Main Idea and Text Structure 3

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Main Idea and Text Structure 3

Directions: Read each passage and on a separate sheet of paper
1. Write a sentence explaining the main idea of the text
2. Create a title for the passage related to the main idea.
3. Put information from the passage into a graphic organizer representing the text structure.
Structures: cause and effect, chronological, compare and contrast, sequence / process writing,
problem and solution, or spatial /descriptive writing.
1. You may think its bad to forget your homework, but what if you forgot who you were? Amnesia is a condition
where a person loses some of their memories, like details about their personal identity, but still may remember
how to do things, like play a piano. One type of Amnesia is called post-traumatic amnesia. Post-traumatic
amnesia is usually due to a head injury (like a serious fall or knock on the head). The degree of memory loss may
be related to the force of the injury. A simple whiplash may cause a person to forget the moments before the
accident, but a more severe injury may cause a greater loss. For example, the victim may not remember who
certain people are or may forget details about their own identities.
2. Ansel Bourne was a preacher, carpenter, and most likely an inspiration for the name Bourne in the movie and
novel series, The Bourne Identity. Up until 1857, Bourne had been a carpenter, until he was called to religion.
After 1858, he worked as a evangelical preacher, until 1887. He set up shop in Norristown, Pennsylvania, as a
candy maker using the name A.J. Brown. Three months later, he woke up not knowing where he was, with no
memory of the previous months. The case of Mr. Bourne has fascinated psychologists, and some film makers, for
3. The term Amnesia refers to complete or partial memory loss. Almost all of us will experience some form of
Amnesia in our lives, even if its just a simple case of verbal amnesia, like forgetting someones name.
Fortunately, there are things that you can do to prevent amnesia. Here is a list of foods that you can eat to
improve your memory: almonds, walnuts, bananas, honey, apples, and black pepper. Though these foods may not
reverse post-traumatic amnesia, they should improve your memory in daily life if you eat them regularly enough.
4. What do Finding Nemo and Robocop have in common? Not much, except that they both feature
characters who suffer amnesia. Amnesia is a common plot device in movies and TV shows, but how accurate are
these depictions? In television and movies, memory loss caused by a knock to the head (post-traumatic amnesia)
is shown as fairly common, when it is actually quite rare. Unlike in movies and television shows that feature
amnesia, most knocks to the head will not produce memory loss. In reality, memory loss or amnesia is much
more likely to occur as the result of a stroke, brain infection, or brain surgery. So while amnesia causes people or
characters to lose memories in both film and reality, characters are usually fixed by taking another knock to the
head. In reality, people are not cured so simply.
5. What would you do if you awoke one day and discovered that you could not create new memories? You might
remember everything that occurred in your life up to the point of an injury, but could not form new memories
beyond that. This condition is called anterograde amnesia, and it is difficult to treat, but doctors and therapists
recommend these steps: first, use technology to help. A cell phone with a calendar reminder can do much to offset
this condition. Second, use helpers. Having people to assist with daily tasks, like paying bills, will prove quite
helpful. Lastly, seek therapy. While there is no cure for anterograde amnesia, memory training may help the
afflicted live a more normal life. Currently, there are no chemical medications or drugs that will alleviate this
6. The brain is the most complicated system in the human body. The brain is separated into two hemispheres or
halves. From front to back, the brain is further divided into three parts: the forebrain, the midbrain, and the
hindbrain. The forebrain is where most reasoning, thinking, and emotional activity occur. It is also where most
memories are stored. The midbrain controls reflexes and process sensory information (sight, touch, taste, etc.)
The hind brain processes basic survival functions, like breathing and maintaining heart beat. The brain is truly the
most amazing system in the human body.

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