Ansell and Gash Collaborative Governance in Theory and Practice PDF
Ansell and Gash Collaborative Governance in Theory and Practice PDF
Ansell and Gash Collaborative Governance in Theory and Practice PDF
Over the past few decades, a new form of governance has emerged to replace adversarial
and managerial modes of policy making and implementation. Collaborative governance, as
it has come to be known, brings public and private stakeholders together in collective
forums with public agencies to engage in consensus-oriented decision making. In this article,
we conduct a meta-analytical study of the existing literature on collaborative governance
with the goal of elaborating a contingency model of collaborative governance. After review-
ing 137 cases of collaborative governance across a range of policy sectors, we identify
critical variables that will influence whether or not this mode of governance will produce
successful collaboration. These variables include the prior history of conflict or cooperation,
the incentives for stakeholders to participate, power and resources imbalances, leadership,
and institutional design. We also identify a series of factors that are crucial within the
collaborative process itself. These factors include face-to-face dialogue, trust building, and
the development of commitment and shared understanding. We found that a virtuous cycle
of collaboration tends to develop when collaborative forums focus on small wins that
deepen trust, commitment, and shared understanding. The article concludes with a discus-
sion of the implications of our contingency model for practitioners and for future research on
collaborative governance.
Over the last two decades, a new strategy of governing called collaborative governance
has developed. This mode of governance brings multiple stakeholders together in common
forums with public agencies to engage in consensus-oriented decision making. In this
article, we conduct a meta-analytical study of the existing literature on collaborative
governance with the goal of elaborating a general model of collaborative governance.
The ultimate goal is to develop a contingency approach to collaboration that can highlight
conditions under which collaborative governance will be more or less effective as an
Early versions of this article were presented at the Conference on Democratic Network Governance, Copenhagen, the
Interdisciplinary Committee on Organizations at the University of California, Irvine, and the Berkeley graduate seminar
Perspectives on Governance. We thank the participants of these events for their useful suggestions and Martha
Feldman, in particular, for her encouragement. We also thank two anonymous reviewers for their thoughtful and useful
comments. Address correspondence to the author at [email protected] or [email protected].
Advance Access publication on November 13, 2007
The Author 2007. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Journal of Public Administration Research
and Theory, Inc. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected]
544 Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
1 Thomas (1995) develops a contingency perspective on public participation, though it aims more broadly and is
developed from the perspective of public managers.
2 A smaller group of studies evaluates specic types of collaborative governance at a more aggregated level (for
example, see Beierle [2000], Langbein [2002], and Leach, Pelkey, and Sabatier [2002]).
Ansell and Gash Collaborative Governance in Theory and Practice 545
forum is formally organized and meets collectively, (5) the forum aims to make decisions
by consensus (even if consensus is not achieved in practice), and (6) the focus of collab-
oration is on public policy or public management. This is a more restrictive denition than
is sometimes found in the literature. However, the wide-ranging use of the term has, as
Imperial notes, been a barrier to theory building (Imperial 2005, 286). Since our goal is to
compare apples with apples (to the extent possible), we have dened the term restrictively
so as to increase the comparability of our cases.
One critical component of the term collaborative governance is governance. Much
research has been devoted to establishing a workable denition of governance that is
bounded and falsiable, yet comprehensive. For instance, Lynn, Heinrich, and Hill
(2001, 7) construe governance broadly as regimes of laws, rules, judicial decisions,
and administrative practices that constrain, prescribe, and enable the provision of publicly
supported goods and services. This denition provides room for traditional governmental
structures as well as emerging forms of public/private decision-making bodies. Stoker, on
the other hand, argues:
As a baseline denition it can be taken that governance refers to the rules and forms that guide
collective decision-making. That the focus is on decision-making in the collective implies
that governance is not about one individual making a decision but rather about groups of
individuals or organisations or systems of organisations making decisions (2004, 3).
He also suggests that among the various interpretations of the term, there is baseline
agreement that governance refers to the development of governing styles in which bound-
aries between and within public and private sectors have become blurred (Stoker 1998,
17). We opt for a combined approach to conceptualize governance. We agree with Lynn,
Heinrich, and Hill that governance applies to laws and rules that pertain to the provision of
public goods. However, we adopt Stokers claim that governance is also about collective
decision makingand specically about collective decision making that includes both
public and private actors. Collaborative governance is therefore a type of governance in
which public and private actors work collectively in distinctive ways, using particular
processes, to establish laws and rules for the provision of public goods.
Although there are many forms of collaboration involving strictly nonstate actors, our
denition stipulates a specic role for public agencies. By using the term public agency,
our intention is to include public institutions such as bureaucracies, courts, legislatures, and
other governmental bodies at the local, state, or federal level. But the typical public in-
stitution among our cases is, in fact, an executive branch agency, and therefore, the term
public agency is apt. Such public agencies may initiate collaborative forums either to
fulll their own purposes or to comply with a mandate, including court orders, legislation,
or rules governing the allocation of federal funds. For example, the Workforce Investment
Act of 1998 stipulates that all states and localities receiving federal workforce develop-
ment funds must convene a workforce investment board that comprised public and private
actors in order to develop and oversee policies at the state and local level concerning job
training, under- and unemployment. According to our denition, these workforce invest-
ments boards are mandated to engage in collaborative governance.
Although public agencies are typically the initiators or instigators of collaborative
governance, our denition requires participation by nonstate stakeholders. Some scholars
describe interagency coordination as collaborative governance. Although there is nothing
inherently wrong with using the term in this way, much of the literature on collaborative
546 Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
governance uses this term to signal a different kind of relationship between public agencies
and nonstate stakeholders. Smith (1998, 61), for example, argues that collaboratives in-
volve representation by key interest groups. Connick and Innes (2003, 180) dene
collaborative governance as including representatives of all relevant interests. Reilly
(1998, 115) describes collaborative efforts as a type of problem solving that involves the
shared pursuit of government agencies and concerned citizens.
We use the term stakeholder to refer both to the participation of citizens as indi-
viduals and to the participation of organized groups. For convenience, we will also here-
after use the term stakeholder to refer to both public agencies and nonstate stakeholders,
though we believe that public agencies have a distinctive leadership role in collaborative
governance. Our denition of collaborative governance also sets standards for the type of
participation of nonstate stakeholders. We believe that collaborative governance is never
merely consultative.3 Collaboration implies two-way communication and inuence be-
tween agencies and stakeholders and also opportunities for stakeholders to talk with each
other. Agencies and stakeholders must meet together in a deliberative and multilateral
process. In other words, as described above, the process must be collective. Consultative
techniques, such as stakeholder surveys or focus groups, although possibly very useful
management tools, are not collaborative in the sense implied here because they do not
permit two-way ows of communication or multilateral deliberation.
Collaboration also implies that nonstate stakeholders will have real responsibility for
policy outcomes. Therefore, we impose the condition that stakeholders must be directly
engaged in decision making. This criterion is implicit in much of the collaborative gov-
ernance literature. Freeman (1997, 22), for example, argues that stakeholders participate
in all stages of the decisionmaking process. The watershed partnerships studied by
Leach, Pelkey, and Sabatier (2002, 648) make policy and implementation decisions on
a range of ongoing water management issues regarding streams, rivers, and watersheds.
Ultimate authority may lie with the public agency (as with regulatory negotiation), but
stakeholders must directly participate in the decision-making process. Thus, advisory
committees may be a form of collaborative governance if their advice is closely linked
to decision-making outcomes. In practice (and by design), however, advisory committees
are often far removed from actual decision making.
We impose the criteria of formal collaboration to distinguish collaborative gover-
nance from more casual and conventional forms of agency-interest group interaction. For
example, the term collaborative governance might be thought to describe the informal
relationships that agencies and interest groups have always cultivated. Surely, interest
groups and public agencies have always engaged in two-way ows of inuence. The
difference between our denition of collaborative governance and conventional interest
group inuence is that the former implies an explicit and public strategy of organizing this
inuence. Walter and Petr (2000, 495), for example, describe collaborative governance as
a formal activity that involves joint activities, joint structures and shared resources, and
Padilla and Daigle (1998, 74) prescribe the development of a structured arrangement.
This formal arrangement implies organization and structure.
Decisions in collaborative forums are consensus oriented (Connick and Innes 2003;
Seidenfeld 2000). Although public agencies may have the ultimate authority to make
and practitioners to understand how we arrived at our conclusions, we briey report on the
problems we encountered in conducting our meta-analysis.
Early attempts at systematic coding were frustrating, and we soon developed an
understanding of our dilemma. Although scholars studying collaborative governance
had already made some important theoretical statements, the language used to describe
what was happening was far from standardized. We found ourselves groping to nd
a common language of description and evaluation even as we were trying to code
studies. Add to this challenge a severe problem of missing dataa reection of the
highly varied motivations of the researchersand we concluded that a quasi-experimental
approach was ill advised. Ultimately, we moved toward a meta-analytic strategy that we
call successive approximation. We selected a subset of our cases and used them to develop
a common model of collaborative governance.4 We then randomly selected additional
subsets of case studies. The second subset was used to test the model developed in the
rst round and then to further rene the model. A third sample of cases was used to test
the second-round model, and so on. The appendix provides a list of the studies evaluated in
each of four successive rounds of evaluation.
Successive approximation has the advantage of both rening the conceptual model
while providing some of the evaluative discipline of a quasi-experimental study. How-
ever, we are under no illusion that this process yielded the one model of collaborative
governance. There was a large element of art involved in both specifying and evaluating
our model. As we proceeded, we were overwhelmed by the complexity of the collaborative
process. Variables and causal relationships proliferated beyond what we felt would ulti-
mately be useful for policy makers and practitioners. Therefore, our model represents
a conscious attempt to simplify as much as possible the representation of key variables
and their relationships. This goal of simplication led us to stress common and frequent
ndings across cases. This approach strengthens the generality of our ndings but dis-
counts less universal or frequently mentioned ndings from the literature. Toward the end
of our analysis, we were ourselves in disagreement about how to represent key relations.
We used the nal round of case analysis to settle these differences.
One other important clarication needs to be made before we introduce our ndings.
Our survey of the cases quickly disabused us of the notion that we could use our analysis to
answer the question: Is collaborative governance more effective than adversarial or
managerial governance? Very few of the studies we reviewed actually evaluated gover-
nance outcomes. This is not to say that the comparison between collaborative, adversarial,
and managerial governance is not relevant to these studies. Experiments with collaborative
governance were typically driven by earlier failures with adversarial or managerial
approaches. But systematic comparisons were rarely explicitly made. What most studies
did try to do was understand the conditions under which stakeholders acted collaboratively.
Did they engage in good faith negotiation? Did they pursue mutual gains? Did they achieve
consensus? Were they satised with the process? In other words, most studies in the
collaborative governance literature evaluate process outcomes rather than policy or
management outcomes.
Figure 1 provides a visual representation of our central ndings. The model has four
broad variablesstarting conditions, institutional design, leadership, and collaborative
4 To avoid recreating the wheel, our rst subset was not randomly selected but included many of the most prominent
theoretical statements about collaborative governance.
550 Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
Figure 1
A Model of Collaborative Governance
Participatory Inclusiveness,
Institutional Design Forum Exclusiveness, Clear
Ground Rules, Process
Starting Conditions
Knowledge Collaborative Process
Trust-Building Commitment to Process
-Mutual recognition of
Incentives for and -Shared Ownership of
Face-to-Face Dialogue Process Outcomes
Constraints on
-Good Faith Negotiation -Openness to Exploring
Mutual Gains
Facilitative Leadership
(including empowerment)
process. Each of these broad variables can be disaggregated into more ne-grained vari-
ables. Collaborative process variables are treated as the core of our model, with starting
conditions, institutional design, and leadership variables represented as either critical
contributions to or context for the collaborative process. Starting conditions set the basic
level of trust, conict, and social capital that become resources or liabilities during col-
laboration. Institutional design sets the basic ground rules under which collaboration takes
place. And, leadership provides essential mediation and facilitation for the collaborative
process. The collaborative process itself is highly iterative and nonlinear, and thus, we
represent it (with considerable simplication) as a cycle.
The remainder of the article describes each of these variables in more detail and draws
out their implications for a contingency model of collaborative governance.
The literature is clear that conditions present at the outset of collaboration can either
facilitate or discourage cooperation among stakeholders and between agencies and stake-
holders. Imagine two very different starting points. In one, the stakeholders have a history
of bitter division over some emotionally charged local issue and have come to regard each
other as unscrupulous enemies. In the other, the stakeholders have a shared vision for what
they would like to achieve through collaboration and a history of past cooperation and
mutual respect. In both cases, collaboration may be difcult, but the rst case must over-
come problems of distrust, disrespect, and outright antagonism. We narrowed the critical
starting conditions down to three broad variables: imbalances between the resources or
Ansell and Gash Collaborative Governance in Theory and Practice 551
power of different stakeholders, the incentives that stakeholders have to collaborate, and
the past history of conict or cooperation among stakeholders.
Power/Resource Imbalances
Power imbalances between stakeholders are a commonly noted problem in collaborative
governance (Gray 1989; Short and Winter 1999; Susskind and Cruikshank 1987; Tett,
Crowther, and OHara 2003; Warner 2006). If some stakeholders do not have the capacity,
organization, status, or resources to participate, or to participate on an equal footing with
other stakeholders, the collaborative governance process will be prone to manipulation by
stronger actors. For example, Bradford (1998) demonstrates that attempts by the Govern-
ment of Ontario to make job training and occupational health and safety policy through
collaborative means were thwarted by the privileged status of rms who, through
informal channels, were able to gain access to senior ofcials. Ultimately, such imbal-
ances produce distrust or weak commitment (Gray 1989, 119; Warner 2006). American
environmental groups are notably skeptical about collaborative governance because they
feel that it is advantageous to industry groups (McCloskey 2000). Echeverria (2001), for
example, criticizes the Platte River Collaborative Watershed Planning Process because he
argues that the negotiating table is uneven and weighted toward development interests. He
argues that development interests and environmental advocates have widely different
capacities. Because their constituency is so large and diffuse, conservation advocates
are routinely at a disadvantage in contests with representatives of relatively more cohesive
and more easily organized economic interests. Without strong countermeasures to repre-
sent less powerful voices and without neutral agency leadership, Schuckman (2001)
argues that collaborative processes are skewed against environment groups.
The problem of power imbalances is particularly problematic where important stake-
holders do not have the organizational infrastructure to be represented in collaborative
governance processes. English (2000), for example, argues that the more diffuse the
affected stakeholders, and the more long term the problem horizon, the more difcult it
will be to represent stakeholders in collaborative processes. In many cases, the problem is
that organized stakeholder groups do not exist to represent individual stakeholders collec-
tively (Buanes et al. 2004; Rogers et al. 1993). Another common problem is that some
stakeholders may not have the skill and expertise to engage in discussions about highly
technical problems (Gunton and Day 2003; Lasker and Weiss 2003; Merkhofer, Conway,
and Anderson 1997; Murdock, Wiessner, and Sexton 2005; Warner 2006). A third com-
mon problem is that some stakeholders do not have the time, energy, or liberty to engage in
time-intensive collaborative processes (Yaffee and Wondolleck 2003). None of these
problems are necessarily insurmountable. Proponents of collaboration have pointed to
a range of strategies that can be used to empower weaker or underrepresented groups
(Fawcett et al. 1995; Lasker and Weiss 2003; Merkhofer, Conway, and Anderson 1997;
Mitchell 2005; Schuckman 2001).5 In terms of a contingency theory of collaborative
governance, we draw the following conclusion:
(1) If there are signicant power/resource imbalances between stakeholders, such that
important stakeholders cannot participate in a meaningful way, then effective
5 Scholars of regulation worry, however, that empowerment might lead to agency co-optation of stakeholders
(Seidenfeld 2000).
552 Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
Incentives to Participate
Given the largely voluntary nature of participation, it is critical to understand the incentives
that stakeholders have to engage in collaborative governance and the factors that shape
those incentives (Andranovich 1995; Chrislip and Larson 1994; Gray 1989; Nelson and
Weschler 1998; Susskind and Cruikshank 1987). This includes analysis of the incentives
for public agencies to sponsor collaborative governance. For example, Ebrahim (2004)
compares the different incentives Indian forest and irrigation agencies face and shows how
positive nancial incentives were critical to collaborative success in the irrigation case.
Scholars of collaborative governance have recognized that power and resource imbal-
ances will affect the incentives of groups to participate in collaborative processes (Gunton
and Day 2003; Imperial 2005). Gray (1989) argues that power differences among players
inuence their willingness to come to the table. Environmentalists prefer the traditional
congressional hearing process, she points out, because they believe they have the upper
hand in that forum. Therefore, she argues that timing considerations will be important:
parties that believe that their power is on the rise will be unlikely to want to bind them-
selves to collaboration.
Incentives to participate depend in part upon stakeholder expectations about whether
the collaborative processes will yield meaningful results, particularly against the balance
of time and energy that collaboration requires (Bradford 1998; Geoghegan and Renard
2002; Rogers et al. 1993; Schneider et al. 2003; Warner 2006). Incentives increase as
stakeholders see a direct relationship between their participation and concrete, tangible,
effectual policy outcomes (Brown 2002). But they decline if stakeholders perceive their
own input to be merely advisory or largely ceremonial (Futrell 2003).
Although collaborative approaches may be mandated by courts or legislatures, stake-
holder participation is typically voluntary. Consequently, the incentives that stakeholders
have to enter into collaboration will loom large as a factor in explaining whether collab-
orative governance can be successful. Incentives to participate are low when stakeholders
can achieve their goals unilaterally or through alternative means.
Stakeholders who view themselves as having strong allies in the courts or in legis-
latures, for example, will often prefer these alternative venues. Venue shopping can easily
undercut collaborative processes. Even if such stakeholders tentatively decide to engage in
the collaborative process, they may take their claims to an alternative venue if they become
disgruntled with the process or its outcomes (Khademian and Weber 1997). Conversely,
the incentive for stakeholders to participate is likely to increase when the collaborative
process is the exclusive forum for decision making. In the Nevada turtle case, described by
Reilly (2001, 133), successful collaboration ensued after the court refused to invalidate the
emergency listing of the tortoise as an endangered species. This ruling prevented the courts
from being used as an alternative venue.
Incentives to participate in collaborative governance will also increase if stakeholders
perceive achievement of their goals to be dependent on cooperation from other stake-
holders (Logsdon 1991). For example, the prevalence of collaborative governance in
local resource management disputes is probably related to the joint dependence of local
groups on a common resource (Heikkila and Gerlak 2005). The implications of this
interdependence can sometimes be counterintuitive. Thus, highly antagonistic stakeholders
Ansell and Gash Collaborative Governance in Theory and Practice 553
who are also highly dependent upon each other may move toward a successful collabora-
tive process (Imperial 2005; Yaffee and Wondolleck 2003). Reilly (2001), for example,
describes the balance of terror that kept rival stakeholders at the bargaining table for fear
of losing out if they were not involved. Alternatively, stakeholders with a deep foundation
of trust and shared values may fail at collaboration because stakeholders nd it easier to
achieve their goals unilaterally. Perceptions of interdependence, of course, often depend
upon political context. Thus, incentives to participate are often shaped by the shadow of
the state, such as threats of regulation or court (Bentrup 2001; Brown 2002; Short and
Winter 1999). In the area of endangered species protection, for example, it is common for
collaboration to be seen by all stakeholders as preferable to lengthy and costly court battles.
Alternative venues will be particularly attractive to stakeholders when they believe they
can achieve their goals unilaterally. We thus propose two additions to our contingency model:
(2) If alternative venues exist where stakeholders can pursue their goals unilaterally, then
collaborative governance will only work if stakeholders perceive themselves to be highly
(3) If interdependence is conditional upon the collaborative forum being an exclusive venue,
then sponsors must be willing to do the advance work of getting alternative forums (courts,
legislators, and executives) to respect and honor the outcomes of collaborative processes.
stakeholders or (b) positive steps are taken to remediate the low levels of trust and social
capital among the stakeholders.
We note, however, that strong trust and interdependence among subsets of stakeholders
may actually discourage collaborative strategies among a wider set of actors. In a network
survey of the Bay Area environmental movement, Ansell (2003) found that cliques of
environmental groups were less likely to favor collaborative strategies.
Leadership is widely seen as a critical ingredient in bringing parties to the table and for
steering them through the rough patches of the collaborative process (Burger et al. 2001;
Chrislip and Larson 1994; Frame, Gunton, and Day 2004; Gilliam et al. 2002; Gunton and
Day 2003; Heikkila and Gerlak 2005; Huxham and Vangen 2000; Imperial 2005; Lasker
and Weiss 2003; Margerum 2002; Murdock, Wiessner, and Sexton 2005; Reilly 1998,
2001; Roussos and Fawcett 2000; Saarikoski 2000; Smith 1998; Vangen and Huxham
2003a). Although unassisted negotiations are sometimes possible, the literature over-
whelmingly nds that facilitative leadership is important for bringing stakeholders together
and getting them to engage each other in a collaborative spirit (Chrislip and Larson 1994;
Ozawa 1993; Pine, Warsh, and Maluccio 1998; Reilly 2001; Susskind and Cruikshank
1987). In describing three forms of assisted negotiation, Susskind and Cruikshank
(1987) suggest increasingly more interventionist mediation techniques to the extent that
stakeholders are unable to directly collaborate. Facilitation is the least intrusive on the
management prerogatives of stakeholders; a facilitators role is to ensure the integrity of
the consensus-building process itself. Mediation increases the role of the third party in-
tervention in the substantive details of the negotiation when stakeholders are ineffective in
exploring possible win-win gains. Finally, if stakeholders cannot reach a consensus with
the help of mediation, the third party may craft a solution (nonbinding arbitration). Vangen
and Huxham (2003a) argue that to move collaboration forward, leaders must often in-
tervene in a more directive way to shape the agenda.
Leadership is crucial for setting and maintaining clear ground rules, building trust,
facilitating dialogue, and exploring mutual gains. Vangen and Huxham (2003a) argue that
leadership is important for embracing, empowering, and involving stakeholders and then
mobilizing them to move collaboration forward. Chrislip and Larson (1994, 125) describe
the collaborative leader as a steward of the process (transforming, servant, or facilitative
leadership) whose leadership style is . . .characterized by its focus on promoting and
safeguarding the process (rather than on individual leaders taking decisive action). Schol-
ars assert that collaborative governance requires specic types of leadership. Ryan (2001,
241), for example, identies three components of effective collaborative leadership:
adequate management of the collaborative process, maintaining technical credibility,
and ensuring that the collaborative is empowered to make credible and convincing deci-
sions that are acceptable to all. Lasker and Weiss (2001, 31) argue that collaborative
leaders must have the skills to (1) promote broad and active participation, (2) ensure broad-
based inuence and control, (3) facilitate productive group dynamics, and (4) extend the
scope of the process. Successful collaborations may also use multiple leaders, formally and
informally, rather than relying on one leader (Bradford 1998; Lasker and Weiss 2003).
Huxham and Vangen (2000) emphasize that effective collaborative leadership is likely to
be time, resource, and skill intensive.
Ansell and Gash Collaborative Governance in Theory and Practice 555
Institutional design refers here to the basic protocols and ground rules for collaboration,
which are critical for the procedural legitimacy of the collaborative process. Access to the
collaborative process itself is perhaps the most fundamental design issue. Who should be
included? It is no surprise to nd that the literature on collaborative governance empha-
sizes that the process must be open and inclusive (Andranovich 1995; Burger et al. 2001;
Chrislip and Larson 1994; Gray 1989; Gunton and Day 2003; Lasker and Weiss 2003;
556 Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
Margerum 2002; Martin, Tett, and Kay 1999; Murdock, Wiessner, and Sexton 2005;
Plummer and Fitzgibbon 2004; Power et al. 2000; Reilly 1998, 2001) because only groups
that feel they have had a legitimate opportunity to participate are likely to develop a com-
mitment to the process. As Chrislip and Larson (1994) write, The rst condition of
successful collaboration is that it must be broadly inclusive of all stakeholders who are
affected by or care about the issue. This includes potentially troublesome stakeholders.
As Gray (1989, 68) observes, disputes over the legitimacy of including specic stake-
holders are certain to arise, but . . .successful collaboration depends on including a broad
enough spectrum of stakeholders to mirror the problem. In the coal collaboration she
studied, the attempt to exclude certain stakeholders ultimately threatened the legitimacy of
the process (Gray 1989, 155).
Broad participation is not simply tolerated but must be actively sought. Reilly (2001),
for example, found that successful collaboratives pay considerable attention to getting
stakeholders to participate and that exclusion of critical stakeholders is a key reason for
failure. In his study of the electric industry, Koch (2005, 601) found that collaborative
governance required the inclusion of small rms and public power organizations that
had traditionally been excluded from conventional models of governance. Broad-based
inclusion is not simply a reection of the open and cooperative spirit of collaborative
governance. It is at the heart of a legitimation process based on (1) the opportunity for
stakeholders to deliberate with others about policy outcomes and (2) the claim that the
policy outcome represents a broad-based consensus. Weak or noninclusive representation,
therefore, threatens to undermine the legitimacy of collaborative outcomes (Beierle
and Konisky 2001; Geoghegan and Renard 2002; Smith 1998).6 Proactive strategies of
mobilizing less well-represented stakeholders are thus often seen as important (Weech-
Maldonado and Merrill 2000).
Yet as we saw earlier, stakeholders may not have an incentive to participate,
particularly if they see alternative venues for realizing their agenda. The literature
suggests that inclusiveness is therefore closely linked to the exclusiveness of the
collaborative forum (Schuckman 2001; Tett, Crowther, and OHara 2003). When the
collaborative forum is the only game in town, it is easier to motivate stakeholders to
participate; conversely, when they are excluded, they may be impelled to seek out alter-
native venues. For example, Kraft and Johnson (1999, 136) found that environmental
groups created an alternative forum after being excluded from the Fox River Coalition
in Wisconsin. Of course, the existence of alternative forums can also be posed as a neg-
ative precondition for effective collaboration. As Reilly (2001, 71) puts it, When alter-
native avenues exist for resolution, it is theorized that a collaborative method of
resolution is not optimal. Fung and Wright (2001, 24) note that participants will be
much more likely to engage in earnest deliberation when alternatives to itsuch as
strategic domination or exit from the process altogetherare made less attractive by
roughly balanced power.
The literature also suggests that clear ground rules and process transparency
are important design features (Busenberg 1999; Geoghegan and Renard 2002; Glasbergen
and Driessen 2005; Gunton and Day 2003; Imperial 2005; Murdock, Wiessner, and Sexton
2005; Rogers et al. 1993). Both can be understood in terms of procedural legitimacy
6 Franklin (2001) describes the process of exclusion used during strategic planning for 15 federal agencies.
Ansell and Gash Collaborative Governance in Theory and Practice 557
and trust building. Leaders are asking stakeholders to engage in good faith negotiation and
to explore possibilities for compromise and mutual gains. But stakeholders often enter into
the collaborative process in a skeptical frame of mind. They are sensitive to issues of
equity, concerned about the power of other stakeholders, and alive to the possibility of
being manipulated. The legitimacy of the process depends, in part, upon stakeholders
perceptions that they have gotten a fair hearing. Clear and consistently applied ground
rules reassure stakeholders that the process is fair, equitable, and open (Murdock,
Wiessner, and Sexton 2005). Process transparency means that stakeholders can feel con-
dent that the public negotiation is real and that the collaborative process is not a cover
for backroom private deals. Clear denition of roles can also be important (Alexander,
Comfort, and Weiner 1998). For example, in his study of an Ontario collaboration,
Bradford (1998, 565) argues that it was not clear if the role of state ofcials was to provide
direction to the social partners, clarif[y] expectations about acceptable outcomes [or lead]
the planning process. Formalization of governance structures is therefore sometimes seen
as an important design feature (Fung and Wright 2001, 2003; Imperial 2005; Weech-
Maldonado and Merrill 2000).
The literature seems to be in less agreement about the importance of consensus
rules. We have already dened collaborative governance as consensus oriented, though
pointed out that consensus is not always achieved. The issue here is whether all
collaborative decisions should formally require consensus. In the collaboratives studied
by Margerum (2002), consensus was seen as promoting representation of individual
viewpoints and encouraging more cooperation. However, consensus rules are often
criticized for leading to least common denominator outcomes (Coglianese and Allen
2003; Gunton and Day 2003). They can also lead to decision stalemates (Coglianese and
Allen 2003), though it is possible for collaborative processes to begin with consensus
procedures and then to revert to other procedures in the case of stalemate (Till and
Meyer 2001).
A nal institutional design issue is the use of deadlines. Although some authors point
to the importance of deadlines (Glasbergen and Driessen 2005), particularly because
collaborative meetings can be endless, Freeman (1997) observes that deadlines may
arbitrarily limit the scope of discussion. The problem, she writes, is that deadlines
may undercut the ongoing nature of the collaboration, inadvertently reducing incentives
for long-term cooperation. Susskind and Cruikshank (1987) and Gunton and Day (2003)
suggest that timetables, when used, must be realistic.
rather than linear. Collaboration often seemed to depend on achieving a virtuous cycle
between communication, trust, commitment, understanding, and outcomes (Huxham 2003;
Imperial 2005). This cyclicalor if you prefer, iterativeprocess is important across all
the stages of collaboration.
We found the collaborative process difcult to represent and we suspect this is pre-
cisely because of the nonlinear character of interaction. Our representation of the collab-
oration process as a cycle is clearly itself a great simplication. Yet it calls attention to the
way in which feedbacks from early collaboration can positively or negatively inuence
further collaboration. It is even difcult to know where to start a description of the
collaborative process. However, since communication is at the heart of collaboration,
we begin with face-to-face dialogue.
Face-to-Face Dialogue
All collaborative governance builds on face-to-face dialogue between stakeholders. As
a consensus-oriented process, the thick communication allowed by direct dialogue is
necessary for stakeholders to identify opportunities for mutual gain. However, face-to-face
dialogue is more than merely the medium of negotiation. It is at the core of the process of
breaking down stereotypes and other barriers to communication that prevent exploration of
mutual gains in the rst place (Bentrup 2001). It is at the heart of a process of building trust,
mutual respect, shared understanding, and commitment to the process (Gilliam et al. 2002;
Lasker and Weiss 2003; Plummer and Fitzgibbon 2004; Schneider et al. 2003; Tompkins
and Adger 2004; Warner 2006).
We argue that face-to-face dialogue is a necessary but not sufcient condition for
collaboration. For example, it is possible for face-to-face dialogue to reinforce stereotypes
or status differences or to increase antagonism and mutual disrespect. Yet it is difcult to
imagine effective collaboration without face-to-face dialogue. The literature on collabo-
ration abounds with examples of the way stereotypes have been broken down through face-
to-face communication.
Trust Building
The lack of trust among stakeholders is a common starting point for collaborative gov-
ernance (Weech-Maldonado and Merrill 2000). The literature strongly suggests that the
collaborative process is not merely about negotiation but also about building trust
among stakeholders (Alexander, Comfort, and Weiner 1998; Beierle and Konisky
2001; Brinkerhoff 1999; Glasbergen and Driessen 2005; Imperial 2005; Murdock,
Wiessner, and Sexton 2005; Short and Winter 1999; Tett, Crowther, and OHara 2003;
Vangen and Huxham 2003b). In fact, when there has been a prehistory of antagonism
among stakeholders, we found that trust building often becomes the most prominent
aspect of the early collaborative process and can be quite difcult to cultivate (Murdock,
Wiessner, and Sexton 2005). This is not to say that trust building is a separate phase from
dialogue and negotiation about substantive matters. But good collaborative leaders rec-
ognize that they must build trust among erstwhile opponents before stakeholders will
risk manipulation. What becomes evident in the case studies is that trust building is
Ansell and Gash Collaborative Governance in Theory and Practice 559
Stakeholders are no longer simply critics of the process. They now own the decision-making
process collectively with other stakeholders who may hold opposing views (El Ansari 2003;
Geoghegan and Renard 2002; Weech-Maldonado and Merrill 2000).
Ownership implies shared responsibility for the process. This responsibility requires
stakeholders to see their relationship with other stakeholders in a new light, one in which
they share responsibility with their opponents. Trust is critical because why would you
share responsibility with people you dont trust? If you adopt a responsible perspective
toward the process, what is to guarantee that your opponent will not take advantage of your
willingness to act in good faith? Shared ownership may be hindered by power imbalances
or different perceptions about who should take the initiative. During interviews with stake-
holders involved in sea urchin harvesting, for example, Warner (1997) found that shery
personnel and divers had different perceptions of their degree of ownership over the
collaborative process. Divers viewed themselves as assisting the shery staff, whereas
the shery staff expected divers to lead the decision-making process in some areas.
Mandated forms of collaboration may be critical where incentives to participate are
weak, but mandated cooperation can also disguise the lack of real commitment on the part
of stakeholders. Therefore,
(8) Even when collaborative governance is mandated, achieving buy in is still an essential
aspect of the collaborative process.
High interdependence among the stakeholders is likely to enhance commitment to collab-
oration, but it may also enhance incentives to act manipulatively and co-optively. These
temptations are probably checked where collaboration is not a one-off deal but depends on
ongoing cooperation. The literature on collective action, of course, suggests that this
horizon of the future can be an important condition for reciprocity. Therefore,
(9) Collaborative governance strategies are particularly suited for situations that
require ongoing cooperation.
Shared Understanding
At some point in the collaborative process, stakeholders must develop a shared understand-
ing of what they can collectively achieve together (Tett, Crowther, and OHara 2003).
Shared understanding is variously described in the literature as common mission
(Alexander, Comfort, and Weiner 1998; Roussos and Fawcett 2000), common ground
(Wondolleck and Yaffee 2000), common purpose (Tett, Crowther, and OHara 2003),
common aims (Huxham 2003), common objectives (Padilla and Daigle 1998), shared
vision (Manring and Pearsall 2004; Walter and Petr 2000; Wondolleck and Yaffee 2000),
shared ideology (Waage 2001), clear goals (Glasbergen and Driessen 2005; Roberston
and Lawes 2005), clear and strategic direction (Margerum 2002), or the alignment of
core values (Heikkila and Gerlak 2005). Shared understanding can also imply agreement
on a denition of the problem (Bentrup 2001; North 2000; Pahl-Wostl and Hare 2004). Or, it
might mean agreement on the relevant knowledge necessary for addressing a problem.
The development of shared understanding can be seen as part of a larger collabo-
rative learning process (Daniels and Walker 2001). Blatner et al. (2001) have developed
a useful survey strategy for assessing the extent of collective learning that results from
Ansell and Gash Collaborative Governance in Theory and Practice 561
Intermediate Outcomes
A number of the case studies suggest that collaboration is more likely to ensue when the
possible purposes and advantages of collaboration are relatively concrete and when small
wins from collaboration are possible (Chrislip and Larson 1994; Roussos and Fawcett
2000; Warner 2006; Weech-Maldonado and Merrill 2000). Although these intermediate
outcomes may represent tangible outputs in themselves, we represent them here as critical
process outcomes that are essential for building the momentum that can lead to successful
collaboration. These small wins can feed back into the collaborative process, encouraging
a virtuous cycle of trust building and commitment (Rogers et al. 1993; Vangen and
Huxham 2003b).
These considerations lead us to draw the following conclusions:
(10) If prior antagonism is high and a long-term commitment to trust building is
necessary, then intermediate outcomes that produce small wins are particularly
crucial. If, under these circumstances, stakeholders or policy makers cannot
anticipate these small wins, then they probably should not embark on a collab-
orative path.
Joint fact nding is a type of intermediate outcome that a number of authors men-
tioned in a positive light (Saarikoski 2000). We also note the argument of Vangen and
Huxham (2003b) that small wins may not be an appropriate strategy for trust building
where stakeholders have more ambitious goals that cannot easily be parsed into interme-
diate outcomes. They suggest that in this situation, trust can be built by early joint explo-
ration of the overall value of collaboration.
inherently good or bad. We want scholars and practitioners to ask themselves about
the contextual conditions likely to facilitate or discourage the desired outcomes of collab-
orative governance. We believe that this contingency approach is useful both for practi-
tioners who may be considering the adoption of a collaborative strategy and for scholars
designing future research.
As a summary of the critical variables our meta-analysis found to be important
in collaboration, gure 1 provides the basic analytical framework for this contingency
theory. Practitioners can use this framework to identify key challenges and limitations
to a collaborative strategy. Are there serious differences in the power of stakeholders?
Do all stakeholders have the organizational capacity to participate in a meaningful way?
Is there sufcient leadership to guide the process through difcult patches? How much
remedial trust building is necessary? These questions and many more are suggested by
gure 1.
We regard this article as offering a contingency theory in the sense that it offers
a framework for organizing a series of contingent propositions and cause-and-effect rela-
tionships. Our claim is not that it is a complete or fully worked out set of propositions or
causal relationships but rather that it provides a basis for further empirical testing and
theory elaboration. Figure 1, for example, species causal relationships between different
variables that affect collaborative governance outcomes. This specication is the result of
our inductive meta-analysis of a highly diverse set of cases. As described earlier, we
adopted a meta-analytic strategy of successive approximation in lieu of a more ambitious
quasi-experimental strategy because key concepts in this literature were weakly specied
and our data were not systematic. For the purposes of future research, gure 1 can be
treated as a hypothesis that might be evaluated using a quasi-experimental design.
Two possible strategies for a quasi-experimental design have occurred to us in the
course of this research. First, a survey of individual stakeholders might be utilized to
operationalize key behavioral variables, such as commitment to the process. Good
examples of the use of surveys in collaborative governance research include Margerum
(2001) and Frame, Gunton, and Day (2004). Pre- and postcollaboration surveys might be
a particularly useful strategy for assessing attitudinal change (Blatner et al. 2001). Second,
research might be designed to take advantage of natural experiments in collaboration:
situations where there are multiple independent cases of collaboration operating under
the auspices of a similar regulatory program, public agency, or law. Examples include
Murdock, Wiessner, and Sextons (2005) study of the Environmental Protection Agencys
Project XL or Schneider et al.s (2003) study of the National Estuary Program.
Our point, however, is not that aggregate statistical analysis is the only useful research
strategy that could build on our research. Figure 1 might also suggest further case study
research. Case studies are particularly valuable where the interaction between variables is
nonlinear, and we believe intensive ethnographic research might be the most successful
strategy for developing greater insight into the nonlinear aspects of the collaborative pro-
cess. Case study research into trust building, the development of shared understanding, and
commitment formation would be particularly valuable.
We conclude by emphasizing three core contingencies suggested by our analysis:
time, trust, and interdependence. Figure 1 does not fully represent the prominence of these
contingencies because their inuence is pervasive and not easy to parse as distinct varia-
bles. Yet practitioners ought to consider each of these general contingencies before
embarking on a collaborative strategy.
Ansell and Gash Collaborative Governance in Theory and Practice 563
First approximation (32): Andranovich (1995), Beierle (2000), Booher and Innes (2002),
Bryson and Crosby (1992), Chrislip and Larson (1994), Coggins (1999), Daniels and
Walker (2001), Echeverria (2001), Fawcett et al. (1995), Freeman (1997), Fung and Wright
(2001), Gray (1989), Healey (1996, 2003), Innes and Booher (1999a, 1999b), Kraft and
Johnson (1999), Langbein (2002), Lee (2003), Lober (1997), Nelson and Weschler (1998),
Ozawa (1993), Reilly (1998, 2001), Schedler and Glastra (2001), Schuckman (2001), Smith
(1998), Susskind and Cruikshank (1987), Takahashi and Smutny (2002), Thomas (1995),
Weber (2003), and Wondolleck and Yaffee (2000).
Second approximation (30): Ansell (2003), Beierle and Konisky (2001), Coglianese
(1997), Conley and Moote (2003), Ebrahim (2004), Ekoko (2000), Elliot et al. (1999),
564 Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
English (2000), Fung (2001), Gebhardt, Kaphingst, and De Jong (2000), Hamalainen et al.
(2001), Imperial (2005), Innes and Booher (2003), Leach, Pelkey, and Sabatier (2002),
Logsdon (1991), Manring (1998, 2005), McCloskey (2000), Meyer (1996), Mizrahi and
Abramson (2000), Murdock, Wiessner, and Sexton (2005), Phillips (2001), Plummer and
Fitzgibbon (2004), Schneider et al. (2003), Seidenfeld (2000), Springer, Stokes Sharp,
and Foy (2000), Waage (2001), Walter and Petr (2000), Weech-Maldonado and Merrill
(2000), Yaffee and Wondolleck (2003).
Third approximation (33): Alexander, Comfort, and Weiner (1998), Borrini-
Feyerabend (1996), Bouwen and Taillieu (2004), Bradford (1998), Brinkerhoff (1999),
Brown (2002), Coglianese and Allen (2003), Coughlin et al. (1999), Farrington and Boyd
(1997), Franklin (2001), Geoghegan and Renard (2002), Gilliam et al. (2002), Gunton and
Day (2003), Heikkila and Gerlak (2005), Lasker and Weiss (2003), Lasker, Weiss, and
Miller (2001), Lindell (2004), Manring and Pearsall (2006), Margerum (2002), Merkhofer,
Conway, and Anderson (1997), Mitchell (2005), Mutimukuru, Nyirenda, and Matose (2002),
Plummer and Fitzgibbon (2004), Saarikoski (2000), Short and Winter (1999), Tett,
Crowther, and OHara (2003), Till and Meyer (2001), Tompkins and Adger (2004),
Verstraeten et al. (2003), Warner (1997), Warner (2006), Weaver and Moore (2004), and
Weible, Sabatier, and Lubell (2004).
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Cunningham, and Lokkesmoe (2002), Buanes et al. (2004), Burger et al. (2001), Busenberg
(1999), Carter et al. (2003), Edelenbos (2005), El Ansari (2003), Frame, Gunton, and Day
(2004), Futrell (2003), Geldenhuys (2004), Gemmill and Bamidele-Izu (2002), Glasbergen
and Driessen (2005), Heikkila and Gerlak (2005), Huxham (2003), Huxham and Vangen
(2000), Innes et al. (2006), Klijn and Koopenjan (2000), Lee (2003), Mahon et al. (2003),
Margerum (2001), Martin, Tett, and Kay (1999), Matta, Kerr, and Chung (2005), Mitchell
and Shortell (2000), North (2000), Pahl-Wostl and Hare (2004), Pelletier et al. (1999),
Pokorny et al. (2004), Power et al. (2000), Redpath et al. (2004), Rhoads et al. (1999),
Roberston and Lawes (2005), Rogers et al. (1993), Roussos and Fawcett (2000), Rummery
(2006), Ryan (2001), Selman (2004), Sjoberg (2003), Vangen and Huxham (2003a,
2003b), Waage (2001), and Warner (2006).
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