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SEAOC Blue Book Seismic Design Recommendations

Anchor Bolts in Light-Frame Construction at Small Edge Distances

ASCE 7-05 2007 CBC Other standard

reference section(s) reference section(s) reference section(s)
Ch 12 Seismic Design 1613 Earthquake Loads ACI 318-05 Appendix D
Requirements 1911 Anchorage to Codes- ACI 318-08 Appendix D
Allowable Stress Design ACI 355.2
1912 Anchorage to Concrete- NDS-05 Table 11E
Strength Design

The subject of this article is the anchorage of wood-frame sill plates on structural walls in light-frame construction.
Wood-frame shear walls have traditionally been connected to concrete foundations with cast-in anchor bolts or post-
installed anchors in accordance with varied local practices. At shear wall locations, substantial loads are assumed to
load the anchor bolts in pure shear parallel to the concrete edge. For the purposes of this article the following are
Typical cast-in place L-bolt, minimum 7-inch embedment
Bolt diameter of nominal inch through inch
Standard or 3-inch square plate washer with standard nut
Bolts assumed to act in pure shear, loaded parallel to free edge of concrete
Bolt corner distance minimum 8 inches
Preservative-treated wood sill plate (2x4, 2x6, 3x4, 3x6, etc.)
Typical wood-frame construction with redundant anchor bolts
Foundation minimum fc=2500 psi, conventional or pre-stressed concrete.

The change of model codes in California in January 2007 from the 1997 UBC to the 2006 IBC required a number of
fundamental changes to the accepted design practices of wood-frame sill plate anchorage in light-frame structures.
A significant change to design practice was also necessary to apply the IBC provisions for the seismic design of
anchor bolt connections occurring near a concrete edge. These changes have been a source of much discussion and
frustration for code users in high seismic areas subject to the IBC and ACI codes.

Two sensitive assumptions that affect the ACI Appendix D calculation are the ductility parameter and the cracked
concrete parameter. The ductility parameter of IBC 1908.1.16 [D3.3.5] alone requires a 60 percent reduction to the
connection capacity in concrete if the attachment to concrete is not ductile at the concrete design strength. (ACI 318-
08 has reduced the reduction to 50 percent in light-frame construction.) The resultant low concrete capacity values
indicate that a failure of the connection is expected to occur in the concrete long before it occurs in the anchor bolt
or the wood sill plate, which is counter-intuitive. The SEAOC Seismology Committee performed a literature search
of anchor bolt testing for wood sill plates with small concrete edges distances and discovered very limited research
was available. The SEAOC Seismology Committee then decided to embark on an anchor bolt testing program.
Using the Tyrell Gilb facility in Stockton, California, members of the SEAOC Seismology Light-frame
Subcommittee conducted the first test program of its kind where the behavior of light-frame wood sill plate
anchorage at small edge distances was targeted. Additionally, the test program included non-destructive impact-
echo readings to continuously monitor the progression of any delaminations in the concrete. The results of this
testing program are published in the document Report on Laboratory Testing of Anchor Bolts Connecting Wood
Sill Plates to Concrete with Minimum Edge Distances, dated March 29, 2009. This report is available for
download from the SEAONC website:

The SEAOC test data show that the yield strength of the wood sill plate connection governs over the strength of the
concrete in the subject connections. This component testing was necessary to determine the specifics of the
connection behavior, particularly the large amount of yielding the bolts achieve above the concrete surface and the
beneficial clamping effect due to the square plate washer.

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SEAOC Blue Book Seismic Design Recommendations
Anchor Bolts in Light-Frame Construction at Small Edge Distances

In this article we present additional commentary to the test report findings and review the underlying assumptions
that may be appropriately considered by the designer. The recommendation is presented that the subject anchors
may be conservatively designed assuming a wood yield mode as predicted by the yield limit equations associated
with Mode IIIs and Mode IV behavior in the ANSI/AF&PA NDS-2005 National Design Specification (NDS) for
Wood Construction. These values are subject to the same limitations as NDS Table 11E and are included at the end
of this article for reference. These values do not apply to anchorage in light-weight concrete, post-installed anchors,
or anchorage of cold-formed steel track. Finally, recommendations for further testing are discussed.

In California, the design procedure and code-prescribed capacity of the subject bolts had not changed since the
values were first tabulated and introduced in the 1979 UBC. In the IBC jurisdictions outside California, new ACI
strength-based provisions for the design of seismically loaded cast-in anchors have been a part of the IBC since the
2000 edition. Regarding the provisions of 2006 IBC, which are currently applicable in many states, anchor bolt
design is covered in IBC sections 1911 (Allowable Stress Design) and 1912 (Strength Design). IBC 1911 requires
that with any seismic loading, anchor bolt capacities must use a strength-based design procedure. Per IBC 1912, the
subject L-bolt is specifically required to be designed to the requirements of ACI 318 Appendix D provided its
application is within the scope of the appendix. The strength design of anchors that are not within the scope of
Appendix D shall be designed by an approved procedure. Therefore the subject anchor bolts are required to use
strength-based design for seismic loads, but for wind loads the anchor bolt capacities may be taken from IBC Table
1911.2, which still contain the historical values used prior to the IBC.

The scope and provisions of ACI 318 Appendix D resulted from many years of testing and substantial effort directed
at providing designers more transparency into the limit states associated with various classes of concrete anchorage.
Wood sill plate anchorage forms a small subset of possible anchorage conditions covered by Appendix D. This
connection is of greater regional importance than international importance, and there was a gap in the literature
addressing this condition prior to the SEAOC testing. As a result, the present code provisions did not fully anticipate
this narrow but important condition, and the generalized provisions produced design results inconsistent with the
needs of light-frame design.

The problems light-frame designers have faced with the ACI Appendix D provisions are rooted in the very low
capacity values that seemed to be required relative to past practice. As described herein, proper application of the
ductility and cracked concrete parameters provide a rational, usable set of bolt values. Such a rational anchor bolt
value should embody the following characteristics:
1) The capacity is internally consistent with other material chapters (e.g. shear capacity due to
embedment in concrete should be proportionately stronger than masonry or wood).
2) The seismic capacity versus wind capacity is internally consistent with that required for other
code-approved components and assemblies.
3) The design capacity is not overly sensitive to any particular assumption. (For assumptions that are
highly sensitive by nature, it is appropriate to use a continuous function or finely divided steps).

Light-frame designers have derived bolt values through Appendix D on the order of one-quarter to as little as one-
fifth of the traditional value when assuming a non-ductile connection and cracked concrete. Such a result is very low
and leads to a design solution that would be inappropriate for the wood sill attachment of many code-listed shear
wall systems. For example, some designers have derived a capacity of approximately 300 pounds (ASD) for an
anchor that traditionally carried approximately 1200 pounds (ASD). Accordingly, a fairly heavily loaded shear wall
that would have traditionally required two anchors per stud bay would now require eight anchors per stud bay,
which do not physically fit.

A final complication has been the inconsistency of design capacities determined by different designers. The
traditional practice of using table values for anchor capacities was replaced by a design procedure with over a dozen
variables. Amid the added complexity, practitioners have questioned the marginal benefit in implementing dramatic

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SEAOC Blue Book Seismic Design Recommendations
Anchor Bolts in Light-Frame Construction at Small Edge Distances

changes to the anchor bolt design methodology. Since issues with the old values were not apparent, the need for
substantial change was puzzling.

The primary goals of the SEAOC Anchor Bolt Test program were to:
1) Determine whether the wood connection yielding controls the connection capacity when loaded
parallel to an edge and if the equations found in each material standard are good predictors of
2) Determine whether the connection exhibits ductile behavior.
3) Propose rational design capacities for the connection.

It was decided to test the 5/8-inch diameter bolts since they are representative of most medium and heavy duty shear
wall applications. While much residential concrete construction is specified at fc=2500 psi, in-service concrete is
expected to experience some strength gain over time. For this reason, a range of 2500 to 3000 psi was specified for
the test concrete compressive test. In actuality, the highest compressive test cylinder result was 2710 psi. As also
detailed in the SEAOC Report on Laboratory Testing of Anchor Bolts Connecting Wood Sill Plates to Concrete
with Minimum Edge Distances, the tests included two unique features. First, the effect of friction was isolated on
half of the tests by providing a lubricated polyethylene membrane at the wood-concrete interface. This allowed the
contribution of friction to be better understood from the test data. Second, impact-echo testing was conducted
during the test to continuously monitor the status of delamination that developed in the concrete that may not have
been visibly apparent. Aside from these unique features, every effort was made to test materials representative of the
most common shear wall connections.

The independent variables tested were:

Item Configuration Tested

Sill plate size 2x4, 3x4, 2x6 and 3x6
Anchor bolt edge distance 1.75 inches or 2.75 inches, dependent upon sill plate
Testing protocol monotonic versus pseudo-cyclic
Wood-concrete interface condition friction versus frictionless membrane

To properly generate test data for the purpose of assessing behavior, a new displacement based loading protocol was
developed. Using data from an initial set of monotonic pull tests, cyclic tests were calibrated so that damage
produced by the test would best represent actual in-service failure modes. For the new protocol, the SEAOC
Seismology Committee used a hybrid approach essentially taking the CUREE protocol with additional cycles added
at low load levels. Independently, the SEAOSC sequential phased displacement (SPD) loading was used on several
tests to compare results.

The first result to note was that the monotonic tests were an accurate predictor of the elastic performance
characteristics exhibited in the cyclic tests. Once the anchors were loaded to approximately 5000 pounds, the
anchors slowly started to exhibit some plastic behavior as further displacement occurred. The frictionless membrane
applied under the length of sill plate had a minor effect at small displacements within the elastic range. For loads in
the range of design values, which were well within the elastic range, there was little difference between the pseudo-
cyclic, monotonic, and sequential phased displacement test results.

Second, the test showed that fastener fatigue was not a limit state influenced by any of the various loading protocols.
This is an important observation since it limits the area of concern to the strength of wood and concrete elements

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SEAOC Blue Book Seismic Design Recommendations
Anchor Bolts in Light-Frame Construction at Small Edge Distances

Third, the class of anchorage tested was ductile, and concrete side-breakout was not detected until the resistance
force was significantly beyond the elastic range, specifically not until the peak value was achieved. In addition to the
observation of significant bolt bending, peak strengths from cyclic tests of the 1-inch edge distance case (e.g. 2x4
and 3x4 sill plate) ranged from 2.3 to 2.9 times the NDS calculated yield values for the wood sill plate connection,
which indicates substantial loading beyond the yield limit state of the connection. The peak value was generally
accompanied by a complete, but shallow concrete delamination. Use of the impact-echo measurements often
signaled internal concrete delamination prior to any visual evidence, although no evidence of any sort was noted in
the elastic range or below 6000 pounds in any test. After the initial shallow delamination occurred, the anchors were
in tension, and a secondary peak was recorded--often with a higher ultimate value than the initial peak (see Figure
1). Significant ductile mechanisms were observed in the form of large deflections of the sill plate and bending of the
anchor bolt. The failure mechanics of concrete predict that delaminations form initially from a series of micro-
cracks. These internal micro-cracks propagate and interconnect along an eventual failure surface that corresponds
roughly to the path of least energy. Although the study of fracture mechanics has not progressed to the point to have
accurately predicted the information obtained from the SEAOC tests, it does predict significant energy can be
absorbed by the concrete after the onset of inelastic behavior. The tests showed that in the post-elastic range,
strength gain is slowed as micro-cracks grow to the point where the peak strength value occurs. The peak strength
was noted to coincide with the point where initial delamination occurred.

Fourth, the ACI Appendix D concrete break-out strength taken from the estimated mean appears overly conservative
for the 1-inch edge distance case (e.g. 2x4 and 3x4 wood sill plates). From cyclic test results, the tested peak
strengths ranged from 1.7 to 2.2 times the ACI Appendix D calculated values adjusted to represent mean-based
concrete break-out strengths. Taken on the whole (i.e. with and without the friction-reducing membrane) the 2x4 and
3x4 cyclic tests averaged 1.9 times the ACI concrete break out calculated value adjusted for the mean strength.
Similarly the 2x6 and 3x6 cyclic tests achieved 1.4 times the ACI equation. If the equations were to accurately
reflect the test results, the comparison would be expected to be on the order of 1:1.


8000 Peak
Load (lbs.)




0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Deflection (in.)

Figure 1: Typical inelastic behavior showing secondary peak.

Since the ACI 318 Appendix D break-out equation approximates the 5 percent fractile strength, the SEAOC test
report adjusts the Appendix D break-out strength to the mean-based estimate in order to provide an appropriate

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SEAOC Blue Book Seismic Design Recommendations
Anchor Bolts in Light-Frame Construction at Small Edge Distances

comparison to the mean of the test data. There is some degree of assumption regarding the variance of the data, and
details are given for the specifics of each concrete test specimen in the SEAOC Anchor Bolt Test Report. However,
whatever adjustment is made, the aggregate of testing has shown the connection to exhibit good capacity and
ductility that was previously unaccounted for.

Finally, since the ultimate values corresponded to large drifts, the data reduction used in the test report was
conservatively modified from the ASTM E2126 standard. In particular, the first peak was used rather than the
ultimate load specified by the standard. This peak value was defined by the SEAOC Seismology Committee as the
highest load prior to any drop of 5 percent in capacity.

Assumptions Applicable to Anchor Bolt Design

Scope. As indicated above, ACI appendix D is utilized for cast-in L-bolts provided they are within the scope of
Appendix D. The ACI scoping provisions of D2.1 and D2.2 indicate the Appendix applies to cast-in anchors and
connected structural elements of which the subject anchor bolts are clearly included. However, the ACI-05
commentary states that the scope envisions anchorages where a single anchor failure could result in a loss of
stability of the structure. Generally speaking, sill plate anchorage is not a low redundancy application. There are
typically at least four connections present in the sill plate (two hold downs and two anchor bolts), there are often
other interior walls present, and there is also the likelihood of substantial friction at the sill plate connections. Thus
multiple load paths exist. Therefore, some engineers have suggested that the subject anchor bolts may not fall
within the scope of Appendix D based upon the commentary. While this point may have certain merits, the IBC
provides that if anchors are not to be regulated by Appendix D, another approved method is necessary. Such an
approved method should incorporate a similar level of sophistication as Appendix D. The IBC Table 1911.2 does
not incorporate the various failure mechanisms that are addressed by Appendix D.

Supplementary Reinforcement. ACI 318-05 section D.4.4 provides for the use a strength reduction factor of
=0.75 (rather than =0.70), if reinforcement is proportioned to tie a potential concrete failure prism to the
structural member. ACI 318-08 section D.4.4 and related commentary further clarifies that supplementary
reinforcement need only be present, and explicit design is not required in order to utilize the higher factor. Most
light-frame foundations have a continuous #4 or #5 reinforcement bar (or a post-tension tendon) near the top and
along the edge of the slab or curb, and it has been suggested that this bar may allow for an assumption of the higher
factor. The Committee cautions designers who may be tempted to categorize this bar as supplementary
reinforcement since in our experience the bar location is not sufficiently controlled in the field in a manner that
would allow for relatively shallow embedments.

Cracked Concrete Assumption. The first UBC code reference regarding cracked concrete appeared in 1997
UBC section 1923.2, which referred to anchorage embedment in tension zones. At the time, overhead anchorage
of structural members and equipment were a primary concern, and these regulations applied to anchorage occurring
below the neutral axis on bending members such as beams or elevated concrete decks. IBC has also incorporated a
cracked-concrete anchor reduction since the 2000 IBC [1319.5.2.7]. In the current code, ACI 318-05 section D6.2.7
stipulates where analysis indicates cracking at service load levels, c,V shall be taken as 1.0 for anchors with no
supplementary reinforcement or edge reinforcement smaller than a No. 4 bar. (For testing, a crack width of up to
0.12 inches is produced.) Thus, in strength design, when the uncracked concrete is justified, cast-in anchors are
allowed a 40 percent capacity increase, since c,V can be taken as 1.4.

The uncracked assumption is generally justified in light-frame construction as can be seen from the review of
original testing in cracks. A good review of available test information was recently published by Eligehausen,
Malle, and Silva in the publication Anchorage in Concrete Construction (2006). In this publication the authors
explain that cracked concrete is a concern with anchors in tension since diminished values have been obtained with
testing and over time the fastening can loosen. However for shear loading they report that where a shear load acts
perpendicular to the crack, then the load-displacement behavior does not differ significantly from the behavior in
non-cracked concrete. . . . [E]ven anchors that exhibit inferior performance when loaded in tension in cracks are
usually adequate to resist shear loads in cracked concrete (p. 157). It should be expected that the subject sill plate

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SEAOC Blue Book Seismic Design Recommendations
Anchor Bolts in Light-Frame Construction at Small Edge Distances

anchors will not be compromised by any significant degree, since it would require cracks intersecting the anchor and
running parallel to the concrete edge, which are highly unlikely in typical light-frame applications. Any cracks
occurring in the concrete substrate would be expected to be more or less perpendicular to the concrete edge and thus
perpendicular to the applied load and not affecting groups of anchors.

The code requires the determination of cracked versus uncracked to be made at service level loads and that the crack
reduction applies to a full-depth crack along the axis of the anchor. In the practical sense, it is possible that in
combination with the effects of restraint, expansive soils, or frost heave, limited areas of a conventional foundation,
deck, or posttension slab-on-grade could experience curvatures in excess of the cracking modulus as redistribution
occurs. However, given the inherent redundancy of anchors in light-frame construction coupled with the low
probability of coincidence between qualifying cracks and typical anchor placement, it is not reasonable to assume a
cracked substrate unless specific conditions clearly indicate otherwise.

Conclusion and Recommendations

Based upon the SEAOC Report on Laboratory Testing of Anchor Bolts Connecting Wood Sill Plates to Concrete
with Minimum Edge Distances, the connection will yield at the wood sill plate prior to the formation of a concrete
limit state when loaded parallel to a concrete edge. In other words, the concrete exceeds the strength of the wood. In
the non-linear range of performance, an initial and secondary peak load was recorded that indicated the connection
showed excellent ductility.

The test data and examination of assumptions detailed above indicate that it is rational to use the values obtained
from ACI Appendix D assuming uncracked concrete and a ductile attachment. Also based upon the test results that
indicate concrete will not govern for the anchorage of the subject 2x and 3x sill plates, it is conservative to use the
NDS design values for bolts up to inch in diameter that meet the requirements shown at the beginning of this
article. While -inch diameter bolts were not specifically tested, they may be used with 6-inch nominal width sill
plates due to increased cover. Additionally, the NDS predicts the same type Mode IIIs failure for the -inch
anchors. Table 1 shows representative anchor bolt shear values based upon the NDS-05.

Table 1. Anchor Bolt Shear Values Based on the NDS 05 (CD=1.6)

Bolt Diameter1,2
Sill Plate " 5/8" "
2x 1040 1488 2032
3x 1232 1888 2426
" anchor bolt limited to 6-inch nominal width sill plates
Values are shown in lbs. (ASD basis)

Another benefit of the testing was isolating the effect of friction under the sill plate. The testing data indicates that a
portion of the shear load can be transferred through friction between the bottom of the sill plate and the concrete.
The amount of load that is transferred by friction is significant for monotonic testing and less so for cyclical testing.
This supports the notion that friction is significantly increased due to bending of the anchors and the clamping action
of the plate washers. In a wall assembly, the studs and boundary elements in compression may play a more
significant role than previously assumed and present the opportunity for further study.

Finally, the reader is cautioned that any damage occurring to this connection may not be readily apparent.
Therefore, post-event observers should review the photos contained in the test result and be aware that severe
damage can be masked by the top of the sill plate.

Through much effort coordinated by the Light-Frame Systems subcommittee, new testing specifications and
loading protocols were developed to ensure that the data would be properly generated and assessed. In addition to
the efforts of the 2008-2009 SEAOC Seismology Committee, a number of firms donated time, materials and/or

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SEAOC Blue Book Seismic Design Recommendations
Anchor Bolts in Light-Frame Construction at Small Edge Distances

effort, including Scientific Construction Laboratories, Inc., Structural Solutions, Inc., Certus Consulting, Inc., and
VanDorpe Chou Associates, Inc. In addition, Phil Line of the American Forest & Paper Association provided
valuable effort and input. The Committee was also very fortunate to be able to conduct the tests at the Tyrell Gilb
Research Laboratory owned by Simpson Manufacturing Company, in Stockton, California. This facility is
accredited to comply with ANS/ISO/IEC Standard 17025:2005.

ACI 318-05 Appendix D. Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary. American
Concrete Institute, 2005, pp. 379-402, Farmington Hills, MI.
AF&PA (2001). National Design Specification for Wood Construction. American Forest & Paper Association,
Washington, DC.
ASTM Standard D 5764 97a, 2007: Standard Test Method for Evaluating DowelBearing Strength of Wood and
WoodBased products. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.
ASTM Standard E 2126, 2008 Standard Test Methods for Cyclic (Reversed) Load Test for Shear Resistance of
Vertical Elements of the Lateral Force Resisting Systems for Buildings. ASTM International, West
Conshohocken, PA.
BSSC (2004). NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other Structures,
Part 1: Provisions (FEMA 450-part 1/2003 Edition), Building Seismic Safety Council, Washington, DC.
BSSC (2004). NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other Structures,
Part 2: Commentary (FEMA 450-part 2/2003 Edition), Building Seismic Safety Council, Washington, DC.
CBC (2007). California Building Code. California Building Standards Code, 2007, Country Club Hills, IL.
Cook, Ronald A. Strength Design of Anchorage to Concrete. Portland Cement Association, 1999, Skokie, IL.
Cook, Ronald A. PhD, P.E., Wollmershauser, P.E. and Gerber, Brian S.E. Post-Installed Anchor Approvals for
ACI318 Appendix D. Structure Magazine, January 2006, pg 58.
CUREE Publication W02: Development of a Testing Protocol for WoodFrame Structures, Richmond, CA.
Dolan, J.D.; Gutshall S.T.; and McLain T.E (1996).. VPI Research Report No. TE1994003 Determination of
ShortTerm DurationofLoad Performance of Nailed and Bolted Connections Using Sequential Phased
Displacement Tests, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA.
Eligehausen, Rolf, Mallee, Ranier and Silva, John F. Anchorage in Concrete Construction. Ernst & Sohn, 2006,
Berlin, Germany.
Fogstad, Christian, P.E. and Gerber, Brian, P.E., S.E. Code Changes Affecting Post-Installed Concrete Anchor
Design. Structure Magazine, December 2007, Pages 45-48.
FEMA 461: Interim Protocols for Determining Deismic Performance Characteristics of Structural and
Nonstructural Components Through Laboratory Testing. May 2007, Washington, D.C.
Ghosh, S.K., Dowty, Susan, Dasgupta, P. Analysis of Revisions to the 2006 IBC Structural Provisions, pgs 97-106,
111-112. Structures and Codes Institute, 2006, Palatine, IL.
Hess, Richard. For What Planet is This Code Written? Structure Magazine, November 2008, page 73.
IBC (2003). 2003 International Building Code. International Code Council, 2003, Country Club Hills, IL.
IBC (2006). 2006 International Building Code. International Code Council, 2006, Country Club Hills, IL.
ICBO (1997). 1997 Uniform Building Code. International Conference of Building Officials, Whittier, CA.
ICC, IBC Final Draft Public Hearing S-229/1912. Proponent: James R. Cagley, Cagley & Associates and Joseph
J. Messersmith, Portland Cement Association; representing the American Concrete Institute Committee 318
and Portland Cement Association respectively, March 1999, pp. S246-249, Falls Church, VA.
ICC-ES Proposed Acceptance Criteria for Cast-in-Place Proprietary Bolts in Concrete for Light-frame Construction,
Subject AC399 0508-R1, Proposed April 2008.
Mendes, Stanley B. Lessons Learned From Four Earthquake Damaged Multi-Story Type V Structures, Proc. 64th
Annual SEAOC Convention, Indian Wells, CA, October 19-21 1995, Sacramento, CA.
Mohammad, M.; Karacabeyli, E. and Quenneville, J.H.P, Lateral Resistance of Bolted WoodtoConcrete
Connections Loaded Parallel or Perpendicular to Grain, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering (2003),
Vancouver, B.C.
SEAOC (2002). Seismic Design Manual, Volume II: Building Design Examples - Light Frame, Masonry and Tilt-up
(1997 UBC), Structural Engineers Association of California, Sacramento, CA.

Article 12.04.030 Page 7 of 8 June 2009
SEAOC Blue Book Seismic Design Recommendations
Anchor Bolts in Light-Frame Construction at Small Edge Distances

SEAOC Seismology Committee (1999). Recommended Lateral Force Requirements and Commentary, Seventh
Edition, Structural Engineers Association of California, Sacramento, CA.
SEAOC Seismology Committee: Report on Laboratory Testing of Anchor Bolts Connecting Wood Sill Plates to
Concrete with Minimum Edge Distances, February 2009, Sacramento, CA.
SEAOC, Seismology and Structural Standards Committee, Wood-Framed Design in Seismic Areas: Re-tooling for
the 2006 IBC in Light of Current Design Practice, October 2007.
Soltis, L.A. and Wilkinson, T.L. (1991). United States Adaptation of European Yield Model to Large Diameter
Dowel Fasteners Specifications, International Timber Engineering Conference, London.

anchor bolt
edge distance

How To Cite This Publication

In the writers text, the article should be cited as:

(SEAOC Seismology Committee 2009)

In the writers reference list, the reference should be listed as:

SEAOC Seismology Committee (2009). Anchor Bolts in Light-Frame Construction at Small Edge
Distances, June, 2009, The SEAOC Blue Book: Seismic design recommendations, Structural Engineers
Association of California, Sacramento, CA. Accessible via the world wide web at:

Article 12.04.030 Page 8 of 8 June 2009

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