Vietnam: Climate Change, Adaptation and Poor People
Vietnam: Climate Change, Adaptation and Poor People
Vietnam: Climate Change, Adaptation and Poor People
Executive Summary 3
Conclusion 50
CC Climate Change
CCFSC Central Committee for Flood and Storm Control
DOST Department of Science and Technology
DARD Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
DFID Department for International Development
GEF Global Environmental Facility
GHG Greenhouse Gas
IMHEN Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment
IPCC Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change
MARD Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
MDG Millennium Development Goal
MONRE Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
NGOs Non-Governmental Organisations
NTP National Target Program
OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
OHK Oxfam Hong Kong
SEDPS Socio-Economic Development Plans
SLR Sea Level Rise
UNDP United Nations Development Program
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Executive Summary
Viet Nam is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world to climate change.
The governments impressive achievements in pulling millions of people out of
poverty are seriously jeopardised by the likely increase in extreme weather events
such as severe rainfall and drought, and by slow climate changes like sea level rises
and warming temperatures. Poor men and women are particularly at risk. A team
of Oxfam researchers travelled to the two provinces of Ben Tre and Quang Tri in
May 2008 to take a snapshot of how poor families are experiencing the changing
climate, and how they might deal with this in the future. The main findings and
recommendations of this report are:
Viet Nam: Climate Change, Adaptation and Poor People
Executive Summary
Poor men and women in Viet Nam are particularly vulnerable to the effects of the climate changing.
Introduction: The climate is
changing and so are our lives
Several recent studies have concurred that Viet Nam will be one of most vulner-
able countries to climate change in the world. Gradual changes such as sea level
rises and higher temperatures, more extremes of weather such as drought, and
more intense typhoons are all on the horizon and will have a potentially devastat-
ing impact on the countrys people and economy. This is particularly worrying as
Viet Nam has enjoyed one of the best development records in recent years of any
country in the world. It is one of the few countries on track to meet most of its
Millennium Development Goals by 2015. It reduced its poverty rate from about
58 per cent of the population in 1993 to 18 per cent in 2006.1 Such impressive
achievements are now at risk.
The Government of Viet Nam is taking the issue having to pay a high price for a situation for
of climate change very seriously and should be which they have little or no historical responsi-
applauded for its efforts. However, as the 2007 bility. Most of the current global warming has
IPCC (Inter-governmental Panel on Climate been caused by greenhouse gases (GHG) from
Change) reports stressed, it is poor people within the coal, oil and gas that drove the industrial rev-
developing countries who are most at risk from olutions in Europe and America from the middle
climate change. Despite the economic boom of of the 19th century onwards. In 2000 Viet Nam
recent years, there are still significant numbers was responsible for just 0.35 per cent of world
of poor men and women living in areas of Viet GHG emissions, one of the lowest percentages
Nam particularly vulnerable to the effects of the in the world. Yet it frequently figures amongst
climate changing. the top ten countries in the world to be affect-
ed by the predicted climate changes. As Oxfam
Oxfam is particularly concerned about the deep has argued elsewhere, rich countries, which are
injustice of these poor communities in Viet Nam primarily responsible for creating the problem,
Viet Nam: Climate Change, Adaptation and Poor People
have to provide the bulk of the financing for de- rainfall and lower temperatures. Climate change
veloping countries to adapt.2 impacts on the El Nio/La Nia cycles are not
well enough understood to be able to make any
This report gives a snap shot of two areas in Viet predictions with confidence, although there is
Nam where climate change is forecast to be a ma- some evidence that warming will increase the
jor threat: Ben Tre is a southern coastal province intensity or frequency of these phenomena. But
with significant pockets of poverty situated in the the key point is that most climate modelling for
Mekong Delta, which is predicted to be a region this part of the world predicts that such weather
very vulnerable to sea level rises. Quang Tri is also a extremes, including typhoons, drought and
coastal province, but situated in central Viet Nam. heavy rainfall, will become more common place
It is already very prone to extreme flooding. Inter- or more intense as a result of climate change.
views carried out in May 2008 put the human face It is hard not to imagine that these testimonies
on poor families there already suffering from the from Ben Tre and Quang Tri are a foretaste of
effects of extreme weather. Testimony after testi- what it is to come. Global warming will add an
mony revealed the widespread perception from additional layer of vulnerability to these villag-
ordinary villagers that the climate was already ers, for whom climate variability is already one of
changing, particularly in its unpredictability com- the causes of their poverty.
pared to 20 or 30 years ago, and for the extremes
it can reach. People in Ben Tre speak with dread of It is Oxfams experience that poor families and
a possible repeat of the fierce typhoon unprece- women in particular due to their roles in pro-
dented in recent times in that area which caused viding water, food, fuel and care - are the most
widespread devastation in December 2006. Villag- vulnerable to the effects of weather extremes.
ers in Quang Tri complain bitterly of the unusual The same people are critical agents for doing
frequency of the flooding in October 2007 and something about it. A recent Oxfam study of
the unusually long cold snap in February this year Ninh Thuan province showed that farmers were
which ruined half of their rice crop. experiencing more droughts because the rain
now comes in intense, concentrated bursts.3 But
It is not possible to assert for sure that these communities in the province were very active in
recent changes in the weather are a result of seeking new ways of adapting to the changing
human-caused global warming. Viet Nams cli- climate. Most importantly, the study concluded
mate is affected significantly by the El Nio and that rising temperatures need not result in di-
La Nia weather phenomena, which are a result saster if local governments and organisations
of changing temperatures in the Pacific Ocean. took the appropriate measures. Top of the list of
Many experts say the recent changes are the re- priorities was involving both women and men
sult of the current La Nia year, which is associat- from the communities in decision making and
ed with tropical low-pressure systems, increased hearing their needs and suggestions.
Oxfam Briefing Note, Financing adaptation: why the UNs Bali climate conference must mandate the search for new funds, Oxfam
Introduction: The climate is changing and so are our lives
Some local farmers are adapting by harvesting their rice before the main flooding season.
A similar story can be told in Quang Tri province. Phuong My village in the nearby central province
Oxfam and other organisations have been work- of Ha Tinh when nobody died last year despite
ing there with local communities to reduce their heavy flooding which reached 3 to 4 metres in
vulnerability to the impact of flooding and try to depth. In addition, some local rice farmers are
adapt to it. Villagers are making preparations for adapting to the climate changing by harvest-
sudden water level rises by building platforms in ing their rice before the main flooding season, or
their homes, organising rescue teams and boats, growing a rice variety with a shorter cycle.
developing early warning systems and ensuring
enough food is stored for the period of the flood- This report draws on the testimonies from the
ing. Local officials in the Hai Lang district point two provinces and on Oxfams general experi-
out that in 1999, the last year of very extensive ence of working in Viet Nam with vulnerable
flooding, 29 people died. But last year, which was communities to make a series of recommenda-
another bad year for flooding, the death toll was tions designed to support the governments im-
two. One of the main reasons was much bet- plementation of the national plan to adapt to the
ter preparation. A similar story occurred in the climate change at central as well as local level.
Peoples Committee of Ninh Thuan, Oxfam-Vietnam and the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies of Kyoto University,
Drought Management Considerations for Climate Change Adaptation: Focus on the Mekong Region, mimeo, 2007.
The coastal poor are particularly vulnerable to weather extremes every year
Poverty and climate change
in Viet Nam
Between 1993 and 2006 a staggering 34 million Vietnamese people out of a total
population of 85 million were pulled out of poverty mainly as a result of strong
economic growth, pro-poor development policies particularly in the agriculture
sector and a strong government commitment. Poverty reduction is one of the six
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) already achieved by the Government of
Viet Nam.4 However, international organisations have recently warned of the re-
maining challenges ahead, which are being exacerbated by climate change.5
In 2004, 16 million people were still classified as farm employment and uncertain access to basic
poor (equivalent to more than the population of services.7 Others are poor fishing communities
neighbouring Cambodia) and another 28 mil- who are becoming more at risk to the vagaries
lion lived just above the official poverty line.6 It of the weather.
would not take much to push them back into
poverty. Although the highest percentage of The coastal poor are particularly vulnerable to
poor men and women is concentrated amongst weather extremes every year. The 3,000kms of
ethnic minorities in the highland areas, in abso- Viet Nams eastern coastal seaboard is one of
lute terms the greatest numbers of poor people the most vulnerable spots in the world for ty-
live in the coastal areas, including the Red River phoons, as graphically illustrated by the chart
and Mekong River deltas. Many of these rely made by the UNs Office for the Coordination of
largely on agricultural activities, but are vulner- Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) of tropical storms
able to increasing land scarcity, low paid off- from 1956-2006.
Department for International Development (DFID), Vietnam: Country Assistance Plan, February 2008, p.5.
UNDP, Terms of Reference for Technical Assistance to conduct the eleventh PEP Case-study: Linkage of Poverty and Climate Change,
Hanoi, mimeo, December 2007; VARG, Linking Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management for Sustainable Poverty
Reduction, Viet Nam Country Study, November 2006.
The official poverty figure for 2006 was 19 per cent, which works out roughly at 16 million people.
Fifty years of Tropical Storms in Asia Pacific
Source: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian affairs (OCHA)
Viet Nam is one of the most vulnerable spots in the world for typhoons
Poverty and climate change in Viet Nam
Peter Chaudhry and Greet Ruysschaert, Climate Change and Human Development in Viet Nam, UNDP Occasional Paper, 2007, p. 2.
Huu Ninh Nguyen, Flooding in Mekong River Delta, Viet Nam, UNDP Occasional Paper, 2007, p. 3.
The multiple roles women play in the family are made more onerous by the impacts of climate change.
Climate change - past, present
and future
There is evidence that over the last forty years four decades, but they have become more
there has been an increase in the number of intense and are tracking southwards.
disaster events. This is just one of the changes
ww El Nio/La Nia weather events have be-
monitored by climate scientists in Viet Nam.11
come more intense in the last 50 years, caus-
The others are:
ing more typhoons, floods and droughts.
ww There has been an annual temperature rise of Just in the last twelve months, there have been
0.1 degrees C per decade between 1931 and unusual weather patterns including storms,
2000, and of between 0.4 and 0.8 degrees C floods, and drought affecting tens of thousands
in the countrys three main cities from 1991 of people across the country. In the central prov-
to 2000. inces, local people pointed to the heavier rainfall
in the main flooding season at the end of 2007.
ww Wide regional variations in rainfall have been
In the south of the country, Ho Chi Minh City was
recorded, but the annual volume has re-
hit in November 2007 by the worst high tides in
mained largely stable. However, the localised
48 years, which destroyed some 40 sections of
intensity and unpredictability of the rainfall
the dyke around the city.12 Hundreds of school
has increased, causing severe floods.
children were unable to go to school, and hous-
ww There have been more droughts in the south es, businesses and farms were all badly dam-
in recent years, which have tended to last aged. And in northern Viet Nam, the National Hy-
longer. drometeorological Forecasting Centre reported
that a sustained cold spell in early 2008 lasted
ww The sea level has risen between 2.5 to 3.0cms
for an unprecedented 38 days, beating the previ-
per decade in the last 50 years, but with re-
ous record of 31 days set in 1989. Temperatures
gional variations.
dropped to below 10 degrees C, and reached -2
ww Typhoons have reduced in number in the last degrees C in two localities a rarity in Viet Nam.13
Interviews with Vietnamese climate scientists; MONRE, National Target Program to respond to Climate Change, Hanoi, mimeo,
Viet Nam: Climate Change, Adaptation and Poor People
The cold weather killed more than 60,000 cattle, effect on poor men and women. There are dif-
destroyed at least 100,000 hectares of rice, and ferent predictions but there is broad consensus
caused economic losses of US$30m.14 that, if there is no major international effort to re-
duce global greenhouse gas emissions, then:15
Vietnamese climate scientists blamed much of
the recent unusual weather on the La Nia phe- ww Average temperature is expected to increase
nomenon. La Nia is the opposite meteorologi- by between 1 to 2 degrees C (over pre-indus-
cally of the better known El Nio, and usually is trial levels) by 2050, and by 2 to 3 degrees by
associated with a drop in sea surface tempera- 2100.
tures in the eastern and central Pacific Ocean by
ww Rainfall patterns will vary from region to re-
1.5-2.0 degrees below the average. The latest La
gion, but rainfall and droughts are likely to in-
Nia period which started in the third quarter of
crease both in intensity and in area of impact.
2007 and was due to last until July 2008, was par-
Rainfall is likely to be less predictable.
ticularly intense and was linked to weather ex-
tremes as far apart as Australia, China and Chile. ww Typhoons are expected to increase in inten-
sity and be subject to more unpredictability.
Climate scientists in Viet Nam interviewed for this They may also continue the trend of also af-
report say El Nio and La Nia weather events fecting the south of the country. Storm surge
will become more intense as a result of global heights are expected to increase on the
warming. Many scientists agree, but others coasts.
point out that different computer climate mod-
els come up with different results: some models ww The sea level may rise between 30-35cms by
have suggested that an increase in GHG in the 2050, 40-50cms by 2070 and 60-70cms by
atmosphere will increase the frequency and in- 2100.
tensity of El Nio/La Nias. However, other mod-
ww By 2070 the flow of the countrys two main
els predict little or no change in how they occur.
rivers, the Red River and Mekong River, in the
flood season is expected to rise by between
There is much less doubt that global warming
7 and 15 per cent, leading to more severe
is very likely to bring an increased risk of disas-
flooding, and to decline in the dry season by
ters to Viet Nam. There will be an increase in the
between 2 and 15 per cent.
intensity and/or frequency of extreme weather
events such as typhoons, flooding and drought, Such changes are bound to have a major affect
whilst other changes will be more gradual like on virtually all sectors of the economy, but par-
sea level rises, salt water intrusion and warming ticularly agriculture. They will also affect different
temperatures. All could have a very damaging parts of the country differently.
Climate change - past, present and future
Map of Viet Nam showing likely impacts of climate change this century
Northeast and Northwest; storms HAI PHONG
flashfloods, drought Ha Long Bay
Red River Delta: storms, floods,
of inundation, SLR and storm surges
Central coasts: storms, floods,
flashfloods, SLR
DANANG Hoang Sa Arch
Central highlands: floods, drought, storms
Me ng Riv
Lake Sap
Cam Ranh Bay
Mekong River Delta: Floods, saline
intrusion, storms, landslides, droughts
Phu Quoc Island BEN TRE
Viet Nams senior government figures are known to be most worried about sea level rises (SLR). This
is not surprising when a widely-quoted World Bank study in February 2007 estimated that Viet Nam
would be one of the top two countries in the world most at risk from a one metre rise in sea level by
2100, and the most at risk in East Asia.16 This is because of the high percentage of its population and
economic activity located in the low-lying Mekong and Red River deltas. (see box on Mekong Delta)
Assuming no adaptation, nearly 11 percent of its population would be affected (nine million people),
the highest percentage in the world. The World Bank also calculated that a one-metre SLR would im-
pact 5 per cent of Viet Nams surface area and 10 per cent of its GDP. This would also have an impact
on a higher percentage of its urban areas than any other East Asian country, a higher percentage of its
wetland areas and a higher percentage of agricultural land. The projections for a 3 and 5-metre SLR are
described as potentially catastrophic.
Susmita Dasgupta et al., The Impact of Sea Level Rise on Developing Countries: A comparative analysis, World Bank Policy Research
Viet Nam: Climate Change, Adaptation and Poor People
Ha Noi
Hai Phong
Ho Chi Minh
The official SLR predictions for Viet Nam are roughly in line with the IPCCs 2007 projections for world-
wide rises. But as the IPCC clearly states, their estimates for SLR are a result of thermal expansion only,
and do not include the potential rise from melting ice sheets. Reports in the last twelve months of
the unprecedented melting of the ice sheets in the Arctic and Western Antarctica have strengthened
the views of those scientists who think that SLR will be at least a metre by 2100.17 A full melting of
Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets would raise sea levels by many metres, but if it happened, it
would most likely take centuries.
See for example, Richard Black, Forecast for big sea level rise, BBC News Website, 15 April 2008.
Climate change - past, present and future
It is a region already prone to frequent and large-scale flooding, sea water intrusion and con-
taminated soil. For example, it is the area most affected by saline intrusion in Viet Nam with an
estimated 1.8 million hectares of salinised land. Typhoons have recently begun to be a prob-
lem. As recently ago as 1994, a report by the Asian Development Bank on climate change was
able to state categorically that the Mekong Delta was free of typhoons.19 Just 15 years on, that
is clearly no longer the case.
ww Sea level rise could be anywhere between 30cms and 1 metre by 2100, although the upper
end is more likely. If it does reach 1 metre, 90 per cent of the Delta would be inundated
every year.
ww Even by 2030, the sea level rise could expose around 45 per cent of the Deltas land area to
extreme salinisation and crop damage through flooding.
ww The dry season flow of the Mekong River is projected to drop by between 2.0 to 4.0 per
cent by 2070, which would another factor aiding salinisation and water shortages.
ww Declining crop productivity would particularly affect the spring rice crop, which is expect-
ed to fall by 8 per cent by 2070.
The sources for the information in this box are UNDP, Human Development Report 2007/8, Fighting Climate Change: Human soli-
darity in a divided world, Palgrave MacMillan, New York 2007. IPCC, Fourth Assessment Report, Working Group II report, Impacts,
Adaptation and Vulnerability, March 2007, ch. 10. Huu Ninh Nguyen, ibid, and S. Dasgupta et al., ibid.
Asian Development Bank, Climate Change in Asia: Vietnam Country Report, July 1994, p. 27.
Ben Tre is particularly vulnerable to sea water intrusion
Ben Tre - on the frontline
of climate change
It is one of the provinces of the Mekong Delta It is particularly vulnerable to sea water intrusion
which funnels the 4,800km-long Mekong River as it is very low-lying and four rivers run through
out into the South China Sea through the so- or by it. A recent study said the province would
called nine dragons. It forms part of the huge be the one most harmed by a one metre rise in
rice basket of the delta which has played a major sea level by 2100.20 According to the study:
role in pulling many Vietnamese people out of
poverty and turning Viet Nam into the worlds ww More than 50 per cent of the land area of the
second-largest rice exporter. Ben Tre is also an province would be affected, equivalent to an
area rich in fruit trees and coconuts, boasting the area of 1,130 sq. kms.
largest area of nurseries in the country produc-
ww More than 750,000 people in the province
ing 25 million plants per year. Prawn farming has
would be affected, equivalent to 55 per cent
recently become a major income earner.
of the population.
Although the majority of Ben Tres inhabitants ww Many more poor people throughout Ben Tre
are no longer officially defined as poor, signifi- and the delta would be exposed to increas-
cant pockets of poverty remain. It has the high- ingly worsening conditions.
est absolute number of poor people of any prov-
ince in the Mekong Delta: more than 245,000 ww The number of villagers affected rises steeply
people, equivalent to about 17.5 per cent of its if storm surge is also taken into account.
population of about 1.4 million.
Jeremy Carew-Reid, Rapid Assessment of the Extent and Impact of Sea Level Rise in Viet Nam, International Centre for Environmen-
Map of Ben Tre
Viet Nam: Climate Change, Adaptation and Poor People
80 to 90 per cent of families in Binh Dai can not afford to build houses with proper walls and roofing.
cluding Ben Tre. The storm swooped by the near- lasting flooding as the rivers carried the water
shore waters and mainly damaged fishing boats out to sea, or the damage would have been
still working at sea. more widespread.
Storm No 9, also known internationally as Ty- For the whole of the province, 18 people lost
phoon Durian, was much more destructive. It di- their lives and nearly 700 were injured. Out of
rectly hit mainland areas of Ben Tre province and a total household population of about 280,000,
others along the southern coast on the night of more than 40 per cent (120,000 households)
5 December 2006 and the following morning. either lost their homes completely or lost their
Typhoon Durian was highly unusual both for roofs. The damage to prawn farms, sugar cane,
its intensity and for how far south it had landed. orchards and coconut trees was extensive. Near-
Many of the villagers were simply not prepared ly 90 school classrooms collapsed and more than
for the typhoon as unlike many other parts of 50 health clinics were destroyed. In all, the total
Viet Nam, they were simply not used to them. damage amounted to US$200 million, a figure
equivalent to about two-thirds of the provinces
Binh Dai was one of the worst hit districts of Ben total exports from 2001-2005.21
Tre, which was one of the worst hit provinces
in the Mekong Delta. Just in the commune of The testimony of Mrs. Xoan (page 26) shows how
Dai Hoa Loc, nearly 900 houses were totally de- the typhoon can affect women disproportion-
stroyed and another 1,000 lost their roofs. For- ately. She is a widow living with her daughter
tunately, the typhoon was not accompanied by and three grandchildren. The main family income
Figures for the destruction in Binh Dai were provided by local officials.
Ben Tre - on the frontline of climate change
MONRE, National Target Program to Respond to Climate Change, p. 10.
Viet Nam: Climate Change, Adaptation and Poor People
Mrs. Nguyen Thi Xoan, 59, Binh Phu village, Thanh Tri commune, Binh Dai district
It was 6 o clock in the morning. We were all asleep. The wind was getting stronger and stronger
every minute. My grandchildren and I quickly ran to the back of the house and took shelter between
four concrete water containers. After two hours the wind died down. When I opened my eyes, I could
not believe what I was seeing. My house and all the houses in the entire village had totally collapsed.
I saw everyone crying and I also cried.
We were informed about the typhoon from the radio and the loud speakers. In fact every year we
had typhoons but we did not expect the big typhoon like the one in 2006, so the preparation for that
typhoon was not good enough. To be honest, I have never seen any big typhoon like that before.
Even my father who was then 85 years old had never witnessed the huge typhoon like that.
Each household was given emergency food and 5 million dong (US$310) by the local authorities for
rebuilding the house. However, we spent only 2 million dong on ours, because we were able to use
most of the materials that we already had. It took us 20 days to complete because there is only one
man in the family, my son-in law, so we had to wait for him to finish the rebuilding work that he did
for his parents house. During that time we lived outside. We set up four bamboo poles and put up
a cover made of water coconut leaves to live there temporarily. Every household in this village lived
in the same conditions.
We are very, very scared the typhoon will happen again. Like most of the houses in the village, ours
is not made of concrete. We need a typhoon shelter like the ones I have seen on television. But we do
not have enough money for one.
Ben Tre - on the frontline of climate change
Officials at the DARD say that the combination Many families have to buy fresh water due to increased salinisation
Viet Nam: Climate Change, Adaptation and Poor People
dong (US$37m), mainly due to loss of produc- Now there are eight months of salt water and only
tivity from rice fields, fruit trees, coconut trees four months fresh water, but the water also tastes
and sugar cane. The number of households saltier during the fresh water season.
without fresh water that year had increased
to 110,000 out of a total number in Ben Tre of Another said she could no longer grow grass to
about 280,000. feed the cows because of the salt content. There
is too much salt in the land here for grass to grow.
Press reports in national and international me- said Hoang My Le, 50, Hamlet 1, Binh Thanh 1,
dia in early 2008 confirm that the problem is not Thanh Tri Commune, Binh Dai District, Ben Tre. I
confined to Ben Tre province. The nearby prov- wish there was somewhere I could go to grow grass
inces of Tien Giang, Ca Mau and Kien Giang all re- to raise cows
ported rice fields and aquaculture ponds being
affected by salt water intrusion, causing millions The increased salinity is causing widespread
of dong of damage. In the orchard area of Ben problems for the Dai Hoa Loc commune as ex-
Tre, high levels of salt water had also threatened plained by the vice-chairman of the Peoples
12,300ha of fruit trees in the Cho Lach District.23 Committee, Ha Minh Ho:
A local coconut farmer in the town of Phuoc
Long more than 40kms from the sea on the Ham The issue of increased salinity is a real problem for
Luong tributary in the north-west of Ben Tre said our commune. This year at one point there were 30
in April that the sea water was getting higher parts per thousand (ppt) of salt in the water com-
and higher every year, threatening his livelihood. pared to 11-12 ppt five years ago. When it reaches
The sea water had reached Phuoc Long as early 30 ppt, there is very little you can do except wait for
as December just after the rainy season. The the rainy season to come and take the salt water
river is changing, we are sure, he said. Its salt wa- back down again to the sea.
ter is stealing our land. Every year it comes higher
and higher. 24 We are not sure of the reason, but it may be to do
with the strong winds blowing the sea water higher
In some communities in Ben Tre, they now have up the rivers. The sea water also remains for longer.
to use salt water to do their washing so that they For example there is not enough time for some veg-
have enough fresh water left for drinking. One etables to grow, because the period when there is
villager in the Binh Dai district said the salt water no salt is shorter.
now remained for as long as eight months of the
year. Before, we had six months of saline water and The unpredictability of the salt content also makes
six months of fresh water. said Luong Van Huynh, prawn farming more difficult. You need to regulate
57, Binh Loc Commune, Binh Dai District, Ben Tre. the salt content about 15 ppt for baby prawns,
Vietnam News Agency, Salt water threatens farms in Mekong Delta, 12 March 2008.
Greg Torode, Sinking Feeling: As sea levels rise, salt water is threatening to devastate crops and livelihoods in the Mekong Delta,
South China Morning Post, 8 April 2008.
Ben Tre - on the frontline of climate change
then 10 ppt for more mature prawns, but it is dif- Changes in the weather: testimony
ficult to do this when the saline content is high. from the community
For the last three to five years, we have also had to Every single person interviewed in Ben Tre in May
buy drinking water. The wells are much saltier since 2008 said local weather patterns were changing.
the typhoon in 2006. Different interviewees stressed different aspects
of these changes, but all concurred that in the
Most experts think the main reason for the rapid last few years the weather was becoming less
increase in salinisation in the area was due to easy to predict and more prone to extremes.
the freshwater not coming down the rivers in The most obvious example was the unusual ty-
sufficient quantities, particularly in the rainy phoon in December 2006, but there were other
season, to wash the salty water back down the examples cited:
estuaries into the sea. Deforestation, widespread
upstream irrigation, increased land use and hy- ww An increase in the period of drought
droelectric dams are most likely to be the main
causes. But one government scientist at MONRE ww An increase in the intensity of rainfall when
said sea level rise is already one important fac- it rains
tor. He pointed out that the general sea level rise ww An increase in the unpredictability of the
for Viet Nam was measured at between 2.5 to rainy season, and particularly an earlier start
3.0cms per decade in the last fifty years (a total to the season, making the timing of planting
of between 12.5 and 15cms), and that one sta- more difficult.
tion had measured a rise of as much as 20cms in
the last forty years. The effects of the climate changing on the lives
of poor men and women in Binh Dai district are
various. In particular, prawn farmers testified that
the unpredictability of the weather made it more
Viet Nam: Climate Change, Adaptation and Poor People
difficult both to regulate the salt content in the within each month so the villagers perceptions
ponds and to know when to introduce the baby may still be correct.
prawns into the ponds. Others farmers spoke of
declining rice productivity due to longer peri- DOST officials say that for the whole of the prov-
ods of drought. Their ability to cope depended ince of Ben Tre there has recently been more
on a whole array of factors, but many had been rainfall in the rainy season and more drought in
forced to seek off-farm employment as labour- the dry season, the seasons have been starting
ers. Poorer families clearly had fewer options to earlier, and the rainfall is becoming less predict-
adapt to the effects of the weather changes. able. Official figures show that for 2005-6, the
dry season did start unusually earlier (in No-
The perceptions of poor villagers living in the vember) as did the rainy season (in March). The
Binh Dai district are supported to some extent rainfall for each month from June to September
by official figures. Usually Ben Tre has a rainy was very high (a record for each month for the
season roughly from May to November, followed period 1988-2006), and the yearly total of 2,518
by a dry season from December to April the fol- mm was the second highest recorded over the
lowing year. But local data for rainfall in Binh Dai same period.
show that in 2005-6 for example, the dry season
and the rainy season did start unusually early - in DOST officials also say that more rainfall in the
November and March respectively. Indeed, near- rainy season is causing a rise in the water levels
ly 80mm of rain fell in March 2006, a record for in the province. In the last five years the greater
the period 1987-2006 and four times as much as volume of river water combined with the high
the next highest figure recorded in 1991. How- tide has resulted in a rise in the water level of
ever, the data also show that the monthly rainfall about 15cm-20cm above the average level com-
during the rainy season of 2006 was about the pared to previous years. According to the DARD,
same as the 20-year average. But the data this alone causes on average damages of about
cannot show the intensity of the rainfall 100 billion dong (US$6m) a year.
Ben Tre - on the frontline of climate change
It has been more difficult for me to find work in the last two years, working
as a prawn farming keeper in the surrounding communes. said Nguyen
Thanh Nhan, 39, Binh Loc Commune, Binh Dai District, Ben Tre
Too much rain and too much sun make the prawns get sick easily. The
owner lost the prawns so I lost my job. Earlier this year my wife and el-
dest daughter had to go to Ho Chi Minh City to find jobs because I dont
get a regular income.
As already discussed, it is not yet possible to say vice-chairman, five years ago 80 per cent of
if these individual weather extremes are due to the villagers were rice farmers, but by 2008 the
global warming. They are more likely to be linked same percentage were now prawn farmers or
to the cycle of El Nio and La Nia weather pat- involved as labourers in the different types of in
terns. However, whatever the causes, the recent prawn farming.25
changes in the weather give a foretaste of what
is likely to happen in the years to come as a result The main reason for the rapid switch was the
of climate change, and they show the devastat- boom in international demand for prawns, par-
ing effect it has on poor families. ticularly in European and US markets. Villagers
said the profits from prawn farming were about
ten times those of rice farming, while one recent
Prawn farming: a living now at risk study put the figure higher. It calculated that the
average rice crop gave a profit of about US$190
The Binh Dai district is seen as a particularly suit- per hectare, whilst for prawn farming it could
able area for prawn farming with the combina- reach between US$620 and US$940.26 Another
tion of fresh, brackish and sea water within its reason many small farmers changed from rice to
boundaries. In the Dai Hoa Loc commune for prawn farming has been the increasingly brack-
example, out of total area of 2,300 hectares, by ish quality to the water, which is good for breed-
2005 nearly 1,300 hectares of it were dedicated ing prawns but not for rice.
to prawn farming. According to the communes
There are different models of prawn farming in Binh Dai, including intensive, semi-intensive, semi-industrial and integrated shrimp
Viet Nam: Climate Change, Adaptation and Poor People
Centre for Development and Integration, ibid. See also for example the Lampung declaration of 6 September 2007 against Indus-
trial Shrimp Aquaculture, signed by local communities and NGOs from 17 different countries, which included widening income
gaps and ecological damage amongst its criticism of shrimp farming. Available at:
Ben Tre - on the frontline of climate change
tal, careful technical and feed management con- Hoa had lost everything in the last two years of
trols, constant dredging, and ideally three ponds prawn farming, but was surviving from the in-
one for the prawns, one for waste and one for come of her two sons who were delivering coco-
sediment deposition. Most of the poorer farm- nut shells and ice cubes in the neighbourhood.
ers interviewed only had one pond of less than
one hectare. They also often have to sell their What has the plight of poor prawn farmers in
prawns at a lower price to traders, whilst the bet- Ben Tre to do with climate change? Firstly, the
ter-off can sell straight to the processing com- changing climate and its unpredictability make
panies. Borrowing money is particularly risky as poorer families particularly susceptible to in-
there will be no money to pay off the loans in the come loss from already risky livelihoods like
event of crop failure. prawn farming. Secondly, the losses from prawn
farming have made poorer families less able to
The impact of the downturn was widespread. cope with extreme weather events. As one farm-
Mr Dang Van Vong from the Binh Loc Commune er complained, the fact that he had been losing
had been forced to sell off most of his 13-hectare money prior to the December 2006 typhoon
plot of land to be able to pay off the bank loan left him unable to build a stronger house with
he had taken out for prawn breeding. Another concrete walls for when the next typhoon came
interviewee, Mr Le Van Thien, had lost about 10 along. And finally and most importantly, the ex-
million dong (US$625) a year for the last three ample of prawn farming shows that planning for
years from prawn farming, and was coping by adapting to the effects of climate change needs
borrowing money from friends. Mrs Pham Thi a combined policy approach which includes
Viet Nam: Climate Change, Adaptation and Poor People
Suppakorn Chinvanno et al, Climate risks and rice farming in the lower Mekong countries, AIACC Working Paper no. 40, 2006.
Quang Tri - Living with Floods
The central coastal province of Quang Tri is one of the most vulnerable to flood-
ing in the whole of Viet Nam, and Hai Lang district is the most vulnerable within
the province. Villagers have a long history of working with local government and
mass organisations to cope with the flooding, reducing its impact and chang-
ing their production cycles to adapt to it. However, many of the poorer men and
women in the district are still very vulnerable to the extremes and vagaries of the
weather which they say have become more pronounced in recent years.
Like many provinces, Quang Tri has enjoyed high plants, ponds and lakes, increasing the risks of
economic growth rates in recent years and the fire. Deforestation, saline intrusion and regular
number of poor people has declined significant- typhoons compound the fragility.
ly as a result, at an average rate of 2 per cent a
year.32 However, the poverty rate for the province Moreover, Quang Tri is unusual in having the
is still one of the highest in Viet Nam. Infant mor- highest rate of ordnance and toxic chemicals left
tality in 2006 for example was 36 per 1,000, the over by the US military. The 17th parallel, which
fourth highest in the country, while life expec- divided Viet Nam between 1956 and 1975, runs
tancy in 2004 was the sixth lowest at 66 years through the province. Quang Tri was devastated
of age. during the war. Forests were destroyed and toxic
chemicals which remain in the soil have left a
The province is also environmentally fragile. terrible legacy of illnesses which were still affect-
It is not just flooding and drought. A hot and ing livelihoods in May 2008.
dry strong wind known as the Lao wind blows
through the province from late April to mid Sep- Hai Lang district is in the south-eastern part of
tember setting the temperature above 37 de- the province. Just over 100,000 people live there,
gree Celcius some days. The wind dries up trees, spread throughout 21 communes, more than
Poverty Task Force, Quang Tri: Participatory Poverty Assessment 2003, Hanoi, January 2004, p. 3.
Map of Quang Tri
Quang Tri - Living with Floods
Viet Nam: Climate Change, Adaptation and Poor People
When the flooding comes, we put everything up on the platform food, things to cook with, even
the pigs and chicken we put in cages up there. Unfortunately last year we lost the cage with the
chickens in it to the floods.
The children were very frightened especially as the wind and the rain were so strong. Someone from
the rescue team came with a boat and took them to the school, which is stronger and made of
We have training every year for the floods. The trainer is from the commune. We take enough food
for seven days. We know we have to prepare well for the floods. But we could do with more boats
and life jackets. We cannot move from the area because it is too expensive to buy land elsewhere.
We dont know why the weather is changing. We dont know why our farming is being so badly af-
fected. We are very worried about losing our home, about losing our crops, about going hungry.
Quang Tri - Living with Floods
Viet Nam: Climate Change, Adaptation and Poor People
49-year-old Mr. Nguyen Van Cung lost most of ruined his second crop. We are supposed to be
his crops this year due to the weather and to harvesting the peanuts now, but there simply arent
insects eating them. He says there are more in- any, he said.
sects around because of the climate changing.
He also lost his peanut crops as first the cold The coastal commune of Hai An is particularly
weather and early rains destroyed his winter/ sensitive to extremes of weather or unpredict-
spring crop, and then the early summer rains able rainfall and winds. About half of the com-
munes income comes from fishing. Like many
communities in Quang Tri province, in recent
years poorer fishermen using smaller boats have
been suffering from declining fish populations
near the coast.33 Villagers spoke of no longer
being able to predict the weather from looking
at the sky and the tides. Typhoons in particular
were much more difficult to anticipate. Several
testimonies also spoke of the reduced number
of possible fishing days over the last two years
because of the dramatic changes in the weather,
including higher waves and wind, unusual cold
spells and rainy periods. In particular, they raised
the recent stormy weather in March and April
which had caused severe hardship. Many fami-
lies had other part-time jobs or economic activi-
ties to fall back on, but for some, going heavily
into debt was the only option.
Poverty Task Force, ibid, p. 18
Quang Tri - Living with Floods
I had to work more as a porter and a labourer, and the income is less. Life is difficult as my wife has
had TB for three years, although she has had treatment for the last eight months and is feeling bet-
ter. I have a kidney problem, and I have to pay for some of the treatment.
Normally we have to borrow money from relatives to survive. I am in debt about 4 million dong
(US$250) at the moment.
We know about climate change and how it is caused by human activity. We have to have a greener
environment and plant more pine and indigo trees to stop erosion and protect us from the wind.
Viet Nam: Climate Change, Adaptation and Poor People
Malin Beckman, Le Van An, Le Quang Bao, Living with the floods: Coping and adaptation strategies of households and local institu-
tions in central Vietnam, Oxfam, 2002, and Malin Beckman, Resilient Society Vulnerable People. A study of disaster response and
recovery from floods in central Vietnam, Ph.D. thesis, Uppsala University, Sweden, January 2007.
Quang Tri - Living with Floods
Viet Nam: Climate Change, Adaptation and Poor People
ww More than 10,000 pigs were lost in the flood- Hai Lang is not the only district of Viet Nams cen-
ing in 1999. Now villagers try to sell their live- tral provinces where Oxfam has been working
stock before the main flooding season, rather with good results. For example, since 2002 Oxfam
than keeping them for the Tet celebrations Hong Kong (OHK) has been helping with CBDRM
(usually in February). activities in the Phuong My commune in the
Huong Khe district of the nearby province of Ha
Many villagers in Hai Lang spoke of how they
Tinh. Volunteer teams have been trained in rescue
had become better prepared. For example, Le
and first aid skills and how to prepare food and
Thi Thanh Thuy, a 52-year-old widow from Luong
other materials for the flood seasons. The strong
Dien village, said she and her family had a long
community-based training and involvement in
history of preparing the house properly, but in the
preparation measures in Phuong My were a major
last three years she had also learnt to harvest her
factor in explaining why there was no fatalities in
rice before the main flooding season, not to grow
2007 despite three to four metres of flooding.
cassava during that period, and to plant trees near
the river to get more protection. 34-year-old Tran
An extensive study carried out in 2004 of how vil-
Van Son from Tram Son village said that since
lages in the Hai Lang district were able to recover
2005, like many villagers he had swapped his sec-
from the 1999 flooding concluded that the im-
ond rice crop for cassava and green peppers be-
portant factors in determining the ability of com-
cause it can survive the seasons better. Unfortu-
munities and households to bounce back were35:
nately, he lost all his pigs and chickens during the
2007 floods as he was out working as a member
ww Local organisations having the authority and
of the rescue team in the village.
credibility to organise collective action
The individual resourcefulness of the villagers ww An active local government with strong link-
throughout Hai Lang was remarkable. But prob- ages to the villages
ably the most important aspect of their prepara-
ww A relatively equitable distribution of resources
tion for the floods was their widespread involve-
within communes
ment in training courses on Community Based
Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) organised by ww The degree of homogeneity of the community.
local Committees for Floods and Storm Control
(CCFSC) and the Red Cross, supported by various The importance of strong local organisation was
international organisations. Oxfam Hong Kong also stressed in the conclusions of a detailed study
has devised courses based on the villagers own of the floods in the Mekong Delta in 2001.36 The
experiences of coping with the disasters, and has study argued that local people themselves were
targeted womens participation as a key success the most important resource for rescue, protec-
factor. (see Oxfam in Hai Lang box) tion, survival and recovery in short, for learning
Beckman, Resilient Society, p. 156.
Koos Neefjes, Living with the Floods, paper presented at the national seminar in Ho Chi Minh City Learning from the Floods, 31 July
Quang Tri - Living with Floods
to live with the floods. The peoples own efforts a result of the communities personal experience
were the most significant reason for better pre- of the floods, and through training of officials,
paredness for the floods that year, reduced loss staff and volunteers of mass organisations, and
of life, reduced damage to property, and quicker schoolteachers. In the words of the report, the
recovery from the devastation, when compared people became their own saviours. But the report
to 2000. Awareness building about the risks of warned, their awareness and knowledge had to
flooding was crucial. This was achieved both as be strengthened further and refreshed regularly.
On the training courses, villagers are taught basic health and hygiene techniques, and how to
build a boat out of banana tree trunks. Disaster scenarios are rehearsed. Women are particu-
larly encouraged to attend the courses, and as a result some volunteer teams have achieved
at least 50 per cent membership by women.
Mrs Tuyet from the Hai Son commune went to the courses and says she now buys more petrol,
rice, salt and a torch before the flooding season. She also raised the floor of her house, and sells
her domestic animals before the storms. She says that before the 1999 floods, villagers were
not well-informed about what was coming and what to do about it, but now they feel better
prepared and aware of the dangers.
The community helps each other to rebuild houses after the flood
Government plans on
adaptation and climate change
Viet Nam has for several years recognised the threats and challenges presented by
human-caused global warming. It ratified the United Nations Framework Conven-
tion on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1994 and the Kyoto Protocol in 2002. The
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) is the lead government
agency for implementing the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol, and for all climate
change activities.
MONRE was responsible for submitting the gov- form its own Action Plan for Climate Change
ernments initial national communication to the Adaptation as part of the process by which each
UNFCCC in 2003. This included preliminary as- sector was required to feed into the NTP.
sessments of the potential impacts of climate
change on major economic activities, an over- It should be stressed that Viet Nam is able to
view of vulnerable sectors and some adaptation build on a long history of strong institutional
measures for water resources, agriculture, coast- responses to natural disasters like floods and
al zones, forestry and other sectors. In December storms. The key institution is the Central Com-
2007 Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung issued mittee for Flood and Storm Control (CCFSC)
the decision to formulate a National Target Pro- which has been operating since 1955. Several
gram (NTP). This was circulated by MONRE in ministries and other organisations such as the
draft form in March 2008. The NTP is officially Viet Nam Red Cross, which works from national
described as the main framework for the man- down to commune level, are key members of
agement and coordination of CC activities to the CCFSC. National strategies are designed to
achieve sustainable development objectives in reduce the risk of disasters, and include a whole
the future. It includes an assessment of CC im- series of measures such the establishment of
pacts on different sectors and region, measures disaster forecast centres across the country, the
to raise awareness about CC, and an organisa- construction of flood corridors, and awareness
tional structure to implement the Programme. In raising activities. However, these strategies focus
early 2008 the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural on emergency responses to short-term climate
Development (MARD) also circulated in draft extremes and reconstruction after them, rather
Viet Nam: Climate Change, Adaptation and Poor People
than long-term adaptation to future climate with any degree of accuracy at what rate the
change. They are also not integrated into wider sea level will rise in the future, so even trying to
policies for sustainable rural development and make plans for what the situation is likely to be
poverty reduction.37 in 2020 is hazardous. However, the key point is
that dykes or flood control systems should only
It should also be emphasised that the sorts of form part of any solution. A wide range of ad-
budgets that the national government and lo- aptation activities like community resilience and
cal authorities have at their disposal for adapt- improving capacity in all the relevant ministries
ing to climate change are clearly inadequate. at national and provincial levels will have to be
The district of Hai Lang in Quang Tri for example, part of the national plan and international fund-
which is an area very vulnerable to flooding, has ing priorities.
a total budget of just 500 million dong a year
(US$35,000) for all its disaster risk management MONRE has been widely commended for the
a budget that it needed even before climate progress the Ministry and its collaborators have
change began to affect communities. According made on formulating the NTP, and for its open
to officials at the MARD, the total national bud- attitude towards accepting comments from in-
get required for disaster management and dyke ternational donor agencies on the gaps in the
building for the period 2010-2020 was 1,200 bil- plan. However, the Program could be further
lion dong (US$ 750 million), even before climate strengthened in four key ways:
change plans are included.
1. As poor men and women are the most vul-
As a recent UN report has concluded, the expe- nerable to the impacts of CC, they need to
rience of Viet Nam shows that effective adapta- be at the centre of any plans to reduce the
tion planning in high-risk environments requires risks and adapt to them. In particular, wom-
investments that are beyond the financing ca- en are often most vulnerable to the impacts
pacities of most governments acting alone.38 of weather extremes. They should be the one
Building new sea dykes or enforcing existing of the priorities for research and analysis as
ones to combat sea level rises is very expensive. to how they are affected differently, and how
A leading Vietnamese water resources expert their needs and interests can be met.
estimated recently that the government would
2. The lessons and experiences of poor men
have to spend about US$600m by 2020 to rein-
and women at the household and village lev-
force and raise existing sea dykes all along the
el in having to adapt to changing climate and
coast from central Viet Nam to the south-west-
extreme weather events should be built on
ern provinces.39 It is not just the cost of sea dykes
from the bottom-up. Their strong participa-
that it is a problem. It is also difficult to know
Chaudhry and Ruysschaert, ibid, p. 8-9.
UNDP, Human Development Report 2007/8, p. 175.
Vietnam will have to upgrade is sea defenses, AFP report, 27 March 2008
Government plans on adaptation and climate change
This report offers a glimpse into the devastating human impact of the climate
changes that are already taking place in Viet Nam. It clearly shows that poorer
women and men are affected disproportionately by extreme weather events,
and are likely to be more vulnerable to those which are coming. But communi-
ties across Viet Nam have already shown that they have a great capacity to re-
spond both at the household and local institutional level to disasters and climatic
change. Large populations can be reached by locally-organised support, which
plays a central role in helping them to recover.
The contrasting experiences of Ben Tre and production for local consumption, and caring for
Quang Tri are illustrative of what can be achieved domestic livestock. Many other roles too are un-
through building on local peoples experience of paid such as child care, preparing food stocks for
disasters and their response to them. Ben Tre has possible flooding and attending disaster risk re-
had until recently little experience of natural di- duction courses. Such roles are often overlooked
sasters and so does not seem to be as prepared as they fall outside the monetised economy, so
for the future as Quang Tri, where the district of they need to be fully incorporated into any gov-
Hai Lang has already shown it can reduce the ernment or international development policies
risks from the heavy flooding season. Drawing to address poverty alleviation and the reduction
on peoples experience so they become active of poor families vulnerability to disasters.
agents of implementing community-level polic-
es is central to successful outcomes. Scaling up It is Oxfams experience from other parts of the
these experiences at the local level to a national world that the combination of strong institu-
level should be an urgent priority. tional support and strong community partici-
pation reduces human vulnerability to natural
The testimonies from Quang Tri in particular disasters. Dramatic weather events do not nec-
show that, in addition to earning cash, women essarily lead to disasters; that depends on the
play a central role in the household economy, in- level of vulnerability of local people and their
cluding household budgeting, farm and garden capacity to resist the impacts. For example, in
recent years Bangladesh has been hammered events. Any financial or other encouragement
regularly by cyclone-driven floods. But there for a particular sector has to include an analysis
have been a declining number of deaths there of disaster risk and climate trends.
since it began investing in preparing properly
for the floods shelters and greater community- Awareness training is crucial. In April 2007 the
based preparedness including evacuation plans, market research company Nielsen published the
early warnings and volunteer mobilisations.40 In results of a worldwide online survey of 25,000
contrast, Cyclone Nargis which hit Myanmar in users about how concerned people were about
May 2008 shows how poverty plus insufficient global warming. Out of the 47 countries sur-
government investment can turn a natural disas- veyed, Viet Nam came the 36th lowest in the list.43
ter into a major human tragedy, where losses to That ranking seems out of phase with Viet Nams
property and life are more determined by their status as one of the most vulnerable countries in
condition than the force of the cyclone.41 the world to climate change. The experience in
Ben Tre and Quang Tri confirmed Oxfams gen-
A recent study of Oxfams experience in more eral experience that many provincial authorities
than 100 countries around the world shows that are not sufficiently aware of climate change is-
a combination of active citizens and effective sues, and lack information, methodologies, tools
states is the best way of securing development and experience for dealing with it. Some aware-
and poverty reduction.42 Active citizens are an ness-training of key stakeholders and commu-
essential ingredient in making states work effec- nity leaders is beginning, but this needs to be
tively to end poverty, and effective states which stepped up and women need to be encouraged
manage the process of development are essen- to participate as key agents of change.
tial to a countrys prosperity and to social justice.
Such a combination is also the best way of pre- As already mentioned, poor communities in Viet
paring for climate change. Nam may end up paying a heavy price for global
climate change which is caused not by them. In
The examples of poor men and women in Ben 2004 Viet Nam emitted about 1.1 tonnes of car-
Tre and Quang Tri also show the intrinsic link bon dioxide per capita, which put it 121st in the
between disaster risk reduction, livelihood pro- world ranked by p.c. emissions. If all GHGs are in-
grammes and poverty alleviation in planning for cluded, Viet Nam emitted 1.6 tonnes p.c. in 2000,
climate change. For example, a disastrous expe- which placed it 155th lowest. This compares
rience with prawn farming leaves poorer villag- with 10.5 tonnes p.c. for the EU, 11.0 for the UK,
ers less able to recover from extreme weather 25.8 for Australia and 10.8 for Japan.44
From Weather Alert to Climate Alarm, Oxfam Briefing Paper, November 2007, p. 13.
Andrew Revkin, Poverty and Poor Policy Worsen Impact of Cyclone, New York Times, 18 May 2008.
Duncan Green, From Poverty to Power: How Active Citizens and Effective States Can Change the World, Oxfam UK, June 2008.
Nielsen global online survey, Biggest and 2nd biggest concern in next 6 months: Global warming, 4 June 2007, page 1.
The figures all come from CAIT (Climate Analysis Indicators Tool), available at
Viet Nam: Climate Change, Adaptation and Poor People
Oxfam International October 2008
Published by Oxfam in Viet Nam,16 Mai Hac De Street, Ha Noi, Viet Nam, and Oxfam International, Oxfam
International Secretariat, Suite 20, 266 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7DL, United Kingdom.
Oxfam in Viet Nam acknowledges the invaluable assistance of James Painter in compiling this report.
For further information on the issues raised in this paper please e-mail: [email protected] and
[email protected]
First published online by Oxfam, October 2008
Online ISBN 978-1-84814-055-4
This paper is available to download from the Oxfam Publishing website. Go to and
search for Viet Nam: Climate Change, Adaptation and Poor People or use the ISBN above.
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Photo credits: Duong Thuy Nga, Hoang Lan Huong, Nguyen Thi Hoang Yen, Nguyen Quoc Tuan, Pham Tung Lam
and Hai Lang Project Management Team
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