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Calculated Column Cheat Sheet


Profit Shows the percentage profit on a sale (tick "Show as percentage") 10%

Markup Gives a price from a cost and a percentage markup $130.00


Commission Gives the commission due on a sale (based on a commission %) $20.00

Formatting Formmatted with $ curency, comma thousand seperator and 2 decimal places $1,234.56
Negative numbers in brackets (95.99)

Date and Time

Time only TEXT([DateTimeField],"hh:mm:ss") 08:35:21
Weekday TEXT([DateField],"dddd") Tuesday
TEXT([DateField],"ddd") Tue
Month TEXT([DateField],"mmmm") September
TEXT([DateField],"mmm") Sep
Year TEXT([DateField],"yyyy") 2011
TEXT([DateField],"yy") 11
Combinations TEXT([DateField],"mmmm dd, yyyy"
17, 2011
AM/PM Shows whether a time is AM or PM AM
IF(HOUR([Time]) < 12,"AM","PM")

Day/Night Shows whether a time is day or night Day


Wk commencing Shows the date of the first day of the week (useful for grouping by week) 1/2/2011

Week number Shows the week number (US Style)


Quarter Shows which quarter a date falls in

"Q" & INT((MONTH([Date])-1)/3)+1 Q1
"Q" & INT((MONTH([Date])-1)/3)+1 & "-" & YEAR([Date]) Q1-2010
Season Shows which season a date falls in. Takes into account one month offset from quarter.
CHOOSE(INT((MOD(MONTH(When)+1,12)/4))+1,"Winter","Spring","Summer","Autumn") Spring
Fiscal year Shows which fiscal year a date falls in (1st October)
"FY " & IF(DATE(YEAR([Date]), 10, 1)>[Date], YEAR([Date]), YEAR([Date])+1) FY 2011
Shows which fiscal year a date falls in (6th April)
IF([Date]<DATE(YEAR([Date]),4,1), RIGHT(YEAR([Date])-1,2) & "/" &
RIGHT(YEAR([Date]),2), RIGHT(YEAR([Date]),2) & "/" & RIGHT(YEAR([Date])+1,2)) 10/11/2011

Ref. number Creates a fixed length reference number from a Number PLT00324
"PLT" & REPT("0",5-LEN(TEXT([Number]))) & TEXT([Number])

Random team Chooses a team at random, based on the time (in seconds) Team B
CHOOSE(MOD(TEXT(Created,"s"),2)+1,"Team A","Team B")

Marks out of ten Gives general comments on a mark out of ten Good

Modified Shows whether an item has been modified since creation

IF([Modified] > [Created], "Changed", "Original") Changed

Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint

Calculated column reference (page 2)

Operators Description Example {Result}

+, -, *, / Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide
^ Power (e.g. [Field]^2 = Squared) 4^3 {64}
Concatanate (put two text values or
& "4" & "3" {"43"}, [Field1] & [Field2]
fields together)
Relational Operators
= (Equal To) > (Greater than) >= (Greater than or equal to)
<> (Not equal to) < (Less than) <= (Less than or equal to)
Text Description Example {Result}
LEN (Text) The length of Text LEN("Hello") {5}
LEFT (Text, Number) Return X characters from the left LEFT("I quite like camping", 6) {"I quit"}
RIGHT (Text, Number) Returns X characters from the right RIGHT("I quite like camping",4) {"ping"}
Returns Number2 characters from the MID("I quite like camping", 9, 11) {"like
MID (Text, Num1, Num2)
middle of Text, starting at Number1 campin"}
Returns the index of Text1 within Text2,
SEARCH (Text1, Text2, Num) SEARCH("Banana", "Banana Banana", 4) {8}
starting the search at index Number
LOWER (Text) Text in lower case LOWER("uRGEnT") {"urgent")
UPPER (Text) Text in upper case UPPER("uRGEnT") {"URGENT")
PROPER (Text) Capitalize first letter of each word PROPER("uRGEnT TICket") {"Urgent Ticket")
TRIM (Text) Removes spaces from the start and end TRIM(" some text ") {"some text"}
Returns Text without non-printable
CLEAN (Text) CLEAN("Line1?? Line2??") {"Line1 Line2"}
characters added by clipboard or similar
Replaces Number2 characters starting at
REPLACE (T1, N1, N2, T2) REPLACE("Hello",2,4,"i") {"Hi")
Number1 from Text1 with Text2
CONCATENATE (T1, T2, ...) Puts the values together into one string CONCATENATE("A","B","C") {"ABC"}
Converts a number to a currency text, with
DOLLAR (Number, Decimals) DOLLAR(12.567,2) {"$12.57"}
the given number of decimals
EXACT (Text1, Text2) Are the two text values identical? EXACT("Hi","hi") {False}
Returns Number with the given number of FIXED(1057.26,1,TRUE) {"1057.3"},
FIXED (Num, Dec, NoCommas)
decimals as text (commas optional) FIXED(1057.26,0,FALSE) {"1,057"}
REPT (Text, Number) Repeats Text the given Number of times REPT("Hi",3) {"HiHiHi"}
Converts Value to a Text value, using
TEXT (Value, Format) TEXT([Created], "yyyy|mm") {"2011|03"}
Format (see 'TEXT Formats' overleaf)

Date/Time Description Example {Result}

YEAR (Date) Returns the year number from a date YEAR([Created]) {2011}
MONTH (Date) Returns the month number from a date MONTH([Created]) {3}
Returns the weekday number from a date
WEEKDAY (Date) WEEKDAY([Created]) {2}
or datetime (0 is Sunday)
DAY (Date) Returns the day number from a date DAY([Created]) {29}
HOUR (DateTime) Returns the hour (uses 24h clock) HOUR([Created]) {13}
MINUTE (DateTime) Returns the minute from a datetime MINUTE([Created]) {51}
SECOND (DateTime) Returns the seconds from a datetime SECOND([Created]) {26}
DATE(Year, Month, Day) Creates a date from the 3 numbers DATE(2011, 3, 29) {3/29/2011}
The difference between two dates (Unit:
DATEDIF (Date1, Date2, Unit) "Y" Years, "M" Months, "D" Days, and DATEDIF("3/29/2011","2/1/2011","M") {1}
DATEVALUE (Text) Converts Text to a Date DATEVALUE("3/29/2011") {3/29/2011}
TIME (Hour, Minute, Second) Creates a time from the 3 numbers TIME(19,45,21) {1/1/1900 7:45:21 PM}
TIMEVALUE (Text) Converts Text to a time value TIMEVALUE("19:45") {1/1/1900 7:45 PM}
Math Description Example {Result}
ABS (Number) Makes a number positive if it is negative ABS(-1) {1}, ABS(1) {1}
Rounds Number up to the nearest even
EVEN (Number) EVEN(0.5) {2}, EVEN(-1) {-2}
Returns the factorial of a number ("x!" on a
FACT (Number) FACT(5) {5*4*3*2*1 = 120)
Returns the remainder of Number1 divided
MOD (Number1, Number2) MOD(5, 4) {1}, MOD(2010, 20) {10}
by Number2
Rounds Number up to the nearest odd
ODD (Number) ODD(1.5) {3}, ODD(-2) {-3}

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Calculated column reference (page 3)

Math (cont.) Description Example {Result}

PI () Returns Pi to 15 decimal places PI() {3.14159265358979}
ROUND (Number1, Number2) Rounds Number1 to Number2 decimals ROUND(327.598, 1) {327.6}
Rounds Number1 to Number2 decimals,
ROUNDDOWN (Num1, Num2) ROUNDDOWN(327.598, 1) {327.5}
always rounding down.
Rounds Number1 to Number2 decimals,
ROUNDUP (Num1, Num2) ROUNDUP(52.0001, 0) {53}
always rounding up.
Returns -1 for negative numbers, 1 for SIGN(-5.9786) {-1}, SIGN(20678) {1},
SIGN (Number)
positive, and 0 when 0 SIGN(0) {0}
SQRT (Number) Returns the square root SQRT(64) {8}
TRUNC (Number) Returns Number with decimals removed TRUNC(37.999999) {37}
Converts Text to a Number, Date or Time,
VALUE (Text) VALUE("57") {57}, VALUE("00:05") {00:05}
according to its format
Averages the Numbers, ignoring non- AVERAGE(10, 0, "", "0") {5}, AVERAGE(5, 0,
AVERAGE (Num1, Num2, ...)
Number values TRUE) {2.5}
Averages the Numbers, non-Number AVERAGEA(10, 0, "", "0") {2.5}, AVERAGEA(5,
AVERAGEA (Num1, Num2, ...)
values are interpreted 0, TRUE) {2}
Averages the Numbers, ignoring non- COUNT(10, 0, "", "0") {2}, COUNT(5, 0,
COUNT (Num1, Num2, ...)
Number values TRUE) {2}
Counts all values, including empty text (""), COUNTA(10, 0, "", "0") {4}, COUNTA(5, 0,
COUNTA (Value1, Value2, ...)
ignoring empty columns TRUE) {3}
Gets the largest of the numbers, including
MAX (Number1, Number2, ...) MAX(0, 2, "76", 100) {100}
Text fields containing numbers

Gets the largest of the numbers, including MAXA(0, 2, "76", 100, "Telephone", TRUE)
MAXA (Number1, Number2, ...)
non-number values {100}
Gets the smallest of the numbers,
MIN (Number1, Number2, ...) MIN(0, 2, "76", 100) {0}
including Text fields containing numbers

Gets the smallest of the numbers, MINA(0, 2, "76", 100, "Telephone", TRUE)
MINA (Number1, Number2, ...)
including non-number values {0}
Returns the total of all Numbers and
SUM (Number1, Number2, ...) SUM(0, 2, "76", 100, TRUE) {179}
number-like values
Logical Description Example {Result}
AND (Condition1, Condition2) Returns True if both conditions are True AND(4>=3,3>2) {True}
OR (Condition1, Condition2) Returns True if either condition is True OR(4>=3, 3<2) {True}
NOT (Condition1) Returns the opposite to the condition NOT(1=1) {False}
Conditional values Description Example {Result}
Returns the value corresponding to the
CHOOSE(Num, Val1, Val2, ...) CHOOSE(3, "A", "B", "C", "D") {"C"}
number. Up to 29 values can be used.
If Conditon is true, return Value1, IF([Modified] > [Created], "Changed",
IF(Condition, Val1, Val2)
otherwise return Value2 "Original") {"Changed" or "Original"}
Type/Error checking Description Example {Result}
Returns True if Value is empty, False IF(ISBLANK([Assignee]), "Needs assigning",
otherwise "Assigned")
Returns True if Value returns an error
ISERR (Value) ISERR(#REF!) {True}
(except #N/A), False otherwise
ISERROR (Value) Returns True if Value returns an error ISERROR(#REF!) {True}
Returns True if Value returns a logical
value (True or False), False otherwise
Returns True if Value returns error #N/A,
ISNA (Value) ISERR(#N/A) {True}
False otherwise
Returns True if Value is not text or is ISNONTEXT(2) {True}, ISNONTEXT("Two")
empty, False otherwise {False}
Returns True if Value is a Number, False
ISNUMBER (Value) ISNUMBER(2) {True}, ISNUMBER("Two") {False}
ISTEXT (Value) Returns True if Value is Text ISTEXT(2) {False}, ISTEXT("Two") {True}
Columns that can't be used
[Today] and [Me] Only available in default columns. Will NOT work correctly in calculated columns
[ID] Only works on column addition/update. Fails to work from then on.
Lookup columns Currently unsupported

Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint

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