Effect of Wind-Energy Power Injection Into Weak Grids
Effect of Wind-Energy Power Injection Into Weak Grids
Effect of Wind-Energy Power Injection Into Weak Grids
Abstract the ESS and the converter rating allows. A main prob-
lem of the decentralized generation is that the points of
common coupling (PCC) are located far away from the
Frequency converter control can be challenging in re-
energy consumption centers. At these locations weak
gard to the connection of wind turbines to and the
grids can often be found, which typically are character-
power injection into a weak grid due to uncertainty of
ized by a high grid impedance [2].
grid parameters. This paper reviews the basic prin-
Today many challenges still occur regarding the control
ciples about weak grids in order to describe effects of
of the grid side converters due to uncertainty of grid
power injection of wind turbines regarding the voltage
parameters in such conditions. Solutions for this prob-
level and grid stability. The occurrence of these ef-
lem are discussed in literature. In [2] controllers for WT
fects differs significantly with variations of the grid para-
converters are designed and optimized regarding ro-
meters and can be influenced and partly controlled
bustness due to grid parameter variations for the use in
by the fed in power. The boundaries and require-
weak grids with a short circuit ratio of approximately 4.
ments of this injection to realize a stable and controlled
In [3] investigations about a control structure for a per-
operation are investigated analytically and validated by
manent magnet synchronous generator in weak grids
means of simulations. A PI based control structure
are carried out. Here the DC-link control is performed
regulating the voltage at the point of common coupling
by the rotor side converter. Also energy storage sys-
is proposed. For weak grids an energy storage system
tems gain increasing importance. In [4] and [5] stor-
is proposed to smooth the output power and to disbur-
age technologies are studied and in [6] an ESS is in-
den the grid side converter while it needs to provide
vestigated for the operation in a doubly fed induction
voltage regulation functionality.
generator system. The enhancement of stabilization of
Keywords: weak grid, wind power injection, PCC such a system connected to a weak grid was studied in
voltage control, energy storage systems. [7]. But the concept of using an ESS to enhance sta-
bility by output power smoothing and ramp control are
not yet widely reported and discussed.
In this contribution basic principles of weak grids are
1 Introduction reviewed and effects of power injection in regard to
voltage deviations and system stability are considered
The amount of injected power from regenerative ener- theoretically and by means of simulations.
gy sources like wind turbines (WTs) to the mains is in- In chapter 2 weak grids are characterized and an ana-
creasing steadily. The share of power attained from lytical model is developed to study the impact of power
wind energy was growing with some 10% worldwide injection on voltage level and a stable grid operation.
per year in the last time [1]. It can be foreseen that the The simulation model is explained. In chapter 3 a
main part of injected energy into the grid in some re- method based on a PI control is proposed to regulate
gions, especially near the coasts, will come from WTs the grid connection voltage for a stable operation and
in the future. These decentralized feeders normally requirements and limitations are investigated. In chap-
supply their energy by means of frequency converters ter 4 it is proposed to use ESSs to smooth the output
to the grid. As a consequence the grid is exposed to power and to disburden the grid connected frequency
negative effects, such as high harmonics, but also fa- converter while injecting reactive power for grid sta-
vorable ones, as controllability of the injected power for bilization purposes. Simulations are done to demon-
example. Especially the reactive power can be regu- strate the proposed control to regulate the connection
lated to stabilize the grid voltage. By the use of energy voltage and to validate analytical calculations. Finally
storage systems (ESS) the active power can be fed in chapter 5 finishes with a conclusion.
independently from fluctuations of the wind, as far as
2 Weak Grids of the grid impedance can be calculated in (2).
X=q , R= q (2)
2.1 Characterization 1+ 1 2
1 + (xrr)
Electrical grids can be separated into two parts: trans- Weak grids typically have a low xrr, such as 0.5, so
mission lines and distribution lines. Historically this they have an ohmic character.
structure was necessary because nearly the whole
amount of energy was produced in huge power plants
and then transported via transmission lines with high 2.2 Analytical Model
voltage to the consumption centers and distributed via
the distribution lines with medium and low voltage to To study the effects of power injection into a weak grid
households and industry. Today, with the increase a simplified grid model can be utilized. Therefore the
of decentralized power generation from regenerative whole grid with all impedances and power sources and
energy sources, this structure changes. A steadily sinks can be described by means of Thvenins theo-
growing amount of energy is produced directly at the rem as one voltage source and one grid impedance.
consumption centers (e.g. photovoltaic) or in decen- When it is considered that this equivalent impedance
tralized areas. Especially WTs are located in coastal Z grid is much smaller than the weak grid impedance
regions, because of stronger and steadier wind condi- Z weak , Z grid can be neglected and the equivalent cir-
tions than in the countryside. One big problem arises cuit model in figure 1 can be used for analytical inves-
since electrical grids often are not constructed to trans- tigations [8]. The voltage level UG at the connection
port big amounts of energy in these regions. point of the weak grid to the strong main grid is con-
A grid can be characterized by different parameters. sidered to remain constant. The WT is connected to
Beneath its voltage level and its total power capability Zweak IWT
the short circuit capacity SCC can be defined. The
SCC is the amount of power flowing at a given point UZ
in case of a short circuit. It is mainly dependent on UG UPCC
the rated voltage UG and the absolute value of grid
impedance Zgrid , which can be measured at this point.
The grid impedance is the sum of impedances of many
grid components and typically differs from region to Figure 1: Equivalent circuit of the weak grid model
region. One part of it consists of the impedance of the
transmission line itself which mainly depends on mate-
this weak grid at the PCC with a voltage UP CC . It in-
rial, diameter and length of the line. Transformers are
jects the current I W T to the system. For the following
used to connect lines with different voltage levels. They
calculations UP CC is chosen as the reference voltage,
are typically high inductive. To disburden the grid from
so each phase angle of other voltages and currents are
reactive power flows and to stabilize it, special compen-
referred to UP CC .
sation devices are installed. They are typically capa-
With the WT as the only connected load the complex
citive. Also loads make a big contribution towards the
power at the PCC can be described by (3).
grid impedance. They can change during the day and
can have ohmic, inductive or capacitive character.
If an active load such as a WT with a rated power of S P CC = UP CC I W T = UP CC
Z weak
SN,W T is connected to the grid, a short circuit ratio = P + jQ (3)
SCR can be defined in (1).
Thus it can be derived (4).
SCR = = (1) 2
SN,W T Zweak SN,W T + 2RP + 2XQ +
P 2 + Q2 R2 + X 2 = 0
If the SCR is smaller than 10 the grid is considered as
weak [2]. There are two solutions for UP CC , one describing a
Another important factor to characterize the grid is the possible (stable) and the other an impossible (un-
ratio of reactive and ohmic parts of the grid impedance stable) grid operation. Possible means that UP CC still
Z, called the X/R-ratio (xrr). With the values of Z and exists as a voltage with a definable frequency and am-
xrr the inductive amount X and the ohmic amount R plitude, which is not the case for the impossible grid
operation. Furthermore it will be defined in this paper was increased.
that UP CC needs to have a possible solution and a
value of 1 p.u. for the intended static operation.
When the WT injects full power SW T = 1 p.u. to the
weak grid, UP CC changes for different combinations
of P and Q as shown in figure 2. The WT always
feeds in active power, so P and cos() always remain Iq
positive while reactive power can be inductive or capa- Q SCR
1.5 SCR = 1
SCR = 5
xrr = 1
3 Power Injection into Weak Grids
P [p.u.]
xrr = 1
U Z = RId + j XId , Iq = 0 (6)
U Z = (RId XIq ) + j (XId + RIq ), Iq 6= 0 (7)
For a small xrr and a small SCR the PCC voltage am-
plitude increases excessively. Therefore only a small
phase angle occurs. To regulate the PCC voltage
down to 1 p.u. a huge amount of inductive reactive xrr = 0.5
power is needed (see (7)), increases. 0.5
If there is a big xrr and a small SCR and no reactive
power compensation, UP CC increases only slightly or 2 4 6 8 10
even decreases, is big. For UP CC regulation only a SCR
small amount of reactive power is needed, Q can also
be capacitive and decreases. Figure 8: Maximum active power injection with voltage
regulation and SW T = 1 p.u. for different
SCR and xrr
3.3 Limitations
with high dynamics due to its full scale frequency
In figure 7 also the boundary for maximal power injec- converter. It can also operate as active filter to en-
tion is displayed. On and above this blue circle each hance the power quality. It is shunt connected to a
operation point can be reached with a converter ra- load.
ting of SW T = 1 p.u.. If there are no further com-
pensation devices, like flexible AC transmission sys- The grid-side converter of the WT can be over-
tems (FACTS), or an oversized grid side converter sized to meet the required reactive power demand.
(some possibilities are discussed in the next chapter) An ESS to disburden the grid-side converter can
the operation points below this boundary line cannot be used. This solution is discussed in the next
be realized. In this case active power injection has to chapter.
be limited down to the value that the converter rating
allows. These values are shown in figure 8. Because the reactive power demand decreases with
a higher xrr, the inductive part of the grid impedance
can be expanded. This can be realized for example by
utilizing a transformer or upgrading the power lines.
4 Wind Turbines in Weak Grids
For voltage stabilization purposes reactive power injec- 4.1 Proposed Topology
tion is required. The amount of this demand depends
on the SCR and the xrr. This demand rises especially Apparently the utilization of a secondary reactive power
for small xrr. The sources of reactive power can be source like FACTS or an oversized grid-side converter
realized in several ways: seems to be obvious to regulate the PCC voltage. But
with this configuration the total rated power SN of the
The active power output can be curtailed in order
whole power source increases and the SCR is reduced
to provide the required reactive power by the con-
further. In very weak grids with an SCR between 1 and
verter. This is the easiest but the less profitable
2 this can lead to an impossible operation, as shown
in chapter 2.2. In these cases a solution without an in-
FACTS, like the Static Compensator (StatCom), crease of the total power should be prioritized.
can be operated as reactive power sources [11]. To achieve this, the usage of an ESS is proposed. The
The StatCom can absorb or deliver reactive power aim of this system is to smooth the output power with-
out a peak power curtailment and to implement a ramp 500 500
uPCC in V
control to prevent rapid changes of the output current. 0 0
It consists of a bidirectional buck-boost converter and a 500 500
storage. The storage needs to be dynamic and can be 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
realized by double layer capacitors (EDLC). Its capacity 800 800
UPCC, dq in V
has to be dimensioned depending on the average wind 600 600
400 400
conditions. The ESS is connected to the DC link of 200 200
the full power converter in parallel, as shown in figure 0 0
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
9. This paper does not investigate the dimensioning
P, Q, S in p.u.
P, Q, S in p.u.
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
time in s time in s
Figure 10: Simulation results of UP CC control, without
(left) and with (right) reactive power com-
pensation. 2nd column: UP CC,d (green),
UP CC,q (red), 3rd column: P (green), Q
Figure 9: Proposed system: Wind energy conversion
(red) and SW T (blue)
system with ESS at the DC bus with rotor-
side converter (RSC) and grid-side converter
(GSC) analysis the PCC voltage rises. Figure 2 indicates a
rise of UP CC up to 1.32 p.u. for P = SW T = 1 p.u..
of the storage and the control strategy of the ESS. The simulation confirms this behavior, UP CC rises up to
The integration of the DC/DC converter into the full 745.2 V. On the right side the voltage regulation is ac-
scale converter system may be challenging. A power tivated. At an active power injection of P = 1 p.u. a re-
management would be needed to regulate the power active power of Q = 0.94 p.u. is injected to keep UP CC
flows. Possible control structures are investigated in constant. This behavior confirms the results from an-
[12] and [13], approaches for the dimensioning of the alytical analysis in figure 7. In the second simulation
EDLCs are presented in [5] and [12]. Because this
565 565
paper concentrates on the effects of the power injec-
UPCC, d in V
564 564
tion into a weak grid, the simulations are done with a
563 563
fluctuating power injection (as without an implementa- 562 562
tion of an ESS) and with a constant power flow without 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20
2000 2000
der to illustrate this, reference values for power flows
1000 1000
were calculated based on the investigations of [5], [6]
and [13]. 0
5 10 15 20
5 10 15 20
6 6
x 10 x 10
2 2
4.2 Simulation Results 1 1
0 0
5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20
A rated phase-to-phase voltage of VN = 690 V with time in s time in s
a grid frequency of fG = 50 Hz and a WT with
rated power of SN = 2 MVA is used in the simula- Figure 11: Simulation results of power injection, with-
tion. The main grid parameters are SCR = 200 and out (left) and (with) ESS. 2nd column: IW T,d
xrr = 10, the weak grid parameters are SCR = 2 (green), IW T,q (red), 3rd column: SW T
and xrr = 0.5. All simulations are performed with (green), SW T,max (red)
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havior of the PCC voltage regulation. The plots on the (right) an ESS is demonstrated in figure 11. In the
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