3.project Approval Requirements: Draft Planning Scheme Amendment Cultural Heritage Management Plan Epbc Act
3.project Approval Requirements: Draft Planning Scheme Amendment Cultural Heritage Management Plan Epbc Act
3.project Approval Requirements: Draft Planning Scheme Amendment Cultural Heritage Management Plan Epbc Act
Preparation of Project to be
Preparation of Preparation of
draft CHMP assessed under
draft PSA EES
documentation documentation
Minister for
EES Scoping Requirements The objective of the TRG was to enable relevant
The EES Scoping Requirements provide guidance on government departments and local councils to
the range of environmental matters to be provide input and guidance to the EES process in
investigated and documented in the EES including relation to the adequacy of investigations being
Commonwealth requirements under the EPBC Act. undertaken and also the Projects compliance with
The draft EES Scoping Requirements for the Project statutory requirements.
were placed on public exhibition between 24 January The TRG was made up of representatives from the
and 14 February 2011 and then issued by the following government departments, local councils
Minister for Planning in their final form on 9 March and other organisations:
Department of Planning and Community
Technical Reference Group Development (DPCD)
A Technical Reference Group (TRG) was established
Department of Sustainability and Environment
and chaired by DPCD. As set out in the Terms of
Reference by DPCD, the role of the TRG for the
Princes Highway Traralgon East to Kilmany EES was Commonwealth Department of Sustainability,
to provide advice to the proponent (VicRoads) and Environment, Water, Population and
DPCD, as appropriate including: Communities (DSEWPaC)
No 5 Phase 2 options assessment, impact assessment reports Flora and Fauna, Economics, Noise and
(Flora and Fauna, Economics, Noise and Aboriginal Cultural Aboriginal Cultural Heritage impact assessment
21 September 2011 Heritage) reports