Conspiracy in The Vatican - Death of Pope John Paul I

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Conspiracy in the Vatican

Enrique de Vicente (article originally appeared in no. 7 Year / Zero) in the fir
st week of 1991, a news report from Italy jumped to the tickers of the world: Po
pe John Paul I was not found dead in bed by his secretary but his body was disco
vered by Sister Vicenza, seated in his office with a secret document from the Se
cretary of State on the table and the new will drawn up by him in the Vatican, h
e disappeared. The importance of such claims is that were made by the brother an
d dearest niece of the late pontiff to an Italian journalist. So far, they had k
ept secret the facts, which contradict the Vatican's official statement on the c
ircumstances in which there was the mysterious death because they had been convi
nced that what happened was due to "an inscrutable Providence 'and' did not appe
ar well they knew that a nun came into his room. " An old woman who has continue
d to suspect the information published on this subject, apparently, the news was
only surprising that these relatives of the Pope came to join the massive choru
s claiming it shed light on the confusing circumstances that occurred unexpected
death. Just one month after death, the Spanish press announced the imminent pre
sentation in Rome of the Pope has been murdered (Operation Dove), a novel in whi
ch journalists Jesus Ramon Eduardo Pena and Mario Zottola argue that the death o
f Pope Luciani "obeyed a purely economic movement ", because" the Vatican's fina
ncial empire is one of the most powerful in the world "and" there are powerful r
easons to try to eliminate the leader of this fortune. " However, earlier that s
ame month, the traditionalist Roman followers of Archbishop Lefebvre and advance
d the possibility that John Paul I was assassinated by the Freemasons infiltrate
d the highest levels Vatican, which blame to promote the reformist tendencies in
post-conciliar the Church, which supposedly would oppose the Pope. Some right-w
ing magazines were accused of being affiliated with the Masons to Secretary of S
tate of the Holy See, Cardinal Villot, the president of the Congregation for Bis
hops, Cardinal Baggio, the Vatican banker, Archbishop Marcinkus and other prelat
es. In 1980, Bruce Marshali fantasizes about the subject in his novel "A murdere
r to Juan Pablo /?, In which the Pope Luciani is poisoned by the fictional socie
ty of the new apostles, all twelve members oppose changes propelled by the Counc
il Vatican II and support as pontiff to Cardinal Siri. Three years later in The
real death of John Paul I, Jean-Jacques Thierry hypothesizes that Paul VI Villot
replaced by a doublet and planned the death of his successor when he discovered
the Masonic infiltration in the areas Vatican, the unusual theory twice that st
ill hold quite a few ultra-conservatives. On a more serious and better documente
d, Roger Peyrefitte, well versed in the intricacies of Masonry and the Vatican,
held in The Red Sotana the thesis of a plot hatched by some prelates who had clo
se relations with mobsters, financiers and leaders of the lodge P-2, concealing
under pseudonyms very evident
characters at this stage were already well known. And he describes the Pope as a
liberal reformer committed to eradicate corruption from the dome of the Church,
presenting Villot Marcinkus and as instigators of the crime, carried out by a p
rofessional murderer with a poisoned needle, to avoid his imminent dismissal. Th
at same year, the makers of bestselling G. Thomas and M. Morgan-Whitts Pontiff p
ublished a highly documented research on the lives of the last three popes and t
he critical circumstances in which they develop their pontificates, which sugges
t that the hypothesis of murder was a rumor ably promoted by the Soviet KGB to d
iscredit the Vatican at a time of great tension in its relations with the USSR.
In the name of God The thesis of a conspiracy to assassinate Luciani with digita
lis, to prevent the changes brought by the Pope to end corruption, is advocated
in 1984 by David Yallop in his book In God's name, the result of three years of
intensive research that included the illegal collaboration of some members of th
e Vatican curia. Yallop shows that the Vatican covered up the circumstances in w
hich death occurred and provides sufficient evidence necessary to consider openi
ng a formal investigation. His book caused a scandal.€The situation was really s
erious. To the point of carrying an ultraconservative like Jean Parvulesco esote
ric to accept the possibility that John Paul I was executed to prevent the churc
h would lead to a deviation theologically progressive and Third (referring to "r
evolutionary and anarchist dream" that Yallop attributed to Pope Luciani), and h
old a time, taking advantage of these circumstances, "Yallop and 'their partners
hip-faceless" intend to present the Vatican become "the most powerful criminal i
n the world." The President of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communicatio
ns Yallop reacted to the book referring to the Vatican embassy and some Episcopa
l Conferences a few pages, prepared by Bishop Nicolini, in which countered the a
ssumption that "the lamented" John Paul I intended " revolutionize "the Vatican
hierarchy, explaining that" an environment conducive to imagine conspiracies is
impossible for those who live in the Vatican daily reality, "adding that" the Po
pe's health was rather sickly "and making clear that no matter who discovered th
e body of the Pontiff. Nevertheless, a survey published in 1987 showed that 30 p
ercent of Italians were convinced that the Pope of the smile was killed. A thief
in the night Conscious of the need for more compelling arguments, the Vatican a
uthorities encouraged to conduct an impartial investigation into the case to the
journalist John Cornwell. They gave him some unprecedented facilities that allo
wed him to interview the major players in the story were still alive, not to imp
ose any conditions; all-clear, with the hope that come to light evidence of the
falsity of all conspiracy theories for over a decade I have been a source of dis
comfort for the Roman Catholic Church. In Like a thief in the night, we explaine
d that evidence began to take me to a conclusion that seems more shameful and mo
re tragic than any of the conspiracies proposals so far: He despised by his clum
sy gait, listless appearance , their innocent speeches, his simple language and
imitated the whistling tone of his voice. They referred to him condescendingly,
with diminutives. There were endless
stories about his behavior and his blunders ... It was left to die by not feel q
ualified to be Pope ... He died alone in the center of the largest Christian com
munity in the world, negligence and lack of love, ridiculed and despised by the
institution that existed to keep ... What is worse, Cornwell presents himself as
someone sometimes little more than delusional and believes that "his gentleness
, his distrust, their concerns about issues purely pastoral and pious, but not c
oupled to a church that was facing challenges worldly of the eighties and nineti
es. " In similar tune, to accept the lesser evil, the historian Ricardo de la Ci
erva takes on The Secret Diary of John Paul I that there was an economic fabric,
death threats, a conspiracy to kill the Pope, you become a Mason facilitates th
e list of colleagues infiltrated the church and tells summit that will attack th
e same week ... but eventually dies of natural causes, before they try to assass
inate him. Since this is a historical novel, there is no way to discern the trut
h of her fiction. This book, like its predecessor, intended to reassure more tha
n a few consciences tormented by the possibility of such a crime, while increasi
ng the confusion surrounding the issue. Let there be justice! And in those circu
mstances was the controversy when, in early 1991, statements from relatives of J
ohn Paul I came to add fuel to the boiler suspicions. As if God or the devil, be
engaged in the Vatican's dirty laundry to continue to be news, or to create con
fusion concerning the issue at hand, a week after the press announced the next o
ccurrence of an explosive book. The American Jesuit Robert Graham, stated in the
same the results of its extensive research on the plots of espionage-own and ot
hers-that have been woven around the secrets of the Vatican, and which has invol
ved not just religious. What struck me most of it was that a few weeks earlier,
in mid December 1990, a small publishing company had begun shipping the first bo
ok that I know of in which a priest supports the thesis of the murder: will be a
sked account. In the opinion of its author, Spanish Jesus Lopez Saez, a graduate
in theology, philosophy and psychology, this book was necessary,€and that of Co
rnwell not only "did not please the Vatican but surpasses even the distortion th
at had been done to the image of Albino Luciani, and it is necessary to do justi
ce." "The problem of the death of John Paul I's there, he explains, and can be s
olved, not concealing or suppressing the issue, but trying to understand hearts.
There is much evidence that would justify an investigation in any rule of law.
This is not attacking the Church, on the contrary, it stands for. The key is eva
ngelical purification of the temple, a house of prayer and should not become a m
arket or a den of robbers. Clearly, what is at stake is very serious: "Where the
re has been more business? "In the Vatican market in the old temple denounced by
Jesus? Not too many deaths that have accompanied these businesses? Have you eve
r stolen from the Church and the world the cause of death of John Paul I? ... Fa
ilure to respond adequately to these questions, the new evangelization will be d
iscredited as an old comedy, unfortunate and sterile. As the Lord in the Gospel
of Luke: It will be held accountable. " They killed my father has ignored the re
commendations prudent not to publish his book, knowing that an article on the sa
me subject, published in the journal
New religious life, cost cease to be responsible for adult catechesis in the Nat
ional Secretariat. Coincidentally, that article hit the streets on October 4, 19
84, anniversary of the Pope's funeral, the day-chance-in all churches of the wor
ld read a psalm in the Christian Community which is now responsible were especia
lly associated with the death of John Paul I: "They handed over the body of your
servants as food to the birds of heaven, the flesh of your friends with the bea
sts of the earth ... Is known among the nations. " Talking to him, it is clear t
hat professes an admiration and love for the figure of John Paul I. When the Epi
scopal Commission explained that, even if true, it should be said, adding that i
t is as if your father was a criminal, should be on family, he replied: "That is
not the case and the case is that they have killed my father and I have nothing
to silence him. " Coincidentally, the father of Jesús López was born the same d
ay the Pope Luciani: the October 17, 1912 ... If anything is to be accused of ex
cessive zeal and love, and seem to be sufficient for these reasons that the hier
archy can condemn their audacity, but, on the contrary, to excuse its potential
excesses. As he explains, Jesus Lopez visited in 1989, Pia, Luciani's niece alon
g with her father Eduardo has starred in recent statements, and the latter's wif
e, Antonia, who ended up confessing: We do not know why he died, and Sometimes w
e have strange thoughts. They then handed a draft copy of his book, and in Decem
ber 1990, sent the printed book. It is curious that, after twelve years of silen
ce, especially now be encouraged to express their doubts, albeit timidly. Could
there was this Spanish priest catalyst of this reaction? Although not so, there
is too much synchronicity between them to ignore facts which are significant. Bu
t let us see what are the facts underlying the controversy. Why was no autopsy?
On September 29, 1978, the Vatican officially informed that, around 5:30 that mo
rning, "the Pope's private secretary, not Having been found in the chapel, as us
ual, has been found dead in bed with the light on as if it read. The doctor, Dr.
R. Buzonetti, who came immediately, noted his death, probably around the 23 hou
rs the day before because of an acute myocardial infarction. " The accumulated e
vidence subsequently showed that it was the sister Vincenza who discovered the b
ody, entering the room of the Pope, puzzled because there was no answer to his i
nsistent calls. According to several witnesses, sat in bed with the lights on, g
lasses on, and some papers in his hands. The nun then ran to wake the secretary
John Magee, who confirmed the death and called the cardinal Villot. Accompanied
by the doctor, the latter examined the body and called the embalmers. The proble
m is that the statements which they subsequently did not match those made by oth
er witnesses. Given the warm temperatures that have kept the body, which was als
o corroborated by Sister Vincenza and the Secretary Lorenzi, embalmers believe t
hat the death should have occurred between 4 and 5, and not the 11 that were con
firmed by Noah Bishop. Despite protests from some church,€Cardinal Oddi said tha
t the Sacred College of Cardinals would not even consider opening an investigati
on into the death, nor accept any control by anyone. But then he learned that th
e Cardinals called
know the precise circumstances in which that occurred, before the questions bein
g posed by the public, the absence of a medical journal and the refusal of the H
oly See to perform the autopsy on the body to eliminate any doubt. The problem i
s that without an autopsy, it is clinically impossible to determine that a death
was caused by acute myocardial infarction and instantaneous and that the typica
l picture of it does not correspond with the provision that is claimed to have f
ound the body, since all seemed to indicate that there was no struggle with deat
h. Moreover, the sober style of life of the Pope and low blood pressure did not
suspect such an outcome, nor does it correspond to a brain hemorrhage or pulmona
ry embolism, the other possibilities that have been cited Vatican sources. To ma
ke matters worse, doctors Buzonetti and Fontana, who signed the death certificat
e, said they had not provided medical services never Luciani, so they did not kn
ow anything about the state of his health or on the medicines they take, nor bot
hered ask those who might know. His death was so unexpected that Dr. Da Ros, per
sonal physician of John Paul I, who had met the previous day with very good heal
th, she could not believe. A slab of silence The Secretary of State imposed a vo
w of silence to Sister Vincenza, to prevent him from telling what he had seen, b
ut finally broke it, because, in his opinion, "the world must know the truth" ab
out the death of this pope, whom she greatly admired. As we said Father Lopez Sa
ez, "it seems that the Vatican does not want to know what the pope died, or do n
ot want to know, and the official version has distorted the situation, giving co
ncealment and repression of any further investigation into this enigma. " Accord
ing to one of the specialists that have been required to study the circumstances
in the deaths, Dr. Cabrera, "it could respond better to a death caused by subst
ance depressant and occurred in deep sleep." Moreover, pinkish tone that still h
ad his face at noon on 29 "appears in some poison, for example, carbon monoxide
and cyanide." It is striking, "continues the Spanish priest, the rush to anoint
the body Villot" standard procedure when a pope dies. This despite the fact that
, in any rule of law, can only proceed with the embalming when 24 hours have pas
sed since the death, as happened after the death of Paul VI. Contrary to what ha
s been said, the rules of the Holy See or prohibit or order the autopsy of the p
ontiffs, and through it, which obstinately rejected Villot could have determined
whether there were acute or detected heavy metal poison, but it would severely
hampered after the embalming. Even in 1989 the inhabitants of Luciani's hometown
formed a committee to request an autopsy that was done that despite the years s
till could clear some doubts. However, even though he has said the body was emba
lmed without extracting blood or guts, Lorenzi ensures that the embalmers' retir
ed parts of the body, possibly the viscera. " In that case, could be some kind o
f autopsy. If so, why do not you say? Gennari's father, says that autopsy was do
ne, confirming that the concerns and stress led inadvertently to the pope to tak
e a vasodilator, contraindicated for low voltage. But in this case, given that L
uciani was very careful with their medications and that these were controlled by
the nurse Sister Vincenza,
there is the possibility of a criminal change of medicines. As for reading that
is between his hands when he died, have circulated several versions, but the Vat
ican has finalized what it was, incomprehensibly. According to Germano Pattaro,
Pope's theological adviser, "were some notes on the conversation of two hours th
at the pope held talks the previous evening with Secretary of State Villot. To u
nderstand the reasons why someone might be interested in ending the life of John
Paul I, it is necessary to briefly recall a number of shady maneuvers that surf
aced years later, which directly affect Vatican finances and reached Luciani par
tially known. The Vatican Bank washes whiter As is apparent from the investigati
ons conducted by Yallop, Gurwin, Sisti, Modolo, Di Fonzo, Piazzesi, Bonsanti,€Do
menech and Rupert Cornweil, the mafia used italonorteamericana Vatican financial
institutions to launder dirty money from drug trafficking and other criminal ac
tivities. Such an operation was conceived by Michelle Sindona, who began his car
eer recycling the fortunes of the Gambino mobsters known New Yorkers, through a
holding company. Slowly, is forging a true financial empire of international dim
ensions. After handing the Cardinal Montini, the money needed for the constructi
on of a nursing home, and really was donated by the CIA and the Mafia, becomes h
is friend and financial adviser. Via who later became Pope Paul VI, he meets Mas
simo Spada, director of the Vatican Bank. Through the Continental Bank of Illino
is, the fourth, part of whose shares have been acquired by Sindona, Vatican larg
e investments will be channeled along the American continent. Sindona got into a
close friendship with Licio Gelli, a powerful textile businessman who has fough
t against the Republic during the Spanish Civil War, after enlisting in the SS N
azis and eventually working as an agent of the Soviet KGB for his life, an activ
ity that will soon come to join the CIA agent, while helping enrich their flight
to South America to many as the famous Nazi Klaus Barbie. Accused of having tor
tured partisans, travels to Argentina, where he befriended the president Peron w
ho became the first graced with dual nationality italoargentina and appointed hi
m director of his country in Italy. Weave a network of contacts in Latin America
, similar to that produced in Italy between businessmen, politicians and militar
y. In 1966, encouraged many of these to join the group P-2, through which Gamber
ini, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy, aims to have a group of eminent
persons that were favorable and useful to Masonry , but soon escaped his control
. The power of conviction and the growing influence of Gelli-already become Gran
d Master of the Lodge P-2-log lead many to believe that it will be very helpful
in their careers. Gelli is dedicated to collect secrets that let you increase yo
ur power and blackmail others to integrate into his lodge, becoming the epicente
r at the confluence of the most confidential information of the country, thanks
to which handled many different instances. The Argentine friends Gelli To centra
lize its activities in Latin America, Gelli buy a mansion in Montevideo, boastin
g of being a friend of powerful businessmen and leaders right across the contine
nt. Contributes to the return of Peron in 1973 as guests of honor at the inaugur
ation of his presidency and
Andreotti said in amazement, the general awe that he professed, ensuring that sa
w Perón knelt before Gelli. His influence in Argentina was insured ministroocult
ista successively by López Rega, and - after the military coup by General Suarez
Mason and Admiral Massera, linked to death squads and members of the P-2. Toget
her with them, makes delicious Gelli business, buying mainly oil and weapons. Si
ndona Gelli and introduced into the upper echelons of the labor Vatican Umberto
Ortolani, a lawyer and Gentleman of His Holiness, who will become the deputy Gel
li within the P-2, thus knowing Monsignor Paul Marcinkus. Son of Lithuanian and
raised in Chicago, in 1963 it had become the favorite burly bodyguard and interp
reter of Paul VI, saving his life in Manila and earning their trust. When is res
ponsible for directing the Institute for Works of Religion (IQR), financial appa
ratus of the Vatican, Bishop Marcinkus use the advice and international banking
network Sindona to invest much of the wealth of the Vatican, while Sindona uses
banking structure of the Holy See to avoid taxes and launder money from the Mafi
a and Gelli guarantees political umbrella of operations. The financial scandals
Sindona in 1973 has become the country's leading banker. Prime Minister greets h
im as El Salvador of the lira and the U.S. ambassador calls him the man of the y
ear. But the oil crisis, its speculation and rumors about his relationships with
Mafia help your empire to collapse in less than a year. Sindona fled to the Uni
ted States and the Vatican lost a considerable figure in the operation, a fact b
elied by Marcinkus, who denies knowing Sindona. Roberto Calvi, who met Pope Paul
VI when he was archbishop of Milan,€became acquainted with Sindona, probably th
rough Marcinkus Spada and when he was deputy director-general of Banco Ambrosian
o. There were ample reasons for this meeting: IOR owned much of the actions of t
he Ambrosiano and half of Finanbank, a Swiss bank Sindona. Thanks to support in
1971 Calvi became chairman of the bank and will soon be treasurer of the P-2. Af
ter the crack Sindona, the IOR Calvi instructs its overseas investments, lending
his name so he bought half the shares of the Mercantile Bank Marcinkus Florence
and is part of the board of the Bahamas branch of Ambrosiano. Gelli travels to
New York, where Sindona had been arrested on charges of fraud and testified that
his friend was innocent victim of a communist plot. There, he presents Sindona
Phil Guarino, director of Reagan's election campaign, whose inauguration will be
invited. In 1977 Sindona reminds you consider them half of their business. Sinc
e it does not fulfill its promise to send money, two months after ordering the c
enter of Milan wallpaper with bright posters denouncing Calvi as a swindler, sca
mmer and currency trader, and finally extends to the governor of the Bank of Ita
ly a letter corral Calvi definitely. In 1979 Sindona Calvi renews its attacks an
d the Bank of Italy launches investigation into this entity. On behalf of the di
vidend Amid these problems, Paul VI died in August and cardinals in choosing his
successor takes the Venetian Patriarch Albino Luciani. This brings popular pont
iff strongly air renewal. And he had already demonstrated its economic strength
to two scandals, one of which involves the sale of Banca
Calvi Católica del Veneto, by Marcinkus in 1972. After the operation, the bank s
topped making loans at low interest that had favored the less privileged. At the
request of their bishops, Luciani began investigating, unable to believe what h
e found on Calvi and Sindona. When I said the problem Benelli, substitute of the
Secretariat of State, explained that he knew it was a most financial transactio
ns contrived by bankers and Marcinkus to illegally evade taxes and speculate. Lu
ciani said: What does all this with the Church of the poor? In God's name. And B
enelli replied: "No. On behalf of the dividend. " So John Paul I know what to ex
pect. Directs the Cardinal Villot audited financial IOR. Meanwhile, Calvi has be
gun to divest all its shares when it learns that the Pope has decided to replace
Marcinkus and attempt to return the church to an evangelical poverty. It is cla
imed that on 12 September, the pope has in his possession a list of 121 names of
Vatican officials who allegedly belong to the Masons, which would include Villo
t, Casaroli and Marcinkus. The 13th calls urgently G. Pattaro as a counselor, co
nfessing his confusion to the relations of confrontation between members of the
curia. Marcinkus, swear to Cornweil that neither he nor anyone else is Vatican M
ason, which is contradicted by much research. After hearing that maintains only
the Pope, says to his aides: "How awful! It seems exhausted! "It is dangerous to
drive out the merchants from the temple According to various testimonies, the P
ope proposed to replace Villot by Benelli-Marcinkus great adversary, as secretar
y of state, among other changes. On the afternoon of 28 has a long conversation
with Villot in which he announced his decision to make significant changes and t
o terminate the relationship between the IOF and the Ambrosiano. That same night
, Luciani dies. Some of those who were informed of the new direction planned by
the Pope was able to notify or Gelli Calvi. And someone who had access to the ro
om could have caused his death Luciani. We know a few cases of priests who died
of it. And we also have a list of attacks with the P-2-related deaths and the co
llapse of Ambrosiano. Father López Sáez has put very clear and concise form the
most important evidence that led him to support the thesis that it was caused de
ath, and until now the Vatican has not succeeded in refuting precisely. On the c
ontrary, in addition to many of the IOR criminal relations are more than well fo
unded, its delivery of more than $ 240 million to creditor banks around the worl
d for their responsibilities related to the collapse of Ambrosiano, show interes
t common to both entities. The strange decline of the lodge P-2 In his recent st
atements, Eduardo Luciani, brother of Pope€explained the strange way that John P
aul I took leave of him, three days before his death: We had never kissed or hug
ged, but that afternoon I wanted to kiss and hug. I asked if he was OK and I sai
d yes. But I went with a mysterious feeling. Eduardo added that in his meetings
with the pope, never referred to the problems of IOR, but before being elected p
ope he confessed: "Unfortunately, even the banks were founded by Catholics, who
should have people you trust, rely on Catholic people who have neither the name.
" 65 prosecuted for crimes committed in the United States, is jailed in March S
1980 and was granted his extradition to Italy where he was sentenced to life imp
risonment for the death of the prosecutor in charge of investigating the collaps
e of their banks. After two days of being locked in a maximum security prison, s
uffers a rare attack described as heart attack or stroke, but that seems to have
been produced by cyanide and died. Ortolani, accused of participating in the fr
audulent bankruptcy of Ambrosiano, remains a refugee in South America several ye
ars before returning to Italy, where it is processed. In March 1981, Italian pol
ice attempts to stop Gelli as involved in the escape of Sindona, but it has disa
ppeared from his residential village, where they find the archives of the P-2. A
mong its 953 members discovered many of the most powerful in Italy, including An
dreotti and other former prime ministers, three ministers in active, 90 judges,
43 parliamentarians, leaders of all parties except the Communist, bankers, owner
s and managers day, 183 officers of the three armies, including the Armed Forces
Commander and two managers of the intelligence services. The strategy of tensio
n when the press discovers a crisis begins, culminating with the collapse of the
coalition government led by Foriani, many of whose employees were members of th
e P-2. As one of the prosecutors explained, the Lodge P-2 'combined business and
politics with the intention of destroying the country's constitutional order. "
He was referring to the implications of P2 in terrorist attacks in Italy create
d a strategy of tension that predisposed to several coup attempts, which involve
d the Lodge, at the same time encouraged the fear of various actors to the Commu
nists came to power within a mare magnum of strange relationships CIA, Mafia and
Freemasonry remained in Italy since World War II and were related to high ranki
ng Vatican. In July, Gelli's daughter went to Italy without concealing his ident
ity, being detained at the airport and found a false bottom in his luggage a num
ber of documents relating to the P-2, one of which is described as a secret repo
rt falsified the CIA related to attempts to subvert Western Europe and Italy in
particular. It is unthinkable that, after being removed from the country, such d
ocuments are made available to the police, unless after such a maneuver to hide
a hidden agenda. Since the journalist P. Hebbiethhwaite was surprised that the f
iles had no names Gelli Italian Communists or other countries, is complicated to
understand how, without such intermediaries had done good business with east Eu
ropean countries and made friends with the dictator Ceaucescu, suspecting that s
uch names could have been eliminated by Gelli himself that would have all the ma
terial ready to be found, instead of having destroyed. Stephen Knight, an impart
ial investigator who has denounced the infiltration of British Freemasonry KGB,
said that Gelli worked for Soviet intelligence and maintains that the P-2 was a
program sponsored by the KGB to destabilize Italy and bring the Communists to po
wer for the first time in a Western country. This would explain why in his opini
on was among its archives a document that describes the structure of KGB, though
not asked why he left behind him, and the hidden motives of the scandal of the
P-2 and connection with the assassination attempt on John Paul II May 13, 1981,
shortly after discovery of the documents of the Lodge. But that's another story
and the keys to the whole mess could have gone to another level: the dark
designs of the forces that govern the global chess strange dialectic, reaching "
beyond good and evil", as will another time. A journey of no return the 20th of
that same month, Calvi was arrested by the collapse of Banco Ambrosiano, exertin
g enormous pressure on Marcinkus and Menini, managers of the IOR, to come to the
ir aid,€communicating to his wife and daughter to abnormal operations for which
they would process had been carried out on behalf of the Vatican bank, according
to documents stored in the Gotthard Swiss Banking. A year after being convicted
and released on bail, Calvi flies to London. Some suspect that seeks help in a
Lodge in London, which claimed to belong and that is troubling powerful financia
l influence. Sea horn case, her body is found hanging from a London bridge with
pockets full of stones. A Milan court will hold that he was killed, while his wi
dow says "was the victim of fierce fighting Vatican," and recalls that when he c
alled Gelli Calvi to blackmail him and asked him who he was, since 1978 always a
nswered, Luciani, the name of Papa died that year. When Yallop tried to intervie
w him by phone to his book on the life of John Paul I, Calvi grumpy replied: "Wh
o sent you to me? I always pay. What Gelli knows? How much do you want? Do not w
rite that book. Do not ever call me again. " Involved in the collapse of Ambrosi
ano, Gelli was imprisoned in 1982 in a maximum security prison, from which escap
es a year later. In 1986 the Supreme Court involves you in the brutal killing of
Bologna, conducted by right-wing elements with the knowledge of the intelligenc
e services controlled by him, and he tried to blame the Bulgarian and Soviet sec
ret services, as in the attack Pope Wojtyla. Extradited for his financial crimes
, spent a short time in jail, conditionally released on health grounds. A Holy S
pirit's work contrasts the image of John Paul I wanted to give in certain areas
Vatican with which it has retained the common people. An anonymous Cornweil Bish
op confesses: "The Holy Spirit did a good job, get rid of it before I did too mu
ch damage." Don Diego Lorenzi, one of his secretaries, he confirmed: "I would li
ke to change. He does not deserve. " "This pope got a huge popular affection of
ordinary people," says the father Farusi, director of Vatican Radio's informatio
n. He felt even more popular than John XXIII, was even more holy, more humble, m
ore modest, more simple. It was thought it was a holy Pope, close to its people.
" It is clear that a pope and had to be uncomfortable for many in an environmen
t that has changed the humility, charity and love for the purple, the protocol a
nd bureaucracy. His kingdom was not of this world and that world despised him.

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