Crime and Punishment
Crime and Punishment
Crime and Punishment
Serious crimes:
Petty crimes:
Dan was caught trying to cocaine into the country. He is currently serving a 5-year prison sentence.
This town is getting really dangerous. Yesterday, I was in broad daylight. The attacker had a knife and
took all my money.
The police are looking for the person responsible for burning down the church. They are confident they will
catch the .
Joe was on his way to work. The contacted his wife and demanded a ransom of $1 million.
James was found guilty of . It was obvious that he was lying under oath.
A broke into my flat while I was at work and stole my entire music collection.
Do not try to hide your true income from the government. Tax is a very serious crime.
Sandra is trying to Tom. She says he has to pay her $1000 or she will tell his wife about his affair.
Look at the list of punishments below. In pairs, put them in order from 1 (most lenient) to 6 (most severe):
a 5-year prison sentence a $500 fine a caution
community service life imprisonment the death penalty
In pairs, discuss what punishments are normally given in your countries for people
who are
plead guilty/not found
guilty guiltystate
- to officially of the
thatcrimes on Pageguilty
you are guilty/not 1. For
of a example:
"If you are found guilty of murder, the punishment is usualy life imprisonment." /
sentence somebody - to officially give a punishment to a person who is found guilty of a crime
"If you are caught smuggling ilegal drugs, you can get a 10-year prison sentence."
give testimony - to tell the court what you saw/know
In court
reach a verdict - to arrive at a decision about whether a person is guilty or not guilty of a crime
acquit somebody - to officially decide that someone is not guilty of a crime