Library Books
Library Books
Library Books
1 Power Theory and Applications to Power Conditioning Akagi Power Electronics Wiley Watanabe
3 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Del Toro Electrical Engineering PHI Del Toro
5 Pulse width Modulation for Power Converters Holmes Power Electronics Wiley Lipo
6 A First Course on Electrical Drives Pillai Electrical Engineering Wiley Eastern Pillai
9 Spice for Circuits & Electronics using Pspice Rashid Pspice PHI Rashid
10 Engg. Ckt. Analysis with Pspice & Probe Conant Pspice McGraw Hill Conant
27 Physics and the Physical Perspective Hoover Physics Harper & Row Hoover
37 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming with 8085 Gaonkar Microprocessors Wiley Eastern Gaonkar
39 Computer-Aided Analysis of PowerElectronic Systems Rajagopalan Power Electronics Marcel Dekker Rajagopalan
42 Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems Jordan Electric Drives PHI Jordan
43 Electrical Technology for Engg. Services Exam Bhattacharya Electrical Engineering TMH Bhattacharya
45 Solutions Manual for Electrical Drives Dubey Electrical Engineering Narosa Dubey
46 Solutions Manual for Electrical Machines Slemon Electrical Engineering Addison-Wesley Slemon
55 Power Electronics Ned Mohan Power Electronics Wiley Eastern Ned Mohan
56 DC-DC Switching Regulator Analysis Mitchell Power Electronics McGraw Hill Mitchell
61 EMI Control in the Design of PCBs & Backplanes White EMI/EMC Don White White
71 Brushless Permanent-Magnet Motor Design Hanselman Electrical Engineering McGraw Hill Hanselman
72 Electric Drives Sen Electric Drives Sen
77 Design of Magentic Components for SMPCs Bhat Power Electronics Wiley Eastern Bhat
78 Theory and Problems on Electric Machines Nagrath Electrical Engineering TMH Nagrath
83 Analysis & Design of Feedback Control Systems Brown Control Engineering McGraw Hill Brown
85 Electric Machines & Power Systems Del Toro Electrical Engineering PHI Del Toro
86 Electrical Measurements & Measuring Instruments* Golding Electrical Engineering Sir Issac Pittman Golding
& Sons
87 Elements of Power System Analysis - Vol 1 Stevenson Power Electronics McGraw Hill Stevenson
91 Analysis & Synthesis of Electric Circuits* Zeveke Electrical Engineering MIR Publishers Zeveke
92 Transients in Linear Systems Gardner Electrical Engineering John Wiley & Gardner
93 Utilisation of Electric Energy Taylor Electrical Engineering Orient Taylor
94 Microwave Devices & Circuits Liao Electronics PHI Liao
97 Generation, Transmission & Utilisation of Electric Starr Electrical Engineering Sir Issac Pittman Starr
& Sons
98 Elements of Power System Analysis - Vol 2 Stevenson Power Electronics McGraw Hill Stevenson
99 Electric Power Transmission by Alterating Currents Waddicor Electrical Engineering Chapman & Hall Waddicor
100 Rotating Electric Machinery & Transformer Tech. Richardson Electrical Engineering PHI Richardson
102 Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems Balmain ElectroMagnetism PHI Balmain
103 Engineering Circuit Analysis Kemmerly Electrical Engineering McGraw Hill Kemmerly
107 Flux Linkages & Electromagnetic Induction Bewley ElectroMagnetism Dover Bewley
108 Solid State Electronic Devices Streetman Electronics PHI Strettman
110 Industrial Electronic Circuits & Applications Weiner Power Electronics PHI Weiner
111 Operational Amplifier - Design & Appln. Graeme Electronics McGraw Hill Graeme
112 Power Electronics & AC drives Bose Power Electronics PHI Bose
115 Switching Circuits for Engineers Marcus Digital Electronics PHI Marcus
116 Problems in Electrical Engineering Smith Electrical Engineering Asia Publishing Smith
117 M6800 Microcomputer System Design Data Motorola Manual Microprocessors Motorola Manual
121 Microwave Circuit Design Vendelin Microelectronics John Wiley & Vendelin
122 Design of Feedback Control Systems Hostetter Control Engineering Holt, Reinhart & Hostetter
123 Basic Nuclear Engineering SriRam Nuclear Engineering Wiley Eastern SriRam
124 Foundations of Nuclear Engineering Conolly Nuclear Engineering John Wiley & Conolly
125 Principles & Practice of Auto. Process Control Smith Control Engineering John Wiley & Smith
126 Fuzzy Logic for Embedded System Applications Ibrahim Embedded Systems Elsevier
127 Modern Power Devices Baliga Power Electronics John Wiley & Baliga
128 The C Programming Language Ritchie C Programming Eastern Ritchie
Language Economy
129 Networks, Lines and Fields Ryder Electrical Networks PHI Ryder
131 Fundamentals of Power Electronics Rama Reddy Power Electronics Narosa Rama Reddy
132 The Essence of Solid-State Electronics Shea Power Electronics PHI Shea
133 Power Electronics & Motor Control Hulley Power Electronics Cambridge Hulley
137 Mathematical Handbook of Formulas & Tables Spiegel Mathematics McGraw Hill Spiegel
140 Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Ckts. Driscoll Electronics PHI Driscoll
147 Microprocessor Controlled Electric Drives Verma Electrical Engineering Roorkee Verma
148 Power Systems for the Year 2000 and Beyond Hariharan Electrical Engineering TMG Hariharan
150 Electric Energy Systems Theory* Elgerd Electrical Engineering TMG Elgerd
153 Digital Principles and Applications Malvino Digital Electronics TMG Malvino
154 The Design of Unix Operating System Bach UNIX PHI Bach
158 Computer Architecture and Organisation Hayes Computer Networks McGraw Hill Hayes
159 Switching Power Supply Design Pressman Power Electronics McGraw Hill Pressman
160 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems Kosko Electrical Networks PHI Kosko
161 Digital Logic and Computer Design Mano Digital Electronics PHI Mano
164 Programming and Customising the 8051 uC Predko Microprocessors TMH Predko
165 Electricmachines using Matlab Cathey Electrical Engineering Mcgraw Hill Cathey
166 Modern Control Systems Dorf Control Engineering Addison Wesley Dorf
167 Fundamentals of Electric Drives El-Sharkawi Electric Drives Brooks Cole El-Sharkawi
168 Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems* Ott EMI/EMC John Wiley Ott
173 Electric Machinery and Transformers Guru Electrical Engineering Oxford Guru
176 CMOS/TTL Digital Systems Design Buchanan Digital Electronics McGraw Hill Buchanan
179 Power System Analysis Saadat Power Electronics McGraw Hill Saadat
182 Analog and Digital Communications Hsu Electronics McGraw Hill Hsu
183 Reliability Engineering Srinath Reliability Engineering East West Press Srinath
186 Digital Control Engineering Gopal Control Engineering New Age Int'l Gopal
188 Web Publising with HTML Lemay Computer Networks Techmedia Lemay
189 Optical Fibre Communications Keiser Electrical Networks McGraw Hill Keiser
195 Understanding the Linux Kernel Bovet Embedded Systems O'Reilly Bovet
196 Digital Design Principles and Computer Architecture Karalis Microprocessors Prentice Hall Karalis
203 Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems Ott Electronics Wiley Ott
205 Electronic Circuits Discrete and Integrated Schilling Electronics McGraw Hill Schilling
207 Discrete Time Control System Ogata Control Engineering Prentice-Hall Inc. Ogata
208 Basic Electrical Engineering Mittle Electrical Engineering Tata McGraw Mittle
209 ABCs of Probes Probes Vitronics Vitronics
210 High Speed Digital Design Johnson Digital Electronics Pearson Johnson
211 Linear System Theory and Design Chen Control Engineering Oxford Chen
University Press
212 Mastering MATLAB 5 Hanselman Prentice-Hall Hanselman
213 Advances In Switched-Mode Power Conversion - I Middlebrook Power Electronics Teslaco Cuk
217 Advances In Switched-Mode Power Conversion - II Slobadan cuk Power Electronics Teslaco Cuk
218 Grounding and Shielding Techniques in Instrumention Morrison John Wiley & Morrison
219 Handbook of Antennas for EMC ElectroMagnetism Artech House Macnamara
220 Sliding Mode Control in Electromechanical Systems Vadimutkin Taylor & Francis Vadim Utkin
221 The Effects of Radiation on Electronic Systems Messenger Nuclear Engineering Van Nostrand Messenger, Ash
Reinhold Co
222 Power Electronics:Principles & Applications Thomson Power Electronics Thomson Jacob
223 The 8051 Family of Microcontrollers Barnett Microelectronics Prentice Hall, Inc Barnett
225 The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Microelectronics Pearson Mazidi
226 Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits Razavi McGraw Hill Razavi
227 Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders Vol. 3 Fishman McGraw Hill Fishman
232 Sensorless Control of AC Motor Drives Rajshekara] Electrical Engineering IEEE Kawamura
234 Solid state Power Circuits Misra Electrical Networks RGA Designer's
235 Principles of Electronics Mehta Electronics SC
237 Engineering Circuit Analysis Hayt Electrical Engineering Mcgraw Hill Kemmerbly
238 The Performance and Design of AC Machines Say Electrical Engineering Pitman
239 Design of direct current Machines Clayton Electrical Engineering Pitman Clayton
242 Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells Takahashi Electrical Engineering NOA Takahashi
251 Electronics Devices and Circuits Cathey Electrical Engineering Mcgraw Hill Cathey
257 Op-Amps linear integrated circuits Gayakwad Electrical Engineering Pearson Gayakwad
259 Design with operational amplifiers and analog Franco Electrical Engineering Mcgraw hill Franco
integrated circuits
260 Numerical methods for Engineers Chapra Numerical Methods Mcgraw hill Canale
261 Electrical and electronic Measurement and Sawhney Electrical Engineering Dhanpat Rai Sawhney
262 VLSI Technology SZE Electrical Engineering Mcgraw Hill SZE
263 Feedback and control systems Distefano Control Engineering Mcgraw Hill stubbrud
266 Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives Bose Power Electronics PHI Bose
268 Power System Engineering Nagrath Electrical Engineering Mcgraw Hsll Kothari
272 Analog Integrated Circuit Design Martin Electrical Engineering Wiley Martin
275 Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Bell Electrical Engineering PHI Bell
276 Handbook of radiation effects Andrew Holmes Electrical Engineering Oxford Adams
277 Power system harmonics(Fundamentals, Analysis) Wakileh Power Electronics springer Wakileh
278 Power system quality Assessment Arrilaga Power Electronics John wiley Arrillaga
280 Power system harmonics(computer Modelling) Enrique Acha Power Electronics Wiley Madrigal
281 Flexible ac transmission systems (FACTS) Yong Hua Song Electrical Engineering IEE Allan T Johns
285 Reliability Safety and Hazards A srividya Reliability Engineering Narasa A srividya
287 Fuel Cell - Materials, Systems and Accessories SR Choudhary Electrical Engineering Conference
291 The Structure and properties of Materials Rose Electrical Engineering Wiley Rose
292 Vector Control of AC Machine Peter Vas Electrical Engineering Wiley Pitter
293 A Course in Electrical Machine Design Narayanan Electrical Engineering Asia Narayan
295 Electrical Machine Design Sawhney Electrical Engineering Dhanpatrai & A K Sawhney
296 Electrical Machies M.Kostenko Electrical Engineering F.L. M.Kostenko
298 Principles of Communication Systems Taub Electrical Engineering McGraw Hill Schilling
309 DSP-Based Electromechanical Motion Control Toliyat Mechanical Engineering CRC Campbell
otion Control
310 Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog Ciletti Electrical Engineering Pearson Ciletti
312 Digital Control and State Variable Methods Gopal Digital Electronics Tata Mcgraw Hill M Gopal
313 The Microcontroller Idea Book Axelson Computer Networks PRI Axelson
315 Introductory Circuits for Electrical and Computer Nilsson Electrical Engineering Pearson Riedal
316 Internetworking with TCP/IP Comer Computer Networks Pearson Stevens
320 Engineering Circuit Analysis Hayt Jr. Electrical Engineering Tata McGRAW Durbin
321 The 8051Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Mazidi C Programming Prentice Hall McKinlay
322 Architecture, Programming, Interfacing and System Rajkamal Microelectronics Pearson Rajkamal
323 Calculus and Analytic Geometry Thomas Mathematics Narosa Finney
324 Operational Amplifiers with Linear Integrated Circuits Stanley Electronics Pearson Stanley
325 UNIX Network Programming Interprocess Stevans C Programming Prentice Hall Stevens
Communications Language
326 Design with Microcontrollers Peatman Microelectronics McGraw Hill Peatman
329 The Induction Machine Handbook-I Nasar Electrical Engineering CRC press Nasar
330 The Induction Machine Handbook-II Nasar Electrical Engineering CRC press Nasar
331 Basic Electrical Engineering Mittle Electrical Engineering Tata McGRAW Mittal
332 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Stanley Electrical Engineering Thomson Hackworth
333 Power Electronics: Principles & Applications Jacob Power Electronics Thomson Jacob
335 VHDL Coding Styles and Methodologies Cohen Electrical Engineering Springer Ben Cohen
338 Electrical Power Systems Husain Power Electronics CBS Ashfaq Husain
339 Electronic Instruments and Instrumentation Technology Anand Electronics Prentice Hall M.M.S. Anand
341 Digital Systems Principles & Applications Tocci Digital Electronics Prentice Hall Widmer
344 Electrical Machines, Drives, & Power Systems Wildi Power Electronics Prentice Hall Wildi
345 Electronic Devices and Circuits Reddy Electric Drives Narosa Reddy
353 VHDL analysis and modeling of digital systems Navabi Electrical Engineering Tata Mc Graw Navabi
354 Introduction to Electric Circuits Dorf Electrical Engineering Wiley-India Svoboda
355 Electrical Measurements & Measuring Instruments Golding Electrical Engineering Sir Issac Pittman Golding
& Sons
356 Quality Engg using Robust Design Phadke Reliability Engineering PHI Phadke
357 Theory and Problems of Basic Electrical Engg. Nagrath Electrical Engineering PHI Kothari
358 Analysis & Synthesis of Electric Circuits Zeveke Electrical Engineering MIR Publishers Zeveke
359 Principles and Applications of Electrical Engg. Rizzoni Electrical Engineering McGraw Hill Rizzoni
364 The Electric Generators Handbook ( Synchronous Ion Boldea Electric Drives Taylor & Francis
365 The Electric Generators Handbook ( Variable Speed Ion Boldea Electric Drives Taylor & Francis
366 The 8051/8052 Microcontroller Steiner Microprocessors Woodpecker
369 Fundamentals of Logic Design & Microcomputer Rafiquzzaman Digital Electronics Wiley
370 Networking & Internetworking with Microcontrollers Eady Microprocessors Elsevier
371 Embedded Ethernet & Internet Complete Axelson Computer Networks PRI
379 Digital logic & Computer Organisation Rajaraman Digital Electronics PHI Radhakrishnan
380 Probability & Random Processes with Application to Stark DSP Pearson Woods
Signal Processing
381 Basic Bioinformatics Ignacimuthu Biotechnology Narosa
383 Digital Power Electronics and Applications Fang Lin Luo Power Electronics Academic Press Hong Ye,
384 Electromagnetic Shielding Handbook for wired and Anatoly EMI/EMC KAP
wireless EMC Applications Tsaliovich
385 EMI Filter Design R. L. Ozenbaugh EMI/EMC CRC
386 Testing for EMC Compliance Approaches and M. I. Montrose EMI/EMC Wiley Inter- E. M. Nakauchi
Techniques Science
387 Electromagnetic Compatibility in Power Systems F. Lattarulo EMI/EMC Elsevier
388 EMC and the Printed Circuit Board Design, Theory and M. I. Montrose EMI/EMC Wiley Inter-
Layout Made Simple Science
389 Rechargeable Batteries Applications Handbook Gates Energy Products, EDN Series for
Inc Design
390 PCB Design for Real-World EMI Control B.R. EMI/EMC KAP J.L. Drewniak
391 Battery Management Systems H.J. Bergveld Philips Research Book Kluwer W.S. Kruijt
392 Control Design Techniques in Power Electronics H.S. Ramirez Control Engineering Springer R.S. Ortigoza
393 Sliding Mode Control: Theory and Applications C. Edwards Control Engineering Taylor & Francis S.K. Spurgeon
394 Digital Systems Design using VHDL Roth Embedded Systems Thomson
395 Wind Energy Basics Paul Gipe Power Electronics Chelsea Green
396 Electromagnetic Modelling of Power Electronic Ferreira Power Electronics KAP Lipo
397 EMI Troubleshooting Techniques Mardiguian EMI/EMC Mc Graw Hill