardware and/or of the firmware relevant to
the unit under examination is unknown.
Match Unit Code. Identification codes of the unit or of the NE part to which corresponds the ob-
The setting mode of the filter is the same one described for the Match Address criterion.
Sort by. To order the records with respect to the parameters:.
Address. Logic address of the NE that contains the object.
Unit Code. Identification codes of the unit or of the NE part to which corresponds the ob-
Hw Edition. Edition number of the hardware relevant to the physical unit coupled with the
object to which it is referred the record.
Object Name. Object name.
Sw Edition. Edition number of the firmware relevant to the physical unit coupled with the
object to which it is referred the record.
To set the ordering criterion, activate the desired option.

3. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 174

The system displays in the Hw/Sw Edition Inventory window only the records that satisfy the activated
Each time that the list is filtered, all the records are considered, both the displayed ones and the hidden
In the window there are also the Clear (it removes the activation of the filters and displays the com-
plete list), Cancel (it closes the window and does not execute the command) and Help (it opens the
on-line manual) push-buttons.
When the Hw/Sw Edition Inventory window closes, the possible activation of the filters is automatically

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 175


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Legacy-Physical Unit Inventory command displays the units list of the Legacy equipment present
into the open map.

With details it is possible:

To verify the objects list of the Legacy equipment present into the open map (pag.176)
To save/print the list of the objects (pag.177)
To modify the identification code of the unit (pag.178)
To filter/order the list of the objects (pag.178)

The command is available only if the modules for the management of the Legacy equipment have been

Each NE is seen by the supervisory system as an assembly of objects that represent one or more phys-
ical parts of the NE itself. More detailed information concerning the objects that characterize each single
type of NE are reported into the relevant equipment manual.

To verify the objects list of the Legacy equipment present into the open map

Operation available only if the modules for the management of the Legacy equipment have been in-

1. Select the Configuration > Legacy-Physical Unit Inventory command.

The Physical Unit Inventory window opens, where the characteristics of the objects relevant of the Leg-
acy equipment present into the open map are displayed, as shown in Fig.28.

Fig.28 Physical Unit Inventory window

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 176

Fig.28 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Print/Save. It prints/saves on a file the information.
File > Close. It closes the window.
Action > Set Unit Code. It changes the identification code of the object.
View > Set Filter. It filters/orders the objects list.
View > Refresh Info. It refreshes the information present into the window.
Help > On usage. It opens the on-line manual.

(2) Into the table, one record is dedicated to each object. Such a record contains the following infor-
Equipment. Legacy equipment type that contains the object.
Address. Logic address of the NE that contains the object.
Object name. Object name.
Slot. Topologic position of the object inside the NE, pointed out by a letter and eventually by
a number. Some objects are not provided with such an information.
Unit Code. Identification code assigned by the manufacturing company to the unit or to the
NE part to which corresponds the object.

The information present into the table correspond to the characteristics of the objects at the selec-
tion of the command.

(3) Into the status bar, the system points out the following information:
The number of the displayed records (xx records).
The activation of one or more filters.
The date and the time when it has been opened or refreshed the window.

To save/print the list of the objects

Operation available only if the modules for the management of the Legacy equipment have been in-

1. Select the Configuration > Legacy-Physical Unit Inventory command.

The Physical Unit Inventory window opens (Fig.28).

2. To print or save to a file:

The displayed records, select the File > Print/Save > Filtered Items command. If the filters
are not active, the displayed records correspond to the record stored in the database.
A group of records, select the records and then the File > Print/Save > Selected Items com-
The Output Device Selection window opens.

3. To print the data:

a. Select the Output To Printer option.

In the Printer Name box, the default printer is automatically set (Default Printer).
If you want to print to another peripheral device, type in the box the name of the printer you
wish to use.
b. Choose the layout of the page, selecting the Landscape or Portrait option.
c. Press OK.
The format used to print the information corresponds to the format used to display it.

To save the data to a file:

a. Select the Output To File option.

b. Type, in the File Name box, the path and the name of the file where the information must be

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 177

Typing only the filename, this will be saved in the /opt/nms5ux/data/export/<application
name> directory.
c. Press Ok.
The files are saved in text format and can be opened using any text editor.

To modify the identification code of the unit

Operation available only if the modules for the management of the Legacy equipment have been in-

1. Select the Configuration > Legacy-Physical Unit Inventory command.

The Physical Unit Inventory window opens (Fig.28).

2. Select the Action > Set Unit Code.

The Set Unit Code window opens.

3. Open the Equipment Type option menu and choose the type of the NE to which belongs the object.

4. Open the Object Type option menu and choose the object.

5. Into the Unit Code box, type the identification code of the object.
If after having changed the code, the user wants to reset the preceding one, it is sufficient to press

6. Press Ok.

To filter/order the list of the objects

Operation available only if the modules for the management of the Legacy equipment have been in-

1. Select the Configuration > Legacy-Physical Unit Inventory command.

The Physical Unit Inventory window opens (Fig.28).
2. Select the View > Set Filter command.
The Set Filter window opens.
Select one or more boxes present in the window, depending on the criteria you wish to use.
The activation of each box expands the window, displaying a section containing the following options:
Match Object Type. Object of a NE.
To set the criterion:
Select the NE type into the Equipment Type list.
Select the desired object into the Object type list.
It is possible to set a single object class at a time or all the classes at the same time
choosing the All Objects option.
Match Address. NE logic address
To set the criterion type the NE address into the text field and press Add. The system inserts
the value into the area placed under the Match Address box.
The user can delete from the list a single option pressing, after having selected such an option,
the Remove push-button or he can delete all the options at the same time pressing Remove
It is possible to use the wild character asterisk (*). For instance typing into the text field:
12 the system will display, into the window, the NE with address12.
12* the system will display the NEs with the address that begins with 12 (12, 120, etc.).
1*2 the system will display the NEs with the address that begins with 1 and ends with 2
(12,102, 112, etc.).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 178

Match Unit Code. Identification codes of the unit or of the NE part to which corresponds the ob-
The setting mode of the filter is the same one described for the Match Address criterion.
Sort by. To order the records with respect to the parameters:
Address. Logic address of the NE that contains the object.
Unit Code. Identification codes of the unit or of the NE part to which corresponds the ob-
Object Name. Object name.
To set the ordering criterion, activate the desired option.

3. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The system displays in the Physical Unit Inventory window only the records that satisfy the activated
Each time that the list is filtered, all the records are considered, both the displayed ones and the hidden
In the window there are also the Clear (it removes the activation of the filters and displays the com-
plete list), Cancel (it closes the window and does not execute the command) and Help (it opens the
on-line manual) push-buttons.
When the Physical Unit Inventory window closes, the possible activation of the filters is automatically

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 179


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry *, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

* The user with entry profile cannot switch the operating of the memory benches.

The SNMP-Software Inventory command displays the firmware version and the units list (where a con-
troller or a FPGA is present) of the SNMP equipment (except FAMxc, ELFO and SDH N+1) present into the
open map.

With details it is possible:

To verify the firmware version of the SNMP equipment present into the open map (pag.180)
To verify the units list (where a controller or a FPGA is present) of the SNMP equipment present
into the open map (pag.182)
To save/print the list of the equipment/units (pag.182)
To open the equipment window (pag.183)
To verify the configuration/functional status of an equipment (pag.183)
To update the equipment firmware (pag.184)
To switch the operating of the memory benches of an equipment controller (pag.184)
To require the updating of the data to the controller of an equipment (pag.184)
To filter/order the list of the equipment/units (pag.185)

To verify the firmware version of the SNMP equipment present into the open

1. Select the Configuration > SNMP-Software Inventory command.

The SNMP NE Software Inventory window opens.

2. Select the NE Software Inventory option.

The window displays the list of the NEs and the detail of the firmware as depicted in Fig.29.

The list points out all the SNMP equipment present in the open map except for FAMxc, ELFO and
SDH N+1.
For the NE objects of Nodal type, the detail of the equipment of the nodal system is pointed out. This
equipment is identified by the logic address <node name>.A, <node name>.B, <node name>.C

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 180

Fig.29 Snmp NE Software Inventory window

Fig.29 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Print/Save. It prints or save to file the information.
File > Close. It closes the window.
Action > Open Equipment. It opens the equipment interface.
Action > Equipment Info. It displays the configuration/operation status of an equipment.
Action > Refresh Info. It updates the information contained in the window.
Action > Software Download. It updates the equipment firmware.
Action > Read Data From NE. It sends a request for the updating of the information to the
controller of the selected NE.
Action > Bench Switch. It switches the operation of the memory benches of the controller of
the selected NE.
View > Set Filter. It filters the list according to specific criteria.
Help > On Usage. It opens the on-line manual.

(2) The lists (equipment and units) are not displayed contemporarily in the window. They are displayed
one instead of the other, according to the selected option. In detail, if active, the option
NE Software Inventory, the list of the NEs and the detail of the equipment firmware is dis-
Unit Software Inventory, the list of the units is displayed.

The list points out all the SNMP equipment present in the open map except for FAMxc, ELFO and
SDH N+1.
For the NE objects of Nodal type, the detail of the equipment of the nodal system is pointed out.
This equipment is identified by the logic address <node name>.A, <node name>.B, <node

(3) If active, the NE Software Inventory option, for each equipment, displays in the column:
Logical Address. Logical address of the equipment.
Type. Type of equipment.
Ip Addr. IP address of the equipment.
Status. Status of the connection between the equipment and NMS5UX-B.
Release Bench 1. File name and version of the firmware present on the memory bench 1.
Bench 1 Status. Operating status of the memory bench 1:
Running. The firmware of the considered memory bench is running.
Loaded. The firmware is present on the bench, but is not currently running (standby).
Not loaded. The firmware is not loaded in the memory bench.
Downloading. The updating of the firmware of the memory bench is running.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 181

Release Bench 2. File name and version of the firmware present on the memory bench 2.
Bench 2 Status. Operating status of the memory bench 2. The detail of the wordings is the
same pointed out by the Bench 1 Status parameter.
If active, the Unit Software Inventory option displays in the column, for each unit:
Logical Addr. Logical address of the equipment where the unit is present.
Type. Type of equipment where the unit is present.
Ip Address. IP address of the equipment where the unit is present.
Status. Status of the connection between the equipment, where the unit is present, and
Unit. Name of the unit.
Element. Name of the element, where the firmware is loaded, present in the unit: controller,
programmable logic, etc.
Actual Release. Name of the file and version of the firmware present in the element.

The information present in the table refers to the moment when the command is selected or the
refresh is executed.

(4) Field:
xx of yy. Number of displayed records (xx) and number of total records (yy). If they are not
active filters, the number of displayed records corresponds to the total number of records.
View... Activation of one or more filters.
Date and time when the window has been opened or updated.

To verify the units list (where a controller or a FPGA is present) of the SNMP
equipment present into the open map

1. Select the Configuration > SNMP-Software Inventory command.

The SNMP NE Software Inventory window opens (Fig.29).

2. Select the Unit Software Inventory option.

The window displays the list of the units.

The list points out all the SNMP equipment present in the open map except for FAMxc, ELFO and
SDH N+1.
For the NE objects of Nodal type, the detail of the equipment of the nodal system is pointed out. This
equipment is identified by the logic address <node name>.A, <node name>.B, <node name>.C

To save/print the list of the equipment/units

1. Select the Configuration > SNMP-Software Inventory command.

The SNMP NE Software Inventory window opens (Fig.29).

The list points out all the SNMP equipment present in the open map except for FAMxc, ELFO and
SDH N+1. For the NE objects of Nodal type, the detail of the node equipment is pointed out.

2. Select the option:

NE Software Inventory, to display the list of the equipment.
Unit Software Inventory, to display the list of the units.

3. To print or save to a file:

All the records stored in the database, select the File > Print/Save > All items command.
The displayed records, select the File > Print/Save > Filtered Items command. If the filters
are not active, the displayed records correspond to the record stored in the database.
A group of records, select the records and then the File > Print/Save > Selected Items com-

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 182

The Output Device Selection window opens.

4. To print the data:

a. Select the Output To Printer option.

In the Printer Name box, the default printer is automatically set (Default Printer).
If you want to print to another peripheral device, type in the box the name of the printer you
wish to use.
b. Choose the layout of the page, selecting the Landscape or Portrait option.
c. Press OK.
The format used to print the information corresponds to the format used to display it.
To save the data to a file:
a. Select the Output To File option.
b. Type, in the File Name box, the path and the name of the file where the information must be
Typing only the filename, this will be saved in the /opt/nms5ux/data/export/<application
name> directory.
c. Press Ok.
The files are saved in text format and can be opened using any text editor.

To open the equipment window

1. Select the Configuration > SNMP-Software Inventory command.

The SNMP NE Software Inventory window opens (Fig.29).

The list points out all the SNMP equipment present in the open map except for FAMxc, ELFO and
SDH N+1. For the NE objects of Nodal type, the detail of the node equipment is pointed out.

2. Press the NE Software Inventory option.

3. Select the equipment.

4. Select the Action > Open Equipment command.

The equipment interface opens.
Selecting two or more records, it is possible to open more equipment window at the same time.
It is possible that, on the selection of the command, a message is displayed.
The description of the equipment window and of the messages that can be displaying at its opening are
reported in the specific equipment user manual.
The equipment window can be opened also by a double click on the record of the equipment.

To verify the configuration/functional status of an equipment

1. Select the Configuration > SNMP-Software Inventory command.

The SNMP NE Software Inventory window opens (Fig.29).
The list points out all the SNMP equipment present in the open map except for FAMxc, ELFO and
SDH N+1. For the NE objects of Nodal type, the detail of the node equipment is pointed out.

2. Select the NE Software Inventory option.

3. Select the equipment.

4. Select the Action > Equipment Info command.

The Equipment Information window opens (see Fig.26).
Selecting two or more records, it is possible to open more windows at the same time.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 183

To update the equipment firmware

1. Select the Configuration > SNMP-Software Inventory command.

The SNMP NE Software Inventory window opens (Fig.29).

The list points out all the SNMP equipment present in the open map except for FAMxc, ELFO and
SDH N+1. For the NE objects of Nodal type, the detail of the node equipment is pointed out.

2. Select the NE Software Inventory option.

3. Select the equipment.

Selecting two or more records, it is possible to open more windows at the same time.

4. Select the Action > Software Download command.

The Software Download window opens (see Fig.67).

To switch the operation of the memory benches of an equipment controller

The operation is not available for the Entry user.

It is not possible to switch the memory bench when the updating of the firmware is in progress and when
the firmware is not present in the bench.

The operation causes an automatic disconnection and reconnection of the NE. If the re-connection fails,
the NE assumes the unreachable status and the command of re-connection will be sent, at regular inter-
vals, by the supervision system.

1. Select the Configuration > SNMP-Software Inventory command.

The SNMP NE Software Inventory window opens (Fig.29).

The list points out all the SNMP equipment present in the open map except for FAMxc, ELFO and
SDH N+1. For the NE objects of Nodal type, the detail of the node equipment is pointed out.

2. Select the NE Software Inventory option.

3. Select the equipment.

4. Select the Action > Bench Switch command and confirm.

At the end of the operation, a message is displayed containing the result of the operation. If this one
was successful, the bench in running status is forced to loaded status and vice versa.

To require the updating of the data to the controller of an equipment

1. Select the Configuration > SNMP-Software Inventory command.

The SNMP NE Software Inventory window opens (Fig.29).
The list points out all the SNMP equipment present in the open map except for FAMxc, ELFO and
SDH N+1. For the NE objects of Nodal type, the detail of the node equipment is pointed out.

2. Select the NE Software Inventory option.

3. Select the wished equipment in connected status.

4. Select the Action > Read Data From NE command.

At the end of the operation, a message is displayed reporting the result of the operation itself.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 184

To filter/order the list of the equipment/units

1. Select the Configuration > SNMP-Software Inventory command.

The SNMP NE Software Inventory window opens (Fig.29).

The list points out all the SNMP equipment present in the open map except for FAMxc, ELFO and
SDH N+1. For the NE objects of Nodal type, the detail of the node equipment is pointed out.

2. Select the option:

NE Software Inventory, to display and filter the list of the equipment.
Unit Software Inventory, to display and filter the list of the unit.
3. Select the View > Set Filter command.
The View Filter window opens.
Select one or more boxes present in the window, depending on the criteria you wish to use.
The activation of each box expands the window, displaying a section containing the following options:
Match Logical Address. Logical address of the NE.
To set the criterion, type the address of the NE in the text field.
It is possible to use the wild-card asterisk character (*). For example, typing in the box the let-
p, the NE with logic address p will be displayed in the window.
p*, the NEs whose logic address start with p will be displayed.
p*o, the NEs whose address starts with p and ends with o will be displayed in the win-
Match equipment type. Type of equipment.
To set the criterion, select the option relevant to the type of wished equipment.
Match IP Address. IP address of the equipment.
To set the criterion, type the wished IP Address in the text fields. It is possible to use the wild-
card asterisk character (*).
Match connection status. Status of the connection between the NE and NMS5UX-B.
To set the criterion, select the option relevant to the wished status.
Match Bench Release. Version and/or usage status of the firmware present in the memory
benches of the equipment.
To set as criterion the version of the firmware, select the wished release from the list (the list
displays the releases of the firmware present in the equipment pointed out in the Snmp NE Sof-
tware Inventory window). The selected item is displayed in the text field.
To set as criterion the usage status of the firmware, activate the option:
Not Loaded, to display the NEs whose memory benches have not the firmware loaded.

This option is not available if the firmware release is selected.

Loaded, to display the NEs whose version of firmware corresponds to that set in the box,
whose firmware is in Loaded status (firmware present in the memory bench, but not used
at the moment).
Running, to display the NEs whose firmware version corresponds to that set in the box,
whose firmware is in Running status (firmware present in the memory bench and used
at the moment).

The filter is available only when the NE Software Inventory option is active in the Snmp NE
Software Inventory window.
Match Object. Unit and/or element of the unit.
To set the criterion:
Select the unit in the Unit Type list.
It is possible to select only one unit or all the units selecting All Units.
Select the element (controller, programmable logic, etc.) in the Element Type list.
It is possible to set only one element or all the elements of the unit set in the Unit Type
box, selecting All Elements.

The filter is available only when the Unit Software Inventory option in the Snmp NE Software
Inventory window is active.
Match Actual Release. Version of the firmware present in an element (controller, programmable
logic, etc.).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 185

To set the criteria, select from the list the wished release (the list displays the releases of the
firmware present in the equipment pointed out in the Snmp NE Software Inventory window).
The selected item is displayed in the box.

The filter is available only when the Unit Software Inventory option in the Snmp NE Software
Inventory window is active.

4. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The system displays in the Snmp NE Software Inventory window only the records that satisfy the acti-
vated criteria.
Each time that the list is filtered, all the records are considered, both the displayed ones and the hidden
In the window there are also the Clear (it removes the activation of the filters and displays the com-
plete list) and Cancel (it closes the window and does not execute the operation) push-buttons.
When the Snmp NE Software Inventory window closes, the possible activation of the filters is automat-
ically removed.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 186


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The SNMP-HW Inventory command displays the hardware version of the SNMP equipment present into
the open map.

With details it is possible:

To display the hardware of the SNMP equipment present in the open map (pag.187)
To save the data to file (pag.190)
To save periodically the data to file (pag.190)
To deactivate the periodic saving of the data to file (pag.190)

The Hw Inventory functionality is optional and available only for the SNMP equipment of type EL, US,
IDU plus and ALS with AL IDU plus 2/ALC IDU plus 2.

To display the hardware of the SNMP equipment present in the open map

1. Select the Configuration > SNMP-HW Inventory command.

The Hw Inventory page opens in the default browser (Fig.30).
2. Select, in the Equipment Type area, the NE types for which you wish to display the hardware data.

The Hw Inventory functionality is available only for the equipment type: EL, US, ADM-1, EXP63,
ALFO, ALS with AL IDU/ALC IDU, ALS with ALS IDU/ALS-C IDU, ALS with AL IDU plus/ALC IDU plus and
ALS with AL IDU plus 2/ALC IDU plus 2.

3. Type, in the Max Rows box, the maximum number of records you wish to display.

4. Press Read.
The window displays the hardware data relevant to all the types of NE selected present in the open map.

5. If you wish to display a specific detail of the data, execute one or more of the following settings, ac-
cording to the filter criteria you wish to use:
Logical Address. Logical address of the NE.
To set the criterion, type the logical address of the NE in the text field and press Add.
It is possible to use the asterisk (*) as jolly character only at the end of the alphanumeric string.
The values set in this way are inserted in the list above the text field.
It is possible to delete an item from the list pressing, after having highlighted it, Del.
IP Address. IP address of the NE.
To set the criterion, type the wished IP address.
It is possible to use the asterisk (*) as jolly character only for the final fields (the asterisk cannot
be before a numeric field). For example, the values 172.18.54.* or 172.18.*.* are allowed, whi-
le the value 172.18.*.215 is not allowed.
Pressing IP Clear to delete the IP Address.
Unit Type. Type of unit of the equipment.
The filter is available and meaningful only if the Expansion display modality is selected.
To set the criterion, select the wished units. It is possible to select a maximum of three units.
To select the units, press the Ctrl key and the unit.
Moreover it is possible to define, for each type of equipment, which units must not be used in
the Unit Type in the following way:
Press Not managed unit type.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 187

The FilterUnitType window opens.
In the Select equipment type area, select the type of equipment for which you wish to
hide the units.
In the area below, the detail of the relevant units is displayed.
The highlighted units are already hidden.
In the Select not managed unit area, select the units you do not want to display in the
Unit Type list for the selected equipment type.
Select the Select All option to select all the units or the Deselect All option to deselect all
the units.
Press Apply.
Part Number. Part Number of the unit.
To set the criterion, type a 10 characters alphanumeric string in the text field.
HW Edition. Hardware version of the unit.
To set the criterion, type a 3 characters alphanumeric string in the text field.
Bar Code. Bar code of the unit.
To set the criterion, type a 24 characters alphanumeric string in the text field.

6. Press Read.
The hardware data relevant to all the NEs, present in the open map, satisfying the set criteria are dis-

7 Select the option:

Expansion to display the data in expanded format: for each equipment, the hardware charac-
teristics of all the units are displayed.
Compact to display the data in compact format: for each equipment, the hardware characteris-
tics of the controller unit are displayed.

8. To delete all the set option filter, press Reset Filter.

Fig.30 Hw Inventory page

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 188

Fig.30 notes

(1) In detail, the available filters are:

Equipment Type. Type of equipment.
The selection of this filter is mandatory to display the hardware data. The setting of all the
other data is optional.
Logical Address. Logical address of the NE.
IP Address. IP address of the NE.
Unit Type. Type of unit of the equipment.
The filter is available only if selected the Expansion display modality.
Part Number. Part Number of the unit.
HW Edition. Hardware version of the unit.
Bar Code. Bar code of the unit.

(2) The option:

Expansion, displays the data in expanded format: for each equipment, the hardware char-
acteristics of all the units are displayed.
Compact, displays the data in compact format: for each equipment, the hardware charac-
teristics of the controller unit are displayed.
To switch from a display modality to the other, select the relevant option.
In case of compact display, it is also possible to switch to the expansion modality pressing the Exp
push-button next to each row of the table. In this case, the table will display only the hardware data
relevant to the expanded equipment (the IP address field is automatically set, as filter, the IP ad-
dress of the expanded equipment).

The Max Rows box points out the maximum number of displayed records.
The x of y Rows field points out the number of displayed records (x) with respect to the number of
total records (y) which satisfy the set filter criteria.

To display all the records that satisfy the set criteria, it is necessary to type the total number of
records in the Max Rows box.

(3) The displayed hardware parameters are:

Logical Address. Logical address of the NE.
Eq. Type. Type of equipment.
Description. Description of the equipment.
Hw Edition. Hardware version of the unit.
Part Num. Part Number of the unit.
Serial Num. Serial number of the unit.
Bar Code. Bar code of the unit.

(4) Push-button:
Read. It reads the data stored in the database of the NMS5UX-B system and display them
according to the set filter.
Reset Filter. It deletes the filter setting.
Export timer. It periodically saves the displayed data to file.
Export manual. It saves the displayed data to file.

(5) Selecting the heading of a column, a red arrow is displayed.

Select the arrow to sort the rows in alphanumeric order with respect to the considered column.
When the arrow is selected, the list is re-sorted in increasing order. At the next selection, the list is
re-sorted in decreasing order and so on.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 189

To save the data to file

1. Select the Configuration > SNMP-HW Inventory command.

The Hw Inventory page opens in the default browser (Fig.30).

2. Filter the data you wish to save to file (see pag.187).

3. Press Export manual.

The Export window opens, where an hypertextual link is present with the name/extension of the file
where the data will be saved.
By default, the name of the file has the following format HwInv <day-month-year> <hour-minute-sec-
ond>.zip. The name and the extension of the file can be configured by the Superuser. The formats of
the managed files are: csv, xml, zip (cvs zipped or xml zip).

4 Select the hypertextual link.

5. Set the path where you wish to save the file.

6. Confirm the operation.
The system saves in the file all the hardware data which satisfy the set filter criterion and not only those
relevant to the displayed records.

To save periodically the data to file

1. Select the Configuration > SNMP-HW Inventory command.

The Hw Inventory page opens in the default browser (Fig.30).

2. Filter the data you wish to periodically save to file (see pag.187).

3. Press Export timer.

The ExpTimer window opens.
In the Filter description area, the filter criteria are displayed which will be applied to each periodic sav-

4. Type the name of the filter into the Filter Name box.

5. Type, in the Export periodicity day box, the periodicity in days of the data export and, in the Hour box,
the time when the export is executed.

6 Press Insert.
At the first set time interval, a file will be saved containing the hardware data of the equipment that
satisfy the criteria present in the filter.
The file will be saved in the directory /opt/nms5ux/ExpHwInv, in the format .cvs and .xml, and will ba
named HwInv-filtername-<date_time>.
The files will be saved until when the user does not remove the filter (see pag.190).

To deactivate the periodic saving of the data to file

1. Select the Configuration > SNMP-HW Inventory command.

The Hw Inventory page opens in the default browser (Fig.30).
2. Press Export timer.
The ExpTimer window opens.
The Delete Filter area lists the filters defined by the user.

3. Select the filter you wish to deactivate.

The Select filter to be deleted area points out the detail of the filter.

4 Press Delete.
The filter is removed.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 190


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The SNMP-NE Backup/Restore command displays the backup files of the SNMP equipment present into
the open map.

With details it is possible:

To display the backup files of the SNMP equipment present in the open map (pag.191)
To transfer the configuration present in a backup file to an equipment (configuration restore)
To save the equipment configuration to a file (configuration backup) (pag.195)
To lock/unlock a backup file (pag.195)

The equipment list for which the NE Backup/Restore functionality is configurable. Default: EL, US, ADM-
plus and ALS with AL IDU plus 2/ALC IDU plus 2.

The supervision system periodically saves to disk the configuration of the equipment (backup files).
More information about the backup and restore modalities is reported to pag.195.

To display the backup files of the SNMP equipment present in the open map

1. Select the Configuration > SNMP-NE Backup/Restore command.

The NE Backup/Restore page opens in the default browser.

2. In the Equipment Type area, select the equipment types whose files you wish to display.

The equipment list for which the NE Backup/Restore functionality is configurable. Default: EL, US,
ALC IDU plus and ALS with AL IDU plus 2/ALC IDU plus 2.

3. If you wish to display a specific detail of the files, execute one or more of the following basic settings,
according to the filter criteria you wish to use:
Logical Address. Logical address of the NE.
It is possible to set the logical addresses in one of the following ways:
Type the logical address of the NE into the text field and press Add.
Press Tree. A window opens, where are displayed the containers and the equipment
present in the map. Select the wished equipment. The equipment is pointed out in the
text field. Press Add.

The Tree push-button is only available in the page open with the Microsoft Internet
Explorer browser.
It is possible to use the asterisk (*) as jolly character only at the end of the alphanumeric string.
The values set in this way are inserted in the list above the text field.
To delete a record from the list, select the address and press Del.
IP Address. IP address of the NE.
In order to set the criterion, type the wished IP address.
It is possible to use the asterisk (*) as jolly character only for the final fields (the asterisk cannot
precede a field with numbers). For example, the value 172.18.54.* or 172.18.*.* are allowed,
while the value 172.18.*.215 is not allowed.
Pressing IP Clear to delete the IP Address.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 191

File lock. Status of the file. Selecting the option:
All, the list will display all the backup files.
Unlocked, the list will display only the unlocked files.
Locked, the list will display only the locked files.
Eligible, the list will display only the files matching all the following rules:
Last backup file of a NE for which no locked backup file already exists.
The backup file must not contain errors.
To set the criterion select the wished option.

4. Type, in the Max Rows box, the maximum number of files you wish to display.

5. Press Apply Filter.

The window displays the backup files of the NEs, present in the open map, which satisfy the set criteria
as shown in Fig.31.

6. Press the Info push-button, relevant to a backup file to display its detail.
The File Property window opens with the following information:
Logical Address. Logic address of the NE.
IP Address. IP address of the NE.
Eq. Type. Type of equipment.
File Name. Name of the backup file. The format of the name of the file is the following: <Equip-
ment ID> <hours minutes seconds> <days months years>_U.bku.
File Date. Date/time of saving of the backup file.
Backup Result. Result of the operation of file saving.
Restore Date. Date/time when the operation of file restore has been executed.
Restore Result. Result of the operation of file restore.
The presence of the symbol - signals that the information is not available.
For the Backup Result and Restore Result the background color:
Green, points out that the operation was successful.
Red, points out that the operation is failed.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 192

Fig.31 NE Backup/Restore page

Fig.31 notes

(1) In detail, the available filters are:

Equipment Type. Type of equipment.
The selection of this filter is mandatory to display the backup file. The setting of all the other
filters is optional.
Logical Address. Logical address of the NE.
IP Address. IP address of the NE.
File lock. Status of file. If active the option:
All, the list will display all the backup files.
Unlocked, the list will display only the unlocked files.
Locked, the list will display only the locked files.
Eligible, the list will display only the files matching all the following rules:
Last backup file of a NE for which no locked backup file already exists.
The backup file must not contain errors.

(2) The Max Rows box points out the maximum number of displayed files.
The x of y Rows field points out the number of displayed records (x) with respect to the number of
total records (y) which satisfy the set filter criteria.
In order to display all the records satisfying the set criteria, it is necessary to type the total
number of records into the Max Rows box.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 193

(3) Each record identifies a backup file. For each file, is pointed out in the column:
Logical Address. Logical address of the NE.
IP Address. IP address of the NE.
Eq. Type. Type of equipment.
Backup Date. Date/time of creation of the backup file.
Lock. Status of the file: Locked, <empty box> (unlocked).
Backup file name. Name of the backup file. The format of the name of the file is the following:
<Equipment ID> <hour minutes seconds> <days months years>_U.bku.
Operations available. Push-button:
Info. It displays the characteristics of the file. If the color of the box backgrounds:
Green, there are not errors in the backup file.
Red, there are errors in the backup file.
Restore. It transfers the configuration stored in the file to the relevant equipment
present in the map.
Backup. It saves the current equipment configuration to file.
Lock/Unlock. It locks/unlocks the file. The push-buttons are displayed one in alter-
native to the other, depending on the status of the file.
When a push-button is disabled, it means that the relevant function is not available.

(4) Push-button:
Apply Filter. It reads the data stored in the database of the NMS5UX-B system and displays
them according to the set filters.
Switch to Equipment. It displays all the equipment, managed by the NE Backup/Restore
functionality, present in the map. The records with the available Backup push-button cor-
respond to the equipment in connected status, whose configuration can be saved.
Switch to Backup File. It displays the backup files of the equipment, managed by the NE
Backup/Restore functionality, present in the map.
Reload. It re-reads the data stored in the database of the NMS5UX-B system.
Lock All. It locks all file present in the list.
The Switch to Equipment and Switch to Backup File push-buttons are displayed one in alter-
native to the other.

(5) Selecting the heading of a column, a red arrow is displayed.

Select the arrow to sort the rows in alphanumeric order with respect to the considered column.
When the arrow is selected, the list is re-sorted in increasing order. At the next selection, the list is
re-sorted in decreasing order and so on.

To transfer the configuration present into a backup file to an equipment

(configuration restore)

1. Select the Configuration > SNMP-NE Backup/Restore command.

The NE Backup/Restore page opens in the default browser (Fig.31).

2. Display the backup file you wish to transfer to the equipment (see pag.191).

3. Press the relevant Restore push-button.

The NE Restore window opens with the following information:
Logical Address. Logical address of the NE.
IP Address. IP address of the NE.
File Name. Name of the backup file.

4. Press Confirm.
The operation is scheduled to the process which manages the procedure of periodic file saving.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 194

To save the equipment configuration to a file (configuration backup)

1. Select the Configuration > SNMP-NE Backup/Restore command.

The NE Backup/Restore page opens in the default browser (Fig.31).

2. Continue in one of the following ways:

a. Display the backup file/files of the equipment whose configuration you wish to save (see
b. Press Backup near the file/files.
a. Press Switch to Equipment.
All the equipment, managed by the NE Backup/Restore functionality and present in the map,
are displayed.
The records with the available Backup push-button correspond to the equipment in connected
status, whose configuration can be saved.
b. Press the Backup push-button relevant to the equipment whose configuration you wish to save.
The NE Backup window opens with the following information:
Logical Address. Logic address of the NE.
IP Address. IP address of the NE.
Eq. Type. Type of equipment.

3. Press Confirm.
The operation is scheduled to the process which manages the procedure of periodic file saving.

To lock/unlock a backup file

1. Select the Configuration > SNMP-NE Backup/Restore command.

The NE Backup/Restore page opens in the default browser (Fig.31).

2. Display the backup file you wish to transfer to the equipment (see pag.191).

3. To LOCK the file, press the relevant Lock push-button.

The file is locked (label Locked - column Lock).
It is possible to lock all the files present in the NE Backup/Restore page pressing Lock All.

To UNLOCK a file, press the relevant Unlock push-button.

The file is unlocked (column Lock empty).

NE Backup/Restore functionality (more info)

The NE Backup/Restore functionality allows saving to file the complete configuration of an equipment
(Backup operation), displaying the list of the available backup files and transferring the configuration
stored in a file to the relevant equipment (Restore operation).

The list of equipment for which the NE Backup/Restore function is configurable. Default: equipment of
IDU plus/ALC IDU plus and ALS with AL IDU plus 2/ALC IDU plus 2.

Backup operation

The saving of the backup files is automatically executed by the supervision system or it can be forced in
any moment (see pag.195).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 195

The saving modalities by the supervision system are the following: NMS5UX-B periodically verifies if, for
each equipment, one of the following conditions has occurred:
No backup file is available.
A change (set) has been executed to the equipment configuration.
A connection in Configuration modality has been activated between LCT and the equipment.
The connection between the supervision system and the equipment has been activated or re-
A new operation has been stored in the Command Log stored in the equipment controller.

For each equipment, which at least one of the above mentioned conditions has occurred for, the system
saves the complete configuration into a file. At the successive check, if at least one of the above mentioned
conditions has occurred again, the complete configuration of the equipment will be saved into a different
file and so on.

With complete configuration of an equipment we mean:

Configuration of the equipment.
Configuration of the communication port (IP Ethernet, PPP RS-232, etc.) of the routing tables
and of the possible OSPF parameters.
List of remote equipment (Remote Element Table).

The periodicity of the control by NMS5UX-B can be configured by the Superuser.

A maximum of N files (N configurable - default=3) for each equipment is saved on the disk of the machine
where the supervision system is installed. The file successive to the maximum number will overwrite the
oldest backup file.

It is possible to lock one or more files in such a way that the system does not overwrite them (see pag.195).
These files will not enter in the count of the maximum number of files saved for each managed equipment.
This means they will not be overwritten until the user unlocks them.

For example, suppose that the system saves a maximum of 3 files for each equipment. For the equipment
A, the files A1, A2 and A3 are automatically saved in this order. If the oldest file (A1) is locked, when the
fourth file is generated, this will not overwrite the file A1, but a new file (A4) will be created. If no other
file is locked, when a new file (A5) is generated, this will overwrite the oldest file (A2). In this way, the
locked files + the last three saved files will be always available to the user.

It is possible to lock as many files as you wish. The files will remain locked until the user unlocks them.

Two files with the same content will be available for each backup file in the system disk, one for each for-
matting compatible with the O.S.:
UNIX. The path, where the file is saved, can be configured. The name of the file has the following
format: <Equipment ID> <hour minute second> <day month year>_U.bku.
WINDOWS. The path, where the file is saved, can be configured. The name of the file has the
following format: <Equipment ID> <hour minute second> <day month year>_W.bku.
This file is compatible with the applications SCT, WEB LCT, SCT BKU Builder and is available on
the disk of the machine where ones supervision system is installed.

By means of the RAN (Remote Access NMS5UX) application, it is possible to copy a backup file to a different
machine or external disk by means of a proper push-button present in the NE Backup/Restore page.

Restore operation

The Restore operation (see pag.194), transfers to the equipment ONLY the configuration parameters
present in the backup file.

The restore of the communication parameters (IP Address, routing tables, etc.) can be executed only
through the SCT o WEB LCT application. The restore of the Remote Element Table can be configured
through the SNMP-Remote Element Table command (pag.362) or through the SCT/WEB LCT applica-

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 196


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Legacy-Alarm Average command displays the mean of the alarms per second received by the
NMS5UX-B and sent by the Legacy equipment.

The command is available only if the modules for the management of the Legacy equipment have been

To display the mean of the alarms per second received by the NMS5UX-B sys-
tem and sent by the Legacy equipment

Operation available only if the modules for the management of the Legacy equipment have been in-

1. Select the Configuration > LegacyAlarm Average command.

The sdAverage window opens where the mean of the alarms received by NMS5UX-B and sent by the
Legacy equipment is displayed as pointed out as depicted in Fig.32.
The information present into the window refer to the average value of the alarms at the window opening
To update the data, press Refresh. At the choice of the push-button, the system will update the date/
time and it will point out the time of the refresh execution.

Fig.32 sdAverage window

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 197


The Locate menu contains the following commands:

Equipment List Locate (pag.199). It displays the list of the equipment managed by the
NMS5UX-B system.
Proxy Equipment List (pag.218). It displays the list of the equipment managed by the Proxy
Agent and their Proxy address.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 198


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced *, Privileged *, Superuser *

* Only the Superuser can verify in which maps is present the symbol of an equipment and can reset and
rewrites the equipment table.
The Command Executor application can be started only by the Superuser or by the user with privileged or
advanced profile.
The recording data of the conformity certificate of a radio equipment, if modified, can be saved only by the
Superuser and by the users with privileged and advanced profiles.

The Equipment List Locate command displays the list of the equipment managed by the NMS5UX-B.

With details it is possible:

To display the list of the equipment (pag.200)

To save/print the list of the equipment (pag.202)
To filter/sort the list of equipment (pag.203)

To open the equipment window (pag.204)

To verify the configuration/operation status of an equipment (pag.204)
To verify the marking status of the alarms, of the signalling of LCT presence and Incorrect Up-
load of an equipment (pag.205)
To verify in which maps the symbol of an equipment is present (pag.205)
To add/remove a prefix to the logical address of an equipment (pag.205)
To delete and rewrite the equipment table (pag.206)

To verify the results of the PM measures of an equipment (pag.206)

To save on file the results of the PM measures of one or more equipment of the same type
To activate/deactivate one or more PM measures at the same time (pag.208)

To update the equipment firmware (SNMP) (pag.208)

To update the equipment firmware (FAMxc) (pag.209)

To verify/modify the status/severity of the alarms and the status of the trap sending of an equip-
ment (pag.210)

To verify/modify the LCT user list of an equipment (pag.211)

To verify the LCT/NMS5UX users connected to an equipment (pag.211)

To display/modify the certificate of conformity of a radio equipment (pag.212)

To verify the reach ability of the equipment (Line Test) (pag.212)

To connect one or more equipment (pag.212)
To disconnect one or more equipment (pag.213)
To re-align the alarms of one or more equipment (pag.214)
To acquire the configuration of one or more equipment (pag.214)
To transfer the configuration of an equipment to another equipment of the same type (pag.215)
To reset and connect one or more equipment (pag.215)
To connect one or more CommServer-S (pag.216)
To disconnect one or more CommServer-S (pag.216)

To start the Command Executor application (pag.217)

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 199

To display the list of the equipment

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens, where the list of the equipment is displayed, as
shown in Fig.33

If the profile of the user who has selected the command is:
Superuser, the information is referred to the equipment present in ALL the map managed by
Entry, Normal, Advanced or Privileged, the information is referred ONLY to the equipment
present in the open map.
At the opening of the Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window, it is possible that a warning window
opens, where it is pointed out that the database contains a number of equipment higher than N.
For this cause, the user is asked if he wishes that the information about the active measures of PM is
made available (operation that can take a lot of time). To press the push-button:
Yes, the Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens and, for each NE in the list, it will be
possible to verify the activation status of the PM measures (Perf. column).
No, the Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens, but the information relevant to the ac-
tive measures of PM will be not available.
The N limit is, by default, 100. The value can be modified by the Superuser.

Fig.33 Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window

Fig.33 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Print/Save. It prints or saves to file the information.
File > Close. It closes the window.
Actions > Open Equipment. It opens the equipment window.
Actions > Equipment Info. It displays the configuration/operation status of an equipment.
Actions > Refresh Info. It updates the information contained in the window.
Actions > Performance Monitoring. It displays the results of the PM measures of an equip-
Actions > Export Performance Monitoring. It saves on file the results of the PM measures.
Actions > View/Modify PM Status. It activates/deactivates one or more PM measures at the
same time.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 200

Actions > SNMP-NE Sw/Fw Download. It updates the equipment firmware (SNMP).
Actions > FAMxc-NE Sw/Fw Download. It updates the equipment firmware (FAMxc).
Actions > SNMP-Equipment Severity Code. It displays/changes the status/severity of the
alarms and the status of the trap sending of an equipment.
Actions> LCT Equipment User. It displays/changes the LCT user list of an equipment.
Actions > Location. It adds/removes a prefix to the logic address of the equipment.
Actions > Map Structure Rebuild. It deletes and rewrites the table where the information rel-
evant to the equipment present in the map is present (equipment table).
Actions > Radio Certificate. It displays the certificate of conformity of a radio.
Commands > Line Test. It verifies the real reach ability of the equipment.
Commands > Connect. It activates the connection between NMS5UX-B and the equipment.
Commands > Disconnect. It deactivates the connection between NMS5UX-B and the NE.
Commands > Alarm re-alignment. It forces the acquisition of the equipment alarms.
Commands > Configuration Upload. It forces the acquisition of the equipment configuration
Commands > SNMP-Configuration Download. It transfer the configuration of an equipment
to another NE of the same type.
Commands > Legacy-Reset&Connect. It resets the information, stored into the database of
the NMS5UX-B system, relevant to the configuration of the NE and then activating the con-
nection between the system and the NEs themselves.
Commands > Communication Server Board. It activates/deactivates the connection between
the NMS5UX-B and the CommServer-S equipment (CS objects).
Commands > SNMP-Command Executor. It executes series of SNMP commands stored to
View > Set Filter. It filters the list according to specific criteria.
View > Acknowledge status. It displays the marking status (acknowledge) of the alarms
(current and/or alarm history), of the presence of LCT in Configuration modality and of the
not correctly executed Configuration Upload operation.
View > Equipment Location (Map). It lists the maps where the symbol of the selected equip-
ment is present.
View > SNMP-LCT Logged Users. It displays the LCT/NMS5UX users connected to an equip-
Help > On Usage. It opens the on-line manual.
Help > About Application. Version of the module that manages the considered functionality.

(2) For each equipment, the following columns report:

Logical Addr. Logical address of the equipment.
Type. Type of equipment.
Status. Status of the connection between the equipment and NMS5UX-B.
Alarm. Functional status (alarms) of the equipment.
The severity level of the alarm present in the equipment opens. When more alarms of dif-
ferent severity are present, the level relevant to the more serious alarm is displayed.
Alr Disabled. Enabling status of the alarms and of the sending of the equipment traps to the
supervision system. Symbol:
X. At least an alarm or the sending of an equipment trap is disabled.
To verify the disabled alarms and the disabled sending of traps, open the Equipment
Severity Code window (see Fig.57).
-. The equipment has not alarms or sending of traps disabled.
Lct Presence. Status of the connection between the LCT program and the equipment:
ABSENT. The LCT user is not currently connected to the equipment.
CONFIGURING. The LCT user is connected to the equipment in Configuration modal-
MONITORING. The LCT user is connected to the equipment in Monitoring modality.
Lct Config. Enabling status of the LCT for the possible connection to the equipment:
Enabled. The LCT user can activate the connection to the equipment both in Monitor-
ing and in Configuration modality.
Disabled. The LCT user can activate the connection to the equipment only in Monitor-
ing modality.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 201

Perf. Activation status of the Performance Monitoring (PM) measures. Symbol:
X. At least one measure of PM is active.
-. No measure of PM is active.
. . . Information is not available. In the warning window, displayed at the opening of
the Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window, the No push-button has been selected.
Ack. Marking status (acknowledge) of the following signalling:
Alarm (current and/or in the alarm history).
Presence of LCT in Configuration modality.
Operation of Configuration Upload not correctly executed.
X. At least one not marked signalling is present.
-. Not marked signallings are not present.
IP/Ph Address. Physical address of the equipment.
The wording VIRTUAL EQ. points out that the record refers to a virtual NE.
Board Addr. IP Address of the CS/IPBOX that is physically connected with the NE.
This information is available and significant only for the Legacy equipment.
Port Nb. Number of the CS/IPBOX port that is physically connected with the NE.
This information is available and significant only for the Legacy equipment.

The information corresponds to the characteristics/operating status of the equipment when the
Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window has been opened or updated.
The presence of the - symbol points out that the information is not available as not meaningful for
the status and/or the type of equipment, which is referred to.

(3) Field:
xx of yy. Number of displayed records (xx) and number of total records (yy). If no filter is
active, the number of displayed records corresponds to the number of total records.
View... Activation of one or more filters.
Date and time when the window has been opened or updated.

To save/print the list of equipment

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).
2. To print or save to a file:
All the equipment stored in the database, select the File > Print/Save > All Items command.
The displayed equipment, select the File > Print/Save > Filtered Items command. If the fil-
ters are not active, the displayed records correspond to the records stored in the database.
A group of equipment, select the record and, then, the File > Print/Save > Selected Items
The Output Device Selection window opens.

3. To print the data:

a. Select the Output To Printer option.

In the Printer Name box, the default printer is automatically set (Default Printer).
If you want to print to another peripheral device, type in the box the name of the printer you
wish to use.
b. Choose the layout of the page, selecting the Landscape or Portrait option.
c. Press OK.
The format used to print the information corresponds to the format used to display it.
To save the data to a file:

a. Select the Output To File option.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 202

b. Type, in the File Name box, the path and the name of the file where the information must be
Typing only the filename, this will be saved in the /opt/nms5ux/data/export/<application
name> directory.
c. Press Ok.
The files are saved in text format and can be opened using any text editor.

To filter/sort the list of the equipment

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).
2. Select the View > Set Filter command.
The View Filter window opens.
Select one or more boxes present in the window, according to the criteria you wish to use.
The activation of each box expands the window displaying a section containing the following options:
Match Logical Address. Logic address of the NE.
To set the criteria, type the address of the NE in the text field.
It is possible to use the wild-card asterisk character. For example, typing in the box the letter:
p, the NE with logic address p will be displayed in the window.
p*, the NEs whose logic address start with p will be displayed.
p*o, the NEs whose address starts with p and ends with o will be displayed in the win-
Match IP/Physical Address. Type (real or virtual) and address of equipment.
To set as criterion the equipment:
Real managed with SNMP protocol, activate the SNMP Equipment option, and type the IP
address of the wished NE in the text fields.
Virtual, activate the Virtual Equipment option.
Real managed with Legacy protocol, activate the Legacy Equipment option, and type the
physical address of the wished NE in the text field.
Match connection status. Status of the connection between the NE and NMS5UX-B.
To set the criterion, select the option relevant to the wished status.
Match equipment type. Equipment type.
To set the criterion, select the option relevant to the type of wished equipment.
Match performance. Activation status of the Performance Monitoring (PM) measures.
To set the criterion, select the option:
Enabled, the NEs with at least one PM measure will be displayed.
Disabled, the NEs with no active PM measures will be displayed.

The box is not available if in the warning window, displayed at the opening of the Equipment
Browser [List/Locate] window, the No push-button has been pressed.
Match Alarm. Severity level of the alarms of the NE.
To set the criterion, select the option relevant to the wished severity.
Match Alarm Disabled. Enabling status of the alarms/trap sending of the equipment to NMS5UX-B.
To set the criterion, select the option:
Enabled, the NEs that have not alarms or enabled trap sending will be displayed.
Disabled, the NEs that have at least one alarm or one disabled trap sending will be dis-
Match Gosip Address. Parameters that compose the NSAP (Gosip) address of the equipment.
To set the criterion, select the:
Domain box and type, into the relevant boxes, the value of the corresponding 2 bytes,
(Domain parameter - default part of the NSAP Address).
Area box and type, into the relevant boxes, the value of the corresponding 2 bytes (Area
parameter - default part of the NSAP Address).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 203

System ID box and type, into the relevant boxes, the value of the corresponding 6 bytes
(System ID parameter).
Match location. Physical position of the equipment.

This criterion is significant only for Legacy equipment.

To set the criterion, select the option:
Board and select the IP Address of the CommServer-S or IPBOX which the NE is physi-
cally connected to.
Port and select the number of the serial port which the NE is physically connected to.
Sort by. Sorts the records.
To set the criterion, select the option:
Logical Address, the equipment will be listed in alphabetical order, with respect to the
logic address.
Type, the equipment will be listed according to the type of equipment.
To expand/compress a filter criterion without affecting its activation/deactivation status, use the up/
down arrows on the right side.

3. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The system displays in the Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window only the records that satisfy the
activated criteria.
Each time the list is filtered, all the records are considered, both the displayed and the hidden ones.
In the window there are also the Clear (it removes the activation of the filters and displays the com-
plete list), Cancel (it closes the window and does not execute the operation) and Help (it opens the
on-line manual) push-buttons.
When the Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window closes, the possible activation of filters is automat-
ically deleted.

To open the equipment window

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).

2. Select the equipment.

Selecting two or more records, it is possible to open more equipment window contemporarily.

3. Select the Actions > Open Equipment command.

The equipment window opens.
It is possible that, on the selection of the command, a message is displayed. The description of the
equipment window and of the message that can be displayed at its opening is described in the specific
equipment User Manual.
The equipment window can be opened also by a double click on the equipment record.

To verify the configuration/operating status of an equipment

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).

2. Select the equipment.

Selecting two or more records, it is possible to open more Equipment Information window at the same

3. Select the Actions > Equipment Info command.

The Equipment Information window opens (see Fig.26).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 204

To verify the marking status of the alarms, of the signalling of LCT presence
and Incorrect Upload of an equipment

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).

2. Select the wished equipment, with marked signalling (symbol x in the column Ack - see Fig.33).

3. Select the View > Acknowledge Status command.

The Information window opens (see Fig.23).

To verify in which map the symbol of an equipment is present

Operation available only for the Superuser.

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).
2. Select the equipment.

3. Select the View > Equipment Location (Map) command.

The Equipment Location window opens.
Type. Type of NE.
Ip/Ph Address. IP or physical address of the NE.
Logical Address. Logic address of the NE.
Map name. Maps where the equipment is present.

To add/remove a prefix to the logical address of an equipment

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).

2. To add a prefix:

a. Select one or more equipment which you wish to add the same prefix.
b. Select the Actions > Location > Assign command.
The Location window opens.
c. Type, in the New Location Name box, the prefix you wish to add to the logical address of the
equipment (alphanumeric string of minimum 1 maximum 10 characters).
d. Press Apply.
In the Logical Addr column of the selected equipment, the prefix is added (prefix - logic ad-
The prefix is furthermore added in all the windows where the <logic address> field is present.
The only exception is the label of the icon that represents the equipment in the map, where the
prefix is not pointed out.
If the equipment was already provided with prefix, the new value replaces the previous one.

3. To remove a prefix:
a. Select one or more equipment which you wish to remove the prefix to.
b. Select the Actions > Location > Remove command.
The prefix is removed from the logic address of the equipment.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 205

To delete and rewrite the equipment table

Operation available only for the Superuser.

The command must be used only in case of a supposed misalignment between the information
present in the equipment table and the equipment represented on video in the maps.

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).

2. Select the Actions > Map Structure Rebuild command.

To verify the results of the PM measures of an equipment

Operation not available for virtual NE objects and virtual NE objects of Nodal type (for the equipment
of a nodal system, the command is present in the nodal equipment window - pag.38).

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).

2. Select the equipment.

Selecting two or more records, it is possible to open more Graphic Performance Manager window at the
same time.

3. Select the Actions > Performance Monitoring command.

The Graphic Performance Monitoring window opens, where the period of time for which you wish to
verify the results of the PM measures is required.
In the boxes:
Date Reference, the start date (day/month/year) is displayed (by default, the current day is
Day Previous, the number of days, previous to the set date, that constitute the duration of the
period (by default, 30 days is set) is displayed.

4. Set the Date Reference and Day previous boxes to the wished values.
It is possible to set a value within 10 and 180 days.
Remember that it is possible to display at most the daily records relevant to the last 180 days (starting
from the current day). The results of the PM measures are stored in the database of the system (Per-
formance Monitoring table). They are available for a period of 6 months, then they are automatically

5. Set the Auto Select box. In detail:

Activate the box if you wish that, at the selection of a control parameter of a measure point, also
the other control parameters are automatically selected, compatible with the measure unit of
the selected item (see step 7).
Deactivate the box if you wish that, at the selection of a control parameter, no other parameter
is selected.

6. Press OK.
The Graphic Performance Monitoring window opens.

7. Select the TPC menu.

All the types of measure (TPC - Termination Point Class - yellow wordings) and the measure points
(points where the control parameters are really measured) (TP - Termination Point - orange wording)
available for the selected equipment are selected.
The control parameters are contained in the pop-up menu that opens on the side of the measure point.
Generally, more control parameters refer to the same TP.
8. Select the control parameters, for which you wish to display the results of the PM measures.

All the control parameters of a TP can be displayed in the same graphic. They have been subdivided
according to the measure unit used for their counting: seconds, blocks, dBm, etc.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 206

The Graphic Performance Monitoring window displays the results of the selected control parameters
Fig.24 shows an example.
When a parameter is selected, the name of the relevant TP changes colour: from orange, it becomes
red. While the selected control parameter is characterized by a led on its left side.
When a control parameter is selected, it is possible to select all the parameters that have the same
measure unit present in the same TP or in anyone of the other TPs.
The control parameters that have not the same measure unit of the selected parameter are not avail-
able (wording of grey colour).
In order to display the results of the parameters with measure unit different from the currently selected
one, it is necessary to deselect all the control parameters (Option > Deselect all TPC command) and,
then, select the new parameters.

To save on file the results of the PM measures of one or more equipment of

the same type

Operation not available for the virtual NE objects.

It is possible to select a maximum of 100 equipment.
For the NE objects of Nodal type, the operation will be executed on all the node equipment.

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).

2. Select the equipment.

Selecting two or more records of the same type, it is possible to save on file the PM measures of all the
selected NEs at the same.

3. Select the Actions > Export Performance Monitoring command.

Under the window title, it is pointed out the NE type.

4. Position the mouse cursor into the TPclass area and press the mouse R.H. push-button.
The system displays the list of the measurements foreseen for the selected type of NE.

5. Choose one measurement type from the list.

Into the Termination Point (TP) area, the system points out the relevant measuring points.

6. Choose one or more measuring points for which the results of the PM measurements have to be saved
on file. It is possible to select more records.

7. Select the option:

Daily, to save on file the daily records relevant to the selected measuring point/s.
Primary, to save on file the primary records.

8. Set the date (into the Date boxes) and the time (into the Time boxes) respectively for the starting (Start
Date Time box) and for the ending (Stop Date Time box) of the time for which the results of the PM
measurements have to be saved.
The supervisory system has at disposal the results of the PM measurements relevant to the last 180
days (6 months).

9. Type the directory and the file name, for which the operator wants to save the data, into the File Name
The system provides a default directory and name composed by specific information, such as, for in-
stance, the date, the time, the NE logic address.
The format of the provided default name can be changed by the Superuser.

10.ONLY if the user wants to forward the file to another user, it is necessary to set the name of the user
into the Remote Address box.
If the user positions the mouse cursor on the text field and press the mouse R.H. push-button, the sys-
tem displays a pre-defined list of users. Select the desired user.
In this case, the file will be as saved into the pre-defined directory as forwarded to the set user.

The predefined list of users has to be set and later it can be changed by the Superuser.
To be able to forward the file, the system administrator has to configure properly the mail server.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 207

11.Press OK.
The system displays the Preview window that points out the resuming of the executed setting opera-
Then, in the lower part of the window, the system points out the total number of records (Total Record
Number box) and the number of records that contain errored data (Records with counters box).

The system can display an error message that points out that the number of record present into the
set time is too high. This situation is caused because the system stores into each file a maximum limit
N of records. The limit N can be changed by the Superuser.
The data are saved in ASCII format that can be recognized by a great number of text processing pro-
grams and databases.

To activate/deactivate one or more PM measures at the same time

Operation not available for the virtual NE objects.

For the NE objects of Nodal type, the operation will be executed on all the node equipment.

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).
2. Select the equipment.
Selecting two or more records of the same type, it is possible to activate/deactivate the PM measures
of all the selected NEs at the same.
3. Select the Actions > View/Modify PM Status command.
The View/Modify P.M. Status window opens, where the status of the measure points is displayed, as
shown in Fig.25.

4. To activate:
All the PM measures of all the NE of the same type selected in the map, select the Action >
Start > All command.
The measures relevant to the measure points present in the Termination Point area select the
Action > Start > Filtered command.
The measures relevant to the measure points selected in the Termination Point area, select the
Action > Start > Selected command.
To deactivate:
All the PM measures of all the NE of the same type selected in the map, select the Action >
Stop > All command.
The measures relevant to the measure points present in the Termination Point area, select the
Action > Stop > Filtered command.
The measures relevant to the measure points selected in the Termination Point area, select the
Action > Stop > Selected command.
In the area Message, the result of the operation is displayed.

To update the equipment firmware (SNMP)

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).

2. Select the SNMP equipment, except for ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc and Nodal.
Selecting two or more records of the same type, it is possible to execute the operation for all the equip-
ment at the same type.

3. Select the Actions > SNMP-NE Sw/Fw Download command.

The Software Download window opens (Fig.67).

4. In the Selection file DWL box, set the file you wish to use for the updating.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 208

It is possible to type the path and the name of the file or press Select (the Select file for download
window opens) and select the file among the available ones.

If the file you wish to use for the operation is not in the home/ftp directory, it is necessary to copy
it in this directory as the supervision system needs, in order to execute correctly the download opera-
tion, to find the file for the updating in the home/ftp directory.
To press Read to display a brief description that illustrates the content of the selected file.

5. Set the type of download you wish to execute. Select the option:
Forced, to update the firmware of the equipment controller.
Only different or not present, to update the firmware of peripheral units (FPGA file and/or oper-
ating code).

6. Activate the Bench switch? box if you wish that, at the end of the download, a switching of the memory
bench is automatically executed in order to use the bench with the updated firmware.

7. Set the execution modality of the download. If you wish that the updating is:
Immediately executed, activate the Immediate Download box.

It is possible to activate the box only if a single NE has been selected.

Scheduled to be executed in a second moment, set the date/time in the Scheduling data time
for Download area.
8. Press Start Dwl.
If in the previous step, it has been:
Activated the Immediate Download box, a window opens where the physical address, logic ad-
dress and the type of NE which is updating the firmware, and the status of the operation (Wait-
ing, Downloading, Complete, etc.) are displayed.
The operation takes some minutes.
Before starting the updating of the controller of the NE, it executes a compatibility check be-
tween the firmware that must be sent and the one present in the controller itself.
The check consists in verifying the technology and the type of NE (pointed out by the first 2 char-
acters of the file name). For some types of NEs, checks are executed also on the 3rd character
of the filename. More information is reported in the equipment user manual relevant to the spe-
cific type of NE.
If the parameters are compatible, the download starts. Otherwise, the updating of the firmware
will not be executed.
If the operation is successful, opening the RelSw window (see Fig.69), in the Release box rele-
vant to the updated memory bench, the new version of the firmware is pointed out.
If it is not successful, the Status box relevant to the updated memory bench displays the old
version or the wording not loaded.
Set a date/time of execution for the updating of the firmware, the Software Download window
is closed.
In the list of the scheduled equipment for the download, a record is added for each NE present
in the Equipment list for download area.

To update the equipment firmware (FAMxc)

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).
2. Select the wished FAMxc.

Selecting two or more records of the FAMxc type, it is possible to execute the operation for all the
NEs at the same type.

3. Select the Actions > FAMxc-NE Sw/Fw Download command.

The Insert window opens (see Fig.70).

4. In the File Selection box, set the file you wish to use for the updating.
It is possible to type the path and the name of the file or press Browse (the fileSelection... window
opens) and select the file among the available ones.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 209

If the file you wish to use for the operation is not in the home/tftpdir directory, it is necessary to
copy it in this directory as the supervision system needs, in order to execute correctly the download
operation, to find the file for the updating in the home/tftpdir directory.

5. Set the date/time when you wish to schedule the operation in the Date/Time Scheduled for Download

6. Activate the Switch Bench and Restart box if you wish that, at the end of the download, a switch of the
memory bench and a restart of the equipment are executed.

The setting is valid for all the equipment present in the Equipment List area. If you wish to execute
a different setting for an equipment of the list:

a. Select the equipment.

b. Select the Action > Bench Info command.
The Equipment Bench Releases window opens (see Fig.72).
c. Activate/deactivate the Switch Bench and Restart box as you wish.
d. Press Ok
The wording Modified (Equipment List area) is displayed in the record of the selected equipment.
During the execution of the operation for the selected equipment, the setting of the Switch Bench and
Restart parameter in the Insert window will not be considered; instead, the setting of the same param-
eter if the Equipment Bench Releases window will be considered.

7. If enabled, type the access code of the equipment in the Password box.
If the Superuser has defined the equipment password in the configuration file of the system, it is not
necessary to insert the code to access the equipment. It is sufficient to activate the Password Default

The set password is valid for all the equipment present in the Equipment List area. If an equipment
has a different password, it is necessary to set in the following way:

a. Select the equipment.

b. Select the Action > Bench Info command.
The Equipment Bench Releases window opens (see Fig.72).
c. Type the equipment access code in the Password box.
d. Press Ok
The wording Modified (Equipment List area) is displayed in the record of the selected equipment.
During the execution of the operation for the selected equipment, the setting of the Switch Bench and
Restart parameter in the Insert window will not be considered; instead, the setting of the same param-
eter if the Equipment Bench Releases window will be considered.

8. Press OK.
The Software Download window is closed.
In the list of the scheduled equipment for the download, a record is added for each NE present in the
Equipment List.

To verify/modify the status/severity of the alarms and the status of the trap
sending of an equipment

Operation available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except
for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc and Nodal.

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).
2. Select the equipment.

3. Select the Actions > SNMP-Equipment Severity Code command.

The Equipment Severity Code window opens pointing out the list of the alarms relevant to the selected
For each alarm, the status (enabled/disabled), the transmission status of the relevant trap from the NE
to the NMS5UX-B system and the local severity level of the alarm are displayed as depicted in Fig.57.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 210

In the list are not present the alarms of the user inputs, which have a different management of the
severity (see pag.111).

4. To modify the characteristics of an alarms double click on the wished alarm or select the alarm and then
the Action > View/Modify Severity command.
The View/Modify Severity Code window opens, where it is pointed out in the box/area:
Alarm Description. Name of the alarm.
Status. Status of the alarm and of the trap sending by the NE to the system. If active the option:
Enabled, the alarm and the sending of trap is enabled.
Trap Disabled, the sending of trap is disabled.
Alarm Disabled, the alarm is disabled.
Severity. Severity level associated to the alarm.
The label (NMS5UX-B default) points out the default setting associated to that alarm by the su-
pervision system.

5. To modify the enabling status of alarm/trap sending and/or the severity level, select the push-button
relevant to the wished value respectively in the Status and/or Severity area.

If the Alarm Disabled option is selected (Status area) the severity level associated to the alarm can-
not be modified.

6. Press Modify.
The possible modification of the enabling status of alarm/trap sending is pointed out in the Equipment
Severity Code window.

To verify/modify the LCT users list of an equipment

Operation available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except
for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc, ALFO and Nodal.
For NEs of Nodal type, the command is present in the nodal equipment window (pag.38).

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).

2. Select the equipment.

3. Select the Actions > SNMP-LCT Equipment Users command.
The LCT User Manager window opens (see Fig.62).

4. The procedures to modify the list of the LCT users are the same pointed out at par.
To add a new LCT user (pag.357)
To modify the characteristics of the LCT users (pag.358)
To delete a LCT user (pag.358)

To verify the LCT/NMS5UX users connected to an equipment

Operation available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except
for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc and Nodal.
For NEs of Nodal type, the command is present in the nodal equipment window (pag.38).

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).

2. Select the equipment.

3. Select the View > SNMP-LCT Logged Users command.

The Logged Users window opens, where the list of the users (LCT and NMS5UX) connected to the NE
when the command is selected is displayed, as shown in Fig.63.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 211

To display/modify the certificate of conformity of a radio equipment

The recording data, if modified, can be saved only by the Superuser and by the users with privileged
and advanced profiles.

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).
2. Select the radio equipment.

3. Select the Actions > Radio Certificate command.

The EqpInfoPage window opens where all the characteristics of the radio (conformity certificate) are

4. To enter a value or modify the existing one, select the relevant box and type the new value.

5. Press Save.
The certificate is saved in the database of the system.

To verify the reach ability of the equipment (Line Test)

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).

2. Select the equipment.

3. Select the Commands > Line Test command.
The LINE TEST command window opens.
In the Command Scope area, the selected NEs, for which the operation will be execute, are displayed.
Each NE has a dedicated record, which reports in order: logic address and type.
To delete one or more NEs from the list, select the equipment and press Remove From List. To filter
the NEs according to the type, to activate/deactivate the boxes present in the Filter On Type area.
4. Press Execute.
Another LINE TEST command window opens, where for each NE there is the indication of:
Address column. Logic address.
Type column. Type of NE.
Status column. Result of the operation:
OK. The operation was successful.
FAILED!... The operation is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is dis-
played among brackets.
During the operation, the Stop push-button is available, which stops the procedure, if selected. For
example, if the execution of the operation has been required for ten NEs, the system sends the com-
mand to the first NE, then it will pass to the next one. If, during the execution of the command for the
second NE, the user presses Stop, the system will terminate the operation in progress and then will
terminate the procedure. So, the list will display only the first two NEs.
To print the displayed information press Print.

To connect one or more equipment

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).

2. Select the equipment.

3. Select the Commands > Connect command.

The CONNECT command window opens.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 212

In the Command Scope area, the selected NEs, for which the operation will be execute, are displayed.
Each NE has a dedicated record, which reports in order: logic address and type.
To delete one or more NEs from the list, select the equipment and press Remove From List. To filter
the NEs according to the type, to activate/deactivate the boxes present in the Filter On Type area.

4. Press Execute.

The request of connection will be sent only to the NEs present in the list, in disconnected or un-
reachable status.
Another CONNECT command window opens where, for each NE, there is the indication of:
Address column. Logic address.
Type column. Type of NE.
Status column. Result of the operation:
OK. The operation was successful, the symbol of the NE changes colour: from brown it
becomes green, light blue, yellow, orange or red depending on the severity of the alarms
present on the NE.
FAILED!... The operation is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is dis-
played among brackets.
During the operation, the Stop push-button is available, which stops the procedure, if selected. For
example, if the execution of the operation has been required for ten NEs, the system sends the com-
mand to the first NE, then it will pass to the next one. If, during the execution of the command for the
second NE, the user presses Stop, the system will terminate the operation in progress and then will
terminate the procedure. So, the list will display only the first two NEs.
To print the displayed information press Print.

To disconnect one or more equipment

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).

2. Select the equipment.

3. Select the Commands > Disconnect command.

The DISCONNECT command window opens.

4. Press Execute.

The request of disconnection will be sent only to the NEs present in the list, in connected or un-
reachable status.
Another DISCONNECT command window opens where, for each NE, there is the indication of:
Address field, logic address.
Type field, type of NE.
Status field, result of the operation:
OK, the operation was successful, the symbol of the NE changes colour: from the current
colour, it becomes brown.
FAILED! ...., the operation is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is dis-
played among brackets.
During the operation, the Stop push-button is available, which stops the procedure, if selected. For
example, if the execution of the operation has been required for ten NEs, the system sends the com-
mand to the first NE, then it will pass to the next one. If, during the execution of the command for the
second NE, the user presses Stop, the system will terminate the operation in progress and then will
terminate the procedure. So, the list will display only the first two NEs.
To print the displayed information press Print.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 213

To re-align the alarms of one or more equipment

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).

2. Select the equipment.

3. Select the Commands > Alarm Re-alignment command.

The ALARM RE-ALIGNMENT command window opens.
In the Command Scope area, the selected NEs, for which the operation will be execute, are displayed.
Each NE has a dedicated record, which reports in order: logic address and type.
To delete one or more NEs from the list, select the equipment and press Remove From List. To filter
the NEs according to the type, to activate/deactivate the boxes present in the Filter On Type area.

4. Press Execute.

The request of alarm realignment will be sent only to the NEs present in the list, in connected status.
Another ALARM RE-ALIGNMENT command window opens where, for each NE, there is the indication of:
Address column. Logic address.
Type column. Type of NE.
Status column. Result of the operation:
OK. The operation was successful.
FAILED!... The operation is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is dis-
played among brackets.
During the operation, the Stop push-button is available, which stops the procedure, if selected. For
example, if the execution of the operation has been required for ten NEs, the system sends the com-
mand to the first NE, then it will pass to the next one. If, during the execution of the command for the
second NE, the user presses Stop, the system will terminate the operation in progress and then will
terminate the procedure. So, the list will display only the first two NEs.
To print the displayed information press Print.

To acquire the configuration of one or more equipment

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).
2. Select the equipment.

3. Select the Commands > Configuration Upload command.

The UPLOAD command window opens.
In the Command Scope area, the selected NEs, for which the operation will be execute, are displayed.
Each NE has a dedicated record, which reports in order: logic address and type.
To delete one or more NEs from the list, select the equipment and press Remove From List. To filter
the NEs according to the type, to activate/deactivate the boxes present in the Filter On Type area.

4. Press Execute.

The request of upload will be sent only to the NEs present in the list, in connected status.
Another UPLOAD command window opens where, for each NE, there is the indication of:
Address column. Logic address.
Type column. Type of NE.
Status column. Result of the operation:
OK. The operation was successful.
FAILED!... The operation is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is dis-
played among brackets.
During the operation, the Stop push-button is available, which stops the procedure, if selected. For
example, if the execution of the operation has been required for ten NEs, the system sends the com-
mand to the first NE, then it will pass to the next one. If, during the execution of the command for the
second NE, the user presses Stop, the system will terminate the operation in progress and then will
terminate the procedure. So, the list will display only the first two NEs.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 214

To print the displayed information press Print.

To transfer the configuration of an equipment to another equipment of the

same type

Command available only if the SNMP equipment is selected, except for ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc, Nodal
and PMP.
For NEs of Nodal type, the command is present in the nodal equipment window (pag.38).

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).

2. Select the equipment.

3. Select the Commands > SNMP-Configuration Download command.

The Configuration Download window opens (see Fig.35).

4. Depending on the operation you wish to execute, follow (from the step 3) the procedure:
To transfer the configuration of a SNMP equipment (virtual or real) to one or more real SNMP
equipment (pag.234)
To transfer the configuration of a SNMP equipment (virtual or real) to one or more virtual SNMP
equipment (pag.236)

To reset and connect one or more equipment (Legacy)

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).

2. Select the wished Legacy equipment.

3. Select the Commands > Legacy-Reset&Connect command.
The RESET&CONNECT command window opens.
In the Command Scope area, the selected NEs, for which the operation will be execute, are displayed.
Each NE has a dedicated record, which reports in order: logic address and type.
To delete one or more NEs from the list, select the equipment and press Remove From List. To filter
the NEs according to the type, to activate/deactivate the boxes present in the Filter On Type area.

4. Press Execute.

The request of reset and connect will be sent only to the NEs present in the list, in disconnected or
unreachable status.
Another RESET&CONNECT command window opens where, for each NE, there is the indication of:
Address column. Logic address.
Type column. Type of NE.
Status column. Result of the operation:
OK. The operation was successful.
FAILED!... The operation is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is dis-
played among brackets.
During the operation, the Stop push-button is available, which stops the procedure, if selected. For
example, if the execution of the operation has been required for ten NEs, the system sends the com-
mand to the first NE, then it will pass to the next one. If, during the execution of the command for the
second NE, the user presses Stop, the system will terminate the operation in progress and then will
terminate the procedure. So, the list will display only the first two NEs.
To print the displayed information press Print.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 215

To connect one or more CommServer-S

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).

2. Select the CS or the group of CSs, to be connected.

3. Select the Commands > Communication Server Board > Connect command.
The CONNECT BOARD command window opens.
Into the Command Scope area, the system points out all the selected CSs for which it will be executed
the operation. One record is devoted to each CS. Such a record orderly points out the following infor-
mation: IP address and name.
To delete one or more CSs from the list, select the equipment and press Remove From List.

4. Press Execute.

The connection request will be forwarded only to the CSs present into the list and in disconnected
Another CONNECT BOARD command window opens where, for each CS, there is the indication of:
CS Board Address column. IP address of the CS.
CS Name column. CS name.
Status column. Result of the operation:
OK. The operation was successful.
FAILED!... The operation is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is dis-
played among brackets.
During the operation (in the Status field there is the wording Working) is available the Stop push-but-
ton that, when it is pressed, stops the procedure.
The user can print the displayed information pressing Print.

To disconnect one or more CommServer-S

It is not possible to disconnect a CS if it has at least one port in open status. In this case, first close the
port and then disconnect the CS.

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).
2. Select the CS or the group of CSs, to be disconnected.

3. Select the Commands > Communication Server Board > Disconnect command.
The DISCONNECT BOARD command window opens.
Into the Command Scope area, the system points out all the selected CSs for which it will be executed
the operation. One record is devoted to each CS. Such a record orderly points out the following infor-
mation: IP address and name.
To delete one or more CSs from the list, select the equipment and press Remove From List.

4. Press Execute.

The disconnection request will be forwarded only to the CSs present into the list and in connected
or unreachable status.
Another DISCONNECT BOARD command window opens where, for each CS, there is the indication of:
CS Board Address column. IP address of the CS.
CS Name column. CS name.
Status column. Result of the operation:
OK. The operation was successful.
FAILED!... The operation is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is dis-
played among brackets.
During the operation (in the Status field there is the wording Working) is available the Stop push-but-
ton that, when it is pressed, stops the procedure. The user can print the displayed information pressing

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 216

To start the Command Executor application

Operation available only to the Superuser and to the user with privileged or advanced profile.

1. Select the Locate > Equipment List Locate command or press .

The Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window opens (Fig.33).

2. Select the equipment for which you wish to execute the series of SNMP commands stored on file.

3. Select the Commands > SNMP-Command Executor command.

If the message No Command available for the selected equipment is displayed, the supervision sys-
tem is not provided, for the selected equipment type, with files containing the sequences of SNMP com-
mands. SIAE MICROELETTRONICA provides, on demand, files containing specific sequences of SNMP
The Execute Command window opens.

4. Into the Select Command area, select the desired action.

5. Press Start Command Executor.
The SNMP Command Executor window opens (see Fig.45).

6. Press Start Command.

In the Message area, the progress of the operations is displayed.
It is possible to stop the procedure pressing OK, present in the Command Executor window displayed
at the activation of the operation.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 217


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Proxy Equipment List command displays the list of the equipment managed by the Proxy Agent and
their Proxy address.

The Proxy Agent function is an optional one. The function and the subject command are available if
requested by the customer only.

To display the list of the equipment managed by the Proxy Agent

1. Select the Locate > Proxy Equipment List command.

The Equipment Managed by Proxy window opens, where the list of the equipment managed by the
Proxy Agent is displayed, as shown in Fig.34.

Fig.34 Equipment Managed by Proxy window

Fig.34 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Close. It closes the window.
Actions > Refresh. It refreshes the information present into the window.
Help > On Usage. It opens the on-line manual.

(2) One record is devoted to each equipment. Such a record provides the following information:
Logical Addr. Logic address of the equipment.
Type. Equipment type.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 218

Eq. Proxy Addr. Address of the equipment that is acknowledged by the Proxy Agent: Proxy
address of the equipment (parameter defined by the user during the creation phases of the
equipment - pag.135).

The information correspond to the characteristics of the equipment at the selection of the command.
For NE objects of Nodal type, the detail of the equipment of the nodal system is pointed out. This
equipment is identified by the logic address <node name>.A, <node name>.B, <node name>.C

(3) Into the status bar, the system points out the following information:
The activation of the filter. With details, if it has been activated:
The Managed by Proxy Agent box, the system displays into the window the equipment
managed by Proxy Agent.
The Not Managed by Proxy Agent box, the system displays into the window the equip-
ment that are not managed by the Proxy Agent.
The Managed by Proxy Agent and Not Managed by Proxy Agent box, the system dis-
plays into the window the all equipment.
The number of the displayed records and the total number of records (xx of yy). If it has not
been activated any filter, the number of the displayed records corresponds to the total
number of records.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 219


The Command menu contains the commands:

Line Test (pag.221). It verifies the real reach ability of the equipment.
Connect (pag.223). It activates the connection between NMS5UX-B and equipment.
Disconnect (pag.225). It deactivates the connection between NMS5UX-B and equipment.
SNMP-Force NE Disconnect (pag.227). It forces the software disconnection of the SNMP
Legacy-Reset&Connect (pag.228). It resets the information, stored into the NMS5UX-B data-
base, relevant to the configuration of one o more Legacy equipment and activates the dialogue
between the equipment and the system itself.
Alarm Re-alignment (pag.230). NMS5UX-B acquires the alarm status present on the equip-
Configuration Upload (pag.232). NMS5UX-B acquires the current configuration of equipment.
SNMP-Configuration Download (pag.234). It transfers the configuration of an SNMP equip-
ment to another SNMP equipment of the same type.
Communication Server Board (pag.237). It activates/deactivates the connection between
the NMS5UX-B and the CommServer-S
SNMP-Reset Equipment Controller (pag.239). It executes the software reset of the SNMP
PMP Clear Alarm Table (pag.240). It transfers to the PMP the alarm default table stored in the
NMS5UX-B database.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 220


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Line Test command verifies the real reach ability of the equipment.

With details it is possible:

To execute the Line Test for one or more equipment (pag.221)
To execute the Line Test for the equipment of one or more containers (pag.221)

More info about the command are reported to pag.98.

To execute the Line Test for one or more equipment

1. Select the NE or the group of NEs, for which you wish to execute the test.

2. Select the Command > Line Test > Network Element command or press .
The LINE TEST command window opens.
In the Command Scope area, the selected NEs, for which the operation will be execute, are displayed.
Each NE has a dedicated record, which reports in order: logic address and type.
To delete one or more NEs from the list, select the equipment and press Remove From List. To filter
the NEs according to the type, to activate/deactivate the boxes present in the Filter On Type area.

3. Press Execute.
Another LINE TEST command window opens, where for each NE there is the indication of:
Address column. Logic address.
Type field column. Type of NE.
Status column. Result of the test:
OK. The test was successful.
FAILED!... The test is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is displayed
among brackets.
During the operation, the Stop push-button is available, which stops the procedure, if selected. For
example, if the execution of the operation has been required for ten NEs, the system sends the com-
mand to the first NE, then it will pass to the next one. If, during the execution of the command for the
second NE, the user presses Stop, the system will terminate the operation in progress and then will
terminate the procedure. So, the list will display only the first two NEs.
To print the displayed information press Print.

To execute the Line Test for the equipment of one or more containers

1. Select the container symbol(s) that contain the NEs for which you wish to execute the test.

2. Select the Command > Line Test > Container command.

The LINE TEST command window opens.
In the Command Scope area, the selected NEs, for which the operation will be execute, are displayed.
Each NE has a dedicated record, which reports in order: logic address and type.
To delete one or more NEs from the list, select the equipment and press Remove From List. To filter
the NEs according to the type, to activate/deactivate the boxes present in the Filter On Type area.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 221

3. Press Execute.
Another LINE TEST command window opens, where for each NE there is the indication of:
Address column. Logic address.
Type field column. Type of NE.
Status column. Result of the test:
OK. The test was successful.
FAILED!... The test is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is displayed
among brackets.
During the operation, the Stop push-button is available, which stops the procedure, if selected. For
example, if the execution of the operation has been required for ten NEs, the system sends the com-
mand to the first NE, then it will pass to the next one. If, during the execution of the command for the
second NE, the user presses Stop, the system will terminate the operation in progress and then will
terminate the procedure. So, the list will display only the first two NEs.
To print the displayed information press Print.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 222


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Connect command activates the connection between NMS5UX-B and equipment.

With details it is possible:

To connect one or more equipment (pag.223)
To connect the equipment of one or more containers (pag.223)

More info about the command are reported to pag.98.

To connect one or more equipment

1. Select the NE or the group of NEs for which you wish to connect.
2. Select the Command > Connect > Network Element command or press .
The CONNECT command window opens.
In the Command Scope area, the selected NEs, for which the operation will be execute, are displayed.
Each NE has a dedicated record, which reports in order: logic address and type.
To delete one or more NEs from the list, select the equipment and press Remove From List. To filter
the NEs according to the type, to activate/deactivate the boxes present in the Filter On Type area.
3. Press Execute.

The request of disconnection will be sent only to the NEs present in the list, in disconnected or un-
reachable status.
Another CONNECT command window opens where, for each NE, there is the indication of:
Address column. Logic address.
Type field column. Type of NE.
Status column. Result of the test:
OK. The operation was successful, the symbol of the NE changes colour: from brown it
becomes green, light blue, yellow, orange or red depending on the severity of the alarms
present on the NE.
FAILED!... The operation is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is dis-
played among brackets.
During the operation, the Stop push-button is available, which stops the procedure, if selected. For
example, if the execution of the operation has been required for ten NEs, the system sends the com-
mand to the first NE, then it will pass to the next one. If, during the execution of the command for the
second NE, the user presses Stop, the system will terminate the operation in progress and then will
terminate the procedure. So, the list will display only the first two NEs.
To print the displayed information press Print.

To connect the equipment of one or more containers

1. Select the container symbol(s) that contain the NEs you wish to connect.

2. Select the Command > Connect > Container command.

The CONNECT command window opens.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 223

In the Command Scope area, the selected NEs, for which the operation will be execute, are displayed.
Each NE has a dedicated record, which reports in order: logic address and type.
To delete one or more NEs from the list, select the equipment and press Remove From List. To filter
the NEs according to the type, to activate/deactivate the boxes present in the Filter On Type area.

3. Press Execute.

The request of disconnection will be sent only to the NEs present in the list, in disconnected or un-
reachable status.
Another CONNECT command window opens where, for each NE, there is the indication of:
Address column. Logic address.
Type field column. Type of NE.
Status column. Result of the test:
OK. The operation was successful, the symbol of the NE changes colour: from brown it
becomes green, light blue, yellow, orange or red depending on the severity of the alarms
present on the NE.
FAILED!... The operation is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is dis-
played among brackets.
During the operation, the Stop push-button is available, which stops the procedure, if selected. For
example, if the execution of the operation has been required for ten NEs, the system sends the com-
mand to the first NE, then it will pass to the next one. If, during the execution of the command for the
second NE, the user presses Stop, the system will terminate the operation in progress and then will
terminate the procedure. So, the list will display only the first two NEs.
To print the displayed information press Print.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 224


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Disconnect command deactivates the connection between NMS5UX-B and equipment.

With details it is possible:

To disconnect one or more equipment (pag.225)
To disconnect the equipment of one or more containers (pag.225)

More info about the command are reported to pag.98.

To disconnect one or more equipment

1. Select the NE or the group of NEs for which you wish to disconnect.
2. Select the Command > Disconnect > Network Element command or press .
The DISCONNECT command window opens.
In the Command Scope area, the selected NEs, for which the operation will be execute, are displayed.
Each NE has a dedicated record, which reports in order: logic address and type.
To delete one or more NEs from the list, select the equipment and press Remove From List. To filter
the NEs according to the type, to activate/deactivate the boxes present in the Filter On Type area.
3. Press Execute.

The request of disconnection will be sent only to the NEs present in the list, in connected or un-
reachable status.
Another DISCONNECT command window opens where, for each NE, there is the indication of:
Address column. Logic address.
Type field column. Type of NE.
Status column. Result of the test:
OK. The operation was successful, the symbol of the NE changes colour: from the current
colour it becomes brown.
FAILED!... The operation is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is dis-
played among brackets.
During the operation, the Stop push-button is available, which stops the procedure, if selected. For
example, if the execution of the operation has been required for ten NEs, the system sends the com-
mand to the first NE, then it will pass to the next one. If, during the execution of the command for the
second NE, the user presses Stop, the system will terminate the operation in progress and then will
terminate the procedure. So, the list will display only the first two NEs.
To print the displayed information press Print.

To disconnect the equipment of one or more containers

1. Select the container symbol(s) containing the NEs you wish to disconnect.
2. Select the Command > Disconnect > Container command.
The DISCONNECT command window opens.
In the Command Scope area, the selected NEs, for which the operation will be execute, are displayed.
Each NE has a dedicated record, which reports in order: logic address and type.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 225

To delete one or more NEs from the list, select the equipment and press Remove From List. To filter
the NEs according to the type, to activate/deactivate the boxes present in the Filter On Type area.

3. Press Execute.

The request of disconnection will be sent only to the NEs present in the list, in connected or un-
reachable status.
Another DISCONNECT command window opens where, for each NE, there is the indication of:
Address column. Logic address.
Type field column. Type of NE.
Status column. Result of the test:
OK. The operation was successful, the symbol of the NE changes its current colour brown.
FAILED!... The operation is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is dis-
played among brackets.
During the operation, the Stop push-button is available, which stops the procedure, if selected. For
example, if the execution of the operation has been required for ten NEs, the system sends the com-
mand to the first NE, then it will pass to the next one. If, during the execution of the command for the
second NE, the user presses Stop, the system will terminate the operation in progress and then will
terminate the procedure. So, the list will display only the first two NEs.
To print the displayed information press Print.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 226


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The SNMP-Force NE Disconnect command forces the software disconnection of the SNMP equipment.

With software disconnection we mean that the NMS5UX-B system set graphically the equipment in dis-
connected status (brown icon), but it does not communicate the operation to the equipment itself.

The use of this command is necessary if the equipment remains graphically blocked in maintenance status
(pink icon).

To force the software disconnection of one or more SNMP equipment

1. Select the SNMP NE or the group of SNMP NEs for which you wish to disconnect.
2. Select the Command > SNMP-Force NE Disconnect command.
The FORCED DISCONNECT command window opens.
In the Command Scope area, the selected NEs, for which the operation will be execute, are displayed.
Each NE has a dedicated record, which reports in order: logic address and type.
To delete one or more NEs from the list, select the equipment and press Remove From List. To filter
the NEs according to the type, to activate/deactivate the boxes present in the Filter On Type area.
3. Press Execute.

The request of disconnection will be sent only to the NEs in connected, unreachable or maintenance
Another FORCED DISCONNECT command window opens where, for each NE, there is the indication of:
Address column. Logic address.
Type field column. Type of NE.
Status column. Result of the test:
OK. The operation was successful, the symbol of the NE changes colour: from the current
colour it becomes brown.
FAILED!... The operation is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is dis-
played among brackets.
During the operation, the Stop push-button is available, which stops the procedure, if selected. For
example, if the execution of the operation has been required for ten NEs, the system sends the com-
mand to the first NE, then it will pass to the next one. If, during the execution of the command for the
second NE, the user presses Stop, the system will terminate the operation in progress and then will
terminate the procedure. So, the list will display only the first two NEs.
To print the displayed information press Print.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 227


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Legacy-Reset&Connect command resets the information, stored into the NMS5UX-B database, rel-
evant to the configuration of one o more Legacy equipment and activates the dialogue between the equip-
ment and the system itself.

With details it is possible:

To reset and connect one or more Legacy equipment (pag.228)
To reset and connect the Legacy equipment of one or more containers (pag.228)

More info about the command are reported to pag.99.

To reset and connect one or more Legacy equipment

1. Select the Legacy equipment that you wish to reset and connect.

2. Select the Command > Legacy-Reset&Connect > Network Element command.

The RESET&CONNECT command window opens.
In the Command Scope area, the selected NEs, for which the operation will be execute, are displayed.
Each NE has a dedicated record, which reports in order: logic address and type.
To delete one or more NEs from the list, select the equipment and press Remove From List. To filter
the NEs according to the type, to activate/deactivate the boxes present in the Filter On Type area.

3. Press Execute.
The reset and connection request will be forwarded only to the NEs present into the list and in dis-
connected or unreachable status.
Another RESET&CONNECT command window opens where, for each NE, there is the indication of:
Address column. Logic address.
Type field column. Type of NE.
Status column. Result of the test:
OK. The operation was successful, the symbol of the NE changes colour: from the current
colour it becomes brown.
FAILED!... The operation is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is dis-
played among brackets.
During the operation, the Stop push-button is available, which stops the procedure, if selected. For
example, if the execution of the operation has been required for ten NEs, the system sends the com-
mand to the first NE, then it will pass to the next one. If, during the execution of the command for the
second NE, the user presses Stop, the system will terminate the operation in progress and then will
terminate the procedure. So, the list will display only the first two NEs.
To print the displayed information press Print.

To reset and connect the Legacy equipment of one or more containers

1. Select the container symbol(s) containing the Legacy equipment that you wish to reset and connect.

2. Select the Command > Legacy-Reset&Connect > Container command.

The RESET&CONNECT command window opens.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 228

In the Command Scope area, the selected NEs, for which the operation will be execute, are displayed.
Each NE has a dedicated record, which reports in order: logic address and type.
To delete one or more NEs from the list, select the equipment and press Remove From List. To filter
the NEs according to the type, to activate/deactivate the boxes present in the Filter On Type area.

3. Press Execute.

The reset and connection request will be forwarded only to the NEs present into the list and in dis-
connected or unreachable status.
Another RESET&CONNECT command window opens where, for each NE, there is the indication of:
Address column. Logic address.
Type field column. Type of NE.
Status column. Result of the test:
OK. The operation was successful, the symbol of the NE changes its current colour brown.
FAILED!... The operation is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is dis-
played among brackets.
During the operation, the Stop push-button is available, which stops the procedure, if selected. For
example, if the execution of the operation has been required for ten NEs, the system sends the com-
mand to the first NE, then it will pass to the next one. If, during the execution of the command for the
second NE, the user presses Stop, the system will terminate the operation in progress and then will
terminate the procedure. So, the list will display only the first two NEs.
To print the displayed information press Print.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 229


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Alarm Re-alignment command acquires the alarm status present on the equipment.

With details it is possible:

To re-align the alarms of one or more equipment (pag.230)
To re-align the alarms of the equipment of one or more containers (pag.230)

More info about the command are reported to pag.99.

To re-align the alarms of one or more equipment

1. Select the NE or the group of NEs for which you wish to re-align the alarms.
2. Select the Command > Alarm Re-alignment > Network Element command or press .
The ALARM RE-ALIGNMENT command window opens.
In the Command Scope area, the selected NEs, for which the operation will be execute, are displayed.
Each NE has a dedicated record, which reports in order: logic address and type.
To delete one or more NEs from the list, select the equipment and press Remove From List. To filter
the NEs according to the type, to activate/deactivate the boxes present in the Filter On Type area.
3. Press Execute.

The request of re-alignment of the alarms will be sent only to the NEs present in the list, in con-
nected status.
Another ALARM RE-ALIGNMENT command window opens where, for each NE, there is the indication of:
Address column. Logic address.
Type field column. Type of NE.
Status column. Result of the test:
OK. The operation was successful.
FAILED!... The operation is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is dis-
played among brackets.
During the operation, the Stop push-button is available, which stops the procedure, if selected. For
example, if the execution of the operation has been required for ten NEs, the system sends the com-
mand to the first NE, then it will pass to the next one. If, during the execution of the command for the
second NE, the user presses Stop, the system will terminate the operation in progress and then will
terminate the procedure. So, the list will display only the first two NEs.
To print the displayed information press Print.

To re-align the alarms of the equipment of one or more containers

1. Select the container symbol(s) that contain the NEs for which you wish the re-align the alarms.

2. Select the Command > Alarm Re-alignment > Container command.

The ALARM RE-ALIGNMENT command window opens.
In the Command Scope area, the selected NEs, for which the operation will be execute, are displayed.
Each NE has a dedicated record, which reports in order: logic address and type.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 230

To delete one or more NEs from the list, select the equipment and press Remove From List. To filter
the NEs according to the type, to activate/deactivate the boxes present in the Filter On Type area.

3. Press Execute.

The request of re-alignment of the alarms will be sent only to the NEs present in the list, in con-
nected status.
Another ALARM RE-ALIGNMENT command window opens, where for each NE there is the indication of:
Address column. Logic address.
Type field column. Type of NE.
Status column. Result of the test:
OK. The operation was successful.
FAILED!... The operation is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is dis-
played among brackets.
During the operation, the Stop push-button is available, which stops the procedure, if selected. For
example, if the execution of the operation has been required for ten NEs, the system sends the com-
mand to the first NE, then it will pass to the next one. If, during the execution of the command for the
second NE, the user presses Stop, the system will terminate the operation in progress and then will
terminate the procedure. So, the list will display only the first two NEs.
To print the displayed information press Print.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 231


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Configuration Upload command acquires the current configuration of equipment.

With details it is possible:

To acquire the configuration of one or more equipment (pag.232)
To acquire the configuration of the equipment of one or more containers (pag.232)

More info about the command are reported to pag.99.

To acquire the configuration of one or more equipment

1. Select the NE or the group of NEs, which you wish to acquire the configuration.
2. Select the Command > Configuration Upload > Network Element command or press .
The UPLOAD command window opens.
In the Command Scope area, the selected NEs, for which the operation will be execute, are displayed.
Each NE has a dedicated record, which reports in order: logic address and type.
To delete one or more NEs from the list, select the equipment and press Remove From List. To filter
the NEs according to the type, to activate/deactivate the boxes present in the Filter On Type area.
3. Press Execute.

The request of acquisition of the configuration will be sent only to the NEs present in the list, in
connected status.
Another UPLOAD command window opens, where for each NE there is the indication of:
Address column. Logic address.
Type field column. Type of NE.
Status column. Result of the test:
OK. The operation was successful.
FAILED!... The operation is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is dis-
played among brackets.
During the operation, the Stop push-button is available, which stops the procedure, if selected. For
example, if the execution of the operation has been required for ten NEs, the system sends the com-
mand to the first NE, then it will pass to the next one. If, during the execution of the command for the
second NE, the user presses Stop, the system will terminate the operation in progress and then will
terminate the procedure. So, the list will display only the first two NEs.
To print the displayed information press Print.

To acquire the configuration of the equipment of one or more containers

1. Select the container symbol(s) that contain the NEs, which you wish to acquire the configuration.

2. Select the Command > Configuration Upload > Container command.

The UPLOAD command window opens.
In the Command Scope area, the selected NEs, for which the operation will be execute, are displayed.
Each NE has a dedicated record, which reports in order: logic address and type.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 232

To delete one or more NEs from the list, select the equipment and press Remove From List. To filter
the NEs according to the type, to activate/deactivate the boxes present in the Filter On Type area.

3. Press Execute.

The request of acquisition of the configuration will be sent only to the NEs present in the list, in
connected status.
Another UPLOAD command window opens, where for each NE there is the indication of:
Address column. Logic address.
Type field column. Type of NE.
Status column. Result of the test:
OK. The operation was successful.
FAILED!... The operation is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is dis-
played among brackets.
During the operation, the Stop push-button is available, which stops the procedure, if selected. For
example, if the execution of the operation has been required for ten NEs, the system sends the com-
mand to the first NE, then it will pass to the next one. If, during the execution of the command for the
second NE, the user presses Stop, the system will terminate the operation in progress and then will
terminate the procedure. So, the list will display only the first two NEs.
To print the displayed information press Print.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 233


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The SNMP-Configuration Download command transfers the configuration of an equipment to another

equipment of the same type.

With details it is possible:

To transfer the configuration of a SNMP equipment (virtual or real) to one or more real SNMP
equipment (pag.234)
To transfer the configuration of a SNMP equipment (virtual or real) to one or more virtual SNMP
equipment (pag.236)

The command is available only for the SNMP equipment except for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc, Nodal
and PMP.
For NE of Nodal type, the command is present in the nodal equipment window (pag.38).

More information on the real and virtual NE objects are reported at pag.63.

To transfer the configuration of a SNMP equipment (virtual or real) to one or

more real SNMP equipment

Operation available only for the SNMP equipment except for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc, Nodal and

1. Select the SNMP equipment whose type/configuration correspond to the characteristics of the SNMP
equipment wished for the transferring of the configuration.
2. Select the Command > SNMP-Configuration Download command.
The Configuration Download window opens (Fig.35).

3. Select, in the Source area, the (real or virtual) NE having the configuration you wish to transfer.
4. Activate, in the Destination area, the Real Equipment (download) option.

5. Press Parameter Selection to define the configuration parameters you wish to transfer.
The View Download Parameter window opens.
In the area:
Group, the logic groups, which the configuration parameters of the type of the considered equip-
ment are subdivided in, are displayed.
Attributes, the attributes relevant to the selected group in the Group area are displayed.
Each group and parameter is characterized by a check box.
If the box is active, it points out that the group/parameter will be transferred during the download. If
the box is inactive, it points out that the group/parameter will not be transferred during the download.

6. Activate the check boxes relevant to the groups/parameters that you do not wish to transfer.

The activation of one group is prioritary with respect to the setting of the parameters contained in
it. For example, if the group A is activated, when the configuration will be transferred, the values of the
parameters associated to the group A will be transferred, even if the box of the single parameters is
not active.
In order to activate all the check boxes at the same time, press Select all. In order to deactivate all
the check boxes at the same time, press Deselect all.

7. Select, in the Destination area, the NE or the group of NEs to which you wish to transfer the configu-

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 234

8. Select the Command > Download Configuration command and confirm.
In the Messages area, the start and the end of the operation are displayed as messages.

Fig.35 Configuration Download window

Fig.35 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Close. It closes the window.
Command > Download Configuration. It transfer the configuration of a (real or virtual) NE
to one or more real NEs.
Command > Copy Configuration. It transfer the configuration of a (real or virtual) NE to one
or more virtual NEs.
Action > Refresh. It updates the data present in the window.
Help > On Usage. It opens the on-line manual.
Help > About Application. Version of the module that manages the considered functionality.

(2) In the list, it is possible to display real and virtual NEs at the same time.
For the first ones, it is necessary to activate the Real Equipment box, for the second ones the Virtual
Equipment box.

(3) In the list, it is possible to display only real NEs or only virtual NEs.
To display the real ones, it is necessary to select the Real Equipment (download) option, to display
the virtual ones the Virtual Equipment (copy) option.

(4) The list will not contain the (real or virtual) NE selected in the Source area, as the NE, which the
configuration to be transferred from is taken, is automatically excluded by the list of the NEs which
the configuration can be transferred to.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 235

To transfer the configuration of a SNMP equipment (virtual or real) to one or
more virtual SNMP equipment

Operation available only for the SNMP equipment except for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc, Nodal and

1. Select the SNMP equipment whose type/configuration correspond to the characteristics of the wished
SNMP equipment for the transfer of the configuration.
2. Select the Command > SNMP-Configuration Download command.
The Configuration Download window opens (Fig.35).

3. Select, in the Source area, the (real or virtual) NE having the configuration you wish to transfer.

4. Activate, in the Destination area, the Virtual Equipment (copy) option.

5. Select from the list the NE or the group of NEs, which you wish to transfer to configuration to.

6. Select the Command > Copy Configuration command and confirm.

In the Messages area, the start and the end of the operation are displayed as messages.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 236


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Communication Server Board command activates/deactivates the connection between the
NMS5UX-B and the CommServer-S.

With details it is possible:

To connect one or more CommServer-S (pag.237)
To disconnect one or more CommServer-S (pag.237)

The command is available only if the modules for the management of the Legacy equipment have been

To connect one or more CommServer-S

1. Select the CS or the group of CSs, to be connected.

2. Select the Command > Communication Server Board > Connect command.
The CONNECT BOARD command window opens.
Into the Command Scope area, the system points out all the selected CSs for which it will be executed
the operation. One record is devoted to each CS. Such a record orderly points out the following infor-
mation: IP address and name.
To delete one or more CSs from the list, select the equipment and press Remove From List.

3. Press Execute.
The connection request will be forwarded only to the CSs present into the list and in disconnected
Another CONNECT BOARD command window opens, where for each CS there is the indication of:
CS Board Address column. IP address of the CS.
CS Name column. CS name.
Status column. Result of the operation:
OK. The operation was successful.
FAILED!... The operation is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is dis-
played among brackets.
During the operation (in the Status field there is the wording Working) is available the Stop push-but-
ton that, when it is pressed, stops the procedure.
To print the displayed information press Print.

To disconnect one or more CommServer-S

It is not possible to disconnect a CS if it has at least one port in open status.

In this case, first close the port and then disconnect the CS.
The modalities to open/close the ports of the CommServer-S are reported in the equipment manual.

1. Select the CS or the group of CSs, to be disconnected.

2. Select the Command > Communication Server Board > Disconnect command.
The DISCONNECT BOARD command window opens.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 237

Into the Command Scope area, the system points out all the selected CSs for which it will be executed
the operation. One record is devoted to each CS. Such a record orderly points out the following infor-
mation: IP address and name.
To delete one or more CSs from the list, select the equipment and press Remove From List.

3. Press Execute.

The disconnection request will be forwarded only to the CSs present into the list and in connected
or unreachable status.
Another DISCONNECT BOARD command window opens, where for each CS there is the indication of:
CS Board Address column. IP address of the CS.
CS Name column. CS name.
Status column. Result of the operation:
OK. The operation was successful.
FAILED!... The operation is failed; a message explaining the cause of the failure is dis-
played among brackets.
During the operation (in the Status field there is the wording Working) is available the Stop push-but-
ton that, when it is pressed, stops the procedure.
To print the displayed information press Print.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 238


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The SNMP-Reset Equipment Controller command executes the software reset of the equipment.

The command is available only for the SNMP equipment except for the ELFO, SDH N+1 and FAMxc.

The operation consists in the re-initialisation of all the communication channels (for example, with the
supervision system) of the equipment. Its execution causes a temporary disconnection of the equipment
from NMS5UX-B.

To execute the software reset of an SNMP equipment

Operation available only for the SNMP equipment except for the ELFO, SDH N+1 and FAMxc.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Command > SNMP-Reset Equipment Controller command.

At the end of the operation, a message showing the result of the operation is displayed.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 239


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Superuser

The PMP Clear Alarm Table command transfer to the PMP equipment the default table of the alarms
stored in the NMS5UX-B database.

The files, which contains the tables of the default alarms relevant to each type of NE managed by the
NMS5UX-B, are copied in the database during the installation of the system.

To transfer to the PMP the default table of the alarms

1. Select the PMP.

2. Select the Command > PMP Clear Alarm Table command.

At the end of the operation, a message showing the result of the operation is displayed.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 240


The Fault menu contains the following commands:

Network Alarm History (pag.242). It displays/manages the alarm history stored in the
NMS5UX-B database, relevant to the equipment of the open map.
Network Current Alarms (pag.251). It displays/manages the alarms active in the equipment
of the open map.
Old Alarm History (pag.257). It displays/manages the alarm history previously saved to file.
NE Alarm History (pag.263). It displays/manages the alarm history of an equipment.
NE Current Alarms (pag.264). It displays/manages the alarms active in an equipment.
SNMP-NE History Log (pag.265). It displays/manages the alarm list stored on the controller
of a SNMP equipment.
SNMP-NE Command Log (pag.270). It displays/manages the list of the operations executed
by the users, stored on the controller of a SNMP equipment.
Alarm Summary (pag.275). It displays/manages the summary of the alarm history stored in
the NMS5UX-B database, relevant to the equipment of the open map.
SNMP-Event Statistics (pag.280). It displays the alarm statistics of all SNMP equipment
present in the network.
Transaction Log (pag.285). It displays/manages the list of the operations executed by the
NMS5UX users, who have modified the configuration of the network, of the supervision system
and of an equipment.

The alarm generic term indicates the alarm/status/event signalling.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 241


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry*, Normal*, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

* The Entry or Normal user cannot delete or mark the alarms.

The Network Alarm History command displays/manages the history of the alarm/status/event signall-
ings (alarms) stored in the NMS5UX-B database, relevant to the equipment of the open map.

With details it is possible:

To display the alarm history of the equipment present in the map (pag.242)
To save/print the alarms list (pag.244)
To copy the alarms list to a text editor (pag.245)
To delete the alarms (pag.245)
To mark the alarms (pag.245)
To activate/deactivate the automatic updating of the data (pag.246)
To filter the alarms list (pag.246)
To highlight in the map the symbol of an equipment (pag.248)
To verify the time interval between two different alarms (pag.248)
To verify the configuration/functional status of an equipment (pag.248)
To sort the alarms list (pag.249)

As help to the description of the command, see:

Modality of the updating of data (pag.249)
Modality of recording the alarms (pag.250)

To display the alarm history of the equipment present in the map

1. Select the Fault > Network Alarm History command or press .

The Alarm History Browser window opens, where the alarm history of the equipment present in the
open map is displayed, as shown in Fig.36.

At the opening of the window a filter is applied to the alarms list: only the alarms, whose detection
date is successive to the midnight of the current day, are displayed. Besides, by default, the automatic
updating of the information is inactive.

A warning message could be displayed, informing that the database contains a number of alarms great-
er than N.
For this cause, the window will display only the records, in chronological order from the newest to the
oldest one, until N.
The N limit is not a memory limit, but simply a limit in the displaying of the alarms.
In order to read the alarms successive to N, it is sufficient to delete some records.
The N limit can be modified by the Superuser.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 242

Fig.36 Alarm History Browser window

Fig.36 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Print/Save. It prints or saves to file the alarms list.
File > Export. It copies into a text editor the alarms list.
File > Close. It closes the window.
Action > Delete. It deletes one or more records from the databases.
Action > Acknowledge. It marks one or more records, in such a way that the system mem-
orizes that the user has seen the alarms.
Action > Freeze Window/Unfreeze Window. The commands are displayed one in alternative
to the other: the first stops the automatic updating of the data, the second one reactivates it.
Action > Re-read Database. It updates the data present in the window.
View > Set Filter. It filters the alarms list.
View > Elapsed Time. It determines the time interval between the recordings of two different
View > HighLight Equipment On Map. It highlights in the map the symbol of the NE which
the selected record is referred to.
View > ClearHighlights. It removes the highlighted condition from all the symbols marked
by the HighLight Equipment On Map command.
View > Equipment Info. It displays the characteristics and the operating status of the NE
which the selected record is referred to.
View > Sort Mode. It sorts the alarms list.
Help > On Usage. It opens the on-line manual.

(2) The parameter is represented by a coloured box and by a wording, in detail:

Severity. Type of signalling: alarm, status and event and if the signalling has been detected
or is cleared; for the alarms also the severity is displayed.
The parameter is represented by a coloured box and by a wording, in detail:
Background colour Wording Description
Green Normal Detected event signalling
Blue Status Detected status signalling
Light blue Warning Detected alarm with Warning severity
Yellow Minor Detected alarm with Minor severity
Orange Major Detected alarm with Major severity
Red Critical Detected alarm with Critical severity
No background Normal Cleared event signalling
No background Status Cleared status signalling
No background Warning Cleared alarm with Warning severity

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 243

Background colour Wording Description
No background Minor Cleared alarm with Minor severity
No background Major Cleared alarm with Major severity
No background Critical Cleared alarm with Critical severity

Ack. Marking status of the record. If the field is empty, the alarm has not been marked, if
the character is present:
S, means that the record has been marked when the alarm has been detected but not
cleared yet. In this case, if the alarm is cleared, it is possible to mark the record again.
C, means that the record has been not marked when the alarm has been detected
and cleared.
Set Time. Date and time of the alarm detection.
Clear Time. Date and time of the alarm clearing.
Address. Logic address of the Network Element.
Type. Type of Network Element.
Object. Name of the physical or logical object which the alarm refers to. The event signallings
is not provided with this information.
Message. Alphanumeric string that specifies the nature of the alarm.

For the NE objects of Nodal type, the detail of the equipment of the nodal system is pointed out.
This equipment is identified by the logic address <node name>.A, <node name>.B, <node

The date/time is set by the element that generated the alarm; in the most cases it is the NE con-

(3) The symbol:

, indicates that the data are not dynamically updated: they are freezed.
, indicates that the data are dynamically updated.
, indicates that the displayed data are misaligned with respect to those stored in the da-
tabase; to re-align them, select the symbol itself.
xx of yy. Number of displayed records (xx) and number of total record (yy). If no filter is
active, the number of displayed records corresponds to the number of total records.
Filters:... Activation of one or more filters.
Sort:... Order used to list the alarms.

To save/print the alarms list

1. Select the Fault > Network Alarm History command or press .

The Alarm History Browser window opens (Fig.36).

2. To print or save to a file:

A group of alarms, select the records and then the File > Print/Save > Selected command.
The displayed alarms, select the File > Print/Save > Filtered command. If no filter is active,
the displayed records correspond to the records stored in the database.
The Output Device Selection window opens.

3. To print the data:

a. Select the Output To Printer option.

In the Printer Name box, the default printer is automatically set (Default Printer).
If you want to print to another peripheral device, type in the box the name of the printer you
wish to use.
b. Choose the layout of the page, selecting the Landscape or Portrait option.
c. Press OK.
The format used to print the information corresponds to the format used to display it.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 244

To save the data to a file:

a. Select the Output To File option.

b. Type, in the File Name box, the path and the name of the file where the information must be
Typing only the filename, this will be saved in the /opt/nms5ux/data/export/<application
name> directory.
c. Press Ok.
The files are saved in text format and can be opened using any text editor.

To copy the alarms list to a text editor

1. Select the Fault > Network Alarm History command or press .

The Alarm History Browser window opens (Fig.36).

2. To copy into a text editor:

A group of alarms, select the records and then the File > Export > Selected command.
The list of displayed alarms, select the File > Export > Filtered command. If no filter is active,
the displayed records correspond to the records stored in the database.
The default text editor window opens.
For the use of the text program, refer to the specific documentation.

To delete the alarms

Operation available only to the Superuser and to the users with privileged or advanced profile.
The operation is not available if the symbol is present in the status bar of the Alarm History Browser
window. To execute the operation, it is necessary first to update the window, selecting the check sign.

1. Select the Fault > Network Alarm History command or press .

The Alarm History Browser window opens (Fig.36).

2. To delete from the list and from the NMS5UX-B database:

A group of alarms, select the records and then the Action > Delete > Selected Alarms com-
The displayed alarms, select the Action > Delete > Filtered Alarms command. If the filters
are not active, the displayed records correspond to the records stored in the database.
All the alarms of the database, select the Action > Delete > All Alarms command.
The records are deleted.

To mark the alarms

Operation available only to the Superuser and to the users with privileged or advanced profile.
The operation is not executed if the symbol is present in the status bar of the Alarm History Browser
window. To execute the operation, it is necessary first to update the window, selecting the check sign.
After a record has been marked, the operation cannot be undone.

1. Select the Fault > Network Alarm History command or press .

The Alarm History Browser window opens (Fig.36).

2. To mark:
A group of alarms, select the records and then the Action > Acknowledge > Selected Alarms

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 245

The displayed alarms, select the Action > Acknowledge > Filtered Alarms command. If the
filters are not active, the displayed records correspond to the records stored in the database.
All the alarms of the database, select the Action > Acknowledge > All Alarms command.
It is possible to mark an alarm also by a double click of the mouse button.
The Acknowledged Info window opens.
The User box displays the username of the NMS5UX user who required the marking of the records. The
value of the box is automatically set to the username of the NMS5UX user who opened the map. The
value cannot be changed.

3. Type in the Trouble Identification Code box a code identifying the records (alphanumeric string of max
16 characters); it can be used later as search criterion.
The setting of this parameter is optional.

4. Type in the Comment box some additional information (alphanumeric string of max 500 characters).
The setting of this parameter is optional.

5. Press Ok.
If the selected record refers to an alarm:
Detected, but not cleared yet, the record will be marked with the letter S.
Detected and cleared, the record will be marked with the letter C.
Only for the records marked with the letter S, when the relevant alarm is cleared, it will be possible to
mark, by means of the present procedure, the record again. After the second marking, the letter S will
be replaced by the letter C.

To activate/deactivate the automatic updating of the data

1. Select the Fault > Network Alarm History command or press .

The Alarm History Browser window opens (Fig.36).
At the opening of the window, by default, the automatic updating of the information is inactive.
2. To activate the automatic updating of the data, select the Action > Unfreeze Window command or
the symbol .

3. To deactivate again the automatic updating of the data, select the Action > Freeze Window com-
mand or the symbol .

The Freeze Window and Unfreeze Window commands are displayed alternatively.

To filter the alarms list

1. Select the Fault > Network Alarm History command or press .

The Alarm History Browser window opens (Fig.36).

2. Select the View > Set Filter command.

The Filters Setting window opens.
Select one or more boxes present in the window, according to the criteria you wish to use.
The activation of each box enables the criterion or expands the window displaying a section that con-
tains the following options:
<Severity>. Type of signalling (alarm/status/event), activation status of the signalling and, for
the alarms, their severity (the colour of the box, when it is active, reflects the colour associated
to the severity of the alarm or the type of signalling). Activating the box:
Critical (red), the alarms with Critical severity will be displayed.
Major (orange), the alarms with Major severity will be displayed.
Minor (yellow), the alarms with Minor severity will be displayed.
Warning (light blue), the alarms with Warning severity will be displayed.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 246

Status (blue), the status signallings will be displayed.
Normal (green), the event signallings will be displayed.
Active Alarms, the detected alarms will be displayed.
Cleared Alarms, the detected and cleared alarms will be displayed.
Occurred After and Occurred Before. Date/time of the alarms.
Activating the box.
Occurred After, the list displays only the records whose recording date is equal or after
that displayed next to the option.
Occurred Before, the list displays only the records whose recording date is equal or before
that displayed next to the option.
To modify the date/time displayed next to the specific option, move the indicator of the scrolling
bar or click on the arrows located on the sides of the bar.
In the box located over the bar, selecting the Coarse Granularity item, it is possible to modify
the date/time with step of one hour, while selecting the Fine Granularity item with step of one
Activating the boxes at the same time and setting properly the date/time, it is possible to de-
termine a time interval.
Match Address. Logical address of the Network Element.
It is possible to set the logic address by means of one of the following ways:
Select the symbol or the symbols of the wished NEs, directly in the map and press Add
From Map.
Type the logic address of the NE in the Source box and press Add.
The set values in this way will be inserted in the area next to the Match Address box.
It is possible to delete a single item from the list pressing, after having highlighted it, the Re-
move push-button or all the items contemporarily pressing Remove All.
Match Object. Physical/logic objects that compose the NE.
To set the criterion:
Open the Equipment Type menu and choose the type of NE.
Open the Object menu and set the wished object.
It is possible to set only one class of object at a time or all the class contemporarily selecting
the All Objects item.
Match Selected Alarm. Description (Message field) of the selected record.
To set the criterion, select a record in the Alarm History Browser window.
The criterion is not available if no record has been selected or if two or more records are select-
Match Message String. Description of the alarm.
To set the criterion, type the wished string in the text field.
Activating the Case Sensitive box, distinction will be made between upper and lower case; de-
activating the box, no distinction will be made.
Match Acknowledged and Match Unacknowledged. Marking status of the alarms.
Activating the Match Acknowledged box, the marked records will be displayed. Furthermore, it
is possible to specify:
The identifying code assigned by the user to the record during the marking, activating
the TIC box and typing the code.
The username of the NMS5UX user who executed the marking, activating the User box
and typing the username.
Activating the Match Unacknowledged box, the record not yet marked will be displayed.
3. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The system displays in the Alarm History Browser window only the record that satisfy specific criteria.
Each time that the list is filtered, all the records are considered, both the displayed and the hidden ones.
When the Alarm History Browser window is closed, the possible activation of the filters is automatically

In the window, there are the push-buttons:

Save.... It saves the set criteria to a file.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 247

On the choice of the push-button, the Save Filter window opens.
Type the name you wish to assign to the file in the Selection box and press OK.
Load.... It opens the file, where a previously saved specific setting of filters is contained.
On the choice of the push-button, the Load Filter window opens.
Select the wished file in the Files list and press OK.
Delete.... It deletes the file where a previously saved specific setting of filters is contained.
On the choice of the push-button, the Delete Filter window opens.
Select the wished file in the Files list and press OK.
Clear Filters. It clears the activation of all the filters, except for the <Severity>, Match Ac-
knowledged, Match Unacknowledged criteria.
Cancel. It closes the window and does not execute the operation.
Help. It opens the on-line manual.

The path indicated in the Selection box cannot be changed.

To highlight in the map the symbol of an equipment

1. Select the Fault > Network Alarm History command or press .

The Alarm History Browser window opens (Fig.36).

2. Select the alarm relevant to the equipment you wish to highlight.

3. Select the View > HighLight Equipment On Map command.

In the map, the symbol of the NE is highlighted.
To deselect the symbol, select the command View > ClearHighlights.

To verify the time interval between two different alarms

1. Select the Fault > Network Alarm History command or press .

The Alarm History Browser window opens (Fig.36).

2. To determinate the time interval that separates:

The detection of an alarm from its clearing, select a single detected/cleared alarm and then the
View > Elapsed Time > Set->Clear Time command.
The detection of two alarms, select two different adjacent or not adjacent records and then the
View > Elapsed Time > Time between Set command.
The detection of the oldest alarm with the clearing of the newest alarm, select two different ad-
jacent or not adjacent detected/cleared alarms and then the View > Elapsed Time > First
Set->Last Clear command.
The clearing of the oldest alarm with the detection of the newest alarm, select two different ad-
jacent or not adjacent detected/cleared alarms and then the View > Elapsed Time > Clear-
>Set command.
A window opens with the interval expressed in days/hours/minutes/seconds.

To verify the configuration/functional status of an equipment

1. Select the Fault > Network Alarm History command or press .

The Alarm History Browser window opens (Fig.36).
2. Select the alarm relevant to the wished equipment.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 248

Selecting two or more records relevant to different equipment, it is possible to open contemporarily the
specific Equipment Information windows.

3. Select the View > Equipment Info command.

The Equipment Information window opens (Fig.26) which displays the characteristics and the operating
status of the equipment.

To sort the alarms list

1. Select the Fault > Network Alarm History command or press .

The Alarm History Browser window opens (Fig.36).

2. Select the View > Sort Mode command.

The Sort Mode window opens.

3. Select, in the Sort by area, the first sorting criterion:

Set Time, the alarms will be sorted according to the detection date/time.
* CLEAR Time, the alarms will be sorted according to the clearing date/time. The alarms not
cleared yet will be considered with clearing date/time equal to 0.

4. Select in the Sort by area, the option:

Ascending; the first record of the table will correspond to the newest alarm; the successive ones
will be listed in descending order.
Descending; the first record of the table will correspond to the oldest alarm; the successive ones
will be listed in ascending order.

5. If you wish that the alarms are sorted also according to their address, activate the box Group by Ad-
dress (second sorting criterion).

6. Press Apply (it executes the sorting and closes the window) or Set (it stores the setting, but does not
execute the sorting and closes the window).
If pressed Apply, the Alarm History Browser window will list the records in the set order.

Modality of updating of the data

The information present in the Alarm History Browser window are dynamically updated only if the proce-
dure for the automatic updating is active (pag.246).

At the opening of the Alarm History Browser window, the procedure of automatic updating of the infor-
mation is, by default inactive (the default setting can be modified by the Superuser).

The presence of the symbol in the status bar of the window points out that the displayed information
are misaligned with respect to those stored in the database of NMS5UX-B.

This occurs when:

Two or more NMS5UX users (each one on a different terminal) have opened the Alarm History
Browser window for the same map and, in a window, some records have been marked or delet-
ed, the system does not update all the open windows. This is necessary to avoid that the win-
dows must be continuously refreshed while the users are using them.
One or more records are marked in a Current Alarms Browser window. The record is not auto-
matically marked also in the Alarm History Browser window, if open.

To update the window, it is sufficient to click on the symbol . It is possible to refresh the window also
modifying the order of the displaying of the records (pag.249) or applying a filter (pag.246).

The setting of the filters or the criteria used to sort the records in a Alarm History Browser window does
not influence the displaying of the information in the other open Alarm History Browser windows or in the
Current Alarms Browser window.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 249

Modality of recording of the alarms

The alarms are stored in the database of NMS5UX-B.

They remain stored for a certain number of days (which can be configured by the Superuser - by default
90 days), after which they are automatically deleted.

During this period, it is possible to manually delete the alarms (pag.245). It is suggested to periodically
delete and/or store to file the less meaningful records, so to avoid the saturation of the database.

As principle, in fact, the system stores to disk all the alarms until there is free space on disk.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 250


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Network Current Alarms command displays/manages the alarm/status/event signallings (alarms)
active in the equipment of the open map.

With details it os possible:

To display alarms active in the equipment of the map (pag.251)
To save/print the alarms list (pag.253)
To mark the alarms (pag.253)
To activate/deactivate the automatic updating of the data (pag.253)
To filter the alarms list (pag.254)
To highlight, in the map, the symbol of an equipment (pag.255)
To verify the time interval between two different alarms (pag.255)
To verify the configuration/functional status of an equipment (pag.256)

As help to the description of the command, see par. Modality of updating of the data (pag.256)

To display alarms active in the equipment of the map

1. Select the Fault > Network Current Alarms command or press .

The Current Alarms Browser window opens, where the list of the alarms active in the equipment in the
map is displayed, as shown in Fig.37.

At the opening of the window, by default, the automatic updating of the information is inactive.

Fig.37 Current Alarms Browser window

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 251

Fig.37 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Print/Save. It prints or save to file the alarm list.
File > Close. It closes the window.
Action > Acknowledge. It marks one or more records, so that the system memorizes that
the user has seen the alarms.
Action > Freeze Window/Unfreeze Window. The commands are displayed alternatively: the
first one stops the automatic updating of the data, the seconds re-activates it.
Action > Re-read Database. It updates the data present in the window.
View > Set Filter. It filters the alarms list.
View > Elapsed Time. It determines the time interval that separates the recording of two
different alarms.
View > HighLight Equipment On Map. It highlights, in the map, the symbol of the NE which
the selected record is referred to.
View > ClearHighlights. It deletes the condition of highlighted from all the symbols marked
by the HighLight Equipment On Map commands.
View > Equipment Info. It displays characteristics and the functional status of the NE which
the selected record is referred to.
Help > On Usage. It opens the on-line manual.

(2) For each alarm, it is pointed out in the column:

Severity. Type of signalling: alarm, status or event; for the alarms the severity is pointed
out too. The parameter is represented by a coloured box and by a wording, in detail:
Background colour Wording Description
Green Normal Event signalling
Blue Status Status signalling
Light blue Warning Alarm with Warning severity
Yellow Minor Alarm with Minor severity
Orange Major Alarm with Major severity
Red Critical Alarm with Critical severity
Ack. Marking status of the record.
If the field is empty, the alarm has not been marked; if the Y character is present, the alarm
has been marked.
Date/Time. Date and time of the alarm detection. The date/time is set by the element that
generated the alarm; in the most cases it is the NE controller.
Address. Logic address of the Network Element.
Type. Type of Network Element.
Object. Name of the physical or logic object which the alarm is referred to. The event signal-
lings are not provided with this information.
Message. Alphanumeric string that specifies the nature of the alarm.

For the NE objects of Nodal type, the detail of the equipment of the nodal system is pointed out.
This equipment is identified by the logic address <node name>.A, <node name>.B, <node

(3) The symbol:

, points out that the data are not dynamically updated: they are freezed.
, points out that the data are dynamically updated.
xx of yy. Number of displayed records (xx) and number of total records (yy). If no filter is
active, the number of displayed records corresponds to the number of total records.
Filters:... Activation of one or more filters.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 252

To save/print the alarms list

1. Select the Fault > Network Current Alarms command or press .

The Current Alarms Browser window opens (Fig.37).

2. To print or to save to file:

A group of alarms, select the records and then the File > Print/Save > Selected command.
The displayed alarms, select the File > Print/Save > Filtered command. If filters are not ac-
tive, the displayed records corresponds to the records stored in the database.
The Output Device Selection window opens.

3. To print the data:

a. Select the Output To Printer option.

In the Printer Name box, the default printer is automatically set (Default Printer).
If you want to print to another peripheral device, type in the box the name of the printer you
wish to use.
b. Choose the layout of the page, selecting the Landscape or Portrait option.
c. Press OK.
The format used to print the information corresponds to the format used to display it.
To save the data to a file:

a. Select the Output To File option.

Option available only to the Superuser and to the users with privileged profile.
b. Type, in the File Name box, the path and the name of the file where the information must be
Typing only the filename, this will be saved in the /opt/nms5ux/data/export/<application
name> directory.
c. Press Ok.
The files are saved in text format and can be opened using any text editor.

To mark the alarms

After having marked a record, the operation cannot be cancelled.

1. Select the Fault > Network Current Alarms command or press .

The Current Alarms Browser window opens (Fig.37).

2. To mark:
A group of alarms, select the records and then the Action > Acknowledge > Selected Alarms
The displayed alarms, select the Action > Acknowledge > Filtered Alarms command. If fil-
ters are not active, the displayed records correspond to the records stored in the database.
All the alarms of the database, select the Action > Acknowledge > All Alarms command.
It is also possible to mark an alarm, by means of a double click over it.

To activate/deactivate the automatic updating of the data

1. Select the Fault > Network Current Alarms command or press .

The Current Alarms Browser window opens (Fig.37).
At the opening of the window, the automatic updating of the information is, by default, inactive.

2. To activate the automatic updating of the data, select the Action > Unfreeze Window command or
the symbol .

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 253

3. To deactivate newly the automatic updating of the data, select the Action > Freeze Window com-
mand or the symbol .

The Freeze Window and Unfreeze Window commands are displayed alternatively.

To filter the alarms list

1. Select the Fault > Network Current Alarms command or press .

The Current Alarms Browser window opens (Fig.37).

2. Select the View > Set Filter command.

The Filters Setting window opens.
Select one or more boxes present in the window, according to the criteria you wish to use.
The activation of each box enables the criterion or expands the window displaying a section containing
the following operation:
Match Severity. Type of signalling (alarm/status/event) and, for the alarms, their severity (the
colour of the box, if active, reflects the colour associated to the severity of the alarm or the type
of signalling). Activating the box:
Critical (red), the alarms with Critical severity will be displayed.
Major (orange), the alarms with Major severity will be displayed.
Minor (yellow), the alarms with Minor severity will be displayed.
Warning (light blue), the alarms with Warning severity will be displayed.
Status (blue), the status signallings will be displayed.
Normal (green), the event signallings will be displayed.
Occurred After and Occurred Before. Date/time of the alarm.
Activating the box:
Occurred After, the list will display only the records whose recording date is equal or after
that displayed next to the option.
Occurred Before, the list will display only the records whose recording date is equal or
before that displayed next to the option.
To modify the date/time displayed next to the specific option, move the indicator of the scrolling
bar or click on the arrows located on the sides of the bar.
In the box located over the bar, choosing the Coarse Granularity item, it is possible to modify
the date/time by steps of one hour, while choosing the Fine Granularity item by steps of one
Activating contemporary the boxes and setting properly the date/time, it is possible to determi-
nate a time interval.
Match Address. Logic address of the Network Element.
The logic addresses can be set by one of the following ways:
Select the symbol or the symbols of the interested NEs, directly in the map and press
Add From Map.
Type the logic address of the NE in the Source box and press Add.
The values set in this way will be inserted in the area located next to the Match Address box.
It is possible to delete from the list a single item pressing, after having highlighted it, the Re-
move push-button, or all the items contemporarily pressing Remove All.
Match Object. Physical/logic objects that compose the NE.
To set the criterion:
Open the Equipment Type menu and select the type of NE.
Open the Object menu and set the wished object.
It is possible to set only one class of objects at a time or all the classes contemporarily selecting
the All Objects item.
Match Message String. Description of the selection.
To set the criterion, type the wished string in the text field.
Activating the Case Sensitive box, there will be a distinction between upper and lower cases;
deactivating the box, instead, no distinction will be made.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 254

Match Selected Alarm. Description (Message) field of the selected record.
To set the criterion, select a record in the Current Alarms Browser window.
The criterion is not available if no record has been selected or if two or more records are select-
Match Acknowledged and Match Unacknowledged. Marking status of the alarms.
Activating the box:
Match Acknowledged, the list will display only the marked records.
Match Unacknowledged, the list will display the not yet marked records.

3. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The system displays, in the Current Alarms Browser window, only the records that satisfy the activated
Each time the list is filtered, all the records are displayed, both the displayed and the hidden ones.
When the Current Alarms Browser window is closed, the possible activation of filters is automatically

The window contains the push-buttons:

Save.... It saves to file the set criteria.
On the selection of the push-button, the Save Filter window opens.
Type the name you wish to assign to the file into the Selection box and press OK.
Load.... It opens the file, where a specific previously saved set of filters is contained.
On the selection of the push-button, the Load Filter window opens.
Select the wished file into the Files list and press OK.
Delete.... It deletes the file where a specific previously saved set of filters is contained.
On the selection of the push-button, the Delete Filter window opens.
Select the wished file into the Files list and press OK.
Clear Filters. It cancels the activation of all the filters, except for the Match Severity, Match
Acknowledged, Match Unacknowledged criteria.
Cancel. It closes the window and does not execute the operation.
Help. It opens the on-line manual.

The path indicated in the Selection box cannot be changed.

To highlight in the map the symbol of an equipment

1. Select the Fault > Network Current Alarms command or press .

The Current Alarms Browser window opens (Fig.37).

2. Select the alarm relevant to the equipment you wish to highlight.

3. Select the View > HighLight Equipment On Map command.

The symbol of the equipment is highlighted in the map.
To deselect the symbol, select the View > ClearHighlights command.

To verify the time interval between two different alarms

1. Select the Fault > Network Current Alarms command or press .

The Current Alarms Browser window opens (Fig.37).

2. Select two different adjacent or not adjacent records

3. Select the View > Elapsed Time command.

A window with the interval expressed in days/hours/minutes/seconds opens.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 255

To verify the configuration/functional status of an equipment

1. Select the Fault > Network Current Alarms command or press .

The Current Alarms Browser window opens (Fig.37).

2. Select the alarm relevant to the wished equipment

Selecting two or more records relevant to different equipment, it is possible to open contemporarily the
specific Equipment Information windows.

3. Select the View > Equipment Info command.

The Equipment Information window opens (Fig.26) that displays the characteristics and the functional
status of the equipment.

Modality of updating of the data

The information present in the Current Alarms Browser window are dynamically updated only if the proce-
dure of automatic updating is active (pag.246).

At the opening of the Current Alarms Browser window, the procedure of automatic updating is, by de-
fault, inactive (the default setting can be modified by the Superuser).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 256


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Old Alarm History command displays/manages the history of the alarm/status/event signallings
(alarms) previously saved to file.

With details it is possible:

To display the alarm history present in the Old History table (pag.257)
To save/print the alarms list (pag.259)
To copy the alarms list into a text editor (pag.259)
To filter the alarms list (pag.259)
To highlight in the map the symbol of an equipment (pag.261)
To verify the time interval between two different alarms (pag.261)
To sort the alarms list (pag.262)

In the Old History table is stored the alarm history saved by the Alarm History Backup (pag.397)
command and restored by the Alarm History Restore (pag.398) command.

To display the alarm history present in the Old History table

1. Select the Fault > Old Alarm History command.

The Old History Browser window opens, where the alarms history present in the Old History table of
the equipment present in the open map is displayed, as shown in Fig.38.

If, at the opening of the window, the table is empty, it is necessary to restore from the backup file
saved before, the list of wished alarms (pag.398).
These alarms will remain available in the Old History table and in the Old History Browser window, until
a different list of alarms is restored.

Fig.38 Old History Browser window

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 257

Fig.38 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Print/Save. It prints or save to file the alarms list.
File > Export. It copies in a text editor the alarms list.
File > Close. It closes the window.
Action > Re-read Database. It updates the data present in the window.
View > Set Filter. It filters the alarms list.
View > Elapsed Time. It determinates the time intervals that separates two different alarms.
View > HighLight Equipment On Map. It highlights in the map, the symbol of the NE which
the selected record refers to.
View > ClearHighlights. It removes the condition of highlighted from all the symbols marked
by the HighLight Equipment On Map command.
View > Sort Mode. It sorts the list of records.
Help > On Usage. It opens the on-line manual.

(2) For each alarm, it is pointed out in the column:

Severity. Type of signalling: alarm, status or event and if the signalling has been detected
or cleared; for the alarms the severity is pointed out too. The parameter is represented by
a coloured box and by a wording, in detail:
Background colour Wording Description
Green Normal Detected event signalling
Blue Status Detected status signalling
Light blue Warning Detected alarm with Warning severity
Yellow Minor Detected alarm with Minor severity
Orange Major Detected alarm with Major severity
Red Critical Detected alarm with Critical severity
No background Normal Cleared event signalling
No background Status Cleared status signalling
No background Warning Cleared alarm with Warning severity
No background Minor Cleared alarm with Minor severity
No background Major Cleared alarm with Major severity
No background Critical Cleared alarm with Critical severity
Ack. Marking status of the record. If the field is empty, the alarm has not been marked, if
the character is present:
S, means that the record has been marked when the alarm has been detected but not
cleared yet. In this case, if the alarm is cleared, it is possible to mark the record again.
C, means that the record has been not marked when the alarm has been detected
and cleared.
Set Time. Date and time of the alarm detection.
Clear Time. Date and time of the alarm clearing.
Address. Logic address of the Network Element.
Type. Type of Network Element.
Object. Name of the physical or logical object which the alarm refers to. The event signallings
is not provided with this information.
Message. Alphanumeric string that specifies the nature of the alarm.

For the NE objects of Nodal type, the detail of the equipment of the nodal system is pointed out.
This equipment is identified by the logic address <node name>.A, <node name>.B, <node

The date/time is set by the element that generated the alarm; in the most cases it is the NE con-

(3) Field:
xx of yy. Number of displayed records (xx) and number of total records (yy). If filters are
not active, the number of displayed records corresponds to the total records.
Filters:... Activation of one or more filters.
Sort:... Order used to list the alarms.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 258

To save/print the alarms list

1. Select the Fault > Old Alarm History command.

The Old History Browser window opens (Fig.38).

2. To print or to save to a file:

A group of alarms, select the records and then the File > Print/Save > Selected command.
The displayed alarms, select the File > Print/Save > Filtered command. If filters are not ac-
tive, the displayed records correspond to the records stored in the database.
The Output Device Selection window opens.
3. To print the data:

a. Select the Output To Printer option.

In the Printer Name box, the default printer is automatically set (Default Printer).
If you want to print to another peripheral device, type in the box the name of the printer you
wish to use.
b. Choose the layout of the page, selecting the Landscape or Portrait option.
c. Press OK.
The format used to print the information corresponds to the format used to display it.
To save the data to a file:

a. Select the Output To File option.

b. Type, in the File Name box, the path and the name of the file where the information must be
Typing only the filename, this will be saved in the /opt/nms5ux/data/export/<application
name> directory.
c. Press Ok.
The files are saved in text format and can be opened using any text editor.

To copy the alarms list into a text editor

1. Select the Fault > Old Alarm History command.

The Old History Browser window opens (Fig.38).

2. To copy into a text editor:

A group of alarms, select the records and then the File > Export > Selected command.
The displayed alarms, select the File > Export > Filtered command. If filters are not active,
the displayed records correspond to the records stored in the database.
The default text editor window opens.
For the use of the text editor program, refer to the specific documentation.

To filter the alarms list

1. Select the Fault > Old Alarm History command.

The Old History Browser window opens (Fig.38).

2. Select the View > Set Filter command.

The Filters Setting window opens.
Select one or more boxes present in the window, according to the criteria you wish to use.
The activation of each box enables the criterion or expands the window displaying a section containing
the following options:
<Severity>. Type of signalling (alarm/status/event) and, for the alarms, their severity (the col-
our of the box, if active, reflects the colour associated to the severity of the alarm or the type
of signalling). Activating the box:

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 259

Critical (red), the alarms with Critical severity will be displayed.
Major (orange), the alarms with Major severity will be displayed.
Minor (yellow), the alarms with Minor severity will be displayed.
Warning (light blue), the alarms with Warning severity will be displayed.
Status (blue), the status signallings will be displayed.
Normal (green), the event signallings will be displayed.
Active Alarms, the detected alarms will be displayed.
Cleared Alarms, the detected and cleared alarms will be displayed.
Occurred After and Occurred Before. Date/time of the alarm.
Activating the box:
Occurred After, the list will display only the records whose recording date is equal or after
that displayed next to the option.
Occurred Before, the list will display only the records whose recording date is equal or
before that displayed next to the option.
To modify the date/time displayed next to the specific option, move the indicator of the scrolling
bar or click on the arrows located on the sides of the bar.
In the box located over the bar, choosing the Coarse Granularity item, it is possible to modify
the date/time by steps of one hour, while choosing the Fine Granularity item by steps of one
Activating contemporary the boxes and setting properly the date/time, it is possible to determi-
nate a time interval.
Match Address. Logic address of the Network Element.
The logic addresses can be set by one of the following ways:
Select the symbol or the symbols of the interested NEs, directly in the map and press
Add From Map.
Type the logic address of the NE in the Source box and press Add.
The values set in this way will be inserted in the area located next to the Match Address box.
It is possible to delete from the list a single item pressing, after having highlighted it, the Re-
move push-button, or all the items contemporarily pressing Remove All.
Match Object. Physical/logic objects that compose the NE.
To set the criterion:
Open the Equipment Type menu and select the type of NE.
Open the Object menu and set the wished object.
It is possible to set only one class of objects at a time or all the classes contemporarily selecting
the All Objects item.
Match Selected Alarm. Description (Message) field of the selected record.
To set the criterion, select a record in the Old History Browser window.
The criterion is not available if no record has been selected or if two or more records are select-
Match Message String. Description of the selection.
To set the criterion, type the wished string in the text field.
Activating the Case Sensitive box, there will be a distinction between upper and lower cases;
deactivating the box, instead, no distinction will be made.
Match Acknowledged and Match Unacknowledged. Marking status of the alarms.
Activating the Match Acknowledged box, the list will display the marked record. Furthermore it
is possible to specify:
The identifying code assigned by the user to the record during the marking, activating
the TIC box and typing the code.
The username of the NMS5UX user who executed the marking, activating the User box
and typing the username.
Activating the Match Unacknowledged box, the records not marked yet will be displayed.

3. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The system displays in the Old History Browser window only the record that satisfy specific criteria.
Each time that the list is filtered, all the records are considered, both the displayed and the hidden ones.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 260

When the Old History Browser window is closed, the possible activation of the filters is automatically

In the window, there are the push-buttons:

Save.... It saves the set criteria to a file.
On the choice of the push-button, the Save Filter window opens.
Type the name you wish to assign to the file in the Selection box and press OK.
Load.... It opens the file, where a previously saved specific setting of filters is contained.
On the choice of the push-button, the Load Filter window opens.
Select the wished file in the Files list and press OK.
Delete.... It deletes the file where a previously saved specific setting of filters is contained.
On the choice of the push-button, the Delete Filter window opens.
Select the wished file in the Files list and press OK.
Clear Filters. It clears the activation of all the filters, except for the <Severity>, Match Ac-
knowledged, Match Unacknowledged criteria.
Cancel. It closes the window and does not execute the operation.
Help. It opens the on-line manual.

The path indicated in the Selection box cannot be changed.

To highlight in the map the symbol of an equipment

1. Select the Fault > Old Alarm History command.

The Old History Browser window opens (Fig.38).
2. Select the alarm relevant to the equipment you wish to highlight.

3. Select the View > HighLight Equipment On Map command.

The symbol of the equipment is highlighted in the map.
To deselect the symbol, select the View > ClearHighlights command.

To verify the time interval between two different alarms

1. Select the Fault > Old Alarm History command.

The Old History Browser window opens (Fig.38).
2. To determinate the time interval that separates:
The detection of an alarm from its clearing, select a single detected/cleared alarm and then the
View > Elapsed Time > Set->Clear Time command.
The detection of two alarms, select two different adjacent or not adjacent records and then the
View > Elapsed Time > Time between Set command.
The detection of the oldest alarm with the clearing of the newest alarm, select two different ad-
jacent or not adjacent detected/cleared alarms and then the View > Elapsed Time > First
Set->Last Clear command.
The clearing of the oldest alarm with the detection of the newest alarm, select two different ad-
jacent or not adjacent detected/cleared alarms and then the View > Elapsed Time > Clear-
>Set command
A window opens with the interval expressed in days/hours/minutes/seconds.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 261

To sort the alarms list

1. Select the Fault > Old Alarm History command.

The Old History Browser window opens (Fig.38).

2. Select the View > Sort Mode command.

The Sort Mode window opens.
3. Select, in the Sort by area, the first sorting criterion:
Set Time, the alarms will be sorted according to the detection date/time.
* CLEAR Time, the alarms will be sorted according to the clearing date/time. The alarms not
cleared yet will be considered with clearing date/time equal to 0.

4. Select in the Sort by area, the option:

Ascending; the first record of the table will correspond to the newest alarm; the successive ones
will be listed in descending order.
Descending; the first record of the table will correspond to the oldest alarm; the successive ones
will be listed in ascending order.

5. If you wish that the alarms are sorted also according to their address, activate the box Group by Ad-
dress (second sorting criterion).

6. Press Apply (it executes the sorting and closes the window) or Set (it stores the setting, but does not
execute the sorting and closes the window).
If pressed Apply, the Old History Browser window will list the records in the set order.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 262


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry*, Normal*, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

* The Entry or Normal user cannot delete or mark the alarms.

The NE Alarm History command displays/manages the history of the alarm/event/status signallings
(alarms) relevant ONLY to the selected equipment.

The choice of the command opens the Alarm History Browser window (Fig.36).

The description of the window and the operations that can be executed are the same reported in the
par. Network Alarm History (pag.242).

Into the Alarm History Browser window to display the alarm relevant to other equipment, deactivate the
Match Address filter.

If a NE object of Nodal type is selected, the Alarm History Browser window displays the detail of the equip-
ment of the nodal system. This equipment is identified by the logic address <node name>.A, <node
name>.B, <node name>.C

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 263


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The NE Current Alarms command displays/manages the alarm/event/status signallings (alarms) active
in the selected equipment.

The choice of the command opens the Current Alarms Browser window (Fig.37).

The description of the window and the operations that can be executed are the same reported in the
par. Network Current Alarms (pag.251).

Into the Current Alarms Browser window to display the alarm relevant to other equipment, deactivate the
Match Address filter.

If a NE object of Nodal type is selected, the Current Alarms Browser window displays the detail of the equip-
ment of the nodal system. This equipment is identified by the logic address <node name>.A, <node
name>.B, <node name>.C

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 264


System access Reading/Writing Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Reading Entry
Reading/Writing Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The SNMP-NE History Log command displays/manages the alarm list stored on the controller of an

With details it is possible:

To display the list of the NE Log of a SNMP equipment (pag.265)
To create a NE Log (pag.267)
To create more NE logs at the same time (pag.267)
To display the content of a NE Log (pag.267)
To delete a NE Log (pag.268)
To delete all the NE logs of a SNMP equipment (pag.268)
To delete the alarms stored in the controller of a SNMP equipment (pag.268)

The command is available only for the SNMP equipment except for the ELFO, SDH N+1 and FAMxc.

NE Log (Network Element Log). File where the system records the alarm and status signals (alarms)
stored into the controller of the selected equipment
The Log read from equipment (NE Log) is stored on the disk of the machine and it remains available for
subsequent consultations done by the user.
The list of the NE Logs and their content can be displayed only by means of the Equipment History Log
Management Main Window.

To display the list of the NE Log of a SNMP equipment

Operation available only for the SNMP equipment except for the ELFO, SDH N+1 and FAMxc.

1. Select one or more SNMP equipment.

2. Select the Fault > SNMP-NE History Log command.

The Equipment History Log Management Main Window opens.

3. Double click, in the Selected Equipment area, the equipment for which you wish to verify the NE Log.
The area on the right displays the list of the NE Logs as depicted in Fig.39.
If the message No files available for equipment ... is displayed, no NE Log is available for the specific

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 265

Fig.39 Equipment History Log Management Main Window

Fig.39 notes

(1) Each equipment is identified by a record that contains:

The symbol representing the type of equipment.
IP address of the equipment.
Logic address of the equipment.
When the record is selected, the border of the symbol becomes red.

(2) Each NE Log is identified by a record, where the date (day-month-year) and the time (hour:min-
utes:seconds) of the file creation are contained.
When a Log is inactive, it means that it has been selected to be displayed.
When the NE Log is removed from the Selected Files List area, the record that represents it is re-

(3) Each NE Log is identified by a record that contains:

The symbol that represents the type of the equipment.
The IP address of the equipment.
The logic address of the equipment.
The date_time when the file has been created

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 266

To create a NE Log

Operation available only for the SNMP equipment except for the ELFO, SDH N+1 and FAMxc.

1. Select one or more SNMP equipment.

2. Select the Fault > SNMP-NE History Log command.

The Equipment History Log Management Main Window opens (Fig.39).
3. Select, in the Selected Equipment area, the equipment for which you wish to create a NE Log.

4. Press the right button of the mouse.

A pop-up menu opens.

5. Select the command:

Send Read/Delete File Request, to create the NE Log and delete the alarms stored in the
controller of the equipment.
Send Read File Request, to create the NE Log, without deleting the alarms.
The created NE Log is displayed in the...history log file area.
NE Log is automatically saved by the system with the name corresponding to the date_time when it
has been created.
If the Uploaded file is empty. File is not saved message is displayed, the Log file is not created, as no
alarm is stored in the equipment controller.

To create more NE Logs at the same time

Operation available only for the equipment SNMP except for the ELFO, SDH N+1 and FAMxc.

1. Select one or more SNMP equipment.

2. Select the Fault > SNMP-NE History Log command.

The Equipment History Log Management Main Window opens (Fig.39).
3. Select, in the Selected Equipment area, the equipment for which you wish to create a NE Log.

4. Press Read log Files from Equipment.

The created NE Logs are automatically saved by the system with the name corresponding to the
date_time when they have been created.
If the Uploaded file is empty. File is not saved message is displayed, the Log file is not created, as no
alarm is stored in the equipment controller.

To display the content of a NE Log

Operation available only for the SNMP equipment except for the ELFO, SDH N+1 and FAMxc.

1. Select one or more SNMP equipment.

2. Select the Fault > SNMP-NE History Log command.

The Equipment History Log Management Main Window opens (Fig.39).

3. Double click, in the Selected Equipment area, the equipment for which you wish to verify the NE Log.
In the ...history log files area, the list of the NE Logs relevant to the selected equipment will be pointed

4. Double click on the NE Log for which you wish to verify the content.
The NE Log is displayed in the Selected files list area. The file, in the ...history log files area, is disabled.

5. Repeat the previous step, to insert all the wished NE Logs in the Selected files list area.

6. It is possible to remove from the Selected files list area:

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 267

A single file selecting the icon that characterize the file and pressing the right button of the
mouse. A pop-up menu is displayed. Press Remove From List.
All the files, pressing Clear selections.

7. Press Show selected files records.

The NE Logger Browser window opens, where all the alarms stored on the selected NE Logs are listed.
The elements present in the window are the same of the Alarm History Browser window (Fig.36), except
for some commands, present in the Alarm History Browser window, but not in the NE Logger Browser

To delete a NE Log

Operation available only for the SNMP equipment except for the ELFO, SDH N+1 and FAMxc.

1. Select one or more SNMP equipment.

2. Select the Fault > SNMP-NE History Log command.

The Equipment History Log Management Main Window opens (Fig.39).

3. Double click, in the Selected Equipment area, the equipment for which you wish to delete a NE Log.
In the ...history log files area, the list of the NE Log relevant to the selected equipment will be displayed.

4. Select the NE Log and press the right button of the mouse.
A pop-up menu opens.

5. Select the Delete File command and confirm.

The file is deleted.
A deactivated file cannot be deleted.

To delete all the NE Logs of a SNMP equipment

Operation available only for the SNMP equipment except for the ELFO, SDH N+1 and FAMxc.

1. Select one or more SNMP equipment.

2. Select the Fault > SNMP-NE History Log command.

The Equipment History Log Management Main Window opens (Fig.39).
3. Select, in the Selected Equipment area, the equipment for which you wish to delete all the NE Logs.

4. Select the right button of the mouse.

A pop-up menu opens.
5. Select the Delete All Files command and confirm.
All the NE Logs of the equipment are deleted.

To delete the alarms stored in the controller of a SNMP equipment

Operation available only for the SNMP equipment except for the ELFO, SDH N+1 and FAMxc.

1. Select one or more SNMP equipment.

2. Select the Fault > SNMP-NE History Log command.

The Equipment History Log Management Main Window opens (Fig.39).

3. Select, in the Selected Equipment area, the equipment for which you wish to delete the alarms.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 268

4. Select the NE Log command and press the right button of the mouse.
A pop-up menu opens.

5. Select the Send Delete File Request command.

It is possible to delete the alarms stored in the controller of an equipment also during the creation of
a NE Log (pag.267).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 269


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The SNMP-NE Command Log command displays/manages the list of the operations executed by the us-
ers, stored on the controller of an equipment.

With details it is possible:

To display the list of the Command Log of a SNMP equipment (pag.270)
To create a Command Log (pag.271)
To create more Command Logs at the same time (pag.272)
To display the content of a Command Log (pag.273)
To delete a Command Log (pag.273)
To delete all the Command Logs of a SNMP equipment (pag.274)
To delete the list of the operations stored in the controller of a SNMP equipment (pag.274)

The command is available only for the SNMP equipment except for the ELFO, SDH N+1 and FAMxc.

Command Log. File where the system records the operations executed by the SCT/LMT or NMS5UX user
stored into the controller of the selected equipment.
The Log read from equipment (Command Log) is stored on the disk of the machine and it remains available
for subsequent consultations done by the user.
The list of the Command Log and their contents can be displayed only through the Equipment History Com-
mand Log Management Main window.

To display the list of the Command Log of a SNMP equipment

Operation available only for the SNMP equipment except for the ELFO, SDH N+1 and FAMxc.

1. Select one or more SNMP equipment.

2. Select the Fault > SNMP-NE Command Log command.

The Equipment History Command Log Management Main window opens.

3. Double click, in the Selected Equipment area, the equipment for which you wish to verify the Command
The area on the right displays the list of the Command Logs as depicted in Fig.40.
If the message No files available for equipment ... is displayed, no Command Log is available for the
specific equipment.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 270

Fig.40 Equipment History Command Log Management Main window

Fig.40 notes

(1) Each equipment is identified by a record that contains:

The symbol representing the type of equipment.
IP address of the equipment.
Logic address of the equipment.
When the record is selected, the border of the symbol becomes red.

(2) Each Command Log is identified by a record, where the date (day-month-year) and the time
(hour:minutes:seconds) of the file creation are contained.

To create a Command Log

Operation available only for the SNMP equipment except for the ELFO, SDH N+1 and FAMxc.

1. Select one or more SNMP equipment.

2. Select the Fault > SNMP-NE Command Log command.

The Equipment History Command Log Management Main Window opens (Fig.40).
3. Select, in the Selected Equipment area, the equipment for which you wish to create a Command Log.

4. Press the right button of the mouse.

A pop-up menu opens.

5. Select the command:

Send Read/Delete File Request, to create the Command Log and delete the list of the oper-
ations stored in the controller of the equipment.
Send Read File Request, to create the Command Log, without deleting the list of the opera-
The Command Log Filter Win opens.
To save on Command Log:
All the operations, press Read log Files from Equipment.
A group of operations, set one or more parameters present in the window, according to
the criteria you wish to use to determine the group of operations to save in the Log and,
then, press Read log Files from Equipment.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 271

The available criteria are the following ones:
Source Address. IP address of the machine (PC or workstation) from which it has
been executed the operation.
To set the criterion type a IP address.
Occurred date. Execution date of the operations.
To set the criterion, activate the box:
Before and type the wished date in the boxes below. The Log will save only
the operations whose execution date is equal to or older than the set one.
After and type the wished date in the boxes below. The Log will save only
the operations whose execution date is equal to or more recent than the
set one.
Activating the boxes at the same time and property setting the dates, it is possible
to set a time interval.
User. Name of the user who has executed the operation.
To set the criterion type into the box the desired use name.
Object Identifier. Name of the physical or logic object of the equipment to which
the operation refers.
To set the criterion type into the box the desired object.
The created Command Log is displayed in the...history log file area.
Command Log is automatically saved by the system with the name corresponding to the date_time
when it has been created.
If the Uploaded file is empty. File is not saved message is displayed, the Log file is not created, as no
operation is stored in the equipment controller.

To create more Command Logs at the same time

Operation available only for the SNMP equipment except for the ELFO, SDH N+1 and FAMxc.

1. Select one or more SNMP equipment.

2. Select the Fault > SNMP-NE Command Log command.

The Equipment History Command Log Management Main Window opens (Fig.40).

3. Select, in the Selected Equipment area, the equipment for which you wish to create a Command Log.

4. Press Read log Files from Equipment.

The Command Log Filter Win opens.

5. To save on Command Logs:

All the operations, press Read log Files from Equipment.
A group of operation, set one or more parameters present in the window, according to the cri-
teria you wish to use to determine the group of operations to save in the Log and, then, press
Read log Files from Equipment.
The available criteria are the following ones:
Source Address. IP address of the machine (PC or workstation) from which it has been
executed the operation.
To set the criterion type a IP address.
Occurred date. Execution date of the operations.
To set the criterion, activate the box:
Before and type the wished date in the boxes below. The Log will save only the
operations whose execution date is equal to or older than the set one.
After and type the wished date in the boxes below. The Log will save only the op-
erations whose execution date is equal to or more recent than the set one.
Activating the boxes at the same time and property setting the dates, it is possible to set
a time interval.
User. Name of the user who has executed the operation.
To set the criterion type into the box the desired use name.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 272

Object Identifier. Name of the physical or logic object of the equipment to which the op-
eration refers.
To set the criterion type into the box the desired object.
The created Command Logs are automatically saved by the system with the name corresponding to the
date_time when they have been created.
If the Uploaded file is empty. File is not saved message is displayed, the Log file is not created, as no
operation is stored in the equipment controller.

To display the content of a Command Log

Operation available only for the SNMP equipment except for the ELFO, SDH N+1 and FAMxc.

1. Select one or more SNMP equipment.

2. Select the Fault > SNMP-NE Command Log command.

The Equipment History Command Log Management Main Window opens (Fig.40).
3. Double click, in the Selected Equipment area, the NE for which you wish to verify the Command Log.
In the ...history log files area, the list of the Command Logs relevant to the selected equipment will be
pointed out.
4. Double click on the Command Log for which you wish to verify the content.
The Commands Log File Information window is displayed where, for each operation, is pointed out in
the column:
Date/Time. Date and time when it has been executed the operation.
Source Address. IP address of the machine (PC or workstation) from which it has been executed
the operation.
User. Name of the user who has executed the operation.
Object. Object to which the operation refers.
Instance. Name of the equipment instance to which the operation refers.
Value Set. Set value.
The presence of the symbol points out that the information is not available because it is a not signif-
icant one for the type of operation to which it refers.

To delete a Command Log

Operation available only for the SNMP equipment except for the ELFO, SDH N+1 and FAMxc.

1. Select one or more SNMP equipment.

2. Select the Fault > SNMP-NE Command Log command.

The Equipment History Command Log Management Main Window opens (Fig.40).

3. Double click, in the Selected Equipment area, the NE for which you wish to delete a Command Log.
In the ...history log files area, the list of the Command Log relevant to the selected equipment will be

4. Select the Command Log and press the right button of the mouse.
A pop-up menu opens.

5. Select the Delete File command and confirm.

The file is deleted.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 273

To delete all the Command Logs of a SNMP equipment

Operation available only for the SNMP equipment except for the ELFO, SDH N+1 and FAMxc.

1. Select one or more SNMP equipment.

2. Select the Fault > SNMP-NE Command Log command.

The Equipment History Command Log Management Main Window opens (Fig.40).
3. Select, in the Selected Equipment area, the equipment for which you wish to delete all the Command

4. Select the right button of the mouse.

A pop-up menu opens.

5. Select the Delete All Files command and confirm.

All the Command Logs of the equipment are deleted.

To delete the list of the operations stored in the controller of a SNMP equip-

Operation available only for the SNMP equipment except for the ELFO, SDH N+1 and FAMxc.

1. Select one or more SNMP equipment.

2. Select the Fault > SNMP-NE Command Log command.

The Equipment History Command Log Management Main Window opens (Fig.40).
3. Select, in the Selected Equipment area, the equipment for which you wish to delete the list of the op-

4. Select t the right button of the mouse.

A pop-up menu opens.

5. Select the Send Delete File Request command.

It is possible to delete the list of the operations stored in the controller of an equipment also during the
creation of a Command Log (pag.271).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 274


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Alarm Summary command displays/manages the summary of the alarm/status/event signallings
(alarms) stored in the NMS5UX-B database, relevant to the equipment of the open map.

With detail it is possible:

To display the summary of the alarm history subdivided for the severity relevant to the equip-
ment present in the map (pag.275)
To filter the alarms list (pag.277)
To display the alarms stored in the alarm history (pag.279)
To reset the indication of status change (pag.279)
To set the automatic updating of the data (pag.279)

To display the summary of the alarm history subdivided for the severity rel-
evant to the equipment present in the map

1. Select the Fault > Alarm Summary command.

The Siae Alarm Summary window opens, where the summary of the alarm history subdivided for the
severity relevant to the equipment present in the map is displayed, as shown in Fig.41.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 275

Fig.41 Siae Alarm Summary window

Fig.41 notes

(1) Label:
Filters: NONE. There are not filters active.
Filters: <applied filters>. There are indicated filters active.
It is possible to insert a description in this area (pag.277).

(2) If the box is:

Active, it means that the window is automatically updated each N seconds. The parameter
N is displayed in the Timeout (sec) box.
In this condition the Refresh push-button is not available.
Inactive, it means that the window is not automatically updated. To update it, it is necessary
to press Refresh.

(3) Interval (in seconds) between an automatic update of the data and the next one
The parameter is meaningful only when the Auto Refresh box is active.

(4) The presence of the asterisk next to the record points out that, from when the Siae Alarm Summary
window has been opened or from the last selection of the Clear Alert push-button, a change oc-
curred: an alarm has been detected or cleared.

(5) It is possible that, in the Siae Alarm Summary window, there are not one or more records relevant
to the type of signallings/severity levels. Their presence is subjected to the activation of filters.
When the box is deactivated, relevant to a type of signalling/severity, the Filtered record appears
in the Siae Alarm Summary window. This record displays the total alarms of the only records
present in the window. For example, if in the window there are only the Critical (Cleared 20 - Active
15) and Major (Cleared 5 - Active 3) records, the Filtered record will indicate the sum of their alarm
(Cleared 25 - Active 18).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 276

In detail, the option:
Cleared (Filtered record), points out the total number of detected/cleared alarms relevant
only to the records present in the window.
Active (Filtered record), points out the total number of detected but not cleared alarms rel-
evant only to the records present in the window.

(6) Record:
Critical. Alarms with Critical severity.
Major. Alarms with Major severity.
Minor. Alarms with Minor severity.
Warning. Alarms with Warning severity.
Status. Status signallings.
Normal. Event signallings.
All. All the signallings (alarms, status, events).

(7) Option:
Cleared (Critical record). Detected/cleared alarms with Critical severity.
Cleared (Major record). Detected/cleared alarms with Major severity.
Cleared (Minor record). Detected/cleared alarms with Minor severity.
Cleared (Warning record). Detected/cleared alarms with Warning severity.
Cleared (Status record). Detected/cleared status signallings.
Cleared (Normal record). Detected/cleared event signallings.
Cleared (All record). Total number of detected/cleared signallings.

(8) Option:
Active (Critical record). Detected alarms with Critical severity.
Active (Major record). Detected alarms with Major severity.
Active (Minor record). Detected alarms with Minor severity.
Active (Warning record). Detected alarms with Warning severity.
Active (Status record). Detected status signallings.
Active (Normal record). Detected event signallings.
Active (All record). Total number of detected signallings.

(9) Push-button:
Refresh. It updates the data.

The push-button is not available when the Auto Refresh box is active.
Clear Alert. It resets the signallings of status change.
Filter. It filters the alarms list.

To filter the alarms list

1. Select the Fault > Alarm Summary command.

The Siae Alarm Summary window opens (Fig.41).

2. Press Filter.
The Filters Setting window opens.
Select one or more boxes present in the window, according to the criteria you wish to use.
The activation of each box enables the criterion or expands the window displaying a section containing
the following option:
Match Severity. Type of signalling (alarm/status/event) and, for the alarms, their severity (the
colour of the box, if active, reflects the colour associated to the severity of the alarm or the type
of signalling). Activating the box:
Critical (red), the alarms with Critical severity will be displayed.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 277

Major (orange), the alarms with Major severity will be displayed.
Minor (yellow), the alarms with Minor severity will be displayed.
Warning (light blue), the alarms with Warning severity will be displayed.
Status (blue), the status signallings will be displayed.
Normal (green), the event signallings will be displayed.

The deactivation of a box causes the deletion of the relevant record from the Siae Alarm
Summary window and the displaying of the Filtered record (see Fig.41).
Occurred After and Occurred Before. Date/time of the alarm.
Activating the box:
Occurred After, the list will display only the records whose recording date is equal or after
that displayed next to the option.
Occurred Before, the list will display only the records whose recording date is equal or
before that displayed next to the option.
To modify the date/time displayed next to the specific option, move the indicator of the scrolling
bar or click on the arrows located on the sides of the bar.
In the box located over the bar, choosing the Coarse Granularity item, it is possible to modify
the date/time by steps of one hour, while choosing the Fine Granularity item by steps of one
Activating contemporary the boxes and setting properly the date/time, it is possible to determi-
nate a time interval.
Match Address. Logic address of the Network Element.
The logic addresses can be set by one of the following ways:
Select the symbol or the symbols of the interested NEs, directly in the map and press
Add From Map.
Type the logic address of the NE in the Source box and press Add.
The values set in this way will be inserted in the area located next to the Match Address box.
It is possible to delete from the list a single item pressing, after having highlighted it, the Re-
move push-button, or all the items contemporarily pressing Remove All.
Match Object. Physical/logic objects that compose the NE.
To set the criterion:
Open the Equipment Type menu and select the type of NE.
Open the Object menu and set the wished object.
It is possible to set only one class of objects at a time or all the classes contemporarily selecting
the All Objects item.
Match Message String. Description of the selection.
To set the criterion, type the wished string in the text field.
Activating the Case Sensitive box, there will be a distinction between upper and lower cases;
deactivating the box, instead, no distinction will be made.
Match Acknowledged and Match Unacknowledged. Marking status of the alarms.
Activating the Match Acknowledged box, the list will display the marked record. Furthermore it
is possible to specify:
The identifying code assigned by the user to the record during the marking, activating
the TIC box and typing the code.
The username of the NMS5UX user who executed the marking, activating the User box
and typing the username.
Activating the Match Unacknowledged box, the records not marked yet will be displayed.
Description. Description displayed in the Filters:... area of the Siae Alarm Summary window
To set or modify the description, type an alphanumeric string in the box (minimum 1 maximum
128 characters).
3. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The system displays in the Siae Alarm Summary window only the record that satisfy the activated cri-
Each time that the list is filtered, all the records are considered, both the displayed and the hidden ones.
When the Siae Alarm Summary window is closed, the possible activation of the filters is automatically

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 278

In the window, there are the push-buttons:
Save.... It saves the set criteria to a file.
On the choice of the push-button, the Save Filter window opens.
Type the name you wish to assign to the file in the Selection box and press OK.
Load.... It opens the file, where a previously saved specific setting of filters is contained.
On the choice of the push-button, the Load Filter window opens.
Select the wished file in the Files list and press OK.
Delete.... It deletes the file where a previously saved specific setting of filters is contained.
On the choice of the push-button, the Delete Filter window opens.
Select the wished file in the Files list and press OK.
Clear Filters. It clears the activation of all the filters, except for the Match Severity, Match Ac-
knowledged, Match Unacknowledged criteria.
Cancel. It closes the window and does not execute the operation.
Help. It opens the on-line manual.

The path indicated in the Selection box cannot be changed.

To display the alarms stored in the alarm history

1. Select the Fault > Alarm Summary command.

The Siae Alarm Summary window opens (Fig.41).

2. Select the option relevant to the type/severity of signalling, for which you wish to display the relevant
list stored in the alarm history.
The Alarm History Browser window (Fig.36) opens, where only the alarms of the selected type and se-
verity are displayed.
For example, if the Active option (Minor record) is selected, the Alarm History Browser window opens,
with displayed only the active alarms with Minor severity. To display the remaining of the alarm, it is
sufficient to change the filter.

To reset the indication of status change

1. Select the Fault > Alarm Summary command.

The Siae Alarm Summary window opens (Fig.41).

2. Press Clear Alert.

The asterisks are removed.

To set the automatic updating of the data

1. Select the Fault > Alarm Summary command.

The Siae Alarm Summary window opens (Fig.41).

2. To ACTIVATE the automatic refresh of the window, activate the Auto Refresh box.
The data are automatically refresh each N seconds, displayed in the Timeout (sec) box.
To change the parameter, type the new value in the box (numeric value between 30 and 999 seconds).
It is possible to modify the value also when the automatic refresh is active. In this case, at next refresh
after the modification of the timeout, the new value will be acquired as valid.

3. To DEACTIVATE the automatic refresh of the window, deactivate the Auto Refresh box.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 279


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The SNMP-Event Statistics command displays the statistics of the alarm/status/event signallings
(alarms) of the SNMP equipment.

With details it is possible:

To display the statistics of the alarms subdivided by time interval (pag.280)
To display the statistics of the alarms subdivided by equipment (pag.282)
To display the statistics of the alarms subdivided by alarms (pag.282)
To delete the alarms (pag.283)
To filter the alarms (pag.283)

The statistics refer to the alarms occurred on all the SNMP equipment present in the network.

To display the statistics of the alarms subdivided by time interval

1. Select the Fault > SNMP-Event Statistics command.

The NMS5UX Alarm Statistics window opens (Fig.42).
2. Select the Graphics > Networks Event Counters command.
An histogram graph opens.
Each histogram identifies a day. For each day, the number of detected alarms of all the SNMP equip-
ment present in the network, is pointed out.
By default, the last 30 days, where alarms are present, are displayed. The parameters can be configu-
red by the Superuser.
3. Double click on the histogram of a day to display the statistics of the alarms of that day in periods of
15 minutes.
Each histogram identifies a quarter of hour. For each quarter, the number of alarms, detected by all
the SNMP equipment present in the network, is displayed.

Only the 15 minute periods, where alarms are present, are displayed.
Press Up to return to the previous display.

4. Double click on the histogram of a quarter to display the statistics of the alarms of that day/quarter,
subdivided by single equipment.
Each histogram identifies an equipment. For each equipment, the logic address, between brackets, the
equipment type and the number of detected alarms are pointed out.
Press Up to return to the previous display.

5. Double click on the histogram of an equipment to display the detail of the alarms detected by the equip-
ment in the specific day/quarter.
Each histogram identifies an alarm. For each alarm, the description of the alarm and the number of
time that the alarm has been detected in the specific period are pointed out.
The description of the alarm is the same reported in the Message field of the Alarm History Browser
window (Fig.36) and Current Alarms Browser window (Fig.37).

6. Press Up to return to the previous display.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 280

Fig.42 NMS5UX Alarm Statistics window

Fig.42 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Close. It closes the window.
Graphics > Network Event Counters. It displays the statistics of the alarms subdivided by
Graphics > Equipment Event Counters. It displays the statistics of the alarms subdivided by
Graphics > Event Frequency. It display the statistics of the alarms subdivided by alarms.
Maintenance > Filtered Delete. It deletes the specific group of the alarms stored into the sta-
tistics database.
Maintenance > Delete All. It deletes all alarms stored into the statistics database.
Help > On Usage. It opens the help on-line.
Help > About Application. Version of the module that manages the considered functionality.

(2) The wording changes depending on the displayed type of statistics.

(3) Push-button:
Up. It returns to the immediately previous display
Reload. It updates the data present in the window.
Filter. It filters the list of the alarms.
When one or more filter criteria are active, an asterisk is present in the push-button.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 281

To display the statistics of the alarms subdivided by equipment

1. Select the Fault > SNMP-Event Statistics command.

The NMS5UX Alarm Statistics window opens (Fig.42).

2. Select the Graphics > Equipment Event Counters command.

An histogram graph opens.
Each histogram identifies a SNMP equipment. For each equipment, the logic address, between brackets,
the equipment type and the number of alarms, detected and stored in the statistics database, are point-
ed out.
The equipment are listed in decreasing order according to the number of detected alarms and only for
the SNMP equipment of the network that have generated alarms.

3. Double click on the histogram of an equipment to display the statistics of the relevant alarms subdivided
in days.
Each histogram identifies a day. By default, the last 30 days, where alarms are present, are displayed.
The parameters can be configured by the Superuser.
Press Up to return to the previous display.

4. Double click on the histogram of a day to display the statistics of the alarms of that equipment/day
subdivided in periods of 15 minutes.
Each histogram identifies a quarter.
Only the 15 minutes periods, where alarms are present, are displayed.
Press Up to return to the previous display.

5. Double click on the histogram of a quarter to display the detail of the alarms detected by the equipment
in the specific day/quarter.
Each histogram identifies an alarm. For each alarm, the description of the alarm and the number of
times that the alarm has been detected in the specific period are detected.
The description of the alarm is the same reported in the Message field of the Alarm History Browser
window (Fig.36) and Current Alarms Browser window (Fig.37).
Press Up to return to the previous display.

To display the statistics of the alarms subdivided by alarm

1. Select the Fault > SNMP-Event Statistics command.

The NMS5UX Alarm Statistics window opens (Fig.42).

2. Select the Graphics > Event Frequency command.

An histogram graph opens.
Each histogram identifies an alarm. For each alarm is pointed out:
Logical address and, between brackets, type of SNMP equipment where the alarm has been de-
Description of the alarm.
The description of the alarm is the same reported in the Message field of the Alarm History
Browser window (Fig.36) and Current Alarms Browser window (Fig.37).
Number of times that the alarm has been detected and stored in the statistics database.
The alarms are listed in decreasing order according to the number of times the alarm has been detect-

3. Double click on the histogram of an equipment/alarm to display the statistics of the alarm detection
subdivided in days.
Each histogram identifies a day. By default, the last 30 days, where alarms are present, are displayed.
The parameters can be configured by the Superuser.
Press Up to return to the previous display.

4. Double click on the histogram of a day to display the statistic of the detection of the subject alarm/day,
subdivided in periods of 15 minutes.
Each histogram identifies a quarter.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 282

Only the 15 minutes periods, where alarms are present, are displayed.
Press Up to return to the previous display.

To delete the alarms

This operation allows deleting ONLY the alarms stored in the statistics database and not in the general
database of NMS5UX-B (for this operation, refer to pag.245).

1. Select the Fault > SNMP-Event Statistics command.

The NMS5UX Alarm Statistics window opens (Fig.42).

2. To delete from the statistics database:

All the alarms, select the Maintenance > Delete All command and confirm.
The records are deleted from the database.
A group of alarms, select the Maintenance > Filtered Delete command.
The Filtered Delete window opens.
Select one or more of the boxes present in the window, according to the criteria you wish to use
to determine the group of alarms to delete.
The activation of each box expands the window, displaying a section containing the options:
Match Date. Date/time.
From the pop-up menu, select the value:
==, to delete the alarms detected at the day/time pointed out by the cursor on
the right.
>=, to delete the alarms detected in the days after the day/time pointed out by
the cursor on the right and in the day/time itself.
<=, to delete the alarms detected in the days before the day/time pointed out by
the cursor on the right and in the day/time itself.
<>, to delete the alarms detected in the days between the two dates/time pointed
out by the cursor on the right.
To modify the date/time pointed out by the cursor, move the indicator of the scrolling bar
or select the arrows placed next to the bar (the value is moved at steps of one quarter).
Match Source. Logic address of the equipment.
To set the criterion press Select. Select the wished equipment from the list and press Ok.
The selected equipment is inserted in the area below the Match Source box.
It is possible to delete all the items from the list pressing Reset.
Match Object. Physical/logical objects that compose the NE.
To set the criterion:
Open the Equipment Type menu and select the type of NE.
Open the Object menu and set the wished object.
It is possible to set only one object class at a time or all the classes at the same time
selecting the All Objects item.
Containing string. Description of the alarm.
To set the criterion, type the wished string in the text field.
Press Delete.
The records are deleted by the database.

To filter the alarms

1. Select the Fault > SNMP-Event Statistics command.

The NMS5UX Alarm Statistics window opens (Fig.42).

2. Press Filter.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 283

The Filtered Graph Creation window opens.

3. Press the push-button relevant to the statistics which you wish to apply the filters to:
Network Event Counters, statistics of the alarms subdivided by days.
Event Frequency, statistics of the alarms subdivided by alarms.
Equipment Event Counters, statistics of the alarms subdivided by equipment.

4. Select one or more of the boxes present in the window, according to the criteria you wish to use to filter
the alarms.
The activation of each box expands the window displaying a section containing the options:
Match Date. Date/time.
From the pop-up menu, select the value:
==, to display the alarms detected at the day/time pointed out by the cursor on the right.
>=, to display the alarms detected in the days after the day/time pointed out by the cur-
sor on the right and in the day/time itself.
<=, to display the alarms detected in the days before the day/time pointed out by the
cursor on the right and in the day/time itself.
<>, to display the alarms detected in the days between the two dates/time pointed out
by the cursor on the right.
To modify the date/time pointed out by the cursor, move the indicator of the scrolling bar or
select the arrows placed next to the bar (the value is moved at steps of a quarter).
Match Source box. Logic address of the equipment.
To set the criterion press Select. Select the wished equipment from the list and press Ok.
The selected equipment is inserted in the area below the Match Source box.
It is possible to delete all the items from the list pressing Reset.
Match Object box. Physical/logical objects that compose the NE.
To set the criterion:
Open the Equipment Type menu and select the type of NE.
Open the Object menu and set the wished object.
It is possible to set only one object class at a time or all the classes at the same time selecting
the All Objects item.
Containing string box. Description of the alarm.
To set the criterion, type the wished string in the text field.

5. Press OK.
For the selected statistics, only the records that satisfy the activated criteria are displayed.
Each time the list is filtered, all the records are considered, both displayed and hidden.

When the type of displayed statistics is changed or the NMS5UX Alarm Statistics window is closed,
the possible activation of the filters is automatically removed.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 284


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry*, Normal*, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

* The Entry or Normal user cannot delete the operations.

The Transaction Log command displays/manages the list of the operations executed by the NMS5UX us-
ers, who have modified the configuration of the network, of the supervision system and of an equipment.

With details it is possible:

To display the list of the operations executed by the NMS5UX users (pag.285)
To save/print the list of the operations (pag.287)
To delete the operations (pag.287)
To filter the list of the operations (pag.287)

As help to the description of the command, see par. Recording modality of the operations (pag.289)

To display the list of the operations executed by the NMS5UX users

1. Select the Fault > Transaction Log command.

The Transaction Browser window opens, where the list of the operations executed by the NMS5UX users
is displayed, as shown in Fig.43.

If the user profile of the user who selected the command is:
Superuser, the list points out the operations executed by the NMS5UX users of all the existing
Privileged, Advanced, Normal or Entry the list points out the operations executed by the
NMS5UX users of one's map.

In order to speed up the reading from database and not to display too much old records, at the opening
of the window only the operation executed in the last N days (default N=10 days, configurable by Su-
peruser) are displayed. This does not mean that the oldest records cannot be displayed, but that a filter
is automatically applied.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 285

Fig.43 Transaction Browser window

Fig.43 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Print/Save. It prints or saves to file the list of the operations.
File > Close. It closes the window.
Action > Delete Records. It deletes the operations.
Action > Refresh Info. It updates the data present in the window.
View > Set Filter. It filters the list of operations.
Help > On Usage. It opens the on-line manual.
Help > About Application. Version of the module that manages the considered functionality.

(2) For each operation, the column indicate:

Operation. Type of operation (see Tab.12).
Time. Date/time when the operation has been executed.
Map Name. Name of the map where the operation has been executed.
User Name. Name of the user who executed the operation.
Element. Network Element involved in the operation.
Object. Name of the physical or logical object which the operation is referred to.
Information. Alphanumeric string that specifies the nature of the operation.

The presence of the symbol - points out that the information is not available as not meaningful for
the type of operation which it is referred to.
The information present in the window corresponds to the operations executed until the command
is selected or the updating has been executed.

(3) Field:
xx of yy. Number of displayed records (xx) and number of total records (yy). If no filter is
active, the number of displayed records corresponds to the number of total records.
View... Activation of one or more filters.
Date and time when the window has been opened or refreshed.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 286

To save/print the list of operations

1. Select the Fault > Transaction Log command.

The Transaction Browser window opens (Fig.43).

2. To print or to save to a file:

All the operations stored in the database, select the File > Print/Save > All records com-
The displayed operations, select the File > Print/Save > Filtered records command. If no
filters are active, the displayed records correspond to the records stored in the database.
A group of operations, select the records and then the File > Print/Save > Selected records
The Output Device Selection window opens.

3. To print the data:

a. Select the Output To Printer option.

In the Printer Name box, the default printer is automatically set (Default Printer).
If you want to print to another peripheral device, type in the box the name of the printer you
wish to use.
b. Choose the layout of the page, selecting the Landscape or Portrait option.
c. Press OK.
The format used to print the information corresponds to the format used to display it.
To save the data to a file:

a. Select the Output To File option.

b. Type, in the File Name box, the path and the name of the file where the information must be
Typing only the filename, this will be saved in the /opt/nms5ux/data/export/<application
name> directory.
c. Press Ok.
The files are saved in text format and can be opened using any text editor.

To delete the operations

Operation available only to the Superuser and to the users with privileged or advanced profile.

1. Select the Fault > Transaction Log command.

The Transaction Browser window opens (Fig.43).
2. Select the operations you wish to delete

3. Select the Action > Delete records command and confirm.

The records are deleted.

To filter the list of operations

1. Select the Fault > Transaction Log command.

The Transaction Browser window opens (Fig.43).

2. Select the View > Set Filter command.

The View Filter window opens.
Select one or more boxes present in the window, according to the criteria you wish to use.
The activation of each box enables the criterion or expands the window displaying a section containing
the following options:

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 287

Match user. NMS5UX user who executed the operation.
To set the criterion, select the name of the user from the list.
Match date. Time interval when the operation has been executed.
To set the criterion, move the indicators of the Events occurred on or ... scrolling bars to set the
wished time interval.
In the Transaction Browser window, the operations whose execution date is after that displayed
in the Events occurred on or after field and before that displayed in the Events occurred on or
before field are displayed.
Activating the Granularity boxes located next to the bars (Coarse wording), it is possible to mod-
ify the date/time by step of one hour, while deactivating the boxes (Fine wording) by steps of
one seconds.
Match operation. Category or single operation.
To set the criterion:
Select the wished category in the Categories list.
In the Operations list, the operations associated to the category are displayed.
Select the wished operation.
If no operation is selected in the Transaction Browser window, the records relevant to all the
operations of the category will be displayed.
The categories and the relevant operations are described in Tab.12.
Match Object. Physical/logic objects that compose the NE.
To set the criterion:
Select the type of NE in the Element area.
Select the wished object in the Objects area.
If no object is selected in the Transaction Browser window the records relevant to all the objects
of the NE will be displayed

Not all the Network Elements have a list of objects.

Match Field String. Alphanumeric string: in the Transaction Browser window all the records con-
taining the set wording are displayed, in the Element, Object or Information field.
To set the criterion:
Select the option relevant to the field of the Transaction Browser window where you wish
the filter is applied: Element, Object or Information.
Type the string of characters in the text field.
Pressing Get Selected Transaction, in the text field the value present in the field of the
record highlighted in the Transaction Browser window will be displayed (Element, Object
or Information).
Activating the Exact Match box, only the records containing in the field exactly the set
wording will be considered; deactivating the box the operations that contain in the field
a value, where the set wording is contained too, will be displayed.
Match map. Map which the NMS5UX user who executed the operation is associated to.
To set the criterion, select the name of the map from the list.

The filter is available only by the Superuser.

3. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The system displays, in the Transaction Browser window, only the records that satisfy some activated
Each time that the list is filtered, all the records are considered, both the displayed and the hidden one.
The window contains also the Clear (it clears the activation of the filters and displays the complete list),
Cancel (it closes the window and does not execute the operation) and Help (it opens the on-line man-
ual) push-buttons.
When the Transaction Browser window closes, the possible activation of filters is automatically cleared.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 288

Recording modality of the operations

The list of the operations executed by the NMS5UX users records all the operations that have involved any
modification of the network configuration (for example, addition of a NE), of the configuration of the su-
pervision system (for example, addition of a user) or of the configuration of a NE (for example, change of
a parameter).
The detail of the operation is reported in Tab.12.

The operations are stored in the database of NMS5UX-B.

They remain stored for a certain number of days (which can be configured by the Superuser - by default
90 days), after which they are automatically deleted.

During this period, it is possible to manually delete the operations (pag.287). It is suggested to periodically
delete and/or store to file the less meaningful records, so to avoid the saturation of the database.

As principle, in fact, the system stores to disk all the operations until there is free space on disk.

Tab.12 Operations (Transaction Log)

Category Operation Description

Access Access Not Authorized Failed attempt of access to the system (wrong password)
(operation of access to
Login Login of an user to the system
Logout Logout of an user from the system
NMS - Commands Connect Eq Connection of one or more NEs
(operations relevant to the
Disconnect Eq Disconnection of one or more NEs
connections to NE)
Reset-Connect Eq Reset and connection of one or more NEs
NMS - Edit Add Element Creation of an equipment
(operations relevant to the
Delete Element Deletion of an equipment
Modify Element Modification of the characteristics of an equipment
Network Severity Change Modification of the severity of the alarms for as type of NE
NMS - Eq. Manager Backup Config Saving of the current configuration of an equipment in its
(operations relevant to the backup configuration
configuration of the NE)
Cc Operation Operation executed within CrossConnect Manager
Config Download Transfer of a configuration created before into an equipment
Create Object Creation of an object within an equipment
Delete Object Deletion of an object within an equipment
Equipment Severity It modifies the sending status of the alarms/trap for an equip-
Change ment
Periph Download Download of firmware of a peripheral unit of NE
Reset Eq. Controller Reset of the main controller of an equipment
Set Attributes Modification of the operating parameters of an equipment
Software Download Download of the equipment firmware
Special Action Special operation executed on an equipment
Ts Operation Meaningful operation executed inside the Time Slot Manager
NMS - Log Database Backup Saving to disk of the system database
(operations relevant to the Delete Alr History Deletion of one or more records from the Alarm History Brows-
NMS5UX-B database)
er window
Restore Alr History Restore from disk of a file of Alarm History
Restore Perf Restore from disk of a file of Performance Monitoring database
Save Alr History Saving to disk of the Alarm History database
Save Perf Saving to disk of the Performance Monitoring

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 289

Category Operation Description

NMS - Special Close Port Closing of one or more ports of CommServer-S

(operations relevant to the Connect CS Connection of a CommServer-S (CS)
CS equipment)
Disconnect CS Disconnection of a CommServer-S (CS)
Open Port Opening of one or more ports of CommServer-S
NMS - User Create User Creation of a NMS5UX user
(operations relevant to the
Delete User Deletion of a NMS5UX user
NMS5UX users)
Modify User Modification of the characteristics of a NMS5UX user
RM - Edit RM - Add Equipment Creation of an equipment in a Ring
(operations relevant to a
RM - Add Link Creation of a Link in a Ring
Ring configuration)
RM - Add Path Creation of a Path in a Ring
RM - Delete Equipment Deletion of an equipment in a Ring
RM - Delete Link Deletion of a Link in a Ring
RM - Delete Path Deletion of a Path in a Ring
RM - Modify Equipment Modification of the characteristics of an equipment in a Ring
RM - Modify Link Modification of the characteristics of a Link in a Ring
RM - Modify Path Modification of the characteristics of a Path in a Ring
RM - Schedule Path Scheduling of a Path in a Ring
RM Log RM - Delete Alr History Deletion of one or more records from the RM - Alarm History
(operations relevant to the window of a Ring
Ring Manager database)
RM Special RM - Path alignment Alignment of a Path in a Ring
(operations relevant to the
RM - Set attributes Modification of the characteristics of an equipment in a Ring
Path and NE)

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 290


Tools menu contains the following commands:

Alarm Notification via e-mail (pag.292). It displays/manages the operators enabled to the
reception of the alarm notification via e-mail.
SNMP-Command Executor (pag.298). It executes series of SNMP commands stored on file.
SNMP-NE Monitoring (pag.301). It executes, for the SNMP equipment, the periodic monitoring
of parameters.
SNMP-Auto Discovery (pag.309). It manages the Auto Discovery functionality for the detec-
tion of the equipment present in the network and not managed yet by the supervision system;
the automatic creation and the connection of the discovered NE objects.
SNMP-Rmon (pag.318). It displays/manages, for the SNMP equipment, the RMON standard
(groups: Statistics, History and Alarm).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 291


Depending on specific user profile, follow the specific description:

Superuser (pag.292)
Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged (pag.297)

Alarm Notification via e-mail - Superuser

System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Superuser

The Alarm Notification via e-mail command displays/manages the operators enabled to the reception
of the alarm notification via e-mail.

With detail for the Superuser, it is possible:

To display the list of all the operators enabled to the reception of the alarm notification via e-
mail (pag.292)
To add an operator (pag.294)
To modify the characteristics of the operators (pag.295)
To delete an operator (pag.295)
To activate/deactivate an operator (pag.295)
To acknowledge an operator and re-enable him to receive e-mail (pag.296)
To create a filter relevant to the type of alarms whose detection must be notified to the operator
via e-mail (pag.296)

For more information on the functionality of alarm notification via e-mail go to pag.297.

To display the list of all the operators enabled to the reception of the alarm notifica-
tion via e-mail

Operation available only to Superuser.

1. Select the Tools > Alarm Notification via e-mail command.

The Alarm notification - Operator Management window opens, where the list of all the operators ena-
bled to the reception of the alarm notification via e-mail is displayed, as shown in Fig.44.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 292

Fig.44 Alarm notification - Operator Management window

Fig.44 notes

(1) Menu:
Edit > Exit. It closes the window.
Edit > Filters. It creates a filter relevant to the type of alarms whose detection must be no-
tified to the operator via e-mail.
Edit > Refresh. It updates the information contained in the window.
Operator > Create. It adds an operator.
Operator > Modify. It modifies the characteristics of an operator.
Operator > Delete. It deletes an operator.
Alert > Clear. It acknowledges an operator, in such a way that the system stores the infor-
mation that the operator has read the e-mail and reactivates him to receive e-mail.
Help > Index. It opens the on-line manual.

(2) For each operator, is reported in the column:

Operator Name. Name of the operator.
Status. Status of the operator.
Active. The operator is active: he receives the alarm notifications via e-mail.
Not Active. The operator is not active: he does not receive the alarm notifications via
Alert. Acknowledge status of the operator.
Active. The operator has received an e-mail and has not acknowledged yet its recep-
Not Active. The operator has not received an e-mail.
Email. E-mail address which the alarm notifications are sent to.

(3) Push-button:
Exit. It closes the window.
Refresh. It adds the information contained in the window.
Clear Alert. It acknowledges an operator, in such a way that the system stores the infor-
mation that the operator has read the e-mail and reactivates him to receive e-mail.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 293

To add an operator

Operation available only to Superuser.

1. Select the Tools > Alarm Notification via e-mail command.

The Alarm notification - Operator Management window opens (Fig.44).

2. Select the Operator > Create command.

The New operator insert window opens.
3. Type, in the Name box, the name you wish to assign to the operator (alphanumeric string of maximum
30 characters).

It is not possible to assign the same name to two different operators. Moreover, after the creation
of the operator, the name cannot be modified.

4. Select the Active box, according to the status you wish to assign to the operator:
Active box ( ). Active operator: he receives the alarm notifications via e-mail.
Inactive box. Inactive operator: he does not receive the alarm notifications via e-mail.

5. Type, in the Password box, the access code relevant to the new operator (alphanumeric string of min-
imum 6 and maximum 21 characters).
For safety reason, an asterisk (*) is displayed for each typed character.

The name/password of the operator will be required by the system to the NMS5UX user with privi-
leged, advanced, normal or entry profile who selects the Alarm Notification via e-mail command.
The correct setting of the parameters will allow these NMS5UX users acknowledging the possible re-
ception of e-mails by the specific operator and re-enable him to the e-mail reception.

6. Set the time interval during which the operator, if enabled, must receive the alarm notification via e-
mail. Set one or more of the following parameters according to the criteria you wish to use:
In the Date area, select the option:
Disabled. The date criterion is disabled.
From. The operator will be enabled to receive e-mails from the day/month/year pointed
out in the relevant field in the window on the right.
Until. The operator will be enabled to receive e-mails until the day/month/year pointed
out in the relevant field in the window on the right.
From-To. The operator will be enabled to receive e-mails from and until the day/month/
year pointed out in the relevant field in the window on the right.
In the Hour area, select the option:
Disabled. The criterion is disabled.
From. The operator will be enabled to receive e-mails from the hour/minute pointed out
in the relevant fields on the right.
Until. The operator will be enabled to receive e-mails until the hour/minute pointed out
in the relevant fields on the right.
From-To. The operator will be enabled to receive e-mails from and until the hour/minute
pointed out in the relevant fields on the right.
In the Days of week area, activate the boxes relevant to the days of the week for which you wish
the operator receives e-mails.
The Festivity box refers to all the days of the year corresponding to the festivity days in ones
country. Parameter configurable by Superuser.

7. Set a possible filter relevant to the type of alarm, whose detection must be notified to the operator e-

a. Press Select Filter.

The Select Filter window opens.
b. Select, in the Files list, the name of the file you wish to retrieve.
The list points out the files present in the predefined directory (pointed out in the Selection box).
Modify the path, if necessary.
c. Press OK.
If you wish to create a new filter, press Filter. The Filter window opens. The modalities of filter creation
are the same described at pag.296 from step 3.

8. Type the e-mail address of the operator in the EMail box.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 294

9. In the Secondary Operator area, set the data for the reception of the e-mail by a second operator if the
main operator does not acknowledge the reception of the mail:
Type, in the Notification delay box, the time interval (expressed in minutes) elapsed which, if
the main operator has not acknowledge the reception of the mail, this one is forwarded also to
the second operator.
Type, in the Email box, the e-mail address of the second operator.

10.Press Ok.

To modify the characteristics of the operators

Operation available only to Superuser.

1. Select the Tools > Alarm Notification via e-mail command.

The Alarm notification - Operator Management window opens (Fig.44).

2. Act in one of the following ways:

Select the operator you wish to modify and then the Operator > Modify command.
Double click on the record relevant to the operator.
The Operator Modify window opens, where the characteristics of the operator are displayed.

3. Make the wished changes.

The modality to set the parameters are the same described at pag.294i.

It is not possible to modify the name of the operator.

4. Press Ok.

To delete an operator

Operation available only to Superuser.

1. Select the Tools > Alarm Notification via e-mail command.

The Alarm notification - Operator Management window opens (Fig.44).

2. Select the operator you wish to delete.

3. Select the Operator > Delete command.

The Operator delete window opens, where the characteristics of the operator are displayed.

4. Press Ok.
The operator is removed from the list.

To activate/deactivate an operator

Operation available only to Superuser.

1. Select the Tools > Alarm Notification via e-mail command.

The Alarm notification - Operator Management window opens (Fig.44).
2. Select the wished operator.

3. Select the Operator > Modify command.

The Operator modify window opens.

4. To ACTIVATE the operator to the reception of the alarm notifications via, activate the Active box ( ).
To DEACTIVATE the operator to the reception of the alarm notifications via, deactivate the Active box.

5. Press Ok.
The new status of the operator is displayed in the Status column.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 295

To acknowledge an operator and re-enable him to receive e-mail

Operation available only to Superuser.

1. Select the Tools > Alarm Notification via e-mail command.

The Alarm notification - Operator Management window opens (Fig.44).

2. Select the operator you wish to acknowledge.

3. Select the Alert > Clear command or the Clear Alert.

The operator is acknowledged and re-enabled to receive e-mail.

To create a filter relevant to the type of alarms whose detection must be notified to
the operator via e-mail

Operation available only to Superuser.

1. Select the Tools > Alarm Notification via e-mail command.

The Alarm notification - Operator Management window opens (Fig.44).

2. Select the Edit > Filters command.

The Filter window opens.

3. Type the name of the new filter in the Filter Name box.

4. Set one or more of the following parameters according to the filter criteria you wish to use:
Severity of the alarm. In the Severity area, select the option:
All alarms. The detection of all the alarms will be notified to the operator.
Minor Major Critical. The detection of the alarms with Minor, Major or Critical severity will
be notified to the operator.
Major Critical. The detection of the alarms with Major and Critical severity only will be
notified to the operator.
Critical. The detection of the alarms with Critical severity only will be notified to the op-
Type of equipment. In the Equipment Type area, activate the Disabled box and select the type
or the types of equipment for which you DO NOT wish that the alarm detection is communicated
to the operator.
Equipment of a map. In the Map area, activate the Disabled box and select the map/maps. The
detection of the alarms of all the selected equipment present in the maps WILL NOT be notified
to the operator.
Logic address of the equipment. In the Logical address area, activate the Disabled box and set
the logical address of the NEs whose alarm detection WILL NOT be notified to the operator.
To set a logical address, type the address into the text field and press Add Address. The value
is inserted in the area above.
It is possible to delete a single item from the list pressing, after having highlighted it, the Del
Address push-button.

5. Press Save to save the set criteria into a file.

When the push-button is selected, the SelectFilter window opens.
Type the name you wish to assign to the file in the Insert name file box.
The system suggests the default directory. Modify the path, if necessary. Press OK.

6. Press OK.
In the window there are also the push-buttons:
Load.... It opens the file containing a previously saved specific filter setting.
When the push-button is selected, the SelectFilter window opens.
Select the wished file in the Files list and press OK.
Delete.... It delete the file containing a previously saved specific filter setting.
When the push-button is selected, the SelectFilter window opens.
Select the wished file in the Files list and press OK.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 296

Alarm Notification via e-mail - Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged

System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged

The Alarm Notification via e-mail command displays/manages the operators enabled to the reception
of the alarm notification via e-mail.

With detail for the user with entry, normal, advanced and privileged profile, it is possible:
To acknowledge an operator and re-enable him to receive e-mail (pag.297)

For more information on the functionality of alarm notification via e-mail go to pag.297.

To acknowledge an operator and re-enable him to receive e-mail

The operation can be executed by the NMS5UX user only if this knows the name and the password of
the operator.

1. Select the Tools > Alarm Notification via e-mail command.

The Alert Clear window opens.

2. Type the name of the operator you wish to acknowledge in the Operator field.

3. Type the access code of the operator you wish to acknowledge in the Password field.
4. Press Ok.
If the entered data are not correct, the message Alert has been acknowledged and reactivated is dis-
played, pointing out that the operator has been acknowledged and re-enabled to receive e-mail.

Alarm Notification via e-mail functionality

The NMS5UX-B system manages the sending of e-mail after the detection of an alarm of any equipment
present in the network.

The sending of the e-mails is subordinated to the definition of the operators who must receive the e-mails
and to the setting of the sending criteria: enabling for the reception of the e-mails, type of equipment/
alarm, period when the operator is enabled to the reception of the e-mails, etc.

When an operator is enabled, at the first detection of an alarm that corresponds to the sending criteria set
for that operator, he receives an e-mail pointing out:
Equipment type Logical address
Alarm description
No more e-mail will be sent to this operator, even if new alarms raise, until when the operator himself (or
the NMS5UX Superuser) does not communicate to the system to have received the e-mail (acknowledge
of the operation) and re-enables the operator himself to receive new e-mails.
An operator can be created/modified/deleted and acknowledged by the NMS5UX Superuser (see pag.292).

The NMS5UX entry, normal, advanced or privileged user can only, knowing the name and the password of
an operator, acknowledge him in such a way that the system memorizes that the operator has read the e-
mail and re-enables him to receive e-mails (pag.297).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 297


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The SNMP-Command Executor command executes series of SNMP commands stored on file.

With details it is possible:

To execute series of SNMP commands stored on file (pag.298)
To display the content of a file of SNMP commands (pag.300)
To display the file of scheduled SNMP commands (pag.300)

To execute series of SNMP commands stored on file

1. Select the Tools > SNMP-Command Executor command.

If a SNMP equipment is selected in the map, the message No Command available for the selected
equipment could be displayed: this means that ones supervision system is not provided, for the type
of selected equipment, with the files containing sequences of SNMP commands. SIAE MICROELET-
TRONICA provides, on demand, files containing specific sequences of SNMP commands.
The SNMP Command Executor window opens (Fig.45).

2. If the wished file is not in the directory specified in the Directory box, type the new path in the box or
use the Change Directory push-button.

3. Select, in the Files area, the wished command file.

4. Set the possible parameters, displayed in the and Command File Description area, on the choice of the
The list of parameters changes according to the selected file. Some file do not need the setting of the
5. Select the option:
Immediate, if you wish that the sequence of SNMP commands present in the file is immediately
Scheduled, if you wish that the sequence of SNMP commands present in the file is executed lat-
On the choice of the push-button, the boxes for the setting of the data (Day, Month, Year) and
of the time (Hour, Min), where you wish to execute the sequence of the commands, are dis-

6. Press Start Command.

If, in the previous step, the activated box is:
Immediate, in the Message area, the progress of the operations is displayed.
It is possible to stop the procedure pressing OK, present in the Command Executor window dis-
played at the activation of the operation.
Scheduled, a message is displayed informing that the file has been scheduled and will be auto-
matically started at the set date/time.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 298

Fig.45 SNMP Command Executor window

Fig.45 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Close. It closes the window.
Edit > View Command File. It displays the content of a file of SNMP commands.

(2) To delete the content of the area:

Move the pointer of the mouse in the Messages area and select the right button of the mouse.
A context menu opens.
Select the Clear command.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 299

To display the content of a file of SNMP commands

1. Select the Tools > SNMP-Command Executor command.

If a SNMP equipment is selected in the map, the message No Command available for the selected
equipment could be displayed: this means that ones supervision system is not provided, for the type
of selected equipment, with the files containing sequences of SNMP commands.
The SNMP Command Executor window opens (Fig.45).

2. If the wished file is not in the directory specified in the Directory box, type the new path in the box or
use the Change Directory push-button.

3. Select, in the Files area, the wished command file.

4. Select the Edit > View Command File command.

The View File - window opens where the list of the SNMP commands is displayed.

To display the files of scheduled SNMP commands

1. Select the Tools > SNMP-Command Executor command.

If a SNMP equipment is selected in the map, the message No Command available for the selected
equipment could be displayed: this means that ones supervision system is not provided, for the type
of selected equipment, with the files containing sequences of SNMP commands.
The SNMP Command Executor window opens (Fig.45).

2. Press View Scheduled.

The View Scheduled Command window opens, where the scheduled files are listed.
In detail, for each file, it is indicated in the field:
File. Name of the file.
Par 1...Par 5. Possible values set for the parameters required for the execution of the file.
Status. Status of the operation:
Waiting. The file has not been executed yet.
It is possible that, in the Sched Time field, there is a scheduled date/time previous to the
current one. This means that the NE, when the operation was scheduled, was not in the
right condition for the execution of the file (for example, the NE was disconnected or un-
reachable). In this case, the system attempts to re-execute the file at regular intervals.
Running. The execution of the file is in progress.
Completed. The sequence of SNMP commands present in the file has been executed suc-
Sched Time. Date (day-month-year) and time (hour:minutes:seconds) for when the execution
of the file has been scheduled.
Start Time. Date (day-month-year) and time (hour:minutes:seconds) when the execution of the
sequence is started.
Stop Time. Possible values set for the parameters required for the execution of the file.

3. To delete a file, select the relevant record and then press Delete Command.
The file is deleted from the list

4. To display the progress of the executed operation by a file, select the relevant record and then press
View Detailed Information.
The View File - window opens displaying the list of the displayed operation.

5. To update the information present in the window, press Refresh.

The date/time displayed in the status bar of the window opens.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 300


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The SNMP-NE Monitoring command allows assigning a set of parameters to monitor periodically to a
SNMP equipment. The SNMP equipment - parameters to monitor is defined measure.

With details it is possible:

To display the list of the measures (pag.301)
To assign the parameters to monitor to an equipment (create a measure) (pag.303)
To display the characteristics of a measure (pag.303)
To delete a measure (pag.303)
To activate a measure (pag.304)
To deactivate a measure (pag.304)
To display the results of a measure (pag.304)
To save the results of a measure (pag.305)
To display the results of a measure stored into a file (pag.305)
To save the results of a measure stored into a file (pag.306)
To delete a file (pag.306)

More information about the NE Monitoring functionality are reported to pag.308

To display the list of the measures

1. If you wish to display:

Only the measures relevant to a given SNMP equipment select the wished equipment in the UX
Map Manager window.
All the measures relevant to all the SNMP equipment start the procedure from step 2.

2. Select the Tools > SNMP-NE Monitoring command.

The NE Monitoring window opens (Fig.46).
If an equipment managed by SNMP protocol has been selected before opening the window, the window
lists only the measures relevant to the selected equipment.
Otherwise, the window lists all the measures executed by the users.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 301

Fig.46 NE Monitoring window

Fig.46 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Load Graphics. It displays, in graph format, the results of a measure saved to file.
File > Load Exported File. It displays, in table format, the results of a measure saved to file.
File > Delete File. It deletes the files where the results of the measures are stored.
File > Close. It closes the window.
Options > Add Measure. It assigns the parameters to monitor to an equipment (creation of
a measure).
Options > Delete Measure. It deletes a measure.
Options > Start Measure. It activates a measure.
Options > Stop Measure. It deactivates a measure.
Options > Measure Properties. It displays the measure properties.
Options > View Graphics. It displays, in graph format, the results of a measure.
Options > View Exported File. It displays, in table format, the results of a measure.

(2) For each group of parameters, are pointed out:

Measure. Name of the measure.
NE Logical Address. Logical address of the NEs relevant to the measure.
NE IP-Address. IP address of the NEs relevant to the measure.
Status. Status of the measure:
Started. The measure is active.
Stopped. The measure is inactive.
Interrupted. The measure is interrupted.
The Messages area displays a message specifying the cause of the interruption.
Message. Self-explanation message specifying possible errors.

(3) If, before opening the NE Monitoring window, an SNMP equipment has been selected, the logical
address of the selected equipment is displayed in the status bar of the window.
If the check-box is active, the window will list only the measures relevant to the selected equipment.
If the check-box is inactive, the window will list all the measures defined by the user.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 302

To assign the parameters to monitor to an equipment (create a measure)

1. It is possible to set the SNMP equipment which you wish to assign the parameters to monitor to, se-
lecting it in the UX Map Manager window.
Otherwise, it will be possible to set the equipment during the procedure of measure creation.

2. Select the Tools > SNMP-NE Monitoring command.

The NE Monitoring window opens (Fig.46).

3. Select the Options > Add Measure command.

The Add Measure window opens.
4. Set the equipment, which you wish to assign the parameters to monitor to, in one of the following ways:
Select the NE Logical Address option and type the logical address of the wished NE in the box
Select the NE IP-Address option and type the IP address of the wished NE in the box below.

If, at step 1, a specific NE has been selected in the box, the IP address of this equipment is automati-
cally pointed out.

5. Type, in the Timeout box, the time interval, expressed in seconds, between a reading of the value of
each parameter and the next one.

6. Select, in the Measure Type area, the wished group of parameters.

The user can select predefined groups of parameters. The SIAE MICROELETTRONICA provides, on
demand, files with specific groups of parameters.

7. Press Ok.
The measure is added to the list.

To display the characteristics of a measure

1. If you wish to display:

Only the measures relevant to a given SNMP equipment, select the wished equipment in the UX
Map Manager window.
All the measures relevant to all the SNMP equipment, start the procedure from step 2.

2. Select the Tools > SNMP-NE Monitoring command.

The NE Monitoring window opens (Fig.46).
3. Select the measure you wish to display the characteristics.

4. Select the Options > Measure Properties command.

The Measure Properties window opens pointing out in the:
<First box>. The logical address of the NE which the set of parameters has been assigned to.
Timeout. Time range, expressed in seconds, between two consecutive reading of the same pa-
Measure Type. Group of parameters.

To delete a measure

1. If you wish to display:

Only the measures relevant to a given SNMP equipment, select the wished equipment in the UX
Map Manager window.
All the measures relevant to all the SNMP equipment, start the procedure from step 2.

2. Select the Tools > SNMP-NE Monitoring command.

The NE Monitoring window opens (Fig.46).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 303

3. Select the measure, in status Stopped or Interrupted, you wish to delete.

4. Select the Options > Delete Measure command.

The measure is deleted from the list.

To activate a measure

1. If you wish to display:

Only the measures relevant to a given SNMP equipment, select the wished equipment in the UX
Map Manager window.
All the measures relevant to all the SNMP equipment, starts the procedure from step 2.

2. Select the Tools > SNMP-NE Monitoring command.

The NE Monitoring (Fig.46) window opens.

3. Select the measure, in status Stopped or Interrupted, you wish to activate.

4. Select the Options > Start Measure command.

The measure is activated.

To deactivate a measure

1. If you wish to display:

Only the measures relevant to a given SNMP equipment, select the wished equipment in the UX
Map Manager window.
All the measures relevant to all the SNMP equipment, starts the procedure from step 2.

2. Select the Tools > SNMP-NE Monitoring command.

The NE Monitoring (Fig.46) window opens.

3. Select the measure, in status Stopped or Interrupted, you wish to deactivate.

4. Select the Options > Stop Measure command.

The measure is deactivated.

To display the results of a measure

1. If you wish to display:

Only the measures relevant to a given SNMP equipment, select the wished equipment in the UX
Map Manager window.
All the measures relevant to all the SNMP equipment, starts the procedure from step 2.

2. Select the Tools > SNMP-NE Monitoring command.

The NE Monitoring (Fig.46) window opens.

3. Select the measure for which you wish to display the results.

4. To display the result in format:

Graphic, select the Options > View Graphics command.
The <name of parameters group> - <NE logical address> window opens.
Fig.47 shows an example.
Table, select the Options > View Exported File command.
The Preview:... window opens.
Fig.48 shows an example.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 304

To save the results of a measure

1. To display:
Only the measures relevant to a given SNMP equipment, select the wished equipment in the UX
Map Manager window.
All the measures relevant to all the SNMP equipment, starts the procedure from step 2.

2. Select the Tools > SNMP-NE Monitoring command.

The NE Monitoring window opens (Fig.46).

3. Select the measure for which you wish to save the results.

4. To save the result in graphic format:

a. Select the Options > View Graphics command.

The <name of parameters group> - <NE logical address> window opens.
Fig.47 shows an example.
b. Select the File > Save as command.
The Save as window opens.
c. Type the file name into the Selection box.
The system proposes as path the default directory. Change the path, if necessary.
d. Press OK.

5. To save the result in table format:

a. Select the Options > View Exported File command.
The Preview:... window opens.
Fig.48 shows an example.
b. Select the File > Save as command.
The Save as window opens.
c. Type the file name into the Selection box.
The system proposes as path the default directory. Change the path, if necessary.
d. Press OK.

To display the results of a measure stored into a file

1. Select the Tools > SNMP-NE Monitoring command.

The NE Monitoring window opens (Fig.46).

2. To display the results in format:

Graphic, select the File > Load Graphics command.
Table, select the File > Load Exported File command.
The Load...window opens.

3. Select the wished file in the Files area.

The format of the name of the file is the following: <name of the parameters group>-<NE logical ad-

4. Press OK.

5. If at step 2 has been selected the command:

File > Load Graphics.
The <name of parameters group> - <NE logical address> window opens.
Fig.47 shows an example.
File > Load Exported File.
The Preview:... window opens.
Fig.48 shows an example.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 305

To save the results of a measure stored into a file

1. Select the Tools > SNMP-NE Monitoring command.

The NE Monitoring window opens (Fig.46).

2. To display the results in format:

Graphic, select the File > Load Graphics command.
Table, select the File > Load Exported File command.
The Load...window opens.

3. Select the wished file in the Files area.

The format of the name of the file is the following: <name of the parameters group>-<NE logical ad-

4. Press OK.

5. If at step 2 has been selected the command:

File > Load Graphics.
The <name of parameters group> - <NE logical address> window opens.
Fig.47 shows an example.
File > Load Exported File.
The Preview:... window opens.
Fig.48 shows an example.
6. Select the File > Save as command.
The Save as window opens.

7. Type the file name into the Selection box.

The system proposes as path the default directory. Change the path, if necessary.

8. Press OK.

To delete a file

1. Select the Tools > SNMP-NE Monitoring command.

The NE Monitoring window opens (Fig.46).

2. Select the File > Delete File command.

The Delete File window opens.

3. Select the wished file in the Files area.

The format of the name of the file is the following: <name of the parameters group>-<NE logical ad-

4. Press OK.
The file is deleted from the disk of the machine.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 306

Fig.47 Graphic display of the data (NE Monitoring)

Fig.47 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Save as. It saves the results of the measure to a file which the user can assign the
wished name and path to.
File > Close. It closes the window.
View > Zoom Minutes > ... It displays the results subdivided by intervals of 5, 15 or 30 minutes.
View > Zoom Hours > ... It displays the results subdivided by intervals of 1, 3, 6 or 12 hours.
View > Zoom Days > ... It displays the results subdivided by intervals of 1, 2, 5, 15 or 30 days.
View > Zoom 100%. It displays the results subdivided by the time interval stored in the file
until the selection of the command.
Into the View menu the asterisk next to a value points out the current setting.

(2) For each parameter selected in the area below, a graph is displayed.

(3) Each value points out a different monitored parameter.

To display the results relevant to a parameter, activate the relevant check-box. It is possible to ac-
tivate the display of more parameters at the same time.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 307

Fig.48 Table display of the data (NE Monitoring)

Fig.48 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Save as. It saves the results of the measure to a file which the user can assign the
wished name and path to.
File > Close. It closes the window.

NE Monitoring functionality

The NE Monitoring functionality allows assigning to an SNMP equipment a group of parameters to monitor.

The SNMP equipment - parameters to monitor is defined measure.

For a single equipment, it is possible to define more measures.

The user can assign to an equipment only PREDEFINED groups of parameters. SIAE MICROELETTRO-
NICA provides, on demand, files with specific groups of parameters.

After having created the measure (pag.303), it is necessary to start it (activation of the monitoring of the
parameters - pag.304). Periodically, the system will read the parameters and will record the results until
when the measure is not interrupted (pag.304).

At the start of a measure, a file is automatically created where are recorded the results of the measure
itself. At next start, a new file will be automatically created.

The system stores the file in a predefined directory (default /opt/nms5ux/tools/nms5NeMonitoring/data)

and assigns a name formed by the following parameters <name of the parameters group>-<NE logical

For each measure, a maximum of N files are kept in memory (default N=10, configurable by Superuser).

The system allows, moreover, the contemporary start of N files (default N=10, configurable by Superuser).

The results of the measures can be displayed in graphic or table format (pag.304/pag.305).

Moreover, it is possible to save the results of the measures to a file which the user can assign the wished
name and path (pag.305/pag.306).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 308


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Privileged, Superuser

The command SNMP-Auto Discovery allows managing the Auto Discovery functionality for the detection
of the equipment present in the network and not managed yet by the supervision system, the automatic
creation and connection of the discovered NE objects.

With details it is possible:

To verify the status and the configuration of Auto Discovery (Network Scan and/or NE Wake Up
modality) (pag.309)

To set the execution parameters and activate the Network Scan modality (pag.311)
To deactivate the Network Scan modality (pag.313)

To set the execution parameters and activate the NE Wake Up modality (pag.313)
To deactivate the NE Wake Up modality (pag.314)

To save a given Auto Discovery configuration to file (pag.314)

To retrieve a given Auto Discovery configuration from file (pag.314)
To display the list of the equipment detected by Auto Discovery (Auto Discovery table) (pag.315)
To search an equipment in the Auto Discovery table (pag.316)
To delete one or more equipment from the Auto Discovery table (pag.317)
To create manually the object of an equipment present in the Auto Discovery table (pag.317)

More information about the Auto Discovery functionality are reported at pag.89.

To verify the status and the configuration of Auto Discovery (Network Scan
and/or NE Wake Up modality)

1. Select the Tools > SNMP-Auto Discovery command.

The Network Discovery Manager window opens.

2. Select the Manager > Scan Configuration command.

The Network Discovery Manager window is replaced by the Scan Configuration window, where is point-
ed out the activation status of the two modalities available for the automatic detection of the equipment
(Network Scan and NE Wake UP) and the configuration of the parameters used by the two modalities,
as depicted in Fig.49.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 309

Fig.49 Scan Configuration window

Fig.49 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Close. It close the window.
Manager > Scan Configuration. It displays the Scan Configuration window.
Command not meaningful for the considered window.
Manager > Network Element Captured. It displays the Network Element Captured window.
Help > On Usage. It opens the on-line manual.
Help > About Application. Version of the module that manages the considered functionality.

(2) If the check-box is:

Active, the NE Wake Up modality is active.
Inactive, the NE Wake Up modality is inactive.

(3) Parameter/area:
Range IP Addresses and Specific IP Addresses. Respectively groups of IP addresses and sin-
gle IP addresses cyclically scanned by the Network Scan modality.
The presence or not of values in the two areas causes even the activation or not of the Net-
work Scan modality. In detail, the Network Scan modality is:
Active, when at least one value is present in the Range IP Addresses or Specific IP
Addresses areas

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 310

Inactive, when the Range IP Addresses e Specific IP Addresses areas are empty.
Scan Repetition. Execution modality of the cyclic scanning:
One Time At Day. The scanning is executed once at a day at the time pointed out in
the Start Time box.
Continuous. The scanning is cyclically executed each hour:minute pointed out in the
Timeout Between Scan Cycle box.
The Start Time and Timeout Between Scan Cycle boxes are displayed alternatively depend-
ing on the value set for the Scan Repetition parameter
IP Managed Simultaneously. Number of IP addresses scanned at the same time.
Timeout Between Simultaneous IP. Time range (in seconds) between a simultaneous scan-
ning of a group of IP addresses and the next one.

(4) Parameter:
Action When Found. Type of action NMS5UX-B must execute at the detection of a new equip-
Manage. The system automatically inserts the equipment in the Auto Discovery table,
creates the relevant NE symbol in the map and connects it.
Create Only. The system automatically inserts the equipment in the Auto Discovery
table and creates the relevant NE symbol in the map.
Log Only. The system automatically inserts the equipment in the Auto Discovery ta-
Selected Map. Map where the equipment symbol must possibly be created.
Selected Container. Name of the container where you wish to create the possible NE object.
Remember that the NE object is not created directly in the container but in the path <con-
tainer set by the user> / <year> / <year/month> / <day/month/year when the object is
Fig.20 shows an example.

(5) If the option is:

Active, when the Save as Active Conf push-button is selected, the current configuration
will be transmitted and immediately carried out by the daemon managing the operations of
detection of new equipment.
Inactive, when the Save as Active Conf push-button is selected, the current configuration
will be stored and carried out by the daemon at the end of the current scanning.

(6) Push-button:
Save as Active Conf. Saves the current setting of the execution parameters of Auto Dis-
covery as new active configuration.
Save As. Saves the current setting of the execution parameters of Auto Discovery to a file.
Load Active Conf. Updates the data present in the window loading those stored as current
Load. Opens the file containing a specific setting of the execution parameters of Auto Dis-
covery previously saved.

To set the execution parameters and activate the Network Scan modality

1. Select the Tools > SNMP-Auto Discovery command.

The Network Discovery Manager window opens.

2. Select the Manager > Scan Configuration command.

The Network Discovery Manager window is replaced by the Scan Configuration window (Fig.49).
3. Set the IP addresses you wish to periodically scan.

A group of IP addresses can be set in the following way:

a. Type, in the First IP and Last IP boxes, the IP addresses determining the range of values which
will be scanned each cycle.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 311

The range of values is displayed in the Range IP Addresses area.
b. Press Add.
c. Repeat the steps a. and b. to insert all the wished ranges of addresses.
It is possible to delete, from the Range IP Addresses area, a single item pressing the Delete push-
button after having selected the item, or all the items at the same time pressing Delete All.

It is possible to set a single IP address in the following way:

a. Type the IP address which will be scanned each cycle into the IP box.
The value is displayed in the Specific IP Addresses area.
b. Press Add.
c. Repeat the steps a. and b. to insert more IP addresses.
It is possible to delete, from the Specific IP Addresses area, a single item pressing the Delete push-
button after having selected the item, or all the items at the same time pressing Delete All.

4. Set the execution modality of the cyclic scanning.

It is possible to set the scanning takes place once at a day in the following way:
a. Set the value One Time At Day in the Scan Repetition box.
b. Set the hour:minute, within 24 hours, when you wish the Auto Discovery scanning takes place
in the Start Time box.
It is possible to set the scanning takes place continuously in the following way:

a. Set the value Continuous in the Scan Repetition box.

b. Set the interval (expressed as hour:minute) between two successive scan operations in the
Timeout Between Scan Cycle box.

5. Type the number of IP addresses (numeric value between 1 and 100) you wish to scan at the same
time in the IP Managed Simultaneously.

6. Type the interval (expressed in seconds) between the simultaneous scanning of a group of IP addresses
and the next one in the Timeout Between Simultaneous IP box.

7. Set, in the Action When Found box, the type of action NMS5UX-B must execute at the detection of a
new equipment:
Manage. The system automatically inserts the equipment in the Auto Discovery table, creates
the relevant NE symbol in the map and connects it.
Create Only. The system automatically inserts the equipment in the Auto Discovery table and
creates the relevant NE symbol in the map.
Log Only. The system automatically inserts the equipment in the Auto Discovery table.
8. Set, in the Selected Map box, the map where the equipment symbol must be possibly created:

a. Press ...
The Select a Map window opens.
b. Select the map from the list.
c. Press Ok.

9. Type, in the Selected Container box, the name of the container where you wish to create the possible
NE object.
If the container is not present in the set map, when the NE object is created, even the container will
be automatically created.
Remember that the NE object is not created directly in the container but in the path <container set by
the user> / <year> / <year/month> / <day/month/year when the object is created>
Fig.20 shows an example.

10.If you wish the Network Scan modality is activated:

Immediately, activate the Apply Configuration Immediately option and press Save as Active
At the end of the scanning process in progress, press Save as Active Conf.

The parameters Action When Found, Selected Map and Selected Container are in common with the
NE Wake UP modality. A change to them affects even the execution of this modality.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 312

To deactivate the Network Scan modality

1. Select the Tools > SNMP-Auto Discovery command.

The Network Discovery Manager window opens.

2. Select the Manager > Scan Configuration command.

The Network Discovery Manager window is replaced by the Scan Configuration window (Fig.49).
3. Remove all the values present in the Range IP Addresses and Specific IP Addresses areas.
It is possible to delete, from every area, a single item pressing the Delete push-button after having
selected the item, or all the items at the same time pressing Delete All.
4. If you wish the Network Scan modality is deactivated:
Immediately, activate the Apply Configuration Immediately option and press Save as Active
At the end of the scanning process in progress, press Save as Active Conf.

To set the execution parameters and activate the NE Wake Up modality

1. Select the Tools > SNMP-Auto Discovery command.

The Network Discovery Manager window opens.

2. Select the Manager > Scan Configuration command.

The Network Discovery Manager window is replaced by the Scan Configuration window (Fig.49).

3. Activate the Manage Wake-up Trap option.

4. Set, in the Action When Found box, the type of action NMS5UX-B must execute at the detection of a
new equipment:
Manage. The system automatically inserts the equipment in the Auto Discovery table, creates
the relevant NE symbol in the map and connects it.
Create Only. The system automatically inserts the equipment in the Auto Discovery table and
creates the relevant NE symbol in the map.
Log Only. The system automatically inserts the equipment in the Auto Discovery table.

5. Set, in the Selected Map box, the map where the equipment symbol must be possibly created:

a. Press ...
The Select a Map window opens.
b. Select the map from the list.
c. Press Ok.

6. Type, in the Selected Container box, the name of the container where you wish to create the possible
NE object.
If the container is not present in the set map, when the NE object is created, even the container will
be automatically created.
Remember that the NE object is not created directly in the container but in the path <container set by
the user> / <year> / <year/month> / <day/month/year when the object is created>
Fig.20 shows an example.

7. If you wish the Network Scan modality is activated:

Immediately, activate the Apply Configuration Immediately option and press Save as Active
At the end of the scanning process in progress, press Save as Active Conf.

The parameters Action When Found, Selected Map and Selected Container are in common with the Net-
work Scan modality. A change to them affects even the execution of this modality.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 313

To deactivate the NE Wake Up modality

1. Select the Tools > SNMP-Auto Discovery command.

The Network Discovery Manager window opens.

2. Select the Manager > Scan Configuration command.

The Network Discovery Manager window is replaced by the Scan Configuration window (Fig.49).
3. Deactivate the Manage Wake-up Trap option.

4. If you wish the Network Scan modality is activated:

Immediately, activate the Apply Configuration Immediately option and press Save as Active
At the end of the scanning process in progress, press Save as Active Conf.

To save a given Auto Discovery configuration to file

1. Select the Tools > SNMP-Auto Discovery command.

The Network Discovery Manager window opens.

2. Select the Manager > Scan Configuration command.

The Network Discovery Manager window is replaced by the Scan Configuration window (Fig.49).
3. Set or modify the execution parameters and the operating status of Network Scan and NE Wake Up
modalities as depicted at pag.311 and pag.313.

4. Press Save As.

The filesb_popup window opens.

5. Set the path and type, in the Selection box, the name of the file (with .cfg extension) where you wish
to save the Auto Discovery configuration.

6. Press Ok.

To retrieve a given Auto Discovery configuration from file

1. Select the Tools > SNMP-Auto Discovery command.

The Network Discovery Manager window opens.

2. Select the Manager > Scan Configuration command.

The Network Discovery Manager window is replaced by the Scan Configuration window (Fig.49).
3. Press Load.
The filesb_popup window opens.

4. Select the file (with .cfg extension) where the wished Auto Discovery configuration is stored.

5. Press Ok.
In the Scan Configuration window, the configuration stored in the file is displayed.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 314

To display the list of the equipment detected by Auto Discovery (Auto Dis-
covery table)

1. Select the Tools > SNMP-Auto Discovery command.

The Network Discovery Manager window opens.

2. Select the Manager > Network Element Captured command.

The Network Discovery Manager window is replaced by the Network Element Captured window where
the list of the equipment detected by Auto Discovery (Network Scan and/or Wake Up modality) is point-
ed out as depicted in Fig.50.

Fig.50 Network Element Captured window

Fig.50 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Close. It close the window.
Manager > Scan Configuration. It displays the Scan Configuration window.
Manager > Network Element Captured. It displays the Network Element Captured window.
Command not meaningful for the considered window.
Help > On Usage. It opens the on-line manual.
Help > About Application. Version of the module that manages the considered functionality.

(2) For every equipment, is pointed out in the column:

ID. Progressive index on insertion in the table.
IP Address. IP address (SNMP agent) of the equipment.
Customer ID. Logic address of the equipment.
Type. Equipment type.
Action. Action which has been automatically executed by Auto Discovery at the detection of
the new equipment besides the registration of it in the Auto Discovery table:
None. No action has been executed.
Create. The corresponding NE object has been created.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 315

Create and Connect. The corresponding NE object has been created and connected.
Change Type Info. No other action has been executed. Auto Discovery notifies that
the considered equipment is already managed by NMS5UX-B but with a type different
from that detected in the network for the specific IP Address. The new type assumed
by the equipment is that pointed out in the Type column.
Example. Suppose that an EL series equipment with address is managed
by NMS5UX-B. At a given moment, the EL equipment in the network is replaced by
an ALS series equipment with AL IDU plus. The address is assigned to
the new equipment.
If the user activates the Network Scan and/or NE Wake Up modality and defines that
the address is included in the scanned IP addresses, on the detection of
the address a notify of type change is inserted in the Auto Discovery ta-
Status. Status of the action:
In Progress. An action is in progress.
Done. No action is in progress.

The update of the Auto Discovery table is dynamic. This means that the detection of a new equip-
ment is immediately pointed out in the window, if this is open.

(3) If an equipment, for which the action of creation/connection of the symbol (column Action, value
Create or Create and Connect) has been executed, the system points out in the filed:
NSAP. NSAP address (GOSIP) of the equipment.
Value available and meaningful only for equipment inserted in an OSI network.
Create Date. Date/time when the corresponding NE object has been created.
Connection Date. Date/time when the corresponding NE object has been connected.
Value available and meaningful only for created and connected NE objects (column Action,
value Create and Connect).
Map. Map where the corresponding NE object has been created.
Path. Path (containers) where the corresponding NE object has been created.

(4) Push-button:
Find. Searches one or more equipment in the list.
Reload. Updates the data present in the window.
Delete. Deletes the selected equipment.
Create. Creates the NE object of an equipment for which no action has been executed yet
(column Action, value Done).

To search an equipment in the Auto Discovery table

1. Select the Tools > SNMP-Auto Discovery command.

The Network Discovery Manager window opens.

2. Select the Manager > Network Element Captured command.

The Network Discovery Manager window is replaced by the Network Element Captured window (Fig.50).
3. Type, in the text field next to the Find push-button, an alphanumeric string (case sensitive) corre-
sponding to the value or to part of the value present in the ID, IP Address, Customer ID, Type, Action
or Status column relevant to the equipment you wish to search.
4. Press Find.
The list highlights the first line matching the set searching criterion.
If the list contains more equipment matching the search criterion, the Find push-button is replaced by
the Next push-button.

5. Press Next to display the next equipment.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 316

To delete one or more equipment from the Auto Discovery table

1. Select the Tools > SNMP-Auto Discovery command.

The Network Discovery Manager window opens.

2. Select the Manager > Network Element Captured command.

The Network Discovery Manager window is replaced by the Network Element Captured window (Fig.50).
3. Select the equipment you wish to delete.

4. Press Delete.
The equipment are removed from the list.

To create manually the object of an equipment present in the Auto Discovery


Operation available only for equipment detected by Auto Discovery for which no action has been exe-
cuted yet (column Action, value Done - see Fig.50).

1. Select the Tools > SNMP-Auto Discovery command.

The Network Discovery Manager window opens.
2. Select the Manager > Network Element Captured command.
The Network Discovery Manager window is replaced by the Network Element Captured window (Fig.50).

3. Select the equipment for which you wish to create the relevant NE object.
4. Press Create.
During the operation, the Status column points out the wording In progress.
At the end of the operation, the Action column points out the wording Create.
The NE object is created in the following path:
<map set by the user*> / <container set by the user*> / <year> / <year/month> / <day/
month/year when the object is created>

* Map/container currently set for the Auto Discovery functionality (see Fig.49).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 317


System access Reading/Writing Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Reading Entry
Reading/Writing Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The SNMP-Rmon command manages, for the SNMP equipment, the RMON standard (groups: Statistics,
History and Alarm).

With details it is possible:

Statistics group
To verify the statistics of an Ethernet port of a SNMP equipment (RMON statistics) (pag.318)
To activate an Ethernet port for the count of the RMON statistics (pag.320)
To deactivate an Ethernet port from the count of the RMON statistics (pag.321)
To capture the RMON statistics of an Ethernet port in a specific instant (pag.321)
To save the RMON statistics of an Ethernet port captured in a specific instant to file (pag.323)

History group
To display the history of the RMON statistics of an Ethernet port (pag.323)
To activate an Ethernet port for the count of the history of the RMON statistics (pag.327)
To deactivate an Ethernet port from the count of the history of the RMON statistics (pag.327)
To save the history of the RMON statistics of an Ethernet port (pag.328)
Alarms group
To verify the enabling and the criteria for the activation/deactivation of alarms relevant to a
counter (RMON statistics) (pag.328)
To enable and define the criteria for the activation/deactivation of an alarm relevant to a counter
(RMON statistics) (pag.328)
To disable an alarm relevant to a counter (RMON statistics) (pag.330)

More information on the implementation of the RMON standard in the SNMP equipment managed by
NMS5UX-B are reported at pag.330.

To verify the statistics of an Ethernet port of a SNMP equipment (RMON sta-


Operation available only for SNMP equipment in connected status (which LCT/WEB LCT is NOT connect-
ed to in Configuration modality) where the equipment firmware supports the RMON standard.

1. Continue in one of the following ways:

Select a SNMP equipment in the map and, then, the command Tools > SNMP-Rmon >
NMS5UX Statistics.
The Rmon Statistics Viewer window opens. In the Network Elements area, only the selected
equipment is present.
Select the Tools > SNMP-Rmon > NMS5UX Statistics command.
The Rmon Statistics Viewer window opens. The Network Elements area displays all the SNMP
equipment present in the map and supporting the RMON standard.
In any moment, it is possible to insert one or more equipment in the Network Elements area selecting
the relevant symbols in the map and pressing Add From Map or to delete all the equipment in the list
pressing Clear All.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 318

For all the NE objects of Nodal type, the Network Elements area points out the detail of the equipment
of the nodal system. This equipment is identified by the logic address <node name>.A, <node
name>.B, <node name>.C.
Fig.51 shows an example of Rmon Statistics Viewer window.

2. In the Network Elements area, select the equipment that manages the wished Ethernet ports.
The Interface Definition... area defines the ports currently active for the count of the RMON statistics.
If the wished port is not active, it can be activated (see pag.320)
3. In the Interface Definition... area, select the port which you wish to verify the counters for.
For each counter, the relevant value is reported in the Value column.
The description of the counters changes according to the type of selected equipment (see pag.334).
In order to refresh the data press Refresh or activate the Auto Refresh box (the data are automatically
update every second).

Fig.51 Rmon Statistics Viewer window

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 319

Fig.51 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Close. It closes the window.
Help > About Application. It opens the manual.

(2) For each equipment, the relevant logic address is pointed out.
It is possible to insert one or more equipment selecting the relevant symbols in the map and press-
ing Add From Map or to delete all the equipment in the list pressing Clear All.
For the NE objects of Nodal type in the list, the detail of the equipment of the nodal system is point-
ed out. This equipment are identified by the logic address <node name>.A, <node name>.B, <node

(3) The number/type of Ethernet ports changes depending on the equipment type.
For each port, is pointed out in the column:
Index. Value identifying univocally the port in the table of the RMON statistics of the data-
Interface. Name of the Ethernet port.
Owner. User who has activated the port. User means the user used for the connection to the
equipment, then nms5ux user.

(4) For each alarm, is pointed out in the column:

Index. Value identifying univocally the table in the RMON alarms in the database.
Variable. Counter to monitor which the alarms refers to.
Type. Modality used to compare the counter value with the threshold:
Absolute. The value reported in the last instant of sampling of the selected counter is
directly compared with the set (raising and falling) thresholds.
Delta. The value compared with the set (raising and falling) thresholds is the differ-
ence between the counter value at the beginning of the interval and the value at the
end of the interval.
Interval (s.). Interval in seconds after which the data are compared with the thresholds.
Rising. Rising threshold used for the comparison of the values with the selected counter.
Falling. Falling threshold used for the comparison of the values with the selected counter.
Owner. User who has enabled the alarm. User means the user used for the connection to the
equipment, then nms5ux user.

(5) For each counter, the relevant value is pointed out in the Value column. The wording n/a points out
that the value is not available.
The description of the counter changes depending on the type of selected equipment (see pag.334).

(6) In order to refresh the data press Refresh or activate the Auto Refresh box (the data are automat-
ically update every second).

To activate an Ethernet port for the count of the RMON statistics

Operation available only for SNMP equipment in connected status (which LCT/WEB LCT is NOT connect-
ed to in Configuration modality) where the equipment firmware supports the RMON standard.

1. Continue in one of the following ways:

Select a SNMP equipment in the map and, then, the command Tools > SNMP-Rmon >
NMS5UX Statistics.
The Rmon Statistics Viewer window opens. In the Network Elements area, only the selected
equipment is present.
Select the Tools > SNMP-Rmon > NMS5UX Statistics command.
The Rmon Statistics Viewer window opens. The Network Elements area displays all the SNMP
equipment present in the map and supporting the RMON standard.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 320

Fig.51 shows an example of Rmon Statistics Viewer window.

2. In the Network Elements area, select the equipment that manages the wished Ethernet ports.
The Interface Definition... area defines the ports currently active for the count of the RMON statistics.

3. In the Interface Definition... area press the right button of the mouse and then choose the Add com-
mand from the pop-up menu.
The Nms5ux Statistics Enable window opens.

4. Select the Ethernet port you wish to activate in the Interface box.

5. Press Add.
The port is added to the Interface Definition... area.
If the selected port is already active, the message Unable to Perform Operation. Selected Port Already
Used is displayed.

The port will remain active until the user will deactivate it (see pag.321).

To deactivate an Ethernet port from the count of the RMON statistics

Operation available only for SNMP equipment in connected status (which LCT/WEB LCT is NOT connect-
ed to in Configuration modality) where the equipment firmware supports the RMON standard.

1. Continue in one of the following ways:

Select a SNMP equipment in the map and, then, the command Tools > SNMP-Rmon >
NMS5UX Statistics.
The Rmon Statistics Viewer window opens. In the Network Elements area, only the selected
equipment is present.
Select the Tools > SNMP-Rmon > NMS5UX Statistics command.
The Rmon Statistics Viewer window opens. The Network Elements area displays all the SNMP
equipment present in the map and supporting the RMON standard.
Fig.51 shows an example of Rmon Statistics Viewer window.
2. In the Network Elements area, select the equipment that manages the wished Ethernet ports.
The Interface Definition... area defines the ports currently active for the count of the RMON statistics.

3. In the Interface Definition... area, select the port you wish to activate.
4. Press the right button of the mouse.
A pop-up menu opens.

5. Select the Delete command and confirm.

To capture the RMON statistics of an Ethernet port in a specific instant

Operation available only for SNMP equipment in connected status (which LCT/WEB LCT is NOT connect-
ed to in Configuration modality) where the equipment firmware supports the RMON standard.

1. Continue in one of the following ways:

Select a SNMP equipment in the map and, then, the command Tools > SNMP-Rmon >
NMS5UX Statistics.
The Rmon Statistics Viewer window opens. In the Network Elements area, only the selected
equipment is present.
Select the Tools > SNMP-Rmon > NMS5UX Statistics command.
The Rmon Statistics Viewer window opens. The Network Elements area displays all the SNMP
equipment present in the map and supporting the RMON standard.
Fig.51 shows an example of Rmon Statistics Viewer window.

2. In the Network Elements area, select the equipment that manages the wished Ethernet ports.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 321

The Interface Definition... area defines the ports currently active for the count of the RMON statistics.
If the wished port is not active, it can be activated (see pag.320)

3. In the Interface Definition... area, select the wished port.

4. Press the right button of the mouse.

A pop-up menu opens.

5. Select the Capture command.

The Captured Statistics window, depicted in Fig.52, opens.
6. Set, in the Interval (1-60min) box, the time interval (number between 1 and 60 minutes) at the end
of which the values of the counters must be displayed in the Captured Statistics window.

7. Press Start.
The status of the capture operation changes from Ready to Running.
To stop the operation press Stop.
Once elapsed the set time interval, the status of the capture operation changes from Running to Com-
plete and the Captured Statistics window displays the values of the counters in the instant when the
time interval is elapsed.

Fig.52 Captured Statistics window

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 322

Fig.52 notes

(1) Wording:
Ready. Operation not in progress.
Running. Operation in progress.
Complete. Capture operation complete.
Aborted. Operation stopped by the user.

(2) The description of the counters changes depending on the type of selected equipment (see

To save the RMON statistics of an Ethernet port captured in a specific instant

to file

Operation available only for SNMP equipment in connected status (which LCT/WEB LCT is NOT connect-
ed to in Configuration modality) where the equipment firmware supports the RMON standard.

1. Capture the RMON statistics of an Ethernet port in a specific instant as depicted at pag.321

2. In the Captured Statistics window, press .

The SelectExportFile window opens.

3. Set the path and type, in the Selection box, the name of the file (with extension .txt) where you wish
to save the information.

4. Press Ok.
The file is saved in text format and can be opened by any text editor.

To display the history of the RMON statistics of an Ethernet port

Operation available only for SNMP equipment in connected status (which LCT/WEB LCT is NOT connect-
ed to in Configuration modality) where the equipment firmware supports the RMON standard.

1. Continue in one of the following ways:

Select a SNMP equipment in the map and, then, the command Tools > SNMP-Rmon >
NMS5UX History View.
The Rmon History View window opens. In the Addresses area, only the selected equipment is
Select the Tools > SNMP-Rmon > NMS5UX History View command.
The Rmon History View window opens. The Addresses area displays all the SNMP equipment
present in the map and supporting the RMON standard.
Fig.53 shows an example of Rmon History Viewer window.

2. In the Addresses area, select the equipment that manages the wished Ethernet ports.
The area below defines the ports currently active for the count of the history of the RMON statistics.
If the wished port is not active, it can be activated (see pag.327)

3. Select the port, press the right button of the mouse and then choose the Graph command from the
pop-up menu.
The graph of the statistics history is displayed.
By default, the starting display mode is the following:
Packets box. Counters displayed in the graph: Packets. The graph displays the counters whose
measure unit is the packet: Packets, Multicasts, Broadcasts, CRC Errors, Undersize, Oversize,
Fragments, Collision, Jabber, Drop Events.
To hide a counter, deactivate the relevant box in the Graph Summary area. To display it again
in the graph, re-activate the relevant box.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 323

Each counter is identified by a color corresponding to the color of the relevant bar (or line) in
the graph.
To modify the counters represented in the graph set, in the Packets box, the Utilization option
(percentile estimate of the real bandwidth used) or Octets (total number of octets).
The description of the counters change depending on the type of selected equipment (see
Grap Type box. Type of graph: Histogram. Each bar within the observation period has a color
corresponding to the color of the relevant counter pointed out in the Graph Summary area.
To modify the type of graph set, in the Graph Type box, the Line option: the values are repre-
sented by lines; even in this case, the color of the lines represents the counter which the line
itself refers to.
Data type box. Value of the represented counter: Mean of the values sampled within the time
interval represented on abscissa axis (Average option).
To modify the parameter set, in the Graph Type box, the Measured option (value represented
on the abscissa axis at the last sampling of the time interval) or Maximum (maximum value,
represented on the abscissa axis, sampled within the pointed out time interval).
Abscissa axis. Time interval: Days (date format month/day/year). The graph displays the last
30 days. If the port is enabled by less than 30 days, only the available days are displayed. The
parameter can be configured by the Superuser.
A double click on the area representing one day in the graph displays the statistics of the
counters of the selected day, subdivided in 1-hour period. Pressing the central button of the
mouse, you return to the previous view.
A double click on the area representing one hour in the graph displays the statistics of the
counters of the selected day/hour, subdivided in 1-minute period. Pressing the central button of
the mouse, you return to the previous view.
The display of the message No data available points out that no information is available for the
selected time interval.
Ordinate axis. Measure unit of the counter: number of packets.
The measure unit changes depending on the type of parameters represented in the graph (see
setting of the Packets box in figure).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 324

Fig.53 Rmon History View window

Fig.53 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Close. It closes the window.
Help > About Application. It opens the manual.

(2) The first box points out the counters represented in the graph:
Packets. The graph displays the values of the following parameters (if enabled in the Graph
Summary area): Packets, Multicasts, Broadcasts, CRC Errors, Undersize, Oversize, Frag-
ments, Collision, Jabber, Drop Events.
Utilization. The graph displays the value of the Utilization parameter only.
Octets. The graph displays the value of the Octets parameter only.
The Graph Type box points out the type of graph:
Histogram. Histogram graph.
Line. Line graph.
The Data type box points out the value of the displayed counter:

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 325

Measured. Value, at the last sampling instant of the time interval, represented on the ab-
scissa axis.
Average. Mean of the values sampled within the time interval represented on the abscissa
Maximum. Maximum value, sampled within the displayed time interval, represented on the
abscissa axis.

(3) The graph can be represented by histograms or by lines (setting of the Graph Type parameter).

The graph does not represent all the counters at the same time. They have been subdivided de-
pending on their own measure unit (setting of the Packets parameter).
To hide a counter, deactivate the relevant box in the Graph Summary area. To display it again in
the graph, re-activate the relevant box.
Each counter is identified by a color corresponding to the color of the relevant bar (or line) in the

At the first display of the data relevant to a window, the last 30 last days are represented. If the
port is enabled from less than 30 days, only the available days are displayed. The parameter can
be configured by the Superuser.
A double click on the area representing one day in the graph displays the statistics of the counters
of the selected day, subdivided in 1-hour period. Pressing the central button of the mouse, you re-
turn to the previous view.
A double click on the area representing one hour in the graph displays the statistics of the counters
of the selected day/hour, subdivided in 1-minute period. Pressing the central button of the mouse,
you return to the previous view.

It is possible to display, into a dynamic window, the detail of the counters relevant to the time in-
terval where the mouse pointer is placed, keeping pressed the right button of the mouse itself.

(4) For each equipment, the relevant logic address is displayed.

It is possible to insert in the list one or more equipment selecting the relevant symbols in the map
and pressing Add From Map or deleting all the equipment in the list pressing Clear All.
For the NE objects of Nodal type in the list, the detail of the equipment of the nodal system is point-
ed out. This equipment is identified by the logic address <node name>.A, <node name>.B, <node

(5) For each counter, is pointed out in the column:

Variables. In order:
A box whose activation points out that the counter is currently displayed in the graph,
while its deactivation points out that the counter is not represented in the graph.
What just said is subjected to the setting of the type of parameters represented in
the graph (see setting of the Packets box in figure).
Counter name. The color of the wording points out the color of the bar (or line) which
represents the counter inside the graph.
The description of the counter changes depending on the type of selected equipment
(see pag.334).
Min. Minimum value sampled in the time interval currently pointed out in the graph.
Max. Maximum value sampled in the time interval currently pointed out in the graph.
The wording n/a points out that the value is not available.

(6) The number/type of Ethernet ports changes depending on the equipment type.
For each port, is pointed out in the column:
Index. Value identifying univocally the port in the table of the history of the RMON statistics
of the database.
Port. Name of the Ethernet port.
Interval. Sampling interval used to collect the data of the statistics history. Value set to 60
Samples. Total number of samples to collect. The equipment stores these data in a rotation
buffer, where the new information in input overwrites the old one. Value set to 240 sam-
plings, which allow storing 4 hours in the equipment.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 326

Owner. User who has activated the port. User means the user used for the connection to the
equipment, then nms5ux user.
Status. Status of the entry in the table of the history of the RMON statistics of the database.

To activate an Ethernet port for the count of the history of the RMON statis-

Operation available only for SNMP equipment in connected status (which LCT/WEB LCT is NOT connect-
ed to in Configuration modality) where the equipment firmware supports the RMON standard.

1. Continue in one of the following ways:

Select a SNMP equipment in the map and, then, the command Tools > SNMP-Rmon >
NMS5UX History View.
The Rmon History View window opens. In the Addresses area, only the selected equipment is
Select the Tools > SNMP-Rmon > NMS5UX History View command.
The Rmon History View window opens. The Addresses area displays all the SNMP equipment
present in the map and supporting the RMON standard.
Fig.53 shows an example of Rmon History Viewer window.
2. In the Addresses area, select the equipment that manages the wished Ethernet ports.
The area below defines the ports currently active for the count of the history of the RMON statistics.

3. In the area where the ports are listed, press the right button of the mouse and then the Add Rmon
command from the pop-up menu.
The New Control Entry window opens.

4. Select, in the Port box, the Ethernet port you wish to activate.
The remnant parameters present in the window cannot be modified. For their description, refer to

5. Press Apply.
The port is added to the list.

The port will remain active until the user will not deactivate it (see pag.327).

To deactivate an Ethernet port from the count of the history of the RMON sta-

Operation available only for SNMP equipment in connected status (which LCT/WEB LCT is NOT connect-
ed to in Configuration modality) where the equipment firmware supports the RMON standard.

1. Continue in one of the following ways:

Select a SNMP equipment in the map and, then, the command Tools > SNMP-Rmon >
NMS5UX History View.
The Rmon History View window opens. In the Addresses area, only the selected equipment is
Select the Tools > SNMP-Rmon > NMS5UX History View command.
The Rmon History View window opens. The Addresses area displays all the SNMP equipment
present in the map and supporting the RMON standard.
Fig.53 shows an example of Rmon History Viewer window.

2. In the Addresses area, select the equipment that manages the wished Ethernet ports.
The area below defines the ports currently active for the count of the history of the RMON statistics.

3. Select the port you wish to deactivate.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 327

4. Press the right button of the mouse.
A pop-up menu opens.

5. Select the Disable Rmon command and confirm.

To save the history of the RMON statistics of an Ethernet port

1. Select the Tools > SNMP-Rmon > NMS5UX History View command.
The Rmon History View window opens (Fig.53).

2. Display the data you wish to save to file (see pag.323).

3. Press .
The SelectExportFile window opens.
4. Set the path and type, in the Selection box, the name of the file (with .csv extension) where you wish
to save the information.

5. Press Ok.
The files are saved in text format and can be opened using any text editor.
The data displayed in the window are saved to file.

To verify the enabling and the criteria for the activation/deactivation of

alarms relevant to a counter (RMON statistics)

Operation available only for SNMP equipment in connected status (which LCT/WEB LCT is NOT connect-
ed to in Configuration modality) where the equipment firmware supports the RMON standard.

1. Continue in one of the following ways:

Select a SNMP equipment in the map and, then, the command Tools > SNMP-Rmon >
NMS5UX Statistics.
The Rmon Statistics Viewer window opens. In the Network Elements area, only the selected
equipment is present.
Select the Tools > SNMP-Rmon > NMS5UX Statistics command.
The Rmon Statistics Viewer window opens. The Network Elements area displays all the SNMP
equipment present in the map and supporting the RMON standard.

2. In the Network Elements area, select the equipment which manages the wished Ethernet ports.
In the Interface Definition... area, the ports currently active for the count of the RMON statistics are
If the wished port is not active, it is possible to activate it (see pag.320)

3. In the Interface Definition... area, select the wished port.

In the Alarm Definition... area, the alarms currently enabled for the selected port are displayed. Fig.51
shows an example.

To enable and define the criteria for the activation/deactivation of an alarm

relevant to a counter (RMON statistics)

Operation available only for SNMP equipment in connected status (which LCT/WEB LCT is NOT connect-
ed to in Configuration modality) where the equipment firmware supports the RMON standard.
More alarms can be defined for the same counter. Each alarm will be identified by a different value of Index
(see Fig.51).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 328

1. Continue in one of the following ways:
Select a SNMP equipment in the map and, then, the command Tools > SNMP-Rmon >
NMS5UX Statistics.
The Rmon Statistics Viewer window opens. In the Network Elements area, only the selected
equipment is present.
Select the Tools > SNMP-Rmon > NMS5UX Statistics command.
The Rmon Statistics Viewer window opens. The Network Elements area displays all the SNMP
equipment present in the map and supporting the RMON standard.
Fig.51 shows an example of Rmon Statistics Viewer window.

2. In the Network Elements area, select the equipment which manages the wished Ethernet ports.
In the Interface Definition... area, the ports currently active for the count of the RMON statistics are
If the wished port is not active, it is possible to activate it (see pag.320)

3. In the Interface Definition... area, select the wished port.

4. In the Alarm Definition... area, press the right button of the mouse.
A pop-up menu opens.

5. Select the Add command.

The Alarm Statistics Creation window opens.

6. Set, in the Statistics Value box, the counter to monitor and which you wish to associate the alarm to.

7. Set, in the Measure Type box, the mode to compare the counter value with the threshold:
Absolute Value. The value reported in the last sampling instant of the selected counter will be
directly compared with the set (rising and falling) thresholds.
Delta Value. The value compared with the set (rising and falling) threshold will be the difference
between the counter value at the beginning of the interval and the value at the end of the in-

8. Set, in the Startup box, the alarm activation mode used for the first comparison between the counter
value and the thresholds set after that the alarm has been enabled by the user: Rising, Falling and Ris-
ing or Falling.
The description of the values available for this parameter and its interaction with the parameters Alarm
Rising Threshold and Alarm Falling Threshold is reported at pag.332.

9. Set, in the Alarm Interval (minutes) box, the interval (in minutes) after which the data are compared
with the thresholds.
10.Set, in the Alarm Rising Threshold box, the rising threshold used for the comparison of the counter val-
ues with the selected counter: when the value of the compared counter is greater than or equal to this
threshold and the value of the previous comparison is lower, an alarm is generated.
For the first comparison, after that the alarm has been enabled by the user, the alarm activation is
affected by the setting of the Startup parameter. The description of the interaction among the param-
eters Startup, Alarm Rising Threshold and Alarm Falling Threshold is reported at pag.332.

11.Set, in the Alarm Falling Threshold box, the lower threshold used for the comparison of the values of
the selected counter: when the value of the compared counter is lower than or equal to this threshold
and the value of the previous comparison is greater, an alarm is generated.
For the first comparison, after that the alarm has been enabled by the user, the alarm activation is
affected by the setting of the Startup parameter. The description of the interaction among the param-
eters Startup, Alarm Rising Threshold and Alarm Falling Threshold is reported at pag.332.

12.Press Ok.
The alarm is added to the Alarm Definition... area.
The Alarm Statistics Creation window remains open. To close it, press Cancel.

The alarm will remain enabled until when it is not deactivated by the user (see pag.330).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 329

To disable an alarm relevant to a counter (RMON statistics)

Operation available only for SNMP equipment in connected status (which LCT/WEB LCT is NOT connect-
ed to in Configuration modality) where the equipment firmware supports the RMON standard.

1. Continue in one of the following ways:

Select a SNMP equipment in the map and, then, the command Tools > SNMP-Rmon >
NMS5UX Statistics.
The Rmon Statistics Viewer window opens. In the Network Elements area, only the selected
equipment is present.
Select the Tools > SNMP-Rmon > NMS5UX Statistics command.
The Rmon Statistics Viewer window opens. The Network Elements area displays all the SNMP
equipment present in the map and supporting the RMON standard.
Fig.51 shows an example of Rmon Statistics Viewer window.
2. In the Network Elements area, select the equipment which manages the wished Ethernet ports.
In the Interface Definition... area, the ports currently active for the count of the RMON statistics are

3. In the Interface Definition... area, select the wished port.

4. In the Alarm Definition... area, select the alarm you wish to disable.

5. Press the right button of the mouse.

A pop-up menu opens.

6. Select the Delete command and confirm.

The alarm is removed from the list.

Implementation of the RMON standard in the SNMP equipment managed by


RMON Standard

RMON (Remote Monitoring) is a standard whose function is providing a set of services of statistics count,
monitoring and alarm report with reference to the activity of a LAN network.

These services can be accessed through the SNMP protocol and defined in terms of MIB (Management In-
formation Base) group described in the document RFC2819 - Remote Network Monitoring Management In-
formation Base, which must be read for any further detail.

Outline on the operation of RMON standard

The RMON standard is based on two components: an agent (RMON probe) and a client (remote manage-
ment station).

The agent saves the data within its own RMON tables present on the network devices (equipment, routers,
etc.). The RMON probes can see only the traffic flowing through themselves and therefore are located on
each (internal/external) port of the Ethernet switch of the device to monitor.

The remote management station communicates with the RMON agent using the SNMP protocol to obtain
and correlate the RMON data. Generally, the station is equipped with an interface (graphic or textual) which
allows the display and the analysis of the collected RMON data.

Implementation of the RMON standard in the SNMP equipment managed by NMS5UX-B

The Rmon functionality available in NMS5UX-B allows monitoring the status of the Ethernet interface
present on the SNMP equipment in compliance with the RMON standard.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 330

With reference to what depicted in the previous paragraph, the Rmon functionality acts as client which,
through the commands present in the NMS5UX-B graphic interface, allows the analysis and the manage-
ment of the data collected by the probes present on each (internal/external) port of the Ethernet switch of
the SNMP equipment.
The probes collect the statistic data, which are stored in the RMON table of the equipment. In any moment,
it is possible to activate (and deactivate) an Ethernet port for the storing of these data by NMS5UX-B.

Currently, the SNMP equipment managed by the NMS5UX-B system implement the following RMON MIB
groups and, as a consequence, the Rmon functionality offers, through the graphic interface, the following
Statistics measured by the RMON probes for each monitored Ethernet port (RMON MIB group:
History of the statistics for each monitored Ethernet port (RMON MIB group: History).
Management of the alarms associated to the counters of the RMON statistics (RMON MIB group:

Here below a brief description is reported for each group/functionality.

Statistics (Statistics group)

The Rmon functionality can display to the user some statistic information (counters), which allows evalu-
ating the traffic development in input and in output for each single port of the Ethernet switch of the equip-
ment (see pag.318).

To display the counters of a port, it is necessary to activate the port (see pag.320). This port will remain
active until when the user does not deactivate it (see pag.321).

Moreover it is possible to capture the values of the counters at the end of a time interval set by the user
(see pag.321) and then to save them to file (see pag.323).

The description of the counters changes depending on the type of selected equipment (see pag.334).

When a port is active, the data are displayed in the relevant window (see Fig.51) only when the selected
equipment is in connected status and the local management program is not connected in Configuration
modality to the equipment.

The update of the data can be carried out automatically (activating the Auto Refresh option) or manually
(pressing the Refresh push-button).

History of the statistics (History group)

The Rmon functionality can present the time development (history) of the statistics relevant to the
counters in input/output at level of single port of the Ethernet switch of the equipment (see pag.323).

At equipment level, the statistics history stores the value of the counters of the Ethernet counter each 60
seconds (sampling interval). The equipment stores these data into a rotation buffer where, when full, the
new information overwrites the old ones (value set to 240 samples which allow storing 4 hours in the equip-

In order to store in the NMS5UX-B database and display the statistics history of a port, it is necessary to
activate the port (see pag.327). This port will remain active until when the user does not deactivate it (see

At the activation of the port, the supervision system starts storing the data relevant to the statistics and
makes them available to the user, in form of graph (histogram or line), subdivided by single Ethernet port
of each single equipment.
For each port, it is possible to display, at the same, time, the counters having the same measure unit
(packets: Packets, Multicasts, Broadcasts, CRC Errors, Undersize, Oversize, Fragments, Collision, Jabber,
Drop Events; Octets: Octets; Usage percentage: Utilization).

The user can choose the type of value of the represented counter: Average (mean of the values sampled
within a time interval), Measured (value at the last sampling of a time interval) or Maximum (maximum
value sample within a time interval).

The values of the counters are represented grouped by time intervals (minutes, hour, days). In the graph,
the last 30 days from the activation of the port can be displayed.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 331

In any moment, it is possible to save the data to file (see pag.328).

The description of the counters changes depending on the type of selected equipment (see pag.334).

When a port is active, the data are displayed in the relevant window (see Fig.53) only when the selected
equipment is in connected status and the local management program is not connected in Configuration
modality to the equipment.

Management of the RMON alarms (group: Alarm)

By means of the Rmon functionality, one or more alarms can be associated to each counter, of each single
port of the Ethernet switch of a SNMP equipment.

The activation of the alarm is caused by the exceeding of a (rising or falling) threshold of absolute values
or at relative differences.

In detail, at the definition of the alarm by the user (see pag.328), statistic samples of the counters are
periodically collected from the RMON probe.

These samples are compared with some previously set thresholds. If the monitored counter exceeds a
threshold, an alarm is generated and pointed out in the current alarm table and in the alarm history of

The description of the alarm in the list of the current alarms and in the alarm history is RMON Alarm <in-
dex>, where <index> is the value which univocally points out the alarm in the RMON alarm table of the
database (see Fig.51).

In order to limit the generation of alarms, an hysteresis mechanisms is implemented which generates an
alarm each time a threshold is exceeded in the proper direction and does not generate other alarms until
when the opposite threshold is exceeded as described in Fig.54.

Fig.54 RMON alarms management

Fig.54 notes

(1) The sampling intervals are not synchronized with the instant when the alarm is defined by the user,
but refer to the time of the solar day (00.00, 01.00, 02.00, etc).
For example, if an alarm is defined at 11.40 and the sampling interval defined by the user is 30
minutes, the first usable sampling interval of the counter will be 12.00...12.30.

(2) At the expiry of a sampling interval, depending on the type of mode set by the user for the com-
parison with the thresholds, as value of the counter is taken:
The value assumed by the counter at the end of the sampling interval (comparison method
The difference between the value of the counter at the end of the sampling interval and the
value of the counter at the beginning of the sampling interval (comparison method Delta).

For the SNMP equipment managed by NMS5UX-B, when the user enables an alarm, the system starts the
activities to monitor the sampled value with respect to the thresholds. The result of this activity will be,
possibly, the activation or the deactivation of the associated alarm according to the following modalities.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 332

If the threshold AlarmRisingThreshold is set to a value greater than the threshold AlarmFallingThreshold),
the alarm is activated if the sampled value is greater than or equal to the threshold AlarmRisingThreshold.
The alarm is deactivated when the sampled value becomes lower than or equal to the threshold AlarmFal-
For the first comparison at the end of the first usable sampling interval, after that the alarm has been en-
abled by the user, the activation of the alarm is affected by the setting of the Startup parameter. In detail,
if the parameter Startup is set to the value:
Rising or Rising or Falling and the value of the compared value is greater than or equal to the
Rising threshold, the alarm is generated.
Falling and the value of the compared value is greater than or equal to the Rising threshold, the
alarm is not generated.

What just described is valid only for the first comparison after the enabling of the alarm. For the next com-
parison, the rule described above applies.

Example. Suppose that, for a given alarm, we have set the parameter AlarmRisingThreshold=100 and the
parameter AlarmFallingThreshold=50. If the Startup parameter has the value:
Rising. At the expiry of the first usable sampling interval, the sampled value is 120: the alarm
is immediately activated.
Falling. At the expiry of the first usable sampling interval, the sampled value is 120: the alarm
is not activated.
At the end of the next interval, the constraint has not meaning anymore; therefore, if in that
moment the value is greater than the threshold Rising yet, the alarm is immediately generated.
Rising or Falling. At the expiry of the first usable sampling interval, the sampled value is 120:
the alarm is immediately activated.

If the threshold AlarmRisingThreshold is set to a value lower than the threshold AlarmFallingThreshold,
the alarm is activated if the sampled value is lower than or equal to the threshold AlarmRisingThreshold.
The alarm is deactivated when the sampled value becomes greater than or equal to the threshold Alarm-

For the first comparison at the end of the first usable sampling interval, after that the alarm has been en-
abled by the user, the activation of the alarm is affected by the setting of the parameter Startup. In detail,
if the parameter Startup is set to the value:
Rising or Rising or Falling and the value of the compared counter is lower than or equal to the
threshold Rising, the alarm is generated.
Falling and the value of the compared counter is greater than or equal to the threshold Falling
the alarm is not generated.

What just said is valid only for the first comparison after the enabling of the alarm. For the next compari-
sons, the general rule described above applies.

Example. Suppose that, for an alarm, we have set the parameter AlarmRisingThreshold=150 and the pa-
rameter AlarmFallingThreshold=200. If the parameter Startup has value:
Rising. At the expiry of the first usable sampling interval, the sampled value is 120: the alarm
is immediately activated.
Falling. At the end of the first usable sampling interval, the sampled value is 120: the alarm is
not activated.
At the end of the expiry of the next interval, the constraint has not meaning anymore; therefore,
if in that moment the value is lower than the threshold Rising yet, the alarm is immediately gen-
Rising or Falling. At the end of the expiry of the first usable sampling interval, the sampled value
is 120: the alarm is immediately activated.

Keeping in mind what described in this chapter, consider however that the operating logic of the alarms
on the SNMP equipment managed by NMS5UX-B foresees that the alarms (SNMP traps) are generated only
on the alarm transitions, that is from Off to On and, then, from On to Off, and that the initial status of the
alarms is however Off.
Therefore, the exceeding of a threshold AlarmFallingThreshold will have, as consequence, the generation
of an alarm only if the event takes place after a transition on the corresponding threshold AlarmRisingTh-
reshold or the combination of the values of the thresholds is such that the exceeding of the threshold
AlarmFallingThreshold corresponds to the activation of the alarm.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 333

Ethernet counters (RMON)

The description of the counters changes according to the type of selected equipment.

This description is the same reported for the counters of the packets/bytes in input/output from an Ether-
net port (LAN Statistics) contained in the user manual of the Manager application relevant to each single
equipment type.

The only difference is the name of the counter which, in some cases, change from the RMON counters with
respect to the LAN Statistics counters.

Tab.13 reports the correspondence of the names for the Ethernet RMON counters - Statistics counters.

Tab.14 reports the correspondence of the names for the Ethernet RMON counters - History counters.

The counter Utilization is meaningful only as RMON (History) counter and has the following description:
the best estimate of the mean physical layer network utilization on this interface during this sampling in-
terval, in hundredths of a percent.

Tab.13 Ethernet counters denomination (RMON - Statistics)

Ethernet counters denomination Ethernet counters denomination

RMON - Statistics LAN Statistics

Octects Total Bytes Received

Packets Total Frames Received

Multicasts Multicast Frames Received

Broadcasts Broadcast Frames Received

CRC Errors CRC Align Errors

Undersize Undersize Frames

Oversize Oversize Frames

Fragments Fragments

Collision Collision

Jabber Jabber

Drop Events Dropped Frames

Pkts 64 Octets Frames 64 Octects (Sent+Received)

Pkts 65 to 127 Octets Frames 65-127 Octects (Sent+Received)

Pkts 128 to 255 Octets Frames 128-255 Octects (Sent+Received)

Pkts 256 to 511 Octets Frames 256-511 Octects (Sent+Received)

Pkts 512 to 1023 Octets Frames 512-1023 Octects (Sent+Received)

Pkts 1024 to 1518 Octets Frames 1024... (Sent+Received)

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 334

Tab.14 Ethernet counters denomination (RMON - History)

Ethernet counters denomination Ethernet counters denomination

RMON - History LAN Statistics

Packets Total Frames Received

Multicasts Multicast Frames Received

Broadcasts Broadcast Frames Received

CRC Errors CRC Align Errors

Undersize Undersize Frames

Oversize Oversize Frames

Fragments Fragments

Collision Collision

Jabber Jabber

Drop Events Dropped Frames

Octects Total Bytes Received

Utilization -

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 335


The Options menu contains the following commands:

Legacy-Network Alarm Hysteresis (pag.337). It displays/sets the hysteresis parameters

that characterizes the ringing alarms of the Legacy equipment.
SNMP-Network Severity Code (pag.339). It displays/manages the network severity level as-
sociated to the alarms of a SNMP equipment type.
SNMP-Equipment Severity Code (pag.341). It displays/manages the alarm status, the send-
ing status of the traps and the local severity level of the alarms of a SNMP equipment.
NMS5UX System Users (pag.345). It displays/manages the NMS5UX users.
NMS5UX Logged Users (pag.350). It displays the list of the NMS5UX users connected to the
supervision system and the list of active application (browser, manager, etc.).
SNMP-LCT Equipment Users (pag.356). It manages/displays the LCT users list of a SNMP
SNMP-LCT Logged Users (pag.360). It displays the list of the users (LCT and NMS5UX) con-
nected to a SNMP equipment. It forces the disconnection (logout) of one or more users.
SNMP-Remote Element Table (pag.362). It manages/displays the remote equipment list of a
SNMP equipment.
SNMP-NE Sw/Fw Download (pag.373). It updates the firmware of one or more SNMP equip-
SNMP-Scheduled Sw Dwl Status (pag.376). It displays the list of the SNMP equipment sched-
uled for the firmware updating.
SNMP-NE Sw/Fw Release (pag.379). It displays the firmware version of a SNMP equipment.
FAMxc-NE Sw/Fw Download (pag.383). It updates the firmware of one or more FAMxc.
FAMxc-Scheduled Sw Dwl Status (pag.386). It displays the list of the FAMxc scheduled for
the firmware updating.
FAMxc-NE Sw/Fw Release (pag.388). It displays the firmware version of a FAMxc.
Legacy-NE Sw/Fw Download (pag.390). It updates the firmware of one or more Legacy
Legacy-Scheduled Sw Dwl Status (pag.393). It displays the list of the Legacy equipment
scheduled for the firmware updating.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 336


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Superuser

The Legacy-Network Alarm Hysteresis command displays/sets the hysteresis parameters that charac-
terizes the ringing alarms of the Legacy equipment.

With details it is possible:

To display the value of the hysteresis parameters of the fleeting alarms (pag.337)
To modify the hysteresis parameters of the fleeting alarms (pag.338)

The command is available only if the modules for the management of the Legacy equipment have been

For more info about the fleeting alarms go to pag.114.

To display the value of the hysteresis parameters of the fleeting alarms

(Legacy equipment)

1. Select the Options > Legacy-Network Alarm Hysteresis command.

The Fleeting Alarms Manager window opens, where the hysteresis parameters of the fleeting alarms
are displayed, as shown in Fig.55.

The hysteresis parameters are common for all the Legacy equipment (network global parameters).
Such parameters are periodically forwarded from the central part toward the peripheral one through a
broadcast message.

Fig.55 Fleeting Alarms Manager window

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 337

To modify the hysteresis parameters of the fleeting alarms

1. Select the Options > Legacy-Network Alarm Hysteresis command.

The Fleeting Alarms Manager window opens (Fig.55).

2. To increase or to decrease the value of the parameter:

t (observation time), select the arrows placed on the side of the box. It is possible to set a value
comprised between 1 and 10.
n (number of transitions during the t time range), select the arrows placed on the side of the
box. It is possible to set a value comprised between 2 and 32.
Press Default to reset the default values (t=1, n=10).

3. Press Apply (it implements the new settings and it does not close the window) or Close (it closes the
window and does not execute the operation).
The Help push-button opens the on-line manual.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 338


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Superuser

The SNMP-Network Severity Code command displays/manages the network severity level associated
to the alarms of a SNMP equipment type.

With details it is possible:

To verify the network severity level of the alarms relevant to a specific SNMP equipment type
To modify the network severity level of the alarms relevant to a specific SNMP equipment type

For more info about the network severity level go to pag.111.

To verify the network severity level of the alarms relevant to a specific SNMP
equipment type

1. Select the Options > SNMP-Network Severity Code command.

The Siae Events Manager window opens.

2. Select the type of SNMP equipment in the Equipment area.

The area below displays the detail of the alarms and the relevant severity as described in Fig.56.
The alarms of the user inputs, which have a different severity management (see pag.111), are not
present in the list.

Fig.56 Siae Events Manager window

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 339

Fig.56 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Close. It closes the window.
Action > Apply Changes. It confirms the modification to the level of alarm severity.
Help > On Usage. It opens the on-line manual.

(2) For each alarm, the following columns point out:

Event Name. Name of the alarm.
The asterisk (*) points out that the severity level of the alarm has been modified and not
definitive yet.
Severity. Severity level currently associated to the alarm.
Default. Default severity level associated to the alarm.
New. Severity level selected during the modification of the value.

To modify the network severity level of the alarms relevant to a specific

SNMP equipment type

The modification of the severity level associated to an alarm is COMMON to all the NEs of the same type.

1. Select the Options > SNMP-Network Severity Code command.

The Siae Events Manager window opens (Fig.56).

2. Select the type of SNMP equipment in the Equipment area.

3. In the area below, double click on the alarm.

The Modify Event window opens. Box:
Category. Type of NE.
Trap ID. Identifying code of the trap associated to the alarm.
Event Name. Name of the alarm.
Severity. Severity level of the alarm.

4. Select the Severity box and choose the new severity level from the list.

The value of the Category, Trap ID and Event Name parameters cannot be modified.
Pressing Default, the current setting is restored.

5. Press OK.
The new severity level is pointed out in the New column of the Siae Events Manager window.

6. Select the Action > Apply Changes command.

The new value is removed from the New column and displayed in the Severity column.
The network severity level is not communicated to the NE as the new setting influences only the alarm
indication in the NMS5UX-B supervision system.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 340


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The SNMP-Equipment Severity Code command displays/manages the alarm status, the sending status
of the traps and the local severity level of the alarms of a SNMP equipment.

With details it is possible:

To verify the alarms characteristics (status, sending status of the trap, local severity) of a SNMP
equipment (pag.341)
To enable/disable the alarms and to send of the traps and/or to modify the local severity of the
alarms of a SNMP equipment (pag.343)
To filter the alarms list (pag.343)

The command is available only if a single SNMP equipment in connected status has been selected, ex-
cept for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc and Nodal.
For NE of Nodal type, the command is present in the nodal equipment window (pag.38).

For more info about the:

Enabling/disabling of the alarms go to pag.113.
Alarm severity go to pag.111.

To verify the alarms characteristics (status, sending status of the trap, local
severity) of a SNMP equipment

Operation available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except
for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc and Nodal.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-Equipment Severity Code command.

The Equipment Severity Code window opens, where the list of the alarms relevant the selected equip-
ment is displayed, as shown in Fig.57.
For each alarm, the status (enabled/disabled), the sending status of the relevant trap from the NE to
the NMS5UX-B system and the local severity level are specified as depicted in Fig.57.

The alarms of the user inputs, which have a different severity management (see pag.111), are not
present in the list.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 341

Fig.57 Equipment Severity Code window

Fig.57 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Exit. It closes the window.
Action > View/Modify Severity. It displays and modifies the enabling status of alarm/trap
sending and/or the severity level associated to the selected alarm.
Action > Refresh Info. It updates the information contained in the window.
View > Filter. It filters the list according to specific criteria.
Help > On Usage. It opens the on-line manual.
Help > About Application. Version of the module that manages the considered functionality.

(2) Option:
Description, sorts the list according to the name of the alarm.
Object, sorts the list according to the object which the alarm is associated to.
Status, sorts the list according to the status of the alarms and of the traps.

(3) For each alarm, the column reports:

Alarm Description. Name of the alarm.
Object. Name of the object (that represents one or more physical or logical parts of the NE)
which the alarm is associated to.
Status. Status of the alarm and of the trap sending by the NE to the system:
Enabled. The alarm and the sending of trap is enabled.
Trap Disabled. The sending of trap is disabled.
Alarm Disabled. The alarm is disabled.

The information present in the window corresponds to the status of the alarm in the moment when
the command or the refresh is executed.

(4) Field:
xx of yy. Number of displayed records (xx) and number of total records (yy). If they are not
active filters, the number of displayed records corresponds to the total number of records.
Customer Id. Logic address of the selected NE.
Date and time when the window has been opened or updated.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 342

To enable/disable the alarms and to send of the traps and/or to modify the
local severity of the alarms of a SNMP equipment

Operation available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except
for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc and Nodal.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-Equipment Severity Code command.

The Equipment Severity Code window opens (Fig.57).

3. Double click on the wished alarm or select the alarm and then the Action > View/Modify Severity
The View/Modify Severity Code window opens, where it is pointed out in the box/area:
Alarm Description. Name of the alarm.
Status. Status of the alarm and of the trap sending by the NE to the system. If active the option:
Enabled, the alarm and the sending of trap is enabled.
Trap Disabled, the sending of trap is disabled.
Alarm Disabled, the alarm is disabled.
Severity. Severity level associated to the alarm.
The label (NMS5UX-B default) points out the default setting associated to that alarm by the su-
pervision system.

4. To modify the enabling status of alarm/trap sending and/or the severity level, select the push-button
relevant to the wished value respectively in the Status and/or Severity area.

If the Alarm Disabled option is selected (Status area) the severity level associated to the alarm can-
not be modified.
5. Press Modify.
The possible modification of the enabling status of alarm/trap sending is pointed out in the Equipment
Severity Code window.

To filter the alarms list

Operation available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except
for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc and Nodal.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-Equipment Severity Code command.

The Equipment Severity Code window opens (Fig.57).

3. Select the View > Filter command.

The View Filter window opens.
Select one or more boxes present in the window, according to the criteria you wish to use.
The activation of each box expands the window displaying a section that contains the options:
Match Object. Objects which the alarm belongs to.
To set the filter, select the wished object.
Match Status. Sending status of the trap/alarms. Activating the control box:
Enabled, the enabled alarms whose trap sending is enabled will be displayed.
Trap Disabled, the enabled alarms whose trap sending is disabled will be displayed.
Alarm Disabled, the disabled alarms will be displayed.
It is possible to activate more control boxes at the same time.

4. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The system displays in the Equipment Severity Code window only the records that satisfy the activated

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 343

Each time the list is filtered, all the records are considered, both the displayed and the hidden ones.
In the window, there are also the Clear (it clears the activation of the filters and displays the activation
of the filters and displays the complete list), Cancel (it closes the window and does not execute the
operation) and Help (it opens the on-line manual) push-button.

When the Equipment Severity Code window is closed, the possible activation of the filters is auto-
matically cleared.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 344


Depending on specific user profile, follow the specific description:

Superuser (pag.345)
Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged (pag.348)

NMS5UX System Users - Superuser

System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Superuser

The NMS5UX System Users command displays/manages the NMS5UX users.

With details for the Superuser it is possible:

To display the list of the NMS5UX users present in all the existing maps (pag.345)
To create a new map (pag.346)
To add a NMS5UX user (pag.346)
To modify the characteristics of the NMS5UX users (pag.347)
To delete a NMS5UX user (pag.347)

To display the list of the NMS5UX users present in all the existing maps

Operation available only to Superuser.

1. Select the Options > NMS5UX System Users command.

The User Management window opens, where the list of the NMS5UX users present in all the existing
map is displayed, as shown in Fig.58.

Fig.58 User Management window (Superuser)

Fig.58 notes

(1) Menu:
Edit > Exit. It closes the window.
Edit > Create Map. It creates a new map.
Users > Create. It creates a new NMS5UX user.
Users > Modify. It modifies the characteristics of a NMS5UX user.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 345

Users > Delete. It deletes a NMS5UX user.
Help > Index. It opens the on-line manual.

(2) For each user, it is displayed in the column:

Name. Username of the NMS5UX user.
Level. Profile of the NMS5UX user: Superuser, Privileged, Advanced, Normal, Entry (pag.45)
Map name. Name of the map where the NMS5UX user is present.
User. Unix user whom the NMS5UX user is associated to.
Expiration time. Expiry date/time of the password associated to the NMS5UX user.
The Not expired wording points out that no expiry date is associated to the user.
Int. Enabling of the user to use the RAN (Remote Access NMS5UX) application. In detail, if:
Present *, the user is enabled
Absent *, the user is not enabled
Ring. Enabling of the user to open the Ring Manager window (pag.39). In detail, if:
Present *, the user is enabled
Absent *, the user is not enabled
Server. Name of the machine where the NMS5UX-B system, used by the user, is installed.

To create a new map

Operation available only to Superuser.

1. Select the Options > NMS5UX System Users command.

The User Management window opens (Fig.58).

2. Select the Edit > Create Map command.

The Create new map window opens.

3. Type in the Map Name box the name of the new map (alphanumeric string of minimum 1 and maximum
20 characters).

4. Press OK.

To add a NMS5UX user

Operation available only to Superuser.

1. Select the Options > NMS5UX System Users command.

The User Management window opens (Fig.58).

2. Select the Users > Create command.

The Insert new users window opens.

3. Select, in the Operation System Users list, the Unix user whom you wish to associate the new NMS5UX
For each Unix user, it is possible to associate only one NMS5UX user.
The list displays only the Unix users whom no NMS5UX user has been associated yet.

4. Type, in the Login box, the name of the new user.

The name of the Unix user, selected in the previous step, is automatically displayed; it is possible to
modify it typing in the box an alphanumeric string of minimum 1 and maximum 20 characters.

5. From the Level list, select the push-button relevant to the profile you wish to associate to the new user.

The Superuser option is not available, as it is not possible to create a second user with this profile.

6. Activate the box:

Internet, if you wish that the new user is acknowledged also by the RAN application.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 346

Ring Man., if you wish that the new user is acknowledged also by the Ring Manager application
e consenta quindi lapertura della Ring Manager window (pag.39).
For more information about the application refer to the specific documentation.

7. Define an expiry date for the password in the Expiration data boxes.
A default date is automatically displayed; it is possible to modify it typing the day (Day box), the month
(Month box) and the year (Year box) or it is possible not to associate any date activating the Life time
check box.
The default setting can be modified by the Superuser.

8. In the Write box (Password area) type the access code you wish to assign to the new user (alphanu-
meric string of minimum 6 and maximum 21 characters).
9. In the Rewrite box, type again the access code
For safety reason, in both the text fields an asterisk (*) is displayed for each typed character.

10.Select from the Map list, the map which you wish to associate the user to.
All the available maps are listed.
The name of the selected map is displayed in the Map associate box.

If the user you are creating has Advanced or Privileged profile, it is possible to create a new map.
To execute the operation, it is sufficient to type in the Map associate text field the name of the map
(alphanumeric string of minimum 1 and maximum 20 characters)

11.Press OK.
The user is added to the list of the User Management window.
The limit of users who can be created is determined by one's code word.

To modify the characteristics of the NMS5UX users

Operation available only to Superuser.

1. Select the Options > NMS5UX System Users command.

The User Management window opens (Fig.58).
2. Select the user.

3. Select the Users > Modify command.

The Modify users window opens where the user characteristics are displayed.
4. Make the wished changes.
The modalities for the parameters setting are the same described in the procedure for the creation of
an user (pag.346)

If the Superuser is selected, the profile cannot be modified.

5. Press OK.

To delete a NMS5UX user

Operation available only to Superuser.

1. Select the Options > NMS5UX System Users command.

The User Management window opens (Fig.58).

2. Select the user.

The Superuser cannot be deleted.

3. Select the Users > Delete command.

The Deleted users window opens where the user characteristics are displayed.

4. Press OK.
The user is deleted from the list: he cannot use the NMS5UX-B system anymore.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 347

NMS5UX System Users - Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged user

System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged

The NMS5UX System Users command displays/manages the NMS5UX users.

With details for the user with entry, normal, advanced and privileged profile it is possible:
To display the characteristics of the user who opened the map (pag.348)
To modify the password associated to ones NMS5UX users (pag.349)

To display the characteristics of the user who opened the map

1. Select the Options > NMS5UX System Users command.

The User Management window opens, where the characteristics of the user who opened the map is dis-
played, as shown in Fig.59.

Fig.59 User Management window (Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged)

Fig.59 notes

(1) Menu:
Edit > Exit. It closes the window.
Users > Modify. It modifies the password of the NMS5UX user.
Help > Index. It opens the on-line manual.

(2) Column:
Name. Username of the NMS5UX user.
Level. Profile of the NMS5UX user: Privileged, Advanced, Normal, Entry (pag.45)
Map name. Name of the map.
User. Unix user whom the NMS5UX user is associated to.
Expiration time. Expiry date/time of the password associated to the NMS5UX user.
The Not expired label points out that no expiry date is associated to the user.
Int. Enabling of the user to use the RAN (Remote Access NMS5UX) application. In detail, if:
Present *, the user is enabled
Absent *, the user is not enabled
Ring. Enabling of the user to use the Ring Manager application. In detail, if:
Present *, the user is enabled
Absent *, the user is not enabled
Server. Name of the machine where the NMS5UX-B system, used by the user, is installed.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 348

To modify the password associated to one's NMS5UX user

1. Select the Options > NMS5UX System Users command.

The User Management window opens (Fig.58).
2. Select the record relevant to one's user.

3. Select the Users > Modify command.

The Modify users window opens.

4. In the Write box (Password area) type the new access code (alphanumeric string of minimum 6 and
maximum 21 characters).

5. In the Rewrite box, type again the access code.

For safety reason, in both the text fields an asterisk (*) is displayed for each typed character.

6. Press OK.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 349


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry*, Normal*, Advanced*, Privileged*, Superuser

* The Entry, Normal, Advanced or Privileged user cannot force the user logout or the application closure.

The NMS5UX Logged Users command displays the list of the NMS5UX users connected to the supervision
system and the list of active application (browser, manager, etc.).

With details it is possible:

To display the list of the NMS5UX users who have a map open (pag.350)
To require the disconnection (logout) of a NMS5UX user (pag.351)
To force the disconnection (logout) of a NMS5UX user (pag.352)
To send a message to one or all the NMS5UX users (pag.352)
To filter the NMS5UX users list (pag.353)
To display the list of the active NMS5UX-B application (pag.353)
To require the closure of a NMS5UX-B application (pag.354)
To force the closure of a NMS5UX-B application (pag.355)
To filter the NMS5UX-B applications list (pag.355)

To display the list of the NMS5UX users who have a map open

1. Select the Options > NMS5UX Logged Users command.

The Nms5ux: Logged Users window opens.

2. Select the View Logged Users option.

The window displays the user having a map open as depicted in Fig.60.

Fig.60 Nms5ux Logged Users window (users list)

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 350

Fig.60 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Close. It closes the window.
Action > Request Logout. It requires the disconnection of the selected user.
Action > Force Logout. It forces the disconnection of the selected user in Running status.
Action > Send Message. It sends a message to the selected user or to all the users in Running
Action > Request Exit. Not available/meaning when the user list is displayed.
Action > Forced Exit. Not available/meaning when the user list is displayed.
Action > Refresh Info. It updates the information displayed in the window.
View > Set Filter. It filters the list according to specific criteria.
Help > On Usage. It opens the on-line manual.

(2) The list (users and applications) are not displayed contemporarily in the window. They are displayed
alternatively according to the selected option:
View Logged Users. In the windows there is the users list.
View Running Application. In the windows there is the applications list.

(3) For each user the column displays:

Time. Date and time when the user has connected to the system (opening of the UX Map
Manager window).
User Name. Name of the user.
Map. Name of the map used by the user.
Permission. Type of access to the map: Read Only, Read/Write.
Terminal. Address of the terminal where the NMS5UX-B interface, used by the user, is run-
Server. Name of the machine where the NMS5UX-B system is installed.
Status. Status of the user. In detail, the wording:
Running. The user has been registered by the NMS5UX-B system (normal operating
status of the user).
Out of NMS5UX. The user has opened the TMNMenu or Login window, but he has not
executed the login yet for the access to NMS5UX-B (transient status of the user).

For the users in Running status, the information present in the table are dynamically updat-
ed. For the users in Out of NMS5UX status it is necessary to require the updating pressing
Refresh Info.

To require the disconnection (logout) of a NMS5UX user

1. Select the Options > NMS5UX Logged Users command.

The Nms5ux: Logged Users window opens.

2. Select the View Logged Users option.

The window displays the connected users (Fig.60).

3. Select the user you wish to disconnect.

4. Select the Action > Request Logout command.

In the map opened by the selected user (user B), a confirmation window opens where it is indicated
that the user (user A) has required his disconnection.
In the confirmation window, there are the OK and Cancel push-buttons.
If the user B, within 30 seconds from the closure of the window, press:
OK, agrees the request. The screen of the user A displays a message which informs that the
user B has been disconnected.
Cancel, it does not agree the request. The screen of the user A displays a message which in-
forms that the user B has not agreed to his disconnection from the system.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 351

If the user B, within 30 seconds from the opening of the window, does not press any of the two push-
buttons, the system, according to the operating level of the user which sent the request (user A), acts
as follows:
Operating level of the user A equal of higher than that of the user B.
The user is automatically disconnected.
Operating level of the user A lower that of the user B.
The user is not disconnected.

In both cases, the screen of the user A displays a message that points out the result of the operation.
If the result of the operation is the disconnection of the selected user (user B), this involves the removal
of the user from the list and the automatic closure of the relevant map (closure of the NMS5UX-B graph-
ic interface).

To force the disconnection (logout) of a NMS5UX user

The operation can be executed only by Superuser.

1. Select the Options > NMS5UX Logged Users command.

The Nms5ux: Logged Users window opens.

2. Select the View Logged Users option.

The window displays the connected users (Fig.60).
3. Select the user you wish to disconnect.

4. Select the command Action > Forced Logout.

The user is removed from the list and the relevant map is automatically closed (closure of the NMS5UX-
B graphic interface).

To send a message to one or all the NMS5UX users

1. Select the Options > NMS5UX Logged Users command.

The Nms5ux: Logged Users window opens.

2. Select the View Logged Users option.

The window displays the connected users (Fig.60).
3. Select the user you wish to send a message to.

4. Select the Action > Send Message command.

The Send Broadcast Message window opens.
5. Select the option:
Selected Users, to send the message only to the selected user.
Broadcast, to send a message to all the users present in the list.

6. Type the message in the available text area (alphanumeric string of maximum 150 characters).

7. Press Send Message.

The video of the users, whom the message has been sent to, displays the window with the following
text Message from <user>: <text of the message>.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 352

To filter the NMS5UX users list

1. Select the Options > NMS5UX Logged Users command.

The Nms5ux: Logged Users window opens.

2. Select the View Logged Users option.

The window displays the connected users (Fig.60).
3. Select the View > Set Filter command.
The Running Process Filter window opens.
Select one or more boxes present in the window, according to the criteria you wish to use.
The activation of each box expands the window displaying a section containing the following options:
User Name. NMS5UX user.
To set the filter, select the name of the wished user.
Map Name. Map which the NMS5UX user is associated to.
To set the filter, select the wished map.

4. Press OK (executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (executes the command and does
not close the window).
The system displays in the Nms5ux: Logged Users window only the records that satisfy the activated
Each time the list is filtered, all the records are considered, both the displayed and the hidden ones.
In the window there are also the Clear (it clears the activation of the filters and displays the complete
list) and Cancel (it closes the window and does not executes the operation) push-buttons.
When the Nms5ux: Logged Users window is closed, the possible activation of filters is automatically

To display the list of the active NMS5UX-B applications

1. Select the Options > NMS5UX Logged Users command.

The Nms5ux: Logged Users window opens.

2. Select the View Running Application option.

The window displays the NMS5UX-B system applications (manager, browser, etc.) active when the
command is selected, as depicted in Fig.61.

Fig.61 Nms5ux Logged Users window (applications list)

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 353

Fig.61 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Close. It closes the window.
Action > Request Logout. Not available/meaningful when the application list is selected.
Action > Force Logout. Not available/meaningful when the application list is selected.
Action > Send Message. Not available/meaningful when the application list is selected.
Action > Request Exit. It requires the closure of the selected application.
Action > Forced Exit. It forces the closure of the selected application.
Action > Refresh Info. It updates the information displayed in the window.
View > Set Filter. It filters the list according to specific criteria.
Help > On Usage. It opens the on-line manual.

(2) The list (users and applications) are not displayed contemporarily in the window. They are displayed
alternatively according to the selected option:
View Logged Users. In the windows there is the users list.
View Running Application. In the windows there is the applications list.

(3) For each application the column displays:

Application Name. Name of the running application.
Logical Addr. Logic and physical address of the equipment, which the relevant equipment
window has been opened for (information valid only for the Manager application).
User Name. Name of the NMS5UX user who are using the operation.
Map Name. Name of the map that the user is using.
Terminal. Address of the terminal where the NMS5UX-B interface used by the user is running.
Server. Name of the machine where the NMS5UX-B system is installed.
The information present in the table corresponds to the applications running when the command is
selected or the refresh is executed.

To require the closure of an NMS5UX-B application

1. Select the Options > NMS5UX Logged Users command.

The Nms5ux: Logged Users window opens.

2. Select the View Running Application option.

The window displays the open applications (Fig.61).
3. Select the application you wish to close.

4. Select the Action > Request Exit command.

In the map where the application is opened (user B), a confirmation window opens where it is indicated
that the user (user A) has required the closure of the application yyy.
In the confirmation window, there are the OK and Cancel push-buttons. If the user B, within 30 sec-
onds from the opening of the window, press the push-button:
OK, agrees to close the application. The screen of the user A displays a message which informs
that the application of the user B has been closed.
Cancel, it does not agree to close the application. The screen of the user A displays a message
which informs that the user B has not agreed to close the application.
If the user B, within 30 sec from the opening of the window, does not press any of the two buttons, the
system, according to the operating level of the user which sent the request (user A), acts as follows:
Operating level of the user A equal of higher than that of the user B.
The application is automatically closed.
Operating level of the user A lower that of the user B.
The application is not automatically closed.
In both cases, the screen of the user A displays a message that points out the result of the operation.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 354

To force the closure of an NMS5UX-B application

The operation can be executed only by Superuser.

1. Select the Options > NMS5UX Logged Users command.

The Nms5ux: Logged Users window opens.

2. Select the View Running Application option.

The window displays the open applications (Fig.61).

3. Select the application you wish to close.

4. Select the Action > Forced Exit command.

The application is deleted from the list.

To filter the NMS5UX-B applications list

1. Select the Options > NMS5UX Logged Users command.

The Nms5ux: Logged Users window opens.

2. Select the View Running Application option.

The window displays the open applications (Fig.61).

3. Select the View > Set Filter command.

The Running Process Filter window opens.
Select one or more boxes present in the window, according to the criteria you wish to use.
The activation of each box expands the window displaying a section containing the following options:
Application Name. Group or single application.
To set the filter:
In the Application Group area, select the wished group.
In the Application Name area the application associated to the group are listed.
Select the wished application.
If no application is selected in the Nms5ux: Logged Users window, the records relevant
to all the applications in the group will be displayed.
The groups where the applications are grouped are:
Application, browser (for example, Alarm history, Current Alarm, etc.) and various appli-
cations (for example Software Download, etc.).
Manager, equipment Manager applications.
User Name. NMS5UX user.
To set the filter, select the name of the wished user.
Map Name. Map which the NMS5UX user is associated to.
To set the filter, select the wished map.

4. Press OK (executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (executes the command and does
not close the window).
The system displays in the Nms5ux: Logged Users window only the records that satisfy the activated
Each time the list is filtered, all the records are considered, both the displayed and the hidden ones.
In the window there are also the Clear (it clears the activation of the filters and displays the complete
list) and Cancel (it closes the window and does not executes the operation) push-buttons.
When the Nms5ux: Logged Users window is closed, the possible activation of filters is automatically

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 355


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Privileged, Superuser

The SNMP-LCT Equipment Users command manages/displays the LCT users list of a SNMP equipment.

With details it is possible:

To display the LCT users list of a SNMP equipment (pag.356)
To add a new LCT user (pag.357)
To modify the characteristics of the LCT users (pag.358)
To delete a LCT user (pag.358)

The command is available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status,
except for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc, ALFO and Nodal.
For NEs of Nodal type, the command is present in the nodal equipment window (pag.38).

For more information about the users list go to pag.358.

To display the LCT users list of a SNMP equipment

Operation available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except
for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc, ALFO and Nodal.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-LCT Equipment Users command.

The LCT User Manager window opens, where the LCT user list of the equipment is displayed, as shown
in Fig.62.

Fig.62 LCT User Manager window

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 356

Fig.62 notes

(1) For each user, it is reported in the column:

User Name. Name of the LCT user.
Profile. Profile of the LCT user:
Read only. This user can check the parameters but it can not forward commands or
execute changing to the equipment configuration.
Read and Write. This user can check the parameters and execute maintenance oper-
ations (MAN OP).
Station Operator. This user can as check the parameters as send commands or exe-
cute changes to the equipment configuration except for the following operations:
modifying the remote equipment list, the user list, aligning the date/time of the
equipment, force the login and the logout of an user and all those operations available
only to the System user (or NMS5UX).

The System and NMS5UX users are not pointed out into the LCT User Manager window.
Timeout. Status of the Timeout option. Wording:
No timeout. The option is disabled: the user is not automatically disconnected after a
given period of time.
<number>. The option is enabled: the user, if the program does not execute opera-
tion, is disconnected after the indicated period of time.

(2) Push-button:
Add User. It adds a LCT user.
Modify User. It modifies the characteristics of the selected LCT user.
Remove User. It deletes a LCT user.
Refresh. It updates the information contained in the window.
Close. It closes the window.

To add a new LCT user

It is possible to define in each list a maximum of 4 users for each profile (totally maximum 12 users).
Operation available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except for
the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc, ALFO and Nodal.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-LCT Equipment Users command.
The LCT User Manager window opens (Fig.62).

3. Press Add User.

The User Management window opens.

4. Type in the User box the name of the user (alphanumeric string of minimum 1 and maximum 8 char-

It is not possible to assign the same name to two different users present in the same list. Further-
more, the name of the user, once assigned, cannot be modified later.

5. Type in the Password box the access code of the user (alphanumeric string of minimum 1 and maximum
8 characters).

6. Type again in the Confirm Password box the access code of the user.

7. In the Timeout area select the option:

Timeout if you wish that the user, if he does not execute any operation, is disconnected after
the period of time set in the box Sec.
To modify the period of time, activate the Sec. box and type a value between 1 second and
43200 seconds (12h).
No timeout if you wish that the user is not automatically disconnected after a given period of

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 357

8. In the Profile area, select the option relevant to the profile you wish to assign to the user:
Read only. This user can check the parameters but it can not forward commands or execute
changing to the equipment configuration.
Read and Write. This user can check the parameters and execute maintenance operations (MAN
Station Operator. This user can as check the parameters as send commands or execute changes
to the equipment configuration except for the following operations: modifying the remote equip-
ment list, the user list, aligning the date/time of the equipment, force the login and the logout
of an user and all those operations available only to the System user (or NMS5UX).

9. Press Add.

To modify the characteristics of the LCT users

Operation available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except
for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc, ALFO and Nodal.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-LCT Equipment Users command.

The LCT User Manager window opens (Fig.62).

3. Select the user you wish to modify.

4. Press Modify User.

The User Management window opens.

5. Apply the wished changes.

The setting modality of the parameters are the same pointed out for the adding of a new user

It is not possible to modify the name of the user.

6. Press Modify.

To delete a LCT user

Operation available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except
for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc, ALFO and Nodal.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-LCT Equipment Users command.

The LCT User Manager window opens (Fig.62).

3. Select the user you wish to delete.

4. Press Remove User and confirm.

User list (more info)

The users list is a list of users that can be connected and ask for the login to the equipment.

If a user is not present into the users list memorized into the controller on an equipment, such an user will
not be able to connect and/or to execute the login of that equipment.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 358

With the exception of the System and NMS5UX users, all the other users of the users list relevant to an
equipment have to be set by the NMS5UX-B system (see pag.357), the SCT/LMT or WEB LCT applications.

Each equipment (managed by the WEB LCT or SCT/LMT), is equipped with two predefined users:
SYSTEM. User of the WEB LCT or SCT/LMT application with the following features:
User name > System (unchangeable parameter).
Timeout* > No Timeout (changeable parameter).
Profile > System (unchangeable parameter)
Password > Siaemicr (default) (changeable parameter)
The System user is single one for every equipment and he can not be deleted.
NMS5UX. User of the NMS5UX-B system, with the following features:
User name > NMS5UX (unchangeable parameter).
Timeout* > No Timeout (changeable parameter).
Profile > System (unchangeable parameter)
Password > Predefined (changeable parameter)
The NMS5UX user can not be deleted.

The password and the timeout of the predefined users can be changed only with the local management
programs (SCT/LMT, WEB LCT).

* Timeout. Time period when, if the program does not execute operations, its connection is automatically
stopped. The program manages a polling process to verify the presence of the LCT-equipment connection.
If the equipment does not answer to the polling for the set period (timeout), the user is disconnected and,
as consequence, also the equipment is disconnected.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 359


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry*, Normal*, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

* The Entry or Normal user cannot force the user logout.

The SNMP-LCT Logged Users command displays the list of the users (LCT and NMS5UX) connected to a
SNMP equipment.

With details it is possible:

To display the list of the users (LCT and NMS5UX) connected to a SNMP equipment (pag.360)
To force the disconnection (logout) of one user (pag.361)

The command is available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status,
except for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc and Nodal.
For the NEs of Nodal type, the command is present in the nodal equipment window (pag.38).

LCT user. User connected to the equipment via the Local Craft Terminal or WEB Local Craft Terminal
management program.

NMS5UX user. User connected to the equipment via NMS5UX-B system. All the NMS5UX users who connect
to an equipment, independently from their username/profile by which are known by the supervision sys-
tem, are seen by the equipment controller as users with username NMS5UX and profile System.

To display the list of the users (LCT and NMS5UX) connected to a SNMP

Operation available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except
for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc and Nodal.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-LCT Logged Users command.

The Logged Users window opens, where the list of the users (LCT and NMS5UX) connected to the NE
when the command is selected is displayed, as shown in Fig.63.

Fig.63 Logged Users window

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 360

Fig.63 notes

(1) For each user, it is reported in the column:

User Name. Name of the user.
The NMS5UX wording identifies the user of the NMS5UX-B system or a remote user (different
from LCT or NMS5UX user) who has the possibility to be connected to the equipment (Per-
manent Login). The other ones identify the LCT users.
Profile. User profile.
For the NMS5UX user, the relevant profile used in the NMS5UX-B interface is not displayed
(Level parameter), but the profile with which the user is acknowledged by the controller of
the equipment and by the SCT or WEB LCT program: System profile.
Ip Address. IP address of the machine where the SCT/LMT or WEB LCT program is running
or the NMS5UX-B interface used by the user.

The information present in the table corresponds to the characteristics of the users connected to
the equipment when the command is selected or the refresh is executed.

(2) Menu:
File > Exit. It closes the window.
Action > Refresh Info. It updates the information contained in the window.
Action > Force Logout. It forces the disconnection of the selected user.
Help > On Usage. It opens the on-line manual.
Help > About Application. Version of the module that manages the considered functionality.

To force the disconnection (logout) of a LCT user

Operation available only:

Superuser and users with privileged or advanced profile.
If it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except for the ELFO, SDH
N+1, FAMxc and Nodal.

If the logout of a NMS5UX user is forced, the supervision system provides to automatically restore the con-
nection of the user.
It is possible to force the disconnection of an user even by means of the commands present in the equip-
ment window.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-LCT Logged Users command.

The Logged Users window opens (Fig.63).

3. Select the user you wish to disconnect.

4. Select the Action > Forced Logout command and confirm.

At the end of the operation, a message is displayed with the result of the operation itself.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 361


System access Reading/Writing Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Reading Entry
Reading/Writing Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The SNMP-Remote Element Table command manages/displays the remote equipment list of a SNMP

With details it is possible:

To display the remote equipment list of a SNMP equipment (pag.362)

To add a station to the remote equipment list (pag.364)

To rename a station of the remote equipment list (pag.364)
To delete a station from the remote equipment list (pag.365)

To add an equipment to the remote equipment list (pag.365)

To add more equipment at the same type to the remote equipment list (pag.366)
To modify the characteristics of an equipment of the remote equipment list (pag.368)
To delete an equipment from the remote equipment list (pag.369)
To move an equipment within the remote equipment list (pag.369)

To save to a file the remote equipment list (pag.370)

To restore from file the remote equipment list (pag.370)

The command is available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status,
except for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc and Nodal.
For the NEs of Nodal type, the command is present in the nodal equipment window (pag.38).

The ALFO equipment automatically generates the remote equipment list inserting all the equipment be-
longing to the same radio link. Then, for this equipment, the remote equipment list can be displayed but
not modified.

For more information about the remote equipment list go to pag.370.

To display the remote equipment list of a SNMP equipment

Operation available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except
for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc and Nodal.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-Remote Element Table command.

The Remote Element Table window opens, where the remote equipment list stored in the equipment
controller of the selected equipment is displayed, as shown in Fig.64.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 362

Fig.64 Remote Element Table window

Fig.64 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Load from file. It restores the remote equipment list from file.
File > Save to file. It saves the remote equipment list to file.
File > Close. It closes the window.
Edit > Add > Station. It adds a station.
Edit > Add > Single Element. It adds an equipment.
Edit > Add > Multiple Element. It adds more equipment at the same time.
Edit > Remove > Station. It deletes the station.
Edit > Remove > Element. It deletes an equipment.
Edit > Modify > Station. It modifies the name of the station.
Edit > Modify > Element. It modifies the characteristics of an equipment.
Edit > Exchange > Before. It moves an equipment over the previous one.
Edit > Exchange > After. It moves an equipment under the next one.
Edit > Move to station. It moves an equipment from a station to another one.
Help > About Application. Version of the module that manages the considered functionality.

(2) For each station, the Station/... column reports the name of the station.
No particular meaning is given to the station; it is simply introduced to help the user in the locali-
zation of the equipment.

(3) For each equipment, it is reported in the column:

.../Equipment. Name of the equipment.
The program automatically assigns the equipment name during the creation of the equip-
ment itself.
The name of the equipment, present in the remote equipment list, is not displayed in the
map below the relevant symbol. In the map the equipment name, assigned by the user dur-
ing the creation of the symbol, is pointed out.
IP Address. IP address (SNMP agent) of the equipment.
Element Type. Type of equipment:
Managed by SCT. Equipment managed by the SCT/LMT or WEB LCT program.
Remote link. Equipment managed by the SCT/LMT or WEB LCT program that consti-
tutes the equipment placed on the other end of the radio connection with respect to
the local equipment (equipment which the user has required the connection to).
Element Manager. Element Manager of the equipment (IP address of the machine
where the NMS5UX-B system resides).
Not Managed. Element not managed by SCT/LMT or WEB LCT. This option can be used
to insert into the remote equipment list some information as for instance the coupling

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 363

between the IP address and the NSAP (Gosip) one of an equipment inserted into an
OSI network.
Node x. Equipment belonging to the local node.
With local node we mean a set of minimum 2 and maximum 3 equipment (series ALS
with AL IDU plus - Nodal Matrix) interconnected by nodal bus, where the considered
equipment is an element.
The value x can correspond to A, B or C and points out the subset.
Gosip Address. NSAP (Gosip) address.
Parameter meaningful only for equipment inserted into an OSI network.

To add a station to the remote equipment list

It is possible to insert a maximum of 30 stations in the list.

Operation available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except for
the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc, ALFO and Nodal.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-Remote Element Table command.

The Remote Element Table window opens (Fig.64).

3. Select the Edit > Add > Station command.

The Add New Station window opens.

4. Type, in the text field, the name you wish to assign to the station (alphanumeric string of minimum 1
and maximum 11 characters).

It is not possible to assign the same name to two different stations. Moreover, a number or a blank
cannot be used as first character of the name.

5. Press Ok.
The new station is added at the bottom of the list of already existing station.
6. Press Apply and then confirm.
The list is stored in the controller of the equipment.

To rename a station of the remote equipment list

Operation available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except
for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc, ALFO and Nodal.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-Remote Element Table command.

The Remote Element Table window opens (Fig.64).

3. Select the station you wish to rename.

4. Select the Edit > Modify > Station command.

The Modify Station window opens.

5. Type, in the text field, the new name (alphanumeric string of minimum 1 and maximum 11 characters).

It is not possible to assign the same name to two different stations. Moreover, a number or a blank
cannot be used as first character of the name.

6. Press Ok.
The name of the station is modified.

7. Press Apply and then confirm.

The list is stored in the controller of the equipment

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 364

To delete a station from the remote equipment list

Operation available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except
for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc, ALFO and Nodal.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-Remote Element Table command.

The Remote Element Table window opens (Fig.64).

3. Select the station you wish to delete.

The deletion of the station causes also the deletion of all the equipment associated to it.
4. Select the Edit > Remove > Station command and confirm.
The station is deleted.

5. Press Apply and then confirm.

The list is stored in the controller of the equipment.

To add an equipment to the remote equipment list

A maximum of 100 equipment can be inserted in the list.

Operation available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except for
the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc, ALFO and Nodal.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-Remote Element Table command.

The Remote Element Table window opens (Fig.64).

3. Select the station which you wish to associate the equipment to.
An equipment can be associated only to a single station.

4. Select the Edit > Add > Single Element command.

The Add Single Element window opens.
The Apply to station field points out the station which the new equipment will be associated to.
5. Type, in the IP address box, the IP address of the equipment.

It is not possible to create in the same list (even if in different stations) two equipment with the
same IP Address.

6. In the Element Type area, select the option relevant to the type of element you wish to insert:
Managed by SCT. Equipment managed by the SCT/LMT or WEB LCT program.
Remote link. Equipment managed by the SCT/LMT or WEB LCT program that constitutes the
equipment placed on the other end of the radio connection with respect to the local equipment
(equipment which the user has required the connection to).
Element Manager. Element Manager of the equipment (IP address of the machine where the
NMS5UX-B system resides).
Element Manager/Remote Node. This option has a double meaning according to the type of
equipment you wish to insert:
Equipment of series ALS with AL IDU plus (Nodal Matrix) belonging to a remote node.
In this case, it will not be necessary to insert in the remote equipment list all the element
of the remote node but, inserting only one element and identifying it with the Remote
Node type, the connection with all the elements of the remote node will be activated at
the connection with the considered equipment.
An example is reported to pag.371.
All the types of equipment, except for the above mentioned one.
Element Manager of the equipment (IP address of the machine where the NMS5UX-B sys-
tem resides).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 365

Not Managed. Element not managed by the SCT/LMT or WEB LCT program. This option can be
used to insert into the remote equipment list some information as for instance the coupling be-
tween the IP address and the NSAP (Gosip) one of an equipment inserted into an OSI network.

7. Only if the equipment is inserted into an OSI network, set the NSAP (Gosip) address executing the fol-
lowing procedure:

a. Activate the Gosip Address box.

b. To change the part of System ID of the NSAP (Gosip) Address, press Settings.
The Settings window opens.
c. Type into the boxes the value of the 6 bytes that compose System ID
d. Press OK
e. To change the default part of the NSAP (Gosip) Address, press Setup Default.
The Gosip Default Option window opens.
f. To change the AFI, IDI, Ver, Auth, Reserved parameters, type, into the relevant boxes, the value
of the corresponding byte/s.
g. To change the Domain parameter, choose the arrow placed on the side of the box and select the
desired value from the list.
To add a value to the list:
Press Add.
The Domain Settings window opens.
Into the Label box, type a name for the domain under examination.
Into the Hex value boxes, type the values of the bytes that represent the domain.
Press OK.
To remove a value from the list:
Select the value to be removed.
Press Remove.
h. To change the Area parameter, choose the arrow placed on the side of the box and select the
desired value from the list.
To add or to remove a value from the list, execute the same procedures already pointed out for
the Domain parameter.
i. Press OK.

8. Press OK.
Under the selected station, a record named Equipment <progressive number> is displayed, with the
characteristics of the new equipment.

9. Press Apply and then confirm.

The list is stored in the controller of the equipment.

To add more equipment at the same time to the remote equipment list

A maximum of 100 equipment can be inserted in the list.

Operation available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except for
the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc, ALFO and Nodal.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-Remote Element Table command.

The Remote Element Table window opens (Fig.64).

3. Select the station which you wish to associate the equipment to.
An equipment can be associated only to a single station.

4. Select the Edit > Add > Multiple Element command.

The Add Multiple Element window opens.
The Apply to station field displays the station which the new equipment will be associated to.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 366

Under the field, all the equipment managed by NMS5UX-B are listed. For each equipment, the IP ad-
dress and the logic address are listed in the order.
The list can be filtered:

a. Selecting the Filter push-button

The Load Equipment window opens.
b. Select one or more boxes, according to the criteria you wish to use.
The activation of each box expands the window displaying a section containing the options:
Match Logical Address box. Logic address of the NE.
To set the criteria, type the address of the NE in the text field.
Match IP Address box. IP address of the NE.
To set the criteria, type the IP Address of the NE in the text field.
Match connection status box. Status of the connection between the NE and NMS5UX-B.
To set the criterion, select the push-button relevant to the wished status.
Match equipment type box. Equipment type.
To set the criterion, select the push-button relevant to the type of wished equipment.
c. Press OK (executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (executes the command and
does not close the window).
The table displays only the records that satisfy the activated criteria.
In the window there are also the Clear (it clears the activation of the filters and displays the
complete list) and Cancel (it closes the window and does not executes the operation) push-but-

5. Select the equipment you wish to add to the remote equipment list.

6. In the Element Type area, select the option relevant to the type of elements you wish to insert:
Managed by SCT. Equipment managed by the SCT/LMT or WEB LCT program.
Remote link. Equipment managed by the SCT/LMT or WEB LCT program that constitutes the
equipment placed on the other end of the radio connection with respect to the local equipment
(equipment which the user has required the connection to).
Element Manager. Element Manager of the equipment (IP address of the machine where the
NMS5UX-B system resides).
Element Manager/Remote Node. This option has a double meaning according to the type of
equipment you wish to insert:
Equipment of series ALS with AL IDU plus (Nodal Matrix) belonging to a remote node.
In this case, it will not be necessary to insert in the remote equipment list all the element
of the remote node but, inserting only one element and identifying it with the Remote
Node type, the connection with all the elements of the remote node will be activated at
the connection with the considered equipment.
All the types of equipment, except for the above mentioned one.
Element Manager of the equipment (IP address of the machine where the NMS5UX-B sys-
tem resides).
Not Managed. Element not managed by the SCT/LMT or WEB LCT program. This option can be
used to insert into the remote equipment list some information as for instance the coupling be-
tween the IP address and the NSAP (Gosip) one of an equipment inserted into an OSI network.

7. Press OK (executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (executes the command and does
not close the window).
Under the selected station, a record named Equipment <progressive number> is displayed, for each
new equipment.

8. Press Apply and then confirm.

The list is stored in the controller of the equipment.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 367

To modify the characteristics of an equipment of the remote equipment list

Operation available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except
for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc, ALFO and Nodal.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-Remote Element Table command.

The Remote Element Table window opens (Fig.64).

3. Select the equipment you wish to modify.

4. Select the Edit > Modify > Element command.

The Modify Element window opens.
The Apply to station field displays the station where the equipment is present.

5. To modify the IP address, type the new value in the IP Address box.

It is not possible to assign to the equipment an IP Address already present in the list.

6. To change the element type, select the desired option into the Element Type area:
Managed by SCT. Equipment managed by the SCT/LMT or WEB LCT program.
Remote link. Equipment managed by the SCT/LMT or WEB LCT program that constitutes the
equipment placed on the other end of the radio connection with respect to the local equipment
(equipment which the user has required the connection to).
Element Manager. Element Manager of the equipment (IP address of the machine where the
NMS5UX-B system resides).
Element Manager/Remote Node. This option has a double meaning according to the type of
equipment you wish to insert:
Equipment of series ALS with AL IDU plus (Nodal Matrix) belonging to a remote node.
In this case, it will not be necessary to insert in the remote equipment list all the element
of the remote node but, inserting only one element and identifying it with the Remote
Node type, the connection with all the elements of the remote node will be activated at
the connection with the considered equipment.
An example is reported to pag.371.
All the types of equipment, except for the above mentioned one.
Element Manager of the equipment (IP address of the machine where the NMS5UX-B sys-
tem resides).
Not Managed. Element not managed by the SCT/LMT or WEB LCT program. This option can be
used to insert into the remote equipment list some information as for instance the coupling be-
tween the IP address and the NSAP (Gosip) one of an equipment inserted into an OSI network.
Node x. Equipment belonging to the local node.
With local node, we mean a set of minimum 2 and maximum 3 equipment of series ALS with AL
IDU plus (Nodal Matrix) interconnected by nodal bus where the selected equipment is an ele-
The value x can correspond to A, B or C and points out the subset.

If an equipment configured as node element is selected (Element Type > Node x) the relevant type
CANNOT be modified.

7. To modify the NSAP (Gosip) address:

a. Activate the Gosip Address box.

b. To change the part of System ID of the NSAP (Gosip) Address, press Settings.
The Settings window opens.
c. Type into the boxes the value of the 6 bytes that compose System ID
d. Press OK
e. To change the default part of the NSAP (Gosip) Address, press Setup Default.
The Gosip Default Option window opens.
f. To change the AFI, IDI, Ver, Auth, Reserved parameters, type, into the relevant boxes, the value
of the corresponding byte/s.
g. To change the Domain parameter, choose the arrow placed on the side of the box and select the
desired value from the list.
To add a value to the list:

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 368

Press Add.
The Domain Settings window opens.
Into the Label box, type a name for the domain under examination.
Into the Hex value boxes, type the values of the bytes that represent the domain.
Press OK.
To remove a value from the list:
Select the value to be removed.
Press Remove.
h. To change the Area parameter, choose the arrow placed on the side of the box and select the
desired value from the list.
To add or to remove a value from the list, execute the same procedures already pointed out for
the Domain parameter.
i. Press OK.

8. Press OK.
The characteristics of the equipment are modified according to the new setting.

9. Press Apply and then confirm.

The list is stored in the controller of the equipment

To delete an equipment from the remote equipment list

Operation available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except
for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc, ALFO and Nodal.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-Remote Element Table command.

The Remote Element Table window opens (Fig.64).

3. Select the equipment you wish to delete.

4. Select the Edit > Remove > Element command and confirm.
The equipment is deleted.

5. Press Apply and then confirm.

The list is stored in the controller of the equipment

To move an equipment within the remote equipment list

Operation available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except
for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc, ALFO and Nodal.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-Remote Element Table command.

The Remote Element Table window opens (Fig.64).

3. Select the equipment you wish to move.

4. To move an equipment from a station to the other:

a. Select the Edit > Move to station command.

The Move to station window opens.
b. Select the station where you wish to move the equipment.
c. Press Ok.
The equipment is moved to the selected station.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 369

5. To move an equipment among the list of equipment of a station:
Press the Edit > Exchange > Before command, to move the equipment over the previous
Press the Edit > Exchange > After command, to move the equipment under the next equip-

6. Press Apply and then confirm.

The list is stored in the controller of the equipment

To save to a file the remote equipment list

Operation available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except
for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc, ALFO and Nodal.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-Remote Element Table command.

The Remote Element Table window opens (Fig.64).

3. Set or modify the remote equipment list.

4. Press File > Save To File.

The Save to file window opens.

5. Type the name of the file in the proper box (with extension .rel) and set the path where you wish to
save the file.
6. Press OK.

To restore from file the remote equipment list

Operation available only if it has been selected a single SNMP equipment in connected status, except
for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc, ALFO and Nodal.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-Remote Element Table command.

The Remote Element Table window opens (Fig.64).

3. Select the File > Load from File command.

The Load from file window opens.

4. Select the file (with extension .rel) where the wished remote equipment list is stored.
5. Press OK.
In the Remote Element Table window, the remote equipment list is displayed.

Remote equipment list (more info)

Each equipment has a remote equipment list stored in its own controller.
With remote equipment list we mean a list containing all the network remote equipment which you wish
to connect to.

When the user requires the connection to any equipment present in the network (local equipment), the
local management program:

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 370

SCT/LMT reads, at the connection of this equipment, its remote equipment list and automatically
sends the connection command to all the equipment present in the list.
WEB LCT reads, at the connection of this equipment, its remote equipment list and automatically
sends the connection command to the equipment of type Remote Link, present in the remote
equipment list of the local equipment.

For a better vision of the equipment during the setting of the list, it is possible to subdivide the equipment
into stations. The station does not have any particular meaning; it has been simply introduced to help the
user during the localization of the equipment.

Into each remote equipment list, it is possible to create a maximum of 100 equipment and 30 station.

Besides the remote equipment to be connected, the user can insert into the remote equipment list also the
following information:
IP address of the machine where the NMS5UX-B system resides.
Coupling between IP address and NSAP (Gosip) one of an equipment inserted into an OSI net-

Example of definition of a remote node in the remote equipment list

Suppose to have a network made by two nodes both of them composed by 3 equipment os series ALS with
AL IDU plus (Nodal Matrix) as depicted in Fig.65.

Fig.65 - Definition of a remote node in the remote equipment list (example 1)

By means of the SCT application the nodes have been defined: assignment of the station, name of the
node, IP addresses and subset (A, B, C) ad depicted in Fig.66.

To do this, it is sufficient to activate the login with an equipment of the node and, by means of the SCT
application, to define the characteristics of the equipment composing the node. The program will automat-
ically configure the characteristics of the node even in the other two equipment (station, Equipment ID,
Remote Element Table).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 371

Fig.66 - Definition of a remote node in the remote equipment list (example 2)

Now, suppose you wish to manage locally, by means of SCT, all the network equipment connecting to
Equipment 1.

To do this, the remote equipment list of the Equipment 1 must be configured in the following way:

1. Create the stations Milan and Rome (pag.364).

2. Create under the station Milan an equipment of the node Milan, for example Equipment 2 assigning to
it as Element Type > Managed by SCT (pag.365).

3. Create under the station Rome an equipment of the node Rome, for example Equipment 4 assigning to
it as Element Type > Element Managed/Remote Node.

4. Save the remote equipment list into the controller of equipment 1.

At the activation of the connection with Equipment 1, the program will automatically activate the connec-
tion with:
Equipment 1, Equipment 2 and Equipment 3 in Connected/Login modality.
Equipment 4, Equipment 5 and Equipment 6 in Connected/Monitor modality.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 372


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The SNMP-NE Sw/Fw Download command updates the firmware of one or more SNMP equipment.

The command is available only if it has been selected one or more SNMP equipment of the same type,
except for the ELFO, SDH N+1 and FAMxc.

For more information about the update of the equipment firmware go to pag.375.

To update the equipment firmware (SNMP)

Operation available only if it has been selected one or more SNMP equipment of the same type, except
for the ELFO, SDH N+1 and FAMxc.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-NE Sw/Fw Download command.

The Software Download window opens (Fig.67).

3. In the Selection file DWL box, set the file you wish to use for the updating.
It is possible to type the path and the name of the file or press Select (the Select file for download
window opens) and select the file among the available ones.
If the file you wish to use for the operation is not in the home/ftp directory, it is necessary to copy
it in this directory as the supervision system needs, in order to execute correctly the download opera-
tion, to find the file for the updating in the home/ftp directory.
To press Read to display a brief description that illustrates the content of the selected file.

4. Set the type of download you wish to execute. Select the option:
Forced, to update the firmware of the equipment controller.
Only different or not present, to update the firmware of peripheral units (FPGA file and/or oper-
ating code).

5. Activate the Bench switch? box if you wish that, at the end of the download, a switching of the memory
bench is automatically executed in order to use the bench with the updated firmware.

6. Set the execution modality of the download. If you wish that the updating is:
Immediately executed, activate the Immediate Download box.

It is possible to activate the box only if a single NE has been selected.

Scheduled to be executed in a second moment, set the date/time in the Scheduling data time
for Download area.

7. Press Start Dwl.

If in the previous step, it has been:
Activated the Immediate Download box, a window opens where the physical address, logic ad-
dress and the type of NE which is updating the firmware, and the status of the operation (Wait-
ing, Downloading, Complete, etc.) are displayed.
The operation takes some minutes.

Before starting the updating of the controller of the NE, it executes a compatibility check be-
tween the firmware that must be sent and the one present in the controller itself.
The check consists in verifying the technology and the type of NE (pointed out by the first 2 char-
acters of the file name). For some types of NEs, checks are executed also on the 3rd character

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 373

of the filename. More information is reported in the equipment user manual relevant to the spe-
cific type of NE.
If the parameters are compatible, the download starts. Otherwise, the updating of the firmware
will not be executed.
If the operation is successful, opening the RelSw window (see Fig.69), in the Release box rele-
vant to the updated memory bench, the new version of the firmware is pointed out.
If it is not successful, the Status box relevant to the updated memory bench displays the old
version or the wording not loaded.
Set a date/time of execution for the updating of the firmware, the Software Download window
is closed.
In the list of the scheduled equipment for the download, a record is added for each NE present
in the Equipment list for download area.

Fig.67 Software Download window (SNMP)

Fig.67 notes

(1) Push-button:
Start Dwl. It starts the firmware updating.
Cancel. It closes the window.
Scheduling. It displays the list of the NEs scheduled for the updating of the firmware (see
Help. It opens the on-line manual

(2) For each equipment, there are, in order:

Logic address.
IP address.
Type of NE

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 374

Status of the NE when the command has been selected:
Con. The NE is in connected status.
Dis. The NE is in disconnected status.
Nev_Con. The NE is in disconnected status (never been connected).
Unrea. The NE is in unreachable status.
Mant. The NE is in maintenance status (operation in progress).
Lom_Mon. The LCT program is connected to the NE in Monitoring modality.
Lom_Conf. The LCT program is connected to the NE in Configuring modality.
SwDl. The download of the firmware is in progress.

Double click on one NE: the RelSw window (Fig.69) opens, where the version of the firmware
present in the memory benches of the NE is displayed.
For the NEs of Nodal type, the detail of the equipment of the nodal system is pointed out. This equip-
ment is identified by the logic address <node name>.A, <node name>.B, <node name>.C

Equipment firmware (SNMP) (more info)

With equipment firmware we mean the set of all the firmware necessary for the management of the whole
NE (firmware of the main controller and firmware of the peripheral units).

The equipment firmware is present in the main controller that have two memory benches (bench), one
working and the other in stand-by.

Each bench can house a version (also different) of equipment firmware.

It is possible to update the firmware of only one memory bench at a time. The NMS5UX-B automatically
updates the firmware of the memory bench not on progress or not present.

The updating of the firmware can be immediately executed (only if a single NE is selected) or can be sched-
uled for a given date/time (suggested option).

In the first case, the operation is executed in real time. In the second case, it is scheduled and the system
will execute the updating at the date/time scheduled by the user.
In both cases, the execution of the download for each selected NE is subjected to the following conditions:
The NE must be in connected status.
The local management program in Configuration modality must not be connected to the NE.
No other operation must be running.

If the updating of the firmware is immediately executed and the NE is not in one of the above mentioned
conditions, the operation is not executed.
Even if the updating is scheduled and in the moment (date/time) when it was schedule the NE is not in one
of the above mentioned conditions, the operation is not executed, but in this case the system, at regular
intervals, will verify the condition of the NE until:
The NE is in the correct condition and then the download is executed.
The NE is removed from the list of NEs scheduled for the download.

The files, for the firmware updating, are identified by the extension .dwl and by a name composed by 8
characters. In details:
1 character identifies the technology (S=SDH, P=PDH, M=PMP/IPBOX, K=CommServer).
2 character identifies the type of equipment (R=Radio, M=Multiplex, ComS=CommServer).
3 ... 6 character identify the product number.
7, 8 character identify the most meaningful digits of the version.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 375


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The SNMP-Scheduled Sw Dwl Status command displays the list of the SNMP equipment scheduled for
the firmware updating.

WIth details it is possible:

To display the list of the SNMP equipment scheduled for the firmware updating (pag.376)
To delete one or more equipment from the list (pag.377)
To stop the updating of the firmware (pag.378)

For more information about the update of the equipment firmware go to pag.375.

To display the list of the SNMP equipment scheduled for the firmware updat-

1. Select the Options > SNMP-Scheduled Sw Dwl Status command.

The Scheduling Download window opens, where the list of the SNMP equipment scheduled for the
firmware updating is displayed, as shown in Fig.68.

Fig.68 Scheduling download window (SNMP)

Fig.68 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Deleted All. It deletes all the NEs present in the list except for those for which the
updating of the firmware is in progress.
File > Deleted Select. It deletes the selected NEs except for those for which the updating of
the firmware is in progress.
File > Deleted Completed. It deletes the NEs for which the download procedure has been
already executed.
File > Abort. It stops the procedure for the updating of the firmware.
File > Exit. It closes the window.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 376

Sort. It displays the list of criteria used to sort the list of NEs:
Name. Logic address of the NE.
Time Sched. Date/time for which the updating is scheduled.
Type. Type of NE.
Status. Status of the download operation.
File Dwl. Name of the file used for the operation.
The push-button next to the option points out the currently selected criterion. To modify the
order, it is sufficient to select the wished option.
Help > Index. It opens the manual.

(2) For each NE, it is reported in the column:

Equipment. Logic address of the NE.
Type. Type of NE.
Time Scheduling. Date (day/month/year) and time (hour:minutes:seconds) for when the up-
dating of the firmware is scheduled.
Time start. Date (day/month/year) and time (hour:minutes:seconds) when the updating of
the firmware is started.
Duration. Duration (expressed in hour:minutes:seconds) of the download operation.
F. The presence of the x points out that, during the download, all the firmware of the con-
troller of the equipment is updated.
O. The presence of the x points out that, during the download the firmware of peripheral
units (FPGA file and/or operating code) is updated.
B. The presence of the x points out that, at the end of download, a switching of the memory
bench is automatically executed in such a way that the bench with the updated firmware is
P. Column not managed.
Status. Status of the download operation:
Downloading. The updating of the firmware is in progress.
Waiting. The updating of the firmware has not been executed yet.
It is possible that, in the Time Scheduling field, a scheduling date/time previous to
the current one is displayed. This means that the NE, when the operation has been
scheduled, was not in the right condition for the execution of the download. In this
case, the system attempts the updating of the firmware at regular time interval.
Completed. The updating of the firmware has been successfully executed.
Incomplete. The updating of the firmware has been partially executed or the opera-
tion is failed.
In this case, it is suggested to execute or re-schedule the updating of the
File. Name of the file (with extension .dwl) used for the download.
The presence of the symbol - points out that the information is not available as not mean-
ingful for the current status of the operation.
For the NEs of Nodal type, the detail of the equipment of the nodal system is pointed out. This equip-
ment is identified by the logic address <node name>.A, <node name>.B, <node name>.C

To delete one or more equipment from the list (SNMP)

1. Select the Options > SNMP-Scheduled Sw Dwl Status command.

The Scheduling Download window opens (Fig.68).
2. To delete:
All the NEs present in the list, except for those whose firmware updating is in progress (Status
field - Downloading wording), select the File > Deleted All command.
The NEs for which the download procedure has been already executed (Status field - Completed
wording), select the File > Deleted Completed command.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 377

The selected NEs except for those whose firmware updating is in progress (Status field - Down-
loading wording), select the equipment and then the File > Deleted Select command.
The equipment is removed from the list.

To stop the updating of the firmware (SNMP)

1. Select the Options > SNMP-Scheduled Sw Dwl Status command.

The Scheduling Download window opens (Fig.68).

2. Select an equipment for which the updating of the firmware is in progress (Status field - Downloading

3. Select the File > Abort command.

The operation is stopped.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 378


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The SNMP-NE Sw/Fw Release command displays the firmware version of a SNMP equipment.

With details it is possible:

To display the firmware version of a SNMP equipment (pag.379)
To update the firmware of a SNMP equipment (pag.381)
To switch the operation of the memory benches of a SNMP equipment controller (pag.382)

The command is available only if it has been selected a SNMP equipment in connected status, except
for the ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc and Nodal.
For the NEs of Nodal type, the command is present in the nodal equipment window (pag.38).

For more information about the update of the equipment firmware go to pag.375.

To display the firmware version of a SNMP equipment

Operation available only if it has been selected a SNMP equipment in connected status, except for the
ELFO, SDH N+1, FAMxc and Nodal.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-NE Sw/Fw Release command.

The RelSw window opens, where the firmware version of a SNMP equipment is displayed, as shown in

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 379

Fig.69 RelSw window

Fig.69 notes

(1) Label:
running. The firmware of the considered memory bench is running.
loaded. The firmware is present in the bench but, at the moment, is not running (standby).
not loaded. The firmware of the memory bench is not present.
downloading. The updating of the firmware of the memory bench is in progress.

(2) The list of the parts that constitute the firmware changes depending of the type of selected equip-
ment. For each code or FPGA file, it is displayed in the column:
Unit, the name of the card or of the part of NE where the controller (code) or the program-
mable device (FPGA file) is present.
Element, the name of the firmware. It generally points out the type of component:
FW_boot. Boot code. This part of code cannot be updated, in fact it has not memory
FW_appl. Application code.
conf_... or fpga... Configuration file of the programmable devices.
Actual release, the version of the code or FPGA file present in the controller (main or of pe-
ripheral unit)
Release bench 1 and Release bench 2, the version of the firmware present respectively in
the memory bench 1 and 2 of the main controller.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 380

To update the firmware of a SNMP equipment

The system automatically updates the firmware of the not running or not present memory bench (Sta-
tus box- loaded or not loaded wording).
The operation cannot be executed when the updating of the firmware is already in progress (Status box -
downloading wording).
Operation available only if it has been selected a SNMP equipment in connected status, except for the ELFO,
SDH N+1, FAMxc and Nodal.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-NE Sw/Fw Release command.

The RelSw window opens (Fig.69).

3. Press Download.
The Software Download window opens.
4. In the Selection file DWL box, set the file you wish to use for the updating.
It is possible to type the path and the filename or press Select (the Select file for download window
opens) and select the file among the available ones.
If the file you wish to use for the operation is not in the home/ftp directory, it is necessary to copy
it in this directory as the supervision system needs, in order to execute correctly the download opera-
tion, to find the file for the updating in the home/ftp directory.
To display a brief description that illustrates the content of the selected file, press Read.

5. Set the type of download that you wish to execute. Select the option:
Forced, to update the firmware of the equipment controller.
Only different or not present, to update the firmware of peripheral units (FPGA file and/or ap-
plication code).

6. Activate the Bench switch? box if you wish that, at the end of the download, a switching of the memory
bench is automatically executed in order to use the bench with the updated firmware.

7. Set the execution modality of the download. If you wish that the updating is:
Immediately executed, activate the Immediate Download box.
Scheduled to be executed in a second moment, set the date/time in the Scheduling data time
for Download area.

8. Press Start Dwl.

If in the previous step, it has been:
Activated the Immediate Download box, a window opens where the physical address, logic ad-
dress and the type of NE which is updating the firmware, and the status of the operation (Wait-
ing, Downloading, Complete, etc.) are displayed.
The operation takes some minutes.

Before starting the updating of the controller of the NE, it executes a compatibility check be-
tween the firmware that must be sent and the one present in the controller itself.
The check consists in verifying the technology and the type of NE (pointed out by the first 2 char-
acters of the file name). For some types of NEs, checks are executed also on the 3rd character
of the filename. More information is reported in the equipment user manual relevant to the spe-
cific type of NE.
If the parameters are compatible, the download starts. Otherwise, the updating of the firmware
will not be executed.
If the operation is successful, opening the RelSw window (see Fig.69), in the Release box rele-
vant to the updated memory bench, the new version of the firmware is pointed out.
If it is not successful, the Status box relevant to the updated memory bench displays the old
version or the wording not loaded.
Set a date/time of execution for the updating of the firmware, the Software Download window
is closed.
In the list of the scheduled equipment for the download, a record is added for each NE present
in the Equipment list for download area.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 381

To switch the operation of the memory benches of a SNMP equipment con-

It is not possible to switch the memory bench when the updating of the firmware is in progress and
when the firmware is not present in a bench.
Operation available only if it has been selected a SNMP equipment in connected status, except for the ELFO,
SDH N+1, FAMxc and Nodal.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > SNMP-NE Sw/Fw Release command.

The RelSw window opens (Fig.69).

3. Press Switch bench.

A window opens where the operations that the system executes during the benches switching are point-
ed out in form of message.
At the end of the operation, the bench in running status is forced to loaded status and vice versa. The
operation causes an automatic disconnection and re-connection of the NE. If the re-connection is not
successful, the NE assumes the unreachable status and, at regular intervals, the supervision system
will attempt the re-connection command.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 382


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The FAMxc-NE Sw/Fw Download command updates the firmware of one or more FAMxc.

The command is available only if it has been selected one or more FAMxc.

For more information about the update of the FAMxc equipment firmware go to pag.385.

To update the equipment firmware (FAMxc)

Operation available only if it has been selected one or more FAMxc.

1. Select the FAMxc.

2. Select the Options > FAMxc-NE Sw/Fw Download command.

The Insert window opens (Fig.70).

3. In the File Selection box, set the file you wish to use for the updating.
It is possible to type the path and the name of the file or press Browse (the fileSelection... window
opens) and select the file among the available ones.

If the file you wish to use for the operation is not in the home/tftpdir directory, it is necessary to
copy it in this directory as the supervision system needs, in order to execute correctly the download
operation, to find the file for the updating in the home/tftpdir directory.

4. Set the date and time when you wish to schedule the operation in the Date/Time Scheduled for Down-
load box.
5. Activate the Switch Bench and Restart box if you wish that, at the end of download, the memory bench
is switched and the equipment is restarted automatically.

The setting applies to all the equipment present in the Equipment List area. If you wish to carry out
a different setting for an equipment in the list:

a. Select the equipment.

b. Select the Action > Bench Info command.
The Equipment Bench Releases window opens (see Fig.72).
c. Activate/deactivate the Switch Bench and Restart box as you wish.
d. Press Ok
The wording Modified is pointed out in the record of the selected equipment (area Equipment
During the execution of the operation for the considered equipment, the setting of the parameter
Switch Bench and Restart of the Insert will not be considered, but the setting of the same parameter
in the Equipment Bench Releases window will be considered.

6. If enabled, type the access code of the equipment in the Password box.
If the Superuser has set the access code of the equipment in the configuration file of the system, in
order to access the equipment it is not necessary to insert the code. It is sufficient to activate the Pass-
word Default box.
The set password applies for all the equipment present in the Equipment List area. If an equipment
has a different password, it is necessary to set it in the following way:

a. Select the equipment.

b. Select the Action > Bench Info command.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 383

The Equipment Bench Releases window opens (see Fig.72).
c. Type the access code of the equipment in the Password box.
d. Press Ok
The wording Modified is pointed out in the record of the selected equipment (area Equipment
During the execution of the operation for the considered equipment, the setting of the password in the
Insert will not be considered, but that set in the Equipment Bench Releases window will be considered.
7. Press OK.
The Software Download window is closed.
In the list of the scheduled equipment for the download, a record is added for each NE present in the
Equipment List.

Fig.70 Insert window (FAMxc)

Fig.70 notes

(1) For each equipment, there are, in order:

Logic address
Type of NE
IP address

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 384

Equipment firmware (FAMxc) (more info)

With equipment firmware we mean the set of all the firmware necessary for the management of the whole

The equipment firmware is present in the main controller that have two memory benches (bench), one
working and the other in stand-by.

Each bench can house a version (also different) of equipment firmware.

It is possible to update the equipment firmware of only one memory bench at a time. The NMS5UX-B au-
tomatically updates the firmware of the memory bench not on progress or not present.

The update of the equipment firmware can be only scheduled and will be the system to carry out the update
on the date/time scheduled by the user.

The execution of the download for each selected NE is subjected to the following conditions:
The NE must be in connected status.
The local management program must not be connected to the NE.
No other operation must be running.
If, in the moment (date/time) when the operation was schedule, the NE is not in one of the above men-
tioned conditions, the operation is not executed, but in this case the system, at regular intervals, will verify
the condition of the NE until:
The NE is in the correct condition and then the download is executed.
The NE is removed from the list of NEs scheduled for the download.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 385


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The FAMxc-Scheduled Sw Dwl Status command displays the list of the FAMxc scheduled for the
firmware updating.

With details it is possible:

To display the list of the FAMxc scheduled for the firmware updating (pag.386)
To delete one or more equipment from the list (pag.387)

For more information about the update of the equipment firmware go to pag.385.

To display the list of the FAMxc scheduled for the firmware updating

1. Select the Options > FAMxc-Scheduled Sw Dwl Status command.

The FAMxc Scheduled Software Download window opens, where the list of the FAMxc scheduled for the
firmware updating is displayed, as shown in Fig.71.

Fig.71 FAMxc Scheduled Software Download window (FAMxc)

Fig.71 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Close. It closes the window.
Command > Delete Completed. It deletes the NEs for which the download procedure has
been already executed.
Command > Delete Selected. It deletes the selected NEs except for those for which the up-
dating of the firmware is in progress.
Options > Refresh. It refreshes the information present into the window.
Option > View Error. It displays the characteristics of the scheduled NE. In order:
Logic address of the NE (Equipment).
IP address of the server (Ip Server).
Name of the file used for the download (File).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 386

Result of the operation (Error).

(2) For each NE, it is reported in the column:

Equipment. Logic address of the NE.
Type. Type of NE.
Bench Switch. The wording:
Yes, points out that, at the end of download, the switch of the memory bench and the
restart of the equipment are automatically executed.
No, points out that, at the end of download, the switch of the memory bench and the
restart of the equipment are not executed.
Time Scheduling. Date (day/month/year) and time (hour:minutes:seconds) for when the up-
dating of the firmware is scheduled.
Time start. Date (day/month/year) and time (hour:minutes:seconds) when the updating of
the firmware is started.
Duration. Duration (expressed in minutes,seconds) of the download operation.
Status. Status of the download operation:
Downloading. The updating of the firmware is in progress.
Scheduled. The updating of the firmware has not been executed yet.
It is possible that, in the Time Scheduling field, a scheduling date/time previous to
the current one is displayed. This means that the NE, when the operation has been
scheduled, was not in the right condition for the execution of the download. In this
case, the system attempts the updating of the firmware at regular time interval.
Completed. The updating of the firmware has been successfully executed.
Incomplete. The updating of the firmware has been partially executed or the opera-
tion is failed.

In this case, it is suggested to reschedule the updating of the firmware.

File. Name of the file used for the download.

To delete one or more equipment from the list (FAMxc)

1. Select the Options > FAMxc-Scheduled Sw Dwl Status command.

The FAMxc Scheduled Software Download window opens (Fig.71).

2. To delete:
The NEs for which the download procedure has been already executed (Status field - Completed
wording), select the File > Deleted Completed command.
The selected NEs except for those whose firmware updating is in progress (Status field - Down-
loading wording), select the equipment and then the File > Deleted Select command.
The equipment is removed from the list.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 387


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The FAMxc-NE Sw/Fw Release command displays the firmware version of a FAMxc.

With details it is possible:

To display the firmware version of a FAMxc (pag.388)
To switch the operation of the memory benches and to restart a FAMxc (pag.389)

The command is available only if it has been selected a FAMxc in connected status.

For more information about the update of the equipment firmware of the FAMxc go to pag.385.

To display the firmware version of a FAMxc equipment

Operation available only if it has been selected a FAMxc in connected status.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > FAMxc-NE Sw/Fw Release command.

The Equipment Bench Releases window opens.

3. Press Read Info.

The Equipment Bench Releases window points out the version of the equipment firmware, as displayed
in Fig.72.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 388

Fig.72 Equipment Bench Releases window

To switch the operation of the memory benches and to restart a FAMxc

Operation available only if it has been selected a FAMxc in connected status.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > FAMxc-NE Sw/Fw Release command.
The Equipment Bench Releases window opens (Fig.72).

3. Press Read Info to display the current settings.

4. Select the bench you wish to use at the restart of the equipment (option Bench1 or Bench2 - parameter
Restart Bench Selection).
At the end of the operation, the selected bench will be pointed out in the Netx Boot On Bench box.

5. Type in the Password box, if enabled, the access code of the equipment.
If the Superuser has se the access code of the equipment in the configuration file of the system, it is
not necessary to insert the code to access the equipment. It is sufficient to activate the Password De-
fault box.

6. Press Restart.
The equipment is restarted and the Equipment Bench Releases window is closed.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 389


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Legacy-NE Sw/Fw Download command updates the firmware of one or more Legacy equipment.

The command is available only if it has been selected one or more Legacy equipment of the same type.

For more information about the update of the equipment firmware go to pag.392.

To update the equipment firmware (Legacy)

Operation available only if it has been selected one or more Legacy equipment of the same type.

1. Select the equipment.

2. Select the Options > Legacy-NE Sw/Fw Download command.

The Software Download window opens (Fig.73).
3. In the File Selection box, set the file you wish to use for the updating.
It is possible to type the path and the name of the file or press Select (the File Select window opens)
and select the file among the available ones.
4. Set the execution modality of the download. If you wish that the updating is:
Immediately executed, activate the Immediate Download box.

It is possible to activate the box only if a single NE has been selected.

Scheduled to be executed later, activate the Scheduled Download box and set the date/time into
the successive boxes (day, month, year, hour, minutes).

5. Press Start Dwl.

Before executing the update operation, the NE controller executes a compatibility check between
the firmware that has to be forwarded and the one present into the controller itself. The check consists
of checking the technology and the NE type.
Only if the parameters result compatible ones, it is possible to execute the firmware update (do not
execute the remaining part of the procedure).
If the parameters result compatible ones, the system displays a confirmation window that points out
the physical address, the logic address and the NE type for which it is on progress the firmware update.

6 Press Start Download.

If at the preceding step, it has been:
Activated the Immediate Download box, the system displays a window that points out (ex-
pressed by means of percentage) the operation execution progress.
To stop the update procedure of the firmware, press Abort.
Set an execution date/time for the update of the firmware.
The Scheduled Download Viewer window opens (Fig.74) and, into the list of the scheduled equip-
ment for the download, it adds one record for each NE present into the Selected Equipment area.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 390

Fig.73 Software Download window (Legacy)

Fig.73 notes

(1) Push-button:
Start Dwl. It starts the updating of the firmware.
Cancel. It closes the window.
Scheduling. It displays the list of the NEs scheduled for the updating of the firmware

(2) For each equipment, there are, in order:

Logic address.
Physical address.
Type of NE
Status of the NE when the command has been selected:
Connected, The NE is in connected status.
Disconnected. The NE is in disconnected status.
Unreachable. The NE is in unreachable status.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 391

Equipment firmware (Legacy) (more info)

With equipment firmware we mean the set of all the firmware necessary for the management of the whole
NE (firmware of the main controller and firmware of the peripheral units).

The updating of the firmware can be immediately executed (only if a single NE is selected) or can be sched-
uled for a given date/time (suggested option).

In the first case, the operation is executed in real time. In the second case, it is scheduled and the system
will execute the updating at the date/time scheduled by the user.

In both cases, the execution of the download for each selected NE is subjected to the following conditions:
The NE must be in connected status.
The local management program in Configuration modality must not be connected to the NE.
No other operation must be running.

If the updating of the firmware is immediately executed and the NE is not in one of the above mentioned
conditions, the operation is not executed.

Even if the updating is scheduled and in the moment (date/time) when it was schedule the NE is not in one
of the above mentioned conditions, the operation is not executed, but in this case the system, at regular
intervals, will verify the condition of the NE until:
The NE is in the correct condition and then the download is executed.
The NE is removed from the list of NEs scheduled for the download.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 392


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Legacy-Scheduled Sw Dwl Status command displays the list of the Legacy equipment scheduled
for the firmware updating.

With details it is possible:

To display the list of the Legacy equipment scheduled for the firmware updating (pag.393)
To delete one or more equipment from the list (pag.394)
To stop the updating of the firmware (pag.395)

The command is available only if the modules for the management of the Legacy equipment have been

For more information about the update of the equipment firmware go to pag.392.

To display the list of the Legacy equipment scheduled for the firmware up-

1. Select the Options > Legacy-Scheduled Sw Dwl Status command.

The Scheduling Download Viewer window opens, where the list of the Legacy equipment scheduled for
the firmware updating is displayed, as shown in Fig.74.

Fig.74 Scheduling Download Viewer window (Legacy)

Fig.74 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Close. It closes the window.
Options > Remove. It deletes the selected NE with the exception of the one for which the
firmware update is on progress (Downloading wording into the Status field).
Options > View Download Info. It displays the details of the information relevant to the up-
date of the selected firmware.
The choice of the command opens the Swdl Information window that points out the following

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 393

Logical Address. Logical address of the equipment.
Equipment Type. Equipment type.
Physical Address. Physical address of the equipment.
Selected File. Path and file name used for the update.
Selected Card. Card of the equipment involved into the operation.
Software Release. Release of the firmware.
Scheduled Time. Date/time relevant to the update programming of the firmware.
Duration. Duration (expressed by means of hours/minutes/seconds) of the download
Download Status. Status of the download operation (refer to description of the Status
Options > Refresh. It refreshes the information present into the window.
At the choice of the option, the system will refresh the date/time (present into the status bar
of the window) and it will point out the time of the refresh execution.
Actions > Abort Download. It stops the update procedure of the firmware.

The command is available only if it has been selected an equipment for which the system
is executing the update of the firmware (Downloading wording into the Status field).
Help > On usage. It opens the on-line manual.

(2) For each NE, it is reported in the column:

Logical Addr. Logic address of the NE.
Ph. Address. Physical address of the NE.
Type. NE type.
Scheduled Time. Date (day/month/year) and time (hours/minutes/seconds) relevant to the
programmed update of the firmware.
Start time. Date (day/month/year) and time (hours/minutes/seconds) relevant to the begin-
ning of the update procedure for the firmware.
Duratio.n Duration (expressed by hours/minutes/seconds) of the download operation.
Status. Status of the download operation:
Downloading. The update of the firmware is on progress.
Waiting. The firmware update has not been yet executed.
Completed. The update of the firmware has been successfully executed.
Failed. The update of the firmware has not been completely executed or the operation
is failed.

In this case, it is advisable to execute or to program newly the update of the

Check Eq. Status. The status control of the equipment is on progress (operation ex-
ecuted before the download).
Aborted. The update of the firmware has been interrupted.
The system can point out into the Status column the status of the operation and also a self-
explaining message.
The presence of the symbol - points out that the information is not available because it is
not a significant one for the current status of the operation.

To delete one or more equipment from the list (Legacy)

1. Select the Options > Legacy-Scheduled Sw Dwl Status command.

The Scheduling Download Viewer window opens (Fig.74).
2. Select the equipment you wish to delete from the list, except those for which the firmware update is
running (Status field - Downloading wording).

3. Select the Options > Remove command.

The equipment is removed from the list.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 394

To stop the updating of the firmware (Legacy)

1. Select the Options > Legacy-Scheduled Sw Dwl Status command.

The Scheduling Download Viewer window opens (Fig.74).

2. Select an equipment for which the updating of the firmware is in progress (Status field - Downloading

3. Select the Actions > Abort Download command.

The operation is stopped.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 395


The Misc menu contains the following commands:

Alarm History Backup (pag.397). It saves to disk and/or tape the alarm history stored in the
Alarm History table.
Alarm History Restore (pag.398). It restores the alarm history previously saved to disk/tape
and copies it into the Old History table.
Alarm History Delete Backup (pag.399). It deletes the alarm history saved on disk.
Performance Monitoring Backup (pag.400). It saves to disk and/or tape the results of the
PM measures stored in the Performance Monitoring table.
Performance Monitoring Restore (pag.401). It restores the results of the PM measures pre-
viously saved to disk/tape and copies it into the Old Performance Monitoring table.
Performance Monitoring Delete (pag.402). It deletes the results of the PM measures saved
to disk.
NMS5UX Global Database Backup (pag.403). It saves to disk and/or tape the information
contained in the NMS5UX-B database.
NMS5UX Global Database Restore (pag.404). It restores the information contained in the
system database and previously saved to disk/tape.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 396


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Alarm History Backup command saves to disk and/or tape the history of the alarm/status/event sig-
nallings (alarms) stored in the Alarm History table relevant to the equipment present in all the maps.

To backup the alarm history

1. Select the Misc > Alarm History Backup command.

The Alarm History Backup window opens.

2 Activate the:
Backup To Tape box, if the user wants to save the contents of the Alarm History table on tape
(DAT tape).
Backup To Disk box, if the user wants to save the table on the machine disk (workstation or
If the user activates both the boxes, the system saves the data as on disk as on tape.

3 If the user has activated the:

Backup To Tape box, insert the tape into the DAT drive of the machine.

The wording [/dev/rmt/Om], placed on the side if the box, points out that the contents of
the table will be overwritten on the possible data already present on the DAT. This setting can
not be changed.
Backup To Disk box, type, into the text field, the name of the file where the user wants to save
the contents of the table.
Press Browser to select the name of an already existing file (in this case, the content of the file
will be overwritten by the new data).
The File name field points out the predefined path where the file is saved. The setting cannot be

4. Press OK.
The content of the table is saved to a file on the disk and/or tape.
Then, to display the content of the file, it will be necessary to restore it (pag.398) and open the Old
History Browser window (pag.257).
To display the content of the Alarm History table open the Alarm History Browser window (pag.242).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 397


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Privileged, Superuser

The Alarm History Restore command restores the history of the alarm/status/event signallings (alarms)
previously saved to disk/tape and copies it into the Old History table.

To restore the alarm history from disk

1. Select the Misc > Alarm History Restore command.

The Alarm History Restore window opens.

2. Select, in the Files list, the name of the file you wish to restore.
The list shows the files present in the predefined directory (displayed in the Selection box). It is the
same used by the system to automatically save the files during the backup procedure.

3. Press OK.
If the operation is successful, a confirmation window opens.
The restored data will overwrite those present in the Old History table. Its contents can be displayed
into the Old History Browser window (pag.257).

To restore the alarm history from tape

1. Open a windows terminal.

At the command-line prompt of the windows terminal, type: cd/tar xv.
The backup file is copied on the machine disk. With details, it is copied into the pre-defined directory,
the same one where the system automatically saves the files during the backup procedure.
To display the contents of the file, the use has to copy it into the Old History and to open the Old History
Browser window (pag.257).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 398


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Privileged, Superuser

The Alarm History Delete Backup command deletes the backup files, relevant to the signallings of
alarm/status/event, saved by the Alarm History Backup command to the disk of the machine.

To delete the backup files of the alarm history

1. Select the Misc > Alarm History Delete Backup command.

The Alarm History Delete window opens.

2. Select, in the Files list, the name of the file you wish to delete.
The list shows the files present in the predefined directory (displayed in the Selection box). It is the
same where the system automatically saves the files during the backup procedure.

Even if it is possible to set a different directory, the system allows deleting files only in the prede-
fined directory.

3. Press OK.
If the operation is successful, a confirmation message opens.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 399


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Performance Monitoring Backup command saves to disk and/or tape the results of the PM meas-
ures stored in the Performance Monitoring table relevant to the equipment present in all maps.

The results are saved subdivided by month.

To save the PM measures (backup)

1. Select the Misc > Performance Monitoring Backup command.

The Pm Backup window opens.

2. In the Selected Month menu, select the month you wish to save.
The last 6 months mapped in the database are available in the list.

3 Activate the:
Backup To Tape box, if the user wants to save the contents of the Performance Monitoring table
on tape (DAT tape).
Backup To Disk box, if the user wants to save the table on the disk of the workstation or server.
If the user activates both the boxes, the system saves the data as on disk as on tape.

4 If the user has activated the:

Backup To Tape box, insert the tape into the DAT drive of the machine

The wording [/dev/rmt/Om], placed on the side if the box, points out that the contents of
the table will be overwritten on the possible data already present on the DAT. This setting can
not be changed.
Backup To Disk box, type, into the text field, the name of the file where the user wants to save
the contents of the table.
Press Browser to select the name of an already existing file (in this case the contents of the file
will be overwritten with the new data).
Into the File name field, the system points out the pre-defined path where the system saves the
file. This setting can not be changed.

5. Activate the Delete Table box if you wish that the content of the Performance Monitoring table after the
saving to file is automatically deleted.

The operation is available only to the Superuser.

6. Press OK.
If the operation is successful, a confirmation window opens and the content of the table is saved to a
file of the disk and/or tape.
Then, in order to display the content of the file, it will be necessary to restore it (pag.401) and open
the Graphic Performance Monitoring - OLD window (pag.161).
To display the content of the Performance Monitoring table open the Graphic Performance Monitoring
window (pag.156).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 400


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Privileged, Superuser

The Performance Monitoring Restore command restores the results of the PM measures previously
saved to disk/tape and copies it into the Old Performance Monitoring table.

To restore the PM measures from disk

1. Select the Misc > Performance Monitoring Restore command.

The Pm Restore window opens.

2. Select, in the Files list, the name of the file you wish to restore.
The list shows the files present in the predefined directory (displayed in the Selection box). It is the
same where the system automatically saves the files during the backup procedure.

3. Press OK.
If the operation is successful, a confirmation window opens.
The restored data will overwrite those present in the Old Performance Monitoring table. Its contents
can be displayed into the Graphical Performance Monitoring - OLD window (pag.161).

To restore the PM measures from tape

1. Open a windows terminal.

2. At the command-line prompt of the windows terminal, type: cd/tar xv.
The backup file is copied on the machine disk. With details, it is copied into the pre-defined directory,
the same one where the system automatically saves the files during the backup procedure.
To display the contents of the file, the use has to copy it into the Old Performance Monitoring and to
open the Graphic Performance Monitoring - OLD window (pag.161).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 401


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Privileged, Superuser

The Performance Monitoring Delete command deletes the backup files, relevant to the PM measures,
saved by the Performance Monitoring Backup command on the disk of the machine.

To delete the backup files of the PM measures

1. Select the Misc > Performance Monitoring Delete command.

The Pm Delete window opens.

2. Select, in the Files list, the name of the file you wish to delete.
The list displays the file present in the predefined directory (displayed in the Selection box). It is the
same where the system automatically saves the files during the backup procedure.

Even if it is possible to set a different directory, the system allows deleting the files only in the pre-
defined directory.

3. Press OK.
If the operation is successful, a confirmation message opens.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 402


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Superuser

The NMS5UX Global Database Backup command saves to disk and/or tape the information contained
in the NMS5UX-B database where the data relevant to all the maps and all the existing equipment are

To save the database (backup)

1. Select the Misc > NMS5UX Global Database Backup command.

The Database Backup window opens.

2 Activate the:
Backup To Disk box, if the user wants to save the database on the machine disk (workstation or
On the side of the box, it is pointed out the pre-defined path where the system saves the file.
This setting can not be changed.
Backup To Tape box, if the user wants to save the contents of the database on the DAT tape.

The wording [/dev/rmt/Om], placed on the side if the box, points out that the contents of
the database will be overwritten on the possible data already present on the DAT. This setting
can not be changed.
If the user activates both the boxes, the system saves the data as on disk as on tape.
3 If the user has activated the Backup To Tape box, insert the tape into the DAT drive of the machine.

4. Press OK.
Then, it will be possible to restore the information saved executing the procedure of restore of the da-
tabase (pag.404).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 403


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Superuser

The NMS5UX Global Database Restore command restores the information contained in the system da-
tabase and previously saved to disk/tape.

To restore the database

The restore of the data cannot be executed if the NMS5UX-B system is running.

Before closing the UX Map Manager window:

1. Select the NMS5UX Global Database Restore command.

A page of help illustrating the procedure to follow to restore the database opens.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 404


The Ring Manager menu is available only if the Ring Manager application have been installed. For the use
of the Ring Manager application refer to the specific documentation.

The RM-Add Ring, RM-Delete Ring and RM-Modify/View Ring commands are used to represent
graphically the Ring objects in the maps and to provide to NMS5UX-B system the parameters to manage
and control them.
Before using them, it is suggested to read the Graphic network representation (pag.62) where the modal-
ities to configure correctly and rapidly one's supervision system are described.

The Ring objects are used to identify subnetworks of PDH and SDH equipment which implement Paths. For
an easy description, in this manual the wording Ring will be used to point out these subnetworks, while the
Ring objects will be simply defined Ring objects.

The Ring Manager menu contains the following commands:

Edit > RM-Add Ring (pag.406). It creates Ring objects for the graphic representation of the
network in the map.
Edit > RM-Delete Ring (pag.407). It deletes a Ring symbol from the map.
Edit > RM-Modify/View Ring (pag.408). It displays/modifies the characteristics of a Ring ob-
Fault > RM-Network Alarm History (pag.409). It displays/manages the alarm history of the
equipment present in the Rings managed by the supervision system.
Fault > RM-Network Current Alarm (pag.417). It displays/manages the alarms active in the
equipment present in the Rings managed by the supervision system.
Fault > RM-Network Alarm Summary (pag.424). It displays/manages the summary of the
alarm history of the equipment present in the Rings managed by the supervision system.
Fault > RM-Element Alarm History (pag.430). It displays/manages the alarm history of the
equipment present in the specific Ring.
Fault > RM-Element Current Alarm (pag.431). It displays/manages the alarms active in the
equipment present in the specific Ring.
Fault > RM-Element Alarm Summary (pag.432). It displays/manages the summary of the
alarm history of the equipment present in the specific Ring.
Locate > RM-Ring Browser (pag.433). It displays the list of the Rings managed by the super-
vision system.
Locate > RM-Path Browser (pag.435). It displays the list of the Path present in the Rings of
the current map.
Locate > RM-Equipment Browser (pag.450). It displays the list of the equipment present in
the Rings of the current map.

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System access ReadWrite

User profile Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The RM-Add Ring command creates Ring objects for the graphic representation of the network in the map.

Before creating an object, it is suggested to read the par. Rules for the creation of the objects (pag.66).

To create Ring objects

It is possible to create all the wished Ring objects.

1. In the UX Map Manager window, move to the point of the map (container or main window) where you
wish to create the Ring.

2. Select the Ring Manager > Edit > RM-Add Ring command.
The Add Ring window opens.

3. Type the name of the Ring (alphanumeric string of minimum 1 character and maximum 32 characters)
in the Label box.
The name will be displayed under the object symbol and will constitute the name of the window that is
opened at the double selection of the symbol.
4. In the Comment area, type possible information relevant to the object (max 100 characters).
The setting of this parameter is optional.

5. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The Ring is displayed in the New Object Area of the UX Map Manager window (Fig.1). Move the symbol
in any point of the View area.
If the created Ring symbol is already present in a map, it automatically will acquire the status and the
characteristics of the existing object.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 406


System access ReadWrite

User profile Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The RM-Delete Ring command deletes a Ring symbol from the map.

To delete a Ring object from the map

If a Ring object is present only in one map, can be deleted only if it does not contain objects (equipment,
Link, Path, etc.)
If the same Ring object is present in more maps, it is possible to delete the symbol even if it contains ob-
jects, except for the last copy for which the above mentioned rule is valid: it can be deleted only if empty.

1. Into the UX Map Manager window select the Ring object you wish to delete.
2. Select the Ring Manager > Edit > RM-Delete Ring command or select the right button of the mouse
and select the Delete command and confirm.
The object is removed from the map.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 407


System access Reading Read Only

Reading/Writing ReadWrite
User profile Reading Entry, Normal
Reading/Writing Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The RM-Modify/View Ring command displays/modifies the characteristics of a Ring object.

To verify/modify the parameters of a Ring object

It is not possible to assign the same name to two different Ring objects.
If the same Ring object has been created into two different maps, at the changing of the parameter values
of such a Ring object into a map, the system automatically changes the values of the parameters relevant
to the same object into the other map.

1. Into the UX Map Manager window select the wished Ring object.

2. Select the Ring Manager > Edit > RM-Modify/View Ring command or select the right button of the
mouse and select the Modify/View command.
The Ring Properties window opens.
Label. Ring name.
Type. Ring symbol.
Comment. Additional information.
It is possible to change the Label and Comment parameters. The setting mode of the parameters is the
same one pointed out to pag.406.

3. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
In the UX Map Manager window, the Ring assumes the new characteristics.

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System access Read Only, ReadWrite

User profile Entry*, Normal*, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

* The Entry or Normal user cannot delete or mark the alarms.

The RM-Network Alarm History command displays/manages the history of the alarm/status/event sig-
nallings (alarms) stored in the Ring Manager database, of the equipment present in the Rings managed by
the supervision system.

With details it is possible:

To display the alarm history of the equipment present in the Rings managed by the supervision
system (pag.409)
To save the alarms list (pag.411)
To delete the alarms (pag.411)
To mark the alarms (pag.412)
To realign the alarm table of Ring Manager to that of NMS5UX-B (pag.412).
To activate/deactivate the automatic updating of the data (pag.413)
To filter the alarms list (pag.413)
To sort the alarms list (pag.415)
To display the acknowledge information of an alarm (pag.415)

As help to the description of the command, see:

Modality of the updating of data (pag.416)
Modality of recording the alarms (pag.416)

To display the alarm history of the equipment present in the Rings managed
by the supervision system

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Alarm History command.
The RM - Alarm History window opens, where the alarm history stored in the Ring Manager database,
of the equipment present in the Rings managed by the sNMS5UX-B is displayed, as shown in Fig.75.

At the opening of the window a filter is applied to the alarms list: only the alarms, whose detection
date is successive to the midnight of the current day, are displayed. Besides, by default, the automatic
updating of the information is inactive.

A warning message could be displayed, informing that the database contains a number of alarms great-
er than 5000.
For this cause, the window will display only the records, in chronological order from the newest to the
oldest one, until 5000.
The 5000 limit is not a memory limit, but simply a limit in the displaying of the alarms.
In order to read the alarms successive to 5000, it is sufficient to delete some records or modify the

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 409

Fig.75 RM - Alarm History window

Fig.75 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Save. It saves to text file the alarms list.
File > Close. It closes the window.
Actions > Delete. It deletes one or more records from the list and database.
Actions > Acknowledge. It marks one or more records, in such a way that the system mem-
orizes that the user has seen the alarms.
Actions > Refresh. It updates the data present in the window.
Actions > Alarm Synchronization. It re-aligns the alarms table between NMS5UX-B and Ring
View > Filter. It filters the alarms list.
View > Sort Criteria. It sorts the list of records.
View > Acknowledge Information. It displays the acknowledge information of the alarms.

(2) For each alarm, it is displayed in the column:

Severity. Type of signalling: alarm, status and event and if the signalling has been detected
or is cleared; for the alarms also the severity is displayed.
The parameter is represented by a coloured box and by a wording, in detail:
Background colour Wording Description
Green Normal Detected event signalling
Blue Status Detected status signalling
Light blue Warning Detected alarm with Warning severity
Yellow Minor Detected alarm with Minor severity
Orange Major Detected alarm with Major severity
Red Critical Detected alarm with Critical severity
No background Normal Cleared event signalling
No background Status Cleared status signalling
No background Warning Cleared alarm with Warning severity
No background Minor Cleared alarm with Minor severity
No background Major Cleared alarm with Major severity
No background Critical Cleared alarm with Critical severity
Ack. Marking status of the record. If the field is empty, the alarm has not been marked. If
the X character is present the record has been marked.

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Each alarm can be acknowledged twice: the first time when the alarm is detected. When the
alarm clears, the character X is removed from the record and the user can acknowledge it
the second time.
In any moment, it is possible to display the acknowledge information of an alarm moving to
the record and pressing the right button of the mouse. A pop-up window is displayed with
the detail of the acknowledge. The content of the window is the same described at pag.415.
SET Date/Time. Date and time of the alarm detection.
CLEAR Date/Time. Date and time of the alarm clearing.
Address. Logic address of the alarmed Network Element or System indication.
In the column Address is displayed the System label when the signalling refers to an event
generated by the Ring Manager application. The events of this type are the loss of configu-
ration alignment between the databases of Ring Manager and NMS5UX-B, the start or the
stop of anyone of the platform processes of Ring Manager and the stop of all the platform.
Type. Type of Network Element.
Message. Alphanumeric string that specifies the nature of the alarm.

For the NEs of Nodal type, the detail of the equipment of the nodal system is pointed out. This equip-
ment is identified by the logic address <node name>.A, <node name>.B, <node name>.C
The date/time is set by the element that generated the alarm; in the most cases it is the NE con-

(3) The symbol:

, indicates that the data are not dynamically updated: they are freezed.
, indicates that the data are dynamically updated.
xx of yy. Number of displayed records (xx) and number of total record (yy). If no filter is
active, the number of displayed records corresponds to the number of total records.
Filters:... Activation of one or more filters.

To save the alarms list (RM-Network Alarm History)

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Alarm History command.
The RM - Alarm History window opens (Fig.75).

2. To save to a file:
A group of alarms, select the records and then the File > Save > Selected command.
The displayed alarms, select the File > Save > Filtered command. If no filter is active, the
displayed records correspond to the records stored in the database.
The Save File window opens.

3. Type, in the Selection box, the path and the name of the file where the information must be saved.

4. Press Ok.
The files are saved in text format and can be opened using any text editor.

To delete the alarms (RM-Network Alarm History)

Operation available only to the Superuser and to the users with privileged or advanced profile.

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Alarm History command.
The RM - Alarm History window opens (Fig.75).

2. To delete from the list and from the database of supervision system:
A group of alarms, select the records and then the Actions > Delete > Selected Alarms com-

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 411

The displayed alarms, select the Actions > Delete > Filtered Alarms command. If the filters
are not active, the displayed records correspond to the records stored in the database.
All the alarms of the database, select the Actions > Delete > All Alarms command.
The records are deleted.

To mark the alarms (RM-Network Alarm History)

Operation available only to the Superuser and to the users with privileged or advanced profile.
After a record has been marked, the operation cannot be undone.

Each alarm can be acknowledged twice: the first time when the alarm is detected. When the alarm clears,
the character X is removed from the record and the user can acknowledge it the second time. In this second
case (if already set during the first acknowledge), the value of the Trouble Identification Code parameter
cannot be modified.

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Alarm History command.
The RM - Alarm History window opens (Fig.75).

2. To mark:
A group of alarms, select the records and then the Actions > Acknowledge > Selected
Alarms command.
The displayed alarms, select the Actions > Acknowledge > Filtered Alarms command. If the
filters are not active, the displayed records correspond to the records stored in the database.
All the alarms of the database, select the Actions > Acknowledge > All Alarms command.
The Acknowledge Alarm window opens.
The User box displays the username of the NMS5UX user who required the marking of the records. The
value of the box is automatically set to the username of the NMS5UX user who opened the map. The
value cannot be changed.

3. Type in the Trouble Identification Code box a code identifying the records (alphanumeric string of max
15 characters); it can be used later as search criterion.
The setting of this parameter is optional.

4. Type in the Comment box some additional information (alphanumeric string of max 500 characters).
The setting of this parameter is optional.

5. Press Ok.
The record will be marked with the letter X.
If more records are selected for the operation, the setting of the Trouble Identification Code and Com-
ment parameters are for all the records.
If one or more detected and cleared alarms are selected, the setting of the Trouble Identification Code
and Comment parameters applies both for the set event (SET) and for the clear event (CLEAR).

To realign the alarm table of Ring Manager to that of NMS5UX-B (RM-Net-

work Alarm History)

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Alarm History command.
The RM - Alarm History (Fig.75) window opens.
2. Select the Actions > Alarm Synchronization command.
The information present in the database of Ring Manager and relevant to the alarms are re-aligned to
that present in the database of NMS5UX-B.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 412

To activate/deactivate the automatic updating of the data (RM-Network
Alarm History)

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Alarm History command.
The RM - Alarm History (Fig.75) window opens.
At the opening of the window, by default, the automatic updating of the information is inactive.

2. To activate the automatic updating of the data, select the symbol.

3. To deactivate again the automatic updating of the data, select the symbol.

To filter the alarms list (RM-Network Alarm History)

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Alarm History command.
The RM - Alarm History (Fig.75) window opens.

2. Select the View > Filter command.

The Filter window opens.
Select one or more boxes present in the window, according to the criteria you wish to use.
The activation of each box enables the criterion or expands the window displaying a section that con-
tains the following options:
Match Severity. Type of signalling (alarm/status/event), activation status of the signalling and,
for the alarms, their severity (the colour of the box, when it is active, reflects the colour asso-
ciated to the severity of the alarm or the type of signalling). Activating the box/option:
Critical (red), the alarms with Critical severity will be displayed.
Major (orange), the alarms with Major severity will be displayed.
Minor (yellow), the alarms with Minor severity will be displayed.
Warning (light blue), the alarms with Warning severity will be displayed.
Status (blue), the status signallings will be displayed.
Normal (green), the event signallings will be displayed.
ACTIVE, the detected signallings will be displayed.
CLEARED, the detected and cleared signallings will be displayed.
ALL, the detected signallings only and the detected and cleared signallings will be dis-
Occurred After and Occurred Before. Date/time of the alarm. Activating the box.
Occurred After, the list displays only the records whose recording date is equal or after
that displayed next to the option.
Occurred Before, the list displays only the records whose recording date is equal or before
that displayed next to the option.
To modify the date/time displayed next to the specific option, move the indicator of the scrolling
bar or click on the arrows located on the sides of the bar.
In the box located over the bar, selecting the Coarse Granularity item, it is possible to modify
the date/time with step of one hour, while selecting the Fine Granularity item with step of one
Activating the boxes at the same time and setting properly the date/time, it is possible to de-
termine a time interval.
Match Path. Alarms of the equipment implementing specific Paths.
It is possible to set the Path by means of one of the following ways:
In the RM - Path Browser (Fig.81) window, select one or more Path and press Add Path
from Path Browser.
Type the name of the Path in the text field and press Add.
The set values in this way will be inserted in the area next to the Match Path box.
It is possible to delete a single item from the list pressing, after having highlighted it, the Re-
move Selected push-button or all the items contemporarily pressing Remove All.
Match Ring. Alarms of the equipment present in the specific Rings.
To set the criterion, in the Ring List area, select one or more Rings and press Add.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 413

The set values in this way will be inserted in the Match List area.
It is possible to delete a single item from the list pressing, after having highlighted it, the Re-
move Selected push-button or all the items contemporarily pressing Remove All.
Match Link. Alarms of the equipment connected from the specific Link.
It is possible to set the Link by means of one of the following ways:
Select one or more Link, directly in the Ring Manager window and press Add Link from
Type the name of the Link in the text field and press Add.
The set values in this way will be inserted in the area next to the Match Link box.
It is possible to delete a single item from the list pressing, after having highlighted it, the Re-
move Selected push-button or all the items contemporarily pressing Remove All.
Match Equipment. Logical address of the Network Element.
It is possible to set the logic address by means of one of the following ways:
Select the symbol or the symbols of the wished NEs, directly in the Ring Manager window
and press Add Equipment From Map.
Type the logical address in the text field and press Add.
The set values in this way will be inserted in the area next to the Match Equipment box.
It is possible to delete a single item from the list pressing, after having highlighted it, the Re-
move Selected push-button or all the items contemporarily pressing Remove All.
Match Message. Description of the alarm (Message field).
It is possible to set the criterion by means of one of the following ways:
Type the wished string in the text field
Activating the Case Sensitive box, distinction will be made between upper and lower
case; deactivating the box, no distinction will be made.
Select a record in the RM - Alarm History window and press Get Message from selected
Match Acknowledged and Match Unacknowledged. Marking status of the alarms.
Activating the Match Acknowledged box, the marked records will be displayed. Furthermore, it
is possible to specify:
The identifying code assigned by the user to the record during the marking, activating
the TIC box and typing the code.
The username of the NMS5UX user who executed the marking, activating the User box
and typing the username.
Activating the Match Unacknowledged box, the record not yet marked will be displayed.

3. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The system displays in the RM - Alarm History window only the record that satisfy specific criteria.
Each time that the list is filtered, all the records are considered, both the displayed and the hidden ones.
When the RM - Alarm History window is closed, the possible activation of the filters is automatically

In the window, there are the push-buttons:

Save.... It saves the set criteria to a file.
On the choice of the push-button, the Save Filter window opens.
Type the name you wish to assign to the file in the Selection box and press OK.
Load.... It opens the file, where a previously saved specific setting of filters is contained.
On the choice of the push-button, the Load Filter window opens.
Select the wished file in the Files list and press OK.
Delete....It deletes the file where a previously saved specific setting of filters is contained.
On the choice of the push-button, the Delete Filter window opens.
Select the wished file in the Files list and press OK.
Clear. It clears the activation of all the filters.
Cancel. It closes the window and does not execute the operation.

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To sort the alarms list (RM-Network Alarm History)

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Alarm History command.
The RM - Alarm History (Fig.75) window opens.

2. Select the View > Sort Criteria command.

The Sort Criteria window opens.
3. Select, in the Sort by area, the first sorting criterion:
Registration, the alarms will be sorted according to the date/time of recording in the Ring Man-
ager database.
SET Time, the alarms will be sorted according to the detection date/time.
CLEAR Time, the alarms will be sorted according to the clearing date/time. The alarms not
cleared yet will be considered with clearing date/time equal to 0.

4. Select in the Order area, the option:

Last on TOP; the first record of the table will correspond to the newest alarm; the successive
ones will be listed in descending order.
Last on BOTTOM; the first record of the table will correspond to the oldest alarm; the successive
ones will be listed in ascending order.

5. If you wish that the alarms are sorted also according to their address, activate the Group Equipment
box (second sorting criterion).

6. Press OK (it executes the sorting and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the sorting and does
not close the window).
The RM - Alarm History window will list the records in the set order.

To display the acknowledge information of an alarm (RM-Network Alarm


1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Alarm History command.
The RM - Alarm History (Fig.75) window opens.

2. Select the record which you wish to display the detail of the acknowledge for.
3. Continue in one of the following ways:
Press and keep pressed the right button of the mouse.
A pop-up window opens.
Select the View > Acknowledge Information command.
The Acknowledge Information window opens.
The content of both the windows is the same and is depicted in Fig.76.

Fig.76 Acknowledge Information (RM - Alarm History) window

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 415

Fig.76 notes

(1) Identification code of the record assigned by the user during the alarm acknowledge.

(2) Option:
User. Username of the NMS5UX user who executed the acknowledgement of the record.
Time. Moment when the record has been acknowledged <day-month-year hour:minute:sec-
Comment. Additional information.

(3) If the alarm has been acknowledged the first time when it was in detected-cleared status, the data
present in the SET:... and CLEAR:... areas are the same.

Modality of the updating of data (RM-Network Alarm History)

The information present in the RM - Alarm History window are dynamically updated only if the procedure
for the automatic updating is active (pag.413).

At the opening of the RM - Alarm History window, the procedure of automatic updating of the informa-
tion is, by default inactive (the default setting can be modified by the Superuser).

The setting of the filters or the criteria used to sort the records in a RM - Alarm History window does not
influence the displaying of the information in the other open RM - Alarm History windows or in the RM -
Current Alarms window.

Modality of recording of the alarms (RM-Network Alarm History)

The alarms are stored in the database managed by Ring Manager application (database of Ring Manager).
The application stores to disk all the alarms up to a limit N (configurable by Superuser - default 50000).
When this limit is reached, the system automatically removes the oldest X alarms (X configurable by Su-
peruser - default 1000).

During this period, it is possible to manually delete the alarms (pag.411). It is suggested to periodically
delete and/or store to file the less meaningful records, so to avoid the saturation of the database.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 416


System access Read Only, ReadWrite

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The RM - Network Current Alarm command displays/manages the alarm/status/event signallings

(alarms) active in the equipment present in the Rings managed by the supervision system.

With details it is possible:

To display the alarms active in the equipment present in the Rings managed by the supervision
system (pag.417)
To save the alarms list (pag.418)
To mark the alarms (pag.419)
Realign the alarm table of Ring Manager to that of NMS5UX-B (pag.419)
To activate/deactivate the automatic updating of the data (pag.420)
To filter the alarms list (pag.420)
To sort the alarms list (pag.421)
To display the acknowledge information of a alarm (pag.422)

As help to the description of the command, see par. Modality of the updating of data (pag.423)

To display the alarms active in the equipment present in the Rings managed
by the supervision system

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Current Alarm command.
The RM - Current Alarms window opens, where the list of the alarms active in the equipment present
in the Rings managed by the supervision system is displayed, as shown in Fig.77.

At the opening of the window, by default, the automatic updating of the information is inactive.

Fig.77 RM - Current Alarms window

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 417

Fig.77 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Save. It saves to text file the alarms list.
File > Close. It closes the window.
Actions > Acknowledge. It marks one or more records, in such a way that the system mem-
orizes that the user has seen the alarms.
Actions > Refresh. It updates the data present in the window.
Actions > Alarm Synchronization. It re-aligns the alarms table between NMS5UX-B and Ring
View > Filter. It filters the alarms list.
View > Sort Criteria. It sorts the list of records.
View > Acknowledge Information. It displays the acknowledge information of the alarms.

(2) For each alarm, it is displayed in the column:

Severity. Type of signalling: alarm, status and event; for the alarms also the severity is dis-
played. The parameter is represented by a coloured box and by a wording, in detail:
Background colour Wording Description
Green Normal Event signallings
Blue Status Status signalling
Light blue Warning Alarm with Warning severity
Yellow Minor Alarm with Minor severity
Orange Major Alarm with Major severity
Red Critical Alarm with Critical severity
Ack. Marking status of the record.
If the field is empty, the alarm has not been marked; if the X character is present, the alarm
has been marked.
Date/Time. Date and time of the alarm detection. The date/time is set by the element that
generated the alarm; in the most cases it is the NE controller.
Address. Logic address of the alarmed Network Element or System indication.
In the column Address is displayed the System label when the signalling refers to an event
generated by the Ring Manager application. The events of this type are the loss of configu-
ration alignment between the databases of Ring Manager and NMS5UX-B, the start or the
stop of anyone of the platform processes of Ring Manager and the stop of all the platform.
Type. Type of Network Element.
Message. Alphanumeric string that specifies the nature of the alarm.
For the NEs of Nodal type, the detail of the equipment of the nodal system is pointed out. This equip-
ment is identified by the logic address <node name>.A, <node name>.B, <node name>.C

(3) The symbol:

, points out that the data are not dynamically updated: they are freezed.
, points out that the data are dynamically updated.
xx of yy. Number of displayed records (xx) and number of total records (yy). If no filter is
active, the number of displayed records corresponds to the number of total records.
Filters:... Activation of one or more filters.

To save the alarms list (RM-Network Current Alarm)

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Current Alarm command.
The RM - Current Alarms window opens (Fig.77).

2. To save to file:

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 418

A group of alarms, select the records and then the File > Save > Selected command.
The displayed alarms, select the File > Save > Filtered command. If filters are not active, the
displayed records corresponds to the records stored in the database.
The Save File window opens.

3. Type, in the Selection box, the path and the name of the file where the information must be saved.

4. Press Ok.
The files are saved in text format and can be opened using any text editor.

To mark the alarms (RM-Network Current Alarm)

After having marked a record, the operation cannot be cancelled.

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Current Alarm command.
The RM - Current Alarms (Fig.77) window opens.

2. To mark:
A group of alarms, select the records and then the Actions > Acknowledge > Selected
Alarms command.
The displayed alarms, select the Actions > Acknowledge > Filtered Alarms command. If fil-
ters are not active, the displayed records correspond to the records stored in the database.
All the alarms of the database, select the Actions > Acknowledge > All Alarms command.
The Acknowledge Alarm window opens.
The User box displays the username of the NMS5UX user who required the marking of the records. The
value of the box is automatically set to the username of the NMS5UX user who opened the map. The
value cannot be changed.
3. Type in the Trouble Identification Code box a code identifying the records (alphanumeric string of max
15 characters); it can be used later as search criterion.
The setting of this parameter is optional.
4. Type in the Comment box some additional information (alphanumeric string of max 500 characters).
The setting of this parameter is optional.

5. Press Ok.
The record will be marked with the letter X.
If more records are selected for the operation, the settings of the Trouble Identification Code and Com-
ment parameters applies for all the records.

To realign the alarm table of Ring Manager to that of NMS5UX-B (RM-Net-

work Current Alarm)

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Current Alarm command.
The RM - Current Alarms window opens (Fig.77).

2. Select the Actions > Alarm Synchronization command.

The information present in the database of Ring Manager and relevant to the alarms are realigned to
that present in the database of NMS5UX-B.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 419

To activate/deactivate the automatic updating of the data (RM-Network
Current Alarm)

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Current Alarm command.
The RM - Current Alarms window opens (Fig.77).
At the opening of the window, by default, the automatic updating of the information is inactive.

2. To activate the automatic updating of the data, select the symbol.

3. To deactivate again the automatic updating of the data, select the symbol.

To filter the alarms list (RM-Network Current Alarm)

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Current Alarm command.
The RM - Current Alarms window opens (Fig.77).

2. Select the View > Filter command.

The Filter window opens.
Select one or more boxes present in the window, according to the criteria you wish to use.
The activation of each box enables the criterion or expands the window displaying a section that con-
tains the following options:
Match Severity. Type of signalling (alarm/status/event) and for the alarms their severity (the
colour of the box, when it is active, reflects the colour associated to the severity of the alarm or
the type of signalling). Activating the box/option:
Critical (red), the alarms with Critical severity will be displayed.
Major (orange), the alarms with Major severity will be displayed.
Minor (yellow), the alarms with Minor severity will be displayed.
Warning (light blue), the alarms with Warning severity will be displayed.
Status (blue), the status signallings will be displayed.
Normal (green), the event signallings will be displayed.
Occurred After and Occurred Before. Date/time of the alarms. Activating the box:
Occurred After, the list displays only the records whose recording date is equal or after
that displayed next to the option.
Occurred Before, the list displays only the records whose recording date is equal or before
that displayed next to the option.
To modify the date/time displayed next to the specific option, move the indicator of the scrolling
bar or click on the arrows located on the sides of the bar.
In the box located over the bar, selecting the Coarse Granularity item, it is possible to modify
the date/time with step of one hour, while selecting the Fine Granularity item with step of one
Activating the boxes at the same time and setting properly the date/time, it is possible to de-
termine a time interval.
Match Path. Alarms of the equipment that implement specific Paths.
It is possible to set the Path by means of one of the following ways:
In the RM - Path Browser (Fig.81) window, select one or more Path and press Add Path
from Path Browser.
Type the name of the Path in the text field and press Add.
The set values in this way will be inserted in the area next to the Match Path box.
It is possible to delete a single item from the list pressing, after having highlighted it, the Re-
move Selected push-button or all the items contemporarily pressing Remove All.
Match Ring. Alarms of the equipment present in the specific Rings.
To set the criterion, in the Ring List area, select one or more Rings and press Add.
The set values in this way will be inserted in the Match List area.
It is possible to delete a single item from the list pressing, after having highlighted it, the Re-
move Selected push-button or all the items contemporarily pressing Remove All.
Match Link. Alarms of the equipment connected from the specific Link.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 420

It is possible to set the Link by means of one of the following ways:
Select one or more Link, directly in the Ring Manager window and press Add Link from
Type the name of the Link in the text field and press Add.
The set values in this way will be inserted in the area next to the Match Link box.
It is possible to delete a single item from the list pressing, after having highlighted it, the Re-
move Selected push-button or all the items contemporarily pressing Remove All.
Match Equipment. Logical address of the Network Element.
It is possible to set the logic address by means of one of the following ways:
Select the symbol or the symbols of the wished NEs, directly in the Ring Manager window
and press Add Equipment From Map.
Type the logical address in the text field and press Add.
The set values in this way will be inserted in the area next to the Match Equipment box.
It is possible to delete a single item from the list pressing, after having highlighted it, the Re-
move Selected push-button or all the items contemporarily pressing Remove All.
Match Message. Description of the alarm (Message field).
It is possible to set the criterion by means of one of the following ways:
Type the wished string in the text field
Activating the Case Sensitive box, distinction will be made between upper and lower
case; deactivating the box, no distinction will be made
Select a record in the RM - Current Alarm window and press Get Message from select-
ed Alarm.
Match Acknowledged and Match Unacknowledged. Marking status of the alarms.
Activating the box:
Match Acknowledged, the marked records will be displayed.
Match Unacknowledged, the record not yet marked will be displayed.
3. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The system displays in the RM - Current Alarms window only the record that satisfy specific criteria.
Each time that the list is filtered, all the records are considered, both the displayed and the hidden ones.
When the RM - Current Alarm window is closed, the possible activation of the filters is automatically
In the window, there are the push-buttons:
Save.... It saves the set criteria to a file.
On the choice of the push-button, the Save Filter window opens.
Type the name you wish to assign to the file in the Selection box and press OK.
Load.... It opens the file, where a previously saved specific setting of filters is contained.
On the choice of the push-button, the Load Filter window opens.
Select the wished file in the Files list and press OK.
Delete....It deletes the file where a previously saved specific setting of filters is contained.
On the choice of the push-button, the Delete Filter window opens.
Select the wished file in the Files list and press OK.
Clear. It clears the activation of all the filters.
Cancel. It closes the window and does not execute the operation.

To sort the alarms list (RM-Network Current Alarm)

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Current Alarm command.
The RM - Current Alarms window opens (Fig.77).

2. Select the View > Sort Criteria command.

The Sort Criteria window opens.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 421

3. Select, in the Sort by area, the first sorting criterion:
Registration, the alarms will be sorted according to the date/time of recording in the Ring Man-
ager database.
SET Time, the alarms will be sorted according to the detection date/time.
CLEAR Time, the alarms will be sorted according to the clearing date/time. The alarms not
cleared yet will be considered with clearing date/time equal to 0.

4. Select in the Order area, the option:

Last on TOP; the first record of the table will correspond to the newest alarm; the successive
ones will be listed in descending order.
Last on BOTTOM; the first record of the table will correspond to the oldest alarm; the successive
ones will be listed in ascending order.

5. If you wish that the alarms are sorted also according to their address, activate the Group Equipment
box (second sorting criterion).

6. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The RM - Current Alarms window will list the records in the set order.

To display the acknowledge information of an alarm (RM-Network Current


1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Current Alarm command.
The RM - Current Alarms window opens (Fig.77).

2. Select the record which you wish to display the detail of the acknowledge for.

3. Continue in one of the following ways:

Press and keep pressed the right button of the mouse.
A pop-up window opens.
Select the View > Acknowledge Information command.
The Acknowledge Information window opens.
The content of both the windows is the same and is depicted in Fig.78.

Fig.78 Acknowledge Information (RM - Current Alarms) window

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 422

Fig.78 notes

(1) Identification code of the record assigned by the user during the alarm acknowledge.

(2) Option:
User. Username of the NMS5UX user who executed the acknowledgement of the record.
Time. Moment when the record has been acknowledged <day-month-year hour:minute:sec-
Comment. Additional information.

Modality of the updating of data (RM-Network Current Alarm)

The information present in the RM - Current Alarm window are dynamically updated only if the procedure
for the automatic updating is active (pag.420).

At the opening of the RM - Current Alarm window, the procedure of automatic updating of the informa-
tion is, by default inactive (the default setting can be modified by the Superuser).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 423


System access Read Only, ReadWrite

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The RM-Network Alarm Summary display/manage the summary of the alarm history of the equipment
present in the Rings managed by the supervision system.

With details it is possible:

To display the summary of the alarm history subdivided for the severity relevant to the equip-
ment present in the Rings (pag.424)
To filter the alarm list (pag.426)
To open the file, where a previously saved specific setting of filters is contained (pag.427)
To save the set filters to a file (pag.428)
To delete the file where a previously saved specific setting of filters is contained (pag.428)
To display the alarms stored in the alarm history (pag.428)
To reset the indication of status change (pag.428)
To modify the title of the RM - Alarm Summary window (pag.429)

To display the summary of the alarm history subdivided for the severity rel-
evant to the equipment present in the Rings

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Alarm Summary command.
The RM - Alarm Summary window opens, where the summary of the alarm history subdivided for the
severity relevant to the equipment present in the Rings is displayed, as shown in Fig.79.

At the opening of the window a filter is applied to the alarms list: only the alarms, whose detection
date is successive to the midnight of the current day, are displayed.
In the window the information updating is dynamic.

Fig.79 RM - Alarm Summary window

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 424

Fig.79 notes

(1) By default, the window title is RM - Alarm Summary. It can be changed as you wish (see pag.429).

(2) Menu:
File > Load. It opens the file, where a previously saved specific setting of filters is contained.
File > Save. It saves the set filters to a file.
File > Delete. It deletes the file where a previously saved specific setting of filters is con-
File > Close. It closes the window.
Options > Window Title. It changes the title of the window.
Options > Clear Flag. It resets the indication of status change.
View > Filter. It filters the alarms list.

(3) The presence of the flag next to the record points out that, from when the RM - Alarm Summary
window has been opened or from the last selection of the Options > Clear Flag command, a
change occurred: an alarm has been detected or cleared.

(4) It is possible that, in the RM - Alarm Summary window, there are not one or more records relevant
to the type of signallings/severity levels. Their presence is subjected to the activation of filters.

(5) Record:
Critical. Alarms with Critical severity.
Major. Alarms with Major severity.
Minor. Alarms with Minor severity.
Warning. Alarms with Warning severity.
Status. Status signallings.
Normal. Event signallings.
Total. All the signallings (alarms, status, events).

(6) Option:
Active (Critical record). Detected alarms with Critical severity.
Active (Major record). Detected alarms with Major severity.
Active (Minor record). Detected alarms with Minor severity.
Active (Warning record). Detected alarms with Warning severity.
Active (Status record). Detected status signallings.
Active (Normal record). Detected event signallings.
Active (Total record). Total number of detected signallings.

(7) Option:
Cleared (Critical record). Detected/cleared alarms with Critical severity.
Cleared (Major record). Detected/cleared alarms with Major severity.
Cleared (Minor record). Detected/cleared alarms with Minor severity.
Cleared (Warning record). Detected/cleared alarms with Warning severity.
Cleared (Status record). Detected/cleared status signallings.
Cleared (Normal record). Detected/cleared event signallings.
Cleared (Total record). Total number of detected/cleared signallings.

(8) xx of yy filed. Number of displayed records (xx) and number of total record (yy). If no filter is active,
the number of displayed records corresponds to the number of total records.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 425

To filter the alarm list (RM-Network Alarm Summary)

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Alarm Summary command.
The RM - Alarm Summary window opens (Fig.79).

2. Select the View > Filter command.

The Filter window opens.
Select one or more boxes present in the window, according to the criteria you wish to use.
The activation of each box enables the criterion or expands the window displaying a section that con-
tains the following options:
Match Severity. Type of signalling (alarm/status/event), activation status of the signalling and,
for the alarms, their severity (the colour of the box, when it is active, reflects the colour asso-
ciated to the severity of the alarm or the type of signalling). Activating the box/option:
Critical (red), the alarms with Critical severity will be displayed.
Major (orange), the alarms with Major severity will be displayed.
Minor (yellow), the alarms with Minor severity will be displayed.
Warning (light blue), the alarms with Warning severity will be displayed.
Status (blue), the status signallings will be displayed.
Normal (green), the event signallings will be displayed.
ACTIVE, the detected signallings will be displayed.
CLEARED, the detected and cleared signallings will be displayed.
ALL, the detected signallings only and the detected and cleared signallings will be dis-
Occurred After and Occurred Before. Date/time of the alarms. Activating the box.
Occurred After, the list displays only the records whose recording date is equal or after
that displayed next to the option.
Occurred Before, the list displays only the records whose recording date is equal or before
that displayed next to the option.
To modify the date/time displayed next to the specific option, move the indicator of the scrolling
bar or click on the arrows located on the sides of the bar.
In the box located over the bar, selecting the Coarse Granularity item, it is possible to modify
the date/time with step of one hour, while selecting the Fine Granularity item with step of one
Activating the boxes at the same time and setting properly the date/time, it is possible to de-
termine a time interval.
Match Path. Alarms of the equipment that implement specific Paths.
It is possible to set the Path by means of one of the following ways:
In the RM - Path Browser (Fig.81) window, select one or more Path and press Add Path
from Path Browser.
Type the name of the Path in the text field and press Add.
The set values in this way will be inserted in the area next to the Match Path box.
It is possible to delete a single item from the list pressing, after having highlighted it, the Re-
move Selected push-button or all the items contemporarily pressing Remove All.
Match Ring. Alarms of the equipment present in the specific Rings.
To set the criterion, in the Ring List area, select one or more Rings and press Add.
The set values in this way will be inserted in the Match List area.
It is possible to delete a single item from the list pressing, after having highlighted it, the Re-
move Selected push-button or all the items contemporarily pressing Remove All.
Match Link. Alarms of the equipment connected from the specific Link.
It is possible to set the Link by means of one of the following ways:
Select one or more Link, directly in the Ring Manager window and press Add Link from
Type the name of the Link in the text field and press Add.
The set values in this way will be inserted in the area next to the Match Link box.
It is possible to delete a single item from the list pressing, after having highlighted it, the Re-
move Selected push-button or all the items contemporarily pressing Remove All.
Match Equipment. Logical address of the Network Element.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 426

It is possible to set the logic address by means of one of the following ways:
Select the symbol or the symbols of the wished NEs, directly in the Ring Manager window
and press Add Equipment From Map.
Type the logical address in the text field and press Add.
The set values in this way will be inserted in the area next to the Match Equipment box.
It is possible to delete a single item from the list pressing, after having highlighted it, the Re-
move Selected push-button or all the items contemporarily pressing Remove All.
Match Message. Description of the alarm (Message field).
To set the criterion, type the wished string in the text field.
Activating the Case Sensitive box, distinction will be made between upper and lower case; de-
activating the box, no distinction will be made.
Match Acknowledged and Match Unacknowledged. Marking status of the alarms.
Activating the Match Acknowledged box, the marked records will be displayed. Furthermore, it
is possible to specify:
The identifying code assigned by the user to the record during the marking, activating
the TIC box and typing the code.
The username of the NMS5UX user who executed the marking, activating the User box
and typing the username.
Activating the Match Unacknowledged box, the record not yet marked will be displayed.

3. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The system displays in the RM - Alarm Summary window only the record that satisfy specific criteria.
Each time that the list is filtered, all the records are considered, both the displayed and the hidden ones.
When the RM - Alarm Summary window is closed, the possible activation of the filters is automatically

In the window, there are the push-buttons:

Save.... It saves the set criteria to a file.
On the choice of the push-button, the Save Filter window opens.
Type the name you wish to assign to the file in the Selection box and press OK.
Load.... It opens the file, where a previously saved specific setting of filters is contained.
On the choice of the push-button, the Load Filter window opens.
Select the wished file in the Files list and press OK.
Delete....It deletes the file where a previously saved specific setting of filters is contained.
On the choice of the push-button, the Delete Filter window opens.
Select the wished file in the Files list and press OK.
Clear. It clears the activation of all the filters.
Cancel. It closes the window and does not execute the operation.

To open the file, where a previously saved specific setting of filters is con-
tained (RM-Network Alarm Summary)

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Alarm Summary command.
The RM - Alarm Summary window opens (Fig.79).

2. Select the File > Load command.

The Load Filter window opens.

3. Select the wished file in the Files list.

4. Press OK.
The filter contained in the RM - Alarm Summary window is applied.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 427

To save the set filters to a file (RM-Network Alarm Summary)

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Alarm Summary command.
The RM - Alarm Summary window opens (Fig.79).

2. Select the File > Save command.

The Save Filter window opens.
3. Type the name you wish to assign to the file in the Selection box.

4. Press OK.
The filter currently applied to the window and the window title are saved to the file.

To delete the file where a previously saved specific setting of filters is con-
tained (RM-Network Alarm Summary)

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Alarm Summary command.
The RM - Alarm Summary window opens (Fig.79).

2. Select the File > Delete command.

The Delete Filter window opens.

3. Select the wished file in the Files list.

4. Press OK.
The file is removed from the disk.

To display the alarms stored in the alarm history (RM-Network Alarm Sum-

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Alarm Summary command.
The RM - Alarm Summary window opens (Fig.79).

2. Select the option relevant to the type/severity of signalling, for which you wish to display the relevant
list stored in the alarm history.
The RM - Alarm History window opens (Fig.75), where only the alarms of the selected type and severity,
whose detection date is successive to the midnight of the current day, are displayed.
For example, if the Active option (Minor record) is selected, the RM - Alarm History window opens, with
displayed only the active alarms with Minor severity whose detection date is successive to the midnight
of the current day. To display the remaining of the alarms, it is sufficient to change the filter.

To reset the indication of status change (RM-Network Alarm Summary)

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Alarm Summary command.
The RM - Alarm Summary window opens (Fig.79).

2. Select the Options > Clear Flag command.

The flags are removed.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 428

To modify the title of the RM - Alarm Summary window (RM-Network Alarm

1. Select the Ring Manager > Fault > RM-Network Alarm Summary command.
The RM - Alarm Summary window opens (Fig.79).

2. Select the Options > Window Title command.

The Window Title window opens.
3. Type, in the text field, the new title for the RM - Alarm Summary window.

4. Press OK.
The window immediately gets the new title.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 429


System access Read Only, ReadWrite

User profile Entry*, Normal*, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

* The Entry or Normal user cannot delete or mark the alarms.

The RM-Element Alarm History command displays/manages the history of the alarm/status/event sig-
nallings (alarms) stored in the Ring Manager database, relevant the equipment present ONLY to the se-
lected Ring.

The choice of the command opens the <Ring name> Alarm History window.

The description of the window and the operations that can be executed are the same reported in the
par. RM-Network Alarm History (pag.409).

The RM-Element Alarm History command is available only if it has been selected a single Ring in the UX
Map Manager window.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 430


System access Read Only, ReadWrite

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The RM-Element Current Alarm command displays/manages the alarm/status/event signallings

(alarms) active in the equipment present ONLY to the selected Ring.

The choice of the command opens the <Ring name> Current Alarm window.

The description of the window and the operations that can be executed are the same reported in the
par. RM-Network Current Alarm (pag.417).

The RM-Element Current Alarm command is available only if it has been selected a single Ring in the
UX Map Manager window.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 431


System access Read Only, ReadWrite

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The RM-Element Alarm Summary displays/manages the summary of the alarm history of the equipment
present ONLY to the selected Ring.

The choice of the command opens the RM - Alarm Summary window.

The description of the window and the operations that can be executed are the same reported in the
par. RM-Network Alarm Summary (pag.424).

The RM-Element Alarm Summary command is available only if it has been selected a single Ring in the
UX Map Manager window.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 432


System access Read Only, ReadWrite

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The RM-Ring Browser displays the list of the Rings managed by the NMS5UX-B.

With detail it is possible:

To display the list of the Rings managed by the NMS5UX-B (pag.433)
To open the Ring Manager window (pag.434)
To search and highlight in the map the symbol of a Ring (pag.434)

To display the list of the Rings managed by the NMS5UX-B

1. Select the Ring Manager > Locate > RM-Ring Browser command.
The Ring Browser window opens, where the list of the Rings managed by the supervision system
NMS5UX-B is displayed, as shown inFig.80.

Fig.80 Ring Browser window

Fig.80 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Refresh. It updates the data present in the window.
File > Close. It closes the window.
Options > Find ring. It searches and highlights in the map the symbol of a Ring
Options > Open ring. It opens the Ring Manager window.

(2) For each Ring the name corresponding to the name of the relevant Ring symbol in the map is point-
ed out.

(3) The Ring number option points out the total number of Rings.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 433

To open the Ring Manager window

1. Select the Ring Manager > Locate > RM-Ring Browser command.
The Ring Browser window opens (Fig.80).

2. Select the Ring.

3. Select the Options > Open ring command.

The Ring Manager window of the selected Ring, opens.
If the message Cannot open ring created in another map is displayed, it is not possible to open the Ring
Manager window as the selected Ring is not present in the current map.
The Ring Manager window can be opened also by a double click on the Ring record.

To search and highlight in the map the symbol of a Ring

1. Select the Ring Manager > Locate > RM-Ring Browser command.
The Ring Browser window opens (Fig.80).

2. Select the Ring you wish to highlight.

3. Select the Options > Find ring command.
In the UX Map Manager window, the symbol of the selected Ring is highlighted.
If the message Cannot highlight ring created in another map is displayed, it is not possible to highlight
the symbol as the selected Ring is not present in the current map.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 434


System access Read Only, ReadWrite

User profile Entry *, Normal *, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

* The user with Entry profile cannot modify/save the information relevant to a Path and modify the Path
configuration (single or protected).
The user with Entry or Normal profile cannot delete the Paths, add the protection to a Path and activate/
deactivate the management of a Path.

The RM-Path Browser display the list of the Path present in the Rings of the current map.

With details it is possible:

To display the list of the Path present in the Rings of the current map (pag.435)
To save the list of the Path (pag.437)
To delete one or more Paths (pag.438)
To delete the protection of a Path (pag.438)
To add the protection to a Path (pag.439)
To activate the management of a Path (pag.439)
To deactivate the management of a Path (pag.439)
To switch the names of the Paths associated in a protection (pag.440)
To display the alarms active in the equipment implementing a Path (pag.440)
To display the history of the alarms relevant to the equipment implementing a Path (pag.440)
To display/modify/save the information relevant to a Path (pag.440)
To display/modify the configuration of a Path (pag.443)
To display/modify the configuration of a Path protected (pag.445)
To search and highlight a Path in the Ring Manager window in which it is contained (pag.447)
To search and highlight in the map window, the Ring symbol in which it is present a Path
To filter/sort the list of the Path (pag.448)

The Path terms indicates a bidirectional route between a source node and a destination node and is
identified by an input channel on the source node and an output channel on the destination node. For more
information refer to the Ring Manager documentation.

To display the list of the Path present in the Rings of the current map

1. Select the Ring Manager > Locate > RM-Path Browser command.
The RM - Path Browser window opens, where the he list of the Path present in the Rings of the current
map is displayed, as shown in Fig.81.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 435

Fig.81 RM - Path Browser window

Fig.81 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Save. It saves the list of the Path
File > Refresh. It updates the data present in the window.
File > Close. It closes the window.
Edit > Select All. It selects all the displayed Paths.
Edit > Delete Path. It deletes one or more Path from the list and database.
Edit > Delete Path Protection. It delete from the list and database, the protection of one or
more Paths.
Edit > Add Path Protection. It adds the protection to a Path.
Edit > Path on line. It activates the management of a Path.
Edit > Path off line. It deactivates the management of a Path.
Edit > Naming Switch A/B -> B/A. It switches the names of the Paths associated in a pro-
Fault > Current Alarm. It displays the alarms active in the equipment implementing a Path
and related to the Path.
Fault > Alarm History. It displays the history of the alarms relevant to the equipment imple-
menting a Path and related to a Path.
Options > Path: Information. It displays/modifies/saves the information relevant to a Path
Options > Path: Configuration Parameters. It displays/modifies the configuration of a Path.
Options > Path: Protection Parameters. It displays/modifies the configuration of a Path pro-
Options > Path: Highlight. It searches and highlights a Path in the Ring Manager window in
which it is contained.
Options > Ring: Highlight. It searches and highlights in the map window, the Ring symbol in
which it is present a Path.
View > Filter. It filters/sorts the list of the Path

(2) The name of each status a Path can assume (except for the status Disabled which is grouped to-
gether with the status Warning) is next to a box pointing out the number of Paths present in the list
with the specific status.
For each box, if the displayed number is 0, the box is grey. When the number is different from 0,
the background of the box assumes the color associated to the status.
For the description of the different statuses and relevant colours, see note (3).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 436

The selection of a box allows filtering the list of Path using, as criterion, the selected status. When
the filter activated, the bar displays the Clear Severity Filter push-button. Selecting it, you can
remove the filter and display all the Paths in the list.

(3) For each Path, it is pointed out in the column:

Path Status. Status of the Path. The parameter is represented by a coloured box and by a
wording, in detail:
Background colour Wording Description
Red Not Actuated Path for which the actuation is failed
Red Failure The traffic on the Path is blocked.
Orange Incomplete Paths for which the actuation of one of the two routes
(A or B) is failed.
Value is meaningful only for protected Paths.
Yellow Degraded The traffic on the main route of the Path transits regu-
larly.The stand-by is not available.
Value is meaningful only for protected Paths.
Light blue Warning The alarm information is not available for at least one
of the two NEs implementing the Path.
Light blue Disabled The input or output channel of the Path is disabled.
Green Running The traffic on the Path transits regularly.
Brown Off line The Path is not managed

Path Name. Path name assigned by the user to the path during its creation or modification.
The user can assign to the Path the wished name or name the Path, according to Recc. ITU-
T M.1400, with the following format <logic address of source NE (max 12 characters)> -
<logic address of destination NE (max 12 characters) <connection type>s<connection pro-
gressive number (max 2 characters)>.
The figure reports some examples.
Source. The node source of the Path (equipment logical address and relevant input channel).
Destination. The node destination of the Path (equipment logical address and relevant output
Protection. Protection status of the Path.
A double click on a Path displays the RM: Path Description window (Fig.82).

(4) Field:
xx of yy. Number of displayed records (xx) and number of total records (yy). If no filter is
active, the number of displayed records corresponds to the number of total records.
Filter. Activation of one or more filters.

To save the list of the Path

1. Select the Ring Manager > Locate > RM-Path Browser command.
The RM - Path Browser window opens (Fig.81).

2. To save to file:
A group of Paths, select the records and then the File > Save > Selected command.
The displayed Paths, select the File > Save > Filtered command. If no filter is active, the dis-
played records correspond to the records stored in the database.
The Save File window opens.

3. Type, in the Selection box, the path and the name of the file where the information must be saved.

4. Press Ok.
The files are saved in text format and can be opened using any text editor.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 437

To delete one or more Paths

Operation available only to the Superuser and to the users with privileged or advanced profile.

It is not possible to delete:

A Path in Not Actuated status. Force the Path in Off line status or wait for the successful reali-
zation of the Path and then delete the Path.
A managed Path (On line), if the system has detected a condition of Configuration Mismatch.
First remove the mismatch condition (refer to Ring Manager documentation) and then delete the
A Path with at least one of the NEs implementing the Path in status disconnected, unreachable,
maintenance, connected with LCT present in Configuration modality or if a NMS5UX user has
opened the relevant equipment graphic interface (Equipment window). Force the Path in Off line
status or wait for all the equipment implementing the Path are in connected status and then de-
lete the Path.

The deletion of a unmanaged Path (Off line) involves the removal of the Path only from the database of
Ring Manager, while the deletion of a managed Path (On line) involves the removal of the Path from the
DB and the removal of the relevant cross-connections from the equipment implementing the considered

If a protected Path is selected, this operation deletes the whole Path (paths A and B).

1. Select the Ring Manager > Locate > RM-Path Browser command.
The RM - Path Browser window opens (Fig.81).

2. Select the record you wish to delete.

3. Select the Edit > Delete Path command and confirm.

The records are deleted from the list, from the supervision system database and from the equipment
if in connected status.

To delete the protection of a Path

Operation available only to the Superuser and to the users with privileged or advanced profile.

It is not possible to delete:

A route (A/B) of a Path in Not Actuated status. Force the Path in Off line status or wait for the
successful realization of the Path and then delete the protection.
A route (A/B) of a managed Path (On line) if the system has detected a condition of Configura-
tion Mismatch. First remove the mismatch condition (refer to Ring Manager documentation) and
then delete the protection.
A route (A/B) of a Path, if at least one of the NEs implementing the connection A or B is in status
disconnected, unreachable, maintenance, connected with LCT present in Configuration modality
or if a NMS5UX user has opened the relevant equipment graphic interface (Equipment window).
Force the Path in Off line status or wait for all the equipment implementing the route (A/B) are
in connected status and then delete the protection.

The deletion of a protection of an unmanaged Path (Off line) involves the removal of the Path only from
the database of Ring Manager, while the deletion of the protection of a managed Path (On line) involves
the removal of the protection from the DB and the removal of the relevant cross-connections from the
equipment implementing the considered protection.

1. Select the Ring Manager > Locate > RM-Path Browser command.
The RM - Path Browser window opens (Fig.81).

2. Select the wished protected Path (Protection option - Protected value).

3. Select the Edit > Delete Path Protection > PATH-A or PATH-B command (according to the route
you want to delete) and confirm.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 438

To add the protection to a Path

Operation available only to the Superuser and to the users with privileged or advanced profile.

The operation executed on a managed Path (On line) involves the creation of the protection in the database
of Ring Manager and the creation of the relevant cross-connections for the equipment implementing the
considered protection.

1. Select the Ring Manager > Locate > RM-Path Browser command.
The RM - Path Browser window opens (Fig.81).

2. Select the Path you wish to protect (Protection option - Not protected value).

3. Select the Edit > Add Path Protection command and confirm.
If the operation is successful, the value Protected is displayed in the record of the considered Path (op-
tion Protection). If the operation fails, an error message is displayed.

To activate the management of a Path

1. Select the Ring Manager > Locate > RM-Path Browser command.
The RM - Path Browser window opens (Fig.81).

2. Select the Path not managed (Path Status option - Off line value).

3. Select the Edit > Path on line command and confirm.

The status assumed by the managed Path is pointed out in the record of the considered Path (option
Path Status - value Running, Warning, etc.).
An error message is displayed if troubles occur during the operation.
For instance, if an equipment implementing the Path is in disconnected status, at the end of the oper-
ation the Path will pass to Not Actuated status and a message will point out that it was not possible to
realize the Path because the equipment (logic address) is disconnected.

To deactivate the management of a Path

Operation available only to the Superuser and to the users with privileged or advanced profile.

1. Select the Ring Manager > Locate > RM-Path Browser command.
The RM - Path Browser window opens (Fig.81).
2. Select the Path managed (Path Status option - Not Actuated, Failure, Incomplete, Degraded, Warning,
Disabled or Running value).

3. Select the Edit > Path off line command and confirm.
At the end of the operation, the Path is not managed by the system anymore (option Path Status -
value Off line).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 439

To switch the names of the Paths associated in a protection

1. Select the Ring Manager > Locate > RM-Path Browser command.
The RM - Path Browser window opens (Fig.81).

2. Select the protected Path (Protection option - Protected value) whose names of the two paths (A/B)
you wish to switch.

3. Select the Edit > Naming Switch A/B -> B/A command.
The path named A is renamed as B and vice versa.
To display the new situation, it is necessary to open the Ring Manager window containing the consid-
ered Path.

To display the active alarms in the equipment implementing a Path

1. Select the Ring Manager > Locate > RM-Path Browser command.
The RM - Path Browser window opens (Fig.81).

2. Select the Path(s) for which you wish to display the current alarms in the relevant equipment.
3. Select the Fault > Current Alarm command.
The RM - Current Alarm (Fig.77) window opens with Match Path filter active.
The description of the window and the operations that can be executed are reported to pag.417.

To display the alarm history relevant to the equipment implementing a Path

1. Select the Ring Manager > Locate > RM-Path Browser command.
The RM - Path Browser window opens (Fig.81).

2. Select the Path(s) for which you wish to display the alarm history in the relevant equipment.
3. Select the Fault > Alarm History command.
The RM - Alarm History (Fig.75) window opens with Match Path and After (alarms whose detection date
is successive to the midnight of the current day) filters active.
The description of the window and the operations that can be executed are reported to pag.409.

To display/modify/save the information relevant to a Path

Operation available only to the Superuser and to the users with privileged, advanced or normal profile.

1. Select the Ring Manager > Locate > RM-Path Browser command.
The RM - Path Browser window opens (Fig.81).

2. Execute one of the following operations:

Double click on the wished Path.
Select the wished Path and then the Options > Path: Information command.
The RM: Path Description window opens where the information relevant to the Path are displayed, as
shown in Fig.82.
Here below are pointed out the operations which can be executed with the items present in the window.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 440

To change the name of the Path

a. Into the Path Name text field, type the new value (alphanumeric string of minimum 1 maximum
100 characters).
b. Press Apply.

To save on file the characteristics of the Path

a. Select the File > Save Path Information command.

The Save File window opens.
b. Type, in the Selection box, the path and the name of the file where the information must be
c. Press Ok.
The files are saved in text format and can be opened using any text editor.

To display the alarms active in the equipment implementing a Path

a. Select the Fault > Current Alarm command.
The RM - Current Alarm (Fig.77) window opens with Match Path filter active.
The description of the window and the operations that can be executed are reported to pag.417.

To display the alarm history relevant to the equipment implementing the Path

a. Select the Fault > Alarm History command.

The RM - Alarm History (Fig.75) window opens with Match Path and After (alarms whose detec-
tion date is successive to the midnight of the current day) filters active.
The description of the window and the operations that can be executed are reported to pag.409.

Fig.82 RM Path Description window

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 441

Fig.82 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Save Path Information. It saves the characteristics of the Path.
File > Close. It closes the window.
Fault > Current Alarm. It displays the alarms active in the equipment implementing the Path.
Fault > Alarm History. It displays the history of the alarms relevant to the equipment imple-
menting the Path.

(2) Path name assigned by the user to the path during its creation or modification.
The user can assign the wished name to the Path or name the Path, according to the Recc. ITU-T
M.1400, using the following format <source NE logic address (max 12 characters)> - <destination
NE logic address (max 12 characters) <connection type>s<connection progressive number (max 2

(3) Option:
Source. Logical address of the source equipment of the Path and relevant input channel.
Destination. Logical address of the destination equipment of the Path and relevant output
The options are read only.

(4) The green box points out the Path type:

Protected. Protected Path.
Single. Unprotected Path.
Loop. Presence of a cross-connection re-closed on itself (loop).

(5) Each record present in the list represents an equipment implementing the Path. For protected paths
in the list, the equipment implementing the PATH-A and the PATH-B are displayed.
For each equipment, it is displayed in the column:
Status. Status of creation of the cross-connection between input channel and output channel
on the equipment:
Actuated. Connection actuated.
Not Actuated. Connection not actuated yet.
Off line. Connection not managed (Path in Off line status).
Equipment. Logical address of the equipment.
In Channel. Input channel of the Path on the equipment.
Out Channel. Output channel of the Path on the equipment.
Message. This field displays, for the not actuated connections (option Status - value Not Ac-
tuated) the cause of the missed actuation:
Not Connected. Equipment in disconnected status.
Maintenance Status. Equipment in maintenance status.
Unreachable. Equipment in unreachabke status
LCT in Configuration Mode. Equipment in connected status which the LCT program in
Configuration modality is connected to.
NMS5UX in Configuration Mode. Equipment for which the NMS5UX user has opened
the relevant equipment graphic interface (Equipment window).

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 442

To display/modify the configuration of a Path

Operation available only to the Superuser and to the users with privileged, advanced or normal profile.

1. Select the Ring Manager > Locate > RM-Path Browser command.
The RM - Path Browser window opens (Fig.81).

2. Select the wished Path.

3. Select the Options > Path: Configuration Parameters command.

The Path: Configuration Parameters - <nome del Path> window opens where the configuration of the
Path is displayed, as shown in Fig.83.
Depending on the equipment type (source/destination), the window will display some configuration pa-
rameters relevant to the tributary channel of input to the source equipment of the Path (area Source
NE) and to the tributary of output from the destination equipment of the Path (area Destination NE).
Here below are displayed the operations which can be executed using the items present in the window.

To activate/deactivate the tributary

a. Into the Tributary Enable box, set the use of the tributary:
Disable. The tributary is not active (tributary not used). In this case, the alarms are inhi-
bited and LOS alarm becomes active if, with tributary disabled, the signal is however con-
Enable. The tributary is active (tributary used). In this case, the controller does not in-
hibit the alarms.
Disable No Inv. The tributary is not active (tributary not used). In this case, the alarms
are inhibited and LOS alarm is NOT given if, with tributary disabled, the signal is however
b. Press Apply.
At the end of the operation, a message displaying the result of the operation itself is displayed.

To activate/deactivate the tributary loops

Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).

a. Select the loop to be activated (or deactivated).

The loop assumes the state complementary to the previous one (if activated, it becomes deac-
tivated and vice versa).
b. Press Apply.
At the end of the operation, a message displaying the result of the operation itself is displayed.
The activation of, at least, one loop causes the activation of the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment
is switched off and, then, switched on, independently from the previous setting, the loops are

To modify the J2 Path Trace parameters

a. Into the Trace Type box, set the Path Trace status:
Disable. The control of the Path Trace is disabled.
Enable. The control of the Path Trace is enabled.
b. Into the Trace Sent box, type the new characters string in transmission.
c. Into the Trace Expected box, type the new characters string in reception.
d. Press Apply.
At the end of the operation, a message displaying the result of the operation itself is displayed.

To modify the Signal Label parameters

a. Into the Trace Expected box, set the specification which the received Signal Label value is re-
ferred to.
b. Into the Trace Sent box, set the specification which the transmitted Signal Label value is referred
c. Press Apply.
At the end of the operation, a message displaying the result of the operation itself is displayed.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 443

Fig.83 Path Configuration Parameters window

Fig.83 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Close. It closes the window.

(2) Option:
Source NE/Destination NE. Respectively source equipment/destination equipment of the
Channel. Tributary channel used.
NE Name. Logic address of the equipment.
NE Type. Equipment type.
The Virtual... label points out the virtual NE objects (Ring Manager).
IP Address. IP address.
The Virtual... label points out the virtual NE objects (NMS5UX-B/NMS5LX).
IDU Type. IDU type (for example 2RU, etc.)
Configuration. Configuration type (for example Drop Insert, Terminal, etc.)
Capacity. Equipment capacity.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 444

IDU Nb. Number of equipment constituting the node (only for NEs of Nodal type).
The list of displayed options depends on the equipment type.

(3) Option:

2Mbit/s Tributary
Tributary Enable. Used status of the tributary:
Disable. The tributary is not active (tributary not used). In this case, the alarms are
inhibited and LOS alarm becomes active if, with tributary disabled, the signal is howe-
ver connected.
Enable. The tributary is active (tributary used). In this case, the controller does not
inhibit the alarms.
Disable No Inv. The tributary is not active (tributary not used). In this case, the
alarms are inhibited and LOS alarm is NOT given if, with tributary disabled, the signal
is however connected.
Tributary Loop. Activation status of the loop:

J2 Path Trace
Trace Type. Path Trace status:
Disable. The control of the Path Trace is disabled.
Enable. The control of the Path Trace is enabled.
Trace Sent. Transmitted string of control characters
Trace Expercted. The string of characters to be controlled in reception.
Signal Label
Trace Expected. Specification, which the received Signal Label value is referred to.
Trace Sent. Specification which the transmitted Signal Label value is referred to.

The list of displayed options depends on the equipment type.

(4) Push-button:
Apply. It executes the changes made to the configuration parameters.
Refresh. It updates the data present in the window.
Cancel. It closes the window.

To display/modify the configuration of a Path protected

Operation available only to the Superuser and to the users with privileged, advanced or normal profile.

1. Select the Ring Manager > Locate > RM-Path Browser command.
The RM - Path Browser window opens (Fig.81).

2. Select the Path protected (Protection option - Protected value).

3. Select the Options > Path: Protection Parameters command.

The Path: Protection Parameters window opens where the configuration of a Path protected is displayed
as shown in Fig.84.
Here below are listed the operations which can be executed using the items present in the window.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 445

To modify the management of the switching between the Path A and Path B

Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).

a. In the Forced Switch box relevant to the wished equipment (source/destination), set:
Auto. The switching is automatically managed according to the presence of the alarms.
Force PATH-A. The equipment is forced to use the Path A for the service.
Force PATH-B. The equipment is forced to use the Path B for the service.
b. Press Apply.
At the end of the operation, a message displaying the result of the operation itself is displayed.
Forcing the switching activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is turned off and then
turned on again, the functioning of the switch is an automatic one without taking into account
the preceding setting.

To modify the management of the preferential Path

a. In the Preferential box relevant to the wished equipment (source/destination), set:

Not Revertive, without the presence of alarms (that cause the switching), the equipment
does not use a Path in a preferential manner with respect to the other one.
Revertive PATH-A, without the presence of alarms (that cause the switching), the equip-
ment use the Path A.
Revertive PATH-B, without the presence of alarms (that cause the switching), the equip-
ment use the Path-B.
b. Press Apply.
At the end of the operation, a message displaying the result of the operation itself is displayed.

Fig.84 Path Protection Parameters window

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 446

Fig.84 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Close. It closes the window.

(2) Remember that the Path is a BIDIRECTIONAL route. In figure, for explanation clearness, we con-
sider an hypothetical route entering in the input channel of the source equipment and exiting from
the output channel of the destination equipment.

(3) The status of the switch is pointed out when the equipment is connected to the management sys-

(4) Push-button:
Apply. It applies the changes made to the configuration parameters.
Refresh. It updates the data present in the window.
Cancel. It closes the window.

(5) Value:
Not Revertive, without the presence of alarms (that cause the switching), the equipment
does not use a Path in a preferential manner with respect to the other one.
Revertive PATH-A, without the presence of alarms (that cause the switching), the equipment
use the Path A.
Revertive PATH-B, without the presence of alarms (that cause the switching), the equipment
use the Path-B.

(6) Value:
Auto. The switching is automatically managed according to the presence of the alarms.
Force PATH-A. The equipment is forced to use the Path A for the service.
Force PATH-B. The equipment is forced to use the Path B for the service.

To search and highlight a Path in the Ring Manager window in which it is con-

1. Select the Ring Manager > Locate > RM-Path Browser command.
The RM - Path Browser window opens (Fig.81).

2. Select the Path you wish to search and highlight.

3. Continue in one of the following ways:
Select the Options > Path: Highlight command.
Press the right button of the mouse and select the Highlight Selected Path command.
If not already open, the Ring Manager window is displayed containing the selected Path. The Path is
highlighted in the window.

To search and highlight in the map window, the Ring symbol in which it is
present a Path

1. Select the Ring Manager > Locate > RM-Path Browser command.
The RM - Path Browser window opens (Fig.81).

2. Select the Path.

3. Select the Options > Ring: Highlight command.

In the map window the Ring symbol, in which it is present a Path, is highlighted.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 447

To filter/sort the list of the Path

1. Select the Ring Manager > Locate > RM-Path Browser command.
The RM - Path Browser window opens (Fig.81).

2. Select the View > Filter command.

The Path Browser: Filter window opens.
Select one or more boxes present in the window, according to the criteria you wish to use.
The activation of each box enables the criterion or expands the window displaying a section that con-
tains the following options:
Match Path Status. Status of the Path (the color of the box, when active, reflects the color as-
sociated to the status). Activating the box:
Not Actuated (red), the Paths, which the realization is failed for, will be displayed.
Failure (red), the Paths with locked traffic will be displayed.
Incomplete (orange), the Paths, which the realization of one of the two routes (A or B)
is failed for, will be displayed. Value meaningful only for protected Paths.
Degraded (yellow), the Paths, whose traffic on the mail route regularly transits while the
stand-by route is not available, will be displayed. Value meaningful only for protected
Warning (light blue), will the displayed the Paths for which:
No alarm information is available for, at least, one of the equipment implementing
the Path (status Warning).
The input or output channel of the Path itself is disabled (status Disabled).
Running (green), the Paths, whose traffic regularly transits, will be displayed.
Off Line (brown), the not managed Paths will be displayed.
Match Path on Ring. Paths present in the specific Rings.
To set the criterion, select one or more Rings in the area on the right and press Add.
The values set in this way are inserted in the area on the left.
It is possible to delete a single item from the list pressing, after having highlighted it, the Re-
move Selected push-button or all the items contemporarily pressing Remove All.
Match Path Through Equipment. Path implemented by specific equipment.
It is possible to set the equipment by means of one of the following ways:
Select the symbol or the symbols of the wished NEs, directly in the Ring Manager window
and press Add From Map.
Type the logical address in the text field and press Add.
The set values in this way will be inserted in the area next to the Match Path Through Equipment
It is possible to delete a single item from the list pressing, after having highlighted it, the Delete
push-button or all the items contemporarily pressing Delete All.
Match Path Through Link. Paths passing through specific Links.
It is possible to set the Link by means of one of the following ways:
Select one or more Link, directly in the Ring Manager window and press Add from Map.
Type the name of the Link in the text field and press Add.
The set values in this way will be inserted in the area next to the Match Path Thought Link box.
It is possible to delete a single item from the list pressing, after having highlighted it, the Delete
push-button or all the items contemporarily pressing Delete All.
Sort by. Criterion used to sort the list in increasing alphabetic order: numbers from 0 to 9, letters
from A to Z).
To set the criterion, activate the option:
Path Name. The Paths will be sorted with respect to the Path name.
Path Source. The Paths will be sorted with respect to the logic address of the source NE.
Path Destination. The Paths will be sorted with respect to the logic address of the desti-
nation NE.
Path Protection. The Paths will be sorted with respect to the protection.

3. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The system displays in the RM - Path Browser window only the record that satisfy specific criteria.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 448

Each time that the list is filtered, all the records are considered, both the displayed and the hidden ones.
In the window there are also the Clear (it removes the activation of the filters and displays the com-
plete list) and Cancel (it closes the window and does not execute the operation) push-buttons.
When the RM - Path Browser window is closed, the possible activation of the filters is automatically

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 449


System access Read Only, ReadWrite

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The RM-Equipment Browser command displays the list of the equipment present in the Rings of the cur-
rent map.

With details it is possible:

To display the list of the equipment present in the Rings of the current map (pag.450)
To filter the equipment list (pag.451)
To search and highlight the equipment symbol in the relevant Ring Manager window (pag.452)

To display the list of the equipment present in the Rings of the current map

1. Select the Ring Manager > Locate > RM-Equipment Browser command.
The RM - Equipment Browser window opens where the list of the equipment present in the Rings of the
current map is displayed, as shown in Fig.85.

Fig.85 RM - Equipment Browser window

Fig.85 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Refresh. It updates the data present in the window.
File > Close. It closes the window.
Options > Find equipment. It search and highlight the equipment symbol in the relevant Ring
Manager window.
View > Filter. It updates the information contained in the window.

(2) For each equipment, the following columns report:

Name. Logical address of the equipment.
Type. Type of equipment.
The wording Virtual points out that the record refers to a virtual NE (Ring Manager).
Ring. Ring name in which the equipment is present.
Status. Status of the connection between the equipment and NMS5UX-B.
Alarm. Functional status (alarms) of the equipment.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 450

The severity level of the alarm present in the equipment opens. When more alarms of dif-
ferent severity are present, the level relevant to the more serious alarm is displayed.
Physical Address. Physical address of the equipment.
The wording VIRTUAL EQ. Points out that the record refers to a virtual NE (NMS5UX-B or
Ring Manager).

The information corresponds to the characteristics/operating status of the equipment when the RM
- Equipment Browser window has been opened or updated.
The presence of the - symbol points out that the information is not available as not meaningful for
the status and/or the type of equipment, which is referred to.
A double click on an equipment record opens the Ring Manager window containing the equipment.
The equipment is highlighted in the Ring Manager window.

(3) Field:
xx of yy. Number of displayed records (xx) and number of total records (yy). If no filter is
active, the number of displayed records corresponds to the number of total records.
Filter. Activation of one or more filters.
Date and time when the window has been opened or updated.

To filter the equipment list (RM-Equipment Browser)

1. Select the Ring Manager > Locate > RM-Equipment Browser command.
The RM - Equipment Browser window opens(Fig.85).

2. Select the View > Filter command.

The Eq. Browser: Filter window opens.
Select one or more boxes present in the window, according to the criteria you wish to use.
The activation of each box expands the window displaying a section containing the following options:
Match Name. Logic address of the NE.
To set the criteria, type the logical address of the NE in the text field.
The text field for the typing of the equipment name is case sensitive. Then pay attention to the
typing of the upper-case letters and of the lower-case letters.
Match Type. Equipment type.
To set the criterion, select the option relevant to the type of wished equipment.
Match Ring. Equipment present in the specific Rings of the current map.
To set the criterion, in the right area, select one or more Rings and press Add.
The set values in this way will be inserted in the left area.
It is possible to delete a single item from the list pressing, after having highlighted it, the Re-
move Selected push-button or all the items contemporarily pressing Remove All.
Match Status. Status of the connection between the NE and NMS5UX-B.
To set the criterion, select the option relevant to the wished status.
Match Physical Address. Type (real or virtual) and physical address of equipment.
To set as criterion the equipment:
Real, activate the IP Equipment option and type the IP address of the wished NE in the
text fields.
Virtual, activate the Virtual Equipment option.

3. Press OK (it executes the command and closes the window) or Apply (it executes the command and
does not close the window).
The system displays in the RM - Equipment Browser window only the records that satisfy the activated
Each time the list is filtered, all the records are considered, both the displayed and the hidden ones.
In the window there are also the Clear (it removes the activation of the filters and displays the com-
plete list) and Cancel (it closes the window and does not execute the operation) push-buttons.
When the RM - Equipment Browser window closes, the possible activation of filters is automatically de-

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 451

To search and highlight the equipment symbol in the relevant Ring Manager

1. Select the Ring Manager > Locate > RM-Equipment Browser command.
The RM - Equipment Browser window opens (Fig.85).

2. Select the equipment you wish to highlight.

3. Select the Options > Find equipment command.

If not already open, the Ring Manager window is displayed containing the selected equipment. The
equipment is highlighted in the window.
The operation can be executed even by a double click on the equipment record in the RM - Equipment
Browser window.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 452


The Help menu contains the following commands:

About NMS5UX-B (pag.454). It displays the version of the NMS5UX-B system present on one's
NMS5UX Software Module (pag.455). It displays the list of the programs that constitute the
NMS5UX-B software package.
System Administrator (pag.457). It opens the NMS5UX-B system administrator manual.
Overview (pag.458). It opens the NMS5UX-B user manual.
Manager (pag.459). It opens the equipment user manual.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 453


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The About NMS5UX-B command displays the version of the NMS5UX-B system present on one's machine.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 454


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Superuser

The NMS5UX Software Module command displays the list of the programs that constitute the NMS5UX-
B software package.

With details it is possible:

To verify the list of the programs that constitute the NMS5UX-B software package (pag.455)
To print the programs list (pag.456).
To display the details of the word queues relevant to its own supervisory system (pag.456).
To end possible processes, relevant only to the Legacy equipment that have remained appended

To verify the list of the programs that constitute the NMS5UX-B software

1. Select the Help > NMS5UX Software Module command.

The NMS5UX Version window opens, where the list of the programs that constitute the NMS5UX-B soft-
ware package is displayed, as shown in Fig.86.

Fig.86 NMS5UX Version window

Fig.86 notes

(1) Menu:
File > Print. It prints the content of the widow on the default printer.
File > Exit. It closes the window.
Option > Code Word. It displays the detail of the word queues relevant to its own supervisory
Command > Check legacy processes. It allows ending possible processes, relevant only to
the Legacy equipment that have remained appended.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 455

(2) Column:
Program. Program name.
Version. Program version.
Dimension. Program dimensions expressed through byte.
Date. Issuing date of the program.
Path. Program path on the server/workstation.

To print the list of programs

1. Select the Help > NMS5UX Software Module command.

The NMS5UX Version window opens (Fig.86).
2. Select the File > Print command.
The content of the window printed on the default printer.

To display the detail of the code words relevant to its own supervisory sys-

1. Select the Help > NMS5UX Software Module command.

The NMS5UX Version window opens (Fig.86).

2. Select the Option > Code Word command.

The Code Word window opens. Into the following fields, it points out:
User number, the maximum number of NMS5UX users that can open the NMS5UX-B graphical
interface (using the same map or different maps).
Check number, the number of version of the word queues present on its own NMS5UX-B system.
Equipment max number, the maximum number of equipment that can be managed at the same
time by NMS5UX-B system.
Expired date, the possible expiring date of the word queues
The wording Definitively points out that the word queues do not have an expiring date.
Server code, the code of the server/workstation.
Type equipment, the types of the equipment managed by its own NMS5UX-B system.

To end possible processes, relevant only to the Legacy equipment that have
remained appended

1. Select the Help > NMS5UX Software Module command.

The NMS5UX Version window opens (Fig.86).

2. Select the Command > Check legacy processes command.

Possible processes, relevant to the only Legacy equipment are terminated.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 456


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Superuser

The System Administrator command opens the NMS5UX-B system administrator manual.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 457


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The Overview command opens the NMS5UX-B user manual.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 458


System access Read Only, Read-Write

User profile Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged, Superuser

The <equipment type> Manager command opens the user manual relevant to the specific equipment

In the Help menu, only the manuals of the equipment managed by one's NMS5UX-B will be available.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 459



Tab.15 points out the menus and the commands present in the UX Map Manager window (Fig.1).
For each command, the access to the map and the user profile necessary for the availability of the com-
mand in the window, are reported. In detail

Map access column. Wording:

RO/RW. Command available both in the map with Read Only access and in the map with
Read-Write access.
RW. Command available only in the map with Read-Write access.
User profile column. Wording:
S. Command available to the Superuser.
P. Command available to the user with privileged profile.
A. Command available to the user with advanced profile.
N. Command available to the user with normal profile.
E. Command available to the user with entry profile.

The list of the menus/commands in table is the DEFAULT one present at the installation of the NMS5UX-
B system. The list can be configured by the Superuser. For more information refer to NMS5UX Administra-
tor Manual.

Some commands are optional ones. Then, such commands can be absent into the specific menu of its own
NMS5UX-B system.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 460

Fig. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Tab.15 Menus/commands (UX Map Manager window)

Menus Commands Map access User profile


Map Properties RW SPA

Submap Properties RW SPA

Import/Export RO/RW SPA

Change Map RO/RW SP


1 The Privileged user cannot delete the map.

2 Menu/command present only if installed the modules for the management of the Legacy equipment.
3 For the subject profile/map access it is possible only to verify the parameters.
4 For the subject profile/map access it is possible both to verify and to modify the parameters.
5 Optional Command.
6 The recording data, if changed, can be saved only by the Superuser and by the users with privileged
and advanced profile.
7 The Action > Bench Switch command is not available to the entry user.
8 The Actions > Map Structure Rebuild command is available only to Superuser.
The Commands > SNMP-Command Executor command is available only to the Superuser and to the
users with privileged or advanced profile.
For the Superuser, the list refers to all the NEs of all the maps managed by NMS5UX-B. For the privileged,
advanced, normal, entry profile, the list refers only to the NEs of ones map.
9 The Action > Delete and Action > Acknowledge commands are not available to normal and entry
10 The entry user can only verify the data.
11 The Action > Delete Records command is not available to the normal and entry user.
For the Superuser, the operations refer to all the users of all the maps managed by NMS5UX-B. For the
privileged and advanced profile, the operations refer only to the users of one's map
12 The privileged, advanced, normal and entry users can only acknowledge an operator and re-enable
him to receive e-mails.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 461

Menus Commands Map access User profile

Container RW SPA


SNMP Managed
Element Legacy Protocol
Managed 2
Legacy Protocol
Managed (Virtual)

Generic Symbol RW SPA


Label RW SPA

Network From File RW SPA

Delete RW SPA

3 4 3 4
Edit Network Element RO RW NE SPA

3 4 3 4
Container RO RW NE SPA

3 4 3 4
Modify/View Generic Symbol RO RW NE SPA

3 4 3 4

3 4 3 4

Information RO/RW SPANE

Graphical Symbol Properties RO/RW SPANE


Vertical RW SPA
Horizontal RW SPA

Generate Info for WEB RW SPANE

Set Current Window Geometry For All Contain-


13 The privileged, advanced, normal and entry users can only modify one's password.
14 The Action > Force Logout and Action > Forced Exit commands are available only to Superuser.
15 The Action > Force Logout command is not available to the normal and entry user.
16 The entry user cannot set/modify the parameters.
17 The activation of the Delete Table box is available only to Superuser.
18 Menu present only if installed the modules for the management of the Ring Manager application.
19 The Path: Information, Path: Configuration Parameters and Path: Protection Parameters
commands are not available to entry users.
The Delete Path, Delete Path Protection, Add Path Protection, Path on line and Path off line are
not available to normal and entry users.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 462

Menus Commands Map access User profile

Performance Monitoring Read RO/RW SPANE

Performance Monitoring RO/RW SPANE

Performance Old Performance Monitoring RO/RW SPANE

Export Performance Monitoring RO/RW SPANE

View/Modify P.M. Status RO/RW SPAN

Equipment Info RO/RW SPANE

Radio Certificate RO/RW SPANE

Legacy-Hw/Sw Edition Inventory RO/RW SPANE

Legacy-Physical Unit Inventory RO/RW SPANE
SNMP-Software Inventory RO/RW SPANE


SNMP-NE Backup/Restore RO/RW SPAN

Legacy-Alarm Average RO/RW SPANE

Equipment List Locate RO/RW SPANE
Proxy Equipment List RO/RW SPANE

Network Element RO/RW SPANE

Line Test
Container RO/RW SPANE

Network Element RO/RW SPANE

Container RO/RW SPANE

Network Element RO/RW SPANE

Container RO/RW SPANE

SNMP-Force NE Disconnect RO/RW SPAN

Network Element RO/RW SPANE

Legacy - Reset&Connect
Container RO/RW SPANE
Network Element RO/RW SPANE
Alarm Re-alignment
Container RO/RW SPANE

Network Element RO/RW SPANE

Configuration Upload
Container RO/RW SPANE

SNMP-Configuration Download RO/RW SPAN


Communication Server
Disconnect RO/RW SPANE

SNMP-Reset Equipment Controller RO/RW SPAN

PMP Clear Alarm Table RO/RW S

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 463

Menus Commands Map access User profile

Network Alarm History RO/RW SPANE 9

Network Current alarms RO/RW SPANE

Old alarm history RO/RW SPANE

NE Alarm history RO/RW SPANE

NE Current alarms RO/RW SPANE



Alarm Summary RO/RW SPANE

SNMP-Event Statistics RO/RW SPANE

Transaction Log RO/RW SPANE

Alarm Notification via e-mail RO/RW SPANE

SNMP-Command Executor RO/RW SPA


SNMP-Auto Discovery RO/RW SP

NMS5UX History 10

Legacy-Network Alarm Hysteresis 2 RO/RW S

SNMP-Network Severity Code RO/RW S

SNMP-Equipment Severity Code RO/RW SPAN



SNMP-LCT Equipment Users RO/RW SP


SNMP-Remote Element Table RO/RW SPANE

SNMP-Scheduled Sw Dwl Status RO/RW SPAN


FAMxc-NE Sw/Fw Download RO/RW SPAN

FAMxc-Scheduled Sw Dwl Status RO/RW SPAN

FAMxc-NE Sw/Fw Release RO/RW SPAN

Legacy-NE Sw/Fw Download RO/RW SPAN

Legacy-Scheduled Sw Dwl Status RO/RW SPAN

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 464

Menus Commands Map access User profile

Alarm History Backup RO/RW SPA

Alarm History Restore RO/RW SP

Alarm History Delete Backup RO/RW SP

Performance Monitoring Backup RO/RW SPA
Performance Monitoring Restore RO/RW SP

Performance Monitoring Delete RO/RW SP

NMS5UX Global Database Backup RO/RW S

NMS5UX Global Database Restore RO/RW S

RM-Add Ring RW SPA

Edit RM-Delete Ring RW SPA

3 4 3 4
RM-Modify/View Ring RO RW NE SPA

RM-Network Alarm History RO/RW SPANE 9

RM-Network Current Alarm RO/RW SPANE

RM-Network Alarm Summary RO/RW SPANE

Ring Manag-
er 18 9
RM-Element Alarm History RO/RW SPANE

RM-Element Current Alarm RO/RW SPANE

RM-Element Alarm Summary RO/RW SPANE

RM-Ring Browser RO/RW SPANE

Locate RM-Path Browser RO/RW SPANE

RM-Equipment Browser RO/RW SPANE


NMS5UX Software Module RO/RW S

Help System Administrator RO/RW S

Overview RO/RW SPANE


NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 465


Fig.1 UX Map Manager window ................................................................................................. 18

Fig.2 Map area (UX Map Manager window)................................................................................. 23

Fig.3 Relation between object and symbol ................................................................................. 28

Fig.4 TMNMENU window .......................................................................................................... 58

Fig.5 Example of network (SNMP equipment) ............................................................................. 69

Fig.6 Subdivision of the network into objects (SNMP equipment)................................................... 69

Fig.7 Example of network (SNMP equipment) (UX Map Manager window) ....................................... 71

Fig.8 Example of network (Legacy equipment) ........................................................................... 72

Fig.9 Subdivision of the network into objects (Legacy equipment) ................................................. 72

Fig.10 Example of network (Legacy equipment) (UX Map Manager window) ................................... 75

Fig.11 Example of network (Legacy/SNMP equipment) ................................................................ 75

Fig.12 Subdivision of the network into objects (Legacy/SNMP equipment) ...................................... 76

Fig.13 Example of network (Legacy/SNMP equipment) (UX Map Manager window) .......................... 78

Fig.14 Example of network subdivided in more maps................................................................... 79

Fig.15 Representation of the link (example Add Network From File) .............................................. 86

Fig.16 AddNetworkFromFile_EXAMPLE.csv file (Add Network From File example)............................. 86

Fig.17 AddNetworkFromFile_EXAMPLE.csv file (test editor) .......................................................... 87

Fig.18 Add From File Report window (Add Network From File example).......................................... 87

Fig.19 UX Map Manager window (Add Network From File example) ............................................... 88

Fig.20 Path containing the NE (example Auto Discovery) ............................................................. 91

Fig.21 Import Export Map window ........................................................................................... 127

Fig.22 Change Map window .................................................................................................... 131

Fig.23 Information window ..................................................................................................... 146

Fig.24 Graphic Performance Monitoring window ......................................................................... 158

Fig.25 View/Modify P.M. Status window .................................................................................... 166

Fig.26 Equipment Information window ..................................................................................... 169

Fig.27 Hw/Sw Edition Inventory window ................................................................................... 172

Fig.28 Physical Unit Inventory window ..................................................................................... 176

Fig.29 Snmp NE Software Inventory window ............................................................................. 181

Fig.30 Hw Inventory page ...................................................................................................... 188

Fig.31 NE Backup/Restore page............................................................................................... 193

Fig.32 sdAverage window ....................................................................................................... 197

Fig.33 Equipment Browser [List/Locate] window ........................................................................ 200

Fig.34 Equipment Managed by Proxy window ............................................................................ 218

Fig.35 Configuration Download window .................................................................................... 235

Fig.36 Alarm History Browser window ...................................................................................... 243

Fig.37 Current Alarms Browser window .................................................................................... 251

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 466

Fig.38 Old History Browser window .......................................................................................... 257

Fig.39 Equipment History Log Management Main Window ........................................................... 266

Fig.40 Equipment History Command Log Management Main window ............................................. 271

Fig.41 Siae Alarm Summary window ........................................................................................ 276

Fig.42 NMS5UX Alarm Statistics window ................................................................................... 281

Fig.43 Transaction Browser window ......................................................................................... 286

Fig.44 Alarm notification - Operator Management window ........................................................... 293

Fig.45 SNMP Command Executor window.................................................................................. 299

Fig.46 NE Monitoring window .................................................................................................. 302

Fig.47 Graphic display of the data (NE Monitoring)..................................................................... 307

Fig.48 Table display of the data (NE Monitoring) ........................................................................ 308

Fig.49 Scan Configuration window ........................................................................................... 310

Fig.50 Network Element Captured window ................................................................................ 315

Fig.51 Rmon Statistics Viewer window...................................................................................... 319

Fig.52 Captured Statistics window ........................................................................................... 322

Fig.53 Rmon History View window ........................................................................................... 325

Fig.54 RMON alarms management ........................................................................................... 332

Fig.55 Fleeting Alarms Manager window ................................................................................... 337

Fig.56 Siae Events Manager window ........................................................................................ 339

Fig.57 Equipment Severity Code window .................................................................................. 342

Fig.58 User Management window (Superuser) ........................................................................... 345

Fig.59 User Management window (Entry, Normal, Advanced, Privileged) ....................................... 348

Fig.60 Nms5ux Logged Users window (users list)....................................................................... 350

Fig.61 Nms5ux Logged Users window (applications list) .............................................................. 353

Fig.62 LCT User Manager window ............................................................................................ 356

Fig.63 Logged Users window ................................................................................................... 360

Fig.64 Remote Element Table window ...................................................................................... 363

Fig.65 - Definition of a remote node in the remote equipment list (example 1) .............................. 371

Fig.66 - Definition of a remote node in the remote equipment list (example 2) .............................. 372
Fig.67 Software Download window (SNMP) ............................................................................... 374

Fig.68 Scheduling download window (SNMP) ............................................................................. 376

Fig.69 RelSw window ............................................................................................................. 380

Fig.70 Insert window (FAMxc) ................................................................................................. 384

Fig.71 FAMxc Scheduled Software Download window (FAMxc) ..................................................... 386

Fig.72 Equipment Bench Releases window ................................................................................ 389

Fig.73 Software Download window (Legacy).............................................................................. 391

Fig.74 Scheduling Download Viewer window (Legacy)................................................................. 393

Fig.75 RM - Alarm History window ........................................................................................... 410

Fig.76 Acknowledge Information (RM - Alarm History) window .................................................... 415

Fig.77 RM - Current Alarms window ......................................................................................... 417

Fig.78 Acknowledge Information (RM - Current Alarms) window .................................................. 422

Fig.79 RM - Alarm Summary window........................................................................................ 424

Fig.80 Ring Browser window ................................................................................................... 433

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 467

Fig.81 RM - Path Browser window............................................................................................ 436

Fig.82 RM Path Description window.......................................................................................... 441

Fig.83 Path Configuration Parameters window ........................................................................... 444

Fig.84 Path Protection Parameters window................................................................................ 446

Fig.85 RM - Equipment Browser window ................................................................................... 450

Fig.86 NMS5UX Version window .............................................................................................. 455

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 468


Tab.1 Push-buttons (UX Map Manager window) ........................................................................... 21

Tab.2 Icon (UX Map Manager window) ....................................................................................... 29

Tab.3 Behaviour of symbol (UX Map Manager window) ................................................................. 31

Tab.4 Colour of symbol (UX Map Manager window) ...................................................................... 32

Tab.5 Subdivision of the network into objects (SNMP equipment)................................................... 70

Tab.6 Subdivision of the network into objects (Legacy equipment) ................................................. 73

Tab.7 Subdivision of the network into objects (Legacy/SNMP equipment)........................................ 77

Tab.8 Objects of a network subdivided in more maps ................................................................... 80

Tab.9 File structure (Add Network From File functionality) ............................................................ 82

Tab.10 Alarm severity.............................................................................................................111

Tab.11 NSAP (Gosip) address ..................................................................................................137

Tab.12 Operations (Transaction Log) ........................................................................................289

Tab.13 Ethernet counters denomination (RMON - Statistics).........................................................334

Tab.14 Ethernet counters denomination (RMON - History) ...........................................................335

Tab.15 Menus/commands (UX Map Manager window)..................................................................461

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 469


Acknowledge an operator and re-enable him to receive e-mail
(entry, normal, advanced, privileged user) (Alarm Notification via e-mail) ......................................297
Acknowledge an operator and re-enable him to receive e-mail (Superuser)
(Alarm Notification via e-mail) .................................................................................................296
Acquire the configuration of one or more equipment ........................................................... 214, 232
Acquire the configuration of the equipment of one or more containers ...........................................232
Activate a measure (SNMP-NE Monitoring) .................................................................................304
Activate an Ethernet port for the count of the history of the RMON statistics ...................................327
Activate an Ethernet port for the count of the RMON statistics ......................................................320
Activate at the same time one or more PM measures for one or more equipment of the same type ....167
Activate the management of a Path ..........................................................................................439
Activate/deactivate an operator (Alarm Notification via e-mail) .....................................................295
Activate/deactivate one or more PM measures at the same time ...................................................208
Activate/deactivate the automatic updating of the data (Network Alarm History) .............................246
Activate/deactivate the automatic updating of the data (Network Current Alarms) ..........................253
Activate/deactivate the automatic updating of the data (RM-Network Alarm History) .......................413
Activate/deactivate the automatic updating of the data (RM-Network Current Alarm) ......................420
Activate/deactivate the tributary (Path Browser) .........................................................................443
Activate/deactivate the tributary loops (Path Browser) ................................................................443
Add a new LCT user ................................................................................................................357
Add a NMS5UX user ................................................................................................................346
Add a station to the remote equipment list ................................................................................364
Add an equipment to the remote equipment list .........................................................................365
Add an operator (Alarm Notification via e-mail) ..........................................................................294
Add more equipment at the same time to the remote equipment list .............................................366
Add the protection to a Path ....................................................................................................439
Add/modify/delete the informative notes of a NE symbol .............................................................148
Add/remove a prefix to the logical address of an equipment .........................................................205
Align the symbols ...................................................................................................................151
Assign the parameters to monitor to an equipment (create a measure) (SNMP-NE Monitoring) .........303
Associate/remove the background to a container ........................................................................125

Backup the alarm history .........................................................................................................397

Capture the RMON statistics of an Ethernet port in a specific instant ..............................................321
Change the name of the Path (Path Browser) .............................................................................441
Check the database information necessary to the RAN .................................................................152
Close the open map and opening another one ............................................................................131
Close the UX Map Manager window ...........................................................................................133
Compare the objects of a map/container with the objects of a different map/container ....................129
Compare the objects, previously saved to file, with the objects of a map/container .........................130
Connect one or more CommServer-S ................................................................................ 216, 237

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 470

Connect one or more equipment ....................................................................................... 212, 223
Connect the equipment of one or more containers ......................................................................223
Copy the alarms list into a text editor (Old Alarm History) ............................................................259
Copy the alarms list to a text editor (Network Alarm History) .......................................................245
Copy the objects of a map/container to a different map/container .................................................126
Copy the objects, previously saved to file, into a map/container ...................................................128
Create a Command Log (SNMP equipment) ................................................................................271
Create a filter relevant to the type of alarms whose detection must be notified
to the operator via e-mail (Alarm Notification via e-mail) .............................................................296
Create a NE Log (SNMP equipment) ..........................................................................................267
Create a new map ..................................................................................................................346
Create an object ..................................................................................................................... 27
Create Container objects .........................................................................................................135
Create Container, NE (SNMP), Link and Label objects described in a file .........................................141
Create Generic Symbols (graphic symbols) ................................................................................140
Create Label objects (wordings) ...............................................................................................141
Create Link objects (connection) ..............................................................................................140
Create manually the object of an equipment present in the Auto Discovery table ............................317
Create more Command Logs at the same time (SNMP equipment) ................................................272
Create more NE Logs at the same time (SNMP equipment) ..........................................................267
Create NE object managed with SNMP protocol ..........................................................................136
Create NE objects managed with Legacy protocol .......................................................................138
Create Ring objects ................................................................................................................406
Create virtual NE objects managed with Legacy protocol ..............................................................139
Create virtual NE objects managed with SNMP protocol ...............................................................138

Deactivate a measure (SNMP-NE Monitoring) .............................................................................304
Deactivate an Ethernet port from the count of the history of the RMON statistics ............................327
Deactivate an Ethernet port from the count of the RMON statistics ................................................321
Deactivate at the same time one or more PM measures for one or more equipment of the same type 167
Deactivate the management of a Path .......................................................................................439
Deactivate the NE Wake Up modality ........................................................................................314
Deactivate the Network Scan modality ......................................................................................313
Deactivate the periodic saving of the data to file (SNMP-HW Inventory) .........................................190
Delete a Command Log (SNMP equipment) ................................................................................273
Delete a file (SNMP-NE Monitoring) ...........................................................................................306
Delete a LCT user ...................................................................................................................358
Delete a map .........................................................................................................................132
Delete a measure (SNMP-NE Monitoring) ...................................................................................303
Delete a NE Log (SNMP equipment) ..........................................................................................268
Delete a NMS5UX user ............................................................................................................347
Delete a Ring object from the map ...........................................................................................407
Delete a station from the remote equipment list .........................................................................365
Delete all the Command Logs of a SNMP equipment ....................................................................274
Delete all the NE Logs of a SNMP equipment ..............................................................................268
Delete an equipment from the remote equipment list ..................................................................369
Delete an object ...................................................................................................................... 27
Delete an object from the map .................................................................................................142
Delete an operator (Alarm Notification via e-mail) .......................................................................295
Delete and rewrite the equipment table .....................................................................................206
Delete one or more equipment from the Auto Discovery table ......................................................317
Delete one or more equipment from the list (FAMxc-Scheduled Sw Dwl Status) ..............................387
Delete one or more equipment from the list (Legacy-Scheduled Sw Dwl Status) .............................394
Delete one or more equipment from the list (SNMP-Scheduled Sw Dwl Status) ...............................377
Delete one or more Paths ........................................................................................................438

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 471

Delete the alarms (Network Alarm History) ................................................................................245
Delete the alarms (RM-Network Alarm History) ..........................................................................411
Delete the alarms (SNMP-Event Statistics) .................................................................................283
Delete the alarms stored in the controller of a SNMP equipment ...................................................268
Delete the backup files of the alarm history ...............................................................................399
Delete the backup files of the PM measures ...............................................................................402
Delete the file where a previously saved specific setting of filters is contained
(RM-Network Alarm Summary) ................................................................................................428
Delete the list of operations stored in the controller of a SNMP equipment ......................................274
Delete the operation (Transaction Log) ......................................................................................287
Delete the protection of a Path .................................................................................................438
Disable an alarm relevant to a counter (RMON statistics) .............................................................330
Disconnect one or more CommServer-S ............................................................................ 216, 237
Disconnect one or more equipment ................................................................................... 213, 225
Disconnect the equipment of one or more containers ..................................................................225
Display the acknowledge information of an alarm (RM-Network Alarm History) ...............................415
Display the acknowledge information of an alarm (RM-Network Current Alarm) ..............................422
Display the active alarms in the equipment implementing a Path ..................................................440
Display the alarm history of the equipment present in the map .....................................................242
Display the alarm history of the equipment present in the Rings managed by the supervision system 409
Display the alarm history present in the Old History table ............................................................257
Display the alarm history relevant to the equipment implementing a Path ......................................440
Display the alarm history relevant to the equipment implementing the Path (Path Browser) .............441
Display the alarms active in the equipment implementing a Path (Path Browser) .............................441
Display the alarms active in the equipment of the map ................................................................251
Display the alarms active in the equipment present in the Rings managed by the supervision system 417
Display the alarms stored in the alarm history ............................................................................279
Display the alarms stored in the alarm history (RM-Network Alarm Summary) ................................428
Display the backup files of the SNMP equipment present in the open map ......................................191
Display the characteristics of a measure (SNMP-NE Monitoring) ....................................................303
Display the characteristics of the user who opened the map .........................................................348
Display the content of a Command Log (SNMP equipment) ..........................................................273
Display the content of a file of SNMP commands .........................................................................300
Display the content of a NE Log (SNMP equipment) .....................................................................267
Display the detail of the code words relevant to its own supervisory system ...................................456
Display the files of scheduled SNMP commands ..........................................................................300
Display the firmware version of a FAMxc equipment ....................................................................388
Display the firmware version of a SNMP equipment .....................................................................379
Display the hardware of the SNMP equipment present in the open map .........................................187
Display the history of the RMON statistics of an Ethernet port .......................................................323
Display the LCT users list of a SNMP equipment ..........................................................................356
Display the list of all the operators enabled to the reception of the alarm notification via e-mail ........292
Display the list of the active NMS5UX-B applications ...................................................................353
Display the list of the Command Log of a SNMP equipment ..........................................................270
Display the list of the equipment ..............................................................................................200
Display the list of the equipment detected by Auto Discovery (Auto Discovery table) .......................315
Display the list of the equipment managed by the Proxy Agent .....................................................218
Display the list of the equipment present in the Rings of the current map ......................................450
Display the list of the FAMxc scheduled for the firmware updating .................................................386
Display the list of the Legacy equipment scheduled for the firmware updating ................................393
Display the list of the measures (SNMP-NE Monitoring) ................................................................301
Display the list of the NE Log of a SNMP equipment ....................................................................265
Display the list of the NMS5UX users present in all the existing maps ............................................345
Display the list of the NMS5UX users who have a map open .........................................................350
Display the list of the operations executed by the NMS5UX users ..................................................285
Display the list of the Path present in the Rings of the current map ...............................................435
Display the list of the Rings managed by the NMS5UX-B ..............................................................433

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 472

Display the list of the SNMP equipment scheduled for the firmware updating ..................................376
Display the list of the users (LCT and NMS5UX) connected to a SNMP equipment ............................360
Display the mean of the alarms per second received by the NMS5UX-B system
and sent by the Legacy equipment ...........................................................................................197
Display the remote equipment list of a SNMP equipment ..............................................................362
Display the results of a measure (SNMP-NE Monitoring) ...............................................................304
Display the results of a measure stored into a file (SNMP-NE Monitoring) .......................................305
Display the statistics of the alarms subdivided by alarm ..............................................................282
Display the statistics of the alarms subdivided by equipment ........................................................282
Display the statistics of the alarms subdivided by time interval .....................................................280
Display the summary of the alarm history subdivided for the severity relevant
to the equipment present in the map ........................................................................................275
Display the summary of the alarm history subdivided for the severity relevant
to the equipment present in the Rings .......................................................................................424
Display the value of the hysteresis parameters of the fleeting alarms (Legacy equipment) ...............337
Display/hide the Map area ........................................................................................................ 24
Display/hide the platform status bar .......................................................................................... 36
Display/modify the certificate of conformity of a radio equipment .................................................212
Display/modify the configuration of a Path .................................................................................443
Display/modify the configuration of a Path protected ...................................................................445
Display/modify/save the information relevant to a Path ...............................................................440

Enable and define the criteria for the activation/deactivation of an alarm relevant to a counter
(RMON statistics) ...................................................................................................................328
Enable/disable the alarms and to send of the traps and/or to modify the local severity
of the alarms of a SNMP equipment ..........................................................................................343
End possible processes, relevant only to the Legacy equipment that have remained appended ..........456
Execute series of SNMP commands stored on file ........................................................................298
Execute the Line Test for one or more equipment .......................................................................221
Execute the Line Test for the equipment of one or more containers ...............................................221
Execute the Ping of a SNMP equipment ...................................................................................... 34
Execute the software reset of an SNMP equipment ......................................................................239

Filter the alarms (SNMP-Event Statistics) ...................................................................................283
Filter the alarms list (Alarm Summary) ......................................................................................277
Filter the alarms list (Network Alarm History) .............................................................................246
Filter the alarms list (Network Current Alarms) ...........................................................................254
Filter the alarms list (Old Alarm History) ....................................................................................259
Filter the alarms list (RM-Network Alarm History) .......................................................................413
Filter the alarms list (RM-Network Alarm Summary) ....................................................................426
Filter the alarms list (RM-Network Current Alarm) .......................................................................420
Filter the alarms list (SNMP-Equipment Severity Code) ................................................................343
Filter the equipment list (RM-Equipment Browser) ......................................................................451
Filter the list of operation (Transaction Log) ...............................................................................287
Filter the NMS5UX users list (NMS5UX Logged Users) ..................................................................353
Filter the NMS5UX-B applications list (NMS5UX Logged Users) ......................................................355
Filter/order the list of the equipment/units (SNMP-Software Inventory) .........................................185
Filter/order the list of the objects (Legacy-Hw/Sw Edition Inventory) .............................................174
Filter/order the list of the objects (Legacy-Physical Unit Inventory) ...............................................178
Filter/sort the list of equipment (Equipment List Locate) ..............................................................203
Filter/sort the list of the Path ...................................................................................................448
Force the closure of an NMS5UX-B application ............................................................................355
Force the disconnection (logout) of a LCT user ...........................................................................361

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 473

Force the disconnection (logout) of a NMS5UX user .....................................................................352
Force the software disconnection of one or more SNMP equipment ................................................227

Highlight in the map the symbol of an equipment (Network Alarm History) ....................................248
Highlight in the map the symbol of an equipment (Network Current Alarms) ..................................255
Highlight in the map the symbol of an equipment (Old Alarm History) ...........................................261

Lock/unlock a backup file ........................................................................................................195

Mark the alarms (Network Alarm History) ..................................................................................245
Mark the alarms (Network Current Alarms) ................................................................................253
Mark the alarms (RM-Network Alarm History) .............................................................................412
Mark the alarms (RM-Network Current Alarm) ............................................................................419
Modality of recording of the alarms ...........................................................................................250
Modality of recording of the alarms (RM-Alarm History window) ....................................................416
Modality of the updating of data (RM-Alarm History window) ........................................................416
Modality of the updating of data (RM-Current Alarms window) ......................................................423
Modify an object ..................................................................................................................... 27
Modify the characteristics of an equipment of the remote equipment list ........................................368
Modify the characteristics of the LCT users .................................................................................358
Modify the characteristics of the NMS5UX users ..........................................................................347
Modify the characteristics of the operators (Alarm Notification via e-mail) ......................................295
Modify the hysteresis parameters of the fleeting alarms (Legacy equipment) ..................................338
Modify the identification code of the unit ...................................................................................178
Modify the J2 Path Trace parameters (Path Browser) ...................................................................443
Modify the management of the preferential Path (Path Browser) ...................................................446
Modify the management of the switching between the Path A and Path B .......................................446
Modify the network severity level of the alarms relevant to a specific SNMP equipment type .............340
Modify the password associated to ones NMS5UX user ................................................................349
Modify the Signal Label parameters (Path Browser) .....................................................................443
Modify the size of the symbols .................................................................................................124
Modify the title of the RM - Alarm Summary window (RM-Network Alarm Summary) .......................429
Move an equipment within the remote equipment list ..................................................................369
Move an object ....................................................................................................................... 27

Open the equipment window ............................................................................................ 183, 204
Open the file, where a previously saved specific setting of filters is contained
(RM-Network Alarm Summary) ................................................................................................427
Open the Ring Manager window ...............................................................................................434

Print the list of programs (NMS5UX Software module) .................................................................456

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 474

Realign the alarm table of Ring Manager to that of NMS5UX-B (RM-Network Alarm History) .............412
Realign the alarm table of Ring Manager to that of NMS5UX-B (RM-Network Current Alarm) .............419
Re-align the alarms of one or more equipment ................................................................... 214, 230
Re-align the alarms of the equipment of one or more containers ...................................................230
Rename a station of the remote equipment list ...........................................................................364
Require the closure of an NMS5UX-B application .........................................................................354
Require the disconnection (logout) of a NMS5UX user .................................................................351
Require the updating of the data to the controller of an equipment ...............................................184
Reset and connect one or more Legacy equipment .............................................................. 215, 228
Reset and connect the Legacy equipment of one or more containers .............................................228
Reset the indication of status change (Alarm Summary) ..............................................................279
Reset the indication of status change (RM-Network Alarm Summary) ............................................428
Restore from file the remote equipment list ...............................................................................370
Restore the alarm history from disk ..........................................................................................398
Restore the alarm history from tape ..........................................................................................398
Restore the database ..............................................................................................................404
Restore the PM measures from disk ..........................................................................................401
Restore the PM measures from tape ..........................................................................................401
Retrieve a given Auto Discovery configuration from file ...............................................................314

Save a given Auto Discovery configuration to file ........................................................................314
Save on file the characteristics of the Path (Path Browser) ...........................................................441
Save on file the results of the PM measures of one or more equipment of the same type .......... 163, 207
Save periodically the data to file (SNMP-HW Inventory) ...............................................................190
Save the alarms list (RM-Network Alarm History) ........................................................................411
Save the alarms list (RM-Network Current Alarm) .......................................................................418
Save the data to file (SNMP-HW Inventory) ...............................................................................190
Save the database (backup) ....................................................................................................403
Save the equipment configuration to a file (configuration backup) .................................................195
Save the history of the RMON statistics of an Ethernet port ..........................................................328
Save the list of the Path ..........................................................................................................437
Save the objects of a map/container to a file .............................................................................128
Save the PM measures (backup) ..............................................................................................400
Save the results of a measure (SNMP-NE Monitoring) ..................................................................305
Save the results of a measure stored into a file (SNMP-NE Monitoring) ..........................................306
Save the RMON statistics of an Ethernet port captured in a specific instant to file ............................323
Save the set filters to a file (RM-Network Alarm Summary) ..........................................................428
Save to a file the remote equipment list ....................................................................................370
Save to file or print the conformity certificate of a radio ...............................................................171
Save/print the alarms list (Network Alarm History) .....................................................................244
Save/print the alarms list (Network Current Alarms) ...................................................................253
Save/print the alarms list (Old Alarm History) ............................................................................259
Save/print the list of equipment (Equipment List Locate) .............................................................202
Save/print the list of operations (Transaction Log) ......................................................................287
Save/print the list of the equipment/units (SNMP-Software Inventory) ..........................................182
Save/print the list of the objects (Legacy-Hw/Sw Edition Inventory) ..............................................173
Save/print the list of the objects (Legacy-Physical Unit Inventory) ................................................177
Search a symbol in the map ....................................................................................................150
Search an equipment in the Auto Discovery table .......................................................................316
Search and highlight a Path in the Ring Manager window in which it is contained ............................447
Search and highlight in the map the symbol of a Ring .................................................................434
Search and highlight the equipment symbol in the relevant Ring Manager window ..........................452

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 475

Send a message to one or all the NMS5UX users ........................................................................352
Set the automatic updating of the data (Alarm Summary) ...........................................................279
Set the execution parameters and activate the NE Wake Up modality ............................................313
Set the execution parameters and activate the Network Scan modality ..........................................311
Set the size of the containers windows ......................................................................................153
Sort the alarms list (Network Alarm History) ..............................................................................249
Sort the alarms list (Old Alarm History) .....................................................................................262
Sort the alarms list (RM-Network Alarm History) .........................................................................415
Sort the alarms list (RM-Network Current Alarm) ........................................................................421
Start the Command Executor application ...................................................................................217
Stop the updating of the firmware (Legacy-Scheduled Sw Dwl Status) ...........................................395
Stop the updating of the firmware (SNMP-Scheduled Sw Dwl Status) ............................................378
Switch the names of the Paths associated in a protection .............................................................440
Switch the operation of the memory benches and to restart a FAMxc .............................................389
Switch the operation of the memory benches of a SNMP equipment controller ........................ 184, 382

Transfer the configuration of a SNMP equipment
(virtual or real) to one or more real SNMP equipment ..................................................................234
Transfer the configuration of a SNMP equipment
(virtual or real) to one or more virtual SNMP equipment ..............................................................236
Transfer the configuration of an equipment to another equipment of the same type ........................215
Transfer the configuration present into a backup file to an equipment (configuration restore) ...........194
Transfer to the PMP the default table of the alarms .....................................................................240

Update the equipment firmware (FAMxc) ........................................................................... 209, 383
Update the equipment firmware (Legacy) ..................................................................................390
Update the equipment firmware (SNMP) .............................................................. 184, 208, 373, 381
Update the results of the PM measures of an equipment ..............................................................155
Update the UX Map Manager window ........................................................................................123

Verify in which map the symbol of an equipment is present ..........................................................205
Verify the alarms characteristics (status, sending status of the trap, local severity
of a SNMP equipment ..............................................................................................................341
Verify the characteristics and the functional status of an equipment ..............................................169
Verify the configuration/functional status of an equipment ............................................ 183, 248, 256
Verify the configuration/operating status of an equipment ...........................................................204
Verify the enabling and the criteria for the activation/deactivation of alarms relevant to a counter
(RMON statistics) ...................................................................................................................328
Verify the firmware version of the SNMP equipment present into the open map ..............................180
Verify the graphic parameters assigned by the system to the symbol ............................................149
Verify the hardware and firmware version of the objects relevant to the Legacy equipment
present into the open map .......................................................................................................172
Verify the information (marking status of the alarms, of the signalling of LCT presence,
Incorrect Upload and the notes) of a symbol ..............................................................................146
Verify the LCT/NMS5UX users connected to an equipment ...........................................................211
Verify the list of the programs that constitute the NMS5UX-B software package ..............................455
Verify the marking status of the alarms, of the signalling of LCT presence and
Incorrect Upload of an equipment .............................................................................................205
Verify the network severity level of the alarms relevant to a specific SNMP equipment type ..............339
Verify the objects list of the Legacy equipment present into the open map .....................................176
Verify the operating status of the PM measure points of one or more NEs of the same type ..............165

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 476

Verify the reach ability of the equipment (Line Test) ...................................................................212
Verify the results of the PM measures of an equipment ................................................................206
Verify the results of the PM measures of an equipment, subdivided in daily records (24 hours) and,
for each record, verifying the values of the control parameters .....................................................156
Verify the results of the PM measures of an equipment, subdivided in daily records (24 hours)
present in the Old Performance Monitoring table .........................................................................161
Verify the results of the PM measures of an equipment, subdivided in primary records (15 minutes)
and, for each record, verifying the values of the control parameters ..............................................160
Verify the results of the PM measures of an equipment, subdivided in primary records (15 minutes)
present in the Old Performance Monitoring table .........................................................................162
Verify the statistics of an Ethernet port of a SNMP equipment (RMON statistics) ..............................318
Verify the status and the configuration of Auto Discovery
(Network Scan and/or NE Wake Up modality) .............................................................................309
Verify the time interval between two different alarms (Network Alarm History) ...............................248
Verify the time interval between two different alarms (Network Current Alarms) .............................255
Verify the time interval between two different alarms (Old Alarm History) ......................................261
Verify the units list (where a controller or a FPGA is present) of the SNMP equipment
present into the open map .......................................................................................................182
Verify/modify the data registration (conformity certificate) of a radio ............................................171
Verify/modify the LCT users list of an equipment ........................................................................211
Verify/modify the parameters of a Container object ....................................................................143
Verify/modify the parameters of a Generic Symbol object ............................................................144
Verify/modify the parameters of a Label object ...........................................................................145
Verify/modify the parameters of a Link object ............................................................................145
Verify/modify the parameters of a Network Element object ..........................................................143
Verify/modify the parameters of a Ring object ............................................................................408
Verify/modify the status/severity of the alarms and the status of the trap sending of an equipment ..210

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 477


Signal of a failure created by an error or by a malfunctioning of the equipment or of one of its ele-

Alarm history
List of signalling, acquired and recorded by NMS5UX-B in time. The history stores both the detection
and the cancelling of the signalling.

Command Executor
Application of NMS5UX-B system that execute series of SNMP commands stored on file.
Command Log
File where it records the operations executed by the LCT/NMS5UX user stored into the controller of
the equipment.

Support equipment for the physical connection between NMS5UX-B and the equipment managed
by Legacy protocol. CommServer-S is equipped with serial ports (maximum 7).

Equipment table
Table where the information relevant to the equipment present in the maps is present.

Event signal
Signalling that do not indicate a bad operation, but a status change, an operation in progress or a
operating condition. The event signalling are generated by the supervision system itself, as for ex-
ample the start of an operation of alarm re-alignment.

Support equipment for the physical connection between NMS5UX-B and the equipment managed
by SNMP protocol. IP-Box is equipped with RS232 interface (serial), Ethernet Lan and E1; depending
on the required firmware, it can operate as IP or IP-OSI router.

Local Craft Terminal. Additional software module of the SCT program. Each equipment has its own
additional software module, called LCT <equipment type>.

Local equipment
Equipment used to activate the connection.

Local severity (alarm)

Severity level that characterizes the alarm when stored by the controller of the NE and displayed
by the local management system (LCT); this severity is not used by NMS5UX-B.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 478

NE Log
File where the alarm and status signalling, stored in the controller of the selected equipment, are

Network severity (alarm)

Severity level that characterizes the alarm when displayed by the NMS5UX-B system.
Nodal equipment
Set of minimum 2 and maximum 3 ALS equipment with AL IDU plus interconnected by a Nodal Bus.

OSI network
Network that uses, as communication protocol between the network elements, also the OSI (Open
System Interconnection) protocol.

Bidirectional path between a source node and a destination node and identified by a input channel
on the source node and by an output channel on the destination node.

Proprietary protocol
Protocol that follows international standards concerning the object modelling (object displaying
mode), the dialogue primitives conceptually based upon the CMIP and HDLC line protocol (High Lev-
el Data Link Control).

Optional general application of the NMS5UX-B system for the control and the remote management
of the equipment by means of Internet connection.

Remote equipment
Equipment defined as Remote Link in the remote equipment list of the local equipment.

Remote equipment list

Equipment list stored in the equipment controller. When the user requires the connection to an
equipment, the SCT/LMT program reads its remote equipment list and automatically sends the
connection command to all the equipment present in the list.

Reset software
Re-initialising all the communication channels (for instance with the NMS5UX-B) of the equipment.

Ring Manager
Optional application of the NMS5UX-B system for the control and the management of Paths among
the SNMP equipment.

Remote Monitoring. Standard whose function is to provide a set of services of statistics count, mon-
itoring and alarm report in relation to the activity of a LAN network.

Subnetwork Craft Terminal. Software application for the local management/configuration of the

SNMP protocol

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 479

Simple Network Management Protocol. Standard and protocol used for the exchange of information,
within a network, between an equipment and a management station.

Status signal
Signalling that do not indicate a bad operation, but a status change, an operation in progress or a
operating condition.
The status signalling are spontaneously communicated by NE to NMS5UX-B, as for example: acti-
vation/deactivation of the connection between LOM/LCT and NE; start/end of the firmware updat-
ing; activation/deactivation of the manual operation; active/stand-by status of duplicated parts of

Trap (detection or cancelling of the alarm)
Message spontaneously sent by the NE to NMS5UX-B.

Users list
List of users that can be connected and ask for the login to the equipment.

WEB Local Craft Terminal. Software application for the local management/configuration of the
equipment. The application is resident in the equipment controller. The user can connect to the
equipment by his own PC using the owned operating system and Web browser.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 480


For more information, refer to the section relevant to the technical support on the Internet site of the com-
pany manufacturing the product.

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 481

NMS5UX-B 6.4.5 - MN.00219.E - 001 482

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