Ultrasound Transducer Design For Continuous Fetal Heartbeat Monitoring (Asele)
Ultrasound Transducer Design For Continuous Fetal Heartbeat Monitoring (Asele)
Ultrasound Transducer Design For Continuous Fetal Heartbeat Monitoring (Asele)
by Assel Rakhmetova
This work has been carried out at HSN, Department of Micro- and Nanosystem
Technology, under the supervision of
Submitted to
Faculty of Technology and Maritime Sciences, University of Southeast Norway,
in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree
Joint International Master in Smart Systems Integration (SSI)
Stillbirth prevention requires high quality healthcare and early detection. Continuous
monitoring of fetal heartbeat can be one of the ways to reduce pregnancy complications
and even stillbirths. A Doppler ultrasound transducer is found to be one of the possible
devices that can be adopted for home long-term monitoring of the fetal heartbeat.
The velocity of the heart phantom was obtained from the time shifts between the
consecutive received signals. It was possible to measure the heart velocity if the heart
position is changed from the central lobe of the transducer beam in x-direction.
However, the measurements are not accurate if the radius of the transducer aperture is
decreased to 2 mm. The measured velocity of the heart phantom is in a good agreement
with the actual velocity if heart is moved in z-direction. However, the received RF
signals from the back heart wall are much weaker as compared to the received signals
for the front heart wall.
The proposed idea to have a continuous fetal heartbeat monitoring is found to be one of
the solutions to reduce number of stillbirths. Doppler transducer shows improved
robustness with decreased size of the aperture which lead to a wider beam profile and
better detectability of the heart movements.
Dedicated to my stillborn daughter named Aisha,
I would like to express special thank you to Merete Hovet. She became my second
mother during the whole SSI program. I express my sincere gratitude to Prof. Knut
Aasmundtveit for his great support throughout all two years of the master program.
My sincere gratitude goes to my parents, sisters, friends and groupmates for their
endless love and support.
2D Two Dimensional
D Diastole
LV Left Ventricle
MI Mechanical Index
N Number of scatterers
RF Radio Frequency
RV Right Ventricle
S Systole
4 Methodology ............................................................................................................................................. 24
4.1 MATLAB and FIELD II Summary.............................................................................................24
4.2 Fetus and Pregnant Woman Design Parameters .............................................................26
4.3 Simulation Design..........................................................................................................................29
4.3.1 Ultrasound Transducer Design Model .........................................................................29
4.3.2 Heart Model.............................................................................................................................30
4.3.3 Simulation model ..................................................................................................................33
4.4 Laboratory work ............................................................................................................................38
5 Results ......................................................................................................................................................... 40
5.1 B-mode Heart Image ....................................................................................................................40
5.2 Case studies ......................................................................................................................................41
5.2.1 Case study A ............................................................................................................................44
5.2.2 Case study B ............................................................................................................................50
5.2.3 Case Study C ............................................................................................................................54
5.2.4 Case study D ............................................................................................................................61
5.3 Laboratory work ............................................................................................................................64
6 Discussion .................................................................................................................................................. 67
6.1 Simulations .......................................................................................................................................68
6.1.1 Case study A and B ...............................................................................................................68
6.1.2 Case study C and D ...............................................................................................................70
6.2 Laboratory work ............................................................................................................................72
6.3 Ultrasound safety...........................................................................................................................72
Glossary................................................................................................................................................................ 74
References........................................................................................................................................................... 85
Moreover, for women with no signs of problems during the pregnancy, such tests
are not usually performed. Not detecting pregnancy complications can lead to critical
incidents and, for women in their first pregnancy, even sudden fetus death can occur.
Also, these tests require the woman to come to hospital twice a week (or more) which
can be inconvenient for some women who have health problems. Perhaps most
importantly, the fetus is not observed in between the tests which brings difficulties to
catch any fetal disorders.
be an infection. This includes bacterial infections (Escherichia coli, streptococcus),
viruses (parvovirus B19) or parasites (toxoplasmosis, malaria) [5]. However, if a
woman complains about the decrease of the baby movements, blood, urine and vaginal
tests are not performed to diagnose for the presence of any infections. Existing Doppler
instruments for heartbeat listening that can be used by woman at home to listen to a
fetal heartbeat cannot be used as medical devices to evaluate any fetal abnormalities.
Moreover, these instruments can be used improperly leading to false measurements [8].
They are rather used by midwives as a psychological tool to instill future mothers with
an idea of having a baby in the near future.
It is also important to investigate whether there are any bio-effects of the
ultrasound if a fetus is exposed to it throughout a day. Will it be safe for a baby and the
2.1 Pregnancy Evaluation Tests
Usually, pregnant woman does not need to have any extra check-ups during her
pregnancy unless there are pre-existing health conditions which may cause miscarriage
and even stillbirth.
childbirth complications
infections during the pregnancy
maternal disorders (hypertension, diabetes)
fetal growth restrictions
congenital abnormalities
Certain evaluation tests may be used to assess fetal well-being which are
performed in hospital if woman experiences less fetal movements or she has above
mentioned health conditions [4], [12]:
Fetal movement assessment [13] is a routine method used to monitor normal
pregnancy. It is also a method that can be used in high risk pregnancy. Fetal movement
assessment is a method when woman counts the number of kicks or movements of a
baby during the day. Usually woman can feel the baby`s movement from 20-24 weeks of
gestation. According to several studies, there should be at least 10 distinct baby
movements in 11-34 minutes. If a woman feels or counts a decreased number of
movements then she must take more tests to evaluate fetus well-being. However,
sometimes woman may feel anxious while counting the movements, which may be
destructive to accomplish the test. Also, some woman can be busy at work or with other
children during the day and they are not able to monitor baby`s activity [12], [14].
Pregnant women have to select two hours during a day when the baby is the most active
to count the fetal movements [13].
Figure 2-1 illustrates the basic set-up of the monitoring system usually installed
for non-stress test. The set-up consists of the ultrasound system, tokodynamometer and
auxiliary electronics. The ultrasound system utilizes Doppler ultrasound (Doppler
effect) and records the heartbeat of the fetus. Tokodynamometer [16] is a pressure
transducer placed around a woman`s abdomen with an elastic belt. When the uterine
muscles contract, they raise the abdominal wall depressing the plunger and intrauterine
pressure is measured.
Figure 2-1: Fetal monitoring system. An ultrasound transducer measures fetal heartbeat
while a tokodynamometer measures uterine activity [17].
It requires 20-40 minutes to complete the test. The test is performed as frequent
as required for high-risk pregnancies. Usually, pregnant women are asked to eat before
the test as it can make the baby move more actively. During the test, the woman lies on
her side while the ultrasound system and the tokodynamometer are attached around
woman`s abdomen by elastic belts. The woman is asked to press a button when she
feels a movement. There are two results of the test: reactive and non-reactive. Reactive
means that the baby`s heart rate increases as the baby moves. There should be an
increase of the fetal heart rate of 15 bpm from the baseline for 15 seconds occurring
two or more times during a 20 or 30 minutes period in conjunction with fetal
movement. Non-reactive means the baby`s heart rate does not increase as the baby
moves. Figure 2-2 shows an example of a non-stress test result provided by the
Sykehuset i Vestfold hospital.
Figure 2-2: Non-stress test shows normal fetal heart rate accelerations.
Olygohydraminos is defined for AFI less than 5 cm and associated with increase
of caesarean section for fetal distress.
Polyhydramios is defined for AFI which is greater than 25 cm and associated
with an increase of perinatal mortality rate, fetal abnormalities, increased caesarean
ection rate.
Umbilical artery Doppler evaluation [12], [21], [22]- is a widely used test to
analyse uteroplacental blood flow. This test is used to evaluate various abnormalities
such as placenta abnormalities, intrauterine growth retardation for prolonged
pregnancies, fetal growth restriction. Doppler systems produce flow velocity
waveforms that reflect the distribution and intensity of the Doppler frequency shifts
over time. The frequency shifts are proportional to changes in the flow velocity within
the umbilical vessels.
The result of the Doppler evaluation is given by the S/D ratio which is a ratio of
peak velocity of systolic velocity waveform to the nadir to a diastole. By 30 weeks of
pregnancy, the S/D ratio should be less than 3.0. Other methods of reporting the
Doppler evaluation results are pulsatility index and resistance index.
Pulsatility index is given by the systolic minus the diastolic values divided by the
mean of the velocity waveform profile (S-D/mean).
The resistance index is given by S-D/S. Figure 2-3 illustrates the ultrasound
results obtained after the test.
Figure 2-3: Umbilical Doppler velocimetry. Normal umbilical artery blood flow as seen
with a forward flow in diastole and normal S/D ratio [12].
However, these tests are only performed in hospitals. Woman with no signs of
problems and pre-existing chronic conditions will usually not be examined with the
mentioned tests.
Home monitoring system can be one of the aids that woman may have at home
and which can help her to monitor fetal well-being if she feels worried. It also could help
to collect more data to evaluate fetal well-being and to seek immediate medical help if
something goes wrong to avoid complications and stillbirth.
Table 2-1 summarizes drawbacks of the pregnancy evaluation tests used in hospitals in
assessment of the fetal well-being.
Table 2-1: Examinations tests and their drawbacks for fetal well-being assessment.
Cannot be used as a stand-alone test to assess fetal status.
AFI test Amniotic fluid volume measurements are still not precise
According to the studies, number of fetal movements and fetal heart rate can be
considered as the first indicators of the fetus well-being [31], [32]. Table 2-2
summarizes the indicators of the fetal status that can be gained from fetal movements
and fetal heart rate assessments.
Non-reactive [12],
Kick counter wristband are now available on the market to help women to count
kicks. The basic principle of the wristband is when woman feels a baby movement she
should move the counter of the wristband in order to track and count the kicks [35],
[36]. Figure 2-4 shows the wristband that may be used daily by pregnant woman.
Figure 2-5: Kickme- baby kicks counter Android mobile application [38].
There are many various Doppler heart listening devices available on the market.
Figure 2-6 shows an example of the device. These devices allow listening and recording
the sound of the fetus heartbeat. They are not for medical purpose but for
entertainment mostly.
Figure 2-6: Fetal Doppler heart sound monitor device displaying fetal heart rate [39].
This fetal Doppler monitor should point directly at the fetal heart location in
order to be able to listen to a heartbeat.
These applications and devices are mostly aimed for entertainment purposes.
They cannot be used to adequately assess the fetal well-being. Improper use of domestic
fetal monitors may mislead a woman. There were cases when women did not seek
medical help when they noticed less movements of their babies after listening to the
heartbeats using home Doppler devices [8], [41]. Therefore, it is important to have more
reliable devices for fetus well-being assessment to be used for medical purposes with
remote hospital control.
S. Bhong and S. D. Lokhande [42] proposed a wireless fetal monitoring system for
home use. In the proposed system, a mobile software application transforms existing
fetal monitoring devices (Doppler ultrasound transducer and tokodynamometer) into
one system that evaluates the fetal heart rate and uterine contractions, while saving and
converting the data to a hospital standard.
A. K. Mittra and N. K. Choudhari [43] developed a low cost fetal heart sound
monitoring system for home care application. The system consists of two parts which
are Detection and Recording Module (DRM) and Processing and Display Module (PDM).
DRM is a hardware placed on a woman abdomen used to detect and record fetal
heartbeat. PDM is software which is aimed to record, save and generate results. DRM
consists of acoustic cone, microphone, piezoelectric sensor, power amplifiers, and
3.1 Physics of Ultrasound
Ultrasound [47], [48] is a mechanical vibration of matter with a frequency
greater than 20 kHz. The acoustic particle is introduced to understand the concept of a
wave propagating through the tissue. This particle is assumed to be a small volume
element. The wave is propagating through the tissue as a disturbance of the particles in
the medium. Initially, particles are at rest and spaced uniformly. With the presence of
the ultrasound wave, the particles start to oscillate. The important types of waves are
plane, spherical and cylindrical waves. In the current work, plane longitudinal wave
propagation is assumed. A plane wave travels in one direction. In longitudinal wave
propagation, the displacement of the particle is parallel to the propagation to the wave.
The propagation speed, depends on the medium and is given as [49]:
= , (3.1)
During the plane wave propagation, the acoustic particles which lie on the plane
normal to the direction of propagation will undergo to the same incremental pressure
change. Assuming that the wave propagation is linear, the acoustic pressure, of the
plane harmonic wave propagating in z-direction is given as:
(, ) = 0 (( )), (3.2)
where is the angular frequency of the wave, = / and is the wave number and 0
is the acoustic pressure amplitude, and is the imaginary unit.
The assumption that waves obey the linearity principle means that they keep the
same shape as they change amplitude and scaled versions of waves at the same location
can be combined to form more complicated waves [50].
For a plane propagating wave, the particle speed, is related to the pressure
by the acoustic impedance as [49]:
= ,
= . (3.4)
Table 3-1: Speeds of sound, densities and characteristic impedances data for different
mediums and human tissues [48].
of a different medium with the wavenumber, 2 and the characteristic impedance, 2 .
Tissues are usually modelled as liquids [47], [51].
Figure 3-1: The model of the one-dimensional wave propagation hitting the boundary.
2 1
= (3.5)
1 + 2
2 1
= (3.6)
2 + 1
The transmission wave is a wave that continues to propagate further through the
medium. The transmission coefficient, for this wave is:
= (3.7)
2 + 1
3.1.2 Scattering
The ability of the ultrasonic wave to penetrate the matter is due to two acoustic
parameters: absorption and scattering. Absorption is the quantity of the ultrasound
energy that is transformed into heat, chemical energy and light. Scattering is the
radiation of all, or part of the energy in an ultrasonic wave when incident on an obstacle.
The scattering can be in any direction. Reflection and refraction can be considered as
special cases of the scattering [51], [52].
Backscattering [52] is a reflection of the waves back to the direction from which
they were originated. Backscattering is useful for ultrasound imaging. Pulse echo
technique is used to detect the backscattered signal. Ultrasound transducers transmit a
pulse into a specimen to investigate, for example a heart. First, the transducer receives
the echo from the front face of the specimen and later from the back face. Other echoes
that are produced in between the two surfaces depend on the structural composition of
the tissue there.
= , (3.8)
where is a scattering cross section and is a uniform intensity. The backscattering
cross section depends on the material type and denotes the strength of the material
scattering [48].
where is the distance to the scattering region. The received power, with a
transducer radius, is then [48]:
2 (3.10)
= = 2 ,
Therefore, the received power depends on the scattering cross section, emitted
intensity, distance to the transducer and the size of the transducer aperture.
3.1.3 Attenuation
The ultrasound wave propagating in the tissue will experience energy loss or
attenuation due to absorption and scattering (reflection and refraction). Attenuation
can be expressed with exponential law as functions of distance. The amplitude loss
term, (, ) can be added for single frequency plane wave propagation [53]:
large extent given by the ratio between the transducer diameter, relative to ultrasonic
wavelength, . To achieve a directive beam, should be much larger than the
wavelength. This can be estimated from the opening angle in the far field, 0 = /, for
example = 10 will give an opening angle of approximately 50. Aperture diameters
close to , for example 0.7 will lead to a much wider transmitted beam [54].
Often a large difference in the acoustical impedances of the media and the
piezoelectric material exist. For example, a common piezoceramic from Meggit
Ferroperm, Pz27 has an acoustical impedance of approximately 33 MRayl, whereas the
human body has an acoustical impedance of approximately 1.5 MRayl; a ratio of 22 [55].
A consequence of this is that most of the acoustical energy will be reflected at the
boundary between the piezoceramic and the human body. To reduce the reflection and
increase the transduction at the boundary between the transducer and the human body,
one or several matching layers are used. The matching layers form part of the
transducer construction and the impedance of the matching layer (for a transducer with
one matching layer) are chosen as the geometric mean between the impedance of the
piezoceramic and the media, and the thickness of the matching layer is chosen as one-
quarter of the wavelength in the matching layer. Matching a transducer to the medium
like this helps the ultrasonic waves to propagate efficiently into the object.
A-mode is an amplitude mode. Once the echoes are received from the object, they
are amplified and displayed as amplitude versus time record, similar to an oscilloscope
screen [50].
B-mode is known as a brightness mode. Brightness is proportional to the echo
amplitude. In a B-mode, the image is composed of many beams aimed in different
directions, creating a 2D image, typically in the -plane, where refers to depth and x
to lateral direction. The brightness is related to the echo amplitude [51].
M-mode is a motion mode used to visualize time variation. The vertical axis is
depth downwards and horizontal axis is time. The images look similar to B-mode, but
the lateral dimension is time, creating 2D -image. This mode is particular useful to
monitor heart motion and to receive an image of heart valves by observing distinct
patterns of heart along the time [56], [50].
= ,
1 ( /0 ) (3.13)
where 0 is a transmitted frequency, is the velocity of the source, 0 is the speed of
sound and is an angle between the observer location and the source vector. From the
equation 3.13, Doppler-shifted frequency is then found as [57]:
= 0 = 0 ( ) .
the angles relative to the direction of the source, where is a Doppler frequency and
is a source frequency. Observers at B and D do not hear any Doppler shift.
Figure 3-4: Doppler frequencies seen by observers at different location and at the angles
relative to the direction of the source: (A) 0, (B) 90, (C) 270, (D) 45 [57].
If the observer is moving and the source is stationary, then the formula for
Doppler-shifted frequency is [57]:
= [1 + ( /0 )]0 , (3.15)
where is the velocity of the observer. The Doppler-shifted frequency for the case
when both the source and the observer are moving turns to [57]:
= 0 [0 + ]/[0 ], (3.16)
result. If the scatterer is moving then the pulse will move past the depth of sampling and
will be sampled due to its motion [49]. Figure 3-5 shows an example of the simulated
received signals from blood vessel acquired for each transmitted pulse. It is seen how
the scatterers move away from the transducer and the received signals are shifted in
relation to each other. The dotted line indicates the time instance when the sampling
takes place, and the sampled signal is then plotted.
Figure 3-5: Sampled signal from blood vessel. The left graph shows the received signals
for each transmitted pulse, and the right graph is the sampled signal [49].
where T is temperature in Celsius. Table 3-2 shows the effects of the temperature
elevated due to ultrasound on a human body [59].
Table 3-2: Temperature effects induced by ultrasound on a human body [59].
The fetus is considered as a sensitive biological site for long term ultrasound
exposure especially during the first trimester. If the transducer is placed directly on the
fetus skull, the elevated temperature of the bone may damage brain tissue. The
exposure of the ultrasound onto a fetus above 41 0C for 5 minutes or more should be
considered unsafe. According to a equation 3.18, the rise of temperature to 1.50C
corresponds to 158 minutes and a rise to 40C corresponds to 5 minutes provided that
transducer is located unmoved during the specified time [59].
Simulation is a method that extensively used in biomedical ultrasound. This
thesis uses computational model or computer based simulation to investigate the stated
problem. The simulation is based on the quantitative calculations and mathematical
model to determine numeric behaviour of the acoustic field in a test environment.
MATLAB R2016a version and Field II software programs were chosen to perform
simulations. Laboratory work was the second part of the research. Transmit/receive
hardware system and test environment were set up to couple a single-element
piezoelectric transducer. LABVIEW 2015 software was used to acquire and process the
signals from the hardware system that used to analyse the received signals from the test
There also were few discussions with the midwives in Horten Kommune
Helsestasjon who helped to understand the check-ups procedures for pregnant women
and available techniques. The continuous fetal heartbeat monitoring system as a
solution to a stillbirth reduction and fetal well-being monitoring was discussed with
There are some approximations made in Field II:
The received signals from the point scatterers are then calculated for each line in
the image defined by focusing scheme. The resulted RF signal is then found by the
summing the received signals from the scatterers. RF signal is an adopted term from the
communication engineering field and it states for radio frequency. This term is
accepted and used in ultrasound field. The received RF signal is a voltage output signal
of the beamformer [67].
4.2 Fetus and Pregnant Woman Design Parameters
It is important to investigate the anatomy of the abdomen of the pregnant
woman for the transducer to be attached. The third trimester of gestation is chosen for
the study with a woman having one fetus. During the third trimester, the baby does not
make big movements and eventually stays at one position with a head down [68]. The
abdomen of a pregnant woman consists of the abdominal wall, uterine wall and
amniotic fluid surrounding a fetus [68], as depicted in Figure 4-1. Since baby is big
enough to occupy uterus during the most of the third trimester period, the thickness of
the amniotic fluid is neglected for the simulations.
It is important to define woman weight which will be considered for the study.
The weight of the woman affects the thickness of the abdominal and uterine walls.
These thicknesses will define the distance of the transducer to a fetal heart. Table 4-1
shows the parameters used to perform simulation which were taken from the studies
[69], [72].
Table 4-1: Woman size parameters.
Variable Range
Mean, (range)
Abdominal wall depth is measured from the abdominal wall surface to the
anterior wall of the amniotic sac. Posterior uterine wall depth is defined as the distance
from the abdominal wall surface to the posterior uterine wall surface. Figure 4-2 shows
the schematics of the woman abdomen.
Figure 4-2: Schematic drawing of the woman abdomen, 1 abdominal wall depth, 2 -
uterine wall thickness, 3 posterior uterine wall depth.
Posterior uterine wall depth was calculated from the symphysis-fundal height
(SFH) measurements. For simplicity of calculations, it was assumed that uterine has a
circular shape. SFH is a height of the uterus which changes according to a gestation age
[73], depicted in Figure 4-3. It is measured from the top of the uterus to the pubic bone
as shown in Figure 4-4.
Figure 4-3: SFH measurements versus gestational age, provided by midwives from
Horten kommune helsetjenesten for barn og unge.
= 2, (4.1)
2 (4.2)
= ,
Table 4-2 shows SFH measurements extracted from the Figure 4-3 and
calculated posterior uterine all depth for the third gestation trimester.
Table 4-2: Posterior uterine wall depth and SFH change according to a gestation age.
Figure 4-4: Schematic of SFH measurement procedure.
The heart wall consists of the three major layers such as endocardium,
myocardium and epicardium surrounded by pericardium sac. The total thickness of
these layers is around 1-2 mm for a fetal heart [74], [75]. The heart sizes change during
the gestational age progression. Table 4-3 shows the cardiac sizes for the third
trimester which are assumed for the simulation.
Table 4-3: Cardiac sizes for the third trimester [76], [77].
shown in Figure 4-5. The size of each element is 1 mm. The transducer is always
positioned at (0, 0, 0) coordinates.
Transducer aperture radius is the design parameter for the transducer that will
be varied for simulations to investigate the problem. Table 4-4 summarizes the design
parameters used during the simulations.
Parameters Value
5 mm
Transducer radius
2 mm
Ultrasound image and schematic of the fetal heart are shown in Figure 4-6. Based
on these images, the fetal heart is assumed to have a circular shape for 2-D B-mode
image construction in Field II.
Figure 4-6: Ultrasound image of the fetal heart (right) and its schematics with identified
heart constituents: LV (left ventricle), RV (right ventricle), ventricular septum,
moderator band, pulmonary veins, atrial septum and crux [78].
The heart model consists of the heart with a heart wall filled with blood and a
surrounding tissue. Two radii, 1 and 2 are introduced to define the thickness of the
heart wall. Figure 4-7 illustrates a proposed heart model. Heart phantom is then
constructed by the generation of random point scatterers and deterministic scaled
amplitudes. The point scatterers are given the amplitude properties of tissue or blood.
The blood cells are mainly responsible for the scattering when ultrasound interacts with
blood. Scattering is very weak from the blood cells since blood cells have very small
micrometre sizes as compared to a heart wall muscle tissue. Therefore, it is assumed
that the amplitude of point scatterers inside the heart is zero. Heart tissue is a highly
scattered region and its amplitude is set to 10. The background tissue is responsible to
simulate the realistic surrounding environment around the fetal heart. The number of
background point scatterers is a varied parameter to simulate different background
conditions. Increasing the amplitude and number of scatterers will increase their
scattering properties which will make difficult to distinguish the heart wall boundaries
in a noisy environment.
Figure 4-7: Heart model for Field II simulation, r1 and r2 are heart wall radii.
Table 4-5 summarizes the amplitude properties of the point scatterers for blood,
heart muscle and background tissue used for simulation.
Table 4-5: Amplitude scaling factors for blood, heart wall and surrounding tissue.
Blood 0
Heart wall 10
Surrounding tissue 1
The simulated B-mode images of the heart were received in Field II. B-mode
images were simulated with linear array transducer with 192 elements. These images
are used to view the heart phantom and its position relative to the transducer surface.
Number of scatterers was varied to receive different granular textures. Table 4-6
summarizes the number of simulations performed for this part.
Table 4-6: Simulation of the heart phantom with varied number of scatterers.
1 1 000
2 10 000
3 200 000
4 1 000 000
The heart movements or beatings were imitated by the changing the heart
radius. The radius change was assumed to behave as a sinusoid, as depicted in Figure
The radii of the heart wall were changed imitating the heart beating. Figure 4-9
shows the flow chart of the simulation design.
Figure 4-9: The flow chart of the simulation model, where r1 and r2 are the heart wall
radii, R is a radius of the transducer aperture, f0 is the central frequency.
The received signal is recorded once the heart wall radii change. One cardiac
cycle was simulated. RF signals are analytically analysed after they were recorded. The
simulation is divided into four case studies which are case study A, B, C and D. Case
study A is a case where the heart phantom is a highly scattered region and the
background tissue is a weakly scattered region. In case study B, the surrounding tissue
is now highly scattered region and heart is a weak scattered region. Case studies C and
D analyse the situation when the heart position due to baby movements or transducer
location can be displaced. The heart position is slightly shifted in x-direction in Case
study C. The phantom is then shifted in z-direction in case study D. The design
parameters are further specified in below subsections.
34 Case Study A
Table 4-7: Simulation design parameters for Case study A.
Phantom Heart amplitude Blood amplitude
10 0 1
One cardiac cycle which includes systole and diastole is simulated with a heart
rate of 140 bpm or 2.33 Hz of the heart frequency.
The design parameters used in the case study B are shown in Table 4-8. In this
study, heart muscle is a weakly scattered region and background tissue is a highly
scattered region. The amplitude of the heart muscle is now scaled to 1, and the
amplitude of the background is scaled to 10. Other design parameters remain
unchanged from the case study A.
1 0 10
36 Case Study C
The heart centre position is slightly moved in x-direction. The previous centre
of the heart ( , ) was (0, 70). The changed position in this case is (10, 70). The
scatterer box is widened and it has dimensions of 140 mm 30 mm 140 mm. The
design parameters are summarized in Table 4-9.
Phantom Heart amplitude Blood amplitude
1 0 10
Figure 4-11: Possible movements of the transducer and a fetus assumed in simulation
for case study C and D.
37 Case Study D
For this simulation, the heart position is then placed further away from the
transducer surface. This simulation is also used to analyse the situation if the fetus is
moved in z-direction away from the transducer or posterior uterine wall depth is
thicker. The heart centre coordinates are changed from (0, 70) to (0, 90). Phantom is
then placed 107 mm away from the transducer surface. Dimension of the scatterer box
is changed to 140 mm 30 mm 160 mm. Design parameters are summarized in Table
Phantom Heart amplitude Blood amplitude
1 0 10
More detailed explanation of the system performance can be obtained from the
ultrasound group in the Department of Micro- and Nanosystem Technology.
5.1 B-mode Heart Image
B-mode images were simulated with varied number of randomly generated point
scatterers (Figure 5-1). This allows modelling a speckle. Speckle is a grainy texture
arises from the constructive and destructive interference of these scatterers [79]. The
simulated phantom can be used for Doppler shift simulations.
Figure 5-1: B-mode images of the phantom with varied number of scatterers (N): (a)
N=1000, (b) N=10 000, (c) 200 000 and (d) N=1 000 000.
B-mode image with number of scatterers N=200 000 and 1 000 000 are
statistically equal. It was required 18 hours to build the heart phantom with one million
scatterers as compared to the image with 200 000 scatterers which took 4 hours. B-
mode image with N equal to 200 000 is fully developed speckle and these number of
scatterers will be used to construct phantom for Doppler ultrasound.
= = (18 + sin(2 )) = 2 cos(2 )
Figure 5-2: The velocity of the heart movement for one cardiac cycle.
The frequency of the heartbeat is calculated from the heart rate data. Table 5-1
summarizes the heart rate and corresponding frequency of the heartbeat and maximum
velocity data.
Table 5-1: Heart rate, frequency of the heartbeat, fh and corresponding maximum heart
velocity, vmax data.
80 1.33 8.36
() = () sin(20 ), (5.4)
where () is the envelope of the pulse and is given as:
1, 0 < <
() = { 0 , (5.5)
M stands for number of emitted cycles and 0 is a centre frequency.
() = ( 0 ) sin(20 ( 0 ), (5.6)
where is a compression factor, 0 is the time between pulse emission to reception and
0 is a frequency of the received signal. The compression factor, is approximated to
be [48]:
2 (5.7)
=1 ,
where is a velocity of the heart motion and is a speed of sound in tissue and
equals to 1540 m/s.
The Doppler frequency, is the difference of the transmitted and received
frequency and found as [57]:
2| | (5.8)
= 0 0 = ( 1)0 = 0 ,
where is an angle between the ultrasound beam and the velocity vector.
Assuming that the velocity vector and ultrasound beam are at 00 lead to =
1. The Doppler frequencies for heartbeat frequencies of 1.67, 2.33 and 3 Hz are
calculated for the centre frequency of 2 MHz, as shown in Table 5-2.
The task of true and simulated Doppler instrument is to be able to detect such
small frequency shifts. It is mostly impossible to detect small shifts with pulsed Doppler
since the downshift in frequency due to attenuation will dominate over the Doppler
frequency shift. Another method to analyse the Doppler system is a computation of the
time shifts between the consecutive received pulses. Two consecutive received signals
are compared. The time between the transmit pulses is . The movement of the heart
scatterers will yield a small displacement in their positions which can be countered as a
shift in time relative to the pulse shift. The second received signal (2 ) will be shifted in
time as compare to the first received signals (1 ) as [48]:
2 = 1 ( ) , (5.9)
where is a time shift. The velocity can be estimated by measuring the distance
travelled during a certain time interval. The mean velocity is then the distance travelled
divided by the time. The time displacement or time shift, between the successive
received signals is [57]:
2 2 (5.10)
= = ,
where is an imaging depth. Therefore, the time shift is proportional to the velocity of
the heart movement. The equation 5.10 can be rewritten as:
= , (5.11)
2 (5.12)
= .
Figure 5-3 shows B-mode image of the heart located at 8.7 cm from the
transducer surface. The image shows that the heart wall is highly scattered and a
surrounding tissue is a weakly scattered region.
Figure 5-3: B-mode image of the heart phantom located at 87mm from the transducer
The beam profile and heart position in the pressure field can be seen in the
Figure 5-4 with a piston transducer having 5 mm aperture.
Figure 5-4: Beam profile for a round flat aperture with 5 mm radius with a heart
position in the pressure field for case study A.
The time, for the first transmitted and received signal by a transducer should be:
2 2(87)
= = = 1.13 104 .
First, signals were received from the stationary structure when the radius of the
heart does not change. Figure 5-5 shows the summed RF signals and Figure 5-6 shows
individual RF lines for each transmitted pulses. Delay time, for the first received
signal is found from the Figure 5-5 and it is equal to 1.217 104 which is slightly
different from the computed value. Transmitted pulse is reflected from the front and
back wall of the heart, as seen in Figure 5-5. The amplitudes of the received signals are
much lower for the back heart wall as compared to the amplitudes of the received
signals from the front heart wall. The reason for it may be the position of the back heart
wall which is located in a pressure field with a lower intensity. The blood region is
observed where no RF lines are received. There are no time shifts observed between the
received signals since the phantom is stationary (Figure 5-6).
Blood region
RF data were received when radii of the heart changed imitating a heartbeat for
one cardiac cycle. Figure 5-7 shows the heart wall radii change. The phase shifts
between consecutive received signals were calculated and analysed (Table 5-3). Figure
5-9 illustrates the received signals due to a number of pulse emissions. The received
signals are shown on top of each other. The phase shifts with respect to the red line in
the figure are extracted. Velocity of the heart scatterers were calculated using equation
5.10 and assuming that the velocity vector and ultrasound beam are at 00.
2 3
1 4
0 5 10
6 9
7 8
Figure 5-7: The change of the heart radii over one cardiac cycle.
Blood region
Figure 5-8: Summed received signals from the heart phantom for case study A.
Front heart wall Blood Back heart wall
Table 5-3: Time shifts between consecutive signals and measured velocity of the heart
scatterers for case study A.
0 1 0.8 14.54
1 2 0.5 8.95
2 3 0.0 0.00
3 4 -0.2 -3.58
4 5 -0.8 -14.32
5 6 -0.4 -7.16
6 7 -0.8 -14.32
7 8 0.0 0.00
8 9 0.8 14.32
9 10 0.4 7.16
Figure 5-10 illustrates the resulting sampled signal which is the time shifts
between the received signals for 11 transmitted pulses. The time shift is proportional to
the velocity of the heart movement. The constant sampled values will result if the heart
is stationary. The changing values are measured when heart beats as shown in the
Figure 5-10.
The measured velocities from the time shifts are compared with actual velocities
of the heart scatterers, as shown in Figure 5-11.
Figure 5-10: Sampled signal. Time shifts between the received signals for 11 transmitted
pulses. Case study A.
Figure 5-11: Graph of the measured and actual velocities of the heart scatterers for case
study A.
Time shifts from 2 to 3 and from 7 to 8 are expected to be 0 s since there are
no changes of the heart radii as seen in Figure 5-7.
Figure 5-12 shows the M-mode image of the heartbeat over one cardiac cycle.
This image shows the movement of the heart over time. It can be seen that the
movement has a sinusoidal shape with increased and decreased heart wall radii.
The amplitude of the heart wall is scaled to 10 and the amplitude of the
surrounding tissue is scaled to 1. Heart phantom B-mode image is shown in Figure 5-13.
It is seen that the heart wall is hardly visible due to increased background amplitude.
Figure 5-13: B-mode image of the heart phantom for case study B. The heart wall
boundaries are hardly distinguishable.
Figure 5-14 shows the summed received RF signals for 11 transmit pulses. There
are additional signals present as compared with the summed received signals in case
study A. These extra signals should come from the highly scattered surrounding
background tissue. Figure 5-15 illustrates individual RF lines for each transmit pulse.
Received signals from background tissue, front and back heart walls and blood can be
visualized in the figure.
Blood region
Figure 5-15: Received signals for 11 transmit pulses for case study B. The point indicates
the maximum amplitude found in overall received signals.
Table 5-4 shows the time shifts between the received RF lines. Figure 5-15 is
used to calculate time shifts between the consecutive received RF lines.
Table 5-4: Time shift calculation between consecutive received RF lines and measured
velocities of the heart scatterers. Case study B.
0 1 0.5 8.95
1 2 0.5 8.95
2 3 0.0 0.00
3 4 -1.0 -17.91
4 5 -0.4 -7.16
5 6 -0.6 -10.74
6 7 -0.7 -12.53
7 8 0.0 0.00
8 9 1.1 19.70
9 10 0.7 12.53
Figure 5-16: Sampled signal. Phase shift between the consecutive received signals for
case study B.
It is possible to find velocities of the heart scatterers from the time shifts. Figure
5-17 shows measured and actual velocities of the phantom scatterers.
Figure 5-17: Measured and actual velocities of the heart scatterers. Case study B.
Figure 5-18 illustrates M-mode image of the heartbeat. This image shows the movement
of the heart over time. It can be seen that the movement has a sinusoidal shape with
increased and decreased heart wall radii. There are additional movements present in
the image which can be due to scattering from the surrounding tissue.
Figure 5-19: B-mode image of the heart phantom for case study C.
Figure 5-20: Beam profile of the 5 mm transducer aperture and position of the heart in
the pressure field. Case study C.
The heart position is moved to 2 cm away from the transducer central beam.
The radius of the transducer aperture is 5 mm. Figure 5-21 and Figure 5-22 depict
received RF lines. The received signals from the back heart wall are weak. The time
shifts from the front heart wall received signals are calculated using Figure 5-22.
Blood region
Figure 5-21: Received RF lines for 11 transmit pulses for case study C with a transducer
aperture of 5 mm.
Background Front heart wall Blood
Table 5-5 shows calculated time shifts between the successive received signals
and measured velocity. The velocity was found using the equation 5.10 with = 00
which is an angle between the transducer probe and velocity vector. The blood region is
reduced as seen in Figure 5-21. The reason may be due to the position of the heart
which is not directly located in the central lobe of the pressure field.
Table 5-5: Time shifts calculation between consecutive received RF lines. Case study C.
1 2 0.6 10.74
2 3 0.0 0.00
3 4 -0.6 -10.74
4 5 -0.9 -16.12
5 6 -1.2 -21.49
6 7 -1.0 -17.91
7 8 0.0 0.00
8 9 1.0 17.91
9 10 0.6 10.74
Figure 5-23 shows the sampled signal resulted from the sampling of the received
signals at one time instance. The time shifts are proportional to velocity of the heart
movement. Velocity of the heart phantom is then plotted and shown in Figure 5-24.
Figure 5-23: Sampled signal. Phase shifts between the successive signals for 11 transmit
Figure 5-24: Measured and actual velocities of the heart scatterers. Case study C.
57 Aperture Radius is 2 mm
The transducer aperture radius was changed to 2 mm. Figure 5-25 depicts the
beam profile from the transducer and the position of the heart in the pressure field.
Figure 5-25: The beam profile for a round flat transducer with 2 mm aperture. The
position of the heart is shown in the pressure field. Case study C.
It is seen in Figure 5-26 that the received signals from the back heart wall are
stronger as compared to the 5 mm radius aperture.
Blood region
Figure 5-26: Summed received RF lines for 11 transmit pulses. Case study C.
Figure 5-27: Individual RF lines for 11 transmit pulses. Transmit and received aperture
radius is 2 mm. Case study C.
Time shifts between the successive received signals were extracted from Figure
5-27. Table 5-6 shows calculated time shifts and measured velocity of the heart
phantom. Velocity of the heart was calculated with equation 5.10. The angle between
the velocity vector and a transducer beam is assumed to be 00.
0 1 0.9 16.12
1 2 0.7 12.53
2 3 0.0 0.00
3 4 -0.6 -10.74
4 5 -1.5 -26.86
5 6 -0.7 -12.53
6 7 -0.9 -16.12
7 8 0.0 0.00
8 9 0.9 16.12
9 10 0.7 12.53
Figure 5-28 shows the sampled signal which is the time shifts between the
consecutive received signals for 11 transmit pulses. Velocity of the heart phantom is
then found from the time shifts. Figure 5-29 shows actual and measured velocity of the
heart phantom.
Figure 5-28: Sampled signal. Phase shift between the successive received signals.
Figure 5-29: Actual and measured velocity of the heart phantom. Case study C.
5.2.4 Case Study D
Heart phantom is placed further away from the transducer surface. Phantom is
moved to 2 cm away from the transducer surface. The distance between transducer and
the phantom is 10.7 cm. Figure 5-30 depicts B-mode image of the heart phantom
position. Figure 5-31 shows the beam profile of the transducer and the heart position in
the pressure field.
Figure 5-30: B-mode image of the phantom placed at 107 mm away from the transducer
Figure 5-31: Beam profile for a transducer of 5 mm aperture. The heart is positioned in
the pressure field.
Figure 5-32 shows the summed received RF signals. Amplitude of the received
signals from the back heart wall is much lower as for the amplitudes of the front heart
wall. It can be due to the position of the heart since the intensity of the pressure field is
lower for the back side of the cardiac muscle. Figure 5-33 illustrates individual traces of
the received RF lines for 11 transmit pulses. Signals from the back heart wall are hardly
visible. Time shifts at one time instance are extracted from the figure.
Blood region
Figure 5-32: Summed RF lines for received signals for case study D.
Table 5-7 shows the calculated time shifts between the successive received RF
lines and measured velocity of the heart phantom. Time shifts are proportional to
velocities of the heart scatterers. Velocity of the phantom is calculated with the equation
5.10. The angle between the velocity vector and transducer beam is assumed to be 00.
Table 5-7: Time shifts calculation between consecutive received RF line and measured
velocity of the heart phantom.
Figure 5-34 shows the sampled signal which is time shifts obtained at one time
instance for successive RF lines. Measured and actual velocities of the heart phantom
are shown in Figure 5-35.
Figure 5-34: Sampled signal. Phase shift between the successive received signals.
Figure 5-35: Measured and actual velocity of the heart phantom. Case study D.
() = () ( 1). (5.15)
There is another way to find a phase difference. The received signal can be multiplied
with a conjugate of the previous received signal [48]:
( 1) (5.16)
() = ( ) ( ).
() ( 1)
This strategy was used to find the phase difference between the received signals.
Figure 5-37: Hardware set up for transmit and receive system for a transducer.
Round small and soft ball was taken for the experiment. The ball was placed into
the container with water. First, the transducer was moved up and down vertically and
phase shifts were displayed. Figure 5-38 shows two windows with resulted M-mode
image and phase shifts.
(a) (b)
Figure 5-38: (a) M-mode image and (b) phase difference between the successive
received signals.
Second, the transducer was moved across the ball which allowed visualizing a
ball and its depth. Figure 5-39 shows M-mode image and obtained phase difference
between the consecutive received signals. The shape of the ball can be imaged when
transducer is moved across it.
(a) (b)
Figure 5-39: (a) M-mode image and (b) phase difference between the successive
received signals.
Most of the stillbirths are preventable and depend on the access to a healthcare
and early detection. However, access to a healthcare is not always possible, especially in
low-income countries. Even in high-income countries, it is not always possible to
provide an immediate medical help to women who may complain about reduced fetal
movements [1], [80]. It is economically expensive to keep pregnant women in the
hospital if she feels worried about her baby. It is a common practice that pregnant
woman should return home if her worries were not justified. Therefore, it is important
to have a portable cheap device that can track fetal well-being independently of the
medical staff availability.
6.1 Simulations
This simulated Doppler ultrasound transducer operates by transmitting and
receiving acoustic echoes from the moving heart phantom. RF lines were recorded for
different positions of the scatterers over time instants. The scatterer motion was
tracked based on sampling over a defined time period. The background image was
static and the radii of the heart changed imitating a heartbeat. Received RF lines for
front heart wall have higher amplitudes as compared to the amplitudes of the received
signals from the back heart wall for all case studies. Since no attenuation was set in
Field II, the possible reason is that less energy propagates through the heart to the back
heart wall. The back heart wall is positioned in the pressure field with a lower intensity.
The time shifts between the successive RF line signals were used to analyse Doppler
shifts and to find velocity of the heart movement. The velocity of the heart phantom
movement was found from the sampled signal when one sample value is taken from
each RF line.
the difference from sample point to another sample point. The discrete time can be a
factor for the numerical artifacts. Quantitative analysis of the simulation errors was
performed by Jensen [82]. The accuracy of the pulse-echo response was found to be a
function of the sampling frequency.
Figure 6-1: The accuracy of the pulse-echo impulse response for rectangles and
bounding lines transducer elements as a function of the sampling frequency [82].
Rectangular transducer elements were used for the simulation and the sampling
frequency was set to 100 MHz. From the above Figure 6-1, it is seen that 100 MHz
sampling frequency will result in 20% relative error for accurate computations of the
received RF signals. Therefore, the accuracy of the simulation depends on the choice of
the sampling frequency. It is considered that increasing the sampling frequency
provides fine transmitted pulse which will results in accurate results for further
summations and convolutions operations. However, limitations should be applied for
the choice of the sampling frequency. First, high sampling frequency above 100 MHz
will result in increased number of samples to compute which may be a non-realistic
during the real-time performance. Second, Field II functions reliably with 100 MHz
sampling frequency and does better approximate calculations [62]. Third, the process of
finding sampling frequency arbitrary for each case can tedious and non-reliable.
6.1.2 Case Study C and D
Case study C and D are the most realistic situations if Doppler ultrasound
technique is used for continuous monitoring. The challenge of this continuous
monitoring is that transducer central beam may not be directed always at the fetal heart
due to baby movements or if transducer is displaced during exploitation. Therefore, it is
important to investigate whether it is still possible to detect heartbeat if the central
beam of the transducer is not at the heart position. It was considered to use a
transducer with a smaller aperture as in case study C. The beam profile can be analyzed
from the beam divergence half-angle, . The angle is given by [51]:
0.61 (6.1)
= sin1 ( ),
where is a aperture radius. The beam divergence half-angles were found for 5 mm and
2 mm apertures and equal to 5.390 and 13.580 respectively. Figure 6-2 shows the
dependence of the beam divergence half-angle on the aperture radius. As the radius
increases the central lobe narrows and the number of side lobes increases. This
tendency is also observed from the beam profile figures for 5 and 2 mm aperture radius
(Figure 5-20 and Figure 5-25).
Figure 6-2: The far-field pressure directivity function D() for a=2 (top polar graph)
and for a=4 (bottom polar graph) with given beam divergence half-angle, _R.
The measured and actual velocities are in a good agreement with each other for
5 mm transducer aperture. However, when the transducer aperture was changed to 2
mm, the measured velocity of the heart phantom has more errors. There are more
received signals from the surrounding tissue with 2 mm transducer aperture leading to
non-accurate result for measured velocity.
If the heart position is moved further away in depth (z-direction) from the
transducer surface as in case study D, it is still possible to analyze velocity of the
heartbeat. The back heart wall is hardly visible. However, the movement of the front
heart wall should be enough to extract velocity movement data. Therefore, the
detectability of the heart movement is mostly affected when transducer is shifted in x-
direction. It was noticed that when the aperture is decreased, there were more
scattered signals from the surrounding tissue. However, with 2 mm aperture it was still
possible to detect heart movements. If the baby is moved further away from the central
lobe then it will get more difficult to detect a heartbeat. However, when the position of
the heart is moved further in x- and z-directions, no significant changes in the received
RF signals were observed. This might be a limitation of the Field II that it cannot
incorporate these changes.
Convex shape of the transducer can be considered for this application. Convex
transducer has wider field of view radiating energy broadly. This shape of the
transducer can be more suitable to detect heart movements and can solve problems
that flat piston cannot. Figure 6-3 shows the beam profile for convex shape transducer
with 5 mm aperture simulated by Field II. The beam width is much wider as compared
with the flat transducer of 5 mm aperture used for case studies.
Figure 6-3: Beam profile for a one element convex transducer with 5 mm aperture.
Therefore, convex shape provides a wide beam profile with a large aperture as
compared to a flat piston transducer.
6.2 Laboratory work
Laboratory work was performed to analyse how single-element transducer
functions. Phase shifts between the received signals can be extracted from the moving
object. The test environment consists of the ball placed into container filled with water.
It was not possible to have any real-life environment as it would require a pregnant
woman to participate. Ultrasound is considered to be safe for a mother and a fetus.
However, at this stage of the research, it is not ethical to perform any real-life
experiments. This set up can be improved and used for further studies. Other types of
the transducers can be connected to a transmit/receive system. Based on the phase
shifts, this system is also able to produce M-mode image which also can be used to track
heart movements. M-mode imaging can be one of the options that can be included into
continuous monitoring system to track fetal well-being.
The proposed idea to have a continuous fetal heartbeat monitoring is found to be
one of the solutions to reduce number of stillbirths. Discussions with midwives and
doctor from Horten Kommune Helsestasjon and also from literature [27], [5], [85], [86]
led to a conclusion that continuous monitoring can help to reduce pregnancy
complications and even stillbirth. Continuous monitoring will provide better tracking of
the fetus health and small changes of the fetus well-being will be recorded. Therefore,
pregnant women can get immediate help if it is required.
It is hard to adopt traditional Doppler ultrasound transducer for home use. The
robustness of the system can be improved if transducer aperture decreases. Wider
transducer beam will be able to catch the fetal heartbeat. However, transducer aperture
of 2 mm results only in 13.580 of beam divergence half-angle. Therefore, it may not be
always possible to detect fetal heartbeat due to the transducer displacement or fetus`s
movements. The system then becomes unreliable and problematic for long-term
Amniotic fluid A fluid surrounding a fetus
Amniotic sac A fluid-filled sac that contains and protects a fetus in a womb
Diastole Part of the cardiac cycle when the heart refills with blood
Endocardium Inner layer of the heart wall that lines the chambers of the heart
Pericardium Doubled-wall sac containing the heart and the roots of the great
Placenta Organ that connects the fetus to the uterine wall to allow
nutrient uptake
Umbilical artery Paired artery that is found in the abdominal and pelvic regions.
It extends into the umbilical cord.
x = (rand (N,1)-0.5)*x_size;
y = (rand (N,1)-0.5)*y_size;
z = rand (N,1)*z_size + z_start;
% heart radii
r1=18/1000; % Radii [mm]
xc=0/1000; % Place of heart [mm]
positions=[x y z];
Transducer Simulation Script
xdc_impulse (xmit_aperture, impulse_response);
xdc_excitation (xmit_aperture, excitation);
if ~exist('pht_data.mat')
disp('Scatterer positions should be made by the script mk_pht')
disp('before this script can be run')
load pht_data
z_focus=60/1000; % Transmit focus
for i=[1:no_lines]
if ~exist(file_name)
x= -image_width/2 +(i-1)*d_x;
% Set the focus for this direction with the proper reference point
cmd=['save rf_data/rf_ln',num2str(i),'.mat rf_data tstart'];
disp(['Line ',num2str(i),' is being made by another machine.'])
xdc_free (xmit_aperture)
xdc_free (receive_aperture)
for i=1:no_lines
cmd=['load rf_data/rf_ln',num2str(i),'.mat'];
rf_env=abs(hilbert([zeros(round(tstart*fs-min_sample),1); rf_data]));
% Do logarithmic compression
disp('Doing interpolation')
for i=1:n
xlabel('Lateral distance [mm]')
ylabel('Axial distance [mm]')
axis([-70 70 35 160])
%% Main script to simulate heart wall movements and to receive RF lines
clc; clear; close all;
%% variables
N = 200000;
f_heart = 2.33;
Thm = 1/f_heart;
Nhm = 10; %Number of transmit pulses=Nhm+1
%t_2bps=[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
r1=(18 + 1*sin(2*pi*f_heart*(t_2bps)))./1000;
r2=(16 + 1*sin(2*pi*f_heart*(t_2bps)))./1000;
% create struct
results = struct(); % empty struct
for ii = 1:length(r1)
% call function heart_pht
[phantom_positions, phantom_amplitudes] = heart_pht(N, r1(ii), r2(ii));
save pht_data.mat phantom_positions phantom_amplitudes
figure(91); hold on
for ii =0:size(results,2)-1
%plot(results(ii+1).t2, ii+abs(hilbert(results(ii+1).v./2)), 'k')
plot(results(ii+1).t2, ii+((results(ii+1).v./2)), 'k')
[tmax, indtmax] = max(results(ii+1).v);
plot(results(ii+1).t2(indtmax), ii+results(ii+1).v(indtmax)./2, 'ob')
xlabel('Time [s]', 'FontSize', 12)
ylabel('RF lines', 'Fontsize', 12)
[tmax, indtmax] = max(results(1).v);
plot([results(1).t2(indtmax), results(1).t2(indtmax)], [0, ii+1], 'r')
xlim([1.1e-4, 1.8e-4])
save('results', 'results')
Script for Transducer Simulation
xdc_excitation (Th, excitation);
% Do the calculation
[v,t]=calc_scat_multi(Th, Th, phantom_positions, phantom_amplitudes);
%calculate the received signals from the collections of scatterers for all
the elements in the aperture
% hold off
%title('Individual traces')
xlabel('Time [s]')
ylabel('Normalized response')
%% update t
t2 = (0:N-1)/fs+t;
nfft = 2^nextpow2(10*L);
% V = V(nfft/2:end);
figure(2); hold on
plot(f/1e6, fftshift(abs(V)));
xlabel('f [MHz]')
for time=0:1:length(t_2bps)-1
%env_gray = env;
imagesc(x,(depth*1000),env_gray,[0 dynamicRange]);
xlabel('No. of transmit pulses');
ylabel('Depth [mm]');
hold off
function Th=define_transducer(TR)
% function Th=define_transducer(TR)
% Define transducer for use in Field II
% TR Struct containing transducer specification
% Th Pointer to transducer aperture, from Field II
xdc_impulse(Th, impulse_response);
Th = define_transducer(TR);
Appendix E: LABVIEW Process state
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Figure 2-1: Fetal monitoring system. An ultrasound transducer measures fetal heartbeat
while a tokodynamometer measures uterine activity [17]. .......................................................... 5
Figure 2-2: Non-stress test shows normal fetal heart rate accelerations. ................................ 6
Figure 2-3: Umbilical Doppler velocimetry. Normal umbilical artery blood flow as seen
with a forward flow in diastole and normal S/D ratio [12]. .......................................................... 8
Figure 2-4: Kick counter wristband [37]. .............................................................................................10
Figure 2-5: Kickme- baby kicks counter Android mobile application [38]. ..........................10
Figure 2-6: Fetal Doppler heart sound monitor device displaying fetal heart rate [39]. 11
Figure 2-7: Baby`s heartbeat listener mobile application [40]. ..................................................11
Figure 3-1: The model of the one-dimensional wave propagation hitting the boundary.
Figure 3-2: The schematic of the single element transducer [54]. ............................................18
Figure 3-3: The schematic of a piezoelectric array transducer [54]. .......................................19
Figure 3-4: Doppler frequencies seen by observers at different location and at the angles
relative to the direction of the source: (A) 0, (B) 90, (C) 270, (D) 45 [57]. ..................21
Figure 3-5: Sampled signal from blood vessel. The left graph shows the received signals
for each transmitted pulse, and the right graph is the sampled signal [49]. .......................22
Figure 4-1: Anatomy of the woman in the third trimester of gestation. ..................................26
Figure 4-2: Schematic drawing of the woman abdomen, 1 abdominal wall depth, 2 -
uterine wall thickness, 3 posterior uterine wall depth. ..............................................................27
Figure 4-3: SFH measurements versus gestational age, provided by midwives from
Horten kommune helsetjenesten for barn og unge. .........................................................................28
Figure 4-4: Schematic of SFH measurement procedure. ................................................................29
Figure 4-5: Piston transducer divided into 1mm mathematical elements. ............................30
Figure 4-6: Ultrasound image of the fetal heart (right) and its schematics with identified
heart constituents: LV (left ventricle), RV (right ventricle), ventricular septum,
moderator band, pulmonary veins, atrial septum and crux [78]. ..............................................31
Figure 4-7: Heart model for Field II simulation. .................................................................................32
Figure 4-8: Heart movement assumption used for simulation. ...................................................33
Figure 4-9: The flow chart of the simulation model, where r1 and r2 are the heart wall
radii, R is a radius of the transducer aperture, f0 is the central frequency. ...........................34
Figure 4-10: Transducer placement assumption for simulation of Case study A. ...............35
Figure 4-11: Possible movements of the transducer and a fetus assumed in simulation
for case study C and D. ..................................................................................................................................37
Figure 5-1: B-mode images of the phantom with varied number of scatterers (N): (a)
N=1000, (b) N=10 000, (c) 200 000 and (d) N=1 000 000........................................................40
Figure 5-2: The velocity of the heart movement for one cardiac cycle. ...................................41
Figure 5-3: B-mode image of the heart phantom located at 87mm from the transducer
surface. .................................................................................................................................................................44
Figure 5-4: Beam profile for a round flat aperture with 5 mm radius with a heart
position in the pressure field for case study A. ..................................................................................45
Figure 5-5: RF data received by a transducer. ....................................................................................46
Figure 5-6: Individual RF lines for non-moving heart wall. ..........................................................46
Figure 5-7: The change of the heart radii over one cardiac cycle. ..............................................47
Figure 5-8: Summed received signals from the heart phantom for case study A. ...............47
Figure 5-9: Received signals for each RF line. .....................................................................................48
Figure 5-10: Sampled signal. Time shifts between the received signals for 11 transmitted
pulses. Case study A. ......................................................................................................................................49
Figure 5-11: Graph of the measured and actual velocities of the heart scatterers for case
study A..................................................................................................................................................................49
Figure 5-12: M-mode image of one cardiac cycle. .............................................................................50
Figure 5-13: B-mode image of the heart phantom for case study B. The heart wall
boundaries are hardly distinguishable. .................................................................................................50
Figure 5-14: Summed received RF lines for case study B. .............................................................51
Figure 5-15: Received signals for 11 transmit pulses for case study B. The point indicates
the maximum amplitude found in overall received signals. .........................................................51
Figure 5-16: Sampled signal. Phase shift between the consecutive received signals for
case study B........................................................................................................................................................53
Figure 5-17: Measured and actual velocities of the heart scatterers. Case study B. ...........53
Figure 5-18: M-mode image of one cardiac cycle. .............................................................................54
Figure 5-19: B-mode image of the heart phantom for case study C. .........................................54
Figure 5-20: Beam profile of the 5 mm transducer aperture and position of the heart in
the pressure field. Case study C.................................................................................................................55
Figure 5-21: Received RF lines for 11 transmit pulses for case study C with a transducer
aperture of 5 mm. ............................................................................................................................................55
Figure 5-22: Individual RF lines for 11 transmit pulses. Case study C. ....................................56
Figure 5-23: Sampled signal. Phase shifts between the successive signals for 11 transmit
pulses. ...................................................................................................................................................................57
Figure 5-24: Measured and actual velocities of the heart scatterers. Case study C. ...........57
Figure 5-25: The beam profile for a round flat transducer with 2 mm aperture. The
position of the heart is shown in the pressure field. Case study C. ............................................58
Figure 5-26: Summed received RF lines for 11 transmit pulses. Case study C. ....................58
Figure 5-27: Individual RF lines for 11 transmit pulses. Transmit and received aperture
radius is 2 mm. Case study C. .....................................................................................................................59
Figure 5-28: Sampled signal. Phase shift between the successive received signals. ..........60
Figure 5-29: Actual and measured velocity of the heart phantom. Case study C.................60
Figure 5-30: B-mode image of the phantom placed at 107 mm away from the transducer
surface. .................................................................................................................................................................61
Figure 5-31: Beam profile for a transducer of 5 mm aperture. The heart is positioned in
the pressure field. ............................................................................................................................................61
Figure 5-32: Summed RF lines for received signals for case study D. ......................................62
Figure 5-33: RF lines for 11 transmit pulses. Case study D. ..........................................................62
Figure 5-34: Sampled signal. Phase shift between the successive received signals. ..........63
Figure 5-35: Measured and actual velocity of the heart phantom. Case study D. ................64
Figure 5-36: Schematic representation of the transmit/receive system for ultrasound
transducer. .........................................................................................................................................................65
Figure 5-37: Hardware set up for transmit and receive system for a transducer. ..............65
Figure 5-38: (a) M-mode image and (b) phase difference between the successive
received signals. ...............................................................................................................................................66
Figure 5-39: (a) M-mode image and (b) phase difference between the successive
received signals. ...............................................................................................................................................66
Figure 6-1: The accuracy of the pulse-echo impulse response for rectangles and
bounding lines transducer elements as a function of the sampling frequency [82]. ........69
Figure 6-2: The far-field pressure directivity function D() for a=2 (top polar graph)
and for a=4 (bottom polar graph) with given beam divergence half-angle, _R. ............70
Figure 6-3: Beam profile for a one element convex transducer with 5 mm aperture. ......71
Table 2-1: Examinations tests and their drawbacks for fetal well-being assessment. .................... 8
Table 3-1: Speeds of sound, densities and characteristic impedances data for different mediums
and human tissues [48]. ..................................................................................................................... 14
Table 3-2: Temperature effects induced by ultrasound on a human body [59]. ........................... 23
Table 4-2: Posterior uterine wall depth and SFH change according to a gestation age. ................ 28
Table 4-3: Cardiac sizes for the third trimester [76], [77]. ............................................................. 29
Table 4-5: Amplitude scaling factors for blood, heart wall and surrounding tissue. ..................... 32
Table 4-6: Simulation of the heart phantom with varied number of scatterers. ............................ 33
Table 5-1: Heart rate, frequency of the heartbeat, f_h and corresponding maximum heart
velocity, v_max data............................................................................................................................. 42
Table 5-2: Calculated Doppler frequencies for 2 MHz centre frequency. ....................................... 43
Table 5-3: Time shifts between consecutive signals and measured velocity of the heart
scatterers for case study A. ................................................................................................................. 48
Table 5-4: Time shift calculation between consecutive received RF lines and measured velocities
of the heart scatterers. Case study B. ................................................................................................. 52
Table 5-5: Time shifts calculation between consecutive received RF lines. Case study C. ............ 56
Table 5-6: Time shifts calculation between consecutive received RF lines. ................................... 59
Table 5-7: Time shifts calculation between consecutive received RF line and measured velocity
of the heart phantom. .......................................................................................................................... 63