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Vocabulary numbers 012

Grammar I, my, you, your

1A Whats your name? Real World saying hello; introducing people;
Students Book p6p7 phone numbers; saying goodbye

Hello! c Demonstrate the activity yourself by role-playing

the conversation with a confident student. Then ask
1 a CD1 1 Focus students on conversation 1 in students to practise the conversation with four other
the photo. Play the recording. Students listen and students, either by moving around the room or by
read the conversation. Play the recording again if talking to students sitting near them. Students should
necessary. use their own fi rst names.
Check that students understand the sentences in the
conversation. Point out that when giving our name, HELP WITH GRAMMAR I, my, you, your
we can say Im or My names . You can also
teach And you. as an alternative to You too. Help with Grammar sections help students to
examine examples of new language and discover
b PRONUNCIATION Play the recording again,
the rules of meaning, form and use for themselves.
pausing after each sentence for students to repeat.
Students should usually do the exercises on their
Alternatively, model each sentence yourself and ask
ownor in pairs before you check the answers with
students to repeat chorally and individually. For
the class.
Teaching Tips on drilling, see p23 of this book.
For more information on the face2face approach to
c Demonstrate the activity yourself by role-playing Grammar, see p20.
the conversation with a confident student. Then ask For Teaching Tips on Grammar, see p22.
students to practise the conversation with four other
students, either by moving around the room or by 3 ab Focus students on the example in 3a and use
talking to students sitting near them. Students should this to teach the phrase Fill in the gaps. Students do
use their own fi rst names. the exercises on their own or in pairs. Check answers
with the class. Alternatively, do the exercise on the
EXTRA IDEA board with the whole class.
Before asking students to practise the conversation in a Answers 2 I 3 My
pairs, choose two confident students and ask them to b Answers 2 you 3 You 4 your
practise the conversation for the class. Students dont Highlight the difference between I/my and
need to leave their seats. Correct students pronunciation you/your.
as necessary, then ask them to practise the conversation Point out that we use I/you + verb (I read,
again. Repeat this open pairs procedure with other you listen, etc.) and my/your + noun (my name,
students. If this technique works well with your class, your book, etc.).
useit when appropriate in future lessons. Also point out that we always use a capital I
when we refer to ourselves.
You can also tell students that there is no polite
d Focus students on the speech bubbles. Use the form of you in English.
third speech bubble to teach students Hi = Hello. Students may ask you about the meaning of
Then ask students to take turns to introduce m, are and s. Tell the class they are part of
themselves to the class. the verb be, and that Im = I am and names =
name is. We suggest that you dont go into detail
about the verb be at this stage of the course and
Draw a plan of the class seating arrangements on the encourage students to treat the new language
board and write in the students names as they introduce as fixed phrases. Note that the verb be is taught
themselves to the class. Leave the plan on the board for systematically in units 2 and 3.
students to refer to during the lesson.
2 a CD1 2 Focus students on conversation 2 in the Highlight the Language Summary reference
photo. Play the recording. Students listen and read. GRAMMAR 1.1 at the end of the exercise and ask
Check students understand all the sentences in the students to turn to Language Summary 1, SB (Students
conversation. Remind students that Hi = Hello and Book) p114p115. Ask students to find GRAMMAR 1.1
point out that Im fine. = Im OK. You can also point and give them time to read the information. Point out
out that Hi is more informal than Hello. that all the new language in each unit is included in the
b PRONUNCIATION Play the recording again, Language Summaries, and that this language is organised
pausing after each sentence for students to repeat. into three sections: Vocabulary, Grammar and Real World.
Alternatively, model each sentence yourself and ask
students to repeat chorally and individually.

4 CD1 3 PRONUNCIATION Focus students on the Phone numbers
sentences in 3. Play the recording. Students listen
8 a CD1 7 Pre-teach phone number. Play the
recording. Students listen and read the questions
Note that in most of the recorded drills there are andanswers.
already sufficient pauses for students to repeat Check students understand mobile number and
chorally without you pausing the recording yourself. homenumber by referring to the photos.
5 a Students do the exercise on their own, then Point out the TIP on how to say 0 and double digits
compare answers in pairs. (44, etc.) in phone numbers. Note that we can also
b CD1 4 Play the recording (SB p107). Students say zero in phone numbers instead of oh.
listen and check their answers. Check answers with PRONUNCIATION Play the recording again, pausing after
the class. each sentence for students to repeat chorally and
individually. Highlight the pronunciation of mobile
A /mbail/ and double /dbl/.
SUE Hello, my names Sue. Whats your name? b Students do the exercise in pairs.
MARIO Hello, IIm Mario.
SUE Nice to meet you
you. 9 a CD1 8 Play the recording (SB p107). Students
MARIO You too. listen and write the numbers. Play the recording
B again if necessary.
ADAM Hi, Meg. b Students compare answers in pairs.
MEG Hi, Adam. How are youyou? Check answers with the class by eliciting the
ADAM Im fine, thanks. And you
you? phone numbers and writing them on the board.
MEG Im OK, thanks.
You can also use the recording to teach Yes, thats
c Students practise the conversations in pairs. Ask a right. Thanks. and Thank you.
few pairs to role-play the conversations for the class.
A 020 7599 6320 B 07655 421769
C 0034 91 532 67 53
Introducing people
6 a CD1 5 Focus students on conversation 3 in the
photo. Play the recording. Students listen and read Get ready Get it right!
the conversation. Check students understand that we
use this is to introduce people. There is a Get ready Get it right! activity at
the end of every A and B lesson. The Get
b PRONUNCIATION Play the recording again,
ready stage helps students to collect their
pausing after each sentence for students to repeat.
ideas andprepare the language that they need to
Alternatively, model each sentence yourself and ask
complete the task. The Get it right! stage gives
students to repeat chorally and individually.
students the opportunity to use the language
c Put students into groups of three. Students they have learned in the lesson in a
practise conversation 3 in their groups, using their communicative (and often personalised)
own names. context. These two-stage activities help
Ask a few groups to role-play their conversations for students to become more fluent without losing
the class. Alternatively, ask students to move around the accuracy they have built up during the
the room and introduce people to each other. controlled practice stages of thelesson.
For more information on the face2face approach
Numbers 012 to Speaking,see p20. For Teaching Tips on
Speaking and correction, see p22.
7 a CD1 6 PRONUNCIATION Teach the word number.
Play the recording. Students listen and repeat the 10 Put students into pairs, student A and student B.
numbers. Alternatively, model the words yourself and Student As turn to SB p86 and student Bs turn
ask students to repeat chorally and individually. to SB p91. Check they are all looking at the
Highlight the pronunciation of zero /zir/ and correct exercise.
eight /eit/. Repeat the drill if necessary.
a Focus students on the you column in the
b Demonstrate the activity by saying four numbers table. Students practise saying the numbers on
and asking students to write them down. Check their own.
they have the correct answers. Students then do the
b Students do the exercise with their partner.
exercise in pairs.
They are not allowed to look at each others
c Students compare tables and check their
Students work in pairs and count alternately from 0 to 12. partner has written the phone numbers
They can then count backwards alternately from 12 to 0. correctly.

EXTRA IDEA b Students move around the room and say goodbye
to other students, or say goodbye to students sitting
Students move around the room and ask other students near them.
for their mobile numbers and home numbers. If you think
that your students might be unwilling to tell each other EXTRA IDEAS
their real phone numbers, prepare cards with fictitious Ask students to turn to the Classroom Instructions
phone numbers and give one to each student. on SB p135. Use the pictures to teach the meaning of
some common classroom instructions. Alternatively, ask
students to learn the instructions for homework and check
Goodbye! them next class.
Ask students to do some of the practice activities from
11 a CD1 9 Focus students on conversation 4 in the
photo. Play the recording. Students listen and read lesson 1A on the Self-study DVD-ROM for homework. For
the conversation. photocopiable instructions on how to use the Self-study
Check students understand the words and sentences DVD-ROM, see p11p14.
in the conversation. Point out that Bye = Goodbye.
You can teach See you tomorrow. and See you next FURTHER PRACTICE
class. as alternatives to See you soon.
PRONUNCIATION Play the recording again, pausing Extra Practice 1A SB p97
after each sentence for students to repeat chorally Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 1A
and individually. Alternatively, model and drill the Workbook Lesson 1A p3
sentences yourself.

Vocabulary countries
1B Wheres she from? Grammar he, his, she, her
Students Book p8p9 Real World Where are you from?

QUICK REVIEW Quick Reviews begin each lesson in a fun, Note that the USA is also called the US, the States, the
student-centred way. They are short activities which review United States or America. Also note that the UK refers
previously taught language and are designed to last about to England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland,
five or ten minutes. For Teaching Tips on Reviewing and and we can say the UK or Britain /britn/. The
Recycling, see p23. term Great Britain refers to the island that contains
This activity reviews phone numbers. Students work on
England, Scotland and Wales, not the country.
their own and write two phone numbers. These can be real Brazil 3; Russia 10; the USA 1; Germany 5;
or invented numbers. Students do the rest of the activity Egypt 9; Australia 12; Mexico 2; Turkey 8;
in pairs. Students then check that their partners numbers the UK 4; China 11; Spain 6
Students can check their answers in Language
Countries Summary1 VOCABULARY 1.2 SB p114.
1 Check students remember numbers 112. Focus
students on the map of the world. Pre-teach map
andcountry. HELP WITH LISTENING Word stress
Use the example (Italy) to show that students should Help with Listening sections are designed to help
write the correct numbers of the countries in the students understand natural spoken English. They
boxes next to each vocabulary item. focus on phonological aspects of spoken English
Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs. whichmake listening problematic for students.
Check answers with the class. For more information on the face2face approach to
Point out that we use capital letters for countries Listening, see p20. For Teaching Tips on Listening,
(Italy, Brazil, etc.). Also point out the in the USA seep21.
andthe UK.
This Help with Listening section introduces students
to the concept of word stress.

2 CD1 10 Focus students on the vocabulary box in 1 Whats his name?
and point out how stress is marked in the Students
6 a Students do the exercise on their own. Check
Book ( ). Play the recording. Students listen and answers with the class.
notice the word stress.
Use the countries to teach syllable and point out the 2a 3d 4c
number of syllables in each country (Italy = three
syllables, Brazil = two syllables, etc.). b CD1 13 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording.
Also highlight that Spain doesnt have a stress mark Students listen and practise. Check that students
because it is a one-syllable word. pronounce the contractions (Whats, Hes, etc.)
correctly. Repeat the drill if necessary.
3 CD1 10 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording again.
Students listen and practise. Check students copy the HELP WITH GRAMMAR he, his, she, her
word stress correctly.
Highlight the pronunciation of Egypt /idipt/, 7 ab Focus students on the example in 7a. Students
Australia /streili/ and Turkey /t
ki/. do the exercises on their own or in pairs. Check
answers with the class. Alternatively, do the
4 Focus students on the speech bubbles and check exercise on the board with the whole class.
students understand Whats number ?.
Students do the activity in pairs. While they are a Answers 2 His 3 he 4 He
working, monitor and correct any pronunciation b Answers 2 Her 3 she 4 She
mistakes that you hear. Highlight the difference between he/his (male)
and she/her (female).
Where are you from? Point out that we use he/she + verb (hes, etc.)
and his/her + noun (his name, etc.).
5 a Focus students on the photo of Stefan and Emel Also highlight the difference in pronunciation
on SB p9. Check students remember these people between hes /hiz/ and his /hiz/.
from lesson 1A. Students may ask you about the meaning of
CD1 11 Play the recording. Students listen to the s in the example sentences. Tell the class that
conversation and fill in the gaps. Check answers s = is and is part of the verb be. However, we
withthe class. suggest that you encourage students to treat
the new language as fixed phrases at this stage
EMEL Where are you from, Stefan? of the course. Note that the verb be is taught
STEFAN Im from Russia. And you? systematically in units 2 and 3.
EMEL Im from Turkey.
8 a Focus students on the six countries in the box and
b CD1 12 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording (SB the people and countries 16 on SB p9. Ask students
p107). Students listen and practise. the name of the person in 1 (Marcel) and which
c Focus students on the speech bubbles. Check country hes from (France). Highlight the example
that students know where the countries Peru, Libya sentence under the vocabulary box.
and Indonesia are. Pre-teach city and ask students Students do the exercise in pairs.
which country Prague /pr / is in (the Czech /tek/
b CD1 14 Play the recording (SB p107). Students
Republic). Also highlight that we say Im from + city:
listen and check their answers.
Im from Prague., etc.
Model and drill Peru, Libya and Indonesia, Check answers with the class by eliciting the
highlighting the stress on each country. sentences and writing them on the board.
Students take turns to tell the class which country
they are from. 2 Her names Ayumi and shes from Japan.
3 His names Leon and hes from Poland.
EXTRA IDEAS 4 Her names Mai and shes from Thailand.
5 His names Ricardo and hes from Colombia.
If you have a multilingual class, write all the students 6 Her names Gita and shes from India.
countries on the board. Mark the stress on each country.
Model and drill any new countries with the class. EXTRA IDEA
If your students are all from the same country or city,
ask them to say which city, town or district they are To give your students extra pronunciation practice,
frominstead. play the recording again and ask students to repeat the
sentences. Check they are pronouncing the contractions
d Students practise the conversation in groups. (names, hes, etc.) correctly.
Alternatively, students move around the room and
practise the conversation with other students.

c Give students one minute to memorise the
Get ready Get it right! peoples names and countries.
9 Put students into pairs, student A and student B. d Ask students to close their books. Students
Student As turn to SB p87 and student Bs turn work with their partners and take turns to ask
to SB p92. Check they are all looking at the where the people are from, as shown in the
correct exercise. speech bubbles.
a Focus students on the photo. Give students a Finally, ask students to tell the class where each
few moments to read the names and countries person is from.
of the people. EXTRA IDEA
Students work with their partner. Student A
in each pair asks about people 1, 3 and 5, as Use the photocopiable Class Activity 1B Wheres
shown in the speech bubbles, and writes the he from? p127 (Instructions p114), which provides
answers in the correct places in his/her book. further speaking practice of the language from
While students are working, monitor and check thelesson.
their questions for accuracy.
Note that the names have been chosen as
they are easy for most nationalities to spell.
However, if the English script is new to your
students, you may choose to do this Get Ph Class Activity 1B Wheres he from? p127
ready Get it right! activity after you have (Instructions p114)
done lesson 1C, where the alphabet and the Note that PhPh refers to activities, worksheets and tests
question How do you spell that? are taught that are in the Photocopiable Materials section at the
andpractised. back of this Teachers Book.
b Student B in each pair asks about people 2, Extra Practice 1B SB p97
4 and 6, as shown in the speech bubbles, and Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 1B
writes the answers in the correct places in his/
her book. When they have fi nished, students Workbook Lesson 1B p4
cancompare books with their partners and
check their answers.

rEAL Vocabulary the alphabet; things in

1C wORLD In class yourbag (1); a and an

Real World first names and
Students Book p10p11 surnames;classroom language

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews Whats his/her Point out that the letters in pink are called vowels
name? and the names of the students in the class. Pre-teach /valz/ and the letters in blue are called consonants
I dont know. Put students into pairs. Students take turns /knsnnts/. If the English script is new for your
to ask the names of other students in the class, as shown students, point out that each letter has a capital form
in the examples. Point out that students can answer the (A, B, C, etc.) and a lower-case form (a, b, c, etc.).
questions with His/Her names , as in the examples, or You can also point out that z is pronounced /zi/ in
by just saying the persons name. If you have a multilingual American English.
class, ask students to practise the question Wheres he/she EXTRA IDEAS
from? as well. At the end of the activitiy, ask each student to
tell the class the names of two people sitting near them. If you have a class of false beginners, ask them to close
their books and write down the English alphabet from
memory. Check the answers by eliciting the alphabet
from the class and writing it on the board. Then play
The alphabet CD1 15 and ask students to practise saying the letters.
1 CD1 15 PRONUNCIATION Focus students on the letters If you have a monolingual class, highlight any differences
AaZz. Teach the alphabet /lfbet/. between the English alphabet and the students alphabet
Play the recording. Students listen and practise the (extra letters, missing letters, the lack of accents, how
alphabet. Alternatively, model and drill the letters particular letters are pronounced, etc.).

2 CD1 16 Play the recording (SB p107). Students listen 5 a CD1 19 PRONUNCIATION Focus students on the
and write the letters in their lower-case forms. There example drill. Play the recording (SB p107). Students
are two letters for each number. Play the recording listen and practise.
again if necessary. Note that these pairs of letters Highlight the pronunciation of first name /f
s neim/
have been chosen as they are often confused by and surname /s
neim/. Note that we dont usually
learners of English. pronounce the t in first name. Repeat the drill if
Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers necessary.
with the class. b Students move around the room and ask three
people the questions in 3a. Students should write
1 uv 2yi the names in their notebooks and check that they
3 gj 4bv have spelt them correctly before moving on to talk
5 ar 6ei to a different student. If students arent able to move
7 bp 8td around the room, they should talk to three people
9 u q 10 v w sitting near them.
Ask a few students to tell the class the fi rst names or
surnames of other people in the class.
Students work in pairs and take turns to say the letters of
the alphabet in order. EXTRA IDEA
For more on when we use capital letters in English, see If your students know each other well, give them role
Reading and Writing Portfolio 1 and 2 on p52p55 of cards with new names on before they do 5b.
the face2face Second edition Starter Workbook.

Things in your bag (1)

Whats your first name?
6 a Focus students on photo B. Students do the
3 a Focus students on photo A. Ask who is the teacher exercise in pairs. Check answers with the class.
(Sally) and who is the student (Pablo). Point out that
Point out that we can say a mobile, a phone or
Pablo is a new student in the class.
amobile phone. Also teach students that we say
Students do the exercise on their own, then compare acell or a cell phone in American English.
answers in pairs.
b VIDEO 1.1 CD1 17 Play the video or audio a dictionary 3; an apple 2; a pen 7; a pencil 8;
recording (SB p107). Students listen and check their a book 4; a notebook 5; an umbrella 9; a mobile 6
answers. Check answers with the class.
Note that all the Real World videos can be found EXTRA IDEA
on the Teachers DVD at the back of this book. For
more information on the Teachers DVD, see p10. If If your students are all complete beginners, consider
you are not able to use video in your classroom, use teaching this vocabulary yourself by bringing photos of
the audio recording on the Class Audio CD instead. the things in photo B or the items themselves to the class.
Note that the content of the videos and the audio Teach the words one by one, drilling each word in turn.
recordings is identical. You can then use 6a for practice.
Highlight the difference between first name and
surname, and check students understand the verb
spell. Note that this language is drilled in 5a. b CD1 20 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording.
Also use the recording to teach Thank you and Students listen and practise. Highlight the
Welcome (to the class). pronunciation of dictionary /diknri/ and pencil
/pensl/. Also check that students say the multi-
1c 2a 3b syllable words with the correct stress. Highlight that
dictionary is three syllables, not four. Repeat the drill
if necessary.
4 a VIDEO 1.2 CD1 18 Play the video or audio
recording (SB p107). Students watch or listen and 7 Focus students on the speech bubbles and check
write the names of two more students in Sallys class. they remember Whats number ?. Students do the
Play the video or audio recording again if necessary. exercise in new pairs.
b Students compare answers in pairs.
Ask students to spell the students names and
write them on the board. Ask students which things in photo B they have with
them. If you have a strong class, teach other words for
1 Dorota Kowalska
things that your students have with them, for example,
2 Khalid Nazeer
glasses, make-up, a bottle of water, etc.

Help with Vocabulary sections help students to Write the sentences in 11 on cards and put them up
explore and understand how vocabulary works, often around the classroom. Use these prompts in future
by focusing on aspects of lexical grammar. Students lessons to remind students of this language when they
should usually do the exercises on their own or in
areunsure what to say to you in class.
pairs before you check the answers with the class.
For more information on the face2face approach
to Vocabulary, see p20. For Teaching Tips on 12 CD1 22 PRONUNCIATION Focus students on the
Vocabulary, see p22. sentences in 11. Play the recording. Students listen
and practise.
8 Focus students again on the words in 6a. Tell the
Play the recording again, pausing after each sentence
class that these words are called nouns. Point out the
for students to repeat individually.
pink and blue letters at the beginning of each word.
Students do the exercise on their own. Check the 13 a Students do the exercise on their own, then
answers with the class. compare answers in pairs.
Check answers with the class.
We use a with nouns that begin with
a consonant sound. 2 mean
We use an with nouns that begin with 3 understand
a vowel sound. 4 repeat
5 sorry
9 Students do the exercise on their own, then compare 6 know
answers in pairs. Check answers with the class. 7 Whats
Point out that we also use an with adjective + noun 8 spell
(an English dictionary, an Italian bag, etc.) if the
adjective begins with a vowel sound. b Students practise the conversations in pairs,
taking turns to be the teacher (Sally). While they are
2 a 3 an 4 a 5 an 6 a 7 an working, monitor and correct any pronunciation
mistakes you hear.
Finally, ask a few pairs to role-play the conversations
Excuse me! for the class.
10 Focus students on the English class in photo C.
Pointout the teacher (Sally), Pablo (from photo A), EXTRA IDEA
Dorota and Khalid (from the recording in 4a). If you havent taught the Classroom Instructions
VIDEO 1.3 CD1 21 Play the video or audio on SB p135 yet, ask students to learn these common
recording (SB p107). Students watch or listen and do instructions for homework and check they remember
the exercise. Check answers with the class. them next class.
1b 2c 3a
REAL WORLD Classroom language Ph Class Activity 1C Real names p128
Real World sections introduce students to functional (Instructions p114)
and situational language they will need in real-world Extra Practice 1C SB p97
situations. Students should usually do the exercises Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 1C
on their own or in pairs before you check the Workbook Lesson 1C p6
answerswith the class.
For Teaching Tips on Speaking, see p22.
1 VIDEO 1.3 CD1 21 Focus students on the sentences
in the box, then play the video or audio recording
again. Students listen and tick the sentences when
they hear them.
Check students understand the meaning of the
sentences. We suggest that you teach this language as
fi xed phrases, rather than focus on the grammar of
these sentences at this stage of the course.
Point out that we can say Can you repeat that,
please? or Can you say that again, please?.

VOCABULARY Vocabulary people; things;
1D AND SKILLS People and things Skills Listening: Whats in
Students Book p12p13 your bag?

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews spelling the HELP WITH VOCABULARY Plurals
alphabet. Students work on their own and write five
4 Focus students on the pictures and the table. Use the
Englishwords they know. Students then complete the
pictures to teach singular and plural. Students do the
activity in pairs. exercise on their own by referring to the other words
in the table. While they are working, draw the
table on the board. Check answers with the class.
1 a Focus students on the picture. Students do the Answers things, boys, sandwiches, babies
exercise on their own or in pairs. Check answers Elicit the answers from students and write
with the class. them in the table on the board. Use the table
to highlight the following rules:
b a man c a woman d a boy e a girl We usually make nouns plural by adding -s:
chairs, tables, things, boys, etc.
b CD1 23 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. If a noun ends in -ch, we add -es: watches,
Students listen and practise. Highlight the sandwiches, etc.
pronunciation of woman /wmn/. Alternatively, If a noun ends in consonant + y, we change
model the words yourself and ask students to repeat -y to -ies: diaries, babies, etc. Point out that
chorally and individually. if a noun ends in vowel + y, we simply add -s
2 a Focus students on the photo of Sally (the teacher (boy boys, etc.).
from lesson 1C). Students do the exercise on their A few common nouns have irregular plurals:
own or in pairs. men, women, people, etc.
Note that we also add -es to words ending
Check answers with the class. Alternatively, ask in -s, -ss, -sh, -x and -z: bus buses, class
students to check their answers in VOCABULARY 1.7 classes, etc. Point out these plurals when
SB p114. You can also teach a laptop and a tablet students meet words with these endings later
(computer). in the course.
If your students dont have articles in their own Also highlight that we dont use a or an with
language(s), highlight the use of a with the singular plural nouns.
nouns in 1a and 2a.
5 CD1 25 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Students
a chair 1; a table 6;
a computer 3; a camera 7; listen and practise. Check that students say the -es
a watch 2; a sandwich 5 /iz/ endings in watches and sandwiches correctly.
Also highlight the pronunciation of women /wimin/
b CD1 24 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. and people /pipl/. Repeat the drill if necessary.
Students listen and practise. Highlight the
6 Students do the exercise on their own, then compare
pronunciation of diary /dairi/, chair /te/ and
answers in pairs. Check answers with the class.
sandwich /snwid/.
c Students do the activity in pairs. Check answers 2 cameras 3 countries 4 watches
with the class. 5 men 6 computers 7 women
8 apples 9 dictionaries 10 people
an umbrella, a bag, a pen, a book/books, an
apple, a mobile (phone), a pencil, a dictionary 7 Put students into pairs. Ask all students to turn to
SB p96. Check they are all looking at the correct
3 a Give students one minute to memorise all the exercise.
things in the photo. You can set a time limit of two
a Focus students on the picture. Point out that
minutes for this stage of the activity.
students need to complete the words and write
Ask students to close their books. Students work on the number of people or things they can see in the
their own and write all the things in the picture they picture, as in the example. Tell students that some
can remember. of the things in the picture are hidden. Students do
b Students compare their answers in pairs and check the exercise in their pairs. You can set a time limit of
their partners spelling. fiveminutes.
Students can then open their books and check if they b Put two pairs together in groups of four. If this
have remembered all the things in the picture. Find is not possible, ask students to work in new pairs.
out which students in the class remembered the most Students compare their answers and see who has
words. found more things and people.

c Ask students to turn to SB p134. Students check HELP WITH PRONUNCIATION // and //
their answers. Point out that each group of things or
people is in a different colour in the picture. Check Help with Pronunciation sections are designed to
answers with the class. help students hear and pronounce individual sounds
that are often problematic for learners of English.
3 tables; 5 men; 2 women; 10 books; 3 pens; For more information on the face2face approach
8 pencils; 7 apples; 4 bags; 6 mobiles; to Pronunciation,see p20. For Teaching Tips on
Pronunciation, see p23.

Whats in your bag? 1 CD1 27 Focus students on the phonemes // and
//, the pictures and the words. Play the recording.
8 a Focus students on the photos of Linda, Bill and Students listen to the sounds and the words.
Caroline. Tell the class these people are in London.
Point out that a in bag is pronounced with an //
CD1 26 Play the recording (SB p107). Students sound, and o and er in computer are pronounced
listen and tick the things that are in the peoples bags. with an // sound. Point out that r at the end of a
b Students compare answers in pairs. word is not usually pronounced in British English
(computer, teacher, doctor, etc.).
c Play the recording again. Students listen, check
Note that the // sound is called the schwa and is
their answers and write where the people are from.
the most common sound in English.
Check answers with the class.
Check students understand that // and // represent
LINDA (books), a dictionary, a notebook, pens, individual sounds and are not letters of the alphabet.
a mobile (Shes from London.) Point out that phonemic script is always written
BILL a mobile, photos, a pen, an apple, sandwiches between two parallel lines ( / / ) and should not be
(Hes from Boston, in the USA.) confused with standard written English.
CAROLINE a camera, books, a notebook, a pencil, Play the recording again. Students listen and practise.
an umbrella (Shes from Sydney, in Australia.) If students have problems producing the sounds, help
them with the mouth position for each sound.
9 Put students into groups of three or four. Students // //
take turns to say what is in their bags and fi nd out back of
tongue down
who has the same things. If some students dont have wide
bags with them, ask them to say what is in their mouth
relaxed tongue,
lips and jaw
pockets. While they are working, monitor and help
students with any new vocabulary they need.
Ask each student to tell the class one thing that they jaw down
have in their bags. Write any new vocabulary on
the board and allow students time to copy it in their Point out that when we make the // sound, the
notebooks. mouth is wide open and the jaw down. When we
Finally, ask each group who has the same things in make the // sound, the mouth is slightly open and
their bags. the lips, tongue and jaw are relaxed. Also point out
that they are both short sounds.
2 Focus students on the boxes. Point out that all the
Use the photocopiable worksheet Vocabulary Plus 1 pink letters are pronounced // and all the blue
Things in a room p167 (Instructions p162) in class or give letters are pronounced //.
it to your students for homework. CD1 28 Play the recording. Students listen and
notice how we say the pink and blue letters.
Play the recording again. Students listen and practise.
3 a CD1 29 Play the recording. Students listen and
Ph Class Activity 1D Pictures and words p129
Ph read the sentences.
(Instructions p115) Play the recording again. Students listen and practise.
Ph Vocabulary Plus 1 Things in a room p167
Ph Check they say the pink letters with an // sound and
(Instructions p162) the blue letters with an // sound.
Extra Practice 1 SB p97 b Students practise the sentences in pairs.
Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 1D Finally, ask students to say the sentences for the class.
Workbook Lesson 1D p7
Workbook Reading and Writing Portfolio 1 p52p53 EXTRA IDEA
Ph Progress Test 1 p180
Ph Point out the chart of phonemic symbols on SB p134. Also
tell students they can practise drills from the Students
Book on the Self-study DVD-ROM.

The topics and content of these lessons are based
continue2learn closely on the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages (CEFR) reading and writing
There is a continue2learn section at the end of each competences for level A1. At the end of this section
unit. The Vocabulary, Grammar and Real World section there is a list of can do statements that allows students
highlights where students can review and practise the to track their progress. For more information on the
language from the unit. The Reading and Writing section CEFR, see p14p19.
directs students to the Reading and Writing Portfolios Reading and Writing Portfolio 1 (WB p52p53) can be
in the face2face Second edition Starter Workbook. This used any time after you have completed unit 1 of the
portfolio contains 10 stand-alone reading and writing Students Book.
lessons that can be done either in class or at home.
For more on the face2face approach to writing, see Tips for using the Reading and
Focus students on the continue2learn section on
Writing Portfolios in class
SBp13. Tell students that this section shows where they Use the photos and illustrations to establish characters
can review and practise the language taught inUnit1. and context in each lesson.
Ask students to turn to Extra Practice 1 and Progress Go through the examples in each exercise with the
Portfolio 1 on SB p97. Students can do these exercises class to check that students understand what to do.
in class or for homework. For more information on the Ask students to compare answers in pairs or groups
Extra Practice and Progress Portfolio sections, seep34. before checking answers with the class. The answers
Also point out that Language Summary 1 on SB p114 are in the Answer Key in the middle of the Workbook
p115 contains all the key language taught in the unit, (pipviii).
along with extra information, examples and tips. Note Go through the Help with Writing sections with the
that if you are planning to give your students Progress class and use the examples to highlight the relevant
Test 1 (see p000), you can tell the class that this test points. Note that all the examples in these sections
will only contain questions about the language that is come from the presentation texts.
included in Language Summary1. If you have a monolingual class, consider comparing
If your students have the face2face Second edition the rules for writing in English with those of the
Starter Workbook, point out that there are practice students language.
exercises for lessons 1A1D in the Students Book The fi nal activity of each lesson asks the students to
(WB p3p7). If students havent already done these do some personalised writing, using what they have
exercises at the end of each lesson, they can do them learned from the lesson. These activities are preceded
atthe end of the unit. by a preparation stage, in which students are asked to
Also remind students that the face2face Self-study decide what they are going to write by fi lling in a table,
DVD-ROM also contains a variety of practice making notes, etc.
exercises, class drills, class audio recordings and a Ask students to do the final writing activity on separate
review video for each unit. Note that the video on the pieces of paper and collect them in at the end of the
Self-study DVD-ROM is a soap opera in 10 episodes, class. If you set the fi nal writing activity for homework,
not the Real World videos. You can also point out collect the students work at the beginning of the
that there is a grammar reference section, a word list, nextclass.
customisable tests and many other features. Encourage When marking students work, make sure you
students to use the Self-study DVD-ROM at home after comment on examples of correct English, as well as
each lesson or unit. highlighting errors. Also remember to praise successful
If your students need more practice in reading and communication and interesting ideas as well as correct
writing, you can either do Reading and Writing language.
Portfolio 1 (WB p52p53) in class or ask students Consider asking students to write a second draft
to do it at home. They can check the answers in the of their work, incorporating your corrections and
Workbook or with you next class. Note that students suggestions. These can be collected in and corrected
are asked to do a piece of writing at the end of each again, or put up around the classroom for other
lesson, which they hand to you next class for checking. students to read.
For more information on how to use the Reading and Remember that writing in a new language is a difficult
Writing Portfolio in class, see the next section. skill to acquire, particularly if the students fi rst
language is very different from English. At Starter
Reading and Writing Portfolio level, it is important to encourage and praise students
There is a 20-page Reading and Writing Portfolio so that they view writing as a valuable and interesting
section in the Starter Workbook. This section contains part of the learning process.
10 double-page stand-alone lessons, one for each unit At the end of each lesson, ask students to tick the
of the Students Book, which are designed for students things they can do in the Reading and Writing Progress
to do in class or at home. Portfolio (Workbook p72). This will help students
monitor the progress they are making in their writing.

Extra Practice 1C
The Extra Practice sections in the back of the Students 5 2 an apple 3 a dictionary 4 a notebook 5 a book
Book provide further controlled practice of the language 6 an umbrella 7 a pencil 8 a pen 9 a mobile
taught in the unit. They can be done in class, or students 6 2 Whats your first name? 3 How do you spell
can do the exercises on their own for homework. There that? 4 What does bag mean? 5 Whats this in
are exercises for each lesson (1A, 1B, etc.), which can English? 6 Im sorry, I dont know. 7 How do you
also be done as fillers if you fi nish the fi nal activity spell Egypt? 8 Can you repeat that, please? 9 Im
of a lesson a few minutes early. For Teaching Tips on sorry, I dont understand.
Reviewing and Recycling, see p23. 1D
Here are some ideas for exploiting the Extra Practice 7a
sections in class. W O V B O Y N W
Make it a competition D F M A N C E A
Ask students to do individual exercises in pairs or groups E D L B B H J T
(for example, Exercise 1 on SB p97). Give students a time
limit of two or three minutes. Check the answers with the S I A Y G A R C
class. The pair/group with the most correct answers wins.
Alternatively, put students into pairs and ask them to
complete all the Extra Practice exercises. You can set a H R G A W R A K
time limit of 15 or 20 minutes. Check the answers with
the class and give one point for each correct answer. The
pair with the most points wins. You may wish to give the C O M P U T E R
winners a small prize at the end of the lesson!
After fi nishing an exercise, ask students to write similar I E L W O M A N
sentences about themselves and people they know (for b men, sandwiches, girls, computers, tables,
example, Exercise 2 on SB p103). Students can then women, diaries, babies, chairs, cameras, watches
compare sentences in pairs or in groups and check each
others work.
Word stress Progress Portfolio 1
After vocabulary exercises that focus on individual words
(for example, Exercise 1 on SB p98), ask students to mark The Progress Portfolio sections at the end of
the stress on each word. Check the answers on the each Extra Practice section encourage students
board, drilling problematic vocabulary as necessary. to reflect on what they have learned and help
them decide which language areas they need to
Personalisation study again.
Where appropriate, ask students to say how many of the Note that the I can statements reflect
sentences in an exercise are true for them (for example, communicative competences as set out in the
Exercise 1 on SB p101), or ask students to tick vocabulary Common European Framework of Reference
items that they like (for example, Exercise 1 on SB p103). for Languages (CEFR) for level A1. For more
Role play information on the CEFR, see p14 and the tables
Put students into pairs to practise conversations (for of competencies on p16p19.
example, Exercise 6 on SB p98). Students can then change a Students work through the list of I can
roles and practise the conversation again. You can also statements on their own and tick the things they
ask them to memorise the conversation, close their books feel they can do. They can refer to Language
and practise the conversations from memory. Summary 1 SB p114p115 if they wish.
Students can also work in pairs or groups and
compare which statements they have ticked.
Extra Practice 1 SB p97 b Students work on their own, in pairs or in
groups and decide which language areas they
1A need to study again. Encourage students to use
1 1 your 3 my 4 you 5 You 6 you 7 I 8 you 9 I the Self-study DVD-ROM lessons 1AD to help
10 your 11 your 12 you 13 you them improve in these areas. For photocopiable
2 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven instructions on how to use the Self-study
8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve DVD-ROM, see p11p13. There is also further
3 2 Turkey 3 Russia 4 Egypt 5 Germany 6 China practice on all key language taught in the
7 Italy 8 Mexico 9 Brazil x Australia Students Book in the face2face Second edition
4 2 His 3 he 4 He 5 her 6 Her 7 she 8 She Starter Workbook.

Vocabulary nationalities
2A Shes British Grammar be (singular): positive
Students Book p14p15 and negative

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews plurals. Students EXTRA IDEAS

work on their own and write five singular words. Put students If you have a monolingual class, teach the English words
into pairs. Students complete the activity with theirpartner, for the countries that border the students own country,
as shown in the examples. and any other countries that are of particular importance
to them. Also teach students the corresponding
Nationalities If you have a strong class, you can use Vocabulary Plus
2 Countries and nationalities p168 (Instructions p162) in
1 a Ask students which letters in the alphabet are class or give it to your students for homework.
vowels (a, e, i, o, u).
Students do the exercise on their own, then compare
answers in pairs. Check answers with the class. Around the world
2 Brazil 3 Russia 4 the USA 5 Germany 3 a Pre-teach a car. Focus students on photos AD.
6 Egypt 7 Australia 8 Mexico 9 Turkey Students do the exercise in pairs.
10 the UK 11 Spain 12 China b CD1 31 Play the recording. Students listen and
check their answers. Check answers with the class.
b Pre-teach nationality and elicit the plural form
(nationalities). Students do the activity on their own A British B German
or in pairs. C Brazilian D American
Check answers with the class by writing the
countries and nationalities on the board. Highlight
that nationalities often end in -n, -an, -ian, -ish and HELP WITH GRAMMAR
-ese by underlining these endings on the board. be (singular): positive
You can also point out that we usually describe
4 Pre-teach positive. Tell the class that all positive
people from Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, etc.
verbforms in the Students Book are marked with
as South American, not American (which is only
a(+) sign.
used to refer to people from the USA).
Students do the exercise on their own, then compare
b8 c1 d3 e4 f11 g6 h2 i10 j9 k12 l7 answers in pairs. Check answers with the class.
Note that the verb be is particularly problematic for
2 a CD1 30 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. students whose languages dont have an equivalent
Students listen and practise the countries and verb. If possible, check if your students language(s)
nationalities. Note that students should say both have the verb be, as this will help you understand
words together (Italy, Italian, etc.). Repeat the drill why students might be making mistakes.
Answers 1 m 2 re 3 s 4 s 5 s
Point out that the same syllable is stressed in most Check students understand the subject
nationalities (Brazil, Brazilian, etc.). pronouns I, you, he, she and it. Point out that
Highlight the different stress patterns in Italy we use it for things (a car, a book, etc.).
Italian, Egypt Egyptian and China Chinese. Point out that m, re and s are parts of the
b Students do the exercise in pairs, as shown in the verb be. Check students understand which
speech bubbles. part of be goes with each subject pronoun.
c Write Im from + country and Im + nationality Highlight that m, re and s are the
on the board. Elicit examples for each structure contracted forms of am, are and is. Point out
(Im from Italy. Im Italian., etc.). that contractions are very common in spoken
and written English. Tell students to use
Focus students on the speech bubbles and teach contracted forms when speaking and writing,
the nationalities Japanese, French and Colombian. particularly after I, you, he, she and it.
Model and drill these words with the class,
highlighting the different stress pattern in
5 CD1 32 PRONUNCIATION Focus students on the
Japan Japanese.
example drill. Play the recording (SB p107). Students
Ask students to tell the class their nationalities.
listen and practise. Check that students pronounce
If you have students who have different the contractions correctly.
nationalities from those already taught in the lesson,
Repeat the drill if necessary, pausing for students to
write the countries and nationalities on the board
repeat chorally and individually.
and drill the words with the class.

6 a Students do the exercise on their own. true, false and tick. Drill these words with the class.
Also point out that we use the pronoun She in the
b Students do the exercise in pairs. Check answers correct sentence in question 2, rather than repeating
with the class. Ask students to give reasons for the the name of the person (Gisele Bndchen).
photos they chose.
Students do the exercise in pairs.
1 s, s, photo C 2 m, m, photo A 3 s, photo D c Students check their answers on SB p134. Check
4 s, photo A 5 s, photo B 6 m, photo D answers by asking students one question each around
the class. Ask if any students got all the answers
be (singular): negative 3 Leonardo DiCaprio isnt Italian. Hes
7 Check students understand negative. Tell the class American. 4 Nissan isnt a Chinese company.
that all negative verb forms in the Students Book are Its a Japanese company. 5 6 The White
marked with a () sign. House isnt in New York. Its in Washington.
7 Prince William isnt Russian. Hes British.
Students do the exercise on their own, then compare 8 9 Fiat isnt a French company. Its an
answers in pairs. Check answers with the class. Italian company. 10
Answers 1 m not 3 arent 3 isnt 4 isnt 5 isnt
Point out that we use not to make a verb
formnegative. Get ready Get it right!
Also highlight that Im not is the contracted 10 Focus students on the examples. Ask students
form of I am not, arent is the contracted form if they think the sentences are true or false.
of are not and isnt is the contracted form of The fi rst sentence is true. The second sentence
isnot. Remind students to use contracted forms is false (BMW isnt a British company. Its a
when speaking and writing. German company).
Tell students that we can also say youre not,
hes not, shes not and its not, and write these Put students into new pairs. Students work with
forms on the board for students to copy. their partner and write three true sentences
Point out that we cant say I amn t as an and three false sentences. If necessary, direct
alternative to Im not. students to 9b for examples of the types
of sentence they can write. While they are
working, monitor and check their sentences
EXTRA IDEA foraccuracy.
Ask students to turn to Language Summary 2, SB p116 11 a Use the speech bubbles to teach I think
p117. Point out the vocabulary section VOCABULARY 2.1 thats as a way to give your opinion, and
and the grammar sections GRAMMAR 2.1 and the answers Yes, youre right. and No, youre
GRAMMAR 2.2 from lesson 2A. Give students a few wrong. Drill these phrases with the class.
moments to read the sections so they can review what Put two pairs together so that they are working
they have learned in the lesson. Remind students that in groups of four. If that isnt possible, organise
all the new language from each lesson is included in the the class into new pairs. Students take turns to
Language Summaries. read their sentences to the other pair or student,
who must guess if the sentences are true or
false. Tell students to keep a record of how
8 CD1 33 PRONUNCIATION Focus students on the many sentences they guess correctly. While they
example drill. Play the recording (SB p107). Students are working, monitor and correct any grammar
listen and practise the sentences in 7. Check that or pronunciation mistakes youhear.
students pronounce the contractions correctly. b Finally, ask students to tell the class two of
their true sentences.
True or false?
9 a Pre-teach the vocabulary in the box using
examples that students are likely to know. Point out
that we usually say the capital, not the capital city Ph Vocabulary Plus 2 Countries and nationalities p168
(London is the capital of the UK., etc.). (Instructions p162)
Note that the aim of this box is to highlight which Extra Practice 2A SB p98
new words students need in order to do the exercise
Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 2A
in 9b.
Workbook Lesson 2A p8
b Focus students on photos 1 and 2, and the
corresponding examples. Use these to teach students

Vocabulary jobs
2B Whats your job? Grammar be (singular): questions
Students Book p16p17 andshortanswers

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews countries and Put students into new pairs. Students take turns to
nationalities. Students do the activity in pairs, as in the point to pictures ai and ask questions about the
example. Remind students that they can check countries people, as shown in the speech bubbles. Remind
and nationalities in VOCABULARY 2.1 SB p116. At the end students of the phrase I dont know. before they
of the activity, ask each pair to tell the class one person or begin.
thingthey talked about.
If your students are all complete beginners, you may
Jobs choose to present the vocabulary yourself first. Prepare
flashcards for the jobs and hold them up in front of the
1 a Pre-teach a job. Focus students on pictures ai. class as you teach the words. The matching activity in
Students do the exercise in pairs. Early finishers 1acan then be used as controlled practice.
can check their answers in VOCABULARY 2.2 SB p116. If you have a strong class, teach the English words for
Check answers with the class.
students jobs and write them on the board. You can also
Point out that we say an actor/a waiter for men and
teach Im a housewife/househusband, Im unemployed and
an actress/a waitress for women (although nowadays
an actor is often used for both men and women). Im retired /ritaid/. Check students remember Whats
All the other words can be used for both men and your job?. Students then move around the room and ask
women. You can also teach students a shop assistant, each other what their jobs are.
a policeman and a policewoman.
Also highlight that we always use a or an with jobs:
Hes a doctor. not Hes doctor. This is particularly Photos of friends
important if your students dont have articles in their 2 a Pre-teach the vocabulary in the box, using
own language(s), or if they dont use articles for jobs examples, board drawings, pictures, translation, etc.
in their own language(s). Note that the aim of this box is to highlight which
Draw students attention to the TIP and point out new words students need in order to understand the
that only the main stress is shown in the vocabulary conversation they are about to hear.
boxes and the Language Summaries. We feel this Drill the words with the class. Point out that
is the simplest and most effective way to make sure married, single and beautiful are all adjectives and
students put the main stress in the correct place. For are used with the verb be (Im married. Hes single.
example, the main stress in taxi driver is on the fi rst Its beautiful., etc.).
syllable of taxi, not on the fi rst syllable of driver
(which is also stressed). b CD1 35 Focus students on the photo of Tina
and Matt on SB p17 and point out photos 14 of
a doctor e; a teacher c; a sales assistant a; Tinas friends. Play the recording (SB p107). Students
an actor/an actress h; a waiter/a waitress i; listen and match the names in the box to photos 14.
a taxi driver d; a musician f; a police officer g Check answers with the class.

b CD1 34 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Sofia 4; Marco 3; Emma 1; Gary 2

Students listen and practise. Alternatively, model
each sentence yourself and ask students to repeat c Play the recording again. Students listen and
chorally and individually. complete the table.
Highlight the pronunciation of manager /mnid/ Students can compare answers in pairs. Check
and musician /mjuzin/. Also highlight the // answers with the class.
sound at the end of most of the jobs, for example
doctor /dkt/, actor /kt/, teacher /tit/, etc. Gary Marco Emma Sofia
c Use the speech bubbles to teach Whats his job? country Australia Mexico France Italy
and Whats her job?. Drill the questions and answers
with the class. Also teach and drill the question job a doctor a musician a teacher an actress
Whats your job?.
Note that What do you do? is also a common
question when asking about jobs. However, we feel
at this stage of the course it is important to keep
language as simple as possible. We suggest that you Ask students to look at Audio Script CD1 35 SB p107.
wait until students learn the Present Simple (in unit 4 Play the recording again. Students listen, read and check
of the Students Book) before teaching this question. their answers.

Answers See the table in GRAMMAR 2.4
be (singular): Wh- questions
SB p117.
3 Check students understand a question. Point out that Highlight the inverted word order in yes/no
all question-form tables in the Students Book are questions with be: Am I ?, Are you ?,
marked with a (?). Is he ?, etc.
Students do the exercise on their own, then compare Point out that we dont usually answer these
answers in pairs. questions with just Yes. or No., as this can
Check answers with the class. sound impolite.
Point out that we can also say No, youre not.,
Answers 1 am 2 are 3 s 4 s 5 s 6 s 7 s No, hes not., No, shes not. and No, its not.
Highlight the word order in questions with be: Highlight that we dont use contractions in
question word + am/are/s + person or positive short answers: Yes, you are. not
thing + . Yes, youre., Yes, I am. not Yes, Im., Yes, he is.
Remind students that we use Where to ask not Yes, hes., etc.
about a place (Turkey, London, etc.) and What Also highlight that we dont usually use the
to ask about a thing (a name, a job, etc.). uncontracted form in negative short answers:
Point out that Wheres = Where is and No, you arent. not No, you are not., etc.
Whats = What is. Encourage students to use
contracted forms when speaking and writing. 7 CD1 37 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Students
Point out that we dont use the contracted listen and practise. Check that students pronounce
form of am or are in questions: Where am I? the contractions correctly.
not Wherem I?, Where are you from? not Play the recording again if necessary, pausing after
Wherere you from?, etc. each question or short answer for students to repeat
Remind students that we can also make individually.
questions with How: How are you?, etc.
8 a Students do the exercise on their own. Check
4 a CD1 36 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. answers with the class.
Students listen and practise. Check students
pronounce the contractions Wheres and Whats 2 Is 3 Are 4 Are 5 Is 6 Are 7 Is 8 Is
correctly. Point out that are is usually pronounced //
b Students do the exercise in pairs. Remind students
in questions, for example, Where are// you from?.
to use the correct short answers.
Repeat the drill if necessary, pausing the recording
after each question for students to repeat chorally
and individually. Get ready Get it right!
b Ask students to cover the table in 2c. Focus 9 Put students into new pairs, student A and
students on the speech bubbles and drill the questions
student B. Student As turn to SB p87 and
with the class. Also drill the equivalent questions
student Bs turn to SB p92. Check they are all
with she/her (Whats her name?, Wheres she from?,
looking at the correct exercise.
Whats her job?).
Students do the exercise in pairs. a Focus students on the six photos. Tell the
class that the people are all friends of Matt
(theman in the photo on SB p17).
Is he a musician?
Students work on their own and write yes/no
5 a Students do the exercise on their own. questions to check the information in blue, as in
b Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers the example. Students are not allowed to look
with the class. at each others books. While they are working,
monitor and check their questions for accuracy.
2a 3b 4a 5 Students answers 6 Students answers

HELP WITH GRAMMAR be (singular): Ask students to check their yes/no questions with
yes / no questions and short answers another student from the same group before they
work with their partner in b.
6 Students do the exercise on their own, then compare
answers in pairs. While they are working, copy
b Check students understand that some of
the table onto the board so you are ready to check
the information in blue is correct and some is
students answers.
incorrect. Students work with their partners.
Check answers with the class by eliciting students Student As ask their questions from a and
answers and writing them in the correct place on either tick the correct information or change
theboard. the incorrect information for each person.

Encourage student Bs to use the correct short FURTHER PRACTICE
answers during the activity. While they are
working, monitor and check students are doing Ph Class Activity 2B New identities p115
the activity correctly. (Instructions p130)
c Students swap roles and student B in each Extra Practice 2B SB p98
pair asks his/her questions from a. Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 2B
d Put students in pairs with another student Workbook Lesson 2B p9
of the same group. Students compare answers
by saying sentences about the people, as in the
Finally, ask students to tell the class about each
person in turn.

rEAL Vocabulary titles; greetings

2C wORLD Personal information Real World email addresses;

personal information
Students Book p18p19 questions

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews jobs. Students work b CD1 39 Play the recording (SB p108). Students
on their own and write four jobs. Pre-teach mime by miming listen and check their answers. Check answers with
a job (for example, a musician) and asking students what the the class.
job is. Put students into pairs. Students take turns to mime Point out that Good morning, Good afternoon and
the jobs on their list and guess their partners jobs. Good evening mean Hello and that Good night
means Goodbye. Tell the class that we also say
Goodnight before going to bed.
Highlight that Good morning, Good night, etc. are
Good morning! more formal than Hello/Hi and Goodbye/Bye. Also
point out that we often respond to Good morning,
1 a Check students remember married and single. etc. by repeating the same phrase.
Point out that Brown, King and Roberts are common
Use picture C to teach sir /s
/ (a polite way to
surnames in the UK.
address a man you dont know) and the female
Students do the exercise on their own. Check answers equivalent, madam /mdm/.
with the class. PRONUNCIATION Play the recording again, pausing
Point out that Ms can be used for married and single after each sentence or phrase for students to repeat
women. chorally and individually. Check that students sound
polite and interested.
1c 2a 3b
A Good morning B Good afternoon (x2)
b CD1 38 PRONUNCIATION Focus students on the
C Good evening (x2) D Good night (x2)
example. Play the recording (SB p108). Students listen
and practise. Highlight the pronunciation of Mr c Students practise the conversations in pairs. Ask a
/mist/, Mrs /misiz/ and Ms /mz/. Repeat the drill few pairs to role-play the conversations for the class.
if necessary.
2 a Focus students on pictures AD. Ask students REAL WORLD Email addresses
who the man is in all four pictures (Mr Brown). 3 Focus students on the email address and the speech
Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs. bubble. Point out that we say dot ( . ) and at (@)
when we say email addresses.
4 a Focus students on the business card, mobile phone
If you have a class of complete beginners, teach the words and email. Students work in pairs and try to say
morning, afternoon, evening and night before asking email addresses 14.
students to do 2a.
b CD1 40 Play the recording. Students listen and
check their answers.

5 a CD1 41 PRONUNCIATION Focus students on the 7 a Focus students on the photo of Karen and Peter
example drill. Play the recording (SB p108). Students and pre-teach a gym. Also draw students attention
listen and practise. Check they say @, .co.uk, .com, to Peters business card on SB p18. Ask students
.net and .org correctly. Repeat the drill if necessary. where Peter works (The City Gym) and what his job
is (hes a manager).
b Focus students on the speech bubbles. Drill the VIDEO 2 CD1 42 Play the video or audio recording
question Whats your email address?.
(SB p108). Students watch or listen and tick the
Ask students to write down their email addresses sentences in 6 when they hear them. Ask students
and give them time to work out how to say them in how many sentences they ticked.
English. If necessary, teach students that we also say
Note that all the Real World videos can be found on
hyphen ( - ) and underscore ( _ ).
the Teachers DVD at the back of this book.
Also check students know how to say the part of
their email address that indicates their country (.uk, b Focus students on form A and pre-teach a new
.es, .ja, etc.). Note that we usually say country email member (a person who joins the gym for the fi rst
addresses letter by letter (dot u-k, dot e-s, dot j-a, time). Ask students who is the new member in the
etc.), while we say .com, .net, .org, etc. as single photo (Karen).
words. Play the video or audio recording again. Students
Students move around the room and ask three people watch or listen and complete the form. Play the video
for their email addresses. Alternatively, they can ask or audio recording again if necessary.
three people sitting near them. Students write each c Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers
persons email address, then check that they have with the class.
written each address correctly. Highlight L11 7HR in Karens address and teach
a postcode (US: a zip code).
In some classes it may not be appropriate for students to surname Wendell nationality British address
give each other their real email addresses. If this is the 7 Hatherley Road, Liverpool L11 7HR
mobile number 07854 864247 email address
case in your class, write fictitious email addresses on
[email protected]
cards and give them to your students before doing 5b.
Alternatively, ask each student to choose a famous
fictional character or celebrity and invent an email address
for him or her ([email protected], etc.). They Ask students to look at Audio and Video Script
can then pretend to be that character or celebrity when VIDEO 2 CD1 42 SB p108. Play the recording again.
they do 5b. Students listen, read and underline all the personal
information questions.

The City Gym

8 CD1 43 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording (SB p108).
REAL WORLD Students listen and practise. Establish that intonation
is very important in English and that the correct
Personal information questions intonation pattern can help students to sound polite.
6 Check students remember vowels (a, e, i, o, u) and Repeat the drill if necessary, focusing on polite
highlight the vowels in blue in sentence 1. intonation.
Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs.
9 a Put students into pairs. If possible, ask students to
Check answers with the class. Note that these
work with someone they dont know very well.
sentences are drilled later in the lesson in 8.
Students take turns to interview their partner and fill
Answers 2 Whats your surname? 3 Whats in form B. Remind students to use the questions in 6
your nationality? 4 Whats your address? when they are the interviewer.
5 Whats your mobile number? 6 Whats your Also remind students of the questions How do you
email address? spell that? and Can you repeat that, please? before
Check students remember Whats ? = they begin.
Whatis ?.
Remind students of the personal information EXTRA IDEA
question Whats your home number?. If your students know each other well, or if you feel it
You can also teach the question Whats your
is inappropriate for your students to give each other
work number? if you think this will be useful
for your students. their personal details, use Class Activity 2C The City
Gym p131 as an alternative to 9a (see Procedure A,
Instructions p116).

b Students work in their pairs and check that all the WRITING
information on their partners form is correct.
Finally, you can ask one or two pairs to role-play Ask students to imagine they are new members at
their conversations for the class. The City Gym. Students write a conversation between
Peter andthemselves, using the personal information
EXTRA IDEAS questionsin6 and their own answers.
When students have finished 9a, put them into new pairs.
Students ask questions with he/his and she/her about the
person his/her partner has just interviewed (Whats his/her Ph Class Activity 2C The City Gym p131
first name?, Whats his/her surname?, etc.). (Instructions p115)
Alternatively, Class Activity 2C The City Gym p131 can Extra Practice 2C SB p98
also be used to practise he/his and she/her questions (see Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 2C
Procedure B, Instructions p116). Workbook Lesson 2C p11

VOCABULARY Vocabulary numbers 13100

2D AND SKILLS How old is she? Real World How old ?
Students Book p20p21 Skills Listening: five conversations

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews numbers 012.

3 a CD1 46 Play the recording. Students listen and
Students do the first part of the activity on their own. Put notice the stress on the numbers. Point out that we
students into pairs. Students check their partners spelling usually stress the -teen syllable in numbers 1319
and then say the numbers. Students can check spelling in and the fi rst syllable in numbers 20100.
VOCABULARY 1.1 SB p114. We appreciate that this stress rule for numbers
ending in -teen is somewhat simplistic, as there are
times when we naturally stress the fi rst syllable (for
1 CD1 44 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Students
example, when counting or when the number is
followed by a noun). However, we feel that at this
listen and practise the numbers. Note that stress is
level it is more helpful to give students a clear rule
dealt with in 3ac.
that will avoid confusion and be correct most of the
Point out the irregular spelling of thirteen and time (for example, when talking about ages later in
fifteen. the lesson).
2 a Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs. b Students do the exercise on their own before
Check answers with the class. comparing answers in pairs.
Point out that we can also say one hundred, but that c CD1 47 Play the recording. Students listen and
a hundred is more common. check their answers.
If necessary, write the numbers on the board
40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy
and ask students which syllable is stressed in each
80 eighty 90 ninety 100 a hundred
b Remind students of word stress by writing
some multi-syllable words on the board and asking seventeen ninety fifty thirteen
the class which syllable is stressed. thirty nineteen seventy fifteen
CD1 45 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Students
4 CD1 46 CD1 47 PRONUNCIATION Play both
listen and practise. Highlight the pronunciation of
thirty /
ti/ and forty /fti/. recordings again. Students listen and practise.
Alternatively, model the numbers yourself in order
and ask students to repeat chorally and individually.
HELP WITH LISTENING Check that students stress the numbers correctly.
Numbers with -teen and -ty Note that the th sound // (as in thirty, thirteen, etc.)
This Help with Listening section helps students to is dealt with in the Help with Pronunciation section
hear the difference between numbers that end in at the end of unit 4.
-teen and those that end in -ty.

5 a Focus students on the examples. Point out that we Highlight that we use the verb be to talk about age,
use a hyphen ( - ) in these numbers. not have: Im twenty-six. not I have twenty-six.
Students do the exercise on their own, then compare Also highlight that we dont usually say years old for
answers in pairs. people: Emilys nine., Im thirty., etc., and that we
Check the answers by writing the numbers (23, dont say Im thirty years.
etc.) on the board and asking students how to write Explain that in the UK and other English-speaking
the words (twenty-three, etc.). countries, asking people how old they are is often
Point out that we usually put the main stress on the considered impolite, particularly if you dont know
fi nal syllable in compound numbers (twenty-one, them very well.
twenty-two, etc.). You can also teach the noun age /eid/, but point out
that we dont say What age are you?.
23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five
26 twenty-six 27 twenty-seven 28 twenty-eight 2 is 3 old 4 are 5 Im
29 twenty-nine
b CD1 49 PRONUNCIATION Focus students on the
speech bubbles in 8a. Play the recording. Students
EXTRA IDEA listen and practise.
Write a few other numbers between 31 and 99 on the 9 Focus students on the photo. Ask them to cover 7
board and ask students how we say them. and 8. Students do the activity in pairs.

b Students work in pairs and take turns to say the EXTRA IDEA
numbers. Students move around the room and ask each other how
Check students pronunciation by going round the
old they are. Students can also find out if anyone is the
class and asking them to say one number each.
same age as them. You can tell your students they dont
6 a Students work on their own and write four numbers. have to tell the truth!
b Students do the exercise in new pairs.
10 a Put students into new pairs. Focus students on the
EXTRA IDEA photos and the ages in the box.
Use Class Activity 2D Hear a number, say a number p132 Students work with their partner and try to guess
(Instructions p116). how old each person is. Before they begin, use the
speech bubbles to remind students that we say
I think when we want to give our opinion.
7 a Focus students on the photo. Students do the b Students check their answers on SB p134.
exercise on their own or in pairs. Note that the aim Finally, ask each pair how many answers they got
of this box is to highlight which new words students right and fi nd out which pair got the most correct
need in order to understand the conversation they are answers.
about to hear.
Check answers with the class. Model and drill the Amybeth 24; Richard 58; Lucinda 22
vocabulary with the class if necessary. Adela 47; Dagmar 76
Joe 13; Alexander 16
a girl 5; a house 1; a cat 3; a dog 4 Luke 35; Jessica 41; Maggie 71
Salvador 3; Alec 5; Ilsa 2
b CD1 48 Tell students they are going to listen to Jean 80; Bill 87; Chris 51
five conversations about the people, animals or things
in the photo. Play the recording (SB p108). Students
listen and fi ll in the gaps with the correct numbers. EXTRA IDEA
Play the recording again if necessary. Before asking students to check their answers to 10a on
Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers SB p134, put students into groups of four or six and ask
with the class.
themto compare their ideas.
Note that in the UK and many other countries, we
often think of one human year as being equivalent
to seven dog years. FURTHER PRACTICE
Ph Class Activity 2D Hear a number, say a
a 13 b 100 c 9 d 21 e 7 (or 49 dog years)
numberp116 (Instructions p132)
8 a Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs. Extra Practice 2 SB p98
Check answers with the class. Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 2D
Point out that we usually use How old is/are ? Workbook Lesson 2D p12
toask about age (not How many years ? or Workbook Reading and Writing Portfolio 2 p54p55
Whatage is/are ?). Ph Progress Test 2 p181

1 CD1 50 Focus students on the phonemes /i/ and
/i/, the pictures and the words. Play the recording.
Students listen to the sounds and the words. Point Focus students on the continue2learn section on
out that i in six is pronounced with an /i/ sound and SB p21. See p33 of this book for ideas on how to
ee in nineteen is pronounced with an /i/ sound. usethis section in class.
Play the recording again. Students listen and practise.
If students are having problems, help them with the
mouth position for each sound.
Extra Practice 2 SB p98
/i/ front of
See p34 for ideas on how to use this section in class.
tongue up
front of 2A
tongue up
1 2 Mexican 3 Italian 4 British 5 Chinese
6 Brazilian 7 American 8 Egyptian 9 Spanish
jaw down (a little) 10 Turkish 11 Russian 12 German
2 1 s 2 arent; re 3 isnt; s 4 m not; m 5 s; isnt
Point out that /i/ is a short sound and /i/ is a long 2B
sound (as indicated by the  symbol). Also highlight 3 2 a musician 3 a doctor 4 a waitress 5 a sales
that the mouth is wide when saying the /i/ sound. assistant (a shop assistant) 6 a waiter 7 an actor
You can tell students that the letter e is also 8 a taxi driver (a cab driver) 9 a police officer
pronounced /i/. (a policewoman)
2 CD1 51 Focus students on the boxes. Point out 4 2 Where are you from? 3 Whats your job?
4 Wheres he from? 5 Whats his job?
that the pink vowels are pronounced /i/ and the
6 Whats her name? 7 Whats her job?
blue vowels are pronounced /i/. Play the recording.
Students listen and notice how we say the pink and 5a 2 Is 3 Are 4 Am 5 Are 6 Is
blue vowels. 5b 2 No, he isnt. / No, hes not. 3 Yes, I am.
4 No, you arent. / No, youre not. 5 No, Im not.
Play the recording again. Students listen and practise.
6 Yes, she is.
3 a Focus students on the words in the box. Go 2C
through the examples with the class. Students do the 6 2 Whats your surname? 3 Whats your
exercise on their own. nationality? 4 Whats your address? 5 Whats
While students are working, write the words on your mobile number? / Whats your phone
the board ready for checking in 3c. number? 6 Whats your email address?
b Students compare answers in pairs. Tell students 2D
to say the words to each other when comparing 7 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen
answers. 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 21 twenty-one
33 thirty-three 47 forty-seven 56 fifty-six
c CD1 52 Play the recording. Students listen and
64 sixty-four 72 seventy-two 89 eighty-nine
check their answers.
95 ninety-five 100 a hundred
Check the answers by eliciting the correct sound 8 2 s 3 is 4 s 5 are 6 m
for each of the vowels in bold and writing it on the
board under the vowel, as shown in the Answer Key
below. Progress Portfolio 2
Play the recording again. Students listen and practise
the words. Check they pronounce the vowels in See p34 for ideas on how to use this section in
boldcorrectly. class.
Finally, ask students to say the words for the class.

sandwiches tea
eacher think marrieied isnt rea
/i/ /i/ /i/ /i/ /i/ /i/
musician assistant me Spanish Japanese sixtee een
/i/ /i/ /i/ /i/ /i/ /i/

Vocabulary adjectives (1); word order
withadjectives; very
3A Two cities Grammar be (plural): positive, negative,
Students Book p22p23 questions and short answers

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews numbers 1100. b Students do the exercise on their own. Go through
Students do the activity in pairs. If you have a small class, the following points with the class.
you can do the activity by asking students to count in threes
and fours round the class. Use the pictures to check students understand
the meaning of very.
Highlight that we put very before adjectives:
Its very hot.
Adjectives (1) Point out that we say Its (very) hot/cold. to
talk about the weather. Highlight It at the
1 a Focus students on the pictures and use the
beginning of the sentence and point out that
example (good and bad) to teach the meaning of
we say Its hot. not Is hot., etc.
adjective and opposite. Tell students that each pair
ofwords are opposites.
Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs. 3 Students do the exercise on their own, then compare
Early fi nishers can check their answers in Language answers in pairs. Check answers with the class.
Summary 3 VOCABULARY 3.1 SB p118. Check answers Highlight the word order in each answer.
with the class.
2 Hes a very good actor. 3 Its an expensive
Note that nice is a very general positive adjective camera. 4 His friends are very nice.
that can mean good, friendly, enjoyable, beautiful, 5 Shes a good musician. 6 Her house is very
comfortable, delicious, etc. The opposite of nice beautiful. 7 Its a very cold night. 8 Your
therefore depends on the context. children are very friendly.
hot/cold e; big/small c; new/old g; expensive/cheap
f; beautiful/ugly b; friendly/unfriendly a; nice h An email to friends
b CD1 53 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. 4 a Students do the exercise in pairs. Note that these
Students listen and practise. Alternatively, model the words are cognates in many languages, so students
words yourself and ask students to repeat chorally may already know what they mean as they have
and individually. Check that students copy the word the same or similar words in their own language.
stress correctly. Repeat the drill if necessary. Note that the aim of this box is to highlight which
new words students need in order to understand the
EXTRA IDEA conversation they are about to hear.
After doing 1b, students work in pairs and take turns to b Check the meaning of any words in 4a that
test each other on the adjectives. One student says an students dont know using pictures, drawings,
translation, etc. Model and drill the words with the
adjective, for example hot, and his/her partner says the
class. Point out that restaurant /restrnt/ is two
opposite, for example cold. syllables, not three. Also highlight that although
there is usually an accent on caf in English, we stress
the fi rst syllable, not the second.
c Check students understand an email by referring
Word order with adjectives; very to email A. Point out that the stress on email is on
2 a Ask students to read the rules about adjectives the fi rst syllable, not the second.
and the examples. Alternatiely, write the example Ask who the people in the photo are (Alice and
sentences on the board and go through the rules with Mike). Students read email A and fi nd out where
the class, highlighting the following points. Alice and Mike are (in Istanbul, Turkey).
Teach the new words and, but, here and now in the
Adjectives go after be: Your watch is nice. not email. Note and and but are practised further in
Your watch nice is. Reading and Writing Portfolio 3 on p56p57 of the
Adjectives go before nouns: Its a new car. not face2face Second edition Starter Workbook.
Its a car new. Highlight that people is always plural in English:
Also highlight that the adjective comes after the the people are friendly not the people is friendly.
article a (Its a new car) and that we use an when
You can also point out that we often end emails to
the adjective begins with a vowel (Its an old car).
friends or family with Love and then our name(s).
Adjectives are not plural with plural nouns.
Theyre good friends. not Theyre goods friends. 5 Go through the two examples with the class and
Also highlight the word order in questions: check they understand what to do. Students do the
Areyou cold?, Is he friendly?, etc. exercise on their own before comparing answers in
pairs. Check answers with the class.

3 The people are friendly. 4 5 Alice and 1 We arent from Italy, were from Spain.
Mike are in a small hotel. 6 7 The rooms 2 Its a new hotel, but it isnt very nice.
are very big. 3 Hes a doctor and he isnt married.
4 You arent Australian, youre American.
5 Im a manager and shes a musician.
HELP WITH GRAMMAR 6 Theyre actors, but they arent very good.
be (plural): positive and negative
6 Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs. 9 CD1 55 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording again.
Check answers with the class. Students listen and practise. Check they are
pronouncing the contractions correctly. Repeat the
Answers Were in a new hotel. Theyre very big. drill if necessary, pausing after each sentence for
We arent in the hotel now. They arent very students to repeat chorally and individually.
Point out that are is the plural form of be (as Where are they?
well as the singular you form).
Check students understand we and they. Point 10 Focus students on email B. Ask who the people in the
out that we can use they for people and things. photo are (Liz and Steve). Students do the exercise on
Tell students that you is singular and plural: their own, then compare answers in pairs.
Youre a student. Youre students. Also remind Checkanswers with the class.
students that there is no polite form of you in
English. 2 re 3 s 4 are 5 arent 6 re 7 are 8 isnt 9 s
Highlight that were, youre and theyre are
contracted forms of we are, you are and HELP WITH GRAMMAR
Also point out that we dont contract are be (plural): questions and short answers
after a name or a noun: Alice and Mike are in 1 Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs.
Moscow. not Alice and Mikere in Moscow. and While they are working, copy the table onto the
The rooms are nice. not The roomsre nice. board so you are ready to check students answers.
Check students remember that arent is the Check answers with the class by eliciting students
contracted form of are not. answers and writing them in the correct place on the
Tell students that we can also say were not, board.
youre not and theyre not.
Answers See the table in GRAMMAR 3.2 SB p119.
7 CD1 54 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Students Highlight the inverted word order in yes/no
listen and practise the sentences in 6. Check that questions: Are they ?, Are you ?, etc.
students pronounce the contractions correctly. Point out that we can also say No, were not.,
Alternatively, model each sentence yourself and ask No, youre not. and No, theyre not.
students to repeat chorally and individually. Also point out that we dont usually answer
You can also point out that the pronunciation of these questions with just Yes. or No. as this can
youre and your is the same /j/. sound impolite.
Highlight that we dont usually use contractions
HELP WITH LISTENING Contractions in positive short answers: Yes, you are. not
Yes,youre., etc.
This Help with Listening section helps students to Also highlight that we dont usually use the
understand contractions in natural spoken English. uncontracted form in negative short answers:
8 a Use the examples (Im, were, arent, etc.) to teach No, you arent. not No, you are not., etc.
students what a contraction is. Give students time to Highlight the word order in Wh- questions.
read sentences 16. Check students understand that Point out that we dont contract Where are:
the missing words in each sentence are contractions, Where are you? not Wherere you?.
as shown in the example in 1.
CD1 55 Play the recording (SB p108), pausing EXTRA IDEA
after each sentence to allow students time to write. Ask students to turn to Language Summary 3, SB p119.
Students listen and fill in the gaps with the correct
Focus students on GRAMMAR 3.1 and GRAMMAR 3.2 .
Give students time to study the grammar tables, read the
Play the recording again if necessary.
TIPS and ask you any questions.
b Students compare answers in pairs.
Check answers with the class by writing the 12 CD1 56 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Students
sentences on the board and asking students to tell
listen and practise. Repeat the drill if necessary.
you the missing contractions. Ask students which
contractions are negative (arent and isnt).

Get ready Get it right! Student A 1 Theyre in Istanbul. 2 Yes, they
13 Put students into pairs, student A and student are. 3 No, they arent. 4 Its near the Blue
B. Student As turn to SB p88 and student Bs Mosque. 5 Yes, they are. 6 No, it isnt. / No,
turn to SB p93. Check they are all looking at its very hot.
thecorrect exercise. Student B 1 Theyre in Cairo. 2 Yes, they
are. 3 Yes, they are. 4 Its near the Egyptian
a Students do the exercise on their own. museum. 5 Yes, they are. 6 No, it isnt.
Check answers with the class. Only check
the verb forms so that students dont hear the
questions they are about to be asked. Note EXTRA IDEA
thatthe answers are the same for student As Ask your students to bring in photos of their family
and student Bs. to the next class, so that they can be used during
the Get ready Get it right! speaking activity in
Student A/Student B
2 Are 3 Are 4 s 5 Are 6 Is
lesson 3B.

b Students do the exercise on their own. They

can make notes of the answers if necessary. WRITING
c Students work with their partners. Student
As ask their questions about Alice and Mike Do Reading and Writing Portfolio 3 See you soon!
from a. Encourage student Bs to use short (Workbook p56p57). This can be done in class or for
answers where appropriate (Yes, they are., homework. For more information on how to use the
No, they arent. etc.). Student A then tells his/ Reading and Writing Portfolios in class, see p33.
her partner how many of his/her answers are
correct. While they are working, monitor and
correct any mistakes you hear. FURTHER PRACTICE
d Students swap roles so that student Bs ask Ph Class Activity 3A Where are they?p133
their questions about Liz and Steve from a. (Instructions p116)
Check answers with the class if necessary. Extra Practice 3A SB p99
Finally, ask the class how many students Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 3A
answered all the questions correctly. Workbook Lesson 3A p13

Vocabulary family
3B Brothers and sisters Grammar possessive s; subject pronouns
(I, you, etc.) and possessive adjectives
Students Book p24p25 (my, your, etc.)

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews adjectives. Students time, as this helps them to tune in to English and
work on their own and write four adjectives. Tell students toconnect what they hear with how it is written.
to choose adjectives they learned in lesson 3A. Students
complete the activity in pairs, as shown in the examples.
2 a Focus students on the table. Go through the
headings with the class. Check they understand the
Ask each pair to tell the class one or two things for the
male and female symbols in the column headings and
adjectives they chose. teach the meaning of both. Students do the exercise
in pairs.
While they are working, draw the table, including
Our family the words (father, etc.) on the board.
Check answers with the class by eliciting the missing
1 CD1 57 Focus students on the photo of the Cooper words and writing them in the correct places in the
family. Play the recording. Students listen and read table on the board.
speech bubbles 14. Play the recording again if Point out that dad and mum are informal words for
necessary. father and mother. You can also teach kids, which is
Note that students are often asked to listen and read an informal word for children, and a boyfriend/
in the Students Book. At this level we feel it is very a girlfriend.
useful for students to listen and read at the same

Highlight that the singular form of parents is a
Check students understand that we can use s
parent and that the plural of a wife is wives, not
with other nouns for people: Its my teachers car.
wifes. Also highlight that the plural of a child is
Its his friends camera., etc. Note that we can use
irregular (children).
the possessive s with some other nouns (Its the
You can also point out that your parents are your worlds biggest animal., etc.), but at Starter level
mother and father only, and that other family we feel it is easier for students to focus only on
members who are not part of your immediate family nouns for people.
(aunts, uncles, etc.) are called relatives. Point out that s can mean is or the possessive:
Annes my sister. (s = is)
Kevin is Nicks son. (s = possessive)
men/boys women/girls both Point out that for plural nouns, the apostrophe ()
is after the -s: Its my parents house.
father mother parents
Also highlight that when there are two names,
(dad) (mum)
the s goes after the second name only: Theyre
son daughter children Kevin and Annes parents. not Theyre Kevins
(singular: child) and Annes parents.
husband wife You can tell students that when a name ends in
brother sister an /s/ sound, the s is pronounced as an extra
syllable /iz/, for example Luiss /luisiz/,
b CD1 58 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Chriss /krisiz/, etc.
Students listen and practise the words. Highlight the
pronunciation of parents /pernts/. Point out that 5 CD1 59 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording (SB p108).
the stress on all the two-syllable words in the table is Students listen and practise the sentences in 3. Check
always on the fi rst syllable. Also highlight the // that students pronounce the possessive s in each
sound in mother /m/, mum /mm/, son /sn/, sentence correctly.
husband /hzbnd/ and brother /br/. Note that Students might ask why we dont contract is in these
this sound is practised further in the Help with sentences (Nicks Fionas son., etc.). You can point
Pronunciation section in this unit. out that writing s twice in short sentences such as
these looks rather unnatural, but is still correct.
6 Focus students on the example. Students do the
If you have a class of complete beginners, consider exercise on their own. Check answers with the class.
teaching the family vocabulary yourself at the beginning of
the lesson. Draw the Cooper family tree on the board 2 Fiona is Nicks wife. 3 Kevin is Fionas son.
(father: Nick, mother: Fiona, son: Kevin, daughter: Anne). 4 Anne is Nicks daughter. 5 Kevin is Annes brother.
Then use the relationships between the people to teach 6 Anne and Kevin are Nick and Fionas children.
the vocabulary in bold in the speech bubbles. You can
then use 2 for practice.
Alternatively, draw your own family tree and use this to
Our grandchildren
teach the family vocabulary. You can also bring in photos 7 a Focus students on the photo of Sid and Mary.
of your family to show the class. Tell the class that they are Kevin and Annes
Students work on their own and complete the table
3 Students do the exercise on their own before with the words in the box.
comparing answers in pairs. Check answers with Check answers with the class. Point out that the
theclass. singular of grandchildren is a grandchild.
2 son 3 mother 4 daughter
5 father 6 sister 7 parents grandfather grandson

HELP WITH GRAMMAR Possessive s grandmother granddaughter

4 Go through the rule and the TIP with the class.
Highlight the following points. grandparents grandchildren

We use a name or a noun for a person + s for the

b CD1 60 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording.
possessive. For example, we say Fiona is Nicks
Students listen and practise. Point out that the stress
wife. not Fiona is the wife of Nick., and Its my
on these words is always on the fi rst syllable, and
sisters car. not Its the car of my sister. Use the
that we dont pronounce the d in grand-: grandfather
second example to highlight that we use s for
/ rnf/, etc.
things we have, as well as for family relationships.

8 a CD1 61 Tell the class they are going to listen
toMary talk about her family. Play the recording Get ready Get it right!
(SBp108). Students listen and put the people in the 11 Students write a list of people in their family.
order she talks about them. Tell students to write only the names of family
Check answers with the class. members that they have learned in the lesson
(notuncles, aunts, cousins, etc.).
Anne 4; Fiona 2; Kevin 5; Nick 3
b Give students time to read questions 16. Play
the recording again. Students listen and answer the If you asked your students to bring in photos of
questions. Check answers with the class. their family at the end of the previous lesson, they
can use these photos instead of writing the names
2 Shes a teacher. 3 Shes 43. 4 Hes a doctor. of their family. Teach students to say This is
5 Yes, she is. 6 Hes 12. when they point to a person in the photo (This is
Lucas. Hes my brother., etc.).
HELP WITH GRAMMAR Students can draw their family tree instead
Subject pronouns (I, you, etc.) and possessive of writing a list of names in 11. You can
demonstrate this by drawing your own family
adjectives (my, your, etc.)
tree on the board before they begin. You can also
9 a Focus students on the four example sentences use your family tree to elicit the questions in the
from the recording. Point out the words in blue and speech bubbles in 12a.
pink in these sentences. Students complete the table
on their own or in pairs.
While students are working, draw the table on the 12 a Use the speech bubbles to remind students of
board so that you are ready to check their answers. the questions How old is he?, Whats his job?
Check answers with the class. and Is he married?. Elicit the corresponding
questions with she (How old is she?, etc.).
subject pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, they Put students into pairs. If possible, ask students
possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, to work with someone they dont know very
our, their well.
Students take turns to tell their partner who
b Focus students on the box. Use the examples to the people are on their list. Their partner asks
check students understand the difference between a questions about each person, as shown in the
verb and a noun. speech bubbles. While students are working,
Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs. monitor and correct any mistakes you hear.
Check answers with the class.
b Finally, ask each student to tell the class
family N; listen V; read V; cat N about one person in their partners family, as
shown in the speech bubble.
c Go through the rules with the class. Use the
examples to highlight that we use subject pronouns WRITING
with verbs (Im, you listen, they read, etc.) and
possessive adjectives with nouns (my sister, your Students write a short description of their family. Ask
family, their cat, etc.). students to include a family tree, and/or some photos
Point out that you and your are both singular and of family members. Their descriptions can be collected
plural. Also point out that verbs in English always in the next class and put around the room for other
need a subject: Its my bag. not Is my bag., etc. studentsto read.
If its relevant for your students, point out that nouns
in English have no gender and that we use it or its to
refer to a thing: Its a very nice photo. etc. FURTHER PRACTICE

10 Students do the exercise on their own, then compare Ph Class Activity 3B Barry and Wendys family
answers in pairs. p134p135 (Instructions p117)
Check answers with the class. Highlight that their is Extra Practice 3B SB p99
pronounced the same as theyre /e/. Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 3B
You can also use question 3 to point out that we Workbook Lesson 3B p14
usually use his or her to refer to animals if we know
what gender they are, and it if we dont.

2 They, their 3 our, His 4 My, your

5 you, his 6 Her, she

rEAL Vocabulary food and drink (1)
3C wORLD Eat in or take away? Real World money and prices;
Students Book p26p27 How much ?; in a caf

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews family vocabulary REAL WORLD How much ?
and possessive s. Students do the first part of the activity
4 Students do the exercise on their own, then compare
on their own. Put students into pairs. Students take turns to
answers in pairs. Check answers with the class.
tell their partner about their friends and family. Encourage
students to ask questions about the people if possible. At Answers 1 is 2 is 3 are 4 are
the end of the activity, you can ask a few students to tell the Point out that we use How much is ? for
class about their partners family. singular nouns and it, and How much are ?
for plural nouns and they.
You can teach students this (in question 1).
Note that this, that, these and those are taught
Money and prices in lesson 4C.
1 a Pre-teach money /mni/ and price /prais/. Drill
these words with the class. 5 CD1 65 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Students
Students do the exercise on their own, then compare listen and practise the questions in 4. Alternatively,
answers in pairs. Check answers with the class. model and drill the questions yourself.
Check students understand the symbols (pounds),
$ (dollars), (euros), p (pence) and c (cents). Point Can I help you?
out that in the UK it is much more common to say 6 a Focus students on the Caf Pronto price list. Teach
ten p than ten pence, although both are correct. the words food and drink.
Also point out that we often miss out the currency Students work on their own or in pairs and match
words (pounds, euros, etc.) in prices with both the food and drink on the price list to photos 110.
pounds and pence or euros/dollars and cents if the Check answers with the class.
context is clear (ten fifty, five ninety-nine, etc.).
However, we always say the currency when there are Point out that the Italian words cappuccino and
no pence or cents (ten pounds, fifty euros, twelve espresso, and the French word croissant, are very
dollars, etc.). common in English, particularly in coffee shops and
cafs. You can also teach other Italian words for
Also teach students how to say the currency from types of coffee that often appear on caf price lists,
their country/countries in English if appropriate. for example a latte /ltei/ (coffee made with hot
milk), an Americano /merikn/ (black coffee),
2b 3e 4c 5a 6d
amocha /mk/ (coffee with chocolate), etc.
b CD1 62 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Teach students that we can also say a white coffee
Students listen and practise the prices. Check that (with milk) and a black coffee (without milk).
students pronounce p /pi/, euros /jrz/ and cents Point out that we can say a mineral water or a bottle
/sents/ correctly. Repeat the drill if necessary. of mineral water and that we can say a coffee/tea or
acup of coffee/tea.
2 a Students do the exercise in pairs.
b CD1 63 Play the recording (SB p108). Students 1 a cheese and tomato sandwich 2 a tea
listen and check their answers. 3 a mineral water 4 an orange juice 5 a cappuccino
PRONUNCIATION Play the recording again. Students 6 a croissant 7 a tuna salad 8 an espresso
listen and practise the prices. 9 an egg sandwich 10 a coffee

a seventeen pounds b seventy p c a hundred EXTRA IDEA

dollars d twenty-one euros e thirty-five cents
f twenty-one dollars fifty g three euros seventy-
Give students one minute to remember all the things on
five h seven pounds sixty the Caf Pronto price list. Ask students to close their
books. Students work in pairs and write down all the food
3 a CD1 64 Tell students that they are going to and drink items they can remember.
listen to five conversations. Play the recording (SB
p108). Students listen and write the prices. Play the b CD1 66 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording (SB
recording again if necessary. p108). Students listen and practise the food and
drinkon the price list. Highlight the pronunciation
b Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers
of cappuccino /kptin/, orange juice
with the class.
/rind dus/, croissant /kws/ and sandwich
/snwid/. Play the recording again, pausing after
1 25 2 $64 3 70p 4 48.50 5 95
each word so that students can repeat individually.

c Ask students to cover the price list. Students do
Answers 2 please 3 thanks 4 away 5 in 6 very
the exercise in pairs, as shown in the speech bubbles.
Check students understand all the sentences
7 Focus students on the speech bubbles and drill these in the conversation. Highlight the difference
examples with the class. between eat in (eat in the caf) and take away
Students do the exercise in new pairs. While (take the food and eat it somewhere else).
they are working, monitor and correct students You can point out that we say take away in
pronunciation if necessary. British English and to go in American English.
You can also teach Of course. as an alternative
8 a Focus students on the photo of Caf Pronto on SB to Sure.
p27. Use the people in the photo to teach an assistant
and a customer. 10 a CD1 68 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording (SB
VIDEO 3 CD1 67 Play the video or audio recording p109). Students listen and practise the sentences in 9.
(SB p108). Students watch or listen and tick what the Encourage students to copy the polite intonation.
two customers order on the price list. Note that all Play the recording again, pausing after each sentence
the Real World videos can be found on the Teachers for students to repeat chorally and individually.
DVD at the back of this book.
b Put students into pairs, student A and student B.
Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers Student As are assistants and student Bs are
with the class. customers. Students practise the conversation in 9
with their partner. After students have practised the
1 an orange juice and a cheese and tomato sandwich conversation a few times, ask them to change roles.
2 two cappuccinos, a croissant and an egg sandwich
b Play the video or audio recording again. Students
listen and write how much each customer spends. Before students work in pairs, practise the conversation in
Check the answers with the class. open pairs. See Teaching Tips on drilling on p23.
1 4.55 2 8.60
11 a Put students into new pairs. Focus students on the
Caf Pronto price list on SB p26.
REAL WORLD In a caf Students take turns to be the customer and order
9 Focus students on the conversation. Check they food and drink. The assistant must work out how
understand that the assistant says the sentences in the much to charge the customer. You can ask students
yellow boxes and the customer says the sentences in to cover the conversation in 9 before they begin.
the red boxes. Point out that the language in brackets b Finally, ask a few pairs to role-play a conversation
can change, depending on what the customer orders. in Caf Pronto for the class.
Note that the language that students need to learn
for productive use is always in the red boxes in these FURTHER PRACTICE
flow charts.
Extra Practice 3C SB p99
Students do the exercise on their own, then compare
answers in pairs. Check answers with the class. Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 3C
Workbook Lesson 3C p16

VOCABULARY Vocabulary food and drink (2); love, like,

eat, drink, a lot of
3D AND SKILLS Food I like Skills Listening: Fionas family; Reading
Students Book p28p29 and Listening: food and drink I like

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews money and prices. (milk, tea, rice, fruit, etc.) are uncountable nouns.
Students work on their own and write four prices, as in the However, we feel that asking students to differentiate
examples. Students complete the activity in pairs. between countable and uncountable nouns would
be unnecessarily complicated at Starter level. Note
that countable and uncountable nouns are dealt with
thoroughly in face2face Second edition Elementary.
1 a Focus students on the photo. Students do the
exercise on their own or in pairs. Check answers milk 6; tea 2; sugar 14; meat 11; fish 9; orange
with the class. Note that many of these words juice 5; eggs 13; cheese 12; bread 7; pasta 15; rice
10; vegetables 4; fruit 1; chocolate 16; water 8

b CD1 69 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. b Give students time to read sentences 17. Play
Students listen and practise. Alternatively, model the the recording again. Students listen and choose the
words yourself and ask students to repeat chorally correct words. Play the recording again if necessary.
and individually. c Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers
Highlight the pronunciation of orange juice /rind with the class.
dus/, vegetables /vedtblz/, fruit /frut/ and
chocolate /tklt/. Point out that vegetables is 2 coffee 3 tea 4 fish 5 eggs 6 pasta 7 chocolate
threesyllables, not four, and that chocolate is two
syllables, not three. 6 a Pre-teach the vocabulary in the box using pictures,
translation, etc. Note that the aim of this box is to
EXTRA IDEAS highlight which new words students need in order to
If you have a class of complete beginners, consider understand the texts they are about to read.
teaching this vocabulary yourself at the beginning of the Model and drill the words with the class. Note that
the stress on ice cream can be on either word.
lesson. Prepare flashcards of the food and drink items
and teach the words one by one. You can then use the b Focus students on the photos and the texts.
matching activity in 1a for practice. Students do the exercise on their own, then compare
If you have a strong class, use Vocabulary Plus 3 Food answers in pairs. Check answers with the class.
and drink p169 (Instructions p163) in this lesson or give
2 Ed and Mei 3 Zoe and Ed 4 Zoe and Ben
this worksheet to students for homework. 5 Mei and Ben 6 Ed and Mei 7 Zoe and Ben

2 a Give students one minute to remember all the 7 a CD1 72 Play the recording. Students listen and
words for food and drink in the photo. Students are underline all the food words.
not allowed to write anything down. b Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers
b Ask students to close their books. Put students with the class.
into pairs. Students say all the words for food and
drink in the photo they can remember. Alternatively, ZOE coffee, water, rice, pasta, salads, vegetables,
ask them to write down the words in their pairs. cheese, ice cream
Ask one pair to tell you all the words for food ED coffee, milk, chocolate biscuits, meat, fish,
and drink they can remember and write them on the fruit, vegetables, bread, egg and tomato
board. Ask other students to tell you any missing sandwiches
words until you have all 16 words from 1a. MEI tea, coffee, rice, fish, vegetables, apples,
oranges, cheese sandwiches, chocolate biscuits
3 Focus students on pictures AD. Students do the BEN fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, rice, pasta, salads,
exercise on their own, then compare answers in pairs. fruit juice, chocolate ice cream
Check answers with the class.
Check students understand the new verbs like, love, 8 a Students do the exercise on their own. While
eat and drink. We suggest you treat these verbs as students are working, check their sentences for
lexical items at this stage and avoid eliciting any accuracy and help with any new vocabulary.
negative sentences during the lesson. Note that the
b Teach the phrase Me too. Students work in groups
Present Simple is taught in units 4 and 5.
and take turns to say their sentences. Students say
Also check students understand a lot of: I drink a lot which of their partners sentences are also true for
of coffee., I eat a lot ofrice., etc. them, for example: A I love chocolate. B Me too.
Finally, ask each group to tell the class about food
2A 3D 4C
and drink they love, like, etc., for example: Karla and
I love chocolate.
4 CD1 70 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Students
listen and practise the sentences in 3. Highlight the FURTHER PRACTICE
vowel sound in love /lv/.
Ph Class Activity 3D From start to finishp136
5 a Ask students to look at the photo of Fiona and her (Instructions p117)
family in lesson 3B on SB p24. Ask the class what Ph Vocabulary Plus 3 Food and drinkp169
they remember about the family. (Instructions p163)
CD1 71 Focus students on the vocabulary box in
Extra Practice 3 SB p99
1a. Play the recording (SB p109). Students listen
Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 3D
and tick the food and drink that Fiona talks about.
Students can compare answers in pairs. Check Workbook Lesson 3D p17
answers with the class. Workbook Reading and Writing Portfolio 3 p56p57
Ph Progress Test 3 p182
coffee tea meat fish eggs pasta chocolate

1 CD1 73 Focus students on the phonemes // and
//, the pictures and the words. Play the recording.
Students listen to the sounds and the words. Point Focus students on the continue2learn section on
out that o in coffee is pronounced with an // sound SB p29. See p33 of this book for ideas on how to
and u in umbrella is pronounced with an // sound. usethis section in class.
Play the recording again. Students listen and practise.
If students have problems producing the sounds,
help them with the mouth position for each sound.
// //
Extra Practice 3 SB p99
front of lips rounded tongue down See p34 for ideas on how to use this section in class.
tongue (a little)
relaxed lips 3A
1 2 small; big 3 cold; hot 4 ugly; beautiful
lips forward
5 cheap; expensive 6 good; bad
jaw down relaxed jaw 2 2 s 3 isnt / s not 4 is 5 are 6 re 7 are 8 arent
3a 2 Is the school cheap? 3 Is the teacher
Point out that we round the lips when we say //. verygood? 4 Are the students friendly?
Also highlight that the lips are relaxed when we 5 Wheres the hotel? 6 Are the rooms verybig?
say//. 3b 2 No, it isnt. / No, its not. 3 Yes, she is.
4 Yes, they are. 5 Its near the school.
2 Focus students on the boxes. Point out that the pink 6 No, they arent. / No, theyre not.
vowels are pronounced // and the blue vowels are
pronounced //.
4 2 sister 3 grandfather 4 father 5 mother
CD1 74 Play the recording. Students listen and
6 grandmother 7 son 8 husband 9 daughter
notice how we say the pink and blue vowels. 10 parents
Play the recording again. Students listen and practise. 5 2 his 3 their 4 She; my 5 he 6 our 7 they
8 We; his
3 a Go through the example with the class. Students
do the exercise in pairs. Ask students to cover the 3C
words in 2 before they begin. Encourage students to 6 2 coffee 3 sandwich 4 Eat 5 take 6 Take
7 else 8 all 9 Thank 10 much 11 welcome
say all the words when comparing answers.
b CD1 75 Play the recording. Students listen and 7a 2 fruit 3 eggs 4 fish 5 vegetables 6 rice
check their answers. 7 chocolate 8 pasta 9 tea 10 meat 11 bread
Note that all the words with an // sound are said by 12 sugar
a man and all the words with an // sound are said
by a woman.
Play the recording again. Students listen and practise Progress Portfolio 3
the words. Check they pronounce the vowels in bold
correctly. See p34 for ideas on how to use this section
Finally, ask each student to say one group of three inclass.
words for the class. If necessary, correct their
pronunciation and ask them to say the words again.

2 doctor 3 country 4 love 5 number 6 husband

Remind students that there is a chart of the phonemic
symbols on SB p134 and that they can practise the
Help with Pronunciation drills at home on the Self-study

Vocabulary phrases with like, have, live,
work, study
4A Live, work and study Grammar Present Simple (I, you, we, they):
Students Book p30p31 positive and negative

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews food and drink EXTRA IDEAS
vocabulary. Check students remember the verb like.
Students work on their own and write a list of ten words for Students work in pairs and take turns to test each other
food and drink. Students then complete the activity in pairs. on the collocations in 1a. One student says a word or
At the end of the activity, ask a few students to tell the class phrase from the vocabulary box, for example football, and
which things they like on their partners list. his/her partner says the whole collocation, for example
like football.
Students work in pairs and write one more word or phrase
for each of the verbs in 1a (like chocolate, have a cat, live
Phrases with like, have, live, in London, work for a computer company, study German,
work,study etc.). Write correct collocations on the board for
students to copy.
1 a Focus students on the vocabulary box, the
pictures and the example. Point out that like and
football go together to make the phrase like football.
Check students understand the other verbs (have, Life in Mexico
live, work, study) if necessary. 2 a CD2 2 Focus students on the photo of Carmen
Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs. and the speech bubble. Play the recording. Students
Early fi nishers can check their answers in Language listen, read and fi nd out who Cesar, Marissa and
Summary 4 VOCABULARY 4.1 SB p120. Teresa are.
Check answers with the class. Check students Check answers with the class.
understand all the new vocabulary, including the
verbs, referring to the pictures if necessary. Point Cesar is Carmens husband. Marissa and Teresa
out that collocations (words that go together) are Carmen and Cesars daughters.
are very important for students learning English
and encourage students to make a note of other b Students do the exercise on their own.
collocations when they meet them. c Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers
Point out that we can say in the centre of the city or with the class.
in the city centre. However, when we use the name of
the city, we say I live in the centre of London. not 2 Mexican 3 Mrida 4 three
I live in London centre. 5 is 6 are 7 Italian
Highlight the prepositions in the phrases work for a
(Spanish) company and work in (an office).
Also use the TIP to highlight that we say a fl at in HELP WITH GRAMMAR Present Simple
British English and an apartment in American (I, you, we, they): positive and negative
English. 3 a Students do the exercise on their own. Check
You can also teach students live in a (big/small) answers with the class.
house and work at home (not work in my house).
Highlight that we use a house to refer to the type of Answers You study English. We live in a very nice
building, whereas we use home to refer to the place flat. They like rock music.
where you live. Point out that these verbs are in the Present
b like rock music Use the four example sentences to highlight
c have two children that the Present Simple positive is the same
d have a car for I, you, we and they (and is the same as the
e live in a flat infinitive form). However, we suggest you simply
f live in the centre of the city call the infinitive the verb at this level to avoid
g work for a Spanish company overloading students with grammatical terms.
h work in an office
i study English b Draw the table on the board and write in the
j study languages example sentences. Note that in grammar tables the
auxiliary verbs are shown in blue and the main verbs
b CD2 1 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. are shown in pink. This approach, which is used
Students listen and practise the phrases. throughout the Students Book, helps visual learners
Highlight the pronunciation of work /w
k/, to understand the word order of positive sentences,
company /kmpni/, office /fis/ and languages negatives and question forms in English. Go through
/l widiz/. Repeat the drill if necessary. the following points with the class.

b Students work in pairs and take turns to say their
Use the examples to highlight the word order:
sentences to each other. Students also decide how
I/you/we/they + dont + verb + .
many of their true sentences are the same.
Point out that dont is the contracted form of
do not and that we usually use this form when Ask each pair to tell the class two sentences that are
writing and speaking. true for both students, for example, We dont work
Establish that the auxiliary do has no meaning, in an office., We like Italian food., etc.
but is used to make the negative form of the
Present Simple with I/you/we/they.
Also point out that we use dont in negatives with Get ready Get it right!
I, you, we and they for all verbs except be. If 7 Focus students on the examples and check they
necessary, write these sentences on the board for remember true and false.
comparison: Im not a teacher. You arent French. Students do the exercise on their own. While
We arent in this class. They arent from the USA. they are working, check their sentences for
With a strong class you can teach students that accuracy and help with any new vocabulary.
I, you, we and they in the example sentences are
called the subject, and that in positive sentences EXTRA IDEA
the subject always comes before the verb.
Demonstrate the activity by writing three true
c Students do the exercise on their own. Check and three false sentences about you on the board,
answers with the class. using language from 1a. Students work in pairs
and guess which sentences are false. Students
Focus students on the table on the board. Elicit can then do 7 on their own.
which words in sentences 1 and 2 from 3c go in
each column and complete the table (see the table
in GRAMMAR 4.1 SB p121). 8 Drill the sentences in the speech bubbles to
Use the sentences in the table to check students remind students of the language they need to
understand the word order in Present Simple do the exercise.
negatives. Put students into new pairs, A and B. Student
As say their sentences from 7. Student Bs
4 CD2 3 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Students decide if they are true or false. When they have
listen and practise the sentences in 3. Check that fi nished, students change roles.
students pronounce dont /dnt/ correctly in each At the end of the activity, ask if any students
sentence. Repeat the drill if necessary. guessed all six of their partners sentences
Life in the USA Finally, ask each student to tell the class one
oftheir partners true sentences.
5 a Focus students on the photo of Richard and the
speech bubble. Check students understand that
a (+) sign indicates a positive verb form and a () WRITING
sign indicates a negative verb form. Students do the
Students write a paragraph about themselves
exercise on their own, then compare answers in pairs.
using the language from the lesson. Ask students
b CD2 4 Play the recording. Students listen and to include a photo of themselves. The students
check their answers. Check answers with the class. work can be collected in next class and put up
around the room for other students to read.
2 live 3 have 4 dont live 5 live 6 work
7 like 8 dont like 9 study 10 like


Put students into pairs, A and B. Ask student As to look at Extra Practice 4A SB p100
the text about Carmen and student Bs to look at the text Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 4A
about Richard. Students underline all the phrases from 1a Workbook Lesson 4A p18
they can find in their texts. Students then work with their
partner, swap books and check their partners answers.

6 a Check students understand what to do by focusing

on the example and asking individual students
whether the positive or negative sentence is true
Students do the exercise on their own.

Vocabulary free time activities
4B My free time Grammar Present Simple (I, you, we, they):
Students Book p32p33 questions and short answers

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews the Present Simple b Students work in pairs and take turns to say their
positive and negative. Write the prompts (I have , sentences, making a note of any that are the same.
I dont have , etc.) on the board. Students work on Ask each pair to tell the class any sentences that are
their own and write four sentences about themselves. Put the same for both students.
students into pairs. Students say their sentences to their
partner and decide if any are the same, as shown in the An online interview
example. 3 a Teach students the words in the vocabulary box,
using pictures, mime, synonyms or translation.
Note that the aim of this box is to highlight which
Free time activities new words students need in order to understand the
text they are about to read.
1 a Teach the phrase free time activities (things you b Focus students on the web page on SB p33 and the
do when youre not working or studying). Point out photo of rock band Big Noise. Tell the class that the
that the singular of activities is an activity. womans name is Ruby Connor and the man on the
Students do the exercise in pairs. Alternatively, use far right with the red guitar strap is her brother, Phil.
the pictures to teach the phrases yourself, then use CD2 6 Play the recording. Students listen, read and
the matching activity for practice. Check answers fi nd three things that Ruby and Phil do in their free
with the class. time. Check answers with the class.
Highlight the different phrases with go: go to
concerts, go to the cinema, go shopping, go out listen to (a lot of rock) music, go out with
withfriends. Point out the in go to the cinema (not friends (a lot), watch (a lot of) DVDs,
go to cinema). go to concerts, eat out (a lot)
Also highlight the capital letters in TV and DVD and
point out that TV stands for television. 4 a Students do the exercise on their own, as shown in
Point out that we can say video games or computer the example.
games. You can also tell students that we can say eat b Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers
out or go out to eat. with the class.
go to the cinema 3; go shopping 2; go out 2F 3T 4T 5F 6F 7F 8T
with friends 4; play tennis 6; watch TV or
DVDs 1; play video games 8; eat out 5
b CD2 5 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording.
(I, you, we, they): questions and short answers
Students listen and practise. Check that students
stress the phrases correctly. Note that only the main 5 a Draw the table on the board and write in the
stress in words and phrases is shown in vocabulary example questions. Go through the following points
boxes and the Language Summaries. with the class.
Play the recording again, pausing after each phrase
for students to repeat individually. Use the examples to highlight the word order:
question word + do + I/you/we/they + verb + .
EXTRA IDEA Establish that the auxiliary do has no meaning,
but is used to make the question form of the
If you have a strong class, consider using Vocabulary Present Simple with I, you, we and they.
Plus 4 Free time activities p170 (Instructions p163) at this Also point out that we use the auxiliary do with
stage of the lesson. all verbs except be. If necessary, write the
following questions with be on the board for
comparison: Where am I? Where are you from?
2 a Focus students on the example sentences. Point
Where are we? Where are they from?.
out the preposition in in the fi rst sentence (I play
tennis in my free time.). b Students do the exercise on their own. Check
Use the second sentence to teach the meaning of a lot answers with the class.
(I watch TV a lot.).
Students work on their own and write four sentences Focus students on the table on the board. Elicit
about their free time using phrases from the lesson. which words in questions 1 and 2 from 5b go in
Before they begin, tell the class that these sentences each column and complete the table (see the table
can be positive or negative (I dont go to concerts). in GRAMMAR 4.2 SB p121).

While it is not essential for students at this level to
Use these questions to further highlight the word use the weak form themselves, it is important that
order in Wh- questions. Point out that Present they understand it when they are asked questions in
Simple questions are the same for I, you, we the Present Simple.
Use the second and fourth questions in the table Note that do you can also be pronounced /dj/ or
to highlight that we sometimes use a noun after /d/, but we rarely use the strong form /du ju/. The
What : What music do you like?, What food alternative weak form /dj/ is practised in face2face
do you like?, etc. Second edition Elementary.
You can also teach students the question What do b CD2 8 Play the recording (SB p109). Students
you do? = Whats your job?: A What do you do? listen and write the questions. Play the recording
B Im a doctor. again if necessary, pausing after each sentence to give
students time to write.
c Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs.
Check answers with the class. c Students compare questions in pairs and check if
they are the same.
Answers Do you like London? Yes, I do. No, I Check answers by eliciting each question and
dont. Do you go to concerts? Yes, we do. No, we writing it on the board. You can leave these questions
dont. Do they like Chinese food? Yes, they do. on the board so that they can be used in 8b.
No, they dont. Encourage students to use weak forms when
Highlight the word order in the yes/no questions: speaking and highlight them when appropriate in
Do + I/you/we/they + verb + . future classes.
Point out that we use do or dont in the short
answers, but we dont repeat the verb: Yes, I do. 1 Do you go to the cinema? 2 What food do you
not Yes, I like. or Yes, I do like. like? 3 Where do you go shopping? 4 Do you play
video games?
6 a Go through the example with the class. Point
out that all the questions are about Ruby and Phil 8 a CD2 9 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording (SB
Connor. p109). Students listen and practise. Encourage
Students do the exercise on their own. students to copy the pronunciation of do you. Play
Check answers with the class. You can point out that the recording again, pausing after each question and
in question 4 do is both the auxiliary and the main short answer for students to repeat individually.
verb. b Put students into pairs, student A and student B.
Student As ask the questions in 7a. Student Bs ask
2 Do have 3 Do like 4 do do 5 Do go the questions in 7b that are on the board. Remind
6 Do go 7 Do like 8 Do eat students to give their own answers.
Avoid doing any whole-class feedback at the end of
b Students do the exercise in pairs. You can ask the activity, as this would require he and she forms of
students to cover the interview before they begin. the Present Simple. These forms are taught in unit 5.
Remind students to use the correct short answers
where appropriate. They can check their answers
on the web page about Ruby and Phil Connor if Get ready Get it right!
necessary. Check answers with the class.
9 Put students into new pairs, student A and
1 In Camden, in London. 2 No, they dont. 3 No, student B. If possible, put students in pairs with
they dont. 4 They listen to music, go out with somebody they dont know very well.
friends, watch DVDs, go to concerts and eat out. Student As turn to SB p86 and student Bs turn
5 Yes, they do. 6 No, they dont. 7 Yes, they do. to SB p91. Check they are all looking at the
8 Yes, they do. correct exercise.
a Focus students on the examples. Students do
HELP WITH LISTENING the exercise on their own.
Questions with do you Avoid checking the questions with the whole
class so that students dont hear the questions
This Help with Listening section helps students that they are about to be asked.
tounderstand Present Simple questions with
do you ?. Student A 2 Do you watch a lot of DVDs?
3 Do you live in a house or a flat? 4 Do
7 a CD2 7 Focus students on sentences 14. Play the you like Italian food? 5 Do you have an old
recording. Students listen, read and notice how we computer?
say do you in Present Simple questions. Student B b Do you play tennis or football?
Highlight the pronunciation of do you /dj/ and c Do you work in an office? d Do you like
point out that these words are usually pronounced in Chinese food? e Do you have a new mobile
their weak forms in natural spoken English. phone?

b Students work with their partner. Student WRITING
As ask questions 15. Remind student Bs to use
Yes, I do. or No, I dont. when answering the Students imagine they are famous rock stars and
questions. write a short interview with a journalist, similar to
c Students swap roles so that student B asks the Big Noise interview on SB p33. They can add
questions ae. photos or illustrations if they wish.
Again, avoid doing any class feedback on the
answers themselves, as this would require FURTHER PRACTICE
students to use he and she forms of the Present
Simple. Instead, students can ask you one Ph Class Activity 4B Find two peoplep137
question each. Give your own answers if possible. (Instructions p118)
Ph Vocabulary Plus 4 Free time activitiesp170
EXTRA IDEA (Instructions p163)
After students have written the questions in Extra Practice 4B SB p100
a, they guess whether their partner is going to Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 4B
answer yes or no to each question. When students Workbook Lesson 4B p19
ask their questions in b and c, they check how
many of their guesses are correct. At the end of
the activity, ask if any students guessed all five
answers correctly.

4C wORLD Buying things Vocabulary things to buy;
this, that, these, those
Students Book p34p35 Real World in a shop

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews Present Simple

b CD2 10 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording.
yes/no questions with you. Check students remember the
Students listen and practise. Check they stress the
meaning of both. Students do the activity in pairs, as shown words correctly and highlight the pronunciation of
in the examples. At the end of the activity, ask a few pairs to birthday /b
dei/, chocolates /tklts/ and tissues
tell the class one or two things they both do. /tiuz/.
Point out that batteries /btriz/ is usually
pronounced as two syllables, not three. Note that the
stress on magazine can also be on the fi rst syllable.
Things to buy Point out that the plural of box is boxes and that the
1 a Focus students on pictures 110. Students do the singular of batteries is a battery.
exercise in pairs. Check answers with the class.
c Students do the activity in pairs.
Check students understand a birthday and teach
the phrase Happy birthday! as shown on the card
this, that, these, those
a newspaper 4; a map 3; a postcard 5; a birthday 2 Focus students on photos AD and the How
card 7; a box of chocolates 10; tissues 2; sweets 9; much ? questions in the speech bubbles. Ask
batteries 8; chewing gum 6 wherethe people are (in a shop). Check students
remember a customer and an assistant. Point
EXTRA IDEA outthat the things each customer wants to buy are
highlighted with a red arrow on the photos.
If you have a class of complete beginners, consider
Students work on their own or in pairs and write
teaching these words yourself by bringing the items to the thewords in bold in the questions in the table.
class. Hold up each item in turn and tell students the word While they are working, draw the blank table
in English. You can then use the matching activity in 1a onthe board.
for practice. Check answers with the class and highlight the
following points.

Focus students on the table on the board. Check REAL WORLD In a shop
students understand here and there. Elicit which 6 a Focus students on the conversations. Point out
words go in each column and complete the table. that the language in brackets can change, depending
on what the customer buys.
here there Students do the exercise on their own by referring
singular this that tothe conversations in 5b.
plural these those Check answers with the class.
Point out that we use this/these for something
Answers 2 much 3 have 4 else 5 all 6 are 7 lot
close to us and that/those for something further
Check students understand the new words and
phrases: Yes, theyre over there., Theyre (1.79)
Check students understand that we use this/that
each. and Here you are.
for singular nouns and these/those for plural
Point out that we say Thanks a lot. or Thanks
very much. Also remind students of other ways to
Point out that this, that, these and those go before
say thank you: Thanks., Thank you. and Thank
a noun: How much is this map?, These bags are
you very much. You can point out that Thanks is
beautiful., etc.
more informal than Thank you.
3 CD2 11 PRONUNCIATION Focus students on the b Students do the exercise on their own. Check
example drill. Play the recording (SB p109). Students answers with the class.
listen and practise. Highlight the /i/ sound in this /
is/ and the /i/ sound in these /iz/, which students Answers 1 Do you have any (maps of London)?
studied in the Help with Pronunciation section in 2 Can I have (these cards and that box of
unit 2. Repeat the drill if necessary. chocolates), please? 3 How much is (this map)?
How much are (these birthday cards)?
4 Students do the exercise on their own, then compare Check students understand the phrases Do you
answers in pairs. Check answers with the class. have ?, Can I have ? and How much ?.
Point out that we use Can I have ? to ask for
1 these 2 That 3 those 4 this things.
We suggest that at this stage of the course you
Anything else? teach any as part of the phrase Do you have
any ? and point out that any is followed by
5 a Ask students to close their books. Tell the a plural noun (maps, etc.). Note that a/an, some
class that they are going to watch or listen to two and any are studied in unit 6.
conversations in a shop.
VIDEO 4 CD2 12 Play the video or audio recording. 7 CD2 13 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording (SB p109).
Students listen and write down what the two Students listen and practise the sentences in the
customers buy. Note that all the Real World videos flow chart in 6a. Encourage students to copy the
can be found on the Teachers DVD at the back of polite intonation and highlight the pronunciation of
this book. London /lndn/. If necessary, play the recording
Students can compare answers in pairs. Check again, pausing after each sentence for students to
answers with the class. repeat individually.

Customer 1 a map (of London), 8 Students practise the conversations in 5b in pairs,

batteries, sweets taking turns to be the customer. Encourage the
Customer 2 two birthday cards, customers to use polite intonation when asking
a big box of chocolates forthings. While they are working, monitor and
correct students pronunciation as necessary.
b Ask students to open their books again. Give
students time to read the conversations. Avoid EXTRA IDEA
dealing with any new language at this stage. Ask each pair to choose one of the conversations from
Play the video or audio recording again. Students 5b. Students decide who is the customer and who is the
watch or listen and write the prices in the assistant. Students practise the conversation until they
can remember it. Ask students to close their books and
Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers
practise the conversation again. Ask two or three pairs to
with the class.
role-play their conversations for the class.
1 5.75 2 2.99
3 9.34 4 1.79 9 Students work in the same pairs. Student As turn to
5 8.75 6 12.33 SB p88 and student Bs turn to SB p93. Check they
are all looking at the correct exercise.

a Pre-teach spend (money). Ask students to look b Students practise their conversations until they
at photos ad. Allow students time to read the have memorised them.
information about their roles and point out the c Put two pairs together so that they are working
prompts in the box. in groups of four. Pairs then take turns to role-play
Students role-play the conversation in their pairs. their conversations. Students listen to the other pairs
Student A in each pair starts the conversation by conversation and fi nd out what the customer buys
saying Excuse me. Do you have any batteries?. and how much he or she spends. Students can ask the
b Students swap roles so that student B in each pair other pair to repeat the conversation if necessary.
is the customer and student A is the sales assistant. Finally, ask two or three pairs to role-play their
Again, draw students attention to the prompts in the conversations for the class.
box before they begin.
At the end of the activity, ask students how much FURTHER PRACTICE
they spent (student A: 17.90, student B: 12.50). Ph Class Activity 4C Shopping bingop138
10 a Students do the activity in new pairs. Encourage (Instructions p118)
students to use vocabulary from 1a and phrases from Extra Practice 4C SB p100
6a in their conversations. While they are working, Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 4C
check their conversations for accuracy and correct Workbook Lesson 4C p21
any mistakes you hear.

VOCABULARY Vocabulary days of the week; time words

Real World telling the time; talking about
4D AND SKILLS What time is it? the time
Students Book p36p37 Skills Reading and Listening: days and times

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews things to buy. You can also point out that we say two and a half
Students do the first part of the activity on their own. They hours not two hours and a half.
can write things that are in the shop in lesson 4C, or their
own ideas. Put students into pairs. Students complete the 2 a minute 3 an hour 4 a day 5 a week 6 a month
activity with their partner.
c Students do the exercise on their own before
checking in pairs. Check answers with the class.

b minutes c hours d week e year f months

1 a CD2 14 PRONUNCIATION Focus students on the
days of the week. Play the recording. Students listen
and practise. Alternatively, model and drill the days 3 a Pre-teach time and a clock. You can also teach
yourself. Point out that Wednesday /wenzdei/ is two students the difference between a clock and a watch.
syllables, not three. Also point out that the stress on Students do the exercise in pairs. Check answers with
each day is on the fi rst syllable. the class. Point out that we can say quarter past/to
or a quarter past/to .
b Students do the exercise in pairs, as shown in the
speech bubbles.
quarter to seven D; quarter past six B; six oclock A
c Students do the exercise in the same pairs. Check
answers with the class. Model and drill today, b Tell students that we can say times in two ways.
tomorrow and the weekend. Note that weekend can Students do the exercise with their partner. Check
be stressed on either the fi rst or the second syllable. answers with the class.
Also highlight that we can say (a) quarter past (six)
2 a Students do the exercise in pairs. Alternatively, or (six) fifteen, but not fifteen past (six).
teach the words yourself fi rst and use this exercise
forpractice. six thirty C; six forty-five D; six fifteen B
b CD2 15 Play the recording. Students listen and
check their answers. EXTRA IDEA
PRONUNCIATION Play the recording again. Students
listen and practise. Highlight the pronunciation of If you have a class of complete beginners, consider
minute /minit/ and the silent h in hour /a/. teaching the time yourself first by using a large clock with
Teach students that 30 minutes = half an hour, movable hands. Alternatively, draw clock faces on the
15 minutes = quarter of an hour and 18 months = board. You can then use 3 and 4 for practice.
a year and a half.

4 Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs. 8 Put students into new pairs, student A and student
Check answers with the class. B. Student As turn to SB p89 and student Bs turn
Tell students that we can also say these times as six to SB p94. Check they are all looking at the correct
fifteen, six twenty-five, etc. Although this alternative exercise.
form is probably easier for students to use than the a Focus students on the film times. Use the speech
past/to form, it is important that they understand bubbles to teach What time is on? and the
both ways of telling the time when they hear them. response Its on at . You can point out that we
Point out that we say six oh five for 6.05, not six five also use these phrases to talk about TV programmes.
or six zero five. Students take turns to ask the times of the films
You can also highlight that in American English 6.05 and fill in the gaps on the timetable. Students are
= five after six, 6.10 = ten after six, etc. not allowed to look at their partners book. While
they are working, monitor and correct students
2a 3h 4b 5g 6f 7e 8d pronunciation if necessary.
b Students compare times with their partner and
5 CD2 16 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Students check that they are correct.
listen and practise the times in 3a and 4. Note that
the times are recorded in logical order (six oclock, 9 a Teach the words in the box, using examples,
five past six, etc.). drawings, translation, etc. Note that the aim of this
Highlight the pronunciation of quarter /kt/ and box is to highlight which new words students need in
half /hf/. Also highlight that we dont pronounce order to understand the text they are about to read.
the t in five past /ps/ six, etc., and that we use the Model and drill the words with the class,
weak form of to in five to /t/ six, etc. highlighting the pronunciation of Europe /jrp/
Repeat the drill if necessary, pausing after each time and flight /flait/.
for students to repeat individually. b Students read the text about days and times
6 a CD2 17 Tell students that they are going to listen around the world and choose the correct answers.
to five conversations. Play the recording (SB p109). c Students compare answers in pairs.
Students listen and write the times. d CD2 19 Play the recording. Students listen and
b Students compare answers in pairs. Play the check their answers. Check answers with the class.
recording again, pausing after each conversation to Finally, ask the class how many answers they got
check students answers. right.

1 twenty to three 2 half past eight 3 six oclock b Friday and Saturday c 32 d morning
4 quarter to twelve 5 two thirty e afternoon f Friday g Tuesday h 7 hours
i 11 hours j Sundays k Tuesdays l Thursdays
7 a Focus students on pictures 1 and 2. Students do
the exercise on their own. FURTHER PRACTICE
b CD2 18 Play the recording. Students listen and Ph Class Activity 4D Time dominoesp139
check their answers.
(Instructions p118)
PRONUNCIATION Play the recording again, pausing after
Extra Practice 4 SB p100
each sentence for students to repeat chorally and
individually. Encourage students to copy the polite Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 4D
intonation in the questions. Workbook Lesson 4D p22
Check students understand that we use What time Workbook Reading and Writing Portfolio 4 p58p59
is it, please? to ask the time. Also teach and drill the Ph Progress Test 4 p183
alternative question Whats the time, please?, etc.
Also point out that we use at for times: Its at half
past eight.
Teach students that we use a.m. for times 0.0012.00
and p.m. for times 12.0024.00. Also point out that
a.m. and p.m. are sometimes written without the full
stops (am, pm).

1 WOMAN Excuse me. What time is it, please?

MAN Its twenty to three.
2 WOMAN What time is your English class?
MAN Its at half past eight.

1 Tell students that there are two different ways to
pronounce th. Focus students on the phonemes //
and //, the pictures and the words. Focus students on the continue2learn section on
CD2 20 Play the recording. Students listen to the SB p37. See p33 of this book for ideas on how to
sounds and the words. Point out that th in three is usethis section in class.
pronounced with a // sound and th in mother is
pronounced with a // sound.
Play the recording again. Students listen and practise.
If students are having problems producing the Extra Practice 4 SB p100
sounds, help them with the mouth position for each
sound. See p34 for ideas on how to use this section in class.

// // 4A
voice off voice on 1 2 study 3 work 4 have 5 like 6 study 7 live
8 have 9 live 10 work
2 2 You dont like Mexican food. 3 I dont have a
new phone. 4 Im not from the USA. 5 We arent
tongue just behind tongue just behind
musicians. / Were not musicians. 6 We dont live
top and bottom teeth top and bottom teeth in Australia. 7 Tim and Joe arent brothers.
8 They dont work in London. 9 She isnt / Shes
Point out that the mouth position is the same for not a sales assistant.
both sounds, with the tip of tongue just between the
top and bottom teeth. However, when we say the //
3 go shopping; watch DVDs; play video games;
sound, there is no voice from the throat and you can
eat out; watch TV; go to the cinema; go out with
feel the air from your mouth on your hand. When we
friends; play tennis
say the // sound, there is voice from the throat.
4 2 Do you go to concerts? 3 What music do they
You can ask your students to place their fi ngers and like? 4 Where do you live? 5 Do they watch TV a
thumb on their throats. When they say the // sound, lot? 6 Do you like Chinese food? 7 Do we have a
they will feel vibration in the throat. class today? 8 What do you do in your free time?
Another useful tip is to ask them to place their index
fi nger on their lips, as if they were making a shhh 4C
sound. When saying both th sounds, the tip of the 5 2 a map 3 sweets 4 batteries 5 a magazine
tongue should touch the side of the fi nger. 6 a birthday card 7 chewing gum 8 tissues
9 a box of chocolates
2 CD2 21 Focus students on the boxes. Play the 6 2 Do 3 theyre 4 are 5 Theyre 6 these 7 else
recording. Students listen and notice how we say th 8 this 9 thats 10 Here 11 Thanks
in both sets of words. 4D
Play the recording again. Students listen and practise. 7 Sunday 7; Thursday 4; Saturday 6; Friday 5;
Tuesday 2; Wednesday 3
3 a CD2 22 Play the recording. Students listen and 8 b twenty to four c quarter past seven d half past
read the sentences. one e quarter to five f nine oclock
Play the recording again. Students listen and
practise. Repeat the drill if necessary, pausing after
each sentence for students to repeat chorally and Progress Portfolio 4
b Students practise the sentences in pairs. See p34 for ideas on how to use this section
Finally, ask students to say the sentences for the class. inclass.
If necessary, correct their pronunciation and ask
them to say the sentences again.

Vocabulary daily routines
5A A typical day Grammar Present Simple (he, she, it):
Students Book p38p39 positive and negative

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews ways of telling

the time. Students work on their own and write six times. morning have breakfast, leave home, start work
Students complete the activity in pairs. Ask students to say afternoon have lunch, finish work, (get home)
the times with past or to if possible. Early finishers can take evening get home, have dinner, (go to bed)
turns to say each time in two ways. night go to bed, sleep

2 a Focus students on the speech bubbles. Remind

Daily routines students that we use at with times and use the fi rst
pair of speech bubbles to teach the phrase at the same
1 a Focus students on pictures 110 of Carols routine. time. Tell students to talk about their routine in the
Use the pictures to teach the phrase daily routine week, not at the weekend, and make a note of things
/deili rutin/. they both do at the same time.
Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs. Students do the activity in new pairs.
Early fi nishers can check their answers in Language
Summary 5 VOCABULARY 5.1 SB p122. Check answers b Students tell the class things that they and their
with the class. partner do at the same time, as in the speech bubble.
Point out that we usually say have breakfast/lunch/
dinner not eat breakfast/lunch/dinner. Carols routine
Also point out that get home means arrive home, 3 a Pre-teach the words in the box using examples,
andthat we say go to bed not go to the bed. board diagrams, translation, etc. Note that the aim
Highlight that work in the phrases start work and of this box is to highlight which new words students
finish work is a noun, not a verb. need in order to understand the text they are about
If your students are at school or university, teach toread.
them the phrases start/finish school, start/finish Model and drill the words with the class. Highlight
university and start/finish classes as alternatives to the pronunciation of university /juniv
sti/ and
start/finish work. point out the different stress patterns in midday
go to bed 9; leave home 3; get home 7; b Focus students on pictures 110 on SB p38
start work 4; finish work 6; have breakfast 2; and the photo of Carol on SB p39. Check students
have lunch 5; have dinner 8; sleep 10 remember that the pictures are of Carols routine.
Students read the text and fill in the gaps with the
EXTRA IDEA correct times. Tell students to write the times in
Teach the words/phrases in 1a yourself first by telling numbers, not words, as shown in the example.
the students about your daily routine. Alternatively, make c CD2 24 Play the recording. Students listen and
your own flashcards of your daily routine and use these to check their answers. Check answers with the class.
teach the words/phrases. You can then use the matching
b 7.45 c 8.15 d 9.00 e 12.45 f 5.30 g 6.15 h 7.30
activity in 1a for practice.

b CD2 23 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. HELP WITH GRAMMAR Present Simple
Students listen and practise. Alternatively, model the (he, she, it): positive and negative
sentences yourself and ask students to repeat chorally
and individually. Highlight the pronunciation of 4 a Focus students on the four example sentences
breakfast /brekfst/, lunch /lnt/ and work /w
k/. in the Students Book or write them on the board.
You can also compare the vowel sounds in leave /liv/ Point out that the verbs in blue are in the Present
and live /liv/, which students studied in the Help with Simple. Ask students to complete the rule.
Pronunciation section in unit 2. Check students understand that in Present Simple
Repeat the drill if necessary, pausing after each positive sentences with he, she and it we add -s or -es
phrase for students to repeat individually. to the verb.
Note that only the main stress in each phrase is b Focus students on the table. Point out that the fi rst
shown in vocabulary boxes and in the Language column of the table shows the spelling rules for the
Summaries. he, she, it positive form of the Present Simple, and
c Check students remember morning, afternoon, that the second column gives some examples.
evening and night. Students do the exercise on their own by referring
Students do the exercise in pairs. Check answers with back to the verbs in bold in the text about Carol.
the class. Note that some phrases may match with While students are working, draw the table from
more than one time of day. 4b on the board. Check answers with the class.

Focus students on the table on the board.
Toms routine
Elicit which verbs go in each row and complete 7 a Focus students on the photo of Tom. Ask the class
the table (see the table in GRAMMAR 5.1 SB p123). who he is (Carols brother). Students do the exercise
Go through the spelling rules with the class by on their own. Early fi nishers can compare answers
asking students to tell you the endings on each inpairs.
verb in the second column. Underline these b CD2 27 Play the recording. Students listen and
endings on the board. check their answers. Check answers with the class.
Point out that have is irregular and that we say Highlight that answer 14 is a plural negative form,
has, not haves. and that answers 15 and 16 are plural positive
Use the examples and the context to highlight forms,therefore do not end in -s or -es.
that we use the Present Simple to talk about
Ask students what Carol and Tom do on Mondays.
daily routines.
Note that verbs ending in -ss, -sh, -x or -zz (miss,
2 doesnt work 3 gets up 4 doesnt have 5 has
wish, fix, buzz, etc.) also add -es in the he, she, it
6 goes 7 leaves 8 starts 9 finishes 10 doesnt eat
form of the Present Simple. However, as students
11 has 12 gets 13 watches 14 dont work
havent met any of these verbs yet, we suggest
15 have 16 talk
that you highlight these he, she, it forms in
On Mondays Carol and Tom have lunch together
future lessons when they occur.
and talk about the week.
c Focus students on the sentences in the table.
Go through the following points with the class. EXTRA IDEA

Use the sentences to highlight the word order: Put students into pairs, student A and student B. Student
he/she/it + doesnt + verb + . As write two true and two false sentences about Carol.
Point out that doesnt is the contracted form of Student Bs write two true and two false sentences about
does not and that we usually use this form when Tom. Ask students to close their books. Students take
writing and speaking. turns to say their sentences to each other. Students say
Also highlight that there is no -s or -es on the iftheir partners sentences are true or false.
main verb in the Present Simple negative: She
doesnt like mornings. not She doesnt likes
Use the TIP to highlight that the negative is the Get ready Get it right!
same for he, she and it: He doesnt have a car. 8 Put students into new pairs, student A and
Itdoesnt start today.
student B. Student As turn to SB p89 and
Also point out that we use doesnt in negatives
student Bs turn to SB p94. Check they are all
with he, she, it for all verbs except be. If
looking at the correct exercise.
necessary, write these sentences on the board for
comparison: He isnt a doctor. She isnt Italian. a Focus students on column A of the table.
It isnt expensive. Students do the exercise on their own, as in the
5 CD2 25 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Students If necessary, check the answers with the class.
listen and practise. Check that students pronounce Only check the words they need to fi ll in the
doesnt /dznt/ correctly. Repeat the drill if gaps, so that students dont hear the questions
necessary. they are about to be asked.

6 a Students do the exercise on their own, then Student A 2 Do, watch 3 Do, have
compare answers in pairs. 4 Do, drink 5 Do, sleep
Check the answers by writing each verb on the Student B b Do, have c Do, go
board and then writing the he, she, it form next to it. d Do, work e Do, eat

2 plays 3 starts 4 finishes 5 has 6 studies 7 loves b Students work with their partners. Student
8 goes 9 eats 10 watches 11 drinks 12 reads As ask questions 15 and put a tick or a cross
in column B of the table. Remind student Bs to
b CD2 26 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording use short answers (Yes, I do. and No, I dont.).
(SB p109). Students listen and practise. Note that Student Bs can also give more information
students should repeat both the verb and its he, she, ifpossible.
itform together (like, likes, etc.), not separately. c Students swap roles so that student B in each
Ask students which he, she, it forms have the sound pair is asking his/her partner questions ae.
/iz/ at the end (finishes /finiiz/, studies /stdiz/, Remind student Bs to put ticks and crosses in
watches /wtiz/). Highlight the endings of these column B of the table and student As to use
words on the board. Repeat the drill if necessary. short answers.

d Student As work in pairs with another FURTHER PRACTICE
student A and student Bs work in pairs with Ph Class Activity 5A My partners lifep140
another student B. Students take turns to tell (Instructions p119)
their new partner about their partner in b
andc. Check that students use the he, she, it Extra Practice 5A SB p101
forms of the verbs. Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 5A
Finally, ask each student to tell the class one or Workbook Lesson 5A p23
two things about their fi rst partner.

Students write about their daily routine in the
week, using phrases from 1a and their own
ideas. Tell them not to write about their weekend
routines, as this is the topic of lesson 5D.

Vocabulary time phrases with on,in, at

5B Where does she work? Grammar Present Simple (he, she, it):
Students Book p40p41 questions and short answers

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews daily routines and

on (Sunday), Monday, Tuesday morning,
the Present Simple. Put students into pairs. Students do the
Friday afternoon, Saturday evening
activity in their pairs, as shown in the examples. At the end in (the morning), the afternoon,
of the activity, ask a few students to tell the class one or two the evening, theweek
things about their partner. at (six oclock), half past ten, midday,
midnight, night, the weekend

b CD2 28 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording.

Time phrases with on, in, at Students listen and practise. Point out that we say the
1 a Focus students on the tables. Point out the weak form of at /t/ with time phrases. Repeat the
prepositions on, in, at and the examples. drill if necessary.
Students do the exercise on their own or in EXTRA IDEA
pairs. Early fi nishers can check their answers in
VOCABULARY 5.2 SB p122. Students work in pairs and test each other on the
While students are working, draw the tables on prepositions. One student says a word or phrase from
the board. Check answers with the class by saying thebox in 1a, for example Monday, and his/her partner
each phrase in the box and asking students which says the phrase with the correct preposition, for example
table it goes in. on Monday.
Use the tables to highlight the following patterns: we
use on with days of the week (Sunday, etc.) and parts
of particular days (Tuesday morning, etc.); we use in 2 a Students do the exercise on their own before
with the morning, the afternoon and the evening (but comparing their answers in pairs. Check answers
we say at night not in the night); we use at with times with the class.
(at six oclock, at midday, etc.).
Point out that we say in the week and at the 1 at 2 at, in 3 on 4 at, on 5 in 6 on 7 at, at, in 8 at, on
weekend. You can also highlight that in American
b Students do the exercise on their own. While they
and Australian English we say on the weekend.
are working, monitor and check their sentences for
Remind students that midday = 12.00 and midnight accuracy.
= 24.00.
Tell the class that when we talk about our routines, c Students work in pairs and take turns to say their
we can use the singular or plural form of days, parts sentences.
of days and the weekend: I play football on Friday/ Ask each student to tell the class one of their
Fridays. He works on Wednesday evening/evenings. sentences.
They eat out at the weekend/weekends. etc.

Lunch on Monday Answers Does he know Nadine? Yes, he does.
3 a Focus students on the photo. Ask students what No, he doesnt. Does she like Manchester?
they remember about Carol and Tom from lesson 5A. Yes,she does. No, she doesnt.
Dont tell students anything about Nadine /ndin/ Highlight the word order in the yes/no
at this stage. questions: Does + he/she/it + verb + .
Give students time to read sentences 15. Check Remind students that there is no -s or -es on
students understand other people in question 5. the main verb in Present Simple questions:
CD2 29 Play the recording (SB p109). Students Does she work at home? not Does she works
listen and choose the correct words in the sentences. at home?.
Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers Also point out that we dont use the main verb
with the class. (know, like, etc.) in short answers: A Does he
know her? B Yes, he does. not Yes, he knows.
2 doesnt work 3 Italian 4 Germany 5 two or Yes, he does know.

b Give students time to read questions 16. Play d Students do the exercise on their own. Check
the recording again. Students listen and answer answers with the class.
We use does in questions with he, she and it.
c Students compare answers in pairs. Check We use do in questions with I, you, we and they.
answerswith the class.

2 In a/the mobile phone shop with Carol. 3 Shes

a student at the university. 4 She lives near the If you have a class of false beginners, ask students to do
university. 5 Yes, she does. 6 She plays tennis and 4ad in pairs. Students can then check their answers in
she goes to the cinema a lot. GRAMMAR 5.2 SB p123. Check answers with the class
and highlight the bullet points in 4ad.
(he, she, it): questions and short answers 5 CD2 30 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Students
4 a Draw the table on the board and write in the listen and practise. Play the recording again if
example questions. Highlight the following points. necessary, pausing after each question or short
answer for students to repeat individually.
Use the example questions to highlight the
word order: HELP WITH LISTENING Sentence stress (1)
question word + does + he/she/it + verb + .
Highlight that the auxiliary does has no This Help with Listening section introduces students
meaning, but is used to make the question to the concept of sentence stress.
form of the Present Simple with he, she and it. 6 a CD2 31 Play the recording. Students listen
Point out that there is no -s on the main verb and notice the sentence stress on the six example
in Present Simple questions: Where does questions. Point out that we stress the important
Nadine work at the weekend?, not Where does words (the words that carry the meaning).
Nadine works at the weekend?
Also point out that Present Simple questions b Play the recording again. Students listen and read
are the same for he, she and it. the questions. Ask the class if does is stressed in
Highlight that we use the auxiliary does with questions (it isnt).
all verbs except be: Where is he?, etc. Note that students whose languages have different
stress patterns from English can often fi nd it difficult
b Students do the exercise on their own. Check to tune in to the way sentences are stressed. We
answers with the class. suggest you use every opportunity to work on
sentence stress with your class when drilling, and as
Focus students on the table on the board. follow-up activities to listening texts.
Elicit which words in questions 1 and 2 from
4b go in each column and complete the table EXTRA IDEA
(see the table in GRAMMAR 5.2 SB p123). With a strong class, use the questions in 6a to point out
Use these example questions to further
what types of word we usually stress, such as question
highlight the word order.
You can also teach the question What does he/ words (What, etc.), names (Tom, etc.), verbs (live, etc.) and
she do? = Whats his/her job?. nouns (week, etc.). You can also highlight grammatical
words such as articles (the, a, an), prepositions (with, etc.)
c Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs. and pronouns (she, etc.) that are usually unstressed in
Check answers with the class. natural spoken English.

7 a CD2 31 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording again.
Students listen and practise. Check they copy the Get ready Get it right!
sentence stress correctly. Repeat the drill if necessary,
asking students to repeat the questions chorally and
9 a Put students into new pairs. If possible, ask
individually. students to work with someone they dont know
b Students do the exercise in pairs, as shown in the Pre-teach my best friend, male and female.
speech bubbles. While students are working, monitor Students tell their partner their best friends
and check they are saying the questions with the name and if this friend is male or female. Note
correct stress. that this stage is included so that students will
8 Students work in the same pairs, student A and know whether to write questions with he or she
student B. Student As turn to SB p89 and student in 9b.
Bs turn to SB p94. Check they are all looking at the b Students do the exercise on their own.
correct exercise. Before they begin, point out that they can write
a Check students understand that the woman questions about the topics in the box and the
in the pictures is Nadine. Students do the exercise things in the photos, as shown in the example
on their own. questions, or use their own ideas.
Check answers with the class if necessary. Only 10 a Students work with their partner. One
check the words they need to fi ll in the gaps, so that student in each pair asks all his/her questions
the students dont hear the questions they are about about his/her partners best friend. Encourage
to be asked. Note that the answers are the same for students to ask more questions if possible. When
student A and student B. he/she has fi nished, students swap roles and the
other student asks all his/her questions.
Student A/Student B
2 does/Does she, on b Finally, ask each student to tell the class two
3 Does/does she, on things about their partners best friend.
4 Does/does she, at
5 Does she, on
Bring in a photo of your best friend and show it
b Students work with their partner. Student A in
to the class. Students work in pairs and write
each pair asks questions 15. Student B looks at
pictures ae and answers his/her partners questions. five questions to ask you about your best friend.
Remind student Bs to use short answers (Yes, she Students then take turns to ask you questions
does., No, she doesnt.) where appropriate. about him/her.

Student A
1 8.45 WRITING
2 She plays tennis.
3 No, she doesnt. Students write a profile of their best friend. Encourage
4 Yes, she does. students to include a photo of him or her if possible.
5 Yes, she does. These can be collected in next class and displayed
around the classroom for other students to read.
c Students swap roles so that student B in each
pair asks questions 15. Student A looks at pictures
ae and answers his/her partners questions. FURTHER PRACTICE
Remind student As to use the correct short Ph Class Activity 5B A writers weekp141p142
(Instructions p119)
If necessary, check answers with the class. Ph Vocabulary Plus 5 Jobsp171
Student B (Instructions p164)
1 11.30 Extra Practice 5B SB p101
2 Yes, she does. Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 5B
3 She goes to the cinema. Workbook Lesson 5B p24
4 8.00
5 No, she doesnt.

5C wORLD An evening out Vocabulary food and drink (3)
Students Book p42p43 Real World in a restaurant

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews Present Simple Are you ready to order?
questions and ways of telling the time. Go through the
instructions and the examples with the class. Students do 3 a Focus students on the photo of The Sunrise
Restaurant. Ask students who the customers are
the activity in pairs. At the end of the activity, ask a few
(Martin and Louise) and who they are talking to
pairsto tell the class three things they both do at the same
(the waiter).
time of the day. VIDEO 5 CD2 33 Play the video or audio recording
(SB p110). Students listen and tick the food and drink
on the menu the customers order. Play the recording
Whats on the menu? again if necessary. Note that all the Real World
videos can be found on the Teachers DVD at the
1 a Focus students on the restaurant menu. Teach back of this book.
students menu /menju/ and check they remember Note that part of this conversation is reproduced in
restaurant /restrnt/. Model and drill these words the REAL WORLD section in 4a SB p43. However,
with the class. Remind students that restaurant is two we suggest you dont draw students attention to
syllables, not three. You can also teach the meaning of this and treat this stage as a pure listening activity.
sunrise, which is the name of the restaurant. Alternatively, you can ask students to close their
Students work in pairs and match the food and books and write down what the customers order in
drink on the menu to photos 110. Early fi nishers their notebooks.
can check their answers in VOCABULARY 5.3 SB p122. b Pre-teach the bill. Students compare answers in
Check answers with the class. pairs and then work out the customers bill.
Check students understand all the new vocabulary, Check answers with the class.
referring to the photos if necessary. With a strong class you can also teach (leave) a tip
Use the menu to teach main course /mein ks/ and at this point in the lesson. You can also tell the class
dessert /diz
t/. You can also teach a starter, which that customers in the UK usually leave a tip of about
is eaten before the main course. 10% in restaurants.
Highlight the difference between still mineral water
(without bubbles) and sparkling mineral water (with The customers ordered the chicken salad, the
bubbles). In restaurants in the UK it is also very mushroom pizza, an orange juice, a bottle of
common to ask for tap water, which is always clean, sparkling mineral water, the apple pie (and cream),
drinkable and free! and two coffees.
The bill is 28.90.
1 burger and chips 2 mushroom pizza 3 vegetable
lasagne 4 chicken salad 5 fruit salad 6 chocolate
ice cream, strawberry ice cream, vanilla ice cream REAL WORLD In a restaurant
7 apple pie and cream 8 coffee, tea 9 a bottle of 4 a Focus students on the conversations. Check
still mineral water, a bottle of sparkling mineral students understand that the sentences in the yellow
water 10 orange juice boxes are said by the waiter and the sentences in the
red boxes are said by the customers.
b CD2 32 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording
VIDEO 5 CD2 33 Play the video or audio recording
(SB p109). Students listen and practise. Highlight
the pronunciation of chicken /tikin/, vegetable again. Students watch or listen and tick the
/vedtbl/, lasagne /lznj/, burger /b
 /, customers sentences when they hear them. Ask
chocolate /tklt/ and orange juice /rind dus/. students if they ticked all the sentences.
Also point out that we can stress either word in ice You can also ask students what Martin and Louise
cream. Repeat the drill if necessary. decide to do next weekend (go to Cambridge). Their
visit to the Cambridge tourist information office is
EXTRA IDEA featured in lesson 6C.
Check students understand all the vocabulary in the
If you have a monolingual class, teach students how to flow chart and point out that we can use the or a
say common main courses, desserts and drinks that are when we order food in a restaurant: Can I have the/a
found in restaurants in the students country. chicken salad, please?.
b Students do the exercise on their own before
2 Use the speech bubbles to remind students that we comparing answers in pairs.
use How much ? to ask about prices. Students do Check answers with theclass and go through the
the activity in new pairs. Tell students to ask about points on the next page.
three different combinations of food and drink.

Students practise the conversations in 4a in their
Answers 1 Can I have (the chicken salad), groups, taking turns to be the waiter or waitress.
please? And can I have (the mushroom pizza)?
2 And can we have (a bottle of mineral water)? 6 a Students do the activity in the same groups. Before
Can we have the bill, please? 3 What would they begin, remind students to use language from
you like to drink? Would you like a dessert? 4a and the food and drink on the menu. Also ensure
Check students understand that we use Can I/ that both customers take turns in speaking in the
we have ? to ask for things and Would you students conversations.
like ? to ask people what they want.
At this level, we suggest you teach Can I/we b Students in each group decide who is the waiter or
have ? and Would you like ? as fixed waitress and who are the customers. Students then
phrases, rather than explore the grammar of practise their conversation until they remember it.
can and would. c Each group role-plays their conversation for
the class. Students listen to the other groups
5 a CD2 34 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. conversations and fi nd out what they order.
Students listen and practise. Check that students Finally, the class can decide which groups
sound polite when practising questions with Can conversation is the best.
I/we have ? and Would you like ?. Play the
recording again if necessary, pausing after each FURTHER PRACTICE
sentence for students to repeat individually. Extra Practice 5C SB p101
b Put students into groups of three. If you have Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 5C
extra students, have one or two pairs and ask Workbook Lesson 5C p26
one student in each pair to play the roles of both

VOCABULARY Vocabulary frequency adverbs and

phrases with every
5D AND SKILLS A day off Skills Reading and Listening: our Sunday
Students Book p44p45 routine; Listening: I love Sundays

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews food and drink

every year 4; every month 3; every week 2
vocabulary. Ask students to close their books. Check
students remember The Sunrise Restaurant in lesson 5C. c Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs,
Students work in pairs and make a list of all the food and as shown in the examples. Check answers with the
drink on the menu they can remember. Students compare class by eliciting students ideas and writing correct
lists with another pair, then check on SB p42. Ask if any phrases on the board.
pairs remembered all the food and drink on the menu.
Possible answers (every morning), every
afternoon, every evening, every night,
(every Sunday), every Friday evening, every
1 a Focus students on the diagram and point out six weeks, every four years, etc.
100% and 0% at each end. Use the diagram to teach
the meaning of always and never. Point out that d CD2 35 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording (SB
never has a negative meaning. p110). Students listen and practise. Highlight the
Students work on their own and write sometimes, pronunciation of usually /juli/ and point out that
usually and not usually on the line. every is two syllables, not three.
Check answers with the class. Note that the word Note that this recording includes the words and
order of frequency adverbs is dealt with in 4. phrases in 1a, 1b and the possible ansswers given
above for 1c.
always usually sometimes not usually never 2 a Pre-teach the words in the box using examples,
b Teach students the meaning of every day by using mime, translation, etc. Note that the aim of this box
an example about yourself, for example, I watch TV is to highlight which new words students need in
every day. Students do the exercise on their own. order to understand the texts they are about to read
Check answers with the class. and listen to.
Point out that we use every with time words: every Model and drill the new words with the class,
day, every week, etc. Highlight that we say every day highlighting the pronunciation of early /
li/, tired
not every days. /taid/ and busy /bizi/.

b Focus students on the photos of Ian and Becky EXTRA IDEA
and the speech bubbles. Tell the class that they are
going to read and listen to Ian and Beckys Sunday Students look at the texts about Ian and Becky again
routines. and underline all the examples of frequency adverbs and
Teach the phrase a day off (= a day when you dont phrases with every. Students work in pairs, compare
work or study), which is the title of the lesson. answers and notice the word order.
CD2 36 Play the recording. Students read, listen
andfi nd out what Ian and Becky always do together
on Sundays.
5 a Students do the exercise on their own, as shown
inthe example.
Check the answer with the class (Ian and Becky
always have dinner at The Sunrise Restaurant on b Students compare sentences in pairs and decide
Sundays). which sentences are true for them. Check answers
with the class. Ask students to tell the class which
3 a Go through the instructions and the examples sentences are true for them.
with the class. Students do the exercise on their own.
b Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers 2 I sometimes eat out at the weekend. 3 Im
with the class. Use sentence 7 to highlight that She always very busy in the week. 4 I dont usually
has breakfast in bed every Sunday. = She always has work on Saturdays. 5 I never get up early at the
breakfast in bed on Sundays. weekend. 6 Im usually tired on Mondays.

3He gets home at about 12.30. 4 6 a Focus students on the photo. Ask students who
5He sometimes sleeps for an hour or two. Amy is (Beckys sister) and where she lives (in
6Becky works in a hotel every Saturday. California, in the USA). Check students understand
7 8 Her sister lives in the USA. 9 The Sunrise that Bruce is Amys friend, not her husband.
Restaurant isnt usually busy on Sundays. CD2 37 Give students time to read the bulleted
prompts, then play the recording. Students listen
HELP WITH VOCABULARY and tick the things that Amy and Bruce talk about.
Students can compare answers in pairs.
Frequency adverbs and phrases with every
Check answers with the class.
4 While students are doing 3a, write the examples
from the rules in 4 on the board. Focus students on Amy and Bruce talk about: breakfast,
the sentences on the board and highlight the blue and phone calls, homework, lunch, DVDs
pink words. Alternatively, focus students on the rules
in the Students Book. Go through the following b Give students time to read sentences 16, then
points with the class. play the recording again. Students listen and choose
the correct answers.
Frequency adverbs go after the verb be: Im always Students can compare answers in pairs. Check
tired on Sundays. Its not usually verybusy. answers with the class.
Frequency adverbs go before other verbs: I never
have breakfast. I usually watch sport onTV. 2 husband 3 coffee 4 30 5 Thursdays 6 Lucass
Highlight that with other verbs we say I dont
usually , He doesnt usually , etc. not
I not usually , He not usually , etc. HELP WITH LISTENING Sentence stress (2)
Phrases with every are usually at the end of the This Help with Listening section reviews sentence
sentence: I work in a hotel every Saturday., stress in the context of a real-life conversation.
I play football every Sunday morning.
Point out that we can use the singular or plural 7 a CD2 38 Focus students on the example
form of days, parts of days or the weekend when sentences, then play the recording. Students listen
we are talking about daily routines and habits: and notice the sentence stress. Remind students that
Im always tired on Sunday/Sundays. we stress the important words (the words that carry
I play tennis in the afternoon/afternoons. the meaning).
I go out a lot at the weekend/weekends., etc.
Remind students that we dont use a plural noun b Ask students to look at Audio Script CD2 37
after every: every Saturday, etc. not every SB p110. Play this recording again. Students listen
Saturdays, etc. and follow the sentence stress.
Also note that there is a lot of flexibility regarding Note that while listening and following might seem
the position of these adverbs (for example, a rather passive activity to the teacher, the students
sometimes can go at the beginning of a sentence, are probably working very hard as they try to match
but always cant). However, at this level we feel what they hear with the words on the page. We feel
that students only need the simplified rules given this type of task helps students to tune in to the
in the Students Book. rhythm of the language, which will increase students
confidence and their ability to understand natural
spoken English.

8 a Students do the exercise on their own. Remind 2 CD2 40 Focus students on the boxes. Play the
students to write sentences about their Sunday recording. Students listen and notice how we say w
routine only, and to use a frequency adverb or a and v in these words.
phrase with every in each sentence. Play the recording again. Students listen and practise.
b Put students into pairs. Students take turns to say
3 a CD2 41 Play the recording. Students listen and
their sentences. Their partner guesses if the sentences
read the conversation.
are true or false.
Play the recording again, pausing after each sentence
Finally, ask students to tell the class one or two of
for students to repeat chorally and individually.
their partners true sentences.
b Students practise the conversation in pairs.
EXTRA IDEA Finally, ask a few pairs to role-play the conversation
for the class.
Demonstrate this activity first by writing two true
sentences and two false sentences about your Sunday
routine on the board in random order. Students guess
which sentences are true and which are false.
Focus students on the continue2learn section on
WRITING SBp45. See p33 of this book for ideas on how to
usethis section in class.
Students write a description of their Sunday routines.
Alternatively, you can ask them to write about their
weekend routines, including Saturday.
Extra Practice 5 SB p101
FURTHER PRACTICE See p34 for ideas on how to use this section.
Ph Class Activity 5D Always, sometimes, neverp143
Ph 5A
(Instructions p120) 1 2 have 3 leave 4 start 5 have 6 finish 7 get
Extra Practice 5 SB p101 8 have 9 go 10 sleep
Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 5D 2 2 lives 3 works 4 doesnt like 5 goes 6 watches
Workbook Lesson 5D p27 7 studies 8 has 9 doesnt have 10 talk 11 dont
Workbook Reading and Writing Portfolio 5 p60p61 see 12 works
Ph Progress Test 5 p184p185 (note that this is a
Ph 5B
two-page test with a listening section) 3 2 in 3 on 4 at 5 in 6 at 7 in 8 at 9 in 10 on
11 at 12 at
4 2 does 3 do 4 does 5 does 6 do 7 do
HELP WITH PRONUNCIATION /w/ and /v/ 5a 2 Does your sister like fish? 3 Do they go to
concerts? 4 Does he work in a shop? 5 Does
1 Focus students on the phonemes /w/ and /v/, the your dad have a car? 6 Do you like rock music?
pictures and the words. 5b 2 No, she doesnt. 3 No, they dont. 4 Yes, he
CD2 39 Play the recording. Students listen to the does. 5 No, he doesnt. 6 Yes, I do. / Yes, we do.
sounds and the words. 5C
Play the recording again. Students listen and practise. 6 2 order 3 have 4 would 5 drink 6 juice
If students are having problems, help them with the 7 Would 8 dessert 9 strawberry 10 course
mouth position for each sound. 7 2 mushroom pizza 3 chicken salad 4 apple pie
/w/ /v/ and cream 5 fruit salad 6 bottle of mineral water
8 3 Lisas brother is always busy. 4 My dad usually
lips round gets up early. 5 6 We go shopping every week.
7 8 I dont usually work on Wednesday
lips forward
top teeth on bottom lip

Highlight that we round the lips to make the /w/

sound, then relax and open them as we push air out Progress Portfolio 5
of the mouth.
See p34 for ideas on how to use this section
Point out that we make the /v/ sound by placing the inclass.
top teeth on the bottom lip and pushing air through
the space. Also highlight that both of these sounds
are voiced (there is vibration in the throat).

Vocabulary places in a town or city (1)
6A My home town Grammar a, some, a lot of; there is /
Students Book p46p47 there are: positive

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews frequency adverbs My city

and the Present Simple. Students do the first part of the
activity on their own. Put students into pairs. Students take
2 a Pre-teach the words in the box using examples,
defi nitions, translation, etc. Note that the aim of this
turns to say their sentences. At the end of the activity, ask a
box is to highlight which new words students need in
few students to tell the class one thing about their partners order to understand the text they are about to read
Saturday routine. and listen to.
Drill the words with the class, highlighting the
pronunciation of famous /feims/ and mile /mail/.
Places in a town or city (1) b Focus students on the photos of Bath, a famous
city in England. Drill Bath /b/ and England
1 a Teach a town and check students remember a city. /i lnd/ with the class.
Highlight the title of the lesson and teach the phrase
my home town. Point out that we use this phrase to Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs.
talk about the place where we live, even if we live in Check answers with the class and teach any new
acity. words. Note that the photo on SB p47 is of the
Roman Baths Museum in Bath.
Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs.
Check answers with the class. Check students Possible answers: 1 buildings, a park, a river,
understand all the new vocabulary. 2 a museum 3 a bridge, flowers 4 hot springs,
Point out that we use a station to mean a train 5 tourists, etc.
station. Teach students that we say go to museums
but go to the theatre. You can compare these phrases 3 a CD2 44 Focus students on the photo of Susan
to go to concerts and go to the cinema, which the
and the speech bubble, then play the recording.
students learned in lesson 4B.
Students listen and read. Ask students if Susan likes
You can also teach students that a shopping centre is living in Bath. (Yes, she does.)
called a mall /ml/ in American English.
b Go through the examples with the class. Students
a museum 8; a theatre 3; a shopping centre 9; do the exercise on their own before comparing
a park 1; a river 5; a station 2; a bus station 7; answers in pairs. Check answers with the class. Note
an airport 6 that Thermae is pronounced /

3 Susan goes to the Thermae Bath Spa every Sunday.

4 5 The Jane Austen Centre is a museum. 6
When students have finished the matching activity in 1a, 7 There are trains to London every half an hour /
they can check their answers in Language Summary 6 thirty minutes. 8
VOCABULARY 6.1 SB p124. Alternatively, ask early
finishers to check their answers in the Language HELP WITH GRAMMAR
Summary before you check the answers with the class. a, some, a lot of; there is / there are: positive
If you have a strong class, teach other words for places in
a town or city, for example, an art gallery, a department
4 a Focus students on pictures AC. Students do the
exercise on their own. Check answers with the class.
store, a car park, a library, a hospital, a mosque, a church,
a temple, an underground station, a bar, a pub, etc. Answers 1C 2A 3B
Check students understand the difference
b CD2 43 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. between some (more than one, but not a large
Students listen and practise. Alternatively, model number) and a lot of (a large number).
and drill the words yourself and ask students to Point out that we use a or an with singular
repeat chorally and individually. Highlight the nouns (a person, an airport, etc.). We use some
pronunciation of building /bildi/, museum and a lot of with plural nouns (some people,
/mjuzim/ and theatre /it/. Point out that the some museums, a lot of restaurants, etc.).
main stress on shopping centre and bus station is Also point out that we use some and a lot of
on the fi rst word, not the second. Repeat the drill if in positive sentences.
necessary. For Teaching Tips on drilling, see p23. Teach the alternative form lots of and tell
Note that only the main stress is shown in the students that we often use this form when
vocabulary boxes and Language Summaries. speaking or in informal writing: There are
lots of people in the park.
c Tell students to cover the words in 1a. Students do Note that any is taught in lesson 6B.
the activity in pairs, as shown in the speech bubbles.

b Students do the exercise on their own. Check Get ready Get it right!
answers with the class.
7 Give students a few moments to think of a town
Answers SINGULAR Theres an airport in or city they know well, but not the town or
Bristol. PLURAL There are five theatres. city they are in now. If you have a monolingual
Thereare some very nice parks. There are class, encourage students to think of towns or
a lot of old buildings. cities in other countries or regions if possible.
Focus students on the words in bold in the Students do the exercise on their own, as shown
example sentences and highlight that we use in the examples. Tell students to write at least
theres with a or an and there are with some, six sentences if possible.
alot of or a number (five, etc.). While they are working, check their sentences
Point out that theres is the contracted form for accuracy and help students with any new
ofthere is. vocabulary.
Also highlight that we write there are not Tell students to memorise their sentences so
therere. that they can do 8a without referring to their
We use there is/there are to say that things written work.
exist in a place. Students sometimes confuse
there is/there are with it is/they are. If 8 a Put students into pairs. If possible, students
this is a problem for your students, write shouldwork with someone who doesnt know
Theresa park. Its very big. and There are two their town or city.
restaurants. Theyre expensive. on the board Students take turns to tell their partner about
tohighlight the difference. the town or city they chose in 7.
You can also highlight that there, theyre and b Students tell the class two things about their
their all have the same pronunciation /e/. partners town or city.
Note that the negative and question forms of
Finally, ask students if they would like to visit
there is/there are are taught in lesson 6B.
their partners town or city. Ask them to give
reasons for their answers if possible.
Students read about Bath again and underline all the
examples of theres and there are in the text. Students If your students havent visited any other towns
compare answers in pairs and notice if these phrases are orcities, ask them to write three true sentences
followed by a, an, some, a lot of or a number. and three false sentences with theres/there are
about the town or city they are in now. Students
take turns to say their sentences to each other.
5 a Point out that sentences 18 are also about Bath.
Students say if they think their partners
Pre-teach a five-star hotel.
sentencesare true or false.
Students do the exercise on their own.
b CD2 45 Play the recording. Students listen and
check their answers. Check answers with the class.
Play the recording again. Students listen and notice WRITING
how we say theres /ez/ and there are /er/, as
Students write a description of their home town (or city),
shown in the examples. Also point out that theres
and there are arent usually stressed. or another town or city they know well. They can include
photos if they wish. Remind students to use language
2 are 3 s 4 are 5 s 6 are 7 s 8 are from 1a and 4 in their descriptions.

c PRONUNCIATION Play the recording again, pausing

after each sentence for students to repeat chorally FURTHER PRACTICE
and individually. Repeat the drill if necessary. Extra Practice 6A SB p102
6 a Students do the exercise on their own. Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 6A
b Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers Workbook Lesson 6A p28
with the class.
Students then work with their partner and discuss
which sentences are true for the town or city they are
in now. Ask students to tell the class some of their
true sentences.

2 three 3 some 4 a 5 some 6 an

7 a lot of 8 an 9 some 10 a

Vocabulary places in a town or city (2)
6B Are there any shops? Grammar there is / there are: negative,
Students Book p48p49 yes / no questions and short answers; any

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews there is/there are Welcome to my home
and places in a town or city. Write these prompts on the
board: Theres a/an , There are some , There are a lot
2 a Focus students on the photo of Susan and Isabel.
Ask students where Susan lives (in Bath). Tell the
of , There are (three) . Students do the activity in pairs.
class that Susans friend Isabel has come to stay
Tell students to say at least five sentences each. At the end withher.
of the activity, ask a few students to tell the class one or two CD2 47 Play the recording (SB p110). Students listen
of their sentences. and put the things in the order that Susan and Isabel
talk about them. Check answers with the class.

shops 2; banks 3; trains and buses 4; restaurants 5

Places in a town or city (2)
1 a Students do the exercise in pairs. Early finishers b Give students time to read sentences 17 and
can check their answers in VOCABULARY 6.2 SB p124. check students remember a mile. Play the recording
Check answers with the class. again. Students listen and choose the correct words.
Point out the possessive s in chemists and tell c Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers
students that the person is called a chemist. Also with the class.
point out that we say a pharmacy /fmsi/ in
American English. 2 some 3 post office 4 two miles
Check students understand the difference between 5 ten 6 bus stop 7 in the centre
abus stop and a bus station, and a supermarket and
a market.
Highlight that we say in or at with shops: You buy
food in/at a supermarket., etc. there is / there are: negative, yes / no questions
and short answers;any
a bank 1; a market 8; 3 a Students do the exercise on their own. Check
a chemists 2; a post office 9; answers with the class.
a supermarket 6; a bus stop 5;
a square 7; a cashpoint/an ATM 4 Answers 1 There isnt a station near here.
2 There arent any good restaurants near here.
b CD2 46 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Use the example sentences to highlight the
Students listen and practise. Highlight the singular negative form there isnt and plural
pronunciation of chemists /kemists/ and square negative form there arent.
/skwe/. Also highlight that the main stress on post
office and bus stop is on the fi rst word, not the b Students do the exercise on their own. Check
second. Repeat the drill if necessary. answers with the class.
c Ask students to close their books. Students work
with their partner and write down all the places in Answers Is there a bank? Yes, there is. No,
the town or city they can remember. Tell students there isnt. Are there any shops? Yes, there are.
that these can be words from 1a and those from No, there arent.
lesson 6A, and any other words or phrases they Highlight the inverted word order in the
know. You can set a time limit of one or two minutes. questions: Is there ?/Are there ?.
Ask one pair to tell you their words and write Also point out that we dont contract there is in
them on the board. Ask other pairs to suggest short answers: Yes, there is. not Yes, theres.
additional words and add them to the list until you Note that Wh- questions with there is/there are
have all the vocabulary taught in 1a and lesson 6A are not very common, and are therefore not
on the board. taught at this level.

EXTRA IDEA c Students do the exercise on their own. Check

answers with the class.
If you have a strong class, teach other words for shops,
for example, a bakers, a butchers, a department store, We use any in negatives and questions with
abookshop, a newsagents, a kiosk, etc. Then ask there are.
students to work in pairs and discuss what people buy at Elicit the sentences with any from 3a and
each place: You buy bread in a bakers., You buy meat in 3b, and write them on the board: There arent
any good restaurants near here. Are there any
abutchers., etc.
shops?. Highlight the position of any in these

b Students work with their partners. Student A
Also remind students that we can use some
in each pair asks questions 15 from a. Student Bs
in positive sentences with there are: There are
answer the questions without looking at the Students
some very nice restaurants in the centre.
Book. When student A has asked all five questions,
Note that it is also possible to use some in
he/she says how many answers were correct. Before
questions with there is/there are. However, at
they begin, point out that the answers to student As
this level we feel it is important to give students
questions are in brackets in a.
a simple rule that always produces correct
sentences. c Students swap roles so that student Bs are asking
Also note that students dont study the use of student As their questions 15 from a.
some and any with uncountable nouns at this At the end of the activity, fi nd out how many
level. This is dealt with in face2face Second students answered all five questions correctly.
edition Elementary.

Get ready Get it right!

8 Focus students on the map and point out the
This Help with Listening section introduces places in the bubbles.
consonantvowel linking in sentences.
Students do the exercise on their own. Remind
4 Focus students on sentences 16. Point out the students to use Is there a ?, Are there any ?
consonants in blue and the vowels in pink. and the places in the bubbles in their questions,
CD2 48 Play the recording. Students listen and as shown in the examples.
notice the linking between the consonant sounds 9 a Focus students on the speech bubbles and
andthe vowel sounds. teach the phrase Its (five) minutes away. =
Use the examples to highlight that when a word ends Its (five) minutes from my home.
in a consonant sound and the next word begins with Put students into pairs. If possible, ask students
a vowel sound, we usually link them together so that to work with someone they dont know very
they sound like one word. Point out that it is the well. Students take turns to ask their questions
initial and fi nal sounds that are important, not the from 8.
spelling. For example, there are links together, even
Tell students to begin their conversations
though there ends in the letter e.
with Where do you live? before asking their
5 CD2 49 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording (SB p110). questions. Also remind students to use correct
Students listen and practise the sentences in 4 and short answers (Yes, there is., No, there isnt.,
the short answers. Check students copy the stress and etc.) where appropriate and to give more
linking correctly. Play the recording again, pausing information if possible.
after each sentence for students to repeat individually. Tell students that they must make notes on
their partners answers, as they will need this
6 a Tell students that prompts 18 are about places information in 9b. Students can put ticks and
near Susans flat. Use the examples to point out that crosses next to each question to indicate a
a tick means students write a positive sentence and a positive or negative answer, and write down any
cross means they must write a negative sentence. other interesting information they hear.
Students do the exercise on their own. Early fi nishers can ask each other about the
b Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers other places on the map they havent already
with the class. talked about.
b Put students into new pairs. Students tell
3 Theres a market. 4 There arent any museums. their new partner about places near their fi rst
5 Theres a park. 6 There isnt a square. 7 There partners home, as shown in the speech bubble.
arent any nice cafs. 8 There are a lot of old houses. Remind students to refer to their notes from 9a
to begin each conversation by saying where their
7 Students work in the same pairs, student A and fi rst partner lives.
student B. Student As turn to SB p86 and student Finally, ask students to tell the class about one
Bs turn to SB p91. Check they are all looking at the interesting place near their fi rst partners home.
correct exercise.
a Students do the exercise on their own. Check EXTRA IDEA
answers with the class. Only check the words they
need to fill in the gaps, so that students dont hear the Use Vocabulary Plus 6 Rooms and furniture p172
questions they are about to be asked. Note that these (Instructions p164) in class or give it to students for
answers are the same for student As and student Bs. homework. Note that this worksheet also practises
thereis/there are.
Student A/Student B 2 Are, any
3 Is, a 4 Are, any 5 Is, a

Students write a description of where they live and Ph Class Activity 6B London Roadp144p145
places near their home. Remind students to use (Instructions p120)
vocabulary from 1a, there is/there are, a/an, some and Ph Vocabulary Plus 6 Rooms and furniturep172
any when describing the places. These descriptions (Instructions p164)
can be collected in next class and displayed around Extra Practice 6B SB p102
theclassroom for other students to read. Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 6B
Workbook Lesson 6B p29

6C wORLD Tourist information Vocabulary things in your bag (2)
Real World at a tourist
Students Book p50p51 informationcentre

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews places in a town EXTRA IDEAS

or city and there is/there are. Ask students to close their
books. Students do the first part of the activity on their Before students do 1c, ask your class what else they
own. Put students into pairs to compare lists. Students have in their bags and teach them how to say any new
then discuss which of the places on both lists are near their words in English. Words that students might find useful
school (or the building where they are now). At the end of are glasses, a driving licence, a tablet computer, a debit
the activity, ask a few students to tell the class about some card, make-up, etc.
places near the school. Use Class Activity 6C Whats in your bag? p146
(Instructions p120) to practise the new vocabulary from
1a and the things in your bag from lesson 1C.

Things in your bag (2)

1 a Students do the exercise in pairs. Early finishers When is it open?
can check their answers in VOCABULARY 6.3 SB p124. 2 a Pre-teach the words in the box using examples,
Check answers with the class. Point out that men pictures, board drawings, translation, etc. Note that
usually have wallets and women usually have purses. the aim of this box is to highlight which new words
students need in order to understand the conversation
a purse 2; keys 4; money 11; a credit card 10; they are about to hear.
a passport 6; an ID card 9; a guide book 7; Point out that open is an adjective and a verb:
a map 1; a camera 3; a laptop 5 That shop is open., The school opens at eight.
Also highlight that closed is an adjective (This shop
EXTRA IDEA is closed.) and the verb is close /klz/: What time
does the school close?
If you have a class of complete beginners, consider Ask students what other things people can book (a
teaching these words yourself by bringing the items (or hotel, a train ticket, a holiday, etc.). Check students
photos of the items) to the class. Hold up each item in understand that a walking tour is when you walk
turn and tell students the word in English. You can then from place to place with a guide, as shown in photo
use the matching activity in 1a for practice. A SB p50.
Model and drill the new vocabulary, highlighting
b CD2 50 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. the pronunciation of tourist /trist/ and tour /t/.
Students listen and practise. Alternatively, model the Point out that closed /klzd/ is one syllable, not two.
words yourself and ask students to repeat chorally b Focus students on the photo on SB p51. Check
and individually. Highlight the pronunciation of that students remember Martin and Louise, who
purse /p
s/, money /mni/ and guide book were customers in The Sunrise Restaurant in lesson
/ aid bk/ and check students stress an ID card 5C. Remind the class that they decided to go to
correctly. Repeat the drill if necessary. Cambridge for the weekend at the end of their meal.
c Put students into new pairs. Use the speech Tell students that it is now the weekend and Martin
bubbles to teach the phrase I have with me. and Louise are at the tourist information centre in
Students take turns to say which things in 1a they Cambridge.
have with them.

VIDEO 6 CD2 51 Focus students on photos AC, 5 a CD2 52 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording.
then play the video or audio recording (SB p110). Students listen and practise the sentences in 4. Check
Students watch or listen and put the photos in the they copy the polite intonation in the questions. Point
order they hear about them. Note that all the Real out the importance of sounding polite in these types
World videos can be found on the Teachers DVD at of situation, and that a flat intonation pattern will
the back of this book. make students sound bored or rude.
Check answers with the class. Play the recording again, pausing after each sentence
for students to repeat individually.
1B 2C 3A
b Put students into pairs. Students practise the
conversations in 4, taking turns to be the tourist.
3 VIDEO 6 CD2 51 Give students time to read Ask students to practise the conversations two or
sentences 16, then play the video or audio recording three times before they change roles.
again. Students watch or listen and choose the Ask a few confident pairs of students to role-play the
correct answers. conversations for the class. Students dont have to
Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers leave their seats.
with the class.
2 11.30 3 closed 4 five
5 11; 1 6 17.50 Before students practise the conversations in pairs,
askstudents to practise in open pairs (see Teaching
Tips on drillingon p23).
At a tourist information centre
6 a Students do the exercise on their own. You can
4 Focus students on the conversations. Check students ask students to cover the conversations in 4 before
understand that the assistant says the sentences in the they begin.
yellow boxes and the tourists say the sentences in the Early fi nishers can compare answers in pairs.
red boxes.
Students do the exercise on their own. Check answers b CD2 53 Play the recording. Students listen and
with the class. check. Check answers with the class.

2 When 3 from 4 to 5 Is it 6 on
Answers 2 have 3 open 4 closed 5 map
7 wheres 8 in 9 map 10 Here it is.
6 book 7 start
11 afternoon 12 of 13 Here you are.
Point out the prepositions in Its open from
14 book 15 at 16 day 17 are 18 person
(11.30) a.m. to (5) p.m. and check students
understand that this means it opens at 11.30 c Students practise the conversations in 6a in pairs,
a.m. and closes at 5 p.m. taking turns to be the tourist.
Highlight that we use Wheres the ? to
ask where a place is (Wheres the Fitzwilliam 7 a Students do the activity in new pairs. Remind
Museum?, etc.). students to use language from 4 before they begin
Also point out that we use in with names of writing their conversations. If you have an extra
streets or roads (Its in Trumpington Street.). student, have one group of three with two tourists.
Check students understand show in Can you If your town or city doesnt have many places of
show me on this map?. Point out that we use interest, students can imagine the conversation is in
Can you + verb ? to ask people to do things their capital city, another town or city they know, or
for us. an imaginary town or city.
Point out the difference between Here it is. While they are working, monitor and check students
(when we show someone where a place is on conversations for accuracy.
a map) and Here you are. (which we use when
we give something to someone). EXTRA IDEA
Also check students remember that Its about
(five) minutes away. = Its about (five) minutes Bring to class some tourist maps of your town or city,
from here. or print out copies from the internet. Give a copy of a
Check students understand per person by map to each pair to help them think of ideas for their
asking how much it is for two people to go on conversations.
the walking tour of Cambridge (35).
Note that the question When is (Kettles Yard b Ask one student to be the tourist and the other
art gallery) open? asks about both opening and student to be the assistant at the tourist information
closing times. The question When/What time centre. Students practise the conversations in their
does the (art gallery) open? only asks about the pairs until they can remember them.
opening time.
While they are working, monitor and help students
with any pronunciation problems.

c Students work in groups of four with another pair. FURTHER PRACTICE
Each pair takes turns to role-play their conversations.
Students listen to the other pairs conversation and Ph Class Activity 6C Whats in your bag?p000
decides what the tourist asks about. Students can (Instructions p000)
check their ideas at the end of each role-play. Extra Practice 6C SB p102
Finally, ask a few pairs to role-play their Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 6C
conversations for the class. Workbook Lesson 6C p31

VOCABULARY Vocabulary clothes, colours,

6D AND SKILLS Its my favourite Skills Listening: my clothes;
Students Book p52p53 Reading: my favourite places

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews vocabulary for things c Students do the activity in new pairs, as shown in
in your bag. Students do the activity in pairs, as shown in the speech bubbles.
theexamples. At the end of the activity, write We both
have on the board and then ask each pair to tell the class EXTRA IDEA
one or two things they both have with them. If you dont think your class will know any of the words
in 1a, teach the vocabulary yourself first by using photos
or examples from your or students own clothes. You can
then use the matching activity in 1a for practice.
1 a Pre-teach and drill clothes /klz/. Point out that
clothes is one syllable, not two. You can also point
out that many native speakers pronounce this word 2 CD2 55 PRONUNCIATION Focus students on the words
the same as close /klz/. for colours. Play the recording. Students listen and
Focus students on the photos. Students do the practise. Repeat the drill if necessary.
exercise in pairs. Early finishers can check their
answers in VOCABULARY 6.4 SB p124. Check answers 3 a Focus students on the photos. Allow students two
with the class. minutes to memorise the peoples names, their clothes
and the colour of each item of clothing.
Point out that trousers and jeans are always plural
and we cant say a trouser or a jean. b Use the speech bubbles to teach What colour ?.
Also point out that shoes, trainers and boots are Point out that we say What colour are (Monicas
usually plural, but that we can say a shoe, a trainer boots)? for plural words, and What colour is
and a boot when we refer to only one. (Waynes tie)? for singular words. Also highlight the
Teach students a pair of , which we often use with possessive s in Monicas.
plural nouns: a pair of trousers, a pair of boots, etc. Put students into pairs, student A and student B. Ask
Also highlight that clothes is always plural and student Bs to close their books. Student A in each
takes a plural verb (All my clothes are dirty.). When pair asks his/her partner what colour the peoples
we want to use the singular, we can say an item of clothes are. After a minute or two, ask students to
clothing. change roles.
4 a CD2 56 Play the recording (SB p110). Students
a tie 2; a shirt 1; a T-shirt 9; a jumper 5; a jacket 8;
listen and put the people in the order they hear them.
a coat 13; a skirt 6; a dress 12; trousers 4; jeans 10;
Check answers with the class. Ask students to give
shoes 14; trainers 11; boots 7
reasons for their answers.
b CD2 54 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording.
1 Lisa 2 Brad 3 Wayne 4 Monica
Students listen and practise. Alternatively, model the
words yourself and ask students to repeat chorally b Pre-teach wear by saying an example sentence
and individually. about yourself in the Present Simple, for example,
Highlight the pronunciation of suit /sut/, shirt I usually wear jeans at the weekend. Avoid using
t/, jumper /dmp/, jacket /dkit/, trousers the Present Continuous (Im wearing a green shirt.,
/trazz/ and jeans /dinz/. Repeat the drill if etc.) as students dont study this tense until face2face
necessary. Second edition Elementary.
Note that the /d/ sound in jumper, jacket, jeans etc. Play the recording again. Students listen and write
is practised in the Help with Pronunciation section what the people never wear. Check answers with
for this unit on SB p53. theclass.

Whats your favourite ? to ask about things and
Lisa never wears trainers. Whos your favourite ? to ask about people.
Brad never wears brown. Students do the exercise on their own, using the
Wayne never wears jeans. words in the box or their own ideas.
Monica never wears dresses.
b Students work in pairs and take turns to ask their
questions. You can teach the answer I dont have
5 a Check students remember usually, sometimes and
one. before they begin.
never. Students do the exercise on their own.
c Finally, ask each student to tell the class two
b Students work in groups and take turns to tell
things about their partner.
each other about the things on their lists, as shown
inthe speech bubbles. WRITING
Ask a few students to tell the class one thing they
usually, sometimes or never wear. Students write a description of their favourite clothes
shop, restaurant or caf (or all three). At the beginning of
HELP WITH VOCABULARY favourite the next class, students can swap papers and read each
others descriptions.
6 a Teach favourite by telling students your favourite
colour, singer, etc. Tell students that your favourite is
the thing or person you like best. FURTHER PRACTICE
Students do the exercise on their own. Check answers
Ph Class Activity 6D Review snakes and laddersp147
with the class.
(Instructions p121)
Answers 1 My 2 This 3 These 4 What 5 Who Extra Practice 6 SB p102
Highlight the word order in sentence 1 and Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 6D
teach the phrase My favourite (colour, singer, Workbook Lesson 6D p32
etc.) is .
Workbook Reading and Writing Portfolio 6 p62p63
Use sentences 2 and 3 to show that we use
Ph Progress Test 6 p186
Thisis my favourite for singular nouns and
These are my favourite for plural nouns.
Point out that we say favourite in sentence 3,
not favourites.
Use sentences 4 and 5 to teach the phrases
Whats your favourite ? and Whos your
favourite ?. Check students understand that
we use What to ask about a thing and Who to
ask about a person.

b CD2 57 Play the recording (SB p111). Students

listen and practise the sentences in 6a. Check that
students pronounce favourite /feivrt/ correctly
in each sentence. Point out that favourite is two
syllables, not three.
7 a Focus students on the blog and the photos.
Students do the exercise on their own. You can set
a time limit of one or two minutes to encourage
students to read for gist.
Check answers with the class.

1 restaurant 2 clothes shop 3 caf

b Students do the exercise on their own, then

compare answers in pairs. Check answers with the
class. You can also use Tyrone and Keiras blog
entries to teach delicious /dilis/.

1 Yes, they are. 2 (He always has their) apple pie

and vanilla ice cream. 3 No, they arent. 4 Every
Saturday. 5 (She goes there for breakfast) every
morning. 6 Yes, they are.

8 a Use the examples to remind students that we use

/t/ and /d/ continue2learn
1 Focus students on the phonemes /t/ and /d/, the
pictures and the words. Focus students on the continue2learn section on
CD2 58 Play the recording. Students listen to the
SBp53. See p33 in this book for ideas on how to
usethis section in class.
sounds and the words. Point out that ch in cheese is
pronounced with a /t/ sound and both ge and j in
orange juice are pronounced with a /d/ sound.
Play the recording again. Students listen and practise.
If students are having problems, help them with the
Extra Practice 6 SB p102
mouth position for each sound. See p34 for ideas on how to use this section in class.

1 /t/ 1 /d/ 6A
1 2 a shopping centre 3 a theatre 4 a station
5 a river 6 an airport 7 a building 8 a bus
2 2
station 9 a museum
move tongue down move tongue down 2 2 s 3 a lot of 4 are 5 some 6 a lot of 7 s 8 an
to release air to release air
voice off voice on
3 2 bus stop 3 bank 4 market 5 supermarket
Point out that we make the /t/ sound by placing the 6 post office 7 square 8 chemists
tongue on the top of the mouth behind the teeth, then 4 2 isnt 3 s 4 arent 5 isnt 6 are 7 arent
moving the tongue down to release air. Highlight 5a 2 Is; a 3 Are; any 4 Is; a 5 Are; any 6 Is; a
that this is an unvoiced sound (there is no vibration 7 Are; any
in the throat). 5b 2 No, there isnt. 3 No, there arent.
Also highlight that we use the same mouth position 4 Yes, there is. 5 No, there arent.
to make the /d/ sound, but that this sound is voiced 6 Yes, there is. 7 Yes, there are.
(there is vibration from the throat). 6C
6 2 Do you have 3 wheres 4 show me
2 CD2 59 Focus students on the boxes. Play the
5 minutes away 6 When is 7 Its open
recording. Students listen and notice how we say the 8 we book 9 per person
pink and blue letters. 7 2 a passport 3 a wallet 4 money 5 a laptop
Play the recording again. Students listen and practise. (acomputer) 6 a credit card 7 a bunch of keys
8 a guide book
3 a Tell the class that many common English fi rst
names start with the /d/ sound. Put students into 6D
pairs. Students work with their partner and try to say 8
the names using a /d/ sound. J A C K E T S C
b CD2 60 Play the recording. Students listen and
check their pronunciation of the names. E T V O Q R K O
Play the recording again. Students listen and practise. A S U I T A I A
Finally, ask students to say the names around the

Progress Portfolio 6
See p34 for ideas on how to use this section

Vocabulary things you like and dont like;
7A Were twins love, like, dont like, hate
Students Book p54p55 Grammar object pronouns

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews phrases with HELP WITH VOCABULARY
favourite. Students do the first part of the activity on their love, like, dont like, hate
own. Tell students that they can write film and book titles
in their own language. Put students into groups of three.
3 a Focus students on the example sentences. Point
out the nouns in blue and the verb+ing forms in pink.
Students take turns to say what their favourite things are, as
Go through the following points with the class.
shown in the examples, and make a note of any that are the
same. At the end of the activity, ask each group to tell the Highlight that after love, like, dont like and
class about any favourite things that are the same for more hate we can use a noun or verb+ing.
than one student. Also point out that we use the plural form of
most nouns after love, like, dont like and hate
(animals, soap operas, etc.) because we are
talking about things in general.
Things you like and dont like You can also highlight that we dont use the
1 a Focus students on pictures 19. Students do the when we talk about things we like or dont
activity in pairs. Early fi nishers can check answers like in general: I love animals. (= all animals),
in Language Summary 7 VOCABULARY 7.1 SB p126. Idont like sport. (= all sport), etc.
Check answers with the class. Students may ask why we dont say I like
Point out that visiting new places, flying, dancing, classical musics. We suggest you simply tell the
watching sport on TV and shopping for clothes are class that some nouns dont have a plural form.
all activities. You can also teach the corresponding This will probably be enough explanation
verbs visit, fly, dance and shop. (Note that students without introducing the difference between
learned the verb watch in lesson 4B.) countable and uncountable nouns, which may
overload students. The difference between
Check that students dont confuse a soap opera (a countable and uncountable nouns is taught in
type of TV programme) with opera (a type of music).
face2face Second edition Elementary. Note that
Highlight the preposition in watching sport on TV. all the words and phrases in 1a are already
Also point out that we say a film in British English in the correct form to be used with love, like,
and a movie in American English (although this is dont like and hate.
now quite common in the UK too).
b Students do the exercise on their own. Check
visiting new places 3; classical music 2; flying 9; answers with the class.
dancing 8; watching sport on TV 5; animals 1;
horror films 4; shopping for clothes 6 visiting (new places); flying; dancing; watching
(sport on TV); shopping (for clothes)
c Ask students to turn to VOCABULARY 7.2 SB p126.
If you have a strong class, you can teach more types of Focus students on the SPELLING OF VERB+ING
music (rap, dance music, opera, folk music, etc.) and FORMS section. Give students time to read the
types of film (adventure films, musicals, comedies, information, or go through the bullet points with
sci-fifilms, etc.). theclass.
Check students understand that if a verb ends in
b CD2 61 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. -e, we drop the -e and add -ing (dance dancing,
Students listen and practise. Highlight the live living, etc.). Also check they understand that
pronunciation of horror /hr/ and clothes /klz/. verbsending in consonant + vowel + consonant
Also check students stress the phrases correctly. Point double the fi nal consonant (shop shopping,
out that the stress in soap opera is on the fi rst word, get getting, etc.).
not the second. Repeat the drill if necessary. Also point out that if a verb ends in -y, wedont
Note that only the main stress is shown in the double the fi nal consonant (play playing,etc.).
vocabulary boxes and Language Summaries. 4 a Students do the exercise on their own.
2 Focus students on pictures AD. Students do the b Students compare answers in pairs and discuss
exercise on their own before comparing answers in which sentences are true for them.
pairs. Check answers with the class. Model and drill Check answers with the class. Ask each student to
the phrases if necessary. tell the class one sentence that is true for them.

A I love B I like C I dont like D I hate 2 having 3 going 4 getting up 5 sleeping 6 living

5 a Students do the exercise on their own, as shown in Drill subject /sbdekt/ and object /bdekt/
the examples. While they are working, monitor and with the class, highlighting the /d/ sound in
check their sentences for accuracy. both words.
b Students do the exercise in pairs, as shown in the
speech bubbles. b Focus students on the speech bubbles about Adam
Ask students to tell the class one or two of their (or and Hugo and point out the object pronouns in blue.
their partners) true sentences. Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs.
While they are working, draw the table from 7b
Were very different on the board. Check answers with the class.

6 a Pre-teach the words in the box using examples, Object pronouns me, (you), him, her, it, us, them
pictures, translation, etc. Note that the aim of this
box is to highlight which new words students need 9 a Students do the exercise on their own.
inorder to understand the text they are about to
readand listen to. b CD2 63 Play the recording. Students listen and
check their answers. Check answers with the class.
Note that in English we use twins to refer to two
people who were born at the same time, whether they Highlight that we usually use Do you like ?
are identical twins or fraternal (non-identical) twins. to ask for peoples opinions, not Do you love ?
Point out that different and the same are opposites. orDo you hate ?.
Model and drill the words with the class. Highlight You can point out that when we say that we like, love
that different /difrnt/ is two syllables, not three. or hate famous people, we are usually referring to
their music, acting, etc., not the people themselves.
b Ask the class if they know any twins. If so, ask Also use question 3 to highlight that we use it to
students to tell the class about them. If you know any refer to a word/phrase with verb+ing (shopping for
twins, you can tell the class about them before asking clothes, dancing, etc.).
students to do the same.
Note that while Yes, I do. and No, I dont. are
7 a Focus students on the photo of Adam and Hugo also correct answers to Do you like ? questions,
/hju /, and the speech bubbles. they are not as common as you might expect. This
CD2 62 Play the recording. Students listen, read and exercise therefore aims to provide students with a
fi nd two things that Adam and Hugo both like. variety of more common ways to respond to these
types of question.
Check answers with the class.
PRONUNCIATION Play the recording again, pausing

They both like watching TV. after each question and answer for students to repeat
They both like having a twin brother. chorally and individually.

b Students do the exercise on their own before 2 her 3 it 4 him 5 them 6 me

comparing answers in pairs.
c Students do the exercise in pairs. Before they
Check answers with theclass.
begin, remind students to give their own answers.
2 Adam 3 Hugo 4 Adam 5 Hugo 10 a Students do the exercise on their own, as shown in
6 Hugo 7 Hugo; Adam the example. They can refer to the speech bubbles on
the photo if they wish.
HELP WITH GRAMMAR Object pronouns While they are working, write the following
possible answers on the board: Yes, he/she loves it/
8 a Draw the table on the board and write in the them., No, he/she hates it/them., Yes, he/she does.,
example sentences. Alternatively, focus students No, he/she doesnt. and I dont remember.
on the table in the Students Book. Go through the b Students work in pairs and ask their questions.
following points with the class. You can ask students to close their books during the
activity. Remind students to answer the questions
Use the example sentences to highlight the with one of the short answer forms on the board
typical word order in positive sentences: before they begin.
subject+ verb + object.
Highlight I in pink in the first sentence and EXTRA IDEA
remind students that this is a subject pronoun.
Highlight them in blue in the second sentence. Students do 10a in pairs. Ask students to make a note
Teach students this is called an object pronoun. of the answers to their questions. Put two pairs together
Point out that subject pronouns go before the in groups of four and ask them to close their books. Each
verb and object pronouns go after the verb in pair takes turns to ask their questions. The pair who
sentences. If possible, compare this structure to answers more questions correctly wins.
that of your students own language(s).

Remind students to use the correct short
Get ready Get it right! answers (Yes, I love it/them. No, I hate it/them.
11 Put students into new pairs, student A and
Yes, I do. No, I dont.). If necessary, write
these short answers on the board before they
student B. If possible, ask students to work
withsomeone they dont know very well.
Student As turn to SB p86 and student Bs turn After student As have asked their questions,
to SB p91. Check they are all looking at the they tell their partners how many of their
correct exercise. guesses in column B of the table are correct.
a Students do the exercise on their own, as d Students swap roles and repeat the activity,
shown in the example. Note that some of the with student B in each pair asking his/her
pictures represent vocabulary from 1a, while questions froma.
other pictures represent vocabulary taught in e Finally, ask each student to tell the class two
earlier lessons. While they are working, monitor things about his/her partner. Check students use
and check their questions for accuracy. the he/she forms likes, doesnt like, loves and
If possible, avoid checking the questions hates in their sentences, as shown in the speech
with the class to prevent students hearing the bubbles.
questions they are about to be asked.

Student A 2 Do you like playing video games? WRITING

3 Do you like flying? 4 Do you like (playing) Students choose one person they know well and write
tennis? 5 Do you like rock music?/Do you like sentences comparing this persons likes and dislikes
going to concerts? 6 Do you like eggs? to their own, using language from the lesson (I love
Student B b Do you like shopping for clothes? watching football on TV, but my brother Marco hates it.
c Do you like cats? d Do you like watching Marco doesnt like eating out, but I love it. etc.).
sport on TV? e Do you like (listening to)
classical music? f Do you like (black) coffee?
b Students do the exercise on their own. They
are not allowed to talk to their partners during Ph Class Activity 7A I like dominoesp121
this stage of the activity. (Instructions p148)
c Students work with their partners. Student A Extra Practice 7A SB p103
in each pair asks his/her questions from a and Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 7A
puts a tick or a cross in column C of the table. Workbook Lesson 7A p33

7B Can you drive? Vocabulary abilities

Students Book p56p57 Grammar can for ability

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews things you like and Also highlight that we say play basketball, football,
dont like. Students do the activity in pairs, as shown in the tennis, etc. but play the piano and play the guitar.
examples. At the end of the activity, ask each pair to tell the While the alternative form (play piano, play guitar,
class one or two of the things they both like. etc.) is also used in some situations, at this level we
feel it is more helpful to give students a clear rule that
will always result in correct sentences.

Abilities cook 10; drive 3; ride a bike 2; play basketball 9;

play the piano 6; sing 7; play the guitar 8; speak
1 a Focus students on pictures 110. Students do German 5; ski 1
the exercise on their own or in pairs. Early finishers
can check their answers in VOCABULARY 7.3 SB p126.
Check answers with the class. EXTRA IDEA
Point out that we can say ride a bike or ride a If you have a strong class, teach other sports that are
bicycle. You can also teach ride a motorbike/scooter. played with a ball (volleyball, baseball, rugby, etc.) and
Note that we say play basketball not play basket. other musical instruments (the violin, the drums, etc.).

b CD2 64 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. b CD2 66 Play the recording (SB p111). Students
Students listen and practise. Repeat the drill if listen and decide if they hear can or cant. Tell
necessary. students to write their answers for each question as
c Pre-teach mime by miming one of the activities they listen.
from 1a. Play the recording again, pausing after each sentence
Put students into pairs. Students take turns to mime to check students answers.
activities from 1a for their partner to guess.
1 can 2 cant 3 can 4 cant 5 cant 6 can
I cant swim!
5 CD2 66 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording again.
2 Focus students on pictures AD. Students do the Students listen and practise. Check that students
exercise on their own before comparing answers pronounce can and cant correctly. Repeat the drill if
inpairs. necessary, pausing after each sentence for students to
Check answers with the class. Use picture C and practise individually.
sentence 1 to teach Help!.
6 a Students do the exercise on their own, as shown
1C 2A 3B 4D in the examples. Students can use words and phrases
from 1a or their own ideas.
HELP WITH GRAMMAR b Students do the exercise in pairs. Ask each student
to tell the class one or two of their true sentences.
can: positive and negative
3 Focus students on the tables in the Students Help with the children
Book or draw them on the board. Go through the
following points with the class. 7 a Pre-teach au pair / pe/. Focus students on the
photo. Explain that Mrs Taylor is going to interview
We use can or cant to talk about ability. Natalia because she wants an au pair to help her with
Use the first table to highlight the word order her two children, Megan and Harry, who are in the
in positive sentences: subject + can + verb + . photo by the window.
Use the second table to highlight the word CD2 67 Play the recording (SB p111). Students listen
order in negative sentences: subject + cant + to the interview. Ask students if Natalia gets the job
verb + . (she does).
Point out that can and cant are the same for b Give students time to read prompts 110. Play the
I, you, he, she, it, we and they. recording again. Students listen and tick the things
Highlight that we sometimes use (very) well Natalia can do and put a cross next to the things she
with can: She can swim well. They can ski very cant do.
well. (not They can ski (very) good.)
Point out that we say She can play the piano. c Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers
not She can to play the piano. with the class.
Remind students that we also use can for offers
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(Can I help you?) and requests (Can I have the
bill, please?, Can you show me on this map?).

HELP WITH LISTENING can or cant Ask students to look at Audio Script CD2 67 SB p111.
Play the recording again. Students listen, read and
This Help with Listening section focuses on how we
say can and cant in sentences. underline all the examples of can and cant in the
conversation. Students then compare answers in pairs.
4 a CD2 65 Focus students on the four sentences
and highlight the sentence stress. Play the recording.
Students listen and notice how we say can /kn/ and HELP WITH GRAMMAR
cant /knt/. can: yes / no questions and short answers
Ask students if can is stressed (it isnt). Point out
that can is usually pronounced in its weak form 8 Students do the exercise on their own, then compare
in positive sentences and that the vowel sound is answers in pairs. Check answers with the class and
aschwa //. go through the following points.
Ask if cant is stressed (it is). Point out that cant is
stressed because it is negative. Focus students on the first column of the table.
Highlight the inverted word order of yes/no
Play the recording again if necessary. questions: Can + subject + verb + .
You can also teach students that cant is pronounced Point out that we dont use do or does in
/knt/ in American English. questions with can: Can you cook? not
Do you can cook?.

Focus students on the second column of the
table. Check that students have completed
Get ready Get it right!
the short answers correctly: Yes, I can. / No, I 11 Students work on their own and make a list
cant. Yes, he can. / No, he cant. Yes, she can. / of things they can do, using phrases from 1a
No, she cant. Yes, they can. / No, they cant. and their own ideas. Students should just write
Remind students that can and cant are the the things they can do (play the guitar, swim,
same for all subjects (I, you, he, she, etc.) in yes/ etc.), not complete sentences, as shown in the
no questions and short answers. example.
Note that we also make Wh- questions with While students are working, monitor and help
can: How many languages can you speak?, them with any new vocabulary they might need.
Which instrument can you play?, etc. However,
these are less common than yes/no questions 12 a Put students into new pairs. Students take
with can and are therefore taught in face2face turns to ask questions about the things on
Second edition Elementary. their list in 11, as shown in the speech bubbles.
Each pair must fi nd out how many things on
9 Focus students on the examples. Highlight that we their lists they can both do. While they are
usually use the weak form of can /kn/ in yes/no working, monitor and correct any grammar
questions and that we always use the strong form of orpronunciation mistakes you hear.
can /kn/ in short answers. b Finally, ask each pair of students to tell the
CD2 68 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Students class some ofthe things they can both do, using
listen and practise the questions and short answers We can both .
in 8. Encourage them to copy the weak and strong
forms of can and remind students that cant is always
stressed. Repeat the drill if necessary.
Note that we can also use the strong form of can in Students write a short description of each person in their
yes/no questions: Can /kn/ you cook?. family, saying what they can and cant do. Tell students
that they should also include other information about
10 Put students into pairs, student A and student B.
Student As turn to SB p90 and student Bs turn each person (age, job, free time activities, etc.). At the
to SBp95. Check that they are all looking at the beginning of the next class, students can swap papers
correctexercise. and read about other students families.
a Focus students on the photos of Megan and
Harry. Check students understand that they are
MrsTaylors children. FURTHER PRACTICE
Students do the exercise on their own, as shown Ph Class Activity 7B What can the class do?p149
in the example. Point out that all the pictures (Instructions p122)
correspond to words and phrases in 1a. Ph Vocabulary Plus 7 Parts of the bodyp173
If necessary, check answers with the class. Note (Instructions p165)
that all the answers are the same for student As
andstudent Bs, apart from the persons name. Extra Practice 7B SB p103
Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 7B
Student A/Student B Workbook Lesson 7B p34
2 Can Megan/Harry play the piano?
3 Can Megan/Harry play the guitar?
4 Can Megan/Harry ride a bike?
5 Can Megan/Harry ski?
6 Can Megan/Harry swim?
7 Can Megan/Harry play tennis?
8 Can Megan/Harry play basketball?

b Students do the activity with their partners.

Remind students to use the correct short answers
(Yes, he/she can. and No, he/she cant.) when
answering their partners questions. Students are not
allowed to look at their partners book.
c Students compare tables with their partner and
fi nd out what both children can do.
Check answers with the class. (They can both ride
abike and swim.)

7C wORLD Directions Vocabulary prepositions of place
Real World asking for and giving
Students Book p58p59 directions

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews vocabulary for

1 a museum 2 a theatre 3 a caf 4 a hotel
abilities and can. Put students into pairs, if possible with
5 a supermarket 6 a chemists 7 a bank
someone that they dont know very well. Students do the 8 a park 9 a cinema 10 a post office
activity in their pairs, as shown in the examples. At the end 11 a restaurant 12 a station
of the activity, ask a few students to tell the class one or two
things they can do, but their partner cant do. b Students do the activity in the same pairs, as
shown in the speech bubbles. Remind students to
use the prepositions of place in 2 in their sentences.
Ask students to say four or five sentences each. If
Wheres the caf? necessary, demonstrate this activity with the whole
1 a Ask students to close their books. Students work class before they begin.
on their own and write down ten places in a town or
city, as shown in the examples.
b Put students into groups of three or four. Students If you have a low-level class, you can ask students to
compare lists to fi nd out if they have the same places. write down their sentences before they do 4b in pairs.
Ask one group to tell you their words and write
them on the board. Ask other groups to tell you any 5 a Focus students on the photos of Rachel and Jack
other words they have and add them to the list on asking for directions. Tell students that they are
theboard. at on the map. Then ask students to cover the
Check that students have remembered all the *
conversations in 5b or close their books.
vocabulary in VOCABULARY 6.1 and VOCABULARY 6.2 VIDEO 7 CD3 2 Play the video or audio recording
SB p126. Drill the words chorally with the class (SB p111). Students watch or listen and decide which
ifnecessary. places Rachel and Jack want to go to. Note that all
the Real World videos can be found on the Teachers
HELP WITH VOCABULARY DVD at the back of this book.
Prepositions of place Check answers with the class.
2 Focus students on pictures af. Check students
understand that the building with the cup and saucer Rachel wants to go to the museum and a caf.
symbol is a caf and the building with a pound sign Jack wants to go to the post office and a bank.
is a bank. b Students do the exercise in pairs. Tell students that
Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs. they can refer to the map on SB p59 if necessary. Do
Check answers with the class. not check students answers at this stage.
Point out that we can say in or on with streets and
c Play the video or audio recording again. Students
roads (The caf is in/on King Street., etc.).
watch or listen and check their answers. Check
Use pictures e and f to highlight the difference answers with the class.
between next to and near.
You can use the conversations to teach the phrases
Also check students understand left and right, and No problem., Oh, yes. I can see it. and Youre
highlight that we say Its on the left/right. not welcome. Also highlight three different ways to say
Its on left/right. thank you in the conversations: Thank you very
much., Thanks. and Thanks a lot. Point out that we
2f 3e 4d 5a 6b
cant say Thank you a lot.
3 a CD3 1 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. 1 museum 2 museum 3 on 4 next to 5 caf
Students listen and practise. Highlight the 6 on 7 next to 8 post office 9 near 10 can
pronunciation of opposite /pzit/ and the weak 11 bank 12 in 13 bank 14 left
form of to /t/ in next to.
b Drill the sentences in the speech bubbles. Students REAL WORLD
then do the exercise in pairs.
Asking for and giving directions
Its over there 6 Check students understand the headings ASKING
4 a Focus students on the map on SB p59. Students byreferring students to the conversations in 5b.
work in pairs and decide what places 112 are on
Students do the exercise on their own before
themap. Check answers with the class.
comparing answers in pairs. Check answers with

While students are working, check they are sounding
Answers 2 here 3 road 4 turn 5 to 6 on 7 over polite and help them with any pronunciation
Point out the use of the and a in the questions problems they may have.
Wheres the (museum)? and Is there a (bank)
You can ask one or two pairs to role-play their
near here?. This is because in the first question,
conversations for the class. Students dont have to
we know there is only one museum in the town
leave their seats.
and we only want to know its location. In the
second question we want to know if there is a 8 a Students do the exercise on their own. Before
bank near here or not (i.e. if a bank near here they begin, remind them to refer to the map when
exists). However, at this level it is probably choosing the correct words.
easier just to teach Wheres the ? and Is
there a (near here)? as fixed phrases. b CD3 4 Play the recording. Students listen and
Check students understand the new phrases check their answers. Check answers with the class.
goalong, turn left/right and Its over there.
Point out that we can say on the right/left or 1 me 2 here 3 right 4 on 5 near 6 Wheres 7 over
on your right/left when giving directions. 8 next to 9 near 10 along 11 right 12 hotel
Note that native speakers say go along, go
c Students practise the conversations in 8a in pairs,
up or go down to mean the same thing when
taking turns to ask for directions.
giving directions. If your students are studying
in an English-speaking country, you can teach 9 Put students into new pairs. Students take turns
these alternatives. to ask for directions to places on the map. When
students are listening to their partners directions,
7 a CD3 3 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording (SB they should follow the route and make sure the
p111). Students listen and practise. Check that directions are correct.
students sound polite and copy the sentence stress Before they begin, remind students that they must
correctly. Play the recording again, pausing after each start every conversation from on the map.
sentence for students to repeat individually. *
Finally, ask a few pairs to role-play one of their
conversations for the class.
Ask students to turn to Audio Script CD3 3 SB p111. FURTHER PRACTICE
Students can then follow the stress on the sentences Ph Class Activity 7C Its on the leftp105p151
while they listen and practise. (Instructions p122)
Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 7C
b Students do the exercise in pairs. Make sure that Workbook Lesson 7C p36
all students take turns to be Rachel and Jack.

Vocabulary things people do online
7D AND SKILLS The internet Skills Reading: Its my internet!;
Students Book p60p61 Listening: an internet questionnaire

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews ways to ask for and Check answers with the class. Go through the new
give directions. Students do the first part of the activity on vocabulary with the class and teach any words
their own. Encourage them to write the names of places students dont know.
near the school (or near the building where the class is Point out that we can say receive emails or get
taking place), but not to write very famous places that all emails, and that receive is more formal than get.
students know. Students complete the activity in pairs. Note that we always use receive in the phrase send
Write this sentence on the board to help them when and receive emails, but we usually use get in everyday
conversation, for example, I get about 50 emails
giving directions: Go out of the school and turn left/right.
every day., etc.
Then . At the end of the activity, ask a few students to
Point out that online = connected to the internet.
tellthe class one new place they talked about.
Check students understand a blog (a website where
people regularly write their own thoughts and
experiences) and an app (a computer program
1 a Check students understand the internet. Focus that you can download onto your mobile phone
students on the vocabulary and highlight the example orcomputer).
(send emails). Students do the exercise in pairs. Teach students that you download music/videos/apps
onto your computer/laptop/phone, etc.

Highlight the prepositions in listen to the radio and b Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers
chat to friends and family. with the class.
Also teach students that we say a TV programme in
British English and a TV show in American English 2 Sunita 3 Brian 4 Millie 5 Brian 6 Sunita
(although this is now quite common in the UK too). 7 Millie 8 Brian 9 Sunita, Millie
Avoid asking students how they use the internet
c Students do the exercise on their own, then
at this stage of the lesson, as students complete an
work with another student and check if they have
internet questionnaire in 5a.
underlined the same phrases from 1a.
buy/sell things online; read/write a blog; watch TV Check answers with the class.
programmes/videos; be on Facebook/on Twitter;
download videos/music/apps; book hotels/holidays/ SUNITA (I)m on Facebook; chat (online) to my
flights; listen to the radio/to music; chat to friends brother; download (a lot of) music, watch music
and family; search for information videos; buy (a lot of) things online
BRIAN send and receive emails; (I)m (not) on
b CD3 5 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Facebook (or) Twitter; search for information; book
Students listen and practise the phrases in 1a. Note hotels; buy things online
that each phrase is said separately on the recording MILLIE write a blog; watch (a lot of) TV shows;
(send emails, get emails, etc.). buy (a lot of) things online
Highlight the pronunciation of receive /risiv/,
videos /vidiz/, flights /flaits/, search /s
t/ and 4 a Focus students on column A of the internet
point out the silent t in listen /lisn/. Repeat the drill questionnaire. Students work on their own and
if necessary. choose the correct verbs. You can ask students to
cover the phrases in 1a before they begin.
c Students do the activity in pairs, as shown in the
speech bubbles. You can ask the person who is being Check answers with the class.
tested to close their books.
1 watch 2 listen 3 be 4 chat
2 Pre-teach a website. Focus students on the website 5 sell 6 book 7 read 8 download
logos. Check students remember how to say . (= dot)
in website addresses. Highlight the phrase You b Focus students on the photo. Tell students that
can in the speech bubble. Point out that we usually the interviewer is asking Sam about things he does
use on with websites (I bought it on eBay. etc.) but online.
we can also use at when we say the whole website CD3 6 Play the recording (SB p111). Students
address (You can book flights at cheapflights.co.uk.). listen and put a tick or a cross in column B of the
Students do the activity in pairs. Check students questionnaire. Students compare answers in pairs.
ideas with the class. Check answers with the class.

Possible answers You can book flights or holidays at 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Cheapflights.co.uk. You can watch TV programmes c Give students time to read questions 17.
at itv.com. You can buy and sell things on
amazon.com. You can watch videos on YouTube. Play the recording again. Students listen and answer
You can listen to the radio at realradio. You can the questions. Students compare answers in pairs.
read or write blogs on Blogger. You can buy and sell Check answers with the class.
things on eBay. You can use Google to search for
1 Yes, he does. 2 YouTube. 3 Yes, he is. 4 In Poland.
information and send or receive emails. You can buy
5 He buys DVDs. 6 Hes married. 7 On the train.
concert or theatre tickets on ticketmaster.
5 a Put students into pairs. If possible, ask students
EXTRA IDEA to work with someone they dont know very well.
Students work in pairs and think of other things people Students take turns to interview their partner.
use the internet for. Check answers with the class by Students put a tick or a cross for each of their
eliciting students ideas and writing correct phrases on partners answers in column C on the questionnaire.
Encourage students to give more information if
the board. Possible answers send and receive photos;
possible when answering the questions.
buy cinema/concert/theatre tickets; buy clothes; buy food;
buy DVDs and CDs; book a restaurant; play computer EXTRA IDEA
games; read the news; bank online, etc.
Elicit the questions students need to ask for phrases
18 on the questionnaire and write them on the board.
3 a Focus students on the online article and the Note that students can use Do you online? for all the
photos of Sunita, Brian and Millie. Tell students the questions apart from 3 (Are you on Facebook?) and 8 (Do
article is about how these people use the internet. you download music?).
Students do the exercise on their own.

b Students work in new pairs and take turns to tell 2 CD3 8 Focus students on the boxes. Play the
each other about their partners in 5a. Before they recording. Students listen and notice how we say the
begin, remind students to use he/she forms of the pink and blue consonants.
verbs: Gloria watches TV programmes online. She
Play the recording again. Students listen and practise.
doesnt listen to the radio online., etc.
c Finally, ask students to tell the class two things 3 a CD3 9 Play the recording. Students listen and
about their fi rst partner. read the poem. Highlight that the pink consonants
are pronounced /s/ and the blue consonants are
WRITING pronounced //.
Play the recording again, pausing after each line for
Students write a description of how they use the internet,
students to practise chorally and individually.
using phrases from 1a. Encourage students to include
interesting details (their favourite websites/blogs, etc.) b Students work in pairs and take turns to say lines
intheir descriptions. of the poem. Tell students to practise the poem at
least three times. Finally, ask one or two students to
say the poem for the class.
Extra Practice 7 SB p103
Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 7D
Workbook Lesson 7D p37
Focus students on the continue2learn section on
Workbook Reading and Writing Portfolio 7 p64p65 SBp61. See p33 of this book for ideas on how to
Ph Progress Test 7 p187
Ph usethis section in class.


1 Focus students on the phonemes /s/ and //, the Extra Practice 7 SB p103
pictures and the words. See p34 for ideas on how to use this section in class.
CD3 7 Play the recording. Students listen to the
sounds and the words. Point out that s in suit is 7A
pronounced with a /s/ sound and sh in shirt is 1 2 animals 3 horror films 4 dancing 5 flying
pronounced with a // sound. 6 classical music 7 watching sport on TV
Play the recording again. Students listen and practise. 8 visiting new places 9 shopping for clothes
If students are having problems, help them with the 2 2 dont like 3 doesnt like 4 hates 5 likes 6 hate
mouth position for each sound. 7 loves 8 loves
3 2 She; us 3 he; me 4 I; her 5 We; them 6 him
/s/ //
(push air
4 3 He cant speak Japanese. 4 5 Can you play
through tennis? 6 Lydia can dance very well. 7 8
gap) 9 Paul can play football well.
end of tongue curved
tongue near back behind tooth ridge 5 2 She can play the guitar. 3 She can ride a bike.
tooth ridge (push air through gap) 4 He can swim. 5 She can drive (a car). 6 He can
play the piano. 7 They can play basketball.
Point out that when we make the /s/ sound, the lips 8 She can cook. 9 He can ski.
are relaxed, the tongue is near the back of the teeth,
and there is some contact between the tongue and 7C
the teeth at the sides of the mouth. Highlight that 6 2 Wheres 3 along 4 right 5 left 6 opposite
/s/ is an unvoiced sound (there is no vibration in 7 welcome 8 near 9 along 10 left 11 right
thethroat). 12 next 13 wheres 14 over 15 near 16 station
Also point out that when we make the // sound, the 7D
lips are more rounded and pushed forward slightly. 7 2 receive 3 write 4 reading 5 search 6 book
The end of the tongue is curved back behind the 7 watch 8 watching 9 download 10 listen
teeth and we push air through the gap. Highlight 11 chat 12 buy
that// is also an unvoiced sound.
You can also tell students that /ssss/ is the sound
a snake makes, and that // is the sound people Progress Portfolio 7
make when they want someone to be quiet.
See p34 for ideas on how to use this section in

Vocabulary adjectives (2)
8A I was there Grammar Past Simple of be:
Students Book p62p63 positiveandnegative

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews things people do If necessary, teach students how to say the years in
online. Students do the first part of the activity on their own. the texts (1966, 1999 and 2010). Note that years are
Put students into groups of three or four. Students complete practised in lesson 8B.
the activity in their groups. At the end of the activity, ask a
few students to tell the class one thing they do online, using Melanie The Beatles last concert in San Francisco in
phrases from their lists.
1966 Tania New Years Eve in Sydney in 1999
Diego the World Cup Final in Johannesburg in 2010

c Students read the texts in the speech bubbles again

and choose the correct words in sentences 16.
Adjectives (2)
Check answers with the class. You can also ask the
1 a Focus students on pictures ah. Students do the class which of the three amazing days they think was
exercise on their own or in pairs. Early finishers the best.
can check their answers in VOCABULARY 8.1 SB p128.
Check answers with the class. 1 the USA 2 half an hour 3 parents
Point out that we can use short or long for amount 4 fantastic 5 Holland 6 two
of time (Its a short/long film., etc.) and for physical
length (Its a short/long dress., etc.).
Use the pictures in e to point out that the book
(which is arrowed in each picture) is interesting or Past Simple of be: positive and negative
boring, not the person. Note that bored is taught in 3 a Give students time to read the sentences. Ask
lesson 10C. students if the sentences are in the present or the past
Point out that we use old/young for people or (the past). Check students understand that was, were,
animals, and old/new for things, buildings, etc. wasnt and werent are all past forms of the verb be.
With a strong class you can teach the synonyms b Students do the exercise on their own before
sad (= unhappy), hard (= difficult) and wonderful comparing answers in pairs.
(= fantastic).
While they are working, draw the table from 3b
happy/unhappy f; interesting/boring e; full/empty h; on the board. Check answers with the class.
difficult/easy d; right/wrong c; old/young g;
Focus students on the table on the board.
terrible, awful/great, fantastic, amazing b
Elicit which words go in each column
b CD3 10 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. and write them in the table (see the table in
Students listen and practise. Alternatively, model GRAMMAR 8.1 SB p129).
and drill the adjectives yourself. Highlight the Point out that wasnt = was not and werent
pronunciation of awful /fl/ and great / reit/. = were not. Tell students that we usually use
Also point out that interesting /intrsti/ is three contracted forms when speaking and writing.
syllables, not four, with the stress on the fi rst syllable. Highlight that we use was or wasnt with I, he,
Repeat the drill if necessary. she and it, and were or werent with you, we
and they.
Three amazing days Also point out that the past of there is/there
are is there was/there were. Elicit the negative
2 a Pre-teach the words in the box using pictures, forms (there wasnt and there werent).
board diagrams, translation, etc. Note that the
aim of this box is to highlight which new words EXTRA IDEA
students need in order to understand the text they
areabouttoread. Students read the texts in the speech bubbles again
You can also teach New Years Day and Holland. and underline all the examples of was, were, wasnt or
Model and drill all the words and phrases with werent. Students then compare answers in pairs.
b Focus students on the photos and speech bubbles 4 CD3 12 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording (SB p111).
at the bottom of SB p62p63. Students listen and practise. Use the examples to
CD3 11 Play the recording. Students listen, read and highlight how we say was /wz/ and were /w/ in
decide what the peoples amazing days were. positive sentences. Point out that was and were are
Check answers with the class. If students ask you not usually stressed, but that wasnt and werent are
about the meaning of was or were at this stage, always stressed because they are negative words.
simply say they are the past of the verb be. Note that Play the recording again, pausing after each sentence
these verb forms are studied in 3. for students to repeat individually.

Alternatively, ask students to turn to Audio Script EXTRA IDEA
CD3 12 SB p111, which has the stress marked on
the sentences. Play the recording again. Students Introduce this activity by writing sentences
listen, read and practise. about your own life when you were ten on the
board as examples.
5 a Students do the exercise on their own.
b Put students into pairs. Students compare answers b Students work in their groups and take turns
and decide who says each sentence, Melanie, Tania to say their sentences, as shown in the speech
or Diego. Check answers with the class. bubbles. Students decide if any of the other
students sentences are true for them. While
1 was (Diego) 2 werent (Melanie) 3 were (Tania) they are working, monitor and correct any
4 was (Melanie) 5 were (Tania) 6 was (Diego) mistakes you hear.
7 werent (Diego) 8 were, wasnt (Tania)
9 wasnt, was (Melanie) c Finally, ask a few students to tell the class
two interesting things they found out about
other students in their group.

Get ready Get it right!

6 Put students into groups of three. Ask all
students to turn to SB p96. Check they are all Students write eight or ten sentences about their lives
looking at the correct exercise. when they were fifteen (or another age in the past,
a Ask students to think about their lives when depending on the age of your students). Students can use
they were ten. Go through the words and the prompts in the box on SB p96 or their own ideas.
phrases in the box. Check students remember
favourite and point out the phrase good at
(sports, languages, etc.).
Students work on their own and write six Ph Class Activity 8A Opposite adjectivesp152
sentences about their lives when they were ten, (Instructions p123)
using was, were and prompts from the box or Extra Practice 8A SB p104
their own ideas. While students are working, Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 8A
check their sentences for accuracy and help
them with any new vocabulary they need. Workbook Lesson 7B p38

Vocabulary years and past time phrases

8B Happy anniversary! Grammar Past Simple of be: questions and
Students Book p64p65 short answers; was born / were born

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews adjectives from b CD3 13 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording.
lessons 3A and 8A. Students work on their own and write Students listen and practise.
six adjectives and their opposites. Put students into pairs to Check students stress theyears correctly. Repeat the
complete the activity, as shown in the examples. drill if necessary.
c Students do the exercise with their partners
from1a. Check answers with the class.
Years and past time phrases
2012 twenty twelve 1977 nineteen seventy-seven
1 a Students do the exercise in pairs. Check answers 2018 twenty eighteen 1815 eighteen fifteen
with the class. 1990 nineteen ninety 2003 two thousand and three
Point out that for the years 20002009, we usually
say two thousand, two thousand and one, etc. For 2 a Focus students on pictures AD of Joe. Students
the years 20102099, we usually say twenty ten, do the exercise on their own. Check answers with
twenty eleven, etc. the class. Point out that we use last with days (last
Also highlight that we use in with years: in 1980, Monday, etc.) and months (last June, etc.), and that
in2009, etc. we also say last night, last week, last weekend, last
month, last year, etc.
2e 3a 4f 5d 6b Also highlight that we say yesterday morning,
yesterday afternoon and yesterday evening, but last
night, not yesterday night.

Check students understand now, and point out
1 In Mumbai.
that ago means before now. Check students
2 Sunil was 28 and Pria was 24.
understanding by asking them what time it was
3 There were 250 people there.
threehours ago, what day it was four days ago, etc.
4 She was in the USA.
Use the example sentences to highlight that we 5 Yes, they were.
usually put past time phrases (last week, four hours 6 Three days.
ago, yesterday afternoon, etc.) at the end of the
sentence (or clause).
2D 3C 4B If you have a strong class, put students in pairs and ask
b CD3 14 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. them to try and guess the answers to questions 16 in 4d
Students listen and practise sentences 14. Point out before playing the recording. Then play CD3 15 again
that we dont usually pronounce the t in last week for students to check their answers.
/ls wik/, etc. and that the stress on yesterday is on
the fi rst syllable, not the last.
3 Students do the exercise on their own before Past Simple of be: questions and
comparing answers in pairs. Check answers with
short answers; was born / were born
5 ab Students do the exercises on their own.
2 last 3 in 4 yesterday 5 last 6 ago While they are working, draw the table from
5a on the board. Check answers with the class and
EXTRA IDEA highlight the following points.
Students tick the sentences in 3 that are true for them. Focus students on the table on the board.
Put students in pairs to compare sentences, then ask a Elicit which words in questions 1 and 2
few students to tell the class one sentence that is true from 5b go in each column and complete the
forthem. table (see the table in GRAMMAR 8.2 SB p129).
Use the questions sentences to highlight the
word order:
An Indian wedding question word + was/were + subject + ?
Remind students that we use was or wasnt
4 a Pre-teach the words in the box using pictures, with I, he, she and it, and were or werent
defi nitions, translation, etc. Note that the aim of this withyou, we and they.
box is to highlight which new words students need in Use question 1 to highlight that we sometimes
order to understand the conversation they are about use a noun after How many ?: How many
to listen to. people were at the wedding?, etc.
Drill the words and phrases with the class. You can You can compare the questions in the table to
also teach the phrase Happy anniversary! (the title of questions with be in the present: Where are you
the lesson). from?, Whats your name?, etc.
b Focus students on the photo of an Indian wedding
on SB p64. Ask students who is the bride (the woman c Students do the exercise on their own, then
in pink sitting down) and who is the groom (the man compare answers in pairs.
in white sitting next to her). Check answers with the class.
Note that the photos on SB p64 show other aspects
of a traditional Indian wedding, such as a womans Answers Was I/he/she/it at the wedding?
hennaed hands, bangles and sweets. Were you/we/they at the wedding?
Yes, I/he/she/it was.
c Tell the class they are going to listen to Sunil, No, I/he/she/it wasnt.
the groom in the photo, talk to a friend about his Yes, you/we/they were.
wedding. Give students time to read sentences 15. No, you/we/they werent.
CD3 15 Play the recording (SB p111). Students listen Use the questions in the first column of the
and choose the correct words. Students compare table to highlight the word order in yes/no
answers in pairs. Check answers with the class. questions with was and were:
Was/Were + subject + ?
1 Sunday 2 five 3 India 4 were 5 was Point out that we use contractions in the
negative short answers (No, I wasnt.,
d Give students time to read questions 16. Play No, youwerent., etc.).
the recording again. Students listen and answer the Check students understand that the short
questions. Students compare answers in pairs. answers to Was I at the wedding? are
Check answers with the class. Note that Mumbai Yes, you were./No, you werent.
used to be called Bombay.

Also highlight that the short answers to Were 9 a Students do the exercise on their own. Tell
you at the wedding? are Yes, I was./No, I students not to write when and where the people
wasnt. if you in the question is singular, and were born.
Yes, we were./No, we werent. if you in the b Put students into pairs. Students swap papers and
question is plural. ask each other about the people on their partners
Point out that we can also make questions with paper, as shown in the speech bubbles.
Was there ? and Were there ? (Wasthere Ask a few students to tell the class about someone on
a party? Were there a lot of people at the their (or their partners) list.
wedding?, etc.).

d Students do the exercise on their own. Check Get ready Get it right!
answers with the class.
10 Put students into new pairs, student A and
Answers 1 A Where was Pria born? student B. Student As turn to SB p88 and
B She was born in London. student Bs turn to SB p93. Check they are all
2 A When were you born? looking at the correct exercise.
B I was born in 1991. a Pre-teach went and tell students this is the
Point out that we say I was born (in 1991). not Past Simple of go. Students do the exercise
I borned (in 1991)., etc. on their own. Note that student As prepare
Point out that we often answer these questions questions about a wedding and student Bs
with short forms, for example, In the UK. and prepare questions about a party.
In 1987., not complete sentences. Check answers with the class. Only check the
words they need to fill in the gaps, so that
6 CD3 16 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording (SB p111). students dont hear the questions they are about
Students listen and practise. Point out that we dont to be asked. Note that these answers are the
stress was and were in questions, but that these same for student As and student Bs.
words are stressed in short answers.
Play the recording again, pausing after each sentence Student A/Student B 2 was/Was 3 were/Were
for students to practise individually. You can ask 4 were 5 Was/was 6 Were 7 Was 8 Was
students to turn to Audio Script CD3 16 SB p111
and follow the stress as they listen and practise. b Students work with their partners. Student A
in each pair asks his/her questions from a about
7 a Check students understand the phrase the same the last wedding that student B went to. Tell
age. Students do the exercise on their own. Check student As to make brief notes on their partners
answers with the class. answers, but not to write complete sentences for
each answer.
1 were 2 Were 3 was 4 Were 5 was 6 was
c Students swap roles so that student B in each
b Students ask and answer the questions in pairs. pair asks his/her questions from a about the
Check answers with the class. last party that student A went to. Again, tell
student Bs to make brief notes on their partners
1 Sunil and Pria. 2 No, they werent. 3 Five years answers.
ago. 4 Yes, they were. 5 Sunils sister. 6 (She was d Put students into pairs with someone from
born) in London. the same group. Students take turns to talk
about the last wedding or party their fi rst
8 a Students do the exercise on their own, as shown in partner went to.
the example. Early fi nishers can compare answers in Finally, ask students to tell the class about any
pairs. Check answers with the class. interesting weddings or parties they or their
partners went to.
2 Where were you yesterday evening?
3 Were you on holiday three months ago?
4 Where were you on New Years Eve 1999? FURTHER PRACTICE
5 Were you at work last Monday? Ph Class Activity 8B Were you or werent you?p153
6 Where were you born?
(Instructions p123)
Ph Vocabulary Plus 8 Places with at, in, onp165
b Students work in pairs and take turns to ask and
answer the questions. Alternatively, students can (Instructions p174)
move around the room and talk to as many people Extra Practice 8B SB p104
aspossible. Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 8B
Ask students to tell the class any interesting things Workbook Lesson 8B p39
they found out about their partner or classmates.

8C wORLD Birthdays Vocabulary months and dates
Real World talking about days and
Students Book p66p67 ates; making suggestions

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews the Past Simple of REAL WORLD
be and past time phrases. Go through the five time phrases Talking about days and dates
(three hours ago, etc.) with the class. Also highlight the
phrase Where were you ? in the example questions. 3 Go through the questions and answers with the class
Put students into pairs. Students take turns to ask each and highlight the following points.
other their questions. Encourage students to give more
1 Highlight the question and point out that we
information if possible.
can answer with Its Monday. or just Monday.
2 Highlight the question and point out that
wesay the in dates: (Its) March the seventh.
Months and dates Point out that we can write March 7th or
1 a Focus students on the months in the box. Point Teach students that we can also say dates
out that months always start with a capital letter. in another way: the seventh of March, etc.
Highlight that we use in with months: in May, etc. However, at this level we feel students only
CD3 17 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Students need to know one way to say dates. The
listen and practise. Alternatively, model and drill the alternative form is introduced and practised
months yourself. inface2face Second edition Elementary.
Months that students often find hard to pronounce Also note that dates are often said without
are January /dnjri/, February /febrri/, June thein American English: Its March seventh.
/dun/, July /dlai/ and August / st/. Also 3 Point out that Whens = When is in the
check that students stress the months correctly. question Whens your birthday?.
Also highlight that we use on with dates:
(Its on) June the second. Remind students that
Teach students these abbreviations for months: Jan, Feb, we also use on with days (on Monday, etc.).
Mar, Apr, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec. Students will often see Highlight the difference between these
these abbreviations on calendars, timetables, etc. Point questions: A Whens your birthday? B July 12th.
(every year); A When were you born? B July
out that May, June and July are not usually abbreviated.
12th 1989. (one specific day in the past)
You can also point out that dates are written
b Students do the activity in pairs, as shown in differently in the UK and in the USA. In the
theexamples. UK, 5/6/15 = 5th June 2015 (day/month/year),
2 a Focus students on the dates in the box. Point out whereas in the USA, 5/6/15 = 6th May 2015
the letters in pink and highlight the relationship (month/day/year).
between the last two letters of each word (first,
second, third, etc.) and the way we write dates (1st , 4 CD3 20 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Students
2nd , 3rd , etc.). Note that we can also write dates with listen and practise. Repeat the drill if necessary.
normal lower-case letters (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.).
5 CD3 21 Give students time to read the dates in 14.
Highlight the irregular spelling of these th words: Play the recording (SB p111). Students listen and
fifth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth and thirtieth. circle the dates they hear. Play the recording again
Point out the hyphen in twenty-first and tell students ifnecessary.
that we also write twenty-second, twenty-third, etc. Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers
CD3 18 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Students with the class.
listen and practise the dates. Note that students often
have difficulty with the consonant clusters at the 1 June 22nd 2 March 30th
end of these words (sixth, twelfth, etc.). 3 October 3rd 4 April 1st
If necessary, play the recording again, pausing after
each word so that students can practise individually. 6 a Focus students on the examples to remind them
b Students do the exercise in pairs. how we write dates. Students work on their own and
c CD3 19 Play the recording. Students listen and write five dates.
check they said the words correctly. Point out that we b Students do the activity in pairs. At the end of
usually stress the fi nal syllable in the -teenth words the activity, tell students to swap papers so they can
(thirteenth, fourteenth, etc.). check that their partners have written down the dates
PRONUNCIATION Play the recording again. Students correctly.
listen and practise.

c Students move around the room and ask each REAL WORLD Making suggestions
other when their birthdays are, as shown in the
speech bubbles. Students must fi nd out if any other 8 Focus students on the flow chart. Students do the
students have birthdays in the same month as them. exercise on their own, then compare answers in pairs.
If students cant move around the room, they should Check answers with the class.
ask as many students as they can sitting near them.
Answers 2 we 3 idea 4 dont 5 meet 6 time
At the end of the activity, ask students to tell the class
7 seven
who has a birthday in the same month as them.
Point out that we use Lets , Why dont we
? and Shall we ? to make suggestions.
Happy birthday! Also highlight that we use What / Where /
7 a Pre-teach the words and phrases in the box using What time shall we ? to ask for suggestions.
examples, defi nitions, translation, etc. Note that Use the example sentences in the flow chart to
the aim of this box is to highlight which new words highlight that Lets , Why dont we ? and
students need in order to understand the conversation Shall we ? are followed by a verb: Lets go
they are about to watch or listen to. tothe cinema. etc.
Tell students that we give someone a present (not
present someone). Ask students what kind of presents 9 CD3 23 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording (SB p112).
people give each other (a birthday present, a wedding Students listen and practise the sentences in 10. Point
present, an anniversary present, etc.). Remind out that shall is pronounced /l/ in the questions.
students of the phrase Happy birthday!. You can also ask students to turn to Audio Script
Check students understand the difference between CD3 23 SB p112, where the stress is marked. Play
adriving test and a driving lesson. You can also the recording again. Students listen, read and practise
teach students that you can pass or fail a driving test. the stress as shown in the Students Book.
Note that in this context go to a club means go to a 10 a Focus students on George and Jessicas sentences
place to listen to music and dance.
and highlight the examples. Students do the exercise
Model and drill the new words and phrases with on their own. Early fi nishers can compare answers
theclass. inpairs.
b Focus students on the photo of Karen and b CD3 24 Play the recording (SB p112). Students
Dannyon SB p67. Ask students where they are (in a listen and check their answers.
caf). Note that Danny was one of the customers in
Check answers with the class.
Caf Pronto in lesson 3C.
VIDEO 8 CD3 22 Play the video or audio recording 3c 4i 5e 6f 7d 8h 9b
(SB p112). Students watch or listen and fi nd out what
Karen and Danny decide to do this evening. Check c Students practise the conversation in pairs. While
the answer with the class. they are working, help them with any pronunciation
Note that all the Real World videos can be found on problems and make sure they sound polite and
the Teachers DVD at the back of this book. interested when asking and answering questions.

Karen and Danny decide to go to the cinema / 11 a Students do the activity in new pairs. Remind
see a (Johnny Depp) film. students to use phrases from 8 in their conversations.
While they are working, monitor and check their
c Focus students on sentences 16. Students work in conversations for accuracy.
pairs and try to choose the correct words or phrases, b Students practise their conversation until they can
based on what they remember from the video or remember it.
audio recording.
If you feel this is too difficult for your students, give c Put two pairs together so that they are working
students time to read sentences 17, then play the in groups of four. Each pair takes turns to role-play
video or audio recording again. Students choose the their conversation. The other pair writes down what
correct words or phrases as they listen. they decide to do.
d Play the video or audio recording again. Students d Ask one pair in each group to role-play the
watch or listen and check their answers. Students can conversation for the class. Students dont have to
compare their answers in pairs. leave their seats.
Check answers with the class. Ask students if any Finally, students can decide which conversation they
pair got all the answers right. liked best.

2 Karen; 11.30 3 yesterday 4 Mexican; Dannys
5 Danny; every week 6 cinema; half past seven Extra Practice 8C SB p104
Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 8C
Workbook Lesson 8C p41

VOCABULARY Vocabulary big numbers
8D AND SKILLS Lifes a party! Skills Reading and Listening:
fantastic festivals; Listening:
Students Book p68p69 two festivals

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews ways of making

a 30,000 b 125,000 c 150,000 d 1,500
suggestions. Check students understand tomorrow
e 177,500 f 5 million g 70 million
evening. Students do the exercise in pairs, as shown in the
examples.If students are having problems remembering
5 Students read the article again and answer the
what language to use, ask them to look at the flow chart in
questions. Students compare answers in pairs.
REAL WORLD 8.2 SB p129.
Checkanswers with the class.

1 Its on the last Wednesday in August every year in

Buol, Spain. 2 They throw tomatoes at each other.
1 a Students do the exercise on their own before
3 They throw oranges at each other (for three days).
comparing answers in pairs. Check answers with
4 Its every/in July. 5 They eat garlic bread, garlic
chicken, garlic chocolate and garlic ice cream. 6 It
Point out that we dont use a plural -s with hundred, was in June 1970. 7 People dance in the street to
thousand or million. We say three hundred not three samba bands (all day and all night). 8 41 days.
hundreds, etc. Also point out that we use and after
hundred, but not after thousand. We say a hundred
and fifty, but sixteen thousand, two hundred not
6 Students do the exercise in pairs. Encourage students
sixteen thousand and two hundred. to give reasons for their choices if possible.
Highlight that we can say a hundred or one hundred, Ask a few students to share their ideas with the class.
a thousand or one thousand and a million or one 7 a Ask students to close their books. Tell students
million. Point out that using a with these numbers is that they are going to listen to two friends, Ella and
more common. Owen, talking about festivals.
CD3 28 Play the recording (SB p112). Students
390 = three hundred and ninety 1,000 = a thousand
listen and write down the two festivals that Ella
16,200 = sixteen thousand, two hundred 750,000
and Owen talk about. Check answers with the class
= seven hundred and fifty thousand 1,000,000 =
(Glastonbury Festival and Carnival in Brazil).
amillion 50,000,000 = fifty million
b Give students time to read sentences 18, then
b CD3 25 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. play the recording again. Students listen and choose
Students listen and practise the numbers. Highlight the correct answers. Ask students to compare
the pronunciation of hundred /hndrd/ and answers in pairs. Check answers with the class.
thousand /aznd/. Repeat the drill if necessary.
1 four 2 things you can do 3 the people you meet
2 a CD3 26 Play the recording (SB p112). Students 4 February 5 loves 6 difficult 7 cant 8 new friends
listen and write the numbers.
b Students compare answers in pairs by saying the
numbers to each other. Check answers with the
class and write them on the board. This Help with Listening section reviews consonant
vowel linking in sentences.
a 365 b 999 c 17,000 d 62,400 e 250,000
f 1,200,000 g 18,000,000 (18 million)
8 a CD3 29 Focus students on the sentences, then
play the recording. Students listen and decide why we
link the words in pink and blue. Check the answer
3 a Students do the exercise on their own. with the class (because the words in pink end in a
b Students do the exercise in new pairs, then swap consonant sound and the words in blue start with a
papers to check that their partners have written vowel sound).
down the numbers correctly.
4 a Pre-teach the words in the box using examples,
mime, pictures, translation, etc. Check students Play CD3 29 again and ask students to repeat the
understand that samba is a type of music (from sentences chorally and individually. Check they are
Brazil) and also a type of dance. Drill the new words copying the consonantvowellinking correctly.
with the class.
b Focus students on the Fantastic Festivals articles b Ask students to look at Audio Script CD3 28 SB
Students read the article and try to fill in the gaps p112. Play this recording again. Note that this is the
with the numbers in the box. recording of the whole conversation, not the four
c CD3 27 Play the recording. Students listen and sentences in 8a. Students listen, read and notice the
check their answers. Check answers with the class. linking as shown in the Students Book.

9 a Students do the activity in groups of three or four. 2 CD3 31 Focus students on the boxes. Play the
If possible, put students into groups with people from recording. Students listen and notice how we say the
different countries, towns/cities or regions. pink and blue letters.
Play the recording again. Students listen and practise.
3 a CD3 32 Play the recording. Students listen and
Before doing 9a, give students a few minutes to gather read the sentences.
their ideas and make notes about the festivals they want Play the recording again. Students listen and practise.
to talk about. While they are working, monitor and help
students with any vocabulary they might need. b Students practise the sentences in pairs.
Finally, ask each student to say one of the sentences
for the class.
b Finally, ask each group to tell the class about one
festival they talked about.

WRITING continue2learn
Students write a description of a festival (or festivals) in
Focus students on the continue2learn section on
their town, city or country, which they discussed in 9a.
SBp69. See p33 of this book for ideas on how to
usethis section in class.
Ph Class Activity 8D Numbers, years and datesp154
(Instructions p123) Extra Practice 8 SB p104
Extra Practice 8 SB p104 See p34 for ideas on how to use this section in class.
Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 8D
Workbook Lesson 8D p42 8A
Workbook Reading and Writing Portfolio 8 p66p67 1 2 young 3 empty 4 easy 5 wrong 6 great
Ph Progress Test 8 p188 7 fantastic 8 short 9 terrible 10 long 11 right
x interesting
2 2 werent; were 3 wasnt; was 4 were 5 wasnt
6 werent; were 7 were, wasnt
1 Focus students on the phonemes // and /
/, the 3a b last c yesterday d ago e in f ago g in h last
pictures and the words. 3b 1a 2c 3b 4h 5f 6d 7e 8g
CD3 30 Play the recording. Students listen to the 4 2 Where was your son born? 3 Where were you
sounds and the words. on your last birthday? 4 Who was your first
Point out that or in forty is pronounced with an // English teacher? 5 When was your first English
sound and ur in burger is pronounced with an /
/ class? 6 Where were you three years ago?
sound. Note that in British English we dont usually 5 2 Was; No, she wasnt. 3 Was; Yes, it was.
pronounce the letter r after a vowel sound. 4 Were; No, they werent. 5 Was; Yes, he was.
6 Were; No, I wasnt. / No, we werent.
Play the recording again. Students listen and practise.
If students are having problems producing the sounds, 8C
help them with the mouth position for each sound. 6 2 Why 3 think 4 lets 5 good 6 Where 7 meet
8 shall 9 past
// /
front of lips very 7 1st first; 5th fifth; 9th ninth; 2nd second;
rounded 3rd third; 10th tenth; 15th fifteenth;
relaxed tongue, 12th twelfth; 19th nineteenth; 20th twentieth;
lips and jaw 26th twenty-sixth; 30th thirtieth;
lips forward
31st thirty-first
jaw down 8D
8 b 1,000,000 c 673 d 4,500 e 947 f 750,000
Point out that when we make the // sound, the lips g 50,000,000 h 99,990
are very rounded and pushed forward, the front of
the tongue is down and the jaw is also down. Also
point out that // is a long sound. Progress Portfolio 8
Highlight that when we make the /
/ sound, the
mouth is slightly open and the lips, tongue and jaw See p34 for ideas on how to use this section
are in a relaxed position. Highlight that /
/ is also a inclass.
long sound. Note that this is the same mouth position
that we use for the schwa //, which is a short sound.

Vocabulary transport
9A Amazing journeys Grammar Past Simple: positive
Students Book p70p71 (regular and irregular verbs)

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews dates and was born.

Drill the words, highlighting the pronunciation of
Students do the first part of the activity on their own. Go
tuk-tuk /tk tk/ and journey /d
through the example conversation with the class. Check
students remember the question When was he/she born? b Focus students on the newspaper article and ask
and how to say months, dates and years (On June the them to cover the text. Students look at the photo,
the book cover and the map and discuss what they
second, nineteen ninety-four, etc.). Students complete the
think the article is about. This can be done in pairs
activity in pairs. or with the whole class.
c Students read the article to find out if their ideas
in 3b are correct. Check the answer with the class.
Transport (The article is about two women who travelled from
Thailand to the UK by tuk-tuk.)
1 a Students work on their own and tick the words
they know. Students then turn to Language Summary Check students know that Bangkok is the capital of
9 VOCABULARY 9.1 SB p130 to check their ideas. Check Thailand and that Brighton /braitn/ is a city in the
the words with the class. south of England.
Highlight that we can say a taxi or a cab. Also Tell students not to worry about the pink and blue
remindstudents that a bike = a bicycle. words in the text at this stage. If students ask about
them, simply say that they are all verbs in the past.
You can also teach a scooter, a ferry and a tram if
they are relevant to your students. 4 Check students remember miles. Students do the
b CD3 33 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. exercise on their own. Point out that students should
Students listen and practise. write dates, places and numbers in the table, not
complete sentences, as shown in the examples.
c Focus students on sentences 14. Students
underline the verbs in the sentences. Check answers Students compare their answers in pairs by saying
with the class (go, come, travel, walk). the dates, places and numbers to each other. Check
answers with the class. You can also ask students if
Use the sentences to highlight the difference between
they would like to do the same journey.
come (travel from another place to where you are
now) and go (travel to another place away from b May 28th 2006 c Bangkok, Thailand d Brighton,
whereyou are now). Check students understand walk. England e 12,500 f 12 g 98 h 50,000
Point out that we say by car, by bus, etc. Note that
wesay on foot not by foot. However, this phrase is
rarely used nowadays and we are more likely to use HELP WITH GRAMMAR Past Simple:
the verb walk (I usually walk to school., etc.). positive (regular and irregular verbs)
Also teach students that go by plane = fly, go by car
5 ac Focus students on the Past Simple forms in blue
= drive and go by bike = cycle.
and pink in the article. Point out the words in blue
Model and drill sentences 14 with the class. are Past Simple forms of regular verbs and the words
Highlight the difference in pronunciation between in pink are Past Simple forms of irregular verbs.
the vowel sounds in walk /wk/ and work /w
k/ in Students do the exercises on their own or in pairs,
sentence 4, which students studied in the Help with then check their answers in GRAMMAR 9.1 SB p131.
Pronunciation section in unit 8.
Check answers with the class, highlighting the
2 a Students do the exercise on their own, as shown in following points.
the example.
a To make the Past Simple of regular verbs, we
b Students do the exercise in pairs. Ask each pair to usually add -ed to the verb: wanted, started, etc.
tell the class any sentences that are the same for both For regular verbs that end in -e (like, arrive, etc.),
students. we add -d to the verb: liked, arrived, etc.
Check students understand the meaning of the
Bangkok to Brighton new verbs want, visit and arrive.
3 a Pre-teach the words in the box using pictures, Point out that the Past Simple of travel is travelled
examples, translation, etc. Note that the aim of this and the Past Simple of study is studied. This
box is to highlight which new words students need to is because travel ends in consonant + vowel +
understand the article they are about to read. consonant and study ends in consonant + -y.
However, at this level we suggest that you dont
Note that a tuk-tuk is a small motorised taxi that is overburden students with spelling rules, as they
commonly used in Asian countries, as shown in the are not asked to use any other Past Simple forms
of this type in face2face Second edition Starter.

Answers b 2 came 3 got 4 gave 5 went 6 had c CD3 35 PRONUNCIATION Focus students on the
7 left 8 met 9 told 10 wrote Past Simple forms in 5b, then play the recording (SB
Check students understand the meaning of the p112). Students listen and practise. Alternatively, drill
new verbs give, leave, meet and tell. the Past Simple forms yourself. Repeat the drill if
Point out that there are no spelling rules for necessary.
irregular verbs. You can highlight the // sound in bought
Also highlight that the Past Simple of both regular /bt/, which students studied in the Help with
and irregular verbs is the same for all subjects Pronunciation section in unit 8.
(I,you, he, she, it, we, they).
Remind students that the Past Simple of be is EXTRA IDEA
wasor were. Students work in pairs and take turns to test each
Highlight the lists of regular verbs and irregular
otheron the regular and irregular Past Simple forms
verbs in GRAMMAR 9.1 SB p131. Encourage
students to learn the irregular Past Simple forms from the lesson. One student says a verb, for example
at home. buy, and his/her partner says the Past Simple form, for
If your students are finding the lesson difficult, go through HELP WITH LISTENING
5a and 5b with the whole class, highlighting the points Present Simple or Past Simple
above. You can then point out the lists of regular and This Help with Listening section helps students to
irregular verbs in GRAMMAR 9.1 SB p131. hear the difference between Present Simple and Past
Simple verb forms.
6 a Point out that verbs 112 are all regular verbs. 7 a Focus students on sentences 13. Point out that
Students do the exercise on their own before the verbs in blue are in the Present Simple and the
comparing answers in pairs. verbs in pink are in the Past Simple.
Check answers with the class by writing them
CD3 36 Play the recording. Students listen and
on the board so students can check their spelling.
Include the answer to question 1 (visited). Leave the notice the different pronunciation of these verb
words on the board to help you check 6b. forms.
Play the recording again if necessary, asking students
1 visited 2 watched if they can hear the fi nal consonant sound ofthe Past
3 played 4 hated Simple forms.
5 walked 6 worked b CD3 37 Play the recording (SB p112). Students
7 lived 8 wanted listen and decide which they hear fi rst, the Present
9 loved 10 talked Simple or the Past Simple, as shown in the example.
11 started 12 finished Play the recording again if necessary. Check answers
with the class.
b CD3 34 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording
(SB p112). Students listen and practise. Note that 2 Present Simple (live)
students should repeat both the verb and its Past 3 Past Simple (arrived)
Simple form together (visit, visited, etc.), not 4 Present Simple (talk)
separately. 5 Present Simple (want)
Ask students which Past Simple forms end in /id/ 6 Past Simple (played)
and underline them on the board (visited, hated,
wanted, started).
Point out that the -ed ending in these words is said Around the world by bike
as an extra syllable because the verbs end in -t (visit, 8 a Focus students on the photo of Mark Beaumont.
etc.). This is also true of verbs that end in -d (needed Teach the phrase travel around the world. Ask how
/nidid/, ended /endid/, etc.), but this has not been Mark travelled around the world (by bike).
highlighted in this lesson as students havent met any Students do the exercise on their own.
of these verbs yet.
Also note that students often have difficulty b Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers
pronouncing the consonant clusters at the end of with the class. Also point out the regular verb cycle
regular Past Simple forms (watched /wtt/, worked /saikl/ in the example. You can also ask students
kt/, finished /finit/, etc.), and often mistakenly which Past Simple forms are regular and which are
say these -ed endings as extra syllables. irregular.
Play the recording again if necessary, pausing after 2 had 3 left 4 started 5 travelled
each pair of words for students to repeat chorally 6 visited 7 met 8 wrote 9 got
andindividually. 10 finished 11 went 12 told
13 was 14 raised

Get ready Get it right! EXTRA IDEA
9 Put students into groups of three or four. Ask Introduce the activity by telling the class about the last
all students to turn to SB p96. Check they are time you visited a town or city before asking them to turn
looking at the correct exercise. to SB p96.
a Students do the exercise on their own.
Remind students to put the verbs in brackets
in the Past Simple, as shown in the example. WRITING
If necessary, go through the prompts with the Students write a description of a time when they visited
class before they begin. a different town or city. You can ask them to write about
b Students practise saying their sentences on the place they discussed in 9, adding more details if
their own until they can remember them. possible, or to describe a different occasion.
c Students work in their groups and take turns
to tell each other about the last time they visited
a different town or city, using the sentences they FURTHER PRACTICE
have memorised. Encourage students to include Ph Class Activity 9A My pastp155
more information if possible.
(Instructions p124)
Students may ask each other questions about the
places they visited, but dont worry if these are Extra Practice 9A SB p105
inaccurate at this point. Note that PastSimple Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 9A
questions are taught in lesson 9B. Workbook Lesson 9A p43
d Finally, ask each student to tell the class two
things about the place they visited.

Vocabulary holiday activities

9B My last holiday Grammar Past Simple: negative,
Students Book p72p73 questions and short answers

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews the Past Simple b CD3 38 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording.
of regular and irregular verbs. Students do the first part Students listen and practise. Highlight the
of the activity on their own. Demonstrate the second part pronunciation of beach /bit/ and sightseeing
of the activity by asking students to tell you one or two of /saitsii/. Repeat the drill if necessary.
their verbs and then saying sentences with the correct Past Note that only the main stress is shown in the
Simple form, as shown in the example. Students complete vocabulary boxes and Language Summaries.
the activity in pairs. c Students do the exercise with their partners
Elicit the Past Simple forms of the verbs in
1a and write them on the board. Point out that
Holiday activities take is irregular. Drill these words with the class,
1 a Students work in pairs and tick the phrases highlighting the extra syllable in rented /rentid/.
they know, then do the exercise in VOCABULARY 9.2
SB p130. They can then compare answers in pairs. (go went take took)
Check answers with the class. stay stayed rent rented
Point out that we say go on holiday in British English travel travelled have had
and go on vacation in American English.
Check students understand go sightseeing (visit the 2 a Check students remember always, usually and
famous buildings in a town, city or country) and sometimes. Students do the exercise on their own,
travel around (travel from place to place). asshown in the examples.
Highlight the different words and phrases that b Students do the exercise in pairs.
follow the verb go: go on holiday, go to the beach, Ask students to tell the class which of their sentences
gosightseeing, go swimming, go for a walk. are also true for their partner (Nico and I sometimes
Also tell students we can rent a car or hire acar. go to the beach., etc.).
2g 3k 4d 5i 6a 7c 8f 9b 10j 11h

Favourite places 6 a Focus students on the example. Point out that
we use the verb go in the negative sentence (didnt
3 a Pre-teach the words in the box using photos,
go), but its Past Simple form in the positive sentence
defi nitions, translation, etc. Note that the aim of this
(went). Students do the exercise on their own.
box is to highlight which new words students need
inorder to understand the texts they are about to b Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers
read and listen to. with the class.
Model and drill the new words with the class,
highlighting the pronunciation of palace /plis/ 1b She didnt go sightseeing in the afternoons.
andscenery /sinri/. She went sightseeing in the mornings.
2a Charlie didnt go to Spain two years ago.
b Focus students on the photos of the people and He went to Spain last year. b He didnt stay
thetexts on SB p72, and the photos on SB p73. with friends in Valencia. He stayed in a hotel.
CD3 39 Play the recording. Students read and 3a John and Diane didnt rent bikes. They
listen, then match the people to the photos on SB p73 rented a car. b They didnt stay in a big hotel
and decide which countries the places are in. Check inCappadocia. They stayed in a small hotel.
answers with the class.
7 Ask students to cover the texts on SB p72. Students
Heidi Red Square (in Moscow, Russia) answer the questions on their own before comparing
Charlie the Alhambra (in Granada, Spain) answers in pairs. Check answers with the class.
John and Diane Cappadocia (in Turkey)
Highlight the position of with in question 2 and
c Students do the exercise on their own before tell students that it is common in English to end a
comparing answers in pairs. sentence with a preposition: Who do you live with?,
Check answers with the class. Ask students which of Where are you from?, etc.
the three places they would like to visit.
1 (She went to) Moscow/Russia. 2 (She stayed
2 Heidi 3 Charlie 4 Heidi 5 John Diane
with) some friends. 3 (He went to the beach)
6 Heidi Charlie 7 Charlie, John Diane
every afternoon. 4 No, he didnt. 5 No, they
didnt. 6 (They took) about 500 photos.


Past Simple: negative
questions and short answers
4 ab Students do the exercises on their own or
inpairs. While students are working, draw the 8 ac Students do the exercises on their own or in
table from 4a on the board. Check answers with the pairs. While they are working, draw the table
class. from 8a on the board. Check answers with the class.

Focus students on the table on the board. Elicit ab Focus students on the Wh- questions table
which words in sentences 1 and 2 in 4b go in on the board. Elicit which words in sentences 1
each column and complete the table (see the and 2 go in each column and complete the table
table in GRAMMAR 9.2 SB p131). (see the table in GRAMMAR 9.3 SB p131).
Highlight the word order in Past Simple Highlight the word order in Wh- questions:
negatives: subject + didnt + verb + . question word + did + subject + verb+ .
Point out that didnt is the contracted form of Point out that the auxiliary did has no meaning,
did not and that we usually use this form when but is used to make the Past Simple questions.
speaking and writing. Use sentence 2 to highlight that we often use a
Also point out that we use didnt with all noun after How many ?: How many photos
subjects (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) and with did they take?.
all verbs except be. Point out that we use did with all subjects
Highlight that we use the verb in negative (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) and with all verbs
sentences, not its Past Simple form: I didnt stay except be.
in a hotel. not I didnt stayeded in a hotel., etc. Highlight that we use the verb in questions, not
Remind students that the Past Simple negative its Past Simple form: Where did Heidi go? not
of be is wasnt or werent, not didnt be. Where did Heidi went?.
Remind students that we dont use did in
questions with was and were: Where were you?
5 CD3 40 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Students
not Where did you be?, etc.
listen and practise the sentences in 4. Check that
students copy the sentence stress correctly. Also point c Answers Did he go swimming? Yes, he did.
out that didnt is always stressed because it has a No, he didnt. Did they visit Turkey last year?
negative meaning. Yes, they did. No, they didnt.

Use the table to highlight the word order in
Past Simple yes/no questions: Get ready Get it right!
Did + subject + verb + . 11 a Focus students on the example. Check
Point out that, as with other forms of the Past students understand that When did you last go
Simple, the form of yes/no questions and short on holiday? asks about your most recent holiday
answers is the same for all subjects (I, you, he, (the one nearest to now).
she, it, we, they).
Students do the exercise on their own. Check
the questions with the class. Drill the questions
EXTRA IDEA if necessary.
Ask students to turn to GRAMMAR 9.3 SB p131. Focus Where did you go?
students on the final TIP. Use the table below the TIP to What did you do there?
highlight the difference between negative and question Who did you go with?
forms in the Present Simple and Past Simple. Point out Where did you stay?
that only the auxiliary in pink changes (dont/doesnt How did you travel around?
didnt, do/does did). Did you have a good time?

b Ask students to think about their last holiday

9 CD3 41 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Students and answer the questions in 11a for themselves.
listen and practise. Check that students copy the Students can make brief notes if necessary or
sentence stress correctly. If necessary, play the just answer the questions in their heads. Tell
recording again, pausing after each sentence for students not to write complete sentences. Note
students to repeat individually. that this stage will help prepare students with
10 Put students into pairs, student A and student B. ideas to talk about in 12a.
Student As turn to SB p90 and student Bs turn to 12 a Put students into pairs, student A and
SB p95. Check they are all looking at the correct student B. If possible, ask students to work with
exercise. someone they dont know very well. Student
a Focus students on the photos of Heidi and Charlie A in each pair asks his or her partner all the
and ask students where they went on holiday last questions from 11a. Students then swap roles
year (Russia and Spain). Check students understand so that student B asks all his or her questions.
the phrase buy presents. Encourage students to give more information
Students do the exercise on their own. ifpossible.
If necessary, check the questions with the whole b Finally, ask a few students to tell the class
class. Note that the questions are the same for about their partners holiday.
student As and student Bs, apart from he/she and
his/her. EXTRA IDEA

Student A/Student B 2 Did she/he visit any Use the photocopiable Class Activity 9B What did
museums? 3 What did she/he do in the you do on holiday? p156p157 (Instructions p124)
evenings? 4 How did she/he travel around? as an alternative way to finish the lesson. This
5 Did she/he buy any presents? might be appropriate if you have a young class, or
your students are unlikely to have been on holiday.
b Students work with their partners. Student A in
each pair asks his/her questions from a about Heidi.
Before they begin, tell student Bs that the answers
are in column C of their table and remind them to WRITING
use the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets in
Students write about their last holiday, as discussed in
their answers. Student As should write the answers in
column B of their table. 12. Alternatively, ask students to imagine they went on
their perfect holiday last month. Students write a short
c Students swap roles so that student B in each pair description of their holiday.
asks his/her questions from a about Charlie. Students
can then compare tables and check their partners
answers. Check answers with the class if necessary.
Student A 1 She went for a walk. 2 Yes, she did. Ph Class Activity 9B What did you do on holiday?
3 She had dinner with her friends. 4 She went by p156p157 (Instructions p124)
bus and taxi. 5 No, she didnt.
Extra Practice 9B SB p105
Student B 1 He went sightseeing. 2 No, he didnt.
3 He had dinner in his hotel. 4 He rented a car. Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 9B
5 Yes, he did. Workbook Lesson 9B p44

Vocabulary at the station
A weekend away Real World buying train tickets;
Students Book p74p75 asking about last weekend

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews holiday activities and 5 a Students do the exercise in pairs, taking turns to
the Past Simple. Students do the first part of the activity on be the customer. Ask students to practise a few times
their own before comparing lists in pairs. Students then talk in each role and encourage them to memorise the
about their favourite holiday with their partner. At the end conversation.
of the activity, you can ask a few students to tell the class b Ask students to close their books. Students
about their (or their partners) favourite holiday. practise the conversation in pairs.
You can ask one or two pairs to role-play the
conversation for the class.
At the station EXTRA IDEA
1 a Focus students on the photos. Students do the Write answers ae in 5a on the board so that students
exercise in pairs. Check answers with the class.
dont have to remember the place, price, train times and
Point out that a single = a single ticket and a return
= a return ticket. However, we rarely say ticket with platform number when they practise the conversation
these words. with their books closed.

a single 5; a return 6; a ticket office 2; 6 a Ask students to cover the conversation in 3.

a ticket machine 3; a platform 4 Students do the exercise on their own.
b CD3 42 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. b CD3 45 Play the recording. Students listen and
Students listen and practise. check their answers. Check answers with the class.
2 Focus students on the photo of Sally at the ticket 1 to 2 Thats 3 your 4 next 5 at
office, and point out that she was the teacher in the 6 Which 7 does 8 At 9 a lot
language school in lesson 1C.
VIDEO 9.1 CD3 43 Play the video or audio 7 Put students into new pairs, student A and student
recording (SB p112). Students watch or listen and B. Student As turn to SB p90 and student Bs turn
write down where Sally wants to go and how much to SB p95. Check they are all looking at the correct
her ticket is. Check answers with the class. exercise.
Note that all the Real World videos can be found on
a Tell student As that they are customers and
the Teachers DVD at the back of this book.
student Bs that they are ticket sellers. Give students
Sally wants to go to London. a few moments to read the information in the table.
Her ticket is 46.70. Point out that student As must buy two different
pairs of tickets. Tell the class that the time is now
REAL WORLD Buying train tickets Students work with their partners. Student As buy
two returns to Bath and fill in the gaps in the fi rst
3 Focus students on the flow chart and give them time row of the table. Remind students to use language
to read the conversation. from 3 in their conversations.
VIDEO 9.1 CD3 43 Play the video or audio Student As then buy two singles to Bristol and fi ll in
recording again. Students listen and fill in the gaps in the gaps in the second row of the table.
the conversation. Students compare answers in pairs.
Check answers with the class. b Students swap roles so that student Bs are
customers and student As are ticket sellers. Give
Go through the sentences in the flow chart with the students time to read the information in the second
class and check students understand them. Point table. Tell students that Leeds is a city in the north
out the new phrases come back, the next train and ofEngland.
Which platform?.
Students work with their partners. Student Bs buy
two returns to Leeds and fill in the gaps in the fi rst
a London b 46.70 c 10.23 d platform
row of the table.
e 3 f London g 11.56
Student Bs then buy two singles to Manchester and
fill in the gaps in the second row of the table.
4 CD3 44 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Students
listen and practise. Check that students copy the At the end of the activity, ask students to compare
sentence stress and polite intonation correctly. tables and check the information is correct. You can
Play the recording again ifnecessary, pausing after also ask one or two pairs to role-play a conversation
each sentence or question for students to repeat for the class.

Last weekend Point out that in question 2, we can also say
8 a Focus students on the photo of Rob and Sally. What did you do last weekend? if we are
Tellthe class that its now Monday morning and asking the question later in the week.
Sally is talking to another teacher, Rob, about her You can teach Nothing special. as a possible
trip to London. answer to question 2.
Focus students on photos AD and check students With a strong class, you can also teach students
know that they are all famous places in London. How was your weekend? as an alternative to
Teach the pronunciation of Leicester /lest/ Square. question 1. Note that we only ask this question
If necessary, tell the class that the West End is in on Mondays, not on other days in the week.
the centre of London and is very popular with
tourists because there are a lot of theatres, cinemas, 10 CD3 47 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording (SB p113).
restaurants and cafs. Also check your students know Students listen and practise. Check students copy the
the famous musical Les Misrables. sentence stress correctly.
VIDEO 9.2 CD3 46 Play the video or audio Play the recording again, pausing after each sentence
recording (SB p112). Students watch or listen and for students to repeat individually. Alternatively, ask
put photos AD in the order that Sally and Rob talk students to turn to Audio Script CD3 47 SB p113,
about them. which has the stress marked on the sentences. Play
Check answers with the class. the recording again. Students listen, read and practise
the sentences.
1B 2C 3D 4A
11 a Students work on their own and make notes about
b Students work in pairs and try to choose the things they did last weekend, as in the examples.
correct words or phrases, based on what they can Encourage students to write at least six things. While
remember from the conversation. Do not check they are working, monitor and help students with
answers at this stage. any new vocabulary they need.
c Play the video or audio recording again. Students b Students do the exercise in pairs, as shown in the
watch or listen and check their answers. Check speech bubbles. Before they begin, remind students to
answers with the class. use questions from 9 and point out that they can ask
their own questions as well. Also encourage students
2 Saturday 3 enjoyed 4 Her brother to give more information if possible when answering
5 some friends 6 Turkish the questions.
While they are working, monitor and help students
EXTRA IDEA with any communication problems.
c Finally, ask a few students to tell the class one
If you feel this How much can you remember? approach thing their partner did at the weekend.
istoo challenging for your class, give students time to
read sentences 16, then play VIDEO 9.2 CD3 46 EXTRA IDEA
again. Students watch or listen and choose thecorrect
Begin the activity in 11a by inviting students to ask you
about what you did last weekend.

REAL WORLD Asking about last weekend WRITING

9 Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs. Students write a description of what they did last
Check answers and go through the following points weekend, based on the notes they made in 11a.
with the class.

Answers 2 What 3 Where 4 do 5 good FURTHER PRACTICE

6 did 7 you
Check students remember that questions 17 Ph Vocabulary Plus 9 Irregular verbsp175
are all in the Past Simple. Point out that we ask (Instructions p166)
these questions to find out what someone did Extra Practice 9C SB p105
last weekend. Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 9C
Highlight the word order in the questions:
(question word) + did + you + verb + ? Workbook Lesson 9C p46
Ask students what the short answers are for
Past Simple yes/no questions (Yes, I did./
No, I didnt.). Point out that when answering
question 1, we would usually say Yes, I did,
thanks. not just Yes, I did.

VOCABULARY Vocabulary question words
9D AND SKILLS Who, what, when? Skills Reading: a quiz;
Listening: How many did
Students Book p76p77 Iget right?

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews Past Simple yes/ HELP WITH VOCABULARY
no questions. Students do the activity in pairs. At the end of Question words
the activity, ask each pair to tell the class one thing that they
both did yesterday.
4 Focus students on the words in pink in the quiz.
Students do the exercise on their own, then compare
answers in pairs. Check answers with the class.

Answers What = a thing When = a time

1 a Pre-teach the vocabulary in the box using
Where = a place Why = a reason How = old age
defi nitions, examples or pictures from the quiz.
How many = a number How much = an amount
Point out that we say the Earth and the moon, and of money
that Earth is often spelt with a capital letter. Also Point out that we also use What time ? to ask
check students understand that we earn money by about a time:
doing a job. A What time do you go to bed?
Model and drill the words, highlighting the /
/ B At half past eleven.
sound in Earth /
/ and earn /
n/. Highlight that we usually answer Why ?
b Students do the quiz in pairs. Set a time limit of questions with Because :
five minutes. Do not check answers at this stage. A Why are you tired?
B Because I got up at 5a.m.
2 Tell the class they are going to listen to two people Use question 7 to remind students that we often
doing the quiz. Check students understand that they use a noun after How many ?: How many
must listen and tick the correct answers in the quiz, countries are there in Africa?.
not the answers that Mark gives on the recording. Note that the difference between What and
CD3 48 Play the recording. Students listen and tick Which is dealt with in face2face Second edition
the correct answers to the quiz questions. Elementary. We suggest you dont focus on the
Ask students to compare answers in pairs and to difference here.
work out how many answers they got right. Check
answers with the class. Find out if any pairs got all 5 a Pre-teach spend (money) on something (food,
the answers right. clothes, CDs, etc.).
Students do the exercise on their own. Check answers
1a 2c 3b 4c 5b 6a 7c 8c with the class.

2 What 3 How old 4 How many

HELP WITH LISTENING 5 Who 6 Why 7 Where 8 When
Sentence stress (3) 9 How many 10 How much
This Help with Listening section reviews sentence
stress in the context of an informal conversation. b Focus students on the speech bubbles and check
students remember that When did you last (go to the
3 a Focus students on the beginning of Jackie and cinema)? asks about the most recent time they did
Marks conversation. this (the time nearest to now).
CD3 48 Play the beginning of the recording again. Students do the exercise in pairs. Encourage students
Students listen and notice the sentence stress. to ask more questions if possible. While they are
Remind students that we stress the important words working, monitor and help with any communication
(the words that carry the meaning). problems.
You can use the sentences to highlight what types You can ask a few students to tell the class anything
of word are stressed (names, verbs, nouns, question interesting they found out about their partner.
words, etc.) and what types of word are not usually
6 a Students do the exercise on their own. Before
stressed (auxiliaries, pronouns, prepositions,
they begin, point out that these questions can be in
the Present Simple or the Past Simple. While they
b Ask students to turn to Audio Script CD3 48 SB are working, monitor and check their questions for
p113, which has all the sentence stress marked. Play accuracy.
the whole recording again. Students listen, read and
b Put students into new pairs. If possible, ask
follow the sentence stress. Students should also fi nd
students to work with someone they dont know very
out how many questions Mark got right.
well. Students take turns to ask their questions, again
Check the answer with the class. asking more questions if possible.
Mark got three questions right questions 4, 5 and 8. c Finally, ask students to tell the class two things
they found out about their partner.

While they are working, write the words on the
Students work in pairs and write four questions to ask board so that you can check their answers.
you. Allow students to ask you the questions and try to b CD3 51 Play the recording. Students listen and
give honest answers if possible! check their answers. Check answers with the class
by eliciting students answers and putting ticks or
crosses next to the words on the board.
FURTHER PRACTICE Play the recording again. Students listen and practise.
Ph Class Activity 9D Money, money, moneyp158
Ph Students can then practise saying the words in pairs.
p159 (Instructions p125)
Extra Practice 9 SB p105 friend first doctor green morning
radio sport park right theatre
Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 9D fruit start tomorrow great terrible
Workbook Lesson 9D p47
Workbook Reading and Writing Portfolio 9 p68p69
Ph Progress Test 9 p189

HELP WITH PRONUNCIATION /l/ and /r/ Focus students on the continue2learn section on
SBp77. See p33 of this book for ideas on how to
1 Focus students on the phonemes /l/ and /r/, the usethis section in class.
pictures and the words.
CD3 49 Play the recording. Students listen to the
sounds and the words. Point out that l in leave
is pronounced with a /l/ sound and rr in arrive is
pronounced with a /r/ sound.
Extra Practice 9 SB p105
See p34 for ideas on how to use this section in class.
Play the recording again. Students listen and practise.
If students are having problems, help them with the
mouth position for each sound.
1 2 a plane 3 a bike / a bicycle 4 a car 5 a boat
tongue touches
/l/ /r/ 6 a bus 7 a motorbike 8 a train
end of tongue
roof of mouth curved back 2a leave left; watch watched; have had;
behind write wrote; start started; buy bought;
top teeth
meet met; play played; go went.
Watch, start and play are regular verbs.
air passes sides
2b 2 left 3 started 4 had 5 bought 6 met
of tongue 7 watched 8 played 9 wrote 10 went

Point out that we make the /l/ sound by touching 9B

the roof of the mouth behind the top teeth with 3 rent a car; stay in a hotel; take photos; go
the tongue, so that the air passes either side of the swimming; go for a walk; go to the beach;
tongue. Also highlight that /l/ is a voiced sound stay with friends; go sightseeing; travel around
(thereis vibration in the throat). 4 2 She didnt tell me her surname. 3 I wasnt at
school yesterday. 4 He didnt come home last
We make the /r/ sound by pointing the tip of the
night. 5 We werent in Poland in 2012.
tongue upwards and backwards, but the tongue
6 They didnt like the food.
does not touch the roof of the mouth. There is some
5 2 Did 3 did 4 was 5 Was 6 wasnt 7 were 8 did
contact between the sides of the tongue and the teeth.
9 didnt 10 Were 11 werent 12 were 13 did
Point out that /r/ is also a voiced sound (there is
vibration in the throat). 9C
6 2 come 3 back 4 Thats 5 ticket 6 next
2 CD3 50 Focus students on the boxes. Play the 7 Theres 8 platform 9 Platform 10 arrive
recording. Students listen and notice how we say the
pink and blue consonants.
7 2 Who is your favourite actor? 3 How
Play the recording again. Students listen and practise. many children do you have? 4 Where were
3 a Tell the class that sometimes we dont say the letter you born? 5 How old is your car? 6 How
r in standard British English, particularly after certain much was your jacket? 7 What did you buy
vowel sounds like // and //, or at the end of a word. yesterday? 8 Why are you tired?
Highlight that we always pronounce rr (double r).
Also point out that in standard American English the Progress Portfolio 9
letter r is always pronounced.
Focus students on the examples in the box. Point out See p33 for ideas on how to use this section
that we say the r in friend, but not the r in first. inclass.
Students do the exercise on their own or in pairs.

10A Life changes Vocabulary future plans; future time phrases
Students Book p78p79 Grammar be going to: positive and negative

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews question words A world language

and question forms. Write these question words on the
board: Who, What, When, Where, Why, How old, How many,
2 a Focus students on the photos of the four people
and the texts. Tell the class that these people all study
How much. Students do the first part of the activity in pairs.
English in different parts of the world.
Students can write questions in the Present Simple or the
CD3 53 Play the recording. Students listen, read
Past Simple. Put students into pairs. Students complete the
anddecide where each person studies English.
activity in groups of four, as shown in the examples. Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers
with the class.
If students ask you the meaning of m/re/is going to
Future plans in the texts, you can simply say that these sentences
are about the future and that students are going to
1 a Focus students on the diagram and highlight the study be going to later in the lesson.
example start. Point out that we can say start school,
start university or start a new job. Isabella studies English at university. Kamil studies
Students do the exercise in pairs before checking in English at school. Ali studies English at a language
Language Summary 10 VOCABULARY 10.1 SB p132. school in London. Colette studies English online.
Check answers with the class.
Point out that in this lesson, start/leave school or b Students do the exercise on their own.
university are used to mean start or fi nish our c Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers
education at that place, rather than the time that with the class.
people begin classes or leave the building as part of
their daily routine. Also highlight that we say start 2 Kamil 3 Ali 4 Colette 5 Kamil 6 Ali 7 Isabella
school, etc. not start the school, etc.
Point out the difference between start a new job and EXTRA IDEA
look for a new job.
Also highlight that we say do a (computer) course/ Put students into pairs, student A and student B. Student
an exam, not make a (computer) course/an exam. As read the texts about Isabella and Kamil and circle all
Elicit other types of course people do, for example, the phrases from 1a they can find. Student Bs do the
do an English course, do a film course, do a business same for the texts about Ali and Colette. Students then
course, etc. Note that we can also say take an exam. compare answers with their partners.
Check that students understand the difference
between get engaged and get married.
Establish that move house means go and live in a HELP WITH GRAMMAR
different house or flat, and that we say move house be going to: positive and negative
not move a house or move fl at.
Point out that we also say look for a house/a fl at not 3 ac Students do the exercises on their own or in
look for house/fl at. pairs. Early fi nishers can check in GRAMMAR 10.1 SB
p133. While students are working, draw the tables
Highlight that we can also say move to + city or
from 3b on the board. Check answers with the class.
country: move to London, move to the USA, etc.
a We use be going to + verb to talk about future
leave school or university/your job
do a (computer) course/an exam
Use the sentences in 2b to help students
move house/to another city or country
understand what we mean by a future plan.
get engaged/married
While there are various different ways to express
look for a house or a flat/a (new) job
the future in English, we feel that be going to
b CD3 52 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. is the most useful for Starter students and is
Students listen and practise. Note that each phrase likely to be correct in the majority of situations,
is said separately on the recording (start school, particularly when talking about future plans.
start university, etc.). Highlight the pronunciation of bc Focus students on the tables on the board.
university /juniv
sti/, course /ks/ and engaged Elicit which sentences in 3c go in each table
/in eidd/. Repeat the drill if necessary, pausing and write the words in each sentence in the
after each phrase for students to repeat individually. appropriate columns (see GRAMMAR 10.1 SB p133).
c Students do the activity in new pairs, as shown Focus students on the POSITIVE table. Ask
in the speech bubbles. Remind students that we can students when the people decided to do these
sometimes use more than one verb with some nouns things, now or before now (before now).
(start school, leave school, etc.).

Point out that we say tonight not this night, and
Highlight the word order in positive and negative
that we can say tomorrow morning, tomorrow
sentences with be going to:
afternoon, tomorrow evening and tomorrow night.
subject + be (+ not) + going to + verb + .
Point out that be changes according to the subject Highlight that we use next in these phrases: next
and whether the sentence is positive or negative: weekend, next week, next month, next year.
(+) Im, youre, hes, shes, its, were, theyre Point out that we also use in with months (in
() Im not, you arent, he/she/it isnt, we arent, December, etc.) and years (in 2025, etc.) to refer to
they arent. the future. We can also use next with months (next
Point out that we can also use the alternative June, etc.) and days (next Monday, etc.).
negative forms youre not, hes not, etc. Highlight that we can also use on with days to refer
Also highlight that with the verb go we usually to the future (on Monday, etc.).
say Im going to the cinema. not Im going to Tell students that it is very common to use a
go to the cinema., but that both sentences are futuretime phrase in sentences or questions with
correct. begoing to.

4 Focus students on the example drill. Highlight the in June next year 5; next month 4; in 2025 6;
sentence stress and the weak form of to /t/. tomorrow morning 2; next week 3
CD3 54 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording (SB p113).
b Students do the activity on their own, as shown
Students listen and practise. Check students copy the
in the example. While students are working, monitor
sentence stress and the weak form of to correctly.
and check their sentences for accuracy.
Play the recording again, pausing after each sentence
for students to practise individually. c Students work in pairs and take turns to tell each
other their sentences. Encourage students to give
5 a Students do the exercise on their own. more information if possible.
b Students compare answers in pairs and decide Ask each student to tell the class one of their
which sentences are negative. Check answers with sentences.
theclass if necessary.

Isabella hes going to be a doctor.; Were going to Get ready Get it right!
get married ; we arent going to live in So Paulo 8 Students do the exercise on their own. Tell
(negative); were going to move to Rio. students to write phrases, as in the examples,
Kamil Im going to leave school ; Im not not complete sentences with be going to.
going to start university (negative); Im going Students should write six things in total, one
to do a computer course ; Im going to look for each time phrase (after class, tomorrow
for a job evening, next Sunday, etc.).
Ali my sister is going to visit me ; were
going to travel around the UK. She isnt going to 9 a Put students into groups of three or four.
stay here for very long (negative); Im going to Students take turns to talk about their plans,
start a new job using their phrases from 8. Students make a
Colette Im going to do an exam ; theyre note of any plans that are the same for more
going to move to Paris ; Olivers going to leave than one student in the group.
his job ; were going to move to Sydney! Students may try to ask questions with be going
to at this stage, but dont worry if these are
6 a Students do the exercise on their own. Remind inaccurate at this point. Note that questions
students to use contracted forms of be (m, s, re) in with be going to are taught in lesson 10B.
positive sentences. b Finally, ask students to tell the class about
b Students compare answers in pairs, then match the their groups plans, as in the speech bubble.
sentences to the people in the photos. Check answers
with the class.
1b s going to stay (Ali) 2a re not / arent going to
Students write about their future plans, and those of
look for 2b re going to buy (Colette) 3a s going to
their family and friends. Encourage students to give more
leave 3b re not / arent going to have (Isabella) 4a
m going to do 4b m not going to look for (Kamil) information about each person or plan if possible.

Future time phrases FURTHER PRACTICE

7 a Students do the exercise on their own before Extra Practice 10A SB p106
comparing answers in pairs. Check answers with Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 10A
theclass. Workbook Lesson 10A p48

Vocabulary phrases with have,
watch, go, go to
10B A new start Grammar be going to: questions and
Students Book p80p81 short answers

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews vocabulary for future

Possible answers
plans and be going to. Write these verbs on the board:
have breakfast, lunch, children, a brother, a sister,
start, leave, do, move, get, look for. Students do the first a car, a computer, a laptop, etc.
part of the activity on their own. Put students into pairs to watch a DVD, a video, a TV programme,
compare phrases. Students complete the activity in pairs, a soap opera, a horror film, football, tennis, etc.
asshown in the example. Remind students to use be going go sightseeing, home, on holiday, for a walk,
to in their sentences. At the end of the activity, you can ask skiing, dancing, out with friends, etc.
one or two students to tell the class about some of their go to a concert, the theatre, a museum, the beach,
future plans. work, school, university, bed, etc.

Phrases with have, watch, go, go to Write the phrases (but not the verbs) from the Possible
1 a Focus students on the coloured boxes and answers box above in random order on a handout. Give
highlight the verbs have, watch, go and go to. each student a copy of the handout. Students work in
Students do the exercise in pairs, then check their pairs and decide which verb goes with each word or
answers in VOCABULARY 10.3 SB p132. Check answers phrase. Check answers on the board as in 1c.
with the class.
Point out the difference between have a party (its your 2 a Students do the exercise on their own. Students
party) and go to a party (its another persons party). can use phrases from 1a or those on the board.
Also point out that we dont say make a party.
Highlight the in these phrases: watch the news, go to b Students do the exercise in pairs. Ask each student
the cinema and go to the gym. to tell the class one of their true sentences.
You can also tell the class that we say the news to
refer to what is happening in the world and also for a Future plans
type of TV or radio programme. Also point out that 3 a Focus students on the photo on SB p81. Ask
the news takes a singular verb: The news is on at students where Rosie, Andy and Jason are (in a pub).
10.00. not The news are on at 10.00. CD3 56 Play the recording (SB p113). Students listen
Establish that we usually use go with verb+ing forms: and decide what Rosie, Andy and Jason are going to
go shopping, go swimming, go running, etc. You can do on Friday.
also point out the double letters in these verb+ing Check the answer with the class. (Theyre going to
forms. Note that this is because the verbs shop, swim have dinner together in a restaurant.)
and run end in consonant + vowel + consonant
(see VOCABULARY 7.2 SB p126). b Check students know where South Africa is. Give
students time to read questions 16.
have coffee with friends, a party Play the recording again. Students listen and answer
watch TV, the news, sport on TV the questions. Students compare answers in pairs.
go shopping, swimming, running Check answers with the class.
go to the cinema, the gym, a party
1 Next month. 2 Hes going to work for a travel
b CD3 55 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. company (in Cape Town). 3 Yes, she is. 4 Theyre
Students listen and practise. Repeat the drill if going to live in Rosie and her husbands flat. 5 No,
necessary, pausing after each phrase for students they arent. 6 Hes going to (go to) the cinema.
torepeat individually.
c Students do the exercise with their partners
from1a, as shown in the examples.
While students are working, draw a table with be going to: questions and short answers
four columns on the board. Write have, watch, go 4 ac Students do the exercises on their own or in
and go to at the top of the columns. pairs. Early fi nishers can check their answers in
Elicit students ideas and write correct phrases in the GRAMMAR 10.2 SB p133.
appropriate column on the board for other students While students are working, draw the table from
to copy. Leave the phrases on the board to help 4a on the board. Check answers with the class.
students with 2a.

d Put students into new pairs. Students take turns to
ab Focus students on the table on the board. talk about their partner in 5c.
Elicit which words in questions 1 and 2 in 4b
go in each column and complete the table (see Ask students to tell the class two things they found
the table in GRAMMAR 10.2 SB p133). out about their fi rst partner.
Highlight the word order in Wh- questions
with be going to: question word + be + subject
+ going to + verb + . Get ready Get it right!
c Answers Are you going to see a film? Yes, 6 Focus students on the prompts. Students do the
I am. / No, Im not.; Is she going to look for a exercise on their own.
job? Yes, she is. / No, she isnt.; Are you going If necessary, check and drill the questions
to sell your flat? Yes, we are. / No, we arent.; with the class. Also remind students that for
Are they going to have a party? Yes, they are. / questions with go, we can say Are you going
No, they arent. to go shopping on Saturday? or Are you going
Use the questions in the first column to shopping on Saturday?, etc. and that both forms
highlight that the word order in yes/no of the question are correct. Also point out the
questions with be going to is the same as for alternative questions Are you going to have a
Wh- questions, but without the question word. party next weekend? and Are you going to go to
Highlight that we only use a form of the verb a party next weekend?
be in the short answers, not going to.
Also point out that the short answers are the Are you going to watch TV tonight?
same as for yes/no questions with the verb be Are you going to (go to) the cinema
(Are you British?, Is she a doctor?, etc.). thisweek?
Remind students that we can also say the short Are you going to have coffee with
answers No, hes not., No, shes not., No, were friends after class?
not. and No, theyre not. Are you going (to go) swimming or
runningnext weekend?
EXTRA IDEA Are you going to (go to) the gym
Ask students to look at Audio Script CD3 56 SB p113. Are you going to have/go to a party
Play the recording again. Students listen, read and nextweekend?
underline all the questions and sentences with be going Are you going to have dinner with
to. Students can then compare answers in pairs. friendson Saturday evening?

7 a Students move around the room and ask

5 a Students do the exercise on their own. their questions from 6, or ask as many people
b CD3 57 Play the recording (SB p113). Students as they can sitting near them. When they fi nd a
listen and check their answers. Check answers with student who answers yes, they write the persons
the class. name next to the question. Students then ask
PRONUNCIATION Focus students on the example drill. one more question, as shown in the speech
Highlight the sentence stress and the weak form of bubbles. Students should try and fi nd a different
to /t/. Play the recording again. Students listen and person who answers yes for each question.
practise. b Finally, ask a few students to tell the class
Alternatively, ask students to turn to Audio Script about one students plans.
CD3 57 SB p113, where the stress in the questions
is marked. Play the recording again. Students listen, EXTRA IDEA
read and copy the sentence stress as shown in the When students have finished 7a, put them into
Students Book.
pairs. Students take turns to tell each other about
2 What are you going to do after class? other students plans.
3 When are you going to do your homework?
4 What time are you going to get up tomorrow?
5 Where are you going to have dinner tomorrow FURTHER PRACTICE
6 Where are you going to go on holiday next year? Ph Class Activity 10B Guess your partners future
p160 (Instructions p125)
c Students do the activity in pairs. Before they Ph Vocabulary Plus 10 Weatherp176
begin, remind students to make notes on their (Instructions p166)
partners answers as they will need them when they
talk to a different student in 5d. Extra Practice 10B SB p106
Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 10B
Workbook Lesson 10B p49

rEAL Vocabulary adjectives (3): feelings
10C wORLD Good luck! Real World saying goodbye and
Students Book p82p83 good luck

QUICK REVIEW This activity reviews phrases with have, b Students work in pairs and take turns to say their
watch, go, go to. Students do the first part of the activity sentences to each other. You can also ask students to
in pairs. You can set a time limit of two or three minutes. tick any sentences that are the same.
Then put students into groups of four with another pair. Ask a few students to tell the class one or two things
Students compare lists and find out who has more phrases. they found out about their partner.
If necessary, check students ideas by asking one pair to tell
the class their phrases and eliciting other possible phrases See you soon!
from the rest of the class. 3 a Focus students on photos AC. Ask students
where the people are. You can also ask students
whatthey know about the people in the photos.
How do you feel? A Sally is at a station and she is talking to her
1 a Focus students on pictures 18. Students do brother Chris, who is standing in the street
the exercise in pairs, then check their answers in somewhere in London. Sally is the teacher from
VOCABULARY 10.4 SB p132. lesson 1C, and in lesson 9C she bought a train
Check answers with the class, using the situations in ticket to London to go and visit Chris for the
the pictures to clarify meaning if necessary. weekend.
Point out that the opposite of happy is sad or B Danny and Karen are in a caf called Caf
unhappy. Pronto. In lesson 8C, Karen gave Danny a
present for his birthday and they decided to
Use the TIP to highlight that we can use the verbs
go to the cinema that evening to see a Johnny
be or feel with these adjectives: Im excited. =
Depp film.
I feel excited., etc.
C Dorota and Khalid are in a language school.
Depending on your students fi rst language, you may They were two of the students in Sallys class in
want to point out that excited is a positive adjective, lesson 1C.
and that we feel excited before something good or
interesting happens (a holiday, a party, a concert, b Ask students to close their books to avoid them
etc.). We feel nervous /n
vs/ before something reading the conversations in 4a at this stage of the
we are worried about or dont want to do (an exam, lesson.
speaking in public, a driving test, etc.). VIDEO 10 CD3 59 Play the video or audio recording.
You can also point out that the woman in picture 5 Students watch or listen and fi nd out when the people
is bored because the man is boring (which students are going to see each other again.
learned in lesson 8A). However, we suggest that you Note that all the Real World videos can be found on
dont focus on the difference between -ed and -ing the Teachers DVD at the back of this book.
adjectives too much at this level.
With a strong class you can also teach thirsty /
sti/ 4 a Students work in pairs and try to choose the
and frightened /fraitnd/. Note that frightened is a correct words or phrases, based on what they can
synonym of scared. remember from the conversations. Do not check
answers at this stage.
tired 7; happy 1; sad 2; bored 5; b VIDEO 10 CD3 59 Play the video or audio
scared 8; hungry 6; angry 4 recording again. Students watch or listen and check
b CD3 58 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. their answers to 4a. Check answers with the class.
Students listen and practise. Alternatively, model and
2 journey 3 London 4 two 5 ten 6 this 7 day
drill the words yourself.
8 driving test 9 course 10 September 11 job
Highlight the difference in pronunciation between
hungry /h ri/ and angry / ri/. Also point out
that scared /sked/ is one syllable, not two. Repeat REAL WORLD
the drill if necessary. Saying goodbye and goodluck
c Focus students on the speech bubbles and 5 a Students do the exercise on their own, then
highlight the use of Whos ? in the question. compare answers in pairs.
Students do the activity in new pairs.
Check answers with the class.
2 a Check students remember always, usually,
sometimes and never. Drill these words with the class
if necessary. Students do the exercise on their own.

c Students practise the conversations in pairs. While
Answers 2 lot 3 September 4 see 5 job 6 much
students are working, monitor and check they are
Highlight the new phrase Good luck and the
saying the phrases with correct stress and that they
preposition in Good luck with your new job.
sound cheerful and interested.
Check students understand that Thanks a lot.
and Thanks very much. mean the same. EXTRA IDEA
b Students do the exercise in pairs, as shown in Before doing 7c, play CD3 61 again, pausing after each
the example. Early fi nishers can check answers in sentence for students to repeat chorally and individually.
REAL WORLD 10.1 SB p133.
Students can then practise the conversations in pairs.
Check answers with the class.

Answers Have a good holiday/day/weekend/

birthday/time. 8 a Students do the exercise on their own. Ask
See you in two hours/this evening/on Monday/ students not to write anything at this stage.
soon/later. b Ask students to move around the room and
Good luck with your driving test/exam/new talk about their plans with other students. Remind
school/English test. students to use Im going to to talk about their
Check students remember journey and remind plans, and to respond to other peoples plans with
them that a journey is in one direction only. phrases from 5 (Have a good time., etc.). Encourage
You can compare this to a trip, which is when students to have natural conversations and ask
you travel to a place and come back again. You questions or give more information as necessary.
can also teach the phrase Have a good trip!. Alternatively, students can do the activity in groups.
Tell students we can also say Good luck in
Finally, ask students to tell the class about any
your (exam, new job, etc.).
interesting or exciting plans they talked about.
6 CD3 60 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording (SB EXTRA IDEAS
p113). Students listen and practise the sentences
in 4. Highlight the /
/ sounds in journey /d
ni/ Introduce or conclude the activity in 8 by talking about
and birthday /b
dei/, which students studied in your own future plans.
the Help with Pronunciation section in unit 8. Also As a non-personalised alternative to the speaking activity
encourage students to copy the interested intonation in 8, use Class Activity 10C After the course p161
on the recording. Repeat the drill if necessary. (Instructions p126).
You can ask students to turn to Audio Script
CD3 60 SB p113, where the stress is marked on all
phrases. Play the recording again. Students listen, FURTHER PRACTICE
read and copy the stress. Ph Class Activity 10C After the coursep161
7 a Students do the exercise on their own. (Instructions p126)
b CD3 61 Play the recording (SB p113). Students Extra Practice 10 SB p106
listen and check their answers. Self-study DVD-ROM Lesson 10C
Check answers with the class. Workbook Lesson 10C p51
Workbook Reading and Writing Portfolio 10 p70p71
A Ph Progress Test 10 p190p191 (note that this is a
ALAN What are you going to do after work? two-page test with a listening section)
JANE Im going to have dinner with friends.
ALAN Oh, nice. Have a good time.
JANE Thanks a lot. And good luck with your
ALAN Thanks very much. See you tomorrow.
JANE Yes, see you. Bye!
RYAN Im going to go on holiday next week.
LILY Really? Where are you going?
RYAN To Edinburgh, in Scotland.
LILY Well, have a good holiday.
RYAN Thanks. Oh, and good luck with your
LILY Thanks a lot.

HELP WITH PRONUNCIATION b Students do the exercise in pairs. Encourage
Vowel sounds review students to say each sentence at least three times.
Finally, ask each student to say one sentence for
1 Focus students on the table and highlight the theclass.
phonemes and the words at the top of each column.
Tell students that they have studied all these sounds
earlier in the course.
CD3 62 Play the recording. Students listen to the
sounds and the words. Remind students that a in
bag is pronounced with an // sound, o and er in Focus students on the continue2learn section on
computer are pronounced with an // sound, etc. SBp84. See p33 of this book for ideas on how to
Play the recording again. Students listen and practise. usethis section in class.

2 a Focus students on the words in the box. Tell

students to write words with pink letters in the fi rst
and third columns of the table, under the words with Extra Practice 10 SB p106
letters in pink (bag, six, coffee, forty) and words with See p34 for ideas on how to use this section in class.
blue letters in the second and fourth columns of the
table, under the words with letters in blue (computer, 10A
nineteen, umbrella, burger). 1 2 married 3 a flat 4 a job 5 school 6 a new job
Students do the exercise in pairs. Encourage students 2 2 s / is going to play 3 m going to stay 4 arent
to say the words out loud to each other when going to eat out 5 re going to study 6 isnt
deciding which section of the table they go in. goingto get up 7 m not going to see 8 theyre
b CD3 63 Play the recording. Students listen and going to have
check their answers. 3 2 next 3 in 4 tomorrow 5 next 6 tomorrow
Play the recording again. Students listen and practise 7 on 8 on 9 tomorrow 10 next 11 next 12 in
all the words in the table. 10B
4 2 go to the gym 3 watch the news
// // /i/ /i/ 4 go swimming 5 have dinner with friends
bag computer six nineteen 6 go running 7 have a party 8 go to a party
9 watch sport on TV
have breakfast different keys 5 2 When are they going to move house? 3 Who is
angry amazing market jeans he going to stay with? 4 Why are you going to
fantastic cinema ticket beach leave your job? 5 Wheres / Where is she going
(to go) on holiday?
// // // /
/ 6 1 Yes, I am. 2 Is; No, she isnt. / No, shes not.
coffee umbrella forty burger 3 Are; Yes, they are. 4 Is; No, he isnt. / No, hes
not. 5 Am; Yes, you are.
long country bored girl
holiday hungry walk work 10C
because money bought university 7
Before doing 2b, draw the table in 1 on the board, O E X C I T E D
then ask students where they think each word goes in R I K G V I S F
the table. If students disagree where a particular word
should go, write it in more than one section of the table E H U N G R Y M
without saying which is correct. Then play CD3 63 and D E A J L E N B
ask students to check the answers on the board. You can
pause the recording after each section of the table, tick S C A R E D U C
the correct words and cross out any incorrect words. 8 2 good 3 lot 4 See 5 in 6 you 7 luck 8 with
9 much

3 a CD3 64 Focus students on sentences 16. Play

the recording. Students listen and read the sentences. Progress Portfolio 10
Play the recording again, pausing after each sentence
for students to practice chorally and individually. See p34 for ideas on how to use this section
Encourage students to say the sentences with natural inclass.
speed and rhythm.

End of Course Review
Students Book p84p85

The aim of this activity is to review language that

students have learned throughout the course in a fun, 1 1 See VOCABULARY 1.2 SB p114.
student-centred way. The activity takes about 2540 2 See VOCABULARY 2.1 SB p116.
minutes. 3 1 men, chairs, sandwiches, people
Pre-teach a counter, throw a dice, land on a square and 2 women, watches, parents, children
move forward/back. 4 1 Im going to the cinema on Sunday.
Give students time to read the rules on SB p84 and 2 He doesnt like classical music.
answer any questions they may have. Alternatively, go 6 1 What does he do in the evenings?
through the instructions section by section with the class. 2 What did you do on Sunday?
If possible, demonstrate how to play the game to the 8 1 I didnt go out, I stayed at home.
whole class while you go through the instructions. If you
2 Karen always gets up early in the week.
have a monolingual class, you can give the instructions in
the students own language. 10 1 was, wasnt 2 was, werent
To check students have understood, ask what happens 12 1 She doesnt like watching TV.
when a student lands on a Grammar or Vocabulary 2 We didnt go out last night.
square for the fi rst time (he/she answers question 1 only). 13 1 See VOCABULARY 2.2 SB p116.
Ask what happens when a second student lands on the 2 See VOCABULARY 6.1 and VOCABULARY 6.2
same square (he/she answers question 2). Also check what SB p124.
happens when a third student lands on the square (he/she 14 1 m, s 2 s, re
can stay there without answering a question). 15 1 some 2 shopping
Put students into groups of four and give a dice and 17 1 cold, expensive, beautiful, unfriendly
counters to each group (or students can make their 2 short, interesting, empty, difficult
18 1 Yes, they are. No, they arent./No, theyre not.
Ask a student with a watch in each group to be the time-
2 Yes, she does. No, she doesnt.
keeper for the group. He/She should time students when
they land on a Talk about square and have to talk about 20 1 Are there any shops near your flat?
atopic for 15 seconds. 2 What are you going to do tomorrow?
Students take turns to throw the dice and move around 21 1 go to the cinema, go running, play football
the board. 2 play tennis, go to concerts, go on holiday
If a student thinks another students answer to a question 23 1 at the weekend, at night, in the evening
on a Grammar or Vocabulary square is wrong, he/she can 2 on Friday, at midday, in the morning
check in the Language Summaries in the Students Book, 25 1 half past seven/seven thirty, five to four/three
or ask you to adjudicate. fifty-five, eight oclock/eight, (a) quarter past
While students are working, monitor and help with any two/two fifteen
problems. 2 (a) quarter to seven/six forty-five, twenty past
The fi rst student to get to FINISH is the winner. eleven/eleven twenty, twenty-five to five/four
Students can continue playing until three students thirty-five, half past twelve/twelve thirty
havefi nished. 27 1 See VOCABULARY 7.5 SB p127.
If one group fi nishes early, ask them to look at all the 2 See VOCABULARY 4.2 SB p120 and
squares they didnt land on and answer the questions. VOCABULARY 10.3 SB p132.
29 1 have a party, do a course, get married
2 get engaged, do an exam, have coffee
30 1 bought, travelled, got, met
2 told, came, visited, left
32 1 See VOCABULARY 3.4 SB p118, VOCABULARY 3.5
SB p118 and VOCABULARY 5.3 SB p122.
2 See VOCABULARY 9.2 SB p130.
34 1 Where did you go last Saturday?
2 What does your sister do?
35 1 on, to 2 along (up, down), turn
36 1 my, She 2 He, them
38 1 Yes, there is. No, there isnt.
2 Yes, he did./Yes, we did. No, he didnt./
No, we didnt.


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