Notice of Termination - Pro Forma

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It has come to our attention that despite our reasonable efforts to get

in touch with you, still, you did not report for work nor we heard a
single word from you.

You have been absent since last __ December 2016 without

informing the management as to the reason thereof. We have sent you
several text messages, email messages and we even tried to call you
in order to know your whereabouts and the reason for your absences.
However, despite such efforts, we did not hear anything from you.

Last ___________, we have sent you a Memorandum dated

_____________ requiring you to explain why you should not be subjected
to disciplinary action because of your unexplained absences. Said
Memorandum was issued and sent to you as the management wanted
to conduct an investigation regarding your absences.

Despite the opportunity given to you, you have failed to provide

us your written explanation. Such failure on your part shall now be
treated as a waiver of your right to be heard.

Because of your repeated refusal to get in touch with us when we

tried to communicate with you and considering the length of time that
you have not reported for work, the same shall be treated as
abandonment of work.

Under the Labor Code of the Philippines, one of the just causes
for termination of employment is GROSS AND HABITUAL NEGLECT OF
DUTIES. In the said category falls habitual tardiness, absenteeism and
abandonment of work as decided by the Supreme Court in the case of
Labor et al., vs. NLRC.1

By reason of your absenteeism and abandonment of work, the

management has decided to terminate your employment on the
ground of gross and habitual neglect of duties. Such termination shall
be effective IMMEDIATELY.


1 G.R. No. 110388, 14 September 1995.

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