Astm A105 PDF
Astm A105 PDF
Astm A105 PDF
Endorsed by
Manufacturers Standardization Society
of the Valve and Fittings Industry
Used in USDOE-NE Standards
100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.05.
1 4
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A-1 on Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.01.
Steel, Stainless Steel, and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.03.
Subcommittee A01.22 on Valves, Fittings, Bolting, and Flanges for High Sub- Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.03.
atmospheric Temperatures. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.01.
Current edition approved March 10, 1998. Published September 1998. Originally Available from Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and
published as A 105 26 T. Last previous edition A 105/A 105M 97a. Fittings Industry, 1815 N. Fort Myer Drive, Arlington, VA 22209.
2 9
For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related Specifi- Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 E. 47th St.,
cation SA-105 in Section II of that Code. New York, NY 10017.
A 105/A105M
B16.34 Valves-Flanged, Threaded and Welding End9 TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements
B16.47 Large Diameter Steel Flanges9 NOTEFor each reduction of 0.01 % below the specified carbon
2.4 API Standards: maximum (0.35 %), an increase of 0.06 % manganese above the specified
API-600 Flanged and Butt-Welding-End Steel Gate maximum (1.05 %) will be permitted up to a maximum of 1.35 %.
Valves10 Element Composition, %
API-602 Compact Design Carbon Steel Gate Valves for Carbon 0.35 max
Refinery Use10 Manganese 0.601.05
2.5 AWS Standard: Phosphorus 0.035 max
Sulfur 0.040 max
AWSA 5.1 Mild Steel Covered Arc-Welding Electrodes11 Silicon 0.100.35
Copper 0.40 maxA
3. Ordering Information Nickel 0.40 maxA
Chromium 0.30 maxA,B
3.1 It is the purchasers responsibility to specify in the Molybdenum 0.12 maxA,B
purchase order all ordering information as necessary to pur- Vanadium 0.05 max
chase the needed material. Examples of such information Columbium 0.02 max
include but are not limited to the following: The sum of copper, nickel, chromium and molybdenum shall not exceed
1.00 %.
3.1.1 Quantity, B
The sum of chromium and molybdenum shall not exceed 0.32 %.
3.1.2 Size and pressure class or dimensions (Tolerances and
surface finishes should be included), 5.1.4 Piping components other than flanges which meet
3.1.3 Specification number (The year date should be in- both of the following criteria: (1) over NPS 4 and (2) above
cluded), Class 300, and
3.1.4 Supplementary requirements, and 5.1.5 Piping components of Special Class13 other than
3.1.5 Additional requirements (See Table 1 footnotes, 12.1, flanges which meet both of the following criteria: (1) over NPS
and 16.2). 4 and (2) when the working pressure at the operating tempera-
4. Materials and Manufacture ture exceeds the tabulated values for Special Class 300, Group
4.1 The steel shall be made by the open-hearth, basic- 5.2 Heat treatment when required by 5.1 shall be annealing,
oxygen, or electric-furnace process and shall be fully killed. normalizing, or normalizing and tempering or quenching and
4.2 A sufficient discard shall be made from source material tempering.
to secure freedom from injurious piping and undue segrega- 5.2.1 AnnealingThe procedure for annealing shall consist
tion. of allowing the forgings immediately after forging or rolling, to
4.3 The material shall be forged as close as practicable to cool to a temperature below 1000F [538C]. They shall then
the specified shape and size. be reheated to a temperature between 1550F [843C] and
4.4 Except for flanges of all types, hollow cylindrically 1700F [927C] to refine the grain (a group thus reheated being
shaped parts may be machined from hot-rolled bar, forged bar, known as an annealing charge) and allowed to cool uni-
or seamless tubular materials provided that the axial length of formly in the furnace.
the part is approximately parallel to the metal flow lines of the 5.2.2 NormalizingThe procedure for normalizing shall
stock. Other parts (up to and including NPS 4) not including consist of allowing the forgings, immediately after forging or
flanges may be machined from hot-rolled or forged bar. rolling, to cool to a temperature below 1000F [538C]. They
Elbows, return bends, tees, and header tees shall not be shall then be uniformly reheated to a temperature between
machined directly from bar stock. 1550F [843C] and 1700F [927C] to refine the grain (a
4.5 Except as permitted by 4.4, the finished product shall be group thus reheated being known as a normalizing charge)
a forging as defined in the Terminology Section of Specifica- and allowed to cool in air.
tion A 788. 5.2.3 TemperingThe procedure for tempering shall con-
5. Heat Treatment sist of heating the forgings to a temperature between 1100F
[593C] and the lower transformation temperature for a mini-
5.1 Heat treatment is not a mandatory requirement of this mum of 12 h/in. [12 h/25.4 mm] of maximum section thickness.
specification except for the following piping components: 5.2.4 QuenchingThe procedure for quenching shall con-
5.1.1 Flanges above Class 300,12 sist of either (1) fully austenitizing the forgings followed by
5.1.2 Flanges of special design where the design pressure at quenching in a suitable liquid medium or (2) using a multiple
the design temperature exceeds the pressure-temperature rat- stage procedure whereby the forging is first fully austenitized
ings of Class 300, Group 1.1, and rapidly cooled, then reheated to partially reaustenitize,
5.1.3 Flanges of special design where the design pressure or followed by quenching in a suitable liquid medium. All
design temperature are not known, quenched forgings shall be tempered as prescribed in 5.2.3.
6. Chemical Composition
Available from American Petroleum Institute, 2101 L St. N.W., Washington,
DC 20037. 6.1 The steel shall conform to the chemical requirements
Available from American Welding Society, 550 LeJeune Rd., P.O. Box
351040, Miami, FL 33135.
12 13
For definition of Class 300, see ASME B16.5. For definition of special class, see ASME B16.34.
A 105/A105M
specified in Table 1. Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology TABLE 3 Mechanical RequirementsA
A 751 shall apply. Tensile strength, min, psi [MPa] 70 000 [485]
6.2 Steels to which lead has been added shall not be used. Yield strength, min, psi [MPa]B 36 000 [250]
Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm, min, %:
7. Cast or Heat (Formerly Ladle) Analysis Basic minimum elongation for walls 516 in. [7.9 mm] 30
7.1 An analysis of each heat of steel shall be made from over in thickness, strip tests.
When standard round 2-in. or 50-mm gage length or 22
samples taken, preferably during the pouring of the heat, and smaller proportionally sized specimen with the gage
the results shall conform with Table 1. length equal to 4D is used
For strip tests, a deduction for each 132 -in. [0.8-mm] 1.50C
8. Product Analysis decrease in wall thickness below 516 in. [7.9 mm]
8.1 The purchaser may make a product analysis on forgings the basic minimum elongation of the percentage
supplied to this specification. Samples for analysis may be points of Table 4
taken from midway between center and surface of solid Reduction of area, min, %D 30
Hardness, HB, max 187
forgings, midway between inner and outer surfaces of hollow A
For small forgings, see 9.4.4.
forgings, midway between center and surface of full-size B
Determined by either the 0.2 % offset method or the 0.5 % extension-under-
prolongations, or from broken mechanical test specimens. The load method.
chemical composition thus determined shall conform to Table D
See Table 4 for computed minimum values.
For round specimens only.
1 within the tolerances stated in Table 2.
9. Mechanical Properties 9.4 Tension Tests:
9.1 The material shall conform to the mechanical property 9.4.1 One tension test shall be made for each heat of
requirements prescribed in Table 3 and Table 4. as-forged components.
9.2 For the purpose of determining conformance with Table 9.4.2 One tension test shall be made from each heat-treating
3 and Table 4, specimens shall be obtained from production charge. If more than one heat is included in such a charge, each
forgings after heat treatment, when heat treatment is required, heat shall be tested.
or from separately forged test blanks prepared from the stock When the heat-treating temperatures are the same
used to make the finished product. Such test blanks shall and the furnaces (either batch or continuous type), are
receive approximately the same working as the finished prod- controlled within 625F [614C] and equipped with
uct. The test blanks shall be heat treated with the finished recording pyrometers so that complete records of heat
product. treatment are available, then one tension test from each heat is
9.3 For normalized, normalized and tempered, or quenched required instead of one test from each heat in each heat-
and tempered forgings, the central axis of the test specimen treatment charge. The test specimen material shall be included
shall correspond to the 1/4 T plane or deeper position, where T with a furnace charge.
is the maximum heat-treated thickness of the represented 9.4.3 Testing shall be performed in accordance with Test
forging. In addition, for quenched andtempered forgings, the Methods and Definitions A 370. The largest feasible round
midlength of the test specimen shall be at least T from any specimen as described in Test Methods and Definitions A 370
second heat-treated surface. When section thickness does not shall be used except when hollow cylindrically shaped parts are
permit this positioning, the test specimen shall be positioned as machined from seamless tubulars. The gage length for
near as possible to the prescribed location. measuring elongation shall be four times the diameter of the
TABLE 2 Permissible Variations in Product Analysis
NOTEProduct cross-sectional area (taken at right angles to the axis of the original ingot or billet) is defined as either:
(a) maximum cross-sectional area of rough machined forging (excluding boring),
(b) maximum cross-sectional area of the unmachined forging, or
(c) maximum cross-sectional area of the billet, bloom, or slab.
Permissible Variations over the Maximum Limit or Under the Minimum Limit, %
200 in.2 Over 200 to Over 400 to Over 800 to Over 1600 in.2
[1290 cm2] 400 in.2 [1290 800 in.2 [2580 1600 in.2 [5160 [10 320 cm2]
and Under to 2580 cm2], to 5160 cm2], to 10 320 cm2]
incl incl incl
Carbon 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.05
Up to and including 0.90 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
0.91 and over 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.09
Phosphorus 0.008 0.010 0.010 0.015 0.015
Sulfur 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.015 0.015
Silicon 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.06
Copper 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
Nickel 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
Chromium 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
Molybdenum 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Vanadium 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Colombium 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
A 105/A105M
TABLE 4 Computed Minimum Values 11. Retreatment
Wall Thickness Elongation in 2 in. or 50 11.1 If the results of the mechanical tests do not conform to
mm, min, %
in. mm the requirement specified, the manufacturer may heat treat or
5 16 (0.312) 7.9 30.00 reheat treat the forgings as applicable and repeat the test
932 (0.281) 7.1 28.50
specified in Section 9.
(0.250) 6.4 27.00
732 (0.219) 5.6 25.50
316 (0.188) 4.8 24.00
12. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
532 (0.156) 4.0 22.50 12.1 The forgings shall be free of injurious imperfections, as
18 (0.125) 3.2 21.00
332 (0.094) 2.4 19.50
defined below, and shall have a workmanlike finish. At the
116 (0.062) 1.6 18.00 discretion of the inspector representing the purchaser, finished
NoteThe above table gives the computed minimum elongation values for each
forgings shall be subject to rejection if surface imperfections
-in. [0.8-mm] decrease in wall thickness. Where the wall thickness lies between
1 32 acceptable under 12.3 are not scattered but appear over a large
two values shown above, the minimum elongation value is determined by the area in excess of what is considered a workmanlike finish.
following equation:
Unless otherwise specified in the purchase order, the fittings
E 5 48T 1 15.00 shall be cleaned to remove all scale and processing compounds
prior to final surface examination. The cleaning process shall
E 5 elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm, %, and not injure the surface finish, material properties, or the
T 5 actual thickness of specimen, in. [mm]. metallurgical structure. The cleaned fittings shall be protected
to prevent recontamination. Protective coatings on socket weld
and butt welding fittings shall be suitable for subsequent
test section. When hollow cylindrically shaped parts are
welding without removal of the coating. When specified in the
machined from seamless tubular materials, strip tests may be
purchase order, parts may be furnished in the as-formed or
as-forged condition.
9.4.4 Forgings too small to permit obtaining a subsize
12.2 Depth of Injurious ImperfectionsSelected typical
specimen of 0.250 in. [6.35 mm] diameter or larger (see Test
linear and other typical surface imperfections shall be explored
Methods and Definitions A 370) parallel to the dimension of
for depth. When the depth encroaches on the minimum wall
maximum working, and produced in equipment unsuitable for
thickness of the finished forging, such imperfections shall be
the production of a separately forged test bar such as an
considered injurious.
automatic or semi-automatic press, may be accepted on the
12.3 Machining or Grinding Imperfections Not Classified as
basis of hardness only. One percent of the forgings per lot (see
InjuriousSurface imperfections not classified as injurious
Note 2), or ten forgings, whichever is the lesser number, shall
shall be treated as follows:
be selected at random, prepared, and tested using the standard
12.3.1 Forgings showing seams, laps, tears, or slivers not
Brinell test in Test Methods and Definitions A 370. The
deeper than 5 % of the nominal wall thickness or 116 in. [1.6
locations of the indentations shall be at the option of the
mm], whichever is less, need not have these imperfections
manufacturer but shall be selected to be representative of the
removed. If the imperfections require removal, they shall be
forging as a whole. One indentation per forging shall be
removed by machining or grinding.
required but additional indentations may be made to establish
12.3.2 Mechanical marks or abrasions and pits shall be
the representative hardness. The hardness of all forgings so
acceptable without grinding or machining provided the depth
tested shall be 137 to 187 HB inclusive.
does not exceed the limitations set forth in 12.2 and if not
NOTE 2A lot is defined as the product from a mill heat or if heat deeper than 116 in. [1.6 mm]. If such imperfections are deeper
treated, the product of a mill heat per furnace charge. than 116 in. [1.6 mm], but do not encroach on the minimum
9.5 Hardness TestsExcept when only one forging is wall thickness of the forging, they shall be removed by
produced, a minimum of two forgings shall be hardness tested grinding to sound metal.
per batch or continuous run as defined in to ensure that 12.3.3 When imperfections have been removed by grinding
forgings are within the hardness limits given in Table 3. When or machining, the outside dimension at the point of grinding or
only one forging is produced, it shall be hardness tested as machining may be reduced by the amount removed. Should it
defined in to ensure it is within the hardness limits be impracticable to secure a direct measurement, the wall
given in Table 3. Testing shall be in accordance with Test thickness at the point of grinding, or at imperfections not
Methods and Definitions A 370. The purchaser may verify that required to be removed, shall be determined by deducting the
the requirement has been met by testing at any location on the amount removed by grinding from the nominal finished wall
forging, provided such testing does not render the forging thickness of the forging, and the remainder shall not be less
useless. than the minimum specified or required wall thickness.
10. Hydrostatic Tests 13. Repair by Welding
10.1 Forgings manufactured under this specification shall be 13.1 Repair of defects by the manufacturer is permissible
capable of passing a hydrostatic test compatible with the rating for forgings made to dimensional standards such as those of
of the finished forging. Such tests shall be conducted by the ANSI or for other parts made for stock by the manufacturer.
forging manufacturer only when Supplementary Requirement Prior approval of the purchaser is required to repair-weld
S7 is specified. special forgings made to the purchasers requirements.
A 105/A105M
13.2 The welding procedure and welders shall be qualified year of issue and revision letter, if any.
in accordance with Section IX of the ASME Boiler and 16.2 Test ReportsWhen test reports are required, the
Pressure Vessel Code. manufacturer shall also provide the following, where
13.3 Weld repairs shall be made by a process that does not applicable:
produce undesirably high levels of hydrogen in the welded 16.2.1 Type heat treatment, Section 5,
areas. 16.2.2 Tensile property results, Section 9 (Table 3), report
13.4 Defects shall be completely removed by chipping or the yield strength and ultimate strength, in ksi [MPa],
grinding to sound metal as verified by magnetic particle elongation and reduction in area, in percent,
inspection prior to welding. 16.2.3 Chemical analysis results, Section 6 (Table 1). When
13.5 After repair welding, the area welded shall be ground the amount of an unspecified element is less than 0.02 %, then
smooth to the original contour and shall be completely free of the anaylsis for that element may be reported as < 0.02 %,
defects as verified by magnetic-particle or liquid-penetrant 16.2.4 Hardness results, Section 9 (Table 3), and
inspection. 16.2.5 Any supplementary testing required by the purchase
13.6 All forgings repaired by welding shall be post-weld order.
heat treated between 1100F [593C] and the lower
transformation temperature for a minimum of 12 h/in. [12 17. Product Marking
h/25.4 mm] of maximum section thickness, or alternatively 17.1 Identification marks consisting of the manufacturers
annealed, normalized and tempered, or quenched and symbol or name (see Note 3), the heat number or
tempered. If the forging was not previously heat treated, the manufacturers heat identification, designation of service
original tempering temperature was exceeded, or the forging rating, this specification number, and size shall be forged or
was fully heat treated in the post weld cycle, then the forging legibly stamped on each forging, and in such a position as not
shall be tested in accordance with Section 9 on completion of to injure the usefullness of the forging. The Standard Marking
the cycle. System of Valves, Fittings, Flanges, and Unions (SP-25-1978)
13.7 The mechanical properties of the procedure- of the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and
qualification weldment shall, when tested in accordance with Fittings Industry may be followed except the word Steel
Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, shall not be substituted for this specification number.
conform with the requirements listed in Table 3 for the thermal
condition of repair-welded forgings. NOTE 3For purposes of identification marking, the manufacturer is
considered the organization that certifies the piping component was
13.8 Repair by welding shall not exceed 10 % of the surface
manufactured, sampled, and tested in accordance with this specification
area of the forging nor 3313 % of the wall thickness of the and the results have been determined to meet the requirements of this
finished forging or 38 in. [10 mm], whichever is less, without specification.
prior approval of the purchaser.
17.1.1 If the forgings have been quenched and tempered, the
14. Inspection letters QT shall be stamped on the forgings following this
14.1 The manufacturer shall afford the purchasers inspector specification number.
all reasonable facilities necessary to satisfy him that the 17.1.2 Forgings repaired by welding shall be marked with
material is being furnished in accordance with the purchase the letter W following this specification number.
order. Inspection by the purchaser shall not interfere 17.2 When test reports are required for larger products, the
unnecessarily with the manufacturers operations. All tests and markings shall consist of the manufacturers symbol or name,
inspections shall be made at the place of manufacture, unless this specification number, and such other markings as
otherwise agreed upon. necessary to identify the part with the test report (17.1.1 and
17.1.2 shall apply). The specification number marked on the
15. Rejection and Rehearing forgings need not include specification year of issue and
15.1 Each forging that develops injurious defects during revision letter.
shop working or application shall be rejected and the 17.3 Bar CodingIn addition to the requirements in 17.1
manufacturer notified. and 17.2, bar coding is acceptable as a supplemental
15.2 Samples representing material rejected by the identification method. The purchaser may specify in the order
purchaser shall be preserved until disposition of the claim has a specific bar coding system to be used. The bar coding system,
been agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser. if applied at the discretion of the supplier, should be consistent
with one of the published industry standards for bar coding. If
16. Certification used on small parts, the bar code may be applied to the box or
16.1 Identification MarkingFor forgings made to a substantially applied tag.
specified dimensions, when agreed upon by the purchaser, and
for forgings made to dimensional standards, application of 18. Keywords
identification marks as required in 17.1 shall be the 18.1 pipe fittings, steel; piping applications; pressure
certification that the forgings have been furnished in containing parts; steel flanges; steel forgings, carbon; steel
accordance with the requirements of this specification. The valves; temperature service applications, elevated; temperature
specification designation included on test reports shall include service applications, high
A 105/A105M
The following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified by the purchaser in the
inquiry, contract, and order.
S1. Macroetch Test manufacturer and the purchaser shall be applied by the
S1.1 A sample forging shall be sectioned and etched to manufacturer.
show flow lines and internal imperfections. The test shall be
conducted in accordance with Test Method E 340. Details of S8. Repair Welding
the test shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the S8.1 No repair welding shall be permitted without prior
purchaser. approval of the purchaser.
S2. Product Analysis
S9. Heat Treatment
S2.1 A product analysis shall be made from each heat
offered for delivery. The analysis shall conform to the S9.1 All forgings shall be heat treated as specified by the
requirements specified in Table 1 with tolerances in Table 2. If purchaser.
the results of any test fail to comply, two additional forgings or S9.2 When forgings not requiring heat treatment by 5.1 are
representative test pieces from the same heat shall be retested supplied heat treated by purchaser request, the basis for
and the results shall comply with the tables listed. If the results determining conformance with Table 3 and Table 4 shall be
of either one of these peices fail to comply, each forging shall hardness testing per 9.5 and either (1) tensile testing of heat
be checked or the heat rejected. All results shall be reported to treated forgings per 9.2, or (2) tensile tests from as-forged
the purchaser and all forgings which do not comply shall be forgings or separately forged test blanks, as agreed upon
rejected. between the supplier and purchaser.
S3. Hardness S9.3 When test reports are required, and tensile test results
were obtained from as-forged forgings or as-forged test blanks,
S3.1 The purchaser may check the hardness of any or all it shall be so indicated on the test report.
forgings supplied at any location on the forging and the
hardness shall be 137 to 187 HB. All forgings not within the S9.4 In addition to the marking required by Section 17, this
specified hardness range shall be rejected. specification shall be followed by the letter: A for annealed, N
for normalized, NT for normalized and tempered, or QT for
S4. Tension Tests quenched and tempered, as appropriate.
S4.1 In addition to the requirements of Section 9, the heat
identification shall be marked on each forging and one tensile S10. Marking Small Forgings
specimen shall be obtained from a representative forging at a S10.1 For small products where the space for marking is
location agreed upon between the manufacturer and the less than 1 in. [25 mm] in any direction, test reports are
purchaser. The results of the test shall comply with Table 3 and mandatory and marking may be restricted to only such symbols
shall be reported to the purchaser. or codes as are necessary to identify the parts with test reports.
S5. Magnetic-Particle Examination S10.2 When the configuration or size does not permit
marking directly on the forging, the marking method shall be a
S5.1 All accessible surfaces of the finished forging shall be
matter of agreement between the manufacturer and the
examined by a magnetic-particle method. The method shall be
in accordance with Test Method A 275/A 275M. Acceptance
limits shall be as agreed upon between the manufacturer and
S11. Carbon Equivalent
S11.1 The maximum carbon equivalent, based on heat
S6. Liquid-Penetrant Examination analysis, shall be 0.47 for forgings with a maximum section
S6.1 All surfaces shall be examined by a liquid-penetrant thickness of 2 in. or less, and 0.48 for forgings with a
method. The method shall be in accordance with Practice maximum section thickness of greater than 2 in.
E 165. Acceptance limits shall be as agreed upon by the S11.2 Determine the carbon equivalent (CE) as follows:
manufacturer and the purchaser.
CE 5 C 1 Mn/6 1 ~Cr 1 Mo 1 V!/5 1 ~Ni 1 Cu!/15
S7. Hydrostatic Testing S11.3 A lower maximum carbon equivalent may be agreed
S7.1 A hydrostatic test at a pressure agreed upon by the upon between the supplier and the purchaser.
A 105/A105M
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.