Format 6C Work Completion Report From The Consumer PDF

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Format 6C

Work Completion Report

(to be submitted by the applicant)


The Assistant Executive Engineer (Ele) / Executive Engineer (Ele),

..C, O & M, Sub-division/Division


Sub: Submission of work completion report (to be submitted by the


Ref: Your Application No.: ............... dtd: .

With reference to the above, I would like to state the following information
for your kind needful:

A. Facilitation fee paid details:

1. Facilitation fee in Rs.

2. Receipt no.
3. Date

B. Solar PV module

1. Model No.
2. Total Capacity in kWp
3. Make
4. No. of Modules
5. Capacity of each
Module in kWp

C. Inverter

1. Model No.
2. Serial No.
3. Capacity
4. Make
5. No. of inverters
D. Cables: DC

1 Make
2 Size & Type

E. AC wiring

1 Make
2 Size & Type

F. DC distribution box

1 Make
2 Sl. No.
3 DC Surge Protection
4 MCB / Isolator quantity
& capacity

G. AC distribution box

1 Make
2 Sl. No.
3 AC Surge Protection
4 MCB / MCCB quantity
& capacity

H. Earthing

1 Earth resistance
(shall be less than 5
2 Size of the Earth wire /
3 Three separate earthing 1. Modules & DC
points Surge arrester:
2. Inverter & AC
Surge arrester
3. Lightening
Note:* Earthing shall be done in accordance IS 3043-1986, provided that
earthing conductors shall have a minimum size of 6.0 mm2 copper wire or
10 mm2 aluminium wire or 3mm2 X 70 mm2 hot dip galvanized steel flat.
I. Bi-directional meter details (please enclose the test report of
bi-directional meter tested at MT division, BESCOM)

1 Serial No.
2 Make
3 Capacity
4 Single ph./Three ph.
3 CTs capacity
4 CT Ratio
5 Date of Test by MT,

j. Caution signs
Size of the caution label: 105 mm width X 20 mm height, with white
letters on a red background

1 Panels
2 Inverters
3 DC/ AC distribution box

k. Provision of manual and automatic switches : Yes / No

l. Inspection report of AEE, C,O&M, Sub-division (for SRTPV below

10kWp) / Electrical inspectorate (Solar RTPV systems above 10kWp):
The SRTPV system has been installed and inspected in compliance with
the Electricity Act 2003, the Indian Electricity rules 1956 (Rule 47A) by
AEE, C,O&M, Sub-division /CEI, GoK dated:_______________.

Please note: Please enclose Test certificates of PV modules and


m. G.P.S. Co-ordinates of all the SRTPV Installations

(i) Latitude: (ii) Longitude:

Certified that the above said SRPTV system was installed by me and the
equipments used comply the Technical and Safety standards issued by BESCOM.

Applicant Signature: ____________ System Installer Signature & seal:________

Name: _______________________ Name of the firm: ____________________
Date: ________________________ Date: ________________________

1. Test report of bi-directional meter tested at MT division, BESCOM.
2. Test certificate of Inverter.
3. Test certificate of PV modules.

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