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Robbing The Poor To Pay The Rich? How The United States Keeps Medicines From The World's Poorest

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Oxfam Briefing Paper


Robbing the
Poor to Pay the
How the United States
keeps medicines from
the worlds poorest
Impressive advances in medicine and technology have boosted
health and extended life expectancy but not for everyone.
Vital new medicines for diseases such as HIV/AIDS are priced
out of reach of the millions of sick people in the developing
world, in part due to global patent rules which restrict the
availability of affordable generic versions of patented
medicines. In 2001, all members of the World Trade Organization
adopted the Doha Declaration, promising to prioritize public
health over private patent rights and to promote access to
medicines for all. This paper examines how the government of
the United States is contravening this commitment by using
technical assistance, bilateral and regional trade agreements,
and the threat of trade sanctions to ratchet up patent protection
in developing countries. This policy benefits the influential U.S.
pharmaceutical industry while pushing medicines further out of
the reach of poor people.

Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003 1
Executive summary
In 2001, WTO members unanimously adopted the Doha Declaration,1 which
affirmed the primacy of public health over international patent rules. Trade
ministers recognized that WTO patent rules known as TRIPS lead to
higher drug prices, placing medicines out of reach of patients in poor countries
and undermining public health. They made a commitment to interpret patent
rules in a way that prioritized health standards, and to ensure that countries
too poor to buy branded drugs and unable to make cheap generic substitutes
could obtain medicines more easily.

The United States signed the Doha Declaration, promising to promote access
to medicines for all.2 But in the two years since Doha, it has not only failed to
uphold this commitment but has actively undermined the letter and spirit of the
Declaration. The U.S. Trade Representative is pursuing standards of patent
protection which go far beyond WTO patent rules, and it is doing so regardless
of the devastating impact that this could have on the capacity of developing
countries to treat health problems such as Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndrome (AIDS).

Oxfam believes the U.S. government is pursuing this pro-patent agenda on

behalf of its powerful pharmaceutical lobby, PhRMA.3 The industry has an
interest in strong patent protections, which limit generic competition and
therefore protect its market share and profits. In 2000, the industry contributed
approximately $20,142,583 in campaign contributions, 76 per cent of which
went to the Republican Party.4 In 2003, the industry gave $29,371,406, with
$21,719,527 of that money going to Republicans.5 In addition, it spends
approximately $120 million each year on lobbying. This is a drop in the ocean
compared with its yearly sales: an estimated $400 billion in 2002. The ten
largest U.S. drug companies made $35.9 billion in profit in 2002, with a rate of
return for shareholders of 27.6 per cent, more than two and a half times the
Fortune 500 average of 10.2 per cent.6

We agree that the TRIPS Agreement does not and should not prevent members
from taking measures to protect public health we affirm that the Agreement can
and should be interpreted and implemented in a manner supportive of WTO
members right to protect public health and, in particular, to promote access to
medicines for all. Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health,
paragraph 4.
The lobby group for the U.S. pharmaceutical industry is called PhRMA
(Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America).
The Other Drug War: Big Pharmas 625 Washington Lobbyists, Public Citizen,
www.opensecrets.org website.
Public Citizen, June 2003. Drug Industry Profits 2002: Hefty Pharmaceutical
Industry Margins Dwarf Other Industries.

2 Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003
Fourteen million people die each year from infectious diseases, and more than
42 million people are living with HIV/AIDS, including 3.2 million children under
the age of 15, the majority in developing countries.7 And patients in developing
countries now account for 59 per cent of the 56.5 million annual global deaths
from non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancers,
diabetes, respiratory disease, obesity, and others.8

Much of this suffering and death could be prevented if people had regular
access to medicines, yet one-third of the worlds population does not. Many
factors are responsible, including poverty, lack of finance, and poor health-
service infrastructure but the high cost of new patented medicines is also a
key factor. The absence of cheap generic versions of these medicines means
that poor people must simply go without the drugs that could save or prolong
their lives. The most notorious example is medicines to treat HIV/AIDS, but
the problem will extend to all new medicines whether for drug-resistant strains
of existing killers such as TB, malaria, and pneumonia, new improved
treatments for hepatitis, cancers, diabetes, or treatments for new emerging
diseases, such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) or anthrax.

Poor countries with fewer resources to dedicate to healthcare and medicines

need access to the cheapest drugs available to fight such problems of public
health. But the cheapest generic versions of new patented drugs are being
blocked from developing-country markets by U.S. trade policies on intellectual
property, at the urging of the drug companies that benefit from the monopoly
position that patents confer. 9

During the two years since Doha, the U.S. has contravened the goal of the
Declaration access to medicines for all by pressuring developing
countries to implement TRIPS-plus measures: patent laws which go beyond
TRIPS obligations and do not take advantage of its public-health safeguards.
The USA does this in a number of ways. It provides biased technical
assistance in countries such as Uganda and Nigeria, which benefits its own
industry by increasing drug prices and limiting the availability of generics, but
reducing access. It uses bilateral and regional free trade agreements to
ratchet up patent protection in developing countries. It has recently concluded
free trade agreements with Chile and Singapore and is using the high
intellectual property standards in the latter as a model for negotiations on the
FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas (see OI briefing paper From Cancun
to Miami: the FTAA threat to development in the hemisphere, November 2003)
and with Central American, Southern African, and other countries. And lastly,

Center for Disease Control (CDC) website.
WHO website (http://www.who.int/mediacentre/notes/2003/np21/en/).
Developing countries have access to cheap off-patent generic medicines to treat
many diseases, and some of them have access to generic versions of medicines that
are under patent in certain countries but produced and consumed in other countries
that do not yet offer patent protection for pharmaceutical products. But new
improved medicines coming to market are likely to be patented and therefore
excessively priced. This will be the case for new drugs to treat AIDS, drug-resistant
TB or other infectious diseases, increasing problems like cancer and diabetes, and
new health problems such as SARS.

Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003 3
the U.S. bullies countries into increasing patent protection by threatening
them with trade sanctions under section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974; nearly
all those targeted are developing countries, including countries in compliance
with their WTO obligations. The Costa Rican Pharmaceutical Industry
estimates that the implementation of such TRIPS-plus patent rules would
mean an increase in the cost of medicines of up to 800 per cent, because
these rules would seriously restrict competition from generics.

At the WTO, the U.S. pressured developing countries to accept an

unnecessarily restricted and complex deal which was intended to safeguard
access to generic drugs for countries that are too poor to buy patented drugs
and which lack domestic drug-production capacity. Action on this issue was
promised as part of the Doha Declaration, but regrettably the U.S. and other
rich countries rejected a simple solution initially proposed by developing
countries, the World Health Organization (WHO) and NGOs. The U.S. has
also pressured Cambodia (the first of the least-developed countries [LDCs] to
join the WTO since its foundation) to agree to introduce patenting now, even
though the Doha Declaration permitted the LDCs to defer the introduction of
pharmaceutical patenting until at least 2016. 10

The pro-health interpretation of international patent rules was a key promise

made by rich countries in launching the current Doha Round of trade talks.
This Round has been dubbed the Doha Development Round, since it was
meant to address the needs and interests of poorer countries. But developing
countries are now rightly skeptical, doubting that their rich-country trading
partners especially the U.S. ever intended to focus on development. In the
two years since Doha, the U.S. has been excessively responsive to industry
interests, while failing to consider the importance of generic medicines for
fighting public-health problems in developing countries that lack healthcare
resources. Unless the U.S. adjusts its trade policies to reflect its commitment
at Doha, medicines will be priced further out of reach of poor patients. Millions
of people will suffer or die needlessly because the U.S. government refuses to
look beyond the short-term commercial interests of its drug lobby.

Oxfam recommends the following measures:

WTO members should ensure the simplification of the final TRIPS

amendment aimed at lifting restrictions on the export of affordable generic
versions of new drugs to countries without drug-production capacity.
Unnecessary red tape should be removed, and there should be no
mandatory limits on country eligibility, or on the diseases for which such
medicines can be procured, in keeping with the Doha Declaration. WTO
member states should amend their legislation accordingly.

Negotiations over Cambodias accession have just finished. Cambodia is required
to introduce drug patenting in 2007. In practice, generic competition for new
medicines will be eliminated immediately, because Cambodia has agreed to introduce
restrictions on the use of the clinical trial data needed for the registration of new
medicines. This will delay the entry of generics into the market for five years.

4 Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003
The U.S. should stop using the threat of trade sanctions to bully countries
into adopting TRIPS plus intellectual property protections. TRIPS-plus
rules further limit the availability of affordable generics in countries where
they are urgently needed, and they contravene the Doha Declaration.

The U.S. should also stop using its bilateral trade agreements such as
CAFTA, regional agreements such as the FTAA, or negotiations over to
WTO accession to pressure developing and least-developed countries to
adopt TRIPS-plus patent rules.

The U.S. should provide technical assistance to developing countries that

will benefit public health and access to affordable medicines, rather than
the interests of the pharmaceutical industry.

Developing countries should resist pressures to implement TRIPS-plus

measures, and should make full use of the TRIPS flexibilities, including
but not limited to the recent WTO deal, in order to gain access to
medicines, in line with the Doha Declaration

The international community must continue to monitor the health impacts

of the TRIPS Agreement, and should consider further future reforms to the
Agreement in order to give developing countries greater freedom to decide
the appropriate length and scope of patents protection for medicines
based on the needs of public health. More broadly, evidence from
authoritative sources indicates the need for a substantive review of the
entire TRIPS Agreement in the light of its detrimental impact on
innovation, access to knowledge-based goods, and development.

Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003 5
Robbing the poor to pay the rich
Two years ago, the United States and all other WTO members
agreed that public health should take priority over patent rights,
endorsing the 2001 Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health,
which endorsed access to medicines for all (see Box 1). Lauded as
a victory for developing countries, this important political
commitment has been consistently undermined by American trade
policies and practices which restrict access to affordable drugs and
contradict this pro-health rhetoric. Oxfam believes that such
policies are the result of lobbying by the U.S. pharmaceutical
industry, which induces the administration to protect industry
interests rather than fulfill its promises to developing countries.
Fourteen million people die each year from infectious diseases, and
42 million people now live with HIV/AIDS, including 3.2 million
children under 15.11 The great majority of these patients live in
poor countries where the medicines that would save or prolong
their lives are priced out of reach, in part due to patent provisions
which restrict the availability of cheap generic versions of patented
drugs. And patients in developing countries are increasingly
suffering from non-communicable diseases and health problems
previously associated with rich countries. According to the World
Health Organization, cardiovascular disease, cancers, diabetes,
respiratory disease, obesity and other non-communicable conditions
now account for 59 per cent of the 56.5 million global deaths
annually and 45.9 per cent of the global burden of disease. The
majority of chronic disease problems now occur in developing
The U.S. government has indicated its willingness to back the
efforts of sub-Saharan Africa countries to fight AIDS, malaria, and
tuberculosis, by not enforcing its companies patent rights under
certain conditions. 13 But poor countries with few resources to

Center for Disease Control (CDC) website.
WHO website (http://www.who.int/mediacentre/notes/2003/np21/en/).
The U.S. pledged to permit these [sub-Saharan Africa] countries to override
patents on drugs produced outside their countries in order to fight HIV/AIDS,
malaria, tuberculosis, and other types of infectious epidemics, including those that
may arise in the future. USTR press release U.S. Announces Interim Plan to Help
Poor Countries fight HIV/AIDS and other Health Crises in Absence of WTO
Consensus, December 20, 2002.

6 Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003
dedicate to healthcare healthcareand medicines need access to the
cheapest drugs available to fight a variety of public-health
problems, including the most damaging infectious diseases.
The introduction of generic competition is crucial to bringing down
drug prices in a sustainable way. Patent protections delay the
introduction of cheap generics to drug markets, granting big
pharmaceutical companies a monopoly over their product and thus
enabling them to set high prices for it. Access to generics, which
tend to be much cheaper than branded drugs, is especially
important in countries where resources devoted to healthcare
healthcareare scarce, and in places where people have to pay out of
their own pockets for medicines, due to an absent or non-
functioning public healthcare system.
Oxfam research has shown that one clinic in Uganda, the Joint
Clinical Research Center, was able to triple the number of AIDS
patients receiving antiretroviral (ARV) therapy by importing
generic medicines and using generics in the place of more expensive
branded drugs. 14 The low-cost generics stretched available funds
much further so that more lives could be saved.
In Brazil, the government has provided people living with
HIV/AIDS with access to treatment by using local generic
production and competition to bring down prices. As a result,
90,000 AIDS deaths and 358,000 AIDS-related hospitalizations
were avoided between 1996 and 2002, and the government saved
$2 billion.
The importance of generics was emphasized earlier in 2003 by two
senior World Bank officials in an editorial: One day's supply of
patented antiretrovirals for an AIDS patient typically costs $30. This is
of course out of the question for the nearly three billion people who live on
less than $2 a day. Generics are usually much cheaper than patented
drugs, and the threat of competition has reduced prices of both in some
places. Hetero, a manufacturer of generics in India, offers HIV drugs for
just 55 cents a day.15

Oxfam Briefing Paper No 26, Generic Competition, Price and Access to Medicines:
the case of antiretrovirals in Uganda, 2002.

Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003 7
The impact of TRIPS on the ten million Egyptians with Hepatitis C
My condition started deteriorating gradually, with progressive fatigue, bone
aches, and patches of blood over my belly and legs. I am not able to do
housework and care for my family. (Sanna Taha Eisa, housewife with three
Maybe if I took the full course, it could have benefited me more. Anyway I
am luckier than my younger brother, whose condition deteriorated rapidly
until he died one year ago. (Abdel Latif, government employee)
The Hepatitis C virus causes debilitating chronic damage to the liver,
cirrhosis and cancer. At 18 per cent, Egypt has the highest rate of infection
in the world, placing a huge burden on the national health budget. As in the
case of HIV/AIDS, new drugs and combination therapies are becoming more
effective, but they are extremely expensive. The basic medicine for treating
Hepatitis C is interferon; however, only 16 per cent of patients maintained a
sustained viral response. Soon afterwards, the introduction of ribavirin in
combination therapy led to an increase in the success rate to around 41 per
Recent studies show that a new form of interferon called peginterferon, in
combination therapy with ribavirin, increases the success rate to between 54
and 70 per cent. The new drug requires to be injected only once a week,
rather than the frequent injections that are necessary for the administration of
interferon. This means better adherence to treatment regimes, and a
continuous, improved viral response. Although these medicines are available
in Egypt, the price is prohibitive for most patients. It costs US$ 6000 to treat
one patient with a 24-week course of this latest drug.
Because Hepatitis C is present in the industrialized world, there is a market
stimulus for research to develop medicines with greater efficacy and fewer
side effects, and there are at least a dozen new medicines already in the
pipeline . With TRIPS patent provisions in force, these new drugs will be
patented and will undoubtedly be priced out of reach of patients in developing
countries such as Egypt. Because Egypt has some manufacturing capacity,
but not sufficient to produce the latest drugs, it may prove difficult for it to
qualify under the new WTO deal to import cheap generic versions of these
new medicines from other countries. Instead it will have to pay the high price
of the patented new medicines or its people must do without.

While patent protection typically leads to higher drug prices and

lower availability of generics, it is not the only cause of inadequate
healthcare healthcare in the developing world. A range of factors
including lack of funding, inadequate healthcare infrastructure,
and paltry research and development (R&D) concerning neglected
diseases are responsible for poor healthcare in the developing
world. But the high cost of new patented medicines is one of them
and it must be addressed. The United States made a commitment to
do so when it adopted the Doha Declaration, and Congress

8 Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003
affirmed this commitment by instructing the U.S. Trade
Representative (USTR) to respect the Declaration in U.S. trade
policies and practices. 16 This paper discusses the USAs
disappointing performance in upholding this commitment since the
commitment was made two years ago, examining how the
administration protects the aims of the drug companies instead of
promoting access to affordable medicines.

International patent rules and public health

In the early1990s, the United States backed by its industry lobbies,
which depend on strict protection of intellectual property for their
continued profitability successfully obtained the inclusion of
patent rules in the WTO trading system. These rules - known as the
TRIPS Agreement17 are recognized by experts on intellectual
property (IP) as being highly favorable to IP rights holders, often at
the expense of public policy and development goals such as
improving access to medicines for the poor.
The TRIPS Agreement, the most dramatic extension of intellectual
property rights in more than a century, requires WTO members to
introduce a specified minimum level of intellectual property
protection for copyright, patents, and trademarks, including
enforcement mechanisms. It obliges countries to offer a patent term
of at least 20 years on all products and processes, including
pharmaceuticals. Developing countries which did not have drug
patents in the past have been given until 2005 to comply with the
Agreement. The Doha Declaration extended the deadline for
compliance by least-developed countries (LDCs) to 2016, after
which they may apply individually for deferment. It has been
estimated that the economic cost of TRIPS for developing countries
will exceed $40 billion a year,18 while the legal and administrative
costs of providing the protections that the Agreement requires will
amount to $1.5-2 million per country. 19

The Kennedy amendment to the Fast Track negotiating mandate instructed the
USTR to, among other objectives, respect the Declaration on TRIPS and Public
Health when negotiating intellectual property provisions in free trade agreements.
TRIPS is the WTO Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property
Rights. It forms part of the single undertaking that concluded the Uruguay Round
in 1994.
Calculated by Oxfam using World Bank figures.
World Bank, 2002.

Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003 9
Cheap generic equivalents of patented medicines are currently
produced and in some cases exported by countries that do not yet
have to offer patent protection to pharmaceutical products under
TRIPS. This is the case with the low-cost antiretrovirals made by
India, which have so drastically reduced the prices in Africa. Until
the Indian generics came on to the market at $300 per patient per
year, the big drug companies were selling the patented equivalents
for around $10,000 per patient per year. As a result of global public
concern and the development of generic substitutes, the brand-
name companies subsequently dropped their prices to around $900,
and more recently, at least one company has substantially lowered
its prices again. Under TRIPS, new pharmaceutical products will be
under patent in more and more countries, preventing the
production, export, import, and sale of generics in these markets for
at least twenty years. Because generics typically cost a fraction of
the price of patented drugs, the imposition of laws that limit their
availability above all in poor countries poses a danger to public
Pharmaceutical companies tend to charge high prices for their
branded or patented products even in markets where the majority
of people are very poor. This is because they make their greatest
profits by selling to local elites. These profits are earned at the
expense of supplying the majority of patients with the medicines.

Box 2 Flexibilities in the TRIPS Agreement

Article 7 sets out the principles of TRIPS, stating that the protection and
enforcement of intellectual property rights should contribute to the promotion
of technological innovation in a manner conducive to social and economic
welfare, and to a balance of rights and obligations.
Articles 6, 8, 30, and 31 set forth the limited exceptions to TRIPS patent
rules. These exceptions are called public health safeguards and may be
used to promote public health. For example, countries may use parallel
importation or the compulsory licensing safeguards to obtain cheaper
patented drugs or generic copies of patented medicines or when facing
public-health problems.
TRIPS provides flexibility for members to use parallel importation to obtain
affordable medicines. Under Article 6, countries can decide whether or not to
provide for international exhaustion of patents (which allows importation of a
patented product placed on a foreign market at a lower price).
Article 30 of TRIPS allows members to provide limited exceptions to the
exclusive rights conferred by a patent, provided that such exceptions do not
unreasonably conflict with a normal exploitation of the patent and do not
unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the patent owner.

10 Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003
Article 31 governs use of compulsory licensing, a process that may be used
by governments to temporarily override a patent and authorize production of
copies of patented medicines in the public interest (for example, if the
country is faced with a public health problem). Developing countries have
complained of section (f) of Article 31, which limits the export of drugs made
under compulsory license; after 2005, countries that manufacture and export
generics will be unable to do so under the original TRIPS provision, cutting off
a key supply of affordable medicines for the poorest countries.

Intellectual property (IP) laws are supposed to balance the incentive

for innovation with the public interest in the development and
availability of new products and technologies. To help to maintain
this balance, patent laws contain safeguard provisions which limit
the rights granted to patent holders when these conflict with the
public interest. For example, patent laws contain provisions
allowing governments to authorize the introduction of generic
competition, for example when a patent holder has abused its
monopoly position and engaged in anti-competitive conduct, or for
reasons of public health for example, if the price of medicines is
too high or the supply is limited. This safeguard is called
compulsory licensing . The TRIPS Agreement clearly states that it
is up to governments to determine the grounds for compulsory
license. This safeguard is important, because even if a country does
not wish to use compulsory licensing, the fact that it is permitted to
do so is a vital bargaining chip when negotiating drug prices with
the big international companies, as Brazil has shown by obtaining
patented antiretrovirals for treating AIDS at greatly reduced cost.
However, as we will see below, the U.S. government has tried to
prevent developing countries from using these safeguards.

USTRs TRIPS-plus agenda

Two years after it endorsed the Doha Declaration, the U.S.
administration continues in a number of ways to contravene this
commitment; in Oxfams opinion, it does so at the behest of
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA).
At the WTO it has taken positions identical to PhRMA on a deal
aimed at improving access to generic medicines for countries that
lack drug-production capacity (the paragraph 6 problem raised in
the Doha Declaration). It rejected a simple solution initially
proposed by developing countries and supported by the WHO,
trying instead to restrict the deal to certain diseases and only the
poorest countries.

Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003 11
Fortunately, emboldened by the Doha Declaration, developing
countries refused to accept restrictions on disease coverage, which
would have very damaging consequences for public health in the
future. However, due to pressure from the USA and other rich
countries, the final solution is unnecessarily complex and will prove
difficult for developing countries and generic industries to use. Nor
will it solve the deeper problems that TRIPS creates for the
production of generic substitutes. Unless the rules are relaxed in
developing countries, or unless countries are allowed to use
compulsory licensing in a more routine manner, the supply of
affordable generic versions of new medicines is likely to dry up in
the longer term.
The USTR has also redoubled its efforts to have TRIPS-plus
provisions instituted in developing and least developed countries.
TRIPS-plus provisions extend protection to patent holders beyond
that offered under WTO rules, by eliminating or weakening the
safeguards permitted in TRIPS, and by restricting generic
competition through various regulatory requirements. The U.S. does
this by (1) providing biased TRIPS-plus technical assistance which
favors industry interests, (2) negotiating TRIPS-plus provisions in
regional and bilateral free trade agreements such as the US-
Singapore agreement, and (3) threatening countries with trade
sanctions when industry complains that they provide what it
considers inadequate protection of intellectual property.
The USTRs intention is to seek harmonization of all countries IP
laws with U.S. standards of intellectual property protection.20 The
U.S. has the highest level of IP protection in the world, and its laws
far exceed the patent rules under TRIPS; in effect, harmonization

The drug industry communicates its positions and priorities to the U.S.
government through participation in USTR advisory committees, via submission of
reports related to Special 301 (a section of the 1974 U.S. Trade Act that provides for
sanctioning of countries deemed to provide inadequate protection to American
intellectual property), via regular lobbying, and through participation in government
bodies such as the Presidents Commission on HIV/AIDS. The membership of the
IFAC 3 advisory committee to USTR, which advises the agency on intellectual
property provisions in trade agreements, includes a Pfizer Vice President, a Vice
President of PhRMA, and the Director of Public Policy for Merck & Company. This is
the most important U.S. advisory committee on IP issues yet it consists only of
industry representatives whose companies rely on strict IP protections. Commenting
on the US-Singapore FTA, the group wrote: the resultant level of intellectual
property protection that it contains should not be viewed as setting any ceilings
rather, our goal in the negotiation of an FTA is to set a new baseline for future
FTAs, advocating what is clearly a TRIPS-plus agenda (IFAC 3 report, 2003).

12 Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003
here means TRIPS-plus. The U.S. is a wealthy industrialized
country, with IP laws designed in keeping with its economy and
regulatory systems; these laws make no sense when implemented in
developing and least-developed countries. To make matters worse,
USTR is tabling US-style intellectual property provisions in trade
negotiations, but omitting the safeguards that exist in American law
to balance the rights of patent holders with the public interest.21
Congressman Waxman recently commented on U.S. patent

Representative Henry A. Waxman, Hatch-Waxman and International Trade
(Testimony on the Chile and Singapore Free Trade Agreements), June 10, 2003.

Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003 13
This system works in this country because most people in
the U.S. have health insurance that pays for essential
drugs and because we have a healthcare safety net to
assure that the poorest in our society are not left without
medical care and treatment. But to impose such a system
on a country without a safety net, depriving millions of
people of life-saving drugs, is irresponsible and even
unethical. In developing countries, we must do
everything in our power to make affordable drugs for life-
threatening diseases available now.22
Countries at earlier stages of development tend to be imitators, not
innovators. Many rich countries only implemented patent
protection relatively recently, and before that they freely copied
technologies from other countries. Strict IP protection is often not
appropriate to the circumstances of developing countries and may
be harmful to their development, since patent rules limit their access
to new technologies by giving the innovator a twenty-year
monopoly over use of the new product or technology. This negative
relationship between strong IP protection and development was the
focus of a 2002 expert study commissioned by the UK government.
The commission wrote: standards of IP protection that may be suitable
for developed countries may produce more costs than benefits when
applied in developing countries, which rely in large part on knowledge
generated elsewhere to satisfy their basic needs and foster development.23
The TRIPS Agreement imposes obligations on developing countries
that are often not in their best interest. TRIPS-plus provisions,
which favor patent holders over the public interest to an even
greater extent than WTO rules, can spell disaster for public health
in poor countries.

TRIPS-plus technical assistance

The U.S. administration undermines the Doha Declaration by
providing technical assistance that encourages countries to ratchet
up their patent laws and limit competition from generic equivalents.
In this way, the administration acts behind the scenes to encourage
the adoption of TRIPS-plus laws in developing and least-developed
countries. Such assistance is marketed as neutral advice on drafting

UKCIPR website (www.iprcommission.org). Executive summary of UKCIPR report,

14 Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003
IP laws and is provided through USAID, other U.S. agencies, and
the World Property Organization (WIPO), a UN body with a strong
bias in favor of protecting intellectual property.
U.S. technical assistance was behind Ugandas TRIPS-plus
Industrial Property Bill of 2002, which was introduced following
consultation with USAID and an affiliated consulting firm.
Uganda, a least-developed country, has until at least 2016 to
comply with the TRIPS Agreement. This bill would make its laws
TRIPS-compliant earlier than that, restricting access to generics
before the country is legally obliged to do so. Pressure from
healthcare activists and unease in parts of government have
prevented adoption of the law and made it the source of much
controversy in a country struggling to deal with AIDS. American
TRIPS-plus technical assistance recently surfaced in Nigeria also,
where USAID was advising the country to implement legislation
that would have blocked the Nigerian government from using the
health safeguards in TRIPS. Last-minute media and advocacy work
by healthcare activists and NGOs exposed what was going on, and
the project was halted.
Needless to say, the U.S. pharmaceutical lobby wholeheartedly
supports the provision of TRIPS-plus technical assistance, noting
that capacity building is a critical factor in achieving the PhRMA IP
priority areas.24 And PhRMA has even indicated its willingness to
help the U.S. in providing assistance with revision of domestic IP
laws so they exceed the requirements of the TRIPS Agreement:
PhRMA members hope their efforts can complement stepped-up
capacity building in developing countries. For example, PhRMA is
working closely with the Government of Jordan to implement a best
practices model for effective data exclusivity and linkage between the
industrial property and health regulatory authorities.25
Clearly, industry believes that capacity building means enhancing
intellectual property laws and the countrys enforcement of them,
not building the capacity of the country to identify its public-health
interests and then set appropriate levels of IP protection. The US-
Jordan Free Trade Agreement is widely recognized by experts to
contain patent provisions that are TRIPS-plus, so PhRMA is in
essence offering to help this and other developing countries to
institute high levels of patent protection which match the industrys

PhRMA Special 301 Submission, 2003.

Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003 15
key goals in international patent rules. A developing country,
Jordan does not have to comply with even minimum TRIPS
requirements until 2005 yet thanks to this bilateral FTA and
technical assistance, its patent system will soon reflect TRIPS-plus

Bilateral and regional free trade agreements

Bilateral and regional negotiations constitute easy opportunities for
the U.S. to ratchet up patent protections, since USTR can provide
access to the U.S. market, worth $11 trillion, in exchange for
signing up to TRIPS-plus provisions, thus fully exploiting U.S.
economic and diplomatic influence over smaller nations. When
developing countries sign up to TRIPS-plus measures, they are
signing away the gains made under the Doha Declaration and
paragraph 6 deal.

Box 3 Industry aims in trade rules: TRIPS-plus to eliminate generic

TRIPS-plus agenda
We strongly support inclusion of measures that build on and enhance the
standards of the TRIPS Agreement and recent bilateral agreements between
the United States and other countries [it is] necessary to bring the
intellectual property system of Morocco up to levels that approximate the
standards of protection available in the United States. (PhRMA Comments
on US-Morocco FTA, June 17, 2003)
(1) Limit compulsory licensing
Use of compulsory licensing, while included within the flexibilities of the
WTO TRIPS Agreement, should only be used in cases of true market failure
we seek limitation to the use of compulsory licensing. (PhRMA Special
301 Submission re: SACU, 2003)
(2) Protect test data
Effective protection for commercially sensitive and confidential clinical
dossiers associated with applications for marketing approval (data
exclusivity) remains a critical priority for PhRMA members. (PhRMA
Special 301 Submission, 2003)
(3) No generics approval until patent expiry
We urge the United States to ask South Africa to provide explicit provisions
that will oblige the relevant Government authorities to ensure [linkage]
removing the possibility that generic copies will be able to enter the market
during the term of the patent. (PhRMA Special 301 Submission re: SACU,

16 Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003
(4) No parallel importation
PhRMA seeks standards that ensure that patent rights will not be exhausted
by acts that occur outside the territory of each country. (PhRMA Comments
on US-Morocco FTA, June 17, 2003.

The U.S. recently concluded free trade agreements with Chile and
Singapore, and is pursuing FTAs with countries in Central America
(CAFTA), countries in the Southern African Customs Union
(SACU), countries in the Western Hemisphere (FTAA), Morocco,
Thailand, the Dominican Republic, and ASEAN (through the
Enterprise for ASEAN Initiative). The Singapore and Chile
agreements were approved in late July 2003, despite some
lawmakers concerns regarding the TRIPS-plus nature of some of
the provisions, particularly those in the US-Singapore FTA, which
contains very high levels of patent protection. USTR has announced
its intention to use the IP chapter in Singapore as a template for
future FTAs. The administration is clearly pursuing a TRIPS-plus
agenda outside of the WTO: The United States is committed to a
policy of pursuing increased protection of intellectual property rights
through the negotiation of free trade agreements. We are pleased that the
recently concluded free trade agreements with Chile and Singapore
provide for higher levels of intellectual property protection in a number of
areas covered by the TRIPS Agreement.26

The US-Singapore Free Trade Agreement

The pharmaceutical industry has lauded the US-Singapore Free
Trade Agreement, stating in the report of the Industry Functional
Advisory Committee 3 (IFAC3) that it establishes key precedential
provisions to be included in other FTAs now being negotiated, including
the FTAA.27 Below are listed TRIPS-plus provisions included in the
US-Singapore FTA, along with an explanation of how they exceed
the patent protections in TRIPS. These TRIPS-plus measures all
strongly reflect the stated aims of PhRMA in free trade negotiations,
and are meant to restrict generic competition.
(1) Limits on compulsory licensing. This FTA restricts this
important right, a key element in balancing the interests of rights

USTR Special 301 Report, 2003.
IFAC report on US-Singapore FTA, p 1. The Industry Functional Advisory
Committee 3 advises the USTR on intellectual property chapters of free trade
agreements and is composed of representatives of various knowledge industries
dependent on strong IP protections.

Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003 17
holders and the wider community in IP systems. Since compulsory
licensing is a crucial way of introducing generic competition and
thus reducing drug prices, limitations on its use would restrict
access to affordable drugs. Also, the threat of compulsory licensing
has been used by countries such as Brazil to bargain with drug
companies for lower prices on patented medicines.
TRIPS gives governments complete freedom to determine the
grounds for using compulsory licenses, including the need to
address public-health problems. The US-Singapore FTA, however,
limits use of compulsory licensing to remedy anti-trust violations, to
national emergencies, and for public non-commercial use. This
prevents use of compulsory licenses to gain access to affordable
medicines for a range of important diseases, and prevents generic
companies from supplying the private sector under compulsory
license even though this is where many uninsured people (such as
poor people and senior citizens) buy their medicines out-of-pocket.28
And it sets a higher standard of compensation to rights holders
than that contained in the TRIPS Agreement, requiring that the
rights holder be paid reasonable and entire rather than reasonable
and adequate compensation when compulsory licensing is used.
(2) Five years of data exclusivity for pharmaceutical products.
This provision in the FTA means that for the first five years
following regulatory approval for the product, there is an obligation
of non-reliance on the data submitted by the patent holder. This
prevents the regulatory authority from using the clinical trial data
to assess an equivalent generic product for marketing approval,
thus considerably delaying the entry of the generic into the market
and putting up its cost. The TRIPS Agreement says only that
signatories must protect patent holders data from unfair
commercial use; it does not specify that regulatory authorities are
unable to use the data when assessing a bioequivalent generic
product for any period of time following registration.29

In developing countries, most people buy medicines in the private sector, in the
absence of adequate public healthcare systems. Extending this precedent to
agreements with poor countries would seriously limit peoples access to affordable
drugs produced under compulsory license.
The U.S. has persuaded Cambodia, expected to be the first LDC to join the WTO
following its foundation, to introduce a similar data exclusivity provision
immediately, followed by a fully TRIPS-compliant patent system by 2007, nine years
before TRIPS requires. All other developing countries seeking WTO accession,
including many LDCs such as Nepal, Ethiopia, and Yemen, are being pressured by
the U.S. to make similar TRIPS-plus commitments.

18 Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003
(3) Linkage of regulatory approval for generics with patent
status. Under this provision, generics manufacturers may have to
wait until patent expiry to obtain marketing approval, meaning
that they cannot be approved and ready to enter the market
immediately upon patent expiry. Typically, generic producers
obtain marketing approval early, so that following expiry they can
immediately introduce their product. Immediate availability of the
cheaper generic medicine benefits consumers, since drug prices
typically decrease dramatically once there is competition. The
Singapore FTA also extends the patent period beyond 20 years to
compensate for delays in regulatory approval. A twenty-year
period of monopoly is more than enough for patent holders to
benefit from their innovation, especially since the R&D phase
(when the product is patented but not yet ready for marketing) is
getting shorter and shorter.
Inappropriate extension of this period favors patent holders at the
expense of the public interest in the earliest possible availability of
(4) Limits on parallel importation. Once a patented product is
placed on the market in any country the exclusive marketing
right associated with the patent has been exhausted and no longer
restricts sale of the product elsewhere. International exhaustion of
rights makes parallel importation possible; this is the importation
of a patented drug placed legitimately on the market elsewhere at a
lower price. This practice permits countries to obtain cheaper
patented medicines by taking advantage of lower prices in foreign
markets for the exact same product. Yet the US-Singapore FTA
enhances the ability of patent owners to prohibit international
exhaustion by requiring the U.S. and Singapore to institute
measures that enable patent holders to block parallel importation
into these two markets. 30 Since TRIPS leaves it to countries to

IFAC 3 report on US-Singapore FTA.

IFAC 3 report on US-Singapore FTA. Under Article 16.7 of the US-Singapore FTA,
the U.S. and Singapore must provide measures to patent holders that enable them to
block parallel importation into the U.S. or Singapore, when medicines are imported in
violation of a licensing contract abroad (for example, if the licensing contract is
restricted to marketing a drug only in one country but the drug is then exported to
the U.S. via parallel importation, the patent holder under this provision would have a
cause of action against the importer in the US). This makes the U.S. and Singapore
responsible for helping police private licensing contracts abroad for patent holders.

Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003 19
regulate parallel importation under their national laws, this
provision is a case of TRIPS-plus.31
Singapore is already bound by the TRIPS Agreement, so clearly the
only rationale for including an IP chapter in this bilateral FTA is to
ratchet up IP protections to TRIPS-plus levels in the interest of
industry and to the detriment of access to medicines. Nearly all U.S.
trading partners and certainly all negotiating countries of the
FTAA and other regional/bilateral FTAs currently under
negotiation are already subject to TRIPS obligations as WTO
members. Because Singapore is a relatively rich country, the
government and much of its population can afford branded drugs.
Other countries that are negotiating FTAs with the United States
are not in the same situation, so provisions that restrict their
capacity to obtain generics will be particularly harmful to public

Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) and the Free

Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)
The negotiating text for CAFTA has not been made available to the
public but, based on stated USTR aims in these negotiations, USTR
has certainly tabled Singapore-style IP provisions. These Central
American countries are being offered access to the largest market in
the world, in exchange for accepting intellectual property
provisions that will undermine their capacity to obtain affordable
medicines for their citizens. This decision is extremely difficult and
important: enhanced market access may offer new jobs and boost
economic growth, but the right to health is a fundamental human
right which should not be traded away. Unfortunately, health
ministers are not involved in negotiations to weigh in on the
negative impact of accepting TRIPS-plus measures.

Box 4 Guatemalas unilateral TRIPS-plus concessions

It is bad enough that USTR is pushing for TRIPS-plus provisions in CAFTA
negotiations, but it is even worse that countries such as Guatemala are
making IP concessions unilaterally. A developing country, it does not have to
comply with TRIPS patent provisions until 2005. Given that 75 per cent of its
population lives below the poverty line, with 58 per cent living in extreme

Consumers and lawmakers in the United States are exploring parallel importation of
patented drugs from Canada to take advantage of the countrys lower drug prices.
While this practice is controversial and falls under a gray area of U.S. law, it is not
illegal under TRIPS and could provide an important option for poor countries to
access patented medicines at lower prices by importing them from other countries.

20 Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003
poverty, Guatemala cannot rely on expensive patented drugs to meet the
healthcare needs of its population.
In 2002, after receiving USAID-funded legal advice, the Guatemalan Congress
passed a law providing for fifteen years of protection for test data three
times the protection period provided under U.S. law. Under TRIPS,
Guatemala is only required, by 2005, to introduce a measure to protect test
data from unfair commercial use. The 2002 law goes much further than this
and would prevent generic producers from relying on branded drug-test data
to gain marketing approval, creating an obstacle to introduction of generic
competition. The law also introduced patenting of pharmaceutical products,
ahead of the 2005 TRIPS deadline. The Guatemalan Congress rejected this
law, but then in April of 2003 introduced a different TRIPS-plus patent law
Decree 9-2003 which provides five years of test data protection for
registered originator drugs. Like the 2002 law, this decree prevents the
government from relying on branded drug-test data when approving generic
drugs during the five-year period.
Mdecins Sans Frontires (Doctors Without Borders) has imported generic
drugs for its work with AIDS patients in Guatemala, finding that generic
medicines cost between 75 and 90 per cent less than branded drugs. 67,000
people in Guatemala are living with HIV/AIDS (Mdecins Sans Frontires
press release, 2003). Guatemala is unilaterally giving in to U.S. pressures for
TRIPS-plus patent protection, even as it engages in CAFTA negotiations and
could perhaps trade such concessions for better terms in the FTA.

In light of the health problems and poverty endemic to Central

America, it is inappropriate and dangerous to include IP provisions
in these trade negotiations that would limit access to generics.
Central America has the second highest death rate from
communicable diseases in Latin America, nearly 165,000 people are
living with HIV/AIDS, and 30,000 cases of full-blown AIDS have
been reported in the region.32 Resources for public health in Central
America are extremely limited. Patented medicines sold at
monopoly prices are too expensive for these countries to provide
through their public health systems and too expensive for poor
people to pay for out-of-pocket. The Costa Rican Pharmaceutical
Industry has determined that implementation of TRIPS-plus patent
rules would mean an increase in the cost of medicines of up to 800
per cent, since these rules would seriously restrict availability of
cheap generics. 33 Generic competition is crucial to generating
significant drops in drug prices, enabling more people to access

Pan-American Health Organization, AIDS Surveillance in the Americas. June,
2002. (www.paho.org), and www. avert.org.
La Prensa Grfica, Medicamentos dan dolor de cabeza a negociadore. February
28, 2003.

Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003 21
Examination of the draft negotiating text for the FTAA reveals that
some proposals match the TRIPS-plus provisions in the Singapore
agreement, which in turn match the stated aims of PhRMA. Even
thought the text does not identify which negotiating country is
proposing the different bracketed proposals, these can clearly be
identified as negotiating positions of the US. As with CAFTA, if the
final FTAA text provides for TRIPS-plus patent protections, this will
override the protections to public health provided in TRIPS and the
Doha Declaration and the WTO deal on medicines. Oxfam believes
that IP should be entirely excluded from all trade negotiations
outside of the WTO.

Southern African Customs Union Free Trade Agreement (SACU)

The Bush administration has announced its intention to
aggressively conclude a series of bilateral and regional free trade
agreements, moving the world closer, step by step, towards the goal of
comprehensive free trade.34 As part of this plan, it aims to negotiate
TRIPS-plus patent rules. The administration launched this agenda
with Chile, Singapore, CAFTA, and FTAA negotiations. The FTA
currently being negotiated with the Southern African Customs
Union (SACU, composed of Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia,
Swaziland, and South Africa) fits neatly into this agenda as well.
PhRMA has already issued stated goals for the SACU negotiations,
its overall aim being to bring standards for IP protection into closer
alignment with U.S. standards.35 These include, predictably, full
protection of test data, linkage between regulatory approval and
patent status, limits on use of compulsory licensing, restrictions on
parallel importation, and longer patent terms. 36 When the U.S.
Trade Representative, Robert Zoellick, announced to Congress his
intention to enter into an FTA with the SACU countries, he spoke
of the administrations desire to establish (IP) standards that reflect a
standard of protection similar to that found in U.S. law.37
Apart from violating the spirit and intent of the Doha Declaration,
USTR actions in this regard violate Executive Order 13155.38 This

USTR website.
PhRMA 301 Submission, 2003.
Speech by Ambassador Zoellick, November 4, 2002.
Set forth during Clinton administration, retained by Bush upon taking office.
Specifically, it states: In administering sections 301-310 of the Trade Act of 1974, the
United States shall not seek, through negotiations or otherwise, the revocation or
revision of any intellectual property law or policy of a beneficiary sub-Saharan

22 Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003
Executive Order states that the United States will not undermine
sub-Saharan African countries efforts to obtain affordable
medicines. The Executive Order refers to TRIPS-level provisions as
providing adequate IPR protection, implying that there is no need
to seek provisions that go beyond those patent rules. To achieve
harmonization of SACU countries IP standards with those in the
U.S. under a free trade agreement, these sub-Saharan countries
would have to adjust their patent laws to make them TRIPS-plus.
The LDC members of SACU are not required to comply even with
TRIPS until at least 2016, and they should not be coerced into
implementing laws that increase drug prices, diminish access to
generics, or otherwise benefit the multinational drug companies at
the expense of their populations health.
Sub-Saharan African countries are extremely poor and face
enormous problems related to public health; it is estimated that 40
to 50 per cent of the population lives below the poverty line. Even in
South Africa, which has a much higher per capita income than
other African countries, more than 18 million people live below the
poverty line.39 This is largely due to unequal distribution of income;
the poorest 20 per cent of income earners receive only 1.5 per cent
of total income, while the top 10 per cent have 50 per cent of total
income.40 In a region already burdened by substantial poverty, the
HIV/AIDS crisis is straining health budgets and hampering
development. South Africa has an HIV prevalence rate of 26.5 per
cent, and more than 600 people a day die of AIDS-related causes.
Botswana has an HIV prevalence rate of 38 per cent. These
countries will need to use available healthcare resources in the most
cost-effective way possible to ensure treatment of the maximum
number of AIDS patients. 41
Efforts to enhance the rights of patent holders in the Southern
African countries, which will lead to higher drug prices and
therefore reduced access to treatment for African patients most of
whom are desperately poor and lack access to even the most basic
life-saving medicines are indefensible. Free trade agreements with
the region should not limit availability of affordable medicines. As

African country, as determined by the President, that regulates HIV/AIDS

pharmaceuticals or medical technologies.
Mayibuye May/June 1998, cited in Facing Poverty: Challenges and some
churches response in Southern Africa, Samuel M Silungwe.
2002 data from www.avert.org website.

Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003 23
in other bilateral and regional trade talks, IP should be excluded
from SACU negotiations, and the Southern African countries must
retain the right to use the safeguards in TRIPS and the Doha
Declaration. This is an issue of life or death for millions of people.

Bilateral bullying Special 301

Under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, USTR issues a yearly
report threatening foreign countries with trade sanctions for not
adequately protecting the intellectual property of U.S. companies. A
country can be found to deny such protection even if it is in
compliance with its TRIPS obligations. This means that USTR can
threaten countries for not having TRIPS-plus provisions for not
having exceeded mere compliance with their international
obligations. To compile the report, USTR consults with affected
industry groups but not with healthcare or development advocates.
The threat of sanctions under Special 301, consisting of the
withdrawal of concessions under the U.S. Generalized System of
Preferences (GSP), is often enough to get trading partners to change
their laws, regardless of the potential impact on public health. 301
is a big stick feared by developing countries, which are vulnerable
to bilateral pressure because of the threat of trade sanctions and
also because of the diplomatic and political pressures that such
targeting implies. Despite U.S. endorsement of the Doha
Declaration, bilateral bullying by USTR on behalf of the
pharmaceutical industry continues. In 2002, USTR included 27
countries in its Special 301

24 Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003
report for concerns over intellectual property and pharmaceuticals.
In the 2003 report 31 countries are targeted all but one in the
developing world.
Positively, the USTR refrained from targeting least-developed
countries in the 2003 report. However, it targeted key generics-
manufacturing countries, including India, Chile, Argentina, and
Egypt, which have thriving generics industries that the U.S.
pharmaceutical lobby would like to see thwarted. These countries
could serve as suppliers to the worlds poorest countries, which
cannot manufacture affordable medicines for their citizens and
where patented drugs are priced out of reach of most people. If
coerced or pressured into instituting TRIPS-plus IP laws, they could
be blocked from supplying poor countries with affordable
medicines. Generics-producing countries are concentrated in the
priority and priority watch country categories of the report,
meaning that they are closer to being punished with sanctions than
the other countries targeted.
The USTR report focuses on issues nearly identical to those
emphasized in PhRMAs annual 301 submission to the U.S.
government. For example, the top complaints in PhRMAs 2003
submission to USTR were protection of test data (37 countries
cited), enforcement concerns (18), counterfeiting and trademark
concerns (13), and lack of linkage between regulatory approval and
patent term (20). The top complaints listed in the USTR report
(ranked by number of complaints in each category) are these same
complaints; these are also the key TRIPS-plus trade provisions
sought by USTR in FTA negotiations.

Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003 25
Box 5 Argentina: victim of U.S. 301 bullying
Argentina has been facing a severe financial crisis since early 2002: 37 per
cent of its population lives in poverty, and 25 per cent is unemployed.
Despite the countrys economic difficulties, the USTR refused to restore its
trade preferences under the GSP program until outstanding complaints about
Argentinas patent system were addressed. In 1997, the U.S. withdrew 50
per cent of the countrys benefits under the GSP system, following
placement of the country on the USTR 301 watch list for inadequate patent
protections even though Argentina was not required to comply with TRIPS
until 2000.
In 1999, the U.S. initiated a case at the WTO against Argentina for failing to
provide adequate protection for patents and test data, prior to the countrys
2000 deadline for TRIPS compliance, and even though TRIPS only vaguely
requires that test data be safeguarded against unfair commercial use.
Following consultations in Geneva, a bilateral council was set up so that the
two countries could address this and other bilateral trade issues. But a
bilateral council in which one party is threatening the other and withdrawing
trade preferences constitutes bullying, not discussion, with loss of GSP
being used as a stick. The U.S. and Argentina announced in April of 2002
that they had resolved certain aspects of the IP dispute, but Argentina has
not acquiesced to U.S. demands for greater protection of test data.
The U.S. continues to hold Argentinas GSP status hostage to an agreement
to institute TRIPS-plus patent protections, particularly of test data. The
administration wrote this year that benefits will not be restored unless the
concerns of the United States are addressed adequately, vaguely declaring
itself committed to giving full consideration to the countrys request for
expanded GSP market access (USTR 2003 annual trade review).

Despite the public and WTO focus on compulsory licensing as a key

way of facilitating access to affordable medicines, PhRMA in 2003
targeted 14 countries for excessively broad compulsory licensing
provisions. Due to public attention focused on the issue, USTR did
not target countries under this category in its own report this year
although it continues to push for strict limitations on compulsory
licensing in bilateral and regional trade negotiations.
Overall, the focus of PhRMA and USTR on its behalf appears to
have shifted to the protection of test data, which is now the
industrys key TRIPS-plus goal. The greatest number of complaints
in USTRs 2003 report center on inadequate protection of test data,
for which the U.S. targeted countries like Guatemala, a developing
country with per capita income of only $1700, which is not yet
required to implement even TRIPS. Guatemala has just passed a
TRIPS-plus data-protection law, perhaps in response to bilateral
threats under 301 (see Box 4). As outlined above, the U.S. is also
pushing for TRIPS-plus test data protection in bilateral and regional

26 Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003
FTA negotiations. Trade negotiations result in legally binding
treaties and are a much more effective way for industry to achieve
higher standards of IP protection than coercion and threats under
Special 301, which may or may not intimidate targeted countries
sufficiently to induce compliance with U.S. patent standards.
Although Special 301 remains an important tool, the USTR and
industry are relying primarily on trade negotiations to limit generic

PhRMAs TRIPS-plus agenda

It is shocking to compare the USTRs stated aims in intellectual
property negotiations of FTAs including the FTA with Singapore,
CAFTA, and the FTAA with the stated aims of the
pharmaceutical lobby. They are often identical, despite the fact that
one is a government agency that has undertaken a political
commitment to uphold public health and the other is an industry
focused on short-term maximization of profits. Of course,
government officials are charged with defending the interests of
domestic constituents, including industry groups, but this should be
done in a legal, non-coercive, and transparent manner which
balances competing interests, including public health and the
welfare of citizens both at home and abroad. Instead, regardless of
commitments such as the Doha Declaration, key aspects of U.S.
trade policy which directly impacts on other areas of foreign
policy and international relations appear to be driven by PhRMA.
PhRMA represents the U.S. drug industrys interests vis--vis the
U.S. and other governments; its membership includes major
pharmaceutical companies, including GSK, Pfizer, Novartis, and
Merck. Industrys overriding goal in international terms appears to
be the elimination or limitation of generic competition, through
strong patent protections at the WTO and in bilateral and regional
free trade agreements.
PhRMA, which stands for the Pharmaceutical Research and
Manufacturers of America, is influential in Washington policy
circles. It has 625 lobbyists based in Washington DC and actively
engaged with members of Congress, the White House, and Bush
administration officials on domestic legislation, international trade
rules, and U.S. trade policies related to patents. And because the
industry overwhelmingly supports the Republican Party, the
current administration may be even more aggressive than previous
administrations in advancing its interests. In 2000, the industry

Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003 27
contributed approximately $20,142,583 in campaign contributions,
76 per cent of which went to the Republican Party. 42 In 2002, the
industry gave $29,371,406, with $21,719,527 of that money going to
Republicans. 43 In addition, it spends approximately $120 million
per year on lobbying. This is a drop in the ocean compared with its
yearly sales: an estimated $400 billion in 2002. The ten largest U.S.
drug companies made $35.9 billion in profit in 2002, with a rate of
return for shareholders of 27.6 per cent, more than two and a half
times the Fortune 500 average of 10.2 per cent.44
In a 2001 report, Public Citizen revealed the following facts:
The drug industry spent $262 million on political influence in
the 1999-2000 election cycle, including $177 million on lobbying
and $20 million on campaign contributions. (In 2002, the
industry increased its contributions to over $29 million.)45
The cost of the industrys army of lobbyists in 2000 alone was
$92.3 million. Brand-name drug companies spent $90.0 million
on lobbying; generic drug companies spent $2.3 million.46
PhRMA is frequently successful in blocking both domestic and
international health initiatives that would undermine its profits. In
the Uruguay Round of trade talks (1986-1994), the group
successfully lobbied USTR, which in turn pressured its trading
partners, for conclusion of the TRIPS Agreement. Now, as
evidenced in its submissions to the administration, comments as
participants in advisory committees, and official testimony, PhRMA
members are pressing USTR to seek harmonization of all countries
IP laws with those of the US, resulting in levels of patent protection
that far exceed TRIPS standards. The industry clearly aims to
ratchet up global patent protections to a new TRIPS-plus
international standard, which would apply in developing countries
where such stringent IP protection undermines access to medicines,
is costly to implement, and conflicts with development goals,
including availability of new products and technology. By locking

The Other Drug War: Big Pharmas 625 Washington Lobbyists, Public Citizen,
www.opensecrets.org website.
Public Citizen, June 2003. Drug Industry Profits 2002: Hefty Pharmaceutical
Industry Margins Dwarf Other Industries.
www.opensecrets.org website.
The Other Drug War: Big Pharmas 625 Washington Lobbyists, Public Citizen,

28 Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003
poor countries into TRIPS-plus patent obligations, industry aims to
limit generic competition globally.
The following are the most often cited industry aims, all of which
are TRIPS-plus: limits on use of compulsory licensing, enhanced test
data protection, linkage of regulatory approval for generics to the
patent status of the branded drug, and restrictions on parallel
importation. The industry also seeks expanded enforcement of IP
provisions, exceeding enforcement requirements under TRIPS. In
addition, PhRMA has consistently urged USTR to pressure
developing and least-developed countries to bring their laws into
early compliance with TRIPS, even though these countries can and
should take advantage of the transition period provided under
WTO rules.
Comparison of the USTR agenda on patents with that of PhRMA
makes clear why the U.S. has thwarted meaningful application of
the Doha Declaration, despite having promised two years ago to
prioritize global public health over patent rights. PhRMA, working
through the U.S. government, is seeking to limit generic competition
which lowers drug prices and undercuts its profits. U.S. TRIPS-plus
negotiating positions on patents are generated by PhRMA, which
then monitors their implementation around the world. And the
United States is powerful enough to offer financial assistance and
access to its markets or threaten sanctions and diplomatic
pressure to obtain the strict patent protections sought by its
pharmaceutical lobby. Sadly, the cost of pushing PhRMAs agenda
will be paid by the millions of poor people whose health problems
will go untreated if cheap generics are no longer available.

Conclusions and Oxfam recommendations

Despite its endorsement of the Doha Declaration on TRIPS and
Public Health two years ago, the United States trade policies and
practices do not yet prioritize public health over patent rights.
Oxfams evaluation of the impact of U.S. trade policies on health
and access to medicines was pessimistic last year, and in 2003 it is
even more so. The U.S. is not only backtracking on Doha, but has
been actively undermining the interests of patients in poor
countries. By providing biased technical assistance, fighting pro-
health amendment of TRIPS, negotiating TRIPS-plus provisions in
bilateral and regional FTAs, and bullying countries bilaterally to
institute high levels of patent protection, the U.S. is putting public
health in developing and least-developed countries at risk. Sadly,

Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003 29
for the second year in a row, Oxfam finds that U.S. trade policies
reflect the interests of Big Pharma, without taking into
consideration how industry goals hurt patients in the developing

30 Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003
Oxfam makes the following recommendations:
WTO members should ensure that the final TRIPS amendment,
aimed at lifting restrictions on the export of affordable generic
versions of new drugs to countries without drug-production
capacity, is simplified. Unnecessary red tape should be removed,
and there should be no mandatory limits on country eligibility
or on the diseases for which such medicines can be procured, in
keeping with the Doha Declaration. WTO member states should
amend their legislation accordingly.
The U.S. should stop using the threat of trade sanctions to bully
countries into adopting TRIPS plus intellectual property
protections. TRIPS-plus rules further limit the availability of
affordable generics in countries where they are urgently needed,
and they contravene the Doha Declaration.
The U.S. should also stop using its bilateral trade agreements
such as CAFTA, regional agreements such as the FTAA, or
negotiations over to WTO accession, to pressure developing and
least-developed countries into adopting TRIPS-plus patent rules.
The U.S. should provide technical assistance to developing
countries that favors public health and access to affordable
medicines, rather than the interests of the pharmaceutical
Developing countries should resist pressures to implement
TRIPS-plus measures, and should make full use of the TRIPS
flexibilities, including the recent WTO deal, in order to gain
access to medicines in line with the Doha Declaration.
The international community must continue to monitor the
health impacts of the TRIPS Agreement, and should consider
further future reforms to the Agreement in order to give
developing countries greater freedom to decide the appropriate
length and scope of patents protection for medicines based on
public-health needs. More broadly, evidence from authoritative
sources indicates the need for a substantive review of the entire
TRIPS Agreement in the light of its detrimental impact on
innovation, access to knowledge-based goods, and development.

Intellectual property systems may, if we are not careful, introduce distortions

that are detrimental to the interests of developing countries Higher IP
standards should not be pressed on developing countries without a serious
and objective assessment of their impact on development and poor people.

Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003 31
We need to ensure that the global IP system evolves so that it
contributes to the reduction of poverty in developing countries.
(UK Commission on Intellectual Property Rights, 2002)

Special 301 Complaints: USTR, PhRMA

Table 1: Frequency of various complaints about intellectual

property and pharmaceutical in the USTR Special 301 Reports for
years 2002 and 2003

Complaint USTR 2002 USTR 2003

Protection of test data 19 20

Enforcement concerns 9 13
Counterfeiting and trademark concerns 5 6
Lack of linkage between patent and 2 4
regulatory authorities
Patent office backlogs 3 2
Long regulatory delays 2 2
No protection of second use patents 2 2
Exclusion of subject matter from 1 1
Discrimination against fields of technology 1 0
Overly broad compulsory licensing 1 0
No protection of product or process patents 2 0

32 Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003
Table 2: Countries cited by the USTR in the Special 301 Reports for each
specific complaint dealing with pharmaceuticals

Complaint Countries cited in 2002 Countries cited in 2003

Protection of test data China, Argentina, Argentina, India,
Colombia, Dominican Philippines, Poland,
Republic, Egypt, Bolivia, Canada,
Hungary, India, Israel, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Ecuador, Egypt,
Costa Rica, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary,
Lithuania, Peru, Poland, Israel, Mexico, Pakistan,
Slovakia, Turkey, Peru, Slovakia, Turkey,
Venezuela Venezuela
Enforcement Argentina, Egypt, China, Argentina,
concerns Hungary, Bolivia, Philippines, Russia,
Canada, Costa Rica, Taiwan, Canada,
Korea, Saudi Arabia, Croatia, Ecuador,
Vietnam Mexico, Pakistan,
Romania, Uruguay,
Counterfeiting and China, Philippines, Paraguay, India,
trademark concerns Taiwan, Thailand, Philippines, Taiwan,
Venezuela Malaysia, Vietnam
Lack of linkage China, Korea Chile, Croatia, Ecuador,
between patent and Mexico
Patent office backlogs Brazil, India, Chile Brazil, Chile
Long regulatory Chile, Pakistan Croatia, Italy
No protection of Colombia, Peru Peru, Venezuela
second use patents
Exclusion of subject India Guatemala
matter from
Discrimination Egypt -na-
against fields of
Overly broad India -na-
compulsory licensing
No protection of India, Poland -na-
product or process

Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003 33
Table 3: Number of countries cited for each of the various
complaints by PhRMA in its submission to the USTR for its Special
301 Report in 2002 and 2003

Complaint PhRMA 2002 PhRMA 2003

Protection of test data 34 37

Enforcement concerns 21 18
Counterfeiting and trademark concerns 11 13
Lack of linkage between patent and 14 20
regulatory authorities
Patent office backlogs 4 5
Long regulatory delays 6 4
No protection of second use patents 7 10
Exclusion of subject matter from 5 9
Discrimination against fields of technology 4 3
Overly broad compulsory licensing 15 14
No protection of product or process patents 6 4

Oxfam International November 2003

This paper was written by Jennifer Brant. It is part of a series of papers written to
inform public debate on development and humanitarian policy issues. The text
may be freely used for the purposes of campaigning, education, and research,
provided that the source is acknowledged in full.
For further information please email [email protected]

34 Robbing the Poor to Pay the Rich? Oxfam Briefing Paper November 2003
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Published by Oxfam International November 2003

Published by Oxfam GB for Oxfam International under ISBN 978-1-84814-592-4

2 Error!Estilo no definido., Oxfam Briefing Paper. November 2003

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