In this article, the methods of multi-component seismic response analysis for curved bridges are
systemically analyzed and compared. Because of the interaction between bending and torsion
resulted from the irregular plane, the maximum seismic response of curved bridges would be
correlative with the input angle of earthquake. The employable domain and limitation of SRSS3
method is well defined from the intensive study of CQC3 method and SRSS3 method.
Meanwhile the theory fundamental and parameters of simplified methods are analyzed in this
study. The seismic responses of curved bridges based on real earthquake response spectra and
design spectra, are calculated in various ways. To verify the mode superposition methods of
response spectra, the time history analyses of bridges subjected to real earthquake records and
the artificial earthquake waves which are synthesized from design spectra are carried out.
Example analyses have been used to compare the validity and accuracy of CQC3 and SRSS3.
The results illustrate that CQC3 method is more accurate and suitable to seismic design of
important bridges. It is worth pointing out that more conservative results from both the SRSS
and percentage methods should be adopted in seismic design for normal bridges in order to
simplify calculation in design and ensure the safety of bridges during earthquakes.
The dynamic response characteristics of curved, multiple-span highway bridges are quite different from
those of other structures. This fact became very evident during the San Fernando, California, earthquake
of February 9, 1971, when numerous reinforced concrete bridges of this type suffered severe damages.
Based on the San Fernando experience, extended attention has been given to the study of seismic effects
on bridges. Mathematical modeling and non-linear seismic analysis procedures for long, multi-span,
reinforced concrete bridge structures have been developed by Tseng and Penzien [1,2], which take into
account the coupled inelastic behaviors of reinforced concrete columns and the non-linear discontinuous
behaviors of expansion joints. In order to verify the validity of these mathematical models and analytical
procedures, detailed model experiments using a shaking table were conducted by Williams and Godden [3,
4] to provide dynamic response data similar to prototype bridge behaviors. Finite element analyses of
seismic response of curved girder bridges including the warping effect of the curved beam element with
Institute of Earthquake Engineering, China Academy of Building Research.
Beijing Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Retrofit, Beijing University of Technology, China.
eight degrees of freedom were discussed by Guohao Li [5]. Desroches and Fenves [6] evaluated the
earthquake response of a curved highway bridge. They built a three-dimensional calibrated bridge model
to investigate and compare significant differences between uniform free-field and non-uniform input
motion. Zureick [7] presented analysis and dynamic properties of horizontally curved steel I-Girders and
remarked the lack of rigor in gathering all the information resulting from earlier researches into a global
database, available for qualitative review and evaluation. In reference to an earlier publication, Heinere [8]
and Maneetes [9] described a large amount of resources and efforts fed into the research of horizontally
curved bridges. However it seems no essential progress attained in these references. The effects and
discrimination of single support motion and multi-support motions on the responses of curved bridges
usually becomes research key points. Furthermore the dynamic response characteristics of curved bridge
superstructure are very complex and expansion joints have a profound influence on the dynamic
responses. However these researches are mainly focused on time history analysis including mode
superposition and step by step integration. They do not provide satisfactory practical guidelines in the
modal superposition method based on design response spectra.
Penzien and Watabe [10] have shown that the translational components of ground motions can be
resolved into two directions, i.e. major axis and intermediate principal axis perpendicular to the major
axis. It is known that ground motion can act along any horizontal direction for its complexity and
randomness. Furthermore the existence of a possible different direction of seismic incidence would lead
to an increase of structural dynamic response, especially for the complex three-dimensional structures,
such as non-rectangular buildings, curved bridges. Although in the seismic design of regular structures
the directions of ground motion incidence are usually applied along the fixed structural reference axis.
But the direction of the earthquake, which produces the maximum stresses, in a particular member or at a
specified point, is variable.
The maximum structural responses associated to the most critical directions of ground seismic motions
have been examined in several papers. Wilson [11] proposed a method to calculate the critical angle of
structural response. However it is approximate. Smeby [12] developed an explicit formula to determine
the critical angle for the case of two horizontal ground components, using random vibration theory.
Wilson and Suharwardy [13] proposed a method to calculate the maximum response of structures to
multi-component of ground motion. This paper raised a series discuss due to not appropriate using mode
superposition method [14, 15]. Lopez and Torres [16] presented correct theoretical derivation and results
which were consistent with reference [12] using mode superposition method. A method called Three
Dimensional Complete Quadratic Combination (CQC3) proposed by Menun [17] aims to reach a more
accurate determination of the maximum structural response to three orthogonal components of seismic
motion, which properly accounts for the correlation of seismic components. Lopez [18] indicated that in
the Menun paper, the percentage rule (30% and 40%) and CQC3 method were compared incorrect, and
found an exaggerated error. More attention should be paid to that the above researches provide more or
less practical guidelines based on the mode superposition method, and the researches have not been tested
and verified by the time history analysis yet.
In the view of seismic design, some seismic code [19] prescribe simplified method to analyze the
maximum response of the structure suffered to multi-component ground motion. Code for seismic design
of buildings (GBJ111-87) [20] in China proposed corresponding specified standard. Code for seismic
design of bridges specifies that the engineer can simplify curved bridge to straight bridge in a certain
range, without considering the complexity of the curved bridges.
In this paper, a typical model that can capture essential features of the earthquake behaviors of curved
bridges is investigated. Meanwhile the methods of multi-component seismic analysis for curved bridges
are systemically analyzed and compared. The seismic responses of a curved bridge are calculated in
various ways based on real response spectrum and standard design spectrum. To verify these design
spectra based methods, the real earthquake records and the artificial earthquake waves computed from
standard design spectrum are applied for time history analysis. Some suggestions about the code method
of multi-component seismic analysis for bridges are given.
CQC3 method
Figure 1 illustrates the situation of a structure subjected to the simultaneous actions of two orthogonal
horizontal ground accelerations in directions 1 and 2, and vertical ground acceleration in direction 3 or Z.
The component forms an angle with the X-axis, X and Y are the reference axis of the structure. It is
assumed that input ground motion is represented by a wide-band stationary process. Directions 1, 2 and 3
are the principal ground acceleration directions. Let R be the maximum dynamic response or peak
response to the simultaneous actions of the three spectra, corresponding response parameters such as
displacement, stress, force, etc. For component in direction 1 or 2, the peak modal response in the i -th
mode of vibration, can be written as:
Ri1 = Ri1x cos + Ri1 y sin (1)
Ri2 = R i2 x sin + Ri2 y cos (2)
where R R
i are the peak modal responses calculated when the ground motion in direction 1 acts
along the reference axis of the structure, X and Y, respectively. Ri2 x Ri2 y are the peak modal responses
calculated when the ground motion in direction 2 acts along the reference axis of the structure, X and Y,
Figure 1 Structure subjected to two horizontal components applied along any arbitrary
directions and the vertical component seismic motion
Using CQC method (Wilson [21]), the peak response R1 is obtained by combining the peak modal
responses including modal correlation to the seismic component 1. To seismic components 2 and 3,
R 2 and R 3 are presented as follows:
R = Cij Ri1 R1j
i j
R 2 = Cij Ri2 R 2j (4)
i j
R = Cij Ri3 R 3j
i j
where Cij is the correlation coefficient between responses in modes i and j . According to Chinese
seismic design code, coefficient Cij is:
8 i j 1 + i i
Cij = j j
2 2
T 2
1 i + 4 1 + Ti Ti
T i j
Tj Tj
where Ti and T j are the natural periods of mode i and j respectively. i and j are the damping ratios
of modes i and j respectively.
Since ground components are uncorrelated, the peak response, R , to the simultaneous actions of the three
components is given by:
R = R1 + R 2 + R 3 ) ( ) ( ))
2 2 2 1/ 2
From equations (1) ~ (6), the peak response R is obtained as a function of the angle of incidence
R ( ) = { [(R ) + (R ) ]cos
1x 2 2y 2 2
[ 2 2
+ (R1 y ) + (R 2 x ) sin 2
+ 2 sin cos Cij Ri1x R1j y Cij Ri2 x R 2j y + R 3 ( )
i j i j
The critical angle, , is defined by the value that renders the maximum value of R in equation (8).
Taking the derivative of R with respect to and setting it equal to zero, we get:
2x 2 y
2 Cij Ri R j Cij Ri R j
1x 1 y
i j
= tan 1 1 y 2
1 i j
2 R ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
+ R 2 x 2
R 1 x 2
R 2 y 2
Therefore, equation (13) gives two roots of , and the roots decide the maximum and the minimum
values of the structural peak response R in equation (8).
Penzien and Watabe [10] have shown that the translational components of ground motions can be
resolved into two directions, i.e. major axis and intermediate principal axis perpendicular to the major
axis. Let us assume the following relationship between the horizontal spectra as S a 2 = S a1 , where is
defined as the spectral ratio for the horizontal components of ground motion. This assumption is usually
adopted in the earthquake design of structures. The peak responses defined above are simplified as
R 2i = R1i i = x, y (14)
Substituting these expressions into equation (8), the peak response R is given as a function of the angle
. Correspondingly is:
R ( ) = { [(R ) + (R ) ]cos
1x 2 1y 2 2
+ (R1 y ) + (R1x ) sin 2
2 2
] (15)
( ) ( )
+ 2 sin cos 1 2 Cij Ri1x R1j y + R 3
i j
1x 1 y
2 Cij Ri R j
i j
= tan 1 1x 2
2 R ( ) ( )
R 1 y 2
From equation (16), if two components of ground motion are proportional, the critical angle is
independency to the ratio . Equations (8) ~ (16) are named CQC3 method proposed by Menun [17].
SRSS3 method
If modal correlation coefficients of structure are small, SRSS method is used to be adopted as mode
superposition method. Substituting equations (3) ~ (5) by equations:
R = Ri1 Ri1
R = Ri2 Ri2
R = Ri3 Ri3
So equations (8) and (13) can be transformed to
R ( ) = { [(R 1x 2
) + (R ) ]cos
2y 2 2
[ 2 2
+ (R1 y ) + (R 2 x ) sin 2
2 2
+ 2 sin cos Ri1x Ri1 y Ri2 x Ri2 y + R 3 ( )
i i
2x 2 y
2 Ri Ri Ri Ri
1x 1 y
= tan 1 1 y 2 i
1 i
2 R + R ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
2 x 2
R 1 x 2
R y 2
Under the condition of equation14, equations20and21can be transformed to
R ( ) = { [(R ) + (R ) ]cos
1x 2 1y 2 2
+ (R1 y ) + (R1x ) sin 2
2 2
( ) ( )
+ 2 sin cos 1 Ri1x R1j y + R 3
2 Ri1x R1j y
= tan 1 1x i 2 2
2 R
( ) ( )
R1 y
Dongsheng Zhu [22] has ever deduced these equations, but not noticing their essential and limitation. We
called these group equations as SRSS3 method. Essentially, SRSS3 method is the simplified form of
CQC3 method which does not take into account the dependency relation among modes. If modal
correlation coefficients of the structure are small, SRSS3 method will be similar to CQC3 method. If
modal correlation coefficients of the structure are large, SRSS3 method will have a rather large error.
For multi-component earthquake excitation, the critical angle , which produces the maximum stresses in
a particular member or a specified response, may be unique. The above methods are complex and time-
consuming for practical engineering. So in the practically engineering, the analyses only combine part of
the responses of the structure to single-component earthquake excitation, without considering the input
angle. For single-component earthquake excitation, methods for combining modal responses have been
developed which account for the correlation between modal responses and obtained accurate results.
However, for multi-component earthquake excitation, in spite of many previous studies, the existing
methods can be inaccurate.
S EK = S y2 + (0.85S x )
or (29b)
where SEK is total response, Sx is the response when the ground motion acts along the X axis of the
structure; Sy is the response when the ground motion acts along the Y axis of the structure. It is important
to note that the analysis only for the input angle applied at angle of 0o (equation (29a)) or 90o (equation
(29b)) in this method. Any reference system or the resulting structure has all members, which is designed
to equally resist earthquake motions from all possible directions. However the effect of the input angle is
not considered in this method.
Percentage rules
Newmark and Rosenblueth [23] put forward the percentage rules firstly:
R = R1 R2 R3 (30a)
R = R1 R2 R3 (30b)
R = R1 R2 R3 (30c)
One option, in the design codes (UBC97 and Caltrans90) for buildings and bridges, requires that members
should be designed for 100 percent of the prescribed seismic forces in one direction plus 30 percent of the
prescribed forces in the perpendicular direction. However other codes and organizations (ASCE 4-86 and
ATC-321996) stipulate that it should be 40 percent rule rather than 30 percent rule.
As described above, SRSS3 method is a simplified form of the CQC3 method. SRSS3 method can be
appropriately used to analyze if the modal correlation coefficients of the structure are small. Compared
with 0.85-principle and percentage rule, CQC3 method can be applied widely. The critical angle and the
associated maximum structural response can be determined by CQC3 method. As we know, a large
structure is consisted of great deal of members, which are designed to equally resist earthquake motions
from all possible directions. It would be time-consuming for practical engineering if we calculate
maximum responses for all components by CQC3 method, and the results for many components would be
conservative. Hence only for calculating important response components of critical structure, such as
reaction force of piers of large curved bridge, we need to use CQC3 method.
SRSS method and percentage rules have no essential difference. Both of them are simplified ways which
reflect effective combination of multi-components from statistic meaning, without considering the effect
of the input angle. To be noticed that 0.85-principle and percentage rule have different meanings.
Percentage rule is a combination method of the structure responses, and 0.85-principle represents
proportional relation of different components of the input motion. Equation (30) and equation (28) should
be compared if the two horizontal spectra are assumed same. In code ASCE 4-86, we can conclude this
point. This code specified that the conservative results from both the SRSS method and percentage rules
should be used to analyze the responses of structure to multi-component earthquake excitation. On the
base of equation (28), we can get Equation (29) by adding additional proportion of the components of the
input motion.
Many papers have discussed this case, comparing SRSS method and percentage rule. It is not appropriate
to compare equations (29) and equation (30). Lopez and Torres [18] indicated some errors in the paper
[17]. Furthermore, it should be pointed out that the percentage rules could be refined by including the
different intensity of component in the orthogonal direction. Compared with equation (29), the equations
of percentage rules should be rewritten as follows:
R = R1 R2 R3 (31a)
R = R1 R2 R3 (31b)
R = R1 R2 R3 (31c)
R = R1 R2 R3 (31d)
The SRSS method and percentage rules are widely used in practical engineering because of the
complexity and time-consuming of CQC3 method. It is important in the practical application in
engineering to compare the accuracy of the two methods deliberately. Later, we will show the comparison
in the example
The above four methods are all based on spectral mode superposition method. The maximum responses
calculated by these simplified methods are approximate. It is necessary to compare them with the exact
results calculated by time history analysis. The real earthquake records and the artificial earthquakes
computed from standard design spectrum are applied in time history analysis in order to verify these
spectra based methods.
A numerical example has been conducted in order to examine the results getting from the previously
mentioned methods. The calculated bridge is three spans. Figures 2 and 3 are elevation view and plan
view of calculated model; figure 4 is a typical section of superstructure. Concrete elastic modulus is
3.5104MP, the mass density is 2500kg/m3, pier 1 and pier 4 are connected with bearings, the shearing
rigidity of bearing is k8.8106N/m, the nonlinear behavior of isolation bearings is taken into account
using horizontal nonlinear spring elements. The analysis model of the example bridge is shown in figure
From equation (8), we need a further analysis based on the analysis of single spectrum when using CQC3
method. If using the sophisticated business programming, we need multi-pass complier. IDARC-
BRIDGE [24] is a computational platform for seismic damage assessment of bridges, and we add a new
module for spectral analysis into the program. We can combine the analysis results to multi-components
for different angles using various methods including CQC3 method, SRSS3 method, SRSS method and
percentage rules. It can be concluded from equation (13) that the vertical component is not correlated to
the horizontal component, so the effect of the vertical component is not considered in the analysis of
numerical model. The responses of structure are illustrated by reaction force of pier 4.
The results of modal analysis and modal correlation coefficients are shown in table 1. It is shown that the
coupling between the bearings and curved bridges is significant. The basic frequency is nearly to each
other. The modal correlation coefficients are relative large, the largest is 0.973. It can be concluded that
the results calculated by SRSS3 method may be not accurate.
y x
0 0
-400 -250
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Table 2 Maximum reaction force and critical angle of pier 4 using various method
M1 M2 M3
Various methods V1(N) V2(N) V3(N)
(N*m) (N*m) (N*m)
SRSS method 6.173e5 6.601e5 9.772e5 2.488e6 1.610e7 3.255e6
Percentage rule30% 6.435e5 6.891e5 1.016e6 2.535e6 1.670e7 3.389e6
Percentage rule40% 6.644e5 7.071e5 1.035e6 2.553e6 1.699e7 3.505e6
recation force 5.890e5 6.130e5 1.068e6 2.829e6 1.723e7 3.223e6
Critical angle 54 24 78 78 78 54
recation force 6.537e5 6.973e5 1.000e6 2.488e6 1.642e7 3.548e6
Critical angle 24 24 108 90 108 30
Time recation force 6.572e5 6.709e5 9.653e5 2.580e6 1.489e7 3.449e6
Critical angle 30 36 114 96 108 36
By changing input angle from 0o to 180o (increment by 6o ), a series of analysis are investigated for two
perpendicular component seismic excitations (S00E component and S90W component), using CQC3
method, SRSS3 method, percentage rules and SRSS method. At the same time, the time history analysis
of bridge is carried out for different angle. As the assumption that two components are uncorrelated, we
combine the maximum responses for two components using SRSS method. The results are presented in
table 2. The curves of reaction force with respect to input angle are presented in figure 8. We can obtain
some rules from the results of the study.
1. The effect of different input angles cannot be neglected for two-component earthquake excitation. In
this paper, showed by the numerical model, the variation amplitude of maximum response with respect to
different input angles, are above 30%, the largest is 45%.
2. The results calculated by CQC3 method and time history analysis are similar. It indicates that the
CQC3 method is accurate relatively. It seems that more attention should be paid to verify the CQC3
method by practical time history analysis.
3. Results calculated by SRSS method actually are the larger one which is calculated by CQC3 method
for input on 0o or 90o . The accuracy of this method is determined by the irregularity of the structure and
the critical angle corresponding to the maximum response, since the influence of the different input
angles is not taken into account in this method. In this example, the maximum response nearly appears at
angle 0o or 90o , so the error is small. This method would have a relative large error, and the error would
be not conservative, if the maximum response critical angle appears far from 0o or 90o .
4. When percentage rule is 30%, most responses are conservative, and exceptional case seems few. If
percentage rule is 40%, all reaction forces are larger than the maximum responses of time history
analysis. From the analysis of the example-curved bridge, the percentage rule is better than SRSS method.
5. SRSS3 method is able to calculate the variation of structural responses caused by different input angles.
The modal correlation coefficients in this example curved bridge are relative large, so the error is also
quite large in this case. It seems necessary that an application range of SRSS3 method should be specified
to avoid probable large error.
Figure 10 Reaction forces of pier 4 using various methods for standard spectrum
(Time history analysis, CQC3 method, SRSS, percentage rules)
The results computed by various methods are shown in figure 10. From the results, it can be concluded
1. When is set for 0.85, 0.67 and 0.5, the critical angle of response is identical at different ratio
coefficient. This is consistent with the equation (16) which indicates the independency of .
2. The artificial earthquake waves are computed from identical design spectrum, but the effect of phase is
significant. Especially when the amplitudes of two-component are close to each other, the difference
between results of time history analysis and CQC3 method is large at some input angle. Generally the
critical angle and maximum response is accurate, so the CQC3 method is a feasible approach in practical
engineering design.
3. The reason of the difference between the results calculated by SRSS3 method and CQC3 method is the
same as mentioned above.
4. The SRSS method does not take into account the influence of the input angle, so the response of
structure sometimes is unsafe. However the maximum responses appear nearly at angle 0o or 90o in this
example, the results of SRSS method and CQC3 method are relatively close to each other.
5. When percentage rule is 30%, most responses are conservative, and exception is few. If percentage rule
is 40%, all reaction forces are larger than the maximum responses calculated from time history analysis.
From the analysis of example-curved bridge, the percentage rules are preferred to SRSS method.
In this article, the methods of multi-component seismic analysis for curved bridges are systemically
analyzed and compared. From the extensive study and comparison by CQC3 method and SRSS3 method,
SRSS3 method is well illustrated, and its applicable range and limitation are also pointed out. Meanwhile
the theory and parameter analyses of simplified methods are conducted in this paper. The seismic
responses of a curved bridge are calculated in various ways based on real response spectrum and standard
design spectrum. To verify these methods, the real earthquake records and the artificial earthquake waves
computed from standard design spectrum are applied for time history analysis. The main results and
conclusions of the study may be summarized as follows.
a) The effect of input angle for multi-component seismic excitation to curved bridges is relatively large. It
may be not reasonable for the practical engineering design if this factor is neglected.
b) Compared with time history analysis, the CQC3 method usually is sufficient accurate. However
compared with the SRSS method and percentage rules, it is more complex. For the important structure, it
is necessary to employ CQC3 method to carry out analysis.
c) SRSS3 method is the simplified form of CQC3 method. SRSS3 method would have a rather large error
if the natural periods of the structure are close to each other, namely modal correlation coefficients of
structure are large.
d) The SRSS method is convenient to the analysis of structure; perhaps due to its simplification many
seismic codes adopt it as normal combination method for multiple mode seismic responses. The accuracy
of this method depends upon the irregularity of the structure and the critical angle corresponding to the
maximum response, since the influence of the different input angles is not taken into account in this
e) The results of percentage rules are usually conservative, and in most cases are reasonable. From these
conclusions, several suggestions can be drawn as follows for fitting the need of code and seismic design
of curved bridges or other irregular structures.
1. Current Chinese seismic code specifies that using 85% principle is too simple and the effect of
different input angles is not taken into account. It becomes necessary to do further study and
modification. It is suggested to use various analytical methods to fit the practical need of seismic design
for different kind of structures.
2. In seismic design of important curved bridges, it is prefer CQC3 method and time history analysis to
calculated critical angles and maximum responses of structures.
3. In the seismic design code of highway engineering, appropriate mode superposition method should be
specified. It is suggested to use the conservative results from percentage rules and SRSS method in
seismic design of curved bridges in consideration of the influence to multi-component seismic excitations.
This research is funded by Beijing Municipal Educational Commission and Beijing Laboratory of
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Retrofit, Beijing University of Technology, China. These financial
supports are gratefully acknowledged.