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Shipping Solutions:: Technological and Operational Methods Available To Reduce Co

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Ellycia Harrould-Kolieb and Jacqueline Savitz
October 2010
The authors of this report would like
to thank Virginia Selz and Robert
Ferguson for their help researching,
and Jessica Wiseman and Emily
Shaftel for their help reviewing and
editing this report.
Table of Contents

2 Executive Summary

4 Introduction

6 Many Methods Are Proven Effective

7 Existing Fleet Is a Major Emitter

8 Emission Reduction Options

18 The Regulatory Options

20 Conclusion

21 Recommendations

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Global shipping is a major contributor of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
Operational and technical measures that can drastically reduce emissions
are available to the existing fleet, and need to be used. In 2007 shipping was
responsible for approximately 3.3 percent of global carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions (over 1 billion tonnes).1 If the global shipping fleet were a nation it
would be the sixth largest emitter of carbon dioxide, only emitting less than
China, the United States, Russia, India and Japan.2 In the absence of emission
reduction policies, emission scenarios predict a doubling to tripling of 2007
emission levels by 2050.3

The growth in shipping due to an expansion of global trade is projected to be

responsible for a substantial increase in future emissions. Although technological
advances will allow newbuilds to be more efficient the than ships of today, a
sizable portion of the current fleet is relatively young and will potentially be in
service for many years to come. These ships could continue to be on the water
for decades. Consequently, reductions in emissions that could be achieved by
phasing in more efficient vessels will be slow.4

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has recognized that an Energy

Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) can be a cost-effective measure to reduce
emissions from new ships. The EEDI, however, does not address the current
fleet and overlooks the large potential to reduce emissions from these ships. On
The growth in the other hand, incentivizing both technical and operational measures for existing
shipping due to the ships could be done through an Energy Efficiency Operational Index (EEOI).5
Maintenance, operational changes and retrofits can all result in substantial
expansion of global increases in the efficient running of a vessel. Policies must be put in place to
trade is expected to ensure that these large emission reduction potentials are not squandered.
cause a substantial
Shipping is one of the most efficient modes of transportation currently available.
increase in future
However, the industry has been allowed to rely on this fact for too long, while it
emissions. continues to ignore huge inefficiencies in its operations. Whether or not it is more
efficient than other modes of transportation, the fleet must be held accountable
for its large contribution to global carbon dioxide emissions.

2 Oceana | Protecting the Worlds Oceans

Key Findings
Operational measures can have an almost immediate
effect on emission reductions. These near-term
mitigation measures can help reduce current
emissions and prevent the projected extreme growth
in emissions.

The International Chamber of Shipping recognizes By 2030 a reduction of 33 percent below the
that reductions of 15 to 20 percent of the carbon business-as-usual baseline could be attained at no
dioxide emitted per tonne of cargo transported are cost. However, for a relatively small abatement cost
possible from 2007 to 2020, primarily through the use of $70 per tonne, emissions could by reduced by 45
of operational and technological measures.6 Similarly, percent, taking absolute emissions down to almost
Det Norske Veritas (DNV) also finds that a 15 percent 6 percent below 2007 levels. Similarly, a cost of
reduction of carbon dioxide from across the existing $205 per tonne of carbon dioxide could result in an
fleet can be achieved in a cost effective way.7 emission reduction of 56 percent, taking emissions
down to almost 23 percent below 2007 levels.9
Aggressive action to increase vessel efficiency could
reduce absolute emissions to 10 percent below 2007 There is a large potential for short-term emission
levels by 2020 and to almost 18 percent below 2007 reductions through speed reductions even when
levels by 2050.8 putting extra ships to work. By 2013, a combination
of speed reductions and utilization of previously out-
of-work vessels could result in an approximately 30
Examples of Currently Available percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions below
Emission Reduction Measures business-as-usual levels across the fleet. If put into
immediate effect, this reduction in emissions would
Measure result in the elimination of 465 to 507 million tonnes of
carbon dioxide in the period of 2011 to 2012 alone,10
Operations 10 50%
which is the equivalent of shutting down 11 to 12
Slow Steaming 30% below BAU by 2013
percent of the coal based emissions in the United
Weather Routing 2 4%
States for the same period.11
Just-in-Time Arrival 1 5%
Optimization of Trim More than 225 shipping companies are engaging in
& Ballast slow steaming.12 In 2009 alone Maersk saved $300
Propeller Polishing & million in fuel costs and has been able to reduce the
carbon dioxide emission per container moved by
Engine Tuning 1 2% 7 percent.13
Technology 10 50%
Hull Coatings 10%
Technical measures, especially those like hull
coatings that are widely applicable, can be an
Propellers 5 10%
important way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions
Vanes, Vane Wheels,
Swirl Devices, Fins, 5 10%
from the fleet. Such measures can increase efficiency
Ducts, Rudders and reduce per tonne emissions across the fleet 10
Waste Heat Recovery 10% to 50 percent below 2007 levels by 2050.14
Alternate Fuels
& Propulsion
Marine Diesel Oil 5%
Kites 10 35%

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The continued burning of fossil fuels produces billions of tonnes of carbon
dioxide each year. This carbon dioxide is the main driver of climate change and
In 2007 over
ocean acidification, the impacts of which could be catastrophic in the near future.
100,000 ships Warming global temperatures are changing weather patterns, altering food
plied the seas, production capabilities, and contributing to melting glaciers, rising sea levels,
shifting animal populations and bleaching corals. Increasing ocean acidity caused
emitting over one
by the absorption of carbon dioxide into ocean waters is making it more difficult
billion tonnes of for marine calcifiers to create their shells and skeletons, as well as disrupting
carbon dioxide. many other important functions and processes throughout the ocean. This could
result in a mass extinction of coral reefs beginning only about forty years from now.

The shipping industry contributes substantially to global carbon dioxide

emissions. In 2007 over 100,000 ships above 100 gross tonnes plied the seas,15
emitting over one billion tonnes of carbon dioxide.16 Emissions are expected to
grow considerably over the coming decades if emission reduction requirements
are not put in place. Huge inefficiencies exist across the fleet; in fact a substantial
amount of power produced by each ship is lost using current practices and does
not contribute to propulsion.17 These inefficiencies result in large amounts of
unnecessary emissions that can, in many cases, be easily mitigated through
the implementation of improved operational and technical measures. A sizable
proportion of the current fleet will remain in operation for many years to come; it
is therefore vitally important to focus on emission reduction that can be gained
from the current fleet instead of simply relying on the production of more efficient
ships in the future.

The IMO has focused much of its attention on development of an Energy

Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) which could be a cost-effective measure to
reduce emissions from new ships. The EEDI however, does not address the
current fleet and will not reduce emissions from existing ships. Incentivizing both
technical and operational measures can be done using an Energy Efficiency
Operational Index (EEOI).18 Establishing an EEOI should be high on the agenda
of the IMO as it could result in substantial emission reductions from across the
existing fleet.

4 Oceana | Protecting the Worlds Oceans

Shipping is one of the most efficient modes of transportation currently available.
However, the industry has been allowed to rely on this fact for too long, while it
continues to ignore huge inefficiencies in its operations. Whether or not it is more If shipping were
efficient than other modes of transportation, the fleet must be held accountable a nation it would
for its large contribution to global carbon dioxide emissions. Operational and be the sixth
technical measures are available to the existing fleet that can drastically reduce
largest emitter of
emissions. Many of these measures can be easily implemented and often at a
cost saving. Climate change and ocean acidification threaten our planet and way carbon dioxide.
of life, the shipping industry has the opportunity to play a large role in preventing,
rather than causing, catastrophe.

Global Shipping Is Among the Largest Carbon Dioxide Emitters

Emissions (Gigatons CO2)

Source: 2006 Country data from www.eia.doe.gov/pub/international/iealf/table1co2.xls and 2007 Shipping data from Buhaug, , et al.
(2009) Second IMO (International Maritime Organization) GHG Study 2009; International Maritime Organization London, UK

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There has been some skepticism among the industry
about earlier Oceana suggestions that slow steaming The industry itself
and other operational and technological advancements
has demonstrated
are not only cost effective but also safe. However, with
rising fuel prices and increased awareness of shippings that many of these
impact, the industry itself has demonstrated that many changes are not
of these changes are not only good for the environment,
only good for the
but also good for business.
environment, but
More than 225 shipping companies are currently also good
engaging in slow steaming.19 According to a recent
for business.
Dynamar study, half of the currently active container
fleet is slow steaming.20 In fact, some of the largest
lines including Maersk, Hapag-Lloyd, NYK Group
and COSCO have employed this method. In 2009
alone Maersk saved $300 million in fuel costs and has Horizon Lines determined that propeller polishing every
been able to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions per four months could reduce the emissions from one of its
container moved by 7 percent.21 The company hopes vessels by 1.12 percent, saving one tonne of fuel from
to reduce its carbon emissions by 25 percent by 2020 being used every day. Horizon is expanding the use of
and believes slow steaming will be a part of its strategy this system to its other vessels.25
to do so.22 Clearly, if the rest of the industry followed
this example, great progress could be made, with the The fact that companies are voluntarily changing
shipping sector leading many others in adapting to their operations to reduce carbon dioxide emissions
changing environmental needs. is evidence that these options are effective and safe.
However, these changes are not enough to solve a
Companies efforts to reduce costs and emissions are problem that is large and growing larger. Policies that
not limited to slow steaming. There are many examples institute these changes are needed to ensure that they
of companies using technological and operational are adapted industry-wide and maintained into the future.
measures to reduce their emissions as well. Alongside
slow steaming, APL is using a suite of methods,
including trim optimization, cold-ironing, propeller fins
and hull coatings.23 Silicon paint hull coatings reduce
fuel consumption, and therefore emissions, by 6 to 7
percent, while propeller fins are increasing the efficiency
of APLs ships and reducing emissions an additional 2 to
4 percent.24 With the use of a hull monitoring system,

6 Oceana | Protecting the Worlds Oceans



In 2007 shipping was responsible for approximately While growth in shipping due to an expansion of
3.3 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions (1 billion global trade could cause a substantial increase in
tonnes).26 If shipping were a nation that amount would future emissions, there are already many available
make it the sixth largest emitter of carbon dioxide, technologies and design practices that can be employed
surpassed only by China, the United States, Russia, to build more efficient vessels. Technological advances
India and Japan.27 International shipping, excluding will allow newly built ships to be more efficient than
domestic shipping and fishing vessels, emitted 2.7 ships existing today. However, a sizable portion of the
percent of global emissions (870 millions tonnes) that current fleet is relatively young and will potentially be
same year.28,29 The majority comes from cargo vessels, in service for many years to come. Approximately half
which account for 89 percent of total gross tonnage of of the world fleet is 20 years old or younger; however
the global fleet.31 Ship emissions are not only limited to by gross tonnage about half the fleet is 10 years old or
carbon dioxideother pollutants included SOx, NOx, younger.38 Since the average life of a ship is 30 to 40
PM, VOCs and CO. While some of these pollutants years,39 these ships will foreseeably be on the water
are greenhouse gases, actions to mitigate them do not for decades to come. Consequently, reductions in
offer the same potential for reducing global warming emissions that result from phasing in of more efficient
and ocean acidification as reducing carbon dioxide vessels will be very slow.
emissions.32 Like carbon dioxide, many of these
pollutants will be reduced as the energy efficiency of Ships may be the most efficient mode of goods
ships is improved.33 transport currently available; however, there are still
many inefficiencies across the fleet that can and should
On average global shipping has grown by 3 percent be corrected. Propulsion thrust is only generated by a
annually over the last three decades34 and emissions small fraction of the fuel energy going into a ships main
are projected to grow by more than 20 percent by engine; the rest is lost as heat or in the exhaust. In fact,
2020 and 50 percent by 2030, above 2007 levels.35 In over 90 percent of the energy provided by fuel can be
the absence of emission reduction policies, emission lost.40 Inefficient engines, propellers, and fouled hulls
scenarios predict a doubling to tripling of 2007 emission can all contribute to the reduction in a vessels power.
levels by 2050.36 Assuming reductions are achieved by Maintenance, operational changes and retrofits can all
other sources as is necessary to limit climate change to result in substantial increases in the efficient running
two degrees Celsius, unregulated shipping emissions of a vessel. Policies must be put in place to ensure that
could come to account for 12 to 18 percent of global these large emission reduction potentials are achieved.
carbon dioxide emissions in 2050.37

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Emission Reduction
Options are Available
to the Current Fleet
Large emission reductions are attainable across the existing fleet. Emissions can
be reduced by increasing efficiency, using less carbon-intensive fuels or power
sources, including renewables and using emission reduction technologies, such
as chemical conversion.

Improving efficiency means decreasing fuel consumption per tonne-mile, or

that the same amount of work is done using less energy. The original design of
the ship in part dictates to the ship in part dictates the efficiency.41 This is why
good design is imperative in the future to lower emissions. However, there are
technological options that are available to the existing fleet that can considerably
reduce emissions. These can include novel hull coatings, retrofitted propellers
and rudders, engine upgrades, waste heat recovery systems and the use of
wind power.42

The speed and capability of a ship is also closely linked to its operations,43 and
therefore operations are an important part of the emissions reduction potential of
the fleet. Operational measures can include enhanced weather routing, energy
management, hull and propeller cleaning, engine maintenance and tuning and
optimized ballasting.44

Operational measures can have an almost immediate effect on emissions. These

near-term mitigation measures can help reduce current emissions and prevent
the projected extreme growth in emissions. Operational measures should not be
the only tool utilized to reduce shipping emissions, but they are the low hanging
fruit that can take immediate effect and reduce emission from the current fleet
that will continue to be in operation for the coming decades.

Port operations, though not the focus of this report, can also play an important
role in reducing emissions. These can include improving logistics to reduce
congestion and turn around time and implementing a system of slot time allocation.45

While many of these emission reduction techniques may seem piecemeal, they
will contribute to reducing fuel consumption and hence carbon dioxide emissions
from individual ships. Incremental decreases in emissions from individual ships
can result in large reductions across the entire fleet.46 In fact, the 2009 IMO
study suggests that the fleet can become 25 to 75 percent more efficient than it
is currently through both operational and technological measures (retrofits and
newbuilds) by 2050. This same study finds that operational measures alone can
reduce emissions by 10 to 50 percent.47

8 Oceana | Protecting the Worlds Oceans

The International Chamber of Shipping recognizes that reductions of 15 to 20
percent of the carbon dioxide emitted per tonne of cargo transported are possible YEAR EMISSION REDUCTIONs
from 2007 to 2020 through mainly operational and technological measures.48 PER MILE (%)
Similarly, Det Norske Veritas (DNV) confirms that a 15 percent reduction of 2020 10 25
carbon dioxide from across the existing fleet can be achieved cost effectively.49 2030 33 45
2050 25 75
While many technical improvements are only applicable to newbuilds, operational
measures are applicable to all ships and have the potential to reduce emissions Table 1: Per-mile emission reductions possible
from a combination of technical and operational
by 621854 million tonnes in 2050 under conditions of moderate support from measures from across the fleet.
market-based drivers or 8351137 million tonnes when driven by substantial
policy and market mechanisms and very high fuel prices.50 In this more
aggressive scenario vessel efficiency is increased by around 70 percent of 2007
levels, resulting in 70 percent less carbon dioxide emitted by the fleet.

Future emissions will depend not only on how much emissions can be reduced There are
per tonne-mile but also on how the fleet grows in the future. Only if the technological
percentage growth of the fleet is smaller than the percentage reduction in per
options that are
tonne-mile emissions will the absolute emissions from the fleet fall below current
levels. An annual growth rate of between 2 and 3 percent, which represents a available to the
range of growth patterns without including the extremes, coupled with aggressive existing fleet that
emission reductions will result in emissions remaining close to the 2007 level
can considerably
until 2050 (Table 1). However, the emissions avoided in this scenario could be as
much as 2.7 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide,51 which is the equivalent of shutting reduce emissions.
down all the coal plants that are projected to be in operation in the United States
in 2035.* 52

Operational and Technical Measures Can Reduce Emissions

None 1333 1467 0 0 131 145

Low 1260 1384 6 73 82 124 136

Medium 1040 1139 22 294 327 102 112

High 910 996 32 424 471 90 98

None 2820 3883 0 0 278 383

Low 2338 3211 17 428 671 230 216

Medium 1303 1782 54 1517 2101 128 176

High 835 1137 70 1986 2746 82 112

Table 2: Possible 2020 and 2050 CO2 emission levels due to either no, low, moderate or high implementation of operational and technical measures and use of
alternative fuels compared to 2007 assuming growth scenarios that represent a range of growth patterns without representing extremes.53

* EIA coal plant emission projections stop at 2035.

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Large Emission Reductions Are Possible

Increasing the per tonne-mile efficiency of the fleet vessel efficiency could reduce absolute emissions
is one approach that can be used to reduce absolute 2 to 10 percent below 2007 by 2020 and 12 percent
emissions, and as is evident large gains can be made. If above to almost 18 percent below 2007 levels by 2050
the industry grows at a rate of between 2 and 3 percent (Table 2).56 However, reducing absolute emissions will
in the future, as discussed above, approximately neutral require additional measures over and above increasing
growth in emissions is a realistic target with aggressive efficiency.57 A high price on carbon could drive the
implementation of operational and technical measures implementation of a wider range of measures that
and alternative fuels (see high emission reduction could yield larger emission reductions, even below
scenarios in Figure 1).55 Aggressive action to increase current levels.

Future Emissions Utilizing Technical and Operational Measures

Shipping Emissions (Billion Tonnes CO2)

3500 No-A
3000 Low-A
2500 Mid-A
2000 High-B

2010 2020 2030 2040 2050


Figure 1: Future emission levels under no, low, medium and high emission reduction scenarios.54 Each of the growth
futures is broken into A and B scenarios, which correspond, respectively, to the global development A1B and B1
scenarios examined in the 2009 Second IMO GHG Study.

10 Oceana | Protecting the Worlds Oceans

2030 Emissions Reductions with Varied Abatement Costs
Percentage of BAU 2030 Emissions

BAU 0 35 70 100 205

Abatement Cost ($/tonne CO2)

Figure 2: An abatement cost of $205/t CO2 will result in an emission level 23 percent below 2007
levels.The orange line represents the 2007 emission level.61

Fuel costs have increased substantially over recent also be attained at no cost; however, for a relatively
years and continue to account for an increasingly larger small abatement cost (cost to avert one tonne of CO2
portion of a vessels operations costs.58 Finding ways to $/tonne CO2) of $70, emissions could be reduced by
increase efficiency and reduce fuel consumption will be 45 percent, taking absolute emissions down to almost
of benefit to the fleet as a whole. By 2020 the fleet could 6 percent below 2007 levels. Similarly a cost of $205 could
reduce emissions, at no cost, by 25 percent below the result in a reduction of 56 percent, taking emissions
business-as-usual baseline.59 By 2030 a reduction of down to almost 23 percent below 2007 levels (Figure 2).60
33 percent (18 percent above 2007 emissions) could This would allow accelerated emission reductions.

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Operational Measures to Increase Ship Efficiency and Reduce Emissions

Much of the emissions savings that can be realized Slow Steaming
across the existing fleet comes from improvements in
Slow steaming (traveling at 20 knots or below rather
operations. These measures can be implemented by
than 24 or 25 knots) is an operational measure that
all ships, many almost immediately, and some have
can be easily implemented without retrofits and can
the potential to reduce emissions by as much as 50
reap immediate rewards,65 often at a cost saving. It
percent by 2050.62 Operational measures include vessel
has been suggested that slow steaming alone can
maintenance and operation, and improvements in
reduce carbon dioxide emissions in some instances
speed, route, port logistics, and fleet management.
by as much as 70 percent when speed is halved.66 A
conservative assessment of emission reduction potential
Many of these changes can be made without retrofits
suggests that just a 10 percent speed reduction across
and therefore can result in instant savings due to
the fleet could reduce total emissions by 7.9 percent
decreased fuel consumption. Investments in training
below business-as-usual in 2020 (98.7 million tonnes of
the crew may be required to effectively implement new
carbon dioxide).67 This is the equivalent of preventing
operational measures.63 However, these investments
4.5 percent of projected emissions from coal fired power
should pay off quickly. The most beneficial option for
plants in the United States in that same year.68
reducing fuel consumption, and hence emissions, via
operational measures is slow steaming.64
Slow steaming does result in a decrease in capacity,
however there are methods that can make up for this,
including more efficient ports and adding extra vessels.69
While adding additional vessels reduces the potential for
emissions savings, savings can still be realizedeven
if additional ships are put into service, slowing down
makes sense.

The amount of carbon dioxide emitted by a ship is

proportional to the fuel consumed by that vessel.
Fuel use and speed are generally related by a third
power function, hence a 10 percent reduction in speed
equates to an approximate 27 percent reduction in fuel
consumption and emissions per unit of time.* However,
since reduction in speed results in an increase in trip
time (a 10 percent reduction in speed increases trip
time approximately 11 percent) the relationship between
speed and fuel consumption is better reflected by a
quadratic relationship. Hence, a 10 percent reduction in
speed results in a 19 percent reduction in emissions.70
In reality a 10 percent reduction will reduce emissions
somewhat more than 19 percent since vessels only
travel at their optimal speed for a small portion of their
trip.71 While it is difficult to generalize the emission
reductions possible for each vessel, it may be possible

*10% reduction in speed, therefore the vessel is operating at 90% of its original speed (0.93 = 0.73). Therefore, operating at 90%
produces 73% of the emissions if operating at full speed, hence an emission reduction of 27%.

12 Oceana | Protecting the Worlds Oceans

to reduce the engine load on large ships without any
retrofits by as much as 40 percent,72 which would
By 2013, reducing speeds to utilize
equate to an approximate 16 percent reduction in
speed and a 29 percent reduction in fuel use and all laid-up vessels could total an
emissions when additional capacity is included. approximate 30 percent reduction
in carbon dioxide emissions.
The reduction in capacity due to slower speeds can be
addressed by increasing the cargo carried by each ship,
increasing the number of ships working or improving
port efficiency. Increasing the work load or number of overcome with minor retrofits, or do not risk of causing
ships will increase the fuel use and carbon emissions, permanent damage to the vessel.80 Maersk has
however fleet-wide fuel consumption and emissions reportedly found that slow steaming does not cause
can still be lower than a smaller fleet travelling at faster long term detrimental effects to the life of a vessels
speeds.73 Therefore, the need to add additional vessels engine.81 Large vessels with 2-stroke engines can
should not be seen as an excuse not to reduce speeds operate at minimum engine load of about 40 percent
across the fleet. In fact, the global fleet currently faces without damage and vessels can even operate below
an oversupply of ships, and these ships can be put to this with engine de-rating or slow steaming upgrade
work to make up the capacity lost due to ships traveling kits.82 Vessels that are to be operated at slow speeds
at slow speeds. In 2009 approximately 10 percent on a permanent basis can have their engines de-rated
of the container fleet capacity was not used.74 It has protecting the engine at lower speeds and enabling it
been reported that extra slow steaming has put to work to run in a more effective, fuel efficient manner. This
almost 100 ships.75 This could be increased as more has been shown to be very effective, especially for
lines choose to slow their ships in the future. older engines.83

The short term potential for emission reductions by It is unmistakable that considerable emission reductions
reducing speed is large even when putting extra ships are possible through slow steaming. In fact, many
to work. By 2030 reducing speeds to utilize all laid-up lines have implemented slow steaming over the past
vessels, and without any retrofits would allow tankers to years as a way to reduce fuel consumption in the face
reduce their emissions from 12 to 20 percent, bulkers of high fuel costs.84 Sustainable Shipping recently
by 17 to 29 percent and container ships by 4 to 16 reported that more than 225 vessels are slow or super
percent. Combined, this could total an approximate 30 slow steaming.85 This is evidence that slow steaming
percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions below works to reduce fuel and emissions and is not a danger
business-as-usual across the fleet. This reduction in to the life of an engine. Shipping companies such as
emissions would result in the mitigation of 465 to 507 Maersk describe slow steaming as the most innovative
million tonnes of carbon dioxide in the period of 2011 development in container shipping in recent history.86
to 2012 alone,76 or the equivalent of shutting down Hapag-Lloyd has reported that by reducing the ship
11 to 12 percent of the coal plant emissions in the speed by just five knots, equating to a 20% reduction in
United States for the same period.77 Some of these vessel speed, the company would save approximately
reductions may have already been realized by the fleet; 50% on fuel costs.87
however there is still room for larger reductions in the
very near term. Slow steaming can cause concerns While it is likely that slow steaming will remain in favor
due to vessels operating off-design. Concerns include while fuel prices are high, if fuel prices drop again in
loss of efficiency from the heat recovery systems, the future lines may shift back to full steaming. It is
propeller and turbo charger; increased hull and propeller therefore important that policies are implemented to
fouling; increased maintenance of auxiliary systems; institutionalize the practice of slow steaming so that
increased consumption of lubricant; and increased reductions in emissions, not just costs, are seen long
level of vibrations.78,79 Most of these concerns can be into the future.

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Improved voyage planning

The efficiency of a voyage can be improved through
weather routing, shaft, trim and ballast optimization
and just-in-time arrival.88 Weather routing, includes
selecting optimal routes based on weather conditions
and currents to reduce energy consumption.89 Weather
routing is possible for all types of ships and has the
potential to achieve emission reductions as high as
2 to 4 percent.90

Just-in-time arrival takes into account tides, congestion

and arrival windows to avoid long wait times at the port91
Vessels will often travel quickly to a port and then spend
large amounts of time waiting to berth. This increases
emissions during the voyage and while ships are idling
at the port. This can be avoided with just-in-time arrivals.
Studies estimate that just-in-time arrivals offer the
potential to reduce emissions by 1 to 5 percent.92

Optimization of ballast and trim attempts to find the

best operating trim and avoids carrying unnecessary
ballast.93 The resistance of a vessel through the water
is heavily influenced by the trim and ballast conditions.94
Optimizing trim and ballast can reduce this resistance
and therefore the emissions produced by the vessel.
Optimizing ballast and trim has been estimated to
reduce fuel consumption by up to 1 percent.95 Computer
software can be run while a vessel is at sea to find the
optimal trim, and these approaches have reportedly
achieved fuel, and therefore emissions savings, of up
to 5 percent.96

Propeller, Hull and Propulsion System

While the selection of the optimal propeller should
Studies estimate occur during construction, it is possible to upgrade a
propeller (see section on technical measures). Beyond
that just-in-time
upgrades proper propeller maintenance can increase
arrivals offer the ship efficiency. Polishing a roughened propeller and
potential to reduce correct maintenance can decrease fuel consumption
by up to 3 percent.97 Hull resistance can be increased
emissions by as
substantially due to hull fouling and roughness. Hull
much as 5%. cleaning can drastically reduce resistance. Maintenance
of the engines is important to ensure they are operating
most effectively and therefore efficiently. Main engine
tuning has been observed to reduce fuel consumption
by 1 to 2 percent.98

14 Oceana | Protecting the Worlds Oceans

Technological Measures to Increase Ship Efficiency and Reduce Emissions
Technological changes have the potential to reduce per periodically need to be cleaned and then replaced.102
tonne-mile emissions by as much as 50 percent. These Hull fouling and roughness may increase resistance
changes can include propeller and engine upgrades, low through the water between 6 and 80 percent. The
resistance hull coatings, and waste heat recovery systems. average for a hull that has not been well maintained is
30 percent.103 This 30 percent increase in resistance
One of the most effective and widely applicable equates to an average 20 percent increase in fuel
technical measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions consumption.104 Approximately a third of the global
is the application of hull coatings that can reduce fleet has hulls in good condition with resistance below
resistance to 20 to 50 percent of the vessel as it travels 20 percent. About a half of the fleet have hulls in
through water.99 reasonable condition (20 to 40 percent resistance) that
could see improvements in fuel efficiency relatively
easily. The remainder of the fleet, some 10,000 dwt,
Paints and Hull Coatings
has added resistance over 50 percent.105 Sending a ship
During the operation of a vessels organic growth, into dry-dock can reduce the added resistance to as little
damage and cracking can increase the roughness of the as 0 to 4 percent, even a partial treatment in dry-dock
hull. Fuel consumption can be increased by as much as can reduce resistance to 50 to 20 percent.106
40% due to hull fouling according to the U.S. Navy.100
Maintaining a clean, smooth hull is very important for Increasing fuel prices in the 1990s saw many owners
optimal fuel efficiency and hull coating and maintenance investing in foul release coatings, despite their costs
can reduce fuel use by 5 percent.101 being as much as four times what they had traditionally
paid for hull coatings.108 Four to six percent savings
Self-polishing coatings can be used to prevent organic were realized with these coatings and payback on these
fouling. While some of these coatings release toxic investments was seen in less than 1 year.109 Newer
substances, others are silicone based and are slippery coatings have been reported to achieve 10 percent fuel
so they do not allow growth to take hold. These savings,110 with the payback still occurring in less than a
are commonly known as foul release coatings. The year.111 Coatings currently under trials may result in even
effectiveness of hull coatings declines over time and will larger fuel savings of 17 percent or more.112

www.oceana.org 15

It is possible to
retrofit a vessel
with a more
efficient propeller
and reduce fuel
consumption by as
much as 15%.

Large rotating propellers that turn at a low revolution produce high propulsive
efficiency.113 It is possible to retrofit a vessel with a more efficient propeller. This
could increase fuel consumption by as much as 15 percent, with a range of 5 to
10 percent likely.114

The loss of propeller energy can also be recovered by measures such as vanes,
free rotating vane wheels, pre and post-swirl devices, fins, ducts and high-
efficiency rudders. These measures can reduce a vessels propulsion power by
5 to 10 percent.115

Automatic Controls
Upgrading the automatic systems, such as temperature control, lights, and
speed control, can also improve the efficiency of a vessel. These improvements
can reduce the need for auxiliary power by about 10 percent.116

Waste heat and engine energy recovery

Waste heat recovery systems use waste heat from the exhaust to either
generate electricity or help propel the vessel. These systems can not be retrofit
on every vessel but they are commercially available for many.117 Waste heat
recovery can reduce fuel use by about 10 percent.118

Engine energy recovery systems can increase engine power and therefore
reduce fuel use and emissions. These systems can increase engine power by
9 to 11 percent.119

16 Oceana | Protecting the Worlds Oceans

Alternative Fuels and Propulsion
Alternative fuels present options to lower the lifecycle Renewable energy, wind, solar and wave power can be
carbon dioxide emissions of fuels currently used. Heavy used on board to either contribute directly to propulsion
fuel oils can be replaced with marine diesel oil (MDO) or to power auxiliary systems. Solar and wave power
which is less carbon intensive and allows for more technologies are not yet widely available, however
effective fuel combustion, resulting in better efficiency wind technology in the form of sails, kites, solid wings
and lower levels of emitted particulate matter.120 and rotors can be added to current vessels with large
Switching over to MDO can reduce carbon dioxide reductions in fuel consumption. Wind technology could
emissions from vessels by as much as 5 percent.121 create fuel savings of about 5 percent for vessels
Vessels are already switching to low sulfur fuels travelling at 15 knots and about 20 percent for vessels
(LSFO) in emission control areas, and this transition traveling at 10 knots.124 Kites have been reported to gain
will occur more widely as the MARPOL Annex IV rules a 10 to 35 percent saving in fuel for a single voyage.125
come into force, reducing carbon dioxide emitted from Kites take up only a small area on the deck and can be
the vessels.122 The use of LSFO can also result in relatively easily retrofit.126
more energy generation for auxiliary systems as waste
heat recovery systems can work with lower exhaust
temperatures.123 Alternative fuels will become a more
attractive option in the future as more fuels
are developed.

Alternative fuels
will become a more
attractive option in
the future as more
fuels are developed.

Photo: Courtesy of SkySails www.oceana.org 17



The International Maritime Organization
The IMO could play a vital role in determining how the options that exist to reduce emissions. However, the
global fleet will reduce emissions. Various IMO studies organization has done little more than develop an
have concluded that there is large potential for reducing efficiency measure for newly built shipsone that has
emissions through operational and technical measures.127 not even been made mandatory.

However, the IMO was charged with addressing the While the IMO has recognized that an Energy Efficiency
issue of greenhouse gases from ships thirteen years Design Index (EEDI) for new ships can be a cost-effective
ago. In that time, no requirements have been set to measure to reduce emissions it has not at all addressed
address global warming pollution. This is due, in part, the emissions from the current fleet. A similar emissions
to opposition from some countries, such as China, who index that has been considered but not adopted focuses
seem to oppose any action, indeed, oppose even the on the operations of existing ships, from which a much
discussion of emissions reductions for greenhouse greater contribution to carbon dioxide reductions could
gases. Similarly, flag-states, or countries that many be achieved. Putting in place an Energy Efficiency
ships are flagged by, have also frustrated such actions. Operational Index (EEOI) would promote both technical
While the IMO is not required to have full consensus and operational measures.129
in decision-making, it does appear to prefer such an
approach and as a result, little has been accomplished
in the past thirteen years. In fact, the IMO has failed
to set a target for emission reductions, a baseline that
emission reductions will be measured against and even In 2000, IMO found that
a method of how emissions will be reduced.128 speed reductions and other
measures could reduce
In the last thirteen years the IMO has conducted a
emissions 40% by 2010.
series of studies, all pointing to large carbon dioxide
emissions from ships, and demonstrating the many

IMO by the Numbers

Kyoto Protocol delegates IMO Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from



responsibility of shipping Ships finds shipping emissions account for 1.8% of

emissions to the IMO. global CO2 emissions; however, significant potential
exists to reduce emissions via operational and
technical measures. Speed reductions, the single
most effective means to reducing CO2, combined
with other operational and technical measures could
reduce emissions by over 40% by 2010.

18 Oceana | Protecting the Worlds Oceans

National and Regional Action
Oceana and its partner organizations, EarthJustice,
Center for Biological Diversity and Friends of the Earth
petitioned the United States Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) to require emissions standards that
employ the available technologies. The EPA has the
authority to do this under the Clean Air Act, which
provides the authority to set emissions standards for
new nonroad engines and vehicles.130 Many tens of
thousands of ships enter United States waters each
year. By regulating their emissions the United States
would be taking a huge step forward in reducing carbon
dioxide emissions from shipping.

The European Union has signaled that it is unhappy

with the IMO dragging its feet on regulating carbon
dioxide emissions and has suggested that it may
integrate shipping emissions into its own emission
trading scheme. While the EU has stated it prefers
global action, it is prepared to act unilaterally if there is
no action by 2011.

Global action is obviously the preferred course of action;

however, if global regulations are not agreed upon
national and regional action may the best way to move
forward to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from ships.
It is simply unacceptable to wait years, and possibly
decades for the much needed and economically
achievable changes to be made.

Global shipping emits over The Second IMO GHG Study No policies regulating



1 billion tonnes of carbon finds shipping emissions have carbon dioxide emissions
dioxide. grown to account for 3.3% from ships have been
of global CO2 emissions. implemented despite the
Technical and operational huge reductions available
measures are estimated to from operational and
be able to reduce emissions technical measures.
by up to 75%.

www.oceana.org 19

>> Operational measures are a very important tool in reducing emissions from
across the fleet. These measures are broadly applicable and can be quickly and
easily implemented. Since these measures aim to increase vessel efficiency and
cost little to implement they can also result in large cost savings across the fleet.
However, to reach the emissions reductions required from the shipping industry
more than just cost-saving operational measures will be required. Many technical
measures that are available to the current fleet can also increase efficiency and
can therefore also result in cost-savings.

>> Technical measures, especially those like hull coatings that are widely applicable,
can be an important way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the fleet. Such
measures may be able to increase efficiency and reduce per tonne emissions
across the fleet from 10 to 50 percent below 2007 levels by 2050.131

>> Operational and technical measures will need to be implemented fleet wide
to see substantial reductions in emissions. While, these are the most readily
applicable methods to reduce emissions alternative fuels and methods of
propulsion will become more important in the future.

>> Policies should be implemented to make sure that they are used to their full
advantage as it is evident that many emission reduction options are available to
the fleet. But even before these policies are implemented studies have shown
that many of these measures are in fact cost effective and can in fact save ship
owners money as they act to reduce fuel consumption.


Shipping fleets should implement technical and operational measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions
immediately. Such measures include speed reductions, weather routing, improved maintenance and
specialized hull coatings.

The U.S. EPA should regulate carbon dioxide emissions from ships. This can be done by setting emission
standards and by requiring specific operational procedures, such as speed limits.

The IMO should implement a mandatory EEOI that will drive the use of operational and technical measures
to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Policies should be applied to all ships regardless of flag state. Such
policies should not be subject to consensus approval and voting should be utilized to speed this outcome.

20 Oceana | Protecting the Worlds Oceans

www.oceana.org 21

1 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO 12 Reported in Should slow steaming 23 APL Environment
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime become a regulatory requirement? http://www.apl.com/environment/html/
Organization (IMO), London, UK Sustainable Shipping, 20 August 2010, environment_initiatives.html
2 Harrould-Kolieb, Ellycia (2008) Shipping 24 APLE Environment
Impacts on Climate: A source with http://www.apl.com/environment/html/
solutions, Oceana environment_initiatives.html
13 Reported in Exclusive: Maersk Line
3 Marine Environment Protection 25 Reported in Shipowner benefits from hull
confounds critics of slow steaming,
Committee, IMO, 60th Session (2010) performance monitoring, Sustainable
Sustainable Shipping, 24 August 2010,
Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships, Shipping, 13 February 2008, http://
Assessment of IMO Energy Efficiency www.sustainableshipping.com/news/
Measures for the Control of GHG i70704/Shipowner_benefits_from_hull_
Emissions form Ships, Note by performance_monitoring
the Secretariat 14 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
26 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
4 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
Organization (IMO), London, UK
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime Organization (IMO), London, UK
Organization (IMO), London, UK 15 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
27 Harrould-Kolieb, Ellycia (2008) Shipping
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
5 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO Impacts on Climate: A source with
Organization (IMO), London, UK
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime solutions, Oceana
Organization (IMO), London, UK 16 Marine Environment Protection
28 Marine Environment Protection
Committee, IMO, 60th Session (2010)
6 International Chamber of Shipping (2009) Committee, IMO, 60th Session (2010)
Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships,
Shipping, World Trade and the Reduction Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships,
Assessment of IMO Energy Efficiency
of CO2 Emissions Assessment of IMO Energy Efficiency
Measures for the Control of GHG
Measures for the Control of GHG
7 Alvik, S., M. S. Eide, O. Endresen, Emissions form Ships, Note by
Emissions form Ships, Note by
P. Hoffmann and R. Longva (2009) the Secretariat
the Secretariat
Pathways to low carbon shipping:
17 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
Abatement potential towards 2030, 29 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
Det Norske Veritas (DNV) GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
Organization (IMO), London, UK
Organization (IMO), London, UK
8 Calculated from Marine Environment
18 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
Protection Committee, IMO, 60th Session 31 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
(2010) Prevention of Air Pollution from GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
Organization (IMO), London, UK
Ships, Assessment of IMO Energy Organization (IMO), London, UK
Efficiency Measures for the Control of 19 Reported in Should slow steaming
32 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
GHG Emissions form Ships, Note by become a regulatory requirement?
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
the Secretariat Sustainable Shipping, 20 August 2010,
Organization (IMO), London, UK
9 Alvik, S., M. S. Eide, O. Endresen,
forum/polls/95993/Should-slow-steaming- 33 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
P. Hoffmann and R. Longva (2009)
become-a-regulatory-requirement GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
Pathways to low carbon shipping:
Organization (IMO), London, UK
Abatement potential towards 2030, 20 Dynamar (2010) SLOW STEAMING: A
Det Norske Veritas (DNV) transient fashion or here to stay? 34 Sell, Malena (Ed) (2008) Climate Change
and Trade on the Road to Copenhagen,
10 Faber, J., M. Freund, M. Kopke, D. 21 Reported in Exclusive: Maersk Line
International Centre for Trade and
Nelissen (2010) Going Slow to Reduce confounds critics of slow steaming,
Sustainable Development (ICTSD), Geneva
Emissions: Can the current surplus of Sustainable Shipping, 24 August 2010,
maritime transport capacity be turned into http://www.sustainableshipping.com/ 35 Submission by Norway to the Marine
an opportunity to reduce GHG emissions? news/i96049/Exclusive_Maersk_Line_ Environment Protection Committee, 60th
Seas At Risk confounds_critics_of_slow_steaming Session (2010) Prevention of Air Pollution
from Ships, Updated Marginal Abatement
11 Calculated from EIA (2009) Annual 22 Reported in Exclusive: Maersk Line
Cost Curves for Shipping, Submitted by
Energy Outlook 2010, Table 18: Carbon confounds critics of slow steaming,
Norway, DNV.
Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source, Sustainable Shipping, 24 August 2010,
http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/aeo/excel/ http://www.sustainableshipping.com/
aeotab_18.xls news/i96049/Exclusive_Maersk_Line_

22 Oceana | Protecting the Worlds Oceans

36 Marine Environment Protection 47 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO 57 Faber, J., M. Freund, M. Kopke, D.
Committee, IMO, 60th Session (2010) GHG Study 2009, International Maritime Nelissen (2010) Going Slow to Reduce
Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships, Organization (IMO), London, UK Emissions: Can the current surplus of
Assessment of IMO Energy Efficiency maritime transport capacity be turned into
48 International Chamber of Shipping (2009)
Measures for the Control of GHG an opportunity to reduce GHG emissions?
Shipping, World Trade and the Reduction
Emissions form Ships, Note by Seas At Risk
of CO2 Emissions
the Secretariat
58 International Chamber of Shipping (2009)
49 Alvik, S., M. S. Eide, O. Endresen,
37 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO Shipping, World Trade and the Reduction
P. Hoffmann and R. Longva (2009)
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime of CO2 Emissions
Pathways to low carbon shipping:
Organization (IMO), London, UK
Abatement potential towards 2030, 59 Submission by Norway to the Marine
38 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Environment Protection Committee, 60th
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime Session (2010) Prevention of Air Pollution
50 Marine Environment Protection
Organization (IMO), London, UK from Ships, Updated Marginal Abatement
Committee, IMO, 60th Session (2010)
Cost Curves for Shipping, Submitted by
39 Mikelis, Nikos E. (2007) A statistical Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships,
Norway, DNV
overview of ship recycling, International Assessment of IMO Energy Efficiency
Symposium on Maritime Safety, Security Measures for the Control of GHG 60 Alvik, S., M. S. Eide, O. Endresen,
& Environmental Protection, Athens, Emissions form Ships, Note by P. Hoffmann and R. Longva (2009)
September 2007 the Secretariat Pathways to low carbon shipping:
Abatement potential towards 2030,
40 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO 51 Calculated from Marine Environment
Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime Protection Committee, IMO, 60th Session
Organization (IMO), London, UK (2010) Prevention of Air Pollution from 61 Adapted from Alvik, S., M. S. Eide, O.
Ships, Assessment of IMO Energy Endresen, P. Hoffmann and R. Longva
41 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
Efficiency Measures for the Control of (2009) Pathways to low carbon shipping:
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
GHG Emissions form Ships, Note by the Abatement potential towards 2030,
Organization (IMO), London, UK
Secretariat Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
42 Marine Environment Protection
52 EIA (2009) Annual Energy Outlook 2010 62 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
Committee, IMO, 60th Session (2010)
http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/aeo/excel/ GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships,
aeotab_18.xls Organization (IMO), London, UK
Assessment of IMO Energy Efficiency
Measures for the Control of GHG 53 Adapted from Marine Environment 63 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
Emissions form Ships, Note by Protection Committee, IMO, 60th Session GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
the Secretariat (2010) Prevention of Air Pollution from Organization (IMO), London, UK
Ships, Assessment of IMO Energy
43 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO 64 Dings, Jos (Ed) (2009) Bunker fuels
Efficiency Measures for the Control of
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime and the Kyoto Protocol, How ICAO and
GHG Emissions form Ships, Note by the
Organization (IMO), London, UK the IMO failed the climate change test,
European Federation for Transport and
44 Marine Environment Protection
54 Adapted from Marine Environment Environment (T&E)
Committee, IMO, 60th Session (2010)
Protection Committee, IMO, 60th Session
Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships, 65 Faber, J., M. Freund, M. Kopke, D.
(2010) Prevention of Air Pollution from
Assessment of IMO Energy Efficiency Nelissen (2010) Going Slow to Reduce
Ships, Assessment of IMO Energy
Measures for the Control of GHG Emissions: Can the current surplus of
Efficiency Measures for the Control of
Emissions form Ships, Note by maritime transport capacity be turned into
GHG Emissions form Ships, Note by
the Secretariat an opportunity to reduce GHG emissions?
the Secretariat
Seas At Risk
45 Marine Environment Protection
55 Alvik, S., M. S. Eide, O. Endresen,
Committee, IMO, 60th Session (2010) 66 Corbett, James J., Haifeng Wang
P. Hoffmann and R. Longva (2009)
Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships, and James J. Winebrake (2009)
Pathways to low carbon shipping:
Assessment of IMO Energy Efficiency The effectiveness and costs of
Abatement potential towards 2030,
Measures for the Control of GHG speed reductions on emissions from
Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
Emissions form Ships, Note by international shipping, Transportation
the Secretariat 56 Calculated from Marine Environment Research Part D, 14:593598
Protection Committee, IMO, 60th Session
46 IMO (2008) Ship Efficiency Management 67 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
(2010) Prevention of Air Pollution from
Plan, Submitted by ICS, BIMCO, GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
Ships, Assessment of IMO Energy
Intercargo, Intertanko and OCIMF, Organization (IMO), London, UK
Efficiency Measures for the Control of
MEPC 58th Session
GHG Emissions form Ships, Note by
the Secretariat

www.oceana.org 23

68 Calculated from EIA (2009) Annual the current surplus of maritime transport 89 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
Energy Outlook 2010, Table 18: Carbon capacity be turned into an opportunity GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source, to reduce GHG emissions? CE Delft Organization (IMO), London, UK
http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/aeo/excel/ Publications.
90 IMO (2008) Ship Efficiency Management
79 Bush, Steve. (2008) Mistakes & Plan, Submitted by ICS, BIMCO,
69 Faber, J., M. Freund, M. Kopke, D. Experience Gained from Slow Steaming. Intercargo, Intertanko and OCIMF, MEPC
Nelissen (2010) Going Slow to Reduce Container Ship Speed Matters. 58th Session and Green, Erin H., James
Emissions: Can the current surplus of Lloyds Register. J. Winebreak and James J. Corbett
maritime transport capacity be turned into (2008) Opportunities for Reducing
80 Faber, J., M. Freund, M. Kopke, D.
an opportunity to reduce GHG emissions? Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships,
Nelissen (2010) Going Slow to Reduce
Seas At Risk Prepared for the Clean Air Task Force,
Emissions: Can the current surplus of
Boston, MA.
70 Faber, J., M. Freund, M. Kopke, D. maritime transport capacity be turned into
Nelissen (2010) Going Slow to Reduce an opportunity to reduce GHG emissions? 91 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
Emissions: Can the current surplus of Seas At Risk GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
maritime transport capacity be turned into Organization (IMO), London, UK
81 Reported in Slow Trip Across Sea Aids
an opportunity to reduce GHG emissions?
Profit and Environment, New York 92 Green, Erin H., James J. Winebreak and
Seas At Risk
Times, 16 February 2010, http://www. James J. Corbett (2008) Opportunities for
71 Faber, J., M. Freund, M. Kopke, D. nytimes.com/2010/02/17/business/ Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Nelissen (2010) Going Slow to Reduce energy-environment/17speed.html?_ from Ships, Prepared for the Clean Air
Emissions: Can the current surplus of r=1&ref=todayspaper and Faber, J., M. Task Force, Boston, MA.
maritime transport capacity be turned into Freund, M. Kopke, D. Nelissen (2010)
93 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
an opportunity to reduce GHG emissions? Going Slow to Reduce Emissions: Can
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
Seas At Risk the current surplus of maritime transport
Organization (IMO), London, UK
capacity be turned into an opportunity to
72 Faber, J., M. Freund, M. Kopke, D.
reduce GHG emissions? Seas At Risk 94 IMO (2008) Ship Efficiency Management
Nelissen (2010) Going Slow to Reduce
Plan, Submitted by ICS, BIMCO,
Emissions: Can the current surplus of 82 Faber, J., M. Freund, M. Kopke, D.
Intercargo, Intertanko and OCIMF, MEPC
maritime transport capacity be turned into Nelissen (2010) Going Slow to Reduce
58th Session
an opportunity to reduce GHG emissions? Emissions: Can the current surplus of
Seas At Risk maritime transport capacity be turned into 95 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
an opportunity to reduce GHG emissions? GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
73 McCollum, David, Gregory Gould and
Seas At Risk Organization (IMO), London, UK
David Greene (2010) Greenhouse Gas
Emissions From Aviation and Marine 83 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO 96 Eniram, Product Data Sheet ED.8493
Transportation: Mitigation potential and GHG Study 2009, International Maritime 09/2009, www.eniram.fi
policies, Solutions White Paper Series. Organization (IMO), London, UK
97 Green, Erin H., James J. Winebreak and
PEW Center on Global Climate Change
84 Green, Erin H., James J. Winebreak and James J. Corbett (2008) Opportunities for
74 Faber, J., M. Freund, M. Kopke, D. James J. Corbett (2008) Opportunities for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Nelissen (2010) Going Slow to Reduce Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships, Prepared for the Clean Air
Emissions: Can the current surplus of from Ships, Prepared for the Clean Air Task Force, Boston, MA.
maritime transport capacity be turned into Task Force, Boston, MA. and Dynamar
98 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
an opportunity to reduce GHG emissions? (2010) SLOW STEAMING: A transient
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
Seas At Risk fashion or here to stay?
Organization (IMO), London, UK
75 Reported in Extra Slow Steaming Here 85 Reported in Should slow steaming
99 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
to Stay, Sustainable Shipping, 3 June become a regulatory requirement?
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
2010, http://www.sustainableshipping. Sustainable Shipping, 20 August 2010,
Organization (IMO), London, UK
com/news/2010/5/94222?tag=45-35380- http://www.sustainableshipping.com/
3453754-0-SS forum/polls/95993/Should-slow-steaming- 100 Kane, Daniel (2010) Hull and Propeller
become-a-regulatory-requirement Performance Monitoring: Fuel Conversion
76 Faber, J., M. Freund, M. Kopke, D.
and Emissions Reduction, in Climate
Nelissen (2010) Going Slow to Reduce 86 Isensee, J. and V. Vertram (2004)
Change and Ships: Increasing Energy
Emissions: Can the current surplus of Quantifying External Costs of Emissions
Efficiency, Proceedings, SNAME,
maritime transport capacity be turned into Due to Ship operation, 218 Proc. Inst.
February 16-17, 2010
an opportunity to reduce GHG emissions? Mech. Engrs. Part M:J. Engineering for
Seas At Risk the Marine Environment 41:44 101 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
77 Calculated from EIA (2009) Annual 87 Reported in Ships turn to sails, lower
Organization (IMO), London, UK
Energy Outlook 2010, Table 18: Carbon speeds to cut fuel costs, Reuters, 22
Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source, January , 2008, http://www.abc.net.au/ 102 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/aeo/excel/ news/stories/2008/01/22/2143897.htm GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
aeotab_18.xls Organization (IMO), London, UK
88 IMO (2008) Ship Efficiency Management
78 Faber, Jasper., Freund, Malte., Kpke, Plan, Submitted by ICS, BIMCO,
Martin., and Nelissen, Dagmar. (2010) Intercargo, Intertanko and OCIMF, MEPC
Going Slow to Reduce Emissions: Can 58th Session

24 Oceana | Protecting the Worlds Oceans

103 Munk, Torben (2006) Fuel Conservation 116 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO 124 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
through Managing Hull Resistance, GHG Study 2009, International Maritime GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
Motoship Propulsion Conference, Organization (IMO), London, UK Organization (IMO), London, UK
Copenhagen April 26th, 2006
117 IMO (2008) Ship Efficiency Management 125 Green, Erin H., James J. Winebreak and
104 Calculated from Table from Pers comm.. Plan, Submitted by ICS, BIMCO, James J. Corbett (2008) Opportunities for
Daniel Kane, Propulsion Dynamics The Intercargo, Intertanko and OCIMF, Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
ship added resistance is calculated by MEPC 58th Session from Ships, Prepared for the Clean Air
CASPER Task Force, Boston, MA.
118 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
105 Munk, Torben (2006) Fuel Conservation GHG Study 2009, International Maritime 126 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
through Managing Hull Resistance, Organization (IMO), London, UK GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
Motoship Propulsion Conference, Organization (IMO), London, UK
119 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
Copenhagen April 26th, 2006
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime 127 For example Marine Environment
106 Munk, Torben (2006) Fuel Conservation Organization (IMO), London, UK Protection Committee, IMO, 60th Session
through Managing Hull Resistance, (2010) Prevention of Air Pollution from
120 Marine Environment Protection
Motoship Propulsion Conference, Ships, Assessment of IMO Energy
Committee, IMO, 60th Session (2010)
Copenhagen April 26th, 2006 Efficiency Measures for the Control of
Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships,
GHG Emissions form Ships, Note by
108 John Millett, Vice president US & Canada Assessment of IMO Energy Efficiency
the Secretariat and Buhaug, . et al.
West, International Paint LLC. Measures for the Control of GHG
(2009) Second IMO GHG Study 2009,
Emissions form Ships, Note by
109 John Millett, Vice president US & Canada International Maritime Organization (IMO),
the Secretariat
West, International Paint LLC. London, UK
121 Green, Erin H., James J. Winebreak and
110 John Millett, Vice president US & Canada 128 Dings, J. (Ed) (2009) Bunker fuels and the
James J. Corbett (2008) Opportunities for
West, International Paint LLC. Kyoto Protocol: How ICAO and the IMO
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
failed the climate change test, European
111 Munk, Torben (2006) Fuel Conservation from Ships, Prepared for the Clean Air
Federation for Transport and Environment
through Managing Hull Resistance, Task Force, Boston, MA.
Motoship Propulsion Conference,
122 Corbett, J. J. and J.J. Winebrake (2008)
Copenhagen April 26th, 2006 129 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
Emissions Tradeoffs among Alternate
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
112 John Millett, Vice president US & Canada Marine Fuels: Total Fuel Cycle Analysis of
Organization (IMO), London, UK
West, International Paint LLC. Residual Oil, Marine Gas Oil, and Marine
Diesel Oil. Journal of the Air & Waste 130 Oceana, Friends of the Earth, Center
113 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
Management Association, 58:538542. for Biological Diversity and Earthjustice,
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
Petition to Regulate Global Warming
Organization (IMO), London, UK 123 Marine Environment Protection
Pollution from Marine Shipping Vessels,
Committee, IMO, 60th Session (2010)
114 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO October 3, 2007
Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships,
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
Assessment of IMO Energy Efficiency 131 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO
Organization (IMO), London, UK
Measures for the Control of GHG GHG Study 2009, International Maritime
115 Buhaug, . et al. (2009) Second IMO Emissions form Ships, Note by Organization (IMO), London, UK
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime the Secretariat
Organization (IMO), London, UK

www.oceana.org iii
Oceana campaigns to protect and restore the worlds oceans. Our team of marine scientists, economists, lawyers
and advocates win specific and concrete policy changes to reduce pollution and to prevent the irreversible
collapse of fish populations, marine mammals and other sea life. Global in scope and dedicated to conservation,
Oceana has campaigners based in North America, Europe, and South America. More than 300,000 members and
e-activists in over 150 countries have already joined Oceana. For more information, please visit www.Oceana.org.

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