CSIC Annual 2016-Medium
CSIC Annual 2016-Medium
CSIC Annual 2016-Medium
Smart Infrastructure
& Construction
when ideas generate economic value in the form of
new and improved products and services
Smart infrastructure
when physical and digital infrastructure converge
Steering Group demonstrations
Professor John Burland CBE, Imperial College London (Chair)
Peter Adams, Highways England
Dr Keith Bowers, London Underground
Volker Buscher, Arup
Alan Couzens, Infrastructure and Projects Authority 949,000
Tim Embley, Costain incomes
Tom Foulkes, Independent Consultant
Steve Hornsby, Independent Consultant
Professor Andrew McNaughton, HS2
Adam Locke, Laing O'Rourke
David Pocock, CH2M
Non-IKC research
Richard Ploszek, Infrastructure and Projects Authority grant funding
Stephen Pottle, Transport for London
Dr Scott Steedman CBE, British Standards Institute (BSI)
John St Leger, HS2
Paul Westbury CBE, Laing O'Rourke
Wireless sensors
International Advisory Group deployed
Professor Tom ORourke, Cornell University, USA (Chair)
Professor Michael Batty CBE, University College London HH
Professor Yozo Fujino, University of Tokyo, Japan
Dr W Allen Marr, Geocomp Corporation, USA
Professor Bill Spencer, University of Illinois, USA 3
Professor Paul Wright, University of California, Berkeley, USA companies
Professor Hehua Zhu, Tongji University, China
Cover photograph of CSIC technician Jason Shardelow installing Cumulative gures from 2011 to
monitoring on a masonry arch by Dr Sinan Akgz April 2016
Change happens when academia and The world is changing very rapidly and it is
industry drive innovation. The digital therefore vital for the economy to have a
revolution has opened the door for smarter high level of UK research and development
infrastructure. We have the technology to (R&D) investment in science and
understand exactly how a building, a tunnel, engineering the UK must continue to be
a bridge, or a railway line is actually world-leading in engineering innovation.
Professor Lord Mair performing during construction and We cannot aord to slip behind.
throughout its lifetime. This will lead to
Head of CSIC improved asset management, as operators The capability and capacity to innovate is
Sir Kirby Laing Professor of will know how to prioritise what needs to be the key to prosperity in the 21st century.
Civil Engineering replaced and when, and how to manage it Innovate UK, the UKs innovation agency
all much more eciently. Smart and one of CSICs funders, funds, supports
infrastructure also enables more economic and connects innovative businesses to
design, reduced costs and greater accelerate sustainable economic growth.
The Cambridge Centre for Smart
eciencies, both in the capital cost of Innovate UKs schemes show substantial
Infrastructure and Construction (CSIC) is
construction and in the subsequent leverage, with an average of 6 returned to
transforming the future of infrastructure and
operating costs, delivering benets to the economy in GVA for every 1 invested.
construction through smarter information
multiple stakeholders.
enabling better decision-making.
As the case studies in this Annual Review
Developing and deploying emerging
Upcoming major infrastructure projects, show, CSICs ability to demonstrate the value
technologies from world-leading research at
including Thames Tideway and HS2, are of smart infrastructure to the construction
the University of Cambridge, CSIC
adopting innovation as a driving force, but industry, and help facilitate wider industry
collaborates with more than 40 Industry
there needs to be wider industry take-up for adoption of innovative technologies and
Partners across a wide range of projects to
change to be truly transformative. tools, is already proving to be of great
implement innovation in this crucial sector
advantage to the UK engineering base.
of the economy.
Even in these stringent times, investment in
new infrastructure, such as Crossrail, and Innovation will secure the UKs future
There has already been substantial impact of
money spent on research into new growth. CSIC will continue to focus on
CSICs activities in terms of the wide variety
technology, is money very well spent. It is cutting edge R&D and integrate these
of new tools and technologies, including
vital for our economy to invest in the future; innovations to benet industry and support
bre optic strain measurement, UtterBerry
the economy of this country depends on the UK to be leading in the design,
ultra-low power wireless sensor motes,
having modern, t-for-purpose development and delivery of smart
vibration energy harvesting devices, the
infrastructure. infrastructure.
CSattAR photogrammetric monitoring
system, computer vision and data
Engineering impacts all our lives in so many
management tools. These can be used in
ways. It accounts for at least 20% of gross
combination to oer a whole-life approach
value added (GVA) for the UK economy, and
to infrastructure - from design to
some estimates are signicantly higher.
construction, operation, maintenance and
Building a stronger economy relies on
decommissioning - ensuring that
engineering innovation and also requires
infrastructure assets provide best value
addressing the problem of the growing
throughout their life. These innovations have
engineering skills crisis. Investment needs to
been tested and proved on some of the
be underpinned by Government-funded
largest civil engineering projects in the UK,
university research in science and
including Crossrail, National Grid London
engineering. I welcome the Governments
Power Tunnels, London Underground
National Infrastructure Delivery Plan, which
station upgrades, and the Staordshire
includes a 138 million investment in United
Alliance West Coast Mainline railway bridges
Kingdom Collaboratorium for Research in
for Network Rail.
CSICs studies of cities and infrastructure A further area of work is to alpha-test new
systems are not only about gaining a better city-scale land use, transport and
understanding of the complex challenges in infrastructure planning models which have
building sustainable cities, but also to been developed by CSIC, including demand
develop tools and guidance that can be forecasting, adaptive zoning and spatial
directly adopted by businesses, communities economic modelling. Such modelling
and government agencies in harnessing the advances have not only attracted the
promise of new technologies and new attention of UK government agencies, but
channels of pervasive data generation. also urban master planners and designers in
Working in this area is not without big
barriers: there are a myriad of stakeholders to On the integration of city-scale and project
engage with, and currently case studies and scale design of infrastructure, CSIC has
planning guidance are ad hoc and developed a novel methodology on future
fragmented and as a result the best practice option modelling of ground source heat
has not found its way to the majority of new pump systems in typical urban oce
projects. buildings. The method is to appear in
Dr Ying Jin Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure
Our overarching aim is to produce coherent Engineering (CACAIE), a top journal of the
Co-Investigator CSIC tools and advice on city-scale developments related elds.
Senior University Lecturer which are shown to be critically important
Department of for realising the full value of disparate Going forward CSIC Cities and Infrastructure
Architecture investments in infrastructure. Systems research will focus on the following
four areas:
University of Cambridge CSIC has proved to be a great research smart cities, linked data and
community, providing opportunities for infrastructure monitoring: completing
getting colleagues in sensing, asset alpha- or beta-tests of smart data models
management, city planning and urban and tools and, in close consultation with
Were now incorporating the new design to work collaboratively. Smart sensing Industry Partners, BSI and ISO, and
advancements of CSICs city-level is key to the development of a user-friendly United Kingdom Collaboratorium for
modelling in our planning and system for gathering city level data and to Research in Infrastructure and Cities,
design proposals it will find scale up new analytical solutions. deploying them in practical projects
significant applications in the fast develop high model validation
growing developing-country In the past year CSIC engaged with London standards, with user experiences that
cities, as well as in the UK. Bridge Station, Network Rail, and the smart match contemporary user expectations
Dr Chen Wu RIBA MRTPI, infrastructure and data-sharing committees of ease of interpretation
Design Principal, of BSI & ISO to beta-test our tools and draft develop authoritative advice on
BIAD, Beijing advice. Some of the research has now been developments within walking distance
incorporated in industry advice. of major public transport hubs
engage with UKCRIC and National
The CSIC team has been active in the Research Facility for Infrastructure
development of smart city standards with Sensing on incorporating the
BSI and the work has now been extended to infrastructure engineering aspects,
ISO committees. Working with BIS, BSI and particularly in minimising construction
industry and academic colleagues, a range of costs and embedding options for future
publicly available standards (PAS) have now capacity expansions.
been published online by BSI including PAS
180, PAS 181, PAS 182, PD 8100 and PD 8101
which cover leadership guides, terminology,
frameworks and data concept models for
smart cities.
Sensor system at
mid-span deck
Sensor system
in beams
assets have a long lifecycle, often operating Managing existing assets presents
for many decades, and whole-life value asset challenges for BIM. New assets account for
management secures the continued and only a small part of the current asset stock
productive use of an asset over time. Asset but BIM does not work eectively for existing
Management workshops, held for CSIC assets as costs for the required technical
Industry Partners in the past year, conrmed process outweigh the benets. CSIC is
the benets of value-based asset building a tool that uses deep machine
management to a range of asset-owning learning to automatically develop BIM
organisations. Workshop outcomes models for existing infrastructure.
identied value in optimising the usage
phase of an asset through improved The next ve years will see CSIC focus on
reliability, maintenance, decision-making three areas:
and operational eectiveness. building a suite of decision-making tools
to support asset managers
Good information enhances asset better understanding how to quantify
management decisions. CSIC has developed the benets of smart infrastructure
technologies and tools to turn data into solutions
Dr Ajith Parlikad valuable information that enables eective pushing the development of BIM for
decision-making. Information management supporting through-life asset
Co-Investigator CSIC is a key focus area for CSIC and working management.
Senior Lecturer collaboratively allows us to deliver
Institute for meaningful solutions. Collaboration with Industry Partners to turn
this research into commercial services will
Manufacturing Information futureproong is an integral part help to grow a new industry segment. The
University of Cambridge of whole-life value asset management. potential of CSICs work is vast and will
Understanding the risks an organisation enhance the future of asset management.
faces with the long-term storage of data
(including changing standards, software,
The digital era has fundamentally changed
hardware, owners and managers) and the
the way dierent industry sectors operate
potential consequences (loss and/or
and asset management is no exception.
deterioration of information) for the asset
Smart infrastructure brings substantial value
owner is key to developing a strategy to
to whole-life, value-based asset
safeguard data that informs asset
management taking a long-term view of
management decisions.
an asset and its value. Data generated by
sensor technologies enables the continued
CSICs Information Quality Risk Assessment
monitoring of an asset throughout its
Tool quanties the risks held by a company
productive lifecycle, producing information
as a result of poor quality and incomplete
useful to owners wanting to optimise value
data. Over the past year, CSIC has worked
for money.
with Cambridgeshire County Council,
applying the tool to its bridge portfolio, the
CSICs Asset Management team has helped
results of which could enable the
to set the agenda for taking a wholelife,
organisation to build an informed business
value-based approach to asset
case to present to funders in order to
management, and making information
improve the councils information system.
futureproong a key component of the
process. This expertise has resulted in
BIM continues to be a major focus for the
collaboration between myself, Rengarajan
Asset Management team. While industry has
Srinivasan, and the Institution of Civil
concentrated on 3D BIM models for new
Engineers (ICE) to publish a guidance
assets developing standards and models
document produced for infrastructure
for design and construction phases CSIC
owners and operators, titled Whole-Life
brings focus to using BIM for improved asset
Value-Based Decision Making in Asset
management. CSICs work investigates
Management (see page 9).
integrating through-life information about
an asset with the BIM model, including
Maintaining high-quality, resilient and
sensing data and inspection and
sustainable infrastructure is key to economic
maintenance records. CSIC is working with
growth. CSIC continues to work
Staordshire Alliances bridge team to
collaboratively with organisations, both in
develop standards for integrating sensing
the public and private sectors, to identify
data with BIM and this project will continue
and respond eectively to industry
into next year.
challenges and concerns. Infrastructure
This has led to the release of Distributed Fibre CSICs Sensor team is also developing new
Optic Strain Sensing for Monitoring Civil MEMS sensors to meet the challenges of the
Infrastructure: A Practical Guide by Cedric infrastructure industry. MEMS represent
Kechavarzi, Kenichi Soga, Nicky de Battista, small, integrated devices or systems that
Loizos Pelecanos, Mohammed Elshae and combine electrical and mechanical
Robert Mair to be published this summer by components varying in size from
the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE). micrometres to millimetres. These can merge
the function of computation and
CSIC is advancing research and development communication with sensing and actuation
of energy harvesting, in particular vibration to produce a system of miniature
energy harvesting (VEH), both at the micro- dimensions, which has huge potential to
electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) and produces low-power, low-cost sensors for
macroscopic scales. Vibration-powered remote structural health monitoring of
wireless monitoring technology has the infrastructure. CSIC has developed a low-
potential to enable maintenance free, power MEMS strain gauge with an accuracy
autonomous measurement of the behaviour of better than 10 n, a dynamic range of
of key structural elements of infrastructure, nearly 2000 e at a power dissipation of
Dr Ashwin Seshia even in the most dicult-to-reach areas, under 10 W.
providing the owner with an approach to
Co-Investigator CSIC signicantly reduce costs involved in CSIC is also actively exploring energy
Reader in Microsystems obtaining the data required to develop an harvesting at the MEMS scale using
Technology understanding of the actual capacity and approaches that could allow for the
level of safety of an asset. These technologies generation of sucient power to sustain
University of Cambridge potentially provide a self-sustaining on- low-power wireless sensors for structural
board power solution to complement health monitoring applications. An ongoing
emerging wireless sensor technologies used Innovate UK funded project is specically
As an international centre of excellence in for structural health monitoring. investigating applications for MEMS energy
the development of sensors, CSIC is leading harvesters to high-end automotive and
the way in the deployment of innovative Conventional resonant approaches to aerospace industries. Battery technologies
solutions to industry challenges. scavenge kinetic energy are typically cannot often operate in high-temperature
Collaborating with industry has enabled CSIC conned to narrow and single-band conditions associated with condition
to make valuable contributions to some of frequencies. CSICs vibration energy monitoring for these applications (e.g. close
the most important and challenging civil harvesting device combines both direct to a jet engine). In addition, there are issues
engineering, transport and infrastructure resonance and parametric resonance in that demand miniaturisation of the
projects happening today. CSIC has order to enhance the power responsiveness technology due to limited access or
developed a range of sensing technologies towards more ecient harnessing of real- constrained volumes associated with the
that can be used in combination to meet a world ambient vibration. In a deployment on monitoring locations.
variety of demands specic to the site the Forth Road Bridge in 2015, the packaged
environment, from high temperatures to electromagnetic harvester designed to A spin-o, 8Power Ltd, has been set up to
very constrained or dicult-to-reach spaces. operate in both of these resonant regimes, commercialise the low-power MEMS and
with an operational volume of ~126cm3, was VEH technologies and CSIC will be
CSIC has successfully developed several new capable of recovering in excess of 1mW collaborating with 8Power to further deploy
applications for sensing technologies in civil average raw AC power from the trac and the technologies and investigate
engineering, transport and infrastructure, wind-induced vibrations in the lateral applications for the technologies beyond
and the potential of this market, both bracing structures underneath the bridge infrastructure monitoring.
nationally and internationally, is vast. CSIC deck. The harvester was integrated with a
has pioneered the use of bre optic sensors power conditioning circuit and a wireless
to monitor the whole-life performance of an mote. Duty-cycled wireless transmissions
asset and this continues to be an area of from the vibration-powered mote were
signicant focus. Structural integration of successfully sustained by the recovered
bre optic sensing systems represents a new ambient energy. CSIC is continuing to
branch of engineering and its application innovate in this area by exploring
represents a signicant contribution to approaches for energy harvesting on
structural health monitoring. The transport-related infrastructure where
underpinning technology involves a unique existing solutions are limited or unreliable, as
marriage of bre optics, optoelectronics and well as actively seek deployment
composite material science. CSIC has opportunities for its new technology in
developed a distributed bre optic strain and collaboration with Industry Partners and
temperature measurement system to enable infrastructure owners and operators.
performance-based design, construction
monitoring and structural health monitoring.
Industry Partners
Industry Partners
The project The potential long-term economic and safety- deployment team at the University of
The Transport for London Northern Line enhancing benets of using FO more widely Cambridge where she was taught
Extension project will extend the London was recognised by Cementation Skanska. Over everything she needed to know about FO
Underground Northern line from Kennington the next two years CSIC delivered training and for pile and integrity wall testing. This
to the disused Battersea Power Station. on-site support enabling the company to collaboration equipped Maria with the
Construction on the 1bn extension began in reach commercial readiness with the FO knowledge and skills to independently
2015 and the new line could be open by 2020. technology, CemOptics. install FO on Cementation Skanska projects,
Cementation Skanska is using distributed bre including the Northern Line Extension
optic sensing techniques on an The innovation software was developed in collaboration
unprecedented scale for pile and wall integrity Thermal methods for testing the integrity of with Cementation Skanska that allows
testing during current excavation work piles and wall elements by identifying processing of the data and visualising of
constructing the new stations and tunnels on anomalies are gaining prominence. Distributed temperature proles to happen
the extended line. This novel application of bre optic temperature sensing provides a automatically.
bre optic sensing emerged from research at non-intrusive, safe and cost eective
the University of Cambridge and was technique. It is a robust alternative to point Impact and value
standardised by CSIC to technology readiness sensing methods, which require the Cementation Skanska is now using bre optics
levels required for industry adoption. The connection of numerous sensors. for pile and wall integrity testing on an
commercial application of distributed bre Low-cost standard telecommunication bre unprecedented scale. There is potential to
optic sensing by Cementation Skanska has optic cables are simply attached to several extend the method worldwide, across the
allowed the company to add a new specialist sides of the reinforcement cage of the element companys entire project portfolio. CemOptics
service to its portfolio, called CemOptics. The and temperature measurements obtained at has now been proven to improve safety, quality
new technology is already shortlisted for two close spatial intervals along the cage. The and increase production (thus reducing costs)
industry awards. measurements are taken at short time intervals on site.
to record the evolution of the temperature
Work to build the new Battersea Station prole of the element during concrete curing. CemOptics:
requires Cementation Skanska to: replaces traditional cross hole sonic logging
construct more than 600m of deep The principle behind this method is based on method
basement diaphragm walls the properties of the spectrum of the delivers visible improvement in safety
1.2m thick diaphragm walls, up to 60m backscattered light within an optical bre. The brings technical, quality and safety benets
deep method uses standard optical bres into which acknowledged by all stakeholders
construct 74 large diameter bearing piles, a laser pulse is launched and the spectrum of is shortlisted for two industry awards
up to 2.4m diameter and 60m deep the backscattered light analysed. Temperature Ground Engineering 2016 Award for
install in excess of 50 km of FO cable to is inferred from the properties of some of the Technical Excellence and Product and
completely replace cross hole sonic components of the spectrum. Equipment Innovation.
logging in both the piles and diaphragm
walls. The training Cementation Skanska reports multiple benets
CSIC training in the use of distributed bre of the collaboration with CSIC:
The background optics was developed to meet the specic enabled partners to jointly develop the
In 2014 Echo Ouyang, a geotechnical engineer needs of Cementation Skanska: technology and roll out on demonstration
at Cementation Skanska and PhD student of a two-day bespoke training workshop projects
CSIC Co-Investigator, Professor Kenichi Soga, delivered to six Cementation Skanska fostered and encouraged a collaborative
worked with CSIC on a number of projects operatives, including pilers, engineers and approach to research and shared
investigating the use of distributed bre optic technicians, at the companys Doncaster recognition
temperature sensing for pile and wall integrity site. The programme covered how to splice delivered industry level training in the use
testing; bre optics (FO) was used for FO cables, handling cables on site and of new technology
measuring concrete temperature during attaching cables to pile cages provided excellent support to Cementation
curing and assessing the integrity of the Maria Scott, a technician at Cementation Skanska in move to commercialisation
element. The work was led by Andrew Bell, Skanska, spent two weeks working with accelerated change
Chief Engineer at Cementation Skanska. and learning from members of CSICs allowed Cementation Skanska to achieve its
vision of improved safety and delivering
innovative solutions that make a dierence
Industry Partner Cementation Skanska now has a full and
independent commercial capability to
Cementation Skanska is one of the UKs largest piling deliver distributed bre optic sensors.
and ground engineering contractors and a CSIC
founding Industry Partner.
Industry Partner
The project during three key stages of construction; monitoring indicate that the measured
Crossrail is currently the largest construction tunnel, concourse and base excavation. This D-wall displacement is about 60% of the
project in Europe. It includes 10 new rail was the rst time FO cables have been used design D-wall displacement. The incremental
stations, six of which are under central to validate nite element model assumptions bending and deection proles generated
London, and 42km of new rail tunnels about this scenario. through the bre optic cables continuous
weaving through the citys congested sub- strain readings indicated that the eect of
terrain. The project presented two The innovation the removal of an existing tunnel on the
opportunities for CSIC to collaborate with On Crossrail, CSIC demonstrated innovative D-wall deection and ground heave during
industry leaders on innovative applications applications of distributed FO sensors to deep excavation can be signicant, but was
of bre optic cables to challenge traditional collect new data about commonly used less than predicted. This research can be
engineering design assumptions in order to construction techniques with the potential to used to improve and rene future D-wall
save future tunnelling and excavation rene and improve future design. design, presenting the possibility of savings
projects time and money. Crossrails strong in materials and cost through more accurate
innovation policy allowed CSIC to set up Both projects used Brillouin Optical Time modelling.
laboratories on site. Domain Reectometry (BOTDR) embedded in
concrete to measure strain and temperature These ground-breaking studies should serve
The rst project, led by Research Associate changes within the material at key stages in as a catalyst for infrastructure owners and
Nicky de Battista, focused on measuring the construction. CSICs FO technologies enable researchers to carry out similar studies on
additional strains induced in the sprayed strain measurements in the tens of dierent types of SCL tunnel and D-wall
concrete lining (SCL) at junctions in the microstrain range in a continuous manner construction techniques.
tunnels at Liverpool Street Station. A tunnels over lengths of up to 10km, oering an
SCL is thickened at these junctions in order unprecedented level of detail on the
to sustain the stresses caused by the concretes behavior during excavation.
excavation of the cross-passages. Tunnel
lining design is based on nite element Impact and value
models but there is a lack of experimental An improved understanding of the
data to calibrate these. By embedding FO performance of infrastructure during
cables within the SCL at one of the junctions excavation, margins of safety, and resilience
at Crossrails Liverpool Street Station enables better, leaner future design.
concourse, CSIC was able to map the strain
build-up in the lining at every stage of the While further research is needed, the results of
cross-passage excavation and, for the rst both studies indicate areas for signicant
time, observe the behaviour of the SCL potential savings in future designs. The results
during the excavation sequence. of the monitoring of the SCL at Liverpool
Street Station showed that the eects of
The second project, led by Research cross-passage excavation on the parent
Associate Zili Li, monitored the deformation tunnels lining are localised in the vicinity of
of a Diaphragm wall (D-wall) during deep the cross-passage openings. These
excavation at Paddington Station. As the preliminary ndings indicate that there are
only train station in the Crossrail project signicant savings to be made in materials,
constructed using a top-down excavation, labour, and plant as well as environmental
the Paddington site provided the benets associated with reduced material use
opportunity to evaluate the eect of the and improved site safety due to a decrease in
excavation of an existing tunnel on D-wall working at heights to erect steel
behavior using bre optic cables for the rst reinforcement and spray concrete. Similar
time. Fibre optic cables were embedded in studies could translate these ndings into real
diaphragm wall panels allowing CSIC to savings for similar projects such as Crossrail 2.
monitor the changes in strain conditions Preliminary results of the Paddington Station
Industry Partners
The project sensing techniques using bre optics, laser the 3D movements of the masonry structures
There are many historic buildings, scanning and photogrammetry which sense during dynamic loading. Overall, the sensing
monuments and structures in the UK that continuous response along the structure, data from these new technologies
require measures to protect and conserve both under static and dynamic loads. These complement one another and provide
them. CSIC is working alongside industry to techniques enable sensitive detection of local engineers with data to calibrate mechanical
deliver sensing innovations to help asset damage, as well as a comprehensive models of masonry to better understand the
owners better understand the behaviour of description of global deformations. response of the critical masonry assets.
existing structures in order to safeguard them
against new construction activity and to The innovation Impact and value
futureproof to enable continued use. This CSIC instrumented two piles and a part of the the construction team at the V&A receives
work includes monitoring the Victoria and foundation slab at the V&A with two pairs of detailed information about the integrity
Albert Museum (V&A) in London during deep FO cables, one for measuring changes in of the underground structure which is of
basement excavations and monitoring strain and the other temperature. Any applied value to the contractor (safety), consultant
masonry vaults at sites around the UK. load or temperature causes changes in the (checks and improves design), and asset
frequency content of light propagated owner (ensures safety of heritage
During deep basement excavation work at through an optical bre. By measuring this building)
the V&A, the safety of the adjacent exhibits frequency change, CSIC is able to back- future use of this method could inform
and building was paramount. CSIC, led by calculate the induced load or temperature to adjustment of design prior to
CSIC Research Associate Loizos Pelecanos, deliver detailed information about the construction, based on the actual
installed bre optic (FO) cables to measure integrity of the underground structure and performance of the tension piles,
movement and temperature at critical additional assets of the museum that no other resulting in savings in material costs and
locations in the buildings foundations. Seven sensor device can provide. greater condence in design
readings have been taken at signicant points CSICs ongoing research on new
during the construction process, to assess CSIC is using distributed sensing to deliver technologies of monitoring masonry
basement heave, detect any changes to the unprecedented detail concerning the arches improves the use of FO, laser
foundation slabs, and to monitor the response of masonry arches to short and long scanning and photogrammetry
performance of the tension piles. This project term eects. Various FO cables attached to the techniques to oer eective and
marks the rst time this type of monitoring structure can measure the strain experienced pervasive sensing that delivers a better
has been possible. along their length, providing detailed understanding of assets and their state
information on the dynamic behaviour, as in general, new sensing techniques
Masonry vault structures form an important well as long term static changes in the provide an unprecedented level of detail
part of the UKs legacy infrastructure in structure due to structural degradation and and a better appreciation of structural
tunnels and across the rail network. These ground settlements. In particular, the novel response to a range of factors. Asset
structures are vulnerable to high service loads use of Brillouin Optical Time Domain owners can use this information to
and ground settlements so understanding the Reectometry (BOTDR) for assessing the calculate risk and monitor complex
behaviour of these assets will be key to dynamic loads on the structure, represents a engineering works carried out in the
securing their continued eective use. CSICs new technical advancement. vicinity of historic structures
masonry vault research, led by Co-Investigator smarter information conrms operations
Matthew DeJong with Research Asssociate The non-contact laser scanning and are safe for construction and better
Sinan Akgz, aims to quantify the photogrammetry sensing solutions provide equips asset managers/owners to make
vulnerability of these structures and provide further new insight on the response of decisions about the project.
detailed and accurate data to better inform masonry vaults. In particular, by investigating
maintenance programmes and asset the precise 3D geometry quantied by laser
management. Conventional point sensors scanners, it is possible to quantify the historic
(e.g. strain and displacement gauges) only displacements experienced by the structure.
measure the behaviour of the material at the New software has been developed for this
sensor location and do not provide sucient purpose. Furthermore, CSIC utilises
information. CSIC has developed distributed commercial photogrammetric tools, to detect
Industry Partners
Dr Mohammed Elshafie
Laing ORourke Lecturer of Construction Engineering
Mohammed Elshae is a Fellow of Robinson College and a member of the geotechnical research team at the
University of Cambridge, which is at the forefront of applying optical bre strain sensing technology on a wide
range of civil engineering infrastructure assets. The teams work has been recognised by a number of awards
including the Fleming Award 2013 for Geotechnical Engineering Excellence from the ICE and the BGS in London,
the Ground Investigation and Monitoring Award 2014 sponsored by the International Tunnelling and
Underground Space Awards, and the ICE Russell Crampton Award for the best paper in the ICE Proceedings of
Geotechnical Engineering for 2014. He previously worked as a geotechnical engineer at Geotechnical Consulting
Group (GCG) in London.
Dr Ying Jin
Senior University Lecturer
Ying Jin leads the urban modelling group at the Department of Architecture. His research interests are focused on
the understanding and modelling of physical planning and urban design interventions through activity sensing,
logistics monitoring, spatial analytics, machine-learning and real option theory. Past projects include strategic
planning of London and surrounding regions, local planning in English Midlands, freight and logistics across
Britain, transport and energy scenarios for EU, and urban and transport plans in China and South America. In 2015
he was a co-author of a best paper at Computational Science and Its Applications (2015) on adaptive zoning. He is
a member of the British Standards Institute Committee for Smart Community Infrastructure (SDS/001/08), the
Steering Group for PAS180 (Smart Cities Vocabulary), and ISO ad hoc committee on transportation and
information sharing under TC 268/SC01.
Dr Ajith Parlikad
Senior Lecturer
Ajith Parlikad is the Deputy Director of the Distributed Information and Automation Laboratory and leads the Asset
Management research group at the Institute for Manufacturing. Ajith oversees research activities on engineering
asset management and maintenance, with particular focus on examining how asset information can be used to
improve asset performance through eective decision making, to include: value-based approach for identifying
information requirements for infrastructure asset management; futureproong of infrastructure, and performance
measurement of asset management systems. He actively engages with industry through research and consulting
Dr Ashwin Seshia
Reader in Microsystems Technology
Ashwin A. Seshia is a Fellow of Queens College, a Fellow of the Institute of Physics, a Fellow of the Institution for
Engineering and Technology and a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. His
research interests include microengineered dynamical systems with applications to sensors and sensor systems. He
serves on the editorial boards of the IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, the IOP Journal of
Micromechanics and Microengineering and the IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency
Dr Jennifer Samantha Amelia Burnett Paul Heernan Dr Cedric Peter Knott Phil Keenan
Schooling Archetti Communications Former Director Kechavarzi Training Senior Technician Business
Director Administrator Manager and Knowledge Development
Transfer Manager Manager
Lisa Millard Larissa Moore Ellen Mumford Helen Needham Jason Shardelow Tianlei Wu Sandy Yatteau
Communications Former Former Former Technician Finance Manager Industry Partner
Administrator Administrator Communications Liaison Manager
Sinan Akgz Hesham Aldaikh Emmanuelle Liam Butler Phil Catton Rachel Cuthbert Manuel Davila
Arroyo Delgado
Nicky de Battista Steve Denman Cuong Do Christos Paul Fidler Martin Floeck Andrea Gaglione
Niamh Gibbons Alex Hagen- Ankur Handa Simon Hartley Yu Jia Krishna Kumar Varindra Kumar
Pasquale David Rodenas Yi Rui Hyungjoon Seo Raj Srinivasan Kiril Stanilov Paul Vardanega
Ponterosso Herraiz
CSIC would like to acknowledge the contribution of the following current and
former PhD students, trainees, secondees and knowledge transfer partners who
helped deliver our Phase One research agenda
Mehdi Alhaddad Ping He Adnan Mortada Taichi Shimizu
Mohamed Alserdare Tim Hillel Takuma Nakamura Simon Stent
Mlanie Banes Hsintzu Ho Masanari Nakashima Hani Taha
Heba Bevan Kaveh Jahanshahi Giuseppe Narciso Seda Torisu
Jules Birks Koson Janmonta Tatsua Nihei David Turner
Gerald Casey Xihe Jiao Bella Nguyen Li Wan
Emmanuel Chimamkpam- Yingyan Jin Jhon L.L. Nuqui Fei Wang
Okonkwo Vivien Kwan Masahito Omori Kelly Wang
Shao-Tuan Chen Vitaly Levdik Echo Ouyang Graham Webb
Xuesong Cheng Chi Ming Leung Mahul Patel Matthew Wilcock
Debbie Deng Bo Li Yuchen Qian Jinlong Xu
Vanessa Di Murro Zhonglu Lin Zhihao Qui Seiji Yamada
Sijun Du Katie Liu Stefania Radopoulou Kyosuke Yasuda
Andreja Erbes Ying Wan Loh Stefan Ritter Gken Yilmaz
Njemile Faustin Linqing Luo Xiao Rong Yang Yu
Jimeng Feng Mingfei Ma Satoko Ryuo Yifei Yu
Tao Feng Ying Mei Tsubasa Sasaki Dan Zhang
Emanuele Giglio Nao Minakata Tina Schwamb Yi Zhang
Saleta Gil-Lorenzo Yuto Minakata Sakthy Selvakumaran Bingyu Zhao
Chang Ye Gue Tsukasa Mizutani Munenori Shibata Hong-Hu Zhu
Dr Giovanna Biscontin
Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering
Giovanna Biscontin was awarded her MS and PhD in geotechnical engineering from the University of California,
Berkeley (USA). She was an academic at Texas A&M University until joining the Department of Engineering at the
University of Cambridge in 2013. Her work focuses on characterising and modelling the response of soils,
especially when subjected to cyclic loading, such as earthquakes. Her research interests are also related to oshore
deposits and soft marine clays in particular. She received the CAREER Award from the US National Science
Foundation in 2004. Her work also includes constitutive modelling of the compressive response of Venice Lagoon
soils, seaoor-riser interaction, correlations between strength and geophysical properties, design of mechanically
stabilised earth walls, and probabilistic methods applied to geotechnical engineering. She is currently heading a
project on design of foundations for oshore wind towers, sponsored by the National Science Foundation.
Dr Ruchi Choudhary
Reader in Architectural Engineering
Dr Ruchi Choudhary is leading the multi-disciplinary Energy Ecient Cities initiative (EECi) with colleagues in
transport technologies and urban planning. She specialises in building simulation and environmental
characteristics of the built environment. Her current research focuses on urban-scale energy simulation of built
environments, with specic emphasis on uncertainty analysis and retrots of existing buildings. The work
investigates how simulation science can support pathways towards energy ecient cities, taking into account
large variability among buildings, and a highly dynamic context associated with economics, regulations, and the
inuence of new emerging technologies. This research has led to new methods and tools including: a simulation
platform for multi-period energy retrots under economic uncertainties; stochastic urban-scale energy model that
quanties the impact of current UK policies, and spatial energy network optimisation tool to predict energy and
Dr Matthew DeJong
Senior Lecturer in Structural Engineering
Matthew is a Fellow and Director of Studies in Engineering at St Catharine's College. Previously he was a Fulbright
Scholar at the Technical University of Delft and completed his PhD at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In
2009 he won the Edoardo Benvenuto Prize for his research in mechanics of masonry structures. He has worked in
industry, for a structural engineering design consultancy in California, and his current research interests include:
earthquake engineering and structural dynamics; assessment and monitoring of existing infrastructure; masonry
structures; computational modelling and soil-structure interaction.
Dr James Talbot
University Lecturer
James Talbot is Fellow and Director of Studies in Engineering, at Peterhouse. He is a chartered engineer and a Fellow
of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, a Member of the Institute of Acoustics and a Director of the International
Institute of Acoustics & Vibration. His post-doctoral research focused on the control of noise and vibration from
underground railways. He worked with engineering consultancy Atkins where he spent nine years working primarily
in the elds of vibration engineering and structural integrity. His experience covers experimental work, theoretical
analysis and design from across a wide range of industries. He returned to the University of Cambridge, where he
completed his BA and MEng, in 2013 as a University Lecturer in the Structures Group of the Civil Engineering
Division. His research interests lie broadly within the eld of structural dynamics to include: dynamic models for the
performance-based design of base-isolated buildings; analysis and control of ground-borne vibration and re-
radiated noise from roads and railways, and dynamic measurements for monitoring structural integrity.
The International Conference on Smart infrastructure assets; asset management and management and interpretation and the
Infrastructure and Construction (ICSIC) 2016, specication and procurement of major value of smart infrastructure to society.
organised and hosted by CSIC, will bring infrastructure assets. Parallel session streams will discuss:
together world-leading academics and Cities the role of planning in
practitioners from the elds of infrastructure enhancing resilience and adaptability of
Director of CSIC, Dr Jennifer Schooling, said:
planning, asset management and sensing. the urban environment; how investment
ICSIC 2016 is a in infrastructure promotes economic
Key speakers at the three-day event, taking development
place from 27 to 29 June 2016, include:
significant step in the Assets whole-life approaches to asset
Professor Tom ORourke, Thomas R Briggs history of CSIC. The management; futureproong
Professor of Engineering, School of Civil and considerations for infrastructure asset
Environmental Engineering, Cornell conference has management
University, USA; Andrew Wolstenholme OBE, attracted key speakers Sensors how better information can
Chief Executive Ocer, Crossrail, UK; Keith inform exible design, improved
Clarke CBE, Vice President, Institution of Civil from industry and resilience and life extension; the role of
Engineers and David McKeown, CEO, academia who are sensing in performance-based design
Institute of Asset Management, UK. and condition-based maintenance.
world-leading experts
Key topics for discussion will include in their fields. This The organisers of ICSIC 2016 include Head of
infrastructure resilience, design for CSIC, Professor Lord Robert Mair (Co-Chair),
infrastructure adaptability, creating value event will create a CSIC Co-Investigators Professor Kenichi Soga
from infrastructure and delivering smarter
infrastructure. The unique combination of
unique platform for (Co-Chair), Dr Ying Jin, Professor Duncan
McFarlane, Professor Cam Middleton, Dr Ajith
specialist elds and disciplines at ICSIC 2016 discussion with the Parlikad and Director of CSIC, Dr Jennifer
will bring focus to the power of smarter
information with the aim of confronting
aim of furthering Schooling.
persistent barriers and identifying and CSICs key aim to ICSIC 2016 will be held at Robinson College,
developing novel and proactive solutions. University of Cambridge from Monday 27 to
transform the future Wednesday 29 June. The conference dinner
ICSIC 2016 will provide a dynamic platform of infrastructure will be held at St Johns College on Tuesday
for researchers and academics working in 28 June.
the elds of geotechnical and structural
through smarter
engineering, structural health monitoring, information. For full details see:
asset management and city scale www-icsic.eng.cam.ac.uk
infrastructure planning the use of smarter A number of topics related to the key theme
data in cities. The conference will also be of will also be addressed, including: For further information contact:
interest to decision makers and analysts from engagement with dierent stakeholders and ICSIC 2016 Event Manager:
industry and government responsible for: wider society; the role of regulators and [email protected]
design, construction and operation of standards bodies; eective data +44(0)1223 766141
Image of the National Research Facility for Infrastructure Sensing. Courtesy of Grimshaw Architects
The University of Cambridge is one of the A dedicated deployment team will assist the
founding members of the United Kingdom
The University of installation, monitoring and maintenance of
Collaboratorium for Research in Cambridge will the newly developed sensor systems,
Infrastructure and Cities (UKCRIC). UKCRIC enabling all UKCRIC partners to develop
will be one of the largest collaborative
receive 18 million in powerful sensing platforms that can be
research programmes in the UK, connecting funding to build a deployed in the eld quickly and eectively.
multiple communities of researchers Sensors will be used through the
working on clean water supplies, transport, National Research construction and life of the building, to
social interaction, waste management, Facility for exemplify the possibilities of smart
energy, sensors, ood defences, urban living, infrastructure technology.
and data handling, amongst other areas, to Infrastructure Sensing
provide a coordinated multidisciplinary and
cross sectoral knowledge base. Current
on the West The major new building (4280m) will house:
double- and single-height laboratories
national and international partners include: Cambridge site, which for rapid prototyping and open-source
Bristol City Council, Network Rail, Mott
MacDonald, Buro Happold, Atkins, National
will build upon the microcontroller platforms to produce
and develop novel sensor systems at a
Grid, Department for Transport, EDF and expertise of the range of scales
Thames Water, with many more partners to vibration isolated and severe
Centre for Smart environment laboratories to test and
Infrastructure and calibrate sensors under a range of
Initially spanning 14 universities, UKCRIC has environmental conditions and
received 138 million in capital funding from
Construction. temperatures
the Government on the basis that there is an a Microelectromechanical systems
urgent need, and a transformative The interdisciplinary research facility, due to (MEMS) lab
opportunity, to develop and exploit major open in spring 2018, will focus on research an advanced structural dynamics lab
advances in scientic and engineering in the application and development of with scaled and full-scale physical
understanding and connect this with the advanced sensor technologies for the testing capabilities
evolving needs and ambitions of nations monitoring of the UKs existing and future advanced facilities for data analysis and
and cities within the UK. The funding will be infrastructure, in order to improve resilience smart construction computation
used for 11 national laboratories that and extract maximum whole-life value. The a eld deployment team
underpin transformative research for all use of advanced sensors and appropriate lecture and teaching space.
partners and stakeholders. Further funding is data analysis will ensure better product
being sought for a central Coordination quality, enhanced construction safety, and To learn more about the United Kingdom
Node, a series of linked Urban Observatories smarter asset management. Collaboratorium for Research in
and multi-level modelling and simulation Infrastructure and Cities visit:
facilities. www.ukcric.co.uk
Knowledge partners
Unless credited all photographs have been provided by sta and students at CSIC, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge
Cambridge Centre for
Smart Infrastructure
& Construction
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0)1223 746976