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Ed 4765 Brian Kim

Unit Plan
Unit Planning Organizer
Subject: Science
Grade: 4
Unit/Topic: 3-10 Describe the appearances and life cycles of some common animals, and
identify their adaptations to different environments.
Date and Unit Duration: April 7th- April 21st
Project Overview Description and link to student engagement (rationale):
Students will research the life cycle, and surrounding environment of a chosen animal. Develop a
storyboard that will guide the flow and design of a stop motion infographic animation
representing the animal's lifecycle, food requirements, and environmental challenges.

The activity will engage the students main points of interest of fishing, and herpetology. They
will be required to develop an understanding for online research, storyboarding, filmography, as
well as editing.

1. Unit Overview Critical Inquiry Question

The unit will be a cross curricular project that includes science
curriculum, as well as New Media learning experiences.
What is the important aspects of an animals lifecycle?
What is the best way to summarize and convey these facts in a succinct
way in the medium of stop-motion animation?
2. General Learning Outcomes for Unit
3-10 Describe the appearances and life cycles of some common animals, and
identify their adaptations to different environments.

3. Focusing Questions for Unit (Related Questions)

I wonder
Why is it important for us to learn the life cycle, and environmental needs of
this animal?
Is the animal in question a local animal? An animal in a far off place?
How does the animal in question affect OUR lives here in Alberta?
If the animal is too far away to make a connection, how does the animals life
cycle affect the population that lives nearby?

4. Key Concepts for Unit

Research and Critical thinking for sources
Chosen Animals living processes, and environmental needs.
Importance of planning and storyboarding
Filmography & editing

5. Specific Learning Outcomes for Unit


Ed 4765 Brian Kim

Observe and describe the growth and development of at least one living animal,
as the animal develops from early to more advanced stages. The animal(s) should be
from one or more of the following groups: mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians,
Demonstrate awareness that animals require different habitats in order to meet
their basic needs of food, water, shelter and space.
Recognize adaptations of a young animal to its environment, and identify
changes in its relationship to its environment as it goes through life
Identify examples of environmental conditions that may threaten animal

Ed 4765 Brian Kim

Detailed Visual Organizer of Unit Lessons and Assessment

Dates/Topics Outcome Learning Activities Assessment**

March 7th Students will begin researching Students will engage Students should
and deciding their subject in research online, have the
animal. keeping a focus on research and
Students will begin organizing credible sources for animal choice
and preparing the characters the animal life cycles completed.
and background for the stop
motion movie
March 9th Students will begin planning Students will need to Storyboarding,
and storyboarding the project plan out the most and planning
efficient and succinct should be done
way to convey the and ready for
necessary message production
March 14th Students will begin working on Students will need to Students should
production and begin shooting develop an finish this day
the stop action animation understanding for the with most than
shots that they will half of shooting
need to make finished
March 16th Students will continue shooting Students will need to Students should
Students will also begin editing develop an have shooting
understanding for the completed
editing software

March 21st Students should finish editing Students will Project should
need to develop an be finished
understanding for the
editing software

Sponge Activity:
Students will discuss and brainstorm things that went well in the project and what did not
go well in the project.
Students will begin planning and storyboarding the sequel taking into account what they
brainstormed in what we did well and what we did not do so well

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