Icons in The Liturgy
Icons in The Liturgy
Icons in The Liturgy
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Icons in the Liturgy
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of professionals-mem
with many different terms for icons: proskyn
icons, signa or processional However
icons, narrow
etc.;7 though their terminology is not
the approach willalways c
at least
sistent, there is no lack of material to work with.8
It is when we ask just what I. constitutes
gical use of an icon that the trouble begins. Wh
does a simple prayer become Leaving the written sources aside forrite,
a liturgical the pres- an
to what extent does the ent, censing
I turn first to theof
evidence, so as to make
icon, for
ample, constitute its use the distinction
in the between liturgical and Venerat
liturgy? non- or para-
of icons is one thing, their liturgical use somewhat clearer. What
integration pictures
into are
urgy another, and thethere of icons actually
latter may in use,
haveand which can tell us
at a slower rate than one might
most about be
the role they playinclined
in the liturgy? to a
sume. For the purposes The offirst example
this is a familiar then,
study, image, the return
gical use" will be defined to Constantinople
very narrowly,of Emperor John Tzimiskesas wh
takes place in a regularly repeated
after his victory over the Rus'and defina
and the Bulgarians
office, celebrated in common in 971: instead ofby mounting the triumphal
a church orchariot
astic congregation, normally himself, he setunder
a captured icon theof theleadersh
Virgin onto
it, and rode behind on a white horse.9 The texts
themselves do not say what type of icon this was;
7IMichael Attaleiates: P. Gautier, "La diataxis de Michel Attal-
the twelfth-century miniaturist of the illustrated
iate," REB 39 (1981), 89.1192 (proskynesis icon). Typikon of the
Virgin Kecharitomene: idem, "Le typikon de la Th6otokos K6- Madrid manuscript of the chronicle of Skylitzes
charit6m6n'," REB 43 (1985), 109.1596, 113.1670 (proskynesis
icons). Typikon of the Pantokrator monastery: idem, "Le typi- shows a very large icon of the Virgin and Child of
kon du Christ Sauveur Pantokrator," REB 32 (1974), 37.158; the type now called the Eleousa-probably, but not
39.166, 179; 73.736, 744, 746 (proskynesis icons); 73.737, 744,surely, an anachronism on the part of the artist
746 (signa). Typikon of the Virgin Kosmosoteira: L. Petit, "Typ-
icon du monastere de la Kosmosoteira pres d'Aenos (1152)," (Fig. 1).1O Various later emperors did much the
IRAIK 13 (1908), 23.37, 26.33 (proskynesis icons). Eustathiossame
of thing," and were sure to involve the clergy.
Thessalonike, La espugnazione di Tessalonica, ed. S. Kyriakides
When Michael VIII Palaiologos entered Constan-
(Palermo, 1961), 142.14 (signon). Heisenberg, "Quellen," (as in
tinople in
note 24 below), 15.11, 19 (signon). Testament from the Church 1261, to restore Byzantine imperial rule
after the
of the Virgin at Skoteine: M. Gedeon, AiaeOixl MaStCtov iov- Latin occupation, he also followed an
acXo xf(tog ~ tg v Avu6l itovfg KOTLVfIg (1247), MtxQaota- that of the Virgin Hodegetria, walking be-
atLx XQOvte d 2 (1939), 281 (proskynesis icons). Typikon of the
hind it, barefoot." But although large and famous
Monastery of Lips: H. Delehaye, Deux typica byzantins de l'9poque
icons were displayed and even the clergy may have
des Paldologues (Brussels, 1921), 127.3-4 (... tfIg ; oxaettvgl
been present, we should not speak of "liturgical
eSg nQooax)v'lov &yCag Etx6vog of the Virgin). Testament for the
monastery of St. John the Baptist near Docheiariou, Mt. Athos:
use" of icons, since in such cases there is no defin-
N. Oikonomides, Actes de Docheiariou (Paris, 1984), 136.27 (pros-
able service involved.
kynemata). Darrouzes, "Sainte-Sophie," 49.52, 63; 55.73 (pros-
kynemata). B. Laourdas, vhetQ v e)oakXovc(txg &ix;XpgThe same holds true for the image found in an-
6&tdactg T; ngE ooQfig o9 "Ay(ou At[t'ltrQCo1, FQly6QLog other
6 illustrated chronicle, a fourteenth-century
HaXcttdg 39 (1956), 330.85, 332.131-33 (proskynemata). In-
ventory of the Eleousa monastery: L. Petit, "Le monastere de
Notre-Dame de Pitie en Macedoine," IRAIK 6 (1900), 119.7-9,
cf. p. 131 (presbeia and proskynesis icons). For proskynemata 9The event is described in Skylitzes, Synopsis Historiarum, ed.
see also N. Oikonomides, "The Holy Icon as an Asset," above, J. Thurn (Berlin-New York, 1973), 310.54-62, and in Leo Dia-
p. 41. konos, Historia, Bonn ed., 158.10-14; Zonaras, Epitome Histori-
Gautier translates the term signon as "banner" (properly a arum, Bonn ed., III, 535-36.
semeion), but passages referring to the large movable Hodege- 'oMadrid, Bibl. Nat. vitr. 26.2, fol. 172v, A. Grabar and M.
tria icon as a "signon" or "hieron signon" in three roughly con- Manoussacas, L'illustration du manuscrit de Skylitzes de la Biblio-
temporary 12th-early 13th-century texts cited above (the Pan- theque Nationale de Madrid (Venice, 1979), fig. 221. On the Ele-
tokrator typikon, Eustathios of Thessalonike, and the ousa, cf. A. Grabar, "Les images de la Vierge de tendresse," Zo-
Heisenberg text) justify our translating it as "processional icon." graf 6 (1975), 25-30; M. Tati&-Djuri', "Elousa: A la recherche
Cf. D. Pallas, "Le ciborium hexagonal de Saint-D6metrios de du type iconographique," JOB 25 (1976), 259-67; N. Thierry,
Thessalonique," Zograf 10 (1979), 50-51. On the "signon tas "Le Vierge de tendresse 'a l'6poque mac6donienne," Zograf 10
presbeias," cf. p. 52 and note 46 below. (1979), 59-70. The phrasing of the passage in Leo the Deacon
8For further information regarding icons, their settings and (note 9 above) suggests an icon of the Virgin and Child.
coverings, see A. Frolow, "La 'Podea', un tissu d6coratif de l'6g- "IE.g., John II Komnenos and Manuel I: Niketas Choniates,
lise byzantine," Byzantion 13 (1938), 461-504, esp. 468-70, 477; Historia, Bonn ed., 26.13-23, 204.20-206.12.
Pallas, "Ciborium," 44-58; V. Nunn, "The Encheirion as Ad- '2George Akropolites, Annales, Bonn ed., 196.13-197.20; Ni-
junct to the Icon in the Middle Byzantine Period," BMGS 10 kephoros Gregoras, Historiae Byzantinae, Bonn ed., I, 87.14-20;
(1986), 73-102; Belting, Bild und Kult, 259-78, and index, s.v. George Pachymeres, De Michaele et Andronico Palaeologis, Bonn
Ikone. ed., I, 160.5-161.3.
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8 London, British Museum. National Icon Collection, no. 18. Icon of the S
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Slavic version of the works of Constantine Man- area between the liturgical and the private use of
asses in the Vatican Library.3" Emperor Herakleios
is shown bowing before an icon of the Virgin Hod- A fifteenth-century icon in the Byzantine Mu-
egetria which rests on a stand under a little cibor-
seum in Athens is somewhat closer to representing
ium (Fig. 2). A light hangs over it. At the right is
a liturgical service as I have defined it (Fig. 7).19 It
depicted Herakleios' departure on a military cam-
again features the Hodegetria, this time in a rather
paign-that of 626, during which the leaderless
odd setting-attending the funeral of an uniden-
tified but haloed monk, whose fellow monks are
city was besieged by the Avars and Slavs and saved
by the Virgin.'4 There are other stories of emper-
making their laborious way down the hillsides to
ors visiting famous shrines and venerating icons
participate in the rites. The vignettes of eremitic
before leaving the city-the caesar Bardas went life
to that make up the composition are culled from
the Hodegon monastery in 866, and Tzimiskes thetoApophthegmata Patrum and other early mon-
St. Sophia and Blachernai about a century astic texts; the landscape setting as a whole is a
later'5-but again we do not know what types of common mode of representing the death of a
prayers were used, and whether their pleas were monk, especially the early Syrian monks such as St.
incorporated into any formal ritual.16 Ephrem.20 The huge icon of the Virgin, however,
There are two images of public processions in- is an anomaly for which I know of no parallel.
volving specific icons of the Virgin Hodegetria: a Other contemporary death scenes, such as that of
late thirteenth-century fresco in the Vlacherna St. Nicholas at his church in Thessalonike or of
monastery near Arta, and a textile dated 1498 in Archbishop Arsenios at Ped, do not include icons,
Moscow (Figs. 3-4; cf. note 24 below). There are so it cannot be argued on the basis of this image
also images of a more private veneration of icons, that an icon was a regular element of funeral cere-
for example, those in the Hamilton Psalter, a bilin- monies.21 This must be a special case, with the icon
gual Latin-Greek manuscript of ca. 1300 in Berlin brought into the composition to indicate the iden-
(Fig. 5),17 and in a page inserted into a Greek psal- tity of the monk or of his monastery, perhaps the
ter now in the Benaki Museum in Athens (Fig. 6).18 Hodegon itself, which was in fact in the hands of
These show what are presumably families gath- Syrian monks for much of the fourteenth cen-
ered around a large icon, one being the Hodege- tury.22
tria, the other identified as the Virgin Nikopoios. On another icon, the late fourteenth-century
The large scale and elaborate setting of the Ham- Sunday of Orthodoxy icon in the British Museum,
ilton Psalter image reflect what we know of the set- a feast of the church is illustrated in the traditional
ting of the "original" or "real" Hodegetria in Con- Byzantine way. The appropriate figures are in at-
stantinople, though such a shrine could surely tendance, regardless of chronology: Emperor Mi-
have housed an important icon elsewhere as well.
The families here are engaged in a private type of 19Butavolvb xat XLtorTLaVLX Motoaeo 'AOvydlbv. KaTzdoyog.
proskynesis, with no clergy in view, which makes it "Ex0Eorn y t& Exa XL6vtLa Tg XLtorTLaVLXig 'AXaLtokOoyLx4g
'ETaLtEgag (1884-1984) (Athens, 1984), no. 15.
difficult to determine what particular service may 20J. R. Martin, "The Death of Ephraim in Byzantine and
be taking place. These images belong in the gray Early Italian Painting," ArtB 33 (1951), 217-25; idem, The Illus-
tration of the Heavenly Ladder of John Climacus (Princeton, 1954),
21A. Xyngopoulos, OL TOLXoycQa(ESg too &yl(ou NLxokdov
'3Vat. slav. 2, fol. 122v. I. Dujiev, Miniaticirite na Manasievata 'Op4avo OEocoakov(xlg (Athens, 1964), fig. 116. N. P. 8ev-
letopis (Sofia, 1962), fig. 43. cenko, The Life of Saint Nicholas in Byzantine Art (Turin, 1983),
'4Cf. p. 49 and note 28 below. 134-42. V. Djurid, "Istorijske kompozicije u srpskom slikarstvu
'5Theophanes Continuatus, Bonn ed., 204.10-15; Leo Dia-srednjega veka i njihove knjizevne paralele," ZRVI 11 (1968),
konos, Historia, 129.4-9. 99-114 (Fr. summary, pp. 124-26).
'6Cf. Frolow, "D6dicace" (above, note 4), 99-101. 22The monastery was given by Emperor Andronikos II
"'Berlin, Staatliche Museen, Kupferstichkabinett 78A9, fol.(1282-1328) as a metochion to the patriarch of Antioch: Pachy-
39v: I. Spatharakis, The Portrait in Byzantine Illuminated Manu-meres, II, 122; cf. R. Janin, La giographie eccldsiastique de l'empire
scripts (Leiden, 1976), 45-48, fig. 16 (with earlier bibliography);byzantin. I. Le siege de Constantinople et le patriarchat oecuminique.
on the manuscript in general, cf. C. Havice, "The MarginalIII. Les iglises et les monasthres, 2nd ed. (Paris, 1969), 201; V. Lau-
Miniatures in the Hamilton Psalter (Kupferstichkabinett rent, "Le patriarche d'Antioche Cyrille II. (29 juin 1287-c.
78.A.9),"JbBM 26 (1984), 79-142. 1308)," AnalBoll 68 (1950), 310-17.
'8Benaki 34.3, fol. 194r. A. Cutler and A. Weyl Carr, "The An inscription on the icon reads 6 aytog 'IoCl(oQog. If the
Psalter Benaki 34:3. An Unpublished Illuminated Manuscriptcaption is contemporary with the painting (and this is not en-
from the Family 2400," REB 34 (1976), 281-323, esp. 285-86.tirely clear), the icon could represent the death of St. Isidore of
A. W. Carr, Byzantine Illumination, 1150-1250: The Study of a Pro-Pelousion. The presence of the Virgin icon, however, cannot be
vincial Tradition (Chicago-London, 1987), no. 2. explained by any text of his life (cf. BHG 2209).
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chael III and his mother, Theodora, on the left, Though their presence confirms that the icon rep-
Theodora having been present at the first celebra- resented is the Hodegetria, the fact that they are
tion of the feast at Blachernai on 11 March 843; given angel wings, like the angel deacons in scenes
Patriarch Methodios, who presumably instituted of the Divine Liturgy, elevates them and the feast
the feast and wrote a canon for it, on the right; and to a "heavenly" or "liturgical" level. The image
earlier heroes and a heroine of the Iconoclast con-
thus celebrates simultaneously, as does any chris-
troversy lined up underneath, along with other tological feast, the historical event, its inner mean-
lesser known or unidentified figures (Fig. 8).23 ing, and its eternal reenactment.
The center of this composition is, appropriately Here surely the content of the feast of the Sun-
for the occasion, an icon, once again that ofday theof Orthodoxy would be enough to warrant in-
Virgin Hodegetria, carried by her traditional bear-
cluding the icon in the image of the feast. Yet that
ers, the brotherhood clad in red who bore the icon
the icon portrayed is that of the Hodegetria, not of
to its various destinations around the city.24 Christ as we might expect, tends to confirm what
we know from a few contemporary textual
2 Other figures include Sts. Theodosia, Theodore of Studios,
sources: that icons were involved in the feast's an-
Theophanes the Confessor, Theodore Graptos, and a Theo-
nual celebration as well.25
dore, Theophilos, and Thessakios identified by inscriptions. R.
Cormack, "'The Triumph of Orthodoxy'," National Art Collec-
tions Fund Review (1989), 93-94; idem, "Icons in the Life of By- II. THE AKATHISTOS FRESCOES
zantium," Icon (Baltimore, 1982), 33; Y. Petsopoulos, East Chris-
tian Art (exhib. cat., London, 1987), no. 43. There is a 16th-
We move closer still to the representation of an
century icon of this feast in Venice, M. Chatzidakis, Ic6nes de
Saint-Georges des Grecs (Venice, 1962), no. 63, and an early 17th- liturgical ceremony in two images from
century one in the Benaki Museum in Athens, N. Moran, Sing- Manastir, near Skopje, of ca. 1380 (Figs.
ers in Late Byzantine and Slavonic Painting (Leiden, 1986), fig.9-10).26
87. Located on the north wall of the bema,
The feast of the Triumph of Orthodoxy is regularly cele-
brated the first Sunday of Lent, cf. J. Gouillard, "Le Synodikon these two adjoining frescoes illustrate the two final
de l'Orthodoxie," TM 2 (1967), esp. 129-38; M. Arranz, "Les strophes of the Akathistos Hymn, which extends
'fites thdologiques' du calendrier byzantin," in La liturgie, expres-
as a cycle around the four walls of the church al-
sion de lafoi, ed. A. M. Triacca and A. Pistoia, Biblioteca Ephem-
erides Liturgicae, subsidia 16 (Rome, 1979), esp. 39-41. For the most as though around the walls of the city whose
readings for the feast, cf. BHG 1386-1394t. deliverance it celebrates. The final image (Fig. 10)
24Janin, Eglises, 203-6. The icon of the Hodegetria was car- shows the by now familiar icon of the Virgin Hod-
ried out into the city streets every Tuesday in a public proces-
sion, at least as early as the 11 th century, cf. E. von Dobschuitz,
"Maria Romaia: Zwei unbekannte Texte," BZ 12 (1903), 202.3-
10. This passage, which purports to be about the 9th century,Thessalonike, Espugnazione, 142.3-21; Eng. trans. J. R. Melville
appears in a manuscript (Paris, B.N. gr. 1474) dated to the 11th
Jones, Eustathios of Thessalonike. The Capture of Thessalonike (Can-
century by von Dobschutz (p. 193); the procession of the Hod-berra, 1988), 143. On other icons attended by such lay broth-
egetria is here already being called a venerable tradition.erhoods,
Cf. cf. J. Nesbitt and J. Wiita, "A Confraternity of the
also A. Heisenberg, "Neue Quellen zur Geschichte des latein- Comnenian Era," BZ 68 (1975), 360-84. Cf. also note 72 below.
ischen Kaisertums und der Kirchenunion," SBMunch (1923),The Constantinopolitan icon of the Hodegetria had also cer-
pt. 2, pp. 4, 16.11-16; R. L. Wolff, "Footnote to an Incidenttain
of annual visits to make: to the Pantokrator monastery over-
the Latin Occupation of Constantinople: The Church andnight the for the imperial memorial commemorations (see note 54
Icon of the Hodegetria," Traditio 6 (1948), 319-28. The public
below), and to the imperial palace for over a week at Eastertime,
ceremonies and the dress of the bearers are described in variousPseudo-Kodinos, Traiti des offices, ed. J. Verpeaux (Paris, 1966),
pilgrim reports, cf. Janin, loc. cit. and G. P. Majeska, Russian228.1-3 and note 1; 231.1-12.
Travelers to Constantinople in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries On the activities of the Hodegetria, cf. Belting, Bild und Kult,
(Washington, D.C., 1984), 36-37, 362-66; cf. also 138-39, 87-91; I. Zervou Tognazzi, "L'iconografia e la 'vita' delle mira-
160-61, 182-83. There are depictions of a procession involv-colose icone della Theotokos brefokratoussa: Blachernitissa e
ing the Hodegetria in a late 13th (?)-century fresco in the Vlach- Odighitria," BollGrott 40 (1986), 215-87.
erna monastery near Arta, and on a textile dated 1498 in the 25The icon of the late 13th-century patriarch Athanasios wa
Historical Museum in Moscow. M. Achimastou-Potamianou, to be brought from the monastery where he was buried t
"The Byzantine Wall Paintings of Vlacherna Monastery (AreaHagia Sophia on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, Philotheos, Tom
of Arta)," Actes du XVe congres international d'itudes byzantines, Ath-synodicus II contra Prochorum Cydonium, PG 151, col. 712A, cf. A
enes-Septembre 1976, II (Athens, 1981), 1-14, esp. 4-14. N.M. M. Talbot, Faith Healing in Late Byzantium (Brookline, Mass
Majasova, Drevnerusskoe Site (Moscow, 1971), no. 27 (where this 1983), 26. A procession of holy images took place in Thessalon
is interpreted as the Palm Sunday procession); A. N. Svirin, ike on this day during the 14th century; it went from the churc
Drevnerusskoe Site (Moscow, 1963), 52-57; Moran, Singers, 130-of St. Demetrios to that of Hagia Sophia, where the liturgy w
31, fig. 85. celebrated, Darrouzes, "Notes d'histoire" (note 63 below), 239
Similar ceremonies apparently took place in Thessalonike as 26A. Pitzold, Der Akathistos-Hymnos: Die Bilderzyklen in der by
well, where in the 12th century an icon of the Hodegetria waszantinischen Wandmalerei des 14. Jahrhunderts (Stuttgart, 1989)
also regularly borne around the city by a brotherhood of at-15-16 (with discussion of the date), 40-43, figs. 70, 84, 112-14
tendants; the fact that this icon at one point refused to returnand plans 24-29. Moran, Singers, pl. viii (in color), and p
to her sanctuary ("oikos") was thought to presage the imminent107-8. V. Djurih, Byzantinische Fresken in Jugoslawien (Munich
fall of the city to the Norman besiegers in 1185, Eustathios of1976), 119-24 (with further bibliography).
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Something like
The Pantokrator monastery this Friday
still existsnight presbeia
in Con- service
stantinople (Figs. 16-17).48 There
may be represented in thewere three
first fresco at Markov a
joining sanctuaries in Manastir. Such a hypothesisTo
the complex. wouldthe
was a regular church dedicated presence of the singers, to the the monks and the clergy,
Virgin Ele
ousa: this was open to thetheemperor, public
the katsi for and served
censing tombs, the icon b
secular clergy.49 To the bearer, south
and even perhaps was the icon of the Eleousa.
a monaster
church dedicated to the ThisPantokrator,
is the first among all the served examples citedexc here
sively by the monks.50 that can be said to represent
Between the icons two in use at a defin-
was the "heroon," theable, imperial
and regular, liturgical mausoleum,
ceremony. de
cated to the Archangel The Michael,
weekly memorial introduced containing by John had t
tombs of the founders, not John
previously been II and part of the Irene,Friday Virgin and cel-a
sorted other members ebration; of the it doesComnenian
not come, as does the family procession
The mausoleum was served itself,55 from the old asmatiki
either by akolouthia
the orsecu cathe-
clergy or by both monks dral liturgyand of Constantinople,
clergy together, but directly from d
pending on the occasion.51 the monastic The tradition instead. For in monasteries,
association and in
teraction of these three Friday night was the
realms is time for a special commemo-
Every Friday evening ration a ofgrand
the dead, andceremony it often included visits tooto
place, which John II describes the cemetery containing in his the tombs
typikon.52of dead broth-
procession consisting of ers all
and sisters.56
the The clergy memorial and service was choirsusually
the Eleousa church, attached the totownspeople,
apodeipnon (compline), the last an monas-ic
called the "signon testicpresbeias" hour of the day, known asas thewell eleventh as hour.57
icons (including other One signa),poetic element made of thisits eleventh-hour
way service towa
the church; the icon of wasthe a special kind of canon was
presbeia called a invoked
on the road by the clergy kanan, a supplicatory
before canon, characterized by fer-
everyone we
into the church. Once indoors, the icons were vent, first-person appeals to the Virgin and other
saints to intercede with Christ on behalf of an in-
taken on a tour of the tombs in the central chapel,
and various litanies were performed by the clergy,dividual troubled by sin, despair, or fear of
and the people too, for the souls of the dead (thedeath.58
people who attended were paid for taking part in
these memorials). The appeal Kyrie eleison was to
tomb chamber; it was to stay in the heroon overnight, near his
be repeated fifteen times before each signon, that tomb, Gautier, "Pantokrator," 81.883-83.900. The icon was to
is, before each large icon in the procession. After-
be brought in again for the memorial services of his wife, and
ward, says the text, the procession moved on to thefor those of his son, should he choose eventually to be buried
Holy Soros.53
55 The procession derives from that of the sung (asmatiki) pan-
The presbeia can only have been a version of thenychis, the old Constantinopolitan vigil on the eve of major
venerable service in honor of the Virgin which had feasts, in which the patriarch, all the metropolitans, archbishops
and bishops of the city, all the clergy of St. Sophia and of all the
been regularly moving every Friday from Blach-other churches in the city, and all the monks took part (cf., for
ernai to Chalkoprateia for hundreds of years. John example, the description of the procession from St. Sophia to
was apparently both diverting this to his monastic Blachernai on the eve of the Sunday of Orthodoxy, De Cer.,
establishment and introducing a new element, Bonn
a ed., I, 156.19-157.6). Cf. M. Arranz, "N.D. Uspensky:
The Office of the All-Night Vigil in the Greek and in the Rus-
memorial service for the dead: he ordered the sian Church," St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 24 (1980), 83-
huge signa, or processional icons, to be brought 113, 169-95, a translation of M. Arranz, "L'office de la veill&e
nocturne dans l'Eglise grecque et dans l'Eglise russe," OCP 42
right up to the tombs.54 (1976), 117-55, 402-25, esp. 151-54, which is itself a summary
of Uspensky's articles, "Cin vsenoknogo bdenija na pravoslav-
41T. E Mathews, The Byzantine Churches of Istanbul: A Photo- nom Vostoke i v Russkoi cerkvi," in Bogoslovskie trudy 18 (1978),
5-117 and 19 (1978), 3-69. Cf. also J. E Baldovin, The Urban
graphic Survey (University Park, Pa., 1976), 71-101 (with earlier
bibliography). W. Muller-Wiener, Bildlexikon zur TopographieCharacter of Christian Worship: The Origins, Development, and
Istanbuls (Tiibingen, 1977), 209-15. Meaning of Stational Liturgy, OCA 228 (Rome, 1987), 205-26.
49Gautier, "Pantokrator," 73.728-81.859. 56Gautier, "Kecharit6mene" (note 7 above), 117.1746-48;
50oIbid., 31.45-47.290. idem, "Pantokrator," 107.1335-36; Oikonomides, Docheiariou,
51Ibid., 81.860-83.904. 136.25-26; Arranz, "Pannychis," OCP 41 (1975), 121.
52The procession must have looked like the Hodegetria pro- 57On apodeipnon, cf. A. Raes, "Les complies dans les rites
cession seen in Figs. 3 and 4. Cf. note 24 above. orientaux," OCP 17 (1951), 133-45. On apodeipnon in the 15th
53Gautier, "Pantokrator," 77.795-811; cf. 75.750-54. century, cf. Symeon of Thessalonike, PG 155, cols. 620-21.
54This weekly service should not be confused with the yearly 58 Manuscripts prescribing that a parakljtikos kanan be sung at
commemorations of the founders, for which John requests that apodeipnon date at least as early as the 12th century (e.g., Paris,
the icon of the Hodegetria be brought from its monastery to his B.N. gr. 370 and gr. 354). It is probably the canon already re-
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Medieval Kingdom of Serbia," BSI 19 (1958), esp. 251-78; 75 Lambros, Catalogue, no. 6370. The edition
Djurik, "Istorijske kompozicije," ZRVI 8.2 (1964), 69-90.
71Cf. typikon of the Evergetis monastery, Dmitrievskij, Opi- hymns
(Athens, to 89-132
1840), the Virgin by to
is unavailable K.me.Oikonomos,
The Laskaris 'Ypvw0
sanie, I, 554. S. Janeras, Le Vendredi-saint dans la tradition litur-
canon (cf. note 65 above) is addressed to the Virgin amolyntos in
gique byzantine, Studia Anselmiana 99, Analecta Liturgica 13
the Moscow Akathistos manuscript; this, too, might well be an
(Rome, 1988), 427-28. Pallas, Passion, 31. actual icon.
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cow manuscript of the Akathistos mentioned That office is no longer in regular use, and the
earlier, which is of modest dimensions, and con-singing of the Akathistos is now essentially re
tains only the Akathistos hymn, the order of ser-
vice for the Akathistos, a paraklitikos kanbn to the
of the Akathistos by Manuel Philes (B. E. C. Miller, Manueli
Virgin, and a few other related texts-nothingPhilae Carmina, II [Paris, 1857], 317-33), the canon by Josep
the hymnographer (PG 105, cols. 1020-28), the akolouthia o
more.80 If the Akathistos were being celebrated
the feast of the Annunciation, and part of a dialogue (unpub.)
between the Virgin and Christ, having "Philotheos" as part of
76PG 155, col. 620C. Already the Evergetis typikon the acrostic: G. de Andres Martinez, El Himno Akathistos. Pri-
mended that apodeipnon be recited in private when there merais anparte del MS. Esc. R.I.19 (Madrid, 1981), 33-43; Velmans
agrypnia before Sundays and feastdays, cf. Arranz, "Panny-"Illustration" (note 27 above), esp. 136-52. Both manuscript
chis," OCP 40 (1974), 121. The Triodion stipulates that the quite small: the Escorial manuscript measures 24.5 x 18.2
deipna of Holy Thursday and Good Friday are to be sung cm, pri-
the Moscow Akathistos 24 x 17.5 cm.
vately in the cells, pp. 663 and 709 (cf. note 2 above, and
81There are a couple of other segments of the liturgy which
Janeras, Vendredi-saint, 427). may once have involved an icon. One is the reciting of the tro
77PG 155, col. 621C.
parion JLaxaQlQvoCtty oE (0 martyr, priest, etc.), xac TlCJUlEV T~V
78Pitzold, Akathistos-Hymnos, 91-99, connects the cycles with
&ylav ELx6va oov O g &VTcTUvtov Tig OdEag oov 0t0Lp g, cf. Tal
the rise of hesychasm. The date of the earliest cycle (that Faith Healing, 26 (used in the akolouthia of Patriarc
of the
Athanasios); Laourdas, "Diataxis" (note 7 above), 332.125 (ad-
Olympiotissa at Elasson?) will be discussed by Efthalia Konstan-
tinides in her forthcoming monograph on that church. dressed to the icon of St. Demetrios in his church in Thessalon-
79The Serbian and Tomiv Psalters (note 35 above). On the
ike). Is this the same as the Russian ublavanie, a special venera-
tion of the icon of the feast inserted after the 6th ode? Cf.
private use of the Serbian Psalter and of the Moscow Akathistos,
cf. the comments of R. Stichel, in Der Serbische Psalter Arranz,
(note 35"Veill6e" (note 55 above), 420.
above), Textband, 176-78 and BZ 71 (1978), 272; Pitzold, In the Tomiv Psalter, fol. 226r, the polyeleos (Psalms 134-35,
Akathistos-Hymnos, 8. sung at orthros) is illustrated by a scene showing an icon of
8sCf. note 35 above. The canon is the paraklitikos kanrun offlanked by priests and singers and by a pair of candle-
Theodore Laskaris, here addressed to the Virgin amolyntos sticks,
(cf.Moran, Singers, pl. vii and pp. 86-88. It is after the
polyeleos that the icon of the feast is venerated in the Greek
notes 65 and 75 above). The copy of this Moscow manuscript,
church today.
now in the Escorial (R.I.19), adds to these texts the metaphrasis
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82The Akathistos is
sung on the first five Fridays of
sections on the note 39 and
Fridays, above).
in itsItentirety
is also use
at apodeipnon, or, according
sungto the Triodion,
whenever the needat arise
begins at the 4th hour ofI the
wishnight (p. 506).
to thank It is stiT
Fr. Robert
by (or interwoven with) for
a canon to the
reviewing Virgin
this by J
hymnographer, as was stipulated in for
responsible the any
errors ty
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