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911 emergency communications network, Actions ABETTING (See AIDING AND ABETTING)
statewide enhanced system affecting title to real property, lis pendens
automatic location identification 38.52.505 cancellation on 4.28.320 ABORTION
calls from interconnected voice over internet none if cause of action survives 4.20.050 Articles or drugs for
protocol service companies 38.52.561 personal injury action causing death to injured advertising for sale 9.68.030
calls from radio communications service person, action does not abate 4.20.060 exposing for sale, penalty 9.68.030
companies 38.52.561 survival of actions 4.20.046 Clinics
counties, implementation and funding duties tort feasors death does not abate cause of interference with facilities or providers Ch.
38.52.510 action 4.20.046 9A.50
county automatic number or location Alcoholic beverages, unlawful keeping Concealing birth of fetus or child 9.02.050
identification database information 66.36.010 Defenses to prosecution 9.02.130
public inspection and copying exemption Injunctions, malicious structures 7.40.030 Definitions 9.02.170
38.52.575 Malicious structures, injunction 7.40.030 Health department, duties 9.02.005
enhanced 911 account, creation and uses Military post or encampment nuisances, Individual right to choose or refuse declared
38.52.540 abatement procedure 38.32.120 public policy 9.02.100
enhanced 911 advisory committee 38.52.530, Mosquitoes, generally Ch. 70.22 Infants right to medical treatment 18.71.240
No abatement if cause of action survives Physicians right to provide 9.02.110
state enhanced 911 coordination office,
establishment and duties 38.52.520, 4.20.050 Refusal to perform 9.02.150
38.52.525 Nuisances Reproductive privacy
uniform national standards 38.52.535 damages not precluded 7.48.180 public policy 9.02.100
Enhanced 911 service execution 7.48.280 State regulation 9.02.140
business service requirements 80.36.560 expenses of 7.48.030, 7.48.260, 7.48.280 State-provided benefits, services, or information
priorities for funding 38.52.545 military post or encampment 38.32.120 availability 9.02.160
residential service requirements 80.36.555 moral nuisances 7.48.090 Unauthorized, penalty 9.02.120
school service requirements 28A.335.320 bond 7.48.058 Womans right to have 9.02.110
Excise tax on telephones Ch. 82.14B costs, taxing of 7.48.076
dismissal, condition 7.48.076
211 INFORMATION SYSTEM Attachment against
Disasters, natural and nonnatural immunity from prosecution of public
officials 7.48.058 bond unnecessary, when 6.25.080
health and human services information Ch. ground for 6.25.030
43.211 judgment 7.48.076
bond, renewal 7.48.078 Contracts, enforcement of, ne exeat proceedings
24/7 SOBRIETY PROGRAM (See DRIVING costs 7.48.078 7.44.010
UNDER THE INFLUENCE) order of abatement 7.48.078 Execution against, personal exemptions
unavailable to 6.15.050
ABANDONMENT (See also UNCLAIMED penalty 7.48.078
PROPERTY) Service of process on 4.28.100
property, disposition, sale, destruction
Actions 7.48.078 Supplemental proceedings against, See
dismissal of action on grounds of 4.56.120 release of property to innocent owners SUPPLEMENTAL PROCEEDINGS
nonsuit on ground of 4.56.120 7.48.078 ABSENTEE
Animals, procedures when deemed abandoned persons authorized to maintain action Armed forces, etc., personnel missing in action,
Ch. 16.54 7.48.058 interned or captured construed as 11.80.120
Attachment, surplus of property attached subject to 7.48.056 Ejectment and quieting title actions
6.25.120 order of abatement authorized, when 7.48.250, appointment of trustee for defendant absentee
Cemeteries 7.48.260 7.28.010
notice of abandoned cemetery document, places of prostitution 7.48.240 service by publication against absent
recording 65.04.033 assignation or lewdness 7.48.110 defendants 7.28.010
Cemetery lots, abandonment procedures Ch. punishment, as 7.48.250 Estates, administration of Ch. 11.80
68.36 special assessment by city or town, notice Executors of letters testamentary or of
Children requirements 35.21.955 administration
unattended in parked car 9.91.060 special assessment by code city, notice procedure 11.28.040
Children, See also DESERTION AND requirements 35A.21.405 qualifications of nonresident 11.28.040
NONSUPPORT warrant of abatement 7.48.020 Partition proceedings, lien creditors absent from
Escheated property, See ESCHEATS authorized, when 7.48.250, 7.48.260 state on sale of property, service on 7.52.200
Escheated property, See UNCLAIMED
PROPERTY stay of 7.48.270 Probate, absentee distributee, unclaimed estate
Explosives, unlawful 70.74.295 stay of issuance 7.48.040 11.76.200
Family abandonment and nonsupport Ch. 26.20 Personal injury causing death to injured person, Tolling statute of limitation of action 4.16.180
Highways action does not abate 4.20.060 ABSENTEE VOTING (See ELECTIONS)
transfer to counties, procedure 36.75.090 Public nuisances
airport encroachments 14.08.030 ABSTRACTS
Homesteads Evidence, as, hearing to replace court records lost
acknowledgment of declaration of junkyards adjacent to highways 47.41.010,
47.41.070 or destroyed 5.48.040
abandonment, nonabandonment 6.13.050
execution of declaration of abandonment, procedure 9.66.040 Index, abstract of, admissible in action to
nonabandonment 6.13.050 public body or officer, by 7.48.220 replace court records lost or destroyed
Motor vehicles, See MOTOR VEHICLES, Railroad crossings, abatement of illegal crossing 5.48.040
subtitle Abandoned, unauthorized, and junk 81.53.190 Judgments, of
vehicles Survival of actions 4.20.046 contents 4.64.090
Office, See VACANCIES IN OFFICE Tort feasors death does not abate cause of action entry into execution docket by clerk 4.64.120
Refrigeration equipment accessible to children, against 4.20.046 indexing of by clerk 4.64.120
penalty Ch. 9.03 Transportation department, certain structures, Partition proceedings, part of costs 7.52.480
River and stream channels, counties, granting signs or devices on city streets, county roads Preparation by county auditor 65.04.140
title to 86.13.110 or state highways as public nuisances, duties Records of, rights of public to use 65.04.140
Vulnerable adults relating to 47.36.180, 47.42.080 Registration of land titles, filing with application
protective services Ch. 74.34 Water pollution protection in cities and towns 65.12.085
Wells, failing to cover 7.48.140 Ch. 35.88 Verdict, of 4.64.100

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ABUSE (See CHILD ABUSE; CRIMES; qualifications 18.04.105 Higher education construction account
DEPENDENT ADULTS) reciprocity 18.04.180 28B.10.851
ABUSE OF PROCESS registration of offices 18.04.205 Homesteads, redemption period, accounting not
Instituting suit in anothers name, penalty Certified public accountants account 18.04.105 required during 6.23.110
9.62.020 Certified public accounting scholarship program Military, adjutant general to maintain 38.12.020
administrative costs, fee appropriations for Municipal corporations, See STATE AUDITOR,
ACCESS DEVICES 18.04.065 subtitle Municipal corporations accounting
Definitions 9A.56.040, 9A.56.140, 9A.56.160 certified public accounting scholarship Mutual open accounts
Fraud, use in committing 9A.60.010 transfer account 28B.123.050 accrual of actions 4.16.150
Theft and robbery, use in committing 9A.56.010 generally Ch. 28B.123 limitations of actions on 4.16.150
ACCESS ROADS (See also COUNTY Client rights 18.04.390 Partition proceedings
ROADS AND BRIDGES; HIGHWAYS) Confidentiality of information, allowed guardian or limited guardian of incompetent
Public lands or state forest lands Ch. 79.38 disclosure 18.04.405 person or person with disability 7.52.460
Definitions 18.04.025 proceeds on sale of property 7.52.430
(See INSURANCE, subtitle Disability Fees
setting and disposition 18.04.065 Dissolution
insurance) Personal representative
Firms, corporations, or partnerships
ACCIDENT FUND (See INDUSTRIAL licenses chargeable with whole estate 11.48.030
INSURANCE, subtitle Accident fund) requirements and fees 18.04.195 final report and petition for distribution
ACCIDENTS (See also MOTOR VEHICLES) revocation, suspension, or refusal to renew 11.76.030, 11.76.060
Aircraft 18.04.305, 18.04.320, 18.04.335 loss or destruction of estate, not liable for if
department of transportation to investigate Foreign countries, certification of accountants not in default 11.48.030
47.68.280 from 18.04.183 receipts or canceled checks for expenses by
reports to be furnished to department of Injunctions 18.04.360 personal representative, necessity of
transportation 47.68.290 Licenses 11.76.100
Cities and towns continuing education 18.04.215 revocation of letters, upon death, resignation,
claim fund for 35.31.050 foreign countries, certification of accountants absence of 11.28.290
Common carriers from 18.04.183 Pleading of accounts
investigation by utilities and transportation issuance and renewal 18.04.215 district court civil proceeding 12.08.060
commission 81.04.460, 81.28.290 nonresidents 18.04.185 Probate
notice to utilities and transportation requirements and fees 18.04.195 partnership interest of decedent 11.64.008
commission 81.04.460, 81.28.280 revocation, suspension, or refusal to renew revocation of letters, accounting and
Elevators, lifting devices, and moving walks 18.04.295, 18.04.305, 18.04.320, settlement upon 11.28.290
70.87.190 18.04.335 settlement, generally Ch. 11.76
Evidence, payment of accident claim, medical suspension for noncompliance with support special administrators 11.32.060
service lien 60.44.060 order 18.04.430 Public officer falsifying account, penalty
Head injury prevention suspension for nonpayment or default on 42.20.070
driver information 43.70.420 educational loan or scholarship 18.04.420 Public utilities, See PUBLIC UTILITIES,
helmet removal, training of emergency Nonresidents, license 18.04.185 subtitle Accounts
medical personnel required 43.70.430 Offices Redemption period, rents and profits during
program 43.70.410 registration 18.04.205 6.23.090
training and education guidelines, preparation Professional service corporations Ch. 18.100 Referees
and distribution of 43.70.430 Prohibited practices 18.04.345, 18.04.390 examination of accounts by referee, reference
Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL Public accountancy act Ch. 18.04 without consent 4.48.020
INSURANCE Records and documents are property of licensee taking of account by referee, reference without
Insurance, See INSURANCE, subtitle Disability or licensed firm 18.04.390 consent 4.48.020
insurance Violations, penalties 18.04.370 Rents and profits during redemption period
Tort claims against state, See STATE, subtitle 6.23.090
ACCOUNTS AND ACCOUNTING (See also Savings associations
Actions against FUNDS; PUBLIC FUNDS) falsification of books and accounts 33.36.040
ACCOUNTANTS Cities and towns Savings banks
Accountacy, board of under 20,000 35.37.010 accounting regulations 32.12.050
certified public accounting scholarship accounting and reporting procedure for street records, books and accounts, competency as
program, board role 18.04.065 expenditures 35.76.020 evidence 32.04.070
Accountancy, board of Cities and towns, See also STATE AUDITOR refusal to submit accounts to inspection,
certification duties 18.04.105 Cities of second class, power to examine official grounds for supervisor to take possession of
certified public accounting scholarship accounts 35.23.440 bank 32.24.040
program, board role Ch. 28B.123 Corporations State, See STATE FISCAL MATTERS, subtitle
compensation and travel expenses 18.04.080 falsification of reports 9.24.050 Accounts and accounting
fees, setting and disposition 18.04.065 County accounts, See STATE AUDITOR State investment board expense account, created
membership, terms, vacancies, and removals Crimes relating to 43.33A.160
18.04.035 public officer falsifying 42.20.070 Transportation, department of, transfers of
officers and staff 18.04.045 public works accounts, falsification 39.04.110 airport facilities from federal government to
powers and duties 18.04.045 Evidence, competent as evidence when certified the state, department authorized to establish
rule-making authority 18.04.055 32.04.070 required accounts or administrative
Advertising falsely, effect 18.04.380 Executors and administrators procedures 47.68.185
Allowed practices 18.04.350 chargeable with whole estate 11.48.030 Trustees Ch. 11.106
Certified public accountants final report and petition for distribution Veterans guardianship 73.36.100
allowed practices 18.04.350 continuance of hearing if incorrect 11.76.060 ACCUSED (See also CRIMINAL
continuing professional education 18.04.105 liability of executor or administrator, PROCEDURE)
examination requirements 18.04.105 judgment against 11.76.060 Rendition of accused persons act Ch. 10.91
foreign countries, certification of accountants objections to 11.76.060 Right to, confrontation of witnesses 10.52.060
from 18.04.183 loss or destruction, not liable for if not in
grandfathered certificates 18.04.105 default 11.48.030 ACHIEVING A BETTER LIFE
licenses receipts for expenses by executor or EXPERIENCE PROGRAM (See
continuing education 18.04.215 administrator, necessity of 11.76.100 DISABILITIES, PERSONS WITH,
issuance and renewal 18.04.215 special administrators 11.32.060 subtitle Achieving a better life experience
requirements and fees 18.04.195 Executors and administrators, See also program, Washington)
revocation, suspension, or refusal to renew PROBATE, subtitle Accounting ACID RAIN
18.04.295, 18.04.320, 18.04.335 Fiduciaries, investment in common trust funds Alpine lake monitoring 70.94.820
nonresidents, certification or license 11.102.020 Critical levels
18.04.185 Guardianship, See GUARDIAN AND WARD, consideration 70.94.880
prohibited practices 18.04.345, 18.04.390 subtitle Accounting establish 70.94.875

[RCW Indexpage 2] (2016 Ed.)


notify legislature if reached 70.94.875 army, navy, marine and coast guard officers Attorneys fees as costs in damage actions, seven
Definitions 70.94.805 73.20.010 thousand five hundred dollars or less
Evaluation of information and research clerks of supreme, appeals and superior court 4.84.250
70.94.875 2.32.050, 64.08.010 Bonds, See BONDS, subtitle Actions on
Intent 70.94.800 county auditor 64.08.010 Building wardens, immunity from liability
Monitoring alpine lakes by department of court commissioners 2.24.040, 64.08.010 4.24.400
ecology 70.94.820 inferior judicial officers 2.28.090 Cemetery endowment care funds, actions to
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS judges 2.28.080, 64.08.010 protect 68.05.170
Administration, county auditor 36.22.030 notary public 64.08.010 Certiorari, See CERTIORARI
Army, navy, marine and coast guard officers United States commissioner 64.08.010 Change of name 4.24.130
authorized to take 73.20.010 Real property, See REAL PROPERTY, subtitle Charitable trusts, attorney general may bring
Certificate of Acknowledgment action in order to secure compliance with
contents 64.08.050 Sales under execution, personal property, orders concerning 11.110.120
evidence 64.08.050 acknowledgment of payment 6.21.070 Child support, See CHILD SUPPORT
Satisfaction of judgments Children
forms 64.08.060, 64.08.070
execution against local governmental entity change of name 4.24.130
out-of-state taken 64.08.020 requirement 6.17.080
Cities and towns, city clerk, taking 35.17.105 injury or death of, action for 4.24.010
payment of money only 4.56.100 maliciously injuring person or property, action
Confession of judgment statement in writing specific designation required 4.56.100
4.60.040 against parent 4.24.190
Signature seduction of child or ward 4.24.020
Conveyances of real property unable to sign name
certification and taking of Chiropractor, professional negligence
procedure 64.08.100 limitation on 4.16.350
by court commissioners 2.24.040 Unable to sign name
by inferior judicial officers 2.28.090 standard of proof, evidence, exception
procedure 64.08.100 4.24.290
by judges of superior and supreme court
2.28.080 ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY Cities and towns
deeds, requisite of 64.04.020 SYNDROME (See AIDS) accident claims against 35.31.050
foreign 64.08.040 ACQUITTALS claims against 35.31.020, 35.31.040
homesteads 6.13.060 Bars to subsequent prosecution Ch. 10.43 in corporate name 4.08.110
power of attorney authorized 6.13.060 Several defendants, conviction or acquittal of one generally 4.08.120
taking and certifying the proof of, clerk of or more 10.61.035 pleadings, termination of trust, property
supreme and superior court may do Verdict of, no reconsideration of 10.61.060 acquired at local improvement or utility
2.32.050 local improvement foreclosure proceedings
who may take acknowledgment 64.08.010 CIVIL ACTIONS AND PROCEDURES;
Correctional institution officers, authority to Cities and towns, See CITIES AND TOWNS
RESTRAINING ORDERS) Collaborative law, uniform act Ch. 7.77
administer 64.08.090 Against 4.08.120
Deeds Commencement of actions 4.16.005
By 4.08.110 Commencement of actions, See also
court commissioners power to take 2.24.040 Abandonment, See ABANDONMENT
evidence, certificate as 64.08.050 COMMENCEMENT OF ACTIONS
Abatement, See ABATEMENT Common carriers, See COMMON CARRIERS,
foreign 64.08.040 Absconding debtors, See DEBTS AND
forms 64.08.060, 64.08.070 subtitle Actions against
DEBTORS Condemnation, See also EMINENT DOMAIN
homesteads 6.13.060 Adverse possession, See ADVERSE
out-of-state 64.08.020 horticultural pests and diseases, See
required for validity 64.04.020 Affecting title to real property in federal court
requisite of 64.04.020 Condominiums
4.28.325 violations of chapter, declaration, or bylaws
who may take 64.08.010 Agricultural activities
Evidence right of action 64.34.455
nuisance lawsuits protection Construction contracts 4.16.300
telegraphic or electronic communications Ch. agricultural activity, defined 7.48.310
5.52 limitation on 4.16.310, 4.16.325
farmland, defined 7.48.310
Foreign, who may take 64.08.040 legislative finding and purpose 7.48.300 negligence, public policy against
Forms 42.44.100 presumption of reasonableness 7.48.305 indemnification for 4.24.115
Homesteads recovering costs to investigate, agencies Construction defect claims Ch. 64.50
abandonment, nonabandonment 6.13.050 7.48.320 Construction liens
Instruments recovering lawsuit costs, farmers 7.48.315 application of chapter 281, Laws of 1991, to
acknowledgment 64.08.010 Agricultural marketing, See AGRICULTURAL actions pending as of June 1, 1992
county auditors 64.08.010 MARKETING 60.04.904
superior court judges 64.08.010 Agricultural marketing fair practices, violations Consumer protection, actions for damages
supreme court judges 64.08.010 15.83.070 19.86.090
court of appeals judges 64.08.010 Alcoholic beverages, nuisance abatement Contempt, See CONTEMPT
Irregular instrument, effect of recording, notice 66.36.010 Contractors
65.08.030 Animals actions by contractors, registration
Judgments dogs killing or injuring livestock Ch. 16.08 prerequisite to suit 18.27.080
certified copies of assignment of 4.56.090 trespassing animals Ch. 16.04 claims against contractors, grounds and
satisfaction of Arbitration, See also ARBITRATION AND procedures 18.27.040
certification and taking of AWARD Contractors bond 39.08.030
inferior judicial officers 2.28.090 Arbitration, uniform act Ch. 7.04A Contracts, See CONTRACTS
judges of supreme and superior courts Assigned choses in action, on Corporations
2.28.080 assignee can sue in own name 4.08.080 actions against, venue 4.12.025
execution against local governmental entity defenses, counterclaims and setoffs 4.08.080 directors, removal by judicial proceeding
6.17.080 Assignment for benefit of creditors 23B.08.090
payment of money only 4.56.100 requirements and procedures 7.08.010, Corporations, See also CORPORATIONS
Judicial sale, payment received on 6.21.070 7.08.030 Costs
Leases, necessity 59.04.010 Assignment of, costs taxable against assignees civil procedure Ch. 4.84
Mortgages 64.08.010 4.84.160 Counties
court commissioners power to take 2.24.040 Attorney fees 4.24.005 sewerage, water and drainage systems,
Notary public Attorneys fees, allowable costs 4.84.080 delinquency, actions for 36.94.150
deeds, mortgages, other instruments Attorneys fees and costs incurred to enforce Counties, See also COUNTIES
64.08.010 provisions of contract or lease, prevailing Crime victims
Out-of-state 64.08.020 party entitled to attorneys fees, waiver right of action 7.68.050
Partition proceedings, consent to sale of estate for prohibited 4.84.330 Crimes, See CRIMINAL PROCEDURE
life or years 7.52.310 Attorneys fees as costs in damage actions, five Damages
Plats, necessity 58.08.030, 58.10.010 thousand dollars or less 4.84.260, 4.84.270, crime victims rights 7.68.050
Power to take 4.84.280, 4.84.290, 4.84.300 criminal records privacy act 10.97.110

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 3]


false, unfounded, malicious, without probable exception for parties immune to liability powers and duties of liquidator 48.31.131
cause, part of conspiracy, claim or under workers compensation laws special procedural rules 48.31.131
counterclaim for damages may be litigated 4.22.070 Insurers, rehabilitation of
in principal action 4.24.350 Fines, recovery of, action for 4.24.150 action to which insurer subject to
five thousand dollars or less, attorneys fees as Fires, See FIRES rehabilitation order is party
costs 4.84.260, 4.84.270, 4.84.280, Forcible entry and detainer, See FORCIBLE special procedural rules 48.31.045
4.84.290, 4.84.300 ENTRY AND DETAINER Interpleader, See INTERPLEADER
gang tagging and graffiti, criminal street Forest practices Irrigation districts, actions by and against
4.24.330 nuisance lawsuits protection 87.03.155
investigative information, criminal justice forest practice, defined 7.48.310 Joint debtors, procedure to bind after judgment
agencies, available to victim to obtain civil legislative finding and purpose 7.48.300 Ch. 4.68
redress 10.97.070 presumption of reasonableness 7.48.305 Judgments, interest on 4.56.110, 4.56.111
seven thousand five hundred dollars or less, Forfeitures Judicial bonds, premium as part of recoverable
attorneys fees as costs 4.84.250 collusion, payment by does not bar subsequent cost 48.28.030
Death recoveries 4.24.170 Judicial review of agency action
actions for death of child by parent, etc. recovery of, action for 4.24.150 award of fees and expenses 4.84.350
4.24.010 Fraudulent conveyances, See FRAUDULENT definitions 4.84.340
contracts, action on survives 4.20.046 CONVEYANCES land use decisions, appeals and award of fees
personal injuries, survival 4.20.046 Gambling losses, recovery of 4.24.070 and costs 4.84.370
Debts and debtors, action to recover in district Gambling tax collections 9.46.350 payment of fees and expenses, report 4.84.360
court Garnishment, See GARNISHMENT Jurisdiction
filing of claim 12.04.020 Guardians, See GUARDIAN AD LITEM; actions to be brought where defendant resides
summons, issuance, form 12.04.020 GUARDIAN AND WARD 4.12.025
Declaration concerning validity of a marriage Habeas corpus, See HABEAS CORPUS actions to be commenced where subject matter
26.09.010 Health care activities, unfair labor practices is situated 4.12.010
Declaratory judgments, See DECLARATORY 49.66.040, 49.66.050 actions to be tried in county where cause arose
JUDGMENTS Health care claims 4.12.020
Defamation, correction or clarification of, mediation district courts 3.66.020
uniform act Ch. 7.96 exemption of mediated action from superior Jurisdiction, See also JURISDICTION
Dentistry, professional negligence court arbitration or settlement conference Land use decisions
limitation on 4.16.350 requirements 7.70.130 appeals and award of fees and costs 4.84.370
standard of proof, evidence, exception mandatory mediation required, procedures Landlord and tenant, residential 59.18.090
4.24.290 7.70.100 Legal separation 26.09.010
Deposits in court, actions against tenant on right to trial not abridged by unsuccessful Limitation of actions, See LIMITATION OF
failure to pay rent 7.28.250 attempt 7.70.120 ACTIONS
Desertion and nonsupport, See DESERTION tolling of statute of limits for, requirements Lis pendens
AND NONSUPPORT 7.70.110 in actions affecting title to real property
Digital signatures Health maintenance organizations, professional 4.28.320
jurisdiction, venue, and choice of laws negligence effect on unknown heirs and claimants
19.34.503 limitation on 4.16.350 4.28.160
Directors Highways liability of claimants 4.28.328
board of directors construction and maintenance of, actions for Livestock
corporate action without meeting labor and materials used in, limitation damaged or stolen, action for, treble damages,
23B.08.210 47.28.120 attorneys fees 4.24.320
For hire motor vehicle operators, against Livestock markets 16.65.240, 16.65.260,
meetings 23B.08.200 46.72.060 16.65.270, 16.65.280, 16.65.290, 16.65.300,
notice requirements 23B.08.220 Hospitals, professional negligence 16.65.310
participation by means of communication limitation on 4.16.350 Lost or destroyed records, proceedings to replace
equipment 23B.08.200 standard of proof, evidence, exception Ch. 5.48
compensation 23B.08.110 4.24.290 Malicious harassment
vacancies 23B.08.100 Husband and wife 26.16.180, 26.16.190, civil action, actual and punitive damages
Dissolution of marriage 26.09.010 26.16.200 9A.36.083
Dog handler using police or accelerant detection Immunity from suit Mandamus, See MANDAMUS
dog in line of duty, immunity from liability health care disciplinary actions 4.24.250 Mandatory arbitration Ch. 7.06
4.24.410 Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL Mediation, uniform act Ch. 7.07
Dogs killing or injuring livestock Ch. 16.08 INSURANCE Medical malpractice suits
East Asian medicine practitioners, professional Injunctions, See INJUNCTIONS admissibility, gestures of apology 5.64.010
negligence Injuries resulting from health care arbitration of health care actions Ch. 7.70A
standard of proof, evidence, exception declaration of modification of procedure attorneys fees 7.70.070
4.24.290 7.70.010 certificate of merit 7.70.150
Ejectment and quieting title Injuries to persons, aiding a police officer or closed claim reporting 7.70.140
appointment of receiver to protect rents and other officer of the law, exception, limitation compensation by a defendant health provider
profits 7.28.230 9.01.055 7.70.080
rents and profits, appointment of receiver to Injury or death of child 4.24.010 compensation from other suits 7.70.080
protect 7.28.230 Instituting action in name of another, penalty consent to treatment 7.70.060
Ejectment and quieting title, see also 9.62.020 declaration of modification of procedure
EJECTMENT AND QUIETING TITLE Insurance actions 7.70.010
Electrical licensees, liability 19.28.361 attorney general, duties 48.02.080 definitions 7.70.020
Embezzlement, probate, for restoration of estate contract limiting 48.18.200 elements of proof 7.70.040
11.48.060 disability insurance 48.20.142 frivolous claims 7.70.160
Eminent domain, See EMINENT DOMAIN duty of commissioner 48.02.080 informed consent, elements 7.70.050
Equity, original jurisdiction of superior courts no insurable interest, action to recover benefits mental health advance directives
2.08.010 48.18.030 informed consent 7.70.068
Escheats, See ESCHEATS prosecuting attorney, duties 48.02.080 Mental illness
Executors and administrators, See EXECUTORS venue 48.05.220 commitment proceedings Ch. 71.05
AND ADMINISTRATORS, subtitle Insurance examinations, civil actions arising Metals mining and milling operations
Actions and proceedings from the conduct of citizen action suits 78.56.140
False arrest civil immunity and indemnification Militia members 38.40.010
reasonable cause a defense protections for commissioner, Mining shafts, damage action for injuries
civil action 4.24.220 commissioners representatives, sustained in abandoned shaft preserved
Fault examiners, and good faith providers of 78.12.070
determination of percentage of fault among information 48.03.075 Minor plaintiff, appointment of guardian to act
multiple parties 4.22.070 Insurers, liquidation of for 12.04.140, 12.04.150

[RCW Indexpage 4] (2016 Ed.)


Mobile home or travel trailer manufacturers, complaint not to include statement of Quieting title, see EJECTMENT AND
against, limitation on recovery from bond damages, request for statement 4.28.360 QUIETING TITLE
46.70.075 contributory fault Ch. 4.22 Quo warranto, See QUO WARRANTO
Motor carrier transportation contracts injured person, death of does not abate action Real property
agreement to indemnify against liability for for personal injuries 4.20.060 child maliciously injuring, action against
negligence 4.24.115 injury or death of child 4.24.010 parent allowed, limitation 4.24.190
Motor vehicle business practices 46.70.070, investigative information, criminal justice improvements to, public policy against
46.70.075, 46.70.190 agencies, available to victims 10.97.070 agreements indemnifying for negligence
Motor vehicle financial responsibility law, action parents liability for childrens acts 4.24.190 related to 4.24.115
on bond 46.29.540 survival of on death of injured person 4.20.060 purchase money, recovery of 4.08.100
Motor vehicle law, under tort feasors death does not abate action specific performance of contract to purchase
damages due to illegal movement of vehicles 4.20.046 4.08.100
under size, weight and load limitations Personal property unknown heirs 4.28.140
46.44.110 actions for recovery of 4.56.080 waste 64.12.010
Motor vehicles limitation of action 4.16.080 Receivers Ch. 7.60
disregarding notice of highway closure or trial of issues of fact, by whom tried 4.40.060 Receivers, See also RECEIVERS AND
restrictions, civil actions for damages variance in pleading, effect of 4.36.210 RECEIVERSHIPS
47.48.040 child maliciously injuring, action against Recreational, woodcutters use of land, water,
odometers, tampering with or replacing, right parent allowed, limitation 4.24.190 owners liability, limitation 4.24.210
to civil action 46.37.590 injury to Registered nurse, professional negligence
venue 4.12.025 negligently permitting fire to spread limitation on 4.16.350
Municipal corporations 4.08.120 4.24.040 Remedies and enforcement 62A.1-305
in corporate name 4.08.110 Pharmacist, professional negligence Replevin, See REPLEVIN
Names, change of 4.24.130 limitation on 4.16.350 Residential landlord-tenant act 59.18.040
Ne exeat, See NE EXEAT Physical therapists, professional negligence Restitution, See RESTITUTION
Negligence, permitting fire to spread 4.24.040 limitation on 4.16.350 Sales
Negotiable instruments, See UNIFORM Physician and surgeon, professional negligence sellers remedies for breach of obligations
COMMERCIAL CODE, subtitle Negotiable limitation on 4.16.350 62A.2-709
instruments standard of proof, evidence, exception third party actions 62A.2-722
Nuclear incidents, storage or transportation 4.24.290 School districts 4.08.110, 4.08.120
liability 4.24.450, 4.24.460 Physicians assistant, professional negligence Seduction
Nurses, professional negligence limitation on 4.16.350 barred, when 4.24.020
standard of proof, evidence, exception Physicians trained mobile intensive care child or ward 4.24.020
4.24.290 paramedic, professional negligence Service of process
Nursing homes, professional negligence, claims limitation on 4.16.350 corporations, service on secretary of state
arising from 4.16.350 Pleadings nonprofit corporations 24.03.060
Official bonds action to recover property distrained, answers Settlement conferences
judgment for one delinquency no bar to action 4.36.140 supreme court to adopt rules 2.04.215
42.08.040 actions by cities and towns to terminate trust, Settlement offers
leave of court required, when 42.08.030 property acquired at local improvement or time period 4.84.280
by person not named on bond 42.08.030 utility local improvement foreclosure Sewer districts, See SEWER DISTRICTS
who may maintain 42.08.020, 42.08.080 proceeding 35.53.050 Sewerage, water and drainage systems, counties,
Opticians, professional negligence Pleadings, See also PLEADINGS delinquent charges, action for 36.94.150
limitation on 4.16.350 Podiatric physicians and surgeons Sexual assault protection orders
Optometrists, professional negligence professional negligence accountability, conduct of others 7.90.100
limitation on 4.16.350 limitation on 4.16.350 administrative office of the courts
Podiatrists duties 7.90.180
Osteopathic physicians professional negligence advocates, sexual assault 7.90.060
professional negligence standard of proof, evidence, exception burden of proof 7.90.090
limitation on 4.16.350 4.24.290 contents 7.90.130
standard of proof, evidence, exception Port districts counsel, appointment 7.90.070
4.24.290 garnishment of employees wages 53.08.170 court initiated issuance 7.90.150
Osteopathic physicians assistant, professional toll facility damages 53.34.200 data, law enforcement agencies 7.90.160
negligence Practical nurse, professional negligence definitions 7.90.010
limitation on 4.16.350 limitation on 4.16.350 evidence 7.90.080
Pain and suffering of deceased person Private conversation, interrupting 9.73.060 ex parte temporary or final orders, renewal of
personal representative may recover only on Prizes, promotional advertising of prizes 7.90.121
behalf of the decedents beneficiaries damages from deceptive act, action against ex parte temporary orders 7.90.110, 7.90.120,
4.20.046 sponsor or promoter authorized 19.170.060 7.90.190
Parentage Probate, See PROBATE fees not permitted 7.90.055
uniform parentage act Ch. 26.26 Product liability actions Ch. 7.72 firearm or license surrender and receipt and
Parties to actions Product liability/hazardous substance claims nonsurrender forms 9.41.802, 9.41.804
interlocal cooperation, real party in interest confidentiality 4.24.611 firearm or license surrender by persons subject
39.34.040 damages and costs 4.24.611 to orders 9.41.800
spouse or domestic partner public right to information 4.24.611 firearm possession, unlawful, by persons
sue on behalf of community 4.08.030 Professional negligence subject to orders 9.41.040
when they may join, defend 4.08.040 claims arising from 4.16.350 hearings prior to issuance 7.90.050
Partition proceedings, See PARTITION Prohibition, See PROHIBITION, WRIT OF legislative declaration 7.90.005
Partnerships Ch. 25.05 Property damage, aiding a police officer or other modification or termination 7.90.170
Paternity, See UNIFORM PARENTAGE ACT officer of the law, limitation, exception personal jurisdiction over nonresident
Pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers 9.01.055 individuals 7.90.155
recovery action by owner of goods 19.60.062 Property damages caused by removal, waste or petition for
Pay-per-call information delivery services injury, liability 4.24.630 additional requirements 7.90.040
violations, action for damages 19.162.070 Psychologist, professional negligence creation, contents 7.90.020
Penalties limitation on 4.16.350 who may file 7.90.030
amount of recovery 4.24.160 Public hazards disclosure 4.24.601 renewal of ex parte temporary or final orders
collusion, payment by does not bar subsequent Public participation lawsuits 7.90.121
recoveries 4.24.170 special motion to strike claim service
Pensions, See RETIREMENT AND PENSIONS damages, costs, attorneys fees, other relief issuance following service by publication or
Personal injuries 4.24.525 mail 7.90.054
settlement agreements, effect of 4.22.060 Public utilities, See PUBLIC UTILITIES, by mail 7.90.053
Personal injury action subtitle Actions by publication 7.90.052
actions limited to three years 4.16.080 Public utility districts 54.16.110 to respondent 7.90.140

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 5]


Shoplifting, unpaid restaurant meals, additional AD VALOREM TAX (See TAXES - ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE
penalty, judgment for, assignability 4.24.230 PROPERTY) COURTS (See ADMINISTRATOR FOR
Special open consignment horse sales 16.65.260 ADAMS COUNTY THE COURTS)
Stalking protection orders Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.010 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE (See also
firearm or license surrender and receipt and Superior court judges, number of 2.08.063 RULES AND REGULATIONS)
nonsurrender forms 9.41.802, 9.41.804 Accountancy, board of
firearm or license surrender by persons subject ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL AND DRUGS rule-making authority 18.04.055
to orders 9.41.800 (See ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG Actions by agencies, significant
firearm possession, unlawful, by persons ADDICTION) information sources used, identification and
subject to orders 9.41.040 ADDITIONS categorization of
hearing and service 10.14.070 Real property, recording of plats 58.08.020 ecology, department of 34.05.272
Jennifer Paulson stalking protection order act fish and wildlife, department of 34.05.271
State appeal to supreme court or court of appeals
against, See STATE, subtitle Actions against STATE, subtitle Address confidentiality
program) 34.05.526
State, See also STATE applications, actions on 34.05.419
Statute of limitations, See LIMITATION OF ADJOURNMENTS (See also brief proceedings 34.05.482, 34.05.485,
ACTIONS CONTINUANCES) 34.05.488, 34.05.491, 34.05.494
Support, child, See CHILD SUPPORT Courts commencement 34.05.413
Support, child and spousal while jury is out 4.44.350 conferences 34.05.431
uniform interstate family support act Ch. Insurance hearings 48.04.060 conversion of proceedings 34.05.070
26.21A Judges, power of 2.28.120 cross-examination 34.05.452
Sureties, See SURETIES Justice and inferior courts act of 1961 3.30.060 decision not to conduct 34.05.416
Survival of actions, See SURVIVAL OF Justices of the peace default 34.05.440
ACTIONS power of 2.28.120 discovery 34.05.446
Taxation Referees power of 4.48.060 effective date of orders 34.05.473
action by other state to enforce collection Superior courts emergency proceedings 34.05.479
4.24.140 hearings 7.36.110 evidence 34.05.452
Tort actions ex parte communications 34.05.455
power of 2.28.120
contributory negligence functions, separation of 34.05.458
while jury is out 4.44.350 intervention 34.05.443
effect of 4.22.005
Supplemental proceedings 6.32.050 judicial review
fault, defined 4.22.015
joint and several liability ADJUSTERS (See INSURANCE, subtitle court of appeals
contribution Adjusters, independent, public, and crop) direct review authorized 34.05.518
enforcement of 4.22.050 ADJUSTMENT, BOARD OF refusal of review 34.05.522
settlement agreements, effect of 4.22.060 licenses 34.05.422
Cities and towns, providing for 35.63.080 notice 34.05.434
Trade secret misappropriation Ch. 19.108 Counties, See COUNTIES, subtitle Plans and
Transportation companies, See orders
planning entry, exception 34.05.461
subtitle Actions ADJUTANT GENERAL (See MILITIA AND initial, review of 34.05.464
Travel business, actions for damages 19.138.280 MILITARY AFFAIRS) petition for review 34.05.514
Trust and estate dispute resolution Ch. 11.96A ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS AND pleadings, briefs 34.05.437
Trustees, See TRUSTEES AGENCIES (See STATE presiding officers 34.05.425
Unclaimed property, See ESCHEATS; DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES) procedure at hearing 34.05.449
UNCLAIMED PROPERTY procedures 34.05.410
ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS, OFFICE protective orders 34.05.446
Uniform adult guardianship and protective OF
proceedings jurisdiction act Ch. 11.90 public inspection of records, indexes, and
Administrative hearings revolving fund digests 34.05.220
Unsolicited goods or services are gifts when
provided, complete defense 19.56.020 employment security department, payments rate changes 34.05.422
into fund 34.12.140 reconsideration 34.05.470
Usury Ch. 19.52
defense, exceptions 19.52.080 financial management, role of director of record of each proceeding 34.05.476
34.12.140 representation of parties 34.05.428
Vehicle business practices
generally 34.12.130, 34.12.140, 34.12.150 secure community transition facility
damages, limitation 46.70.190
Administrative law judges Ch. 34.12 34.05.4791
Vehicle dealers, limitation on recovery from stay 34.05.467
bond 46.70.070 Agency hearings, conduct by administrative law
judges subpoenas 34.05.446
Venue, See VENUE Adjudicative proceedings
Water districts, See WATER DISTRICTS generally Ch. 34.12, 34.12.040, 34.12.050
human rights commission proceedings support of dependent children
Water pollution department of social and health services
civil penalty 90.48.144 34.12.037
landlord-tenant proceedings 34.12.036 participation 74.20.057
liability for damages 90.48.142 Administrative hearings, office of Ch. 34.12
Water rights local government whistleblower proceedings
34.12.038, 34.12.039 Administrative procedure act Ch. 34.05
ground waters determination and Administrative rules, See CODE REVISER
appropriation Ch. 90.44 records 34.05.220, 34.12.070
request by agency for assignment of judge Agency rule-making activity, quarterly report
surface waters, determination and 1.08.112
appropriation Ch. 90.03 34.12.050
state patrol disciplinary hearings 34.12.035, Agency rule-making procedure, requirements
Wrongful death actions 4.20.010 34.05.220, 34.05.270, 34.05.271, 34.05.272
contributory negligence 34.12.060
Agency subpoenas
fault, defined 4.22.015 Bilingual services enforcement
settlement agreements, effect of 4.22.060 public assistance applicants and recipients petition to superior court 34.05.588
74.04.025 Agenda for rules under development 34.05.314
ACTS (See ORDINANCES AND Chief administrative law judge
RESOLUTIONS; SESSION LAWS; Air pollution control 70.94.410
administrative hearings revolving fund Appeal to supreme court or court of appeals
STATUTES) 34.12.140, 34.12.150 34.05.526
ACTUARY (See STATE ACTUARY, appointment and salary 34.12.010, 34.12.100, Appeals, victims of crimes, compensation of
OFFICE OF) 34.12.120 7.68.110, 7.68.111
ACUPUNCTURE AND ACUPUNCTURISTS duties Appeals to court of appeals 2.06.030
Immunity from civil action when charging generally Ch. 34.12 Appearance of fairness doctrine Ch. 42.36
another with incompetency or gross procedure, model rules of 34.05.250 Associations of agricultural producers 24.34.020
misconduct 4.24.250 Office, generally Ch. 34.12 Auctions and auctioneers 18.11.200, 18.11.205
Osteopathic physicians assistants, authorization Transfer of employees and equipment of Bail bond agents, application of administrative
and limitations 18.57A.070 agencies to office 34.12.090 procedure act 18.185.200

[RCW Indexpage 6] (2016 Ed.)


Business professions, regulation guidelines Ch. Interpretive statements rules review committee objection as outside
18.118 review by rules review committee 34.05.630 legislative intent 34.05.640
Businesses Judicial conduct commission Pollution control hearings board, jurisdiction and
rules coordinator, duty to provide list of investigations and proceedings not subject to duties Ch. 43.21B
applicable agency rules to business act 2.64.092 Private investigators 18.165.270
assistance center 43.17.310 Judicial review 34.05.570 Procedures of various agencies to accord with
Camping resorts, regulation 19.105.530 agency record 34.05.566 administrative procedure act
Charitable solicitations 19.09.430 court of appeals associations of agricultural producers
Child welfare services direct review authorized 34.05.518 24.34.020
complaint resolution process 74.13.045 refusal of review 34.05.522 insurance commissioner 48.03.070,
Commercial feed law 15.53.9012 enforcement 48.30.010, 48.44.020
Contempt of court agency subpoenas 34.05.588 limited access highways, review and appeal on
sanctions, petition to court for imposition of appellate review 34.05.594 petitions of abutters 47.52.195
7.21.060 defenses, limitation 34.05.586 social and health services, department of
Contested cases petition by agency 34.05.578 mentally ill, charges 43.20B.335
appeals to court of appeals 2.06.030 petition by other than agency 34.05.582 state lottery commission and director
Contractors evidence, new, when allowed 34.05.562 67.70.280
registration infractions Ch. 18.27 exclusive means of 34.05.510 Public assistance
Conversion of proceedings 34.05.070 exhaustion of administrative remedies grievances, review 74.08.080
Decisions 34.05.534 Public livestock markets 16.65.020
appeals to court of appeals 2.06.030 facts, confined to record 34.05.558 Rate changes
Declaratory orders by agency 34.05.240 frivolous petitions 34.05.598 adjudication 34.05.422
Definitions 34.05.010 incorporation of other provisions 34.05.590 Regulatory fairness, See also REGULATORY
Domestic partnerships, state registered limitation on new issues 34.05.554 FAIRNESS
rights and responsibilities, extension of petition 34.05.542, 34.05.546 Regulatory fairness act Ch. 19.85
34.05.120 petition for 34.05.514 Relief, remedies 34.05.574
Ecology, department of relief, type available 34.05.574 Rules
five-year formal process of reviewing existing standing 34.05.530 adoption, amendment, or repeal
rules 43.21A.081 stay and other temporary remedies 34.05.550 appeal 34.05.330
Ecology department, administrative procedure Judicial review of agency action petition for 34.05.330
act application 43.21A.070 award of fees and expenses 4.84.350 state register, contained in 34.08.020
Egg handlers and dealers licenses 69.25.040 definitions 4.84.340 agency web sites for rule-making information
Electronic distribution of rules 34.05.260 land use decisions, appeals and award of fees 34.05.270
Elevators, lifting devices and moving walks and costs 4.84.370 agenda for rules under development 34.05.314
70.87.090 payment of fees and expenses, report 4.84.360 amendment incorporating editorial
Emergency medical care and transportation Labor and industries, department of corrections 34.05.390
services 18.73.200 five-year formal process of reviewing existing amendment of
Emergency rules 34.05.090, 34.05.350 rules 43.22.052 state register, contained in 34.08.020
Employment agencies 19.31.130, 19.31.260 Land use decisions compliance
Enforcement appeals and award of fees and costs 4.84.370 technical assistance programs Ch. 43.05
appellate review 34.05.594 Legislative intent 34.05.001 concise explanatory statement 34.05.325
defenses, limitation 34.05.586 Legislative review of rules 34.05.610, 34.05.620, conversion of proceedings 34.05.070
petition by agency 34.05.578 34.05.660 declaratory orders 34.05.240
petition by other than agency 34.05.582 Licenses
Environmental rules docket 34.05.315
adjudication 34.05.422
challenges to consistency, procedure Limited access highways, petitions by abutters ecology, department of, review of existing
43.21B.250 47.52.195 rules 43.21A.081
Escrow agents or officers, licensing 18.44.270 Liquor and cannabis board effective dates 34.05.380
Exclusions from chapter 34.05.030 permits and licenses 66.08.150 electronic distribution 34.05.260
Exclusive means of judicial review 34.05.510 Livestock, inhumane slaughter Ch. 16.50 emergency 34.05.090
Exhaustion of administrative remedies 34.05.534 Low-level radioactive waste disposal sites emergency rules 34.05.345, 34.05.350
Feasibility studies rate setting state register, contained in 34.08.020
pilot projects 34.05.313 complaints, hearing procedure 81.108.080 filing and publication 34.05.385
Federal requirements in conflict with exemption from regulation absent a filing with code reviser 34.05.380
construction 34.05.040 monopoly situation 81.108.100 final rule, substantial variance with proposed
Fishing licenses monopoly situation, determination of rule
commercial license limitation programs, existence, criteria 81.108.100 determination 34.05.340
review of decisions 77.70.040 Mediation proceedings format and style 34.05.390
Food, drug, and cosmetic act enforcement Ch. mediation by state or federal agency, existing sections, amending of 34.05.395
69.04 determination of questions of privilege and failure to comply, effect 34.05.395
Food processing licenses 69.07.070 confidentiality 5.60.072 new sections, adding 34.05.395
Forest practices appeals board Milk and milk products standardization by code reviser 34.05.385
appeals board review 76.09.205 chapter 34.05 RCW, application 15.36.025 gender-neutral language 43.01.160
Franchise investments, stop orders 19.100.120, Milk and milk products for animal food goals and specific objectives, detailed
19.100.130 15.37.020, 15.37.080, 15.37.090 statement to include 34.05.328
Frivolous civil actions 34.05.598 licenses health, department of, review of existing rules
Health, department of requirements 15.37.030 43.70.041
five-year formal process of reviewing existing Milk pooling act 15.35.100 hearings 34.05.325
rules 43.70.041 Model rules of procedure 34.05.250 incorporation by reference, authority
Health professions Mortgage brokers, application 19.146.230 34.05.365
regulation criteria Ch. 18.120 Nursing homes 18.51.065 interpretive and policy statements 34.05.230
uniform administrative provisions Ch. 18.122 Open public meetings, matters governed by Title judicial notice 34.05.210
uniform disciplinary act Ch. 18.130 34 RCW, exception from open public labor and industries, department of, review of
Hearings, See ADMINISTRATIVE meetings law 42.30.140 existing rules 43.22.052
HEARINGS, OFFICE OF Optometry board 18.54.090 negotiated rule making 34.05.310
Horticultural plants and facilities 15.13.260, Pesticide application 17.21.040, 17.21.050, notice of hearing, contents, filing, and
15.13.360 17.21.060 distribution 34.05.320
Housing finance commission Pesticide control act 15.58.040, 15.58.260 notice requirements 34.05.345
rule adoption 43.180.110 Pilot projects 34.05.313 numbering system 34.05.390
Incorporation by reference, authority 34.05.365 Plumbers order adopting rule 34.05.360
Informal settlements 34.05.060 infractions 18.106.250 pilot rules 34.05.310
Insurance commissioner 48.03.070 Policy statements, guidelines, and issuances postadoption notice 34.05.362
Interpretive and policy statements 34.05.230 review by rules review committee 34.05.630 prenotice inquiry, contents 34.05.310

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 7]


procedural rules 34.05.220, 34.05.250, mentally ill, charges 43.20B.335 Juveniles

34.05.375 Standing 34.05.530 records
proposed State agency action reviewable under act or land keeping and release by administrative office
adoption, time and manner 34.05.335 use petition act of the courts 13.50.010
concise explanatory statement 34.05.325 certiorari, mandamus, and writ of prohibition state identification number
notice of hearing, contents, filing, and do not apply 7.16.360 state patrol to furnish 10.98.080
distribution 34.05.320 Stay and other temporary remedies 34.05.550 Legal financial obligations
register information, accuracy of 34.05.325 Support of dependent children collection and distribution 2.56.190
variance with final rule 34.05.340 adjudicative proceedings No-contact orders
withdrawal of 34.05.335 department of social and health services duplicate or conflicting orders, reconciling of
written summary of comments received participation 74.20.057 2.56.240
34.05.325 Time limits, variation 34.05.080 Office created 2.56.010
public participation 34.05.325 Transportation department, rest areas, historic Performance audits 2.56.200
register sites and viewpoints 47.38.010 Pistol licenses, concealed
filed rules, kept by code reviser 34.05.380 Vehicle dealers, salespersons, and manufacturers work group on revocation and information
publication by code reviser 34.05.210 46.70.102 transmittal 2.56.250
repeal Victims of crimes, compensation and assistance Powers and duties 2.56.030
state register, contained in 34.08.020 7.68.030 Practice of law 2.56.020
respectful language requirements 34.05.100 Waiver of rights 34.05.050 Protection orders
review by rules review committee 34.05.630 Washington Administrative Code, See CODE duplicate or conflicting orders, reconciling of
rule-making file 34.05.370 REVISER 2.56.240
scope of agencies rule-making authority Water pollution control, application of ex parte, law enforcement information form
34.05.322 administrative procedure act 90.48.230 order against person with disability, brain
significant agency actions, identification and Water rights Ch. 90.14 injury, or impairment 26.50.230
categorization of information sources used Weights and measures, grievance procedure master petition pattern form for
ecology, department of 34.05.272 19.94.265 antiharassment and stalking protection
fish and wildlife, department of 34.05.271 orders 10.14.800
significant legislative rules ADMINISTRATOR FOR THE COURTS School attendance violation petitions, report
rule-making requirements 34.05.328 Appellate indigent defense 2.56.140
substantial compliance with rule-making public defense, office of Ch. 2.70 Training and education programs for judicial
procedures 34.05.375 Appointment of 2.56.010 personnel 2.56.030
technical assistance programs to encourage Assignment of judges, recommendations for Vulnerable adults
compliance Ch. 43.05 2.56.040 petition, order for protection 74.34.115
telefacsimile or recorded telephone Assistants to 2.56.020 Warrant processing pilot program 2.56.160
comments, acceptance in regard to Child support Weighted caseload analysis 2.56.030
proposed rules 34.05.325 data report 26.18.210
Cost bills in felony cases, audit of, duties ADMINISTRATORS (See EXECUTORS
variance between proposed and final rule AND ADMINISTRATORS)
34.05.340 10.46.230
Rules coordinators Courts of limited jurisdiction ADMIRALTY (See also VESSELS AND
businesses, duty to provide list of applicable electronic recording equipment, installation SHIPPING)
agency rules to business assistance center and operation, role of administrator Liens on boats and vessels 60.36.020
43.17.310 3.02.040
Disabilities, persons with ADMISSIBILITY OF EVIDENCE
designation 34.05.312 Business records
Rules review committee court access and accommodations coordinator
2.56.210 copies of business and public records as
advisory boards, appointment 34.05.671 evidence, uniform act Ch. 5.46
created 34.05.610 Domestic relations
as evidence, uniform act Ch. 5.45
enforcement of committee subpoena standard forms and format rules, duties Certified copies of public records and documents
34.05.681 26.18.220 5.44.040
membership, terms, vacancies 34.05.610 Domestic violence Civil rights, copies of instruments restoring
no presumption of legality 34.05.660 forms, instructions, and informational 5.44.090
objections to agency action 34.05.640 brochures, preparation 26.50.035 Court records and proceedings 5.44.010
petition for review 34.05.655 Enhanced enforcement district Foreign statutes 5.44.050
powers and authority 34.05.675 duties 2.56.110 Medical malpractice suits
procedure 34.05.620 Family and juvenile court improvement program gestures of apology 5.64.010
recommendations to the legislature 34.05.650 2.56.220, 2.56.230 Moral nuisances
reports on findings or recommendations Family law handbook 2.56.180 injunction proceedings
34.05.671 Guardians ad litem admission or guilt in criminal proceedings
review procedure 34.05.630 mandatory use and certification, review of 7.48.072
scope of review authority 34.05.630 advisability and feasibility 2.56.150 reputation 7.48.074
state employees submitting rules warranting Guardians ad litem curriculum 2.56.030 Ordinances of city or town 5.44.080
review, protection 34.05.665 Harassment, model forms and brochures Public records, copies of business and public
suspension of rule 34.05.640 10.14.050 records as evidence, uniform act Ch. 5.46
Savings associations Home detention Recorded and filed instruments, copies as
conversion 33.44.130 pattern form order for use by courts, office to evidence 5.44.060, 5.44.070
conversions of savings and commercial bank create 9.94A.735 Testimony, decision of court as to 4.44.080
to association 33.46.130 Information and statistical data supplied to Transcripts of county commissioners
Security guards 18.170.210, 18.170.280 2.56.050 proceedings 5.44.070
Shoreline management act Ch. 90.58 Judge pro tempore appointments 2.56.170
Small business economic impact statement and Judicial impact notes ADMISSION CHARGE
rule-making procedure Ch. 19.85 copies to be filed 2.56.120 Cities and towns, taxation 35.21.280
Small business export finance assistance center development of with office of financial Counties, taxation 36.38.010, 36.38.020,
rule-making authority 43.210.060 management 2.56.120 36.38.030
Small businesses legislators may request 2.56.120 Public facilities districts, taxation 35.57.100,
paperwork violations procedure, establishment of 2.56.120 36.100.210
waiver of first-time violations 34.05.110 Judicial information system ADOPTION
Social and health services, department of Ch. duties of administrative office of the courts Adoption support program
43.20A 2.68.060 children with special needs, interstate
fines, civil, assessment of Juvenile justice agreements for adoption Ch. 74.13A
procedure, appeals 43.20A.215 laws and court processes and procedures, generally, including assistance payments Ch.
licenses informational materials 2.56.130 74.13A
denial, suspension, revocation, or offender information, collection and reporting Background investigations of prospective
modification, procedure, appeals generally, plan for improvement 2.56.031 adoptive parents 43.43.830
43.20A.205 youth-level secure detention data 2.56.032 Birth certificates, issuance of, contents 70.58.210

[RCW Indexpage 8] (2016 Ed.)


Birth parent search ADULT DEPENDENT PERSONS (See public lands exception 7.28.090
confidential intermediary 26.33.343 DEPENDENT ADULTS) vacant and unoccupied lands 7.28.080
release of information, conditions 26.33.347 ADULT FAMILY HOMES counterclaim for permanent improvements
Child selling, buying Adult family home quality assurance panel report and taxes paid 7.28.160
lawful and unlawful acts 9A.64.030 recommendations included in report, enacting Greenbelts or open space not subject to adverse
Children with special needs 70.128.270 possession 36.70A.165
interstate agreements 74.13A.090, Complaints, dispute resolution process Heirs
74.13A.095, 74.13A.100, 74.13A.105, 18.20.195, 70.128.167 action under color of title and payment of
74.13A.110, 74.13A.115, 74.13A.120, Comprehensive provisions, including licensing taxes 7.28.070
74.13A.125 Ch. 70.128 public lands exception 7.28.070
Consent, when not required 26.33.170 Elder care 70.128.220 vacant and unoccupied lands 7.28.080
County clerk Homeowners associations connected title deducible of record 7.28.060
search for birth parents or children governing documents 64.38.060 Incompetent persons 7.28.090
clerks duty to provide information Indian tribes, duties of department regarding Infants 7.28.090
regarding sources of assistance 36.23.090 homes licensed by tribes 70.128.122 Limitation of action, persons under legal
Descent and distribution Long-term care ombuds program, interference disability 7.28.090
included as of the blood of ancestor 11.04.035 with duties prohibited, penalty 70.128.150 Minors 7.28.090
lawfully adopted child not an heir of natural Medication assistance 69.41.085 Prevailing party
parents 11.04.085 Producers requirements, attorneys fees 7.28.083
Disposal of infants Title 41 RCW, not applicable to 41.04.810 Public lands 7.28.090
agencies for children, expectant mothers, Residents rights Ch. 70.129 School lands 7.28.090
developmental disabilities, care and Rules and standards State lands 7.28.090
placement, licensing 74.15.100 adoption by department of social and health United States lands 7.28.090
Family and social history reports, requirements services 70.128.040 Use of property by public for recreational
26.33.380 Tax exemption 82.04.327 purposes, nonsupportive of 4.24.210
Generally Ch. 26.33 ADULT RESIDENTIAL CARE (See LONG- Vacant and unoccupied lands 7.28.080
Guardian ad litem, appointment of 26.33.070 TERM CARE) persons under legal disability 7.28.090
Home recruitment program 74.13.325 public lands exception 7.28.090
Indian child welfare 26.33.040, 26.33.270, ADULTERATION
Commercial feed 15.53.902 ADVERTISING
26.33.310 Abortion, articles or drugs for 9.68.030
Indians, assumption of state jurisdiction Cosmetics 69.04.670
Drugs 69.04.410, 69.04.420, 69.04.430, Accountants, effect of false advertising
37.12.010 18.04.380
Inheritance, children adopted by parents, effect 69.04.440
Eggs and egg products 69.25.080 Adoption services
11.02.005 prohibited practices, exceptions, and penalties
Insurance coverage 48.01.180 Fertilizers 15.54.414
Food products 69.04.210, 69.04.220, 69.04.231, 26.33.400
health care 48.20.500, 48.21.280, 48.44.420, Agricultural commodities
48.46.490 69.04.240
Pesticides 15.58.140, 15.58.150 Washington state grown, restrictions on use
Interstate compact on placement 26.34.010 for labeling or advertising 15.04.410
Issue, defined 11.02.005 Poisons in edible products Ch. 69.40
Alcoholic beverages, liquor and cannabis board
Medical reports on childrens mental or physical ADVANCEMENTS restrictions 66.08.060
history, requirements 26.33.350 Joint operating agencies, advancements by Apple commission Ch. 15.24
Nonprofit organizations members, interest 43.52.391 Auctioneers and auction companies
provision of adoption services 26.33.903, Liens for transportation, storage, and newspaper advertisement requirements
74.13.902, 74.15.903 advancements, See LIENS, subtitle 18.11.210
Open adoption agreements 26.33.295 Transportation, storage, and advancements Banks, commercial, See BANKS AND
Parental leave Probate BANKING, subtitle Advertising
application, determination of effective date death of advanced descendant 11.04.041 Billboards
49.12.370 defined 11.04.041 highway advertising control act Ch. 47.42
discrimination prohibited 49.12.360 exceeding distributive share 11.04.041 railroad grade crossings, regulation of
legislative findings 49.12.350 how considered 11.04.041 36.86.100, 47.32.140
Petitions less than distributive share 11.04.041 Blind made products 19.06.030
court commissioners power to hear and value, how determined 11.04.041 Bus shelters 47.36.141
determine 2.24.040 ADVERSE PARTIES Charitable solicitations, conditions 19.09.100
hearing, notice, disposition 26.33.240 Notice of change and substitution of attorney Consumer leases
Indian child welfare act, federal 26.33.040 given to 2.44.050 unlawful acts or practices 63.10.045
servicemembers civil relief act, federal, Removal or death of attorney of opposing party, Contractors 18.27.100, 18.27.102, 18.27.104
application to proceedings 26.33.040 duties 2.44.060 Cosmetics
Postadoption contact between siblings ADVERSE POSSESSION false advertising 69.04.710
duty of court 26.33.430 Action to quiet title by known heirs after ten County, publication in official county paper
intent, findings 26.33.420 years possession 7.28.010 36.72.071, 36.72.080, 36.72.090
Preplacement 26.33.190 Assessments or taxes Crimes, See CRIMES, subtitle Advertising
Race, color, or national origin, consideration in reimbursement, payment 7.28.083 Dairy products commission 15.44.130
placement 26.33.045 Color of title, counterclaim for permanent Debt adjusters, false or misleading statements
Recording of decree with department of improvements and taxes paid 7.28.160 prohibited 18.28.120
registration of births 70.58.210 Color of title and payment of taxes, action under Dentistry, prohibited practices 18.32.665,
Records and reports, standards for locating 7.28.070 18.32.755
26.33.385 public lands exception 7.28.090 Drugs
Records sealed, conditions for inspection vacant and unoccupied lands 7.28.080 false advertising 69.04.710, 69.04.720
26.33.330 Connected title deducible of record 7.28.050, False, untrue, or deceptive
Religious organizations 7.28.060 assurance of discontinuance of practice, filing
provision of adoption services 26.33.903, Counterclaim for permanent improvements and of, use of evidence 9.04.080
74.13.902, 74.15.903 taxes paid 7.28.160, 7.28.170, 7.28.180 injunctive or restraining action against
Siblings, postadoption contact between Devisees and legatees 9.04.060
duty of court 26.33.430 action under color of title and payment of penalties 9.04.070
intent, findings 26.33.420 taxes 7.28.070 penalty for violations of order or injunction
Teenage applicants for general assistance connected title deducible of record 7.28.060 against 9.04.070
referral services 74.04.0052 public lands exception 7.28.090 prohibited 9.04.050
Teenage applicants for temporary assistance for vacant and unoccupied lands 7.28.080 prohibited, penalties 9.04.010
needy families Forest lands 7.28.085 False advertising or misleading labeling, how
referral services 74.12.255 Good faith determined 69.04.016
Voluntary adoption plan and termination of action under color of title and payment of Flags, use of in advertising prohibited, penalty
parental rights 13.34.125 taxes 7.28.070 9.86.020

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 9]


Food and food products Timeshare regulation, See TIMESHARE eminent domain 47.68.100, 47.68.120
false advertising 69.04.710 REGULATION lease of airports 47.68.140
Franchise investments, requirements 19.100.100, Transportation department may contract with lien for states charges concerning lease to
19.100.110 public utilities and municipal corporation airport 47.68.150
Gasoline prices without advertising 47.01.210 eminent domain
service stations 9.04.090 Trust companies, See TRUST COMPANIES, county roads 36.85.020
Going out of business sales Ch. 19.178 subtitle Advertising municipalities 14.07.020
Health care service contractors, prohibited Trust institutions, See TRUST INSTITUTIONS, encroachments, public nuisance 14.08.030
practices 48.44.110 subtitle Advertising hazardous structures
Highway advertising control act of 1961, See Truth in music advertising act 19.25.100 determination 47.68.340
HIGHWAYS, subtitle Highway advertising AERONAUTICS (See also marking of required 47.68.340
control TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT reporting location of by owners, etc.,
Horticultural plants and facilities OF) required 47.68.350
false advertising 15.13.425 Accidents, investigations, hearings, subpoenas, structures marked according to federal
unlawful acts 15.13.420 joint hearings 47.68.290 regulations exempted 47.68.360
House to house sales by minors Aerospace and advanced materials subpoena power to require reporting as to
employment advertisements, requirements manufacturing 47.68.350
and prohibitions 49.12.310 program review and analysis of training Indian tribes
Injunction or restraining action against false or system 28B.50.903, 28C.18.190 department of transportation aid to
deceptive advertising 9.04.060 Aerospace and advanced materials 47.68.090
Insurance manufacturing pipeline advisory committee federal aid moneys, disbursement by
deceptive and misleading 48.30.040 28B.50.903, 28C.18.190 department of transportation, authorized
health care service contractors 48.44.110 Aerospace assembler, entry-level, training 47.68.090
Insurance, See also INSURANCE, subtitle program metropolitan park districts, regulation of
Advertisements grants to high schools 28A.700.100 35.61.130
Insurance companies, organization, false exhibits Aerospace training student loan program Ch. municipal
48.06.190 28B.122 acquisition of
Lease-purchase agreements 63.19.090 air easements 14.08.030
Legal notices Air ambulance services, private, by subscription
property authorized 14.07.010, 14.07.020,
rates 65.16.091 exemption from insurer provisions 48.01.280 14.07.030
Limousine service operators 46.72A.080 Aircraft validation 14.08.070
Marriage by courts of limited jurisdiction, aviation biofuel demonstration project aircraft noise abatement, authorization
advertising prohibited 3.66.110 state university or foundation income from 53.54.010
Mobile homes commercialization 28B.10.924 airport property, use of
dimensions 46.70.135 business and occupation tax leasing or licensing at less than fair market
Motor freight carriers, violations 81.80.355 commercial airplanes or components, rental value 14.08.120
Moving companies manufacturing 82.04.260 appropriations for 14.07.030, 14.08.080,
advertisements, contents 81.80.357 certificate required 47.68.230 14.08.100
Moving sales, restrictions 19.178.100 dealers certificate 14.20.040 assistance to other municipalities authorized
Musical performances and productions, live display of 14.20.060 14.08.310
truth in music advertising act 19.25.100 fees 14.20.050, 14.20.060 bonds
Optometry, unlawful advertising 18.53.140, dealers license Ch. 14.20 authorized, purpose, special fund,
18.53.145 federal licensing of required 14.16.020 redemption 14.08.112
Osteopathic medicine and surgery, regulations registration authorized to issue, security 14.08.090
18.57.140 certificate required 47.68.230 funding or refunding bonds 14.08.114
Parks, state excise tax evasion 47.68.255 charges, use and rental 14.08.122
commercial advertising, conditions and fees 47.68.250 definitions 14.08.010, 14.08.015
standards 79A.05.087 requirements 47.68.250 eminent domain 14.07.020
Pay-per-call information delivery services, seizure, See DRUGS, subtitle Controlled encroachments prohibited, abatement
advertisement requirements and restrictions substances 14.08.030
19.162.040 tax imposed on fuel Ch. 82.42 federal aid 14.08.160
Pharmacies, unlawful practices of nonresident Airline employees funds, airport fund authorized 14.08.120
pharmacies 18.64.400 overtime pay, application 49.46.130 industrial and commercial development,
Physical therapists Airman and airwoman commission for 14.08.120
limitations 18.74.085 certificate required 47.68.230 joint operations, board for, creation of,
violations 18.74.090 federal licensing required 14.16.030 organization, powers and duties
Political advertising license or certificate suspension for 14.08.200
national advertising rate applies to 65.16.095 noncompliance with child support order jurisdiction and control 14.08.330
Political advertising, See also PUBLIC 47.68.235 concurrent, over adjacent territory
DISCLOSURE Airport district commissioners, board of 14.08.330
Port districts, promotion of facilities 53.08.160 14.08.304 five code enforcement by agreement
Prizes, promotional advertising of prizes Ch. Airports 14.08.330
19.170 aid to persons connected with airport leased premises, tenant improvements to
Promotional contests of chance 9.46.0356 47.68.090 14.08.120
Sales, going out of business sales Ch. 19.178 airport district commissioners, board of municipal airport commission 14.08.120
Savings associations 14.08.302, 14.08.304 operation of airports and property 14.08.030
use of misleading words 33.08.010 capacity and facilities assessment 47.68.390 operators
Savings banks, misleading advertising as to capacity and facilities market analysis definitions 14.08.015
surplus or guaranty fund 32.12.080 47.68.400 use and rental regulations 14.08.122
Scenic vistas act Ch. 47.42 cities and towns, See AERONAUTICS, port districts
Service stations subtitle Airports, municipal aircraft noise abatement
gas prices 9.04.090 condemnation authorized programs 53.54.030
State buildings county roads and bridges 36.85.020 fund authorized, sources 53.54.040
commercial advertising, conditions and municipalities 14.07.020 impacted areas 53.54.020
standards 79A.05.087 counties, See AERONAUTICS, subtitle investigation, monitoring of noise impact
State publications Airports, municipal 53.54.020
advertisers placing advertisements in state county airport districts 14.08.290, 14.08.300 property deemed in impacted areas
publications, prerequisites for placing county property, lease for 36.34.140 53.54.030
40.07.070 department of transportation police officers, appointment, jurisdiction
Surplus or donated food commodities, school hot acquisition and disposal of airport and air 53.08.280
lunches, advertisement not necessary navigation facilities, etc. 47.68.100 power as 53.04.015
28A.235.050 contracts or leases of facilities in airports powers of municipalities operating airports
Telephone buyers protection act Ch. 19.130 operated by 47.68.130 14.08.120

[RCW Indexpage 10] (2016 Ed.)


regulations 14.08.122 aircraft, federal licensing required 14.16.020 Change of venue 4.12.030
rental car company facilities and customers personal possession required 14.16.040 affidavit, application for 10.25.070
14.08.120 aircraft dealers affidavit of prejudice 4.12.050
revenue, disposition of 14.08.100 application 14.20.020, 14.20.030 Court commissioners power to take 2.24.040
sale or lease of property 14.08.120 branches and subagencies 14.20.080 Eminent domain
state and municipal agencies to cooperate dealers certificate 14.20.040, 14.20.060 notice requirement 4.28.120
47.68.300 fees 14.20.050 Evidence, requirements as new testimony
taxation, use of taxes for 14.08.100 definitions 14.20.010 4.76.070
tenant improvements to leased premises denial, suspension, revocation 14.20.090, Exemptions from execution, appraisers to furnish
14.08.120 14.20.100 6.15.060
municipalities display of 14.20.060 Fees and surcharges
department of transportation aid to fees 14.20.050, 14.20.060 collection by superior court clerk 36.18.020
47.68.090 surety bond required 14.20.070 Forma pauperis
federal aid moneys, disbursement by airman, federal licensing required 14.16.030 for habeas corpus 7.36.250
department of transportation, authorized personal possession required 14.16.040 Garnishment
47.68.090 airwoman, federal licensing required application for writ by 6.27.060
operators 14.16.030 Habeas corpus
definitions 14.08.015 personal possession required 14.16.040 in forma pauperis proceedings 7.36.250
port districts, See AERONAUTICS, subtitle penalty for noncompliance with requirements warrant to prevent removal or irreparable
Airports, municipal 14.16.060 injury 7.36.190
state aeronautics commission Operation of aircraft Injunctions
eminent domain reckless or under the influence of alcohol or disobedience, contempt shown by 7.40.150
county roads and bridges 36.85.020 drugs unlawful 47.68.220 motion to reinstate injunction 7.40.210
warrants, authorized 14.08.118 Penalties for violations 47.68.240 reading of on hearing 7.40.060
zoning and property acquisition Ch. 14.12 Pesticide application act Ch. 17.21 vacation or modification of superior court
Baggage Port districts judgment or order 4.72.070
limitation upon amounts recoverable acquisition and operation of air transfer and Joint debtor, action against to bind after judgment
81.29.050 terminal facilities 53.08.020 4.68.030
Biofuels aircraft noise abatement Judgment creditor, prior to issuance of writ of
facilities and production for aviation authorization 53.54.010 execution 6.17.100
bond issuance and financing powers of authorized programs 53.54.030 Mandamus application by 7.16.170
housing finance commission 43.180.265 fund authorized, sources 53.54.040 Ne exeat
sustainable aviation biofuels work group impacted areas 53.54.020 commencement of action by 7.44.010
28B.30.904 investigation, monitoring of noise impact contents 7.44.010
Contempt, violation of court prohibition to 53.54.020 filing 7.44.010, 7.44.040
operate aircraft 47.68.240 authority to New trials
Contracts, secretary of transportation may enter acquire and operate air transfer and terminal newly discovered evidence ground,
into 14.08.160 facilities 53.04.010 requirements of 4.76.070
Crimes relating to establish 53.04.015 Nuisances, trial of contempt for violation of
dealers license police officers, appointment, jurisdiction injunction by 7.48.080
unlawful without 14.20.020 53.08.280 Partition proceedings
downed aircraft rescue transmitter, unlawful Recreational land, aviation activities on judgment creditors, proof of amount due on
to operate aircraft without, exceptions landowner immunity from liability for sale of property, by 7.52.180
14.16.080 unintentional injuries 4.24.210 lien creditor absent from state or residence
jurisdiction of state 9A.04.030 Search and rescue operations 47.68.380 unknown on sale of property 7.52.200
operation of aircraft under influence of State airways system, department of party not known or nonresident 7.52.050
alcohol or drugs 47.68.220 transportation to provide 47.68.170 Perjury 9.81.110, 10.25.065
survival kits, unlawful to operate aircraft Statewide transportation planning Ch. 47.06 Prejudice of judge of superior court or court
without, exceptions 14.16.090 Student loans commissioner 4.12.050
unlicensed operation 47.68.230 aerospace training student loan program Ch. Probate
Definitions 14.16.010, 47.68.020 28B.122 estates under ten thousand dollars
Downed aircraft rescue transmitter Survival kits moneys on deposit of deceased credit union
requirements, exceptions 14.16.080 requirements, exceptions 14.16.090 member transferred by, effect 11.62.030
Enforcement of aeronautic laws, police powers Prohibition, writ of, application by 7.16.300,
Towers, guyed, safety requirements 14.16.100 7.16.320
47.68.310 Traffic rules, compliance with federal rules
Hazardous structures Publication of legal notices 65.16.030, 65.16.150
required 14.16.050 fee payment 65.16.110
determination 47.68.340 Transportation, department of, statutory
marking of required 47.68.340 Redemption
reference changes 47.68.015 assignment verified by 6.23.080
reporting location of by owners, etc., required Western regional short haul air transportation
47.68.350 lien creditor to make 6.23.080
compact Ch. 81.96 Service of process
structures marked according to federal
regulations exempted 47.68.360 AFFIDAVITS forcible entry and detainer action 59.12.040
subpoena power to require reporting as to Action against joint debtor after judgment, proof of service
47.68.350 pleading component 4.68.050 district court proceedings 12.04.070,
Insurance Adverse claims to property levied on 6.19.030 12.04.090, 12.04.110
exemption from Agreed cases, for 4.52.010 Supplemental proceedings involving judgment
rate filing 48.19.010 Army, navy, marine and coast guard officers debtors 6.32.010, 6.32.030, 6.32.070,
surplus line 48.15.160 authorized to take 73.20.010 6.32.120, 6.32.130, 6.32.140
limitation of liability for Attachment Title to real property, lost or destroyed 65.12.375
group life 48.24.210 amendment of 6.25.280 Unknown heirs, as to 4.28.140
industrial life 48.25.230 examination of defendant as to his property Unsworn written statements, in place of
life insurance 48.23.260 6.25.170 affidavits in official proceedings 9A.72.085
memorandum of or duplicate policy, grounds Vacation or modification of superior court
requirement for, contents and delivery debt not due 6.25.040 judgments or orders, petition for must be
48.18.260 writ, for 6.25.030 verified by affidavit 4.72.030
Joint center for aerospace technology innovation Attachment bonds, sureties, of 6.25.080 Wills, witnesses to, effect 11.20.020
board of directors 28B.155.010 Certification and taking of AFFINITY (See CONSANGUINITY AND
creation, powers, duties 28B.155.010 court commissioners 2.24.040 AFFINITY)
gifts, grants, donations 28B.155.020 inferior judicial officers, by 2.28.090
termination and repeal 43.131.417, judges of supreme and superior courts, by AFFIRMATIONS (See OATHS AND
43.131.418 2.28.080 AFFIRMATIONS)
Legislative statement of policy 47.68.010 Certiorari proceedings, application for writ by AFFIRMATIVE ACTION
Licenses 7.16.050 Civil service 41.06.150

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 11]


Discrimination or preferential treatment Landlord, designated, when 59.18.060 license fees and parimutuel betting, fees to go
prohibited 49.60.400 Livestock dealer into, disposition 67.16.100
Financial management, office of, director of bond 20.01.210 Fair fund, use of moneys 15.76.115
41.06.150 Nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual Fair land
Legislative findings, purpose 49.74.005 corporations annexation to cities 35.13.010, 35A.14.490
Noncompliance registered agent 24.06.050 annexation to city or town 35.13.490
conciliation, order issued 49.74.030 registration 24.06.050 Fairs commission, membership and duties
failure to reach conciliation, referral to Registration of land titles, appointment by 15.76.170
administrative law judge for hearing nonresident 65.12.070 Funding allocations
49.74.031 Sales representatives and principals application 15.76.130
procedure 49.74.020 contractual relationship between authorization 15.76.100
superior court, remedies 49.74.050 contracts and agreements, required eligibility 15.76.140
State patrol 43.43.015, 43.43.340 provisions 49.48.160 formula for allocations, considerations
AFFORDABLE HOUSING ACT definitions 49.48.150 15.76.150
Affordable housing program Ch. 43.185A payment of wages and commissions payment, purposes and method 15.76.160
49.48.170 Funds for 36.37.040
AFRICAN-AMERICAN AFFAIRS, personal jurisdiction, principal considered to
COMMISSION ON Health and safety improvements to grounds or
be doing business in state for purposes of facilities 15.76.165
Creation 43.113.010 49.48.180
Members Intercounty participation 36.37.050
rights and remedies supplemental to other Lease of
appointment, terms, vacancies, quorum, and rights and remedies of sales
reimbursement of expenses 43.113.020 county property to nonprofit corporations for
representatives 49.48.190 36.34.145
Powers and duties 43.113.030 waiver of provision prohibited 49.48.190 state-owned lands for county fairgrounds
AGE Service of process 36.37.150
Apprenticeship program, generally 49.04.910 district court proceedings 12.04.120 Northern State Hospital, lands adjacent to
Children secretary of state, See SERVICE OF 36.37.160
crime, age of legal responsibility 9A.04.050 PROCESS AND PAPERS, subtitle Management 36.37.040
employment 26.28.060 Secretary of state Multiple counties 36.37.050
school attendance mandatory, exceptions Unclaimed property 63.29.120 Property acquisition 36.37.020
28A.225.010 Usury, violations by agent, effect 19.52.030 Seasonal employees
Contract, disaffirmance 26.28.040 Vessels, liens created by agent 60.36.010 overtime compensation 49.46.130
Crimes, age of responsibility of children AGING, COUNCIL ON Southwest Washington fair Ch. 36.90
9A.04.050 Aged, Federal Older Americans Act, State fair fund
Discrimination, employment 49.44.090 participation 74.36.100
Discrimination, unfair practices 49.60.205 license fees and parimutuel betting fees to go
Bylaws 43.20A.695 into, disposition 67.16.100
Insurance Established 43.20A.680
annuities, misstatement of, effect 48.23.180 Unclaimed property
Meetings 43.20A.690 presumed abandonment rule, exception for
disability policies Membership and terms 43.20A.685
limit 48.20.312 premiums paid by fairs 63.29.020
Powers and duties 43.20A.695
group life, misrepresentation, effect 48.24.150 Travel expenses 43.20A.690 AGRICULTURAL LABOR
industrial life, misrepresentation, effect Agricultural safety standards
48.25.080 AGISTERS (See LIENS, subtitle Agister establishment and adoption, limitation and
life, misstatement, effect 48.23.060 liens) requirements 49.17.041
Life insurance, misstatement of, effect 48.23.060 AGREED CASES Agriculture, department of
Liquor identification cards, evidence of age Agreed cases, provisions concerning Ch. 4.52 directors powers and duties 43.23.030
66.20.170 Children
Majority Ch. 26.28 AGREEMENTS (See also ARBITRATION
AND AWARD; CONTRACTS) berry harvesting by workers under twelve
Marriage years of age 15.04.150, 15.04.160
minimum age 26.04.010 Conveyances of real property
earnest money Definitions 49.30.010
person deemed of majority age 26.28.020 Farm labor contractors, licensing and duties Ch.
Motor vehicles deposit forfeiture 64.04.005
interpleader action, service of summons 19.30
drivers licenses Farmworker housing
minimum age 46.20.031 4.28.080
interpleader action, summons and complaint advisory group 43.330.165
instruction permit 46.20.055 construction manuals and plans, to develop
intermediate drivers license 46.20.075, forms for 64.04.220
procedures and definitions 64.04.220 and make available 43.63A.500
46.20.267 one-stop clearinghouse 43.63A.505
juvenile agricultural operators 46.20.070 owner-occupied real property
release of security interest, outstanding debt, proposal review and funding
Process server, district court proceedings recommendations 43.330.165
12.04.050 notice to borrower 64.04.007
Credit agreements, enforceability Ch. 19.36 Hours and pay, recordkeeping 49.30.020
Public assistance recipients, See PUBLIC Liens, See LIENS, subtitle Crop liens
ASSISTANCE, subtitle Age Hydroelectric reservoir extending into British
Columbia, watershed agreement 35.21.417 Pesticides
School bus and for hire vehicle drivers 46.20.045 recordkeeping requirements 49.70.119
Indemnifying for negligence
AGED PERSONS (See DEPENDENT construction, alteration of improvements to Temporary worker housing
ADULTS; SENIOR CITIZENS) real property, against public interest building permit 43.70.337
AGENCIES (See STATE DEPARTMENTS 4.24.115 definition 43.70.334
AND AGENCIES) motor carrier transportation contracts electricity requirements 49.17.300
4.24.115 food storage, handling, and preparation
AGENTS 49.17.300
Commission merchant, license required Reciprocal or proportional registration of motor
vehicles 46.85.040 health and safety regulation Ch. 70.114A
20.01.040 inspection fund, deposit of inspection fees
Corporation Rental or lease of personal property
conversion, destruction, sale, removal, etc. of 43.70.340
nonprofit corporations licensing, operation, and inspection 49.17.310
registered agent 24.03.050 property, penalty 9.45.060
failure to return property, penalty 9.45.060 operating license 43.70.335
nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual operation standards 49.17.320
corporations Statute of frauds Ch. 19.36
registered agent, change of 24.06.380 Written agreements, when required Ch. 19.36 Unemployment insurance
County legislative authority as state agents AGRICULTURAL FAIRS legislative intent 49.30.005
36.75.020 Authorization for 36.37.010 Violations of chapter
Health care providers Classification of fairs 15.76.120 civil infraction, issuance and enforcement
malpractice County agricultural fairs and poultry shows Ch. 49.30.040
actions for injuries resulting from 7.70.010, 36.37 AGRICULTURAL LANDS
7.70.030, 7.70.040, 7.70.050, 7.70.060, Definitions 15.76.110 Agricultural conservation easement program
7.70.070, 7.70.080 Fair fund 89.08.530, 89.08.540

[RCW Indexpage 12] (2016 Ed.)


Columbia basin project, irrigation and contributions and support 28B.30.543 department of agriculture powers and duties
reclamation districts within Ch. 89.12 director 28B.30.539 43.23.035
Demonstration farms, property tax exemption duties 28B.30.537 development and promotion matching fund
84.36.570 primary functions 28B.30.535 program 43.23.275
Executions, rents and profits 6.23.090 research and services, fees 28B.30.541 director of agriculture departments powers
Family farm water act producers, producer associations, and and duties 43.23.030
water withdrawal permits Ch. 90.66 handlers, fair practices Ch. 15.83 Marketing agreements, orders, or amendments
Federal reclamation areas, state lands within Ch. storage of agricultural commodities, licensing Ch. 15.65
89.12 and regulation Ch. 22.09 Milk products, See DAIRIES AND DAIRY
Forcible entry and detainer, holding over, effect warehouses, licensing and regulation Ch. PRODUCTS
59.12.035 22.09 Notices, See NOTICES
Growth management weighing and weight certification for highway Nurseries and nursery stock, See
zoning techniques, innovative 36.70A.177 transport Ch. 15.80 HORTICULTURE
Lease of state lands to nonprofit organizations weights and measures 19.94.340, 19.94.350, Orchards, See FRUITS
deposit of rental funds into fair fund 15.04.090 19.94.360 Organic food products, See ORGANIC FOOD
Liability for damages caused by removal, waste, Commodity boards Ch. 15.65 Pest control compact Ch. 17.34
or injury 4.24.630 Commodity commissions Ch. 15.66 Pests, See INSECTS
Reclamation Controlled atmosphere storage of fruits and Plants, See HORTICULTURE
federal reclamation areas, state lands within vegetables, See FRUITS; VEGETABLES Poultry, See POULTRY
Ch. 89.12 Cooperative associations Ch. 23.86 Producers, producer associations, and handlers
Reclamation by state Ch. 89.16 Dairies and dairy products, See DAIRIES AND fair practices
Reclamation districts of one million acres or DAIRY PRODUCTS advisory committee 15.83.110
more Ch. 89.30 Eggs and egg products, See EGGS AND EGG agriculture directors authority and duties
Soil and water conservation districts, See PRODUCTS 15.83.060
CONSERVATION DISTRICTS Export market development projects definitions 15.83.010
Soil conservation confidentiality of records 43.23.270 handlers, unlawful practices 15.83.030
conservation commission, powers and duties Fair practices negotiating agents, accreditation 15.83.020
Ch. 89.08 producers, producer associations, and producer associations and members,
conservation districts, organization and handlers Ch. 15.83 unlawful practices 15.83.040
operation Ch. 89.08 Fairs, See AGRICULTURAL FAIRS rule-making authority 15.83.100
Transfer of development rights programs Farm marketing research Ch. 15.64 violations, procedures 15.83.050, 15.83.070,
local infrastructure project areas Ch. 39.108 Farmers home administration loan guaranty 15.83.080, 15.83.090
Voluntary stewardship program Ch. 36.70A program Ch. 31.35 Signs
Water pollution control Feed lots, licensing and fees Ch. 16.58 temporary agricultural directional signs
enforcement 90.48.450 Flour, See FLOUR 47.42.120
Weed control, See WEEDS Food, drug, and cosmetic act Ch. 69.04 Soft tree fruits, See FRUITS
Food and food products, See FOOD AND FOOD Storage of agricultural commodities Ch. 22.09
subtitle Crop liens) PRODUCTS Tax imposed on manufacturing and processing
Food processing, See FOOD PROCESSING businesses 82.04.260, 82.04.440
AGRICULTURAL MARKETING Fruit grades and packs, See FRUITS Trade promotion
Agricultural fairs, youth shows, and exhibitions, Fruits, See FRUITS department of agriculture powers and duties
See AGRICULTURAL FAIRS Fur farming Ch. 16.72 43.23.035
Agricultural lenders Ginseng director of agriculture departments powers
farmers home administration loan guaranty certification and grower registration Ch. 15.19 and duties 43.23.030
program Ch. 31.35 Grain trade barrier matching fund program
Agricultural produce exempt from county dealer license 22.09.035, 22.09.045, 43.23.280
peddlers licensing 36.71.010 22.09.055, 22.09.060 Trade promotion and development expenditures
Agricultural products, commission merchants, bond or security 22.09.090 15.04.200
dealers, brokers, buyers and agents, See deferred price contract 22.09.175 Trees and shrubs, See HORTICULTURE
COMMISSION MERCHANTS issuance, duration 22.09.075 Uniform commercial code, applicability Title
Agriculture, department of multiple applicants, single bond 22.09.095 62A
directors powers and duties 43.23.030 Grain indemnity fund program 22.09.405, Vegetable grades and packs, See VEGETABLES
powers and duties 43.23.035 22.09.411, 22.09.416, 22.09.421, 22.09.426, Vegetables
Animal health, See ANIMAL HEALTH 22.09.431, 22.09.436, 22.09.441, 22.09.446, sale of as exempt from county peddlers
Animals 22.09.451, 22.09.456, 22.09.461, 22.09.466, licensing 36.71.010
importation, certificates required 16.36.050, 22.09.471 Warehouses, See WAREHOUSES
16.36.140 Hardwoods commission Ch. 15.74 Warehouses storing agricultural commodities,
Animals, See ANIMALS Honey, See HONEY licensing and regulation Ch. 22.09
Apiaries, See BEES AND BEEKEEPING Horse sales, special open consignment Ch. 16.65 Washington state grown, restrictions on use for
Aquaculture Horses, See HORSES labeling or advertising 15.04.410
department of agriculture powers and duties Horticulture, See HORTICULTURE Weeds, See WEEDS
43.23.035 Inspection Weighmasters and commodity weighing Ch.
director of agriculture departments powers custom slaughtering and custom meat 15.80
and duties 43.23.030 facilities, licensing and inspection Ch. Wine commission Ch. 15.88
Aquaculture disease inspection and control 16.49
program Ch. 77.115 Inspectors, See AGRICULTURE, AGRICULTURAL TAXATION (See TAXES
Beef commission Ch. 16.67 DEPARTMENT OF - PROPERTY)
Bees and beekeeping, See BEES AND International marketing program for agricultural AGRICULTURE (See also FARMS AND
BEEKEEPING commodities and trade (IMPACT) center FARMING)
Brands and marks contributions and support 28B.30.543 Agricultural conservation easement program
livestock Ch. 16.57 director 28B.30.539 89.08.530, 89.08.540
Brands and marks, See BRANDS AND MARKS duties 28B.30.537 Agricultural cooperatives Ch. 23.86
Butter, See DAIRIES AND DAIRY primary functions 28B.30.535 Agricultural extension work, county programs
PRODUCTS research and services, fees 28B.30.541 36.50.010
Cheese, See DAIRIES AND DAIRY Interstate commerce, provisions affecting, See Agricultural fairs, youth shows, and exhibitions,
Commission merchants, See COMMISSION Intrastate commerce in food, drugs, and Agricultural labor, See AGRICULTURAL
MERCHANTS cosmetics Ch. 69.04 LABOR
Commodities Labels and labeling, See LABELS Agricultural lenders
export market development projects, Liens, See LIENS farmers home administration loan guaranty
confidentiality of records 43.23.270 Livestock, See LIVESTOCK program Ch. 31.35
fair practices Ch. 15.83 Livestock markets Ch. 16.65 Agricultural marketing and fair practices Ch.
international trade center, IMPACT Market development 15.83

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 13]


Agricultural processing and marketing reflectors on 46.37.160 Hay or straw transporting

associations slow moving vehicle emblem, required vehicles may be stopped 20.01.610
monopoly or restraint of trade 46.37.160 From the heart of Washington program
complaints, procedures for 24.34.020 tire restrictions 46.37.420 definitions 15.105.010
complaints, role of attorney general Farm implements, machinery, parts findings 15.105.005
24.34.020 business relations between independent retail gifts, grants, or endorsements 15.105.060
who may organize, when 24.34.010 business and manufacturers and logo 15.105.050
Agricultural produce as exempt from county distributors, regulation Ch. 19.98 successor organization 15.105.020,
peddlers licensing 36.71.090 repurchase requirements Ch. 19.98 15.105.030, 15.105.040
Agricultural safety standards, See INDUSTRIAL Farm marketing research Ch. 15.64 Hemp
SAFETY AND HEALTH, subtitle Farm tractors or implements, vehicle operators industrial research program Ch. 15.120
Agricultural safety standards license unnecessary for operation of Home economics extension work, county
Agricultural structures 46.20.025 programs 36.50.010
permit and plan review fees 19.27.087 Farmers Honey, See HONEY
Agriculture, department of, See beginning farmer financing program Honey bee commission Ch. 15.62
AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF 43.180.290 Horse sales, special open consignment Ch. 16.65
Ammonia emissions from agricultural or judgments, execution of Horticultural pests and diseases, See
silvacultural fertilizer use, regulation exempt property 6.15.010 HORTICULTURE
prohibited 70.94.645 license requirements for peddling, exemption Horticulture, See HORTICULTURE
Animal facilities from, exceptions 36.71.090 Industrial safety and health
criminal acts against low income agriculture, definition 49.17.022
definition 9.08.090 definitions 35.82.260 Injunctions, See INJUNCTIONS
legislative intent 9.08.080 housing application 35.82.250 Insect pests and plant diseases, quarantine and
Animal health, See ANIMAL HEALTH housing projects 35.82.240 regulation of movement Ch. 17.24
Animals Farmers home administration loan guaranty Integrated pest management Ch. 17.15
quarantine Ch. 16.36 program Ch. 31.35 Irrigation, See IRRIGATION DISTRICTS
Apiaries, See BEES AND BEEKEEPING Farmland preservation Ch. 89.10 Labor
Apple commission Ch. 15.24 Farms and farming, See also FARMS AND agricultural labor skills and safety grant
Aquaculture marketing Ch. 15.85 FARMING program 43.330.450
Beef commission Ch. 16.67 Farmworker housing Ladybugs and other beneficial insects Ch. 15.61
Beekeeping, See BEES AND BEEKEEPING advisory group 43.330.165 Land, limitation on liability of owners when used
Berries, See BERRIES construction manuals and plans, to develop by public for recreational purposes without
Brands and marks and make available 43.63A.500 charge 4.24.200, 4.24.210
livestock Ch. 16.57 proposal review and funding Land, See AGRICULTURAL LANDS
Brassica seed production Ch. 15.51 recommendations 43.330.165 LandCurrent use, See OPEN SPACE LAND,
Carcasses, disposal Ch. 16.68 Federal conservation reserve program, economic subtitle Open space, farm, agricultural, and
Cholinesterase monitoring 49.17.285, 49.17.288 development finance authority advance timber land, current use assessment
Commercial feed, See FEED financing program for farmers eligible for Liens
Commercial fertilizer act Ch. 15.54 contract payments under 43.163.040 agricultural products
Commission merchants Feed lots, licensing Ch. 16.58 definitions 60.13.010
presumptive licensee is acting as commission Fences Ch. 16.60 crop liens Ch. 60.11
merchant 20.01.475 Fertilizers, See FERTILIZERS preparer lien
Commodities Fireworks 70.77.141 duration, discharge 60.13.060
boards Ch. 15.65 license 70.77.311 filing statement evidencing lien 60.13.040
commissions Ch. 15.66 Food and environmental quality laboratory, foreclosure, enforcement 60.13.070
weighing and weight certification for highway purpose and activities Ch. 15.92 generally 60.13.030
transport Ch. 15.80 Foreclosure of real property, loss of redemption priority 60.13.050
Commodities, See also AGRICULTURAL rights proceedings, agricultural property processor lien
MARKETING excepted 61.12.095 duration, discharge 60.13.060
Common carriers, See COMMON CARRIERS Fruit filing statement evidencing lien 60.13.040
Controlled atmosphere storage of fruits and berries, generally, sale of exempted from foreclosure, enforcement 60.13.070
vegetables Ch. 15.30 county peddlers licensing 36.71.090 generally 60.13.020
Cooperative associations Ch. 23.86 controlled atmosphere storage Ch. 15.30 priority 60.13.050
Counties, extension work 36.50.010 fresh fruit sales limitation act Ch. 15.21 wine producer liens 60.13.010, 60.13.038,
Crops sale of as exempt from county peddlers 60.13.040, 60.13.053, 60.13.060,
energy crops, dedicated, purchase contracts licensing 36.71.090 60.13.070
for 54.04.190 Fruit commission, See FRUIT COMMISSION Livestock markets Ch. 16.65
Crops, See also CROPS Fruit commodity committees 15.28.140, Marijuana, See MARIJUANA
Dairies and dairy products, See DAIRIES AND 15.28.150 Marketing, See AGRICULTURAL
DAIRY PRODUCTS Fruits and vegetables MARKETING
Dairy nutrient infrastructure account 43.79.530 country of origin information 15.04.415 Measurement
Dairy products commission, See DAIRY Fur farming Ch. 16.72 inaccurate measure, crime 9.45.124
PRODUCTS COMMISSION Gardeners, license requirements for peddling, inducing inaccurate measurement, crime
Definitions 15.04.010 exemption from 36.71.090 9.45.126
Department of agriculture, See General provisions Ch. 15.04 public policy against certain conduct 9.45.122
AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF Grades and packs Ch. 15.17 Meat
Driving permits, agricultural juvenile 46.20.070 containers 15.17.050 custom slaughtering and custom meat
Economic development finance authority inspection and certification 15.17.050 facilities, licensing and inspection Ch.
loan pooling, authority 43.163.050 standards 15.17.050 16.49
Eggs and egg products, See EGGS AND EGG Grain, See GRAIN Milk and milk products Ch. 15.36
PRODUCTS Grain commission Ch. 15.115 Milk and milk products, See also DAIRIES AND
Erosion control, See CONSERVATION Grain preparer DAIRY PRODUCTS
DISTRICTS lien 60.13.030, 60.13.040, 60.13.050, Milk and milk products for animal food Ch.
Extension work 36.50.010 60.13.060, 60.13.070 15.37
Farm employees Granges, incorporation Ch. 24.28 Milk pooling act Ch. 15.35
overtime compensation 49.46.130 Grass, state, designation of bluebunch Mint
Farm equipment wheatgrass as 1.20.025 sales and use tax exemptions 82.08.220,
emblem, slow moving vehicle emblem Grass burning research advisory committee, 82.12.220
required 46.37.160 duties Ch. 43.21E Motor vehicles
hazard warning lights, required 46.37.160 Hardwoods commission Ch. 15.74 farmer, defined 46.04.182, 46.04.183
lamps on 46.37.160 Hay or straw preparer Nonprofit corporations, authorized 24.03.015
motor vehicle overall width limit not to apply lien 60.13.030, 60.13.040, 60.13.050, Noxious weeds, See WEEDS
to, when 46.44.092 60.13.060, 60.13.070 Nuisance lawsuits protection

[RCW Indexpage 14] (2016 Ed.)


agricultural activity, defined 7.48.310 Seed potatoes Agricultural fairs, youth shows, and exhibitions
farmland, defined 7.48.310 restricted production areas, establishment Ch. Ch. 15.76
legislative finding and purpose 7.48.300 15.15 Agricultural local fund
presumption of reasonableness 7.48.305 Seeds, See SEEDS animal disease traceability account
recovering costs to investigate, agencies Shoreline management guidelines, application creation within agricultural local fund
7.48.320 90.58.065 43.23.230
recovering lawsuit costs, farmers 7.48.315 Soft tree fruits Ch. 15.28 establishment 43.23.230
Odors, clean air act exemption 70.94.640 Soil and water conservation districts, See Agricultural marketing, See AGRICULTURAL
liens, See LIENS, subtitle Orchards and Soil conservation Agricultural marketing and fair practices Ch.
orchard lands conservation commission, powers and duties 15.83
Organic food products Ch. 89.08 Animal disease traceability account
marketing Ch. 15.86 conservation districts, organization and creation within agricultural local fund
unfair business practices act, applicability operation Ch. 89.08 43.23.230
19.86.023 State institutions Animal health, See ANIMAL HEALTH
Outdoor recreation use, limitation on liability of farm and food activities allowed 72.01.140 Apiaries, See BEES AND BEEKEEPING
owners of agricultural land when open to Sustaining agriculture and natural resources, Apple advertising commission, See APPLE
public without fee 4.24.200, 4.24.210 purpose and activities Ch. 15.92 ADVERTISING COMMISSION
Pest control Temporary worker housing Aquaculture marketing Ch. 15.85
integrated pest management Ch. 17.15 building permit 43.70.337 Assistant directors 43.23.010
Pest control compact Ch. 17.34 definition 43.70.334 Beef commission Ch. 16.67
Pest districts Ch. 17.12 inspection fund, deposit of inspection fees Beekeeping, See BEES AND BEEKEEPING
Pesticide application act Ch. 17.21 43.70.340 Bequests
Pesticide control act Ch. 15.58 operating license 43.70.335 authority of director to accept, expend, and
Pesticide registration, commission on, Tenant holding land after expiration of term, retain 43.23.115
membership and duties 15.92.090, effect of 59.12.035 Brands and marks
15.92.095, 15.92.100, 15.92.105, 15.92.110 Tractors livestock Ch. 16.57
Pesticides, See also PESTICIDES lamps on 46.37.160 Bulletins and reports, publication and
Pests, See INSECTS tire restrictions 46.37.420 distribution 43.23.110
Pests and diseases, horticultural, See Trade promotion and promotional hosting Chemists
HORTICULTURE commodity commission expenditures duties of official chemists 43.23.200,
Pests and plant diseases, quarantine and 15.04.200 43.23.205
regulation of movement Ch. 17.24 Tree fruit research act and commission, See Civil service exemptions
Plant pests FRUITS enumeration 41.06.084
governor Truck farmers, license requirements for Commercial feed, See FEED
emergency action 43.06.010 peddling, exemption from 36.71.090 Commercial fertilizer act Ch. 15.54
Planting stock, See HORTICULTURE Vegetables Commodity boards Ch. 15.65
Port districts controlled atmosphere storage Ch. 15.30 Commodity commissions Ch. 15.66
revenue bonds 53.40.020 sale of as exempt from county peddlers Conservation commission and conservation
Port districts, agricultural development, studies, licensing 36.71.090 districts Ch. 89.08
investigations, surveys for 53.08.160 Vehicles exempted from motor freight carrier Contributions
Potatoes laws 81.80.040 authority of director to accept, expend, and
certified seed potatoes Vocational agriculture education in secondary retain 43.23.115
restricted production areas, establishment schools, See SUPERINTENDENT OF Controlled atmosphere storage of fruits and
Ch. 15.15 PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, subtitle vegetables Ch. 15.30
Preparer lien Vocational agricultural education Cottage food operations, department powers and
dairy products 60.13.035 Warehouses, See WAREHOUSES duties Ch. 69.22
duration, discharge 60.13.060 Washington state grown, restrictions on use for Created 43.17.010
filing statement evidencing lien 60.13.040 labeling or advertising 15.04.410 Dairies and dairy products, See DAIRIES AND
foreclosure, enforcement 60.13.070 Wastewater DAIRY PRODUCTS
generally 60.13.030 reclaimed water use Ch. 90.46 Dairy nutrient management, powers and duties
priority 60.13.050 Water flows or levels, establishment of minimum Ch. 90.64, 90.64.901
Private sector, department of agriculture duty to for stockwatering requirements Ch. 90.22 Dairy products commission, See DAIRY
advance capability to produce food and fiber Water pollution control PRODUCTS COMMISSION
15.04.402 enforcement 90.48.450 Definitions 43.23.001
Processor lien Water resources Deputy director
duration, discharge 60.13.060 director of agriculture departments powers powers and duties 43.23.005
filing statement evidencing lien 60.13.040 and duties 43.23.030 Diagnostic service program, livestock diseases
foreclosure, enforcement 60.13.070 Water resources act Ch. 90.54 prevention and control Ch. 16.38
priority 60.13.050 Water rights Director
Produce railcar pool, See RAILROADS, subtitle ground waters determination and agricultural marketing fair practices, authority
Rail freight service appropriation Ch. 90.44 and duties 15.83.060, 15.83.100
Produce stands, license requirement for peddling, registration, waiver, and relinquishment Ch. animal diseases and quarantine, powers and
exemption from 36.71.090 90.14 duties Ch. 16.36
Promotion and protection of agriculture surface waters, determination and animal health, powers and duties 16.36.060,
department of agriculture duties 15.04.400 appropriation Ch. 90.03 16.36.140, 16.36.150
from the heart of Washington program Ch. Yakima river basin integrated water resource annual report to governor 43.23.130
15.105 management plan Ch. 90.38 appointment 43.17.020
Recreational use of land, limitation on liability of appointment by governor 43.23.002
Yakima river basin water rights Ch. 90.38
landowner when land used without fee bulletins and reports, publication and
4.24.200, 4.24.210 Water use, See WATER AND WATER RIGHTS distribution 43.23.110, 43.23.120
Redemption of agricultural land, rents, profits Weather modification, See WEATHER chief assistant director 43.17.040
and expenses during redemption period MODIFICATION AND CONTROL enforcement authority 43.23.170
6.23.090 Weeds, See WEEDS general powers and duties Ch. 43.23
Rendering plants Ch. 16.68 Weights and measures Ch. 19.94 horse sales, special open consignment Ch.
Rural housing projects, authorization for Weights and measures, See also WEIGHTS 16.65
35.82.240 AND MEASURES insect pests and plant diseases, powers and
Rural rehabilitation program, agreements with Wildlife damage control Ch. 77.36 duties Ch. 17.24
and funds from federal government Ch. Wine commission Ch. 15.88 lease of state lands to nonprofit organizations
15.70 Woodcutters use of land, owners liability, 15.04.090
Sabotage, interference or injury to agriculture limitation 4.24.210 livestock, humane slaughter Ch. 16.50
constitutes 9.05.060 AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF livestock diseases, diagnostic service program
Seed bailment contracts Ch. 15.48 Acquisition of property 15.14.085 Ch. 16.38

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 15]


livestock identification, powers and duties Ch. Integrated pest management Ch. 17.15 department role in pest and disease control
16.57 Ladybugs and other beneficial insects Ch. 15.61 70.95.095, 70.95.165, 70.95.180,
livestock markets, powers and duties Ch. Lease of state lands to nonprofit organizations 70.95.200, 70.95.205, 70.95.300,
16.65 15.04.090 70.95.315
milk and milk products, directors authority Lien for disinfection of infected horticultural Spartina control program Ch. 17.26
Ch. 15.36 property costs, See HORTICULTURE State veterinarian
milk and milk products for animal food, Limited outdoor burning appointment and qualifications 43.23.010
directors authority Ch. 15.37 permit program, establishment and exceptions powers and duties 43.23.070
milk pooling act, directors authority Ch. 70.94.6524 Sustaining agriculture and natural resources,
15.35 Livestock diseases, diagnostic service program center for, purpose and activities Ch. 15.92
noxious weed control, powers 17.10.074 Ch. 16.38 Trade barrier matching fund program 43.23.280
oath 43.17.030 Livestock markets Ch. 16.65 Tree fruit research act and commission, See
pesticide application, powers and duties Market development and promotion matching FRUITS
17.21.030, 17.21.320 fund program 43.23.275 Vegetables and fruits, controlled atmosphere
pesticide control act Meat storage Ch. 15.30
disposal of unusable pesticides, rules custom slaughtering and custom meat Weeds, See WEEDS
15.58.045 facilities, licensing and inspection Ch. Weights and measures, duties of director and
rule-making authority 15.58.040 16.49 department Ch. 19.94
powers and duties 15.13.260, 15.13.480, Milk and milk products Ch. 15.36 Wine commission Ch. 15.88
15.14.035, 15.14.075, Ch. 43.23, 43.23.050 Milk and milk products for animal food Ch. AID TO DEPENDENT CHILDREN (See
rulemaking authority, pesticide application 15.37 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE, subtitle
17.21.030 Milk pooling act Ch. 15.35 Temporary assistance for needy families)
vacancy 43.17.040 Moneys owed to department
weighmasters and commodity weighing, AIDING AND ABETTING
assessments are personal debt 43.23.255 Persons punishable 9A.04.030
duties 15.80.410 dishonored check or negotiable instrument
weights and measures, duties Ch. 19.94 Treason 9.82.010
Divisions of department 43.23.010, 43.23.015 interest on unpaid balances 43.23.260 AIDS
Eggs and egg products, department powers and use of collection agencies 43.23.250 Advisory committee 70.24.410
duties Ch. 69.25 Motor vehicle fuel quality, department directors Assault in the first degree 9A.36.011
Farm families powers and duties Ch. 19.112 Clearinghouse for AIDS educational materials
guide to state and federal assistance programs Noxious weeds, See WEEDS 70.24.240
15.04.300 Offices Colleges and universities
Farm marketing research Ch. 15.64 branch offices 43.17.050 curriculum and materials 28B.10.730
Feed lots, licensing and fees Ch. 16.58 state capital, office maintained at 43.17.050 Community and technical colleges
Fertilizers, See FERTILIZERS Organic food products curriculum and materials 28B.50.205
Food, drug, and cosmetic act, department powers marketing Ch. 15.86 Correctional facility inmates
and duties Ch. 69.04 powers and duties 15.86.060, 15.86.070, liberty interest not created 70.24.430
Food and environmental quality laboratory, 15.86.120, 15.86.130, 15.86.140 testing and counseling 70.24.370
purpose and activities Ch. 15.92 Organization and operation Ch. 43.23 Counseling
Food assistance programs Pest control definitions 70.24.320
administration 43.23.290 mandatory for certain persons 70.24.340
Food donation and distribution, information and integrated pest management Ch. 17.15
Pest control compact Ch. 17.34 rules 70.24.380
referral 69.80.040 Definitions 70.24.017
Food processing, powers and duties of Pest districts Ch. 17.12
Detention 70.24.034
department Ch. 69.07 Pesticide application act Ch. 17.21 Detention and treatment facilities, designation
Food storage warehouses, licensing requirements Pesticide control act Ch. 15.58 70.24.070
Ch. 69.10 Pesticide registration, commission on, Diagnosis requires confirmation by laboratory
Fruit commission, See FRUIT COMMISSION membership and duties 15.92.090, 70.24.050
Fruits and vegetables, controlled atmosphere 15.92.095, 15.92.100, 15.92.105, 15.92.110 Disclosure of testing or treatment 70.24.107,
storage Ch. 15.30 Pesticides, See PESTICIDES 70.24.450
Fur farming Ch. 16.72 Pests and diseases, horticultural, See Discrimination protections 49.60.172, 49.60.174
Gifts HORTICULTURE Drug offenses
authority of director to accept, expend, and Pests and plant diseases, quarantine and testing and counseling 70.24.350
retain 43.23.115 regulation of movement Ch. 17.24 Drug treatment participants, AIDS counseling
Grades and packs Ch. 15.17 Planting stock, See HORTICULTURE 70.24.095
Grain, See GRAIN Plants and facilities, horticultural, See Education and training material repository and
Grants HORTICULTURE clearinghouse 70.24.250
authority of director to accept, expend, and Poison prevention packaging, department duties Emergency medical personnel, education and
retain 43.23.115 Ch. 70.106 training 70.24.260
Hemp, industrial research program Poisons Funding 70.24.420
department role Ch. 15.120 caustic or corrosive poisons, department Health, department of
Honey, department powers and duties Ch. 69.28 duties Ch. 69.36 assumption of powers and duties of
Honey bee commission Ch. 15.62 Predatory birds, control of 15.04.110, 15.04.120 department and secretary of social and
Horse sales, special open consignment Ch. 16.65 Private sector, departmental duty to advance health services and of department of
Horticulture, See HORTICULTURE capability to produce food and fiber licensing under chapter 70.24.005
Informational materials, recovery of publishing 15.04.402 grants, department duties 70.24.400
and dissemination costs 43.23.037 Promotion and protection of agriculture, duties Health care facilities employees, education and
Insect pests and plant diseases, quarantine and 15.04.400 training 70.24.310
regulation of movement Ch. 17.24 Publication of bulletins and reports 43.23.110 Health professionals, education and training
Inspectors Purple loosestrife control program Ch. 17.26 70.24.270
condemnation of infected horticultural Rendering plants, licensing and regulation Ch. HIV antibody testing
property 15.08.050, 15.08.060, 15.08.070, 16.68 insurance eligibility requirement
15.08.080, 15.08.090, 15.08.100, Rule-making authority 43.23.025 consent and counseling requirements
15.08.110, 15.08.120 Rules 43.17.060 70.24.325
disinfection of horticultural property Rules compliance Information, emphasis on abstinence 70.24.200
15.08.130, 15.08.140, 15.08.150, technical assistance program Ch. 43.05 Insurance programs
15.08.160, 15.08.170 Rural rehabilitation program, agreements with health, department of 43.70.670
fee for inspection and certification 15.13.380 and funds from federal government Ch. Interviews, exams, counseling 70.24.022,
horticultural pests and diseases inspection 15.70 70.24.024
board 15.08.180, 15.08.190 Seed bailment contracts Ch. 15.48 Investigation of infected persons 70.24.022,
horticultural premises, right to enter for Seeds, See SEEDS 70.24.024
inspection 15.08.040 Soft tree fruits, See FRUIT COMMISSION Jail detainees
request for services 15.13.370 Solid waste management testing and counseling 70.24.360

[RCW Indexpage 16] (2016 Ed.)


Legislative finding 70.24.015 air pollution episodes, legislative finding, schools, model program 70.162.050
Marijuana declaration of policy 70.94.710 state building code council duties 70.162.030
medical use of cannabis act Ch. 69.51A declaration of air pollution emergency by Integrated climate change response strategy Ch.
Office on AIDS governor 70.94.720 43.21M
center for AIDS education, establishment of episode avoidance plan, contents, source Interlocal cooperation, application of chapter to
70.24.400 emission reduction plans, authority, 39.34.020
establishment, duties 70.24.250 considered orders 70.94.720 Metals mining and milling operations 70.94.620
Pharmacy quality assurance commission, orders to be effective immediately 70.94.730 Motor vehicle emission control
education and training 70.24.280 restraining orders, temporary injunctions to clean-fuel performance and clean-fuel vehicle
Pregnant women, AIDS counseling 70.24.095 enforce orders, procedure 70.94.725 emissions specifications 70.120.210
Prostitution Carbon dioxide mitigation definitions 70.120.010
testing and counseling 70.24.350 fees, authority to assess and collect 70.94.892 departmental authority
Public employees generally Ch. 80.70 supplemental to clean air act authority
exposure hazard, education and training Catalytic converter for emergency vehicles 70.120.130
70.24.300 43.21A.430 diesel motor vehicles
immunity, good faith performance 70.24.150 Causing or permitting pollution unlawful smoke opacity test 70.120.150
Regional service networks 70.24.400 70.94.040 emission contributing areas, designation by
Reporting requirements, rules 70.24.125 Clean air act, See AIR POLLUTION department of ecology 70.120.150
Rules to implement and enforce chapter CONTROL, subtitle Washington clean air emission contributing areas, vehicle emission
70.24.130 act inspection requirements 70.120.170
School curriculum 28A.230.070 Clean fuel matching grants emission inspection requirements
School employees, education and training public transit, vehicle mechanics, and state agencies 70.120.170
70.24.290 refueling infrastructure 70.94.960 noncompliance areas, annual review
School information, emphasis 70.24.210, Control authorities 70.120.160
70.24.220 adjudicative proceedings, authority of noncompliance areas, designation by
Sexual intercourse, when unlawful 70.24.140 pollution control hearings board department of ecology 70.120.150
Test reporting to department 70.24.050 43.21B.240 programs required to be conducted 70.120.020
Testing pollution control hearings board, jurisdiction rules, adoption 70.120.120
definitions 70.24.320 and duties Ch. 43.21B scientific advisory board, membership and
HIV, consent, exceptions 70.24.330 regulations and amendments filed with duties 70.120.230
pollution control hearings board used vehicles 70.120.190
HIV, opting out of screening 70.24.335 43.21B.260
mandatory for certain persons 70.24.340 vehicle emission and equipment standards
Control officer 70.120.150
rules 70.24.380 authority for 70.94.170
Unfair practices 49.60.172, 49.60.174 vehicle inspection
investigation of conditions 70.94.200 certificate of acceptance for vehicles which
University of Washington Counties, See COUNTIES, subtitle Air pollution
center for AIDS education 70.24.400 fail test, conditions 70.120.070
Definitions 70.94.030 diesel motor vehicles 70.120.080
training and educational materials 70.24.250 Diesel emissions
Vocational education fleets 70.120.080
diesel engine idling reduction projects, loans repairs, quality of, complaints 70.120.100
curriculum and materials 28C.04.600 for Ch. 70.325
Districts testing stations, complaints 70.120.100
AIR GUNS Motor vehicle emission standards
Aiming or discharging at person or in public dissolution, when 70.94.231
Ecology, department of generally Ch. 70.120A
place, penalty 9.41.230 Municipal pollution control facilities and
School premises or facilities approved plans, enforcement 70.94.785
limitation on other governmental units or bonding, See POLLUTION CONTROL
prohibited, penalties, exceptions 9.41.280 MUNICIPAL BONDING
persons 70.94.370
AIR POLLUTION CONTROL powers and duties 70.94.331 Odors, agricultural activities, exemption
Acid rain Emission credits banking program 70.94.640
alpine lake monitoring 70.94.820 amount of credit 70.94.850 Outdoor burning
critical levels implementation authorized 70.94.850 agricultural burning
considerations 70.94.880 Environmental excellence program agreements agricultural burning practices and research
establish 70.94.875 Ch. 43.21K task force 70.94.6528
notify legislature if reached 70.94.875 Federal clean air act permits 70.94.6528
definitions 70.94.805 compliance 70.94.011 aircraft crash rescue fire training 70.94.6546
evaluation of information and research department of ecology may accept delegation definition 70.94.6511
70.94.875 of and delegate 70.94.860 firefighters, training of 70.94.6546
intent 70.94.800 Forest practices, air pollution laws not modified grasses grown for seed, open burning of
monitoring alpine lakes by department of 76.09.905 alternatives 70.94.6532
ecology 70.94.820 Gasoline vapor recovery devices, when required Indian ceremonies or smoke signals, fire
Advisory council, generally 70.94.240 70.94.165 necessary for 70.94.6550
Air operating permits Grass burning research advisory committee, limited outdoor burning
environmental impact statements, exemptions duties Ch. 43.21E authority of local air pollution control
43.21C.0381 Hazardous substance remedial action authority or department of ecology not
Air pollution episodes procedural requirements of chapter not restricted 70.94.6522
declaration of air pollution emergency by applicable 70.94.335 establishment of program 70.94.6518
governor 70.94.720 Indoor air pollutants permits issued by political subdivisions
episode avoidance plan, contents, source compliance with building and material 70.94.6526
emission reduction plans, authority, standards program, exceptions 70.94.6524
considered orders 70.94.715 defense to action for injuries caused by provisions, construction 70.94.6520
orders to be effective immediately 70.94.730 4.24.560 types of fires permitted 70.94.6526
procedure for calling 70.94.715 compliance with radon resistive construction management of storm or flood-related debris
restraining orders, temporary injunctions to requirements 70.94.6548
enforce orders, procedure 70.94.725 defense to action for injuries caused by permits
Ammonia emissions from agricultural or 4.24.560 abating or prevention of forest fire hazards
silvacultural fertilizer use, regulation Indoor air quality 70.94.6534, 70.94.6538
prohibited 70.94.645 interim and final requirements for agricultural burning 70.94.6528
Authorities maintenance 19.27.190 burning and regeneration of rare and
claims against Ch. 53.48 Indoor air quality in public buildings endangered plants 70.94.6544
disincorporation of special districts in counties definitions 70.162.010 cooperation between department of natural
with population of two hundred ten department of labor and industries duties resources and air pollution authorities
thousand or more Ch. 57.90 70.162.020 70.94.6540
dissolution, when Ch. 53.48 public agencies, ventilation and filtration delegation of issuance and enforcement to
Burning permits systems 70.162.040 political subdivisions 70.94.6530

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 17]


ecosystem management, instruction, or recording officer 70.94.120 term 70.94.100

silvicultural operations 70.94.6534, civil penalties 70.94.431 borrow money, authorized 70.94.096
70.94.6538 classification of contaminant sources budget, adoption of, contents 70.94.092
issuance by political subdivisions 70.94.151 confidentiality of certain records and
70.94.6516 clean fuel matching grants for public transit, information 70.94.205
silvicultural forest burning, program to vehicle mechanics, and refueling contaminant control technology
reduce emissions from 70.94.6536 infrastructure 70.94.960 requirements 70.94.161
weed abatement, setting fires for 70.94.6552 combined heat and power systems county assessor, certification of taxable
prohibition engines, stationary natural gas, permitting valuation of property within 70.94.095
in certain cases 70.94.6512 process and emission limits for 70.94.991 county withdrawal from multicounty
exceptions 70.94.6512, 70.94.6514 commute trip reduction authority 70.94.262
where 70.94.6514 definitions 70.94.524 creation 70.94.053
rules adoption employer program, review and penalties deactivation 70.94.260
departments of ecology and natural resources 70.94.534 emergency expenditures 70.94.092
70.94.6542 joint comprehensive commute trip reduction hearings to determine effectiveness of local
tumbleweeds, disposal of 70.94.6554 plan 70.94.551 program 70.94.405
Personnel, employment of 70.94.350 plan for state agencies 70.94.551 meetings 70.94.053
Pollution control hearings board, jurisdiction and requirements for counties and cities merger of active and inactive authorities
duties Ch. 43.21B 70.94.527 procedure 70.94.068
Pollution disclosure act of 1971 Ch. 90.52 requirements for employers 70.94.531 merger of authorities to form multi-county
Port districts, powers and duties as to acquisition state leadership 70.94.547 authorities 70.94.068
and construction of facilities, etc. 53.08.040, commute trip reduction board multi-county
53.08.045 membership and duties 70.94.537 formation 70.94.057
Radionuclides, emissions technical assistance 70.94.541 mergers to form 70.94.068, 70.94.069
enforcement powers of department of health use of funds 70.94.544 pollution regions 70.94.053
70.94.422 contaminant sources powers and duties 70.94.081
Smoking, See SMOKING, subtitle Washington fees 70.94.161 excess tax levy authorized 70.94.091
clean indoor air act operating permit fees to cover costs of permit preemption of uniform building and fire
Solid fuel burning devices program 70.94.162 codes 70.94.157
residential and commercial construction operating permits, generally 70.94.161 resolution to activate, procedure 70.94.070
standards 70.94.455 permits 70.94.161 rules and regulations, generally 70.94.081
standards 70.94.455 reasonably available control technology state aid 70.94.385
Studies, special (RACT) requirements 70.94.154 superseding local rules, regulations, etc.,
contracts for contaminants effect 70.94.230
apportionment of costs between cities, classification of sources 70.94.151 supplemental income 70.94.092
towns, and counties 70.94.097 investigation by control officer 70.94.200 treasurer, designation, duties 70.94.094
Transportation activities proposed new sources, procedure, permits uniform building and fire codes, preemption
conformity criteria 70.94.037 70.94.152 70.94.157
Washington clean air act registration of sources 70.94.151 withdrawal from multicounty authority
activation of authorities by department, regulation of particular type or class of 70.94.262
procedure 70.94.390, 70.94.400 source 70.94.395 control officer
administrative procedure act, application variance, procedure 70.94.181 generally 70.94.170
70.94.211 contaminants, existing stationary source of investigation authority 70.94.200
air operating permit account 70.94.015 emission control technology alteration or cooperation by state agencies and departments
air pollution, causing, unlawful, exception replacement 70.94.153 70.94.420
70.94.040 contracts, agreement for use of personnel by cost-reimbursement agreements 70.94.085
air pollution control account 70.94.015 department, reimbursement, merit system counties, apportionment of cost to 70.94.093
subaccount 70.94.017 exemption 70.94.350 county assessor, certification of taxable
air pollution control advisory council control authorities valuation in boundary of authority
creation 70.94.240 activated authorities, by action of law 70.94.095
expenses and per diem 70.94.240 70.94.053 deactivation of authorities 70.94.260
air quality program activation, department action for, procedure declaration of policy and purpose 70.94.011
technical assistance for regulated community 70.94.390, 70.94.400 definitions 70.94.030
70.94.035 activation in counties, when 70.94.055 deminimus new sources, definition 70.94.152
approval orders 70.94.152 air pollution control studies, special dissolution of prior districts 70.94.231
authorities, inclusion or exclusion of county, 70.94.097 districts
authority of department 70.94.331 apportionment of costs, payment to dissolution of prior 70.94.231
biogas produced by anaerobic digesters, 70.94.093 ecology, department of
generators fueled by 70.94.302 assumption of control by department, confidentiality of certain records and
board of directors reestablishment of program 70.94.410 information 70.94.205
reorganization pursuant to merger 70.94.069 assumption of jurisdiction by department enforcement of approved plans 70.94.785
boilers 70.94.395 quarterly reports to from all authorities
industrial, commercial, or institutional auditor, designation, duties 70.94.094 70.94.600
assessment and reporting requirements board of directors wood stove burn ban and prohibition
70.94.992 alternates, authority of members to appoint requirements, revised
borrow money, authority for 70.94.096 70.94.130 attainment for areas of nonattainment,
burning used oil as fuel city selection committee department role 70.94.605
prohibited, exceptions 70.94.610 creation 70.94.110 emission control
carbon dioxide mitigation duties 70.94.120 adoption by department 70.94.331
fees, authority to assess and collect meetings 70.94.120 bubble concept 70.94.155
70.94.892 membership 70.94.110 generally 70.94.152
generally Ch. 80.70 notice 70.94.120 requirements 70.94.380
causing air pollution, unlawful, exception quorum 70.94.110 schedule of compliance 70.94.155
70.94.040 recording officer 70.94.120 emission control technology alteration or
cities and towns, apportionment of costs to compensation 70.94.130 replacement
70.94.093 composition of 70.94.100 existing stationary source of contaminants
city selection committee meetings 70.94.130 70.94.153
creation 70.94.110 members 70.94.100 enforcement 70.94.395
duties 70.94.120 officers 70.94.130 additional means 70.94.435
meetings 70.94.120 powers 70.94.130 restraining orders or injunctions 70.94.425
membership 70.94.110 powers and duties of 70.94.141 enforcement actions by air authority
notice 70.94.120 quorum 70.94.130 70.94.211
quorum 70.94.110 rules and regulations 70.94.141 enforcement actions by department 70.94.332

[RCW Indexpage 18] (2016 Ed.)


environmental excellence program timetables for compliance to standards ALCOHOL (See also ALCOHOLIC
agreements, effect 70.94.033 70.94.155 BEVERAGES)
exceptions, historic buildings, wood burning transportation activities Denatured or wood, exemption from liquor law
70.94.041 conformity criteria 70.94.037 66.12.060
excusable excess emissions 70.94.431 transportation demand management Fuel in motor vehicles, farm implements, and
federal aid 70.94.143 findings 70.94.521 machines
federal programs, cooperation with 70.94.510 variances, application for, consideration, exclusion from liquor control 66.12.130
fees limitation, renewals, review 70.94.181 Nonbeverage form
schedule 70.94.162 violations purchased directly from supplier 66.12.145
source operating permit fees to cover costs of generally 70.94.040 ALCOHOL AND DRUG ADDICTION
permit program 70.94.162 hearings, civil penalty, distribution of fines TREATMENT (See ALCOHOLISM
fiscal 70.94.431 AND DRUG ADDICTION)
federal aid 70.94.143 notice to violators 70.94.211
funding amounts, adoption by department order ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES (See also
70.94.385 affirmation, modification, or revocation ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG
state aid 70.94.385 70.94.221 ADDICTION; DRIVING UNDER THE
gasoline vapor recovery devices, when penalties for 70.94.430 INFLUENCE)
required 70.94.165 procedure 70.94.211, 70.94.221, 70.94.332 Airports
hazardous substance remedial action wood burning, historic buildings, permitted VIP airport lounge operator license,
procedural requirements not applicable 70.94.041 conditions and qualifications 66.24.610
70.94.335 wood stoves Alcohol poisoning
hearings burn ban and prohibition requirements, minors seeking medical assistance for self or
administrative procedure act, application revised other 66.44.270
70.94.211 attainment for areas of nonattainment, Alcohol servers
control authorities 70.94.211, 70.94.221 department role 70.94.605 definitions 66.20.300
determination of effectiveness of control wood stoves, burning violations education program 66.20.320
authorities 70.94.405 condominium owners or residents fees 66.20.320, 66.20.350
subpoena power, witness 70.94.142 associations not liable for acts of rules 66.20.330
violations individual residents 70.94.475 violations, penalties 66.20.310, 66.20.340
procedures 70.94.211, 70.94.221 Wood stoves Amusement device maintenance persons,
historic buildings, wood burning, permitted burning wood for heat, limitations 70.94.473 eighteen years and older permitted on
70.94.041 premises 66.44.316
injunction power to enforce 70.94.425 AIR SPACE CORRIDORS Armory vicinity, license for sale of prohibited
investigations, authority 70.94.200 Eminent domain without permission of adjutant general
lien for enforcement of act 70.94.431 costs, award on abandonment or defeat of 38.32.120
merger of authorities to form multi-county condemnation proceedings 8.25.073 Arrest without warrant 66.44.010
authorities 70.94.069 AIRMAN AND AIRWOMAN (See Art galleries
metals mining and milling operations AERONAUTICS) beer and wine, on-premises consumption
70.94.620 66.12.240
AIRPLANE COMPANIES Banquet permits Ch. 66.20
odors, agricultural activities, exemption Taxation Ch. 84.12
70.94.640 Bed and breakfasts, special permits Ch. 66.20
affirmation, modifications, or rescission of Commuter air carrier, aircraft owned and Breach of duty imposed by statute, ordinance, or
70.94.221 operated by rule
orders of approval 70.94.152 property tax 84.36.133 negligence per se 5.40.050
outdoor burning Ch. 70.94 Criminal jurisdiction of state 9A.04.030 Business activities, special permits Ch. 66.20
penalties 70.94.430 Emergency medical transportation services Candy
permitting air pollution, unlawful, exceptions property tax exemption when owned by liquor content regulated 66.12.160, 66.12.170
70.94.040 nonprofit organization 84.36.575 Cash payments
pollution regions Emergency response caused by intoxication electronic funds transfers, requirements
delineation 70.94.053 recovery of emergency response costs from 66.28.270
evaluation of 70.94.053 convicted person 38.52.430 Chemical dependency professionals,
powers and duties 70.94.420, 70.94.425, Explosives, damages to 70.74.280 certification Ch. 18.205
70.94.431 Historic aircraft, state-owned resources, salvage Child abuse
powers and duties of department 70.94.331, 27.53.110, 27.53.120, 27.53.130, 27.53.150 alcohol or controlled substances as
70.94.385 Private airplanes, large contributing factor, evaluation of alleged
process heaters sales and use tax exemptions 82.08.215, perpetrator 26.44.170
industrial, commercial, or institutional 82.12.215 Children
assessment and reporting requirements Registration 47.68.250 leaving child unattended in parked automobile
70.94.992 Seizure, See DRUGS, subtitle Controlled to enter tavern, penalty 9.91.060
public policy 70.94.011 substances Cider
reasonably available control technology Tax imposed on aircraft Ch. 82.48 grocery store license and restricted grocery
(RACT) requirements 70.94.154 store license
AIRPORTS (See also AERONAUTICS; sales by licensees 66.24.360
regulated 70.94.970 sale in container brought by purchaser
OF) 66.28.360
rules, enforcement provisions, and First class cities, in unincorporated area, subject
limitations 70.94.990 Cities and towns
to county zoning and planning law 35.22.415 first class, enforcement of state laws
unlawful acts 70.94.980 General aviation airports
reports to the department of ecology, 35.22.280
siting 35.63.250, 36.70.547, 36.70A.510 second class cities, regulation of 35.23.440
quarterly, requirement 70.94.600
Recycling state preemption 66.08.120
rules and regulations, control authority, effect
70.94.230 receptacle placement and signing 70.93.095 Clubs
source categories not requiring permit Subdivision plats near bottle clubs, license 66.24.480
air emissions, recommendations to reduce department of transportation private club beer and wine license 66.24.452
70.94.163 notice 58.17.080 spirits, beer, and wine private club license,
recommendations to reduce air emissions VIP airport lounges conditions and qualifications 66.24.450
70.94.163 VIP airport lounge operator liquor license spirits, beer, and wine restaurant license,
source fees 70.94.152 66.24.610 conditions and qualifications 66.24.400,
state aid, procedure, regulations 70.94.143 ALASKA 66.24.410, 66.24.420, 66.24.425
state air pollution control board Pacific marine fisheries compact Ch. 77.75 Colleges or universities
defined 70.94.030 Pacific Northwest economic region, See liquor or illegal drug use, complaint
powers and duties 70.94.093, 70.94.096 PACIFIC NORTHWEST ECONOMIC procedures and sanctions 28B.10.575
subpoena power, generally 70.94.142 REGION liquor-free housing areas 28B.10.575

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 19]


promotion and sales restricted 66.28.160 rule adoption 66.28.320 alcohol offenses 46.20.710, 46.20.720,
sales on campus, Washington products undue influence, determination by liquor and 46.20.740, 46.20.745, 46.20.750,
66.44.193 cannabis board 66.28.300 46.20.755
Construction of law, generally Ch. 66.98 Distributors definition 46.04.215
Consuming in public places, penalty 66.44.100 business meetings, providing food and Illegal possession, penalty 66.44.160
Contraband liquor, possession 66.32.010 beverages for 66.28.042 Illegal purchases, penalty 66.44.150
Convention centers Drivers license ineligibility 46.20.031 Import from another state for personal use
spirits, beer, and wine restaurant license, Driving privileges of juveniles, revocation 66.12.120
conditions and qualifications 66.24.420 66.44.365 Importers
Counties Driving under the influence admission to athletic and entertainment
action to abate nuisances 66.36.010 child is present, arrest of vehicle operator events, provision to retailers permitted
County licenses 67.14.020, 67.14.040, when 26.44.250 66.28.043
67.14.050, 67.14.060, 67.14.070, 67.14.080, personal injury, wrongful death, contributory business meetings, providing food and
67.14.090, 67.14.120 fault 5.40.060 beverages for 66.28.042
Courses of instruction authorized 66.28.150 Driving while under the influence of intoxicating license 66.24.160
Crimes and offenses liquor or any drug Infants, drug and alcohol-affected
acting without license 66.44.090 traffic safety commission to inform and definition 13.34.801, 13.34.802
alcohol-related driving offenses educate 43.59.140 model project 13.34.800
child is present, arrest of vehicle operator Drug-affected babies, prenatal newborn Inspection of books and records 66.08.130,
when 26.44.250 screening Ch. 70.83E 66.08.140
consumption in public places 66.44.100 Duty free exporters license 66.24.530 Inspection of licensed premises or banquet
elections, candidate purchasing or giving Duty free for personal use, excess amounts permit premises authorized 66.28.090
liquor on election day prohibited 66.44.265 66.12.110 Interstate passenger carriers, licenses 66.24.395
identification, supply of facsimile Educational or consumer product information on Intoxicated persons, sales to or purchases and
identification unlawful 66.44.328 retail premises 66.28.155 consumption by prohibited, penalty
identification, transfer to a minor 66.44.325 Effect on competency of witnesses 5.60.050 66.44.200
identification cards, unlawful use 66.20.200 Elections Intoxication
illegal possession 66.44.160 local option, See ALCOHOLIC places of, abatement as nuisance 7.48.240
illegal purchases 66.44.150 BEVERAGES, subtitle Local option Janitors, eighteen years and older permitted on
illegal transportation or sale 66.44.140 elections premises 66.44.316
intoxicated persons, sales to or purchases and Emergency response caused by intoxication Juveniles
consumption by prohibited 66.44.200 recovery of costs from convicted person driving privileges affected by violations,
license requirements 66.24.481 38.52.430 revocation and reinstatement 13.40.265
mash, illegal possession 66.44.140 Enforcement of laws Labels
minors, violations, enforcement, and penalties arrest without warrant 66.44.010 malt liquor 66.28.120
Ch. 66.44 certified analysis as evidence of alcoholic spirits 66.28.100
obtaining liquor for ineligible persons content 66.44.070 wine 66.28.110
66.44.210 complaints and information, sufficiency Law enforcement officers and security
official seal, unlawful possession or use 66.44.040 personnel, eighteen years and older,
66.44.120 liquor and cannabis boards authority permitted on premises 66.44.316
outdoor music festival, campground 66.44.010 Law enforcement training or investigation, use of
detention, investigation of drug or alcohol liquor enforcement officers, powers 66.44.010 forfeited liquor 66.08.095
abuse 4.24.710, 9A.16.120 offenses, description and proof 66.44.050 Leaving children unattended in parked
penalties 66.44.175, 66.44.180 proof of intent 66.44.060 automobile to enter tavern, penalty 9.91.060
possession with intent to sell, when illegal prosecution of violations 66.44.010 Legislative gift center
public conveyances, drinking in, penalty and resisting or opposing officer, penalty wine, selling for off-premises consumption
exception 66.44.240, 66.44.250 66.44.370 44.73.015, 66.12.195
sales by drink or bottle, penalty 66.44.130 service on corporations 66.44.080 Licensee
sales to minors, defense 66.20.210 Exemptions from liquor law Ch. 66.12 definition 66.20.160
sales unlawful without government seal or Fire fighters, eighteen years and older, permitted Licenses
stamp, exception 66.44.140 on premises 66.44.316 acting without, penalty 66.44.090
Culinary, restaurant, or food fermentation First class cities, enforcement of state laws administrative procedure act, application
courses 35.22.280 66.08.150
use authorized 66.12.140 Food products beer and wine gift delivery license 66.24.550
Day spas liquor content regulated 66.12.160, 66.12.170 beer and/or wine restaurant license 66.24.320
beer or wine by the glass, permit for offering Forfeiture, adjudication 66.32.040, 66.32.070 beer distributors 66.24.250
66.20.400 Funds, See ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, beer importers 66.24.261
Definitions 66.04.010, 66.04.021 subtitle Liquor revolving fund bonded wine warehouse storage 66.24.185
Disc jockeys, eighteen years and older permitted Giving away liquor prohibited, exceptions bowling alleys, sales, service, consumption
on premises 66.44.316 66.28.040 66.24.455
Distillers Grain commission caterers license 66.24.690
craft distillery 66.24.145 liquor produced from wheat or barley combined license, for sale of beer and wine for
licensees operating as spirits retailers/ promotional use when donated 15.115.170, consumption on or off premises 66.24.354
distributors 66.24.640 66.12.230 conditions and restrictions 66.24.010
licenses 66.24.140 Growers license 66.24.520 counties 67.14.020, 67.14.040, 67.14.050,
liquor warehouse receipts, fraud concerning, Hospitals 67.14.060, 67.14.070, 67.14.080,
penalty 9.45.160, 9.45.170 authorized use 66.12.150 67.14.090, 67.14.120
monthly reports 66.28.060 Hotels distillers 66.24.140
orders for spirits, accepting and delivering license, fee, limitations 66.24.590 distillers operating as spirits retailers/
66.20.410 spirits, beer, and wine restaurant license, distributors 66.24.640
Distillers, See also DISTILLERIES conditions and qualifications 66.24.400, domestic breweries 66.24.240
Distribution system for beer and wine 66.24.410, 66.24.420, 66.24.425 domestic wineries 66.24.170
three-tier system Identification cards duty free exporters 66.24.530
definitions 66.28.285 evidence of age 66.20.170 electronic benefit card provisions, failure to
direct or indirect interests, allowed activities false cards, use or possession 66.20.200 comply with 66.24.013
66.28.295 presentation 66.20.180 grocery store license and restricted grocery
finding 66.28.280 questionable age of holder, procedure store license 66.24.360
industry members, affiliates, and retailers, 66.20.190 grocery store licensees, beer and wine tasting
interests between 66.28.290 sales to minors, defense 66.20.210 endorsement 66.24.363
money advances, prohibition 66.28.305 unlawful use, penalties 66.20.200 growers license 66.24.520
promotional items 66.28.310 Ignition interlocks, biological and technical interstate passenger carriers 66.24.395
recordkeeping 66.28.315 devices laboratory stills 66.24.140

[RCW Indexpage 20] (2016 Ed.)


licensing and enforcement system Liquor and cannabis board, See LIQUOR AND treats, gifts, or purchases of liquor for minors
modernization project account 66.08.260 CANNABIS BOARD in public places 66.44.300
limitations 66.24.010 Liquor control board, renamed as liquor and Motor vehicles
liquor and cannabis board, regulatory power cannabis board 66.08.012 driving under the influence 46.61.502
66.98.070 Liquor enforcement officers operating under influence of intoxicants or
liquor importers 66.24.160 generally 66.44.010 drugs 9.91.020
manufacturers 66.24.150 resisting or opposing, penalty 66.44.370 physical control of while under the influence
microbreweries 66.24.244 Liquor excise tax fund 82.08.160, 82.08.170 46.61.504
microbrewery licensees, offering beer samples Liquor revolving fund Music and dancing upon licensed premises,
at farmers markets 66.24.175 border areas, distribution 66.08.195, permit 66.28.080
motel license 66.24.540 66.08.196, 66.08.198 Musicians, eighteen years and older permitted on
music and dancing upon licensed premises, cities and towns, distribution 66.08.210 premises 66.44.316
permit 66.28.080 counties, distribution 66.08.200 Nightclubs
nonprofit arts organization license 66.24.495 deposits and disbursements 66.08.170 spirits, beer, and wine nightclub license
nonprofit corporations near Canadian border distribution 66.08.180 66.24.600
66.12.110 excess funds, disbursement 66.08.190 Nonbeverage form
nonprofit organizations or societies, special proceeds from sale of illegal property purchased directly from supplier 66.12.145
occasion license for sales at specified event 66.32.070 Nuisances
domestic winery sales of own wine at event, transfer of funds 66.08.240 militia post or encampment, abatement of sale
conditions 66.24.170 Liquor stores 38.32.120
generally 66.24.375, 66.24.380 state liquor store closure 66.24.620 places where liquor unlawfully kept
private club beer and wine license 66.24.452 Local option elections Ch. 66.40 abatement 66.36.010
public house license 66.24.580 Malt liquor public nuisance, when 7.48.140
representatives 66.24.310 labeling 66.28.120 Nursing homes
required, penalty 66.24.481 Malt liquor, reports of sales 66.24.270 authorized use 66.12.150
retail licensees Manufacturers Operation of while intoxicated
gift certificates 66.24.700 admission to athletic and entertainment railroad, steamboat, or vehicle 9.91.020
retailers events, provision to retailers permitted Packages
nonrefundable application fee 66.24.015 66.28.043 labeling 66.28.100
rules adoption, board authority 66.08.0501 business meetings, providing food and Perfumes, culinary preparations, or flavoring
sampling of beer and wine on licensee beverages for 66.28.042 extracts, exemptions 66.12.070
premises, exceptions 66.24.675 licenses 66.24.150 Permits
senior center license 66.24.680 storage exemptions 66.12.030 administrative procedure act, application
serving to standing or walking patron Medicinal, culinary, and toilet preparations, 66.08.150
permitted 66.28.130 labeling 66.12.070 alcohol server permit 66.20.300, 66.20.310,
snack bar license 66.24.350 Medicinal use 66.20.100, 66.20.110, 66.20.120 66.20.320, 66.20.330, 66.20.340,
specialty shop license Medicines 66.20.350
generally 66.24.371 exemptions 66.12.060, 66.12.070 cancellation or suspension 66.20.070,
wine retailer reseller endorsement 66.24.179 Military installations 66.20.080, 66.20.150
spirits, beer, and wine nightclub license abatement of places of sale as nuisance classifications 66.20.010
66.24.600 38.32.120 day spas 66.20.400
spirits, beer, and wine private club license, special permits Ch. 66.20
conditions and limitations 66.24.450 duration 66.20.060
Militia property
spirits, beer, and wine restaurant license, license for sale of prohibited in vicinity false or fictitious names 66.20.020
conditions and limitations 66.24.400, without permission of adjutant general issuance and fees 66.20.010
66.24.410, 66.24.420, 66.24.425 38.32.120 permit requirements and exemptions
spirits, beer, and wine restaurant licensees, prohibition of sale, penalty for disobedience 66.20.310
rights 66.98.060 38.32.120 reissuance after cancellation or suspension
spirits, retail Minors 66.20.140
license issuance fee, failure to submit alcohol poisoning, seeking medical assistance signatures 66.20.040
payment, penalty 66.28.370 for self or other 66.44.270 suspension for noncompliance with support
reports, failure to submit, penalty 66.28.370 application for permit prohibited 66.44.280 order 66.20.085
spirits, wine, and beer license application and arrest without warrant 10.31.100 transferability 66.20.020
renewal fee, additional 66.08.2601 delivery off premises, limitation 66.44.340 wrongful presentation, retention 66.20.090
spirits distributor or retail licensee, sale of driving privilege revocation for alcohol or Personal injury, contributory fault 5.40.060
spirits by 66.24.620 drug violations 66.44.365 Pilots of vessels 88.16.100
spirits distributors 66.24.055 eighteen years and older, certain persons Possession
spirits importers, fee 66.24.160 permitted on licensed premises 66.44.316 contraband liquor 66.32.010
spirits license fee distribution 66.24.065 employees eighteen to twenty-one Possession, See also ALCOHOLIC
spirits retailers 66.24.630 handling, transporting, and possessing of BEVERAGES, subtitle Search and seizure
license issuance fee exemption 66.24.632 beer and wine on nonretail premises Possession with intent to sell, when illegal
single-serving samples, providing 66.24.670 66.44.318 66.44.170
spirits retailers/distributors, licenses distillers taking orders for, serving, and selling liquor Powdered alcohol
operating as 66.24.640 on licensed premises 66.44.350 defined 66.04.010
sports/entertainment facility license 66.24.570 exhibition of effects of consuming liquor prohibitions 66.44.380
suspension for noncompliance with electronic 66.44.270 Public nuisance
benefit card provisions 66.24.013 frequenting off-limits areas 66.44.310 places where kept for unlawful use, sale,
suspension for noncompliance with support furnishing liquor to minors unlawful, distribution 9.66.010
order 66.20.085, 66.24.012 exceptions 66.44.270 when 7.48.140
tavern license 66.24.330 identification, supply of facsimile Public places
temporary licenses 66.24.010 identification unlawful 66.44.328 license requirements 66.24.481
theater license identification, transfer to a minor unlawful Public places, certain parks and picnic areas not
beer, strong beer, and wine sales 66.24.650 66.44.325 included as public places for purposes of
spirits, beer, strong beer, and wine sales misrepresentation of age 66.44.300, 66.44.310 alcoholic beverage control 66.04.011
66.24.655 possession or use of liquor unlawful, Regulatory authority and scope of powers of
transfer 66.24.025 exceptions 66.44.270 liquor and cannabis board 66.08.030,
vacation of suspension 66.24.120 purchase or attempt to purchase liquor 66.08.050
VIP airport lounge operator license, unlawful, penalty 66.44.290 Representatives
conditions and qualifications 66.24.610 sale by minors, limitation 66.44.340 licenses 66.24.310
wine distributors 66.24.200 sales to minors Restaurants
wine importers 66.24.203 defense 66.20.210 spirits, beer, and wine restaurant license,
winery licensees, offering wine samples at sales to minors by licensee or employees, conditions and qualifications 66.24.400,
farmers markets 66.24.175 notification of hearings 66.44.292 66.24.410, 66.24.420, 66.24.425

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 21]


Retail liquor licenses, See ALCOHOLIC license issuance fee exemption 66.24.632 managed care contracting to include
BEVERAGES, subtitle Licenses reports, failure to submit, penalty 66.28.370 chemical dependency and mental health
Sacramental liquors or wine 66.20.020 single-serving samples, retailers providing services 71.24.850, 74.09.522
Sale by drink, See ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, 66.24.670 medical and behavioral health services,
subtitle Licenses spirits, delivery of, accepting by licensee of integrating medicaid purchasing and
Sales 66.28.340 delivery of 74.09.758
board exemptions 66.12.020 retailers, regulating for theft prevention integrated behavioral health services, task
liquor and cannabis board regulatory authority 66.28.350 force on
and scope of powers 66.08.030, 66.08.050, retailers/distributors, licensed distillers aligning primary care and behavioral health
66.28.350 operating as 66.24.640 regulations 71.24.860
local option, See ALCOHOLIC sales requirements and restrictions 66.28.330 integrating
BEVERAGES, subtitle Local option sales tax medical and behavioral health services,
elections delinquent reporting or remitting, penalties medicaid purchasing and delivery of
self-checkout registers, requirements for 82.08.155 71.24.850, 74.09.522, 74.09.758,
66.24.660 imposed 82.08.150 74.09.860
Sales tax remittance 82.08.160 substance use and mental health disorder
distribution of tax 82.08.170, 82.08.180 seized spirits, purchase restrictions 66.28.070 treatment Ch. 71.24
spirits tax senior center license 66.24.680 substance use disorder and mental health
delinquent reporting or remitting, penalties theater license to sell spirits, beer, strong beer, involuntary treatment systems
82.08.155 and wine 66.24.655 crisis responders, designated Ch. 71.05,
imposed 82.08.150 Spirits and malt beverages, distributors and 71.05.760
remittance 82.08.160 suppliers, contractual and other relationships evaluation of effect, institute for public
Sales to or purchases and consumption by Ch. 19.126 policy to conduct 71.05.810
intoxicated persons prohibited, penalty Sports/entertainment facility license 66.24.570 jails, persons incarcerated in, federal
66.44.200 State liquor stores, See ALCOHOLIC expenditure authority for services
Search and seizure BEVERAGES, subtitle Liquor stores 74.09.671
claimants rights 66.32.060 State of emergency, limitations on sale or medicaid coverage
disposition of property 66.32.070 purchase of during 43.06.250 inmates in work release and similar
forfeiture actions no bar to criminal State preemption of control 66.08.120 programs 74.09.672
prosecution 66.32.080 Stills, illegal operation, penalty 66.44.140 providers and services, minimum standards
forfeiture and disposal of liquor 66.32.040 Subpoena issuing authority 66.08.145 71.24.037
hearing 66.32.050 Title liberally construed 66.08.010 purchasing
judgment of forfeiture 66.32.070 Trade fairs, shows, or expositions, special contracting process 43.20A.894
law enforcement officers, duty to board permits Ch. 66.20 medical and behavioral health services
66.32.090 Transportation unlawful without government 74.09.758
receipt for seized property 66.32.030 seal or stamp, exception 66.44.140 mental health and chemical dependency
report to board 66.32.090 Transshipment in interstate or foreign commerce treatment services 74.09.522
warrants 66.32.020, 66.32.030, 66.32.050 66.12.030 regional service areas
Servers, See ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, Violations, enforcement, and penalties Ch. 66.44 establishment 43.20A.893
subtitle Alcohol servers Warehouses managed care integration, reporting on
Serving to standing or walking patron permitted receipts, fraud concerning, penalty 9.45.160, 71.24.850
66.28.130 9.45.170 social and health services, department of
Solicitation of orders prohibited, exceptions Wedding boutiques contracting process 43.20A.894
66.28.050 beer and wine, on-premises consumption
Sound or lighting technicians, eighteen years and medical and behavioral health services,
66.12.240 integrating medicaid purchasing and
older permitted on premises 66.44.316 Wholesalers
Special permits Ch. 66.20 delivery of 71.24.850, 74.09.522,
admission to athletic and entertainment 74.09.758
Spirits events, provision to retailers permitted
caterers license 66.24.690 mental health and chemical dependency
66.28.043 treatment services, managed care
certificate of approval holders 66.28.035 Wine commission Ch. 15.88
definitions 66.04.021 contracting for 74.09.522, 74.09.758
Wines, See also WINE AND WINERIES providers and services, minimum standards
delivery of spirits, accepting by retail licensee Wrongful death
of 66.28.340 71.24.037
defense, contributory fault 5.40.060 single state authority for substance use
distribution system, three-tier 66.28.280,
66.28.285, 66.28.290, 66.28.295, ALCOHOLICS (See ALCOHOLISM AND disorders 71.24.035
66.28.300, 66.28.305, 66.28.310, DRUG ADDICTION) state behavioral health authority 71.24.035
66.28.315, 66.28.320 ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG ADDICTION task force on integrated behavioral health
distributor license 66.24.055 (See also DRIVING UNDER THE services
distributor or retail licensee, sale of spirits by INFLUENCE) aligning primary care and behavioral health
66.24.620 Behavioral health services and organizations regulations 71.24.860
distributors access to chemical dependency and mental Behavioral health services and organizations,
food and food ingredients, nonliquor, sales health professionals 43.20A.896 See also MENTAL ILLNESS, subtitle
of 66.28.190 authority Behavioral health services and
price list, contents 66.28.180 DSHS as single state authority for substance organizations; MENTAL ILLNESS, subtitle
giving away spirits prohibited, exceptions use disorders 71.24.035 Community services
66.28.040 DSHS as state behavioral health authority Chemical dependency
importer license, fee 66.24.160 71.24.035 ambulance services
labeling 66.28.100 behavioral health organizations work group concerning alternative facility
license application and renewal fee, additional contracting process 43.20A.894, 74.09.522, guidelines 70.168.170
66.08.2601 74.09.758 behavioral health system
license fee distribution 66.24.065 definitions 70.96A.020 tribal-centric 43.20A.897
orders for generally Ch. 70.96B, Ch. 70.97, Ch. 71.05, behavioral health system, adult
distillery and craft distillery acceptance and Ch. 71.24 improvement strategy 43.20A.895
delivery of 66.20.410 behavioral health system chemical dependency specialists, behavioral
price, discrimination in to purchaser for resale improvement strategy for adult system health organization-designated 71.24.625
prohibited 66.28.170 43.20A.895 defined for insurance purposes 48.21.195,
price list, contents 66.28.180 tribal-centric system 43.20A.897 48.44.245, 48.46.355
purchase restrictions 66.28.070 children, access to services, report 74.09.495 drug courts, See COURTS
restaurant retailers, accepting delivery of definitions expenditures and funding priorities 71.24.615
spirits 66.28.340 behavioral health services and organizations hospitals Ch. 71.12
retail license 66.24.630 70.96A.020 juvenile offender chemical dependency
issuance fee, failure to submit payment, health care authority disposition alternative 13.40.165
penalty 66.28.370 contracting process 43.20A.894 medical assistance

[RCW Indexpage 22] (2016 Ed.)


ambulance transport to treatment program, voluntary substance abuse monitoring expenditures and funding priorities
reimbursement for 74.09.330 programs 18.130.175 71.24.615
border communities, contracts for medicaid Insurance coverage chemical dependency arrests
services for 74.09.171 rules 48.21.197 diversion for treatment, pilot program
managed care contracting to include Integrated crisis response and involuntary 10.31.120
chemical dependency and mental health treatment, pilot programs Ch. 70.96B chemical dependency program 71.24.520
services 74.09.522 Involuntary commitment 70.96A.140, chemical dependency specialist services
medical and behavioral health services, 70.96A.145 children and family services offices
integrating medicaid purchasing and Involuntary commitment, See also MENTAL 71.24.515
delivery of 74.09.758 ILLNESS, subtitle Involuntary commitment chemical dependency specialists, designated
offenders with Juvenile offenders superseding with designated crisis
screening and assessment process, chemical dependency or mental disorder, responders Ch. 71.05, 71.05.760
integrated and comprehensive detention of juvenile with 13.40.042 children Ch. 70.96A
use by department of corrections chemical dependency or mental health children, access to behavioral health services,
72.09.755 disposition alternative 13.40.165 report 74.09.495
persons with Minors city or county without facility, liquor tax
indecent liberties by health care provider access to behavioral health services, report contribution prerequisite to use of anothers
9A.44.100 74.09.495 facility 71.24.550
rape by health care provider 9A.44.050 chemical dependency assessment for inpatient client assessment, treatment, and support
professionals treatment 70.96A.245 services 74.50.040
certification Ch. 18.205 chemical dependency assessment for clubhouses
specialists, designated outpatient treatment 70.96A.250 standards for certification or licensure
superseding with designated crisis inpatient treatment 70.96A.097, 70.96A.235 71.24.650
responders Ch. 71.05, 71.05.760 medical assistance, eligibility 70.96A.265 community mobilization against substance
suicide assessment, treatment, and outpatient treatment 70.96A.230 abuse
management training, requirements for payment for treatment 70.96A.240 grant program and additional strategies Ch.
professionals 43.70.442 release from treatment facility 70.96A.255, 43.270
program 71.24.520 70.96A.260 cost, inability to contribute to
regional service areas, establishment of substance use disorder and mental health no bar to admission 71.24.600
43.20A.893 treatment systems, integrating county expenditures, review of 43.20A.065
regional service areas, managed care crisis responders, designated Ch. 71.34 county multipurpose diagnostic center or
integration by 71.24.850 Motor carriers detention center 74.50.070
Chemical dependency, See also ALCOHOLISM alcohol and controlled substance testing court-ordered, information-sharing
AND DRUG ADDICTION, subtitle program 81.04.530 concerning 4.24.558
Treatment Offender sentencing 9.94A.607 court-ordered, notification requirements
Child abuse Opioid overdose medication 70.96A.155
alcohol or controlled substances as prescriptions for 69.41.095 court-ordered evaluation and treatment for
contributing factor, evaluation of alleged Sponsors in alcohol or drug addiction recovery parent or guardian of dependent child
perpetrator 26.44.170 fellowships breach of court order 13.34.174
Children testimony in civil action or proceeding violation of conditions 13.34.176
access to behavioral health services, report 5.60.060 court-ordered treatment or supervision
74.09.495 Substance use disorder 70.96A.157
age of consent for treatment 70.96A.095 ambulance services courts, drug court programs, various,
chemical dependency assessment for inpatient work group concerning alternative facility authorized 2.30.010
treatment 70.96A.245 guidelines 70.168.170 criminal justice treatment account 71.24.580
chemical dependency assessment for integrating treatment with mental health criminal laws limitation 71.24.575
outpatient treatment 70.96A.250 involuntary treatment system
crisis responders, designated Ch. 71.05,
drug-affected and alcohol-affected mothers crisis responders, designated, role of Ch. 71.05.760, Ch. 71.34
and infants 71.05, 71.05.760
evaluation of effect, institute for public deferred prosecution program Ch. 10.05
comprehensive services 13.34.390 definitions 70.96A.020
policy to conduct 71.05.810
inpatient treatment 70.96A.097, 70.96A.235 single state authority for substance use dentistry, impaired dentist program 18.32.534
medical assistance, eligibility 70.96A.265 disorders, DSHS as 71.24.035 discontinuance of services when funds
outpatient treatment 70.96A.230 treatment program provided are expended 74.50.080
payment for treatment 70.96A.240 generally Ch. 71.24 drug courts 71.24.540
release from treatment facility 70.96A.255, program establishment, authority, eligibility 74.50.055
70.96A.260 requirements 70.96A.110 emergency service patrol, purpose and
school referral to inpatient treatment, notice to substance use disorder, definition of functions 71.24.570
parent 70.96A.096 70.96A.020 enhanced services facilities Ch. 70.97
substance use disorder and mental health Substance use disorder, See also ALCOHOLISM evaluation and treatment facilities
treatment systems, integrating AND DRUG ADDICTION, subtitle standards for certification or licensure
crisis responders, designated Ch. 71.34 Chemical dependency; ALCOHOLISM 71.24.640
Definitions 70.96A.020 AND DRUG ADDICTION, subtitle facilities, programs, and services, local sales
Drivers licenses Treatment and use tax for 82.14.530
ineligibility, certain persons 46.65.060 Treatment family court authority
Drug courts, various, See COURTS acceptance into approved program, standards evaluation, monitoring, and treatment
DUI courts, authorized 2.30.010 71.24.565 services 26.12.170
Educational materials at colleges and universities admission procedures 70.96A.120 fetal alcohol screening and assessment
28B.10.295 age of consent 70.96A.095 services 71.24.605, 71.24.610
Emergency medical services ambulance services fetal alcohol syndrome prevention Ch. 70.83C
ambulance services for chemical dependency work group concerning alternative facility funding prerequisites 71.24.530
emergencies guidelines 70.168.170 funding priorities 70.96A.915
work group concerning alternative facility behavioral health services health insurance, group contracts
guidelines 70.168.170 jails, persons incarcerated in, federal contracts, requirements 48.21.180
Family dependency treatment courts, authorized expenditure authority for services legislative declaration 48.21.160
2.30.010 74.09.671 health services practitioners
Group disability insurance behavioral health system voluntary substance abuse monitoring
benefits 48.21.160, 48.21.180 adult system, improvement strategy for programs 18.130.186
right of renewal 48.21.190 43.20A.895 hospitals Ch. 71.12
Health care service contractors tribal-centric 43.20A.895, 43.20A.897 inpatient treatment
benefits 48.44.240 chemical dependency parental consent, exception 70.96A.235
Health maintenance organizations 48.46.350 chemical dependency specialists, behavioral inpatient treatment of children 70.96A.097
Health services practitioners health organization-designated 71.24.625 insurance

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 23]


chemical dependency, definition 48.21.195, suicide assessment, treatment, and Property, aliens right to own 64.16.005
48.44.245, 48.46.355 management training, requirements for Unemployment compensation
integrated crisis response and involuntary professionals 43.70.442 benefits, eligibility 50.20.099
treatment, pilot programs Ch. 70.96B public assistance eligibility eligibility 50.20.098
integrating substance use disorder and mental limited application of chapter 74.08 RCW ALLEGATIONS (See PLEADINGS)
health involuntary treatment systems 74.08.900
crisis responders, designated, role of Ch. regional service areas, establishment of ALLEYS (See STREETS AND ALLEYS)
71.05, 71.05.760 43.20A.893 ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES (See MOTOR
evaluation of effect, institute for public regional service areas, managed care VEHICLES, subtitle Off-road and
policy to conduct 71.05.810 integration by 71.24.850 nonhighway vehicles)
integrating substance use disorder and mental rule-making authority 74.50.080
health treatment systems school referral to inpatient treatment, notice to ALPACAS (See ANIMALS)
crisis responders, designated, role of Ch. parent 70.96A.096 ALTERATION
71.34 screening and assessment process 71.05.027 Insurance applications 48.18.070
intensive case management pilot projects screening and assessment process, integrated AMATEUR RADIO OPERATORS
71.24.620 comprehensive 71.24.510, 71.24.630
services 74.50.050 Antennas
interlocal cooperation act, agreements
authorized under 71.24.525 shelter assistance program 74.50.060 local regulation to conform with federal law
involuntary commitment 70.96A.140, shelter services, eligibility 74.50.035 35.21.315, 35A.21.260, 36.32.600
70.96A.145 substance use disorder AMBULANCE SERVICES
involuntary commitment or detention definition 70.96A.020 Aid vehicles
71.05.040 integrating treatment with mental health licenses 18.73.140
involuntary treatment system involuntary treatment system self-inspection program 18.73.145
crisis responders, designated, role of Ch. crisis responders, designated, role of Ch. Air ambulance services, private, by subscription
71.05, 71.05.760 71.05, 71.05.760 exemption from insurer provisions 48.01.280
integrating substance use disorder and evaluation of effect, institute for public Ambulance personnel, requirements 18.73.150,
mental health involuntary treatment policy to conduct 71.05.810 18.73.155
systems integrating with mental health treatment Blanket disability insurance for volunteer
evaluation of effect, institute for public systems organizations 48.21.040
policy to conduct 71.05.810 crisis responders, designated, role of Ch. Certificate of advanced first aid qualification
jail, evaluation upon release from 70.96A.142 71.34 18.73.120
joinder of petition for commitment substance use disorder program 70.96A.110 Chemical dependency emergencies
70.96A.141 vehicular assault or homicide work group concerning alternative facility
juvenile offender chemical dependency alcohol and drug evaluation and treatment of guidelines 70.168.170
disposition alternative 13.40.165 offenders, requirements 46.61.524 Cities and towns
legislative finding and intent, purpose of visitation and communication with patient ambulance utilities, study and review
chapter 70.96A.011 70.96A.160 35.21.7661
liquor tax and profits, dedicated funds voluntary treatment 70.96A.110 establishment authorized 35.21.766
required 71.24.555 Treatment, See also ALCOHOLISM AND operations of 35.27.370
medicaid coverage DRUG ADDICTION, subtitle Behavioral Counties
inmates in work release and similar health services and organizations authority to furnish financial assistance to
programs 74.09.672 Treatment, responsibility, and accountability on political subdivisions 36.32.470
medical assistance campus (Back on TRAC) courts, authorized authority to operate, restriction 36.01.100
border communities, contracts for medicaid 2.30.010 emergency medical services 36.01.095
services for 74.09.171 Veterans treatment courts, authorized 2.30.010 County transportation authority 36.57.040
managed care contracting to include ALIEN BANKS (See BANKS AND Emergency medical care and transportation
chemical dependency and mental health BANKING, subtitle Alien banks) services
services 74.09.522 administrative procedure 18.73.200
medical and behavioral health services, ALIENATION (See also REAL PROPERTY)
Public assistance grants 74.04.280 county operation 36.01.095
integrating medicaid purchasing and definitions 18.73.030
delivery of 74.09.758 Restraints on
port district property 53.25.160 state preemption of authority 18.73.020
minors Ch. 70.96A unlawful practices, penalties 18.73.190
minors, access to behavioral health services, public lands, See PUBLIC LANDS
report 74.09.495 Emergency medical personnel
ALIENS violent injuries, disclosure of information
opiate substitution treatment Alien property custodian, notice to of actions
certification of program 71.24.590 about 18.73.270
affecting property of 4.28.330, 4.28.340, Epinephrine, authority to administer 18.73.250
pregnant women, programs for 71.24.560 4.28.350
regulation by state 71.24.585 Aliens rights and interests in land, same as Fire protection districts
standards, treatment and program operation native citizen 64.16.005 interlocal agreements 52.12.135
71.24.595 Certain titles confirmed 64.16.140 First aid
outpatient treatment Committed to correctional facility, jail, etc., duty course requirements 70.54.060
notice to parent 70.96A.230 to notify immigration authorities 10.70.140 equipment requirements 70.54.060
payment 70.96A.180 Conveyances to or by aliens 64.16.140 penalty for violations 70.54.065
payment for minors treatment 70.96A.240 Criminal offenders committed to department of Inspection
pregnancy, alcohol and drug use treatment corrections self-inspection program 18.73.145
associated with Ch. 70.83C conditional release for deportation 9.94A.685 Licenses, when required, exceptions 18.73.130
pregnant women Deportation consequences of guilty plea Liens for services Ch. 60.44
opiate substitution treatment programs advisement 10.40.200 Nonmedical facilities, transport of patients to
71.24.560 Enemy during war, tolling of statute of 18.73.280
private establishments limitations of actions 4.16.210 Other transportation vehicles, allowed use
licensing requirements and operating Firearms, possession of 18.73.180
standards Ch. 71.12 alien firearm license Requirements
program establishment, authority, and requirements, penalty 9.41.173 secretary of health, duties 18.73.081
requirements 71.24.535, 71.24.545 possession without firearm license, conditions variance 18.73.101
protective custody 70.96A.120 9.41.175 Stretchers and personal mobility devices
providers requirements, penalty 9.41.171 guidelines, safe transport of persons requiring
certification of chemical dependency Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL 18.73.260
professionals Ch. 18.205 INSURANCE Uniform disciplinary act, application 18.73.240
indecent liberties with person with chemical Insurers, See INSURANCE, subtitle Alien Volunteer personnel
dependency by health care provider insurers city or town legislative body members
9A.44.100 Mental illness, deportation Ch. 72.25 35.21.770
rape of person with chemical dependency by Offenders, camp within correctional facility code city legislative body members
health care provider 9A.44.050 boundaries authorized 72.09.560 35A.11.110

[RCW Indexpage 24] (2016 Ed.)


Complaint toll-free telephone number ANATOMICAL GIFTS Diseases
70.230.160 Account, organ and tissue donation awareness animal disease traceability activities
Coordinated quality improvement 70.230.080 68.64.210 16.36.150, 16.36.160
Data related to quality of patient care 70.230.110 Authorized to make gift 68.64.030, 68.64.080 inspections and tests 16.36.040
Definitions 70.230.010 Bone marrow prevention 16.36.040
Discipline of provider, reports 70.230.120 donor recruitment and education program reporting 16.36.040
Exclusions from chapter 70.230.040 70.54.280, 70.54.290, 70.54.300 Emergencies, actions authorized 16.36.070
Information, disclosure 70.230.140, 70.230.170 minors 70.54.305 Fees, rules 16.36.023
Licenses Corneal tissue for transplants Fur farming Ch. 16.72
applicants, renewal 70.230.050 presumption of good faith 68.50.290 Importation
denial, suspension, revocation 70.230.070 Coroner or medical examiner, duties 68.64.190 veterinary inspection, certificate of 16.36.050
operating without 70.230.030 Declarations or advance health directives Importation of animals
Licensing fees 68.64.180 health certificates, exceptions 16.36.050,
report to legislature 70.230.200 Definitions 68.64.010 16.36.140
Licensing systems of other states Documentation 68.64.105, 68.64.110 unlawful acts and willful misconduct
report to legislature 70.230.200 Drivers license 16.36.050, 16.36.140
Restrict or terminate practitioners, records organ donor registry, information 46.20.1131 Infection danger, actions authorized 16.36.070
70.230.130 statement 46.20.113 Inspections and tests 16.36.040, 16.36.060,
Safety and emergency training, facility Gift of life award Ch. 1.50 16.36.140
70.230.060 Hospitals, agreements with organizations Investigations
Secretary of health, duties 70.230.020 68.64.140 fee for time and mileage 16.36.113
Standards, rules 70.230.090 Illegal activities, penalties 68.64.150, 68.64.160 Live nonambulatory livestock, transporting or
Surveys 48.39.030, 70.230.090, 70.230.100 Interpreter services and translations 68.64.130 accepting delivery
certain facilities 70.230.190 Liability 68.64.170 monetary penalty 16.36.116
Unanticipated outcomes 70.230.150 Procedure for donating 68.64.040, 68.64.090 violations 16.52.225
amending, revoking, making gift 68.64.050, Livestock diseases, diagnostic service program
AMENDMENTS 68.64.070 Ch. 16.38
Attachments, pleadings 6.25.280 refusal to make 68.64.060 Livestock markets
Cities and towns Procurement organizations 68.64.120 examinations and testing 16.65.340,
comprehensive plans 35.63.120 Receiver of gift, qualifications 68.64.100 16.65.350
Habeas corpus Registry, organ and tissue donor 68.64.200 facilities, unlawful acts 16.65.370
process 7.36.240 Scope of chapter 68.64.020 sanitation requirements 16.65.360
writs of habeas corpus 7.36.240 Warranties, immunities from implied warranties Massage practitioners [therapists], animal
Pleadings and civil liabilities 70.54.120 18.108.230
district court, civil 12.08.090, 12.08.110 certification Ch. 18.240
habeas corpus 7.36.240 ANATOMICAL SCIENCE Pet animals infected with diseases communicable
minor defects, effect 4.32.250 Human remains, use for instructional purposes to humans, control Ch. 16.70
variance in action to recover personal property 68.50.060, 68.50.070, 68.50.080, 68.50.090 Quarantine
4.36.210 ANCHORAGE (See also VESSELS AND destruction of diseased or quarantined animals
Revised code, See REVISED CODE OF SHIPPING) 16.36.090
WASHINGTON Boats and vessels, liens created 60.36.010 hold order 16.36.010
ASSOCIATION) violations, penalty 16.36.110, 16.36.113
AMMUNITION GAS) (See FERTILIZERS, subtitle examination, director authority for 16.36.060,
Product liability actions 7.72.030 Ammonia gas) 16.36.140
TESTING) Agriculture director, powers and duties State veterinarian
16.36.020, 16.36.023, 16.36.040, 16.36.060, powers and duties 43.23.070
AMPHIBIAN, STATE 16.36.140, 16.36.150 Tests, examinations, or inspections
Pacific chorus frog 1.20.150 Aquaculture disease inspection and control violations 16.36.060
AMUSEMENT GAMES program Ch. 77.115 Title 77 RCW, application 16.36.128
Authority 9.46.0321 Biomedical waste Transporting, requirements 16.36.045, 16.36.116
Authority to conduct 9.46.0331 definitions 70.95K.010 Veterinarians, duty to report certain diseases
Defined 9.46.0201 legislative findings 70.95K.005 16.36.080
Rules, minimum rules for conduct of games state preemption of local definitions Veterinarians, licensing and regulation Ch. 18.92
9.46.0331 70.95K.011 Violations, penalty 16.36.110, 16.36.113
waste treatment technologies ANIMAL TECHNICIANS (See
AMUSEMENT RIDES evaluation by department of health
Administrative procedure 67.42.050 VETERINARIANS)
Bungee jumping Carcasses, disposal Ch. 16.68 ANIMALS (See also ANIMAL HEALTH)
permission from public or private property Costs, recovery 16.36.025 Abandoned animals, procedures Ch. 16.54
owner required 67.42.090 Cows, goats, and other mammals Animal facilities
Bungee jumping device health requirements 15.36.161 acts against agricultural or veterinary facilities
fees 67.42.060 Definitions 16.36.005 liability for damages 4.24.575
inspection 67.42.020, 67.42.040 Diagnostic service program, livestock diseases acts against research and educational facilities
permits 67.42.060 prevention and control Ch. 16.38 liability for damages 4.24.570
Decals 67.42.030 Diseased animals criminal acts against
Definitions 67.42.010 destruction 16.36.090 definition 9.08.090
Federal standards, federal land, possible destruction, indemnity payment 16.36.096 legislative intent 9.08.080
exemption 67.42.050 duty to bury carcass, livestock 16.36.102 injunctive relief to prevent harassment or
Fees 67.42.060 emergencies, actions authorized 16.36.070 occurrence of tort 4.24.580
Inspections 67.42.020, 67.42.025, 67.42.040 exposure to other animals unlawful 16.36.082 Carcasses, disposal Ch. 16.68
Insurance 67.42.020 importation unlawful 16.36.080 Carcasses, use by department of fish and wildlife
Local ordinances 67.42.080 intergovernmental cooperation 16.36.100 as trap bait 16.68.190
Materially rebuild or modified, new permit, new milk sale prohibited, exception 15.36.151 Carcasses as public nuisances 7.48.140
inspection 67.42.040 owners liability 16.36.086 Cats
Orders to cease operations 67.42.050 quarantine, hold order, or destruct order, bait, use as training bait prohibited, seizure of
Penalty for noncompliance 67.42.070 hearing 16.36.098 animals 16.52.300
Permits 67.42.020, 67.42.030, 67.42.040, reporting requirements 16.36.080, 16.36.084 Cities and towns, control of 35.27.370
67.42.060 sale unlawful 16.36.082 Control of pets infected with diseases
Rules 67.42.050 unlawful conduct 16.36.084 communicable to humans Ch. 16.70

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 25]


Crimes involving bait, use of domestic dog or cat as training bait Metropolitan park districts 35.61.250, 35.61.260,
indictment or information 10.37.070 prohibited, seizure of animal 16.52.300 35.61.270, 35.61.280
research institutions, transferring stolen pet biomedical research, penalties for use Port districts, provisions for 53.04.080,
animals to 19.86.145 53.04.100
penalties 9.08.072, 9.08.074, 9.08.076, definitions 9.08.065 Public hospital districts 70.44.200
9.08.078 research institutions, transferring stolen Public utility districts
Cruelty to animals to territory within service area 54.04.035
acts constituting, penalty 16.52.080 penalties 9.08.072, 9.08.074, 9.08.076, Water-sewer districts, assumption of jurisdiction
animal fighting 16.52.117 9.08.078 by city or town Ch. 35.13A
bait, use of domestic dog or cat as training bait research use, requirements 16.52.220, Water-sewer districts, generally Ch. 57.24
prohibited, seizure of animal 16.52.300 16.52.230 ANNUAL LEAVE (See VACATIONS)
confinement without food and water, penalty taking, concealing, injuring, killing, etc.,
16.52.100 penalty 9.08.070 ANNUITIES (See INDUSTRIAL
cutting ears, penalty and exception 16.52.095 Pet food and specialty pet food INSURANCE; INSURANCE;
definitions 16.52.011 RETIREMENT AND PENSIONS,
registration requirements 15.53.9014 subtitle Life insurance)
docking horses, penalty 16.52.090 Places for fighting of, public nuisance, penalty
dog breeding, limit on number of dogs 9.66.010 ANNULMENT
16.52.310 Poisoning 16.52.190, 16.52.193 Letters of administration 11.28.160
enforcement authority 16.52.015 Quarantine, See ANIMAL HEALTH Will 11.24.040
exclusions 16.52.185 Registration ANSWERS
first degree 16.52.205 falsification, penalty 9.08.030 Actions to recover property distrained, pleadings
hook, unlawful use of 16.52.305 Removal for feeding and care, procedures 4.36.140
humane societies, enforcement authority and 16.52.085 Appearance, answer constitutes appearance
duties 16.52.020, 16.52.025 Rendering plants Ch. 16.68 4.28.210
inhumane slaughter of livestock Ch. 16.50 Research facilities, exemption from cruelty to Assessment of damages without 4.28.290
liability principles 16.52.011 animal provisions 16.52.180 Attachment, debt not due 6.25.050
limitations on application of chapter Research facilities, penalties for unfair and Confession of judgment authorized before or
16.52.180 deceptive practices 19.86.145 after 4.60.010
livestock, nonambulatory 16.36.116, Research use, requirements 16.52.220, 16.52.230 Defenses
16.52.225 Running at large, See LIVESTOCK district court proceeding 12.08.020
motor vehicle or enclosed space, unattended, Scientific experiments, exemption from cruelty Distrained property, actions to recover, pleadings
leaving or confining animal in 16.52.340 to animals provisions 16.52.180 4.36.140
old or diseased animals, permitting to run at Service animals and trained guide dogs District judges, requisites of answers 12.08.020
large, penalty 16.52.110 unfair practices of food establishments Ejectment and quieting title actions, substitution
penalties 16.52.165, 16.52.200 49.60.218 of landlord in action against tenant 7.28.110,
poisoning 16.52.190, 16.52.193 unfair practices of places of public resort 7.28.130
railroad shipment of livestock 81.48.070 49.60.215 Forcible entry and detainer, pleadings 59.12.121
removal of animals, procedures 16.52.085 Strays (estrays) Frivolous 4.32.170
second degree 16.52.207 abandoned animals Joint debtors in proceedings after judgment
veterinarian reporting requirements, immunity duty of sheriff 16.54.030 defenses by, authorized 4.68.040
16.52.330 impounding in stock pounds denial by
Dangerous dogs, See DOGS second-class cities 35.23.440 authorized 4.68.040
Dangerous wild animals, keeping of Ch. 16.30 towns 35.27.370 verdict limitation 4.68.060
Dead, disposal in watersheds 70.54.030 Strays (estrays), See also LIVESTOCK, subtitle pleading component 4.68.050
Destruction by law enforcement officer, Strays Libel and slander, justification in mitigating
immunity 16.52.210 Theft of livestock 9A.56.080, 9A.56.083 circumstances 4.36.130
Diseases, See ANIMAL HEALTH Logging liens 60.24.140
Trespassing animals Mandamus proceedings 7.16.200
Dogs, See DOGS damages, liability, actions for damages and
Euthanasia 16.52.085 Material allegations, defined 4.36.170
costs 16.04.010, 16.04.015, 16.04.030, Objection on same grounds as demurrer may be
False certificate of registration or false 16.04.040, 16.04.045, 16.04.050,
representation of breed, penalty 9.08.030 taken by, when 4.32.070
16.04.060, 16.04.070 Partition proceedings, contents 7.52.060
Feed, See FEED fences Ch. 16.60
Feed containing noxious weed seeds or toxic Prohibition proceedings 7.16.320
livestock running at large on United States Quo warranto proceedings 7.56.050
weeds, penalty 17.10.235 military reservations 16.04.080
Fighting exhibitions, prohibited behavior Requisites of
owner unknown, procedure 16.04.025 district court civil procedure 12.08.020
16.52.117 restraint 16.04.020
Fur farming Ch. 16.72 Setoff, pleading of in answer 4.32.150
via fence damaged by wildlife 16.04.100 district court civil procedure 12.08.020,
Herd laws, See LIVESTOCK Trusts Ch. 11.118
Horse racing Ch. 67.16 12.08.120
Horse racing, live horse racing compact Ch. ANNEXATION Stricken, when 4.32.170
67.17 Cities and towns Uncontroverted allegations
Importation elections district court civil procedure 12.08.080
health certificates, exceptions 16.36.050 canvass of votes 35.10.240 ANTI-HARASSMENT ACT (See
Importation of animals indebtedness, ratification and funding after HARASSMENT)
health certificates, exceptions 16.36.140 35.40.030 ANTIQUES
Information or indictment for injury to, Cities and towns, See also CITIES AND Pistols, excepted from restrictions on carrying
description of 10.37.070 TOWNS, subtitle Annexation 9.41.060
Insurance for 48.11.060 Conservation districts 89.08.180 Slot machines, excluded from prosecution
Killing in state park, penalty 79A.05.165 Counties 9.46.235
Livestock, See LIVESTOCK simultaneous consideration of incorporation
Low-income households and annexation 36.93.116 ANTWERP PIGEONS (See BIRDS)
veterinary services 18.92.250, 18.92.260 Diking and drainage districts erected and APARTMENTS (See CONDOMINIUMS;
Mammals, official state, See WILDLIFE, operated by United States 85.05.610, LANDLORD AND TENANT)
subtitle Mammals 85.05.620, 85.05.630, 85.05.640, 85.05.650 APIARIES (See BEES AND BEEKEEPING)
Massage practitioners [therapists], animal Fire protection districts
certification Ch. 18.240 cities and towns APOTHECARY (See PHARMACIES AND
endorsement 18.108.230 annexation by 35.02.200, 35.02.205, PHARMACISTS)
Milk and milk products for animal food Ch. 35.13.249 APPEALS
15.37 fire protection services, benefit charge Administrative agencies
Nursing homes, contact with animals authorized 35.13.256 court of appeals 2.06.030
18.51.320 newly incorporated city or town Administrative agency decisions
Pet animals annexation by 35.02.202 direct review authorized 34.05.518

[RCW Indexpage 26] (2016 Ed.)


refusal of review 34.05.522 Department of transportation ruling regarding Reversal, eviction of judicial sale purchaser on
Administrative procedure, See aeronautics 47.68.320 reversal of judgment 6.21.130
ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE Discrimination, unfair practices involving real Review
Administrative procedure act property 49.60.225 sentences 9.94A.585
supreme court or court of appeals 34.05.526 District court, from verdict reduction or increase as alternative to
Agreed cases 4.52.030 costs 4.84.130 new trial 4.76.030
Agricultural processing and marketing District courts 10.10.010 Savings associations, actions and decisions of
associations, monopoly hearing before District courts, from director of financial institutions 33.04.060
attorney general 24.34.020 criminal proceedings Schools and school districts
Assessments costs, payment of 10.10.060 eminent domain, See EMINENT DOMAIN
local improvements, See LOCAL default in prosecuting 10.10.060 employees, dismissal, appeal, alternate
IMPROVEMENTS AND failure to appear, conviction, sentencing procedure 28A.405.380
ASSESSMENTS 10.10.060 Small claims, restrictions and setting aside
Attorneys fees as costs, damage actions, five District judges, from judgments 12.40.120
thousand dollars or less 4.84.290 small claims action Ch. 12.36 State
Board of equalization decisions 35.55.080 traffic infractions Ch. 12.36 actions against 4.92.030
Bonds Eminent domain by state eminent domain, See EMINENT DOMAIN
actions against state 4.92.030 damages 8.04.130, 8.04.150 State civil service
criminal cases 10.73.040 Exceptions suspension, dismissal, or demotion of
Cities and towns when to be taken 4.80.020 employee 41.06.170
board of equalization, local improvement of Fees, supreme court, courts of appeal State employees retirement system 41.40.078,
lowlands 35.55.080, 35.56.090 fee schedule 2.32.070 41.40.082
metropolitan park district assessments Forcible entry and detainer actions 59.12.180 State patrol identification and criminal history
35.61.230 Foreign judgments, enforcement of, uniform act section
municipal courts 35.20.250 6.36.045 application for information upon refusal
proceedings declaring dwellings unfit Habeas corpus 43.43.705
35.80.030 federal questions raised by pleadings 7.36.140 purge or modification of personal records
Condemnation actions, See EMINENT Harmless error disregarded 4.36.240 43.43.730
DOMAIN Highways State patrol officers from disciplinary actions
Costs upon 4.84.130 advertising control, action of department 43.43.100
attorneys fees 4.84.080 47.42.060 Superior court final judgments 7.16.350
damage actions, five thousand dollars or less Indigent party, fees and costs to be paid by state Superior courts
4.84.290 4.88.330 appellate jurisdiction 2.08.020
county, against 4.84.170 Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL county commissioners, from 36.32.330
district court, from, appellants bond for costs INSURANCE, subtitle Appeals Supreme court or court of appeals
4.84.130 Injunction, court of appeals jurisdiction 2.06.040 appellate jurisdiction 2.04.010
state, against 4.84.170 Insurance fee schedule 2.32.070
Counties orders of commissioner, See INSURANCE, state employees retirement system 41.40.082
actions against 4.84.170 subtitle Appeals Taxation
eminent domain, See EMINENT DOMAIN rating organizations 48.19.290 property taxes, See TAXES - PROPERTY
proceedings declaring dwellings unfit Joint operating agencies 43.52.360, 43.52.430 Time extended for proceeding to replace lost or
35.80.030 Judgments destroyed records 5.48.050
County board of adjustment execution docket entry of appeal 4.64.080 Traffic infractions 46.63.090
notice of time and place 36.70.850 Unemployment compensation
Justices of the peace, from
scope of authority 36.70.860 mailing appeal or petition, when deemed filed
civil actions and received 50.32.025
time limit 36.70.830 justice and inferior courts act of 1961,
County commissioners Verdict reduction or increase as alternative to
pending appeals not affected 3.74.900 new trial 4.76.030
drawbridge, width of draw determination Justices of the peace, from, See also JUSTICES
35.74.030 Victims of crime 7.68.110, 7.68.111
OF THE PEACE, subtitle Appeals from
expenditures for emergencies, taxpayers right Juvenile offenders 13.40.230 APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE
36.40.150 Licenses Application
procedure 36.32.330 generally 43.24.120 campaign contributions 42.36.050
Court commissioner proceedings 2.24.050 Local improvements 35.44.200, 35.44.210, candidates, public discussion by 42.36.040
Court of appeals 35.44.220, 35.44.230, 35.44.240, 35.44.250, decision-making bodies
appeals to supreme court 2.06.030 35.44.260 disqualification of member, time limitation
jurisdiction Lost or destroyed records, time extended on for challenging members 42.36.080
decision of administrative agencies 2.06.030 filing of application for replacement of court local, members of 42.36.020
limitation 2.06.030 records lost or destroyed 5.48.050 land use decisions, local 42.36.010
Courts of limited jurisdiction 3.02.020 Mandamus legislative action 42.36.030
Criminal court of appeals, jurisdiction 2.06.030 quasi-judicial proceedings
bail pending appeal 10.73.040 Municipal courts 35.20.250 advisory proceedings 42.36.070
court of appeals, jurisdiction 2.06.030 Municipal local improvements 35.44.260 ex parte communications prohibited,
criminally insane, right of either party superior court 35.44.200, 35.44.250 exceptions 42.36.060
10.77.230 Pollution control hearings board, See quorum implications 42.36.090
district courts, from POLLUTION CONTROL HEARINGS Judicial restriction, elimination of doctrine
costs, payment of 10.10.060 BOARD allowed
default in prosecuting 10.10.060 Prohibition, writ of, court of appeals jurisdiction expansion disallowed 42.36.100
failure to appear, conviction, sentencing 2.06.040 Land use decisions, local 42.36.110
10.10.060 Public utilities, See PUBLIC UTILITIES, Limitations Ch. 42.36
jail time pending appeal, credit for 9.95.062 subtitle Appeals to supreme court or court of APPEARANCES
sentence commences when convicted person appeals Actions against state, attorney general 4.92.030
returned to custody 9.95.060 Quo warranto Arraignment, See ARRAIGNMENT
sentences 9.94A.585 court of appeals, jurisdiction 2.06.030 Assessment of damages without answer, after
stay of execution judgment, conditions of Railroad crossing findings and orders 81.53.170 appearance 4.28.290
release 9.95.064 Records of court lost or destroyed, time extended Attachment
stay of execution of judgment, when on filing application for replacement defendant for examination as to his property
prohibited 9.95.062 5.48.050 6.25.170
subversive activities, discharge from Referees Attorneys
employment 9.81.090 decision reviewed in same manner as court appearance without authority, procedure
Cross-appeals unnecessary, appeal of verdict decision 4.48.120 2.44.020, 2.48.220
reduction or increase as alternative to new Refusal of highway contract proposal form, from Debtors
trial 4.76.030 47.28.070 ne exeat, bail bond 7.44.030

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 27]


Deemed general appearance, when 4.28.210 State facilities through city or town, board of Committees 49.04.040
Default on defendants nonappearance, district review 47.52.150 Community and technical colleges
court civil action 12.20.020 State otologist 70.50.010 associate degree pathway 28B.50.890,
Disbarment for appearing without authority Trustees in ejectment and quieting title action for 49.04.150
2.48.220 absent or nonresident defendant 7.28.010 responsibility for instruction 28B.50.880
Dismissal on plaintiffs nonappearance 4.56.120 APPORTIONMENT transferable course credits within
district court civil action 12.20.010 Public funds, See PUBLIC FUNDS apprenticeship program 28B.50.891
District judges State funds, See PUBLIC FUNDS waivers, apprentice education 28B.50.895
hour allowed for 12.04.160 Washington state redistricting act Ch. 44.05 Discrimination 49.04.100, 49.04.110, 49.04.120,
time for 12.04.160 49.04.910
Forcible entry and detainer actions 59.12.060 APPRAISERS AND APPRAISALS Electrical construction trade 19.28.161,
General, deemed as, when 4.28.210 Absentees estates 11.80.020 19.28.171
Homestead alienation in case of incompetency or Buildings, newly constructed, county assessor Industrial insurance coverage 51.12.130
disability of spouse or domestic partner 36.21.070, 36.21.080 Limitation 49.04.070
prosecuting attorney to appear 6.13.210, County assessor Minimum wages, exceptions for 49.46.060
6.13.220 continuing education requirements for persons Ocularists 18.55.060
assessing real property 36.21.015 On-the-job training agreements and projects
Injunctions, contempt for disobedience, bond for employment and classification plans for
7.40.170 administration of federal funds 49.04.090
appraisers 36.21.011 agreements with federal departments or
Mandamus proceedings 7.16.190 qualifications and examination of persons
Ne exeat, bail bond 7.44.030 agencies 49.04.090
assessing real property 36.21.015 promotion of by supervisor of apprenticeship
New trial, defendant where discovery of grounds Debtors personal exemptions 6.15.060
after verdict, report, or decision 4.76.080 authorized 49.04.080
Diking and drainage improvement districts, Public works
Nonappearance of maintenance, special benefits, appraisal of
defendant, effect 4.28.210, 12.20.010 apprenticeship utilization advisory committee,
factors considered 85.16.090 creating 39.04.320
plaintiff, nonsuit 4.56.120 generally 85.16.080
Nonsuit on plaintiffs nonappearance 4.56.120 bidder responsibility criteria 39.04.350
report and schedule 85.16.090 rate of pay where
Nuisances, voluntary abatement of prostitution, separate appraisals for diking and drainage
assignation or lewdness 7.48.110 apprenticeship agreement 39.12.021
benefits 85.16.110 no apprenticeship agreement 39.12.021
Orders of court, application for constitutes Eminent domain proceedings
appearance 4.28.210 training programs
order for production and exchange of contracts, adjustment of specific projects
Partition proceedings, judgment creditors, notice conclusions 8.25.120
on sale of property to require 7.52.180 39.04.320
Exemptions from execution definitions 39.04.310
Pleadings, answer constitutes 4.28.210 appraisal, procedure if appraised value purpose 39.04.300
Quo warranto proceedings, defendants 7.56.050 exceeds exemption 6.15.070 wood products, compliance with 39.35D
Right to by one not served personally 4.28.200 Exemptions from execution, fees of appraiser RCW 39.04.330
Special, how made 4.28.210 6.15.060 Regulatory apprenticeship council
Supplemental proceedings involving judgment Fish marketing associations, appraisal of creation 49.04.010
debtors 6.32.010, 6.32.030, 6.32.180, expelled members property 24.36.290 decisions of council, appeal of 49.04.065
6.32.190 Homesteads duties 49.04.010
Unauthorized, by attorney, procedure 2.44.020 value of, appraisal by appointed appraiser expenses and compensation 49.04.010
What constitutes 4.28.210 6.13.100, 6.13.110, 6.13.120, 6.13.130, generally 49.04.010
APPELLATE COURTS (See SUPERIOR 6.13.140, 6.13.150, 6.13.190, 6.13.200 Standards 49.04.050
COURTS; SUPREME COURT) Hospital districts 70.44.300 Student opportunities
Personal exemptions of debtors 6.15.060 building and construction related 49.04.190
APPELLATE REVIEW (See APPEALS) Port district leases 42.23.030 centers of excellence 49.04.170
APPLE ADVERTISING COMMISSION Probate educational outreach program 49.04.180
Trade promotion and development expenditures partnership interests of decedent 11.64.002 findings 49.04.160
15.04.200 real property for sale purposes 11.56.090 Supervisor of 49.04.030
APPLE COMMISSION Probate, See also PROBATE, subtitle Inventory Veterans
and appraisement outreach effort 39.04.340
Duties, members, administration, and
assessments Ch. 15.24 Public water systems Voluntary conformity 49.04.070
valuation 8.25.280 Work force training programs
APPLE HEALTH, WASHINGTON (See Real estate programs for energy audits and energy
MEDICAL ASSISTANCE) cities and towns, pedestrian malls, efficiency services 49.04.200
APPLES (See FRUITS; HORTICULTURE) determinations 35.71.050
professionally designated APPRENTICESHIP COUNCIL (See
APPLIANCES hospital districts 70.44.300 APPRENTICES)
Appliance efficiency rebate program 43.330.340 port district leases 42.23.030 APPROACHES (See COUNTY ROADS AND
Consumer leases, See CONSUMER LEASES Real estate, See also REAL ESTATE BRIDGES; HIGHWAYS)
Energy efficiency standards Ch. 19.260 APPRAISERS
Obscuring identity of a machine 9A.56.180 APPROPRIATION OF PRIVATE
Savings banks, appraisal of real property PROPERTY (See EMINENT DOMAIN)
Public utility districts required 32.12.050
repair service 54.16.380, 54.16.385 School district property 28A.335.120 APPROPRIATIONS
Service contracts Ch. 48.110 Accounting for by state treasurer 43.08.010
APPREHENSION (See ARREST) Advance right of way revolving fund,
LICENSED BEHAVIOR ANALYSTS APPRENTICES appropriation for deposit to 47.12.244
Applied behavior analysis advisory committee Age requirements 49.04.910 Attorney general to enforce proper application
18.380.040 Agreement 43.10.030
definition of 49.04.060 Budget and accounting
Licensing and certification, unauthorized
practices, and exemptions Ch. 18.380 public works projects employment 39.12.021 deemed maximums for purposes of 43.88.070
Apprenticeship and training council governors control over expenditures of
APPOINTMENTS (See also POWERS OF work force training programs, prioritization 43.88.080
APPOINTMENT) curriculum development and funding lapsing of at end of fiscal period 43.88.140
Appraiser 6.13.130 28B.50.281 matching funds, state moneys disbursed in
Executors and administrators, See EXECUTORS programs for energy audits and energy proportion to 43.88.150
AND ADMINISTRATORS efficiency services 49.04.200 not required as to refunds of trust fund
Governor, See GOVERNOR, subtitle Apprenticeship council payments 43.88.180
Appointing power on-the-job training agreements and projects, priority of expenditures between appropriated
Guardians, See GUARDIAN AND WARD promotion of 49.04.080 and nonappropriated funds 43.88.150
Logging liens, receiver appointment 60.24.130 registration and approval of apprenticeship Capital projects
Partition proceedings, partition of property, agreements 39.12.021 transfer of excess amount to another project
appointment of referees 7.52.080 transportation opportunities 49.04.141 43.88.145

[RCW Indexpage 28] (2016 Ed.)


Cities and towns AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES (See FISH agreement with county to handle 35A.11.200
statewide city employees retirement system, AND FISHING; FISH AND WILDLIFE, Dispute resolution centers
certification of amount needed 41.44.080 DEPARTMENT OF) alternative to judicial setting Ch. 7.75
unexpended appropriations 35.32A.080 AQUATIC LANDS (See also PUBLIC Estates and trusts, dispute resolution procedures
Colleges and universities LANDS) Ch. 11.96A
needy student financial aid 28B.15.065 Aquatic plant control Health care actions, arbitration of Ch. 7.70A
reductions 28B.15.066 cities and towns, authority for local International commercial arbitration Ch. 7.05
Counties improvement 35.43.040 Labor disputes
budget limitations 36.40.100 Archaeological resources generally, including board of arbitration Ch.
lapse at end of year 36.40.200 contracts for discovery and salvage 27.53.110, 49.08
planning agencies 36.70.290 27.53.120, 27.53.130, 27.53.150 health care activities Ch. 49.66
report of auditor, monthly 36.40.210 discovery and report 27.53.100 Landlord and tenant 59.18.320, 59.18.330,
supplemental appropriations, unanticipated Capitol purchase and development account 59.18.340, 59.18.350
funds 36.40.100 43.79.455 relations 59.18.110
Industrial insurance Coastal protection fund 90.48.390, 90.48.400 Mandatory arbitration Ch. 7.06
Fish and wildlife department-managed lands, Manufactured/mobile home landlord-tenant act
appropriation not required for payment of arbitration, any controversy may be submitted
43.88.180 exchange with landowners if in public
interest 43.300.070 59.20.260, 59.20.270, 59.20.280,
Judges retirement fund, biennial appropriation 59.20.290
to guarantee solvency of 2.12.060 Leased from state 90.48.386
Public lands mediation
Legislative audit and review committee, any dispute may be submitted 59.20.250
examination 44.28.080 beds of navigable waters Ch. 79.130
easements and rights of way Ch. 79.110 termination or nonrenewal of tenancy or
State funds occupancy 59.20.080
duty of legislature to appropriate from for generally Ch. 79.105
harbor areas Ch. 79.115 Medical malpractice
schools 28A.150.380 burden of proof 7.70.030
marine plastic debris Ch. 79.145
APRICOTS (See FRUITS) oysters, geoducks, shellfish, and other New motor vehicle arbitration boards
aquacultural uses, and marine aquatic 19.118.080, 19.118.090, 19.118.095,
AQUACULTURE 19.118.100, 19.118.110
Agriculture, department of plants Ch. 79.135
tidelands and shorelands Ch. 79.125 New motor vehicle arbitration program
directors powers and duties 43.23.030, 19.118.160
43.23.035 waterways and streets Ch. 79.120
Purple loosestrife control program Ch. 17.26 Public works, contract to provide for arbitration
Aquatic farmers, registration 77.115.040 of disputes 39.12.060
Aquatic invasive species enforcement Shellfish reserves on public lands, establishment
77.60.100 Railroad crossing costs 81.53.130
account 43.43.400 Residential landlord-tenant act 59.18.110
Spartina control program Ch. 17.26
Disease inspection and control Trespass Solid waste disposal
development of program 77.115.010 definitions 9A.52.010 city charges against county for impact
diagnostic field services 77.115.030 36.58.080
violations 77.115.010 AQUATIC PLANTS (See also FISH AND Uniform arbitration act Ch. 7.04A
Fishways, flow, and screening Ch. 77.57 FISHING, subtitle Invasive species; FISH
Game farm license, exemption 77.12.570 Designated 1.20.060
Game fish mitigation Ch. 77.18 subtitle Invasive species)
Aquatic invasive species ARBORETUM, STATE
Licenses, exemptions 77.65.490
infractions, arrest without warrant for State arboretum designated 1.20.120
Licenses and permits for commercial fisheries, 10.31.100
exemption 77.65.010 Aquatic invasive species enforcement ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES AND
Market development account 43.43.400 RESOURCES (See HISTORIC
agriculture department directors powers and Ballast water management Ch. 77.120 PRESERVATION, subtitle
duties 43.23.030 Freshwater and saltwater aquatic algae control Archaeological sites and resources)
agriculture department powers and duties account, program 43.21A.667 ARCHAEOLOGY AND HISTORIC
43.23.035 Freshwater aquatic weeds account 43.21A.650 PRESERVATION, DEPARTMENT OF
Marketing Freshwater aquatic weeds management program (See also HISTORIC PRESERVATION)
agriculture department designated principal 43.21A.660, 43.21A.662 Abandoned cemeteries, preservation and
state agency 15.85.030 Noxious weed removal maintenance 68.60.030
definitions 15.85.020 rules and pamphlet 77.55.081 Advisory committees, councils 43.334.070
private sector cultured aquatic products, Public lands, aquatic Cemeteries and burial sites, database 27.34.415
identification 15.85.060 oysters, geoducks, shellfish, and other Created 43.17.010
program to assist marketing and promotion aquacultural uses, and marine aquatic Definitions 43.334.010
15.85.050 plants Ch. 79.135 Departmental divisions 43.334.040
rules adoption 15.85.040 Spartina control program Ch. 17.26 Deputy and assistant directors 43.334.050
Private sector cultured aquatic products, Spartina/purple loosestrife Director
identification 15.85.060 hydraulic permit exception 77.55.051 appointment 43.17.020, 43.334.020
Private sector cultured aquatic products not game AQUATIC REHABILITATION ZONES chief assistant director 43.17.040
fish 77.08.020 Findings, intent 90.88.005 delegation 43.334.060
Salmon Forest practices, nonapplicability 90.88.040 oath 43.17.030
release and recapture prohibited 77.12.459 Hood Canal, zone one powers and duties 43.334.030
Steelhead established 90.88.010 vacancy 43.17.040
release and recapture prohibited 77.12.459 program, lead agency, local management Federal and state cooperation 43.334.080
Trespass on commercial aquaculture structures board 90.88.020, 90.88.030 Historic graves
definitions 9A.52.010 Scope of chapter 90.88.050 destruction or damage 68.60.050
Trout historic cemetery preservation capital grant
AQUIFER PROTECTION AREAS program, Washington state 27.34.420
state purchase of privately-grown Ch. 77.18 Creation process 36.36.020
Warm water game fish violations, penalties 68.60.060
Delinquent fees, lien 36.36.045 Main street program
purchase for mitigation of environmental Dissolution process 36.36.050
damage 77.44.060, 77.44.070 definitions 43.360.010
Fee revenues, use of 36.36.040 department duties 43.360.020
AQUARIUMS Fees for withdrawal of water or sewage disposal designation of specific programs 43.360.030
Management contracts, issuance by cities 36.36.030 findings, intent 43.360.005
35.64.010, 35.64.020 Low-income persons, reduced fees 36.36.035 tax incentives Ch. 82.73
Park and recreation service areas ARBITRATION AND AWARD trust fund account 43.360.050
administration 36.68.400 Code cities, municipal court Office, powers transferred 43.334.900
Sales and use tax 82.14.400 criminal cases Offices
Zoo and aquarium advisory authority 36.01.180, agreement with county to handle 35A.11.200 branch offices 43.17.050
36.01.190 Criminal cases in code cities state capital, office maintained at 43.17.050

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 29]


Physical anthropologist, state 43.334.075 entry and use of true name 10.40.050 escapees from detention facilities 13.40.045
Rules 43.17.060 Pleadings to 10.40.060 Liquor violations, arrest without warrant
Skeletal human remains account 43.334.077 ARREST 66.44.010
ARCHITECTS Absconding debtors, See ARREST, subtitle Ne Mental disorders, individuals with 10.31.110
Agreements to indemnify against liability for exeat Militia members
negligence, validity 4.24.115 Alcohol violations by minors 10.31.100 exemption from civil arrest, when 38.32.030
Application of chapter 18.08.410 Apprehension of defendant any place in state Misdemeanors
Architects license account 18.08.240 authorized 10.34.010 warrantless arrest for, when authorized
Authorization to practice, requirement for Arrest and fingerprint form 10.31.100
18.08.310 defined 10.98.040 Motor vehicles
Board for architects judges duties 10.98.050 enforcement, procedure governing
disciplinary authority 18.08.460 state patrol sole recipient for federal nonexclusive 46.64.030
transmission 10.98.070 Ne exeat
membership, terms, and compensation
18.08.330 unique number system 10.98.060 bail has right of 7.44.030
Boat operation, negligent manner, under the order of arrest and bail
powers and duties 18.08.340, 18.08.440 directed to sheriff 7.44.021
Business entities, authorization to practice influence 10.31.100
Breaking and entering to make 10.31.040 issuance 7.44.021
18.08.420 return 7.44.021
Continuing professional development 18.08.430 Chemical dependency arrests
service 7.44.021
Contracts with public agencies Ch. 39.80 diversion for treatment parolee, grounds
Definitions 18.08.320 pilot program 10.31.120 issuance 7.44.021
Emergency worker exemption from liability Citizens, force, use of, when lawful 9A.16.020 service 7.44.021
applies to architect serving as volunteer Commission of crime in another state, charge or right to bail 7.44.030
emergency worker 38.52.1951 complaint, warrant of arrest 10.88.320 Nuisances, contempt for violation of injunction
Examinations District courts 7.48.080
application requirements 18.08.350 offense committed in view of judge, verbal Order of arrest and bail, return 7.44.021
procedure 18.08.360 arrest 10.04.020 Out-of-state witnesses testifying in this state,
Grandfather process for prior registrants Domestic violence exemption from arrest and service of process
18.08.390 immunity for police officer 10.31.100 10.55.100
Professional service corporations Ch. 18.100 peace officers powers 10.99.030 Parole violator 9.95.120
Registration certificates restraining order violation 10.31.100 School premises, firearms possession on
experience and training requirements warrantless arrest, when authorized 10.31.100 warrantless arrest, when authorized 10.31.100
18.08.500 Drugs Sentences
issuance 18.08.370 dangerous drugs, cannabis, warrantless arrest violation of condition or requirement, penalty
practice without unlawful 18.08.310 for possession of, when authorized arrest and confinement in jail 9.94A.631
qualifications 18.08.350 10.31.100 security searches, authorization 9.94A.631
reciprocity 18.08.400 Escape Sheriffs, duty in regard to 36.28.010
reinstatement or replacement 18.08.380 pursuit and retaking of any place in state State identification number
renewal 18.08.430 authorized 10.34.020 patrol to furnish to originating agency and
suspension, revocation, or refusal to issue retaking in foreign state, extradition 10.34.030 prosecutor 10.98.080
18.08.440 Extradition Strip, body cavity searches
suspension for noncompliance with support governors powers and duties as to 10.34.030 alternatives, less intrusive 10.79.140
order 18.08.480 Extradition agents application of law 10.79.120
suspension for nonpayment or default on appointment of 10.34.030 authorization for 10.79.080
educational loan or scholarship 18.08.470 False arrest conducting, standards for 10.79.100
violations and penalties 18.08.460 insurance for law enforcement personnel damages, actions for 10.79.110
withdrawal and reinstatement 18.08.430 cities of second class or towns 35.23.460 definitions 10.79.070
Seal 18.08.370 counties 36.16.130 injunctive relief 10.79.110
Suits arising on design, planning, architectural Fingerprints legislative intent 10.79.060
services 4.16.300 judges duties 10.98.050 medical care not precluded by procedural
limitation on 4.16.310, 4.16.325 Firearms possession on school premises requirements 10.79.090
Uniform regulation of business and professions warrantless arrest, when authorized 10.31.100 physical exams for public health purposes are
act 18.08.490 Force not searches 10.79.160
Violations and penalties 18.08.460 in making 10.31.050 reasonable suspicion, probable cause
ARCHIVES (See RECORDS AND use of, when lawful 9A.16.020 10.79.130, 10.79.140
DOCUMENTS; SECRETARY OF Fresh pursuit, uniform act Ch. 10.89 report of 10.79.080
STATE) Fugitives search delayed, nonliability of government for
out-of-state, extradition 10.34.030 damage 10.79.170
ARCHIVIST, STATE (See STATE pursuit and retaking of any place in state uncategorized searches 10.79.140
ARCHIVIST) 10.34.010, 10.34.020 unnecessary persons prohibited at search
ARMED FORCES (See MILITIA AND Gross misdemeanor 10.79.150
MILITARY AFFAIRS) warrantless arrest for, when authorized warrant for 10.79.080
ARMORED VEHICLE GUARDS (See 10.31.100 warrant requirement 10.79.130
SECURITY GUARDS) Harassment, civil proceeding 10.31.100 written record required 10.79.150
Health care facilities, interference with Supplemental proceedings
ARMORIES (See also MILITIA AND warrantless arrest, when authorized 10.31.100 authorized, when 6.32.010
MILITARY AFFAIRS, subtitle Homicide, by public officer, justifiable when service of warrant 6.32.140
Armories) 9A.16.040 vacation and modification 6.32.020
Cities and towns, acquisition of sites for Identification, records of arrested persons Telegraph, arrest by 10.31.060
36.64.050, 38.20.020 43.43.735 Teletype, arrest by 10.31.060
Counties, acquisition of sites for 36.64.050, Immunity from Town marshal, pursuit and arrest of violators
38.20.030 militia personnel 38.32.030 beyond town limits 35.27.240
Rental of 38.20.010, 38.20.040 securing attendance of witness from without Tracking of arrest charges 10.98.060
Use of 38.20.010 the state in criminal proceedings, uniform Traffic infractions
ARMS (See also FIREARMS) act 10.55.020 officer observing infraction, presence not
Indecent exposure required 10.31.100
ARMY (See MILITIA AND MILITARY warrantless arrest 10.31.100 Trespass
AFFAIRS) Injunctions, contempt of court for disobedience warrantless arrest, when authorized 10.31.100
ARRAIGNMENT 7.40.160 Warrant
Arrest and fingerprint form Jail booking and reporting, electronic statewide service
judges duties 10.98.050 system and standards committee how made 10.31.030, 10.31.060
Indictments, See INDICTMENTS 36.28A.040, 36.28A.050 sheriffs fee 36.18.040
Name Juveniles showing of 10.31.030

[RCW Indexpage 30] (2016 Ed.)


utilities and transportation commission, arrest ARTESIAN WELLS (See WELLS) second degree 9A.36.130
without warrant, when 80.04.470, ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION (See third degree 9A.36.140
Without warrant duty to report 9.69.100
authorization 10.88.330 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION (See Child sexual assault
procedure 10.31.030 CORPORATIONS, subtitle Articles of identity of victim not to be disclosed at any
when authorized 10.31.100 incorporation) court proceeding 10.52.100
ARREST OF PROCEEDINGS (See ARTICLES OF WAR (See MILITIA AND information identifying victims of juvenile
PROHIBITION, WRIT OF) MILITARY AFFAIRS) offenders is confidential 13.50.050
ARTS COMMISSION (See STATE ARTS information in criminal records identifying
ARSON (See also FIRES) victims is confidential 10.97.130
Arson investigation information system COMMISSION)
Poet laureate 43.46.085 Correctional facilities 9A.36.041, 9A.36.100
43.43.952 Correctional facilities, assaults by offenders,
Defined, classifications Ch. 9A.48 Port laureate 43.46.081
reimbursement 72.09.240
Insurance ASBESTOS Costs and disbursements, limitation on recovery
cancellation of policy Building materials, labeling when containing of by plaintiff 4.84.040
conditions 48.53.030 asbestos Ch. 70.310 Custodial assault, correctional facilities
procedure 48.53.040, 48.53.050 Complaints, discrimination against employee 9A.36.041, 9A.36.100
classification of areas 48.53.020 prohibited 49.26.150 First degree 9A.36.011
fraud 48.53.010 Maritime workers Fourth degree 9A.36.041
Insurance fraud reporting immunity act benefits for asbestos-related disease 51.12.102 Injury to person, erroneous allegation in
definitions 48.50.020 Projects indictment or information as to person
evidence, release of by insurer 48.50.030 administration, asbestos account 49.26.130 injured, immaterial 10.37.090
immunity from liability 48.50.070, 48.50.075 certificate required 49.26.110 Pregnancy, unborn quick child 9A.36.021
local ordinances not precluded 48.50.090 contractors 49.26.115 Second degree 9A.36.021
notification by insurer 48.50.040 workers or supervisors 49.26.110 Sexual assault examination kits
release of information 48.50.050, 48.50.055 complaints, discrimination against employee laboratory examination of kit, law
Limitation of actions 9A.04.080 prohibited 49.26.150 enforcement agency request for 70.125.090
Prosecution by state patrol chief 43.44.080 definitions 49.26.100 Sexual assault of child
Reporting requirements of insurers 48.50.030, enforcement 49.26.140 identity of victim not to be disclosed at any
48.50.040 fire cleanup, power of department to establish court proceeding 10.52.100
policy and procedure 49.26.120 information identifying victims of juvenile
ART inspection of construction projects, exceptions offenders is confidential 13.50.050
Art dealers accepting work of fine art on 49.26.013 information in criminal records identifying
consignment, duties and contract inspection of construction projects, penalties victims is confidential 10.97.130
requirements Ch. 18.110 49.26.016 Sexual assault protection orders Ch. 7.90
Cities and towns notice requirements 49.26.120 Strangulation 9A.36.021
authority for local improvement 35.43.040 notice requirements, exemptions 49.26.125 Suffocation 9A.36.021
Cultural arts, stadium and convention districts qualified asbestos workers and supervisors, Third degree 9A.36.031
Ch. 67.38 exceptions 49.26.120 Witnesses
Cultural organizations Use child abuse, duty to report 9.69.100
cultural access programs, funding of enforcement 49.26.040
organizations by Ch. 36.160, 84.52.821 legislative declaration 49.26.010 ASSAY (See also MINES AND MINING)
local sales and use tax for 82.14.525 products, containers 49.26.030 Altering, penalty 9.45.210
Dealers and artists, contracts subject to chapter regulations 49.26.040 False assay, penalty 9.45.220
18.110 RCW 62A.1-110 standards 49.26.020 ASSEMBLIES (See also MEETINGS AND
acquisition procedure 43.19.455 Savings banks, investment in obligations of ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS (See LOCAL
interagency reimbursement for expenditure by 32.20.217 IMPROVEMENTS AND
visual arts program 43.17.205 ASSESSMENTS)
purchase of works of art 43.17.210 ASIAN PACIFIC AMERICAN AFFAIRS
required percentage of construction cost COMMISSION ASSESSMENTS
43.17.200 Asian Pacific American heritage month Apple commission Ch. 15.24
Purchases 43.117.110 Banks, See BANKS AND BANKING, subtitle
colleges and universities 28B.10.025 Definitions 43.117.020 Levy of assessments
school construction 28A.335.210 Duties 43.117.070 Cities and towns, See LOCAL
Salmon stamp program, purpose and procedures Established 43.117.030 IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS,
77.12.850, 77.12.852, 77.12.854, 77.12.858, Executive director 43.117.040 subtitle Cities and towns
77.12.860 Gifts, grants and endowments 43.117.100 Counties, See LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS AND
State arts commission, See STATE ARTS Hearings 43.117.090 ASSESSMENTS, subtitle Counties
COMMISSION Information from other state agencies and Drainage systems, See DIKING AND
Tax exemption 82.08.031, 82.12.031 departments 43.117.090 DRAINAGE
Visual arts program Meetings 43.117.040, 43.117.050 Ejectment and quieting title actions
allocation of funds by agencies 43.17.200 Membership and terms 43.117.040 counterclaims for assessments paid 7.28.160
director of enterprise services to have Promotion of equal opportunity and benefits by defendant 7.28.170
consultant duties 43.19.455 43.117.080 counterclaims for permanent improvements
Rules and regulations 43.117.050 and taxes paid 7.28.180
established 43.46.090 Specialized forest products
interagency reimbursement for expenditure Fire protection districts
minority groups, assistance and training special for local improvement districts
43.17.205 76.48.241
maintenance costs 43.19.455 52.20.010
Staff 43.117.060 Fish marketing associations 24.36.360
purchase of works of art 43.17.210
schools 28A.335.210 ASOTIN COUNTY Flood control districts, assessments filed with
state art collection 43.46.095 Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.020 county assessor 86.09.442
Superior court judges, number of 2.08.064 Improvement districts, See also LOCAL
Works of art, acquisition for public buildings and IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS
land, declaration of policy 43.46.090 ASPHALT PLANTS Incorporated towns on United States land
ART MUSEUMS (See also ART) Cities and towns, acquisition and operation of 58.28.090
Cities and towns 35.92.030 Insurance
acquisition and control 35.21.020 ASSAULT liquidation and rehabilitation proceedings,
first class cities 35.22.290, 35.22.300 Action on limited to two years 4.16.100 generally 48.31.320, 48.31.330, 48.31.340,
Nonprofit organizations AIDS 9A.36.011 48.31.350, 48.31.360
grant program to fund acquisition, Child, assault of a mutual insurers, subscribers, liability for
rehabilitation, or construction 43.63A.750 first degree 9A.36.120 48.09.230

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 31]


reciprocal insurers, subscribers, liability for standing bond for numerous actions 4.84.220 Spousal maintenance
48.10.270 Choses in action, of, suits in own name 4.08.080 uniform interstate family support act Ch.
Insurance companies, liquidation and Costs taxable against assignee of action 4.84.160 26.21A
rehabilitation proceedings, generally Judgment creditor, of, satisfaction of judgment wages 26.18.070, 26.18.090, 26.18.100,
48.31.320, 48.31.330, 48.31.340, 48.31.350, for payment of money only 4.56.100 26.18.110, 26.18.120, 26.18.140
48.31.360 Judgments hearing to quash, modify, or terminate
Irrigation districts, See IRRIGATION execution of in name of assignee 6.17.030 26.18.140
DISTRICTS, subtitle Fiscal matters setoffs against 4.56.070 Teachers retirement rights unassignable
Local improvements, See LOCAL Liens on franchises, earnings, property of certain 41.32.052
IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS companies, payment priority 60.32.050 Tort claims against state 4.92.120
Local utility districts, See LOCAL UTILITY Satisfaction of judgments Unlawful detainer by assignment of lease
DISTRICTS specific designation required 4.56.100 59.12.030
Mining claims, See MINES AND MINING, Small claims, cannot be filed or prosecuted by Wage, assignment of
subtitle Mining claims assignees in small claims department requisites to validity 49.48.090
Port districts 12.40.070 Wages
annexed territory 53.04.100 ASSIGNMENT FOR BENEFIT OF child support 26.18.070, 26.18.080,
dissolution 53.48.060 CREDITORS 26.18.090, 26.18.110, 26.18.120,
harbors 53.20.040 False representations concerning, penalty 26.18.130, 26.18.140
power of levying 53.08.010 9.45.100 form 26.18.100
taxes and assessments against property sold by Misrepresentation by assignee 9.45.100 hearing to quash, modify, or terminate
contract 53.08.091, 53.08.092 Requirements and procedures 7.08.010, 7.08.030 26.18.140
toll facilities 53.34.160 spousal maintenance 26.18.070, 26.18.090,
Public utility districts ASSIGNMENTS 26.18.110, 26.18.120, 26.18.140
collection by county treasurer 36.29.160 Actions, costs actionable against assignee form 26.18.100
Real property, registered title subject to 4.84.160 hearing to quash, modify, or terminate
65.12.195 Attachment, assignor liability 6.25.080 26.18.140
Reclamation districts of one million acres or Attachment ground, when 6.25.030
more Ch. 89.30 Child support ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES
School directors association, state, for uniform interstate family support act Ch. Fire protection 18.20.130
28A.345.050 26.21A Intellectual disabilities, persons with
Storm water control facilities 90.03.500, wages 26.18.070, 26.18.080, 26.18.090, purchase of medical care services 74.09.120
90.03.510, 90.03.520, 90.03.525 26.18.100, 26.18.110, 26.18.120, Licensure, regulation, and operation, including
Town plats, certificate of payment 58.08.030 26.18.130, 26.18.140 resident rights and violations Ch. 18.20
Unincorporated towns on United States land hearing to quash, modify, or terminate Medicaid program, withdrawal from 18.20.440
58.28.300 26.18.140 Religious organizations, facilities operated by,
Water-sewer districts Choses in action exemption from chapter 18.20.170
generally 57.16.070, 57.16.100, 57.16.110 assignee of can sue in own name, when Taxes
4.08.080 deductions 82.04.4337
ASSETS nonprofits, room and domiciliary care
Corporate, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle defenses, counterclaims and offsets 4.08.080
Contracts exemption 82.04.4264
Assets room and domiciliary care 82.04.2908
Insurance companies judgment on setoff against plaintiff assignee
alien insurers, See INSURANCE, subtitle 4.56.070 ASSOCIATIONS
Alien insurers County property, leases 36.34.180 Agricultural, See AGRICULTURAL
bonds, valuation of 48.12.170 Execution sales, redemption 6.21.020, 6.23.020, MARKETING
conservation of, See INSURANCE, subtitle 6.23.070, 6.23.080, 6.23.090, 6.23.100, Attachment of stock, procedure on execution of
Liquidation 6.23.110 writ 6.17.160
contingent liability as domestic mutuals Group insurance policies, when 48.18.375 Bar associations, See BAR ASSOCIATION
48.09.250 Insurance policies Benevolent societies, See BENEVOLENT
defined 48.12.010 generally 48.18.360 ORGANIZATIONS
deposits, special for alien insurers 48.05.270 group insurance 48.18.375 Building and loan associations, See BUILDING
distribution Judgments, of 4.56.090 AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS
mutual insurers 48.09.360 acknowledgment of 4.56.090 Cemetery, See CEMETERIES
reciprocals 48.10.320 execution in name of assignee 6.17.030 Charitable societies, See CHARITABLE
false advertising 48.30.070 filing 4.56.090 ORGANIZATIONS
insurers notice of, procedure 4.56.090 Child care agencies, See CHILD CARE
exclusions 48.12.020 by parties, execution docket entry 4.64.080 AGENCIES
property, valuation of property held by Labor and industries, department of Cities, See CITIES, ASSOCIATION OF
48.12.190 wage collection WASHINGTON
what considered 48.12.010 reciprocal enforcement agreements, other Cooperative, See COOPERATIVE
mutual insurers states 49.48.075 ASSOCIATIONS
contingent liability of members 48.09.250 Lease, unlawful detainer 59.12.030 Counties, See COUNTIES, ASSOCIATION OF
distribution on liquidation 48.09.360 Liens County officers, See COUNTY OFFICIALS,
not allowed 48.12.020 franchises, earnings and property 60.32.050 ASSOCIATION OF
property, valuation of held by 48.12.190 Mortgages, See MORTGAGES, subtitle Credit unions, See CREDIT UNIONS
purchase money mortgages, valuation of Assignment Development credit corporations, See
mortgages held by 48.12.200 Motor freight carrier permits 81.80.270 DEVELOPMENT CREDIT
share of Police pensions in first class cities as CORPORATIONS
members of domestic mutuals 48.09.360 unassignable 41.20.180 Educational corporations, See EDUCATIONAL
subscribers of reciprocals 48.10.320 Probate CORPORATIONS
stocks, valuation of stocks held by 48.12.180 contracts to purchase real estate by deceased Elected county officers, See COUNTY
Limited partnerships, See PARTNERSHIPS vendee 11.56.210 OFFICIALS, ASSOCIATION OF
Misrepresentation, penalty 9.38.010 deed held by decedent pursuant to contract to Examining bureaus, See INSURANCE, subtitle
Partnerships, See PARTNERSHIPS sell real estate 11.56.210 Examining bureaus
Public assistance grants 74.04.280, 74.08.210 Federal national mortgage association, See
ASSIGNEES appointment of receiver to protect, when ASSOCIATIONS
Actions 7.28.230 Fish marketing, See FISH MARKETING
bond in lieu of separate security for costs real property, right to assign 7.28.230 ASSOCIATIONS
4.84.220 Retail installment contracts, buyers right against Fraternal societies, See FRATERNAL
costs taxable against 4.84.160 seller are not cut off by assignment SOCIETIES
dismissal for failure to give security for costs 63.14.020 Granges, See GRANGES
4.84.230 Shoplifting or unpaid restaurant meals, Homeowners associations, See
security for costs, judgment on 4.84.240 additional penalty, judgments for 4.24.230 HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATIONS

[RCW Indexpage 32] (2016 Ed.)


Humane societies, See HUMANE SOCIETIES inspectors and employees, employment Washington tennis license plates 46.04.6913
Industries, See INDUSTRIES, ASSOCIATION authorized 67.08.007 Trainers
OF WASHINGTON license, renewal, and event fees 67.08.105 advisory committee 18.250.030
Insurance licenses, experience and training requirements definitions 18.250.010
group life insurance, when permissible for 67.08.320 health carrier contract 18.250.100
48.24.045 licenses, fees 67.08.100 license
Insurance, See also NATIONAL licenses, unprofessional conduct 67.08.110 applicant requirements 18.250.060
ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE licenses for events 67.08.010, 67.08.040 application procedures, fees 18.250.080
COMMISSIONERS military spouses, licensing of 67.08.321 limitations of chapter 18.250.050
Nonprofit, See CORPORATIONS penalties, general 67.08.150 required 18.250.040
Nonresident, service of summons on, personal physicians attendance 67.08.090 practice setting 18.250.090
service 4.28.080 promoters, participation in fake or sham purpose 18.250.005
Port district association, See WASHINGTON events, penalty 67.08.110 secretarys authority 18.250.020
PUBLIC PORTS ASSOCIATION promoters of events treatment, referral 18.250.070
Quo warranto proceedings, judgments of ouster bond and medical insurance requirements
or forfeiture against 7.56.100 ENERGY AND RADIATION)
subject to information, when 7.56.010 regulatory duties of department of licensing
Religious or apostolic, See RELIGIOUS 67.08.015 AT-RISK YOUTH (See CHILDREN, subtitle
CORPORATIONS reports, failure to make 67.08.130 At-risk children and families)
Savings and loan, See SAVINGS security, promoters responsibilities ATTACHMENT (See also LIENS)
ASSOCIATIONS 67.08.170 Adverse claims 6.19.030, 6.19.040, 6.19.050,
Sheriffs and police chiefs, See SHERIFFS AND telecasts, report, and event fee 67.08.055 6.19.060
POLICE CHIEFS, ASSOCIATION OF uniform regulation of business and application of statute, common law 6.19.020
Stock, attachment of, procedure 6.17.160 professions act 67.08.310 definitions 6.19.010
Uniform prudent management of institutional unprofessional conduct, procedures Affidavits
funds act Ch. 24.55 67.08.200, 67.08.220 amendment of 6.25.280
Washington generals, See LIEUTENANT unprofessional conduct, prohibited acts debt not due 6.25.040
GOVERNOR 67.08.180 Amendments permitted 6.25.280
Washington insurance guaranty association act unprofessional conduct, what constitutes Appearance, redelivery bond deemed as 6.25.190
Ch. 48.32 67.08.240 Application of chapter to district courts 6.25.010
Washington life and disability insurance urinalysis 67.08.090 Assignor with interest, liability of 6.25.080
guaranty association Ch. 48.32A wrestling license plates, Washington state Bonds 6.25.080, 6.25.100, 6.25.280
46.04.6912 redelivery bonds 6.25.190
ASSUMED NAMES (See NAMES) Bungee jumping
sureties 6.25.080, 6.25.090
ASTORIA-MEGLER BRIDGE (See permission from public or private property
owner required 67.42.090 Chapter liberally construed 6.25.280
BRIDGES, subtitle State toll bridges) Complaint, amendment of 6.25.280
Business and occupation tax exemption
ATHLETE AGENTS 82.04.340 Concealment by debtor, grounds for 6.25.030
Uniform athlete agents act Charter schools Construction of chapter, liberally construed
student athletes, athlete agents, and interschool athletic activities, participation in 6.25.280
educational institutions Ch. 19.225 28A.710.300 Contracts, attachment ground, when 6.25.030
Community and technical colleges Costs 6.25.120
ATHLETIC CLUBS (See HEALTH Custody of property or proceeds received by
STUDIOS) coaches of intercollegiate athletics
28B.50.195, 28B.50.196 sheriff 6.25.230
ATHLETIC FIELDS Community athletics programs Custody of property when action removed from
Cities and towns, acquisition and control sex discrimination justice to superior court 4.14.040
35.21.020 definitions 49.60.500 Debt not due
ATHLETIC ORGANIZATIONS nondiscrimination policy requirement affidavits 6.25.040
Nonprofit corporations, authorized 24.03.015 49.60.505 commencement time 6.25.040
prohibition 35.21.910, 35.61.380, grounds 6.25.040
ATHLETICS AND SPORTS procedure 6.25.050
Athlete agents act 35A.21.350, 36.01.280, 36.68.120,
36.69.500, 49.60.500 Decay of property, sale of property before
student athletes, athlete agents, and judgment 6.25.220
educational institutions Ch. 19.225 Community outdoor athletic fields 79A.25.830
advisory council and strategic plan Defects, amendment of 6.25.280
Baseball Defendant becomes bankruptcy debtor,
generally, including corrupt playing, contracts 79A.25.800, 79A.25.820
Crimes procedure 6.01.050
with minors, and bonuses Ch. 67.04 Discharge, motion for
influencing outcome of sporting event
Billiard and pool halls 9A.82.070 grounds 6.25.180
licenses 67.14.050, 67.14.060 Fraud in sporting contests 67.24.010 notice 6.25.180
rural areas, licenses and fees 67.12.110 Horse racing, See HORSE RACING; HORSE time for application 6.25.180
Bowling RACING COMMISSION Discharge of writ
licenses 67.14.050, 67.14.060 Kickboxing Ch. 67.08 judgment for defendant, by 6.25.270
liquor sales, service, consumption 66.24.455 Martial arts Ch. 67.08 redelivery bond, by 6.25.190
rural areas, licenses and fees 67.12.110 Mixed martial arts Ch. 67.08 Dismissal of prohibited, when 6.25.280
Boxing, martial arts, mixed martial arts, and Professional sports District courts
wrestling ownership by city or county 35.21.695 form of 12.04.205
amateur events 67.08.015 Racketeering 9A.82.070 service of writ 12.04.050
exemption from department of licensing Seattle Seahawks license plates 46.04.523 District judges
regulation 67.08.015 Seattle Sounders FC license plates 46.04.524 form of 12.04.207
ambulance or paramedical unit at location Skiing and winter sports Evidence, compelling witness to testify 5.56.070,
required 67.08.160 conduct standards and responsibility Ch. 5.56.080
conducting events without license, penalty 79A.45 Examination of defendant as to his property
67.08.140 conveyances, generally Ch. 79A.40 6.25.170
definitions 67.08.002 safe and adequate facilities Ch. 79A.40 Execution of writ 6.25.110, 6.25.120, 6.25.150,
director of licensing, powers 67.08.017 Sporting contests, fraud in 67.24.010 6.25.160
events and championships, rules and Stadium and exhibition center, See STADIUM, personal property, real property, stocks,
regulations 67.08.080 CONVENTION CENTER, AND ARTS procedure for 6.17.160
examination of contestants, physicians report FACILITIES Executions, sale on, how levied 6.17.130
67.08.090 Steroid use, See STEROIDS Executors and administrators
fee for events 67.08.050 Student athletes, athlete agents, and educational actions against, attachment allowed 11.48.200
immunity of licensing director 67.08.300 institutions money in hands of 6.27.050
inspectors, duties, fees, and expenses uniform athlete agents act Ch. 19.225 Exemptions
67.08.060 Tennis absconding debtor 6.15.050

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 33]


employee benefit plans, transfer of spouses purpose held for 6.25.230 Appropriated funds, enforcement of proper
interest at death 6.15.020 Quashing of prohibited, when 6.25.280 application 43.10.030
insurance proceeds from exempt property Quo warranto proceedings Assistants
exempt 6.15.030 attachment to enforce delivery of books and authority 43.10.060
nonresidents 6.15.050 papers 7.56.080 compensation fixed by attorney general,
pension money 6.15.020 collection of costs from corporation by limitation 43.10.070
pensions 6.15.020 attachment 7.56.110 employment of 43.10.060
exceptions 6.15.020 Real property Attorneys
personal property 6.15.010 bond unnecessary, when 6.25.080 authority 43.10.060
police pensions in first class cities 41.20.180 Redelivery bond of defendant compensation fixed by attorney general,
public assistance grants 74.04.280 effect 6.25.190 limitation 43.10.070
public assistance payments 74.08.210 requirements 6.25.190 employment of 43.10.065, 43.10.067,
spouse and minor heirs, exempt from debts of Registered land 65.12.400 43.10.070
husband 6.15.040 Release of writ Bond issues
state employees retirement benefits, prohibited, when 6.25.280 housing authorities, certification by 35.82.160
exceptions 41.40.052 Removal, secreting, or assigning property to irrigation districts, certification by 87.25.030
teachers retirement system rights, exceptions avoid 9.45.080 Bonds
41.32.052 receiving property 9.45.090 appeal and surety in judicial actions, execution
waiver 6.15.050 Restitution, security insufficient 6.25.090 by 43.10.050
Foreign corporations 6.25.030, 6.25.080 Restitution by bond 6.25.190 mobile home or travel trailer manufacturers
Fraudulent conveyances, attachments and Sale of property before judgment 6.25.220 surety bond approved by 46.70.075
executions, removal, secreting or assigning Sale on execution of judgment 6.17.130 vehicle dealers surety bond approval
property to avoid 9.45.080 Satisfaction of judgment 46.70.070
Garnishment insufficient property 6.25.250 Bonds of attorney general, official 43.10.010,
contempt of court for failure to deliver effects proceeds from sales 6.25.240 43.10.020
to sheriff 6.27.280 sale of property 6.25.240 Boundary review board, legal counsel for
Grounds, debt not due 6.25.040 unsatisfied execution 6.25.260 36.93.070
for writ 6.25.030 Security bonds, See also ATTACHMENT, Bugging, eavesdropping, court order permitting
Habeas corpus, attachment for refusal to make subtitle Bonds 9.73.040
return 7.36.090 Service of writs Charitable solicitations
Homesteads exempt, when 6.13.070 sheriffs fee 36.18.040 cease and desist orders, attorney general may
Injunctions, contempt for disobedience 7.40.150, Sheriffs issue 19.09.277
7.40.160, 7.40.170 inventory 6.25.160 investigations, powers 19.09.410
Inn keepers liens, priority 60.64.010 return of writ investigations and publication of information
Inventory of sheriff 6.25.160 inventory included in 6.25.160 19.09.400
Issuance of writ 6.25.030 State employees retirement rights, exemption, records availability 19.09.420
debt not due 6.25.040 exceptions 41.40.052 unfair practices, procedures 19.09.340
different counties, to 6.25.120 Stock, procedure for executing writ 6.17.160 Charitable trusts
several may be issued 6.25.120 Sureties 6.25.080, 6.25.090 investigations related to, authorized
Judgment for defendant, procedure 6.25.270 Surplus of attached property 11.110.100
Judgment to compel conveyance enforced by abandonment 6.25.120 notification of legal proceedings regarding
6.28.080 costs 6.25.120 11.110.120
Justice courts Teachers retirement system rights, exemption, orders of attorney general related to procedure
bond amount 6.25.080 exceptions 41.32.052 to secure compliance 11.110.120
Legal holidays, hearing applications and Time for granting 6.25.020 trustees to appear before when ordered to so
issuance of writ 2.28.100 debt not due 6.25.040 do 11.110.110
Levy, manner of 6.25.140 Trial, debt not due 6.25.050 powers and duties related to are in addition to
Lis pendens in actions affecting title to real Vacation of, security insufficient 6.25.090 other powers 11.110.120
property 4.28.320 Waste, sale of property before judgment 6.25.220 production of books, papers and records
Malicious Witnesses pursuant to orders of attorney general
assignor liability for 6.25.080 to compel testimony 5.56.070 11.110.100
bond liability 6.25.080, 6.25.100 compelling attendance 5.56.080 trusts not exclusively for charitable purposes
exemplary damages 6.25.100 district court civil action 12.16.030 access to information 11.110.075
Money in hands of Writ of 6.25.060, 6.25.070, 6.25.110, 6.25.280 violations, may bring civil action for
executors and administrators 6.27.050 gambling tax collections 9.46.350 11.110.130
judgment debtor 6.27.050 Wrongful 6.25.080, 6.25.100 Child support duties, See PUBLIC
sheriff, constable, or peace officers 6.27.050 ASSISTANCE, subtitle Support of
Motion to discharge ATTESTATION (See also OATHS AND dependent children
grounds 6.25.180 AFFIRMATIONS) Colleges and universities, legal advisor
notice 6.25.180 Court records and proceedings for admission in 28B.10.510
time for application 6.25.180 evidence 5.44.010 Commercial ferry penalties, recovery action by
Notice of sale of property before judgment Foreign will 11.20.090 attorney general 81.84.050
6.25.220 Signatures of public officials and notaries public Common carriers, action to collect treble
Nuisances, contempt for violation of injunction secretary of state, authority to attest to damages for rebates, discounts, refunds, etc.,
7.48.080 authenticity 43.07.032 duties concerning 81.28.220
Oppressive ATTORNEY GENERAL Consumer protection, duties Ch. 19.86
assignor liability for 6.25.080 Actions against state Contractor registration infractions 18.27.300
bond liable for 6.25.080 duties, counsel for state 4.92.030 Contracts, state procurement of goods and
Perishable property, sale before judgment governor may direct attorney general to services, report 39.26.220
6.25.220 appear for 43.06.010 Contracts and instruments for state, drafting of
Personal property, procedure for executing writ service of summons and complaint on 43.10.030
6.17.160 4.92.020 Corporations
Personal representative, actions against, Actions against state officers and employees, See governor may require attorney general to
attachment 11.48.200 ATTORNEY GENERAL, subtitle State inquire into affairs of 43.06.010
Probate, judgment against personal officers involuntary dissolution proceedings
representative, attachment as remedy Advertising, action against false, untrue, or nonprofit corporations 24.03.255
11.48.200 deceptive advertising 9.04.060 County legislative authority, special attorneys,
Property, execution on attached property Agricultural processing and marketing employment, contract duration 36.32.200
insufficient property 6.25.250 associations, monopolistic practices, hearing Criminal cases, appellate review
procedure 6.25.240 procedure 24.34.020 prosecuting attorney may request assistance
unsatisfied 6.25.260 Antitrust revolving fund, expenditures 43.10.250
Property and money received by sheriff authorized 43.10.220 prosecuting attorneys may turn cases over
custody 6.25.230 Appearances for state 43.10.030 43.10.250

[RCW Indexpage 34] (2016 Ed.)


Criminal investigations and prosecutions managed competition Private vocational schools, duties concerning
43.10.090 anti-trust immunity 43.72.310 28C.10.140, 28C.10.190
Criminal profiteering cases duties 43.72.310 Prosecuting attorneys
assistance to local law enforcement agencies Highway eminent domain for toll facilities, advice and assistance to 43.10.030
43.10.260 duties 47.56.110 concurrent prosecution authority, court
Criminal prosecution and investigation, Highway lands transfer to United States, determination in conflict 43.10.234
concurrent authority with prosecuting certification by 47.12.080 criminal laws, failure to enforce, powers and
attorneys, costs 43.10.232 Homicide investigative tracking system duties of attorney general 43.10.090
Debt adjusters, consumer protection duties of supervision management and recidivist investigation and prosecution of crimes,
attorney general Ch. 18.28 tracking system (SMART) 43.10.095, concurrent authority, costs 43.10.232
Declaratory judgments 7.24.110 43.10.097 Prosecutorial powers, deemed to be a prosecuting
Defense of criminal charges against state Hospital regulation, legal representation attorney 10.01.190
employees 10.01.150 70.41.160 Public meetings, notices of, contained in state
Delinquencies in revenue collection Hospitals register 34.08.020
prosecution of 43.09.050, 43.10.035 sale or acquisition of nonprofit hospitals, Public records act, role of attorney generals
Dependency and termination of parental rights duties Ch. 70.45 office 42.56.155
legal services to supervising agencies under Installment sales of goods and services, action by Puget Sound ferry system, attorney generals
state contract 43.10.280 attorney general to prevent violations powers and duties relating to Ch. 47.60
Deputies and assistants, private practice of law 63.14.190 Qualifications 43.10.010
prohibited 43.10.120 Insurance code, representation of commissioner Records, keeping of 43.10.030
Drug asset forfeiture cases 48.02.080 Records committee, member of 40.14.050
assistance to local law enforcement agencies Intercepting private conversations, bugging,
43.10.260 court order to 9.73.040 Reports
Elevators, lifting devices, and moving walks Irrigation districts, certification of bonds, legality annual report to chief of state patrol 43.10.240
injunction for operation without permit of 87.25.030 Salary, amount of 43.03.010
brought by 70.87.140 Juvenile court, duties 13.04.093 Sales, going out of business sales, duties Ch.
powers for enforcement of regulations Juvenile court orders of support, enforcement by 19.178
70.87.036 13.34.161 Service members civil relief
Eminent domain by state Law enforcement medal of honor Ch. 41.72 civil action by aggrieved service member,
duties Ch. 8.04 Legal services attorney general role 38.42.140, 38.42.150
Eminent domain proceedings for acquisition of direct payment of agencies for services, when Special assistant attorneys general, private
toll bridge property, attorney general to required 43.10.190 practice of law, permitted 43.10.125
represent transportation department Legal services revolving fund State department of social and health services,
47.56.110 agencies to pay into 43.10.160 representation, hospital regulation 70.41.160
Employees allocation of costs to funds and agencies State employees
authority 43.10.060 43.10.180 defends actions against 43.10.030
compensation fixed by attorney general, allotments from 43.10.160 State lottery
limitation 43.10.070 created 43.10.150 investigations authorized 67.70.300
employment of 43.10.060 deposits of recovered costs 43.10.200 State officers
Employment security records, unauthorized direct payment by agencies for legal services advice to 43.10.030
release, enforcement Ch. 50.13 43.10.190 defends actions against 4.92.070, 43.10.030
Energy facilities, site location, counsel for the disbursement from 43.10.170 opinions as to duties of 43.10.030
environment 80.50.080 purpose 43.10.150 prosecution of actions for 43.10.030
Ethics rate increases, calculation changes, subject to represents before administrative tribunals
additional investigative authority 42.52.530 approval 43.88.350 43.10.040
attorney general actions 42.52.490 records 43.10.180 State patrol, chief of
complaint against attorney general, state transfers of funds to 43.10.160 annual report to 43.10.240
auditor to conduct investigation 42.52.450 Legislature Supervision management and recidivist tracking
recission of state action 42.52.510 advice to members 43.10.030 system (SMART) 43.10.095, 43.10.097
Experts and technicians, employment of counsel, legislature may retain own 43.10.045 Support enforcement
43.10.080 opinions for members and committees uniform interstate family support act Ch.
Extradition proceedings, duties concerning 43.10.030 26.21A
10.88.230 Malfeasance or nonfeasance in public office, Support of dependent children
Filings, with, charitable trusts, related to, duties 43.09.330
generally Ch. 11.110 Medicaid fraud false claims act, role of attorney agreements between attorney general and
Fiscal responsibilities of state officers and general Ch. 74.66 prosecuting attorneys to initiate petition for
employees Militia and military affairs support under uniform act 74.20.210
malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance by officers and enlisted persons, attorney general divorce or separate maintenance actions,
officer or employee, duties 43.88.310 to defend actions against 38.40.010 appearance by attorney general 74.20.220
Flammable fabrics, childrens sleepwear, actions Motor freight carriers establishment, enforcement, and modification
to prevent violations 70.110.050 violations, attorney general to assign assistant of support orders, authority 74.20.220
Foster parents to enforce compliance 81.80.330 intercounty proceedings, attorney general may
to provide defense 4.92.060, 4.92.070 Motor vehicle unfair business practices act, represent petitioner 74.20.210
Fraternal benefit societies, dissolution, duties enforcement 46.70.220 petition for order upon spouse to provide
concerning 48.36A.320 Natural resources department counsel 78.52.035 support, attorney general may apply for,
Going out of business sales, duties Ch. 19.178 Nonprofit corporations, distribution of assets, when 74.20.230
Good faith reports by citizens to government approval required 24.03.230 representation of financial interest and actions
agencies Notice, nonprofit corporations, distribution of of state, authority 74.20.220
intervention and defense of citizen against suit assets, required 24.03.230 Term of office 43.01.010
4.24.520 Oath of office 43.01.020, 43.10.010 Timeshares 64.36.220
Governor Official bond 43.10.010, 43.10.020 Tort claims against state, authority to settle,
advice to 43.10.030 Opinions, published in state register 34.08.020 compromise and stipulate for judgment
may require attorney general to aid any Powers and duties 4.92.150
prosecuting attorney 43.06.010 generally 43.10.030, 43.10.110 Transfer of highway lands to United States,
Grand jury, criminal investigation, duties related to charitable trusts municipal subdivision or public utility,
10.27.070 addition to other powers and duties attorney general to adjudge if in public
Hazardous waste cleanup 11.110.120 interest and certify 47.12.080
enforcement actions 70.105D.050 generally Ch. 11.110 Transportation, department of
settlement authority 70.105D.040 Private practice of law tort claims against department, report
Health, department of deputies and assistants, prohibited 43.10.120 43.10.101
prosecution of violations, duty to assist exceptions, permissible 43.10.130 Unemployment compensation, representation of
43.70.100 prohibited 43.10.115 department 50.12.150
Health care reform special assistants, permitted 43.10.125 Utilities and transportation commission

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 35]


compliance with law by persons or Delivery of money or papers, court order offenders liability for legal financial
corporations regulated, duty to enforce 60.40.020 obligations Ch. 72.11
80.01.100, 80.04.510 Dependency proceedings orchards and orchard land liens 60.16.030
duty to represent 80.01.100, 80.04.510 attorneys appointed in, state funds distribution partition proceedings 7.52.480
Vehicle dealers licenses, attorney general to to 2.53.045 payment of fee on discharge of attorney
approve application 46.70.070 Disbarment of 2.44.040
Vehicle unfair business practices act, barratry grounds 9.12.010 plaintiff to recover costs, exception where
enforcement 46.70.220 board of governors power 2.48.060 wrongly brought in superior court 4.84.030
Violence reduction grounds of 2.48.220 plaintiff to recover when debtor fails to appear
conflict resolution and mediation program opposing attorney 2.44.060 6.32.010
28A.300.280 during proceedings 2.44.060 prevailing party entitled to, district court
Vital statistics, duty to enforce laws of 70.58.050 student loan nonpayment or default 2.48.165 12.20.060
Volunteers of the state Discipline of prevailing party in frivolous action or defense,
attorney general to provide defense 4.92.060, board of governors power 2.48.060 award to 4.84.185
4.92.070 Dispute resolution centers probate 11.48.210
defined 4.92.005 alternative to judicial setting Ch. 7.75 contestant of incorrect account to be entitled
Wiretaps District court commissioner, qualification to 11.76.070
court order to obtain 9.73.040 3.42.010 disallowed to attorney for bank or trust
illegal drug transactions District court judge may act as, when 2.28.040 company which drew will 11.36.010
violations Employment by state, restrictions 43.10.067 public works contracts 39.08.030
investigation and prosecution 9.73.240 Fees radioactive waste storage 70.99.050
air space corridor, award on abandonment or real property, action for waste 64.12.020
ATTORNEYS AT LAW schedule of fees 4.84.080
defeat of condemnation proceedings
Address confidentiality program for criminal 8.25.073 sexual exploitation of children, minor
justice participants 40.24.030 appeals 4.84.130 prevailing in civil action 9.68A.130
Admission to practice attachment 6.25.100 solar easements, interference with 64.04.170
bar membership requisite 2.48.170 bar association 2.48.130, 2.48.140, 2.48.150, supreme court appeals by indigent party
board of governors powers 2.48.060 2.48.160 4.88.330
fees 2.48.150 cases wherein allowed, court to fix amount theatrical enterprises wage action
oath 2.48.210 4.84.020 prevailing party, fees and costs 49.38.050
out of state bar members 2.48.170 chattel liens 60.08.050 tort actions 4.24.005
qualifications, generally 2.48.190 condominiums wages, actions to recover 49.48.060
support order noncompliance 2.48.166 violations of chapter, declaration, or bylaws Washington state bar association
veterans award of fees 64.34.455 admission fees 2.48.150
disability discharge, effect 2.48.100 contract or leases providing for award of fees membership 2.48.130, 2.48.140
fees 2.48.110 4.84.330 suspension for nonpayment 2.48.160
proof of requirements costs, as, damage actions, five thousand will contests 11.24.050
after discharge 2.48.090 dollars or less 4.84.260, 4.84.270, 4.84.280, wiretap litigation 9.73.060
before discharge 2.48.080 4.84.290, 4.84.300 Fees, See also LIENS, subtitle Attorneys
requirements 2.48.070 costs, as, damage actions, seven thousand five Garnishment, See GARNISHMENT, subtitle
Appearance without authority hundred dollars or less 4.84.250 Attorneys at law
effect 2.44.020, 2.48.220 damaged or stolen livestock, actions for Grand jury, criminal investigations, witnesses
Authority 2.44.010 exemplary damages 4.24.320 entitled to 10.27.080
proof of, may be required 2.44.030 declaratory judgment of bond issue validity Insurance, reciprocal insurers
Bar association, See ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 7.25.020 bond of 48.10.140
subtitle Washington state bar association dissenting shareholders action for payment, actions on 48.10.160
Barratry, defined, penalty 9.12.010 equitable assessment 23B.13.310 deposit in lieu 48.10.150
Certificate for admission to practice, fee 2.32.070 district court contributions by, repayment 48.10.190
Change of prevailing party entitled to 12.20.060 defined 48.10.080
court order, by 2.44.040 eminent domain proceedings misconduct of in general 48.30.120
judges order to 2.44.040 award to condemnee 8.25.070 Interpreters at legal proceedings
notice to adverse party 2.44.050 award to condemnee or plaintiff 8.25.075 appointment Ch. 2.42
payment of fee upon 2.44.040 fixing amount by court 4.84.020 Irrigation districts
request of attorney 2.44.040 foreclosure of mortgages, amount fixed by delinquent collections 87.03.445
request of party 2.44.040 court 4.84.020 Judgments, execution of
Clerk of supreme or superior court, practice of garnishment exempt property 6.15.010
law prohibited 2.32.090 taxing of 6.27.230 Judicial officers, as
Code of ethics, American bar association code of guardianship, payment for services 11.92.180 disqualification of judge if attorney for party
ethics adopted 2.48.230 hazardous waste disposal violations 2.28.030
Collaborative matters 70.105.097 Jurors, challenge of, attorney-client relationship
uniform collaborative law act Ch. 7.77 installment sales of goods and services, as grounds for implied bias 4.44.180
Compensation collection of attorneys fee prohibited Juveniles
agreement, left to 4.84.010 unless contract provides 63.14.090 dependent children custody proceedings
fees, See ATTORNEYS AT LAW, subtitle interest on unpaid public contracts 39.76.040 13.34.090, 13.34.100
Fees legal aid 2.50.110 shelter care hearings 13.34.092
Contempt of court liens for 60.40.010, 60.40.030 Legal aid, See LEGAL AID
refusing to deliver clients money or papers logging lien action 60.24.180 Liability for appearance without authority
60.40.020 malicious prosecution claims by public 2.44.020
Coroners, prohibition from practice of law officials 4.24.350 Liens
36.24.170 mandatory arbitration 7.06.060 client giving security 60.40.030
Corporations manufactured/mobile home landlord-tenant conditional court order 60.40.030
shareholders exclusively attorneys actions, entitlement 59.20.100 creation 60.40.010
corporation may be personal representative medical malpractice suits 7.70.070 filing of notice 60.40.010
11.36.010 moral nuisance, injunction, abatement judgments 60.40.010
Costs proceedings, allowance of 7.48.076 procedure when claimed 60.40.030
plaintiff considered prevailing party 4.84.015 negotiable instruments Material witnesses, right to attorney,
prevailing party authorized to recover cases wherein allowed, court to fix amount appointment for indigent 10.52.040
4.84.010 4.84.020 Money of client
County auditor, prohibition from practicing law contract provision for allowance, court to fix lien creation 60.40.010
36.22.110 amount, limitation 4.84.020 order to compel delivery 60.40.020
County legislative authority, employment of nonintervention estates, personal Note of issue to name 4.44.020
attorneys by 36.32.200 representative removed or restricted Oath on admission to practice 2.48.210
Death or removal of, proceedings 2.44.060 11.68.070 Out-of-state attorney

[RCW Indexpage 36] (2016 Ed.)


practice in state 2.48.170 Unlawful practice, penalty 2.48.180 electronic media, conducted by 36.16.140,
practice of law without admission 2.48.190 Washington state bar association 36.16.145, 36.34.060, 36.34.080,
Papers of client active members only may practice 2.48.170 36.34.090, 36.35.120, 84.56.070,
lien creation 60.40.010 board of governors Ch. 2.48 84.56.090, 84.64.225
order to compel delivery 60.40.020 membership in, including veterans Ch. 2.48 judicial sales, by 6.21.050
Parole violators, right to representation, rules Ch. 2.48 unclaimed property
indigency 9.95.122 Witness fees disallowed to 2.40.040 police in possession 63.32.010, 63.32.020
Parties, See PARTIES, subtitle Attorneys Witnesses sheriff in possession 63.40.010
Partition proceedings grand jury, criminal investigation, entitled to Real estate auctions 18.11.250
fees as costs 7.52.480 10.27.080 Rule-making authority of licensing director
service of notice to on sale of property material witnesses, appointment to represent, 18.11.200
7.52.200 right to 10.52.040 Sales and use tax exemption 82.08.0257
Partnerships, clerk of supreme or superior court Sales by auction, procedures 62A.2-328
cannot be law partner 2.32.090 AUBURN GENERAL DEPOT Sales under execution conducted by 6.21.050
Payment of fee upon change of 2.44.040 Cession of jurisdiction to United States Second-hand property
Personal representative 11.48.210 37.08.260 retention requirements, exemptions 18.11.075
duties as attorney entitles to additional fees as Civil and criminal jurisdiction of state preserved Taxation by cities and towns 35.21.690
11.48.210 37.08.260 Unclaimed property
Plea agreements AUCTIONS AND AUCTIONEERS police in possession 63.32.010
court approval or disapproval 9.94A.431 Administrative fines, imposition and collection sheriff in possession 63.40.010
criminal history, submission to court 18.11.205 Uniform commercial code, sales by 62A.2-328
9.94A.441 Advertising, name and license number required Uniform regulation of business and professions
discussions, contents of agreement 9.94A.421 18.11.210 act 18.11.280
Practice of law Auctioneers and auction companies AUDIOLOGISTS (See HEARING AND
qualifications for 2.48.190 certificates of registration SPEECH SERVICES)
restrictions on certain officers 2.48.200 display and availability 18.11.150
Privileged communications of clients 5.60.060 experience and training requirements for AUDITOR, LEGISLATIVE (See
Probate, agent for service of process for auctioneers 18.11.290 LEGISLATIVE AUDIT AND REVIEW
nonresident personal representative requirements 18.11.085, 18.11.095 COMMITTEE)
11.36.010 suspension for nonpayment or default on AUDITOR, STATE (See STATE AUDITOR)
Probate fees 11.48.210 educational loan or scholarship 18.11.270 AUDITORIUMS (See also STADIUM,
contestant of incorrect account to be entitled to clients rights 18.11.220 CONVENTION CENTER, AND ARTS
11.76.070 compensation of nonlicensed person FACILITIES)
disallowed to attorney for bank or trust unlawful, penalties 18.11.180 Cities and towns
company drawing will 11.36.010 licenses acquisition and control 35.21.020
nonintervention estates, personal cities and towns 35.21.690 local improvement, authority for 35.43.040
representative removed or restricted denial, suspension, or revocation 18.11.180
11.68.070 First class cities
renewal 18.11.060 acquisition and use 35.22.290
trust company or national bank shall not renewal card display and availability
receive the benefit either directly or leasing of land for 35.22.300
indirectly of an attorneys fee 11.36.010 required, exceptions 18.11.070 AUDITS
Professional conduct, board of governors power suspension, disciplinary action 18.11.160 Cities and towns, See STATE AUDITOR
2.48.060 Coroners account, county commissioners
suspension for nonpayment or default on 36.24.180
Professional service corporations Ch. 18.100 educational loan or scholarship 18.11.270
Prosecuting attorney Counties, See STATE AUDITOR
nonlicensed persons, compensation by Districts, See STATE AUDITOR, subtitle
private law practice restricted, when licensees unlawful 18.11.180, 18.11.190
36.27.060 Municipal corporations accounting
nonresident license, reciprocity 18.11.100 Energy, state facilities
qualifications 36.27.010 records, retention requirements 18.11.140
Public assistance recipient, tort action by definitions 43.19.670
surety bond required 18.11.121 lease terms 43.19.685
Referees, qualifications 4.48.040 taxation by cities and towns 35.21.690 Fraud by public officer 42.20.060
Registrars of titles, practice of law 65.12.065 trust accounts for client funds 18.11.230 Irrigation districts, contract with United States
Registration of land titles, filing actions affecting unauthorized practices, penalties 18.11.170 87.68.100
65.12.530 written contract, with owner or consignor Military claims and compensation 38.24.010,
Reinstatement required 18.11.130 38.24.020
board of governors powers 2.48.060 Bidding requirements and prohibited practices Motor vehicle fund, audit of county road
Removal, procedure upon 2.44.060 18.11.240 engineer, expenses paid from 36.80.080
Service of process, nonresident personal Consumer protection act, application 18.11.260 Motor vehicle violation citations, of 46.64.010
representative in probate, agent for County licensing requirements 36.71.070, Municipal corporations, See STATE AUDITOR,
11.36.010 36.71.080 subtitle Municipal corporations accounting
Settlement offers Definitions 18.11.050 Performance, See STATE AUDITOR
time period 4.84.280 Fees 18.11.060 Public officer making fraudulent audit, penalty
Sheriffs, private practice of law prohibited Fraud concerning, penalty 9.45.070 42.20.060
36.28.110 Judicial sales, by 6.21.050 State, See STATE FISCAL MATTERS, subtitle
Small claims, prohibition on representation by Licenses Audits
attorney 12.40.080 cities and towns 35.21.690 State international trade fairs, post audit of
Small claims, self-representation without counties 36.71.070, 36.71.080 participating fairs, reports 43.31.840
2.48.190 Licensing department duties 18.11.060 AUTISM (See DEVELOPMENTAL
Suspension Military post or grounds, prohibition of auctions, DISABILITIES, PERSONS WITH,
board of governors powers 2.48.060 disobedience of order 38.32.120 subtitle Autism spectrum disorders)
grounds of 2.48.220 Mock auctions
student loan nonpayment or default 2.48.165 fraud concerning, penalty 9.45.070 AUTO TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES
support order noncompliance 2.48.166 Motor vehicles (See MOTOR VEHICLES, subtitle Motor
Theatrical enterprises wholesale vehicle auction dealers 46.70.330, vehicle transporters;
wages 46.79.130, 46.80.200 TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES)
cash deposit or bond required Municipal governments authorized to purchase at AUTO WRECKERS
action against auctions, conditions 39.30.045 Actions against, limitation on recovery
attorneys fees for prevailing party Partition proceedings, sale of property by 46.80.070
49.38.050 7.52.270 Definitions 46.80.010
Tort action by recipient of public assistance Probate, sale of estate real property at auction Established place of business
43.20B.070 11.56.060 enclosed 46.80.130
Traffic infractions Professional service corporations Ch. 18.100 keeping vehicles or parts in other than
right to counsel 46.63.080 Public auction sales unlawful 46.80.130

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 37]


Exempted from motor vehicle carrier laws, when development and implementation in public vacation of forfeiture judgment if person
81.80.040 schools 70.95C.120 produced 10.19.105
Inspection of records and premises 46.80.150 BACKGROUND CHECKS (See FIREARMS, victim of crime penalty assessment 7.68.035
Junkyards adjacent to highways subtitle Background checks for sales or Habeas corpus
abatement 47.41.070 transfers; STATE PATROL) orders of commitment, from 7.36.150
acquisition of property by department writ may be used for admission to 7.36.160
47.41.040 BAD DEBTS (See DEBTS AND DEBTORS) Hazardous materials, transportation of 46.48.175
definitions 47.41.020 BAGGAGE Home detention
legislative declaration 47.41.010 Bicycles declared to be baggage on commercial conditions, when 10.21.090
other laws not affected 47.41.060 ferries 81.28.260 definition 10.21.017
prohibited, exceptions 47.41.030 Common carriers Justice and inferior courts act of 1961, posting
public nuisances limitation of liability by contract or agreement and forfeiture procedure 3.30.090
abatement 47.41.070 81.29.020 Justification of recognizance 10.19.040
nonconforming 47.41.010 maximum amounts recoverable 81.29.050 Juveniles
regulations 47.41.050 Hotel guests, liability for loss or injury release from detention 13.40.040
review 47.41.050 19.48.030, 19.48.070 Keep the peace 10.64.070
screening 47.41.040 Ne exeat 7.44.030
United States secretary of transportation, BAIL AND RECOGNIZANCE (See also order of arrest and bail
agreements with 47.41.080 BAIL BONDS) directed to sheriff 7.44.021
violations, penalty 47.41.070 Action on not barred for defect or failure to issuance 7.44.021
License record default 10.19.120 return 7.44.021
application 46.80.030 Appeal bonds in criminal cases 10.73.040 service 7.44.021
bond refusal, suspension or revocation Approval of bail 10.19.040 Nonresident traffic violators to post 46.64.015,
46.80.100 Arrest without warrant in possession, bail 46.64.035
bond requirements 46.80.070 procedure 10.31.030 Sureties
expiration, renewal, fee 46.80.050 Bail bond agents Ch. 18.185 liability 10.19.150
false or unqualified application 46.80.121 Certification and filing 10.19.060 return of bond 10.19.140
fees 46.80.040, 46.80.050 Criminal procedure surrender of person under bond 10.19.160
plates required, fees 46.80.060 action on not barred for defect or failure to Taking and entering 10.19.065
refusal, suspension or revocation 46.80.110 record default 10.19.120 Traffic violations bail under justice and inferior
required, penalty 46.80.020 appeal bond 10.73.040 courts act of 1961 3.30.090
Municipal compliance 46.80.160 determination of bail under Article I, section Witnesses 10.16.145, 10.16.160
Ownership, evidence 46.80.090 20 of state Constitution appearance in court
Record-keeping requirements, inspection and conditions of release compromise of misdemeanors 10.52.040
penalty for noncompliance 46.80.080 ignition interlock device and 24/7 sobriety material, fees, food, and lodging 10.52.040
Records to be kept by program monitoring requirements minors 10.16.150
inspection of, certificate of inspection 10.21.055
46.80.150 conditions of release and detention BAIL BONDS (See also BAIL AND
Reporting requirements 46.80.090 generally Ch. 10.21 RECOGNIZANCE)
Rules and regulations 46.80.140 Agencies
extradition proceedings, fugitive from another
Violations state 10.88.350 advertising, required use of license number
cease and desist orders 46.80.180 18.185.050
felonies, class A or B, judicial officer to bond requirements 18.185.070
civil and criminal penalties 46.80.110 determine bail 10.19.055
fines 46.80.180 branch office management 18.185.220,
fines and costs, recognizance with sureties to 18.185.230
penalties 46.80.170 pay stays execution for 10.82.020
subpoenas 46.80.190 collateral or security
forfeiture agency as fiduciary 18.185.100
Wall specifications 46.80.130 action by prosecuting attorney 10.19.110 disposition 18.185.100
AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINES (See judgment against principal and sureties, contracts 18.185.270
BANKS AND BANKING, subtitle execution 10.19.090, 10.19.105 definitions 18.185.010
Automated teller machines) stay of execution of forfeiture judgment, discharge of firearm, notice 18.185.090
bond 10.19.100 licenses
AUTOMOBILE PARKING ELEVATORS vacation of forfeiture judgment if person
(See ELEVATORS, ESCALATORS AND applications 18.185.040
produced 10.19.105 branch offices 18.185.230
DUMBWAITERS) habeas corpus certificates, issuance and display 18.185.050
AUTOMOBILES (See MOTOR VEHICLES) orders of commitment, from 7.36.150 requirements 18.185.030
AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR (See MOTOR writ may be used for admission to 7.36.160 local government regulation and taxation
VEHICLES, subtitle Automotive repair) preliminary hearings 18.185.080
witnesses 10.16.145, 10.16.160 recordkeeping requirements 18.185.100
HUMAN REMAINS, subtitle Autopsies status, notice concerning changes 18.185.090
and postmortems) witnesses 10.16.145, 10.16.160 uniform regulation of business and
appearance in court 10.52.040 professions act 18.185.240
AVENUES (See STREETS AND ALLEYS) material witnesses, fees, food and lodging unprofessional conduct 18.185.110,
AVIATION (See AERONAUTICS) 10.52.040 18.185.115
minors 10.16.150 Agents
AWARD) District courts administrative procedure act, application
cash bail 10.04.040 18.185.200
AWARD IN LIEU OF HOMESTEAD (See Electronic monitoring advertising, required use of license number
PROBATE, subtitle Family allowances) conditions, when 10.21.090 18.185.050
AWARDS Extradition proceedings, fugitive from another bond requirements 18.185.070
County employees safety award programs state 10.88.350 collateral or security
36.32.460 Fines and costs, furnishing recognizance with agent as fiduciary 18.185.100
Environmental excellence awards program for sureties to stay execution against defendant disposition 18.185.100
products 43.21A.520 10.82.020 complaints
Gift of life award Ch. 1.50 Forfeiture immunity of complainant 18.185.130
Governors award for excellence in teaching action by prosecuting attorney required investigation 18.185.130
history 27.34.350 10.19.110 statement of charges 18.185.140
Medal of merit Ch. 1.40 financial responsibility law, bail forfeiture unlicensed activity 18.185.170
Medal of merit, See MEDAL OF MERIT grounds for requiring proof 46.29.280 consumer protection act, application
Medal of valor Ch. 1.60 judgment against principal and sureties, 18.185.210
Warren Featherstone Reid award for excellence execution 10.19.090, 10.19.105 contracts 18.185.270
in health care 43.70.045, 43.70.047 stay of execution of forfeiture judgment, bond definitions 18.185.010
Waste reduction and recycling awards program 10.19.100 directors powers 18.185.120

[RCW Indexpage 38] (2016 Ed.)


discharge of firearm, notice 18.185.090 Federal, state exemption, duplication prohibited alien banks Ch. 30A.42
licenses 6.13.080 bank stabilization act Ch. 30A.56
applications 18.185.040 Industrial insurance, lien for payments due capital notes or debentures Ch. 30A.36
continuing education 18.185.060 51.16.160, 51.16.170 checks Ch. 30A.16
experience and training requirements Labor claims, priority 49.56.040 community credit needs Ch. 30A.60
18.185.310 Motor vehicle dealers or manufacturers, notice of conservatorship Ch. 30A.46
license cards, issuance and use 18.185.050 proceedings required 46.70.183 construction Ch. 30A.98
prelicensing training and testing 18.185.060 Personal property exemption definitions Ch. 30A.04
requirements 18.185.020 federal, state duplication prohibited 6.15.050 deposits Ch. 30A.20
suspension due to electronic benefit card Police pensions in first class cities as exempt federal loan agencies, dealings with Ch.
violations 18.185.056 from operation of 41.20.180 30A.32
suspension for noncompliance with support Priorities, labor claims 49.56.040 financial institution individual account
order 18.185.057 State employees retirement benefits, exemption deposit act Ch. 30A.22
suspension for nonpayment or default on 41.40.052 general provisions Ch. 30A.04
educational loan or scholarship Taxing district relief act Ch. 39.64 insolvency and liquidation Ch. 30A.44
18.185.055 Teachers retirement system rights, exemption interstate banking Ch. 30A.38
local government regulation and taxation 41.32.052 merger, consolidation, and conversion Ch.
18.185.080 BANKS, COMMERCIAL (See BANKS AND 30A.49
recordkeeping requirements 18.185.100 BANKING, subtitle Commercial banks) officers, employees, and stockholders Ch.
recovery agents 30A.12
continuing education 18.185.260 BANKS AND BANKING (See also TRUST organization and powers Ch. 30A.08
generally 18.185.280 COMPANIES; TRUST INSTITUTIONS) satellite facilities Ch. 30A.43
license requirements 18.185.250 Accounts supervisory direction, conservatorship Ch.
out-of-state 18.185.290 commercial banks Ch. 30A.20, Ch. 30A.22 30A.46
planned forced entry 18.185.300 vulnerable adults, financial exploitation of trust funds, investment of Ch. 30A.24
training and testing 18.185.260 authority to refuse transaction 74.34.215 Community credit needs
training for financial institution employees commercial banks Ch. 30A.60
status, notice concerning changes 18.185.090 concerning 74.34.220
uniform regulation of business and Conservatorship
Acting in place of designated trustee, liability commercial banks Ch. 30A.46
professions act 18.185.240 11.100.130
unprofessional conduct 18.185.110, Consolidation
Administration and interpretation of title commercial banks Ch. 30A.49
18.185.115 30A.04.030
Forfeiture Conversions
Administrative hearing or judicial review banks, savings or commercial
action by prosecuting attorney 10.19.110 30A.04.470
judgment against principal and sureties, savings association, converting bank to Ch.
Advertising 33.46
execution 10.19.090, 10.19.105 alien banks 30A.42.170
stay of execution of forfeiture judgment, bond savings association, converting to bank Ch.
legal services, furnishing 30A.04.260 33.44
10.19.100 words indicating banks and trust companies
vacation of forfeiture judgment if person commercial banks Ch. 30A.49
30A.04.020 savings association
produced 10.19.105 Alien banks
Ne exeat 7.44.030 federal association, converting savings
commercial banks Ch. 30A.42 association to or from Ch. 33.43
Sureties Automated teller machines
liability 10.19.150 savings or commercial bank, converting
access fee or surcharge 19.245.010 association to Ch. 33.44
return of bond 10.19.140 compliance with safety standards evidence of savings or commercial bank, converting to
surrender of person under bond 10.19.160 adequate measures 19.174.090 association Ch. 33.46
Violent offenders definitions 19.174.020 savings bank
release without bail, statement of reasons lighting requirements 19.174.040, 19.174.050 capital stock savings bank, converting to Ch.
10.19.170 local government security regulation, chapter 32.32
BAILIFFS supersedes 19.174.080 converting to and/or from savings bank Ch.
Courts of record safety evaluation, procedures 19.174.030 32.34
appointment 2.32.330 safety precautions, customer notice Corporations
number 2.32.330 19.174.060 articles of incorporation Ch. 30A.08
Municipal courts, appointment 35.20.230 security, exceptions to requirements crimes relating to 9.24.030, Ch. 30A.12,
Superior courts, compensation 19.174.070 30A.44.110, 30A.44.120
amount 2.32.360 Bank holding companies filing of records by banks with or seeking
payment of 2.32.370 definition 30A.04.010 certificate of authority 23B.01.204,
generally Ch. 30A.04 23B.14.394
BAILMENT out-of-state holding companies, acquisitions
Seed bailment contracts Ch. 15.48 generally Ch. 30A.08, Ch. 30A.12, Ch.
by 30A.04.232 30A.44
BAILOR AND BAILEE subsidiary of holding company, bank insolvency
Seed bailment contracts Ch. 15.48 reorganization as 30A.04.550, 30A.04.555, receiving deposit while insolvent
Unclaimed property, duty in regard to Ch. 63.24 30A.04.560, 30A.04.565, 30A.04.570, penalty 9.24.030, 30A.44.120
BALD EAGLES 30A.04.575 officers and employees
Habitat buffer zones 77.12.655 Business trusts Ch. 32.34 receiving deposit while insolvent
Protection and essential habitat 77.12.650 Capital notes or debentures penalty 9.24.030, 30A.44.120
commercial banks Ch. 30A.36 stock
BALLOT TITLES Capital stock savings bank, conversion of generally Ch. 30A.12
Initiative and referendum, See INITIATIVE savings bank Ch. 32.32 County clerks fund, deposits 36.48.080
AND REFERENDUM, subtitle Ballot titles Certificate of authority Credit needs, community
BALLOTS (See also ELECTIONS) filing of corporate records by banks with or commercial banks Ch. 30A.60
Ballots and other voting forms Ch. 29A.36 seeking 23B.01.204, 23B.14.394 Credit unions, See CREDIT UNIONS
Mail, elections by Ch. 29A.40 Charitable trusts, See CHARITABLE TRUSTS Crimes relating to
Port district formation 53.04.020 Checks insolvent bank receiving deposit 9.24.030,
commercial banks Ch. 30A.16 30A.44.120
BANKHEAD-JONES FARM TENANT ACT Checks or drafts, See also UNIFORM various crimes, penalties Ch. 30A.04, Ch.
Investment by state investment board in loans COMMERCIAL CODE, subtitle Negotiable 30A.12, Ch. 30A.16, Ch. 30A.44
secured by 43.33A.080 instruments Debentures or capital notes
BANKRUPTCY (See also ASSIGNMENT Cities and towns housing authority bonds, legal commercial banks Ch. 30A.36
FOR BENEFIT OF CREDITORS) investments 35.82.220 Definitions
Attachment or execution defendant becomes Collections commercial banks Ch. 30A.04
bankruptcy debtor, procedure 6.01.050 uniform commercial code Art. 62A.4 Deposit accounts
Counties, readjustment and relief from debts Ch. Commercial banks false statement by applicant, penalty 9.38.015
39.64 Washington commercial bank act Title 30A Depositaries

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 39]


surplus and donated food commodities United States corporation bonds, authorized valuation disclosure requirements Ch. 19.149
revolving fund 28A.235.090 investment 39.60.010 Safe deposit boxes
Depositaries, See also PUBLIC Letters of credit Art. 62A.5 unclaimed property 63.29.160
DEPOSITARIES Liability when acting in place of designated Satellite facilities
Deposits trustee 11.100.130 commercial banks Ch. 30A.43
commercial banks Ch. 30A.20 Licenses Savings account, See also BANKS AND
federally guaranteed obligations 39.60.040 business licensing service exemption BANKING, subtitle Deposits
insured deposits and accounts by federal 19.02.800 Savings associations, See SAVINGS
government, use of as collateral security Life insurance, use of trust funds authorized ASSOCIATIONS
39.60.040 11.100.120 Savings banks, See SAVINGS BANKS
receiving deposit while insolvent Limited liability companies, conversion to Savings deposits, See BANKS AND BANKING,
penalty 9.24.030 30A.08.025 subtitle Deposits; SAVINGS
uniform commercial code Art. 62A.4 Liquidation and insolvency ASSOCIATIONS, subtitle Deposits;
vulnerable adults, financial exploitation of commercial banks Ch. 30A.44 SAVINGS BANKS, subtitle Deposits,
authority to refuse transaction 74.34.215 Loans earnings, dividends, interest
training for financial institution employees federal loan agencies, dealings with Stabilization
concerning 74.34.220 commercial banks Ch. 30A.32 bank stabilization act
Development credit corporations, membership in various Ch. 30A.04, Ch. 30A.12 commercial banks Ch. 30A.56
31.20.070 Merger, consolidation or conversion commercial banks Ch. 30A.56
Director of financial institutions commercial banks Ch. 30A.49 Stock savings banks, incorporation and operation
generally Ch. 30A.04, Ch. 30A.46 Mortgage insurance Ch. 61.10 Ch. 32.35
Electronic funds transfers Art. 62A.4A Mutual savings banks, See SAVINGS BANKS, Stockholders
Employees, See BANKS AND BANKING, subtitle Mutual savings banks commercial banks Ch. 30A.12
subtitle Officers and employees Negotiable instruments, See BANKS AND Supervisory direction, conservatorship
Executors and administrators BANKING, subtitle Checks or drafts commercial banks Ch. 30A.46
bond not required when acting as 11.32.020 Night depositories Trust companies, See TRUST COMPANIES
disqualified to act as when will drawn by compliance with safety standards evidence of Trust funds, investment of
11.36.010 adequate measures 19.174.090 commercial banks Ch. 30A.24
probate fees disallowed to banks or bank definitions 19.174.020 Trust institutions, See TRUST INSTITUTIONS
attorneys 11.36.010 lighting requirements 19.174.040, 19.174.050 Trustees
Fairness in lending act 30A.04.500, 30A.04.505, local government security regulation, chapter change in form of corporate trustees 11.98.065
30A.04.510, 30A.04.515 supersedes 19.174.080 Unclaimed property, uniform act
Federal loan agencies, dealings with safety evaluation, procedures 19.174.030 bank deposits and funds 63.29.060
commercial banks Ch. 30A.32 safety precautions, customer notice checks, drafts 63.29.050
Federal savings bank, conversion to domestic 19.174.060 safe deposit boxes 63.29.160
savings bank Ch. 32.34 security, exceptions to requirements Uniform common trust fund act
Financial institution 19.174.070 short title 11.102.050
defined for purposes of public depositary law Nonprofit corporation act, excluded from Uniform money services act Ch. 19.230
35.38.060 24.03.015 Washington savings association act Title 33
Financial institution individual account deposit Nonroutine transactions Washington savings bank act Title 32
act notice and procedure 11.100.140
commercial banks Ch. 30A.22 Notes, See BANKS AND BANKING, subtitle BANQUETS
Financial services regulation fund 43.320.110 Capital notes or debentures Liquor permits Ch. 66.20
Fraud, insolvent bank receiving deposit 9.24.030 Officers and employees BAR ASSOCIATION (See also
Funds transfers commercial banks Ch. 30A.12 ATTORNEYS AT LAW)
uniform commercial code Art. 62A.4A receiving deposit while insolvent Active members only may practice law 2.48.170
General provisions penalty 9.24.030 Board of governors
commercial banks Ch. 30A.04 Online banking legal aid bureau
Guardian, as digital assets, fiduciary access to, uniform act authority over 2.50.060
authority to act as 11.36.010 Ch. 11.120 creation of 2.50.060
Holding companies, See BANKS AND Organization and powers supervision of 2.50.080
BANKING, subtitle Bank holding commercial banks Ch. 30A.08 legal aid committee, member of chosen from
companies Personal representatives 2.50.070
Identity theft to improperly access financial disqualified to act as, when will drawn by powers and membership Ch. 2.48
information Ch. 9.35 11.36.010 Judge pro tempore must be member of 2.08.180
Incapacitated persons Powers of banks Legal aid
access to and control over assets to be commercial banks Ch. 30A.08 bureau
provided to guardian 11.92.096 Probate authority over 2.50.060
Industrial loan companies, See INDUSTRIAL final distribution 11.76.095 creation of 2.50.050
LOAN COMPANIES personal representative, oath 11.28.170 supervision of 2.50.080
Insolvency Promotions county committee
receiving deposit while insolvent contests of chance 9.46.0356 authority over 2.50.060
penalty 9.24.030 Public depositaries creation of 2.50.070
Insolvency and liquidation cities and towns 35.38.010 legal aid supervisory powers 2.50.080
commercial banks Ch. 30A.44 counties membership 2.50.070
Insurance designation 36.48.010 Membership in, including veterans Ch. 2.48
life, use of trust funds authorized 11.100.120 financial institution, defined 36.48.060 Rules 2.48.050
Insurance premium finance company act, Public employees
application to 48.56.030 payroll deductions at request of employee State bar act Ch. 2.48
International bank for reconstruction and authorized when institution meets Statute law committee
development, savings banks may invest in necessary conditions 41.04.245 code correction orders filing 1.08.016
obligations of 32.20.210 Public employees payrolls, direct deposit to bank Washington state bar association Ch. 2.48
Interstate banks and banking account authorized, limitation 41.04.240 BAR TO ACTIONS
commercial banks Ch. 30A.38 Records Challenge to sufficiency of the evidence,
Investments compliance review information, judgment for defendant bars another action
common trust funds, generally, uniform act confidentiality Ch. 7.88 4.56.150
Ch. 11.102 disposal of personal information Ch. 19.215 Compromise of misdemeanor bar to another
community renewal obligations 35.81.110 filing of corporate records by banks with or prosecution for same offense 10.22.020
metropolitan municipal corporation seeking certificate of authority 23B.01.204, Dismissal, effect as bar to another action
obligations 35.58.510 23B.14.394 4.56.120
trust funds 39.60.050 Reorganization, See BANKS AND BANKING, Merits, judgment on bars another action 4.56.120
trust funds, investment of Ch. 11.100, Ch. subtitle Merger, consolidation or conversion Nonsuit, not bar to another action, when
30A.24 Residential mortgage loan closing 4.56.120, 4.56.150

[RCW Indexpage 40] (2016 Ed.)


Official bonds, judgment no bar to another action Prostate cancer screening 70.47.210 Membership 16.67.040, 16.67.060, 16.67.070
42.08.040 Public assistance Plans, programs, projects
BAR TO PROSECUTION (See also notice to applicants of plans availability approval and oversight 16.67.091, 16.67.095,
IMMUNITY FROM PROSECUTION; 74.04.033 16.67.195
SELF-INCRIMINATION) Reimbursement rates for hospitals 70.47.220 Positions and terms 16.67.051
Conviction bars subsequent prosecution Removal of enrollees 70.47.090 Powers and duties 16.67.090
10.43.020, 10.43.030, 10.43.040, 10.43.050 Rights of individuals to receive services Promotional programs 16.67.110
Discharging defendant to give evidence for state 70.47.160 Public disclosure exemption 16.67.180
or codefendant, bars subsequent prosecution Rights of providers and facilities to refuse to Records as evidence 16.67.080
10.46.110 participate in services for reason of Reimbursement for costs 16.67.097
Former acquittal or conviction conscience or religion 70.47.160 Research 16.67.110
acquittal or conviction in Rules 70.47.050 Subpoenas 16.67.093
another county 10.43.030 Stabilization account 43.79.487 Trade promotion and development expenditures
foreign state or country 10.43.040 Subscription account 70.47.030 15.04.200
different degrees of offense and included Timber impact areas
enrollment of persons in 70.47.115 BEER AND BREWERIES (See also
offenses barred 10.43.020, 10.43.050 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES)
Immunity from prosecution, witnesses not Time-loss claimants
notice to claimants 51.28.090 Art galleries
excused from giving self-incriminating beer, on-premises consumption 66.12.240
testimony if given immunity from Trust account 70.47.030
Unemployment compensation Beer
prosecution 10.52.090 distributors license 66.24.250
notice to claimants 50.20.210
BARBERS temporary increase, leaving out of income importers license 66.24.261
Cosmetologists, hair designers, barbers, determination 70.47.0601 imports, certificate of approval and report
manicurists, and estheticians Ch. 18.16 66.24.270
BATTERIES out-of-state, certificate of approval and report
BARLEY (See GRAIN COMMISSION) core charges 70.95.630, 70.95.640 purchase restrictions 66.28.070
BARRATRY defined 70.95.610 Beer commission
Defined, penalty 9.12.010 disposal donations to and use of beer or malt beverages
Disbarment for 9.12.010 noncompliance, issuance of warnings and 66.12.185
District judge or deputy, by, penalty 9.12.020 citations, fines 70.95.660 generally Ch. 15.89
restrictions, penalties for violations Breweries
Telecommunications may be intercepted authorized and prohibited sales 66.24.290
persons accepting used batteries, distributors or retailers 66.24.240
9.73.030 identification procedure 70.95.620 licenses 66.24.240
BASEBALL (See ATHLETICS AND retailers, acceptance of used batteries, notice microbreweries, licenses 66.24.244
SPORTS) 70.95.630 Cash payments
retailers notice, distribution by department of electronic funds transfers, requirements
BASIC FOOD (See FOOD STAMPS; ecology 70.95.660
PUBLIC ASSISTANCE, subtitle Food 66.28.270
rule-making authority, department of ecology
stamps) 70.95.670 Courses of instruction authorized 66.28.150
BASIC HEALTH PLAN wholesalers, acceptance of used batteries, Day spas
Administration, staff, technical advisory suspension orders for noncompliance by the glass, permit for supplying 66.20.400
committees 70.47.040 70.95.650 Definitions 66.04.010
Administrator, powers and duties 70.47.120 Distribution system for beer
BATTERY (See ASSAULT AND BATTERY) three-tier system
Annual reporting requirement 70.47.170
Benefits from other coverages not reduced BAYS (See also TIDELANDS) definitions 66.28.285
70.47.070 Cities and towns adjacent to direct or indirect interests, allowed activities
Contracts for services 70.47.120 calculation for purposes of determining area 66.28.295
Coordinate with managed health care system of a town 35.21.160 finding 66.28.280
projects 74.09.522 jurisdiction 35.21.160 industry members, affiliates, and retailers,
Definitions 70.47.020 Obstructing is nuisance 7.48.120 interests between 66.28.290
Director, powers and duties 70.47.060 BEACH BUGGIES money advances, prohibition 66.28.305
Eligibility determination and coordination Inspection and approval required 46.37.520 promotional items 66.28.310
70.47.010 recordkeeping 66.28.315
Enrollee premium share 70.47.015 BEACH MANAGEMENT DISTRICTS (See rule adoption 66.28.320
Enrollment, participation limitations 70.47.080 also LAKES, subtitle Lake or beach undue influence, determination by liquor and
Exemption from insurance code 70.47.130 management districts) cannabis board 66.28.300
Expedited application and enrollment process Generally Ch. 36.61 Distributors
70.47.015 BEACHES (See AQUATIC LANDS; authorized and prohibited sales 66.24.290
Federal basic health option TIDELANDS) conduct, responsibility for 66.28.030
health care authority directors duties BEARS (See WILDLIFE) price list, contents 66.28.180
70.47.250 reports of sales 66.24.270
Income determination BEDS OF NAVIGABLE WATERS (See also restricted transactions 66.28.260
temporary unemployment compensation PUBLIC LANDS, subtitle Aquatic lands) sale of nonliquor food and food ingredients
increase 70.47.0601 Public landsaquatic lands 66.28.190
Legislative findings and purpose 70.47.010 beds of navigable waters Ch. 79.130 Distributors and suppliers of spirits and malt
Managed health care systems easements and rights of way Ch. 79.110 beverages, contractual and other
participation 70.47.100 generally Ch. 79.105 relationships Ch. 19.126
Medical assistance recipients enrollment harbor areas Ch. 79.115 Educational or consumer product information on
70.47.110 oysters, geoducks, shellfish, and other retail premises 66.28.155
Medical records aquacultural uses, and marine aquatic Exemptions from liquor law Ch. 66.12
confidentiality 70.47.150 plants Ch. 79.135 Family beer or wine, removal from home for use
Mental health services tidelands and shorelands Ch. 79.125 at tastings or competitions 66.28.140
definition, coverage required 70.47.200 waterways and streets Ch. 79.120 Farmers markets, beer sampling at, farmers
rules, authority to adopt 70.47.201 BEEF COMMISSION market endorsement to allow 66.24.175
Powers, duties, and functions transferred to Assessments 16.67.120, 16.67.122, 16.67.123, Farmers markets, sales at 66.24.240, 66.24.244,
health care authority 70.47.005 16.67.130, 16.67.140 66.28.260
Preexisting condition Comprehensive scheme 16.67.035 Gallonage tax 66.24.290
previous coverage prior to applying 70.47.240 Definitions 16.67.030 Giving away beer prohibited, exceptions
Proprietary information submitted to support rate Funding staff support 16.67.190 66.28.040
filing Liability and immunity 16.67.160 Home manufacture and use
confidentiality 70.47.150 Meetings 16.67.100 exemptions from liquor law 66.12.010

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 41]


removal from home for use at wine or beer Definitions 15.60.005 enforcement, rules 70.132.040
tastings or competitions 66.28.140 Diseases penalty 70.132.050
Keg registration quarantine and regulation of movement Ch. legislative finding 70.132.010
container identification, rules, violations 17.24 sale 70.132.030
66.28.220 Hives Refilling by others for sale prohibited,
fees 66.28.220 registration 15.60.021 presumption 19.76.110, 19.76.120
furnishing to minors, penalties 66.28.230 Honey, See HONEY Trade name or trademark, filing 19.76.100
purchasers duties 66.28.210 Honey bee commission, See HONEY BEE Violations, penalties 19.76.130
sellers duties 66.28.200 COMMISSION BEVERAGES (See also ALCOHOLIC
state preemption 66.28.240 Pests BEVERAGES)
Labels on malt liquor 66.28.120 quarantine and regulation of movement Ch. Food and beverage workers permits Ch. 69.06
Licenses 17.24
application and renewal fee, additional Plants, pollen- or nectar-rich, for pollinators BIAS
66.08.2601 noxious weeds, replacing with native forage Actual
beer and wine gift delivery license 66.24.550 plants 17.10.145, 43.220.260 defined 4.44.170
beer and/or wine restaurant license 66.24.320 Violations of chapter or rules, penalty 15.60.055 grounds for challenging juror 4.44.190
caterers license 66.24.690 order of taking challenges of jurors for
BEGGARS (See also INDIGENTS) 4.44.220
combined license, for sale of beer and wine for Child employed as 26.28.070
consumption on or off premises 66.24.354 particular cause of challenge of juror 4.44.170
grocery store license and restricted grocery BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES AND Implied
store license 66.24.360 ORGANIZATIONS (See ALCOHOLISM defined 4.44.170
grocery store licensees, beer and wine tasting AND DRUG ADDICTION; HEALTH grounds 4.44.180
endorsement 66.24.363 CARE AUTHORITY; MENTAL order of taking challenges of jurors for
nonprofit organizations, special occasion ILLNESS; PUBLIC ASSISTANCE; 4.44.220
license for sales at specified event SOCIAL AND HEALTH SERVICES, particular cause of challenge to juror 4.44.170
66.24.375, 66.24.380 DEPARTMENT OF) BICYCLE ROUTES
private club beer and wine license 66.24.452 BENEFICIAL INTERESTS (See TRUSTS) Comprehensive street programs to include
retail licensees BENEFICIARIES (See also RETIREMENT 35.77.015
gift certificates 66.24.700 AND PENSIONS) Counties
sampling of beer and wine on licensee Accounting county road fund, expenditures for 36.75.240
premises, exceptions 66.24.675 guardian ad litem to represent 11.106.060 standards 36.75.240
senior center license 66.24.680 Disability insurance 48.20.152 Establishment, authorized, directed 47.26.305
snack bar license 66.24.350 Distributions to beneficiaries, power of trustees Legislative declaration 47.26.300
specialty shop license to make 11.98.070 Transportation improvement board funds, use
generally 66.24.371 Group life insurance 48.24.160 47.26.305
wine retailer reseller endorsement 66.24.179 Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL BICYCLES
tavern license 66.24.330 INSURANCE, subtitle Beneficiaries Bicycle transportation management program
theater license Industrial life insurance, standard provision department of transportation duties 47.04.190
beer, strong beer, and wine sales 66.24.650 regarding 48.25.150 state bicycle program manager
spirits, beer, strong beer, and wine sales Life insurance, generally 48.18.440 duties 47.04.200
66.24.655 Personal injury action on death of injured person position established 47.04.190
Malt beverages and spirits, distributors and survives 4.20.060 Brakes 46.61.780
suppliers, contractual and other relationships Trust estates, of, setoff against 4.32.120 Carrying articles, one hand on bars 46.61.775
Ch. 19.126 United States savings bonds, effect of survival of Cities and towns
Microbreweries beneficiary 11.04.230 bicycle road fund 35.75.050
beer samples, offering at farmers markets Wrongful death actions 4.20.020 facilities for bicycles
66.24.175 standards, adoption by design standards
licenses 66.24.244 BENEVOLENT ORGANIZATIONS (See
also CORPORATIONS, subtitle committee 35.78.030
Minors licenses 35.75.030, 35.75.040
employees eighteen to twenty-one Nonprofit corporations)
Beneficial corporations, authorized 24.06.015 paths for 35.75.010, 35.75.020, 35.75.030,
handling, transporting, and possessing of 35.75.040
beer and wine on nonretail premises Nonprofit corporations, authorized 24.03.015
regulation of 35.75.010
66.44.318 BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES Clinging to vehicles 46.61.765
Price, discrimination in to purchaser for resale Nonprofit corporation act Ch. 24.03 Counties
prohibited 66.28.170 Nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual facilities for bicycles
Price list, contents 66.28.180 corporations act Ch. 24.06 standards, adoption by design standards
Public house license 66.24.580 committee 36.82.145
Seized beer, purchase restrictions 66.28.070 BENTON COUNTY
Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.030 Crimes relating to, hitching on to another vehicle
Serving beer to employees and visitors 66.28.040 46.61.765
Serving to standing or walking patron permitted Hanford area economic investment fund
advisory committee membership and duties Crosswalks, right of way 46.61.235, 46.61.261
66.28.130 Defined, motor vehicle law 46.04.071
Taxation of beers 43.31.425
committee membership and duties 43.31.428 Design standards committee, duties concerning
payment and use 66.24.290 43.32.020
refunds on unsalable products 66.24.305 established 43.31.422
Superior court judges, number of 2.08.064 Electric personal assistive mobility device
Violations, enforcement, and penalties Ch. 66.44 46.04.1695, 46.61.710
Wedding boutiques BENZINE (See EXPLOSIVES)
Electric-assisted bicycle
beer, on-premises consumption 66.12.240 BEQUESTS AND DEVISES (See DEVISEES defined 46.04.169
BEES AND BEEKEEPING AND LEGATEES; PROBATE; WILLS) drivers license, exception 46.20.500
Agricultural local fund 15.60.040 BERRIES equipment requirements 46.37.530
Agriculture, department of Harvesting by workers under twelve years of age operating requirements 46.61.710
directors powers and duties 15.60.021 15.04.150, 15.04.160 Ferries, bicycle as baggage 81.28.260
Apiaries Weights and measures 19.94.470 General penalty for violations 46.61.750
definitions 15.60.005 Hand signals 46.61.758
registration 15.60.021, 15.60.031 BETTING (See GAMBLING) "Hitching on" to vehicles 46.61.765
Apiary advisory committee, membership and BEVERAGE CONTAINERS Intersection with inoperative vehicle detection
duties 15.60.010 Milk-based, soy-based products device, at 46.61.184
Apiary coordinated areas not covered in pull-tab law 70.132.020 Intoxicated bicyclists, procedures 46.61.790
boundary changes 15.60.085 Pull-tab openers Lighting 46.61.780
designation of areas within certain counties milk-based, soy-based products not included No hands on bars 46.61.775
15.60.095 70.132.020 Number of persons riding on 46.61.760
hearing to establish 15.60.065 prohibited One way roads
order describing 15.60.075 definitions 70.132.020 rules of the road 46.61.770

[RCW Indexpage 42] (2016 Ed.)


Operating, one hand to be kept on handle bars Contractors, registration requirements Ch. 18.27 offer of increased bid 11.56.110
46.61.775 Counties deposit, form of 11.56.110
Paths advertisements 36.32.245 offer 11.56.110
authorized, expenditure of available funds competitive bidding requirements, private sales 11.56.080
47.30.030 exemptions 39.04.280 sealed bids, when accepted, notices 11.56.110
for bicycles, to be used 46.61.770 hospitals, purchases 36.32.240 Procurement, state Ch. 39.26
city street funds, use, authorized public works 36.32.235 Public hospital districts
standards 35.75.060 requirements 36.32.245 materials and labor contracts, bid procedures,
county road funds, use, authorized streets and alleys, construction 35.77.030 alternatives, and exemptions 70.44.140
standards 36.82.145 County leases Public utilities, sale or lease of 35.94.010,
included in county road comprehensive plan competitive bids, procedure 36.32.253 35.94.020, 35.94.030
annual revisions 36.81.122 County leases and purchases Public utility districts, work and materials
public highways, paths as 47.30.070 competitive bids 36.32.240 alternative bid procedure 54.04.082
transportation committee review of County property requirements 54.04.080
comprehensive plans 44.04.290 leasing 36.34.190 Public works, See PUBLIC WORKS, subtitle
Paths, lanes, routes, roadways, county road fund, sale of 36.34.070 Bids and bidding
construction of, standards 36.75.240 trade-in equipment 36.34.070 Puget Sound ferry system
Person propelling to ride upon seat 46.61.760 County public works contracts bonds of Ch. 47.60
Reflectors 46.61.780 competitive bids, procedure, deposits, bonds Purchasing, state Ch. 39.26
Regulations, where applicable 46.61.750 36.32.250 Schools and school districts
Restrictions on use of limited-access roadways County purchases school work and purchases, bidding required,
46.61.160 competitive bidding exemptions 36.32.270 procedure 28A.335.190
Road rights and duties, generally 46.61.126, competitive bids 36.32.240 surplus food commodities, school hot lunch
46.61.755 competitive bids, advertisements 36.32.245 program, bidding suspended 28A.235.050
Routes, included in comprehensive street competitive bids, requirements 36.32.245 telephone or written solicitation of
programs 35.77.015 County roads and bridges competitive bids, procedure 28A.335.190
Rules of the road for 46.61.770 construction 36.77.020, 36.77.030, 36.77.040 State procurement of goods and services Ch.
Safety program for bicyclists and pedestrians maintenance materials 39.26
43.59.150 multiple awards 36.32.256 State purchases
Seat, person propelling to ride on 46.61.760 small works roster process, when used recycled products procurement, notice of
Sidewalks, right of way 46.61.261 36.77.075 requirements 43.19A.080
State patrol bicycle awareness program Crimes relating to Subcontractors
43.43.390 agreement outside state no defense to identification by bidder 39.30.060
Statewide transportation planning Ch. 47.06 prosecution for suppression of competitive Timber
Traffic control signals, vehicle-activated bidding on public works 9.18.150 timber or other personalty on state highway
47.36.025 collusion to prevent competitive bidding on lands, bids and bidding for 47.12.140
Traffic laws applicable to 46.61.755 public works, penalty 9.18.130 Toll bridge bonds on 47.56.140
Traffic safety education 46.20.093, 46.20.095, suppression of competitive bidding on public Toll roads, sale of property authorized 47.56.254
46.82.430 works, penalty 9.18.120 execution, delivery of deed 47.56.255
Trails or paths Deeds of trust, bids at foreclosure and sale Transportation department may contract with
use of 46.61.770 proceedings 61.24.070 public utilities or municipal corporations
Two abreast on roadways, not more than Federal power projects, county property, state or without bids 47.01.210
46.61.770 United States 36.34.250, 36.34.260 Water-sewer districts, labor and materials
Violations, penalties 46.61.700 Federal property, bids by state or political contracts 57.08.050
civil liability 46.61.750 subdivision for 39.32.070 BIENNIAL BUDGETS (See BUDGETS,
Forest fire suppression equipment, requirement subtitle Biennial budgets)
BIDS AND BIDDING to use lowest responsible bidder 76.04.177
Bid deposits, county public works contracts Government housing projects, county property, BIGAMY
36.32.250 state or United States 36.34.250, 36.34.260 Limitation of actions 9A.04.080
Bond issues Highway construction and maintenance, BILINGUAL INSTRUCTION PROGRAM
Puget Sound ferry Ch. 47.60 contract, by, bids, call for bids 47.28.050 (See SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL
refunding bonds of counties and cities and Irrigation districts DISTRICTS, subtitle Bilingual
towns Ch. 39.52 construction contracts 87.03.435 (transitional) instruction program)
Bond issues, See also BOND ISSUES Judicial sales
Cities, first class BILL OF EXCEPTIONS
resale, on 6.21.110 Lost or destroyed, substitution of copy 5.48.010
public works sale to highest bidder 6.21.100
competitive requirements 35.22.620 Local governments BILL OF SALE (See also SALES)
electrical distribution systems exempt from preferential purchase of products made from BILLBOARDS AND SIGNS (See also
competitive bid requirements 35.22.640 recycled materials authorized 39.30.040 ADVERTISING; HIGHWAYS, subtitle
requirements 35.22.630 tax revenue may be considered 39.30.040 Signs; SIGNS)
small works roster 35.22.620 violations, penalties 39.30.020 Highway advertising control
public works contracts Local improvements, cities, towns and public agreements to secure federal aid authorized
minority employment clause 35.22.650 corporations, work done for assessments 47.42.110
Cities and towns 35.43.190 commercial and industrial areas
competitive bidding requirements, Military installations, county property, state or permissible signs, requirements 47.42.062,
exemptions 39.04.280 United States 36.34.250, 36.34.260 47.42.063
lease and lease back agreements 35.42.080 Minority and womens business enterprises preexisting signs 47.42.063
leases with or without option to purchase, highway construction and maintenance compensation for removal of signs
when bids required 35.42.220 47.28.050 action to determine amount 47.42.103
off-street parking facilities 35.86A.120 Off-street parking, involving public park or civic agreements to secure federal aid 47.42.110
operation of 35.86.040 center property, bids required, when authorized 47.42.102
public works 35.22.635, 35.23.352 35.86.010 federal share of payment 47.42.104
real property in community renewal areas Partition proceedings, sale of property by auction local government actions 47.42.107
35.81.090, 35.81.095 7.52.270 payment 47.42.103
recycled products procurement, notice of Performance-based contracts for water removal not required if federal share
requirements 43.19A.080 conservation, solid waste reduction, and unavailable 47.42.105
refunding bonds Ch. 39.52 energy equipment Ch. 39.35A signs to which applicable 47.42.102
streets and alleys, construction 35.77.030 Port districts states share of payment 47.42.103
supplies, material, and equipment 35.23.352 labor and material contracts, procedure definitions 47.42.020
Colleges and universities 53.08.120, 53.08.130 existing statutes, resolutions or ordinances
community and technical college facilities property sales 53.25.150 unaffected 47.42.070
28B.50.330 small works roster 53.08.120 highways and streets not part of any system,
construction projects 28B.10.350 Probate, sales of estate property regulations 47.42.065

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 43]


highways designated as scenic areas False certificate of registration or false BIRTHS (See also VITAL STATISTICS,
47.42.140 representation of breed, penalty 9.08.030 subtitle Births and birth certificates)
informational signs authorized for state, Hunting, See HUNTING Concealing birth of fetus or child, abortion,
counties, city or town 47.42.050 Migratory waterfowl penalty 9.02.050
number of signs permitted 47.42.045 definitions 77.08.045 Registration of, requirement 70.58.070
permissible signs in protected areas 47.42.040 stamp, license validation, sale and use of Unwed mothers, birth certificates for infants
permits to erect or maintain signs revenues 77.12.670 70.58.080
assignment of 47.42.120 stamp design, administration, sale, and BIRTH-TO-THREE INTERAGENCY
fees 47.42.120 distribution 77.12.690 COORDINATING COUNCIL
permit identification number 47.42.130 Natural area preserves Early intervention services for infants and
revocation, grounds 47.42.090, 47.42.120 bird areas, important 79.70.110, 79.70.120 toddlers with disabilities 43.215.470,
preexisting signs, date for removal 47.42.100 Oil and hazardous materials spills 43.215.472, 43.215.474, 43.215.476
prohibited signs as public nuisance, abatement wildlife rehabilitation 90.56.110
procedure, penalty 47.42.080 wildlife rescue coalition 90.56.100 BLACKLISTING (See LABOR, subtitle
purpose 47.42.010 Pheasants Prohibited practices)
regulations to implement, judicial review eastern Washington pheasant enhancement BLASTING CAPS
47.42.060 account, funding 77.12.810 Limit on storage 70.74.040
roadside area information panel or display eastern Washington pheasant enhancement Storage, rules 70.74.030
authorized 47.42.055 account, use 77.12.820
eastern Washington pheasant enhancement BLIGHTED AREAS (See CITIES AND
scenic and recreational system TOWNS, subtitle Urban renewal)
highways excluded from 47.42.025 program 77.12.790
signs visible from prohibited 47.42.030 juvenile hunting opportunities 77.12.800 BLIGHTED PROPERTY (See
signs Pigeons, antwerp racing pigeons CONDEMNATION, subtitle Blighted
maintained under permit to bear permit killing, injuring, or detaining unlawful property)
number and permittees name 47.42.130 9.61.190 BLIND
prohibited in protected or scenic areas removing stamp, band, or other marks Aid to the blind, See PUBLIC ASSISTANCE,
47.42.030 unlawful 9.61.200 subtitle Aid to the blind
visible from highway systems prohibited, Places for fighting of, public nuisance, penalty Braille instruction in schools
exceptions 47.42.040 9.66.010
Predatory birds, control by director of agriculture definitions 28A.155.105
tourist facilities, business, or agricultural signs provision in students curriculum
47.42.045 15.04.110, 15.04.120
State bird 1.20.040 28A.155.115
Railroad grade crossings, regulation 36.86.100, student assessment 28A.155.115
47.32.140 BIRTH CERTIFICATES (See also VITAL Business enterprises program
Scenic vistas act Ch. 47.42 STATISTICS) definitions 74.18.200
BILLIARDS AND POOL (See ATHLETICS Heirloom birth certificates purposes 74.18.210
AND SPORTS, subtitle Billiard and pool fund disposition 43.121.100 vending facilities in public buildings, operator
halls) BIRTH CONTROL licenses 74.18.220
BILLS OF EXCHANGE (See NEGOTIABLE Family planning services Business enterprises revolving account
INSTRUMENTS, subtitle Bills of definitions 74.09.790 74.18.230
exchange) eligibility and available services 74.09.800 Department of services for the blind
expansion of services 74.09.657 administrative hearing, appeal of decision
BILLS OF LADING Individual right to choose or refuse declared 74.18.120
Common carriers, See COMMON CARRIERS, public policy 9.02.100 children and their families
subtitle Bills of lading Reproductive privacy services offered 74.18.190
Crimes relating to public policy 9.02.100 consult with the rehabilitation council for the
fictitious bill 22.32.020 Self-administered contraception, drug therapy blind 74.18.100
Fictitious, penalty 22.32.020 related to created 74.18.030
BILLS OF LEGISLATURE pharmacies initiating or modifying, sticker or definitions 74.18.020
Engrossed bill, filing with secretary of state sign to identify 18.64.008 director
44.20.010 Sexual assault victims, emergency contraception appointment 74.18.040
Fiscal notes, local government Ch. 43.132 for 70.41.350, 70.41.360 exempt positions 74.18.050
Fiscal notes, state government Ch. 43.88A BIRTH DEFECTS (See PREGNANCY, personnel appointment 74.18.050
Numbering when becoming law 44.20.020 subtitle Birth defects) salary 74.18.040
Alternative method of land division 58.17.035 Confidentiality of information 18.46.090 background checks 74.18.123
Definitions 18.46.010 confidentiality of personal information
BINGO 74.18.127
Authority 9.46.0321 Down syndrome, when diagnosis provided by
center exempt positions 74.18.050
Defined 9.46.0205 gifts, grants, and bequests may be received
parents, information for 18.46.150
BIOMEDICAL WASTE Fire protection 18.46.110 74.18.110
Definitions 70.95K.010 Health department rule-making authority habilitation facilities authorized 74.18.170
Legislative findings 70.95K.005 18.46.060 independent living, services for 74.18.180
Sharps waste Inspection 18.46.080 legislative intent 74.18.010
collection 70.95.715 Licenses personnel appointment 74.18.050
residential sharps waste collection application and fee 18.46.030 powers and duties 74.18.060
70.95K.040 denial, suspension, or revocation 18.46.050 rehabilitation facilities authorized 74.18.170
residential sharps waste disposal 70.95K.030 issuance, display, and renewal 18.46.040 telephonic reading service 74.18.045
State preemption of local definitions 70.95K.011 operating without a license 18.46.120, vocational rehabilitation
Waste treatment technologies 18.46.130 eligibility 74.18.130
evaluation by department of health required 18.46.020 grants of equipment and material 74.18.150
70.95K.020 suspension for nonpayment or default on services 74.18.140
BIOSOLIDS (See SLUDGE) educational loans or scholarships 18.46.055 Discrimination, public accommodations,
Malpractice insurance prohibited 70.84.010
BIOTECHNOLOGY MANUFACTURING joint underwriting association, midwives and Dog guides
BUSINESSES, TAX DEFERRALS birthing centers Ch. 48.87 driver responsibilities and liabilities 70.84.040
Annual survey requirement 82.75.070 New facilities, approval 18.46.080 killing or injuring, liability 49.60.370
Generally Ch. 82.75 Religious organizations, birthing centers license fee waiver 49.60.380
BIRDS (See also POULTRY) operated by exempt from chapter 18.46.140 unauthorized use 70.84.060
Bald eagles and essential habitat Rules and regulations Employment
habitat buffer zones 77.12.655 compliance 18.46.070 white cane law, discrimination in hiring
protection 77.12.650 standards 18.46.060 prohibited 70.84.080

[RCW Indexpage 44] (2016 Ed.)


Governmental agency purchases of blind-made employment, discrimination in prohibited negligent operation, under the influence
goods and services 19.06.020, 39.24.060, 70.84.080 10.31.100
39.26.285 impersonating blind person, prohibited, Assault by watercraft 79A.60.060
Interference with, violations, penalty 70.84.070 penalty 70.84.060 Ballast water management Ch. 77.120
Malicious harassment 9A.36.080 penalty for violation 70.84.070 Boater environmental education and boat waste
Nonprofit agencies for the blind, public agency public accommodation, discrimination management program 79A.60.560,
purchases from 39.24.060 prohibited 70.84.010 79A.60.570
Nonprofit agencies for the blind, state agency rights of blind persons 70.84.050 Boating activities program 79A.60.670,
purchases from 39.26.285 state policy 70.84.010 79A.60.680, 79A.60.690
Prevention of blindness, See PUBLIC transportation, discrimination prohibited Boating fire prevention education program
ASSISTANCE, subtitle Aid to the blind 70.84.010 79A.60.610
Prevention of blindness program Youth Boating offense compact Ch. 88.01
established 74.09.720 educational service district superintendents Boating safety education
Products duty 72.40.070 parks and recreation commission powers and
advertising limitations 19.06.030 parents duty 72.40.080 duties 79A.05.310
governmental agency purchases of goods and school districts duty 72.40.060 Charter boats, regulation of boats operating on
services 19.06.020, 39.24.060, 39.26.285 BLOOD state waters Ch. 88.04
labeling requirements, prohibited acts Blood and/or tissue banks Charter fishing boats, See FISH AND FISHING,
19.06.010 business and occupation tax exemption subtitle Charter boats
violations, penalty 19.06.040 82.04.324 Convicts, transportation into state prohibited
Rehabilitation council for the blind cord blood banks 70.54.220, 70.54.222 88.08.030
created 74.18.070 sales tax exemption 82.08.02805 Crimes
department of services for the blind to consult use tax exemption 82.12.02747 decriminalization of certain boating safety
74.18.100 Blood donors, minors 70.01.020 offenses Ch. 7.84
governor to appoint 74.18.070 Blood establishments for blood collecting or operating steamboat while intoxicated
meetings 74.18.080 distributing 9.91.020
membership registration, regulation, and enforcement Ch. Crimes, See also CRIMES, subtitle Boats and
terms 74.18.070 70.335 vessels
travel expenses 74.18.080 Immunity from implied warranties and civil Deconstruction of vessels
powers 74.18.090 liability in procurement, use, etc., extent sales tax exemption 82.08.9996
Self-support aid, See PUBLIC ASSISTANCE, 70.54.120 use tax exemption 82.12.9996
subtitle Aid to the blind Minors, blood donation, necessity of parental Decriminalization of certain boating safety
Service animals permission, not needed over eighteen years offenses Ch. 7.84
defined 70.84.021 of age 70.01.020 Definitions 79A.60.010
driver responsibilities and liabilities 70.84.040 Derelict vessels 43.21B.305, Ch. 79.100
killing or injuring, liability 49.60.370 BLOOD TESTS (See DRIVING UNDER
THE INFLUENCE) Emergency response caused by intoxication
license fee waiver 49.60.380 recovery of emergency response costs from
state agency employees with sensory BOARD OF EDUCATION (See STATE convicted person 38.52.430
disabilities BOARD OF EDUCATION) Environmental education for boaters,
need for service animal training 49.90.010 BOARDING AND LODGING HOUSES (See establishment 79A.60.510
unauthorized use 70.84.060 also HOTELS; TRANSIENT Environmental education for boaters, funding
State school for ACCOMMODATIONS) 79A.60.590
account 72.40.300 Lien on property of guests, See LIENS, subtitle Equipment, failure of vessel to contain safety
admittance 72.40.040, 72.40.050 Inn keepers equipment 79A.60.150
appropriations 72.40.120 Unlawful occupant conducting, service of notice
behavior management 72.40.220 Equipment standards 79A.60.110
of forcible entry and detainer actions Fire prevention education program 79A.60.610
board of trustees 59.12.040
creation of new congressional districts or Fishing boats and vessels, See FISH AND
boundaries, affect of 72.41.025 BOARDS (See also STATE DEPARTMENTS FISHING, subtitle Vessels
expenses 72.41.060 AND AGENCIES) Freshwater aquatic weeds management program
meetings 72.41.070 Compensation 43.21A.660, 43.21A.662
powers and duties 72.41.040 class five groups 43.03.265 Hire, vessels for
rules and regulations 72.41.020, 72.41.030 class four groups 43.03.250 requirements, including safety 79A.60.710
child abuse and neglect class one groups 43.03.220 Homicide by watercraft 79A.60.050
behavior management 72.40.220 class three groups 43.03.240 Hydroplane races
employees and volunteers, supervision class two groups 43.03.230 admission fee, charged by city or town,
72.40.250 Rule-making authority, quasi-judicial, policy authorized 35.21.810
residential staffing requirement 72.40.240 direction, certain regulatory or licensing cities and towns, public purpose 35.21.815
sexual victimization, protection from functions Insurance
72.40.270 class three groups 43.03.240 marine insurance policies
staff orientation and training 72.40.230 Sunset act, entities scheduled for termination Ch. used vessels, upon transfer of ownership
student instruction 72.40.260 43.131 79.100.170
employee hours of labor 72.40.110 BOATS AND BOATING (See also VESSELS vendor single-interest or collateral protection
establishment 72.40.010 AND SHIPPING) coverage, requirements 48.22.110,
student life-threatening illness, Accidents 48.22.115, 48.22.120, 48.22.125,
hospitalization, death duty to render assistance, immunity 48.22.130, 48.22.135
reports to parents 72.40.210 79A.60.200 Invasive species, See FISH AND WILDLIFE,
student safety and protection from abuse and hit and run, penalties 79A.60.200 DEPARTMENT OF, subtitle Invasive
neglect 72.40.200 investigation 79A.60.220 species
superintendent reports 79A.60.210 Jet skis, prohibited activities 79A.60.190
defined 72.41.015 Agents Licensing department authority and duties Ch.
powers and duties 72.40.022, 72.40.024 immunity for vehicle and vessel titling and 88.02
qualifications 72.40.020 registration 46.01.310 Life jackets and preservers
teachers 72.40.028 Alcohol, drugs, or marijuana, operation of boat inspection and approval 79A.60.140
terms 72.40.031 under the influence 79A.60.040 penalty for failure to carry 79A.60.160
weekend transportation 72.40.090 Alcohol, drugs, or THC, testing for, refusal to Lighthouses
Teachers of visually impaired, qualifications submit to injury to prohibited, penalty 88.08.050
28A.410.032 class 1 civil infraction and inadmissibility as Lights or signals
Vending facilities in public buildings 74.18.220 evidence 79A.60.700 tampering with prohibited, penalty 88.08.020
White cane law Aquatic invasive species, See FISH AND Lights or signals, tampering with prohibited
dog guide WILDLIFE, DEPARTMENT OF, subtitle 79A.60.120
defined 70.84.020 Invasive species Liquid petroleum gas leak warning devices
driver responsibilities and liabilities 70.84.040 Arrest without warrant 79A.60.600

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 45]


Loading or powering beyond safe operating negligent operation 79A.60.030 BODY CAVITY SEARCHES (See ARREST,
ability 79A.60.180 reckless operation 79A.60.040 subtitle Strip, body cavity searches)
Marine recreation land Water pollution, See WATER POLLUTION BOILERS AND PRESSURE VESSELS
duties of interagency committee for outdoor CONTROL Boilers
recreation Ch. 79A.25 Water skiing safety 79A.60.170 industrial, commercial, or institutional
Moorage, parks and recreation commission Watercraft excise tax imposed Ch. 82.49 assessment and reporting requirements
facilities Waterway access facilities 79A.60.510 70.94.992
abandoned vessels Waterway marking system 79A.60.500 Damages, insurance covering, See
determination of abandonment 79A.65.020 Waterways access facilities, funding 79A.60.590 INSURANCE, subtitle Casualty insurance
disposal 79A.65.030 Wharves, docks, and landings Ch. 88.24 Generally, including inspections and board of
public sale and use of proceeds 79A.65.030 Whitewater passenger vessels, See boiler rules Ch. 70.79
definitions 79A.65.010 WHITEWATER RAFTING Inspectors, access to premises 70.77.230
unauthorized vessels Miniature hobby boilers 70.79.070
delinquent charges, action to recover BODIES (See HUMAN REMAINS)
Operating without spark arresters 9.40.040
79A.65.030 BODY ART, BODY PIERCING, AND Steam, liability for negligent use 70.54.080
securing procedures, notice 79A.65.020 TATTOOING
Moorage facilities Breach of duty imposed by statute, ordinance, or BOMB THREATS (See also CRIMES,
abandoned vessels, public sale 53.08.320 rule subtitle Government property, bomb
definitions 53.08.310 negligence per se 5.40.050 threats)
insurance requirements 53.08.480 Consumer protection act, application of Hoax no defense 9.61.160
rules 53.08.320 18.300.140 Prohibited 9.61.160
vessel information requirements for long-term Definitions 18.300.010 BONA FIDE HOLDER
moorage 88.02.420 Director of licensing, authority 18.300.020 Negotiable instruments, See NEGOTIABLE
Moorage facilities, private Ch. 88.26 Disciplinary action by director of licensing, INSTRUMENTS, subtitle Holders in due
abandoned and impounded vessels 88.26.020 grounds 18.300.100 course
delinquent charges 88.26.020 Finding 18.300.005
insurance requirements 88.26.030 BONA FIDE PURCHASER (See GOOD
Mufflers or underwater exhaust systems, appeal of directors refusal to issue license,
requirements and enforcement 79A.60.130 procedure 18.300.120 BOND ISSUES (See also SECURITIES)
Oil pollution, See WATER POLLUTION experience and training requirements Airports, municipal 14.08.090, 14.08.112,
CONTROL, subtitle Oil pollution control 18.300.160 14.08.114
Operating steamboat while intoxicated, penalty expiration of licenses 18.300.060 Alternative method of issuance 39.46.150,
9.91.020 fees 18.300.050 39.46.160
Paint, antifouling, copper-based individual license and shop or business license Appropriations, financing Ch. 43.99H, Ch.
prohibiting sale for, and use on, recreational required 18.300.090 43.99I, Ch. 43.99J, Ch. 43.99K, Ch. 43.99L,
vessels Ch. 70.300 issuance requirements 18.300.040 Ch. 43.99P, Ch. 43.99Q, Ch. 43.99R, Ch.
Personal flotation devices late renewal penalties 18.300.050 43.99S, Ch. 43.99T, 43.99W.010,
inspection and approval 79A.60.140 license in good standing, requirement 43.99W.020, 43.99W.030, 43.99W.040,
penalty for failure to carry 79A.60.160 18.300.030 43.99W.050, Ch. 43.99X, Ch. 43.99Y, Ch.
Personal watercraft, prohibited activities reinstatement and duplicates 18.300.050 43.99Z
79A.60.190 Appropriations, financing, 2011-2013 and 2013-
reissuance after suspension due to
Puget Sound small boat facilities 79A.05.185 2015 biennia Ch. 43.99Y
noncompliance with support order
Records 18.300.130 Appropriations, financing, 2011-2013 biennium
owner records, disclosure by department of Ch. 43.99X
suspension due to electronic benefit card Biofuels facilities and production for aviation
licensing 88.02.430 violations 18.300.095
Recreational vessels, regulation Ch. 79A.60 housing finance commission, bond issuance
suspension due to noncompliance with and financing powers of 43.180.265
Registration support order 18.300.130
credit or debit cards, payment of fees Bond retirement accounts Ch. 43.99M
uniform regulation of business and Bridge districts, investment of savings banks in
46.01.235 professions act 18.300.150
Retail installment contracts 32.20.110
Secretary of health, authority Canada
service charge 63.14.130
Safety education rules, sterilization 70.54.340 savings associations, investment in 33.24.020
account, boating safety education certification Shop or business requirements savings banks, investment in 32.20.030
79A.60.650 authority of director of licensing 18.300.070 statewide city employees retirement system
commissions duties 79A.60.630 inspections 18.300.070 funds, investment in 41.44.100
requirements to operate motor driven boats notice to consumers 18.300.080 Capital and operating appropriations acts, 2015-
79A.60.640 shop or business license and individual license 2017 bond issue Ch. 43.99Z
Sewage pumpout or dump units required 18.300.090 Capital projects
location and installation 79A.60.530, Spread of disease, precautions against general obligation bonds Ch. 43.99G, Ch.
79A.60.540, 79A.60.550 secretary of health authority to adopt rules 43.99H, 43.99W.010, 43.99W.020,
sewage disposal initiative 79A.60.510 70.54.340 43.99W.030, 43.99W.040, 43.99W.050
Sewage pumpout or dump units, funding Sterilization requirements 70.54.340 Capitol building lands Ch. 79.24
79A.60.590 Uniform regulation of business and professions Capitol facilities, revenue bonds1969
State ship, Lady Washington designated as act 18.300.100, 18.300.150 refunding bonds1974
1.20.160 Violations general obligation, issuance, authorization
Teak surfing, platform dragging, bodysurfing appeal of revocation or suspension of license 43.83F.010
restrictions, penalty 79A.60.660 18.300.120 state finance committee, powers and duties
Vessels adrift, notification and claims complaint reporting by consumers 18.300.080 43.83F.020
79A.60.230, 79A.60.240, 79A.60.250, consumer protection act, application of Cities and towns
79A.60.260, 79A.60.270, 79A.60.280, 18.300.140 cities and towns under 20,000 35.37.040,
79A.60.290, 79A.60.300 disciplinary action by director of licensing, 35.37.090, 35.37.110, 35.37.120
Violations and penalties grounds 18.300.100 community renewals 35.81.100, 35.81.115
assault by watercraft 79A.60.060 disciplining of licensees 18.300.150 declaratory judgments 7.25.010
criminal and civil violations 79A.60.020 individual license and shop or business license definitions 7.25.005
eluding law enforcement vessel 79A.60.090 required 18.300.090 eminent domain
enforcement to supplement federal laws inspections 18.300.070 authority 8.12.390
79A.60.100 license in good standing, failing to obtain and bondholders remedy for nonpayment,
failure to stop for law enforcement officer maintain 18.300.030 limitations 8.12.450
79A.60.080 penalties 18.300.110 collection, enforcement by bond owner
hit and run 79A.60.200 suspension of license due to noncompliance 8.12.440
homicide by watercraft 79A.60.050 with support order 18.300.130 installment payment of assessments
lights or signals, tampering with prohibited uniform regulation of business and 8.12.420, 8.12.430
79A.60.120 professions act 18.300.100, 18.300.150 issuance, conditions 8.12.400

[RCW Indexpage 46] (2016 Ed.)


payment 8.12.460 sewerage systems 35.67.140, 35.67.150, industrial development program Ch. 39.84
sale, application of proceeds 8.12.410 35.67.160, 35.67.170, 35.67.180, interest
energy or water conservation program 35.67.194 coupon interest payments on registered
revenue bonds 35.92.105 sanitary fills, improvement district bonds bonds 39.44.120
facsimile signatures 35.73.070 registration 39.44.120
destruction of plates 39.44.100 statewide city employees retirement system interest payments 36.67.070
fraud by printer or engraver, penalty funds, investment in 41.44.100 investment of public funds in Ch. 43.84
39.44.101 street grades, sanitary fills, improvement juvenile detention facilities, bond issue for
sufficiency 39.44.100 district bonds 35.73.060 authorized 13.16.070
first class cities subway construction 35.85.070 maturity 39.44.070
execution by proxy Ch. 35.36 tunnel construction 35.85.070 park and recreation districts
transfer of funds 35.22.590 United States, sale of bonds to at private sale general obligation bonds, limitations
general obligation bonds Ch. 39.48 36.69.140
public utility acquisitions 35.92.080 use to finance pedestrian malls 35.71.060 public health and safety facilities 36.89.040
general obligation or revenue bonds, cities utility bonds, refunding with general refunding bonds
under 300,000, limitation on use of receipts obligation funding bonds Ch. 39.52 authority to issue 39.52.010
35.33.121 water redemption bonds Ch. 35.89 bankruptcy readjustment and relief from
housing authorities 35.82.130 waterworks, refunding with general obligation debts Ch. 39.64
certification by attorney general 35.82.160 funding bonds Ch. 39.52 "corporate authorities", defined 39.52.050
covenants and pledges of 35.82.150 world fairs or expositions, participation in indebtedness limitations not to be exceeded
form and sale 35.82.140 35.60.030 39.52.020
housing authority power in regard to Cities and towns, public facilities districts tax levy to meet payments and interest
35.82.150 authorized to acquire and operate regional 39.52.035
obligees remedies 35.82.170, 35.82.180 centers Ch. 35.57 validation of prior issues 39.52.015
improvement bonds, payment from general Cities and towns under 300,000, expenditures registered bonds, statements and signatures
revenues, procedure 35.45.065 from proposed in budget 35.33.031 39.44.102
improvement district bonds Colleges and universities registration of bonds
sanitary fills 35.73.070 bonds for buildings and facilities1957 act principal payable to payee or assignee
street grades, sanitary fills 35.73.060 definitions 28B.20.705 39.44.110
industrial development program Ch. 39.84 interest, terms, form 28B.20.715 treasurer as registration officer, designation
interest powers of regents 28B.20.710 of fiscal agent 39.44.130
coupon interest payments on registered purpose 28B.20.700 registration of bonds and interest
bonds 39.44.120 generally 28B.10.300, 28B.10.310
coupon interest payments 39.44.120
registration 39.44.120 proceeds, deposit in state higher education
construction account 28B.10.851 roads and bridges, See COUNTY ROADS
local improvement AND BRIDGES, subtitle Bond issues
lowland filling 35.55.120, 35.55.130, validation of prior bond issues 28B.10.335
Washingtons future bond issue Ch. 28B.14H savings associations, investment in 33.24.050,
35.55.140, 35.56.130, 35.56.140, 33.24.060, 33.24.070
35.56.150 Community and technical colleges
authority savings banks, authorized investment for
local improvement districts 32.20.070, 32.20.090
1974 act
refunding bonds, limitations 35.45.170 refunding sewerage, water and drainage systems,
as repayment for installment notes 35.45.155 state finance committee consent counties
local improvements, See also LOCAL 28B.50.409 general obligation, revenue, improvement
IMPROVEMENTS AND additional incidental powers 28B.50.380 district bonds 36.94.200
ASSESSMENTS, subtitle Cities and towns bonds, form, term, sale, etc. 28B.50.350 revenue and general obligation bonds
maturity 39.44.070 community and technical college bond 36.94.210
metropolitan park districts 35.61.190, retirement fund statewide city employees retirement system
35.61.200 source of funds 28B.50.370 funds, investment in 41.44.100
municipal revenue bond act Ch. 35.41 community and technical college capital storm water control facilities 36.89.040,
notices of sale projects account 36.89.100
maturity 39.44.070 creation, use, deposit of tuition 28B.50.360 rates and charges, county imposition in
nuclear, thermal, electric generating power legislature may provide additional sources annexed or incorporated areas 36.89.120,
facilities 54.44.040 28B.50.400 36.94.470
parking facilities, off-street 35.86.020 limited obligation, nature of bonds utility local improvement districts, special
parking commission 35.86A.090 28B.50.400 assessment authority 36.89.110
public mass transportation system 39.33.050 pledge to collect building fees for payment of transportation, department of, county
public utilities 35.23.525 bonds 28B.50.370 assistance 36.76.140
public utility acquisitions procedures, repayment 28B.50.330 United States, sale of bonds to at private sale
general obligation bonds 35.92.080 refunding 28B.50.390 Ch. 39.48
revenue bonds, lien against 35.92.100 repayment 28B.50.340, 28B.50.370 County park and recreation service areas
refunding bonds Washingtons future bond issue Ch. 28B.14H 36.68.480
authority to issue 39.52.010 Community and technical colleges funds, County road improvement districts, See
bankruptcy readjustment and relief from depositaries, surety bonds 28B.50.320 COUNTY ROADS AND BRIDGES,
debts Ch. 39.64 Community redevelopment financing Ch. 39.88 subtitle County road improvement districts
"corporate authorities", defined 39.52.050 Community revitalization financing Ch. 39.89 Court commissioners power to approve
indebtedness limitations not to be exceeded Corporations 2.24.040
39.52.020 savings banks, investment in 32.20.370 Debt-limit general fund bond retirement account,
tax levy to meet payments and interest Counties use of funds from 43.99W.030
39.52.035 airports 14.08.112, 14.08.114 Declaratory judgments as to validity 7.25.010
validation of prior issues 39.52.015 county hospitals 36.62.060, 36.62.070 Definitions 7.25.005
registered bonds, statements and signatures declaratory judgments 7.25.010 Depositaries, community and technical college
39.44.102 definitions 7.25.005 boards of trustees, funds of colleges
registration of bonds facsimile signatures 28B.50.320
principal payable to payee or assignee destruction of plates 39.44.100 Diking and drainage improvement districts
39.44.110 fraud by printer or engraver, penalty excess and extraordinary expenditures
treasurer as registration officer, designation 39.44.101 85.16.180
of fiscal agent 39.44.130 sufficiency 39.44.100 maintenance assessments 85.16.030
registration of bonds and interest highwaysopen spaces, issuance and Diking districts, See DIKING AND
coupon interest payments 39.44.120 submission of proposition to voters DRAINAGE, subtitle Diking districts
revenue bonds 35.41.030 36.89.040 Drainage districts, See DIKING AND
energy or water conservation programs indebtedness contracted 36.67.060 DRAINAGE, subtitle Drainage districts
35.92.105 interest payment 36.67.070 Drainage systems
public utility acquisitions 35.92.100 maturity 39.44.070 generally 85.05.078

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 47]


Drainage systems, See also DIKING AND HighwaysOpen spaces, issuance and subject and subsequent bonds equal charges
DRAINAGE submission of proposition to voters against pledged fuel tax revenues
East capitol site, 1969 36.89.040 47.10.809
refunding bonds1974 Housing finance commission Irrigation districts
general obligation, issuance authorization disposition of proceeds 43.180.170 elections 87.03.200
43.83F.010 disposition of revenues 43.180.180 generally 87.03.200
state finance committee, powers and duties legal investments 43.180.190 limitation of actions on 4.16.060
43.83F.020 not debt of state 43.180.030 Irrigation districts, See also IRRIGATION
Elections to authorize terms, issuance 43.180.150 DISTRICTS, subtitle Fiscal matters
counties Housing for state offices, departments and Issuance
canvass 39.40.030 institutions Ch. 43.82 alternative method 39.46.100
certification of result 39.40.030 I-90 completion1979 act definitions 39.46.020
existing election laws apply 39.40.020 administration and amount of bond sales issuer authorized to establish lines of credit
vote required 39.40.010 47.10.791 39.46.050
metropolitan park districts alternate use permitted issuer to determine amount, terms, conditions,
canvass 39.40.030 limitations 47.10.790 interest 39.46.040
certification of result 39.40.030 appropriation, expenditure limitation payment of costs of issuance and sale
existing election laws apply 39.40.020 47.10.799 39.46.070
vote required 39.40.010 charge against fuel tax revenues 47.10.798 purpose of chapter 39.46.010
port districts excess funds, early retirement, authorized reproduction of physical instrument 39.46.060
canvass 39.40.030 47.10.796 Jobs now act, 2012 43.99X.100, 43.99X.110,
certification of result 39.40.030 excise taxes, pledge of 47.10.793 43.99X.120, 43.99X.130, 43.99X.140,
existing election laws apply 39.40.020 general obligation, declaration 47.10.793 43.99X.150, 43.99X.160
vote required 39.40.010 issuance authorized, amount, limitations Joint operating agencies 43.52.3411
Emergency public works Ch. 39.28 47.10.790 bidding 43.52.343
Eminent domain by cities legal investment for public funds 47.10.797 negotiation or advertisement of 43.52.343
bondholders remedy for nonpayment, motor vehicle fund, priority of payment from powers as to 43.52.3411
limitations 8.12.450 47.10.794 sale by negotiation or advertisement and bid
collection, enforcement by bond owner proceeds, deposit, use 47.10.792 43.52.343
8.12.440 repayment procedure 47.10.795 Juvenile correctional institution in King county,
installment payment of assessments 8.12.420, Industrial development revenue bonds See CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS,
8.12.430 commingling with municipal funds prohibited subtitle Juvenile correctional institution in
payment 8.12.460 39.84.130 King county
sale, application of proceeds 8.12.410 community economic revitalization board Libraries and library districts 27.12.222,
Eminent domain by city or town authority 39.84.200 27.12.223
authority 8.12.390 default, procedures to be taken 39.84.160 Liens against
issuance, conditions 8.12.400 definitions 39.84.020 nonpayment or underpayment of wages by
Energy financing voter approval act department of commerce public works contractor 39.12.050
cost-effectiveness wages, nonpayment or underpayment by
responsibilities 39.84.090 public works contractor 39.12.050
priorities 80.52.080 facility revenue sufficiency requirement
definitions 80.52.030 Local government
39.84.150 alternative method of issuance 39.46.150,
election approval required
bonds 80.52.040, 80.52.050, 80.52.060, issuance requirements 39.84.100 39.46.160
80.52.070 legislative finding and declaration 39.84.010 notice of intent to sell general obligation
purpose 80.52.020 public corporations bonds 39.46.120
short title 80.52.010 audit by state 39.84.070 out-of-state issuers for projects within state
Facsimile signatures board of directors 39.46.170
destruction of plates 39.44.100 conflict of interest 39.84.050 Local government bond information
fraud by printer or engraver, penalty establishment 39.84.040 rule adoption 43.63A.155
39.44.101 creation 39.84.030 submittal to department of commerce
legal sufficiency 39.44.100 dissolution 39.84.030 publication 43.63A.155
Ferries eligibility determination by department of Local government general obligation bonds
passenger-only ferry service districts commerce 39.84.090 payment 39.46.110
public transportation benefit areas, issuance limitations 39.84.060 Local improvements
of bonds by 36.57A.226 powers 39.84.080 savings associations, investment in 33.24.080
Fire protection districts, See FIRE public corporations authorized to transfer savings banks, investment in 32.20.120
PROTECTION DISTRICTS, subtitle Fiscal unencumbered funds to creating statewide city employees retirement system
matters municipality 39.84.130 funds, investment in 41.44.100
Fiscal agents, state refunding 39.84.110 Loss or destruction of bond
appointment subleases and assignments 39.84.140 cancellation of original 39.72.020
registered bond duties 43.80.125 trust agreements 39.84.120 issuance of duplicate 39.72.010
Flood control districts, generally, See FLOOD Insurance companies, See INSURANCE, notification of fiscal officers 39.72.020
CONTROL, subtitle Districts1937 act subtitle Investments records to be kept 39.72.020
Flood hazard mitigation Ch. 43.99U Interest Maturity
General obligation bonds county road improvement district bonds county, city and town, school district, port
capital and operating appropriations acts, 36.88.140 district, metropolitan park district bonds
2011-2013 and 2013-2015 biennia Ch. revenue bonds, issuance at greater interest rate 39.44.070
43.99Y than that contained in ballot, ordinance or Metropolitan municipal corporations
jobs now act, 2012 43.99X.100, 43.99X.110, resolution, authorized 39.90.050 general obligation bonds
43.99X.120, 43.99X.130, 43.99X.140, Interstate highways, category A, category C authorized 35.58.450
43.99X.150, 43.99X.160 improvements1981 act limitation on indebtedness 35.58.450
local government bond proceeds, deposit, use 47.10.803 public mass transportation system 39.33.050
notice of intent to sell 39.46.120 excess funds, use 47.10.807 Metropolitan park districts
school construction assistance grant program general obligation statement, excise tax elections to authorize
conditions and limitations 43.99V.020 pledge 47.10.804 certification of result 39.40.030
issuance of bonds 43.99V.010 issuance authorized, amounts, limitations vote required 39.40.010
payment of principal and interest 47.10.801 facsimile signatures
43.99V.050 legal investment for public funds 47.10.808 destruction of plates 39.44.100
pledge and promise, remedies 43.99V.040 repayment funds, designation 47.10.805 fraud by printer or engraver, penalty
retirement of bonds 43.99V.030 repayment procedures, bond retirement fund 39.44.101
Highway construction bonds Ch. 47.10 47.10.806 legal sufficiency 39.44.100
Highways, See HIGHWAYS, subtitle Bond sales procedure, amounts, limitations interest, payment of 35.61.200
issues 47.10.802 maturity 39.44.070

[RCW Indexpage 48] (2016 Ed.)


registered bonds, statements and signatures Public waterway districts, See PUBLIC treasurers as registration officers, designation
39.44.102 WATERWAY DISTRICTS of fiscal agent 39.44.130
retirement 35.61.190 Puget Sound ferry and toll bridge system, See Registration of ownership, requirements
revenue bonds, issuance and sales, PUGET SOUND FERRY AND TOLL alternative method 39.46.100
authorization 35.61.115 BRIDGE SYSTEM definitions 39.46.020
United States, sale of bonds to at private sale Purchase of bridges or ferries by transportation fiscal agents 39.46.030
Ch. 39.48 department, bond issue authorized for issuer authorized to establish lines of credit
Multi-purpose community centers financing of 47.56.050 39.46.050
general obligation bonds 35.59.060 Readjustment of debts in bankruptcy, for Ch. issuer to determine amount, terms, conditions,
revenue bonds 35.59.070 39.64 interest 39.46.040
Municipal airports Refunding bond act payment of costs of issuance and sale
funding or refunding bonds 14.08.114 authorization 39.53.040 39.46.070
issuance of authorized, security 14.08.090 bonds that may be refunded 39.53.040 purpose of chapter 39.46.010
revenue bonds 14.08.112 contracts for safekeeping of proceeds registration system 39.46.030
Municipal corporations 39.53.070 reproduction of physical instrument 39.46.060
declaratory judgments 7.25.010 definitions 39.53.010 Revenue bonds
definitions 7.25.005 disposition of reserves to secure bonds to be funds for reserve purposes may be included
United States, sale of bonds to at private sale refunded 39.53.050 39.44.140
Ch. 39.48 electric power contracts, amendments to issuance at greater interest rate than rate
Municipal corporations, See also MUNICIPAL reflect savings resulting from refunding restriction, authorized 39.90.050
CORPORATIONS, subtitle Short-term 39.53.130 River and harbor improvement districts, See
obligations exchanges 39.53.030 RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT
Nonliability of treasurer for funds received by expenses of issuance 39.53.060 DISTRICTS, subtitle Fiscal matters
state fiscal agents for payment of bonds general obligation bond retirement, use of Sale of to United States at private sale Ch. 39.48
43.80.150 deposit moneys and investments in amortization 39.48.020
Notice of intent to sell general obligation bonds computing indebtedness 39.53.100 chapter optional 39.48.040
local governments 39.46.120 issuance authorized 39.53.020 "issuer", defined 39.48.030
Nuclear, thermal, electric generating power issuance of bonds in combination 39.53.110 Savings associations investing in, See SAVINGS
facilities, joint development 54.44.040 issuance of bonds to be in accordance with ASSOCIATIONS, subtitle Investments
Outdoor recreational facilities bond issue, See applicable laws 39.53.120 Schools and school districts
PARKS AND RECREATION, subtitle issuance to refund general obligation or credit enhancement program Ch. 39.98
Outdoor recreational facilities bond issue revenue bonds 39.53.140 facilities, generally Ch. 28A.525
Out-of-state issuers maturities of bonds issued to refund voted school construction assistance grant program
issuance of bonds for projects within state general obligation bonds 39.53.090 conditions and limitations 43.99V.020
39.46.170 ordinances, contents 39.53.040 issuance of bonds 43.99V.010
Park and recreation districts payment of bonds, pledge 39.53.070 payment of principal and interest
general obligation bonds, limitations principal amount 39.53.050 43.99V.050
36.69.140 proceeds of sale 39.53.060, 39.53.070 pledge and promise, remedies 43.99V.040
revenue bonds, See PARK AND purposes 39.53.020 retirement of bonds 43.99V.030
RECREATION DISTRICTS, subtitle redemption times 39.53.040 skill centers Ch. 28A.527
Revenue bonds revenues for payment, pledge 39.53.080 Sewer districts, See WATER-SEWER
Payment on bonds when no state fiscal agent is sale, manner 39.53.030 DISTRICTS, subtitle Bond issues
designated 43.80.120 special assessments Sewerage, water and drainage systems, counties
not subject to refunding 39.53.045 general obligation, revenue, improvement
Port districts district bonds 36.94.200
facsimile signatures trustee
revenue and general obligation bonds
destruction of plates 39.44.100 appointment 39.53.070 36.94.210
fraud by printer or engraver, penalty Refunding bonds Special assessments
39.44.101 cities and towns Ch. 39.52 refunding, not subject to 39.53.045
legal sufficiency 39.44.100 counties Ch. 39.52 Stadium and exhibition center bond issue Ch.
industrial development program Ch. 39.84 Refunding bonds1974 43.99N
interest capitol facilities, revenue bonds1969 State
registered bonds 39.44.120 general obligation 43.83F.040 bonds, notes and other evidences of
registration 39.44.120 legal investment for public funds 43.83F.060 indebtedness, See STATE
maturity 39.44.070 payment of principal and interest, additional facsimile signatures
registered bonds, statements and signatures methods authorized 43.83F.050 destruction of plates 39.44.100
39.44.102 proceeds, use of, investment limitations fraud by printer or engraver, penalty
registration of bonds 43.83F.030 39.44.101
county treasurer as registration officer, state building refunding bond redemption legal sufficiency 39.44.100
designation of fiscal agent 39.44.130 fund, payment procedure 43.83F.040 highway, See HIGHWAYS, subtitle Bond
principal payable to payee or assignee state finance committee, powers and duties issues
39.44.110 43.83F.020 housing for state offices, departments and
registration of bonds and interest east capitol site-1969 institutions Ch. 43.82
coupon interest payments 39.44.120 general obligation 43.83F.040 institutions, See STATE INSTITUTIONS,
registration of interest 39.44.120 east capitol site1969 subtitle Bond issues
toll facilities, See PORT DISTRICTS, subtitle legal investment for public funds 43.83F.060 investment of public funds in state bonds Ch.
Toll facilities payment of principal and interest, additional 43.84
training, education, and improvement funding methods authorized 43.83F.050 registered bonds, statements and signatures
39.84.170 proceeds, use of, investment limitations 39.44.102
United States, sale of bonds to at private sale 43.83F.030 statewide city employees retirement system
Ch. 39.48 east capitol site-1969 funds, investment in 41.44.100
Public facilities districts 36.100.200, 36.100.205 state building refunding bond redemption State and local government bond information
Public hospital districts 70.44.060, 70.44.110, fund, payment procedure 43.83F.040 annual report to department of commerce
70.44.130 east capitol site1969 39.44.210
Public mass transportation system, general state finance committee, powers and duties definitions 39.44.200
revenue and general obligation bonds, 43.83F.020 submittal to department of commerce
authorized 39.33.050 Registered bonds contents 39.44.210, 39.44.230
Public utility districts appointment of state fiscal agents 43.80.125 validity of bonds not affected by failure to file
nuclear, thermal, electric generating power Registration 39.44.240
facilities 54.44.040 coupon interest payments 39.44.120 State capitol
Public utility districts, See also PUBLIC principal payable to payee or assignee housing for state offices, departments and
UTILITY DISTRICTS, subtitle Fiscal 39.44.110 institutions Ch. 43.82
matters statements and signatures 39.44.102 State fiscal agent, See FISCAL AGENTS

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 49]


State toll bridges 47.56.140 court commissioners, temporary injunctions amounts 36.16.050
Tax levies for and restraining orders 2.24.040 filing 36.16.060
county refunding bonds 39.52.035 Attachment 6.25.080, 6.25.100, 6.25.280 County road engineer 36.80.020
Taxing district relief act Ch. 39.64 redeliver bonds 6.25.190 County roads and bridges
Taxing districts, declaratory judgments 7.25.010 sureties 6.25.080, 6.25.090 contractors bond required 36.77.040
Toll bridges, See also BRIDGES, subtitle State Attorney general 43.10.010, 43.10.020 service districts 36.83.030, 36.83.040,
toll bridges Auto transportation companies 81.68.060, 36.83.050, 36.83.060, 36.83.070
Toll facilities, bond issues authorized for, 81.68.065 County sheriff 36.28.030
generally 47.56.070 Bail County treasurer
Toll roads, See HIGHWAYS, subtitle Toll roads bail bond agents Ch. 18.185 amount 36.16.050
Toll tunnels, See TUNNELS, subtitle Toll forfeiture depositaries, effect 36.48.050
tunnels action by prosecuting attorney 10.19.110 filing 36.16.060
Transportation, department of judgment against principal and sureties, Declaratory judgments, test of validity 7.25.010
construction, commission powers and duties execution 10.19.090, 10.19.105 Diking or drainage districts, commissioners
relating to Ch. 47.10 stay of execution of forfeiture judgment, 85.07.060
county assistance 36.76.140 bond 10.19.100 Economic development finance authority
highway construction bonds Ch. 47.10 vacation of forfeiture judgment if person nonrecourse revenue bonds
Transportation, See HIGHWAYS; produced 10.19.105 bond issuance and repayment, chapter
TRANSPORTATION ne exeat 7.44.030 constitutes alternative method 43.163.190
Transportation projects in urban areas, See sureties economic development activities 43.163.210
TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT liability 10.19.150 financing documents 43.163.150
BOARD, subtitle Bond issues return of bond 10.19.140 issuance, terms, and conditions 43.163.130
United States surrender of person under bond 10.19.160 legal investment, bonds constitute
sale to at private sale Ch. 39.48 Cities and towns 43.163.180
statewide city employees retirement system city manager 35.18.050 manufacturing or processing activities
funds, investment in 41.44.100 city treasurer, effect of depositary designation 43.163.210
35.38.050 moneys received are trust funds 43.163.160
Urban arterial, county and city arterials commission form government 35.17.100 new product development 43.163.210
authorization, amounts 47.26.420 public depositaries 35.38.040 obligations of authority only, not of state
bond proceeds, deposit, use 47.26.423 security to city or town 42.08.010 43.163.140
general obligation statement, pledge of excise town officers 35.27.120 owners and trustees, enforcement of rights
taxes 47.26.424 Cities and towns, public facilities districts 43.163.170
repayment of authorized to acquire and operate regional payment of principal and interest only from
procedure 47.26.426 centers Ch. 35.57 special authority repayment fund
sales, legal investment for public funds Cities and towns, See also BOND ISSUES, 43.163.140
47.26.422 subtitle Cities and towns Energy efficiency services, improvements, and
series II, 1979 reenactment Civil action projects
priority of charge against fuel tax revenue court may fix amount 4.44.470 state bond authorities, involvement in
47.26.4255 money in lieu of 4.44.470 financing energy efficiency projects
repayment sources, priority 47.26.4252 Clerk 43.330.360
series III county 36.23.020 Examiner of titles 65.12.090
repayment 47.26.4254 municipal court 35.20.210 Executions
terms, conditions 47.26.421 Community facilities districts adverse claims 6.19.030, 6.19.040, 6.19.050,
Urban transportation projects, See bonds to be sole obligation of district 6.19.060
TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT 36.145.130 Executors and administrators
BOARD, subtitle Bond issues payment of bonds, related costs 36.145.120 nonresidents 11.36.010
Validation Conservation bonds may serve as, bond, service of papers,
bonds authorized prior to April 3, 1982 public utility conservation interests appointment of 11.36.010
39.44.900 costs as bondable conservation investments release of surety from bond, notice to
refunding bonds of counties and cities and 80.28.309 principal, effect 19.72.110, 19.72.130
towns 39.52.015 public utility conservation investments special administrator 11.32.020
Water-sewer districts Ch. 57.20 80.28.306 suit on bond of former executor or
BONDS (See also BOND ISSUES; Contractors administrator 11.48.120
SECURITIES; SURETIES) county public works contracts, contractors Exemptions from execution, personal exemption
Absconding debtors, See BONDS, subtitle Ne bond 36.32.250 claimant to list 6.15.060
exeat county road and bridge construction 36.77.040 Facsimile signature, See BONDS, subtitle
Actions on highway construction 47.28.100, 47.28.110 Uniform facsimile signature of public
irrigation districts 87.03.435 officials act
attachment proceedings 6.25.100 port districts 53.08.140 Ferries, privately owned, licensees bond
forcible entry and detainer 59.12.090, public works 36.53.050
59.12.100, 59.12.110 nonpayment or underpayment of wages Fidelity
former personal representative 11.48.120 constitutes lien against 39.12.050 savings association officers and employees
injunctions 7.40.080, 7.40.090 public works, See also BONDS, subtitle 33.16.130
limitation of action on, tolling by part payment Public works contractor savings bank officers and employees
4.16.270 surety requirements 18.27.040 32.16.120
official bonds 42.08.020, 42.08.030, Copies of record as evidence 5.44.060 Fiduciaries, premiums as lawful expense
42.08.040, 42.08.080 Costs, security for 4.84.210 48.28.020
partition proceedings 7.52.460 actions against state 4.92.080 Flood control district officers 86.09.304,
probate, suit on bond of former personal judgment on 4.84.240 86.09.307
representative 11.48.120 in lieu of separate security for costs 4.84.220 Forcible entry or detainer actions 59.12.090,
several actions where joinder possible, private ditches and drains, proceedings 59.12.100, 59.12.110
recovery of costs limited 4.84.050 85.28.030 Gambling, validity of bond as evidence of
Adjutant general 38.12.010 standing bond for numerous actions 4.84.220 gambling debt 4.24.090
Administrators and executors, See BONDS, Counties, See BOND ISSUES, subtitle Counties Geothermal resources, operators, performance
subtitle Executors and administrators County bond or other security 78.60.130
Adverse claims to property levied on 6.19.030, approval 42.08.100 termination, when 78.60.140
6.19.040, 6.19.050, 6.19.060 filing 42.08.100 Guardianship, See GUARDIAN AND WARD,
Aircraft dealers licensing 14.20.070 insufficient bond, procedure 42.08.110, subtitle Bonds
Appeal bonds 42.08.120 Health care service contractors, surety bonds
actions against state 4.92.030 security to county 42.08.010 48.44.030
criminal cases 10.73.040 County clerk 36.23.020 High capacity transportation systems
small claims action Ch. 12.36 County commissioners 36.32.060 bond retirement, pledge of revenues for
Approval of County officials 81.104.180

[RCW Indexpage 50] (2016 Ed.)


Higher education facilities authority, See judgment for one delinquency no bar liability of sureties, amounts 42.08.170
HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES 42.08.040 limited to amount of bond 42.08.050
AUTHORITY leave of court required, when 42.08.030 registrars of title, ascertainment of 65.12.055
Higher education institutions, investment by person not named on bond, procedure release from bond by surety, notice and filing
authority of, generally 28B.10.928 42.08.030 of new bond 19.72.110
Highway construction contractors 47.28.090, who may maintain 42.08.020, 42.08.080 satisfaction or release, county auditor, duty of
47.28.100, 47.28.110 additional bonds 65.04.060
Indemnifying, sheriff, demand for 36.28.050 failure to give vacates office 42.08.120 second class cities 35.23.081
Industrial development revenue bonds, See force and effect of 42.08.140 secretary of state 43.07.010
COMMUNITY ECONOMIC procedure for requiring 42.08.120 security to
REVITALIZATION BOARD, subtitle when required 42.08.110 city or town 42.08.010
Industrial development revenue bonds adjutant general 38.12.010 county 42.08.010
Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL approval municipal corporation 42.08.010
INSURANCE, subtitle Bonds county officers bonds 42.08.100 public corporation 42.08.010
Injunctions county superintendent of schools bond state 42.08.010, 42.08.060
contempt for disobedience of injunction 42.08.100 sheriffs, new or additional 36.28.030
7.40.170 defective, effect 42.08.090 state auditor 43.09.010
damages and costs 7.40.080, 7.40.090 state officers bonds 42.08.100 state officers
effect 7.40.130 township officers bonds 42.08.100 approval 42.08.100
public construction contracts 7.40.085 attorney general 43.10.010, 43.10.020 filing 42.08.100
moral nuisances cities and towns, security to city or town insufficient bond, procedure 42.08.130
release of property to innocent owner 42.08.010 security to state 42.08.010
7.48.068 cities and towns with council-manager plan, state officers and employees
prevention of waste on public land 64.12.050 city manager 35.18.050 liability for nonremittance of moneys to state
public construction contracts 7.40.085 city treasurer, effect of depositary designation treasury 43.01.070
Insurance commissioner 48.02.030 35.38.050 official bond required of 43.17.100
Insurance commissioners deputy 48.02.090 clerk of the district court 3.34.090 state treasurer
Insurance companies commission form of government 35.17.100 amount, filing 43.08.020
organization of insurers 48.06.110 coroners 36.16.050, 36.16.060 liability upon for acts of assistant and
Irrigation districts county deputies 43.08.120
contractors 87.03.435 approval 42.08.100 willful refusal to pay warrants, exception,
Issues, public, See BOND ISSUES filing 42.08.100 recovery 43.08.130
Judicial, premiums as part of recoverable cost insufficient bond, procedure 42.08.110, sureties
48.28.030 42.08.120 death or removal, procedure 42.08.110
Levy on personal property 6.17.190 security to county 42.08.010 insolvency, procedure 42.08.110
joint property 6.17.180 county clerk 36.23.020 insufficient, procedure 42.08.110
partnership property 6.17.180 county commissioners 36.32.060 justification 42.08.160
Library capital facility areas, organization, county officers liability 42.08.170
operation, and duties Ch. 27.15 amounts 36.16.050 number required 42.08.150
Limitation of action, tolling by part payment filing 36.16.060 qualifications 42.08.160
4.16.270 county road engineer 36.80.020 recovery limited to amount of bond
Local economic development financing and amount 36.16.050 42.08.050
financing authorities Ch. 39.110 filing 36.16.060 surety insurance for
county treasurer, depositaries, effect generally Ch. 48.28
Local government bond information 36.48.050 payment of premium 48.28.040
rule adoption 43.63A.155 defective, validation proceedings 42.08.090 town officers 35.27.120
submittal to department of commerce deputy insurance commissioner 48.02.090 vacation of public office for failure to file or
publication 43.63A.155 district court commissioner 3.34.090 late filing of bond 42.12.010
Local governments district court personnel 3.34.090 Partition proceedings, guardian or limited
investment, authorized types of, generally Ch. district judge, district judge pro tempore guardian of incompetent person or person
39.59 3.34.090 with disability 7.52.460
Local improvement districts effect 42.08.070 Partners, probate 11.64.016
cities and towns, procedure for cancellation of examiner of titles 65.12.090 Payment agreements
nonguaranteed bonds Ch. 35.47 filing state and local government authority to enter
sale of 35.45.040 county officers bonds 36.16.060, 42.08.100 into
Metropolitan park districts, See also BOND county superintendent of schools bond authority cumulative 39.96.080
ISSUES, subtitle Counties 36.16.060, 42.08.100 calculations regarding payment of
Militia officers 38.12.010 defective, effect 42.08.090 obligations 39.96.060
Mobile home or travel trailer manufacturers state officers bonds 42.08.100 credit enhancement or similar agreements,
46.70.075 township officers bonds 42.08.100 authority to make in connection with
Motor freight carriers 81.80.250 flood control district officers 86.09.307 payment agreement 39.96.050
Motor vehicle financial responsibility law, bond form 42.08.060 definitions 39.96.020
as proof of financial responsibility, See insufficient bond findings 39.96.010
MOTOR VEHICLES, subtitle Financial state officers, procedure 42.08.130 payment sources 39.96.050
responsibility law insufficient bonds status of payments 39.96.060
Motor vehicle wreckers 46.80.070, 46.80.100 county officers, procedure 42.08.110, terms and conditions of agreements
Municipal court 42.08.120 39.96.040
clerks 35.20.210 township officers, procedure 42.08.120, state and local governments authority to enter
judges 35.20.180 42.08.130 into
traffic violations bureau, director 35.20.131 insurance commissioner 48.02.030 authorization and conditions for entry into
Ne exeat judgment no bar to another action 42.08.040 agreement 39.96.030
bail bonds 7.44.030 legal effect 42.08.070 Personal representatives
damages and costs, covering 7.44.021 militia officers 38.12.010 nonresidents 11.36.010
Nonrecourse revenue bonds municipal courts suit on bond of former personal representative
local economic development financing and chief clerk 35.20.210 11.48.120
financing authorities Ch. 39.110 clerks 35.20.210 Port district contractors 53.08.140
Nuisances judges 35.20.180 Private activity bond allocation
stay of warrant of abatement 7.48.040, traffic violations bureau director 35.20.131 allocation criteria 39.86.130
7.48.270 municipal judges 3.50.097 allocation of state ceiling, procedure for
voluntary abatement of prostitution, payable to state 42.08.060 obtaining 39.86.140
assignation or lewdness 7.48.110 receiver, city and town disincorporation alternative allocation system, executive orders
Official 35.07.120 39.86.160
actions upon recovery code amendments 39.86.180

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 51]


definitions 39.86.110 submittal to department of commerce absentees estates 11.80.020

fees 39.86.170 contents 39.44.210, 39.44.230 release of surety from bond, procedure
initial allocation of state ceiling 39.86.120 validity of bonds not affected by failure to file 19.72.110
legislative findings and policy 39.86.100 39.44.240 Uniform facsimile signature of public officials
reallocation, carryforwards 39.86.150 State auditor 43.09.010 act
reports 39.86.190 State not required to furnish in any action construction 39.62.900
state bond ceiling allocation formula 4.92.080 definitions 39.62.010
39.86.155 State officers 42.08.010, 42.08.100, 42.08.130 execution of with facsimile signature,
Private ferry owners 36.53.050 State officers and employees limitation 39.62.020
Private nonprofit higher education, See HIGHER duties of director of enterprise services filing signature with secretary of state
Probate State treasurer 43.08.020, 43.08.120 fraudulent use, penalty 39.62.040
partnership interests of decedent Steam electric generating plants 43.21A.620, seal of state, agencies, counties, cities, towns,
bond required of surviving partner, when 43.21A.622, 43.21A.624, 43.21A.626, municipal corporations, etc., use of printed,
11.64.016 43.21A.628, 43.21A.630, 43.21A.632, etc. 39.62.030
failure to furnish bond 11.64.022 43.21A.634, 43.21A.636, 43.21A.638, state seal 39.62.030
personal representative, See BONDS, subtitle 43.21A.640 United States, disposal by county 36.33.190
Personal representatives Superior court, rules of court concerning United States savings
reduction of 11.28.185 clerk 36.23.020 beneficiarys survival of registered owner,
special administrator 11.32.020 Supplemental proceedings 6.32.010 effect 11.04.240
suit on bond of former personal representative injunction modification or vacation 6.32.120 co-owner, effect of death 11.04.230
11.48.120 Surety Unlawful detainer, writ of restitution 59.12.090
when not required 11.28.185 auto transportation companies 81.68.060, Unlawful entry or detainer actions 59.12.090,
Public transportation benefit area treasurer 81.68.065 59.12.100, 59.12.110
36.57A.130 business opportunity sales or lease 19.110.100 Vehicle dealers 46.70.070
Public utility conservation investments collection agencies 19.16.190 Veterans guardianship, bond of guardian
conservation bonds 80.28.306 commercial fund raisers 19.09.191 73.36.090
costs as bondable conservation investments contractors, See BONDS, subtitle
80.28.309 Contractors; BONDS, subtitle Public BONE MARROW (See ANATOMICAL
Public waterway districts Ch. 91.08 works contractor GIFTS)
Public works contractor credit permits for vehicular passage on toll BONFIRES (See FIRES)
amount 39.08.030 facilities, surety bond for 47.56.248 BOOKMAKING (See also GAMBLING)
conditions 39.08.010, 39.08.030 credit services organizations 19.134.030 Defined 9.46.0213
filing 39.08.010 employment agencies 19.31.090 Places of, public nuisance, penalty 9.66.010
liability for public officer failing to take bond establishments closed for liquor violations,
39.08.015 reopening 66.36.010 BOOKS (See also RECORDS AND
notices, condition to actions on 39.08.030, farm labor contractors 19.30.030, 19.30.040 DOCUMENTS)
39.08.065 first class district superintendents Counties, books of superior court clerk 36.23.030
Rail districts 36.60.040 28A.330.060 County auditors duty to keep 65.04.020
general obligation bonds 36.60.050 governmental construction projects, no Creditors, accounts and books, removing or
revenue bonds security required for building permit disposing of to defraud creditors 9.45.080
limitations, terms 36.60.060 issuance 36.32.590 Erotic material, distribution to minors, penalty
Receivers health studios 19.142.060, 19.142.070, 9.68.050, 9.68.060, 9.68.070, 9.68.080,
release of surety from bond, procedure 19.142.080 9.68.090, 9.68.100, 9.68.110, 9.68.120
19.72.110 highway construction contracts for 47.28.100, Information or indictment against 10.37.130
Reclamation districts of one million acres or 47.28.110 Libraries
more Ch. 89.30 for hire vehicle operators permit, for obsolete and surplus, disposal procedure
Rent default, forty dollars or less 46.72.040 39.33.070
bond to recall writ of restitution 59.08.070 inapplicability to personal vehicles under Minors, erotic material, distribution to minors,
indemnity bond by plaintiff not required Ch. 48.177 RCW 46.72.039 penalty 9.68.050, 9.68.060, 9.68.070,
59.08.100 industrial insurance self-insurers 51.14.020 9.68.080, 9.68.090, 9.68.100, 9.68.110,
Replevin, claim of immediate delivery insurance companies, organization of insurers 9.68.120
redelivery bond of defendant 7.64.050 48.06.110 Obscene materials, injunctions against 7.42.010,
Risk management mobile home or travel trailer manufacturers 7.42.020, 7.42.030, 7.42.040, 7.42.050,
receiving and enforcing of bonds by director licenses, applicant to file bond 46.70.075 7.42.060, 7.42.070
of enterprise services through office of risk mortgage brokers 19.146.205 Purchase by public agencies, method for
management 43.19.775 motor freight carriers to protect shippers and payment of 42.24.035
River and harbor improvement districts consignees 81.80.250 Schools
88.32.140, 88.32.160 port district contractors, when unnecessary obsolete and surplus reading materials,
Savings association officers and employees 53.08.140 disposal procedure 39.33.070
33.16.130 private ferry owners 36.53.050 surplus, disposal 28A.335.180
Savings bank officers and employees 32.16.120 property confiscated upon highway right of Unlawfully retaining library books 27.12.340
Schools and school districts way, affidavit to reclaim accompanied by BOOMS AND BOOMING
credit enhancement program to pledge credit bond 47.32.080, 47.32.090 Brands and marks, See FORESTS AND
of state to payment of district bonds, public depositary, when bond not required FOREST PRODUCTS, subtitle Brands and
purpose and procedures Ch. 39.98 39.58.090 marks
funding assistance for common school plant reciprocal insurance company, attorneys for Fires, kindling by persons driving logs 4.24.050
facilities aid 28A.525.162 48.10.140, 48.10.150, 48.10.160 Piling, liens for labor performed on 60.24.020
local funds for common school plant facilities suretyship, general requirements Ch. 19.72 Public shooting grounds, use 77.12.540
not needed for changes for barrier-free vehicle dealers licenses 46.70.070
Tow boats, liens for services 60.24.020
access 28A.525.162 veterans guardianship 73.36.090
Secretary of state 43.07.010 Temporary injunctions and restraining orders, BORDER AREAS
Security for costs 4.84.210 court commissioners power to approve Alcoholic beverages
actions against state 4.92.080 2.24.040 licenses for nonprofit corporations near
judgment on 4.84.240 Theatrical enterprises Canadian border, conditions 66.12.110
in lieu of separate security for costs 4.84.220 wages Border county higher education opportunity
standing bond for numerous actions 4.84.220 cash deposit or bond required 49.38.020, project 28B.15.0139
Sewerage systems 35.67.065 49.38.030 Funds, distribution 43.63A.190
Sheriffs 36.28.030 action against 49.38.040 Liquor revolving fund disbursements 66.08.195,
State, See STATE attorneys fees for prevailing party 66.08.196, 66.08.198
State and local government bond information 49.38.050 Tax on motor vehicle and special fuel Ch. 82.47
annual report to department of commerce violations, gross misdemeanor 49.38.060 Trucks, truck tractors
39.44.210 Trustees size, weight, and load limits 46.44.041

[RCW Indexpage 52] (2016 Ed.)


BORROWING (See LOANS) Surveyor, definition 58.04.003 Definitions 36.93.020

BOTTLED WATER (See also WATER Surveys and maps Disbanding or board 36.93.230
QUALITY, subtitle Bottled water) natural resources department named official Dissolution of enumerated special districts
Definitions 69.07.170 agency responsible for Ch. 58.24 subject to review by board 53.48.001
Labeling standards Surveys concerning, See SURVEYS AND Elections 36.93.030
exemptions 69.07.190 SURVEYORS Expenditures 36.93.080
requirements 69.07.180 Washington-Oregon boundary, See also Fee for review 36.93.120
BOTTLES (See BEVERAGE Water-sewer districts copy of rules and regulations with clerk of
CONTAINERS; RECYCLING; WASTE annexation of territory Ch. 57.24 court 36.93.210
REDUCTION, RECYCLING, AND dissolution when boundaries identical with establishment or change in boundaries of a
MODEL LITTER CONTROL ACT) municipality 57.04.110 water and sewer system or separate sewer
BOULEVARDS AND LANES (See also formation 57.04.030 or water system 36.93.090
HIGHWAYS; STREETS AND ALLEYS) withdrawal of territory Ch. 57.28 filing notice with of proposed action of city or
Cities and towns, authority for local BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARDS town for creation, dissolution,
improvement 35.43.040 Agricultural land protection incorporation, disincorporation,
Metropolitan park districts, regulation of consolidation, or change in boundary
additional payment, reasonable requirement 36.93.090
35.61.130 36.93.180
Fire protection districts
BOUNDARIES Annexation district actions subject to board review
Boundary review boards, See BOUNDARY provision of prior laws superseded by chapter 52.02.001, 52.04.001, 52.06.001,
REVIEW BOARDS 36.93 RCW, where applicable 36.93.220 52.08.001, 52.10.001
Cities and towns simultaneous consideration of incorporation merger of part of district with another district,
incorporation, establishment of boundaries and annexation 36.93.116 duties 52.06.090
35.02.070 Appeals from board 36.93.160 mergers subject to board review 52.06.010
incorporation proceedings Boards Flood control zone districts
use of right of way lines of streets, roads, chief clerk district actions subject to board review
highways 35.02.170 powers and duties 36.93.070 86.15.001
use of streets, roads, highways right of way compensation 36.93.070 Hearings 36.93.160
lines 35.02.170 county with population of one million or more Incorporation proceedings
right of way line permitted to be substituted members, appointment, terms and exempt from State Environmental Policy Act
for any portion of street right of way qualifications 36.93.051 36.93.170
35.21.790 hearings 36.93.070 Incorporation proposals
uncertain, towns 35.27.030 meetings 36.93.070 cities of seven thousand five hundred or more
Civil suits to establish lost or uncertain members, appointment population
apportionment of costs, liens on land effect of failure to make 36.93.067 restrictions on authority to modify 36.93.150
58.04.040 members, appointment procedure 36.93.063 Irrigation districts
notice of lis pendens, filing 58.04.040 members, commencement of terms 36.93.063 district actions subject to board review
Counties officers 36.93.070 87.03.001, 87.52.001, 87.53.001,
actions to establish, generally Ch. 36.05 other counties 87.56.001
joint surveys to establish 36.04.400 members, appointment, terms, and Irrigation districts, application of chapter to
legal descriptions, enumeration Ch. 36.04 qualifications 36.93.061 merged districts 36.93.800
park and recreation districts 36.69.050 powers and duties 36.93.070 Legal counsel 36.93.070
right of way line permitted to be substituted vacancies in office 36.93.063 Limitation on effect of decision of board on
for any portion of street right of way Cities and towns existing franchises, permits, codes,
35.21.790 annexation approval does not authorize other ordinances 36.93.190
roads and county bridges, See COUNTY annexation action 36.93.155 Metropolitan park districts
ROADS AND BRIDGES, subtitle annexation subject to board review 35.13.001 district actions subject to board review
Boundary crossings city actions not subject to board review 35.61.001
Educational service districts, creation and 36.93.105 Notice of
changes to 28A.310.020 city actions subject to board review 35.10.001, intended action, contents of 36.93.130
Lost or uncertain, establishment 58.04.001, 35.43.035, 35.67.022, 35.91.025, Objectives of board 36.93.180
58.04.007, 58.04.011, 58.04.020 35.92.027 water-sewer district annexations not deemed a
Monuments disincorporation subject to board review violation of 36.93.185
permanent control monuments, platting, 35.07.001 Optional municipal code cities
subdivision and dedication of land exclusion of area from boundaries Ch. 35.16 city action subject to board review
58.17.240 incorporation subject to board review 35A.03.001, 35A.05.001, 35A.14.001
Platting, subdivision and dedication of land, 35.02.001 city actions subject to board review
permanent control monuments, reduction of city limits Ch. 35.16 35A.15.001, 35A.16.001
establishment 58.17.240 Cooperation of counties, cities, state or regional Pending actions not affected 36.93.140
Port districts, revision 53.16.020, 53.16.030 planning agency, shall be furnished Permanent register of rules to be kept by clerk of
commissioner districts 36.93.070 court 36.93.210
redrawing district boundaries 53.16.015 Costs Practice and procedure, rules and regulations
Real property remission by state to local boards 36.93.080 governing 36.93.200
lost or uncertain boundaries Counties Public utility districts
action to establish 58.04.020 decisions to be consistent with growth district actions subject to board review
alternative procedures to fix 58.04.001 management act 36.93.157 54.08.001, 54.32.001
apportionment of costs to establish Creation district provision of water beyond its
58.04.040 county with population of two hundred ten boundaries subject to review 54.16.035
commission to survey and report to court thousand or more 36.93.030 Purpose 36.93.010
58.04.030 other counties Review, when review by board not necessary
costs of action to establish 58.04.040 date deemed established 36.93.040 36.93.110
court order establishing 58.04.020 election 36.93.030 Review of proposed action
dispute over location of point or line, petition 36.93.030 actions and determinations of board,
resolution procedures 58.04.007 procedure 36.93.030 disapproval, effect 36.93.150
mediation to resolve 58.04.020 resolution of county commissioners factors to be considered by board 36.93.170
proceedings to establish 58.04.040 36.93.030 fee for 36.93.120
surveyors authorization to enter land or Decision board incorporation of territory in county with
waters to resolve dispute 58.04.011 effect on existing franchises, permits, codes, boundary review board 36.93.153
Streams as, county power to bridge 36.75.160 ordinances, limitation on 36.93.190 jurisdiction of board 36.93.150
Survey monuments Decision of board 36.93.160 modified proposal
disturbing monument, penalty and liability for growth management act, to be consistent with restrictions on authority to make
cost of reestablishment 58.04.015 36.93.157 modifications 36.93.150

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 53]


procedure 36.93.100 containers with owners name or trademark authority to construct toll bridges 53.34.010
Rules and regulations, practice and procedure unlawful use prohibited, seizure authorized Public, trespass to repair, damages 64.12.040
36.93.200 15.36.281 Public lands, bridges or trestles across, See
Sewer districts, See WATER-SEWER Pesticides, devices, or spray adjuvants PUBLIC LANDS, subtitle Bridges or trestles
DISTRICTS misbranded 15.58.130 Public waterway districts, costs of bridging
Special purpose districts Pesticides and devices 91.08.110
annexation approval does not authorize other unlawful practices 15.58.150 Railroads, authority to construct over navigable
annexation action 36.93.155 Poultry identification Ch. 16.57 streams 81.36.100
Subpoenas, authority to issue 36.93.160 Trademarks, registration Ch. 19.77 Repair or replacement
Water districts, See WATER-SEWER BRANDY (See ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES) structurally deficient bridges, emergency
DISTRICTS work on 39.04.400, 47.28.170
Water-sewer districts BRASS KNUCKLES SEPA categorical exemption, requirements
annexation of territory Ch. 57.24 Use or possession of prohibited 9.41.250 43.21C.470
consolidation Ch. 57.32 BRASSICA SEED PRODUCTION (See SEPA exemption, requirements 43.21C.480
disincorporation of special districts in counties SEEDS) River and waterway access, public
with population of two hundred ten design and construction requirements and
thousand or more Ch. 57.90 BREACH OF CONTRACT (See feasibility report 47.01.500
merger of districts Ch. 57.36 CONTRACTS) Rural arterial program 36.79.010, 36.79.020,
provision of service beyond district BREAKING AND ENTERING (See also 36.79.050, 36.79.060, 36.79.090, 36.79.120
boundaries subject to review by board BURGLARY) Satisfaction of claim upon closing accounts
57.08.047 Arrest, breaking and entering to make authorized 47.56.243
withdrawal of territory Ch. 57.28 10.31.040 State toll bridges
BOWLING (See also ATHLETICS AND BREAST SURGERY (See HEALTH approval of tolls 47.56.031
SPORTS) SERVICES, subtitle Mastectomy) Columbia river crossing project 47.56.890,
Licenses 47.56.892, 47.56.894
BREATH TESTS (See DRIVING UNDER construction and financing procedure
generally 67.14.050, 67.14.060 THE INFLUENCE)
rural areas 67.12.110 bond issue authorized
Sweepstakes BREEDERS AND BREEDING bondholders right to compel performance,
authority 9.46.0345 Horses, racing 67.16.070 other remedies available 47.56.210
disposition of proceeds from sale of bonds
Armed forces shipboard population use for expenses 47.56.200
BRANDS AND MARKS (See also LABELS) determination, revenue allocation 43.62.030
Beverage containers form and conditions 47.56.130, 47.56.140
filing of name and marks 19.76.100 BRIBERY AND GRAFTING interim bonds authorized 47.56.140
Commercial feed Baseball games 67.04.010, 67.04.020, 67.04.030, proximity of other service limitation to
misbranded feed 15.53.9022 67.04.040 secure bonds 47.56.220
Counterfeiting 9.16.030 Labor practices, generally 49.44.020, 49.44.030 contributions to project by city, county or
forestry 76.36.120 School officials, by, penalty 28A.635.050 political subdivision authorized 47.56.250
Crimes relating to Self-incriminating evidence compulsory department of transportation
affixed, when deemed 9.16.050 9.18.080 directed to construct bridge and acquire
coin silver, use of words 9.16.110, 9.16.130 Witnesses rights of way 47.56.090
counterfeiting 9.16.030 self-incrimination, bribery, witness not resolution of necessity for acquisition of
forest products and equipment brands and excused on ground of self-incrimination rights of way to be passed, effect
marks, See FORESTS AND FOREST 9.18.080 47.56.110
PRODUCTS, subtitle Brands and marks BRIDGE DISTRICTS contributions to project by city, county or
gold, misrepresentations as to carat or fineness Bonds, savings banks, investment in 32.20.110 political subdivision authorized 47.56.250
9.16.140 Dissolution, generally Ch. 53.48 created after July 1, 2008 47.56.805,
imitating lawful brand 9.16.020 47.56.810, 47.56.820, 47.56.830,
livestock brand or mark, removal or alteration BRIDGES (See also COUNTY ROADS AND 47.56.840, 47.56.850, 47.56.860
9.16.010 BRIDGES) department of transportation
logs, See FORESTS AND FOREST Cities and towns authority to collect tolls 47.56.785
PRODUCTS, subtitle Brands and marks authority for local improvement 35.43.040 electronic toll collection and photo toll
marked, stamped and branded, defined authority to construct 35.85.010 systems 47.56.795
9.16.150 construction and repair 35.22.280 establishment and construction
petroleum products, mislabeling 9.16.080 drawbridges authorization 47.56.040
registration, fraudulent 9.16.060 authority to construct 35.74.010 establishment and construction of
removing or altering 9.16.010 construction and maintenance Ch. 35.74 transportation department to provide for
sterling silver, use of words 9.16.100, county commissioners 47.56.060
9.16.120 notice to 35.74.020 existing bridge and additional bridge as single
Explosives width of draw, determination 35.74.030 project
containers 70.74.300 navigation, effect upon 35.74.040 acquisition of property for by eminent
Feed lots, licensing Ch. 16.58 operation as toll bridge 35.74.050, domain 47.58.080
Fertilizers, minerals, and limes 35.74.060, 35.74.070 authorization for 47.58.010
misbranding 15.54.412 tolls, charging and collecting 35.74.050 bond issue for financing 47.58.040,
Food, drug and cosmetic act, duties under, See eminent domain for 47.24.030 47.58.050, 47.58.060, 47.58.070
FOOD, DRUG, AND COSMETIC ACT as part of state highway system Ch. 47.24 preliminary surveys, financing and
Forests and forest products, See FORESTS AND Franchises across bridges jointly owned or reimbursement of 47.58.020
FOREST PRODUCTS, subtitle Brands and operated 47.44.040 study of other projects authorized, specific
marks Granting of franchises on authorized 47.56.256 authorization required before construction
Fur farming, identification of animals Ch. 16.72 Insurance for, See INSURANCE, subtitle Marine and financing 47.58.090
Horses and transportation insurance tolls on
special open consignment horse sales Ch. Lewis and Clark bridge, designation of 47.04.160 amount 47.58.010, 47.58.030
16.65 Liquidation and closure of facility duration 47.58.030
Livestock identification Ch. 16.57 accounts upon removal of tolls 47.56.242 imposition authorized 47.58.010
agriculture department directors powers and satisfaction of claims 47.56.243 preliminary expenses reimbursed from
duties 43.23.160 transfer of surplus to motor vehicle fund 47.58.020
Livestock identification, See also LIVESTOCK 47.56.242 existing state franchises protected 47.56.220
Livestock markets Ch. 16.65 Manette bridge authorized 47.20.570 financial statements kept on, bondholders may
Livestock running at large, brand as evidence of Navigable streams, authority of railroads and inspect 47.56.060
ownership 16.24.100 common carriers to construct over 81.36.100 funds
Logs, See FORESTS AND FOREST Port districts construction fund 47.56.150
PRODUCTS, subtitle Brands and marks acquisition and operation of facilities agreement on deposit of moneys in
Milk and milk products 53.08.020 47.56.190

[RCW Indexpage 54] (2016 Ed.)


transfer of moneys from for bond payments Tacoma Narrows legislative authority office, ratification of
47.56.170 citizen advisory committee 47.46.091 pre-election adjustments 36.40.205
use of surplus funds in 47.56.150 photo toll rates, legislative approval, supplemental and emergency budgets
cooperative funds from state and federal adjustments, report 47.56.796 36.40.250
government for toll bridges authorized toll bridge account 47.56.165 supplemental appropriations, unanticipated
47.56.130 toll free facility, conditions 47.56.271 funds 36.40.100, 36.40.195
disposition of earned interest on funds Toll bridge construction and financing County auditors estimation 36.40.030
deposited 47.56.180 procedure, bond issues authorized County park and recreation service areas
reserve funds authorized 47.56.170 form, contents, interest and conditions of 36.68.530
toll revenue fund 47.56.160 bonds 47.56.140 County recreation districts 36.69.160
agreement on deposit of moneys in interim bonds authorized 47.56.140 Interfund transfers and loans, repayment and
47.56.190 Transfer of surplus sums 47.56.242 crediting procedure 43.09.285
payments for insurance or indemnity bonds Transportation department, retention of Libraries 27.12.210, 27.12.220
may be paid from 47.56.230 responsibility for enumerated local bridges Metropolitan municipal corporations, adoption
transfer of money from for bond payments 47.17.960 of budget 35.58.410
47.56.170 Public utility districts, See PUBLIC UTILITY
use of surplus funds in 47.56.170 BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTRICTS, subtitle Fiscal matters
general powers of officials relating to Hydroelectric reservoir extending into British Schools and school districts, See SCHOOLS
specified 47.56.060 Columbia AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS, subtitle
granting of franchises on authorized 47.56.256 commission, powers 35.21.418 Budgets
disposition of moneys received 47.56.257 watershed agreement 35.21.417 State, See STATE FISCAL MATTERS, subtitle
insurance or indemnity bond authorized for Lake Osoyoos international water control Budget and accounting system
47.56.230 structure 43.21A.450
Reciprocity, tuition and fee program BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS
Interstate 90 floating bridge toll, federal Development credit corporations, membership in
authorization 47.56.790 waiver of nonresident tuition fees differential
28B.15.756 31.20.070
notification requirements 47.56.258 Federal home loan banks, investments in stock
payment of construction costs 47.56.120 BROKERS of, authorization 30A.32.020
permits, leases, or licenses to governmental Commission merchants, licensing 20.01.040
entities to use facilities authorized Insurance, See INSURANCE, subtitle Surplus BUILDING CODE
disposition of moneys received 47.56.257 line coverage Agricultural structures
permits, leases or licenses to governmental Real estate, fees, sale, exchange, mortgage or permit and plan review fees 19.27.087
entities to use facilities authorized lease of Amending authority of counties, cities
47.56.253 guardianship, limited guardianship property 19.27.040, 19.27.060
project payments made by warrants on 11.92.125 Application 19.27.080
vouchers 47.56.180 probate estate property 11.56.265 Application to all counties and cities 19.27.031
proximity of other service limitation Application to state and local government
47.56.220 BRUCELLOSIS (See ANIMAL HEALTH) buildings 19.27.060
public-private transportation projects Ch. BUCKET SHOPS (See GAMBLING) Building permit fee
47.46 deposit in building code council account
Puget Sound ferry and toll bridge system, See (See STATE FISCAL MATTERS,
PUGET SOUND FERRY AND TOLL Carbon monoxide alarms
subtitle Budget and accounting system) residential occupancies 19.27.530
purchase of bridges by transportation BUDGET DIRECTOR (See FINANCIAL Cities and towns
department authorized 47.56.050 MANAGEMENT, OFFICE OF; STATE adoption by reference 35.21.180
rates and charges FISCAL MATTERS, subtitle Financial Climate zones, for building purposes
bond redemption and interest as lien on management, office of) changes to, limiting of 19.27.031, 19.27A.020
47.56.240 BUDGETS enumerated 19.27A.020
credit permits for vehicular traffic on Biennial budgets Counties
authorized 47.56.247 annual budget requirements inapplicable area applicable 36.43.020
cash deposit on bond requirement 35.32A.010, 35.33.020 authority to adopt 36.43.010
47.56.248 Caseload forecast council, organization and enforcement 36.43.030
duration 47.56.245 duties Ch. 43.88C penalty for violations 36.43.040
fixing of authorized 47.56.240 Cities and towns Definitions 19.27.015
insurance for interruption of 47.56.230 biennial budgets Ch. 35A.34 Electric vehicle infrastructure
standard for fixing 47.56.240 Code cities requirements 19.27.540
receipt of cooperative funds from state and Energy
biennial budgets Ch. 35A.34 state building code study 44.39.038
federal government for authorized Counties
47.56.130 Energy code
biennial budgets 36.40.250 adoption 19.27A.020
rights of way across state land, streets and
roads for, compensation 47.56.100, capital outlay climate zones, for building purposes
47.56.110 change or transfer 36.40.100 changes to, limiting of 19.27A.020
sale of property authorized 47.56.254 changes or transfers between classifications enumerated 19.27A.020
disposition of moneys received 47.56.257 36.40.100 international energy conservation code,
execution and delivery of deed 47.56.255 county hospitals possible adoption in place of 19.27A.020
sale of unneeded property to governmental board of trustees 36.62.180 nonresidential buildings
entities, execution, delivery of deed supplemental budget 36.62.270 minimum standards, authority of building
disposition of moneys received 47.56.257 estimates 36.40.030 code council to amend 19.27A.025
state boundary bridges, agreements for road and bridge construction 36.40.020 personal wireless service facilities, insulation
feasibility study of 47.56.042 expenditures in excess of budget, liability of requirement exemption 19.27A.027
Tacoma Narrows bridge official 36.40.130 residential buildings
photo toll rates, legislative approval, final 36.40.080, 36.40.090 minimum and maximum codes 19.27A.015
adjustments, report 47.56.796 appropriations fixed 36.40.100 Energy efficiency
Tacoma Narrows bridge made part of primary transfers between classifications 36.40.100 climate pollution reduction in built
highway 47.56.270 preliminary 36.40.040 environment
toll charges to be retained until costs paid hearing 36.40.070 definitions 19.27A.140
47.56.245 alternate date 36.40.071 finding 19.27A.130
Structurally deficient bridges notice of hearing 36.40.060 residential and nonresidential construction,
emergency repair or replacement 47.28.170 revision by county commissioners 36.40.050 energy consumption reduction
SEPA categorical exemption, requirements roads and bridges, See COUNTY ROADS 19.27A.160
43.21C.470 AND BRIDGES, subtitle Fiscal matters strategic plan, development and
SEPA exemption, requirements 43.21C.480 rules, classification, and forms 36.40.220 implementation 19.27A.150
Structurally deficient bridges, emergency repair salaries and wages Enforcement authority of counties and cities
or replacement 39.04.400 change or transfer 36.40.100 19.27.050

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Exceptions 19.27.060, 19.27.065 interim and final requirements for minimum standards set by building code
Fees, local authority 19.27.100 maintenance 19.27.190 council 70.92.140
Fish habitat enhancement projects Indoor air quality in public buildings waiver of standards 70.92.160
exemption, criteria 19.27.490 duties 70.162.030 symbol
Historical buildings, exception 19.27.120 Membership 19.27.070 display and signing 70.92.120
Hot water heaters Nightclubs Drugs
temperature regulation 19.27A.060 automatic sprinkler system 19.27.500, abatement order 7.43.080, 7.43.090
Housing for indigent persons, emergency 19.27.510, 19.27.520 damages not precluded 7.43.130
exemptions 19.27.042 Recycled building materials forfeiture, proceeds 7.43.100
International fire code study of building code changes to encourage lien 7.43.120
administration and enforcement 19.27.110 use 19.27.175 moral nuisances 7.48A.010
Local zoning jurisdiction reserved 19.27.090 Residential occupancies nuisances, injunctions 7.43.010, 7.43.020,
Nightclubs carbon monoxide alarms 19.27.530 7.43.030, 7.43.040, 7.43.050, 7.43.060,
automatic sprinkler system 19.27.500, Review of amendments to uniform codes 7.43.070, 7.43.110, 7.43.120, 7.43.130
19.27.510, 19.27.520 19.27.035 use for unlawful drugs 69.53.010, 69.53.020,
Owner-built residences School buildings 69.53.030
construction in counties with populations of automatic fire-extinguishing system Electric vehicle infrastructure
five thousand to less than ten thousand, requirements 19.27.113 installation, adoption of standards for
ordinance reenactment 19.27.160 Water conservation performance standards for 19.28.281
Permit applications plumbing fixtures 19.27.170 Energy code Ch. 19.27A
required contents 19.27.095 BUILDING PERMITS Energy efficiency improvements Ch. 70.260
water supply, evidence of adequate supply Agricultural structures Explosives
19.27.097 permit and plan review fees 19.27.087 damages by 70.74.280
Portable oil-fueled heaters Applications malicious placement, penalties 70.74.270
standards for sale and use 19.27A.090, required contents 19.27.095 Factory built housing, See HOUSING, subtitle
19.27A.100, 19.27A.110, 19.27A.120 water supply, evidence of adequate supply Factory built housing
Purposes, objectives, and standards 19.27.020 19.27.097 Historical buildings, state building code,
Recycled building materials Appraisal by county assessor of new construction exception 19.27.120
building code council to study changes in code 36.21.070 Interception of private conversations, owners
to encourage use 19.27.175 Contractors, registration requirements Ch. 18.27 right 9.73.110
Residential buildings County assessor to receive copy 19.27.140 Materials
building code council duties 19.27A.045 Exemptions 19.27.060, 19.27.065 asbestos, labeling materials containing Ch.
carbon monoxide alarms 19.27.530 Impact fees 70.310
Residential buildings moved without change in deferred collection of, for certain residential Public, provisions for persons with disabilities
occupancy classification construction 82.02.050 Ch. 70.92
application of building codes 19.27.180 Report on permits issued to department of Public nuisance maintained or permitted in,
electrical installation requirements 19.27.180 enterprise services 19.27.150 penalty 9.66.030
School buildings State or local government building projects Public works
automatic fire-extinguishing system optional municipal code city may not require performance-based contracts for water
requirements 19.27.113 government entity to provide bond or other conservation, solid waste reduction, and
Temporary growing structures for commercial security as condition of issuance of permit energy equipment Ch. 39.35A
horticultural purposes, exemption 19.27.065 35A.21.250 Residential, moved without change in occupancy
Temporary worker building code 70.114A.081 classification
Uniform codes BUILDINGS (See also PUBLIC application of building codes 19.27.180
adoption by reference 19.27.031 BUILDINGS) electrical installation requirements 19.27.180
amendments, review by building code council Agreement to indemnify for negligence in Safety
19.27.035 construction, maintenance of, against public intrastate building safety mutual aid system
Uniform fire code policy 4.24.115 Ch. 24.60
Agricultural structures Standards for use and occupancy, cities and
administration and enforcement 19.27.111
permit and plan review fees 19.27.087 towns, counties, providing for 35.80.030
Water conservation performance standards
Asbestos, labeling building materials containing State
plumbing fixtures 19.27.170 Ch. 70.310
Blind persons, preference right to operate definitions 43.19.670
Administrative and support services for council vending stands 74.18.220
transfer of duties from department of lease terms 43.19.685
Building code Ch. 19.27 high-performance public buildings
commerce to department of enterprise Building wardens, immunity from liability
services 43.330.907 LEED silver standard Ch. 39.35D
4.24.400 tree plantings for energy conservation
Building code council account 19.27.085 Carbon monoxide alarms
Carbon monoxide alarms encouraged 43.19.668
residential occupancies 19.27.530 State facilities
residential occupancies 19.27.530 Cities and towns
Compensation and travel expenses 19.27.070 landscape objectives to include energy
first class cities, control over location and conservation 43.19.682
Disabilities, persons with construction 35.22.280
building access standards 70.92.140, Threatening to bomb, penalty 9.61.160
lease and lease back agreements 35.42.070 Unfit dwellings, demolition assessment lien
70.92.150 newly constructed, county assessors appraisal
building access standards, exception against property 35.80.030
36.21.070, 36.21.080 Unfit for human habitation, action by cities and
70.92.170 towns 35.27.370
Duties 19.27.074 towns Ch. 35.80
Cities and towns, See also CITIES AND World fair or exposition
Electric vehicle infrastructure TOWNS, subtitle Buildings
requirements 19.27.540 use by cities after 35.60.060
Construction permits World fair or exposition, See also WORLD
Energy code newly constructed, county assessors appraisal
adoption 19.27A.020 FAIRS OR EXPOSITIONS
36.21.070, 36.21.080
construction Counties BULLETS (See AMMUNITION)
residential and nonresidential construction, newly constructed, appraisal by assessor BULLS (See LIVESTOCK)
energy consumption reduction, council 36.21.070, 36.21.080
report 19.27A.160 Crack houses Ch. 69.53 BUNGEE JUMPING (See AMUSEMENT
international energy conservation code, nuisances, injunctions Ch. 7.43 RIDES)
possible adoption in place of 19.27A.020 Defined for arson, reckless burning, malicious BURDEN OF PROOF (See also EVIDENCE)
nonresidential buildings mischief 9A.48.010 Conditions precedent, performance of 4.36.080
minimum standards, authority of council to Disabilities, persons with Judgments, validity of, facts conferring
amend 19.27A.025 access to jurisdiction 4.36.070
residential buildings definitions 70.92.130 Libel and slander, application of defamatory
council duties 19.27A.045 exception 70.92.170 matter to plaintiff, pleadings 4.36.120
Indoor air quality legislative intent concerning 70.92.100 Will contest 11.24.030

[RCW Indexpage 56] (2016 Ed.)



(See SECURITY GUARDS) maximum amounts recoverable 81.29.050 Business license
BURGLARY Conduct on transit vehicles, unlawful 9.91.025 application and renewal fees 19.02.070,
Insurance against, See INSURANCE, subtitle Confidentiality of user information 47.04.240 19.02.075
Casualty insurance Discrimination to deny public accommodations business application handling and renewal
Insurance for banks and trust companies against because of race, color, or creed, penalty fees 19.02.075
30A.12.030 9.91.010 exempt businesses or professional activities
Drivers 19.02.800
BURIAL AND INTERMENT (See also overtime compensation 49.46.130 expanded list of licenses issued under business
CEMETERIES; CREMATION; Equipment, See MOTOR VEHICLES, subtitle licensing service 19.02.110
HUMAN REMAINS) Equipment requirements expiration and renewal 19.02.090
Authorization 68.50.170 Passenger, flares and warning devices carried issuance 19.02.070
Burial places, exemption from execution 46.37.440 issuance and renewal conditions 19.02.100
68.24.220 Passengers licensing information
Burial-transit permit ejecting of, use of force, when lawful authorized disclosure, penalties for improper
duty of registrar of vital statistics 70.58.030 9A.16.020 disclosure 19.02.115
requirement 70.58.230 Private carrier bus minors, when seeking work permit for
Certificate of authority required 68.05.240 defined 46.04.416 employment of 19.02.320
Cities and towns, authority 68.52.030 flashing light 46.37.190 performance-based grant program 19.02.310
Counties overtaking or meeting 46.61.375 regulatory agency approval 19.02.070
authority to provide 68.52.030 sign required 46.37.193 renewal 19.02.075
indigent persons 36.39.030 stop signal 46.37.190 Business license account
Cremated remains 68.05.195 stopping at railroad crossing 46.61.350 receipts and expenditures 19.02.210
Definitions relating to cemeteries, morgues, and School buses Business license fund
human remains Ch. 68.04 acquisition and purchase procedures application and renewal fees 19.02.075
Discrimination, refusing burial to non-Caucasian 28A.160.195, 28A.160.200 delinquency fee 19.02.085
68.50.035 bus routes, service requirements 28A.160.115 Definitions 19.02.020
Funerals, See FUNERALS crossing arms, installation required 46.37.620 Duties 19.02.030
Interment rights, cemetery plots Ch. 68.32 defined, motor vehicle law 46.04.521 Fees
Mausoleums and columbariums, construction insurance business license application and renewal
standards Ch. 68.28 transporting of 19.02.070, 19.02.075
No person in charge of burials 70.58.260 children to school or school activities delinquency fee 19.02.085
Private cemeteries, prevention of interment 28A.160.010 disposition 19.02.080
68.20.065 elderly 28A.160.010 Information compilation and distribution
Records of individual in charge of premises lighting and safety devices regulated by 19.02.035
70.58.260 commission on equipment 46.37.290 Performance-based grant program 19.02.310
Records of remains 68.50.240 private school buses, standards 46.37.630 Purpose 19.02.010
Unlawful interment 70.58.260 sign required 46.37.193 State agencies, agency implementation
Washington veterans and soldiers homes signal lamps, displaying alternately flashing coordinator requirement 19.02.055
72.36.110 red lights 46.37.190 State agencies, participation required 19.02.050,
BURNING PERMITS special lighting equipment on 46.37.290 19.02.055
Abating or prevention of forest fire hazards, transport of
general public to interscholastic activities BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FRAUD
management of ecosystems, instruction or Administration of chapter 19.110.190
silvicultural operations, issuance and fees 28A.160.100
parent, guardian or custodian of student in Application of chapter 19.110.040
70.94.6534 Bond or trust account 19.110.100
Air pollution episodes, legislative finding, School buses, See also SCHOOLS AND Cease and desist orders 19.110.150
declaration of policy 70.94.710 SCHOOL DISTRICTS, subtitle Consumer protection act, application 19.110.170
Damages 52.12.104 Transportation Contract, contents, cancellation 19.110.110
Declaration of air pollution emergency by Stages Damages, remedies 19.110.130
governor 70.94.720 auto stages, defined, motor vehicle law Definitions 19.110.020
Episode avoidance plan, contents, source 46.04.050 Disclosure document
emission reduction plans, authority, licensing alternatives 19.110.080
considered orders 70.94.715 mileage fees 81.24.100 contents 19.110.070
Fire protection districts speed restrictions 46.61.405, 46.61.410 Financial institutions, department directors
authority 52.12.101 Stations authority 19.110.140, 19.110.180
content, issuance 52.12.103 conduct at transit stations, unlawful 9.91.025 Injunctions 19.110.160
forest lands, exemption for 52.12.101 Transit stations Investigations 19.110.140
penalty for violations 52.12.105, 52.12.106 conduct at, unlawful 9.91.025 subpoenas 19.110.143
permittees, duties 52.12.104 Unlawful conduct on transit vehicles 9.91.025 Offers to sell or lease occur in Washington, when
resolution of commissioners 52.12.101 19.110.030
publication and posting 52.12.102 BUSINESS AND OCCUPATION TAX (See Penalties 19.110.075, 19.110.160
Fire suppression costs, liability 52.12.108 TAXES - BUSINESS AND Receivers 19.110.160
Grasses grown for seed 70.94.6532 OCCUPATION) Registration
Indian ceremonies 70.94.6544 BUSINESS ASSISTANCE CENTER fees 19.110.060
Liability 52.12.104 ISO-9000 quality standards, duties 43.31.088 requirements 19.110.050
Liability for fire suppression costs 52.12.108 Regulatory fairness act Ch. 19.85 Service of process 19.110.090
Orders to be effective immediately 70.94.730 Rules coordinator provide list of applicable Unlawful acts 19.110.120
Rare and endangered plant regeneration agency rules effecting specific type of BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS
70.94.6544 business at the centers request 43.17.310 Business organizations code, uniform
Restraining orders, temporary injunctions to BUSINESS CORPORATION ACT (See administrative dissolution Ch. 23.95
enforce orders, procedure 70.94.725 CORPORATIONS) filing Ch. 23.95
Smoke signals if part of religious ritual foreign entities Ch. 23.95
BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS; general provisions Ch. 23.95
BUSES (See also COMMON CARRIERS; CORPORATIONS) miscellaneous provisions
PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION) electronic signatures 23.95.710
Advertising BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY various Ch. 23.95
bus shelters 47.36.141 ACT name of entity Ch. 23.95
Auto stage Generally Ch. 31.24 registered agent or entity Ch. 23.95
defined 46.04.050 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREAS Organizations, business
mileage fees, penalty 81.24.100 Parking and business improvement areas, business corporations Title 23B
speed restrictions 46.61.405, 46.61.410 establishment and authority to levy special general cooperative associations Ch. 23.86
Baggage assessments Ch. 35.87A limited liability companies Ch. 25.15

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 57]


limited liability limited partnerships Ch. 25.10 international labor recruitment agencies, federally guaranteed small business loan
limited liability partnerships Ch. 25.05 human trafficking disclosure statement Ch. program Ch. 31.40
limited partnerships Ch. 25.10 19.320 paperwork required by state agency
nonprofit corporations Gift certificates or credit waiver of first-time violations 34.05.110
nonprofit corporations Ch. 24.03 unclaimed property 63.29.140 regulatory fairness act Ch. 19.85
nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual Going out of business sales, See SALES, subtitle retirement
corporations Ch. 24.06 Going out of business sales small business retirement marketplace
BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS CODE, High risk consumer loans Ch. 31.04 43.320.180, 43.330.730, 43.330.732,
UNIFORM (See BUSINESS High technology businesses 43.330.735, 43.330.737, 43.330.740,
ORGANIZATIONS) tax credits and deferrals Ch. 82.63 43.330.742, 43.330.745, 43.330.747,
Highway right of way, public nuisance 47.32.120 43.330.750, 43.330.912
BUSINESS PROFESSIONS, REGULATION Human trafficking small business incubator program Ch. 43.176
OF disclosure statement to foreign workers Ch. state purchasing
Applicants for regulation, process 18.118.030, 19.320 model plan for increasing small business
18.118.040 Information technology participation 43.19.725
Definitions 18.118.020 stolen or misappropriated Ch. 19.330 web-based information system for increasing
Legislative intent 18.118.005 Inmate work programs small business participation 43.19.727
Personal informationNotice of security automated data input and retrieval system Small business development center 28B.30.530,
breaches Ch. 19.255 72.09.106 28B.30.533
Purpose 18.118.010 International commercial arbitration Ch. 7.05 business assistance account 28B.30.531
Uniform regulation of business and professions ISO-9000 quality standards Small business economic impact statement and
act Ch. 18.235 business assistance center duties 43.31.088 rule-making procedure Ch. 19.85
BUSINESSES Late night retail establishments, crime Tax credit program for eligible projects in rural
Administrative rules prevention counties Ch. 82.62
duty of rules coordinator to provide list of definitions 49.22.010 Taxation, See TAXES - BUSINESS AND
applicable agency rules to business employers duties 49.22.020 OCCUPATION
assistance center 43.17.310 enforcement 49.22.030 Telephone
Arbitration, international commercial Ch. 7.05 License fees or taxes, certain business activities cities and towns, taxes
Art galleries single uniform rate 35A.82.050 network telephone service 35.21.714
beer and wine, on-premises consumption uniform rate, maximum rate established toll telephone service, taxable amount
66.12.240 35.21.710 35.21.714
Business licensing service Ch. 19.02 voter approval for excess 35.21.711 city license fees or taxes, uniform rate
Business licensing service, See also BUSINESS Licenses, See BUSINESS LICENSE CENTER 35.21.712
LICENSING SERVICE Limited liability companies Ch. 25.15 Telephone business, license fee, tax 35A.82.055
Business opportunity fraud act Ch. 19.110 Limited liability companies, application to Uniform regulation of business and professions
Business organizations code, uniform, See businesses or professions licensed under act Ch. 18.235
BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS Title 18 Ch. 18.190 Veteran-owned
Business professions, regulation guidelines Ch. Limited liability partnerships Ch. 25.04, Ch. certification by department of veterans affairs
18.118 25.05 43.60A.195
Capital Limited liability partnerships, See LIMITED public works procurement contracts, awarding
Washington economic development finance LIABILITY PARTNERSHIPS of 28B.10.024, 39.04.162
authority, See ECONOMIC Limited partnerships Ch. 25.05, Ch. 25.10 state agency procurement contracts, awarding
DEVELOPMENT FINANCE existing prior to June 6, 1945 Ch. 25.12 of 43.60A.200
AUTHORITY Massage practitioners [therapists] Wedding boutiques
Colleges and universities, commercial activities optional code cities 35A.82.025 beer and wine, on-premises consumption
Ch. 28B.63 Master licenses, See BUSINESS LICENSE 66.12.240
Commerce, department of CENTER BUSING (See SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL
departmental responsibilities 43.330.060, Moving sales, restrictions 19.178.100 DISTRICTS, subtitle Transportation)
43.330.062, 43.330.280 Musical performances and productions, live BUTTER (See DAIRIES AND DAIRY
Competitive advantage, comparative, truth in music advertising act 19.25.100 PRODUCTS)
documenting clusters of 43.330.280 Novelty lighters, prohibition of distribution and
Computers sales Ch. 70.255 BYLAWS
hardware trade-in or exchange information, Out-of-state residents or nonresidents, acts Corporations
recordkeeping requirements Ch. 19.194 submitting person to state jurisdiction emergency corporations 24.03.070
Consumer loans Ch. 31.04 4.28.185 nonprofit corporations 24.03.070
Consumer protection Ch. 19.86 Partnerships Ch. 25.05 Fish marketing associations 24.36.130
Conversion of goods or merchandise from store Permits, management and issuance by state Insurance
to own use, liability and penalty 4.24.230 agencies domestic mutuals in general 48.09.130
Cooperative associations, commencement of permitting assistance and timelines, filing 48.05.070
business information concerning, making available policies, how included in 48.18.160
businesses and activities 23.86.020 to public Ch. 43.42A CABLE TELEVISION
number of incorporators required 23.86.010 Product liability actions Ch. 7.72 Connection of nondecoding and
Cottage food operations Ch. 69.22 Professional employer organizations nondescrambling channel frequency
Database of property crimes business and occupation tax 82.04.540 converter
liability of merchants for sharing information taxation, generally 82.02.240 permissible 9A.56.260
from database 4.24.340 Promotional contests of chance 9.46.0356 Right of way
Dissolution Radiology benefit managers telecommunications and cable television
unclaimed property 63.29.110 registration with business licensing service service use Ch. 35.99
Economic gardening pilot project Ch. 19.365 Rights of way
strategic assistance services for second-stage Rebates for consumers, protections Ch. 19.315 telecommunications and cable television
companies 43.330.475 Regulatory compliance service use 35A.21.245
Electronic submission of documents, forms, or technical assistance programs Ch. 43.05 Subscription television services
fee payments to state agencies 43.17.095 Regulatory fairness, See REGULATORY civil cause of action 9A.56.250
Energy efficiency improvements Ch. 70.260 FAIRNESS forfeiture and disposal of device 9A.56.240
Environmental laws information and assistance Roofing and siding contractors and salespersons, theft 9A.56.220
to businesses 43.21A.515 business practices regulated Ch. 19.186 unauthorized use defined 9A.56.010
Environmental profile of state 43.21A.510 Self-service storage unlawful sale 9A.56.230
Exchange facilitators, standards and prohibited insurance producers Ch. 48.170 Telecommunications, See
practices Ch. 19.310 Siding and roofing contractors and salespersons, TELECOMMUNICATIONS, subtitle
Foreign workers business practices regulated Ch. 19.186 Systems installations
domestic employers of, human trafficking Small business Television reception improvement districts Ch.
disclosure statement Ch. 19.320 economic impact statements Ch. 19.85 36.95

[RCW Indexpage 58] (2016 Ed.)


CAKE WALKS exemption for items sold 82.04.363 right of entry 35.43.045
Amusement game Sales tax Obstructing is nuisance 7.48.120
defined 9.46.0201 exemption for items sold 82.08.830 Obstructing or interfering with a public nuisance,
CALIFORNIA CANADA penalty 9.66.010
Coastal ecosystems compact and agreements Ch. Bonds or obligations Port districts, acquisition and operation of
77.75 authorized investment for facilities 53.08.020
Pacific marine fisheries compact Ch. 77.75 savings associations 33.24.020 Private ditches and drains, appropriation of land
CAMAS SLOUGH savings banks 32.20.030 for
Closure 88.28.055 statewide city employees retirement system generally Ch. 85.28
funds, authorized investment in 41.44.100 Railroads, crossings over 81.36.030
CAMPAIGN FINANCING Border crossing Rivers and streams, crossing or along 81.36.040
Disclosure and contributions Ch. 42.17A drivers licenses, identicards 46.20.202, Safeguarding 35.43.040, 35.43.045, 35.44.045,
Legislators 46.20.2021 36.88.015, 36.88.380, 36.88.390, 36.88.400,
mailing restrictions 42.52.185 Electric power 87.03.480, 87.03.526
Mailings by legislators, restrictions 42.52.185 joint operating agencies, negotiations with
subtitle Camper units) Industrial insurance, jurisdiction agreements Breast and cervical cancer screening program,
51.04.020 early detection
CAMPING RESORTS medical advisory committee 43.70.665
Administration of chapter 19.105.530 Pacific Northwest economic region, See
PACIFIC NORTHWEST ECONOMIC Cancer research endowment authority and
Administrative procedure act 19.105.540 program
Advertisements REGION
Pacific salmon treaty Ch. 77.75 cancer research endowment fund match
filing 19.105.360 transfer account 43.348.080
prohibitions, remedies 19.105.365 Prescription drugs 18.64.360, 18.64.480,
18.64.490 CARE fund 43.348.060
availability requirements 19.105.336 Sewerage systems generally Ch. 43.348
availability requirements, protections cities and towns, contracts with Canadian independent expert scientific review and
19.105.340 corporations 35.92.410 advisory committee 43.348.050
blanket encumbrances 19.105.336 Water systems Comprehensive cancer centers
Cease and desist orders 19.105.470 cities and towns, contracts with Canadian business and occupation tax exemption
Consumer protection act, applicability corporations 35.92.400 82.04.4265
19.105.500 CANAL COMPANIES Controlled substances therapeutic research
Contracts Eminent domain authority 81.36.010 program Ch. 69.51
application of law, exemptions 19.105.510 Labor liens, See LIENS, subtitle Franchises, Marijuana
cancellation by purchaser 19.105.390 earnings, property of certain companies medical use of cannabis act Ch. 69.51A
estoppel 19.105.400 Right of entry authority 81.36.020 Registry, statewide program
filing 19.105.360 CANALS, DITCHES, AND DRAINS (See also authorized 70.54.230
misrepresentation DIKING AND DRAINAGE) confidentiality of data obtained 70.54.250
statute of limitations 19.105.480 Cities and towns immunity from liability for providing required
permit to market required 19.105.310 drainage systems, authority to provide information 70.54.260
prohibited actions 19.105.340 35.21.210 reporting requirements 70.54.240
registration required 19.105.310 lowland filling Ch. 35.56 rule-making authority 70.54.270
reserve fund to protect purchasers 19.105.350 safeguarding 35.43.040, 35.43.045
voidable 19.105.400 Commercial waterway districts, See CANDIDATES (See also ELECTIONS)
Definitions 19.105.300 WATERCOURSES AND WATERWAYS Alcoholic beverages, candidate purchasing or
Disclosures to prospective buyer Counties, construction, joint authority 36.64.060 giving liquor on election day prohibited
filing 19.105.360 County roads improvement districts, See 66.44.265
requirements 19.105.370 COUNTY ROADS AND BRIDGES, Cities and towns, See CITIES AND TOWNS,
Impoundment of funds 19.105.340 subtitle Canals and ditches subtitle Elections
Injunctions 19.105.470 Diking district powers, See DIKING AND Counties, See COUNTIES, subtitle Elections
Investigations 19.105.450 DRAINAGE Disclosure, See PUBLIC DISCLOSURE
Occupational licensing Eminent domain Disqualification for conviction of subversive act
military spouses 19.105.571 private ditches and drains, See CANALS, 9.81.040
Purchaser lists, authorized uses 19.105.405 DITCHES, AND DRAINS, subtitle Private Filing for office Ch. 29A.24
Registration ditches and drains Municipal court judges, majority of votes in
actions against 19.105.350 Harbor improvement districts, See RIVER AND primary, effect 35.20.150
application procedure 19.105.320, 19.105.330 HARBOR IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS Vacancies Ch. 29A.28
approval is not state endorsement 19.105.520 Health and safety 35.43.040, 35.43.045,
exemptions 19.105.325, 19.105.345 35.44.045, 36.88.380, 36.88.390, 36.88.400, CANDY
experience and training requirements 87.03.480, 87.03.526 Alcohol content regulated 66.12.160, 66.12.170
19.105.570 Highways, logs on highway right of way or in CANNABIS (See DRUGS, subtitle Controlled
fees 19.105.411 drainage ditch as public nuisance 47.32.130 substances)
renewal and amendment 19.105.420 Irrigation districts
signature requirements 19.105.333 hydroelectric generation development CANS (See BEVERAGE CONTAINERS;
uniform regulation of business and legislative intent 87.03.013 RECYCLING; WASTE REDUCTION,
professions act 19.105.560 powers, generally 87.03.015 RECYCLING, AND MODEL LITTER
unprofessional conduct, disciplinary action Irrigation districts, See also IRRIGATION CONTROL ACT)
Sales promotion literature, filing 19.105.360 Joint county and United States canal
Salesperson registration CAPITAL NOTES AND DEBENTURES
construction, authority 36.64.060 Banks, See BANKS AND BANKING, subtitle
required, exemptions 19.105.430 Lake Washington ship canal
unprofessional conduct 19.105.440 Capital notes or debentures
additional right-of-way 37.08.250
Violations consent of state given to United States to CAPITAL PUNISHMENT (See
consumer protection act, applicability construct and operate 37.08.240 SENTENCES, subtitle Capital
19.105.500 lowering and raising waters, liability for punishment)
gross misdemeanors 19.105.480 damages 37.08.240
penalties 19.105.380 CAPITAL STOCK
Local improvements and assessments Banks, See BANKS AND BANKING, subtitle
referral to attorney general or prosecuting fences, culverts, syphons, or coverings, open
attorney 19.105.490 Capital stock savings bank
canal hazards Corporations, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle
remedies 19.105.470 assessments for 35.43.040
statute of limitations 19.105.480 Capital stock
authority for 35.43.040
Business and occupation tax installation of safeguards 35.43.045 Conversion of savings banks Ch. 32.32

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 59]


CAPITOL (See STATE CAPITAL) restoration, maintenance, and protection failure to deposit minimum amount
CAPITOL BUILDING LANDS 68.60.030 68.05.160
Designation of land - bonds - uses Ch. 79.24 violations, penalties 68.60.060 preservation and protection 68.05.170
Abandoned cemetery document, notice and reinvestment 68.05.170
CAPTURE BY ENEMY recording 65.04.033 reporting requirements 68.05.180
Federal missing persons act, written finding of Abandoned lots, procedures Ch. 68.36 nonendowed sections, identification
federal officer or employee prima facie Arrangements, notice requirements 68.24.250 68.40.025
evidence 5.40.030 Authorization for burial or cremation 68.50.170 property received in trust 68.40.060
CAR POOLS Buildings and grounds representation of fund as perpetual 68.40.085
High occupancy vehicle lanes damage or destruction 68.60.040 violations, penalty 68.40.090
use restrictions 46.61.165 Cease and desist orders 68.05.320, 68.05.340, Exemption from execution 68.24.220
68.05.350, 68.05.360, 68.05.370 Exemptions from regulation by board 68.05.400
CARBON Cemetery board Fees 68.05.205
Oil and gas, when products considered waste forfeiture of office 68.56.070 Funeral and cemetery board
78.52.140 Cemetery districts, establishment and operation administrative authority Ch. 68.05
CARBONATED BEVERAGES Ch. 68.52 definitions 68.05.020
Syrup tax imposed Ch. 82.64 Certificate of authority enforcement authority 68.05.120
expiration 68.05.115 examination of reports 68.05.190
CAREER EDUCATION (See WORK exemptions from regulations 68.05.400
proof of compliance 68.05.210 immunity from suit 68.05.290
CAREER LADDERS (See SCHOOLS AND required for interment 68.05.240 powers and duties 68.05.090, 68.05.105
SCHOOL DISTRICTS, subtitle Career revocation, suspension, or termination program administrator or manager 68.05.095
ladder) 68.05.173 rule-making authority 68.05.100
CARNAL KNOWLEDGE transfer or sale of ownership or control Grave robbing 68.60.040
Prevention of procreation as punishment 68.05.115 Historic cemeteries
9.92.100 unprofessional conduct, disciplinary action dedication 68.60.020
68.05.300, 68.05.310 definitions 68.60.010
CARNIVALS historic cemetery preservation capital grant
Safety regulation of amusement rides Ch. 67.42 violations, revocation 68.05.330
Cities and towns program, Washington state 27.34.420
CARRIERS (See COMMON CARRIERS) acquisition and maintenance 68.52.040 violations, penalties 68.60.060
annexation of territory for 35.13.180 Interment, rights of
CARS (See MOTOR VEHICLES) commission on sales prohibited 68.24.140
cemetery board 68.52.045
CASCADIA DIAGNOSTIC CENTER (See exemptions from regulation by board indivisible 68.24.120
STATE INSTITUTIONS) 68.05.400 multiple interment, disclosure 68.24.250
CASCARA BARK first class cities, regulation of 35.22.280 ownership and transfer records 68.24.150
Specialized forest products improvement fund 68.52.050, 68.52.060, sale 68.24.110
defined as 76.48.021 68.52.065, 68.52.070, 68.52.080 sale for resale prohibited 68.24.130
second class cities, establishment and Interment, rights to
permit required 76.48.031
regulation 35.23.440 authority to use 68.32.050
CASELOAD FORECAST COUNCIL conveyance to cemetery authority 68.32.160
College bound scholarship program Cities and towns, See also CITIES AND
TOWNS, subtitle Cemeteries co-owners 68.32.100
estimating anticipated program caseload inheritance 68.32.040
28B.118.075 Conveyances, cemetery plots, generally Ch.
68.32 joint tenants 68.32.070, 68.32.080, 68.32.090
Criminal justice forecasting order 68.32.100, 68.32.110
recordkeeping responsibility 10.98.140 Counties title 68.32.010
exemptions from regulation by board vested rights 68.32.020, 68.32.030
Judgmental sentence documents 68.05.400
delivery to council 9.94A.480 Licenses
Counties, See COUNTIES, subtitle Cemeteries revocation, suspension, or termination
Juvenile court and detention facility records, Cremation
release to council 13.50.010 68.05.173
burial or scatter of remains 68.05.195 unprofessional conduct, disciplinary action
Organization and duties Ch. 43.88C permit or endorsement 68.05.175, 68.05.390 68.05.300
CASKETS (See FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematories violations, penalties 68.05.330
AND EMBALMERS) permit or endorsement 68.05.245 Liens subordinate to dedication 68.24.160
CASKS (See BEVERAGE CONTAINERS) Crimes Maintenance funds
damage or destruction of tomb, monument, or endowment care 68.05.030
CASUALTY INSURANCE (See enclosure 68.60.040
INSURANCE, subtitle Casualty Maps and plats
grave robbing 68.60.040 amendment 68.24.060
insurance) Dedication of property 68.24.030, 68.24.040, filing 68.24.030
CATHETERIZATION 68.24.050, 68.24.070, 68.24.080, 68.24.100, requirements 68.24.020
Schools, authority of common schools to allow 68.24.160 Mausoleums and columbariums, construction
28A.210.280, 28A.210.290 Dedication of property, removal 68.24.090 standards Ch. 68.28
CATS (See ANIMALS) Definitions relating to cemeteries, morgues, and Nonendowed sections
human remains Ch. 68.04 identification 68.40.025
CATTLE (See LIVESTOCK) Department Nonendowment care
CEDAR defined 68.05.024 establishment prohibited 68.40.100
Specialized forest products Director Nonprofit associations
defined as 76.48.021 defined 68.05.028 tax exempt land 68.20.110, 68.20.120
permit required 76.48.031 Discrimination, refusing burial to non-Caucasian Nuisances
Specialty wood 68.50.035 obstruction of way to burial place 7.48.140
buyers and processors Districts when 68.56.040
business license, display requirement dissolution Ch. 53.48 Platting, subdivision and dedication of land act,
76.48.121 establishment in all counties and islands exemption 58.17.040
documentation of purchase, possession, or 68.52.090 Plots
retention 76.48.101 Endowment care abandoned lots, procedures Ch. 68.36
establishment of nonendowment care authority to use 68.32.050
CELL PHONES (See TELEPHONES, cemeteries prohibited 68.40.100 commission on sales 68.24.140
subtitle Wireless services) exemptions from law 68.40.095 conveyance 68.24.115
CEMETERIES (See also BURIAL AND fiscal reports, filing and review 68.40.040 conveyance to cemetery authority 68.32.160
INTERMENT; FUNERAL DIRECTORS fund requirements 68.40.010, Ch. 68.44 co-owners 68.32.100
AND EMBALMERS) funds family plots, sale 68.32.060
Abandoned cemeteries defined 68.05.030 indivisibility 68.24.120
dedication 68.60.020 examination by board 68.05.150, 68.05.254, inheritance 68.32.040
definitions 68.60.010 68.05.259 inheritance tax, exemption 68.32.170

[RCW Indexpage 60] (2016 Ed.)


interment vacancies 68.52.155 group disability, certificates for 48.21.080

order 68.32.110 Community revitalization financing 68.52.195 group life insurance 48.24.170
joint tenancy 68.32.070, 68.32.080, 68.32.090 Disincorporation of special districts in counties use as evidence 48.02.130
ownership and transfer records 68.24.170 with population of two hundred ten thousand Liens
placement, waiver 68.32.130 or more Ch. 57.90 cessation of judgments, certificates of to
sale 68.24.110 Dissolution 68.52.320 another county 4.64.100
sale for resale prohibited 68.24.130 Elections 68.52.155 services of sires, auditors certificate to
title to plot 68.32.010 Eminent domain 68.52.200, 68.52.210 owners 60.52.020
vested rights 68.32.020, 68.32.030, 68.32.140, Establishment Motor vehicles
68.32.150 authority 68.52.090 license registration, See MOTOR
Police authority and enforcement 68.56.060 commissioners 68.52.140 VEHICLES, subtitle Certificate of license
Prearrangement contracts election 68.52.150, 68.52.160, 68.52.170, registration
cease and desist orders 68.05.320 68.52.185 ownership, See MOTOR VEHICLES, subtitle
generally Ch. 68.46 hearing 68.52.110, 68.52.130 Certificate of ownership
Prearrangement services notices 68.52.120 Partition proceedings, judgment lien unsatisfied
cease and desist orders 68.05.320, 68.05.340, petition, contents 68.52.100 7.52.160
68.05.350, 68.05.360, 68.05.370 petition, publication and posting 68.52.120 Registration of contractors, See
contracts Ch. 68.46 review 68.52.180 CONTRACTORS
examination by board 68.05.150 Indebtedness, limitation 68.52.310 Shellfish sanitary control, certificates of
failure to comply with statutory requirements Joint operation, purchasing, or contracting compliance Ch. 69.30
68.05.160 68.52.192 Stock, transfer of, See STOCK TRANSFER
reporting requirements 68.05.180 Merger and annexation Ch. 68.54 CERTIFICATES OF RESTORATION OF
reports, filing 68.05.235 Powers 68.52.190 OPPORTUNITY
sales licenses Special elections 68.52.250 Generally Ch. 9.97
application 68.05.155 Taxation 68.52.290, 68.52.310
revocation, suspension, or termination CENSUS Census of cities and towns 43.62.030
68.05.173 Annexation Chemical dependency professionals Ch. 18.205
terms and fees 68.05.225 annexed territory, certification, basis for Copies of instruments restoring civil rights
unprofessional conduct, disciplinary action allocation of state funds 35.13.260 5.44.090
68.05.300, 68.05.310 basis for allocation of state funds 35.13.260 Department of licensing, certified copies of
violations, penalty 68.05.330 times for making 43.62.030 records, restrictions, fee 46.01.250
Prearrangement trust funds Annexed territory, certification 35.13.260 Digital signatures
examination by board 68.05.150, 68.05.254, Cities and towns electronic authentication and certification
68.05.259 allocations of state funds based upon, finality authority Ch. 19.34
Private corporations 43.62.020 Drainage districts, assessment roll 85.32.090
control of property 68.20.061 annexation 35.13.260 Elections, See ELECTIONS, subtitle Certificates
county, city, and town regulation 68.20.080 assistance to office of financial management and certifications
improper assemblages, prevention 68.20.066 in making 43.62.040 Electronic authentication
incorporation 68.20.010 certification of 43.62.030 authority of consolidated technology services
interment, prevention 68.20.065 determination of 43.62.030 agency as certification authority 43.19.794
markers, monuments, and structures, disincorporation 43.62.030 Injunctions, order of 7.40.100
regulation 68.20.062, 68.20.063 incorporation, procedure 43.62.030 Instruments affecting real property
organization 68.20.020 times for making 43.62.030 effect of recording 65.08.110
plants and shrubs, regulation 68.20.064 Counties recording 65.08.100
powers 68.20.030, 68.20.050 classification and census Ch. 36.13 separate parcels situated in different counties,
prior corporations, effect 68.20.040 determination and certification of population, recording 65.08.110
rule making and enforcement 68.20.060 office of financial management 43.62.035 Mandamus, verdict 7.16.240
rules and regulations 68.20.067, 68.20.070 Financial management, office of, powers and Public records and documents, admissibility of
Property, right to acquire 68.24.010 duties of planning and community affairs evidence 5.44.040
Public utilities through cemetery 68.24.180, agency transferred to 43.41.050 Redemptions
68.24.190 CENTRAL BUDGET AGENCY judgment docket copies 6.23.080
Records of remains 68.50.240 Abolished 43.41.940 mortgage record copies 6.23.080
Remains not disposed of 68.50.230 Supplemental proceedings, referee to judge
Removal of remains, procedure 68.50.200, CENTRAL WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY
68.50.210, 68.50.220 Writ of certiorari 7.16.060
Reports, filing 68.05.235 REGIONAL UNIVERSITIES)
Roads and railroads through cemetery 68.24.180, CEREBRAL PALSY CERTIFIED CHECKS (See also UNIFORM
68.24.190 Cerebral palsy center, powers, functions, for COMMERCIAL CODE, subtitle
Sale, transfer, or creation of new 68.05.115 operation of, transferred to department of Negotiable instruments)
Taxation social and health services 70.82.050 CERTIFIED MAIL
exemptions 68.24.240 Diagnosis 70.82.040 Use where registered mail authorized in Revised
Uniform regulation of business and professions Eligibility for services and facilities 70.82.030 Code of Washington 1.12.060
Unlawful damage appropriations from 70.82.021 ACCOUNTANTS)
civil liability 68.56.020 transfer to state general fund 70.82.021
exceptions 68.56.030 warrants 70.82.024 CERTIORARI
penalty 68.56.010 Purpose and aim of program 70.82.010 Affidavit, application for writ by 7.16.050
Unlawful employment of others to dispose of Application for writ 7.16.050
CERTIFICATED EMPLOYEES (See Charitable trusts, order of attorney general
human remains 68.24.150 SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS)
Veterans cemetery Ch. 72.36 related to, court review 11.110.110
Violations CERTIFICATES (See also County board of adjustment ruling 36.70.890
CERTIFICATION; LICENSES) Courts, power to grant 7.16.040
enforcement 68.05.090 Corporations, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle superior courts 2.08.010
liability 68.56.050 Certificate of incorporation; supreme court 2.04.010
CEMETERY DISTRICTS CORPORATIONS, subtitle Certificates of Definitions
Annexation and merger Ch. 68.54 stock certiorari 7.16.030
Cemetery district fund 68.52.280, 68.52.290, Docket, certificate of lien, cessation entry, effect judgment 7.16.020
68.52.300 4.64.100 motion 7.16.020
Cities and towns, inclusion 68.52.210 Elections, See ELECTIONS, subtitle Certificates order 7.16.020
Commissioners and certifications Grounds 7.16.040
election and compensation 68.52.220 Falsifying by public officer 42.20.050 Hearings 7.16.110
oaths 68.52.260 For hire vehicles, permit to operate Ch. 46.72 judicial determinations 7.16.120
organization and operation 68.52.270 Insurance time of 7.16.330

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 61]


Judgment 7.16.110 contracts and partnerships 41.04.0332 sales and use tax exemptions 82.12.225
copy, transmittal to inferior tribunal, board, or powers and duties 41.04.039, 41.04.0331 Hunger programs
officer 7.16.130 Donation bins, deposit of trash in city utility customers, donations from
Judgment roll 7.16.140 misdemeanor 9.91.130 35.92.395, 35A.80.060
Notice of application for writ 7.16.050 Event sponsorship for or contributions to public utility districts customers, donations
Orders to show cause why notice for application organizations from 54.16.405
of writ should not be allowed 7.16.050 insurance producers, by, when 48.30.135 Names or emblems
Parties, designation of 7.16.010 Eyeglasses or hearing instruments, donation of use prohibited without consent 19.09.230
Rules of practice 7.16.340 liability immunity 4.24.800 Organizations
State agency action reviewable under Finances annual report, secretary of state to publish
administrative procedure act or land use advisory council 19.09.550 19.09.440
petition act charitable organization education account change of information 19.09.085
inapplicability of chapter 7.16.360 19.09.530 conditions, who may conduct 19.09.100
Stay of proceedings 7.16.070, 7.16.080 education program 19.09.510, 19.09.530 contracts with commercial fund raisers
Superior courts power to issue 2.08.010 reciprocal agreements, other states 19.09.560 19.09.097
Supreme court Food banks financial statements 19.09.210
jurisdiction as to 2.04.010 city utility customers, donations from recordkeeping requirements 19.09.200
Writ 35.92.395, 35A.80.060 records requests 19.09.210
certification 7.16.060 public utility districts customers, donations registration
contents 7.16.070 from 54.16.405 application 19.09.068, 19.09.071, 19.09.075,
directed to whom 7.16.060 Gambling 9.46.0209, 9.46.0311, 9.46.0321, 19.09.081
return 7.16.110 9.46.0351 failure to file, late filing fee 19.09.271
return with transcript required, when 7.16.060 raffles, authority to conduct 9.46.0315 fees 19.09.062
returnable, when 7.16.330 raffles, enhanced, conducting of 9.46.0323 required 19.09.065
service of 7.16.100 sharing facilities 9.46.0701
service of or return 7.16.110 reregistration 19.09.085
Nonprofit corporation act Ch. 24.03 tiered financial reporting requirements
CESSPOOLS Public employees, payroll deductions for 19.09.541
Failing to fence or cover a public nuisance 41.04.035, 41.04.036 violations, penalties 19.09.275
7.48.140 Unclaimed property, receipt of, when 63.24.160 Prohibited acts
First class cities Uniform prudent management of institutional use of another entitys name, symbol,
assessment for closing 35.22.320 funds act Ch. 24.55 statement, or emblem without consent
filling and closing 35.22.310 United fund, payroll deductions 41.04.035, 19.09.230
41.04.036 violations, penalties 19.09.275
PYRAMID SCHEMES) CHARITABLE SOLICITATIONS waiver of penalties, procedure 19.09.276
Administrative procedure 19.09.430 Sales tax exemption for nonprofit organizations
Advertising, prohibited practices 19.09.100 82.08.02573
Elections, See ELECTIONS
Jurors, See JURIES AND JURORS, subtitle Annual report, secretary of state to publish Service of process 19.09.305
challenges to jurors 19.09.440 Surety bonds, requirements 19.09.191
Legal sufficiency of evidence Business and occupation tax exemption for Telephone, regulated 80.36.390
effect 4.56.150 nonprofit organizations 82.04.3651 Ticket sales 19.09.100
nonsuit, when 4.56.120 Commercial fund raisers Unfair practices, procedures 19.09.340
procedure 4.56.150 advertising requirements 19.09.100 Violations
Referees, to 4.48.050 annual report, secretary of state to publish assessments, recovery 19.09.279
19.09.440 cease and desist orders, attorney general may
CHANGE OF NAMES (See also NAMES) change of information 19.09.085 issue 19.09.277
CHAPLAINS contracts, limitations and requirements hearing 19.09.279
Agencies 19.09.097 investigations, attorney generals powers
housing allowance 41.04.360 disclosure requirements 19.09.100 19.09.410
Public hospital districts financial statements 19.09.210 investigations and publication of information
employment authorized 70.44.059 limitations on practices 19.09.100 19.09.400
State institutions prohibited acts 19.09.230 penalties 19.09.275, 19.09.279
appointment 72.01.210, 72.01.212, 72.01.220, recordkeeping requirements 19.09.200 records availability to attorney general
72.01.230, 72.01.240 registration 19.09.420
housing allowance 41.04.360 application 19.09.068, 19.09.079 waiver of penalties, procedure 19.09.276
CHARGE DAFFAIRES failure to file, late filing fee 19.09.271
fees 19.09.062 CHARITABLE TRUSTS
Foreign acknowledgments 64.08.040 Attorney general
form, contents 19.09.097
CHARGES (See FEES; RATES AND required 19.09.065 court review of orders relating to 11.110.110
CHARGES) reregistration 19.09.085 enforcement of orders relating to 11.110.110
CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS (See also service of process 19.09.305 investigative authority 11.110.100
CHARITABLE SOLICITATIONS) surety bond 19.09.191 notification of judicial proceedings regarding
Boxing, martial arts, mixed martial arts, and telephone solicitations 19.09.100 charitable trusts, to receive 11.110.120
wrestling events, amateur ticket sales 19.09.100 orders to trustees to appear 11.110.110
contestants 67.08.015 use of another entitys name, symbol, proceedings to secure compliance with orders
Charitable gift annuities, See INSURANCE, statement, or emblem without consent 11.110.120
subtitle Charitable gift annuities 19.09.230 Court review of orders of attorney general
Charitable solicitations Ch. 19.09 violations, penalties 19.09.275 11.110.110
Children Commercial fundraisers Definitions 11.110.020
donors and distributors of items to children records requests 19.09.210 Enforcement of orders to appear 11.110.100
immunity from civil and criminal liability Conditions and requirements 19.09.100 Filings
70.200.020 Cost of solicitation 19.09.100 instrument establishing, filed with secretary of
construction of chapter 70.200.030 Definitions 19.09.020 state 11.110.060
definitions 70.200.010 Disclosure requirements 19.09.100 inventory of assets, time 11.110.060
Combined fund drive Endorsements tax or information return or report 11.110.070
account 41.04.039 conditions 19.09.230 Instruments establishing, filed with secretary of
contracts and partnerships 41.04.0332 Fees, disposition 19.09.355 state 11.110.060
definitions 41.04.035 Finances Inventory of assets, filing, time for compliance
powers and duties 41.04.0331 tiered financial reporting requirements 11.110.060
rules, authority to adopt 41.04.033 19.09.541 Investigations by attorney general, authorized
rules, procedures 41.04.036 Financial statements 19.09.210, 19.09.315 11.110.100
secretary of state Forms and procedures 19.09.315 Judicial proceedings, copies of, relating to filed
authority 41.04.033 Fund-raising activities, nonprofit with attorney general 11.110.120

[RCW Indexpage 62] (2016 Ed.)


Order to appear to trustee by attorney general Tax refund anticipation loans Ch. 19.265 Commission on supreme court reports, duties
11.110.110 CHECKS AND DRAFTS (See also 2.32.160
effect 11.110.110 NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS, Utilities and transportation commission
Penalty for violations 11.110.140 subtitle Checks; UNIFORM members, removal of, tribunal appointed by
Powers and duties of attorney general related to COMMERCIAL CODE, subtitle 80.01.010
are in addition to other powers and duties Negotiable instruments) CHILD ABUSE (See also DOMESTIC
11.110.120 Bank deposits and collections Art. 62A.4 VIOLENCE)
Proceedings to secure compliance with orders of Check cashers and sellers, regulation Ch. 31.45 Adolescents, abuse of
attorney general 11.110.120 City or town employee payroll check, draft, or DSHS staff training 26.44.220
Public records, availability 11.110.040 warrant Alcohol or controlled substances as contributing
Purpose of chapter 11.110.010 city or town may cash, conditions 35.21.087 factor, evaluation of alleged perpetrator
Secretary of state Colleges and universities 26.44.170
fees check cashing for students and employees Background investigations of certain prospective
rule adoption to establish 43.07.125 28B.10.031 employees and volunteers
filing requirements 11.110.060 Credit card used as check cashing identification definitions, records 43.43.830, 43.43.834,
Tax or information return or report, filing card number not to be recorded 62A.3-512 43.43.836, 43.43.838, 43.43.840
11.110.070 Dishonored checks finger-print based 43.43.839
Tax reform act of 1969 failure to comply with requirements 62A.3- immunity of state 43.43.833
application to 11.110.200 525 records 43.43.832
amendment to existing trust 11.110.250 form for notice 62A.3-520 Birth certificates, childrens trust fund 70.58.085
trusts created after June 10, 1971 11.110.250 motor vehicle fees, procedures 46.01.230 Childrens services
rights and powers of payees rights 62A.3-515 child abuse and neglect multidisciplinary
attorney general not impaired 11.110.230 service of notice by mail 62A.3-522 teams 74.14B.030
court not impaired 11.110.230 Dishonored money orders
state implementation 11.110.200 Corporal punishment 9A.16.100
motor vehicle fees, procedures 46.01.230 Council for children and families
trust instruments deemed to contain Prizes, promotional advertising of prizes
certain provisions for distribution childrens trust fund 43.121.100
simulated or continuing obligations checks, Counseling referrals availability notice
11.110.220 prohibitions and restrictions 19.170.050
prohibiting provisions 11.110.210 74.14B.050
State Custody, taking child into without court order
Trustees, registration requirements 11.110.051 cashing checks, drafts, and warrants for state
Trusts not exclusively for charitable purposes law enforcement agency or department of
officers, employees, and others authorized social and health services 26.44.050
access to information 11.110.075 43.08.180
Uniform prudent management of institutional Deaf
Stop-payment order, unlawful center for childhood deafness and hearing loss
funds act Ch. 24.55 class C felony, amount 9A.56.060
Uniformity of laws with other state laws investigation 26.44.210
gross misdemeanor, amount 9A.56.060 Dependency petitions
11.110.090 Unclaimed property, uniform act 63.29.050
Violations physicians expert opinion 26.44.030,
Unlawful issuance 26.44.040
civil action by attorney general 11.110.130 class C felony, amount 9A.56.060
penalty 11.110.140 Drug or alcohol-related driving offenses
"credit," defined 9A.56.060 child is present, arrest of vehicle operator
refusal to defined 9A.56.060
comply with rules promulgated by secretary when 26.44.250
gross misdemeanor, amount 9A.56.060 Early learning, department of
of state 11.110.125 intent, presumption of 9A.56.060
file reports 11.110.125 home visitation programs
venue 4.12.025 definitions 43.215.146
perform duties 11.110.125
CHEESE (See DAIRIES AND DAIRY findings, intent 43.215.145
WASHINGTON STATE (See SCHOOLS home visitation services coordination or
Retrocession of criminal jurisdiction 37.12.100, consolidation plan 43.215.147
Charter schools) Emergency placement, record check 26.44.240
37.12.110, 37.12.120, 37.12.130, 37.12.140
CHARTER SCHOOLS (See SCHOOLS AND Family assessment response 26.44.020,
SCHOOL DISTRICTS) CHELAN COUNTY 26.44.030, 26.44.031, 26.44.260, 26.44.270,
Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.040 26.44.272
CHARTERS Superior court judges, number of 2.08.062
Cities Guardian ad litem, appointment 26.44.053
first class cities 35.22.030, 35.22.050, CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY (See Higher education institutions, abuse reporting by
35.22.055, 35.22.060, 35.22.070, ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG 28B.10.846
35.22.080, 35.22.090, 35.22.100, ADDICTION) Homicide by abuse 9A.32.055
35.22.110, 35.22.120, 35.22.130, CHEMICALS (See PESTICIDE Host homes and host home programs, See
35.22.140, 35.22.150, 35.22.160, APPLICATION; POISONS) CHILDREN, subtitle Host homes and host
35.22.170, 35.22.180, 35.22.190, home programs for youth in need
CHEMISTS Identification and criminal history section
35.22.200 Agriculture, department of
exercising powers and duties in accordance state patrol powers and duties 43.43.700
duties of official chemists 43.23.200, Interviewing child 26.44.030, 26.44.040
with 35.22.020 43.23.205
petition for 35.22.130 Investigation
contents of 35.22.130 CHICKENS (See POULTRY) notification 26.44.100
First class cities, amendment, petition for CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER, sexual abuse investigations 26.44.180,
35.22.130 OFFICE OF THE 26.44.185, 26.44.190
Civil service exempt positions 41.06.101 Law enforcement
CHATTEL LIENS (See LIENS, subtitle training on child abuse and neglect
Chattel liens) CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER, 43.101.365, 43.101.370
CHATTEL MORTGAGES (See also OFFICE OF THE STATE (See Liability of governmental entities and their
MORTGAGES) CONSOLIDATED TECHNOLOGY officers, limiting of 4.24.595, 26.44.280
Destruction, conversion, sale, removal, etc., of SERVICES AGENCY, subtitle Chief Medical exam, payment for 7.68.068
property to avoid, penalty 9.45.060 information officer, office of the state) Military families
Fees CHIEF JUSTICE OF SUPREME COURT allegations of abuse or neglect 26.44.030
sheriffs foreclosure sale 36.18.040 Administrator for the courts Near fatalities
Foreclosure, franchises subject to sale on order of assignment of judges, recommended by review of case files, investigation, when
foreclosure administrator 2.56.040 26.44.290
sheriffs fee 36.18.040 assistants appointed and compensation fixed Neglect
CHATTELS (See PERSONAL PROPERTY) under approval of chief justice 2.56.020 custody, taking child into without court order
funds disbursed under order of chief justice 26.44.050
CHEAT (See FRAUD) 2.56.090 family assessment response 26.44.020,
CHECK CASHERS AND SELLERS Assignment of judges to other county or district 26.44.030, 26.44.031, 26.44.260,
Generally Ch. 31.45 2.56.040 26.44.270, 26.44.272

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 63]


higher education institutions, abuse reporting victims, early identification and referral investigation by court regarding parenting
by 28B.10.846 74.14B.070 arrangements 26.09.220
liability of governmental entities and their Teachers, record check 28A.410.010 parental relocation, notice requirements and
officers, limiting of 4.24.595, 26.44.280 Temporary restraining order or preliminary standards 26.09.405, 26.09.410, 26.09.420,
perpetrator, right to review and amend finding injunction 26.44.063, 26.44.067 26.09.430, 26.09.440, 26.09.450,
26.44.125 Therapeutic day care and treatment 74.14B.040 26.09.460, 26.09.470, 26.09.480,
Negligent treatment, maltreatment Training in prevention for in head start and early 26.09.490, 26.09.500, 26.09.510,
offer of services 26.44.195 childhood education assistance programs 26.09.520, 26.09.530, 26.09.540,
Parenting plan 43.63A.066 26.09.550, 26.09.560
visitation, restriction on abusive parent Witnesses, duty to report 9.69.100 parenting plan
26.09.191 CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT, COUNCIL criteria for establishing permanent plan
Parenting skills and child abuse prevention FOR THE PREVENTION OF (See 26.09.187
classes 28A.620.020 CHILD ABUSE) decree of dissolution 26.09.050
Perpetrator failure to comply 26.09.184
alcohol or controlled substances as CHILD CARE (See DAY CARE) issuance of temporary plan 26.09.197
contributing factor, evaluation 26.44.170 CHILD CARE AGENCIES (See also PUBLIC issuance or modification of temporary plan,
arrest without warrant, circumstances ASSISTANCE, subtitle Child welfare required affidavit 26.09.270
26.44.130 agencies) modification 26.09.260
notification of investigation, report, and Abuse of charges, investigate prior to licensure or objectives and content of permanent plan
findings 26.44.100 relicensure 74.15.030 26.09.184
right to review and amend finding 26.44.125 Child care resource and referral services parent serving in armed forces 26.09.010
treatment for abusive person removed from business and occupation tax exemption petition 26.09.040
home 26.44.140 82.04.3395 procedure for permanent plan 26.09.181,
visitation rights, temporary restraining order Employees hired by contracting agencies 26.09.182
26.44.150 department of social and health services not proposed temporary plan 26.09.194
Prevention liable, conditions 74.15.038 restrictions 26.09.191
auditors fee, issuance of marriage license Investigate for abuse prior to licensure or policy 26.09.002, 26.09.003
additional fee to fund prevention programs relicensure 74.15.030 residential time summary report 26.09.231
36.18.010 Licenses separation contracts 26.09.070
Prevention training for parents and day cares denial, revocation, suspension, modification Parents to share equally 26.16.125
74.15.200 74.15.132 Proceedings
Records disclosure 26.44.031, 74.13.500, required 74.15.090 custodial interference, action by relative
74.13.505, 74.13.510, 74.13.515, 74.13.520, suspension for noncompliance with support 26.09.255
74.13.525 order 74.15.134 guardian ad litem, appointment 26.09.220
Reporting Maternity homes, See MATERNITY HOMES investigation and report 26.09.220
annual report by prosecutor 26.44.075 modification, supporting affidavit 26.09.270
definitions 26.44.020 CHILD CUSTODY (See also DISSOLUTION temporary custody order, supporting affidavit
failure to report 26.44.080 OF MARRIAGE) 26.09.270
false report 26.44.060, 26.44.061 Abduction of child by parent visitation rights, grandparents and other
family assessment response 26.44.020, information for parents on harmful effects persons 26.09.240
26.44.030, 26.44.031, 26.44.260, 26.09.315 Provision for in dissolution of marriage, legal
26.44.270, 26.44.272 Abuse Ch. 26.44 separation, or declaration of invalidity
immunity 26.44.060 Child custody jurisdiction act Ch. 26.27 26.09.050
investigation, duties of receiving agency Custodial interference Records access by parents, limitations 26.09.225
26.44.030 action by relative 26.09.255 Residential placement or child custody,
judicial proceedings 26.44.053 plaintiff, fees and costs 26.09.255 prerequisites for court before granting
limitations of chapter 26.44.015 Dependency order restraining order 26.50.135
methamphetamine manufacture with child on notice to noncustodial parent 26.44.120 Uniform parentage act Ch. 26.26
premises 26.44.200 notice to parents 26.44.115 Venue 26.09.280
oral, written, contents 26.44.040 Dependency proceedings Visitation
protective detention or custody 26.44.056 advise parents and children of rights concealment, etc., remedies 26.09.255
public employees, legal defense provided 26.44.105 disclosure of address via public assistance
26.44.032 Designation of custodian 26.09.285 records 74.04.060
records, maintenance and disclosure Forms grandparents and other persons 26.09.240
26.44.031 use of approved forms 26.09.006 limitations on rights 26.10.160
by whom 26.44.030, 26.44.040 Indian child welfare act Ch. 13.38 provision for in dissolution of marriage, legal
witness to report 9.69.100 Investigation by court regarding parenting separation, or declaration of invalidity
written records 26.44.035 arrangements 26.09.220 26.09.050
Resource and assessment centers, licensing Mediation proceedings 26.09.015, 26.09.016 remedies 26.09.255
74.15.311 Modification 26.09.260 CHILD PORNOGRAPHY (See SEX
Rights of child 13.34.020 Nonparental actions for custody OFFENSES)
Rights of parents and children forms
purpose 26.44.100 mandatory use of standard forms and format CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES (See
statement to parents 26.44.110 rules 26.18.220 SOCIAL AND HEALTH SERVICES,
Risk assessment process generally Ch. 26.10 DEPARTMENT OF)
use, report to legislature 26.44.030 guardian ad litem appointment 26.10.130 CHILD SUPPORT (See also FAMILY
School curriculum 28A.300.150, 28A.300.160 Indian children 26.10.034 ABANDONMENT AND NONSUPPORT)
Schools orders, various Ch. 26.10 Adjudicative proceedings
written policy 28A.230.080 orders, various Ch. 26.10 department of social and health services
Sexual abuse and/or assault Orders, various Ch. 26.09 participation 74.20.057
criminal records Parentage act, uniform Ch. 26.26 Administrative support order
information identifying victims is Parenting act modification of
confidential 10.97.130 residential time summary report 26.18.230 petition, grounds, and procedure 74.20A.059
evidence, admissibility of childs statement Parenting act, parental custody and Aid and attendant care payments
9A.44.120 responsibilities in calculation of obligation 26.19.045
identity of victim not to be disclosed at any advice of professional personnel 26.09.210 Alternative method of enforcement Ch. 74.20A
court proceeding 10.52.100 appointment of attorney 26.09.110 Attendant services payments in cases of
information identifying victims of juvenile definitions 26.09.004 disability
offenders is confidential 13.50.050 effective date, pending actions, decrees calculation of obligation 26.19.055
investigation 26.44.180, 26.44.185, 26.44.190 26.09.907, 26.09.909 Case registry
investigator training 43.101.224 failure to comply with decree or order submission of support orders 26.23.033
recovery actions, statute of limitations 26.09.160 Central registry
4.16.340 interview with child by court 26.09.210 case registry, procedures 26.23.033

[RCW Indexpage 64] (2016 Ed.)


court order to pay 26.09.120 Guidelines issuance or modification of temporary plan,

creation, duties, procedure 26.23.030 review 26.19.025 required affidavit 26.09.270
definitions 26.23.020 Health care 26.09.105 objectives and content of permanent plan
disclosure, confidentiality, records 26.23.120 Income tax exemptions, federal 26.09.184
dishonored checks 26.23.075 allocation between parties 26.19.100 petition 26.09.040
employer liability 26.23.090 Indian tribes, cooperative agreements for procedure for permanent plan 26.09.181,
employment reporting requirements enforcement services Ch. 26.25 26.09.182
26.23.040 Inmates proposed temporary plan 26.09.194
information, partys duty to update 26.23.055 collection actions 72.09.480 restrictions 26.09.191
mandatory wage assignment 26.18.080 Internal revenue service may be informed of policy 26.09.002, 26.09.003
obligation, determination of amount, failure to support 74.20.160 separation contracts 26.09.070
procedure 26.23.110 Interstate automated enforcement Ch. 74.20A Paternity
orders Interstate family support act, uniform Ch. 26.21A genetic testing orders 74.20.360
provisions, enforcement 26.23.050 Judgment liens Payments
service of process, procedures 26.23.055 expiration 4.56.210 bad checks, clerk to accept only cash or
payments to registry, immunity 26.23.070 Judicial retirement, assignment order against certified funds 26.09.120
prohibited acts, employers 26.23.080 benefits 2.10.180, 2.12.090 office of support enforcement
records, confidentiality and disclosure Legislative findings 26.18.010 credit for other payments, when allowed
26.23.120 License suspension for noncompliance with 74.20.101
records retention 26.23.040 support order support registry
support enforcement services 26.23.045 adjudicative proceeding 74.20A.322 credit for other payments, when allowed
wage assignment certification of noncompliance 74.20A.324 74.20.101
employer duties 26.18.110 identification of responsible parents Payments to court, clerk may send directly to
form 26.18.100 74.20A.330 recipient 36.48.090
service 26.18.130 license renewal and reinstatement 74.20A.320 Periodic adjustments or modifications 26.09.100
Child support data report 26.18.210 licensing department duties 43.24.112 Provision for in dissolution of marriage, legal
Clerk of superior court, send checks to recipient licensing entities, agreements with department separation, or declaration of invalidity
36.48.090 of social and health services 74.20A.330 26.09.050
Compliance with registry 26.09.135 noncompliance notice 74.20A.350 Public assistance
Definitions 26.18.020 notice of noncompliance, procedures action by department to insure support
Delinquent support payments under temporary 74.20A.320 74.20.040
order payment schedule arrangements 74.20A.326 agreements between attorney general and
effect of final decree 26.09.060 records access 74.20A.360 prosecuting attorney 74.20.210
Department of social and health services, rules, adoption of 74.20A.328 cooperation by person having custody, penalty
designated agency under federal law Liens 26.18.055 74.20.060
74.20.055 Limitation of action divorce or separate maintenance actions
Dependent children action to be commenced within ten years after 74.20.220
parents duty to support 13.34.160 eighteenth birthday of youngest child intercounty proceedings 74.20.210
Division of child support 4.16.020 petition, order spouse to provide support
distribution of support received 26.23.035 Mandatory wage assignment 26.18.120, 74.20.230, 74.20.240, 74.20.250
payroll deduction 26.18.130, 26.18.140 purposes 74.20.010
notice 26.23.060 alternate payment plan 26.18.140 Public assistance action, See PUBLIC
Domestic partnerships employers answer, duties, and liability ASSISTANCE, subtitle Support of
extension of rights and responsibilities 26.18.110 dependent children
26.18.240 petition or motion 26.18.070 Records access by parents, limitations 26.09.225
Economic table 26.19.020 Modification 26.09.170, 26.09.175 Registry
Educational support, postsecondary 26.19.090 venue 26.09.280 procedure 74.20.101
Employee benefit plans Nonparental actions for custody Residential time summary report 26.09.231,
subject to domestic relations orders 6.15.020 forms 26.18.230
Employment status, office of support mandatory approved forms 26.10.015 Responsible parent
enforcement not to discriminate on the basis mandatory use of standard forms and format action against responsible parents earnings
of 74.20.045 rules 26.18.220 within state 74.20A.095
Enforcement of support health insurance 26.10.060 financial responsibility of, notice and finding
action against responsible parents earnings support orders 26.10.050 of
within state 74.20A.095 support schedule 26.10.045 procedure 74.20A.055
foreign country, one parent living in Notice of support or maintenance orders Schedule
uniform interstate family support act Ch. 26.23.130 allocation of support obligation between
26.21A Office of support enforcement parents 26.19.080
Indian tribes, cooperative agreements for employment status, office not to discriminate definitions 26.19.011
services Ch. 26.25 on the basis of 74.20.045 educational support, postsecondary 26.19.090
public assistance action for enforcement of payroll deduction income tax exemptions, federal
support for dependent children, See motion to quash, modify, or terminate allocation between parties 26.19.100
PUBLIC ASSISTANCE, subtitle Support 26.23.100 nonparental actions 26.10.045
of dependent children self-employed individuals, duties of office review 26.19.025
venue 26.09.280 74.20.045 standards for application 26.19.035
Execution on judgment for Out-of-home placement of child standards for determination of income
may seek issuance for ten years after support contribution by parents 13.32A.175, 26.19.071
eighteenth birthday of youngest child 13.32A.177, 13.32A.178 standards for deviation from standard
6.17.020 Parentage act, uniform Ch. 26.26 calculation 26.19.075
Family abandonment and nonsupport Ch. 26.20 Parenting act standards for establishing lower and upper
Family court jurisdiction 26.12.190 appointment of attorney 26.09.110 limits on amounts 26.19.065
Financial institution data matches 74.20A.370 definitions 26.09.004 worksheets and instructions 26.19.050
Foreign child support court orders failure to comply with decree or order Self-employed individuals
enforcement or nonenforcement, when 26.09.160 office of support enforcement duties
uniform interstate family support act Ch. interview with child by court 26.09.210 74.20.045
26.21A investigation by court regarding parenting Social security numbers
Foreign countries, one parent living in, See arrangements 26.09.220 collection and disclosure waiver 26.23.140
CHILD SUPPORT, subtitle Support parenting plan federal requirement, restricted disclosure
obligations enforcement criteria for establishing permanent plan 26.23.150
Forms 26.09.187 State patrol retirement system
mandatory use of standard forms and format decree of dissolution 26.09.050 support orders, compliance with 43.43.310
rules 26.18.220 failure to comply 26.09.184 Stepchildren
use of approved forms 26.09.006 issuance of temporary plan 26.09.197 support obligation 26.16.205

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 65]


Support obligation petition for, court commissioners power to local health department authority and
allocation between parents 26.19.080 hear and determine 2.24.040 immunity 70.05.170
day care or special child rearing expenses voluntary adoption plan and termination of Child protective services
26.19.080 parental rights 13.34.125 child taken into custody with court order
Support obligations enforcement Adoption, See also ADOPTION notice to parents 26.44.115
application of chapter 26.18.030, 26.18.035 Adverse childhood experiences, preventing and child taken into custody without court order
bond or other security 26.18.150 mitigating effects of statement to parents 26.44.110
commencement of proceedings 26.18.040 definitions 70.305.010 family assessment response 26.44.020,
contempt action 26.18.050 findings, purpose 70.305.005 26.44.030, 26.44.031, 26.44.260,
definitions 26.18.020 planning group 70.305.020 26.44.270, 26.44.272
foreign country, one parent living in Age liability of governmental entities and their
uniform interstate family support act Ch. compulsory school attendance, See officers, limiting of 4.24.595, 26.44.280
26.21A SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS, notice to noncustodial parent 26.44.120
health insurance subtitle Compulsory attendance taking child into custody without court order
liability of employer or union, penalties employment 26.28.060 26.44.050
26.18.180 legal criminal responsibility 9A.04.050 Child selling, buying
liens 26.18.055 majority Ch. 26.28 duty of witnesses to report 9.69.100
mandatory wage assignment 26.18.070, for enumerated purposes 26.28.015 lawful and unlawful acts 9A.64.030
26.18.080, 26.18.090, 26.18.120, Aid to dependent children, See PUBLIC Child welfare services
26.18.130, 26.18.140 ASSISTANCE, subtitle Temporary records or information, disclosure 74.13.042
employers answer, duties, and liability assistance for needy families Child welfare services, See PUBLIC
26.18.110 Alcohol or drug dependence ASSISTANCE, subtitle Child welfare
form 26.18.100 services, access to, report 74.09.495 services
medical support 26.18.170 Alcoholic beverages, See ALCOHOLIC Children and family services act 74.14A.020
prevailing party, costs and fees 26.18.160 BEVERAGES, subtitle Minors blended funding projects 74.14A.060
workers compensation or certain benefits Alcoholism and drug addiction treatment Ch. juvenile offenders
payments 70.96A family unit to be included in treatment
paid on behalf of child 26.18.190 At-risk children and families 74.14A.040
Temporary support in dissolution of marriage, collaborative programs with public agencies treatment in nonresidential community-
legal separation, or declaration of validity authorized based care 74.14A.030
26.09.060 program requirements 43.150.080 legislative declaration 74.14A.010
Uniform economic table 26.19.020 community public health and safety networks long-term care or assistance
Uniform interstate family support act Ch. 26.21A duties 70.190.070 identification of children requiring
associated foreign order provisions 4.24.820 expenditures, authorization and limitation 74.14A.050
Uniform parentage act Ch. 26.26 70.190.065 program development 74.14A.050
Veterans disability pensions or compensation grants for use of school facilities 70.190.180 policy goal 74.14A.025
calculation of income and support obligation inclusion in state and federal plans affecting Childrens day 1.16.050
26.19.045 children, youth, and families 70.190.160
membership and organization 70.190.060 Childrens services
Wrongful deprivation of legal custody caseworker standards and training 74.14B.010
payments, when excused 74.20.065 outcome evaluation 70.190.050
planning grants and contracts with family child abuse and neglect multidisciplinary
CHILD WELFARE AGENCIES (See teams 74.14B.030
PUBLIC ASSISTANCE, subtitle Child policy council 70.190.090
programs and plans 70.190.080 counseling referrals availability notice
welfare agencies) 74.14B.050
proposals to family policy council
CHILDHOOD DEAFNESS AND HEARING 70.190.030 therapeutic day care and treatment 74.14B.040
LOSS, CENTER FOR (See DEAF) sexual abstinence and delay of sexual Childrens sleepwear, See FLAMMABLE
activity campaigns 70.190.085 FABRICS
CHILDREN (See also CHILD CUSTODY; Commitment complaints, court commissioners
CHILD SUPPORT; JUVENILES; transfer of funds and programs to state
agency 70.190.170 power to hear and determine 2.24.040
MINORS; PARENT AND CHILD; Community health care collaborative grant
UNIFORM PARENTAGE ACT) family policy council
community services, projects program 41.05.650, 41.05.660
funds to implement 70.190.030 Community public health and safety networks
defense 9A.42.090
prioritization 70.190.030 duties 70.190.070
defined 9A.42.010
first degree 9A.42.060 community services, proposals to expenditures, authorization and limitation
criteria for consideration 70.190.030 70.190.065
second degree 9A.42.070
third degree 9A.42.080 nonoffender at-risk children and their families grants for use of school facilities 70.190.180
unattended in parked car 9.91.060 Ch. 13.32A inclusion in state and federal plans affecting
Abduction of child by parent services provided by counties 74.13.025 children, youth, and families 70.190.160
information for parents on harmful effects superintendent of public instruction lead fiscal agent 70.190.075
26.09.315 grants to improve readiness to learn liability, immunity 70.190.190
Action against minor defendant, appointment of 28A.300.555 membership and organization 70.190.060
guardian in defense of 12.04.150 Begging, employing child for 26.28.070 outcome evaluation 70.190.050
Action by minor plaintiff, appointment of Behavioral health services planning grants and contracts with family
guardian to act for minor 12.04.140 access to, report 74.09.495 policy council 70.190.090
Action by minor plaintiff to be commenced by Berry harvesting by workers under twelve years programs and plans 70.190.080
guardian, exceptions 12.04.140 of age 15.04.150, 15.04.160 proposals to family policy council 70.190.030
Actions against parent for injuries to person or Blind children and their families sexual abstinence and delay of sexual activity
property committed by minor child, services offered 74.18.190 campaigns 70.190.085
limitations 4.24.190 Car seats transfer of funds and programs to state agency
Actions for seduction of child or ward 4.24.020 immunity, safety technicians 46.61.687, 70.190.170
Adoption 46.61.6871 Concealing birth of, penalty 9.02.050
children with special needs, interstate public awareness, education 46.61.6885 Confession of judgment by, who may confess for
agreements for adoption 74.13A.090, requirements 46.61.687 4.60.020
74.13A.095, 74.13A.100, 74.13A.105, standards, state patrol duties 46.37.505 Contracts
74.13A.110, 74.13A.115, 74.13A.120, Carnal knowledge disaffirmance 26.28.040
74.13A.125 prevention of procreation as punishment personal services of infant, payment bars
insurance coverage 48.01.180 9.92.100 recovery by parent or guardian 26.28.050
health care 48.20.500, 48.21.280, 48.44.420, Chemical dependency treatment Ch. 70.96A student educational loan contracts Ch. 26.30
48.46.490 Child abuse, See CHILD ABUSE validity and effect 26.28.030
lawfully adopted child not an heir of his or her Child care, See DAY CARE Contributory negligence, not imputed 4.22.020
natural parents for purposes of Title 11 Child labor, See LABOR, subtitle Minors Corporal punishment
11.04.085 Child mortality review use of force 9A.16.100

[RCW Indexpage 66] (2016 Ed.)


Correctional facilities for, See Custody review hearings 13.34.145

CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES, subtitle child protective services custody rights of child 13.34.020
Juveniles notice to parents 26.44.115 rights of parties 13.34.090
Credit reports court-ordered custody rights of parties to be heard 13.34.096
protected consumers, children as, security notice to noncustodial parent 26.44.120 services, coordination 13.34.025
freezes for 19.182.220, 19.182.230 custodial interference services, description 13.34.094
Crimes against fees and costs 26.09.255 sexual contact or abuse evidence admissible
assault of a child dependency proceedings 9A.44.120
first degree 9A.36.120 sexual contact or abuse evidence admissible sexual offenses
second degree 9A.36.130 9A.44.120 state patrol duties regarding records
third degree 9A.36.140 provision for in dissolution of marriage, legal 43.43.705
internet crimes against children separation, or declaration of invalidity shelter care 13.34.055, 13.34.060, 13.34.062,
account 43.101.435 26.09.050 13.34.065, 13.34.067, 13.34.069,
school employee, conviction or guilty plea residential placement or custody, prerequisites 13.34.092
notification of state patrol and for court before granting restraining order status review, hearing 13.34.138
superintendent of public instruction 26.50.135 support order 13.34.160, 13.34.161
43.43.845 wrongful deprivation of legal custody termination of parent-child relationship
Crimes relating to support payments excused, when 74.20.065 13.34.132
age of legal responsibility 9A.04.050 Custody, See also JUVENILES visitation policy and protocols
begging, employing child for 26.28.070 Day care, See DAY CARE development 13.34.380
buying, selling 9A.64.030 Death of, parents action for 4.24.010 petition for visitation 13.34.385
cigarettes 26.28.080 Delinquent or dependent, See CHILDREN, Descent and distribution
concealing birth of child 9.02.050 subtitle Alternative residential placement; inheritance 11.04.015
employment CHILDREN, subtitle Crisis residential issue, defined 11.02.005
compulsory school attendance law centers; JUVENILE COURT; JUVENILES lawfully adopted child not an heir of his or her
28A.225.080 Delinquents natural parents for purposes of Title 11
immoral or dangerous employment family reconciliation services Ch. 13.32A RCW 11.04.085
26.28.070 Dependency Descent and distribution, See also PROBATE,
minimum ages, exceptions 26.28.060 abuse or sexual contact, admissibility of subtitle Children
prostitution houses 26.28.070 childs statement 9A.44.120 Desertion and nonsupport, See also
leaving children unattended in parked alcohol or substance abuse evaluation and DESERTION AND NONSUPPORT
automobile to enter tavern 9.91.060 treatment for parent or guardian Disabilities, children with
luring of child or person with developmental breach of court-ordered treatment 13.34.174 co-custodians
disability 9A.40.090 violation of conditions 13.34.176 consent before commitment 26.40.050
refrigeration equipment abandoned where attorney for child, appointment 13.34.100 financial responsibility 26.40.080
accessible to children Ch. 9.03 child protection and child welfare legal status of child, consent required for
school district employees, termination of racial disproportionality, evaluation and change 26.40.080
certificated employees for felony crime report 13.34.830 petition for change 26.40.070
against child child welfare proceedings who may be 26.40.040
notice to superintendent of public instruction placement, documentation 13.34.400 declaration of purpose 26.40.010
upon guilty plea or conviction civil contempt of court 13.34.165 education and training
28A.405.475 court forms, standard 13.34.035 administrative section 28A.155.030
recovery of salary or compensation by custody administrative section for created
district 28A.405.470 hearing 13.34.070 28A.155.020
right of appeal 28A.405.470 Indian child welfare act, federal 13.34.040, apportionment of state and county funds
school district employees, termination of 13.34.070 28A.155.040, 28A.155.050, 28A.155.070
classified employees for felony crime order 13.34.050 authority of districts, generally 28A.155.040
against child petition to court 13.34.040 children with disabilities, defined
crimes against children, specified definitions 13.34.030 28A.155.020
28A.400.322 disposition orders 13.34.130 early intervention services 28A.155.065
right of appeal 28A.400.320 disposition orders, entry 13.34.141 home aid 28A.155.050
schools, contractors prohibited from education coordination program for dependent joint school district cooperation
employing person convicted of felony youth 28A.300.590 28A.155.040
crime against child, penalty for violation education services, onsite individualized, for leasing buses for transporting of
28A.400.330 dependent students 28A.300.592 28A.160.040, 28A.160.050, 28A.160.060
substitution of child to deceive 9.45.020 educational liaison 13.34.045, 13.34.046 preschool age children 28A.155.020,
tobacco 26.28.080 evaluation of parties 13.34.370 28A.155.070
vapor products, See VAPOR PRODUCTS guardian ad litem, duties 13.34.105, 13.34.107 residential schools 28A.155.040
Criminal mistreatment guardian ad litem, fees 13.34.108 sites, buildings and equipment for, financing
defense, financial inability 9A.42.050 guardian ad litem or suitable person 13.34.100 28A.155.040
defined 9A.42.010 guidelines 13.34.350 special aid equipment and teachers
endangerment with a controlled substance hearings 13.34.110, 13.34.120 28A.155.040
9A.42.100 Indians health of child
first degree 9A.42.020 placement of Indian child in out-of-home consent of co-custodian required before
fourth degree 9A.42.037 care 13.34.130 health procedure 26.40.080
leaving a child in the care of a sex offender jurisdiction of court 13.34.155 petition to allow application of health
9A.42.110 juvenile court act 13.34.010 measures 26.40.080
second degree 9A.42.030 newborn, transfer 13.34.360 responsibility to state and co-custodians
third degree 9A.42.035 parents duty to support 13.34.160 26.40.080
withdrawal of life support systems not parents for parents program Ch. 2.70 multiple disabilities, medical services Ch.
applicable to chapter 9A.42.040 parents of dependent children, locator services 74.26
Crisis residential centers for 74.20.280 order of commitment
annual records, contents 74.13.035 permanency filing, notice, copies 26.40.060
licensing eligibility 74.13.035 annual report 13.34.820 petition for rescission of order 26.40.070
secure or semi-secure centers placement of child 13.34.134 parent to parent program 71A.14.120,
collaboration, collocation, licensing plan of care 13.34.136, 13.34.155 71A.14.130, 71A.14.140
requirements 74.15.255 plan of care when parent has developmental petition for order of commitment
sexually exploited children, access to person disability 13.34.136 co-custody 26.40.040
trained to work with 74.15.255 planning 13.34.145 consent required 26.40.050
Custodial interference petition 13.34.080 contents 26.40.040
custody of children by law enforcement placement 13.34.130, 13.34.141, 13.34.142 grounds 26.40.030
officer 13.34.055 placement order 13.34.130 petition for rescission of commitment order
shelter care placement 13.34.060 psychosexual evaluation for parent 13.34.410 26.40.070, 26.40.090

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 67]


provide parental training in care and education Employment security department family services Habeas corpus, granting of writ to guardian or
28A.155.020 and programs limited guardian 7.36.020
services to to be administered to promote states policy of Harboring 13.32A.080
by health department 43.20A.635 service to at-risk children and families Head start program, statewide 43.215.125
Disabilities, infants and toddlers with 50.08.030 Health insurance
birth-to-three interagency coordinating Erotic material, showing and distribution to access to coverage 74.09.402
council 43.215.470, 43.215.472, minors, penalty 9.68.050, 9.68.060, affordable health coverage 74.09.460,
43.215.474, 43.215.476 9.68.070, 9.68.080, 9.68.090, 9.68.100, 74.09.470, 74.09.480, 74.09.4701
early intervention services 43.215.470, 9.68.110, 9.68.120 apple health for kids program 74.09.470,
43.215.472, 43.215.474, 43.215.476 Escheated property, limitation of action for filing 74.09.480, 74.09.4701
Discipline claim for tolled during disability 11.08.280 Heart disease, critical congenital screening
use of force 9A.16.100 Executor or administrator, disqualified to act as infants born in a hospital 70.83.090
Discrimination against families with children 11.36.010 Home visitation programs
prohibited 49.60.222 Executors of letters testamentary, as, procedure definitions 43.215.146
Domestic violence 11.28.040 findings, intent 43.215.145
foreign protection order full faith and credit Families in conflict funding 43.215.147
act Ch. 26.52 family services and programs to be
administered to benefit 43.20A.780 home visitation services coordination or
Donors and distributors of items to children consolidation plan 43.215.147
immunity from civil and criminal liability statute administration, consistency required
43.20A.770 Homeless
70.200.020 homeless youth prevention and protection act
construction of chapter 70.200.030 Families-in-conflict
children and family services act 74.14A.020 data and outcome measures, report
definitions 70.200.010 43.330.706
Driving under the influence legislative declaration 74.14A.010
policy goal 74.14A.025 definitions 43.330.702
driver under age twenty-one findings 43.330.700
electronic monitoring or alcohol abstinence Family abandonment and nonsupport Ch. 26.20
Family and children services office of homeless youth prevention and
monitoring 46.61.50571 protection programs 43.330.705,
mandatory appearances 46.61.50571 legislative childrens oversight committee,
membership and duties 44.04.220 43.330.710
Drug or alcohol dependence programs, state-funded, review of
services, access to, report 74.09.495 Family and childrens ombuds, office of Ch.
43.06A 43.330.717
Drug-affected and alcohol-affected mothers and training programs 43.330.715
infants Family policy council
community services, projects HOPE centers for street youth
comprehensive services
funds to implement 70.190.030 requirements 74.15.250
development and expansion of 13.34.390
Drug-affected babies, prenatal newborn prioritization 70.190.030 secure or semi-secure centers
screening Ch. 70.83E community services, proposals to facilitate collaboration, collocation, licensing
Early childhood education and assistance criteria for consideration 70.190.030 requirements 74.15.255
program Ch. 43.215 Family preservation services Ch. 74.14C sexually exploited children, access to person
Early learning, department of Ch. 43.215 Family reconciliation services Ch. 13.32A trained to work with 74.15.255
Earnings Felony convictions, placement 72.01.410 Host homes and host home programs for youth in
equality of right to of wife 26.16.125 Fetal alcohol screening and assessment services need
separate property of custodial parent 71.24.605, 71.24.610 abuse and neglect reporting requirements
26.16.140 Fetal alcohol syndrome prevention Ch. 70.83C 26.44.030
Firearms registration of programs with secretary of
Education carrying firearms 9.41.050
joint liability of husband and wife 26.16.205 states office 24.03.550
exceptions to restrictions on 9.41.060 Housing, independent youth housing program
stepchildren 26.16.205 delivery to ineligible persons prohibited,
Educational records, dependent children 43.63A.305, 43.63A.307, 43.63A.309,
penalty 9.41.080 43.63A.311, 43.63A.313, 43.63A.315
transmittal to department of social and health delivery to prohibited 9.41.080
services 28A.150.510 Illegitimate
pistols, possession by person between mothers action for death or injury to 4.24.010
Emancipation of minors eighteen and twenty-one 9.41.240
decree of emancipation, notation of status Immoral activities, See also CHILDREN,
possession 9.41.042 subtitle Carnal knowledge
13.64.050 Foster care, See FOSTER CARE
eligibility to petition 13.64.010 Indecent exposure 9A.88.010
Genetic testing to establish parentage Ch. 26.26 Indecent liberties, See also CHILDREN, subtitle
forms for petition 13.64.080 Graffiti
hearing on petition 13.64.040 Carnal knowledge
parents liability for childrens acts 4.24.190 Indians
petition, contents and filing fee 13.64.020 Grandparents and other persons, visitation rights
power and capacity of emancipated minors assumption of state jurisdiction as to
26.09.240 dependent children and juvenile
13.64.060 Guardian ad litem
service of petition and notice of hearing delinquency 37.12.010
appointment for civil action 4.08.050 emergency placement of Indian child in out-
13.64.030 eminent domain proceedings 8.25.270
study authorized 74.14A.050 of-home care 26.44.240
Guardian or limited guardian as witness 5.60.030 Indian child welfare act Ch. 13.38
voiding of fraudulent declaration 13.64.070 Guardianship
Emergency management workers, entitled to Infant crib safety requirements Ch. 70.111
courts, control of children until majority
compensation benefits 38.52.270 reached 11.92.010 Infants, drug and alcohol-affected
Eminent domain proceedings dependent children definition 13.34.801, 13.34.802
guardian ad litem, appointment 8.25.270 eligible relatives appointed as guardians, model project 13.34.800
Emotional and behavioral distress in students subsidy program for 74.13.062 Inheritance by 11.04.081
coursework on distress, requiring for teacher establishment of 13.34.232 Inheritance from or by not dependent upon
certification 28A.410.035 guardianship separate from dependency marriage of parents 11.04.081
recognition, screening, and response, model guardianship, establishment of Injury to, parents action for 4.24.010
school district plan for 28A.320.1271 permanency for children in foster care Insurance, schools may provide hospital and
recognition, screening, and response, school through Ch. 13.36 medical for children injured getting off or on
district plans for 28A.320.127 guardianship subsidy, right of guardian to certain vehicles 28A.160.010
response to distress, including educator and receive 13.34.234 Intoxicating liquor
school staff training 28A.310.500, modification of order 13.34.233 leaving unattended in car to enter tavern
28A.310.501 powers and duties of guardian 13.34.232 9.91.060
Emotional disturbance review exemption 13.34.235 Investigation of state employees and providers
children and family services act 74.14A.020 termination 13.34.233 responsible for children and vulnerable
legislative declaration 74.14A.010 when dependency guardianship is subject to adults
policy goal 74.14A.025 provisions of juvenile court act, authority 43.20A.710
Employment exceptions, options 13.34.237 Jail confinement, segregation from adult
generally Ch. 49.12 Guardianship, See also GUARDIAN AND offenders 72.01.415
Employment, See also LABOR, subtitle Minors WARD Judgments against

[RCW Indexpage 68] (2016 Ed.)


errors in, ground for vacation or modification information reported by department of social prohibiting sale and manufacture when
of superior court judgment or order and health services 13.60.040 containing certain flame retardants
4.72.010 state patrol to establish 13.60.010 childrens products 70.240.025
vacation or modification of superior court superintendent of public instruction duties residential upholstered furniture 70.240.025
judgments or orders against 13.60.030 rules, adoption 70.240.060
grounds 4.72.010 toll-free hotline 13.60.010 Prostitution houses, employment 26.28.070
limitation of actions exception 4.72.030 Motor vehicle traffic records, to be provided to Public assistance, See PUBLIC ASSISTANCE
petition, by 4.72.030 parents and guardians 46.20.293 Public health services improvement plan
Juvenile justice act Ch. 13.40 Name, action for change of 4.24.130 assessment standards 43.70.555
Juvenile justice care Negligent treatment or maltreatment 26.44.020 contents 43.70.550
custody, treatment, departmental Newborn screening Ch. 70.83 Punishment
responsibility 74.13.035 Out-of-home care use of force 9A.16.100
Juvenile offenders social study, contents 74.13.065 Resource and assessment centers, licensing
community-based care, nonresidential Out-of-home placement 74.15.311
children and family services act 74.14A.030 conflict of interest 74.13.530 Rights of child 13.34.020
family unit in treatment disposition hearing and court order Runaway hotline 74.13.039
children and family services act 74.14A.040 13.32A.179 Runaway youth
Labor, See LABOR, subtitle Minors support contribution by parents 13.32A.175, law enforcement duty to identify and place
Learning and life skills grant program for court- 13.32A.177, 13.32A.178 information 13.32A.086
involved youth Ch. 13.80 Parent and child relationship Safe products Ch. 70.240
Leaving children unattended in parked private attorney representation 74.20.350 Safe routes to school program
automobile to enter tavern, penalty 9.91.060 uniform parentage act Ch. 26.26 establishment within department of
Legal disability to sue, sale of estate by guardian, voluntary adoption plan 13.34.125 transportation, purpose 47.04.300
limitation of actions on 4.16.070 Parents action for death or injury of child Savings associations, minors accounts
Legislative childrens oversight committee, 4.24.010 33.20.040
membership and duties 44.04.220 Partition proceedings School grounds, removal from during school
Limited guardianship compensation for unequal partition 7.52.440 hours 28A.605.010
courts, control of children until majority consent to partition by guardian or limited Schools
reached 11.92.010 guardian 7.52.470 compulsory attendance, See SCHOOLS AND
Long-term care or assistance interest of guardian prohibited 7.52.360 SCHOOL DISTRICTS
identification of children requiring payment to guardian on sale of interest Seat belts
74.14A.050 7.52.450 public awareness, education 46.61.6885
program development 74.14A.050 terms of sale to be directed by court 7.52.280 requirements 46.61.687
Love and companionship, action for loss of Paternity Seduction of child or ward, action for 4.24.020
4.24.010 acknowledgment of, basis for finding of Service of summons on, personal service
Luring of child or person with developmental parental responsibility, contest of finding 4.28.080
disability 74.20A.056 Sex offenses
defined 9A.40.090 affidavit, transmission to office of vital child offenders, investigation and referral
statistics 70.58.080 26.44.160
Majority sexually aggressive youth, investigation and
for enumerated purposes 26.28.015 guardian or guardian ad litem, appointment of
referral 26.44.160
Marriage, validity, legitimacy of children when not required 74.20.310
Sexual abstinence and delay of sexual activity
26.09.040 limitation of actions 4.16.360 campaigns 70.190.085
Media violence reduction reporting 43.70.560 uniform parentage act Ch. 26.26 Sexual abuse
Mental health Pay-per-call information delivery services commercial sexual abuse of a minor
first-aid training, mental health, for teachers services directed at children, prohibitions and wiretaps 9.73.210, 9.73.230
and educational staff 43.20A.765 restrictions 19.162.050 indicator recognition, screening, and response,
Mental health, See also CHILDREN, subtitle Personal protection spray devices school district plans for 28A.320.127
Emotional and behavioral distress in possession 9.91.160 temporary restraining order or preliminary
students; CHILDREN, subtitle Suicide Phenylketonuria and other heritable or metabolic injunction
Mental health services Ch. 71.24, Ch. 71.34, Ch. disorders contents, notice, noncompliance, penalty
71.36 newborn infant screening, including reporting 26.44.067
access to, report 74.09.495 and regulating of Ch. 70.83 enforcement 26.44.063
children and family services act 74.14A.010, Poison prevention packaging Ch. 70.106 Sexual assault
74.14A.020, 74.14A.025 Pornography, See SEX OFFENSES criminal records
evidence-based and research-based Posthumous, considered as living for purposes of information identifying victims is
prevention and intervention services Ch. descent and distribution 11.02.005 confidential 10.97.130
43.20C Potentially dependent children identity of victim not to be disclosed at any
inpatient admission, procedure 13.34.320, children and family services act court proceeding 10.52.100
13.34.330, 13.34.340 policy goal 74.14A.025 information identifying victims of juvenile
medication and care 74.09.490 Prevention and intervention services, evidence- offenders is confidential 13.50.050
program standards, medical assistance based and research-based Ch. 43.20C Sexual exploitation, See SEX OFFENSES,
74.09.521 Privileged communications 5.60.060 subtitle Sexual exploitation of children
system of care Ch. 74.55 Probate Sexually abused children
Minimum wage family support and postdeath creditors claim early identification and referral, victims of
information program, department of labor and exemptions Ch. 11.54 sexual assault or abuse 74.14B.070
industries duties 49.12.380 final report and petition for distribution, Special health care needs, children with
Minors access to tobacco, restrictions, See guardian ad litem or limited guardian parent to parent program 71A.14.120,
TOBACCO, subtitle Minors access, 11.76.080 71A.14.130, 71A.14.140
restrictions Probate, See also PROBATE Stepchildren
Missing and exploited children, task force on Products, safe inheritance by, escheat avoided 11.04.095
13.60.100, 13.60.110 definitions 70.240.010 limitation of liability after divorce 26.16.205
Missing children and endangered person education campaign 43.70.660 Street youth
clearinghouse flame retardant chemicals, certain, in HOPE centers 74.15.250
amber alert plan, development and childrens products and upholstered responsible living skills program 74.15.230,
implementation by state patrol 13.60.010 furniture 74.15.240, 74.15.250
computerized missing person network review of chemicals, advisory committee, Student educational loan contracts Ch. 26.30
entry, retrieval, access 13.60.020 report 70.240.035 Substance use disorder treatment program
maintenance of 13.60.010 high priority chemicals, notice 70.240.040 generally Ch. 70.96A
endangered missing person advisory plan, high priority chemicals, report 70.240.030 program establishment, authority,
development and implementation by state lead, cadmium, phthalates 70.240.020 requirements 70.96A.110
patrol 13.60.050 manufacturers of restricted products substance use disorder, definition of
information distribution 13.60.010 70.240.050 70.96A.020

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 69]


Substitute care, See FOSTER CARE sexual offenses or abuse involving, jurisdiction 18.25.190
Substitution of child to deceive, penalty 9.45.020 admissibility of childs statement membership and terms 18.25.0151
Sudden, unexplained infant death 9A.44.120 pilot project, commission authority 18.25.210
training program 43.103.100 Therapeutic family home program for youth in qualifications of members 18.25.0165
Suicide custody 74.13.170 removal of member 18.25.0161
coursework on suicide, requiring for school Tobacco, restrictions on minors access to, See successor to other boards and committees
nurse, social worker, psychologist, or TOBACCO, subtitle Minors access, 18.25.0172
counselor certification 28A.410.226 restrictions Credentials use 18.25.090
coursework on suicide, requiring for teacher Tolling of statute of limitations of actions Definitions 18.25.005, 18.25.006
certification 28A.410.035 4.16.190 Discrimination
indicator recognition, screening, and response, coexistent disabilities 4.16.260 prohibited 18.25.0192
model school district plan for when disability must exist 4.16.250 state and political subdivisions, discrimination
28A.320.1271 Transitional living programs for youth in process against chiropractic services prohibited
indicator recognition, screening, and response, of being emancipated 74.13.037 18.25.0193, 18.25.0194, 18.25.0195,
school district plans for 28A.320.127 Trust company or bank may act as guardian of 18.25.0196, 18.25.0197
prevention activities, assisting schools in estate of 11.36.010 Examinations
implementing 28A.300.288 Vaccination subjects and grade standards 18.25.030
screening, referral, and prevention including Washington vaccine association Ch. 70.290 waiver 18.25.035
educator and school staff training Vaccinations Health care authority
28A.310.500 universal vaccine purchase account 43.70.720 prepaid capitated amount for services, pilot
screening and referral, including educator and Victims and witnesses projects 18.25.200
school staff training 28A.310.501 definitions 7.69A.020 Health care coverage to include
Support identity of child victims of sexual assault not exceptions 48.44.310
custody to be disclosed at any court proceeding Health regulations 18.25.080
wrongful deprivation of legal custody 10.52.100 Immunity from civil action when charging
payments excused, when 74.20.065 information identifying victims of sexual another member with incompetency or gross
department of social and health services, assault by juvenile offenders is confidential misconduct 4.24.250
designated agency under federal law 13.50.050 Immunity from prosecution
74.20.055 information in criminal records identifying performance of duty on review committee
disclosure child victims of sexual assault is 4.24.240
unemployment compensation 50.40.050 confidential 10.97.130 Industrial insurance coverage 51.36.015
family support and postdeath creditors claim legislative intent 7.69A.010 Insurance
exemptions Ch. 11.54 rights disability, services included 48.20.412
homestead subject to execution and forced enumeration of 7.69A.030 group disability, coverage extended to include
sale to satisfy 6.13.080 notice of 48.21.142
joint liability of husband and wife 26.16.205 failure to give, liability 7.69A.040 Licenses
mandatory arbitration may be authorized Videos and video games applications
7.06.020 minors access to violent videos and games, contents and fees 18.25.020
medical support 26.09.105 library policy formulation 19.188.030 qualifications of applicants 18.25.020
video game rating system 19.188.040 continuing education 18.25.070
public assistance exempted forms of practice 18.25.190
action by department to insure support Violent acts and at-risk behaviors
data collection and reporting rules 43.70.540, inactive status 18.25.075
74.20.040 licensure by endorsement 18.25.040
agreements between attorney general and 43.70.545
Visitation renewal requirements 18.25.070
prosecuting attorney 74.20.210 required 18.25.011
cooperation by person having custody, disclosure of address via public assistance
records 74.04.060 Malpractice
penalty 74.20.060 actions for injuries resulting from 7.70.010,
divorce or separate maintenance actions jurisdiction 26.50.020
Wills 7.70.030, 7.70.040, 7.70.050, 7.70.060,
74.20.220 7.70.070, 7.70.080
intercounty proceedings 74.20.210 capacity to make 11.12.010
Witnesses Prayer treatment, chapter inapplicable 18.25.090
petition, order spouse to provide support Professional negligence
74.20.230, 74.20.240, 74.20.250 bail 10.16.150
guardian or limited guardian, child under limitation on suits arising from 4.16.350
purposes 74.20.010 standard of proof, evidence, exception
fourteen years 5.60.030
stepchildren 26.16.205 testimony by closed circuit television 4.24.290
Support, See also CHILD SUPPORT 9A.44.150 Professional service corporations Ch. 18.100
Support enforcement Youth courts, programs 13.40.580, 13.40.590, Records of review board or committee, members,
adjudicative proceedings 13.40.600, 13.40.610, 13.40.620, 13.40.630, or employees not subject to process 4.24.250
department of social and health services 13.40.640 Reporting
participation 74.20.057 Youth employment and conservation act, See abuse of child Ch. 26.44
employment status, office of support UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION, Schools and colleges
enforcement not to discriminate on the subtitle Youth employment and conservation accreditation 18.25.025
basis of 74.20.045 act educational standards 18.25.025
parent locator services 74.20.280 Youthbuild program, See YOUTHBUILD Service and fee limitations
self-employed individuals, office of support PROGRAM state health care purchasers authorized to set
enforcement duties 74.20.045 18.25.200
Tanning facilities and ultraviolet tanning devices CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES (See Suicide assessment, treatment, and management
use by minors prohibited, exceptions SOCIAL AND HEALTH SERVICES, training for chiropractors 43.70.442
18.370.020 DEPARTMENT OF) Uniform disciplinary act, application 18.25.019
Tattoos CHILDRENS SLEEPWEAR Unprofessional conduct, prosecution 18.25.112
application to minors a misdemeanor Flammable fabrics, See FLAMMABLE Violations, prosecution duties 18.25.100
26.28.085 FABRICS X-ray technicians, employment authorized
Television CHILDRENS TRUST FUND (See CHILD 18.25.180
channel blocking devices, availability ABUSE) CHLOROFLUOROCARBONS
required 19.188.020 Refrigerants
time/channel locks, availability required CHIROPODY (See PODIATRY)
regulated 70.94.970
19.188.020 CHIROPRACTIC rules, enforcement provisions, and limitations
Termination of parent-child relationship Child abuse 70.94.990
permanent placement of child 13.34.134 report by chiropractors Ch. 26.44 unlawful acts 70.94.980
petition 13.34.130, 13.34.132 Chiropractic quality assurance commission
Testimony authority and duties 18.25.025 CHORE SERVICES (See HEALTH
abuse or sexual contact, admissibility of compensation 18.25.0171 SERVICES, subtitle Chore services)
childs statement 9A.44.120 duties and powers 18.25.0171 CHOSES IN ACTION
by closed circuit television 9A.44.150 information to legislature 18.25.0181 Assignee of can sue in own name 4.08.080

[RCW Indexpage 70] (2016 Ed.)


Assignment of, defenses, setoffs and CIGARS (See TOBACCO) Airports, See also AERONAUTICS, subtitle
counterclaims 4.08.080 CITIES, ASSOCIATION OF Airports
Cities WASHINGTON Airspace, conveyance or lease of 35.22.302
consolidation, effect of 35.10.310 Budgets in cities and towns under 300,000 copy Alcohol, motor vehicles
Probate of final budget to be submitted 35.33.075 open container law
estates under sixty thousand dollars State design standards committee, appointment local ordinances authorized 46.61.5191
disposition of 11.62.010 of members 35.78.020 Alcoholic beverages
CHRISTMAS DAY Statewide city employees retirement system, driving under the influence, minimum penalty
School holiday 28A.150.050 members of board of trustees recommended 35.21.165
by 41.44.070 enforcement of laws 66.44.010
CHRISTMAS TREES fines and forfeitures, disposition 66.44.010
Growers Street expenditures of cities and towns,
consultation with state auditor on manual of liquor revolving fund distribution 66.08.210
advisory committee, program 15.13.314 local option, See ALCOHOLIC
license, fees 15.13.311, 15.13.312, 15.13.500 instructions for accounting 35.76.040
BEVERAGES, subtitle Local option
Horticulture, requirements Ch. 15.13 CITIES AND TOWNS (See also CITIES music and dancing upon licensed premises,
Injury to or removal, damages 64.12.030 OPTIONAL MUNICIPAL CODE; permit 66.28.080
Specialized forest products COURTS; LOCAL GOVERNMENTS) report of seizure 66.32.090
defined as 76.48.021 911 sale, local option Ch. 66.40
permit required 76.48.031 automatic number or location identification second class cities 35.23.440
CHURCH CORPORATIONS for 911 services, regulation prohibited state preemption 66.08.120
Annual report 35.21.895 Amateur radio antennas
failure to file, reinstatement after 24.12.055 Abandoned state highways in, procedure to regulation to conform with federal law
notice of annual requirement 24.12.051 become street in 36.75.090 35.21.315
secretary of states powers 24.12.045 Accessory apartments 35.63.210 Ambulance services
Authority to incorporate 24.12.010 incorporation of report recommendations into ambulance utilities, study and review
Corporations sole Ch. 24.12 local government development and zoning 35.21.7661
Corporations sole, prohibition under chapter regulations 43.63A.215 establishment authorized 35.21.766
24.12 24.12.005 Accident claims excise, B & O taxes authorized 35.21.768
Existing corporation sole 24.12.040 auditing and paying false claim, penalty tax revenue uses 35.21.768
Filings, articles of incorporation 24.12.030 42.20.060 towns, operation of 35.27.370
Nonprofit corporation act Ch. 24.03 charter cities, including second class charter Animal care and control agencies, powers and
Powers 24.12.020 cities duties Ch. 16.52
Property held in trust 24.12.030 charter provisions establishing procedure, Animals, prevention of cruelty to Ch. 16.52
Religious corporations, existing corporations application 35.31.020 Animals, procedures when deemed abandoned
sole 24.12.040 filing time 35.31.020 Ch. 16.54
presentment and filing of claims 35.31.020 Annexation
CHURCHES agricultural fair, territory used for 35.13.490
Bomb threats, penalty 9.61.160 provisions in charter, application 35.31.020
relative or agent verifying 35.31.020 agricultural land protection 36.93.180
Doors, swinging outward 70.54.070 application of boundary review law 36.93.220
Nonprofit corporation act Ch. 24.03 time limitation 35.31.020
first class cities approval by boundary review board does not
CIGARETTES (See also TOBACCO) cumulative provisions 35.31.020 authorize other annexation action
Distributors license Ch. 82.26 filing time 35.31.020 36.93.155
Ignition propensity relative or agent verifying 35.31.020 boundaries
generally Ch. 19.305 other than first class cities use of right of way as corporate boundary
reduced cigarette ignition propensity account accident fund 35.31.050, 35.31.060, 35.13.290
19.305.080 35.31.070 boundary review law, supersedes chapter
Indian tribes, tax contracts Accident claims, See also CITIES AND 35.13 RCW, where applicable 36.93.220
eligibility, tax rate 43.06.460 TOWNS, subtitle Claims certificate of population
Puyallup tribe 43.06.465 Accounts and accounting basis for allocation of state funds 35.13.260
requirements, definitions 43.06.455 street expenditures 35.76.030 time for submission, effect 35.13.260
Yakama Nation 43.06.466 Accounts and accounting, See also STATE community municipal corporations
Internet, purchased through AUDITOR, subtitle Municipal corporations resolution may provide for inclusion of
shipping or transporting prohibited, penalty accounting annexed area into 35.13.015
70.155.140 service areas 35.14.010
Acquisition of property
Mail, purchased by territory 35.14.010
shipping or transporting prohibited, penalty for state highway purposes 47.12.040
when may be organized 35.14.010
70.155.140 Actions against 4.08.120 county sheriffs employees, transfer of
Minors 26.28.080 Actions by in corporate name 4.08.110 civil service commission rules 35.13.390
Minors access, restrictions Adjoining states conditions and limitations 35.13.380
shipping or transporting when purchased by watershed property, authority to condemn notification of right to transfer, time frame
mail or through internet, prohibition and 8.28.050 for request 35.13.400
penalty 70.155.140 Adjustment, board of 35.63.080 purpose 35.13.360
Minors access to tobacco, See TOBACCO, Admissions tax 35.21.280 when authorized 35.13.370
subtitle Minors access, restrictions Affordable housing effect on proposed incorporation 35.02.150,
National uniform tobacco settlement accessory apartments 35.63.210 35.02.155
nonparticipating tobacco product discrimination against developments federal areas 35.13.185, 35.13.190, 35.13.200,
manufacturers Ch. 70.157 36.130.005, 36.130.010, 36.130.020 35.13.210
Novelty lighters, prohibition of distribution and Air pollution fire department employees, transfer
sales Ch. 70.255 advisory council 70.94.240 35.10.360, 35.10.365, 35.13.215,
Retailers license Ch. 82.24, Ch. 82.26 apportionment of costs 70.94.093 35.13.225
Roll-your-own cigarettes and commercial city selection committee 70.94.110, 70.94.120 fire districts
cigarette-making machines Ch. 82.24 control districts authorities, See AIR fire protection and safety in proposed
Sales below cost prohibited Ch. 19.91 POLLUTION CONTROL, subtitle annexed territory, report 35.13.252
Smoking, See SMOKING, subtitle Washington Authorities firefighter transfers 35.103.050
clean indoor air act powers, generally 70.94.141 response times in newly annexed areas
Tax imposed Ch. 82.24, Ch. 82.26 taxes for 70.94.091 35.103.050
Tobacco prevention and control account Airports territory served by, interlocal agreement
43.79.480 cooperation with department of transportation process 35.13.238
Tobacco product manufacturers Ch. 70.158 47.68.300 transfer of employees 35.13.238
Tobacco settlement account 43.79.480 first class cities, unincorporated area, subject fire protection districts
Vapor products, See VAPOR PRODUCTS to county zoning and planning law assets, ownership 35.02.200
Vending machines Ch. 82.24, Ch. 82.26 35.22.415 distribution of assets when less than five
Wholesalers license Ch. 82.24, Ch. 82.26 general aviation airports, siting 35.63.250 percent of district annexed 35.02.205

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 71]


fire protection services, benefit charge petition for election, community municipal Asphalt or stone plants, acquisition and operation
35.13.256 corporation, creation 35.13.020 35.92.030
indebtedness remains obligation of taxable petition to county commissioners Assessments for
property annexed 35.13.249 35.13.030 city property 35.44.130
newly incorporated city or town 35.02.202 community municipal corporation local improvements, See LOCAL
sixty percent of assessed valuation acquired, creation 35.13.030 IMPROVEMENTS AND
transfer of assets 35.02.190 service area 35.13.030 ASSESSMENTS
fourth class cities election of community council members Association of Washington cities, See
area restrictions 35.21.010 35.13.030 ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON
unplatted lands, restrictions on taking proposition deemed approved, when CITIES
35.21.010 35.13.090 Athletic fields, power to acquire, compensation
indebtedness, ratification and funding after, rate of assessment in annexed area for use 35.21.020
election 35.40.030 35.13.015, 35.13.110 Attorney, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle
information may be made available to public resolution by city council 35.13.015 City attorney
35.13.350 taxation proposition 35.13.015 Auctioneers
metropolitan municipal corporations termination of proceedings by declaration licenses 35.21.690
area contiguous to a metropolitan municipal of termination, cities over 400,000 taxes 35.21.690
corporation 35.58.530 35.13.165 Auditing false claim, penalty 42.20.060
municipal purposes, second class cities petition method Auditor in first class cities, See CITIES AND
35.13.180 alternative, as 35.13.170 TOWNS, subtitle First class cities
population determination appeals from legislative body 35.13.125 Auditoriums
basis for allocation of state funds 35.13.260 commencement of 35.13.125 first class cities 35.22.290, 35.22.300
certificate to office of financial management date effective 35.13.160 local improvement, authority for 35.43.040
35.13.260 indebtedness, assumption of 35.13.125 power to acquire, compensation for use
port district property notice of hearing 35.13.140 35.21.020
transfer rights of port district fire fighters notice to legislative body 35.13.125 Authorities, commissions, and public
53.08.360 ordinance providing for annexation corporations
public service franchises in annexed areas 35.13.150 general laws, applicability 35.21.759
35.13.280 petition, content 35.13.130 Auxiliary water systems, local improvement,
sewerage, water and drainage systems, property in as subject to comprehensive authority for 35.43.040
transfer of system upon annexation of area plan 35.13.160 Bankruptcy readjustment and relief from debts
36.94.180 signatures of property owners 35.13.130 Ch. 39.64
solid waste collection 35.13.280 taxation of annexed territory 35.13.160 Bays, adjacent to
taxes collected in 35.13.270 termination of proceedings by declaration calculating the area of for determination of
territory subject to proposal 35.13.176 of termination, cities over 400,000 area of city or town 35.21.160
unincorporated areas 35.13.165 powers and jurisdiction extended 35.21.160
authority for 35.13.010 regional transit authority territory 35.13.500 Bicycle routes
community municipal corporations resolution method establishment, authorized, directed 47.26.305
certification of vote 35.13.090 community municipal corporation, creation Bicycles
creation 35.13.015, 35.13.020 35.13.015 facilities for bicycles
date deemed organized 35.13.110 standards, adoption by design standards
contents of 35.13.015 committee 35.78.030
service areas 35.14.010
territory 35.14.010 submission by legislative body 35.13.015 licenses 35.75.030, 35.75.040
when may be organized 35.14.010 review board paths for
comprehensive land use plan for area to be composition 35.13.171 city street funds, use for, authorized
annexed convening 35.13.171 standards 35.75.060
contents 35.13.177 factors guiding 35.13.173 construction and maintenance of 35.75.010
hearings on proposed plan, notice, filing favorable determination condition prohibitions on use 35.75.020
35.13.178 precedent 35.13.173 rules regulating use 35.75.040
purpose 35.13.177 findings, filing of 35.13.173 regulation and licensing of 35.75.010
county agricultural fair land 35.13.010 procedures dispensed with, when road fund 35.75.050
county commissioners, annexation election 35.13.172 Bids
date, fixing 35.13.174 termination of proceedings by declaration of lease and lease back agreements 35.42.080
election date, filing by county termination, cities over 400,000 leases with or without option to purchase,
commissioners 35.13.174 35.13.165 when bidding required 35.42.220
election method when deemed contiguous 35.13.010 public works
alternative, as 35.13.120 unincorporated island of territory cost determination 35.22.630
approval, assumption of indebtedness, notice, hearing 35.13.1822 requirements 35.22.620
majority required 35.13.095 referendum, election 35.13.1821 public works, when necessary 35.23.352
approval, indebtedness not assumed, resolution, hearing 35.13.182 public works contracts
majority required 35.13.095 unplatted lands, towns 35.21.010 electrical distribution systems exemption
approval by urban growth areas, annexations beyond 35.22.640
city legislative body 35.13.020 prohibited 35.13.005 minority employment clause 35.22.650
review board 35.13.040 water-sewer districts Ch. 57.24 streets and alleys, construction 35.77.030
certification of vote 35.13.090 when review by boundary review board not supplies, material, and equipment, when
comprehensive plan, approval by electorate necessary 36.93.110 necessary 35.23.352
of 35.13.020 Appropriations, statewide city employees tax revenue may be considered 39.30.040
costs of election 35.13.020 retirement system 41.44.080 violations by municipal officers, penalties
date effective 35.13.110 Aquariums and zoos 39.30.020
date of election, fixing 35.13.060 management contracts 35.64.010, 35.64.020 Biennial budgets
election, conducting 35.13.070 Aquatic plant control, local improvement, annual budget requirements inapplicable
hearing by county commissioners authority for 35.43.040 35.32A.010, 35.33.020
35.13.040 Area, excluding bays, lakes, sounds, rivers or generally Ch. 35.34
indebtedness, assumption of 35.13.090 other navigable waters in determining the Biomedical waste
multiple petitions or resolutions 35.13.050 area of a city or town 35.21.160 definitions 70.95K.010
notice of Armories legislative findings 70.95K.005
election, contents 35.13.080 acquisition of site, authority 36.64.050 residential sharps waste collection
hearing 35.13.040 acquisition of site for, bond issue, sale or lease 70.95K.040
ordinance providing for annexation, of 38.20.020 residential sharps waste disposal 70.95K.030
adoption of comprehensive plan, or Art museums sharps waste collection 70.95.715
creation of community municipal first class cities 35.22.290, 35.22.300 state preemption of local definitions
corporation 35.13.100 power to acquire, compensation for use 70.95K.011
petition 35.13.020 35.21.020 waste treatment technologies

[RCW Indexpage 72] (2016 Ed.)


evaluation by department of health revenue, lien against 35.92.100 Boundary line adjustment
70.95K.020 refunding bonds agreement between cities to adjust lines,
Blighted areas, See CITIES AND TOWNS, authority to issue 39.52.010 action not subject to review by boundary
subtitle Urban renewal bankruptcy readjustment and relief from review board 35.13.310
Board of adjustment, See CITIES AND debts Ch. 39.64 annexation creating need for, agreement
TOWNS, subtitle Planning commissions "corporate authorities", defined 39.52.050 between cities to adjust lines, action not
Board of equalization, local improvement of indebtedness limitations not to be exceeded subject to review by boundary review board
lowlands 35.55.070, 35.55.080, 35.56.080, 39.52.020 35.13.320
35.56.090 tax levy to meet payments and interest city, defined 35.13.300
Boilers 39.52.035 inclusion or exclusion of land partially located
local regulation of boiler exempt from state validation of prior issues 39.52.015 within city, review by boundary review
regulation prohibited 70.79.095 registered bonds, statements and signatures board, necessary conditions avoid review
Bond issues 39.44.102 35.13.340
airports 14.08.112 registration of bonds incorporation of new city creating need for,
cities and towns under 20,000 35.37.040, principal payable to payee or assignee agreement pending incorporation, action
35.37.090, 35.37.120 39.44.110 not subject to review by boundary review
cities and towns under 300,000, receipts, treasurer as registration officer, designation board 35.13.330
limitation on use 35.33.131 of fiscal agent 39.44.130 legislative purpose 35.13.300
community renewals 35.81.100, 35.81.115 registration of bonds and interest Boundary of city is county road
declaratory judgments 7.25.010 coupon interest payments 39.44.120 city to maintain road 36.75.203
definitions 7.25.005 revenue bonds 35.41.030 Boundary review boards
eminent domain Ch. 8.12 energy or water conservation programs annexation approval does not authorize other
energy or water conservation programs 35.92.105 annexation action 36.93.155
35.92.105 funds for reserve purposes may be included annexation subject to board review 35.13.001
expenditures from proposed 35.33.031 39.44.140 city actions not subject to board review
facsimile signatures public utility acquisitions 35.92.100 36.93.105
destruction of plates 39.44.100 sewerage systems 35.67.140, 35.67.150, city actions subject to board review 35.10.001,
fraud by printer or engraver, penalty 35.67.160, 35.67.170, 35.67.180, 35.43.035, 35.67.022, 35.91.025,
39.44.101 35.67.194 35.92.027
sufficiency 39.44.100 revenue sewerage systems 35.67.190 disincorporation subject to board review
first class cities sale of to United States at private sale 35.07.001
execution by proxy Ch. 35.36 amortization 39.48.020 review of proposed actions 36.93.100
transfer of funds 35.22.590 chapter optional 39.48.040 Boundary review boards, See BOUNDARY
general obligation bonds sanitary fills, improvement district bonds REVIEW BOARDS
public utility acquisitions 35.73.070 Bridges
pledge of revenue for payment 35.92.080 savings associations, authorized investment authority to construct 35.85.010
housing authorities, authority for 35.82.130 33.24.060, 33.24.070 elevated, first class cities
improvement bonds, interest payment from savings banks, authorized investment for authority to construct 35.85.010
general revenues, procedure 35.45.065 32.20.070, 32.20.100 local improvement, authority for 35.43.040
improvement bonds with fixed maturity or statewide city employees retirement system as part of state highway system Ch. 47.24
maximum annual retirement schedule funds, investment in 41.44.100 viaducts and tunnels, first class cities,
35.45.020 street grades, sanitary fills, improvement construction and repair 35.22.280
improvement district bonds district bonds 35.73.060 Bridges, See also CITIES AND TOWNS,
sanitary fills 35.73.070 subway construction 35.85.070 subtitle Drawbridges
street grades, sanitary fills 35.73.060 tunnel construction 35.85.070 Brownfield redevelopment
indebtedness limitations, subject to 39.46.110 United States, sale of bonds to at private sale brownfield renewal authority, establishment
interest Ch. 39.48 by city by resolution 70.105D.160
coupon interest payments on registered use to finance pedestrian malls 35.71.060 redevelopment opportunity zones, designation
bonds 39.44.120 utility bonds, refunding with general by city 70.105D.150
payment from general revenues, authority obligation funding bonds Ch. 39.52 Budget director, cities over 300,000 35.32A.020
35.45.065 water redemption bonds Ch. 35.89 Budgets
revenue bonds, issuance at greater interest waterworks, refunding with general obligation budgetary control accounts 35.33.151
rate than that authorized, declared legal funding bonds Ch. 39.52 cities over 300,000 Ch. 35.32A
39.90.050 Bonds cities under 300,000
local improvement annual report to department of commerce generally Ch. 35.33
general fund to local improvement fund, 39.44.210 consolidation including annexation of cities,
transfer 35.45.180 information supplied to department of effect 35.10.315
lowland filling 35.55.120, 35.55.130, commerce expenditures for streets 35.76.060
35.55.140, 35.56.130, 35.56.140, contents 39.44.210, 39.44.230 file with county for tax levy 84.52.020,
35.56.150 definitions 39.44.200 84.52.025
refunding bonds, limitations 35.45.170 validity not affected by not filing 39.44.240 first class cities under 300,000 35.33.020
as repayment for local improvement official, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle leases with or without option to purchase,
installment notes 35.45.155 Official bonds budget to provide for payment of rentals
local improvements, See also LOCAL uniform facsimile signature of public official 35.42.220
IMPROVEMENTS AND act Ch. 39.62 newly incorporated city or town 35.02.132
ASSESSMENTS, subtitle Cities and towns Boulevards second class cities 35.33.020
lost or destroyed bond or warrant, procedure local improvement, authority for 35.43.040 towns 35.33.020
39.72.010, 39.72.020 maintenance and improvement of surface Building codes
maturity 39.44.070 public utilities constructed under 35.21.190 adoption by reference 35.21.180
metropolitan park districts 35.61.200 transfer to park commissioners 35.21.190 amendment of state building code 19.27.040
municipal revenue bond act Ch. 35.41 Boundaries exemptions 19.27.060, 19.27.065
notice of intent to sell general obligation annexation housing for indigent persons, emergency
bonds 39.46.120 use of right of way as corporate boundary exemptions 19.27.042
parking facilities, off-street 35.86.020 35.13.290 state building code Ch. 19.27
parking commission operation 35.86A.090 change of, filing notice of proposed action Building permit fee
payment of general obligation bonds with boundary review board 36.93.090 deposit in building code council account
39.46.110 right of way lines permitted to be substituted 19.27.085
public mass transportation system general for any portion of street right of way Building permits
obligation and revenue bonds, authorized 35.21.790 contractor registration verification required
39.33.050 uncertain, towns 35.27.030, 35.27.060 before issuance 18.27.110
public utility acquisitions Boundary changes governmental units, no security required for
general obligation bonds, pledge of revenue factual information, provision to public and permit issuance 35.21.470
for payment of 35.92.080 boundary review board 35.21.890 Buildings

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 73]


first class cities, control over location and pedestrian malls, conflict over, effect City transportation authority - monorail Ch.
construction 35.22.280 35.71.120 35.95A
life-cycle cost analysis Ch. 39.35 powers on adopting charter 35.22.195 City treasurer
multi-family and mixed-use projects Chief of police bond
assessment exemption period for new eligibility criteria 35.21.333, 35.21.334 effect of depositaries 35.38.050
projects 35.87A.170 vacancies 35.21.335 cities of first class employees retirement fund
definitions 35.87A.020 Child care facilities custodian 41.28.080
hearing, notice 35.87A.050 family day care providers home facility collection of assessments, duties 35.49.010
hearings 35.87A.060 allowed 35.63.185, 36.70A.450 failure to call for or pay warrant, penalty
initiation petition or resolution 35.87A.030 family day-care providers home facility 35.21.320
ordinance to establish, contents and adoption allowed 35.21.688 health department pooling funds 70.08.080
35.87A.100 review of need and demand for misappropriation of funds 42.20.090
purposes 35.87A.010 definitions 35.63.170 police relief and pension board member
special assessments 35.87A.080, review, implementation of findings 41.20.010
35.87A.090, 35.87A.140 35.63.180 second class cities, See CITIES AND
newly constructed, appraisal by assessor Cities in county with a population of two hundred TOWNS, subtitle Second class cities
36.21.070, 36.21.080 ten thousand or more west of Cascades, utility local improvement districts, collection
residential structures occupied by persons utilities, support of cities, towns, counties of assessments, duties 35.49.010
with disabilities, treatment of 35.63.220 and taxing district in which facilities located Civil violations subject to monetary penalties as
restrictions on set-back, See CITIES AND 35.21.422 alternative to criminal sanctions 35.22.280,
TOWNS, subtitle Planning commissions City attorney 35.23.440, 35.27.370
structurally defective, See CITIES AND legal interns, employment 35.21.760 Claims
TOWNS, subtitle Unfit dwellings City buildings accident claims
towns 35.27.370 lease and lease back agreements Ch. 35.42 first class cities
Burial of dead, authority 68.52.030 City clerks, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle cumulative provisions 35.31.020
Bus service, authority to contract with other Clerks other than first class
governmental authorities, limitation City council accident fund 35.31.050, 35.31.060,
39.34.085 budget 35.31.070
Bus stations consideration by city council 35.32A.040 auditing and paying false claim, penalty
conduct at transit stations, unlawful 9.91.025 revision by council, limitation 35.32A.040 42.20.060
Buses confirmation of budget director appointment charter cities
conduct on transit vehicles, unlawful 9.91.025 35.32A.020 filing 35.31.020
Business and occupation tax, municipal Ch. consideration of proposed budget 35.32A.040 provisions in charter relating to procedure,
35.102 members, service as volunteer firefighters, effect of 35.31.020
Canals and ditches, safeguarding 35.43.040, volunteer ambulance personnel, or reserve claims presented after the end of the fiscal year
35.43.045 law enforcement officers 35.21.770 in cities and towns under 300,000
Canals and waterways, lowland fill areas, proposed budget submitted to 35.32A.030 35.33.151
generally Ch. 35.56 unincorporated towns on United States land, first class cities
Cemeteries powers of review 58.28.520 filing 35.31.020
acquisition and maintenance 68.52.040 City council, See also CITIES AND TOWNS, local improvement bonds 35.45.070
annexation of territory for 35.13.180 subtitle Council-manager plan; CITIES noncharter cities 35.31.040
cemetery board 68.52.045 AND TOWNS, subtitle First class cities payment before approval by legislative body
exemptions from regulation by board City engineer 42.24.180
68.05.400 streets and alleys, records of funds used pedestrian malls 35.71.110
first class cities, regulation of 35.22.280 35.21.270 towns, auditing and allowance of 35.27.340
improvement fund 68.52.050, 68.52.060, City halls, jointly with county courthouses Classification
68.52.065, 68.52.070, 68.52.080 authority for 36.64.010 advancement 35.06.010, 35.06.070, 35.06.080
private corporations Ch. 68.20 contracts first class 35.01.010
second class cities, establishment and approval 36.64.030 second class 35.01.020
regulation 35.23.440 terms of 36.64.020 towns 35.01.040
Census, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle funds, how provided 36.64.040 Clerks
Population determination City hardship assistance program city streets as part of state highway system
Cesspools, first class cities implementation by transportation certified to clerk 47.24.010
assessment for closing 35.22.320 improvement board 47.26.164 commission form of government 35.17.080
closing and filling 35.22.310 City jails, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle ordinances recorded by 5.44.080
Charge cards for travel expenses 42.24.115 Jails police relief and pension board of trustees
Charter cities, claims against 35.31.020 City lands member 41.20.010
Charters lease and lease back agreements Ch. 35.42 streets and alleys, records of funds used
amendment 35.22.130 City limits 35.21.270
cities over 300,000 population, election of electrical energy, purchase and sale beyond Code of ethics 42.23.010, 42.23.030, 42.23.040,
freeholders, ballots 35.22.055 35.84.010 42.23.050, 42.23.060
cities over ten thousand population electrical energy facilities beyond limitation Code reenactment, 1965 Title 35
power to frame charter 35.22.030 on eminent domain 35.84.030 Codification of ordinances
first class cities 35.22.030, 35.22.050, right to acquire 35.84.020 adoption as official code 35.21.520
35.22.055, 35.22.060, 35.22.070, exclusion of area from boundaries Ch. 35.16 adoption of new material 35.21.560
35.22.080, 35.22.090, 35.22.100, fire apparatus used beyond 35.84.040 authorization for 35.21.510
35.22.110, 35.22.120, 35.22.130, firefighters injured beyond 35.84.050 copies as proof of ordinances 35.21.550
35.22.140, 35.22.150, 35.22.160, reduction Ch. 35.16 filing with city clerk 35.21.530
35.22.170, 35.22.180, 35.22.190, street railway extensions beyond 35.84.060 initial amending, adopting or rejecting of
35.22.200 urban public transportation system, extensions adopting ordinance 35.21.540
amendments to beyond 35.84.060 notice of hearing 35.21.530
exercising powers, functions and duties in water systems extended beyond single subject requirements 35.21.570
accordance with 35.22.020 acquisition of property 35.92.180 subsequent amendments 35.21.570
framing for government 35.22.030, authority for 35.92.170 what constitutes 35.21.500
35.22.050, 35.22.055, 35.22.060, City manager, See CITIES AND TOWNS, Cold storage plants, acquisition and operation
35.22.070, 35.22.080, 35.22.090, subtitle Council-manager plan 35.92.040
35.22.100, 35.22.110, 35.22.120, City property, See CITIES AND TOWNS, Columbia River Gorge commission, city
35.22.130, 35.22.140, 35.22.150, subtitle Property conformance with laws 35.22.700
35.22.160, 35.22.170, 35.22.180, City sealer, See WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, Combined city and county municipal
35.22.190, 35.22.200 subtitle City sealers and deputies corporations
petition for, contents of 35.22.130 City street fund fire protection or law enforcement
requisites of 35.22.130 bicycle paths, use authorized binding arbitration in collective bargaining,
legislative powers of charter city 35.22.200 standards 35.75.060 when 36.65.050

[RCW Indexpage 74] (2016 Ed.)


intent 36.65.010 copy of plan and regulations provided to fire districts

method of allocating state revenues 36.65.040 county assessor 35.22.695, 35.63.240 fire protection and safety in proposed
public employee retirement or disability referral to annexed territory, report 35.13.252
benefits not affected 36.65.060 community council 35.14.040 territory served by, interlocal agreement
school districts retained as political Condemnation, See CITIES AND TOWNS, process 35.13.238
subdivisions 36.65.020 subtitle Eminent domain transfer of employees 35.13.238
Combined sewerage, water, and garbage Condemnation of blighted property 35.80A.010 indebtedness
systems, statutes to govern 35.67.340 authority to enter property or buildings effect of consolidation of annexation upon
Commerce, department of 35.80A.040 35.10.331
ordinances, information pooling 35.21.185 disposition of property acquired by ordinances, former, enforcement 35.10.320
Commission government condemnation 35.80A.030 purpose of chapter 35.10.203
generally, including adoption, abandonment, financial assistance, acceptance 35.80A.040 state funds, effect upon right to receive
and organization Ch. 35.17 transfer of property acquired by condemnation 35.10.317
initiative petitions Ch. 35.17 35.80A.020 taxation
referendum Ch. 35.17 Conditional sales contracts for purchase of real or levying 35.10.310
Commons, second class cities 35.23.440 personal property payment of other citys obligation 35.10.310
Community assistance referral and education authorized, indebtedness limitations title to property, vesting 35.10.300
services program 39.30.010 Consolidation including annexation of
fire department authority to develop 35.21.930 election required if exceeds indebtedness incorporated cities and towns
Community athletics programs limitations 39.30.010 indebtedness
sex discrimination, prohibition of 35.21.910 joint execution with other municipal ratification and funding after, election
Community economic revitalization board corporations authorized, indebtedness 35.40.030
created 43.160.030 limitation 39.30.010 preexisting obligations of former city, election
Community municipal corporations Conference (with counties) to study regional and for validation 35.37.027
annexation of unincorporated area, resolution governmental problems 36.64.080, Consolidation of local government unit and first
may provide for creation of community 36.64.090, 36.64.100, 36.64.110 class city
municipal corporation 35.13.015 Conservation, preservation interest in land retirement rights
community council acquisition, authorized 64.04.130 compliance with law 41.04.430
compensation and expenses 35.14.030 conveyance, form 64.04.130 definitions 41.04.405
election 35.14.020 Consolidated cities, local improvements intent 41.04.400
employees 35.14.030 35.43.060 limitations 41.04.425
meetings 35.14.030 Consolidation membership in first class city retirement
membership 35.14.020 community municipal corporations system 41.04.415
office 35.14.030 consolidating cities may create 35.10.540 newly created legal entity 41.04.420
officers 35.14.030 service areas 35.14.010 public or public safety employees
quorum 35.14.030 territory 35.14.010 retirement systems 41.04.410
terms 35.14.020 when may be organized 35.14.010 Constables, See CONSTABLES
consolidating cities may authorize creation of two or more contiguous cities
assumption of general obligation Contaminated properties
continuation of existence indebtedness 35.10.440 decontamination, disposal, or demolition of
election 35.14.060 ballot questions 35.10.460 city or county action, options 64.44.040
petition for continuation to legislative body boundary review board role 35.10.450 Continuity of government in event of enemy
of the city 35.14.060 canvass of votes 35.10.470 attack, succession to office of executive
procedure 35.14.060 costs of elections and public meetings heads 42.14.050
resolution to legislative body of the city 35.10.500 Contractors
35.14.060 effective date of consolidation 35.10.480 authority of city to verify registration and
inclusion of annexed area into 35.13.015 election of officials 35.10.480 report violations 35.21.392
original term of existence 35.14.060 form of government 35.10.430 Contracts
powers and duties 35.14.050 geographical considerations 35.10.400 architectural and engineering services Ch.
service areas 35.14.010 initiation of election process 35.10.410, 39.80
territory 35.14.010 35.10.420 awards, posting 39.04.200
when may be organized 35.14.010 name of city 35.10.490 bond of contractor
Community redevelopment financing Ch. 39.88 public meetings on proposal 35.10.450 registration or licensing prerequisite to
Community renewal wards 35.10.550 public works contract 39.06.010
bond issues Ch. 35.81 Consolidation including annexation of cities competitive bidding requirements,
generally, including plans, procedures, and annexation exemptions 39.04.280
powers of public bodies Ch. 35.81 ordinance of county with population of two hundred ten
Community restitution by offenders effective date 35.10.265 thousand or more, with cities concerning
workers compensation and liability insurance annexation, alternate methods buildings and related improvements
coverage 35.21.209, 51.12.045 acceptance by annexing city 35.10.217 36.64.070
Community revitalization financing Ch. 39.89 annexing city to indicate acceptance debts and obligations, declared legal
community redevelopment financing Ch. 35.10.217 regardless of interest rate 39.90.060
39.89 election 35.10.217 disincorporation, impairment of 35.07.100
Community service organizations notice to annexing town, duty of legislative electrical construction or improvements, bid
neighborhood improvement projects body 35.10.217 proposals 35.92.350
35.21.278 petition of electors 35.10.217 engineering systems 39.04.290
Commute trip reduction resolution of city to be annexed 35.10.217 general corporate powers 35.21.010
employer program, review and penalties assets, vesting 35.10.300 interest due when payment is not timely
70.94.534 assumption of indebtedness, vote required attorney fees 39.76.040
growth and transportation efficiency centers 35.10.240 exceptions 39.76.020
70.94.528 budget 35.10.315 source of funds for payment of penalties
implementation of plans canvass of votes by county canvassing board 39.76.030
use of funds 70.94.544 35.10.240 joint city halls with county courthouses
requirements for counties and cities 70.94.527 city defined 35.10.207 36.64.010, 36.64.020, 36.64.030
Competitive bidding requirements claims, collection and payment of 35.10.310 minority and womens business enterprises
preferential purchase of products made from elections 39.04.160
recycled materials authorized 39.30.040 canvass of county canvassing board municipal water and sewer facilities act
tax revenue may be considered 39.30.040 35.10.240 35.91.020
Comprehensive community health centers fire department employees, transfer parks and recreation cooperation 67.20.020
construction, funding, and cooperation 35.10.360, 35.10.365, 35.10.520, public works, See PUBLIC WORKS
between agencies Ch. 70.10 35.13.215, 35.13.225, 35.13.235 purchase of real or personal property
Comprehensive plan fire department employees, transfer of authorized, indebtedness limitations
community renewal law 35.81.060 35.10.370, 35.10.510, 35.10.530 39.30.010

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 75]


election required if exceeds indebtedness agreement with county to handle, arbitration order of, involuntary dissolution 35.07.250
limitation 39.30.010 35.20.010, 35.22.425, 35.27.515, petition 35.07.020
joint execution with other municipal 35.30.100 receiver 35.07.120, 35.07.130, 35.07.150,
corporations authorized, indebtedness Criminal identification, See STATE PATROL, 35.07.160, 35.07.170, 35.07.180,
limitation 39.30.010 subtitle Identification and criminal history 35.07.190, 35.07.200, 35.07.210,
second class cities, power to make 35.23.440 section 35.07.220, 35.07.225
small works roster 39.04.156 Criminal penalties streets and highways, state control 35.07.110
street improvements prerequisite to land uniform with state law 35.21.163 Disincorporation, See also CITIES AND
development Crop purchase contracts, dedicated energy crops TOWNS, subtitle Involuntary dissolution
contract with land owner 35.72.010 35.21.465 Disorderly houses, second class cities, control of
reimbursement by other land owners Cultural access programs (CAPs) 35.23.440
35.72.020, 35.72.030, 35.72.040 creation by city, when 36.160.030 Disorderly persons, first class cities, providing
United States Demonstration Cities and cultural organizations, CAP funding of Ch. for punishment of 35.22.280
Metropolitan Development Act 35.21.660 36.160, 84.52.821 Dispute resolution centers
Convention center facilities and stadiums Ch. local sales and use tax for 82.14.525 alternative to judicial setting Ch. 7.75
67.30 Cultural arts, stadium and convention districts Dissolution
Convention center facilities and structures Ch. 67.38 filing notice of with boundary review board
funding shortfalls, special assessments, Cultural or arts facilities 36.93.090
authority for 35.43.040 authority for local improvement 35.43.040 Dissolution, See also CITIES AND TOWNS,
Conveyances Culverts, local improvement, authority for subtitle Involuntary dissolution
35.43.040 District court
property acquired at local improvement
proceedings 35.53.030 Curfew for juveniles 35.21.635 criminal cases
Daylight saving time, prohibition of and agreement with county to handle, arbitration
public utilities 35.94.010, 35.94.020, exceptions 1.20.050
35.94.030 35.20.010, 35.22.425, 35.27.515,
Debts 35.30.100
real property in community renewal areas collection agency may be used, fees 19.16.500
35.81.090, 35.81.095 filing fees
Debts, See also CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle establishment of fees to be paid by city
sewerage sale acquired property 35.67.270 Indebtedness
Corporate powers 3.62.070
Declaratory judgments promotion of efficiency to minimize costs to
acquisition of recreational and athletic bonds 7.25.010
facilities 35.21.020 cities that use the district courts
contracts 7.24.020 cities and courts to cooperate to minimize
generally 35.21.010 franchises 7.24.020, 7.24.110
Corporations, metropolitan municipal, See costs 3.62.100
ordinances 7.24.020, 7.24.110 traffic school for offenders, court may compel
METROPOLITAN MUNICIPAL party to action 7.24.110
CORPORATIONS attendance 46.83.050
Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan venue, change of 3.66.090
Correctional facilities, authority to build and Development Act
maintain 70.48.190 District court districting committee, membership
contracts 35.21.660 3.38.010
Correctional facilities, state powers and limitations of public
reimbursement for impact costs Ch. 72.72 Dogs
corporations etc., created 35.21.670 licensing
Council Depositaries fee waiver, guide and service animals
first class cities, See CITIES AND TOWNS, all deposits must be made in public depositary 49.60.380
subtitle First class cities 39.58.080 powers and duties to regulate Ch. 16.08
prohibited acts 42.23.070 Depositaries, See also CITIES AND TOWNS,
towns, licensing 35.27.370
towns, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle subtitle Fiscal matters
Detention, special detention, holding and unclassified cities, regulations, licensing
Towns 35.30.010
vacancy in nonpartisan governing body correctional facilities
authority to build and maintain 70.48.190 Donations, authority to accept and use 35.21.100
filling of vacancy 42.12.070 Donations of right of way for transportation
Council-manager plan Detergent phosphorus content Ch. 70.95L
Development, comprehensive plans for improvements
generally, including adoption, abandonment, advertising signs on donated parcels
and organization Ch. 35.18 35.63.090
Development projects 47.14.040
Counties, city harbor in two counties, effect upon credit against benefit district assessment
assessments 36.08.030 review process 36.70A.470
Development regulations 47.14.030
County property definitions 47.14.020
assessments for local improvement districts or to be consistent with comprehensive plan
35.63.125 department duties 47.14.050
utility local improvement districts intent 47.14.010
35.44.140 electric vehicle infrastructure 35.63.126,
36.70A.695 Downtown and neighborhood commercial
subject to local improvement assessments districts
acquisition from county 35.49.150 Dikes
authority to construct 35.21.090 definitions 35.100.020
disposition of proceeds upon resale findings, intent 35.100.010
35.49.160 local improvement, authority for 35.43.040
Diking and drainage districts local retail sales and use tax 35.100.030,
transfer to municipality, approval necessary contributions, when 85.24.250 35.100.040
36.34.280 inclusion within 85.24.250 main street program Ch. 43.360
County roads and bridges, assistance in finances Diking and drainage districts, See also DIKING revenue, determination of amount 35.100.050
36.76.110 AND DRAINAGE Drainage districts, inclusion within 85.06.230
Courts, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle Diking districts Drainage systems, authority to provide for
Municipal courts; CITIES AND TOWNS, inclusion within 85.05.260, 85.06.230 35.21.210
subtitle Night court; COURTS rights of way, power to acquire 85.05.080 Drawbridges
Credit card use for purchases, conditions Discrimination construction and maintenance Ch. 35.74
43.09.2855 administrative and judicial remedies, Driving under the influence of liquor or drug,
Credit establishment for payment of warrants authorized 49.60.330 minimum penalty 35.21.165
43.09.2853 Disincorporation Dwellings unfit for human habitation, See
Crime-free rental housing Ch. 35.106 authority 35.07.010 CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle Unfit
Crimes claims against corporation, payment dwellings
bicycle paths, use of for other purposes 35.07.150 Economic development programs
35.75.020 contracts existing, impairment of 35.07.100 contracts with nonprofit corporations
penalties uniform with state law 35.21.163 effect 35.07.090 authorized 35.21.703
sewer connection without permission election 35.07.040, 35.07.050, 35.07.060, deemed a public purpose 35.21.703
35.67.350 35.07.070, 35.07.080 local economic development financing Ch.
water pollution, penalty 35.88.040 filing notice of with boundary review board 39.110
Criminal cases 36.93.090 local economic development financing
agreement with county to handle 3.50.800, franchises, impairment of 35.07.100 authorities Ch. 39.110
3.50.805, 35.23.555 indebtedness 35.07.040, 35.07.140 main street program Ch. 43.360

[RCW Indexpage 76] (2016 Ed.)


Economic opportunity act programs, Electrical utilities lowlands, filling 35.55.040, 35.56.050
participation 35.21.680 civil immunity for good faith mistakes metropolitan municipal corporations
Elections 35.21.415 35.58.320
annexation electric power and energy military purposes 8.04.170, 8.04.180
of unincorporated areas, election of joint operating agency, purchase from parkways, drives, and boulevards 35.21.190
community council members, petition for 35.92.420 public passenger transportation services,
35.13.030 electrical energy facilities beyond city limits metropolitan municipal corporations
ballots eminent domain, limitation on right 35.58.250
first class, charter election 35.22.090 35.84.030 second class cities 35.23.311, 35.23.440
city harbor in two counties 36.08.010, purchase of 35.84.010 streets and alleys, for
36.08.020 right to acquire 35.84.020 wharves and bridges for state highway
commission form cities 35.17.020 sale of 35.84.010 purposes 47.24.030
abandonment of 35.17.440 first class cities towns 35.27.380
adoption of 35.17.380 generating plants and facilities, authority to watershed property, city in adjoining state
community municipal corporations own and operate 35.92.052 authorized to condemn 8.28.050
community council 35.14.020 franchises for electrical utilities on streets Employees
continuation of existence 35.14.060 80.32.010 adjustment of wages, effect on budget
conditional sales contracts for purchase of real irrigation pumping service, tariff 35.92.365 35.33.107
or personal property exceeding debt net metering of electricity Ch. 80.60 administration, oversight, or supervision of
limitations, election required 39.30.010 service installation charges city utility
council-manager plan cities customer may contract privately 35.22.640 reimbursement by utility 35.33.123,
abandonment 35.18.300, 35.18.310 underground, conversion to Ch. 35.96 35.34.205
adoption of 35.18.250 Electrical utilities, See also CITIES AND blind, hearing impaired persons,
councilmembers 35.18.020 TOWNS, subtitle Public utilities discrimination prohibited 70.84.080
excess indebtedness, cities and towns under Electrical utility properties direct deposit of salaries and wages 41.04.240
20,000 35.37.050 acquisition and operation 35.92.050 participation in state insurance program
failure to hold for two successive years, defined 35.92.280 41.04.205
involuntary dissolution 35.07.230 joint undertakings with public utility districts payroll checks, drafts, or warrants
filing for office Ch. 29A.24 agreements 35.92.290 city or town may cash, conditions 35.21.087
first class cities definition 35.92.280 payroll deductions to banks, savings banks,
charter adoption 35.22.090 financing 35.92.300 credit unions, or savings and loan
charter revision 35.22.120 laws relating to, construction of 35.92.310 associations authorized, conditions
first officers 35.22.070 Electronic data processing systems 41.04.245
freeholders 35.22.050, 35.22.140 acquisition method for municipalities Employees, See also CITIES AND TOWNS,
general and special 35.22.280 39.04.270 subtitle Officers and employees
fourth class cities Elevators, lifting devices, and moving walks Energy conservation program
general municipal 35.27.090 arbitration for dispute resolution with authorization, limitations 35.92.360
officers 35.27.090 department 70.87.205 legislative finding 35.92.355
incorporation Ch. 35.02 jurisdiction 70.87.200 tree planting for energy conservation,
initiative petitions, commission form of Embankments, authority to construct 35.21.090 municipal utilities to encourage 35.92.390
government 35.17.360 Emergencies Energy facility site evaluation council,
metropolitan municipal corporations expenditures, creation of special fund membership 80.50.030
35.58.070, 35.58.080, 35.58.090, 35.32A.060 Energy financing voter approval act
35.58.100 Emergencies, See also CITIES AND TOWNS, cost-effectiveness
public utility acquisitions 35.92.070 subtitle Budgets priorities 80.52.080
second class cities 35.23.051 Emergency management program, powers and definitions 80.52.030
general power 35.23.440 duties Ch. 38.52 election approval required
third class cities 35.23.051 Emergency medical care and transportation bonds 80.52.040, 80.52.050, 80.52.060,
vacancies Ch. 29A.28 urban emergency medical service districts 80.52.070
Elections, See also CITIES AND TOWNS, authorized in certain cities and towns purpose 80.52.020
subtitles Annexation; Incorporation 35.21.762 short title 80.52.010
Electric joint operating agencies, See JOINT Emergency medical care and transportation Energy supply emergencies, alerts
OPERATING AGENCIES services, state preempts authority 18.73.020 duties of local government 43.21G.050
Electric revenue bonds, savings banks, Emergency seat of government in event of enemy Environmental excellence program agreements
investment in 32.20.070, 32.20.100 attack, authority 42.14.075 Ch. 43.21K
Electric utilities Emergency services Environmental permits
electric power and energy automatic number or location identification land use petitions, judicial review Ch. 36.70C
joint operating agency 35.22.705, 35.23.705 for 911 services, regulation prohibited project review and permit procedures Ch.
Electric vehicle infrastructure 35.21.895 36.70B
development regulations 35.63.126, Eminent domain Escalators
36.70A.695 board of eminent domain commissioners local improvement, authority for 35.43.040
Electrical apparatus use and construction rules 8.12.240, 8.12.260, 8.12.270, 8.12.280 local improvement districts 35.43.110
Ch. 19.29 bridges, for 47.24.030 Evergreen communities act Ch. 35.105
Electrical construction or improvements, bid community renewal 35.81.080 Execution of judgments against 6.17.080
proposals 35.92.350 compensation and damages 8.12.040, Expositions, See WORLD FAIRS OR
Electrical contractors 8.12.100, 8.12.120, 8.12.140, 8.12.150, EXPOSITIONS
licenses, limitation on city to regulate 8.12.190, 8.12.210, 8.12.540 Fairs, See WORLD FAIRS OR EXPOSITIONS
19.28.041 condemnation Ch. 8.12 Fandango houses
Electrical distribution equipment, acquisition court proceedings Ch. 8.12 second class cities 35.23.440
from public utility districts 35.92.054 electrical energy facilities, limitation upon Federal grants and programs
Electrical installations 35.84.030 federal new markets tax credit program
electrical inspector 19.28.321 first class cities, general power 35.22.280 35.21.735
enforcement powers 19.28.321 generally Ch. 8.12 statutes construed consistent with state
higher standards than state statutes may be housing authorities, power of 35.82.110 constitution 35.21.757
imposed 19.28.010 improvement of property, payment for transfer to public corporations
inspections, applicability to certain cities and assessment, special, including assessment authority 35.21.730, 35.21.735
towns 19.28.141 roll Ch. 8.12 corporate powers, governmental control
permits not issued to nonlicensees 19.28.081 bonds Ch. 8.12 35.21.745
residential buildings moved without change in general fund 8.12.040, 8.12.220, 8.12.250 insolvency or dissolution 35.21.750
occupancy classification 19.28.010 owners of property benefitted, payment of limitation on liability 35.21.730
underground, conversion to Ch. 35.96 assessment amount by Ch. 8.12 tax exemption and immunity 35.21.755
Electrical transmission line limited access streets, acquisition of land, by territorial jurisdiction 35.21.740
gardening leases 35.92.370 47.52.050 Fees

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 77]


off-street parking facilities, maximum Fire protection services, provision by contract to initial submission by freeholders 35.22.060
schedules 35.86.060 state-owned property 35.21.775 initiative and referendum provisions
special permits for oversize or overweight arbitration in the event of continued impasse 35.22.200
movement, fees paid to cities and towns, between parties to contract negotiations judicial notice of 35.22.110
when 46.44.096 35.21.779 priority of 35.22.100
Ferries consolidation of contract negotiations with provisions on local improvements
authority to acquire and maintain 35.21.110 multiple state agencies 35.21.779 superseded 35.43.030
joint acquisition with counties 36.54.020 existing contracts not abrogated 35.21.778 publication of 35.22.060
Field houses, local improvement, authority for notification to department of commerce and recording of 35.22.110
35.43.040 affected agencies of intent to enter into revision or reformulating
Finance committees, See CITIES AND TOWNS, contract negotiations 35.21.779 conduct of election 35.22.180
subtitle Fiscal matters Firearms election of new freeholders 35.22.140
Financial institution license fees Ch. 82.14A preemption of local laws 9.41.290 election on adoption 35.22.160
Financial transactions, regulation of exception 9.41.300 priority over old 35.22.190
authority, limitations on 35.21.698 sales, authority to regulate areas where sales publication 35.22.170
Financing procedures, validation Ch. 39.90 allowed 9.41.300 submission of new draft 35.22.150
Fines Firefighters child care facilities, review of need and
payment into police relief and pension fund civil service demand for, implementation of findings
41.20.130 qualifications of applicants for positions 35.22.660
superior court jurisdiction to determine 41.08.070 claims against 35.31.020
legality of 2.08.010 equipment, standardization Ch. 70.75 classification 35.01.010
supreme court jurisdiction to determine injuries sustained outside city limits 35.84.050 council
legality of 2.04.010 militia duty, exemption from 38.44.030 compensation 35.22.200, 35.22.205
Fire department, city port district firefighters, transfer rights on hours 35.22.205
response times in newly annexed areas annexation of district property 53.08.360 legislative power 35.22.200
35.103.050 Fireworks manner of election 35.22.200
Fire departments permit for separate designation
community assistance referral and education grant or denial 70.77.270 administrative department heads 35.22.210
services program, authority to develop Fireworks, See also FIREWORKS repeal of, procedure 35.22.220
35.21.930 First class cities department for administration of property
Fire departments, apparatus used beyond city under 300,000 incident to civic center 35.22.305
limits 35.84.040 budget provisions Ch. 35.33 discrimination, administrative and judicial
Fire departments, city employees, adjustment of wages, effect on remedies, authorized 49.60.330
definitions 35.103.020 budget 35.33.107 disorderly persons, providing for punishment
evaluations and reports, annual 35.103.040 accident claims of 35.22.280
legislative intent 35.103.010 procedure 35.21.010, 35.21.020 district court
policy, service delivery 35.103.030 advancement in classification 35.06.010 criminal cases
Fire hazards, overhanging or obstructing airports in unincorporated area, subject to agreement with county to handle 35.22.425
vegetation, debris, removal or destruction by county zoning and planning law 35.22.415 division of city, wards 35.22.370
owner 35.21.310 airspace, conveyance or lease of 35.22.302 elections
Fire hydrants annexation of federal areas 35.13.185 general and special 35.22.280
art museums electrical facilities and systems
water companies may be required to maintain acquisition and use 35.22.290
80.28.250 generating plants and facilities, authority to
leasing of land for 35.22.300 own and operate 35.92.052
Fire limits, towns 35.27.400 auditoriums eminent domain, general power 35.22.280
Fire prevention acquisition and use 35.22.290 fire prevention, providing for 35.22.280
auxiliary water systems, acquisition and leasing of land for 35.22.300 freeholders
regulation of 35.21.030 bond execution by proxy Ch. 35.36 election of
comprehensive plans for 35.63.090 bridges, elevated, authority to construct purposes 35.22.050
first class cities, providing for 35.22.280 35.85.010 qualification 35.22.050
towns, provisions for 35.27.370 bridges, viaducts, and tunnels, construction revision of charters 35.22.140
Fire prevention and emergency medical and repair 35.22.280 hospital, establishment and regulation
protection buildings, control over location and 35.22.280
areas withdrawn from fire protection districts construction 35.22.280 initiative, direct legislation, charter provision
52.08.035 cemeteries, regulation of 35.22.280 35.22.200
Fire protection districts cesspools intoxicating liquors, enforcement of state laws
annexation by newly incorporated city or town assessment for closing, lien on property 35.22.280
35.02.202 35.22.320 law governing 35.22.010
annexation of a city, code city, partial city, or filling and closing 35.22.310 libraries, establishment and maintenance
town charter provisions 35.22.030, 35.22.050 35.22.280
annexations by city become part of district amendment, petition, requisites 35.22.130 licensing power, generally 35.22.280
52.04.091 authentication of 35.22.110 local improvement
transfer of employees 52.04.111, 52.04.121, election on 35.22.070 bonds voted by people, transfer of funds
52.04.131 local improvements superseded 35.43.030 35.22.590
annexation of a city, partial city, or town new or revised charter 35.22.140 deferral of collection of assessments for
withdrawal, election 52.04.101 publication of 35.22.170 economically disadvantaged persons,
annexation of adjacent city, partial city, or publication of 35.22.060 authorized 35.43.250
town charters special assessments 35.22.280
election 52.04.071 amendment special fund for, prohibition 35.22.580
tax levies, limitation 52.04.081 election 35.22.120 violation of law 35.22.600
annexation of adjacent city or town method for 35.22.280 local improvement bonds, collection of
procedure 52.04.061 petition, requisites 35.22.120, 35.22.130 assessments 35.49.020
annexation of adjacent city or town in two submission by city council 35.22.130 local improvement laws superseded 35.43.030
counties authentication of, form 35.22.110 lowlands, local improvement Ch. 35.56
procedure 52.04.061 election on adoption of markets, regulating weights and measures
annexation of newly incorporated city or town certification 35.22.100 35.22.280
35.02.202 conduct, laws regulating 35.22.080 mayor
annexation of property subject to excess levy first officers 35.22.070 compensation 35.22.200, 35.22.205
52.04.171 form of ballot 35.22.090 hours 35.22.205
joint operation 52.08.035 notice 35.22.070 legislative power 35.22.200
withdrawal from, exceptions 52.08.025 exercising powers, functions and duties in manner of election 35.22.200
withdrawal from annexation by newly accordance with 35.22.020 mayor - council cities
incorporated city or town 52.04.161 framing for government 35.22.030 elections, seven council members 35.22.245

[RCW Indexpage 78] (2016 Ed.)


elections, twelve council members collection by county treasurer 36.29.100 monthly report of investment official or
35.22.235 levying and collecting 35.22.280 committee to city legislative authority
moratoria and interim zoning controls telegraph stations, maintenance with harbor 35.39.032
limitations on, cities planning under department 35.22.330 pension funds 35.39.060
authority of charter subject to 35.22.690 tugs and wharf boats, regulation and control of securities 35.39.070
negotiable bonds, issuance, limitation 35.22.280 municipal revenue bond act
35.22.280 tunnels, authority to construct 35.85.050 chapter designation 35.41.900
nuisances, abatement of 35.22.280 utilities employees rates and charges 35.41.080
occupations, regulation of 35.22.280 adjustment of contract, limitations 35.22.350 revenue bonds
off-street parking facilities, parking collective bargaining with 35.22.350 alternative method of issuance 35.41.100
commission, authority 35.86A.020 wage adjustments 35.22.360 authorization for 35.41.030
ordinances, violations, providing for vagrants, providing for punishment of form, terms, etc. 35.41.030
punishment 35.22.280 35.22.280 sale of 35.41.060
organization form, charter provisions, effect viaducts, authority to construct 35.85.010 revenue warrants
35.22.030 vital statistics alternative method of issuance 35.41.100
parking, off-street facilities Ch. 35.86 primary registration district 70.58.010 authorization for 35.41.050
parks, purchase of property for 35.22.280 wards, division of city 35.22.370 sale of 35.41.060
parks and recreation, acquisition, exchange of waterways, regulation of 35.22.280 special funds
land for park purposes 35.22.280 waterworks, providing for inhabitants compelling city to pay into 35.41.070
party walls and partition fences, regulation of 35.22.280 creation of 35.41.010
35.22.280 suits against city 35.41.070
planning and zoning weights and measures, regulation of 35.22.280 nonliability of treasurer for funds received by
child care facilities, review of need and wharfage and dockage, fixing rates 35.22.280 state fiscal agents for payment of bonds
demand for, implementation of findings wharves, leasing of, limitation 35.22.410 43.80.150
35.22.660 zoning off-street parking
planning regulations, copy to county assessor subject to limitations on moratoria and financing, generally 35.86A.080
35.22.695 interim zoning controls 35.22.690 fiscal authority, generally 35.86A.090
police courts Fiscal biennium 1.16.020 public depositaries
courts of limited jurisdiction 3.02.010 Fiscal matters banks contract as to interest 35.38.040
powers 35.22.280 bond issues bonds or collateral, enumeration of
legislative, where vested 35.22.200 designation of state fiscal agents by state 35.38.040
omnibus grant 35.22.570 finance committee 43.80.120 cities and towns 35.38.010, 35.38.040
prostitutes, providing for punishment of issuance at greater interest rate than collateral requirements 35.38.040
35.22.280 authorized, validation 39.90.050 designation of 35.38.010
public health, preservation of 35.22.280 bond issues, See also BOND ISSUES financial institution, defined 35.38.060
public health pooling fund Ch. 70.12 budgets securities as collateral, enumeration of
public lands, regulate control and use consolidation including annexation of cities 35.38.040
35.22.280 35.10.315 segregation of assets 35.38.040
public market, defined 35.22.280 budgets, See also CITIES AND TOWNS, revenue bonds for water or sewerage system,
public works contracts subtitle Budgets pledge of utility local improvement district
bid exemptions for electrical distribution cities and towns under 20,000 assessments 35.41.095
systems 35.22.640 accounting systems 35.37.010 state funds, effect of consolidation or
competitive bid requirements 35.22.620 borrowing money, limitations upon annexation of cities on right to receive
electrical distribution systems exempt from 35.37.040 35.10.317
competitive bid requirements 35.22.640 contracting indebtedness 35.37.040 Fish enhancement projects
minority employment clause 35.22.650 excess indebtedness liability 35.21.404
performance-based contracts 35.22.620 authority to contract 35.37.050 permit processing 35.63.230
recycled materials, preferential purchase of, funds to be maintained 35.37.010 Flood control
authorization 35.22.620 general indebtedness bonds comprehensive flood control management
small works roster 35.22.620 failure to levy tax to pay principal and plan
public works contracts for cost determination interest 35.37.120 arbitration of disputed issues 86.12.210
35.22.630 issuance and sale 35.37.090 local officials, participation of 86.12.210
railroad crossings, signals and devices, taxation to pay 35.37.110 management plans
optional application 81.53.291 negotiable bonds 35.37.040 department of ecology authority 86.26.050
railroads, franchises to cross city streets, public utilities, borrowing money for Flood control benefits, liability for 86.09.529
conditions for 35.22.340 35.37.030 Flood control programs, authorized 86.16.160
railroads or street railroads, conditions for surplus and deficit in utility accounts Floodplain management ordinances and
operation 35.22.280 35.37.020 amendments
real property, purchase, control and cities of less than 75,000, depositaries authority to adopt requirements exceeding
disposition of 35.22.280 treasurer, effect on bond 35.38.050 federal minimum 86.16.045
referendum, direct legislation, charter depositaries filing with department of ecology, approval,
provision 35.22.200 disapproval 86.16.041
reform schools, establishment and cities of less than 75,000 35.38.050 livestock flood sanctuary areas required
maintenance 35.22.280 city officials interest in 35.38.050 86.16.190
residential care facilities, review of need and fiscal agents, state Foreign trade zones
demand for, implementation of findings registered bonds 43.80.125 authority to apply for permission to establish,
35.22.680 fiscal agents, state, definitions 43.80.100 operate and maintain 35.21.805
retirement and pensions, See RETIREMENT indebtedness legislative finding and intent 35.21.800
AND PENSIONS, subtitle Cities and towns consolidation or annexation, ratification and Forest lands
roadways, elevated, authority to construct funding after 35.40.030 community and urban forestry Ch. 76.15
35.85.010 election evergreen communities act Ch. 35.105
sidewalks, construction and reconstruction ratification and funding after consolidation Forest practices
Ch. 35.69 or annexation 35.40.030 classes of forest practices, applications
special fund, creation 35.22.580 unclassified cities 35.30.040, 35.30.060 76.09.050
streets and alleys interest rate on debts, contracts and state preemption, exceptions 76.09.240
change of grade, compensation to abutting obligations, declared legal regardless of Fourth class cities
owners 35.22.280 interest rate 39.90.060 area limitation on original incorporation
grades at high elevation, drainage investments 35.21.010
impracticable on private abutting land, approval of legislative authority required, elections
effect Ch. 35.73 exception 35.39.032 general municipal 35.27.090
lighting of 35.22.280 conversion into cash 35.39.032 officers 35.27.090
subways, authority to construct 35.85.050 excess and inactive funds 35.39.030 incorporation and annexation restrictions
taxes limitations on, uses, validation 35.39.034 35.21.010

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 79]


officers, generally investment of 35.39.060 handling facilities, permit requirements

elections 35.27.090 securities 35.39.070 70.95.170, 70.95.180
terms of office 35.27.090 equipment rental sewerage system, refuse collection and
police department administration 35.21.088 disposal part of 35.67.190
control and direction of 35.27.240 authority to create 35.21.088 Garbage, See also SOLID WASTE
pursuit and arrest of violators beyond town credit for transfer of equipment, materials or MANAGEMENT
limits 35.27.240 supplies to 35.21.088 collection and disposal systems, See also
town marshal establishment of fund in street department or CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle Public
control of police department, authority and other department in certain cities utilities
duty 35.27.240 35.21.088 Garbage disposal, See SEWER DISTRICTS
pursuit and arrest of violators beyond town street department, acquisition by fund of Garnishment
limits 35.27.240 equipment necessary for 35.21.088 enforcement against 6.27.040
Fourth class cities, See also CITIES AND transfer of equipment, materials or supplies subject to, when 6.27.040
TOWNS, subtitle Towns to 35.21.088 Golf courses, power to acquire, compensation for
police department general fund use 35.21.020
retirement and pensions, See justice and inferior courts act of 1961, bail Ground water
RETIREMENT AND PENSIONS forfeitures paid into 3.30.090 comprehensive plan, land use element
Franchises and privileges police relief and pension fund, surplus paid 35.63.090
annexation, franchises in annexed area into general fund 41.20.140 Gutters, See also CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle
35.13.280 transfer to city property assessment Streets and alleys
bridges jointly owned or operated with state redemption fund 35.49.060 Gymnasiums, local improvement, authority for
47.44.040 guaranty for local improvements 35.43.040
commission government 35.17.220 bondholders recourse to 35.45.080 Harbor area
electric franchises and rights of way on city creation 35.45.070 leaseholds, assessments 35.44.150
streets 80.32.010 generally Ch. 35.54 lying in two or more counties, transfer of
light, power, telephone, or gas distribution and installment notes 35.45.150 territory Ch. 36.08
service providers improvement district bonds for repayment Hazardous conditions, removal or destruction by
fees prohibited 35.21.860 of 35.45.155 owner, enforcement procedure 35.21.310
second class cities 35.23.380 investment, authorized types of, generally Ch. Hazardous materials incidents
towns 35.27.330 39.59 emergency aid
Franchises on state highways legal aid, appropriation of funds for 2.50.125 good faith rendering
franchise rights on limited access facility and local improvement district, refunds 35.45.090 immunity from liability 70.136.050
when joint governmental facility 47.52.090 local improvement fund, investment of emergency assistance agreements 70.136.060,
Freeholders, election of, submission of charter 35.55.150, 35.56.160 70.136.070
35.22.060 local improvement guaranty fund 35.23.505 generally Ch. 70.136
Freight mobility strategic investment program payrolls incident command agencies 70.136.030,
and board Ch. 47.06A authority to create 35.21.085 70.136.035, 70.136.040
Funds transfer from insolvent funds 35.21.086 Hazardous materials response teams
accident fund police pension fund, sale of unclaimed fire protection districts may participate
authorization for 35.31.050 property 63.32.030 52.12.140
surplus 35.31.070 public health pooling fund, generally Ch. Hazardous waste management
tax levy for 35.31.060 70.12 conflict related to site, department to assist in
warrants for judgment 35.31.050 public park property for use as municipally resolution 70.105.260
allocation of state funds, population owned off-street parking facilities, creation local government authority to prohibit or
determination 35.13.260 of fund 35.41.010 condition acceptance 70.105.217
bicycle road fund 35.75.050 public utilities, special fund for 35.92.100 local governments
cities and towns under 20,000 publicity fund 35.23.470, 35.23.480, coordination with private facilities
current expenses 35.37.010 35.23.490 70.105.220
indebtedness 35.37.010 revenue bond, sewerage systems 35.67.120, grants available 70.105.235
public utility accounts 35.67.130, 35.67.160 pollution control hearings board to hear
authority for 35.37.010 revenues of municipal facilities or utilities disputes 70.105.250
surplus and deficit in 35.37.020 compelling city to pay into 35.41.070 preparation of local plans 70.105.220
sinking 35.37.010 creation of 35.41.010 technical assistance from department
city property assessment redemption revenue warrants paid from 35.41.050 70.105.255
creation 35.44.130 sewer systems, unclassified cities, payment of local governments to
payment of liens 35.49.060 costs 35.30.020 designate zones 70.105.225, 70.105.230
transfer of funds 35.49.060 sidewalk construction 35.68.040 plan preparation requirements contingent on
city street fund 35.02.140 special, unexpended appropriation 35.33.151 funding 70.105.270
established, use 47.24.040 special revolving fund for local state preemption 70.105.240
illegal use of, procedure to correct 47.08.100 improvements, delinquent nonguaranteed Hazardous waste plan
taxes collected in annexed territory bonds and warrants 35.48.010, 35.48.040 used oil recycling element
35.13.270 statewide city employees retirement fund guidelines 70.95I.030
claims 41.44.100 requirement 70.105.221
authority to create 35.21.085 street requirements 70.95I.020
transfer from insolvent funds 35.21.086 county road and bridge violations, fines paid waiver 70.95I.030
county road fund, purposes authorized for use into 36.82.210 Health and safety
36.82.070 directional signs, paid from 47.36.040 filling lowlands Ch. 35.55, Ch. 35.56
cumulative reserve water redemption 35.89.040, 35.89.050, first class cities, preservation of 35.22.280
annual levy for 35.21.080 35.89.060 second class cities 35.23.440
application of budget law 35.21.080 Gambling towns 35.27.370
authority to create 35.21.070 house-banked social card game businesses unfit dwellings, permissible ordinances
budget law 35.21.080 9.46.295 35.80.030
restrictions on spending 35.21.070 ordinances, adoption of state law 9.46.192 urban renewal Ch. 35.81
revenue stabilization fund 35.21.070 jurisdiction of courts 9.46.193 water pollution, generally Ch. 35.88
current expense second class cities, control of 35.23.440 Health benefit programs, procurement by state
sale of unclaimed property 63.32.030 towns, control of 35.27.370 department of enterprise services 41.04.220
surplus in accident claim fund 35.31.070 Gambling, See also GAMBLING Health care claims data, statewide
transfer of public utilities earnings 35.27.510 Garbage data submission and statewide all-payer health
current operating, unexpended appropriation collection and disposal systems care claims database Ch. 43.371
35.33.151 combined sewer, water, and garbage systems Health departments
district health fund 70.46.080 authority 35.67.331 child mortality review
emergency 35.32A.060 statutes to govern 35.67.340 employee immunity and records
employees pension contracts for solid waste handling 35.21.120 confidentiality 70.05.170

[RCW Indexpage 80] (2016 Ed.)


combined city-county departments Ch. 70.08 Hitchhiking, local regulation allowed to control ratification and approval of actions
contaminated properties prostitution 46.61.255 87.03.834
decontamination, disposal, or demolition of Holding facilities, authority to build and maintain Hydroelectric reservoir extending into British
64.44.070 70.48.190 Columbia
decontamination by owner 64.44.050 Holidays 1.16.050 commission, powers 35.21.418
definitions 64.44.010 Homeless persons watershed agreement 35.21.417
evaluation/inspection of projects 64.44.075 temporary encampments, hosting by religious Hydroplane races
immunity from civil liability 64.44.080 organizations 35.21.915 admission fees, charging of, authorized
local health officer, duties 64.44.020 Horticultural pests and diseases 35.21.810
report to local health officer 64.44.020 duty to disinfect or destroy when on public public purpose declaration 35.21.815
unfit for use order, issuance procedure property 15.08.230 Impact fees, See also IMPACT FEES
64.44.030 Hospitals Impaired clearance signs, where maintained in
funds, public health pooling fund Ch. 70.12 first class cities, establishment and regulation 46.44.020
personnel system of 35.22.280 Impounding motor vehicles
separate from main system 70.08.070 joint operation with other counties 36.62.030 local ordinances 46.55.240
public health pooling fund second class cities 35.23.440 Income tax on net income prohibited 36.65.030
audit and check by state 70.12.070 Hostels 79A.05.265, 79A.05.270, 79A.05.275, Incorporation
authorized 70.12.030 79A.05.280 annexation, effect on proposed incorporation
expenditures 70.12.050 House numbers, second class cities 35.23.440 35.02.155
geared to budget 70.12.060 Housing, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle boundaries
how maintained and disbursed 70.12.040 Affordable housing; CITIES AND TOWNS, use of right of way lines of streets, roads,
septic systems subtitle Buildings; CITIES AND TOWNS, highways 35.02.170
moratorium adoption, procedures and subtitle Housing authorities; CITIES AND use of streets, roads, highways right of way
limitations 70.05.160 TOWNS, subtitle Housing cooperation law; lines 35.02.170
sewer hookups CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle Urban boundaries, establishment and limitations
moratorium adoption, procedures and renewal 35.02.070
limitations 70.05.160 Housing authorities 35.82.076 boundary review board hearing 35.02.015
tuberculosis control Ch. 70.28 bond issues boundary review board review 35.02.001
tuberculosis hospitals, facilities, and funding certification by attorney general 35.82.160 cancellation, acquisition, of franchise or
Ch. 70.30 covenants and pledges 35.82.150 permit for operation of public service
water hookups form and sale 35.82.140 business in territory incorporated 35.02.160
moratorium adoption, procedures and issuance authority 35.82.130 county auditors duties 35.02.017
limitations 70.05.160 obligees remedies 35.82.170, 35.82.180 county sheriffs employees, transfer of
Health districts power in regard to 35.82.150 civil service commission rules 35.13.390
fees for licenses or permits 70.46.120 commissioners conditions and limitations 35.13.380
appointment and powers 35.82.040, notification of right to transfer, time frame
Health sciences and services authorities Ch. 35.82.045
35.104 for request 35.13.400
conflicts of interest 35.82.050 purpose 35.13.360
Hearing examiner system removal 35.82.060 when authorized 35.13.370
land use changes, authority 35.63.130 cooperation by cities Ch. 35.83 elections 35.02.078, 35.02.086, 35.02.090,
Heating systems, See HEATING SYSTEMS cooperation with other authorities 35.82.100 35.02.100, 35.02.110, 35.02.120
Highway access management program declaration of necessity 35.82.010 exemption from State Environmental Policy
access permits definitions 35.82.020 Act 36.93.170
conditions may be imposed on permit eminent domain 35.82.110 fire protection districts, effect upon 52.08.035
47.50.070 farms and farmers, low income first class cities, See CITIES AND TOWNS,
existing connections, when permit not definitions 35.82.260 subtitle First class cities
required 47.50.080 housing application by farmers 35.82.250 fourth class cities, area limitation on original
modification or revocation of permit rural housing projects 35.82.240 incorporation 35.21.010
47.50.080 federal government aid, authority to receive incorporation of territory in county with
nonconforming access permit, conditions 35.82.200 boundary review board 36.93.153
justifying 47.50.080 findings 35.82.010 notice to county 35.02.015
required to make connection to highway housing authority order declaring, filing with secretary of state
47.50.040 creation by city resolution 35.82.030 35.02.120
connections to state highway system planning, zoning, and building laws, housing petition 35.02.020, 35.02.030, 35.02.035,
regulation of 47.50.030 projects subject to 35.82.120 35.02.037
definitions 47.50.020 powers enumerated 35.82.070 population requirements 35.02.010
legislative findings and policy 47.50.010 previously incarcerated persons, policies public hearing 35.02.039, 35.02.040,
Highway advertising control act Ch. 47.42 35.82.340 35.02.070
Highways property exemptions purpose of statute 35.02.005
limited access facilities levy and sale by execution 35.82.190 roads, county, revert to city or town 35.02.180
return of street to city or town 47.24.010 rentals and tenant selection 35.82.090 sewerage, water and drainage systems,
limited access facilities, See also rents and profits, policy statement 35.82.080 transfer of system 36.94.180
HIGHWAYS, subtitle Limited access reports 35.82.230 withdrawal or substitution 35.02.150
facilities supplemental projects 35.82.280 Incorporation proposals
projects assessments and taxation 35.82.210 cities of seven thousand five hundred or more
permit applications, construction starting Housing cooperation law population
date for 90.58.140 advances to housing authorities 35.83.050 restrictions on authority of boundary review
permit applications, determinations on, when declaration of necessity 35.83.010 board to modify 36.93.150
due 35.21.950 definitions 35.83.020 Indebtedness
reserved lanes, exclusive use by public findings 35.83.010 bankruptcy readjustment and relief from debts
transportation vehicles and car pools how accomplished, generally 35.83.030 Ch. 39.64
46.61.165 procedure, resolutions of legislative body cities and towns under 20,000 35.37.040
signs or banners over 47.36.030 35.83.060 community center development for multi-
vehicle weight, size limitation 46.44.080 taxation of housing authorities, payments in purpose community centers 35.59.040
Historic preservation lieu of 35.83.040 consolidation including annexation of cities,
authority 35.21.395 Hydroelectric generation development effect upon indebtedness 35.10.331
Historical materials, expenditure of funds for separate legal authority leases with or without option to purchase
preservation and exhibition of authorized acquisition of facilities, procedures option to purchase, submission to electorate
27.48.010 87.03.831 if indebtedness limitation exceeded
Historical sites cooperative development 87.03.825 35.42.210
special review districts indebtedness, repayment of 87.03.837 submission to voters if indebtedness
tax immunity or exemption, conditions law supplemental, when 87.03.840 limitation exceeded 35.42.200
35.21.755 membership, procedures 87.03.831 limitations Ch. 39.36

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 81]


metropolitan park districts 35.61.100, Island counties, cities and towns within, refund to Leases and leasing, off-street parking facilities
35.61.110 of motor vehicle license fees and fuel tax 35.86A.120
multi-purpose community centers 35.59.040 46.68.080 Leases with or without option to purchase
public utilities Jails authorized 35.42.200
borrow on revenues 35.92.075 authority to build and maintain 70.48.190 bids, when required 35.42.220
public utility acquisition booking and reporting, electronic statewide budget to provide for payment of rentals
authority for 35.92.070 system and standards committee 35.42.220
limitations 35.92.090 36.28A.040, 36.28A.050 exercise of option to purchase, when election
refunding bonds not to exceed debt limitations booking fee 70.48.390 required 35.42.210
39.52.020 camps, authorized 70.48.210 indebtedness limitation not to be exceeded
sewerage systems Ch. 35.67 city and county jails act Ch. 70.48 35.42.200
unclassified cities 35.30.040, 35.30.060 contracts for incarceration unaffected by joint execution authorized 35.42.200
Industrial development revenue bonds Ch. 39.84 financial responsibility law 70.48.460 option to purchase
Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL developmental disabilities, persons with exercise of option 35.42.210
INSURANCE transfer to department of corrections facility submission to voters if indebtedness
Industrial/manufacturing facilities construction 70.48.245 limitation exceeded 35.42.210
property tax exemption farms, authorized 70.48.210 submission to voters if indebtedness exceeded
targeted urban areas Ch. 84.25 financial responsibility 70.48.400, 70.48.410, 35.42.200
Initiatives 70.48.420, 70.48.430, 70.48.440 Leasing of space with option to purchase
commission form of government, petitions persons under arrest 35.66.050 authority to lease 35.42.030
35.17.260, 35.17.270, 35.17.280, prisoners building, defined 35.42.020
35.17.290, 35.17.300, 35.17.310, authorized 70.48.220 city buildings, lease back by city 35.42.070
35.17.330, 35.17.340, 35.17.350, confinement in jail of 70.48.220 city lands, leasing for building purposes
35.17.360 contracting authority 70.48.220 35.42.070
first class cities 35.22.200 felons, state institution, transfer to, required credits toward purchase price 35.42.040
Insurance 70.48.240 execution of lease prior to construction
employees, participation in state insurance financial responsibility 70.48.240 35.42.060
program 41.04.205 mental health review, release of offender lease and lease back agreements, bids
health care subject to 70.48.475 35.42.080
retirees and persons with disabilities temporary confinement, authorized option to renew 35.42.040
41.04.208, 41.04.212 70.48.230 purpose of special chapter 35.42.010
liability, purchase for officers and employees transportation expenses, financial tax exemption 35.42.090
36.16.138 responsibility for 70.48.230 taxes, insurance, repairs, and improvements,
procurement for municipalities by office of regional jails 70.48.095 city assumption of responsibility 35.42.050
risk management 43.19.772 special detention facilities Legal debt limitations, See INDEBTEDNESS
risk management services authorized Ch. authorized 70.48.210 Legal interns, city attorney, employment of
48.62 fees for cost of housing 70.48.380 35.21.760
self-insurance authorized Ch. 48.62 state hospital inmates, booking of 70.48.215 Legal publications
Insurance, See also INSURANCE traumatic brain injuries, persons with official newspaper to be designated 35.21.875
group disability insurance, see INSURANCE, transfer to department of corrections facility Levees, authority to construct 35.21.090
subtitle Group disability insurance 70.48.245 Liabilities, local improvement bonds 35.45.070
Insurance companies, excise or privilege taxes, Liability for tortious conduct of officers,
women prisoners 35.66.050
state preemption 48.14.020 employees, and volunteers 4.96.010
Interception of communications work release programs, authorized 70.48.210 Liability insurance
enforcement, local government working of prisoners permitted 9.92.130 offenders performing community restitution
reimbursement 4.92.280 Jails, See also JAILS 35.21.209
Intercounty incorporation Joint city-county housing authorities, See JOINT Liability of officials, members, immunity
county officers CITY-COUNTY HOUSING 4.24.470
collection of money 35.02.240 AUTHORITIES Libraries
costs borne proportionately 35.02.230, Judgments, execution against 6.17.080 conditional sales contracts by cities and towns
35.02.240 Judicial officers, inferior, powers 2.28.090 for purchase of property for libraries
powers and duties after incorporation Justices of the peace, See JUSTICES OF THE authorized, vote required if exceeds
35.02.230, 35.02.240 PEACE indebtedness 39.30.010
dealings with federal government Lake or beach management districts first class cities, establishment and
real or personal property transactions authorized 35.21.403 maintenance of 35.22.280
35.02.250 Lakes adjacent to Libraries, establishment and operation Ch. 27.12
utility service contracts 35.02.250 calculation of area of for determining area of Licenses
Interest, improvement bonds, payment from city or town 35.21.160 background checks, initiation by cities and
general revenues, procedure 35.45.065 powers and jurisdiction extended 35.21.160 towns
Interest and debt redemption, See CITIES AND Land use applicants for licenses 35.21.920
TOWNS, subtitle Budgets appearance of fairness doctrine Ch. 42.36 licensees for occupations under local
Interlocal cooperation, See INTERLOCAL comprehensive plans for 35.63.090 licensing authority 35.21.920
COOPERATION petitions, judicial review Ch. 36.70C bicycles, use of 35.75.030
Intrastate mutual aid system 38.52.040, Ch. project review and permit procedures Ch. drawbridges operated as toll bridges
38.56 36.70B 35.74.060, 35.74.070
Investments real property damage farmers, exemption, exceptions 36.71.090
authorized types of 36.29.020, Ch. 39.59 due to governmental action financial institutions Ch. 82.14A
limitations on, uses, validation 35.39.034 claims, time limitation 64.40.030 first class cities, powers 35.22.280
local improvement fund 35.55.150, 35.56.160 definitions 64.40.010 gardeners, exemption 36.71.090
local improvement installment notes, local relief provided 64.40.020 license fees
improvement bonds for repayment of street improvement is prerequisite to certain business activities, uniform rate,
35.45.150 development maximum rate established 35.21.710
metropolitan municipal corporation may contract with land owner 35.72.010 voter approval for excess 35.21.711
obligations 35.58.510 reimbursement by other land owners telephone business 35.21.712
Investments, See also CITIES AND TOWNS, 35.72.020, 35.72.030, 35.72.040 network telephone service 35.21.714
subtitle Fiscal matters targeted urban areas toll telephone service, intrastate, taxable
Involuntary dissolution industrial/manufacturing facilities amount 35.21.714
authorization 35.07.230 construction, property tax exemption for logging trucks, special permits for 46.44.047
hearing 35.07.240, 35.07.250 Ch. 84.25 produce stands, exemption 36.71.090
order for disincorporation 35.07.250, Lands, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle second class cities 35.23.440
35.07.260 Property towns, general power 35.27.370
Irrigation districts, property owned by, Law enforcement communications network, truck farmers, exemption 36.71.090
condemnation 35.92.190 participation 43.89.030 unclassified cities, general powers 35.30.010

[RCW Indexpage 82] (2016 Ed.)


Limitation of actions sewer hookups service fees for sewers not constructed within
application of statute of limitations to actions moratorium adoption, procedures and 10 years of voter approval, credit against
by 4.16.160 limitations 70.05.160 future assessments, service charges
sewerage system liens 35.67.230 solid waste management, adoption of rules 35.43.260
Limitation of actions, See also CITIES AND and regulations governing, requirement, sewers not constructed within ten years of
TOWNS, subtitle Claims filing with department of ecology voter approval, service fees to be credited
Limited access highway facilities through cities 70.95.160 against future assessments, service charges
and towns, See HIGHWAYS, subtitle solid waste management, contracts with 35.43.260
Limited access facilities department of ecology authorized underground electric and communication
Limits, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle City 70.95.163 facilities 35.96.030
limits vacancies on board 70.05.040 water rights acquisition 35.92.220
Liquor violations, penalties, remedies 70.05.120 existing districts validated, debts,
enforcement of state laws 35.22.280 water hookups assessments, etc., declared valid
Liquor, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle moratorium adoption, procedures and 35.92.265
Alcoholic beverages limitations 70.05.160 mode of assessment 35.92.260
Liquor revolving fund, distribution 66.08.210 Local improvement special assessments 35.92.230
Litter receptacle placement 70.93.090 general fund to local improvement fund, Local improvement guaranty fund
Local economic development financing and transfer 35.45.180 transfers to general fund 35.54.095
financing authorities Ch. 39.110 Local improvement districts Local improvements
Local government management of program assessments assessment rolls 35.44.070, 35.44.080,
delegated by state alternate method of computation 35.44.047 35.44.090, 35.44.100, 35.44.110,
final report or study, prerelease copy to local delinquent, interest for 35.49.030 35.44.120
government 43.17.370 interest for 35.49.030 electrified public streetcar lines 35.43.040
Local government research and services program first class cities, deferral of collection from lowlands, filling by second class cities Ch.
generally Ch. 43.110 economically disadvantaged persons 35.55
Local government service agreements for authorized 35.43.250 resolutions, publication and hearing
services and facilities Ch. 36.115 publication of notices 35.49.010 35.43.140, 35.43.150
Local health departments segregation upon division of land 35.44.410 state land improvement financing areas Ch.
administrative officer special assessments of irrigation and 39.112
appointment 70.05.040 rehabilitation districts as inferior to tax liens, protection of assessment lien
responsibilities 70.05.045, 70.05.060, 87.84.071 35.49.130
70.05.070, 70.05.120 classification of property, supplemental Local improvements and assessments, See also
biomedical waste authority Ch. 35.51 LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS AND
definitions 70.95K.010 consolidated local improvement districts ASSESSMENTS
legislative findings 70.95K.005 authorized 35.45.160 Local infrastructure assistance
residential sharps waste disposal 70.95K.030 purpose 35.45.160 modernizing state programs that provide
state preemption of local definitions districts lying outside city or town, formation assistance
70.95K.011 authorized 35.43.030 intent and plan 43.155.130
treatment technologies evaluation districts lying within city or town, formation Local sales and use tax Ch. 82.14
70.95K.020 authorized for transportation and Logging trucks, special permits for 46.44.047
chair of local board 70.05.040 infrastructure purposes 35.43.030 Long-term care ombuds program
child mortality review existing districts, irrigation and domestic municipal authority 36.39.060
employee immunity and records water supply purposes, validated 35.92.265 Lost and found property
confidentiality 70.05.170 initiation of proceedings disposition procedure 63.21.060
combination with counties authorized initiation by petition of district lying outside duties 63.21.060
70.08.010 city or town, legislative authority may Low income areas, See CITIES AND TOWNS,
contagious diseases, reports 70.05.110 deny petition 35.43.075 subtitle Buildings; CITIES AND TOWNS,
contracts for sale or purchase of health petition, requirements 35.43.120 subtitle Housing authorities law; CITIES
services 70.05.150 protest of proceedings 35.43.180 AND TOWNS, subtitle Housing cooperation
definitions 70.05.010 restraints on proceedings, protest filing law; CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle Unfit
diseases, reports of 70.05.090, 70.05.100, 35.43.180 dwellings; CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle
70.05.110 joint planning, construction, and operation of Urban renewal
expenses of enforcement and administration improvements Low-income housing
70.05.130 authority 35.51.020 loans and grants 35.21.685
jurisdiction of local boards 70.05.030 joint planning and construction of Magistrates, municipal court judges as 35.20.020
local health officer improvement, supplemental authority Ch. Main street program
appointment, qualifications, term, salary and 35.51 generally Ch. 43.360
expenses 70.05.050 local improvement districts composed of Manufactured housing
contagious diseases, report of by 70.05.110 adjacent unincorporated territory housing communities
failure of local board to appoint, procedure authorized 35.43.030 nonconforming use 35.63.161
70.05.080 local improvement districts composed of housing communities, elimination 35.63.161
in-service orientation training program for territory within city or town authorized for moving or installation in mobile home park,
provisionally qualified officers 70.05.054 transportation and infrastructure purposes permit 35.21.897
powers and duties 70.05.070 35.43.030 placement or use of manufactured/mobile
professional qualifications 70.05.051 local improvement districts outside city or homes 35.21.684
provisionally qualified officers town, divestment of jurisdiction 35.43.180 regulations, definitions 35.63.160
annual interview 70.05.055 procedure for cancellation of nonguaranteed Markets and marketing
raising to full qualification 70.05.055 bonds acquisition and operation of markets
training program, contents, procedures actions under unaffected by other laws 35.92.040
70.05.054 35.47.040 first class cities, regulating weights and
physicians and surgeons cancellation procedure where no money in measures 35.22.280
contagious diseases, report 70.05.110 local improvement fund 35.47.030 second class cities, regulation of 35.23.440
diseases, report of 70.05.090 declaration of obsolescence and Marshals
who determines character of diseases cancellation, when 35.47.020 eligibility criteria 35.21.333, 35.21.334
70.05.100 distribution of moneys to holders of bonds vacancies 35.21.335
powers and duties of local board 70.05.060 and warrants, notice, time limitation, Mass public transportation systems,
septic systems abandonment and transfer to general fund construction, facilities, vehicles, not "sale"
moratorium adoption, procedures and 35.47.010 for purposes of taxation
limitations 70.05.160 protest to local improvements, procedure lease of, to political subdivision or municipal
sewage sludge 35.43.180 corporation, authorized 39.33.050
permit issuance and enforcement authority refunding bonds, limitations 35.45.170 Massage practitioners [therapists]
70.95J.080 reserve funds, supplemental authority Ch. licenses 35.21.692
permit review 70.95J.090 35.51 Mayor

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 83]


agent to receive summons 4.28.080 Mt. St. Helens bailiffs

commission form of government Ch. 35.17 recovery, scope authorized 36.01.150 appointment and compensation 35.20.230
council-manager plan 35.18.190, 35.18.200, Multi-family and mixed-use projects chief clerk
35.18.210 assessment exemption period for new projects appointment by judges 35.20.210
first class cities, See CITIES AND TOWNS, 35.87A.170 bond 35.20.210
subtitle First class cities definitions 35.87A.020 oath 35.20.210
municipal court judges, appointment of hearing, notice 35.87A.050 powers and duties 35.20.220
35.20.190 hearings 35.87A.060 supervised by court administrator 35.20.220
police relief and pension board of trustees, initiation petition or resolution 35.87A.030 city trial court improvement account
member of 41.20.010 ordinance to establish, contents and adoption 35.20.280
pro tempore, council-manager plan 35.18.210 35.87A.100 clerks
prohibited acts 42.23.070 purposes 35.87A.010 appointment by judges 35.20.210
public works contractors bond, liability for special assessments 35.87A.080, 35.87A.090, bonds 35.20.210
mayors failure to take 39.08.015 35.87A.140 powers 35.20.210
second class cities, See CITIES AND Multimodal transportation account commissioners
TOWNS, subtitle Second class cities allocation of funds 46.68.126 appointment and powers 35.20.155
state limited access facility through city or Multi-purpose community centers concurrent jurisdiction
town, board of review to review plan, acquisition 35.59.030 justices of the peace 35.20.250
mayor to appoint members of 47.52.150 appropriations 35.59.060 superior court 35.20.250
towns, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle authority, purposes for which authority costs 35.20.030
Towns granted may be exercised 35.59.020 costs when process served or defendant
vacancy in nonpartisan governing body community center development, conveyance arrested outside city 35.20.270
filling of vacancy 42.12.070 or lease of lands or facilities to other court administrator
Meeting agendas municipality for 35.59.040 appointment 35.20.105
public notice requirements 35.22.288 condemnation, powers of 35.59.050 powers and duties 35.20.105
Mental illness, See MENTAL ILLNESS construction 35.59.030 salary 35.20.105
Metals mining and milling operations, regulation contract, use or operation of facilities supervision of chief clerk 35.20.220
Ch. 78.56 35.59.080 traffic violations bureau, supervision of
Metropolitan municipal corporations conveyance of lands or facilities to other 35.20.105
public transportation systems municipality for community center crimes against property
feasibility study, financial support development 35.59.040 criminal history check 35.20.258
35.58.2712 definitions 35.59.010 criminal and civil process, service of
financing, definitions 35.95.020 expenditures of public moneys 35.59.060 35.20.270
Metropolitan municipal corporations, See also financing, participation in by more than one criminal cases
METROPOLITAN MUNICIPAL municipality 35.59.040 agreement with county to handle 3.50.800,
CORPORATIONS fiscal matters 3.50.805
Metropolitan park district fund 35.61.210 general obligation bonds, issuance of criminal cases, agreement with county to
Metropolitan park districts authorized 35.59.060 handle 35.23.555
creation and operation Ch. 35.61 procedure 35.59.060 deferred sentence, term, authority of judge to
Militia enrollment revenue bonds 35.59.070 issue 35.20.255
duty of civil officers to make records available income, from lease or contract for use or director of probation services
to enrolling officer 38.44.060 operation of facilities pledged for appointment and compensation 35.20.230
Mobile home parks redemption of general obligation and/or district judge
charges for unused sewer service 35.67.370 revenue bonds 35.59.080 limitation of jurisdiction, effect as 35.20.910
septic systems, replacement 35.67.370 indebtedness, participation in financing establishment of 35.20.010
Mobile homes 35.59.040 expenses
moving or installation in mobile home park, lease when borne by city 35.20.120
permit 35.21.897 lands or facilities to other municipality for when borne by county 35.20.120
placement or use of manufactured/mobile community center development fines, penalties, forfeiture, payment to, when
homes 35.21.684 35.59.040 35.20.250
Moneys use or operation of facilities 35.59.080 fines and moneys, portion deposited in
borrowing, cities and towns under 20,000 legislative finding, prerequisite 35.59.020 accounts, interest 35.20.220
35.37.040 operation 35.59.030 first judges
towns, collection or receipt by officers operation of facilities, lease or contract for qualifications, procedures, transfer of
35.27.210 35.59.080 equipment 35.20.240
Moratoria and interim zoning controls participation in financing 35.59.040 hearing examiner, office of
first class cities planning under charter subject powers and authority, additional and created 35.20.205
to limitations on 35.22.690 supplemental 35.59.110 judicial officers, assignment 35.20.205
limit placed on period for which moratorium powers and duties authorized 35.59.010 judges
or control adopted may be effective prior proceedings validated and ratified additional, appointment by mayor 35.20.190
35.63.200 35.59.100 bond 35.20.180
public hearing required after adoption if not purposes for which authority granted may be candidates, majority of votes in primary,
held before adoption 35.63.200 exercised 35.59.020 effect 35.20.150
Mosquito control, generally 70.22.030, real property election of 35.20.150
70.22.040, 70.22.060 conveyance to other municipality for filling of municipal department positions by
Mosquito control districts, annexation of community center development election, when required 3.50.055
territory 17.28.320 35.59.040 first judges, qualifications, procedures,
Motor vehicle excise tax distribution Ch. 82.44 lease of lands or facilities to other transfer of equipment 35.20.240
Motor vehicle fund municipality for community center monthly meetings 35.20.140
allocation of funds 46.68.110, 46.68.126 development 35.59.040 oath 35.20.180
preservation rating 46.68.113 revenue bonds 35.59.070 practice of law 35.20.170
Motor vehicle inspection by Ch. 46.32 validation and ratification of prior proceedings pro tempore 35.20.200
Motor vehicle wreckers regulation 46.80.160 35.59.100 qualifications 35.20.170
Motor vehicles Municipal business and occupation tax Ch. residency requirement for municipal
for hire vehicles, local licensing and 35.102 department judges 3.50.057
regulation 46.72.160, 46.72.170 Municipal corporations, See MUNICIPAL rules and regulations, adoption of 35.20.140
local or state government, vehicle owned or CORPORATIONS salaries 35.20.160
leased by Municipal courts terms of office 35.20.150
injury to unauthorized third-party occupant, additional judges vacancies 35.20.150
government liability 4.92.180 appointment of 35.20.190 judges as magistrates 35.20.020
special permits for oversize or overweight office space and personnel 35.20.190 judicial officers
movement, fees paid to cities and towns, salaries 35.20.190 disqualification 35.20.175
when 46.44.096 appeals, generally 35.20.250 duties and responsibilities 35.20.205

[RCW Indexpage 84] (2016 Ed.)


hearing of contested matters 35.20.205 Navigable water, adjacent to, powers and liberal construction 54.44.900
pro tempore judges, appointment as jurisdiction extended 35.21.160 percentage of ownership 54.44.020
35.20.205 Negligence claims, See CITIES AND TOWNS, taxes 54.44.020
traffic infractions 35.20.205 subtitle Accident claims Nuisances
jurisdiction 35.20.030 Negotiable bonds first class cities, abatement of 35.22.280
certiorari 7.16.040 cities and towns under 20,000 35.37.040 powder magazine nearby is public nuisance,
mandamus, jurisdiction to issue 7.16.160 Negotiable bonds, See also CITIES AND when 7.48.140
motor vehicle law, concurrent jurisdiction TOWNS, subtitle Bond issues second class cities, abatement 35.23.331
46.08.190 Neighborhood self-help projects special assessment by city or town, notice
writ of prohibition, jurisdiction prohibited contracts with community service requirements 35.21.955
7.16.300 organizations 35.21.278 towns, abatement of 35.27.410
jurisdiction and venue 35.20.100 Newly incorporated water pollution, abatement 35.88.030,
jury trial borrowing money 35.02.135 35.88.040, 35.88.050, 35.88.060,
compensation of jurors 35.20.090 budgets 35.02.132 35.88.070
criminal cases continuation of special districts at option of Occupation, second class cities, control of
exceptions for 35.20.090 city or town 35.02.210 35.23.440
right to jury 35.20.090 county may contract for essential services Offenders performing community restitution
number of jurors 35.20.090 35.02.225 workers compensation and liability insurance
justices of the peace county to provide special districts services coverage 35.21.209, 51.12.045
concurrent jurisdiction 35.20.250 35.02.220 Officers
first judges, qualifications and procedures date effective 35.02.130
delete county to provide road and law prohibited acts 42.23.070
for becoming 35.20.240 recall sufficiency hearing, payment of defense
jurisdiction, infringement upon 35.20.190 enforcement services 35.02.220
department of commerce, duty to assist during expenses 35.21.203
night court department 35.20.020 Officers and employees
police courts, limitation on 35.20.260 interim 35.02.260
development permits and approvals, advancement in classification, election
population requirements 35.20.010 35.06.080
powers of 35.20.010 moratoria 35.02.137
election of council members or commissioners appearance of fairness doctrine Ch. 42.36
presiding judge, selection, responsibility budget director in cities over 300,000
35.20.100 35.02.139
fire protection district, continuation of appointment 35.32A.020
probation, maximum term 35.20.255 preparation of proposed budget 35.32A.030
probation officer services at option of city or town 35.02.210
fire protection district annexation, delay of code of ethics 42.23.010, 42.23.030,
appointment and compensation 35.20.230 42.23.040, 42.23.050, 42.23.060
process, extent of 35.20.110 transfer 35.02.202
interim governance 35.02.130 commission government
punishment, limitation on imposition commissioners, salaries, generally 35.17.108
35.20.030 liability for costs of elections 35.02.125
library district, continuation of services at mayor, salary, generally 35.17.108
review of proceedings 35.20.030
option of city or town 35.02.210 community municipal corporation,
rules and regulations, adoption by judges community council 35.14.030
35.20.140 local governments and state agencies, duty to
assist during interim 35.02.270 contracts, interest in prohibited, exceptions
seal of 35.20.110 powers during interim period 35.02.130 42.23.030
sentences, authority of judge 35.20.255 Newspaper, official newspaper to be designated
sessions, regular and special 35.20.020 disincorporation proceedings, surrender of
35.21.875 power 35.07.090
subpoena power 35.20.260 Newspaper carriers under eighteen years of age,
supervised by court administrator 35.20.131 eligibility to hold office 42.04.020
licensing prohibited 35.21.696 failure to prepare budget estimate, penalty
suspended sentence, term, authority of court to Newspapers, towns, official designation
issue 35.20.255 35.32A.090
35.27.350 health care
suspended sentence, transfer to another state Night courts, department of municipal courts
35.20.255 retirees and persons with disabilities
35.20.020 41.04.208, 41.04.212
termination 3.50.805, 3.50.810 Noncharter cities and towns
agreement with county to handle criminal hospitalization and medical aid for employees
filing of claims against, procedure 35.31.040 and dependents
cases, arbitration 35.20.010, 35.22.425, Noncharter code cities
35.27.515, 35.30.100 choice of policies or plans to be offered
cities reorganized as noncharter code city 41.04.180
traffic cases, traffic violations bureau mayor, duties 35.23.810
35.20.131 contracts with health care service contractors
cities retaining second class city plan authorized 41.04.180
traffic infractions council 35.23.840, 35.23.845
appeals, procedure 35.20.030 costs not additional compensation, payment
elections 35.23.805 of premiums 41.04.190
no jury trial 35.20.090 health officer 35.23.820
traffic school for offenders, court may compel hours of labor 49.28.010, 49.28.040
officers, appointive 35.23.815, 35.23.830 liability insurance, authority to purchase for
attendance 46.83.050 officers, elective 35.23.800
traffic violations bureau 35.21.205
officers, generally 35.23.835 mayor
creation 35.20.131 street commissioner 35.23.825
director appointment of budget director in cities over
wards, division into 35.23.850 300,000 35.32A.020
bond 35.20.131 Notice
salary 35.20.131 boundary review board 36.93.090 submission of proposed budget to city
appointment 35.20.131 final budget in cities and towns under 300,000, council in cities over 300,000 35.32A.030
witnesses fees 35.20.260 meeting to adopt 35.33.061 payroll checks, drafts, or warrants
Municipal courts, See also JUSTICE AND off-street parking facilities, call for bids for city or town may cash, conditions 35.21.087
INFERIOR COURTS ACT OF 1961 operation 35.86A.120 police officers, residence requirements,
Municipal obligations Nuclear, thermal, electric generating power abolished 35.22.610
savings banks, authorized investment for facilities, joint development residence requirements 35.21.200
32.20.090 additional powers granted pursuant to chapter police officers, abolished 35.22.610
Municipal research and services 54.44.020 retirement and pensions, See RETIREMENT
commerce, department of, contracting for agreements AND PENSIONS, subtitle Cities and towns
research and services 43.110.030 authority for 54.44.020 second class cities, See CITIES AND
Municipal research council conformity to applicable law 54.44.060 TOWNS, subtitle Second class cities
local government regulation and policy bonds, revenue, authority to issue 54.44.040 sick leave payment 41.48.160
handouts, technical assistance 43.101.040 declaration of public purpose 54.44.010, special water pollution enforcement 35.88.020
Municipal utilities, See CITIES AND TOWNS, 54.44.040 subversive activities
subtitle Utilities depositaries 54.44.050 conviction of bars holding office 9.81.040
Museums disbursement of public funds 54.44.050 subversive person ineligible for employment
authority for local improvement 35.43.040 liability of city, joint operating agency or 9.81.060
Name of, change Ch. 35.62 public utility district, extent, limitations towns, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle
National historic towns, designation 36.70A.520 54.44.030 Towns

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 85]


Offices open for business, hours and days, compilation, codification, and revision of property, acquisition and disposition for
prescription by legislative authority 35.21.500, 35.21.510, 35.21.520, 35.86.030
35.21.175 35.21.530, 35.21.540, 35.21.550, public park or civic center 35.86.010
Official bonds 35.21.560 receipts for parking fees 35.86A.070
city manager 35.18.050 comprehensive plan, referral to municipal towns 35.27.550, 35.27.560, 35.27.570,
city treasurer 35.38.050 council 35.14.040 35.27.580, 35.27.590
commission form cities 35.17.100 conditional use permit, special exception for Parking and business improvement areas
security to city or town 42.08.010 variance, referral to community council chamber of commerce or similar business
town officers 35.27.120 35.14.040 taxation for operating area 35.21.851
Off-street parking consolidated cities, effect 35.10.320 generally Ch. 35.87A
city council, powers and duties, generally electric code, adoption by reference 35.21.180 Parking commission, off-street parking facilities
35.86A.080 eminent domain 8.12.040 35.86A.010
operation permitted, when 35.86A.120 enforcement by municipal court 35.20.030 application 35.86A.040
parking commission evidence, admissible as, when 5.44.080 authority 35.86A.020
annual excise tax payable to county fire codes, adoption by reference 35.21.180 chairman 35.86A.060
35.86A.110 first class cities contracts for operation of facilities
budget 35.86A.100 violations, providing for punishment 35.86A.070
call for bids for operation 35.86A.120 35.22.280 definitions 35.86A.030
city council, powers and duties, generally first class cities, See also CITIES AND legislative findings 35.86A.010
35.86A.080 TOWNS, subtitle First class cities members 35.86A.050
eminent domain, authority 35.86A.080 franchises and privileges new facilities, procedure 35.86A.080
expenditures 35.86A.100 grant of 35.17.220 ownership of facilities 35.86A.040
financing, generally 35.86A.090 health and sanitation, adoption by reference parking fees, authority 35.86A.070
financing of new facilities, authority and 35.21.180 powers and duties of commission, generally
power, generally 35.86A.080 information pooling 35.21.185 35.86A.070
general obligation bonds, authority of city to local improvement, compliance with state rules and regulations 35.86A.060
issue 35.86A.090 laws 35.43.030 terms of members, vacancies 35.86A.050
in-lieu tax payments 35.86A.110 local improvement districts 35.43.070, Parking facilities
leases 35.43.075, 35.43.080, 35.43.100 authority for local improvement 35.43.040
long term 35.86A.120 law suits challenging, limitation 35.43.100 Parking meter revenue, use 35.23.454
negotiations 35.86A.120 meat processing, adoption by reference Parks and recreation
local improvement district financing, 35.21.180 annexation of territory for 35.13.180
authority 35.86A.080 milk processing, adoption by reference authority for local improvement for 35.43.040
new facilities 35.21.180 authority to acquire and operate 35.21.020,
approval of planning commission planned unit development, referral to 67.20.010
35.86A.080 community council 35.14.040 conditional sales contracts by cities and towns
procedure 35.86A.080 plumbing code, adoption by reference for purchase of property for parks
operation permitted, when 35.86A.120 35.21.180 authorized, vote required if exceeds
port district regulations, adoption 53.08.220 indebtedness 39.30.010
powers and duties of city, generally
35.86A.090 publication 35.21.180 first class cities, purchase property for
publication requirements 35.22.288 35.22.280
private operation facilities, call for bids recording 5.44.080 local improvement, authority for 35.43.040
35.86A.120 referral to community council, which second class cities
proposed plans for new facilities 35.86A.080 35.14.040 acquisition of land 35.23.440
publication of notice, call for bids second class cities, See CITIES AND exchange of park property 35.23.010
35.86A.120 TOWNS, subtitle Second class cities towns 35.27.400
report to city council 35.86A.080 signing and filing Parkways and park drives
revenue bonds commission government 35.17.190 local improvement, authority for 35.43.040
authority 35.86A.080 council-manager plan 35.18.180 local improvement districts 35.43.110
issuance by city, authority 35.86A.090 statutes and codes maintenance and improvement of surface
revenues, disposition 35.86A.100 adoption by reference 35.21.180 public utilities constructed under 35.21.190
On-site sewage disposal systems Ch. 70.118 filing with city clerk 35.21.180 transfer to park commissioners 35.21.190
On-site sewage disposal systems, large Ch. posting and publishing 35.21.180 Party walls and partition fences, first class cities,
70.118B towns, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle regulation of 35.22.280
On-site sewage disposal systems, marine Towns Pavement marking standards for arterials in
recovery areas Ch. 70.118A unclassified cities 35.30.010 urbanized areas 47.36.280
On-site sewage systems vacation of streets and alleys 35.79.030 Pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers, regulatory
local health officers authority to waive Park board, metropolitan municipal corporations authority 19.60.075
requirements 70.05.072, 70.05.077 35.58.300 Pea patches
permits 70.05.074 Park commissioners transmission right of ways 35.92.370
Operating and maintenance expenses, See local improvement proceedings, approval Pedestrian malls Ch. 35.71
CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle Budgets 35.43.040 Pedestrians
Optional municipal code, See CITIES parkways, park drives, and boulevards, facilities for pedestrians
OPTIONAL MUNICIPAL CODE acquisition and servicing 35.21.190 standards, adoption by design standards
Ordinances and resolutions Park districts, power to acquire recreational committee 35.78.030
adoption of budget in cities over 300,000 facilities, compensation for use 35.21.020 rights-of-way, using street and road funds for
35.32A.050 Parking 35.78.050
airport joint operations 14.08.200 off-street facilities Pensions, See RETIREMENT AND PENSIONS
annexed cities, effect 35.10.320 authorization for 35.86.010 Performance-based contracts
budget, adoption of final budget by cities and bids required, when 35.86.010 energy conservation
towns under 300,000 35.33.075 "facilities", defined 35.86.010 first class cities 35.22.620
building code, adoption by reference financing 35.86.020 towns or second class cities 35.23.352
35.21.180 laws inconsistent with, priority 35.86.910 Permits, leases or licenses for cities and towns to
codification operation of use toll facilities authorized 47.56.253
adoption as official code 35.21.520 leasing 35.86.040 Personal protection spray devices
amending, adopting, or rejecting 35.21.540 negotiation 35.86.040 restrictions on authority to prohibit use
authorization for 35.21.510 store space 35.86.080 9.91.160
copies as proof of ordinances 35.21.550 municipal operation, limitations on Pesticide applicators licenses, authorization to
defined 35.21.500 35.86.040 issue 17.21.305
single subject requirement 35.21.570 parking fee schedules 35.86.060 Petitions
subsequent amendment 35.21.560 parking commission 35.86A.050, sufficiency 35.21.005
community council referral of city ordinances 35.86A.060, 35.86A.070 Planned unit development, referral to community
to, which 35.14.040 plans for prior to establishment 35.86.050 council 35.14.040

[RCW Indexpage 86] (2016 Ed.)


Planning organization 35.63.040 greenbelts or open space, adverse possession

appearance of fairness doctrine Ch. 42.36 powers 35.63.060 36.70A.165
comprehensive plan 35.63.100 public notice growth management hearings board
amendments 35.63.105 identification of affected property 35.63.065 appeal by state, limitations 36.70A.310
development regulations to be consistent regional conduct, procedure, and compensation
with 35.63.125 appointment and powers 35.63.070 36.70A.270
filing 35.63.100 grants-in-aid from United States 35.63.070 consolidation into environmental and land
ground water 35.63.090 restrictions use hearings office 36.70A.252,
hearing examiner system 35.63.130 land use 35.63.080 36.70A.903
purpose 35.63.090 purposes of 35.63.090 creation, membership 36.70A.250
resolution adopting 35.63.100 set-back of buildings 35.63.080 expedited review 36.70A.305
supplementing or modifying 35.63.120 sunlight access protection 35.63.080 final orders 36.70A.300
comprehensive transportation program yard and court size 35.63.080 invalidity, determination 36.70A.302
preparation and adoption 35.77.010 restrictive zones, division of towns into judicial review 36.70A.295
metropolitan municipal corporations, 35.63.110 legislative intent and finding 36.70A.3201
comprehensive plan 35.58.310 solar easements matters subject to review 36.70A.280
off-street parking facilities 35.86.050 solar energy system, defined 35.63.015 petitions to, evidence 36.70A.290
pedestrian malls 35.71.040 solar energy systems, sunlight access regional panels 36.70A.260
public utilities 35.67.030 protection 35.63.080 growth strategies commission, role
transportation systems 35.92.270 subdivision and development of land, 36.70A.800
urban renewal Ch. 35.81 providing for restrictions on 35.63.080 legislative findings 36.70A.010, 36.70A.011
Planning and zoning yards, providing for restrictions on 35.63.080 master planned locations 36.70A.367,
accessory apartments zones, division of towns into 35.63.110 36.70A.368
incorporation of report recommendations Plans and planning master planned resorts 36.70A.362
into local development and zoning comprehensive plans mineral resource lands 36.70A.131
regulations 43.63A.215 comprehensive plans and development natural resource lands and critical areas
certain conditional or special use permits, regulations 43.21C.420 designation 36.70A.170, 36.70A.172
mediation prior to appeal 35.22.685, environmental impact statements, natural resource lands and critical areas
35.63.260 nonproject, recovery of expenses of development regulations 36.70A.060
child care facilities 43.21C.428 partial planning, resolution for 36.70A.040
review of need and demand for development project review process planning goals 36.70A.020
definitions 35.63.170 36.70A.470 playing fields, compliance 36.70A.171
review, implementation of findings land use planning, comprehensive public participation 36.70A.035
35.63.180 agricultural lands review and evaluation program 36.70A.215
copy of comprehensive plan and regulations innovative zoning techniques 36.70A.177 shoreline master programs 36.70A.480
provided to county assessor 35.22.695, airports, general aviation 36.70A.510 siting of essential public facilities
35.63.240 chapter implementation, intent 36.70A.180 36.70A.200
energy plant or alternative energy resource cities required to plan, compliance submittal phasing 36.70A.045
application for permit to site, notice to U.S. 36.70A.040 technical assistance, grants, and mediation
Department of Defense 35.63.270 services 36.70A.190
classification of agriculture, forest, and
moratoria and interim zoning controls mineral lands and critical areas transportation element 36.70A.108
first class cities planning under charter wetlands delineation 36.70A.175
subject to limitations on 35.22.690 guidelines 36.70A.050
state environmental policy act
limit placed on period for which moratorium comprehensive plans nonproject actions, exemption from SEPA
or control adopted may be effective coordination with other plans 36.70A.100 compliance 43.21C.450
35.63.200 environmental planning pilot projects planned actions 43.21C.440
public hearing required after adoption if not 36.70A.385 Platting
held before adoption 35.63.200 extension of designation date 36.70A.380 subdivision and dedication of land, See
residential care facilities identification of lands useful for public PLATTING, SUBDIVISION AND
review of need and demand for, purposes 36.70A.150 DEDICATION OF LAND
implementation of findings 35.63.140 innovative techniques 36.70A.090 Plumbers
Planning commissions major industrial developments 36.70A.365 compliance inspections by city or county, pilot
adjoining city or county commissions, mandatory elements 36.70A.070 project 18.106.280
regional plans 35.63.070 master planned resorts, when authorized by Police
airport zoning commission, appointment as county 36.70A.360 cameras, body worn, use of
14.12.070 new fully contained communities, when generally, including task force Ch. 10.109
amendments, comprehensive plans 35.63.105 approved in county planning public records act exemption 42.56.240
appearance of fairness doctrine Ch. 42.36 36.70A.350 citizens assistance to 35.66.030
board of adjustment, providing for 35.63.080 noncompliance 36.70A.330 civil service Ch. 41.12
buildings, set-back of, providing for noncompliance and sanctions 36.70A.340, qualifications of applicants for positions
restrictions on 35.63.080 36.70A.345 41.12.070
commissioners open space corridors, identification and false arrest insurance 35.23.460
compensation 35.63.030 purchase of 36.70A.160 health regulations by state board of health,
manner of appointment 35.63.020 optional elements 36.70A.080 duty to enforce, penalty 43.20.050
number 35.63.030 order of invalidity 36.70A.335 limited access facilities, jurisdiction
vacancies 35.63.030 planning activities and capital budget 47.52.200
comprehensive plans decisions, conformity with 36.70A.120 militia, exemption from enrollment 38.44.030
adoption 35.63.100 port elements 36.70A.085 motor vehicle wreckers records, inspection
amendment and modification 35.63.105, presumption of validity 36.70A.320 by 46.80.150
35.63.120 private property protection 36.70A.370 residence requirements, abolished 35.22.610
community renewal 35.81.060 public participation ensured 36.70A.140 sexual assault kit tracking system, statewide,
filing 35.63.100 review, amendments 36.70A.130 participation in 35.21.195
hearings 35.63.100 state agencies to comply 36.70A.103 public records act exemption 42.56.240
purpose 35.63.090 sufficient land capacity for development sheriffs employees, transfer to city police
recommendations of commission 35.63.100 36.70A.115 upon annexation or incorporation
supplemental restrictions 35.63.120 transmittal to state 36.70A.106 civil service commission rules 35.13.390
definitions 35.63.010 urban growth areas 36.70A.110 conditions and limitations 35.13.380
expenditures of 35.63.050 county-wide planning policy 36.70A.210 notification of right to transfer, time frame
identification of affected property 35.63.065 definitions 36.70A.030 for request 35.13.400
manufactured housing 35.63.160 development regulations purpose 35.13.360
manufactured housing communities, electric vehicle infrastructure 36.70A.695 when authorized 35.13.370
elimination 35.63.161 presumption of validity 36.70A.320 unclaimed property Ch. 63.32
meetings 35.63.040 transmittal to state 36.70A.106 warrant officers

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establishment in police department, training, exchange with federal or state government or property use or services contracts with
authority 35.21.935 political subdivision authorized 39.33.010 political subdivision or municipal
Police, See also POLICE first class cities, control over 35.22.280 corporation authorized 39.33.050
civil service, See also CIVIL SERVICE, general corporate powers 35.21.010 transfer to political subdivision or municipal
subtitle City police intergovernmental disposition of corporation authorized 39.33.050
pensions, See RETIREMENT AND authorized 39.33.010 Public places and drives, local improvement,
PENSIONS hearing, notice requirements 39.33.020 authority for 35.43.040
Police courts transfers 39.33.090 Public safety and education assessment 3.62.090
jurisdiction lease to federal or state government or Public service businesses, franchises in annexed
writ of prohibition, jurisdiction prohibited political subdivision authorized 39.33.010 areas 35.13.280
7.16.320 restrictions on real property, statement Public stadium, convention center, and arts
Police courts, See also CITIES AND TOWNS, available to property owners 35.21.475 facilities Ch. 67.30
subtitle Municipal courts; JUSTICE AND sale to federal or state government or political Public transportation
INFERIOR COURTS ACT OF 1961 subdivision authorized 39.33.010 bus service agreements under
first class cities, See CITIES AND TOWNS, second class cities, powers to acquire, control, intergovernmental cooperation 39.34.085
subtitle First class cities and dispose of 35.23.452 Public transportation benefit areas
second class cities, See CITIES AND state highway purposes, acquisition for boundaries 36.57A.040
TOWNS, subtitle Second class cities 47.12.040 Public transportation systems
Police department state land improvement financing areas Ch. employees
second class cities, See CITIES AND 39.112 payroll deduction for political action
TOWNS, subtitle Second class cities towns, acquisition and management for committees 35.58.268
towns, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle municipal purposes 35.27.370 fares 35.58.580, 35.58.585, 35.58.590,
Towns transfer, provisions 35.21.900 35.58.595
Police matrons Ch. 35.66 transfer to metropolitan park districts feasibility study, financial support payment
Pollution control, See also CITIES AND 35.61.290, 35.61.300 35.58.2712
TOWNS, subtitle Water pollution transfer with federal or state government or financing
Pollution control bonds and facilities, See political subdivision authorized 39.33.010 appropriation of funds for referendum
POLLUTION CONTROL MUNICIPAL Prosecuting attorneys 35.95.030
BONDING driving record, abstract of collection of tax, billing 35.95.050
Population concentration, comprehensive plans access 46.52.130 contracts and leases for operation and
for 35.63.090 Prostitution maintenance 35.95.050
Population determination first class cities, providing for punishment of declaration of purpose 35.95.010
allocations of state funds based upon, finality 35.22.280 definitions 35.95.020
of 43.62.020 towns, control of 35.27.370 funds derived from taxes, restrictions on
annexation Protest to local improvement proceedings classification, etc. 35.95.060
basis for allocation of state funds 35.13.260 35.43.180 levy and collection of taxes, appropriation
certificate to office of financial management Proxies, bond execution, first class cities Ch. and use 35.95.040
35.13.260 35.36 purchase of leased systems, price 35.95.070
assistance to office of financial management Public assistance referendum
43.62.040 notice to county 74.04.040 appropriation of funds for 35.95.030
certification of 43.62.030 Public corporations authorized 35.95.090
determination, how made 43.62.030 transfer of real property to, conditions and rights not impaired 35.95.080
disincorporation, effect 43.62.030 limitations 35.21.747 tax
incorporation, procedure 43.62.030 Public depositaries appropriation and use of 35.95.040
state census board to make 43.62.020 statewide custodian, application of chapter billing 35.95.050
time for making 43.62.030 39.58.155 collection of tax 35.95.040
when bond not required 39.58.090 funds derived from, restrictions on
Population reference in laws and rules of 500,000 Public facilities classification, etc. 35.95.060
deemed to be 400,000 35.21.780 state loans or grants to finance levy of 35.95.040
Powers county-wide planning policy, preference to financing, See also CITIES AND TOWNS,
community renewal party to 43.17.250 subtitle First class cities; CITIES AND
general grant 35.81.070 Public facilities districts Ch. 35.57 TOWNS, subtitle Second class cities
urban renewal projects 35.81.150 Public funds payment, proof of 35.58.580
community renewal agencies 35.81.160 interfund transfers and loans, repayment and rural mobility grant program 47.66.100
first class cities 35.22.200 crediting procedure 43.09.285 account 46.68.325
rent control, prohibited 35.21.830 Public health sale/leaseback payments, tax exemption
ride sharing, motor vehicles, authorization first class cities, preservation of 35.22.280 35.21.756
35.21.820 threats to system reports, annual, filing with department
second class cities attorney general, duty to enforce 43.20A.660 of transportation 35.58.2796
generally 35.23.010 notice to violators 43.20A.660 transit, six-year development plan 35.58.2795
specific enumeration 35.23.440 prosecuting attorneys, duties to enforce transit coordination grant program 47.66.110
towns 43.20A.660 Public utilities
specific enumeration 35.27.370 reports of violations, duty of attorney general acquisition or construction
unclassified cities 35.30.010 and prosecuting attorneys to enforce election 35.92.070
Powers and privileges, general corporate 43.20A.660 procedure for 35.92.070
35.21.010 Public hospital districts, See HOSPITALS, when unnecessary to submit to voters
Prison labor subtitle Public hospital districts 35.92.070
unclassified cities, use of 35.30.010 Public lands, first class cities, regulate, control administration, oversight, or supervision by
Prisoners, care while under confinement and use 35.22.280 city or town employees
35.66.050 Public markets reimbursement by utility 35.33.123,
Projects of statewide significance, procedures to acquisition and operation 35.92.040 35.34.205
expedite development Ch. 43.157 defined 35.92.040 biodiesel, ethanol, and blends
Property first class cities, regulation 35.22.280 production and distribution 35.92.440
acquisition at second class cities, regulation 35.23.440 bonds
local improvement foreclosure proceedings Public mass transportation system bond owners recourse 35.92.160
Ch. 35.53 bond issues energy or water conservation programs
sewerage assessment sale 35.67.270, general obligation bonds, authorized 35.92.105
35.67.280 39.33.050 funding and refunding
airspace, conveyance or lease of 35.22.302 revenue bonds, authorized 39.33.050 generally 35.92.110
assessment of 35.44.130 city transportation authority - monorail Ch. not general obligation 35.92.120
conveyance or lease of airspace in first and 35.95A general obligation bonds, pledge of revenue
second class cities 35.22.302 lease to political subdivision or municipal for payment of 35.92.080
disposal of surplus, hearing, notice 39.33.020 corporation, authorized 39.33.050 refunding by single issues 35.92.130

[RCW Indexpage 88] (2016 Ed.)


refunding with general obligation funding Public works historical records, transfer to depository
bonds Ch. 39.52 bids and contracts 35.22.635, 35.23.352 agency, procedure for 40.14.070
revenue 35.92.100 contractors Recreation facilities, See CITIES AND TOWNS,
liens against 35.92.100 payment of undisputed claims 39.04.360 subtitle Parks and recreation
terms of 35.92.150 performance-based contracts for water Recreational vehicles used as primary residences
budget control, exemption from, expenditures conservation, solid waste reduction, and 35.21.684
35.32A.070 energy equipment Ch. 39.35A Recyclable and reusable materials, collection,
construction, under park drives and recycled materials, preferential purchase transportation, and sales by private or
boulevards 35.21.190 35.23.352 nonprofit entity, authorization 35.21.158
energy conservation small works roster 35.23.352 Recyclable materials
tree planting for energy conservation, Public works, See also PUBLIC WORKS residential curbside recycling program
municipal utilities to encourage 35.92.390 Public works assistance account participation
environmental mitigation 35.92.430 established, purpose 43.155.050 reduced solid waste collection rate 35.21.135
extension of capacity by fifty percent or more loans or pledges, eligibility 43.155.070 Recycled products
procedure 35.92.070 Public works contractors bond, liability for procurement
first class cities, See CITIES AND TOWNS, mayors or councils failure to take definitions 43.19A.010
subtitle First class cities 39.08.015 duties 43.19A.030
franchises and privileges, commission Public works or improvements preferential purchase policy 43.19A.040
government 35.17.220 prevailing wages, legal liability of public purpose 43.19A.005
funds, special fund for 35.92.100, 35.92.140 agencies to comply with 39.12.042 requirements Ch. 43.19A
gas, electricity, and other power facilities, Public works projects procurement, notice of requirements
acquisition and operation 35.92.050 competitive bidding requirements 43.155.060 43.19A.080
generating facilities located in another county definitions 43.155.020 Redevelopment, See CITIES AND TOWNS,
contracts with other county 35.21.420 financing powers of board 43.155.060 subtitle Urban renewal
contributing to support of county, city, or legislative policy 43.155.010 References to cities with population of 500,000
town government 35.21.420 local infrastructure assistance deemed to be 400,000 35.21.780
payments to taxing districts modernizing state programs that provide Referendum
limitation on amount 35.21.430 assistance, plan for 43.155.130 business and occupation tax increase
schools and school districts public works assistance account 35.21.706
arbitration 35.21.426 established, purpose 43.155.050 electric utility transmission line and
bonds of indebtedness, how computed public works board distribution franchise 80.32.040
35.21.440 created 43.155.030 first class cities 35.22.200
contributing to support of school district financing powers 43.155.060 public transportation systems 35.95.090
35.21.420 powers 43.155.040 Referendum, See also CITIES AND TOWNS,
negotiations 35.21.426 records, audits 43.155.080 subtitle Initiatives
notice of loss 35.21.426 Puget Sound water quality protection, Reform schools, first class cities, establishment
payment formulas 35.21.427 responsibilities Ch. 90.71 and maintenance 35.22.280
reimbursement of 35.21.425 Purchases Refuse collection and disposal, part of sewerage
renegotiation 35.21.427 blind made products 19.06.020 system 35.67.190
indebtedness 35.92.075 conditional sales contracts for purchase of real Regional jails 70.48.095
irrigation pumping service, tariff 35.92.365 or personal property Relocation assistance for low-income tenants
joint municipal utility services act Ch. 39.106 authorized, indebtedness limitation authorization for certain cities, towns,
leasing of 39.30.010 counties, and municipal corporations to
authority 35.94.010 election required if exceeds indebtedness require 59.18.440
execution 35.94.030 limitation 39.30.010 payments not considered income, eligibility
procedure 35.94.020 joint execution with other municipal for public assistance unaffected 59.18.450
lighting, heating, fuel, and power facilities, corporations authorized, indebtedness Rent control, residential, prohibited 35.21.830
acquisition and operation 35.92.050 limitation 39.30.010 Residence qualifications
rates and charges electronic data processing and city manager 35.18.040
costs, expense, interest 35.41.090 telecommunications systems 39.04.270 officials and employees 35.21.200
municipal revenue bond act, effect 35.41.080 interest due when payment is not timely Residences
sale of attorney fees 39.76.040 new and rehabilitated multi-unit dwellings in
authority 35.94.010 exceptions 39.76.020 urban centers and urban growth areas,
execution of 35.94.030 source of funds for payment of penalties property tax exemption qualification and
procedure 35.94.020 39.76.030 procedure Ch. 84.14
second class cities 35.23.515, 35.23.525, Rail districts, See COUNTY RAIL DISTRICTS Residential care facilities
35.23.535 Rail fixed guideway public transportation review of need and demand for,
surplus property, disposal 35.94.040 systems implementation of findings 35.63.140
tap-in, connection, hookup fees, waiver, low safety program and security and emergency Retirement and pensions
income persons 35.92.380 preparedness plans 35.21.228 investment advisory board 35.39.080
towns, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle Railroad crossings, signals and devices members
Towns allocation of employment of 35.39.100
warrants, payment out of special fund funds for installation and maintenance, to liability of 35.39.110
35.92.100 defray costs of 81.53.271 powers and duties 35.39.090
Public utilities, See also CITIES AND TOWNS, funds to defray cost of 81.53.291 investment of pension funds 35.39.060
subtitle Electrical utilities; CITIES AND state funds to defray costs of 81.53.281 securities
TOWNS, subtitle Sewerage systems federal funding registration and custody 35.39.070
Public utility districts allocation of installation costs 81.53.295 supplemental benefits fund, creation
dissolution 54.08.080 Railroads 41.44.105
electrical distribution equipment from crossing protection devices 35.43.040 Retirement and pensions, See also
35.92.054 first class cities RETIREMENT AND PENSIONS
electrical utility properties, joint undertaking conditions for operation 35.22.280 Revenue
with cities over 150,000 35.92.280, franchises to cross city streets 35.22.340 general revenue, may be used to pay interest
35.92.290, 35.92.300, 35.92.310 second class cities 35.23.430 on local improvement bonds and warrants
restrictions on use of power facilities speed limits 81.48.030, 81.48.040 35.45.030
54.04.040 Real property Revenues, See also CITIES AND TOWNS,
tax on revenue 54.28.070 transfer to public corporation, conditions and subtitle Fiscal matters
Public water supply limitations 35.21.747 Review of proposed actions, boundary review
chemical contaminants Real property, See also CITIES AND TOWNS, board
local standards may be stricter 70.142.040 subtitle Property when review not necessary 36.93.110
noncomplying systems, corrective plan Records Rewards
70.142.050 destruction or donation of, procedure for, authority, payment 10.85.030
Public waterway districts Ch. 91.08 retention schedule 40.14.070 conflicting claims 10.85.040

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payment 10.85.050 officers, elective 35.23.800 occupations, control of 35.23.440

Right of way officers, generally 35.23.835 officers, generally
telecommunications and cable television street commissioner 35.23.825 appointment and removal 35.23.021
service use Ch. 35.99 wards, division into 35.23.850 combination of offices of clerk and treasurer
Right of way donations for transportation cities reorganized as noncharter code city 35.23.142, 35.23.144, 35.23.146,
improvements 35.21.880 elections 35.23.805 35.23.148
advertising signs on donated parcels mayor, duties 35.23.810 compensation 35.23.021
47.14.040 city attorney, duties 35.23.111 compensation and expenses 35.23.091
credit against assessment 35.44.420 city clerk, duties 35.23.121 eligibility to hold office 35.23.031
credit against district assessment 47.14.030 city treasurer, duties 35.23.131 moneys, duties receiving 35.23.141
definitions 47.14.020 claims against 35.23.261 oath and bond 35.23.081
department duties 47.14.050 noncharter cities, procedure 35.31.040 pensions 35.23.091
intent 47.14.010 validation by council 35.23.330 vacancies 35.23.101
Riots, second class cities, prevention and control classification 35.01.020 off-street parking facilities, parking
of 35.23.440 clerk-treasurer office 35.23.142, 35.23.144, commission, authority 35.86A.020
River and harbor improvement districts, See 35.23.146, 35.23.148 ordinances
RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT combustibles, regulation of 35.23.440 authority to make and pass 35.23.440
DISTRICTS commons, regulation of 35.23.440 ayes and noes on council vote 35.23.290
Rivers and streams consolidation or annexation of territory franchises, requisites 35.23.251
adjacent to, powers and jurisdiction extended proceedings attacking validity 35.23.545 hearings, public notice 35.23.221
35.21.160 contracts, power to make 35.23.440 penalty for violation 35.23.440
towns, control of 35.27.370 council publication 35.23.221
Road districts, annexation of, notice, disposition ayes and noes on certain ordinances requisites 35.23.211
of taxes 35.13.270 35.23.290 veto 35.23.211
Road projects journal of proceedings 35.23.201, 35.23.270 park commissioners 35.23.170
compost products use in 43.19A.110 mayor pro tempore 35.23.191 park property, exchange of 35.23.010
Roadways, elevated, first class cities meetings 35.23.181, 35.23.201, 35.23.270 parking, off-street facilities Ch. 35.86
authority to construct 35.85.010 oath of office 35.23.181 parking meter revenue, use 35.23.454
Rural arterial program powers enumerated 35.23.440 parks, power to provide 35.23.440
coordination with county projects 36.79.100 rules 35.23.270 parks and recreation, acquisition of land for
Rural county library districts, See LIBRARIES, criminal cases, agreement with county to 35.23.440
subtitle Rural county library districts handle 35.23.555 payment of claims and obligations 35.23.325
Salaries and wages, See CITIES AND TOWNS, disorderly houses, control of 35.23.440 police courts
subtitle Budgets elections courts of limited jurisdiction 3.02.010
Salary commissions 35.21.015 general power 35.23.440 police department
Sales tax, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle positions and terms of office 35.23.051 establishment and maintenance of 35.23.440
Local sales and use tax wards 35.23.051 police department and chief 35.23.161
Sanitary districts, See also SANITARY emergency medical services 35.23.456 police judge
DISTRICTS eminent domain 8.12.560, 35.23.311 specific powers 35.23.440
Sanitation, department of health assistance power of 35.23.440 powers
70.54.040 employees generally 35.23.010
School district expenditure of funds on city adjustment of wages, effect on budget specific enumeration 35.23.440
buildings 28A.335.140 35.33.107 property, acquisition, control, and disposition
Schools and school districts false arrest insurance 35.23.460 35.23.452
electrical generating facilities in another fire department property, acquisition, control, and disposition
county, payments to establishment and maintenance of 35.23.440 of 35.23.440
bonded indebtedness, how computed fire limits 35.23.440 public utilities
35.21.440 fire limits 35.23.440 acquisition or construction 35.23.525
notice of loss 35.21.426 franchises 35.23.251 contracts for services 35.23.515
payment formulas 35.21.427 franchises or privileges facilities, construction authorized 35.23.515
reimbursement 35.21.425 exclusive grants 35.23.380 maintenance and operation 35.23.535
elementary and secondary, admission tax gambling, control of 35.23.440 rates 35.23.535
exception 35.21.280 harbors and wharves, powers to build, public works
Schools and school districts, See also SCHOOLS improve, and regulate 35.23.440 bids and contracts 35.23.352
AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS health and safety, providing for 35.23.440 public works contracts
Seals, corporate powers in regard to 35.21.010 hospitals, establishment and maintenance of performance-based contracts 35.23.352
Second class cities 35.23.440 publicity board, administration of publicity
accident claims against house numbers, providing for 35.23.440 fund 35.23.480
charter cities, procedure 35.31.020 intoxicating liquors, regulation of 35.23.440 publicity fund 35.23.470, 35.23.480,
accident fund, use 35.30.050 judgments against, power to pay 35.23.440, 35.23.490
accounts, power to examine 35.23.440 35.30.050 railroads in streets, assessments for street
advancement in classification 35.06.010 licenses improvement, enforcement by lien
airspace, conveyance or lease of 35.22.302 businesses 35.23.440 35.23.430
ambulances and first aid equipment 35.23.456 dance houses 35.23.440 rights and privileges, generally 35.23.010
annexation for municipal purposes 35.13.180 ferries 35.23.440 riots, prevention and control of 35.23.440
annexation of federal areas 35.13.190, generally 35.23.440 safety and sanitary measures
35.13.200, 35.13.210 hotel runners 35.23.440 power to provide for 35.23.440
bids and contracts 35.23.352 peddlers 35.23.440 sewerage systems, regulation of 35.23.440
boat harbors, marinas, docks, construction and ships and shipping 35.23.440 sidewalks, construction and reconstruction
operation 35.23.455 shows 35.23.440 Ch. 35.69, Ch. 35.70
bonds for officers 35.23.081 toll bridges 35.23.440 stock pounds, establishment and maintenance
bridges, power to construct 35.23.440 vehicles 35.23.440 35.23.440
budget provisions Ch. 35.33 local improvement guaranty fund 35.23.505 street poll tax 35.23.371
buildings, power to provide public buildings local improvements, providing for 35.23.440 streets and alleys
35.23.440 lowlands, local improvement Ch. 35.55, Ch. cleaning 35.23.440
cemeteries, establishment and regulation of 35.56 grades at high elevation, drainage
35.23.440 markets and marketing, regulation 35.23.440 impracticable on private abutting land,
charter cities, accident claims against moneys, duties of officers receiving 35.23.141 effect Ch. 35.73
35.31.020 motor vehicles, regulation of speed 35.23.440 termination in waterfront or navigable
cities reorganized as noncharter code cities navigation, power to regulate 35.23.440 waters
council 35.23.840, 35.23.845 nuisances, abatement 35.23.331 leasing of 35.23.410
health officer 35.23.820 nuisances, power to declare and abate notice before lease execution 35.23.420
officers, appointive 35.23.815, 35.23.830 35.23.440 streets and sidewalks

[RCW Indexpage 90] (2016 Ed.)


franchises to use 35.23.440 joint agreements with other municipalities Short-term obligations Ch. 39.50
providing for 35.23.440 35.67.300 Sidewalks
taxation liens curb ramps for persons with physical
assessment and levying power 35.23.440 authority for 35.67.200 disabilities
toll bridges, licensing 35.23.440 delinquent charges, extension of coverage model standards 35.68.076
warrants, payment of demands 35.23.261 35.67.215 required, standards and requirements
water overflow, power to prevent 35.23.440 delinquent charges, extent of coverage 35.68.075
water systems 35.67.210 first class cities, construction and
construction 35.23.560 enforcement, alternative method to reconstruction Ch. 35.69
control of 35.23.440 foreclosure 35.67.290 local improvement, authority for 35.43.040
local improvement law, relation to 35.23.580 foreclosure of obstructing vegetation, debris destruction or
plans 35.23.570 limitation of actions 35.67.230 removal procedure 35.21.310
special assessments 35.23.570 necessary parties 35.67.220 prescriptive rights of abutting owners
watercraft and shipping, power to regulate procedure 35.67.240 35.21.220
35.23.440 property acquired at regulation of use 35.21.220
waterways, control of 35.23.440 disposition by city 35.67.270 second class cities
weights and measures, regulation of 35.23.440 payment of taxes by city 35.67.280 construction and reconstruction Ch. 35.69,
wharfage rates, power to fix 35.23.440 redemption 35.67.260 Ch. 35.70
Senior citizen programs trial 35.67.250 franchises to use 35.23.440
authorization 36.39.060 judgments against 35.67.250 providing for 35.23.440
Service agreements for providing local notice of 35.67.210 towns
government services and facilities Ch. water service cut off, alternative method of franchises to use and occupy 35.27.370
36.115 enforcement 35.67.290 towns, construction and reconstruction Ch.
Service of summons on, personal service local improvement, authority for 35.43.040 35.70
4.28.080 low-income persons, assistance 35.67.020, Sludge
Sewer districts, See WATER-SEWER 35.92.020 biosolid management program Ch. 70.95J
DISTRICTS municipal water and sewer facilities act Sludge, See also SLUDGE
Sewer overflows approval and acceptance by municipality Slums, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle Unfit
reduction, plans and compliance 90.48.480 35.91.030 dwellings; CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle
Sewer revenue bonds, savings banks, investment assessment reimbursement areas 35.91.060 Urban renewal
in 32.20.070, 32.20.100 charges, construction costs Smoking
Sewerage systems payment, release 65.08.180 no smoking law
acquisition and operation 35.92.020 contract with owners of real estate 35.91.020 local regulations authorized 70.160.080
adoption of declaration of purpose 35.91.010 penalty for violation of
ordinance 35.67.030 definitions 35.91.015 paid to city bringing action 70.160.100
plan for 35.67.030 owners pro rata share of cost 35.91.050 Solar energy systems, sunlight access protection
authority for 35.43.040, 35.67.020 tap or connection comprehensive plans for 35.63.090
authority to provide for 35.21.210 payment made prior to 35.91.040 Solid waste
bonds unauthorized 35.91.040 collection and disposal
general obligation bonds plans and proposed methods of operation and acquisition and operation of systems, plants,
maintenance sites, and facilities 35.92.020
payment 35.67.110 adoption by ordinance 35.67.030 charges 35.21.130
tax levy for 35.67.110 powers of legislative authority 35.21.215 classification of services and facilities for
pledge of revenue 35.67.110 property acquired at sewerage sale rates 35.92.020
revenue disposition by city 35.67.270 contracts with private vendors 35.21.156
issuance authority 35.67.140 payment of taxes by city 35.67.280 establishment of systems 35.21.120
payment from special fund 35.67.160 public nuisances concerning 7.48.140 liens
remedy of owners 35.67.180 rates and charges 35.67.190 notice and foreclosure 35.21.140
sale of 35.67.170 uniformity 35.67.020 priority 35.21.150
signatures and form 35.67.150 refuse collection and disposal, part of system rate increases, notice 35.21.157
terms 35.67.140 35.67.190 regulation in annexed territory 35.13.280
validation of prior 35.67.194 revenue bond fund regulation in newly incorporated city or town
Canadian corporations, contracts with authority to establish 35.67.120 35.02.160
35.92.410 limitations 35.67.130 required use of systems 35.21.130
charges, construction costs payment out of 35.67.160 utilities and transportation commission
notice, recording 65.08.170 second class cities, general systems 35.23.440 jurisdiction 81.77.0201
payment, release 65.08.180 secretary of social and health services, liens
classification of services and facilities for investigation by 35.88.090 creation 35.21.130
rates 35.92.020 service and facilities classification 35.67.020 residential curbside recycling program
combined systems of water, sewer, and sewer connections participation
garbage, authority for 35.67.331 charges for 35.92.025 reduced collection rate 35.21.135
compulsory use 35.67.190 covenants running with the land 35.67.310 Solid waste, See also SOLID WASTE
connection required when septic tank failing outside city 35.67.310 MANAGEMENT
appeals process 35.21.940 without permission, penalty 35.67.350, Solid waste collection company provisions do
connection with, compulsory 35.67.190 35.91.040 not apply to 81.77.020
connections taxation, payment for general obligation Solid waste disposal
charges for 35.92.025 bonds 35.67.110 facilities owned by county
payment prior to 35.91.040 unclassified cities 35.30.010 arbitration and negotiation of impact charges
unauthorized 35.91.040 waste disposal permits 90.48.160, 90.48.162, 36.58.080
conservation materials or equipment, use of 90.48.165, 90.48.170, 90.48.180, no municipal tax but mitigation charge
public moneys 35.67.360 90.48.190, 90.48.195, 90.48.200 allowed 36.58.080
construction and maintenance, power to water service cut off, method of lien facility site permit review, issuance, appeal
compel connections with 35.27.370 enforcement 35.67.290 70.95.185
contracting with other municipalities or water- waterworks, sewerage system made part of facility site review standards 70.95.165
sewer districts 35.67.300 statutes to govern 35.67.340 Solid waste management
contracts with property owners 35.91.020 Sewerage systems, See also DIKING AND comprehensive solid waste management plan
cost, owners pro rata share 35.91.040 DRAINAGE, subtitle Improvement districts; 70.95.080
definitions 35.67.010 WATER-SEWER DISTRICTS funds
discharge into streams, certain cities Ships and shipping department of ecology authorized to disburse
prohibited 35.88.080 first class cities, regulation of 35.22.280 70.95.268
general obligation bonds 35.67.065 second class cities 35.23.440 Sounds, adjacent to
investigation by secretary of social and health Shoreline management act, duties Ch. 90.58 exclusion of area in calculation of area of city
services 35.88.090 Shoreline master programs 36.70A.480 or town 35.21.160

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 91]


powers and jurisdiction extended 35.21.160 authority for local improvement 35.43.040 regrade assessments 8.12.550
Source separated materials bicycle paths Ch. 35.75 second class cities
private business involvement in plan city hardship assistance program cleaning 35.23.440
development implementation by transportation franchises 35.23.380, 35.23.440
local solid waste advisory committee to improvement board 47.26.164 providing for 35.23.440
examine 70.95.167 classification of 35.78.010 termination in waterfront or navigable
Special detention facilities closure or restrictions on traffic authorized Ch. waters 35.23.410, 35.23.420
authority to build and maintain 70.48.190, 47.48 secondary arterials, classification as 35.78.010
70.48.210 construction and maintenance shoulder driving, permitted, when 46.61.428
fees for cost of housing 70.48.380 agreements with county for 35.77.020 speed limits established by secretary of
Special purpose districts, assumption by city of aid by state or county, procedure 47.24.050 transportation, when 46.61.415
assets, facilities or indebtedness of, filing record of funds used 35.21.270 state design standards committee
notice of proposed action with boundary county bridges across 36.75.200 creation 35.78.020
review board 36.93.090 county may aid in construction and uniform design standards, adoption of
Special review districts maintenance of 47.24.050 35.78.030
historical sites curb ramps for persons with physical state highways, as
tax immunity or exemption, conditions disabilities construction and maintenance 47.24.010
35.21.755 model standards 35.68.076 designation 47.24.010
Specialty courts, See COURTS required, standards and requirements franchises across bridges jointly owned and
Stadium, convention center, and arts facilities 35.68.075 operated 47.44.040
Ch. 67.30 dedication 58.17.290 jurisdiction, control and duties 47.24.020
Standard time, observance of and exceptions dedication of county land for 36.34.290, return to city or town 47.24.010
1.20.050 36.34.300 telecommunications companies use of rights
State building code defined of way 80.36.040
enforcement 19.27.050 motor vehicle law 46.04.120 tidelands and shorelands of first class,
State environmental policy Ch. 43.21C state highway law 47.04.010 supervision and control 35.21.250
State land improvement financing areas design standards towns
transfer, subsequent, for private development, deviation from, approval necessary control and management 35.27.370
improvements for Ch. 39.112 35.78.040 franchises to use and occupy 35.27.370
Stock pounds, second class cities, establishment state committee for 35.78.020 traffic control devices for, generally Ch. 47.36
and maintenance 35.23.440 uniformity 35.78.030 urban arterial construction
Stone or asphalt plants, acquisition and operation disincorporation, control to state 35.07.110 advance right-of-way, definition 47.26.320
35.92.030 drawbridges Ch. 35.74 long range arterial construction plans
Storm water control facilities eminent domain bicycle routes, to be included 35.77.015
assessments, rates, and charges 90.03.500, regrade assessments 8.12.550 long-range arterial construction plans
90.03.510, 90.03.520, 90.03.525 extension into navigable waters 47.26.170
mosquito abatement in retention ponds control of 35.21.240 small city pavement and sidewalk account
90.03.675 declaration as public highways 35.21.230 47.26.340, 47.26.345
public property subject to rates and charges first class cities vacation of streets and alleys Ch. 35.79
35.67.025, 35.92.021 altering grade 35.22.280 Streets and alleys, See also STREETS AND
Storm water or sewer services lighting of 35.22.280 ALLEYS
conservation materials or equipment, use of funds, use for bicycle paths, authorized limited access facility, streets as, See
public moneys 35.67.360 standards 35.75.060 HIGHWAYS, subtitle Limited access
Street expenditures Ch. 35.76 funds for streets and roads facilities
urban arterials, See HIGHWAYS, subtitle pedestrian rights-of-way, use of funds for urban arterial construction, See also
Urban arterials 35.78.050 HIGHWAYS, subtitle Urban arterial
Street lighting systems grades at high elevation, first and second class construction
local improvement, authority for 35.43.040 cities, effect on abutting private property Streets projects
local improvement districts 35.43.110 Ch. 35.73 construction or improvements, prerequisite to
Street poll tax, imposition and collection, towns improvements property development
35.27.500 provision of materials to street abutter may contract with land owner 35.72.010
Street projects 35.21.275 Subdivision
construction or improvements, prerequisite to incorporated into state limited access subdivision ordinance, referral to community
property development highway, vesting of title 47.52.210 council 35.14.040
alternative financing methods 35.72.050 jurisdictional transfers subdivision plat, referral to community
may contract with land owner transportation commission to receive council 35.14.040
reimbursement by other land owners petitions requesting changes in state Subdivision, See also PLATTING,
35.72.020, 35.72.030, 35.72.040 highway system 47.01.425 SUBDIVISION AND DEDICATION OF
Street railways lighting systems LAND
extension beyond city limits, limitation upon local improvement districts 35.43.110 Substance use disorder treatment program
35.84.060 water-sewer district powers 57.08.060 program establishment, authority,
granting franchises 35.85.040 local improvement, authority for 35.43.040 requirements 70.96A.110
local improvement of 35.43.200, 35.43.210, major arterials, classification as 35.78.010 substance use disorder, definition of
35.43.220, 35.43.230 maximum speeds 46.61.400 70.96A.020
operation on new roadways 35.85.040 minimum speeds may be set 46.61.425 Subways, first class cities, authority to construct
Street railways, See also STREET RAILWAYS; needs data to be supplied to transportation 35.85.050
TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES, department 47.01.240 Surety
subtitle Street railways not to be maintained or improved by governmental construction projects, no
Streetcar lines, local improvement authority transportation department as temporary security required for building permit
35.43.040 route of new highway or extension issuance 35.21.470
Streets and alleys 47.04.100 Surface mining, regulation and enforcement Ch.
abandoned state highways as 36.75.090 obstructing is nuisance 7.48.120 78.44
access streets, classification as 35.78.010 obstructing or interfering with, public Swimming pools
aid in construction or maintenance of by state nuisance, penalty 9.66.010 local improvement, authority for 35.43.040
or county, procedure 47.24.050 obstructing vegetation, debris removal or power to acquire, compensation for use
alteration or establishment of speed limits by destruction, procedure 35.21.310 35.21.020
local authorities 46.61.415 planning Targeted urban areas
annual report, submission to secretary of agreements with county 35.77.020 industrial/manufacturing facilities
transportation 35.21.260 include provisions for bicycle routes construction, property tax exemption for
arterial highways in, designation procedure 35.77.015 Ch. 84.25
46.61.195 urban arterial planning 47.26.170 Tax liens, property on sale for local improvement
arterials preservation rating 46.68.113 assessments, city payment 35.49.140
classification as 35.78.010 public nuisances concerning 7.48.140 Tax on net income prohibited 36.65.030

[RCW Indexpage 92] (2016 Ed.)


Tax title property of county state route number 16 corridor transportation actions by in corporate name 4.08.110
acquisition from county 35.49.150 systems and facilities, exemption advancement in classification 35.06.010
disposition of proceeds upon resale 35.49.160 35.21.718 ambulance service, operation of 35.27.370
Taxation street poll tax 35.23.371 animals, control of 35.27.370
under 20,000, general bonds of indebtedness telephone business 35.21.712 annexation, unplatted land 35.21.010
35.37.110 deferral of rate reduction 35.21.871 area limitation on original incorporation
accident claim fund 35.31.060 network telephone service 35.21.714, 35.21.010
admission tax 35.21.280 35.21.715 boat harbors, marinas, docks, construction and
air pollution control 70.94.091 toll telephone service 35.21.714 operation 35.23.455
ambulance services 35.21.768 towns, property tax 35.27.370 boundaries uncertain
annexation of unincorporated areas, annexed unclassified cities mayors request for examination 35.27.030
area 35.13.160 general provisions 35.30.030 petition of electors 35.27.030
business and occupation property tax 35.30.010 survey of land
increase sewer systems 35.30.020 county commissioners duty 35.27.040
referendums 35.21.706 use tax, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle expense of 35.27.060
business and occupation, municipal Ch. Local sales and use tax report of 35.27.050
35.102 utilities budget provisions Ch. 35.33
6%, exception 35.21.870 buildings 35.27.370
certain business activities, uniform rate,
tax limitation 35.21.865 classification 35.01.040
maximum rate established 35.21.710 demands against, auditing and allowance of
world fairs or expositions, participation in
voter approval for excess 35.21.711 35.60.050 35.27.340
collection by county treasurer 36.29.110 Taxicab companies dogs, licensing of 35.27.370
first class cities 36.29.100 cooperative agreements by political elections 35.27.090, 35.27.100
other classes of cities and towns 36.29.120 subdivisions for joint regulation 81.72.220 electric power and energy
community renewal property, exemptions local regulatory powers listed 81.72.210 joint operating agency 35.27.610
35.81.120 rate adjustments 81.72.240 eminent domain, power of 35.27.380
competitive telephone service 35.21.710 Taxing district relief act Ch. 39.64 employees
consolidation including annexation of cities Telecommunication device installation for appointment by mayor 35.27.070
35.10.310 access to emergency services 70.54.180 compensation 35.27.130
electricity, sale of by public utility districts Telecommunications, See also employees, adjustment of wages, effect on
54.28.070 TELECOMMUNICATIONS, subtitle budget 35.33.107
first class cities, general power 35.22.280 Systems installations exclusion of area from boundaries Ch. 35.16
gambling activities Telecommunications systems false arrest insurance 35.23.460
authorization, limits 9.46.110 acquisition method for municipalities fire limits, establishment of 35.27.400
public safety purposes 9.46.113 39.04.270 fire prevention, provisions for 35.27.370
general obligation bonds, sewerage systems, Telegraph stations, first class cities, maintenance franchises, ordinances granting, requisites
pledge of revenue 35.67.110 with harbor departments 35.22.330 35.27.330
housing authorities, sums in lieu of 35.83.040 Telephone, telegraph, and electric light lines funds, current expense, transfer of public
insurance companies, state preemption unclassified cities, construction and utility earnings 35.27.510
48.14.020 maintenance 35.30.010 gambling, control and punishment of
intellectual property creating activities underground, conversion to Ch. 35.96 35.27.370
35.21.855 Telephones general welfare, ordinances to provide for
internet access 35.21.717 automatic number or location identification 35.27.370
leasing with option to purchase, certain for 911 services, regulation prohibited incorporation and annexation restrictions
exemptions 35.42.090 35.21.895 35.21.010
levies, review of by state auditor 43.09.265 Temporary additional tonnage permits for motor licensing, general power 35.27.370
local improvement guaranty fund 35.54.060 vehicles, conditions 46.44.096 limitation upon actions by 4.16.160
metropolitan municipal corporation tax levy, Termination of utility heating service mayor
election 35.58.090 limitations 35.21.300 appointment of officers and employees
mobile telecommunications service tax Therapeutic courts, See COURTS 35.27.070
procedure to correct erroneous tax 35.21.873 Third class cities boundaries uncertain, duty in regard to
motor carriers, freight budget provisions Ch. 35.33 35.27.030
allocation of gross receipts 35.21.840 employees duties 35.27.160
formula for 35.21.845 adjustment of wages, effect on budget powers 35.27.160
limitation, exceptions 35.21.850 35.33.107 pro tempore 35.27.160
police courts meeting agendas
municipal business and occupation tax Ch. courts of limited jurisdiction 3.02.010 notice requirements 35.27.300
35.102 Tidelands moneys
off-street parking, in lieu tax payments adjacent to collection or receipt by officers 35.27.210
35.86A.110 exclusion in calculating the area of the city or municipal court termination
off-street parking facilities, payments in lieu town 35.21.160 agreement with county to handle criminal
of 35.86.020 powers and jurisdiction extended 35.21.160 cases, arbitration 35.27.515
prepayment of taxes or assessments leases, assessments 35.44.160 newspapers, official designation 35.27.350
authorized 35.21.650 Toll facilities, contributions by cities and towns nuisances, abatement of 35.27.410
property acquired by city at local for authorized, financing, reimbursement officers, generally
improvement proceedings 35.53.010 47.56.250 appointment by mayor 35.27.070
public utilities located in another county Tort claims against collecting moneys, duties 35.27.210
35.21.430, 35.21.440, 35.21.450 bond may not be required of local government compensation 35.27.130
public utility districts gross revenue entity for any purpose in any case 4.96.050 elections 35.27.090
54.28.070 filing 35.31.020, 35.31.040 eligibility to hold office 35.27.080
refunding bonds, tax levy to meet payments liability for tortious conduct of officers, enumerated 35.27.070
and interest 39.52.035 employees, and volunteers 4.96.010 expenses 35.27.130
return and tax information payment of damages and defense expenses in oaths and bonds of 35.27.120
confidentiality, privilege, and disclosure action against officer, employee, or pensions, notification to state auditor of
35.102.145 volunteer 4.96.041 nonstate plans 35.27.130
sales tax, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle presentment and filing of claims, requirements pensions, prohibition on establishment or
Local sales and use tax 4.96.020 modification of nonstate plans 35.27.130
second class cities Tourism promotion areas Ch. 35.101 terms of office 35.27.090
general assessment and levying power Tourism-related facilities vacancies 35.27.140
35.23.440 financing Ch. 67.28 ordinances
sewerage sale acquired property, payment by Tourist promotion 35.21.700 franchises, granting, requisites of 35.27.330
city 35.67.280 Towns passing, authority for 35.27.370
sewerage systems 35.67.110 actions against 4.08.120 publication requirements 35.27.300

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 93]


records of, duty of clerk to keep 35.27.310 water, contracting for supply of 35.27.370 Trestles, local improvement, authority for
signatures necessary 35.27.290 Townsites, See TOWNSITES 35.43.040
style 35.27.290 Trade centers, annual service fee, distribution to Trust property, acquisition at local improvement
violations cities and towns 53.29.030 foreclosure proceedings Ch. 35.53
fines, penalties, limitation 35.27.370 Traffic congestion, comprehensive plans for Tugs and wharf boats, first class cities, regulation
prosecutions for 35.27.370 35.63.090 and control 35.22.280
park commissioners 35.23.170 Traffic control devices in Tunnels, first class cities
parking meter revenue, use 35.23.454 city limit signs 47.36.120 authority to construct 35.85.050
parking space, off-street conformance to state standards 47.36.030 Twenty-four hour headlight policy on state
acquisition and disposition of real property directional signs 47.36.100 highways, may request creation by
35.27.570 duty to erect and maintain 47.36.060 department of transportation 47.04.180
authority 35.27.550 erection and maintenance 47.36.100 Unclassified cities
financing of 35.27.560 generally Ch. 47.36 adoption of powers granted to code cities
hearing prior to establishment 35.27.590 transportation department to furnish at cost 35.30.070
operation of 35.27.580 47.36.040 dog licenses, imposition and collection
parks, purchase of land for 35.27.400 Traffic schools in Ch. 46.83 35.30.010
payment of claims and obligations 35.27.345 Traffic violations, traffic violations bureau elections
plats 35.20.131 alternative procedures 35.30.080
regulation of surveys and plats 58.10.040 Transfer of property or contracts for use for park funds, sewer systems, payment of costs
resurvey and correction of 58.10.030 and recreational purposes 39.33.060 35.30.020
police courts Transit commission, metropolitan municipal indebtedness
courts of limited jurisdiction 3.02.010 corporations 35.58.270 limitations on 35.30.040
police department Transit stations municipal utilities, assent of voters
control and direction of 35.27.240 conduct at, unlawful 9.91.025 35.30.060
pursuit and arrest of violators beyond town Transportation license power
limits 35.27.240 comprehensive six-year program dogs 35.30.010
powers 35.27.370 preparation and adoption 35.77.010 exhibitions and games 35.30.010
property, acquisition and management for public-private transportation initiatives meeting agendas
municipal purposes 35.27.370 program Ch. 47.46 publication requirements 35.30.018
prostitution, control and punishment of supplemental improvements 35.21.925 ordinances
35.27.370 supplemental improvements, coordination of making for municipal purposes 35.30.010
public works contracts metropolitan municipal corporations publication requirements 35.30.018
performance-based contracts 35.23.352 services with 35.58.610 violations, penalty 35.30.010
purchase and sale of real estate and personal Transportation authority - monorail Ch. 35.95A powers, generally 35.30.010
property by 35.27.370 Transportation benefit districts prison labor, use of 35.30.010
records assumption by cities Ch. 36.74 sewer systems
duty of clerk to keep 35.27.230 authority to establish 35.21.225 construction and maintenance of 35.30.010
what ones kept 35.27.230 generally Ch. 36.73 sewer fund 35.30.020
reduction of town boundaries Ch. 35.16 Transportation centers, See taxation
rights, powers, and privileges 35.27.010 TRANSPORTATION, subtitle general system of 35.30.030
rivers and streams, control of 35.27.370 Transportation centers liens on property 35.30.030
service of summons on, personal service Transportation projects property tax 35.30.010
4.28.080 environmental review sewer systems, limitation 35.30.020
sidewalks, construction and reconstruction collaborative process 36.70A.430 summary sales, redemption 35.30.030
Ch. 35.70 intent 36.70A.420 telephone, telegraph, and electric light lines,
specific powers enumerated 35.27.370 infrastructure construction and maintenance 35.30.010
streets and sidewalks construction aggregate and recycled concrete utilities, indebtedness limitation on 35.30.060
control and management 35.27.370 materials, use of 70.95.805, 70.95.807 Underground electric and communication
franchises to use and occupy 35.27.370 Transportation systems facilities
taxation acquisition and operation of facilities application of local improvement law to
property tax 35.27.370 35.92.060 35.96.060
street poll tax 35.27.500 acquisition of, metropolitan municipal assessments, special 35.96.030
town attorney, duties 35.27.250 corporations 35.58.260 authority deemed alternative and additional
town clerk authority for local improvement 35.43.040 35.96.080
consolidation with treasurers office cooperative agreements with the state to authorization 35.96.030
abandonment 35.27.200 establish 47.28.140 contracts for conversion, authorized,
authorization 35.27.180 county transportation authority provisions 35.96.040
effect of 35.27.190 acquisition of existing systems 36.57.090 conversion to
demands against city 35.27.340 employee transfers, preservation of benefits authorized 35.96.030
duties 35.27.220 36.57.090 procedure 35.96.050
ordinances, books of 35.27.310 exclusive operating authority, transfer of declaration of public interest 35.96.010
records to be kept by 35.27.230 existing funds to 36.57.080 definitions 35.96.020
town council expenses, contributions to 36.57.060 local improvement districts 35.96.030
journal 35.27.280 exempt from motor freight carrier law local improvement law, application to
mayor to vote, when 35.27.280 81.80.040 35.96.060
meetings 35.27.270 feasibility study, financial support payment prior debts, contracts, obligations, etc.,
quorum 35.27.280 35.58.2712 relating to conversion, validation of
resolution for payment of money 35.27.270 plans and planning for 35.92.270 35.96.070
rules 35.27.280 privately owned passenger systems, procedure, notice, objections, hearing, time
town marshal acquisition of 35.92.270 limitation for conversion 35.96.050
control of police department, authority and Transportation systems, See also PUBLIC purpose 35.96.010
duty 35.27.240 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS; special assessments 35.96.030
pursuit and arrest of violators beyond town TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES validation of preexisting debts, contracts,
limits 35.27.240 street railways, See CITIES AND TOWNS, obligations, etc., relating to conversion
town treasurer subtitle Street railways 35.96.070
consolidation with clerks office Travel expenses Underground utility transmission lines, local
abandonment 35.27.200 charge cards 42.24.115 improvement, authority for 35.43.040
authorization 35.27.180 Treasurer, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle Unfit dwellings Ch. 35.80
effect of 35.27.190 City treasurer Uniform state standard of traffic devices, copy of
duties 35.27.170 Trees, plants, shrubs or vegetation, or debris to be furnished to 47.36.030
townsites, See TOWNSITES obstruction of streets or sidewalks Unplatted lands
utilities, public, indebtedness retired, transfer lien when city removes 35.21.310 fourth class cities, restrictions on taking
of part of net earnings 35.27.510 removal by owner 35.21.310 35.21.010

[RCW Indexpage 94] (2016 Ed.)


towns 35.21.010 utility local improvement districts composed rate fixed by issuing officer 39.56.030
Urban centers of territory within city or town authorized special revenue 35.41.050
new and rehabilitated multi-unit dwellings, for transportation and infrastructure Washington health care authority, advancements,
property tax exemption qualification and purposes 35.43.030 contributions to, authorized 70.37.110
procedure Ch. 84.14 utility local improvement districts outside city Waste disposal, See CITIES AND TOWNS,
Urban forest management or town, divestment of jurisdiction subtitle Sewerage systems; SEWER
evergreen communities act Ch. 35.105 35.43.180 DISTRICTS
tree planting for energy conservation, Utility local improvement districts, See also Waste treatment plant operators, certification,
municipal utilities to encourage 35.92.390 LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS AND See WASTE TREATMENT PLANT
Urban growth areas ASSESSMENTS, subtitle Utility local OPERATORS
annexations beyond growth areas prohibited improvement districts Water distribution systems
35.13.005 Utility services conveyance by water districts 57.08.020,
new and rehabilitated multi-unit dwellings, budget billing or equal payment plan 57.08.040
property tax exemption qualification and 35.21.300 conveyance by water-sewer districts
procedure Ch. 84.14 connection charges, waiver for low-income 57.08.030
Urban public transportation system persons 35.21.305, 35.41.080 Water districts
extension beyond city limits, limitation ownership by municipality city or town taking over part of district, effect
beyond 35.84.060 cutting off services 35.21.300 57.08.035
Urban renewal disputed accounts 35.21.300 Water districts, See also WATER-SEWER
community redevelopment financing Ch. enforcement of lien 35.21.300 DISTRICTS
39.88 liens for services 35.21.290 Water mains, hydrants, and appurtenances, local
Urban transportation systems, See CITIES AND Vacancy in nonpartisan governing body improvement, authority for 35.43.040
TOWNS, subtitle Transportation systems filling of vacancy 42.12.070 Water pollution
Use tax, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle Valuation of taxable property, cities and towns abatement of
Local sales and use tax under 20,000, limitation on indebtedness action by sheriff 35.88.050
Utilities 35.37.040 declaration of nuisances 35.88.030
administration, oversight, or supervision by Vehicles depositing unwholesome matter in waters,
city or town employees confidential license plates, drivers licenses, public nuisance, penalty 9.66.050
reimbursement by utility 35.33.123, and identicards 46.08.066 detergent phosphorus content Ch. 70.95L
35.34.205 golf cart zones 46.08.175 enforcement by health officers 35.88.060
biodiesel, ethanol, and blends marking requirements, exceptions 46.08.065 injunction proceedings 35.88.070
production and distribution 35.92.440 remarking of previously marked vehicles project financing, contracts for state aid
cities in county with a population of two 46.08.068 90.48.285
hundred ten thousand or more west of second class cities, regulation of speed prosecution and trial of offenders 35.88.050
Cascades, support of cities and towns in 35.23.440 public utility districts, powers in regard to
which facilities located 35.21.422 violations of license plate or marking 54.16.050
deposit to guarantee payment 35.21.217 requirements 46.08.067 punishment for creating or maintaining
electricity, attachments to poles 35.21.455 Venereal diseases, See VENEREAL DISEASES nuisances 35.88.040
electricity, telephone, natural gas, or steam Vessels, abandoned or derelict 35.21.407 sewerage discharged into streams, certain
energy business Vessels owned by city or town cities prohibited from 35.88.080
tax limitations transfer of ownership special police, authorization for 35.88.020
6%, exception 35.21.870 requirements 35.21.408, 35.21.409 supply sources, authority over 35.88.010
electricity, telephone, or natural gas business review of vessels physical condition waste disposal permits 90.48.160, 90.48.162,
tax limitation 35.21.865 35.21.408 90.48.165, 90.48.170, 90.48.180,
electricity, telephone, or natural gas business Vessels owned by code city 90.48.190, 90.48.195, 90.48.200
or provider transfer of ownership water supply
fees for administrative costs 35.21.860 requirements 35A.21.322, 35A.21.324 generally 70.54.010
environmental mitigation 35.92.430 review of vessels physical condition watersheds in adjoining state 70.54.030
food banks, voluntary donations from utility 35A.21.322 Water quality enhancement, local improvement,
customers 35.92.395 Veterans organizations, providing of meeting authority for 35.43.040
hunger programs, voluntary donations from places for 73.04.070 Water revenue bonds, savings banks, investment
utility customers 35.92.395 Viaducts, first class cities in 32.20.070, 32.20.100
payment delinquencies by tenant, notice, lien authority to construct 35.85.010 Water run-off
35.21.217 Vital statistics, See also VITAL STATISTICS comprehensive plan to address 35.63.090
Utilities, See also CITIES AND TOWNS, Vital statistics registrar 70.58.020 Water services
subtitle Electrical utilities; CITIES AND Volunteer firemen, See VOLUNTEER cutting off, method of enforcing sewerage lien
TOWNS, subtitle Public utilities FIREMEN 35.67.290
Utility local improvement districts Volunteer labor, nominal compensation not Water systems
assessments, alternate method of computation deemed salary 49.46.065 authority to provide for 35.21.210
35.44.047 Wards auxiliary
collection of assessments, duties 35.49.010 first class cities, division of city into 35.22.370 fire prevention, acquisition and regulation of
conversion from local improvement district Warrant officers 35.21.030
35.43.043 establishment in police department, training, bonds
conversion of local improvement district into authority 35.21.935 refunding Ch. 39.52
utility local improvement districts Warrants Canadian corporations, contracts with
35.43.043 accident claim fund 35.31.050 35.92.400
districts lying outside city or town, formation airports 14.08.118 charges, construction costs
authorized 35.43.030 call for by treasurer 35.21.320 notice, recording 65.08.170
districts lying within city or town, formation cancellation after one year 39.56.040 payment, release 65.08.180
authorized for transportation and cities and towns under 300,000, emergency city assumption of substandard systems,
infrastructure purposes 35.43.030 expenditures 35.33.101 limited immunity from liability 35.13A.100
initiation of proceedings cities under 300,000, funds received from, combined sewerage, water, and garbage
initiation by petition of district lying outside expenditures from 35.33.131 systems
city or town, legislative authority may claims fund 35.21.085 collection and disposal 35.67.331
deny petition 35.43.075 interest rate 35.21.320, 39.56.020 statutes to control 35.67.340
protest of proceedings 35.43.180 lost or destroyed, procedure 39.72.010, statutes to govern 35.67.340
restraints on proceedings, protest filing 39.72.020 connections
35.43.180 payment of 35.21.320 charges for 35.92.025
protest to utility local improvements, principal and interest on outstanding contracts for outside services 35.92.200
procedure 35.43.180 warrants to be included in appropriation in defined 35.89.100
utility local improvement districts composed final budget Ch. 35.33 electricity generation 35.92.010, 35.92.070
of adjacent unincorporated territory payrolls fund 35.21.085 extension beyond city limits 35.92.170
authorized 35.43.030 public utility funds 35.92.100 first class cities 35.22.280

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 95]


interest payments 35.89.070 Water-sewer facility relocation projects Aeronautics, airport operation, planning and
irrigation and domestic purposes consultation 35.21.905 zoning 35A.24.010
acquisition of water rights 35.92.220 Watersheds Agricultural land
acquisition by purchase of shares in water cooperative watershed management exclusion from incorporated area 35A.16.080
users association or corporation 35.67.380 Airport operation, planning and zoning
35.92.263 restoration permits 35.63.230 35A.24.010, 35A.63.270
mode of assessment 35.92.260 Waterways, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle Alcoholic beverages, See CITIESOPTIONAL
special assessments 35.92.230 Watercourses and waterways MUNICIPAL CODE, subtitle Alcoholic
existing districts (irrigation, water supply) Waterworks, See WATER WORKS AND beverages
validated 35.92.265 SYSTEMS Amateur radio antennas
irrigation district property, condemnation Weed districts, organization, powers, and duties regulation to conform with federal law
35.92.190 Ch. 17.04 35A.21.260
municipal water and sewer facilities act Weeds, See WEEDS Amendment of charter, generally Ch. 35A.09
approval and acceptance by municipality Weights and measures Annexation
35.91.030 first class cities, regulating in markets agricultural fair, territory used for 35A.14.490
assessment reimbursement areas 35.91.060 35.22.280 alternative direct petition method
charges, construction costs second class cities, regulation of 35.23.440 effective date of annexation 35A.14.450
notice, recording 65.08.170 Wharves, docks, and landings Ch. 88.24 notice of hearing 35A.14.430
payment, release 65.08.180 Wharves and landings ordinance providing for annexation
contracts with owners of real estate first class cities, leasing of, limitation 35A.14.440
35.91.020 35.22.410 procedures 35A.14.420
declaration of purpose 35.91.010 generally, See WHARVES, DOCKS AND annexations beyond urban growth areas
definitions 35.91.015 PIERS prohibited 35A.14.005
owners pro rata share of cost 35.91.050 as part of state highway system Ch. 47.24 authority for 35A.14.010
taps or connections 35.91.040 Whistleblower protection proceedings boundaries, use of right of way as corporate
principal payments, payment from water boundary, when allowed 35A.14.410
redemption fund 35.89.080 administrative law judge boundary review board, effect upon review
property acquisition beyond city limits assignment of judge to conduct proceedings board 35A.14.160
35.92.180 at request of local government 34.12.038 direct petition method
second class cities 35.23.440, 35.23.560, costs for proceedings, allocation of assumption of indebtedness 35A.14.120
35.23.570, 35.23.580 responsibility for 34.12.039 effective date 35A.14.150
sewerage system as part of 35.67.340 Women, care while under confinement hearing 35A.14.130, 35A.14.140,
towns, contracting for 35.27.370 35.66.050 35A.14.150
violations of water system law 35.89.090 Workers compensation notice of hearing 35A.14.130
water conservation equipment, authority to offenders performing community restitution notice to legislative body 35A.14.120
assist customer acquisition of 35.92.017 35.21.209 ordinances providing for annexation
water redemption bonds World fairs or expositions 35A.14.140
authority to issue 35.89.010 cities and towns participation, powers, procedure 35A.14.120
exchange for local improvement district generally 35.60.030 proposed zoning regulation 35A.14.120
bonds 35.89.030 World fairs or expositions, See also WORLD election method
payment from water redemption fund FAIRS OR EXPOSITIONS, subtitle Cities approval, assumption of indebtedness,
35.89.060, 35.89.080 and towns participation required majority 35A.14.085
subrogation of city 35.89.030 World War II reparations approval, indebtedness not assumed,
terms of 35.89.020 municipal employees, redress 41.04.580, required majority 35A.14.085
water redemption fund 41.04.585, 41.04.590, 41.04.595 assumption of indebtedness 35A.14.080
creation 35.89.040 Youth agencies, establishment by 35.21.630 certification of results 35A.14.080
payment of water redemption bonds Zoning community municipal corporation may be
35.89.060 appearance of fairness doctrine Ch. 42.36 created simultaneously with annexation of
sources 35.89.050 manufactured housing territory 35A.14.025
water rights nonconforming use 35.63.161 date for election 35A.14.050
acquisition for irrigation and domestic uses moratoria and interim zoning controls effective date 35A.14.100
35.92.220 first class cities planning under charter hearing by review board 35A.14.040
water storage asset management services subject to limitations on 35.22.690 notice of 35A.14.040
municipality contracting for 35.21.945 limit placed on period for which moratorium method is alternative in addition to other
water-sewer districts property, boundaries or control adopted may be effective methods 35A.14.110
identical with, acceptance and operation of 35.63.200 notice 35A.14.070
35.92.012 public hearing required after adoption if not ordinance
waterworks held before adoption 35.63.200 assumption of indebtedness 35A.14.090
acquisition and operation of 35.92.010 restrictions on real property, statement generally 35A.14.090
Canadian corporations, contracts with available to property owners 35.21.475 petition for election
35.92.400 zoning ordinance, referral to community filing of petition as approved 35A.14.030
classification of services for rates 35.92.010 council 35.14.040 procedure 35A.14.020
out-of-state Zoos and aquariums resolution for, contents of 35A.14.015
acquisition and operation 35.92.014 management contracts 35.64.010, 35.64.020 review board 35A.14.050
joint actions 35.92.015 decision, filing, date for election
water conservation 35.92.010 CITIESOPTIONAL MUNICIPAL CODE 35A.14.050
Water systems, See also CITIES AND TOWNS, (See also CITIES AND TOWNS) hearing 35A.14.040
subtitle Public utilities 911 vote required 35A.14.080
Watercourses and waterways automatic number or location identification, federal areas
authority to construct 35.21.090 regulation prohibited 35A.21.275 authority over area 35A.14.320
construction and lowland fill areas Ch. 35.56 Abandonment of authority to annex 35A.14.310
dock lines, establishment 35.56.210 charter code city classification, provisions ordinance, provisions 35A.14.320
first class cities, regulation 35.22.280 applicable Ch. 35A.10 fire districts
second class cities 35.23.440 initiative and referendum power, noncharter fire protection and safety in proposed
Water-sewer districts code city 35A.11.080 annexed territory, report 35A.14.488
assumption of jurisdiction Ch. 35.13A noncharter code city classification election firefighter transfers 35A.92.050
boundaries identical with without reorganization 35A.06.070 response times in newly annexed areas
acceptance and operation 35.92.012 Accident claims and funds Ch. 35A.31 35A.92.050
contracts for services to property owners, Adoption of charter as charter code city territory served by, interlocal agreement
conditions 57.08.044 amendment, generally Ch. 35A.09 process 35A.14.480
dissolution when boundaries identical with generally Ch. 35A.08 transfer of employees 35A.14.485
municipality 57.04.110 Adoption of charter code city classification, franchises, cancellation or acquisition for
inclusion within boundaries 57.04.020 provisions applicable Ch. 35A.10 operation 35A.14.900

[RCW Indexpage 96] (2016 Ed.)


information may be provided to public revision of, substitution of right of way line for state agency or local government cannot be
35A.14.550 any portion of street right of way line required to provide bond or other security
municipal purposes, authority 35A.14.300 action not subject to review by boundary as condition of issuance of permit
petitions, sufficiency 35A.01.040 review board 35A.21.210 35A.21.250
population, determination, certificate, revised right of way line Buildings, construction standards required
certificate, basis for state funds 35A.14.700 substitution for any portion of public street 35A.70.040
proposed zoning regulations right of way 35A.21.210 Census
hearing, notice, filings and recordings Boundaries and plats annexation, certificate, revised certificate, as
35A.14.340 alteration and vacation of plats 35A.58.020 basis for allocation of state funds
purposes of regulations and restrictions locating corners and boundaries 35A.58.010 35A.14.700
35A.14.330 platting and subdivision of land 35A.58.030 population determination 35A.44.010
regional transit authorities, territory within Boundary review boards Certification of ordinance, reorganization of
35A.14.475 city actions subject to board review charter city as charter code city 35A.07.040
review board 35A.03.001, 35A.05.001, 35A.14.001, Change of plan or classification of municipal
composition 35A.14.160 35A.15.001, 35A.16.001 government
determination, factors considered, filing of Budgets definitions 35A.01.070
findings and decisions 35A.14.200 ad valorem tax, levy for 35A.33.135 Charter code city
election method 35A.14.050 adjustments 35A.33.120 abandonment of charter code city
hearing 35A.14.040 adoption 35A.33.075 classification
judicial review 35A.14.210 applicability of chapter 35A.33.020 authorization 35A.10.020
members appropriations 35A.33.102 election 35A.10.030
appointment 35A.14.160 unexpended, effect 35A.33.150 limitation on election 35A.10.040
appointment by mayors of charter code audit 35A.33.110 resolution or petition for change of
cities 35A.14.160 biennial budgets Ch. 35A.34 classification 35A.10.030
nominations, vacancy 35A.14.170 bonds, funds from sales of, and warrants accident claims, provisions cumulative
terms 35A.14.180 35A.33.130 35A.31.050
organization, rules, journal, authority budget estimates 35A.33.030 adoption and abandonment of charter code
35A.14.190 classification and segregation 35A.33.040 city classification, provisions applicable
when review procedure may be dispensed officers duties 35A.33.030 Ch. 35A.10
with 35A.14.220 budget message 35A.33.055 adoption of charter code city classification,
taxes collected in annexed territory definitions 35A.33.010 limitation on election 35A.10.040
35A.14.801 emergency expenditures amendment or revision of charter Ch. 35A.09
territory subject to annexation, conditions hearing 35A.33.090 annexation, See CITIESOPTIONAL
35A.14.231 nondebatable emergencies 35A.33.080 MUNICIPAL CODE, subtitle Annexation
unincorporated island of territory within city warrants, payments 35A.33.100 civil procedure, actions by and against code
ordinance 35A.14.297 employees, adjustment of wages permissible cities 35A.21.195
referendum 35A.14.297 35A.33.105 conflict between charter and optional code,
effective date if no referendum 35A.14.299 expenditures effect 35A.21.020
resolution, notice of hearing 35A.14.295 funds received from sale of bonds council-manager plan of government, See
urban growth areas, territory within 35A.33.130 CITIESOPTIONAL MUNICIPAL
procedures 35A.14.460, 35A.14.470 limitations 35A.33.125 CODE, subtitle Council-manager plan of
water, sewer and fire districts void, effect 35A.33.125 government
assets, ownership of, when less than sixty final budget definition 35A.01.030
percent of assessed valuation of fire adoption 35A.33.075 elective city officers 35A.12.010
district is annexed 35A.14.400 hearing 35A.33.070 laws applicable 35A.10.010
outstanding indebtedness, effect 35A.14.500 notice of hearing 35A.33.060 mayors, appointment of members to
ownership of assets of fire protection district, forms 35A.33.110 annexation review board by mayor
fire protection responsibility when more funds 35A.14.160
than sixty percent is annexed 35A.14.380 bond sales and warrants 35A.33.130 name 35A.11.010
water or sewer service, application of chapter bonds, funds received from sale of, powers, legislative bodies 35A.11.020
to annexations involving 35A.14.901 expenditures 35A.33.130 provisions affecting all code cities Ch. 35A.21
Board of adjustment, planning and zoning, contingency fund reorganization of charter city as authorized
powers and duties 35A.63.110 creation 35A.33.145 35A.07.010
Bonds withdrawals 35A.33.146 reorganization of charter city as charter code
coupons, execution by proxy 35A.36.020 limitations on expenditures 35A.33.120 city, See CITIESOPTIONAL
crimes relating to, overprinting 35A.36.040 reports, quarterly report of status 35A.33.140 MUNICIPAL CODE, subtitle
execution by proxy special purpose 35A.37.010 Reorganization
appointment of proxies 35A.36.010 transfers and adjustments 35A.33.120 rights, powers and privileges, generally
coupons 35A.36.020 hearing, final budget 35A.33.070 35A.11.010
facsimile signatures, printing 35A.36.020 officers, budget estimate, duties 35A.33.030 seal 35A.11.010
liability of officer 35A.36.050 preliminary budget 35A.33.052 Charter commission, adoption of charter as
notice to council 35A.36.060 proposed 35A.33.050 charter code city
overproduction is crime 35A.36.040 preliminary hearings 35A.33.055 election officers, publication 35A.08.080
revocation of proxy 35A.36.070 proposed preliminary budget 35A.33.050 expenses, consultants and assistants
facsimile signatures, execution by proxy registered warrants, appropriations 35A.08.060
35A.36.020 35A.33.102 organization, vacancies, duties 35A.08.050
finance officers reports, quarterly report of funds status public hearing 35A.08.070
deputy finance officers 35A.36.030 35A.33.140 submission of charter to people 35A.08.080
exemptions 35A.36.030 state supervision 35A.33.110 Charters
form, terms and maturity 35A.40.080 taxes, ad valorem tax, levy for 35A.33.135 adoption of charter as charter code city
municipal revenue bond act 35A.40.070 transfers and adjustments 35A.33.120 authentication of charter 35A.08.120
revocation of proxy, execution of bonds by utility administration, oversight, or amendment or revision of charter, generally
proxy 35A.36.070 supervision by city staff Ch. 35A.09
Boundaries reimbursement 35A.33.122, 35A.34.205 comprehensive plan, construction of
annexation violations and penalties 35A.33.160 inconsistent provisions 35A.63.130
use of right of way as corporate boundary, wages, employees wage adjustment Checks, drafts, or warrants of employees
when allowed 35A.14.410 permissible 35A.33.105 authorization to cash 35A.40.110
public streets, any portion of right of way warrants Child care facilities
replaced by right of way line 35A.21.210 emergency expenditures 35A.33.100 family day care providers home facility
reduction of city limits, See CITIES funds received from sale of bonds allowed 35A.63.215
OPTIONAL MUNICIPAL CODE, subtitle 35A.33.130 review of need and demand for,
City limits, reduction Building permits implementation of findings 35A.63.210

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 97]


City attorney, preparation of ballot title, election officers, or volunteer ambulance personnel officers on reorganization as noncharter code
for organization as noncharter code city, 35A.11.110 city, incorporated municipality, filing
incorporated municipality 35A.02.060 generally Ch. 35A.13 35A.02.080
City clerks and controllers, duties and powers Councilmembers organization as noncharter code city
35A.42.040 notice to councilmembers, execution of bonds incorporated municipality
City limits, reduction by proxy 35A.36.060 ballot titles prepared by city attorney
agricultural land, exclusion 35A.16.080 Councilmembers, See also CITIES 35A.02.060
effect as to liability for indebtedness OPTIONAL MUNICIPAL CODE, subtitle new officers 35A.02.050
35A.16.060 Officers exception where some general plan of
effective date 35A.16.040 County treasurer ex officio collector of city taxes government is retained 35A.02.055
election 35A.84.030 recall 35A.29.180
abstract of vote 35A.16.030 Creation, See CITIESOPTIONAL referendum
petition or resolution for 35A.16.010 MUNICIPAL CODE, subtitle Organization organization of noncharter code city,
franchises, effect upon 35A.16.070 as noncharter code city incorporated municipality 35A.02.025,
ordinance, recording 35A.16.050 Crimes and criminal procedure 35A.02.035
plat, recording 35A.16.050 bonds, overproduction 35A.36.040 power of, adoption by noncharter code city
City treasurer, miscellaneous authority and violation of budget act, penalty 35A.33.160 35A.11.080, 35A.11.090, 35A.11.100
duties 35A.42.010 Criminal cases reorganization of charter city as charter code
Civil procedure agreement with county to handle, arbitration city 35A.07.025
actions by and against code cities 35A.21.195 35A.11.200 referendum petitions, effect 35A.29.170
limitation of actions 35A.21.200 Criminal violations reorganization of charter city as charter code
Civil service punishment to be the same as for violation of city
firefighters and police officers, limitations on state law for the same crime 35A.11.020 effective date 35A.07.070
35A.11.020 petition for election 35A.07.050
Curfew for juveniles 35A.11.210
law applicable 35A.41.020 resolution for election 35A.07.060
Claims Debts, bankruptcy, readjustment and relief from Electric vehicle infrastructure 35A.63.107
council-manager plan of government, audit 35A.40.100 Electrical codes, state safety regulations
and allowance of claims 35A.13.210 Derelict vessels 35A.21.320 35A.70.050
mayor-council plan of government, audit and Disincorporation Electrical utilities
allowance of claims 35A.12.170 generally Ch. 35A.15 authority to enter into contracts or compacts
warrants, interest rate, payment 35A.21.110 District court 35A.80.020
Claims against city criminal cases joint operating agency, purchase from
accident claims and funds Ch. 35A.31 agreement with county to handle, arbitration 35A.80.050
Clerk 35A.11.200 laws applicable 35A.21.120
certification of ordinance, organization as Economic opportunity act programs, Electricity, generation of utilities, law applicable
noncharter code city, incorporated participation in 35A.11.060 35A.21.120
municipality 35A.02.040 Elections Emergency services, local organization
reorganization of charter city as charter code adoption of charter as charter code city 35A.38.010
city 35A.07.040 ballot titles 35A.08.100 Eminent domain, authority 35A.64.200
Code city conduct of election 35A.08.090 Employee checks, drafts, or warrants
definition 35A.01.035 effective date 35A.08.110 authorization to cash 35A.40.110
generally Ch. 35A.01 election of officers 35A.08.080 Expenses and per diem
Code of ethics 42.23.010, 42.23.030, 42.23.040, election on question, election of charter councilmembers, council-manager plan of
42.23.050, 42.23.060 commission 35A.08.040 government 35A.13.040
Columbia River Gorge commission, conform resolution or petition for election mayor-council plan of government, elective
with law 35A.63.200 35A.08.030 officers 35A.12.070
Community athletics programs amendment or revision of charter 35A.09.040 receiver, disincorporation Ch. 35A.15
sex discrimination, prohibition of 35A.21.350 conduct of elections 35A.09.060 Federal areas, annexation 35A.14.310
Community municipal corporations annexation authority over territory 35A.14.320
may be created simultaneously with assumption of indebtedness 35A.14.080 Financial transactions, limits on regulations
annexation of territory by election method certification of results 35A.14.080 35A.21.330
35A.14.025 notice 35A.14.070 Fire departments
Community service by offenders vote required 35A.14.080 definitions 35A.92.020
workers compensation and liability insurance annexation referendum evaluations and report, annual 35A.92.040
coverage 35A.21.220 unincorporated island of territory within legislative intent 35A.92.010
Consolidation city 35A.14.297 policy statement 35A.92.030
applicable law 35A.05.005 code city 35A.14.299 response times in newly annexed areas
Construction 35A.92.050
becoming code city, effects on prior rights and ballot titles 35A.29.120, 35A.29.130 service delivery options 35A.92.030
actions, and ordinances 35A.90.010 city limits, reduction 35A.16.010, Fiscal
general law 35A.01.050 35A.16.030, 35A.16.040, 35A.16.050, accident fund
title, chapter, section headings not part of law 35A.16.060, 35A.16.070 surplus to general fund 35A.31.080
35A.90.030 canvass of returns, abstract of vote warrants for judgments 35A.31.060
Contractors 35A.16.040 accounting, provisions applicable 35A.40.010
authority of city to verify registration and conduct 35A.29.151 bankruptcy, readjustment and relief from
report violations 35A.21.340 disincorporation 35A.15.020 debts 35A.40.100
Contracts ballots and election results 35A.15.040 bonds
acquisition of public property by conditional freeholders, charter code city, amendment or form, terms and maturity 35A.40.080
sales contracts 35A.64.010 revision of charter 35A.09.030 provisions applicable 35A.40.010
electrical energy, for 35A.80.020 initiative and referendum powers, adoption by checks, when city may use 35A.40.020
fiscal, general law applicable 35A.40.200 noncharter code city 35A.11.080, debts, validation and funding of debts
public works and improvements, purchases, 35A.11.090, 35A.11.100 35A.40.060
procedures 35A.40.210 intoxicating liquors, local option on sale of funds
Conversion, See CITIESOPTIONAL 35A.66.020 investment of 35A.40.050
MUNICIPAL CODE, subtitle Organization mayor-council plan of government provisions applicable 35A.40.010
as noncharter code city wards, optional division 35A.12.180 indebtedness 35A.40.090
Council new officers, organization as noncharter code indebtedness, provisions applicable
mayor-council plan of government city, incorporated municipality 35A.02.050 35A.40.010
powers, generally 35A.12.190 exception where some general plan of investment of funds 35A.40.050
Council-manager plan of government government is retained 35A.02.055 municipal revenue bond act 35A.40.070
complete form of government 35A.06.010 officers public depositaries
council members, service as volunteer mayor-council plan of government, designation 35A.40.030
firefighters, reserve law enforcement generally, terms 35A.12.040 public works and contracts 35A.40.200

[RCW Indexpage 98] (2016 Ed.)


validation and funding of debts 35A.40.060 Intoxicating liquors Newspaper carriers under eighteen years of age,
warrants, interest rate, payment 35A.21.110 enforcement of state law 35A.66.020 licensing prohibited 35.21.696
Fiscal, See also CITIESOPTIONAL local option 35A.66.020 Noncharter code city
MUNICIPAL CODE, subtitle Budgets sharing proceeds of liquor profits and excise abandonment of classification
Fiscal year 35A.21.170 tax 35A.66.020 without reorganization 35A.06.070
Fish enhancement projects Involuntary dissolution 35A.15.110 abandonment of plan of government
liability 35A.21.290 Labor, regulations, safety regulations, 35A.06.030, 35A.06.040, 35A.06.050
permit processing 35A.63.250 discrimination in employment, hours, wages reorganization, effective date 35A.06.060
Flags, display 35A.21.180 35A.49.010 reorganization under plan adopted, effective
Food and drugs Liability insurance date 35A.06.060
authority to protect 35A.69.010 offenders performing court-ordered annexation, See CITIESOPTIONAL
Franchises community restitution 35A.21.220 MUNICIPAL CODE, subtitle Annexation
effect of reduction of city limits 35A.16.070 Libraries, general law applicable Ch. 35A.27 civil procedure, actions by and against code
Franchises and permits, streets and highways Licenses and permits cities 35A.21.195
35A.47.040 background checks, initiation by code cities council-manager plan of government, See
Freeholders applicants for licenses 35A.21.370 CITIESOPTIONAL MUNICIPAL
amendment or revision of charter of charter licensees for occupations under local CODE, subtitle Council-manager plan of
code city 35A.09.030 licensing authority 35A.21.370 government
Funds excise taxes for regulation 35A.82.020 definition 35A.01.020
accident fund 35A.31.060, 35A.31.070, fees upon certain business activities, single elective city officers 35A.12.010
35A.31.080 uniform rate 35A.82.050 general provisions
legal aid, appropriation of funds for 2.50.125 massage practitioners [therapists] 35A.82.025 affecting all code cities Ch. 35A.21
segregation of special purpose funds required streamlined sales and use tax agreements applicable to adoption and abandonment of
35A.37.010 35A.21.335 classification or plan of government Ch.
special funds, segregation and accounting telephone business 35A.82.055 35A.06
required 35A.37.010 telephone toll service 35A.82.060 initiative and referendum powers 35A.11.080,
Garbage, ordinance, lien, foreclosure Liens 35A.11.090, 35A.11.100
35A.21.060 general law applicable 35A.60.010 laws applicable to 35A.06.020
Governor, annexation review board, appointment utility services 35A.21.100 laws governing 35A.11.010
of members 35A.14.160 Limitation of actions 35A.21.200 mayors, appointment of members to
Harbors and navigation accident claims against city 35A.31.010 annexation review board 35A.14.160
discharge of ballast 35A.88.010 Limitations, elections on adoption and name 35A.11.010
general law applicable 35A.88.030 abandonment of charter code city powers, legislative bodies 35A.11.020
wharves and landings 35A.88.020 classification 35A.10.040 powers and privileges 35A.11.010
Health and safety Local improvement districts reorganization of plan of government,
alcoholism, standards for institutions assets, public lands subject to 35A.43.020 effective date 35A.06.060
35A.66.010 general law applicable 35A.43.010 seal 35A.11.010
assisted living facilities, regulation Local service districts, application of laws Ch. Notice
35A.70.020 35A.56 adoption of charter as charter code city
buildings, construction standards 35A.70.040 Manufactured housing 35A.08.080
city electrical codes 35A.70.050 housing communities amendment or revision of charter, publication
elevators, moving walks 35A.70.060 elimination 35A.63.146 of proposed charter 35A.09.050
food and drugs 35A.69.010 nonconforming use 35A.63.146 annexation
intoxicating liquors moving or installation in mobile home park, direct petition method, notice of hearing
alcoholism, standards for institutions permit 35A.21.310 35A.14.130
35A.66.010 placement or use of manufactured/mobile election method, hearing by review board
local option on sale of 35A.66.020 homes 35A.21.312 35A.14.040
mental illness 35A.70.070 zoning prohibitions, review 35A.63.145 comprehensive plan, planning and zoning
vital statistics 35A.70.070 Mayor-council plan of government 35A.63.070
Hearing examiner system, planning and zoning, complete form of government 35A.06.010 ordinances, council-manager plan of
adoption authorized generally Ch. 35A.12 government 35A.13.200
alternative, functions, procedures 35A.63.170 Meeting agendas publication of legal notice, general
Highways public notice 35A.12.160 requirement 35A.65.020
projects Meetings, mayor-council plan of government Nuisances
permit applications, construction starting 35A.12.110 special assessment by code city, notice
date for 90.58.140 Mental illness, general laws applicable requirements 35A.21.405
permit applications, determinations on, when 35A.70.070 Oath and bond, officers
due 35A.21.400 Merit system council-manager plan of government
Historical activities, general laws applicable firefighters and police officers, limitation 35A.13.160
35A.27.010 35A.11.020 mayor-council plan of government
Homeless Merit systems 35A.21.040 35A.12.080
temporary encampments, hosting by religious Metropolitan municipal corporations Offenders performing community restitution
organizations 35A.21.360 may be formed around code city 35A.57.020 workers compensation and liability insurance
Incorporation, See CITIESOPTIONAL Mobile homes coverage 35A.21.220
MUNICIPAL CODE, subtitle Organization moving or installation in mobile home park, Office hours, prescribed by ordinance
as noncharter code city permit 35A.21.310 35A.21.070
Indebtedness placement or use of manufactured/mobile Officers
effect of reduction of city limits upon homes 35A.21.312 adoption of charter as charter code city,
35A.16.060 zoning prohibitions, review 35A.63.145 election, certificates of 35A.08.110
general provisions 35A.40.090 Motor vehicles regulation, state law applicable budget estimates 35A.33.030
Initiative and referendum powers, noncharter 35A.46.010 city clerks and controllers, powers and duties
code city 35A.11.080, 35A.11.090, Municipal court 35A.42.040
35A.11.100 criminal cases city manager, council-manager plan of
Initiative petitions, sufficiency 35A.01.040 agreement with county to handle, arbitration government
Intergovernmental cooperation 35A.11.200 appointment of subordinates 35A.13.110
authority 35A.11.040 Municipal court, See also COURTS OF bond and oath 35A.13.070
joint facilities and agreements, authorized LIMITED JURISDICTION department heads, authority 35A.13.100
35A.35.010 Museums, general law applicable 35A.27.010 powers and duties 35A.13.080
planning and zoning Name, change of 35A.21.140 removal
joint meetings and cooperative action on charter code cities 35A.11.010 reply and hearing 35A.13.140
35A.63.030 noncharter code city 35A.11.010 resolution and notice 35A.13.130
Interpretation, purpose and policy of optional Newspaper, designation of official newspaper serve two or more cities 35A.13.060
municipal code 35A.01.010 35A.21.230 substitute 35A.13.150

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 99]


city treasurer, miscellaneous authority and adoption of codes by reference 35A.12.140 energy plant or alternative energy resource
duties 35A.42.010 authentication and recording 35A.12.150 application for permit to site, notice to U.S.
code of ethics 35A.42.020, 42.23.010, style, requisites, veto 35A.12.130 Department of Defense 35A.63.290
42.23.030, 42.23.040, 42.23.050, office hours 35A.21.070 enforcement 35A.63.120
42.23.060 planning and zoning, public hearings funds, receipt and expenditure of 35A.63.050
conduct 35A.42.050 35A.63.150 hearing examiner system, adoption
continuity of government, enemy attack publication 35A.12.160 alternative, functions, procedures
35A.42.030 reduction of city limits 35A.16.050 35A.63.170
contracts, interest in prohibited, exceptions referendum petitions, effect of filing hearings, public hearings may be provided by
42.23.030 35A.29.170 ordinance 35A.63.150
council-manager plan of government referendum petitions, sufficiency 35A.01.040 identification of affected property 35A.63.152
claims, audit and allowance 35A.13.210 regulation of activities and enforcement of interim zoning ordinances
council penal laws 35A.21.161 limitation on length 35A.63.220
adoption of code by reference 35A.13.180 validity of ordinances and resolutions, public hearing 35A.63.220
meetings, quorum, rules, voting deficiencies of form 35A.21.010 moratoria
35A.13.170 Organization as noncharter code city Ch. 35A.02 limitation on length 35A.63.220
powers, generally 35A.13.230 Pension and retirement systems 35A.21.050 public hearing 35A.63.220
councilmembers Petition planning agency
compensation, expenses 35A.13.040 organization as noncharter code city conflicts of interest 35A.63.020
notice to, execution of bonds by proxy incorporated municipality organizing as creation 35A.63.020
35A.36.060 35A.02.060 joint meetings and cooperative action
interference with city manager by with election 35A.02.060 35A.63.030
councilmembers 35A.13.120 without election, incorporated municipalities powers and duties 35A.63.020
oath and bond 35A.13.160 35A.02.020 regional planning 35A.63.040
ordinances organization of incorporated municipality as regional planning 35A.63.040
authentication, recording and publication noncharter code city, petition or resolution residential care facilities, need and demand
35A.13.200 pending, restriction 35A.01.040 review, implementation of findings
style, requisites, veto 35A.13.190 reduction of city limits election 35A.16.010 35A.63.149
delivery of books and records to new officers reorganization of charter city as charter code Plats
upon reorganization as code city city 35A.07.020 alteration and vacation of 35A.58.020
35A.02.080 election, petition for 35A.07.050 platting and subdivision of land 35A.58.030
duties, generally 35A.42.020 signatures 35A.01.040 Police
election of officers, adoption of charter as sufficiency 35A.01.040 warrant officers
charter code city 35A.08.080 Plan of government establishment in police department, training,
elections abandonment authority 35A.21.380
incorporated municipality organizing as reorganization under plan adopted, effective Police courts, See CITIESOPTIONAL
code city 35A.02.080 date 35A.06.060 MUNICIPAL CODE, subtitle Municipal
organization as noncharter code city, election court
incorporated municipality, ballot incorporation municipality as noncharter Police power, regulation of activities and
35A.02.080 code city 35A.02.090 enforcement of penal laws, authority of city
liability on bonds affixed by proxy organization of incorporated city as 35A.21.161
35A.36.050 noncharter code city, elections on Pollution control bonds and facilities, See
mandatory duties 35A.21.030 alternatives 35A.02.090 POLLUTION CONTROL MUNICIPAL
mayor-council plan of government Planning and zoning BONDING
appointive officers 35A.12.020 accessory apartments, compliance required Population
appointment and removal, terms 35A.12.090 with law regarding development and adoption of charter as charter code city,
compensation, expenses 35A.12.070 placement of 35A.63.230 determination of population 35A.08.020
elections, terms, generally 35A.12.040 administration 35A.63.120 annexation, certificate, revised certificate of
eligibility for office 35A.12.030 board of adjustment, powers and duties population as basis for allocation of state
mayor, duties and authority, generally 35A.63.110 funds 35A.14.700
35A.12.100 certain conditional or special use permits, annexed territory, determining population of
oath and bond of officers 35A.12.080 mediation prior to appeal 35A.63.280 35A.14.700
pro tempore appointments 35A.12.065 charters, construction of inconsistent determination 35A.44.010
vacancies, filling 35A.12.050 provisions 35A.63.130 Powers
vacancy for nonattendance 35A.12.060 child care facilities, need and demand review, applicability of general law 35A.11.030
prohibited acts 42.23.070 implementation of findings 35A.63.210 borrowing 35A.11.030
qualifications 35A.42.020 comprehensive plan charter code city 35A.11.010
recall election 35A.29.180 amendments and modifications 35A.63.073 legislative bodies 35A.11.020
removal 35A.42.020 approval by legislative body 35A.63.072 economic opportunity act programs
violations of budget act, penalties 35A.33.160 development regulations 35A.11.060
Ordinances electric vehicle infrastructure 35A.63.107 eminent domain 35A.11.030
annexation development regulations, consistency with franchises 35A.11.030
direct petition method, ordinance providing comprehensive plan required 35A.63.105 intergovernmental cooperation and action
for 35A.14.140 effect 35A.63.080 35A.11.040
election method 35A.14.090 forwarding to legislative body 35A.63.071 liberal construction 35A.11.010
ordinance providing for 35A.14.090 generally 35A.63.060 noncharter code city 35A.11.010
city limits reduction, recording 35A.16.050 hearing 35A.63.070 legislative body 35A.11.020
codification 35A.21.130 municipal authority under 35A.63.100 statement of purpose and policy 35A.11.050
continuation upon becoming a code city notice 35A.63.070 taxation 35A.11.030
35A.90.010 optional elements 35A.63.062 Powers and duties 35A.67.010, 35A.69.010
council-manager plan of government required elements 35A.63.061 Printing
adoption of code by reference 35A.13.180 comprehensive plan and development public printing 35A.65.010
authentication, recording and publication regulations, copies provided to county publication of legal notice 35A.65.020
35A.13.200 assessor 35A.63.260 Provisions affecting all code cities
style, requisites, veto 35A.13.190 construction of chapter 35A.63.160 codification of ordinances 35A.21.130
effective date in noncharter code cities having definitions 35A.63.010 computation of time 35A.21.080
initiative and referendum powers disabilities, persons with, differential conflict between charter and optional code,
35A.11.090 treatment of residential structures occupied effect 35A.21.020
franchises and permits on streets and by persons with disabilities prohibited daylight savings time 35A.21.190
highways 35A.47.040 35A.63.240 fiscal year 35A.21.170
garbage fee, lien for, foreclosure 35A.21.060 duties and responsibilities imposed by other flags to be displayed 35A.21.180
initiative petitions, sufficiency 35A.01.040 acts 35A.63.140 garbage ordinance, lien, foreclosure
mayor-council plan of government electric vehicle infrastructure 35A.63.107 35A.21.060

[RCW Indexpage 100] (2016 Ed.)


general application of laws 35A.21.160 Records, legislative and administrative ad valorem taxes, procedure and rules relating
lien for utility services 35A.21.100 35A.39.010 to 35A.84.010
limitation of actions 35A.21.200 Recreational vehicles used as primary residences annexed territory 35A.14.801
merit systems 35A.21.040 35A.21.312 assessment and collection 35A.84.020
name, change 35A.21.140 Recycling certain business activities, single uniform rate
office hours, ordinance 35A.21.070 collection, transportation, and sales of 35A.82.050
officers, mandatory duties 35A.21.030 recyclable materials, authorization collection, county treasurer ex officio
ordinances, codification 35A.21.130 35A.21.155 collector 35A.84.030
pension and retirement systems 35A.21.050 reduced solid waste collection rate for excise taxes
regulation of activities and enforcement of participation in curbside recycling excises for regulation 35A.82.020
penal laws 35A.21.161 35A.21.153 state shared excises 35A.82.010
sewerage and refuse collection and disposal Referendum licenses and permits 35A.82.020
systems 35A.21.150 organization as noncharter code city liquor profits and excise tax, sharing proceeds
streets over tidelands, control of 35A.21.090 incorporated municipality organizing as of 35A.66.020
utilities, facilities for generation of electricity 35A.02.035 network telephone services 35A.82.065
35A.21.120 without election, incorporated municipality property taxes, procedure and rules relating to
validity of ordinances and resolutions, 35A.02.025 35A.84.010
deficiencies of form 35A.21.010 petition, sufficiency 35A.01.040 telephone business 35A.82.055
warrants, interest rate, payment 35A.21.110 reorganization of charter city as charter code deferral of rate reduction 35A.82.070
waters, jurisdiction over adjacent 35A.21.090 city 35A.07.025, 35A.07.035 telephone toll service
Public depositaries Referendum and initiative powers, noncharter gross revenues 35A.82.060
checks, use of 35A.40.020 code cities 35A.11.080, 35A.11.090, limitations 35A.82.060
designation of one or more financial 35A.11.100 Telephones
institutions 35A.40.030 Regional planning commission, sharing costs on automatic number or location identification,
Public documents and records, legislative and pro rata basis 35A.63.040 regulation prohibited 35A.21.275
administrative records 35A.39.010 Reorganization of charter city as charter code Time
Public employees city Ch. 35A.07 computation of time 35A.21.080
conduct 35A.42.050 Reports, quarterly report of status of funds daylight savings time 35A.21.190
labor regulations, safety regulations, 35A.33.140 ordinances, effective date in noncharter code
discrimination in employment, hours, Residential care facilities cities having initiative and referendum
wages 35A.49.010 review of need and demand for powers 35A.11.090
retirement and pension system 35A.41.010 implementation of findings 35A.63.149 Trees and shrubbery, disinfection 35A.64.180
Public employment Resolutions Utilities
civil service 35A.41.020 organization as noncharter code city administration, oversight, or supervision by
incorporated municipality, without election city staff
qualifications, removal, code of ethics, duties 35A.02.030
35A.42.020 reimbursement 35A.33.122, 35A.34.205
incorporated municipality organizing as, attachments to poles 35A.21.125
Public property with election 35A.02.070 generation of electricity, law applicable
acquisition by conditional sales contracts organization of incorporated municipality as 35A.21.120
35A.64.010 noncharter code city, petition or resolution law applicable 35A.21.120
disinfection of trees or shrubs 35A.64.180 pending restriction 35A.02.140 lien for utility services 35A.21.100
eminent domain 35A.64.200 reduction of city limits election 35A.16.010 Vital statistics, general laws applicable
powers to acquire, use and manage reorganization of charter city as charter code 35A.70.070
35A.79.010 city 35A.07.030 Volunteer firefighters, reserve law enforcement
transfers 35A.79.020 validity of resolutions, deficiencies of form officers, and volunteer ambulance personnel
Public transportation, application of general law 35A.21.010 council members authorized to serve as
35A.81.010 Retirement and pension system 35A.11.110
Public utilities public employment 35A.41.010 Voting, mayor-council plan of government,
electrical energy, authority to enter into Retirement and pension systems 35A.21.050 council 35A.12.120
contracts or compacts 35A.80.020 firefighters and police officers, limitations on Wards, council-manager plan of government,
food banks, voluntary donations from utility 35A.11.020 optional division 35A.13.220
customers 35A.80.060 Revision of charters, generally Ch. 35A.09 Warrant officers
general laws applicable 35A.80.010 Right of way donations for traffic improvements establishment in police department, training,
hunger programs, voluntary donations from 35A.21.240 authority 35A.21.380
utility customers 35A.80.060 Right of way use for telecommunications and Warrants, interest rate, payment 35A.21.110
landscaping information, code cities cable television service use 35A.21.245 Waste treatment plant operators, certification,
providing utility services encouraged to Schools, general law applicable 35A.28.010 See WASTE TREATMENT PLANT
provide to customers 35A.80.040 Seal OPERATORS
urban forestry, code cities providing utility charter code cities 35A.11.010 Water, jurisdiction over adjacent waters
services may request voluntary donations noncharter code cities 35A.11.010 35A.21.090
for 35A.80.040 Sewerage and refuse collection and disposal Water supply
Public welfare, general laws applicable systems, authorization 35A.21.150 authority to protect 35A.70.010
35A.74.010 Sewerage systems Water systems
Public works and contracts connection required when septic tank is failing city assumption of substandard systems,
general law relating to contracts, applicable appeals process 35A.21.390 limited immunity from liability 35A.21.270
35A.40.200 Solar energy system, defined 35A.63.015 Watershed restoration projects
procedures 35A.40.210 Solid waste permit processing 35A.63.250
public printing Ch. 35A.65 collection rate increases, notice 35A.21.152 Welfare, general laws applicable 35A.74.010
purchase of products made by blind reduced collection rate for participation in Workers compensation
35A.64.020 curbside recycling 35A.21.153 offenders performing community restitution
Publication Special service districts, application of laws Ch. 35A.21.220
adoption of charter as charter code city, 35A.56 Zoning
submission of charter, election of officers State or local government building projects annexation, proposed zoning regulations
35A.08.080 government entity may not be required to 35A.14.330, 35A.14.340
Purchases, products made by blind 35A.64.020 provide bond or other security as condition manufactured housing
Purpose and policy, statement 35A.11.050 of issuance of building permit 35A.21.250 nonconforming use 35A.63.146
Rail fixed guideway public transportation Streets and highways Ch. 35A.47 manufactured housing, review prohibitions
systems Streets and roads, control of streets over tidelands 35A.63.145
safety program and security and emergency 35A.21.090 manufactured housing communities
preparedness plans 35A.21.300 Subdivision, platting 35A.58.030 elimination 35A.63.146
Real property Taxes Zoning, See also CITIESOPTIONAL
restrictions applicable to property, statement accident fund, tax levy for 35A.31.070 MUNICIPAL CODE, subtitle Planning and
contents and availability 35A.21.280 ad valorem tax, levy for 35A.33.135 zoning

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 101]


CITIZEN SERVICE (See COMMUNITY Employment security records, disclosure Ch. Minor plaintiff, action to be commenced by
SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS) 50.13 guardian, exceptions 12.04.140
CITIZENS COMMISSION ON SALARIES Fertilizers, minerals, and limes Minor plaintiff, appointment of guardian to act
Court of appeals judges 2.06.062 violations, penalty 15.54.474 for 12.04.140
District court judges 3.58.010 Financial institutions Misdemeanors
part time judges, to set salaries for 3.58.020 compliance review information, monitoring of persons charged or convicted
confidentiality Ch. 7.88 4.24.750, 4.24.760
Duties 43.03.010, 43.03.310 Motor vehicles, odometers, tampering with or
Fire damage to forested land
Elected officials of executive branch, salaries actions by owner 76.04.760 replacing, right to civil action 46.37.590
43.03.011 Foreign orders Mt. St. Helens
Judges, salaries 43.03.012 nonrecognition of, when incompatible with proceedings necessary to facilitate recovery
Legislative declaration, purpose 43.03.300 public policy 4.24.820 given precedence 43.01.215
Legislative members, salaries 43.03.013 Foster parents, liability for care and supervision Municipal court
Membership, terms, vacancies 43.03.305 of foster children jury trial, right to 35.20.090
Schedule of salaries 43.03.310 in actions commenced by foster children or traffic infractions, no jury trial 35.20.090
Superior court judges 2.08.092 their parents against foster parents 4.24.590 Obesity lawsuits
Supreme court justices 2.04.092 Frivolous actions or defenses food and beverage consumption 7.72.070
Travel expenses 43.03.310 prevailing party to receive expenses 4.84.185 Open public meetings
CITIZENSHIP Health care facilities or providers, interference violations
Alien land law with court action, fees, costs 42.30.120
aliens right to own land 64.16.005 civil damages 9A.50.050 Outdoor music festival, campground
certain titles confirmed 64.16.140 remedies 9A.50.040 alcohol or drug investigation
Horticultural plants and facilities detention, defense 4.24.710
CITY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT violations, penalties 15.13.490 Personal injuries
SYSTEM, STATEWIDE (SCERS) (See Immunity definitions 4.56.250
RETIREMENT AND PENSIONS, child abuse reporters 26.44.060 settlement agreements, effect of 4.22.060
subtitle Statewide city employees Immunity from suit Personal injury action
retirement system (SCERS)) health care disciplinary actions 4.24.250 complaint not to include statement of
CITY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY - Indoor air pollutants damages, request for statement 4.28.360
MONORAIL (See CITIES AND TOWNS, compliance with building and material Pesticide application, civil penalties for
subtitle Transportation authority - standards violations 17.21.315
monorail) defense to action for injuries caused by Prejudice
CITY-COUNTY (See MUNICIPAL 4.24.560 affidavit of prejudice 4.12.050
CORPORATIONS, subtitle Combined compliance with radon resistive construction change of venue due to prejudice of court
city and county municipal corporations) requirements commissioner or judge 4.12.040
defense to action for injuries caused by Product liability/hazardous substance claims
CIVIC CORPORATIONS 4.24.560 confidentiality 4.24.611
Nonprofit corporations, authorized 24.03.015 Insurers, liquidation of damages and costs 4.24.611
CIVIL ACTIONS AND PROCEDURES (See powers and duties of liquidator 48.31.131 public right to information 4.24.611
also ACTIONS AND PROCEEDINGS) special procedural rules 48.31.131 Property damages caused by removal, waste or
Agricultural marketing fair practices, violations Insurers, rehabilitation of injury, liability 4.24.630
15.83.080 action to which insurer subject to Property owners, legal liability limitation,
Animals rehabilitation order is party recreational users, woodcutters 4.24.210
trespassing animals Ch. 16.04 special procedural rules 48.31.045 Public hazards disclosure 4.24.601
Appearance of fairness doctrine Ch. 42.36 Interpreters at legal proceedings Receivers Ch. 7.60
Assignment for benefit of creditors appointment Ch. 2.42 Sales representatives and principals
requirements and procedures 7.08.010, Intimate images, distribution of contractual relationship between
7.08.030 liability for damages, other civil penalties contracts and agreements, required
Attorney fees 4.24.795 provisions 49.48.160
frivolous actions or defenses Joint and several liability personal jurisdiction, principal considered to
prevailing party, award to 4.84.185 contribution be doing business in state for purposes of
plaintiff considered prevailing party 4.84.015 enforcement of 4.22.050 49.48.180
Bees and beekeeping right of 4.22.040 rights and remedies supplemental to other
violations and penalty 15.60.055 multiple persons at fault 4.22.030 rights and remedies of sales
Law enforcement officers representatives 49.48.190
Blood, tissue, organs, use, etc., immunities from unlawful release of personal information waiver of provision prohibited 49.48.190
implied warranty and civil liability, extent 4.24.680, 4.24.690, 4.24.700 Service members civil relief Ch. 38.42
70.54.120 Settlement agreements, effect of 4.22.060
Legal separation 26.09.010
Child abuse Lie detector tests of employees Settlement conferences, supreme court to adopt
reporters immunity 26.44.060 civil penalty and damages, attorney fees rules 2.04.215
Citizen action suits 49.44.135 Social networking, restricting employer access to
metals mining and milling operations Malicious harassment, actual and punitive personal employee accounts
78.56.140 damages 9A.36.083 violations, civil action, remedies 49.44.205
Conflict of laws, limitations act Ch. 4.18 Mandatory arbitration Ch. 7.06 Summons
Construction defect claims Ch. 64.50 Medical malpractice suits service of 4.28.080
Contributory negligence admissibility, gestures of apology 5.64.010 Sympathetic gestures
fault, defined 4.22.015 attorneys fees 7.70.070 admissibility as evidence 5.66.010
Costs Ch. 4.84 burden of proof 7.70.030 Telecommunications fraud
Court employees compensation by a defendant health provider action to enjoin violation 7.40.230
unlawful release of personal information 7.70.080 Time computation 1.12.040
4.24.680, 4.24.690, 4.24.700 compensation from other sources 7.70.080 Timeshares 64.36.220
Criminal offender civil actions against victim consent to treatment 7.70.065 Tort actions
court authorization requirement for serious declaration of modification of procedure contributory negligence
violent offender 9.94A.645 7.70.010 effect of 4.22.005
Declaration concerning validity of a marriage definitions 7.70.020 fault, defined 4.22.015
26.09.010 elements of proof 7.70.040 settlement agreements, effect of 4.22.060
Dissolution of marriage 26.09.010 informed consent, elements 7.70.050 Trial docket
Electronic impersonation propositions required to be established priority for aged or ill parties in setting cases
invasion of privacy, action for 4.24.790 7.70.030 for trial 4.44.025
Elevators, lifting devices, and moving walks Metals mining and milling operations, citizen Uniform conflict of laws, limitations act Ch. 4.18
lawsuits for damages caused by failure or action suits 78.56.140 Water code violations, penalties 90.03.600
malfunction Minor defendant, appointment of guardian in Water pollution
conformity with safety regulations 70.87.020 defense of action 12.04.150 civil penalty 90.48.144

[RCW Indexpage 102] (2016 Ed.)


liability for damages 90.48.142 evidence, as 5.44.090 commission

Weed control, violations 17.10.230, 17.10.310, issuance 5.44.090 creation of, time limit for 41.08.183
17.10.350 discharge upon completion of sentence duty to organize and function 41.08.185
Worker and community right to know 9.94A.637 office and supplies to be furnished 41.08.180
civil actions authorized 49.70.150 form of certificate 9.96.020 cooperation of city officers and employees
Wrongful death Schools and school districts 41.08.190
definitions 4.56.250 civil rights education 28A.230.178 creation of commission, time limit for
settlement agreements, effect of 4.22.060 Voting, loss of right by incapacitated or 41.08.183
Wrongly convicted persons, redress for Ch. incompetent persons 11.88.010, 11.88.090 enforcement by civil action 41.08.140
4.100 CIVIL SERVICE excluded cities 41.08.010
reentry programs and services, access to Archaeology and historic preservation, office of existing firemen blanketed under 41.08.060
72.09.750 exempt positions 41.06.095 expenses, appropriation for 41.08.200
waiver of higher education tuition and fees Budget director, cities and towns over 300,000, leaves of absence 41.08.130
28B.15.395 exemption 35.32A.020 office and supplies for commission 41.08.180
CIVIL AIR PATROL Cities and towns over 300,000, budget director, payrolls
Members, employment protection for exemption 35.32A.020 approval required 41.08.120
definitions 49.12.460 City contracts to obtain sheriffs office law certification by commission required
employer duties, violations 49.12.460 enforcement services 41.08.120
layoffs, notice, time limitation for transfers penalty for violations 41.08.210
CIVIL AIR PATROL, WASHINGTON personnel included under 41.08.050
rules and regulations 41.14.280 political contributions and services
DEPARTMENT OF) coercion prohibited 41.08.160
transfer of police department employees
CIVIL DEFENSE (See EMERGENCY 41.14.250 not required 41.08.160
SERVICES) salaries and compensation
into county civil service for sheriffs office,
seniority for employment 41.14.260 approval of payrolls 41.08.120
CIVIL INFRACTIONS improperly appointed persons, refusal of
Boating safety laws City fire fighters commission to certify salary 41.08.120
decriminalization of certain offenses Ch. 7.84 appeals 41.08.040 right to fix not infringed upon 41.08.110
Costs and attorney fees 7.80.140 commission violations, penalty 41.08.210
Decriminalization of certain criminal offenses appeals 41.08.040 City police
7.80.900 hearings 41.08.040 civil service commissions and commissioners
Enforcement officer, defined 7.80.040 investigations 41.08.040 Ch. 41.12
Failure to pay penalty or perform restitution officers 41.08.040 generally Ch. 41.12
contempt of court 7.80.160 organization 41.08.040 Department of transportation
Findings 7.80.005 powers and duties 41.08.040 exempt positions 41.06.079
Hearings, rules, counsel, appeal 7.80.090, rules and regulations 41.08.040 Department of veterans affairs, exemptions
7.80.100, 7.80.110 secretary 41.08.040 41.06.077
Initiation 7.80.050 examinations Drug control investigators, exemption from civil
Jurisdiction of courts 7.80.010 eligibility list for 41.08.040 service 43.43.640
Monetary penalty, restitution 7.80.120 scope 41.08.040 Early learning, department of
Natural resource infractions Ch. 7.84 hearings 41.08.040 exempt positions 41.06.097
Notice of roster of officers and employees 41.08.040 Ecology department, exemptions from 41.06.073
determination final unless contested 7.80.070 veterans preference in examinations Elective officer or employee, civil service rights
failure to exercise options, failure to pay 41.08.040 preserved 41.04.120
7.80.160 City firefighters Emergency management
procedure 7.80.060 appeals 41.08.090 status of civil service employees while on duty
record, audit, cancellation prohibited 7.80.150 applicants, qualifications 41.08.070 with emergency management organizations
response, contest, failure to respond or appear application of chapter 41.08.020 38.52.140
7.80.080 commission Exempt position
Order of court, penalty, community restitution members 41.08.030 right of reversion to prior position 41.06.070
7.80.130 political party restriction 41.08.030 Fire protection districts, officers and employees
Pigeons, racing pigeons 9.61.190, 9.61.200 qualifications of members 41.08.030 52.30.040, 52.30.050
Process, issuance of by courts of limited quorum 41.08.030 Flexible-time work schedules 41.04.390
jurisdiction 7.80.020 removal of members 41.08.030 Health departments, combined county-city
Training of judicial officers 7.80.030 terms of members 41.08.030 employees, may be included in city civil
CIVIL RIGHTS (See also deceptive practices 41.08.150 service 70.08.070
DISCRIMINATION) definitions 41.08.220 Higher education institutions, See HIGHER
Affirmative action examinations EDUCATION PERSONNEL SYSTEM
discrimination or preferential treatment falsifications concerning 41.08.150 Interchange of personnel with federal
prohibited 49.60.400 excluded cities 41.08.020 government, civil service rights preserved
Civil liberties day of remembrance 1.16.050, false representations or personations 41.04.160, 41.04.170
1.16.090 41.08.150 Law revision commission, exemptions from
Criminals falsifying examinations 41.08.150 41.06.083
restoration of, procedure 9.96.010, 9.96.020, political party restriction, commission Life sciences discovery fund authority
9.96.030, 9.96.050 members 41.08.030 exempt positions 41.06.096
Declaration of 49.60.030 removal, suspension, demotion or discharge Manager
Developmental disabilities, persons with accusation 41.08.090 defined 41.06.022
eligibility for services, effect 71A.10.030 appeal 41.08.090 Metropolitan park districts, employees of
Employment rights, restoration of, See grounds 41.08.080 35.61.140
EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS, hearing 41.08.090 Personnel policy and application of civil service
RESTORATION OF investigation 41.08.090 laws
Parolees procedure 41.08.090 financial management, office of, to direct and
restoration of, procedure 9.96.050 residency as condition of employment, supervise 43.41.113
Prisoners, restoration procedure 9.95.260 discrimination because of lack of residency Personnel resources board
Protection, policy declaration 49.60.010 prohibited 41.08.075 appointment of members 41.06.110
Restoration of tenure of employment 41.08.080 chair 41.06.110
application for, on termination of suspended vacancies created 41.06.110
sentence 9.92.066 probationary period 41.08.100 employee appeal hearings
certified copy of instrument, recording and procedure for filling of 41.08.100 conduct of 41.06.120
indexing of 9.96.030 City firemen conducted by hearing officer 41.06.120
clemency and pardons board to receive and act application of chapter 41.08.010 hearing officers, appointment authority
upon petitions 9.94A.885 appropriation for expenses 41.08.200 41.06.110
copy of instrument restoring city legislation required 41.08.170 meetings 41.06.120

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 103]


quorum 41.06.110 higher education personnel service fund employment experience, civil service credit
terms of office 41.06.110 contributions to fund 41.06.285 43.06.425
travel expenses and compensation 41.06.110 personnel officer to be designated by each Volunteer firefighters, call to duty 41.06.550
Public defense, office of institution and related board, duties CLAIMS
exemptions 2.70.040 41.06.510 Adverse claims of third persons to property
Retirement systems, department of higher education personnel system, See levied upon, See EXECUTIONS
exemptions 41.50.070 HIGHER EDUCATION PERSONNEL Child, death or injury, other parent nonjoinder,
Sheriffs office employees SYSTEM bar 4.24.010
civil service commissions and commissioners hours of labor, generally 49.28.010, 49.28.040
Ch. 41.14 Chiropractor, professional negligence,
human resource services limitations on 4.16.350
generally Ch. 41.14 availability on request 41.06.080
transfer to city police upon annexation or Cities and towns
joint employee-management committees accidents 35.31.050
incorporation, rules 35.13.390 41.06.540
State charter cities
management procedures
air pollution control, exemptions 70.94.350 terminate supervisor who tolerates filing 35.31.020
assistant directors of financial management, deficiencies 43.01.125 filing 35.31.020
exemption from 43.41.080 managers noncharter cities 35.31.040
background investigation rules 41.06.476 rules for managers authorized, goals for requisites 35.31.040
certification of names for vacancies 41.06.150 establishing 41.06.500 Civil defense worker, See EMERGENCY
classification and salary schedules marine employees commission not affected SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF
classified positions, comprehensive 41.06.290 Counties
classification plan for 41.06.157 payrolls, certification procedures established audit by county auditor 36.22.040
factors to be considered 41.06.160 by directors of enterprise services and auditing or paying false claim, penalty
revisions, class studies, and adjustments, financial management 41.06.270 42.20.060
limitation 41.06.152 performance evaluation county commissioners appeal procedure,
salary surveys 41.06.157 procedure 41.06.169 effect on 36.32.330
state salary schedule 41.06.162 terminate supervisor who tolerates filing procedure 36.45.010
wage and fringe benefit surveys 41.06.160 deficiencies 43.01.125 generally Ch. 36.45
compensation surveys termination of employment 41.06.186 labor and materials 36.45.040
state patrol 41.06.167 termination of supervisor who tolerates Crime victims application for benefits, time
declaration of purpose 41.06.010 inadequacies 41.06.196 limitation 7.68.060
definitions 41.06.020, 41.06.022 written notice of deficiencies 41.06.176 Dentistry, professional negligence, limitations on
employee misconduct personnel resource and management policy 4.16.350
records 41.06.530 Ejectment and quieting title, conflicting claims,
destruction 41.06.450 personnel service fund generally 7.28.280
application, classified and exempt use by enterprise services and financial Evidence of filing with state, mails, time
employees 41.06.460 management for state civil service 1.12.070
authorized, when 41.06.455 administration purposes 41.06.280 Executions, adverse claims of third persons to
retention 41.06.450 political activities prohibited, exceptions property levied upon, See EXECUTIONS
application, classified and exempt 41.06.250 Executors and administrators
employees 41.06.460 purchasing service by contract 41.06.142 claims not acted on, suit against on bond, also
exemption of formerly classified position reinstatement after appeal 41.06.220 creditors and distributees 11.76.170
right of reversion 41.06.070 rules purchase of claims by 11.48.080
exemptions scope 41.06.150 Exemptions from execution, claim of appraisal,
archaeology and historic preservation, office rules of the director of office of financial list and valuations 6.15.060
of 41.06.095 management Guardian and ward, See GUARDIAN AND
chief information officer, office of the WARD, subtitle Claims and debts against
41.06.101 mandatory subjects 41.06.150
salaries and fringe benefits estate
commerce, department of 41.06.072 Health maintenance organizations, professional
corrections, department of 41.06.071 salaries
comparable worth 41.06.155 negligence, limitations on 4.16.350
department of agriculture 41.06.084 Hospital personnel, professional negligence,
department of social and health services payment of withheld unless employed in
accordance with chapter 41.06.270 limitations on 4.16.350
43.20A.090 Hospitals, professional negligence, limitations
early learning, department of 41.06.097 schedules 41.06.160
state salary schedule 41.06.162 on 4.16.350
economic and revenue forecast council Housing finance commission 4.92.040
41.06.087 surveys 41.06.157, 41.06.160
short title 41.06.900 Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL
enterprise services, department of 41.06.099 INSURANCE, subtitle Claims
enumeration 41.06.070 social and health services, department of
financial management, office of as applicable to 43.20A.050 Insolvent insurers, time for filing 48.31.310
personnel exempt 41.06.075 state patrol Insurance
health, department of 41.06.074 exemptions for confidential secretaries disability insurance, See INSURANCE,
life sciences discovery fund authority 41.06.093 subtitle Disability insurance
41.06.096 suspension, dismissal or demotion of Insurance, See also INSURANCE, subtitle
minority and womens business enterprises, employees Claims
office of 41.06.082 appeals 41.06.170 Liens
Puget Sound partnership 41.06.098 limitation on length of suspension 41.06.170 logging claims Ch. 60.24
school directors association 41.06.086 rules as to 41.06.150 Mining, See MINES AND MINING, subtitle
social and health services, department of training and career development plans Mining claims
41.06.076 agency plan, costs and budget 41.06.410 Motor vehicles
transportation, department of 41.06.079 training and career development programs underinsured motorists, for 48.22.030
world fair commission 41.06.085 entry-level management training course Nursing homes, professional negligence,
false academic credentials, penalties designation of supervisory or management limitations on 4.16.350
41.06.204 positions 41.06.420 Opticians, professional negligence, limitations
federal funds, authority to receive 41.06.350 requirements, suspension, waiver on 4.16.350
federal requirements for funds, conflict in 41.06.420 Optometrists, professional negligence,
favor of 41.06.260 powers and duties of department of limitations on 4.16.350
financial management, office of enterprise services 41.06.400 Osteopathic physician and physicians assistant,
deputy directors, exemption 43.41.080 sexual harassment 41.06.395 professional negligence, limitations on
employees of, application 43.41.070 unfair labor practices, provisions, application 4.16.350
financial management, office of, director of to civil service employees 41.06.340 Personal representatives
employee performance evaluation 41.06.169 State internship program claims not acted upon, suit against on bond,
powers and duties 41.06.133 agency full time equivalent limitations also creditors and distributors 11.76.170
higher education institutions unaffected 43.06.435 purchase of claim by 11.48.080

[RCW Indexpage 104] (2016 Ed.)


Pharmacists, professional negligence, limitations County commissioners referees report 4.48.080

on 4.16.350 county auditor as 36.32.110 rulings and decisions of superior court
Physical therapists, professional negligence, temporary 36.22.120 judges 2.08.190
limitations on 4.16.350 Court of appeals service by publication affidavit 4.28.100
Physicians and surgeons, professional acknowledgment of instruments 64.08.010 verdict 4.44.460
negligence, limitations on 4.16.350 Municipal courts 35.20.210, 35.20.220 filing with, See also RECORDING AND
Physicians assistant, professional negligence, Superior courts FILING
limitations on 4.16.350 abstract of verdict, duties 4.64.100 filing with judicial sales
Physicians trained mobile intensive care acknowledgment of instruments 64.08.010 confirmation proceedings 6.21.110
paramedic, professional negligence, affidavit required for service by publication, garnishment, grounds for issuance for writ of
limitations on 4.16.350 filed with 4.28.100 garnishment by clerk 6.27.020
Podiatric physicians and surgeons, professional aliens committed for crime, notice to habeas corpus
negligence, limitations on 4.16.350 immigration authorities, copies of clerks issuance of writs and process 7.36.240
Port district toll facilities 53.34.200 records 10.70.150 indexing by
Practical nurse, professional negligence, assignment of judgment filed with 4.56.090 certified abstracts of judgments 4.64.120
limitations on 4.16.350 attachment certified transcript of judgment of district
Psychologist, professional negligence, bond filed with 6.25.080 court 4.64.120
limitations on 4.16.350 issuance of writ 6.25.030 issuance of copies of instruments restoring
Public participation lawsuits attestation of court records and proceedings civil rights 5.44.090
special motion to strike claim for admission in evidence 5.44.010 judicial sales
damages, costs, attorneys fees, other relief bonds, official, determination of amount confirmation docket entries 6.21.110
4.24.525 36.32.020 custody of money before confirmation
Receivers Ch. 7.60 civil rights, issuance of copies of instruments 6.21.110
Registered nurse, professional negligence, restoring 5.44.090 jury impanelling procedure, duties 4.44.120
limitations on 4.16.350 cost bill filed with 4.84.090 levy and sale on execution of judgment, duties
Services, audit by county auditor 36.22.080 cost bills in felony cases, duties 10.46.220 6.17.130
Shoplifting or unpaid restaurant meals, costs listing legal newspapers 65.16.070
additional penalty, assignment of, prohibited bond in lieu of separate security filed with money in lieu of bond in civil actions
4.24.230 4.84.220 deposited 4.44.470
State, against deposits in lieu of bonds for security for costs motion dockets, entering argument date of
claims against made to legislature, or risk 4.84.210 issues of law 4.44.020
management office, payment procedure security for costs filed with 4.84.210 oaths and affirmations administered by
4.92.040 standing bond for numerous actions 4.84.220 5.28.010
payment, procedure 4.92.160 taxation by, retaxation by court 4.84.200 partition proceedings, See PARTITION
State, against, See also STATE, subtitle Actions court exhibits permanent register of rules of boundary
against destruction, sheriffs disposal, or review board 36.93.210
Taxing districts preservation 36.23.070 powers and duties
payment before approval by legislative body reporters notes, unopened depositions, judgment against state 4.92.040
42.24.180 destruction, sheriffs disposal, or record of attendance of witnesses to be kept by
Time of filing preservation 36.23.070 4.84.090
evidence of, mailed 1.12.070 court records, custody and delivery 36.23.040 redemption, certificate of judgment docket
tort claims criminal procedure, final record of 6.23.080
state 4.92.100 proceedings made by 10.64.100 referees report filed with 4.48.080
Trustees, power to settle claims 11.98.070 decisions of superior court judges filed with rulings and decisions of superior court judges
2.08.190 filed with 2.08.190
CLALLAM COUNTY deposits with, in lieu of bond for security for satisfaction of judgment for payment of
Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.050 costs 4.84.210 money only
Superior court judges, number of 2.08.064 disbursement statement filed with 4.84.090 procedure 4.56.100
CLAMS (See FISH AND FISHING) eminent domain proceedings affidavit of specific designation required 4.56.100
unknown owners filed with 4.28.120 state, judgments against, duties 4.92.040
CLARK COUNTY support of dependent children, support money
entries in execution docket (contents)
Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.060 4.64.080 paid through department of public
Superior court judges, number of 2.08.062 entry of judgment in execution docket assistance upon written notice to the clerk
CLEAN AIR ACT (See AIR POLLUTION 4.64.030 of the court 74.20.101
CONTROL, subtitle Washington clean entry of verdict by 4.64.020 surcharges
air act) execution docket duties 4.64.060 enumeration 36.18.020
CLEAN INDOOR AIR ACT (See SMOKING, execution docket entries by 4.64.100 testimony, taking by 5.28.010
subtitle Washington clean indoor air act) execution of judgments transcript of record entries on venue change
duties 6.17.120 4.12.100
CLEAN WASHINGTON CENTER (See fees transmission of records on venue change
RECYCLING, subtitle Clean Washington electronic payment 36.23.100 4.12.090
center) enumeration 36.18.020 trial docket, entering trial date of issues of fact
CLEMENCY AND PARDONS BOARD registration of land 65.12.780 4.44.020
Jails filing with verdicts filed with 4.44.460
emergency in population attachment writ of execution subscribed by 6.17.110
governors response, alternatives 9.94A.875 bond 6.25.080 Supreme court
cost, bond in lieu of separate security acknowledgment of instruments 64.08.010
CLERGY (See also CHURCHES; habeas corpus
RELIGION) 4.84.220
cost bill 4.84.090 issuance of writs and process 7.36.240
Family court 26.12.170 oaths and affirmations administered by
decisions and rulings made outside of county
Judgments, execution of where cause is pending 2.08.200 5.28.010
exempt property 6.15.010 disbursement statement 4.84.090 process, style of 2.04.050
Privileged communications 5.60.060 eminent domain proceedings, affidavit of taking testimony 5.28.010
Sacramental liquors or wines, liquor law unknown owners 4.28.120
exemptions 66.20.020 CLOTHING
generally Ch. 36.23 Childrens sleepwear, See FLAMMABLE
State institutions judgments
chaplains 72.01.210, 72.01.212, 72.01.220, FABRICS
certified copies of assignment of judgment
72.01.230, 72.01.240 4.56.090 CLOUD ON TITLE (See also EJECTMENT
outside ministers 72.01.260 judicial sales AND QUIETING TITLE)
CLERKS redemption 6.23.040 Real property, removal by court 65.12.040
Cities and towns, See CITIES AND TOWNS, note of issue of facts 4.44.020 CLUBS
subtitle Clerks note of issue of law furnished to 4.44.020 Alcoholic beverages
County clerks, See COUNTY CLERK official bonds 36.16.060 bottle clubs, license 66.24.480

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 105]


delivery by minors, limitation 66.44.340 Session laws immunity from suit 19.16.330
licenses required 66.24.481 correction of clerical errors and punctuation meetings, quorum 19.16.300
private club beer and wine license 66.24.452 permitted 44.20.060 members 19.16.280
sale on premises by minor, limitation publication 44.20.050 powers and duties 19.16.351
66.44.340 publication, distribution, sale, exchange records 19.16.340
spirits, beer, and wine private club license, 40.04.031 terms 19.16.290
conditions and qualifications 66.24.450 State register territorial scope of operations 19.16.320
spirits, beer, and wine restaurant license, attorney generals opinions, published in vacancy 19.16.300
conditions and qualifications 66.24.400, 34.08.020 Branch office certificate
66.24.410, 66.24.420, 66.24.425 authority 34.05.210 assignability 19.16.180
Camping resorts Ch. 19.105 contents contents and form 19.16.160
COAL certification of, when 34.08.040 issuance and fees 19.16.150
Closure of coal-fired electric generation facilities period of 34.08.020 Cash deposit or securities in lieu of bond,
43.155.140, 43.160.076, Ch. 80.82 rules prescribing style, format and exception 19.16.190
Pipes numbering system for adopted by Change of name or business location 19.16.170
franchises to construct along state highways 34.08.030 Checks, dishonored 62A.3-530, 62A.3-540,
47.44.010 transmitted to by agencies and official, rules 62A.3-550
Transition of eligible coal units regarding 34.08.030 Claims
retirement account, placing regulatory created
prohibited practices, impact on claim
liabilities into Ch. 80.84 period of 34.08.020 19.16.450
legislative finding 34.08.010
COAL MINING Copy of chapter, rules and regulations available
publication to licensees 19.16.420
Explosives law, effect 70.74.210
Leases, state land period of 34.08.020
publication in Corrections, department authorized to use for
mineral, coal, oil, and gas leases Ch. 79.14 offender debt collection 72.09.450
Surface mining deemed official notice 34.08.040
regular meetings, schedule of, change of, Courts of limited jurisdiction may use 3.02.045
federal preemption 78.44.055 Debts, tolling statute of limitations by part
Thermal electric generating facilities published in 42.30.075
Statutes payment 4.16.270
compensation and training of displaced Definitions 19.16.100
workers annotations, omission of 1.08.017
multiple amendments, correction 1.12.025 Financial statement 19.16.245
funding 50.12.080 Injunctions 19.16.460, 19.16.480
repealed without reference to amendment,
COAST GUARD correction 1.12.025 License
Acknowledgments, oaths and affirmations, Validity or constitutionality of measures, code application content and form 19.16.130
depositions, affidavits, and powers of notary reviser not required to give opinion 1.08.028 assignability 19.16.180
public, power of officers to take or civil penalty 19.16.120
administer, legal effect 73.20.010 CODES contents and form 19.16.160
Administrative code, See ADMINISTRATIVE display 19.16.160
COCAINE (See DRUGS, subtitle Controlled PROCEDURE
substances) fees, exemptions 19.16.140
Electrical, See ELECTRICITY grandfather clause 19.16.120
Attorneys Insurance, See INSURANCE, subtitle Code hearing 19.16.351
American bar association code of ethics Revised code of Washington, See REVISED operating without, penalty 19.16.430
adopted 2.48.230 CODE OF WASHINGTON out-of-state collection agencies 19.16.110
violation grounds for disbarment and preemption of local authority 19.16.920
CODICILS (See WILLS) prerequisite to suit 19.16.260
suspension 2.48.220
Conflict of interest CODIFICATION required 19.16.110
horse racing commission, officers and Ordinances of cities and towns 35.21.500, requirements 19.16.120
employees 67.16.140, 67.16.150, 35.21.510, 35.21.520, 35.21.530, 35.21.540, suspension, revocation, or denial 19.16.120,
67.16.160 35.21.550, 35.21.560, 35.21.570 19.16.351
insurance, prohibition 48.02.090 Statutes, See REVISED CODE OF uniform regulation of business and
Contract, defined 42.23.020 WASHINGTON professions act 19.16.510
Contract interests by municipal officers COERCION unprofessional conduct 19.16.120
42.23.010, 42.23.030, 42.23.040, 42.23.050, Defined, for Criminal Code 9A.36.070 Licensing directors authority 19.16.410
42.23.060 Out-of-state agencies
Contracting party, defined 42.23.020 COINS license 19.16.110
Coin silver, use of words, penalty 9.16.110, Payment for services 19.16.220
OF WASHINGTON; STATUTE LAW Presumption of validity of assignment 19.16.270
COMMITTEE) COLD STORAGE PLANTS Prohibited practices 19.16.250
Administrative and support services Cities and towns, acquisition and operation impact on claims 19.16.450
office of legislative support services 35.92.040 Public debts
44.80.020 Controlled atmosphere storage of fruits and state and political subdivisions may use
Administrative rules vegetables, See FRUITS; VEGETABLES collection agency, fees 19.16.500
format and style 34.05.390, 34.05.395 Port districts, acquisition and operation Recordkeeping requirements 19.16.230
adoption of rules, regulating by code reviser 53.08.020 Service of process outside state 19.16.390
34.05.385 COLLABORATIVE LAW (See ACTIONS Superior court, collection of unpaid financial
publication duties 34.05.210 AND PROCEEDINGS) obligations 36.18.190
record of 34.05.380 COLLATERAL Surety bond
unconstitutional or obsolete rules, removal of Federally guaranteed obligations, use as action on 19.16.200
34.05.210 39.60.040 Surety bond, exception 19.16.190
Compensation of 1.08.011 Tax authority of political subdivisions not
Defined 1.08.013 Insured deposits and accounts by federal
government, use of as collateral security affected 19.16.920
Employment 1.08.011 Trust fund account, requirements and exception
Gender-neutral terms 39.60.040
State depositaries, See DEPOSITARIES, subtitle 19.16.240
statutes, memorials, resolutions 1.08.130, Violations
44.04.210 State depositaries
assurance of discontinuance 19.16.470
Legislative records, confidentiality of bill COLLECTION AGENCIES civil penalties 19.16.900
drafting records 40.14.180 Accounting of collections 19.16.210
Actions against regents, trustees, officers, injunctions 19.16.460, 19.16.480
Location 1.08.033 operating without license, penalty 19.16.430
Powers and duties Ch. 1.08 employees, or agents of institutions of higher
Publications of statute law committee education or education boards 28B.10.842 unfair and deceptive trade practices 19.16.440
availability in digital form on legislative web Board COLLECTION OF DEBTS
sites 1.08.080 compensation and travel expenses 19.16.310 Tolling statute of limitations by part payment
Secretary of statute law committee 1.08.007 executive officer 19.16.280 4.16.270

[RCW Indexpage 106] (2016 Ed.)


COLLECTIVE BARGAINING (See also programs for intercollegiate competition funding and refunding 28B.10.315
LABOR; LABOR UNIONS) 28B.10.703 generally 28B.10.305
Community and technical colleges Ch. 28B.52 Attorney general as legal advisor 28B.10.510 interest rate 28B.10.325
Ferry employees Ch. 47.64 Audiology liability of state 28B.10.330
Institutions of higher education Ch. 41.76 applied doctorate level degrees sale, interest, form, payment, terms
Mediation proceedings Western Washington University 28B.35.216 28B.10.315
mediation by state or federal agency, Aviation biofuel demonstration project use of buildings and facilities 28B.10.305
determination of questions of privilege and state university or foundation income from contracts, alternative process for awarding
confidentiality 5.60.072 commercialization 28B.10.924 critical patient care or specialized medical
Port districts 53.18.015, 53.18.020 Baccalaureate degree programs research, buildings and facilities in which
Public employees collective bargaining Ch. accelerated 28B.10.118 located 28B.20.744
41.56 Boards of regents or trustees termination, repeal 43.131.413, 43.131.414
Public utility district employees, rights of entrance requirements University of Washington
54.04.170, 54.04.180 minimum requirements, authority to exceed contracts for improvements, construction
School employees, public 28B.10.050 28B.20.140
agreements, publication on school web sites Bond issues employment of architects, engineers,
28A.320.055 buildings and facilities authorized 28B.20.135
State collective bargaining Ch. 41.80 1957 act visual arts program 28B.10.027
State patrol alternative process for awarding contracts Capital projects
regional compensation adjustments 43.43.001 28B.20.744, 43.131.413, 43.131.414 general obligation bonds Ch. 43.99G, Ch.
Symphony musicians Ch. 49.39 generally 28B.20.715, 28B.20.720, 43.99H
28B.20.721, 28B.20.725, 28B.20.730, higher education capital project strategic
COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES (See also 28B.20.735, 28B.20.740, 28B.20.745 planning Ch. 43.88D
COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL 1961 act 28B.35.730, 28B.35.750, Washingtons future bond issue Ch. 28B.14H
COLLEGES; REGIONAL 28B.35.770, 28B.35.780, 28B.35.790 Center for deployment and research in earth-
UNIVERSITIES; THE EVERGREEN generally 28B.10.300, 28B.10.305, abundant materials, joint
STATE COLLEGE; UNIVERSITY OF 28B.10.310, 28B.10.315, 28B.10.320, JCDREAM act Ch. 28B.156
WASHINGTON; WASHINGTON 28B.10.325, 28B.10.330 Charitable annuities, exemption 48.23.010
STATE UNIVERSITY) retirement 28B.15.800, 28B.15.805 Charitable gift annuities
Accelerated baccalaureate degree programs state higher education construction account, issuance, authorized 28B.10.485
28B.10.118 creation 28B.10.851 obligation as to annuity payments 28B.10.487
Advanced college tuition payment program Ch. validation of prior bond issues 28B.10.335 Check cashing for students and employees
28B.95 Washingtons future bond issue Ch. 28B.14H 28B.10.031
Aerospace training student loan program Ch. Border county higher education opportunity Child abuse and neglect
28B.122 project 28B.15.0139, Ch. 28B.76 reporting by higher education institutions
Affirmative action Boxing, martial arts, mixed martial arts, and 28B.10.846
legislative findings, purpose 49.74.005 wrestling matches Child care
noncompliance exemption from department of licensing four-year student child care in higher
conciliation, order issued 49.74.030 regulation 67.08.015 education account 28B.135.040
failure to reach conciliation, referral to Branch campuses four-year student child care in higher
administrative law judge for hearing Central Washington University, Yakima area education account program 28B.135.010
49.74.031 28B.45.060 student child care in higher education grants
procedure 49.74.020 community and technical colleges, Ch. 28B.135
superior court, remedies 49.74.050 partnership with 28B.45.080 Collective bargaining 41.56.513, Ch. 41.76
Alcohol and drug abuse findings, intent 28B.45.012 College in the high school program
treatment, responsibility, and accountability mission and duties 28B.45.014 rules and funding 28A.600.290
on campus (Back on TRAC) courts, University of Washington, Tacoma and College savings program Ch. 28B.95
authorized 2.30.010 Bothell-Woodinville area campuses Collegiate license plate fund, use for scholarships
Alcoholic beverages 28B.45.020 28B.10.890
promotion and sales restricted 66.28.160 Washington State University, Tri-cities area Commercial activities Ch. 28B.63
sales on campus, Washington products 28B.45.030 Community and technical colleges
66.44.193 Washington State University, Vancouver defined 28B.10.016
Alcoholism 28B.45.040 international student exchange program
educational materials on to be made available Budgets established 28B.15.524
on campuses 28B.10.295 essential requirements level budget resident tuition for participants 28B.15.526
American Indian endowed scholarship program calculation enrollment levels waiver of nonresident tuition fees
Ch. 28B.108 estimates of participation rate and differential 28B.15.527
Animal facilities enrollment level 28B.10.784 Construction projects
acts against research and educational facilities funding level and inflation factor high-performance public buildings
liability for damages 4.24.570 28B.10.780 requirements 28B.10.354
criminal acts against increased enrollment target level, inclusion small works roster 28B.10.350
definition 9.08.090 in budget documents 28B.10.782 Contracts
legislative intent 9.08.080 new enrollments, funding level, and inflation county hospitals, with, for provision of
injunctive relief to prevent harassment or factor 28B.10.778 medical service, teaching and research
occurrence of tort 4.24.580 participation rate 28B.10.776 activities 36.62.290
Annuities, charitable, exemption 48.23.010 recommendations to governor and interest rate, declared legal despite interest
Appropriations from general fund legislature 28B.10.784 rate 39.90.060
reductions 28B.15.066 student financial aid programs funding level public works procurement contracts, awarding
Art, works of, purchase 28B.10.025 28B.10.786 to veteran-owned businesses 28B.10.024
allocate as a nondeductible item 28B.10.027 priorities and levels of funding for higher student educational loan contracts Ch. 26.30
Athletes education 28B.77.070 subject to minority and womens business
steroid use, loss of eligibility 69.41.340 services and activities fees, budget procedure enterprises law 28B.10.023
student athletes, athlete agents, and 28B.15.044, 28B.15.045 Course materials, cost savings 28B.10.590
educational institutions Ch. 19.225 Building fees Courses, studies, and instruction
Athletics defined 28B.15.025 AIDS information 28B.10.730
financial assistance to participants 28B.10.704 established 28B.15.069 physical education 28B.10.700
gender equity Building fees, See COLLEGES AND state or Pacific Northwest history and
goals 28B.15.455 UNIVERSITIES, subtitle Fees government course for teachers 28B.10.710
tuition and fee waivers 28B.15.460 Buildings and facilities Credit card marketing policies 28B.10.618
underrepresented gender class, defined bond issues Crimes relating to
28B.15.470 acquisition, construction, equipping, and interfering by force or violence with
printing and concessions, bids required betterment 28B.10.310 administrator, faculty member, or student
28B.10.640 construction of act 28B.10.320 28B.10.570

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 107]


exemption 28B.10.572 length of service 28B.10.415 powers regarding issuance of bonds,

intimidating by threat of force or violence any limitation on institutions contribution investments, transfer of funds, etc.
administrator, faculty member, or student 28B.10.410 28B.35.760
28B.10.571 limits and adjustments 28B.10.423 powers to adopt bylaws 28B.40.105
exemption 28B.10.572 membership while serving as state Faculty
term papers, theses, dissertations, sale of legislators 28B.10.409 sick leave records to be maintained 41.04.340
prohibited 28B.10.582, 28B.10.584 minimum benefits, computation 28B.10.430 Fees
violations, exemptions, injunctive relief, monthly benefit, post-retirement adjustment building fees
civil penalties 28B.10.584 28B.10.430 defined 28B.15.025
Debt collection, financing, late charges, retirement age, reemployment 28B.10.420 established 28B.15.069
collection expenses, authorized 28B.10.293 supplemental benefit plans, actuarial University of Washington
Debts, declared legal despite interest rate valuation of 28B.10.423 disposition 28B.15.210
39.90.060 supplemental payment 28B.10.401 community and technical colleges
Definitions 28B.10.100, 28B.15.005, TRS credit, rights and duties of faculty or waiver of nonresident tuition fees
28B.15.012 employees with 28B.10.417 28B.15.520
institutions of higher education 28B.10.016 insurance 28B.10.660 waivers 28B.15.520
nonresident tuition fees differential leaves of absence 28B.10.650 degree programs, from state-funded to self-
28B.15.022 remunerated professional leaves 28B.10.650 supporting and fee-based 28B.15.071
Degree programs retirement, employees, option to transfer to general tuition
from state-funded to self-supporting and fee- plan 3 41.40.798 needy student financial aid, state
based 28B.15.071 appropriations 28B.15.065
Development, economic and workplace retirement, faculty, option to transfer to plan 3
41.32.836 generally Ch. 28B.15
commercialization of opportunities graduate service appointments
28B.10.630 wages, biweekly pay schedule, optional
exception 42.16.010 fee waiver 28B.15.615
Disabilities, persons with grants for undergraduate coursework
core services 28B.10.910, 28B.10.912 Energy conservation projects in buildings
authority to implement 39.35C.050 Washington award for vocational excellence
nondiscrimination policy 28B.10.912 28B.15.545
reasonable accommodation 28B.10.914 Enrollment forecasts 43.62.050
Enrollment levels for essential requirements Washington scholar award recipients
supplemental instructional materials 28B.15.543
28B.10.916 level budget calculation
estimates of participation rate and enrollment home tuition programs 28B.15.725
Disabilities, students with installment payments 28B.15.411
totally disabled, defined 28B.15.385 level 28B.10.784
funding level and inflation factor 28B.10.780 joint programs, equalization 28B.15.110
Disability history month 28B.10.918 limitation on total tuition and fee waivers
Discrimination to deny public accommodations increased enrollment target level, inclusion in
budget documents 28B.10.782 28B.15.740
because of race, color, or creed, penalty limitations
9.91.010 new enrollments, funding level, and inflation
factor 28B.10.778 set by institution 28B.15.100
Distinguished professorship trust fund program operating fees
Ch. 28B.76 participation rate 28B.10.776
recommendations to governor and legislature defined 28B.15.031
Drug and alcohol abuse disposition 28B.15.031
treatment, responsibility, and accountability 28B.10.784
student financial aid programs funding level limitation on total revenue waived,
on campus (Back on TRAC) courts, exempted, or reduced 28B.15.910
authorized 2.30.010 28B.10.786
Entrance requirements, generally 28B.10.050 needy student financial aid, state
Drug testing laboratories, employees, duties, appropriations 28B.15.065
compensation 28B.20.315 Ethics in public service
Dual credit programs waiver, report 28B.15.915
administrative process, research 42.52.220 reciprocity, British Columbia
annual report to legislature 28A.600.280 definitions, research 42.52.010
financial aid eligibility, impact on waiver of nonresident tuition fees
The Evergreen State College differential 28B.15.756
28A.600.285 application of existing state college laws to
Dual-credit programs reciprocity, Idaho
new college 28B.40.830 waiver of nonresident tuition fees
dual credit program, definition 28B.15.821 board of trustees, powers and duties
Education savings account 43.79.465 differential 28B.15.750
28B.40.830 reciprocity, Oregon
Educational specialist degrees bond issues for buildings and facilities1961
Central Washington University 28B.35.202 agreement, scope 28B.15.730
act 28B.35.700, 28B.35.710, 28B.35.720 implementation agreement 28B.15.734
Eastern Washington University 28B.35.202 building fees
The Evergreen State College 28B.40.202 refund, cancellation 28B.15.600
disposition 28B.35.370 resident operating fee exemption 28B.15.615
Western Washington University 28B.35.202 defined 28B.10.016
Electronic signatures services and activities committee 28B.15.045
degrees authorized 28B.40.200, 28B.40.202, services and activities fees
human resource, benefits, or payroll processes 28B.40.206
28B.10.019 defined 28B.15.041
diplomas, certificate, signing, contents dispute resolution 28B.15.045
Eminent domain 28B.10.020 28B.40.230
Employees established 28B.15.069
established, location 28B.40.810 guidelines for programs 28B.15.045
actions against, defense, costs, payment of expulsion or suspension of students
obligations 28B.10.840, 28B.10.842 mandatory provisions 28B.15.045
28B.40.350 student fees, voluntary 28B.15.610
direct deposit of salary or wages, alternatives fire protection, authority 28B.40.190
to for higher education employees technology fees
41.04.240 model schools and training departments defined, use and approval 28B.15.051
joint employee-management committees enrollment estimate 28B.40.305 exemption 28B.15.615
41.06.540 school districts to receive credit for tuition
peer review attendance 28B.40.315 American Indian students 28B.15.0131
immunity for committee members normal school fund revenues, disposition defined 28B.15.020
28B.10.648 28B.35.370, 28B.35.751 established 28B.15.067
Employees, See also PUBLIC OFFICERS AND presidents tuition-setting authority, systemic
EMPLOYEES powers and duties 28B.40.390 performance audit of 44.28.816
Employees and faculty school districts to furnish pupils for training of University of Washington
annuity and retirement income plans teachers 28B.40.310 building fees
41.32.800, 41.32.802, 41.32.836, treasurer, appointment 28B.40.195 disposition 28B.20.720
41.32.860, 41.32.862 trustees medical or dental, exemption for certain
annuity and retirement plans 28B.10.400 appointment, terms of office 28B.40.820 nonresidents 28B.15.225
additional pension for retirees 28B.10.425 appointment, terms of office, vacancies, special fees, disposition 28B.15.220
contributions by employees 28B.10.405 quorum 28B.40.100 waiver
credit for leave without pay 28B.10.407 meetings 28B.40.110 foreign students 28B.15.555, 28B.15.556
higher education retirement plan officers, quorum 28B.40.105 military, certain service members receiving
supplemental benefit fund 28B.10.423 powers and duties 28B.40.120 tuition assistance 28B.15.622

[RCW Indexpage 108] (2016 Ed.)


nonresident tuition differential for western created, building fees and grants deposited Higher education personnel service fund
undergraduate exchange program 28B.30.740 contributions to fund 41.06.285
students 28B.15.544 Washington State University building account Higher education personnel system, See
senior citizens, limitations 28B.15.540 building fees deposited 28B.15.310 HIGHER EDUCATION PERSONNEL
waivers for gender equity in intercollegiate Future teachers conditional scholarship and loan SYSTEM
athletics, limitation 28B.15.740 repayment program Ch. 28B.102 Higher education planning and policy
Washington State University G. Robert Ross distinguished faculty award accountability monitoring and reporting
building fees established 28B.10.878 system 28B.77.090
disposition 28B.15.310 Gender equity in intercollegiate athletics budget priorities and levels of funding
services and activities fees goals 28B.15.455 28B.77.070
exemptions 28B.15.380 intent 28B.15.450 data collection and research 28B.77.100
tuition tuition and fee waivers 28B.15.460 educational attainment goals and priorities
exemptions underrepresented gender class, defined action plan and roadmap 28B.77.020
nonresident tuition fees differential under 28B.15.470 needs assessment process for higher education
western regional higher education Gender-based discrimination Ch. 28B.110 28B.77.080
compact 28B.70.050 Governing boards Higher education reimbursable short-term bond
tuition fees actions against, defense, costs, payment of account 43.83.320
exemptions 28B.15.380 obligations 28B.10.840, 28B.10.842 Higher education retirement plan supplemental
Financial aid, See FINANCIAL AID, defined 28B.10.016 benefit fund
STUDENT; STUDENT FINANCIAL delegation of powers and duties 28B.10.528 investment, authority over funds 41.50.080
ASSISTANCE, OFFICE OF insurance to protect and hold personally Holidays for students for reasons of conscience,
Financial aid programs harmless 28B.10.844 faith, or religious activity
applications oath of office 28B.10.520 higher education institutions, students in
due dates and information, notification removal 28B.10.500 28B.10.039
28B.92.005 travel expenses 28B.10.525 Home tuition programs 28B.15.725
eligibility, terminated for disruptive activities University of Washington Hospitals, contracts with county hospitals for
28B.10.281 regents 28B.20.110 provision of medical services, teaching and
federal student aid programs 28B.10.280 degrees, granting 28B.20.130 research activities 36.62.290
funding level for essential requirements level diplomas, granting 28B.20.130 Housing
budget calculation 28B.10.786 faculty members and employees, liquor and illegal drug use, complaint
gaining independence for students with employment of 28B.20.130 procedures and sanctions 28B.10.575
dependents, grant program Ch. 28B.133 generally 28B.20.100 liquor-free areas 28B.10.575
institutional financial aid fund 28B.15.820 meetings, officers of the board 28B.20.105 Immunity
national defense education act, loan fund powers and duties 28B.20.130 peer review committee members 28B.10.648
28B.10.280 university fund expenditures 28B.20.130 Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL
nonpayment or default on loan or scholarship Graduate assistants INSURANCE, subtitle Colleges and
2.48.165 English, effective communication universities
residents attending college or university in requirement Information technology
another state implementation of principles 28B.15.794 K-20 network Ch. 43.41
authorization 28B.10.790 principles 28B.15.792 Institutional financial aid fund 28B.15.820
guidelines 28B.10.792 Graduate fellowship trust fund program Ch. Institutions of higher education
state student financial aid program Ch. 28B.92 28B.76 defined 28B.10.016
state work-study program Ch. 28B.12 Graduate service appointments Insurance
Financial assistance to participants in health care benefits 28B.10.660 blanket disability, See INSURANCE, subtitle
intercollegiate athletics or performing arts Graduation rate improvement Group disability insurance
28B.10.704 adoption of strategies to reduce time required charitable annuities, exemption 48.23.010
Financing contracts, authority 28B.10.022 to get degree and to improve graduation health care benefits for graduate service
Flags, display of United States 28B.10.030 rate as part of institutional strategic plan appointees 28B.10.660
Foreign branch campuses Ch. 28B.90 28B.10.691 officers, employees, and students 28B.10.660
exemption from regulation of private degree- student progression understandings, authority regional universities 28B.10.660
granting institutions under chapter 28B.85 of institutions 28B.10.693 students participating in studies or research
RCW 28B.85.906 Hazing outside the United States 28B.10.660
operation does not constitute conducting defined 28B.10.900 Insurance to protect and hold personally harmless
affairs in state 24.03.305 impermissible conduct associated with regents, trustees, officers, employees or
registration as foreign nonprofit corporation initiation or with group pastime or agents of institutions of higher education or
not required 24.03.305 amusement, each institution to adopt rules educational boards 28B.10.844
workers compensation, application of act providing sanctions 28B.10.903 Integrated pest management Ch. 17.15
51.12.160 organization that permits hazing, loss of International exchange scholarship program Ch.
Foreign students official recognition or approval 28B.10.902 28B.109
tuition waiver 28B.15.555, 28B.15.556 participation in, loss of entitlement to state- Investment authority, generally 28B.10.928
Foster care endowed scholarship program Ch. funded grants or awards 28B.10.902 Joint center for deployment and research in earth-
28B.116 prohibited, civil and criminal liability for abundant materials
Fund for innovation and quality in higher violations 28B.10.901 JCDREAM act Ch. 28B.156
education Ch. 28B.120 Health professional conditional scholarship Joint higher education committee 44.04.260,
Funds program Ch. 28B.115 44.04.360, 44.04.362, 44.04.364
The Evergreen State College High school students Joint programs, equalization of fees 28B.15.110
capital projects account postsecondary credit for high school K-20 information technology Ch. 43.41
building fees deposited 28B.35.370 coursework K-20 telecommunications system Ch. 43.41
normal school fees deposited 28B.35.370 master list of qualifying coursework and Laboratory stills, licenses 66.24.140
investment authority, generally 28B.10.928 examination scores 28B.10.053, Land, state, See PUBLIC LANDS, subtitle
statewide custody contracts 43.08.280 28B.77.200 Transfers, land
University of Washington bond retirement running start program Ch. 28A.600 Legal advisor, attorney general 28B.10.510
fund Higher education capital project strategic Libraries
building fees deposited 28B.15.210 planning Ch. 43.88D PNWER-Net interlibrary sharing network
University of Washington building account Higher education construction account 43.83.310 legislative findings 43.147.040
building fees deposited 28B.15.210 Higher education construction account, state PNWER-Net working subgroup 43.147.060
Washington State University 43.83.300 acceptance of gifts, grants, and donations
disposition of certain revenues Higher education construction accounts, certain authorized 43.147.080
agricultural college lands 28B.30.742 abolished duties 43.147.070
scientific school lands 28B.30.741 transfer of residue or credit 43.79.442 PNWER-Net interlibrary sharing system
Washington State University bond retirement Higher education facilities authority, See defined 43.147.050
fund HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES Liquor, promotion and sales on campus restricted
building fees deposited 28B.15.310 AUTHORITY 66.28.160

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 109]


Loans "eligible student" defined regarding inability central college fund, abolished and moneys
institutional student loan fund for needy to complete term because of service in transferred to general fund 43.79.300
students 28B.10.825 28B.10.017 central college fund, warrants to be paid
math and science teachers Personal identifiers from general fund 43.79.303
definitions 28B.15.760 social security numbers, prohibited eastern college fund, abolished and moneys
procedures, conditions 28B.15.762 28B.10.042 transferred to general fund 43.79.310
program duration 28B.15.766 system, funding 28B.10.0421 eastern college fund, warrants to be paid
publicize program 28B.15.764 Personal service contracts and purchases from general fund 43.79.313
student loan financing Ch. 28B.07 28B.10.029 normal school permanent fund, sources
Loans to students savings by institutions and use for student 43.79.160
institutional financial aid fund 28B.15.820 academic success, report 28B.10.0291 western college fund, abolished and moneys
Mathematics placement test 28B.10.679 Personnel management transferred to general fund 43.79.320
Medical school students, allopathic or joint employee-management committees western college fund, warrants to be paid
osteopathic 41.06.540 from general fund 43.79.323
clinical rotations, agreements with hospitals or Personnel officer honorary degrees, authority to confer
physicians for 28B.115.150, 28B.115.155 designation by each institution and related 28B.35.205
Meningococcal disease board required, duties 41.06.510 masters degree authorization 28B.35.205
information, students 70.54.370 Personnel resource and management policy model schools and training departments
Military, certain service members receiving 41.06.530 apportionment of public school pupils
tuition assistance Personnel system, See HIGHER EDUCATION 28B.35.310
fee waiver 28B.15.622 PERSONNEL SYSTEM attendance reports 28B.35.315
Military, students in Pest control authorized 28B.35.300, 28B.35.320
resident and nonresident students, definitions integrated pest management Ch. 17.15 estimate of required students 28B.35.305
28B.15.012 Police force normal school fund revenues, disposition
Military educational and career opportunities authorized 28B.10.550 28B.35.370, 28B.35.751
28B.10.360 benefits for duty-related death, disability, or organization, officers of board, quorum
Military reserves injury 28B.10.567 28B.35.105
students called to active duty, rights powers 28B.10.555 physical therapy, doctorate degree 28B.35.215
28B.15.625 traffic regulations 28B.10.560 president
students called to service, rights 28B.10.270 Precollege classes duties 28B.35.390
Military training, academic credit for 28B.10.057 students enrolled in precollege classes, housing allowance 28B.35.395
Minority and womens business enterprises, enrollment information and report meeting 28B.35.400
office of 28B.10.680, 28B.10.685 purposes, eligibility for designation
public works and procurement goals, when required, multiple measures, placement 28B.35.050
compliance 39.19.060, 39.19.075 options 28B.10.686 suspension, expulsion 28B.35.350
state agency or educational institution may be Prior learning, academic credit for teaching certificates, contents 28B.35.230
charged a reasonable fee based on its goals, work group, reports 28B.77.230 trustees
expenditure of funds subject to office Private degree-granting institutions Ch. 28B.85 appointment, terms, vacancies, quorum
39.19.230 Property 28B.35.100
National guard purchase and disposition 28B.10.029 general powers and duties 28B.35.120,
early course registration period 28B.15.624 Public employees retirement system 28B.35.195, 28B.35.196
students called to active duty, rights higher education classified employees
28B.15.625 meetings 28B.35.110
membership in retirement system 41.40.108 powers regarding issuance of bonds,
students called to service, rights 28B.10.270
Purchase of materials and supplies investments, transfer of funds, etc.
tuition waivers 28B.15.621
National guard conditional scholarship program authority, independent 28B.10.029 28B.35.760
Ch. 28B.103 Purchases and personal service contracts Religious activity, faith, or conscience
Needy student 28B.10.029 holidays for students 28B.10.039
financial aid, state appropriations 28B.15.065 savings by institutions and use for student Remedial classes
Nonresident student academic success, report 28B.10.0291 students enrolled in precollege classes,
classified 28B.15.011, 28B.15.013, Real property enrollment information and report
28B.15.015 acquisition 28B.10.020 28B.10.680, 28B.10.685
defined 28B.15.012 Reciprocity, British Columbia tuition and fee when required, multiple measures, placement
exemptions from tuition and fee differential program options 28B.10.686
28B.15.014 waiver of nonresident tuition fees differential Research
Nonresident tuition fees differential 28B.15.756 commercialization of 28B.10.630
definition 28B.15.022 Reciprocity, Idaho tuition and fee program ethics in public service 42.52.010, 42.52.220
Nonsectarian 28B.10.040 waiver of nonresident tuition fees differential private corporations, research work by
Normal school grant to regional universities and 28B.15.750 28B.10.620, 28B.10.625
The Evergreen State College 43.79.150 Reciprocity, Oregon tuition and fee program release of confidential records
Off-campus facilities, lease or purchase agreement, scope 28B.15.730 procedure 42.48.010, 42.48.020, 42.48.030,
28B.10.020 implementation agreement 28B.15.734 42.48.040, 42.48.050, 42.48.060
Open public meetings Records release for research Resident student
governing body of recognized student procedure 42.48.010, 42.48.020, 42.48.030, American Indian students 28B.15.0131
association 42.30.200 42.48.040, 42.48.050, 42.48.060 border county higher education opportunity
Operating fees Regional universities Ch. 28B.35 project 28B.15.0139
defined 28B.15.031 bachelors degree authorized 28B.35.200 classified 28B.15.011, 28B.15.013,
disposition 28B.15.031 bond issues for buildings and facilities 28B.15.015
Opportunity expansion program Ch. 28B.145 powers of trustees 28B.35.720 defined 28B.15.012
Opportunity pathways account, creation of bond issues for buildings and facilities1961 Running start program Ch. 28A.600
28B.76.526 act Scholarship information
Opportunity scholarship act definitions 28B.35.710 spouses and children of certain injured or dead
generally Ch. 28B.145 purpose, powers of trustees 28B.35.700 workers 42.52.575, 51.04.165
Opportunity scholarship board Ch. 28B.145 building fees Scholarships
Opportunity scholarship program Ch. 28B.145 disposition 28B.35.370 American Indian endowed scholarship
Parking defined 28B.10.016 program Ch. 28B.108
revenue deposit into state vehicle parking designation certified public accounting scholarship
account, exemption 43.01.235, 43.01.236 locations 28B.35.010 program 18.04.065, Ch. 28B.123
Payroll diplomas, issuance 28B.35.230 college bound program Ch. 28B.118
electronic signatures 28B.10.019 fees, See COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES, food animal veterinarian conditional
Performing arts, financial assistance to subtitle Fees scholarship program Ch. 28B.121
participants 28B.10.704 fire protection services 28B.35.190 foster care endowed scholarship program Ch.
Persian Gulf funds 28B.116

[RCW Indexpage 110] (2016 Ed.)


future teachers conditional scholarship and holidays for reasons of conscience, faith, or Washington scholar award recipients
loan repayment program Ch. 28B.102 religious activity 28B.10.039 28B.15.543
GET ready for math and science Ch. 28B.105 insurance 28B.10.660 joint programs, equalization of fees
health professional conditional scholarship student child care in higher education grants 28B.15.110
program Ch. 28B.115 Ch. 28B.135 limitations
passport to college promise program Ch. timely completion of degree or certificate, set by institution 28B.15.100
28B.117 policies 28B.10.695 nonresident tuition fees differential
state scholars program unemployment compensation, definition 28B.15.022
purpose 28A.600.100 disqualification 50.20.095 rates, modification of
Washington promise scholarship program Ch. Tax deferred annuities in lieu of salary institutional performance plans 28B.15.101
28B.119 28B.10.480 performance-based measures and goals
Seattle University Teacher certification, alternative routes, 28B.15.101
special license plates 46.04.525 partnering with school districts, plan for reduction in levels, effect on state need grant
Senior citizens 28B.10.033 awards 28B.92.065
fees, waiver 28B.15.540 Teacher shortage conditional grant program Ch. regional universities
Services and activities fee committee 28B.15.045 28B.102 exemptions
Services and activities fees Teacher training courses 28B.10.140 nonresident tuition fees differential under
defined 28B.15.041 Teachers western regional higher education
established 28B.15.069 preparation programs compact 28B.70.050
institutional loan fund for needy students, enhance awareness of teaching experience timely completion of degree or certificate,
allocation from 28B.15.043 28B.10.032 policies 28B.10.695
Services and activities fees, See also use of district schools for training teachers University of Washington
COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES, subtitle 28B.10.600 exemptions
Fees financing 28B.10.605 nonresident tuition fees differential under
Sexual violence on campuses Technologies developed at state universities western regional higher education
policies and procedures, climate assessments, companies created around, supporting compact 28B.70.050
and resources Ch. 28B.112 formation with bridge-funding programs waivers
Small works roster 28B.10.631 educational employees 28B.15.558
publication requirements inapplicable Technology state employees in classified service,
28B.10.350 high-technology education and training conditions and limitations 28B.15.558
State institutions program Ch. 28B.65 veterans, national guard members
facilities and equipment, use by educational online technology, common learning 28B.15.621
institutions and other entities authorized management system using 28B.10.923 Washington/Oregon reciprocity tuition and
72.01.450, 72.01.452, 72.01.454, Technology fees fee program, See COLLEGES AND
72.01.458 defined, use and approval 28B.15.051 UNIVERSITIES, subtitle Washington/
State internship program exemption 28B.15.615 Oregon reciprocity tuition and fee program
executive fellows program 43.06.420 Term papers, theses, dissertations, sale of wrongly convicted persons, redress for
undergraduate internship program 43.06.420 prohibited waiver of higher education tuition and fees
State need grant program Ch. 28B.92 definitions 28B.10.582 28B.15.395
violations, exemptions, injunctive relief, civil Tuition, See also COLLEGES AND
gaining independence for students with penalties 28B.10.584
dependents, grant program Ch. 28B.133 UNIVERSITIES, subtitle Fees
Textbook information, publishers duties Unemployment compensation
State need grant program, See also FINANCIAL 28B.10.592
AID, STUDENT academic year, definition 50.44.050
Traffic infractions benefits, terms and conditions 50.44.050
State register, considered state agency for jurisdiction 46.63.040
purpose of 34.08.050 reasonable assurance defined 50.44.053
Traffic regulations
State universities Ch. 28B.30 authorized 28B.10.560 University Center of North Puget Sound
defined 28B.10.016 Transfer and articulation policies, statewide management and leadership, Washington
State work-study program Ch. 28B.12 28B.77.210 State University to provide 28B.30.515
Steroids Transfer associate degrees University of Washington
student athletes, loss of eligibility for use work groups, implementation, progress arboretum and botanical gardens
69.41.340 reports 28B.77.220 conveyance of part to Seattle 28B.20.354
Student achievement council Ch. 28B.77 Transfer of credit policy and agreement, deed 28B.20.352
Student advisory committees, authority to form statewide 28B.77.215 grant of state land 28B.20.350
28B.15.190 Transfer students credit Lake Washington shorelands 28B.20.360
Student associations community and technical colleges, reconveyance for state highway purposes
athletic printing and concessions, bids transferring from 28B.10.696, 28B.50.785 28B.20.356, 28B.20.364
required 28B.10.640 Transportation demand management programs reverter for nonarboretum use 28B.20.356,
governing body of subject to open public Ch. 28B.130 28B.20.364
meetings act 42.30.200 Travel arrangements by colleges and universities Burke museum Ch. 27.40
Student educational loan contracts Ch. 26.30 28B.10.029 campus approach highway authorized
Student exchange compact program Ch. 28B.76 Travel expenses of prospective employees 47.20.590
Student financial assistance, office of 43.03.130 acquisition of property for 47.20.600
created, purpose 28B.76.090 Trustees, See COLLEGES AND condemnation for 47.20.610
generally Ch. 28B.76, Ch. 28B.92, Ch. UNIVERSITIES, subtitle Governing boards measure of damage to buildings 47.20.620
28B.95, Ch. 28B.97, Ch. 28B.105, Ch. Tuition use declared public use 47.20.605
28B.108, Ch. 28B.109, Ch. 28B.115, Ch. advanced college tuition payment program sale of buildings and personalty acquired in
28B.116, Ch. 28B.117, Ch. 28B.118, Ch. Ch. 28B.95 acquisition of land 47.20.630
28B.119, Ch. 28B.133, Ch. 28B.135 billing statements and web site 28B.15.0681 Seattle city ordinance requisite 47.20.635
powers and duties 28B.92.050 billing statements and web site, information center for research and training in intellectual
Student housing on tax credit notice 28B.15.0681 and developmental disabilities 28B.20.410,
liquor and illegal drug use, complaint border county higher education opportunity 28B.20.412, 28B.20.414
procedures and sanctions 28B.10.575 project 28B.15.0139 courses, studies, and instruction
liquor-free areas 28B.10.575 college saving program Ch. 28B.95 courses exclusive to 28B.20.060
Student loan financing Ch. 28B.07 defined 28B.15.020 graduate work 28B.10.120
Student progression understandings established 28B.15.067 major courses common to University of
authority of institutions 28B.10.693 The Evergreen State College Washington and Washington State
Students exemptions University 28B.10.115
classified as resident or nonresident nonresident tuition fees differential under dentistry school
28B.15.011, 28B.15.013 western regional higher education authorized 28B.20.300
"eligible student" defined regarding inability compact 28B.70.050 designation, name, location 28B.20.010
to complete term because of service in generally Ch. 28B.15 fees
Persian Gulf 28B.10.017 grants for undergraduate coursework joint programs, equalization 28B.15.110

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 111]


fees, See also COLLEGES AND Washington scholar award generally 28B.30.100
UNIVERSITIES, subtitle Fees grants for undergraduate coursework management of university 28B.30.095
forest resources institute Ch. 76.44 28B.15.543 meetings 28B.30.120
forestry Washington scholars and scholars-alternate powers and duties 28B.30.150
institute of forest resources Ch. 76.44 awards Ch. 28B.76 secretary of board, duties, bond 28B.30.135
funds Washington State University treasurer
spending by regents limited to income agricultural college grant 43.79.120 appointment, duties 28B.30.130
28B.20.145 agricultural extension work 36.50.010 scientific school grant 43.79.100
University of Washington permanent fund, bond issues sea grant program
transfers from authorized 28B.20.800 additional powers of regents 28B.30.750 definitions 28B.30.630
generally Ch. 28B.20 bond issues for buildings and facilities1961 matching requirements 28B.30.634
hospital, authority to operate 28B.20.440 act 28B.30.700, 28B.30.710, 28B.30.720, stadium approach highway authorized,
institute of forest resources Ch. 76.44 28B.30.730, 28B.30.760, 28B.30.770, acquisition of property for 47.20.600
Lake Union shorelands, transfer to university 28B.30.780 condemnation for 47.20.610
28B.20.370 Washington State University bond measure of damage to buildings 47.20.620
liability coverage of university personnel and retirement fund sale of buildings and personalty acquired in
students created, building fees and grants deposited acquisition of land 47.20.630
authorized, scope 28B.20.250 28B.30.740 use declared public use 47.20.605
exclusive authorityRCW 28B.20.250 building fees trust assets, annual report to regents
through RCW 28B.20.255 28B.20.255 disposition 28B.15.310 28B.30.300
self-insurance revolving fund 28B.20.253 courses, studies, and instruction wine grape industry, instruction
marine biological preserve 28B.20.320 agriculture 28B.30.065 administration 28B.30.067, 28B.30.068
medical school exclusive majors 28B.30.060 Web site
admissions graduate work 28B.10.120 information provided to students
preference for students from rural areas major courses common to Washington State tuition, other revenue, accountability and
28B.20.500 University and University of Washington performance data 28B.15.0681
authorized 28B.20.300 28B.10.115 Western Governors University - Washington
occupational and environmental research dairy/forage and agricultural facility at Rainier recognition and endorsement 28B.77.240
facility school farm 28B.30.810
acceptance and administration of loans, gifts, employees Western regional higher education compact Ch.
funds 28B.20.458 contracts, not to have interest in 28B.30.140 28B.70
advisory committee 28B.20.456 extension service tuition fees differential, nonresident
construction and maintenance authorized Puget Sound water quality field agents exemption 28B.70.050
28B.20.450 program 28B.30.632 Western undergraduate exchange program
research data and information 28B.20.454 federal aid students
submission of problems to facility acceptance by state 28B.30.210, 28B.30.220 tuition differential waiver for nonresident
28B.20.454 agricultural experiment stations students 28B.15.544
railroad rights-of-way assent by state 28B.30.255 COLLUSION
agreement 28B.20.332 university designated as recipient Payment of penalty or forfeiture with collusion
confirmation, terms 28B.20.330 28B.30.250 does not bar subsequent recovery 4.24.170
deed 28B.20.334 appropriation 28B.30.215 COLUMBARIUMS (See CREMATION)
easement by deed 28B.20.336 Morrill act funds 28B.30.200
real property state treasurer receiving agent for COLUMBIA BASIN PROJECT (See also
eminent domain by railroads and canal 28B.30.270 IRRIGATION DISTRICTS)
companies against 81.36.010 trust funds, status 28B.30.285 County roads and bridges, establishment by plat
streets and boulevards, conveyance of withdrawal of funds by university 36.81.140
university site for dedication 28B.20.340 28B.30.280 Irrigation districts in federal reclamation areas,
eminent domain barred 28B.20.344 fees, See COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES, contracts with United States Ch. 89.12
local assessments barred 28B.20.342 subtitle Fees Reclamation districts in federal reclamation
use of trust lands for outdoor recreation Ch. funds areas, contracts with United States Ch. 89.12
79A.50 agricultural college permanent fund, State lands within project, sale restrictions Ch.
realty, lease of public lands, lease provisions investment in regents revenue bonds 90.40
28B.20.328 43.84.140 Water appropriation Ch. 90.40
regents agricultural permanent fund COLUMBIA COUNTY
courses of study prescribed 28B.20.130 allocation 43.79.130 Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.070
scholarships created 43.79.130 Superior court judges, number of 2.08.064
graduate scholarships in engineering source 43.79.130
28B.20.420 scientific permanent fund COLUMBIA RIVER
direction of program, student qualifications allocation 43.79.110 Anadromous fish sanctuary 77.55.191
28B.20.422 created 43.79.110 Astoria-Megler bridge, See BRIDGES, subtitle
Warren G. Magnuson institute for biomedical scientific school permanent fund State toll bridges
research and health professions training investment in regents revenue bonds Columbia river compact Ch. 77.75
28B.20.462 43.84.140 Columbia river gorge, shoreline management
endowment fund 28B.20.472 home economics extension work 36.50.010 conformance with gorge commission
endowment fund earnings, expenditure medical and hospital care for students 90.58.600
28B.20.466 28B.30.350 Columbia River Gorge commission
Unpaid students in work-based learning leases, contracts, agreements 28B.30.355 cities
programs name, location 28B.30.010 conformance with law 35.22.700
medical aid coverage 51.12.170, 51.12.175 Puget Sound water quality field agents optional municipal code, conformance with
Vacation leave for personnel 43.01.042 program, See COLLEGES AND statutes 35A.63.200
Vessels owned by higher education institution UNIVERSITIES, subtitle Washington counties, conformance with certain statutes
transfer of ownership State University, sea grant program 35.63.150, 36.32.550, 36.70.980
requirements 28B.10.925, 28B.10.926 real property Fish cultural stations, laboratories, and protective
review of vessels physical condition annual report by department of natural devices for Columbia river fish 77.12.285
28B.10.925 resources 28B.30.310 Hydroelectric projects, public utility districts to
Veterans realty, lease of public lands, hunting and grant back easements to former owners of
early course registration period 28B.15.624 fishing rights reserved, posting procedure, acquired property 54.16.220
tuition waivers 28B.15.621 notice, hearing 28B.30.325 Interstate compact determining Washington-
Volunteers, student, medical aid coverage for regents Oregon boundary on Columbia river Ch.
51.12.170, 51.12.175 bylaws, president of board, powers 43.58
Washington award for vocational excellence 28B.30.125 Milwaukee road corridor Ch. 79.73
grants for undergraduate coursework contracts, not to have interest in 28B.30.140 Salmon fishing
28B.15.545 disbursement of funds 28B.30.130 certain gear prohibited 77.50.030

[RCW Indexpage 112] (2016 Ed.)


commercial net fishing in tributaries report to legislature on development and Court-appointed special advocate programs,
77.50.040 placement of accessory apartments department duties 43.330.135
Sanctuary act 43.63A.215 Creation of department 43.330.020
joint operating agencies and power Advisory groups 43.31.125 Crime victims advocacy, office of
commission provisions not to affect Affordable housing advisory committees 43.280.090
43.52.440 inventory of state-owned land available for establishment 43.280.080
Vessel traffic and safety lease as sites 43.63A.510 human trafficking, single point of contact
oil transportation regulatory barriers, provision of technical regarding 7.68.370
assessment and evaluation 90.56.568 assistance and information to state agencies human trafficking laws in Washington,
Water rights and local governments to identify and statewide training on
United States water rights Ch. 90.40 remove 43.63A.660 office role 43.280.095
Wildlife, cooperation with Oregon 77.12.325 Affordable housing program Ch. 43.185A Cultural arts, stadium and convention districts
COLUMBIA RIVER BASIN WATER Agricultural labor skills and safety grant program comprehensive plan review 67.38.070
SUPPLY 43.330.450 Definitions 43.330.010
Allocation and development 90.90.020 Building code council, administrative and Department
support services for branch offices 43.17.050
Columbia river basin taxable bond water supply transfer of duties from department to
development account created 43.17.010
department of enterprise services director
expenditures and water service contracts 43.330.907
90.90.090 appointment 43.17.020
Building communities fund program chief assistant director 43.17.040
Columbia river basin water supply development account 43.63A.766 oath 43.17.030
account 90.90.010 accountability and reporting 43.63A.768 powers and duties, generally 43.17.030
Columbia river basin water supply revenue definitions 43.63A.764 vacancy 43.17.040
recovery account established 43.63A.125 foreign trade zones, responsibilities regarding
expenditures and water service contracts Business 24.46.010
90.90.100 departmental responsibilities 43.330.060, cities and towns 35.21.800
Columbia river water delivery account 90.90.070 43.330.062 office maintained at state capital 43.17.050
Impacts of water release 90.90.080 Business assistance center rules 43.17.060
Information system 90.90.050 minority and women business development Development loan fund committee
Inventory, supply and forecast 90.90.040 office 43.31.0925 applications 43.168.070
Lake Roosevelt, additional release 90.90.060 Child care facility fund committee duties of department 43.168.060
Sullivan lake, reoperation of applications for loans, guarantees, and grants, entitlement communities, grants 43.168.100
use of certain available water 90.90.110 requirements 43.31.512 funds, use 43.168.090
Voluntary regional agreements 90.90.030 grants, repayment requirements 43.31.514 minority and women-owned businesses
COLUMBIA RIVER COMPACT (See FISH grants and loans from fund, authority to make, 43.168.150
AND FISHING) conditions and limitations 43.31.506 performance standards to be developed
COLUMBIA RIVER GORGE loan guarantees for licensed child care 43.168.130
COMMISSION facilities, conditions and limitations Developmental disabilities, persons with
Generally Ch. 43.97 43.31.508 developmental disabilities ombuds, office of
organization and duties 43.31.504 the Ch. 43.382
COLVILLE INDIANS Cities and towns Developmental disabilities endowment
Retrocession of criminal jurisdiction 37.12.100, ordinances, information pooling 35.21.185 43.330.430, 43.330.431, 43.330.432,
37.12.110, 37.12.120, 37.12.130, 37.12.140 Civil service exemptions 41.06.072 43.330.433, 43.330.434, 43.330.435,
COMBINATIONS (See also MONOPOLIES) Clean Washington center Ch. 70.95H 43.330.436, 43.330.437
Community action agencies Director
COMBINED CITY COUNTY MUNICIPAL delivery system for federal and state anti- appointment 43.17.020
CORPORATIONS (See CITIES AND poverty programs, designation as appointment by governor 43.330.030
TOWNS, subtitle Combined city and 43.63A.115 community economic revitalization board
county municipal corporations; designation considerations 43.63A.105 appointing of members by director of
COUNTIES, subtitle Combined city and Community and economic development fee commerce 43.160.030
county municipal corporations) account 43.330.155 membership 43.160.030
COMBINED FUND DRIVE (See Community development energy facility site evaluation council member
CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS) departmental responsibilities 43.330.050 80.50.030
COMBUSTIBLES (See also EXPLOSIVES; energy assistance, departmental executive head of department 43.330.030
FIRES) responsibilities 43.330.110 management responsibility 43.330.007
Cities and towns, second class cities, control of growth management powers and duties 43.330.040
35.23.440 departmental responsibilities 43.330.120 salary 43.330.030
housing, departmental responsibilities Disabilities, persons with
COMIC BOOKS 43.330.110 achieving a better life experience program,
Erotic material, distribution to minors, penalty local infrastructure and public facilities grants Washington 43.330.460, 43.330.462,
9.68.050, 9.68.060, 9.68.070, 9.68.080, and loans, departmental responsibilities 43.330.464, 43.330.466, 43.330.468
9.68.090, 9.68.100, 9.68.110, 9.68.120 43.330.100 Drug prosecution assistance program
Obscene materials, injunctions against 7.42.010, poor and disadvantaged persons transfer of duties from department to criminal
7.42.020, 7.42.030, 7.42.040, 7.42.050, departmental responsibilities 43.330.130 justice training commission 43.330.908
7.42.060, 7.42.070 Community development finance program Economic development
COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF (See MILITIA established 43.63A.075 associate development organizations
AND MILITARY AFFAIRS) Community economic revitalization board Ch. 43.330.080, 43.330.082, 43.330.084,
43.160 43.330.086
COMMENCEMENT OF ACTIONS Community empowerment zones Ch. 43.31C business services training 43.330.080
Appearances, See APPEARANCES Community service agencies departmental responsibilities 43.330.050
Complaints, See COMPLAINTS designation considerations 43.63A.105 diversification strategies, departmental
Jurisdiction, See JURISDICTION Community services responsibilities 43.330.090
Limitations on, See also LIMITATION OF coordination of community and economic inventory of grant opportunities 43.330.260
ACTIONS development services 43.330.080 poor and disadvantaged persons
Process, See PROCESS local capacity development, training, and departmental responsibilities 43.330.130
Service of process, See SERVICE OF PROCESS technical assistance duties 43.330.070 regulatory streamlining projects,
AND PAPERS Companies with comparative competitive multijurisdictional
Statute of limitations, actions deemed advantage establishment, reports 43.330.440
commenced for purposes of, when 4.16.170 documentation of clusters of companies strategic reserve account 43.330.250
Summons, See SUMMONS 43.330.280 Economic development finance authority
Venue, See VENUE County public health assistance staff, limits on use of department staff
COMMERCE, DEPARTMENT OF transfer of duties to department of health 43.163.120
Accessory apartments 43.330.905 Economic gardening pilot project

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 113]


strategic assistance services for second-stage clean fuels and vehicle technologies, usage objectives 43.185B.009
companies 43.330.475 and goals Ch. 43.325 Human trafficking
Electric vehicle infrastructure Gang risk prevention and intervention pilot clearinghouse on human trafficking 7.68.370
local governments, department to aid programs coordinated state protocols 7.68.360
43.31.970 request for proposals 43.310.020 Impact fees, for certain residential construction,
Electric vehicles scope of programs 43.310.030 deferred collection of
vehicle electrification demonstration grant Green economy jobs growth initiative report on process by department, annual
program 43.325.110 43.330.310 43.31.980
Emergency housing programs 43.63A.645 Growth management Incarcerated parents
Emergency mortgage and rental assistance departmental responsibilities 43.330.120 advisory committee, policies 43.63A.068
program in rural natural resources impact environmental planning pilot projects, Independent youth housing program 43.63A.305,
areas 43.63A.610, 43.63A.620, 43.63A.630, department to establish 36.70A.385 43.63A.307, 43.63A.309, 43.63A.311,
43.63A.640 inventory and collection of data, departmental 43.63A.313, 43.63A.315
Employee ownership and self-management duties 43.63A.550 Industrial development program
technical assistance 43.63A.230 Hanford area economic investment fund responsibilities 39.84.090
Energy assistance advisory committee membership and duties Infrastructure and public facilities, coordination
departmental responsibilities 43.330.110 43.31.425 of grant and loan programs providing
Energy efficiency committee membership and duties 43.31.428 assistance in local communities 43.330.100
climate pollution reduction in built established 43.31.422 Innovation partnerships zones
environment Hanford reservation lease research and globally competitive firms
energy performance score for residential promotion of sublease for nuclear-related 43.330.270, 43.330.280
buildings, development by department industry 43.31.205 Jobs act Ch. 43.331
19.27A.180 High-speed internet services Land use
strategic plan, development and accountability and oversight 43.330.406 regional transfer of development rights
implementation 19.27A.150 advisory group on digital inclusion and program Ch. 43.362
Energy efficiency services, improvements, and technology planning 43.330.421 Lead-based paint activities program Ch. 70.103
projects availability reporting and state agency Legislative purpose 43.330.007
appliance efficiency rebate program infrastructure surveying 43.330.403 Local excise tax
43.330.340 broadband reports by municipalities 67.28.8001
grants to financial institutions to create credit broadband mapping account 43.330.400 Local government bond information
enhancements 43.330.320 deployment and adoption, including rule adoption 43.63A.155
moneys, use by local municipalities to governors actions 43.330.418 submittal to department
leverage financing for energy efficiency mapping, deployment, and adoption publication 43.63A.155
projects 43.330.350 43.330.409 Local government research and services program
risk reduction mechanisms for funding mapping activities, funding and coordination special purpose districts 43.110.080
improvements 43.330.330 43.330.400 Low-income energy assistance
state bond authorities, involvement in community technology opportunity program termination of utility heating service,
financing energy efficiency projects administration and competitive grant limitation 35.21.300, 80.28.010
43.330.360 program 43.330.412 termination of utility heating service,
Energy facility site evaluation council community technology opportunity account limitations 54.16.285
transfer of duties from department to utilities 43.330.415 voluntary contributions from utility customers
and transportation commission 43.330.909 geographic information system map to assist low-income customers 54.52.010,
Energy freedom program 43.330.403, 43.330.406 54.52.020, 54.52.030
account, projects funded by 43.325.090, transferring certain powers, duties, and Management responsibility 43.330.007
43.325.902 functions to department from department of Manufactured housing
Energy office, transfer of certain powers and information services 43.330.910 safety and construction standards enforcement
duties to department 43.330.904 Homeless persons expiration 43.63A.490
Energy strategy, state homeless youth prevention and protection act hearing procedures 43.63A.480
principles, implementation 43.21F.088 data and outcome measures, report inspections and investigations, authority to
Energy-related activities, powers and duties 43.330.706 conduct 43.63A.470
transferred to department Ch. 43.21F definitions 43.330.702 rule-making authority 43.63A.475
Environmental permits, department duties findings 43.330.700 violations, fines 43.63A.485
43.330.125 office of homeless youth prevention and Medical care services
Essential needs and housing support program protection programs 43.330.705, eligibility
distribution of funds 43.185C.220 43.330.710 developing mechanism for verification
Evergreen jobs act programs, state-funded, review of 43.185C.230
goals 43.330.370 43.330.717 Minority and women-owned businesses
jobs efforts, coordination and support for training programs 43.330.715 business development office 43.31.0925
43.330.375 housing and assistance Ch. 43.185C linked deposit program
Farmworker housing Washington youth and families fund technical assistance 43.63A.690
construction manuals and plans, to develop 43.330.167 Motion picture competitiveness program Ch.
and make available 43.63A.500 Home-matching program 43.63A.670, 43.365
one-stop clearinghouse 43.63A.505 43.63A.680 Municipal research and services
Fees authorized 43.330.150, 43.330.152, Housing department contracting for 43.110.030
43.330.156 departmental responsibilities 43.330.110 Newly incorporated city or town
Finance program duties 43.63A.650 duty of department to assist during interim
established 43.63A.075 independent youth housing program 35.02.260
Findings 43.330.005 43.63A.305, 43.63A.307, 43.63A.309, Performing arts, art museums, and cultural
Fire protection 43.63A.311, 43.63A.313, 43.63A.315 facilities
transient accommodations, rule-making statewide housing market analysis 43.330.170 grant program to fund acquisition,
authority 70.62.290 Housing assistance program rehabilitation, or construction 43.63A.750
Fire protection services, provision by contract to created 43.185.015 Poor and disadvantaged persons
state-owned property homeless housing and assistance Ch. 43.185C departmental responsibilities 43.330.130
arbitration in the event of continued impasse Housing policy Portable oil-fueled heaters
between parties to contract negotiations affordable housing advisory board standards for sale and use 19.27A.090,
35.21.779 43.185B.020 19.27A.100
consolidation of contract negotiations with duties 43.185B.030 Private activity bond allocation
multiple state agencies 35.21.779 definitions 43.185B.010 allocation criteria 39.86.130
notification to department and affected goal 43.185B.007 allocation of state ceiling, procedure for
agencies of intent to enter into contract housing advisory plan obtaining 39.86.140
negotiations 35.21.779 preparation and reporting requirements definitions 39.86.110
Foreign trade zones, responsibilities 36.01.120 43.185B.040 fees 39.86.170
Fossil fuels, reducing dependence on legislative findings and purpose 43.185B.005 initial allocation of state ceiling 39.86.120

[RCW Indexpage 114] (2016 Ed.)


reallocation, carryforwards 39.86.150 Sexual assault kit program COMMERCE AND ECONOMIC
reports 39.86.190 program and account, creating, department DEVELOPMENT
state bond ceiling allocation formula role 43.330.470 Community redevelopment financing Ch. 39.88
39.86.155 Small business Community revitalization financing Ch. 39.89
Projects of statewide significance retirement Nuclear energy promotion and development, See
application for designation - project facilitator small business retirement marketplace NUCLEAR ENERGY AND RADIATION
or coordinator 43.157.030 43.320.180, 43.330.730, 43.330.732, COMMERCIAL BANKS (See BANKS AND
Projects of statewide significance, procedures to 43.330.735, 43.330.737, 43.330.740, BANKING, subtitle Commercial banks)
expedite development Ch. 43.157 43.330.742, 43.330.745, 43.330.747,
Prostitution prevention and intervention services 43.330.750, 43.330.912 COMMERCIAL COACHES (See
grant program 43.63A.720, 43.63A.725, small business incubator program Ch. 43.176 MANUFACTURED HOMES, MOBILE
43.63A.730, 43.63A.735 Social services facilities, nonresidential HOMES, COMMERCIAL COACHES,
Public works assistance account building communities fund program RECREATIONAL VEHICLES, AND
loans for preconstruction activity 43.155.068 account 43.63A.766 PARK TRAILERSSAFETY
loans or pledges, eligibility 43.155.070 accountability and reporting 43.63A.768 REQUIREMENTS)
Public works projects definitions 43.63A.764 COMMERCIAL FEED (See FEED)
competitive bidding requirements 43.155.060 established 43.63A.125 COMMERCIAL FISHING (See FISH AND
definitions 43.155.020 State FISHING)
financing powers of board 43.155.060 additional funds, purposes 43.31.475
legislative policy 43.155.010 report 43.31.480 COMMERCIAL LEASES (See CONSUMER
public works assistance account short title 43.31.485 LEASES)
established, purpose 43.155.050 State and local government bond information COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS
public works board annual report of issuers 39.44.210 Nonprofit corporations, authorized 24.03.015
created 43.155.030 definitions 39.44.200
financing powers 43.155.060 submittal to department of commerce COMMERCIAL PAPER (See
powers 43.155.040 contents 39.44.210, 39.44.230 NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS;
records, audits 43.155.080 validity of bonds not affected by failure to file UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE,
Recycled materials and products 39.44.240 subtitle Negotiable instruments)
market development 43.31.545 State international trade fairs 43.31.810, COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE BROKERS
Reentry council, Washington statewide 43.31.820, 43.31.830, 43.31.840 (See REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND
executive director, civil service exemption director, definition 43.31.800 SALESPERSONS)
41.06.070 State trade fairs 43.31.832, 43.31.833, 43.31.834 COMMERCIAL TELEPHONE
improving outcomes for offenders reentering Temporary assistance for needy families SOLICITATION
community Ch. 43.380 entrepreneurial assistance 43.330.145 Regulation Ch. 19.158
Regional transfer of development rights program training and industrial recruitment,
Ch. 43.362 department duties 43.330.145 COMMERCIAL TRANSACTIONS (See
designation of sending and receiving areas Termination of utility heating service UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE)
43.362.040 limitation 35.21.300, 80.28.010 COMMERCIAL TRANSPORTATION
establishment in central Puget Sound Theft 43.330.300 SERVICES (See TRANSPORTATION,
43.362.030 Timber impact areas subtitle Commercial transportation
interlocal agreement for transfers of emergency mortgage and rental assistance services)
development rights, adoption of rules for program 43.63A.630, 43.63A.640 COMMERCIAL VEHICLES (See MOTOR
43.362.050 emergency mortgage assistance, guidelines VEHICLES, subtitle Commercial
participation in program, requirements and 43.63A.610 vehicles)
incentives 43.362.060 emergency rental assistance, guidelines
performance measures, quantitative and 43.63A.620 COMMERCIALIZATION OF CRIME
qualitative 43.362.070 Tourism promotion and development account Disposition of profits 7.68.200, 7.68.210,
Regulatory streamlining projects, 43.330.094 7.68.220, 7.68.230, 7.68.240, 7.68.250,
multijurisdictional Trade 7.68.260, 7.68.270, 7.68.280
establishment, reports 43.330.440 countries of strategic importance to states COMMISSION MERCHANTS
Renewable energy facilities international trade relations, identification Advances for freight or transportation, See
coastal and estuarine marine waters, 43.330.065 LIENS, subtitle Transportation, storage, and
department guidance 43.21F.062 departmental responsibilities 43.330.060 advancements
Retired senior volunteer programs international companies Agents
distribution of funds 43.63A.275 excise tax incentives 43.330.068 fraud 20.01.220
Revised Code of Washington Transfer of agency powers, duties, and functions license
references to department and director to department from department fee 20.01.040
43.330.900 from department of information services livestock
Rural development council, successor 43.330.910 bond, dealer provides 20.01.210
organization 43.31.859 Urban development action grants principal licensee to be disclosed 20.01.090
Rural Washington loan fund use of federal community block grants Agriculture department directors powers and
applications 43.168.040, 43.168.050, 43.63A.075 duties 43.23.160
43.168.055 Victims of sexual assault, community treatment Alternative bonding provision for certain dealers
definitions 43.168.020 services for 20.01.211
established 43.168.110 grant program Application of exemption contained in RCW
guidelines for loans 43.168.120 applications 43.280.050 20.01.030 20.01.500
Scenic and recreational highway, planning and award of grants 43.280.060 Bonds 20.01.210, 20.01.214, 20.01.230
design standards 47.39.040 eligible organizations 43.280.040 acceptance of bond under packers and stock
SEED act, individual development accounts funding 43.280.020 yards act of 1921 20.01.212
account 43.31.470 gifts, grants, and endowments 43.280.070 alternative provision for certain dealers
definitions 43.31.455 Volunteerism and citizen service, center for Ch. 20.01.211
findings 43.31.450 43.150 claims, appeals from denial of claim by
foster youth program 43.31.465 Washington marketplace program director 20.01.214
program, rules 43.31.460 definitions 43.31.522 dealer or agent, fraud 20.01.220
Sex trade, commercial encouragement of in-state purchases by minimum amount 20.01.210, 20.01.212
revenue collection under RCW 9.68A.105, Washington businesses 43.31.524 prerequisite to obtaining license 20.01.210
9A.88.120, or 9A.88.140 purpose and duties 43.31.524 security in lieu of 20.01.570
expenditure, conditions, report 43.280.100 Youth, independent housing program Brokers
Sex trafficking 43.63A.305, 43.63A.307, 43.63A.309, license
statewide coordinating committee on sex 43.63A.311, 43.63A.313, 43.63A.315 fee 20.01.040
trafficking, establishment Youth services facilities memorandum of sales 20.01.400
department role 43.280.091 competitive process for assisting nonprofit Cargo manifest, bill of lading 20.01.410
Sexual assault, victims of Ch. 70.125 youth organizations 43.63A.135 Cash or other security in lieu of bond 20.01.570

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 115]


Change in firm organization, report of 20.01.140 Livestock Aliens, notice to immigration authorities, copies
Civil infractions consignor 20.01.430 of clerks records 10.70.140
monetary penalty, failure to pay 20.01.490 dealer Certified copy of conviction and sentence as
notice of bond agent 20.01.210 mittimus 10.70.020
hearing to contest charge, order, appeal payment, when 20.01.390 Children, See COMMITMENT, subtitle Juvenile
20.01.486 Livestock, hay, grain or straw dealers, license as court
informal hearing, order, no appeal 20.01.488 dealer or commission merchant required Costs in criminal proceedings, commitment to
issuance of, procedure 20.01.482 20.01.038 enforce payment 10.01.180, 10.70.010
response, procedure 20.01.484 Presumption, licensee acting as 20.01.475 Criminally insane Ch. 10.77
Consignor Processor Criminally insane, See also CRIMINAL
creditors, failure to pay, procedure, action on application of exemption contained in RCW PROCEDURE, subtitle Criminally insane
bond, settlement of claim 20.01.240, 20.01.030 20.01.500 Delinquent juvenile, See COMMITMENT,
20.01.250, 20.01.260, 20.01.270, committing to purchase more crops than subtitle Juvenile court
20.01.280, 20.01.300, 20.01.310 plants can process, violation 20.01.540 Fine and costs
Construction of transaction when not in defined 20.01.500 commitment of defendant
compliance 20.01.385 discrimination by 20.01.550 until paid 10.70.010
Contempt at hearings 20.01.310 forms showing maximum processing owed by defendant
Damaged or unfit products, certificate from capacity, file, when 20.01.510 commitment of defendant
department of health as to 20.01.450 grower commitments on file 20.01.520 to enforce payment 10.82.030
Dealers grower contracts on file 20.01.520 duration of confinement 10.82.030
bonds, alternative provision for certain dealers Prohibited acts, penalties 20.01.460 rate per day 10.82.030
20.01.211 Records work rate per day 10.82.030
effect of failure to keep 20.01.385 commission merchants 20.01.440 working out 10.82.040
fraud 20.01.220 dealers 20.01.380 Fugitive from another state 10.88.340
license effect of failure to keep 20.01.385 Habeas corpus
fee 20.01.040 individual accounting 20.01.370 habeas corpus writs suspended during martial
payment for products, when 20.01.390 pooling arrangement 20.01.370 law 38.08.030
records 20.01.380 reporting, accounting, and record-keeping limitations on inquiry and discharge from
Definitions 20.01.010 requirements, waiver by contract 7.36.130
Denial, suspension, revocation, or conditioning prohibited 20.01.086 orders of commitment
of licenses Rules and regulations 20.01.020 bail 7.36.150
authority of director 20.01.330 Sales discharge from 7.36.150
grounds 20.01.330 report to consignor, remittance 20.01.420, recommitment 7.36.150
Denial, suspension or revocation of licenses 20.01.430 orders of court, bail 7.36.150
appeals 20.01.190 report to director of department of agriculture temporary commitment authorized 7.36.240
appellate review 20.01.200 20.01.420 Hospitals for mentally ill, applications, court
authority of director 20.01.150 Schedule of commissions and charges commissioners power to hear and determine
child support order noncompliance 20.01.205 application for license to include 20.01.080 2.24.040
fraud in application is grounds for 20.01.100 change of 20.01.080 Injunctions, default on bond in contempt for
grounds 20.01.100, 20.01.340 failure to file grounds for denial or revocation disobedience 7.40.170
order of 20.01.360 of license 20.01.330 Involuntary
procedure 20.01.160, 20.01.170, 20.01.180, false charges, penalties 20.01.460 mental illness, See MENTAL ILLNESS
20.01.190, 20.01.350 Security in lieu of bond 20.01.570 Juvenile court
witnesses, fees 20.01.170 Time of sale requirement, unlawful practice petition for 13.34.040
Discrimination by processor 20.01.550 20.01.465 Medical assistance, guidance and training for
Disposition of fees and fines 20.01.130 Vehicle license plates 20.01.120 organizations and providers 71.24.500
Examinations 20.01.320 Violations Medical assistance, suspension of benefits
Exemptions from chapter 20.01.030 committing to purchase more crops than 74.09.670
Fees and fines, disposition of 20.01.130 plants can process 20.01.540 Mental illness, See MENTAL ILLNESS
Fraud penalty 20.01.400 Minors, See COMMITMENT, subtitle Juvenile
dealer or agent 20.01.220 resulting in improper payment or nonpayment court
Grower charges 20.01.480 Ne exeat, default on bail bond 7.44.030
application of exemption contained in RCW Perjury, commitment of witness for, detention of
Definitions 28A.655.010 books and instruments 9.72.090
defined 20.01.500 Veterans, commitment to veterans
file form showing crops processor is COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC LANDS (See administration for hospital or institutional
committed to purchase 20.01.530 PUBLIC LANDS, subtitle Commissioner care procedure 73.36.165
Hay or straw dealers or merchants of public lands)
certified vehicle tare weight and certified COMMODITIES (See AGRICULTURAL
vehicle gross weight required 20.01.125 Agricultural commodity commissions
failure to obtain 20.01.125 COMMODITY BOARDS
class two groups 43.03.230
Hay or straw transporting Fruit commodity committees 15.28.140,
vehicles may be stopped Agricultural commodity commissions, See also
failure to stop, civil infraction 20.01.610 Generally Ch. 15.65
Injunctions against violations 20.01.470 Cities and towns
general laws, applicability to commission, Staff support funding 43.23.033
Inspections 20.01.320 Trade promotion and development expenditures
Investigations, search warrants, subpoenas authorities, and public corporations
35.21.759 15.04.200
Licensee, presumption acting or commission Compensation COMMODITY COMMISSIONS
merchant 20.01.475 class five groups 43.03.265 Consultation with department of agriculture
Licenses class four groups 43.03.250 43.23.042
applications 20.01.070, 20.01.080 class one groups 43.03.220 Export market development projects
another class, additional fee 20.01.060 class three groups 43.03.240 confidentiality of records 43.23.270
child support order noncompliance, effect class two groups 43.03.230 Generally Ch. 15.66
20.01.205 Forest products commission Ch. 15.100 Staff support funding 43.23.033
expiration 20.01.100 Rule-making authority, quasi-judicial, policy Trade promotion and development expenditures
fees 20.01.040 direction, certain regulatory or licensing 15.04.200
issuance 20.01.100 functions COMMODITY TRANSACTIONS
list of licensees 20.01.110 class three groups 43.03.240 Administrative proceedings 21.30.200
posting of 20.01.110 Sunset act, entities scheduled for termination Ch. Administrator
renewals 20.01.050 43.131 appointment, term, duties 21.30.390
required 20.01.040 COMMITMENT powers and duties 21.30.230, 21.30.240,
vehicle license plates 20.01.120 Aliens, copies of clerks records 10.70.150 21.30.250, 21.30.280, 21.30.290,

[RCW Indexpage 116] (2016 Ed.)


21.30.300, 21.30.320, 21.30.330, involving commodity contract or option, obtain, treble damages 81.28.210,
21.30.340, 21.30.350 prohibition, exceptions 21.30.020 81.28.220
Application of the administrative procedure act Transactions and contracts exempt from Filings
21.30.210 prohibition 21.30.040 claims against, time limit for filing 81.29.020
Board of trade Violations contracts or agreements with other common
requirements 21.30.050 penalties 21.30.120, 21.30.130, 21.30.140 carriers 81.28.060
Bond requirements, minimum net capital and prosecuting attorney may bring criminal rates and charges
fidelity 21.30.300 proceedings 21.30.360 changes 81.28.050
Classification of licenses 21.30.280 contracts or agreements with other
COMMON CARRIERS (See companies 81.28.060
Commodity broker-dealers 21.30.230, TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES,
21.30.240, 21.30.250, 21.30.260, 21.30.290, joint rates 81.28.040
subtitle Common carriers) schedule 81.28.040
21.30.300, 21.30.310, 21.30.320, 21.30.340, Accidents
21.30.350 Food, drug, and cosmetic laws enforcement,
Commodity contract investigation by utilities and transportation inspection of records 69.04.810
commission 81.28.280 Fraudulent tampering with goods 22.32.030
place for trading, requirements 21.30.050
transactions involving notice to utilities and transportation Hay or straw transporting
commission 81.28.280 vehicles may be stopped 20.01.610
prohibition, exceptions 21.30.020
Commodity merchant Actions against, See also COMMON Importation of animals
CARRIERS, subtitle Liability health certificates, exceptions 16.36.140
requirements 21.30.050
Commodity option Advances for freight or transportation, See Industrial insurance, applicability 51.12.090,
LIENS, subtitle Transportation, storage, and 51.12.095
place for trading, requirements 21.30.050 advancements
transactions involving Insurance, blanket disability, See INSURANCE,
Animal importation, certificates required subtitle Group disability insurance
prohibition, exceptions 21.30.020 16.36.050
Commodity sales representatives 21.30.230, Liability
Auto transportation companies, See baggage 81.29.020
21.30.240, 21.30.250, 21.30.260, 21.30.290,
21.30.320, 21.30.340, 21.30.350 TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES, limitation upon amounts recoverable
subtitle Auto transportation companies 81.29.050
Consent for service of process 21.30.190
Baggage criminal liability for violations 81.29.040
filed with license application 21.30.230
Cooperation with other agencies or organizations liability 81.29.020 definition of common carrier 81.29.010
21.30.180 limitations upon amounts recoverable hazardous materials incidents 4.24.314
Definitions 21.30.010 81.29.050 receipts
Director Bills of lading recovery of delivering or issuing carrier
powers and duties 21.30.020, 21.30.100, delivery of goods without taking or canceling against other carrier 81.29.030
21.30.107, 21.30.110, 21.30.120, bill of lading 22.32.050 recovery of delivering or issuing carrier
21.30.130, 21.30.180, 21.30.200, duty of common carrier to issue 81.29.020 against other carrier 81.29.030
21.30.400 extent of liability upon 81.29.020 routing of freight, violations 81.28.030
Exemptions or exceptions falsification to assist or obtain transportation Liens
burden of proof 21.30.220 at rates less than established, treble freight, transportation, storage Ch. 60.60
Financial and other reports 21.30.310 damages 81.28.210, 81.28.220 Loading and unloading, prompt service required
Financial institutions, department directors fictitious, penalty 22.32.020 81.28.020
powers and duties 21.30.380 limitation upon liability written into void, Motor freight carriers, See
Information exceptions as to baggage and livestock TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES,
availability of, exceptions 21.30.170 81.29.020 subtitle Motor freight carriers
unlawful use or disclosure of 21.30.160 recovery of delivering or issuing carrier Passenger carriers
against other carrier 81.29.030 alcoholic beverage sales, license 66.24.395
Investigations Passengers
procedure 21.30.110 which carrier liable upon, how determined
81.29.020 ejecting of, use of force, when lawful
public or private 21.30.100 9A.16.020
subpoena authority 21.30.107 who may recover 81.29.020
Bills of lading, See also BILLS OF LADING Promptness in receiving and transporting goods
Liability 21.30.070 required 81.28.020
none when act in good faith 21.30.150 Bomb threats, penalty 9.61.160
Claims, See COMMON CARRIERS, subtitle Public lands, right of way over, See PUBLIC
Licenses 21.30.230, 21.30.240, 21.30.250, LANDS
21.30.260, 21.30.270, 21.30.280, 21.30.290, Liability
Crimes relating to, See CRIMES, subtitle Purchase or condemnation of, metropolitan
21.30.350 municipal corporations 35.58.250
Limitations and conditions of licenses 21.30.280 Common carriers
Damages Radioactive or hazardous cargo
Minimum net capital and fidelity bond placarded
requirements 21.30.300 falsification or fraud to obtain transportation
at less than established rates 81.28.220 transportation of, prohibited, when
Multiple licenses, when permitted 21.30.270 47.48.050
Offers to sell or buy in this state 21.30.080 rebating or discounting 81.28.210, 81.28.220
notice 47.01.270
Penalties nonexclusive 21.30.370 routing of freight 81.28.030 Rail districts, See COUNTY RAIL DISTRICTS
Pleading exemptions or exceptions 21.30.220 Discounting prohibited, treble damages Railroads, See RAILROADS;
Prohibited practices 21.30.060 81.28.210, 81.28.220 TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES,
Publications or electronic communications Discrimination subtitle Railroads
when not offers to sell or buy in this state to deny public accommodations because of Rates and charges
21.30.090 race, color, or creed, penalty 9.91.010 action to collect treble damages for rebates,
Records prohibited 81.28.180 discounts, refunds, etc., limitation upon
commodity broker-dealers 21.30.320, Duplicate receipts, not marking as 22.32.040 81.28.220
21.30.340 Facilities authority of commission to fix 81.28.230
commodity sales representatives 21.30.320, adequate and safe required 81.28.010 changes
21.30.340 authority of commission to order filing 81.28.050
Reports improvement 81.44.010 notice required 81.28.050
financial and other 21.30.310 authority of commission to order publication 81.28.050
correcting amendments, exception 21.30.330 improvement in 81.28.240 contracts or agreements with other common
Responsibility for acts or omissions 21.30.070 unsafe or defective, reduction of speed or carriers, filing 81.28.060
Rules or orders prescribing terms and conditions suspension of trains may be ordered discrimination prohibited 81.28.180
21.30.020 81.44.020 falsifications, assisting or obtaining
Securities laws not affected by 21.30.800 Falsification or fraud transportation at rates less than established
Service of process assisting or obtaining transportation at rates rates, treble damages 81.28.210, 81.28.220
consent for 21.30.190 less than established rates, treble damages interstate
how made 21.30.190 81.28.210, 81.28.220 investigation by commission 81.28.250
Transactions damage payments 81.28.210 joint rates
conducted by certain persons exempt from shipment of property prohibited to be filing 81.28.040
prohibition 21.30.030 transported, use of false representation to schedule 81.28.040

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 117]


limitation of action for collection of 81.28.270 Evidence COMMUNIST PARTY

longer haul at less than shorter haul telegraphic or electronic communications Ch. Declared to be subversive organization 9.81.083
prohibited, exception 81.28.200 5.52 COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCIES (See
published rates Hostage or barricaded person situation COMMERCE, DEPARTMENT OF,
to be charged, exceptions 81.28.080 telecommunications may be intercepted subtitle Community action agencies)
falsifications to assist or obtain 9.73.030
transportation at rates less than Interception COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, OFFICE OF
established, treble damages 81.28.210, building owner, authorized, when 9.73.110 Scenic and recreational highway, planning and
81.28.220 cell site simulator devices design standards 47.39.050
reasonableness required 81.28.010 collecting and using electronic data or COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL
schedules metadata 9.73.270 COLLEGES (See also COLLEGES AND
contents and requirements 81.28.040 use, requirements, procedures 9.73.260 UNIVERSITIES)
filing 81.28.040 law enforcement officers Adult education
form 81.28.040 application for authorization 9.73.130 state board of education, cooperation
inspection 81.28.040 pen registers and trap and trace devices 28B.50.250
joint rates 81.28.040 9.73.260 transfer of powers of superintendent of public
notices 81.28.040 Juries, person in charge permitting instruction and state board of education to
public inspection 81.28.040 communication with, penalty 9.51.030 state board for community and technical
unreasonable preferences prohibited Privileged 5.60.060 colleges 28B.50.912
81.28.190 husband and wife Adult education, Washington advisory council
Rebating prohibited, treble damages 81.28.210, family abandonment and nonsupport on
81.28.220 proceedings 26.20.071 creation, membership, duties 28B.50.254
Receipts Adult literacy, office of
public assistance records 74.04.060
delivery of goods without taking or canceling creation in state board for community and
supplemental proceedings 6.32.200 technical colleges 28B.50.522
receipt 22.32.050 Radio, intercepting private conversations
duplicate receipts, not marking as 22.32.040 Advanced college tuition payment program Ch.
9.73.030 28B.95
falsification to assist or obtain transportation Reproduced sound recordings Ch. 19.25
at rates less than established, treble Advances for vendor payments 28B.50.143
Sealed message or letter, intended for another Advisory committees, local 28B.50.252
damages 81.28.210, 81.28.220 person, opening or reading, penalty 9.73.020
fictitious, penalty 22.32.020 Aerospace and advanced materials
Telecommunication device installation for manufacturing
recovery of delivering or issuing carrier access to emergency services 70.54.180
against other carrier 81.29.030 program review and analysis of training
Telecommunications system 28B.50.903
refusing to issue, penalty 22.32.010 discrimination by company prohibited AIDS curriculum and materials 28B.50.205
Routing of freight 80.36.220 Alcohol and drug abuse
damages 81.28.030 order of sending by company 80.36.210 treatment, responsibility, and accountability
duty as to promptness 81.28.030 pay phones, calls to operator without use of on campus (Back on TRAC) courts,
Rules and regulations, reasonableness required coins 80.36.225 authorized 2.30.010
81.28.010 Telegraph Applied baccalaureate degree
Services crimes relating to 9.73.010, 9.73.020 pilot programs 28B.50.810
authority of commission to order Telephone Applied baccalaureate degrees
improvement in 81.28.240 911 emergency communications networks course programs leading to high-demand
reasonableness required 81.28.010 exemption of system operated to assist degrees, development of 28B.50.805
Ships and vessels, See also VESSELS AND public health or safety agencies in Apprentices and apprenticeship programs
SHIPPING responding to calls from violation of associate degree pathway 28B.50.890,
Steamboats, See TRANSPORTATION privacy statutes 9.73.070 49.04.150
COMPANIES, subtitle Steamboat bugging prohibited, when 9.73.030 discrimination 49.04.120
companies caller identification and location services responsibility for related and supplemental
Tariffs, See COMMON CARRIERS, subtitle exemption of utilities and transportation instruction 28B.50.880
Rates and charges commission approved services from student opportunities, secondary and middle
Unreasonable preferences prohibited 81.28.190 violation of privacy statutes 9.73.070 schools 49.04.160, 49.04.170, 49.04.180,
Watercraft, See VESSELS AND SHIPPING electronic interception devices, prohibited 49.04.190
Weight, falsification to assist or obtain 9.73.030, 9.73.040, 9.73.050, 9.73.060, transferable course credit 28B.50.891
transportation at rates less than established, 9.73.080 waivers, apprentice education 28B.50.895
treble damages 81.28.210, 81.28.220 exceptions from chapter 9.73.070 Athletes
Wrecks harassing calls 9.61.230 steroid use, loss of eligibility 69.41.340
investigation by commission 81.28.290 obscene or indecent calls 9.61.230 student athletes, athlete agents, and
notice to commission 81.28.280 private conversations, intercepting, recording educational institutions Ch. 19.225
COMMON LAW or divulging 9.73.030, 9.73.040, 9.73.050, Athletics, intercollegiate
Fires, common law actions for 4.24.060 9.73.070, 9.73.090 coaches 28B.50.196
Penal statutes, supplemental to 9A.04.060 civil suit for 9.73.060 minimum standards, schools encouraged to
Rule of decision, as 4.04.010 grounds for obtaining court order 9.73.040 comply 28B.50.195
law enforcement officers 9.73.130 Attendance, out of district residence not to affect
COMMON SCHOOLS (See SCHOOLS AND enrollment 28B.50.150
SCHOOL DISTRICTS) news media 9.73.030 Baccalaureate degree programs
Telephone calls, harassing agreements with higher education institutions
COMMONS permitting telephone to be used for illegal
Second class cities 35.23.440 28B.50.820
purpose 9.61.240 applied baccalaureate degree 28B.50.810
COMMUNICABLE DISEASES (See venue 9.61.250 nursing
DISEASES) Teletypewriter communications network, See University Center of North Puget Sound
Underground, conversion to or installation COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK Bellevue College
cities and towns Ch. 35.96 Transmission facilities computer science, bachelor of science degree
counties 36.88.410, 36.88.420, 36.88.430, attachments in, authority to offer 28B.50.825
36.88.440, 36.88.450, 36.88.460, application on facilities of other companies, Board for community and technical colleges
36.88.470, 36.88.480, 36.88.485 exemption 80.54.050 exceptional faculty awards
definitions 80.54.010 duties 28B.50.837
COMMUNICATION WITH A MINOR (See rates, terms, conditions Board for community and technical colleges,
CRIMES, subtitle Communication with a determination, fixing, commission order state
minor) 80.54.030 academic programs
COMMUNICATIONS just and reasonable rate, criteria 80.54.040 complementary programs, identification of
Bugging, See COMMUNICATIONS, subtitle regulation, authorized 80.54.020 28B.50.216
Telephone uniformity of rates, required 80.54.070 administration

[RCW Indexpage 118] (2016 Ed.)


efficiencies and complementary functions, Border county higher education opportunity treatment, responsibility, and accountability
identification of 28B.50.216 project 28B.15.0139 on campus (Back on TRAC) courts,
applied baccalaureate degrees, high-demand Branch campuses authorized 2.30.010
board to select colleges to develop course colleges and universities, generally Ch. Dual credit programs
programs 28B.50.805 28B.45 annual report to legislature 28A.600.280
depository 28B.50.085 partnership with 28B.45.080 dual credit program, definition 28B.15.821
director Budget priorities and levels of funding for higher financial aid eligibility, impact on
appointment, term, qualifications, salary, education 28B.77.070 28A.600.285
powers, duties, delegation of powers Buildings and facilities Education savings account 43.79.465
28B.50.060 authority, bid procedure, grants 28B.50.340 Electronic job bank 28B.50.097
generally 28B.50.050 bond counsel and consultants 28B.50.340 Electronic signatures
offices and office equipment 28B.50.080 bond issues human resource, benefits, or payroll processes
organization of board, meetings 28B.50.070 disposition of proceeds 28B.50.350 28B.10.019
powers and duties, generally 28B.50.090 interest, form, term, issuance, sale, etc. Employees
report to governor 28B.50.070 28B.50.350 annuity and retirement plans, authorization of
reports to by financing, bid procedure 28B.50.330 28B.10.400
boards of trustees of college districts Capital projects account 28B.50.360 attendance incentive program 28B.50.553
28B.50.130 Career and technical education programs best practices audit of compensation and
treasurer, appointment, duties, bond course programs leading to applied employment conditions, task force to
28B.50.085 baccalaureate degrees conduct 28B.50.4892
video telecommunications programming cost-of-living increases 28B.50.465,
selection of colleges to develop and offer 28B.50.468
responsibilities 28B.50.242 programs 28B.50.805
work force training and education direct deposit of salary or wages, alternatives
Centers of excellence to for higher education employees
coordinating board, duty to cooperate designation and funding 28B.50.902
28B.50.096 41.04.240
Certificate programs joint employee-management committees
Board of trustees transferable course credit 28B.50.891
administration and academic programs 41.06.540
Child abuse and neglect retirement, option to transfer to plan 3
efficiencies and complementary functions reporting by higher education institutions
and programs, identification of 41.40.798
28B.10.846 sick leave buyout for eligible employees
28B.50.216 Child care
Boards of trustees 28B.50.553
four-year student child care in higher sick leave records to be maintained 41.04.340
agreements for use of facilities between education account 28B.135.040
common school districts and local college tenure provision 28B.50.868
four-year student child care in higher wages, biweekly pay schedule, optional
boards 28B.50.530 education account program 28B.135.010
authority to sign checks 28B.50.320 exception 42.16.010
student child care in higher education grants Employees, See also PUBLIC OFFICERS AND
bylaws 28B.50.130 Ch. 28B.135
discretion to deposit forty percent of fees and EMPLOYEES
Civil service, persons exempted 41.06.070 Employees of community and technical college
income 28B.50.320
faculty senate, creation 28B.50.145 Civil service, See HIGHER EDUCATION districts
PERSONNEL SYSTEM leave provisions 28B.50.551
fiscal year 28B.50.130
membership Collective bargaining Ch. 28B.52 Employees suggestion program Ch. 41.60
College districts Employment contract, requirement 28B.50.855
generally 28B.50.100
new districts, governor to appoint trustees Faculty
student trustee 28B.50.102 annuity and retirement income plans
powers and duties, generally 28B.50.140 28B.50.098
College districts enumerated 28B.50.040 41.32.800, 41.32.802, 41.32.836,
reports to state board for community and 41.32.860, 41.32.862
technical colleges 28B.50.130 College in the high school program
rules and funding 28A.600.290 annuity and retirement plans, authorization of
rules 28B.50.130 28B.10.400
treasurer, appointment 28B.50.142 College savings program Ch. 28B.95
Community and technical college act of 1991 cost-of-living increases 28B.50.465
Bond issues exceptional faculty awards
1974 act 28B.50.010
Community and technical college innovation endowment fund management 28B.50.844
refunding established, trust fund 28B.50.837
state finance committee consent account
expenditures foundation, defined 28B.50.8351
28B.50.409 guidelines, matching funds, donations,
common school district bond issues, effect on authorization by state board for community
and technical colleges 28B.50.515 disbursements 28B.50.839
indebtedness limitation 28B.50.740 local awards subject to collective bargaining
surety, persons authorized to sign checks in strategic technology plan and enterprise
resource planning 28B.50.515 28B.50.843
college districts 28B.50.320 matching funds, eligibility, contract
Washingtons future Ch. 28B.14H Construction projects
high-performance public buildings requirements 28B.50.844
Bond issues for buildings and facilities name of award, college duties, endowment
additional powers incidental to bonding requirements 28B.10.354
Contracts proceeds 28B.50.841
authority 28B.50.380 false academic credentials 28B.50.463
authority, repayment 28B.50.330 public works procurement contracts, awarding part-time faculty
community and technical college bond to veteran-owned businesses 28B.10.024 continuous health care eligibility
retirement fund Cost savings 28B.50.4894
source of funds 28B.50.370 administration and academic programs sick leave 28B.50.4893
community and technical college capital efficiencies and complementary functions state-mandated benefits 28B.50.489,
projects account and programs, identification of 28B.50.4891
creation, use, deposit of building fees 28B.50.216 retirement, option to transfer to plan 3
28B.50.360 Course materials, cost savings 28B.10.590 41.32.836
legislature may provide additional sources Credit card marketing policies 28B.10.618 wages, biweekly pay schedule, optional
28B.50.400 Customized employment training Ch. 28B.67 exception 42.16.010
limited obligation, nature of bonds Defined 28B.10.016 Faculty, See also PUBLIC OFFICERS AND
28B.50.400 Definitions 28B.50.030 EMPLOYEES
pledge to collect building fees for payment of Degrees, high school diploma, authority to issue Faculty members and employees
bonds 28B.50.370 28B.50.535 reduction in force 28B.50.873
refunding, interest 28B.50.390 Disabilities, persons with Faculty senate, creation 28B.50.145
repayment 28B.50.340 federal requirements, compliance with Faculty tenure plan
Bond issues of common school district 28B.50.455 administrative appointment, effect
community and technical college facilities, supplemental instructional materials 28B.50.860
effect on indebtedness 28B.50.740 28B.10.916 administrative procedure act, application
continuation of payment by common school Disability history month 28B.10.918 28B.50.864
district 28B.50.600 Drug and alcohol abuse definitions 28B.50.851

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 119]


educational programs in correctional state board for community and technical Minority and womens business enterprises,
institutions 28B.50.870 colleges rule-making authority 28B.50.536 office of
employment contract, requirement High school students public works and procurement goals,
28B.50.855 dual credit, secondary career and technical compliance 39.19.060, 39.19.075
grant of tenure courses 28B.50.531 state agency or educational institution may be
currently employed members 28B.50.868 occupational and academic programs, charged a reasonable fee based on its
presidents excepted 28B.50.868 authority to contract with public schools expenditure of funds subject to office
maximum probationary period 28B.50.852 28B.50.533 39.19.230
periodic posttenure evaluations 28B.50.872 postsecondary credit for high school National guard
probationary faculty appointment coursework early course registration period 28B.15.624
evaluation 28B.50.856 master list of qualifying coursework and students called to active duty, rights
nonrenewal 28B.50.857 examination scores 28B.10.053, 28B.15.625
purpose 28B.50.850 28B.77.200 students called to service, rights 28B.10.270
reduced work load assignments 28B.50.859 running start program Ch. 28A.600 tuition waivers 28B.15.621
review committee Higher education construction account 43.83.310 Nonresident of district, right to enroll in any
appointments, composition 28B.50.869 Higher education construction account, state community or technical college 28B.50.150
rules 28B.50.852 43.83.300 Opportunity employment and education center
tenured faculty member, dismissal Higher education construction accounts, certain establishment 28B.50.278
appeal, procedure 28B.50.864 abolished Opportunity expansion program Ch. 28B.145
cause 28B.50.861 transfer of residue or credit 43.79.442 Opportunity express account, establishment of
cause, enumerated 28B.50.862 Higher education facilities authority, See 28B.50.286
review, procedure 28B.50.863 HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES Opportunity grant program 28B.50.271,
transfer to other community or technical AUTHORITY 28B.50.272, 28B.50.273, 28B.50.274
college in district, retention of tenure Higher education planning and policy Opportunity pathways account, creation of
28B.50.867 accountability monitoring and reporting 28B.76.526
Federal funds, receipt authorized 28B.50.520 system 28B.77.090 Opportunity policy work group
Federal law, conflict, effect 28B.50.440 budget priorities and levels of funding convening 28B.50.278
Fees 28B.77.070 Opportunity scholarship act
building fees 28B.15.069 data collection and research 28B.77.100 generally Ch. 28B.145
community colleges educational attainment goals and priorities Opportunity scholarship board Ch. 28B.145
waiver action plan and roadmap 28B.77.020 Opportunity scholarship program Ch. 28B.145
long-term unemployed or underemployed needs assessment process for higher education Paraeducators, associate of arts degree program
28B.15.522 28B.77.080 28A.630.400
generally Ch. 28B.15 Higher education reimbursable short-term bond Parking
grants for undergraduate coursework account 43.83.320 revenue deposit into state vehicle parking
Higher education retirement plan supplemental account, exemption 43.01.236
Washington award for vocational excellence benefit fund
28B.15.545 Payroll
investment, authority over funds 41.50.080 electronic signatures 28B.10.019
Washington scholar award recipients Holidays for students for reasons of conscience,
28B.15.543 faith, or religious activity Persian Gulf
limitations higher education institutions, students in "eligible student" defined regarding inability
part time students 28B.15.100 28B.10.039 to complete term because of service in
operating fees Incidental fees 28B.10.017
limitation on total revenue waived, deposit 28B.50.320 Personal service contracts and purchases
exempted, or reduced 28B.15.910 Income, deposit 28B.50.320 28B.10.029
waiver, report 28B.15.915 Information technology savings by institutions and use for student
refund, cancellation 28B.15.605 K-20 network Ch. 43.41 academic success, report 28B.10.0291
services and activities fees 28B.15.069 Insurance Personnel management
student fees, voluntary 28B.15.610 students participating in studies or research joint employee-management committees
tuition fees 28B.15.067, 28B.15.069 outside the United States 28B.10.660 41.06.540
waiver Integrated pest management Ch. 17.15 Personnel officer
military, certain service members receiving International student exchange program designation of, duties 41.06.510
tuition assistance 28B.15.622 established 28B.15.524 Personnel resource and management policy
waivers 28B.15.520 resident tuition for participants 28B.15.526 41.06.530
Financial aid, See also FINANCIAL AID, waiver of nonresident tuition fees differential Pest control
STUDENT 28B.15.527 integrated pest management Ch. 17.15
Financial aid programs Investment authority, generally 28B.10.928 Precollege classes
applications Joint higher education committee 44.04.260, students enrolled in precollege classes,
due dates and information, notification 44.04.360, 44.04.362, 44.04.364 enrollment information and report
28B.92.005 K-20 information technology Ch. 43.41 28B.10.680, 28B.10.685
state student financial aid program Ch. 28B.92 K-20 telecommunications system Ch. 43.41 when required, multiple measures, placement
Financing contracts, See FINANCING Laboratory services, contract with local law options 28B.10.686
CONTRACTS enforcement and other public agencies Prior learning, academic credit for
Forest products workers, dislocated 28B.50.875 goals, work group, reports 28B.77.230
program, tuition and fee waiver 28B.50.259 Leave provisions 28B.50.551 Property
Foster care endowed scholarship program Ch. Mathematics placement test 28B.10.679 purchase and disposition 28B.10.029
28B.116 Meningococcal disease Purchase of materials and supplies
Fund for innovation and quality in higher information, students 70.54.370 authority, independent 28B.10.029
education Ch. 28B.120 Military, certain service members receiving Purchases and personal service contracts
Funds tuition assistance 28B.10.029
disbursement by check, authorized person to fee waiver 28B.15.622 savings by institutions and use for student
execute surety bond 28B.50.320 Military, students in academic success, report 28B.10.0291
investment authority, generally 28B.10.928 resident and nonresident students, definitions Purpose 28B.50.020
investment of surplus funds 43.250.010, 28B.15.012 Regional planning agreements between colleges
43.250.020 Military personnel programs in overlapping service areas 28B.50.215
statewide custody contracts 43.08.280 authorized, limitations 28B.50.092 Registering at more than one college, rules
Gender-based discrimination Ch. 28B.110 funding, cost 28B.50.094 28B.50.095
General tuition fees, deposit 28B.50.320 limitations 28B.50.093 Religious activity, faith, or conscience
High school diploma, authority to issue Military reserves holidays for students 28B.10.039
28B.50.535 students called to active duty, rights Remedial classes
High school equivalency certificate test 28B.15.625 students enrolled in precollege classes,
certificate of high school equivalency issuance students called to service, rights 28B.10.270 enrollment information and report
28B.50.536 Military training, academic credit for 28B.10.057 28B.10.680, 28B.10.685

[RCW Indexpage 120] (2016 Ed.)


when required, multiple measures, placement powers and duties 28B.92.050 generally Ch. 28B.15
options 28B.10.686 Student loan financing Ch. 28B.07 grants for undergraduate coursework
Residency Students Washington scholar award recipients
waiver of nonresident tuition fees 28B.15.520 "eligible student" defined regarding inability 28B.15.543
Running start program Ch. 28A.600 to complete term because of service in limitations
Salaries 28B.50.140 Persian Gulf 28B.10.017 set by institution 28B.15.100
Scholarship information gaining independence for students with reduction in levels, effect on state need grant
spouses and children of certain injured or dead dependents, grant program Ch. 28B.133 awards 28B.92.065
workers 42.52.575, 51.04.165 holidays for reasons of conscience, faith, or timely completion of degree or certificate,
Scholarships religious activity 28B.10.039 policies 28B.10.695
college bound program Ch. 28B.118 registering at more than one college, rules waivers
foster care endowed scholarship program Ch. 28B.50.095 veterans, national guard members
28B.116 student child care in higher education grants 28B.15.621
GET ready for math and science Ch. 28B.105 Ch. 28B.135 wrongly convicted persons, redress for
passport to college promise program Ch. timely completion of degree or certificate, waiver of higher education tuition and fees
28B.117 policies 28B.10.695 28B.15.395
Washington promise scholarship program Ch. Summer school Unemployment compensation
28B.119 operation on either a self-supporting or a state- academic year, definition 50.44.050
School district boards, common school system funded basis authorized 28B.15.515 benefits, terms and conditions 50.44.050
authority to enter into agreement for use of Teachers reasonable assurance defined 50.44.053
services or facilities with college boards of sick leave credit plan, application 28B.50.551 Unpaid students in work-based learning
trustees 28B.50.530 transfer to other community or technical programs
payment of bonds on debt incurred before college in district, retention of tenure medical aid coverage 51.12.170, 51.12.175
transfer 28B.50.600 28B.50.867 Vendor payments, advances or reimbursement
School district bond issues for facilities under Technical colleges 28B.50.143
administration of college district board basic education allocation for high school Vessels owned by higher education institution
district to continue to redeem bonds students enrolled in technical colleges transfer of ownership
28B.50.601 allocation to serving college rather than requirements 28B.10.925, 28B.10.926
School districts school district 28A.150.275 review of vessels physical condition
technical colleges, purchase of support high school districts currently enrolling 28B.10.925
services from school districts 28B.50.877 students in vocational-technical institutes, Veterans
Seattle Vocational Institute continuing enrollment opportunities at early course registration period 28B.15.624
advisory committee, membership and duties technical colleges 28B.50.533 tuition waivers 28B.15.621
28B.50.306 new college may contract with adjacent Video telecommunications programming
funding 28B.50.307 college district for administrative services state board responsibilities 28B.50.242
instructional staff and faculty, employment 28B.50.528 Vocational education
28B.50.328 purchase of support services from school advisory committees, establishment of local
scholarships 28B.50.328 districts 28B.50.877 committees, membership and duties
transfer of powers of Washington Institute for school districts 28A.150.500
Applied Technology to 28B.50.913 administrative charges, limitations on Vocational-technical institutes
tuition and fees 28A.320.120 employees, transfer of health care service
waiver 28B.50.328 cooperation with colleges 28A.320.120 contracts 28B.50.484
Sexual violence on campuses discrimination against college employees high school districts currently enrolling
policies and procedures, climate assessments, prohibited 28A.320.120 students in, continuing enrollment
and resources Ch. 28B.112 property, district not to remove from opportunities at technical colleges
Skill centers jurisdiction of college 28A.320.120 28B.50.533
industry certificate or credential 28B.50.532 Technology personnel option to reenroll in public
Skill centers, see also SCHOOLS AND online technology, common learning employees benefits trust 28B.50.8742
SCHOOL DISTRICTS, subtitle Skill centers management system using 28B.10.923 personnel rights upon transfer to community
Spokane area Textbook information, publishers duties and technical college system 28B.50.874
collaboration with Eastern Washington 28B.10.592 public employees and retirees insurance
University and Washington State Transfer and articulation policies, statewide account, payments 28B.50.8744
University 28B.30.050 28B.77.210 Volunteers, student, medical aid coverage for
State board for community and technical colleges Transfer associate degrees 51.12.170, 51.12.175
high school students enrollment options work groups, implementation, progress Washington award for vocational excellence
rule-making authority 28A.600.390 reports 28B.77.220 grants for undergraduate coursework
higher education personnel service fund Transfer of credit policy and agreement, 28B.15.545
contributions to fund 41.06.285 statewide 28B.77.215 Washington Institute for Applied Technology
State board of education Transfer students credit transfer of powers to Seattle Vocational
cooperation with college board for adult colleges and universities, transferring to Institute 28B.50.913
education programs 28B.50.250 28B.10.696, 28B.50.785
Washington/Oregon reciprocity tuition and fee
State need grant program Ch. 28B.92 one-year academic completion certificates and
transferable degrees, course lists for program, See COLLEGES AND
State need grant program, See also FINANCIAL UNIVERSITIES, subtitle Washington/
AID, STUDENT 28B.50.785 Oregon reciprocity tuition and fee program
State register, considered state agency for transferable college-level courses, publication
of 28B.50.785 Web site
purpose of 34.08.050
State work-study program Ch. 28B.12 Transferable course credit information provided to students
STEM programs apprenticeship and certificate programs tuition, other revenue, accountability and
course programs leading to applied 28B.50.891 performance data 28B.15.0681
baccalaureate degrees Transportation demand management programs Western Governors University - Washington
selection of colleges to develop and offer Ch. 28B.130 recognition and endorsement 28B.77.240
programs 28B.50.805 Travel arrangements by community and Work force training programs, prioritization
Steroids technical colleges 28B.10.029 curriculum development and funding
student athletes, loss of eligibility for use Travel expenses of prospective employees 28B.50.281
69.41.340 43.03.130 COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL
Student achievement council Ch. 28B.77 Tuition COLLEGES, STATE BOARD FOR
Student financial assistance, office of advanced college tuition payment program Adult education
created, purpose 28B.76.090 Ch. 28B.95 transfer of powers of superintendent of public
generally Ch. 28B.76, Ch. 28B.92, Ch. billing statements and web site 28B.15.0681 instruction and state board of education to
28B.95, Ch. 28B.97, Ch. 28B.105, Ch. billing statements and web site, information state board for community and technical
28B.108, Ch. 28B.109, Ch. 28B.115, Ch. on tax credit notice 28B.15.0681 colleges 28B.50.912
28B.116, Ch. 28B.117, Ch. 28B.118, Ch. college saving program Ch. 28B.95 Adult education, Washington advisory council
28B.119, Ch. 28B.133, Ch. 28B.135 fees 28B.15.067 on

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 121]


creation, membership, duties 28B.50.254 financial assistance for rural counties Construction liens
Adult education programs, authority 28B.50.250 43.160.076 claim of lien
Adult literacy, office of Compensation and travel expenses 43.160.030 community interest, effect on 60.04.211
creation and duties 28B.50.522 Conflicts of interest Contracts 26.16.120
Aerospace and advanced materials code of ethics 43.160.040 Debts
manufacturing Definitions 43.160.020 husbands separate property 26.16.010
program review and analysis of training Financial assistance to political subdivisions judgment lien for community debts 26.16.040
system 28B.50.903 application procedures 43.160.060 liability for debts upon death of either or both
Applied baccalaureate degrees, high-demand conditions 43.160.070 4.20.046
board to select colleges to develop course Indian tribes 43.160.060 prenuptial and antenuptial, liability 26.16.200
programs 28B.50.805 requirements 43.160.060 wifes separate property 26.16.020
Apprentices rural counties 43.160.076 Deeds and conveyances
responsibility for related and supplemental Grants and loans between husband and wife 26.16.050
instruction 28B.50.880 competition enhanced, familiarize joinder of spouse 26.16.030
Centers of excellence government officials 43.160.078 effect of failure, time for recording
designation and funding 28B.50.902 Highway improvements, existing highway 26.16.100
Child care necessitated by economic growth real property 26.16.030
four-year student child care in higher application process 47.01.280 removal as cloud 26.16.110
education account program 28B.135.035 Highway improvements necessitated by planned power of attorney to third person, deed
Depository 28B.50.085 economic development 26.16.090
Director procedures 43.160.074 purchasers title and rights 26.16.095,
appointment, term, qualifications, salary and Legislative findings and intent 43.160.010 26.16.100
expenses, powers, duties, delegation of Member designees 43.160.035 recording of claim by husband or wife
powers from board 28B.50.060 Membership 43.160.030 26.16.100
Electronic job bank 28B.50.097 Powers 43.160.050 Defined 26.16.030
Evergreen jobs act Public facilities construction loan revolving Descent and distribution
work force training programs, prioritization account 43.160.080 community property agreements 26.16.120
curriculum development and funding Records disposal by will, limitation on spouse
28B.50.281 audits 43.160.090 26.16.030
evergreen jobs training account 28B.50.282 Recyclable materials processing facilities title to community real property vests
Food stamps employment and training program applications for assistance, notice to immediately on death 11.04.290
partnerships, funds, outcomes 74.04.535 department of ecology 43.160.077 Disposition, community property subject to
Forest products workers, dislocated Report, evaluations 43.160.900 probate administration 11.02.070
higher education program, tuition and fee Rural counties Executors and administrators, letters
waiver 28B.50.259 coal-fired electric generation facilities, closure testamentary, surviving spouse or domestic
Fund for innovation and quality in higher of partner entitled to 11.28.030
education Ch. 28B.120 areas impacted by, financial assistance for Homesteads
High school equivalency certificate test 43.160.076 may consist of 6.13.020
rule-making authority 28B.50.536 financial assistance 43.160.076 powers of attorney authorized 6.13.060
Higher education personnel service fund Income of separated spouses 26.16.140
contributions to fund 41.06.285 COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT ZONES Intestate, subject to descent and distribution
Industry skill panels 28C.18.130, 28C.18.140 Administration 43.31C.070 11.04.015
Membership, generally 28B.50.050 Amendment or termination 43.31C.050 Joint tenancies, generally Ch. 64.28
Offices and office equipment 28B.50.080 Application for designation 43.31C.020 Life insurance, interest in 48.18.440
Organization of board, meetings 28B.50.070 Commerce, department of, duties 43.31C.060 Management and control 26.16.030
Personnel officer Definitions 43.31C.010 Mechanics liens
designation of, duties 41.06.510 Plan, contents 43.31C.040 community property 26.16.040
Powers and duties, generally 28B.50.090 Requirements for designation 43.31C.030 Medical assistance, allocation of income
Report to governor 28B.50.070 Tax deferral program Ch. 82.82 between institutionalized and community
Reports to by COMMUNITY FACILITIES (See GROUP spouse 74.09.565
boards of trustees of college districts CARE FACILITIES) Medical assistance, allocation of resources
28B.50.130 between institutionalized and community
Teacher preparation programs COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICTS
Generally, including bonds and assessments Ch. spouse 74.09.575
articulated pathway for teacher preparation Medical assistance, limited casualty program,
and certification 28A.410.292 36.145
transfer of income for eligibility 74.09.545
Work force training and education coordinating COMMUNITY MUNICIPAL Medical assistance, transfer of resources, period
board CORPORATIONS (See CITIES AND of ineligibility due to 74.09.585
college boards duty to cooperate 28B.50.096 TOWNS, subtitle Community municipal Nonprobate assets
Work force training programs, prioritization corporations) abatement of assets 11.10.040
curriculum development and funding COMMUNITY PLACEMENT (See liability of beneficiary 11.18.200
28B.50.281 SENTENCES, subtitle Community Personal property
COMMUNITY COLLEGES (See placement) control and powers 26.16.030
COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL disposal by will, limitation on spouse
COLLEGES) DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITIES Power of attorney 26.16.060, 26.16.090
COMMUNITY COUNCILS Account 43.167.040 Prenuptial debts, liability 26.16.200
Cities and towns Authorities Probate
composition 35.14.030 duties 43.167.030 abatement of assets
election 35.14.020 powers 43.167.020 allocation of separate and community assets
membership 35.14.020 Formation, board of directors 43.167.010 11.10.030
terms of office 35.14.020 Pioneer square - international district authority gift from mixed separate and community
Island counties Ch. 36.105 43.167.060 property 11.10.020
COMMUNITY COURT (See COURTS) Role of state/local government 43.167.050 Probate, community property subject to
SENTENCES, subtitle Community Agreements Quasi-community property
custody) cancellation 26.16.120 characterization of property 26.16.250
corporations, nonliability for transfer of shares claims by surviving spouse 26.16.240
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (See or securities pursuant to direction of defined 26.16.220
COMMERCE, DEPARTMENT OF) surviving spouse or domestic partner disposition at death 26.16.230
COMMUNITY ECONOMIC 11.02.120 lifetime transfers 26.16.240
REVITALIZATION BOARD creditors, not to derogate from rights of waiver 26.16.240, 26.16.250
Coal-fired electric generation facilities 26.16.120 Real property
closure, areas impacted by effective upon death 26.16.120 control and management 26.16.030

[RCW Indexpage 122] (2016 Ed.)


deeds and conveyances between husband and COMMUTING (See MOTOR VEHICLES, variance in action to recover personal property
wife 26.16.050 subtitle Commuting; MOTOR 4.36.210
execution sales 26.16.040 VEHICLES, subtitle Ride sharing) Attachment, amendments of 6.25.280
liens 26.16.040 COMPACTS (See INTERSTATE Commitment of minors, court commissioners
purchasers title and rights 26.16.095, AGREEMENTS; INTERSTATE power to hear and determine 2.24.040
26.16.100 COMPACTS) Confession of judgment not to exceed 4.60.010
Controlled substances, See DRUGS
recording claim to by husband or wife COMPANIES (See ASSOCIATIONS; Criminal procedure
26.16.100 CORPORATIONS; PUBLIC frivolous 10.16.080
effect of failure 26.16.100 UTILITIES; TRANSPORTATION complainant to pay costs 10.46.210
removal as cloud 26.16.110 COMPANIES) malicious 10.16.080
sale or encumbrance, spouse must join COMPARABLE WORTH sheriffs duty to make 36.28.010, 36.28.011
26.16.030 Civil service Declaratory judgments, bonds, test of validity
Recording instruments relating to 65.04.030 state salary schedule 41.06.155 7.25.020
Release of claim District judges
COMPARATIVE FAULT commencement of action by 12.04.010,
powers of attorney 26.16.090 Contributory negligence, damages diminished
Separate debts, liability 26.16.200 12.04.030
proportionally 4.22.005 filing of complaint and notice 12.04.030
Survival of actions Determination of percentage of fault among form of complaint and notice 12.04.030
cause of action remains asset of community multiple parties 4.22.070 service of 12.04.040, 12.04.050, 12.04.080
property upon death of either husband or COMPARATIVE NEGLIGENCE Ejectment and quieting title actions, contents
wife 4.20.046 Fault, defined 4.22.015 7.28.120
liability to execution upon death of either or COMPENSATION (See also DAMAGES; Filing of
both husband and wife 4.20.046 EXPENSES AND PER DIEM; FEES; for service by publication 4.28.110
Surviving spouse or domestic partner entitled to SALARIES AND WAGES) Forcible entry and detainer proceedings
letters testamentary 11.28.030 Boards and commissions 59.12.070
Testamentary disposition, limitation on spouse class five groups 43.03.265 Joint debtors, after judgment, proceedings to
26.16.030 class four groups 43.03.250 bind, new complaint not necessary 4.68.020
Wages, on death of spouse 49.48.120 class one groups Judgment in quieting title actions, contents
part-time and advisory, coordinating, or 7.28.120
COMMUNITY PUBLIC HEALTH AND Landlord and tenant, rent default, sufficiency of
SAFETY NETWORKS (See also planning 43.03.220
class three groups compliant 59.08.030
VIOLENCE REDUCTION) Logging liens 60.24.140
Duties 70.190.070 rule-making authority, quasi-judicial, policy
direction, certain regulatory or licensing Material allegations, defined 4.36.170
Expenditures, authorization and limitation functions 43.03.240 Mortgages, waiver of deficiency decree
70.190.065 class two groups 61.12.070
Family policy council, proposals to 70.190.030 Ne exeat, filing 7.44.020
agricultural commodity commissions
Federal and state plans affecting children, youth, Partition proceedings
and families, inclusion of networks contents 7.52.020
Crime victims, See VICTIMS OF CRIME supplemental complaint making lien creditors
Grants for use of school facilities 70.190.180 parties 7.52.150
Executors and administrators Personal injury action
Lead fiscal agent 70.190.075 expenses of management allowed to complaint not to include statement of damages
Liability, immunity 70.190.190 11.48.050 4.28.360
Membership and organization 70.190.060 how fixed 11.48.210 Pleadings, See PLEADINGS
Outcome evaluation 70.190.050 special administrators 11.32.030 Rent default proceedings
Judges notice 59.08.010
Planning grants and contracts with family policy
council 70.190.090 pro tempore as notice to quit 59.08.080
lodging, subsistence, travel expenses sufficiency of 59.08.030
Programs and plans 70.190.080 2.28.160
Sexual abstinence and delay of sexual activity Requisites of
Personal representative district court civil procedure 12.08.020
campaigns 70.190.085 additional compensation 11.48.210
Transfer of funds and programs to state agency Service of
expenses of management allowed to actions against state 4.92.020
70.190.170 11.48.050 district court civil proceedings 12.04.040
COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT how fixed 11.48.210 Titles of real property actions
FINANCING reduction of or denial of by court for failure to unknown claimants in, how described
Urban development and economic stability Ch. perform duties 11.48.210 4.28.150
39.88 Personnel resources board 41.06.110 Uncontroverted allegations, effect of
Public employment labor relations commission district court civil procedure 12.08.080
COMMUNITY RENEWAL 41.58.015 Untried complaints against prisoners
Municipalities Real property disposition of 9.98.010, 9.98.020, 9.98.030,
bond issues Ch. 35.81 damages due to governmental action 9.98.040
generally, including plans, procedures, and claims, time limitation 64.40.030
definitions 64.40.010 COMPOST PRODUCTS
powers of public bodies Ch. 35.81 Highway construction and maintenance
relief provided 64.40.020
COMMUNITY REVITALIZATION purchasing schedule for use in transportation
FINANCING COMPETENCY projects 47.28.220
Urban development and economic stability Ch. Criminal proceedings, See CRIMINAL Local road projects, use in 43.19A.110
39.89 PROCEDURE, subtitle Criminally insane
Wills, competency to make, See WILLS DEVELOPMENT; LAND USE
Retired senior volunteer programs COMPETITION (See MONOPOLIES; ZONES AND ZONING)
distribution of funds 43.63A.275 UNFAIR TRADE PRACTICES)
Violence reduction COMPROMISE
COMPETITIVE BIDDING (See BIDS AND Tort claims against state
conflict resolution and mediation program BIDDING; PUBLIC WORKS, subtitle attorney general, authority to settle and
28A.300.280 Bids and bidding) compromise 4.92.150
Volunteerism and citizen service, center for Ch.
Action against joint debtor after judgment, Bar to another prosecution for same offense
COMMUTATION original complaint part of pleadings, when 10.22.020
Death sentence, governors power to commute 4.68.050 Compromise of other offenses prohibited
10.01.120 Amendment of 10.22.030

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 123]


Costs 10.22.020 standards for, developing 28A.410.224 transfer of property acquired by condemnation
Procedure 10.22.020 school services, student personal information 35.80A.020
When permitted, exceptions 10.22.010 collected through Condominiums
COMPUTER TRESPASS student user privacy in education rights act or compensation and allocation of interests
Malicious mischief 9A.48.100 SUPER act Ch. 28A.604 64.34.060
Physical damage defined 9A.48.100 Service contracts Ch. 48.110 County roads and bridges
Software service districts 36.83.090
COMPUTERS (See also INTERNET; STATE services, tax imposed 82.04.29001 Fire protection districts 52.12.051
DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES, tax exempt 84.36.600 Pesticides or devices 15.58.170
subtitle Information technology) valuation 84.40.037 Poisons
crimes Spamming Ch. 19.190 caustic or corrosive substances, misbranded
computer trespass Spyware 69.36.030
second degree 9A.90.050 action, who may bring 19.270.060 Rail districts 36.60.070
Crimes application of provisions 19.270.050
computer trespass CONDITIONAL SALES
chapter 19.86 RCW not affected 19.270.080 Conditional sales contracts for purchase of real or
first degree 9A.90.040 definitions 19.270.010
cybercrime act, Washington Ch. 9A.90 personal property by cities and towns,
local laws, chapter preempts 19.270.070 metropolitan park districts, counties, and
electronic data unlawful activities 19.270.020, 19.270.040
service interference 9A.90.060 library districts authorized, indebtedness
State information services planning and limitations 39.30.010
tampering in first degree 9A.90.080 management Ch. 43.41
tampering in second degree 9A.90.090 Destruction, conversion, sale, removal, etc., of
State ownership and use of, See also property to avoid, penalty 9.45.060
other crimes, commission with computer Schools, conditional sales contracts for
DEPARTMENT OF acquisition of property, limitations, joint
crime 9A.90.110 Surplus state equipment action 28A.335.200
spoofing 9A.90.070 donation to schools authorized 43.19.19191
Cyberbullying Ticket sellers and customers CONDITIONS
prevention and response, school instruction in software simulating ticket purchasing on Pleadings, conditions precedent, performance of
28A.650.045 sellers web site 4.36.080
Cybersecurity leadership 43.105.801 protections for sellers and customers Ch. Postponement of trial, costs payment to adverse
Cyberstalking 9.61.260 19.345 party as condition of 4.84.100
Degrees, bachelor of science Trespass, See COMPUTER TRESPASS Precedent
Bellevue College, authority to offer burden of proof of performance 4.36.080
28B.50.825 CONCEALMENT contracts 4.36.080
Digital citizenship, school instruction in Attachment, bond unnecessary, when 6.25.080 pleading of performance of, how 4.36.080
28A.650.045 Birth of child, penalty 9.02.050 vacation or modification of superior court
E-mail Debtors, by attachment grounds 6.25.030 judgments 4.72.050
unpermitted or misleading commercial Ejectment and quieting title, service by
publication on concealed defendants CONDOMINIUMS
messages, prohibition Ch. 19.190 Actions, right of manager or board of directors to
Games 7.28.010
Executors and administrators, concealment of bring 64.32.240
violent video or computer games, sale to Actions for damages, maintenance against
minors 9.91.180 estate property, procedure 11.48.070
Fetus concealing birth of 9.02.050 association of apartment owners 64.32.240
Hardware trade-in or exchange information, Apartment
recordkeeping requirements Ch. 19.194 Firearms, on person prohibited, exceptions
9.41.050 access to for maintenance, repair or
High technology businesses replacement of common areas and facilities
tax credits and deferrals Ch. 82.63 Logging liens, concealment or injury to property,
liability to lien holder 60.24.200 therein 64.32.050
Information technology classified as real property 64.32.030
stolen or misappropriated Ch. 19.330 Personal representatives, concealment of estate
property, procedure 11.48.070 deemed a parcel and subject to separate
Information technology projects, state assessment and taxation 64.32.190
funding policies and standards, duty of Service by publication if concealed defendant
4.28.100 Apartment owners
director of office of financial management agreements, decisions and determinations
to establish 43.88.560 Tolling of statutes of limitations 4.16.180
made by association of apartment owners
Joint legislative systems committee CONCESSIONS binding on all owners 64.32.250
administrative committee County park and recreation service areas, alteration of percentage of undivided interest
membership 44.68.030 concessions, proceeds, disbursement of in common areas and facilities 64.32.050
powers and duties 44.68.050 36.68.560 common right to share in common areas and
travel expenses 44.68.090 Toll bridge authority, powers and duties relating facilities 64.32.040
coordinator to, generally 47.56.070 compliance with bylaws, rules and
duties 44.68.040 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW regulations, declaration, or deed enjoined
secretary of administrative committee Decision of 64.32.060
44.68.030 commissioner, exception to, necessity of exclusive ownership and possession of
created 44.68.020 4.80.020 apartment 64.32.040
definitions 44.68.010 referee, exception to, necessity of 4.80.020 exemption from liability for common
electronic access to legislative information Parties may submit, procedure 4.44.070 expenses prohibited 64.32.180
44.68.100 Referees report joint ownership permitted 64.32.040
members, terms, vacancies 44.68.020 exceptions to, necessity of 4.80.020 nonexclusive easement for use of common
service center to separately state 4.48.070 areas and facilities 64.32.050
additional duties 44.68.065 set aside if 4.48.090 percentage of undivided interest in common
establishment, duties 44.68.060 Reports of court commissioners, exceptions to, areas and facilities, how computed
travel expenses 44.68.090 necessity of 4.80.020 64.32.050
K-20 information technology Ch. 43.41 subject to chapter, declaration and bylaws
K-20 telecommunications system Ch. 43.41 CONCRETE 64.32.050
Legislature Cement trucks undivided interest in common areas and
information and communication functions, axle loading controls 46.44.043 facilities 64.32.050
applicable law 44.68.080 CONDEMNATION (See also EMINENT Application of chapter 64.32.020
surplus equipment, donation to schools DOMAIN) Application of chapter to new and existing
44.04.250 Blighted property condominiums 64.34.010
Personal informationNotice of security authority to enter property or buildings Assessments for common expenses 64.34.360
breaches Ch. 19.255 35.80A.040 liens for 64.34.364
Schools cities, towns, and counties, authorization Association of
computer science learning standards, adoption 35.80A.010 apartment owners, access to apartment to
28A.300.585 disposition of property acquired by maintain, repair or replace common areas
K-12 computer science teacher certificate condemnation 35.80A.030 and facilities therein 64.32.050
endorsement financial assistance, acceptance 35.80A.040 Board of directors 64.34.308

[RCW Indexpage 124] (2016 Ed.)


Bylaws public offering statements 64.34.415 coverages to be maintained by unit owners

compliance with property owner enjoined tenants association 64.34.352
64.32.060 notice of conversion 64.34.440 notice of conveyance of unit to insurance
construction and validity 64.34.208 opportunity to purchase leased units carrier 64.34.354
Common areas and facilities 64.32.180 64.34.440 premiums as common expenses 64.32.220
alternation of percentage of undivided interest relocation assistance 64.34.440 Law and equity
of apartment owners 64.32.050 rights 64.34.440 general principles, when consistent,
classified as real property 64.32.030 Conveyance of apartment, liability of grantee for supplement chapter 64.34.070
maintenance, repair and replacement, how unpaid assessments 64.32.210 Leasehold condominiums
carried out 64.32.050 Conveyances information to be included in declaration
nonexclusive easement of apartment owner to release of liens 64.34.435 64.34.220
use 64.32.050 sale of units requiring delivery of public merger of leasehold and fee simple interests
partition or division of prohibited, covenants offering statement 64.34.220
to contrary void 64.32.050 prohibited until specified conditions met recording 64.34.220
percentage of undivided interest of property 64.34.418 reduction in number
owner, how computed 64.32.050 Covenants, partition or division of undivided reallocation of allocated interests 64.34.220
recomputation of percentage of undivided common areas and facilities void 64.32.050 rents, collection 64.34.220
interest of apartment owners 64.32.050 Creation of condominium 64.34.200 Leases
right of each apartment owner to share in Damage or destruction to property, disposition of contracts and leases of declarant, termination
64.32.040 property upon 64.32.230 64.34.320
undivided interest of property owner in Damages, consequential, special, and punitive Lenders
64.32.050 limitations on award of 64.34.100 rights of secured lenders 64.34.272
Common elements Declarants Liens affecting condominium 64.34.368
allocation of interests, votes, and expenses contracts and leases of declarant Liens or encumbrances
64.34.224 termination 64.34.320 arising after recording declaration, ineffective
conveyance 64.34.348 control of unit owners association 64.32.070
easement rights of declarant 64.34.260 transfer to association 64.34.312 assessments for common expenses constitute a
encumbrance 64.34.348 development rights lien, enforcement 64.32.200
limited common elements liability for expenses for property subject to damage or destruction to property, transfer of
allocation, reallocation, and incorporation 64.34.328 liens 64.32.230
64.34.228 easement rights through common elements effectiveness against apartments and
Common expenses 64.32.180 64.34.260 percentage of undivided interest in
assessments to pay for, collection 64.32.200 "must be built" improvements common areas and facilities 64.32.070
charged to apartment owners 64.32.080 duty to complete 64.34.465 labor or materials furnished for common areas
conveyance of apartment, grantee liable for offices and models and facilities, effectiveness of lien
common expenses and assessments right to maintain in condominium 64.34.256 64.32.070
64.32.210 repair and restoration of damage created by labor or materials furnished with consent of
foreclosure of mortgage, liability of exercise of reserved rights 64.34.465 apartment owner, no basis for lien against
mortgagee for common expenses or special declarant rights other apartment or common areas
assessments 64.32.200 transfer 64.34.316 64.32.070
insurance premiums 64.32.220 tort and contract liability 64.34.344 payment and satisfaction of before first
judgments against common areas and facilities Declaration conveyance of each apartment 64.32.130
for damages 64.32.240 recording 64.32.140 removal of lien from apartment or undivided
lien on apartment for assessments 64.32.200 Declarations interest in common areas and facilities by
Common expenses, assessments for 64.34.360 amendment of 64.34.264 payment of proportional amounts
liens for 64.34.364 amendment to, percentage of apartment 64.32.070
Common profits owners required 64.32.080, 64.32.090 Local ordinances, regulations and building codes
distribution among apartment owners apartment owners subject to 64.32.250 applicability 64.34.050
64.32.080 common elements Maintenance and repair
foreclosure of mortgage, liability of allocation of interests, votes, and expenses responsibilities of unit owners and unit
mortgagee for common expenses or 64.34.224 owners association 64.34.328
assessments 64.32.200 limited common elements Master associations 64.34.276
insurance premiums 64.32.220 allocation, reallocation, and incorporation Merger or consolidation 64.34.280
judgments against common areas and facilities 64.34.228 Mortgages
for damages 64.32.240 construction and validity 64.34.208 damage or destruction to property, transfer of
lien on apartment for assessments 64.32.200 contents 64.32.080, 64.32.090, 64.34.216 mortgages 64.32.230
Condemnation leasehold condominiums foreclosure of mortgagee, liability for
compensation and allocation of interests information to be included in declaration common expenses or assessments
64.34.060 concerning 64.34.220 64.32.200
Condominium act Deeds, form 64.04.055 payment and satisfaction before first
construction against implicit repeal 64.34.940 Deeds or other conveyances of apartments, conveyance of apartment 64.32.130
short title 64.34.900 contents 64.32.120 Name reservation 64.34.202
uniformity of application and construction Definitions 64.32.010, 64.34.020 Officers 64.34.308
64.34.950 Deposits on purchase or reservation of unit to be Partition, damage or destruction to property,
Construction defect disputes placed in escrow 64.34.430 remaining property subject to action for
application of Ch. 64.55 RCW 64.34.073 Development rights partition 64.32.230
generally Ch. 64.55 exercise of rights 64.34.236 Plans, contents, verification, recording and filing
Contracts real property, right constitutes separate parcel 64.32.100
contracts and leases of declarant, termination 64.34.040 Platting, subdivision and dedication of land act,
64.34.320 taxation and assessment of rights separately exemption 58.17.040
good faith obligation in performance and 64.34.040 Property taxes, property subject to 64.32.190
enforcement 64.34.090 Easements Public offering statements
liability for breach 64.34.344 declarant through common elements contents 64.34.410
purchasers right to cancel 64.34.420 64.34.260 conversion condominiums 64.34.415
unconscionable contract or clause nonexclusive easement of apartment owner to liability 64.34.405
determination 64.34.080 use common areas and facilities 64.32.050 purchasers right to cancel for failure to
limitations on enforcement 64.34.080 Escrow deliver 64.34.420
Conversion condominiums deposits on purchase or reservation of unit to requirements 64.34.405
inspection and repair requirements be placed in 64.34.430 sale of units requiring delivery of
authority of city or county to require Findings and intent, legislative 64.34.005 conveyance of interest prohibited until
64.34.440 Homestead exemption 6.13.080 specified conditions met 64.34.418
notice to tenants 64.34.440 Insurance single disclosure document, use of 64.34.417
project reports 64.34.442 authorized 64.32.220 Purchaser protection

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 125]


applicability of article 64.34.400 relocation of boundaries between 64.34.244 Drivers licenses

"must be built" improvements alterations negative file 46.20.118
declarants duty to complete 64.34.465 owners rights 64.34.240 Ecology department information 43.21A.160
"need not be built" improvements boundaries Electronic signatures, records confidentiality and
labeling in promotional materials 64.34.460 designation and determination 64.34.204 access limitation 19.34.420
promotional material monuments as boundaries 64.34.252 Employee assistance program
labeling of "need not be build" physical boundaries 64.34.252 employee participation and information,
improvements 64.34.460 relocation between adjoining units 64.34.244 exceptions 41.04.730
repair and restoration of damage created by conveyances Employment security records Ch. 50.13
declarants exercise of reserved rights notice to insurance carrier 64.34.354 Family and childrens ombuds, office of
64.34.465 release of liens 64.34.435 43.06A.050, 43.06A.060, 43.06A.070,
waiver 64.34.400 restricted until specified conditions met for 43.06A.080
Recording and filing units requiring delivery of public offering Financial institutions
declaration 64.32.140 statement 64.34.418 compliance review information,
instruments 64.32.140 description confidentiality Ch. 7.88
Records of receipts and expenditures 64.32.170 required elements 64.34.212 Health care authority
Remedies for aggrieved parties owners right to make alterations 64.34.240 contract proposals 41.05.026
liberal administration 64.34.100 real property, each constitutes separate parcel Health care insurance
Removal of property from chapter, procedure, 64.34.040 patient bill of rights 48.43.500, 48.43.505,
effect 64.32.150 resale 64.34.425 48.43.510, 48.43.515, 48.43.520,
Resale of units 64.34.425 subdivision of units 64.34.248 48.43.525, 48.43.530, 48.43.535,
Reserve account taxation and assessment of each separately 48.43.540, 48.43.545, 48.43.550
exemption 64.34.392 64.34.040 personally identifiable information, release
Reserve study taxation and assessment when all units are restrictions 48.43.021
exemption and disclosure 64.34.392 declarant owned 64.34.040 Highway construction, bidders qualifying
Residential property Variation by agreement from provisions of financial information 47.28.075
sellers disclosures, requirements Ch. 64.06 chapter Hospital data collection and reporting
Resubmission of property to provisions of limitations and prohibitions 64.34.030 identification of individual patients prohibited
chapter 64.32.160 Violations of chapter, declaration, or bylaws 70.170.090
Sale, sellers disclosures required Ch. 64.06 award of attorneys fees 64.34.455 Impaired physician program records 18.71.340
Sale of units requiring delivery of public offering right of action 64.34.455 Juvenile offenders
statement Warranties student records and information, release
conveyance of interest prohibited until express warranties of quality 64.34.443, 13.40.480
specified conditions met 64.34.418 64.34.452 Medical records
Savings banks, powers as to horizontal property implied warranties of quality 64.34.445, access and disclosure Ch. 70.02
regimes or condominiums 32.04.025 64.34.450, 64.34.452 Medical test sites
Service of process and papers 64.32.240 qualified warranties Ch. 64.35 confidentiality of information obtained by
Short title 64.32.900 Zoning ordinances, resolutions or laws, department of health 70.42.210
Subassociations application 64.32.110 Nursing home complaints and requests for
delegation of power to 64.34.278 inspection 18.51.190, 18.51.200
Survey map of land surface, contents, CONFESSIONS Organic food business related information,
verification, recording and filing 64.32.100 Conviction, confession in open court convicts exceptions 15.86.110
Survey maps and plans 64.34.232 10.01.060 Pharmacies, nonresident pharmacies 18.64.420
Termination of condominium 64.34.268 Made under duress, cannot be used 10.58.030 Pharmacy quality assurance commission
Timeshare regulation, See TIMESHARE Made under inducement, cannot convict unless prescription drugs 69.41.044, 69.45.090
REGULATION corroborated 10.58.030 Prescription drugs
Tort liability 64.34.344 CONFIDENTIALITY (See also electronic communication of prescriptions
Unit owners associations PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATIONS) authorized, conditions 69.41.055,
assessments for common expenses 64.34.360 Adoption 69.50.312
liens for 64.34.364 birth parent search 26.33.343 Property tax information 84.08.210
boards of directors 64.34.308 files of agency, department, and court Public transportation, user information 47.04.240
bylaws 64.34.324 confidential, exceptions 26.33.340 Sexually transmitted diseases, disclosure of
common elements records sealed, conditions for inspection testing or treatment 70.24.450
conveyance or encumbrance of 64.34.348 26.33.330 CONFINEMENT (See COMMITMENT;
common expenses, assessments for 64.34.360 release of information, conditions 26.33.347 JAILS; PRISONS AND PRISONERS)
liens for 64.34.364 Agricultural export market development projects
control of association confidentiality of records 43.23.270 CONFIRMATION
transfer from declarant 64.34.312 Air pollution control Execution sales, real property, proceedings
disclosures by board of directors 64.34.308 information about processes or production 6.21.110
funds and financial records 64.34.372 unique to owner or operator 70.94.205 Partition proceedings
insurance, notice to carrier of conveyance of Bank and trust companies report of referee for sale of property 7.52.210
unit 64.34.354 compliance review information, report of sale 7.52.380
insurance, required coverages 64.34.352 confidentiality Ch. 7.88 CONFLICT OF INTEREST (See CODE OF
meetings 64.34.332 Birthing centers 18.46.090 ETHICS)
proxies 64.34.340 Child mortality review CONFRONTATION OF WITNESSES
quorums 64.34.336 local health department records, reports, and Right of accused to 10.52.060
voting 64.34.340 statements 70.05.170
officers 64.34.308 Community sexual assault program and CONGRESS
organization 64.34.300 underserved populations provider records Steelhead
powers 64.34.304 not available to defense attorneys under petition congress to make national game fish
records 64.34.372 discovery, exceptions 70.125.065 77.110.020
reserve account 64.34.380, 64.34.384, Corporations, nonprofit CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS AND
64.34.390 interrogatories of APPORTIONMENT
reserve study 64.34.380, 64.34.382, secretary of state 24.03.435 Redistricting1983 act
64.34.386, 64.34.388, 64.34.390 Criminal justice participants commission
subassociations, delegation of power to address confidentiality program for criminal cessation of operations 44.05.110
64.34.278 justice participants 40.24.030 duties 44.05.070, 44.05.080
surplus funds 64.34.356 Disposal of personal information Ch. 19.215 members
tort and contract liability 64.34.344 Domestic violence, sexual assault, trafficking, or appointment, chairperson, filling of
trustee status in dealings with third person stalking victim vacancy 44.05.030
64.34.376 address confidentiality program Ch. 40.24 compensation of 44.05.070
Units Domestic violence program client records not oath 44.05.040
adjoining units subject to discovery, exceptions 70.123.075 persons ineligible to serve 44.05.050

[RCW Indexpage 126] (2016 Ed.)


political activities prohibited 44.05.060 definitions 80.28.005 cooperation of department with corps
reconvening 44.05.120 Public utility districts 77.12.887
definitions 44.05.020 water conservation equipment Funds, expenditures and limitations 43.220.231
effective date assistance to customers for acquisition of, Membership
contingent on constitutional amendment authorization, limitations 54.16.032 eligibility, terms 43.220.070
44.05.900 Salmon, See FISH AND FISHING Natural resources, department of, to cooperate
plan Shoreline management act Ch. 90.58 with corps 43.30.545
challenges 44.05.130 Soil and water conservation districts, See Noxious weed removal projects
district and precinct delineation 44.05.090 CONSERVATION DISTRICTS pollen- or nectar-rich plants for pollinators,
duties of supreme court, when 44.05.100 Stewardship of nonindustrial forests and replacing weeds with 43.220.260
modification 44.05.120 woodlands Parks and recreation commission
report to accompany 44.05.080 definitions 76.13.010 cooperation of commission with corps
submission to legislature 44.05.100 department of natural resources authority 79A.05.545
CONSANGUINITY AND AFFINITY 76.13.020 Project goals 43.220.045
Judicial officers funding, authority to receive and disburse Puget Sound corps
disqualification for relationship to party by funds 76.13.030 created 43.220.020
2.28.030 legislative finding 76.13.005 Puget Sound ecosystem recovery 43.220.045
venue change because judge related to party purpose 76.13.007 Recreation trails system, state
4.12.030 Water compensation rates for corps participants
Jurors, challenge of, relationship through ground cities and towns 79A.35.130
for implied bias 4.44.180 revenue bonds 35.92.105 Recruitment of members 43.220.070
Venue, change of because judge related to party cities and towns, authority to assist customer Reimbursement of nonprofit corporations
4.12.030 acquisition of water conservation 43.220.250
equipment 35.92.017 State agencies
CONSENT ground waters Ch. 90.44
Dismissal of action by 4.56.120 powers and duties 43.220.060
irrigation district assistance to landowners Unemployment compensation coverage
Nonsuit by consent 4.56.120 87.03.0175
Partition proceedings exempt 43.220.170
sewer system planning considerations
guardian or limited guardian, by 7.52.470 90.48.495 CONSERVATION DISTRICTS
sale of estate for life or years 7.52.310 surface waters Ch. 90.03 Accounts
without consent 7.52.320 Water conservation equipment conservation assistance revolving 89.08.550
Reference by 4.48.010 public utility districts authorized to assist Agricultural conservation easement program
Reference without 4.48.020 customers in acquisition, limitations 89.08.530, 89.08.540
CONSERVATION (See also FORESTS AND 54.16.032 Agricultural outdoor burning
FOREST PRODUCTS; PARKS AND Water conservation performance standards educational material on health and
RECREATION) plumbing fixtures 19.27.170 environmental effects 70.94.6528
Agricultural lands Water quality trading program Annexation or boundary changes 89.08.180
voluntary stewardship program Ch. 36.70A assessment and report 89.08.600 Assessments
Cities and towns Water resource management Ch. 90.42 natural resource conservation, special
water conservation equipment, authority to Water use efficiency and conservation programs assessments for 89.08.400
assist customer acquisition of 35.92.017 and practices 90.54.180 Burning permits
Community and urban forestry Ch. 76.15 Wildlife, See WILDLIFE issuing authority, nuisances, control of
Conservation commission, powers and duties Ch. Youth employment and conservation act, See 70.94.6516
89.08 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION, Burning permits, issuance 70.94.6530
Conservation districts, organization and subtitle Youth employment and conservation Conservation commission, powers and duties Ch.
operation Ch. 89.08 act 89.08
Counties, comprehensive plans, elements of CONSERVATION COMMISSION Corporate status and powers 89.08.220
36.70.350 Accounts Crop purchase contracts, energy crops 89.08.570
Energy conservation assistance revolving 89.08.550 Dairy nutrient management, duties Ch. 90.64
cities and towns Agricultural lands voluntary stewardship Definitions 89.08.020
revenue bonds 35.92.105 program Dissolution 89.08.350, 89.08.360, 89.08.370
Energy audits, municipalities 43.19.691 administration by commission Ch. 36.70A soil conservation districts Ch. 53.48
Energy audits, state facilities Conservation districts, organization and Ditch maintenance agreement with county
definitions 43.19.670 operation Ch. 89.08 county road fund 36.82.075
lease terms 43.19.685 Dairy nutrient management, duties Ch. 90.64 Employees
Energy conservation in buildings salaries, direct deposit 41.04.240
generally Ch. 19.27A Dairy nutrient management projects
dairy nutrient infrastructure account Farm plans, disclosure 89.08.560
landscape objectives at state facilities to Formation procedures 89.08.080, 89.08.090,
include 43.19.682 43.79.530
Definitions 89.08.020 89.08.100, 89.08.110, 89.08.120, 89.08.130,
tree plantings at state facilities encouraged 89.08.140, 89.08.150, 89.08.160, 89.08.170
43.19.668 Funds administration
Farmland preservation Ch. 89.10 evergreen community, preference 89.08.590 Grants from conservation commission 89.08.410
Fish, See FISH AND FISHING Grants to conservation districts 89.08.410 Horticultural plants and facilities
Heating systems, See HEATING SYSTEMS Membership and terms 89.08.030 permits 15.13.270
Irrigation districts, energy, home owners Powers and duties 89.08.040, 89.08.050, Insurance, pools, self-insurance authorized Ch.
financial assistance 87.03.017 89.08.060, 89.08.070 48.62
Joint operating agencies Salmon recovery and habitat restoration, duties Intergovernmental cooperation 89.08.341
authority to generate electricity via Ch. 77.85 Natural resource conservation
conservation 43.52.260 Water quality trading program special assessments for 89.08.400
Natural area preserves Ch. 79.70 assessment and report 89.08.600 Powers and duties 89.08.220
Natural resources conservation areas Ch. 79.71 Watershed restoration projects, consolidated Property tax
Oil and gas conservation committee, See OIL permit application process 89.08.450, exemption for fish and wildlife habitat and
AND GAS, subtitle Conservation committee 89.08.460, 89.08.470, 89.08.480, 89.08.490, water quality improvements 89.08.440
Policy of the state on environment and natural 89.08.500, 89.08.510 Rates and charges system 89.08.405
resources utilization 43.21A.010 CONSERVATION CORPS (See also Risk management services authorized Ch. 48.62
Public buildings VETERANS, subtitle Conservation corps) Shellfish protection districts, contracts with
energy conservation and renewable resources Administration, centralization of 43.220.905 conservation districts Ch. 90.72
39.35.020 Annual meeting Supervisors
Public utility conservation investments forum for partner agencies, work plan powers and duties 89.08.210
conservation bonds 80.28.306 43.220.075 selection 89.08.160, 89.08.190, 89.08.200
conservation investments 80.28.303 Created 43.220.020 Treasurers 89.08.215
costs as bondable conservation investments Definitions 43.220.040 Water quality and habitat protection grant
80.28.309 Fish and wildlife, department of programs

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 127]


outcome-focused performance measures certification authority, agency authority as CONSTITUTIONS

89.08.520 43.19.794 Judicial notice of foreign laws, uniform act Ch.
Puget Sound partners 89.08.580 Performance targets, plans for achieving goals, 5.24
Water resource management Ch. 90.82 quarterly reports 43.105.111 CONSTRUCTION
Water rights preserved 89.08.390, 89.08.391 Powers and duties 43.105.052 Construction defect claims Ch. 64.50
Watershed restoration projects, consolidated Public records, electronic access to Contractors, registration requirements Ch. 18.27
permit application process 89.08.450, accuracy, integrity, and privacy of records and Contracts
89.08.460, 89.08.470, 89.08.480, 89.08.490, information 43.105.365 action arising on 4.16.300
89.08.500, 89.08.510 costs and fees 43.105.355 limitation on 4.16.310, 4.16.325
Withdrawal from district 89.08.185 findings, intent 43.105.351 actions or claims arising for construction
CONSERVATION EASEMENTS (See government information locator service pilot defect claims
TAXES - PROPERTY) project 43.105.359 comparative fault 4.16.326
Purpose 43.105.006, 43.105.007 emergency repairs 4.16.327
CONSERVATOR Rulemaking authority 43.105.057
Investment of funds 39.60.050 actions or claims arising from construction
Technology services board 43.105.285, defect claims
CONSIGNMENTS (See also UNIFORM 43.105.287 statute tolled 4.16.320
COMMERCIAL CODE, subtitle Secured K-20 network oversight and damages caused by contractees delay, waiver,
transactions) telecommunications planning coordination null and void 4.24.360
Art dealers accepting work of fine art on 43.105.825 definition 4.24.370
consignment, duties and contract Transfer to agency delay damages, waiver, effective date
requirements Ch. 18.110 certain powers, duties, and functions of 4.24.380
Commission merchants, failure to pay consignor department of information systems Correctional facilities
creditor 20.01.240, 20.01.250, 20.01.260, 43.105.907 alternative method of contracting to remain in
20.01.270, 20.01.280, 20.01.300, 20.01.310 CONSOLIDATION (See also CITIES AND force until completed 39.04.230
Pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers, TOWNS, subtitle Annexation; CITIES findings 39.04.210
transaction requirements Ch. 19.60 AND TOWNS, subtitle Consolidation) general contractor/construction manager
Secondhand dealers and pawnbrokers, Cities and towns method for awarding contracts 39.04.220
transaction requirements Ch. 19.60 code cities Defect disputes, multiunit residential buildings
CONSOLIDATED TECHNOLOGY applicable law 35A.05.005 application of chapter 64.55.005
SERVICES AGENCY indebtedness, ratification and funding after, arbitration 64.55.100
Board election 35.40.030 building permit application, design documents
rulemaking authority 43.105.057 Corporations, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle 64.55.020
Central personnel-payroll system Ch. 41.07 Consolidation case schedule plan, deadlines 64.55.110
Chief information officer, office of the state Fraternal societies, See FRATERNAL certificate of occupancy 64.55.060
central service provider for state agencies, SOCIETIES, subtitle Incorporations definitions 64.55.010
agency as 43.105.385 Insurance companies, generally 48.31.010 inspections
creation, powers, duties, functions 43.105.205 Irrigation districts 87.03.530, 87.03.535, requirements 64.55.030
cybersecurity leadership 43.105.801 87.03.540, 87.03.545, 87.03.550, 87.03.551 scope of, definition 64.55.050
enterprise-based information technology Port districts, See PORT DISTRICTS, subtitle inspectors
strategy and enterprise architecture Consolidation qualifications 64.55.040
program 43.105.265 Public hospital districts 70.44.190 report or testimony, admissibility 64.55.080
major projects, standards and policies for CONSPIRACY liability
planning, implementation, and evaluation Fish marketing associations, deemed not to be none against inspector, architect, or engineer
43.105.245 24.36.070 64.55.070
major technology projects and services Labor disputes, participation in as grounds for mandatory mediation
43.105.255 injunction 49.32.060 generally 64.55.120
portfolio, management of information Subversive activities 9.81.020 offers of judgment, costs and fees 64.55.160
technology as 43.105.225 neutral expert, appointment of 64.55.130
portfolio, state agency information technology CONSTABLES payment of arbitrators, mediators, and neutral
43.105.230, 43.105.235 Habeas corpus, warrant to prevent removal or experts 64.55.140
portfolios, information technology 43.105.341 irreparable injury sale of condominium unit 64.55.090
privacy and data protection, office of directed to 7.36.190 subcontractors and suppliers, arbitration
creation, chief privacy officer, duties, execution of 7.36.210 64.55.150
reporting 43.105.369 Health regulations by state board of health, duty Energy efficiency
review by legislative audit and review to enforce, penalty 43.20.050 climate pollution reduction in built
committee 44.28.818 Limitation of actions against 4.16.080 environment
security standards and policies, including Retirement, See RETIREMENT AND residential and nonresidential construction,
information technology security programs PENSIONS, subtitle Law enforcement energy consumption reduction
43.105.215 officers and fire fighters 19.27A.160
spending and budget requests for agency Search warrant, duties 10.79.020 Hospitals, See HOSPITAL SURVEY AND
information technology, evaluation Witnesses, attachment of witnesses 5.56.080 CONSTRUCTION ACT
state data center, use of Court commissioners oath to support 2.24.020 informational material, master documents
business plan and migration schedule for Judges 60.04.250, 60.04.255
state agencies 43.105.375 pro tempore, sworn to support 2.08.180 Permits
state interoperability executive committee superior courts, sworn to support 2.08.080 new construction, county assessors appraisal
43.105.331 36.21.070, 36.21.080
Judicial notice of, uniform law 5.24.010,
strategic information technology plan and 5.24.020, 5.24.030, 5.24.040, 5.24.050 Recycled content products
performance reports 43.105.220 use in state capital construction or
School study of required 28A.230.170
Civil service exemption for certain personnel improvement projects 39.04.133
41.06.094 CONSTITUTION, WASHINGTON (See also Recycled materials
Consolidated technology services revolving INDEX TO CONSTITUTION VOL. 0) use of materials from demolition projects in
account 43.105.342 Court commissioners oath to support 2.24.020 public works 39.04.135
Contracts with state and local government Courts, implied powers included 2.28.150 Residential and commercial
43.105.060 Judges solid fuel burning devices, standards
Creation, appointment of director, directors pro tempore, sworn to support 2.08.180 70.94.455
duties 43.105.025 superior courts, sworn to support 2.08.080 Tax imposed on building construction, repair
Definitions 43.105.020 Judicial officers, implied powers included 82.04.280, 82.04.440
Drivers license and identicard data furnished to, 2.28.150 Water pollution control
exception 46.20.157 School study of required 28A.230.170 projects involving fill material, leaching test
Electronic authentication Secretary of state custodian of 43.07.040 90.48.530, 90.48.531

[RCW Indexpage 128] (2016 Ed.)


CONSTRUCTION, RULES OF (See RULES loan restrictions 31.04.125 violation is an unfair act or practice, damages
OF CONSTRUCTION) place of business 31.04.075 63.10.050
CONSULATES powers and restrictions 31.04.105 Consumer leases, See also UNIFORM
Foreign acknowledgments 64.08.040 recordkeeping and report requirement COMMERCIAL CODE, subtitle Leases
31.04.155 (Article 2A)
CONSUMER FINANCE violations 31.04.175 Consumer loan act Ch. 31.04
Credit reports, fair credit reporting act Ch. 19.182 Licenses Consumer protection act Ch. 19.86
CONSUMER LEASES (See UNIFORM business licensing service exemption Contractors, registration requirements Ch. 18.27
COMMERCIAL CODE, subtitle Leases 19.02.800 Cooling off period
(Article 2A)) Mortgage loans telephone solicitations 19.158.120
Consumer protection act originators, etc. Ch. 31.04 Corporations
violation is an unfair act or practice, damages reverse mortgage lending Ch. 31.04 dissolution or forfeiture of franchise
63.10.050 Open-end loan 19.86.150
Definitions 63.10.020 annual fee 31.04.115 stock acquisition in other corporations create
Disclosure requirements 63.10.040 credit life or credit disability insurance monopoly 19.86.060
Expiration, lessees liability 31.04.115 Credit cards
attorney fees 63.10.030 interest charges 31.04.115 receipts, printing restrictions 19.200.010,
Lease-purchase agreements requirements, restrictions, and options 63.14.123
advertising 31.04.115 Credit reports
liability 63.19.090 security interest in property 31.04.115 fair credit reporting act Ch. 19.182
requirements 63.19.090 Recovery of costs 31.04.205 security freezes, information from birth
application of lease-purchase agreement act Subpoena authority of director of financial certificate issuers concerning 70.58.098
63.19.020 institutions 31.04.143 security freezes for protected consumers
content restrictions 63.19.050 Violations of chapter 31.04.027 19.182.220, 19.182.230
definitions 63.19.010 Credit services organizations Ch. 19.134
CONSUMER PROTECTION Dairy products Ch. 15.36
disclosure by lessor 900 numbers, regulation Ch. 19.162
contents of agreement 63.19.040 Damages, treble allowed 19.86.090
Actions and transactions exempted from Debit cards
requirements 63.19.030 consumer protection act 19.86.170
new agreements receipts, printing restrictions 19.200.010,
Actions for damages 19.86.090 63.14.123
renegotiation between same lessor and Adoption services 26.33.400
consumer Debt adjusters Ch. 18.28
Adult family homes 70.128.058 Deeds of trust
disclosure requirements 63.19.080 Advertising, false or deceptive Ch. 9.04
events not considered renegotiation sale by trustee, application of consumer
Agricultural commodities protection act 61.24.135
63.19.080 Washington state grown, restrictions on use
receipts for payments Definitions 19.86.010
for labeling or advertising 15.04.410 Distressed property conveyances 61.34.040
lessors duty to provide 63.19.070 Agricultural marketing and fair practices Ch.
reinstatement by consumer Drugs
15.83 over-the-counter medications, imprinting
terms 63.19.060 Alternate operator services
upholstered furniture or bedding requirements Ch. 69.60
disclosure 80.36.510, 80.36.520 Electrical retail customers Ch. 19.29A
used, sanitizing required before leasing violations of consumer protection act
63.19.100 E-mail
80.36.530 unpermitted or misleading commercial
violations 63.19.110 Animals used in biomedical research
Legislative declaration 63.10.010 messages, prohibition Ch. 19.190
penalties 19.86.145 Employment agencies Ch. 19.31
Motor vehicle leases 63.10.045 Art dealers accepting work of fine art on
Remedies 63.10.055 Equity skimming 61.34.040
consignment, duties and contract Escrow agents, licensing and regulation Ch.
Residual value at expiration 63.10.030 requirements Ch. 18.110
Unlawful acts or practices 63.10.045 18.44
Attorney general, duties 19.86.080, 19.86.085, Exchange facilitators, standards and prohibited
Usury 63.10.060 19.86.100, 19.86.110
Violation is an unfair act or practice, damages practices Ch. 19.310
Auctions and auctioneers Ch. 18.11 Exemptions from consumer protection act
63.10.050 Audiologists Ch. 18.35 19.86.070, 19.86.170
CONSUMER LOAN ACT Automated teller machines, security Ch. 19.174 Fair credit reporting act Ch. 19.182
Act provisions Ch. 31.04 Automotive repair Fertilizers, minerals, and limes, See
Administrative procedure act, application unfair practices 46.71.070 FERTILIZERS
31.04.202 Bail bond agents Ch. 18.185 Floral or ornamental products or services,
Application of chapter 31.04.025 Bottled water, labeling standards 69.07.180, telephone directory business listings Ch.
Consumer loan act provisions Ch. 31.04 69.07.190 19.160
Consumer protection act, application 31.04.208 Business opportunity fraud act Ch. 19.110 Food, drug, and cosmetic act Ch. 69.04
Definitions 31.04.015 Camping resorts Ch. 19.105 Food and beverage workers permits Ch. 69.06
Director of financial institutions Cemeteries Food processing Ch. 69.07
administrative power and discretion 31.04.165 prearrangement contracts 68.05.330 Franchise investment protection Ch. 19.100
duties 31.04.093 Charitable solicitations Ch. 19.09 Fund raising and charitable solicitations Ch.
duties and powers 31.04.145 Check cashers and sellers Ch. 31.45 19.09
powers under chapter 19.144 RCW 31.04.168 Cigarette sales below cost prohibited Ch. 19.91 Funeral directors and embalmers Ch. 18.39
Enforcement of chapter 31.04.205 Collection agencies Ch. 19.16 Gasoline, retailer and refiner-supplier
Higher interest rates, authorization for Commercial telephone solicitation Ch. 19.158 relationship Ch. 19.120
conditions and limitations Ch. 31.04 Competition, agreements to lessen competition Geologists, licensing requirements and standards
Investigations and examination of records or create monopoly unlawful 19.86.050 of practice Ch. 18.220
31.04.145 Computers Going out of business sales Ch. 19.178
License hardware trade-in or exchange information, Health care discount plan organization act Ch.
application form, fee, and surety bond recordkeeping requirements Ch. 19.194 48.155
31.04.045 Construction liens Health care insurance
background checks 31.04.045 consumer protection act, application to patient bill of rights 48.43.500, 48.43.505,
director of financial institutions 60.04.035 48.43.510, 48.43.515, 48.43.520,
responsibilities 31.04.055 Consumer credit reports 48.43.525, 48.43.530, 48.43.535,
information required 31.04.065 fair credit reporting act Ch. 19.182 48.43.540, 48.43.545, 48.43.550
regulation 31.04.093 security freezes, information from birth Health consumer assistance office
required 31.04.035 certificate issuers concerning 70.58.098 creation and duties 43.70.230
Licensee security freezes for protected consumers Health services
advertisements or promotions 31.04.135 19.182.220, 19.182.230 home health care 70.127.216
assessment and bond 31.04.085 Consumer leases Health studios Ch. 19.142
disclosure of fees and costs 31.04.102 remedies 63.10.055 Hearing and speech services Ch. 18.35
interest calculations 31.04.125 unlawful acts or practices 63.10.045 Hearing instrument fitters/dispensers Ch. 18.35

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 129]


Heating oil pollution liability protection Pay-per-call information delivery services Ch. CONTAMINATED PROPERTY (See REAL
70.149.100 19.162 PROPERTY)
High risk consumer loans Ch. 31.04 Penalties for violations 19.86.140 CONTEMPT
Horticultural plants and facilities Plumbers, certification of competency Ch. Administrative proceedings
unlawful acts 15.13.420 18.106 sanctions, petition to court for imposition of
Identification documents 9A.58.030 Poison prevention packaging Ch. 70.106 7.21.060
Immigration services fraud prevention act Ch. Prizes, promotional advertising of Ch. 19.170 Adults only material, failure to comply with court
19.154 Product liability/hazardous substance claims order relating to erotic material 9.68.060
Information technology confidentiality 4.24.611
stolen or misappropriated Ch. 19.330 Aircraft, violation of court order prohibiting
damages and costs 4.24.611 operation 47.68.240
Injunctions 19.86.095 public right to information 4.24.611
Installment sales of goods and services Ch. 63.14 Appellate review of proceedings 7.21.070
Public hazards disclosure 4.24.601 Attachment of witness 5.56.070, 5.56.080
life settlements Ch. 48.102 Pyramid schemes Attorneys, by
vendor single-interest or collateral protection antipyramid promotional scheme act Ch. refusal to deliver clients money or papers
coverage, requirements 48.22.110, 19.275 60.40.020
48.22.115, 48.22.120, 48.22.125, Real estate brokerage relationships Ch. 18.86 Civil infractions
48.22.130, 48.22.135 Real property failure to pay penalty or perform restitution
Insurance commissioner duties 48.02.160 sellers disclosures, requirements Ch. 64.06 7.80.160
Interest rates Ch. 19.52 Rebates for consumers, protections Ch. 19.315 Costs
International student exchange organizations Ch. Residential mortgage loan closing enforcement of payment in criminal
19.166 valuation disclosure requirements Ch. 19.149 proceedings 10.01.180
Investigation unit 19.86.085 Restraint of trade, contracts or conspiracies Criminal
Investigations, procedures 19.86.110 unlawful 19.86.030 criminal act constituting contempt at same
Judgment to restrain is prima facie evidence in Retail installment sales Ch. 63.14 time may be punished as crime also
civil actions 19.86.130 Roofing and siding contractors and salespersons, 9.92.040
Kosher food products Ch. 69.90 business practices regulated Ch. 19.186 injunction against moral nuisances, penalty
Labor not article of commerce 19.86.070 Sales Art. 62A.2 7.48.080
Land developments Ch. 58.19 Sales, going out of business sales Ch. 19.178 injunctions in place of 7.48.080
Lease contracts Art. 62A.2A Secondhand dealers and pawnbrokers Ch. 19.60 violation of injunction against moral
Lease-purchase agreements Ch. 63.19 Seeds Ch. 15.49 nuisances, penalty 7.48.080
Lemon law Ch. 19.118 Service contracts Ch. 48.110 Definitions 7.21.010
Life settlements Ch. 48.102 Service of process outside state 19.86.160 Deposits into court, refusal to make 4.44.490
Limitation of actions 19.86.120 Service stations Execution, writ of, failure to obey 6.17.070
Loan originators Ch. 19.146, Ch. 31.04 Habeas corpus, limitation on inquiry 7.36.130
gas prices 9.04.090
Locksmiths misrepresenting geographic location Health care activities, labor relations, arbitration
requirements and prohibitions Ch. 19.355 Siding and roofing contractors and salespersons, board 49.66.100
Manufactured homes business practices regulated Ch. 19.186
Injunctions 7.40.170
installation warranty 46.70.134 Solicitation lists, withdrawal of consumers disobedience 7.40.150, 7.40.160
sales, implied warranty 46.70.132 name 19.182.030
warranties, inspections, delivery, occupancy, Speech-language pathologists Ch. 18.35 punishment power 2.28.020, 2.28.070
and advertising requirements 46.70.135 Structured settlement protection Ch. 19.205 Judicial officers
Materials from federal or other states attorney Telephone buyers protection act Ch. 19.130 punishment powers 2.28.020, 2.28.070
general 19.86.115 Telephone directory business listings Ch. 19.160 Justices of the peace
Meat Telephone solicitation, commercial Ch. 19.158 punishment
custom slaughtering and custom meat Ticket sellers and customers power of 2.28.020
facilities, licensing and inspection Ch. software simulating ticket purchasing on Juvenile court
16.49 sellers web site dependency cases 13.34.165
Milk products Ch. 15.36 protections for sellers and customers Ch. failure to
Mobile homes 19.345 comply with court order entered under
installation warranty 46.70.134 Timeshare regulation 64.36.170 family reconciliation act 13.32A.250
sales, implied warranty 46.70.132 Trading stamps and premiums Ch. 19.84 nonappearance when summoned 13.34.070
warranties, inspections, delivery, occupancy, Travel businesses Ch. 19.138 Labor injunction proceedings, generally
and advertising requirements 46.70.135 Unfair competition and practices declared 49.32.090, 49.32.100
Monopolies unlawful 19.86.020 Nuisances
declared unlawful 19.86.040 Unfair or deceptive act or practice moral nuisances
divestiture of stock or assets 19.86.060 civil action restraining order pending temporary
stock acquisition in other corporations to claim elements 19.86.093 injunction, violation 7.48.062
create monopoly 19.86.060 Unsolicited goods or services Ch. 19.56
Mortgage brokers Ch. 19.146 violation of injunction against moral
Usury Ch. 19.52 nuisances 7.48.080
Mortgage loan originators Ch. 31.04
Veterans Parenting act
Mortgage loan servicing, sale, or transfer Ch.
19.148 pension poacher prevention act Ch. 19.335 disobedience of decree or order
Motion picture distribution and exhibition Ch. Violations, civil penalties 19.86.140 contempt actions 26.09.160
19.58 Vision care, consumer access to Ch. 18.195 Penalty, platting, subdivision and dedication of
Motor vehicle fuel quality Ch. 19.112 Weight loss facilities Ch. 19.142 land act, penalty for failing to follow court
Motor vehicle sales practices Ch. 46.70 Weights and measures Ch. 19.94 order 58.17.220
Motor vehicle subleasing or transfer, unlawful Well construction Ch. 18.104 Probate, surviving partners of decedent, failure to
practices Ch. 19.116 Wheelchairs warranties Ch. 19.184 file bond 11.64.022
Motor vehicle warranties Ch. 19.118 Punishment power
CONSUMER REPRESENTATIVES court commissioners 2.24.040
Motor vehicles Health board
dealer franchise protection Ch. 46.96 courts 2.28.020
defined 43.20.025 referees 4.48.060
Moving companies
advertisements, contents 81.80.357 CONTACT LENSES (See VISION CARE) Referees power to punish for 4.48.060
Moving sales, restrictions 19.178.100 CONTAGIOUS DISEASES (See DISEASES) Refusal to deliver subject matter of litigation to
Night depositories, security Ch. 19.174 party 4.44.490
Nursing homes, licensing and regulation Ch. CONTAINERS Sanctions
18.51 Beverage, See BEVERAGE CONTAINERS fines 7.21.040
Organic food products Ch. 15.86, 19.86.023 Explosives punitive, fines 7.21.040
Patent infringement claims, assertion of bad faith marking, penalty for violation 70.74.300 remedial, payment for losses 7.21.030
prohibitions, exemptions, enforcement Food, drug, and cosmetic act Ch. 69.04 summary imposition, procedure 7.21.050
patent troll prevention act Ch. 19.350 Honey Ch. 69.28 who may impose 7.21.020
Pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers Ch. 19.60 Poison prevention packaging Ch. 70.106 Subpoenas

[RCW Indexpage 130] (2016 Ed.)


witness failing to attend court in answer to state officers 42.14.060 rights of owner, recovery options 60.04.151
5.56.061 Legislators withholding of funds 60.04.221
Supplemental proceedings 6.32.180 calling into session 42.14.030 Construction of state highway
Support actions, contempt powers of court proportional voting 42.14.030 bond of
74.20.240 quorum requirements dispensed with qualification of sureties under 47.28.110
Witnesses 42.14.030 required 47.28.100
attachment to answer for contempt 5.56.070, reduction in number 42.14.030 Consumer protection act, application 18.27.350
5.56.080 sessions during emergency 42.14.030 Consumer/contractor awareness of chapter
failing to attend court 5.56.061 Political subdivisions, emergency seat of 18.27.380
legislative hearings and inquiries 44.16.130, government, authority to establish 42.14.075 Contaminated properties
44.16.140, 44.16.150, 44.16.160 Seat of government, establishing emergency decontamination, disposal, or demolition of
CONTEMPT OF COURT (See CONTEMPT) 42.14.035 certification by department of health
CONTRABAND 64.44.060
CONTESTS County improvement
Amusement game Firearms
unlawful firearms contraband 9.41.220 contractors bond for construction of county
defined 9.46.0201 roads and bridges 36.77.040
Contest of chance Machine guns declared to be 9.41.220
labor and material claims 36.45.040
defined 9.46.0225 CONTRACEPTION (See BIRTH Definitions 18.27.010
promotional, authorized 9.46.0356 CONTROL) Design-build public works contracting procedure
Fishing derby \CONTRACTORS (See also INDUSTRIAL Ch. 39.10
defined 9.46.0229 INSURANCE, subtitle Contractors) Diking districts, improvement procedure
CONTINGENT LIABILITY Actions against contractors, grounds and 85.05.180
Insurance companies, See INSURANCE, procedures 18.27.040 Disclosure statement and notice to customers
subtitle Contingent liability Actions by contractors, registration prerequisite 18.27.114
Security against to suit 18.27.080 Electrical, See ELECTRICIANS
confession of judgment Advertising, contents 18.27.100, 18.27.102, Enforcement of chapter 18.27.005
statement in writing to disclose facts and sum 18.27.104 Financial responsibility 18.27.050
not excessive 4.60.060 Bond or surety requirement 18.27.040 Fire sprinkler system contractors, See FIRE
without suit 4.60.050 Building permits SPRINKLER SYSTEM CONTRACTORS
registration verification required before Flood control districts, construction bond
CONTINUANCES (See also permit issuance 18.27.110 86.09.181
ADJOURNMENTS) Business practices General contractor/construction manager public
Criminal trials penalties for violations 18.27.100, 18.27.102, works contracting procedure Ch. 39.10
evidence, time to obtain as grounds for, proof 18.27.104 Health care service contractors, See
10.46.080 Claims against contractors, grounds and INSURANCE, subtitle Health care service
District judges procedures 18.27.040 contractors
civil proceedings Construction Indemnity clause in contract, against public
amended pleading causing 12.08.110 negligence, agreements to indemnify against policy 4.24.115
practice in superior court applies to public policy 4.24.115 Insurance or financial responsibility 18.27.050
12.12.010 Construction defect claims Ch. 64.50 Labor and industries, department of
testimony, continuance to procure 12.12.010 Construction liens authority 18.27.125, 18.27.215
Executors and administrators acts of coercion 60.04.035 list of registered contractors 18.27.120
accounting, final report and distribution, application of chapter 281, Laws of 1991, to Liens
continuance of hearing if incorrect actions pending as of June 1, 1992 public contractors
11.76.060 60.04.904 taxes and penalties due 60.28.040
continuation of decedents business 11.48.025 application of proceeds 60.04.181 List of registered contractors 18.27.120
Forcible entry and detainer, allowance for assignment of lien 60.04.121 Marketing campaign
amendment 59.12.150 attorneys fees 60.04.181 risk of hiring unregistered contractors
Judge of superior court, power to grant in bond in lieu of claim 60.04.161 18.27.385
counties within his judicial district 2.08.190 claim of lien Minority and women-owned businesses
Personal representatives community interest, effect on 60.04.211 state highway projects preference 47.28.030
continuation of decedents business 11.48.025 designation of amount due on each piece of Minority and womens business enterprises, See
Rent default proceedings 59.08.050 property 60.04.131 also PUBLIC WORKS, subtitle Minority
Sexual offenses against children recording of notice of, time limits, and and womens business enterprises, office of
limits on granting 10.46.085 contents 60.04.091 Mobile homes and manufactured homes, siting or
Supplemental proceedings 6.32.220 recording of notice of claim, requirements installation violations 18.27.117
CONTINUING CARE RETIREMENT and fee 60.04.111 Municipal local improvement, filling lowlands,
COMMUNITIES separate residential units, time for filing payment of 35.55.170, 35.56.180
Registration, disclosures, resident rights, and against 60.04.101 Navigable waters, wood debris removal
violations Ch. 18.390 contractor registration required to establish 76.42.030
lien 60.04.041 Prevailing wage rate
CONTINUITY OF BUSINESS IN EVENT definitions 60.04.011 lien for noncompliance 60.28.040
OF ENEMY ATTACK duration of lien, procedural limitations Professional service corporations Ch. 18.100
Domestic insurers 60.04.141 Prohibited acts 18.27.020, 18.27.117
emergency bylaws 48.07.170, 48.07.180 financial encumbrances, priorities 60.04.226 Public works
principal office and place of business foreclosure of liens, parties and procedure bond in lieu of retained funds 60.28.011
48.07.200 60.04.171 completion of contract, duties of disbursing
purposes 48.07.180 frivolous claims, procedure to seek dismissal officer 60.28.051
Succession of officers list 48.07.190 60.04.081 correctional facilities construction and repair
CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT IN lenders, notice to 60.04.221 contracts
EVENT OF ENEMY ATTACK lien authorized 60.04.021 alternative method to remain in force until
City and town executive heads, succession to material exempt from process 60.04.201 completed 39.04.230
office of 42.14.050 notice of right to claim lien, requirements and general contractor/construction manager
Counties, emergency seat of government, in exceptions 60.04.031 method for awarding 39.04.220
event of enemy attack 42.14.075 personal action on debt preserved 60.04.191 definitions 60.28.011
County commissioners, succession to office prime contractor, duty to make information delay due to litigation 60.28.080
42.14.040 available to suppliers, subcontractors, or independent contractors, employed persons
Definitions 42.14.010 professionals 60.04.261 considered to be, when 39.12.100
Emergency seat of government, establishment priority of liens 60.04.061 interest on unpaid amounts due when public
42.14.035 promissory notice, effect of taking 60.04.191 body fails to make timely payment
Governor, succession to office of 42.14.020 property subject to lien 60.04.051 39.76.011
Interim successors rank of lien 60.04.181 labor and material liens 60.28.011
political subdivision offices 42.14.070 release of lien rights 60.04.071 payment of undisputed claims 39.04.360

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 131]


prefabricated items, off-site enforcement team 18.27.390 good faith obligation in performance and
submission of information for certain public infractions and violations 18.27.020, enforcement 64.34.090
works concerning 39.04.370 18.27.205 liability of unit owners associations and
prevailing wage rate payment defaults, penalties 18.27.370 declarants 64.34.344
disqualification for multiple violations Veteran-owned businesses unconscionable contract or clause
39.12.065 state highway projects preference 47.28.030 determination, limitations on enforcement
records, failure to provide or allow Violations 64.34.080
inspection of 39.12.110 minority and womens business enterprises, Confession of judgment by
public transportation projects 60.28.011 related to 39.19.080, 39.19.090 persons jointly liable
registration prerequisite to public works unregistered contractor 18.27.205 enforcement 4.60.030
contract 39.06.010 who may confess 4.60.030
resident contractors, preference for 39.04.380 CONTRACTS Construction
retained percentage 60.28.011 Absentees, administration of estate of, actions arising on 4.16.300
subcontractors performance of absentees contracts limitation on 4.16.310, 4.16.325
identification by bidder 39.30.060 11.80.055 actions or claims arising for construction
termination before completion 60.28.011 Actions on defect claims
timely payment, defined 39.76.011 death does not abate 4.20.046 comparative fault 4.16.326
timely payment, interest on unpaid amounts executors and administrators, contracts emergency repairs 4.16.327
due when public body fails to make 11.48.090 actions or claims arising from construction
39.76.011 interpleader 4.08.150 defect claims
violators, contracts with prohibited 39.06.010 personal representatives contracts 11.48.090 statute tolled 4.16.320
Public works, See also PUBLIC WORKS public corporations, against 4.08.120 damages caused by contractees delay, waiver,
Registration public corporations, by 4.08.110 null and void 4.24.360
advertising, content requirements 18.27.100, setoff definition 4.24.370
18.27.102, 18.27.104 beneficiaries of trust estates, against delay damages, waiver, effective date
application contents 18.27.030 4.32.120 4.24.380
application of chapter 18.27.130 real party in interest, against 4.32.120 Contracting out for services by state agencies and
certificate issuance and renewal 18.27.060 Airports institutions 41.06.142
conditions of issuance 18.27.060 department of transportation may enter into Conveyance of real property by deceased vendor,
exemptions 18.27.090 47.68.180 sale and conveyance 11.56.020, 11.60.010
fees 18.27.070, 18.27.075 Ambulance service Cooling off period
grounds for denial 18.27.030 counties, authorized, restrictions 36.01.100 retail installment sales, conditions 63.14.040,
infractions Architects 63.14.154
administrative hearing 18.27.310 public agencies Ch. 39.80 telephone sales, conditions 63.14.154
dismissal 18.27.320 Architectural and engineering services, Correctional facilities construction and repair
investigations 18.27.210, 18.27.220 government agency contracts for alternative method to remain in force until
monetary penalty 18.27.340 legislative intent Ch. 39.80 completed 39.04.230
notice and order to withhold and deliver Art dealers accepting work of fine art on findings 39.04.210
18.27.370 consignment, duties and contract general contractor/construction manager
notice of infraction, procedures 18.27.230, requirements Ch. 18.110 method for awarding 39.04.220
18.27.240, 18.27.250, 18.27.260, Attachment ground, when 6.25.030 Counties
18.27.270, 18.27.290, 18.27.370 Audits awarding, procedure, bid deposits,
representation by counsel 18.27.300 nongovernmental entities with state contracts contractors bond 36.32.250
restraining orders or injunctions 18.27.225 or grants 43.09.055, 43.09.065 county hospitals, joint operation 36.62.040
specified 18.27.200 Breach of, boats and vessels, towing, dunnaging, joint courthouses with city halls 36.64.010,
unregistered contractor 18.27.205 or stevedoring 60.36.060 36.64.020, 36.64.030
joint ventures 18.27.065 Budget and accounting system limitation upon, municipal water and sewer facilities 35.91.020
partnerships 18.27.065 contracts made in excess of appropriation officers and employees, interest in contracts
prerequisite for public works contract void 43.88.130 prohibited, exceptions 42.23.030
39.06.010 Camping resorts Ch. 19.105 parks and recreation cooperation 67.20.020
required, criminal penalty for violations Chattel paper Art. 62A.9A population of two hundred ten thousand or
18.27.020 Children, See CONTRACTS, subtitle Minors, by more, with cities concerning buildings and
subcontractors Cities, county with population of two hundred ten related improvements 36.64.070
certificate of registration for each, copy of, thousand or more, with cities concerning power, generally 36.01.010
for inspection 18.27.062 buildings and related improvements public works and purchases, procedure for
list of, for inspection 18.27.062 36.64.070 awarding 36.32.250
suspension, grounds 18.27.060 purchasing agent, duties 36.32.260
suspension for nonpayment or default on Cities and towns underground electric and communication
educational loan or scholarship 18.27.360 disincorporation, impairment of 35.07.100 facilities 36.88.430
suspension or denial 18.27.050 general corporate powers 35.21.010 contacts with electric and communication
verification required before building permit joint city halls with county courthouses facilities authorized, provisions of the
issuance 18.27.110 36.64.010, 36.64.020, 36.64.030 contracts 36.88.440
verifying, city authority for 35.21.392, municipal water and sewer facilities act County roads and bridges, awarding, for
35A.21.340 35.91.020 construction of 36.77.040
verifying, county authority for 36.01.270 officers or employees, interest in contracts Death, cause of action upon, survives 4.20.046
violations, city authority to report 35.21.392, prohibited, exceptions 42.23.030 Debenture companies dealing in 35.21.660
35A.21.340 parks and recreation cooperation 67.20.020 Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan
violations, county authority to report public transportation systems, contracts for Development Act 35.21.660
36.01.270 operation and maintenance of 35.95.050 Design-build highway construction projects
workers compensation coverage 18.27.030 second class cities, power to make 35.23.440 47.20.780, 47.20.785
Roofing and siding contractors and salespersons, CitiesOptional Municipal Code Design-build public works contracting procedure
business practices regulated Ch. 19.186 officers or employees, interest in contracts Ch. 39.10
Siding and roofing contractors and salespersons, prohibited, exceptions 42.23.030 Diking and drainage district commissioners,
business practices regulated Ch. 19.186 Claims power to enter into 85.07.170
Small business waiver or renunciation after breach 62A.1-306 Disability insurance, changes 48.20.042
state highway projects preference 47.28.030 Community property agreements 26.16.120 Documents of title, adequate compliance with
Surety or bond requirement 18.27.040 Conditional sales contracts for purchase of real or contract 62A.7-509
Telecommunications, See personal property by cities and towns, Educational personnel 28A.405.220
TELECOMMUNICATIONS, subtitle metropolitan park districts, counties, and interstate educational personnel contracts
Systems installations library districts authorized, indebtedness 28A.690.030
Unemployment compensation limitations 39.30.010 provisional employees
liability for contributions 50.24.130 Conditions precedent, pleading of 4.36.080 nonrenewal 28A.405.220
Unregistered contractors Condominiums requisites 28A.405.220

[RCW Indexpage 132] (2016 Ed.)


supplemental contracts for certificated public debts, contracts and obligations suits by or against personal representatives on
employees for supplemental duties declared legal regardless of interest rate contracts, authority to maintain 11.48.090
28A.405.240 39.90.060 Procurement, state Ch. 39.26
teachers usury 19.52.020, 19.52.030 Procurement contracts
nonrenewal 28A.405.210 Interest rate 4.56.110, 4.56.111, 19.52.020 public works
requisites 28A.405.210 Investment securities Art. 62A.8 veteran-owned businesses, award of
Educational service district Joint liability contracts to 28B.10.024, 39.04.162
information and research services procedure to bind joint debtors after judgment state agencies
28A.320.110 Ch. 4.68 award of procurement contracts by
Emergency management work on cost basis Jurisdiction, out-of-state residents or 43.60A.200
38.52.390 nonresidents, contracting within state Public
Employment submits persons to state jurisdiction 4.28.185 unpaid, interest payment
combination of employees for 49.36.030 Labor, eight hour day, 1903 Act attorney fees 39.76.040
remedy for violation 49.36.020 cancellation for violations 49.28.050 exceptions 39.76.020
Enforcement of stipulation in 49.28.060 source of funds 39.76.030
absconding debtors, ne exeat proceedings Lease contracts Art. 62A.2A without bid or bond, transportation
7.44.010 Leases, consumer, See CONSUMER LEASES department may enter into 47.01.210
ne exeat proceedings 7.44.010 Limitation of action on Public benefit nonprofit corporations
new promise or acknowledgment 4.16.280 public purchase participation agreements,
Engineers part payment 4.16.270 corporation may enter into agreement with
public agencies Ch. 39.80 unwritten contracts 4.16.080 department of enterprise services 39.34.055
Evidence written contracts 4.16.040 Public improvement
telegraphic or electronic communications Ch. Local improvements, cities, towns and public tax liens 60.28.040
5.52 corporations, work done for assessments Public land purchase, See PUBLIC LANDS
Executors and administrators, by or against, 35.43.190 Public purchase agreements
authority to maintain 11.48.090 Maintenance of highways, by 47.28.090, public benefit nonprofit corporation may enter
Farm implements, machinery, parts 47.28.100 into participation agreement with
business relations between independent retail Maritime, liens on boats and vessels 60.36.020 department of enterprise services 39.34.055
business and manufacturers and Metropolitan municipal corporations, power to Public works
distributors, regulation Ch. 19.98 enter into contracts 35.58.180 change order due to environmental protection
repurchase requirements Ch. 19.98 Mining contracts on public lands, See PUBLIC requirements 39.04.120
Fees, contract provisions for allowance of, court LANDS, subtitle Mining contracts dispute resolution 39.04.120
to fix amount, limitation 4.84.020 Minors Public works, See also PUBLIC WORKS
Ferries, prequalification, See FERRIES, subtitle baseball, See ATHLETICS AND SPORTS Purchasing, state Ch. 39.26
Contract prequalification disaffirmance 26.28.040 Real estate
Fire protection districts personal services 26.28.050 vendors interest
liability, contracts as general obligation validity and effect 26.28.030 not real property for judgment lien 4.56.190
52.20.070 Month defined 1.16.060 Real estate contracts
prevention of fire 52.20.070 Multi-purpose community centers, operation of foreclosure
Fish marketing associations, legality of contracts facilities 35.59.080 other remedies not limited 61.30.020
presumed 24.36.070 Municipal corporations forfeiture
with other corporations or associations officers, contract interest in 42.23.010, acceleration of payments 61.30.090
24.36.400 42.23.030, 42.23.040, 42.23.050, action to set aside 61.30.140
Flood control, counties, joint control 86.13.010 42.23.060 award of fees or costs, or conditions
Gambling posting of purchase awards 39.04.200 61.30.130
contract of occupancy may be terminated if public works conditions 61.30.030
premises used for 4.24.080 purchase process other than sealed bids cure of default 61.30.090
premises used for, contract may be voided 39.04.190 definitions 61.30.010
4.24.080 small works roster 39.04.155 effect of forfeiture 61.30.100
void as evidence of gambling debt 4.24.090 posting of awards 39.04.200 expiration of judicial order 61.30.130
General contractor/construction manager public Ne exeat 7.44.010 false swearing, penalty, liability 61.30.150
works contracting procedure Ch. 39.10 Partition proceedings, security on sale of notice requirements 61.30.020, 61.30.040,
Guardianship property, concerning 7.52.420 61.30.050, 61.30.060, 61.30.070,
performance by guardian 11.92.130 Performance, conditions precedent, pleading of 61.30.080
Guardianship estate 4.36.080 other remedies not limited 61.30.020
contracts for personal services of minor Performance of decedents contracts, including priority of actions 61.30.160
26.28.050 real estate contracts 11.60.010 restrained or enjoined 61.30.110
Performance-based contracts sale in lieu of 61.30.120
Health studios Ch. 19.142
counties 36.32.245, 36.32.250 Real property
Hospitals, county hospital and state universities first class cities 35.22.620 purchase
for provision of medical services, teaching towns or second class cities 35.23.352 action to recover purchase money 4.08.100
and research activities 36.62.290 Personal representatives, actions to recover on restrictive covenants prohibited 49.60.224
Incapacitated persons contracts 11.48.090 Restraint of trade, contracts or conspiracies
performance by guardian Personal service contracts unlawful 19.86.030
performance of 11.92.130 minors 26.28.050 Restrictive covenants prohibited 49.60.224
Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL Port districts Retail installment sales Ch. 63.14
INSURANCE labor and maintenance 53.08.120, 53.08.130, Roofing and siding contractors and salespersons,
Installment sales contracts, See INSTALLMENT 53.08.140, 53.08.150 business practices regulated Ch. 19.186
SALES OF GOODS AND SERVICES, sale of property no longer needed, contract Sales
subtitle Retail installment contract sales, terms and conditions 53.08.091, uniform commercial code Art. 62A.2
Insurance 53.08.092 Sales, deferred payments of purchase price, usury
group life insurance 48.24.130 small projects 53.08.135 law exclusion 19.52.120
health care service contractors, contracts of small works roster 53.08.120 Sales of accounts Art. 62A.9A
participation, termination, notice to toll facilities 53.34.020 Sales representatives and principals
commissioner 48.44.080 Probate contractual relationship between
health care service contractors, master list of contracts to purchase real estate by deceased contracts and agreements, required
participating providers to be filed with vendee 11.56.180 provisions 49.48.160
annual statement 48.44.080 conveyance of real property definitions 49.48.150
Insurance, See also INSURANCE, subtitle contract of deceased vendor 11.56.020 payment of wages and commissions
Insurance contract by deceased vendor, sale and conveyance 49.48.170
Insurance companies, investment in, See 11.60.010 personal jurisdiction, principal considered to
INSURANCE, subtitle Investments performance of decedents contracts, be doing business in state for purposes of
Interest including real estate contracts 11.60.010 49.48.180

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 133]


rights and remedies supplemental to other CONTRIBUTORY FAULT Commissioner to convey real estate, by 6.28.020,
rights and remedies of sales Determination of percentage of fault among 6.28.030, 6.28.040, 6.28.050, 6.28.060,
representatives 49.48.190 multiple parties 4.22.070 6.28.070
waiver of provision prohibited 49.48.190 Fault, defined 4.22.015 Community property
Savings associations, foreign CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE power of attorney
contracts with Washington residents, Spouse, domestic partner, minor child, not husband or wife 26.16.090
construction 33.32.030 imputed 4.22.020 third person 26.16.090
Schools and school districts Tort actions purchasers title and rights 26.16.095,
awarding of bids 28A.335.190 effect of 4.22.005 26.16.100
parks and recreation cooperation 67.20.020 recording of claim by husband or wife
school districts CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES, UNIFORM effect of failure, time for recording
information and research services ACT (See DRUGS) 26.16.100
28A.320.110 CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES removal as cloud 26.16.110
second class THERAPEUTIC RESEARCH Community renewal property, presumptions in
officer, spouse of, interest in 42.23.030 PROGRAM regard to 35.81.140
school bus drivers, interest in 42.23.030 Definitions 69.51.030 Conservation, preservation rights and interests
Schools by, See SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL Establishment and registration of projects held by public bodies 64.04.130
DISTRICTS 69.51.040 Contracts to convey real property by deceased
Seasonal labor, requirements 49.40.020 Limitations 69.51.040 vendor, sale and conveyance 11.56.020,
Secured transactions Art. 62A.9A Marijuana, sources and distribution 69.51.060 11.60.010
Secured transactions, See UNIFORM Patient qualification review committee Copies of record as evidence 5.44.060
COMMERCIAL CODE 69.51.050 Corporations
Seed bailment contracts Ch. 15.48 Schedule consideration for program purposes absence of seal from instrument, effect
Service contracts Ch. 48.110 69.51.080 64.04.105
Setoff against plaintiff assignee 4.56.070, CONVENTION AND TRADE FACILITIES Counties, use of, effect 36.01.040
4.56.075 Alcoholic beverages County improvements for flood control causing
Sewerage, water and drainage systems, authority spirits, beer, and wine restaurant license, river to change course, title and interest of
of county to contract with other entities for conditions and qualifications 66.24.420 state in abandoned channel conveyed to
36.94.190 improving county 86.12.034
Convention and trade center, Seattle
Siding and roofing contractors and salespersons, County property
business practices regulated Ch. 19.186 governance and financing Ch. 36.100
retirement law inapplicable to employee and flood control, navigation, and reclamation
Special attorneys with counties 36.32.200 36.34.220, 36.34.230, 36.34.240
officers 41.40.105
Standard clauses required in proposals, military installations, federal power projects,
advertisements, and bids 39.19.050 Insurance
surety exemptions 48.30.270 housing projects 36.34.250, 36.34.260
State reservations to 36.34.010
financing contracts, See FINANCING State convention and trade center, Seattle
health care and insurance programs state or United States 36.34.210, 36.34.230,
CONTRACTS 36.34.240, 36.34.250, 36.34.260,
State procurement of goods and services Ch. inapplicable to officers and employees
41.05.110 36.34.270
39.26 use of, effect 36.01.040
Statute of frauds Ch. 19.36 retirement law inapplicable to employees and
officers 41.04.800 Court order, commissioners to convey real estate
Student educational loan contracts Ch. 26.30 6.28.050
Survival of actions on 4.20.046 travel expenses, out-of-state, reimbursement
43.03.062 Dealings with registered land 65.12.320
Teachers Deeds, bargain and sale
vacation law inapplicable to officers and
limitation on contracts for teachers already employees 43.01.045
covered by contract to another school implied covenants 64.04.040
district 28A.405.210 CONVENTION CENTERS (See STADIUM, quitclaim 64.04.050
provisional employees 28A.405.220 CONVENTION CENTER, AND ARTS Defined
Termination of, premises used for gambling FACILITIES) recording act 65.08.060
4.24.080 Donations marked on plat, quitclaim deed, effect
CONVERSION 58.08.015
Timeshare regulation, See TIMESHARE Encumbered, leased or rented personal property,
REGULATION Earnest money
penalty 9.45.060 deposit forfeiture 64.04.005
Traffic education courses in schools, contracts Insurance, reciprocal insurers 48.10.330
with drivers schools 28A.220.030 interpleader action, service of summons
Transfer on death security registration CONVERSION OF CORPORATE 4.28.080
transfer is not testamentary but effective by ENTITIES AND ORGANIZATIONS interpleader action, summons and complaint
reason of contract between owner of (See CORPORATIONS, subtitle forms for 64.04.220
security and registering entity 21.35.045 Corporate entity conversions; procedures and definitions 64.04.220
Trustees, successors, liability 11.98.039 PARTNERSHIPS, subtitle Conversions) Ejectment and quieting title actions
Uniform commercial code CONVEYANCES (See also ELEVATORS, alienation of the property by defendant, effect
value 62A.1-204 ESCALATORS AND DUMBWAITERS) of 7.28.220
Unwritten, limitation of action on 4.16.080 Acknowledgments appointment of trustee to cancel or make
Usury foreign 64.08.040 7.28.010
agent, violation 19.52.030 who may take 64.08.010 joinder of parties where conveyance common
consumer protection act, application Cemetery plots Ch. 68.32 to separate parcel 7.28.280
19.52.036 Certificate of acknowledgment mortgage deemed not a conveyance 7.28.230
declaratory judgment to establish usury, time content 64.08.050 Executors and administrators
limit 19.52.032 effect as evidence 64.08.050 administration with will annexed cannot
foreign contracts, application 19.52.030 form for corporation 64.08.070 convey unless directory powers in will
validity of contract, effect 19.52.030 form for individual 64.08.060 11.28.070
Utility services, intercounty incorporation Certificates on out-of-state acknowledgments cannot convey unless directory powers in will
35.02.250 64.08.020 11.28.070
Validity Certified copies, recording 65.08.100 contracts to convey real property by deceased
usurious rates of interest, effect upon validity Cities and towns vendor, sale and conveyance 11.60.010
19.52.030 property acquired at local improvement fraudulent by decedent to defraud creditors,
Vehicles, sale of, charges to be furnished buyer proceedings 35.53.030 recovery action 11.48.140
or mortgagor, seller to give details 46.70.130 public utilities 35.94.010, 35.94.020, recovery of property conveyed, procedure
Warranties, express and implied Art. 62A.2 35.94.030 11.48.070
Washington death with dignity act surplus property 35.94.040 Fraudulent, See FRAUDULENT
effect on construction of contracts 70.245.160 real property in community renewal areas CONVEYANCES
Written, limitation of actions on 4.16.040 35.81.090, 35.81.095 Gambling, validity of conveyance as evidence of
Written contracts, agreements, or promises, sewerage sale acquired property, authority for gambling debt 4.24.090
when required Ch. 19.36 35.67.270 Homesteads

[RCW Indexpage 134] (2016 Ed.)


incompetency or disability of spouse or partial transfer of described land 65.12.380 COPIES

domestic partner 6.13.210, 6.13.220, power of attorney 65.12.410 Conveyances, recording certified copies
6.13.230, 6.13.240 registrar of titles, duty 65.12.380 65.08.100
spouse or domestic partner, conveyance by voluntary instruments 65.12.320 Copies of business and public records as
procedures 6.13.060 Solar easements evidence, uniform act Ch. 5.46
Indians, sale of land or materials, authorization authorized 64.04.140 Court records and documents as evidence
64.20.030 definitions 64.04.150 5.44.010
Industrial development district property interference with, remedies Court records lost or destroyed, replacement of
53.25.120 attorneys fees 64.04.170 5.48.020, 5.48.030, 5.48.040
Inheritance, technical words of creation of fee Foreign laws, printed copies as evidence
simple estate 64.04.060 damages 64.04.170
Irrigation districts, general power 87.03.155 injunction 64.04.170
written agreement, requirement 64.04.160 CORONERS
Judgments, compelling conveyance 6.28.080 Administrative programs, coordination,
Liens on franchises, earnings, property of certain State highways, transfer to counties, procedure
36.75.090 generally Ch. 36.47
companies, precedence of 60.32.010 Audit of account 36.24.180
Liquidated damages 64.04.005 Warranty deeds, covenants 64.04.030
Wills, conveyance of property bequeathed, Autopsies, See HUMAN REMAINS, subtitle
Lis pendens in actions affecting title to real Autopsies and post mortems
property, effect on 4.28.320 agreement to convey does not revoke will
11.12.060 Corneal tissue for transplants, presumption of
Mortgages, when deemed to secure 61.12.020 good faith 68.50.290
Necessity of deed 64.04.010 Without title, later acquisition, effect 64.04.070
Coroners jury, See CORONERS, subtitle
Owner-occupied real property CONVICTIONS Inquests
release of security interest, outstanding debt, Bars to subsequent prosecution Ch. 10.43 Corpses, unknown persons, disposition by
notice to borrower 64.04.007 Doubt as to degree of offense, lowest degree county coroner 36.24.155
Partition proceedings, order of confirmation of must be used 10.58.020 County, office 36.16.030
sale to direct conveyance 7.52.380 Driver license compact, report of convictions to
Performance of decedents contracts, including Death, release or withholding of information
other party states 46.21.010 68.50.300
real estate contracts 11.60.010 Evidence beyond reasonable doubt required for
Personal property subject to mortgage, Death certificates 70.58.170, 70.58.180
10.58.020 District court judges
conditional sale, lien, lease, rental
agreement, penalty 9.45.060 Executor or administrator, persons convicted of acting as 36.24.160
Personal representatives crime involving moral turpitude disqualified Elective officer, enumeration as 36.16.030
fraudulent conveyances by decedent to to serve as 11.36.010 Execution, writ of execution directed to, when
defraud creditors, recovery action Jurisdiction required 10.01.050 6.17.110
11.48.140 Lesser degree than charged or attempt 10.61.010 Fees, enumeration 36.18.030
performance of decedents contracts, Motor vehicle financial responsibility law, Forensic pathology fellowship program
including real estate contracts 11.60.010 ground for requiring proof of financial death investigations account disbursements
recovery of property unlawfully conveyed, responsibility for the future 46.29.280 43.79.445
procedure 11.48.070 Murder, first degree, premeditation requirement Human remains
Private seals, validation of instruments executed 9A.32.020 disposition of unclaimed bodies 36.24.155
without 64.04.100 Necessary before punishment 10.01.050 notice to coroner or medical examiner
Probate Personal representatives, persons convicted of 68.50.020
administrator cannot convey property unless crime involving moral turpitude disqualified transportation at direction of coroner or
directory powers in will 11.28.070 to serve as 11.36.010 medical examiner, costs 68.50.032
contracts to convey real property by deceased Premeditation, requirement for first degree Immunity for determining cause of death
vendor, sale and conveyance 11.60.010 murder 9A.32.020 68.50.015
fraudulent by decedent to defraud creditors, Requisites for 10.01.060 Inquest
recovery action 11.48.140 Several defendants, conviction or acquittal of any jurors for
performance of decedents contracts, one or more 10.61.035 duty 36.24.040
including real estate contracts 11.60.010 Vacancy in office caused by 42.12.010 Inquests
recovery of property conveyed, procedure Verdict of, reconsideration if mistake in law dissection 68.50.100
11.48.070 10.61.060 fee of county coroner 36.18.030
Real property, acknowledgments holding, discretion, venue, and costs
certification and taking of CONVICTS (See PRISONS AND 36.24.020
by inferior judicial officers 2.28.090 PRISONERS) jurors for
by judges of supreme and superior courts COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATIONS (See also penalty for nonattendance 36.24.030
2.28.080 BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS) verdict 36.24.070
Real property, See REAL PROPERTY, subtitle Agricultural cooperative associations Ch. 23.86, physicians and surgeons, power to employ
Conveyances 23.86.007, 23.86.010 36.24.060
Recording Comprehensive provisions Ch. 23.86 procedure
commissioners to convey 6.28.070 Consumer cooperatives accused at large 36.24.100
defined 65.08.060 powers 24.06.032 accused under arrest 36.24.090
failure, effect 65.08.070 Cooperative corporations, authorized 24.06.015 property of deceased
lis pendens, effect on purchaser 4.28.320 Corporation, conversion to business corporation, delivery to county treasurer 36.24.130
state or political subdivision conveying fee procedure 23.86.210 delivery to representatives 36.24.150
title, recording by grantor at time of treasurers duty 36.24.140
Dissent, members right to
delivery required, effect 65.08.095 recognizance and inquisition, delivery to
generally 23.86.135 superior court 36.24.090
when deemed 65.08.070 rural electric associations members, exception
where 65.08.070 referral to prosecuting attorney 36.24.100
for 23.86.135 testimony reduced to writing 36.24.080
Registered land
certificate of title Electric service cooperatives verdict of jury 36.24.070
new issuance for grantee 65.12.380 attachments to poles 23.86.400 witnesses
owners duplicate, surrender 65.12.380 irrigation pumping service tariff 23.86.410 power to summon 36.24.050
partial transfer of 65.12.380 Exclusion from nonprofit corporation act testimony reduced to writing 36.24.080
power of attorney 65.12.410 24.03.015 Jurisdiction 68.50.010
by power of attorney 65.12.410 Immunity from liability 23.86.030, 23.86.050 Jury of inquest
Registration of land titles Insurance companies expense payments 2.36.150
evidence of authority to register 65.12.320 filing of records 23.86.022 Law, practicing 36.24.170
filing of deed 65.12.380 Merger of cooperative association with one or Liability
forms of, supervision by court 65.12.300 more cooperative associations or business autopsy and postmortem findings 68.50.115
interest adverse to title of owner 65.12.380 corporations Limitation of actions against 4.16.080
new certificate for grantee 65.12.380 procedure 23.86.220 Limitation on persons holding position in
owners duplicate of certificate, surrender rights, powers, duties and liabilities of counties with populations of forty thousand
65.12.380 surviving entity 23.86.230 or more 36.24.175

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 135]


Medical examiner system to replace office of Applicability, nonprofit corporation act Auditor, county, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle
coroner, when authorized 36.16.030, 24.03.010 County auditor
36.24.190 Application of title to existing corporations Authorized shares 23B.06.010
Morgues, control and management 68.52.020 23B.17.010 Banks
Not to practice law 2.48.200 Articles of consolidation filing of records by banks with or seeking
Official bonds nonprofit corporations, contents and filing certificate of authority 23B.01.204,
amount 36.16.050 24.03.200 23B.14.394
filing 36.16.060 Articles of dissolution Banks, See also BANKS AND BANKING,
Physicians and surgeons, employment of contents subtitle Corporations
36.24.060 nonprofit corporations 24.03.240 Benevolent corporations, nonprofit corporations,
Powers Articles of incorporation authorized 24.03.015
inquest holding 36.24.020 amendment Bond issues and obligations
physicians or surgeons, employment nonprofit corporations 24.03.180 savings banks, investment in 32.20.370
36.24.060 procedure Business entities
subpoenas 36.24.050 nonprofit corporations 24.03.165 uniform business organizations code Ch.
witnesses, summoning 36.24.050 right, nonprofit corporations 24.03.160 23.95
Prosecuting attorney as, county with population amendment before issuance of shares Business organizations
of less than forty thousand 36.16.030 23B.10.050 uniform business organizations code Ch.
Reports of death by vehicle accident 46.52.050 amendment by board of directors 23B.10.020 23.95
Sheriffs, acting as, conditions 36.24.010 amendment by board of directors and Bylaws
Subpoena power 36.24.050 shareholders 23B.10.030 adoption of initial bylaws 23B.02.060
Sudden, unexplained infant death amendment pursuant to reorganization amendment, power of
training program 43.103.100 23B.10.080 nonprofit corporations 24.03.070
Traffic victims submission of blood sample to amendments, voting by voting groups, when amendment procedure 23B.10.200
state toxicologist, report, availability, authorized 23B.10.040 authority to make
admissibility 46.52.065 articles of amendment, filing with secretary of nonprofit corporations 24.03.070
CORPORAL PUNISHMENT state, required information 23B.10.060 emergency bylaws 23B.02.070
Permissible force 9A.16.100 articles of amendment, nonprofit corporations increased quorum requirements, amendment
24.03.170 or repeal 23B.10.210
CORPORATE ENTITY CONVERSIONS authority to amend 23B.10.010 increased voting requirements for directors,
(See CORPORATIONS) contents amendment or repeal 23B.10.210
CORPORATIONS nonprofit corporations 24.03.025 nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual
Accounts effect of 23B.02.030 corporations 24.06.095
falsification of reports 9.24.050 effect of filing of procedure 23B.10.205
Acquisition of corporations own shares nonprofit corporations 24.03.150 Capital stock savings banks, conversion of
23B.06.310 effect on pending causes of action and savings banks Ch. 32.32
Action without meeting or vote, approval by all proceedings 23B.10.090 Cemeteries, See CEMETERIES
shareholders entitled to vote 23B.07.040 establishment of corporate existence Certificate of authority
Actions, See also CORPORATIONS, subtitle 23B.02.030 filing of records by financial institutions with
Criminal actions against filing or seeking 23B.01.204, 23B.14.394
Actions and proceedings nonprofit corporations 24.03.145 insurance companies
venue 4.12.025 first year license, filing of articles, and annual nonprofit corporations 24.03.332, 24.03.334
Administrative dissolution fees 23B.01.520 nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual
nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual insurance companies, See INSURANCE, corporations 24.06.367, 24.06.369
corporations 24.06.290 subtitle Articles of incorporation Certificate of existence or registration
Agents nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual 23B.01.280
indemnification corporations 24.06.025 issuance by secretary of state
validity of indemnification or advance of proof that conditions precedent to nonprofit corporations 24.03.145
expenses 23B.08.590 incorporation were met, exception Certificate of merger
indemnification of officers, employees, and 23B.02.030 nonprofit corporations 24.03.200
agents 23B.08.570 requirements 23B.02.020 Certificates, share, form and content 23B.06.250
liability insurance, corporation may maintain restated articles of incorporation 23B.10.070 Certificates, share, issuance of shares without
on behalf of 23B.08.580 restatement of certificates 23B.06.260
nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual nonprofit corporations 24.03.183 Charitable corporations, nonprofit corporations,
corporations Articles of merger authorized 24.03.015
registered agent, change of 24.06.380 nonprofit corporations, contents and filing Church corporations
registered 24.03.200 application of chapter 24.12, expiration of,
nonprofit corporations 24.03.050 Assets and subsequent prohibition 24.12.005
necessity 24.03.050 dissolution of nonprofit corporation corporation sole, church or religious society,
registered agent decree 24.03.276 incorporating as Ch. 24.12
change of 23B.15.080 distribution of assets 24.03.271 Civic corporations, nonprofit corporations
requirements 23B.15.070 jurisdiction of superior courts 24.03.266 authorized 24.03.015
resignation of 23B.15.090 venue, proceedings, courts authority Colleges, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle
registered agent, agent for service of process 24.03.271 Nonprofit corporations
23B.15.100 dissolved corporation, deposit with state Commercial organizations, nonprofit
registered agent, change of 23B.05.020 treasurer 23B.14.400 corporations, authorized 24.03.015
registered agent, requirements 23B.05.010 distribution upon dissolution, nonprofit Committees
registered agent, resignation of 23B.05.030 corporations 24.03.225 nonprofit corporations 24.03.115
service of process on corporation, agent role mortgage of 23B.12.010 Community property agreements
23B.05.040 nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual nonliability for transfer of shares or securities
Agreements among shareholders 23B.07.320 corporations 24.06.265 pursuant to direction of surviving spouse or
Agricultural organizations, nonprofit sale or transfer in domestic partner 11.02.120
corporations, authorized 24.03.015 usual course of business or benefit of Confession of judgment by 4.60.020
Animal husbandry, nonprofit corporations, creditors 23B.12.010 Conflict of interest
authorized 24.03.015 sale or transfer other than in regular course of approval of transaction by directors,
Annual meeting 23B.07.010 business 23B.12.020 requirements 23B.08.720
Annual reports sales, lease, exchange or other disposition of approval of transaction by shareholders,
delivery to secretary of state, required nonprofit corporations 24.03.215 requirements 23B.08.730
information 23B.16.220 Athletic associations, nonprofit corporations, business opportunities, pursuit of, duty to
failure to complete, penalty 23B.01.570 authorized 24.03.015 corporation 23B.08.735
nonprofit corporations 24.03.395 Attachment conflicting interest transactions, limits on
nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual foreign corporations 6.25.030 judicial actions relating to 23B.08.710
corporations 24.06.440 stock, procedure on execution of writ 6.17.160 definitions 23B.08.700

[RCW Indexpage 136] (2016 Ed.)


interested but not conflicting transactions, Debts, See also CORPORATIONS, subtitle nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual
limits on judicial actions relating to Liabilities corporations 24.06.125, 24.06.130,
23B.08.710 Definitions 23B.01.400, 24.03.005 24.06.135, 24.06.140, 24.06.145,
Consolidation nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual 24.06.150, 24.06.153
approval, nonprofit corporations 24.03.195 corporations 24.06.005 notice, waiver, nonprofit corporations
articles of consolidation Dentistry 24.03.460
nonprofit corporations 24.03.200 practice or solicitation prohibited 18.32.675 number 23B.08.030
foreign and domestic corporations Derivative proceedings, procedure 23B.07.400 penalties, nonprofit corporations 24.03.425
nonprofit corporations 24.03.207 Development credit corporations, See qualifications 23B.08.020
nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual DEVELOPMENT CREDIT quorum
corporations 24.06.233 CORPORATIONS nonprofit corporations 24.03.110
nonprofit corporations 24.03.190 Directors removal by judicial proceeding 23B.08.090
effect 24.03.210 board of directors removal by shareholders 23B.08.080
effective date 24.03.205 articles of incorporation, amendment by removal of 24.03.103
nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual 23B.10.020 resignation 23B.08.070
corporations 24.06.215, 24.06.220, articles of incorporation, amendment by standards of conduct, generally 23B.08.300
24.06.225, 24.06.230, 24.06.235 board and shareholders 23B.10.030 terms, staggered terms 23B.08.060
Conspiracy, forfeiture of franchise 9A.08.030 bylaws, amendment by 23B.10.200 terms of office 23B.05.050, 23B.08.050
Construction committees of directors 23B.08.250 vacancies
nonprofit corporation act 24.03.010 duties 23B.08.010 nonprofit corporations 24.03.105
repealer, exception, nonprofit corporation act meetings Dispute resolution centers
24.03.920 notice requirements, waiver of notice alternative to judicial setting Ch. 7.75
savings 23B.08.230 Dissolution
nonprofit corporation act 24.03.905 quorum 23B.08.240 administrative
Consumer finance, See CONSUMER FINANCE voting 23B.08.240 grounds 23B.14.200
Contracts removal of officers 23B.08.430 nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual
actions against public corporations 4.08.120 requirement 23B.08.010 corporations 24.06.290
actions by public corporations 4.08.110 bylaws reinstatement following administrative
Conversions, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle authority to adopt or alter, limitations upon dissolution 23B.14.220
Corporate entity conversions; nonprofit corporations 24.03.070 articles of dissolution
PARTNERSHIPS, subtitle Conversions conflict of interest contents, nonprofit corporations 24.03.240
Conveyances approval of transaction by directors, filing, nonprofit corporations 24.03.245
absence of seal from instrument, effect requirements 23B.08.720 filing with secretary of state, required
64.04.105 approval of transaction by shareholders, information 23B.14.030
Cooperative association conversion to domestic requirements 23B.08.730 assets of dissolved corporation, deposit with
ordinary business corporation, procedure business opportunities, pursuit of, duty to state treasurer 23B.14.400
23.86.210 corporation 23B.08.735 claims 23B.14.065, 23B.14.070
Cooperative associations conflicting interest transactions, limits on claims against dissolved corporation,
dissent, members right to, including exception judicial actions relating to 23B.08.710 disposition of known claims 23B.14.060
23.86.135 definitions 23B.08.700 decree of
filing of documents 23.86.022 interested but not conflicting transactions, filing
immunity from liability 23.86.050 limits on judicial actions relating to nonprofit corporation 24.03.295
Cooperative associations, See also 23B.08.710 directors and shareholders, dissolution by
COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATIONS election 23B.08.030 23B.14.020
Cooperative organizations, excluded from by classes or series of shares 23B.08.040 directors or incorporators, dissolution by
nonprofit corporation act 24.03.015 cumulative voting 23B.07.280 23B.14.010
Corporate entity conversions Ch. 23B.09 indemnification distribution of assets
County auditor advance for expenses 23B.08.530 nonprofit corporations 24.03.225
filing, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle Filings application to nonbusiness corporations plan of distribution, nonprofit corporations
Court-ordered meetings 23B.07.030 23B.17.030 24.03.230
Credit unions, See CREDIT UNIONS authority to indemnify 23B.08.510 filing of records by financial institutions with
Crimes relating to court-ordered indemnification 23B.08.540 or seeking certificate of authority
banks, See BANKS AND BANKING definitions 23B.08.500 23B.14.394
forgery in stock subscription 9.24.010 determination and authorization of involuntary
fraud indemnification 23B.08.550 nonprofit corporations, grounds and
false prospectus, report, or financial mandatory indemnification 23B.08.520 procedure 24.03.250
condition 9.24.050 report to shareholders 23B.08.600 nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual
forgery in stock subscriptions 9.24.020 shareholder authorized indemnification and corporations
insolvent bank receiving deposit 9.24.030 advance of expenses 23B.08.560 survival of remedies 24.06.335
issuance or conveyance of stock or evidence validity of indemnification or advance of procedure
of debt 9.24.020 expenses 23B.08.590 nonprofit corporations 24.03.260
license, doing business without, penalty liability venue
9.24.040 limitations on 23B.08.320 nonprofit corporations 24.03.260
prospectus or report, falsity in 9.24.050 liability for unlawful distributions 23B.08.310 judicial
real or personal property, fraudulent liability insurance, corporation may maintain claims against dissolved corporation,
conveyance or encumbrance 9.24.020 on behalf of 23B.08.580 disposition of known claims 23B.14.330
stock limitation on liability of decree of dissolution, delivery to secretary of
forgery in stock subscription 9.24.010 application to nonbusiness corporations state 23B.14.330
fraudulent issuance or conveyance of 23B.17.030 general or custodial receivership 23B.14.320
9.24.020 loans, prohibited, exceptions grounds 23B.14.300
Criminal actions against nonprofit corporations 24.03.140 procedure 23B.14.310
judgment, force and effect 10.01.090 meetings winding up and liquidation of business and
penalties against, fines if penalty incapable of action taken without affairs 23B.14.330
execution or enforcement 10.01.100 nonprofit corporations 24.03.465 list of dissolved corporations, secretary of
restitution, in lieu of fine 9A.20.030 place and notice, nonprofit corporations states duties 23B.14.390
service of process on corporations 10.01.070 24.03.120 list of dissolved corporations published in
Criminal liability nonprofit corporations state register 34.08.020
corporate 9A.08.030 election or appointment 24.03.100 nonprofit corporations
personal 9A.08.030 judicial removal 24.03.1031 administrative dissolution 24.03.302
Cultural organizations, nonprofit corporations, number 24.03.100 decree 24.03.276
authorized 24.03.015 number and elections or appointment distribution of assets 24.03.271
Cumulative voting for election of directors 24.03.100 jurisdiction of superior courts 24.03.266
23B.07.280 qualifications 24.03.095 name 24.03.300

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 137]


procedure, notice 24.03.302 Farmers home administration loan guaranty nomination 24.36.220
venue, proceedings, courts authority program Ch. 31.35 terms of office 24.36.230
24.03.271 Fees dividends, form of, amount 24.36.160
petition for, court commissioners power to banks, See BANKS AND BANKING exemptions under other laws apply 24.36.080
hear and determine 2.24.040 certificate issuance facilities of association, powers of association
quo warranto proceedings 7.56.100, 7.56.110 nonprofit corporations 24.03.405 as to 24.36.380
remedies, survival after dissolution filing documents fees and charges, membership 24.36.160
23B.14.340 nonprofit corporations 24.03.405 fish marketing act Ch. 24.36
revocation, nonprofit corporations 24.03.235 articles of incorporation 24.03.405 general corporate laws apply 24.36.050
revocation of dissolution 23B.14.040 fish marketing associations, membership incur indebtedness, power to 24.36.310
survival and defense of actions against 24.36.160 investments 24.36.330
23B.14.340 Massachusetts trusts, payment of, joint operations with other corporations or
survival of remedy after computation 23.90.040 associations 24.36.400
nonprofit corporations 24.03.300 name registration levy of assessments 24.36.360
unclaimed property 63.29.110 nonprofit corporations 24.03.047 liability of members
unfair business practices violation 19.86.150 nonprofit corporations Ch. 24.03 breach of marketing contract 24.36.440
voluntary nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual debts of association 24.36.270
nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual corporations 24.06.450 marketing contracts 24.36.410
corporations disposition of fees 24.06.462 delivery by member, enforcement of
survival of remedies 24.06.335 record filings 23B.01.220 24.36.470
procedure Filings injunctions to enforce 24.36.450
nonprofit corporations 24.03.220 agent, change of registered agent landlord or lessor, enforcement against
supervision 23B.14.310 nonprofit corporations 24.03.055 24.36.460
winding up and liquidation of business and articles of amendment liability for breach of 24.36.440
affairs, powers retained 23B.14.050 nonprofit corporations 24.03.175 meetings 24.36.180, 24.36.280
Distributions to shareholders, approval and articles of consolidation membership
limitations 23B.06.400 nonprofit corporations 24.03.200 appraisal of expelled members property
Distributions to shareholders, directors liability articles of dissolution 24.36.290
for unlawful 23B.08.310 nonprofit corporations 24.03.245 fees and charges 24.36.160
Documents articles of incorporation suspension of 24.36.170
signing false record, penalty 23B.01.290 nonprofit corporations 24.03.145 termination of 24.36.170
Domestic articles of merger valuation and purchase of shares 24.36.170
service of process on, no officer in state upon nonprofit corporations 24.03.200 merger and consolidation 24.36.090
whom process can be served 4.28.090 change of monopoly, deemed not to be 24.36.070
Educational corporations, nonprofit registered agent nonprofit 24.36.040
corporations, authorized 24.03.015 nonprofit corporations 24.03.055 nonstock associations
Ejectment and quieting title actions correction of filed record 23B.01.240 certificate of membership 24.36.260
conflicting claims, generally 7.28.280 decree of dissolution
statement in articles 24.36.120
joinder of parties 7.28.280 nonprofit corporations 24.03.295
Eleemosynary corporations, nonprofit effective time and date of record filed with powers 24.36.300, 24.36.370
corporations, authorized 24.03.015 secretary of state 23B.01.230 price fixing, not deemed arbitrary 24.36.070
Eminent domain fees and charges, establishment and collection property, powers as to 24.36.350
warehouses and elevators for agricultural 23B.01.220 quorum 24.36.150
commodities, purchase by corporation of Massachusetts trusts 23.90.040 restraint of trade combination, deemed not to
22.16.010 name registration be 24.36.070
Eminent domain by corporations nonprofit corporations 24.03.047 sale of products 24.36.420, 24.36.430
generally, including condemnation and nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual securities act inapplicable 24.36.060
compensation Ch. 8.20 corporations stock, articles to contain statement of
ouster fees, charges, and penalties 24.06.450 24.36.100, 24.36.110
action for compensation without suit to oust records, requirements 23B.01.200 stock and bonds of other corporations, powers
corporation allowed 8.20.170 secretary of state, filing with to deal in 24.36.340, 24.36.390
condemnation to avoid 8.20.150, 8.20.160 articles of consolidation stock associations, articles to describe shares
private way of necessity, adjudication of nonprofit corporations 24.03.200 24.36.100, 24.36.110
8.20.070 articles of incorporation transfer of stock, restriction 24.36.140
railway right-of-way through canyon, pass, or nonprofit corporations 24.03.145 voting, bylaws to regulate 24.36.150
defile 8.20.140 articles of merger warehouse corporations
Employee cooperative corporations nonprofit corporations 24.03.200 membership in authorized 24.36.390
comprehensive provisions Ch. 23.78 change of warehouse receipts, validity 24.36.390
technical assistance to be provided registered agent Foreign branch campuses
43.63A.230 nonprofit corporations 24.03.055 operation does not constitute conducting
Employees fees for filing with secretary of state affairs in state 24.03.305
indemnification nonprofit corporations 24.03.405 registration as foreign nonprofit corporation
validity of indemnification or advance of format, modernized 43.07.170 not required 24.03.305
expenses 23B.08.590 summary cover sheet 43.07.190 Foreign corporation, with a domestic
indemnification of officers, employees, and Financial statements merger, consolidation
agents 23B.08.570 preparation and transmission to shareholders nonprofit corporations 24.03.207
liability insurance, corporation may maintain 23B.16.200 Foreign corporations
on behalf of 23B.08.580 Fish marketing associations "activities not constituting doing business,"
Employees, See also CORPORATIONS, subtitle agent of member, may act as 24.36.320 defined for purposes of applicability of law,
Officers appraisal of expelled members property nonprofit corporations 24.03.305
Entity conversions, corporate Ch. 23B.09 24.36.290 activities not constituting the transaction of
Exchange bylaws 24.36.130 business 23B.15.010
foreign and domestic comprehensive provisions Ch. 24.36 agents
nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual conspiracy, deemed not to be 24.36.070 registered agent 23B.15.070
corporations 24.06.233 contracts change of 23B.15.080
Exchange of shares legality presumed 24.36.070 resignation of 23B.15.090
foreign with domestic with other corporations or associations registered agent, agent for service of process
nonprofit corporation 24.03.207 24.36.400 23B.15.100
Expenses, advance for definitions 24.36.030 application of title to existing corporations
directors, officers, employees, and agents directors 23B.17.010
23B.08.603 districts 24.36.190, 24.36.200 attachment against
False statements election 24.36.190, 24.36.200, 24.36.210 bond unnecessary, when 6.25.080
gross misdemeanor 43.07.210 executive committee 24.36.240 ground for 6.25.030

[RCW Indexpage 138] (2016 Ed.)


authority to transact business authority trademark registration actions, service upon filing of records 23B.01.202, 23B.02.032,
required 23B.15.010 secretary of state 19.77.090 23B.04.035, 23B.04.037, 23B.10.012,
business, authority to transact 23B.15.010 withdrawal 23B.14.392, 23B.15.032
consequences of doing business without nonprofit corporations 24.03.370 Insurance organizations, excluded from
registering 23B.15.020 statement of withdrawal 23B.15.200 application of nonprofit corporation act
dismissal for failure to give security for costs Foreign registration statement 24.03.015
4.84.230 foreign corporations Interest
fees, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle Fees amendment, nonprofit corporations defense of usury, limitation 19.52.080
filing, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle Filings 24.03.365 Interrogatories
filing and license fees 23B.01.540 effect, nonprofit corporations 24.03.335 nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual
foreign registration statement 23B.15.030, nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual corporations
23B.15.040 corporations 24.06.370 secretary of state, confidential 24.06.475,
amendment foreign corporations 24.06.360 24.06.480
nonprofit corporations 24.03.365 Forgery in stock subscription, penalty 9.24.010 secretary of state
effect of Fraternal organizations, nonprofit organizations, nonprofit corporations
nonprofit corporations 24.03.335 authorized 24.03.015 confidential nature 24.03.435
nonprofit corporations 24.03.325 Fraternal societies Ch. 24.20 exemptions 24.03.430
merger Fraternal society building corporations Ch. 24.24 Investment of trust funds
nonprofit corporations 24.03.360 Fraud eligible and ineligible securities Ch. 11.100
merger with domestic corporation 23B.11.070 false prospectus, report or financial condition governed by this chapter 11.100.010
names penalty 9.24.050 Investment securities Art. 62A.8
requirements and limitations 23B.15.060 forgery in stock subscription, penalty Involuntary dissolution
nonadmitted foreign organizations 9.24.010, 9.24.020 grounds
real estate mortgages, owning and enforcing insolvent bank receiving deposit, penalty nonprofit corporations 24.03.250
Ch. 23B.18 9.24.030 nonprofit corporations
nonprofit corporations issuance or conveyance of stock or evidence grounds and procedure 24.03.250
definitions 24.03.005 of debt, penalty 9.24.020 venue and process 24.03.260
nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual Garnishment secretary of state, notification of attorney
corporations 24.06.345 defense against claim of defendant 6.27.300 general, nonprofit corporations 24.03.255
foreign registration statement 24.06.360 justice court proceeding 6.27.300 Involuntary dissolution, See also
name 24.06.045, 24.06.350 discharge as garnishee by uncontroverted CORPORATIONS, subtitle Dissolution,
registration answer 6.27.240 involuntary
termination of 24.06.425 justice court proceeding 6.27.240 Issuance of shares 23B.06.210
registration, conducting affairs without Jurisdiction, residence for purposes of 4.12.025
24.06.435 identification as in application for writ
6.27.060 Labor unions, nonprofit corporations, excluded
registered agent 23B.15.070 from act 24.03.015
agent for service of process 23B.15.100 service of writ on, effect 6.27.120 Legislature
change of 23B.15.080 justice court proceeding 6.27.120 power to amend or repeal title reserved
nonprofit corporations 24.03.345 writ requirements when garnishee, justice 23B.01.020
required court proceeding 6.27.070 Liability insurance on behalf of directors,
nonprofit corporations 24.03.340 Governor, power to require attorney general or officers, employees, and agents, corporation
resignation of 23B.15.090 any prosecuting attorney to inquire into may maintain 23B.08.580
registration 43.06.010 License
conducting affairs without, nonprofit Granges Ch. 24.28 doing business without, penalty 9.24.040
corporations 24.03.390 Health care services, nonprofit corporations License fees
effect of 23B.15.050 24.03.015 first year license, filing of articles, and annual
nonprofit corporations 24.03.305 Holding corporations, restriction on holding fees 23B.01.520
right of state to terminate 23B.15.050 stock in bank or trust company 30A.04.230 nonpayment, penalty, payment of delinquent
termination, grounds 23B.15.300 Homeowners associations Ch. 64.38 fees 23B.01.570
termination, nonprofit corporations Horticultural, nonprofit corporations, authorized public service companies, deduction for fees
24.03.380 24.03.015 paid to utilities and transportation
termination of Hostile or unfriendly acquisition attempts commission 23B.01.590
nonprofit corporations 24.03.380 approval of significant business transaction License renewal
transacting business without, consequences required, violation 23B.19.040 staggered 43.07.180
23B.15.020 definitions 23B.19.020 Liquidation, See also CORPORATIONS,
registration, effect of legislative findings and intent 23B.19.010 subtitle Dissolution, liquidation
nonprofit corporations 24.03.310 provisions of chapter additional to other Literary organizations, nonprofit corporations,
secretary of state requirements 23B.19.050 authorized 24.03.015
agent for service of process in absence of transaction excluded from chapter 23B.19.030 Loans
registered agent 23B.15.100 Incorporators 23B.02.010 officers or directors, to, prohibited, exceptions
security for costs nonprofit corporations 24.03.020 nonprofit corporations 24.03.140
bond in lieu of separate security for costs Indemnification of directors, officers, Massachusetts trusts
4.84.220 employees, and agents 1959, Massachusetts trust act of,
dismissal for failure to give 4.84.230 definitions 23B.08.500 comprehensive provisions Ch. 23.90
judgment on 4.84.240 later amendment or repeal of subject provision Meetings
required 4.84.210 23B.08.603 annual meeting 23B.07.010
standing bond for numerous actions 4.84.220 validity of indemnification or advance of conference calls 24.03.075
service of process and papers expenses 23B.08.590 court-ordered meetings 23B.07.030
resident agent, agent for service of process Indemnification of officers, employees, and inspectors to act at 23B.07.035
23B.15.100 agents 23B.08.570 members
secretary of state, agent in absence of Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL action without a meeting, nonprofit
registered agent 23B.15.100 INSURANCE, subtitle Corporations corporations 24.03.465
service of process and papers on Industrial loan companies, See INDUSTRIAL nonprofit corporations
personal service 4.28.080 LOAN COMPANIES quorum 24.03.090
publication, by 4.28.100 Industrial organizations, nonprofit corporations, special meetings 24.03.075
service of summons on authorized 24.03.015 time and place 24.03.075
personal service 4.28.080 Insolvent bank receiving deposit, penalty notice of annual and special meetings
publication, by 4.28.100 9.24.030 23B.07.050
service on Insurance waiver of notice 23B.07.060
nonprofit corporations 24.03.350 group life 48.24.045 organizational meeting
share exchange with domestic corporation Insurance companies nonprofit corporations 24.03.155
23B.11.070 filing of documents 23.86.022 proxy voting 23B.07.220

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 139]


shareholder participation by means of use of misleading words 33.08.010 voting, sale, lease, exchange, or other
communication equipment 23B.07.080 use of words indicating banks and trust disposition of assets 24.03.215
shareholders list 23B.07.200 companies, restrictions, penalty dissolution
special meetings 23B.07.020 30A.04.020 administrative 24.03.302
voting entitlement of shares 23B.07.210 Nonadmitted foreign organizations articles of dissolution
Members real estate mortgages, owning and enforcing contents 24.03.240
meeting Ch. 23B.18 filing 24.03.245
action without a meeting, nonprofit Nonprofit corporation act Ch. 24.03 decree 24.03.276
corporations 24.03.465 Nonprofit corporations decree of dissolution, filing 24.03.295
nonprofit corporations 24.03.075 agricultural 24.03.015 distribution of assets 24.03.225, 24.03.271
notice 24.03.080 animal husbandry 24.03.015 applicability of tax reform act of 1969
nonprofit corporations, classes 24.03.065 annual report 24.03.395 24.40.030
nonprofit corporations, committees 24.03.065 annuities, charitable gift annuity business Ch. plan of distribution 24.03.230
nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual 48.38 involuntary dissolution
corporations 24.06.065 applicability of grounds and procedure 24.03.250
notice, waiver of, nonprofit corporations nonprofit corporations act 24.03.010 notification of attorney general 24.03.255
24.03.460 elective coverage authorized 24.03.017 venue and process 24.03.260
voting tax reform act of 1969 24.40.010 jurisdiction of superior courts 24.03.266
proxy 24.03.085 articles of amendment name 24.03.300
quorum 24.03.090 contents 24.03.170 survival of remedy 24.03.300
right 24.03.085 effect 24.03.175 venue, proceedings, courts authority
Membership, qualification 24.36.250 filing 24.03.175 24.03.271
Merger articles of incorporation voluntary dissolution
nonprofit corporations amendment 24.03.180 procedure 24.03.220
cooperative association with one or more procedure 24.03.165 revocation 24.03.235
business corporations 23.86.220 right 24.03.160 distribution of assets, notice to attorney
Mergers articles of amendment 24.03.170 general required 24.03.230
business corporations contents 24.03.025 educational 24.03.015
cooperative association with one or more tax reform act of 1969 24.40.020 eleemosynary 24.03.015
business corporations 23.86.230 effect of filing 24.03.150 fees
domestic and foreign filing 24.03.145 certificate of elective coverage required
corporation, merger with 23B.11.070 restatement of 24.03.183 24.03.017
entities, merger with 23B.11.110 assets filing 24.03.405
generally Ch. 23B.11 sale, lease, exchange, or other disposition filing
nonprofit corporations 24.03.215 articles of consolidation 24.03.200
approval 24.03.195 athletic 24.03.015 articles of incorporation 24.03.145
articles of merger 24.03.200 benevolent 24.03.015 articles of merger 24.03.200
effect 24.03.210 certificate issuance fees 24.03.405
effective date 24.03.205 fees 24.03.405 foreign corporations
foreign and domestic certificate of elective coverage, contents certificate of authority
nonprofit 24.03.207 24.03.017 termination 24.03.380
nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual certificate of existence or registration foreign registration statement 24.03.325
24.06.233 issuance by secretary of state 24.03.145 amendment 24.03.365
miscellaneous and mutual 24.06.230, charitable 24.03.015 effect 24.03.335
24.06.233, 24.06.235 civic 24.03.015 merger 24.03.360
procedure 24.03.185 commercial 24.03.015 name
Metropolitan municipal corporations, See committees 24.03.115 fictitious 24.03.315
METROPOLITAN MUNICIPAL foreign corporations registered agent
CORPORATIONS amendment 24.03.365 change of 24.03.345
Military units may organize for social purposes termination 24.03.380 required 24.03.340
38.40.130 consolidation registration 24.03.305
Mining, See MINES AND MINING, subtitle approval 24.03.195 conducting affairs without 24.03.390
Corporations articles of consolidation 24.03.200 registration, effect of 24.03.310
Miscellaneous and mutual corporations certificate of consolidation 24.03.200 service on 24.03.350
service of process effect 24.03.210 withdrawal 24.03.370
personal service 4.28.080 procedure 24.03.190 fraternal 24.03.015
Municipal, See MUNICIPAL construction, repealer, exception 24.03.915 funds, management Ch. 24.55
CORPORATIONS cooperative organizations, excluded general powers 24.03.035
Mutual savings banks, See SAVINGS BANKS 24.03.015 health care services 24.03.015
Name county agricultural fairs, management of horticultural organizations 24.03.015
cooperative associations, restrictions 36.37.040 incorporators 24.03.020
23.86.030 cultural 24.03.015 industrial 24.03.015
corporate name, requirements and restrictions cultural organizations, cultural access insurance companies
23B.04.010 program (CAP) funding of Ch. 36.160, certificate of authority, filing 24.03.332,
foreign corporation 84.52.821 24.03.334
fictitious name, use of local sales and use tax for 82.14.525 insurance organizations, excluded 24.03.015
nonprofit corporations 24.03.315 definitions 24.03.005 interrogatories
nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual directors confidential nature 24.03.435
corporations 24.06.350 assent presumed if present at meeting by secretary of state
nonprofit corporations 24.03.045 24.03.113 exemptions 24.03.430
dissolution 24.03.300 duties 24.03.127 involuntary dissolution
registration of 24.03.047 judicial removal 24.03.1031 grounds and procedure 24.03.250
renewal of 24.03.048 loans to prohibited 24.03.140 notification of attorney general 24.03.255
reservation of name 24.03.046 meetings venue and process 24.03.260
nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual action without a meeting 24.03.465 joint self-insurance programs Ch. 48.180
corporations 24.06.045 place and notice 24.03.120 labor unions, exempted 24.03.015
registration notice, waiver 24.03.460 liability, limitations 4.24.264
renewal of 24.06.048 number and elections or appointment limitations 24.03.030
registration of corporate name 24.06.047 24.03.100 literary 24.03.015
reservation 24.06.046 penalties 24.03.425 loans, to directors and officers prohibited
registered name 23B.04.030 qualifications 24.03.095 24.03.140
reserved name 23B.04.020 quorum 24.03.110 management of funds Ch. 24.55
savings associations vacancies 24.03.105 meeting

[RCW Indexpage 140] (2016 Ed.)


members or directors, action without a powers of courts and attorney general registered office
meeting 24.03.465 24.40.040 nonprofit corporations, necessity for
notice 24.03.080 trade association 24.03.015 24.03.050
organization meetings 24.03.155 transportation services for elderly and persons Organization
time and place 24.03.075 with disabilities Ch. 81.66 nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual
members ultra vires, defense of 24.03.040 corporations 24.06.180
classes 24.03.065 voluntary dissolution Organization, See also CORPORATIONS,
meeting, action without a meeting 24.03.465 articles of dissolution subtitle Formation
member committees 24.03.065 contents 24.03.240 Organization of corporation, requirements
notice, waiver 24.03.460 filing 24.03.245 23B.02.050
voting, sale, lease, exchange, or other procedure 24.03.220 Patriotic corporations, nonprofit corporations,
disposition of assets 24.03.215 revocation 24.03.235 authorized 24.03.015
merger voting 24.03.085 Penalties
approval 24.03.195 greater voting requirements 24.03.455 directors
articles of merger 24.03.200 sale, lease, exchange or other disposition of and officers
effect 24.03.210 assets 24.03.215 nonprofit corporations
foreign corporations 24.03.360 waiver of notice 24.03.460 imposed upon corporation 24.03.420
procedure 24.03.185 Nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual corporation directors and officers
mortgage and pledge of assets 24.03.217 act nonprofit corporations 24.03.425
name 24.03.045 applicability nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual
registration of 24.03.047 foreign corporations 24.06.010 corporations 24.06.470
registration renewal 24.03.048 miscellaneous and mutual corporations act nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual
reservation of 24.03.046 24.06.010 corporations 24.06.465
notice nonprofit corporation act 24.06.010 Political corporations, nonprofit corporations,
compliance with 1969 act 24.03.915 articles of incorporation Ch. 24.06 authorized 24.03.015
electronic transmission 24.03.009 authority to organize Powers
officers beneficial corporation 24.06.015 emergency powers 23B.03.030
enumerated 24.03.125 cooperative corporation 24.06.015 general powers 23B.03.020
loans to, prohibited 24.03.140 fraternal corporation 24.06.015 nonprofit corporations 24.03.035
penalties 24.03.425 labor organization corporation 24.06.015 ultra vires, when corporate action may be
removal 24.03.130 mutual corporation 24.06.015 challenged as 23B.03.040
organization meetings 24.03.155 service corporation 24.06.015 unauthorized assumption, nonprofit
patriotic 24.03.015 social corporation 24.06.015 corporations 24.03.470
penalties comprehensive provisions Ch. 24.06 Preemptive rights of shareholders 23B.06.300
directors and officers 24.03.425 consolidation or merger Ch. 24.06 Preincorporation transactions, liability for
upon corporations 24.03.420 definitions 24.06.005 23B.02.040
political 24.03.015 directors and members Ch. 24.06 Product liability actions Ch. 7.72
dissolution and liquidation Ch. 24.06 Professional associations, nonprofit
postsecondary school loans corporations, authorized 24.03.015
foreign corporations Ch. 24.06
allowable interest rates 24.03.480 insurance companies Professional service corporations
powers, unauthorized assumption 24.03.470 certificate of authority, filing 24.06.367, business corporations may conform with
professional 24.03.015 24.06.369 chapter 18.100.133
property, sale, lease, exchange, or other merger or consolidation Ch. 24.06 foreign corporations rendering services in
disposition 24.03.215 powers Ch. 24.06 state, qualifications 18.100.160
purposes permitted 24.03.015 shares and shareholders, including dissent Ch. generally Ch. 18.100
quorum 24.03.090 24.06 nonprofit corporations formed under prior law
records Nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual 18.100.132
documents in form of record, inspection corporations Property
24.03.135 community revitalization financing 24.06.610 sale, lease, exchange, or other disposition,
registered agent 24.03.050 locally regulated utilities 24.06.600 nonprofit corporations 24.03.215
change of 24.03.055 Nonstock, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle Property appropriation by eminent domain
foreign corporations 24.03.345 Nonprofit corporations authorized
foreign corporations, required 24.03.340 Notice certificate of acknowledgment 64.08.070
necessity for 24.03.050 authorized forms of notice under title fraudulent conveyance or encumbrance
notice to corporations to file 24.03.915 23B.01.410 9.24.020
registered office common address, definition, shareholder powers as to 24.36.350
necessity for 24.03.050 consent 23B.01.420 Prospectus or report, falsity in
religious 24.03.015 Officers penalty 9.24.050
sale, lease, exchange, or other disposition of appointment 23B.08.400 Proxies 23B.07.220
property 24.03.217 conflict of interest Public, See MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS
savings 24.03.905 business opportunities, pursuit of, duty to Public benefit nonprofit corporations
schools as 28A.320.010 corporation 23B.08.735 application for status as 24.03.510
scientific 24.03.015 contract rights 23B.08.440 designation established 24.03.490
secretary of state duties 23B.08.400, 23B.08.410 removal of designation 24.03.540
filing records delivered for filing, duty indemnification renewal fees 24.03.530
24.03.445 definitions 23B.08.500 renewal of designation 24.03.520
interrogatories validity of indemnification or advance of temporary designation as 24.03.500
exemptions 24.03.430 expenses 23B.08.590 Public service companies
notice to existing corporations 24.03.915 indemnification of officers, employees, and license fees, deduction for fees paid to utilities
powers and authority 24.03.440 agents 23B.08.570 and transportation commission 23B.01.590
service of process 24.03.060 liability insurance, corporation may maintain Purposes 23B.03.010
shareholders, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle on behalf of 23B.08.580 Quo warranto proceedings
Members loans to, prohibited, exception costs 7.56.100, 7.56.110
short title 24.03.900 nonprofit corporations 24.03.140 dissolution of corporations 7.56.100, 7.56.110
social 24.03.015 nonprofit corporations, enumerated 24.03.125 judgments of ouster or forfeiture against
state employee child care organizations nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual 7.56.100
organization as corporation required to corporations 24.06.155 persons who may file informations concerning
qualify for services under RCW penalties, nonprofit corporations 24.03.425 corporations 7.56.020
41.04.380 41.04.382 removal 23B.08.430 receivership 7.56.110
tax reform act of 1969 nonprofit corporations 24.03.130 restraining of corporations 7.56.110
articles of incorporation 24.40.060 resignation 23B.08.430 subject to information, when 7.56.010
construction of references to federal code standards of conduct, generally 23B.08.420 Quorum, directors, nonprofit corporations
24.40.050 Offices 24.03.110

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 141]


Real or personal property, certificate of notice of 24.03.220 personal service 4.28.080

acknowledgment, form of 64.08.070 Savings associations procedures 23B.05.040
fraudulent conveyance or encumbrance, articles of incorporation 33.08.030 resident agent, agent for service of process
penalty 9.24.020 controlled, examination by director of 23B.05.040, 23B.15.100
powers as to 24.36.350 financial institutions 33.04.020 secretary of state
Receivers Savings associations, See also SAVINGS agent in absence of registered agent
service of process and papers upon 4.28.080 ASSOCIATIONS 23B.15.100
Record date, determination 23B.07.070 Savings clause agent in absence of resident agent
Recordings, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle nonprofit corporation act 24.03.905 23B.05.040
Filings School districts as 28A.320.010 when 4.28.100
Records Scientific organizations Service of summons on, personal service
correction of filed record 23B.01.240 nonprofit corporations, authorized 24.03.015 4.28.080
effective time and date of documents filed Seal Service on
with secretary of state 23B.01.230 absence from instrument, effect 64.04.105 foreign corporations
filing by financial institutions with or seeking Secretary of state nonprofit corporations 24.03.350
certificate of authority 23B.01.204, administrative dissolution 24.03.302 registered agent
23B.14.394 agent for service of process in absence of nonprofit corporations 24.03.350
filing requirements 23B.01.200 registered agent 23B.05.040, 23B.15.100 Share certificates, form and content 23B.06.250
inspection by shareholders 23B.16.020 annual report Share certificates, issuance of shares without
court-ordered inspection 23B.16.040 nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual certificates 23B.06.260
scope of right to inspect 23B.16.030 corporations 24.06.440 Share dividends 23B.06.230
nonprofit corporations 24.03.135 fees, charges, and penalties, establishment and Share exchange
required records 23B.16.010 collection 23B.01.220 exchange plan, separate voting group
Registered agent nonprofit corporations 24.03.405 23B.11.035
change of 23B.15.080 fees, See also CORPORATIONS, subtitle Share exchanges
foreign corporation, nonprofit miscellaneous Fees articles of share exchange, filing with
and mutual corporations 24.06.380 filing duties 23B.01.250 secretary of state, required information
foreign corporation filing records delivered for filing, duty 23B.11.050
change of nonprofit corporations 24.03.445 domestic corporation and foreign corporation
nonprofit corporations 24.03.345 filings, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle 23B.11.070
nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual Filings effect on acquired corporation 23B.11.060
corporations interrogatories exchange plan, approval procedure
service of process and papers 24.06.390 nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual 23B.11.030
required, nonprofit corporations 24.03.340 corporations requirements, generally 23B.11.020
foreign corporations confidential 24.06.480 Share options 23B.06.240
nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual interrogatories of Shareholders
corporations 24.06.375 confidential nature, nonprofit corporations action without meeting or vote, approval by all
necessity for 24.03.435 shareholders entitled to vote 23B.07.040
nonprofit corporations 24.03.050 nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual agreements among 23B.07.320
nonprofit corporations 24.03.050 corporations articles of incorporation, amendment by board
notice to file registered agent to comply with confidential 24.06.475 of directors and shareholders 23B.10.030
1969 requirements 24.03.915 legal entity renewals bylaws, amendment by 23B.10.200
requirements 23B.15.070 revenue, department of, to be secretarys conflict of interest
resignation, foreign corporation, nonprofit agent 43.07.200 approval of directors transaction,
miscellaneous and mutual corporations miscellaneous charges requirements 23B.08.730
24.06.385 nonprofit corporations derivative proceedings, procedure 23B.07.400
resignation of 23B.15.090 exemptions 24.03.430 dissenting and dissenters rights
Registered agent, agent for service of process nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual generally, including comprehensive
23B.15.100 corporations Ch. 24.06 provisions, payment, and court actions
Registered agent, change of 23B.05.020 notice Ch. 23B.13
Registered agent, failure to appoint or maintain agent resignation distributions to, authorization and limitations
service of process nonprofit corporation 24.03.055 23B.06.400
nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual change of registered agent of indemnification and advance of expenses for
corporations, foreign 24.06.395 foreign nonprofit corporation 24.03.345 directors, shareholder authorization
Registered agent, requirements 23B.05.010 compliance with 1969 requirements 23B.08.560
Registered agent, resignation of 23B.05.030 24.03.915 indemnification of director, report to
Registered name 23B.04.030 service of process on shareholders 23B.08.600
Registered office nonprofit corporations 24.03.060 inspection of corporate records 23B.16.020
nonprofit corporations termination of registration court-ordered inspection 23B.16.040
necessity for 24.03.050 nonprofit corporations 24.03.380 scope of right to inspect 23B.16.030
nonprofit corporations, authorized 24.03.015 power and authority of liability to corporation and creditors
Registration of nonprofit corporations 24.03.440 23B.06.220
foreign corporations powers, rule making authority 23B.01.300 meetings
conducting affairs without, nonprofit registration annual meeting 23B.07.010
corporations 24.03.390 termination of court-ordered meetings 23B.07.030
nonprofit corporations 24.03.305, 24.03.325 nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual inspectors to act to 23B.07.035
termination of 24.06.425 corporations 24.06.425 notice of annual and special meetings
nonprofit corporations 24.03.380 service on 23B.07.050
land titles, manner of application 65.12.005 nonprofit corporations 24.03.350 waiver of notice 23B.07.060
name 24.03.047 services provided participation by means of communication
renewal of 24.03.048 agencies may contract for 43.07.035 equipment 23B.07.080
Religious corporations Service of process and papers proxy voting 23B.07.220
application of chapter 24.12, expiration of, alcoholic beverage prosecutions 66.44.080 shareholders list 23B.07.200
and subsequent prohibition 24.12.005 criminal actions 10.01.070 special meetings 23B.07.020
corporation sole, church or religious society, domestic corporation without officer in state voting entitlement of shares 23B.07.210
incorporating as Ch. 24.12 4.28.090 preemptive rights 23B.06.300
corporations sole Ch. 24.12 Massachusetts trusts 23.90.040 record date, determination 23B.07.070
Reorganization nonprofit corporations 24.03.060 removal of directors 23B.08.080
articles of incorporation, amendment pursuant nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual voting, corporations acceptance of votes
to 23B.10.080 corporations 24.06.390 23B.07.240
Reserved name 23B.04.020 foreign voting on corporate action 23B.08.245
Revenue, department of registered agent, failure to appoint or Shareholders list 23B.07.200
voluntary dissolution maintain 24.06.395 Shares

[RCW Indexpage 142] (2016 Ed.)


adequacy of consideration, determination Ultra vires Address confidentiality program for criminal
23B.06.210 when corporate action may be challenged as justice participants 40.24.030
attachment, procedure 6.17.160 23B.03.040 Administration Ch. 72.01
authorized shares 23B.06.010 Ultra vires, defense of AIDS
beneficial owner, recognition as shareholder nonprofit corporations 24.03.040 liberty interest not created 70.24.430
of nominee held shares 23B.07.230 Unclaimed property testing 70.24.370
certificates, form and content 23B.06.250 stocks and shares 63.29.100 Alien offender camp 72.09.560
certificates of stock Unfair business practices Aliens committed to department of corrections
garnishment, See CORPORATIONS, dissolution or forfeiture of franchise conditional release for deportation 9.94A.685
subtitle Garnishment 19.86.150 Aliens committed to penitentiary, duty to notify
classes and series of shares, preferences, divestiture of stock or assets 19.86.060 immigration authorities 10.70.140
limitations, and rights 23B.06.020 stock acquisition in other corporations to Associate superintendents 72.02.055
corporations acquisition of its own shares create monopoly 19.86.060 Caseload forecast council, organization and
23B.06.310 Uniform business organizations code Ch. 23.95 duties Ch. 43.88C
dissenting shareholders Vacancies, directors, nonprofit corporations Chemical dependency, See CORRECTIONS,
restriction on transfer of uncertificated 24.03.105 DEPARTMENT OF, subtitle Chemical
shares 23B.13.240 Venue dependency and mental disorders, screening
dividends, issuance of shares as 23B.06.230 actions against corporations 4.12.025 and assessment
expenses of issuing, payment from residence for purposes of 4.12.025 Classification of inmates
consideration received 23B.06.280 Voluntary dissolution prosecuting attorneys statement 9.95.028
forgery in stock subscription, penalty 9.24.010 articles of dissolution Community placement
fractional shares 23B.06.040 contents, nonprofit corporations 24.03.240 community transition coordination networks
fraudulent issuance or conveyance of, penalty filing Ch. 72.78
9.24.020 nonprofit corporations 24.03.245 Construction and repair contracts
issuance 23B.06.210 procedure, nonprofit corporations 24.03.220 alternative method to remain in force until
expenses, payment from consideration revocation completed 39.04.230
received 23B.06.280 nonprofit corporations 24.03.235 findings 39.04.210
issuance without certificates 23B.06.260 general contractor/construction manager
issued and outstanding shares 23B.06.030 Voting method for awarding 39.04.220
joint issuance or transfer, presumption of joint acceptance of votes 23B.07.240 Contraband
tenancy 11.02.110 action by single or multiple voting groups possession prohibited, posting of notice
nominee held shares, recognition of beneficial 23B.07.260 9.94.047
owner as shareholder 23B.07.230 articles of incorporation prohibition on receipt or possession 72.09.530
nonprofit corporations, prohibited 24.03.030 amendments, voting by voting groups, when Contraband, introduction into detention or secure
nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual authorized 23B.10.040 facility
corporations 24.06.070, 24.06.075, cumulative voting, election of directors first degree 9A.76.140
24.06.080, 24.06.085 23B.07.280 second degree 9A.76.150
options, rights, and warrants for purchase of majority required for approval 23B.07.250 third degree 9A.76.160
shares 23B.06.240 articles of incorporation may provide for County prisoners, See also JAILS
reacquisition, redemption, or conversion of greater or lesser requirements, limitations Court powers 72.02.015
outstanding shares, limitations 23B.06.030 23B.07.270 Custodial sexual misconduct 9A.44.160,
redeemable shares 23B.06.030 members of nonprofit corporation, right 9A.44.170, 9A.44.180
subscription for shares prior to incorporation 24.03.085 Death penalty
23B.06.200 nonprofit corporations, sale, lease, exchange, single-person cells 10.95.170
transfer of shares, restriction on 23B.06.270 or other disposition of assets 24.03.215 witnesses of execution, procedure 10.95.185
transfer to surviving spouse or domestic proxy Definitions 9.94.049
partner, requirements, corporate liability nonprofit corporations 24.03.085 Detainers Ch. 9.100
11.02.120 proxy voting 23B.07.220 Developmental disabilities, persons with
transfers, dividends, and proxies quorum requirements 23B.07.250 transfer from jail 70.48.245
rights of named owner 11.02.100 alternative 23B.17.015 Disarming a law enforcement or corrections
uncertificated shares articles of incorporation may provide for officer, definition and elements 9A.76.023,
dissenting shareholders, restriction on greater or lesser requirements, limitations 9A.76.025, 9A.76.027
transfer of shares 23B.13.240 23B.07.270 Disturbances
Short title 23B.01.010 bylaws, increased voting requirements, contingency plans, development 72.02.150
Social corporations, nonprofit corporations, amendment or repeal 23B.10.210 outside law enforcement, utilization
authorized 24.03.015 requirements, greater voting requirements, 72.02.160
Social purpose corporations Ch. 23B.25 nonprofit corporations 24.03.455 Drugs, alcohol, or cell phone
Special meetings 23B.07.020 shareholders, voting on corporate action possession by prisoner, penalty 9.94.041
Stock, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle Shares 23B.08.245 Drugs or controlled substances
Stock associations voting agreements 23B.07.310 possession by a person not a prisoner, penalty
business corporation act, associations subject voting entitlement of shares 23B.07.210 9.94.045
to 33.48.025 voting requirements prohibition, posting of notice 9.94.047
Stock savings banks, incorporation and operation alternative 23B.17.015 Echo Glen correctional institution Ch. 72.19
Ch. 32.35 voting requirements for directors Education and work programs
Subscription for shares prior to incorporation bylaws, increased voting requirements, inmate participation requirements and
23B.06.200 amendment or repeal 23B.10.210 standards 72.09.460
Supplemental proceedings involving judgment voting trusts 23B.07.300 post-secondary degrees 72.09.465
debtors Voting agreements 23B.07.310 Educational facilities and employment of
provisions involving corporations 6.32.030, Voting entitlement of shares 23B.07.210 teachers 72.01.200
6.32.050, 6.32.070, 6.32.120, 6.32.130, Voting trusts 23B.07.300 Employees
6.32.190 Washington nonprofit corporation act, short title address confidentiality program for criminal
Trade associations, nonprofit corporations, 24.03.900 justice participants 40.24.030
authorized 24.03.015 Withdrawal peace officers, powers and duties of 9.94.050
Trade names, registration required 19.80.010 revenue clearance sexual misconduct by custodial agency
Trademarks and labels, counterfeiting 9.16.030 nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual employees 72.09.225, 72.09.630
Trust companies, See TRUST COMPANIES corporations, foreign 24.06.415 training
Trust funds, investment, eligible and ineligible education at approved existing institutions
securities Ch. 11.100 CORPSES (See HUMAN REMAINS) 43.101.170
Trust institutions, See TRUST INSTITUTIONS CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES (See also priorities 43.101.180
change in form of corporate trustees 11.98.065 STATE INSTITUTIONS) extradition 10.34.030
powers as to conducting corporate business Acknowledgments and oaths, administration by limitation of action against sheriff or officers
11.98.070 superintendents and officers 64.08.090 4.16.110

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 143]


pursuit and retaking authorized 10.34.020 name change, limitation on use, penalty definitions 72.64.001
recapture of prisoner, term 9.31.090 72.09.540 industrial insurance 72.64.065, 72.64.070,
Family visitation, policy on extended visitation parents 72.64.080, 72.64.090
72.09.490 advisory committee, children and families labor camps 72.64.060
Female inmates, separate quarters 35.66.050 with incarcerated parents 43.63A.068 prisoners required to work 72.64.030
Firearms, See CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES, personal property, See CORRECTIONAL regional jail camps 72.64.100
subtitle Weapons FACILITIES, subtitle Personal property, required 9.95.090
Furloughs for prisoners Ch. 72.66 inmates rules and regulations 72.64.020
Green Hill School Ch. 72.16 placement 72.02.240 work camps 72.64.050
Health care services, behavioral, for inmates pregnant women and youth, use of restraints Legal financial obligations, offenders
medical assistance, guidance and training for on 72.09.651, 72.09.652 responsibility
organizations and providers 71.24.500 protection of law, redress for injury 9.92.110 cost of supervision fund 72.11.040
Health care services for inmates records and reports, access 72.09.580 deductions from inmate accounts, priority
accompanied by officer, required to be, when recreational equipment and dietary 72.11.030
Ch. 10.110 supplements to increase muscle mass, definitions 72.11.010
contracts for services 72.10.030 purchase limitations 72.09.510 inmate funds, custodianship and disbursement
definitions 72.10.010 reentering community from incarceration by secretary 72.11.020
health care reform act, plan 41.05.280 reentry council, Washington statewide Ch. Maple Lane school Ch. 72.20
health services delivery plan 72.10.020 43.380 Medical facilities
legislative intent 72.10.005 release adverse health events and incident reporting
medical assistance, suspension of benefits earnings, clothing, transportation 72.02.100 system Ch. 70.56
74.09.670 notice to school district in certain cases Mental illness, See CORRECTIONS,
rule making authority 72.10.040, 72.10.050 72.09.730 DEPARTMENT OF, subtitle Mental illness,
Hostages, holding person as subsistence payments 72.02.100 offenders with; MENTAL ILLNESS,
penalty 9.94.030 weekly payments, conditions 72.02.110 subtitle Offenders
Inmates security threat groups, collecting information Motion pictures, restrictions 72.02.280
abuse victim convicted of murder of abuser concerning 72.09.745 Narcotic drugs
reduction in sentence, notice 72.02.270 television, purchase 72.09.520 possession by a person not a prisoner, penalty
assistance for parolees, work/training release, transfer and transportation 9.94.045
and discharged prisoners 9.95.320, authority 72.68.010, 72.68.020 Nonprofit organizations, agreement with to
9.95.330, 9.95.340, 9.95.350, 9.95.360, definitions 72.68.001 provide services 72.01.480
9.95.370 mental illness 72.68.031, 72.68.032, Notice of escape, furlough, parole, release,
child support collection actions 72.09.480 72.68.035, 72.68.037 community custody, placement
civil rights, restoration Ch. 9.96, Ch. 9.97 transitional housing assistance 43.185C.200 requirements 72.09.712, 72.09.713,
commitment to reception centers for untried indictments, informations, or 72.09.714, 72.09.716, 72.09.718,
classification 72.02.210, 72.02.220, complaints, disposition provided 9.98.010, 72.09.720, 72.09.730
72.02.230 9.98.020, 9.98.030, 9.98.040 Notice of escape, furlough, parole, release,
community custody 72.09.600 weight lifting, prohibitions 72.09.500 placement
community safety, risk assessment 72.09.590 witness, procedure for testimony 5.56.090 requirements 72.09.710
community transition coordination networks women Officers
Ch. 72.78 placement 72.02.250 cameras, body worn, use of
conversations pregnant, use of restraints on 72.09.651, generally, including task force Ch. 10.109
interception, recording, and divulging 72.09.652 public records act exemption 42.56.240
9.73.095 Institutional impact, local costs Officers and guards, interference with duties,
detainers Ch. 9.100 reimbursement Ch. 72.72 penalty 9.94.030
detention of federal prisoners Interstate compact for adult offender supervision Overcrowded facilities, emergency release
contracts 72.68.080, 72.68.090, 72.68.100 9.94A.745, 9.94A.74501, 9.94A.74502, legislature approval required 9.94A.870
detention of felons 9.94A.74503, 9.94A.74504, 9.94A.74505 sentencing guideline commission
contracts 72.68.040, 72.68.050, 72.68.060, Intrastate corrections compact duties 9.94A.870
72.68.070 fiscal management 72.76.040 Peace officers
detention of female prisoners offender days, costs and accounting 72.76.020 removal of unauthorized persons 72.09.650
contracts 72.68.075 participant contracts 72.76.030 Permits for facilities
escorted leaves of absence provisions 72.76.010 certain conditional or special use permits,
definitions 72.01.365 Jails, See JAILS mediation prior to appeal 35.22.685,
grounds 72.01.370 Juvenile facilities 35.63.260, 35A.63.280, 36.32.525,
law enforcement notification 72.01.375 cameras, body worn, use by personnel 36.70.678
restrictions, costs 72.01.380 generally, including task force Ch. 10.109 Persistent prison misbehavior, penalty 9.94.070
extraordinary medical placement 72.09.620 public records act exemption 42.56.240 Personal property, inmates
funds subject to deductions, exceptions Echo Glen Ch. 72.19 deceased, disposition 11.08.101, 11.08.120
72.09.480 Green Hill School Ch. 72.16 illegal items
gang involvement, intervention programs Maple Lane school Ch. 72.20 dispositions 63.42.030
72.09.670 residential schools, educational program for unclaimed
health care services Ch. 72.10 residents definitions 63.42.020
incarcerated parents, policies 72.09.495 educational service district agreements disposition of 63.42.040
industrial insurance, benefits cancelled 28A.190.015 inapplicable law 63.42.060
51.32.040 Juveniles presumptions 63.42.030
job assignments and custody promotions education programs for juveniles in adult prior agreement, application 63.42.050
offender placements, evaluation by facilities Ch. 28A.193 procedure 63.42.030
multidisciplinary teams 72.09.682 educational programs for residents Ch. Placement of offender
labor and employment Ch. 72.64 28A.190 determination 70.48.400
legal financial obligations Ch. 72.11 felony convictions, placement 72.01.410 Pregnant women and youth, use of restraints on
legal financial obligations, See SENTENCES, holding facilities, juveniles not to be confined 72.09.651, 72.09.652
subtitle Legal financial obligations in adult facilities 13.04.116 Prison industries
letters written by, withholding 72.02.260 pregnant youth, use of restraints on 72.09.651, site-specific implementation plan
medical assistance, guidance and training for 72.09.652 incentive program 72.60.235
organizations and providers 71.24.500 security guidelines, report 13.40.030 Prison work programs
medical assistance, suspension of benefits Labor and employment for prisoners fish and game projects
74.09.670 interstate forest fire suppression compact establishment 72.63.020
mental illness, See CORRECTIONS, 72.64.150, 72.64.160 funding 72.63.040
DEPARTMENT OF, subtitle Mental Labor and employment of prisoners procedures 72.63.030
illness, offenders with; MENTAL authorized 72.64.010 Privileges
ILLNESS, subtitle Offenders cities and towns 35.30.010 inmate contributions for cost, standards
name change 4.24.130 crediting of earnings, payment 72.64.040 72.09.470

[RCW Indexpage 144] (2016 Ed.)


Probation and parole, See PROBATION AND CORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES (See transfer of funds to department of labor and
Reception and classification centers 72.02.200 subtitle Correctional industries) Criminal justice forecasting 10.98.140
Reimbursement rates for county use of state CORRECTIONS, DEPARTMENT OF (See Criminally insane
facilities 9.94A.190 also CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES) conditional release
Restraints Abuse of child, department reporting compliance with conditions, supervision of
pregnant women and youth, use of restraints requirements 26.44.030 10.77.195
on 72.09.651 Address confidentiality program for criminal disappearance of released, committed
justice participants 40.24.030 person, notification requirements
pregnant women and youth, use on 72.09.652 10.77.165
Riot Adult correctional programs
administration Ch. 72.02 recommendation of secretary of department
defined, penalty 9.94.010 of social and health services 10.77.150
Alien offender camp 72.09.560
Secretary of corrections, authority 72.02.040 Aliens committed to department supervision of released committed person by
Services and supplies, limitation on denial of conditional release for deportation 9.94A.685 department 10.77.150
access to, recoupment of assessments Assault, custodial 9A.36.041, 9A.36.100 records availability 10.77.210
72.09.450 Assaults on staff Criminally insane, See also CRIMINAL
Sexual misconduct by employees of custodial reimbursement 72.09.240 PROCEDURE, subtitle Criminally insane
agencies 72.09.225 Branch offices 43.17.050 Custodial assault 9A.36.041, 9A.36.100
Sexual offenders Chemical dependency and mental disorders, Death penalty
end-of-sentence review committee 72.09.345 screening and assessment 72.09.755 single-person cells 10.95.170
registration of Civil service exempt positions 41.06.071 witnesses to execution, designation by
notice to person convicted of sex offense at Collateral attacks on judgments and sentences superintendent of state penitentiary,
release 72.09.330 one year limit procedure 10.95.185
duty to notify defendant of 10.73.120 Definitions 72.09.015
release from confinement Detainers, interstate agreement Ch. 9.100
notice to prosecuting attorney 9.94A.840 Communicable disease prevention guidelines
72.09.251 Developmental disabilities, persons with
notice to school district in certain cases transfer from jail to department facility
72.09.730 Community corrections officers
address confidentiality program for criminal 70.48.245
release plan and considerations 72.09.340 justice participants 40.24.030 Divisions establishment authorized 72.09.060
Staff safety issues Community custody Early release from confinement
total confinement correctional facilities violations 72.09.310, 72.09.311 crimes committed prior to eighteenth birthday
body alarms and proximity cards, feasibility Community placement 9.94A.730
study of 72.09.686 community justice centers 72.09.280 housing rental vouchers
pepper spray, plan for use 72.09.690 correctional facility siting list 72.09.290 conditions 9.94A.729
training curriculum 72.09.684 individual reentry plan 72.09.270 list of housing providers 72.09.285
Statewide security advisory committee limited liability 72.09.320 specialized training may be required as
72.09.680 Community restitution by offenders condition 9.94A.580
workers compensation and liability insurance Employees
coverage 35.21.209, 35A.21.220, assault by offender, reimbursement 72.09.240
authority 72.02.055 civil service exemptions 41.06.071
36.16.139, 51.12.045
Superintendent Community restitution litter cleanup programs communicable disease prevention guidelines
authority 72.02.045 72.09.260 72.09.251
duties 9.95.020 Community transition coordination networks sexual misconduct by custodial agency
Transition facilities Ch. 71.09 definitions 72.78.010 employees 72.09.225, 72.09.630
Traumatic brain injuries, persons with findings 72.78.005 Employees collective bargaining rights
transfer from jail 70.48.245 funding 72.78.070 72.09.220
Video monitoring cameras inventory of services and resources by Facilities
study and report 72.09.688 counties 72.78.020 correctional facility siting list 72.09.290
pilot program 72.78.040 video monitoring cameras, study and report
Vocational education 72.09.688
Contracts for incarceration unaffected by
defined 72.62.020 financial responsibility law 70.48.460 Felonies
Vocational education programs Correction system establishment, legislative tracking of felony cases
sale of products 72.62.030, 72.62.040 intent 72.09.010 duties 10.98.110
trade advisory and apprenticeship committees Correctional employees, powers and duties of Felons
72.62.050 peace officers 9.94.050 financial responsibility of department of
Weapons Correctional facilities corrections 70.48.410
delivery to prisoners prohibited 9.41.080 administration Ch. 72.01 Felony conviction disposition forms and reports
possession by person not a prisoner 9.94.043 Correctional industries transmitted by prosecuting attorneys
possession by prisoner, penalty 9.94.040 account 10.98.090
operations, profits 72.09.090 Financial responsibility 70.48.400
possession prohibited in, exceptions 9.41.300
profits, appropriations 72.09.090 felons 70.48.410
provision to person in detention or secure advisory committee parole hold 70.48.420
facility 9A.76.140 reimbursement rate to be established
appointment, compensation, staff support
Western interstate corrections compact Ch. 72.70 72.09.080 70.48.440
Women recommendations by committee 72.09.070 work release inmates 70.48.430
placement 72.02.250 classes of work programs 72.09.100 Firearms
pregnant, use of restraints on 72.09.651, funding 72.09.090 offenders under department supervision
72.09.652 goods and services 72.60.160, 72.60.220 prohibited from owning or possessing
Work and education programs industrial insurance 72.60.102 9.41.045
inmate participation requirements and inmates possession by correctional personnel and
standards 72.09.460 civil rights 72.60.100 community corrections officers 9.41.060,
Work crew participation employment according to needs of state 9.41.065
program requirements 9.94A.725 72.60.110 Forecasting, criminal justice 10.98.140
workers compensation coverage 72.60.100 Foreign nationals or citizens
Work ethic camp program
public purchasing requirements, exemption transfer of convicted offenders 43.06.350
eligibility 9.94A.690 from 39.26.102 Furloughs for prisoners
Work release program site-specific implementation plan definitions 72.66.010
generally Ch. 72.65 incentive program 72.60.235 Health care purchased by state agencies
indeterminate sentence review board County use of state partial confinement facility alternative health care providers, agencies to
72.65.130 reimbursement of state 9.94A.190 identify 70.14.020
inmates, eligibility for medicaid coverage Created 43.17.010, 72.09.030 drug purchasing cost controls, evidence based
74.09.672 Crime victims compensation prescription drug program 70.14.050

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 145]


review of prospective rate setting methods funds subject to deductions, exceptions motion to quash, modify, or terminate,
70.14.040 72.09.480 grounds for relief 9.94A.7605
utilization review procedures, agencies to gang involvement, intervention programs notice of, issuance and content 9.94A.7602
establish plan 70.14.030 72.09.670 wage assignments
Health care services for inmates incarcerated parents, policies 72.09.495 forms and rules 9.94A.7706
accompanied by officer, required to be, when job assignments and custody promotions rulemaking authority 9.94A.7704
Ch. 10.110 offender placements, evaluation by Legal financial obligations, offenders liability
contracts for services 72.10.030 multidisciplinary teams 72.09.682 for
definitions 72.10.010 name change, limitation on use, penalty cost of supervision fund 72.11.040
health services delivery plan 72.10.020 72.09.540 deductions from inmate accounts, priority
hospitals, contracts with 70.41.460 privileges, inmate contributions for cost, 72.11.030
rule making authority 72.10.040, 72.10.050 standards 72.09.470 inmate funds, custodianship and disbursement
HIV test results, disclosure 70.24.107 records and reports, access 72.09.580 by secretary 72.11.020
Housing for employees, state-owned or leased recreational equipment and dietary Legal services for inmates 72.09.190
availability, conditions 43.81.020, 43.81.030, supplements to increase muscle mass, Local criminal justice costs, reimbursement
43.81.040 purchase limitations 72.09.510 account 72.72.030
legislative intent 43.81.010 release definitions 72.72.020
Incentive system for participation in education notice to school district in certain cases disturbances at state facilities 72.72.050,
and work programs 72.09.130 72.09.730 72.72.060
Indeterminate sentence review board Ch. 9.95 savings, availability 72.09.111 rules 72.72.040
address confidentiality program for criminal savings, deductions 72.09.111 Mental health services information
justice participants 40.24.030 security threat groups, collecting information release 70.02.250, 72.09.585
creation within department 9.95.003 concerning 72.09.745 Mental health treatment of inmates preceding
department to make records available to board services and supplies, limitation or denial of confinement
9.95.170 access to, recoupment of assessments notification to providers at time of release
transfer to department 9.95.002 72.09.450 72.10.060
Indeterminate sentence review board, See also television purchase, limitation 72.09.520 Mental illness, offenders with
SENTENCES, subtitle Indeterminate transfer, transportation, and detention court-ordered treatment
sentence review board contracts Ch. 72.68 violations and notification 72.09.315
Inmate conversations weight lifting, prohibitions 72.09.500 mental health center
interception, recording, and divulging, Integrated pest management Ch. 17.15 collaborative arrangement with University of
procedures and restrictions 9.73.095 Interstate compact for adult offender supervision Washington 72.09.350
Inmate health care system 9.94A.745, 9.94A.74501, 9.94A.74502, offender reentry community safety program
department to develop plan to conform to 9.94A.74503, 9.94A.74504, 9.94A.74505 72.09.370
health care reform act requirements Interstate corrections compact plan for postrelease treatment and support
41.05.280 authority and terms 72.74.020 services for dangerous offenders
Inmate personal property contracts for implementation 72.74.060 72.09.370, 72.09.380, 72.09.381
illegal items enforcement 72.74.040 screening and assessment process, integrated
dispositions 63.42.030 hearings 72.74.050 and comprehensive 72.09.755
unclaimed inmates, receive or transfer 72.74.030 Notice of escape, furlough, parole, release,
definitions 63.42.020 inmates released in other states, expenses community custody, placement
disposition of 63.42.040 72.74.070 requirements 72.09.712, 72.09.713,
inapplicable law 63.42.060 Intrastate corrections compact 72.09.714, 72.09.716, 72.09.718,
presumptions 63.42.030 contracts with participants 72.76.030 72.09.720, 72.09.730
prior agreement, application 63.42.050 enactment, provisions 72.76.010 Notice of escape, furlough, parole, release,
procedure 63.42.030 fiscal management 72.76.040 placement
Inmate testifying in any judicial proceeding offender days, costs and accounting 72.76.020 requirements 72.09.710
moneys received for directed to crime victims Jail industries program Offender supervision intake fees 9.94A.780
compensation account 72.09.110 staff assistance provided by department Offenders performing community restitution
Inmate work programs 36.110.150 workers compensation and liability insurance
access of inmates to private individuals Jails coverage 35.21.209, 35A.21.220,
information 72.09.101 reporting form 36.16.139, 51.12.045
automated data input and retrieval system department to develop 70.48.450 Office maintained at state capital 43.17.050
72.09.104, 72.09.106 Juveniles On-site state-owned or leased living facilities
classes of work programs 72.09.100 education programs for juveniles in adult availability, conditions 43.81.020, 43.81.030,
cost of incarceration 72.09.111 facilities Ch. 28A.193 43.81.040
industrial insurance 72.60.102 transfer of 13.40.280, 13.40.285 legislative declaration 43.81.010
job opportunities, distribution 72.09.120 Kidnapping offenders Pardoned persons, supervision 9.95.260
legislative intent, requirements 72.09.460 registration Pardons
participant benefits 72.09.100 notice to offender at release 72.09.330 supervision of conditionally pardoned person
proposed class I Labor and employment of prisoners Ch. 72.64 9.95.260
information, disclosure 72.09.116 Legal financial obligations Parole holds
threshold analysis 72.09.115 administrative procedure to set amount when financial responsibility 70.48.420
vocational education programs court does not 9.94A.760 Personnel
sale of products 72.62.030 financial institutions training
wages community bank accounts, collection actions basic 43.101.220
cost of corrections 72.09.110 against 9.94A.7608 core requirements 43.101.221
crime victims compensation 72.09.110 service on main or branch office authorized crisis referral services, confidentiality of
deductions 72.09.111 9.94A.7608 records and communications to
distribution 72.09.111 notice of debt 43.101.425
Inmates service of, contents, actions on 9.94A.7609 personal crisis recognition and crisis
community custody 72.09.600 "obligee" defined 9.94A.7601 intervention services, requirements
community safety, risk assessment 72.09.590 order to withhold and deliver 43.101.420
community transition coordination networks duties and rights of person or entity served Pest control
Ch. 72.78 9.94A.7607 integrated pest management Ch. 17.15
contraband, prohibition on receipt or exempt earnings 9.94A.761 Prison industries
possession 72.09.530 issuance and contents 9.94A.7606 site-specific implementation plan
deceased, property of, disposition 11.08.101, payroll deduction incentive program 72.60.235
11.08.120, 63.42.030, 63.42.040 apportionment among obligees 9.94A.7603 Prison work programs
education and work programs 72.09.460, employer or entity rights and responsibilities fish and game projects
72.09.465 9.94A.7604 establishment 72.63.020
extended family visitation policy 72.09.490 exempt earnings 9.94A.761 funding 72.63.040
extraordinary medical placement 72.09.620 maximum amount 9.94A.7603 procedures 72.63.030

[RCW Indexpage 146] (2016 Ed.)


work ethic camp program prompt response to jails and law agencies infractions 69.04.170
generally 72.09.410 10.98.150 prosecution 69.04.160
legislative intent 72.09.400 Supervision and monitoring of offenders COSMETOLOGISTS, HAIR DESIGNERS,
Probation and parole Ch. 72.04A authority of peace officers to assist 9.94A.718 BARBERS, MANICURISTS, AND
community corrections officers 9.95.250 powers and duties of department 9.94A.505 ESTHETICIANS
investigation by secretary of corrections Tracking of felony cases Advisory board
9.95.200 department to maintain records 10.98.110 membership, terms, and compensation
Real property Training 18.16.050
inventory of unneeded property suitable for specialized training, department authorized to Appeal procedure 18.16.220
affordable housing 72.09.055 determine if inmate would benefit from Apprenticeship program, cosmetology 18.16.280
Records and documents participation in 9.94A.580 Consumer protection act 18.16.250
fees for reproduction, shipment, and Transfer of Definitions 18.16.020
certification 72.09.057 employees of the department of social and Disciplinary actions 18.16.200, 18.16.210
Records release for research Ch. 42.48 health services 72.09.210 Examinations 18.16.090
Regional jail camps 72.64.100 functions from department of social and health Hearing 18.16.210
county prisoners, contracts for confinement services 72.09.040 Instructors
72.64.110 juveniles 13.40.280, 13.40.285 licenses required 18.16.060
Reimbursement rates for county use of state prisoners Licenses
facilities 9.94A.190 foreign nationals or citizens 43.06.350 appeal procedure 18.16.220
Research property, files, appropriations from denial, revocation, or suspension 18.16.210
release of confidential records department of social and health services duplicates 18.16.110
procedure 42.48.010, 42.48.020, 42.48.030, 72.09.200 experience and training requirements
42.48.040, 42.48.050, 42.48.060 Transition cooperation 72.09.230 18.16.300
Review of sentence Traumatic brain injuries, persons with expiration 18.16.170
department may petition for 9.94A.585 transfer from jail to department facility inactive status 18.16.290
Rules 43.17.060 70.48.245 issuance 18.16.100
Secretary Vocational education programs reciprocity with other jurisdictions 18.16.130
adult correctional programs, duties Ch. 72.02 sale of products 72.62.040 renewal, penalties for failure to renew
appointment 72.09.030 Volunteers 18.16.110
appointment of 43.17.020 program development 72.09.060 renewal and examination fee 18.16.260
chief assistant secretary 43.17.040 Western interstate corrections compact Ch. 72.70 requirements and exemptions 18.16.060,
oath 43.17.030 Work ethic camp program 18.16.070, 18.16.080
powers and duties 43.17.030, 72.09.050 generally 72.09.410 suspension for noncompliance with support
vacancy legislative intent 72.09.400 order 18.16.240
Work release inmates suspension for nonpayment or default on
filling of 43.17.040 financial responsibility 70.48.430
Security threat groups, collecting information educational loan or scholarship 18.16.230
Work release program Ch. 72.65 Licensing department director, powers and duties
concerning 72.09.745
Sentences CORRECTIONS REFORM ACT OF 1981 18.16.030
less or more than one year Generally Ch. 72.09 Location of practice
incarcerate in jail or state institution CORRUPT SOLICITATION (See BRIBERY penalty for practicing except in authorized
70.48.400 AND GRAFTING) locations 18.16.190
Sexual misconduct by employees of custodial Placebound clients 18.16.190
agencies 72.09.225 COSMETICS Professional service corporations Ch. 18.100
Sexual offenders Adulteration, when deemed 69.04.670 Prohibited acts 18.16.200
Advertising, when deemed false 69.04.710 Salon/shops
end-of-sentence review committee 72.09.345 Common carriers, inspection of records
registration of apprenticeship shop notice 18.16.180
69.04.810 complaints against, investigation 18.16.175
notice to person convicted of sex offense at Condemnation 69.04.100, 69.04.150
release 72.09.330 consumer notice, requirements 18.16.180
Dangerous products, dissemination of minimum requirements 18.16.175
release from confinement information 69.04.840
notice to prosecuting attorney 9.94A.840 Schools
Embargo 69.04.110, 69.04.120, 69.04.130, claims against by student 18.16.160
notice to school district in certain cases 69.04.140, 69.04.150
72.09.730 compliance requirements 18.16.150
Enforcement authority 69.04.730, 69.04.800 licenses
release plan and considerations 72.09.340 Factories, warehouses, and vehicles, right of
release of information regarding application and issuance 18.16.140
entry 69.04.820 required to operate 18.16.060
departmental immunity from liability for Food, drug, and cosmetic act Ch. 69.04
releases 9.94A.843 postsecondary study, recognition as institution
Hearings 69.04.750, 69.04.761 of 18.16.305
scope of authority to release information Intrastate commerce in food, drugs, and
9.94A.846 Uniform regulation of business and professions
cosmetics Ch. 69.04 act 18.16.270
Sexually violent offenders Investigations 69.04.780, 69.04.790
McNeil Island facility 72.09.333 Violations and penalties 18.16.210
rules regarding 72.09.337 contents 69.04.680 COST BILLS
supervision of 72.09.340 false or misleading 69.04.680 Allowable items 4.84.090
treatment opportunity 72.09.335 readability 69.04.690 Criminal proceedings
Sexually violent predators in transit for completion, exemption 69.04.700 approval of by court 10.46.220
duties of department Ch. 71.09 Liquor laws, exemptions and sample analysis certification 10.46.220
Shelton academy 66.12.070 payment of 10.46.230
water line construction costs, department of Misbranding 69.04.680 prosecution attorney to examine 10.46.220
corrections share, reimbursing state patrol Pharmacy quality assurance commission, powers witness fees, payment of 10.46.230
72.09.740 and duties Ch. 69.04 COSTS
Staff safety issues Precursor drugs Ch. 69.43 Agreed cases 4.52.020
total confinement correctional facilities Prohibited acts Appeals
body alarms and proximity cards, feasibility enumeration 69.04.040 attorneys fees on 4.84.080
study of 72.09.686 injunctions 69.04.050 county, against 4.84.170
pepper spray, plan for use 72.09.690 liability of disseminator of advertising damage actions five thousand dollars or less
training curriculum 72.09.684 69.04.090 4.84.290
Standards for correctional facilities to be adopted penalties 69.04.060, 69.04.070, 69.04.080 district court
by corrections department 72.09.135 Reports, publication 69.04.830 appeals to superior court 4.84.130
Statement of prosecuting attorney regarding Rule-making authority 69.04.740 payment to 4.84.130, 10.10.060
convicted criminal defendant 9.95.028 In transit for completion, labeling exemption state, against 4.84.170
Statewide security advisory committee 69.04.700 Assault and battery actions, limitation on
72.09.680 Violations recovery of by plaintiff 4.84.040
Status of suspected or convicted felons civil penalty 69.04.880 Assignee of action, costs taxable to 4.84.160

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 147]


Attachment 6.25.120 execution costs 4.84.140 Replacement of lost or destroyed court records
assignor liability for 6.25.080 liability of representative 4.84.140 5.48.051, 5.48.070
bond to cover 6.25.080 Injunctions Retaxation of 4.84.200
Attorneys fees as bond 7.40.080 Security for costs 4.84.210
actions wrongly brought in superior courts bond covering on contempt for disobedience additional may be required 4.84.210
4.84.030 7.40.170 dismissal for failure to give 4.84.230
amount taxable as, schedule of 4.84.080 Injunctions against obscene materials, bond in lieu of separate security 4.84.220
cases wherein allowed, court to fix amount prosecuting attorney not liable for costs civil actions
4.84.020 7.42.050 court may require additional 4.44.470
damage actions ten thousand dollars or less Interpleader, liability for costs 4.08.170 court may set amount of security 4.44.470
4.84.250, 4.84.260, 4.84.270, 4.84.280, Joinder, failure to join, limitations on recovery of dismissal of action for failure to give security
4.84.290, 4.84.300 costs 4.84.050 4.84.230
schedule of fees 4.84.080 Judgments or orders judgment on 4.84.240
Bills, See COST BILLS security for cost, judgment on 4.84.240 standing bond for numerous actions 4.84.220
Confessed judgments to contain 4.60.070 vacation or modification of, denial of, costs Seduction, limitation on recovery of by plaintiff
County, against 4.84.170 4.72.090 4.84.040
Criminal conversation, limitation on recovery of Judicial sale Settlement offers
by plaintiff 4.84.040 eviction of purchaser 6.21.130 time period 4.84.280
Criminal proceedings Judicial sales Several actions against parties who could have
default in payment, enforcement, collection announcement of 6.21.090 joined, limitation on recovery of 4.84.050
10.01.180 Jury fees Small claims court
payment, deferred, or installment 10.01.170 accounting of 4.44.110 service fee, recovery of, statutory limitation
payment by defendants, remission 10.01.160 taxable as 4.44.110 12.40.045
Defendants Libel and slander actions, limitation on recovery State
default in payment, enforcement, collection of by plaintiff 4.84.040 against 4.84.170
10.01.180 Liens Supplemental proceedings
defending separately 4.84.070 logging, allowance for claimant 60.24.130 creditor, allowed to 6.32.160
payment, remission 10.01.160 orchards and orchard lands, foreclosure debtor, allowed to 6.32.170
when entitled to 4.84.060 60.16.030 Tender made by defendant of amount owed
Deferred prosecution program Lost or destroyed court records, replacement of 4.84.110
payment of costs may be required as condition 5.48.051, 5.48.070 district court civil action 12.20.040
of 10.01.160 Malicious prosecution, limitation on recovery of Traffic infractions
Deposit in court made and rejected by plaintiff by plaintiff 4.84.040 award of costs and attorney fees prohibited,
4.84.120 Mandamus proceedings exception 46.63.151
district court civil action 12.20.040 execution for 7.16.260 parties responsibilities for 46.63.151
Disbursements as costs, allowable items judgment for 7.16.260 Trustees, for or against 4.84.150
4.84.090 Mandatory arbitration 7.06.060 Venue change 4.12.090
Discretion of court to allow if not allowed by Manufactured/mobile home landlord-tenant Will contests 11.24.050
statute 4.84.190 actions, entitlement 59.20.100 Witness fees, cost bill may include 4.84.090
Dismissal of action for failure to give security Minor plaintiff, against costs on postponement of trial 4.84.100
4.84.230 execution costs 4.84.140
Dissenting shareholders action for payment, liability of representative 4.84.140 COTENANCY (See also JOINT TENANCY)
equitable assessment 23B.13.310 Municipal courts 35.20.030 Ejectment and quieting title actions, actions
District court Ne exeat, bond covering 7.44.021 between cotenants 7.28.240
appeals to superior courts 4.84.130 Nuisances Executions of judgments against, personal
payment of costs 10.10.060 executions on judgment for 7.48.260 property 6.17.180
criminal proceedings voluntary abatement of prostitution, Registration of land titles, issuance of title
payment of costs 10.10.060 assignation or lewdness 7.48.110 certificate to one owner 65.12.270
prevailing party entitled to costs 12.20.060 Partition proceedings 7.52.480 Safe deposit boxes, See SAFE DEPOSIT
District judges appointment of 7.52.480 BOXES
amendment of pleading, payment of costs to decree of distribution 7.52.220 COUNSEL (See also ATTORNEYS AT
adverse party 12.08.110 execution is included in decree 7.52.480 LAW)
bond in lieu of security, recovery on 12.04.180 Payment of conditioned to satisfaction of Supreme court appeals by indigent party,
continuance to procure testimony, cost to judgment 4.56.100 attorneys fees paid by state 4.88.330
party applying for 12.12.010 Plaintiffs, See PLAINTIFFS, subtitle Costs
deposit in court made and rejected by plaintiff Platting, subdivision and dedication of land, COUNSELORS
12.20.040 actions to enforce 58.17.200 Advisors and counselors
garnishment plaintiffs, security required by Postponement of trial, payment to adverse party suicide assessment, treatment, and
12.04.170 as condition of 4.84.100 management training, requirements for
nonresidents, security required by 12.04.170 Prevailing party entitled to professionals 43.70.442
tender made by defendant of amount owed, district court 12.20.060 Advisory committee, certified counselors and
effect 12.20.040 exceptions where wrongly brought in superior hypnotherapists 18.19.220
Ejectment and quieting title actions court 4.84.030 Agency-affiliated counselors
actions against tenant on failure to pay rent Probate employment status, notice 18.19.210
7.28.250 executors and administrators, costs for or Certification
vacation of judgment and granting of new trial against 4.84.150 application for credentials 18.19.090
7.28.260 partial distribution prior to settlement when renewal of credentials 18.19.100
Execution docket procedure on cessation of lien brought by other than personal scope of practice 18.19.200
4.64.100 representative 11.72.006 Chemical dependency professionals,
Executions Proceedings not specifically covered 4.84.190 certification Ch. 18.205
homesteads 6.13.200 Prohibition proceedings Child abuse and neglect
writ of execution to include 6.17.110 execution for 7.16.320 counseling referrals availability notice
Executors and administrators for or against judgment for 7.16.320 74.14B.050
4.84.150 Public works, See PUBLIC WORKS Confidential communications 18.19.180
False imprisonment action limitation on recovery Quo warranto proceedings Crime victims
of by plaintiff 4.84.040 collection from corporations 7.56.110 counseling for various victims 7.68.080
Fiduciaries for or against 4.84.150 information filed in relation of private person crime that occurred in another state 7.68.070
Foreign judgment, enforcement of, uniform act 7.56.130 Definitions 18.19.020
6.36.140 information filed on prosecuting attorney Disclosure of information to clients 18.19.060
Indigent parties, state to pay costs and fees 7.56.130 Drug prescription authority not granted by
incident to review by supreme court or court judgments of ouster or forfeiture 7.56.100 chapter 18.19.190
of appeals, when 4.88.330 Referees, inadmissible testimony before referee, Exemptions 18.19.040
Infant plaintiff, against payment of cost of taking 4.48.070 Genetic counselors Ch. 18.290

[RCW Indexpage 148] (2016 Ed.)


Health department, administrative authority and remedies of registrants 19.77.150 Agricultural lands
duties 18.19.050 COUNTIES (See also COURTS; LOCAL voluntary stewardship program Ch. 36.70A
Insurance benefits not mandated 18.19.010 GOVERNMENTS) Air pollution
Law enforcement peer support group counselors, 911 emergency communications network, advisory council 70.94.240
privileged communications 5.60.060 statewide enhanced system apportionment of costs 70.94.093
Mental health counselors, marriage and family automatic location identification 38.52.505 powers, generally 70.94.141
therapists, social workers counties, implementation and funding duties Air pollution, See also AIR POLLUTION
advisory committee 18.225.060, 18.225.070 38.52.510 CONTROL
associate license renewals, report by secretary county automatic number or location Air quality authority
18.225.800 identification database information withdrawal from multicounty authority
credentialed in another state 18.225.140 public inspection and copying exemption 70.94.262
definitions 18.225.010 38.52.575 Airports
disclosure information 18.225.100, county enhanced 911 excise tax cooperation with department of transportation
18.225.105 account, creation of 82.14B.063 47.68.300
examinations 18.225.110 account, distributions from 82.14B.065 general aviation airports, siting 36.70.547
health care information disclosure 70.02.180 administration and collection by department Airports, See also AERONAUTICS, subtitle
human trafficking, general provisions, See 82.14B.063 Airports
HUMAN TRAFFICKING tax imposed in excess of maximum Alcohol, motor vehicles
human trafficking, information concerning allowable 82.14B.065 open container law
18.225.040 county road improvement districts local ordinances authorized 46.61.5191
licenses authority to create 36.88.010 Alcohol and other drug addiction program
application, fee 18.225.120 prosecuting attorneys, private law practice coordinator, duties 70.96A.148
associate 18.225.145 prohibited, when 36.27.060 Alcoholic beverages
renewal 18.225.150 Access for persons with disabilities action to abate nuisances 66.36.010
requirements 18.225.090 accessible community advisory committees enforcement of laws 66.44.010
limitation of chapter 18.225.030, 18.225.160 36.01.310 fines, disposition 66.44.010
misrepresentation 18.225.020 Accessory apartments licenses Ch. 67.14
prior certification 18.225.130 incorporation of report recommendations into local option, See ALCOHOLIC
privileged communications 5.60.060 local government development and zoning BEVERAGES, subtitle Local option
record of proceedings 18.225.050 regulations 43.63A.215 music and dancing upon licensed premises,
retired active licenses, rules for 18.225.170 Accounts and accounting, See STATE permit 66.28.080
secretarys authority 18.225.040 AUDITOR, subtitle Municipal corporations report of seizure 66.32.090
social workers Ch. 18.320 accounting sale, local option Ch. 66.40
suicide assessment, treatment, and Actions against 4.08.120 state preemption 66.08.120
management training, requirements for venue 36.01.050 Alcoholic beverages liquor revolving fund
professionals 43.70.442 Actions by county distribution 66.08.200
uniform disciplinary act 18.225.080 in corporate name 4.08.110 Amateur radio antennas
Practice of medicine and surgery, infringement venue 36.01.050 regulation to conform with federal law
not permitted by chapter 18.19.190 36.32.600
Adjustment, board of, See COUNTIES, subtitle
Public education program regarding Plans and planning Ambulance service
responsibilities to clients 18.19.050 authorized, restriction 36.01.100
Registration Administrative programs
appointive officials in charter counties emergency medical service 36.01.095
application for credentials 18.19.090 political subdivisions financial assistance to,
credential abolished 18.19.902 coordinating agency 36.47.030
coordination authorized 36.32.470
credentials, limitation on new 18.19.031 Animal care and control agencies, authority and
hypnotherapists 18.19.035 agency for
authority 36.47.030 duties Ch. 16.52
recordkeeping 18.19.080 Animals, prevention of cruelty to Ch. 16.52
renewal of credentials 18.19.100 association of county officials
costs and expenses 36.47.040 Animals procedures when deemed abandoned
required 18.19.030 Ch. 16.54
School, certification 28A.410.043 declaration of necessity 36.47.010
elected and appointed officials, further action Annexation
School counselors, youth suicide course simultaneous consideration of incorporation
requirement for certification 28A.410.226 36.47.050
elected officials and annexation 36.93.116
Sex offender therapists Ch. 18.155 Apiary coordinated areas
limited liability 4.24.556 coordinating agency 36.47.030
further action 36.47.050 designation of areas within certain counties
Social workers 15.60.095
youth suicide course requirement for school joint action of officers 36.47.020
Admission tax Appearance of fairness doctrine Ch. 42.36
social worker certification 28A.410.226 Appropriations
Social workers and the practice of social work authorization 36.38.010
Admissions tax, See COUNTIES, subtitle public health 70.12.025
Ch. 18.320
Taxation Aquifer protection areas
Uniform disciplinary act, application 18.19.050
Washington death with dignity act Adoption of certain regulations proscribed creation process 36.36.020
referral of patient for counseling 70.245.060 36.32.125 delinquent fees, lien 36.36.045
Advertising, official, publishing in county paper dissolution process 36.36.050
COUNTERCLAIMS (See also SETOFFS) 36.72.071 fee revenues, use of 36.36.040
Adverse possession, counterclaims for Agents of state, county roads 36.75.020 fees for withdrawal of water or sewage
permanent improvements and taxes paid Agricultural extension work 36.50.010 disposal 36.36.030
7.28.160, 7.28.170, 7.28.180 Agricultural fair land, annexation to cities low-income persons, reduced fees 36.36.035
Dismissal barred if defendant seeks counterclaim 35.13.010 purpose 36.36.010
4.56.120 Agricultural fairs Armories
Ejectment and quieting title actions, permanent authorization for 36.37.010 acquisition of site for 38.20.030
improvements and taxes paid 7.28.160, funds for 36.37.040 authority 36.64.050
7.28.170 intercounty participation 36.37.050 transient lodging 38.20.010
by defendant 7.28.160, 7.28.180 lands, lease of to cities 35.13.010 Assessments, See LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS
Nonsuit, counterclaim bars motion to dismiss lease of AND ASSESSMENTS, subtitle Counties
action by plaintiff 4.56.120 county land for 36.34.145 Assessor, See COUNTY ASSESSORS
COUNTERFEITING state-owned lands for 36.37.150 Assessors office 36.16.030
Definitions 9.16.005 Northern State Hospital, lands adjacent to Assets
Marks 9.16.030 36.37.160 inventory by county commissioners 36.32.210
Penalties 9.16.035 management 36.37.040 Assistance and relief
Seizure or forfeiture of counterfeit items multiple counties 36.37.050 federal surplus commodities, expenditures for
9.16.041 property acquisition 36.37.020 36.39.040
Trademarks Agricultural fairs, See also AGRICULTURAL indigent persons, disposal of remains
liability and damages, injunction 19.77.140 FAIRS 36.39.030

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 149]


Assistance and relief, See also PUBLIC general obligation bonds, limitations territory, defined 36.05.080
ASSISTANCE 36.69.140 actions to establish
Assumption of rights, powers, functions, and payment of general obligation bonds equity suit authorized 36.05.010
obligations of metropolitan municipal 39.46.110 establishment, joint surveys, by 36.04.400
corporation, authority and duties Ch. 36.56, refunding bond act Ch. 39.53 legal descriptions, enumeration Ch. 36.04
36.56.010 refunding bonds right of way line permitted to be substituted
Auction sales, public authority to issue 39.52.010 for any portion of street right of way
electronic media, conducted by 36.16.140, bankruptcy readjustment and relief from 35.21.790
36.16.145, 36.34.060, 36.34.080, debts Ch. 39.64 surveys to establish 36.04.400
36.34.090, 36.35.120, 84.56.070, "corporate authorities", defined 39.52.050 Boundary review boards, See BOUNDARY
84.56.090, 84.64.225 indebtedness limitations not to be exceeded REVIEW BOARDS
where held 36.16.140 39.52.020 Bowling alleys, licenses Ch. 67.14
Auctioneers, license requirements 36.71.070, tax levy to meet payments and interest Bowling alleys, licenses and fees 67.12.110
36.71.080 39.52.035 Bridges
Auditor, See COUNTY AUDITORS validation 39.52.015 franchises on
Auditors office 36.16.030 registered bonds, statements and signatures application 36.55.040
Bankruptcy readjustment and relief from debts 39.44.102 authority 36.55.030
Ch. 39.64 registration of bonds hearing 36.55.050
Beach or lake management districts Ch. 36.61 principal payable to payee or assignee limitations 36.55.060
Bicycle facilities 39.44.110 Bridges, See also COUNTY ROADS AND
standards, adoption by design standards treasurer as registration officer, designation BRIDGES
committee 36.82.145 of fiscal agent 39.44.130 Brownfield redevelopment
Bicycle paths, lanes, routes and roadways, registration of bonds and interest brownfield renewal authority, establishment
construction, standards 36.75.240 coupon interest payments 39.44.120 by county by resolution 70.105D.160
Bicycle routes revenue bonds redevelopment opportunity zones, designation
establishment, authorized, directed 47.26.305 authorized 36.67.510 by county 70.105D.150
Bids construction, effect on other acts 36.67.570 Budgets
tax revenue may be considered 39.30.040 costs, what includes 36.67.520 biennial budgets 36.40.250
Billiard and pool halls, licenses Ch. 67.14 covenants 36.67.550 capital outlay
Biomass energy, generation of electricity from form, terms, execution and signatures change or transfer 36.40.100
facility for, county authority concerning 36.67.530 county hospitals
36.140.010 funding and refunding 36.67.560 board of trustees 36.62.180
Biomedical waste funds for reserve purposes may be included supplemental budget 36.62.270
definitions 70.95K.010 39.44.140 estimates 36.40.030
legislative findings 70.95K.005 law, resolutions, as contract with holders, road and bridge construction 36.40.020
residential sharps waste collection remedies 36.67.550 expenditures in excess of, liability of officials
70.95K.040 parking facilities as a part of a courthouse or 36.40.130
residential sharps waste disposal 70.95K.030 combined county-city building facility final 36.40.080, 36.40.090
sharps waste collection 70.95.715 36.67.520 appropriations fixed 36.40.100
state preemption of local definitions purposes authorized for 36.67.520 supplemental appropriations, unanticipated
70.95K.011 when issued 36.67.520 funds 36.40.100
waste treatment technologies roads and bridges, See COUNTY ROADS transfers between classifications 36.40.100
evaluation by department of health AND BRIDGES, subtitle Bond issues preliminary 36.40.040
70.95K.020 sale of to United States at private sale hearing 36.40.070
Board of appraisers and adjusters, city harbor in amortization 39.48.020 alternate date 36.40.071
two counties, transfer of territory 36.08.060 chapter optional 39.48.040 notice of hearing 36.40.060
Boilers savings associations, investment in 33.24.050, revision by county commissioners 36.40.050
33.24.060, 33.24.070 rules, classification, and forms 36.40.220
local regulation of boiler exempt from state savings banks, authorized investment for salaries and wages
regulation prohibited 70.79.095 32.20.070 change or transfer 36.40.100
Bond issues statewide city employees retirement system supplemental and emergency budgets
airports 14.08.112, 14.08.114 funds, investment in 41.44.100 36.40.250
county hospitals 36.62.060, 36.62.070 transportation, department of, county supplemental appropriations, unanticipated
declaratory judgments 7.25.010 assistance 36.76.140 funds 36.40.100, 36.40.195
definitions 7.25.005 uniform facsimile signature of public officials transfers between classifications 36.40.100
elections to authorize act Ch. 39.62 Building codes
certification of result 39.40.030 United States, sale of bonds to at private sale amendment of state building code 19.27.040
existing election laws apply 39.40.020 Ch. 39.48 area applicable 36.43.020
vote required 39.40.010 Bonds authority to adopt 36.43.010
facsimile signatures annual report to department of commerce enforcement 36.43.030
destruction of plates 39.44.100 39.44.210 exemptions 19.27.060, 19.27.065
fraud by printer or engraver, penalty information supplied to department of housing for indigent persons, emergency
39.44.101 commerce exemptions 19.27.042
legal sufficiency 39.44.100 contents 39.44.210, 39.44.230 penalty for violations 36.43.040
general obligation bonds definitions 39.44.200 state building code Ch. 19.27
maturity 39.44.070 validity not affected by not filing 39.44.240 Building permit fee
indebtedness contracted Bonds, official, See BONDS, subtitle Official deposit in building code council account
interest payment, coupons 36.67.070 Bonds issues 19.27.085
retirement of bonds 36.67.060 revenue bonds Building permits
indebtedness limitations, subject to 39.46.110 bonds, interest, payable from operating contractor registration verification required
interest revenue, remedy on failure to set aside before issuance 18.27.110
coupon interest payments on registered 36.67.540 governmental units, no security required for
bonds 39.44.120 as negotiable instruments 36.67.540 permit issuance 36.32.590
issuance of revenue bonds at greater rate than special funds, creation and use 36.67.540 Buildings
that authorized, declared legal 39.90.050 Books of superior court clerk 36.23.030 disabilities, persons with, provisions to be
interest payments 36.67.070 Boundaries made for in public buildings, generally Ch.
juvenile detention facilities 13.16.070 action to establish 70.92
lost or destroyed bonds or warrants, procedure court establishment 36.05.050 newly constructed, appraisal by assessor
39.72.010, 39.72.020 decrees, filing and recording 36.05.070 36.21.070, 36.21.080
maturity of bonds 39.44.070 intervention by affected residents 36.05.030 Burial of dead
notice of intent to sell general obligation judges, qualifications 36.05.020 authority to provide 68.52.030
bonds 39.46.120 practice and procedure 36.05.060 indigent persons 36.39.030
park and recreation districts questions of fact 36.05.040 Burning permits

[RCW Indexpage 150] (2016 Ed.)


issuance 70.94.6530 authority to create 36.88.010 Condemnation by counties, See EMINENT

issuing authority, nuisances, control of prosecuting attorneys, private law practice DOMAIN
70.94.6516 prohibited, when 36.27.060 Condemnation of blighted property 35.80A.010
Bus service, contracts for under purchasing agent, duties 36.32.260 authority to enter property or buildings
intergovernmental cooperation, limitation Classification 35.80A.040
39.34.085 census as basis 36.13.050 disposition of property acquired by
Bus stations generally Ch. 36.13 condemnation 35.80A.030
conduct at transit stations, unlawful 9.91.025 Clerk, See COUNTY CLERK financial assistance, acceptance 35.80A.040
Buses Code of ethics 42.23.010, 42.23.030, 42.23.040, transfer of property acquired by condemnation
conduct on transit vehicles, unlawful 9.91.025 42.23.050, 42.23.060 35.80A.020
Cable television services Columbia basin project, county lands within Ch. Confession of judgment by, who may confess for
television reception improvement districts Ch. 89.12 4.60.020
36.95 Columbia River Gorge commission, conform Confinement and detention, See COUNTIES,
Canal construction, joint, authority 36.64.060 with certain laws 35.63.150, 36.32.550, subtitle Farms and camps for confinement
Capital expenditure projects, notification of 36.70.980 Conservation
county planning commission 36.70.520 Combined city and county municipal comprehensive plans 36.70.350
Capital outlay equipment, purchase and lease corporations preservation interest in land
central services department, generally Ch. fire protection or law enforcement acquisition, authorized 64.04.130
36.92 binding arbitration in collective bargaining, conveyance, form 64.04.130
Cemeteries when 36.65.050 Conservation areas
exemptions from regulation by board intent 36.65.010 acquisition and maintenance 36.32.570
68.05.400 method of allocating state revenues 36.65.040 Consolidation of local government unit and first
private corporations Ch. 68.20 public employee retirement or disability class city
Cemetery districts, establishment and operation benefits not affected 36.65.060 retirement rights
Ch. 68.52 school districts retained as political compliance with law 41.04.430
Census subdivisions 36.65.020 definitions 41.04.405
authorized 36.13.020 Commercial waterway districts, See intent 41.04.400
basis for allocation of funds 36.13.100 WATERCOURSES AND WATERWAYS limitations 41.04.425
determination 36.13.100 Commissioners, See COUNTY membership in first class city retirement
enumerators COMMISSIONERS system 41.04.415
duties 36.13.030 Communication facilities, underground, newly created legal entity 41.04.420
information given to 36.13.040 conversion to or installation 36.88.410, public or public safety employees
how conducted 36.13.030 36.88.420, 36.88.430, 36.88.440, 36.88.450, retirement systems 41.04.410
information for 36.13.040 36.88.460, 36.88.470, 36.88.480, 36.88.485 Contaminated properties
penalties for violations 36.13.070 Community athletics programs decontamination, disposal, or demolition of
Central services department sex discrimination, prohibition of 36.01.280, city or county action, options 64.44.040
central services fund 36.92.040 36.68.120, 36.69.500 Contractors
charges 36.92.070 Community economic revitalization board authority of county to verify registration and
comprehensive data processing use plan created 43.160.030 report violations 36.01.270
36.92.050 Community facilities districts Ch. 36.145 Contractors, labor and material claims 36.45.040
county commissioners, establishment of Community redevelopment financing Ch. 39.88 Contracts
charges for services rendered 36.92.070 Community renewal ambulance service authorized, restriction
creation 36.92.030 bond issues 36.01.100
data processing use plan 36.92.050 legal investments for financial institutions architectural and engineering services Ch.
definitions 36.92.020 35.81.110 39.80
ministerial services restricted to department securities for federal government 35.81.110 awards, posting 39.04.200
36.92.080 finding, requirement of 35.81.050 bond of contractor
purpose 36.92.010 plans and planning registration or licensing prerequisite to
services restricted to department 36.92.080 formulation of program 35.81.040 public works contract 39.06.010
supervisor 36.92.030 private enterprise, encouragement of competitive bidding
appointment of assistants 36.92.060 35.81.030 tax revenue may be considered 39.30.040
treasurer duty 36.92.070 purpose and necessity, declaration of violations by municipal officers, penalties
utilization of equipment 36.92.050 35.81.005 39.30.020
Charge cards for travel expenses 42.24.115 Community renewal law, as applicable to competitive bidding requirements,
Child care facilities 35.81.015 exemptions 39.04.280
location, conditions 36.70.757 Community restitution by offenders conditional sales contracts for purchase of real
review of need and demand for, workers compensation and liability insurance or personal property
implementation of findings 36.32.520, coverage 36.16.139, 51.12.045 authorized, indebtedness limitation
36.70.675 Community revitalization financing Ch. 39.89 39.30.010
Cities and towns Community service organizations with cities concerning buildings and related
incorporation Ch. 35.02 neighborhood improvement projects improvements 36.64.070
Cities in county with a population of two hundred 35.21.278 declared legal regardless of interest rate
ten thousand or more west of Cascades, Commute trip reduction 39.90.060
support of cities, county and taxing district in employer program, review and penalties election required if exceeds indebtedness
which utility facility located 35.21.422 70.94.534 limitation 39.30.010
City harbor in two counties growth and transportation efficiency centers interest rate, declared legal regardless of
transfer of territory Ch. 36.08 70.94.528 interest rate 39.90.060
City streets, county may aid in construction and implementation of plans joint execution with other municipal
maintenance of 47.24.050 use of funds 70.94.544 corporations authorized, indebtedness
Civil defense, See EMERGENCY SERVICES, requirements for counties and cities 70.94.527 limitation 39.30.010
DEPARTMENT OF Competitive bidding requirements county with population of two hundred ten
Claims preferential purchase of products made from thousand or more, with cities concerning
audit by county auditor 36.22.040 recycled materials authorized 39.30.040 buildings and related improvements
auditing or paying false claim, penalty tax revenue may be considered 39.30.040 36.64.070
42.20.060 Comprehensive community health centers engineering systems 39.04.290
county commissioners appeal procedure, construction, funding, and cooperation hospitals
effect on 36.32.330 between agencies Ch. 70.10 contracts with state universities for medical
filing procedure 36.45.010 Comprehensive plans, See COUNTIES, subtitle services, teaching and research activities
labor and materials 36.45.040 Plans and planning; PLANS AND 36.62.290
Claims against PLANNING, subtitle Counties joint operation 36.62.040
liability insurance authorized 36.16.136 Comprehensive road plan, See COUNTY work ordered and materials purchased
Claims fund 36.33.065 ROADS AND BRIDGES, subtitle Plans and 36.62.300
county road improvement districts planning interest due when payment is not timely

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 151]


attorney fees 39.76.040 cities and towns, conveyance to, approval personalty, terms 36.34.060
exceptions 39.76.020 36.34.280 posting of notice 36.34.030
source of funds for payment of penalties comprehensive management procedures proceeds, disposition of 36.34.110
39.76.030 36.34.005 public auction 36.34.080
joint courthouses with city halls 36.64.010, dedication for streets and alleys 36.34.290, public hearing 36.34.040
36.64.020, 36.64.030 36.34.300 publication of notice, exception 36.34.020
minority and womens business enterprises diking districts, situated within proposed area, reservations to sale 36.34.010
39.04.160 procedure 85.05.083 sealed bid 36.34.080
municipal water and sewer facilities act disposal of surplus property timber and mineral rights 36.34.010
35.91.020 hearing, notice requirements 39.33.020 trade-ins 36.34.070
parks and recreation cooperation 67.20.020 exchange for privately owned real property of used equipment 36.34.120
power, generally 36.01.010 equal value 36.34.330 sale to federal or state government or political
public works exchange with federal or state government or subdivision authorized 39.33.010
small works roster process 36.32.250 political subdivision authorized 39.33.010 streets and alleys, dedication for 36.34.290,
public works, procedure for awarding exemption from statute upon establishment of 36.34.300
36.32.250 comprehensive management procedures transfer
purchasing agent, duties 36.32.260 36.34.005 chapter not applicable to 36.34.355
small works roster 39.04.156 federal power projects, lease or conveyance, federal or state government or political
street improvements prerequisite to land state or United States, authority 36.34.250 subdivision authorized 39.33.010
development instrument of transfer 36.34.270 state or United States, generally 36.34.210,
contract with land owner 35.72.010 flood control, See FLOOD CONTROL, 36.34.220, 36.34.230, 36.34.240,
reimbursement by other land owners subtitle Counties 36.34.250, 36.34.260, 36.34.270
35.72.020, 35.72.030, 35.72.040 forest lands, conveyance to United States County prosecuting attorneys, legal services for
Contracts for public works, See PUBLIC 36.34.210 educational service districts 28A.310.400
WORKS housing projects, lease or conveyance, state or County road administration board, See
Convention center facilities and stadiums Ch. United States COUNTY ROAD ADMINISTRATION
67.30 authority 36.34.260 BOARD
Convention center facility instruments of transfer 36.34.270 County road executive director 36.78.060
sale 67.28.125 intergovernmental disposition of County road funds
Conveyances of county property authorized 39.33.010 forest reserve funds 28A.520.010
flood control, navigation, and reclamation hearing, notice requirements 39.33.020 County road improvement districts
36.34.230, 36.34.240 transfers 39.33.090 additional purposes 36.88.015
flood control, navigation and reclamation land within improvement district assessment reimbursement accounts
36.34.220 assessment of 35.44.140 36.88.078
military installations, federal power projects, payment of assessment 35.49.070 assessments
housing projects 36.34.250, 36.34.260 lease of hearings 36.88.095
municipalities 36.34.280 for affordable housing 36.34.135 authority to create 36.88.010, 36.88.015
reservations to 36.34.010 agricultural fairs 36.34.145 canals and ditches, safeguarding 36.88.015
state or United States 36.34.210, 36.34.220, airport property 36.34.140 credits for other assessments 36.88.076
36.34.230, 36.34.240, 36.34.250, application to county commissioners formation, alternative method 36.88.065
36.34.260, 36.34.270 36.34.150 frontage units, defined 36.88.010
use of, effect 36.01.040 authority, generally 36.34.140
bids and bidding 36.34.190 hearings on formation 36.88.060
Coordination between improvement bonds 36.88.220
association of counties 36.32.350 counties with population of six hundred
thousand or more 36.34.205 method of assessment 36.88.080
conventions of county commissioners selection of 36.88.060
36.32.360 deposit 36.34.150
execution of agreement 36.34.200 number of frontage units required 36.88.010
counties, necessity recognized 36.32.335 preformation expenditures 36.88.074
to federal or state government or political
county commissioners 36.32.340 subdivision, authorized 39.33.010 resolution creating district and ordering
Coroners office 36.16.030 long term to United States 36.34.310 improvement 36.88.060
Corporate powers 36.01.010 notice of intention 36.34.160 resolution to initiate formation
Correctional facilities, state objections 36.34.170 balloting on 36.88.030
reimbursement for impact costs Ch. 72.72 terms 36.34.180 contents 36.88.030
Costs against 4.84.170 military purposes, lease or conveyance to state notice 36.88.030
Counties or United States publication 36.88.030
comprehensive flood control management authority 36.34.260 roads, drainage, bridges, sidewalks, curbs and
plan instrument of transfer 36.34.270 gutters 36.88.010
arbitration of disputed issues 86.12.210 municipalities, conveyance to, approval street and road lighting systems 36.88.015
local officials, participation of 86.12.210 necessary 36.34.280 sufficiency of petitions, ballots or objections
County clerk, See COUNTY CLERK navigation 36.88.370
County commissioners, See COUNTY cessation of jurisdiction 36.34.240 underground electric and communication
COMMISSIONERS consent of state 36.34.230 facilities 36.88.430
County engineering office lease or conveyance to United States for waiver of protests 36.88.072
county roads, authority 36.75.040 36.34.220 County roads, See COUNTY ROADS AND
County engineering office, See also COUNTY reclamation BRIDGES
ROADS AND BRIDGES, subtitle Road cessation of jurisdiction 36.34.240 County roads and bridges, dedication of roads in
engineer consent of state 36.34.230 subdivision 58.17.290
County executive lease or conveyance to United States for County seat
juvenile court 36.34.220 county clerks office 36.23.080
transfer of administration of court services to sale of county road engineers office 36.80.015
executive 13.20.060 authority 36.34.010 county treasurers office 36.29.170
County hospitals bids and bidding 36.34.070 emergency seat of government in event of
county hospital fund 36.62.252 electronic media, public auction sale enemy attack 42.14.075
generally Ch. 36.62 conducted by 36.34.060, 36.34.080, prosecuting attorneys office 36.27.070
leases, competitive bids 36.32.240 36.34.090, 36.35.120 removal
purchases, competitive bids 36.32.240 findings and determinations 36.34.050 generally, including election and notices Ch.
County lands assessment fund 36.33.190 intergovernmental agencies 36.34.130 36.12
County legislative authority minimum sale price 36.34.050 superior courts hold sessions at 2.08.030
census, authorized 36.13.020 notice 36.34.090, 36.34.100 County transportation authority
County property notice of intention to sell acquisition of existing systems 36.57.090
acquisition of publication, exceptions 36.34.020 authorized 36.57.020
for park, greenbelt, etc., purposes 36.34.340 requirements, posting 36.34.030 chair, appointment 36.57.050
for state highway purposes 47.12.040 oil and gas rights 36.34.010 definitions 36.57.010

[RCW Indexpage 152] (2016 Ed.)


employee transfers, preservation of benefits local sales and use tax for 82.14.525 contracts with nonprofit corporations
36.57.090 Cultural arts, stadium and convention districts authorized 36.01.085
expenses, contributions by county, cities and Ch. 67.38 public purpose 36.01.085
towns 36.57.060 Curfew for juveniles 36.32.425 Election
general manager, powers, compensation, Dances election reserve fund, use 36.33.200
appointment, removal 36.57.050 licenses and fees authorized 67.12.021 Elections
labor relations 36.57.090 Daylight saving time, prohibition of and airport districts 14.08.290
membership, compensation 36.57.030 exceptions 1.20.050 bond issues
powers and duties 36.57.040 Death investigations account canvass 39.40.030
public transportation plan, general created 43.79.445 certification of result 39.40.030
comprehensive plan 36.57.070 Debts existing election laws apply 39.40.020
transportation fund, disbursements, collection agency may be used, fees 19.16.500 vote required 39.40.010
contributions 36.57.060 declared legal regardless of interest rate city harbor in two counties 36.08.010,
County treasurer, county seal 36.29.025 39.90.060 36.08.020
Court costs Declaratory judgments, bonds, test of proposed conditional sales contracts for purchase of real
county liability for in certain cases 36.01.060 issue 7.25.010 or personal property authorized, election
Court costs, See also SUPERIOR COURTS Depositaries, See COUNTIES, subtitle Fiscal required if exceeds indebtedness limitation
Court houses matters 39.30.010
county to furnish 2.28.139 Derelict vessels 36.32.620 county airport districts 14.08.290
jointly with city halls Detergent phosphorus content Ch. 70.95L county commissioners 36.32.040, 36.32.050
authority for 36.64.010 Development projects exception 36.16.010
contract review process 36.70A.470 five-member board
approval 36.64.030 Development regulations nomination by district, election by entire
terms of 36.64.020 to be consistent with comprehensive plan county 36.32.0556
funds, how provided 36.64.040 35.63.125 five-member boards, ballot proposition to
Court reporters consistency with comprehensive plan required authorize 36.32.055
expenses 2.32.210 36.70.545 county seat removal Ch. 36.12
salaries 2.32.210 electric vehicle infrastructure 35.63.127, election reserve fund, use 36.33.210
Court rooms, expense for chargeable to 2.28.140 36.70.695, 36.70A.695 filing for office Ch. 29A.24
Courts, See COURTS; JUSTICES OF THE Diking and drainage districts, contributions, officers, generally 36.16.010
PEACE; SUPERIOR COURTS when 85.24.240 partisan office primary, only one candidate
Credit card use for purchases, conditions Director of public safety, prisoners, employment 29A.52.112
43.09.2855 of 36.28.100 public hospital districts 70.44.020
Credit cards and other electronic transactions, Disabilities, persons with recreation districts 36.69.070, 36.69.080
acceptance for payments authorized accessible community advisory committees inclusion of proposition for tax levy or
36.29.190 36.01.310 issuance of bonds 36.69.065
Credit establishment for payment of warrants Dispute resolution centers vacancies Ch. 29A.28
43.09.2853 alternative to judicial setting Ch. 7.75 Elections, See also ELECTIONS
Crime victims compensation Distressed areas Electric franchises and rights of way on county
assessments deposited into exclusive fund rural Washington loan fund Ch. 43.168 roads 80.32.010
7.68.035 District court judges underground, conversion to or installation
program approval procedure 7.68.035 number per county 3.34.010 36.88.410, 36.88.420, 36.88.430,
Crimes relating to 36.88.440, 36.88.450, 36.88.460,
Districts, division by county commissioners 36.88.470, 36.88.480
auctioneers, operating without license 36.32.020
36.71.070 Electric vehicle infrastructure
budget law violations 36.40.240 Division of development regulations 35.63.127,
hawkers, operating without license 36.71.070 debt apportionment 36.70.695, 36.70A.695
parks and recreation rules, violation of authority for 36.09.010 Electrical apparatus use and construction rules
36.68.080 payment of 36.09.040 Ch. 19.29
peddling without license 36.71.060 basis for 36.09.020 Electricity, licenses, limitation on authority to
recreation districts, violation of rules disagreement, how decided 36.09.020 regulate 19.28.041
36.69.180 property apportionment Electricity generation
roads and bridges, limitation of vehicles on authority 36.09.010 biomass energy
36.75.270 basis for 36.09.020 facility using, county authority concerning
roadways, coating or discoloring 36.86.060 transfer of property 36.09.040 36.140.010
solid waste disposal sites, misuse 36.58.020 taxes levied, collection and apportionment Electronic data processing systems
unlawful construction of approach to county 36.09.050 acquisition method for municipalities
roads 36.75.130 Dogs 39.04.270
Criminal cases control zones Ch. 16.10 Emergencies
city agreement with county to handle licensing Ch. 16.10 county commissioners expenditures
35.23.555 fee waiver, guide and service animals nondebatable 36.40.180, 36.40.190
code cities 49.60.380 subject to hearing 36.40.140, 36.40.150,
agreement with county to handle cases, tax Ch. 36.49 36.40.160, 36.40.170
arbitration 35A.11.200 powers and duties to regulate Ch. 16.08 Emergency communication systems and
municipalities Domestic violence facilities
agreement with county to handle 3.50.800, technical assistance grant program 70.123.140 local sales and use tax 82.14.420
3.50.805 Donations for right of way for transportation Emergency management program, powers and
agreement with county to handle, arbitration improvements 36.32.510 duties Ch. 38.52
35.20.010, 35.22.425, 35.27.515, Donations of right of way for transportation Emergency medical care and transportation
35.30.100 improvements services
Criminal identification, See STATE PATROL, advertising signs on donated parcels authority to provide services 36.01.095
subtitle Identification and criminal history 47.14.040 fees, collection 36.01.095
section credit against benefit district assessment state preemption of authority 18.73.020
Criminal justice costs, county petition for 47.14.030 Emergency medical service district
reimbursement of extraordinary costs definitions 47.14.020 powers and governance 36.32.480
43.330.190 department duties 47.14.050 Emergency services, financial and other
Criminal penalties intent 47.14.010 assistance, authorized 36.32.470
act constituting a crime under state law, Drainage systems, See SEWERAGE, WATER Eminent domain
penalty limitation 36.01.160 AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS federal and state improvements, appropriation
Cultural access programs (CAPs) COUNTIES in aid of 8.08.090
creation by county, process 36.160.030 Driving under the influence indebtedness 8.08.120
cultural organizations, CAP funding of Ch. minimum penalties 36.32.127 mode of appropriation 8.08.100
36.160, 84.52.821 Economic development programs tax levy to pay costs 8.08.110

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 153]


generally Ch. 8.08 corporate powers, governmental control Fireworks, See also FIREWORKS
military purposes 8.04.170, 8.04.180 35.21.745 First class
park, recreational, view point, greenbelt, insolvency or dissolution 35.21.750 county road improvement districts
conservation, historic, scenic, or view limitation on liability 35.21.730 authority to create 36.88.010
purposes 36.34.340 tax exemption and immunity 35.21.755 prosecuting attorneys, private law practice
Eminent domain, See also EMINENT DOMAIN territorial jurisdiction 35.21.740 restricted, when 36.27.060
Employees, See COUNTIES, subtitle Officers Federal reclamation areas, county lands within purchasing agent, duties 36.32.260
and employees Ch. 89.12 Fiscal matters
Energy conservation Federal surplus commodities, distribution to appropriations
performance-based contracts 36.32.245 recipients of public assistance 36.39.040 budget limitations 36.40.100
Energy facility site evaluation council, selection Federal surplus property, See FEDERAL lapse at end of year 36.40.200
of member 80.50.030 SURPLUS PROPERTY report of auditor, monthly 36.40.210
Energy financing voter approval act Fees bond issues
cost-effectiveness peddlers license 36.71.020 designation of state fiscal agents by state
priorities 80.52.080 special permits for oversize or overweight finance committee 43.80.120
definitions 80.52.030 motor vehicles movement, fees paid to borrowed money, limitation on use 36.40.120
election approval required counties, when 46.44.096 budgets
bonds 80.52.040, 80.52.050, 80.52.060, Fees, fines, forfeitures, and penalties county roads and bridges 36.82.160
80.52.070 disposition and interest 3.62.020 budgets, See also COUNTIES, subtitle
purpose 80.52.020 Fees of county officers Budgets
short title 80.52.010 auditors 36.18.010 county clerks funds
Energy supply emergencies, alerts auditors, See also COUNTY AUDITORS deposit 36.48.080
duties of local government 43.21G.050 clerks 36.18.012, 36.18.014, 36.18.016, trust fund 36.48.090
Environmental excellence program agreements 36.18.018, 36.18.020 county hospital fund 36.62.252
Ch. 43.21K coroners 36.18.030 county roads and bridges, estimates of
Environmental mitigation activities 36.01.250 filing expenditures required 36.82.160
Environmental permits remittance of portion of for judges salaries depositaries
land use petitions, judicial review Ch. 36.70C 36.18.025 funds deemed in county treasury 36.48.040
project review and permit procedures Ch. waived, when 36.18.022 treasurers liability, effect 36.48.050
36.70B generally Ch. 36.18 expenditures
Environmental policy payment in advance, exception, sheriffs fees county road fund, acquisition and
appearance of fairness doctrine Ch. 42.36 36.18.060 maintenance, use of 36.81.090
growth management penalties emergencies
decisions not subject to RCW 43.21C.030 failure to pay over 36.18.170 nondebatable
43.21C.0301 forfeiture of office 36.18.180 county commissioners, procedure
Equipment rental and revolving fund, See illegal fees, taking 36.18.160 36.40.180
COUNTY ROADS AND BRIDGES, receipts, itemized enumeration 36.40.180
subtitle Equipment rental and revolving fund penalty for violations 36.18.090 payment 36.40.190
Errors and omissions insurance for district court when given 36.18.090 subject to hearing
personnel, costs of reimbursable to 3.34.090 schedule posting 36.18.080 court review 36.40.170
Estimates of revenues and expenditures sheriffs 36.18.040 order of county commissioners 36.40.140
filing by county officials 36.40.010 single mileage chargeable, when 36.18.070 payment 36.40.190
Evergreen communities act Ch. 35.105 special cases 36.18.050 suspension of order 36.40.160
Evergreen community ordinances 36.01.260 treasurers 36.18.045 taxpayers right of review 36.40.150
Execution of judgments against 6.17.080 Fences Ch. 16.60 excess of budget
Fairs Ferries, See FERRIES county liability 36.40.130
agricultural Ferry districts, See COUNTY FERRY penalty against officials 36.40.130
annexation to city 35.13.010 DISTRICTS finance committee
authorization for 36.37.010 Filing duties and membership 36.48.070
funds for 36.37.040 definitions 36.18.005 fiscal agents, state
intercounty participation 36.37.050 Finance committee definitions 43.80.100
management 36.37.040 membership and duties 36.48.070 nonliability of treasurer for funds received
property acquisition 36.37.020 United States bonds, disposal 36.33.190 by state fiscal agents for payment of
board Finances, See COUNTIES, subtitle Fiscal bonds 43.80.150
purchasing rules, public disclosure matters registered bonds 43.80.125
42.23.030 Fire hydrants public depositaries
southwest Washington water companies may be required to maintain designation of by county treasurer 36.48.010
administration 36.90.030 80.28.250 financial institution, defined 36.48.060
control of property 36.90.010 Fire prevention and emergency medical reports, expenditures and liabilities, county
conveyance to Lewis county 36.90.070 protection, areas withdrawn from fire auditor 36.40.210
fair commission protection districts 52.08.035 supplemental appropriations, unanticipated
organization 36.90.030 Fire protection districts funds 36.40.195
property acquisition, improvement, and elections 52.02.080 United States bonds, disposal 36.33.190
control 36.90.050 use of apparatus and personnel beyond district Fish enhancement projects
support of 36.90.040 boundaries 52.12.111 liability 36.70.982
Fairs, See also AGRICULTURAL FAIRS Fire protection districts, See also FIRE permit processing 36.70.992, 36.70A.460
Family court PROTECTION DISTRICTS Flood control 36.32.280, 36.32.290
court-appointed special advocate program Fire regulations benefits, liability for 86.09.529
26.12.175 area applicable 36.43.020 comprehensive flood control management
courthouse facilitator program 26.12.240 authority to adopt 36.43.010 plan
joint family court services 26.12.230 enforcement 36.43.030 advisory committees, authority to create,
Farmers, license requirements, exceptions penalty for violations 36.43.040 membership and duties 86.12.220
36.71.090 Firearms authority to adopt, required elements
Farms and camps for confinement preemption of local laws 9.41.290 86.12.200
authority for 70.48.210 exception 9.41.300 state participation and financial assistance
Federal grants and programs sales, authority to regulate areas where sales 86.26.050
forest reserve funds 28A.520.010 allowed 9.41.300 county property, lease or conveyance to
statutes construed consistent with state Firefighting equipment, standardization Ch. United States 36.34.220
constitution 35.21.757 70.75 improvements for flood control causing river
transfer to public corporations Fireworks to change course, title and interest of state
authority 35.21.730 permit for in abandoned channel granted to improving
authority to receive and expend funds grant or denial 70.77.270 county 86.12.034
35.21.735 requirement 70.77.260 management plans

[RCW Indexpage 154] (2016 Ed.)


department of ecology authority 86.26.050 construction and maintenance of roads local service area fund created 36.68.510
powers 36.81.090 metropolitan municipal corporations
generally Ch. 86.12, Ch. 86.13 county road improvement districts 35.58.430
programs authorized 86.16.160 maintenance expenses 36.88.350 parks and recreation 36.68.070
Floodplain management ordinances participation, extent 36.88.340 population as basis for allocation of 36.13.100
authority to adopt requirements exceeding court actions, use for 36.75.120 public health pooling fund, generally Ch.
federal minimum 86.16.045 creation and deposits to 36.82.010 70.12
Floodplain management ordinances and directional signs, paid from 47.36.040 revolving fund for agricultural fair 36.37.040
amendments expenditure from river improvement fund 86.12.010
filing with department of ecology, approval, estimates of expenditures 36.40.020 salary fund 36.33.060
disapproval 86.16.041 limitations upon 36.82.020 tax refund, investment in warrants 36.33.070,
livestock flood sanctuary areas required federal reimbursement 36.82.060 36.33.080, 36.33.090, 36.33.100
86.16.190 fines for violations treasurer, expenses incurred in school district
Foreclosure proceedings disposition of 36.82.210 bond issues paid 28A.530.060
combining irrigation district and county forest roads, maintenance 36.82.140 utility conversion guarantee fund 36.88.460
proceedings 87.06.110 illegal use of, procedure to correct 47.08.100 veterans assistance fund, payment of rent for
Foreign trade zones motor vehicle fund meeting places for veterans organizations
legislative finding and intent 36.01.120 use of receipts from 36.82.050 from 73.04.080
Forensic investigations council Ch. 43.103 warrants in anticipation of, payment Gambling, See GAMBLING
Forest lands 36.82.090 Garbage disposal
community and urban forestry Ch. 76.15 motor vehicle log tolerance permit fees paid handling facilities, permit requirements
evergreen communities act Ch. 35.105 into 46.44.047 70.95.170, 70.95.180
conveyance to United States 36.34.210 proceeds from sale of road building material Garbage disposal, See also COUNTIES, subtitle
Forest practices 36.82.120 Solid waste disposal
classes of forest practices, applications purposes authorized for use 36.82.070 Garnishment
76.09.050 sidewalks and pedestrian paths, expenditures enforcement against 6.27.040
state preemption, exceptions 76.09.240 for 36.75.240 subject to, when 6.27.040
Forest reserve funds tax levy for, limitation 36.82.040 Ground water
distribution, procedure 28A.520.010 toll facilities, use of for county participation comprehensive plan, land use element
Fourth class 47.56.250 36.70.330
prosecuting attorneys, private law practice use for city streets 35.77.030 Growth management, See GROWTH
prohibited, when 36.27.060 warrants MANAGEMENT
Franchises anticipation of motor vehicle funds, Harbor improvements, See PORT DISTRICTS
across bridges jointly owned or operated with payment of 36.82.090 Hawkers, license regulations 36.71.070,
state 47.44.040 payment of 36.82.080 36.71.080
county roads as part of state highways, county road fund, purposes authorized for use Hazardous materials incidents
franchise rights on, See HIGHWAYS, 36.82.070 emergency aid
subtitle Franchises on state highways cumulative reserve good faith rendering
electric franchises on county roads 80.32.010 accumulation, effect on current expense fund immunity from liability 70.136.050
franchise rights when limited access facility 36.33.030 emergency assistance agreements 70.136.060,
and when joint governmental facility establishment 36.33.020 70.136.070
47.52.090 purpose of 36.33.040 generally Ch. 70.136
roads and highways, See COUNTY ROADS transfers 36.33.040 incident command agencies 70.136.030,
AND BRIDGES, subtitle Franchises on current expense fund 36.33.010 70.136.035, 70.136.040
Freeholders bailiffs salaries chargeable to 2.32.370 Hazardous materials response teams
vacancies, method of filling 36.32.490 county park and recreation service areas, fire protection districts may participate
Freight mobility strategic investment program reimbursement of funds used 36.68.570 52.12.140
and board Ch. 47.06A effect on cumulative reserve fund 36.33.030 Hazardous waste management
Funds establishment 36.33.010 conflict related to site, department to assist in
agricultural fair, revolving 36.37.040 investment in warrants on tax refund resolution 70.105.260
antiprofiteering revolving funds 9A.82.110 36.33.070 local government authority to prohibit or
assurance fund for registration of land titles justice and inferior courts act of 1961, bail condition acceptance 70.105.217
investment of 65.12.670 forfeitures paid into 3.30.090 local governments
maximum liability 65.12.700 penalties from nuisance actions deposited to coordination with private facilities
payment for judgment 65.12.690 7.48.090 70.105.220
recoveries paid from 65.12.680 proceeds of sheriffs sale 63.40.030 designate zones 70.105.225, 70.105.230
registration of land 65.12.660 reporters salary chargeable to 2.32.210 grants available 70.105.235
budget law, effect upon 36.40.230 current expenses, limitation on levy 36.40.090 pollution control hearings board to hear
cemetery district fund 68.52.280 district health fund 70.46.080 disputes 70.105.250
central services fund 36.92.040 educational service district current school preparation of local plans 70.105.220
claims fund 36.33.065 fund, apportionment from by technical assistance from department
clerks trust fund, deposits, interest, and superintendent of educational service 70.105.255
investments 36.48.090 district 28A.510.260 plan preparation requirements contingent on
county hospitals, establishment 36.62.252 election reserve funding 70.105.270
county lands assessment accumulation 36.33.210 state preemption 70.105.240
creation 36.33.120 creation and use 36.33.200 Hazardous waste plan
levy amount 36.33.140 equipment rental and revolving fund Ch. used oil recycling element
list of lands to be furnished by county 36.33A guidelines 70.95I.030
treasurer 36.33.160 forest reserve funds requirements 70.95I.020, 70.105.221
purpose 36.33.130 distribution, procedure 28A.520.010 waiver 70.95I.030
surplus from tax sales, payment 36.33.150 general fund Health and safety
county road fund federal surplus commodities, expenditures unfit dwellings 35.80.030
appropriation changes 36.40.100 for 36.39.040 Health benefit programs, procurement by state
bicycle paths, lanes, routes and roadways, intercounty river improvement fund 86.13.030 department of enterprise services 41.04.220
expenditures for 36.75.240 investment, authorized types of, generally Ch. Health boards
bond issues, payment of 36.82.080 39.59 authority of certain local boards
city streets irrigation district board of control 87.68.110 on-site sewage program management plans
bridges 36.75.200 juvenile detention facilities, allocation of 70.05.190
construction and repair moneys paid with budgeted funds for 13.16.080 consumer representative
47.24.050 law library fund 27.24.070, 27.24.090 defined 43.20.025
use of for city streets 35.77.030 legal aid public utility district operation of sewage
conservation district ditch maintenance expenditures of 2.50.140 disposal facilities, septic tanks, and
agreement 36.82.075 use of for 2.50.120 wastewater facilities

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 155]


authorization by county board 54.16.310 participation by other governmental agencies Improvements

Health care claims data, statewide 36.89.050 labor and material claims 36.45.040
data submission and statewide all-payer health powers and authority are supplemental planning agency control 36.70.690, 36.70.700
care claims database Ch. 43.371 36.89.060, 36.89.062 Income tax on net income prohibited 36.65.030
Health departments purposes 36.89.020 Incorporation
child mortality review transfer of ownership and operation to other exempt from State Environmental Policy Act
employee immunity and records governmental agencies 36.89.050 36.93.170
confidentiality 70.05.170 Historic preservation authority incorporation of territory in county with
combined city-county departments Ch. 70.08 acquisition, maintenance, improvement, etc. boundary review board 36.93.153
contaminated properties 36.32.435 Incorporation of cities or towns
decontamination, disposal, or demolition of Historical materials, expenditure of funds for roads, county, revert to city or town 35.02.180
64.44.070 preservation and exhibition of authorized Indebtedness
decontamination by owner 64.44.050 27.48.010 bankruptcy readjustment and release from
definitions 64.44.010 Historical sites debts Ch. 39.64
evaluation/inspection of projects 64.44.075 special review districts bonds 36.67.010
immunity from civil liability 64.44.080 tax immunity or exemption, conditions city harbor lying in two counties, transfer of
local health officer, duties 64.44.020 35.21.755 territory 36.08.050, 36.08.060
report to local health officer 64.44.020 Hitchhiking, local regulation allowed to control conditional sales contracts for purchase of real
unfit for use order, issuance procedure prostitution 46.61.255 or personal property, indebtedness
64.44.030 Holidays 1.16.050 limitation not to be exceeded 39.30.010
districts, See HEALTH DISTRICTS Home economics, extension work 36.50.010 division, apportionment 36.09.010, 36.09.020,
funds, public health pooling fund, generally Home rule charter 36.09.035, 36.09.040
Ch. 70.12 interim zoning controls, limitations 36.32.580 eminent domain in aid of federal or state
immunization assessment and enhancement local health departments improvements 8.08.120
proposals by local jurisdictions 43.70.525 jurisdiction of board 70.05.035 juvenile detention facilities, exceeding debt
public health pooling fund local health officers 70.05.050 limitations authorized for 13.16.060
audit and check by state 70.12.070 administrative officer limitations Ch. 39.36
authorized 70.12.030 appointment 70.05.040 limitations upon 36.67.010
expenditures 70.12.050 moratoria limitations 36.32.580 juvenile detention facilities, exceeding debt
geared to budget 70.12.060 Homeless persons limitations authorized for 13.16.060
how maintained and disbursed 70.12.040 housing and assistance Ch. 43.185C refunding bonds not to exceed debt limitations
septic systems temporary encampments, hosting by religious 39.52.020
moratorium adoption, procedures and organizations 36.01.290 Indian claims settlements
limitations 70.05.160 Horticultural pest and disease boards, powers and local improvement districts, creation for
sewer hookups duties Ch. 15.09 purpose of payment authorized 36.32.540
moratorium adoption, procedures and Horticultural pests and diseases Indigent, disposal of remains 36.39.030
limitations 70.05.160 disinfection of infected property, costs Industrial development revenue bonds Ch. 39.84
tuberculosis control Ch. 70.28 15.08.130, 15.08.140, 15.08.150, Industrial insurance
tuberculosis hospitals, facilities, and funding 15.08.160, 15.08.170 benefits 51.12.050
Ch. 70.30 duty to disinfect or destroy when on public premium liability 51.12.050
vital statistics, See VITAL STATISTICS property 15.08.230
water hookups horticultural tax 15.08.260, 15.08.270
moratorium adoption, procedures and inspection board 15.08.180, 15.08.190 employees, participation in state insurance
limitations 70.05.160 nuisance abatement 15.08.190, 15.08.200, program 41.04.205
Health departments, See also COUNTIES, 15.08.210, 15.08.220 group disability insurance, See INSURANCE,
subtitle Local health departments Horticultural tax 15.08.260, 15.08.270 subtitle Group disability insurance
Health officer Hospitals group false arrest insurance 36.16.130
defined 43.20.025 contracts with state universities for provision health care
rules and regulations of state board of health, of medical services, teaching and research retirees and persons with disabilities
duty to enforce, penalty 43.20.050 activities 36.62.290 41.04.208, 41.04.212
Health officers, See also COUNTIES, subtitle Hospitals, See also COUNTIES, subtitle County liability insurance against claims against
Local health departments hospitals officers and employees of the county
Health sciences and services authorities Ch. Hostels 79A.05.265, 79A.05.270, 79A.05.275, authorized 36.16.136, 36.16.138
35.104 79A.05.280 risk management services authorized Ch.
Hearing examiner system Hours, official office 36.16.100 48.62
land use changes, authority 35.63.130 Housing self-insurance authorized Ch. 48.62
Heating systems, See HEATING SYSTEMS accessory apartments 36.70.677, 36.70A.400 Interception of communications
Highway advertising control act Ch. 47.42 affordable housing, lease of county property enforcement, local government
Highways for 36.34.135 reimbursement 4.92.280
limited access facilities, See HIGHWAYS, affordable housing development, Intercounty incorporation Ch. 35.02
subtitle Limited access facilities discrimination against 36.130.005, duties and powers of county officers
projects 36.130.010, 36.130.020 35.02.230, 35.02.240
permit applications, construction starting affordable housing incentive programs Intercounty weed districts, formation and duties
date for 90.58.140 low-income units 36.70A.540 Ch. 17.06
permit applications, determinations on, when comprehensive plans, elements of 36.70.350 Interim zoning by permit-granting agencies
due 36.01.340 residential structures occupied by persons limitation on length 36.70.795
reserved lanes, exclusive use by public with disabilities, treatment of 36.70.990, procedures and limitations, exceptions
transportation vehicles and car pools 36.70A.410 36.70A.390
46.61.165 tax-title properties, disposal 36.35.150 public hearing 36.70.795
signs or banners over 47.36.030 Housing authorities Interlocal cooperation, See INTERLOCAL
transfer to counties, procedure 36.75.090 advance to authorized 35.83.050 COOPERATION
vehicle weight, size limitation 46.44.080 juveniles with developmental disabilities or International fire code
HighwaysOpen spaces released from state institutions, authority to administration and enforcement 19.27.110
acquisition and development of open spaces operate group homes or halfway houses for Intrastate corrections compact
36.89.030 35.82.285 contracts with department of corrections
authority 36.89.030 rural housing projects 35.82.240 72.76.030
bonds, general obligation Human remains, costs for transportation at fiscal management 72.76.040
election on proposition 36.89.040 direction of coroner or medical examiner offender days, costs and accounting 72.76.020
issuance 36.89.040 68.50.032 provisions 72.76.010
definitions 36.89.010 Human remains, disposal of by county 36.39.030 Intrastate mutual aid system 38.52.040, Ch.
delinquent charges, lien 36.89.065 Impact fees, See also IMPACT FEES 38.56
governmental agencies, participation by other Impounding motor vehicles Investments
36.89.050 local ordinances 46.55.240 authorized types of Ch. 39.59

[RCW Indexpage 156] (2016 Ed.)


combining of money by units of local validation of prior action and organization funding from filing fees, amounts 27.24.070,
government 36.29.022 3.74.940 27.24.090
county funds, service fee 36.29.020 Justices of the peace, See JUSTICES OF THE Leases
expenses 36.29.024 PEACE competitive bids, procedure 36.32.253
Jails Juvenile court Legal actions commenced by or against, venue
aliens committed to, notification of board of managers 36.01.050
immigration authorities 10.70.140 compensation 13.20.050 Legal aid, county funds used for 2.50.040,
booking and reporting, electronic statewide organization 13.20.030 2.50.160
system and standards committee powers and duties 13.20.040 Legal services, See PROSECUTING
36.28A.040, 36.28A.050 terms of office, removal, vacancies ATTORNEYS
booking fee 70.48.390 13.20.020 Legislative authority
city and county jails act Ch. 70.48 consolidated juvenile services programs Ch. appearance of fairness doctrine Ch. 42.36
contracts for incarceration unaffected by 13.06 assumption of rights, powers, functions, and
financial responsibility law 70.48.460 county executive obligations of metropolitan municipal
contracts with state for confinement 72.64.110 transfer of administration of court services to corporation by county with population of
convicted felons, awaiting appeal, transfer to executive 13.20.060 two hundred ten thousand or more, duties
state institution 36.63.255 juvenile court advisory board as to Ch. 36.56, 36.56.010
county to furnish 2.28.139 duties 13.20.060 Liability for tortious conduct of officers,
developmental disabilities, persons with Juvenile detention facilities employees, and volunteers 4.96.010
transfer to department of corrections facility counties authorized to provide 13.16.040 Liability insurance
70.48.245 declared a mandatory county function offenders performing community restitution
duty to furnish 2.28.139 13.16.030 36.16.139
emergency in population detention and risk assessment standards Liability of officials, members, immunity
governors response, alternatives 9.94A.875 13.40.038 4.24.470
farms for confinement, See also COUNTIES, racial disproportionality, annual report on Libraries
subtitle Farms and camps for confinement programs to reduce 13.06.050 conditional sales contract by counties for
financial responsibility 70.48.400, 70.48.410, state policy regarding 13.40.038 purchase of property for libraries
70.48.420, 70.48.430, 70.48.440 Juvenile detention facilities and services, board authorized, vote required if exceeds
operation, locating, authority 70.48.180 of managers for in counties with one million indebtedness 39.30.010
prisoners or more in population 13.20.010 establishment and operation Ch. 27.12
authorized 70.48.220 Juveniles library capital facility areas authorized
confinement in jail of 70.48.220 funds for from department of social and health 36.32.610
contracting authority 70.48.220 services 13.06.050 location on parks and recreation land
early release for good behavior 9.92.151 funds for programs relating to payment by authorized 36.68.110
felons, state institution, transfer to, required department of social and health services Licenses
70.48.240 13.06.050 auctioneers
financial responsibility 70.48.240 parole authority of counties 13.40.210 issuance 36.71.080
mental health review, release of offender Lake or beach management districts Ch. 36.61 penalty for violations 36.71.070
subject to 70.48.475 Land surveys 36.32.370, 36.32.380 background checks, initiation by counties
temporary confinement, authorized Land use applicants for licenses 36.01.300
70.48.230 appearance of fairness doctrine Ch. 42.36 licensees for occupations under local
transportation expenses, financial changes licensing authority 36.01.300
responsibility for 70.48.230 hearing examiner system 35.63.130 dogs Ch. 36.49
comprehensive plans, required elements farmers, exemption, exceptions 36.71.090
work, authority to require 9.92.140 36.70.330
regional camps 72.64.100 gardeners, exemption 36.71.090
petitions, judicial review Ch. 36.70C hawkers
regional jails 70.48.095 project review and permit procedures Ch.
reimbursement rates for use of state facilities issuance 36.71.080
9.94A.190 penalty for violations 36.71.070
real property damage
special detention facilities due to governmental action marriage
authorized 70.48.210 claims, time limitation 64.40.030 application, content, fee 26.04.160
fees for cost of housing 70.48.380 definitions 64.40.010 peddlers
state hospital inmates, booking of 70.48.215 relief provided 64.40.020 application 36.71.020
traumatic brain injuries, persons with street improvement is prerequisite to cancellation 36.71.040
transfer to department of corrections facility development defined 36.71.010
70.48.245 may contract with land owner 35.72.010 deposit
violation of sentence condition reimbursement by other land owners liability of 36.71.050
arrest and confinement in jail 9.94A.631 35.72.020, 35.72.030, 35.72.040 requirement 36.71.020
security searches, authorization 9.94A.631 Lands fees for 36.71.020
work release programs 70.48.210 acquisition of for state highway purposes issuance 36.71.020
Jails, See also JAILS 47.12.040 penalty for violations 36.71.060
Joint city-county housing authorities, See JOINT Columbia basin project, county lands within record of 36.71.030
CITY-COUNTY HOUSING Ch. 89.12 veterans exempted from having 73.04.050
AUTHORITIES federal reclamation areas, county lands within produce stands, exemption 36.71.090
Joint governmental activities, conference (with Ch. 89.12 trading stamp licenses Ch. 19.83
cities) to study regional and governmental fish and wildlife department lands, payments truck farmers, exemption 36.71.090
problems in lieu of property taxes 77.12.201, Lien foreclosures
articles 36.64.090 77.12.203 electronic media, public auction sale
authorized, scope 36.64.080 forest lands conducted by 84.64.225
grants and gifts 36.64.100, 36.64.110 forest reserve funds Liens
officers, agents and employees, consultants distribution, procedure 28A.520.010 delinquent charges 36.89.065
36.64.090, 36.64.100 surveys 36.32.370, 36.32.380 Limitation of actions, application of statute of
public purpose 36.64.110 tax title lands, See COUNTIES, subtitle Tax limitations to actions by 4.16.160
Judgments, execution against 6.17.080 title land Limited access highway facilities through
Judicial districts, matters heard outside of judges underground storage of natural gas, lease of counties, See HIGHWAYS, subtitle Limited
judicial district, effect of decisions and for 80.40.070 access facilities
rulings 2.08.200 Law enforcement, See also SHERIFFS Liquor revolving fund
Juries and jurors Law enforcement communications network, distribution 66.08.200
county liability for payment 36.01.060 participation 43.89.030 Litter receptacle placement 70.93.090
expense of keeping jury charged to 4.44.310 Law libraries Ch. 27.24 Livestock running at large, control and
Jury costs, state reimbursements 2.36.150 funding of county and regional libraries from enforcement Ch. 16.24
Justice and inferior courts act of 1961 filing fees, amounts 27.24.070, 27.24.090 Local government management of program
application of act 3.30.020 regional law libraries 27.24.062 delegated by state

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 157]


final report or study, prerelease copy to local Local improvement districts assumption of rights, powers, functions, and
government 43.17.370 classification of property, supplemental obligations by county, authority and duties
Local government research and services program authority Ch. 35.51 Ch. 36.56, 36.56.010
generally Ch. 43.110 establishment, procedure 36.94.230 Militia enrollment
Local government service agreements for Indian claims settlement, creation for purpose duty of civil officers to make records available
services and facilities Ch. 36.115 of payment authorized 36.32.540 to enrolling officer 38.44.060
Local health departments joint planning and construction of Mineral and petroleum leases Ch. 78.16
administrative officer improvement, supplemental authority Ch. Mobile home parks
appointment 70.05.040 35.51 manufactured/mobile home moving or
responsibilities 70.05.045, 70.05.060, reserve funds, supplemental authority Ch. installation, permit 36.01.220
70.05.070, 70.05.120 35.51 placement or use of manufactured/mobile
biomedical waste Local improvement districts, See also LOCAL homes 36.01.225
definitions 70.95K.010 IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS, Mobile homes
legislative findings 70.95K.005 subtitle Counties moving or installation in mobile home park,
residential sharps waste disposal 70.95K.030 Local infrastructure assistance permit 36.01.220
state preemption of local definitions modernizing state programs that provide placement or use of manufactured/mobile
70.95K.011 assistance homes 36.01.225
treatment technologies evaluation intent and plan 43.155.130 Money
70.95K.020 Local infrastructure project areas county treasurer as custodian, duties, fee
chair of board 70.05.040 transfer of development rights programs Ch. 36.29.020
child mortality review 39.108 Moratoria by permit-granting agencies
employee immunity and records Local law and justice plan limitation on length 36.70.795
confidentiality 70.05.170 assistance in developing and implementing procedures and limitations, exceptions
combination with cities 36.28A.020 36.70A.390
authorized 70.08.010 Local public works assistance funds public hearing 36.70.795
contagious diseases, report of 70.05.110 definitions 36.135.010 Morgues
contracts for sale or purchase of health public works projects control and management 68.52.010,
services 70.05.150 local government, financial assistance for 68.52.020
definitions 70.05.010 36.135.030 Mosquito control Ch. 70.22
expenses of enforcement and administration prioritization process 36.70.040, 36.135.040 Mosquito control districts, organization and
70.05.130 records of accounts, audits 36.135.050 duties Ch. 17.28
home rule charters use, distribution 36.135.020 Motor vehicle fund
administrative officer 70.05.040 Local sales and use tax Ch. 82.14 distribution of
board jurisdiction 70.05.035 Long-term care ombuds program allocation of funds 46.68.126
local health officers 70.05.050 municipal authority 36.39.060 formula for 46.68.122, 46.68.124
jurisdiction of board 70.05.030 Lost and found property generally 46.68.120
local health officer disposition procedure 63.21.060 Motor vehicle wreckers regulation 46.80.160
appointment, qualifications, term, salary and duties 63.21.060 Motor vehicles
expenses 70.05.050 Low-income housing for hire vehicles, local licensing and
contagious diseases, reporting 70.05.110 loans and grants 36.32.415 regulation 46.72.160, 46.72.170
failure of local health board to appoint, Low-level radioactive waste local or state government, vehicle owned or
procedure 70.05.080 waste generator surcharge leased by
in-service training program for provisionally remittal to counties 43.200.233 injury to unauthorized third-party occupant,
qualified officers 70.05.054 Management of county property according to government liability 4.92.180
powers and duties of 70.05.060 establishment of comprehensive procedures special permits for oversize or overweight
professional qualifications 70.05.051 36.34.005 motor vehicle movement, fees paid to
provisionally qualified officer Manufactured housing counties, when 46.44.096
annual interview 70.05.055 housing communities Mt. St. Helens
appointment, term, requirements 70.05.053 nonconforming use 36.70.493 recovery, scope authorized 36.01.150
in-service public health orientation housing communities, elimination 36.70.493 Multi-family and mixed-use projects
program 70.05.054 moving or installation in mobile home park, establishment, assessments, authorized
raising to full qualification 70.05.055 permit 36.01.220 35.87A.010
rules and regulations of state board, duty to placement or use of manufactured/mobile Multimodal transportation account
enforce, penalty 43.20.050 homes 36.01.225 allocation of funds 46.68.126
training program for provisionally qualified Maps and mapping Multi-purpose community centers
officers 70.05.054 comprehensive plan 36.70.330 generally Ch. 35.59
physicians and surgeons official controls 36.70.560 Municipal obligations
contagious diseases, reporting 70.05.110 Mass public transportation savings banks, authorized investment for
diseases, reporting 70.05.090, 70.05.100, intergovernmental disposition of property, 32.20.090
70.05.110 authorized 39.33.050 Municipal research and services
who determines character of disease lease of to political subdivision or municipal commerce, department of, contracting for
70.05.100 corporation, authorized 39.33.050 research and services 43.110.030
pollution control hearings board, jurisdiction property exchange with political subdivision Name, corporate 36.01.020
and duties Ch. 43.21B or municipal corporation authorized National historic towns, designation 36.70A.520
powers and duties of board 70.05.070 39.33.050 Navigable waters, sale and use by diking districts
septic systems Massage practitioners [therapists] 85.05.082
moratorium adoption, procedures and licensing or operating fee 36.32.122 Navigation, county property, lease or
limitations 70.05.160 Matching funds conveyance to United States 36.34.220,
sewer hookups rural arterial program 36.79.120 36.34.230, 36.34.240
moratorium adoption, procedures and Medical examiner system, when authorized to Neighborhood self-help projects
limitations 70.05.160 replace coroners office 36.16.030, contracts with community service
solid waste management, adoption of rules 36.24.190 organizations 35.21.278
and regulations governing, requirement, Mental illness New
filing with department of ecology childrens mental health services, venue changed to 4.12.070
70.95.160 coordination Ch. 71.36 Newly incorporated city or town
solid waste management, contracts with community mental health services Ch. 71.24 county may contract for essential services
department of ecology authorized funding for services and facilities 71.05.100, 35.02.225
70.95.163 71.05.530 county to provide road and law enforcement
vacancies on board 70.05.040 minors, mental health services Ch. 71.34 services 35.02.220
violations, penalties, remedies 70.05.120 Mental illness, See also MENTAL ILLNESS county to provide special districts services
water hookups Metals mining and milling operations, regulation 35.02.220
moratorium adoption, procedures and Ch. 78.56 duty to assist during interim 35.02.270
limitations 70.05.160 Metropolitan municipal corporations Noxious weed control Ch. 17.10

[RCW Indexpage 158] (2016 Ed.)


Offenders performing community restitution withholding, when 36.17.050 historic, scenic, or view purpose land
workers compensation and liability insurance terms of office 36.16.020 36.34.340
coverage 36.16.139, 51.12.045 vacancies 36.16.110 employees
Officers and employees 42.23.030 resignation, to whom made 42.12.020 city, county, funding 36.68.541
abandonment of duties 36.16.125 salaries, payment 36.17.042 enlargement after formation 36.68.620
appearance of fairness doctrine Ch. 42.36 salaries and wages establishment 36.68.470
blind, hearing impaired persons, county with population of less than five resolution order in election, election
discrimination prohibited 70.84.080 thousand, combined auditor-clerk procedure 36.68.470
code of ethics 42.23.010, 42.23.030, 36.16.032 feasibility hearings
42.23.040, 42.23.050, 42.23.060 deduction of pledges for United Good findings of board 36.68.460
coroners, limitations on persons holding office Neighbors from 36.17.045 notice 36.68.440
in counties with populations of forty sheriff, See SHERIFFS procedure 36.68.450
thousand or more 36.24.175 sick leave payment 41.48.160 recesses 36.68.450
county treasurer supervisor of county central services fees and charges for use of facilities,
central services department, duties related department 36.92.030 disposition 36.68.550
thereto 36.92.070 vacancy in partisan elective office, acting financing powers 36.68.400
department for administration of sewerage, official 36.16.115 indebtedness limitations, bond issues
water and drainage systems, personnel weekly biweekly pay periods 36.17.042 annual excess property tax levy 36.68.520
merit system, exceptions 36.94.120 Official county newspaper initiation procedure, resolution or petition
deputies county legislative authority, duties as to 36.68.410
authority 36.16.070 36.72.075 investigation of feasibility by county
duties 36.16.070 forms for public blanks legislative authority 36.68.440
elected officials compilation 36.72.080 local service area fund
salary schedule 36.17.020 material for 36.72.090 created 36.68.510
eligibility to hold office 42.04.020 use by county officers 36.72.071 funds deposited in 36.68.510
employees On-site sewage disposal systems Ch. 70.118 ownership of facilities, expenditures
authority 36.16.070 On-site sewage disposal systems, large Ch. 36.68.580
duties 36.16.070 70.118B petitions
hourly personnel, vacations and sick leaves On-site sewage disposal systems, marine contents 36.68.420
36.32.390 recovery areas Ch. 70.118A signatures 36.68.430
hours of labor 49.28.010, 49.28.040 On-site sewage systems verification of signatures 36.68.430
insurance local health officers authority to waive purchases 36.68.570
group 36.32.400 requirements 70.05.072, 70.05.077 purpose of act 36.68.590
health care 36.32.400 permits 70.05.074 reports on feasibility and costs
salaries Open spaces, See also COUNTY ROADS AND availability to board 36.68.440
draw days 36.17.040 BRIDGES, subtitle Open spaces; filing 36.68.440
payment 36.17.040 COUNTIES, subtitle HighwaysOpen resolution contents 36.68.420
sick leaves, hourly personnel 36.32.390 spaces six-year regular property tax levies,
subversive activities bars employment Ordinances and resolutions limitations 36.68.525
9.81.040, 9.81.060 airport joint operations 14.08.200 tax levies
vacations, hourly personnel 36.32.390 bridges, acquisition or construction over annual excess property tax levy 36.68.520
employment by county commissioners, county roads 36.75.170 election on 36.68.480
additional authority 36.32.440 six-year regular property tax levies,
health care port district regulations, adoption 53.08.220 limitations 36.68.525
retirees and persons with disabilities publication, summaries 65.16.160 taxing districts, defined as 36.68.400
41.04.208, 41.04.212 waste management, requirement, contents Parking and business improvement areas
hospitalization and medical aid for employees 70.95.160 establishment, assessments, authorized
and dependents zones and zoning 36.70.720, 36.70.730 35.87A.010
choice in plan or policy to be offered Owner-built residences Parks, name designation 36.32.430
41.04.180 construction in counties with populations of Parks and recreation
contracts with health care service contractors five thousand to less than ten thousand, authority to
authorized 41.04.180 ordinance reenactment 19.27.160 acquire and operate 67.20.010
costs not additional compensation, payment Park and recreation service areas build, improve, operate and maintain,
of premiums 41.04.190 additional areas, later inclusion, procedure enumeration of authorized facilities
insurance, participation in state insurance 36.68.620 36.68.090
program 41.04.205 administration 36.68.400 board for
militia duty, exemption from 38.44.030 areas includable 36.68.610 compensation 36.68.030
officers bond issues powers and duties 36.68.060
abandonment of duties 36.16.125 election on 36.68.480 removal of members 36.68.050
business completion, liability 36.16.120 general obligation bonds authorized, terms of office 36.68.040
draw days, percentage allowed 36.17.040 indebtedness limitations 36.68.520 vacancies 36.68.050
elections budget 36.68.530 charges for use 36.68.090
time of 36.16.010 chapter 67.20 RCW powers, exercise of community athletics programs
embezzlement, failing to pay over fees 36.68.600 sex discrimination, prohibition of 36.68.120,
36.18.170 city or town territory, inclusion procedure 36.69.500
enumeration of 36.16.030 36.68.610 comprehensive plans, elements of 36.70.350
expenditures in excess of budget, personal community revitalization financing 36.68.527 conditional sales contracts by county for
liability 36.40.130 concessions, proceeds, disbursement of purchase of property for parks authorized,
fee and compensation settlement, salary, 36.68.560 vote required if exceeds indebtedness
effect upon 36.17.050 county current expense fund reimbursement 39.30.010
oath of office 36.68.570 formation, all classes of counties 36.69.030
filing 36.16.060 creation authorized by any county 36.68.400 funds for, generally 36.68.070
taking 36.16.040 declaration of formation upon voter approval joint districts, multi-counties
office hours 36.16.100 36.68.500 authority for 36.69.420
office space 36.16.090 election on formation county responsible for maintenance,
official bonds annual excess levy or bond retirement levies operation, administration 36.69.450
amount 36.16.050 election formation
filing 36.16.060 vote required 36.68.490 petition 36.69.430
official county paper, use of 36.72.071 property tax levy or bond retirement levies procedure 36.69.440
recall, See COUNTIES, subtitle Recall election 36.68.480 population determination 36.69.460
salaries 36.17.010 eminent domain 36.68.555 libraries on land authorized 36.68.110
draw day 36.17.040 eminent domain, acquisition of recreational, local improvements and assessments
payment 36.17.040 view point, greenbelt, conservation, authority for 36.69.200

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 159]


hearings 36.69.250 county log tolerance permit 46.44.047 conditional or special use permits, when
initiation of proceedings 36.69.210, leases or licenses for counties to use toll mediation prior to appeal is required
36.69.220, 36.69.230 facilities authorized 47.56.253 36.32.525, 36.70.678
park and playground systems, authority Personal property, sale of conferences and travel
36.68.010 property tax collection jeopardizing through authority for 36.70.310
park and recreation districts removal from state expenses of agency members 36.70.310
bonds, general obligation 36.69.140 electronic media, public auction sale department of planning
excess levies, authorization 36.69.140 conducted by 84.56.090 alternative to commission 36.70.040
parks, beaches and camps, authority, generally property tax delinquency, due to development project review process
Ch. 67.20 electronic media, public auction sale 36.70A.470
penalty for violations 36.68.080 conducted by 84.56.070 director of planning
recreation districts Personal protection spray devices appointment 36.70.160
additional area, authority 36.69.190 restrictions on authority to prohibit use authority for 36.70.030
area, additional authority 36.69.190 9.91.160 employees 36.70.170
authority for counties 36.69.010 Personnel merit system, department for joint county programs 36.70.180
board of commissioners administration of sewerage, water and special services 36.70.190
compensation 36.69.110 drainage systems, exceptions 36.94.120 electric vehicle infrastructure 35.63.127,
contract indebtedness 36.69.350 Pest districts Ch. 17.12 36.70.695
duties 36.69.120 Pesticide applicators licenses, authorization to expenditures
election procedures 36.69.090 issue 17.21.305 within amounts appropriated 36.70.290
issue revenue bonds 36.69.350 Planning and zoning regional planning as proper purpose for
jurisdiction 36.69.260 accessory apartments 36.70.015
terms of office 36.69.090 incorporation of report recommendations hearing examiner system, adoption
vacancies 36.69.100 into local development and zoning authorized, alternative, functions,
budget 36.69.160 regulations 43.63A.215 procedures 36.70.970
community revitalization financing energy plant or alternative energy resource hearing examiner system, land use changes
36.69.147 application for permit to site, notice to U.S. 35.63.130
dissolution 36.69.310 Department of Defense 36.01.320 land use planning, comprehensive
fiscal matters Planning commissions agricultural lands
expenditures 36.69.170 appearance of fairness doctrine Ch. 42.36 innovative zoning techniques 36.70A.177
warrants and vouchers 36.69.150 regional, appointment and powers 35.63.070 airports, general aviation 36.70A.510
formation Planning enabling act, See COUNTIES, subtitle chapter implementation, intent 36.70A.180
boundaries, fixing 36.69.050 Plans and planning classification of agriculture, forest, and
class AA counties, class A counties, Plans and planning mineral lands and critical areas
second, fourth, eighth or ninth class adjustment, board of guidelines 36.70A.050
counties 36.69.030 appointment 36.70.220 comprehensive plans
elections 36.69.065, 36.69.070, 36.69.080 creation 36.70.200 coordination with other plans 36.70A.100
hearing 36.69.040 meetings 36.70.270 environmental planning pilot projects
petition 36.69.020 membership 36.70.210 36.70A.385
resolution of cities and towns 36.69.030 organization 36.70.260 extension of designation date 36.70A.380
local improvement districts removal 36.70.250
authority for 36.69.200 rules 36.70.280 identification of lands useful for public
terms of office 36.70.230 purposes 36.70A.150
hearings 36.69.250
initiation of proceedings vacancies 36.70.240 innovative techniques 36.70A.090
petitions 36.69.210, 36.69.230 appearance of fairness doctrine Ch. 42.36 major industrial developments 36.70A.365
resolutions 36.69.210, 36.69.220 appropriations for 36.70.290 mandatory elements 36.70A.070
notice 36.69.240 comprehensive plan master planned resorts, when authorized by
notice, to contain statement that amendment 36.70.410 county 36.70A.360
assessments may vary from estimates approval 36.70.400 new fully contained communities, when
36.69.245 authority for 36.70.320 approved in county planning
powers and duties of board 36.69.270 cooperation with affected agencies, 36.70A.350
protests 36.69.260 preparation 36.70.360 noncompliance 36.70A.330
powers of county commissioners noncompliance and sanctions 36.70A.340,
specific enumeration 36.69.130 approval or change 36.70.440 36.70A.345
treasurer, county treasurer as 36.69.150, initiation or change 36.70.430 open space corridors, identification and
36.69.200 referral to 36.70.420 purchase of 36.70A.160
violation of rules, penalty 36.69.180 defined 36.70.020 optional elements 36.70A.080
recreational facilities, defined 36.69.010 development regulations, consistency with order of invalidity 36.70A.335
recreational programs, conduct of 36.68.020 plan required 35.63.125, 36.70.545 planning activities and capital budget
regulation 36.68.090 elements decisions, conformity with 36.70A.120
revenue bonds amplification of 36.70.340 port elements 36.70A.085
authorized 36.69.360 required 36.70.330 private property protection 36.70A.370
form 36.69.370 filing 36.70.370 public participation ensured 36.70A.140
funding, refunding bonds 36.69.400 ground water 36.70.330 review, amendments 36.70A.130
issuance 36.69.370 planning agencies state agencies to comply 36.70A.103
authority for 36.69.410 annual report 36.70.460 sufficient land capacity for development
payment of, covenants, enforcement cooperation with other agencies 36.70.480 36.70A.115
36.69.390 projects relating to 36.70.450 transmittal to state 36.70A.106
purposes 36.69.360 promotion of public interest 36.70.470 urban growth areas 36.70A.110
resolution to authorize, contents 36.69.380 portion of county, for 36.70.320 counties required to plan, compliance
seal 36.69.370 public hearing 36.70A.040
term 36.69.370 notice of 36.70.390 county-wide planning policy 36.70A.210
Pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers, regulatory requirement 36.70.380 definitions 36.70A.030
authority 19.60.075 zones and zoning, effect upon 36.70.720, development regulations
Peddlers and hawkers 36.70.730 electric vehicle infrastructure 36.70A.695
license regulations Ch. 36.71 comprehensive plan and regulations, copy presumption of validity 36.70A.320
veterans exempted from licensing 73.04.050 provided to county assessor 36.70.495 transmittal to state 36.70A.106
Pedestrians comprehensive plans greenbelts or open space, adverse possession
rights-of-way, using street and road funds for elements 36.70A.165
36.82.148 optional 36.70.350 growth management hearings board
Per diem and expenses, county liability for in environmental impact statements, appeal by state, limitations 36.70A.310
certain cases 36.01.060 nonproject, recovery of expenses of conduct, procedure, and compensation
Permits 43.21C.428 36.70A.270

[RCW Indexpage 160] (2016 Ed.)


consolidation into environmental and land county legislative authority census determination 36.13.030, 36.13.050
use hearings office 36.70A.252, referral procedure 36.70.540 determination 36.13.100
36.70A.903 definitions 36.70.020 enumerators 36.13.030
creation, membership 36.70A.250 gifts, acceptance of 36.70.300 fixing by county commissioners 36.13.050
expedited review 36.70A.305 information, right of acquisition 36.70.490 Population determination and certification
final orders 36.70A.300 joint meetings 36.70.150 office of financial management duties
invalidity, determination 36.70A.302 meetings 36.70.130 43.62.035
judicial review 36.70A.295 projects, relating to comprehensive plans Population of eight thousand or more
legislative intent and finding 36.70A.3201 36.70.450 road engineer, employment 36.80.010
matters subject to review 36.70A.280 public interest, promotion toward Population of from eight thousand to less than
petitions to, evidence 36.70A.290 comprehensive plan 36.70.470 twelve thousand
regional panels 36.70A.260 records 36.70.140 port district dissolution, disposition of funds
growth strategies commission, role rules 36.70.140 53.49.010
36.70A.800 subdivision and platting of land 36.70.680 Population of less than eight thousand
legislative findings 36.70A.010, 36.70A.011 travel expenses 36.70.310 rural arterial program fund eligibility
master planned locations 36.70A.367, planning commissions 36.79.140
36.70A.368 appointment 36.70.080 Population of less than five thousand
master planned resorts 36.70A.362 composition 36.70.070 county clerk, combined with county auditor
military installations, incompatible creation 36.70.030 36.16.032
development 36.70A.530 department to assist 36.70.040 Population of less than forty thousand
mineral resource lands 36.70A.131 duties imposed by other acts 36.70.920 coroners officer 36.16.030
moratoria by permit-granting agencies expenses, authority 36.70.310 Population of one hundred twenty-five thousand
limitation on length 36.70.795 officers 36.70.120 or more
procedures and limitations, exceptions removal 36.70.110 salary fund, creation of 36.33.060
36.70A.390 right of entry, surveys 36.70.500 Population of two hundred ten thousand or more
natural resource lands and critical areas terms of office 36.70.090 assumption of rights, powers, functions, and
designation 36.70A.170, 36.70A.172 vacancies 36.70.100 obligations of metropolitan municipal
natural resource lands and critical areas planning enabling act corporation
development regulations 36.70A.060 alternative methods 36.70.930 authority 36.56.010
partial planning, resolution for 36.70A.040 definitions 36.70.020 duties as to Ch. 36.56
planning goals 36.70A.020 designation as 36.70.910 contracts with cities concerning buildings and
playing fields, compliance 36.70A.171 duties of planning commissioners by other related improvements 36.64.070
public participation 36.70A.035 acts 36.70.920 Port districts, See PORT DISTRICTS
review and evaluation program 36.70A.215 elective adoptions 36.70.940 Poultry shows
shoreline master programs 36.70A.480 purpose and intent 36.70.010 admission charge 36.37.100
siting of essential public facilities programs for conduct of 36.37.110
36.70A.200 authority 36.70.050 petition 36.37.090
submittal phasing 36.70A.045 joint county participation 36.70.050 Powers and duties
technical assistance, grants, and mediation joint directors for 36.70.180 contract 36.01.010
services 36.70A.190 special services 36.70.190 conveyances 36.01.040
transportation element 36.70A.108 regional planning corporate 36.01.010
wetlands delineation 36.70A.175 commission, appointment and powers financial transactions, regulations 36.01.240
land use planning comprehensive 36.70.060 how exercised 36.01.030
agricultural lands voluntary stewardship grants-in-aid from United States 36.70.060 probation and parole services 36.01.070
program Ch. 36.70A public purpose of expenditure of funds rent control, state preemption 36.01.130
manufactured housing communities, 36.70.015 sue and be sued 36.01.010
elimination 36.70.493 restrictions applicable to real property, Prisons and prisoners, See COUNTIES, subtitle
notice, identification of affected property statement request and contents 36.70.317 Jails
36.70.315 right of entry, commission and staff 36.70.500 Probation and parole services 36.01.070
official controls solar easements Probation and parole services, authority 9.95.204
adoption 36.70.570 solar energy system, defined 36.70.025 Produce selling, license requirements 36.71.090
authority for 36.70.550 state environmental policy act Projects of statewide significance, procedures to
county commissioners nonproject actions, exemption from SEPA expedite development Ch. 43.157
action 36.70.620 compliance 43.21C.450 Property
final authority 36.70.650 planned actions 43.21C.440 land within improvement district
initiation of 36.70.640 zoning adjustor assessment of 35.44.140
public hearing 36.70.630 appointment 36.70.220 payment of assessment 35.49.070
recommendation to 36.70.600 creation of office 36.70.200 transfer to metropolitan park districts
reference to 36.70.610 finality of action 36.70.880 35.61.290, 35.61.300
enforcement 36.70.670 orders, findings of fact 36.70.900 Property, See also COUNTIES, subtitle County
forms of 36.70.560 powers and duties 36.70.870 property
limitation to planning matters 36.70.660 Plans and planning, See also PLANS AND Property apportionment, district, how decided
public hearing PLANNING, subtitle Counties 36.09.020
notice 36.70.590 Platting, generally, See PLATTING, Property subject to local improvement
requirement 36.70.580 SUBDIVISION AND DEDICATION OF assessments, acquisition by cities and towns
planning agencies LAND 35.49.150
advisory nature of reports 36.70.710 Platting of land, planning agencies review Prosecuting attorney, See PROSECUTING
annual report, status of comprehensive plan 36.70.680 ATTORNEYS
36.70.460 Playgrounds, See COUNTIES, subtitle Parks and Prosecuting attorneys
appropriations 36.70.290 recreation driving record, abstract of
assumption of duties 36.70.920 Plumbers access 46.52.130
capital expenditure projects compliance inspections by city or county, pilot Public assistance, See PUBLIC ASSISTANCE,
notification 36.70.520 project 18.106.280 subtitle County offices
relating to comprehensive plan 36.70.530 Political subdivisions within, warrants against Public buildings, comprehensive plans, elements
conferences 36.70.310 36.22.090 of 36.70.350
cooperation with other agencies 36.70.360, Pollution control bonds and facilities, See Public corporations
36.70.480 POLLUTION CONTROL MUNICIPAL transfer of real property to, conditions and
county commission BONDING limitations 35.21.747
referral of special matters 36.70.510 Pool and billiard halls, licenses and fees Public defender Ch. 36.26
reports to 36.70.510 67.12.110 Public depositaries
county improvements Population all deposits must be made in, exceptions
approval 36.70.700 basis for allocation of funds 36.13.100 39.58.080
control 36.70.690 census, authorized 36.13.020 bonds, when not required 39.58.090

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 161]


statewide custodian, application of chapter county hospitals, competitive bids 36.32.240 Real property
39.58.155 performance-based contracts 36.32.245, transfer to public corporation, conditions and
Public facilities 36.32.250 limitations 35.21.747
state loans or grants to finance prevailing wages, legal liability of public Real property, See also COUNTIES, subtitle
county-wide planning policy, preference to agencies to comply with 39.12.042 County property
party to 43.17.250 proposed public works, notification of county Reclamation, county property, lease or
Public facilities districts planning commission 36.70.520 conveyance to United States 36.34.220,
convention and trade center, transfer from purchasing department 36.32.240 36.34.230, 36.34.240
public nonprofit to district recycled materials, preferential purchase of Recording instruments
eminent domain, authorization of 36.32.245 surcharge
36.100.240 small works roster process 36.32.250 local homeless housing and assistance
taxing authority 36.100.210, 36.100.220 Public works and purchases, See also PUBLIC 36.22.1791
Public funds WORKS Recording of documents
interfund transfers and loans, repayment and Public works assistance account approved processes 65.04.030
crediting procedure 43.09.285 established, purpose 43.155.050 Recording officer
Public health loans or pledges, eligibility 43.155.070 auditor designated as 36.18.005
appropriations for 70.12.025 Public works projects definitions 36.18.005
threats to competitive bidding requirements 43.155.060 fees 36.18.010
attorney general, duty to enforce 43.20A.660 contract awarding, procedure, bid deposits, Records
notice to violators 43.20A.660 contractors bond 36.32.250 destruction or donation of, procedure for,
prosecuting attorneys, duties to enforce definitions 43.155.020 retention schedule 40.14.070
43.20A.660 financing powers of board 43.155.060 historical records, transfer to depository
reports of violations, duty of attorney general legislative policy 43.155.010 agency, procedure for 40.14.070
and prosecuting attorneys to enforce loans for preconstruction activities 43.155.068 Records of superior court clerk 36.23.030
43.20A.660 local infrastructure assistance Recreation districts, See COUNTIES, subtitle
Public health, See also COUNTIES, subtitle modernizing state programs that provide Parks and recreation
Health departments assistance, plan for 43.155.130 Recreational activities
Public health and safety facilities outcome-focused performance measures licenses and fees authorized 67.12.021
acquisition and development of, authority 43.155.075 Recreational vehicles used as primary residences
36.89.030 public works assistance account 36.01.225
bonds, general obligation established, purpose 43.155.050 Recyclable materials
election on proposition 36.89.040 public works board collection and transportation by recycling
issuance 36.89.040 created 43.155.030 company or nonprofit entity
definitions 36.89.010 financing powers 43.155.060 application of chapter 36.58.160
delinquent charges, lien 36.89.065 powers 43.155.040 collection of source separated material
governmental agencies, participation by records, audits 43.155.080 36.58.040
36.89.050 Puget Sound marine resources committees Ch. Recycled products
participation by other governmental agencies 36.125 procurement
36.89.050 Puget Sound water quality protection, definitions 43.19A.010
powers and authority are supplemental responsibilities Ch. 90.71 duties 43.19A.030
36.89.060, 36.89.062 Purchases preferential purchase policy 43.19A.040
purpose 36.89.020 blind made products 19.06.020 purpose 43.19A.005
transfer of ownership and operation to other conditional sales contracts for purchase of real requirements Ch. 43.19A
governmental agencies 36.89.050 or personal property procurement, notice of requirements
Public hospital capital facility areas Ch. 70.265 authorized, indebtedness limitations 43.19A.080
Public hospital districts 39.30.010 Regional jails 70.48.095
authorized 70.44.003 election required if exceeds indebtedness Regulations, public notice 36.32.120
generally Ch. 70.44 limitation 39.30.010 Relocation assistance for low-income tenants
Public stadium, convention center, and arts joint execution with other municipal authorization for certain cities, towns,
facilities Ch. 67.30 corporations authorized, indebtedness counties, and municipal corporations to
Public transportation systems limitations 39.30.010 require 59.18.440
employees electronic data processing and payments not considered income, eligibility
payroll deduction for political action telecommunications systems 39.04.270 for public assistance unaffected 59.18.450
committees 35.58.268 interest due when payment is not timely Rent control, state preemption 36.01.130
transit coordination grant program 47.66.110 attorney fees 39.76.040 Rentals of irrigated land, application toward
Public utilities exceptions 39.76.020 assessments 36.33.170
joint municipal utility services act Ch. 39.106 source of funds for payment of penalties Residential areas
Public utilities, comprehensive plans, elements 39.76.030 new and rehabilitated multi-unit dwellings in
of 36.70.350 road maintenance materials urban centers and urban growth areas,
Public utility districts multiple awards 36.32.256 property tax exemption qualification and
construction projects imposing financial Purchasing agent procedure Ch. 84.14
burden, compensation 54.36.070 duties 36.32.260 Residential care facilities
county-wide districts, acquisition of Purchasing department 36.32.240 review of need and demand for,
distribution properties 54.32.040 Rail districts, See COUNTY RAIL DISTRICTS implementation of findings 36.32.560,
dissolution 54.08.080 Rail fixed guideway public transportation 36.70.755
formation of new districts 54.08.060 systems Rewards
Public water supply safety program and security and emergency authority, payment 10.85.030
chemical contaminants preparedness plans 36.01.210, 36.57.120, conflicting claims 10.85.040
local standards may be stricter 70.142.040 36.57A.170 payment 10.85.050
noncomplying systems, corrective plan Railroad crossings Right of way donations for transportation
70.142.050 allocation of improvements
Public waterway districts Ch. 91.08 funds for installation and maintenance, to advertising signs on donated parcels
Public works defray costs of 81.53.271 47.14.040
local public works assistance funds Ch. state funds to defray costs of 81.53.281 credit against district assessment 36.88.145,
36.135 signals and devices 47.14.030
performance-based contracts for water federal funding definitions 47.14.020
conservation, solid waste reduction, and allocation of installation costs 81.53.295 department duties 47.14.050
energy equipment Ch. 39.35A Railroad crossings, See also RAILROADS intent 47.14.010
Public works and purchases Range areas River and harbor improvements, planning and
community revitalization financing 36.32.121 livestock running at large, control and funding Ch. 88.32
competitive bids, advertisements 36.32.245 enforcement Ch. 16.24 Rivers and streams
competitive bids, requirements 36.32.235, posting of sign on road entering area flood control 36.32.280, 36.32.290, Ch. 86.12,
36.32.240, 36.32.245, 36.32.270 16.24.060 Ch. 86.13

[RCW Indexpage 162] (2016 Ed.)


obstruction removal 36.32.290 waste disposal permits 90.48.160, 90.48.162, service agreements between counties and
regulation of 36.32.280 90.48.165, 90.48.170, 90.48.180, private parties 36.58.040
tree removal 36.32.300 90.48.190, 90.48.195, 90.48.200 service agreements between counties and
Road engineer, employment 36.80.010 Shellfish protection districts and programs Ch. vendors
Road engineer, records, expenditures 36.80.060 90.72 vendor selection 36.58.090
Road maintenance materials Sheriffs site designation 36.58.040
multiple awards 36.32.256 responsibility for acts 36.28.010 system, establishment 36.58.040
Road projects statewide unified sex offender notification and Solid waste handling facilities and services,
compost products use in 43.19A.110 registration program 36.28A.040 selection of providers
Roads Sheriffs, See also SHERIFFS competitive bid law inapplicable 36.32.265
maintenance materials Shoreline management act, duties Ch. 90.58 Solid waste management
multiple awards 36.32.256 Shoreline master programs 36.70A.480 comprehensive plan for, adoption 70.95.080
pedestrian rights-of-way, using street and road Short-term obligations Ch. 39.50 funds
funds for 36.82.148 Sidewalks, construction 36.75.240 department of ecology authorized to disburse
shoulder driving, permitted, when 46.61.428 Sixth class 70.95.268
port district dissolution, disposition of funds Solid waste or recyclable materials disposal
speed limits
53.49.020 sites
established by secretary of transportation, acquisition authority 36.58.010
when 46.61.415 Small works roster
public works projects 36.32.250 Source separated materials
Roads, See also COUNTY ROADS AND private business involvement in plan
no smoking law development
Rural local solid waste advisory committee to
local sales and use tax for public facilities local regulations authorized 70.160.080
penalty for violation of examine 70.95.167
82.14.370 Special attorneys, employment, contract duration
Rural arterial program, See RURAL ARTERIAL paid to county bringing action 70.160.100
Solar easements 36.32.200
PROGRAM Special detention facilities
Salaries and wages comprehensive plans, elements of 36.70.350
Solid waste advisory committees, local authority to build and maintain 70.48.210
direct deposit into financial institutions fees for cost of housing 70.48.380
41.04.240 organization and duties 70.95.165
Solid waste collection districts, See SOLID Special districts
payroll deductions to banks, savings banks, disincorporation of special districts in counties
credit unions, or savings and loan WASTE COLLECTION DISTRICTS
Solid waste disposal with population of two hundred ten
associations authorized, conditions thousand or more Ch. 57.90
41.04.245 facilities owned by county
arbitration and negotiation of impact charges Special review districts
salary fund, reimbursement of fund 36.33.060 historical sites
Salary schedule for elected officials 36.17.020 36.58.080
exempt from municipal tax 36.58.080 tax immunity or exemption, conditions
Sanitary districts, See SANITARY DISTRICTS 35.21.755
municipalities may charge counties for
Sanitation, department of health assistance impact mitigation 36.58.080 Specialty courts, See COURTS
70.54.040 Sports stadium, See STADIUM,
ownership of solid wastes 36.58.060
School district expenditure of funds on county responsibility for handling 36.58.060 CONVENTION CENTER, AND ARTS
buildings 28A.335.140 FACILITIES
School districts, administration of trust moneys penalty for misuse 36.58.020 Stadium, convention center, and arts facilities
to benefit 36.01.170 Ch. 67.30
rules and regulations 36.58.020
Schools, certain federal payments to counties Stadium and exhibition center
transfer station admission tax 36.38.010
designated to reduce districts outstanding
debts 36.01.200 defined 36.58.030 parking charges tax 36.38.040
operation of 36.58.050 construction agreements and property
Seals, official 36.16.050
Solid waste disposal districts acquisition 36.102.100
Second class authorized 36.58.100
prosecuting attorneys, private law practice deferral of taxes, procedure 36.102.070
boundaries definitions 36.102.010
prohibited, when 36.27.060 scope
Senior citizen programs donated moneys 36.102.090
restrictions 36.58.130 naming rights, use of revenues 36.102.080
authorization 36.39.060 dissolution 36.58.110
Service agreements for providing local parking charges tax at facility 36.38.040
establishment 36.58.110 property acquisition and sale 36.102.110
government services and facilities Ch. ordinance 36.58.120
36.115 public stadium authority, powers and duties
excise tax Ch. 36.102
Service of summons on, personal service lien for delinquent taxes and penalties
4.28.080 Standard time, observance and exception
36.58.140 1.20.050
Sewer districts, See WATER-SEWER fees 36.58.130
DISTRICTS State association of elected county officials,
general obligation bonds 36.58.150 standard uniforms for sheriffs, filing of
Sewer overflows levy 36.58.150
reduction, plans and compliance 90.48.480 36.28.170
lien State building code
Sewer systems delinquent taxes and penalties 36.58.140
charges, construction costs enforcement 19.27.050
modification 36.58.110 State cooperation, public highways,
notice, recording 65.08.170 powers 36.58.130 improvements 36.75.030
payment, release 65.08.180 revenue bonds 36.58.150 State environmental policy Ch. 43.21C
connection required when septic tank is failing tax lien 36.58.140 State highways
appeals process 36.01.330 taxing authority 36.58.150 county may fund improvements 36.75.035
low income persons, connection charges, Solid waste disposal facility State-owned lands
waiver 36.94.370 site permit lease of
municipal water and sewer facilities act review, issuance, appeal 70.95.185 agricultural fairs 36.37.150
charges, construction costs site review standards 70.95.165 Northern State Hospital, lands adjacent to
payment, release 65.08.180 Solid waste handling 36.37.160
tap-in, connection, hookup fees, charges, collection services, imposition of fee on Stock restricted areas, designation procedures
waiver, low income persons 36.94.370 36.58.045 16.24.010, 16.24.020, 16.24.030, 16.24.040,
Sewerage, water and drainage systems, See comprehensive management plan, funding by 16.24.050
SEWERAGE, WATER AND DRAINAGE fee imposed on collection services Storm water control facilities
SYSTEMSCOUNTIES 36.58.045 acquisition and development of, authority
Sewerage systems contracts between counties and private 36.89.030
connection required when septic tank is failing vendors 36.58.040 assessments, rates, and charges 90.03.500,
appeals process 36.01.330 contracts between counties and vendors 90.03.510, 90.03.520, 90.03.525
contracts with property owners 35.91.020 vendor selection 36.58.090 authority to establish 36.89.030
municipal water and sewer facilities act processing and conversion, sale of products bonds
contract with owners of real estate 35.91.020 36.58.040 general obligation

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 163]


election on proposition 36.89.040 conveyance to port districts 53.25.050 Toll facilities, contributions by counties for
issuance 36.89.040 definition 36.35.020 authorized, financing, reimbursement
revenue, payment from 36.89.042 department of natural resources lands not 47.56.250
revenue 36.89.100 affected 36.35.080 Tort claims against Ch. 36.45
definitions 36.89.010 purpose 36.35.010 bond may not be required of local government
delinquent charges, lien 36.89.065 trust lands 53.25.060, 53.25.070, 53.25.080 entity for any purpose in any case 4.96.050
delinquent service charges, interest rate Tax title lands Ch. 36.35 liability for tortious conduct of officers,
alternative 36.89.092 Taxation employees, and volunteers 4.96.010
foreclosure procedures, alternative 36.89.094 admissions tax 36.38.010, 36.38.020, payment of damages and defense expenses in
governmental agencies, participation by 36.38.030 action against officer, employee, or
36.89.050 air pollution control 70.94.091 volunteer 4.96.041
lien of delinquent charges, alternative cemetery districts 68.52.290, 68.52.310 presentment and filing of claims, requirements
36.89.093 cities and towns, off-street parking, in lieu tax 4.96.020
mosquito abatement in retention ponds payments 35.86A.110 Tourism promotion areas Ch. 35.101
90.03.675 division of, collection and apportionment Tourism-related facilities
participation by other governmental agencies 36.09.050 financing Ch. 67.28
36.89.050 fire protection districts Tourist promotion 36.32.450
powers and authority are supplemental general levy 52.16.130, 52.16.160 Trade centers, annual service fee, distribution to
36.89.060, 36.89.062 tax levies for 52.16.040 cities and towns 53.29.030
purpose 36.89.020 gambling activities Trading stamps
rates and charges 36.89.080 authorization, limits 9.46.110 licenses Ch. 19.83
public property subject to 36.89.085, public safety purposes 9.46.113 Traffic control devices in
36.94.145 high school levy against nonhigh school conformance to state standards 47.36.030
rates and charges, county imposition in districts 28A.545.010, 28A.545.020 duty to erect and maintain 47.36.060
annexed or incorporated areas 36.89.120, horticultural tax 15.08.260, 15.08.270 erection and maintenance 47.36.100
36.94.470 housing authorities, sums in lieu of 35.83.040 generally Ch. 47.36
transfer of ownership and operation to other insurance companies, state preemption stop signs on county roads 47.36.100
governmental agencies 36.89.050 48.14.020 transportation department to furnish at cost
utility local improvement districts, special levies, review of by state auditor 43.09.265 47.36.040
assessment authority 36.89.110 municipal local improvement assessments, Traffic infractions
Street projects effect 35.49.140 parks and recreation rules, violation of
construction or improvements, prerequisite to parking charges tax for stadium and exhibition 36.68.080
property development center parking facility 36.38.040 recreation districts, violation of rules
alternative financing methods 35.72.050 property tax 36.69.180
may contract with land owner county hospitals 36.62.090 Traffic school in Ch. 46.83
reimbursement by other land owners county lands assessment fund, limitation Transfer of property or contracts for use for park
35.72.020, 35.72.030, 35.72.040 36.33.140 and recreational purposes 39.33.060
Streets and alleys county road fund 36.82.040 Transit stations
agreements with cities for planning, county roads and bridges 36.76.120 conduct at, unlawful 9.91.025
construction and maintenance 35.77.020 levy after budget fixed 36.40.090 Transportation
pedestrian rights-of-way, using street and road park and recreation districts, regular levy bus service, agreements for under
funds for 36.82.148 36.69.145 intergovernmental cooperation 39.34.085
Streets projects park and recreation districts, special levy comprehensive plans
construction or improvements, prerequisite to 36.69.140 county transportation authority 36.57.070
property development property taxes county transportation authority
may contract with land owner 35.72.010 eminent domain in aid of federal or state acquisition of existing systems 36.57.090
Subdivision, See PLATTING, SUBDIVISION improvements advanced financial support payment from
AND DEDICATION OF LAND tax levy to pay costs 8.08.110 the state 36.57A.150
Subdivision of land, planning agencies review refunding bonds, tax levy to meet payments authorized 36.57.020
36.70.680 and interest 39.52.035 bonding power 36.57.090
Substance use disorder treatment program road district taxes, payment to city street fund chair, appointment 36.57.050
program establishment, authority, 35.02.140 definitions 36.57.010
requirements 70.96A.110 sales tax, See COUNTIES, subtitle Retail elements of 36.70.350
substance use disorder, definition of sales tax, cities and counties employee transfers, preservation of benefits
70.96A.020 sewerage, water and drainage systems, tax on 36.57.090
Subterranean water gross revenues authorized 36.94.160 exclusive authority, transfer of existing
aquifer protection areas special stadium sales and use tax 82.14.360 funds 36.57.080
purpose 36.36.010 telephone access line use expenses, contributions by county, cities and
Superior court judges use of funds voluntarily remitted 82.14B.055 towns 36.57.060
allocation of 2.08.061, 2.08.062, 2.08.063, Taxicab companies feasibility study, financial support payment
2.08.064, 2.08.065 cooperative agreements by political 35.58.2712
salaries subdivisions for joint regulation 81.72.220 general manager, powers, compensation,
apportionment where in judicial district local regulatory powers listed 81.72.210 appointment, removal 36.57.050
2.08.110 rate adjustments 81.72.240 labor relations 36.57.090
payment 2.08.100 Taxing district relief act Ch. 39.64 membership, compensation 36.57.030
serving districts comprising more than one Telecommunication device installation for powers and duties 36.57.040
county access to emergency services 70.54.180 special needs transportation 36.57.130
travel expenses, reimbursement of 2.08.115 Telecommunications systems transportation fund, disbursements,
visiting judges, expenses of paid by county acquisition method for municipalities contributions 36.57.060
2.08.170 39.04.270 maintenance plan, state funding 36.56.121
Superior courts, See SUPERIOR COURTS Telephones municipal transit vehicle, defined 46.04.355
Surcharges of county officers automatic number or location identification, municipality, defined 35.58.272
clerks 36.18.020 regulation prohibited 36.32.475 public transportation benefit areas
Surety Television reception improvement districts, See advanced financial support payment from
governmental construction projects, no TELEVISION RECEPTION the state 36.57A.150
security required for building permit IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS cities, inclusion requirements, exception
issuance 36.32.590 Temporary additional tonnage permits for motor 36.57A.040
Surface mining, regulation and enforcement Ch. vehicles, conditions 46.44.096 creation, boundaries 36.57.110
78.44 Therapeutic courts, See COURTS establishment, review by legislative
Tax on net income prohibited 36.65.030 Third class authority 36.57A.030
Tax title land prosecuting attorneys, private law practice feasibility study, financial support payment
acquisition by cities and towns 35.49.150 prohibited, when 36.27.060 35.58.2712
chapter as alternative 36.35.070 Title insurance business, generally Ch. 48.29 special needs transportation 36.57A.180

[RCW Indexpage 164] (2016 Ed.)


public transportation improvement new and rehabilitated multi-unit dwellings in Water companies
conferences urban centers, property tax exemption commission may enter into agreements with
convening, when and by whom 36.57A.020 qualification and procedure Ch. 84.14 county to regulate companies located
public-private transportation initiatives Urban forest management within county 80.28.185
program Ch. 47.46 evergreen communities act Ch. 35.105 Water conservancy boards, creation and duties
regional transportation investment districts Urban growth areas Ch. 90.80
Ch. 36.120 new and rehabilitated multi-unit dwellings in Water conservation programs
unincorporated area service authority, urban growth areas, property tax exemption assistance to water customers 36.94.460
limitations 36.57.100 qualification and procedure Ch. 84.14 financing 36.94.450
Transportation, department of, assistance with Utility local improvement districts revenue bonds issuance authorized 36.94.450
bond issues 36.76.140 establishment, procedure 36.94.230 Water districts, See WATER-SEWER
Transportation, See also PUBLIC Vacancies in office, partisan elective county DISTRICTS
TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS officers Water pollution control
Transportation benefit districts election to fill, when 42.12.040 detergent phosphorus content Ch. 70.95L
assumption by counties Ch. 36.74 Vehicle parking project financing, contracts for state aid
generally Ch. 36.73 authority to operate and collect rentals for 90.48.285
Transportation centers, See parking facilities as a part of a courthouse waste disposal permits 90.48.160, 90.48.162,
TRANSPORTATION, subtitle or combined county-city building facility 90.48.165, 90.48.170, 90.48.180,
Transportation centers 36.01.080 90.48.190, 90.48.195, 90.48.200
Transportation facilities, development, See revenue bonds, authority to issue 36.67.520 Water pollution control facilities and services,
PORT DISTRICTS Vehicles selection of providers
Transportation improvements, donations of right confidential license plates, drivers licenses, competitive bid law inapplicable 36.32.265
of way 36.32.510 and identicards 46.08.066 Water systems
Transportation projects golf cart zones 46.08.175 charges, construction cost
environmental review marking requirements, exceptions 46.08.065 notice, recording 65.08.170
collaborative process 36.70A.430 remarking of previously marked vehicles charges, construction costs
intent 36.70A.420 46.08.068 payment, release 65.08.180
infrastructure violations of license plate or marking county assumption of substandard systems,
construction aggregate and recycled concrete requirements 46.08.067 limited immunity from liability 36.94.480
materials, use of 70.95.805, 70.95.807 Venereal diseases, See VENEREAL DISEASES low income persons, connection charges,
Travel expenses Venue waiver 36.94.370
charge cards 42.24.115 actions by or against 36.01.050 municipal water and sewer facilities act
Treasurer, See COUNTY TREASURER Vessel owned by county charges, construction costs
Tuberculosis transfer of ownership notice, recording 65.08.170
hospitals, See COUNTIES, subtitle County requirements 36.32.302, 36.32.304 payment, release 65.08.180
hospitals review of vessels physical condition tap-in, connection, hookup fees, charges,
Twenty-four hour headlight policy on state 36.32.302 waiver, low income persons 36.94.370
highways, may request creation by Veterans Water systems, See also SEWERAGE, WATER
department of transportation 47.04.180 indigent veterans and families, assistance AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS
Unclaimed property, disposal Ch. 63.40 programs Ch. 73.08 COUNTIES
Underground electric and communication meeting places for veterans organizations, Watercourses
facilities authority to provide 73.04.070 flood control 36.32.280, 36.32.290
contracts 36.88.430 Vital statistics obstruction removal 36.32.290
electric and communication utilities registrar 70.58.020 regulation of 36.32.280
authorized, provisions 36.88.440 Vital statistics, See also VITAL STATISTICS tree removal 36.32.300
county road improvement districts law Volunteer labor, nominal compensation not Water-sewer districts
application of general provisions of deemed salary 49.46.065 authorized 57.04.020
36.88.480 Voting precincts, See COUNTIES, subtitle contracts for services to property owners,
special assessments 36.88.430 Elections conditions 57.08.044
declaration of public interest 36.88.410 Warrants conveyance of land for park and recreation
definitions 36.88.420 airports 14.08.118 purposes 57.08.140
powers of county relating to 36.88.430 bond issues, interest payment, coupons Watersheds
procedure to convert, notice, objections, 36.67.070 cooperative watershed management
hearing, time limitation 36.88.450 breaking, when authorized 36.33.090 36.01.230, 36.89.130, 36.94.490
purposes 36.88.410 cancellation after one year 39.56.040 restoration projects
recording of underground utility installation, county road fund, used to pay, when 36.82.080 permit processing 36.70.992
filing 36.88.485 deemed as cash, when 36.33.100 Weed districts, organization, powers, and duties
special assessments 36.88.430 duties of county auditor 36.22.050, 36.22.060, Ch. 17.04
utility conversion guarantee fund 36.22.070, 36.22.090, 36.22.100 Weeds, noxious weed control, See WEEDS
establishment authorized, purpose, deposits, emergencies, payment 36.40.190 Welfare, See PUBLIC ASSISTANCE, subtitle
investments 36.88.460 interest 36.29.040, 36.29.050 County offices
operation 36.88.470 interest rate 39.56.020 Well sealing and decommissioning, authority
Underground storage tanks, requirements Ch. lost or destroyed, procedure 39.72.010, 18.104.043
90.76 39.72.020 Wharves, docks, and landings Ch. 88.24
Unfit dwellings payment 36.29.060 Wharves and landings
appeal provisions 35.80.030 procedure to invest 36.33.080 generally, See WHARVES, DOCKS AND
assessment against real property, repair, purchase from current expense fund 36.33.070 PIERS
removal or demolition costs 35.80.030 rate fixed by issuing officer 39.56.030 Whistleblower protection proceedings
complaints salaries of officers and employees 36.17.040 administrative law judge
contents 35.80.030 tax refund funds assignment of judge to conduct proceedings
notice of hearing 35.80.030 breaking warrant, when authorized at request of local government 34.12.038
service of 35.80.030 36.33.090 costs for proceedings, allocation of
definitions for 35.80.020 deemed as cash, when 36.33.100 responsibility for 34.12.039
demolition assessment, lien against property procedure to invest 36.33.080 Witnesses
35.80.030 purchase from current expense fund county liability for payment 36.01.060
improvement board 36.33.070 Workers compensation
creation 35.80.030 Washington health care authority, advancements, offenders performing community restitution
powers of 35.80.030 contributions to, authorized 70.37.110 36.16.139
legislative purpose, declaration of 35.80.010 Waste reduction and recycling World War II reparations
standards for authority 36.58.040 municipal employees, redress 41.04.580,
demolition 35.80.030 Waste treatment plant operators, certification, 41.04.585, 41.04.590, 41.04.595
use and occupancy 35.80.030 See WASTE TREATMENT PLANT Youth agencies, participation 35.21.630
Urban centers OPERATORS Zoning

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 165]


appearance of fairness doctrine Ch. 42.36 Bond voters and registration Ch. 29A.08
conditional or special use permits, when official voters pamphlets Ch. 29A.32
mediation prior to appeal is required amount 36.16.050 voting systems Ch. 29A.12
36.32.525, 36.70.678 filing 36.16.060 Elections, See also ELECTIONS
manufactured housing registrars of titles 65.12.055 Elections administrators
nonconforming use 36.70.493 Books for records number certified 36.22.220
Zoo and aquarium advisory authority 36.01.180, provide and keep records 65.04.020 Elective officer, enumeration as 36.16.030
36.01.190 Budgets Eminent domain by city or town
COUNTIES, ASSOCIATION OF estimation 36.40.030 petition for condemnation
Coordination between counties, payment preliminary preparation 36.40.040 service when school, state, or county lands
36.32.350 Chattel liens, filing notice 60.08.060 involved 8.12.080
County road administration board, members Cities and towns under 20,000, general Encumbrances on real property, satisfaction or
appointed by executive committee of indebtedness bonds, failure to levy tax to pay release, duty concerning 65.04.060
36.78.030 principal and interest, procedure 35.37.120 Endorsement of time and place of record
Merger with association of county officials Claims against county, audit of 36.22.040 65.04.090
36.47.070 Claims for services, audit of 36.22.080 Estimates of revenues and expenditures
Claims fund, reimbursement of fund 36.33.065 filing by county officials 36.40.010
COUNTY ASSESSORS Combination of office with county clerk in Expenditures in excess of budget, liability of
Administrative programs, coordination, county with population of less than five officials 36.40.130
generally Ch. 36.47 thousand, salary 36.16.032 Federal tax liens
Annual report to revenue department 36.21.100 Commissioners seal, custodian 36.22.020 duties concerning 60.68.045
Appraisers Construction liens Fees
continuing education requirements for persons claim of lien enumeration 36.18.010
assessing real property 36.21.015 recording of notice of claim, requirements lien for services of sires, filing fees 60.52.050
employment 36.21.011 and fee 60.04.111 plats for towns on United States land
qualifications and examination of persons Corporate filings, See CORPORATIONS, 58.28.080
assessing real property 36.21.015 subtitle Filings recording instruments 65.04.130
Assessment rolls County commissioners Filings with
mobile home, initial placement 36.21.090 clerk of 36.32.110 affecting title to real property in federal court
newly constructed property, when placed on County legislative authority 4.28.325
36.21.080 proceedings, publication 36.22.020 corporations, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle
placement of value of property increased in County transportation authority, receipts, Filings
value by construction or alteration on rolls, disbursements records, warrant payment geological surveys of mining claims, reports
when 36.21.080 36.57.060 filed with 78.08.072
Assessors plat, compliance with platting, Custodian of records 65.04.140 platting, subdivision and dedication of land
subdivision and dedication of land act Deeds of trust, reference to master form 58.17.170, 58.17.190
58.17.050 65.08.160 Uniform Commercial Code, duties, See
Building permits, copy to assessor 19.27.140 Delivery of instrument or paper after recording UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE,
Buildings 65.04.090 subtitle Filing
newly constructed Deputies, acknowledgment of instruments Fire protection districts
appraisal 36.21.070 64.08.010 petition, certification 52.02.030
placement on assessment rolls 36.21.080 Description and plan of new or limited access petition, notice of sufficiency 52.02.035
Certifies taxable valuation to air pollution control highway recorded by 47.28.025 Fiscal matters, appropriation, monthly report
authority 70.94.095 Diking districts 36.40.210
Deputies signature of petition for formation, when Highways
appointment 36.21.011 85.05.083 description of new or limited access highway
continuing education requirements for persons District court districting committee member recorded by 47.28.025
assessing real property 36.21.015 3.38.010 Indexing in accordance with printed or
qualifications and examination of persons Division of county, duties in regard to 36.09.020, typewritten names on documents 65.04.115
assessing real property 36.21.015 36.09.035, 36.09.040 Intercounty petitions for incorporations Ch.
Elective officer, enumeration as 36.16.030 Document preservation 35.02
Flood control districts, copies of base assessment system modernization, authority to conduct Judgments affecting real property, recording
map to be filed with 86.09.442 36.22.160 notice, effect as 65.04.070
Mosquito control districts, certification of Duties Land office receipts, recording of, effect
assessed valuation 17.28.310 enumeration 36.22.010 65.08.050
Official bonds provide and keep records 65.04.020 Liability
amounts 36.16.050 Elections records and recording errors, exception
filing 36.16.060 assistants 65.04.110
Platting, subdivision and dedication of land, appointment 36.22.220 Liens, satisfaction or release, duty concerning
assessors plat 58.18.010 qualifications 36.22.230 65.04.060
Public utilities located in another county, ballots and other voting forms Ch. 29A.36 Lis pendens, deed of trust, foreclosure, effect
assessment 35.21.430, 35.21.440, 35.21.450 canvassing Ch. 29A.60 61.24.040
Schools and school districts, duties concerning canvassing board member for bond issue Logging liens, recording and indexing 60.24.075
bond issues, validating indebtedness elections 39.40.030 Manufactured homes
28A.535.070 contesting an election Ch. 29A.68 elimination of title
copy of decision affecting school district crimes and penalties Ch. 29A.84 notice to county assessor 65.20.120
boundary to assessor 28A.645.040 deputies Marriage certificate
COUNTY AUDITORS appointment 36.22.220 family law handbook 2.56.180
Abstracts, preparation of 65.04.140 qualifications 36.22.230 Marriage certificates 26.04.100
Acknowledgment of instruments 64.08.010 filing for office Ch. 29A.24 Marriage licenses
Administrative programs, coordination, generally, definitions Ch. 29A.04 disclosure 26.04.175
generally Ch. 36.47 initiative and referendum, state Ch. 29A.72 issuance 26.04.140
Alcoholic beverages, local option petition, duties mail, elections by Ch. 29A.40 preservation of license applications 26.04.105
66.40.040, 66.40.100 nuclear waste site disapproval Ch. 29A.88 waiting period, notice 26.04.180
Archives and records management political parties Ch. 29A.80 Master form, deeds of trust and mortgage
training 36.22.175 port district consolidation elections, provisions, recording of, recording
Attorney or lobbyist, prohibition against acting certification 53.46.030 instruments containing provision of by
as 36.22.110 precincts Ch. 29A.16 reference to 65.08.160
Banks, corporate filings, See BANKS AND primaries and elections Ch. 29A.52 Medical service liens, recording 60.44.030
BANKING, subtitle Filings recounts Ch. 29A.64 Metropolitan municipal corporations elections,
Binding site plan 58.17.040 redistricting Ch. 29A.76 duties 35.58.090
Board of appraisers and adjusters, when member special circumstances elections Ch. 29A.56 Mining claims 78.08.040
of 36.08.060 vacancies Ch. 29A.28 Mining surveys

[RCW Indexpage 166] (2016 Ed.)


filing with 78.06.020 bond for 65.12.055 Auctioneers licensing, powers in regard to
forwarding to department of natural resources designation as 65.12.050 36.71.070, 36.71.080
78.06.030 fee, salary 65.12.800 Bailiffs compensation set by 2.32.360
Mobile home or park model trailer movement Reports, monthly 36.40.210 Board of
permits Retirement, duties upon 36.22.150 appeals from, procedure 36.32.330
property tax payment certificate 46.44.170 Salaries of judges of superior court attorneys, special employment of, contract
Mortgages apportionment to counties in judicial district duration 36.32.200
cancellation order 61.16.030 2.08.110 chair
reference to master form 65.08.160 payment 2.08.100 powers 36.32.100
satisfaction or release, duty concerning Salary fund, reimbursement of fund 36.33.060 clerk
65.04.060 School districts officials signatures filed with duties 36.32.110
Motor vehicle licensing 28A.400.020 temporary 36.22.120
agent of director of department of licensing, State auditor, county auditor as ex officio deputy coordination between counties
auditor as 46.01.130, 46.01.140 36.22.140 authority for 36.32.340
records, destruction, time for 46.01.270 Survey recording, duties 58.09.110 conventions 36.32.360
subagents and subagencies 46.01.140 Townsites on United States land, filing of plat county airport district board, governing body
Name change orders 58.28.030, 58.28.080 of 14.08.300
filing and recording 36.22.200 Transcripts established 36.32.010
Name changes 4.24.130 city harbor lying in two counties, transfer of meetings
Oaths, administration of 36.22.030 territory 36.08.090 joint regular 36.32.080
Official bonds judgment satisfaction or release, duties joint special 36.32.090
amount 36.16.050 concerning 65.04.060 outside the county seat, meetings held
filing 36.16.060 Visiting judges expenses 2.08.170 36.32.080
Orchard and orchard land liens, filing 60.16.020 Warrants regular 36.32.080
Platted land issuance 36.22.050 special 36.32.090
binding site plan 58.17.040 original claims, retention 36.22.070 postponement of action, when 36.32.130
Port districts political subdivisions 36.22.090 records
consolidations, duties in regard to 53.46.005, records 36.22.060 mutilated, transcribing
53.46.030, 53.46.080 unclaimed, cancellation of 36.22.100 certification by county auditor 36.32.160
formation petition, duties 53.04.020 COUNTY CLERK preservation of originals 36.32.170
Process servers Administrative programs, coordination, when authorized 36.32.150
registration 36.22.210 generally Ch. 36.47 proceedings 36.32.140
regulation Ch. 18.180 Adoption transcript of proceedings as prima facie
social security numbers of process servers search for birth parents or children evidence 5.44.070
exemption from public inspection and clerks duty to provide information vacancies, filling of, procedure 36.32.070
copying 36.22.215 regarding sources of assistance 36.23.090 Bonds, official 36.32.060
Public transportation benefit areas Adoption statistics data 26.33.280 Bridges, franchises on, duties, generally Ch.
powers and duties 36.57A.130 36.55
Bonds, official, determination of amount Building codes, authority to adopt 36.43.010
Recording instruments 36.23.020
additional fees for certain documents Cities and towns
65.04.048 Books to be kept 36.23.030 annexation of unincorporated areas, duties Ch.
books of plats, manner of keeping 65.04.050 Child support payments, disposition 36.48.090 35.13
books of records, arrangement 65.04.040 Combined with county auditor in county with drawbridge erection
deeds of trust, master form provisions population of less than five thousand, salary notification 35.74.020
65.08.160 36.16.032 width of draw determination 35.74.030
definitions 65.04.015 County with population of less than five Clerk
duties of 65.08.150 thousand, office combined with county duties 36.22.010, 36.32.110
entries 65.04.080 auditor 36.16.032 temporary 36.22.120
entry in wrong records, liability 65.08.140 Court exhibits, reporters notes, unopened Compensation
fees 65.04.130 depositions, destruction, sheriffs disposal, extra services 36.32.310
form and content 65.04.045, 65.04.047 or preservation 36.23.070 Comprehensive plans
index, manner of keeping 65.04.050 Elective officer, enumeration as 36.16.030 approval or change 36.70.440
liability for errors in, exception 65.04.110 Fees, enumeration and distribution 36.18.012, initiation or change 36.70.430
master form, mortgage or deeds of trust 36.18.014, 36.18.016, 36.18.018 referral to 36.70.420
provisions 65.08.160 Fees and surcharges, enumeration and Continuity of government in event of enemy
methods of recording 65.04.040 distribution 36.18.020 attack, succession to office of county
mortgages, master form provision, reference Filings with commissioner 42.14.040
to 65.08.160 official bonds 36.16.060 Conventions, authority for 36.32.360
names appearing on records to be printed or Funds Coroners account, audit 36.24.180
typewritten 65.04.115 clerks trust fund County assets
public inspection 65.04.140 deposits, interest, and investments 36.48.090 inventory 36.32.210
surcharge deposit 36.48.080 County election reserve fund, creation and use
affordable housing for all 36.22.178 Legal financial obligations 36.33.200
housing assistance for very-low income and collection and distribution 2.56.190 County hospitals
homeless households 43.185C.240 report on collections 36.23.100 powers in regard to 36.62.010
local government archives and records Office, location 36.23.080 County road districts
management 36.22.175 Official bonds formation 36.75.060
local homeless housing and assistance amount 36.16.050 reports 36.75.060
36.22.179 filing 36.16.060 County road fund, use for city streets 35.77.030
surcharge for prosecution of mortgage lending Partition proceedings, See PARTITION County road improvement districts, generally
fraud Records Ch. 36.88
deeds of trust 36.22.181 to be kept 36.23.030 County roads
Recording of documents custody and delivery of 36.23.040 establishment procedure, generally Ch. 36.81
approved processes 65.04.030 destruction and reproduction of 36.23.065 limited access facilities, commissioners
Recording officer Visiting judges, expense certificate 2.08.170 powers and duties relating to Ch. 47.52
designation 36.18.005, 65.08.060 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (See also County roads and bridges, additional powers in
document recording COUNTY LEGISLATIVE regard to 36.75.040
approved processes 65.04.030 AUTHORITY) County roads and bridges, See also COUNTY
Records Air pollution control, representation on ROADS AND BRIDGES, subtitle County
liability for errors in 65.08.140 authorities and councils 70.94.100, commissioners
public highways, informalities, effect 70.94.240 County seat removal notices 36.12.070
36.75.100 Annexation, boundary review board powers Court commissioners salary fixed by 2.24.030
Registrars of titles supersede powers of Ch. 35.13, 36.93.220 Defined 36.32.005

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 167]


Diking, drainage, sewerage improvement record of 36.32.380 Terms of office 36.32.030

districts, filing property roll with 85.15.030 Legal aid 2.50.160 Town boundaries uncertain, duty in regard to
Diking and drainage districts declaration of necessity, resolution by 35.27.040
reorganization1917 act, powers in regard to 2.50.040 Traffic school of city or town and county,
85.20.140, 85.20.150 Libraries, duties of commissioners Ch. 27.12 commissioners powers and duties relating
reorganization1933 act, powers in regard to Licenses, auctioneers 36.71.070, 36.71.080 to Ch. 46.83
85.22.130, 85.22.140 Metropolitan municipal corporations, effect upon Underground storage of natural gas, lease of
Diking districts, See DIKING AND Ch. 35.58 county property for 80.40.070
DRAINAGE, subtitle Diking districts Mineral and petroleum leases on county land, Uniform state standard of traffic devices, copy of
Districts duties Ch. 78.16 to be furnished to 47.36.030
division of county into 36.32.020 Mining shafts, abandonment, safeguarding, Water districts, See WATER-SEWER
nomination of candidates 36.32.040 duties 78.12.060 DISTRICTS
Economic opportunity act of 1964, powers and Navigable waters, sale and use by diking Watercourses, regulation and control 36.32.280,
duties 36.32.410 districts, duties 85.05.082 36.32.290, 36.32.300
Election of commissioners 36.32.040, 36.32.050 Official bonds COUNTY CORONERS (See CORONERS)
Elections amount 36.16.050
canvassing board for bond issue elections, filing 36.16.060 COUNTY COURTS (See SUPERIOR
member of 39.40.030 Official controls, plans and planning 36.70.600, COURTS)
exception for 36.16.010 36.70.610, 36.70.620, 36.70.630, 36.70.640, COUNTY FAIRS (See AGRICULTURAL
Elective officers, enumeration as 36.16.030 36.70.650, 36.70.660 FAIRS)
Emergencies Official seal 36.32.135 COUNTY FERRY DISTRICTS
nondebatable 36.40.180, 36.40.190 Official seal, counties 36.16.050 Assumption of district authority by county Ch.
subject to hearing Parks, may designate name of 36.32.430 36.150
court review 36.40.170 Planning agencies, special referral matters Budget of fund requirements 36.54.150
order of commissioners 36.40.140 36.70.510 Dissolution 36.54.190
payment 36.40.190 Plans and planning General indebtedness, bond issuance 36.54.135
suspension of order 36.40.160 approval or change 36.70.440 Powers, governing body 36.54.110, 36.54.120
taxpayers right of review 36.40.150 initiation or change 36.70.430 Tax levy 36.54.130
Employee safety award programs 36.32.460 referral to 36.70.420 Tax levy, excess 36.54.140
Employees, employment by, additional authority Port districts Tax levy, general property 36.54.160
36.32.440 budgets, filing 53.35.040 Treasurer, ferry district fund 36.54.170
Expenditures in excess of budget, liability of consolidation, no active port commission Utilities and transportation commission, not
officials 36.40.130 53.46.050 subject to 36.54.180
emergencies, nondebatable 36.40.180, dissolution, no active port commission Vessel replacement surcharge, use of revenues
36.40.190 53.46.050 36.54.200
Ferries industrial development districts, trust lands
joint ferries between counties, refusal to act, 53.25.060, 53.25.070, 53.25.080 COUNTY HOSPITALS (See COUNTIES,
impeachment 36.54.070 Powers and duties 36.32.120 subtitle County hospitals)
regulation of rates 36.53.080, 36.53.090 Public defender system, election to establish COUNTY LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY
Fire protection districts 36.26.030 (See also COUNTY COMMISSIONERS)
hearing for formation 52.02.060 Public hospital districts, generally Ch. 70.44 Assumption of rights, powers, functions, and
Fire regulations, authority to adopt 36.43.010 Public utility districts obligations of metropolitan municipal
Fish and wildlife land, withdrawal of state land boundaries 54.12.010 corporation by county with population of
from lease 77.12.370 five commissioner districts, division two hundred ten thousand or more, duties as
Five-member board 54.40.060, 54.40.070 to Ch. 36.56, 36.56.010
division of county into districts, procedure Public works and purchases Cities and towns
36.32.0552 competitive bidding exemptions 36.32.270 incorporation Ch. 35.02
new positions purchasing agent 36.32.260 Coordination between counties
how filled 36.32.0552 Public works contractors bond, liability for state association of counties 36.32.350
terms of initially elected commissioners failure to take 39.08.015 County census, authorized 36.13.020
36.32.0554 Reports to first class school district accounts Court commissioners
nomination by district, election by vote of 28A.330.090 number in county to be determined by
entire county 36.32.0556 Revenue bonds, issuance of, legislative authority authority 2.24.010
procedure to authorize 36.32.055 duties 36.67.510, 36.67.520, 36.67.530, Criminal commissioners
quorum 36.32.0556 36.67.540, 36.67.550, 36.67.560, 36.67.570 appointment, qualifications, term of office
terms of office 36.32.0556 River and harbor improvement districts Ch. 2.24.010
vacancies, filling of, procedure 36.32.0558 88.32 Dispute resolution centers
Fixing of county population, census as basis Road and bridge construction, estimates of surcharge on filing fees in district court and
36.13.050 expenditures, budget law 36.40.020 small claims actions
Flood control districts1937 act Roads authority to impose to fund 7.75.035
bonds, commissioners to cause assessments closing of or restricting traffic on Ch. 47.48 District court districting committee, membership
for payment of, when 86.09.619 franchises on, generally Ch. 36.55 3.38.010
treasurer ex officio, duties 86.09.322 Rule-making authority, exclusions 36.32.125 District court judges
Flood control duties 36.32.280, 36.32.290 Salaries and wages additional positions, approval by county
Flood control zones, county wide districts, extra services 36.32.310 legislative authority required 3.34.025
authority of board generally 86.15.025 salary commissions 36.17.024 request for change in number, procedure
Health districts, generally Ch. 70.46 Sewer districts, See WATER-SEWER 3.34.020
Indigent persons, disposal of remains 36.39.030 DISTRICTS Fire protection districts
Insurance, liability insurance against claims Sewerage, water and drainage systems action on petition to form 52.02.070
against for personal or bodily injury arising adoption, amendment or rejection of general annexation of territory
out of an official act authorized 36.16.136 plan 36.94.090 petition method, action on 52.04.051
Intercounty petitions for incorporation Ch. 35.02 adoption of rules and regulations 36.94.130 annexation of territory, procedure 52.04.011
Inventory of county assets, duty 36.32.210 general plan, filing 36.94.080 district name, change by resolution of
Irrigation districts rates and charges, fixing of, factors to be authority 52.30.060
division, duty of 87.04.030 considered 36.94.140 elections, declaration of results 52.02.110
joint control, formation 87.80.040 Sewerage, water and drainage systems, See also formation and organization
organization 87.03.020 SEWERAGE, WATER AND DRAINAGE calling of election 52.02.070
Irrigation districts, See also IRRIGATION SYSTEMSCOUNTIES merger of part of district with another district,
DISTRICTS State limited access facility through county, duties 52.06.090
Joint ferries between counties, refusal to act, board of review to review plan, county tax levy collection 52.16.040
impeachment 36.54.070 commissioners to appoint members Fiscal matters, county roads and bridges budget,
Land surveys 47.52.150 preparation of 36.82.160
authority for 36.32.370 Tax levy, county land assessment fund 36.33.120 Jail labor, reduction of fines and costs for

[RCW Indexpage 168] (2016 Ed.)


ratesetting authority 10.82.030 Modification connecting road across third county

Justice and inferior courts act of 1961 notice and hearing 36.60.020 36.75.220
validation of prior action and organization Notice 36.60.020 maintenance 36.75.210
3.74.940 Powers 36.60.010 streams, bridges across 36.75.160
Leases Property tax Boundary of city is county road
competitive bids, procedure 36.32.253 excess levies authorized 36.60.040 city to maintain road 36.75.203
Libraries, duties of authority Ch. 27.12 Revenue bonds Bridges
Local law and justice plan 36.28A.020 limitations, terms 36.60.060 boundary roads, power to erect over 36.75.170
Meetings State aid 36.60.030 boundary streams, power to erect over
joint regular 36.32.080 Treasurer 36.60.010 36.75.160
joint special 36.32.090 city streets, county road funds for 36.75.200
outside the county seat, meetings held COUNTY ROAD ADMINISTRATION county commissioners resolution for
36.32.080 BOARD 36.75.170
regular 36.32.080 Board, defined 36.78.010 freeholders petition for 36.75.180
special 36.32.090 Certificates of good practice Budgets, See COUNTY ROADS AND
Metropolitan municipal corporations conditional certificate 36.78.100 BRIDGES, subtitle Fiscal matters
assumption of rights, powers, functions, and issuance, effect 36.78.090 Canals and ditches, road improvement districts
obligations by county, authority and duties Chair, election 36.78.050 assessments and benefits 36.88.380
Ch. 36.56, 36.56.010 Composition 36.78.040 authority for 36.88.015
Official county newspaper County forces construction budgets, standards, construction, joint, authority 36.64.060
designation of 36.72.071 violations 36.77.065 installation of 36.88.400
duties as to 36.72.075 County road engineer, employment of 36.78.080 maintenance expenses 36.88.350
Port districts County road executive director 36.78.060 rights of entry 36.88.390
formation resolution 53.04.020 Created 36.78.030 City streets
Powers and duties 36.32.120 Duties 36.78.070 bridges on, use of county road funds
Proceedings, publication 36.22.020 county road and bridges budget, duties 36.75.200
Prosecuting attorney, duties 36.27.020 relating to 36.82.160 extension of county road, when 36.75.205
Public auction sales, legislative authority to records to be kept by the county road engineer, Classification, federal functional classification
determine where held 36.16.140 duties related to 36.80.060 system application 36.86.070
Public works Expenses of, how paid 36.78.110 Closure of or restriction of traffic on authorized,
contract awarding procedure 36.32.250 Meetings 36.78.050 procedure Ch. 47.48
small works roster process 36.32.250 Members Columbia basin project, establishment by plat
Public works and purchases appointment 36.78.030 36.81.140
competitive bids 36.32.240, 36.32.245 qualification 36.78.040 Compensation to county, persons benefiting may
contract awarding procedure 36.32.240 reimbursement of for expenses 36.78.080 be required to 36.87.110
purchasing department 36.32.240 terms 36.78.030 Comprehensive transportation program
recycled materials, preferential purchase of vacancies, filling of 36.78.030 preparation for ensuing six-year period
36.32.245 Model maintenance management system 36.81.121
Salaries 36.78.121 Comprehensive transportation program plan
ratification of pre-election adjustments Reports 36.78.070 to conform to comprehensive plan 36.81.121
36.40.205 Rules and regulations 36.78.050 Condemnation for
Salary schedule, authority to establish 36.17.020 Rural arterial program, See RURAL ARTERIAL aviation site 36.85.020
Water districts, See WATER-SEWER PROGRAM public land 36.85.030
DISTRICTS Standards of good practice, defined 36.78.020 rights-of-way 36.85.010
Coordinating agency Airspace, rent or lease of, power of county ditch maintenance agreement, county road
costs and expenses 36.47.040 commissioners, limitation on 36.75.040 funds 36.82.075
county administrative program 36.47.030 Consolidated road improvement districts
Alignment of county road may be revised for
Financial records, audit 36.47.060 bond issuance authority 36.88.375
purposes of limited access highways
Merger with association of counties 36.47.070 47.52.020 Construction
Sheriffs uniforms, filing description of standard bids
Approaches 36.75.130 call for 36.77.020
uniforms 36.28.170 Bicycle paths, lanes, routes or roadways, deposits to accompany 36.77.030
COUNTY PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION construction of, standards 36.75.240 opening procedure 36.77.030
AUTHORITY (See COUNTIES, subtitle Billboards and signs, railroad grade crossings, contract
Transportation, county transportation regulation of 36.86.100 awarding 36.77.040
authority; PUBLIC Bond issues contractors bond 36.77.040
TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, act of 1913 county forces
subtitle County transportation authority) authority for 36.76.080 electrical jobs, maximum annual amount
COUNTY RAIL DISTRICTS city assistance 36.76.110 36.77.065
Alternative method of establishment, election maximum annual amounts, determination
modification, or dissolution ballots for 36.76.090 36.77.065
assumption of outstanding indebtedness notice 36.76.100 publication of information 36.77.070
36.60.140 procedure 36.76.090 estimates by county commissioners 36.40.020
determination of county legislative authority requirement 36.76.080 maps, plans, and specifications 36.77.010
36.60.130 proceeds, disposition of 36.76.110 plans and planning for 36.81.130
petition 36.60.110 taxes to pay principal and interest 36.76.120 standards, minimum 36.86.020, 36.86.030
public hearing 36.60.120 transportation, department of, county County commissioners
Authority to provide rail service 36.60.030 assistance 36.76.140 bridges
Boundaries 36.60.010 consolidated road improvement districts boundary streams 36.75.160
Dissolution 36.88.375 county roads 36.75.170
notice and hearing 36.60.020 county road fund, payment of 36.82.080 employment of county engineer 36.75.040
Election 36.60.020 Boundary crossings powers in regard to 36.75.040
Electors 36.60.010 bridges report, secretary of transportation 36.75.260
Eminent domain 36.60.070 county commissioners initiation 36.75.170 vacation of roads, generally Ch. 36.87
Establishment 36.60.010 county roads 36.75.170 County engineer, defined 36.75.010
notice and hearing 36.60.020 engineers report 36.75.190 County forces
Excess property tax levies authorized 36.60.040 freeholders initiation 36.75.180 publication of information 36.77.070
Extraterritorial rail services streams 36.75.160 County legislative authority
authority 36.60.010 county roads, bridges across 36.75.170, agents of the state 36.75.020
General obligation bonds 36.60.040, 36.60.050 36.75.180 County road administration board, See
Hearing 36.60.020 roads COUNTY ROAD ADMINISTRATION
Interlocal cooperation agreements 36.60.030 acquisition of land outside county 36.75.230 BOARD

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 169]


County road districts installation of 36.88.400 Crushed rock, gravel, and other road building
authority for 36.75.060 maintenance expenses 36.88.350 material
community revitalization financing 36.75.065 right of entry 36.88.390 equipment to extract, purchase of 36.82.100
County road executive director 36.78.060 consolidated road improvement districts placing on roads, contribution and payment
County road fund bond issuance authority 36.88.375 for
bicycle paths, lanes, routes and roadways construction or improvement, supervision standards 36.82.110
expenditures for 36.75.240 36.88.320 proceeds from sale of 36.82.120
use, authorized, standards 36.82.145 costs and expenses surplus sales, limitations 36.82.100
bond issues, payment of 36.82.080 credit or reduction of assessments 36.88.305 Definitions 36.75.010
city streets costs and expenses, what included 36.88.330 Department of, director, defined 36.75.010
bridges 36.75.200 creation, resolution for 36.88.060 Design standards committee, duties concerning
construction and repair moneys paid into credits for other assessments 36.88.076 43.32.020
47.24.050 eminent domain, power of 36.88.310 Dikes, roads on or over
use of for city streets 35.77.030 foreclosed property authority for 36.81.100
construction and maintenance of roads holding in trust 36.88.170 condemnation for 36.81.110
36.81.090 sale or lease of 36.88.180 Diking and drainage benefits, payments to
county road improvement districts formation, alternative method 36.88.065 districts 85.07.040, 85.07.050
maintenance expenses 36.88.350 formation, initiation Diking and drainage districts, contributions, for
participation, extent 36.88.340 how 36.88.020 benefits 85.24.240
court actions, use for 36.75.120 notice to contain statement that assessments Director, defined 36.75.010
creation and deposits to 36.82.010 may vary from estimates 36.88.035 Electric transmission lines 80.32.010
directional signs, paid from 47.36.040 petition Eminent domain, against, railroads and canal
ditch maintenance agreement with hearing 36.88.060 companies 81.36.010
conservation district 36.82.075 procedure 36.88.050 Eminent domain, for
expenditure from resolution of aviation site 36.85.020
estimates of expenditures 36.40.020 election 36.88.040 public land 36.85.030
limitation upon 36.82.020 procedure 36.88.030 right-of-way 36.85.010
federal reimbursement 36.82.060 frontage units, defined 36.88.010 Equipment and materials
fines for violations funds centralized storage 36.75.280
disposition to 36.82.210 county road fund, extent of participation extraction equipment, purchase of 36.82.100
forest reserve funds 36.88.340 sale of surplus 36.82.100
distribution, procedure 28A.520.010 guaranty fund for bonds Establishment
forest roads, maintenance 36.82.140 transfer of assets to county general fund engineers report
illegal use of, procedure to correct 47.08.100 36.88.235 contents 36.81.050
motor vehicle fund warrants on 36.88.330 expense of proceedings 36.81.090
use of receipts from 36.82.050 transportation department to approve hearing 36.81.080
warrants in anticipation of, payment resolution for 47.08.080 maps, notes and profiles to be filed
36.82.090 hearings 36.88.060, 36.88.062 36.81.060
proceeds from sale of road building material improvement bonds 36.88.220, 36.88.230 notice of hearing on 36.81.070
36.82.120 assessments freeholders petition
purposes authorized for use 36.82.070 effect on 36.88.260 action on 36.81.040
sidewalks and pedestrian paths, expenditures notice of 36.88.270 bond 36.81.020
for 36.75.240 authorization 36.88.190 deeds and waivers 36.81.030
tax levy for, limitation 36.82.040 bond owners remedies 36.88.250 signatures necessary 36.81.020
toll facilities, use of for county participation form and contents 36.88.200 plans and planning for 36.81.130
47.56.250 payment resolution of county commissioners 36.81.010
warrants cash 36.88.270 Expenses for, acquisition and maintenance,
anticipation of motor vehicle funds, payment installments 36.88.260 county road fund, use of 36.81.090
of 36.82.090 unpaid installments 36.88.280 Fiscal matters
payment of 36.82.080 proceeds 36.88.210 road budget
County road improvement districts repayment, restriction to special funds filing 36.82.170
additional purposes 36.88.015 36.88.240 preliminary supplement
arrangements with public agencies and private sale 36.88.210 adoption 36.82.200
utilities 36.88.340 signatures 36.88.200 authority for 36.82.180
assessment reimbursement accounts limitation of actions 36.88.290 hearing 36.82.200
36.88.078 maintenance, expenses borne by county road notice of hearing 36.82.190
assessments fund 36.88.350 preparation of 36.82.160
appeals of 36.88.100 method of assessment 36.88.080 Forest reserve funds
assessment rolls selection of 36.88.060 distribution, procedure 28A.520.010
conclusive effect 36.88.110 number of frontage units required 36.88.010 Forest roads, maintenance of 36.82.140
objections 36.88.090 organizational costs, expenses 36.88.300 Franchises on 36.55.010, 36.55.020, 36.55.030,
canals and ditches, safeguarding 36.88.380 preformation expenditures 36.88.074 36.55.040, 36.55.050, 36.55.060, 36.55.070,
collection, county treasurers duties property acquisition, power of 36.88.310 36.55.080
36.88.130 refunding bonds, limitations 36.88.295 electric franchises and rights of way on county
credit or reduction 36.88.305 resolution creating district and ordering roads 80.32.010
fund for 36.88.160 improvement 36.88.060 limited access facility or joint governmental
hearings 36.88.095 resolution to initiate formation facility 47.52.090
improvement bonds, effect on 36.88.260, balloting on 36.88.030 pipelines, authority 36.55.010
36.88.270 contents 36.88.030 railways, authority 36.55.020
lien on property notice 36.88.030 records of 36.55.080
foreclosure 36.88.140 publication 36.88.030 tramroads, authority 36.55.020
superiority 36.88.120 roads, drainage, bridges, culverts, sidewalks, validation 36.55.070
payment curbs and gutters 36.88.010 wirelines, authority 36.55.010
record of 36.88.150 signatures, determining sufficiency of Funds, See COUNTY ROADS AND BRIDGES,
payment penalties for delinquency 36.88.140 36.88.370 subtitle County road fund; COUNTY
preliminary determination 36.88.070 street and road lighting systems 36.88.015 ROADS AND BRIDGES, subtitle Motor
property included within 36.88.080 sufficiency of petitions, ballots, or objections vehicle fund
public lands, procedure 36.88.360 36.88.370 Government survey corners, monuments at,
reassessments 36.88.110 treasurer of, county treasurer as 36.88.130 protection of 36.86.050
authorization for 36.88.010, 36.88.015 underground electric and communication Highway commission, defined 36.75.010
canals and ditches, safeguarding facilities, special assessments for 36.88.430 Highway department, defined 36.75.010
assessments and benefits 36.88.380 waiver of protests 36.88.072 Highway plat record, county engineer, keeping
authority for 36.88.015 warrants, issuance and payment 36.88.330 36.80.050

[RCW Indexpage 170] (2016 Ed.)


Highways, defined 36.75.010 establishment, construction, and maintenance, state intervention, maintenance neglected,
Improvement districts, See COUNTY ROADS county road engineers duties 36.81.130 payment 36.75.250
AND BRIDGES, subtitle County road Primitive roads traffic devices for, generally Ch. 47.36
improvement districts requirements for classification 36.75.300 vacation
Improvements Private roads or driveways, defined 36.75.010 retention of easement for public utilities
street abutters Railroad, defined 36.75.010 36.87.140
county may provide materials 36.75.255 Railroad crossings Roadway, defined 36.75.010
Intersections and entrances obstructions, removal 36.86.100 Rural arterial program, See RURAL ARTERIAL
coating or discoloring 36.86.060 street railways 81.64.030 PROGRAM
oil, restriction on use at 36.86.060 Range areas, posting of signs 16.24.060 Service districts
Jurisdictional transfers Right of way generally, including bonds and special
transportation commission to receive petitions standard width 36.86.010 assessments Ch. 36.83
requesting changes in state highway system Rights-of-way utility local improvement district
47.01.425 acquisition 36.85.010 authorized 36.83.050
Lease of lands for improvements or airspace condemnation 36.85.010 Shoulder driving, permitted, when 46.61.428
above or below, authority, limitation federal grants over public lands Sidewalk, defined 36.75.010
36.75.040 acceptances 36.85.030 Sidewalks and paths, construction of, standards
Limited access facilities, county roads and ratification of prior acceptances 36.85.040 36.75.240
bridges as, See HIGHWAYS, subtitle freeholder petitioners, acquisition by Signs, signals, and guideposts, standards for
Limited access facilities 36.81.030 36.86.040
Logs dumped on right-of-way, confiscation and logs dumped on, confiscation and removal Speed limits
removal 36.86.090 36.86.090 established by secretary of transportation,
Machinery, equipment and supplies standard width 36.86.030 when 46.61.415
centralized storage 36.75.280 toll bridges and related facilities, Standards
Machinery, equipment and supplies, See also compensation 47.56.100, 47.56.110 adopted county standard 36.75.020
COUNTY ROADS AND BRIDGES, Road engineer amendments to 36.86.030
subtitle Equipment and materials authority for 36.75.050 construction, minimum 36.86.020
Maintenance bond 36.80.020 design standards
model maintenance management system bridges across boundaries, report 36.75.190
36.78.121 classification federal functional system
county with population of eight thousand or
plans and planning for 36.81.130 more 36.80.010 36.86.070
supervision by county road engineer duties 36.80.030 construction and reconstruction 36.86.080
36.80.030 employment of 36.80.010 right of way, widths 36.86.010
supervision of county road engineer 36.80.070 maintenance, supervision of 36.80.030, signs, signals, and guideposts, uniform color,
Material for building, See COUNTY ROADS 36.80.070 design, etc. 36.86.040
AND BRIDGES, subtitle Crushed rock, office at county seat 36.80.015 State and county cooperation, authority for
gravel, and other road building material plans and planning 36.75.030
Maximum speed limits 46.61.400 annual procedure 36.81.130 State highway, defined 36.75.010
Motor vehicle fund plans and specifications, preparation of Street improvements
anticipation warrants, use of county road fund 36.80.070 supplies and materials provided to street
36.82.090 qualifications 36.80.020 abutter 36.75.255
audit of county road engineers records records Street railway crossing 81.64.030
36.80.080 cost-audit examination 36.80.080 Surfacing
deposit in county road fund 36.82.060 expenditures 36.80.060 cement concrete or asphaltic concrete,
maintenance of county roads 36.75.250 highway plat record 36.80.050 restrictions on use of oil at intersections
Needs data to be supplied to transportation numbering of projects 36.80.030 36.86.060
department 47.01.240 public examination 36.80.015 crushed rock, gravel, and other materials
Not to be maintained or improved by recording and filing 36.80.040 36.82.100, 36.82.120
transportation department as temporary route report on establishment of road standards 36.82.110
of new highway or extension 47.04.100 content 36.81.050 oil or other materials, limitation on use
Obstructing or interfering with a public nuisance, maps, notes and profiles to be filed 36.86.060
penalty 9.66.010 36.81.060 Tax levy
Open spaces true location of roads, survey to determine authorization, limitation 36.82.040
acquisition and development of open spaces, 36.75.110 expenditures from revenues 36.33.220,
authority 36.89.030 vacation of roads, report 36.87.040 36.79.140
authority to establish 36.89.030 Roads Taxes to pay principal and interest on bonds
bonds, general obligation bicycle paths, lanes, routes and roadways, 36.76.120
election on proposition 36.89.040 standards 36.75.240 Telecommunications companies use of rights of
issuance 36.89.040 boundary crossings maintenance 36.75.210 way upon 80.36.040
definitions 36.89.010 bridges over, powers regarding 36.75.170 Transportation, department of, county assistance
governmental agencies, participation by city streets as extension, when 36.75.205 36.76.140
36.89.050 connecting between two counties, crossing Unopened for five years, vacation, when deemed
participation by other governmental agencies segment of third county 36.75.220 36.87.090
36.89.050 defined 36.75.010 Urban arterial construction
powers and authority are supplemental highway purposes 47.04.010, 47.04.020 advance right-of-way, definition 47.26.320
36.89.060, 36.89.062 motor vehicle law purposes 46.04.150 comprehensive transportation program
purpose 36.89.020 highways 36.81.121
transfer of ownership and operation to other abandoned state highway, deemed as long-range arterial construction plans
governmental agencies 36.89.050 36.75.090 47.26.170
Ordinances used for ten years, deemed as 36.75.080 Urban arterial construction, See also
classification of county roads worked for seven years, deemed as HIGHWAYS, subtitle Urban arterial
according to public expenditures made 36.75.070 construction
36.87.100 location, true Vacation of roads and bridges Ch. 36.87
where no public expenditures have been action to determine 36.75.120 Vehicles authorized, type and weight, limitation
made 36.87.110 county commissioners, duties 36.75.110, 36.75.270
Pedestrian, defined 36.75.010 36.75.120
Pedestrians county road engineer, duties 36.75.110 COUNTY RURAL LIBRARY DISTRICTS
rights-of-way, using street and road funds for survey to determine, content of 36.75.110 (See LIBRARIES)
36.82.148 maintenance, neglect of, intervention by state COUNTY TREASURER
Penalty for violations 36.75.290 36.75.250 Administrative programs, coordination,
Plans and planning sidewalks along, standards 36.75.240 generally Ch. 36.47
bicycle paths, included in annual revisions small works roster process, when used Bond issue registration
36.81.122 36.77.075 designation of fiscal agent 39.44.130

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 171]


Bond issues, school districts for, treasurers Platted land, deposit to cover anticipated taxes COURT COMMISSIONERS (See also
duties and assessments, formula 58.08.040 SUPERIOR COURTS, subtitle Court
expenses paid 28A.530.060 Port districts commissioners)
Claims fund, reimbursement of fund 36.33.065 consolidated containing land in two or more Acts and proceedings, review of by superior
County funds counties, levy and collection of taxes, court 2.24.050
public depositaries, designation 36.48.010 treasurers duties 53.46.090 Appointment of 2.24.010
treasurers liability, effect 36.48.050 local improvement districts, duties in regard to Authority of 2.24.040
County lands assessment 53.08.050 Decisions
list of lands to be furnished by treasurer port funds 53.36.050 conclusions of law, exceptions to, necessity of
36.33.160 treasurer of 53.36.010 4.80.020
County road improvement districts Property of deceased persons, duties 36.24.140, findings of fact, exceptions to, necessity of
segregation of certified assessments 36.29.160 36.24.150 4.80.020
treasurers of 36.88.130 Public depositaries Exceptions
County seal 36.29.025 notations in minutes by 4.80.040
authorized investments 36.29.020
County tax refund warrants, purchase as cash stated to 4.80.040
liability for failure or default of depositary Fees for certain official acts 2.24.040
36.33.100 39.58.140
County transportation authority, transportation Judgments and orders, review of by superior
fund, custodian of 36.57.060 Public facilities districts, duties 36.100.100 court 2.24.050
Credit cards and other electronic transactions, Public funds Jurisdiction of 2.24.040
acceptance for payments authorized electronic transmission or receipt authorized Juvenile court
36.29.190 39.58.750 powers, duties and jurisdiction 13.04.021
Depositaries Public health pooling fund, generally Ch. 70.12 review of judgments and orders by superior
designation of 36.48.010 Public hospital districts, handling of funds court 13.04.021
Deposits with, trade centers, annual service fee 70.44.171 Oath of office 2.24.020
53.29.030 Public transportation benefit areas Powers of 2.24.040
Duties powers and duties 36.57A.130 Prejudice
enumeration 36.29.010 Public utility districts affidavit of prejudice 4.12.050
Educational service district segregation of certified assessments 36.29.160 change of venue due to prejudice of court
ex officio treasurer, duties 28A.310.410 treasurers duties 54.24.010 commissioner or judge 4.12.040
Elective officer, enumeration as 36.16.030 Qualified public depositaries, limitation on Pro tempore 2.08.185
Employees liability of officer for losses occasioned by Qualifications for 2.24.010
disqualification of person convicted of deposits with 43.85.070 Reports
embezzlement or theft 9.96A.020 Rail districts 36.60.010 conclusions of law, exceptions to, necessity of
Fees Recreation districts, treasurer of 36.69.150, 4.80.020
enumeration of 36.18.045 36.69.200 exceptions to ruling or decisions embodied in,
handling, collecting, dispersing, and Salary fund, reimbursement of fund 36.33.060 necessity 4.80.020
accounting for special assessments, fees, findings of fact, exceptions to, necessity of
Salary warrants drawn on 4.80.020
rates, or charges 36.29.180
bailiffs, superior courts 2.32.370 Salaries 2.24.030
service fee for investment, reinvestment of
school funds 28A.320.320 reporters of superior courts 2.32.210 Seal, official 2.24.040
Fees, See also COUNTIES, subtitle Fees of School district treasurer Small claims appeals, authority 2.24.040
county officers duties 28A.510.270 Term of office 2.24.010
Fines, penalties, forfeitures, and costs investment, reinvestment of school funds by Witnesses, power to compel attendance,
disposition 10.82.070 28A.320.320 prepayment or tender of subsistence and
Fire protection districts transportation vehicle fund 28A.160.130 travel allowance and fees 5.56.010
benefit charges Suspension, grounds 36.29.090 COURT CONGESTION REDUCTION ACT
reimbursement of county for administration Tax deed, limitation on action to cancel 4.16.090 OF 1981 (See SUPREME COURT,
and collection expenses 52.18.040 Taxes, collection for cities and towns subtitle Court congestion reduction act of
financial agent, duty 52.16.010 first class cities 1981)
funds created 52.16.020 duties 36.29.100
First class school district warrants, duties relating COURT HOUSES
monthly accounting 36.29.110 County to provide 2.28.139
to 28A.330.080 other class cities and towns
Fiscal agent for local government units Funds, how provided 36.64.040
duties 36.29.130 Jointly with city halls 36.64.010, 36.64.020,
39.46.030 ex officio collector 36.29.120
Funds, See COUNTIES, subtitle Funds 36.64.030
Traffic school of city or town and county, COURT OF APPEALS
Health department pooling funds 70.08.080 treasurers powers and duties relating to Ch.
Health districts, handling of funds 70.46.080 46.83 Administrator for the courts act, application of
Investment of state or county funds, selection of 2.56.080
public depositary, authorized investments Unclaimed property sale, fund established Clerk
36.29.020 60.60.040 acknowledgment of instruments 64.08.010
Irrigation districts Warrants against county fees
bond issues, registry of 87.22.175 interest 36.29.050 schedule 2.32.070
collection of assessments 87.03.440 authority for 36.29.040 powers and duties 2.32.050
defined 87.03.438 notation 36.29.050 Fees 2.32.070
delinquency list, when not collection agent warrant calls Generally Ch. 2.06
87.03.272 penalty 36.29.060 Habeas corpus
joint control, control fund 87.80.190, procedure 36.29.060 federal questions raised by, pleading 7.36.140
87.80.200 Water-sewer districts original jurisdiction as to 7.36.040
monthly statement of receipts 87.03.272 duties 57.20.135 power to grant writ 7.36.040
Misappropriation of funds 42.20.090 segregation of certified assessments 36.29.160 Judges
Moneys acknowledgment of instruments 64.08.010
custodian of, fee 36.29.020 COUPONS (See also BOND ISSUES) court reports commission, duties 2.32.160
Mosquito control districts, duties 17.28.258 Bond issues by proxy, first class cities, signatures disqualification of 2.28.030
Motor vehicle license fees and fuel tax, 35.36.020, 35.45.030 habeas corpus, power to grant writ 7.36.040
treasurers duties relating to 46.68.080 Cities and towns, local improvement guaranty judicial gowns 2.04.110
Office, location 36.29.170 fund, purchase of coupons 35.54.070 magistrates are 2.20.020
Official bonds County licenses Ch. 19.83 practice of law prohibited 2.48.200
amount 36.16.050 Fire protection districts pro tempore appointment 2.56.170
county depositaries, effect 36.48.050 local improvement districts 52.20.060 retirement, See JUDGES, subtitle Retirement
filing 36.16.060 Manufacturers, exemptions from trading stamp Reports
Official seal, counties 36.16.050 law 19.83.040 distribution 40.04.100
Peddlers licenses, records of 36.71.030 Trading stamps and premiums Ch. 19.84 distribution by publisher 40.04.110

[RCW Indexpage 172] (2016 Ed.)


publication, duties of court reports Adoption gifts, honoraria, etc. 42.52.130, 42.52.140,
commission 2.32.160 files confidential, exceptions 26.33.340 42.52.150, 42.52.170
Retirement, See JUDGES, subtitle Retirement Adoption proceedings, See ADOPTION identifiable group or interest, service on
Sessions Appeals, See COURT OF APPEALS board, committee, or commission not
time for holding 2.04.030 Assault, third degree prevented by association with 42.52.903
Settlement conferences, supreme court to adopt assaulting a judicial officer, county clerk, or judicial branch officers and employees,
rules 2.04.215 court-related employee 9A.36.031 sanctions 42.52.370
COURT ORDERS (See ORDERS OF court proceedings, in connection with public resources
COURT) 9A.36.031 political campaigns, using for 42.52.180
court proceedings areas, assault in 2.28.200 private gain, using for 42.52.160
COURT REPORTERS temporary restraining order or preliminary ON
Certification injunction Evidence, See EVIDENCE
applications and fees 18.145.090 contents, notice, noncompliance, penalty Family court, See FAMILY COURT
exemptions 18.145.040 26.44.067 Family dependency treatment courts, authorized
experience and training requirements enforcement 26.44.063 2.30.010
18.145.150 Child sexual abuse Federal court local law certificate procedure, See
grandfathered 18.145.110 temporary restraining order or preliminary FEDERAL COURT LOCAL LAW
immunity of director and individuals acting in injunction CERTIFICATE PROCEDURE ACT
the course of duties 18.145.070 contents, notice, noncompliance, penalty Firearms
powers of director of licensing 18.145.050 26.44.067 forfeiture 9.41.098
renewal and reinstatement 18.145.100 enforcement 26.44.063 possession of, prohibited in areas used for
required 18.145.010 Child visitation issues court proceedings, exceptions 9.41.300
requirements 18.145.080 jurisdiction 26.50.020 Gambling, ordinances adopting state law,
suspension, revocation, or sanctions Community courts, authorized 2.30.010 jurisdiction 9.46.193
18.145.120 Contempt of court, See CONTEMPT Gambling courts, authorized 2.30.010
suspension for noncompliance with support Costs and fees Health care facilities or providers
order 18.145.127 offenders liability for legal financial protection of patients and providers 9A.50.070
suspension for nonpayment or default on obligations Ch. 72.11 Highways
educational loan or scholarship 18.145.125 Court actions, certain property acquisition
unprofessional conduct 18.145.130 money received by state treasurer from, use priority in court 47.12.044
Definitions 18.145.020, 18.145.030 43.08.250 Holidays 1.16.050
Judicial districts Court reporters, certification Ch. 18.145 Homeless courts, authorized 2.30.010
appointment of 2.32.180 Court rooms, county expense 2.28.140 Joint family court services 26.12.230
duties 2.32.200 Courthouse facilitator program 26.12.240 Judges, See JUDGES
expenses 2.32.210 Courts of limited jurisdiction 3.02.010 Judicial information system
qualifications 2.32.180 Courts of limited jurisdiction, See also COURTS consultation by court before granting certain
salaries 2.32.210 OF LIMITED JURISDICTION orders 2.28.210
Minute entries Courts of record Judicial notice
exceptions entered in 4.80.040 court of appeals agency rules, filed, published 34.05.210
objections to admission of evidence 4.80.030 designated as 2.06.010 Judicial stabilization trust account 43.79.505
offer of evidence 4.80.030 Jurisdiction, See JURISDICTION
courts of limited jurisdiction 3.02.010 Juvenile court, See JUVENILE COURT
rulings on admission of evidence 4.80.030 superior court, designated as 2.08.030
Oaths and affirmations Land use petitions, judicial review Ch. 36.70C
supreme court, designated as 2.04.020 Mental health courts, authorized 2.30.010
administration 5.28.010 Deposits in, See DEPOSITS IN COURT
Salaries 2.32.210 Money received by state treasurer from certain
Detainers, interstate agreement Ch. 9.100 court actions
Superior court Disabilities, persons with
transcripts of testimony 2.32.250 use 43.08.250
court access and accommodations coordinator Mt. St. Helens
Superior courts 2.56.210
amanuensis, to act as 2.32.280 proceedings necessary to facilitate recovery
Dispute resolution centers given precedence 43.01.215
appointment of 2.32.180 alternative to judicial setting Ch. 7.75
change of, transcription of notes authorized Municipal, See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle
Domestic violence Municipal courts
2.32.260 deadly weapons
duties 2.32.200 Night court, See NIGHT COURT
surrender of 10.99.040, 10.99.045 Orders, See ORDERS OF COURT
exhibits available to 2.32.290 electronic monitoring may be required as
expenses 2.32.210 Powers of 2.28.010
condition of release of defendant 10.99.040 Protection order commissioners, appointment of
files, availability to reporter 2.32.290 prohibition of contact with victim 10.99.040 10.14.045
judicial districts under 25,000 population Domestic violence courts, authorized 2.30.010 Protection order master petition pattern form for
joint reporters 2.32.230 Drug courts antiharassment and stalking protection
office space authorized 2.32.300 substance use disorder treatment services orders 10.14.800
other reporting services allowed if not in 71.24.540 Public defense, office of Ch. 2.70
conflict with duties 2.32.310 Drug courts, various, list and authorization of Public safety and education assessment 3.62.090
pro tempore 2.32.270 adult drug courts 2.30.010 Referees
qualifications 2.32.180 DUI courts 2.30.010 review of decision in same manner as court
salaries 2.32.210 family dependency treatment courts 2.30.010 decision 4.48.120
transcripts of testimony 2.32.240 family drug courts 2.30.010 Settlement conferences 2.04.215
Supreme court juvenile drug courts 2.30.010 Sheriffs, duty in regard to 36.28.010
original opinions available to 2.32.140 treatment, responsibility, and accountability Small claims Ch. 12.40
proof sheets of reports on campus (Back on TRAC) courts Specialty courts, See COURTS, subtitle
correction of 2.32.130 2.30.010 Therapeutic courts
to judges 2.32.120 veterans treatment courts 2.30.010 Stay of proceedings, See STAY OF
reports of decisions, specifications of DUI courts, authorized 2.30.010 PROCEEDINGS
reporters duties 2.32.110 Employees Student court programs 3.72.030, 28A.300.420
Uniform regulation of business and professions state judicial employees Superior courts, See SUPERIOR COURTS
act 18.145.140 temporary salary reductions 41.04.820 Supreme court, See SUPREME COURT
COURTS (See also CITIES AND TOWNS, unlawful release of personal information Suspension of judge or justice 2.64.094
subtitle Police courts; COURTS OF 4.24.680, 4.24.690, 4.24.700 Therapeutic courts
LIMITED JURISDICTION; JUSTICE Estate tax apportionment act, duties Ch. 83.110A general provisions Ch. 2.30
AND INFERIOR COURTS) Ethics local sales and use tax for 82.14.460
Administrator for the courts, See activities incompatible with public duties types of therapeutic court programs, list and
ADMINISTRATOR FOR THE COURTS 42.52.020 authorization of

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 173]


community court 2.30.010 Record of proceedings, method of making information furnished to government agency
domestic violence court 2.30.010 3.02.030 19.182.210
drug court, adult 2.30.010 Restitution, court-ordered security freeze 19.182.170, 19.182.180,
drug court, family 2.30.010 enforcement 3.66.120 19.182.190, 19.182.200
drug court, juvenile 2.30.010 payment 3.66.130 security freeze for protected consumers
DUI court 2.30.010 Rules for discovery in civil cases, supreme court 19.182.220, 19.182.230
family dependency treatment court 2.30.010 to adopt 3.02.050 investigative reports, requirements
gambling court 2.30.010 Traffic infractions 19.182.050
homeless court 2.30.010 process, authority to issue 46.63.130 liability, limitation on action, exception
mental health court 2.30.010 Youth courts Ch. 3.72 19.182.120
treatment, responsibility, and accountability COVENANTS obtaining information under false pretenses,
on campus (Back on TRAC) court Cities and towns, housing authorities penalty 19.182.130
2.30.010 enforcement 35.82.180 procuring, when allowed 19.182.020
truancy court 2.30.010 making 35.82.150 prohibited information, exceptions
veterans treatment court 2.30.010 Condominium common area or facility covenant 19.182.040
Tracking of felony cases providing for partition or division void protected consumers, security freeze for
department of corrections to maintain records 64.32.050 19.182.220, 19.182.230
10.98.110 Port district toll facilities, bonds and notes providing information to unauthorized person,
Traffic infractions 53.34.050 penalty 19.182.140
notice of recordkeeping requirements 19.182.060
Real property, warranty deeds 64.04.030
issuance authority 46.63.030 solicitation lists, withdrawal of consumers
process, issuance, authority 46.63.130 Running with the land
city agreements for service outside city name 19.182.030
Treatment, responsibility, and accountability on transactions not initiated by consumer,
campus (Back on TRAC) courts, authorized 35.67.310
industrial development districts, conditions limitations 19.182.030
2.30.010 Credit services organizations Ch. 19.134
Truancy courts, authorized 2.30.010 for sale of property deemed covenants
running with the land 53.25.120 Debt adjusters, regulation Ch. 18.28
Unclaimed property Development credit corporations, See
action to challenge department decision port district property, sale 53.25.170
Warranty deeds 64.04.030 DEVELOPMENT CREDIT
department to enforce through court 63.29.320 COVERTURE
United States, See also UNITED STATES, Abolished 26.16.160 Disability insurance, See INSURANCE, subtitle
subtitle District court Disability insurance
COWLITZ COUNTY Fair credit reporting act Ch. 19.182
Venue, See VENUE Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.080
Veterans treatment courts, authorized 2.30.010 False representations as to, penalty 9.38.010
Mt. St. Helens dredge spoils Identity theft to improperly access financial
Visitation revenues used for recreational purposes
jurisdiction 26.50.020 information Ch. 9.35
47.04.230, 47.04.235 Insurance, See INSURANCE, subtitle Credit
Weapons possession prohibited in, exceptions Southwest Washington fair commission,
9.41.300 insurance
abolished 36.90.020 Letters of credit Art. 62A.5
Youth courts, See YOUTH COURTS Superior court judges, number of 2.08.064 Letters of credit, See UNIFORM
MILITARY AFFAIRS, subtitle Courts credit
martial) COYOTES
"Coyote-getters" devices authorized 9.41.185 Municipal corporations
COURTS OF INQUIRY (See MILITIA AND warrant payment 43.09.2853
MILITARY AFFAIRS, subtitle Courts of CRACK HOUSES (See BUILDINGS, subtitle Partition proceedings, credit on sale of property
inquiry) Crack houses) order of sale to direct 7.52.280
(See also DISTRICT COURTS; Agreements requiring writings, enforceability Profiteering Ch. 9A.82
MUNICIPAL COURTS) Ch. 19.36 Statute of frauds Ch. 19.36
Administrator for the courts Cities and towns Transactions, insurance in connection with loans
application 2.56.080 warrant payment 43.09.2853 Ch. 48.34
Annual conference of judges Consumer credit reports Ch. 19.182 Trustee, power to sell on credit 11.98.070
judges expenses 2.56.060 Counties Unclaimed property 63.29.140
Appeals from 3.02.020 warrant payment 43.09.2853
Assessment fee Credit agreements requiring writings,
enforceability Ch. 19.36 Check cashing identification
authority to levy 10.64.120 card number not to be recorded 62A.3-512
Collection agencies may be used 3.02.045 Credit cards, See CREDIT CARDS
Credit reports Counties may accept 36.29.190
Credit or debit card acceptance 3.02.045 Courts of limited jurisdiction may accept
Deferred prosecution program Ch. 10.05 adverse action based on report, notice to
consumer and procedure 19.182.110 3.02.045
Defined 3.02.010
Domestic violence birth certificate issuers, information Credit reports, fair credit reporting act Ch. 19.182
sentencing concerning security freezes from 70.58.098 Crimes relating to 9A.56.010, 9A.56.140,
factors, defendants criminal history compliance procedures 19.182.060 9A.56.280, 9A.56.290, 9A.56.320,
10.99.100 consumer protection act, application of and 9A.60.010
Electronic recording equipment, installation, penalties for violations 19.182.150 Factoring, unlawful 9A.56.280, 9A.56.290
operation 3.02.040 consumer reporting agencies Financial institution
Judges obtaining information under false pretenses, defined 63.14.010
pro tempore appointments 3.02.060 penalty 19.182.130 Financial institution credit card
salaries 3.58.010 providing information to unauthorized applicable law 63.14.165
Juries and jurors person, penalty 19.182.140 credit to account for returned goods,
jury management activities 2.36.052 credit action not initiated by consumer, procedure 63.14.167
selection of 2.36.050 limitations 19.182.030 use of not subject to laws governing
Marriages, advertising, prohibited 3.66.110 definitions 19.182.010 installment sales of goods and services
Membership, meetings, and duties Ch. 3.70 disclosures to consumer 19.182.070, 63.14.165
Misdemeanors 19.182.080 Higher education institutions
probation services disputes, notice and response procedures marketing policies 28B.10.618
assessment for services 10.64.120 19.182.090 Identification
Probation department oversight committee, fees, allowed and not allowed 19.182.100 use for check cashing identification,
membership and duties 10.64.120 furnishing, when allowed 19.182.020 conditions 62A.3-512
Probation services governmental agencies, information furnished Identity theft to improperly access financial
misdemeanors to 19.182.060 information Ch. 9.35
assessment for services 10.64.120 identity theft Interest permissible 19.52.020
liability 4.24.760 block of information 19.182.160 Lender credit card agreement

[RCW Indexpage 174] (2016 Ed.)


acts of buyer do not constitute waiver of rights Licenses Definitions relating to cemeteries, morgues, and
or remedies 63.14.160 business licensing service exemption human remains Ch. 68.04
assignment of agreement allowed 63.14.145 19.02.800 Individual or group cremation, permission
contract provision that buyer will not assert Promotions requirements 68.50.185
claim or defense is void 63.14.150 contests of chance 9.46.0356 License or endorsement required, penalty for
credit to account for returned goods, Public depositaries violation 18.39.217
procedure 63.14.167 conditions for credit union to serve as Mausoleums, See MAUSOLEUMS
defined 63.14.010 depositary 39.58.240 Permit for, registrar of vital statistics 70.58.230
delinquency charges Public employees Permit or endorsement 68.05.175, 68.05.390
limits on 63.14.090 payroll deductions at request of employee Possession of cremated remains 68.50.270
delinquency or collection charges prohibited authorized when institution meets Recordkeeping requirements 68.50.240
unless agreement provides 63.14.090 necessary conditions 41.04.245 CRIERS
insurance, statements to be included in Records Courts of record
agreement 63.14.140 compliance review information, appointment 2.32.330
notice to buyer, mandatory provision of confidentiality Ch. 7.88 number 2.32.330
contract 63.14.120 filing of corporate records by credit unions
sale, transfer, or assignment of agreement with or seeking certificate of authority CRIME PREVENTION
allowed 63.14.145 23B.01.204, 23B.14.394 Late night retail establishments
security interests prohibited 63.14.125 Unclaimed property, uniform act Ch. 63.29 definitions 49.22.010
service charge 63.14.130 Uniform money services act Ch. 19.230 employers duties 49.22.020
seller to advise buyer 63.14.120 CREDITORS enforcement 49.22.030
transfer of agreement allowed 63.14.145 Accounts and books, removing or disposing of to CRIME VICTIMS COMPENSATION (See
truth in lending act compliance 63.14.151 defraud creditors 9.45.080 VICTIMS OF CRIME
violations Actions against debtors, See DEBTS AND COMPENSATION, ASSISTANCE)
remedies, limitations on 63.14.175 DEBTORS
violations of chapter, remedy, recovery, etc. CRIMES (See also SENTENCES; SEX
Assignment for benefit of creditors, See OFFENSES)
Local government use for purchases, conditions Abandonment of dependent persons
CREDITORS defense 9A.42.090
43.09.2855 Banks, See BANKS AND BANKING, subtitle
Motor vehicle and vessel licensing, payment defined 9A.42.010
Insolvency and liquidation first degree 9A.42.060
46.01.235 Commission merchants failure to pay consignor
Receipts, printing restrictions 19.200.010 second degree 9A.42.070
creditors third degree 9A.42.080
Sales receipts action on bond, settlement of claims 20.01.240
restrictions 63.14.123 Abduct, defined for crimes of kidnapping,
Executors and administrators unlawful imprisonment, custodial
Security interests liabilities to, special administrators 11.32.050
lender credit card agreement may not require interference, and related crimes 9A.40.010
Fraudulent transfers Abduction, persons punishable 9A.04.030
63.14.125 defenses, liability, and protection of transferee
Service charge Abduction, See also CRIMES, subtitle
19.40.081 Kidnapping
maximum 63.14.130 definitions 19.40.011
Superior court fees and financial obligations, Abduction of child by parent
extinguishment of cause of action 19.40.091 information for parents on harmful effects
electronic payment authorized 36.23.100 fraudulent as to present and future creditors
Telephone company credit card number or code, 26.09.315
19.40.041, 19.40.051 Abortion
prohibited acts, penalty 9.26A.090 insolvency of debtors 19.40.021
Transactions articles or drugs for, advertising for sale,
obligations, when incurred 19.40.061 penalty 9.68.030
unlawful factoring 9A.56.280, 9A.56.290 remedies of creditors 19.40.071
Travel expenses, political subdivisions and concealing birth of fetus or child 9.02.050
transfer, when made 19.40.061 defenses to prosecution 9.02.130
municipal corporations 42.24.115 value of transfer 19.40.031 unauthorized, penalty 9.02.120
CREDIT SERVICES ORGANIZATIONS Injunctions, temporary injunctions 7.40.020
Insurance companies, deposits, immunity from Abortion clinics
Contract interference with facilities or providers Ch.
contents 19.134.060 levy 48.16.130
Insurance in connection with, credit transactions, 9A.50
information prerequisite 19.134.040 Abuse
notice of cancellation 19.134.060 generally Ch. 48.34
Interest rate 19.52.020, 19.52.030 homicide by abuse 9A.04.080, 9A.32.055
Damages, fees 19.134.080 Abuse of process Ch. 9.62
Definitions 19.134.010 Judgment creditors, satisfaction of judgment for
payment of money only 4.56.100 Abuse victim found guilty of murder of abuser
Enforcement 19.134.070 prior to July 23, 1989
Information statement Partition, See PARTITION
Preferences petition to indeterminate sentence review
contents 19.134.050 board for review of inmates sentence
required 19.134.040 savings associations, transfers for preference
of creditors void 33.36.030 requirements 9.95.045
Prohibited conduct 19.134.020 resentencing to reduce sentence allowed
Surety bond and trust account, requirements and Probate
claims against estate Ch. 11.40 9.94A.890
exceptions 19.134.030 review of inmates sentence by indeterminate
Violations 19.134.070 fraudulent conveyance by decedent to defraud
creditors, recovery action 11.48.140 sentence review board 9.95.047
Waiver of rights 19.134.070 Academic credentials, false 9A.60.070
liabilities to creditors, special administrators
CREDIT UNIONS 11.32.050 Accelerant detection dog, police dog, or police
Comprehensive provisions Ch. 31.12 special administrators, liabilities to creditors horse, harming of 9A.76.200
Corporate credit unions Ch. 31.13 11.32.050 Access devices
Corporations Satisfaction of judgments defined 9A.56.010, 9A.56.040, 9A.56.140,
filing of records by credit unions with or specific designation required 4.56.100 9A.56.160, 9A.60.010
seeking certificate of authority 23B.01.204, Service of process by publication, when 4.28.100 Accounts
23B.14.394 Supplemental proceedings, See public works accounts, falsification 39.04.110
Deposits Ch. 30A.22 SUPPLEMENTAL PROCEEDINGS Adults only label, erotic material, distribution
payment to surviving spouse or domestic and showing to minors, penalty 9.68.060
partner 11.62.030 CREED (See DISCRIMINATION; Advertising
Development credit corporations, membership in RELIGION) abortion, articles or drugs for 9.68.030
31.20.070 CREMATION (See also BURIAL AND banks, See BANKS AND BANKING, subtitle
Group life insurance INTERMENT; CEMETERIES) Advertising
defined 48.24.035 Authorization 68.50.170 false, untrue, or deceptive 9.04.010, 9.04.050
qualifications 48.24.035 Burial or scatter of remains 68.05.195 discontinuance of practice, assurance of, use
Identity theft to improperly access financial Columbariums and mausoleums, construction in evidence 9.04.080
information Ch. 9.35 standards Ch. 68.28 injunction or restraining action against
Insurance premium finance company act, Crematories 9.04.060
application to 48.56.030 permit or endorsement 68.05.245 penalties 9.04.070

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 175]


gasoline prices 9.04.090 false certificate of registration or false generally, See BANKS AND BANKING,
marriage, dissolution of representation of breed 9.08.030 subtitle Crimes relating to
evidence 9.04.040 indictment or information, description of insolvent bank receiving deposit 9.24.030
savings associations animal, necessity for 10.37.070 receiving deposit while insolvent
use of misleading words 33.08.010 search and rescue dogs, interfering with penalty 9.24.030
trust companies, See TRUST COMPANIES, 9.91.175 Barratry
subtitle Advertising Anticipatory offenses defined, penalty 9.12.010
venereal disease cures felonies defined by statute not in Criminal disbarment for 9.12.010
evidence 9.04.040 Code district judge or deputy, by 9.12.020
Aeronautics attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy, Baseball
downed aircraft rescue transmitter, required classification of felony 9A.28.010 bribery and grafting 67.04.010, 67.04.020,
for operation, exceptions 14.16.080 Antwerp racing pigeons 67.04.030, 67.04.040
federal licensing of aircraft and airmen, killing, injuring, detaining, unlawful 9.61.190 corrupt playing 67.04.050
penalty for violations Ch. 14.16 removing or altering stamp or other mark inducing minor to unlawfully contract
survival kits, required for operation, unlawful 9.61.200 67.04.150
exceptions 14.16.090 Appeal, court of appeals, limitation on Benefit, defined 9A.04.110
violations 47.68.240 jurisdiction relating to 2.06.030 Bids and bidding
Age of legal responsibility of children 9A.04.050 Apple commission, penalties 15.24.200 agreement made outside state no defense
Agricultural handlers, unlawful practices Application of general provisions of Criminal 9.18.150
15.83.030 Code 9A.04.090 collusion to prevent competitive bidding on
Agricultural marketing, See AGRICULTURAL Appropriate lost or misdelivered property or public works, penalty 9.18.130
MARKETING services, defined for theft and robbery suppression of competitive bidding on public
Agricultural producer associations and members, 9A.56.010 works, penalty 9.18.120
unlawful practices 15.83.040 Archaeological sites and resources Bigamy
Aiding a police officer or officer of the law, civil crimes relating to 27.53.060 class C felony 9A.64.010
and criminal immunity, limitation 9.01.055 violations and penalties 27.53.090, 27.53.095 defenses to prosecution 9A.64.010
Aiding and abetting Armed offenders defined 9A.64.010
criminal assistance, rendering of notification and warning 10.01.210 limitation of actions 9A.04.080
defined 9A.76.050 Arrest Bills of lading
first degree 9A.76.070 homicide, by public officer, justifiable when delivery of goods without taking or canceling
relative, defined 9A.76.060 9A.16.040 bill of lading 22.32.050
second degree 9A.76.080 resisting arrest 9A.76.040 fictitious 22.32.020
third degree 9A.76.090 warrantless arrest, when authorized 10.31.100 Bills of lading, See also BILLS OF LADING,
jurisdiction 9A.04.030 Arson subtitle Crimes relating to
AIDS building, defined 9A.48.010 Birds
assault in the first degree 9A.36.011 building ownership immaterial 9A.48.010 false certificate of registration of breed,
Air guns on school premises or facilities damages, defined 9A.48.010 penalty 9.08.030
prohibited, penalties, exceptions 9.41.280 defined, classifications Ch. 9A.48 places for fighting of, public nuisance, penalty
Air pollution control first degree 9.66.010
air pollution, causing or permitting, unlawful, class A felony 9A.48.020 Birthing centers
exception 70.94.040 defined, elements 9A.48.020 licensing violations 18.46.120, 18.46.130
violations 70.94.430 as grounds for wiretap 9.73.040 Blind, hearing impaired persons
Washington clean air act limitation of action 9A.04.080 unauthorized use of white cane, dog guide, or
air pollution, causing or permitting, second degree service animal prohibited, penalty
unlawful, exception 70.94.040 class B felony 9A.48.030 70.84.060
Airplanes defined, elements 9A.48.030 white cane law
operation under influence of drugs or alcohol tampering with fire alarm or fire fighting discrimination because of prohibited,
47.68.220 equipment 9.40.105 penalty Ch. 70.84, 70.84.080
unlicensed operation 47.68.230 Assault penalty for violation 70.84.070
Airport zoning regulations violations 14.12.210 child, assault of a Boating offense compact Ch. 88.01
Alcoholic beverages first degree 9A.36.120 Boats and vessels
license required, penalty 66.24.481 second degree 9A.36.130 lights or signals, tampering with 88.08.020
minors, violations, enforcement, and penalties third degree 9A.36.140 operating while intoxicated 9.91.020
Ch. 66.44 custodial assault, correctional facilities prohibited activities and penalties Ch. 79A.60
violations, enforcement, and penalties Ch. 9A.36.041, 9A.36.100 public nuisance upon, maintaining or
66.44 first degree 9A.36.011 permitting 9.66.030
Alcoholic beverages, See also ALCOHOLIC fourth degree 9A.36.041 safety laws
BEVERAGES, subtitle Crimes and offenses second degree 9A.36.021 decriminalization of certain offenses Ch.
Aliens strangulation 9A.36.021 7.84
deportation consequences of guilty plea suffocation 9A.36.021 Bodily harm, assault 9A.36.021
advisement 10.40.200 third degree 2.28.200, 9A.36.031 Bodily injury, defined 9A.04.110
firearms, possession of unborn quick child 9A.36.021 Boilers, operating without spark arrester
alien firearm license, false swearing Assault and battery 9.40.040
9.41.173 injury to person, erroneous allegation in Boilers and pressure vessels, operating without
failure to meet requirements 9.41.171 indictment or information as to person inspection 70.79.320
Amber alert, false or misleading statement injured immaterial 10.37.090 Bomb threats 9.61.160
9A.76.177 Assault by watercraft 79A.60.060 Bonds
Ambulance services, first aid requirements Assault of law enforcement personnel with a facsimile signatures on, fraud by printer or
70.54.065 firearm 9.94A.831 engraver 39.44.101
Ammonia 69.55.010, 69.55.020 Attempt, criminal 9A.28.020 Bookmaking
Anatomical gifts 68.64.150, 68.64.160 Attempts defined 9.46.0213
Animal facilities, acts against included offense 10.61.003 Boxing, martial arts, mixed martial arts, and
definition 9.08.090 specification of 10.61.010 wrestling
legislative intent 9.08.080 Attorney general penalties, general 67.08.150
Animals investigation and prosecution, concurrent Brands and marks
carcasses, unlawful acts and penalties Ch. authority, costs 43.10.232 affixed, when deemed 9.16.050
16.68 Auctioneers coin silver, use of words 9.16.110, 9.16.130
control of pets infected with diseases fraud concerning 9.45.070 commercial feed 15.53.9022
communicable to humans, violations and Auto theft prevention authority Ch. 46.66 counterfeiting 9.16.030
penalties Ch. 16.70 Auto transportation companies 81.68.080 forest products and equipment, See FORESTS
"coyote-getters" devices authorized 9.41.185 Bail jumping 9A.76.170 AND FOREST PRODUCTS
cruelty to Ch. 16.52 classes of crime 9A.76.170 gold, misrepresentation as to carat or fineness
dog guides or service animals 9.91.170 Banks 9.16.140

[RCW Indexpage 176] (2016 Ed.)


imitating lawful brand 9.16.020 subscription services, unauthorized use sexual abuse
livestock 9.16.010 defined 9A.56.010 limitation of actions 9A.04.080
marked, stamped and branded, defined Cannabis, See DRUGS, subtitle Marijuana testimony of child witness or victim by
9.16.150 Carnal knowledge of children closed circuit television 9A.44.150
petroleum products, mislabeling 9.16.080 prevention of procreation as punishment sexual contact with
registration, fraudulent 9.92.100 childs statement, admissibility of 9A.44.120
oil, gasoline 9.16.060 Cemeteries sexual exploitation of children Ch. 9.68A
registration of trademark, etc. 9.16.060 damage or destruction 68.60.040 substitution of child to deceive 9.45.020
removing or altering 9.16.010 damage or destruction of grounds or property Churches
sterling silver, use of words 9.16.100, Ch. 68.56 bomb threats 9.61.160
9.16.120 Cemeteries, morgues, and human remains Title Cigarettes
timber 9.16.010 68 minors 26.28.080
Brass knuckles, use or possession of prohibited Certification, false 9A.60.050 Cities and towns
9.41.250 Charitable solicitations, violations 19.09.275 bicycle paths, use of for other purposes
Bribe receiving by a witness Charitable trusts, violations of Ch. 11.110, 35.75.020
definition and elements 9A.72.100 11.110.140 budgetary provisions, failure to comply with
Bribery Checks or drafts 35.32A.090
class B felony 9A.68.010 unlawful issuance failure to comply with budgetary law in cities
defined, elements 9A.68.010 class C felony, amount 9A.56.060 and towns under 300,000, penalty
public office, trading in 9A.68.040 "credit," defined 9A.56.060 35.33.170
public servant 9A.68.010, 9A.68.020, defined 9A.56.060 penalties for criminal acts under state law,
9A.68.030, 9A.68.040 gross misdemeanor, amount 9A.56.060 limitations 35.21.163
public servant, influence trading 9A.68.050 intent, presumption of 9A.56.060 sewer connection without permission
Bribery and grafting unlawful stop-payment order 35.67.350
school officials, by, penalty 28A.635.050 class C felony, amount 9A.56.060 water pollution, penalty 35.88.040
self-incrimination, witness as to bribery not gross misdemeanor, amount 9A.56.060 Civil disorder training 9A.48.120
excused on ground of 9.18.080 Child molestation Civil infractions
warehouses for storage of agricultural limitation of actions 9A.04.080 failure to exercise options, misdemeanor
commodities, bribing of inspectors Child victims and witnesses 7.80.160
22.09.770 definitions 7.69A.020 Civil remedies preserved, rule of construction
Bribing a witness legislative intent 7.69A.010 9.01.120
definition and elements 9A.72.090 rights Civil service for
Budget law violations 43.88.270 enumeration of 7.69A.030 city firemen violations 41.08.210
Bugging private conversations 9.73.030 notice of city police 41.12.210
Building, defined for arson, reckless burning, failure to give, liability 7.69A.040 sheriffs employees 41.14.220
malicious mischief 9A.48.010 Children Classes of crimes 9A.04.040
Buildings abuse Classification of crimes 9A.20.010
public nuisance maintained or permitted in reporting Ch. 26.44 Code cities
9.66.030 age of legal responsibility 9A.04.050 agreement with county to handle cases,
threatening to bomb 9.61.160 assault of a child arbitration 35A.11.200
Burglary first degree 9A.36.120 Coercion
concurrent crime prosecuted separately second degree 9A.36.130 defined 9A.36.070
9A.52.050 third degree 9A.36.140 gross misdemeanor 9A.36.070
crime committed while in act of, punished concealing birth of fetus or child 9.02.050 Coercion of involuntary servitude 9A.40.110
separately 9A.52.050 crimes related to Colleges and universities
enter, defined 9A.52.010 indecent exposure 9A.88.010 interfering by force or violence with
enters or remains unlawfully, defined use of force 9A.16.100 administrator, faculty member, or student
9A.52.010 criminal mistreatment 9A.42.010 28B.10.570
first degree defenses 9A.42.050 exemption 28B.10.572
assault while engaged in 9A.52.020 endangerment with a controlled substance intimidating by threat of force or violence any
class A felony 9A.52.020 9A.42.100 administrator, faculty member, or student
deadly weapon, armed with 9A.52.020 first degree 9A.42.020 28B.10.571
defined, elements 9A.52.020 fourth degree 9A.42.037 exemption 28B.10.572
intent 9A.52.020 leaving a child in the care of a sex offender term papers, theses, dissertations, sale of
intent 9A.42.110 prohibited 28B.10.582, 28B.10.584
inference of 9A.52.040 second degree 9A.42.030 By color or aid of deception, defined for theft and
license, defined 9A.52.010 third degree 9A.42.035 robbery 9A.56.010
making or having burglar tools withdrawal of life support system, Commercial bribery defined 9A.68.060
defined 9A.52.060 exemption from chapter 9A.42.040 Commercial telephone solicitations
premises, defined 9A.52.010 homicide by abuse 9A.32.055 prohibited practices, penalty 19.158.160
privilege, defined 9A.52.010 internet, child pornography over the Ch. solicitation without registration, penalty
prosecution 9.68A 19.158.150
inference of intent 9A.52.040 leaving children unattended in parked Commercialization, disposition of profits
residential 9A.52.025 automobile to enter tavern 9.91.060 7.68.200, 7.68.210, 7.68.220, 7.68.230,
second degree permissible discipline 9A.16.100 7.68.240, 7.68.250, 7.68.260, 7.68.270,
class B felony 9A.52.030 pornography, See SEX OFFENSES 7.68.280
defined 9A.52.030 refrigeration equipment abandoned where Commission brokers and merchants 20.01.460
tools, making or having accessible to children Ch. 9.03 Common carriers
defined 9A.52.060 sellingbuying bomb threats 9.61.160
gross misdemeanor 9A.52.060 class C felony 9A.64.030 discrimination to deny public
Bus stations sex offenses accommodations because of race, color, or
conduct at transit stations, unlawful 9.91.025 contact with 9A.44.100 creed 9.91.010
Buses criminal trespass against liability provisions, penalty for violation
conduct on transit vehicles, unlawful 9.91.025 covered entities 9A.44.193 81.29.040
Business opportunities 19.110.120, 19.110.160 definitions 9A.44.190 Common law supplemental to penal statutes
Cable television services penalty 9A.44.196 9A.04.060
civil cause of action 9A.56.250 misconduct with a minor Communications
connection of nondecoding and first degree 9A.44.093 intercepting private communications
nondescrambling channel frequency second degree 9A.44.096 9.73.030, 9.73.040
converter permissible 9A.56.260 molestation admissibility of evidence obtained by
forfeiture and disposal of device 9A.56.230, first degree 9A.44.083 9.73.050
9A.56.240 second degree 9A.44.086 exceptions, when permitted 9.73.040,
subscription services, theft 9A.56.220 third degree 9A.44.089 9.73.070, 9.73.090

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 177]


telephone, calling to harass, intimidate, wrongly convicted persons, redress for Ch. Criminal assistance, rendering of
torment or embarrass 9.61.230 4.100 defined 9A.76.050
Community custody reentry programs and services, access to first degree 9A.76.070
violations 72.09.310, 72.09.311 72.09.750 relative, defined 9A.76.060
Complete written instrument, defined for fraud waiver of higher education tuition and fees second degree 9A.76.080
9A.60.010 28B.15.395 third degree
Complicity 9A.08.020 Convicts defined 9A.76.090
Compounding firearms misdemeanor 9A.76.090
defense to prosecution 9A.76.100 delivery to prohibited 9.41.080 Criminal attempt 9A.28.020
defined, elements 9A.76.100 Coroners jury, nonattendance 36.24.030 Criminal Code
gross misdemeanor 9A.76.100 Corporations application 9A.04.010
Computer trespass 9A.48.100 conspiracy, forfeiture of franchise 9A.08.030 rules of construction 9A.04.020
Computers criminal liability Criminal conspiracy
hardware trade-in or exchange, prohibited acts corporate 9A.08.030 criminal classification 9A.28.040
Ch. 19.194 personal 9A.08.030 defined 9A.28.040
Computers, crimes involving documents, signing false record, penalty Criminal conversation
computer trespass 23B.01.290 costs and disbursements, limitation on
first degree 9A.90.040 forgery in stock subscription 9.24.010 recovery by plaintiff 4.84.040
second degree 9A.90.050 fraud Criminal identification, See STATE PATROL,
cybercrime act, Washington Ch. 9A.90 false prospectus, report, or financial subtitle Identification and criminal history
electronic data condition 9.24.050 section
service interference 9A.90.060 forgery in stock subscription 9.24.020 Criminal impersonation 9A.60.040, 9A.60.045
tampering in first degree 9A.90.080 insolvent bank receiving deposit 9.24.030 Criminal justice costs, county petition for
tampering in second degree 9A.90.090 issuance or conveyance of stock or evidence reimbursement of extraordinary costs
theft 9A.90.100 of debt 9.24.020 43.330.190
other crimes, commission with computer license, doing business without, penalty Criminal justice information act, See
spoofing 9A.90.070 prospectus or report, falsity in, penalty ACT
Conduct 9.24.050 Criminal mischief
another persons, liability for, when real or personal property, fraudulent class C felony, when 9A.84.010
9A.08.020 conveyance or encumbrance 9.24.020 definition of crime 9A.84.010
Conspiracy stock Criminal mistreatment
criminal conspiracy 9A.28.040 forgery in stock subscription 9.24.010 terminally ill persons, palliative care not
labor disputes, participation in as grounds for fraudulent issuance or conveyance of criminal mistreatment 9A.42.045
injunction 49.32.060 9.24.020 Criminal mistreatment of children or dependent
subversive activities 9.81.020 Corporations, relating to person
Contagious diseases banks, See BANKS AND BANKING, subtitle arresting officer, notification by 9A.42.039
crimes related to 70.05.120 Crimes relating to defense, financial inability 9A.42.050
Contempt of court Corrections officers defined 9A.42.010
criminal act constituting contempt at same disarming 9A.76.023, 9A.76.025, 9A.76.027 endangerment with a controlled substance
time may be punished as crime also Counterfeiting Ch. 9.16 9A.42.100
9.92.040 forestry brands and marks 76.36.120 first degree 9A.42.020
violation of injunction against moral trademarks, liability and damages, injunction fourth degree 9A.42.037
nuisances, penalty 7.48.080 19.77.140 leaving a child in the care of a sex offender
Contraband, introduction into detention or secure Counties 9A.42.110
facility auctioneers, operating without license second degree 9A.42.030
first degree 36.71.070 third degree 9A.42.035
class B felony 9A.76.140 budget law violations 36.40.240 withdrawal of life support systems not
defined 9A.76.140 hawkers, operating without license 36.71.070 applicable to chapter 9A.42.040
Contractors parks and recreation rules, violation of Criminal negligence, defined 9A.08.010
registration requirements violations 36.68.080 Criminal records
18.27.020 peddling without license 36.71.060 child sexual assault
Controlled atmosphere storage of fruits and penalty for a crime under state law, limitation information identifying victims is
vegetables 15.30.210 36.01.160 confidential 10.97.130
Controlled substances, See CRIMES, subtitle recreation districts, violation of rules dissemination of 10.97.120
Drugs 36.69.180 Criminal records privacy act 10.97.120
Controlled substances, uniform act Ch. 69.50 roads and bridges, limitation of vehicles on Criminal solicitation
Conviction records 36.75.270 defined 9A.28.030
state patrol roadways, coating or discoloring 36.86.060 punishment 9A.28.030
employer requests 43.43.815 solid waste disposal sites, misuse 36.58.020 Criminal street gang member or associate
Convictions unlawful construction of approach to county offense committed by, procedures 9.94A.829
bars to subsequent prosecution Ch. 10.43 roads 36.75.130 Criminal trespass
doubt as to degree of offense, lesser degree County census taking, violations 36.13.070 defenses 9A.52.090
must be used 9A.04.100, 10.58.020 County commissioners, inventory of county first degree
evidence beyond reasonable doubt required assets 36.32.210 defined 9A.52.070
for 9A.04.100, 10.58.020 County officers taking illegal fees 36.18.160 gross misdemeanor 9A.52.070
executor or administrator, persons convicted County property, inventory by county second degree
of crime involving moral turpitude commissioners 36.32.210 defined 9A.52.080
disqualified to serve as 11.36.010 County treasurer, payment of warrants 36.29.060 misdemeanor 9A.52.080
jurisdiction required 10.01.050 Court proceedings areas, assault in Cruelty to animals Ch. 16.52
lesser degree than charged or attempt third degree assault 2.28.200 Culpability 9A.08.010
10.61.010 Courts, interference with Ch. 9.27 Custodial assault by juvenile
necessary before punishment 10.01.050 "Coyote-getters" devices authorized 9.41.185 transfer to department of corrections,
personal representatives, persons convicted of Credit procedure 13.40.280
crimes involving moral turpitude extortionate extension of credit 9A.82.020, Custodial interference
prohibited from serving as 11.36.010 9A.82.030, 9A.82.040 assessment of costs against defendant
proof required for 9A.04.100 Credit cards 9A.40.080
requisites for 10.01.060 defined for theft and robbery 9A.56.010 defenses 9A.40.080
several defendants, conviction or acquittal of factoring, unlawful 9A.56.280, 9A.56.290 first degree 9A.40.060
any one or more 10.61.035 presumption of possession 9A.56.140 second degree 9A.40.070
vacancy in office caused by 42.12.010 telephone company credit card number or Custodial sexual misconduct 9A.44.160,
verdict of, reconsideration if mistake in law code, prohibited acts 9.26A.090 9A.44.170, 9A.44.180
10.61.060 Credit unions, prohibited acts 31.12.850 Cybercrime act, Washington Ch. 9A.90

[RCW Indexpage 178] (2016 Ed.)


Cyberstalking 9.61.260 justifiable homicide by public officer 36.28A.350, 36.28A.360, 36.28A.370,

Dagger, intimidation of another 9.41.270 9A.16.040 36.28A.380, 36.28A.390, 46.61.5055
Dairy products, unlawful acts and sales Ch. 15.36 murder, second degree, establishment alcohol information school attendance
Dairy products commission 9A.32.050 46.61.5056
violations, penalty 15.44.170 necessary, defined 9A.16.010 arrest without warrant 10.31.100
Damages, defined for arson, reckless burning, outdoor music festival, campground criminal history and driving record,
malicious mischief 9A.48.010 detention, investigation of drug or alcohol verification 46.61.513
Dangerous weapons abuse 4.24.710, 9A.16.120 diagnostic evaluation and treatment for
aiming or discharging, gross misdemeanor property, defense of 9A.16.020 alcohol violators 46.61.5056
9.41.230 prostitution driver under age twenty-one
brass knuckles 9.41.250 sex of parties immaterial 9A.88.050 electronic monitoring or alcohol abstinence
exhibitions, dangerous, prohibited 9.41.260 public nuisance, unequal damage no defense monitoring 46.61.50571
intimidation or threats of another, unlawful 9.66.020 mandatory appearances 46.61.50571
9.41.270 self-defense 9A.16.020, 9A.16.050, fees
nun-chu-ka sticks, possession on school 9A.16.110 state toxicology laboratory and enforcement
premises or facilities, penalty, exceptions theft 9A.56.020 funding fee 46.61.5054
9.41.280 Definitions 9A.04.110 penalty schedule 46.61.5055
possessing on school premises or facilities, Dental hygienists, licensing violations 18.29.100 seizure and forfeiture of vehicle 46.61.5058
penalty, exceptions 9.41.280 Dentistry 18.32.735, 18.32.745 sentences
slung shot 9.41.250 Dependencies, persons with attendance at program focusing on victims
spring blade knives 9.41.250 indecent liberties 9A.44.100 46.61.5152
spring blade knives, exemptions from rape and indecent liberties 9A.44.010 intermittent fulfillment 46.61.5151
prohibition 9.41.251 Dependent persons vehicular assault 46.61.522
stun gun, possession on school premises or criminal mistreatment 9A.42.010 vehicular homicide 46.61.520
facilities, penalties, exceptions 9.41.280 defenses 9A.42.050 what constitutes 46.61.502
throwing stars, possession on school premises endangerment with a controlled substance Driving with license suspended or revoked
or facilities, penalty, exceptions 9.41.280 9A.42.100 penalties 46.20.342
Database of property crimes first degree 9A.42.020 Drugs
liability of database creators for sharing fourth degree 9A.42.037 controlled substances 69.50.401, 69.50.402,
information 4.24.340 second degree 9A.42.030 69.50.403, 69.50.404, 69.50.405,
Dead bodies, See CRIMES, subtitle Human third degree 9A.42.035 69.50.406, 69.50.407, 69.50.408,
remains withdrawal of life support system, 69.50.410, 69.50.416, 69.50.430,
Deadly force exemption from chapter 9A.42.040 69.50.4011, 69.50.4012, 69.50.4013,
defined 9A.16.010 rape 9A.44.050 69.50.4014, 69.50.4015
justifiable, when 9A.16.040 Deprivation of rights by a public servant, class of controlled substances homicide 69.50.415
Deadly weapon special verdict 9.94A.825 crime 9A.80.010 drug paraphernalia 69.50.412
Deadly weapons Deprive, defined for theft and robbery 9A.56.010 imitation controlled substances Ch. 69.52
defined 9A.04.110 marijuana, legal production, sale, and use Ch.
person armed with, committing criminal Descendant, defined, for incest 9A.64.020 69.50
mischief Diking and drainage improvement districts, outdoor music festival, campground
class C felony 9A.84.010 injury or interference with 85.08.690 detention, investigation of drug or alcohol
providing to person in detention or secure Discrimination abuse 4.24.710, 9A.16.120
facility 9A.76.140 common carriers overdoses, seeking medical assistance for
rioter armed with denial of use because of race, color, or creed 69.50.315
class C felony 9A.84.010 9.91.010 prescription drugs, penalties for violations
Debt, collection of unlawful debt 9A.82.045 denial of public accommodations because of 69.41.072, 69.41.350
Debt adjusters, violations 18.28.190 race, color, or creed, penalty 9.91.010 Drunkenness, See CRIMES, subtitle Intoxication
Deception, defined for theft and robbery employment, state employment application, Duress
9A.56.010 disclosure of race or religion prohibited confession made under cannot be used
Decriminalization of certain boating safety upon, penalty 43.01.100 10.58.030
offenses Ch. 7.84 insurance, prohibited practices 48.30.020 Duress, as a defense 9A.16.060
Decriminalization of certain criminal offenses insurance policies, prohibition against Dwelling, defined 9A.04.110
7.80.900 48.18.480 Earthquakes, public buildings to withstand
Defacing a state monument 9A.48.110 militia members by clubs, associations, 70.86.040
Defenses employers, or business organizations Election crimes and penalties Ch. 29A.84
bars to subsequent prosecution Ch. 10.43 prohibited, penalty 38.40.110 Elections
bigamy 9A.64.010 sheriffs office employees, discrimination initiative and referendum, See CRIMES,
compounding 9A.76.100 prohibited 41.14.180 subtitle Initiative and referendum
criminal trespass 9A.52.090 unfair practices aiding violations 49.60.220 Electrical installation violations 19.28.131,
detention for shoplifting 9A.16.080 Discrimination, See also DISCRIMINATION 19.28.291
discharging defendant to give evidence for Disorderly conduct Electronic communication devices 19.300.010,
codefendant, bar to subsequent prosecution defined, elements 9A.84.030 19.300.020
10.46.110 misdemeanor 9A.84.030 Elevators, lifting devices, and moving walks,
discharging defendant to give evidence for Dissolution of marriage, restraining orders, installation and operation violations
state, bar to subsequent prosecution noncompliance 26.09.300 70.87.180
10.46.110 Dog fighting 16.08.100 Embezzlement
duress 9A.16.060 Dog guides or service animals 9.91.170 county officers failing to pay over fees
entrapment 9A.16.070 Domestic violence 36.18.170
extortion, second degree 9A.56.130 assault in violation of no-contact order, class estate funds
false imprisonment, shoplifting arrest suit, C felony 10.99.040, 10.99.050 action for recovery of 11.48.060
reasonable cause or reasonable delay is fatality reviews, data collection and analysis revocation of letters for 11.28.250
defense Ch. 43.235 probate
civil suit 4.24.220 interference with reporting 9A.36.150 action for 11.48.060
force, lawful use of 9A.16.020 protection orders revocation of letters for 11.28.250
homicide assault, class C felony 26.50.110 proof of ownership of property, sufficiency of
committed by private person, justifiable, Domestic violence, See also DOMESTIC 10.58.060
when 9A.16.050 VIOLENCE state treasurer, penalty 43.08.140
when excusable 9A.16.030 Drive-by shooting 9A.36.045 Emergency management violations 38.52.150
insanity 9A.12.010 Drivers licensing violations, See MOTOR Emergency medical care and transportation
intoxication VEHICLES, subtitle Drivers licenses services, unlawful practices, penalties
to be considered in determination of mental Driving under the influence 18.73.190
state 9A.16.090 24/7 sobriety program 4.24.545, 36.28A.300, Employment agencies, operation without license
not a defense to crimes 9A.16.090 36.28A.320, 36.28A.330, 36.28A.340, 19.31.080

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 179]


Energy facility site locations, permit False arrest definitions 9.40.110

requirements, penalty for violations shoplifting, detention 9A.16.080 exceptions 9.40.130
80.50.150, 80.50.155 False certification possession, manufacture or disposition of,
Energy supply emergency orders, violations defined 9A.60.050 unlawful 9.40.120
43.21G.100 gross misdemeanor 9A.60.050 insurance, destruction for purposes of, penalty
Entrapment, as a defense, when 9A.16.070 False fire alarms 9.40.100, 9.40.105 48.30.220
Equity skimming 61.34.030 False or misleading statement made to public suspected criminal, origin, report to state
Erotic material, distribution and showing to servant 9A.76.175 patrol chief 48.05.320
minors, penalty 9.68.060 False reporting or warning of public disturbance Fire alarms
Escape defined 9A.84.040 false 9.40.100, 9.40.105
first degree gross misdemeanor 9A.84.040 injuring or tampering with 9.40.100, 9.40.105
class B felony 9A.76.110 False representations molesting 9.40.100, 9.40.105
defined 9A.76.110 accounts, falsifying tampering with 9.40.100, 9.40.105
parole violator deemed escapee, when public works accounts 39.04.110 Fire fighting equipment
9.95.130 animals, false certificate of registration or injuring or tampering with 9.40.100, 9.40.105
recapture of prisoner, term 9.31.090 breed 9.08.030 Fire protection districts, burning permits
second degree credit or financial rating 9.38.010 52.12.105, 52.12.106
class C felony 9A.76.120 recording, title to real property 9.38.020 Fire sprinkler system contractors
defined 9A.76.120 False swearing unlicensed operations, penalty 18.160.100
sexually violent predators 9A.76.115 defined 9A.72.040 wrongful acts 9.45.260
third degree gross misdemeanor 9A.72.040 Firearms
defined 9A.76.130 inconsistent statements aiming or discharging at person or in public
gross misdemeanor or class C felony conviction for lowest degree of crime place 9.41.230
9A.76.130 9A.72.050 aliens, possession
Escaped prisoners, recapture Ch. 9.31 prosecution requirements 9A.72.050 alien firearm license, false swearing
Escrow agents, violations 18.44.171 irregularities in oath administration 9.41.173
Estate and transfer tax, criminal acts 83.100.140 no defense 9A.72.070 failure to meet requirements 9.41.171
Evidence retraction of false statement 9A.72.060 background checks for sales and transfers
age of children, determination for legal statement of what one does not know to be true definitions, including "sale," "transfer," and
responsibility 9A.04.050 9A.72.080 "unlicensed dealer" 9.41.010
beyond a reasonable doubt required for Falsely alter, defined for fraud 9A.60.010 requirements, procedures, violations
conviction 9A.04.100 Falsely complete, defined for fraud 9A.60.010 9.41.090, 9.41.092, 9.41.113, 9.41.115,
destroying, or presenting false evidence Falsely make, defined for fraud 9A.60.010 9.41.122, 9.41.124, 9.41.137
9A.72.150 Family abandonment and nonsupport Ch. 26.20 retail sales tax exemption when between two
insanity, establishment of 9A.12.010 Family offenses unlicensed persons in compliance
murder bigamy 9A.64.010 82.08.833
first degree incest 9A.64.020 use tax when dealer facilitates sale or transfer
defense, establishment 9A.32.030 Farm labor contracting violations 19.30.150 between unlicensed persons 82.12.040
second degree Federal surplus commodities, misuse of convicts
defense, establishment 9A.32.050 74.04.385 delivery to prohibited 9.41.080
refusal of blood or breath alcohol content test Feed lots, unlawful activities and penalties Ch. crimes relating to Ch. 9.41
is admissible 46.61.517 16.58 dangerous exhibitions with 9.41.260
tampering with, defined 9A.72.150 Felonies deadly weapon special verdict 9.94A.825
Exchange facilitators designation of classes 9A.20.010 discharging near explosives 70.74.170
violations determination of degree for felonies defined explosive devices, prohibition 70.74.180
class B felony 19.310.120 by statute outside the Criminal Code felony firearm offenders
misdemeanor 19.310.130 9A.20.040 conviction database 43.43.822
Exerts unauthorized control, defined for theft and failing to report certain 9.69.100 registration, duty to register 9.41.333
robbery 9A.56.010 fraud in sporting contests 67.24.010 registration, failure to register 9.41.335
Explosives insurance companies, false advertising in registration requirement 9.41.330
abandonment of 70.74.295 organization 48.06.190 forfeiture
flame producing device, unlawful use jurisdiction of superior courts as to 2.08.010 confiscation by law enforcement officer of
70.74.310 maximum terms of sentences 9A.20.020, firearm subject to forfeiture authorized
imitation devices, malicious placement 9A.20.021 9.41.098
70.74.272 punishment when not fixed by statute destruction, sale, or trade of forfeited
intimidation or harassment 70.74.275 9.92.010 firearms authorized 9.41.098
malicious explosion of a substance 70.74.280 repeat offenders, sentenced as habitual identifying marks, alteration or obliteration of
malicious placement 70.74.270 criminals 9.92.090 prohibited 9.41.140
manufacture, sale, or possession without a tracking of felony cases licenses, dealers
license 70.74.022 corrections department duties 10.98.110 regulations, fees 9.41.110
marking of containers 70.74.300 warrantless arrest, when authorized 10.31.100 machine guns
prohibitions on possession 70.74.180 Felony, defined 9A.04.040 contraband, declared to be 9.41.220
stink bombs, unlawful use 70.74.310 Fertilizers prohibited, exceptions 9.41.190
tear gas bombs, unlawful use 70.74.310 unlawful acts 15.54.420 use in commission of felony 9.41.225
terrorist acts 70.74.270 violations, penalty 15.54.470 mentally ill, delivery to prohibited 9.41.080
Extortion Financial fraud minors
defined 9A.56.110 unlawful possession or production of payment delivery to prohibited 9.41.080
first degree instruments 9A.56.320 pistols, possession by person between
class B felony 9A.56.120 Financial institutions eighteen and twenty-one 9.41.240
defined 9A.56.120 deposit account applicant, false statement pistols
second degree 9.38.015 concealed pistol license 9.41.070
class C felony 9A.56.130 Financial institutions, department of revocation 9.41.075
defense 9A.56.130 unlawful borrowing from regulated institution concealment on person prohibited,
defined 9A.56.130 by department personnel, gross exceptions 9.41.050
Extortionate extension of credit 9A.82.020, misdemeanor 43.320.090 dealers
9A.82.030, 9A.82.040 Fines, See FINES license and registration required 9.41.100
Failing to summon assistance 9A.36.160, Fire verification, notice to bureau of alcohol,
9A.36.161 arson and reckless burning Ch. 9A.48 tobacco, and firearms 9.41.135
Failure to appear in court burning permits, fire protection districts regulations 9.41.090
classes of crime 9A.76.170 52.12.105, 52.12.106 definitions 9.41.010
Failure to disperse engines or boilers, operating without spark loaded, carrying in vehicle prohibited
defined, elements 9A.84.020 arrester 9.40.040 without license 9.41.050
gross misdemeanor 9A.84.020 incendiary device persons authorized to carry 9.41.060

[RCW Indexpage 180] (2016 Ed.)


recordkeeping requirements 9.41.129 complete written instrument, defined causing person to violate gambling law
uniform act 9A.60.010 9.46.180
loans or pledges of 9.41.120 conspiracy to commit 9.24.010 causing person to violate gambling rule
offenders under supervision of department credit 9.46.185
of corrections false representations as to, penalty 9.38.010 cheating 9.46.196, 9.46.1961, 9.46.1962
prohibited from owning or possessing creditors false or misleading entries or statements in
9.41.045 assignment for benefit of, false application or record 9.46.170
sales, commercial representations 9.45.100 fraud or deceit 9.46.190
license required 9.41.100 removing or disposing of accounts and books gambling information, transmission or
unlawful to carry, exhibit, display for to defraud 9.45.080 receiving of 9.46.240
purposes of intimidation or warrants criminal impersonation 9A.60.040, 9A.60.045 generally Ch. 9.46, Ch. 9.47
alarm for safety 9.41.270 definitions 9A.60.010 horse races, prohibited practices 67.16.060
vehicles, carrying loaded pistol in prohibited executions, removal or assigning property to license, conducting activity without license
without license 9.41.050 avoid 9.45.080 9.46.160
possessing a stolen firearm 9A.56.310 facsimile signatures on bonds, fraud by printer military property, upon 38.32.120
possession on school premises 10.31.100 or engraver 39.44.101 minors, penalties 9.46.228
possession on school premises or facilities, false certification 9A.60.050 persons under age eighteen, penalties 9.46.228
penalty, exceptions 9.41.280 false representations, See CRIMES, subtitle places of, public nuisance, penalty 9.66.010
preemption of local laws 9.41.290 False representations player defined 9.46.0265
railroads, discharging firearm at train or car falsely alter, defined 9A.60.010 professional gambling in the first degree
81.60.070 falsely complete, defined 9A.60.010 9.46.220
silencers, use of prohibited, exception falsely make, defined 9A.60.010 professional gambling in the second degree
9.41.250 financial fraud 9A.56.320 9.46.221
theft 9A.56.300 forgery 9A.60.020 professional gambling in the third degree
uniform firearms act Ch. 9.41 hotels and innkeepers, obtaining 9.46.222
unlawful firearms contraband 9.41.220 accommodations by fraud 19.48.110 public nuisance, to maintain place for
unlawful possession 9.41.040 incomplete written instrument, defined 9.66.010
violation of chapter is misdemeanor, penalty 9A.60.010 records, refusal to produce 9.46.170
9.41.810 instruments affecting registered land seizure and forfeiture of gambling devices and
warrantless arrest, when authorized 10.31.100 65.12.750 real and personal property 9.46.231
Fires, See ARSON intent is element, intent to defraud any person unlicensed employee 9.46.198
Fireworks sufficient 10.58.040 Gambling, See also GAMBLING
unlawful discharge or use 70.77.488 liquor warehouse receipts, penalty 9.45.160, Gangs, See GANGS
unlawful possession 70.77.485 9.45.170 Gasoline prices
Fireworks, See also EXPLOSIVES mental health advance directives 9A.60.060 advertisement of 9.04.090
Fish and wildlife, criminal acts and penalties Ch. mining claims Gold
77.15 altering samples of ore or assay certificate misrepresentation as to carat or fineness
Fish and wildlife officer authority 77.15.075 9.45.210 9.16.140
Flags false samples of ore or assay 9.45.220 Government, defined 9A.04.110
advertising, using for, penalty 9.86.020 minors Government property
crimes relating to, defined 9.86.020 substitution of child to deceive 9.45.020 bomb threats 9.61.160
defacement, defiling, mutilating, etc. 9.86.030 mock auctions 9.45.070 Governmental function, defined 9A.04.110
defined 9.86.010 mortgaged property, conversion, destruction, Governmental operation, obstruction of
desecration of 9.86.030 sale, removal 9.45.060 amber alert, false or misleading statement
improper use of 9.86.020 obtaining a signature by deception or duress 9A.76.177
Food 9A.60.030 bail jumping
poisons or other harmful objects in food, personal property subject to mortgage, classes of crime 9A.76.170
drinks, medicine, or water Ch. 69.40 conditional sale, lien, rental agreement or defined 9A.76.170
Food processing 69.07.150 lease, destruction, conversion, sale, compounding
Food stamps 9.91.140, 9.91.142, 9.91.144 removal, etc. 9.45.060 defense to prosecution 9A.76.100
Force, use of, when lawful 9A.16.020 public utilities, defrauding Ch. 9A.61 defined, elements 9A.76.100
Forcible entry and detainer 59.12.230 rental agreement property, conversion, gross misdemeanor 9A.76.100
Forests and forest products, See FORESTS AND destruction, sale, etc. 9.45.060 contraband, introduction into detention or
FOREST PRODUCTS, subtitle Crimes savings bank, insolvent bank receiving deposit secure facility
relating to 32.04.120 first degree 9A.76.140
Forged instrument, defined for fraud 9A.60.010 ski areas 19.48.110 criminal assistance, rendering of
Forgery state employees retirement system statement defined 9A.76.050
class C felony 9A.60.020 41.40.055 definition of relative 9A.76.060
defined, elements 9A.60.020 teachers retirement system falsification first degree 9A.76.070
forestry brands and marks 76.36.120 41.32.055 relative, defined 9A.76.060
instruments affecting registered land telecommunications second degree 9A.76.080
65.12.760 civil action to enjoin violation 7.40.230 third degree
motor vehicle financial responsibility law, telecommunications fraud 9.26A.110, defined 9A.76.090
forgery of required proof 46.29.620 9.26A.115 misdemeanor 9A.76.090
petitions, misconduct concerning 9.44.080 definitions 9.26A.100 definitions 9A.76.010
seals pay telephones, fraudulent operation escape
public officer refusing to surrender to 9.26A.120 first degree
successor 42.20.030 pay telephones, manufacturing of slugs for class B felony 9A.76.110
stock subscription 9.24.010 use in 9.26A.130 defined 9A.76.110
Franchise investments, unlawful acts 19.100.170 vehicles, report of sale 9.45.260, 46.12.652, second degree
Fraud 46.55.105 class C felony 9A.76.120
animals false certificate of registration or of wills, failing to deliver on death of testator defined 9A.76.120
breed 9.08.030 11.20.010 third degree
attachments, removal, secreting, or assigning written instrument, defined 9A.60.010 defined 9A.76.130
property to avoid 9.45.080 Fraud, See also FRAUD gross misdemeanor or class C felony
attachments and executions, removal, Fraud in sporting contests 67.24.010 9A.76.130
secreting, or assigning property to avoid Fresh fruit sales limitation act, penalties false or misleading statement made to public
9.45.090 15.21.020, 15.21.060 servant 9A.76.175
auctions 9.45.070 Funeral directors and embalmers 18.39.215, harming a police dog, accelerant detection
banks, insolvent bank receiving deposit 18.39.220, 18.39.231, 18.39.350 dog, or police horse
9.24.030 Gambling class C felony 9A.76.200
bond issue facsimile signatures, fraud by antique slot machines, excluded 9.46.235 defined 9A.76.200
printer or engraver 39.44.101 bucket shop and bunco steering Ch. 9.47 public servant, intimidation of

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 181]


class B felony 9A.76.180 Health care facilities or providers, interference removal, concealment, or interference with
defined 9A.76.180 with 68.50.050
refusing to summon aid for a peace officer civil damages 9A.50.050 sexual violation 9A.44.105
defined 9A.76.030 civil remedies 9A.50.040 unlawful disturbance, removal, or sale of
misdemeanor 9A.76.030 definitions 9A.50.010 68.50.140
resisting arrest informational picketing not prohibited Human trafficking, See CRIMES, subtitle
defined 9A.76.040 9A.50.060 Trafficking; LABOR, subtitle Human
misdemeanor 9A.76.040 penalties 9A.50.030 trafficking; VICTIMS, SURVIVORS, AND
Graffiti protection of patients and providers 9A.50.070 WITNESSES OF CRIME, Human
malicious mischief in third degree 9A.48.090 unlawful acts 9A.50.020 trafficking
Grafting, See BRIBERY AND GRAFTING warrantless arrest, when authorized 10.31.100 Hunting, criminal acts and penalties Ch. 77.15
Grave robbing 68.60.040 Highways Identification
Graves altering, defacing, injuring, knocking down or devices
historic graves, destruction or damage removing any traffic control signal, device reading remotely, prohibitions 19.300.030
68.60.050 or railroad sign or signal 47.36.130 electronic communication devices
Great bodily harm constructing or maintaining facilities on 19.300.010, 19.300.020
defined 9A.04.110 highways rights of way without franchise enhanced drivers licenses and enhanced
Gross misdemeanors or short distance permit 47.44.060 identicards
defined 9A.04.040, 9A.20.010 damaging roadside improvement or consumer protection act, violation
limitation of actions 9A.04.080 beautification 47.40.070 9A.58.030
pet animals, taking, concealing, injuring, destroying native flora on state lands or on definitions 9A.58.010
killing, etc. 9.08.070 adjoining highways and parks 47.40.080 legislative findings 9A.58.005
punishment when not fixed by statute disregarding notice of closure or traffic possessing, reading, or capturing
9.92.020 restriction on highways, streets or county information 9A.58.020
sentences to be imposed 9A.20.020, roads 47.48.040 possession of anothers 9A.56.330
9A.20.021 erecting or maintaining on Identification, See also STATE PATROL,
warrantless arrest, when authorized 10.31.100 business places on highway right of way subtitle Identification and criminal history
Guaranteed asset protection waivers 47.32.120 section
failure to register when required 48.160.080 certain structures, signs or devices on or near Identity, See also IDENTITY
Guilty pleas city streets, county roads or state Identity theft
deportation consequences to aliens highways, as public nuisance 47.36.180 financial information, improper access Ch.
advisement 10.40.200 merchandising (receiving, delivering or 9.35
Habitual criminals, prevention of procreation as vending) structures on highway right of limitation of action 9A.04.080
punishment 9.92.100 way 47.32.110 Impersonation, criminal
Harassment signs contrary to highway advertising first degree 9A.60.040
arraignment 9A.46.050 control act of 1961 47.42.080 law enforcement officer, impersonation of
conviction, when deemed to have occurred failure to comply with stop sign 47.36.110 9A.60.045
9A.46.100 illegal use of county road or city street funds, second degree 9A.60.045
court order regarding convicted defendant penalty 47.08.100, 47.08.110 Incendiary device 9.40.110
copy provided to victim 9A.46.080 limited access facilities, violations relating to Incest
violation, gross misdemeanor 9A.46.080 enumerated, penalty 47.52.120 defined 9A.64.020
court order regarding defendant maintaining or occupying obstructions on descendant, defined 9A.64.020
enforcement 9A.46.070 highway right of way 47.32.010 first degree
no contact or no harassment order obstructing or interfering with, public class B felony 9A.64.020
9A.46.040, 9A.46.050 nuisance 9.66.010 second degree
violation, gross misdemeanor 9A.46.040 stationing of signs or flaggers at thoroughfare class C felony 9A.64.020
crimes included in harassment 9A.46.060 work sites, relating to 47.36.200 Incomplete written instrument, defined for fraud
criminal justice participants 9A.46.020 Highways, See also HIGHWAYS, subtitle 9A.60.010
defined, elements 9A.46.020 Crimes relating to Indecent exposure 9A.88.010
explosives or improvised devices, Highways, violations of Title 47 RCW 47.04.090 Indecent liberties
intimidation with 70.74.275 Homicide defined, elements 9A.44.100
legislative finding 9A.46.010 abuse, homicide by 9A.04.080, 9A.32.055 Indian burial grounds
liability of peace officer limited 9A.46.090 controlled substances 69.50.415 destruction or mutilation, exceptions
penalties 9A.46.020 crimes included within 9A.32.010 27.44.040
stalking 9A.46.110 defined 9A.32.010 sale of artifacts or remains removed from,
time of conviction, acceptance of plea or filing inquests, See CORONERS, subtitle Inquests exceptions 27.44.040
of verdict 9A.46.100 watercraft, homicide by 79A.60.050 Indictment, defined for Criminal Code
victim when excusable 9A.16.030 9A.04.110
inform of final disposition 9A.46.080 Honey bee commission, violations of chapter or Industrial insurance violations and penalties Ch.
provide copy of final court order 9A.46.080 commission rule 15.62.220 51.48
where deemed to have been committed Honey violations 69.28.185 Information, defined for Criminal Code
9A.46.030 Horse meat, unlawful possession, exceptions 9A.04.110
Harassment, malicious 9A.36.078, 9A.36.080 16.68.140 Informed against, defined for Criminal Code
civil remedies 9A.36.083 Horse microchip implant, removal with intent to 9A.04.110
information repository defraud 16.57.405, 16.57.407 Inhaling toxic fumes, including possession,
reporting and dissemination 36.28A.030 Horticultural pests and diseases inducement, and sale Ch. 9.47A
Harboring of a minor dumping or piling of infected products or Innocence, presumption of 9A.04.100
definition 13.32A.080 containers 15.08.240 Installment sales of goods and services,
Hard time for armed crime Ch. 9.94A Hospitals, operating or maintaining unlicensed violations 63.14.170
Harmful object or substance in food, drinks, 70.41.170 Insurance
medicine, or water 69.40.030 Hospitals for mental illness advertisements
Harming a police dog, accelerant detection dog, prohibited objects or substances, penalty for financial condition, must correspond with
or police horse violations 72.23.300 filed statement 48.30.070
class C felony 9A.76.200 Hostage or barricade situation must show name and domicile of insurer
defined 9A.76.200 telecommunications may be intercepted 48.30.050
Hate crimes, See CRIMES, subtitle Harassment, 9.73.030 advertising
malicious telephone communication 70.85.100 false or deceptive 48.30.040
Hazardous materials, transportation of 46.48.175 Human remains alteration of application 48.18.070
Hazardous waste disposal, violations disposal, unlawful 68.50.130 combinations in restraint of trade 48.30.020
70.105.080, 70.105.085, 70.105.090 dissection without authority 68.50.100 commercial bribery defined 9A.68.060
Hazing holding for debts 68.50.120 compacts prohibited 48.30.020
prohibited, civil and criminal liability for notification of coroner, medical examiner, or defamation of insurers 48.30.080
violations 28B.10.901 law enforcement 68.50.020 discrimination as 48.18.480, 48.30.020

[RCW Indexpage 182] (2016 Ed.)


dividends not to be guaranteed 48.30.100 considered in determination of mental state IMPRISONMENT, UNLAWFUL;
domestic insurers, corrupt practices at 9A.16.090 KIDNAPPING
meetings 48.07.060 no defense to crimes 9A.16.090 Knives
false advertising in organization of company operating railroad, steamboat, vehicle, while intimidation, unlawful 9.41.270
48.06.190 intoxicated 9.91.020 spring blade 9.41.250
false claims or proofs 48.30.230 Introducing contraband spring blade knives, exemptions from
financial condition, advertising of 48.30.070 second degree prohibition 9.41.251
financial statements, false 48.30.030 class C felony 9A.76.150 Knowledge, defined 9A.08.010
fraud Ch. 48.30A, Ch. 48.135 defined 9A.76.150 Labor, See LABOR, subtitle Prohibited practices
health care discount plan organizations third degree Laborers, seasonal, advances, fraud in securing
48.155.130 defined 9A.76.160 49.40.030
free insurance 48.30.155 misdemeanor 9A.76.160 Landlord and tenant
hypothecation of notes 48.30.200 Involuntary servitude, coercion of 9A.40.110 unlawful detainer may be criminal trespass
inducements, illegal 48.30.150 Judge, defined 9A.04.110 59.12.030
interlocking ownership or management Judges, intimidation of 9A.72.160 Landscape architects 18.96.020
48.30.250 Juries and jurors Larceny
misleading comparisons, twisting 48.30.180 allowing juror to leave jury room 9.51.030 equated as theft, when 9A.56.100
misrepresentation communications with, person in charge indictment or information for, description of
in applications 48.30.210 permitting 9.51.030 money or securities 10.37.110
generally 48.30.040 criminal cases, allowing to leave jury room, military property 38.32.100, 38.32.120
of policies 48.30.090 penalty 9.51.030
grand jury persons punishable 9A.04.030
name, insurers name by noninsurer proof of ownership of property, sufficiency of
prohibited 48.30.060 depositions, disclosure or contents 9.51.060
disclosing transactions 9.51.050 10.58.060
over insuring interest 48.27.010, 48.30.260 public assistance 74.08.331
perjury 9A.72.030 juror acting after challenge allowed 9.51.040
transcript of testimony, disclosure of railroad property 81.60.080
political contributions prohibited 48.30.110 receiving stolen property
premiums, illegal dealing in 48.30.190 9.51.060
impanelling, misconduct 9.51.010 railroad property 81.60.080
property insurance, debts or loans 48.30.260 restoration of property to owner, officers
rate control by compact 48.30.020 intimidating 9A.72.130
jury room, allowing juror to leave jury room accountability 9.54.130
rate wars 48.30.240 theft of certificates of title 65.12.730
rebates 48.30.140, 48.30.170 9.51.030
jury tampering, defined 9A.72.140 Lasers
representations, false, misleading, prohibited unlawful discharge, penalties Ch. 9A.49
48.30.040 misconduct of officer drawing jury 9.51.010
perjury, defined 9A.72.010 Law, unlawful practice, See CRIMES, subtitle
solicitation for unauthorized insurers Barratry
48.15.020 refreshments, person in charge permitting
9.51.030 Law, unlawful practice of law 2.48.180
twisting 48.30.180 Law enforcement officers
unfair practices 48.30.010 solicitation of jury duty 9.51.020
Jurisdiction disarming 9A.76.023, 9A.76.025, 9A.76.027
willful destruction, secretion, injury, etc., to impersonation of 9A.60.045
property 48.30.220 persons amenable to criminal statutes
9A.04.070 obstruction 9A.76.020
Insurance, See also INSURANCE, subtitle Jurisdiction of the state 9A.04.030
Unfair practices Leading organized crime 9A.82.060
Justice, obstruction of Ch. 9.69 Legislature
Insurance premium finance company act, Justices of the peace, use of unfit or improper
operating without license 48.56.030 contempt of witness 44.16.130
language by justice 42.20.110 hearings and inquiries, witnesses refusing to
Intellectual property, counterfeiting Ch. 9.16 Justifiable homicide
Intent attend or testify 44.16.120
committed by private person 9A.16.050 witnesses, refusing to attend and answer when
burglary committed by public officer 9A.16.040
inference of 9A.52.040 summoned, penalty 9.55.020, 44.16.120
Juvenile justice act Ch. 13.40 Letters
defined 9A.08.010 Juveniles
fraud, intent as element 10.58.040 opening or reading without permission
prosecution 13.40.070 9.73.020
Interfering with justice firearms special allegation 13.40.196
demonstration of any kind in or near court, publishing without permission, penalty
recommended prosecuting standards for 9.73.020
court building, residence of court officer, charging and plea dispositions 13.40.077
judge, juror, witness 9.27.015 sending letter, when complete, what county
Juveniles, See also JUVENILES, subtitle sender may be proceeded against 9.01.130
parading in or near court, court building, Offenses (crimes)
residence of court officer, judge, juror, Lewdness, See CRIMES, subtitle Obscenity
Kidnapping Liability, principles of 9A.08.010, 9A.08.020,
witness 9.27.015 definitions 9A.40.010
picketing in or near court, court building, 9A.08.030
end of duty to register, investigation Liability for conduct of another 9A.08.020
residence of court officer, judge, juror, concerning, removal from registry
witness 9.27.015 Libel, See also CRIMES, subtitle Slander
use of sound-truck or similar device in or near failure of offender to register 9A.44.132 Libraries
court, court building, residence of court first degree discrimination to deny public
officer, judge, juror, witness 9.27.015 class A felony 9A.40.020 accommodations because of race, color, or
Interment in cemeteries without certificate of defined, elements 9A.40.020 creed 9.91.010
authority 68.05.240 offender attendance at or employment by injury to property 27.12.330
International student exchange organizations, schools or higher education institutions retaining books 27.12.340
violations 19.166.090 9A.44.138 Lie detector tests, requiring of employee or
Internet persons punishable 9A.04.030 prospective employee, unlawful, penalty,
child pornography Ch. 9.68A registration of offenders 9A.44.128, exception 49.44.120
internet crimes against children account 9A.44.130, 9A.44.132, 9A.44.140, Liens
43.101.435 9A.44.141, 9A.44.142, 9A.44.143, destruction, conversion, sale, removal, etc., of
Intimate images, disclosing 9A.86.010 9A.44.145, 9A.44.148 personal property to avoid lien 9.45.060
Intimidating a judge relief from duty to register, petition and fine in criminal proceeding, lien against real
defined 9A.72.160 exceptions 9A.44.142 property of defendant 10.64.080
Intimidating a juror relief from duty to register for juveniles, Lighthouses, injury to 88.08.050
defined 9A.72.130 petition and exception 9A.44.143 Limitation of actions 9A.04.080
Intimidating a witness second degree Limitation of actions, See also LIMITATION OF
definition and elements 9A.72.110 class B felony 9A.40.030 ACTIONS
Intimidation of public servant defense to prosecution, elements 9A.40.030 Liquor, See CRIMES, subtitle Alcoholic
class B felony 9A.76.180 defined 9A.40.030 beverages
defined 9A.76.180 Kidnapping, See also CRIMES, subtitle Littering, highways 46.61.645, 46.61.655
Intimidation with deadly weapon 9.41.270 Involuntary servitude, coercion of; Livestock
Intoxication CRIMES, subtitle Trafficking; brands and marks Ch. 16.57

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 183]


maliciously killing or causing substantial false measurement 9.45.124 advertising violations 81.80.355
bodily harm to livestock belonging to inaccurate measurement 9.45.124 rebating or discrimination 81.80.230
another, penalty 16.52.320 inducing, false or inaccurate measurement Motor vehicle drivers licensing violations, See
unlawful possession Ch. 16.57 9.45.126 MOTOR VEHICLES, subtitle Drivers
Livestock, inhumane slaughter Ch. 16.50 public policy 9.45.122 licenses
Livestock market regulations, violations Meat Motor vehicle financial responsibility law
16.65.440 custom slaughtering and custom meat failure to return license to department upon
Livestock markets, unlawful activities facilities, unlawful acts Ch. 16.49 suspension or revocation of operators
16.65.130, 16.65.150 Mental incapacities, persons with license 46.29.610
Livestock theft 9A.56.080, 9A.56.083 sexual contact with 9A.44.100 forgery of required proof 46.29.620
fine, mandatory 9A.56.085 Metal property, theft 9A.56.030, 9A.56.040, Ch. Motor vehicles
mandatory fine 9A.56.085 19.290, 36.28A.240, 43.43.885 accidents and reports
Luring of child or person with developmental implementation and operation 43.43.887 improper procedure after involvement in an
disability Methamphetamine accident 46.52.020
defined 9A.40.090 controlled substances, uniform act Ch. 69.50 air bags 46.37.650, 46.37.660, 46.63.020
Mail manufacture with child on premises, special auto theft prevention authority Ch. 46.66
mail theft 9A.56.010, 9A.56.370, 9A.56.380, allegation 9.94A.827 capitol grounds, control of traffic on,
9A.56.390 Military, See MILITIA AND MILITARY violations, jurisdiction 46.08.170
solicitation of undesired mail to annoy or AFFAIRS, subtitle Crimes chains, studded tires, failing to use when
harass another person 9.35.030 Military organizations, unauthorized 38.40.120 required 46.37.420
Making or having burglar tools Milk and milk products for animal food dealers, salespersons and manufacturers
defined 9A.52.060 unlawful acts 15.37.100, 15.37.110 licenses 46.70.240
gross misdemeanor 9A.52.060 Milk products, unlawful acts and sales Ch. 15.36 defined 9A.56.070
Malice, defined for Criminal Code 9A.04.110 Mines and mining driving under the influence 46.61.502
Malicious burning altering samples of ore or assay certificate eluding pursuing police
building, defined 9A.48.010 9.45.210 license revocation 46.61.024
Malicious destruction of property during state of false samples of ore or assay 9.45.220 firearms
emergency, penalty 43.06.230 mineral trespass 78.44.320, 78.44.330, carrying loaded pistol in vehicle prohibited
Malicious harassment 9A.36.078, 9A.36.080 78.44.340 9.41.050
civil remedies 9A.36.083 sabotage, interfering with mining 9.05.060 fuel, theft 46.61.740
defined, criminal penalties 9A.36.080 Minimum wage law violations 49.46.100 insurance, falsification of proof of financial
Malicious injury to person during state of Minors responsibility 46.30.040
emergency, penalty 43.06.230 alcoholic beverages, violations, enforcement, intoxication, penalty for failure to take alcohol
Malicious mischief and penalties Ch. 66.44 or drug tests 46.20.308
aggregation of value of damaged property begging, employing child for 26.28.070 leaving children unattended in parked
9A.48.100 cigarettes 26.28.080 automobile to enter tavern, penalty
bomb threats 9.61.160 crimes related to 9.91.060
carrier or racing pigeon indecent exposure 9A.88.010 lights or signals, tampering with 88.08.020
injury to 9.61.190 employment motor vehicle wreckers 46.80.170
removal or alteration of identification immoral or dangerous employment negligent driving 46.61.525, 46.61.526,
9.61.200 26.28.070 46.61.5249
damages, defined 9A.48.010 minimum ages, exceptions 26.28.060 obscuring identity of a machine 9A.56.180
first degree erotic material, sale, distribution or showing odometers
class B felony 9A.48.070 to, penalties 9.68.050, 9.68.060, 9.68.070, crimes relating to 46.37.540, 46.37.550,
defined, elements 9A.48.070 9.68.080, 9.68.090, 9.68.100, 9.68.110, 46.37.560, 46.37.570
physical damage, defined 9A.48.100 9.68.120 physical control of while under the influence
second degree leaving children unattended in parked of liquor or drugs 46.61.504
class C felony 9A.48.080 automobile to enter tavern, penalty prowling 9A.52.095, 9A.52.100
defined, elements 9A.48.080 9.91.060 publicly owned vehicles, allowing operation
telephone calls, harassing 9.61.230, 9.61.240, tattoos, applying to minors a misdemeanor of unmarked vehicle unlawful 46.08.065
9.61.250 26.28.085 reckless driving
third degree tobacco 26.28.080 gross misdemeanor 46.61.500
defined 9A.48.090 unlawful harboring of a minor 13.32A.080 refund of license fees, false statement relating
gross misdemeanor 9A.48.090 vapor products, See VAPOR PRODUCTS to 46.68.010
Malicious or intentional destruction of property, Misappropriation of public funds, advancement signal preemption devices 46.37.670,
residential landlord-tenant act 59.18.130 of travel expenses 42.24.150 46.37.671, 46.37.672, 46.37.673,
Malicious prosecution 9.62.010, 9.62.020 Misdemeanors 46.37.674, 46.37.675
Maliciously, defined 9A.04.110 compromise of misdemeanors, See striking unattended vehicle, neglect of duty
Mandamus, enforcement of writ 7.16.280 COMPROMISE OF MISDEMEANORS 46.52.010
Manslaughter defined 9A.04.040, 9A.20.010 subleasing or transfer, unlawful practices Ch.
duress not a defense 9A.16.060 jurisdiction of superior courts as to 2.08.010 19.116
first degree probation services theft of 9A.56.063, 9A.56.065, 9A.56.068,
class A felony 9A.32.060 assessment for services 10.64.120 9A.56.078, 9A.56.096
defined, elements 9A.32.060 punishment when not fixed by statute transfer or subleasing, unlawful practices Ch.
inquests, See CORONERS, subtitle Inquests 9.92.030 19.116
second degree sentences to be imposed 9A.20.020, vehicular assault
class B felony 9A.32.070 9A.20.021 alcohol and drug evaluation and treatment of
defined, elements 9A.32.070 warrantless arrest, when authorized 10.31.100 offenders, requirements 46.61.524
Manufactured homes, elimination of title Mobile home park relocation assistance, relating vehicular homicide
falsification or omission of required to alcohol and drug evaluation and treatment of
information violations, penalty 59.21.110 offenders, requirements 46.61.524
penalty 65.20.130 Money laundering definition and penalty 46.61.520
Manufactured homes, mobile homes, definitions 9A.83.010 Motorcycles
commercial coaches, recreational vehicles, elements of crime, penalties 9A.83.020 exhaust systems 46.37.537
and park trailers, safety requirements, government officers, release from liability Municipal corporations, political subdivisions,
penalty 43.22.340 when engaged in lawful performance of claims against for contractual purposes,
Marijuana, See DRUGS duties 9A.83.040 violations, penalty 42.24.100, 42.24.110
Marriage limitation of action 9A.04.080 Municipal courts
regulations 26.04.200 seizure and forfeiture of proceeds and termination
violations of marriage requirements 26.04.220 property 9A.83.030 agreement with county to handle criminal
Materially false statement, defined for perjury Mosquito control districts, interference with cases, arbitration 35.20.010, 35.22.425,
9A.72.010 work of 17.28.250 35.27.515, 35.30.100
Measurements Motor freight carriers Municipalities

[RCW Indexpage 184] (2016 Ed.)


agreement with county to handle cases use of sound-truck or similar device in or near militia member, physician making false
3.50.800, 3.50.805 court, court building, residence of court certificate for 38.32.090
Murder officer, judge, jurors, witness 9.27.015 public assistance, application for grant
abuse victim found guilty of murder of abuser Obtain control over, defined for theft and robbery 74.08.055
prior to July 23, 1989 9A.56.010 retraction of false statement 9A.72.060
petition to indeterminate sentence review Obtaining a signature by deception or duress second degree
board 9.95.045 class C felony 9A.60.030 class C felony 9A.72.030
resentencing to reduce sentence allowed defined 9A.60.030 defined 9A.72.030
9.94A.890 Odometers, tampering with 46.37.540 statement of what one does not know to be true
review of inmates sentence by exemptions 46.37.550, 46.37.560, 46.37.570 9A.72.080
indeterminate sentence review board replacement of 46.37.590 subversive activities, statements as to, answers
9.95.047 Offenders under supervision of department of subject to perjury 9.81.070, 9.81.110
aggravated first degree Ch. 10.95 corrections summary commitment of witness for 9.72.090
duress not a defense 9A.16.060 pistols unsworn certified written statement, out of
first degree prohibited from owning or possessing state, county of jurisdiction 10.25.065
class A felony 9A.32.030 9.41.045 unsworn written statement in place of
defense 9A.32.030 Officer, defined 9A.04.110 affidavits or other sworn statement
killing in course of robbery, rape, burglary, Official misconduct 9A.72.085
arson, or kidnapping 9A.32.030 defined 9A.80.010 Perjury and interference with official
premeditation 9A.32.020 Official misconduct by public servant proceedings
punishment 9A.32.040 gross misdemeanor 9A.80.010 juror, defined 9A.72.010
sentences 9A.32.040 Official proceeding, defined for perjury materially false statement, defined 9A.72.010
homicide by abuse 9A.32.055 9A.72.010 oath, defined 9A.72.010
inquests, See CORONERS, subtitle Inquests Oil and gas official proceeding, defined 9A.72.010
limitation of action 9A.04.080 misrepresentation of trademark or trade name testimony, defined 9A.72.010
second degree 9.16.080 Person, defined 9A.04.110
class A felony 9A.32.050 Oil and hazardous substance spills Personal property
defenses 9A.32.050 unlawful operation of facilities 90.56.300 damage to Ch. 9A.48
defined, elements 9A.32.050 Oil spill prevention and response destruction, secretion, injury, etc., for
killing in course of certain felonies unlawful acts 88.46.080, 88.46.090 insurance 48.30.220
9A.32.050 Oil tankers, reckless operation 90.56.530 fraudulent conveyance or encumbrance by
Narcotics, See CRIMES, subtitle Drugs Omissions, not punishable, when 9.01.110 corporation 9.24.020
Necessary, defined for Criminal Code 9A.16.010 Optometry, unlawful acts and penalty 18.53.150 proof of ownership in criminal prosecution
Nuclear energy, violations 70.98.200 Organized crime 10.58.060
Nuisances leading organized crime 9A.82.060 trafficking in stolen property 9A.82.050,
contempt for violation of statewide special inquiry judge act Ch. 10.29 9A.82.055
injunction, penalty 7.48.080 Organized crime intelligence unit in state patrol Personal protection spray devices
order of abatement 7.48.090 43.43.850, 43.43.852, 43.43.854, 43.43.856 possession 9.91.160
punishment for failure to abate 7.48.250 Osteopathic medicine and surgery, unlawful Persons amenable to criminal statutes 9A.04.070
Nuisances, public Ch. 9.66 practices 18.57.160 Persons liable to punishment 9A.04.030
Nuisances, See also CRIMES, subtitle Public Outdoor music festival, violations 70.108.130 Pesticide application, unlawful acts 17.21.150,
nuisances Owner, defined for theft and robbery 9A.56.010 17.21.310
Nursing home administrators, unlicensed acts Pallets Pesticides
18.52.140 definitions 9A.56.010 unlawful practices 15.58.150
Oath, defined for perjury 9A.72.010 possessing stolen property 9A.56.140 violations, penalties 15.58.330
Obscene telephone calls 9.61.230 Pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers Pet animals
Obscenity prohibited acts 19.60.060 definitions 9.08.065
abortion, articles or drugs for, exposing for stolen or lost property, duty to report to chief research institutions, transferring stolen
sale 9.68.030 law enforcement officer 19.60.040 animals to
indictment or information for obscene Peace officer penalties 9.08.072, 9.08.074, 9.08.076,
literature, describing 10.37.130 defined 9A.04.110 9.08.078
injunctions against obscene materials preventing arrest 9A.76.040 taking, concealing, injuring, killing, etc.
7.42.010, 7.42.020, 7.42.030, 7.42.040, refusing to summon aid for 9A.76.030 9.08.070
7.42.050, 7.42.060, 7.42.070 Pecuniary benefit, defined 9A.04.110 Petroleum products
motion picture projectionists, employees, Penalties for misrepresentation of trademark or trade name
immunity from prosecution 7.48.100 city, town, and county penalties to be uniform 9.16.080
Obscenity and pornography with state law 35A.11.020 Pharmacies and pharmacists
exemptions 9.68.015 Perjury robbery in first or second degree with special
promoting of, class C felony, penalties claims for furnishing materials or services, allegation 9.94A.832
9.68.140 certifying falsely 42.24.100 violations, penalty 18.64.250, 18.64.280
Obscuring identity of a machine commitment of witness for, detention of books Physical control of a vehicle while under the
defined, elements 9A.56.180 or instruments 9.72.090 influence of liquor or drugs
Obstructing governmental operation evidence alcohol information school attendance
definitions 9A.76.010 detention of forged or altered books or 46.61.5056
introducing contraband instruments as evidence against witnesses determination 46.61.504
second degree 9.72.090 diagnostic evaluation and treatment for
class C felony 9A.76.150 first degree alcohol violators 46.61.5056
defined 9A.76.150 class B felony 9A.72.020 fees
third degree defined 9A.72.020 state toxicology laboratory and enforcement
defined 9A.76.160 mistaken belief of materiality no defense funding fee 46.61.5054
misdemeanor 9A.76.160 9A.72.020 seizure and forfeiture of vehicle 46.61.5058
obstructing law enforcement officer immunity from prosecution does not apply to Physical evidence, defined 9A.72.150
9A.76.020 perjury committed in self-incriminating Physical injury, defined 9A.04.110
Obstructing justice Ch. 9.69 testimony 10.52.090 Physicians and surgeons
demonstration of any kind in or near court, inconsistent statements controlled substances, See DRUGS
court building, residence of court officer, conviction for lowest degree of crime false personation, penalty 18.71.190
judge, juror, witness 9.27.015 9A.72.050 militia personnel, making false certificate for,
parading in or near court, court building, prosecution requirements 9A.72.050 perjury 38.32.090
residence of court officer, judge, jurors, indictment or information for, description in Pigeons, killing, injuring, detaining, or removing
witness 9.27.015 10.37.140 identification marks 9.61.190, 9.61.200
picketing in or near court, court building, irregularities in oath administration Pilot vehicles, mobile home movements
residence of court officer, judge, juror, no defense 9A.72.070 insurance coverage 46.44.180
witness 9.27.015 land registration 65.12.740 Pilotage act, violations and penalties Ch. 88.16

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 185]


Pistols Prizes, promotional advertising of prizes prevention and intervention services grant
forfeiture violations 19.170.070 program 43.63A.720, 43.63A.725,
confiscation by law enforcement officer of Probation services 43.63A.730, 43.63A.735
firearm subject to forfeiture authorized assessment fees, authority of judge of court of promoting prostitution
9.41.098 limited jurisdiction to levy 10.64.120 advances prostitution, defined 9A.88.060
destruction, sale, or trade of forfeited misdemeanors class B felony 9A.88.070
firearms authorized 9.41.098 assessment for services 10.64.120 first degree
Platting, subdivision and dedication of land act, Process defined, elements 9A.88.070
violation, penalty 58.17.300 abuse of 9.62.020 profits from prostitution, defined 9A.88.060
Podiatric medicine and surgery, violations and district judges second degree
penalty 18.22.220 failure to execute process 12.04.190 class C felony 9A.88.080
Poisons failure to make or false 12.04.190 defined 9A.88.080
caustic or corrosive substances, penalty for fake or false process, serving 9.12.010 for travel 9A.88.085
violations 69.36.060 Profiteering prosecution
Poisons or other harmful objects in food, drinks, antiprofiteering revolving funds 9A.82.110 sex of parties immaterial 9A.88.050
medicine, or water Ch. 69.40 bars on certain prosecutions 9A.82.085 seizure and forfeiture of property 9A.88.150
Police dog, accelerant detection dog, or police collection of an unlawful debt 9A.82.045 sentencing conditions 9A.88.130
horse, harming of 9A.76.200 definitions 9A.82.010 sex of parties immaterial prosecution
Polluting water supply 70.54.010 extortionate extension of credit 9A.82.020, 9A.88.050
Pollution liability insurance program 9A.82.030, 9A.82.040 vehicle impoundment 9A.88.140
unauthorized disclosure of proprietary reports financial institution records Providing contraband to a person in detention or
and information 70.148.060 inspection and copying 9A.82.170 secure facility
Pornography Ch. 9.68 wrongful disclosure 9A.82.170 classification of crime 9A.76.160
promoting of, class C felony, penalties leading organized crime 9A.82.060 for criminal purposes 9A.76.150
9.68.140 payments in excess of damages, use Psychologists, licensing violations 18.83.180
Port district toll facilities, violation of rules and 9A.82.110 Public assistance
regulations 53.34.190 proceeds, use of 9A.82.080 application for grant, falsification 74.08.055
Possessing stolen property profiteering lien child support action 74.20.060
credit cards, presumption 9A.56.140 authorized procedure 9A.82.120 medical care
defined 9A.56.140 notice 9A.82.140 health care providers
first degree trustee of real property 9A.82.130 bribes, kickbacks, rebates, or self-referrals
class B felony 9A.56.150 conveyance of property by, liability 74.09.240
defined 9A.56.150 9A.82.150 excessive, improper charges 74.09.260
lack of conviction, apprehension failure to comply 9A.82.160 false statements, fraud 74.09.230
identification not a defense 9A.56.140 remedies, civil and equitable 9A.82.100 false verification of written statement
second degree restraining orders 9A.82.090 74.09.280
public records 9A.56.160 sporting event, influencing outcome institutional certification, false statements
stolen motor vehicle, value limit 9A.56.160 9A.82.070 74.09.250
value limits 9A.56.160 trafficking in stolen property 9A.82.050,
third degree patient trust funds, failure to deposit in trust
9A.82.055 account 74.09.270
defined 9A.56.170 Prohibited labor practices, See LABOR, subtitle
gross misdemeanors 9A.56.170 Prohibited practices surplus commodities, unlawful receipt and use
Powdered alcohol of 74.04.385
Prohibition, enforcement of writ 7.16.320
using, purchasing, selling, or possessing Projectile stun gun, defined 9A.04.110 Public buildings
misdemeanor 66.44.380 Promoting a suicide attempt bomb threats 9.61.160
Premeditation class C felony 9A.36.060 discrimination to deny public
negligent homicide by motor vehicle, not Property accommodations because of race, color, or
affected by 9A.32.020 defined 9A.04.110 creed 9.91.010
requirement for first degree murder 9A.32.020 Property, See CRIMES, subtitle Personal earthquake standards 70.86.040
Presumptions property; CRIMES, subtitle Real property Public conveyances
degree of offense 9A.04.100 Property, stolen bomb threats 9.61.160
innocence 9A.04.100 possession of 9A.56.140 Public defender system Ch. 36.26
Prisons and prisoners first degree 9A.56.150 Public disorder, state of emergency, definitions
deadly weapon possession by person not a second degree 9A.56.160 43.06.200
prisoner, penalty 9.94.043 third degree 9A.56.170 Public disturbance
definitions 9A.04.110 Prosecution criminal mischief
drugs, alcohol, or cell phone, possession attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to commit deadly weapon, person armed with
9.94.041 a felony defined by statute outside Criminal 9A.84.010
escape Code 9A.28.010 disorderly conduct 9A.84.030
recapture of prisoner, term 9.31.090 felonies defined by statute outside the false report or warning 9A.84.040
hostages, holding person as, penalty 9.94.030 Criminal Code 9A.20.040 riot
officers and guards, interference with duties, Prostitution deadly weapon, rioter armed with 9A.84.010
penalty 9.94.030 affirmative defense 9A.88.040 failure to disperse, disobedience of order
persistent prison misbehavior, penalty defined 9A.84.020
9.94.070 sexual conduct, defined 9A.88.030 Public lands, See also PUBLIC LANDS, subtitle
possession of employment of minor by prostitution house Crimes relating to
contraband 26.28.070 Public nuisances 9.66.010, 9.66.030, 9.66.050
prohibited, posting of notice, required fee assessments, additional 9A.88.120 abatement
9.94.047 hitchhiking, city and county regulation contempt for violation of order of abatement
narcotic drugs, controlled substances allowed to control 46.61.255 7.48.090
by a person not a prisoner in a state internet advertisement, additional fee punishment for failure to abate 7.48.250
correctional institution 9.94.045 assessment for 9.68A.106 abatement proceedings 9.66.040
prison riot misdemeanor contempt for violation of order of abatement
defined, penalty 9.94.010 sexual conduct, defined 9A.88.030 7.48.090
weapons possession by prisoner, penalty offender civil rights, restoration of unequal damage no defense 9.66.020
9.94.040 vacating records when victim of certain Public officer
Privacy, violating right of Ch. 9.73 crimes 9.96.060, 9.96.070 defined 9A.04.110
Privacy of criminal records 10.97.120 offender registration 9A.44.128 homicide committed by, justifiable when
Private communications, intercepting, See patronizing a prostitute 9A.88.110 9A.16.040
COMMUNICATIONS, subtitle Telephone penalties and fees 9.68A.105, 9.68A.106 official duties, limitation of actions 9A.04.080
Private persons permitting prostitution 9A.88.090 Public officers and employees
homicide committed by, justifiable when prevention and intervention account accounts, falsifying 42.20.070
9A.16.050 43.63A.740 auditing, fraudulent 42.20.060

[RCW Indexpage 186] (2016 Ed.)


books and papers, refusing to surrender to discrimination to deny public false representations in recording title or
successor 42.20.030 accommodations because of race, color, or encumbrance to real property 9.38.020
certificates or writings, falsifying 42.20.050 creed 9.91.010 Recordings
claims, auditing or paying false claim employees, duty, violation of endangering life contraband recordings, disposition, forfeiture,
42.20.060 or safety 81.48.060 and penalty 19.25.050
disobedience of any law 42.20.080 firearms, discharging at train or car 81.60.070 failure to disclose origin of recording, fine and
false personation of 42.20.030 first aid kits, penalty for not providing penalty 19.25.040
falsifying accounts 42.20.070 81.44.085 live performances, use without consent of
intrusion into public office without authority industrial crossings, reporting and inspection owner 19.25.030
42.20.030 of, violations 81.54.030 reproduction of sound without owners
misappropriation of funds or property interfering with any part of rolling stock consent, fine and penalties 19.25.020
40.16.020, 42.20.070, 42.20.090 81.60.080 Records
misfeasance 42.20.100 lights or signals, tampering with 88.08.020 filing or recording false instrument 40.16.030
neglect of duty, generally 42.20.100 malicious injury to railroad property injury, destruction or removal of 40.16.010
omitting or refusing to pay over money 81.60.070 misappropriation of records by public officer
received 42.20.070 obstructing train or car 81.48.020 40.16.020
performing duties without authority 42.20.030 receiving stolen property taken from railroad offering false instrument for filing or
powers of office, delegating to another for 81.60.080 recording 40.16.030
profit 42.20.020 removing any part of rolling stock 81.60.080 prior convictions, use of in later prosecution
prisoners under custody of, powers and duties, roadbed, interfering or tampering with 9.94A.637
See PRISONS AND PRISONERS 81.60.070 vacation of record of convictions, conditions
records, papers, or documents, destroying, sabotage, interfering or injury to 9.94A.640
falsifying, misappropriation of 40.16.020 transportation constitutes 9.05.060 Records, See also STATE PATROL, subtitle
reports or statements, falsifying 42.20.040 stealing any part of rolling stock 81.60.080 Criminal offender record information
seal, refusing to surrender to successor switches, interfering or tampering with Reenactments, disposition of profits 7.68.200,
42.20.030 81.60.070 7.68.210, 7.68.220, 7.68.230, 7.68.240,
surrendering office to successor, refusing trains, interfering or tampering with 81.60.070 7.68.250, 7.68.260, 7.68.270, 7.68.280
42.20.030 trestles, interfering or tampering with Refrigeration equipment, abandoned Ch. 9.03
treasurers, misappropriation of funds 81.60.070 Refusing to summon aid for a peace officer
42.20.090 Rape defined 9A.76.030
Public records child misdemeanor 9A.76.030
filing or recording false instrument 40.16.030 first degree 9A.44.073 Relative
injury, destruction or removal of, penalty second degree 9A.44.076 defined for crime of rendering criminal
40.16.010 third degree 9A.44.079 assistance 9A.76.060
misappropriation of records by public officer, corroboration of victim unnecessary Rental agreement property, conversion,
penalty 40.16.020 9A.44.020 destruction, sale, failure to redeliver
offering false instrument for filing or defenses to prosecution 9A.44.030 9.45.060
recording 40.16.030 definitions 9A.44.010 Reproduction of sound without owners consent,
Public safety and education assessment 3.62.090 first degree 9A.44.040 fine and penalty 19.25.020
Public servant minimum term, mandatory 9A.44.045 Residential burglary 9A.52.025
asking or receiving limitation of action 9A.04.080 Residential landlord-tenant act
bribe 9A.68.010 prevention of procreation as punishment malicious or intentional destruction of
compensation for advice 9A.68.030 9.92.100 property 59.18.130
payment for particular action 9A.68.050 second degree 9A.44.050 unlawful use of firearm or deadly weapon
third degree 9A.44.060 59.18.130
payment for public appointment 9A.68.040 Resisting arrest
victims past sexual behavior, admissibility
bribery, defined 9A.68.010 9A.44.020 defined 9A.76.040
defined 9A.04.110 Real property Restitution
crime of intimidating a public servant damage to Ch. 9A.48 alternative to fine, prosecuting attorneys duty
9A.76.180 destruction, secretion, injury, etc., for to investigate 9A.20.030
false or misleading statement made to insurance 48.30.220 corporations, joint stock associations, also
9A.76.175 false representations in recording applicable to 9A.20.030
intimidation of 9A.76.180 encumbrance to title to real property Restrain, defined for crimes of kidnapping,
making false statement to 9A.72.030 9.38.020 unlawful imprisonment, custodial
offering or giving fraudulent conveyance or encumbrance of by interference, and related crimes 9A.40.010
bribe 9A.68.010 corporation 9.24.020 Restraining orders
payment for particular action 9A.68.050 proof of ownership in criminal prosecution issuance of order in dissolution decree,
payment for public appointment 9A.68.040 10.58.060 enforcement 26.09.050, 26.09.060
offering or paying compensation for advice Rebating by health care providers Ch. 19.68 Right of entry
9A.68.030 Receive, defined for theft and robbery 9A.56.010 land, unimproved, unused, unfenced
official misconduct Receiving or granting unlawful compensation notice requirement 9A.52.010
defined 9A.80.010 class C felony 9A.68.030 posting requirement 9A.52.010
gross misdemeanor 9A.80.010 defined, elements 9A.68.030 Riot
requesting unlawful compensation 9A.68.020 Receiving stolen property class C felony, when 9A.84.010
threatening to influence a public servants railroad property 81.60.080 definition of crime 9A.84.010
official action 9A.76.180 Recidivism, reducing failure to disperse, disobedience of order
trading in public office, defined 9A.68.040 reentry council, Washington statewide Ch. 9A.84.020
trading in special influence, defined 43.380 Rivers and streams
9A.68.050 Reckless burning 76.04.710, 76.04.740 obstructing or interfering with 9.66.010
Public utilities, defrauding Ch. 9A.61 building, defined 9A.48.010 Roads
Public utilities, See also PUBLIC UTILITIES, damages, defined 9A.48.010 obstructing or interfering with, public
subtitle Violations defense to prosecution 9A.48.060 nuisance 9.66.010
Public works first degree Roads, See also CRIMES, subtitle Highways
bidding violations, penalty 9.18.120, 9.18.130 class C felony 9A.48.040 Robbery
falsification of cost accounts and records defined 9A.48.040 appropriate lost or misdelivered property or
39.04.110 second degree services, defined 9A.56.010
Publications, See CRIMES, subtitle Libel defined 9A.48.050 by color or aid of deception, defined
Punishment gross misdemeanor 9A.48.050 9A.56.010
maximum terms 9A.20.020, 9A.20.021 Reckless driving credit card, defined 9A.56.010
murder, first degree 9A.32.040 gross misdemeanor 46.61.500 deception, defined 9A.56.010
restitution, as alternative to fine 9A.20.030 Reckless endangerment 9A.36.050 defined 9A.56.190
Railroads Recklessness, defined 9A.08.010 definitions 9A.56.010
cars, interfering or tampering with 81.60.070 Recording deprive, defined 9A.56.010

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 187]


exerts unauthorized control, defined Schools Sexually transmitted diseases, generally

9A.56.010 abusing teachers, penalty 28A.635.010 70.24.080
first degree bribery and grafting by school officials, Sexually violent predators Ch. 71.09
bodily injury, infliction of 9A.56.200 penalty 28A.635.050 Shark fins, unlawful trade in 77.15.770
class A felony 9A.56.200 contractor prohibited from employing person Shellfish sanitation control, violations 69.30.140
deadly weapon, armed with 9A.56.200 convicted of felony crime against child, Sheriffs, misconduct or nonfeasance 36.28.060
deadly weapon, display of 9A.56.200 penalty for violation 28A.400.330 Ships and shipping, See CRIMES, subtitle Boats
defined, elements 9A.56.200 disturbing school, school activities or and vessels
mail theft 9A.56.010, 9A.56.370, 9A.56.380, meetings, penalty 28A.635.030 Shoplifting
9A.56.390 examinations, assisting persons to answer detention 9A.16.080
obtain control over, defined 9A.56.010 questions, penalty 28A.635.040 penalty
owner, defined 9A.56.010 disclosing questions, penalty 28A.635.040 false arrest suit for, reasonable cause a
receive, defined 9A.56.010 expenditures by school officials in excess of defense 4.24.220
second degree revenues, penalty 28A.535.070 Shoplifting, See also SHOPLIFTING
class B felony 9A.56.210 hiring of uncertificated teachers, directors Shopping cart theft
defined 9A.56.210 connivance, penalty 28A.635.080 definitions 9A.56.010
services, defined 9A.56.010 insulting teachers, penalty 28A.635.010 unlawful acts, misdemeanor 9A.56.270
stolen, defined 9A.56.010 interfering by force or violence with any Signature
value, defined 9A.56.010 administrator, teacher or student obtaining by deception or duress 9A.60.030
wrongfully obtains, defined 9A.56.010 28A.635.090 Silver
Rock festival violations 70.108.130 intimidating any administrator, teacher or coin silver, use of term 9.16.110, 9.16.130
Rules of construction student 28A.635.100 sterling silver, use of term 9.16.100, 9.16.120
application of general provisions of the code school directors, failure to enforce certain Ski areas
9A.04.090 requirements for teachers, penalty fraud 19.48.110
common law supplemental to penal statutes 28A.405.040 Slander, See also CRIMES, subtitle Libel
9A.04.060 school property Soft tree fruits, penalty 15.28.270
culpability defacing or otherwise injuring, penalty, Solicitation, criminal 9A.28.030
substitutes for criminal negligence, parents liability 28A.635.060 Solid waste collection companies 81.77.090
recklessness, and knowledge 9A.08.010 failure of officials, employees, to account Sporting event, influencing outcome 9A.82.070
tense, gender, number 9A.04.110 for, mutilation by, penalty 28A.635.070 Spring blade knives 9.41.250
Sabotage teaching when certificate revoked for failure Spring blade knives, exemptions from
assemblages 9.05.030 to emphasize patriotism, penalty prohibition 9.41.251
criminal sabotage, defined 9.05.060 28A.405.040 Stalking 9A.46.110
provisions relating to cumulative 9.05.090 threats to bomb or injure school buildings, Stalking, See also ACTIONS AND
Savings associations, relating to penalty 9.61.160 PROCEEDINGS
assets and liabilities, false statements as to willful disobedience of order of school State criminal jurisdiction 9A.04.030
33.36.040 administrative personnel or law State employees retirement system, false
discount purchasing of accounts, debentures enforcement officer 28A.635.020 statements 41.40.055
or certificates 33.36.020 Scrap metal State lottery
evidence, suppressing, secreting or destroying engaging in business of processor, recycler, or action without requisite license
33.36.060 supplier without license 19.290.100 felony 67.70.140
falsifications of books, etc. 33.36.040 Search and rescue dogs, interfering with 9.91.175 class C felonies 67.70.160
financial conditions, false statements Securities act violations 21.20.400 false or misleading statement
33.36.050 Securities and investments gross misdemeanor 67.70.150
illegal loans or investments 33.36.010 advertising falsely 9.04.010 forgery, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation
insolvency, transfers for preference of bucket shops, prohibited 9.47.090 felony 67.70.130
creditors 33.36.030 Senior citizens ticket sale to minor
segregation corporation debentures and criminal mistreatment 9A.42.010 misdemeanor 67.70.120
certificates, discount purchasing of violation of rules
33.36.020 defenses 9A.42.050 gross misdemeanor 67.70.170
use of misleading words in name or first degree 9A.42.020 State monuments, defacing 9A.48.110
advertising 33.08.010 second degree 9A.42.030 State of emergency
Savings associations, See SAVINGS third degree 9A.42.035 definitions 43.06.200
ASSOCIATIONS, subtitle Crimes relating withdrawal of life support system, failure to heed order of public official during,
to exemption from chapter 9A.42.040 penalty 43.06.250
Savings banks Sentences general unlawful conduct during, penalty
evidence, concealing or destroying 32.04.110 authorized for offenders 9A.20.020, 43.06.240
falsification of books or securities 32.04.100, 9A.20.021 malicious destruction of property or injury to
32.04.120 murder, first degree 9A.32.040 person, penalty 43.06.230
fraud in false prospectus, report, of financial restitution as alternative to fine 9A.20.030 Statewide special inquiry judge
condition 32.04.120 sentencing reform act, standards, ranges Ch. witnesses, disclosure of information
general penalty 32.04.130 9.94A 10.29.060
insolvent bank receiving deposit 32.04.120 Sentences, See also SENTENCES Statute, defined 9A.04.110
license, doing business without 32.04.120 Services, defined for theft and robbery Statute of limitations, See LIMITATION OF
prospectus or report, falsity in 32.04.120 9A.56.010 ACTIONS
transfers by insolvent bank void as to creditors Servitude, involuntary, including coercion of Ch. Steam, negligent use of 70.54.080
32.24.080 9A.40 Stock restricted areas 16.24.040
School employees Sex offenses Ch. 9A.44 Stolen, defined for theft and robbery 9A.56.010
termination of certificated employees for community protection zones Stolen property
felony crime against child preemption of local ordinance 9.94A.8445 motor vehicle or major component part,
notice to superintendent of public instruction duty of witness to report attempts and offenses trafficking in, limitation of action
upon guilty plea or conviction 9.69.100 9A.04.080
28A.405.475 prostitution, See CRIMES, subtitle pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers, duty to
recovery of salary or compensation by Prostitution report to law enforcement 19.60.040
district 28A.405.470 rape, See CRIMES, subtitle Rape possession of 9A.56.140
right of appeal 28A.405.470 seduction, See CRIMES, subtitle sex offenses first degree 9A.56.150
termination of classified employees for felony sexually explicit materials, unlawful display second degree 9A.56.160
crime against child of 9.68.130 third degree 9A.56.170
crimes against children, specified special allegation 9.94A.835, 9.94A.836, Stop-payment order, unlawful
28A.400.322 9.94A.837, 9.94A.838, 9.94A.839 class C felony, amount 9A.56.060
right of appeal 28A.400.320 Sexual exploitation of children Ch. 9.68A gross misdemeanor, amount 9A.56.060
School premises, firearms possession on Sexual psychopaths Ch. 71.06 Strangulation
warrantless arrest, when authorized 10.31.100 Sexually explicit material, display of 9.68.130 assault, second degree 9A.36.021

[RCW Indexpage 188] (2016 Ed.)


defined 9A.04.110 connection of nondecoding and Trafficking

Street railways, See STREET RAILWAYS, nondescrambling channel frequency criminal profiteering 9A.82.090, 9A.82.100,
subtitle Crimes relating to converter permissible 9A.56.260 9A.82.120
Streets and alleys defense 9A.56.020 generally 9.94A.515, 9.94A.535, 9A.40.010,
obstructing or interfering with 9.66.010 defined 9A.56.020 9A.40.100
Streets and alleys, See also CRIMES, subtitle definitions 9A.56.010 human trafficking awareness day 1.16.050
Highways; CRIMES, subtitle Roads firearms 9A.56.300 notice on human trafficking, model
Stun guns on school premises or facilities first degree restrooms, public, voluntary posting in
prohibited, penalties, exceptions 9.41.280 defined elements 9A.56.030 43.280.110
Substantial bodily harm metal property 9A.56.030 Trafficking, human, See LABOR, subtitle
defined 9A.04.110 with intent to resell 9A.56.340 Human trafficking; VICTIMS,
Subversive activities larcenies defined in other laws SURVIVORS, AND WITNESSES OF
definitions 9.81.010 treated as theft 9A.56.100 CRIMES, subtitle Human trafficking
membership in subversive organization, livestock 9A.56.080, 9A.56.083 Trafficking in stolen property 9A.82.050,
penalty 9.81.030 mail theft 9A.56.010, 9A.56.370, 9A.56.380, 9A.82.055
Suffocation 9A.56.390 motor vehicle or major component part,
defined 9A.04.110 merchandise pallets 9A.56.010 limitation of action 9A.04.080
suffocation 9A.36.021 motor vehicles 9A.56.063, 9A.56.065, Transit stations
Suicide, promoting an attempt 9A.56.068, 9A.56.078, 9A.56.096 conduct at, unlawful 9.91.025
railroads, stealing any part of rolling stock Transit vehicles
class C felony 9A.36.060 81.60.080
Support of dependent children, parent applying conduct on, unlawful 9.91.025
retail Transportation companies, See
for public assistance, statement under oath as extenuating circumstances 9A.56.360
to income, etc. 74.20.260 TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES,
organized theft 9A.56.350 subtitle Violations
Surface mining violations 78.44.260 special circumstances 9A.56.360
Swindles Ch. 9.45 Treason
second degree defined, penalty 9.82.010
Swindling defined 9A.56.040
places of 9.66.010 "levying war", defined 9.82.020
metal property 9A.56.040 misprision of treason, defined, penalty
Sword, intimidation of another, unlawful property or services, value limit 9A.56.040
9.41.270 9.82.030
public records 9A.56.040 Tree fruit research commission, rules violations
Tampering with a witness shopping carts 9A.56.010
definition and elements 9A.72.120 and penalty 15.26.300
unlawful acts, misdemeanor 9A.56.270 Tree spiking 9.91.150, 9.91.155
Tampering with physical evidence third degree Trespass
defined, elements 9A.72.150 defined 9A.56.050 defenses 9A.52.090
gross misdemeanor 9A.72.150 property or services, value limit 9A.56.050 definitions 9A.52.010
physical evidence, defined 9A.72.150 Theft, See also CRIMES, subtitle Larceny first degree 9A.52.070
Teachers retirement system falsification Theft in first or second degree, certain conditions landlord and tenant
41.32.055 limitation of action 9A.04.080 unlawful detainer 59.12.030
Tear gas bombs, unlawful use 70.74.310 Theft of rental, leased, or lease-purchased military grounds 38.32.120
Telecommunications property 9A.56.096 second degree 9A.52.080
civil cause of action 9A.56.268 Threat unimproved, unfenced land
theft of services 9A.56.262 defined 9A.04.110 posting requirement 9A.52.010
unlawful manufacture of device 9A.56.264 crime of coercion 9A.36.070
Trust companies, See TRUST COMPANIES,
unlawful sale of device 9A.56.266 crime of intimidating a public servant subtitle Crimes relating to
Telecommunications fraud 9.26A.110, 9A.76.180
intimidating a juror 9A.72.130 Trust institutions, See TRUST INSTITUTIONS,
9.26A.115 subtitle Crimes relating to
civil action to enjoin violation 7.40.230 intimidating a witness 9A.72.110
Threatening telephone calls 9.61.230 Unemployment compensation, violations,
definitions 9.26A.100 generally 50.36.010, 50.36.020
pay telephones, fraudulent operation Threats against
governor or immediate family, governor-elect, Unfair business practices 19.86.110
9.26A.120 Uniform facsimile signature of public officials
pay telephones, manufacturing of slugs for use officers next in order of succession, penalty
9A.36.090 act, using to defraud 39.62.040
in 9.26A.130 Unlawful imprisonment
Telegrams Three strikes
persistent offender, definition 9.94A.030 class C felony 9A.40.040
divulging contents by telegraph company defined 9A.40.040
employee, penalty 9.73.010 purpose and procedures 9.94A.555,
9.94A.561, 9.94A.565 Unsworn certified written statements, out-of-
obtaining knowledge of wrongfully, penalty state 9A.04.030
9.73.010, 9.73.020 sentencing requirements 9.94A.505
Throwing stars, possession on school premises or Value, defined for theft and robbery 9A.56.010
publishing message, penalty 9.73.020 Vehicle, defined 9A.04.110
refusing or delaying delivery by telegraph facilities, penalty, exceptions 9.41.280
Timeshares 64.36.210 Vehicle dealers 46.70.021
company employee, penalty 9.73.010 Vehicle dealers, manufacturers, and buyers
Toxic fumes, inhalation of, including possession,
Telephones inducement, and sale Ch. 9.47A agents 46.70.180
calling to harass, intimidate, torment or Tracking of felony cases Vehicle dealers and manufacturers 46.70.170
embarrass 9.61.230, 9.61.250 department of corrections to maintain records licenses
credit card number or code, prohibited acts 10.98.110 denial, suspension, or revocation
9.26A.090 Trademarks and trade names grounds 46.70.101
intercepting, See COMMUNICATIONS, beverage containers, refilling, penalty Vehicles, See also CRIMES, subtitle Motor
subtitle Telephone 19.76.110 vehicles
permitting telephone to be used to harass, fraudulent registration 9.16.060 Vehicular assault 7.68.020
intimidate or torment 9.61.240, 9.61.250 petroleum products, misrepresentation of alcohol and drug evaluation and treatment of
records, unauthorized sale or procurement trademark or trade names 9.16.080 offenders, requirements 46.61.524
9.26A.140 Trading in public office Vehicular homicide 7.68.020
refusal to yield party lines class C felony 9A.68.040 alcohol and drug evaluation and treatment of
penalty 70.85.020 defined 9A.68.040 offenders, requirements 46.61.524
request for line on pretext of emergency Trading in special influence definition and penalty 46.61.520
70.85.030 class C felony 9A.68.050 Verdict
Terrorism, see TERRORISM defined 9A.68.050 proof required for convictions 9A.04.100
Testimony, defined for perjury 9A.72.010 Trading stamp violations 19.83.050 Vessels and shipping
Theft Trading stamps, violations 19.84.040 convicts brought into state 88.08.030
ammonia 69.55.010 Traffic infractions lights or signals, tampering with 88.08.020
auto theft prevention authority Ch. 46.66 failure to obey police order to stop 46.61.022 operation under influence of alcohol or drugs
beverage crates 9A.56.010 Traffic infractions, See also TRAFFIC 90.56.540, 90.56.550, 90.56.560
cable television services INFRACTIONS unlicensed pilotage 88.08.060

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 189]


Vessels and shipping, See CRIMES, subtitle brass knuckles 9.41.250 CRIMINAL IDENTIFICATION (See STATE
Boats and vessels exhibitions, dangerous, prohibited 9.41.260 PATROL, subtitle Identification and
Veterinary licensing violations 18.92.230, intimidation of another, unlawful 9.41.270 criminal history section)
18.92.240 person armed with, committing criminal CRIMINAL INSANITY (See CRIMINAL
Victims, survivors, and witnesses of mischief 9A.84.010 PROCEDURE, subtitle Criminal
construction of chapter 7.69.050 rioter armed with 9A.84.010 insanity; MENTAL ILLNESS, subtitle
criminal gang member, protection for Criminal insanity)
testifying against 7.69.035 slung shot 9.41.250
definitions 7.69.020 spring blade knives 9.41.250 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS (See
incapacitated or incompetent victims spring blade knives, exemptions from GRAND JURY, subtitle Criminal
representation provided for 7.69.040 prohibition 9.41.251 investigations)
intent 7.69.010 Weapons, See also CRIMES, subtitle Firearms CRIMINAL JUSTICE AGENCIES
right to make statement before postsentence Weather modification violations 43.37.200 Address confidentiality program for criminal
release of offender 7.69.032 Weed control, unlawful acts 17.10.235 justice participants 40.24.030
rights enumerated 7.69.030 Weighmasters and commodity weighing, Defined 43.43.705
Victims of unlawful acts 15.80.620, 15.80.630, Dissemination, disclosure of information, See
compensation Ch. 7.68 15.80.640, 15.80.650 CRIMINAL RECORDS PRIVACY ACT
Video and sound recordings, use by police, fire, Weights and measures 19.94.510 Interlocal agreements and contracts 39.34.180
and certain emergency response personnel Well construction, unlawful acts 18.104.030, Local sales and use tax distribution Ch. 82.14
9.73.090 18.104.160
Video or computer games, violent CRIMINAL JUSTICE FORECASTING
White cane law, penalty for violations 70.84.070 Primary sources
sale to minors 9.91.180
Violations, complaints by sheriff 36.28.010, Wildlife, criminal acts and penalties Ch. 77.15 state patrol, department of corrections, office
36.28.011 Wills, delivery on death of testator, penalty for of financial management 10.98.140
Violations with no statutory penalty are failure 11.20.010 Recordkeeping
misdemeanors 9A.20.010 Wiretaps caseload forecast council 10.98.140
Violent offenders commercial sexual abuse of a minor 9.73.210, CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION
release without bail, statement of reasons 9.73.230 ACT
10.19.170 illegal drug transactions Admission to jails
Violent offenses authorizations 9.73.090, 9.73.230 prompt reporting to office of financial
duty of witnesses to report 9.69.100 evidence, admissibility as 9.73.230 management 10.98.130
Visually or hearing impaired youth judicial authorization, availability of judge Arrest and fingerprint form
failing to make reports required by law for, requirements 9.73.220 felons 10.98.050
72.40.100 legislative findings 9.73.200 judges duties 10.98.050
Voyeurism state patrol sole recipient for federal
one-party consent 9.73.210 transmission 10.98.070
class C felony 9A.44.115
limitation of actions 9A.04.080 reports 9.73.230 unique number system 10.98.060
Wages violations Conviction histories for filings, plea agreements
discrimination due to sex 49.12.175 investigation and prosecution 9.73.240 and sentencing
kick-backs 49.52.050 Witnesses state patrol primary source 10.98.030
rebates 49.52.050 bribe receiving by, definition and elements Criminal justice forecasting 10.98.140
wrongful refusal to pay 49.48.060 9A.72.100 Criminal offender record information
Warehouse receipts bribing, defined, elements 9A.72.090 disposition form and report
delivery of goods without obtaining inducement to testify falsely, withhold annual audits 10.98.100
negotiable receipt 22.32.050 testimony, or absence from proceedings Definitions 10.98.040
duplicate receipts, not marking 22.32.040 9A.72.120 Disposition form and report
fictitious receipt 22.32.020 inducing avoidance of legal process annual audit to see if transmitted to state patrol
liquor warehouse receipts, penalty 9.45.160, 9A.72.090 10.98.100
9.45.170 influencing testimony 9A.72.090 felony conviction disposition form and report
refusing to issue 22.32.010 transmit to corrections department 10.98.090
unlawful practices 22.09.250 intimidating, definition and elements prosecuting attorney to send to state patrol
9A.72.110 10.98.090
using unauthorized receipts 22.09.310
Warehouses for storage of agricultural intimidation 9A.72.110 state patrol sole recipient for federal
commodities payment to influence testimony, avoiding transmission 10.98.070
general penalty 22.09.890 process, or absence from proceeding transmitted to prosecuting attorney 10.98.050
violations by inspectors 22.09.770 9A.72.100 Filing
Washington death with dignity act perjury, See CRIMES, subtitle Perjury conviction histories from state patrol
coercion or exertion of undue influence on refusal to attend and answer when summoned 10.98.030
patient requesting medication 70.245.200 before legislature 9.55.020 Fingerprints and identifying data
willful alteration or forgery of request or self-incrimination, bribery, witness not judges duties 10.98.050
rescission of request for medication excused on ground of self-incrimination transmit to state patrol identification and
70.245.200 9.18.080 criminal history section 10.98.050
Waste tires, storage or transportation without tampering with, definition and elements Forecasting, criminal justice 10.98.140
license 70.95.565 9A.72.120 Jails
Water Witnessing felony, failing to report certain admission or release
furnishing impure 70.54.020 9.69.100 prompt reporting to office of financial
poisons or other harmful objects in food, Written instrument management 10.98.130
drinks, medicine, or water Ch. 69.40 defined 9A.60.010 National crime information center interstate
polluting 70.54.010 identification index 10.98.070
watersheds in adjoining state 70.54.030 forgery 9A.60.020 Plea agreements
Water, sewer, or drainage connection without obtaining a signature by deception or duress conviction histories from state patrol
water-sewer district permission, penalties 9A.60.030 10.98.030
57.08.180 Wrongfully obtains, defined for theft and robbery Procedures, development considerations
Water code violations 90.03.400, 90.03.410, 9A.56.010 review and recommendations 10.98.160
90.03.420 CRIMINAL CODE (See CRIMES) Release from jails
Water pollution prompt reporting to office of financial
penalty 90.48.140 CRIMINAL HISTORY management 10.98.130
Water resources rules and regulations, violation, Background checks, See STATE PATROL Sentencing
procedure 43.27A.190 Criminal justice information act, See conviction histories from state patrol
misrepresentation of claim, penalty 90.14.121 ACT State identification number
Watercraft 79A.60.050, 79A.60.060 Privacy, See CRIMINAL RECORDS PRIVACY state patrol to furnish to originating agency
Weapons ACT and prosecutor 10.98.080

[RCW Indexpage 190] (2016 Ed.)


State patrol crisis referral services, confidentiality of felons

conviction histories for filings, plea records and communications to transfer from county to state facility
agreements and sentencing 10.98.030 43.101.425 36.63.255
Status of suspected or convicted felons personal crisis recognition and crisis public defense, office of Ch. 2.70
prompt response by patrol and corrections intervention services, requirements state to pay costs and fees of indigent parties
department to jails and law agencies 43.101.420 4.88.330
10.98.150 crisis intervention training 43.101.427 stay of execution of judgment, conditions of
Tracking of arrest charges 10.98.060 developmental disability or mental illness, release 9.95.064
Tracking of felony cases 10.98.010 interaction with persons with a 43.101.227 Armed offenders
department of corrections to maintain records education at approved existing institutions notification and warning 10.01.210
10.98.110 43.101.170 Arraignment
ethnic and cultural diversity curriculum name
CRIMINAL JUSTICE TRAINING development and implementation entry and use of true name 10.40.050
COMMISSION 43.101.280 inserting true name during trial 10.46.060
24/7 sobriety program firearms certificate program pleadings to 10.40.060
administering of program 36.28A.300, private detectives 43.101.250 Arrest
36.28A.320, 36.28A.330, 36.28A.340, security guards 43.101.260 apprehension of defendant any place in state
36.28A.350 Indian tribes authorized 10.34.010
Child abuse and neglect training 43.101.365, certification 43.101.157 breaking and entering to make 10.31.040
43.101.370 noncertified, training 43.101.230 district court judges
Children under fourteen, testimony of malicious harassment and other crimes of offenses committed in view of 10.04.020
surveying law enforcement and prosecuting bigotry and bias escape
agencies identification, response, and reporting pursuit and retaking of any place in state
requirements and reporting, commission role training 43.101.290 authorized 10.34.020
43.101.440 priorities 43.101.180 retaking in foreign state, extradition
Community-police partnership public safety employees 10.34.030
training duties 43.101.240 crisis referral services, confidentiality of extradition
Definitions 43.101.010 records and communications to governors powers and duties as to 10.34.030
Domestic violence incident reporting to 43.101.425 felonies
association of sheriffs and police chiefs personal crisis recognition and crisis warrantless arrest, when authorized
requirements and procedures 10.99.030 intervention services, requirements 10.31.100
Drug prosecution assistance program 43.101.420 force in making 10.31.050
advisory committee 36.27.110 report to legislature 43.101.360 fugitives
creation 36.27.100 sexual assault investigating and prosecuting out-of-state, extradition 10.34.030
operations 36.27.120 43.101.270 pursuit and retaking of any place in state
transfer of duties from department of students enrolled at higher education 10.34.010, 10.34.020
commerce to commission 43.330.908 institutions, eligibility 43.101.222 gross misdemeanors
Firearms certificate program vehicular pursuits 43.101.225 warrantless arrest, when authorized
private detectives 43.101.250 Travel expenses and compensation 43.101.070 10.31.100
security guards 43.101.260 Truthfulness and honesty policy 43.101.021 immunity from
Firing range, commissions Vehicular pursuits militia personnel 38.32.030
firing range maintenance account 43.101.430 model policy 43.101.226 securing attendance of witness from without
Higher education students, eligibility for basic training 43.101.225 the state in criminal proceedings, uniform
law enforcement training 43.101.222 CRIMINAL MISTREATMENT (See act 10.55.020
Internet crimes against children account CRIMES) misdemeanors
43.101.435 warrantless arrest, when authorized
Juvenile runaways, policy manual of statutes INFORMATION (See CRIMINAL
regarding 43.101.300 service
JUSTICE INFORMATION ACT) how made 10.31.060
Meetings 43.101.060
Membership 43.101.030, 43.101.040, CRIMINAL PROCEDURE (See also warrant
43.101.050 ACTIONS AND PROCEEDINGS; offense committed in view of district court
Motorcycle profiling 43.101.419 CIVIL ACTIONS AND PROCEDURES) judge 10.04.020
Peace officers, See PEACE OFFICERS Abuse victim found guilty of murder of abuser service
Powers and duties 43.101.080, 43.101.085 prior to July 23, 1989 how made 10.31.030
Private detectives petition to indeterminate sentence review sheriffs fee 36.18.040
firearms certificate program 43.101.250 board 9.95.045 utilities and transportation commission,
Purpose 43.101.020 resentencing to reduce sentence allowed arrest without warrant, when 80.04.470,
Racial profiling 43.101.410 9.94A.890 81.04.460
review of inmates sentence by indeterminate Arrest without warrant
Receipt of grants, funds, gifts customs officer 10.88.330
sentence review board 9.95.047
administration 43.101.190 Acquittals immigration service officer 10.88.330
Rules and regulations, adoption, administration several defendants, conviction or acquittal of peace officer 10.88.330
43.101.080 one or more 10.61.035 private person 10.88.330
Security guards verdict of, no reconsideration of 10.61.060 Attorney, See CRIMINAL PROCEDURE,
firearms certificate program 43.101.260 Acquittals, See also CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, subtitle Counsel
Training subtitle Dismissals Attorney general, authorized to act as
basic law enforcement Aliens prosecuting attorney 10.01.190
provision of support, facilities 43.101.200 deportation consequences of guilty plea Bail
requirement for new personnel 43.101.200 advisement 10.40.200 action on not barred for defect or failure to
child abuse and neglect training 43.101.365, Aliens committed to department of corrections record default 10.19.120
43.101.370 conditional release for deportation 9.94A.685 appeal bond 10.73.040
child sexual abuse investigators 43.101.224 Anticipatory offenses 9.94A.595 approval of 10.19.040
core requirements 43.101.350 Appeals determination of bail under Article I, section
corrections personnel bail pending appeal 10.73.040 20 of state Constitution
basic training 43.101.220 bonds 10.73.040 conditions of release
core requirements 43.101.221 court of appeals, limitation on jurisdiction ignition interlock device and 24/7 sobriety
crisis referral services, confidentiality of 2.06.030 program monitoring requirements
records and communications to district courts 10.10.010 10.21.055
43.101.425 district courts, from conditions of release and detention
personal crisis recognition and crisis costs, payment of 10.10.060 generally Ch. 10.21
intervention services, requirements default in prosecuting 10.10.060 district court judges 10.04.040
43.101.420 failure to appear, conviction, sentencing extradition proceedings, fugitive from another
criminal justice personnel 10.10.060 state 10.88.350

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 191]


felonies, class A or B, judicial officer to aliens, notice to immigration authorities, verdict of, reconsideration if mistake in law
determine bail 10.19.055 copies of clerks records 10.70.150 10.61.060
fines and costs, recognizance with sureties to certified copy of conviction and sentence as voting rights, loss of
pay stays execution for 10.82.020 mittimus 10.70.020 acknowledgment 10.64.140
forfeiture fine and costs, commitment of defendant until wrongly convicted persons, redress for Ch.
action by prosecuting attorney 10.19.110 paid 10.70.010, 10.82.030 4.100
judgment against principal and sureties, fugitive from another state 10.88.340 reentry programs and services, access to
execution 10.19.090, 10.19.105 habeas corpus 72.09.750
stay of execution of forfeiture judgment, habeas corpus writs suspended during waiver of higher education tuition and fees
bond 10.19.100 martial law 38.08.030 28B.15.395
vacation of forfeiture judgment if person limitation on discharge from 7.36.130 Coroners inquest, See CORONERS, subtitle
produced 10.19.105 orders of commitment Inquests
habeas corpus discharge from 7.36.150 Corporations
orders of commitment, from 7.36.150 recommitment 7.36.150 judgment, force and effect 10.01.090
writ may be used for admission to 7.36.160 orders of court, bail 7.36.150 penalties against, fines if penalty incapable of
preliminary hearings temporary commitment authorized 7.36.240 execution or enforcement 10.01.100
witnesses 10.16.145, 10.16.160 injunctions, default on bond in contempt for service of process on 10.01.070
minors 10.16.150 disobedience 7.40.170 Correctional institutions, See CORRECTIONAL
witnesses 10.16.145, 10.16.160 juvenile court, See COMMITMENT, subtitle FACILITIES
minors 10.16.150 Juvenile court Costs
Bail bond forfeiture ne exeat, default on bail bond 7.44.030 allowed to acquitted or discharged defendant
action by prosecuting attorney 10.19.110 Commitment, See also CRIMINAL 10.46.200
judgment against principal and sureties, PROCEDURE, subtitle Preliminary commitment to enforce payment 10.70.010
execution 10.19.090, 10.19.105 examination and commitment duration of confinement 10.82.030
stay of execution of forfeiture judgment, bond Common law supplemental to penal statutes rate per day 10.82.030
10.19.100 9A.04.060 working out 10.82.040
sureties Commutation of death sentence, governors compromise of misdemeanors 10.22.020
liability 10.19.150 power to commute 10.01.120 cost bills in felony cases
return of bond 10.19.140 Complaints approval of by court 10.46.220
surrender of person under bond 10.19.160 frivolous 10.16.080 certification 10.46.220
vacation of forfeiture judgment if person complainant to pay costs, enforcement payment of 10.46.230
produced 10.19.105 10.46.210 prosecuting attorney to examine 10.46.220
Bar to prosecution malicious 10.16.080 default in payment, enforcement, collection
discharging defendant to give evidence for sheriffs duty to make 36.28.010, 36.28.011 10.01.180
state or codefendant, bars subsequent untried complaints against imprisoned disposition 10.82.070
prosecution 10.46.110 persons, disposition of 9.98.010, 9.98.020,
9.98.030, 9.98.040 district courts
immunity from prosecution, witnesses not appeals to superior court 10.10.060
excused from giving self-incriminating Complaints, See also DETAINERS,
testimony if given immunity from INTERSTATE execution for 10.82.010
prosecution 10.52.090 Compromise of misdemeanors failure to pay after stay, execution against
Bars to subsequent prosecution Ch. 10.43 bar to another prosecution for same offense sureties, commitment of defendant
Blue alert system Ch. 10.108 10.22.020 10.82.025
Bonds compromise of other offenses prohibited against property of defendant 10.82.030
appeal bonds 10.73.040 10.22.030 stay of execution on furnishing recognizance
Bonds, See also CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, costs 10.22.020 with sureties 10.82.020
subtitle Bail procedure 10.22.020 suspension of sentence upon payment of
Capital penalty, court of appeals, jurisdiction when permitted, exceptions 10.22.010 costs as condition 10.82.030
2.06.040 Confessions failure to pay after stay, execution against
Capital punishment, See SENTENCES, subtitle conviction, confession in open court convicts sureties, commitment of defendant
Capital punishment 10.01.060 10.82.025
Certificate of discharge made under duress, cannot be used 10.58.030 frivolous complaint, complainant to pay,
issuance, effect of no-contact order 9.94A.637 made under inducement, cannot convict enforcement 10.46.210
Certificates of restoration of opportunity Ch. unless corroborated 10.58.030 judgment to include 10.64.015
9.97 Confrontation of witnesses, right of accused to jury fee as 10.46.190
Child sexual abuse 10.52.060 liability of convicted person for 10.46.190
limitation of actions 9A.04.080 Continuances malicious complaints taxed against
Child sexual assault evidence, time to obtain as grounds for, proof complainant 10.16.080
criminal records 10.46.080 payment
information identifying victims is sexual offenses against children deferred, installments 10.01.170
confidential 10.97.130 limits on granting 10.46.085 installments 9.92.070
identity of victim not to be disclosed at any Contribution, donation, payment required, remission 10.01.160
court proceeding 10.52.100 filing of criminal charge may not be dismissed witness fees, payment of 10.46.230
information identifying victims of juvenile as a result of 10.01.220 working out
offenders is confidential 13.50.050 Controlled substances, See DRUGS no county jail, how worked out 10.82.030
Civil rights, restoration of Convictions rate per day 10.82.030
application for, on termination of suspended detention of defendant awaiting sentence Court decides question of law 10.46.070
sentence 9.92.066 conditions of release 10.64.027 Court of appeals, jurisdiction 2.06.040
certificates of restoration of opportunity Ch. exceptions 10.64.025 Courts of limited jurisdiction
9.97 doubt as to degree of offense, lowest degree deferred prosecution program Ch. 10.05
certified copy of instrument, recording and must be used 10.58.020 Criminal identification
indexing of 9.96.030 evidence beyond a reasonable doubt required negative file of department of licensing on
form of certificate 9.96.020 for 10.58.020 drivers licenses and identicards,
parolees 9.96.050 jurisdiction required 10.01.050 availability to law enforcement agencies
vacating records 9.96.060 lesser degree than charged, or attempt 46.20.118
vacating records of prostitution offender when 10.61.010 Criminal identification, See also STATE
victim of certain crimes 9.96.060, 9.96.070 necessary before punishment 10.01.050 PATROL, subtitle Identification and
when permitted 9.96.010 record of criminal history section
Commission of crime in another state, charge or use in later prosecution 9.94A.637 Criminal insanity
complaint, warrant of arrest 10.88.320 vacation of, conditions 9.94A.640 sexually violent predators Ch. 71.09
Commitment requisites for 10.01.060 Criminal justice costs, county petition for
aliens, notice to immigration authorities several defendants, conviction or acquittal of reimbursement of extraordinary costs
10.70.140 any one or more 10.61.035 43.330.190

[RCW Indexpage 192] (2016 Ed.)


Criminal justice information act, See rule making for 10.77.290 state, bars subsequent prosecution 10.46.110
CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION forensic mental health services, office of false arrest, reasonable cause 4.24.220
ACT establishment and functions 10.77.280 false imprisonment 4.24.220
Criminal process records Ch. 10.96 furlough force, lawful use of 9A.16.020
Criminal records, See CRIMINAL JUSTICE notice 10.77.163 not guilty by reason of insanity 10.77.060
INFORMATION ACT; CRIMINAL secretarys recommendation required for property, defense of 9A.16.020
RECORDS PRIVACY ACT release without hearing 10.77.155 public nuisance, unequal damage no defense
Criminally insane hospital charges, liability 43.20B.320 9.66.020
acquittal, motion for on grounds of insanity, independent public safety review panel, self-defense 9A.16.020, 9A.16.050,
hearing, findings 10.77.080 establishment of 10.77.270 9A.16.110
acquittal by reason of insanity 10.77.110 involuntary medication 10.77.092, 10.77.093, Deferred prosecution program
antipsychotic medication, involuntary 10.77.094 courts of limited jurisdiction Ch. 10.05
administration 10.77.094 jury, instructions to on special verdict payment of costs may be required as condition
appellate review, right of either party 10.77.040 of 10.01.160
10.77.230 leaving facility, authorization for Demurrers
care and treatment of committed person, prohibition, exceptions, notification indictment or information
custody, hearings, release 10.77.120 10.77.145 grounds for 10.40.110
commitment, records and reports to legal counsel 10.77.020 overruling demurrer, failure to plead over,
accompany defendant 10.77.097 mental incapacity, person under, trial, judgment on demurrer 10.40.140
commitment eligibility, cause of mental conviction or sentencing of, not permitted sustaining demurrer
disorder 10.77.027 10.77.050 when final judgment, discharge of defendant
commitment or treatment, maximum term not to be incarcerated in state correctional 10.40.120
10.77.025 facility, exceptions 10.77.220 when not final, not bar to subsequent
competency, doubt as to 10.77.060 order of commitment or treatment 10.77.020 prosecution 10.40.125
competency to stand trial person, committed or conditionally released Depositions
continuation of competency process examinations, periodic 10.77.140 grand jury, disclosure of contents 9.51.060
10.77.079 notice to court 10.77.140 preliminary examinations 10.16.160
dismissal of charges 10.77.079 reports 10.77.140 uniform interstate depositions and discovery
evaluation, appointment of qualified expert persons involuntarily detained or committed act Ch. 5.51
or professional person as part of release of information regarding witnesses 10.16.160
procedure 10.77.073 authorization 10.77.207 when permitted 10.52.060
reimbursement of county for costs, when placement in secure facility 10.77.091 Detainers, interstate agreement Ch. 9.100
10.77.073 plea of not guilty due to insanity 10.77.060 Developmental disabilities, persons with
evaluation or restoration treatment, records and reports on to be kept, made acquittal by reason of insanity
admission and transportation for available 10.77.210 evaluation and treatment 10.77.110
10.77.078 release procedures 10.77.200 evaluation and determination of disability
evaluation or restoration treatment, court right to adequate care and treatment 10.77.210 10.77.0845
order for 10.77.075 rights, existing, not affected 10.77.240 involuntary commitment 10.77.095
evaluations and inpatient restoration services rights of persons subject to chapter 10.77.020 custody, hearings, and release 10.77.120
10.77.068 sexual or violent offenders escape
evaluations and inpatient services, notice requirements for release, transfer, or notification requirements 10.77.165
assessment of state hospitals in escape 10.77.205 examinations, periodic 10.77.140
connection with 10.77.810 stay of proceedings for incompetency and furloughs, notice to prosecuting attorneys
performance targets and time limits restoration treatment 10.77.084, 10.77.086, 10.77.163
10.77.068 10.77.088 release procedures 10.77.200
restoring competency, report on violent act, presumptions 10.77.260 not guilty by reason of insanity plea or
standardizing protocols 10.77.820 Deadly weapon special verdict 9.94A.825 incompetency 10.77.060
conditional release Death penalty, See SENTENCES, subtitle record keeping, availability of records
application, county of origin 10.77.152 Capital punishment 10.77.210
application, procedure on 10.77.150 Defendants right to adequate care and treatment 10.77.210
compliance with conditions, supervision of confrontation of witnesses, right to 10.52.060 stay of proceedings for incompetency and
10.77.195 depositions of witness, when permitted restoration treatment 10.77.084, 10.77.086,
payments to persons on 10.77.170 10.52.060 10.77.088
recommendation of secretary of department costs Discovery
of social and health services 10.77.150 default in payment, enforcement, collection community sexual assault program and
review of case 10.77.180 10.01.180 underserved populations provider records
revocation or modification of terms, deferred, installment payments 10.01.170 not available to defense attorney,
procedure 10.77.190 payment requirement, remission 10.01.160 exceptions 70.125.065
secretarys recommendation required for detention when convicted and awaiting uniform interstate depositions and discovery
release without hearing 10.77.155 sentence act Ch. 5.51
supervision of released committed person by conditions of release 10.64.027 Dismissals
department of corrections 10.77.150 exceptions 10.64.025 discharge of defendant
terms and conditions of release, reports of discharging defendant to give evidence for to give evidence for state 10.46.110
adherence to 10.77.160 codefendant, bars subsequent prosecution District courts
costs, responsibility for, reimbursement 10.46.110 appeals to superior court
10.77.250 state, bars subsequent prosecution 10.46.110 costs, payment of 10.10.060
defendant, discharge when competent to stand joinder of 10.37.060 default 10.10.060
trial 10.77.065 joint arrest
definitions 10.77.010 conviction or acquittal 10.61.035 offenses committed in view of judge
escape may testify in own behalf 10.52.040 10.04.020
notification requirements 10.77.165 naming of 10.37.050, 10.37.054 bail 10.04.040
evaluations, reports and recommendations to not compelled to testify 10.52.040 costs
court required 10.77.065 right to examination by expert or professional judgment for 10.04.110
evidence, admissibility, requisites 10.77.030 person 10.77.070 crimes against property
examination by an expert or professional several criminal history check 3.66.0691
person, defendants right to 10.77.070 conviction or acquittal 10.61.035 deferred sentencing, suspension, limitations,
expert, right to 10.77.020 states evidence, becoming 10.46.110 revocation 3.66.067, 3.66.068, 3.66.069
experts or professional persons as witnesses Defenses fines, judgment for 10.04.110
10.77.100 confession made under duress, cannot be used stay of execution 10.04.120
facility, authorization to leave 10.58.030 jurisdiction
prohibition, exceptions, notification discharging defendant to give evidence for public nuisance abatement 9.66.040
10.77.145 codefendant, bars subsequent prosecution jury
forensic mental health services 10.46.110 demand for 10.04.050

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 193]


plea of guilty 10.04.070 arrest without warrant 10.88.370 Fraud, See also FRAUD
probation termination 3.66.069 bail by bond, conditions 10.88.350 Fresh pursuit, uniform act Ch. 10.89
punishment bond forfeiture 10.88.370 Fugitives
fine, jail until paid 10.04.110 commitment to county jail 10.88.340 extradition, See EXTRADITION
punishment not adequate, ordering defendant discharge 10.88.360 Grand jury, See GRAND JURY
to appear in superior court 10.04.100 failure to appear 10.88.370 Guilty plea
DNA magistrates warrant 10.88.340 defendant only in open court may plead guilty
reference samples, destruction of, and data pending criminal prosecution in this state, 10.40.170
expungement 5.70.020 governors decision regarding 10.88.380 deportation consequences to aliens
work product, preservation of 5.70.010 preliminary examination 10.88.340 advisement 10.40.200
DNA testing request 10.73.170 recommitment 10.88.360 Home detention
Domestic violence recovery on bond 10.88.370 conditions, when 9.94A.734, 10.21.090
electronic monitoring may be required as governor definition 10.21.017
condition of release of defendant 10.99.040 demand for, by 10.88.400 pattern form order for use by courts 9.94A.735
Domestic violence, See also DOMESTIC issue of warrant to agent 10.88.400 Identity of suspect
VIOLENCE powers and duties as to 10.34.030 discretionary disclosure of suspects identity
Duress payment of costs as condition to suspended to victim 10.97.070
confession made under cannot be used sentence 9.92.060 Immunity from prosecution
10.58.030 person arrested, right to legal counsel, writ of bribery, witness not excused on ground of
Electronic monitoring habeas corpus 10.88.290 self-incrimination 9.18.080
conditions, when 10.21.090 retaking fugitive in foreign state or territory, habeas corpus, public officers obeying writ or
supervising agency and monitoring agency, extradition proceedings 10.34.030 order 7.36.180
duties 9.94A.736 rights, powers, privileges or jurisdiction of militia personnel 38.32.030
Entry and use of true name 10.40.050 state not waived 10.88.440 perjury, self-incriminating testimony, no
Evidence trial for other crimes 10.88.450 immunity from prosecution 10.52.090
childs statement describing act or attempted waiver of, procedure 10.88.430 supplemental proceedings
act of sexual contact, when admissible warrant of arrest parties 6.32.200
9A.44.120 delivery without governors warrant witnesses 6.32.200
civil rules apply to criminal prosecutions 10.88.415 witnesses not excused from giving self-
10.58.010 governor may issue another warrant, when incriminating testimony if given immunity
confessions 10.88.390 from prosecution 10.52.090
made under duress, cannot be used 10.58.030 governor may recall, when 10.88.390 Indictments
made under inducement, cannot convict Fees, collection by superior court clerk 36.23.100 animals, description of 10.37.070
unless corroborated 10.58.030 Fees and surcharges, collection by superior court certainty required 10.37.054
conviction clerk 36.18.020 charge must be by indictment or information,
doubt as to degree of offense, lowest degree Felonies exceptions 10.37.015
must be used 9A.04.100, 10.58.020 classification of unclassified felonies consolidation 10.37.060
evidence beyond a reasonable doubt required 9.94A.035 construction
for 9A.04.100, 10.58.020 Fines statutes, equivalent words may be used
discharging defendant to give evidence for commitment of defendant until paid 10.70.010 10.37.160
state, bars subsequent prosecution commitment to enforce payment words and phrases used in 10.37.190
10.46.110 duration of confinement 10.82.030 contents, necessary 10.37.052
grand jury rate per day 10.82.030 defects and imperfections deemed immaterial
criminal investigations 10.27.090 working out 10.82.030, 10.82.040 10.37.056
larceny prosecution, sufficiency of proof of disposition 10.82.070 defendants
ownership of property 10.58.060 execution for 10.82.010 joinder of 10.37.060
preliminary examinations 10.16.160 failure to pay after stay, execution against naming of 10.37.054
presumptions sureties, commitment of defendant demurrer to
doubt as to degree of offense, lowest degree 10.82.025 grounds 10.40.110
must be used 9A.04.100, 10.58.020 against property of defendant 10.82.010, overruling demurrer
innocence presumed 10.58.020 10.82.030 failure to plead over, judgment on demurrer
prior convictions, use of in later prosecution stay of execution on furnishing recognizance 10.40.140
9.94A.637 with sureties 10.82.020 pleading of defendant 10.40.140
property, pleading proof of ownership lien against real property of defendant sustaining demurrer
10.58.060 10.64.080 when final judgment, discharge of
sex offenses payment in installments 9.92.070 defendant 10.40.120
admissibility 10.58.090 working out when not final, not bar to subsequent
statements of defendant, admissibility how worked out 10.82.040 prosecution 10.40.125
10.58.035 rate per day 10.82.030 forgery, description of instrument subject of
vacation of record of conviction, conditions superior court 10.82.030 which is destroyed or withheld 10.37.080
9.94A.640 Force, use of, when lawful 9A.16.020 form of 10.37.040
view of place of crime permissible 10.58.080 Foreign nationals or citizens injury to person, erroneous allegation as to
Exceptions, civil practice rules applicable to connected offenders person injured immaterial 10.37.090
4.80.140 transfer procedure 43.06.350 joinder of defendants 10.37.060
Exhibits, reporters notes and unopened Forfeitures judgments, pleading of, facts as to jurisdiction
depositions, preservation, sheriffs disposal, bail need not be pleaded in 10.37.100
or destruction 36.23.070 action by prosecuting attorney 10.19.110 larceny, description of money or securities
Extradition judgment against principal and sureties, 10.37.110
agent, duties 10.88.400 execution 10.19.090, 10.19.105 motion to set aside
application for requisition for return of person, stay of execution of forfeiture judgment, grounds 10.40.070
affidavits, contents, copies, filed by bond 10.19.100 irregularities in grand jury selection, etc.
10.88.410 sureties 10.40.070
confinement of prisoner liability 10.19.150 not available to defendant held to answer
cost 10.88.310 return of bond 10.19.140 before indictment 10.40.075
in transit, cost 10.88.310 surrender of person under bond 10.19.160 overruling motion, effect 10.40.100
delivery of accused, violation, penalty vacation of forfeiture judgment if person persons improperly before grand jury
10.88.300 produced 10.19.105 10.40.070
governors warrant 10.88.260 conviction of crime does not work forfeiture sustaining motion, no bar to future
investigation and report of attorney general of property 9.92.110 prosecution 10.40.090
or prosecuting attorney 10.88.230 disposition 10.82.070 name, inserting true name during trial
failure to make timely arrest or demand for Fraud 10.46.060
extradition 10.88.360 intent as element, intent to defraud any person obscene literature, describing 10.37.130
fugitives from another state sufficient 10.58.040 parties, naming of 10.37.054

[RCW Indexpage 194] (2016 Ed.)


perjury, description of 10.37.140 name, inserting true name during trial district courts 10.04.050
pleas to 10.46.060 fees
guilty obscene literature, describing 10.37.130 amount of 10.46.190
defendant only in open court may plead parties, naming of 10.37.054 convicted person liable for 10.46.190
guilty 10.40.170 perjury, description of 10.37.140 grand jury, See GRAND JURY
not guilty pleas to reconsideration of verdict 10.61.060
denies each and every allegation in guilty view of place of crime permissible 10.58.080
indictment or information 10.40.180 defendant only in open court may plead waiver of
refusal to answer, plea of not guilty entered guilty 10.40.170 permitted except in capital cases 10.01.060
10.40.190 not guilty Jurisdiction
presumptions of law, averments 10.37.150 denies each and every allegation in Auburn general depot, jurisdiction of state
probation, dismissal of indictment after indictment or information 10.40.180 preserved 37.08.260
probation completed 9.95.240 refusal to answer, plea of not guilty entered district courts 3.66.060
public nuisance, authorized 7.48.200 10.40.190 felonies, jurisdiction of superior court as to
separation into counts 10.37.060 preliminary hearings, statement of 2.08.010
statutes prosecuting attorney if information not Indians, jurisdiction of state as to Ch. 37.12
exact wording not necessary 10.37.160 filed 10.16.110 migratory bird preserve, jurisdiction of state
private, how pleaded 10.37.170 presumptions of law averments 10.37.150 preserved 37.08.230
sufficiency requirements 10.37.050 probation, dismissal of indictment after misdemeanors, jurisdiction of superior court
untried indictments against imprisoned probation completed 9.95.240 as to 2.08.010
person, disposition of 9.98.010, 9.98.020, separation into counts 10.37.060 national forest, jurisdiction preserved
9.98.030, 9.98.040 statutes 37.08.220
variances exact wording not necessary 10.37.160 necessary for conviction 10.01.050
dismissal for, not a bar 10.40.125 private, how pleaded 10.37.170 Olympic National Park 37.08.210
Indigents sufficiency requirements 10.37.050 persons amenable to criminal statutes
counsel, when provided 10.73.150 untried informations against imprisoned 9A.04.070
court fees and costs 10.73.160 person, disposition of provided for Rainier National Park 37.08.200
defense services, provision of 9.98.010, 9.98.020, 9.98.030, 9.98.040 United States military reservation acquired
appropriated funds 10.101.050, 10.101.060 variances from county 37.16.180
attorney selection 10.101.040 dismissal for, not a bar 10.40.125 Justice and inferior courts act of 1961, See
city moneys 10.101.080 Inquests, See CORONERS, subtitle Inquests JUSTICE AND INFERIOR COURTS ACT
county moneys 10.101.070 Insanity OF 1961
definitions 10.101.010 criminally insane, hospital charges, liability Juvenile justice act Ch. 13.40
determination of indigency 10.101.020 43.20B.320 Juveniles, See JUVENILE COURT;
promissory notes 10.101.020 Insanity, See also MENTALLY ILL JUVENILES, subtitle Offenses (crimes)
provisional appointments 10.101.020 Interpreters at legal proceedings Kidnapping
appointment Ch. 2.42 offender attendance at or employment by
standards 10.101.030 Interstate compact for adult offender supervision schools or higher education institutions
Inducement, confession made under cannot 9.94A.745, 9.94A.74501, 9.94A.74502, 9A.44.138
convict unless corroborated by other 9.94A.74503, 9.94A.74504, 9.94A.74505 registration of offenders 9A.44.128,
evidence 10.58.030 Jail labor, reduction of fines and costs for 9A.44.130, 9A.44.132, 9A.44.140,
Informations ratesetting authority of county legislative 9A.44.141, 9A.44.142, 9A.44.143,
animals, description of 10.37.070 authority 10.82.030 9A.44.145
certainty required 10.37.054 Joinder of defendants 10.37.060 registration offenders 9A.44.148
charge must be by information or indictment, Judgments Kidnapping offender registration
exceptions 10.37.015 acquittal, criminally insane 10.77.080 end of duty to register, investigation
consolidation 10.37.060 collateral attacks on concerning, removal from registry
construction one year time limit 10.73.090 9A.44.141
statutes, equivalent words may be used applicability 10.73.130 failure to register 9A.44.132
10.37.160 duty of court to notify defendant 10.73.110 notice to defendant 10.01.200
words and phrases used in 10.37.190 duty of department of corrections to notify relief from duty to register, petition and
contents, necessary 10.37.052 defendant 10.73.120 exceptions 9A.44.142
defects and imperfections deemed immaterial subsequent petitions 10.73.140 relief from duty to register for juveniles,
10.37.056 when inapplicable 10.73.100 petition and exception 9A.44.143
defendants corporations, force and effect of judgment Law enforcement officers, injuring or killing
joinder of 10.37.060 10.01.090 blue alert system for apprehending
naming of 10.37.054 costs perpetrators Ch. 10.108
demurrer to default in payment, enforcement, collection Law questions decided by court 10.46.070
grounds 10.40.110 10.01.180 Lawyer, See CRIMINAL PROCEDURE,
overruling demurrer judgment to include 10.64.015 subtitle Counsel
failure to plead over, judgment on demurrer payment, deferred, installment 10.01.170 Legal financial obligations
10.40.140 payment by defendant, remission 10.01.160 administrative procedure to set amount when
pleading of defendant 10.40.140 district courts 10.04.110 court does not 9.94A.760
sustaining demurrer remittance of fines and forfeitures 10.04.110 court-ordered, imposition and collection
when final judgment, discharge of fine and costs 10.82.030 9.94A.760
defendant 10.40.120 fines, lien against real property of defendant financial institutions
when not final, not bar to subsequent 10.64.080 community bank accounts collection actions
prosecution 10.40.125 fingerprint of defendant affixed to 10.64.110 against 9.94A.7608
forgery, description of instrument subject to interest on, impact of legal financial service on main or branch office authorized
which is destroyed or withheld by obligations 10.82.090 9.94A.7608
defendant 10.37.080 interest on, rate 10.82.090 mental health conditions, defendants with
injury to person, erroneous allegation as to lien, fines in criminal actions a lien upon real 9.94A.777
person injured immaterial 10.37.090 property of defendant 10.64.080 monthly payment or starting dates,
inserting true name during trial 10.46.060 pleading of, facts as to jurisdiction need not be construction 9.94A.772
joinder of defendant 10.37.060 pleaded in 10.37.100 notice of debt
judgments, pleading of, facts as to jurisdiction rendition of on verdict of guilty 10.64.015 service of, contents, actions on 9.94A.7609
need not be pleaded in 10.37.100 vacation of, chapter 4.72 RCW not applicable "obligee" defined 9.94A.7601
larceny, description of money or securities to criminal actions 4.72.080 order to withhold and deliver
10.37.110 Juries and jurors duties and rights of person or entity served
motion to set aside allowing juror to leave jury room, penalty 9.94A.7607
overruling motion, effect 10.40.100 9.51.030 exempt earnings 9.94A.761
sustaining motion, no bar to future change of venue 10.25.140 issuance and contents 9.94A.7606
prosecution 10.40.090 communicating with juror 9.51.030 payroll deduction

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 195]


apportionment among obligees 9.94A.7603 defined 10.95.020 civil rights, restoration of upon pardon
employer or entity rights and responsibilities execution date 9.96.010, 9.96.020, 9.96.030
9.94A.7604 stay of execution, new date automatically set department of corrections to report on pardon
exempt earnings 9.94A.761 10.95.160 and supervise pardoned person 9.95.260
maximum amount 9.94A.7603 imprisonment of defendant 10.95.170 governors power to grant 9.94A.728,
motion to quash, modify, or terminate, information report 10.95.120 10.01.120
grounds for relief 9.94A.7605 proceedings for failure to execute on indeterminate sentence review board duties
notice of, issuance and content 9.94A.7602 appointed day 10.95.200 9.95.260
termination of supervision, monitoring of review of death sentence Parole violation
payments 9.94A.775 affirmation, remand for execution 10.95.140 revocation of parole, hearing, right to attorney
wage assignments 9.94A.7701, 9.94A.7702, consolidation with appeal 10.95.130 9.95.122
9.94A.7703 invalidation, remand for resentencing Parties
costs and attorney fees, recovery 9.94A.7709 10.95.140 state to pay costs and fees as to appeal by
employer responsibilities 9.94A.7705 jurisdiction of supreme court 10.95.100 indigent 4.88.330
forms and rules 9.94A.7706 questions for supreme court determination Penalties
relief, hearing on and scope of 9.94A.7708 10.95.130 corporations, fines as penalty incapable of
rules 9.94A.7704 time limit 10.95.150 execution or enforcement 10.01.100
sentences imposed before July 1, 1989 transmittal of transcript, papers to supreme disposition 10.82.070
9.94B.100 court 10.95.110 victim of crime penalty assessment 7.68.035
service of order 9.94A.7707 sentencing Penalties, See also CRIMINAL PROCEDURE,
Legal holidays, magistrates exercise of power affirmation of sentence, remand for subtitle Punishment
on 2.28.100 execution 10.95.140 Personal property
Limitations of criminal actions death penalty, life imprisonment 10.95.030 proof of ownership in criminal prosecution
arson, no limitation if death ensues 9A.04.080 developmental disability, person with may 10.58.060
child molestation 9A.04.080 not be sentenced to death 10.95.030 Plea agreements
gross misdemeanor 9A.04.080 intellectual disability, person with may not court approval or disapproval 9.94A.431
identity theft 9A.04.080 be sentenced to death 10.95.030 criminal history, submission to court
money laundering 9A.04.080 invalidation, remand for resentencing 9.94A.441
murder, no limitation 9A.04.080 10.95.140 discussion, contents of agreement 9.94A.421
public officer in breach of duty or violation of offense committed prior to sixteenth Pleadings
oath 9A.04.080 birthday 10.95.030 arraignment, pleadings to 10.40.060
rape of a child 9A.04.080 sentence if death sentence invalidated forms of pleading abolished 10.01.030
theft from tax exempt corporation 9A.04.080 10.95.090 indictments
theft in first or second degree, certain special proceeding animals, description of 10.37.070
conditions 9A.04.080 jury instructions, evidence, procedure certainty required 10.37.054
tolling of 9A.04.080 10.95.060 charge must be by indictment or information,
trafficking in stolen motor vehicle or major leniency factors jury may consider exceptions 10.37.015
component part 9A.04.080 10.95.070 consolidation 10.37.060
Material witnesses notice, filing, service 10.95.040 construction
counsel, right to, appointment of when when held, jury provisions, peremptory statutes, equivalent words may be used
indigent 10.52.040 challenges 10.95.050 10.37.160
fees, lodging 10.52.040 sentencing alternatives 10.95.080 words and phrases used in 10.37.190
hearing on materiality 10.52.040 stay of execution contents, necessary 10.37.052
Medical placement, when allowed 9.94A.728 execution date, new date automatically set defects in
Methamphetamine manufacture with child on 10.95.160 deemed immaterial 10.37.056
premises, special allegation 9.94A.827 defendants
witnesses to execution, designation of,
Motions procedure 10.95.185 joinder of 10.37.060
set aside indictment naming of 10.37.054
grounds 10.40.070 Name
demurrer to
irregularities in grand jury selection, etc. entry and use of true name 10.40.050 grounds 10.40.110
10.40.070 inquiry as to true name overruling demurrer
not available to defendant held to answer inserting true name during trial 10.46.060 failure to plead over, judgment on
before indictment 10.40.075 New trials demurrer 10.40.140
overruling motion, effect 10.40.100 conviction on new trial, former imprisonment pleading of defendant 10.40.140
persons improperly before grand jury deductible 9.95.063 sustaining demurrer
10.40.070 Not guilty plea when final judgment, discharge of
sustaining motion, no bar to future denies each and every allegation in indictment defendant 10.40.120
prosecution 10.40.090 or information 10.40.180 when not final, bar to subsequent
set aside information refusal to answer, plea of not guilty entered prosecution 10.40.125
grounds 10.40.070 10.40.190 forgery, description of instrument subject to
overruling motion, effect 10.40.100 Offender supervision intake fees 9.94A.780 which is destroyed or withheld by
sustaining motion, no bar to future Offenders serving criminal sentences defendant 10.37.080
prosecution 10.40.090 actions by, filing fee waivers in certain cases form of 10.37.040
Motor vehicle violations 4.24.430 injury to person, erroneous allegation as to
prosecution 46.64.030 Off-limits orders, drug traffickers person injured immaterial 10.37.090
Municipal courts appearance by party 10.66.070 joinder of defendants 10.37.060
criminal prosecution 3.50.430 bond or security of applicant 10.66.060 judgments, pleading of, facts as to
service of process 3.50.425 definitions 10.66.010 jurisdiction need not be pleaded
Municipal courts, right to jury 35.20.090 ex parte temporary order 10.66.040 10.37.100
Murder hearing 10.66.030 larceny, description of money or securities
abuse victim found guilty of murder of abuser issuance 10.66.020, 10.66.080 10.37.110
prior to July 23, 1989 jurisdiction 10.66.110 motion to set aside indictment, grounds
petition to indeterminate sentence review modification of order 10.66.130 irregularities in grand jury selection, etc.
board 9.95.045 penalties for violations 10.66.090, 10.66.100 10.40.070
resentencing to reduce sentence allowed relief 10.66.050 not available to defendant held to answer
9.94A.890 venue 10.66.120 before indictment 10.40.075
review of inmates sentence by Out-of-state overruling motion, effect 10.40.100
indeterminate sentence review board witness persons improperly before grand jury
9.95.047 summoning to testify in this state or to testify 10.40.070
Murder, aggravated first degree in another state, uniform act 10.55.020 sustaining motion, no bar to future
death warrant testifying in this state, exemption from arrest prosecution 10.40.090
issuance 10.95.160 and service of process 10.55.100 name, inserting true name during trial
record, return to trial court 10.95.190 Pardons 10.46.060

[RCW Indexpage 196] (2016 Ed.)


obscene literature, describing 10.37.130 variances, dismissal for, not a bar 10.40.125 sterilization of criminals 9.92.100
parties, naming of 10.37.054 not guilty by reason of insanity or victim of crime penalty assessment 7.68.035
perjury, description of 10.37.140 incompetency 10.77.060 Pursuit
pleas to property, proof of ownership 10.58.060 fugitives, pursuit and retaking of any place in
guilty required pleadings 10.37.010 state authorized 10.34.020
defendant only in open court may plead stay of proceedings for incompetency and Real property
guilty 10.40.170 restoration treatment 10.77.084, 10.77.086, fines in criminal action lien against real
not guilty 10.77.088 property of defendant 10.64.080
denies every allegation in indictment or variances, property, proof of ownership proof of ownership in criminal prosecution
information 10.40.180 10.58.060 10.58.060
refusal to answer, plea of not guilty Police investigations 9.94A.411 Recognizance
entered 10.40.190 Polygraph examinations action on not barred for defect or failure to
presumptions of law, averments 10.37.150 sex offense, alleged victims 10.58.038 record default 10.19.120
separation into counts 10.37.060 Preliminary hearings certification and filing 10.19.060
statutes procedures, bail, and recognizance Ch. 10.16 fines and costs, recognizances with sureties to
exact wording not necessary 10.37.160 Presentence procedures, risk assessments stay execution for 10.82.020
private, how pleaded 10.37.170 9.94A.500 forfeiture
sufficiency requirements 10.37.050 Presumptions action by prosecuting attorney 10.19.110
variances, dismissal for, not a bar 10.40.125 doubt as to degree of offense, lowest degree judgment against principal and sureties,
informations must be used 9A.04.100, 10.58.020 execution 10.19.090, 10.19.105
animals, description of 10.37.070 innocence 9A.04.100, 10.58.020 stay of execution of forfeiture judgment,
certainty required 10.37.054 of law 10.37.150 bond 10.19.100
charge must be by information or indictment, Pretrial release programs vacation of forfeiture judgment if person
exceptions 10.37.015 definition of and restrictions on 10.21.015 produced 10.19.105
consolidation 10.37.060 electronic monitoring 10.21.090 judgment against principal and sureties,
construction home detention 10.21.017, 10.21.090 execution 10.19.105
statutes, equivalent words may be used Prison terms and paroles, See PROBATION officers authorized to take recognizance and
10.37.160 AND PAROLE; SENTENCES approve bail 10.19.040
words and phrases used in 10.37.190 Prisons and prisoners peace, recognizance to keep the peace
contents, necessary 10.37.052 untried indictments, informations or 10.64.070
defects and imperfections deemed complaints against prisoners, disposition of taking and entering 10.19.065
immaterial 10.37.056 9.98.010, 9.98.020, 9.98.030, 9.98.040 witnesses 10.16.145, 10.16.160
defendants Prisons and prisoners, See also PRISONS AND minors 10.16.150
joinder of 10.37.060 PRISONERS Record of proceedings to be made 10.64.100
naming of 10.37.054 Proceedings, stay for incompetency and Records
demurrer to restoration treatment 10.77.084, 10.77.086, criminal process records Ch. 10.96
grounds 10.40.110 10.77.088 Rendition of accused persons act 10.91.010
overruling demurrer Prosecuting standards construction of chapter 10.91.910
failure to plead over, judgment on evidentiary sufficiency costs
demurrer 10.40.140 decisions to prosecute 9.94A.411 borne by demanding state 10.91.050
pleading of defendant 10.40.140 police investigation 9.94A.411 when designated agent is not public official
sustaining demurrer guidance purposes 9.94A.401 10.91.050
when final judgment, discharge of plea dispositions 9.94A.450 designated agent of demanding court, judge or
defendant 10.40.120 sentencing recommendations 9.94A.460 magistrate
when not final not bar to subsequent Prosecution file, affidavit, certain documents, contents
prosecution 10.40.125 by attorney general 10.01.190 10.91.010
forgery, description of instrument subject to prior conviction, use of 9.94A.637 request
forgery which is destroyed or withheld by vacation of record of convictions, conditions issuance of warrant for arrest 10.91.010
defendant 10.37.080 9.94A.640 order for return of accused person
injury to person, erroneous allegation as to Prosecution authority, court determination in 10.91.010
person injured immaterial 10.37.090 conflict 43.10.234 judicial officer
joinder of defendants 10.37.060 Protection order commissioners, appointment of defined 10.91.040
judgments, pleading of, facts as to 10.14.045 impose conditions of release to assure
jurisdiction need not be pleaded in Protection order master petition pattern form for appearance at hearing 10.91.020
10.37.100 antiharassment and stalking protection issue order for return of accused person to
larceny, description of money or securities orders 10.14.800 demanding court, judge or magistrate
10.37.110 Public defender system Ch. 36.26 10.91.030
motion to set aside, grounds Public defense, office of Ch. 2.70 issue warrant for arrest of accused person
overruling motion, effect 10.40.100 Punishment violating conditions of release 10.91.010
sustaining motion, no bar to future contempt, criminal act constituting contempt notify prosecuting attorney of actions
prosecution 10.40.090 at same time, punishment as crime also 10.91.010
name, inserting true name during trial 9.92.040 preliminary hearing upon arrest of accused
10.46.060 conviction necessary before punishment person
obscene literature, describing 10.37.130 10.01.050 advise right to
parties, naming of 10.37.054 death penalty confront witnesses against him 10.91.020
perjury, description of 10.37.140 reprieve, governors power to grant counsel 10.91.020
pleas to 10.01.120 produce evidence 10.91.020
guilty felonies may waive hearing and agree to be returned
defendant only in open court may plead when punishment not fixed by statute to demanding state 10.91.020
guilty 10.40.170 9.92.010 set time and place for hearing 10.91.020
not guilty form of sentence to penitentiary 10.64.060 prosecuting attorney to appear at hearing and
denies each and every allegation in gross misdemeanor, when punishment not report on investigation 10.91.030
indictment or information 10.40.180 fixed by statute 9.92.020 person charged in another state, released prior
refusal to answer, plea of not guilty habitual criminals 9.92.090 to final judgment or disposition of appeal
entered 10.40.190 prevention of procreation 9.92.100 and alleged to have violated such release
presumptions of law, averments 10.37.150 misdemeanor when punishment not fixed by conditions
separation into counts 10.37.060 statute 9.92.030 order for return of
statement of prosecuting attorney required if prevention of procreation 9.92.100 issued by 10.91.030
information not filed 10.16.110 recognizance to keep the peace requested by 10.91.010
statutes breach of conditions 10.64.075 warrant for arrest of, issued by, requested by
exact wording not necessary 10.37.160 term of 10.64.070 10.91.010
private, how pleaded 10.37.170 repeat offenders 9.92.090 Reprieves, governors power to grant 10.01.120
sufficiency requirements 10.37.050 solitary confinement, limitation 10.64.060 Restitution

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 197]


procedure 9.94A.753 collateral attacks on findings and intent 9.94A.555

requirements 9.94A.750 one year time limit 10.73.090 offender notification and warning
Rewards applicability 10.73.130 9.94A.561
county, city, town, or port duty of court to notify defendant 10.73.110 mental health or chemical dependency
authority to offer 10.85.030 duty of department of corrections to notify treatment
conflicting claims 10.85.040 defendant 10.73.120 notification requirements 9.94A.562,
payment, warrant for 10.85.050 subsequent petitions 10.73.140 9.94A.722, 9.94A.723, 9.95.143
governor when inapplicable 10.73.100 minimum 9.94A.505
power to offer, limitation on amount commenced when convicted person returned mitigating circumstances 9.94A.535
43.06.010 to custody 9.95.060 municipal courts, authority of judges
record of to be kept 43.06.020 completion 35.20.255
Risk assessment of felony offenders 9.94A.501 civil rights restoration 9.94A.637 nonpersistent offenders 9.94A.507
Search and seizure counseling, community adjustment help offender score 9.94A.525
intoxicating liquor, See ALCOHOLIC 9.94A.637 overcrowded correctional facilities,
BEVERAGES, subtitle Search and seizure discharge 9.94A.637 emergency release
search warrant vacation of record of conviction, conditions legislature approval required 9.94A.870
contents 10.79.020 9.94A.640 sentencing guideline commission
directed to sheriff or constable 10.79.020 concurrent or consecutive sentences duties 9.94A.870
district and municipal court judges, issuance 9.94A.589 pardon, authorized 9.94A.728
by 2.20.030 concurrent sentences, when two or more parenting sentencing alternative 9.94A.505,
issuance by magistrates 10.79.035 counts 9.92.080 9.94A.655, 9.94A.6551
issuance of, grounds confinement in state or county facility partial confinement, conditions 9.94A.731
news media 10.79.015 determined by length of term 9.94A.190 persistent offenders
search without warrant unlawful, penalty consecutive, concurrent 9.94A.505 life sentence without parole upon third
10.79.040 consecutively sentenced when two or more conviction 9.94A.505
seizure of property crimes 9.92.080 findings and intent 9.94A.555
return to owner, duties of officers 10.79.050 conviction on new trial, former imprisonment offender notification and warning
Securities act deductible 9.95.063 9.94A.561
broker-dealers, salesperson, and investment costs life sentences
advisors default in payment, enforcement, collection conditions 9.94A.570
unlawful not to be registered 21.20.040 10.01.180 plea agreements
Seizure and forfeiture of personal property deferred, installment payments 10.01.170 court approval or disapproval 9.94A.431
involved in a felony payment by defendant 10.01.160 criminal history, submission to court
application of chapter 10.105.900 crimes against property 9.94A.441
disposition of forfeited property and proceeds criminal history check 35.20.258 discussions, contents of agreement
from the sale of forfeited property criminal street gang member or associate 9.94A.421
10.105.010 offense committed by, procedures presumptive sentencing range
procedure 10.105.010 9.94A.829 anticipatory offenses 9.94A.595
property subject to seizure and forfeiture deferral or suspension abolished, exceptions exceeding statutory maximum 9.94A.599
10.105.010 9.94A.575 recognizance to keep the peace
Seizure and forfeiture of property involved in a departure from guidelines 9.94A.535 breach of conditions 10.64.075
felony drug offenses term of 10.64.070
legislative finding 7.68.300 sentencing alternative, prison-based
9.94A.662 release prior to expiration of sentence
measures to defeat purposes of act are invalid 9.94A.728
7.68.340 sentencing alternative, prison-based or
procedure 7.68.320 residential 9.94A.660 restitution 9.94A.505
proceeds, distribution of 7.68.330 sentencing alternative, residential chemical unlawful receipt of public assistance
property subject to 7.68.310 dependency treatment-based 9.94A.664 10.82.080
provisions of act are supplemental and do not sentencing grid 9.94A.517 sentencing grid 9.94A.510
limit other rights and remedies 7.68.340 seriousness level 9.94A.518 sentencing grid, drug offenses 9.94A.517
Self-incrimination early release sentencing hearing 9.94A.500
bribery actions, witness not excused on crimes committed prior to eighteenth seriousness level, crimes included in each
grounds of self-incrimination 9.18.080 birthday 9.94A.730 level 9.94A.515
habeas corpus, public officers obeying writ earned release time 9.94A.7281 seriousness level, determination of 9.94A.520
7.36.180 earned release time and risk assessments sex offender sentencing alternative 9.94A.670
immunity from prosecution, witness not 9.94A.729 sex offender treatment 9.94A.810, 9.94A.820
excused on grounds of self-incrimination if housing rental vouchers 9.94A.729, solitary confinement, limitation 10.64.060
given immunity from prosecution 72.09.285 standard sentence range 9.94A.530
10.52.090 electronic monitoring 9.94A.736 standard sentence ranges 9.94A.506,
perjury, immunity from prosecution does not exceptional sentences 9.94A.505, 9.94A.535 9.94A.533
apply to perjury committed in self- felonies, sentences to run consecutively when suspending, conditions 9.92.060
incrimination testimony 10.52.090 two or more convictions, exceptions suspending of
utilities and transportation commission 9.92.080 abolished, exceptions 9.94A.575
witnesses 10.52.090 fines 9.94A.550 termination date
witness not excused if given immunity from fingerprint of defendant affixed to 10.64.110 application 9.92.062
prosecution 10.52.090 first time offenders 9.94A.505 establishment 9.92.064
Sentences form of sentence to penitentiary 10.64.060 modification of terms 9.92.064
aggravating circumstances 9.94A.535, home detention 9.94A.734, 9.94A.735 termination of, restoration of civil rights,
9.94A.537 indeterminate sentences application for 9.92.066
alternatives to total confinement 9.94A.680 maximum sentence, court to fix 9.95.010 timing of application 9.94A.345
anticipatory offenses 9.94A.595 minimum term, court to set 9.95.011 tolling of term of confinement 9.94A.171
appeals penitentiary, authority of court to sentence traffic school of city or town and county,
judicial review 9.94A.585 prisoner to 9.95.010 attendance may be imposed in sentence
department of corrections may petition for reformatory, authority of court to sentence 46.83.050
9.94A.585 prisoner to 9.95.010 two or more convictions or counts, concurrent
stay of execution of judgment, conditions of sentencing reform act or consecutive sentences 9.92.080
release 9.95.064 application to indeterminate sentence violation of condition or requirement, penalty
assault of law enforcement personnel with a review board decisions 9.95.013 arrest and confinement in jail 9.94A.631
firearm 9.94A.831 juvenile justice suspensions, deferrals security searches, authorization 9.94A.631
clemency and pardons board prohibited 9.92.200 Sentences, See also SENTENCES
established 9.94A.880 life sentences Sentencing guidelines commission
petition for review, recommendation to persistent offenders 9.94A.505 fines 9.94A.550
governor 9.94A.885 conditions 9.94A.570 report

[RCW Indexpage 198] (2016 Ed.)


equal application, no discrimination civil actions, conducted in same manner as Voting rights
9.94A.340 10.46.070 loss of, acknowledgment 10.64.140
prosecuting standards continuances, evidence, time to obtain as Warrants
guidance purposes 9.94A.401 grounds for, proof 10.46.080 arrest without
plea dispositions 9.94A.450 court decides question of law 10.46.070 customs officer 10.88.330
sentencing recommendations 9.94A.460 defendants, See CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, immigration service officer 10.88.330
seriousness level, determination of subtitle Defendants peace officer 10.88.330
9.94A.520 dismissals, See CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, private person 10.88.330
Sentencing reform act Ch. 9.94A subtitle Dismissals search, See CRIMINAL PROCEDURE,
Service of process docket entries, preparation of 10.46.020 subtitle Search and seizure
municipal courts 3.50.425 informations, See CRIMINAL service
Sex offenders PROCEDURE, subtitle Informations how made 10.31.030
community protection zones juries and jurors, See CRIMINAL Warrants not in possession, arrest procedure
preemption of local ordinance 9.94A.8445 PROCEDURE, subtitle Juries and jurors 10.31.030
model policy work group 4.24.5501 jurisdiction, See CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, Warrants of arrest
nonpersistent offenders 9.94A.507 subtitle Jurisdiction service
offender attendance at or employment by law questions decided by court 10.46.070 how made 10.31.060
schools or higher education institutions name utilities and transportation commission, arrest
9A.44.138 entry and use of true name 10.40.050 without warrant, when 80.04.470,
pretrial release inserting true name during trial 10.46.060 81.04.460
home detention or electronic monitoring, new trials Water resources 43.27A.190
conditions 10.21.090 credit for time served 9.95.063 Witnesses
registration of pleadings, See CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, accused
address verification 9A.44.135 subtitle Pleadings confrontation of witnesses, right to
definitions 9A.44.128 prior conviction, use of 9.94A.637 10.52.060
duty to register 9A.44.140 vacation of record of convictions, conditions depositions of witnesses, when permitted
end of duty to register, investigation 9.94A.640 10.52.060
concerning, removal from registry waiver of jury trial 10.01.060 may testify in own behalf 10.52.040
9A.44.141 witnesses, See CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, not compelled to testify 10.52.040
failure to register 9A.44.132 subtitle Witnesses bail 10.16.145, 10.16.160
notice to defendant 10.01.200 Untried indictments, informations against minors 10.16.150
notification to offenders of changed imprisoned persons, disposition of 9.98.010, child witness, testimony by closed circuit
requirements 9A.44.145 9.98.020, 9.98.030, 9.98.040 television 9A.44.150
procedures, deadlines, and penalties Variances compelling attendance
9A.44.130 dismissal for, not a bar to subsequent accused cannot be compelled to testify
relief from, ability to petition for 9A.44.145 prosecution 10.40.125 10.52.040
relief from duty to register, petition and property, proof of ownership 10.58.060 criminal prosecutions 10.52.040
exceptions 9A.44.142 Venue detaining in custody to testify 10.52.040
relief from duty to register for juveniles, change due to prejudice of judge 4.12.040 grand jury 10.52.040
petition and exception 9A.44.143 change of venue 4.12.100 out-of-state witnesses uniform act
release of information regarding 4.24.550, costs when case transferred to another 10.55.020
4.24.555 county 10.25.130 hearing on materiality 10.52.040
special allegation 9.94A.835, 9.94A.836, jury from another county 10.25.140 out-of-state witnesses, summoning to testify
9.94A.837, 9.94A.838, 9.94A.839 procedure 10.25.070 in this state, uniform act 10.55.020
treatment 9.94A.810, 9.94A.820 district courts 3.66.070 recognizance of 10.52.040
Sexual assault of a child sending letter, when complete, where sender uniform act to secure attendance of witnesses
criminal records may be proceeded against 9.01.130 from without a state in criminal
information identifying victims is Venue, See also VENUE proceedings 10.55.020
confidential 10.97.130, 13.50.050 Verdicts confrontation of witnesses, right of accused to
identity of victim not to be disclosed at any acceptance and recording of 10.01.060 10.52.060
court proceeding 10.52.100 conviction, verdict of jury necessary for depositions of witnesses, when permitted
Sexual exploitation of children 10.01.060 10.52.060
defenses 9.68A.110 deadly weapon, special verdict as to whether expenses and per diem
viewing child pornography when used as accused armed with 9.95.015 out-of-state witnesses testifying in this state
evidence, limitations 9.68A.001, degrees and lesser offenses 10.61.003 10.55.060
9.68A.170, 9.68A.180, 9.68A.190 attempt summoned to testify out of this state
Sexually violent offenders included offense 10.61.003 10.55.020
dissemination of criminal history records specification of 10.61.010 fees
10.97.140 doubt as to mileage allowances, verification under oath
Solitary confinement, punishment of, limitation degree of offenses, lowest degree must be necessary for 10.01.140
10.64.060 used 9A.04.100 reporting attendance to clerk necessary for
Statewide special inquiry judge act Ch. 10.29 lower must be used 10.58.020 10.01.130
Statute of limitations, See LIMITATION OF guilty of lesser degree than charged immunity from arrest, securing attendance of
ACTIONS 10.61.003 witnesses from without a state in criminal
Statutes, criminal, repeal or amendment, savings included offenses 10.61.006 proceedings, uniform act 10.55.020
clause presumed 10.01.040 not guilty of higher degree, may be guilty of material witnesses
Stay of execution of judgment, conditions of lesser 10.61.003 fees, lodging 10.52.040
release 9.95.064 several defendants hearing on materiality 10.52.040
Stay of execution of judgment, when prohibited conviction or acquittal 10.61.035 right to counsel, appointment when indigent
9.95.062 specification of degree or attempt 10.61.010 10.52.040
Sureties judgment on, rendition 10.64.015 out-of-state witness, summoning to testify in
appeal bonds in criminal cases 10.73.040 reconsideration of 10.61.060 this state, uniform act 10.55.020
Sureties, See also CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, acquittal, no reconsideration 10.61.060 perjury, immunity from prosecution does not
subtitle Bail; CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, guilty conviction if mistake in law 10.61.060 apply to perjury committed in self-
subtitle Recognizance Victim impact statement incriminating testimony 10.52.090
Three strikes sentencing hearing 9.94A.500 preliminary hearings 10.16.160
persistent offender, definition 9.94A.030 Victims of crimes, compensation Ch. 7.68 self-incrimination
purpose and procedures 9.94A.555, View of place of crime by jury 10.58.080 bribery action, not excused on ground of
9.94A.561, 9.94A.565 Violent offenders 9.18.080
sentencing requirements 9.94A.505 civil actions by offender against victim, habeas corpus, public officers obeying writ
Transfer of convicted offenders authorization requirement 9.94A.645 7.36.180
foreign nationals or citizens 43.06.350 release without bail, statement of reasons immunity from prosecution, witness not
Trials 10.19.170 excused on grounds of self-incrimination

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 199]


if given immunity from prosecution Auditor, duties 67.38.150 shelter care placement 13.34.060
10.52.090 Community revitalization financing 67.38.115 First degree 9A.40.060
perjury, not excused on ground of 10.52.090 Comprehensive plan Second degree 9A.40.070
service of process development of 67.38.060 Shelter care
immunity of witness summoned to testify out review 67.38.070 dependent children 13.34.055, 13.34.060
of state or out-of-state witness summoned Contribution of sums for limited purposes CUSTODIANS
to testify in this state 10.55.020 cities, counties 67.38.140 County money, county treasurer, fee 36.29.020
summoning witness in this state to testify in Creation of Minors, transfers to Ch. 11.114
another state, uniform act 10.55.020 multicounty districts 67.38.040
uniform act to secure attendance of witnesses petition, resolution, hearing 67.38.030 CUSTODY (See CHILD CUSTODY)
from without a state 10.55.020 procedure 67.38.030 DAIRIES AND DAIRY PRODUCTS
CRIMINAL RECORDS Cultural arts, stadium and convention fund Agriculture, department of
Background checks, See STATE PATROL 67.38.150 directors powers and duties 43.23.090
Definitions 67.38.020 Assessments on milk and cream production Ch.
CRIMINAL RECORDS PRIVACY ACT Dissolution and liquidation 67.38.160 15.44
Administrative responsibility of state patrol General obligation bonds 67.38.110 Business and occupation tax
10.97.090 Governing body dairy products businesses 82.04.260
Child sexual assault additional powers 67.38.100 exemption 82.04.4268
information identifying victims is confidential membership 67.38.050 Butter
10.97.130 Hotel-motel tax 67.38.140 sale of exempt under county peddlers
Dissemination of information Legislative intent 67.38.010 licensing 36.71.010
generally Ch. 10.97 Levies weights and measures 19.94.410
sex offenders, regarding 10.97.050 excess 67.38.110 Dairy cattle
sexually violent offenders, regarding tax 67.38.130 electronic cattle transaction reporting system
10.97.140 Multicounty districts 16.57.450
Generally Ch. 10.97 creation 67.38.040 identification tags 16.57.160
CRIMINAL SOLICITATION treasurer, duties 67.38.150 Dairy farms
Defined, for Washington Criminal Code Property tax inspection 15.36.111
9A.28.030 may levy 67.38.130 Dairy inspection
Punishment 9A.28.030 Quasi-municipal corporation assessment to fund 15.36.551
powers, generally 67.38.090 certain manufacturing facilities, inspection fee
CRIMINAL TRESPASS assessment on 15.36.571
Defenses 9A.52.090 Revenue bonds 67.38.120
Tax inspection program advisory committee
First degree 15.36.561
defined 9A.52.070 hotel-motel
contributions of sums for limited purposes procedures 15.36.111
Second degree Dairy nutrient management
defined 9A.52.080 67.38.140
Tax levies 67.38.130 appeals from ecology department, actions and
CRISIS RESIDENTIAL CENTERS (See Treasurer, duties 67.38.150 orders 90.64.040
JUVENILES, subtitle Crisis residential complaints, investigation, and corrective
centers) CULTURAL FACILITIES action 90.64.030
Cities and towns concentrated animal feeding operation
CROP DUSTERS (See PESTICIDE authority for local improvement 35.43.040
APPLICATION) designation and permit 90.64.020
Nonprofit organizations conservation commission, duties 90.64.080
CROPS (See also AGRICULTURE) grant program to fund acquisition, conservation districts, duties 90.64.070
Crop adjusters Ch. 48.17 rehabilitation, or construction 43.63A.750 dairy nutrient infrastructure account
Energy crops, dedicated, purchase contracts for CULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS 43.79.530
54.04.190 Cultural access programs, funding of data base, development and maintenance
Execution sales, redemption period, lien on organizations by 90.64.130
6.23.110 creation, administration, and requirements Ch. definitions 90.64.010
Liens, See LIENS, subtitle Crop liens 36.160 denial of approval or certification, producer-
Pollinators, pollen- or nectar-rich plants for local sales and use tax for 82.14.525 requested hearings 90.64.028
noxious weeds, replacing with native forage local taxation authority and allocation of funds ecology department duties 90.64.050
plants 17.10.145, 43.220.260 Ch. 36.160 transfer to agriculture department 90.64.901
Redemption of agricultural lands, rents, profits property tax levies 84.52.821 inspection program 90.64.023
and expenses 6.23.090 Cultural arts, stadium and convention districts investigating and inspecting, including
CROSSINGS (See RAILROADS, subtitle Ch. 67.38 application for search warrant 90.64.200
Crossings) Nonprofit corporations, authorized 24.03.015 livestock nutrient management account
CROSS-STATE TRAIL (See TRAILS) CULVERTS livestock nutrient management program
CROSSWALKS Cities and towns, authority for local statutory review 90.64.170
Defined 47.04.010 improvement 35.43.040 plans, contents and certification 90.64.026
for motor vehicle purposes 46.04.160 CURBS producers, registration 90.64.017
Speed limits at school or playground crosswalks, Cities and towns, construction, reconstruction public records, disclosure 90.64.190
penalty for infraction 46.61.440 and repair, generally Ch. 35.68 recordkeeping violations, civil penalty
Cities and towns, authority to enact 35.21.635 water monitoring, protocol 90.64.180
CRYPTS AND VAULTS (See Dairy products commission, See DAIRY
MAUSOLEUMS) Code cities, authority to enact 35A.11.210
Counties, authority to enact 36.32.425 PRODUCTS COMMISSION
CULPABILITY Dairy technicians
Determinant of grade of offense 9A.08.010 CURRENT USE ASSESSMENT (See TAXES duties 15.36.091
Kinds of, defined 9A.08.010 - PROPERTY) licenses 15.36.081
Substitutes for criminal negligence, recklessness, CURVES Dairy/forage and agricultural facility at Rainier
and knowledge 9A.08.010 Reduction of speed required 46.61.400 school farm 28B.30.810
Willfulness requirement satisfied by acting Fees
CUSTODIAL ASSAULT disposition 15.36.491
knowingly 9A.08.010 Correctional facilities 9A.36.041, 9A.36.100 Liens 60.13.035
DIVERSITY Action by relative 26.09.255 adulterated or misbranded products, sale
Presence and use in public and private affairs Assessment of costs against defendant 9A.40.080 prohibited 15.36.181
encouraged as state policy 1.20.100 Defenses 9A.40.080 agriculture directors powers and duties
CULTURAL ARTS, STADIUM AND Definitions 9A.40.010 43.23.090
CONVENTION DISTRICTS Dependent children agriculture directors rule-making authority
Annexation election 67.38.080 custody by law enforcement officer 13.34.055 15.36.021

[RCW Indexpage 200] (2016 Ed.)


capping 15.36.241 denial, suspension, or revocation 15.37.070, Detainer, actions for recovery of possession of
cease and desist order 15.37.080, 15.37.090 personal property 4.56.080
unlicensed activities 15.36.412 fee 15.37.050 Discrimination
chapter 34.05 RCW, application 15.36.025 renewal, delinquency penalty 15.37.060 humiliation and mental suffering 49.60.250
colostrum milk, sale 15.36.151 sale, conditions 15.37.030 Discrimination involving real property 49.60.225
containers sale conditions 15.37.100 Ejectment and quieting title actions
unlawful use, seizure authorized 15.36.281 violations, penalty 15.37.150 alienation of property by defendant 7.28.220
county peddlers licensing exemption Milk pooling act Ch. 15.35 counterclaims for permanent improvements
36.71.010 Milk processing plants and taxes paid 7.28.180
cows, goats, and other mammals inspection 15.36.111 limitation on recovery of by plaintiff 7.28.150
health requirements 15.36.161 license suspension 15.36.421 plaintiffs right to possession expires before
dairy inspection program Pasteurization trial 7.28.190
advisory committee 15.36.561 pasteurized at plant only, when 15.36.261 withholding of property by defendant
assessment to fund 15.36.551 use of "pasteurized" regulated 15.36.271 7.28.150
certain manufacturing facilities, inspection Waste management, See DAIRIES AND Excessive
fee assessment on 15.36.571 DAIRY PRODUCTS, subtitle Dairy nutrient reduction as alternative to new trial 4.76.030
dairy technicians 15.36.081, 15.36.091 management Executions, writ of execution to require, when
definitions 15.36.012 6.17.110
diseased animals DAIRY PRODUCTS COMMISSION Executors and administrators
unlawful sale of products, exception Commission Ch. 15.44 agreement to answer for from own estate must
15.36.151 Trade promotion and development expenditures be in writing 11.48.040
examination 15.36.191, 15.36.201 15.04.200 damages of estate, promise to pay by must be
failure to comply DAMAGES in writing 11.48.040
penalties 15.36.454, 15.36.473 Actions for not liable for without fault 11.48.030
fees, disposition 15.36.491 construction contracts Fire
grades, regrading and license reinstatement defined 4.24.370 spread of, negligently permitted, damages for
15.36.451 delay caused by contractee, waiver, null and 4.24.040
grades that may be sold 15.36.171 void 4.24.360 Flood control, defined 86.16.120
grading 15.36.141 crime victims rights preserved 7.68.050 Forcible entry and detainer, actions for recovery
injunctions to enjoin violations 15.36.481 damaged or stolen livestock, treble damages of personal property 4.56.080
laboratory tests, admission as evidence 4.24.320 Imputed negligence, spouse, minor child,
15.36.475 damages which are false, unfounded, domestic partner, negated 4.22.020
licenses malicious, without probable cause, part of Inadequate
dairy technicians 15.36.081 conspiracy, claim or counterclaim for may increase as alternative to new trial 4.76.030
denial, suspension, or revocation 15.36.401 be litigated in principal action 4.24.350 Industrial insurance
milk haulers 15.36.071 five thousand dollars or less, attorneys fees as actions against employer or third person for
milk processing plants 15.36.051, 15.36.421 costs 4.84.260, 4.84.270, 4.84.280, injury or death Ch. 51.24
milk producers 15.36.041, 15.36.421 4.84.290, 4.84.300 Injunctions
milk wash stations 15.36.101 professional negligence 4.16.350, 4.24.290 bond 7.40.080
milk haulers 15.36.071 recovery of possession of personal property, bond covering on contempt for disobedience
milk processing plants judgment for 4.56.080 7.40.170
licenses 15.36.051 seven thousand five hundred dollars of less, contempt for disobedience 7.40.160
sanitary certificates, fees 15.36.525 attorneys fees as costs 4.84.250 dissolution of injunction to stay
milk producers Ammonia judgment 7.40.190
licenses 15.36.041 liability 69.55.030 proceedings 7.40.200
milk wash station license 15.36.101 Amount of Injunctions against obscene materials,
out-of-state grade A milk, sale in state jury to assess in action to recover money nonliability of prosecuting attorney for
15.36.131 4.44.450 damages 7.42.050
pasteurization Animal facilities Insurance for, See INSURANCE
pasteurized at plant only, when 15.36.261 acts against agricultural or veterinary facilities Intercepting private conversation 9.73.060
use of "pasteurized" regulated 15.36.271 Joint and several liability
liability for damages 4.24.575
poison in products, penalty 69.40.020 contribution
police power of the state 15.36.531 acts against research and educational facilities enforcement of 4.22.050
raw milk liability for damages 4.24.570 right of 4.22.040
bottling, packaging, and labeling 15.36.231 Assessment of Judgment against local governmental entity
cooling procedures 15.36.221 without answer 4.28.290 execution 6.17.080
sales Attachment Judgments or orders, vacation or modification of,
unlawful acts 15.36.181 assignor liability for 6.25.080 denial of where judgment suspended,
samples and records, access permitted bond liability 6.25.100 damages 4.72.090
15.36.111 bond to cover 6.25.080 Judicial sale, announcement of 6.21.090
sanitary certificates, fees 15.36.525 Child maliciously injuring person or property, Jury
schools, furnishing of free milk 28A.235.130 action against parent allowed, limitation to assess amount of recovery in action to
source of products, sellers disclosure 4.24.190 recover money 4.44.450
15.36.206 Children, parents action for death or injury of Libel and slander
standards 4.24.010 mitigation of, pleadings 4.36.130
laboratory tests, admission as evidence Cities and towns Local government entities
15.36.475 eminent domain, See DAMAGES, subtitle payment of damages and defense expenses in
unlawful acts 15.36.511 Eminent domain by cities action against officer, employee, or
sale of adulterated or misbranded products lowlands, filling 35.55.040, 35.56.050 volunteer 4.96.041
15.36.181 pedestrian malls, negotiation upon 35.71.110 Logging products under lien, concealment or
violations Common carriers, treble damages for rebating or injury to 60.24.200
notice, orders, damages 15.36.455 fraud 81.28.210, 81.28.220 Love and companionship, parents action for loss
penalties 15.36.511 Comparative negligence 4.22.005 of 4.24.010
weights and measures 19.94.420 Construction contracts, delay, waiver, effective Malicious harassment, actual and punitive
Milk and milk products for animal food date 4.24.380 damages 9A.36.083
coloring of milk in containers, when required Contributory negligence Mandamus proceedings
15.37.100 damages diminished proportionally 4.22.005 execution for 7.16.260
definitions 15.37.010 fault, defined 4.22.015 judgment for 7.16.260
enforcement 15.37.020, 15.37.120 Costs and disbursements limited to equal Mining shaft, damages for injuries sustained
injunctions to enjoin violations 15.37.130 amounts, when 4.84.040 preserved 78.12.070
labeling 15.37.110 Criminal records, dissemination of 10.97.110 Mitigation of, libel and slander, pleadings
licenses Defined for arson, reckless burning, malicious 4.36.130
application and issuance 15.37.040 mischief 9A.48.010 Motor vehicle accidents

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 201]


venue of actions for 4.12.020 county roads and bridges, freeholders review of need and demand
Ne exeat, bond covering 7.44.021 petition, securing 36.81.030 definitions 35.63.170
Negligence Witnesses liable for on failure to attend 5.56.060 implementation of findings 35.22.660,
contributory, comparative Wrongful death actions 4.20.020 35A.63.210
effect of 4.22.005 DAMS (See also POWER FACILITIES AND review, implementation of findings
spouse, domestic partner, minor child, not RESOURCES, subtitle Dams) 35.63.180
imputed 4.22.020 Construction or modification 90.03.350 counties
Nuisances Construction projects in state waters Ch. 77.55 location, conditions 36.70.757
abatement does not preclude 7.48.180 Ecology, department of review of need and demand for,
conduct subject to action for 7.48.010 general authority over dams and obstructions implementation of findings 36.32.520,
executions on judgment for 7.48.260 86.16.035 36.70.675
public nuisances Federal power act licensees, exemption from family day care centers
authorized 7.48.200 state requirements 43.21A.068 county regulation of 43.215.532
who may maintain action for 7.48.210 Fishways, flow, and screening Ch. 77.57 pilot projects, twelve-month 43.215.532
Pain and suffering of deceased person Hydraulic projects and permits Ch. 77.55
personal representative may recover only on family day care providers home facility
Hydropower, comprehensive plan 90.54.800 allowed 35.63.185, 35A.63.215,
behalf of the decedents beneficiaries Inspection
4.20.046 36.70A.450
ecology department powers and duties family day-care providers home facility
Personal representatives 43.21A.064
agreement to answer for from own estate must allowed 35.21.688
Insurance for, See INSURANCE, subtitle Marine state employees children 41.04.370,
be in writing 11.48.040 and transportation insurance
damages of estate, promise to pay must be in 41.04.375, 41.04.380, 41.04.382,
Navigation, obstructing 88.28.050 41.04.385
writing 11.48.040 Public utility districts, water rights in regard to
not liable for without fault 11.48.030 Child care facility fund committee
54.16.050 applications for loans, guarantees, and grants,
Probate Reclamation districts of one million acres or
personal representatives, not liable for without requirements 43.31.512
more Ch. 89.30
fault 11.48.030 Rivers and streams, authority for dams 90.28.170 grants, repayment requirements 43.31.514
promise to pay damages of estate by personal Safety of dams, report by ecology department grants and loans from fund, authority to make,
representative must be in writing 11.48.040 90.54.160 conditions and limitations 43.31.506
Product liability actions Ch. 7.72 Water resources act Ch. 90.54 loan guarantees for licensed facilities,
Prohibition proceedings Water storage dams, construction or conditions and limitations 43.31.508
execution for 7.16.320 modification 90.03.350 organization and duties 43.31.504
judgment for 7.16.320 Child care facility revolving fund
Public corporations may sue for in corporate DANCES purpose, source of funds 43.31.502
name 4.08.110 Opportunity to dance Child care partnership
Public nuisance tax exemption for certain establishments
82.04.050 employer liaison, duties 43.215.550
authorized 7.48.200 Child care services
unequal damage to property no defense Public dances
licenses and fees authorized 67.12.021 children ages sixty months through six years,
9.66.020 placement of 43.215.564
who may maintain action for 7.48.210 State dance, square dance designated as 1.20.075
state policy 43.215.495
Quo warranto proceedings DANGEROUS WASTES Early learning, department of Ch. 43.215
action for damages 7.56.090 Commercial off-site land disposal facilities Employer assistance and involvement
information to show when ground is limitations 70.105.165
usurpation of office 7.56.040 Disposal child care partnership employer liaison, duties
right to office contest 7.56.060 limitations 70.105.165 43.215.550
Real property Energy facilities Four-year student child care in higher education
action for waste 64.12.020 regulation of 70.105.110 account 28B.135.040
due to governmental action Four-year student child care in higher education
DANGEROUS WEAPONS (See FIREARMS; account program 28B.135.010
claims, time limitation 64.40.030 WEAPONS)
definitions 64.40.010 Immunization program
relief provided 64.40.020 DATA PROCESSINGSTATE (See administrators duties 28A.210.110
improvements to 4.16.300 CONSOLIDATED TECHNOLOGY attendance conditioned upon proof
limitations on 4.16.310, 4.16.325 SERVICES AGENCY, subtitle Chief 28A.210.080
negligence, agreement to indemnify for, information officer, office of the state) definitions 28A.210.070
against public policy 4.24.115 DAY CARE (See also EARLY LEARNING, exceptions 28A.210.090
injury to or removing trees 64.12.030 DEPARTMENT OF) notice 28A.210.120
trespass Abuse and neglect prevention training 74.15.200 purpose 28A.210.060
mitigating circumstances 64.12.040 Background investigations of certain prospective record verifying procedure, rule adoption
Replevin employees 28A.210.150
judgments for 4.56.080 definitions, records 43.43.840 source of immunizations 28A.210.100
verdict in actions for recovery of specific Background investigations of certain prospective superintendent to provide information
personal property 4.44.420 employees and volunteers statewide 28A.210.130
Schools and school districts definitions, records 43.43.830, 43.43.834, Insurance, joint underwriting association Ch.
employees, wrongful discharge 28A.405.350 43.43.836, 43.43.838 48.88
Settlement agreements, effect of 4.22.060 immunity of state 43.43.833 License required 74.15.090
Settlement offers records 43.43.832 Nutrition programs, federal
time period 4.84.280 Business and occupation tax exemption superintendent of public instructions duties
Solar easements 82.04.339 regarding participation in 28A.300.250
interference with 64.04.170 Child abuse, background investigations of Pesticide applications
State, tort actions against, liability of state in prospective employees 43.43.840 marking of treated landscape property
damages 4.92.090 Child abuse, background investigations of 17.21.410
Survival of actions prospective employees and volunteers
pain and suffering of deceased person, 43.43.830, 43.43.832, 43.43.834, 43.43.836, Referrals to child care
personal representative may recover on 43.43.838 family assessment response process 26.44.272
behalf of the decedents beneficiaries Child abuse and neglect prevention curriculum School-based day care 28A.215.050
4.20.046 28A.300.150, 28A.300.160 Self-insurance Ch. 48.90
Telecommunications property, punitive damages Child care agencies Student child care in higher education grants Ch.
80.36.060, 80.36.070 licensing, definitions Ch. 43.215 28B.135
Trespass Child care coordinating committee Tax imposed on providers 82.04.2905
mitigating circumstances 64.12.040 child care partnership 43.215.550 Temporary assistance for needy families
Verdict in action for recovery of specific Child care expansion grant 43.215.555 volunteer work at child care facility or other
personal property 4.44.420 Child care facilities work site authorized 74.25.040
Waiver of cities and towns Therapeutic day care and treatment 74.14B.040

[RCW Indexpage 202] (2016 Ed.)


DAY NURSERIES (See PUBLIC creation of new congressional districts or physician not in attendance 70.58.180
ASSISTANCE, subtitle Child welfare boundaries, effect of 72.42.021 presumed death 70.58.390
agencies) power and duties 72.42.041 requirement of 70.58.160
DAY TRAINING CENTERS (See rules and regulations 72.42.021 signed, by whom 70.58.170
RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS, subtitle Day definitions 72.42.016 Child, action for death of 4.24.010
training centers) establishment 72.40.010 Child mortality review
residential program, monitoring 72.40.280 local health department employee immunity
DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME terms 72.40.031 70.05.170
Observance 1.20.051 State school for records, reports, and statements
Prohibitions of by local subdivisions, exceptions admittance 72.40.040, 72.40.050 confidentiality 70.05.170
1.20.050 board of trustees Community property, survival of action against
DAY-USE PERMIT (See OUTDOOR meetings 72.42.070 or in behalf of 4.20.046
RECREATION, subtitle Day-use permit) rules and regulations 72.42.031 Contracts, cause of action upon survives
child abuse and neglect 4.20.046
DEAD MANS STATUTE (See DEATH, Coroners and medical examiners, immunity for
subtitle Dead mans statute) residential staffing requirement 72.40.240
sexual victimization, protection from determining 68.50.015
DEADLY FORCE 72.40.270 Coroners inquest, authority, venue, and costs
Defined 9A.16.010 staff orientation and training 72.40.230 36.24.020
Justifiable, when 9A.16.040 student instruction 72.40.260 Criminal mistreatment
DEADLY WEAPONS (See FIREARMS; under direction of director of center for withdrawal of life support systems not
WEAPONS) childhood deafness and hearing loss applicable to chapter 9A.42.040
72.40.010 Dead mans statute, competency of witnesses
DEAF employee hours of labor 72.40.110 5.60.030
Center for childhood deafness and hearing loss weekend transportation 72.40.090 Death investigations account
account 72.40.290 Telecommunication device installation for created 43.79.445
appropriations 72.40.120 access to emergency services 70.54.180 forensic pathology fellowship program,
behavior management 72.40.220 Telecommunications relay system for deaf and disbursements 43.79.445
board of trustees speech-impaired persons Dental identification system 68.50.310,
creation of new congressional districts or definitions 43.20A.720 68.50.330
boundaries, effect of 72.42.021 long distance discount rates required for Devisees and legatees before testator, effect
power and duties 72.42.041 service in conjunction with relay system 11.12.110
purpose 72.42.010 80.36.195 Employers death, wage preference 49.56.020
rules and regulations 72.42.021 program 43.20A.725 Estate and transfer tax Ch. 83.100
travel expenses 72.42.060 White cane law Evidence
child abuse and neglect applicability 70.84.010 federal missing persons act, written finding of
behavior management 72.40.220 dog guide death prima facie evidence 5.40.020
employees and volunteers, supervision defined 70.84.020 transaction with deceased person, competency
72.40.250 driver responsibilities and liabilities 70.84.040 of testimony as to 5.60.030
investigation 26.44.210 employment, discrimination in prohibited Execution of judgments by representative of
reports to parents 72.40.210 70.84.080 deceased person 6.17.030
definitions 72.42.016 penalty for violation 70.84.070 Federal missing persons act, written finding of
director rights of hearing impaired person 70.84.050 federal officer prima facie evidence
defined 72.42.015 unauthorized use of white cane, dog guide, or 5.40.020, 5.40.030, 5.40.040
powers and duties 72.40.024 service animal, penalty 70.84.060 Firemen, death of, See FIREMENS
qualifications 72.40.019 Youth RETIREMENT AND PENSIONS
directors powers and duties 72.40.0191 educational service district superintendents Forensic investigations council Ch. 43.103
functions 72.40.015 duty 72.40.070 Forensic pathology fellowship program
state school for blind under director of center parents duty 72.40.080 death investigations account disbursements
director 72.40.010 school districts duty 72.40.060 43.79.445
student life-threatening illness, Homicide, See HOMICIDE
DEATH (See also HUMAN REMAINS; Incumbent, death of vacates office 42.12.010
hospitalization, death NATURAL DEATH ACT; PROBATE;
reports to parents 72.40.210 Industrial deaths 68.50.103
VITAL STATISTICS) Information release or withholding 68.50.300
student safety and protection from abuse and Actions
neglect 72.40.200 Inmates, institutions, property disposition
contracts, action on survives 4.20.046 11.08.101, 11.08.120
teachers 72.40.028 for death of child 4.24.010
Discrimination, prohibited 70.84.010 Insurance
personal injuries, survival 4.20.046 disability insurance, extended benefits
Dog guides survival 4.20.046 48.20.360
driver responsibilities and liabilities 70.84.040 Anatomical gift statement on drivers license life insurance
license fee waiver 49.60.380 46.20.113 accidental death provisions 48.23.250
unauthorized use 70.84.060 Armed forces member executing power of effect on, proof of 48.23.130
Early intervention services attorney, effect of death 73.20.050 simultaneous death payment of proceeds on
advisory council 70.198.020 Assisted suicide life 48.18.390
findings 70.198.010 Washington death with dignity act Ch. 70.245 Judicial sales, confirmation of judicial sales on
hearing loss pamphlet 70.198.040 power of attorney, prohibiting exercise of death of judgment debtor 6.21.110
standards, development of 70.198.030 rights under act through 11.125.420 Legally accepted cause of 70.58.180
Employment, white cane law, discrimination in Attorneys at law, proceedings, effect 2.44.060 Life insurance
hiring prohibited 70.84.080 Autopsies and postmortems 68.50.100, accidental death provisions 48.23.250
Interference with, violations, penalty 70.84.070 68.50.101, 68.50.102, 68.50.104, 68.50.105, effect on proof of 48.23.130
Interpreters at legal proceedings 68.50.106 Living wills Ch. 70.122
appointment Ch. 2.42 findings, liability of coroner or medical Maternal, when pregnant or following pregnancy
Malicious harassment 9A.36.080 examiner 68.50.115 maternal mortality review panel 70.54.450
School services, See SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL Bank account deposits 30A.22.100, 30A.22.180, Militia member
DISTRICTS, subtitle Hearing 30A.22.190, 30A.22.200 compensation 38.40.030
Service animals Burial permits 70.58.230 Motor vehicle financial responsibility law, death
defined 70.84.021 Cemeteries, morgues, and human remains Title of person of whom proof required, procedure
driver responsibilities and liabilities 70.84.040 68 46.29.600
state agency employees with sensory Certificate of Natural death act
disabilities domestic partnership information 70.58.175 definitions 70.122.020
need for service animal training 49.90.010 fetal deaths 70.58.150, 70.58.160, 70.58.170 health care declarations
unauthorized use 70.84.060 filed, by whom 70.58.170 registry 70.122.130
State residential school for methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, immunity from civil, criminal liability
board of trustees presence to be noted 70.58.400 70.122.051

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 203]


lethal injection or active euthanasia not DEBENTURES real property title vests instantly but subject to
authorized 70.122.100 Banks, See BANKS AND BANKING, subtitle debts 11.04.250
life-sustaining treatment, withholding, Capital notes or debentures District judges, actions to recover debts
withdrawal DEBT ADJUSTERS filing of claim 12.04.020
criminal acts, enumerated, penalties Assignment of wages not prohibited 18.28.140 summons
70.122.090 Consumer protection act, application 18.28.185 contents 12.04.020
directive Contracts, contents and disclosure 18.28.100 issuance, form 12.04.020
conditions 70.122.030 Definitions 18.28.010 service of 12.04.020
revocation 70.122.040 Excess charges, effect 18.28.090 Executors and administrators
directives validity assumed 70.122.120 Exemptions 18.28.010 agreements to answer damages from own
excluded from chain of proximate cause Fees for services, limitations 18.28.080 estate must be in writing 11.48.040
70.122.080 Functions to be performed by adjusters promise to pay debts of estate must be in
life insurance, not affected by 70.122.070 18.28.110 writing to bind 11.48.040
physicians responsibility, immunity from Investigations 18.28.165 uncollected, liability for 11.48.080
liability 70.122.060 Legal services, performance by adjuster Fair credit reporting act Ch. 19.182
prohibited from being a condition for prohibited 18.28.130 Fish marketing associations, liability of members
receiving health services or insurance Nonprofit 18.28.010, 18.28.080, 18.28.120, 24.36.270
70.122.070 18.28.800 Foreign judgment
suicide, not considered as 70.122.070 Professional service corporations Ch. 18.100 defenses available to evidence 5.44.030
mercy killing not authorized 70.122.100 Prohibited acts 18.28.120, 18.28.130 as faith accorded to 5.44.020
patient discharge to die at home Trust account required for payments by debtor, Fraudulent transfers
immunity from civil or criminal liability disbursements 18.28.150 defenses, liability, and protection of transferee
70.122.110 Violations 19.40.081
short title 70.122.900 assurance of discontinuance 18.28.210 definitions 19.40.011
No abatement if cause of action survives civil penalty 18.28.220 extinguishment of cause of action 19.40.091
4.20.050 injunctions 18.28.200 fraudulent as to present and future creditors
Parents action for injury or death of child penalty 18.28.190 19.40.041, 19.40.051
4.24.010 insolvency of debtors 19.40.021
DEBT LIMITATIONS (See obligations, when incurred 19.40.061
Parties before judgment, vacation or INDEBTEDNESS)
modification of superior court judgment or remedies of creditors 19.40.071
order DEBTS AND DEBTORS (See also transfer, when made 19.40.061
grounds 4.72.010 BANKRUPTCY; INDEBTEDNESS) value of transfer 19.40.031
petition, by 4.72.030 Absconding Gambling, invalidity of contract and debts
attachment against defense of 4.24.090
Partner, See PARTNERSHIPS recovery of losses by action 4.24.070
Performance of decedents contracts, including bond unnecessary, when 6.25.080
ground for 6.25.030 Garnishment
contracts for the conveyance of real property exemptions
11.60.010 service of process on 4.28.100
supplemental proceedings, warrant of arrest earnings 6.27.150
Permits exempt debts, service of writ has no effect
burial, disinterment, or removal 70.58.230 Accounts, sales of Art. 62A.9A upon 6.27.120
disposal of human remains 70.58.190 Accounts receivable, See UNIFORM pension money 6.15.020
Personal injury action COMMERCIAL CODE, subtitle Secured personal property 6.15.010
simultaneous death of tort feasor, cause of transactions procedures for claiming 6.27.160
action survives 4.20.046 Action to recover in district court generally, including procedures Ch. 6.27
survival of action on death of injured person filing of claim 12.04.020 Group life insurance, qualifications 48.24.040
4.20.060 summons, issuance, form 12.04.020 Guardianship, See GUARDIAN AND WARD,
survival on death of tort feasor 4.20.046 Actions subtitle Claims and debts against estate
Property interpleader 4.08.150, 4.08.160, 4.08.170 High risk consumer loans Ch. 31.04
uniform real property transfer on death act Ch. trial of issue on conflicting claims 4.08.180 Injunctions, damages for dissolution of
64.80 survival upon death 4.20.046 injunction to stay judgment of 7.40.190
Real property contract vendor, probate procedure Agreements requiring writings, enforceability Insurance
to effect conveyance 11.60.010 Ch. 19.36 life insurance proceeds exempt 48.18.400,
Simultaneous death, uniform act Ch. 11.05A Assigned choses in action, defenses, 48.18.410, 48.18.420, 48.18.430
Survival of causes of action 4.20.046 counterclaims and offsets 4.08.080 right of selection 48.30.260
Testamentary disposition of nonprobate assets Assignment for benefit of creditors, See Insurance in connection with, credit transactions,
Ch. 11.11 ASSIGNMENT FOR BENEFIT OF generally Ch. 48.34
Tolling of statute of limitation of actions CREDITORS Interpleader 4.08.150, 4.08.160, 4.08.170
4.16.200 Attachment, See ATTACHMENT Joint debtors
Tort feasor Chattel paper Art. 62A.9A confession of judgment by
cause of action against does not abate 4.20.046 Collection agencies Ch. 19.16 enforcement 4.60.030
simultaneous with or after death or injury Community property who may confess 4.60.030
liable for, cause of action survives 4.20.046 judgment lien for community debts 26.16.040 procedure to bind after judgment Ch. 4.68
survival of cause of action against 4.20.046 liability for debts upon death of either or both supplemental proceedings, See
Undetermined, permit to dispose of human spouses or domestic partners 4.20.046 SUPPLEMENTAL PROCEEDINGS
remains 70.58.190 Confession of judgment without suit 4.60.050 Judgment debtors, See SUPPLEMENTAL
Vendor of contract to convey real property, Consumer loan act Ch. 31.04 PROCEEDINGS
probate procedure to effect conveyance Contracts or agreements, when void unless in Judgment liens
11.60.010 writing Ch. 19.36 personal and real 4.56.210
Wage claims due to deceased, payment Corporations, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle personal and real property 4.56.190, 4.56.200
49.48.120 Liabilities Judgments
Washington death with dignity act Ch. 70.245 Counties, debt apportionment 36.09.010, examination of debtor, order for 6.32.010
power of attorney, prohibiting exercise of 36.09.020, 36.09.035, 36.09.040 extension of judgment prohibited 4.56.210
rights under act through 11.125.420 Creditors interrogatories, answer to 6.32.015
Wills, death of grandparents issue before that of rights of sellers creditors against goods sold Life insurance proceeds, exemptions from
grantor 11.12.110 62A.2-402 48.18.400, 48.18.410, 48.18.420, 48.18.430
Witnesses, transcript of testimony as evidence Death Limitation of actions, tolling by part payment
2.32.250 survival of actions 4.20.046 4.16.270
Wrongful death actions 4.20.010 Debt adjusters, regulation Ch. 18.28 Ne exeat, See NE EXEAT
Debts of public bodies declared legal regardless Order for examination of judgment debtor
DEATH PENALTY (See SENTENCES, of interest rate 39.90.060 debtor fails to appear
subtitle Capital punishment) Debts owed to state plaintiff entitled to costs and fees 6.32.010
DEATH WARRANT interest rate, exceptions 43.17.240 Partition proceedings, See PARTITION
Issuance 10.95.160 Descent and distribution Personal representatives

[RCW Indexpage 204] (2016 Ed.)


agreements to answer damages from own Costs 7.24.100 Partition proceedings, filing with auditor, notice
estate must be in writing 11.48.040 Counties, bonds, test of proposed issues 7.25.010 65.04.070
promise to pay debts of estate must be in Courts of record Record of
writing to bind 11.48.040 authority to render 7.24.010 to be kept 36.23.030
uncollected, liability for 11.48.080 costs, award of 7.24.100 replacement if lost or destroyed 5.48.020,
Probate general powers not restricted by express 5.48.030, 5.48.040
borrowing on general credit of estate enumeration 7.24.050 Superior courts
hearing 11.56.280 refusal of declaration where judgment would books to be kept 36.23.030
notice, discretionary with court 11.56.280 not terminate controversy 7.24.060 records to be kept 36.23.030
petition for 11.56.280 show cause why further relief should not be Support of dependent children, modification of
term, rate of interest, form of note 11.56.280 granted, requiring of 7.24.080 divorce or separate maintenance decree to
leases of estate property to pay 11.56.030 Declaration, persons not parties not prejudiced provide for 74.20.220
order of payment of claim for 11.76.110 by 7.24.110 DEDICATION (See also PLATTING,
partnership interests of decedent 11.64.008 Deeds, declaration concerning authorized SUBDIVISION AND DEDICATION OF
sales of estate property to pay 11.56.030 7.24.020 LAND)
Profiteering Ch. 9A.82 Definitions, person 7.24.130 Easements
Sales of accounts Art. 62A.9A Effect of 7.24.010 extinguishing or altering 64.04.175
Savings associations Form 7.24.010
authority to collect and compromise debts Franchises, declaration concerning authorized DEEDS (See also CONVEYANCES; REAL
33.12.010 7.24.020 PROPERTY, subtitle Deeds)
School districts, liability for debts 28A.320.020 Further relief 7.24.080 Acknowledgments
Secured transactions Art. 62A.9A Issues of fact, determination of 7.24.090 court commissioners power to take 2.24.040
Setoff against Joint stock companies, person includes 7.24.130 evidence, certificate as 64.08.050
beneficiary of trust estate 4.32.120 Judgments 7.25.030 foreign 64.08.040
real party in interest 4.32.120 refusal to grant where controversy would not forms 64.08.060, 64.08.070
Special proceedings be terminated 7.24.060 homesteads 6.13.060
debtor fails to appear review of 7.24.070 out-of-state 64.08.020
plaintiff entitled to costs and fees 6.32.010 Municipal corporations required for validity 64.04.020
Statute of frauds Ch. 19.36 bonds, test of proposed issue 7.25.010 who may take 64.08.010
Supplemental proceedings, See ordinances, declaration concerning authorized After-acquired title follows 64.04.070
SUPPLEMENTAL PROCEEDINGS 7.24.020 Bargain and sale
Survival of actions 4.20.046 person includes 7.24.130 form and effect 64.04.040
Usury Notices, further relief, for 7.24.080 implied covenants 64.04.040
certain lenders, pleading defense of usury or Orders of court Commissioner of
maintaining action prohibited 19.52.080 review of 7.24.070 conveyance of real estate, deed given by
declaratory judgment to establish 19.52.032 Ordinances 6.28.020
Usury rate 19.52.020, 19.52.030 declaration concerning authorized 7.24.020 Community property
Writ of garnishment, amount garnishee required Parties power of attorney to husband or wife
to hold, determination 6.27.090 municipality as 7.24.110 26.16.090
persons that shall be 7.24.110 power of attorney to third person 26.16.090
DECEDENTS ESTATES (See WILLS) purchasers title and rights 26.16.095,
Partnerships, person includes 7.24.130
DECEIT (See FALSE Persons not parties, declaration not to prejudice 26.16.100
REPRESENTATIONS; FRAUD) rights of 7.24.110 recording of claim by husband or wife
Petitions for further relief 7.24.080 removal as cloud 26.16.110
DECISIONS (See also JUDGMENTS) recording of claim by husband or wife to
Court commissioners Retail installment sales, declaratory judgment to community realty
conclusions of law, exceptions to, necessity of establish excess service charges, violation
63.14.152 effect of failure to record, time for recording
4.80.020 26.16.100
findings of fact, exceptions to, necessity of Review 7.24.070
recording wifes interest 65.04.030
4.80.020 School districts, bonds, test of proposed issues Condominiums
Findings of fact 7.25.010
deeds of apartments, requirements 64.32.120
court commissioners, exceptions to decisions Show cause, further relief, why should not be form 64.04.055
of 4.80.020 granted 7.24.080
Contracts to convey real property by deceased
referees, exceptions to decisions of 4.80.020 Societies, person includes unincorporated society vendor, deed recites order authorizing
Time limit for rendering by superior court judges 7.24.130 11.60.040
2.08.240 Statutes Conveyances 64.04.040, 64.04.050
DECLARATORY JUDGMENTS attorney general, service on, and right to be contract to sell or convey, recording 65.08.050
Actions, objection to on ground that declaratory heard 7.24.110 deeds, necessity of deed 64.04.010
judgment prayed for 7.24.010 declaration concerning authorized 7.24.020 warranty deeds, covenants 64.04.030
Actions and proceedings subject to chapter Stay of proceedings and restraint of parties Copies of record as evidence 5.44.060, 5.44.070
7.24.146 7.24.190 County roads and bridges, freehold petitioners
Appeals 7.24.070 Superior courts securing 36.81.030
Application of chapter 7.24.146 judgment 7.25.030 Court order or judgment, commissioners to
Applications for further relief 7.24.080 proceedings to test validity of bond issues convey real estate to compel compliance
Associations, person includes unincorporated 7.25.020 6.28.080
association or society 7.24.130 Taxing districts, bonds, test of proposed issue Ejectment and quieting title actions, appointment
Attorney general, service on and right to be heard 7.25.010 of trustee for making or canceling deeds
7.24.110 Trials, issues of fact 7.24.090 7.28.010
Bonds, test of validity 7.25.010 Usury 19.52.032 Execution, sale upon
Cities and towns Validation of proceedings 7.24.146 fee of sheriff 36.18.040
bonds, test of proposed issue 7.25.010 Wills purchaser entitled to sheriffs deed 6.21.120,
contracts, declaration concerning authorized declaration concerning authorized 7.24.020 6.23.060
7.24.020 Written contracts, declaration concerning redemption from, sheriffs deed 6.23.060
franchises, declarations concerning authorized authorized 7.24.020 Flood control districts, sale for delinquent
7.24.020 DECREES (See also JUDGMENTS) assessments, deed requirements 86.09.514
ordinances, declaration concerning authorized Court of appeals, power and authority of Forms
7.24.010, 7.24.020 2.06.030 acknowledgments 64.08.060, 64.08.070
party, as 7.24.110 Deeds of trust foreclosure, deficiency decree bargain and sale deeds 64.04.040
Construction of chapter 7.24.120, 7.24.140 prohibited, exception 61.24.100 quitclaim deeds 64.04.050
Contracts Foreclosure of real property mortgage, warranty deeds 64.04.030
construction of 7.24.030 redemption rights lost where property Highway toll roads, sale of property, execution,
declaration concerning authorized 7.24.020 abandoned, rights not lost where deficiency delivery of deed authorized 47.56.254,
Corporations, person includes 7.24.130 judgment or default decree 61.12.094 47.56.255

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 205]


Homesteads application of chapter 61.24.100 proceeds of sale, insufficient to pay obligation

acknowledgment required 6.13.060 authorized 61.24.020 in full, senior beneficiary role 61.24.026
execution 6.13.060 bids at sale, persons who may bid 61.24.070 purchaser 61.24.070
powers of attorney authorized 6.13.060 consumer protection act, application rights and remedies 61.24.060
Incorporated towns on United States land 61.24.135 written notice to occupants or tenants
58.28.120 deficiency judgments 61.24.100 61.24.060
prima facie evidence of correctness of enjoining foreclosure redemption rights precluded after sale
formalities 58.28.180 failure to bring civil action 61.24.127 61.24.050
Indians, sale of land or materials, authorization foreclosure fairness account 61.24.172, requisites 61.24.030
64.20.030 61.24.173 rescission of sale 61.24.050
Judicial sales foreclosure fairness act Ch. 61.24 residential real property 61.24.030
redemption from, sheriffs deed 6.23.060 foreclosure mediation program 61.24.008, restraint of sale by trustee, conditions, notice
sheriff to execute and deliver 6.21.120 61.24.033, 61.24.160, 61.24.163, 61.24.130
Liens on franchises, earnings, property of certain 61.24.165, 61.24.166, 61.24.169 tenant-occupied property
companies, precedence of deed as to housing counselors 61.24.033, 61.24.160 notice to vacate 61.24.146
60.32.010 liens and interests 61.24.040 sale, notice 61.24.143
Municipal local improvement assessments model contact letter used by beneficiaries DEEP FREEZERS
foreclosure procedure 35.50.270 61.24.033 Abandonment where accessible to children,
Necessity of deed for conveyance 64.04.010 notice 61.24.040 penalty Ch. 9.03
Powers of appointment, when releasable notice to guarantor, contents 61.24.042
11.95.010 procedure 61.24.040 DEER (See WILDLIFE)
Proof of, court commissioners power to take proceeds of sale, disbursement 61.24.080 DEFAMATION (See LIBEL AND
2.24.040 proceeds of sale, insufficient to pay obligation SLANDER)
Public lands, See PUBLIC LANDS, subtitle in full, senior beneficiary role 61.24.026
purchaser 61.24.070 DEFAULT
Deeds Court commissioners, power to grant and enter
Quitclaim, cities and towns, pedestrian malls, rights and remedies 61.24.060
written notice to occupants or tenants judgment upon 2.24.040
acquisition for 35.71.070 Ne exeat, bail bond on 7.44.030
donation on plat 58.08.015 61.24.060
redemption rights precluded after sale Nuisances, bond to stay warrant of abatement
form and effect 64.04.050 7.48.270
Quo warranto proceedings, annulment or 61.24.050
rents and profits, right of trustee to enter for Rent, See LANDLORD AND TENANT
vacation of deed 7.56.140, 7.56.150
Recording or filing of 7.28.230 DEFAULT JUDGMENTS (See
certified copies, recording, effect 65.08.100, requests for notice of sale 61.24.045 JUDGMENTS)
65.08.110 tenant-occupied property DEFECTS
conveyances of fee title by state or political notice to vacate 61.24.146 Pleadings, notices, papers and proceedings,
subdivision, recording by grantor at time of trustees sale, notice 61.24.143 amending by court 4.32.250
delivery required, effect 65.08.095 Insurance premium finance company act,
duty of county auditor 65.04.030, 65.08.150 exemption 48.56.030 DEFENDANTS
error by recording officer, liability 65.08.140 Lis pendens, filing, effect 61.24.040 Affirmative relief
failure to record, effect 65.08.070 Master form, recording instrument pursuant to dismissal action by plaintiff barred if
irregular instruments, imparts notice 65.08.160 defendant seeks 4.56.120
65.08.030 Mediation 61.24.008, 61.24.160, 61.24.163, judgments on, authorized 4.56.070
required, when and where 65.08.070 61.24.165, 61.24.166, 61.24.169 Certiorari proceedings, designation of 7.16.010
Redemption from execution sale authorized, Mortgage laws applicable 61.24.020 Civil procedure
when 6.23.060 Other foreclosure proceedings preserved costs Ch. 4.84
Requisites 64.04.020 61.24.120 Criminal actions
School districts, sale of real property Quieting title against outlawed mortgage or deed confrontation, right to 10.52.060
28A.335.090, 28A.335.120 of trust 7.28.300 depositions of witnesses, when permitted
Solar easements Reconveyance by trustee 61.24.110 10.52.060
authorized 64.04.140 Recording and filing costs
definitions 64.04.150 deeds of trust, provisions by reference to default in payment, enforcement, collection
master form 65.08.160 10.01.180
interference with, remedies
liability 65.08.140 deferred, installment, payment 10.01.170
attorneys fees 64.04.170
master form recording, recording instruments payment, remission 10.01.160
injunction 64.04.170 discharging defendant to give evidence
written agreement, requirement 64.04.160 incorporating provisions of 65.08.160
Recording and indexing 61.24.020 for codefendant, bar to subsequent
Tax prosecution 10.46.110
irrigation districts, See IRRIGATION Rents
assignment and collection 61.24.140 for state, bar to subsequent prosecution
DISTRICTS, subtitle Property 10.46.110
limitation of actions to cancel or set aside Rents and profits, appointment of receiver to
protect 7.28.230 joint
4.16.090 conviction or acquittal 10.61.035
Transfer on death deeds Ch. 64.80 Restraint of sale by trustee, conditions, notice
61.24.130 may testify in own behalf 10.52.040
Trust not compelled to testify 10.52.040
deemed as mortgages 65.12.430 Servicemembers civil relief act, application
61.24.025 several
encumbrances of registered land 65.12.420 conviction or acquittal 10.61.035
Unincorporated towns on United States land Successor trustee 61.24.010
Trustee 61.24.010 states evidence, becoming 10.46.110
58.28.330 Diking districts, appearance, improvement
Warranty deeds Trustee and beneficiary, separate entities,
exception 61.24.020 procedure 85.05.120
covenants of grantor 64.04.030 Trustees sale Dismissal action by plaintiff barred if defendant
form and effect 64.04.030 application of chapter 61.24.100 seeks affirmative relief 4.56.120
Writing, necessity of 64.04.020 bids at sale, who may bid 61.24.070 Dismissal for plaintiffs failure to give security
DEEDS OF TRUST consumer protection act, application for costs 4.84.230
Assistance for homeowners in crisis Ch. 61.24 61.24.135 Ejectment and quieting title actions
Deed of trust pool 61.24.177 deficiency judgments 61.24.100 appointment of trustee for absent defendant
Default foreclosure fairness act and account Ch. 61.24 7.28.010
mediation, borrower referred to, when interest conveyed by trustees deed 61.24.050 counterclaim by defendant for permanent
61.24.008 model contact letter used by beneficiaries improvements and taxes paid 7.28.160
notices 61.24.031 61.24.033 damages for withholding of property by
Definitions 61.24.005 notice 61.24.040 defendant 7.28.150
Enforcement of security and obligation where notice to guarantor, contents 61.24.042 defenses of 7.28.120
foreclosure not made under chapter notice-recording payment for each residential pleading by 7.28.130
61.24.100 property 61.24.173 substitution of landlord in action against
Foreclosure and sale proceeds of sale, disbursement 61.24.080 tenant 7.28.110

[RCW Indexpage 206] (2016 Ed.)


verdict for 7.28.140 committed by private person, when 9A.16.050 Execution of sales, personal property 6.21.070
Garnishees when excusable 9A.16.030 Executors and administrators, delivery of will by
action on bond in lieu of separate security for Indoor air pollutants 11.20.010
costs 4.84.220 compliance with building and material Garnishment, See GARNISHMENT, subtitle
dismissal of actions for plaintiffs failure to standards Delivery
give security for costs 4.84.230 defense to action for injuries caused by Instrument or paper after recording 65.04.090
judgment on security for costs 4.84.240 4.24.560 Insurance policies, requirement of 48.18.260
power to require security for costs 4.84.210 compliance with radon resistive construction DEMONSTRATION CITIES AND
conviction or acquittal, criminal action defense to action for injuries caused by ACT
10.61.035 4.24.560
Insanity Contracting by cities authorized 35.21.660
Judgment for on setoff action against executors
and administrators, effect 4.56.050 elements 9A.12.010 Powers and limitations of public corporation,
evidence required 9A.12.010 etc., created 35.21.670
Judgment on security for costs for 4.84.240
Mandamus proceedings, designation of 7.16.010 Insufficient evidence 4.56.120 DEMURRERS
Partition, lien creditors as 7.52.030, 7.52.150 Intoxication Appearance, what constitutes 4.28.210
Pauper to be considered in determination of mental Criminal procedure, indictment or information
forma pauperis, See FORMA PAUPERIS state 9A.16.090 grounds for 10.40.110
Procedure to bind after judgment against Ch. no defense to crimes 9A.16.090 overruling demurrer, failure to plead over,
4.68 Joint debtors in proceedings after judgment judgment on demurrer 10.40.140
Prohibition proceedings, designation of 7.16.010 4.68.040 sustaining demurrer
Setoff by, judgment for balance due from pleadings component 4.68.050 when final judgment, discharge of defendant
plaintiff 4.56.070, 4.56.075 Judgments or orders, vacation or modification of 10.40.120
Several unavoidable casualty or misfortune preventing when not final, not bar to subsequent
conviction or acquittal 10.61.035 a defense prosecution 10.40.125
DEFENSE (See EMERGENCY SERVICES; ground 4.72.010 Forcible entry and detainer, pleadings 59.12.121
MILITIA AND MILITARY AFFAIRS) petition, by 4.72.030 Grounds of
valid defense a condition precedent to objection by answer, when 4.32.070
DEFENSES 4.72.050 Judge of superior courts, before, decisions and
Answer to contain Justifiable homicide by public officer 9A.16.040 rulings heard outside of judges district
district court proceeding 12.08.020 Kidnapping, second degree, elements 9A.40.030 2.08.200
Bars to subsequent prosecution Ch. 10.43 Mental incapacity, person under, trial, conviction Logging liens 60.24.140
Bigamy 9A.64.010 or sentencing not permitted 10.77.050 Mandamus proceedings 7.16.220
Criminal mistreatment Motor vehicles Prohibition proceedings 7.16.320
defense, financial inability 9A.42.050 control of while under the influence 46.61.504
Criminal proceedings Murder, second degree 9A.32.030, 9A.32.050 DENIALS
confession made under duress, cannot be used Nonsuit grounds 4.56.120 Challenges to jurors
10.58.030 Petition to vacate or modify superior court oral denials authorized, procedure 4.44.250
criminally insane judgments or orders to include 4.72.030 trial of 4.44.230, 4.44.240
jury, instructions to on special verdict Pleadings, See PLEADINGS, subtitle Defenses Joint debtors in proceedings after judgment
10.77.040 Public nuisance, unequal damage no defense answer by 4.68.040
mental disease or defect excluding 9.66.020 pleading content 4.68.050
responsibility 10.77.030 Rape verdict limitation 4.68.060
discharging defendant to give evidence ignorance of victims age no defense Judgments, vacation or modification of
for codefendant, bar to subsequent 9A.44.030 costs 4.72.090
prosecution 10.46.110 Reckless burning 9A.48.060 damages 4.72.090
for state, bar to subsequent prosecution Self-defense 9A.16.050 interest on former judgment 4.72.090
10.46.110 Sexual exploitation of children 9.68A.110 judgment of 4.72.090
entrapment 9A.16.070 Shoplifting 9A.16.080 Mobile home or travel trailer manufacturers
homicide, when excusable 9A.16.030 Stricken, when 4.32.170 license, deficiency in surety bond as grounds
necessary, defined 9A.16.010 Theft 9A.56.020 for cancellation 46.70.075
not guilty by reason of insanity or Pleadings, civil actions
incompetency 10.77.060 DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLANS (See
PUBLIC OFFICERS AND district judges, denial on knowledge or
public nuisance, unequal damage no defense information, effect 12.08.050
9.66.020 EMPLOYEES, subtitle Deferred
compensation plans) joint debtors in proceedings after judgment
Criminal trespass 9A.52.090 answer by 4.68.040
Custodial interference 9A.40.080 DEFERRED PROSECUTION PROGRAM pleading content 4.68.050
Deadly force Alcoholism program requirements 10.05.150 verdict limitation 4.68.060
defined 9A.16.010 Child welfare services 10.05.055
Dismissals Consolidation of separate offenses 10.05.010 DENTAL HYGIENISTS
nonappearance of plaintiff 4.56.120 Costs Community-based sealant programs in schools
Duress 9A.16.060 payment may be required as condition of 18.29.220, 18.29.230
Ejectment and quieting title actions, legal and granting 10.01.160 Continuing education 18.29.130
equitable defenses authorized 7.28.120 Docket and abstract procedure upon approval of Dental hygiene examining committee
Entrapment 9A.16.070 treatment plan 10.05.060 meetings and quorum 18.29.170
Erotic material, sale or distribution to minors, Drivers license driving record entry 10.05.060 membership and organization 18.29.110
defenses 9.68.070 Eligibility, procedures, petitions, treatment Educational programs, approval 18.29.140
Extortion, second degree 9A.56.130 referrals, and costs Ch. 10.05 Employment by health care facilities without
False arrest Indigent defendants, services provided 10.05.130 supervision, limitations 18.29.056
shoplifting 9A.16.080 Investigation and examination by treatment Examinations 18.29.120, 18.29.150
Force, use of, when lawful 9A.16.020 facility 10.05.040 Homebound patients
Foreign judgments, of debt, defenses to 5.44.030 Special court file 10.05.060 delegated acts performed by hygienists
Frivolous answers, striking of 4.32.170 DEFIBRILLATORS 18.29.058
Gambling Acquirers, duties 70.54.310 Licenses
invalidity of contract and debts 4.24.090 Civil liability, immunity 70.54.310 exemptions from chapter 18.29.180
Garnishment expanded function auxiliary services
claim of defendant against garnishee 6.27.300 DELINQUENTS (See also JUVENILE 18.29.053
dismissal for plaintiffs failure to give security COURT) initial limited 18.29.190
for costs 4.84.230 Generally Ch. 13.04 issuance and display 18.29.060
judgment for defendant in principal action DELIVERY licensure by endorsement 18.29.045
6.27.250 Evidence renewal 18.29.071
justice court proceeding 6.27.300 telegraphic or electronic communications Ch. required 18.29.011
Homicide 5.52 requirements 18.29.021

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 207]


secretary of healths rule-making authority immunity from civil suit while in performance inactive licenses 18.30.140
18.29.210 of duties connected with board 4.24.240 issuance, term, and contents 18.30.120
Professional service corporations Ch. 18.100 Disciplinary proceedings renewal 18.30.130
Scope of functions 18.29.050 cost and fee recovery 18.32.775 requirements 18.30.030, 18.30.090
Secretary of healths authority and Examination 18.32.0363 training 18.30.020
responsibilities 18.29.130 Exemptions from application of chapter Oral devices, removable nonorthodontic
Senior centers 18.29.056, 18.29.230 18.32.030 18.30.160
Supervision by dentist 18.29.050 Fees 18.32.110 Partnerships with dentists 18.30.150
Uniform disciplinary act, application 18.29.076 Immunity from civil action when charging Sanctions 18.30.020
Unlawful practice, liability of supervising dentist another member with incompetency or gross Teeth whitening services 18.30.160
18.32.735 misconduct 4.24.250 Uniform disciplinary act, application 18.30.135
Violations, penalty 18.29.100 Immunity from civil action when charging DEPENDENCY PROCEEDINGS (See
DENTAL PROFESSIONALS another member with incompetency or gross JUVENILES, subtitle Dependency
misconduct before quality assurance proceedings)
Credentials, issuance 18.260.090 commission 4.24.260
definitions 18.260.010 Impaired dentist program 18.32.534 DEPENDENT ADULTS (See also
Dental anesthesia assistants Ch. 18.350 Insurance DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES,
Dental assistants services not subject to contract or provider PERSONS WITH)
registration 18.260.020, 18.260.030 agreement 48.44.495 Abandonment
scope of practice 18.260.040 Licenses defense 9A.42.090
Examinations 18.260.100 applications 18.32.100 defined 9A.42.010
Expanded function dental auxiliary continuing education 18.32.180 first degree 9A.42.060
license 18.260.020, 18.260.050, 18.260.060 disciplinary proceedings, cost and fee second degree 9A.42.070
scope of practice 18.260.070 recovery 18.32.775 third degree 9A.42.080
Licensing and registration display 18.32.190 Abuse
experience and training requirements duplicates, fees 18.32.170 homicide by 9A.32.055
18.260.065 employment of unlicensed dentist, penalty protection proceeding record information
Limitation of chapter 18.260.110 18.32.745 state patrol duties 43.43.705
Review, department 18.260.140 fees 18.32.110 Abuse, neglect, exploitation, or abandonment
Rules, authority 18.260.120 inactive status 18.32.185 cause of action for damages 74.34.210
Supervising dentist, responsibilities 18.260.080 issuance 18.32.160 protection order 74.34.210
Uniform disciplining act 18.260.130 out-of-state applicants licensed in another Abuse or financial exploitation
DENTISTRY state, licensure without examination abusers, inheritance from victim prohibited
Advertising 18.32.215 Ch. 11.84
prohibited practices 18.32.665 renewal 18.32.180 background checks of prospective employees
required contents 18.32.755 required 18.32.091 notification of state patrol of convictions and
Anesthesia requirements for licensure 18.32.040 adjudications 43.43.840
dental anesthesia assistants Ch. 18.350 University of Washington dental faculty and background investigations of prospective
residents 18.32.195 employees and volunteers
Child abuse reporting Ch. 26.44 definitions 43.43.830
Community-based sealant programs in schools Liquor, administration and prescription
66.20.110 disclosure to individual of own record
18.32.226 43.43.836
Corporations, practice or solicitation prohibited Pain management rules 18.32.785
Partnerships with denturists 18.30.150 immunity of state 43.43.833
18.32.675 record disclosure, conditions and limitations
Definitions 18.32.010, 18.32.020 Prescriptive authority 18.32.685
Professional negligence 43.43.832, 43.43.834, 43.43.838
Dental anesthesia assistants Ch. 18.350 employment of persons convicted of abuse or
Dental care assistance plans limitation on suits arising from 4.16.350
standard of proof, evidence, exception financial exploitation by agencies
requirements 49.64.040 providing services prohibited
Dental hygienists, licensing and scope of 4.24.290
Professional service corporations Ch. 18.100 additional requirement for licensure by
functions Ch. 18.29 departments of social and health services
Dental hygienists unlawful practice, liability of Prostheses, identification
new prostheses 18.32.695 and health 43.43.842
supervising dentist 18.32.735 vulnerable adults
Dental quality assurance commission previously fabricated prostheses 18.32.705
violations, liability 18.32.715 filing or service of process fees, prohibition
compensation 18.32.0361 74.34.310
compensation and reimbursement 18.32.050 Rebating
disclosure of financial interest, list of financial institution authority to refuse
contracts for administration of examinations transaction 30A.22.210, 74.34.215
18.32.0363 alternative facilities 19.68.010
Rebating prohibited, penalty Ch. 19.68 training for financial institution employees
disciplinary proceedings, cost and fee concerning 74.34.220
recovery 18.32.775 Recordkeeping requirements 18.32.655
Records of review board or committee, members, Assisted living facilities, licensing and regulation
duties and powers 18.32.0357 Ch. 18.20
foreign-trained dentists, report 18.32.222 or employees not subject to process 4.24.250
Crime victims and witnessesdependent
membership and terms 18.32.0351 Sanitation regulations 18.32.725 persons Ch. 7.69B
pain management rules 18.32.785 Sedation and general anesthesia, rules 18.32.640 Criminal mistreatment
pilot project, commission authority 18.32.765 Uniform disciplinary act, application 18.32.039 defense, financial inability 9A.42.050
qualifications of members 18.32.0355 Unlawful practice 18.32.735, 18.32.745 defined 9A.42.010
removal of members 18.32.0353 Unprofessional conduct 18.32.530, 18.32.533 first degree 9A.42.020
rule-making authority 18.32.0365, 18.32.640 Violations, penalty 18.32.390 fourth degree 9A.42.037
successor to other boards 18.32.0358 DENTURISTS second degree 9A.42.030
Dentists Board third degree 9A.42.035
malpractice duties 18.30.065 withdrawal of life support systems not
actions for injuries resulting from 7.70.010, membership and terms 18.30.050 applicable to chapter 9A.42.040
7.70.030, 7.70.040, 7.70.050, 7.70.060, officers and quorum 18.30.060 Criminal mistreatment of children or dependent
7.70.070, 7.70.080 Definitions 18.30.010 person
Dentists going out-of-state, certificates available Examination of patient 18.30.020 endangerment with a controlled substance
18.32.220 Exclusions from chapter 18.30.040 9A.42.100
Disability insurance benefits Insurance coverage of services 48.20.418, Data collection system, confidential 74.34.090
payable 48.20.416 48.21.148, 48.43.180, 48.44.500, 48.46.570 Definitions 74.34.020
services not subject to contract or provider Licenses Guardianship, See GUARDIAN AND WARD
agreement 48.20.417 education and training 18.30.160 Homicide by abuse 9A.32.055
Disability insurance benefits, group examination 18.30.020 Identification and criminal history section, state
services not subject to contract or provider examinations 18.30.100 patrol
agreement 48.21.147 experience and training requirements powers and duties 43.43.700
Disciplinary board 18.30.095 Immunity for those reporting abuse 74.34.050

[RCW Indexpage 208] (2016 Ed.)


Indecent liberties 9A.44.100 Aliens committed to department of corrections when 4.44.480

Injunction to stop interference with investigation conditional release for deportation 9.94A.685 Custody of money deposited 4.44.500
74.34.080 DEPOSITARIES (See PUBLIC District judges
Investigations into abuse DEPOSITARIES) deposit in court made and rejected by plaintiff
injunctions to stop interference with 12.20.040
investigation 74.34.080 DEPOSITIONS Ejectment and quieting title, actions against
Protection of Army, navy, marine and coast guard officers tenant on failure to pay rent 7.28.250
administrative office of the courts, duties authorized to take 73.20.010 Garnishment
74.34.115 Certification and taking of justice court procedure 6.27.060
department may seek relief 26.50.021, by inferior judicial officers 2.28.090 Interpleader 4.08.150, 4.08.170
74.34.150 judges of supreme and superior courts Justices of the peace
fatality reviews 74.34.300 2.28.080 garnishment 6.27.060
filing or service of process fees, prohibition Court commissioners power to take 2.24.040 Money in lieu of bond in civil action 4.44.470
74.34.310 Criminal proceedings Partition proceedings
judicial relief 74.34.130 grand jury, disclosure of contents 9.51.060 continuance of suit to determine claims
petition for protective order 74.34.110 preliminary examinations 10.16.160 7.52.260
execution of 74.34.140 witnesses, depositions of, when permitted proceedings on not to delay sale 7.52.240
filing by others 74.34.135 10.52.060 proceeds and securities taken by referees
hearing on 74.34.120 Expense of taking 7.52.250
proceedings are supplemental 74.34.160 cost bill may include 4.84.090 sale of estate for life or years
services of department are discretionary disbursement, as 4.84.090 investment of proceeds 7.52.400
74.34.170 Injunctions, motion to reinstate injunction sale without consent 7.52.320
violation of protection order 7.40.210 Payment or delivery out 4.44.490
notice and penalties 74.34.145 Legislature, hearings and inquiries, commission Rent, actions against tenant on failure to pay rent
Protective services and benefits, limitation on to examine absent witnesses 44.16.100 7.28.250
recovery of costs 74.34.025 Prisoners, to obtain testimony 5.56.090
Rape 9A.44.010, 9A.44.050 Taking of DEPOTS (See RAILROADS)
Reports of abuse, exploitation, neglect, or by inferior court judicial officers 2.28.090 DESCENT AND DISTRIBUTION
abandonment by judges of supreme and superior court Adoption
cause of action for damages 74.34.200 2.28.080 adopted child included as of the blood of
failure to report 74.34.053 DEPOSITS (See also DEPOSITS IN COURT) ancestor 11.04.035
investigation results 74.34.068 Banks Ch. 30A.22 lawfully adopted child not an heir of his or her
requirements 74.34.035 insured deposits and accounts by federal natural parents 11.04.085
response 74.34.040 government, use of as collateral security Advancements
response to reports 74.34.050, 74.34.063, 39.60.040 death of advanced descendant 11.04.041
74.34.067, 74.34.070, 74.34.095 receiving deposit while insolvent defined 11.04.041
whistleblowers and residents, retaliation penalty 9.24.030 exceeding distributive share 11.04.041
prohibited 74.34.180 Banks, See BANKS AND BANKING, subtitle how considered 11.04.041
Terminally ill persons, palliative care not Deposits less than distributive share 11.04.041
criminal mistreatment 9A.42.045 Construction and maintenance of highways, value, how determined 11.04.041
Uniform adult guardianship and protective contract by, deposit or bond requisite for Children
proceedings jurisdiction act Ch. 11.90 consideration of 47.28.090 inheritance by not dependent upon marriage of
Vulnerable adults County clerks funds 36.48.080 parents 11.04.081
abuse by health professional 18.130.400 County licenses, peddlers 36.71.020, 36.71.050 inheritance from not dependent upon marriage
abusers, inheritance from victim prohibited County roads and bridges, construction contracts of parents 11.04.081
Ch. 11.84 36.77.030 Community property
adult family home quality assurance panel Credit unions Ch. 30A.22 agreements 26.16.120
report, recommendations of 70.128.270 payment to surviving spouse or domestic
adult family homes intestate 11.04.015
partner 11.62.030 amount subject to 11.04.015
disclosures by homes, forms for 70.128.280
Depositaries, See PUBLIC DEPOSITARIES title to community real property vests
violations and deficiencies, correction by
home 70.128.290 Development credit corporations 31.20.110 immediately on death 11.04.290
elder and vulnerable adult referral agency act Insurance companies, See INSURANCE, Debts
Ch. 18.330 subtitle Deposits community property subject to 11.02.070
filing or service of process fees, prohibition Insured deposits by federal government, use of as real property title vests instantly but subject to
74.34.310 collateral security 39.60.040 debts 11.04.250
financial exploitation Logging liens, deposit to recover possession Definitions 11.02.005
financial institution authority to refuse 60.24.130 Family allowance, real property title vests
transaction 30A.22.210, 74.34.215 Savings and loan associations Ch. 30A.22 immediately but subject to 11.04.250
training for financial institution employees Savings associations Inheritance rights of slayers and abusers Ch.
concerning 74.34.220 governed by individual account deposit act, 11.84
investigations chapter 30.22 RCW 33.20.005 Intestate
statement to vulnerable adults 74.34.305 Savings associations, See also SAVINGS aunts and uncles 11.04.015
missing children and endangered person ASSOCIATIONS, subtitle Deposits brothers and sisters 11.04.015
clearinghouse, silver alert designation for Savings banks Ch. 30A.22 children 11.04.015
13.60.010 limitations 32.12.010 cousins 11.04.015
protective services Ch. 74.34 Savings banks, See also SAVINGS BANKS, grandchildren 11.04.015
subtitle Deposits, earnings, dividends, grandparents 11.04.015
DEPENDENT CARE ASSISTANCE interest husbands 11.04.015
PROGRAM (See HEALTH CARE Trust companies, See TRUST COMPANIES, issue 11.04.015
AUTHORITY) subtitle Deposits parents 11.04.015
DEPENDENTS (See also PARENT AND DEPOSITS IN COURT sisters and brothers 11.04.015
CHILD) Actions against tenant on failure to pay rent spouse 11.04.015
Parents action for injury or death of child 7.28.250 wife 11.04.015
4.24.010 Bond, money in lieu of bond in civil action Intestate community property 11.04.015
Personal injury action survives on death of 4.44.470 Intestate property 11.04.015
injured person 4.20.060 Contempt for refusal to make 4.44.490 Issue 11.04.015
Wrongful death beneficiaries 4.20.020 Costs Letters testamentary and of administration
DEPORTATION in lieu of bond for security for costs 4.84.210 title to real property vests without issuance of
Aliens judgment on 4.84.240 11.04.250
guilty plea made and rejected by plaintiff 4.84.120 Personal property, intestate 11.04.015
deportation consequences Court may order Real property
advisement 10.40.200 enforcement 4.44.490 intestate 11.04.015

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 209]


rents and profits, right to sue for by heirs and consultations, secretarys duties 71A.10.070 Dependent adults, See DEPENDENT ADULTS
devisees 11.04.250 notice procedure 71A.10.060 Developmental disabilities endowment
rights of heirs on vesting of title 11.04.250 Alcohol and drug abuse 43.330.430, 43.330.431, 43.330.432,
title vests immediately in heirs and devisees integrated crisis response and involuntary 43.330.433, 43.330.434, 43.330.435,
11.04.250, 11.04.290 treatment, pilot programs Ch. 70.96B 43.330.436, 43.330.437
Representation Autism spectrum disorders Developmental disability service system task
death of descendant advanced, effect applied behavior analysis and licensed force 71A.20.190
11.04.041 behavior analyst Ch. 18.380 Discrimination
Simultaneous death, uniform act Ch. 11.05A Center for research and training in intellectual protection from 71A.10.040
Tenancies and developmental disabilities at University Down syndrome, diagnosis of
dower and courtesy abolished 11.04.060 of Washington parents, information for
by the entireties, abolished 11.04.071 administration 28B.20.412 birthing center, when diagnosis provided by
United States savings bonds establishment 28B.20.410 18.46.150
co-owner, effect of death 11.04.230 purposes 28B.20.414 genetic counselor, when diagnosis provided
Unites States savings bonds Certified residential services and support by 18.290.120
beneficiarys survival of registered owner, providers hospital, when diagnosis provided by
effect 11.04.240 enforcement standards 71A.12.300 70.41.500
DESCRIPTION Charitable or nonprofit organizations serving midwife, when diagnosis provided by
Ejectment and quieting title action persons with intellectual disabilities 18.50.170
order for survey of property 7.28.210 raffles, enhanced, conducting of 9.46.0323 nurse, when diagnosis provided by
pleadings, description of property included in Children 18.79.420
7.28.120 commitment Ch. 26.40 osteopathic physician or surgeon, when
Mortgages, description of land 61.12.020 intensive behavior support services diagnosis provided by 18.57.290
Partition proceedings care team 71A.24.020 osteopathic physicians assistant, when
referees report 7.52.090 eligibility 71A.24.010 diagnosis provided by 18.57A.100
report of sale to list 7.52.370 intent 71A.24.005 physician, when diagnosis provided by
out-of-home placement 13.34.270, 74.13.350 18.71.250
DESECRATION parent to parent program 71A.14.120, physician assistant, when diagnosis provided
Flags, color, ensign or shield, crimes relating to 71A.14.130, 71A.14.140 by 18.71A.110
9.86.030 permanency planning hearing 13.34.270 Down syndrome, resources regarding
DESERTION (MILITARY) Children and family services act 74.14A.020 development by department of health
Militia and military affairs legislative intent 74.14A.010 43.70.738
desertion, defined 38.32.080 Civil and parental rights not affected 71A.10.030 Employment
DESERTION AND NONSUPPORT (See Clients supported employment, state agency
CHILD SUPPORT; FAMILY abuse and neglect risk determinations, process participation 41.04.750, 41.04.760,
ABANDONMENT AND NONSUPPORT) and home visits 71A.12.320 41.04.770, 41.04.780
annual assessment, case manager duties Employment services
DESIGN STANDARDS COMMITTEE (See during 71A.12.310 community access program, transition to
STATE DESIGN STANDARDS Community access programs 71A.12.290
COMMITTEE) transition to program from employment Fishing permits, group 77.32.550
DETAINER (See also FORCIBLE ENTRY services 71A.12.290 Guardianship, See GUARDIAN AND WARD
AND DETAINER) Community placement Harrison Memorial Hospital as multi-use facility
Damages for, actions for recovery of possession consultation, determination, and review 72.29.010
of personal property 4.56.080 71A.20.080 Home and community-based services programs
Jurisdiction over, superior court 2.08.010 Community protection program military dependents, eligibility of, retaining
appeals 71A.12.240 while legal resident of state 74.04.815
Administrator, state 9.100.060 application 71A.12.210
definitions 71A.12.220 authority to operate group homes or halfway
effect 9.100.040 enforcement actions 71A.12.270 houses 35.82.285
legislative approval 71A.12.200 Individual and family services program
Giving over of inmate authorized 9.100.050
Request for temporary custody, notice to prisoner less restrictive placement 71A.12.260 71A.12.161
and governor 9.100.070 risk assessment 71A.12.230 Individual service plans 71A.18.010
Text of agreement 9.100.010 rules, guidelines, manuals 71A.12.280 Insurance
Transmission of copies of chapter by secretary of services, reviews 71A.12.250 definition 48.01.035
state 9.100.080 Community residential centers Intensive behavior support services
payment 71A.12.060, 71A.12.070 care team 71A.24.020
DETECTIVES, PRIVATE (See PRIVATE Community services eligibility 71A.24.010
DETECTIVES) funding Ch. 71.20 intent 71A.24.005
DETERGENTS interstate contracts 71.28.010 Intent 71A.10.010, 71A.10.011
Phosphorus content, limiting Ch. 70.95L planning and administration Ch. 71A.14 Intermediate care facilities
Conservation corps medical care
DEVELOPMENT CREDIT eligibility for membership 43.220.070 purchase of services 74.09.120
CORPORATIONS Consultations, procedure 71A.10.070 tax imposed on Ch. 82.65A
Generally Ch. 31.20 Courts, mental health, including participants with Interpreters at legal proceedings
DEVELOPMENT LOAN FUND developmental disabilities, authorized appointment Ch. 2.42
COMMITTEE (See COMMUNITY, 2.30.010 Investigation of state employees and care
TRADE, AND ECONOMIC Crime victims and witnessesdependent providers 43.20A.710
subtitle Development loan fund Criminal proceedings transfer of person to department of corrections
committee) competency facility 70.48.245
DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS (See LAND stay of proceedings 10.77.088 Juvenile detention facilities
USE PLANNING) evaluation and determination of disability detention and risk assessment standards
10.77.0845 13.40.038
DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS (See TAXES - state services, legislative findings 71A.12.025 Law enforcement officers, training requirement
PROPERTY) Criminal proceedings, See also CRIMINAL interactions with persons with developmental
DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, PROCEDURE, subtitle Criminally insane; disabilities 43.101.227
PERSONS WITH CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, subtitle Luring of child or person with developmental
Abuse Developmental disabilities, persons with disability
homicide by abuse 9A.32.055 Death penalty defined 9A.40.090
risk of abuse and neglect determinations, developmental or intellectual disability, Medical care
process and home visits 71A.12.320 person with may not be sentenced to death intermediate care facilities
Agency action 10.95.030 purchase of services 74.09.120
appeal 71A.10.050 Definitions 71A.10.020 Medication assistance 69.41.085

[RCW Indexpage 210] (2016 Ed.)


Mental illness, See MENTAL ILLNESS, subtitle coordination, continuum 71A.12.010 Alteration of chapter by agreement, exceptions
Developmental disabilities, persons with county boards 71A.14.020 19.34.351
Missing children and endangered person discontinuance of a service 71A.18.050 Certificates
clearinghouse eligibility 71A.16.010, 71A.16.020, acceptance by subscribers, representations and
silver alert designation 13.60.010 71A.16.030, 71A.16.040, 71A.16.050 duties 19.34.230
Multiple disabilities, services for children with extended foster care, youth aging out of enforcement 19.34.250
Ch. 74.26 developmental disabilities services, expiration 19.34.270
Notice procedure 71A.10.060 qualification of 74.13.341 issuance to subscribers, conditions 19.34.210,
Ombuds federal program, participation 71A.14.090 19.34.220
office of the developmental disabilities federal programs, participation 71A.12.120 recommended reliance limit, liability
ombuds Ch. 43.382 funding 71A.18.020 19.34.280
Outreach program 71A.16.030 funds, receipt and use 71A.14.080 revocation 19.34.260
Parents with developmental disabilities general services 71A.12.100 suspension 19.34.250
dependency proceedings, permanency plan of gifts, acceptance and use 71A.12.130 Certification authorities
care 13.34.136 local authority 71A.14.060 city or county as authority, conditions
Policy 71A.10.015 local tax authority 71A.14.100 19.34.231
Prostitution, being compelled to engage in objectives 71A.12.020 compliance audits 19.34.110, 19.34.111
9A.88.070 parents, eligibility for services 71A.12.090 discontinuation of services, procedures
Public schools payment 71A.12.050 19.34.291
prohibiting discrimination Ch. 28A.642 persons who commit crimes 71A.12.025 issuance of certificates to subscribers,
Rainier school referral 71A.16.010 conditions 19.34.210
dairy/forage and agricultural facility rejection of 71A.18.030 licensure
28B.30.810 rules adoption 71A.12.080 enforcement procedures and penalties
Recreation therapy Ch. 18.230 state agencies, duties 71A.12.140 19.34.120
Residential habilitation centers state fund eligibility 71A.14.030, 71A.14.040, issuance and classification 19.34.100
account, developmental disabilities 71A.14.050
community trust account 71A.20.170 renewal 19.34.101
Sexual offenses against revocation and suspension 19.34.100
administration Ch. 72.01 definitions 9A.44.010
admission, restricting 71A.20.010 prohibited activities 19.34.130
indecent liberties 9A.44.100 requirements 19.34.200
admission for observation, authority State and local services
71A.20.150 secretary of state, duties 19.34.030
comprehensive community health centers
admittance 71A.16.010 subscribers
construction, funding, and cooperation
capacity determination 71A.20.090 between agencies Ch. 70.10 representations and duties upon acceptance
children and youth services, management Ch. Students of certificates 19.34.230
72.05 special education Ch. 28A.155 suitable guaranty, collection conditions
clothing for resident 71A.20.110 Supported employment 41.04.750, 41.04.760, 19.34.290
death, burial and funeral expenses 71A.20.130 41.04.770, 41.04.780 warranties and obligations on issuance of
educational programs 71A.20.070 Training centers and homes Ch. 71A.22 certificates 19.34.220
educational programs for residents Ch. Confidentiality of records and access limitation
28A.190 DEVISEES AND LEGATEES (See also 19.34.420
financial responsibility 71A.20.120 DESCENT AND DISTRIBUTION; Court documents
financial responsibility for care PROBATE) acceptance of documents in electronic form,
advance payments 43.20B.440 Adverse possession, See ADVERSE requirements 19.34.321
death of resident, liability of estate POSSESSION Definitions 19.34.020
43.20B.445 Death of grandparents issue before that of Digitally signed message deemed original
discretionary lump sum collection, when grantor 19.34.330
43.20B.455 rights of issue 11.12.110 Disputes, presumptions in adjudication
liability created 43.20B.450 Execution against property in custody of, writ 19.34.350
liability limitation 43.20B.415 contents 6.17.110 Local laws and ordinances superseded by chapter
payment ability, determination 43.20B.425, Limitation of actions, ejectment and quieting title 19.34.501
43.20B.430 actions 7.28.060 Presumptions of validity and limitations on
rates, establishment 43.20B.420 Will contest, notice to 11.24.020 liability 19.34.360
reimbursement from after acquired property Witness, as, effect 11.12.160 Private key, control and public disclosure
43.20B.445 DEXTROMETHORPHAN (See DRUGS) exemption 19.34.240
responsibility, modification or vacation of DIABETES Repositories
findings 43.20B.435 Benefits in state-purchased health care 41.05.185 liability, exemptions 19.34.410
Frances Haddon Morgan center, closing Disability insurance coverage 48.20.391, recognition, conditions and procedures
71A.20.180 48.21.143 19.34.400
Harrison Memorial Hospital 71A.20.040 Health care service contractors, coverage Secretary of state
Interlake School 71A.20.030 48.44.315 certification authorities, duties 19.34.030
permanent centers enumerated 71A.20.020 Health maintenance organizations, coverage fees 19.34.040
personal property of resident 71A.20.100 48.46.272 rule-making authority 19.34.500
residents placement in community Incidence, reducing Signatures
71A.20.080 agency goals, benchmarks, plans, reports Ch. acceptance 19.34.305
right of resident to leave 71A.20.140 70.330 certificate as acknowledgment of verified
right of resident to return 71A.18.040 Schools and school districts 28A.210.330, signature 19.34.340
superintendents authority 71A.20.050 28A.210.340 reasonabless of reliance, factors 19.34.311
work programs 71A.20.060 satisfaction of signature requirements
Yakima Valley School, ceasing operation DIALYSIS (See KIDNEY DIALYSIS)
71A.20.020, 71A.20.180 DIES unreliable digital signatures 19.34.310
Respectful language requirements Dies, molds, forms, and patterns Validity and enforceability of digitally signed
RCW references 44.04.280 fabricators lien Ch. 60.84 document, requirements 19.34.320
Rights of persons with disabilities Unclaimed property in possession of molder,
protection and advocacy program, Violations
procedures Ch. 63.52 remedies 19.34.502
implementation 71A.10.080
alternative service 71A.18.040 Certification Ch. 18.138 CANALS, DITCHES, AND DRAINS;
authority of secretary 71A.12.030 Health food stores, chapter not applicable to SEWERAGE, WATER AND
authorized state services 71A.12.040 18.138.110 DRAINAGE SYSTEMSCOUNTIES)
confidentiality of information 71A.14.070 DIGITAL SIGNATURES Annexation and assumption of system erected
contract authority 71A.12.110, 71A.12.150 Actions regarding and operated by United States
contract services with Oregon or Idaho jurisdiction, venue, and choice of laws authority upon permissive legislation by
71A.14.110 19.34.503 United States congress 85.05.610

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 211]


confirmation of prior acts of districts notice of hearing 85.05.072 protests 85.05.460

85.05.650 objections 85.05.074 public lands
definitions 85.05.640 procedure in absence of objections assessments on 85.05.380
Indian trust lands, inclusion, when 85.05.620 85.05.073 how paid 85.05.390
ratification of prior acts of districts 85.05.650 resolution by commissioners 85.05.071 rights of way on 85.05.080
restricted lands, inclusion, when 85.05.620 emergency expenditures 85.18.170 public roads
vesting of rights and interests in dikes and land eminent domain powers of commissioners benefit to, payment for 85.07.040, 85.07.050
85.05.630 85.07.170 rights of way along 85.05.080, 85.05.250
Commercial waterway districts, See equipment, leasing 85.07.010
reorganization into improvement districts
Dikes and embankments bond issues 1917 act Ch. 85.20
cities and towns funding 85.07.060, 85.07.070, 85.07.090, 1933 act Ch. 85.22
authority for local improvement 35.43.040 85.07.100, 85.07.110, 85.07.120 special assessment bonds 85.05.355
authority to construct 35.21.090 reclamation of tidelands and unsurveyed special assessments
county roads on or over lands 85.05.540, 85.05.550 methods 85.05.135
authority 36.81.100 savings banks, investment in 32.20.130 stream banks, prevention of washing
condemnation for 36.81.110 certificates of delinquency 85.05.365, 85.05.230, 85.05.240
vegetation management guidelines 77.55.131 85.05.366 tax exempt lands 85.05.367
Diking districts emergency expenditures 85.05.270 Drainage districts
acquisition, repair, maintenance of dikes, maintenance and repair expenditures acquisition, repair, maintenance of dikes,
ditches, etc., authority of commissioners generally 85.05.270 ditches, drains, etc., authority of
85.07.170 preliminary expenses, levy for 85.05.490, commissioners 85.07.170
annexation, consolidation 85.05.605 85.05.500 assessments
assessment roll, striking land from, procedure warrants appellate review 85.32.200
85.07.130, 85.07.140 how issued 85.05.280 assessment roll
assessments presentment 85.05.360 additional roll due to omitted property or
generally 85.05.130 formation changed conditions 85.32.080
improvement proceedings 85.05.160 matters to be set in notices, petitions or base for benefits against which levy is made
public lands 85.05.380, 85.05.390 proceedings 85.05.081 85.32.110
authority for 85.05.010 general authority 85.05.065 certification of 85.32.090
awards, procedure to claim 85.05.150 improvement districts conclusive effect 85.32.160
bond issues reorganization1917 act, generally Ch.
state ownership, adjustment of indebtedness, 85.20 generally 85.32.050
generally Ch. 87.64 improvement procedure hearing 85.32.060
budget adoption changes in plans 85.05.190 injunction 85.32.160
methods 85.05.135 court procedure, generally 85.05.120 notice of hearing on 85.32.060
cities and towns, inclusion within 85.05.260 defendants, appearance 85.05.120 objections to 85.32.070
commissioners dismissal of proceedings striking land from, procedure 85.07.130,
chair, election of 85.05.280 tax to pay cost of 85.05.170 85.07.140
compensation 85.05.410 when 85.05.140 supplemental 85.32.100
general duties 85.05.085 petition for improvement proceedings 85.06.160
initial appointment 85.05.085 contents 85.05.090 initial determinations 85.32.040
organization of board 85.05.280 preparation 85.05.100 judicial review 85.32.170, 85.32.180,
secretary, selection of 85.05.280 summons, service of, generally 85.05.110 85.32.190
connecting with other systems 85.05.210 transcript to county auditor 85.05.160 authority for 85.06.010
assessment of costs 85.05.220 payments on contract, returned percentage awards, procedures to claim 85.06.150
continuous benefits 85.05.200 bankruptcy readjustment and relief from debts
base benefits, determination 85.18.010, improvement proceedings, jury trials Ch. 39.64
85.18.030 85.05.120 board of commissioners
declaration of purpose of law 85.18.005 indebtedness, adjustment of owners of extraterritorial land as 85.32.150
levy for authorized 85.18.010 assessments and taxes, cancellation powers, generally 85.32.030
roll of protected property 87.64.060
additional or supplemental claims for money expended by state bond issues
basis for levy 85.18.080 87.64.040 state ownership, adjustment of indebtedness,
certification and filing 85.18.070 contracts to sell land to pay debts 87.64.020 generally Ch. 87.64
procedure 85.18.060 powers of district in regard to 87.64.070 budget adoption
basis for levy 85.18.080 state authority when owning entire bond methods 85.06.125
conclusiveness of 85.18.090 issue 87.64.010 charges, construction costs
exceptions to 85.18.090 state authority when owning part of bond notice 65.08.170
generally 85.18.020 issue 87.64.020 payment, release 65.08.180
hearing injunctions, power of court to issue 85.05.420 cities and towns, inclusion within 85.06.230
notice 85.18.040 jury trials commissioners
procedure 85.18.050 findings and form of verdict 85.05.370 compensation and expenses 85.06.380
requirement 85.18.030 improvement proceedings 85.05.120 powers and duties 85.06.080
objections levy connecting with other systems 85.06.210,
appellate review 85.18.140 annual estimate by commissioners 85.18.160 85.06.220
general procedure 85.18.050 exclusive method of raising revenue continuous benefits, levies for 85.32.210
review 85.18.100, 85.18.110, 85.18.120, 85.18.180 costs, annual estimate of 85.32.220
85.18.130 limitation to continuous benefits 85.18.150 diking, drainage and irrigation improvement
contractors, improvement procedure management 85.05.010 districts, reorganization into, generally Ch.
85.05.180 powers 85.05.010 85.22
diking, drainage, and irrigation improvement assessment, general procedure 85.05.130 dissolution
districts, reorganization into, generally Ch. beds and shores of streams
85.22 exchange of 85.05.082 alternative procedure 36.96.800
drainage and irrigation improvement districts, use of 85.05.082 emergency warrants in excess of estimates
reorganization1933 act, generally Ch. eminent domain 85.05.070 85.32.130
85.22 general enumeration 85.05.070 eminent domain 85.06.070
drainage systems rights of way on public land 85.05.080 power of 85.06.690
appeals 85.05.076 securing benefits of law 85.05.081 powers of commissioners 85.07.170
appellate review 85.05.079 property, unneeded, sale 85.05.430, equipment, leasing 85.07.010
assessments 85.05.075, 85.05.077 85.05.440, 85.05.450, 85.05.460, extension or enlargement of system 85.06.500
bond issues for 85.05.078 85.05.470 fiscal matters
generally 85.05.071 appellate review 85.05.470 bond issues

[RCW Indexpage 212] (2016 Ed.)


funding 85.07.060, 85.07.070, 85.07.090, generally Ch. 85.32 highways, drainage ditches along 85.08.385
85.07.100, 85.07.110, 85.07.120 service of process, fees for 85.06.370 injury or interference with, penalty 85.08.690
refunding of Ch. 39.64 special assessment bonds 85.06.255, irrigation districts
savings banks, investment in 32.20.130 85.32.140 benefit to 85.08.380
costs in excess of estimate, procedure, special assessments merger with 85.08.830, 85.08.840,
generally 85.06.710, 85.06.720, methods 85.06.125 85.08.850, 85.08.860, 85.08.870,
85.06.730, 85.06.740, 85.06.750 taxing district relief act Ch. 39.64 85.08.880, 85.08.890
preliminary expenses, payment of 85.06.550, warrants of judgment liability, levy for 85.08.460
85.06.560, 85.06.570, 85.06.580, how issued 85.06.250 judicial review 85.16.190
85.06.590, 85.06.600, 85.06.610, limitation of actions upon 4.16.050 landowners in district
85.06.620, 85.06.630 presentment for indorsement 85.06.330 voting rights 85.08.025
public roads, benefit to, payment for watercourses location in two or more counties, generally
85.07.040, 85.07.050 improvement of 85.06.390 85.08.570
warrants preservation of rights in 85.06.390 maintenance costs
how issued 85.06.250 Drainage systems, cities and towns, authority to definitions 85.16.010
presentment for indorsement 85.06.330 provide for 35.21.210 estimate and levy 85.16.020
general authority 85.06.015 Draining districts excess and extraordinary expenditures
improvement districts dissolution, alternative procedure 36.96.800 apportionment of levy 85.16.120
reorganization1917 act, generally Ch. Easements or rights of way over state lands, See excess expenditures
85.20 PUBLIC LANDS generally 85.16.030
improvement procedure Eminent domain portion of lot, tract, or parcel 85.16.115
assessments of benefited lands formerly diking districts 85.06.070 special benefits
omitted 85.06.130 drainage districts 85.06.070, 85.06.690 appraisal of
changes in plan 85.06.190 improvement districts 85.08.190 factors considered 85.16.090
claiming awards 85.06.150 intercounty districts Ch. 85.24 generally 85.16.080
construction contractors performance bonds Fishways, flow, and screening Ch. 77.57 report and schedule 85.16.090
85.06.180 Hydraulic projects and permits Ch. 77.55 separate appraisals for diking and
dismissal of proceedings 85.06.140 Improvement districts drainage benefits 85.16.110
generally 85.06.100, 85.06.110, 85.06.120 abandonment or change in system 85.08.540 hearing on 85.16.060
payments on contract 85.06.200 annexation, consolidation 85.08.895 notice of hearing 85.16.070
petition for, contents 85.06.090 assessments officers and employees, compensation
supplemental assessments 85.06.160 apportionments, appellate review 85.08.440 85.08.320
transcript of benefits to county auditor assessment roll 85.08.420 preliminary expenses
85.06.160 certificates of delinquency 85.08.480 defined 85.08.230
improvements, additional, generally collection 85.08.480 levy for 85.08.230
85.06.640, 85.06.650, 85.06.660, erroneous 85.16.230 property benefited and damaged
85.06.670, 85.06.680, 85.06.690, foreclosure 85.08.480 eminent domain 85.08.190
85.06.700 foreclosure for general taxes schedule of benefits
indebtedness generally 85.08.490 apportionment or modification 85.08.410
adjustment of resale or lease by county 85.08.500 filing 85.08.390
assessments and taxes, cancellation generally 85.16.220 hearing on 85.08.400
87.64.060 levies against counties, cities, or towns, how verdict to fix 85.08.200
claims for money expended by state paid 85.08.530 property transfer, flood control zone districts
87.64.040 maintenance 85.08.410 86.15.210
contracts to sell land to pay debts 87.64.020 payment 85.08.430 public roads or utilities
state authority when owning entire bond reassessments 85.08.510 apportionment of costs 85.08.370
issue 87.64.010 regularity and validity of proceedings crossing 85.08.340
state authority when owning part of bond 85.08.450 rules and regulations, generally 85.08.680
issue 87.64.020 schedule of benefits 85.08.400 special assessment bonds 85.08.285
bankruptcy readjustment and relief from supplemental 85.08.520 special assessments
debts Ch. 39.64 bond issues and warrants methods 85.08.565
extinguishing prior, exclusive method maintenance assessments 85.16.030 special benefits
85.32.140 budget adoption appraisal of, hearing on report 85.16.130
levy for outstanding 85.32.120 methods 85.08.565 basis for levies 85.16.160
powers of district in regard to 87.64.070 construction hearing on 85.16.200
injunctions, power of court to issue 85.06.400 beginning 85.08.310 judicial review 85.16.210
jury trials, findings and forms of verdict contractors performance bonds 85.05.180 redetermination of 85.16.200
85.06.340 contracts with United States 85.08.310 state lands, benefit to, apportionment of costs
management 85.06.010 directed, when 85.08.220 85.08.370, 85.08.375
merger with irrigation districts 87.03.720 contracts with United States 85.08.310 state owned drainage bonds, cancellation of
owners of extraterritorial land, generally costs interest and assessments 85.08.820
85.32.150 apportionment against city, county or state, subdistricts 85.08.540
powers 85.06.010 when 85.08.370 supervisors
eminent domain 85.06.070, 85.06.690 total apportionment 85.08.360 compensation 85.08.320
general enumeration 85.06.070 county engineer to act temporarily as generally 85.08.300
improvements, additional 85.06.640 supervisor 85.08.305 title acquisition
property, acquisition and sale of 85.06.670 creation eminent domain 85.08.190
proceedings dropped, payment of preliminary alternative methods 85.08.900 voting rights of landowners in district
expenses 85.06.550, 85.06.560, 85.06.570, damages, warrants for 85.08.210 85.08.025
85.06.580, 85.06.590, 85.06.600, dissolution warrants
85.06.610, 85.06.620, 85.06.630 alternative procedure 36.96.800 excess and extraordinary expenditures
property election of supervisors 85.08.305 85.16.180
acquisition and sale of 85.06.670 elections waters developed by, use 85.08.630,
compensation for taking 85.06.680 supervisors of 85.08.300 85.08.640, 85.08.650, 85.08.660
public lands, assessments on 85.06.350, excess and extraordinary expenditures Intercounty districts Ch. 85.24
85.06.360 authorizing 85.16.180 commissioners 85.24.070, 85.24.071,
reorganization into improvement districts levy for 85.16.170 85.24.073, 85.24.075, 85.24.077,
1917 act Ch. 85.20 extension of systems 85.08.560 85.24.079, 85.24.080
1933 act Ch. 85.22 federal aid to, generally 85.12.010, 85.12.030 Irrigation districts
revenue act of 1961 funds, generally 85.08.470 drainage system, sanitary sewers or sewage
declaration of necessity and purpose funds for diking and drainage systems disposal questions 87.03.120, 87.03.125
85.32.010 85.16.150 Irrigation districts, See also IRRIGATION
definitions 85.32.020 general authority 85.08.015 DISTRICTS

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 213]


Lowland filling, See LOCAL Achieving a better life experience program, may not deny coverage based on disabilities
subtitle Lowlands, filling establishment, governing board, advisory Housing, affordable, and housing-related
Maintenance and expansion1967 act, diking, committees, account 43.330.460, services
drainage, sewerage improvement districts 43.330.462, 43.330.464, 43.330.466, local sales and use tax for 82.14.530
Ch. 85.15 43.330.468 Housing assistance program
Mt. St. Helens, emergency recovery operations Adverse possession, person under legal created 43.185.015
from eruption Ch. 89.16 disabilities 7.28.090 Housing policy
Natural drainage, flood control improvements Aged, blind, or disabled assistance program Ch. affordable housing advisory board
affecting, See FLOOD CONTROL, subtitle 74.62 43.185B.020
Districts1937 act Assistive devices for children 28A.155.160, duties 43.185B.030
Obstructing or interfering with, public nuisance 28A.335.205 definitions 43.185B.010
7.48.120, 9.66.010 Automotive adaptive equipment, prescribed add- goal 43.185B.007
Private ditches and drains on housing advisory plan
authority for 85.28.010 sales and use tax exemptions 82.08.875, preparation and reporting requirements
cost bond, posting 85.28.030 82.12.875 43.185B.040
drainage of tide and marshland Buildings, access to legislative findings and purpose 43.185B.005
common boundary 85.28.140 applicability of standards and specifications objectives 43.185B.009
division of costs 85.28.130, 85.28.140 exemptions 70.92.110 Housing trust fund
generally Ch. 85.28 definitions 70.92.130 affordable housing advisory board 43.185.110
petitions to appropriate, generally 85.28.020 legislative intent concerning 70.92.100 application, procedure 43.185.070,
summons to landowners minimum standards set by building code 43.185.130
generally 85.28.090 council 70.92.140 eligible organizations 43.185.060
service by publication 85.28.080 waiver of standards 70.92.160 findings 43.185.010
trials Children loans or grants 43.185.050
appeal from 85.28.100 infants and toddlers preconstruction technical assistance
generally 85.28.090 birth-to-three interagency coordinating 43.185.080
viewers council 43.215.470, 43.215.472, Washington housing trust fund
appointment 85.28.040 43.215.474, 43.215.476 created 43.185.030
compensation 85.28.110 early intervention services 43.215.470, Hunting permits for hunters with disabilities
duties, generally 85.28.040 43.215.472, 43.215.474, 43.215.476 77.32.237, 77.32.238
new viewers appointed, when 85.28.120 Children with multiple disabilities Insurance, notice of cancellation 48.30.320
report of 85.28.050 medical service program Ch. 74.26 Insurance, notice of cancellation, denial, or
Public landsaquatic lands Chore services 74.39A.100, 74.39A.120, refusal to renew contract 48.44.260
generally Ch. 79.105 74.39A.130, 74.39A.140, 74.39A.150
Public waterway districts, See PUBLIC Insurance benefits for, discrimination, prohibited
Community and technical colleges 48.30.300
WATERWAY DISTRICTS technical colleges to comply with federal
Reclamation districts of one million acres or Interference with, violations, penalty 70.84.070
requirements for persons with disabilities Malicious harassment 9A.36.080
more Ch. 89.30 28B.50.455
Reclamation of tidelands and other unsurveyed Mental and behavioral health
Court access and accommodations coordinator facilities, programs, and services, local sales
lands 85.05.540, 85.05.550 2.56.210
Reclamation projects of state, contracts with and use tax for 82.14.530
Crime victims and witnessesdependent Minimum wages, exceptions for 49.46.060
districts Ch. 89.16 persons Ch. 7.69B
Safeguarding 35.43.040, 35.43.045, 35.44.045, No abatement if cause of action survives
36.88.015, 36.88.380, 36.88.390, 36.88.400, Curb ramps 4.20.050
87.03.480, 87.03.526 use to enter and cross roadway as pedestrian Notarized documents, procedure 42.44.080
Special districts 46.61.240 Parent to parent program
assessments Ch. 85.36 Disability history month 28B.10.918 goals, activities, funding, administration,
comprehensive flood control management Disability history month, schools 28A.230.158 training 71A.14.120, 71A.14.130,
plan Disability lifeline program 71A.14.140
arbitration of disputed issues 86.12.210 termination 74.62.020 Park passes, camping 79A.05.065
local officials, participation of 86.12.210 Discrimination in insurance benefits on basis of, Parking
creation and operation Ch. 85.38 prohibited 48.30.300 free parking, exceptions 46.61.582
elections, auditor to conduct 85.38.125 Dog guides licenses, special license plates and placards
governing body Ch. 85.38 driver responsibilities and liabilities 70.84.040 reciprocity with other jurisdictions
powers Ch. 85.36 killing or injuring, liability 49.60.370 46.61.583
qualified voters, elections 85.38.127 license fee waiver 49.60.380 special parking privileges Ch. 46.19
three or more counties 85.38.290 unauthorized use 70.84.060 stalls and spaces, requirements, penalties
voting rights 85.38.105 Drivers 46.61.581
Tidelands and marshlands, private ditches and refueling services 49.60.360 Personal aides 74.39.007, 74.39.050, 74.39.060,
drains for 85.28.130, 85.28.140 Drivers license restrictions 46.20.041 74.39.070
Water courses and waterways, improvement Employment Protection order, ex parte, against person with
85.24.280, 85.24.290 clearinghouse 50.12.250, 50.12.252 disability, brain injury, or impairment
Water rights, See also WATER AND WATER state agencies, employment by, reporting 26.50.230
RIGHTS concerning 43.41.275 Public buildings, provisions for persons with
DIKING AND DRAINAGE DISTRICTS (See supported employment for persons with disabilities
also SEWERAGE, WATER AND developmental or significant disabilities specifications and plans for public buildings
DRAINAGE SYSTEMSCOUNTIES) 41.04.750, 41.04.760 Ch. 70.92
Disincorporation of special districts in counties Fish or shellfish, physical disability permits Public employment, discrimination in prohibited
with population of two hundred ten thousand 77.32.400 70.84.080
or more Ch. 57.90 Fishing and hunting Public schools
advisory committee 77.04.150 prohibiting discrimination Ch. 28A.642
DIPLOMAS Fishing and shellfish harvesting, designated Rehabilitation services
Certificate of high school equivalency to be harvester cards 77.32.400 cooperative agreements between state and
accepted in lieu of diploma 41.04.015 Fishing permits, group 77.32.550 local agencies 74.29.037
DISABILITIES, PERSONS WITH (See also Guardianship, See GUARDIAN AND WARD definitions 74.29.010
BLIND; CHILDREN; DEAF; Health care coverage, discrimination 48.44.220 job support services 74.29.080
HANDICAPS, PERSONS WITH) Health insurance powers and duties of department of social and
Accessible communities account disabilities, state and school employees with, health services 74.29.020
creation 50.40.071 premium reduction subsidy 41.05.085 purpose 74.29.005
use of funds 50.40.073 retired state and school employees premium Residences
Accessible community advisory committees reduction subsidy 41.05.085 optional municipal code city may not treat a
36.01.310 Health maintenance organizations residence occupied by persons with

[RCW Indexpage 214] (2016 Ed.)


disabilities differently than any similar rights of blind or hearing impaired pedestrians Insurance, unlawful practice with premiums
residence 35A.63.240 70.84.050 48.30.140
structures occupied by persons with state policy 70.84.010 Out-of-state membership sales in discount
disabilities, treatment of 35.63.220, Working individuals with disabilities programs, business and occupation tax
36.70.990, 36.70A.410 medical assistance 74.09.540 exemption 82.04.421
Respectful language requirements DISABILITY ASSISTANCE (See PUBLIC Savings association, purchasing of accounts,
RCW references 44.04.280 ASSISTANCE, subtitle Disability debentures or certificates at discount
School buildings and plants, barrier-free access assistance) prohibited, penalty 33.36.020
Self-directed care 74.39.007, 74.39.050, DISABILITY INSURANCE (See Group
disability insurance; INSURANCE, RECREATION, subtitle Discover pass)
74.39.060, 74.39.070
Service animals subtitle Disability insurance) DISCOVERY
defined 70.84.021 DISASTERS (See also EMERGENCIES; Community sexual assault program and
driver responsibilities and liabilities 70.84.040 STATE OF EMERGENCY) underserved populations provider records,
killing or injuring, liability 49.60.370 Destroyed property in disaster area not available to defense attorney, exceptions
license fee waiver 49.60.380 70.125.065
tax abatement or refund Ch. 84.70 Domestic violence program client records
prohibiting discrimination against persons Disaster response account 38.52.105
using Ch. 28A.642 discovery 70.123.075
Emergency management services, federal, Eminent domain proceedings
state agency employees with sensory providing
disabilities appraisers conclusions, order for production
LEOFF plan 2 retirement system members and exchange of 8.25.120
need for service animal training 49.90.010 death or incapacitating disability benefit and
unauthorized use 70.84.060 Executors and administrators
service credit 41.26.470, 41.26.510, concealed or embezzled property 11.48.070
Sheltered workshops for 41.26.520
goods and services, purchase by Personal representatives, concealed or
Mutual aid and interlocal agreements 38.52.091 embezzled property 11.48.070
authorized, fair market price 39.23.020 DISBARMENT OF ATTORNEYS (See DISCRETION
definitions 39.23.010 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, subtitle Costs, discretion of court to allow if not allowed
Disbarment of) by statute 4.84.190
legislative intent 39.23.005
cities and towns Costs, disbursements taxable as, allowable items RIGHTS COMMISSION; SEXUAL
curb ramps for persons with physical 4.84.090 EQUALITY IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS)
disabilities Criminal conversation, limitation on recovery of Abortion
model standards 35.68.076 by plaintiff 4.84.040 individual right to choose or refuse
required, standards and requirements Partition proceedings 7.52.480 interference or discrimination by state
35.68.075 DISCHARGE prohibited 9.02.100
wheelchair access to, use of roadway to reach Attachment, including writ of 6.25.180, 6.25.270 participation or refusal to participate
46.61.250 redelivery bonds, by 6.25.190 employment or professional discrimination
Streets and alleys Criminal proceedings prohibited 9.02.150
cities and towns certificate of discharge Accommodations, public, denial due to race,
curb ramps for persons with physical issuance, effect of no-contact order creed, color, penalty 9.91.010
disabilities 9.94A.637 Affirmative action
model standards 35.68.076 sentence, completion of 9.94A.637 discrimination or preferential treatment
required, standards and requirements Defendant to give evidence for state, bars prohibited 49.60.400
35.68.075 subsequent prosecution 10.46.110 legislative findings, purpose 49.74.005
Students with disabilities Employer and employees, concealing cause of, noncompliance
cognitive disabilities from employment security office 50.36.030 conciliation, order issued 49.74.030
alternative assessment system 28A.655.095 Executors and administrators failure to reach conciliation, referral to
core services 28B.10.910, 28B.10.912 closing estate, discharge upon 11.76.050 administrative law judge for hearing
nondiscrimination policy 28B.10.912 petition for in final report 11.76.030 49.74.031
reasonable accommodation 28B.10.914 Extradition, fugitives from another state procedure 49.74.020
special education Ch. 28A.155 10.88.360 superior court, remedies 49.74.050
Symbol Garnishee, uncontested answer 6.27.170 African-American affairs, commission on
display and signing 70.92.120 Garnishment, See GARNISHMENT, subtitle creation 43.113.010
Tolling of statute of limitations of actions Discharge members
4.16.190 Judgment lien, satisfaction of judgments for appointment, terms, vacancies, quorum, and
coexisting disability 4.16.260 payment of money only, by 4.56.100 reimbursement of expenses 43.113.020
when disability must exist 4.16.250 Jury powers and duties 43.113.030
Transportation for, nonprofit providers for challenge to sufficiency of evidence sustained Age discrimination
persons with special needs Ch. 81.66 4.56.150 unfair practices 49.60.205
Vocational disabilities, persons with, director of disagreement 4.44.330 AIDS, HIV, unfair practices 49.60.172,
labor and industries to provide for on receiving verdict 4.44.460 49.60.174
employment of, exempt from prevailing replacement of juror, effect 4.44.290 Apprenticeship programs, generally Ch. 49.04
wage rate 39.12.022 without verdict Birth control
Vocational rehabilitation and services, See effect 4.44.340 individual right to choose or refuse
VOCATIONAL EDUCATION when 4.44.330 interference or discrimination by state
Vocational rehabilitation services for Ch. 74.29 Personal representatives prohibited 9.02.100
Voting closing estate, discharge upon 11.76.050 Blockbusting, unfair practices 49.60.223
precincts Ch. 29A.16 petition for in final report 11.76.030 Cemeteries, refusing burial to non-Caucasian
Voting, See also ELECTIONS 68.50.035
Satisfaction of judgments
Wheelchair conveyances Chiropractic
specific designation required 4.56.100
defined 46.04.710 by health care service contractors prohibited
rules of the road 46.61.730 DISCLAIMER 18.25.0192
safety standards 46.37.610 Interpleader 4.08.150, 4.08.170 state and political subdivisions, discrimination
vehicle operators license may be restrictive Warranty, lease of personal property, against chiropractic services prohibited
46.20.109 merchantability or fitness 63.18.010 18.25.0193, 18.25.0194, 18.25.0195,
white cane law, applicability to wheelchair DISCLOSURE (See PUBLIC DISCLOSURE) 18.25.0196, 18.25.0197
users 70.84.040 Cities and towns
White cane law DISCONTINUANCE (See community renewal law 35.81.170
application to 70.84.010 ADJOURNMENTS; CONTINUANCES) unfit dwellings law 35.80.040
dog guide DISCOUNT Civil rights
defined 70.84.020 Common carriers, rebating or discounting declaration 49.60.030
driver responsibilities and liabilities 70.84.040 prohibited 81.28.210, 81.28.220 Civil rights, See also CIVIL RIGHTS

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 215]


Colleges and universities orders Sexual orientation

disabilities, persons with 28B.10.912 appeals from 49.60.270, 49.60.280 malicious harassment 9A.36.078, 9A.36.080
gender-based discrimination Ch. 28B.110 court enforcement 49.60.260 Sheriffs office employees, discrimination
Common carriers resistance to 49.60.310 prohibited 41.14.180
denial of use because of race, color, or creed, state or political subdivisions Telecommunications companies
penalty 9.91.010 action of governor 49.60.320 message from other companies 80.36.200
Community athletics programs policy 49.60.110 must receive and transmit messages for any
sex discrimination policy of state 49.60.010 person 80.36.220
definitions 49.60.500 powers and duties 49.60.120 rates and charges 80.36.180
nondiscrimination policy requirement real property, damages for unfair practices Traffic enforcement
49.60.505 involving 49.60.225 routine stops, collection of information on
prohibition 35.21.910, 35.61.380, reports 49.60.100 racial profiling 43.43.480, 43.43.490
35A.21.350, 36.01.280, 36.68.120, seal 49.60.080 Treaties, denial of rights based on, declaration of
36.69.500, 49.60.500 witnesses before 49.60.140, 49.60.150, policy 77.110.040
Complaints, generally 49.60.230, 49.60.240, 49.60.160, 49.60.170 Unfair practices
49.60.243, 49.60.250 Industrial insurance, medical aid 51.04.030 aiding violations 49.60.220
Credit transactions, unfair practices 49.60.176 Insurance blockbusting 49.60.223
Damages, unfair practices involving real cancellation or imposition of restriction based credit transactions 49.60.176
property 49.60.225 on disability, notice 48.30.320 damages when involving real property
Definitions 49.60.040 discrimination because of sex, marital status, 49.60.225
Denial of public accommodations because of sensory, mental or physical disability, employers 49.60.180
race, color, or creed, penalty 9.91.010 prohibited 48.30.300 employment agencies 49.60.200
Developmental disabilities, persons with domestic violence victims, discrimination financial institutions 49.60.175
protection under law 71A.10.040 against prohibited 48.18.550 food establishments 49.60.218
Disabilities, persons with employment driving record, consideration of
health care insurance, discrimination 48.30.310 inducing sales on grounds of race, disability,
prohibited 48.44.220 policies, prohibition against 48.18.480 sex, or families with children entry into
insurance benefits, discrimination prohibited prohibited practices 48.30.020 neighborhood 49.60.223
48.30.300 rating organizations 48.19.140 insurance transactions 49.60.178
malicious harassment 9A.36.080 transactions unfair practices 49.60.178 labor unions 49.60.190
public employment, discrimination prohibited Interlocal cooperation to prevent duplication of persons opposing unfair practices,
70.84.080 similar complaints 49.60.226 discrimination against 49.60.210
Dog guides and service animals, human rights Juvenile offenders public places 49.60.215
commission duties 49.60.390 disparity in disposition of cases 13.40.430 real estate rights, coercion or threats regarding
Education, discrimination prohibited Labor, generally Ch. 49.60 49.60.2235
28A.400.310 Leases, unfair practices enumerated 49.60.222 real estate transactions
Employment Malicious harassment civil action in lieu of hearing 49.60.340
age 49.44.090 civil action, actual and punitive damages enumeration and exception 49.60.222
employers 49.60.180 9A.36.083 temporary or preliminary relief 49.60.350
employment agencies 49.60.200 information repository real property, restrictive covenants 49.60.224
labor unions 49.60.190 reporting and dissemination 36.28A.030 whistleblowers, retaliation against 49.60.210
law against discrimination applicable to legislative finding 9A.36.078 civil penalty for retaliator 49.60.250
school districts employment policy race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, letter of reprimand for retaliators personnel
28A.400.310 gender, sexual orientation, mental, file 49.60.250
state employment application, disclosure of physical, or sensory disability 9A.36.080 Whistleblowers
race or religion prohibited upon, penalty Mathematics, engineering, and science retaliation against
43.01.100 achievement program 28A.188.080 civil penalty for retaliator 49.60.250
unfair practices 49.60.180 Medical care coverage 48.44.220 letter of reprimand for retaliators personnel
women and minors, See LABOR, subtitle Militia members by clubs, associations, file 49.60.250
Women and minors employers, or business organizations retaliation against is an unfair practice
Financial institutions, unfair practices 49.60.175 prohibited, penalty 38.40.110 49.60.210
First class cities (over 125,000) Mortgages, unfair practices enumerated Ch. Worker and community right to know
administrative and judicial remedies, 49.60 discrimination statutes apply 49.70.110
authorized 49.60.330 Natural resources management DISEASES (See also QUARANTINE)
Freedom from, rights enumerated 49.60.030 policy of state, express domain 77.110.030 AIDS, See AIDS
Gas, electrical, and water companies, rates and Nursing homes, medicaid recipients 74.42.055
charges 80.28.100 Optometry 18.53.160 Animals, See ANIMAL HEALTH
Gender Optometry, discrimination against prohibited Biomedical waste, see BIOMEDICAL WASTE
malicious harassment 9A.36.078, 9A.36.080 state agencies and subdivisions 18.53.170, 70.95K.005
Health care coverage 48.44.220 18.53.175, 18.53.180, 18.53.185, Biomedical waste, See BIOMEDICAL WASTE
Health maintenance organizations 18.53.190 Cancer
may not deny coverage based on disabilities Policy of state declared 49.60.010 cancer research endowment authority and
48.46.370 Public places, accommodations, denial due to program
Hepatitis C, unfair practices 49.60.174 race, color, creed, penalty 9.91.010 cancer research endowment fund match
Human rights commission Public schools transfer account 43.348.080
advisory agencies or councils 49.60.130 prohibiting discrimination Ch. 28A.642 CARE fund 43.348.060
appeal, damages for unfair practices involving Real estate transactions generally Ch. 43.348
real property 49.60.225 civil action in lieu of hearing 49.60.340 independent expert scientific review and
compensation and travel expenses 49.60.070 temporary or preliminary relief 49.60.350 advisory committee 43.348.050
complaint procedure 49.60.230, 49.60.240, unfair practices 49.60.222 Communicable disease prevention guidelines for
49.60.243 Remedies, pursuit of civil or criminal, effect corrections staff 72.09.251
hearing, order 49.60.250 49.60.020 Contagious
creation, members appointment, approval Restrictive covenants crimes related to 70.05.120
49.60.050 declaratory actions 49.60.227 exposure, willfully, penalty 70.54.050
damages, unfair practices involving real prohibited, effect 49.60.224 reporting 70.05.090, 70.05.100, 70.05.110
property 49.60.225 real property, prohibited 49.60.224 who determines character of disease
damages for humiliation and mental suffering, Sex 70.05.110
limits 49.60.250 marital status, sensory, mental or physical Diseased forests and forest products, See
designation 49.60.051 disability, insurance benefits, FORESTS AND FOREST PRODUCTS,
hearings 49.60.140 discrimination, prohibited 48.30.300 subtitle Diseases and insect pests
interference with 49.60.310 parental leave, men and women to be granted Flu
membership 49.60.060 leave on equal terms 49.12.360 pandemic influenza preparedness Ch. 70.26
offices to be in Olympia 49.60.090 wages 49.12.175 Food and beverage workers Ch. 69.06

[RCW Indexpage 216] (2016 Ed.)


Health departments, See CITIES AND TOWNS; DISSOLUTION separation 26.09.050, 26.09.060
COUNTIES, subtitle Health departments Bridge districts Ch. 53.48 separation contract 26.09.070
Horticultural pests and diseases, See Cemetery districts Ch. 53.48 temporary custody order
HORTICULTURE Corporations supporting affidavit 26.09.270
Infectious nonprofit corporations venue for modification or enforcement
good samaritans, free testing 70.05.180 decree 24.03.276 26.09.280
Insurance, industrial life, preexisting disease distribution of assets 24.03.271 visitation rights, grandparents and other
48.25.220 generally 24.03.220, 24.03.225, 24.03.230, persons 26.09.240
Jails 24.03.235, 24.03.240, 24.03.245, Child custody, See also CHILD CUSTODY
communicable disease prevention guidelines 24.03.250, 24.03.255, 24.03.260, Child support
70.48.480 24.03.295, 24.03.300 appearance by attorney general or prosecuting
Schools, exclusion of persons having contagious jurisdiction of superior courts 24.03.266 attorney for department of social and health
or infectious diseases 28A.210.010 petitions for, court commissioners power to services 74.20.220
Sexually transmitted diseases, See SEXUALLY hear and determine 2.24.040 application by attorney general or prosecuting
TRANSMITTED DISEASES venue, proceedings, courts authority attorney for show cause order to provide
Tuberculosis, See TUBERCULOSIS 24.03.271 support 74.20.220
Vaccine repository, fee schedule 70.54.200 Corporations, See also CORPORATIONS, apportionment of expense 26.09.100
Venereal, See VENEREAL DISEASES subtitle Dissolution authority 26.09.100
DISINCORPORATION (See CITIES AND Districts, generally Ch. 53.48 dissolution 26.09.050, 26.09.060
TOWNS, subtitle Disincorporation; Ferry districts, generally Ch. 53.48 invalidity 26.09.040, 26.09.050, 26.09.060
CORPORATIONS, subtitle Dissolution) Fire protection districts marital misconduct 26.09.100
generally Ch. 53.48 modification, termination 26.09.170
DISLOCATED WORKER (See WORK, Flood control districts Ch. 53.48, 86.09.622, modification or enforcement, venue 26.09.280
subtitle Dislocated worker) 86.09.625 relevant factor 26.09.100
DISMISSALS (See also NONSUITS) Irrigation districts, See IRRIGATION separation 26.09.050, 26.09.060
Attachment, dismissal prohibited, when 6.25.280 DISTRICTS, subtitle Dissolution separation contract 26.09.070
Consent, dismissal of action by 4.56.120 Joint operating agencies 43.52.360 support schedule 26.19.020
Costs, failure to give security for costs 4.84.230 Libraries, disposition of property and books Children
Criminal actions 27.12.320 abduction by parent, information concerning
discharge of defendant Metropolitan park districts, generally Ch. 53.48 harmful effects 26.09.315
to give evidence for state 10.46.110 Park and recreation districts 36.69.310 consent for psychiatric care 26.09.220
Defendants, dismissal for plaintiffs failure to Partnerships, See PARTNERSHIPS, subtitle education, joint liability 26.16.205
give security for costs 4.84.230 Dissolution guardian ad litem, appointment 26.09.220
Defenses Port districts, generally Ch. 53.48 legitimacy 26.09.040
nonappearance of plaintiff 4.56.120 Public corporations, performing and fine arts molesting, temporary orders 26.09.160
Diking districts, dismissal of proceedings programs, federal grants 35.21.750 parenting plan Ch. 26.09
tax to pay cost of 85.05.170 as petitioners 26.09.040
when 85.05.140 DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE removal from jurisdiction, temporary orders
Effect as bar to another action 4.56.120 Actions 26.09.010 regarding 26.09.060
Failure of proof 4.56.150 Address confidentiality program 26.12.270 Civil procedures 26.09.010
Grounds for in superior court 4.56.120 Affidavits Clerk of court, payments to 26.09.120
Nonappearance at trial 4.56.120 custody modification 26.09.270 Coercion 26.09.030
Nonsuit judgments 4.56.120 temporary custody 26.09.270 Cohabitation 26.09.040
Supplemental proceedings temporary orders 26.09.060 Consanguinity 26.09.040
authorized, when 6.32.150 Alimony, See DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE, Counseling service 26.09.030
disposition of balance of money or property subtitle Spousal maintenance Court orders
6.32.110 Annulment of marriage required warning, orders containing parenting
jurisdiction plan provisions, contempt orders 26.09.165
DISORDERLY CONDUCT of superior courts over 2.08.010
First class cities, providing for punishment Court proceedings 26.09.030
Answer 26.09.010 Decree
35.22.280 Appointment of attorney 26.09.110 appeals 26.09.150
DISORGANIZATION (See DISSOLUTION) Assets conditions 26.09.030
DISPENSARIES (See PHARMACIES AND nonprobate assets on dissolution or entry 26.09.030
PHARMACISTS) invalidation of marriage 11.07.010 finality 26.09.150
Bigamy 26.09.040 governance of proceedings 26.09.010
DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Child custody modification 26.09.070, 26.09.280
Appropriation equal to additional marriage abduction by parent, information concerning separation contract 26.09.070
license fee 36.18.010 harmful effects 26.09.315 validity of marriage 26.09.040
DISPOSITION REPORTS (See advice of professional personnel 26.09.210 Delinquent support payments under temporary
PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS) child custody jurisdiction act Ch. 26.27 order
DISPUTE RESOLUTION CENTERS dissolution 26.09.050, 26.09.060 effect of final decree 26.09.060
Business and occupation tax interview with child by court 26.09.210 Department of social and health services,
deduction 82.04.43392 invalidity 26.09.040, 26.09.050, 26.09.060 payments to 26.09.120
Creation, operation, boards of directors, investigation and report 26.09.220 Dependent children, guardian ad litem 26.09.110
confidentiality Ch. 7.75 mediation proceedings 26.09.015, 26.09.016 Designation of proceedings 26.09.010
Dispute resolution agreements Ch. 7.75 modification 26.09.260 Diagnosis, requests for 26.09.220
separation contract 26.09.040 Disclosure of information
DISPUTES supporting affidavit 26.09.270 court finding of domestic violence or child
Estates and trusts, dispute resolution procedures venue 26.09.280 abuse 26.09.013
Ch. 11.96A modification or enforcement, venue 26.09.280 Dismissals 26.09.030
Interagency disputes, See STATE multistate proceedings Ch. 26.27 Disobedience of decree or order 26.09.160
DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES, nonparental actions for custody Ch. 26.10 Disposition of property and liabilities 26.09.080
subtitle Interagency disputes parental relocation, notice requirements and Divided benefits, mandatory assignment
DISQUALIFICATION standards 26.09.405, 26.09.410, 26.09.420, spousal maintenance decrees and orders
Elections, conviction of subversive activities 26.09.430, 26.09.440, 26.09.450, 26.09.138
9.81.040 26.09.460, 26.09.470, 26.09.480, Divorce
Executors and administrators, effect on 26.09.490, 26.09.500, 26.09.510, pending actions
11.36.010 26.09.520, 26.09.530, 26.09.540, conversion to dissolution action 26.09.900
Judicial officers 2.28.030 26.09.550, 26.09.560 conversion to dissolution proceedings
Personal representatives, effect on 11.36.010 proceedings 26.09.010, 26.09.080, 26.09.210, 26.09.901
Superior courts 26.09.220, 26.09.280 Duress 26.09.040
grounds 4.12.030 residential time summary report 26.09.231, Enforcement
grounds for change of venue 4.12.030 26.18.230 venue 26.09.280

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 217]


Evidence 26.09.220 Parties contempt action 26.18.050

Failure to comply with decree or order, armed forces member 26.09.030 definitions 26.18.020
obligation to make payment or permit residence 26.09.030 mandatory wage assignment
visitation 26.09.160 Payments order and disbursement 26.18.090
Family courts 26.09.030 costs, attorneys fees, and disbursements petition or motion 26.18.070
Family home 26.09.060, 26.09.080 26.09.140 payments
Family law handbook 2.56.180 litigation costs 26.09.140 bad checks, clerk to accept only cash or
Final decree nunc pro tunc 26.09.290 methods 26.09.120 certified funds 26.09.120
Finality of decree 26.09.150 termination separation 26.09.050, 26.09.060
Findings death 26.09.170 temporary 26.09.060
coercion 26.09.030 remarriage 26.09.170 uniform interstate family support act Ch.
custody modification 26.09.270 visitation 26.09.160 26.21A
fraud 26.09.030 Petition venue 26.09.280
irreparable injury for temporary restraining contents 26.09.020 Stepchildren, education, joint liability, liability
order 26.09.060 fraudulent inducement 26.09.030 after divorce 26.16.205
marriage irretrievably broken 26.09.030 joinder by spouse 26.09.030 Summons 26.09.030
temporary custody, adequate cause 26.09.270 Pleading Temporary maintenance or support 26.09.060
visitation endangering child 26.09.240 petition 26.09.010 Temporary restraining order or preliminary
Foreign marriage 26.09.040 response 26.09.010 injunction 26.09.060
Forma pauperis, guardian ad litem 26.09.110 show cause 26.09.270
temporary restraining order 26.09.060 Termination of
Forms child support 26.09.170
mandatory use of standard forms and format Preliminary injunction
effect, scope, termination 26.09.060 spousal maintenance 26.09.170
rules 26.18.220 Time limits 26.09.030
Fraud 26.09.040 Procedure 26.09.010, 26.09.030
Proceedings, civil practice to govern 26.09.010 conversion of separation to dissolution
Guardian ad litem 26.09.150
allowance for fees, litigation costs 26.09.110 Professional service, referrals to juvenile court
26.09.210 Transfer to family court 26.09.030
Indigency, guardian ad litem 26.09.110 Transmittal of certificate to state registrar of vital
Interpretive, literacy, and other services Property disposition 26.09.040
dissolution 26.09.050, 26.09.060 statistics 26.09.150
26.09.013 Trial, jury dispensed with 26.09.010
Judgment 26.09.010 by duress 26.09.080
generally 26.09.060 Validity of marriage
reopening 26.09.170 decree effect 26.09.010
venue 26.09.280 invalidity 26.09.050, 26.09.060
marital misconduct 26.09.080 procedure 26.09.040
acts submitting person to state jurisdiction modification 26.09.170 venue 26.09.280
4.28.185 separation 26.09.050, 26.09.060 Venue 26.09.010, 26.09.280
Jurisdiction of superior courts 2.08.010 Psychiatric information, request 26.09.220 Visitation
Juvenile courts, referrals to for advice 26.09.210 Reconciliation 26.09.030 dissolution 26.09.050
Legal separation in lieu of dissolution 26.09.030 Recording 26.09.070 interview of child 26.09.210
Legitimacy 26.09.040 Respondent invalidity action 26.09.040
Liability disposition dissolution actions 26.09.030 modification 26.09.240
dissolution 26.09.050, 26.09.060 invalidity actions 26.09.040 rights of person other than parent 26.09.240
invalidity 26.09.050, 26.09.060 service of summons 26.09.030 separation 26.09.050
Response 26.09.010 separation contract 26.09.070
marital misconduct 26.09.080 Restraining orders
separation 26.09.050, 26.09.060 terms with payments 26.09.160
issuance of order in dissolution decree,
Literacy assistance and other services 26.09.013 procedure 26.09.050, 26.09.060 DISTANCE EDUCATION (See
Litigation costs 26.09.140 noncompliance 26.09.300 EDUCATION)
Maintenance Separation contracts
mandatory arbitration may be authorized DISTILLERIES
contents, enforcement, contempt 26.09.070 Craft distilleries
7.06.020 termination of payment 26.09.170
Maintenance of spouse growers license 66.24.520
Service of process by publication, right to appear, sales and samples of spirits 66.24.145
employee benefit plans subject to domestic defend or reopen 4.28.100, 4.28.200
relations orders 6.15.020 Licensees operating as spirits retailers/
Services to parties in dissolutions and legal distributors 66.24.640
mandatory arbitration may be authorized separations 26.09.013, 26.12.260
7.06.020 Licenses 66.24.140
Show cause 26.09.270 Liquor warehouse receipts, fraud concerning,
uniform interstate family support act Ch. Spousal maintenance 26.09.060
26.21A penalty 9.45.160, 9.45.170
authority of court 26.09.090 Monthly reports 66.28.060
Maintenance of spouse, See also consideration 26.09.090
DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE, subtitle Orders for spirits, acceptance and delivery of
dissolution 26.09.050, 26.09.060 66.20.410
Spousal maintenance divided benefits, mandatory assignment
Marital misconduct 26.09.138 DISTRAINT
not relevant 26.09.080 enforcement Answer in action to recover property distrained
spousal maintenance 26.09.090 application of chapter 26.18.030 4.36.140
support 26.09.100 commencement of proceedings, jurisdiction
Marital status 26.09.010 DISTRESSED AREAS (See also RURAL
Marriage contempt action 26.18.050 AREAS)
bigamous 26.09.040 definitions 26.18.020
irretrievably broken 26.09.030 Community economic revitalization board Ch.
mandatory wage assignment 26.18.070, 43.160
Mediation proceedings 26.09.015, 26.09.016 26.18.090, 26.18.100, 26.18.110,
Mental incapacity 26.09.040 Community empowerment zones Ch. 82.60
26.18.120, 26.18.140, 26.18.150, Forest products workers, dislocated
Modification 26.09.070 26.18.160
change of circumstances 26.09.170 higher education program for, tuition and fee
financial resources 26.09.090 waiver 28B.50.259
venue 26.09.280 invalidity 26.09.040, 26.09.050
Motions Military impacted area, governor authorized to
marital misconduct 26.09.090 declare 43.06.115
custody modification 26.09.270 medical support 26.18.170
payment methods 26.09.120 Projects of statewide significance, procedures to
modification, termination 26.09.170 expedite development Ch. 43.157
temporary custody 26.09.270 obligations
temporary orders 26.09.060 Rural Washington loan fund Ch. 43.168
clerk of court, duties 26.09.120
for validity 26.09.040 court order, to whom paid 26.09.120 Tax deferral program for investment projects Ch.
Name change 26.09.150 enforcement 82.60
Obligations application of chapter 26.18.030 Youth employment, service corps 50.65.138
separation contract 26.09.070 commencement of proceedings, DISTRIBUTORS
Parenting plan Ch. 26.09 jurisdiction 26.18.040 Tax imposed 82.04.270, 82.04.440

[RCW Indexpage 218] (2016 Ed.)


DISTRICT AND MUNICIPAL COURT remittance to appropriate city treasurers Jury trial
JUDGES ASSOCIATION 3.62.050 demand for
District court districting committee, duties remittance to state general fund 3.62.050 criminal proceedings 10.04.050
3.38.010 Districts Ch. 3.38 Mandamus, jurisdiction to issue 7.16.160
District court rules, recommendations 10.04.800 Enhanced enforcement district Marriages, advertising prohibited 3.66.110
Membership, meetings, and duties Ch. 3.70 assignment of visiting judges to 2.56.110 Membership, meetings, and duties Ch. 3.70
DISTRICT COURT JUDGES (See Exception procedure inapplicable to 4.80.140 Municipal courts
DISTRICT JUDGES; JUDGES; Expenses of court concurrent jurisdiction 35.20.250
MUNICIPAL COURTS) charges against governmental unit funds Municipal departments
3.62.050 alternate provisions
DISTRICT COURTS (See also COURTS OF county current expense fund 3.62.050 conviction
LIMITED JURISDICTION; JUSTICE determination of expenses 3.62.050 imprisonment for fine and costs 3.50.300
AND INFERIOR COURTS; JUSTICES how paid 3.62.050 in existence prior to July 1, 2008 3.46.015
OF THE PEACE; MUNICIPAL quarterly disbursements to pay 3.62.050 termination
COURTS) Fees agreement with county to handle criminal
Actions, damages, five thousand dollars of less, conviction or plea of guilty 3.62.085 cases, arbitration 35.20.010, 35.22.425,
attorneys fees as costs 4.84.300 disposition and interest 3.62.020 35.27.515, 35.30.100
Administrator for the courts fees allowed as court costs 3.62.065 Name change orders
application of 2.56.080 fees for services 3.62.060 filing and recording 36.22.200
Advertising authority to solemnize marriages, filing fees 3.62.060, 3.62.070 Name changes 4.24.130
prohibited 3.66.110 Filing fees Ne exeat, jurisdiction 7.44.060
Appeals 10.10.010 civil cases 3.62.060 Offender supervision by another state 3.66.140
Appeals from criminal cases 3.62.070 Penalties
civil actions establishment of fees to be paid by city disposition and interest 3.62.040
costs 4.84.130 3.62.070 suspension of, when 3.62.010
Appeals pending from former courts not affected surcharge in certain cases 3.62.060 Powers 3.66.010
by justice and inferior courts act of 1961 surcharge to fund dispute resolution centers Probation and parole services
3.74.900 imposition by county legislative authority costs, determination of 3.62.050
Arrest authority of judges 10.04.020 7.75.035 Probation termination 3.66.069
Assessment of punishment by district judge traffic infractions 3.62.070 Process, territorial jurisdiction to issue 3.66.100
3.66.065 Fines Promotion of efficiency to minimize costs to
Attorney disposition and interest 3.62.020, 3.62.040 cities that use the district courts
may act as judge 2.28.040 suspension of, when 3.62.010 cities and courts to cooperate to minimize
Bail 10.04.040 Fines, penalties, forfeitures, and costs collected costs 3.62.100
Bill of exception procedure inapplicable to by district courts Property, crimes against
4.80.140 disposition 10.82.070 criminal history check prior to sentencing
Civil jurisdiction 3.66.020 Forfeitures 3.66.0691
Clerks disposition and interest 3.62.020, 3.62.040 Public defense
compensation 3.54.010 Forms for criminal actions, recommendations costs of, when paid by city 3.62.070
deputy clerks 10.04.800 determination of costs of 3.62.050
compensation 3.54.010, 3.58.030 Garnishment Public safety and education assessment 3.62.090
powers and duties 3.54.020 actions and proceedings 6.27.030 Rules
Coroners writs of garnishment district and municipal court judges
acting as judge 36.24.160 form 6.27.100, 6.27.105 association recommendations 10.04.800
Costs Generally Ch. 3.30, Ch. 3.34 Rules of pleading, practice, and procedure
appeals to superior courts 4.84.130 Judges 3.30.030, Ch. 3.34 authority to supreme court to promulgate
disposition and interest 3.62.040 full time 2.04.190
Costs of defense at public expense, determination ineligible for any other office or public Salaries and expenses
of 3.62.050 employment than judicial 3.74.020 clerks 3.54.010, 3.58.030
County trial court improvement account 3.58.060 salaries and expenses 3.58.010 court commissioners 3.58.030
Courtrooms and office space part time court expenses 3.58.050
costs, determination of 3.62.050 salaries and wages 3.58.020 deputy clerks 3.54.010
furnishing of 3.58.050 pro tempore full time district court judge 3.58.010
lease or construction of courtrooms and appointments 3.02.060 judges 3.58.030
offices, authority of county legislative salary 3.58.030 judges pro tempore 3.58.030
authority 3.58.050 travel expenses 3.58.040 part time district judge 3.58.020
Criminal cases retirement payment of 3.58.030
code cities mandatory retirement age 3.74.030 travel expenses 3.58.040
agreement with county to handle cases, retirement, See also JUDGES, subtitle Seal 3.54.030
arbitration 35A.11.200 Retirement Sentences, suspension of fines or penalties
municipalities salary 3.58.030 3.62.010
agreement with county to handle, arbitration travel expenses 3.58.040 deferral of sentence
35.20.010, 35.22.425, 35.27.515, Judgments authority 3.66.067
35.30.100 certified transcripts of continuing jurisdiction, term 3.66.068
Criminal procedure entry in execution docket by clerk 4.64.120 limitation on time of deferral 3.66.067
district judge and not jury to assess indexing of by clerk 4.64.120 revocation of deferred or suspended
punishment 3.66.065 transcript of docket to contain copy of sentence, limitation on new sentence
fines and costs, judgment for 10.04.110 judgment 4.64.110 3.66.069
jury Jurisdiction Small claims
demand for 10.04.050 certiorari 7.16.040 appeals, authorization and procedure Ch.
plea of guilty 10.04.070 civil 3.66.020 12.36
punishment not adequate, ordering defendant civil process 3.66.100 attorney, self-representation without 2.48.190
to appear in superior court 10.04.100 criminal 3.66.060 department organization and operation Ch.
Damage actions, five thousand dollars of less, criminal process 3.66.100 12.40
attorneys fees as costs 4.84.300 generally 3.66.010 filing fees, surcharge to fund dispute
Deferred sentencing 3.66.067, 3.66.068, harassment actions, transfer to superior court resolution centers
3.66.069 allowed, conditions 10.14.150 imposition by county legislative authority
District court commissioners 3.34.080, 3.34.090, ne exeat 7.44.060 7.75.035
Ch. 3.42 public nuisance abatement, transfer of self-representation 2.48.190
salary 3.58.030 proceedings to superior court 9.66.040 Stay of execution 10.04.120
travel expenses 3.58.040 territorial 3.66.100 Superior court appellate power over 2.08.020
District court income writ of prohibition, jurisdiction prohibited Theatrical enterprises
remittance 3.62.050 7.16.300 wages

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 219]


cash deposit or bond required Garnishment set time and place of hearing 10.91.020
action against 49.38.040 plaintiff, security required by 12.04.170 warrant for arrest of accused person violating
Transcript of docket of, contents 4.64.110 Generally Ch. 3.34 terms of release, issued by 10.91.010
Travel expenses Infant parties before Replevin
court commissioners 3.58.040 guardian ad litem, appointment for minor chapter 7.64 RCW available to plaintiff
court employees 3.58.040 defendant 12.04.150 12.28.005
district judges 3.58.040 guardian or next friend of plaintiff, form 12.04.204, 12.04.206
judges pro tempore 3.58.040 appointment of 12.04.140 pleading to setoff 12.08.020
Venue Judgments service of writ 12.04.050
change of 3.66.090 default Retirement, See JUDGES, subtitle Retirement
civil actions 3.66.040 failure of defendant to appear and plead as Salaries and expenses
transfer to proper district 3.66.050 grounds for 12.20.020 deputy clerks 3.58.030
criminal actions 3.66.070 relief or scope of judgment 12.20.020 Salary 3.58.030
removal to proper district 3.66.080 setting aside of default judgment, procedure Search warrants, issuance by judge 2.20.030
Witnesses 12.20.020 Service of process and papers
compelling attendance 12.16.015 vacation of default judgment, procedure complaint and notice 12.04.040, 12.04.050
Youth courts Ch. 3.72 12.20.020 fees, indorsement on return 12.04.070
dismissal of action without prejudice proof of service
DISTRICT JUDGES failure of plaintiff to appear 12.20.010
Allegations uncontroverted, effect 12.08.080 how made 12.04.090
venue wrong 12.20.010 publication, by 12.04.110
Answers, requisites of 12.08.020 entry of, time of 12.20.030
Appearances, time for 12.04.160 written admission, by 12.04.120
party refusing to testify, against 12.16.080 publication, by
Attachments against party refusing to testify 12.16.080
form 12.04.205, 12.04.207 form of 12.04.100
small claims how made 12.04.100
service of writ 12.04.050 nonpayment, procedure 12.40.110
Barratry, by 9.12.020 proof of service, how made 12.04.110
payment of immediately 12.40.100 when proper 12.04.100
Civil actions Jurisdiction
commencement of, how 12.04.010 return of 12.04.070
acquired, when 12.04.130 false or failure, civil penalty 12.04.190
appearance and agreement, by 12.04.010 municipal courts, effect upon 35.20.910
complaint and notice, by 12.04.010, summons 12.04.020, 12.04.050
small claims department 12.40.010 who may serve 12.04.060, 12.04.080
12.04.030 Jury trial
debt, action to recover 12.04.020 writ of attachment, service of 12.04.050
demand for 12.12.030 Setoffs
service of summons, by 12.04.010 fee 12.12.030
forms 12.04.200 greater than plaintiffs demand and district
number of jurors 12.12.030 court jurisdiction, effect 12.20.050
Complaint and notice oath of jurors 12.12.070
commencement of action by 12.04.010, pleading of 12.08.120
qualifications of jurors 12.12.030 reply to 12.08.020
12.04.030 Jury trials
filing of 12.04.030 Small claims
discharge upon disagreement 12.12.090 appeals, authorization and procedure Ch.
form of 12.04.030 Magistrates, are 2.20.020
service of 12.04.040, 12.04.050, 12.04.080 12.36
Minors before department of small claims created 12.40.010
Continuances guardian ad litem, appointment for minor
amended pleading causing, effect 12.08.110 generally Ch. 12.40
defendant 12.04.150 Subpoena, form of 12.04.201
practice in superior court applies to 12.12.010 guardian or next friend of plaintiff,
testimony, continuance to procure 12.12.010 Summons
appointment of 12.04.140 contents 12.04.020
Costs Motor vehicle law
amendment of pleading, payment of costs to issuance, form 12.04.020
concurrent jurisdiction 46.08.190 service of 12.04.020, 12.04.050, 12.04.080
adverse party 12.08.110 Municipal courts
bond in lieu of security, recovery on 12.04.180 Title to real property in dispute, certification of
limitation of jurisdiction, effect as 35.20.910 transcript to superior court 12.20.070
continuance to procure testimony, cost to Pleadings, civil actions
party applying for 12.12.010 Traffic school of city or town and county, justice
generally Ch. 12.08 may compel attendance at 46.83.050
deposit in court made and rejected by plaintiff small claims, informal 12.40.090
12.20.040 Travel expenses 3.58.040
Process Trial by court 12.12.020
garnishment plaintiff, security required by constables duties 12.04.070
12.04.170 Trial by judge 12.12.020
failure to execute process, civil penalty Undertaking to indemnify constable, form
nonresidents, security required by 12.04.170 12.04.190
prevailing party entitled to 12.20.060 12.04.208
return of 12.04.070 Variances between pleading and proof 12.08.100
tender made by defendant of amount owed, failure to make or false, civil penalty
effect 12.20.040 Verdicts, delivery to justice 12.12.080
12.04.190 Witnesses
Debt, action to recover service by 12.04.050, 12.04.060
filing of claim 12.04.020 compelling attendance
sheriffs duties 12.04.070 attachment 12.16.030, 12.16.040
summons style of 12.04.050
contents 12.04.020 failure to attend, liability and damages
subpoena, form of 12.04.201 12.16.050
issuance, form 12.04.020 Real property, title in dispute
service of 12.04.020 certification to superior court 12.20.070 subpoenas, service, how and by whom
Dismissal of action without prejudice, failure of served 12.16.020
docket entry 12.20.070
plaintiff to appear 12.20.010 proceedings in superior court 12.20.070 failure to attend, liability for damages
venue wrong 12.20.010 12.16.050
transcript certified to superior court 12.20.070
Executions Rendition of accused persons act fees, demandable in advance in civil actions
form of 12.04.203 designated agent must file certain documents 12.16.030, 12.16.050
service of writ 12.04.050 with 10.91.010 mileage, demandable in advance in civil
Fees impose conditions of release to assure actions 12.16.030, 12.16.050
attorneys, prevailing party entitled to appearance at hearing 10.91.020 parties
12.20.060 order for return of accused person to examination in own behalf 12.16.090
prevailing party entitled to 12.20.060 demanding court, judge or magistrate, may be examined as witness 12.16.060
remittance 3.62.050 issued by 10.91.030 rebuttal of testimony 12.16.070
salaried justices preliminary hearing upon arrest of accused refusal to testify, procedure 12.16.080
remittance 3.62.050 person subpoenas
service of process, fees indorsed on return advise right to confront witnesses against service, how and by whom served 12.16.020
12.04.070 him 10.91.020 DISTRICTS
suspense fund 3.62.050 advise right to counsel 10.91.020 Air pollution control districts, See AIR
Forms advise right to produce evidence 10.91.020 POLLUTION CONTROL, subtitle Districts
attachments 12.04.205, 12.04.207 may waive hearing and agree to be returned Assessments, See LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS
civil procedure 12.04.200 to demanding state 10.91.020 AND ASSESSMENTS

[RCW Indexpage 220] (2016 Ed.)


Bridge districts, See BRIDGE DISTRICTS Transfer of property or contracts for use for park certified abstracts of judgments by clerk
Cemetery districts, See CEMETERIES, subtitle and recreational purposes 39.33.060 4.64.120
Districts Tuberculosis districts, See COUNTIES, subtitle certified transcript of judgment of district
County road districts, See COUNTY ROADS County hospitals 4.64.120
AND BRIDGES, subtitle County road Water districts, See WATER-SEWER proof as legal representative for execution of
districts DISTRICTS judgments 6.17.030
County road improvement districts, See Weed districts, See WEEDS, subtitle Intercounty proof of executor or administrator for
COUNTY ROADS AND BRIDGES, weed districts execution of judgments 6.17.030
subtitle County road improvement districts Whistleblower protection proceedings satisfaction of judgment for payment of
Cultural arts, stadium and convention districts administrative law judge money only 4.56.100
Ch. 67.38 assignment of judge to conduct proceedings inspection of by public, when allowed
Diking and drainage, See DIKING AND at request of local government 34.12.038 4.64.060
DRAINAGE costs for proceedings, allocation of keeping of 4.64.060
Dissolution of inactive special purpose districts responsibility for 34.12.039 location of 4.64.060
county legislative authority, powers and duties DITCHES (See CANALS, DITCHES, AND public record, as 4.64.060
36.96.060 DRAINS) verdicts entered in 4.64.020
definitions 36.96.010 Garnishment proceedings 6.27.070
determination of inactive district, procedure DIVIDENDS Judgments
36.96.030 Banks 30A.04.180, 30A.44.090, 30A.44.150, copy as evidence in redemption proceedings
disposition of property 36.96.070 30A.44.180, 30A.56.070 6.23.080
new special purpose districts, county auditor Cooperative associations, See COOPERATIVE execution docket, See DOCKETS, subtitle
duties concerning 36.96.090 ASSOCIATIONS, subtitle Dividends and Execution
notice of apparent inactivity annually, county distributions Justices of the peace
auditor 36.96.020 Corporations, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle filing certified transcript of, judgment liens
outstanding obligations, satisfaction of Dividends commenced on 4.56.200
36.96.080 Fish marketing associations, form, amount of Motions
writ of prohibition or mandamus procedure dividends 24.36.160 argument after docket date 4.44.020
36.96.050 Insurance, See INSURANCE, subtitle Dividends entering trial date of issues of law 4.44.020
written findings, required 36.96.040 DIVORCE (See DISSOLUTION OF judicial sale entry 6.21.100
Fire protection, See FIRE PROTECTION MARRIAGE) Superior courts, records to be kept 36.23.030
Flood control, See FLOOD CONTROL, subtitle Prescription, administration, permitted 70.54.190 entering trial date of issues of fact 4.44.020
Districts1937 act preparation of docket entries, criminal
Health districts, See HEALTH AND SAFETY DNA IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM (See also procedure 10.46.020
Hospitalization and medical aid for employees CRIMINAL PROCEDURE) priority for aged or ill parties in setting cases
and dependents, contracts with health care Collection of biological samples 43.43.754, for trial 4.44.025
service contractors authorized 41.04.180 43.43.7541 trial after docket date 4.44.020
Hospitalization and medical aid for officials and Crimes, list of 43.43.754
Criminal street gang database 43.43.762 DOCKS AND DOCKAGE (See WHARVES,
costs not additional compensation, payment of Data base account 43.43.7532
Data base and data bank 43.43.753 DOCTORS (See OSTEOPATHY;
premiums 41.04.190
Death penalty or life imprisonment PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS)
Hospitals, public, See HOSPITALS, subtitle
Public hospital districts postconviction testing 10.73.170 DOCUMENTS (See RECORDS AND
Industrial development, See PORT DISTRICTS, Law enforcement agencies DOCUMENTS)
subtitle Industrial development districts local systems, establishment and operation,
conditions and limitations 43.43.758 DOGS
Insurance and health care for employees and Accelerant detection dogs
members of governing authority, Local systems, establishment and operation,
conditions and limitations 43.43.758 immunity from liability for handler using dog
participation in state program 41.04.205 in line of duty 4.24.410
Reference samples, destruction of, and data
Irrigation, See IRRIGATION DISTRICTS expungement 5.70.020 Bait, use as training bait prohibited, seizure of
Library districts, See LIBRARIES Services available to law enforcement agencies animals 16.52.300
Local government service agreements for 43.43.756 Breeding
services and facilities Ch. 36.115 State patrol limit on number of dogs, penalty for violation
Local improvement districts, See LOCAL responsibilities 43.43.752 16.52.310
IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS State patrol rulemaking authority 43.43.759 Cities and towns
Metropolitan park districts, See University of Washington school of medicine towns, licensing 35.27.370
METROPOLITAN PARK DISTRICTS responsibilities 43.43.752 unclassified cities, licensing 35.30.010
Mining districts, See MINES AND MINING Control of pets infected with diseases
Officers and employees DOCK LINES communicable to humans Ch. 16.70
direct deposit of salaries and wages 41.04.240 Canals and waterways, lowland fill areas, powers County license tax, See COUNTIES, subtitle
payroll deductions to banks, savings banks, of cities and towns 35.56.210 Dogs, license tax
credit unions, or savings and loan DOCKETS (See also REGISTRATION OF Dangerous dogs
associations authorized, conditions LAND TITLES, subtitle Land certificate of registration, notification and
41.04.245 registration docket) appeal 16.08.080
Port district, See PORT DISTRICTS District court confiscation 16.08.100
Public utility districts, See PUBLIC UTILITY transcript of, contents 4.64.110 defenses 16.08.090
DISTRICTS District judges definitions 16.08.070
Quarantine, See QUARANTINE pleadings, docketing of 12.08.040 potentially dangerous dogs 16.08.090
Rail districts, See COUNTY RAIL DISTRICTS Entries restraint outside enclosure, requirements
Rehabilitation districts, See IRRIGATION criminal procedure 10.46.020 16.08.090
DISTRICTS, subtitle Rehabilitation districts execution docket, See DOCKETS, subtitle violations, penalties 16.08.100
River and harbor improvement districts, See Execution Dog bites
RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENT Execution liability 16.08.040, 16.08.050
DISTRICTS abstract of verdict entries 4.64.100 provocation as a defense 16.08.060
Sanitary districts, See SANITARY DISTRICTS abstract to another county 4.64.100 Dog control zones, establishment Ch. 16.10
Service agreements for providing local administrative letters entered in 6.17.030 Dog fighting, penalty 16.08.100
government services and facilities Ch. assignment of judgment recorded in 6.17.030 Dog guides or service animals, generally Ch.
36.115 certificate of lien cessation entry, effect 70.84
Sewer districts, See WATER-SEWER 4.64.100 Field trials, limitations 77.32.525, 77.32.540
DISTRICTS certified transcript of, execution against local Fire fighters
Soil and water conservation districts, See governmental entity 6.17.080 notice 43.44.120
CONSERVATION DISTRICTS entries in, contents 4.64.080 Greyhound racing prohibited 9.46.039
Taxing, See TAXING DISTRICTS entry of Guard animals

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 221]


registration 43.44.120 domestic relations 1.12.080 discrimination against victims prohibited

Guide dogs and service animals Subdivision of the state, partnerships created by 48.18.550
unfair practices of food establishments 26.60.060 Interference with reporting a gross misdemeanor
49.60.218 DOMESTIC RELATIONS (See also 9A.36.150
unfair practices of places of public resort GUARDIAN AND WARD; MARRIAGE; Interpreter, appointment and duties 26.50.055
49.60.215 PARENT AND CHILD) Judgment, lien on real estate for costs and fees
Guide dogs or service animals Community property, See COMMUNITY 26.50.200
crimes against 9.91.170 PROPERTY Law enforcement officers
public schools Desertion and nonsupport, See DESERTION liability for performance of duty 10.99.070
prohibiting discrimination Ch. 28A.642 AND NONSUPPORT policy or violence committed by 10.99.090
Killing or injuring domestic animals Domestic violence, official response, see training, duty, arrest powers, reports,
duty of owner to kill 16.08.030 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE transportation of victims, records
Killing or injuring livestock 10.99.030
killing of dog allowed 16.08.020 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (See also CHILD Leave from employment for victims Ch. 49.76
liability 16.08.010 ABUSE; HARASSMENT; Location of victim not to be disclosed 10.99.040
License of RESTRAINING ORDERS) Marriage application and records disclosure
unclassified cities 35.30.010 Abuse victim found guilty of murder of abuser 26.04.175
License tax prior to July 23, 1989 Murder
counties, See COUNTIES, subtitle Dogs, petition to indeterminate sentence review abuse victim found guilty of murder of abuser
license tax board 9.95.045 prior to July 23, 1989
Licensing resentencing to reduce sentence allowed petition to indeterminate sentence review
dog control zones Ch. 16.10 9.94A.890 board 9.95.045
Marauding dogs review of inmates sentence by indeterminate reduction in sentence, notice 72.02.270
duty of owner to kill 16.08.030 sentence review board 9.95.047 resentencing to reduce sentence allowed
Motor vehicle or enclosed space, unattended Appearance before a magistrate by defendant 9.94A.890
leaving or confining dog or other animal in 10.99.045
review of inmates sentence by
16.52.340 deadly weapons indeterminate sentence review board
Police dogs surrender of 10.99.045 9.95.047
immunity from liability for handler using dog defendants history, review by court of No-contact order
in line of duty 4.24.410 10.99.045
Arrests assault in violation of order, class C felony
Potentially dangerous dogs, regulation 16.08.090 10.99.050
Search and rescue detention period 46.64.015
immunity for police officer 10.31.100 defendants history, review by court of
theft of 9A.56.030 10.99.045
Search and rescue, interfering with 9.91.175 warrantless arrest, when authorized 10.31.100
Child custody and visitation issues duplicate or conflicting orders, reconciling of
Strays (estrays) 2.56.240
abandoned animals jurisdiction 26.50.020
Child custody or residential placement, enforcement 10.99.055
duty of sheriff 16.54.030 procedure 10.99.040
impounding in stock pounds prerequisites for court before granting
restraining order 26.50.135 procedure for issuing and entering 10.99.045
second-class cities 35.23.440 sentence conditions 10.99.050
towns 35.27.370 Courts
district, suspension or deferral of sentence statewide notice 10.99.040
Taking, concealing, injuring, killing, etc., penalty violation, penalties 10.99.040, 10.99.050
9.08.070 3.66.068
domestic violence courts, authorized 2.30.010 Notice of legal rights and remedies 10.99.030
DOMESTIC CORPORATIONS (See duties, requirements 10.99.040 Parenting plan
CORPORATIONS) municipal, sentencing 3.50.330 designation of custodian for purposes of other
DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIPS Deadly weapons statutes 26.50.220
Administrative procedure surrender of 10.99.040, 10.99.045 Penalty assessment 10.99.080
rights and responsibilities, extension of Definitions 10.99.020 Perpetrator programs
34.05.120 Domestic violence education program for health standards 26.50.150
Child custody, generally Ch. 26.10 care professionals 43.70.610 Prevention account 70.123.150
Child support Electronic monitoring may be required as Programs, domestic violence
enforcement, generally Ch. 26.18 condition of release of defendant 10.99.040 name or location, compelling person or
extension of rights and responsibilities Enforcement of orders restricting contact with program to disclose 26.50.250
26.18.240 victim 10.99.055 Programs for victims
schedule, generally Ch. 26.19 Fatality review panels Ch. 43.235 client records 70.123.075
Community property, property rights Fatality reviews, data collection and analysis Ch. community-based domestic violence
date of application 26.60.080 43.235 programs Ch. 70.123
generally Ch. 26.16 Firearms domestic violence prevention account
Definitions 26.60.020, 26.60.025 pistol licenses, concealed 70.123.150
Dissolution, generally Ch. 26.09 work group on revocation and information emergency shelter programs Ch. 70.123
Dissolution of partnership when married transmittal 2.56.250 families in shelters, certain public assistance
26.60.100 prohibition of future possession of weapon or payments to 70.123.110
Family abandonment or nonsupport, generally license 9.41.800 grant program for nonprofit providers of
Ch. 26.20 protection, no-contact, or restraining orders, services 70.123.090
Findings 26.60.010 unlawful possession by persons subject to minimum standards, establishing 70.123.040
Intent of legislature 26.60.015 9.41.040 prevention programs Ch. 70.123
Legal unions in other states, recognition in surrender of firearm or license by persons social and health services, department of
Washington 26.04.260, 26.60.090 subject to protection, no-contact, or duties and responsibilities 70.123.030,
Parentage act, uniform Ch. 26.26 restraining orders 9.41.800 70.123.040, 70.123.080, 70.123.090
Patient visitation 26.60.070 forms for surrender and receipt and technical assistance grant program
Reciprocity 26.60.090 nonsurrender 9.41.802, 9.41.804 counties 70.123.140
Registration 26.60.040 surrender of weapon or license 9.41.800 Prosecuting attorney, information to be furnished
Registry, forms, rules Foreign protection order full faith and credit act to the victim 10.99.060
secretary of state 43.07.400 Ch. 26.52 Protection orders
Requirements 26.60.030 Forms, instructions, and informational brochures computer entry for statewide notice 26.09.060
Revised Code of Washington administrative office of the courts to prepare duplicate or conflicting orders, reconciling of
domestic relations terms and state registered 26.50.035 2.56.240
domestic partnerships 1.12.080, 1.16.100, availability from court clerks 26.50.030 ex parte, against person with disability, brain
41.32.012 Health professions injury, or impairment 26.50.230
Same-sex marriages Ch. 26.04, 26.60.100 education program for health care foreign protection order full faith and credit
Statutes professionals 43.70.610 act Ch. 26.52
domestic relations terms 1.16.100 Hotline number to be given to victims 10.99.030 harassment
rules of construction Insurance civil proceeding 10.14.200

[RCW Indexpage 222] (2016 Ed.)


nonresident individuals, personal Trash deposited in donation bin, misdemeanor Defined 46.61.502
jurisdiction of court of the state over 9.91.130 Diagnostic evaluation and treatment for alcohol
10.14.155 DOORS violators 46.61.5056
immunity for arresting officer 26.09.300 Public buildings, swinging outward 70.54.070 Driver under age twenty-one
inform victim of rights 10.99.030 electronic monitoring or alcohol abstinence
judicial information system, required contents DOUBLE INDEMNITY monitoring 46.61.50571
of database 26.50.160, 26.50.165 Life insurance 48.23.250 mandatory appearances 46.61.50571
notice 26.09.300 DOUBLE JEOPARDY (See BAR TO Driver under twenty-one consuming alcohol,
personal jurisdiction of court over nonresident PROSECUTION) penalties 46.61.503
individual 26.50.240 Drivers license
DOUGLAS COUNTY ignition interlock drivers license 46.04.217,
procedures Ch. 26.50 Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.090
temporary maintenance or support motions 46.20.385
Superior court judges, number of 2.08.062 probationary license 46.20.355
protection orders 26.09.060
vulnerable adults 26.50.021 DOWN SYNDROME (See revocation for refusal to take breath or blood
Purpose, intent 10.99.010 DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, test 46.20.308
Recidivism study PERSONS WITH) suspension or revocation 46.20.311
institute for public policy 26.50.800 DOWNTOWN AND NEIGHBORHOOD Driving record, abstract of
Relief available, types 26.50.060, 26.50.070 COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS (See access 46.52.130
Reporting, interference with reporting a gross CITIES AND TOWNS) Drugs 46.61.540
misdemeanor 9A.36.150 Emergency response caused by intoxication
DRAFT (See MILITIA AND MILITARY recovery of costs of emergency response costs
Reporting of incidents AFFAIRS, subtitle Enrollment)
requirements and procedures 10.99.030 from convicted person 38.52.430
Restraining orders DRAINAGE DISTRICTS (See DIKING AND Enhanced enforcement district
DRAINAGE, subtitle Drainage districts; judges, assignment of visiting judges to
issuance of order in dissolution decree, district 2.56.110
procedure 26.09.050, 26.09.060 SEWERAGE, WATER AND
violation Fees
arrest 10.31.100 DRAINS (See CANALS, DITCHES, AND penalty schedule 46.61.5055
Sentence DRAINS) state toxicology laboratory and enforcement
factors, defendants criminal history DRAWBRIDGES (See BRIDGES) funding fee 46.61.5054
10.99.100 traffic safety commission grants, funding of
restriction of defendants contact with victim DRIVER LICENSE COMPACT
Generally Ch. 46.21 46.61.5054
10.99.050 Felony alcohol violators
Shelter availability, inform victim 10.99.030 DRIVERS LICENSES (See MOTOR treatment during incarceration 9.94A.603
Shelters, emergency, for victims, See VEHICLES, subtitle Drivers licenses) Fresh pursuit, uniform act Ch. 10.89
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, subtitle Programs DRIVERS TRAINING (See MOTOR Gross misdemeanor 46.61.502
for victims VEHICLES, subtitle Driver training Ignition interlock device, in connection with
Shelters for victims of schools) conditions of release 10.21.055
name or location, compelling person or Ignition interlocks, biological and technical
program to disclose 26.50.250 DRIVEWAYS
Cities and towns, construction, reconstruction devices 46.04.215, 46.20.710, 46.20.720,
Temporary protection order, ex parte 26.50.070 46.20.740, 46.20.745, 46.20.750, 46.20.755
Victim convicted of murder of abuser and repair, generally Ch. 35.68
Impaired driver blood samples, drawing by
reduction in sentence, notice 72.02.270 DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE (See health care professionals
Victims also DEFERRED PROSECUTION without consent under law enforcement
address confidentiality program Ch. 40.24 PROGRAM; MOTOR VEHICLES, direction
housing, affordable, and housing-related subtitle Driving under the influence) professional misconduct, is not 18.130.410
services 24/7 sobriety program 4.24.545, 10.21.055, Impaired driving safety account 46.68.260
local sales and use tax for 82.14.530 36.28A.300, 36.28A.320, 36.28A.330, Implied consent 46.20.308, 46.20.311,
landlord and tenant provisions 59.18.570, 36.28A.340, 36.28A.350, 36.28A.360, 46.20.3101
59.18.575, 59.18.580, 59.18.585 36.28A.370, 36.28A.380, 36.28A.390, Impoundment of vehicle after arrest 46.55.350,
leave from employment Ch. 49.76 46.61.5055 46.55.360, 46.55.370
mental and behavioral health facilities, Alcohol concentration, defined 46.04.015, Negligent homicide by motor vehicle 46.61.540
programs and services 46.61.502 Personal injury, contributory fault 5.40.060
local sales and use tax for 82.14.530 Alcohol information school attendance Physical control of a vehicle under the influence
notice of prosecution decision 10.99.060 46.61.5056 46.61.504
Vulnerable adults Alcohol or drug tests Seizure and forfeiture of vehicle 46.61.5058
protection orders 26.50.021 blood withdrawal, immunity from liability Sentences
46.61.508 attendance at program focusing on victims
DOMESTIC WASTE WATER implied consent 46.20.311, 46.20.3101 46.61.5152
TREATMENT PLANTS (See WASTE license sanctions 46.20.311, 46.20.3101 intermittent fulfillment 46.61.5151
TREATMENT PLANT OPERATORS) procedure 46.61.506 Vehicular assault 46.61.522
DONATION BINS refusal to take 46.61.517 Vehicular assault, homicide 7.68.020
Trash deposited in bin Alcohol or drug-related offenses Vehicular homicide 46.61.520
misdemeanor 9.91.130 arrest of operator with child present 46.61.507 Venue
DONATION CLAIMS (See also Arrest enhanced enforcement districts 3.66.070
HOMESTEADS) impoundment of vehicle 46.55.350, Wrongful death, contributory fault 5.40.060
Ejectment and quieting title actions 7.28.280 46.55.360, 46.55.370 DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED (See
warrantless, when authorized 10.31.100 DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE)
DONATIONS (See also CONTRIBUTIONS; Bicyclists 46.61.790
GIFTS) Breach of duty imposed by statute, ordinance, or DROPOUTS (See SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL
Benevolent societies, real property, marking on rule DISTRICTS, subtitle Educational
plat 58.08.015 negligence per se 5.40.050 centers)
Cities and towns Breath tests DROUGHT
authority to accept and use 35.21.100 implied consent 46.20.308 Drought preparedness account 43.83B.430
use to finance pedestrian malls 35.71.060 Child is present, arrest of vehicle operator when Ecology, department of
Conveyances, donations marked on plat, 26.44.250 emergency relief powers
quitclaim deed, effect 58.08.015 Counties implementation orders, procedure
Food to needy persons minimum penalties 36.32.127 43.83B.405
liability Ch. 69.80 Courts, DUI, authorized 2.30.010 legislative intent 43.83B.400
Judges retirement fund, to 2.12.050 Criminal history and driving record, verification limitations on powers granted 43.83B.425
Metropolitan park districts, public streets 46.61.513 loans and grants, authority to make
35.61.290 Defenses 9A.16.090, 46.61.502 43.83B.415
Real property, marked on plat, effect 58.08.015 Deferred prosecution program Ch. 10.05 rule making authority 43.83B.420

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 223]


withdrawals and diversions of water, Buildings rule-making authority of pharmacy quality

temporary, authorization 43.83B.410 abatement order 7.43.080, 7.43.090 assurance commission 69.50.301
Flood control, permit processing, emergency damages not precluded 7.43.130 seizure or placement under seal 69.50.304
water withdrawals and facilities, expedited forfeiture, proceeds 7.43.100 violations, revocation suspension of
86.16.180 injunctions, drug nuisances Ch. 7.43 registration 69.50.304, 69.50.305
General provisions 43.83B.300 lien 7.43.120 methamphetamine, possession of substances
Joint legislative committee on water supply moral nuisances 7.48.052 with intent to manufacture, penalty
during drought Buildings, use for unlawful drugs 69.53.010, 69.50.440
created 90.86.010 69.53.020, 69.53.030 minors
meetings, requests for information 90.86.030 Cathinone or methcathinone sale or transfer to minor of controlled
membership 90.86.020 additional fine 69.50.438 substance 69.50.414
Withdrawals and diversions of water, temporary, unfair or deceptive practice 69.50.460 nomenclature 69.50.202
authorization by department of ecology Chemical dependency, See ALCOHOLISM overdoses, seeking medical assistance for
43.83B.410 AND DRUG ADDICTION, subtitle 69.50.315
DRUG ADDICTION (See ALCOHOLISM Chemical dependency; ALCOHOLISM pharmacy quality assurance commission,
AND DRUG ADDICTION) AND DRUG ADDICTION, subtitle authority and enforcement 69.50.201
Treatment possession by person not a prisoner in a
DRUG AND ALCOHOL PROGRAMS (See Child abuse correctional institution, penalty 9.94.045
ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG alcohol or controlled substances as possession in correctional institutions
ADDICTION; DEFERRED contributing factor, evaluation of alleged prohibited, posting of notice required
PROSECUTION PROGRAM) perpetrator 26.44.170 9.94.047
DRUG COURTS (See COURTS) drug or alcohol-related driving offenses preemption by state 69.50.608
Substance use disorder treatment services child is present, arrest of vehicle operator prescriptions
71.24.540 when 26.44.250 generally 69.50.308, 69.50.311
Codeine long-term facilities and hospice programs,
DRUG PARAPHERNALIA controlled substances, uniform act Ch. 69.50 dispensing to 69.50.308
Definitions 69.50.102 Colleges or universities prisoner in penal institution, penalty for
Delivery or use prohibited, penalty 69.50.412 liquor or illegal drug use, complaint possession 9.94.041
Seizure and forfeiture 69.50.505 procedures and sanctions 28B.10.575 prohibited acts
Selling or giving prohibited, penalty 69.50.4121 Common carriers, inspection of records bar to prosecution 69.50.405
DRUGGISTS (See PHARMACIES AND 69.04.810 conspiracy 69.50.407
PHARMACISTS) Common name and ingredients, labeling distribution or dispensing, penalties
DRUGLESS HEALING (See requirements 69.04.490 69.50.402
NATUROPATHY) Community-police partnership distribution to person under age eighteen,
local law enforcement agencies encouraged to penalty 69.50.406
DRUGS (See also NARCOTICS; form in high crime areas 43.101.240 drug paraphernalia 69.50.412, 69.50.4121
PHARMACIES AND PHARMACISTS; Condemnation 69.04.100, 69.04.150 manufacture, delivery, or possession,
PRESCRIPTIONS) Contaminated properties penalties 69.50.401
Abatement order 7.43.080, 7.43.090 decontamination, disposal, or removal Ch. penalties under other laws 69.50.404
Abortion 64.44 procurement, penalties 69.50.403
articles or drugs for, exposing for sale, penalty Contraception, self-administered, drug therapy sale for profit 69.50.410
9.68.030 related to, See BIRTH CONTROL second or subsequent offenses 69.50.408
Addiction to drugs and alcohol, See Controlled substances property or money, receipt from U.S. attorney
ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG ADDICTION administrative procedure, judicial review general, agencies authorized 43.17.150
Adulteration 69.50.507 republishing and updating schedules
compendium standard, failure to comply analysis of controlled substance by state patrol 69.50.213
69.04.420 crime laboratory schedule I
harmful substances 69.04.410 analytical report is prima facie evidence criteria for inclusion 69.50.203
strength, purity, or quality below standard 43.43.680 list of included substances 69.50.204
69.04.430 fee for analysis, court imposition and schedule II
substitution or admixture 69.04.440 collection 43.43.690 cannabis products included for controlled
Adulteration, penalty 18.64.270 subpoena of forensic scientist 43.43.680 substances therapeutic research program
Advertising, when deemed false 69.04.710, animal control agencies, sodium pentobarbital purposes 69.51.080
69.04.720 use 69.50.310 criteria for inclusion 69.50.205
AIDS counseling 70.24.095 application of chapter 69.50.601 list of included substances 69.50.206
AIDS testing and counseling 70.24.350 burden of proof 69.50.506 schedule III
Anabolic steroids, See STEROIDS containers 69.50.309 criteria for inclusion 69.50.207
Androgens, See STEROIDS controlled substance analog 69.50.214 list of included substances 69.50.208
Antineoplastic drugs counterfeit substances 69.50.416 schedule IV
definition 49.17.460 definitions 69.50.101, 69.50.1011 criteria for inclusion 69.50.209
rules for handling 49.17.465 distribution to person under age eighteen, list of included substances 69.50.210
Antipsychotic medications penalty 69.50.406 schedule V
criminally insane, involuntary administration diversion prevention and control 69.50.525 criteria for inclusion 69.50.211
10.77.094 educational and research programs 69.50.508 list of included substances 69.50.212
mental illness 71.05.215 electronic communication of prescriptions schedules, authority to change 69.50.201
Antiseptic as germicide, determination 69.04.017 authorized, conditions 69.50.312 search and seizure
Arrests, possession of cannabis, when authorized enforcement personnel, powers 69.50.500 rental premises, landlord notification
10.31.100 fish and wildlife chemical capture program 69.50.510
Behavioral health services and organizations, 69.50.320 warrants 69.50.509
See ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG hazardous substances, cleanup 69.50.511 seizure and forfeiture
ADDICTION, subtitle Behavioral health homicide 69.50.415 landlords property, damage costs 69.50.505
services and organizations imitation substances, violations and procedure 69.50.505
Biological drug products, interchangeable enforcement Ch. 69.52 property subject to seizure and forfeiture
substitution for other biological drug products inspections by pharmacy quality assurance 69.50.505
69.41.110, 69.41.120, 69.41.125, commission 69.50.501, 69.50.502 uniformity of interpretation 69.50.603
69.41.150, 69.41.160, 69.41.193, intergovernmental cooperation 69.50.504 violations
69.41.196 juvenile driving privileges, revocation for counterfeit substances 69.50.416,
Birth control violation 69.50.420 69.50.4011
self-administered contraception, drug therapy liability of enforcement personnel 69.50.506 delivery of substance in lieu of 69.50.4012
related to, See BIRTH CONTROL manufacture, distribution, and dispensing felonies, additional fine 69.50.430
Breach of duty imposed by statute, ordinance, or recordkeeping requirements 69.50.306 health care practitioners, license suspension
rule registration requirements 69.50.302, 69.50.413
negligence per se 5.40.050 69.50.303 injunctions 69.50.503

[RCW Indexpage 224] (2016 Ed.)


involving a person under eighteen Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, prescription drugs, labeling exemptions
69.50.4015 phenylpropanolamine 69.04.560
marijuana, possession of forty grams or less electronic tracking system for sales Ch. 69.43 readability 69.04.470
69.50.4014 precursor drug sales, requirements Ch. 69.43 Laetrile
possession of 69.50.4013 Epinephrine certification 70.54.140
provisions not applicable to RCW 69.50.410 emergency medical services personnel, legislative declaration 70.54.130
69.50.4016 authority to administer 18.73.250 physicians immunity from prescribing or
public places or facilities, violations Epinephrine autoinjectors (EPI pens) administering 70.54.150
committed in or on 69.50.435 prescribing to certain entities for emergency prescription, administration, permitted
wiretaps use 70.54.440 70.54.140
authorization 9.73.090, 9.73.230 school supply and use of 28A.210.383 Landlord and tenant
evidence, admissibility 9.73.230 Factories, warehouses, and vehicles, right of manufactured or mobile homes
judicial authorization 9.73.220 entry 69.04.820 tenant duties 59.20.140
one-party consent 9.73.210 Family dependency treatment courts, authorized termination grounds 59.20.080
reports 9.73.230 2.30.010 notification of landlord of seizure 59.18.075
violations 9.73.240 Food, drug, and cosmetic act Ch. 69.04 notify landlord of seizure 59.20.155
Controlled substances, uniform act Ch. 69.50 Generic drugs tenant duty regarding 59.18.130, 59.18.180
Controlled substances therapeutic research substitution for brand name drugs 69.41.110, unlawful detainer 59.18.180, 59.18.390,
program Ch. 69.51 69.41.120, 69.41.130, 69.41.140, 59.18.400
Covers or caps on bottles or jars, safety 69.41.150, 69.41.160, 69.41.170, Legend drugs, See DRUGS, subtitle Prescription
requirements 18.64.246 69.41.180 drugs
Crack houses Ch. 69.53 Group contracts for health care services Licenses
Cure of certain diseases, when claim deemed 48.44.240 manufacturers 18.64.045
false advertising 69.04.720 Habit forming substances peddlers registration 18.64.047
Dangerous drugs labeling requirements 69.04.480 refusal, suspension, and revocation
arrests, possession of cannabis, when Hallucinogenic substances appeal procedure 18.64.200
authorized 10.31.100 controlled substances, uniform act Ch. 69.50 grounds 18.64.165
cannabis, possession of, warrantless arrests for Hazardous drugs wholesalers 18.64.046
10.31.100 definitions 49.17.460 Lie detector tests, requiring of employee or
rehabilitation and treatment programs and rules for handling 49.17.465 prospective employee, unlawful, penalty,
facilities authorized 72.49.020 Health, department of exception 49.44.120
Dangerous products, dissemination of police power 18.64.009 Liquor laws, exemptions 66.12.060, 66.12.070
information 69.04.840 Health care entities Manufacturers
Defined 69.04.009 license and requirements for legend drug and licensing requirements 18.64.045
Deterioration precautions 69.04.520 controlled substance purchase or use, penalties for violations 18.64.045
Dextromethorphan, regulating sales Ch. 69.75 exception 18.64.450, 18.64.460, 18.64.470 Marijuana
Directions for use 69.04.500 Hearings 69.04.750, 69.04.761 bundled transactions, retail sales, tax,
DMSO Human growth hormones, See STEROIDS exception 69.50.570
Hypodermic syringes, needles butane or other explosive gases, use by
prescription, administration permitted dealers duty to determine sale legality
70.54.190 marijuana processor
70.115.050, 70.115.060 prohibition 69.50.450
DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide), authorized Imitation controlled substances cannabinoids, synthetic
69.04.565 contraband, seizure 69.52.040 unfair or deceptive practice 69.50.455
Drivers license ineligibility 46.20.031 definitions 69.52.020 cannabis health and beauty aids
Driving privileges of juveniles injunctive action by attorney general regulations and penalties, inapplicability of
revocation for alcohol or drug violations 69.52.050 69.50.575
66.44.365 injunctive action by manufacturer 69.52.060 cathinone or methcathinone
Driving under the influence juvenile driving privileges, revocation for unfair or deceptive practice 69.50.460
child is present, arrest of vehicle operator violation 69.52.070 controlled purchase programs
when 26.44.250 seizure at rental premises, landlord retailers selling to underage persons,
personal injury, wrongful death, contributory notification 69.52.045 penalties 69.50.560
fault 5.40.060 violations, exceptions 69.52.030 controlled substances, uniform act Ch. 69.50
traffic safety commission to inform and Improper packaging and labeling 69.04.510 controlled substances therapeutic research
educate 43.59.140 Infants, drug and alcohol-affected program 69.51.060
Drug asset forfeiture cases definition 13.34.801, 13.34.802 cooperatives
attorney general assistance to local law model project 13.34.800 business and occupation tax exemption,
enforcement agencies 43.10.260 Injunctions when 82.04.756
distribution of recovered assets 43.10.270 damages not precluded 7.43.130 definitions for excise tax purposes 82.02.010
Drug control assistance unit of state patrol forfeiture, proceeds 7.43.100 legal production, sale, and use
43.43.600, 43.43.610, 43.43.620, 43.43.630, lien 7.43.120 definitions 69.50.101
43.43.640, 43.43.650 nuisances Ch. 7.43 generally Ch. 69.50
Drug courts, various, See COURTS Intrastate commerce in food, drugs, and legalization
Drug paraphernalia cosmetics Ch. 69.04 THC concentration and driving, provisions
definitions 69.50.102 Investigational use drugs 69.04.630 concerning 46.20.3101, 46.61.502,
Drug prosecution assistance program Investigations 69.04.780, 69.04.790 46.61.503, 46.61.504, 46.61.506,
transfer of duties from department of Itinerant peddlers or vendors, registration 46.61.50571
commerce to criminal justice training requirements 18.64.047 license applicants, signage and public notice
commission 43.330.908 Juveniles requirements
Drug-affected babies, prenatal newborn driving privileges, revocation and producers, processors, researchers, retailers
screening Ch. 70.83E reinstatement following violation 69.50.580
Drug-free zones 69.50.435 13.40.265, 69.50.420, 69.52.070 licenses
DUI courts, authorized 2.30.010 Kidney dialysis programs, prescription drugs application and renewal fee, additional
Embargo 69.04.110, 69.04.120, 69.04.130, 18.64.257 66.08.2602
69.04.140, 69.04.150 Labels marijuana club, conducting or maintaining
Emergency medical services deterioration precautions 69.04.520 penalty 69.50.465
ambulance or aid services, providing drugs to directions for use and warnings 69.04.500 marijuana land uses, property tax exemption
18.64.540 drugs in transit for completion, labeling in certain cases 84.34.410
Emergency response caused by intoxication exemption 69.04.550 medical use 28B.20.502
recovery of emergency response costs from false or misleading 69.04.450 medical use, tax exemptions 82.08.9998,
convicted person 38.52.430 habit forming substances 69.04.480 82.12.9998
Enforcement authority 69.04.730, 69.04.800 improper packaging and labeling 69.04.510 medical use of cannabis act Ch. 69.51A
Enforcement funding, cigarette tax Ch. 82.24, name and ingredients 69.04.490 personal services by producer or processor
Ch. 82.26 packaged drugs 69.04.460 69.50.585

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 225]


possessing or consuming in vehicle on penalties for violations 10.66.090, 10.66.100 prohibited acts 69.41.020
highway 46.61.745 relief 10.66.050 purchasing consortium
possession of, warrantless arrests for venue 10.66.120 account 70.14.070
10.31.100 Operating motor vehicle while under influence participation, exceptions, rules 70.14.060
possession of forty grams or less, penalty 9.91.020 recordkeeping requirements 69.41.042
69.50.4014 Opiates rental premises, search and seizure 69.41.062
promotional items from producer or processor controlled substances, uniform act Ch. 69.50 sale without prescription 69.04.540
69.50.585 Opioid overdose medication samples Ch. 69.45
public records act exemptions 42.56.620, prescriptions for 69.41.095 search and seizure 69.41.060
42.56.630, 42.56.640 Overdoses supply limit for drugs other than controlled
research license 69.50.372 medical assistance, seeking 69.50.315 substances 18.64.520
retail store with pharmacy license, amount Over-the-counter medications, imprinting transfers between hospitals and affiliated
inadvertently left at 69.50.515 requirements Ch. 69.60 companies
retailers Packaged drugs authority for, when 70.41.490
medical marijuana endorsement 69.50.375 labeling requirements 69.04.460 violations
medical marijuana endorsement, holding Paraphernalia, See DRUG PARAPHERNALIA juvenile driving privileges, revocation and
THC concentration in products 69.50.378 Personal injury reinstatement 69.41.065
vending machines and drive-through defense, contributory fault 5.40.060 penalties 69.41.072, 69.41.350
purchase facilities, prohibiting 69.50.390 Pharmacies and pharmacists, licensing and rental premises, search and seizure
sales of marijuana and marijuana products regulation Ch. 18.64 69.41.062
prohibiting certain sales 69.50.380 Pharmacy quality assurance commission, powers search and seizure 69.41.060
THC concentration and driving, provisions and duties Ch. 69.04 warehousing and reselling, tax imposed
concerning 46.20.308 Poison information center, statewide services Ch. 82.04.272
transporting or delivering 18.76 Prescription drugs, See also PRESCRIPTIONS
common carriers 69.50.382, 69.50.385 Poison prevention packaging Ch. 70.106 Prohibited acts
tribal agreements, tax exemptions 43.06.490, Poisons, See POISONS enumeration 69.04.040
82.08.9997, 82.12.9997 Poisons or other harmful objects in food, drinks, injunctions 69.04.050
tribal marijuana tax 43.06.490 medicine, or water Ch. 69.40 liability of disseminator of advertising
tribe and state agreement, commercial Precursor drugs Ch. 69.43 69.04.090
activities covered by Prescription drugs Ch. 69.41 penalties 69.04.060, 69.04.070, 69.04.080
taxes, fees, assessments, charges 69.50.555 animal control agencies, possession and use Prosecution assistance program, statewide
trust fund taxes, unpaid by limited liability 69.41.080 advisory committee 36.27.110
company compounding, purity standards for 18.64.270
liability, administrative hearing 69.50.565 creation 36.27.100
confidentiality 69.41.044, 69.41.280,
Methamphetamine 69.45.090 operations 36.27.120
controlled substances, uniform act Ch. 69.50 definitions 69.41.010 Reports, publication 69.04.830
manufacture with child on premises, reporting dialysis programs 69.41.032 Rule-making authority 69.04.740
requirements 26.44.200 donation and dispensing through Samples, manufacturer distribution to
manufacture with child on premises, special redistribution program Ch. 69.70 practitioners Ch. 69.45
allegation 9.94A.827 drug imprints, published list 69.41.220 Steroids, See STEROIDS
Minors electronic communication of prescriptions Substance use disorder, See ALCOHOLISM
driving privilege revocation, alcohol or drug authorized, conditions 69.41.055 AND DRUG ADDICTION
violations 66.44.365 emergency medications, prepackaged In transit for completion, labeling exemption
Misbranding authority for practitioners to prescribe 69.04.550
false or misleading labels 69.04.450 70.41.480 Treatment, responsibility, and accountability on
Misleading representations 69.04.530 generic drugs, substitution for brand name campus (Back on TRAC) courts, authorized
Moral nuisances drugs 69.41.110, 69.41.120, 69.41.130, 2.30.010
defined 7.48A.010 69.41.140, 69.41.150, 69.41.160, Treatment, See ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG
Motor carriers 69.41.170, 69.41.180 ADDICTION, subtitle Chemical
alcohol and controlled substance testing identification and lists of drugs 69.41.075 dependency; ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG
program 81.04.530 identification and marking ADDICTION, subtitle Treatment
Motor vehicles application of chapter 69.41.260 Uniform controlled substances act Ch. 69.50
driving under the influence 46.61.502 definitions 69.41.210 Veterans treatment courts, authorized 2.30.010
physical control of while under the influence exemptions 69.41.250 Veterinarians
46.61.504 pharmacy quality assurance commission, authority to dispense legend drugs prescribed
Narcotic drugs rule-making authority 69.41.240 by other veterinarians 18.92.012
rehabilitation and treatment programs and requirements 69.41.200 dispensing by personnel authorized 18.92.013
facilities authorized 72.49.020 violations, drugs declared contraband Violations
Narcotic drugs, See also NARCOTICS 69.41.230 civil penalty 69.04.880
Narcotics insurance claims infractions 69.04.170
labeling requirements 69.04.480 preapproved individual claim may not be prosecution 69.04.160
National guard mutual assistance counter-drug rejected later, recordkeeping requirements Warning labels 69.04.500
activities compact 38.08.500 48.20.525, 48.21.325, 48.44.465, Wholesalers
New drugs 48.46.535 licensing requirements 18.64.046
application for introduction 69.04.580, labeling exemptions 69.04.560 penalties for violations 18.64.046
69.04.590, 69.04.600, 69.04.610, labeling requirements 69.41.050 Wrongful death
69.04.620, 69.04.640 legend drugs defense, contributory fault 5.40.060
exemptions from requirements 69.04.650, long-term care facilities and hospice DRUNK DRIVING (See DRIVING UNDER
69.04.660 programs, dispensing to 69.41.041, THE INFLUENCE)
introduction requirements 69.04.570 69.41.055
Nuisances Ch. 7.43 preferred drug substitution 69.41.190 DUE PROCESS
buildings 7.48.052 prescription requirement 69.41.030 Foreign judgments of debt, effect on faith
moral nuisances legitimate medical purposes for prescriptions accorded to as evidence of indebtedness
defined 7.48A.010 69.41.040 5.44.020
Off-limits orders, drug traffickers manufacturers and distributors, duties DUMBWAITERS (See ELEVATORS,
appearance by party 10.66.070 69.41.200, 69.41.220, 69.41.230, ESCALATORS AND DUMBWAITERS)
bond or security of applicant 10.66.060 69.41.250, 69.41.260
definitions 10.66.010 medication assistance in community-based DUNE BUGGIES
ex parte temporary order 10.66.040 settings 69.41.085 Inspection and approval required 46.37.520
hearing 10.66.030 pharmacy quality assurance commission, rule- DURESS
issuance 10.66.020, 10.66.080 making authority 69.41.075 Confession made under, cannot be used
jurisdiction 10.66.110 preferred drug substitution 69.41.190 10.58.030
modification of order 10.66.130 prescription required, exceptions 69.41.030 Defense to criminal prosecution 9A.16.060

[RCW Indexpage 226] (2016 Ed.)


Obtaining a signature by, class C felony birth-to-three interagency coordinating definitions 43.215.146
9A.60.030 council 43.215.470, 43.215.472, findings, intent 43.215.145
DUSTERS AND SPRAYERS (See 43.215.474, 43.215.476 funding 43.215.147
PESTICIDE APPLICATION; POISONS) early intervention services 43.215.470, home visitation services coordination or
43.215.472, 43.215.474, 43.215.476 consolidation plan 43.215.147
DWELLING (See HOUSING) eligible providers, state-funded support, data Home visiting services account
DYNAMITE (See EXPLOSIVES) collection 43.215.415 purpose, administration, funding 43.215.130
funding and statewide implementation Incarcerated parents
EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND 43.215.456 support for children of 43.215.065
ASSISTANCE PROGRAM gift, grants, support 43.215.450 Legislative findings 43.215.005
Child abuse prevention training for participants legislative intent 43.215.400 Licensing, agencies
43.63A.066 licensing standards for program and child care access to agencies, records 43.215.240
EARLY LEARNING, DEPARTMENT OF 43.215.201 actions against agencies 43.215.330
Adverse childhood experiences, preventing and pathway to program 43.215.415 actions against agencies, reporting 43.215.370
mitigating effects of Ch. 70.305 referrals as part of family assessment response adjudicative proceedings 43.215.310
Advisory committees or councils 43.215.050 process 26.44.272 application 43.215.260
Background checks reports 43.215.435 articles of incorporation 43.215.230
employees working with children 41.06.475 rule making for program 43.215.425 background checks
Child abuse prevention training 43.63A.066 rules 43.215.425 clearance card or certificate 43.215.215
Child and youth development professionals state support, priorities, funding 43.215.440 individual-based/portable background check
core competencies 43.215.105 voluntary preschool opportunities 43.215.455, clearance registry 43.215.216,
Child care services 43.215.456 43.215.217, 43.215.218
state policy 43.215.495 voluntary preschool opportunities, early shared background checks 43.215.200,
Child care subsidy fraud learning program for 43.215.455, 43.215.215
referral of suspected incidents to department 43.215.456, 43.215.457 building code, licensing pending compliance
of social and health services 43.215.562 Early learning advisory council 43.215.090 with
Child care workers 43.215.371, 43.215.500, Early start act, provisions of department consultation with local officials
43.215.502, 43.215.505, 43.215.510 comprehensive provisions Ch. 43.215 43.215.308
Child day care centers 43.215.520, 43.215.525, definitions 43.215.010 character, suitability, and competence
43.215.530, 43.215.532, 43.215.545 early achievers program 43.215.215
Child day care services annual progress report, and mitigation plan child care workers, reporting resignation of
child care expansion grant 43.215.555 for certain areas 43.215.102 termination of 43.215.371
child care partnership employer liaison, duties culturally diverse and low-income center civil fines, adjudicative proceedings
43.215.550 providers, participation of 43.215.101 43.215.307
children ages sixty months through six years, early achievers review subcommittee denial, suspension, nonrenewal 43.215.300,
placement of 43.215.564 43.215.090 43.215.305
referrals as part of family assessment response family home child care providers, directors duties 43.215.200
process 26.44.272 participation of 43.215.101 fees 43.215.255
subsidized child care report and assessment joint select committee on the early achievers fire protection 43.43.939, 43.215.210
43.215.560 program 43.215.1001 initial 43.215.280
Child fatality reviews quality rating and improvement system license required 43.215.250
child fatality review subcommittee 43.215.100 minimum requirements 43.215.205,
43.215.490 early childhood education and assistance 43.215.360
investigation by department program negotiated rule-making 43.215.350,
communication with children 43.06A.100 applications, review of 43.215.430 43.215.355
data collection and evaluation, including notifying agency of licensing requirement
reviews of fatalities 43.215.490 education data center role 43.215.492 43.215.370
Created 43.17.010 eligible providers, state-funded support, data operating with license, penalty 43.215.340
Day care insurance 43.215.535 collection 43.215.415 pesticide use, notice 43.215.220
Definitions 43.215.010 funding and statewide implementation probationary 43.215.290
Department created, duties 43.215.020, 43.215.456 renewal 43.215.270
43.215.545 licensing standards for program and child suspension, noncompliance and reissuance
Director 43.17.020, 43.17.030, 43.17.040, care 43.215.201 43.215.320
43.215.030, 43.215.040 pathway to program 43.215.415 unlicensed providers
Early achievers program rule making for program 43.215.425 notification to agency, penalty, posting on
annual progress report, and mitigation plan for voluntary preschool opportunities web site 43.215.335
certain areas 43.215.102 43.215.455, 43.215.456 window blind pull cords 43.215.360
community information and involvement plan early start account 43.215.195 Offices
home-based, tribal, and family early learning licensing duties of director 43.215.200 branch offices 43.17.050
program providers 43.215.103 licensing standards state capital, office maintained at 43.17.050
culturally diverse and low-income center child care and early childhood education and Private-public partnerships 43.215.070,
providers, participation of 43.215.101 assistance program 43.215.201 43.215.110
early achievers review subcommittee local government efforts, integration with Reports 43.215.080
43.215.090 43.215.099 Rules 43.17.060
family home child care providers, short title 43.215.909 Sexual misconduct or abuse, report of alleged
participation of 43.215.101 working connections child care program 43.215.120
joint select committee on the early achievers change in providers, notification of Tiered reimbursement system, pilot sites
program 43.215.1001 43.215.1352 43.215.540
quality rating and improvement system contracted child care slots and vouchers Voluntary preschool opportunities, early learning
43.215.100 43.215.137 program for
voluntary quality rating and improvement subsidy requirements, tiered definitions 43.215.140
system 43.215.100 reimbursements, copayments 43.215.135 funding and statewide implementation,
Early care and education professionals Early start program reports 43.215.456
core competencies 43.215.105 findings, intent 43.215.460 program standards 43.215.455
Early childhood education and assistance Evaluation, legislative audit and review short title 43.215.457
program committee 43.215.907 Washington kindergarten inventory of
admission and funding 43.215.410 Family day care providers 43.215.520, developing skills
advisory committee 43.215.420, 43.215.445 43.215.525, 43.215.530 fairness and bias review 28A.655.220
applications, review of 43.215.430 Federal and state cooperation 43.215.060 Working connections child care program
data collection and evaluation, including Head start program, statewide 43.215.125 applicant and recipient requirements
education data center role 43.215.492 referrals as part of family assessment response 43.215.1352
definitions 43.215.405 process 26.44.272 change in providers, notification of
disabilities, infants and toddlers with Home visitation programs 43.215.1352

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 227]


contracted child care slots and vouchers East Asian medicine practitioners, changing SEPA categorical exemption, requirements,
43.215.137 professional designation of acupuncturists department role 43.21C.470
department duties 43.215.136 to 18.06.005 Brownfield redevelopment, department role
department of social and health services duties Advisory committee 18.06.220 70.105D.140
43.215.136 Immunity from prosecution while performing Burning permits, political subdivisions,
income eligibility and copayment duties on committee or board 4.24.240 delegation of issuance authority 70.94.6530
unemployment compensation, twenty-five Licensure and regulation of practitioners Ch. Carbon dioxide mitigation
dollar increase to 43.215.1351 18.06 generally Ch. 80.70
standards and guidelines 43.215.136 Physician assistants, continued practice under Chehalis basin, office of, establishing in
subsidy authorization 43.215.135 present license authorized 18.71A.085 department 43.21A.730
subsidy requirements, tiered reimbursements, Point injection therapy services 18.06.230 Childrens safe products Ch. 70.240
copayments 43.215.135 Professional negligence Civil service
standard of proof 4.24.290 exemptions 41.06.073
Children 26.16.125 EASTERN STATE HOSPITAL (See
HOSPITALS FOR MENTAL ILLNESS) authorized 43.37.215
Descent and distribution, right to sue for rents exemption from permit requirements during
and profits by heirs and devisees 11.04.250 EASTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY state of emergency 43.37.220
Local improvement guaranty fund 35.54.030 (See COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES; Coal tar pavement product
EARTH MOVEMENTS REGIONAL UNIVERSITIES) prohibiting sale and use Ch. 70.295
Advisory committee 76.09.305 EASTERN WASHINGTON VETERANS Combined heat and power systems
Program to correct hazards 76.09.300, 76.09.310, HOME (See WASHINGTON engines, stationary natural gas
76.09.315, 76.09.320 VETERANS HOMES) permitting process and emission limits
Resistance standards for buildings FACILITIES) Comprehensive Environmental Response,
definition 70.86.010 Compensation and Liability Act, state
ECOLOGY (See AIR POLLUTION participation and administration 43.21A.440
intensities 70.86.020 CONTROL; ECOLOGY,
penalty for violations 70.86.040 Confidentiality of information 43.21A.160
DEPARTMENT OF; ENVIRONMENT; Conservation commission and conservation
standards for design and construction SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT;
70.86.030 districts Ch. 89.08
Cities and towns Adjudicative proceedings, authority of pollution Construction projects in state waters Ch. 77.55
vacated streets and alleys 35.79.030 control hearings board 43.21B.240 Cost-reimbursement agreements 43.21A.690,
water mains across private property 35.92.010 Administrative procedure act, application 90.03.265
Easements by dedications 43.21A.070 Created 43.17.010
subdivisions, alteration of, subject to RCW Agricultural burning practices and research task Dairy nutrient management, powers and duties
64.04.175 58.17.218 force 70.94.6528 transfer 90.64.901
Established by dedication Air pollution Dam safety, department report 90.54.160
extinguishing or altering 64.04.175 hazardous substance remedial action Definitions 43.21A.030
Logging roads procedural requirements of chapter not Deputy director 43.21A.100
obligation to carry products of condemnees applicable 70.94.335 Detergent phosphorus content Ch. 70.95L
8.24.040 limitation on other governmental units or Development, state master plan of 43.21A.350,
Militia property 38.12.020 persons 70.94.370 43.21A.355
National guard property 38.12.020 metals mining and milling operations Diesel emissions
Private way of necessity 70.94.620 diesel engine idling reduction projects, loans
authority 8.24.010 personnel, employment of 70.94.350 for
condemnation procedure 8.24.030 Air pollution control department rule adoption Ch. 70.325
corporations 8.20.070 transportation activities Director
costs 8.24.030 conformity criteria 70.94.037 appointment 43.17.020
definitions 8.24.010 Air pollution control, See also AIR appointment and authority 43.21A.050
fees 8.24.030 POLLUTION CONTROL beverage containers, pull-tab openers
joinder of surrounding owners 8.24.015 Air quality program prohibited
logging road technical assistance for regulated community duties relating to 70.132.900
obligation to carry products of condemnees 70.94.035 chief assistant director 43.17.040
8.24.040 Aquatic resources mitigation Ch. 90.74 delegation of powers and duties 43.21A.090
selection of route 8.24.025 Beverage containers emergency cloud seeding program,
Public lands pull-tab openers, prohibited establishment 43.37.215
aquatic landseasements and rights of way enforcement energy facility site evaluation council member
Ch. 79.110 administration 70.132.040 80.50.030
easements over Ch. 79.36 Biosolid management program 70.95J.020 oath 43.17.030
Public property held as open space 58.17.225 Biosolids powers and duties, generally 43.17.030
Solar energy systems beneficial uses 70.95J.030 vacancy 43.17.040
authorized 64.04.140 definitions 70.95J.010 Divisions of department 43.21A.100
creation, written agreement, requirement enforcement of regulations Drought relief
64.04.160 department of ecology authority 70.95J.050 emergency powers
definitions 35.63.015, 36.70.025, 64.04.150 federal requirements 70.95J.007 implementation orders, procedure
interference with, remedies legislative findings 70.95J.005 43.83B.405
attorneys fees 64.04.170 permit issuance and enforcement legislative intent 43.83B.400
damages 64.04.170 local health department authority 70.95J.080 limitations on powers granted 43.83B.425
injunction 64.04.170 permit review 70.95J.090 loans and grants, authority to make
sunlight access protection 35.63.080 violations 43.83B.415
department of ecology authority 70.95J.040 rule-making authority 43.83B.420
Subdivisions, alteration of withdrawals and diversions of water,
easements by dedication subject to RCW gross misdemeanor punishment 70.95J.060
monetary penalty 70.95J.070 temporary, authorization 43.83B.410
64.04.175 58.17.218 Drug manufacturing facilities, cleanup 69.50.511
Bisphenol A
Taxation restrictions on manufacture and sale of Ecological commission
public utilities Ch. 84.20 containers containing Ch. 70.280 state environmental policy, commission duties
EAST ASIAN MEDICINE Brake friction material Ch. 43.21C
PRACTITIONERS restrictions on manufacture and sale of certain Employment of personnel 43.21A.120
Acupuncture assistants material Ch. 70.285 Environmental certification programs
application of acupuncture certification Branch offices 43.17.050 demonstration activities 43.21A.175
requirements 18.06.180 Bridges, structurally deficient, emergency work Environmental checklist
Acupuncturists on lead agency, authority of 43.21C.460

[RCW Indexpage 228] (2016 Ed.)


Environmental excellence program agreements response by emergency responders grants available 70.105.235
Ch. 43.21K grants for response and firefighting pollution control hearings board to hear
Environmental excellence program agreements, equipment and resources 43.21A.721 disputes 70.105.250
effect 43.21A.155 superior court review of department decisions preparation of local plans 70.105.220
Environmental laboratories 70.105D.060 technical assistance from department
certification, qualifications, fees, and Hazardous waste disposal 70.105.255
exemptions 43.21A.230, 43.21A.235 action for damages resulting from violations local governments to
Environmental laws, information and assistance attorney fees 70.105.097 designate zones 70.105.225, 70.105.230
to businesses 43.21A.515 attorney general metals mining and milling operations, permits
Environmental legacy stewardship account enforcement, legal actions, authorized and inspections 70.105.300
grants or loans through competitive program, 70.105.120 notice of intent to file application for facility
department administration 70.105D.170 definitions 70.105.010 70.105.245
Environmental policy, council on, authorization department authority to regulate all wastes oil, used and contaminated with
43.21C.170, 43.21C.175 70.105.109 polychlorinated biphenyl
Environmental profile of state 43.21A.510 disposal sites petition for reimbursement of extraordinary
Environmental technology acquisition authority 70.105.040 costs 43.21A.711
certification programs fee schedule, establishment 70.105.040 plan
fees, liability 43.21A.175 receiving criteria 70.105.070 components 70.105.200
review 43.21A.165 energy facilities 70.105.110 criteria for facilities siting 70.105.210
demonstration activities 43.21A.165 extremely hazardous waste rules and plan preparation requirements contingent on
Family farm water act standards 70.105.020 funding 70.105.270
water withdrawal permits Ch. 90.66 federal law implementation priorities
Federal low-level radioactive waste policy rules, legislative review 70.105.140 established 70.105.150
amendments of 1985, implementation state agency designation, powers 70.105.130 promote 70.105.170
43.200.180 hazardous materials incidents radioactive mix waste account 70.105.310
Federal resource conservation and recovery act definitions 70.136.020 state preemption 70.105.240
authority of department 70.105.145 emergency aid study to determine best practices 70.105.160
Fertilizers good faith rendering technical assistance 70.105.170
waste-derived or micronutrient fertilizers, immunity from liability 70.136.050 treatment facilities
department duties 15.54.820 emergency assistance agreements permits, rules 70.105.215
Fishways, flow, and screening Ch. 77.57 verbal, notification, form 70.136.070 waste fees
Flood control written, terms and conditions, records definitions 70.95E.010
general authority over flood conditions 70.136.060 enforcement and collection 70.95E.050
86.16.025 incident command agencies exclusions from chapter 70.95E.100
powers and duties 43.21A.069 designation 70.136.030 fee schedule, adjustment of fees 70.95E.040
rule-making authority 86.16.061 emergency assistance agreements generation fee 70.95E.020
state master plan 43.21A.350, 43.21A.355 70.136.040 hazardous waste assistance account
state participation in maintenance legislative finding 70.136.010 70.95E.080
duties of department 86.26.010, 86.26.040, hazardous substance remedial action technical assistance and compliance
86.26.050, 86.26.060, 86.26.080, procedural requirements of chapter not education
86.26.100 applicable 70.105.116 grants to local governments 70.95E.090
Flood control duties 86.16.031 list of waste for disposal, requirements voluntary reduction plan fees 70.95E.030
appeals from order, decision, or determination 70.105.030 Health, department of
of director or department 86.16.110 off-site disposal 70.105.050 cooperation with 43.70.310
Floodplain management ordinances and order requiring compliance Hydraulic projects and permits Ch. 77.55
amendments appeals 70.105.095 Incinerator and landfill operators
cities and counties to file with department, issuance 70.105.095 director, department of ecology, authority to
approval, disapproval 86.16.041 noncompliance 70.105.095 implement chapter 70.95D.080
Forest practices PCB waste 70.105.105 Integrated climate change response strategy
right of entry 76.09.160 powers and duties of the department authority and duties of department Ch.
water pollution control, department 70.105.100 43.21M
jurisdiction and powers Ch. 90.48 purpose, comprehensive statewide control Integrated pest management Ch. 17.15
water quality protection, responsibility, framework 70.105.007 Intergovernmental cooperation 43.21A.140,
jurisdiction 76.09.100 receiving criteria 70.105.070 43.21A.150
Freshwater and saltwater aquatic algae control service charges, assessment against hazardous Joint operating agencies
account, program 43.21A.667 waste disposal facilities 70.105.280 formation 43.52.360
Freshwater aquatic weeds management program solid wastes conditionally exempt from Lake Osoyoos international water control
43.21A.660, 43.21A.662 chapter 70.105.035 structure 43.21A.450
Geoduck aquaculture operations violations Lakes
guidelines, rules 43.21A.681 civil penalty 70.105.080 outflow regulation Ch. 90.24
Geothermal resources, plugging and criminal penalties 70.105.090 Land use
abandonment, jurisdiction 78.60.100 Hazardous waste generators and users real property damage
Grass burning research advisory committee, multimedia permit pilot program 70.95C.250 due to governmental action
duties Ch. 43.21E voluntary reduction plan claims, time limitation 64.40.030
Greenhouse gas emissions appeal of department order or surcharge definitions 64.40.010
statewide reduction Ch. 70.235 70.95C.230 relief provided 64.40.020
Hazardous household substances 70.102.010 review of plan, executive summary, or Lead
Hazardous substance information and education progress report, duties 70.95C.220 wheel weights, replacement of Ch. 70.270
office Hazardous waste management Limited outdoor burning
definitions 70.102.010 conflict related to site, department to assist in permit program, establishment and exceptions
generally, duties 70.102.020 resolution 70.105.260 70.94.6524
Hazardous waste, mixed radioactive and consultative services 70.105.170 responsibility and duty to establish program
hazardous waste Ch. 70.105E declaration of policy 70.105.150 for 70.94.6518
Hazardous waste cleanup definitions 70.105.150 Litter cleanup, community restitution programs
enforcement actions 70.105D.050 fines and penalties grants for 70.93.250
grants to local governments 70.105D.100 hazardous waste control and elimination Litter collection programs, coordination
lien authority 70.105D.055 account 70.105.180 70.93.220
powers and duties 70.105D.030 hazardous waste control and elimination Litter control, See also WASTE REDUCTION,
Puget Sound partners 70.105D.120 account RECYCLING, AND MODEL LITTER
release of hazardous substances 70.105D.110 created 70.105.180 CONTROL ACT
remedial actions local governments Litter control and recycling
exemption from procedural requirements of coordination with private facilities litter receptacle placement 70.93.090
various cleanup statutes 70.105D.090 70.105.220 Low-level radioactive waste

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 229]


waste generator fees 43.200.230 discharge of chlorinated organics, reports and local boards of health, authority to contract
waste generator surcharge permits 90.48.455 with 70.95.163
disposal 43.200.235 Purpose 43.21A.020 state solid waste management plan, duties
remittal to counties 43.200.233 Radiation monitoring 70.95.260
Marine plastic debris Ch. 79.145 federal funding, department to seek 70.98.122 vehicle batteries
Mercury Radioactive waste, mixed radioactive and enforcement duties 70.95.660
mercury-containing light recycling program hazardous waste Ch. 70.105E persons accepting used batteries, to establish
Ch. 70.275 Radioactive waste management identification procedure 70.95.620
reduction and education Ch. 70.95M federal low-level radioactive waste policy rule-making authority 70.95.670
Metals mining and milling operations amendments of 1985, implementation waste stream monitoring 70.95.280
air pollution, permits and inspections 43.200.180 Solid waste management, powers, duties, and
70.94.620 financial assurance, demonstration by functions Ch. 70.95
Metals mining and milling operations, transportation and disposal permit holders Solid waste plan advisory committee abolished
department powers and duties Ch. 78.56 43.200.200 43.21A.680
Motor vehicle emission control Hanford low-level radioactive waste disposal State environmental policy, department duties
authority 70.120.130 facility Ch. 43.21C
clean-fuel performance and clean-fuel vehicle site closure and perpetual care 43.200.190 Stream patrollers, appointment, powers, and
emissions specifications 70.120.210 site use permit program, transfer to compensation Ch. 90.08
designation of noncompliance and emission department of health 43.200.907 Studies 43.21A.130
contributing areas 70.120.150 radioactive mixed waste account 70.105.310 Technical assistance officers and units
diesel engine idling reduction projects, loans site closure fee, authority to impose authority to issue orders or assess penalties,
for Ch. 70.325 43.200.220 restrictions 43.21A.087
duties 70.120.020 transporting, shipping, storage of low-level voluntary compliance with regulatory laws,
emission contributing areas, vehicle waste coordination 43.21A.085
inspection requirements, adoption review of damage potential, liability Underground storage tanks, rule-making and
70.120.170 coverage 43.200.200 regulatory powers and duties Ch. 90.76
noncompliance areas, annual review Radioactive waste regulations Used oil recycling
70.120.160 agencies to cooperate with 43.200.030 equipment and operating standards for public
scientific advisory board, membership and definitions 43.200.015 collection sites 70.95I.030
duties 70.120.230 department duties 43.200.020 public education program 70.95I.050
used vehicles 70.120.190 findings 43.200.010 statewide collection and rerefining goals
vehicle emission standards 70.120.150 legislature retains an autonomous role 70.95I.030
Motor vehicle emission standards 43.200.020 Used oil transporter and processor
generally Ch. 70.120A powers and duties of director 43.200.080 requirements, penalties 70.95I.070
Motor vehicle fuel report to legislature by nuclear waste board Vessels, recreational
air pollution reduction, variances from ASTM 43.200.020 paint, antifouling, copper-based, prohibiting
specifications 19.112.090 rules 43.200.070 sale and use Ch. 70.300
Municipal bonding and facilities, certificate of Reclaimed water use, department duties Ch. Vessels owned by department
antipollution furtherance 70.95A.100 90.46 transfer of ownership
Municipal sewage sludge Reclamation requirements 43.21A.700, 43.21A.702
biosolid management program, including powers and duties 43.21A.061 review of vessels physical condition
permitting and violations Ch. 70.95J Reclamation of state lands 43.21A.700
federal requirements, department authority to powers and duties of director Ch. 89.16 Washington clean air act, See AIR POLLUTION
meet 70.95J.007 Recyclable materials processing facilities CONTROL
Noise control notice of applications for assistance from the Waste treatment plant operators, certification,
duties relating to Ch. 70.107 community economic revitalization board See WASTE TREATMENT PLANT
exemptions 70.107.080 43.160.077 OPERATORS
powers and duties of department 70.107.030 Rule-making authority 43.21A.080 Wastewater
technical advisory committee 70.107.040 Rules 43.17.060 discharge permits, issuance conditions
Office maintained at state capital 43.17.050 five-year formal process of reviewing existing 90.48.520
Oil and gas well drilling affecting surface water, rules 43.21A.081 reclaimed water use, department duties Ch.
environmental impact statement required significant agency actions, identification and 90.46
78.52.125 categorization of information sources used Water
Oil and hazardous substance spill prevention and 34.05.272 construction projects in state waters Ch. 77.55
response, department duties Ch. 90.56 Rules compliance ground waters, appropriation Ch. 90.44
Oil recycling, See OIL RECYCLING technical assistance program Ch. 43.05 surface waters, appropriation Ch. 90.03
Oil spills Safe Drinking Water Act, state participation and Water appropriation for public and industrial
oil spill prevention program Ch. 43.21I administration 43.21A.445 purposes Ch. 90.16
response by emergency responders Sewerage, water and drainage systems Water conservancy boards, creation and duties
grants for response and firefighting Counties, submission of plan or Ch. 90.80
equipment and resources 43.21A.721 amendments, approval 36.94.100 Water conservancy boards, information
Operating agencies Sharps waste concerning, on department web site
appeals 43.52.430 residential sharps waste disposal 70.95K.030 90.80.150
Outdoor burning Sharps waste collection 70.95.715 Water flows or levels, establishment of minimum
rules adoption 70.94.6542 Shoreline management act, department duties Ch. 90.22
Paint, antifouling, copper-based Ch. 90.58 Water pollution control
prohibiting sale for, and use on, recreational Shoreline management act of 1971, powers, baseline study of state waters 43.21A.405,
vessels Ch. 70.300 duties and functions, See SHORELINE 43.21A.410, 43.21A.415, 43.21A.420
statewide advisory committee 70.300.050 MANAGEMENT ACT OF 1971 Water pollution control, department jurisdiction,
Pest control Significant agency actions, identification and powers, and duties Ch. 90.48
integrated pest management Ch. 17.15 categorization of information sources used Water quality standards
Policy of the state on environment and natural 34.05.272 compliance method, department authority
resources utilization 43.21A.010 Soil contamination, area-wide Ch. 70.140 90.48.422
Pollution control bonds, municipal, See Solid waste management Water resource management Ch. 90.82
POLLUTION CONTROL MUNICIPAL composting food and yard wastes trust water rights program, department duties
BONDING grants to local governments 70.95.810 Ch. 90.42
Pollution control hearings board, jurisdiction and comprehensive solid waste management plan Water resources
duties Ch. 43.21B technical assistance 70.95.100 basic data fund 43.21A.067
Puget Sound water quality authority, See PUGET technical review and approval of 70.95.094 definitions 43.27A.020
SOUND WATER QUALITY hazardous substance remedial action diking districts, adjustment of indebtedness,
AUTHORITY procedural requirements of chapter not generally Ch. 87.64
Pulp and paper mills applicable 70.95.270 powers and duties 43.27A.090

[RCW Indexpage 230] (2016 Ed.)


drainage districts, adjustment of indebtedness, Cities job training and education 53.08.245
generally Ch. 87.64 authorized to engage in 35.21.703 Projects of statewide significance, procedures to
efficiency study 43.83B.300 contracts with nonprofit corporations expedite development Ch. 43.157
emergency withdrawal of public surface and authorized 35.21.703 Public facilities loans and grants Ch. 43.160
ground waters 43.83B.300 Commerce, department of Public works projects
charges, payments 43.83B.345 departmental responsibilities 43.330.050 coal-fired electric generation facilities, closure
enforcement, procedure 43.27A.190 Community economic revitalization board Ch. of
flood control commission, See FLOOD 43.160 projects to attract new industrial and
CONTROL, subtitle Districts1937 act Community empowerment zones Ch. 43.31C commercial activities 43.155.140
flood control contributions, use 86.18.030 tax deferral program Ch. 82.60 Quality award program, council 43.06.335
geological survey of the state to determine Counties Recycled materials and products
43.92.020 authorized to engage in 36.01.085 market development 43.31.545
inventory of 43.27A.130 contracts with nonprofit corporations Regulatory streamlining projects,
irrigation districts authorized 36.01.085 multijurisdictional
adjustment of indebtedness, generally Ch. Development loan fund committee establishment, reports 43.330.440
87.64 applications 43.168.070 Rural development council, successor
exclusion of nonirrigable land, when entitlement communities, grants 43.168.100 organization 43.31.859
87.03.750 funds, use 43.168.090 Rural Washington loan fund
organization 87.03.020 minority and women-owned businesses applications 43.168.040, 43.168.050,
pollution control, approval 87.84.061 43.168.150 43.168.055
irrigation districts, See also IRRIGATION performance standards to be developed definitions 43.168.020
DISTRICTS 43.168.130 established 43.168.110
person, defined to include any entity Distressed areas guidelines for loans 43.168.120
43.27A.220 rural Washington loan fund Ch. 43.168 legislative findings 43.168.010
powers and duties 43.21A.064 Diversification strategies Small business export finance assistance center,
violations department of commerce responsibilities See also SMALL BUSINESS EXPORT
enforcement procedure 43.27A.190 43.330.090 FINANCE ASSISTANCE CENTER
Water resources act, department powers and Economic development finance authority, See State economic policy Ch. 43.21H
duties Ch. 90.54 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FINANCE Strategic reserve account 43.330.250
Water rights AUTHORITY Tourism promotion and development account
determination and appropriation Ch. 90.03, Economic gardening pilot project 43.330.094
Ch. 90.44 strategic assistance services for second-stage Trade representative, office of Washington state,
minimum flows and levels, department companies 43.330.475 purpose and authority Ch. 43.332
authority 90.03.247 Environmental laws information and assistance Washington marketplace program
registration, waiver, and relinquishment Ch. to businesses 43.21A.515 definitions 43.31.522
90.14 Environmental profile of state 43.21A.510 encouragement of in-state purchases by
stream patrollers, appointment, powers, and Evergreen jobs act 28B.50.281, 28B.50.282, Washington businesses 43.31.524
compensation Ch. 90.08 28C.18.170, 43.330.370, 43.330.375, purpose and duties 43.31.524
Yakima river basin integrated water resource 49.04.200, 50.12.320
Film and video production studio location ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FINANCE
management plan Ch. 90.38 AUTHORITY
Yakima river basin water rights program, 43.330.090
Financing Generally, including nonrecourse revenue bonds
department duties Ch. 90.38 Ch. 43.163
Water supply facilities economic development activities 43.163.210
contractual agreement authority 43.83B.220 manufacturing or processing activities ECONOMIC IMPACT ACT (See SOCIAL
emergency support 43.83B.300 43.163.210 AND HEALTH SERVICES,
loans and grants new product development 43.163.210 DEPARTMENT OF, subtitle Economic
provision for recreation, fish and wildlife Freight mobility strategic investment program impact act)
enhancement, and other public benefits and board Ch. 47.06A ECONOMIC IMPACT STATEMENT (See
43.83B.230 Green economy jobs growth initiative REGULATORY FAIRNESS)
loans or grants to public bodies 43.83B.210 43.330.310
Health sciences and services authorities Ch. ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY ACT OF 1964
Watershed compensatory mitigation Ch. 90.74 Participation
Wetlands mitigation banking Ch. 90.84 35.104
Highway improvements necessitated by planned cities and towns 35A.11.060
Wheel weights, lead, replacement of public, private agencies 36.32.410
enforcement by department Ch. 70.270 economic development
procedures 43.160.074 State participation 43.06.110
Yakima enhancement project 43.21A.470
Yakima river basin integrated water resource Industrial development districts, See PORT ECONOMIC POLICY
management plan Ch. 90.38 DISTRICTS, subtitle Industrial development State economic policy Ch. 43.21H
Yakima river basin water rights Ch. 90.38 districts
Industry clusters ECOTAGE
ECONOMIC AND REVENUE FORECAST department of commerce responsibilities Tree spiking 9.91.150, 9.91.155
Civil service exemptions 41.06.087 Innovation partnerships zones UNIVERSITIES; COMMUNITY AND
Council created Ch. 82.33 research and globally competitive firms TECHNICAL COLLEGES; SCHOOLS
Economic climate council 43.330.270, 43.330.280 AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS; STATE
duties Ch. 82.33A Legislative committee on economic development BOARD OF EDUCATION;
Forecast process Ch. 82.33 and international relations Ch. 43.15 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC
State budget outlook, council role Ch. 82.33 Local economic development financing and INSTRUCTION)
ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1972 financing authorities Ch. 39.110 Certificate of high school equivalency to be
Economic assistance authority Main street program accepted in lieu of diploma 41.04.015
abolished 43.31A.400 generally Ch. 43.360 Children
duties transferred 43.31A.400 Manufacturing investments, tax deferral compulsory attendance, See SCHOOLS AND
invest in Washington act, pilot program Ch. SCHOOL DISTRICTS, subtitle
ECONOMIC CLIMATE COUNCIL 82.85 Compulsory attendance
Creation, duties, and procedures Ch. 82.33A Minority business export outreach program joint liability of husband and wife 26.16.205
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (See also 43.210.130 Civil service, institutions of higher education,
COMMUNITY, TRADE, AND Outdoor recreation sector of states economy See HIGHER EDUCATION PERSONNEL
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, senior policy advisor to governor, maintaining SYSTEM
DEPARTMENT OF) 43.06.485 Education ombuds, office of Ch. 43.06B
Agricultural market development Pacific Northwest economic region (See Enhanced salary allocation model for educator
department of agriculture powers and duties PACIFIC NORTHWEST ECONOMIC development and certification
15.04.400, 15.04.402, 43.23.035 REGION) technical working group 28A.400.201
director of agriculture departments powers Port districts, public purpose Grants
and duties 43.23.030 generally 53.08.245 job skills program 28C.04.420

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 231]


Guardian and ward, See GUARDIAN AND EDUCATIONAL SERVICE DISTRICT meetings, regular and special 28A.310.200
WARD, subtitle Education of ward BOARD travel expenses and subsistence of
High-technology, See TECHNOLOGY Board-member districts superintendent, assistants, approval
Information technology changing boundaries, criterion 28A.310.030 28A.310.320
K-20 network Ch. 43.41 determined initially 28A.310.030 Quorum 28A.310.150
Interstate agreement on qualifications of Chair, election of 28A.310.150 Return to seven member board 28A.310.120
educational personnel 28A.690.020 Delegation of powers by 28A.310.220 Secretary, superintendent as 28A.310.270
Job skills program, See JOB SKILLS Educational service districts Security systems
PROGRAM budget of, approval by 28A.310.390 leasing of 28A.310.460
K-20 information technology Ch. 43.41 funds disbursed upon order of 28A.310.410 Self-insurance 28A.310.440
K-20 telecommunications system Ch. 43.41 Employees Superintendent
Technology, See TECHNOLOGY adverse change in contract status, procedure appointment, procedure 28A.310.170
Unemployment compensation 28A.310.260 Teachers institutes, directors meetings
benefits, terms and conditions 50.44.050 contracts with certificated employees, cooperation with state supervisor
reasonable assurance defined 50.44.053 requirements 28A.310.250 28A.310.190
EDUCATIONAL CENTERS (See SCHOOLS leave policy requirements 28A.310.240 Vice chair, election of 28A.310.150
AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS, subtitle nonrenewal of contracts, procedure
Educational centers) (See also SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL
rights of former employees of county or
EDUCATIONAL CORPORATIONS intermediate superintendents or boards of DISTRICTS)
Nonprofit corporations, authorized 24.03.015 education 28A.310.420 Actions against officers, employees or agents of
EDUCATIONAL EMPLOYMENT Leases school district, defense, costs, fees, payment
RELATIONS extended terms for buildings, security of obligation 28A.320.100
Administrative procedure act systems, computers, and other equipment Assistant superintendents, qualifications,
applicability to commission 41.59.160 28A.310.460 appointment, duties 28A.310.230
Agreements, collective bargaining Leave policy requirements 28A.310.240 Boards, See EDUCATIONAL SERVICE
certain, effective date of 41.59.170 Local school district superintendents to advise DISTRICT BOARD
Arbitration, binding, authorized 41.59.130 28A.310.430 Boundaries, changes in 28A.310.020
Bargaining representative Meetings Budgets
election, run-off election, and decertification regular and special 28A.310.200 adoption procedure requirements
election 41.59.070 who may call special 28A.310.200 28A.310.330
Collective bargaining 41.59.070 Members approval and certification by educational
agency shop provision 41.59.100 commencement of terms 28A.310.060 service district board of education
collection of dues or fees 41.59.100 elected from board-member district 28A.310.200
agreements 28A.310.030 approval by district board 28A.310.390
effective date of certain 41.59.170 election board of education travel expenses and
arbitration, binding, authorized 41.59.130 certification of results 28A.310.100 subsistence paid from 28A.310.160
charter school employees 41.59.031 contest of 28A.310.110 core services
determination of unit 41.59.080 declaration of candidacy 28A.310.090 identification, purpose 28A.310.340
exclusion of certain employees 41.59.180 time, calling, notice 28A.310.080 specified 28A.310.350
fact-finding 41.59.120 number 28A.310.030, 28A.310.120 examination and revision by superintendent of
impasses, mediation of 41.59.120 oath of office 28A.310.150 public instruction 28A.310.370
mediation 41.59.120 qualifications 28A.310.150 formula of factors for preparation of budget
representative for 41.59.070 restricted from employment or service on requests 28A.310.360
school district agreements 41.59.105 local board, or service on state board rules and regulations for 28A.310.330
standards for determination of bargaining unit 28A.310.070 salaries of deputy superintendent, assistant
41.59.080 terms 28A.310.040 superintendents and other staff from
union security provisions 41.59.100 travel expenses and subsistence, payment for 28A.310.230
Collective bargaining unit 28A.310.160 travel expenses and subsistence of
certification of exclusive 41.59.090 vacancies, filling 28A.310.060, 28A.310.130 superintendent, assistants, from
charter school employees 41.59.031 Nine member boards, terms 28A.310.050 28A.310.320
representation, scope of 41.59.090 Organization 28A.310.150 Centers for improvement of teaching
scope of representation 41.59.090 Payment of member expenses and dues into establishment and duties 28A.415.010
Commission statewide association 28A.310.210 improvement of teaching coordinating
administrative procedure act applicable to Powers and duties council, establishment and duties
41.59.160 assisting superintendent of public instruction 28A.415.010
rules and regulations 28A.300.030 Chief executive officer, superintendent as
authority to issue 41.59.110 budgets of educational service districts, 28A.310.270
federal precedents as standard 41.59.110 approval and certification 28A.310.390
unfair labor practices, prevention of 41.59.150 bylaws, rules and regulations, own Contracts for services performed by classified
government, adopt 28A.310.200 employees
Definitions 41.59.020
Effective date compliance with rules and regulations health benefits to be similar to those available
certain collective bargaining agreements 28A.310.180 to school employees 28A.400.285
41.59.170 contracts, employing consultants, legal Cooperative and informational services
Employees counsel 28A.310.200 authority to provide 28A.310.200
dues and fees, deduction from pay 41.59.060 cooperative service programs 28A.310.180 Core services
exclusion of certain categories from collective depository and distribution center formula of factors for preparation of budget
bargaining units 41.59.180 28A.310.180 requests 28A.310.360
fees and dues, deduction from pay 41.59.060 deputy and assistant educational service purpose 28A.310.340
rights enumerated 41.59.060 district superintendents and other staff, specified 28A.310.350
unfair labor practices 41.59.140 board approval of appointments Creation 28A.310.020
Employers 28A.310.230 Deputy superintendent, appointment, duties
unfair labor practices 41.59.140 direct student service program 28A.310.180 28A.310.230
Fact-finding 41.59.120 educational service district headquarters Educational service district institute fund, costs
Federal precedents as standards 41.59.110 office, designation by 28A.310.310 from teachers institutes, workshops and in-
Impasses, resolving of 41.59.120 educational service district superintendents service training from 28A.415.010
Mediation of impasses 41.59.120 bond, fixing 28A.310.200 Educator workforce data
Purpose 41.59.010 personnel and clerical staff, assist in review of district and regional data
Rules and regulations, authority to issue selection 28A.310.200, 28A.310.230 28A.410.300
41.59.110 filling vacancies in school district directors Emotional and behavioral distress in students
Unfair labor practices 41.59.140 28A.310.200 response to distress, including educator and
commission to prevent 41.59.150 joint purchasing programs 28A.310.180 school staff training 28A.310.500,
complaint filing period 41.59.150 leases, extended terms 28A.310.460 28A.310.501

[RCW Indexpage 232] (2016 Ed.)


Employee attendance incentive program Principal internship support program special meetings of educational service district
28A.310.490 28A.415.270 board of education, calling 28A.310.200
Employees rule-making authority 28A.415.300 tax deferred annuities 28A.400.250
actions against, defense, costs, fees, payment Property transportation, board and room, for students,
of obligation 28A.320.100 acquisition with borrowed funds 28A.310.200 authorization of
adverse change in contract status, procedure Purpose 28A.310.010 payment for 28A.160.030
28A.310.260 Reading materials, obsolete, surplus, disposal of, travel expenses and subsistence 28A.310.320
attendance incentive program procedure 39.33.070 visually impaired or deaf or hard of hearing
remuneration or benefit plan for unused sick Residential school or detention facility residents youth, duties 72.40.070
leave 28A.310.490 district agreements to provide program of Superintendent and program administrator
contracts with certificated employees, education 28A.190.015 internship support program 28A.415.280
requirements 28A.310.250 Safety programs rule-making authority 28A.415.300
fingerprint check, records of fingerprints regional school safety and security programs Superintendent of public instruction
28A.400.306 28A.310.505 delegation of duties to districts 28A.310.470
insurance to protect and hold personally School district to be in board-member district of Teachers institutes and workshops
harmless 28A.320.060 educational service district 28A.310.140 arrangements and expenses, duties regarding
job sharing 28A.405.070 Schools and school districts 28A.415.010
leave policy 28A.310.240 basic education allocation Technology, educational
leave sharing program amount school districts entitled to definitions 28A.650.010
establishment and administration 28A.150.250 educational technology advisory committee
28A.400.380 Self-insurance 28A.310.440, 48.62.125 28A.650.015
nonrenewal of contracts, procedure State board of education gifts, grants, and endowments 28A.650.035
28A.310.250 delegation of boards authority to districts K-12 education statewide network,
record check through state patrol criminal 28A.310.480 distribution of funds to expand
identification system 28A.400.303 Statewide plan as affecting 28A.310.020 28A.650.030
rights of former employees of county or Suicide, youth K-12 education technology plan development
intermediate superintendents or boards of screening, referral, and prevention including and implementation 28A.650.015
education 28A.310.420 educator and school staff training legislative findings and intent 28A.650.005
salary and wages 28A.310.500 regional educational technology support
tax deferred annuities or regulated company screening and referral, including educator and centers, distribution of funds to
stock in lieu of portion of 28A.400.250 staff training 28A.310.501 28A.650.025
Funds Superintendent regional educational technology support
district general expense fund 28A.310.370 adverse change in contract status, procedure centers and advisory councils 28A.650.020
expenditure, procedure 28A.310.370 28A.310.260 rule-making authority 28A.650.040
investment of 28A.320.300 appointment, procedure 28A.310.170 Textbooks, surplus, disposal 28A.335.180
state funds, allocation to, procedure Transportation, agreements with other
bond 28A.310.200
28A.310.370 governmental agencies to serve students and/
Headquarters office 28A.310.310 delegation of board powers to 28A.310.220
deputy superintendent, assistant or public 28A.160.120
transfer of records to 28A.310.310 Treasurer, county treasurer shall be ex officio
Health care insurance superintendents, staff, appointment by
28A.310.230 treasurer of the district, duties 28A.310.410
contracts for services performed by classified Wraparound model site 28A.310.202
employees district funds disbursed upon order of
benefits to be similar to those available to 28A.310.410 EGGS AND EGG PRODUCTS
school employees 28A.400.285 employees Administrative procedure act, application
Health insurance assistants traveling expenses and 69.25.040
premium reduction subsidy for retired subsistence 28A.310.320 Adulterated, condemnation and destruction
employees or employees with disabilities first class school districts, accounts and 69.25.080
41.05.085 records of, inspection by 28A.330.090 Agriculture, department directors authority
Industrial insurance instructional materials committee, as member 69.25.120, 69.25.170
self-insurers 51.14.150, 51.14.160 of 28A.320.230 Assessments
Information and research services, contracting legal services, responsibility to provide exclusions 69.25.290
for 28A.320.110 28A.310.400 exemptions 69.25.250
In-service training, allocation of funds local school district superintendents to advise monthly payment 69.25.270
28A.415.040 28A.310.430 prepayment by purchase of seals 69.25.260
Insurance to protect and hold personally harmless nonhigh school district plan for capital fund proceeds, use 69.25.280
officers, employees or agent of school aid to high school district, duties relating to rate, applicability, and reports 69.25.250
districts or educational service districts 28A.540.050, 28A.540.060 Commercial egg layer operations
28A.320.060 notice to of change in office of school district requirements and standards 69.25.065,
Intermediate school district board, See superintendent or chair of board 69.25.103, 69.25.107
EDUCATIONAL SERVICE DISTRICT 28A.330.210 Condemnation 69.25.240
BOARD office 28A.310.310 Condemnation and destruction of adulterated
Investment of funds 28A.320.300 personnel and clerical staff 28A.310.200, eggs 69.25.080
Job sharing 28A.405.070 28A.310.230 Containers
Joint purchasing with school districts powers and duties marking requirements 69.25.310
28A.320.080 apportionment, duties 28A.510.260 violations 69.25.310
Juvenile inmates in adult correctional facilities, assisting superintendent of public instruction Definitions 69.25.020
education programs Ch. 28A.193 28A.300.030 Egg products
Learning and life skills grant program for court- board of supervisors, as member of labeling 69.25.100
involved youth Ch. 13.80 28A.335.270 pasteurization 69.25.100
Leave policy requirements 28A.310.240 distribution of funds to school districts by Embargo 69.25.190, 69.25.200, 69.25.210,
Leave sharing program 28A.510.260 69.25.220, 69.25.230
establishment and administration generally 28A.310.270, 28A.310.300 Enforcement 69.25.150, 69.25.155
28A.400.380 oaths and affirmations, administer and file Exemptions from enforcement 69.25.170
Legal service 28A.310.290 Federal regulation, adoption by reference
prosecuting attorney, authority to contract record keeping 28A.310.280 69.25.030
with 28A.310.400 reports 28A.310.280 Inspections 69.25.080, 69.25.090
superintendent responsible for 28A.310.400 recommendations on manuals, courses of Invoices, when required 69.25.320
Number of, changes in 28A.310.020 study and rules and regulations Labeling 69.25.100
Officers 28A.310.200 Licenses
actions against, defense, costs, fees, payment reports to, private schools, reports from egg handlers or dealers 69.25.050, 69.25.060,
of obligation 28A.320.100 28A.195.060 69.25.065, 69.25.070, 69.25.103
insurance to protect and hold personally secretary of educational service district board Nonhuman consumption
harmless 28A.320.060 28A.310.270 denaturing or identification 69.25.130

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 233]


Plants Orders of court age requirements 26.28.015

entry of materials, limitation 69.25.180 survey of property 7.28.200 disqualification
sanitary operation required 69.25.090 Parties conviction of subversive act, bars right to
Prohibited acts and practices 69.25.110 notice to of order for survey of property vote 9.81.040
Records, requirements 69.25.140 7.28.200 incapacitated or incompetent persons
Sale of as exempt from county peddlers Personal property, quieting title to 7.28.310, 11.88.010, 11.88.090
licensing 36.71.010, 36.71.090 7.28.320 Federal, See ELECTIONS, subtitle
Seals Pleadings Congressional; ELECTIONS, subtitle
imprint on containers or labels 69.25.260 counterclaims for permanent improvements Presidential electors
State egg account, use 69.25.300 and taxes paid 7.28.170 Felons
Storage, display, or transportation 69.25.320 Referees, report on counterclaims for permanent voting rights
Violations improvements and taxes paid 7.28.170 acknowledgment of loss 10.64.140
containers 69.25.310 Rents and profits cancellation, restoration 29A.08.520
embargo 69.25.190, 69.25.200, 69.25.210, actions against tenant on failure to pay rent Filing for office Ch. 29A.24
69.25.220, 69.25.230 7.28.050 Flood control districts, See FLOOD CONTROL,
interference with person performing official Show cause order for survey of property 7.28.200 subtitle Districts1937 act
duties 69.25.155 Surveys, order for survey of property 7.28.200, General provisions Ch. 29A.04
notice of violation 69.25.160 7.28.210 Initiative and referendum, state Ch. 29A.72
penalties 69.25.150 Taxation Irrigation districts, See IRRIGATION
counterclaims for DISTRICTS
EJECTMENT AND QUIETING TITLE (See taxes paid by defendant 7.28.170 Legislature members, See LEGISLATURE
REAL PROPERTY, subtitle Ejectment Trials, counterclaims for permanent Mail, elections by Ch. 29A.40
and quieting title) improvements and taxes paid 7.28.170 Motor voter and registration at state agencies Ch.
Actions Vendors and purchasers, action against 29A.08
purchaser from defendant, against 7.28.220 purchasers from defendant of quiet title and Notices and certificates Ch. 29A.52
Adverse possession ejectment proceedings 7.28.220 Nuclear waste site disapproval, election for Ch.
color of title and payment of taxes, action Verdicts 29A.88
under 7.28.070 counterclaims for permanent improvements Political parties Ch. 29A.80
connected title deducible of record 7.28.050, and taxes paid 7.28.170 Port districts, See PORT DISTRICTS
7.28.060 plaintiffs right to possession expires before Precinct committee officers
counterclaims for permanent improvements trial 7.28.190 political parties 29A.80.051
and taxes paid 7.28.170 primary elections 29A.52.171
exceptions as to public lands and persons ELDERLY (See DEPENDENT ADULTS;
SENIOR CITIZENS) term 29A.80.051
under legal disabilities 7.28.090 Precincts Ch. 29A.16
vacant and unoccupied lands 7.28.080 ELECTED OFFICIALS (See PUBLIC President, states agreement to elect by popular
persons under legal disability 7.28.090 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES) vote 29A.56.300
public lands 7.28.090 ELECTIONS Presidential electors Ch. 29A.56
Assessments Administration Ch. 29A.04 Presidential nominations, minor parties and
counterclaims for Air pollution control, excess tax levy 70.94.091 independent candidates Ch. 29A.56
assessment paid by defendant 7.28.170 Annexation Presidential primary Ch. 29A.56
Cloud on title cultural arts, stadium and convention districts Primaries Ch. 29A.52
personal property, removal from 7.28.310, 67.38.080 Public access to registration records Ch. 29A.08
7.28.320 Apportionment Public utility districts, See PUBLIC UTILITY
Conveyances congressional, See CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS
alienation of the property by defendant, effect DISTRICTS AND APPORTIONMENT Recall Ch. 29A.56
of 7.28.220 Ballot titles Ch. 29A.36 Recounts Ch. 29A.64
Counterclaims Ballots and other voting forms Ch. 29A.36 Redistricting Ch. 29A.76
permanent improvements and taxes paid Campaigns, See CAMPAIGN FINANCING; Regional transportation investment districts,
7.28.170 PUBLIC DISCLOSURE regional transit authority 29A.36.230
Damages Canvassing Ch. 29A.60 Representatives, See LEGISLATURE, subtitle
alienation of property by defendant 7.28.220 terms for local elected officials, House of representatives
plaintiffs right to possession expires before commencement of 29A.60.280 Rule-making authority Ch. 29A.04
trial 7.28.190 Cemetery districts, See CEMETERY School district provisions applicable to
Entry DISTRICTS all districts Ch. 28A.320
order for to survey property 7.28.200 Cities and towns, See CITIES AND TOWNS; bond issues
quieting title against outlawed mortgage or Civil rights, restoration of certified copies of DISTRICTS
deed of trust 7.28.300 instruments restoring civil rights as evidence bonds for land, buildings, and equipment Ch.
Findings, counterclaims for permanent to restoration 5.44.090 28A.530
improvements and taxes paid, on 7.28.170 Congressional districts, See CONGRESSIONAL educational service district board Ch. 28A.310
Foreclosure DISTRICTS AND APPORTIONMENT first and second class districts Ch. 28A.330
quieting title where foreclosure barred by Constitution, Washington, See Index to notice of 28A.400.030
statute of limitations 7.28.300 Constitution Vol. O organization and reorganization of districts
Improvements Constitutional amendment conventions Ch. Ch. 28A.315
counterclaims for 29A.56 real property sale, election required
permanent improvements 7.28.170 Constitutional amendments 28A.335.120
Judgments United States Constitution, See special meetings of voters at 28A.320.440
plaintiffs right to possession expires before CONSTITUTION, UNITED STATES School districts
trial 7.28.190 Contesting an election Ch. 29A.68 first-class
quieting title against outlawed mortgage or Costs Ch. 29A.04 board of directors 29A.04.340
deed of trust 7.28.300 Counties, See COUNTIES Secretary of state, rules Ch. 29A.04
Liens, quieting title against outlawed mortgage county roads and bridges bond issues, See Senators, See LEGISLATURE, subtitle Senate
or deed of trust 7.28.300 COUNTY ROADS AND BRIDGES, Sewer districts, See WATER-SEWER
Limitation of actions, quieting title against subtitle Bond issues DISTRICTS
outlawed mortgage 7.28.050, 7.28.060 diking districts, See DIKING AND Soil and water conservation districts, See
Limitation of actions, quieting title against DRAINAGE, subtitle Diking districts CONSERVATION DISTRICTS, subtitle
outlawed mortgage or deed of trust 7.28.300 fire protection districts, See FIRE Elections
Mortgages PROTECTION DISTRICTS, subtitle Special circumstances elections Ch. 29A.56
quieting title against outlawed mortgage or Elections State board of education, See STATE BOARD
deed of trust 7.28.300 Crimes and penalties Ch. 29A.84 OF EDUCATION
Motions, survey of property 7.28.200 Disability voting access Tax legislation, advisory vote on 29A.64.090,
Notices vote by mail impact 29A.04.223 29A.72.283, 29A.72.285
order for survey of property 7.28.200 Electors and voters Terms of office

[RCW Indexpage 234] (2016 Ed.)


local elected officials, when terms begin valuation and assessment 19.28.070, counties 36.88.410, 36.88.420, 36.88.430,
29A.60.280 19.280.070 36.88.440, 36.88.450, 36.88.460,
local officers, when terms begin 29A.60.270 Consumer protection for retail customers 36.88.470, 36.88.480
Tie, primary or final election 29A.60.221 customer information Underground utilities, location, damage Ch.
Times for holding elections Ch. 29A.04 commercial purposes, capture, obtaining, or 19.122
Vacancies Ch. 29A.28 disclosure for 19.29A.110 Vegetation cutting or removal, liability
Voters and registration Ch. 29A.08 sales or disclosure, requirements, 64.12.035
Voters pamphlets exemptions 19.29A.100 Work permit, connection permitted if displayed
generally Ch. 29A.32 definitions 19.29A.010 at each installation 19.28.101
Voting by mail Ch. 29A.40 disclosure requirements 19.29A.020, ELECTRICIANS
Voting centers 29A.40.160 19.29A.030 Certificate of competency
Voting systems energy benchmarking programs, application 19.28.181
generally, including approval, inspection, and inapplicability of Ch. 19.29A to continuing education 19.28.211
testing Ch. 29A.12 19.29A.120 denial for outstanding penalties 19.28.381
Water districts, See WATER-SEWER exceptions for small utility, voluntary equipment repair specialty, scope of work
DISTRICTS compliance encouraged 19.29A.040 19.28.095
ELECTIVE FRANCHISE Contracts between electric utilities, authorized examination
Subversive act, conviction of bars right to vote Ch. 54.48 certification of results 19.28.201
9.81.040 Cooperative finance organizations contents, fees, and times 19.28.201
business and occupation tax deduction eligibility 19.28.191
ELECTRIC CODE 82.04.43394
Cities and towns, adoption by reference exemptions 19.28.261
Duplication against public policy Ch. 54.48 in-class education requirements 19.28.205
35.21.180 Employees issuance 19.28.161
ELECTRIC JOINT OPERATING certificate of competency exemption issuance, renewal, fees 19.28.211
AGENCIES (See JOINT OPERATING 19.28.261 labor and industries, department directors
AGENCIES) electrical licensing requirement, exemptions powers and duties 19.28.251
ELECTRICAL BOARD (See 19.28.091 persons engaged in business or trade on
ELECTRICITY) installation, repair, or maintenance of effective date 19.28.221
equipment owned by utility 19.28.101 revocation 19.28.241
ELECTRICAL COMPANIES (See PUBLIC Energy independence act
UTILITIES, subtitle Electrical trainee hours, verification 19.28.171
accountability, enforcement 19.285.060 violations, schedule of penalties, appeal
companies) conservation and renewable energy targets 19.28.271
ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS (See 19.285.040, 19.285.045 Electrical contractors
ELECTRICIANS) definitions 19.285.030 bond or cash deposit 19.28.071
ELECTRICAL POWER FACILITIES AND intent 19.285.010 definitions 19.28.006
RESOURCES (See ELECTRICITY; policy 19.285.020 general and specialty contractors 19.28.041
POWER FACILITIES AND reporting, public disclosure 19.285.070 liability for injury or damage 19.28.361
RESOURCES) resource costs 19.285.050 licenses
ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION LINES rule making 19.285.080 administrators or master electricians
City streets, franchises along 80.32.010 Franchise fee prohibited 35.21.860 examination 19.28.061
County roads, franchises along 36.55.010, Fuel mix disclosure bond or cash deposit 19.28.041
80.32.010 alternative energy resources, purchase denial for outstanding penalties 19.28.381
Franchises and rights of way, See PUBLIC 19.29A.090 examinations 19.28.051
UTILITIES, subtitle Electric franchises and format 19.29A.060 exclusive jurisdiction of state 19.28.041
rights of way information coordinator 19.29A.080 exemptions 19.28.091
Franchises and rights of way for construction and requirements 19.29A.050 fees 19.28.041
maintenance of 80.32.010 work group 19.29A.070 revocation or suspension 19.28.341
Franchises to construct along state highways Greenhouse gas emissions permits not issued to nonlicensees 19.28.081
47.44.010 baseload electric generation performance workers compensation coverage 19.28.041
Irrigation districts, powers in regard to 87.03.015 standard Ch. 80.80 Electrical training certificate
Port district toll facilities, construction and Inspection certificate required before connecting issuance 19.28.161
maintenance along 53.34.010 service 19.28.101 trainee hours, certification 19.28.171
Public utility districts Irrigation districts, powers in regard to 87.03.015 Installation
power to build and maintain 54.16.060 multidistrict operating authorities, separate licenses for installers, exemptions 19.28.091
privilege tax, imposition legal entities 87.03.018 Temporary permits 19.28.231
additional tax imposed 54.28.020 Net metering of electricity Violations, schedule of penalties, appeal
Underground utilities, location, damage Ch. availability to customers 80.60.020 19.28.131
19.122 charges to customer-generator 80.60.020 Violations, subpoenas, application of section
definitions 80.60.010 19.28.291
PUBLIC UTILITIES, subtitle Electrical energy measurement, calculation 80.60.030 ELECTRICITY (See also POWER
utilities; PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICTS) safety, power quality, and interconnection FACILITIES AND RESOURCES;
Acquisition by public utility districts, taxation requirements 80.60.040 PUBLIC UTILITIES, subtitle Electrical
54.28.120 unused kilowatt-hour credit 80.60.030 companies; PUBLIC UTILITY
Alternative energy resources, purchase Public utility districts DISTRICTS)
19.29A.090 acquisition of property 54.16.020 Apparatus use and construction rules Ch. 19.29
Apparatus use and construction rules Ch. 19.29 county-wide districts, rights of acquisition Appliances and products
Carbon dioxide mitigation 54.32.040 energy efficiency standards Ch. 19.260
generally Ch. 80.70 Resource plans Carbon dioxide mitigation
Cities and towns combined heat and power systems generally Ch. 80.70
joint undertakings with public utility districts valuation and assessment 19.28.070 Cities and towns
35.92.280, 35.92.290, 35.92.300, Resource plans for integrated resource planning code 35.21.180
35.92.310 combined heat and power systems Ch. 19.280 electrical inspectors 19.28.321
Cities and towns, See also CITIES AND generally Ch. 19.280 enforcement powers 19.28.321
TOWNS, subtitle Electrical utilities Tax and fee authorized for administrative cost higher standards may be imposed 19.28.010
Combined heat and power systems 35.21.860 inspections, applicability to certain cities and
engines, stationary natural gas Taxation Ch. 84.12 towns 19.28.141
permitting process and emission limits cities and towns permits not permitted to nonlicensees
70.94.991 limitations 35.21.865 19.28.081
resource plans 6%, exception 35.21.870 water systems
power purchase agreements 19.280.080 Underground, conversion to electricity generation 35.92.010, 35.92.070
report to legislature 19.280.090 cities and towns Ch. 35.96 water conservation 35.92.010

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 235]


Consumer protection for retail customers Ch. Installation civil immunity for good faith mistakes
19.29A definitions 19.28.006 35.21.415
County roads and bridges, franchises on electric vehicle infrastructure Violations, schedule of penalties, appeal
36.55.010 adoption of standards 19.28.281 19.28.131
Electric franchises and rights of way, See battery charging and exchange station Violations, subpoenas, application of section
PUBLIC UTILITIES, subtitle Electric installation 43.21C.410 19.28.291
franchises and rights of way cities and towns 35.63.126 Water works piping connection, permission
Electric vehicles counties 35.63.127, 36.70.695 required 19.28.010
battery charging facilities, regulation of counties and cities 36.70A.695 Wholesale power
80.28.320 electric outlets and battery exchange or defined 54.04.100
charging stations, signage for 46.08.185 charging stations at state-owned highway Wholesale power, See also PUBLIC UTILITY
clean vehicle technologies, usage and goals rest stops 47.38.075 DISTRICTS, subtitle Electrical power
Ch. 43.325 electrical inspectors 19.28.321 facilities
electric vehicle charging infrastructure enforcement powers 19.28.321 Wiring requirements 19.28.010
account 82.44.200 general requirements 19.28.010 ELECTROLOGY AND TATTOOING
infrastructure requirements licenses, See ELECTRICITY, subtitle Applications to minors a misdemeanor 26.28.085
alternative fuels corridor pilot project Licenses for installers Breach of duty imposed by statute, ordinance, or
47.38.070 nonconforming installations, disputes rule
battery charging, battery exchange, and rapid 19.28.111 negligence per se 5.40.050
charging stations 79.13.100 residential buildings moved without change in Compliance 70.54.350
battery charging and exchange station occupancy classification 19.27.180
installation 43.21C.410 Definitions 70.54.330
standards and rules, adoption 19.28.031 Findings 70.54.320
building code council 19.27.540 telegraph companies, exception 19.28.151
charging infrastructure pilot program Rules, sterilization 70.54.340
telephone companies, exception 19.28.151
47.04.350 Irrigation districts ELECTRONIC ACCESS TO PUBLIC
cities and towns 35.63.126 fixing of rates 87.28.090 RECORDS (See RECORDS AND
citiesoptional municipal code 35A.63.107 multidistrict operating authorities, separate DOCUMENTS)
counties 35.63.127, 36.70.695 legal entities 87.03.018 ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT
counties and cities 36.70A.695 power in regard to 87.03.015 Insurance policies for portable electronics
electric outlets and battery exchange or sale of 87.03.450 cancellation, nonrenewal, or modification,
charging stations at state-owned highway Joint operating agencies, See POWER terms for 48.18.278
rest stops 47.38.075 FACILITIES AND RESOURCES, subtitle Portable electronics
local governments, department of commerce Joint operating agencies specialty producer licenses Ch. 48.120
to aid 43.31.970 Low-income energy assistance Service contracts Ch. 48.110
regional transportation planning termination of utility heating service
organizations 47.80.090 ELECTRONIC MAIL (See E-MAIL)
city-owned utility 35.21.300
standards for installation, adoption limitation 80.28.010 ELECTRONIC MEDIA
19.28.281 limitations 54.16.285 Digital citizenship, internet safety, and media
sales and use tax exemption 82.08.809, literacy, school instruction in 28A.650.045
82.12.809 Manhole safety rules Ch. 19.29
Medical devices, compliance with requirements Intimate images, distribution of
supply equipment, electrical company- liability for damages, other civil penalties
deployed 19.28.371
National electrical code, when applicable 4.24.795
incentive rate of return on investment on Television
capital expenditures 80.28.360 19.28.010
Net metering Ch. 80.60 channel blocking devices, availability
vehicle electrification demonstration grant required 19.188.020
program 43.325.110 Pacific Northwest electric power and
conservation planning council Ch. 43.52A time/channel locks, availability required
Electrical board 19.188.020
arbitration of rules disputes between Power lines construction and use rules Ch. 19.29
Privilege tax for generation, distribution and sale Videos and video games
municipalities and state 19.28.021 minors access to violent videos and games,
membership, powers and duties 19.28.311 additional tax imposed 54.28.020
thermal electric generating facilities library policy formulation 19.188.030
nonconforming installations, disputes video game rating system
19.28.111 additional tax imposed 54.28.025
Public assistance information regarding 19.188.040
requests for ruling, fee, cost 19.28.121 violent video or computer games, sale to
revocation or suspension of license 19.28.341 energy assistance allowance 74.08.046
Public utility districts minors 9.91.180
Electrical code
applicability 19.28.010 immunity from good faith mistakes and errors ELECTRONIC MESSAGES
exceptions 19.28.010 of judgment 54.12.110 Digital signatures
Electrical license fund 19.28.351 powers in regard to 54.16.040 electronic authentication act Ch. 19.34
Electrical rule disputes between state and privilege tax ELECTRONIC PRODUCT RECYCLING
municipalities 19.28.021 additional tax imposed 54.28.020 Generally Ch. 70.95N
Employee safety rules Ch. 19.29 thermal electric generating facilities Materials management and financing authority
Hazardous waste disposal additional tax imposed 54.28.025 70.95N.280, 70.95N.290, 70.95N.310,
PCB waste 70.105.105 Reclamation districts of one million acres or 70.95N.320, 70.95N.330
Hydroelectric generation development more Ch. 89.30 Nonprofit charitable organizations, report
irrigation districts Rights of way of state highways 70.95N.150
legislative intent 87.03.013 inspections, applicability 19.28.141
Steam electric generating plants, See POWER ELEVATORS
Inspections Port districts
accessibility 19.28.101 FACILITIES AND RESOURCES, subtitle
Steam electric generating plants acquisition and operation of facilities
concealment 19.28.101 53.08.020
connection without inspection when work Taxation
sale of electrical energy for resale, exemption eminent domain for, against district property
permit displayed 19.28.101 22.16.040
disconnection permitted 19.28.101 82.04.310
electrical inspectors 19.28.321 Telecommunications, See ELEVATORS, ESCALATORS AND
exemptions 19.28.101 TELECOMMUNICATIONS, subtitle DUMBWAITERS
fees 19.28.101 Systems installations Cities and towns, authority for local
installation, repair, or maintenance of Termination of utility heating service improvement projects 35.43.040
equipment owned by utility 19.28.101 city procedure 35.21.300 ELEVATORS, LIFTING DEVICES, AND
mobile homes 19.28.101 limitations 35.21.300, 80.28.010 MOVING WALKS
notice to repair or change 19.28.101 Transmission lines, See ELECTRICAL Regulation and safety provisions Ch. 70.87
report 19.28.331 TRANSMISSION LINES
requirements 19.28.101 Underground utilities, location, damage Ch. ELK (See WILDLIFE)
utilities must require inspection certificate 19.122 E-MAIL
before connecting 19.28.101 Utilities Commercial messages

[RCW Indexpage 236] (2016 Ed.)


blocking by interactive computer service, good samaritans, free infectious disease Compensation for injuries or death of emergency
immunity from liability 19.190.050 testing 70.05.180 management worker
consumer protection act, violations scene of an emergency, defined 4.24.310 act exclusive remedy 38.52.190
19.190.030, 19.190.040 Emergency management services, federal, additional benefits 38.52.340
definitions 19.190.010 providing authorized, when 38.52.260
unpermitted or misleading messages LEOFF plan 2 retirement system members compensation boards established for
prohibited 19.190.020 death or incapacitating disability benefit and processing claims 38.52.320
Cyberbullying service credit 41.26.470, 41.26.510, compensation boards established for
prevention and response, school instruction in 41.26.520 processing of claims 38.52.210, 38.52.220,
28A.650.045 Hostage or barricade situation 38.52.230, 38.52.240, 38.52.250
Cyberstalking 9.61.260 service disruption, telephone company expenditures and appeals 38.52.330
Digital citizenship, internet safety, and media immunity from liability 70.85.120 federal benefits 38.52.350, 38.52.380
literacy, school instruction in 28A.650.045 telephone communication 70.85.100 liability of state and political subdivisions
Personally identifying information applicable law 70.85.130 38.52.200
civil actions 19.190.090 telephone company assistance 70.85.110 medical, surgical, or hospital treatment
preemption of local laws 19.190.110 Housing programs 43.63A.645 38.52.360, 38.52.370
violation of chapter 19.190.080 Intrastate building safety mutual aid system Ch. minors 38.52.270
violation of consumer protection act 24.60 payment, limitation 38.52.280
19.190.100 Intrastate mutual aid system 38.52.040, Ch. workers compensation, applicability
38.56 38.52.290
EMANCIPATION OF MINORS (See Party line telephones, yielding of line for Comprehensive plan 38.52.030
MINORS, subtitle Emancipation) definitions 70.85.010 Contracts or work on cost basis 38.52.390
EMBALMERS AND EMBALMING (See refusal, penalty 70.85.020 Definitions 38.52.010
FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND request for line on pretext of emergency Director
EMBALMERS) penalty 70.85.030 energy facility site evaluation council member
Personal emergency response services, for-profit 80.50.030
EMBEZZLEMENT Disaster response account 38.52.105
Administrator subscribers, contact information for
emergency first responders, supplying to Disasters, state of emergency, See STATE OF
action by administrator for embezzlement EMERGENCY
against estate 11.48.060 70.54.430
Telecommunication device installation for Emergency communications systems and
liability for 11.48.060 information
recovery of embezzled property, procedure access to emergency services 70.54.180
Telephone, yielding of party line immunity from civil liability for businesses,
11.48.070 companies, and individuals 38.52.550
County officers, failing to pay over fees definitions 70.85.010
Telephone services Emergency management assistance compact Ch.
36.18.170 38.10
Executor accessibility from all phones 43.17.230
Telephones, yielding of party line Emergency management council
action by executor for embezzlement against intrastate mutual aid committee 38.52.040
estate 11.48.060 refusal, penalty 70.85.020
request for line on pretext of emergency membership and duties 38.52.040
liability for 11.48.060 state emergency response commission
recovery of embezzled property, procedure penalty 70.85.030
functioning as 38.52.040
11.48.070 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT hazardous material policy, including bulk oil
Personal representatives 911 emergency communications network, transport 38.52.040
action by for embezzlement against estate statewide enhanced system Emergency notification systems
11.48.060 automatic location identification 38.52.505 automatic number or location identification
liability for 11.48.060 counties, implementation and funding duties database information
recovery of embezzled property, procedure 38.52.510 public inspection and copying exemption
11.48.070 county automatic number or location 38.52.577
Probate identification database information Employees, volunteers
action for 11.48.060 public inspection and copying exemption benefits rights preserved 38.52.180
recovery procedure 11.48.060 38.52.575 liability 38.52.180
revocation of letters 11.28.250 enhanced 911 account, creation and uses Enemy attack, continuity of government Ch.
Proof of ownership of property, sufficiency of 38.52.540 42.14
10.58.060 enhanced 911 advisory committee 38.52.530, Federal emergency management services,
State treasurer, penalty 43.08.140 38.52.532 providing
implementation and operation 38.52.030 LEOFF plan 2 retirement system members
EMERGENCIES (See also ENERGY, subtitle state enhanced 911 coordination office,
Energy supply emergencies, alerts; death or incapacitating disability benefit and
establishment and duties 38.52.520, service credit 41.26.470, 41.26.510,
Cities and towns 41.26.520
uniform national standards 38.52.535 Federally owned area, applicability of plan
expenditures, creation of special fund 211 information system 38.52.170
35.32A.060 health and human services Ch. 43.211 Fire service mobilization, state, See STATE
Counties, county commissioners expenditures Administration of program transferred from PATROL, subtitle Fire protection
nondebatable 36.40.180, 36.40.190 department of community, trade, and Funding of expenses and acceptance of services
subject to hearing 36.40.140, 36.40.150, economic development to military 38.52.100
36.40.160, 36.40.170 department 38.52.930 Funds, emergency management organization
Domestic insurers, continuation of business Civil service employees may require matching funds 38.52.160
during status while on emergency management duty Governors powers and duties 38.52.050
emergency bylaws 48.07.170 38.52.140 Hazard emergency planning, military department
planning standards, adoption for business Claims arising from emergency management duties 38.52.030
continuity planning 48.07.205 related activities Hazardous liquid and gas pipeline accidents
principal office and place of business compensation boards established for first responders, preparedness 43.44.130
48.07.200 processing claims 38.52.210, 38.52.220, Impressment of citizenry into service 38.52.110
provisions applicable during 48.07.180 38.52.230, 38.52.240, 38.52.250 Intoxication-caused emergency response
purpose of act 48.07.160 consideration, adjustment, or settlement, recovery of costs from convicted person
succession list 48.07.190 effect 38.52.207 38.52.430
written plan, requirement 48.07.203 contents and filing 38.52.205 Intrastate mutual aid committee 38.52.040
Emergency care, medical care, or transportation right of action against third party 38.52.300 Law enforcement mobilization, state, See
persons rendering, immunity from liability Classification, coverage, and registration of STATE PATROL, subtitle Law enforcement
4.24.300 emergency workers 38.52.310 mobilization, state
Emergency care or transportation Community, trade, and economic development, Liability for loss or injury
compensation, defined 4.24.310 department of architect or engineer exempt from liability
definitions 4.24.310 transfer of emergency management powers when serving as volunteer emergency
emergency care, defined 4.24.310 and duties to military department 38.52.930 worker 38.52.1951

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 237]


assumption by state 38.52.180 Ambulances Unlawful practices, penalty 18.73.190

exemption while providing construction, air ambulance services, private, by Urban emergency medical service districts
equipment, or work 38.52.195 subscription authorized in certain cities and towns
mine rescue or recovery work 38.52.198 exemption from insurer provisions 35.21.762
Local organizations for emergency management, 48.01.280 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES AND
establishment, operation, and coordination licenses, issuance, duration, revocation TRAUMA CARE SYSTEM
with comprehensive state plan and program 18.73.140 Cardiac and stroke care system, emergency
38.52.070 licenses, when required, exceptions 18.73.130 70.168.150, 70.168.160
Matching of funds from political subdivision nonmedical facilities, transport of patients to Councils, local and regional 70.168.120,
may be required 38.52.160 18.73.280 70.168.130
Military department personnel requirements 18.73.150, 18.73.155 Data registry, statewide 70.168.090
administration of comprehensive emergency Certificate of advanced first aid qualification Emergency medical services and trauma care
management program 38.52.005 18.73.120 system trust account 70.168.040
directors powers and duties 38.52.030 Cities and towns Generally Ch. 70.168
transfer of emergency management powers ambulances and first aid equipment, authority Health department role 70.168.050, 70.168.060,
and duties to department 38.52.930 to operate 35.23.456 70.168.150, 70.168.160
Mine rescue or recovery work, immunity from urban emergency medical service districts Planning and service regions, designation
liability 38.52.198 authorized in certain cities and towns 70.168.110
Mine rescue plan, duties regarding development 35.21.762 Prehospital trauma care providers
of comprehensive state plan 38.52.037 County operation 36.01.095 compliance with standards 70.168.080
Minors, entitled to compensation benefits Death, See NATURAL DEATH ACT immunity from civil liability 70.168.140
38.52.270 Definitions 18.71.200, 18.73.030 Quality assurance programs, regional 70.168.090
Mutual aid and interlocal agreements 38.52.091 Drugs
Regional councils 70.168.100
Nuclear attack 38.52.170 ambulance or aid services, providing drugs to
18.64.540 Trauma care
Oil and hazardous substance spill prevention and providers, designation of 70.168.070
response Ch. 90.56 Emergency communications systems and
information services, grant program 70.168.135
Political activity prohibited 38.52.120
Political subdivisions rendering outside aid, immunity from civil liability for businesses, EMERGENCY SERVICE
rights, immunities, and liabilities for costs companies, and individuals 38.52.550 COMMUNICATION DISTRICTS
38.52.080 Emergency medical personnel 911, excise tax on telephones Ch. 82.14B
Powers and duties of military department violent injuries, disclosure of information EMERGENCY VEHICLES
38.52.030 about 18.73.270 Definitions
Radioactive and hazardous waste emergency Emergency medical services and trauma care authorized emergency vehicle 46.04.040
response programs, coordination 38.52.030 system Ch. 70.168 Equipment
Rules and regulations Emergency medical services employees removal of emergency equipment 46.37.195
enforcement 38.52.150 local government consortium employee, sales of equipment to person who may not
Search and rescue activities purchase of PERS service credit 41.40.129 lawfully use prohibited 46.37.195
funds, distribution for compensation and Epinephrine, authority to administer 18.73.250 Equipment requirements, penalty for violations
reimbursement of volunteers 38.52.410 Financial assistance, counties authorized to 46.37.188
powers and duties of local officials 38.52.400 furnish political subdivisions 36.32.470 Limited access highways 47.52.120
Services and facilities, use of existing 38.52.110 First responders Sirens, whistles or bells for 46.37.380
Spills, oil and hazardous materials information, requesting during emergency Tow trucks
model contingency plan 38.52.420 personal emergency response service red lights, use of 46.37.196
State departments and agencies subscribers, contact information for
continuity of operations planning, interagency 70.54.430 EMINENT DOMAIN
coordination of 38.52.010, 38.52.020, Good samaritans, free infectious disease testing Acquisition of
38.52.030 70.05.180 highway property in advance of programmed
State of emergency, See STATE OF Head injury prevention construction by eminent domain 47.12.180,
EMERGENCY helmet removal, training of emergency 47.12.190
Statewide first responder building mapping medical personnel required 43.70.430 property for toll bridge purposes where
information system 36.28A.060, Knives, spring blade improvement of existing bridge and
36.28A.070, 36.28A.080 exemption from prohibition 9.41.251 construction of new bridge as single project
Violations 38.52.150 Liability for acts or omissions 18.71.210 47.58.080
License requirements, exceptions 18.73.130 Air space corridors
EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE Medical program directors costs, award on abandonment or defeat of
DISTRICTS certification 18.71.212 condemnation proceedings 8.25.073
Powers and governance 36.32.480 immunity from civil liability 18.71.215 Airports
EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (See termination and delegation of authority airport zoning, for 14.12.220
also AMBULANCE SERVICES) 18.71.213 county roads and bridges 36.85.020
911 emergency communications network, Natural death directives, guidelines for response department of transportation, power of
statewide enhanced system 43.70.480 47.68.100, 47.68.120
automatic location identification 38.52.505 Optical strobe lights Appeal and review
counties, implementation and funding duties restricted use 46.37.190 interest on verdict suspended during pendency
38.52.510 Other transportation vehicles, when permitted of appeal 8.28.040
county automatic number or location 18.73.180 Appraisals
identification database information Paramedics order for production and exchange of
public inspection and copying exemption certification 18.71.205 conclusions 8.25.120
38.52.575 Personnel certification Attorney fees
enhanced 911 advisory committee 38.52.530, standards and requirements 18.71.205 air space corridor, award on abandonment or
38.52.532 Physicians trained advanced emergency medical defeat of condemnation proceedings
state enhanced 911 coordination office, technician and paramedic 8.25.073
establishment and duties 38.52.520, certification 18.71.205 award to condemnee 8.25.070
38.52.525 definition 18.71.200 award to condemnee or plaintiff 8.25.075
uniform national standards 38.52.535 liability 18.71.210 Canal companies 81.36.010
Administrative procedure 18.73.200 Preemption of authority by state 18.73.020 Cemetery districts 68.52.200, 68.52.210
Aid vehicles Requirements Cities and towns
personnel requirements 18.73.170 secretary of health, duties 18.73.081 board of eminent domain commissioners
stretchers and personal mobility devices, use variance 18.73.101 8.12.240, 8.12.260, 8.12.270, 8.12.280
of 18.73.260 Transportation bridges, for 47.24.030
use restrictions 18.73.170 aircraft owned by nonprofit organization city in adjoining state
AIDS property tax exemption 84.36.575 authority to condemn watershed property
education and training for personnel Uniform disciplinary act, application 18.71.205, 8.28.050
70.24.260 18.73.240 community renewal 35.81.080

[RCW Indexpage 238] (2016 Ed.)


compensation and damages 8.12.040, improvement projects 85.08.190 obligation to carry products of condemnees
8.12.100, 8.12.120, 8.12.140, 8.12.150, Diking districts, general powers 85.05.070 8.24.040
8.12.190, 8.12.210, 8.12.540 Diking or drainage district commissioners Metropolitan park districts, general power in
condemnation Ch. 8.12 85.07.170 regard to 35.61.130
court proceedings Ch. 8.12 Drainage districts Military lands
electrical energy facilities general powers 85.06.070 proceedings against 8.28.030
beyond city limits 35.84.020 power of 85.06.690 Military purposes
limitation upon 35.84.030 Electric franchises and rights of way, exercise of state acquisition of property 8.04.180
first class cities, general power 35.22.280 eminent domain powers 80.32.060 state acquisition of property for 8.04.170
generally Ch. 8.12 Electrical companies, by, See PUBLIC Mining corporations 78.04.010, 78.04.020
housing authorities, power 35.82.110 UTILITIES, subtitle Electrical companies Multi-purpose community centers, for
improvement of property, payment for Fees acquisition of 35.59.050
assessment, special, including assessment air space corridor, award on abandonment or Municipal airports, joint operations 14.08.200
roll Ch. 8.12 defeat of condemnation proceedings Notice
bonds Ch. 8.12 8.25.073 final actions 8.04.005, 8.08.005, 8.12.005,
general fund 8.12.040, 8.12.220, 8.12.250 award of attorney and witness fees to 8.16.005, 8.20.005, 8.25.290
owners of property benefitted, payment of condemnee 8.25.070 publication 4.28.120
assessment amount by Ch. 8.12 award of attorney and witness fees to Oil and gas pipeline companies
limited access streets, acquisition of land, by condemnee or plaintiff 8.25.075 definitions 81.88.020
47.52.050 final actions Orders
lowlands, filling 35.55.040, 35.56.050 notice 8.20.005 appraisers conclusions, order for production
metropolitan municipal corporations Final actions and exchange of 8.25.120
35.58.320 notice 8.04.005, 8.08.005, 8.12.005, 8.16.005, Park and recreation service areas 36.68.555
military purposes 8.04.170, 8.04.180 8.25.290 Parks and recreation, generally 67.20.010
multi-purpose community centers, for Fire protection districts 52.12.041, 52.12.051 Port district property, warehouse and elevator
35.59.050 Flood control districts, See FLOOD CONTROL right of eminent domain against, limitation
parkways, drives, and boulevards 35.21.190 Gas companies 80.28.220, 80.28.230 22.16.040
public passenger transportation services, Guardian ad litem Port districts
metropolitan municipal corporations appointment for minor or incapacitated person determination of marginal land status
35.58.250 8.25.270 53.25.210
second class cities 35.23.311 Highway, road, or street construction power of 53.08.010, 53.25.190
power of 35.23.440 Private way of necessity
streets and alleys set off for benefit to remaining property authority 8.24.010
8.25.210, 8.25.220, 8.25.230, 8.25.240,
wharves and bridges for state highway condemnation procedure 8.24.030
8.25.250, 8.25.260
purposes 47.24.030 corporations 8.20.070
towns 35.27.380 Highway and toll facilities costs 8.24.030
Colleges and universities 28B.10.020 acquisition of definition 8.24.010
Compensation highway property in advance of programmed fees 8.24.030
interest rate established, suspension during construction 47.12.190 joinder of surrounding owners 8.24.015
pendency of appeal 8.28.040 property for toll bridge purposes where logging road
pretrial statement of settlement offer 8.25.010 improvement of existing bridge and obligation to carry products of condemnees
costs of evaluating offer, payment 8.25.020 construction of new bridge as single 8.24.040
Corporations, by project, condemnation authorized selection of route 8.24.025
generally, including condemnation and 47.58.080 Public hospital districts 70.44.060
compensation Ch. 8.20 city or town streets, wharves and bridges Public utility districts
ouster 47.24.030 electrical power facilities 54.04.100
action for compensation without suit to oust court priority 47.12.044 power and water facilities 54.16.020,
corporation allowed 8.20.170 generally 47.12.010 54.16.030, 54.16.040, 54.16.050,
condemnation to avoid 8.20.150, 8.20.160 limited access highways, streets, or county 54.20.010
private way of necessity 8.20.070 roads, acquisition of land for by 47.52.050 Public water systems
railway right-of-way through canyon, pass, or railroad crossings 81.53.180 valuation 8.25.280
defile 8.20.140 relocating displaced facility of United States, Public waterway districts Ch. 91.08
warehouse and elevator corporations Ch. municipal or political subdivisions of the Public waterway districts, See also PUBLIC
22.16 state, department of transportation may WATERWAY DISTRICTS
Costs exercise powers of condemnation for Rail districts 36.60.070
air space corridor, award on abandonment or 47.12.150 Railroad property, right of eminent domain for
defeat of condemnation proceedings rights of way across public lands for erection warehouses and elevators against, limitation
8.25.073 of toll bridges, action to determine 22.16.040
award to condemnee or plaintiff 8.25.075 compensation 47.56.100, 47.56.110 Railroads, by
Counties, by toll bridge purposes, rights of way for may be authority 81.36.010
acquisition of for park, greenbelt, etc., acquired by condemnation 47.56.090, power of 81.36.010
purposes 36.34.340 47.56.100, 47.56.110 railroad crossings 81.53.180
federal and state improvements, appropriation Housing authority, powers 35.82.110 Real estate acquisition policy
in aid of 8.08.090 Housing for state offices, departments and rule-making authority 8.26.085
indebtedness 8.08.120 institutions 43.82.030 Real property
mode of appropriation 8.08.100 Industrial development districts 53.25.190 registered land, effect as to 65.12.400
tax levy to pay costs 8.08.110 Intercounty diking and drainage districts, Real property acquisition policy
flood control 86.12.030 generally 85.24.260, 85.24.261, 85.24.263, acquisition procedures 8.26.180
generally Ch. 8.08 85.24.265 buildings, structures, and improvements,
limited access roads, acquisition of land for by Irrigation district properties, cities and towns acquisition of 8.26.190
47.52.050 35.92.190 contracts for services 8.26.095
military purposes 8.04.170, 8.04.180 Irrigation districts, generally 87.03.140, definitions 8.26.020
County road improvement districts, power of 87.03.150 expenses related to transfer of right, title, or
36.88.310 Joint county flood control, powers of 86.13.040 interest to acquiring agency, payment
County roads and bridges Joint operating agencies, powers of 43.52.300, 8.26.200
dike roads, construction of 36.81.110 43.52.391 funds, use of 8.26.105
limited access roads 47.52.050 Limited access highways, streets, or county homeowners, payment for replacement
right-of-way 36.85.010 roads, acquisition of land for by 47.52.050 housing 8.26.045
service districts 36.83.090 Local and other improvements and assessments housing availability, assurance of 8.26.075
Damages against public lands to pay cost of moving and related expenses, payment
interest rate established, suspension during lowland filling, power of eminent domain 8.26.035
pendency of appeal 8.28.040 35.55.040, 35.56.050 payments not considered income or resources
Diking and drainage districts Logging roads 8.26.115

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 239]


purposes and scope 8.26.010 Transportation benefit districts 36.73.130 Deductions for benefits, generally Ch. 49.52
relocation assistance advisory services Underground storage of natural gas 80.40.030 Discharge, concealing cause of from
8.26.065 United States, by employment security office 50.36.030
rights and liabilities not created 8.26.205 state land 37.04.010 Discharging employee because of garnishment,
tenants, payment for replacement housing United States water rights Ch. 90.40 unlawful, exception 6.27.170
8.26.055 Verdict Discrimination
Registered land 65.12.610 interest rate established, suspension during age 49.44.090, 49.60.205
Relocating displaced facility of United States, pendency of appeal 8.28.040 employers 49.60.180
municipal or political subdivisions of the Warehouses and elevators, acquisition and employment agencies 49.60.200
state, department of transportation may operating Ch. 22.16 labor unions 49.60.190
exercise powers of eminent domain for Water power companies Ch. 90.16 unfair practices 49.60.180
47.12.150 Waters backed and held over roads and highways Discrimination, See also DISCRIMINATION
Relocation assistance for public purposes 90.28.010, 90.28.020 Domestic employees, hours of labor 49.28.080
advisory services 8.26.065 Watershed property Domestic violence victims
contracts for services 8.26.095 city in adjoining state authorized to condemn leave Ch. 49.76
definitions 8.26.020 8.28.050 Employee
funds, use of 8.26.105 Witness fees defined for purposes of group disability
homeowners, payment for replacement air space corridor, award on abandonment or insurance 48.21.020
housing 8.26.045 defeat of condemnation proceedings disclosure of employee information to
housing availability, assurance of 8.26.075 8.25.073 prospective employer
moving and related expenses, payment award to condemnee 8.25.070 immunity, employer disclosing information
8.26.035 EMISSION CONTROLS (See AIR 4.24.730
payments not considered income or resources POLLUTION CONTROL) Employee benefit plans
8.26.115 deductions for 49.52.010, 49.52.020,
purposes and scope 8.26.010 EMISSION CREDITS BANKING
PROGRAM (See AIR POLLUTION 49.52.030, 49.52.040
rule-making authority 8.26.085 duration of trusts 49.64.010, 49.64.020
tenants, payment for replacement housing CONTROL, subtitle Emission credits
banking program) enforcement of employers contribution
8.26.055 requirements 49.52.010
Rights of way across public lands for erection of EMPLOYEE COOPERATIVE generally Ch. 49.64
toll bridges, action to determine CORPORATIONS liens for payment 49.52.020
compensation 47.56.100, 47.56.110 Comprehensive provisions Ch. 23.78 payment as discharge 49.64.030
School districts, by Technical assistance to be provided 43.63A.230 Employer, defined for purposes of group
acreage limitation 28A.335.220 EMPLOYEE SUGGESTION PROGRAM disability insurance 48.21.020
authority of board of school directors (See PRODUCTIVITY BOARD) Employers death, wage preference 49.56.020
28A.335.220 Employment contracts
generally, including condemnation and EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM
FOR FIRST-CLASS CITIES (See combination of employees for 49.36.030
compensation Ch. 8.16 remedy for violation 49.36.020
School lands, against RETIREMENT AND PENSIONS,
subtitle Employees retirement system for Employment contracts, See also LABOR
railroads and canal companies, authority UNIONS
81.36.010 first-class cities)
Settlements Employment offices, See PUBLIC
pretrial statement of settlement offer 8.25.010 LABOR)
costs of evaluating offer, payment 8.25.020 Extrahazardous employment
Age discrimination 49.44.090 deductions for benefits 49.52.030
State, by Apprenticeship programs 49.04.130
acquisition of False pretenses to secure employment 49.44.040
Association of employees, See LABOR Family leave Ch. 49.78, Ch. 49.86
highway property in advance of programmed UNIONS
construction by eminent domain Farm labor contractors, See FARM LABOR
Automatic service charges, disclosure 49.46.160 CONTRACTORS
47.12.180, 47.12.190 Blacklisting of employees 49.44.010
property for toll bridge purposes where Bribery of labor representatives 49.44.020, Food and beverage workers permits Ch. 69.06
improvement of existing bridge and 49.44.030 Gambling
construction of new bridge as single Businesses selling prepared foods or drinks, unlicensed employee, penalty 9.46.198
project 47.58.080 labor liens on earnings and profits 60.34.010 Garnishment
airports Children, See LABOR, subtitle Minors discharging employee because of, unlawful,
department of transportation 47.68.120 City and town employees, See CITIES AND exception 6.27.170
city or town streets, wharves and bridges for TOWNS, subtitle Officers and employees Genetic screening prohibited 49.44.180
state highway purposes 47.24.030 Civil air patrol members Group disability insurance, See INSURANCE,
department of transportation 47.68.100 leave taken for emergencies subtitle Group disability insurance
generally Ch. 8.04 definitions 49.12.460 Group life insurance trustee groups 48.24.070
limited access highways, acquisition of land employer duties, violations 49.12.460 Health care providers
for by 47.52.050 Collective bargaining malpractice
military purposes 8.04.170, 8.04.180 minimum wage law, effect 49.46.110 actions for injuries resulting from 7.70.010,
relocating displaced facility of United States, policy 49.32.020 7.70.030, 7.70.040, 7.70.050, 7.70.060,
municipal or political subdivisions of the promises and undertakings, contrary 7.70.070, 7.70.080
state, department of transportation may 49.32.030 Health care service contractors
exercise powers of eminent domain for Collective bargaining, See also LABOR, subtitle mandatory offering for small employers
47.12.150 Arbitration of disputes; LABOR UNIONS 48.44.023
toll bridge purposes, rights of way for may be Commuter ride sharing, See MOTOR offering to small employers, requirements
acquired by eminent domain 47.56.090, VEHICLES, subtitle Ride sharing 48.44.024
47.56.100, 47.56.110 Commuting Health services
State lands trip reduction deductions for 49.52.010, 49.52.030
proceedings against 8.28.010 employer program, review and penalties duty of employer 49.52.010, 49.52.030,
State lands, against 70.94.534 49.52.040
granted lands, authority of railroads and canal requirements for employers 70.94.531 facility employees, hours 49.28.130,
companies to condemn 81.36.010 Compressed air workers, generally 49.24.020, 49.28.140, 49.28.150
railroads and canal companies 81.36.010 49.24.030, 49.24.040, 49.24.060, 49.24.080 small employer partnership program Ch.
United States acquisition 37.04.010 Conditions of employment, generally 49.12.020 70.47A
Steam electric generating plants 43.21A.616 Contributions to benefit plans, lien against Hospital and medical services
Street railways 81.64.040 employers earnings and property 60.76.010 deductions and contributions constitute trust
Telecommunications companies 80.36.010, Conviction records fund for 49.52.010
80.36.040 state patrol liens against trust fund for payment 49.52.020
Toll bridge purposes, rights of way for may be employer requests 43.43.815 Hotel service, labor lien on earnings and profits
acquired by eminent domain 47.56.090, Corporation employees, See CORPORATIONS, 60.34.010
47.56.100, 47.56.110 subtitle Officers Hours of labor, See HOURS OF LABOR

[RCW Indexpage 240] (2016 Ed.)


Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL Sales representatives and principals labor unions 49.60.190
INSURANCE contractual relationship between school employees, law against discrimination
Inventions contracts and agreements, required applicable to districts employment
disclosure at time of employment 49.44.150 provisions 49.48.160 practices 28A.400.310
employees rights, conditions 49.44.140 definitions 49.48.150 unfair practices 49.60.180
Jurors, challenge of, employer and employee payment of wages and commissions Diseased persons, See DISEASES
relationship ground for implied bias 49.48.170 Dislocated worker
4.44.180 personal jurisdiction, principal considered to training 50.22.150, 50.22.155
Labor disputes be doing business in state for purposes of training, unemployment compensation
injunctions, generally Ch. 49.32 49.48.180 50.20.043
Labor disputes, See also LABOR, subtitle rights and remedies supplemental to other Disputes, See LABOR, subtitle Disputes
Disputes rights and remedies of sales Domestic violence victims
Labor organizations representatives 49.48.190 leave Ch. 49.76
injunctions to prevent organization 49.32.050 waiver of provision prohibited 49.48.190 Employment agencies Ch. 19.31
Labor organizations, See also LABOR UNIONS Seasonal labor, See LABOR, subtitle Seasonal Employment offices, See PUBLIC
Lie detector tests, requiring of employee or Sick leave EMPLOYMENT OFFICES
prospective employee child care 49.12.275, 49.12.280, 49.12.285, Employment partnership program Ch. 74.25A
penalty 49.12.290, 49.12.295 Employment security department family services
civil, damages, and attorneys fees 49.44.135 family member 49.12.265, 49.12.270, and programs
unlawful, exception 49.44.120 49.12.287 to be administered to promote states policy of
Marine employees commission, See MARINE Social networking, personal employee accounts service to at-risk children and families
EMPLOYEES COMMISSION restricting employer access to 49.44.200, 50.08.030
Metropolitan municipal corporations, acquisition 49.44.205 Extrahazardous employment
of existing transportation system by, duties Taverns, labor liens on earnings and profits minors 26.28.070
incident to employees 35.58.265 60.34.010 False pretenses, securing employment by
Migrant labor, See LABOR, subtitle Seasonal Underground workers, generally Ch. 49.24 49.44.040
Military family leave act Ch. 49.77 Unemployment compensation, See Family leave Ch. 49.78
Militia members UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION Family leave insurance Ch. 49.86
discharge from employment prohibited, Unions, See LABOR UNIONS eligibility for benefits 49.86.030
penalty 38.40.050 Vehicles, personal, use by employee family leave insurance account 49.86.170
interference with employment of, penalty mileage reimbursement and maintenance report by administering department 49.86.210
38.40.040 third-party contracts 48.110.015 Genetic screening prohibited 49.44.180
military leave of absence for public employees Veterans, reemployment rights, requirements Health care settings
38.40.060 73.16.035 workplace violence planning and protection
Minimum wage law, See SALARIES AND Volunteer firefighters Ch. 49.19
WAGES, subtitle Minimum wages leave taken for emergencies Hours, See HOURS OF LABOR
Minors, See LABOR, subtitle Minors definitions 49.12.460 Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL
Motor vehicle owned by private employer employer duties, violations 49.12.460 INSURANCE
injury to unauthorized third-party occupant, Wages, See SALARIES AND WAGES Inventions
employer liability 4.24.770 Wearing apparel, employer obligations to furnish disclosure at time of employment 49.44.150
National guard or reserves 49.12.450 employees rights, conditions 49.44.140
military leave of absence for public employees Women, See LABOR, subtitle Women Job skills program, See JOB SKILLS
38.40.060 Workers compensation, See INDUSTRIAL PROGRAM
Organization of employees, See LABOR INSURANCE Jury service
UNIONS leave of absence from employment,
Parental leave, adoptive and stepparents EMPLOYMENT (See also EDUCATIONAL discrimination prohibited 2.36.165
application, determination of effective date EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS ACT; Juvenile rehabilitation agencies
49.12.370 EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYEES; employment or volunteer positions, eligibility
discrimination prohibited 49.12.360 LABOR; PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT) 72.05.440
legislative findings 49.12.350 Agencies for, discrimination, unfair practices Labor market information and economic analysis
Payday 49.60.200 Ch. 50.38
generally 49.48.010 Agricultural workers Military family leave act Ch. 49.77
Payday, See also SALARIES AND WAGES, information and training on hazardous Militia and military affairs, discharge from
subtitle Wages chemicals 49.70.115 employment, penalty 38.40.050
Personnel files Apprentices Minimum hours, See HOURS OF LABOR
inspection by employee generally Ch. 49.04 Minors, See LABOR, subtitle Minors
authorized 49.12.240 Apprentices, See also APPRENTICES Overtime compensation 49.46.130
erroneous or disputed information 49.12.250 Arbitration, See LABOR, subtitle Arbitration of Prohibited labor practices, See LABOR, subtitle
limitations 49.12.260 disputes Prohibited practices
Port district employees, See PORT DISTRICTS, Automatic service charges, disclosure 49.46.160 Public employment labor relations, See PUBLIC
subtitle Officers and employees Children, See LABOR, subtitle Minors EMPLOYMENT LABOR RELATIONS
Prohibited practices Community economic revitalization board Registered employer health plans
generally Ch. 49.44 definitions 43.160.020 uniform benefits packages constitutes
Prohibited practices, See also LABOR, subtitle legislative findings and intent 43.160.010 minimum benefits that may be offered by
Prohibited practices Compulsory school attendance plan 43.72.090
Public employees, See PUBLIC OFFICERS employment prohibited without permit School employees, law against discrimination
AND EMPLOYEES 28A.225.080 applicable to districts employment practices
Public utility district employees, collective violations 28A.225.090 28A.400.310
bargaining rights extended to 54.04.170 Conditions, generally 49.12.020 Seasonal, See LABOR, subtitle Seasonal
Public works, See PUBLIC WORKS Conservation corps, See CONSERVATION Social networking, personal employee accounts
Rebate of wages, generally 49.52.050, CORPS restricting employer access to 49.44.200,
49.52.070, 49.52.080 Customized employment training Ch. 28B.67 49.44.205
Records of employees 49.12.050 Dangerous, See EMPLOYMENT, subtitle Stabilization 50.12.190
Reserve officers Extrahazardous employment State employment application, disclosure of race
leave taken for emergencies Developmental disabilities, persons with or religion prohibited upon, penalty
definitions 49.12.460 supported employment, state agency 43.01.100
employer duties, violations 49.12.460 participation 41.04.750, 41.04.760, Temporary assistance for needy families
Sabotage, interference or injury to 41.04.770, 41.04.780 volunteer work at child care facility or other
manufacturing, etc., constitutes 9.05.060 Disabilities, persons with 50.12.210 work site authorized 74.25.040
Safeguards for machinery, See LABOR, subtitle Discrimination Theatrical enterprises
Safeguards age 49.44.090 wages
Safety and health, See INDUSTRIAL SAFETY employers 49.60.180 cash deposit or bond required 49.38.020,
AND HEALTH employment agencies 49.60.200 49.38.030

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 241]


action against 49.38.040 exceptions 19.31.150 to be administered to promote states policy of

attorneys fees for prevailing party excessive, demand for return by director service to at-risk children and families
49.38.050 19.31.160 50.08.030
violations, gross misdemeanor 49.38.060 licenses 19.31.140 Federal employer identification numbers and
Trade secret exemptions regarding hazardous limitations, exceptions 19.31.170 documents, department contract to issue
substances 49.70.165 posting requirements 19.31.180 50.12.045
Unemployment compensation, See refunds 19.31.170 Food stamps employment and training program
UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION schedule approval by director 19.31.050 partnerships, funds, outcomes 74.04.535
Unfair practices 49.60.180 sharing with employer prohibited 19.31.190 Forest products workers, dislocated workers
Vehicles, personal, use by employee Information furnished to applicant prior to program Ch. 50.70
mileage reimbursement and maintenance interview 19.31.060 Inventions
third-party contracts 48.110.015 Inspection of books, documents, and records disclosure at time of employment 49.44.150
Veterans, See VETERANS, subtitle 19.31.030 Labor market information and economic analysis
Employment preferences Interview, employer request required 19.31.060 Ch. 50.38
Wearing apparel, employer obligations to furnish Licenses Labor market research
49.12.450 actions against unlicensed agency 19.31.245 high-demand green industries, middle or high-
Women, See LABOR, subtitle Women application 19.31.100 wage occupations in 50.12.320
Worker and community right to know exceptions 19.31.100 Migrant labor housing
civil actions authorized 49.70.150 fees 19.31.140 Yakima county project
compliance with chapter, fines 49.70.190 posting 19.31.190 operation contract authority 70.114.020
definitions 49.70.020 prerequisite for bringing a cause of action Minimum wage laws, duty of commissioner to
discharge or discipline of employee prohibited 19.31.245 notify employers 49.46.140
49.70.110 Printed materials, department duties 50.12.290
qualifications 19.31.100
discrimination statutes apply 49.70.110 Public improvement contracts
educational brochures and public service reinstatement 19.31.110
renewal 19.31.100, 19.31.110 certification to disbursing officer 60.28.060
announcements 49.70.140 satisfaction of contractor taxes, increases,
foreign language translations of written sanction 19.31.130
penalties, and claims 60.28.060
materials 49.70.105 transferable with consent of director
19.31.120 Records and information
industrial safety and health act applies privacy, access Ch. 50.13
49.70.180 uniform business and professions act
19.31.270 Records and information - privacy and
information requests, employer confidentiality
confidentiality 49.70.160 unlawful to operate without license, penalty access 50.13.040, 50.13.050, 50.13.060
injunctive relief 49.70.190 19.31.080
availability, judicial or administrative
legislative findings 49.70.010 Prohibited activity 19.31.060 proceedings 50.13.070
trade secret exemptions 49.70.165 Recordkeeping requirements 19.31.030 disclosure 50.13.080, 50.13.090, 50.13.100
workplace survey request 49.70.100 Rules of conduct 19.31.190 exceptions 50.13.020
Worker and community right to know fund Service of process 19.31.240 legislative intent 50.13.010
assessments 49.70.170 Unfair business practices act, application requests for disclosure 50.13.015
disbursements 49.70.175 19.31.210 rules 50.13.030
penalties 49.70.177 Unlawful activities 19.31.190 Rules compliance
Workers compensation, See INDUSTRIAL Violations technical assistance program Ch. 43.05
INSURANCE assurance of discontinuance 19.31.220 Rural natural resources impact areas
Youthbuild program, See YOUTHBUILD injunctions, civil penalty 19.31.230 dislocated workers program Ch. 50.70
PROGRAM EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS, RESTORATION Salmon industry, dislocated workers program
Actions against unlicensed or unregistered Certificates of restoration of opportunity Ch. Special unemployment assistance
agency 19.31.245 9.97 funding 50.24.014
Actions by agency, licensing or registration Employment or licensing by public entity Unemployment compensation
prerequisite 19.31.245 person not disqualified from, exceptions collaborative review of programs related to
Administration by director of licensing 9.96A.020 extended and additional benefits 50.22.005
19.31.070 Provisions of chapter prevail, exception review of appeal tribunal decisions
Administrative procedure act, application 9.96A.050 finality of commissioners decision
19.31.130, 19.31.260 Public employment 50.32.090
Advertising, false or fraudulent 19.31.190 law enforcement agencies, chapter not training benefits program, report 50.22.157
Bond or cash deposit, requirements, actions and applicable to 9.96A.030 training benefits program review and
procedures 19.31.090 Supervision of children or vulnerable adults evaluation 50.22.157
Cities, limitation on authority to license 9.96A.060 Unemployment compensation, See also
19.31.250 Violations, adjudication pursuant to UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION
Complaints against licensees 19.31.190 administrative procedure act 9.96A.040 Unemployment compensation benefits for
Contracts persons with temporary total disability Ch.
contents, requirements 19.31.040
DEPARTMENT Washington serves program
forms, approval by director 19.31.050
retail installment law compliance 19.31.040 Commissioner application 50.65.230
Counties, limitation on authority to license community economic revitalization board authority of commissioner and program
19.31.250 membership 43.160.030 administrator 50.65.320
Definitions 19.31.020 Conservation corps definitions 50.65.210
Employer request for interview required duties 43.220.060 displacement of current workers prohibited
19.31.060 Creation 50.08.010 50.65.280
Employment directories Disabilities, persons with disqualification for Washington service corps
contract requirements 19.31.040 accessible communities account participation 50.65.240
fees 19.31.150 creation 50.40.071 eligibility 50.65.230
registration 19.31.100 use of funds 50.40.073 funds and grants 50.65.330
Employment listing services clearinghouse to assist in employment legislative declaration 50.65.200
contract requirements 19.31.040 50.12.250, 50.12.252 operating procedure 50.65.220
fees 19.31.150 special services, report 50.12.210 unemployment compensation coverage,
Enforcement 19.31.210 Dislocated worker limitation 50.65.290
Exemptions 19.31.020 training, funding 50.22.140 volunteers
Fees Displaced workers educational, vocational, or job counseling
contract requirements 19.31.040 compensation and training, funding 50.12.080 50.65.310
contract terms must be complied with as duties 50.70.040 medical benefits, limitation 50.65.270
prerequisite 19.31.150 Divisions established 50.08.020 recognition of service 50.65.310
employment condition for charging 19.31.150 Family services and programs selection and placement 50.65.250

[RCW Indexpage 242] (2016 Ed.)


student loan payments, assistance to defer first class cities 35.22.620 local government and state agency duties
50.65.300 towns or second class cities 35.23.352 43.21G.050
subsistence allowances and stipends transportation demand management violations, penalty 43.21G.100
50.65.260 findings 70.94.521 Forest biomass demonstration projects
Work force training and education coordinating Conservation assistance program design of projects 43.30.835
board, commissioner to cooperate with authorization, limitations 35.92.360 grants for financing 43.30.840
50.12.245 cities and towns 35.92.105 progress report 43.30.8351
Youth employment and conservation act, See legislative findings 35.92.355 Geothermal energy, allocation of revenues
UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION, tree planting for energy conservation, derived from certain geothermal resources
subtitle Youth employment and conservation municipal utilities to encourage 35.92.390 Ch. 43.378
act Conservation in buildings Geothermal power, See also GEOTHERMAL
Youthbuild program, See YOUTHBUILD generally Ch. 19.27A RESOURCES
PROGRAM projects Green economy jobs growth initiative
ENCUMBRANCES (See also CHATTEL authority of agencies and school districts to 43.330.310
MORTGAGES; LIENS; MORTGAGES) implement 39.35C.050 Irrigation districts, home owners financial
Blanket, lots or parcels subject to 58.19.180 coordination 39.35C.030 assistance, conservation 87.03.017
Fraudulent conveyance or encumbrance by definitions 39.35C.010 Jobs act
corporation 9.24.020 financing 39.35C.060 public facilities capital improvements for
Homesteads implementation 39.35C.020 energy, utility, and operational cost savings
acknowledgment required 6.13.060 sale of conserved energy 39.35C.040 Ch. 43.331
execution of 6.13.060 Conservation measures in state buildings Joint committee on energy supply and energy
powers of attorney authorized 6.13.060 budget process, retention of savings 43.41.170 conservation Ch. 44.39
Probate, mortgage of estate property, effect as Conservation projects Joint operating agencies, See POWER
encumbrance 11.56.040 financing, authorized 54.16.280 FACILITIES AND RESOURCES, subtitle
Real property, satisfaction or release, duty of Earth-abundant materials, joint center for Joint operating agencies
county auditor 65.04.060 deployment and research in Low-income energy assistance
Recording of, See RECORDING AND FILING JCDREAM act Ch. 28B.156 termination of utility heating service
Trustees, powers to make 11.98.070 Efficiency and climate pollution reduction in city-owned utility 35.21.300
Wills, devisee takes subject to encumbrance on built environment limitation 80.28.010
property devised 11.12.070 energy consumption data records limitations 54.16.285
ENDOWMENT CARE (See CEMETERIES, maintenance by utilities, disclosure Northwest interstate compact on low-level
subtitle Endowment care) 19.27A.170 radioactive waste management Ch. 43.145
qualifying state agency duties, energy Pacific Northwest electric power and
ENDOWMENT FUNDS (See INSURANCE, benchmark, performance rating conservation planning council Ch. 43.52A
subtitle Endowment contracts) 19.27A.190 Performance-based contracts
ENEMY ATTACK (See CONTINUITY OF residential buildings application of chapter 39.04.170
GOVERNMENT IN EVENT OF ENEMY energy performance score 19.27A.180 Production, allocation, and consumption
ATTACK) Energy assistance allowance 74.08.046 programs, legislative intent 43.21G.030
ENERGY Energy education, applied research, and Public buildings
Appliances and products technology transfer programs transferred design and construction
efficiency standards from energy office to Washington State renewable resources consideration
application of chapter 19.260.030 University 28B.30.900, 28B.30.901 39.35.010
definitions 19.260.020 Energy efficiency improvements high-performance public buildings
legislative findings 19.260.010 definitions 70.260.010 LEED silver standard Ch. 39.35D
limit on requirements 19.260.050 farm energy efficiency improvements Renewable energy and energy efficiency
minimum standards 19.260.040 70.260.030 clean energy, policy 28B.20.298
testing, manufacturers 19.260.070 pilot programs School districts, issuance of bonds for improving
updates to standards 19.260.060 grants for 70.260.020 energy efficiency 28A.530.010
Audits urban residential and commercial energy State energy affairs
municipalities 43.19.691 efficiency upgrades 70.260.020 authority and duties of department 43.21F.060
schools 28A.320.330 Energy efficiency services, improvements, and definitions 43.21F.025
state facilities projects information gathering 43.21F.060
definitions 43.19.670 appliance efficiency rebate program legislative findings and declaration
lease terms 43.19.685 43.330.340 43.21F.010
Building code, state grants to financial institutions to create credit renewable energy facilities in coastal and
study of 44.39.038 enhancements 43.330.320 estuarine marine waters, commerce
Cities and towns moneys, use by local municipalities to department guidance 43.21F.062
energy conservation program leverage financing for energy efficiency state energy strategy 43.21F.088
revenue bonds 35.92.105 projects 43.330.350 transfer of powers and duties to department of
Climate and rural energy development center risk reduction mechanisms for funding commerce 43.21F.045
28B.30.640, 28B.30.642, 28B.30.644 improvements 43.330.330 utilities regulatory proceedings, intervention
Cogeneration state bond authorities, involvement in by department prohibited 43.21F.055
combined heat and power systems financing energy efficiency projects State energy strategy
engines, stationary natural gas, permitting 43.330.360 review and report 43.21F.090
process and emission limits for 70.94.991 Energy freedom program State facilities
resource plans 19.28.070, 19.280.070, account, projects funded by 43.325.090, landscape objectives to include energy
19.280.080, 19.280.090 43.325.902 conservation 43.19.682
projects developed by state agencies and local Energy independence act Ch. 19.285 tree plantings for energy conservation
utilities 39.35C.080 Energy supply emergencies, alerts encouraged 43.19.668
additional authority of agencies 39.35C.090 alert, declaration 43.21G.040 Termination of utility heating service
feasibility study 39.35C.070 appeals and petitions 43.21G.090 city procedure 35.21.300
implementation 39.35C.070 compliance by distributors, reimbursement limitations 35.21.300, 80.28.010
ownership and operation 39.35C.070 43.21G.080 Washington State University
sale of electricity and thermal energy compliance requirements 43.21G.070 climate and rural energy development center
39.35C.080 coordination with federal authorities 28B.30.640, 28B.30.642, 28B.30.644
sale of thermal energy 39.35C.070 43.21G.060 extension energy program
Commerce, department of definitions 43.21G.020 plan operations support program 28B.30.903
transfer of certain energy office powers and exceptions to or modification of orders Weather modification and control
duties to department 43.330.904 43.21G.090 cloud seeding, emergency 43.37.210
Conservation governors powers 43.21G.040 Western interstate nuclear compact 43.21F.400,
performance-based contracts joint committee on energy supply and energy 43.21F.405, 43.21F.410, 43.21F.415,
counties 36.32.245, 36.32.250 conservation, duties 44.39.070 43.21F.420

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 243]


ENERGY CODE disposition of receipts from applicants from office to Washington State University
Adoption 19.27A.020 80.50.190 28B.30.900, 28B.30.901
Hot water heaters 19.27A.060 energy facilities site evaluation council ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS
International energy conservation code, possible recommendations 80.50.045 (See also SURVEYS AND SURVEYORS)
adoption in place of 19.27A.020 energy facility site evaluation council Agreements to indemnify against liability for
Nonresidential buildings governor to evaluate 80.50.320 negligence, validity 4.24.115
minimum standards, authority of building impact statement, substitute 80.50.175 Causes of action arising on services of 4.16.300
code council to amend 19.27A.025 membership 80.50.030 limitation on 4.16.310, 4.16.325
Residential buildings powers 80.50.040 Contracts with public agencies for architectural
building code council duties 19.27A.045 site certification, duties 80.50.071, and engineering services Ch. 39.80
minimum and maximum codes 19.27A.015 80.50.075 Corporations, provisions relating to 18.43.130
preemption of local codes 19.27A.020 study of potential site prior to application, County road engineer, See COUNTY ROADS
ENERGY FACILITIES fee 80.50.175 AND BRIDGES, subtitle Road engineer
transfer of duties from department of Definitions 18.43.020
Biomass energy, generation of electricity from commerce to utilities and transportation
facility for, county authority concerning Disciplinary action, unprofessional conduct
commission 43.330.909 18.43.105, 18.43.110
36.140.010 hearing on proposed site location 80.50.090
Carbon dioxide mitigation Emergency worker exemption from liability for
information filed with council, public engineer serving as volunteer 38.52.1951
generally Ch. 80.70 inspection 80.50.160
Coal-fired baseload electric generation facilities Engineer-in-training, requirements Ch. 18.43
intent 80.50.010 Fees, disposition 18.43.150
closure and postclosure plans for certain optional municipal code cities
facilities 80.82.010 Geologists, licensing requirements and standards
application for permit to site, notice to U.S. of practice Ch. 18.220
guarantee of funds for activities in Department of Defense 35A.63.290
decommissioning plan 80.82.020 Land-surveyor-in-training, requirements Ch.
permit requirements 18.43
Coal-fired electric generation facilities injunctions against violations 80.50.150
closure, areas impacted by Professional engineers account 18.43.150
penalties for violations 80.50.150 Professional service corporations Ch. 18.100
financial assistance for rural counties penalties for violations, additional, and
43.160.076 Qualifications to practice 18.43.010
appeal procedures 80.50.155 Registration
transition of eligible units Ch. 80.84 preemption of regulation and certification by
Cogeneration application and fees 18.43.050
state 80.50.110 certificates 18.43.070
combined heat and power systems proposals and actions by other state agencies
engines, stationary natural gas, permitting continuing professional development
and local political subdivisions pertaining 18.43.080
process and emission limits for 70.94.991 to, exempt from "detailed statement"
resource plans 19.28.070, 19.280.070, examinations 18.43.060
required 80.50.180 experience and training requirements
19.280.080, 19.280.090 recommendations to governor 80.50.100
projects developed by state agencies and local 18.43.190
petroleum products transmission facilities, out-of-state applicants 18.43.100
utilities considerations in making 80.50.105
additional authority of agencies 39.35C.090 qualifications and requirements 18.43.040
review 80.50.140 renewal, fees 18.43.080
energy purchase agreements 39.35C.080 site application, assistance 80.50.085
feasibility study 39.35C.070 retired status certificate 18.43.075
site certification seals 18.43.070
implementation 39.35C.070 application for 80.50.060, 80.50.071
ownership and operation 39.35C.070 suspension for noncompliance with support
processing order 18.43.170
sale of electricity and thermal energy expedited processing 80.50.075
39.35C.080 suspension for nonpayment or default on
effect of certification 80.50.120 educational loan or scholarship 18.43.160
sale of thermal energy 39.35C.070 execution of agreement 80.50.100
Dangerous wastes Registration, board of
required 80.50.060 membership, qualifications and compensation
regulation of 70.105.110 revocation or suspension of certification
Electrical transmission facilities 18.43.030
80.50.130 operating procedures 18.43.035
preapplication 80.50.330, 80.50.340 Thermal electric generating facilities
task force 80.50.330, 80.50.340 powers and duties 18.43.035
air pollution control facilities, tax exemption pro tem members 18.43.033
Energy financing approval act 82.08.810, 82.12.810
purpose 80.52.020 Regulation, excepted services 18.43.130
coal used to generate power, tax exemption Uniform regulation of business and professions
Energy financing voter approval act 82.08.811, 82.12.811
cost-effectiveness act 18.43.180
coal-fired thermal electric generating facility Violations
priorities 80.52.080 public utility district ownership 54.44.020 penalties 18.43.120
definitions 80.52.030 compensation and training of displaced Wastewater treatment systems, designer
election approval required workers licensing Ch. 18.210
bonds 80.52.040, 80.52.050, 80.52.060, funding 50.12.080
80.52.070 privilege tax, imposition, rates ENGINES (See also STEAM ENGINES AND
short title 80.52.010 additional 54.28.025 BOILERS)
Nonpolluting, renewable energy sources for Thermal energy companies Natural gas, stationary
power generation exemption from utilities and transportation combined heat and power systems, use in
exemption from regulation 80.58.010 commission authority 80.04.550 permitting process and emission limits
Nuclear power plants Waste disposal permits 90.48.262 70.94.991
unfinished projects, transfer of site 80.50.300, Obscuring identity of a machine 9A.56.180
ENERGY FINANCING VOTER Operating without spark arrester, penalty
80.50.310 APPROVAL ACT
Operating agencies 9.40.040
repayment of obligations 43.52.550 priorities 80.52.080 ENTERPRISE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT
Permit program Definitions 80.52.030 OF
sources, authority over 70.94.422 Election approval required Bonds
Site location bonds 80.52.040, 80.52.050, 80.52.060, state officers and employees
application of chapter 80.50.060 80.52.070 duties of director 43.19.784
approval or rejection of application, purpose 80.52.020 Bonds to finance conservation measures
reconsideration 80.50.100 Short title 80.52.010 43.19.695
cities and towns Branch offices 43.17.050
application for permit to site, notice to U.S. ENERGY INDEPENDENCE ACT Building code council, administrative and
Department of Defense 35.63.270 Generally Ch. 19.285 support services for
counsel for the environment 80.50.080 ENERGY OFFICE transfer of duties from department of
counties Abolished, powers and duties transferred to other commerce to department 43.330.907
application for permit to site, notice to U.S. agencies Ch. 43.21F Building permits
Department of Defense 36.01.320 Energy education, applied research, and report on permits issued 19.27.150
definitions 80.50.020 technology transfer programs transferred Capital improvements

[RCW Indexpage 244] (2016 Ed.)


fuel cells and renewable or alternative energy Fuel cells or alternative energy sources Motor vehicle transportation services
sources 43.19.651 capital construction or renovation 43.19.651 agency exemptions 43.19.565
Capitol buildings and grounds, director custody Health benefit programs, procurement for any transfer of vehicles from other state agencies
and control 43.19.125 governmental agency other than state agency exemptions 43.19.600
Child care for state employees children agencies 41.04.220 Notification requirements 43.19.014
policies and procedures High-performance public buildings Occupancy of buildings, structures and facilities
responsibilities of director 41.04.385 LEED silver standards Ch. 39.35D by state agencies
rental of suitable space 41.04.375 Housing for state offices, departments and billing 43.01.090
Civil service, state institutions enterprise services services account, transfers
personnel service fund acquisition of property and construction of and use to pay costs 43.01.090
use of fund for state civil service buildings rates 43.01.090
administration purposes 41.06.280 eminent domain powers 43.82.030 reimbursement for costs 43.01.090
Civil service exempt positions 41.06.099 procedures 43.82.010 rules and regulations 43.19.500
Commemorative works account 43.19.035 state capitol committee, when approval of Office located at state capital 43.17.050
Commute trip reduction required 43.82.020 Paper products, purchase of, specifications
plan for agencies 70.94.551 collocation and consolidation 43.82.010 established 39.24.050
Conservation measures, bonds to finance insurance on buildings 43.82.140 Parking on state-owned or leased property
43.19.695 lease of property 43.82.110 director to set fees 46.08.172
Consolidated mail service 43.19.710, 43.19.715, long-range planning 43.82.010 Personnel resource and management policy
43.19.720 powers and duties of director 43.82.130 implementation 41.06.530
Contracts surplus space, lease 43.82.110 Pest control
correctional industries goods and services, Human resource services integrated pest management Ch. 17.15
exemption 39.26.102 availability on request by governmental Playground matting made from shredded waste
state procurement of goods and services Ch. agencies, etc. 41.06.080 tires
39.26 Inmate work programs duty to assist in development of product
Created 43.17.010 automated data input and retrieval system specifications and vendor identification
Creation as executive branch agency 43.19.005 72.09.104 28A.335.300
Definitions 43.19.003 Integrated pest management Ch. 17.15 Powers and duties 43.19.005
Director 43.19.008 Jobs act, administration of Printing services, state
appointment 43.17.020 public facilities capital improvements for audit, comprehensive, by state auditor
chief assistant director 43.17.040 energy, utility, and operational cost savings 43.09.465
control of traffic on capitol grounds, director Ch. 43.331 print management contracts, requirement to
to promulgate rules 46.08.150 Local government reimbursement claims use
energy audits 4.92.280 department to broker contracts for state
lease terms 43.19.685 Local government self-insurance authority agencies 43.19.733
oath 43.17.030 risk manager, state print shop services
powers and duties 43.17.030, 43.19.011 immunity for disclosure of information bid solicitations, agencies to include
vacancy 43.17.040 required by state manager 48.62.171 department in 43.19.736
Energy audits, municipalities 43.19.691 investigation fee, state manager to establish
and collect 48.62.161 reducing costs, agencies to consult with
Energy audits, state facilities department concerning 43.19.739
definitions 43.19.670 multi-state program participation,
lease terms 43.19.685 requirements 48.62.081 use by agencies, board, commissions, and
Energy conservation in buildings program approval from state manager higher education institutions 43.19.736
landscape objectives at state facilities to required 48.62.071 public printer
include 43.19.682 program approval or disapproval, state abolishing, transfer of powers, duties,
tree plantings at state facilities encouraged managers duties 48.62.091 functions, and assets to department
43.19.668 rule-making and standard setting authority 43.19.901
Energy conservation projects, duties Ch. 39.35C 48.62.061 rules and guidelines for agency-based printing
Energy efficiency and climate pollution school district or educational service district operations
reduction in built environment health and welfare benefits programs establishment by department 43.19.742
energy benchmark and performance rating for 48.62.181 state agencies and municipal corporations
qualifying state agencies Loss prevention review teams 43.19.782, claims, allowance of 43.19.751
state portfolio manager master account, 43.19.783 instate requirements, exceptions 43.19.748
department duties 19.27A.190 Motor vehicle transportation service out-of-state work, contracts for 43.19.754
Engineering and architecture alternative fuel field tests, consideration of quality and workmanship requirements
supervisor 43.19.570 43.19.757
powers and duties 43.19.450 biodiesel fuel, use 43.19.646 state treasury warrants, printing of 43.08.061
qualifications 43.19.450 biofuels, use 43.19.642, 43.19.643, 43.19.647, Procurement
Enterprise services account 43.19.025, 43.19.648 correctional industries goods and services,
43.19.500, 43.82.120, 43.82.125 advisory committee 43.19.648 exemption 39.26.102
Enterprise services services account 43.01.090, clean fuel vehicles, purchasing requirements state procurement of goods and services Ch.
43.88.350 43.19.637 39.26
Envelopes, use by agencies clean technologies 43.19.570 Property
standardization, department to consult definitions 43.19.560 transfers 43.19.205
concerning 43.19.745 director of enterprise services Public benefit nonprofit corporations
Federal surplus property powers and duties 43.19.585 public purchase participation agreements,
purchase, requisition, and selling procedures electric vehicle, use 43.19.648 corporation may enter into agreement with
39.32.040 advisory committee 43.19.648 department 39.34.055
rules and regulations 39.32.060 enterprise services account Public purchase agreements
Financial institutions, department of generally 43.19.610 public benefit nonprofit corporations may
apportionment of budgeted funds 43.320.016 fuel usage 43.19.648 enter into participation agreement with
collective bargaining agreements unaffected advisory committee 43.19.648 department 39.34.055
43.320.017 personal motor vehicles, use on state business Purchases
continuation of rules, pending, business, 43.19.630 polychlorinated biphenyls, products not
contracts, and obligations 43.320.014 powers and duties 43.19.565 containing, preference for 39.26.280,
transfer of repair facilities operation 43.19.570 39.26.290
banking, savings, and loan related powers, rule-making authority 43.19.620 Purchasing
functions, and duties 43.320.011 transfer of vehicles from other state agencies blind-made products 39.24.060, 39.26.285
civil service employees 43.320.013 authorization 43.19.600 clean technologies 43.19.570, 43.19.663
equipment, records, and funds 43.320.012 unauthorized use of state vehicles correctional industries goods and services,
validity of acts performed relating to disciplinary action 43.19.635 exemption 39.26.102
transferred powers, duties, and functions vehicle operation and maintenance policy for purchasing and material control
43.320.015 responsibility 43.19.570 exemptions 43.19.19054

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 245]


records of state purchases shall be available to immunity for disclosure of information action against tenant on failure to pay rent
members of the legislature, the legislative required by state manager 48.62.171 7.28.250
committees, and legislative staff upon investigation fee, state risk manager to order for 7.28.210
request 43.19.1917 establish and collect 48.62.161 order for entry to survey property 7.28.200
recycled products and recycled products multi-state program participation, Exceptions 4.80.030, 4.80.040
vendors requirements 48.62.081 Execution docket
data base of, department to develop program approval from state manager abstract of verdict 4.64.100
43.19A.060 required 48.62.071 certified abstract of judgments 4.64.120
small business participation in state program approval or disapproval, state certified transcript of judgment of district
purchasing managers duties 48.62.091 court 4.64.120
model plan for increasing 43.19.725 rule-making and standard setting authority contents 4.64.080
web-based information system for increasing 48.62.061 proof of executor or administrator for
43.19.727 school district or educational service district execution of judgments in name of
state procurement of goods and services Ch. health and welfare benefits programs 6.17.030
39.26 48.62.181 proof of representative for execution of
warehouse facilities nonprofit corporation joint self-insurance judgments in name of 6.17.030
central salvage of equipment and furniture program Forcible entry and detainer, See FORCIBLE
43.19.1921 risk manager duties Ch. 48.180 ENTRY AND DETAINER
establishment and maintenance 43.19.1921 Rules 43.17.060 Geological survey, right of entry upon lands for
exchange of property between agencies State procurement of goods and services Ch. purpose of making 43.92.080
43.19.1921 39.26 Judgment
Real estate blind-made products 39.24.060, 39.26.285 by confession 4.60.070
inventory of unneeded property suitable for correctional industries goods and services, confession of judgment statement in writing to
affordable housing 43.19.19201 exemption 39.26.102 authorize 4.60.060
Records State property execution docket
state equipment 43.19.1917 record of equipment 43.19.1917 entry in by clerk 4.64.120
Recycled products sale, exchange of unneeded personal property proof of executor or administrator for
model procurement guidelines 43.19A.070 43.19.1919 execution of judgments in name of
procurement education program 43.19A.070 Surety bonds for public officials and employees 6.17.030
product substitution list 43.19A.070 43.17.100 proof of representative for execution of
products Surplus property judgments in name of 6.17.030
data base of, department to develop acquisition authorized 39.32.020 liens commencing on 4.56.200
43.19A.060 capitol building, original or historic Judgments
recycled product standards 43.19A.020 furnishings exempt from designation satisfaction of judgment against local
vendors 43.19.19190 governmental entity 6.17.080
data base of, department to develop computers and related equipment, donation to time allowed for
43.19A.060 schools 43.19.19191 district court civil action 12.20.030
Rental income, disposition 43.82.120 definitions 39.32.010 time of 12.20.030
Retirement planning and consequences of early donation to homeless shelter 43.19.1920 Liens, entry of verdict as notice, priority 4.64.020
retirement enterprise services account, use 39.32.035 Minutes of trial or hearing
department to prepare information for federal surplus property 39.32.040 objection to admission of evidence 4.80.030
retirement system members eligible for inventory of real property suitable for offer of evidence 4.80.030
early retirement 41.04.460 affordable housing 43.19.19201 ruling on objection to admission of evidence
Risk management leasing and acquisition 39.32.035 4.80.030
rulemaking authority of director 4.92.240 sale, exchange of unneeded personal property Right of, See RIGHT OF ENTRY
Risk management, office of 43.19.1919 Satisfaction of judgment against local
bonds, receiving and enforcing by director of Training and career development plans governmental entity 6.17.080
enterprise services through office agency plan, costs and budget 41.06.410 Verdicts
43.19.775 Training and career development programs index entry 4.64.020
claim tracking and review 4.92.210 powers and duties of department 41.06.400 notice, as 4.64.020
claims against state, filing, payment 4.92.040 Transfer of agency powers, duties, functions, and procedure 4.64.020
creation of office 43.19.766 assets to department
definitions 4.92.006 from department of general administration ENVIRONMENT (See also AIR
indemnification agreements 4.92.270 43.19.900 POLLUTION CONTROL; WATER
insurance, procurement for municipalities from department of information services POLLUTION CONTROL)
43.19.772 43.19.902 Adopt-a-highway program 47.40.100
insurance and bonds, procurement of from department of personnel 43.19.903 local programs 47.40.105
43.19.769 from office of financial management Aquatic resources mitigation Ch. 90.74
local government reimbursement claims 43.19.904 Ballast water management Ch. 77.120
4.92.280 from the public printer 43.19.901 Community and urban forestry Ch. 76.15
management program Vendor registry Development projects
construction of chapter 4.92.260 certified vendor-owned businesses, projects of statewide significance, procedures
powers and duties 43.19.766 identification of 43.19.708 to expedite development Ch. 43.157
risk management Vessels owned by department Energy facilities
definitions 43.19.763 transfer of ownership site evaluation, counsel for the environment
insurance and bonds, procurement of, state requirements 43.19.800, 43.19.1919 80.50.080
agency needs 43.19.769 review of vessels physical condition site location, intent, policy 80.50.010
liability account funding, department to 43.19.1919 Environmental and forest restoration
conduct actuarial studies concerning Visual arts program definitions 43.21J.010
43.19.778 consultant duties 43.19.455 environmental enhancement and job creation
principles of state program 43.19.760 Warehouse facilities task force 43.21J.030
risk manager central salvage of equipment and furniture intent and purpose 43.21J.010
delegation of powers and duties 4.92.250 43.19.1921 legislative findings 43.21J.005
safety and loss control program 43.19.781 establishment and maintenance 43.19.1921 program implementation evaluation,
settlements, approval by responsible agency exchange of property between agencies legislative audit and review committee
4.92.210 43.19.1921 report 43.21J.800
tort claims against state project proposals
authorization and payment 4.92.160 ENTRAPMENT award of funds 43.21J.040
tort claims against state presented and filed Defense 9A.16.070 evaluation criteria 43.21J.040
with 4.92.100, 4.92.110 ENTRY training or employment
Risk manager, state Abstract of judgments, contents 4.64.090 eligibility, job status, and compensation
local government self-insurance authority Ejectment and quieting title actions 43.21J.050

[RCW Indexpage 246] (2016 Ed.)


unemployment compensation benefits for planned actions 43.21C.440 compensatory mitigation

trainees 43.21J.060, 43.21J.070 decision of government agency accorded fish passage barrier removal 77.95.185
Environmental excellence awards program for substantial weight 43.21C.090 environmental review 47.01.290, 47.01.300,
products 43.21A.520 deficiencies and corrective measures 47.01.305
Environmental excellence program agreements 43.21C.040 multiagency permit program 47.85.020
Ch. 43.21K detailed statements, preparation and permit applications for highway
Environmental impact statements exemptions 43.21C.150, 43.21C.160 construction, local government
comprehensive plans 43.21C.428 ecology department duties and functions determinations on, when due 35.21.950,
fish habitat enhancement projects, exemptions 43.21C.110 35A.21.400, 36.01.340, 47.01.485
43.21C.0382 environmental checklist permit applications for projects, construction
forest practices, exemptions 43.21C.037 lead agency, authority of 43.21C.460 starting date for 90.58.140
hazardous substance remedial actions, environmental impact statements 43.21C.428 streamlined decision making through
integration of procedures and documents air operating permits, exemptions regulatory reform Ch. 47.85
43.21C.036 43.21C.0381 structurally deficient bridges, SEPA
irrigation projects, exemptions 43.21C.035 forest practices, exemptions 43.21C.037 categorical exemption, requirements
metals mining and milling operations irrigation projects, exemptions 43.21C.035 43.21C.470
43.21C.039 metals mining and milling operations structurally deficient bridges, SEPA
school closures, exemptions 43.21C.038 43.21C.039 exemption, requirements 43.21C.480
scope and preparation 43.21C.031 school closures, exemptions 43.21C.038 work group on SEPA and NEPA processes
threshold determinations, made within ninety scope and preparation 43.21C.031 47.01.315
days 43.21C.033 threshold determinations, made within exchange agreements 47.12.370
use of existing documents 43.21C.034 ninety days 43.21C.033 Underground storage tanks, requirements Ch.
waste discharge permits, exemptions use of existing documents 43.21C.034 90.76
43.21C.0383 waste discharge permits, exemptions Waste discharge
wireless services facilities, exemption 43.21C.0383 permits, exemptions from environmental
43.21C.0384 watershed restoration projects, exemptions impact statements 43.21C.0383
Environmental policy, council on, authorization 43.21C.0382
43.21C.170, 43.21C.175 wireless services facilities, exemption Water pollution control Ch. 90.48
Fish and wildlife habitat and water quality 43.21C.0384 Water resource management Ch. 90.42
improvements exemptions 43.21C.210, 43.21C.220, Water resources act Ch. 90.54
property tax exemption 89.08.440 43.21C.222, 43.21C.225, 43.21C.227, Watershed compensatory mitigation Ch. 90.74
Forest practices 43.21C.229, 43.21C.230, 43.21C.250, Watershed restoration projects, consolidated
fish protection standards adopted in chapter 43.21C.260, 43.21C.400, 43.21C.430, permit application process 89.08.450,
77.55, SEPA compliance exemption 43.21C.450 89.08.460, 89.08.470, 89.08.480, 89.08.490,
43.21C.430 fish protection standards adopted in chapter 89.08.500, 89.08.510
Game fish mitigation Ch. 77.18 77.55, SEPA compliance exemption Wheel weights, lead, replacement of Ch. 70.270
Integrated climate change response strategy 43.21C.430 ENVIRONMENTAL AND LAND USE
assistance with developing strategy guidelines for public agencies 43.21C.030 HEARINGS OFFICE
43.21M.030 hazardous substance remedial actions, Administrative appeals judges, powers and
development of strategy, central integration of procedures and documents duties 43.21B.005
clearinghouse, collaboration 43.21M.010 43.21C.036 Creation, composition 43.21B.005
incorporation of adaptation plans of action by impact fees, mitigation fees not required on Director, duties 43.21B.005
state agencies 43.21M.040 same improvements 43.21C.065 Pollution control hearings board
initial strategy 43.21M.020 incorporation proceedings creation within office 43.21B.010
requirements 43.21M.020 cities, counties 36.93.170
Lead information gathering and sharing 43.21C.030 ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATION
wheel weights, replacement of Ch. 70.270 integrated climate change response strategy PROCEDURES
Litter control, See WASTE REDUCTION, Ch. 43.21M Environmental excellence program agreements
RECYCLING, AND MODEL LITTER local government adoption of rules, Ch. 43.21K
CONTROL ACT guidelines, and model ordinances Land use petitions, judicial review Ch. 36.70C
Metals mining and milling operations Ch. 78.56 43.21C.135 Project permit procedures Ch. 36.70B
Natural resources management mitigation actions 43.21C.060 duties of department of commerce 43.330.125
state policy, express domain 77.110.030 model ordinances 43.21C.130 ENVIRONMENTAL HEARINGS OFFICE
Oil and gas well drilling affecting surface water, notice of action by governmental agency Administrative appeals judges, powers and
environmental impact statement required 43.21C.080, 43.21C.087 duties 43.21B.005
78.52.125 project review under growth management act Chief executive officer, duties 43.21B.005
Oil and hazardous substance spill prevention and 43.21C.240 Definitions 43.21B.001
response Ch. 90.56 purposes of chapter 43.21C.010 Pollution control hearings board, jurisdiction and
Policy of the state on environment and natural responsibility to carry out policy 43.21C.020 duties Ch. 43.21B
resources utilization 43.21A.010 rules accorded substantial deference Shorelines hearings board, membership and
Pollution control hearings board, jurisdiction and 43.21C.095 duties Ch. 90.58
duties Ch. 43.21B rules and procedures 43.21C.110, 43.21C.120
Public works proposals which affect 39.04.120 statutory obligations not affected 43.21C.050 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES
Puget Sound water quality protection Ch. 90.71 unfinished nuclear power projects, site Certification, qualifications, fees, and
SEPA, See ENVIRONMENT, subtitle State transfer exemptions 43.21C.400 exemptions 43.21A.230, 43.21A.235
environmental policy workshops and handbooks to assist in ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY, COUNCIL
State environmental policy compliance 43.21C.300 ON (See ENVIRONMENT)
appeals 43.21C.075 Stewardship of nonindustrial forests and
battery charging and exchange station woodlands ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (See AIR
installation 43.21C.410 definitions 76.13.010 POLLUTION CONTROL; ECOLOGY,
cities department of natural resources authority DEPARTMENT OF, SOLID WASTE
comprehensive plans and development 76.13.020 MANAGEMENT; WATER
regulations 43.21C.420 funding, authority to receive and disburse POLLUTION CONTROL)
nonproject actions, exemption from SEPA funds 76.13.030 EPIDEMICS (See HEALTH AND SAFETY,
compliance 43.21C.450 legislative finding 76.13.005 subtitle Epidemics)
planned actions 43.21C.440 purpose 76.13.007
conditioning or denial of government action Surface mining, regulation and reclamation Ch. EQUAL RIGHTS (See also SEXUAL
counties Transportation, statewide multimodal plan EQUALIZATION, BOARD OF (See also
comprehensive plans and development 47.06.040, 47.06.043 TAXES - PROPERTY)
regulations Transportation projects Cities and towns, council sitting as, local
nonproject actions, exemption from SEPA advanced environmental mitigation improvement of lowlands 35.55.070,
compliance 43.21C.450 47.12.330, 47.12.340, 47.12.350 35.56.080

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 247]


EQUESTRIAN (See also HORSES) Retaking in foreign state, extradition 10.34.030 Revenue, department of
Horse park, state Ch. 79A.30 ESCHEATS payment of funds to claimant 11.08.260
Liability, limitations 4.24.530, 4.24.540 Absentees estates 11.80.110 probate proceedings
Trails or paths Action to recover forfeited property from state decree, copy furnished to 11.08.220
authorized, expenditure of available funds 7.56.120 notices to 11.08.170, 11.08.180
47.30.030 Banks Ch. 30A.44 waiver of right to administer estate
public highways, paths as 47.30.070 Designation as escheated property 11.08.140 11.08.170
transportation committee review of Inheritance from stepparent avoids escheat supervisory powers and jurisdiction 11.08.160
comprehensive plans 44.04.290 11.04.095 transfer of property to 11.08.300
EQUIPMENT Institution inmates, property of Savings associations
Consumer leases, See CONSUMER LEASES care and maintenance costs at institution dormant account fund 33.20.130
Drainage districts, leasing for 85.07.010 11.08.111 liquidation, dividend checks and payments
Firefighting, standardization Ch. 70.75 executor and administrator, transfer to 33.40.070, 33.40.110
Motor vehicles, requirements, See MOTOR 11.08.111 Stepparent, inheritance from avoids escheat
VEHICLES, subtitle Equipment funeral expenses 11.08.111 11.04.095
requirements money and proceeds to state treasurer after Title vests immediately in state 11.08.150
Record of state equipment 43.19.1917 two years 11.08.101 Unclaimed estate in probate, sale, escheat
Rental or lease agreements sale of property after two years, proceeds to 11.76.220
conversion, destruction, sale, etc., of property general fund 11.08.120 ESCROW
subject to, penalty 9.45.060 successor to deceased inmate 11.08.111 Insurance
failure to return, penalty 9.45.060 Insurers, liquidation escrow of funds, withdrawal on failure to
EQUITY unclaimed funds 48.31.155 complete organization 48.06.170
Community property agreements, cancellation in Notice, appearance of heirs, notice to department Savings associations may act as escrow holder
equity 26.16.120 of revenue 11.08.230 33.12.010
County boundary determinations 36.05.010 Permanent common school fund, deposited in Title insurance companies
Jurisdiction of superior courts concerning 11.08.210 escrow agent, conducting business as
2.08.010 proceeds of lands and property reverting to 48.29.190
state 28A.515.300 prohibited practices 48.29.200
EQUITY SKIMMING Personal property
Consumer protection act 61.34.040 ESCROW AGENTS
proceeds to be used first for payment of debts, Administrative procedure act, application
Criminal penalty 61.34.030 liens, expenses 11.08.210
Definitions 61.34.020 18.44.270
sale of 11.08.210 Agents and officers
Legislative findings 61.34.010
Postal savings system account licensing, regulation, bonding, and
EROSION accounts presumed abandoned and to escheat enforcement Ch. 18.44
Soil and water conservation districts, See to state 63.48.010 Consumer protection act, application 18.44.450
CONSERVATION DISTRICTS director to request federal records 63.48.020 Escrow advisory committee 18.44.500,
Surface mining, regulation and reclamation Ch. escheat proceedings brought in Thurston 18.44.510
78.44 county 63.48.030 Licenses
EROTIC MATERIAL (See also notice to depositors whose accounts are to be exceptions 18.44.021
OBSCENITY AND PORNOGRAPHY) escheated 63.48.040 Professional service corporations Ch. 18.100
Crimes relating to Postal savings system accounts
adults only label, requirement 9.68.060 copy of judgment presented for payment, ESCROW COMMISSION (See ESCROW
age, misrepresentation of by minor, penalty disposition of proceeds 63.48.050 AGENTS)
9.68.080 indemnification for losses as result of escheat ESTATES (See also FIDUCIARIES;
contempt, failure to obey court order 9.68.060 proceedings, source 63.48.060 PERSONAL PROPERTY; PERSONAL
defenses 9.68.070 Probate, heirs, escheat for want of 11.08.140 REPRESENTATIVES; PROBATE;
definitions 9.68.050 Probate proceedings REAL PROPERTY)
exemptions 9.68.100 cash received by personal representative, Creditors, nonprobate settlement of claims Ch.
hearing on nature of material 9.68.060 deposit of 11.08.290 11.42
minors, misrepresentation of age for purpose claims Decedents, See EXECUTORS AND
of securing 9.68.080 allowances of 11.08.210 ADMINISTRATORS; PROBATE
notice of hearing on nature of material conveyance of real property to claimant, Dispute resolution
9.68.060 procedure 11.08.270 arbitration procedure 11.96A.310
penalty for violation 9.68.060 copy of order to pay funds served on binding nonjudicial agreements 11.96A.210,
prosecuting attorney, duties 9.68.060 department of revenue 11.08.260 11.96A.220, 11.96A.230, 11.96A.240
Live performance heirs, appearance of, notice 11.08.230 charitable dispositions by will or trust
minor may not be on premises, penalty limitation on filing claim 11.08.240 11.96A.127
9.68A.150 minors or incompetents, limitation of action compliance 11.96A.320
Publications, withdrawing franchise, etc., tolled during disability 11.08.280 courts authority 11.96A.020, 11.96A.060,
unlawful 9.68.090 notice to department of revenue 11.08.170 11.96A.090
ERRORS order to pay over and delivery to claimant definitions 11.96A.030
Harmless error disregarded 4.36.240 11.08.250 discovery 11.96A.115
Pleadings, harmless error disregarded 4.36.240 property transferred to governmental units judicial proceedings 11.96A.080, 11.96A.100,
for park and recreation use 11.08.250, 11.96A.110, 11.96A.120, 11.96A.125,
ESCALATORS (See ELEVATORS, 11.08.260 11.96A.130, 11.96A.140, 11.96A.150,
ESCALATORS AND DUMBWAITERS) copies of papers and pleadings to department 11.96A.160, 11.96A.170, 11.96A.180,
ESCAPE (See also PRISONS AND of revenue 11.08.180 11.96A.190, 11.96A.200
PRISONERS, subtitle Escape) distribution to state, duties 11.08.220 jurisdiction 11.96A.040
Interstate compact on juveniles Ch. 13.24 notice to department of revenue 11.08.170 mediation procedure 11.96A.300
Limitation of action against sheriff or officer, use of property without authority, liability party-initiated mediation and arbitration
personal disability of plaintiff does not toll 11.08.200 11.96A.260, 11.96A.270, 11.96A.280
statute 4.16.190 Property records, maintained by department of special representative 11.96A.250
Limitation of action for, exception from 4.16.080 revenue, public inspection, available for statutes of limitations 11.96A.070
Mental institution inmate, procuring or assisting 11.08.185 superior court venue 11.96A.290
inmate to escape, penalty Ch. 72.23 Public lands venue 11.96A.050
Parole violator deemed escapee, when 9.95.130 conveyance of real property to claimant Estate and generation-skipping transfer taxes
Prisoner arrested or imprisoned on civil process, 11.08.270 federal law application 11.108.080
limitation of action against sheriff or officer jurisdiction and supervision over real property federal law application dispute resolution
4.16.110 11.08.220 11.108.090
Pursuit and retaking of any place in state Quo warranto proceedings Estate distribution documents
authorized 10.34.020 action to recover property 7.56.120 definitions 19.295.010
Recapture of prisoner, term 9.31.090 legal title deemed in state 7.56.120 findings, intent 19.295.005

[RCW Indexpage 248] (2016 Ed.)


marketing of documents 19.295.020 Executive ethics board Universities, research 42.52.220

violations, consumer protection act authority, duties, role 42.52.360 Whistleblower protection 42.52.410
19.295.030 complaints, investigations, hearings, EUTHANASIA
Family support and postdeath creditors claim subpoenas, enforcement, disciplinary Animal control, See ANIMALS
exemptions Ch. 11.54 actions 42.52.390, 42.52.400, 42.52.410,
Fee simple, technical words of inheritance 42.52.420, 42.52.425, 42.52.430, EVERETT
64.04.060 42.52.440, 42.52.450, 42.52.460, Armed forces shipboard population
Financial exploitation of vulnerable adult by 42.52.470, 42.52.480, 42.52.490, determination, revenue allocation 43.62.030
abuser 42.52.500, 42.52.510, 42.52.520, EVERGREEN STATE COLLEGE (See
abuser, inheritance from victim prohibited Ch. 42.52.530, 42.52.540 COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES,
11.84, 41.04.273 members 42.52.350, 42.52.380, 42.52.550 subtitle The Evergreen State College)
Guardians review of board orders 42.52.440
whistleblower protection 42.52.410 EVICTION (See also FORCIBLE ENTRY
uniform adult guardianship and protective AND DETAINER; UNLAWFUL ENTRY
proceedings jurisdiction act Ch. 11.90 Former state officer or employee
employment 42.52.080 AND DETAINER)
Guardians sale of, limitation of action by ward Judicial sales, judicial sale purchaser evicted
4.16.070 rendering assistance, limitations 42.52.090
restrictions on appearing before agency or because of reversal of judgment 6.21.130
Inheritance tax Ch. 83.100
Judgment liens, expiration of lien 4.56.210 doing business with state 42.52.100 EVIDENCE
Minors, transfers to Ch. 11.114 Generally, including definitions Ch. 42.52 Admissibility of
Nonprobate assets Gift, loan, payment, transfer, or delivery of any bugging, wiretap, recording, interception of
testamentary disposition Ch. 11.11 thing of economic value to state employee private conversation 9.73.050
Nonprobate settlement of creditor claims Ch. 42.52.170 business records
11.42 Gifts business records as evidence, uniform act
Partition, See PARTITION generally 42.52.140 Ch. 5.45
Powers of appointment, See POWERS OF limitations and exemptions 42.52.150 copies of business and public records as
APPOINTMENT Gifts, See also ETHICS IN PUBLIC SERVICE, evidence, uniform act Ch. 5.46
Principal and income, See PROBATE, subtitle subtitle Solicitations by state officers and certified copies of public records and
Principal and income act employees documents 5.44.040
Probate Health profession board or commission, childs statement describing act or attempted
claims against estate Ch. 11.40 professional opinions 42.52.804 act of sexual contact 9A.44.120
Slayers Honoraria 42.52.130 civil rights, copies of instruments restoring
inheritance from victim prohibited Ch. 11.84 Identifiable group or interest, service on board, 5.44.090
Slayers, victims retirement benefits passing to committee, or commission not prevented by compensation by a defendant health provider
slayer prohibited 41.04.273 association with 42.52.903 7.70.080
Statewide city employees retirement system Investment of public funds, state officer or foreign statutes 5.44.050
member, payment to estate on death of employee interest in, restrictions 42.52.190 health care providers, civil actions against
41.44.190 Judicial branch officers and employees, 5.64.010
Taxation Ch. 83.100 sanctions 42.52.370 medical malpractice
Trusts Judicial conduct, commission on Ch. 2.64, compensation from other sources 7.70.080
directed trust act Ch. 11.98A 42.52.370 consent forms, failure to use 7.70.060
trust act Ch. 11.98 Legislative ethics board ordinances of city or town 5.44.080
trust and estate dispute resolution act authority, duties, role 42.52.320 public records, copies of business and public
(TEDRA) Ch. 11.96A complaints, investigations, hearings, records as evidence, uniform act Ch. 5.46
subpoenas, enforcement, disciplinary recorded and filed instruments, copies as
ESTHETICIANS (See COSMETOLOGISTS, actions 42.52.390, 42.52.400, 42.52.410, evidence 5.44.060, 5.44.070
BARBERS, MANICURISTS, AND 42.52.420, 42.52.425, 42.52.430, sympathetic gestures 5.66.010
ESTHETICIANS) 42.52.440, 42.52.450, 42.52.460, traffic victims blood samples, state
ESTIMATES 42.52.470, 42.52.480, 42.52.490, toxicologists report 46.52.065
Bids and bidding, See BIDS AND BIDDING 42.52.500, 42.52.510, 42.52.520, transcripts of county commissioners
Public works, See PUBLIC WORKS, subtitle 42.52.530, 42.52.540 proceedings 5.44.070
Estimates of cost interpretation 42.52.330 Age of legal criminal responsibility,
jurisdiction, transfer of 42.52.340 determination 9A.04.050
ESTRAYS (See ANIMALS, subtitle Strays Application for insurance, use as 48.18.090
(estrays); LIVESTOCK, subtitle Strays) members 42.52.310, 42.52.380, 42.52.550
review of board orders 42.52.440 Authentication by seal, how affixed 5.44.130
ETHICS IN PUBLIC SERVICE (See also whistleblower protection 42.52.410 Blood or breath alcohol content test, refusal
CODE OF ETHICS) Legislator, investigation of complaint against 46.61.517
Activities incompatible with public duties 42.52.450 Breach of duty imposed by statute, ordinance, or
42.52.020 Political campaigns, use of public resources rule
Agency ethics rules 42.52.200 42.52.180 negligence per se 5.40.050
Attorney general Private business activity in state-owned housing Bugging, private conversations 9.73.050
actions by 42.52.490 42.52.570 Burden of proof
investigation of complaint against 42.52.450 Private gain, use of public resources for conditions precedent, performance of
investigative authority 42.52.530 42.52.160 4.36.080
Citizen actions 42.52.460 Recission of state action 42.52.510 judgments, validity 4.36.070
Commission on judicial conduct Ch. 2.64, Records, improper concealment 42.52.050 medical malpractice 7.70.030
42.52.370 Solicitations by state officers and employees will contest 11.24.030
Communications, employee or charitable exemptions from ch. 42.52 RCW 42.52.800, Capture by enemy, federal missing persons act,
organization 42.52.560 42.52.801, 42.52.802, 42.52.803, written finding of capture by federal officer
Compensation for 42.52.804, 42.52.805, 42.52.810, or employee prima facie evidence 5.40.020
official duties or nonperformance 42.52.110 42.52.820, 42.52.8021, 42.52.8022 Certificate of acknowledgment 64.08.050
outside activities 42.52.120 official conferences, exemption presumption Certified copies of public records and documents
Complaints, investigations, hearings, subpoenas, for 42.52.821 as 5.44.040
enforcement, disciplinary actions 42.52.390, Special privileges prohibited 42.52.070 Challenge to sufficiency of
42.52.400, 42.52.410, 42.52.420, 42.52.425, State employees effect if sustained 4.56.150
42.52.430, 42.52.440, 42.52.450, 42.52.460, meetings, informational or educational, nonsuit, when 4.56.120
42.52.470, 42.52.480, 42.52.490, 42.52.500, regarding legislative issues, attendance at procedure 4.56.150
42.52.510, 42.52.520, 42.52.530, 42.52.540 42.52.8022 Child pornography
Confidential information, release of 42.52.050 Suspension of state action pending determination viewing when used as evidence, limitations
Disciplinary action 42.52.520 of controversy 42.52.510 9.68A.001, 9.68A.170, 9.68A.180,
Elected official, statewide, investigation of Testimony of state officer or employee 42.52.060 9.68A.190
complaint against 42.52.450 Transactions Children
Ethics advisors, designation by executive branch assisting in, prohibitions 42.52.040 age of legal criminal responsibility,
agencies 42.52.365 financial interests in 42.52.030 determination 9A.04.050

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 249]


testimony by closed circuit television Deeds, incorporated towns, truth of recital Injuries resulting from health care
9A.44.150 58.28.180 burden of proof 7.70.030
Civil actions, transcript of testimony, as 2.32.250 Defendants, criminal actions 10.46.110 elements of proof 7.70.040
Civil rights, copies of instruments restoring civil Deferred prosecution program Insanity, requirements 9A.12.010
rights as 5.44.090 use and admissibility 10.05.080 Insufficient
Conditions precedent, burden of proof of Dependency proceedings effect 4.56.150
performance 4.36.080 sexual contact evidence admissible 9A.44.120 nonsuit, ground for 4.56.120
Consent to medical treatment 7.70.060 Dependency record information regarding sexual Insurance
Construction of rules of, court function 4.44.080 offenses application for 48.18.080
Controlled atmosphere storage of fruits and state patrol records 43.43.725 certificate of commissioner as 48.02.130
vegetables, inspection certificate 15.30.190 Depositions records of commissioner 48.02.130
Controlled substances prosecutions preliminary examinations, deposition of Intercepted private conversations 9.73.050
analytical report is prima facie evidence of witness 10.16.160 video and sound recordings, use of police, fire,
results of analysis of controlled substance uniform interstate depositions and discovery and certain emergency response personnel,
43.43.680 act Ch. 5.51 when authorized 9.73.090
fee for analysis, court imposition and Depositions, See also DEPOSITIONS Internment by enemy, federal missing persons
collection 43.43.690 Dismissal of action, insufficient evidence act, written findings of internment by federal
subpoena of forensic scientist at preliminary 4.56.120 officer or employee prima facie evidence
hearing or trial, procedure 43.43.680 DNA 5.40.020
Conviction as affecting competency of witness reference samples, destruction of, and data Jury, addressed to, when 4.44.090
evidence beyond reasonable doubt required expungement 5.70.020 Legal sufficiency
for 10.58.020 work product, preservation of 5.70.010 challenge to, effect 4.56.150
County commissioners proceedings 5.44.070 Documents nonsuit on grounds of lack of 4.56.120
Court, addressed to, when 4.44.080 certified copies of public records and Legislative sound recordings of debate,
Court records, admissible, when 5.44.010 documents as 5.44.040 availability 40.14.170
Crimes Ejectment and quieting title actions Libel and slander
age of children, determination of legal actions between cotenants 7.28.240 application of defamatory matter to plaintiff,
responsibility 9A.04.050 pleading requirements 7.28.130 burden of proof 4.36.120
Criminal Code quieting title against outlawed mortgage or mitigating circumstances 4.36.130
innocence, presumption of 9A.04.100 deed of trust 7.28.300 Mediation proceedings
proof required for conviction 9A.04.100 Electronic devices communications and materials exempt from
Criminal offender record, photograph, bugging 9.73.050 disclosure in later proceeding, exceptions
fingerprint, etc. of identification and intercepting private conversations 9.73.050 5.60.070
criminal history section of state patrol video and sound recordings, use of police, fire, mediation by state or federal agency,
43.43.725 and certain emergency response personnel, determination of questions of privilege and
Criminal proceedings when authorized 9.73.090 confidentiality 5.60.072
age of children, determination for legal wiretap 9.73.050 Medical malpractice
responsibility 9A.04.050 Exceptions, reporter to take 2.32.200 compensation by a defendant health provider
civil rules apply to criminal prosecutions Exceptions and denials of challenges to jurors, 7.70.080
10.58.010 rules of evidence applicable on trial of compensation by other sources 7.70.080
confessions 4.44.240 consent form
made under duress, cannot be used 10.58.030 Exchange facilitators contents 7.70.060
made under inducement, cannot convict fraud, prima facie evidence of 19.310.120 failure to use inadmissible 7.70.060
unless corroborated 10.58.030 Failure to yield right of way, prima facie legal significance 7.70.060
conviction evidence of 47.36.110 elements of proof 7.70.040
doubt as to degree of offense, lowest degree Federal missing persons act, written finding of Missing persons, federal missing persons act,
must be used 9A.04.100, 10.58.020 death, etc., by federal officer or employee written finding of missing person by federal
evidence beyond reasonable doubt required prima facie evidence 5.40.020 officer prima facie evidence 5.40.020
for 9A.04.100, 10.58.020 Fees to state, mailed 1.12.070 Motor vehicle law, under
discharging defendant to give evidence for Filing with state, mailed 1.12.070 accident reports as evidence 46.52.080
state, bar to subsequent prosecution Financial responsibility law, reports, findings, failure to yield right of way, prima facie
10.46.110 deposit of security not to be used in evidence evidence of 47.36.110
larceny prosecution, sufficiency of proof of 46.29.240 scale weight as taken by arresting officer as
ownership of property 10.58.060 Forcible entry and detainer, proof requirement of evidence of total gross weight for excess
mental condition of defendant, expert or plaintiff 59.12.140 weight offenses 46.44.047
professional persons as witnesses Foreign declarations, unsworn, uniform act Ch. Motor vehicles
10.77.100 5.50 embracing another while driving 46.61.665
murder, second degree Foreign judgment, debt, evidence as Murder, first degree
defense, establishment of 9A.32.050 defenses available 5.44.030 defense, establishment 9A.32.030
preliminary examinations, deposition of faith accorded to 5.44.020 Negligence per se
witness 10.16.160 Foreign statutes, printed copies, as 5.44.050 breach of duty imposed by statute, ordinance,
presumptions Fresh fruit sales limitation act, invoice as or rule 5.40.050
doubt as to degree of offense, lowest degree evidence of price paid 15.21.030 Newly discovered evidence
must be used 9A.04.100, 10.58.020 Gambling tax collections, commission records motion for new trial affidavit requirements
innocence 9A.04.100, 10.58.020 9.46.350 4.76.070
prior conviction Grand jury News media
use in later prosecution 9.94A.637 criminal investigations 10.27.090 compelled disclosure, protection 5.68.010
vacation of record, conditions 9.94A.640 subpoenas to witnesses 10.27.140 Nonsuit
property, pleading proof of ownership special inquiry judge challenge to legal sufficiency of 4.56.150
10.58.060 subpoenas to witnesses 10.27.140 insufficient evidence 4.56.120
sex offenses Habeas corpus Nuisances
admissibility 10.58.090 authority to restrain party for hearing 7.36.100 moral nuisances
statements of defendant, admissibility new matter 7.36.110 injunction, admission or guilt in criminal
10.58.035 Hearing impaired persons proceedings 7.48.072
view of place of crime by jury 10.58.080 visual recording of testimony 2.42.180 Objection to admission of, exception to ruling,
Criminally insane Horticultural inspection certificates or other procedure 4.80.030
admissibility 10.77.030 official documents as evidence 15.17.170 Ordinances of city or town as 5.44.080
establishment of 9A.12.010 Injunction Partition
Death moral nuisances continuance of suit to determine claims
federal missing persons act, written finding of admission or guilt in criminal proceedings 7.52.260
death prima facie evidence 5.40.020 7.48.072 proceedings for sale of property 7.52.190
transaction with deceased person, competency reputation, admissibility 7.48.074 Payment of accident claim, medical service lien
of testimony as to 5.60.030 motion to reinstate 7.40.210 60.44.060

[RCW Indexpage 250] (2016 Ed.)


Platting, subdivision and dedication of land act, perjury, immunity from prosecution does persons before judicial officer required to
copy of plat, effect 58.17.300 not apply 10.27.130 testify 5.56.050
Pleadings are not evidence 5.40.010 habeas corpus, public officers obeying writ persons in court required to testify 5.56.050
Polygraph examinations 7.36.180 prisoners in jails or prisons, how obtained
sex offense, alleged victims 10.58.038 immunity from prosecution, witness not 5.56.090
Private conversations, interception 9.73.050 excused on grounds of self-incrimination if privileged communications, See EVIDENCE,
Privileged communications 5.60.060 given immunity from prosecution subtitle Privileged communications
husband and wife 10.52.090 referees compensation for writing 4.48.100
family abandonment and nonsupport perjury, immunity from prosecution does not referees power to compel 4.48.060
proceedings 26.20.071 apply to perjury committed in self- reporter to take 2.32.200
supplemental proceedings 6.32.200 incriminating testimony 10.52.090 self-incrimination, See SELF-
Privileged communications, See also utilities and transportation commission INCRIMINATION
PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATIONS witnesses 80.04.050, 81.04.050 supplemental proceedings
Proof witness not excused if given immunity from answers required 6.32.200
pleadings do not constitute 5.40.010 prosecution 10.52.090 immunity, when 6.32.200
Proof, See also EVIDENCE, subtitle Burden of witnesses, bribery, witness not excused on referees report to judge 6.32.060
proof ground of self-incrimination 9.18.080 transcripts of, costs 2.32.240
Railroad crossing, signals and devices Sexual assault examination kits who may take 5.28.010
exclusion of record in railroad crossing laboratory examination of kit, law Traffic victims blood samples, state
hearing from civil or criminal action arising enforcement agency request for 70.125.090 toxicologists report, admissibility,
out of an accident at or in the vicinity of the Sexual contact with children availability 46.52.065
crossing 81.53.261 admissibility of childs statement 9A.44.120 Transcripts of
Rape Signatures, federal missing persons act, signature county commissioners proceedings 5.44.070
admissibility of victims past sexual behavior of officer or employee prima facie authentic use in civil actions 2.32.250
9A.44.020 and authorized, when 5.40.040 Tree fruit research commission records
Recorded and filed instruments, copies as Signs failing to have permit label as evidence of 15.26.270
evidence 5.44.060 violation of highway advertising control act Unclaimed property
Recorded plats, certified copies as 58.10.020 47.42.130 police in possession
Records Special inquiry judge disposal 63.32.010
business records subpoenas to witnesses 10.27.140 manner of disposal 63.32.010
business records as evidence, uniform act Standard of proof sheriff in possession
Ch. 5.45 professional negligence of hospital or disposal 63.40.010
copies of business and public records as members of healing arts manner of disposal 63.40.010
evidence, uniform act Ch. 5.46 exception 4.24.290 Variances from pleading
photographic copies of business and public State fruit commission records 15.28.120 action to recover personal property 4.36.210
records as evidence 40.20.030 Supplemental proceedings View of premises by jury, procedure 4.44.270
certified copies of public records and certification of evidence to judge 6.32.040 Wills
documents as 5.44.040 execution unsatisfied 6.32.010 record of as evidence 11.20.060
copies of business and public records as refusal to apply property to judgment 6.32.010 witnesses to, affidavit, effect 11.20.020
evidence, uniform act Ch. 5.46 Telegraphic or electronic communications Wiretaps 9.73.050
court bills and notes 5.52.040 Witnesses, See WITNESSES
admissibility of 5.44.010 burden of proof as to execution or genuineness Writings
replacement of records lost or destroyed 5.52.050 copies of record as evidence 5.44.060
5.48.010 checks 5.52.040 EXAMINER OF TITLES
federal missing persons act, records of United contracts by deemed in writing 5.52.010 Bond 65.12.090
States officers and employees as prima copy, defined 5.52.070 Compensation 65.12.090
facie evidence of death, missing in action, deemed in writing if signed 5.52.010 Oath 65.12.090
etc. 5.40.030 delivery of, necessity to effectuate notice,
information or intelligence 5.52.020 EXAMINING BUREAUS (See INSURANCE,
gambling commission, tax collection actions subtitle Examining bureaus)
9.46.350 due bills 5.52.040
public duplicate, defined 5.52.070 EXCAVATIONS
photographic copies of business and public instruments, by Agreements to indemnify for negligence related
records as evidence 40.20.030 effect of copy or duplicate 5.52.030 to, against public policy 4.24.115
Redemption, evidence required 6.23.080 recording copy 5.52.030 Failing to fence or cover a public nuisance
Referees transmission authorized, when 5.52.030 7.48.140
filing evidence with report 4.48.070 notice deemed actual notice, when 5.52.020 Mines and mining, fencing
power to take and report on 2.24.060 orders and agreements for payment of money complaint 78.12.020
Registration of land titles 5.52.040 notice 78.12.030, 78.12.040
duplicate certificate of title 65.12.290 power of attorney by requirement 78.12.010
receipt for certificate of title 65.12.260 effect of copy or duplicate 5.52.030 suit fees, fines, forfeitures, disposition
Remittance to state, mailed 1.12.070 recording copy 5.52.030 78.12.050
Reports, federal missing persons act, reports of transmission authorized, when 5.52.030 Oil and gas pipelines
United States officers and employees as prima facie effect of copy 5.52.050 excavation, duties after notice of 81.88.110
prima facie evidence of death, missing in revenue stamp transmission 5.52.060 prevention of third-party damage 81.88.070
action, etc. 5.40.030 seal transmission 5.52.060 EXCEPTIONS
Resolution of necessity in eminent domain cases Testimony Bill of
for acquisition of toll bridge property as admissibility of lost or destroyed, substitution of copy
47.56.110 decision of court as to 4.44.080 authorized 5.48.010
Revised Code of Washington prima facie facts preliminary to decided by court Challenges to juries, to
evidence of the law 1.08.040 4.44.080 oral exceptions authorized, procedure
Self-incrimination attachment of witness to compel 5.56.070, 4.44.250
bribery action, witness not excused on ground 5.56.080 rules of evidence applicable on trial of
of 9.18.080 coroners inquest, reduction to writing 4.44.240
criminal investigations 36.24.080 trial of 4.44.230, 4.44.240
grand jury immunity from prosecution, See IMMUNITY Court commissioners
immunity from prosecution, witness not FROM PROSECUTION notations in minutes by 4.80.040
excused if given immunity 10.27.130 motion for new trial on ground of newly stated to 4.80.040
perjury, immunity from prosecution does discovered evidence, affidavit Criminal procedure, civil practice rules applied
not apply to perjury 10.27.130 requirements as new testimony 4.76.070 to 4.80.140
special inquiry judge oral testimony admissible on hearing to Defined 4.80.010
immunity from prosecution, witness not replace court records lost or destroyed Entry of 4.80.030, 4.80.040
excused if given immunity 10.27.130 5.48.040 Evidence, reporter to take

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 251]


ruling on objection to admission, procedure certified transcript of, execution against local Mandamus proceedings, damages and costs, for
4.80.030 governmental entity 6.17.080 7.16.260
Findings of fact entry in docket of Nuisances
court commissioners decisions 4.80.020 proof of executor or administrator for abatement 7.48.280
referees decisions 4.80.020 execution of judgments in name of fines 7.48.260
Habeas corpus 6.17.030 judgments, of 7.48.020
warrant to prevent removal or irreparable proof of representative for execution of penalty for maintenance of place of
injury 7.36.210 judgments in name of 6.17.030 prostitution, assignation or lewdness
Judgments verdicts, judgments, abstracts, and 7.48.090
defined 4.80.010 transcripts Ch. 4.64 warrant of abatement deemed as, when
when to be taken 4.80.020 public record, as 4.64.060 7.48.030
Minutes, entry of objection in 4.80.030 Ejectment and quieting title actions, restitution Partition proceedings, costs included in decree
Partition proceedings on vacation of judgments and granting of 7.52.480
report of sale, to 7.52.380 new trial 7.28.270 Pension benefits
Referee to note and file 4.48.070 Enforcement of judgment exemption from judgment for out-of-state
Scope of application of chapter 4.80 RCW execution against several persons 6.01.040 income tax on pension benefits 6.15.025
4.80.140 Executors and administrators, execution of Process of superior courts 2.08.220
Taking of, manner of taking 4.80.040 judgments in name of 6.17.030 Quo warranto proceedings, collection of costs
When to be taken 4.80.020 Exempt property 6.15.010 from corporations 7.56.110
Exemptions from execution, See EXEMPTIONS Redemption from sale
EXCESSIVE DAMAGES FROM EXECUTION authorized, when 6.21.080
Reduction as alternative to new trial 4.76.030 Fines, execution for crops and homesteads 6.23.110
EXCHANGE FACILITATORS failure to pay after stay, commitment of generally Ch. 6.23
Standards and prohibited practices Ch. 19.310 defendant 10.82.025 lease, short term leasehold sale absolute and
against property of defendant 10.82.010, not subject to redemption 6.21.080
EXCISE TAXES (See TAXES) Removal, secreting, or assigning property to
EXCURSION SERVICE CARRIERS (See stay on furnishing recognizance for sureties avoid 9.45.080, 9.45.090
TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES; 10.82.020 Rents and profits
UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION Garnishment accounting for during redemption period
COMMISSION) judgments and execution against garnishee 6.23.090
EXCUSABLE HOMICIDE 6.27.250, 6.27.260, 6.27.265, 6.27.270, writ of execution to require, when 6.17.110
Defined as homicide 9A.32.010 6.27.280 Retirement benefits
Guardian and ward, costs against infant plaintiff exemption from judgment for out-of-state
EXECUTION SALE (See EXECUTIONS, income tax on pension benefits 6.15.025
recoverable against guardian ad litem
subtitle Sales under) 4.84.140 Returned, time for 6.17.120
EXECUTIONS (See also SENTENCES, Habeas corpus, warrant to prevent removal or Sales under
subtitle Capital punishment) irreparable injury 7.36.210 community real property subject to 26.16.040
Adverse claims Ch. 6.19 Homesteads conveyance authorized, when 6.23.060
Attached property, on appraisal by appointed appraiser 6.13.100, enforcement of foreign judgments, uniform
insufficient property 6.25.250 6.13.110, 6.13.120, 6.13.130, 6.13.140, act 6.36.130
procedure 6.25.240 6.13.150, 6.13.190, 6.13.200 fee of sheriff 36.18.040
unsatisfied 6.25.260 costs 6.13.200 generally Ch. 6.21
Attachment writ 6.25.110, 6.25.120, 6.25.130, division of 6.13.150 industrial insurance property acquired by state
6.25.150 exemptions, See EXEMPTIONS FROM for delinquency 51.16.180
personal property, real property, stocks, EXECUTION notice of sale
procedure for 6.17.160 levy 6.13.100 mortgage foreclosure deficiency judgment
Clerks duty on receipt of proceeds 6.17.150 proceeds of sale, disposition 6.13.170 61.12.100, 61.12.110
Collection of money, limitation of action against Homesteads, See also HOMESTEADS personal and real property Ch. 6.21
collecting officer 4.16.080 Industrial insurance, payments exempt from redemption from sale, See EXECUTIONS,
Contempt for failure to obey writ of execution assignment or execution 51.32.040 subtitle Redemption from sale
6.17.070 Interest on judgment, writ of execution to include Satisfaction of judgment, proceeds to clerk,
Costs 6.17.110 distribution 6.17.140
execution for against property of defendant Jointly owned real estate, levy on 6.17.170 Seal of writ 6.17.110
10.82.030 Judgments Signature to writ 6.17.110
failure to pay after stay, execution against bail forfeiture 10.19.100 State, judgments against satisfied without
sureties, commitment of defendant by confession 4.60.070 execution 4.92.040
10.82.025 debtors, See DEBTS AND DEBTORS; Stay of execution, time periods, bond 6.17.040,
recognizance with sureties 10.82.020 SUPPLEMENTAL PROCEEDINGS 6.17.050
stay of execution on furnishing 10.82.010 Stay of executions
exemptions, See EXEMPTIONS FROM
writ of execution to include 6.17.110 bail forfeiture judgment 10.19.100
Costs of issuance, payment of conditioned to Supplemental proceedings
generally Ch. 6.17 power of court commissioners to determine
satisfaction of judgment 4.56.100 homesteads, See EXECUTIONS, subtitle
Costs taxable against assignees of actions 2.24.040
Homesteads Supplemental proceedings, See also
4.84.160 justices of the peace, See JUSTICES OF THE SUPPLEMENTAL PROCEEDINGS
Crops, execution sales, redemption period, lien PEACE, subtitle Execution of judgments
on 6.23.110 Time limitation, exceptions 6.17.020
local governmental entity, against 6.17.080 Trusts, exemption where trust from person other
Damages, writ of execution to require, when real or personal property Ch. 6.17 than judgment debtor 6.32.050
6.17.110 referees power as to 2.24.060 Witnesses, attachment of witnesses, execution of
Debtors, See DEBTS AND DEBTORS; sheriffs duties 6.17.120 attachment 5.56.080
SUPPLEMENTAL PROCEEDINGS trust property Writ, failure to obey, contempt 6.17.070
Defendant becomes bankruptcy debtor, exemption where trust from person other
procedure 6.01.050 than judgment debtor 6.32.250 EXECUTIVE ETHICS BOARD (See
Devisees and legatees, execution against Justices of the peace ETHICS IN PUBLIC SERVICE, subtitle
property in custody of, writ contents judgments, execution of, See JUSTICES OF Executive ethics board)
6.17.110 THE PEACE, subtitle Execution of EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS
District courts, applicability of statute 6.17.010 judgments (See also GUARDIAN AND WARD;
District judges Kinds 6.17.060 PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES;
form of 12.04.203 Liens, inn keepers, attachment or execution on PROBATE)
service of 12.04.050 guests property 60.64.010 Absence from state, procedure, probate
Dockets Local governmental entity, execution of 11.28.040
administrative letters entered in 6.17.030 judgments against attachment, when Absentees estate, See PROBATE, subtitle
assignment of judgment recorded in 6.17.030 6.17.080 Absentees estate

[RCW Indexpage 252] (2016 Ed.)


Accounting Claims and debts against estate, See PROBATE, accounting

chargeable with whole estate 11.48.030 subtitle Claims and debts against estate attorneys fees to contestant of incorrect
final report and petition for distribution Compensation account 11.76.070
continuance of hearing if incorrect 11.76.060 expenses of management allowed to continuance of hearing if incorrect 11.76.060
liability of executor or administrator, 11.48.050 liability of executor or administrator,
judgment against 11.76.060 how fixed 11.48.210 judgment against 11.76.060
objections to 11.76.060 special administrators 11.32.030 objections to 11.76.060
loss or destruction, not liable for if not in Compromise of claims, authority of executor or closing of estate 11.76.050
default 11.48.030 administrator 11.48.130 contents 11.76.030
receipts for expenses by executor or Concealment of estate property, recovery of filing of 11.76.030
administrator, necessity of 11.76.100 procedure 11.48.070 hearing
revocation of letters, upon 11.28.290 Continuation of decedents business 11.48.025 continuance when account incorrect
special administrators 11.32.060 Contracts, suits by or against executor or 11.76.060
Accounting, See also PROBATE, subtitle administrator on contracts, authority to notice of, publication 11.76.040
Accounting maintain 11.48.090 time and place 11.76.040
Actions and proceedings Conveyances notice mailed to heirs and distributees
authority to maintain 11.48.020 administrator cannot convey unless directory 11.76.040
bond of former executor or administrator, powers in will 11.28.070 Fraudulent conveyances by decedent, recovery
action on 11.48.120 contracts to convey real property by deceased action 11.48.140
claim not acted on, suit against executor or vendor, sale and conveyance 11.60.010 Housing authority bonds, legal investments
administrator on bond, also creditors and fraudulent by decedent to defraud creditors, 35.82.220
distributees 11.76.170 recovery action 11.48.140 Insane persons disqualified to act as 11.36.010
contracts, by or against executor or recovery of property conveyed, procedure Investment of funds 39.60.050
administrator, authority to maintain 11.48.070 community renewal obligations 35.81.110
11.48.090 Convictions, persons convicted of crime metropolitan municipal corporation
conveyance by decedent to defraud creditors, involving moral turpitude disqualified to obligations 35.58.510
recovery of property 11.48.140 serve as executors or administrators United States corporation bonds authorized, in
executor of executor, authority to maintain 11.36.010 39.60.010
11.48.190 Corporations disqualified to act as executor or Judicial sale, objections to confirmation by
against executor or administrator administrator in probate 11.36.010 6.21.110
arrest and attachment 11.48.200 Corporations whose shareholders are exclusively Letters of administration Ch. 11.28, 11.36.010
claims and debts against estate, personal attorneys Letters of administration with will annexed Ch.
liability, when 11.76.160 may be personal representative 11.36.010 11.28, 11.36.010
claims not acted on, suit against executor or Costs for or against 4.84.150 Letters of administration with will annexed, See
administrator on bond, also creditors and County peddlers licenses, exemption of also PROBATE, subtitle Letters of
distributees 11.76.170 executor and administrators from 36.71.070 administration with will annexed
contracts 11.48.090 Crime, conviction of crime involving moral Letters testamentary Ch. 11.28, 11.36.010
default judgment as evidence of assets turpitude disqualifies 11.36.010 Letters testamentary, See also PROBATE,
11.48.160 Damages subtitle Letters testamentary
delinquencies, for 11.28.300 agreement to answer for from own estate must Liabilities
execution, several executors or be in writing 11.48.040 continuation of decedents business, authority
administrators considered one 11.48.150 not liable for without fault 11.48.030 to incur 11.48.025
Death of executor, letters of administration with damages of estate, promise to pay by executor
judgments, several considered as one will annexed on death of executor 11.28.060
11.48.150 or administrator must be in writing
Debts 11.48.040
several considered as one for notice purposes agreements to answer damages from own debts
11.48.150 estate must be in writing 11.48.040 promise to pay by executor or administrator
by executor or administrator promise to pay debts of estate must be in must be in writing 11.48.040
bond of former executor or administrator writing to bind executor or administrator uncollected, liability for 11.48.080
11.48.120 11.48.040 embezzlement 11.48.060
contracts 11.48.090 uncollected, liability for 11.48.080 executor de son tort 11.48.180
conveyance by decedent to defraud creditors, written agreement to answer damages from not liable for loss without fault 11.48.180
recovery of property 11.48.140 own estate 19.36.010 special administrator to creditors 11.32.050
embezzlement 11.48.060 Delivery of will by 11.20.010 Limitation of actions
recovery of property 11.48.090 Destroyed will, restraint pending application to suspended during special administration
limitations upon actions, suspended during prove 11.20.080 11.32.050
time of special administration 11.32.050 Discharge of tolled by death of one represented 4.16.200
recovery of property 11.48.090 closing estate, discharge upon 11.76.050 Lost will, restraint pending application to prove
special administrator, by 11.32.030 petition for in final report 11.76.030 11.20.080
Alien real property, fiduciary restrictions Discovery Management of property, right to 11.48.020
65.16.070 additional property after final settlement Mentally ill, disqualified to act as executor or
Allowance or rejection of claims, See 11.76.250 administrator in probate of will 11.36.010
PROBATE, subtitle Claims and debts concealed or embezzled property 11.48.070 Minors, disqualified to act as executor or
against estate Disqualification, effect 11.36.010 administrator in probate 11.36.010
Appointment Dormant accounts, savings associations Nonintervention powers
notice of 11.28.237 claim of amount transferred to dormant restriction or removal 11.68.070
Attachment account fund 33.20.130 Nonresidents
actions against, attachment allowed 11.48.200 Embezzlement may serve as, bond, service of papers,
money in hands of 6.27.050 action for 11.48.060 appointment of 11.36.010
Banks 11.36.010 liability for 11.48.060 Pendency of probate
Bonds recovery of embezzled property, procedure notice of 11.28.237
former executor or administrator, action on 11.48.070 Personal representatives 11.36.010, 11.48.010
bond 11.48.120 Escheats, property of institution inmates, transfer Possession of property, right to 11.48.020
laws applicable to, guardians and limited to 11.08.111 Promises to pay debts of estate must be in writing
guardians 11.88.110 Execution of judgments in name of 6.17.030 to bind 11.48.040
nonresidents 11.36.010 Execution sale, objections to confirmation by Property of estate
release of surety from bond, procedure 6.21.110 business property, continuation of business
19.72.110, 19.72.130 Executor de son tort 11.48.180 11.48.025
special administrators 11.32.020 Executor of executor management of 11.48.020
Business property, continuation of during authority to maintain action 11.48.190 possession of 11.48.020
probate 11.48.025 powers of 11.28.060 Purchase of claims by 11.48.080
Charitable trusts, generally Ch. 11.110 Expenses of management allowed to 11.48.050 Qualifications for letters and disqualifications
Claims, purchase of claims by 11.48.080 Final report and petition for distribution 11.36.010

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 253]


Real estate sold by, limitation of actions to Insurance public employment labor relations
recover 4.16.070 group life, exemptions of proceeds 48.18.420 commission 41.58.015
Rents and profits, receipt by 11.48.020 proceeds from exempt property exempt public transportation benefit area authority,
Reports of 11.76.010 6.15.030 members of 36.57A.050
Reversal of judgment tolls limitation on action Life insurance proceeds 48.18.400, 48.18.410, records committee, archives and records
4.16.240 48.18.420, 48.18.430 management division 40.14.050
Revocation of letters 11.36.010 Negotiable instruments, personal exemption state lottery commission 67.70.270
Savings associations claimant to list 6.15.060 traffic safety commission 43.59.050
may be member of 33.20.060 Nonresidents 6.15.050 Witnesses
Setoff Pensions 6.15.020 prepayment or tender of subsistence and travel
effect of judgment for defendant 4.56.050 exceptions 6.15.020 expenses 5.56.010
by when defendant 4.32.140 Police pensions in first class cities 41.20.180 EXPLOSIVES
against when plaintiff 4.32.130 Proceedings 6.15.060
Several considered as one for notice purposes Abandonment of, unlawful 70.74.295
Public assistance
11.48.150 Blasting caps
grants 74.04.280
Special administrators Ch. 11.32 payments 74.08.210 limit on storage 70.74.040
Successor personal representative Separate property storage, rules 70.74.030
appointment 11.28.280 spouse and minor heirs, exempt from debts of storage with other explosives 70.74.100
Survival of actions husband 6.15.040 Blasting near fur farms and hatcheries 70.74.250
personal injury action survives if injured Spouses separate property 6.15.040 Bomb threats 9.61.160
person dies 4.20.060 State employees retirement benefits, exceptions Buildings
wrongful death 4.20.010, 4.20.020 41.40.052 malicious explosion of a substance 70.74.280
Trust companies 11.36.010 Teachers retirement system rights, exceptions storage, rules 70.74.030
Veteran estate management program 41.32.052 Coal mining code, effect on 70.74.210
claims against estate 73.04.135 Trusts, exemption where trust from person other Containers
criteria and authority of director of department than judgment debtor 6.32.250 marking requirements 70.74.300
of veterans affairs 73.04.130 Verifications, list of personal property where Crimes relating to
definitions 73.04.131 personal exemption claimed 6.15.060 endangering life and property 70.74.270
guardians, department employees prohibited Waiver 6.15.050 flame producing device, unlawful use
from serving as 73.04.140 70.74.310
EXHIBITIONS AND SHOWS imitation devices, malicious placement
Wills Dangerous exhibitions with firearms or weapons
contest, notice to 11.24.020 70.74.272
prohibited 9.41.260 intimidation or harassment 70.74.275
delivery of will by, penalty for failure
11.20.010 EXHIBITS malicious explosion of a substance 70.74.280
lost or destroyed will, restraint of executor of Court exhibits, reporters notes and unopened marking of containers 70.74.300
administrator of previous will 11.20.080 depositions, destruction, sheriffs disposal, stink bombs, unlawful use 70.74.310
Wills, See also PROBATE, subtitle Wills; or preservation 36.23.070 tear gas bombs, unlawful use 70.74.310
WILLS Historical materials, preservation of declared Dealers
Witnesses, competency as 5.60.030 public purpose 27.48.010 license requirements 70.74.130
Superior court, delivery to preservation, sheriffs records to be kept 70.74.230
EXECUTORY CONTRACTS (See disposal, or destruction 36.23.070
CONTRACTS) sale to unlicensed persons 70.74.240
EXPENDITURES (See also STATE FISCAL Defined, motor vehicle law 46.04.170
EXEMPTIONS FROM EXECUTION MATTERS, subtitle Budget and Definitions 70.74.010
Absconding debtors, exemption waived as to accounting system) Discharge of firearms near 70.74.170
6.15.050 State expenditure limitations Ch. 43.135 Exemptions 70.74.191
Appraisal, procedure if appraised value exceeds Explosive devices, prohibition 70.74.180
exemption 6.15.070 EXPENSES AND PER DIEM
Air pollution control advisory council 70.94.240 Factories
Appraisers, personal exemptions of debtors to be quantity and distance tables for storage
appraised 6.15.060 Airport district commissioners, board of
14.08.304 70.74.050
Bonds, personal exemption claimant to list
6.15.060 College and university governing boards Firearms powder, storage with other explosives
28B.10.525 70.74.340
Chattel mortgages 6.15.050
City of first class employees retirement rights, Depositions 4.84.090 Fireworks, See FIREWORKS
exempt from execution 41.28.200 District judge Funds, management 70.74.013
Claim of visiting judge 3.34.140 Imitation devices, malicious placement
appraisal 6.15.060 Educational service district boards 28A.310.160 70.74.272
list and valuations 6.15.060 Election officers, See ELECTIONS, subtitle Improvised devices, defined 70.74.010
Debtors, absconding, exemptions waived as to Expenses Licenses
6.15.050 Executors and administrators 11.48.050 criminal information 70.74.360
Earnings of spouse 6.15.040 Joint committee on energy supply and energy expiration, extension 70.74.380
Employee benefit plans, transfer of spouses conservation, members 44.39.045 requirements 70.74.022
interest at death 6.15.020 Jurors, expense of keeping 4.44.310 revocation, nonrenewal, suspension 70.74.370
Fees of appraisers 6.15.060 Mileage allowances, See MILEAGE Magazines
Garnishment Partition proceedings, referee and surveyor on classification, location and construction
effect of garnishment on exempt portions of a partition 7.52.120 standards 70.74.025
debt 6.27.120 Personal representatives 11.48.050 inspection 70.74.150
wages, salary and other compensation, amount Records committee, archives and records storage, rules 70.74.061
of 6.27.150 management division 40.14.050 storage in, required 70.74.025
Group disability insurance, exemption of Salaried officers not to receive witness per diem, Malicious explosion of a substance 70.74.280
proceeds 48.18.400 exceptions 42.16.020 Malicious placement 70.74.270
Homesteads State officers and employees Manufacturers
conditions for automatic exemption 6.13.040 travel expenses inspection 70.74.150
execution of judgments against owner of how paid 41.04.300 license 70.74.110, 70.74.144
homestead, generally Ch. 6.13 Traffic safety commission 43.59.050 Manufacturing buildings, quantity and distance
exemption from attachment and from Travel expenses tables for storage 70.74.050
execution or forced sale 6.13.070 college and university governing boards Motor vehicles for transportation of explosives,
limits of exemption 28B.10.525 flammable liquids or compressed gases
basic value limits 6.13.030 district courts 3.58.040 operating while carrying flares, fusees or
effect or role of value limits 6.13.010, district judge signals produced by flame prohibited
6.13.020, 6.13.090, 6.13.110, 6.13.140, visiting judge 3.34.140 46.37.440
6.13.150, 6.13.160, 6.13.170 judges operating without electric lanterns or portable
when exemption not available 6.13.080 pro tempore 2.28.160 reflectors 46.37.440
Homesteads, See also HOMESTEADS personnel resources board 41.06.110 Municipal ordinances not affected 70.74.201

[RCW Indexpage 254] (2016 Ed.)


Nuisances, manufacturing as public nuisance, EXTRADITION Questions of decided by jury 4.44.090

when 7.48.140 Agent, duties 10.88.400 FACTORIES
Purchasers license Agents Explosive manufacturers, See EXPLOSIVES
fee 70.74.137 appointment of 10.34.030
renewal 70.74.137 Application for requisition for return of person FACTORY ASSEMBLED STRUCTURES
required 70.74.135 affidavits 10.88.410 Advisory board 43.22.420
Quantity and distance tables contents 10.88.410 FACTORY BUILT HOUSING (See
manufacturing buildings 70.74.050 copies, one copy to secretary of state HOUSING)
Records of sale of explosives 70.74.230 10.88.410
Sale filed by 10.88.410 FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT (See
limits on quantity 70.74.040 Arrest without warrant CREDIT, subtitle Credit reports)
records to be kept 70.74.230 peace officer 10.88.330 FAIR TRADE (See MONOPOLIES;
restrictions on, waiver 70.74.020 private person 10.88.330 UNFAIR TRADE PRACTICES)
unlicensed persons, penalty 70.74.240 Civil process, service on extradited person Price-fixing, See PRICE FIXING
Seizure and forfeiture 70.74.400 10.88.420 FAIRNESS IN LENDING ACT (See BANKS
Sellers Confinement of prisoner AND BANKING, subtitle Fairness in
license 70.74.146 cost 10.88.310 lending act)
Separate storage of components, when 70.74.297 in transit, cost 10.88.310
Small arms ammunition Delivery of accused, violation, penalty 10.88.300 FAIRS (See also WORLD FAIRS OR
adoption of federal regulations by reference Demand from another state EXPOSITIONS)
70.74.320 governors warrant 10.88.260 Agricultural fairs, youth shows, and exhibitions,
primers, storage, limitations on 70.74.350 requirements 10.88.220 See AGRICULTURAL FAIRS
transportation and storage restrictions Expenses Authorization for 36.37.010
70.74.330, 70.74.340 extradition agents, appointment of 10.34.030 County agricultural fairs and poultry shows Ch.
Small firearms powder, storage with other Failure to make timely arrest or demand for 36.37
explosives 70.74.340 extradition 10.88.360 Fair fund
Stink bombs, restrictions on use 70.74.310 Fresh pursuit, uniform act Ch. 10.89 horse racing commission fees 67.16.100
Storage Fugitives from another state Fair land
license arrest without warrant 10.88.370 annexation to cities 35.13.010, 35A.14.490
fee 70.74.140 bail by bond, conditions 10.88.350 annexation to city or town 35.13.490
requirements 70.74.120 bond forfeiture 10.88.370 Funds for 36.37.040
limits on quantity 70.74.040 commitment to county jail 10.88.340 Intercounty participation 36.37.050
report to labor and industries 70.74.120 discharge 10.88.360 Lease of
restrictions on, waiver 70.74.020 failure to appear 10.88.370 county property to nonprofit corporations for
separate storage of components, when magistrates warrant 10.88.340 36.34.145
70.74.297 pending criminal prosecution in this state, state-owned lands for 36.37.150
small arms ammunition, restrictions on governors decision regarding 10.88.380 Northern State Hospital, lands adjacent to
storage 70.74.330 preliminary examination 10.88.340 36.37.160
Tear gas bombs, restriction on use 70.74.310 recommitment 10.88.360 Management 36.37.040
Theft or loss recovery on bond 10.88.370 Multiple counties 36.37.050
reporting 70.74.410 Governor Property acquisition 36.37.020
Unlawful access to 70.74.160 demand for, by 10.88.400 Southwest Washington fair Ch. 36.90
Users license, renewal, fee 70.74.142 issue of warrant to agent 10.88.400 State international trade fair
powers and duties as to 10.34.030 defined 43.31.850
Agricultural commodities State international trade fairs
right to application for funds 43.31.820
department of agriculture powers and duties legal counsel 10.88.290
43.23.035 certification of fairs, allotments 43.31.830
writ of habeas corpus 10.88.290 funds from state trade fair fund 43.31.820,
Agricultural commodity marketing Retaking fugitive in foreign state or territory,
international trade center, IMPACT 43.31.830
extradition proceedings 10.34.030 post audit of participating fairs 43.31.840
contributions and support 28B.30.543 Return of person to this state, conditions
director 28B.30.539 state aid eligibility requirements 43.31.810
10.88.240 State trade fairs
duties 28B.30.537 Rights, powers, privileges or jurisdiction of state
primary functions 28B.30.535 state trade fair fund 43.31.833, 43.31.834
not waived 10.88.440
research and services, fees 28B.30.541 Surrender of person expenditures 43.31.805
Export trading companies to any other state 10.88.240 transfers 43.31.832
authority to establish, business plan to be charged with crime committed in state other FALSE ARREST (See also FALSE
adopted 53.31.030 than demanding state 10.88.250 IMPRISONMENT)
confidentiality of records supplied by private Trial for other crimes 10.88.450 Civil suit, reasonable cause a defense 4.24.220
individuals 53.31.050 Waiver of, procedure 10.88.430 Detention for, reasonable cause or delay a
definitions 53.31.020 Warrant, arrest without defense
dissolution 53.31.040 peace officer 10.88.330 civil action 4.24.220
federal certificate of review authorized private person 10.88.330 Shoplifting
53.31.060 Warrant of arrest arrest, reasonable cause a defense to false
formation 53.31.040 delivery without governors warrant arrest suit
legislative findings 53.31.010 10.88.415 civil 4.24.220
powers 53.31.040 governor may issue another warrant, when detention for investigation 9A.16.080
International commercial arbitration Ch. 7.05 10.88.390
Minority business export outreach program governor may recall, when 10.88.390 FALSE ARREST INSURANCE
43.210.130 County employees, providing for 36.16.130
Small businesses EYE BANKS
Presumption of good faith 68.50.290 FALSE CERTIFICATION
economic development finance authority Defined 9A.60.050
funding programs 43.163.030 EYEGLASSES (See OPTICIANS,
EXPRESS COMPANIES (See Action on limited to two years 4.16.100
TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES, Dies, molds, forms, and patterns
fabricators lien Ch. 60.84 Costs and disbursements, limitation on recovery
subtitle Express companies) of by plaintiff 4.84.040
EXTRACTOR FACSIMILE DEVICES (See TELEPHONES, Detention for, reasonable cause a defense for suit
Defined 82.04.100 subtitle Telefacsimile messages) for false imprisonment
Tax imposed 82.04.230, 82.04.280, 82.04.440 FACT civil 4.24.220
Value of products 82.04.450 Issue of, See ISSUES, subtitle Fact, issue of Shoplifting

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 255]


arrest for, reasonable cause or reasonable FAMILY AND CHILDRENS OMBUDS, Entitlement to leave 49.78.220
delay a defense for suit for false OFFICE OF Family leave insurance Ch. 49.86
imprisonment Child fatality review recommendations eligibility for benefits 49.86.030
civil 4.24.220 43.06A.110 family leave insurance account 49.86.170
detention for investigation 9A.16.080 Generally, including evidentiary privileges and report by administering department 49.86.210
confidentiality Ch. 43.06A Federal act, relationship to 49.78.390
FALSE PRETENSES Foreseeable leave 49.78.250
Attachment ground, debt not due 6.25.040 FAMILY COURT (See also COURTS,
subtitle Therapeutic courts) Generous policies, encouragement of 49.78.380
FALSE REPORTING Address confidentiality program 26.12.270 Intermittent or reduced schedule 49.78.230
Public disturbance Assistants Penalties 49.78.340
gross misdemeanor 9A.84.040 appointment 26.12.050 Prohibited acts 49.78.300
FALSE REPRESENTATIONS Child abuse or neglect, reporting 26.12.170 Protection, employment 49.78.280
Commissioners Rules, authority 49.78.400
Animals, false certificate of registration or false Sick leave
representation of breed, penalty 9.08.030 appointment and tenure 26.12.050
authority to order or recommend services child care 49.12.275, 49.12.280, 49.12.285,
Certificates, falsification by public officer 49.12.290, 49.12.295
42.20.050 26.12.170
duties 26.12.060 family member 49.12.265, 49.12.270,
City firefighters, civil service 41.08.150 49.12.287
Common carriers Court-appointed special advocate program
guardian ad litem appointment 26.12.175 Spouses employed by same employer 49.78.260
obtaining transportation at rates less than Unpaid leave 49.78.240
established 81.28.210, 81.28.220 Courthouse facilitator program 26.12.240
shipping prohibited property 81.28.210, Dissolution of marriage 26.09.030 FAMILY MEDICINE (See PHYSICIANS
81.28.220 Family court proceeding AND SURGEONS, subtitle Family
Credit or financial rating, penalty 9.38.010 defined 26.12.010 medicine)
Guardian ad litem FAMILY PLANNING (See BIRTH
Recording title to real property, penalty 9.38.020 appointment, duties 26.09.220, 26.12.175 CONTROL)
FAMILY ABANDONMENT AND confidentiality 26.12.180, 26.12.183
NONSUPPORT (See also CHILD ex parte communications 26.12.187 FAMILY POLICY COUNCIL
SUPPORT) registry and selection 26.12.177 Community public health and safety networks
Enforcement of support release of information 26.12.185 planning grants and contracts with 70.190.090
action by department to insure support training 26.12.177 proposals to council 70.190.030
74.20.040 Hearings Community services
agreements between attorney general and procedure 26.12.160 projects
prosecuting attorneys to initiate petition for Improvement program, family and juvenile court funds to implement 70.190.030
support under uniform act 74.20.210 2.56.220, 2.56.230 prioritization 70.190.030
attorney general, intercounty proceedings, Investigators proposals to facilitate
attorney general may represent petitioner in appointment and tenure 26.12.050 criteria for consideration 70.190.030
74.20.210 appointment and training 26.12.188 FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES
citation for spouse to appear 74.20.230 Joint family court services 26.12.230 Generally Ch 74.14C
divorce or separate maintenance Judges
application by attorney general or Administration of family services and programs
prosecuting attorney for show cause order substitute judges 26.12.040
Jurisdiction by secretary of social and health services
to provide support 74.20.220 43.20A.780
modification of decree, appearance by exercise or granting of by superior court
26.12.010 Department of social and health services
department on behalf of mother 74.20.220 responsibilities 74.13.036
intercounty proceedings, attorney general may Jurisdiction as to pending actions 26.12.190
Juvenile proceedings, commissioner power and Family reconciliation act Ch. 13.32A
represent petitioner 74.20.210
parent applying for public assistance, authority 13.04.021 FAMILY SUPPORT (See FAMILY
statement under oath as to income, etc., Marriage license fees 26.12.220 ABANDONMENT AND NONSUPPORT;
penalty 74.20.260 Parenting seminars FAMILY ALLOWANCES)
payment made through department upon authority to order or recommend 26.12.170 FARM INTERNSHIP PILOT PROGRAM
notice to the clerk of the court 74.20.101 rules 26.12.172 (See INDUSTRIAL WELFARE)
Post-divorce problems 26.12.190
petition for order upon spouse to provide Privacy of parties 26.12.080 FARM LABOR CONTRACTORS
support Probation officers Applications
application by mother 74.20.230 duties 26.12.070 requirements 19.30.030
attendance of witnesses, power of court to Proceedings involving children Civil actions
compel 74.20.240 priority 26.12.205 procedure 19.30.170
attorney general may apply for, when Revision of acts and proceedings by superior Civil penalties
74.20.230 court 26.12.215 procedure 19.30.160
contempt powers of court 74.20.240 Services Controversies
filing fee, when nonpayment allowed court services 26.12.190 investigations, adjustments 19.30.130
74.20.250 fees 26.12.220 Definitions 19.30.010
order granting, denying or fixing support program, services to parties in dissolutions Duties 19.30.110
74.20.240 and legal separations 26.12.260 Farm labor contractor account 19.30.030
representation of child by department of social Stenographers Injunctions 19.30.180
and health services 74.20.220 appointment 26.12.050 Insurance requirement 19.30.030
Family support payments as condition to Transfer of cases Licenses
suspension of sentence 9.92.060 assignment to another judge 26.12.030 contents 19.30.070
Foreign support orders denial, grounds 19.30.050
FAMILY FARM WATER ACT (See WATER duplicate licenses 19.30.020
nonrecognition of, when incompatible with AND WATER RIGHTS, subtitle Family
public policy 4.24.820 duration, renewal 19.30.081
Farm Water Act) renewal 19.30.090
Interstate family support act, uniform
associated foreign order provisions 4.24.820 FAMILY LEAVE required 19.30.020
Parent locator services 74.20.280 Account 49.78.350 revocation or suspension, grounds 19.30.060
Benefits, employment 49.78.290 Penalties for violations 19.30.150
FAMILY ALLOWANCES (See also Certification 49.78.270 Prohibited acts 19.30.120
PROBATE, subtitle Family allowances) Civil actions by employees 49.78.330 Retaliation against employees prohibited
Absentees estates 11.80.050 Civil penalty 49.78.320 19.30.190
Descent and distribution Complaint investigations 49.78.310 Rules for enforcement and administration
real property title vests immediately but Construction of chapter 49.78.410 19.30.130
subject to 11.04.250 Effect on existing employment benefits Surety bond or other security
Family support and postdeath creditors claim 49.78.370 claim for wages 19.30.045
exemptions Ch. 11.54 Effect on other laws 49.78.360 requirements 19.30.030, 19.30.040

[RCW Indexpage 256] (2016 Ed.)


Unlicensed persons Farmers home administration loan guaranty enforcement 90.48.450

liability for services 19.30.200 program Ch. 31.35 Water rights
FARMERS MARKETS Farmers market nutrition program ground waters determination and
Beer and wine sampling women, infants, and children 43.70.700 appropriation Ch. 90.44
farmers market endorsement to allow Farmland preservation registration, waiver, and relinquishment Ch.
sampling 66.24.175 findings 89.10.005 90.14
Beer sales by domestic breweries 66.24.240 office 89.10.010 surface waters, determination and
Federal conservation reserve program, economic appropriation Ch. 90.03
Beer sales by microbreweries 66.24.244 development finance authority advance Yakima river basin integrated water resource
Nursery dealers financing program for farmers eligible for management plan Ch. 90.38
licenses and fees 15.13.270, 15.13.280 contract payments under 43.163.040 Yakima river basin water rights Ch. 90.38
Wine sales by wineries 66.24.170 Fences, See FENCES Water use, See WATER AND WATER RIGHTS
FARMS AND FARMING (See also Food and environmental quality laboratory, Weather modification, See WEATHER
Agricultural extension work, county programs Foreclosure of real property, proceeding for loss Weeds, See WEEDS
36.50.010 of redemption rights, agricultural property Wildlife damage control Ch. 77.36
Agricultural fairs, youth shows, and exhibitions excepted from 61.12.095 FAX (See TELEPHONES, subtitle
Ch. 15.76 Fur farming Ch. 16.72 Telefacsimile messages)
Agricultural lenders Gardeners, licensing requirements for peddling,
farmers home administration loan guaranty exemption from 36.71.090 FEDERAL
program Ch. 31.35 Home economics extension work, county Aeronautics, federal licensing Ch. 14.16
Agricultural safety standards programs 36.50.010 Agreements to secure federal aid within scope of
establishment and adoption, limitation and Horticultural pests and diseases, See highway advertising control act of 1961
requirements 49.17.041 HORTICULTURE authorized 47.42.110
Agricultural structures Industrial insurance, optional exclusion for Alien property custodian, notices to concerning
permit and plan review fees 19.27.087 workers on parents family farms 51.12.020 property affecting aliens 4.28.350
Ammonia emissions from agricultural or Interns Bond issues of municipal corporations, sale to
silvacultural fertilizer use, regulation farm internship pilot program 49.12.470, United States at private sale Ch. 39.48
prohibited 70.94.645 50.04.1501, 51.16.242 Bonds or obligations
Beef commission Ch. 16.67 Labor disposal by county 36.33.190
Beginning farmer financing program 43.180.290 agricultural labor skills and safety program savings associations, investment in 33.24.020
Commodity boards, See COMMODITY 43.330.450 savings banks, authorized investment for
BOARDS Ladybugs and other beneficial insects Ch. 15.61 32.20.030
Commodity commissions, See COMMODITY Lands, agricultural statewide city employees retirement system
COMMISSIONS voluntary stewardship program Ch. 36.70A funds, investment in 41.44.100
Conservation commission, powers and duties Ch. Machinery and equipment Childrens sleepwear standards 70.110.030,
89.08 property tax exemption 84.36.630 70.110.040
Conservation districts, organization and Motor vehicles Clean air act
operation Ch. 89.08 motor freight carrier law exemption 81.80.040 compliance with 70.94.011
Crop liens, See LIENS, subtitle Crop liens Noxious weeds, See WEEDS enforcement of plans approved under
Nuisance lawsuits protection 70.94.785
Current use assessment, See OPEN SPACE Community College Act of 1967
LAND, subtitle Open space, farm, agricultural activity, defined 7.48.310
farm, defined 7.48.310 conflict with federal law, effect 28B.50.440
agricultural, and timber land, current use
assessment farm product, defined 7.48.310 federal funds, receipt 28B.50.520
farmland, defined 7.48.310 County property, long term leases 36.34.310
Dairies and dairy products, See DAIRIES AND
DAIRY PRODUCTS legislative finding and purpose 7.48.300 Courts, state judges having unfinished law
presumption of reasonableness 7.48.305 business in 2.48.200
Dairy products commission, See DAIRY Department of commerce, state to place road
PRODUCTS COMMISSION recovering costs to investigate, agencies
7.48.320 markers as requested by department
Demonstration farms, property tax exemption 47.36.090
84.36.570 recovering lawsuit costs, farmers 7.48.315
Odors, clean air act exemption 70.94.640 Donation law, ejectment and quieting title
Energy efficiency improvements actions as to donation claims 7.28.280
interdisciplinary team to develop and offer Pesticide application act Ch. 17.21
Pesticide control act Ch. 15.58 Emergency public works Ch. 39.28
new methods for 70.260.030 Employees, See FEDERAL, subtitle Officers and
Family farm water act Pesticide registration, commission on,
membership and duties 15.92.090, employees
water withdrawal permits Ch. 90.66 15.92.095, 15.92.100, 15.92.105, 15.92.110 Enemy aliens, tolling of statute of limitation of
Farm families Pesticides, See also PESTICIDES actions 4.16.210
guide to state and federal assistance programs Produce stands, license requirements for Facilities of displaced for state highway
15.04.300 peddling, exemption from 36.71.090 purposes, department of transportation may
Farm implements, machinery, parts Real estate, sellers disclosures exercise powers of eminent domain to
business relations between independent retail farm, proximity to 64.06.022 relocate 47.12.150
business and manufacturers and Redemption of agricultural land, rents, profits Federal property
distributors, regulation Ch. 19.98 and expenses during redemption period bids by state or political subdivision 39.32.070
repurchase requirements Ch. 19.98 6.23.090 purchase by
Farm internship pilot program, See FARMS Rural housing projects, authorization for political subdivision
AND FARMING, subtitle Interns 35.82.240 authorized 39.32.070, 39.32.080
Farm marketing Rural rehabilitation program, agreements with procedure 39.32.090
agriculture director, duties 15.64.010 and funds from federal government Ch. state, authorized 39.32.070, 39.32.080
farm-to-school program 15.64.060 15.70 Federal surplus property
funds, use for studies 15.64.040 Sabotage, interference or injury to agriculture enterprise services, department of
small farm direct marketing assistance constitutes, penalty 9.05.060 rules and regulations 39.32.060
program 15.64.050 Small farm direct marketing assistance program Federal-aid for highway purposes, acceptance
studies of marketing problems 15.64.030 Ch. 15.64 and administration of 47.04.050, 47.04.060,
Farmers Sustaining agriculture and natural resources, 47.04.070
licensing requirements for peddling, center for, purpose and activities Ch. 15.92 custody of federal funds, disbursement
exemption from, exceptions 36.71.090 Truck farmers, license requirements for 47.08.130
low income peddling, exemption from 36.71.090 state to match federal funds 47.08.020
definitions 35.82.260 Warehouses, See WAREHOUSES Flood control
housing projects 35.82.240 Wastewater county lease or conveyance 36.34.220,
Washington farmers and ranchers license reclaimed water use Ch. 90.46 36.34.230, 36.34.240
plates 46.04.685 Water flows or levels, establishment of minimum state and federal cooperation
Farmers, low income for stockwatering requirements Ch. 90.22 authority for 86.24.020
housing application 35.82.250 Water pollution control contracts authorized 86.24.030

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 257]


contracts with other governmental units termination or prepayment of contract, Social security, See FEDERAL SOCIAL
86.24.040 mortgage, or loan, owners rights SECURITY
extent of participation 86.24.030 59.28.050 Standard and daylight saving time in local areas
state interest 86.24.050 violations, civil action as remedy, parties under federal control 1.20.050
state and federal participation in projects, 59.28.100 State land settlement contracts, irrigation
generally 86.09.163, 86.09.166, 86.09.169, Immigration authorities, aliens, notice to districts 87.48.020
86.09.172 immigration authorities when committed to State to cooperate with United States on road
territory includable 86.09.019 state institutions for crime 10.70.140 markers 47.36.090
Foreign trade zones Indians, See INDIANS Survey markers of United States, transportation
application for permission to establish, Insured deposits and accounts by federal department to aid in restoration of 47.36.010
operate and maintain 24.46.020 government, use of as collateral security Targeted jobs tax credit program
cities and towns 35.21.805 39.60.040 administration 50.16.080
counties 36.01.125 Intercounty incorporation Tax liens
legislative finding and intent 24.46.010 authority to deal with 35.02.250 application 60.68.005
cities and towns 35.21.800 utility services 35.02.250 certification 60.68.025
counties 36.01.120 Interstate commerce commission fees for recording or filing 60.68.035
port districts, general permission to operate utilities and transportation commission to index 60.68.045
53.08.030 represent state 80.01.075 notice 60.68.015
Forest lands Irrigation districts Transportation, department of
contracts with rules and regulations for transporting
conveyance to, counties 36.34.210 explosives and flammables, state to
Funds cancellation procedure 87.03.280
generally Ch. 87.68 approximate 46.48.170
crime victims compensation, authority to use Uniformed services employment and
7.68.030 indemnity contracts by state 87.48.020
Joint operating agencies, contracts with for reemployment rights act to apply in state
schools courts 73.16.070
buildings and plants, availability to districts power 43.52.391
Land Unincorporated towns on, See TOWNSITES
28A.525.080 Utilities and transportation commission
superintendent of public instruction to acquisition from state
cession of state jurisdiction, reverter regulation, utilities and transportation
receive and administer federal funds commission to represent state in federal
28A.300.070 37.04.020
consent of state given 37.04.010 proceedings 80.01.075
Funds and programs
acceptance, administration and disbursement previous cessions of jurisdiction saved FEDERAL AGENCIES
by governor 43.06.120 37.04.040 Bonds, savings associations, investment in
purposes 37.04.010 33.24.090
director of financial management, notice and
progress reports, concerning 43.88.205 reserved jurisdiction of state 37.04.030 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION
adverse possession against prohibited Arrest and fingerprint forms
governor, acceptance, administration and 7.28.090
disbursement of 43.06.120 state patrol duties 10.98.070
concurrent jurisdiction with state, procedures Disposition form and report
health, cooperation and participation in 37.04.050
federal programs 70.01.010 state patrol duties 10.98.070
Limited access highways, cooperation with National crime information center interstate
limited access highways, contract and United States in constructing and
franchise rights 47.52.090 identification index 10.98.070
maintaining authorized 47.52.020
notice and progress report requirements contract and franchise rights 47.52.090 FEDERAL COURT LOCAL LAW
43.88.205 Missing persons act, written finding of death, CERTIFICATE PROCEDURE ACT
notice requirements 43.88.205 etc., by federal officer or employee prima Certification of local law question 2.60.020
reports, progress requirements 43.88.205 facie evidence 5.40.030 Definitions 2.60.010
travel expenses of committees, established to Mortgages, foreclosure 61.12.061 Practice and procedure 2.60.030
meet federal requirements, authority to pay Municipal airports, federal aid 14.08.160 Short title 2.60.900
43.06.130 National defense facilities act, acceptance by FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE
Geological survey, cooperation with for purposes state 38.48.050 CORPORATION
of 43.92.060 National system of interstate and defense Investments in stock of by banks and trust
Guaranteed obligations, use of as collateral highways within state, adoption of standards, companies 30A.32.010
39.60.040 rules and regulations for 47.52.027 Savings bank liquidation 32.24.090, 32.24.100
Habeas corpus, supreme court or court of appeals Navigation, county lease or conveyance State depositaries, amount of collateral required
to determine federal questions 7.36.140 36.34.220, 36.34.230, 36.34.240 if insured with 43.85.070
Health, participation in federal programs Officers and employees
authorized 70.01.010 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS (See also
industrial insurance, application 51.12.060 BANKS AND BANKING, subtitle
High-level radioactive waste program, state militia duty, exemption from 38.44.030
radiation control agency to seek federal Federal loan agencies, dealings with
Port district leases with, limitations 53.08.180 commercial banks)
funds 70.98.125 Port district revenue bonds, sale to 53.40.050
Home owners loan corporation, bonds Bonds, savings associations, investment in
Postal savings system accounts, escheat of 33.24.090
collateral security, bonds are eligible as abandoned accounts to state Ch. 63.48
39.60.030 Property, state, county, or municipal, FEDERAL HOME OWNERS LOAN
exchange of trust mortgages, contracts, intergovernmental transfer of 39.33.010, CORPORATION
judgments, and liens for authorized 39.33.090 Bonds
39.60.020 Public works investment of public funds in, exchange for,
valid investment for trust funds 39.60.010 emergency public works Ch. 39.28 authorized Ch. 39.60
Housing assistance, preservation of units federal loans and grants for, acceptance of savings associations, investment in 33.24.090
application of chapter 59.28.030 authorized 39.28.040 FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION
definitions 59.28.020 Publication of legal notices, fees to be charged Bonds, savings associations, investment in
eviction 59.28.070, 59.28.130 65.16.091 33.24.090
expiration or prepayment of assisted contract, Radiation monitoring, department of ecology to FEDERAL POWER ACT
mortgage, or loan, owners duty to give seek federal funds 70.98.122 Licensee, exemption from state requirements
notice 59.28.040 Receipt of federal funds for construction of toll 43.21A.068
legislative findings and purpose 59.28.010 bridges authorized 47.56.130
regulatory powers of agencies not increased Reclamation FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION
59.28.050 county lease or conveyance 36.34.220, Public utility districts, license for hydroelectric
rent increases after notice of expiration or 36.34.230, 36.34.240 projects Ch. 54.40
repayment given, restrictions on 59.28.080 Rehabilitation act of 1973 FEDERAL PROPERTY
rental agreement modifications after notice of school facilities, barrier-free access Purchase by
expiration or prepayment given, 28A.525.030 political subdivision
restrictions on 59.28.090 Resource conservation and recovery act authorized 39.32.070, 39.32.080
technical assistance 59.28.120 authority of department of ecology 70.105.145 procedure 39.32.090

[RCW Indexpage 258] (2016 Ed.)


state, authorized 39.32.070, 39.32.080 Pet food and specialty pet food Contract provisions for allowance of, court to fix
FEDERAL SOCIAL SECURITY registration requirements 15.53.9014 amount, limitation 4.84.020
Acceptance of state for state, county, city and FEED LOTS Coroners, enumeration of 36.18.030
town, political subdivision employees of Brand inspection Ch. 16.58 Corporations
benefits, participation in Ch. 41.47 Certified feed lots, licensing and fees Ch. 16.58 fish marketing associations, membership
Agreement of state for participation of state and 24.36.160
Importation of livestock 16.36.140
political subdivision employees in, secretary of state
Records and fees Ch. 16.58 nonprofit corporations 24.03.405
employees contributions, OASI
contribution fund Ch. 41.48 FEES Corporations, See also CORPORATIONS,
Disability program, state agencies authorized to Aircraft registration 47.68.250 subtitle Fees
enter into agreements 43.17.120 Alcoholic beverages Counties
appointment of personnel 43.17.130 retailers license, See ALCOHOLIC filing
Employees contributions 41.48.040 BEVERAGES, subtitle Licenses remittance of portion of for judges salaries
Port district employees, coverage 53.08.180, Appraisers 36.18.025
53.08.190, 53.08.200 exemptions from execution appraisal fee waived, when 36.18.022
Puget Sound ferry and toll bridge system 6.15.060 special permits for oversize or overweight
employees to be under 47.64.060 Attachment, officers seizing property 6.25.110 motor vehicle movement, fees paid to
State employees, plan for coverage of members Attorneys counties, when 46.44.096
Ch. 41.41 appeals 4.84.130 County auditor
State employees sick leave payments attachment 6.25.100 enumeration 36.18.010
accounting plan, payroll procedure bar association 2.48.130, 2.48.140, 2.48.150, recording instruments 65.04.130
development 41.48.130 2.48.160 County officers
agency sick leave authority 41.48.140 cases wherein allowed, court to fix amount generally Ch. 36.18
employee, defined 41.48.150 4.84.020 County treasurer
legislative intent 41.48.110 chattel liens 60.08.050 district court income, remittance 3.62.050
retirement system reports 41.48.180 contracts or leases providing for award enumeration of 36.18.045
sick leave account created 41.48.120 4.84.330 Court clerks
transfer of moneys to sick leave account costs, as, damage action seven thousand five electronic payment 36.23.100
41.48.170 hundred dollars or less 4.84.250 enumeration and distribution 36.18.012,
unused sick leave compensation 41.48.180 costs, as, damage actions five thousand dollars 36.18.014, 36.18.016, 36.18.018,
Statewide city employees retirement system or less 4.84.260, 4.84.270, 4.84.280, 36.18.020
employees, participation in 41.44.270 4.84.290, 4.84.300 Court commissioners 2.24.040
Teachers, plan for coverage of teachers under Ch. fixing amount by court 4.84.020 fees for certain official acts 2.24.040
41.33 foreclosure of mortgages, amount fixed by salary in addition to 2.24.030
court 4.84.020 Court of appeals
FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTY exemptions 2.32.070
County assistance to needy persons, expenditures medical malpractice suits 7.70.070
negotiable instruments Criminal records, dissemination of information
for 36.39.040 from 10.97.100
Enterprise services, department of cases wherein allowed, court to fix amount
4.84.020 Debtors who fail to appear
acquisition of surplus property authorized plaintiff entitled to costs and fees 6.32.010
39.32.020 contract provision for allowance, court to fix
amount, limitation 4.84.020 Disposition of, generally 42.16.030
definitions 39.32.010 District courts
leasing and acquisition 39.32.035 partition proceedings 7.52.480
payment of fee on discharge of attorney conviction or plea of guilty 3.62.085
purchase, requisition, and selling procedures fees allowed as court costs 3.62.065
39.32.040 2.44.040
plaintiff denied recovery of as costs, when fees for services 3.62.060
rules and regulations 39.32.060 filing fee surcharge 3.62.060
Food commodities, receipt and distribution 4.84.030
prevailing party filing fees 3.62.060
74.04.380 District judges
Public assistance distribution frivolous action or defense, award to
prevailing party 4.84.185 remittance 3.62.050
county assistance to needy persons, Eminent domain proceedings
expenditures for 36.39.040 probate air space corridor, award on abandonment or
eligibility for 74.04.340 contestant of incorrect account to be entitled defeat of proceedings 8.25.073
expenditures for 74.04.360 to 11.76.070 award of attorney and witness fees to
not construed as public assistance 74.04.350 nonintervention estates, personal condemnee 8.25.070
receiving and using property by uncertified representative removed or restricted award of attorney and witness fees to
persons, penalty 74.04.385 11.68.070 condemnee or plaintiff 8.25.075
selling, transferring or disposing of schedule of fees 4.84.080 Filing
commodities by recipient, penalty stolen or injured animals, action for damages evidence with state, mailed 1.12.070
74.04.385 4.24.320 instruments 65.04.130
FEED (See also GRAIN; HAY) Washington state bar association mailed to state, time, penalty, evidence of
Commercial admission fees 2.48.150 filing 1.12.070
responsible buyer status 15.53.9015 membership 2.48.130, 2.48.140 remittance of portion of for judges salaries
Commercial feed suspension for nonpayment 2.48.160 36.18.025
administration and administrative rules will contests 11.24.050 waived, when 36.18.022
15.53.9012 Auto transportation companies, filing certificate Fraternal societies, incorporation Ch. 24.20
adulteration 15.53.902 81.68.050 Fraternal society building corporations Ch. 24.24
definitions 15.53.901 Boundary review board 36.93.120 Garnishment
distribution and production information, Business, occupational, or professional licenses superior court, justice court 6.27.060
publication 15.53.9042 43.24.086 Granges, incorporation Ch. 24.28
inspection 15.53.9018 Chattel mortgages Health districts, license or permit fees 70.46.120
inspections 15.53.9024 sheriffs fee, foreclosure sale 36.18.040 Health-related state agencies
intergovernmental cooperation 15.53.9046 Cities and towns fee schedule for professional health services
labeling 15.53.9016 off-street parking facilities, maximum 43.17.350
licensing schedules 35.86.060 Impact fees
requirements, violations 15.53.9013 special permits for motor vehicle oversize or metals mining and milling operations
misbranding 15.53.9022 overweight movement, fees paid to cities 78.56.130
moneys, disposition 15.53.9044 and towns, when 46.44.096 Impact fees, See IMPACT FEES
noncompliance, department of agriculture Clerk of court Indigent parties, state to pay costs and fees
remedies 15.53.9038 registration of land 65.12.780 incident to review by supreme court or court
noncompliance, department remedies Colleges and universities, See COLLEGES AND of appeals, when 4.88.330
15.53.904 UNIVERSITIES, subtitle Fees Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL
official samples 15.53.9024 Commercial ferries, filing certificate of INSURANCE, subtitle Fees
records, confidentiality 15.53.9018 convenience and necessity 81.84.040 Jury fees

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 259]


costs taxable as 4.44.110 disbursement, as 4.84.090 taking motor vehicle without permission
supplemental proceedings 6.32.270 prepayment of on compelling attendance in 9A.56.070
taxable as costs 4.44.110 civil action 5.56.010 theft, first degree 9A.56.030
Licenses prepayment or tender of fees 5.56.010 Class C
paid into state general fund 43.79.020 salaried officers not to receive, exceptions bail jumping 9A.76.170
Manufactured homes, mobile homes, 42.16.020 bigamy 9A.64.010
commercial coaches, recreational vehicles, Woodcutters, charge by landowner 4.24.210 child sellingchild buying 9A.64.030
and park trailers, compliance insignia FELONIES (See also CRIMES) communication with a minor for immoral
43.22.350 purposes 9.68A.090
Marriage licenses Arrest and fingerprint form criminal assistance, rendering of
out-of-state requirements, compliance, judges duties 10.98.050 first degree, when 9A.76.070
schedule of 70.58.380 unique number system 10.98.060 criminal conspiracy, when 9A.28.040
Moral nuisances Arrest for, force, use of, when lawful 9A.16.020 criminal mischief, when 9A.84.010
sale of property by order of court 7.48.078 Arson custodial interference 9A.40.060, 9A.40.070
Motor vehicles first degree 9A.48.020 escape, second degree 9A.76.120
special permits for oversize or overweight second degree 9A.48.030 escape, third degree, when 9A.76.130
movements Attachment ground, when 6.25.030 extortion, second degree 9A.56.130
determining fee 46.44.096 Bigamy forgery 9A.60.020
to whom paid 46.44.096 class C 9A.64.010 harming a police dog, accelerant detection
Nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual Bribery dog, or police horse 9A.76.200
corporations class B 9A.68.010 incest
fees, charges, and penalties 24.06.450 Bribing a witness second degree 9A.64.020
Officers definition and elements 9A.72.090 intimate images, disclosing, when 9A.86.010
cost bill may include 4.84.090 receiving by a witness 9A.72.100 introducing contraband, second degree
disbursement, as 4.84.090 Burglary 9A.76.150
Parties, state to pay costs and fees incident to first degree 9A.52.020 obtaining a signature by deception or duress
review by supreme court or court of appeals, second degree 9A.52.030 9A.60.030
when 4.88.330 Child sellingchild buying perjury, second degree 9A.72.030
Partition proceedings class C 9A.64.030 possessing stolen property
attorneys at law, costs, as 7.52.480 Class A second degree 9A.56.160
referee, costs, as 7.52.480 arson, first degree 9A.48.020 profiteering
Payable in advance 42.16.040 bail jumping 9A.76.170 use of proceeds 9A.82.080
Pistol dealers, license, fees 9.41.110 burglary promoting travel for commercial sexual abuse
Probate first degree 9A.52.020 of a minor 9.68A.102
approval 11.68.100 criminal conspiracy, when 9A.28.040 receiving or granting unlawful compensation
contestant of incorrect account entitled to kidnapping, first degree 9A.40.020 9A.68.030
attorneys fees 11.76.070 manslaughter in the first degree 9A.32.060 reckless burning, first degree 9A.48.040
nonintervention powers murder requesting unlawful compensation 9A.68.010
closing of estate 11.68.100 first degree 9A.32.030 riot, when 9A.84.010
will contests, attorneys fees 11.24.050 second degree 9A.32.050 sexual exploitation of a minor
Publication of legal notices 65.16.091 promoting commercial sexual abuse of a dealing in depictions of 9.68A.050
Recording instruments, See FEES, subtitle Filing minor 9.68A.101 interstate distribution 9.68A.060
Refunds of erroneous or excessive payments or robbery, first degree 9A.56.200 possession of depictions of 9.68A.070
fees 43.88.170, 43.88.180 Class B viewing depictions of 9.68A.075
Registrars of titles, registration of land 65.12.790 arson, second degree 9A.48.030 sporting event, influencing outcome
Registration of land titles bail jumping 9A.76.170 9A.82.070
certificate of withdrawal 65.12.235 bribery 9A.68.010 state lottery violations 67.70.160
certified copies of instruments 65.12.350 burglary taking motor vehicle without permission
Secretary of state second degree 9A.52.030 9A.56.075
archives services, allocation of costs commercial sexual abuse of a minor threats against governor or immediate family,
40.14.025 9.68A.100 governor-elect, officers next in order of
Secretary of state, See also SECRETARY OF contraband, introduction into detention or succession, penalty 9A.36.090
STATE, subtitle Fees secure facility trading in public office 9A.68.040
Settlement offers first degree 9A.76.140 trading in special influence 9A.68.050
time period 4.84.280 criminal conspiracy, when 9A.28.040 unlawful imprisonment 9A.40.040
Sheriff escape, first degree 9A.76.110 unlawful issuance of checks or drafts, amount
enumeration of fees 36.18.040 extortion, first degree 9A.56.130 9A.56.060
State, remittance by mail, evidence of 1.12.070 unlawful stop-payment order 9A.56.060
extortionate extension of credit 9A.82.030,
Supplemental proceedings 9A.82.040 vehicle prowling, first degree 9A.52.095
jury 6.32.270 vehicle prowling, second degree 9A.52.100
referees incest Classification, designation of 9A.20.010
costs, as 6.32.160 first degree 9A.64.020 Coercion of involuntary servitude 9A.40.110
witnesses, costs, as 6.32.160 indecent liberties 9A.44.100 Commercial sexual abuse of a minor 13.40.219
Venue change 4.12.090 intimidating class B felony 9.68A.100
Veterans seeking admission to state bar and juror 9A.72.130 Contraband, introduction into detention or secure
practice of law 2.48.110 intimidation facility
Washington state bar association public servant 9A.76.180 first degree
active members 2.48.130 kidnapping, second degree 9A.40.030 class B 9A.76.140
admission 2.48.150 leading organized crime 9A.82.060 Conviction histories for filings, plea agreements,
inactive members 2.48.140 malicious mischief, first degree 9A.48.070 and sentencing
suspension for nonpayment 2.48.160 manslaughter, second degree 9A.32.070 state patrol primary source 10.98.030
Weather modification and control 43.37.100 perjury, first degree 9A.72.020 Credit cards
Witnesses possessing stolen property factoring, unlawful 9A.56.290
civil actions first degree 9A.56.150 Criminal assistance, rendering of
prepayment of when compelling attendance profiteering first degree
5.56.010 proceeds, use of 9A.82.080 class C, when 9A.76.070
cost bill may include 4.84.090 promoting prostitution, first degree 9A.88.070 Criminal attempt, classes 9A.28.020
costs on postponement of trial 4.84.100 robbery, second degree 9A.56.210 Criminal conspiracy
criminal cases sexual exploitation of a minor 9.68A.040 classification 9A.28.040
mileage allowances, verification under oath dealing in depictions of 9.68A.050 defined, for Criminal Code 9A.28.040
necessary for 10.01.140 interstate distribution 9.68A.060 Criminal mischief
reporting attendance to clerk necessary for possession of depictions of 9.68A.070 class C, when 9A.84.010
payment of 10.01.130 viewing depictions of 9.68A.075 Custodial interference

[RCW Indexpage 260] (2016 Ed.)


first degree 9A.40.060 first degree criminal justice information act 10.98.010
second degree 9A.40.070 class B 9A.56.150 department of corrections to maintain records
Disposition form and report second degree 10.98.110
felony conviction disposition form and report class C 9A.56.160 Trading in public office
transmit to corrections department 10.98.090 Profiteering class C 9A.68.040
Effect on wrongful death action 4.20.010 proceeds, use of 9A.82.080 Trading in special influence
Escape Promoting class C 9A.68.050
first degree prostitution Trafficking 9A.40.010, 9A.40.100
class B 9A.76.110 class B 9A.88.070 Trafficking, See also CRIMES, subtitle
second degree Promoting commercial sexual abuse of a minor Trafficking; LABOR, subtitle Human
class C 9A.76.120 class A felony 9.68A.101 trafficking; VICTIMS, SURVIVORS, AND
sexually violent predators 9A.76.115 Promoting travel for commercial sexual abuse of WITNESSES OF CRIME, subtitle Human
third degree a minor trafficking
class C, when 9A.76.130 class C felony 9.68A.102 Trafficking in stolen property 9A.82.050,
Extortion Public servant, intimidation of 9A.82.055
first degree class B 9A.76.180 Unlawful imprisonment 9A.40.040
class B 9A.56.130 Punishment Unlawful issuance of checks or drafts, amount
second degree crime victims compensation class C, amount 9A.56.060
class C 9A.56.130 penalty assessment 7.68.035 Unlawful stop-payment order
Extortionate extension of credit 9A.82.030, when not fixed by statute 9.92.010 class C, amount 9A.56.060
9A.82.040 Receiving or granting unlawful compensation Witnessing, failing to report certain 9.69.100
Fingerprints class C 9A.68.030 FELONS
judges duties 10.98.050 Reckless burning, first degree 9A.48.040 Employment rights, restoration of, See
Forgery Repeat offenders, commitment as habitual EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS,
class C 9A.60.020 criminals 9.92.090 RESTORATION OF
Guilty plea or conviction Requesting unlawful compensation Voting rights, See ELECTIONS, subtitle Felons
information to department of health 43.43.825 class C 9A.68.010
Harming a police dog, accelerant detection dog, Riot FENCES
or police horse class C, when 9A.84.010 Damages by breachy animals 16.60.075,
class C 9A.76.200 Robbery 16.60.076
Human trafficking (See CRIMES, subtitle first degree Definition and specifications 16.60.010,
Trafficking; LABOR, subtitle Human class A 9A.56.200 16.60.011
trafficking; VICTIMS, SURVIVORS, AND second degree Erection on anothers land, removal 16.60.055
WITNESSES OF CRIME, subtitle Human class B 9A.56.210 Highways, temporary gate across 16.60.080,
trafficking) Seizure and forfeiture of personal property 16.60.085, 16.60.090, 16.60.095
Incest involved in a felony Lawful fences, definition and specifications
first degree application of chapter 10.105.900 16.60.010, 16.60.011
class B 9A.64.020 disposition of forfeited property and proceeds Liability for damages to Ch. 16.60
second degree from the sale of forfeited property Liability for damages to fences 16.60.015
class C 9A.64.020 10.105.010 Partition fences
Indecent liberties procedure 10.105.010 discontinuance 16.60.060
class B felony 9A.44.100 property subject to seizure and forfeiture erection, notification 16.60.030
Insurance companies, false advertising in 10.105.010 failure to build, cost recovery 16.60.040
organization 48.06.190 Sentences, authorized 9A.20.020, 9A.20.021 hog fencing 16.60.050
Intimate images, disclosing Sexual exploitation of a minor maintenance 16.60.050
class C, when 9A.86.010 class B 9.68A.040 reimbursement 16.60.020
Intimidating a judge dealing in depictions of value, assessment 16.60.062, 16.60.064
defined 9A.72.160 class B felony 9.68A.050 Railroads
Intimidating a juror class C felony 9.68A.050 cattle guards 81.52.050
class B 9A.72.130 interstate distribution of depictions duty to construct and maintain 81.52.050
Intimidating a witness class B felony 9.68A.060 Rivers and streams, fencing across 90.28.160
class B 9A.72.110 class C felony 9.68A.060 FERRIES (See also COUNTY FERRY
Introducing contraband possession of depictions of DISTRICTS; PUGET SOUND FERRY
second degree class B felony 9.68A.070 AND TOLL BRIDGE SYSTEM)
class C 9A.76.150 class C felony 9.68A.070 Bicycles as baggage 81.28.260
Involuntary servitude, coercion of 9A.40.110 viewing depictions of Biodiesel fuel blends
Jails class B felony 9.68A.075 requirements for use by state ferry system
admission or release class C felony 9.68A.075 43.19.642
prompt reporting to corrections standards Sporting event, influencing outcome 9A.82.070 Cities and towns
board 10.98.130 State lottery authority to acquire and maintain 35.21.110
Jurisdiction over, superior courts 2.08.010 action without requisite license 67.70.140 joint acquisition with counties 36.54.020
Kidnapping class C 67.70.160 Collective bargaining and arbitration
first degree forgery, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation captains-only bargaining unit 47.64.340
class A 9A.40.020 67.70.130 collective bargaining procedures 47.64.170
second degree 9A.40.030 Status of suspected or convicted felons definitions 47.64.011
Leading organized crime 9A.82.060 prompt response by patrol or corrections impasse procedures 47.64.200
Malicious mischief, first degree department 10.98.150 insurance and health care plans 47.64.270
class B 9A.48.070 Suicide, promoting an attempt 9A.36.060 interest arbitration 47.64.300, 47.64.310
Manslaughter Taking motor vehicle without permission law suits
first degree 9A.32.060 9A.56.075 any ferry employee organization and
second degree 9A.32.070 class B 9A.56.070 department of transportation may sue or
Murder Tampering with a witness be sued 47.64.250
first degree class C 9A.72.120 mediation 47.64.210
class A 9A.32.030 Theft waive, proceed with binding arbitration
second degree first degree 47.64.230
class A 9A.32.050 class B 9A.56.030 notice and service 47.64.260
Obtaining a signature by deception or duress metal property 9A.56.030 parties not bound by arbitration 47.64.320,
class C 9A.60.030 livestock 9A.56.080, 9A.56.083 47.64.330
Perjury second degree public employment relations commission Ch.
first degree metal property 9A.56.040 47.64
class B 9A.72.020 Tracking of arrest charges 10.98.060 public employment relations commission,
second degree, class C 9A.72.030 Tracking of felony cases powers and duties 47.64.135
Possessing stolen property arrest and fingerprint form 10.98.060 public policy 47.64.006

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 261]


representation, elections, rules 47.64.135 Purchase of by transportation department Ammonia emissions from agricultural or
scope of negotiations 47.64.120 authorized 47.56.050 silvacultural fertilizer use, regulation
strikes, work stoppages, and lockouts Routes included in state highway routes Ch. prohibited 70.94.645
prohibited 47.64.140 47.17 Ammonia gas
unfair labor practices enumerated 47.64.130 Scenic and recreational highways damages, liability 69.55.030
union security provisions, agency shop designation of portions of ferry routes as part possession with intent to manufacture
provisions 47.64.160 of system 47.39.020 methamphetamine 69.50.440
Collective bargaining and arbitration, See also State theft 69.55.010
MARINE EMPLOYEES COMMISSION contracts for vessel construction, unlawful storage 69.55.020
Commercial ferries, See TRANSPORTATION maintenance, or repair Bulk fertilizer distribution license
COMPANIES, subtitle Ferries, commercial security, alternate forms authorized in lieu of requirements 15.54.275
County owned contractors bond 39.08.100 Commercial fertilizer distribution license
acquisition and operation, generally 36.54.010 ferry system management cancellation or refusal to renew 15.54.436
annual plan for construction and maintenance exempt from civil service law 47.01.081 reports by licensees, confidentiality 15.54.362
36.81.130 ferry terminals, maximum speed limits may be Commercial fertilizer registration
deficit reimbursements by department of established 46.61.405 application review 15.54.330
transportation 47.56.725 ferry terminals and vessels fees 15.54.325, 15.54.362
federal financial assistance, transportation maintenance, preservation, and labels and guarantees 15.54.330
department approval of tolls and charges improvement program, proposal for requirements 15.54.325
47.04.140 47.28.030 Commercial values, determination and
fourteen year capital improvement plan work performed by state forces 47.28.030 publication 15.54.390
36.54.015 joint acquisition with counties 36.54.020 Contents, minimum percentages 15.54.400
joint acquisition and operation with state, performance measures and targets for ferry Damages from administrative action 15.54.460
other states, counties, cities, etc. 36.54.020 system Data base, availability to public 15.54.433
joint ferries between counties ad hoc committee 47.64.355 Definitions 15.54.270
administration 36.54.040 definitions 47.64.350 Distribution and information and analyses
authority for 36.54.030 reports 47.64.360 results, publication 15.54.430
claims against 36.54.060 Strikes, work stoppages, and lockouts prohibited Enforcement 15.54.800
county, commissioners refusal to act, effect 47.64.140 Inspection
36.54.070 Toll bridge employees subject to civil service deficiencies upon analysis, penalties
expenses 36.54.050 47.64.290 15.54.380
records 36.54.040 Transportation department powers and duties fees 15.54.350, 15.54.362
vessel replacement surcharge, use of revenues 47.56.032 samples, analysis, and testing 15.54.370
36.54.200 Unfair labor practices Intergovernmental cooperation and agreements
Design-build process, See PUGET SOUND procedures 47.64.132 15.54.490
subtitle Ferries FERRIES, COMMERCIAL claims and guarantees 15.54.330
Ferry vessel captains Area already served, restriction upon issuance of requirements 15.54.340
authority, responsibilities 47.64.340 certificate of convenience and necessity Misbranding 15.54.412
Fine for operation without license 36.53.140 81.84.020 Moneys collected, disposition 15.54.480
Insurance and health care plans 47.64.270 Certificate of convenience and necessity Noncompliance with chapter, seizure and
Marine employees commission, See MARINE application 81.84.020 disposition of goods 15.54.450
EMPLOYEES COMMISSION area already served, restriction upon issuance Nonnutritive substances in fertilizers, report
Motor vehicle queues 81.84.020 15.54.433
violations 46.61.735 cancellation, revocation, suspension, Packaged fertilizer registration
Notification requirements 47.56.258 alteration, or amendment of certificate, reports by registrants, confidentiality
Oil spills grounds for 81.84.060 15.54.362
small spill education program 79A.60.620 exemptions 81.84.010 Stop sale, stop use, or withdrawal from
Party operating ferry, ferry system by rent, lease hearing upon application 81.84.020 distribution order 15.54.440
or charter bound by chapter 47.64 RCW insurance or bond required as condition of Turf fertilizers
47.64.090 granting 81.84.025 phosphorus-containing, prohibitions
Passenger-only ferry service issuance, determining factors 81.84.020 15.54.500
grant program 47.01.350 lease of 81.84.030 Unlawful acts 15.54.420
public transportation benefit areas notice to other carriers when application made Violations, penalty 15.54.470, 15.54.474
36.57A.200, 36.57A.210, 36.57A.220 81.84.020 Waste-derived or micronutrient fertilizers,
Vashon and Seattle penalties, each violation separate offense standards for use 15.54.820
back-up plan 47.01.360 81.84.050
required 81.84.010 FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME (See
Passenger-only ferry service districts PREGNANCY, subtitle Birth defects)
authorized 36.57A.222 sale of 81.84.030
bond issuance 36.57A.226 temporary certificate may be issued in case of FETAL DEATH
commercial parking tax for 82.80.035 immediate and urgent need 81.84.070 Certificate of death for
investment plan and dissolution 36.57A.222 terms and conditions may be attached to requirements 70.58.160
local sales and use tax for passenger-only ferry 81.84.020 by whom filed 70.58.170
service 82.14.445 transfer of 81.84.030 Defined 70.58.150
public transportation benefit areas two or more companies operating in same area FETUS
36.57A.222, 36.57A.224, 36.57A.226, or routes 81.84.020 Concealing birth of 9.02.050
82.14.445, 82.80.035 Penalties
revenue 36.57A.224 payment 81.84.050 FIDELITY INSURANCE (See INSURANCE,
Port districts, acquisition and operation of recovery action by attorney general 81.84.050 subtitle Fidelity insurance)
facilities 53.08.020 remission or mitigation 81.84.050 FIDUCIARIES (See also EXECUTORS AND
Privately owned violation of act or rules and regulations ADMINISTRATORS; GUARDIAN AND
generally Ch. 36.53 81.84.050 WARD; RECEIVERS AND
Puget Sound ferry and toll bridge system Ch. Progress reports 81.84.010 RECEIVERSHIPS)
47.60 Two or more companies operating in same area Bonds, premiums as lawful expense 48.28.020
Puget Sound ferry system or route, determination 81.84.020 Costs of litigation 4.84.150
capital vessel replacement account 47.60.322 Digital assets, fiduciary access to
Puget Sound ferry operations account FERRY COUNTY uniform act Ch. 11.120
47.60.530 Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.100 Insurable interest in lives of certain persons
terminal improvement Superior court judges, number of 2.08.065 48.18.030
project funding requests 47.60.385 FERTILIZERS Insurance, life, use of trust funds authorized
vessel improvement and acquisition Adulteration 15.54.414 11.100.120
project funding requests 47.60.385, Agriculture, department of Investment in common trust funds
47.60.386 directors powers and duties 43.23.110 accounting 11.102.020

[RCW Indexpage 262] (2016 Ed.)


"affiliated" defined 11.102.010 Ordinances of cities and towns, statutes, code or reduction in tuition levels, effect on awards
application of chapter 11.102.030 compilation adopted by reference filing 28B.92.065
authorized, exception 11.102.010 35.21.180 State work-study program Ch. 28B.12
construction of chapter 11.102.040 Platting, subdivision and dedication of land Student achievement council Ch. 28B.92
uniform act Ch. 11.102 58.17.170 Student educational loan contracts Ch. 26.30
Investment of funds 39.60.050 Probate Student financial assistance, office of
Investment of trust funds inventory and appraisement of partnership guidelines 28B.92.040
application of chapter 11.100.050 interests of decedent 11.64.002 powers and duties 28B.92.050
authorized investment Ch. 11.100 Probate, See also PROBATE Student financial assistance, office of, See
buying or selling for self or affiliates Sheriffs uniforms, filing of standard uniform STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE,
prohibited 11.100.090 description 36.28.170 OFFICE OF
commercial accounts, when 11.100.037 Small claims in district court 12.40.030 Student loan financing Ch. 28B.07
community renewal obligations 35.81.110 State, reports, remittances, claims etc., evidence Theology student denied aid 28B.92.100
criteria to be followed 11.100.020 of, mailed 1.12.070 Washington higher education loan program
deviation from instrument, court permission Time, evidence of files with state, mailed creation and administration 28B.97.010
11.100.040 1.12.070 definitions 28B.97.020
duty to beneficiaries 11.100.045, 11.100.047 Tort claims against
cities and towns 35.31.020, 35.31.040 FINANCIAL INSTITUTION INDIVIDUAL
eligible securities Ch. 11.100 ACCOUNT DEPOSIT ACT (See BANKS
estate guardian funds are trust funds counties Ch. 36.45
state 4.92.100 AND BANKING, subtitle Deposits)
fiduciary may hold trust property, liability FILM (See MOTION PICTURES) FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS (See also
governed by this chapter 11.100.010 Cities and towns, generally Ch. 35.39
Counties, creation 36.48.070 Certificate of authority
authorized investment, defined 11.100.070 State, See STATE FINANCE COMMITTEE
legal investment, defined 11.100.070 filing of corporate records by financial
instrument creating trust controlling FINANCE COMPANIES institutions with or seeking 23B.01.204,
deviation upon court permission 11.100.040 Insurance premium finance company act, 23B.14.394
investment trust or company securities, generally Ch. 48.56 Child support enforcement
authorized investment 11.100.035 FINANCES records access and data matches 74.20A.370
jurisdiction of court 11.100.040 State, See STATE FISCAL MATTERS Commercial banks, See BANKS AND
liability 11.100.060 BANKING, subtitle Commercial banks
FINANCIAL AID, STUDENT Compliance review documents
life insurance, purchase authorized Account, state financial aid 28B.76.525
11.100.120 applicability of privilege 7.88.050
Aerospace training student loan program Ch. confidentiality 7.88.020
marital deduction interests 11.100.025 28B.122
metropolitan municipal corporation securities confidentiality, exceptions 7.88.030
Amount received by students court review of application of privilege
35.58.510 education data center to develop information
new or untried enterprises 11.100.023 7.88.040
concerning 43.41.410 definitions 7.88.010
prudent investor rule 11.100.020 Application of award 28B.92.110
savings accounts immunity of compliance review personnel
Applications from compulsory testimony 7.88.020
collateral security 11.100.030, 11.100.037 due dates and information, notification
federally insured 11.100.030, 11.100.037 Corporations
28B.92.005 filing of records by financial institutions with
authorized investment 11.100.030 Counseling curriculum
self-dealing prohibited 11.100.090 or seeking certificate of authority
institutions with state need grant recipients 23B.01.204, 23B.14.394
United States corporation bonds 39.60.010 28B.76.502
Life insurance, use of trust funds authorized Defined for public depositary law 35.38.060
Definitions 28B.92.030
11.100.120 Deposit accounts
Discrimination prohibited 28B.92.090
Nonroutine transactions Duel-credit programs false statement by applicant, penalty 9.38.015
notice and procedure 11.100.140 financial aid policies and programs, review of Depositors, group insurance, qualifications
Person acting in place of fiduciary, liability 28B.92.086 48.24.095
11.100.130 Educational trust fund 28B.92.140 Discrimination, prohibited practices 49.60.175
Principal and income, See PROBATE, subtitle Enhanced need grants Energy efficiency services, improvements, and
Principal and income act eligibility 28B.92.082 projects
Savings association directors and officers Findings, intent 28B.92.020 grants from department of commerce to create
33.16.060 Fund distribution 28B.92.120 credit enhancements 43.330.320
Trust funds, investment of, See FIDUCIARIES, Grants, gifts, bequests and devises of property risk reduction mechanisms for funding
subtitle Investment of trust funds 28B.92.130 improvements 43.330.330
Trustees, See TRUSTEES Nonpayment or default on educational loan or Enterprise services, department of
Trusts scholarship 2.48.165 apportionment of budgeted funds 43.320.016
defined 11.98.039 Opportunity internship graduates Identity theft to improperly access financial
Unclaimed property 63.29.120 state need grant awards, eligibility for information Ch. 9.35
Uniform common trust fund act 28B.92.084 Licenses
short title 11.102.050 Opportunity scholarship act business licensing service exemption
generally Ch. 28B.145 19.02.800
FILES (See RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS) local government fees Ch. 82.14A
Opportunity scholarship board Ch. 28B.145
FILING (See also RECORDING AND Opportunity scholarship program Ch. 28B.145 Licensing
FILING) Part-time students 28B.92.085 apportionment of budgeted funds 43.320.016
Actions affecting title to real property in federal Purpose 28B.92.010 Mortgage insurance Ch. 61.10
court 4.28.325 Reciprocity Mutual savings banks, See SAVINGS BANKS,
Claims against state 4.92.040 state financial aid program, applying to certain subtitle Mutual savings banks
Conveyances, state or political subdivision residents attending college in another state Profiteering
conveyance of fee title, recording by grantor 28B.10.790, 28B.10.792 disclosure of records 9A.82.170
at time of delivery required, effect 65.08.095 Rules, office of student financial assistance to Promotions
Corporations adopt 28B.92.150 contests of chance 9.46.0356
nonprofit corporations 24.03.405 State need grant awards Public employees
nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual award process 28B.92.060 direct deposit of wages and salaries 41.04.240
corporations eligibility 28B.92.080 higher education employees, alternatives to
annual report 24.06.440 enhanced need grants, eligibility 28B.92.082 direct deposit of salary or wages 41.04.240
Deeds of trust, master form 65.08.160 opportunity internship graduates, eligibility payroll deductions at request of employee
Evidence with state, mailed 1.12.070 for need grants 28B.92.084 authorized when institution meets
Lis pendens, liability of claimants 4.28.328 Persian Gulf veterans 28B.92.070 necessary conditions 41.04.245

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 263]


Records rule making authority 43.320.040 33.04.048, 33.04.052, 33.04.054,

compliance review information, salary 43.320.020 33.04.060, 33.04.110
confidentiality Ch. 7.88 savings banks, powers and duties Title 32 liquidation
disposal of personal information Ch. 19.215 subpoena authority 18.44.425, 21.20.377, voluntary 33.40.010, 33.40.040
profiteering 21.30.107, 31.04.143, 31.45.103 possession of domestic association by director
disclosure 9A.82.170 vacancy 43.17.040 of financial institutions 33.40.020,
Savings associations, See SAVINGS Employees 33.40.030, 33.40.040
ASSOCIATIONS borrowing of money from regulated provisional officers and directors,
Trust companies, See TRUST COMPANIES institution, prohibited practices, criminal appointment of 33.40.130
Trust institutions, See TRUST INSTITUTIONS penalties 43.320.090 Savings banks Title 32
Unclaimed property, uniform act Ch. 63.29 Enterprise services, department of Savings institutions
Uniform money services act Ch. 19.230 collective bargaining agreements unaffected liquidation
FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, 43.320.017 involuntary 33.40.120
DEPARTMENT OF continuation of rules, pending, business, voluntary 33.40.110
Agricultural lenders contracts, and obligations 43.320.014 stock associations
farmers home administration loan guaranty transfer of stock sales, imposition of conditions by
program Ch. 31.35 banking, savings, and loan related powers, director 33.48.230
Annual report functions, and duties 43.320.011 Securities regulation
required contents 43.320.100 civil service employees 43.320.013 powers and duties 21.20.450
Assistant directors equipment, records, and funds 43.320.012 rules, orders, and forms, authority 21.20.450
appointment, delegation of authority by validity of acts performed relating to securities prosecution fund 43.320.115
director 43.320.050 transferred powers, duties, and functions Small business loans, federally guaranteed
borrowing of money from regulated 43.320.015 directors powers and duties Ch. 31.40
institution, prohibited practices, criminal Escrow agent licensing, directors powers and Small business retirement marketplace
penalties 43.320.090 duties Ch. 18.44 department review of retirement account
deputization of assistant director to act in Examiners products 43.320.180
directors absence 43.320.060 borrowing of money from regulated Stock savings banks, incorporation and operation
Banks Title 30A institution, prohibited practices, criminal Ch. 32.35
filing of corporate records 23B.01.204, penalties 43.320.090 Trust companies Title 30B
23B.14.394 oath 43.320.070 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, OFFICE OF
Borrowing of money from regulated institution, Farmers home administration loan guaranty (See also STATE FISCAL MATTERS)
prohibited practices, criminal penalties program Ch. 31.35 Advisory or coordinating councils, authority to
43.320.090 Federal savings bank, conversion to domestic appoint and establish 43.41.120
Business opportunity fraud act Ch. 19.110 savings bank Ch. 32.34 Agency petty cash account, duties related to
Capital stock savings bank, conversion of Financial literacy and education programs 42.26.040, 42.26.050, 42.26.070, 42.26.080,
savings bank Ch. 32.32 43.320.150, 43.320.1501 42.26.090
Check cashers and sellers, regulation Ch. 31.45 Financial services regulation fund 43.320.110 Agency vendor payment revolving fund, duties
Commodity transactions, powers and duties Ch. Franchise investment protection Ch. 19.100 related to 42.26.020, 42.26.030
21.30 Funds Architectural and engineering services
Consumer loan act, powers and duties Ch. 31.04 financial services regulation fund 43.320.110 contracts with state agencies and amendments
Created 43.17.010 High risk consumer loans, powers and duties Ch. to them to be reported to the office
Creation of department 43.320.010 31.04 39.80.070
Credit unions Ch. 31.12 Immunity from liability for department personnel Armed forces shipboard population
filing of corporate records 23B.01.204, for acts done in good faith in the determination, revenue allocation 43.62.030
23B.14.394 performance of departmental duties Background investigation rules 41.06.476
Director 43.320.070 Boards and commissions
appointment 43.17.020 Licensing, department of new boards or commissions, criteria for
appointment by governor 43.320.020 collective bargaining agreements unaffected establishment 43.41.250
appointment of examiners and other assistants 43.320.017 Budget and accounting act, director, defined to
43.320.020 continuation of rules, pending, business, mean director of financial management,
deputization 43.320.060 contracts, and obligations 43.320.014 wherever used 43.88.025
borrowing of money from regulated transfer of Central budget agency, abolished 43.41.940
institution, prohibited practices, criminal banking, savings, and loan related powers, powers and duties transferred 43.41.050
penalties 43.320.090 functions, and duties 43.320.011 Chief information officer, office of the
branch offices authorized 43.320.080 civil service employees 43.320.013 information technology
check cashers and sellers, powers and duties equipment, records, and funds 43.320.012 projects for state agencies, contracts for
Ch. 31.45 validity of acts performed relating to acquisition of 43.41.430
chief assistant director 43.17.040 transferred powers, duties, and functions City and town census
conflict of interest, disqualification from 43.320.015 allocations of state funds based upon, finality
appointment on the basis of 43.320.030 Loan originators Ch. 31.04 43.62.020
consumer loan act, powers and duties Ch. Mortgage brokers, powers and duties of annexation procedure 43.62.030
31.04 department Ch. 19.146 certification of 43.62.030
credit unions, powers and duties Ch. 31.12 Mortgage lending fraud prosecution account determination 43.62.030
deputization of assistant director to act in 43.320.140 disincorporation procedure 43.62.030
directors absence 43.320.060 Mortgage loan originators Ch. 31.04 incorporation procedure 43.62.030
federally guaranteed small business loan Offices times for making 43.62.030
program, powers and duties Ch. 31.40 branch offices 43.17.050 Civil service, state
franchise investment protection, duties Ch. branch offices, establishment authorized personnel service fund
19.100 43.320.080 use of fund for state civil service
high risk consumer loans, powers and duties Olympia 43.320.080 administration purposes 41.06.280
Ch. 31.04 state capital, office maintained at 43.17.050 Civil service law
moneys received or disbursed, recordkeeping Organization into divisions 43.320.050 assistant directors, exemption 43.41.080
requirements 43.320.080 Reports deputy directors, exemption 43.41.080
oath 43.17.030 annual report, required contents 43.320.100 state, application 43.41.070
office to be maintained in Olympia Rules 43.17.060 Colleges and universities, enrollment forecast
43.320.080 Savings associations 43.62.050
powers and duties 43.19.015, 43.320.020, conversion of association for acquisition by Comprehensive budgeting, accounting, and
43.320.045 association or holding company reporting system
public institutions director, powers and duties waiver of chapter requirements 33.48.290 conform to generally accepted accounting
transferred to financial institutions director director of financial institutions powers and principles 43.88.037
43.19.015 duties 33.04.020, 33.04.025, 33.04.030, Contracts, authority to enter into 43.41.100
qualifications 43.320.030 33.04.042, 33.04.044, 33.04.046, Creation 43.41.050

[RCW Indexpage 264] (2016 Ed.)


Criminal justice educational costs Higher education capital project strategic

disposition form and report methods and protocols for measuring planning Ch. 43.88D
annual audit 10.98.100 43.41.415 Human resource services
Criminal justice forecasting 10.98.140 reports to regents and trustees 43.41.420 availability on request by governmental
Criminal records enhanced manufacturing skills programs, data agencies, etc. 41.06.080
tracking of felony cases concerning 28A.700.110 Human resources director
department of corrections to maintain financial aid received by students, information state agency and disability employment,
records 10.98.110 concerning 43.41.410 reporting requirements 43.41.275
Definitions 43.41.040 higher education research Information technology
undue hardship, defined for purposes of center as an authorized research budget detail, designated state agencies,
unpaid holidays for conscience, faith, or representative of OFM 28B.77.100 federal receipts reporting 43.88.096
religious activity 43.41.109 STEM courses, specialized, data concerning budget detail, technology plan, accounting
Designated 43.41.035 28A.188.070 method 43.88.092
Director Education data improvement system Information technology projects
accounts securing federal funds for implementation budget detail, technology plan 43.88.560
payment, procedure 43.41.106 43.41.405 funding policies and standards, duty of
requiring payment of 43.41.104 Electronic transfers of funds and information, director to establish 43.88.560
administrative hearings revolving fund authorization and approval 43.41.180 investment pool 43.41.430
duties relating to 34.12.140, 34.12.150 Eminent domain by state projects for state agencies, contracts for
agency petty cash account, duties related to awards, payment into court 8.04.160 acquisition of 43.41.430
42.26.050, 42.26.070, 42.26.080, Employees Intergovernmental agency programs, authority
42.26.090 state civil service law, application 43.41.070 43.41.100
agency vendor payment revolving fund, duties Energy conservation Interstate compact on placement of children,
related to 42.26.030 budget process, retention of savings 43.41.170 directors duties 26.34.050
appointment 43.41.060 Enrollment forecasts 43.62.050 Inventory system for state-owned or leased
assistant directors, appointment, exemption Enterprise information technology services facilities 43.82.150
from state civil service law, salaries shared information technology system Jails
43.41.080 revolving account 43.41.444 admission or release
authority and functions Ch. 41.06 Enterprise information technology systems prompt reporting to 10.98.130
budget and accounting system statewide information technology system financial responsibility reimbursement rate,
approval of rate increases, calculation development revolving account 43.41.440 establish 70.48.440
changes 43.88.350 statewide information technology system Judicial impact notes
expenditure program, duties 43.88.110 maintenance and operations revolving development of with administrator for the
power to exempt public funds from allotment account 43.41.442 courts 2.56.120
control 43.88.110 Expenses and per diem K-12 data, securing federal funds in connection
census 43.41.110 allowances for meals, coffee, and light with 43.41.405
contract with United States 43.41.102 refreshments at meetings 43.03.050 K-20 network
duties of director 43.03.065 education technology revolving fund
classified positions, comprehensive 43.41.399
classification plan for 41.06.157 payment to suppliers 43.03.065
state employees, and members of boards, governing, overseeing technical design,
delegation of powers, duties and functions to commissions, and committees, duties of implementation, and operation 43.41.391
other officers and employees 43.41.060 director 43.03.050 K-20 operations cooperative 43.41.392
deputy directors, appointment, exemption Facilities, state, efficient use of 43.82.055 K-20 telecommunications system, technical
from state civil service law, salaries Facilities for state programs plan for 43.41.393
43.41.080 long-term facility needs 43.82.055 technical aspects, oversight by office
employees 43.41.070 predesign process 43.82.035 43.41.394
energy facility site evaluation council member privately owned buildings being planned or Motor vehicles owned and operated by state
80.50.030 under construction 43.82.045 agencies 43.19.622, 43.41.130
federal funds, authority to receive 41.06.350 Federal funds and programs Natural resource-related and environmentally
information technology projects notice of, progress report to 43.88.205 based grant and loan programs 43.41.270
funding policies and standards, duty to receipt of, authority 43.41.100 Office of financial management central service
establish 43.88.560 Federal REAL ID act 43.41.390 account 43.41.450
information technology standards and policies Federal regulations, conflict with state law, effect Overpayment of wages, rules 49.48.220
43.105.054 43.41.970 Payroll procedure, state officers and employees
job classification revisions, class studies, and Fees imposed by state agencies cancellation of warrants
salary adjustments 41.06.152 inventory transfer of increased balance 42.16.015
managers office of financial management to conduct centralized system, establishment 42.16.011
rules for managers authorized, goals for 43.88.585 certification by
establishing 41.06.500 work group, office of financial management agencies 42.16.013
performance-based monetary awards or to convene 43.88.585 director 42.16.013
incentives Ferry system performance reports, OFM review disbursement by warrant 42.16.014
restrictions 41.06.560 and comment 47.64.360 establishment of policies, procedures, and pay
personnel administration 41.06.150 Financial management, powers and duties of dates 42.16.017
personnel service fund planning and community affairs agency exemptions, optional inclusion 42.16.011
charges for services rendered by enterprise transferred to 43.41.050 overpayment, rules 49.48.220
services and financial management, Fiscal management payroll preparation 42.16.017
payment to fund 41.06.280 powers and duties of officers and agencies sources of disbursements 42.16.012
powers and duties 41.06.133, 41.06.150 43.88.160 state payroll revolving account
powers and duties, generally 43.41.100 Fiscal notes cancellation of warrants
return-to-work program local government Ch. 43.132 transfer of increased balance 42.16.015
program requirements 41.06.490 state government Ch. 43.88A creation 42.16.011
rules, mandatory subjects 41.06.150 Funds and accounts disbursement procedure 42.16.012
salary 43.41.060 higher education personnel service fund adoption by 42.16.014
state lottery 41.06.285 by warrant 42.16.014
management review 67.70.310 Health care claims data, statewide state treasurer to transfer funds to 42.16.013
vacancy 43.41.060 data submission and statewide all-payer health transfer of funds to 42.16.013
Education data center 43.41.400, 43.41.405 care claims database Ch. 43.371 state treasurer to transfer funds into state
aerospace assembler, entry-level, training Health care funding payroll revolving account 42.16.013
program, data concerning 28A.700.100 basic health plan enrollment, monitoring and transfer of funds to state payroll revolving
childrens administration out-of-home care, funding level adjustment 43.41.260 account 42.16.013
students in medicaid caseload of children, monitoring and warrants
report on educational experiences funding level adjustments 43.41.260 cancellation
28A.300.525 Health resources strategy, statewide Ch. 43.370 transfer of increased balance 42.16.015

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 265]


disbursements by 42.16.014 Transferring certain powers, duties, functions, Hazardous materials, transportation of 46.48.175
Personnel, state civil service law, application and assets of department Installments, payment in installments, permitted
43.41.070 to department of enterprise services 43.19.904 9.92.070
Personnel policy and application of civil service Transportation planning, performance Juvenile offenses, express statutory authority
laws objectives, OFM role 47.04.280, 47.04.285 required 13.40.720
office to direct and supervise 43.41.113 Treasury Legislative hearings, witness in contempt
Personnel resource and management policy deposit receipts, rules for 43.08.060 44.16.150
implementation 41.06.530 FINANCIAL RATING Lien against real property of defendants in
Planning and community affairs agency, False representations as to, penalty 9.38.010 criminal action 10.64.080
planning function, financial management Mandamus, enforcement of writ by 7.16.280
function, population function and research FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ACT (See Municipal, legality of
functions assigned to 43.41.050 MOTOR VEHICLES, subtitle Financial superior court jurisdiction to determine
Planning functions, powers and duties of responsibility law) 2.08.010
planning and community affairs agency FINANCIAL SERVICES supreme court jurisdiction to determine
relating to transferred to 43.41.050 Tax imposed 82.04.440, 82.04.4291 2.04.010
Population FINANCING CONTRACTS Nuisances
counties, determination and certification of State contempt for violation of injunction 7.48.080
43.62.035 authority to enter into 39.94.030 punishment, as 7.48.250
estimates, enumeration data used for definitions 39.94.020 Offenders liability for legal financial obligations
destruction of data by office 43.41.435 legislative approval, when required 39.94.040 Ch. 72.11
public records exemption 42.56.615 program expenses, payment 39.94.050 Payment
studies, payment for, procedure 43.62.010 purposes, construction 39.94.010 default, enforcement and collection 10.01.180
Population functions, transferred to from state finance committee duties 39.94.040 deferred or by installments 10.01.170
planning and community affairs agency terms and conditions 39.94.030 installments permitted 9.92.070
43.41.050 Prohibition, enforcement of writ 7.16.320
Powers and duties 43.41.110 FINDINGS OF FACT
Cities and towns, community renewal law Recovery of, action for 4.24.150
generally 43.41.100 Restitution, in lieu of fine 9A.20.030
Pregnancy, interagency task force on unintended 35.81.050
Decisions of School funds, disposition to 4.24.180
pregnancy 43.41.905 State treasurer, disposition to 4.24.180
Public funds court commissioners, exceptions to, necessity
of 4.80.020 Working out
accounts and funds may not be established rate per day 10.82.030
outside treasury without permission of referees, exceptions to, necessity of 4.80.020
director of financial management Deemed as verdict 4.44.060 FINGERPRINTING
43.88.190 Highways Arrest and fingerprint form
Purpose 43.41.030 state facilities through city or town, finality of defined 10.98.040
Redesignated as office of financial management findings of hearings by board on state patrol sole recipient for federal
43.41.035 disapproval of final plan by city 47.52.180 transmission 10.98.070
Regulatory fairness act New trial on setting aside 4.44.060 transmit to state patrol 10.98.050
duties 19.85.050 Parties may submit, procedure 4.44.070 unique number system 10.98.060
Reorganization, transfers from central budget Referees report set aside, if 4.48.090 Automatic fingerprint information system
agency and planning and community affairs Referees report to contain 4.48.070 local systems conditions of use 43.43.570
agency 43.41.940, 43.41.950, 43.41.970, Reports of report 43.43.560
43.41.980 court commissioners, exceptions to, necessity Background investigations of certain prospective
Research functions, transferred to from planning of 4.80.020 employees and volunteers
and community affairs agency 43.41.050 referees, exceptions to, necessity of 4.80.020 finger-print based 43.43.839
Rights and duties, transferred to 43.41.950 Setting aside, court findings may be set aside also Dependency and protection proceeding record
Rules and regulations 4.44.060 information involving sexual offenses
application of rules and regulations of prior Verdict, findings of fact by court deemed verdict 43.43.735
agencies 43.41.950 4.44.060 Identifying data transmitted to state patrol
state employees FINES 10.98.050
travel advances 43.03.210 Amounts authorized 9A.20.020, 9A.20.021 Judgment, sentence of felony conviction,
Salary schedule, state Cities and towns defendants fingerprint affixed to 10.64.110
adoption and maintaining by director payment of fines and forfeitures into police Juveniles
41.06.162 relief and pension fund 41.20.130 authorization by juvenile court administrator
Schools, enrollment forecast 43.62.050 superior court jurisdiction to determine 10.98.050
Sentencing guidelines commission legality of 2.08.010 Local agencies, submission of data to state patrol
creation within financial management supreme court jurisdiction to determine 43.43.742, 43.43.745
9.94A.860 legality of 2.04.010 Powers and duties of law enforcement agencies
sex offender policy board, commission to Commitment to enforce payment 10.70.010, 43.43.735, 43.43.745
establish and maintain 9.94A.8673 10.82.030 State identification number
State civil service law, exemptions, enumerated duration of confinement 10.82.030 patrol to furnish to originating agency and
41.06.075 rate per day 10.82.030 prosecutor 10.98.080
State employee whistleblower program working out 10.82.040 Tracking of arrest charges 10.98.060
performance audit 42.40.110 Corporations, criminal cases, amounts 10.01.100
State internship program County road and bridge violations, disposition to FIRCREST SCHOOL (See
employment experience, civil service credit funds 36.82.210 DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES,
43.06.425 Disposition of PERSONS WITH, subtitle Residential
State land resources inventory cities, police relief and pension fund habilitation centers)
duty to develop and maintain 43.19.805 41.20.130 FIRE ALARMS
State treasury, new accounts outside of, approval to school fund 4.24.180 False, sounding of 9.40.100, 9.40.105
required, when prohibited 43.88.195 state treasurer 4.24.180 Injuring or tampering with 9.40.100, 9.40.105
State-owned or leased vehicles District courts 10.04.110 Molesting 9.40.100, 9.40.105
employee commuting 43.19.623, 43.41.140 criminal proceedings Tampering 9.40.100, 9.40.105
Statewide combined financial reports, annual stay of execution 10.04.120
audit by state auditor 43.09.310 Execution for 10.82.010 FIRE CODES
Training and career development programs failure to pay after stay, execution against Cities and towns, adoption by reference
entry-level management training course sureties, commitment of defendant 35.21.180
designation of supervisory or management 10.82.025 International fire code, administration and
positions 41.06.420 against property of defendant 10.82.010, enforcement 19.27.110
requirements, suspension, waiver 41.06.420 10.82.030 Uniform fire code, administration and
Transfer of certain powers, duties, functions, and stay of execution on furnishing recognizance enforcement 19.27.111
assets to office for sureties 10.82.020 FIRE DEPARTMENTS
from department of personnel 43.41.981 Ferries, operation without license 36.53.140 Hazardous materials incidents

[RCW Indexpage 266] (2016 Ed.)


liability for extraordinary costs incurred fire department employees, transfer Water companies
4.24.314 35.10.520, 35.13.235 fire suppression water facilities Ch. 70.315
State-owned property, furnishing of protection fire department employees, transfer of Wildland fire suppression
services under contract 35.21.775 35.10.370, 35.10.510, 35.10.530 local suppression assets, maximizing
arbitration in the event of continuing impasse Director of fire protection utilization 76.04.181
between parties to contract negotiations appointment and duties 43.43.938 local wildland fire liaison 43.30.111
35.21.779 duties 43.43.934, 43.43.939, 43.215.210 private or publicly owned land, authorization
consolidation of contract negotiations with Fire alarms to enter, liability limitation 76.04.770
multiple state agencies 35.21.779 injuring or tampering with 9.40.100, 9.40.105 wildland fire advisory committee 76.04.179
existing contracts not abrogated 35.21.778 Fire fighting equipment FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTS
notification of department of commerce and injuring or tampering with 9.40.100, 9.40.105 Ambulance services
affected agencies of intent to enter into Fire protection policy board interlocal agreements 52.12.135
contract negotiations 35.21.779 above-ground used oil collection tanks, Annexation
Vehicles standard 70.95I.080 contiguous territory not in county 52.04.141
oversize or overweight permits 46.44.091 Fire service mobilization, state, See STATE
PATROL, subtitle Fire protection fire department employees, transfer
red flashing lights for 46.37.184 35.10.360, 35.10.365, 35.13.215,
use of tires with studs 46.37.420 Fire service training program
FIRE DISTRICTS (See FIRE PROTECTION fees and fee schedules 43.43.942
fire service training account 43.43.944 fire protection and safety in proposed annexed
DISTRICTS) territory, report 35.13.252, 35A.14.488
grants and bequests 43.43.940
FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Fire services trust fund 43.43.946, 43.43.948 fire protection jurisdiction adjacent to
School buildings Fire sprinkler system contractors Ch. 18.160 authority 52.26.300
automatic fire-extinguishing system Fire sprinkler systems, multipurpose firefighter transfers 35.103.050, 35A.92.050
requirements 19.27.113 single-family homes and townhomes, use in response times in newly annexed areas
water-sewer district prohibitions, limiting 35.103.050, 35A.92.050
FIRE HYDRANTS territory served by fire district, interlocal
Water companies may be required to maintain 57.02.100
Firefighting equipment agreement process 35.13.238, 35A.14.480
80.28.250 transfer of fire district employees 35.13.238,
standardization Ch. 70.75
subtitle Fire insurance) Forest protection zones Annexation by cities and towns 35.02.205
FIRE LIMITS legislative declaration 76.04.165 Annexation by newly incorporated city or town
Cities and towns, establishment of 35.27.400 services by department, assessment 76.04.610 35.02.202
uncontrolled fires, department response, costs Annexation of a city, code city, partial city, or
Forests, See FORESTS AND FOREST annexations by city become part of district
Boating fire prevention education program 52.04.091
79A.60.610 PRODUCTS, subtitle Fire protection
Hazardous materials and oil spills transfer of employees 52.04.111, 52.04.121,
Burning permits, See FIRE PROTECTION 52.04.131
DISTRICTS, subtitle Burning permits response by firefighters
grants for response and firefighting Annexation of a city, partial city, or town
Cities and towns withdrawal, election 52.04.101
auxiliary water systems 35.21.030 equipment and resources 43.21A.721
Hospitals, standards for protection 70.41.080 Annexation of adjacent city, partial city, or town
fire apparatus used beyond city limits election 52.04.071
35.84.040 International fire code
administration and enforcement 19.27.110 tax levies, limitations 52.04.081
first class cities, providing for 35.22.280 Annexation of adjacent city or town
towns, provisions for 35.27.370 Interstate forest fire suppression compact
72.64.150, 72.64.160 procedure 52.04.061
Fire protection Ch. 43.44 Annexation of adjacent city or town in two
Fire protection districts, See FIRE Livestock on public lands
owner retrieval or care during wildfire counties
PROTECTION DISTRICTS procedure 52.04.061
Flame retardants, certain, in childrens products 76.04.021, 79.13.060
Nursing homes 18.51.140 Annexation of by cities and towns 35.02.190,
and upholstered furniture 35.02.200, 35.13.249
prohibiting sale and manufacture Ch. 70.240 Port districts
performance measures, fire departments Ch. fire protection services, benefit charge
Flammable fabrics, childrens sleepwear, See 35.13.256
Portable oil-fueled heaters Annexation of newly incorporated city or town
Hotels, generally Ch. 70.62 withdrawal 52.04.161
State fire protection Ch. 43.44 standards for sale and use 19.27A.080,
19.27A.090, 19.27A.100, 19.27A.110, Annexation of port district property
State patrol, fire protection duties Ch. 43.44 firefighter transfer rights 53.08.360
Water-sewer districts Ch. 57.16 19.27A.120
Regional universities 28B.35.190 Annexation of previously withdrawn territory
FIRE PROTECTION School buildings 52.04.056
Accelerant detection dogs automatic fire-extinguishing system Annexation of property subject to excess levy
harming a class C felony 9A.76.200 requirements 19.27.113 52.04.171
immunity from liability for handler using dog State fire protection services, intent 43.43.930 Annexation of territory
in line of duty 4.24.410 State institutions 72.01.190 election method 52.04.011
Agencies State patrol, duties regarding state fire protection apportionment of district obligations
liability when providing emergency services services 43.43.930 52.04.011
or firefighting outside jurisdiction 4.24.780 State-owned property indebtedness, assumption of 52.04.011
Arson investigation information system provision of protection services by cities and petition method 52.04.021, 52.04.031,
43.43.952 towns under contract 35.21.775 52.04.041, 52.04.051
Assisted living facilities 18.20.130 arbitration in the event of continued impasse county legislative authority action 52.04.051
Birthing centers 18.46.110 between parties to contract negotiations Annexation of territory in another county
Breach of duty imposed by statute, ordinance, or 35.21.779 district name, assignment 52.04.151
rule consolidation of contract negotiations with Appeals 52.02.140
negligence per se 5.40.050 multiple state agencies 35.21.779 Applicability of Title 52, all districts governed
Building wardens, immunity from liability existing contracts not abrogated 35.21.778 52.22.111
4.24.400 notification of department of commerce and Assistance, financial and other, counties,
Burning permits affected agencies of intent to enter into authorized to furnish 36.32.470
fires set for fire fighter instruction, exception contract negotiations 35.21.779 Authority for creation 52.02.020
52.12.150 Tribal property Benefit charges
issuing authority, nuisances, control of contracts with fire protection districts or authorized, exceptions and limitations
70.94.6516 regional authorities 52.30.080 52.18.010
City fire departments Ch. 35.103 Unprotected lands, firefighting services for collection 52.18.030
Colleges and universities options, definitions 52.12.160 definitions 52.18.020
regional universities 28B.35.190 Vehicles exemptions from payment 52.18.090
Consolidation including annexation of cities size, weight, and load limits 46.44.190 hearings required 52.18.060

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 267]


model resolution 52.18.080 vacancies 52.14.050 merger of districts, effects, delivery to merged
property tax limited if charge imposed Condemnation 52.12.051 districts 52.06.080
52.18.065 Contracts taxation 52.16.160
reimbursement of county for administration executory conditional sales contracts, excess levy, authorization at special election
and collection expenses 52.18.040 promissory notes, deeds of trust, and 52.16.130
resolution mortgages for purchase of property general levy
imposing charge, filing requirement 52.12.061 authorization 52.16.130
52.18.060 fire prevention 52.12.031 limit
review board 52.18.070 liability, as general obligation 52.20.070 setting 52.16.130
voter approval 52.18.050 County treasurer as financial agent when may exceed 52.16.140
Bids and bidding 52.14.110, 52.14.120, duties 52.16.010 improved lands subject to, not subject to
52.14.130 Disincorporation of special districts in counties forest protection assessments 52.16.170
Bond issues, See FIRE PROTECTION with population of two hundred ten thousand levy collection by county legislative
DISTRICTS, subtitle Fiscal matters or more Ch. 57.90 authority 52.16.040
Bonds Dissolution local improvement districts 52.20.060
excess property tax levies 52.16.080 generally Ch. 53.48 warrants
issuance, limitations 52.16.061, 52.16.070 procedure, generally 52.10.010 disbursal of funds 52.16.050
Boundary review boards review by boundary review board 53.48.001 local improvement districts 52.20.060
district actions subject to board review District name, change by resolution of county warrants, registered
52.02.001, 52.04.001, 52.06.001, legislative authority 52.30.060 judicial confirmation 52.22.021
52.08.001, 52.10.001 Donations and bequests, acceptance of 52.16.150 Forest protection assessments
mergers subject to board review 52.06.010 Elections separation, taxation and assessment purposes
Budgets benefit charges require voter approval 52.20.027
preparation of budget for each fund 52.16.030 52.18.050 unimproved or partly unimproved lands
Burning permits commissioner districts 52.16.170
authority for 52.12.101 creation 52.06.085 Formation and organization
content, issuance 52.12.103 commissioners appeals, procedure 52.02.140
fires set for fire fighter instruction, exception decrease in number, election 52.14.017 candidates for commissioner, election
52.12.150 increase in number, election 52.14.015 52.02.070
forest lands, exemption for 52.12.101 commissioners, generally Ch. 52.14 conclusive effect of 52.02.150
issuance 70.94.6530 excess property tax levies 52.16.080 election
liability for fire suppression costs 52.12.108 formation and organization, generally Ch. declaration of results 52.02.110
penalty for violations 52.12.105, 52.12.106 52.02 fire commissioners, initial 52.02.080
permittees, duties 52.12.104 merger by petition 52.06.060 fire commissioners, initial, declaration of
resolution of commissioners polling places 52.14.030 election 52.02.110
adoption 52.12.101 Emergency medical services generally 52.02.080
publication and posting 52.12.102 charges, establishment and collection votes necessary to approve 52.02.110
Cities and towns 52.12.131 hearing on petition 52.02.060
annexation of property subject to excess levy Eminent domain 52.12.041, 52.12.051 land included and excluded from 52.02.060
52.04.171 Employees, residency not grounds for discharge petition, county legislative authority action on
incorporation or annexation of entire district, 52.30.050 52.02.070
tax ramifications 52.08.025 Excess property tax levies 52.16.080 petition for, certification of 52.02.030
joint operations 52.08.035 Existing districts petition for, notice of sufficiency 52.02.035
use of apparatus and personnel beyond district validation, districts organized under Title 52 public hearing notice, publication and posting
boundaries 52.12.111 RCW 52.22.011 52.02.050
withdrawal from, exceptions 52.08.025 Financial and other assistance, counties, public hearing on petition 52.02.040
Code cities Ch. 35A.92 authorized to furnish 36.32.470 Funds, See FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTS,
Commissioner districts Fire fighting or emergency medical purposes subtitle Fiscal matters
boundaries 52.14.013 acquisition, local improvement district, for Hazardous materials incidents
creation 52.06.085, 52.14.013 52.20.010 liability for extraordinary costs incurred
election of commissioners 52.14.013 Fiscal matters 4.24.314
Commissioners bond issues Hazardous materials response teams 52.12.140
association, reports to governor and capital purposes, issuance limitations Health clinic services
legislature 44.04.170 52.16.080 authorized, area 52.02.020
association with other commissioners budget for each fund 52.16.030 Incorporation of city or town, territory removed
52.12.031 budgets, reserve fund items 52.16.020 from district 35.02.180
board coupons Insurance
organization as 52.14.080 judicial confirmation 52.22.021 group life insurance contracts, authority to
burning permits, duties in regard to 52.12.101, donations and bequests, acceptance of enter into 52.12.031
52.12.102, 52.12.103 52.16.150 liability insurance for personnel 52.12.071
candidates for first positions 52.02.070 expenses and obligations, limitation on Insurance, pools, self-insurance authorized Ch.
elections 52.02.070 52.16.070 48.62
initial, terms of 52.14.060 financial agent, county treasurer as 52.16.010 Interlocal cooperation
local improvement districts, formation by funds application to fire protection districts
resolution 52.20.010 expense fund, creation in county treasurers 39.34.020
meetings 52.14.090, 52.14.100 office 52.16.020 boundaries
members, decrease in number general obligation bond fund, creation in deemed a governmental function 52.12.111
election 52.14.017 county treasurers office 52.16.020 operating beyond district boundaries,
members, increase in number merger with other districts, transfer of authority 52.12.111
election 52.14.015 52.06.080 extraterritorial authority 52.12.111
merger of districts monthly report 52.16.050 injured firemen considered injured in line of
board membership 52.06.085 reserve fund, creation in county treasurers duty when fighting fires outside the
commissioner districts, creation 52.06.085 office 52.16.020 boundaries pursuant to act 52.12.121
duties Ch. 52.06 general obligation bonds International fire code, administration and
number of commissioners 52.14.020 issuance, form, interest 52.16.061 enforcement 19.27.110
oath of office 52.14.070 judicial confirmation 52.22.021 Levies, prorationing protection 84.52.125
officer selection 52.14.080 general obligations bonds Liability
powers and duties 52.14.100 limitation on expenses 52.16.070 agencies providing emergency services or
qualifications, compensation, and expenses indebtedness firefighting outside jurisdiction 4.24.780
52.14.010 contracting for 52.16.061 contracts as general obligation 52.20.070
terms 52.14.020 limitation 52.16.070 Liability for fire suppression costs 52.12.108
territory withdrawn from district, effect local improvement district fund, creation in Liability insurance for district personnel
52.08.051 county treasurers office 52.16.020 52.12.071

[RCW Indexpage 268] (2016 Ed.)


Limited outdoor burning, permit program, authority 52.16.130 Surety bonds 18.160.090
establishment and exceptions 70.94.6524 excess levy 52.16.140 Violations
Local improvement districts incorporation or annexation by city or town enforcement 18.160.110
fire protection or emergency medical purposes 52.08.025 unlicensed operations, penalty 18.160.100
formation, hearing, notice 52.20.020 levy collection 52.16.040 Wrongful acts
formation withdrawal of territory 52.08.041 penalty 9.45.260
cities and towns law, applicability, Taxation, See also FIRE PROTECTION FIRE SPRINKLERS (See FIRE
definitions 52.20.025 DISTRICTS, subtitle Fiscal matters PROTECTION; FIRE SPRINKLER
notice to contain statement that assessments Torts 52.12.104 SYSTEM CONTRACTORS)
may vary from estimates 52.20.022 Tribal property within district
Local improvement districts, See also LOCAL contracts for service 52.30.080 FIREARMS
IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS, subtitle Fire Use of apparatus and personnel beyond district Aiming or discharging at person or in public
protection districts boundaries 52.12.111 place 9.41.230
Merger of districts Ch. 52.06 Validation of districts Aliens
Multicounty districts existing districts organized under Title 52 possession
district name, assignment 52.02.070 RCW 52.22.011 alien firearm license, requirements 9.41.173
Municipally owned buildings or equipment in or judicial confirmation, procedure Ch. 52.22 possession without firearm license,
adjacent to district, fire protection contracts procedure, special proceedings 52.22.021 conditions 9.41.175
52.30.020 Volunteer firefighters, See VOLUNTEER requirements, penalty 9.41.171
Officers and employees FIREFIGHTERS Armed offenders
civil service for 52.30.040 Withdrawal notification and warning 10.01.210
torts of, liability 52.12.104 assessments, effect upon 52.08.041 Background checks for sales and transfers
Performance measures, fire departments authority for 52.08.011 definitions, including "sale," "transfer," and
definitions 52.33.020 cities and towns "unlicensed dealer" 9.41.010
evaluations and reports, annual 52.33.040 joint operations 52.08.035 requirements, procedures, violations 9.41.090,
legislative intent 52.33.010 removal 52.08.025 9.41.092, 9.41.113, 9.41.115, 9.41.122,
policy, service delivery options 52.33.030 incorporation of part, effect 52.08.021 9.41.124, 9.41.137
Port district firefighters taxes, effect upon 52.08.041 retail sales tax exemption when between two
transfer rights on annexation of district Withdrawal of territory 52.04.056 unlicensed persons in compliance
property 53.08.360 82.08.833
FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE use tax when dealer facilitates sale or transfer
annexation of territory 52.04.011 between unlicensed persons 82.12.040
contracting with cities, towns and counties Carrying firearms 9.41.050
Regional fire protection service
52.12.031 authorities) exceptions to restrictions on 9.41.060
eminent domain 52.12.041, 52.12.051 Children
general enumeration 52.12.021 FIRE REGULATIONS carrying firearms 9.41.050
group life insurance contracts for personnel Counties exceptions to restrictions on 9.41.060
52.12.031 area applicable 36.43.020 possession of firearms 9.41.042
liability insurance for district personnel, may authority to adopt 36.43.010 Children, See also FIREARMS, subtitle Minors
provide 52.12.071 enforcement 36.43.030 Commercial sale
specific enumeration 52.12.031 penalty for violations 36.43.040 application procedure 9.41.090
unprotected lands, firefighting services for FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM application to explain diversity of laws
52.12.160 CONTRACTORS 9.41.090
Public improvements Administration costs, fees 18.185.015 pamphlet on safety and law to purchaser
community revitalization financing 52.12.036 Certificate of competency 9.41.090
Public works refusal, suspension, or revocation, grounds waiver of confidentiality 9.41.094
competitive bids 52.14.120 and procedure 18.160.080 Concealed pistol license
competitive bids, exceptions 52.14.110 renewal 18.160.050 application 9.41.070
Purchases requirements 18.160.040 domestic violence
sealed bid procedure 52.14.120 suspension for nonpayment or default on prohibition of future possession of weapon
sealed bid procedure, exceptions 52.14.110 educational loan or scholarship 18.160.085 or license 9.41.800
Reannexation 52.04.056 Crimes surrender of license 9.41.800
Regional fire protection service authorities wrongful acts, penalty 9.45.260 immunity from liability of agencies and
benefit charges Ch. 52.26 Definitions 18.160.010 officials 9.41.0975
generally Ch. 52.26 Exemptions 18.160.020 reciprocity 9.41.073
performance measures, fire departments Ch. Fire protection, director of recordkeeping requirements 9.41.129
52.33 powers and duties 18.160.030 revocation 9.41.075
tribal property within authority, contracts for Fire protection contractor license fund work group on revocation and information
service 52.30.080 18.160.050 transmittal 2.56.250
Reimbursement for fire suppression costs on Fitting, sprinkler Convicts
state lands, contract authority 52.12.125 appeals 18.270.080 possession
Residency of employee not grounds for discharge certification restoration of possession rights 9.41.047
52.30.050 application requirements 18.270.040 unlawful possession 9.41.040
Retirement and pensions, See RETIREMENT expiration and renewal 18.270.050 Correctional institutions, possession of by person
AND PENSIONS required 18.270.020 not a prisoner, penalty 9.94.043
Risk management services authorized Ch. 48.62 definitions 18.270.010 Court orders, protection, no-contact, or
Rules and regulations 52.14.100 examination 18.270.030 restraining, persons subject to
Short-term obligations Ch. 39.50 fees, deposit and use 18.270.060 surrender of firearm or license 9.41.800
State lands suspension 18.270.090 surrender of firearm or license, forms for
reimbursement 52.12.125 violations, investigations 18.270.070 surrender and receipt and nonsurrender
State or municipally owned property in or Government contractors, application of chapter 9.41.802, 9.41.804
adjacent to, contracts for fire protection 18.160.070 unlawful possession 9.41.040
services 52.30.020 Infractions, fines 18.160.120 Crimes
Status Licenses drive-by shooting 9A.36.045
municipal corporations 52.12.011 local government license and permit possessing a stolen firearm 9A.56.310
political subdivisions 52.12.011 requirements 18.160.020 theft 9A.56.300
Taxation refusal, suspension, or revocation, grounds violation of chapter is misdemeanor, penalty
annexation of adjacent city, partial city, or and procedure 18.160.080 9.41.810
town 52.04.081 renewal 18.160.050 Dangerous weapons
benefit charges, effect on tax 52.18.065 requirements 18.160.040 aiming or discharging, gross misdemeanor
excess property tax levies Local government regulation 9.41.230
special election to authorize 52.16.130 license and permit requirements 18.160.020 Deadly weapon special verdict 9.94A.825
general levy 52.16.160 powers and limitations 18.160.070 Dealers

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 269]


background check on employees 9.41.110 use in commission of felony 9.41.225 children 9.41.042
background checks for sales and transfers Mentally ill correctional institutions, prohibited, posting of
definitions, including "sale," "transfer," and firearms, prohibited from owning or notice required 9.94.047
"unlicensed dealer" 9.41.010 possessing 9.41.040 correctional personnel and community
requirements, procedures, violations possession corrections officers 9.41.060, 9.41.065
9.41.090, 9.41.092, 9.41.113, 9.41.115, restoration of possession rights 9.41.047 domestic violence
9.41.122, 9.41.124, 9.41.137 Minors prohibition of future possession of weapon
retail sales tax exemption when between two delivery to prohibited 9.41.080 or license 9.41.800
unlicensed persons in compliance pistols, possession by person between exceptions to restrictions 9.41.060
82.08.833 eighteen and twenty-one 9.41.240 law enforcement 9.41.060, 9.41.065
use tax when dealer facilitates sale or transfer Motor vehicles person not a prisoner in correctional
between unlicensed persons 82.12.040 carrying pistol in prohibited 9.41.050 institution, penalty 9.94.043
city, town, or county may regulate areas where Offenders under supervision of department of pistol
sales allowed 9.41.300 corrections by person between eighteen and twenty-one
conduct of business 9.41.110 prohibited from owning or possessing 9.41.240
license 9.41.045, 9.94A.505 prisoner in penal institution, penalty 9.94.040
grant and conditions 9.41.110 Outdoor music festivals, unlawful, penalty restoration of possession rights 9.41.040,
license and registration required 70.108.150 9.41.047
verification, notice to bureau of alcohol, Pamphlet on safety and law 9.41.070 stolen firearm, possessing 9A.56.310
tobacco, and firearms 9.41.135 fish and wildlife department to publish unlawful possession 9.41.040
licensing and registration required 9.41.100 9.41.310 Possession on school premises
pistols Pistols warrantless arrest, when authorized 10.31.100
delivery requirements 9.41.090 forfeiture Powders, loading, federal regulations, adoption
sales requirements 9.41.090 confiscation by law enforcement officer of of by reference 70.74.320
waiver of confidentiality 9.41.094 firearm subject to forfeiture authorized Private detectives
Definitions 9.41.010 9.41.098 firearms certificate, requirements 43.101.250
Discharging near explosives 70.74.170 license for concealed pistol Private investigators
Domestic violence work group on revocation and information armed private investigator licenses Ch. 18.165
prohibition of future possession of weapon or transmittal 2.56.250 Product liability actions 7.72.030
license 9.41.800 possession by person between eighteen and Railroads, discharging at train or car 81.60.070
surrender of deadly weapon 10.99.040, twenty-one 9.41.240 Retired law enforcement officers
10.99.045 Pistols, uniform act certificates 36.28A.090
surrender of weapon or license 9.41.800 antique pistols excepted from restrictions on Return to owner by law enforcement
Exhibitions with dangerous weapons, prohibited carrying 9.41.060 duties of law enforcement 9.41.345
9.41.260 concealed pistol license 9.41.070 notification to family or household member
Explosive devices, prohibition 70.74.180 immunity from liability of agencies and procedures, exception, disclosure
Felony firearm offenders officials 9.41.0975 exemption, liability 9.41.340
felony firearm offense conviction database mental health information to be made Rifles
43.43.822 available to enforcement agency 9.41.097 nonresidents authorized to purchase in state
registration, duty to register 9.41.333 revocation 9.41.075 9.41.124
registration, failure to register 9.41.335 concealment on person prohibited, exceptions out-of-state purchase authorized 9.41.122
registration requirement 9.41.330 9.41.050 unlawful firearms 9.41.190
Firearms range account 79A.25.210 convicts contraband 9.41.220
concealed weapons license fees, distribution delivery to prohibited 9.41.080 Safety
to account 9.41.070 dealers suicide awareness and prevention
Fireworks license and registration required 9.41.100 safe homes task force, suicide prevention and
chapter 9.41 RCW does not affect possession, verification, notice to bureau of alcohol, firearms subcommittee 43.70.445
sale, or use in compliance with chapter tobacco, and firearms 9.41.135 Safety programs, liability of operators,
70.77 RCW 9.41.320 regulations 9.41.090 employees, or volunteers 4.24.640
Forfeiture identifying marks, alteration or obliteration of Sales
confiscation by law enforcement officer of prohibited 9.41.140 background checks for sales and transfers
firearm subject to forfeiture authorized licenses, dealers definitions, including "sale," "transfer," and
9.41.098 deemed general licenses 9.41.110 "unlicensed dealer" 9.41.010
destruction, sale, or trade of forfeited firearms fee 9.41.110 requirements, procedures, violations
authorized 9.41.098 regulations 9.41.110 9.41.090, 9.41.092, 9.41.113, 9.41.115,
Gun clubs, nonprofit loans or pledges of 9.41.120 9.41.122, 9.41.124, 9.41.137
clay targets, sales and use tax exemptions for mentally ill, delivery to prohibited 9.41.080 retail sales tax exemption when between two
82.08.205, 82.12.205 minors, delivery to prohibited 9.41.080 unlicensed persons in compliance
Gun safes, tax exemption 82.08.832, 82.12.832 permit to purchase, requiring prohibited 82.08.833
Hunter education training program 77.32.155 9.41.110 use tax when dealer facilitates sale or transfer
Intimidation or threats of another, unlawful persons authorized to carry 9.41.060 between unlicensed persons 82.12.040
9.41.270 pistols School premises, firearms possession on
Juvenile offender in possession recordkeeping requirements 9.41.129 penalty, exceptions 9.41.280
confinement recordkeeping requirements 9.41.129 student expulsion, exemptions 28A.600.420
length of confinement and community sales, commercial warrantless arrest, when authorized 10.31.100
supervision 13.40.193 application 9.41.090 Security guards
data regarding offenders in unlawful approval of sheriff or police 9.41.090 armed private security guard licenses Ch.
possession of firearms 13.40.800 immunity from liability of agencies and 18.170
driving privileges, revocation and officials 9.41.0975 firearms certificate, requirements 43.101.260
reinstatement 13.40.265 license and registration required 9.41.100 Shotguns
prosecution limitations on persons eligible 9.41.090 nonresidents authorized to purchase in state
firearms special allegation 13.40.196 mental health information to be made 9.41.124
Juveniles, adjudicated available to enforcement agency 9.41.097 out-of-state purchase authorized 9.41.122
prohibited from owning or possessing sheriff and police, copy of application to be unlawful firearms 9.41.190
9.41.040 sent to 9.41.090 contraband 9.41.220
Landlord and tenant waiting period 9.41.090 Silencers, use of prohibited, exception 9.41.250
tenant duty regarding 59.18.130 waiver of confidentiality 9.41.094 Small arms ammunition
unlawful detainer 59.18.180 vehicles, carrying loaded pistol in prohibited authority of director of department of labor
Local laws 9.41.050 and industries to adopt regulations
preempted 9.41.290 waiting period 9.41.090 70.74.320
Machine guns waiver of confidentiality 9.41.094 regulation, adoption of federal regulations by
contraband, declared to be 9.41.220 Possession reference 70.74.320
prohibited, exceptions 9.41.190 certain places prohibited, exceptions 9.41.300 storage, restrictions on 70.74.330

[RCW Indexpage 270] (2016 Ed.)


Small arms powder, storage and shipment, Action for negligently permitting to spread Display fireworks
restrictions on 70.74.340 4.24.040 unlawful sale or transfer, penalty 70.77.510
Special verdict establishing if accused armed Arson Entertainment
with 9.95.015 insurance special effects and articles pyrotechnic
State law preempts local regulation 9.41.290 cancellation of policy 70.77.535
exception 9.41.300 conditions 48.53.030 Exemptions from law
Storage procedure 48.53.040, 48.53.050 toy paper caps and trick novelty devices
small arms ammunition primers 70.74.350 classification of areas 48.53.020 70.77.405
small arms smokeless powder, restrictions on fraud 48.53.010 Fire nuisance
70.74.340 Arson, See also ARSON prohibited 70.77.520
Stun guns Burning or smoking materials, unlawful to throw Firearms
possession on school premises prohibited, away in forest, brush, range, or grain area chapter 9.41 RCW does not affect possession,
penalties, exceptions 9.41.280 during closed season 76.04.455 sale, or use in compliance with chapter
Surrender of weapon or license Burning permits, See BURNING PERMITS 70.77 RCW 9.41.320
domestic violence order 9.41.800 Common law actions barred, when 4.24.060 Liability insurance requirements 70.77.270,
Theft 9A.56.300 Court records destroyed by, replacement 70.77.381
Transfers 5.48.020, 5.48.030, 5.48.040 Licenses
background checks for sales and transfers Engines or boilers, operating without spark acts prohibited without 70.77.255
definitions, including "sale," "transfer," and arrester, penalty 9.40.040 agents, in-state 70.77.305
"unlicensed dealer" 9.41.010 Fire protection districts, See FIRE annual application 70.77.325
requirements, procedures, violations PROTECTION DISTRICTS application 70.77.315
9.41.090, 9.41.092, 9.41.113, 9.41.115, Fire risks, limitation of single risk retained by denial
9.41.122, 9.41.124, 9.41.137 insurance companies 48.11.140 failure to meet qualifications 70.77.365
retail sales tax exemption when between two Flame producing device, restrictions on use grounds for, generally 70.77.360
unlicensed persons in compliance 70.74.310 hearing 70.77.370
82.08.833 Forests fire protection, See FORESTS AND duration 70.77.345
use tax when dealer facilitates sale or transfer FOREST PRODUCTS, subtitle Fire exemptions 70.77.311
between unlicensed persons 82.12.040 protection fees 70.77.343, 70.77.555
Transportation Hospitals, standards for protection 70.41.080 enumeration 70.77.340
small arms ammunition primers, restrictions Incendiary devices granting, grounds for 70.77.330
on 70.74.350 use in forests and similar areas, prohibitions issuance 70.77.305
Unclaimed, disposition by state patrol 63.35.020 76.04.455 manufacturer, importer, wholesaler
Uniform firearms act Ch. 9.41 Insurance registration of in-state agents 70.77.305
destruction for purposes of, penalty 48.30.220 not required for common fireworks 70.77.255
Unlawful possession registration of in-state agents 70.77.305
persons prohibited from ownership or Insurance risks, limitation of single risk
48.11.140 revocation, grounds for 70.77.375
possession 9.41.040 revocation or expiration
restoration of possession rights 9.41.040, Kindling of fires by persons driving lumber
4.24.050 sale allowed, when 70.77.430
9.41.047 signature on application 70.77.320
Unlawful use resulting in arrest Lighted or smoking materials, unlawful to throw
away in forest, brush, range, or grain area Local permits 70.77.270, 70.77.355
public nuisance may be abated 7.48.155 Nonprohibited acts 70.77.525, 70.77.530
during closed season 76.04.455
Vehicles Losses, report of insurance companies to state Out-of-state shipment 70.77.525
carrying pistol in prohibited 9.41.050 patrol chief 48.05.320 Ownership
Violation of chapter is misdemeanor, penalty Outside cities and towns, See FIRE prohibited transfer 70.77.480
9.41.810 PROTECTION DISTRICTS Penalty for violations 70.77.540
FIREFIGHTERS Papers in pending action destroyed by, Permanent storage
Civil service substitution of copy authorized 5.48.010 approval of facilities 70.77.425
applicants for positions as city firefighters, Probate records destroyed by, replacement of permit requirement 70.77.420
qualifications 41.08.070 5.48.060 Permits
Driving record, abstract of Report and investigation 43.44.050 acts prohibited without 70.77.255
information to be excluded from record Smoke detection devices, required 43.44.110 application 70.77.260
46.52.130 Spread of, negligently permitting, action for forestry 70.77.495
First responders 4.24.040 investigation and report on application
information, requesting during emergency Suspected criminal origin, report to state patrol 70.77.265
personal emergency response service chief 48.05.320 local fees 70.77.555
subscribers, contact information for Telephone, yielding party line for report of not required for common fireworks 70.77.255
70.54.430 refusal, penalty 70.85.020 Possession
Knives, spring blade Undetermined origin, report to state patrol chief unlawful, penalty 70.77.485
exemption from prohibition 9.41.251 48.05.320 Private organizations
Law enforcement officers and firefighters Wildland fire suppression license exemption 70.77.311
retirement system Ch. 41.26 local wildland fire liaison 43.30.111 Prohibited sales 70.77.401
Militia duty, exemption 38.44.030 Public displays
FIREWOOD hazardous nature 70.77.410
Overtime compensation 49.46.130 Public lands
Port district employees licenses 70.77.355
valuable materials, sale of Ch. 79.15 permits 70.77.280
transfer rights on annexation of port district State parks
property 53.08.360 bonds or insurance for liability
wood gathering, persons over sixty-five amount 70.77.295
Private cars exempt from fees 79A.05.090
green lights for, identification card required requirement 70.77.285
46.37.187 FIREWORKS exclusive purpose of 70.77.290
Agricultural and wildlife management uses supervision of 70.77.410
sign or plates on, identification card required license exemption 70.77.311
46.37.186, 46.37.187 Pyrotechnic operator
Civil enforcement of chapter authorized public display, supervision 70.77.415
Relief and pensions 70.77.547
actuarially reduced retirement allowance, Reckless discharge
Common fireworks unlawful, penalty 70.77.488
spousal benefit 41.18.042 license or permit not required 70.77.255 Records and documents
Relief and pensions, 1947 act Ch. 41.16 Consumer fireworks examination by chief of state patrol 70.77.450
Relief and pensions, 1955 act Ch. 41.18 sale and discharge maintenance, availability for examination
Training, at academy, plan for 43.43.934 when allowed 70.77.395 70.77.455
Volunteer firefighters and reserve officers unlawful sale or transfer, penalty 70.77.515 reports and payments, when deemed made
relief and pensions Ch. 41.24 Definitions Ch. 70.77 70.77.460
FIRES Discharge Regulatory intent 70.77.111
Action by owner for damage to forest land unlawful, penalty 70.77.488 Religious ceremonies
76.04.760 when allowed 70.77.395 license exemption 70.77.311

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 271]


Retailers Designation by state finance committee suspension of license 77.65.570

liability insurance requirements 70.77.381 43.80.120 Check stations
list of allowed fireworks, posting 70.77.580 Duties 43.80.120 inspections 77.12.620, 77.12.630
purchases from licensed wholesalers required Finance committee, state, role of Ch. 43.80 purpose 77.12.610
70.77.386 Registered bonds Clams
Sale appointment of state fiscal agents 43.80.125 diggers injury, property owners liability
consumer, unlawful sale, penalty 70.77.515 State finance committee, designation of qualified 4.24.210
display fireworks, unlawful sale, penalty banks or trust companies as state fiscal hardshell clam mechanical harvester fishery
70.77.510 agents 43.80.120 license 77.65.250
licenses State treasurer Classification of wildlife 77.12.020
revocation or expiration 70.77.430 duties 43.08.100 Coastal ecosystems compact and agreements Ch.
prohibited sales 70.77.401 fiscal agent for state 43.08.090 77.75
when allowed 70.77.395 receipts, copy to director of financial Columbia river
Seizure management 43.08.110 anadromous fish sanctuary 77.55.191
disposal 70.77.440 Term as designated state fiscal agents 43.80.120 commercial net fishing for salmon in
forfeiture proceedings 70.77.440 FISCAL MATTERS tributaries 77.50.040
by state agency or local government 70.77.435 Biennium defined 1.16.020 salmon fishing
Sellers Cities and towns, See CITIES AND TOWNS, prohibited gear 77.50.030
licenses authorizing 70.77.335 subtitle Fiscal matters Columbia river compact Ch. 77.75
Special effects for entertainment media Funds, See FUNDS Commercial fishing
70.77.535 bottom trawling prohibited 77.50.090
Municipal accounting, See STATE AUDITOR
State patrol buyback account, fee 77.70.450, 77.70.460,
Public funds, See PUBLIC FUNDS 77.70.470
list of allowed fireworks 70.77.575, 70.77.580 State, See STATE FISCAL MATTERS
powers and duties 70.77.250 federal fleet reduction program 77.70.280,
FISCAL NOTES 77.70.450, 77.70.460, 77.70.470
seizure 70.77.435 Local government Ch. 43.132 "insurer," exclusion from definition of
Statewide standards 70.77.270 School district fiscal notes commercial fishers who pool funds
Transportation superintendent of public instruction, 48.01.050
licensees authorized 70.77.330 preparation by 28A.300.0401 purchase by state of vessels, gear, licenses,
unlawful, penalty 70.77.517 State government Ch. 43.88A and permits
Unlawful transportation generally Ch. 77.80
penalty 70.77.517 FISCAL YEAR
Defined 1.16.030 vessel, gear, license, and permit reduction
Violations fund 77.80.060
civil enforcement of chapter authorized FISH AND FISHING salmon
70.77.547 Acquisition or sale of wildlife by department fishing gear in Pacific Ocean, limitation
civil penalty 70.77.252, 70.77.549 77.12.140 77.50.070
civil proceedings 70.77.548 Anadromous game fish maintaining consistent harvest levels
penalty, generally 70.77.540 purchase or sale, license required 77.65.480 77.50.120
separate and continuing offenses 70.77.545 Aquaculture net fishing in Columbia river tributaries
Wholesalers commercial fisheries licenses and permits, 77.50.040
liability insurance requirements 70.77.381 exempt 77.65.010 unauthorized gear 77.50.110
FIRST AID (See also EMERGENCY Aquaculture disease inspection and control salmon in Puget Sound, limitations 77.50.010
MEDICAL SERVICES) program Ch. 77.115 salmon in Straits of Juan de Fuca and Pacific
Advanced first aid qualification, certificate Aquaculture marketing Ch. 15.85 Ocean, limitations 77.50.020
18.73.120 private sector cultured aquatic products not shrimp pots in Hood Canal, limitation
Aid services, license requirements and game fish 77.08.020 77.50.100
exceptions 18.73.130 Aquatic invasive species Compacts
Aid vehicles and ambulances aquatic invasive species enforcement account Columbia river compact Ch. 77.75
aid vehicle personnel requirements and use 43.43.400 Pacific marine fisheries compact Ch. 77.75
restrictions 18.73.170 emergency measures by order of governor Conservation corps
43.06.010 duties 43.220.060
ambulance personnel requirements 18.73.150
infractions, arrest without warrant for Construction projects
licenses 18.73.140 10.31.100
self-inspection program 18.73.145 in state waters, hydraulic permits Ch. 77.55
invasive species enforcement Ch. 77.15 Contests
Ambulances invasive species management infractions
drivers, course regulations 70.54.060 limitations 77.32.525, 77.32.540
77.15.160 permits 77.65.490
equipment for 70.54.060 management and enforcement Ch. 77.135
Cities and towns Crimes and penalties, generally Ch. 77.15
prevention Definitions 69.04.932, 77.08.010, 77.08.020,
ambulances and first aid equipment, authority account 77.12.879 77.08.075
to operate 35.23.456 Aquatic invasive species, See also FISH AND Department of fish and wildlife
Emergency medical care and transportation FISHING, subtitle Invasive species branch offices 43.17.050
services Bait or artificial lures, restrictions limited created 43.17.010
unlawful practices, penalties 18.73.190 77.12.010 director
Employers Ballast water management Ch. 77.120 chief assistant director 43.17.040
training and supply requirements 51.36.030 Bottom trawling oath 43.17.030
Epinephrine autoinjectors (EPI pens) prohibited in specified areas 77.50.090 powers and duties 43.17.030
prescribing to certain entities for emergency Carp or rough fish in lakes within irrigation and vacancy 43.17.040
use 70.54.440 rehabilitation districts, control over taking offices maintained at state capital 43.17.050
school supply and use of 28A.210.383 87.84.061 rules 43.17.060
Equipment for ambulances 70.54.060 Catch record cards 77.32.430 Derby defined 9.46.0229
Other transportation vehicles, when permitted Charter boats Derelict fishing gear
18.73.180 fees 77.65.150 database 77.12.870
Workplaces fish guide combination license 77.65.590 guidelines for disposal 77.12.865
training and supply requirements 51.36.030 identifying decal 77.65.580 hydraulic permit exception 77.55.041
FIRST RESPONDERS (See EMERGENCY licenses 77.65.150 Derelict vessels
MEDICAL SERVICES) Oregon licensed boats, when allowed to fish in authority of fish and wildlife department
Washington waters 77.65.150 director 77.12.465
FIRST-CLASS CITIES (See CITIES AND regulation of boats operating on state waters Disabilities, persons with
TOWNS, subtitle first class cities) Ch. 88.04 advisory committee 77.04.150
FISCAL AGENTS, STATE salmon roe sale by crew member, license designated harvester cards 77.32.400
Bond issue registration required 77.65.350 Disease and pest prevention and suppression
designation of fiscal agent 39.44.130 suspension for noncompliance with support 77.12.455
Definitions 43.80.100 order 77.70.010 Emerging commercial fishery

[RCW Indexpage 272] (2016 Ed.)


licenses and permits 77.65.400 Frozen products biotoxin testing, surcharge to fund 77.32.555
Endangered or vulnerable species labeling requirements 69.04.930 commercial license limitation programs
unlawful sale, purchase, trade, barter, or Funds administrative review of decisions 77.70.040
distribution of parts or products 77.15.135 fish cultural stations, laboratories, and definitions 77.70.005
Endangered species protective devices for Columbia river fish Dungeness crab-coastal fishery 77.70.360
classification 77.12.020 77.12.285 Dungeness crab-Puget Sound fishery
Enforcement Game fish 77.70.110
right of entry 77.12.154 defined 77.08.020 effect of closed year of commercial fishery
Enforcement code Ch. 77.15 fishing areas, setting aside areas 77.12.330 77.70.020
Enhancement projects mitigation Ch. 77.18 geoduck fishery 77.70.220
city or towns liability 35.21.404 plan to double by year 2000, contents herring fishery 77.70.120
code citys liability 35A.21.290 77.12.710 herring spawn on kelp fishery 77.70.200,
countys liability 36.70.982 warm water game fish enhancement program 77.70.210
funding 77.32.440 Ch. 77.44 ocean pink shrimp delivery license
permit processing 35.63.230, 35A.63.250, Gear 77.70.230, 77.70.240, 77.70.250,
36.70.992, 36.70A.460 Columbia river regulations 77.50.030 77.70.260
Eradication of undesirable fish 77.12.420 Geoducks Pacific sardines
Family fishing days 77.32.025 commercial license limitation programs purse seine fishery license 77.70.490
Family fishing weekend licenses 77.32.470 geoduck fishery 77.70.220 required license or permit 77.70.480
Federal regulations and rules of fisheries diver license 77.65.410, 77.65.440, 77.65.550 Puget Sound shrimp-pot fishery 77.70.410
commissions and compacts, adoption ecology department, guidelines and rules Puget Sound shrimp-trawl fishery 77.70.420
77.12.045 43.21A.681 salmon angler permits 77.70.060
Fees geoduck diver safety program 43.30.555, salmon charter boats 77.70.050, 77.70.070,
wildlife account, payments into 77.12.170 43.30.560, 79.135.210 77.70.080
Fines, disposition 77.12.177 geoduck harvest safety committee 43.30.555 salmon fishing and delivery licenses
Fish and wildlife commission, See FISH AND harvesting, commercial 77.70.090, 77.70.100
WILDLIFE, DEPARTMENT OF, subtitle limitations and unauthorized acts 77.60.070 sea cucumber dive fishery 77.70.190
Commission public landsaquatic lands sea urchin dive fishery 77.70.150
Fish and wildlife habitat and water quality oysters, geoducks, shellfish, and other spot shrimp pot fishery license, Washington-
improvements aquacultural uses, and marine aquatic coastal 77.70.510
property tax exemption 89.08.440 plants Ch. 79.135 whiting-Puget Sound fishery 77.70.130,
Fish and wildlife officers sea grant program 28B.20.475, 28B.20.476 77.70.140
authority 77.15.075 Group fishing permits 77.32.550 commercial licenses and permits
compensation 77.12.262 Guides, See FISH AND FISHING, subtitle alternate operator 77.65.440
disability coverage 77.12.264 Licenses alternate operator designation 77.65.110
inspection authority 77.15.080 Habitat enhancement projects alternate operators, increase 77.65.140
insurance 77.12.262 building code exemption, criteria 19.27.490 application contents 77.65.050
Fish cultural stations, laboratories, and protective permit review and approval 89.08.470 application deadline 77.65.030
devices for Columbia river fish Habitat improvements, cooperative agreements catch record 77.65.050
agreements with United States 77.12.285 77.12.420 charter boat license, fish guide combination
Fish marketing associations, See FISH Habitat restoration projects license incorporating 77.65.590
MARKETING ASSOCIATIONS salmon recovery Ch. 77.85 charter boat license, identifying decal
Fish passage barriers Hatcheries and rearing facilities 77.65.580
ranked inventory 77.12.755 continued operation of certain state-owned charter boat license, suspension of 77.65.570
removal as compensatory mitigation for salmonid hatcheries charter boat licenses and angler permits
transportation projects 77.95.185 department-partner agreements 77.95.320, 77.65.150
removal board, membership and duties 77.95.322 charter boat operation 77.65.120
77.95.160 waste discharge standards and disposal closed year of commercial fishery, effect
removal of impediments, administration permits 77.65.060, 77.70.020
77.95.170 marine finfish rearing facilities 90.48.220 coastal crab pot buoy tag program 77.70.430,
removal program 77.95.180, 77.95.340 upland finfish facilities 90.48.215 77.70.442
Fish protective devices Hydraulic projects and permits Ch. 77.55 direct retail endorsement 36.71.090,
joint operating agency to maintain 43.52.350 Indians 77.65.510, 77.65.515, 77.65.520
Fish restoration and management projects, fishing rights excluded from state assumed Dungeness crab-coastal fishery 77.70.280,
federal act Ch. 77.75 jurisdiction 37.12.060 77.70.290, 77.70.300, 77.70.310,
Fish stock fishing rights excluded from state assumption 77.70.320, 77.70.340, 77.70.350,
protection or recovery programs of jurisdiction 37.12.060 77.70.370, 77.70.390, 77.70.400
outcome-focused performance measures Indians, See INDIANS Dungeness crab-coastal fishery, surcharge
77.04.170 Infractions 77.65.240
Fish stocking generally 77.15.160 emerging commercial fishery 77.65.400
permits 77.65.480 invasive species management infractions emerging commercial fishery designation
Fishing 77.15.160 77.70.160, 77.70.180
physical disability permits 77.32.400 Injuries on outdoor recreational land, limitation experimental fishery permits 77.70.160
recreational salmon and marine fish on liability of landowner 4.24.200, 4.24.210 expiration and renewal 77.65.070
enhancement program Ch. 77.105 Invasive species fee increases, disposition of funds 77.65.360
Fishing areas aquatic conveyance provisions Ch. 77.135 fees 77.65.160, 77.65.440
designation and boundary marking 77.12.152 aquatic invasive species enforcement account fish buyers 77.65.340
Fishing contests 43.43.400 food fish fisheries 77.65.200
permits 77.65.480 aquatic invasive species prevention account food fish guide 77.15.510, 77.15.813,
Fishing guides, See FISH AND FISHING, 77.12.879 77.65.010, 77.65.370, 77.65.440,
subtitle Licenses emergency measures by order of governor 77.65.560, 77.65.570, 77.65.580,
Fishways 43.06.010 77.65.590, 77.65.600
joint operating agency to maintain 43.52.350 enforcement Ch. 77.15 game fish guide 77.15.510, 77.15.813,
lakes, outflow fish protection devices and management and enforcement Ch. 77.135 77.65.370, 77.65.480, 77.65.560,
ladders 90.24.050, 90.24.060 management infractions 77.15.160 77.65.570, 77.65.580, 77.65.590,
Fishways, flow, and screening Ch. 77.57 Lakes, outflow fish protection devices and 77.65.600
Flood control management plans 86.26.050 ladders 90.24.050, 90.24.060 gear 77.65.160
Food fish Licenses geoduck divers 77.65.410, 77.65.440,
labeling requirements 69.04.933 anadromous game fish 77.65.480, 77.65.490 77.65.550
misbranding 69.04.938 applications, information required 77.32.070 hardshell clam mechanical harvester fishery
Food fish, defined 77.08.022 aquaculture, exemptions 77.65.490 77.65.250
Foreign commercial vessels biotoxin account, surcharges to fund inheritability 77.65.020
gear stowage requirements 77.50.060 77.32.555 limited-entry license 77.65.040

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nonsalmon delivery license 77.65.210 temporary fishing licenses 77.32.470 Protection of fish in state waters
ocean pink shrimp delivery 77.65.380, warm water game fish surcharge Ch. 77.44 hydraulic projects and permits Ch. 77.55
77.65.390 wholesale fish dealers 77.65.280, 77.65.290, standards adopted in chapter 77.55, SEPA
Oregon and California-harvested salmon, 77.65.300, 77.65.310, 77.65.320, compliance exemption 43.21C.430
delivery to state ports 77.65.180 77.65.330 Public landsaquatic lands
oyster cultch permit 77.65.270 Liens oysters, geoducks, shellfish, and other
oyster reserve fishery 77.65.260 commercial fishers aquacultural uses, and marine aquatic
Puget Sound crab pot buoy tag program defined 60.13.010 plants Ch. 79.135
77.70.430, 77.70.440 duration, discharge 60.13.060 Puget Sound
Puget Sound shrimp-pot fishery 77.70.410 filing statement 60.13.040 commercial salmon fishing, limitations
Puget Sound shrimp-trawl fishery 77.70.420 priority of lien 60.13.050 77.50.010
qualifications to hold 77.65.040 processor lien, commercial fishers 60.13.020 water quality protection Ch. 90.71
replacement fee 77.65.050 Marine fin fish aquaculture program Ch. 77.125 Recreational fisheries enhancement account
sale or delivery of fish, conditions 77.65.120 Measurement, crimes 77.105.150
salmon 77.65.160, 77.65.170, 77.65.190 false measure 9.45.124 Recreational salmon and marine fish
salmon roe 77.65.350 inaccurate measure 9.45.124 enhancement program
security interest or lien, licenses not subject inducing false measure 9.45.126 coordinator 77.105.010
to 77.65.070 Minors department responsibilities 77.105.020
shellfish fisheries 77.65.220 exclusive fishing areas 77.12.330 funding 77.105.140
spot shrimp pot fishery license, Washington- Natural resources management marine bottomfish species, artificial rearing
coastal 77.65.530 state policy, express domain 77.110.030 77.105.050
statutes and rules, applicability 77.65.070 Oil and hazardous materials spills planning and operation 77.105.030
suspension for noncompliance with support wildlife rehabilitation 90.56.110 Puget Sound recreational fisheries
order 77.65.080, 77.70.010 wildlife rescue coalition 90.56.100 enhancement oversight committee
transfer of licenses, restrictions and fees Oysters 77.105.160
77.65.020 Olympia oysters salmon, managing for increased Puget Sound
vessel designation 77.65.100 cultivation on reserves 77.60.040 recreational angling opportunities
vessel operation, designated and alternate oyster cultch commercial permit 77.65.270 77.105.170
operators 77.65.130 oyster reserve commercial license 77.65.260 Reef net salmon fishing areas 77.50.050
vessel substitution 77.65.090 public landsaquatic lands Regional fisheries enhancement program Ch.
waiver of requirements in year no oysters, geoducks, shellfish, and other 77.95
commercial fishery allowed, effect aquacultural uses, and marine aquatic Research and reports
77.70.020 plants Ch. 79.135 directors duties 77.04.120
waiver or fees refund in year when no seed, imported Rockfish research and stock assessment program
commercial fishery allowed 77.65.060 inspection and permit 77.60.080, 77.60.090 77.12.702
when required, exemption 77.65.010 state oyster, Ostrea lurida designated as Rules
wholesale fish dealers 77.65.280, 77.65.290, 1.20.180 adoption and certification 77.04.130
77.65.300, 77.65.310, 77.65.320, state reserves adoption procedure 77.04.090
77.65.330 culturing, pilot project 77.60.150 authority to adopt 77.12.047
disposition of moneys collected 77.12.177 established 77.60.010 printing 77.04.140
duplicate licenses, rebates, permits, tags, and management plan 77.60.030
private tideland owners or lessees, application
stamps 77.32.256 oyster reserve land account 77.60.160 77.12.047
family fishing weekend 77.32.470 personal use 77.60.030
fees 77.65.480 sale 77.60.050 publication 77.04.090
collection, payment 77.32.050 sale, lease, or disposal 77.60.020 use in evidence 77.04.090
fish buyers 77.65.340 Pacific marine fisheries compact Ch. 77.75 Rural natural resources impact areas
fish enhancement programs, funding Pacific Ocean dislocated workers program Ch. 50.70
77.32.440 commercial salmon fishing, limitations environmental and forest restoration Ch.
fishing guides 77.65.490 77.50.020 43.21J
food fish guide 77.15.510, 77.15.813, salmon Sabotage, injury or interference with fishing
77.65.010, 77.65.370, 77.65.440, caught by other than troll or angling gear, constitutes 9.05.060
77.65.560, 77.65.570, 77.65.580, prohibitions 77.50.080 Salmon
77.65.590, 77.65.600 salmon fishing gear, limitation 77.50.070 Cedar river spawning channel
game fish guide 77.15.510, 77.15.813, Pacific sardines fishery 77.70.480, 77.70.490 construction authorized 77.100.100
77.65.370, 77.65.480, 77.65.560, Parking funding 77.100.130
77.65.570, 77.65.580, 77.65.590, pass or permit requirement 77.32.010 mitigation of water diversion projects
77.65.600 Peddlers licensing, counties 36.71.090 77.100.160
freshwater and saltwater licenses, validity Permits specifications 77.100.120
77.32.500 application, information required 77.32.070 technical and policy committees 77.100.110
issuance fish stocking 77.65.490 chinook and coho, external marking of
authorized issuers, fee collection, and fishing contests 77.65.480 hatchery-produced fish 77.95.280,
payment 77.32.050 issuance 77.95.290, 77.95.300
nontransferable 77.32.250 authorized issuers, fee collection, and chinook and coho remote site incubators, field
personal use fishing licenses payment 77.32.050 testing 77.95.190
fees 77.32.470 parking 77.32.010 closed waters to commercial fishing,
reciprocity with Oregon in Columbia river revocation for support order noncompliance limitations 77.50.010
and coastal waters 77.32.410 77.32.014 coastal ecosystems compact and agreements
personal use shellfish and seaweed licenses scientific collectors 77.32.240 Ch. 77.75
77.32.520 Pest and disease prevention and suppression Columbia river
recreational licenses 77.12.455 prohibited gear 77.50.030
recreational salmon and marine fish Prison work programs Columbia river recreational salmon and
enhancement program, funding fish and game projects steelhead endorsement program 77.12.712,
77.105.140 establishment 72.63.020 77.12.714, 77.12.716, 77.12.718
reports required 77.65.500 funding 72.63.040 Columbia river salmon and steelhead
requirements 77.32.010 procedures 72.63.030 endorsement 77.32.580
revocation for support order noncompliance Private tideland owners or lessees, rules commercial fishing
77.32.014 application 77.12.047 maintaining consistent harvest levels
rules for form, display, procedures 77.32.090 Propagation and protection 77.50.120
salmon roe 77.65.350 agreements and contracts 77.12.043 unauthorized gear 77.50.110
saltwater and freshwater licenses, validity cooperation with Oregon, Columbia river commercial license limitation programs
77.32.500 77.12.325 salmon angler permits 77.70.060
steelhead 77.65.480, 77.65.490 Protected species salmon charter boats 77.70.050, 77.70.070,
taxidermy 77.65.480, 77.65.490 classification 77.12.020 77.70.080

[RCW Indexpage 274] (2016 Ed.)


salmon fishing and delivery licenses wild salmonid policy and management commercial license limitation programs
77.70.090, 77.70.100 77.65.420, 77.65.430 sea urchin dive fishery 77.70.150
commercial licenses and permits Salmon enhancement program Seafood safety
emergency salmon delivery license coho and chinook salmon remote site authority of department of health 43.70.185
77.65.190 incubators, field testing 77.95.190 labels 69.04.928
geographic designations 77.65.160 continued operation of certain state-owned Seasons and bag limits 77.12.150
Oregon and California-harvested salmon, salmonid hatcheries Seaweed
delivery to state ports 77.65.180 department-partner agreements 77.95.320, personal use licenses 77.32.520
salmon delivery license 77.65.170 77.95.322 public landsaquatic lands
commercial net fishing in Columbia river enhancement projects oysters, geoducks, shellfish, and other
tributaries 77.50.040 defined 77.95.050 aquacultural uses, and marine aquatic
continued operation of certain state-owned proposals, criteria 77.95.030 plants Ch. 79.135
salmonid hatcheries fish passage barrier removal, administration Shark fins, unlawful trade in 77.15.770
department-partner agreements 77.95.320, 77.95.170 Shellfish
77.95.322 fish passage barrier removal as compensatory beds on state lands
definition 77.08.024 mitigation 77.95.185 conservation and development 77.60.100
dislocated workers program Ch. 50.70 fish passage barrier removal board, coastal crab account 77.65.240, 77.70.320,
distribution to state institutions and needy membership and duties 77.95.160 77.70.330
persons 77.12.451 fish passage barrier removal program coastal crab resource management 77.70.330
eggs, availability to private smolt producers 77.95.180, 77.95.340 commercial license limitation programs
77.95.270 long-term regional policy statements Dungeness crab-coastal fishery 77.70.360
eggs, sale of surplus 77.95.210 77.95.020 Dungeness crab-Puget Sound fishery
fishing by Wanapum (Sokulk) Indians plan and proposed projects 77.95.040 77.70.110
77.12.453 powers and authorities conferred by chapter Puget Sound shrimp-pot fishery 77.70.410
fishing gear in Pacific Ocean, limitation 77.95.330 Puget Sound shrimp-trawl fishery 77.70.420
77.50.070 regional fisheries enhancement groups commercial licenses Ch. 77.65
food fish guide 77.15.510, 77.15.813, coordination with state agencies 77.95.150 commercial licenses and permits
77.65.010, 77.65.370, 77.65.440, formation 77.95.060 coastal crab pot buoy tag program 77.70.430,
77.65.560, 77.65.570, 77.65.580, goals 77.95.070 77.70.442
77.65.590, 77.65.600 incorporation, prerequisite conditions crab pot removal permit, Dungeness crab
game fish guide 77.15.510, 77.15.813, 77.95.080 coastal fishery 77.70.500
77.65.370, 77.65.480, 77.65.560, regional fisheries enhancement group Dungeness crab-coastal fishery 77.70.280,
77.65.570, 77.65.580, 77.65.590, account, surcharge to fund 77.95.090 77.70.290, 77.70.300, 77.70.310,
77.65.600 start-up funds 77.95.100 77.70.320, 77.70.340, 77.70.350,
harvest, report identifying total 77.95.310 regional fisheries enhancement salmonid 77.70.370, 77.70.390, 77.70.400
hatchery-produced chinook and coho, external recovery account 77.95.130 Dungeness crab-coastal fishery, surcharge
marking program 77.95.280, 77.95.290, remote site incubator program 77.95.200 77.65.240
77.95.300 Salmon recovery Puget Sound crab pot buoy tag program
labeling requirements 69.04.934 definitions 77.85.010 77.70.430, 77.70.440
management of salmon and steelhead findings, intent 77.85.005 Puget Sound shrimp-pot fishery 77.70.410
resources Ch. 77.110 forest practices Puget Sound shrimp-trawl fishery 77.70.420
marine fin fish aquaculture program Ch. federal assurances 77.85.190 shellfish pot removal permit 77.70.500
77.125 implementation Ch. 76.09 enforcement Ch. 77.15
Pacific Ocean governors salmon recovery office 77.85.030 gear
caught by other than troll or angling gear, habitat projects removal of derelict gear, hydraulic permit
prohibitions 77.50.080 allocation of funds 77.85.140 exception 77.55.041
Pacific Ocean commercial fishing, limitations critical pathways methodology 77.85.060 unlawful use for commercial purposes,
77.50.020 lists, compilation and prioritization for penalty 77.15.522
Pacific salmon treaty Ch. 77.75 implementation 77.85.050 unlawful use for personal use purposes,
production facilities, state-funded outcome-focused performance measures penalty 77.15.382
director to determine cost of full capacity 77.85.135 hardshell clam mechanical harvester fishery
operation 77.95.230 technical assistance authorized 77.85.080 license 77.65.250
Puget Sound commercial fishing, limitations work schedule 77.85.060 infected or infested areas, restrictions
77.50.010 independent science panel 77.85.040 77.60.060
Puget Sound water quality protection Ch. intertidal enhancement plan 77.85.230 labeling requirements 69.04.933
90.71 intertidal habitat restoration planning process misbranding 69.04.938
recreational salmon and marine fish 77.85.220 on-site sewage grant program 77.60.170
enhancement program Ch. 77.105 monitoring data 77.85.160 oyster cultch commercial permit 77.65.270
reef net fishing areas 77.50.050 program, management board duties 77.85.200 oyster reserve fishery license 77.65.260
release and recapture prohibited 77.12.459 Puget Sound organizations 77.85.090 personal use licenses 77.32.520
remote site incubator program 77.95.200 Puget sound partners 77.85.240 personal use licenses, razor clams only
rural natural resources impact areas report to legislature, including watershed 77.32.520
environmental and forest restoration Ch. health 77.85.020 persons with disabilities, designated harvester
43.21J salmon recovery account 77.85.170 cards 77.32.400
sale by department, limitations 77.12.451 salmon recovery funding board physical disability permits 77.32.400
sale of surplus salmon eggs and carcasses by allocation of funds 77.85.130 pots, derelict
cooperative projects 77.100.040 membership 77.85.110 database 77.12.870
salmon stamp program, purpose and responsibilities and powers 77.85.120 prohibited acts Ch. 77.15, Ch. 77.50
procedures 77.12.850, 77.12.852, salmon stamp program, purpose and public landsaquatic lands
77.12.854, 77.12.858, 77.12.860 procedures 77.12.850, 77.12.852, oysters, geoducks, shellfish, and other
Skagit river recovery plan 77.95.140 77.12.854, 77.12.858, 77.12.860 aquacultural uses, and marine aquatic
smolts, state purchase of privately reared southwest Washington salmon recovery plants Ch. 79.135
77.95.240, 77.95.250, 77.95.260, region 77.85.090 restricted areas 77.60.060
77.95.270 statewide strategy 77.85.150 sale from state oyster reserves 77.60.050
Straits of Juan de Fuca commercial fishing, Salmonid stock sanitary control
limitations 77.50.020 surplus salmon report 77.04.160 approved shellfish tag or label 69.30.020
Tilton and Cowlitz rivers, proposals to water diversion impact on stock, metering certificates of approval 69.30.050,
reinstate runs 77.12.765 requirements 90.03.360 69.30.060, 69.30.080
watershed planning and management Ch. Scientific collectors 77.32.240 civil penalties for violations 69.30.145,
90.82 Sea cucumbers 69.30.150
wild salmon protection, external marking of commercial license limitation programs culling, shucking and packing
hatchery-produced chinook and coho sea cucumber dive fishery 77.70.190 establishments 69.30.060
77.95.280, 77.95.300 Sea urchins definitions 69.30.010

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 275]


fish and wildlife department rules agreements of state with department of purpose 77.12.610
compliance 69.30.070 defense 77.12.275 Chemical capture program
health, state board of, duties 69.30.030 University of Washington lands 28B.20.328 registration for controlled substance use
inspection, authorization 69.30.120 Vessels 69.50.320
license or certificate of approval denial, suspension for noncompliance with support Civil infractions, enforcement
revocation, or suspension, department order 77.70.010 natural resources and parks and recreation
authority 69.30.080 Violations commission employees 77.15.020
license or certificate of approval denial, crimes and penalties, generally Ch. 77.15 Columbia river
revocation, or suspension, effect, and prohibited acts Ch. 77.50 fish cultural stations, laboratories, and
penalties 69.30.085 Volunteer cooperative fish and wildlife protective devices 77.12.285
licenses 69.30.080 enhancement program Columbia river recreational salmon and
penalties for violations 69.30.140 agreements, duration 77.100.070 steelhead endorsement program
pollution laws and rules, application Cedar river salmon spawning channel account 77.12.714
69.30.130 construction authorized 77.100.100 Columbia river salmon and steelhead
requirements for harvesting shellfish cooperative projects enumerated 77.100.030 recreational anglers board, role in program
69.30.050 definitions 77.100.020 77.12.716
sale or possession in violation of chapter, department duties 77.100.050 creation and administration by department
procedure 69.30.110 duties of volunteers 77.100.080 77.12.712
shellfish growing areas 69.30.050 procedures 77.100.060 review of program and report to legislature
Shellfish protection districts and programs, surplus salmon eggs and carcasses, sale 77.12.718
establishment and administration Ch. 90.72 77.100.040 Columbia river salmon and steelhead
Shrimp Warm water game fish enhancement endorsement 77.32.580
commercial license limitation programs created 77.44.010 Commission
ocean pink shrimp delivery license definitions 77.44.007 authority, intent of legislature 77.04.013
77.70.230, 77.70.240, 77.70.250, goals 77.44.040 delegation of authority 77.04.020
77.70.260 hatchery fish, purchase 77.44.060, 77.44.070 duties 77.12.020
ocean pink shrimp delivery license 77.65.380, surcharge, use of funds 77.44.030 mandate to preserve and protect fish and
77.65.390 warm water game fish account 77.44.050 wildlife 77.04.012
pots in Hood Canal, limitation 77.50.100 Washington state fish license plate collection membership, powers, and duties Ch. 77.04
spot shrimp pot fishery license, Washington- 46.04.6915 powers and duties Ch. 77.12
coastal 77.65.530, 77.70.510 Washington State University lands 28B.30.325 Composition 77.04.020
Snake river boundary with Idaho, cooperation for Water flows or levels, establishment of minimum Conservation corps
wildlife rules adoption and enforcement Ch. Ch. 90.22 cooperation of department with corps
77.75 Watershed restoration projects, consolidated 77.12.887
State fish 1.20.045 permit application process 89.08.450, Consolidation of departments of fisheries and of
State parks, hunting and fishing violations 89.08.460, 89.08.470, 89.08.480, 89.08.490, wildlife
79A.05.165 89.08.500, 89.08.510 legislative purpose 43.300.005
Steelhead Weights and measures 19.94.400 Construction projects
Columbia river recreational salmon and Wildlife account 77.12.170, 77.12.184, in state waters, hydraulic permits Ch. 77.55
steelhead endorsement program 77.12.712, 77.12.190 Contests
77.12.714, 77.12.716, 77.12.718 Wildlife agents hunting and fishing
Columbia river salmon and steelhead license authenticity powers 77.32.250 limitations 77.32.525, 77.32.540
endorsement 77.32.580 Wildlife restoration, federal act Ch. 77.75 Cooperative agreements
commercial fisheries prohibited 77.12.760 Wildlife violator compact Ch. 77.75 Columbia river fish, shellfish, and wildlife
harvest, report identifying total 77.95.310 77.12.325
FISH AND WILDLIFE, DEPARTMENT OF fish habitat improvements 77.12.420
petition congress to make national game fish Acquisition or sale of wildlife by department
77.110.020 fish restoration and management projects Ch.
77.12.140 77.75
plan to double by year 2000, contents Agreements
77.12.710 Idaho
scope, authority 77.12.320 Snake river Ch. 77.75
purchase or sale, license 77.65.480 Agricultural and grazing lands wildlife restoration, federal act Ch. 77.75
recovery program, management board duties fish and wildlife goals, implementation Cost-reimbursement agreements 43.300.080
77.85.200 77.12.204 Created 43.17.010
recreational fishery only for non-Indian Alpacas Creation 43.300.010
fishers 77.12.760 disease control authority not extended to Criminal acts and penalties Ch. 77.15
release and recapture prohibited 77.12.459 department 77.12.031 Damage by wildlife
state fish, designation as 1.20.045 Aquaculture disease inspection and control removal or killing 77.12.240
Tilton and Cowlitz rivers, proposals to program Ch. 77.115 Day-use permit Ch. 79A.80
reinstate runs 77.12.765 Aquatic invasive species Definitions 43.300.020, 77.08.010, 77.08.075
Straits of Juan de Fuca infractions, arrest without warrant for Deleterious exotic wildlife
commercial salmon fishing, limitations 10.31.100 classification 77.12.020
77.50.020 invasive species enforcement Ch. 77.15 Department permits
Tax on enhanced food fish Ch. 82.27 invasive species management infractions unlawful use, penalty 77.15.750
Tax on seafood products 82.04.440 77.15.160 Derelict fishing gear
Tax on seafood products businesses 82.04.260 management and enforcement Ch. 77.135 database 77.12.870
exemption 82.04.4269 prevention guidelines for disposal 77.12.865
Taxidermy account 77.12.879 Director
licenses 77.65.480 Aquatic invasive species, See also FISH AND appointment 43.17.020
Temporary fishing licenses 77.32.470 WILDLIFE, DEPARTMENT OF, subtitle chief assistant director 43.17.040
Terminal facilities, port districts 53.08.020 Invasive species derelict vessels, authority 77.12.465
Terminally ill persons, fishing opportunities Aquatic noxious weeds duties 77.12.020
77.32.565 removal, rules and pamphlet 77.55.081 energy facility site evaluation council,
Test fishing operations Aquatic resources mitigation Ch. 90.74 member 80.50.030
sales of fish or shellfish 77.12.451 Bald eagles enforcement authority 43.300.060
Toutle river fish collection facility 77.57.080 cooperative programs 77.12.650 exempt employees, authority to appoint
Trespass habitat buffer zones 77.12.655 43.300.050
aquaculture structures Ballast water management Ch. 77.120 oath 43.17.030
definitions 9A.52.010 Branch offices 43.17.050 powers and duties 43.17.030, 43.300.040,
Trout Buildings and facilities for department 77.04.020, 77.04.080
plan to double by year 2000, contents fisheries capital projects account 43.83.370 qualifications 77.04.080
77.12.710 Chaplain, volunteer 41.22.020, 77.15.075 salary 77.04.080
state purchase of privately-grown Ch. 77.18 Check stations vacancy 43.17.040
United States authority, scope 77.12.620, 77.12.630 Disabilities, hunters with, permits for

[RCW Indexpage 276] (2016 Ed.)


assistance from hunter without disability authority 77.12.320 acceptance for claims settlement and resource
77.32.238 Governors appointment authority 77.04.080 conservation 77.12.039
shooting from motor vehicle 77.32.238 Grizzly bears acquisition, use, and management 77.12.037
Disabilities, persons with protection and management 77.12.035 acquisition or transfer 77.12.220
fish and shellfish, designated harvester cards Housing for employees, state-owned or leased disposal procedure 77.12.210
77.32.400 availability, conditions 43.81.020, 43.81.030, management 77.12.210
Discover pass Ch. 79A.80 43.81.040 Protected species
Dogs legislative intent 43.81.010 classification 77.12.020
field trials, limitations 77.32.525, 77.32.540 Hunter education training program 77.32.155 Public shooting grounds
Emergency rule adoption 77.04.090 Hunting tidelands, use 77.12.550, 77.12.560
Employees contests limitations 77.32.525 withdrawal from lease and sale 77.12.540
exempt employees fees Ch. 77.32 Publications, proceeds and costs 77.12.184
directors authority to appoint 43.300.050 licenses Ch. 77.32 Recreational lands managed by department
Endangered species seasons, bag limits, and special hunt access, permits, passes Ch. 79A.80
classification 77.12.020 77.12.150 Recreational salmon and marine fish
Enforcement Infractions enhancement program Ch. 77.105
fish and fishing, prohibited acts Ch. 77.50 generally 77.15.160 Regional fisheries enhancement group account
unclaimed property, disposition of invasive species management infractions 77.95.090
77.130.010, 77.130.020, 77.130.030, 77.15.160 Regional fisheries enhancement program Ch.
77.130.040, 77.130.050, 77.130.060 Integrated pest management Ch. 17.15 77.95
Enforcement authority 43.300.060 Invasive species Research
Enforcement code Ch. 77.15 aquatic conveyance provisions Ch. 77.135 removal or killing of wildlife authorized,
Equipment aquatic invasive species prevention account disposition 77.12.240
fish and wildlife equipment revolving account 77.12.879 Rockfish research and stock assessment program
77.12.475 department duties, including adoption of rules 77.12.702
Family fishing days 77.32.025 Ch. 77.135 Rules 43.17.060
Field trials for dogs, limitations 77.32.525, enforcement Ch. 77.15 significant agency actions, identification and
77.32.540 management and enforcement Ch. 77.135 categorization of information sources used
Fish and wildlife enforcement reward account management infractions 77.15.160 34.05.271
77.15.425 Lands Rules and regulations
Fish and wildlife equipment revolving account local improvement district assessments emergency rules 77.04.090
77.12.475 77.12.230 Rules compliance
Fish cultural stations, laboratories, and protective payments to counties in lieu of property taxes technical assistance program Ch. 43.05
devices 77.12.201, 77.12.203 Sales
agreements with federal government to withdrawal of state lands from lease 77.12.390 property, real or personal 77.12.210
establish and maintain 77.12.285 withdrawal of state lands from lease for game Salmon
Fish enhancement programs, funding 77.32.440 purposes 77.12.370, 77.12.380
Fish habitat improvements, cooperative Cedar river spawning channel
Licenses construction authorized 77.100.100
agreements 77.12.420 fishing Ch. 77.32
Fish hatcheries funding 77.100.130
fishing guides Ch. 77.32 mitigation of water diversion projects
volunteer group projects 77.100.170
Fish passage barriers fur dealers Ch. 77.32 77.100.160
removal as compensatory mitigation for game farms Ch. 77.32 specifications 77.100.120
transportation projects 77.95.185 hunting Ch. 77.32 technical and policy committees 77.100.110
removal program 77.95.180, 77.95.340 taxidermy Ch. 77.32 marine fin fish aquaculture program Ch.
Fish restoration and management projects, trapping Ch. 77.32 77.125
federal act Ch. 77.75 Llamas surplus salmon report 77.04.160
Fishing disease control authority not extended to Salmon enhancement program and projects Ch.
commercial licenses Ch. 77.65 department 77.12.031 77.95
contests limitations 77.32.525 Local improvement district assessments against Salmon recovery and habitat restoration Ch.
cooperative agreements to improve habitat department lands 77.12.230 77.85
77.12.420 Mandate to preserve and protect fish and wildlife Salmon stamp program, purpose and procedures
eradication of undesirable fish 77.12.420 77.04.012 77.12.850, 77.12.852, 77.12.854, 77.12.858,
fees Ch. 77.32 Marine plastic debris Ch. 79.145 77.12.860
license limitation programs Ch. 77.70 Master hunter permit Sampling of fish, wildlife, or shellfish by
licenses Ch. 77.32 program fee 77.32.570 employees 77.12.071
recreational fishing licenses Ch. 77.32 suspension of, appeal hearing 77.15.760 Seashore conservation area, powers and duties
seasons and bag limits 77.12.150 Migratory waterfowl 79A.05.625
Fishing vessels definitions 77.08.045 Seasons, bag limits, and special hunt 77.12.150
program to purchase vessels and licenses Ch. stamp, license validation, production and Shellfish management Ch. 77.60
77.80 revenue use 77.12.670 Significant agency actions, identification and
Fishways, flow, and screening Ch. 77.57 stamp design, administration, sale, and categorization of information sources used
Forest practices hydraulic projects distribution 77.12.690 34.05.271
approvals, integration into forest practices Minors Skagit river salmon recovery plan
applications 77.55.371 fishing, exclusive areas set aside 77.12.330 director to prepare, requirements 77.95.140
department duties 77.55.361 Moneys collected Special wildlife account 77.12.323
Game farms disposition of 77.12.177, 77.12.184 Specialized forest products, duties 76.48.181
eggs, authority to deal in 77.12.580 Notification requirements 43.300.090, Tidelands and shorelands under department
licenses and operations 77.12.570 77.04.145, 77.12.038 management, exchange with landowners if
tagging of products 77.12.590 Offices to be maintained at state capital in public interest 43.300.070
transportation requirements 77.12.600 43.17.050 Toutle river fish collection facility 77.57.080
Whidbey Island game farm, sale 77.12.605 Oil and gas on game land 77.12.210 Transfer of powers, duties, and functions of the
Game fish On-site state-owned or leased living facilities departments of fisheries and of wildlife
defined 77.08.020 availability, conditions 43.81.020, 43.81.030, 43.300.010
mitigation Ch. 77.18 43.81.040 Trapping
plan to double production by year 2000, legislative declaration 43.81.010 licenses Ch. 77.32
contents 77.12.710 Permits Ch. 77.32 required procedures 77.32.545
steelhead Pest control Unclaimed property, disposition of
commercial fisheries prohibited 77.12.760 integrated pest management Ch. 17.15 application of chapters 63.24 and 63.29
recreational fishery only for non-Indian Prison work programs 77.130.050
fishermen 77.12.760 fish and game projects 72.63.020, 72.63.030, donation of unclaimed personal property
warm water game fish enhancement Ch. 77.44 72.63.040 77.130.060
Gifts and grants Property notice of sale 77.130.020

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 277]


personal property, including firearms Monopoly, deemed not to be 24.36.070 FLAME RETARDANTS
77.130.010 Nonprofit 24.36.040 POLYBROMINATED DIPHENYL
property owner entitled to receive money Nonstock associations ETHERS
77.130.040 certificate of membership 24.36.260 Generally Ch. 70.76
use of money from sales 77.130.030 statement in articles 24.36.120 FLAMMABLE FABRICS
Vehicle access pass Ch. 79A.80 Powers 24.36.300, 24.36.370 Childrens sleepwear
Vessels owned by department Price fixing, not deemed arbitrary 24.36.070 act in addition to other laws 70.110.900
transfer of ownership Quorum 24.36.150 attorney general, prosecuting attorneys, may
requirements 77.12.732, 77.12.734 restrain violations 70.110.050
review of vessels physical condition Restraint of trade combination, deemed not to be
24.36.070 compliance required 70.110.040
77.12.732 definitions 70.110.030
Volunteer cooperative fish and wildlife Sale of products 24.36.420, 24.36.430
Securities act inapplicable 24.36.060 jurisdiction of courts 70.110.080
enhancement program Ch. 77.100 legislative finding 70.110.020
Warm water game fish enhancement Ch. 77.44 Stock
Watershed compensatory mitigation Ch. 90.74 articles to contain statement of 24.36.100, penalties 70.110.040
Wildlife 24.36.110 service of process 70.110.080
classification 77.12.020 transfer of, restriction 24.36.140 standards 70.110.030, 70.110.040
predatory, web site posting 77.12.885 Stock and bonds of other corporations, power to strict liability 70.110.070
viewing and tourism deal in 24.36.340, 24.36.390 FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS
management 77.12.880 Stock associations, articles to describe shares Defined for motor vehicle purposes 46.04.187
watchable wildlife decals 77.32.560 24.36.100, 24.36.110 FLARES
Wildlife account 77.12.170, 77.12.184, Transfer of stock, restriction 24.36.140 Approval by state patrol 46.37.440
77.12.190 Voting, bylaws to regulate 24.36.150
Wildlife damage control Ch. 77.36 Warehouse corporations FLEA MARKETS AND SWAP MEETS
Wildlife rehabilitation account 77.12.471 Unused property merchants Ch. 19.210
membership in 24.36.390
Wildlife rehabilitation program 77.12.467, warehouse receipts, validity 24.36.390 FLEET VEHICLES (See MOTOR
77.12.469, 77.12.471 VEHICLES)
Wildlife restoration, federal act Ch. 77.75 FISH PEDDLERS
Wildlife violator compact Ch. 77.75 Exempted from county peddlers licensing FLEXIBLE-TIME
Yakima river conservation area 36.71.090 State agencies 41.04.390
hunting, authority to regulate and manage FISH PONDS FLIES (See INSECTS)
79A.05.793 Amusement game FLOATER LICENSE PLATES (See
FISH AND WILDLIFE COMMISSION (See defined 9.46.0201 MOTOR VEHICLES, subtitle Reciprocal
FISH AND WILDLIFE, DEPARTMENT or proportional registration)
OF, subtitle Commission) subtitle Fishways) FLOOD CONTROL
FISH LADDERS (See FISH AND FISHING, Chehalis basin, office of Ch. 43.21A
subtitle Fishways) FISHWAYS, FLOWS, AND SCREENING Cities
Director may modify immunity from liability 86.12.037
FISH MARKETING ASSOCIATIONS inadequate fishways and fish guards
Agent of member, may act as 24.36.320 City programs authorized 86.16.160
77.57.040 Commission, See FLOOD CONTROL, subtitle
Appraisal of expelled members property inadequate fishways and protective devices
24.36.290 Districts
77.57.060 Comprehensive flood control management plan
Bylaws 24.36.130 Divert or store water
Comprehensive provisions Ch. 24.36 advisory committees, county authority to
permit application review 77.57.020 create, membership and duties 86.12.220
Conspiracy, deemed not to be 24.36.070
Contracts, legality presumed 24.36.070 screen, bypass required 77.57.070 arbitration of disputed issues 86.12.210
Contracts with other corporations or associations Fish guards on diversion devices 77.57.010 county authority to adopt, required elements
24.36.400 Fishway impractical, provisions in lieu 86.12.200
Definitions 24.36.030 77.57.050 local officials, participation of 86.12.210
Directors Fishways in dams or obstructions 77.57.030 state participation and financial assistance
districts 24.36.190, 24.36.200 Toutle river fish collection facility 77.57.080 86.26.050
election 24.36.190, 24.36.200, 24.36.210 Comprehensive plans of cities
FITNESS CLUBS (See HEALTH STUDIOS) address run-off 35.63.090, 35A.63.061,
executive committee 24.36.240
nomination 24.36.220 FLAGS 36.70.330
terms of office 24.36.230 Crimes relating to Construction projects in state waters Ch. 77.55
Dividends, form of, amount 24.36.160 advertising, using for 9.86.020 Counties
Exemptions under other laws apply 24.36.080 defined 9.86.020 cessation of jurisdiction 36.34.240
Fees and charges, membership 24.36.160 desecration of 9.86.030 comprehensive flood control management
Fish marketing act Ch. 24.36 improper use of, penalty 9.86.020 plan
General corporate laws apply 24.36.050 mutilating, defacing, defiling, burning, or advisory committees, authority to create,
Incur indebtedness, powers to 24.36.310 trampling 9.86.030 membership and duties 86.12.220
Investments 24.36.330 schools, exercises, display, salute, failure to arbitration of disputed issues 86.12.210
Joint operations with other corporations or comply with, penalty 28A.230.140 authority to adopt, required elements
associations 24.36.400 Display 1.20.015, 1.20.017 86.12.200
Landlord or lessor, enforcement against Motor vehicles, towing flag equipment local officials, participation of 86.12.210
24.36.460 requirement 46.44.070 state participation and financial assistance
Liability of members National league of families POW/MIA flag 86.26.050
breach of marketing contract 24.36.440 1.20.017 consent of state 36.34.230
debts of association 24.36.270 eminent domain, exercise of power 86.12.030
State flag 1.20.010 expenses, how paid 86.12.033
Marketing contracts 24.36.410 State flag account
delivery by member, enforcement of general power 36.34.220, 36.34.230,
24.36.470 creation 43.07.388 36.34.240
injunctions to enforce 24.36.450 moneys donated to Washington state legacy immunity from liability 86.12.037
Meetings 24.36.180, 24.36.280 project 43.07.370 improvements, authority to make 86.12.020
Membership State flags, donation to Washington state legacy improvements for flood control causing river
appraisal of expelled members property project 43.07.370 to change course, title and interest of state
24.36.290 United States in abandoned channel granted to improving
fees and charges 24.36.160 colleges and universities, display 28B.10.030 county 86.12.034
qualifications 24.36.250 schools, exercises, display, salute, students not joint control by counties Ch. 86.13
suspension of 24.36.170 saluting, responsibility 28A.230.140 lease or conveyance of county property to
termination of 24.36.170 Washington state flag account United States for 36.34.220
valuation and purchase of shares 24.36.170 secretary of state solicitation and acceptance river improvement fund
Merger and consolidation 24.36.090 of contributions to 42.52.8021 expenses to be paid from 86.12.033

[RCW Indexpage 278] (2016 Ed.)


flood maintenance account 86.12.010 Prevention of floods by counties 36.32.280, local improvement district creation
taxation for 86.12.010 36.32.290 86.15.160
state zones, See FLOOD CONTROL, subtitle Public entities benefiting shall be liable for powers 86.15.080
Zone districts charges 86.15.160 revenue bonds
Counties, cities, and towns Soil and water conservation districts, See issuance and retirement of 86.15.178
floodplain management ordinances CONSERVATION DISTRICTS service charges, disposition of revenue
authority to adopt requirements exceeding Special districts 86.15.176
federal minimum 86.16.045 comprehensive flood control management voluntary assessments 86.15.165
County programs authorized 86.16.160 plan Storm water control facilities
County wide districts arbitration of disputed issues 86.12.210 assessments, rates, and charges 90.03.500,
administration of subzones 86.15.025 local officials, participation of 86.12.210 90.03.510, 90.03.520, 90.03.525
formation, hearing and notice 86.15.030 creation and operation Ch. 85.38 Storm water treatment facilities
law applicable 86.15.025 elections, auditor to conduct 85.38.125 highway construction projects, planning
operation of subzones 86.15.025 immunity from liability 86.12.037 90.03.540
power, authority and responsibility of board qualified voters, elections 85.38.127 Town programs, defined 86.16.160
86.15.025 reorganization Zone districts
subdistricts 86.15.025 authorization 85.22.010 administration 86.15.060
subzones, power and authority 86.15.025 three or more counties 85.38.290 advisory committee 86.15.070
Districts voting rights 85.38.105 assessments
bonds, savings banks, investment in 32.20.110 State and federal cooperation
contracts with other governmental units delinquency
authority for 86.24.020 sale of parcel 86.15.162
86.24.040 contracts authorized 86.24.030
disincorporation of special districts in counties voluntary, proceeds, disposition, limitation
contracts with other governmental units upon use 86.15.165
with population of two hundred ten 86.24.040
thousand or more Ch. 57.90 boundary review boards
extent of participation 86.24.030 district actions subject to board review
dissolution Ch. 53.48 state interest 86.24.050
review by boundary review board 53.48.001 86.15.001
State authority community revitalization financing 86.15.175
real property, leasing of 86.09.520 appeals from order, decision, or determination
state participation, See FLOOD CONTROL, consolidation, abolishment 86.15.200
of director or department 86.16.110 corporation
subtitle State zones data on which regulation based 86.16.051
zones, See FLOOD CONTROL, subtitle Zone powers 86.15.095
department creation 86.15.020
districts general authority over dams and obstructions
Districts1935 act, repeal and validation definitions 86.15.010
86.05.920 department of ecology fiscal matters
Districts1937 act general authority over flood conditions bond issues 86.15.170
assessments 86.16.025 budget 86.15.140
delinquency enforcement 86.16.081 county aid 86.15.150
sale of parcel 86.15.162 flood damage, defined 86.16.120 excess levies, charges, and assessments
determination, generally Ch. 86.09 floodplain management 86.15.160
generally Ch. 86.09 ordinances and amendments 86.16.041 funds 86.15.130
Ecology department powers and duties regulatory authority 86.16.020 lien for delinquent service charges, revenue
43.21A.069 bonds 86.15.178
liability of state 86.16.071
Flood control assistance account revenue bonds
establishment, use 86.26.007 local governments, department duties
86.16.031 issuance and retirement of 86.15.178
Flood control contributions service charges, disposition of revenue
conditions and limitation on expenditures, policy statements 86.16.010
rule-making power 86.16.061 86.15.176
warrant 86.18.030 treasurer 86.15.130
declaration of purpose 86.18.010 State master plan 43.21A.350, 43.21A.355
State participation in maintenance flood control improvements
limitation and condition on expenditures, authorization 86.15.100
warrants 86.18.030 administration and enforcement 86.26.010
agreement and limitations 86.26.100 hearing 86.15.120
warrants 86.18.030 initiation, comprehensive plan 86.15.110
water resources department, determination of allocation of funds 86.26.060
appropriation of funds 86.26.050 formation
expenditures 86.18.030 hearing and notice 86.15.030
Flood hazard mitigation bond issue Ch. 43.99U comprehensive flood control management
Floodplain management plan immunities 86.15.080
ordinances requirements, time for completion 86.26.105 inclusion of area from another zone,
amendments 86.16.041 declaration of purpose 86.26.005 restrictions on 86.15.023
counties, cities, and towns, authority to adopt flood control assistance account levies, voluntary assessment of, collection
requirements exceeding federal minimum establishment, use 86.26.007 86.15.165
86.16.045 local engineer 86.26.040 local improvement district creation 86.15.160
livestock flood sanctuary areas required scope of 86.26.090 mosquito abatement in retention ponds
86.16.190 Storm water 90.03.675
regulatory authority 86.16.020 definitions 86.15.010 powers
Highway projects to prevent or minimize flood mosquito abatement in retention ponds extraterritorial 86.15.090
damage 90.03.675 general enumeration 86.15.080
payments by department of transportation, public entities benefiting shall be liable for nuisances, abatement 86.15.190
requirements 47.28.140 charges 86.15.160 protection of public property 86.15.180
Hydraulic projects and permit Ch. 77.55 zones property transfer 86.15.210
Lake Osoyoos international water control bonds 86.15.170 quasi municipal corporation 86.15.095
structure 43.21A.450 budget 86.15.140 state zones, See FLOOD CONTROL, subtitle
Local programs authorized 86.16.160 county aid 86.15.150 State zones
Maintenance creation 86.15.020 supervisors
municipal corporations participation excess levies, charges, and assessments compensation 86.15.055
86.26.070, 86.26.080 86.15.160 elections 86.15.050
state participation, generally Ch. 86.26 immunities 86.15.080 tax authority 86.15.095
Management plans improvements watersheds
department of ecology authority 86.26.050 authorization 86.15.100 cooperative watershed management
Municipal corporations hearing 86.15.120 86.15.035
annual budget reports 86.26.080 initiation, comprehensive plan 86.15.110
maintenance fund 86.26.070 inclusion of area from another zone, FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICTS (See
Permit processing, emergency water withdrawals restrictions on 86.15.023 FLOOD CONTROL)
and facilities, expedited 86.16.180 lien for delinquent service charges, revenue FLOUR
Powers of public corporation 86.09.148 bonds 86.15.178 Weights and measures 19.94.430

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 279]


FLOWERS Factories, warehouses, and vehicles, right of Poultry

Floral or ornamental products or services, entry 69.04.820 frozen products, labeling 69.04.333
telephone directory business listings Ch. Food, drug, and cosmetic act Ch. 69.04 labeling requirements, enforcement 69.04.335
19.160 Food and beverage workers permits Ch. 69.06 misbranding of out-of-state products
State flower 1.20.030 Food and environmental quality laboratory, 69.04.245
State flower license plates purpose and activities Ch. 15.92 turkey grade, labeling 69.04.334
definition 46.04.559 Food banks Processing plants, See FOOD PROCESSING
FLUMES city utility customers, donations from Prohibited acts
Franchises to construct along state highways 35.92.395, 35A.80.060 enumeration 69.04.040
47.44.010 public utility districts customers, donations injunctions 69.04.050
from 54.16.405 liability of disseminator of advertising
FLUORIDATION Food processing plants, See FOOD 69.04.090
Water district authority 57.08.012 PROCESSING penalties 69.04.060, 69.04.070, 69.04.080
FOLIO Food storage warehouses, licensing requirements Pull date labeling
Defined 1.16.040 Ch. 69.10 definitions 69.04.900
Referees compensation for writing testimony Frozen fish and meat, labeling requirements requirements 69.04.905
4.48.100 69.04.930 rule-making authority of director of
Good samaritan food donations 69.80.031 agriculture 69.04.915
Intrastate commerce in food, drugs, and sale beyond pull date 69.04.910
tolerance regulations 69.04.390, 69.04.392, violations, penalty 69.04.920
cosmetics Ch. 69.04 69.04.394, 69.04.396, 69.04.398, Reports, publication 69.04.830
FOOD AND BEVERAGE WORKERS 69.04.400 Rule-making authority 69.04.740
PERMITS Hearings 69.04.750, 69.04.761 Salmon labeling
Adult family home workers, exemption for Honey, standards and requirements Ch. 69.28 identification as farm-raised or commercially
69.06.080 In transit for completion, labeling exemption caught 69.04.934
Diseased or infectious persons, employment 69.04.380 rule-making authority of director of
prohibited 69.06.030 Intrastate commerce in food, drugs, and agriculture 69.04.935
Generally Ch. 69.06 cosmetics Ch. 69.04 species identification 69.04.933
Valid throughout state, fee 69.06.020 Investigations 69.04.780, 69.04.790 Secretary of social and health services, powers
Kosher food products Ch. 69.90 and duties as to 43.20A.660
Additives 69.04.024, 69.04.025 Shellfish sanitary control Ch. 69.30
artificial additives 69.04.330 Standards
tolerance regulations 69.04.394 container fill 69.04.300
Adulteration, when deemed 69.04.210, establishment 69.04.190
dietary properties 69.04.320, 69.04.340 federal standards, conformance 69.04.200
69.04.220, 69.04.231, 69.04.240 false or misleading 69.04.250
Advertising, when deemed false 69.04.710 nonconformance 69.04.280, 69.04.290,
food fish labeling 69.04.933 69.04.300
Agriculture, department of, powers and duties food fish misbranding 69.04.938
Ch. 69.04 food in transit for completion, exemption State veterinarian, powers and duties 43.23.070
Bacon, packaging requirements 69.04.205 69.04.380 Violations
Bacon, packaging requirements, violations frozen fish and meat 69.04.930 bulk foods transportation 69.04.980
69.04.206 lamb products, imported 69.04.940 civil penalty 69.04.880
Bulk foods name and ingredients 69.04.310 infractions 69.04.170
intrastate transportation nonconformity with standard of identity prosecution 69.04.160
cleaning of vehicle or vessel 69.04.960 69.04.280 pull date labeling 69.04.920
definitions 69.04.950 nonconformity with standard of quality FOOD ASSISTANCE (See FOOD STAMPS;
marking of vehicle or vessel 69.04.960 69.04.290 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE, subtitle Food
prohibited practices, exemption 69.04.955 out-of-state poultry 69.04.245 stamps)
prohibited practices, penalties 69.04.980 packaged food 69.04.260
rehabilitation of vehicle or vessel for food FOOD COUPONS (See FOOD STAMPS)
pull date 69.04.900, 69.04.905, 69.04.910,
transport 69.04.970, 69.04.975 69.04.915, 69.04.920 FOOD DONATION AND DISTRIBUTION
substances making vehicle or vessel readability 69.04.270 Liability Ch. 69.80
permanently unsuitable for food salmon labeling 69.04.934, 69.04.935 FOOD FISH AND SHELLFISH (See FISH
69.04.970 seafood 69.04.928 AND FISHING)
transport in vehicle or vessel used for shellfish labeling 69.04.933
nonfood cargo, requirements 69.04.965 shellfish misbranding 69.04.938 FOOD PROCESSING
Color additives Lamb, imported products, labeling requirements Administrative procedure act, application
tolerance regulations 69.04.396 69.04.940 69.07.070
Common carriers, inspection of records Liquor content regulated 66.12.160, 66.12.170 Agriculture department, authority of director and
69.04.810 Liquor laws, exemptions and sample analysis personnel 69.07.095
Condemnation 69.04.100, 69.04.150 66.12.070, 66.12.140 Bottled water, labeling standards 69.07.180,
Cottage food operations Ch. 69.22 Manufacturing or processing permits 69.07.190
Dairies and dairy products, See DAIRIES AND inspection, access 69.04.370 Cottage food operations Ch. 69.22
DAIRY PRODUCTS suspension and reinstatement 69.04.360 Definitions 69.07.010
Dangerous products, dissemination of when required 69.04.350 Enforcement 69.07.020, 69.07.110
information 69.04.840 Meat, custom slaughtering and custom meat Exemptions from chapter provisions 69.07.100
Definitions 69.04.932 facilities, licensing and inspection Ch. 16.49 Food processing inspection account, deposit of
Dietary supplements containing alcohol, labeling Milk and milk products, See DAIRIES AND moneys 69.07.120
66.12.070 DAIRY PRODUCTS Inspections 69.07.080
Direct seller license 69.04.345 Obesity lawsuits Licenses
Donation and distribution to needy persons food and beverage consumption 7.72.070 application and issuance 69.07.040
collecting, distributing, and gleaning Organic food products, See ORGANIC FOOD denial, suspension, or revocation 69.07.060
69.80.031 Packaged food fee 69.07.040
definitions 69.80.020, 69.80.031 label contents 69.04.260 renewal, additional fee 69.07.050
information and referral service 69.80.040 Pesticide chemicals suspension and reinstatement 69.07.065
inspection by state and local agencies tolerance regulations 69.04.392 waiver, when 69.07.040
69.80.050 Pesticide registration, commission on, Permits
liability 69.80.031 membership and duties 15.92.090, inspection, access 69.04.370
safety rules 69.80.060 15.92.095, 15.92.100, 15.92.105, 15.92.110 suspension and reinstatement 69.04.360
Eggs and egg products, See EGGS AND EGG Poisonous or deleterious substances 69.04.390 when required 69.04.350
PRODUCTS Poisons or other harmful objects in food, drinks, Poultry, one thousand or fewer 69.07.103
Embargo 69.04.110, 69.04.120, 69.04.123, medicine, or water Ch. 69.40 Rule-making authority 69.07.020
69.04.130, 69.04.140, 69.04.150 Popcorn, disclosure of butter or butter-like Sanitary certificates 69.07.085
Enforcement authority 69.04.730, 69.04.800 flavoring 69.04.331 Unlicensed processors

[RCW Indexpage 280] (2016 Ed.)


unlawful to sell or distribute food from conformance to proof 59.12.150 publication of notice 61.12.100, 61.12.110
unlicensed processor 69.07.135 amendments redemption rights lost where property
Violations times allowed 59.12.160 abandoned, sheriffs sale purchaser to take
civil and criminal penalties 69.07.150 answer or demurrer by defendant 59.12.121 title free from redemption rights 61.12.093
warning notice 69.07.140 issues of fact, determination by jury 59.12.130 rents and profits
FOOD STAMPS proof, burden of plaintiff 59.12.140 deemed real property until paid 7.28.230
Confidentiality 74.04.520 Practice, rules of, application 59.12.180 right of mortgagee to enter for 7.28.230
Crimes and penalties 9.91.140, 9.91.142, Proof, requirement of plaintiff 59.12.140 service of process by publication, when
9.91.144 Restitution, writ of 4.28.100
Discrimination in administration of program bond for 59.12.090 stay of proceedings 61.12.130
prohibited 74.04.515 bond to stay 59.12.100 upset price 61.12.060
Distribution dates 74.04.541 modification of bonds 59.12.110 venue for 61.12.040
Eligibility service of 59.12.100 venue of actions concerning 4.12.010
allotments and rent or housing subsidies suspension 59.12.220 when may proceed 61.12.040
74.04.750 use by plaintiff 59.12.090 Mortgages, See also FORECLOSURES, subtitle
Employment and training program Restoration of property, writ of restitution Chattel mortgages
partnerships, funds, outcomes 74.04.535 59.12.090 Orchard and orchard land liens 60.16.020
Federal food assistance Service of notice Quieting title where foreclosure barred by statute
eligibility, exemption from federal restrictions made by mail 59.12.040 of limitations 7.28.300
74.08.025 proof of 59.12.040 Real estate contracts
Fraud when tenant is conducting hotel, inn, etc. other remedies not limited 61.30.020
recovery of payments 74.04.300 59.12.040 Redemption period
Immigrants 74.08A.120 Summons real estate brokers listing, sales, proceeds
Overpayments alternative service of 59.12.085 distribution 6.23.120
hearings contents 59.12.080 Rents and profits, deemed real property until paid
procedure 43.20B.630 necessity for 59.12.070 7.28.230
recovery of payments 74.04.300 service of 59.12.080 Service of process by publication, when 4.28.100
Program, authority to establish 74.04.500 Trespass Solid waste disposal districts 36.58.140
Rule-making authority 74.04.510 landlord and tenant 59.12.030 Statutory liens, summary foreclosure procedure
Simplified reporting 74.04.205 Waste, when deemed as 59.12.030 Ch. 60.10
Transitional assistance 74.08A.010 Writ of restitution FOREIGN (See also NONRESIDENTS)
Work requirements 74.08A.060 service 59.18.390 Banks, See BANKS AND BANKING
Generally, including licenses, inspection, and Assessment liens, county road improvement Insurance, See INSURANCE, subtitle Foreign
enforcement Ch. 69.10 districts 36.88.140 insurers
Moneys received by department of agriculture, Chattel mortgages Orders
disposition 69.10.045 sheriffs fee 36.18.040 nonrecognition of, when incompatible with
Cities and towns, sewerage system liens public policy 4.24.820
FOR HIRE VEHICLES (See MOTOR Savings associations, See SAVINGS
VEHICLES, subtitle For hire vehicles) 35.67.220, 35.67.230, 35.67.240, 35.67.250,
35.67.260, 35.67.270, 35.67.280, 35.67.290 ASSOCIATIONS, subtitle Foreign
FORCE Deeds of trust, See DEEDS OF TRUST associations
Use of, when lawful 9A.16.020 Ejectment and quieting title actions FOREIGN BRANCH CAMPUSES (See
FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER entry, right of, mortgagees right to enter to COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES,
Agricultural land, holding over, effect 59.12.035 obtain rents and profits 7.28.230 subtitle Foreign branch campuses)
Amendment of pleadings mortgagees action to recover possession
conformance to proof 59.12.150 ORDERS (See CHILD SUPPORT,
when allowed 59.12.160 quieting title where foreclosure barred by
statute of limitations 7.28.300 subtitle Foreign child support court
Appeal to supreme court orders)
writ of restitution, suspension 59.12.220 rents and profits, right of mortgagee to enter
Appellate review for 7.28.230 FOREIGN CORPORATIONS (See also
stay bond 59.12.200 sales, mortgagees procedure to recover CORPORATIONS, subtitle Foreign
stay of proceedings 59.12.210 possession 7.28.230 corporations)
Applicability of chapter 59.18 RCW, residential Execution sales Annual report
landlord-tenant act 59.18.420 confirmation procedure 6.23.020 nonprofit corporation 24.03.395
Complaint notice of, form 6.21.040 Attachment against
content 59.12.070 notice requirements during redemption period bond unnecessary, when 6.25.080
service of 59.12.070 6.23.030 ground for 6.25.030
Continuance, allowance for amendment Foreclosure of statutory liens, summary Dismissal for failure to give security for costs
59.12.150 foreclosure procedure Ch. 60.10 4.84.230
Damages for, actions for recovery of possession Judgment creditor, affidavit of, prior to issuance Foreign registration statement
of personal property 4.56.080 of writ of execution 6.17.100 amendment
Definition 59.12.010, 59.12.020, 59.12.030 Liens nonprofit corporation 24.03.365
Detainer employees, contributions to benefit plans nonprofit corporation 24.03.325
forcible, defined 59.12.020 60.76.040 Merger
unlawful, defined 59.12.030 livestock, service of sires 60.52.040 nonprofit organization 24.03.360
Forcible entry, defined 59.12.010 orchards and orchard lands 60.16.020 Merger, exchange, consolidation
Forfeiture, relief against Local improvement district bonds domestic corporations
application by tenant 59.12.190 authority and conditions 35.50.030 nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual
satisfaction of conditions 59.12.190 Mortgages corporations 24.06.233
service of notice 59.12.190 attorney fees, court to fix amount 4.84.020 Merger or consolidation with
Judgment concurrent actions 61.12.120 domestic nonprofit corporation 24.03.207
appellate review 59.12.200 ejectment and quieting title actions, deemed Name
default by defendant 59.12.120 not conveyance 7.28.230 fictitious name, use of
execution of 59.12.170 execution sale, possession during redemption nonprofit corporations 24.03.315
generally 59.12.170 period 6.23.110 reservation of
Jurisdiction over, superior courts 2.08.010, installments or interest due, payment to stay nonprofit corporation 24.03.046
59.12.050 proceedings 61.12.130 Nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual
Jury trials, priority 59.12.130 judgment 61.12.060 corporations
Parties to proceedings 59.12.060 levy for deficiency under same execution foreign registration statement 24.06.360
Penalty for 59.12.230 61.12.100 name 24.06.045, 24.06.350
Pleadings order of sale 61.12.060 registered agent
amendment payment of mortgage price 61.12.060 requirement 24.06.050

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 281]


registration Laws applicable to 11.20.100 director, appointment of 76.56.030

termination of 24.06.425 FOREIGN-COUNTRY MONEY duties 76.56.020
registration, conducting affairs without JUDGMENTS funding sources 76.56.050
24.06.435 Uniform foreign-country money judgments report to governor and legislature 76.56.050
service of process and papers recognition act Ch. 6.40A programs, research, advisory services, use of
registered agent, failure to appoint or fee schedule 76.56.040
maintain 24.06.395 FOREIGN-MONEY CLAIMS Christmas trees
withdrawal, revenue clearance 24.06.415 Uniform foreign-money claims act Ch. 6.44 specialized forest products, enforcement Ch.
required Definitions 43.103.020 Community and urban forestry
nonprofit corporations 24.03.340 Meetings 43.103.070 evergreen communities act Ch. 35.105
Registered office, agent Members evergreen community design 76.15.090
change of appointment 43.103.040 generally Ch. 76.15
nonprofit corporation 24.03.345 qualifications 43.103.060 technical advisory committee 76.15.080
Registration terms and vacancies 43.103.050 Community forest land trust 79.17.210, Ch.
nonprofit corporation 24.03.305 travel expenses 43.103.080 79.155
nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual Missing persons protocols, training 43.103.110 Cooperative forest management services act Ch.
corporations Powers 43.103.090 76.52
termination of 24.06.425 Powers and duties 43.103.030 Counterfeiting brands and marks 76.36.120
Registration, effect of Sudden, unexplained infant death training County forest lands, conveyance to United States
nonprofit corporations 24.03.310 program 43.103.100 36.34.210
Security for costs FORENSIC LABORATORY SERVICES, Crimes relating to
bond in lieu of separate security for costs BUREAU OF (See STATE PATROL) brands and marks, See FORESTS AND
4.84.220 FOREST PRODUCTS, subtitle Brands and
dismissal for failure to give 4.84.230 FORENSIC MENTAL HEALTH marks
judgment on 4.84.240 SERVICES, OFFICE failing to brand or mark products or equipment
required 4.84.210 Establishment of office and its functions 76.36.110
standing bond for numerous actions 4.84.220 10.77.280 forest practices 76.09.190
Service of process and papers on FORENSIC PATHOLOGY Cutting practices, See FORESTS AND FOREST
personal service 4.28.080 State toxicological laboratory, establishment and PRODUCTS, subtitle Forest practices
publication, by 4.28.100 duties 68.50.107 Disease and insect control Ch. 76.06
Service of summons on Environmental and forest restoration
FOREST PRACTICES ACT (See FORESTS definitions 43.21J.010
personal service 4.28.080 AND FOREST PRODUCTS, subtitle
publication, by 4.28.100 environmental enhancement and job creation
Forest practices) task force 43.21J.030
Service on
nonprofit corporations 24.03.350 FOREST PRODUCTS, CENTER FOR intent and purpose 43.21J.010
Withdrawal INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN (See legislative findings 43.21J.005
revenue clearance FORESTS AND FOREST PRODUCTS, program implementation evaluation,
nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual subtitle Center for international trade in legislative audit and review committee
corporations 24.06.415 forest products) report 43.21J.800
FOREIGN DECLARATIONS (See award of funds 43.21J.040
FOREST PRODUCTS) evaluation criteria 43.21J.040
declarations, unsworn, uniform act) training or employment
FOREIGN JUDGMENTS (See also FOREST PRODUCTS TAXATION (See eligibility, job status, and compensation
JUDGMENT RECOGNITION ACT) FOREST PROTECTION (See FORESTS unemployment compensation benefits for
Debt AND FOREST PRODUCTS, subtitle trainees 43.21J.060, 43.21J.070
defenses available against 5.44.030 Forest protection) Evergreen communities act Ch. 35.105
evidence, as, faith accorded to 5.44.020 FOREST RESERVE FUNDS (See Federal forests, See FORESTS AND FOREST
Domestic violence COUNTIES, subtitle Funds, forest PRODUCTS, subtitle National forests
foreign protection order full faith and credit reserve funds) Fire damage to forested land
act Ch. 26.52 actions by owner 76.04.760
Enforcement of, uniform act Ch. 6.36 FORESTS AND FOREST LAND Fire production
Forest development account 79.64.100 negligent starting of fires, liability 76.04.495
Judicial notice of, uniform law Ch. 5.24 FORESTS AND FOREST PRODUCTS (See Fire protection
Pleadings, necessity of 5.24.040 also HYDRAULIC PROJECTS; allowing extreme fire hazard, liability
Printed copies as evidence 5.44.050 TIMBER) 76.04.495
Statute of limitation of action, application to Access roads, public lands Ch. 79.38 arrests without warrants 76.04.065
nonresidents 4.16.290 Access roads, See PUBLIC LANDS, subtitle blasting fuse, use of 76.04.246
Access roads burning permits 76.04.205
FOREIGN MONEY CLAIMS Adverse possession of forest lands 7.28.085 abating forest fire hazards 70.94.6534,
Short title of chapter 6.44.901 Biomass 70.94.6540
FOREIGN TRADE (See also COMMUNITY, materials located on state lands Ch. 79.150 abating forest fire hazards, management of
TRADE, AND ECONOMIC Brands and marks ecosystems, instruction or silvicultural
DEVELOPMENT, DEPARTMENT OF, application of chapter to eastern Washington operations 70.94.6538
subtitle Promotion of overseas trade and 76.36.140 exemptions for forest lands 52.12.101
commerce) generally, including crimes relating to Ch. campfires, failure to extinguish 76.04.700
Trade representative, office of Washington state, 76.36 closure of fire hazard areas 76.04.305,
purpose and authority Ch. 43.332 Burning permits 76.04.325
abating forest fire hazards 70.94.6540 contracts for protection and development
FOREIGN TRADE ZONES (See also TRADE abating forest fire hazards, management of 76.04.105, 76.04.115, 76.04.125
ZONES) ecosystems, instruction or silvicultural cooperative agreements, public agencies
Application for permission to establish, operate operations 70.94.6538 76.04.135
and maintain 24.46.020 abating forest fire hazards, management of cooperative protection 76.04.095
cities and towns 35.21.805 ecosystems or silvicultural operations coordinated forest fire protection and
counties 36.01.125 issuance and fees 70.94.6534 suppression 76.04.167
Cities and towns fire protection districts 52.12.101 definitions 76.04.005
legislative finding and intent 35.21.800 Cascara bark department powers and duties 76.04.015
Legislative finding and intent 24.46.010 specialized forest products, enforcement Ch. deposit of fire or live coals during closed
counties 36.01.120 76.48 season 76.04.435
FOREIGN WILLS Center for international trade in forest products disposal of forest debris, clearing roads
Admission to probate, proof 11.20.090 created 76.56.010 76.04.650

[RCW Indexpage 282] (2016 Ed.)


federal funds 76.04.025 habitat incentives program, effect 76.09.063 regulation and enforcement 90.48.420
felling trees on anothers land, permission to integration of hydraulic project approvals research needs, annual determination,
76.04.650 into applications 77.55.371 recommendations 76.09.270
fire fighting, employment, assistance perpetual timber rights, statements of intent resource management plans 76.09.040
76.04.155 for use 76.09.067 right of entry by department of ecology
fire fighting expenses, unbudgeted 43.88.550 classes of forest practices 76.09.160
fire hazards, additional, extreme 76.04.660 applications, approval or disapproval riparian and upland areas left unharvested for
fire prevention and suppression 76.09.050 benefit of public resources
duties owed to public in general 76.04.016 rules establishing 76.09.050 landowner immunity from civil liability for
forest fire protection assessments 76.04.610, compliance with federal water pollution damages resulting from trees being left
76.04.630 control act 90.48.425 76.09.330
incendiary devices, prohibitions 76.04.455 conversion to nonforestry use 76.09.460, legislative findings 76.09.330
interstate forest fire suppression compact 76.09.470 road maintenance and abandonment plans
72.64.150, 72.64.160 definitions 76.09.020 76.09.410, 76.09.420, 76.09.430
investigations 76.04.015 earth movements rules
landowner contingency forest fire suppression advisory committee 76.09.305 administration, enforcement 76.09.040
account 76.04.630 program 76.09.300, 76.09.310, 76.09.315, emergency rule making 34.05.090,
lighted or smoking material, smoking, 76.09.320 76.09.055
ashtrays, notices 76.04.455 ecology department, jurisdiction and sale of land or timber rights with continuing
livestock on public lands during wildfire, enforcement 90.48.420 obligations, conditions 76.09.390
retrieving or caring for 76.04.021, enforcement 76.09.140 sale or transfer of land
79.13.060 environmental impact statements, exemptions notifications 76.09.070
logging operations, shutting down 76.04.325 43.21C.037 salmon recovery
mill waste, forest debris, dumping prohibited exemptions from rules and policies 76.09.340 federal assurances 77.85.190
76.04.235 fees
mill wood waste, spark arresters 76.04.215 establishment and collection 76.09.040, implementation Ch. 76.09
negligent spreading of fire 76.04.730 76.09.065 shoreline management act, hydraulics act,
notices, removal of 76.04.720 final orders, final decisions, binding upon all other statutes and ordinances not modified
owners to protect forests 76.04.600 parties 76.09.110 76.09.910
private fire suppression equipment fish protection standards adopted in chapter states interests, represented by department of
comparison of costs 76.04.175 77.55, SEPA compliance exemption natural resources 76.09.260
requirement to use equipment from lowest 43.21C.430 stop work orders
responsible bidder 76.04.177 forest and fish report 76.09.370 appeals 76.09.080
rangers, ex officio rangers 76.04.045 forest and fish support account 76.09.405 contents 76.09.080
reckless burning 76.04.710, 76.04.740 forest practices appeals board failure to comply
reports of fire 76.04.445 appeals board review 76.09.205 costs, liability of operator, owner 76.09.130
rule violations, penalties 76.04.075, 76.04.085 forest practices application account 76.09.065 departmental action authorized 76.09.130
sealed fire tool box, unauthorized entry forest practices board grounds 76.09.080
76.04.425 generally 76.09.030 procedure 76.09.080
service of notices 76.04.055 orientation and training, continuing program, streamside vegetation
slash burns, escaped 76.04.486 establishment of policy 76.09.250 liability limited 76.09.330
snags, certain, to be felled 76.04.465 grants, gifts, acceptance, administration timber, commercial harvest of
spark-emitting equipment regulated 76.04.405 76.09.260 applications and notifications, fees for
state appropriations, recovery from landowner habitat incentives program, effect on permit 76.09.065
contingency fire suppression account applications 76.09.063 unharvested riparian and upland areas for
76.04.620 hydraulic projects, intradepartmental benefit of public resources
suppression information and assistance concerning landowner immunity from civil liability for
reimbursement for costs 52.12.125, 76.09.490 damages resulting from trees being left
76.04.475 inspections, right of entry 76.09.150 76.09.330
suspension of burning permits or privileges interagency cooperation 76.09.260 legislative findings 76.09.330
76.04.315 landscape management plans violations
uncontrolled fire, public nuisance 76.04.750 pilot projects 76.09.350 additional penalties 76.09.190
violations, work stoppage 76.04.415 lawsuits, protection from appeals 76.09.170
wardens 76.04.035 legislative finding and purpose 7.48.300 liens 76.09.170
wildland fire suppression legislative finding and declaration 76.09.010 penalties 76.09.170
local suppression assets, maximizing local political subdivisions or regional additional 76.09.190
utilization 76.04.181 entities, restrictions and exceptions remission or mitigation 76.09.170
local wildland fire liaison 43.30.111 76.09.240 water quality protection
private or publicly owned land, authorization log and debris jams, removal from streams department of ecology, responsibility,
to enter, liability limitation 76.04.770 76.09.280 jurisdiction 76.09.100
wildland fire advisory committee 76.04.179 notice of failure to comply Forest products
willful setting of fires 76.04.710 appeals 76.09.090 growth management 36.70A.570
Fire protection districts, forest protection contents 76.09.090 Forest products commission
assessments final order 76.09.090
hearing 76.09.090 assessment, personal debt 15.100.140
on unimproved lands 52.16.170
Firewood, cutting, gathering and removing of by procedures 76.09.090 assessment for funding 15.100.110
private persons for personal use notifications 76.09.060 definitions 15.100.020
administrative fee, authorized 4.24.210 nuisance lawsuit protection deposit of moneys 15.100.130
limitation on liability of owners 4.24.210 forest practice, defined 7.48.310 election of members, initial meeting
Fireworks, permit for setting off 70.77.495 presumption of reasonableness 7.48.305 15.100.040
Forest management services, See FORESTS orientation and training, continuing program, enforcement of chapter 15.100.150
AND FOREST PRODUCTS, subtitle establishment of policy 76.09.250 establishment 15.100.120
Cooperative forest management services act penalties, disposition of moneys 76.09.180 forming a commission, cost reimbursement
Forest practices permits 15.100.043
actions required by order or decision, costs, single multiyear permit 76.09.360 membership 15.100.030
lien, owners liability 76.09.120 perpetual timber rights, statements of intent obligations and liabilities 15.100.070
air pollution laws not modified 76.09.905 for use 76.09.067 powers and duties 15.100.080
applications prior permits, extensions 76.09.920 research, promotional, and educational
examples of high quality and resulting projects mitigating infrastructure and campaigns 15.100.090
approvals, availability for public noninfrastructure development 76.09.480 rules, meetings 15.100.050
43.30.550 reforestation superior courts, jurisdiction 15.100.160
fees 76.09.065 obligation 76.09.070 vacancies, compensation 15.100.060
form, contents, and procedures 76.09.060 reforestation requirements 76.09.060 Washington producers, list 15.100.100

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 283]


Forest products workers, dislocated Riparian open space, program for acquisition of suspension of privilege to obtain 76.48.161
higher education program, tuition and fee 76.09.040 true copy 76.48.051
waiver 28B.50.259 Roads validated and verifiable permits, validation
Forest products workers, program for dislocated county maintenance 36.82.140 of forms for 76.48.071
workers Roads, See also PUBLIC LANDS, subtitle sales invoice, necessity for 76.48.041
employment opportunities and enrollee Access roads specialized forest products outreach and
benefits 50.70.030 Rural natural resources impact areas education account 76.48.251
employment security department duties community economic revitalization board Ch. unlawful acts 76.48.131
50.70.040 43.160 State forest lands, See PUBLIC LANDS, subtitle
natural resources department duties 50.70.050 employment opportunities and enrollee Forest lands, state - acquisition,
Forest protection benefits 50.70.030 management, and disposition
fire protection districts, separation of land employment security department duties Stewardship of nonindustrial forests and
52.20.027 50.70.040 woodlands
fireworks for 70.77.530 natural resources department duties 50.70.050 definitions 76.13.010
Forest resources institute Ch. 76.44 Silvicultural forest burning department of natural resources authority
Forest sector, addressing issues facing the program to reduce statewide emissions, 76.13.020
76.44.070 objectives and exemption 70.94.6536 funding, authority to receive and disburse
Forestry riparian easement program Ch. 76.13 Small forest landowner office funds 76.13.030
Funds duties 76.09.480, 76.13.120 legislative finding 76.13.005
common school construction fund, source of Small forest landowners purpose 76.13.007
28A.515.320 alternate plan processes/harvest restrictions Taxation
General fund 76.09.368 forest products, See TAXES - PROPERTY
brand and mark registration fees deposited in conversion to nonforestry use 76.09.460, Taxation of reforestation lands, See FORESTS
76.36.160 76.09.470 AND FOREST PRODUCTS, subtitle
Habitat conservation definition 76.09.450 Reforestation
exemptions from forest practices act fish passage barriers 76.09.440, 76.13.150 Timber harvest excise tax agreements 43.06.475,
76.09.340 forestry riparian easements 76.13.120, 43.06.480
Habitat incentives program 76.13.140, 76.13.160, 76.13.170, Timber impact areas
agreements with private landowners, effect on 76.13.180 basic health plan, enrollment of persons in
forest practices permit applications office, duties 76.13.110 areas 70.47.115
76.09.063 projects mitigating infrastructure and supplemental additional benefits, eligibility
Hardwoods commission, See HARDWOODS noninfrastructure development 76.09.480 50.22.105
COMMISSION qualifying, review of records 76.13.160 Timber on public lands, See PUBLIC LANDS,
Insect pests, See FORESTS AND FOREST road maintenance and abandonment plans subtitle Forest lands, state
PRODUCTS, subtitle Diseases and insect 76.09.410, 76.09.420, 76.09.430 Transfer of development rights programs
pests value of buffer trees 76.13.140 local infrastructure project areas Ch. 39.108
Insect pests and plant diseases, quarantine and Small parcels, riparian buffers 76.13.130 Tree spiking 9.91.150, 9.91.155
regulation of movement Ch. 17.24 Specialized forest products Urban forest management
Institute of forest resources Ch. 76.44 authorization evergreen communities act Ch. 35.105
Landscape management plans contents 76.48.041 Yacolt burn designated rehabilitation area
pilot projects 76.09.350 bill of lading, requirement, when 76.48.041 76.14.020
Measurement, crimes business license, display requirement Yield tax, See FORESTS AND FOREST
specialty wood buyers and processors PRODUCTS, subtitle Reforestation
false measurement 9.45.124 76.48.121
inaccurate measure 9.45.124 buyers FORFEITURE OF OFFICE
inducing false measure 9.45.126 records requirements 76.48.111 Cities and towns, council 35.18.150
National forests county sheriff, duties 76.48.181 Competitive bidding requirement violations,
civil and criminal jurisdiction of state declaration of public interest 76.48.011 municipal officers 39.30.020
preserved 37.08.220 definitions 76.48.021 Conviction of felony or malfeasance forfeits
consent of state to acquisition of land by detention of products and documentation office and disqualifies holding of public
United States 37.08.220 procedure 76.48.191 office 9.92.120
taxation, jurisdiction of state as to 37.08.220 protection and disposition of detained items Counties, fees of county officers, penalty
Outdoor recreational use, limitation on liability 76.48.201 36.18.180
of landowner when open to public without disposition of fines 76.48.171 Misappropriation of public funds 4.16.080
fee 4.24.200, 4.24.210 documentation of purchase, possession, or Proceedings preserved 42.04.040
Permits retention Recall, See ELECTIONS, subtitle Recall
single multiyear permit 76.09.360 display of 76.48.101 Vital statistics, local registrars 70.58.020
Pests, See FORESTS AND FOREST specialty wood, receiving or shipping FORFEITURES (See also FORFEITURE OF
PRODUCTS, subtitle Diseases and insect 76.48.101 OFFICE)
pests educational material Alcoholic beverages 66.32.040, 66.32.070,
Railroads, See FORESTS AND FOREST natural resources department to develop 66.32.080
PRODUCTS, subtitle Fire protection 76.48.231 Bail
Recreational use lands, limitation on liability enforcement 76.48.181 action by prosecuting attorney 10.19.110
when open to public 4.24.200 exemptions 76.48.211 judgment against principal and sureties,
Recreational woodcutting use lands, limitation false, fraudulent, stolen or forged permit, sales execution 10.19.090, 10.19.105
on liability when open to public 4.24.210 invoice or bill of lading 76.48.141 stay of execution of forfeiture judgment, bond
Reforestation fines, disposition of 76.48.171 10.19.100
community and urban forestry Ch. 76.15 huckleberries vacation of forfeiture judgment if person
inspection of deforested land 76.09.290 buyers, records requirements 76.48.111 produced 10.19.105
Rehabilitation of forests sale of 76.48.221 Collusion, payment by does not bar subsequent
access roads, acquisition of 76.14.050 unlawful acts 76.48.131 recovery 4.24.170
duties 76.14.040 minority groups, assistance and training Conviction of crime does not work forfeiture of
fire protection projects 76.14.080, 76.14.090, 76.48.241 property 9.92.110
76.14.100, 76.14.110, 76.14.120, penalties, affirmative defense 76.48.151 Conviction of felony forfeits public office
76.14.130 permit 9.92.120
firebreaks 76.14.050, 76.14.051 acceptance and validation 76.48.091 Disposition of
generally Ch. 76.14 display by first or secondary buyer 76.48.101 police pension fund 41.20.130
snag and slash removal 76.14.060, 76.14.070 expiration 76.48.081 to school fund 4.24.180
yacolt burn designated rehabilitation areas false, fraudulent, stolen or forged 76.48.141 to state treasurer 4.24.180
76.14.020 form 76.48.081 Driving under the influence
Riparian buffers 76.13.130 inspection 76.48.031 forfeiture and seizure of vehicle 46.61.5058
Riparian easement program 76.13.120, required 76.48.031 Explosives 70.74.400
76.13.140, 76.13.160, 76.13.170, 76.13.180 requirements 76.48.061 Felonies

[RCW Indexpage 284] (2016 Ed.)


seizure and forfeiture of personal property FORGERY Education services, onsite individualized, for
involved in a felony Indictment or information as to, description of dependent students 28A.300.592
application of chapter 10.105.900 instrument which was subject of forgery Education transition planning, supplemental
disposition of forfeited property and when destroyed or withheld by defendant 28B.77.250
proceeds from sale of forfeited property 10.37.080 Evaluation to identify children with long-term
10.105.010 Insurance against, See INSURANCE, subtitle needs 74.14A.050
procedure 10.105.010 Casualty insurance Extended foster care 13.34.267, 13.34.268,
property subject to seizure and forfeiture Motor vehicle financial responsibility law, 74.13.336
10.105.010 forgery of required proof of financial youth aging out of extended care
Felonies, seizure and forfeiture of property responsibility 46.29.620 developmental disabilities services,
involved in a felony Petitions, misconduct concerning 9.44.080 qualification for 74.13.341
legislative finding 7.68.300 Stock subscription, penalty 9.24.010, 9.24.020 transition plan 74.13.341
measures to defeat purposes of act are invalid FORMA PAUPERIS Family preservation services Ch. 74.14C
7.68.340 Habeas corpus 7.36.250 Foster care to twenty-one program 74.13.680
procedure 7.68.320 Superior courts, transcript of testimony for Guardians
proceeds, distribution of 7.68.330 pauper 2.32.240 eligible relatives appointed as guardians,
property subject to 7.68.310 Transcripts, affidavit of inability to pay for subsidy program for 74.13.062
provisions of act are supplemental and do not 2.32.240 guardianship separate from dependency
limit other rights and remedies 7.68.340 guardianship Ch. 13.36
Ferries, privately owned (See CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, subtitle Higher education
failure to perform ferriage duties 36.53.070 Former acquittal or conviction) education transition planning, supplemental
illegal ferriage rates 36.53.080 28B.77.250
Firearms 9.41.098 FORMS foster care endowed scholarship program Ch.
Chattel liens, See LIENS, subtitle Chattel liens 28B.116
Fish and wildlife violations Ch. 77.15 Counties, official newspaper, blank forms for
Forcible entry and detainer proceedings, relief of passport to college promise program Ch.
public 36.72.080, 36.72.090 28B.117
tenant against 59.12.190 Deeds of trust
Franchises, See also FORFEITURES, subtitle Home recruitment program 74.13.325
master form provisions, recording 65.08.160 Identicards for foster youth 74.13.283
Corporate franchises recording instruments containing master form
Gambling devices and real and personal property Independent living services 74.13.540
provisions by reference 65.08.160 Indian child welfare
9.46.231 District judges
Limitation of actions, personal disability of payment requirements 74.13.080
attachments 12.04.205 tribal authority to license agencies 74.15.190
plaintiff does not toll statute 4.16.190 Insurance, See INSURANCE, subtitle Forms
Money laundering Indian child welfare act Ch. 13.38
Master form, deeds of trust or mortgage Indian children 13.34.245
proceeds and property, seizure and forfeiture provisions, recording, recording by reference
of 9A.83.030 Information sharing with care provider
to 65.08.160 conditions and limitations 74.13.280
Moral nuisance, personal property 7.48.090 Mortgages 61.12.020
Personal property, recovery after forfeiture, passports, contents 74.13.285
master form provisions, recording by Interstate compact on placement 26.34.010
venue of action for 4.24.180 reference to 65.08.160
Police relief and pension fund, payment of fines Legislative childrens oversight committee,
recording instruments incorporating master membership and duties 44.04.220
and forfeitures into 41.20.130 form provisions by reference 65.08.160
Port district contract sales, forfeiture under Liability insurance for foster parents
Official bonds 42.08.060
53.08.091 Registration of land titles secretary of social and health services to
Public corporations may sue for in corporate application 65.12.035 provide 74.14B.080
name 4.08.110 certificate of title 65.12.255 Liability of foster parents for care and
Public office, See FORFEITURE OF OFFICE certificate of withdrawal 65.12.235 supervision of foster children
Quo warranto proceedings summons 65.12.125 in actions commenced by foster children or
withdrawal from registration 65.12.230 their parents against foster parents 4.24.590
action to recover property 7.56.120 Nonprofit organizations
annulment or vacation of patent, certificate or Service of process, summons 4.28.110
Vital statistics, supply of forms by registrar provision of foster care services 26.33.903,
deed because of forfeiture 7.56.140, 74.13.902, 74.15.903
7.56.150 70.58.030
Out-of-home care
ground for information, when 7.56.010 FORTS (See UNITED STATES, subtitle conflict of interest 74.13.530
judgments of forfeiture 7.56.100 Forts) Oversight committee 74.13.570
legal title deemed in state 7.56.120 Parents
Real estate contracts State fossil 1.20.042 attorney general to provide defense 4.92.060,
acceleration of payments 61.30.090 4.92.070
action to set aside 61.30.140 FOSTER CARE
Behavioral health care and managed health care, critical support and retention program
award of fees or costs, or conditions 61.30.130 74.13.650, 74.13.660
conditions 61.30.030 integrated 74.09.860
Blood-borne pathogens preservice training 74.13.250
cure of default 61.30.090 proposed placement changes, to receive notice
definitions 61.30.010 infant testing 74.13.287, 74.13.288, 74.13.289
Child and family reinvestment account and of
effect of forfeiture 61.30.100 conditions and limitations 74.13.300
expiration of judicial order 61.30.130 methodology for calculating savings
account transfers 43.135.0341 respite care for 74.13.270
false swearing, penalty, liability 61.30.150 termination, repeal 43.131.415, 43.131.416 responsibilities of 74.13.330
notice requirements 61.30.020, 61.30.040, Child care for parents attending meetings or rights 74.13.332, 74.13.333, 74.13.334
61.30.050, 61.30.060, 61.30.070, trainings 74.13.315 training 74.13.310, 74.14B.020
61.30.080 Child fatality reviews, including notice Parents for parents program Ch. 2.70
other remedies not limited 61.30.020 74.13.640 Park passes, eligibility 79A.05.065
priority of actions 61.30.160 Child welfare measurements Passport to college promise program Ch.
restrained or enjoined 61.30.110 safety, permanency, and well-being 74.13.690 28B.117
sale in lieu of 61.30.120 Dependency court system and permanency Placements
Real property recovery after forfeitures, venue of parents for parents program Ch. 2.70 considerations 13.34.265
action for 4.24.180 Dependency hearings educational continuity 74.13.550, 74.13.560,
Recovery of, action for 4.24.150 foster parent or relative care provider 74.13.570, 74.13.580
Sexually explicit conduct, photographs of attendance 13.34.110 extended foster care 13.34.267, 13.34.268
minors, other materials 9.68A.120 Education and plans for future fewest possible placements to be made
State lands, See also FORFEITURES, subtitle memoranda of understanding among agencies 74.13.290
Public lands 74.13.1051 foster parent contact with birth parents
Statutory Education coordination program for dependent 13.34.260
limitation of actions, forfeitures to the state youth 28A.300.590 kinship care oversight committee 74.13.621
4.16.100 Education plans, short-term care 28A.300.800, kinship caregivers 74.13.600
venue for recovery 4.12.020 28A.630.005 parental preferences 13.34.260

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 285]


parental preferences to be followed absent registration denial, suspension, or revocation limited access facility or joint governmental
good cause to do otherwise 13.32A.210 19.100.252 facility 47.52.090
preferred placements 74.13.290 registration required 19.100.140 pipelines, authority 36.55.010
school-aged youth in out-of-home care reporting requirements 19.100.150 railways, authority 36.55.020
educational experiences and progress Investigations 19.100.245 records of 36.55.080
74.13.632 subpoenas 19.100.243 tramroads, authority 36.55.020
school placement options 74.13.631 Limitation of actions 19.100.200 validation 36.55.070
tasks, performance based on available Negotiated settlement, associated release or wirelines, authority 36.55.010
resources 74.13.590 waiver permitted 19.100.220 Declaratory judgments 7.24.020
Property damage, reimbursement 74.13.335 Prohibited acts 19.100.020 Electrical franchises and rights of way on county
Religious organizations Registration roads and city streets 80.32.010
provision of foster care services 26.33.903, application, contents and filing 19.100.040 Escrow agent registration act violations,
74.13.902, 74.15.903 duration, renewal, amendment 19.100.070 forfeiture of corporate franchise
SEED act, individual development accounts escrow or impoundment of fee as registration limited access facilities 47.52.090
account 43.31.470 condition 19.100.050 Forfeiture, See also FORFEITURES
definitions 43.31.455 exceptions or exemptions, burden of proof Franchise investment protection Ch. 19.100
findings 43.31.450 19.100.220 Highways, See HIGHWAYS, subtitle Franchises
foster youth program 43.31.465 exemption, denial, suspension, or revocation on state highways
program, rules 43.31.460 19.100.255 Labor liens on franchises of certain companies
Sexually and physically reactive children exemptions 19.100.030 Ch. 60.32
care provider immunity 74.13.670 fee 19.100.240 Liens, See LIENS, subtitle Franchises, earnings,
State Registration statement property of certain companies, laborers lien
additional funds, purposes 43.31.475 effective, when 19.100.060 on
report 43.31.480 stop order 19.100.120, 19.100.130 Motor vehicle dealers, See MOTOR
short title 43.31.485 Relation between franchisor and franchisee, VEHICLES, subtitle Dealers, salesmens,
rights and prohibitions 19.100.180 or manufacturers licenses
FOSTER HOMES (See also HOST HOMES Municipal corporations
current disclosure document 19.100.080 bridges jointly owned or operated with state
Abuse, investigation prior to licensure or 47.44.040
relicensure 74.15.030 unlawful acts, terms of franchise agreement
19.100.080 limited access facilities 47.52.090
Complaint resolution process 74.13.045 Ordinances of cities granting 35.27.330
Selling or offering to sell
Duration of care Public utilities
unlawful if franchise unregistered or not
limitations 74.13.055 exempt 19.100.020 incorporated towns on United States land
Employees hired by contracting agencies Service of process 19.100.160 58.28.040
department of social and health services not Suits for damages 19.100.190 unincorporated towns on United States land
liable, conditions 74.15.038 Terms and conditions 58.28.250
Informational materials, department of social and negotiations initiated by franchisee Quo warranto proceedings
health services duty concerning 74.13.320 19.100.184 ground for information, when 7.56.010
Inspections 74.15.040 Unfair or deceptive acts 19.100.190 judgments of ouster or forfeiture 7.56.100
Investigate for abuse prior to licensure or Violations persons who may file informations concerning
relicensure 74.15.030 civil and criminal penalties 19.100.210 7.56.020
Liability insurance for foster parents injunctions 19.100.210 State highways, franchises on, See HIGHWAYS,
secretary of social and health services to referral of evidence 19.100.230 subtitle Franchises on state highways
provide 74.14B.080 unlawful acts 19.100.170 State toll bridges
Liability of foster parents for care and Waivers of compliance void 19.100.220 granting of franchises authorized 47.56.256
supervision of foster children liquidation and closure of accounts upon
in actions commenced by foster children or FRANCHISES removal of tolls, transfer of surplus
their parents against foster parents 4.24.590 Bridges, franchises across 47.44.040 47.56.242
Licenses Certain companies, labor liens from Ch. 60.32 satisfaction of valid claims 47.56.243
application 74.15.100 Cities Street railways 81.64.010, 81.64.020
renewal, application date 74.15.110 ordinances granting 35.23.251 granting on new roadways 35.85.040
suspension for noncompliance with support Cities and towns Toll roads, granting of franchises on authorized
order 74.15.134 bridges jointly owned or operated with state 47.56.256
Licensing 74.15.040 47.44.040 Transportation of passengers in motor vehicles,
On-site monitoring program 74.13.260 city streets as part of state highway, franchises department of transportation to approve if
Out-of-home care on 47.24.020 granted when city or town streets part of state
social study, contents 74.13.065 limited access facilities 47.52.090 highway system 47.24.020
Semi-secure facility, designation as, authorized disincorporation, impairment of 35.07.100
drawbridges, to construct FRANCIS HADDON MORGAN CENTER
74.15.180 (See DEVELOPMENTAL
authority to grant 35.74.010
FOWL (See BIRDS; POULTRY) prerequisites to grant 35.74.060 DISABILITIES, PERSONS WITH,
FRANCHISE INVESTMENT erecting and charging toll on drawbridges subtitle Residential habilitation centers)
Administrative procedure act, applicability metropolitan municipal corporations, exercise Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.110
19.100.260 of power without 35.58.330 Hanford area economic investment fund
Administrator of securities, appointment and ordinances granting 35.27.330 advisory committee membership and duties
powers 19.100.270 public service businesses, granting by 43.31.425
Advertisements annexing area 35.13.280 committee membership and duties 43.31.428
copy to be filed with director 19.100.100 streets and sidewalks established 43.31.422
false or misleading, hearing, notice, procedure electrical franchises 80.32.010 Superior court judges, number of 2.08.064
19.100.110 ordinances for use and occupancy 35.27.370 FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS
Application of chapter 19.100.160 County bridges Nonprofit corporations, authorized 24.03.015
Cease and desist orders 19.100.248 generally 36.55.030, 36.55.040, 36.55.050, Nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual
Definitions 19.100.010 36.55.060 corporations authorized 24.06.015
Escrow or impoundment of franchise fees as jointly owned or operated with state 47.44.040
registration condition 19.100.050 County ferries, receiving federal financial aid, FRATERNAL SOCIETIES
Fees 19.100.240 transportation department approval Building corporations Ch. 24.24
Filings, registration, or finding of director, 47.04.140 Incorporation Ch. 24.20
construction 19.100.090 County roads Insurance, See INSURANCE, subtitle Fraternal
Financial institutions, department directors electric franchises and rights of way on benefit societies
authority 19.100.250 80.32.010 FRAUD
Franchise brokers generally 36.55.010, 36.55.020, 36.55.070, Agreements, enforceability Ch. 19.36
recordkeeping requirements 19.100.150 36.55.080 Animals

[RCW Indexpage 286] (2016 Ed.)


false certificate of registration or false antipyramid promotional scheme act Ch. Controlled atmosphere storage
representation of breed, penalty 9.08.030 19.275 generally, including warehouse license Ch.
Attachment ground 6.25.030 Quo warranto proceedings, annulment or 15.30
Attachments and executions, removal or vacation of patent, certificate or deed County peddlers licensing, exemption 36.71.010
assigning property to avoid 9.45.080 because of fraud 7.56.140, 7.56.150 Fresh fruit sales limitation act
receiving property 9.45.090 Rental agreement property, conversion, sale, combination sales 15.21.040
Auctions 9.45.070 lease, etc., penalty 9.45.060 cost, invoice as evidence 15.21.030
Banks, insolvent bank receiving deposit 9.24.030 Sales, remedies 62A.2-721 exempt sales 15.21.070
Bond issue facsimile signatures, fraud by printer Savings bank, insolvent bank receiving deposit penalties 15.21.060
or engraver, penalty 39.44.101 32.04.120 unlawful practices 15.21.020
Business opportunity fraud act Ch. 19.110 Statute of frauds, See STATUTE OF FRAUDS violations, injunctions against 15.21.050
Children Stock subscription 9.24.010, 9.24.020 Fruit commission, See FRUIT COMMISSION
substitution of child to deceive 9.45.020 Supplemental proceedings Grades and packs Ch. 15.17
Common carriers immunity if testifies concerning 6.32.200 Horticultural pests and diseases Ch. 15.08
obtaining transportation at less than testimony concerning not excused 6.32.200 Inspection and certification 15.17.140, 15.17.150
established rates 81.28.210, 81.28.220 Teachers retirement system falsification, Pests and diseases
shipping prohibited property 81.28.210, penalty 41.32.055 condemnation of infected property 15.08.070
81.28.220 Vehicles, report of sale 9.45.260, 46.12.652, disinfection of fruit trees 15.08.025
Conveyances, See FRAUDULENT 46.55.105 quarantine and regulation of movement Ch.
Corporations, See also CORPORATIONS, failing to deliver on death of testator Retail sales, fresh
subtitle Fraud 11.20.010 country of origin information 15.04.415
Creditors Written agreements, enforceability Ch. 19.36 Soft tree fruits Ch. 15.28
assignments for benefit of, false FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCES State fruit, designation of 1.20.035
representations 9.45.100 Attachments and executions, removal, secreting, Tax deferrals, fruit and vegetable businesses Ch.
removing or disposing of accounts and books or assigning property to avoid 9.45.080 82.74
to defraud 9.45.080 Conveyance of personal property subject to Tree fruit research commission
Executions, removal or assigning property to mortgage, conditional sale, lien, lease, generally Ch. 15.26
avoid 9.45.080 penalty 9.45.060 tree fruit research act Ch. 15.26
False pretenses, See FALSE PRETENSES Corporations, fraudulent conveyance or Weights and measures, small fruit 19.94.470
False representations, See FALSE encumbrance of real or personal property FUEL (See GASOLINE; MOTOR VEHICLE
Food stamps Public assistance, fraudulent conveyances of real
recovery of payments 74.04.300 property 74.08.338 FUGITIVES (See also ESCAPE)
Hotels and innkeepers, obtaining Transfers, uniform fraudulent transfer act Ch. From another state
accommodations by fraud, penalty 19.40 preliminary examination 10.88.340
19.48.110 Extradition, See EXTRADITION
FRAUDULENT TRANSFERS Fresh pursuit, uniform act Ch. 10.89
Insurance Defenses, liability, and protection of transferee
generally Ch. 48.30, Ch. 48.30A, Ch. 48.135 Out-of-state, extradition 10.34.030
19.40.081 Pursuit and retaking of any place in state
Insurance against, See INSURANCE, subtitle Definitions 19.40.011
Casualty insurance 10.34.010, 10.34.020
Extinguishment of cause of action 19.40.091
Intent as element, intent to defraud any person Fraudulent as to present and future creditors FUND RAISING (See CHARITABLE
sufficient 10.58.040 19.40.041 SOLICITATIONS)
Judgments or orders Fraudulent as to present creditors 19.40.051 FUNDS (See also PUBLIC FUNDS; PUBLIC
obtaining superior court judgment or order by, Insolvency of debtors 19.40.021 FUNDS, subtitle State)
vacation or modification Obligation, when incurred 19.40.061 24/7 sobriety account 36.28A.320, 36.28A.370
ground for 4.72.010 Remedies of creditors 19.40.071 Accident fund, See INDUSTRIAL
petition, by 4.72.030 Transfer, when made 19.40.061 INSURANCE, subtitle Accident fund
obtaining vacation of superior court judgment Value of transfer 19.40.031 Adult family home account 70.128.160
or order by, time limitation provision does Advanced college tuition payment program
not apply to 4.72.080 FREEHOLDERS
Counties account Ch. 28B.95
Limitations of action for 4.16.080 vacancies, method of filling 36.32.490 Agricultural local fund 15.60.040
Liquor warehouse receipts, penalty 9.45.160, Election of animal disease traceability account
9.45.170 first class cities 35.22.050, 35.22.055 creation within agricultural local fund
Mining claims First class cities 43.23.230
altering samples of ore or assay certificate, election of 35.22.050, 35.22.055 disposition of fines and forfeitures 15.49.470
penalty 9.45.210 establishment 43.23.230
false samples of ore or assay 9.45.220 FREEWAYS (See HIGHWAYS) fertilizer regulation, use of moneys 15.54.480
Mock auctions 9.45.070 FREIGHT moneys, deposited, use 15.53.9044
Mortgaged property, destruction, conversion, Freight mobility strategic investment program pesticide annual registration fee, deposit and
sale, removal, etc. 9.45.060 and board Ch. 47.06A use 15.58.070
Ne exeat, See NE EXEAT Livestock liens, sale of to satisfy 60.60.030 Aircraft dealers license and certificate fees
Permanent common school fund losses due to, FRESH PURSUIT deposited in 14.20.060
losses borne by state 28A.515.310 Authority of peace officer 10.89.010 Animal disease traceability account
Personal property subject to mortgage, Defined 10.89.050 creation within agricultural local fund
conditional sale, lien, lease, rental District of Columbia defined as a state 10.89.040 43.23.230
agreement, destruction, conversion, sale, Lawfulness of arrest 10.89.030 Antiprofiteering revolving funds 9A.82.110
removal, etc. 9.45.060 Mutual aid peace officers powers 10.93.120 Aquatic invasive species enforcement account
Probate Preliminary examination by magistrate 43.43.400
revocation of letters, for 11.28.250 10.89.020 Aquatic invasive species prevention account
sales of estate property, effect on confirmation Secretary of state duties 10.89.060 77.12.879
11.56.115 Uniform act on fresh pursuit Ch. 10.89 Assurance fund for registration of land titles
Public assistance investment of 65.12.670
failure to reveal resources and income FRUIT COMMISSION maximum liability 65.12.700
74.04.300 Duties, members, administration, and payment for judgment 65.12.690
false statements or representations 74.08.331 assessments Ch. 15.28 recoveries paid from 65.12.680
larceny 74.08.331 Soft tree fruits Ch. 15.28 registration of land 65.12.660
real property disposal 74.08.331 FRUITS (See also BERRIES; Basic health plan stabilization account 43.79.487
recovery of payments, penalty 74.04.300 HORTICULTURE) Behavioral health innovation fund 72.07.050
transfers of property to qualify 74.08.335, Apples Biosolids permit account 70.95J.025
74.08.338 state fruit 1.20.035 Biotoxin account 77.32.555
Pyramid schemes Commodity committees 15.28.140, 15.28.150 Birth certificates, childrens trust fund 70.58.085

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 287]


Boating safety education certification account Depositaries, See DEPOSITARIES High-level radioactive waste program, state
79A.60.650 Diesel idle reduction account 70.325.040 radiation control agency to seek federal
Bond retirement accounts Ch. 43.99M Disaster response account 38.52.105 funds 70.98.125
Broadband mapping account 43.330.400 Disincorporation of cities and towns, final Hop inspection fund 22.09.830
Brownfield redevelopment trust fund account accounting of receiver 35.07.220 Horse racing commission
70.105D.140 Displaced workers account 50.12.080 moneys, disposition and retainage 67.16.100
Building code council account 19.27.085 Drought preparedness account 43.83B.430 Hospital safety net assessment fund 74.60.020,
Business license account 19.02.075, 19.02.210 Eastern Washington pheasant enhancement 74.60.080
trade name registration fees 19.80.075 account 77.12.810, 77.12.820 Impaired driving safety account 46.68.260
Capitol furnishings preservation committee Education savings account 43.79.465 Impaired physician account 18.71.315
account 27.48.040, 42.52.800 Electrical license fund Individual college savings program accounts Ch.
Capitol purchase and development account electrical board expenses 19.28.311 28B.95
43.79.455 receipt and expenditure of moneys 19.28.351 Individual-based/portable background check
Catastrophe injury account, See INDUSTRIAL Emergency medical services and trauma care clearance registry 43.215.218
INSURANCE, subtitle Catastrophe injury system trust account 70.168.135 Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL
account Endowment care, See CEMETERIES, subtitle INSURANCE, subtitle Funds
Cemetery district fund 68.52.280, 68.52.290, Endowment care Insurance
68.52.300 Energy independence act special account title insurers guaranty funds, See
Cemetery endowment care funds, accountability 19.285.060 INSURANCE, subtitle Title insurers
Ch. 68.44 Enterprise services account 43.82.120, 43.82.125 International exchange scholarship endowment
Center for improvement of student learning purpose and uses 43.01.090, 43.19.025, fund 28B.109.070
account 28A.300.135 43.19.500 Investment accounting
Certified public accountants account 18.04.105 rate increases, calculation changes, subject to state investment board
Certified public accounting scholarship transfer approval 43.88.350 transfer of functions and duties from state
account 28B.123.050 Environmental legacy stewardship account treasurers office to 43.33A.180
Charter schools oversight account 28A.710.260 70.105D.170 Irrigation districts, See IRRIGATION
Child care facility fund committee Escrow agent licensing fees 18.44.121 DISTRICTS, subtitle Fiscal matters
applications for loans, guarantees, and grants, Fair fund Ch. 15.76 Judicial information system account
requirements 43.31.512 lease of state agricultural lands, deposit of increase in fines, penalties, and assessments to
grants, repayment requirements 43.31.514 rental funds 15.04.090 support 2.68.040
grants and loans from fund, authority to make, Farm and forest account 79A.15.030, uses 2.68.020
conditions and limitations 43.31.506 79A.15.130 Juvenile accountability incentive account
loan guarantees for licensed child care Federal, See UNITED STATES, subtitle Funds 13.40.560
facilities, conditions and limitations Federal food service revolving fund Labor and industries, department of
43.31.508 28A.235.020, 28A.235.030 investment policies 43.33A.110
Child care facility revolving fund Financial reporting Legislative international trade account
purpose, source of funds 43.31.502 annual, all funds and account groups 42.52.810, 43.15.050
Cities and towns 43.88.027 Legislative oral history account 42.52.803,
accident fund, use 35.30.050 Fire protection districts, See FIRE 44.04.345
borrowing money from municipal sale and use PROTECTION DISTRICTS, subtitle Fiscal Liquor and cannabis board
tax equalization account 35.02.135 matters licensing and enforcement system
city street fund 35.02.140 Firearms range account 79A.25.210 modernization project account 66.08.260
local improvement guaranty fund 35.23.505 Fish and wildlife enforcement reward account Liquor excise tax fund 82.08.160, 82.08.170
metropolitan park districts 35.61.210 77.15.425 Liquor revolving fund
publicity fund 35.23.470, 35.23.480, administrative expenses, appropriation and
Fish and wildlife equipment revolving account payment 66.08.026
35.23.490 77.12.475
Cities and towns, See CITIES AND TOWNS, border areas, distribution 66.08.195,
subtitle Funds Flood control districts, See FLOOD CONTROL, 66.08.196, 66.08.198
Coastal crab account 77.65.240, 77.70.320, subtitle Districts1937 act cities and towns, distribution 66.08.210
77.70.330 Food processing inspection account 69.07.120 counties, distribution 66.08.200
Coastal protection fund 90.48.390, 90.48.400 Fruit and vegetable inspection account 15.17.240 deposits and disbursements 66.08.170
College and universities bond issues, See Fund for innovation and quality in higher distribution 66.08.180
BOND ISSUES, subtitle Colleges and education Ch. 28B.120 excess funds, disbursement 66.08.190
universities Geoduck aquaculture research account proceeds from sale of illegal property
College board worker retraining program funds 28B.20.476 66.32.070
28C.04.390 Geologists account 18.220.120 transfer of funds 66.08.240
College savings program account Ch. 28B.95 Geothermal account wine commission disbursement 66.08.230
Collegiate license plate fund, use for scholarships creation 43.378.020 Livestock nutrient management account
28B.10.890 distributions from, limitations on 43.378.030 90.64.150
Columbia river recreational salmon and Grade crossing protective fund Local government
steelhead endorsement program 77.12.714 transfer of funds to general fund 81.53.281 statewide custody contracts 43.08.280
Commingled trust funds established 43.33A.170 Grain indemnity fund 22.09.411 Local sales and use tax account 82.14.050
Community and economic development fee Grain inspection revolving fund 22.09.830 Marijuana account, dedicated 69.50.530,
account 43.330.155 Grain warehouse audit account 22.09.830 69.50.540
Community and technical college capital projects Guaranteed asset protection waiver account Marine fuel tax refund account Ch. 79A.25
account 28B.50.360 48.160.005 Marine resources stewardship trust account
Community forest trust account 79.155.150 Habitat conservation account 79A.15.020, 43.372.070
Community technology opportunity account 79A.15.030, 79A.15.040, 79A.15.060 Metropolitan municipal corporations, fiscal
43.330.415 Hanford area economic investment fund matters
Contract harvesting revolving account 79.15.520 advisory committee membership and duties disbursements 35.58.430
Correctional industries account 72.09.090 43.31.425 maintenance 35.58.430
Cost of supervision fund 72.11.040 committee membership and duties 43.31.428 Milk pooling act, marketing plan accounts
County, See COUNTIES, subtitle Funds established 43.31.422 15.35.280
County criminal justice assistance account Hazardous waste control and elimination account Milk products, disposition of licensing fees
82.14.310 created 70.105.180 15.36.491
County roads and bridges, See COUNTY Health benefit exchange account 43.71.060 Minority and womens business enterprises
ROADS AND BRIDGES Health insurance pool account 48.41.037 account 39.19.200
County sales and use tax equalization account Health professional loan repayment and Miscellaneous transportation programs account
82.14.215 scholarship program fund 28B.115.130 47.04.220
Criminal justice training commission firing range Health professions account 18.71.401 Mortgage broker fees, deposit 19.146.228
maintenance account 43.101.430 Heritage barn preservation fund 27.34.410 Mortgage recovery fund account 19.146.205
Dedicated marijuana account 69.50.530, Higher education bond issues, See BOND Mosquito control districts 17.28.270, 17.28.280,
69.50.540 ISSUES, subtitle Colleges and universities 17.28.290

[RCW Indexpage 288] (2016 Ed.)


Multiuse roadway safety account 46.09.540 Tobacco prevention and control account Examinations 18.39.070
Municipal criminal justice assistance account 43.79.480 Funeral and cemetery account 18.39.810
82.14.320, 82.14.330 Tobacco settlement account 43.79.480 Funeral and cemetery board
Municipal sales and use tax equalization account Tourism promotion and development account duties, responsibilities, and authority
82.14.215 43.330.094 18.39.175
Oil spill prevention account 90.56.510 Transportation membership 18.39.173
Oil spill response account 90.56.500 advanced environmental mitigation revolving organization and operation 18.39.173
Outdoor recreation account 79A.15.030, account 47.12.340 Funeral establishments
79A.15.050, Ch. 79A.25 miscellaneous transportation programs licenses
Park land trust revolving fund 43.30.385 account 47.04.220 requirements 18.39.145
Parkland acquisition account 79A.05.170, Transportation infrastructure account Ch. 82.44 Human remains
79A.05.175 Tuition recovery trust fund 28C.10.082, immediate care of body 18.39.215
Parks improvement account 79A.05.060 28C.10.084 Human remains, transportation at direction of
Parks renewal and stewardship account Universal communications services account coroner or medical examiner, costs
79A.05.100 80.36.690 68.50.032
Permanent common school fund University of Washington Human remains, use for training embalming
fish and wildlife lands withdrawn from lease University of Washington bond retirement students 68.50.070
77.12.360 fund Inspector of funeral directors and embalmers
Pipeline safety account 81.88.050 building fees deposited 28B.15.210 eligibility, powers, and duties 18.39.170
Planting stock certification account 15.13.470, University of Washington building account Interns 18.39.120, 18.39.125
15.14.145 building fees deposited 28B.15.210 Licenses
Port districts, See PORT DISTRICTS, subtitle Vessel, gear, license, and permit reduction fund applicants from other states 18.39.130
Funds 77.80.060 application or renewal 18.39.050
Probation services Warm water game fish account 77.32.440, college course requirements 18.39.045
misdemeanors 77.44.050 display 18.39.100
assessment for services 10.64.120 Washington state flag account eligibility requirements 18.39.035
Public hospital district funds, creation 70.44.171 created 43.07.388 experience and training requirements
Public works assistance account secretary of state solicitation and acceptance 18.39.570
established, purpose 43.155.050 of contributions to 42.52.8021 funeral establishments 18.39.145
Radiation monitoring, department of ecology to Washington state legacy project, state library, lapse and reinstatement 18.39.150
seek federal funds 70.98.122 and archives account 42.52.802, 43.07.380
required 18.39.020
Radioactive mixed waste account 70.105.310 Washington State University
Washington State University bond retirement restrictions 18.39.100
Reclamation revolving account 90.16.090 subject to provisions of chapter 18.130 RCW
Recreation resource account Ch. 79A.25 fund
building fees deposited 28B.15.310 43.70.290
Recreational fisheries enhancement account suspension for noncompliance with support
77.105.150 Washington State University building account
building fees deposited 28B.15.310 order 18.39.467
Regional fisheries enhancement group account suspension for nonpayment or default on
77.95.090 Water pollution control revolving administration
account 90.50A.090 educational loan or scholarship 18.39.465
Regional fisheries enhancement salmonid Licensing department director, powers and duties
recovery account 77.95.130 Water pollution control revolving fund Ch.
90.50A 18.39.181
Residential services and support account Practice without license 18.39.530
71A.12.300 Water quality permit account 90.48.465
Weed control districts 17.04.250 Prearrangement contracts
Residential weatherization program abandoned trusts 18.39.370
low-income weatherization and structural Weights and measures account 19.94.185
Wildlife account 77.12.170, 77.12.184, annual financial statement, filing 18.39.320
rehabilitation assistance account authorized 18.39.240
70.164.030, 70.164.070 77.12.190, 77.12.323
migratory bird stamp, revenues 77.12.690 certificates of registration, requirements and
Riparian protection account 79A.15.120 procedures 18.39.260, 18.39.270,
Road and bridge service districts Wildlife fund
warm water game fish account 77.32.440, 18.39.280, 18.39.290
local service district fund 36.83.140 contract forms 18.39.330
Rural rehabilitation program, agreements with 77.44.050
Winter recreational program account 79A.05.235 contracts funded through insurance,
and funds from federal government Ch. requirements 18.39.255
15.70 Wolf-livestock conflict account 77.36.180
Wood stove education and enforcement account fraternal or benevolent organizations and
Salmon recovery account 77.85.170 labor unions exempted from requirements
Savings incentive account 43.79.460 70.94.483
Yakima integrated plan implementation account 18.39.360
School zone safety account 46.61.440 refunds 18.39.250
Schools, certain federal payments to counties 90.38.070
Yakima integrated plan implementation revenue trusts, establishment required 18.39.250
designated to reduce districts outstanding trusts, examination by board 18.39.345
debts 36.01.200 recovery account 90.38.090
Yakima integrated plan implementation taxable Pricing information disclosure 18.39.195
Science, technology, engineering, and Professional service corporations Ch. 18.100
mathematics education lighthouse account bond account 90.38.080
28A.188.092 Prohibited advice and transactions with clients
Sea urchin dive fishery account 77.70.150 EMBALMERS Remains not disposed of 68.50.230
Secretary of states revolving fund, purpose Authorization for burial or cremation 68.50.170
43.07.130 Removal registration, certificates of 18.39.525
Burial-transit permits, registrar of vital statistics
Sewer districts, See SEWER DISTRICTS, 70.58.030, 70.58.230 Uniform regulation of business and professions
subtitle Fiscal matters act 18.39.560
Consumer protection act, application 18.39.350
Special wildlife account 77.12.323 Cremation Unlawful acts, penalties 18.39.215, 18.39.220,
Specialized forest products outreach and 18.39.231, 18.39.350
individual or group cremation, permission
education account 76.48.251 requirements 68.50.185 Unprofessional conduct 18.39.410, 18.39.420,
State, See also PUBLIC FUNDS, subtitle State license or endorsement required, penalty for 18.39.450
depositaries for state funds, See violation 18.39.217 FUNERALS (See also BURIAL AND
DEPOSITARIES, subtitle State permit or endorsement 68.05.175, 68.05.390 INTERMENT)
depositaries Death certificates Definitions relating to cemeteries, morgues, and
State patrol nonappropriated airplane revolving generally 70.58.240 human remains Ch. 68.04
account 43.79.470 Death certificates, See also VITAL Escheats, institution inmates property, funeral
State patrol retirement fund 43.43.130 STATISTICS, subtitle Death certificates expenses paid from 11.08.111
State trade fair fund 43.31.805, 43.31.832, Definitions 18.39.010 Fraternal benefit societies
43.31.833, 43.31.834 Disciplinary action, grounds 18.39.300 funeral homes prohibited 48.36A.120
Technology improvement and data management Duties, generally 70.58.240 Group life insurance, benefits 48.24.160
account 46.68.063 Embalming Indigent deceased veterans, county to provide
Thurston county capital facilities account authorization and information disclosure burial 73.08.070
43.01.090, 43.19.501 18.39.215 Industrial insurance, burial expenses 51.32.050

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 289]


Insurance benefits, See INSURANCE, subtitle immunity from liability, members, employees Enforcement 9.46.210
Casualty insurance 9.46.095 cities and towns which adopt the state
Interference or obstruction Indian tribes gambling law, jurisdiction of courts
civil liability 68.56.020 gaming compacts, enforcement 9.46.360 9.46.193
exceptions 68.56.030 gaming compacts, negotiation process commission 9.46.210
penalty 68.56.010 9.46.360 local law enforcement agencies 9.46.210
Probate, order of payment 11.76.110 inspection and audits, by 9.46.130 Enticing persons to gamble, penalty 9.47.120
Public assistance law enforcement agency for purposes of False or misleading entries or statements in
lien against assets 43.20B.120 chapter 9.46.210 application or record
licenses, permits, denial, suspension, violation, penalty 9.46.170
FUR FARMING revocation 9.46.075 Fishing derby
Blasting explosives near, restrictions 70.74.250 meetings 9.46.050 defined 9.46.0229
Regulation Ch. 16.72 members 9.46.040 exclusion from gambling law 9.46.293
FURLOUGHS (See PRISONS AND prohibited activities 9.46.085 Fraud or deceit
PRISONERS) mutual assistance agreements with public or violation, penalty 9.46.190
FUTURE TEACHERS CONDITIONAL private agencies 9.46.080 Fund raising event
SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM (See pathological gamblers, information for defined 9.46.0233
TEACHERS, subtitle Future teachers 9.46.071 Gambling device
conditional scholarship program) powers and duties of 9.46.070 defined 9.46.0241
proceedings against, jurisdiction 9.46.095 Gambling devices
GAMBLING pull-tab and punch board sales, fees on ownership of interest in gambling device,
Action for recovery of losses 4.24.070 9.46.116 penalty for unlawful ownership 9.46.215
Administrative law judges, appointment of quorum 9.46.050 professional gambling device, possession as
9.46.140 raffles, enhanced, commission authority to proof of knowledge of its character
Amusement games approve 9.46.0323 9.46.260
authority 9.46.0321 reports to the legislature 9.46.090 seizure and forfeiture 9.46.231
authority to conduct 9.46.0331 rules and regulations 9.46.080 Gambling information
defined 9.46.0201 staff 9.46.080 defined 9.46.0245
rules, minimum rules for conduct of games subpoena, investigative powers 9.46.140 transmitting or receiving of, gross
9.46.0331 travel expenses and compensation 9.46.050 misdemeanor 9.46.240
Antique slot machines 9.46.235 vacancies, filling of 9.46.040 Gambling law, causing person to violate
Bingo Contest of chance violation, penalty 9.46.180
authority 9.46.0321 business and occupation tax 82.04.285 Gambling revolving fund
defined 9.46.0205 defined 9.46.0225 created, receipts, disbursements, use 9.46.100
pathological gambling behavior, warning promotional, authorized 9.46.0356 Gambling rule, causing person to violate
9.46.072 Contract violation, penalty 9.46.185
Bona fide member termination of lease if premises used for Gaming tables, when deemed kept for hire
defined 9.46.0261 4.24.080 67.14.100
Bookmaking defined 9.46.0213 void as evidence of gambling debt 4.24.090 Golfing sweepstakes
Bowling sweepstakes Conveyances, validity as evidence of gambling authority 9.46.0341
authority 9.46.0345 debt 4.24.090 Greyhound racing prohibited 9.46.039
Bucket shops Courts, gambling courts, authorized 2.30.010 Hearing officers, appointment of 9.46.140
defined, characteristics 9.47.080 Crimes relating to Hearings, investigations, power of 9.46.140
keeping and operating 9.47.090 antique slot machines, excluded 9.46.235 Horse racing
statements required 9.47.100 bribery 9.46.155 parimutuel 67.16.060
omission or refusal as prima facie proof causing person to violate gambling law prohibited practices 67.16.060
9.47.100 gambling law 9.46.180 Indian gambling compacts
Bunco steering, penalty 9.47.120 causing person to violate gambling rule authority of governor to execute 43.06.010
Charitable organizations gambling rule 9.46.185 Indian tribes
authorized activities 9.46.0311, 9.46.0321, cheating 9.46.196, 9.46.1961, 9.46.1962 federal jurisdiction 9.46.36001
9.46.0351 fraud or deceit 9.46.190 gaming compacts
defined 9.46.0209 gambling device, unlawful ownership of enforcement 9.46.360
raffles, authority to conduct 9.46.0315 interest in, penalty 9.46.215 negotiation process with gambling
sharing facilities 9.46.0701 gambling devices commission 9.46.360
Cheating 9.46.196, 9.46.1961, 9.46.1962 seizure and forfeiture 9.46.231 Information
Cities and towns gambling information, transmission or defined 9.46.0245
ordinances adopting state gambling law, receiving of 9.46.240 transmission or receiving as violation, penalty
jurisdiction of courts 9.46.193 gambling records 9.46.217 9.46.240
second class cities, control of 35.23.440 professional gambling device, possession as Injunctions 9.46.150
proof of knowledge of its character Inspection and audit of premises, paraphernalia,
state gambling law, adoption of 9.46.192 9.46.260 books and records, reports 9.46.130
jurisdiction of courts 9.46.193 professional gambling in the first degree Invalidity of contract and debts
towns, control and punishment of 35.27.370 9.46.220 defense 4.24.090
Commercial stimulant professional gambling in the second degree recovery of losses by action 4.24.070
defined 9.46.0217 9.46.221 Lease termination if premises used for 4.24.080
Commission professional gambling in the third degree Legislative declaration 9.46.010
administrative law judges, appointment of 9.46.222 Lessors recovery of possession if premises used
9.46.140 unlicensed employee 9.46.198 for 4.24.080
administrator 9.46.080 Damages, money, due to violations, action for, License activities conducted without license,
appointment 9.46.040 attorneys fees, class action, interest violation, penalties 9.46.160
audits, payments for 9.46.060 9.46.200 Licenses
bond 9.46.050 Defined 9.46.0237 applicants and licensees responsibility to
chair 9.46.050 Device, defined 9.46.0241 establish qualifications 9.46.153
counsel, payments for 9.46.060 Devices applications, public inspection 9.46.300
defined 9.46.0221 ownership of interest in gambling device, bribes, penalty 9.46.155
employees penalty for unlawful ownership 9.46.215 denial, revocation, suspension
prohibited activities 9.46.085 professional gambling device, possession as exclusion from legal restoration statutes
employment authority 9.46.080 proof of knowledge of its character 9.46.075
enforcement authority 9.46.210 9.46.260 grounds for 9.46.075
fees seizure and forfeiture 9.46.231 monetary penalty in lieu of suspension
pull-tab and punch board sales 9.46.116 Dice games 9.46.077
hearing officers, appointment of 9.46.140 authority 9.46.0351 employees requiring prior commission
hearings, power 9.46.140 Dice or coin flipping for food or music 9.46.0305 approval 9.46.158

[RCW Indexpage 290] (2016 Ed.)


gambling devices, manufacturers, sales, devices professional gambling in the second degree
distributors 9.46.310 fees on 9.46.116 9.46.221
legal authority, exception 9.46.295 over-the-counter professional gambling in the third degree
permits or certificates, voiding of 9.46.150 fees on 9.46.116 9.46.222
Licensing and regulation of gambling activity, Punch boards records, refusal to produce 9.46.170
chapter exclusive 9.46.285 authority 9.46.0325 Wagers
Loaning money for gambling purposes, penalty defined 9.46.0273 gambling information 9.46.0245
9.47.120 sales transmitting or receiving, violations 9.46.240
Losses, action for recovery of 4.24.070 devices Whoever, defined 9.46.0289
Lottery fees on 9.46.116 GAME (See HUNTING; WILDLIFE)
defined 9.46.0257 Raffles
Lottery, state, See STATE LOTTERY authority 9.46.0321 GAME FISH (See FISH AND FISHING)
Member authority for charitable or nonprofit GAMES (See GAMBLING)
defined 9.46.0261 organizations to conduct 9.46.0315 GANGS
Military property, prohibition of gambling, defined 9.46.0277 Actions for damages, criminal street gang
penalty for disobedience 38.32.120 enhanced, conducted by charitable or tagging and graffiti 4.24.330
Minors nonprofit organizations 9.46.0323 Criminal gang intimidation 9A.46.120
prohibition, penalties 9.46.228 wildlife hunting raffles 9.46.400 Criminal street gang definitions, state
Nonprofit organizations Record preemption 9.101.010
authorized activities 9.46.0311, 9.46.0321, defined 9.46.0253 Criminal street gang member or associate
9.46.0351 Records offense committed by, procedures 9.94A.829
defined 9.46.0209 crimes relating to 9.46.217 Criminal street gang tagging and graffiti,
raffles, authority to conduct 9.46.0315 Records, refusal to produce penalties 9A.48.105
sharing facilities 9.46.0701 violation, penalty 9.46.170 Grant programs to assist local law enforcement
Operation or management, restrictions 9.46.120 Reports for the commission of inspections and 36.28A.200, 36.28A.210, 36.28A.220
Pathological gamblers, information for 9.46.071 audits 9.46.130 Inmates
Pathological gambling behavior, warning Reports of licensees reduction in involvement and recruitment
9.46.072 public inspection 9.46.300 72.09.670
Permits Restrictions Schools, suspension or expulsion 28A.600.455
denial, revocation, suspension leased premises 9.46.120 Tenants
exclusion from legal restoration statutes personnel, management or operation 9.46.120 gang and gang-related activity, defined
9.46.075 punch boards, pull tabs, as to prizes 9.46.110 59.18.030
grounds for 9.46.075 Revolving fund gang-related activity, duties of tenant
monetary penalty in lieu of suspension created, disbursement, receipts, use 9.46.100 59.18.130
9.46.077 Seizure and forfeiture gang-related activity, landlords remedies
Person gambling devices, real and personal property 59.18.180
defined 9.46.0289 9.46.231 gang-related activity, legislative findings and
Personnel Slot machines, antique 9.46.235 declarations 59.18.500
causing person to violate gambling rule Social card game gang-related activity, unlawful detainer action
9.46.185 defined 9.46.0282 59.18.510
requiring prior commission approval 9.46.158 Social card games gang-related activity, when deemed unlawful
Persons under age eighteen authority 9.46.0325, 9.46.0351 detainer 59.12.030
prohibition, penalties 9.46.228 Sport pools Youth gangs, pilot programs Ch. 43.310
Places of authority 9.46.0335
abatement as nuisance 7.48.240 State lottery GARBAGE (See also COUNTIES, subtitle
public nuisance, penalty 9.66.010 not applicable to gambling law 9.46.291 Solid waste disposal; SOLID WASTE
Player Tax collections, civil action, procedure 9.46.350 DISPOSAL; SOLID WASTE
defined 9.46.0265 Taxation MANAGEMENT)
Possession of professional gambling device, exclusive authority for taxing gambling Charitable organization donation bins, deposit of
proof of knowledge of its character 9.46.260 activities 9.46.270 garbage in
Premises gambling activities misdemeanor 9.91.130
defined 9.46.0249 limitations 9.46.110 Combined sewerage, water, and garbage systems
Problem and pathological public safety purposes 9.46.113 authority 35.67.331
account 43.20A.892 local governments statutes to govern 35.67.340
Problem and pathological gambling authority, limits 9.46.110 Counties
treatment program 43.20A.890 public safety purposes 9.46.113 disposal sites
Professional gambling Thing of value acquisition 36.58.020
defined 9.46.0269 defined 9.46.0285 use 36.58.020
penalties 9.46.225 Depositing unwholesome matter on highways,
Turkey shoots
Professional gambling in the first degree roads or in waters, a public nuisance, penalty
authorized 9.46.0361 9.66.050
violation, penalty 9.46.220 Value, thing of value
Professional gambling in the second degree Disposal dumps
defined 9.46.0285 county acquisition and use 36.58.020
violation, penalty 9.46.221 Violations, penalties
Professional gambling in the third degree Garbage truck
antique slot machines, excluded from defined 46.04.194
violations, penalties 9.46.222 prosecution 9.46.235
Promotional contests of chance 9.46.0356 Handling facilities, permit requirements
causing person to violate gambling rule 70.95.170, 70.95.180
financial institutions 9.46.0356 9.46.185
Property, real and personal Sanitary districts, See SANITARY DISTRICTS
causing persons to violate chapter 9.46.180
seizure and forfeiture 9.46.231 employees, unlicensed 9.46.198 GARBAGE AND REFUSE COLLECTION
Property or premises false or misleading entries or statements COMPANIES
common nuisance, abatement 9.46.250 9.46.170 Not public service company for purpose of
enforcement 9.46.250 fraud or deceit, relating to 9.46.190 securities regulation 81.08.010
termination of mortgage, contract or leasehold gambling activities by persons under age transfers of property 81.12.010
interest 9.46.250 eighteen 9.46.228 Regulation, exceptions 80.01.300
Public assistance benefit cards 9.46.410, gambling information, transmission or GARDENS
9.46.420 receiving of 9.46.240 Gardeners, peddlers license exemption 36.71.090
Public nuisance to maintain place for, penalty license activities conducted without license
9.66.010 9.46.160 GARFIELD COUNTY
Pull-tabs obstructing public servant in administration or Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.120
authority 9.46.0325 enforcement of chapter 9.46.195 Superior court judges, number of 2.08.064
defined 9.46.0273 professional gambling in the first degree GARNISHMENT
sales 9.46.220 Affidavits

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 291]


application for writ by 6.27.060 payment by garnishee 6.27.250 benefits, exemption from judicial process
original action still pending, prevents time to contest answer of garnishee 6.27.240 2.10.180
dismissal 6.27.310 Discharging employee because of garnishment, Jurisdiction
reply by unlawful, exception 6.27.170 justices of the peace, state, and political
plaintiff, to 6.27.210 Dismissal subdivisions as subject to 6.27.040
Answers to writ of garnishment 6.27.070, affidavit that principal action still pending, state, cities, counties, school districts, as
6.27.190, 6.27.200, 6.27.210, 6.27.220, prevents dismissal for lack of diligence garnishee 6.27.040
6.27.240, 6.27.300, 6.27.310, 6.27.320 6.27.310 Justices of the peace
Application for writ 6.27.060 by clerks of court, when, notice 6.27.310 enforcement against state and political
Approval of bond to discharge writ 6.27.180 failure to serve copy on defendant 6.27.130 subdivisions 6.27.040
Attachment order of court 6.27.320 Labor
contempt of court for failure to deliver effects District courts discharging employee because of garnishment
to sheriff 6.27.280 garnishment act applicable to 6.27.030 unlawful, exception 6.27.170
ground for issuance for writ of garnishment jurisdiction as to state and political Liability
6.27.020 subdivisions 6.27.040 plaintiffs, liability for failure to dismiss
Attorneys at law state and political subdivisions, jurisdiction as 6.27.320
fees to 6.27.040 Motion
taxing of 6.27.230 Dockets 6.27.070 liability of plaintiff for failure to dismiss when
Bonds Employers and employees required 6.27.320
discharge of writ by 6.27.180 discharging employee because of, unlawful, show cause for failure to deliver effects to
garnishment bonds 6.26.020 exception 6.27.170 sheriff 6.27.280
Child support statement concerning status in application for Municipal corporations
uniform interstate family support act Ch. writ 6.27.060 enforcement against 6.27.040
26.21A Executions Names, similarity
uniform interstate family support act, See judgments and execution against garnishee citation to person to whom garnishee is
UNIFORM INTERSTATE FAMILY 6.27.150, 6.27.250, 6.27.260, 6.27.265, indebted 6.27.290
SUPPORT ACT 6.27.270, 6.27.280 identity of defendant doubtful, procedure
wages 26.18.070, 26.18.080, 26.18.090, Exemptions 6.27.290
26.18.100, 26.18.110, 26.18.120, pension money 6.15.020 Notice, dismissal by clerk of court one year after
26.18.130, 26.18.140 personal property 6.15.010 last action taken, time for notice 6.27.310
hearing to quash, modify, or terminate police pensions in first class cities 41.20.180 Orders of court
26.18.140 procedure 6.27.160 deposits in court 6.27.250
Citations, identity of defendant doubtful, public assistance dismissal, plaintiffs liability for failure to
procedure 6.27.290 grants 74.04.280 dismiss 6.27.320
Cities and towns payments 74.08.210 establishment of amount subject to
enforcement against 6.27.040 state employees retirement rights, exceptions garnishment 6.27.090
subject to, when 6.27.040 41.40.052 sale of perishable property 6.27.270
Clerks of court, role in garnishment process teachers retirement system rights, exceptions Payment
6.27.020, 6.27.070, 6.27.180, 6.27.260, 41.32.052 defense of garnishee on 6.27.300
6.27.270 wages and salaries state and political subdivisions, by 6.27.040
Contempt of court, failure to deliver effects to unmatured debt 6.27.250
sheriff 6.27.280 amount 6.27.150
Federal government as garnishee defendant, Personal property 6.27.060, 6.27.120, 6.27.170,
Continuing lien on earnings 6.27.330, 6.27.340, 6.27.270, 6.27.280, 6.27.300
6.27.350, 6.27.360 procedures 6.27.370
Fees 6.27.060 Pleadings
Corporations, defense against claim of defendant dismissal by clerk of court, one year after last
6.27.300 attorneys at law, taxing of 6.27.230
Filing action taken, notice 6.27.310
bond to discharge writ, effect of 6.27.180 bond to discharge writ 6.27.180 dismissal of action 6.27.320
judgment, inclusion in 6.27.230 Financial institutions, writ directed to 6.27.080 formation of issues 6.27.220
judgment against garnishee 6.27.250 Fines, contempt for failure to deliver effects to requirement of 6.27.220
satisfaction of 6.27.260 sheriff 6.27.280 Prejudgment garnishment Ch. 6.26
taxing of 6.27.230 Form for judgment against garnishee 6.27.265 Processing fees 6.27.095
Counties Form of garnishment Punishment, contempt for failure to deliver
enforcement against 6.27.040 earnings garnishment 6.27.100, 6.27.105 effects to sheriff 6.27.280
subject to, when 6.27.040 Funds received, deposit, payment, and Reply to answer of garnishee
Courts, issue formed under direction of 6.27.220 endorsement 6.27.370 affidavit, time 6.27.210
Damages Garnishee Return, failure to deliver effects to sheriff
wrongful garnishment 6.26.040 processing fees 6.27.095 6.27.280
Decree to deliver up effects 6.27.270 Garnishee, amount required to hold, Salaries
Default judgments determination 6.27.090 wages, exemption 6.27.150
deposits in court not paid 6.27.250 Grounds 6.27.020 Satisfaction of judgments
discharge of garnishee 6.27.240 statement of in application for writ 6.27.060 judgments against
garnishees failure to answer 6.27.200 Identity of defendant doubtful, procedure defendant 6.27.260
generally 6.27.200 6.27.290 garnishee 6.27.260
unmatured debts 6.27.250 Imprisonment, contempt for failure to deliver judgments in favor of defendant 6.27.260
Defenses effects to sheriff 6.27.280 in principal action 6.27.250
claim of defendant against garnishee 6.27.300 Insurance company liquidation or delinquency School districts
dismissal for plaintiffs failure to give security proceedings enforcement against 6.27.040
for costs 4.84.230 stay of garnishment during pendency of subject to, when 6.27.040
failure to serve copy of writ on defendant, proceedings 48.99.070 Security for costs 4.84.210
when 6.27.130 Interest bond in lieu of separate security for costs
judgment for defendant in principal action inclusion in amount subject to garnishment 4.84.220
6.27.250 6.27.090 dismissal for failure to give 4.84.230
Definitions 6.27.010 judgments against garnishee 6.27.250 judgment on 4.84.240
Delivery satisfaction of 6.27.260 standing bond for numerous actions 4.84.220
failure to deliver effects to sheriff 6.27.280 Issues, formation of 6.27.220 Service
Deposits in court Joint stock companies, defense against claim of answer of garnishee 6.27.190
proceeds of sale, perishable property 6.27.270 defendant 6.27.300 manner of service 6.27.110
unmatured debts, deposit not made at original Judges of superior court, enforcement against writs of garnishment
time 6.27.250 state and political subdivisions 6.27.040 effect of 6.27.120
Discharge Judgments 6.27.020 Sheriffs, role of 6.27.110, 6.27.270, 6.27.280
bond to discharge writ 6.27.180 default judgments 6.27.200 Show cause order, failure to deliver effects to
garnishee defendant, upon answer 6.27.240 Judicial retirement system sheriff 6.27.280

[RCW Indexpage 292] (2016 Ed.)


Signatures gasoline vapor recovery devices, when GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS

reply to answer 6.27.210 required 70.94.165 Geological survey of the state, provisions for Ch.
Spousal maintenance Theft 46.61.740 43.92
uniform interstate family support act Ch. GASOLINE BILL OF RIGHTS ACT (See Right of entry upon lands for purpose of making
26.21A GASOLINE, subtitle Retail trading 43.92.080
wages 26.18.070, 26.18.090, 26.18.100, practices)
26.18.110, 26.18.120, 26.18.140 GEOLOGISTS
hearing to quash, modify, or terminate GEM Definitions 18.220.010
26.18.140 State gem 1.20.090 Examinations 18.220.080
State employees retirement system rights, GENDER Geologist licensing board
exemption, exceptions 41.40.052 Discrimination, See DISCRIMINATION authority 18.220.050
State of Washington Equality, See also SEXUAL EQUALITY IN membership 18.220.030
enforcement against 6.27.040 PUBLIC SCHOOLS Geologists account 18.220.120
subject to, when 6.27.040 Gender-neutral terms Licenses
Superior court statutes, memorials, resolutions 1.08.130, application and fee 18.220.070
grounds for issuance of writ of garnishment 44.04.210 certificate and seal 18.220.090
6.27.020 Malicious harassment experience and training requirements
jurisdiction over state and political definition and criminal penalties 9A.36.080 18.220.211
subdivision, when 6.27.040 legislative finding 9A.36.078
Sureties permitted activities without certificate of
Rule of construction licensing 18.220.190
bond to discharge writ 6.27.180 probate law 11.02.005
Teachers retirement system rights, exemption, renewal and reinstatement 18.220.110
GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, required 18.220.020
exceptions 41.32.052 DEPARTMENT OF
Trials 6.27.220 requirements 18.220.060
Abolishing department suspension for noncompliance with child
Wages transfer of agency powers, duties, functions,
child support 26.18.070, 26.18.080, support order 18.220.160
and assets to department of enterprise Licensing, department of
26.18.090, 26.18.100, 26.18.110, services 43.19.900
26.18.120, 26.18.130, 26.18.140 directors authority 18.220.040
Abolishing department, See ENTERPRISE
hearing to quash, modify, or terminate SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Licensure or certification without examination,
26.18.140 requirements 18.220.100
exemption of 6.27.150 GENERAL ASSISTANCE (See PUBLIC Uniform regulation of business and professions
form of writ 6.27.100, 6.27.105 ASSISTANCE) act 18.220.200
spousal maintenance 26.18.070, 26.18.090, GENERAL CONTRACTORS (See Unprofessional conduct 18.220.130
26.18.100, 26.18.110, 26.18.120, CONTRACTORS)
hearing to quash, modify, or terminate GENERAL COOPERATIVE DEPARTMENT OF)
statement concerning in application for writ Administration by and authority of department of
natural resources Ch. 78.60
Writ directed to financial institutions 6.27.080 GENERIC DRUGS (See DRUGS, subtitle Heat suppliers, See HEAT SUPPLIERS
Writs of garnishment 6.26.025, 6.27.020, Prescription drugs) Heating systems, See HEATING SYSTEMS
6.27.070, 6.27.090, 6.27.095, 6.27.110, GENETIC COUNSELORS Records Ch. 78.60
6.27.120, 6.27.130, 6.27.140, 6.27.180, Construction of chapter 18.290.030
6.27.290 Revenues derived from certain geothermal
Definitions 18.290.010 resources
Wrongful garnishment, liability, damages Down syndrome, when diagnosis provided by
6.26.040 allocation of, providing for 43.378.010
counselor geothermal account 43.378.020, 43.378.030
GAS COMPANIES (See PUBLIC parents, information for 18.290.120 Violations, judicial review, liability and
UTILITIES, subtitle Gas companies) Licensing damages, and injunctions and restraining
GAS LINES applications 18.290.060 orders Ch. 78.60
Franchises to construct along state highways examinations 18.290.050
prohibited practices 18.290.100 Wells and core holes, including owners,
47.44.010 operators, and drilling Ch. 78.60
Taxation Ch. 84.12 provisional licenses 18.290.080
reciprocity 18.290.090 GIFT CERTIFICATES
GASOLINE (See also EXPLOSIVES; renewals 18.290.070 Generally Ch. 19.240
MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL) requirements 18.290.040 Unclaimed property act 63.29.140
Containers, marking of 70.74.300 uniform disciplinary act, application of
Energy freedom program 18.290.110 GIFT OF LIFE MEDAL (See
account, projects funded by 43.325.090, Secretary of health, authority 18.290.020 ANATOMICAL GIFTS)
43.325.902 Violations GIFT TAX (See TAXES - ESTATE AND
Fuel taxation Ch. 82.38 prohibited practices 18.290.100 TRANSFER)
Invoices required for gas station deliveries uniform disciplinary act 18.290.110
19.94.507 GIFTS
Retail trading practices GEODUCKS (See FISH AND FISHING) Counties, planning agencies, acceptance of
burden of proof 19.120.130 GEOGRAPHIC NAMES 36.70.300
civil actions 19.120.110, 19.120.120 Board Gift of life award Ch. 1.50
criminal actions 19.120.120 administrative services Insurance, gifts as illegal inducements, limitation
damage, rescission, or other relief 19.120.090 department of natural resources to provide on value 48.30.150
definitions 19.120.010 43.30.295 Judges retirement fund, to 2.12.050
franchise committee on geographic names Minors, transfers to Ch. 11.114
considered personal property 19.120.040 establishment by board 43.30.292 State parks foundation Ch. 79A.70
offers, sales, or purchases, unlawful acts creation and duties 43.30.291 Unauthorized goods or services are gifts
19.120.070 custodian of records 19.56.020
real property or improvements, sale, right of department of natural resources to serve as Unsolicited goods or services Ch. 19.56
first refusal 19.120.050 43.30.295
sale to corporation 19.120.030 official geographic names GINSENG
sale to third party 19.120.020 adoption, publication in Washington State Certification and grower registration Ch. 15.19
limitation of actions 19.120.100 Register 43.30.294 GLASS
refiner-supplier Committee Sunscreening and coloring of glass on motor
prohibited conduct 19.120.060 establishment by board on geographic names vehicles 46.37.430
rights and prohibitions between refiner- 43.30.292
supplier and retailer 19.120.080 meetings 43.30.293 GLAUCOMA
Service stations membership 43.30.292 Controlled substances therapeutic research
advertising 9.04.090 rules, reports, recommendations 43.30.293 program Ch. 69.51

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 293]


GOATS (See LIVESTOCK) additional members 2.06.075 members 43.59.030

GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALES (See new positions created by chapter 420, Laws transportation commission 47.01.051
SALES, subtitle Going out of business of 1993 2.06.076 uniform law commission 43.56.010
sales) qualifications 2.06.070 University of Washington board of regents
dental quality assurance commission 28B.20.100
GOLD (See also MINES AND MINING) 18.32.0351 utilities and transportation commission
Metals mining and milling operations, See department of services for the blind, director 80.01.010
MINES AND MINING 74.18.040 vacancies in office filled by
Misrepresentation as to carat or fineness, penalty detention, interstate agreement on, in supreme court, filled by 2.04.100
9.16.140 administrator 9.100.060 veterinary board of governors 18.92.021
Pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers 19.60.010 director of financial management 43.41.060 Appointments
GOLF director of the state lottery 67.70.050 appointees continuation of service 43.06.092
Courses directors of state departments and agencies notice to secretary of senate 43.06.030
cities and towns, acquisition and control 43.17.020 reappointment after termination of service
35.21.020 ecology department director 43.21A.050 43.06.092
county, authority to construct, regulate and electrical board 19.28.311 records of to be kept 43.06.020
charge for use of 36.68.090 energy facility site evaluation council, chair removal of appointive officers 43.06.070
pesticide applications 80.50.030 removal prior to senate confirmation
marking of treated landscape property engineers and land surveyors, board of 43.06.094
17.21.410 registration for 18.43.030 vacancy, filing unexpired term 43.06.092
Sweepstakes fish and wildlife, department director Assemblies, state of emergency, power to
authority 9.46.0341 77.04.080 suppress unlawful assemblies 43.06.010
fish and wildlife commission 77.04.030 Attorney general
GONORRHEA (See VENEREAL funeral and cemetery board 18.39.173 actions against state, may direct attorney
DISEASES) hearing and speech, board of 18.35.150 general to appear for state 43.06.010
GOOD FAITH historic preservation, advisory council on advice to governor 43.10.030
Habeas corpus, in forma pauperis proceeding 27.34.250 corporations, may require attorney general to
7.36.250 housing finance commission 43.180.040 inquire into 43.06.010
GOOD FAITH PURCHASER indeterminate sentence review board 9.95.003 may require to aid any prosecuting attorney
Stolen property, does not divest owner of rights industrial insurance appeals, board of 43.06.010
10.79.050 51.52.010 Background checks, agency heads 43.06.013
Supplemental proceedings interstate compact on placement of children, Boards and commissions
transferee of judgment debtor, effect 6.32.070 compact administrator 26.34.070 approval of boards or commissions not
judges of supreme court 2.04.100 required by statute 43.41.240
GOOD SAMARITAN LAWS (See also landscape architects, licensure board for exceptions to review requirements 43.41.230
IMMUNITY, subtitle Persons rendering 18.96.040 review by governor, report on termination or
emergency care or transportation) license examining committee 43.24.060 transfer 43.41.220
Accident victims, aid to 4.24.300, 4.24.310 licensing department director 43.24.005 Budget, development 43.88.090
Food donations liquor and cannabis board 66.08.012 Cigarette tax contracts
collecting, distributing, and gleaning medical quality assurance commission eligibility, tax rate 43.06.460
69.80.031 18.71.015 Puyallup tribe 43.06.465
Hazardous materials incidents 70.136.070 nursing care quality assurance commission requirements, definitions 43.06.455
Infectious disease testing 70.05.180 18.79.070 Civil rights of convict, restoration of 9.96.010,
Mine rescue or recovery work 38.52.198 nursing home administrators, board of 9.96.020, 9.96.030
GOODS 18.52.040 Coastal marine advisory council, establishment
Personal property, See PERSONAL occupational therapy practice, board of in office of governor 43.143.050, 43.143.060
PROPERTY 18.59.120 Community mobilization against substance
Sales of, See SALES optometry board 18.54.030 abuse
Pacific Northwest electric power and powers and duties Ch. 43.270
GOVERNOR conservation planning council, Commutation of death sentence, power to
Acquisition and disposition of highway property, membership 43.52A.030 commute 10.01.120
governors powers and duties relating to Ch. parks and recreation commission 79A.05.015 Continuity of government in event of enemy
47.12 personnel resources board 41.06.110 attack, succession to office of governor
Actions against state, power to direct attorney pharmacy quality assurance commission 42.14.020
general to appear for state 43.06.010 18.64.001 Corporations, power to require attorney general
Aging, council on physical therapy board 18.74.020 or prosecuting attorney to inquire into affairs
established as advisory council 43.20A.680 plumbers, advisory board of 18.106.110 of 43.06.010
Agriculture, department of podiatric medical board 18.22.013 Detainers, interstate
annual report to governor 43.23.130 pollution control hearings board 43.21B.020 request for temporary custody, notice to
director, appointment 43.23.002 public employment relations commission prisoner and governor 9.100.070
Annual financial report of all funds and account members 41.58.010 Developmental disabilities, persons with
groups 43.88.027 railroad policemen 81.60.010 protection and advocacy of rights, program to
Appointing board real estate commission 18.85.021 implement 71A.10.080
veterans affairs, department of rehabilitation council for the blind 74.18.070 Disaster, power to call state of emergency
director 43.60A.030 state arts commission 43.46.015 43.06.010
Appointing power state board of health 43.20.030 Driver license compact, executive head
accountancy, board of 18.04.035 state council on aging 43.20A.685 46.21.040
adjutant general 38.12.010 state lottery commission 67.70.030 Economic opportunity type programs,
administrator for the courts, submission of list state patrol chief 43.43.020 participation in 43.06.110
for appointment from 2.56.010 state residential school for deaf, board of Education ombuds, office of
architects, board for 18.08.330 trustees 72.42.021 annual reports 43.06B.050
Asian Pacific American affairs commission, state school for blind, board of trustees confidentiality 43.06B.040
executive director 43.117.040 72.41.020 creation, purpose, appointment 43.06B.010
building code council 19.27.070 state school for the blind, superintendent for lead agency for public school antiharassment
center for childhood deafness and hearing loss 72.40.020 policies and strategies 43.06B.060
72.42.021 superior court, replacement of judges liability 43.06B.030
center for childhood deafness and hearing appointed to court of appeals, qualifications powers and duties, ombuds 43.06B.020
loss, director 72.40.019 2.06.070 Elections
chiropractic quality assurance commission superior court vacancy 2.08.069, 2.08.120 proclamations, power to issue 43.06.010
18.25.0151 superior court visiting judges 2.08.140 Emergency declarations
clemency and pardons board 9.94A.880 supreme court vacancy 2.04.100 state register, contained in 34.08.020
collection agency board 19.16.280 traffic safety commission Emergency management
court of appeals judges director 43.59.060 powers and duties Ch. 38.52

[RCW Indexpage 294] (2016 Ed.)


Energy emergency emergency in population center for international trade in forest

powers, duties alternatives 9.94A.875 products, funding sources 76.56.050
call state of emergency 43.06.010 Judges retirement applications, doctors department of transportation 47.01.141
powers and duties 43.21G.040, 43.21G.090 examination report, approval and filing of budget for expenditures 47.26.440
Energy facilities 2.12.020 electronic format, requirements 43.01.036
recommendations Law enforcement medal of honor Ch. 41.72 energy facility site evaluation council
petroleum products transmission facilities, Legal holidays 80.50.040
considerations in making 80.50.105 proclamation process, applicability to courts financial management, office of, director of
site location, review, approval 80.50.100 2.28.100 43.41.100
Environmental enhancement and job creation Lieutenant governor fish and wildlife director 77.04.120
task force notification of absence, assumption of duties horse racing commission 67.16.015
membership and duties 43.21J.030 of governor 43.06.040 indeterminate sentence review board 9.95.265
Ethics in public service office of Ch. 43.15 licensing, departmental activities 46.01.290
suspension of state action pending powers and duties of acting governor management and control of state publications,
determination of controversy 42.52.510 43.06.050 duties as to 40.07.040
Executive orders Management and control of state publications, motor vehicle administration report, annually,
state register, contained in 34.08.020 duties as to 40.07.040 by director 46.01.290
Extradition agents Marine resources advisory council, creation in municipal corporations, associations
appointment of 10.34.030 office of governor 43.06.338 44.04.170
Extradition proceedings Medal of merit Ch. 1.40 operational activities, recommendations for
application for requisition for return of person, Medal of valor Ch. 1.60 future operations, department of
filed by 10.88.410 Military impacted area transportation 47.01.141
demand for 10.88.400 authority to declare 43.06.115 power of governor to demand 43.06.010
demand from another state Militia and military affairs school directors association 44.04.170
investigation report of attorney general or commander-in-chief of militia 38.08.020 state arts commission 43.46.070
prosecuting attorney 10.88.230 compacts with other states for guarding state board of health 43.20.100
requirements 10.88.220 boundaries 38.08.100 state publications, management and control of
issue of warrant to agent 10.88.400 martial law, proclamation by, when 38.08.030 40.07.040
powers and duties as to 10.34.030 personal staff 38.08.070 summary of proposed construction,
Family and childrens ombuds, office of rules promulgated by 38.08.090 department of transportation 47.01.141
establishment and duties Ch. 43.06A strength, composition, training, etc., supreme court to report defects or omissions in
Federal funds and programs prescribed by 38.04.040 laws 2.04.230
acceptance, administration and disbursal OASI, agreement of state for participation of veterans rehabilitation council 43.61.040
43.06.120 state and political subdivision, employees Reprieves
travel expenses of agencies created to meet duties concerning 41.48.030 power to grant 10.01.120
federal requirements 43.06.130 Oath of office 43.01.020 Resignation by state officers and members of
Federal surplus purchasing program, duties Official bonds, approval of 42.08.100 legislature made to 42.12.020
39.32.040 Outdoor recreation sector of states economy Rewards
Financial management, office of senior policy advisor to governor, maintaining
43.06.485 power to offer, limitation on amount
advisory or coordinating councils, authority to 43.06.010
establish and appoint 43.41.120 Pardons
in office of governor 43.41.050 authorized 9.94A.728 record of to be kept 43.06.020
Financial report clemency and pardons board Riots, state of emergency, power to suppress
annual, all funds and account groups established 9.94A.880 43.06.010
43.88.027 recommendations 9.94A.885 Salary of governor, amount of 43.03.010
Foreign nationals or citizens power to grant 9.94A.728, 10.01.120 Sale of unneeded toll facility property, governor
convicted offenders Paroles, governor may revoke 9.95.160 to execute deed 47.56.255
transfer procedure 43.06.350 Plant pests Salmon recovery and habitat restoration Ch.
Funds, receipt of by state, agent 43.79.260 emergency action 43.06.010 77.85
Gift of life award Ch. 1.50 Powers and duties, generally 43.06.010 Security and protection of governor, governor-
Governor-elect, expenses of office, appropriation Proclamations elect, duty of state patrol to provide
by legislature for 43.06.055 authority of governor to issue 43.06.010 43.43.035
Health disparities, interagency coordinating elections, power to issue 43.06.010 Social and health services, department of, plan
council on, See HEALTH, STATE BOARD expense of publishing, paying 43.06.060 for divisions of, governor to approve
OF state of emergency 43.06.210 43.20A.060
Highway toll facility property sale, deed Prosecution of as adults, sixteen year olds and State capitol committee member 43.34.010
executed by 47.56.255 over who violate provisions of 43.06.260 State finance committee member 43.33.010
Indian gambling compacts Public disorder, state of emergency State militia, authority of governor to call during
authority to execute 43.06.010 definitions 43.06.200 state of emergency 43.06.270
Indians, assumption of state jurisdiction, power to suppress 43.06.010 State of emergency
proclamation by governor 37.12.021 proclamations, issuance 43.06.210 definition 43.06.200
International relations and protocol, office of Puget Sound ferry system, governors powers penalties
authority of office 43.290.020 and duties relating to Ch. 47.60 general unlawful conduct during 43.06.240
created 43.290.010 Quality award program, council 43.06.335 malicious destruction of property or injury to
finding and purpose 43.290.005 Records kept by person 43.06.230
Internship program appointments 43.06.020 public official, failing to heed orders of,
agency full time equivalent limitations disbursement of state moneys 43.06.020 penalty 43.06.250
unaffected 43.06.435 pardons 43.06.020 violating order of governor 43.06.230
coordinator 43.06.415 paroles 43.06.020 powers of governor pursuant to proclamation
employment experience, civil service credit restoration of civil rights 43.06.020 43.06.220
43.06.425 Registry of governors acts kept by secretary of proclamation, authority to issue 43.06.010
established 43.06.410 state 43.07.030 state militia, authority of governor to call
executive fellows program 43.06.420 Removal of appointive officers during 43.06.270
governors duties 43.06.410 filling vacancy caused by 43.06.090 state patrol, authority of governor to call
rules 43.06.415 grounds 43.06.070 during 43.06.270
state civil service exemption 41.06.088 power of 43.06.070 unlawful conduct during, penalty 43.06.240
undergraduate internship program 43.06.420 prior to senate confirmation 43.06.094 State patrol, authority of governor to call during
Interstate compact on juveniles, duties Ch. 13.24 statement of grounds, filing of 43.06.080 state of emergency 43.06.270
Interstate oil compact commission, joinder by Reports to Strikes, power to suppress 43.06.010
43.06.015 annual report by state officers, etc., period Succession to governorship
Invasive species covered 43.01.035 threats against next in order of, penalty
emergency action 43.06.010 associations, municipal corporations 9A.36.090
Jails 44.04.170 Tax exemptions

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 295]


periodic review and submission of transfer of powers, duties, assets, etc., to grain GRAND LARCENY (See LARCENY)
recommendations to legislature 43.06.400 commission 15.115.130 GRANDPARENTS
Term of office 43.01.010 Generally Ch. 15.115 Visitation rights of grandparents and other
Threats against, or immediate family, penalty Liquor produced from wheat or barley persons 26.09.240
9A.36.090 promotional use when donated 15.115.170,
Timber harvest excise tax agreements 43.06.475, 66.12.230 GRANGES
43.06.480 Wheat and barley industries, regulations and Incorporation Ch. 24.28
Toll bridge bonds, governor to countersign restraints available to 15.115.020 GRANT COUNTY
47.56.140 Wheat commission Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.130
Toll bridges, improvement of existing bridge and transfer of powers, duties, assets, etc., to grain Superior court judges, number of 2.08.065
construction of new bridge as single project, commission 15.115.130
governors powers and duties relating to Ch. GRANTED LANDS (See PUBLIC LANDS,
47.58 GRAND JURY subtitle State lands)
Trade representative, office of Washington state, Authorized 2.36.020 GRANTOR AND GRANTEE
purpose and authority Ch. 43.332 Coroners inquest, See CORONERS, subtitle Conveyances of fee title by state or political
Traffic safety commission, powers and duties Inquests subdivision, recording by grantor at time of
Ch. 43.59 Criminal investigations delivery required, effect 65.08.095
Transfer of convicted offenders attorney general, duties 10.27.070
attorneys at law GRANTS (See also GIFTS)
foreign nationals or citizens 43.06.350 Job skills program 28C.04.420
Uniform criminal extradition act, authority restrictions 10.27.080
witness entitled to 10.27.080 Quo warranto proceedings, annulment or
10.88.210 vacation of grant 7.56.150
Uniform interstate family support act Ch. 26.21A court reporter 10.27.070
Washington health care authority definitions 10.27.020 GRANTS-IN-AID
chair 70.37.030 duration of sessions 10.27.110 Cities and towns, housing authorities, authority
evidence to accept 35.82.200
GOVERNOR-ELECT subpoenas to witnesses 10.27.140 Regional planning commissions 35.63.070,
Budget and accounting system, input 43.88.090 testimony of witnesses privileged 10.27.090 36.70.060
Threats against, penalty 9A.36.090 use and availability of 10.27.090 GRAPES (See FRUITS; WINE AND
GRADES AND PACKS (See FRUITS; extension of sessions 10.27.110 WINERIES; WINE COMMISSION)
VEGETABLES) foreperson 10.27.070
guard 10.27.070 GRASS, STATE
GRAFFITI Designated 1.20.025
Criminal street gang tagging and graffiti, indictment
penalties 9A.48.105 number necessary for 10.27.150 GRASS BURNING RESEARCH ADVISORY
Malicious mischief in third degree, when presented to court 10.27.150 COMMITTEE (See ECOLOGY,
9A.48.090 inquiry as to offenses 10.27.100 DEPARTMENT OF, subtitle Grass
Parents liability for childrens acts 4.24.190 interpreter 10.27.070 burning research advisory committee)
GRAFT (See BRIBERY AND GRAFTING) jurors, discharge 10.27.060 GRAVEL
jurors, personal knowledge of crime, shall County roads and bridges, See COUNTY
GRAIN declare 10.27.100 ROADS AND BRIDGES, subtitle Crushed
Agriculture, department of legal advisers 10.27.070 rock, gravel, and other road building material
directors powers and duties 43.23.110 members, selection of 10.27.040 Public lands
Dealer license oath and affirmations of witnesses 10.27.070 aquatic landsvaluable materials, sale of Ch.
application 22.09.045 personal knowledge of jurors of crime, shall 79.140
bond declare 10.27.100 valuable materials, sale of Ch. 79.15
action on by depositor 22.09.615 persons authorized to attend 10.27.080
action on by director 22.09.570, 22.09.580, GRAVES (See also BURIAL AND
prosecuting attorney, duty to attend and advise INTERMENT; CEMETERIES)
22.09.590, 22.09.600, 22.09.610 10.27.070
bonds or security 22.09.090 Grave robbing 68.60.040
purpose 10.27.010 Historic graves
commodities quorum 10.27.070
payment requirements 22.09.620 dedication 68.60.020
report, release to public, when 10.27.160 definitions 68.60.010
deferred price contract 22.09.175 secrecy
depositors claims 22.09.381 destruction or damage 68.60.050
privileged testimony 10.27.090 violations, penalties 68.60.060
depositors lien 22.09.371, 22.09.391 proceedings 10.27.090
emergency storage situations 22.09.660 Indian graves Ch. 27.44
secrecy enjoined 10.27.090 protection
fees, penalty for late renewal 22.09.055 secretary 10.27.070
inspections civil action by tribe or member 27.44.050
sessions, duration, extension of 10.27.110 criminal sanctions 27.44.040
procedure 22.09.345 short title 10.27.010
insurance, bond, certificate of deposit skeletal human remains, duty to notify
special inquiry judge 10.27.050 27.44.055
22.09.060 special prosecutor 10.27.070
issuance, duration 22.09.075 Unlawful damage
summoning 10.27.030 civil liability 68.56.020
multiple applicants, single bond 22.09.095 witnesses 10.27.070
required 22.09.035 exceptions 68.56.030
Depositions, disclosure of, penalty 9.51.060 penalty 68.56.010
Grain commission Ch. 15.115 Disclosing transactions, penalty 9.51.050
Grain indemnity fund 22.09.411 Immunity from prosecution on basis of self- GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY
Grain indemnity fund program 22.09.405, incriminating testimony 10.27.130 Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.140
22.09.416, 22.09.421, 22.09.426, 22.09.431, Indictment, motions to set aside, grounds Pilotage service 53.08.390
22.09.436, 22.09.441, 22.09.446, 22.09.451, 10.40.070 Southwest Washington fair commission,
22.09.456, 22.09.461, 22.09.466, 22.09.471 abolished 36.90.020
Warehouses Inquests, See CORONERS, subtitle Inquests
Jurors Superior court judges, number of 2.08.062
agriculture department directors powers and
duties 43.23.110 acting after challenge allowed, penalty GRAZING
tax exemption 82.08.820, 82.12.820 9.51.040 Fish and wildlife department-owned
tax exemption, applicability 82.14.820 expense payments 2.36.150 fish and wildlife goals, implementation
Weighing and weight certification for highway Oath, form of 10.27.070 77.12.204
transport Ch. 15.80 Prosecuting attorney GREEN HILL SCHOOL
special deputies 36.27.040 Generally Ch. 72.16
GRAIN AND TERMINAL WAREHOUSES Right to counsel 10.27.120
(See also WAREHOUSES) Secrecy, oath of secrecy 10.27.070 GREEN RIVER GORGE CONSERVATION
Port districts, acquisition and operation of Self-incrimination, privilege against 10.27.120 AREA (See PARKS AND
facilities 53.08.020 Transcript of testimony, disclosure of, penalty RECREATION)
Barley commission Witnesses, attorneys at law, entitled to 10.27.080 Trading stamp regulations Ch. 19.84

[RCW Indexpage 296] (2016 Ed.)


GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS Fingerprints and other identifying data GROUP TRAINING HOMES (See
Baseload electric generation performance transmit to state patrol 10.98.050 RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS, subtitle
standard Gambling Group homes)
coal-fired baseload facility, memorandum of unlicensed employee 9.46.198 GROWTH MANAGEMENT
agreement with 80.80.100, 80.80.120 Intimate images, disclosing, when 9A.86.010 Agricultural lands
generally 80.80.005 Jury tampering 9A.72.140 innovative zoning techniques 36.70A.177
greenhouse gas emission performance Limitation of action 9A.04.080 voluntary stewardship program Ch. 36.70A
standard, limitation on imposing on certain Aquifer zones 36.70A.550
facilities 80.80.110 Making or having burglar tools 9A.52.060
Malicious mischief, when 9A.48.090 Commerce, department of
Building code
energy efficiency and climate pollution Obscuring identity of a machine 9A.56.180 departmental responsibilities 43.330.120
reduction in built environment Official misconduct by public servant 9A.80.010 Comprehensive planning by cities and counties
definitions 19.27A.140 Pet animals, taking, concealing, injuring, killing, airports, general aviation 36.70A.510
finding 19.27A.130 etc. 9.08.070 chapter implementation, intent 36.70A.180
residential and nonresidential construction, Possessing stolen property, third degree cities and counties required to plan,
energy consumption reduction 9A.56.170 compliance 36.70A.040
19.27A.160 Probation services classification of agriculture, forest, and
strategic plan, development and mineral lands and critical areas
assessment for services 10.64.120 guidelines 36.70A.050
implementation 19.27A.150 Punishment, crime victims compensation,
Energy efficiency comprehensive plans 36.70A.140
penalty assessment 7.68.035 accessory apartments 36.70A.400
climate pollution reduction in built Punishment when not fixed by statute 9.92.020
environment coordination with other plans 36.70A.100
Reckless burning environmental planning pilot projects
energy performance score for residential second degree 9A.48.050
buildings 19.27A.180 36.70A.385
maintenance of energy consumption data Riot, when 9A.84.010 extension of designation date 36.70A.380
records by utilities, disclosure Sentences, authorized 9A.20.020, 9A.20.021 identification of lands useful for public
19.27A.170 Sexual exploitation of children purposes 36.70A.150
qualifying state agency duties, energy permitting commercial sexual abuse of a innovative techniques 36.70A.090
benchmark, performance rating minor 9.68A.103 major industrial developments 36.70A.365
19.27A.190 reporting 9.68A.080 mandatory elements 36.70A.070
Fossil fuels, reducing dependence on State lottery master planned resorts, when authorized by
clean fuels and vehicle technologies, usage false or misleading statement 67.70.150 county 36.70A.360
and goals Ch. 43.325 violation of rules 67.70.170 mineral resource lands 36.70A.131
Green economy jobs growth initiative Tampering with physical evidence 9A.72.150 new fully contained communities, when
43.330.310 Theatrical enterprises approved in county planning 36.70A.350
New vehicle greenhouse gas emissions wages, bond or cash deposit 49.38.060 noncompliance 36.70A.330
disclosure 70.120A.050 noncompliance and sanctions 36.70A.340,
Theft, third degree 9A.56.050 36.70A.345
Reporting of emissions, rules adoption 70.94.151
Statewide reduction Unlawful issuance of checks or drafts 9A.56.060 open space corridors, identification and
climate impact groups, consultation Unlawful stop-payment order 9A.56.060 purchase of 36.70A.160
70.235.040 Vehicle prowling optional elements 36.70A.080
definitions 70.235.010 second degree 9A.52.100 order of invalidity 36.70A.335
distribution of funds for infrastructure and GROUP CARE FACILITIES planning activities and capital budget
capital development projects, prerequisites Crisis residential centers decisions, conformity with 36.70A.120
70.235.070 secure or semi-secure centers port elements 36.70A.085
emissions calculator for estimating aggregate presumption of validity 36.70A.320
emissions 70.235.060 collaboration, collocation, licensing
requirements 74.15.255 private property protection 36.70A.370
findings, intent 70.235.005 residential structures occupied by persons
limits for state agencies, procedures sexually exploited children, access to person with disabilities 36.70A.410
70.235.050 trained to work with 74.15.255
review, amendments 36.70A.130
regional multisector market-based system, HOPE centers for street youth state agencies to comply 36.70A.103
design development 70.235.030 requirements 74.15.250 sufficient land capacity for development
reporting requirements 70.235.020 secure or semi-secure centers 36.70A.115
GREYWATER (See WASTEWATER) collaboration, collocation, licensing transmittal to state 36.70A.106
requirements 74.15.255 transportation element 36.70A.108
GRIZZLY BEARS (See WILDLIFE) sexually exploited children, access to person urban growth areas 36.70A.110
GROCERY STORES trained to work with 74.15.255 county-wide planning policy 36.70A.210
Beverage crate and merchandise pallet theft Juvenile infractions or violations, reporting definitions 36.70A.030
9A.56.010 74.15.210 development project review process
Grocery distribution cooperatives Licenses 36.70A.470
business and occupation tax 82.04.298 denial, revocation, suspension, modification development regulations
Shopping cart theft 74.15.132 electric vehicle infrastructure 36.70A.695
definitions 9A.56.010 Semi-secure facility, designation as, authorized presumption of validity 36.70A.320
unlawful acts, misdemeanor 9A.56.270 74.15.180 transmittal to state 36.70A.106
GROSS MISDEMEANOR Service providers greenbelts or open space, adverse possession
Bail jumping 9A.76.170 violations, reporting 74.15.210 36.70A.165
Coercion 9A.36.070 Street youth growth management hearings board
Compounding 9A.76.100 responsible living skills program 74.15.230, appeal by state, limitations 36.70A.310
Criminal assistance, rendering of 74.15.240, 74.15.250 conduct, procedure, and compensation
first degree, when 9A.76.070 36.70A.270
GROUP HOMES consolidation into environmental and land
second degree, when 9A.76.080
Criminal conspiracy, when 9A.28.040 Abuse, investigation prior to licensure or use hearings office 36.70A.252,
Criminal mischief, when 9A.84.010 relicensure 74.15.030 36.70A.903
Criminal trespass, first degree 9A.52.070 Employees hired by contracting agencies creation, membership 36.70A.250
Deferred prosecution program Ch. 10.05 department of social and health services not expedited review 36.70A.305
Defined, for Criminal Code 9A.20.010 liable, conditions 74.15.038 final orders 36.70A.300
Escape Evaluations and data, availability 43.20A.850 invalidity, determination 36.70A.302
third degree 9A.76.130 Investigate for abuse prior to licensure or judicial review 36.70A.295
False certification 9A.60.050 relicensure 74.15.030 legislative intent and finding 36.70A.3201
False reporting or warning of public disturbance Licenses matters subject to review 36.70A.280
9A.84.040 suspension for noncompliance with support petitions to, evidence 36.70A.290
False swearing 9A.72.040 order 74.15.134 regional panels 36.70A.260

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 297]


growth strategies commission, role Transportation projects legislative intent and purpose 11.88.005
36.70A.800 environmental review order appointing, required contents 11.88.095
legislative findings 36.70A.010, 36.70A.011 collaborative process 36.70A.430 petition
master planned locations 36.70A.367, intent 36.70A.420 contents 11.88.030
36.70A.368 GUARANTY FUND (See INSURANCE, disposition 11.88.095
master planned resorts 36.70A.362 subtitle Title insurers) hearing 11.88.030
military installations, incompatible proof, standards 11.88.045
development 36.70A.530 GUARDIAN AD LITEM Assets, holders of financial assets of
natural resource lands and critical areas Attorneys serving as guardian, restrictions on incapacitated person
designation 36.70A.170, 36.70A.172 service as pro tempore judge or court access to and control over assets to be
development regulations 36.70A.060 commissioner 2.08.185 provided to guardian 11.92.096
nonproject actions, exemption from SEPA Child abuse Attorneys fees, payment 11.92.180
compliance 43.21C.450 appointment of guardian ad litem 26.44.053 Banks
partial planning, resolution for 36.70A.040 Court-appointed special advocate program may act as guardians of estate of minors and
planned actions 26.12.175 mentally ill 11.36.010
state environmental policy act 43.21C.440 confidentiality 26.12.180 Bonds
planning goals 36.70A.020 ex parte communications 26.12.187 laws applicable to 11.88.110
playing fields, compliance 36.70A.171 fees 26.12.183 release of surety from bond, procedure
public participation 36.70A.035 release of information 26.12.185 19.72.110, 19.72.130
review and evaluation program 36.70A.215 Court-appointed special advocate programs, Claims against estate of incapacitated person
shoreline master programs 36.70A.480 duties of department of commerce guardians duty to pay 11.92.035
siting of essential public facilities 36.70A.200 43.330.135 presentation of claim 11.92.035
submittal phasing 36.70A.045 Dependent children Concealed or embezzled property
technical assistance, grants, and mediation custody proceedings 13.34.100 discovery proceedings 11.92.185
services 36.70A.190 duties, information access, and immunity Contracts for personal services of minor
watershed restoration projects, permit 13.34.105 26.28.050
processing 36.70A.460 fees 13.34.108 Contracts of incapacitated person
wetlands delineation 36.70A.175 Indian children 13.34.105 performance of 11.92.130
Development project review and permit registry 13.34.102 Costs against infant plaintiff
procedures Ch. 36.70B removal, cause 13.34.107 execution costs 4.84.140
Development projects training and selection 13.34.102 liability of guardian 4.84.140
review process 36.70A.470 Eminent domain proceedings Costs of litigation 4.84.140
Environmental permits appointment for minor or incapacitated person Death of incapacitated person
project review and permit procedures Ch. 8.25.270 administration of estate 11.88.150
36.70B Execution against for costs against infant Definitions 11.02.005
Environmental policy plaintiff 4.84.140 Department of social and health services client
decisions not subject to RCW 43.21C.030 Family court guardianship fees and compensation limits
43.21C.0301 authority to appoint, duties 26.12.175 11.92.180
Evergreen community ordinances 36.01.260 Incapacitated persons Dependent children
Forest practices 36.70A.570 appearance in civil action 4.08.060 eligible relatives appointed as guardians,
Growth management planning and appointment for civil actions 4.08.060 subsidy program for 74.13.062
environmental review fund, creation and use Liability for costs against infant plaintiffs guardianship separate from dependency
36.70A.490, 36.70A.500 4.84.140 guardianship, establishment of permanency
Growth strategies commission Mandatory use and certification, review of for children in foster care through Ch. 13.36
role of 36.70A.800 advisability and feasibility 2.56.150 guardianship subsidy, right of guardian to
Historic preservation Minors receive 13.34.234
national historic towns, designation appointment for civil actions 4.08.050 modification of order 13.34.233
36.70A.520 appointment for minor defendant 12.04.150 order establishing guardianship, contents
Impact fees Ch. 82.02 Registration of land titles, appointment for 13.34.232
Impact fees, See also IMPACT FEES minors 65.12.145 powers and duties of guardian 13.34.232
Inventory and collection of data relating to Registry and selection 26.12.177 review exemption 13.34.235
department of commerce duties 43.63A.550 Release of information 26.12.185 termination of guardianship 13.34.233
Land use decisions Training 26.12.177 when dependency guardianship is subject to
appeals and award of fees and costs 4.84.370 Trustees provisions of juvenile court act, exceptions,
Land use petitions, judicial review Ch. 36.70C accounting 11.106.060 options 13.34.237
Local infrastructure project areas GUARDIAN AND WARD (See also Disabilities, persons with, guardian for
transfer of development rights programs Ch. CHILDREN; PROBATE) competency as witness 5.60.030
39.108 Accounting habeas corpus writ granted to 7.36.020
Public works assistance account citation of surety on bond 11.92.056 partition proceedings
loans or pledges, eligibility 43.155.070 intermediate accounts, settlement of consent by 7.52.470
Targeted urban areas hearing and order 11.92.050 proceeds of sale received by 7.52.460
industrial/manufacturing facilities settlement of estate upon termination Education of ward
construction, property tax exemption for 11.92.053 compulsory school attendance law, duty to
Ch. 84.25 Action against minor defendant, appointment of comply with, See SCHOOLS AND
Transportation guardian in defense of 12.04.150 SCHOOL DISTRICTS, subtitle
regional transportation planning organizations Action by minor plaintiff, appointment of Compulsory attendance
allocation of funds 47.80.050 guardian to act for minor 12.04.140 Eminent domain proceedings
authorization, organizational requirements Action by minor plaintiff to be commenced by guardian ad litem, appointment for minor or
47.80.020 guardian, exceptions 12.04.140 incapacitated person 8.25.270
comprehensive plans, guidelines, and Actions and proceedings Exchange of estate property
principles 47.80.026 representation of incapacitated person brokers fees, payment of 11.92.125
duties 47.80.023 guardians powers and duties 11.92.060 Funds of incapacitated person
electric vehicle infrastructure 47.80.090 Adult guardianship and protective proceedings authorization for guardian to take actions
executive board membership 47.80.060 jurisdiction act, uniform Ch. 11.90 regarding 11.92.140
legislative findings and declaration Application and construction of chapter 117, Guardian
47.80.010 Laws of 1974 extraordinary session assets, access to and control over, submission
plan contents, review, and use 47.80.030 11.02.080 of affidavit to institution holding 11.92.096
state facilities and local plans, relationship Appointment of guardian attorneys fees, separate accounting for
47.80.011 hearing 11.88.040 compensation requested 11.92.180
transportation department duties 47.80.070 for incapacitated person 11.88.010 bond
transportation policy boards 47.80.040 jury trial, right to 11.88.045 citation of surety on bond 11.92.056
regional transportation planning requirements legal counsel for alleged incapacitated person bond requirements 11.88.100
majority vote on state matters 47.80.080 11.88.045 reduction in amount of bond 11.88.105

[RCW Indexpage 298] (2016 Ed.)


when bond not required 11.88.107 digital assets, fiduciary access to, uniform Motor vehicle financial responsibility law,
compensation and expenses, payment act Ch. 11.120 release by injured minor executed by
11.92.180 mental health advance directives Ch. 71.32 guardian, effect 46.29.120
complaint against and investigation, power of attorney, durable and nondurable Name, action for change of 4.24.130
procedures 11.88.120 uniform power of attorney act Ch. 11.125 Nomination of guardian by principal 11.88.010
contracts of incapacitated person probate, final report and petition for Nonresident as guardian 11.88.020
performance of 11.92.130 distribution, guardian ad litem or limited Nonresident incapacitated person
death of, procedure, delivery of estate to guardian 11.76.080 removal of property to another jurisdiction
successor 11.88.120 Incompetent persons, for 11.92.170
duties of 11.92.040, 11.92.043 competency as witness 5.60.030 Notices
fiduciary, guardian as habeas corpus writ granted to 7.36.020 special notice of proceedings
digital assets, fiduciary access to, uniform partition proceedings failure to file account or report, citation for
act Ch. 11.120 consent by 7.52.470 11.92.160
funds of incapacitated person proceeds of sale received by 7.52.460 request for 11.92.150
authorization for actions regarding Insurable interest of guardian in lives of certain Office of public guardianship Ch. 2.72
11.92.140 persons 48.18.030 Parent and child relationship
modification of guardianship or authority of Insurance, life, use of trust funds authorized guardianship, not required, when 74.20.310
guardian, pro se litigants seeking 11.100.120 Partition proceedings
guardianship courthouse facilitator program Intermediate accounts consent of guardian or limited guardian to
11.88.170 settlement of partition 7.52.470
modifying guardianship or authority of hearing and order 11.92.050 interest of guardian in purchase prohibited
guardian 11.88.120 Investment of funds 39.60.050 7.52.360
oath of 11.88.100 Investment of trust funds proceeds from sale of property of incompetent
powers and duties of 11.92.040, 11.92.043 application of chapter 11.100.050 person or person with disability 7.52.460
qualifications 11.88.020 authorized investments Ch. 11.100 sale of infants share, payment to guardian
real property, sale of buying or selling for self or affiliate prohibited 7.52.450
confirmation of sale 11.92.115 11.100.090 Personal care reports
order, contents 11.92.110 commercial accounts 11.100.037 settlement of
return and confirmation of sale 11.92.115 deviation from instrument, court permission hearing and order 11.92.050
removal of, procedure, delivery of estate to 11.100.040 Power of attorney
successor 11.88.120 duty to beneficiaries 11.100.045, 11.100.047 guardianships 11.94.010
removal of guardian, pro se litigants seeking eligible securities Ch. 11.100 uniform power of attorney act Ch. 11.125
guardianship courthouse facilitator program estate guardian funds are trust funds Principal
11.88.170 11.100.015 nomination of guardian by 11.88.010
representation of incapacitated person fiduciary may hold trust property, liability Probate
powers and duties 11.92.060 11.100.060 final report and petition for distribution,
sale, exchange, lease, or mortgage of property governed by this chapter 11.100.010 guardian ad litem or limited guardian
petition for, contents 11.92.100 instrument 11.76.080
powers and duties 11.92.090 authorized investment, defined 11.100.070 Proceedings
standby guardian, designation of 11.88.125 deviation upon court permission 11.100.040 special notice of
Guardian ad litem "legal investment", defined 11.100.070 failure to file account or report, citation for
investment trust or company securities, 11.92.160
appointment 11.88.090
authorized investment 11.100.035 request for 11.92.150
appointment by family court 26.09.220 jurisdiction of court 11.100.040
ex parte communications, prohibition Property of incapacitated person
liability 11.100.060
11.88.093 marital deduction interests 11.100.025 concealed or embezzled property
fees 11.88.097 new or untried enterprises 11.100.023 discovery proceedings 11.92.185
qualifications and duties 11.88.090 savings accounts real property, sale of
Guardian ad litem, See also GUARDIAN AD collateral security 11.100.030, 11.100.037 confirmation of sale 11.92.115
LITEM federally insured 11.100.030, 11.100.037 order, contents 11.92.110
Guardian or limited guardian authorized investment 11.100.030 return and confirmation of sale 11.92.115
as witness 5.60.030 securities issued by fiduciary removal of property of nonresident to another
Guardianship authorized investment 11.100.030 jurisdiction 11.92.170
guardianship courthouse facilitator program self-dealing prohibited 11.100.090 sale, exchange, lease, or mortgage of
11.88.170 Investments guardians powers and duties 11.92.090
office of public guardianship Ch. 2.72 housing authority bonds, legal investments petition for, contents 11.92.100
settlement of estate 35.82.220 Public assistance
liability of guardian 11.92.056 United States corporation bonds, legal recipients 74.08.280
settlement of estate upon termination investments 39.60.010 temporary assistance for needy families grant
11.92.053 Involuntary detention prohibited 11.92.190 74.12.250
termination of Jurors, challenge of, guardian and ward Qualifications of guardians 11.88.020
grounds, effect, procedure 11.88.140 relationship ground for implied bias Real property of incapacitated person
transfer of jurisdiction and venue 11.88.130 4.44.180 sale of
uniform adult guardianship and protective Juvenile court confirmation of sale 11.92.115
proceedings jurisdiction act Ch. 11.90 liability of guardian for support 13.34.161 order, contents 11.92.110
veterans 11.88.160 Lease of estate property return and confirmation of sale 11.92.115
veterans, See also VETERANS, subtitle brokers fees, allowance of 11.92.125 Residential placement, notice 11.92.190
Guardianship Life insurance, use of trust funds authorized Revenue, department of, duty to notify 11.88.115
Habeas corpus, granting of writ to guardian or 11.100.120 Sale, exchange, mortgage or lease of real estate,
limited guardian 7.36.020 Limitation of actions by ward against guardian, brokers fees 11.92.125
Incapacitated persons recovery of real estate sold by guardian Sale of estate property
appearance in civil actions 4.08.060 4.16.070 brokers fees, allowance of 11.92.125
appointment of guardian for 11.88.010 Limited guardian confirmation conclusive 11.92.120
death of granting of writ of habeas corpus 7.36.020 irregularities do not void sale 11.92.120
administration of estate 11.88.150 Limited guardianship 11.88.020, 11.88.110, Savings association, guardian may be member of
guardianship fees and costs, maximum 11.88.115 33.20.060
amount and rules 43.20B.460 Mental illness, See MENTAL ILLNESS School grounds, removal of child from during
letters of guardianship 11.88.127 Minors school hours 28A.605.010
professional guardian, definition 11.88.008 confession of judgments, who may confess School property, defacing or otherwise injuring,
voting, effect of guardianship on right to vote 4.60.020 penalty, parents liability 28A.635.060
11.88.010 Minors, transfers to Ch. 11.114 Schooling of ward, See GUARDIAN AND
Incapacitated persons, for Mortgage of estate property WARD, subtitle Education of ward
fiduciary, guardian as brokers fees, allowance of 11.92.125 Seduction, action for seduction of ward 4.24.020

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 299]


Service of summons on guardian, personal who may grant violation, gross misdemeanor 9A.46.080
service 4.28.080 generally 2.04.010, 7.36.040 Court order regarding defendant
Trust companies superior courts 2.08.010 enforcement 9A.46.070
may act as guardian of estate of minors and supreme court 2.04.010 no contact or no harassment order 9A.46.040,
mentally ill 11.36.010 HABITUAL CRIMINALS 9A.46.050
Trust funds, investment, See GUARDIAN AND Prevention of procreation as punishment violation, gross misdemeanor 9A.46.040
WARD, subtitle Investment of trust funds 9.92.100 Crimes included in harassment 9A.46.060
Trust funds, purchase of life insurance authorized Sentencing of 9.92.090 Criminal gang intimidation 9A.46.120
11.100.120 Defined, elements 9A.46.020
Vaccination of pupil in first class school district HABITUAL TRAFFIC OFFENDERS ACT Definitions 10.14.020
prohibited if against will of guardian (See MOTOR VEHICLES, subtitle Domestic violence
28A.330.100 Habitual traffic offenders act) foreign protection order full faith and credit
Venue for guardianship petitions 11.88.010 HAIR DESIGNERS (See act Ch. 26.52
Veteran estate management program COSMETOLOGISTS, HAIR Explosives or improvised devices, intimidation
claims against estate 73.04.135 DESIGNERS, BARBERS, with 70.74.275
criteria and authority of director of department MANICURISTS, AND ESTHETICIANS) Firearms
of veterans affairs 73.04.130 protection, no-contact, or restraining orders,
definitions 73.04.131 HAIRCUTTING (See COSMETOLOGISTS, unlawful possession by persons subject to
guardians, department employees prohibited HAIR DESIGNERS, BARBERS, 9.41.040
from serving as 73.04.140 MANICURISTS, AND ESTHETICIANS) surrender of firearm or license by persons
Veterans, See VETERANS, subtitle HANDICAPS, PERSONS WITH (See subject to protection, no-contact, or
Guardianship DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, restraining orders 9.41.800
Will or durable power of attorney PERSONS WITH; DISABILITIES, forms for surrender and receipt and
guardians nominated by 11.88.080 PERSONS WITH) nonsurrender 9.41.802, 9.41.804
GUARDIANSHIP (See GUARDIAN AND HANFORD In forma pauperis 10.14.060
WARD) Federal low-level radioactive waste policy Forms and brochures 10.14.050
amendments of 1985, implementation Hate crimes 9A.36.078
GUESTS Hearing 10.14.070, 10.14.080
Defined for purposes of inn keepers lien to be reset twenty-four days from date of entry
60.64.010 Hanford area economic investment fund
advisory committee membership and duties of order when respondent not personally
GUIDEPOSTS 43.31.425 served 10.14.085
Standards for, county roads 36.86.040 committee membership and duties 43.31.428 service by publication 10.14.085
established 43.31.422 issuance of order if respondent fails to appear
GUILTY (See CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, at hearing 10.14.105
subtitle Pleadings) Industrial insurance coverage for workers,
special agreements 51.04.130 Jurisdiction of district court, transfer to superior
GUN POWDER Livestock impounded on Hanford reservation, court allowed, conditions 10.14.150
Public nuisance, manufacturing as 7.48.140 disposition 43.23.220 Lasers
GUN SAFES (See FIREARMS) Low-level radioactive waste disposal facility unlawful discharge, penalties Ch. 9A.49
site closure and perpetual care 43.200.190 Legal representation or pro se appearance
GUNS (See FIREARMS) authorized 10.14.090
site use permit program
GUTTERS rule making for program 70.98.220 Legislative finding 9A.46.010
Cities and towns, construction, reconstruction site use permits Legislative finding and intent 10.14.010
and repair, generally Ch. 35.68 transferring program from ecology to Liability of peace officer limited 9A.46.090
GYMNASIUMS department of health 43.200.907 Malicious
Cities and towns, authority for local site use permits and user permit system civil action, actual and punitive damages
improvement 35.43.040 70.98.085 9A.36.083
surveillance fee 70.98.085 information repository
Health studies, regulation Ch. 19.142
Mixed radioactive and hazardous waste Ch. reporting and dissemination 36.28A.030
HABEAS CORPUS law enforcement training in identification,
Application, affidavits, petitions, warrants Ch. 70.105E
Nuclear waste site disapproval election Ch. response, and reporting 43.101.290
7.36 legislative finding 9A.36.078
Commitment, in relation to habeas corpus 29A.88
Nuclear waste site repository siting 43.205.010, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin,
limitation on discharge from 7.36.130 gender, sexual orientation, mental,
order of 7.36.130, 7.36.150 43.205.020
Repository siting 43.205.010, 43.205.020 physical, or sensory disability 9A.36.080
temporary commitment authorized 7.36.240 Orders, generally
In forma pauperis, prosecuting writ of habeas Reservation lease
promotion of sublease for nuclear-related judicial information system, consulting by
corpus after filing affidavit of 7.36.250 court 10.14.065
Generally Ch. 7.36 industry
department of commerce duties 43.31.205 Penalties 9A.46.020, 10.14.170
Granting of writ to certain persons acting for respondent must know of order before being
infants, incompetent persons, and persons Tank waste treatment, property tax exemption
84.36.590 subjected to penalties 10.14.115
with disabilities 7.36.020 Petition for relief 10.14.040
Ne exeat, habeas corpus available to defendant Waste disposal surcharges and penalty
surcharges Protection, order of
7.44.050 domestic violence prevention 10.14.200
Notices, person interested in prisoner, to governor may assess, disposition of revenues
43.200.170 enforceability 10.14.110
7.36.160 ex parte temporary 10.14.080
Process and service Ch. 7.36 HARASSMENT (See also RESTRAINING free speech protections 10.14.080
Public officers and employees, immunity to civil ORDERS) master petition pattern form for
liability for obeying writ or order 7.36.180 Animal facilities antiharassment and stalking protection
Suspension of writ of habeas corpus injunctive relief to prevent harassment or orders 10.14.800
martial law, during 38.08.030 occurrence of tort 4.24.580 modification 10.14.180
Writs of habeas corpus Arraignment 9A.46.050 nonresident individuals, personal jurisdiction
generally Ch. 7.36 Arrest without warrant 10.31.100 of court of the state over 10.14.155
holidays, legal, issuance of writs on 2.08.010, Computer entry and expungement of orders by notice of issuance to law enforcement agency
2.28.100 law enforcement agencies 10.14.110 10.14.110
nonjudicial days, issuance and service on Constitutional rights, effect on 10.14.190 permanent 10.14.080
2.08.010 Contact, conduct 10.14.030 petition 10.14.040
return of wit Conviction protection order commissioners, appointment
generally 7.36.100 when deemed to have occurred 9A.46.100 of 10.14.045
return of writ Course of conduct 10.14.030 renewal 10.14.080
generally 7.36.090, 7.36.110 Court costs and attorneys fees service by publication
before whom 2.04.010 respondent may be required to pay 10.14.090 issuance of order if respondent fails to appear
Sunday, emergency writ or process issuance Court order regarding convicted defendant at hearing 10.14.105
and service on, authorization 7.36.230 copy provided to victim 9A.46.080 service of order 10.14.100

[RCW Indexpage 300] (2016 Ed.)


service of order by publication 10.14.100 HAY (See also FEED) orders requiring compliance, issuance, appeal,
violation 10.14.170 Agriculture, department of etc. 70.105.095
violation, court appearance after 10.14.210 powers and duties 43.23.110 PCB waste 70.105.105
violation, penalties 10.14.120 Dealers or merchants purpose, comprehensive statewide control
investigating officers duty to ascertain vehicle weight certification required framework 70.105.007
whether respondent knew of order and to 20.01.125 receiving criteria 70.105.070
serve order 10.14.115 failure to obtain 20.01.125 social and health services, department of,
respondent must know of order before being Transporting of authority 70.105.111
subjected to penalties 10.14.115 vehicles may be stopped 20.01.610 solid wastes conditionally exempt from
Remedies, other 10.14.140 HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS chapter 70.105.035
Restraining orders Speed limits, lower required due to 46.61.400 violations
issuance of order in dissolution decree, civil penalty 70.105.080
procedure 26.09.050, 26.09.060 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS criminal penalties 70.105.085
School districts Agricultural workers criminal penalty 70.105.090
information and training on hazardous Hazardous waste generators and users
sexual harassment policies 28A.640.020 chemicals 49.70.115
Scope of order, inapplicable actions 10.14.130 multimedia permit pilot program 70.95C.250
Bisphenol A voluntary reduction plan 70.95C.200,
Service of process 10.14.070, 10.14.080 restrictions on manufacture and sale of
fees, exemption 10.14.055 70.95E.030
containers containing Ch. 70.280 appeal of department order or surcharge
service by publication 10.14.085 Brake friction material
issuance of order if respondent fails to appear 70.95C.230
restrictions on manufacture and sale of certain exemption from preparing, petition for
at hearing 10.14.105 material Ch. 70.285
payment of costs 10.14.125 70.95C.210
Consumer products 49.70.210 public inspections of plans, summaries, and
Stalking 9A.46.110 Contaminated properties
Telephone calls 9.61.230 progress reports 70.95C.240
decontamination, disposal, or demolition of review of plan, executive summary, or
Time of conviction, acceptance of plea or filing certification, conditions 64.44.060
of verdict 9A.46.100 progress report by department of ecology
city or county action, options 64.44.040 70.95C.220
Victim decontamination by owner 64.44.050
inform of final disposition 9A.46.080 Hazardous waste management
definitions 64.44.010 conflict related to site, department to assist in
provide copy of final court order 9A.46.080 immunity from civil liability 64.44.080
Where action may be brought 10.14.160 resolution 70.105.260
local health officer, duties 64.44.020 local government authority to prohibit or
Where deemed to have been committed report to local health officer 64.44.020
9A.46.030 condition acceptance 70.105.217
rules and standards 64.44.070
local governments
HARASSMENTCIVIL PROCEEDING unfit for use order, issuance procedure
64.44.030 coordination with private facilities
(See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE) 70.105.220
Drug manufacturing facilities, cleanup 69.50.511
HARBOR AREAS (See also PUBLIC Emergency response commission grants available 70.105.235
LANDS, subtitle Aquatic lands; planning committees, immunity 4.24.480 pollution control hearings board to hear
WATERCOURSES AND Fire protection, operators to provide annual disputes 70.105.250
WATERWAYS) reports to fire department 70.105.135 preparation of local plans 70.105.220
Acquisition and operation, See PORT Hazardous household substances 70.102.010 technical assistance from department
DISTRICTS local plans 70.105.220 70.105.255
Cities and towns pilot projects, grants 70.105.235 local governments to
leases in, assessment 35.44.150 Hazardous liquid and gas pipeline accidents designate zones 70.105.225, 70.105.230
lying in two or more counties, transfer of first responders, preparedness 43.44.130 metals mining and milling operations, permits
territory Ch. 36.08 Hazardous materials response teams and inspections 70.105.300
Harbor lines, See also PUBLIC LANDS, subtitle fire protection districts may participate notice of intent to file application for facility
Aquatic lands 52.12.140 70.105.245
Improvement, See RIVER AND HARBOR Hazardous substance information and education oil, used and contaminated with
IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS office polychlorinated biphenyl
Lease of definitions 70.102.010 petition for reimbursement of extraordinary
cities and towns, assessment 35.44.150 generally, duties 70.102.020 costs 43.21A.711
Port districts, See PORT DISTRICTS Hazardous substance pollution tax Ch. 82.21 plan
Public landsaquatic lands Hazardous waste cleanup components 70.105.200
beds of navigable waters Ch. 79.130 standards of liability 70.105D.040 criteria for facilities siting 70.105.210
easements and rights of way Ch. 79.110 Hazardous waste disposal plan preparation requirements contingent on
generally Ch. 79.105 action for damages resulting from violations funding 70.105.270
harbor areas Ch. 79.115 attorney fees 70.105.097 radioactive mixed waste account 70.105.310
oysters, geoducks, shellfish, and other attorney general service charges, assessment by department of
aquacultural uses, and marine aquatic enforcement, legal actions, authorized ecology 70.105.280
plants Ch. 79.135 70.105.120 state preemption 70.105.240
tidelands and shorelands Ch. 79.125 definitions 70.105.010 Household waste reduction and recycling
waterways and streets Ch. 79.120 department authority to regulate all wastes 70.95.600
Public nuisances concerning 7.48.140 70.105.109 Incidents
Regulation and control, See PORT DISTRICTS disposal sites 70.105.070 clean up, responsibility for 4.24.314
River and harbor improvements, planning and acquisition authority 70.105.040 definitions 70.136.020
funding Ch. 88.32 fee schedule, establishment 70.105.040 emergency aid
energy facilities 70.105.110 good faith rendering
HARDWOODS COMMISSION environmental excellence program immunity from liability 70.136.050
Assessments 15.74.060, 15.74.070 agreements, effect 70.105.025 emergency assistance agreements
Authority 15.74.020 extremely hazardous waste rules and verbal, notification, form 70.136.070
Financial requirements 15.74.040 standards 70.105.020 written, terms and conditions, records
Management and operation 15.74.030 federal law implementation 70.136.060
Membership 15.74.010 rules, legislative review 70.105.140 extraordinary costs
Obligations, liabilities, and claims 15.74.050 state agency designation, powers 70.105.130 liability of person other than operating
HATCHERIES hazardous substance remedial action employees of a transportation company
Blasting explosives near, restrictions 70.74.250 procedural requirements of chapter not 4.24.314
applicable 70.105.116 incident command agencies
HATE CRIMES (See HARASSMENT, incineration facilitiesAsh assistance from state patrol 70.136.035
subtitle Malicious) waste disposal authority 70.105.112 designation 70.136.030
HAWKERS (See also PEDDLERS) list of waste for disposal, requirements emergency assistance agreements
Licenses 70.105.030 70.136.040
counties 36.71.070, 36.71.080 off-site disposal 70.105.050 legislative finding 70.136.010

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 301]


liability index to contingency plans and equipment voluntary reduction plan fees 70.95E.030
extraordinary costs 4.24.314 90.56.250 Wheel weights, lead, replacement of Ch. 70.270
planning committees, immunity 4.24.480 notification of discharge 90.56.280 Worker and community right to know
Incineration facilitiesAsh oil removal, duty 90.56.340 civil actions authorized 49.70.150
application of chapter to existing incinerators operation standards 90.56.220 compliance with chapter, fines 49.70.190
70.138.900 operations manuals 90.56.230 consumer products 49.70.210
civil penalties 70.138.040 practice drills and adequacy of plans definitions 49.70.020
criminal penalties 70.138.070 90.56.260 discharge or discipline of employee prohibited
definitions 70.138.020 prevention plans 90.56.200 49.70.110
disposal permits 70.138.030 unlawful operation, penalties 90.56.300, discrimination statutes apply 49.70.110
enforcement, injunctive relief 70.138.060 90.56.310, 90.56.320, 90.56.330 educational brochures and public service
legislative findings 70.138.010 powers and duties of ecology department announcements 49.70.140
management plans 70.138.030 90.56.030 foreign language translations of written
special ash railroad companies transporting crude oil materials 49.70.105
waste disposal authority 70.105.112 ability to pay damages in case of spill industrial safety and health act applies
violations, compliance orders 70.138.050 81.04.560 49.70.180
Lead private railroad crossings, safety standards information requests, employer
wheel weights, replacement of Ch. 70.270 81.53.430 confidentiality 49.70.160
Lead-based paint activities program Ch. 70.103 response by emergency responders injunctive relief 49.70.190
Low-level radioactive waste grants for response and firefighting legislative findings 49.70.010
tax imposed 82.04.260, 82.04.440 equipment and resources 43.21A.721 trade secret exemptions 49.70.165
waste generator fees 43.200.230 rule-making authority 90.56.050 workplace survey request 49.70.100
waste generator surcharge spill removal or dispersal Worker and community right to know fund
disposal 43.200.235 ecology department duties 90.56.350 assessments 49.70.170
remittal to counties 43.200.233 liability 90.56.360, 90.56.370, 90.56.380, disbursements 49.70.175
Low-level radioactive waste disposal sites 90.56.390 penalties 49.70.177
rate setting Ch. 81.108 recovery of expenses 90.56.400
Mercury statewide master contingency plan 90.56.060 HAZARDOUS WASTE CLEANUP (See also
mercury-containing light recycling program wildlife rehabilitation 90.56.110 SUPERFUND)
Ch. 70.275 wildlife rescue coalition 90.56.100 Air pollution control
reduction and education Ch. 70.95M Taxation remedial action, procedural requirements of
Metals in packaging, limitations and certificate low-level radioactive waste tax imposed chapter not applicable 70.94.335
of compliance Ch. 70.95G 82.04.260, 82.04.440 Brownfield redevelopment
Metals mining and milling operations, regulation pollution tax Ch. 82.21 brownfield renewal authority, establishment
Ch. 78.56 Toxic fumes, unlawful inhalation of by resolution 70.105D.160
Nuclear waste site repository siting 43.205.010, possession, inducement, and sale Ch. 9.47A redevelopment opportunity zones, designation
43.205.020 Trade secret exemptions regarding hazardous by city or county 70.105D.150
Pollution tax imposed Ch. 82.21 substances 49.70.165 trust fund account 70.105D.140
Polychlorinated biphenyl Transportation of 46.48.170, 46.48.175 Cleanup settlement account 70.105D.130
oil, used and contaminated bulk oil and other hazardous materials Consent orders and decrees in effect March 1,
petition for reimbursement of extraordinary crude oil, railroad companies transporting, 1989, remain valid and binding
costs 43.21A.711 ability to pay damages 81.04.560 when available 70.105D.915
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) geographic response plans, reporting Definitions 70.105D.020
preference in state purchasing for products not requirements 90.56.569 Ecology, department of
containing PCBs 39.26.280, 39.26.290 private railroad crossings, safety standards competitive grant or loan program,
Product liability/hazardous substance claims 81.53.430 department administration 70.105D.170
confidentiality 4.24.611 railroad companies, inspection of, when powers and duties 70.105D.030
damages and costs 4.24.611 81.44.170 Enforcement actions 70.105D.050
public right to information 4.24.611 state emergency response commission duties Environmental legacy stewardship account
Product substitution list 38.52.040 grants or loans through competitive program
general administration department to develop commercial drivers license endorsement 70.105D.170
43.19A.070 46.25.070, 46.25.085 Fees
Public hazards disclosure 4.24.601 crude oil, facilities receiving from railroad car revision to provide waste reduction and
Remedial actions advance notice system 90.56.565 recycling incentive 70.105A.035
shoreline management permits, variances, equipment, oil spill response Grants to local governments 70.105D.100
letters of exemption, etc. planning standards 90.56.570 Hazardous waste disposal
requirement inapplicability, when incident clean up, responsibility 4.24.314 hazardous substance remedial action
90.58.355, 90.58.356 inspection of motor carriers 46.48.185 procedural requirements of chapter not
water pollution control procedural placarded cargo applicable 70.105.116
requirements not applicable 90.48.039 prohibited, when 47.48.050 Liability, standards of 70.105D.040
Repository siting 43.205.010, 43.205.020 notice 47.01.270 Lien authority 70.105D.055
Solid waste management comprehensive plan, Treatment facilities Mixed radioactive and hazardous waste Ch.
counties need not address 70.95.080 permits, rules 70.105.215 70.105E
Spills, oil and hazardous substances Underground storage tanks, requirements Ch. Private right of action 70.105D.080
definitions 90.56.010 90.76 Puget Sound partners 70.105D.120
ecology directors responsibilities 90.56.020 Underground utilities, location, damage Ch. Release of hazardous substances 70.105D.110
equipment, oil spill response 19.122 Remedial actions
planning standards 90.56.570 Use reduction costs, recovery 70.105D.080
facilities receiving crude oil from railroad car consultation program 70.95C.040 exemption from procedural requirements of
advance notice system 90.56.565 definitions 70.95C.020 various cleanup statutes 70.105D.090
findings, purpose 90.56.005 legislative findings 70.95C.010 Remedial actions, integration of procedures and
geographic response plans office of waste reduction duties 70.95C.030 documents with state environmental policy
reports to senate and house of representatives Waste fees 43.21C.036
90.56.569 definitions 70.95E.010 Review of decisions of department of ecology
incident response training and education enforcement and collection 70.95E.050 70.105D.060
program 90.56.080 exclusions from chapter 70.95E.100 Settlement authority of attorney general
investigation 90.56.400, 90.56.410 fee schedule, adjustment of fees 70.95E.040 70.105D.040
model contingency plan 38.52.420 generation fee 70.95E.020 Solid waste management
onshore and offshore facilities hazardous waste assistance account remedial actions, procedural requirements of
cleanup and containment services 70.95E.080 chapter not applicable 70.95.270
contractors, standards 90.56.240 technical assistance and compliance education Standard of liability 70.105D.040
contingency plans 90.56.210 70.95E.090 Superior court review of decisions of department
enforcement of contingency plans 90.56.270 grants to local governments 70.95E.090 of ecology 70.105D.060

[RCW Indexpage 302] (2016 Ed.)


Toxics control accounts, state and local Children, expectant mothers, developmental planning and service regions
70.105D.070 disabilities, care and placement, health designation 70.168.110
HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL (See protection duties 74.15.060 prehospital trauma care providers
ECOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF, Chiropractic Ch. 18.25 verification of compliance with standards,
subtitle Hazardous waste disposal) Chronic care providers granting of variance 70.168.080
training and technical assistance 43.70.533 rulemaking authority 70.168.050
HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT Civil fines trauma care providers
(See ECOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF, appeal 43.70.095 designation of 70.168.070
subtitle Hazardous waste management) due date 43.70.095 Emergency or disaster assistance
HEAD INJURIES notice 43.70.095 volunteers, health care professionals
Prevention Civil service exempt positions 41.06.074 43.70.680
driver information 43.70.420 Combined city-county health departments Emergency service medical personnel,
helmet removal, training of emergency assumption of powers and duties of department duties and powers 18.71.212,
medical personnel required 43.70.430 department of social and health services 18.71.213
legislative findings 43.70.400 under chapter 70.08.005 Enforcement authority 43.70.097
program 43.70.410 Contaminated properties Environmental health and protection services
training and education guidelines, preparation decontamination, disposal, or demolition of transfer of powers and duties of department of
and distribution of 43.70.430 certification, conditions 64.44.060 social and health services 43.70.080
evaluation/inspection of projects 64.44.075 Extension program
HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF immunity from civil liability 64.44.080
Abortion evidence-based tools and resources,
technical assistance and decontamination dissemination of
duties 9.02.005 guidelines, duties 64.44.070
Acupuncturists, See EAST ASIAN MEDICINE department establishment and rule making
Controlled substances therapeutic research 43.70.725
PRACTITIONERS program Ch. 69.51
Adjudicative proceedings Fall prevention program 43.70.705
Cost-reimbursement agreements 43.70.630 Farmers market nutrition program
decision-making authority, initial, delegating Counselors, department duties Ch. 18.19, Ch.
of 43.70.740 women, infants, and children 43.70.700
18.225 Federal programs
Adoptions County public health assistance
birth certificate, availability of noncertified authority to adopt necessary rules and
transfer of duties from department of regulations to entitle state to participate in
copy 26.33.345 commerce to department 43.330.905
statistical data, completion and filing of data 43.70.120
Created 43.17.010, 43.70.020 construction of statutes to conform with
card 26.33.300 Data collection and assessment
Animals federal requirements favored 43.70.120
standards 43.70.054 Fees
control of pets infected with diseases Definitions 43.70.010
communicable to humans, powers and authorized 43.20B.020
Dental hygienists Ch. 18.29 licenses
duties Ch. 16.70 Dentistry Ch. 18.32
Applied behavior analysis advisory committee exemptions 43.20B.110
Denturists Ch. 18.30 Felonies, guilty plea or conviction
18.380.040 Diabetes, incidence of, reducing
Applied behavior analysis and licensed behavior information to department of health 43.43.825
agency goals, benchmarks, plans, reports Ch. Food, drug, and cosmetic act, department powers
analyst 70.330
licensing, certification, and regulation, and duties Ch. 69.04
Dietitians and nutritionists, certification Ch.
secretarys authority 18.380.040 18.138 Funds expended in counties, authorization
Assumption of powers and duties of department Domestic violence 70.12.015
of social and health services under chapter education program for health care Genetic counselors
70.54.005 professionals 43.70.610 department duties Ch. 18.290
Asthma, state plan 43.70.690 Down syndrome, resources regarding Head injury prevention
Audiologists Ch. 18.35 development by department 43.70.738 driver information 43.70.420
Biomedical waste Drug-affected and alcohol-affected mothers and helmet removal, training of emergency
waste treatment technologies evaluation infants medical personnel required 43.70.430
70.95K.020 comprehensive services legislative findings 43.70.400
Biotoxin account 77.32.555 development and expansion of 13.34.390 program 43.70.410
Birthing centers, licensing and regulation Ch. Drug-affected babies, prenatal newborn training and education guidelines, preparation
18.46 screening Ch. 70.83E and distribution of 43.70.430
Bone marrow donor recruitment and education Drugs Health care data
program 70.54.280, 70.54.290, 70.54.300 controlled substances, uniform act, collection, storage, assessment, and review
Bottled water department powers and duties Ch. 69.50 duties 43.70.050
contaminant in source water legend drugs Ch. 69.41 Health care entities
reporting requirements 70.119A.140 precursor drugs Ch. 69.43 license and requirements for legend drug and
Breast and cervical cancer screening program, prescription drugs Ch. 69.41 controlled substance purchase or use,
early detection prescription drugs redistribution program, exception 18.64.450, 18.64.460, 18.64.470
medical advisory committee 43.70.665 form for, development by department Health care facilities
Breast feeding, workplace policies 43.70.640 69.70.060 certification 43.70.125
Cancer registry, statewide program samples Ch. 69.45 Health care practitioners
authorized 70.54.230 East Asian medicine practitioners Ch. 18.06 practice indicators and risk management
confidentiality of data obtained 70.54.250 Ecology, department of protocols, development and evaluation
immunity from liability for providing required cooperation with 43.70.310 duties 43.70.500
information 70.54.260 Electrology and tattooing Health care quality assurance and improvement
reporting requirements 70.54.240 rules, sterilization 70.54.340 program
rule-making authority 70.54.270 Electrology and tattooing, See also BODY ART, feasibility study, requirements 43.70.064,
Charity care BODY PIERCING, AND TATTOOING; 43.70.066
definitions 70.170.020 ELECTROLOGY AND TATTOOING interagency cooperation for review of rules
legislative intent 70.170.010 Emergency medical services, department powers and programs 43.70.068
monitoring and reporting duties 70.170.060 and duties Ch. 18.73 Health care resources
rule-making authority 70.170.060 Emergency medical services and trauma care appropriate and cost-effective use, promotion,
violations, penalty assessment 70.170.070 system departmental duties 43.70.060
Chemical dependency professionals cardiac and stroke care system, emergency Health care services coordinated quality
certification Ch. 18.205 70.168.150, 70.168.160 improvement program 43.70.510
Chemically related illness councils Health consumer assistance office
centers for research and clinical assessment regional creation and duties 43.70.230
51.32.360 creation 70.168.120 Health insurance
Children disbursement of funds to 70.168.130 mandated benefits Ch. 48.47
product safety education 43.70.660 data registry, statewide 70.168.090 Health planning
universal vaccine purchase account 43.70.720 duties, timelines 70.168.060 authority 70.38.135

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 303]


certificate of need assumption of powers and duties of reduction and education Ch. 70.95M
amendment 70.38.115 department of social and health services Midwifery, licensing and regulation Ch. 18.50
authority 70.38.105 under chapter 70.41.005 Midwives
exemptions 70.38.111 patient well-being, duty to investigate access to services
issuance, review criteria 70.38.115 complaints 70.41.155 statewide plan 70.180.120
savings clause, 1980 act 70.38.156 sale or acquisition of nonprofit hospitals, Mill tailings
savings clause, 1983 act 70.38.157 duties Ch. 70.45 amounts owed state, collection 70.121.140,
savings clause, 1989 act 70.38.158 standards and rules 70.41.030 70.121.150
injunctive relief, authority 70.38.125 Hospitals, See also HOSPITALS bonds 70.121.100, 70.121.110, 70.121.120,
Health planning, See HEALTH PLANNING Immunization program for school children and 70.121.130
AND RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT day cares 28A.210.060, 28A.210.070, facilities operations and decommissioning
Health professions 28A.210.080, 28A.210.090, 28A.210.100, 70.121.040
department duties 43.70.620 28A.210.110, 28A.210.120, 28A.210.140, license 70.121.030
discipline 28A.210.160, 28A.210.170 on-site inspections and monitoring 70.121.090
Immunizations, childhood perpetual care 70.121.050, 70.121.060,
secretary of health, ex officio member of
expecting parents, information for, 70.121.070, 70.121.080
each board 43.70.300
department role 43.70.526 Mosquito control
licensing Indian health care delivery plan 43.70.590
armed forces and merchant marine, license assumption of powers and duties of
Indian health data department of social and health services
remains valid while member, renewal statistics information system 43.70.052
upon discharge 43.70.270 under chapter 70.22.005
Jails Mosquito control, duties regarding 70.22.020,
examinations, appointment of temporary medications and medication assistance for
members to licensing boards and 70.22.030, 70.22.040, 70.22.050, 70.22.060
inmates Multicultural health awareness and education
committees for administration and review by health department of medication
grading of 43.70.260 program 43.70.615
practices of jails using nonpractitioner jail Naturopathy Ch. 18.36A
extension or modification of duration of personnel 43.70.710
license, certificate, or registration Nurses, licensing and regulation Ch. 18.79
Licenses Nursing assistants, registration and certification
43.70.280 denial of application 43.70.115
fees 43.70.250 Ch. 18.88A
fees, costs, other charges 43.20B.110, Nursing home administrators, licensing and
health professions account, deposit of fees 43.70.110
and penalties 43.70.320 regulation Ch. 18.52
modification 43.70.115 Nursing pools, registration duties of department
issuance, renewal, or reissuance, procedures revocation 43.70.115
43.70.280 Ch. 18.52C
suspension 43.70.115 Nursing technicians
secretary of health, ex officio member of suspension for noncompliance with support
each board 43.70.300 investigations of complaints against 70.41.370
order 43.70.115 Oaths
transfer of powers and duties from Licensing, director and department of
department of licensing 43.70.220 secretarys authority to administer 43.70.090
references construed to be to the secretary and Occupational therapy, licensing and regulation
written operating agreements 43.70.240 department of health in regard to
uniform administrative provisions Ch. 18.122 Ch. 18.59
transferred functions 43.70.901 Ocularists, licensing and regulation Ch. 18.55
uniform disciplinary act Ch. 18.130 Licensing and certification services of
Health related studies Offices
department of social and health services
special studies or analysis, liability for costs transfer of powers and duties 43.70.080 branch offices 43.17.050
70.170.050 Local health officer state capital, office maintained at 43.17.050
Health services annual conference 43.70.140 Online access to health care resources 43.70.112
evaluation and analysis of outcomes and enforcement of laws and rules, authority of Opticians, dispensing Ch. 18.34
effectiveness, departmental duties secretary to institute legal proceedings at Optometry and optometrists, licensing and
43.70.070 request of 43.70.200 regulation Ch. 18.53
Hearing aid specialists Ch. 18.35 Long-term care workers Ch. 18.88B Optometry board Ch. 18.54
Marriage licenses Organization 43.70.020
Hearing and speech services Ch. 18.35
out-of-state requirements, compliance, fee Orthotic and prosthetic services Ch. 18.200
Hearing tests for pupils in school 28A.210.020, Osteopathic medicine and surgery, licensing and
28A.210.030, 28A.210.040 schedule 70.58.380
Massage practitioners [therapists], licensing and regulation Ch. 18.57
Heart disease, critical congenital screening Osteopathic physicians assistants Ch. 18.57A
infants born in a hospital 70.83.090 regulation Ch. 18.108
Medical assistants Pandemic influenza preparedness Ch. 70.26
HIV Paramedics
insurance program 43.70.670 certification, registration, and regulation Ch.
18.360 certification 18.71.205
test results, disclosure 70.24.107, 70.24.450 Parent and child health services
Hospital and medical facilities survey and Medical facilities
adverse health events and incident reporting transfer of powers and duties of department of
construction social and health services 43.70.080
assumption of powers and duties of system Ch. 70.56
Medical malpractice Personal health and protection programs
department of social and health services transfer of powers and duties of department of
under chapter 70.40.005 health care services coordinated quality
improvement program to identify and social and health services 43.70.080
Hospital commission Pesticide poisoning cases
prevent 43.70.510
all references to hospital commission to be investigation of reports 70.104.055
construed as to secretary or department of Medical test sites
confidentiality of information obtained by medical education program 70.104.057
health 43.70.902 Pesticides, health hazards
department 70.42.210
Hospital data collection and reporting licenses investigation of human exposure to pesticides
confidentiality requirements 70.170.090 sites operating without, power of department 70.104.050
definitions 70.170.020 to seek injunctive or other relief 70.42.180 "pesticide," defined 70.104.020
financial and patient discharge information, waiver of requirement 70.42.030 pesticide emergencies, authority of
department duties 43.70.052 on-site reviews, powers and duties relating to department of agriculture not infringed
legislative intent 70.170.010 70.42.170 upon 70.104.040
violations, penalty assessment 70.170.070 proficiency testing program powers and duties of department of health
Hospitals rule-making authority 70.42.070 70.104.030
complaint toll-free telephone number quality control, quality assurance, technical assistance, consultations and
70.41.330 recordkeeping, and personnel standards services to physicians and agencies
disclosure of information 70.41.150 rule-making authority 70.42.060 authorized 70.104.060
enforcement of rules 70.41.040 rule-making authority 70.42.220 Pharmacies
infections, health care-associated 43.70.056, test site supervisor, requirements licensed nonresident pharmacies, request for
43.70.323 rule-making authority 70.42.080 proof of current licensure authorized
inspection, exemption 70.41.122 testing not covered by license, permission of 48.20.530
inspection, final report 70.41.120 department required 70.42.050 Pharmacies and pharmacists, licensing and
licenses Mercury regulation Ch. 18.64

[RCW Indexpage 304] (2016 Ed.)


Pharmacy ancillary personnel, certification and voluntary chemical testing program to obtain rule-making authority 70.175.040
regulation Ch. 18.64A area-wide waivers 70.119A.115 Rural training opportunities for health care
Phenylketonuria and other heritable or metabolic Radio frequency exposure, survey of literature on professionals
disorders health effects 43.70.600 plan development 70.180.110
newborn infant screening, including reporting Radioactive waste regulation Sanitation advice to local authority 70.54.040
and regulating of Ch. 70.83 financial assurance requirements School sealant endorsement program 43.70.650
Physical therapists, licensing and regulation Ch. rulemaking authority 70.98.098 Seafood safety
18.74 low-level disposal facility at Hanford authority of department 43.70.185
Physician assistants, licensing and regulation Ch. site use permit program, transfer from Secretary
18.71A ecology to department 43.200.907 appointment 43.17.020
Physicians site use permits and user permit system chief assistant director 43.17.040
retired providers providing free care to low- 70.98.085 director of state radiation control agency, as
income persons, provision of malpractice surveillance fee 70.98.085 70.98.050
insurance for 43.70.460 Radiologic technologists, duties of department health protection of children, expectant
conditions for participation 43.70.470 regarding registration or certification Ch. mothers, developmental disabilities,
Physicians, licensing and regulation Ch. 18.71 18.84 secretarys duties 74.15.060
Physicians, regulation of professional services Radionuclides emissions, enforcement powers oath 43.17.030
70.41.180 70.94.422 public water supply system operators,
Podiatric medicine and surgery, department Reclaimed water use, department duties Ch. authority 70.119.120
regulatory authority and duties Ch. 18.22 90.46 vacancy 43.17.040
Poison information center, department References to director and department of Secretary of health 43.70.030
responsibility for services Ch. 18.76 licensing to be construed as to secretary and adjudicative proceeding initial decision-
Powers and duties department of health in regard to transferred making authority, delegation by sectary
transfer of enumerated powers and duties from functions 43.70.901 43.70.740
department of social and health services References to hospital commission to be annual conference of health officers 43.70.140
43.70.080 construed as to secretary or department of enforcement of public health laws and rules,
Practice indicators and risk management health 43.70.902 authority to institute legal proceedings at
protocols, development and evaluation References to the secretary and department of request of local health officer 43.70.200
duties 43.70.500 social and health services to be construed as ex officio member of all licensure and
Prayer, right to rely on prayer to relieve ailments to the secretary and department of health in disciplinary boards within departments
not abridged 43.70.210 regard to functions transferred 43.70.900 jurisdiction 43.70.300
Prosecution of violations Regulatory authority powers and duties 43.70.130
duty of assistant attorney generals, licenses, fees powers and rule-making authority 43.70.040
prosecuting attorneys, and city attorneys exemptions 43.20B.110 public water systems
43.70.100 Reports, contagious diseases 70.05.110 receivership actions brought by secretary
notice to persons against whom proceeding is Research 43.70.195
contemplated, requirements 43.70.100 release of confidential records suicide assessment, treatment, and
Psychologists, licensing and regulation Ch. 18.83 procedure 42.48.010, 42.48.020, 42.48.030, management training, study of, reporting
Public health 42.48.040, 42.48.050, 42.48.060 concerning 43.70.443
enforcement of laws and rules, authority to Respiratory care practitioners, licensure Ch. suicide prevention, Washington plan for,
institute legal proceedings at request of 18.89 development of 43.70.444
local health officer 43.70.200 Restrooms in retail establishments traffic safety commission, member of
laboratory 43.70.080 access for customers with certain medical 43.59.030
required measurable outcomes 43.70.512, conditions violations of public health laws, authority to
43.70.514, 43.70.516 standard electronic form, department seek injunction or institute legal
services improvement plan 43.70.520, development of 70.54.400 proceedings 43.70.190
43.70.522, 43.70.550, 43.70.555, Risk management protocols and practice vital statistics, registration duties 43.70.150
43.70.575, 43.70.580 indicators, development and evaluation Sex offender therapists, certification
threats to duties 43.70.500 requirements and department powers and
investigative powers of department Rules 43.17.060 duties Ch. 18.155
43.70.170 five-year formal process of reviewing existing Sexual assault victims
order prohibiting sale or disposition of food rules 43.70.041 emergency care and contraception 70.41.350,
or other items, authority to issue Rules compliance 70.41.360
43.70.180 technical assistance program Ch. 43.05 Sexually transmitted diseases
violations, authority to seek injunction or Rural and underserved areas assumption of powers and duties of
institute legal proceedings 43.70.190 health care professional recruitment and department and secretary of social and
Public health funds retention health services and of department of
supplemental account 43.70.327 community contracted student educational licensing under chapter 70.24.005
Public water systems positions 70.185.090 syphilis laboratory tests 70.24.090, 70.24.100
chlorine residuals, measuring 70.119A.200 health care professionals recruitment and venipuncture, case workers authorized to
efficiency requirements 70.119A.180 retention Ch. 70.185 perform 70.24.120
failed systems area health education centers 70.185.100 Shellfish sanitary control, department powers
complaint process, to receive complaints health care professionals recruitment and and duties Ch. 69.30
concerning 43.20.240 retention projects Sickle cell disease
fire sprinkler systems duties 70.185.030 outreach, education, and adult support
shutting off by water system operator, Rural health care facilities 70.83.023
resulting liability 70.119A.210 consultative advice for licensees or applicants Social and health services, secretary and
plan for disposition of system in receivership 70.175.140 department of
43.70.195 licenses references construed to be to the secretary and
public health emergency, authority to declare licensure rules, adoption 70.175.100 department of health in regard to functions
70.119A.030 licensure rules, requirements 70.175.110 transferred 43.70.900
receivership actions brought by secretary Rural health care plan Speech-language pathologists Ch. 18.35
43.70.195 powers and duties 70.175.130 State otologist
safe drinking water Rural health care professionals recruitment and appointment 70.50.010
contracting authority 70.119A.070 retention projects duties 70.50.020
drinking water program 70.119A.080 rules, department to adopt 70.185.040 State radiation control agency, as
enforcement duties 70.119A.060 secretary of healths powers and duties powers and duties 70.98.050
operating permits 70.185.050 Subpoenas
application process 70.119A.110 Rural health system project secretarys authority to issue 43.70.090
findings 70.119A.100 contracting authority 70.175.080 Suicide assessment, treatment, and management
implementation phase-in 70.119A.110 cooperation of other state agencies 70.175.070 training
satellite system management agencies establishment and implementation 70.175.030 evidence-based training, study of, report
70.119A.110 powers and duties 70.175.050 concerning 43.70.443

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 305]


Suicide prevention, Washington plan for Consumer representative water system plan review 43.20.250,
development by secretary and steering defined 43.20.025 43.20.260
committee 43.70.444 Contagious or infectious diseases, exclusion of Water systems failing to meet board standards,
Surgical technologists Ch. 18.215 persons having from school premises, board complaints
Tattooing and electrology to make rules 28A.210.010 utilities and transportation commission duties
rules, sterilization 70.54.340 Contaminated properties 80.04.110
Tattooing and electrology, See also BODY ART, decontamination, disposal, or demolition of HEALTH AND SAFETY
BODY PIERCING, AND TATTOOING; immunity from civil liability 64.44.080 Agricultural workers
ELECTROLOGY AND TATTOOING rules and standards 64.44.070 information and training on hazardous
Temporary worker housing Death certificates, See VITAL STATISTICS, chemicals 49.70.115
health and safety regulation Ch. 70.114A subtitle Death certificates recordkeeping requirements 49.70.119
inspection fund, deposit of inspection fees Definitions 43.20.025 Air pollution, See AIR POLLUTION
43.70.340 Disease, powers as to 43.20.050 CONTROL
licensing, operation, and inspection 49.17.310 Drinking water Alcohol poisoning
operation standards 49.17.320 safe and reliable supply, adoption of rules to minors seeking medical assistance for self or
Transfer of functions assure 43.20.050 other 66.44.270
references to director and department of Environmental conditions, powers as to Alcoholism and drug addiction treatment, See
licensing to be construed as to secretary and 43.20.050 also ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG
department of health 43.70.901 Excreta and animal remains, disposal of, powers ADDICTION
references to secretary and department of as to 43.20.050 Alternative fuel source
social and health services to be construed as Food and beverage service workers permits Ch.
69.06 placard required 46.37.467
to secretary and department of health Amusement rides Ch. 67.42
43.70.900 Food and food products
donations, safety rules 69.80.060 Animals
Transient accommodations carcasses, disposal Ch. 16.68
departmental powers and duties 70.62.250 powers as to 43.20.050
Food service rules control of pets infected with diseases
Tuberculosis control Ch. 70.28 communicable to humans Ch. 16.70
Tuberculosis hospitals, facilities, and funding Asian rice-based noodles and Korean rice
cakes, safety standards for 43.20.145 Asbestos projects
Ch. 70.30 administration, asbestos account 49.26.130
Universal vaccine purchase account 43.70.720 federal food code, consideration of 43.20.145
Health disparities, governors interagency certificate required 49.26.110
Vaccine repository, fee schedule 70.54.200 contractors 49.26.115
Veterinarians, licensing and regulation Ch. 18.92 coordinating council on
action plan, reports 43.20.280 workers or supervisors 49.26.110
Violent acts and at-risk behaviors complaints, discrimination against employee
funding 43.20.290
data collection and reporting rules 43.70.540, health impact reviews 43.20.285 prohibited 49.26.150
43.70.545 legislative intent 43.20.270 definitions 49.26.100
Vital statistics membership, duties 43.20.275 enforcement 49.26.140
local registrars 70.58.010 Health officer fire cleanup, power of department to establish
registrar of vital statistics, duties 43.70.160 defined 43.20.025 policy and procedure 49.26.120
registration duties 43.70.150 Health planning inspection of construction projects, exceptions
Vulnerable adults authority 70.38.135 49.26.013
licensing requirements for agencies or Health planning, See also HEALTH inspection of construction projects, penalties
facilities providing services to PLANNING AND RESOURCES 49.26.016
employment of persons guilty of abuse or DEVELOPMENT notice requirements 49.26.120
financial exploitation prohibited, Hospitals, See HOSPITALS notice requirements, exemptions 49.26.125
exceptions 43.43.842 Immunization program for school children and qualified asbestos workers and supervisors,
Wastewater day cares 28A.210.060, 28A.210.070, exceptions 49.26.120
reclaimed water use, department duties Ch. 28A.210.080, 28A.210.090, 28A.210.100, Asbestos use
90.46 28A.210.110, 28A.210.120, 28A.210.140, building materials containing asbestos,
Water resource planning 28A.210.160, 28A.210.170 labeling Ch. 70.310
delivery rate structures 43.20.235 Membership 43.20.030 enforcement 49.26.040
procedures, criteria, and technical assistance, Mobile home parks, health and sanitation legislative declaration 49.26.010
duty to develop 43.20.230 standards 59.20.190 products, containers 49.26.030
Water supply Phenylketonuria, duties as to 70.83.030 regulations 49.26.040
public water system coordination act of 1977 Powers and duties, generally 43.20.050 standards 49.26.020
Ch. 70.116 Public facilities, powers as to 43.20.050 Behavioral health services and organizations,
Water supply facilities Public water supply See ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG
bottled water chemical contaminants Ch. 70.142 ADDICTION, subtitle Behavioral health
contaminant in source water, reporting Public water systems services and organizations; MENTAL
requirements 70.119A.140 safe drinking water ILLNESS, subtitle Behavioral health
grants 43.83B.210 rule-making authority 70.119A.060 services and organizations
to perform duties of department of social and Quarantine, powers as to 43.20.050 Beverage containers
health services under chapter 43.83B.005 Report to governor 43.20.100 pull-tab openers
Well construction, department powers and duties Reports, contagious diseases 70.05.110 prohibited
Ch. 18.104 Rules and regulations, duty of public officers to definitions 70.132.020
Wireless services enforce, penalty 43.20.050 enforcement, rules 70.132.040
power density analysis, random testing Shellfish sanitary control, board duties Ch. 69.30 penalty 70.132.050
43.70.605 Shellfish sanitation control, See FISH AND legislative finding 70.132.010
FISHING, subtitle Shellfish sale 70.132.030
HEALTH, LOCAL BOARDS OF (See Bicycle and pedestrian safety program 43.59.150
COUNTIES, subtitle Health boards) Transient accommodations
rulemaking authority 70.62.240 Biomedical waste
HEALTH, STATE BOARD OF Tuberculosis control definitions 70.95K.010
Animals due process standards 70.28.032 legislative findings 70.95K.005
control of pets infected with diseases report of cases 70.28.032 state preemption of local definitions
communicable to humans, violations and training requirements 70.28.032 70.95K.011
penalties Ch. 16.70 Venereal diseases waste treatment technologies
Birth certificates, See VITAL STATISTICS, generally Ch. 70.24 evaluation by department of health
subtitle Births and birth certificates Vital statistics, See VITAL STATISTICS 70.95K.020
Bottled water Water, bottled Birth control, See BIRTH CONTROL
quality standards for, authority to adopt quality standards for, authority to adopt Bisphenol A
43.20.050 43.20.050 restrictions on manufacture and sale of
Chair, selection of 43.20.030 Water and water supply, treatment, storage and containers containing Ch. 70.280
Cities and towns, See CITIES AND TOWNS, distribution of, powers as to 43.20.050 Boilers, See BOILERS AND PRESSURE
subtitle Health departments Water resource planning VESSELS

[RCW Indexpage 306] (2016 Ed.)


Bottled water inclusion in state and federal plans affecting school supply and use of 28A.210.383
quality standards for, authority of state board children, youth, and families 70.190.160 Ergonomics 49.17.360, 49.17.370
of health to adopt 43.20.050 lead fiscal agent 70.190.075 Excreta and animal remains, disposal of, powers
Brake friction material liability, immunity 70.190.190 of state board as to 43.20.050
restrictions on manufacture and sale of certain membership and organization 70.190.060 Explosives
material Ch. 70.285 outcome evaluation 70.190.050 imitation devices, malicious placement
Breast cancer planning grants and contracts with family 70.74.272
breast cancer awareness license plates policy council 70.190.090 malicious explosion of a substance 70.74.280
46.04.077 programs and plans 70.190.080 malicious placement 70.74.270
Buildings proposals to family policy council 70.190.030 Explosives, See also EXPLOSIVES
doors to swing outward 70.54.070 sexual abstinence and delay of sexual activity Fireworks, See FIREWORKS
earthquake resistance standards Ch. 70.86 campaigns 70.190.085 Flammable fabrics, childrens sleepwear, See
intrastate building safety mutual aid system transfer of funds and programs to state agency FLAMMABLE FABRICS
Ch. 24.60 70.190.170 Food, drug, and cosmetic act Ch. 69.04
Canals and ditches, safeguarding 35.43.040, Compressed air work, See LABOR, subtitle Food and beverage workers permits Ch. 69.06
35.43.045, 35.44.045, 36.88.380, 36.88.390, Compressed air work Food processing Ch. 69.07
36.88.400, 87.03.480, 87.03.526 Contraception, See BIRTH CONTROL Food storage warehouses, licensing requirements
Cancer Counties Ch. 69.10
cancer research endowment authority and county hospitals, See COUNTIES, subtitle Hazardous household substances 70.102.010
program County hospitals Hazardous materials incidents
cancer research endowment fund match health departments, See COUNTIES, subtitle definitions 70.136.020
transfer account 43.348.080 Health departments emergency aid
CARE fund 43.348.060 Dead animals, disposal in watersheds 70.54.030 good faith rendering
generally Ch. 43.348 Defibrillators immunity from liability 70.136.050
independent expert scientific review and medical emergency response and automated emergency assistance agreements
advisory committee 43.348.050 external defibrillator program 28A.300.471 verbal, notification, form 70.136.070
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Diabetes, incidence of, reducing written, terms and conditions, records
instruction, school districts to offer agency goals, benchmarks, plans, reports Ch. 70.136.060
28A.230.179 70.330 incident command agencies
Carnivals Ch. 67.42 Diagnostic imaging designation 70.136.030
Cerebral palsy, See CEREBRAL PALSY advanced diagnostic imaging work group Ch. emergency assistance agreements
Chemical dependency, See ALCOHOLISM 70.250 70.136.040
AND DRUG ADDICTION, subtitle Diesel emissions legislative finding 70.136.010
Chemical dependency; ALCOHOLISM diesel engine idling reduction projects, loans Hazardous substance information and education
AND DRUG ADDICTION, subtitle for Ch. 70.325 office
Treatment Diking and drainage districts, See DIKING AND definitions 70.102.010
Chemically related illness DRAINAGE generally, duties 70.102.020
centers for research and clinical assessment Diseases Health, department of
51.32.360 animals, See ANIMAL HEALTH
assumption of powers and duties of
industrial insurance criteria and procedures contagious 70.05.100 department of social and health services
51.32.350 crimes related to 70.05.120 under chapter 70.54.005
research projects, implementation and funding exposure, willfully, penalty 70.54.050
schools, exclusion of persons having Health care group, defined, insurance 48.21.030
51.32.370 Health care provider
Children contagious or infectious diseases
28A.210.010 malpractice
adverse childhood experiences, preventing actions for injuries resulting from 7.70.010,
and mitigating effects of Ch. 70.305 state board of health, powers as to 43.20.050
food and beverage workers Ch. 69.06 7.70.030, 7.70.040, 7.70.050, 7.70.060,
heart disease, critical congenital screening 7.70.070, 7.70.080
infants born in a hospital 70.83.090 health departments, See CITIES AND
TOWNS Health care services, See INSURANCE, subtitle
products, safe Health care services
education campaign 43.70.660 Health districts, See HEALTH DISTRICTS
good samaritans, free testing 70.05.180
generally Ch. 70.240 report of 70.05.090 Health extension program
Cigarettes procedure 70.05.110 evidence-based tools and resources,
national uniform tobacco settlement schools, exclusion of infected persons dissemination of 43.70.725
nonparticipating tobacco product 28A.210.010 Health maintenance organizations
manufacturers Ch. 70.157 Diseases, See also DISEASES immunity from prosecution
tobacco products manufacturers Ch. 70.158 Domestic violence, see DOMESTIC performance of duty on review committee
Cities and towns VIOLENCE 4.24.240
filling lowlands Ch. 35.55, Ch. 35.56 Doors of public buildings, swinging outward malpractice
first class cities, preservation of 35.22.280 70.54.070 actions for injuries resulting from 7.70.010,
second class cities Drug addiction, See ALCOHOLISM AND 7.70.030, 7.70.040, 7.70.050, 7.70.060,
power to provide for 35.23.440 DRUG ADDICTION 7.70.070, 7.70.080
providing for 35.23.440 Drug testing laboratory, creation at University of Health officer
towns, ordinances to provide for 35.27.370 Washington 28B.20.315 cities and towns, See CITIES AND TOWNS,
unfit dwellings Ch. 35.80 Earthquakes, public buildings, resistance subtitle Health departments
urban renewal Ch. 35.81 standards Ch. 70.86 Hearing defects of school children, correction
water pollution, generally Ch. 35.88 Eggs and egg products Ch. 69.25 Ch. 70.50
City health department, See CITIES AND Electrical apparatus use and construction rules Heart disease, critical congenital screening
TOWNS, subtitle Health departments Ch. 19.29 infants born in a hospital 70.83.090
Clinics Electrology, See ELECTROLOGY AND Honey, standards and requirements Ch. 69.28
malpractice TATTOOING Hospitals, See HOSPITALS
actions for injuries resulting from 7.70.010, Elevators, escalators and dumbwaiters, See Hostage or barricade situation
7.70.030, 7.70.040, 7.70.050, 7.70.060, ELEVATORS, ESCALATORS AND service disruption, telephone company
7.70.070, 7.70.080 DUMBWAITERS immunity from liability 70.85.120
Coal tar pavement product Employment, See LABOR, subtitle Women and telephone communication 70.85.100
prohibiting sale and use Ch. 70.295 minors; INDUSTRIAL SAFETY AND applicable law 70.85.130
Community of health pilot projects HEALTH telephone company assistance 70.85.110
designation, grants, rules 41.05.800 Enforcement of laws and rules, authority of Hot water heaters
Community public health and safety networks secretary to institute legal proceedings at temperature regulation 19.27A.060
duties 70.190.070 request of local health officer 43.70.200 Hotels, See HOTELS
expenditures, authorization and limitation Epinephrine autoinjectors (EPI pens) Hypodermic syringes, needles
70.190.065 prescribing to certain entities for emergency dealers duty to determine sale legality
grants for use of school facilities 70.190.180 use 70.54.440 70.115.050, 70.115.060

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 307]


Illness and injury prevention Machinery, safeguarding, See LABOR, subtitle Novelty lighters, prohibition of distribution and
community assistance referral and education Safeguards sales
services program, authority of fire Manufactured homes, mobile homes, civil penalty, jurisdiction 70.255.030
departments to develop 35.21.930 commercial coaches, recreational vehicles, definitions 70.255.010
Immunization assessment and enhancement and park trailers, safety distribution or offer to sell 70.255.020
proposals by local health jurisdictions advisory board 43.22.420 manufacturers, ceasing sale and distribution
43.70.525 compliance, effect on city and county 70.255.040
Immunization program for school children and ordinances 43.22.410 Nuclear energy, See NUCLEAR ENERGY AND
day cares 28A.210.060, 28A.210.070, exceptions 43.22.370 RADIATION
28A.210.080, 28A.210.090, 28A.210.100, federal standards, enforcement, inspection Nuisances, conduct injurious to health and is
28A.210.110, 28A.210.120, 28A.210.140, 43.22.431, 43.22.432 nuisance 7.48.010
28A.210.160, 28A.210.170 fees 43.22.350 Nursing homes 74.42.570
Immunizations, childhood foreign standards, reciprocity 43.22.400 On-site sewage disposal systems Ch. 70.118
expecting parents, information for 43.70.526 insignia of approval 43.22.390 local health officers authority to waive
Indian health care delivery plan 43.70.590 inspection, enforcement 43.22.434 requirements 70.05.072, 70.05.077
Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL out-of-state sales and use, exemptions permits 70.05.074
INSURANCE 43.22.350, 43.22.380 On-site sewage disposal systems, large Ch.
Industrial safety and health, See INDUSTRIAL plans and specifications 43.22.360 70.118B
SAFETY AND HEALTH rules and regulations, compliance required, On-site sewage disposal systems, marine
Infant crib safety requirements Ch. 70.111 penalty 43.22.340 recovery areas Ch. 70.118A
Injuries resulting from health care self-certification, procedures 43.22.355 Paint, antifouling, copper-based
declaration of modification of procedure standards for plumbing, heating, frame design prohibiting sale for, and use on, recreational
7.70.010 and electrical equipment 43.22.340 vessels Ch. 70.300
Insurance, See INSURANCE, subtitle Casualty Meat, custom slaughtering and custom meat Party line telephones, emergency calls
insurance; INSURANCE, subtitle Group facilities, licensing and inspection Ch. 16.49 definitions 70.85.010
disability insurance; INSURANCE, subtitle Media violence reduction reporting 43.70.560 refusal, penalty 70.85.020
Health care services Medical malpractice request for line on pretext of emergency
Intrastate mutual aid system 38.52.040, Ch. attorneys fees 7.70.070 penalty 70.85.030
38.56 compensation by a defendant health provider Pesticide application act Ch. 17.21
Jails 7.70.080 Pesticide control act Ch. 15.58
communicable disease prevention guidelines compensation from other sources 7.70.080 Pesticides, health hazards
70.48.480 consent to treatment 7.70.060 health, role of department of Ch. 70.104
medications and medication assistance for elements of proof 7.70.040 investigating human exposure and human and
inmates Medical malpractice suits animal poisoning Ch. 70.104
delivery and administration by declaration of modification of procedure pesticide incident reporting and tracking
nonpractitioner jail personnel 70.48.490 7.70.010 review panel 70.104.070, 70.104.090
review by health department of medication informed consent, elements 7.70.050 industrial insurance laws, administration not
practices of jails using nonpractitioner jail Medical test sites, See MEDICAL TEST SITES affected 70.104.100
personnel 43.70.710 Medication administration Phenylketonuria and other heritable or metabolic
Labor, See LABOR, subtitle Women and minors; schools, public and private 28A.210.260 disorders
LABOR AND INDUSTRIES, epinephrine autoinjectors (EPI pens) newborn infant screening Ch. 70.83
DEPARTMENT OF, subtitle Industrial 28A.210.383 Poison information center, statewide services Ch.
safety and health immunity from liability 28A.210.270, 18.76
Labor, See LABOR AND INDUSTRIES, 28A.210.275
Poison prevention packaging Ch. 70.106
DEPARTMENT OF, subtitle Industrial Meningococcal disease
information, college and university students Poisons
safety and health caustic or corrosive poisons, labeling,
Lead 70.54.370
Mental illness, See HOSPITALS FOR packaging, and sale Ch. 69.36
wheel weights, replacement of Ch. 70.270 poisons in food, drinks, medicine, or water Ch.
Lead-based paint activities program Ch. 70.103 MENTAL ILLNESS; MENTAL ILLNESS
Mercury 69.40
Liquor laws, See ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Pollution of water
mercury-containing light recycling program
Load chains and devices, state patrol duties Ch. 70.275 water supply, penalty for polluting 70.54.010
46.37.490 mercury-containing lights product Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
Local health departments stewardship program, termination and preference in state purchasing for products not
administrative officer repeal 43.131.421, 43.131.422 containing PCBs 39.26.280, 39.26.290
appointment 70.05.040 reduction and education Ch. 70.95M Portable oil-fueled heaters
responsibilities 70.05.045, 70.05.060, Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus standards for sale and use 19.27A.080,
70.05.070, 70.05.120 hospital policy regarding, required elements 19.27A.090, 19.27A.100, 19.27A.110,
chair of local board 70.05.040 70.41.430 19.27A.120
contracts for sale or purchase of health Milk and milk products Ch. 15.36 Pregnancy, See PREGNANCY
services 70.05.150 Mill tailings, licensing and perpetual care, See Pregnancy, unintended
definitions 70.05.010 MILLS, subtitle Uranium and Thorium sexual health education funding 70.54.410
expenses of enforcement and administration Mines and mining, safety regulations, See Public hazards disclosure 4.24.601
70.05.130 MINES AND MINING Public health, threats to
home rule charters Mopeds attorney general, duty to enforce 43.20A.660
jurisdiction of board 70.05.035 federal law, compliance requirement notice to violators 43.20A.660
jurisdiction of board 70.05.030 46.61.720 prosecuting attorneys, duties to enforce
local health officer Mosquito control Ch. 70.22 43.20A.660
appointment, qualifications, term, salary and No smoking law reports of violations duty of attorney general
expenses 70.05.050 local regulations authorized 70.160.080 and prosecuting attorneys to enforce
failure of local health board to appoint, Noise control 43.20A.660
procedure 70.05.080 civil penalties 70.107.050 Public health required measurable outcomes
in-service training program for provisionally definitions 70.107.020 43.70.512, 43.70.514, 43.70.516
qualified officers 70.05.054 exemptions 70.107.080 Public health services improvement plan
powers and duties of 70.05.070 local regulation, approval 70.107.060 assessment standards 43.70.555
professional qualifications 70.05.051 motor vehicles, rules, violations, penalties contents 43.70.550
provisional qualifications 70.05.053 70.107.070 definitions 43.70.575
provisionally qualified officer, raising to full other rights, remedies, powers, duties and implementation 43.70.580
qualification 70.05.055 functions 70.107.060 Public safety
powers and duties of local boards 70.05.060 powers and duties, department of ecology taxation of gambling for purposes of
vacancies on board 70.05.040 70.107.030 local governments 9.46.113
who determines character of diseases purpose 70.107.010 Public water supply
70.05.100 rules, noise levels, effective date 70.107.040 chemical contaminants Ch. 70.142

[RCW Indexpage 308] (2016 Ed.)


Public water supply system operators social and health services construction Water, See also WATER AND WATER
certification and regulation Ch. 70.119 account, state 43.83.360 RIGHTS
Quarantine State department of health, See HEALTH, Water pollution
state board of health, powers as to 43.20.050 DEPARTMENT OF; HEALTH, STATE cities and towns, power to protect against Ch.
Quarantine, See also QUARANTINE BOARD OF 35.88
Radiation, See NUCLEAR ENERGY AND State institutions, See STATE INSTITUTIONS polluting prohibited 70.54.010
RADIATION Steam engines and boilers, negligent use of steam Water pollution control Ch. 90.48
Radio frequency exposure, survey of literature on 70.54.080 Water supply, polluting, penalty 70.54.010
health effects 43.70.600 Substance use disorder, See ALCOHOLISM Wheel weights, lead, replacement of Ch. 70.270
Railroad employees, See RAILROADS, subtitle AND DRUG ADDICTION Wheelchair conveyances
Employees Suicide, See SUICIDE safety standards 46.37.610
Restrooms in retail establishments Sunscreening and coloring of glass on motor Wireless services, random testing on power
access for customers with certain medical vehicles 46.37.430 density analysis 43.70.605
conditions Tanning facilities and ultraviolet tanning devices Worker and community right to know
regulations, violations, and penalties Ch. 18.370 civil actions authorized 49.70.150
70.54.400 Tattooing, See ELECTROLOGY AND compliance with chapter, fines 49.70.190
Safeguarding machinery, See LABOR, subtitle TATTOOING definitions 49.70.020
Safeguards Telephones, emergency calls on party lines discharge or discipline of employee prohibited
Sanitary districts, See SANITARY DISTRICTS definitions 70.85.010 49.70.110
Sanitation, See SANITATION refusal, penalty 70.85.020 discrimination statutes apply 49.70.110
School children with impaired hearing request for line on pretext of emergency
correction Ch. 70.50 educational brochures and public service
penalty 70.85.030 announcements 49.70.140
state otologist Temporary worker housing
appointment 70.50.010 foreign language translations of written
health and safety regulation Ch. 70.114A materials 49.70.105
duties 70.50.020 Threats to
Schools, See also SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL industrial safety and health act applies
investigative powers of department of health 49.70.180
DISTRICTS, subtitle Health and safety 43.70.170
Schools and school districts information requests, employer
order prohibiting sale or disposition of food or confidentiality 49.70.160
defibrillator 28A.300.471 other items, authority of secretary of health
eye protection injunctive relief 49.70.190
to issue 43.70.180 legislative findings 49.70.010
definitions 70.100.010 Tobacco
eye protection devices, requirement, when trade secret exemptions 49.70.165
national uniform tobacco settlement workplace survey request 49.70.100
70.100.020 nonparticipating tobacco product
standards 70.100.030 Worker and community right to know fund
manufacturers Ch. 70.157 assessments 49.70.170
publication of manual containing instruction tobacco products manufacturers Ch. 70.158
and recommendations for guidance disbursements 49.70.175
Toxic fumes, unlawful inhalation of penalties 49.70.177
70.100.040 possession, inducement, and sale Ch. 9.47A
medication administration 28A.210.260 Trade secret exemptions regarding hazardous HEALTH CARE
epinephrine autoinjectors (EPI pens) substances 49.70.165 Accountable care organizations
28A.210.383 Traffic safety commission, See TRAFFIC pilot projects, report to legislature 70.54.420
immunity from liability 28A.210.270, SAFETY COMMISSION Administrative procedures
28A.210.275 Traumatic brain injuries, persons with uniform administrative procedures for health
Seafood safety transfer of person from jail to department of care services Ch. 48.165
authority of department of health 43.70.185 corrections facility 70.48.245 Alcohol poisoning
Service coordination organizations minors seeking medical assistance for self or
Ultraviolet radiation treatment and tanning
contract outcomes and performance measures other 66.44.270
Ch. 70.320 devices Ch. 18.370
Services improvement plan 43.70.520, Underground workers, generally Ch. 49.24 Alcoholism and drug addiction treatment, See
43.70.522, 43.70.550, 43.70.555 Unintended pregnancy also ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG
Sewer districts, See SEWER DISTRICTS sexual health education funding 70.54.410 ADDICTION
Sexually transmitted diseases Utility poles, attachment of objects to Applied behavior analysis, comprehensive
minors, treatment of, parental consent not penalty 70.54.090 provisions Ch. 18.380
required 70.24.110 prohibition 70.54.090 Behavioral health services and organizations,
Sharps waste Vaccination See ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG
residential sharps waste collection Washington vaccine association Ch. 70.290 ADDICTION, subtitle Behavioral health
70.95K.040 Venereal diseases, See VENEREAL DISEASES services and organizations; MENTAL
residential sharps waste disposal 70.95K.030 Violations ILLNESS, subtitle Behavioral health
Sharps waste collection 70.95.715 injunctions or legal proceedings, authority of services and organizations
Shellfish sanitary control Ch. 69.30 secretary of health to seek or institute Benefits contribution plan for state employees,
Sheriffs, duty in regard to 36.28.010 43.70.190 See HEALTH CARE AUTHORITY
Skiing and winter sports Violent acts and at-risk behaviors Blood establishments for blood collecting or
conduct standards and responsibility Ch. data collection and reporting rules 43.70.540, distributing
79A.45 43.70.545 registration, regulation, and enforcement Ch.
conveyances, safety and inspection Ch. Vital statistics, See VITAL STATISTICS 70.335
79A.40 Washington clean indoor air act Cancer
Smoking definitions 70.160.020 cancer research endowment authority and
national uniform tobacco settlement local regulations authorized 70.160.080 program
nonparticipating tobacco product penalty for violation of 70.160.070 cancer research endowment fund match
manufacturers Ch. 70.157 paid to city or county bringing action transfer account 43.348.080
no smoking law 70.160.100 CARE fund 43.348.060
penalty for violation of 70.160.070 private workplaces generally Ch. 43.348
paid to city or county bringing action intent of act 70.160.060 independent expert scientific review and
70.160.100 smoking prohibited in public places advisory committee 43.348.050
violations of 70.160.070 70.160.030 Chemical dependency treatment, See
private workplaces violations of 70.160.070 ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG
when allowed 70.160.060 Water ADDICTION, subtitle Chemical
prohibited in public places 70.160.030 bottled water, authority of state board of dependency; ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG
smoking prohibited health to adopt quality standards for ADDICTION, subtitle Treatment
posting of 70.160.050 43.20.050 Children
tobacco products manufacturers Ch. 70.158 furnishing impure 70.54.020 insurance, access to coverage 74.09.402
Smoking, See also HEALTH AND SAFETY, polluting 70.54.010 special health care needs
subtitle Washington clean indoor air act water supply and distribution, powers of state parent to parent program 71A.14.120,
Social and health services board as to 43.20.050 71A.14.130, 71A.14.140

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 309]


Community health care collaborative grant health care claims data, statewide medical assistance, seeking 69.50.315
program data submission and statewide all-payer Peer review
grants, eligibility 41.05.650, 41.05.660 health care claims database Ch. 43.371 actions by peer review body Ch. 7.71
Community health centers health care discount plan organization act Ch. Power of attorney
multicultural health care technical assistance 48.155 durable and nondurable Ch. 11.125,
programs 41.05.230 organ transplant benefits 11.125.020, 11.125.030, 11.125.040,
transfer of responsibilities to state health care lifetime limit on transplants 48.43.680 11.125.090, 11.125.400, 11.125.410,
authority 41.05.220 waiting period and prior creditable coverage 11.125.420
Correctional inmates 48.43.017 health care decisions 11.94.010
hospitals, contracts with department of patient bill of rights 48.43.500, 48.43.505, duration 11.94.043
corrections 70.41.460 48.43.510, 48.43.515, 48.43.520, termination or revocation 11.94.043
Data 48.43.525, 48.43.530, 48.43.535, validity 11.94.046
collection, storage, assessment, and review, 48.43.540, 48.43.545, 48.43.550 mental health advance directives
duties of department of health 43.70.050 pharmacy benefit managers, regulation of Ch. relation to power of attorney 71.32.050,
hospital financial and patient discharge data 19.340, 48.02.220 71.32.060, 71.32.100, 71.32.260
collection, department of health duties provider contracts and compensation uniform power of attorney act, chapter
43.70.052 agreements, carrier to file with 11.125 RCW, relation to directives
Indian health data and statistics information commissioner 48.43.730 71.32.020, 71.32.050, 71.32.060,
system 43.70.052 renewal of plan or contract 71.32.100, 71.32.180, 71.32.200,
standards 43.70.054 wellness program, modification of 48.43.670 71.32.260
Declarations retired state and school employees premium uniform power of attorney act Ch. 11.125
registry 70.122.130 reduction subsidy 41.05.085 Practice indicators and risk management
Dental care assistance plans school district benefits, insurance protocols, department of health development
requirements 49.64.040 commissioner report concerning 48.02.210 and evaluation duties 43.70.500
Developmental disabilities, See transplants Pregnancy, see PREGNANCY
DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, lifetime limit 48.43.680 Product development
PERSONS WITH uniform administrative procedures for health Washington global health technologies and
Devices care services Ch. 48.165 product development competitiveness
defined 69.04.010 Insurance, See also INSURANCE, subtitle program Ch. 43.374
Diagnostic imaging Disability insurance; INSURANCE, subtitle Public employees, retired
advanced diagnostic imaging work group Ch. Health care services retirement allowance deductions, authorized
70.250 Joint select committee on health care oversight for 41.04.235
Drug addiction, See ALCOHOLISM AND Ch. 44.82 Purchased by state agencies
DRUG ADDICTION Labor relations in connection with health care alternative health care providers, agencies to
Drug-related overdoses activities Ch. 49.66 identify 70.14.020
medical assistance, seeking 69.50.315 Lumpectomy data sharing, Idaho and Oregon 70.14.150
Employee benefit plans insurance drug program, purchasing cost controls,
dental care assistance plans 49.64.040 discrimination based on, certain prohibited consortium, and account 70.14.050,
Fees and charges 48.20.397 70.14.060, 70.14.070
estimate by provider or facility, requirements Malpractice claims health technology clinical committee Ch.
70.01.030, 70.41.450 arbitration of health care actions Ch. 7.70A 70.14
Health care savings accounts 48.68.005, certificate of merit 7.70.150 review of rate setting methods and utilization
48.68.010 closed claim reporting 7.70.140 70.14.030, 70.14.040
Health care settings frivolous claims 7.70.160
Quality assurance and improvement program
workplace violence planning and protection mediation
Ch. 49.19 exemption of mediated action from superior feasibility study, requirements 43.70.064,
Health disparities, governors interagency court arbitration or settlement conference 43.70.066
coordinating council on, See HEALTH, requirements 7.70.130 interagency cooperation for review of rules
STATE BOARD OF mandatory mediation required, procedures and programs 43.70.068
Health extension program 7.70.100 Quality improvement program, coordinated
evidence-based tools and resources, right to trial not abridged by unsuccessful program for improvement of health care
dissemination of 43.70.725 attempt 7.70.120 services provided 43.70.510
Health professions tolling of statute of limits for, requirements Radiology benefit managers
regulation criteria Ch. 18.120 7.70.110 registration with business licensing service
uniform administrative provisions Ch. 18.122 Managed competition Ch. 19.365
uniform disciplinary act Ch. 18.130 anti-trust immunity 43.72.310 Reform
Health resources strategy, statewide Ch. 43.370 attorney general duties 43.72.310 health services commission, See HEALTH
Health services act of 1993 43.72.910 Marijuana SERVICES COMMISSION
Health services commission, See HEALTH medical use 28B.20.502 managed competition
SERVICES COMMISSION medical use of cannabis act Ch. 69.51A anti-trust immunity 43.72.310
Immunization assessment and enhancement Medical malpractice attorney general duties 43.72.310
proposals by local health jurisdictions health care services coordinated quality public health services account 43.72.902
43.70.525 improvement program to identify and short title 43.72.910
Immunizations, childhood prevent 43.70.510 workers compensation managed care pilot
expecting parents, information for 43.70.526 Medical records projects 43.72.860
Indian health care delivery plan 43.70.590 access and disclosure Ch. 70.02 Reform deliberations by state
Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL Medical test sites, See MEDICAL TEST SITES principles and policies 43.06.155
INSURANCE Mental health advance directives Resources
Information, health care generally Ch. 71.32 appropriate and cost-effective use, promotion,
health benefit exchange navigators power of attorney, uniform act, chapter 11.125 department of health duties 43.70.060
information protection, disclosure, RCW, relation to directives 71.32.020, Risk management protocols and practice
notification 43.71.075 71.32.050, 71.32.060, 71.32.100, indicators, department of health
Informed consent 7.70.065 71.32.180, 71.32.200, 71.32.260 development and evaluation duties
Insurance Ch. 48.43 Mental illness, See HOSPITALS FOR 43.70.500
contracts between insurance carriers, health MENTAL ILLNESS; MENTAL ILLNESS Robert Bree collaborative
care providers, and third-party payors Ch. Migrant health centers duties, membership 70.250.050
48.39 multicultural health care technical assistance Rural, See RURAL HEALTH CARE
disabilities, state and school employees with, programs 41.05.230 Rural and underserved areas
premium reduction subsidy 41.05.085 transfer of responsibilities to state health care health care professionals recruitment and
health benefit exchange Ch. 43.71, 48.39.003, authority 41.05.220 retention Ch. 70.185
48.43.700, 48.43.705, 48.43.710, Multicultural health care technical assistance Service coordination organizations
48.43.715, 48.43.720 programs 41.05.230 contract outcomes and performance measures
navigators 43.71.075 Overdoses, drug-related Ch. 70.320

[RCW Indexpage 310] (2016 Ed.)


State employees, See HEALTH CARE mental disorders and/or substance use telemedicine 41.05.700
AUTHORITY disorders, persons with, development of Bilingual services
State health care cost containment policies program for 71.24.385 public assistance applicants 74.04.025
43.41.160 behavioral health system Chiropractic
State health care reform deliberations improvement strategy for adult system prepaid capitated amount for services, pilot
principles and policies 43.06.155 43.20A.895 projects 18.25.200
Streamlined health care administration tribal-centric system 43.20A.897 Chronic care management program 41.05.023
state agency adoption of processes, guidelines, children, access to services, report 74.09.495 Claims
and standards 70.14.155 definitions general provisions 41.05.140
Studies behavioral health services and organizations health care claims data, statewide
special studies or analysis requested of 70.320.010 data submission and statewide all-payer
department of health, liability for costs integrated behavioral health services, task health care claims database Ch. 43.371
70.170.050 force on medicaid fraud false claims act Ch. 74.66
Substance use disorder treatment, See aligning primary care and behavioral health Community health care collaborative grant
ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG ADDICTION regulations 71.24.860 program
Suicide, See SUICIDE integrating administrative support from authority
Technologies medical and behavioral health services, 41.05.650
Washington global health technologies and medicaid purchasing and delivery grants, disbursement by administrator
product development competitiveness 71.24.380, 71.24.850, 74.09.522, 41.05.660
program Ch. 43.374 74.09.758, 74.09.860 rule-making authority 41.05.651
Ultraviolet radiation treatment and tanning substance use and mental health disorder Community health centers
devices Ch. 18.370 treatment Ch. 71.24 multicultural health care technical assistance
Underserved areas, See RURAL HEALTH substance use disorder and mental health programs 41.05.230
CARE involuntary treatment systems transfer of responsibilities to authority
Underserved populations, multicultural health generally Ch. 71.05 41.05.220
care technical assistance programs 41.05.230 purchasing Community of health pilot projects
Underserved populations, responsibility of state contracting process 43.20A.894 designation, grants, rules 41.05.800
health care authority for extension of access medical and behavioral health services Contract outcomes and performance measures
to managed care to 41.05.220 74.09.758 service coordination organizations Ch. 70.320
Vaccination mental health and chemical dependency Contract proposals, confidentiality 41.05.026
Washington vaccine association Ch. 70.290 treatment services 71.24.380, 74.09.522 Cooperation with federal programs 70.01.010
Warren Featherstone Reid award for excellence regional service areas Coordination of benefits and overpayments of
in health care 43.70.045, 43.70.047 establishment 43.20A.893 assistance Ch. 41.05A
Washington death with dignity act Ch. 70.245 managed care integration, reporting on Cost control and delivery strategies 41.05.021
power of attorney, prohibiting exercise of 71.24.850 Customer service complaints and appeals
rights under act through 11.125.420 task force on integrated behavioral health annual report 41.05.630
services Definitions 41.05.011
Washington health partnership plan
aligning primary care and behavioral health
reform deliberations by state, principles and regulations 71.24.860 Dependent care assistance program
policies 43.06.155 Behavioral health services and organizations, powers, duties, functions 41.05.295
Washington health services act of 1993 See also ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG Dependents, under age twenty-five 41.05.095
43.72.910 ADDICTION, subtitle Chemical Diabetes, incidence of, reducing
HEALTH CARE ASSISTANTS (See dependency; MENTAL ILLNESS, subtitle agency goals, benchmarks, plans, reports Ch.
HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONERS) Behavioral health services and 70.330
organizations; MENTAL ILLNESS, subtitle Direct patient-provider primary care practices
HEALTH CARE AUTHORITY (See also plan for incorporation into health benefit
Behavioral health system programs 41.05.019
ASSISTANCE) Director 41.05.021
Accountable care organizations mental health and chemical dependency
services Disabilities, employees with, continuation of
pilot projects, report to legislature 70.54.420 benefits 41.05.080
Administrative account 41.05.130 tribal-centric 43.20A.897
Behavioral health system, adult Domestic partner benefits 41.05.066
Advanced diagnostic imaging work group Domestic partners, continuation of benefits
application of section 135(a) of medicare mental health and chemical dependency
services 41.05.080
improvements for patients and providers Drug reimbursement policy recommendations
act of 2008 70.250.040 improvement strategy 43.20A.895
Benefit plans 74.09.653
definitions 70.250.010 Eligibility of employee for benefits
anticancer medication, prescribed and self-
evidence-based best practice guidelines or administered 41.05.175 criteria, establishing 41.05.065
protocols, implementation 70.250.030 chronic care management within health homes determination by authority 41.05.009
Agencies incentives and provider reimbursement employee determined eligible before January
contributions by 41.05.050 methods 41.05.670 1, 2010 41.05.0091
duties 41.05.008 report by authority, submission to legislature Exchange of health information 41.05.035
information systems 41.05.031 41.05.680 Family planning services
Applications and enrollment forms for benefits contracts with insuring entities 41.05.075 expansion of services 74.09.657
41.05.014 coordination of benefits Ch. 41.05A Federal employer incentive program 41.05.068
Assistance, overpayments of Ch. 41.05A direct patient-provider primary care practices Federal grants or funds
Authority 41.05.019 medical services programs, authority to
general provisions 41.05.140 eligibility criteria, establishing 41.05.065 administer 74.04.050
Basic health plan eosinophilic gastrointestinal associated Flexible spending administrative account
administrator and appointing authority disorder, elemental formula for, required 41.05.123
70.47.040 coverage 41.05.188 Health benefit exchange Ch. 43.71, 48.43.700,
director, powers and duties 70.47.060 general provisions 41.05.075 48.43.705, 48.43.710, 48.43.715, 48.43.720
federal basic health option 70.47.250 performance measures 41.05.075 application of chapter 43.01 to positions in
powers, duties, and functions transferred to performance measures committee 41.05.690 and employees of exchange 43.01.031
health care authority 70.47.005 political subdivisions, participating application of chapter 43.03 to positions in
stabilization account 43.79.487 rate surcharge 41.05.050 and employees of exchange 43.03.003
Behavioral health services and organizations transfer procedure 41.04.205 application of Title 41 to positions in and
access to chemical dependency and mental prescription drug coverage employees of exchange 41.04.003
health professionals 43.20A.896 medication synchronization policy business and occupation tax exemption for
behavioral health organizations 41.05.533 exchange 82.04.323
contracting process 43.20A.894, 71.24.380, prior authorization standards and criteria navigators 43.71.075
74.09.522, 74.09.758 41.05.074 Health care funding
definitions 70.320.010 reimbursement of health care services basic health plan enrollment, monitoring
generally Ch. 71.05, Ch. 71.24 store and forward technology 41.05.700 43.41.260

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 311]


medicaid caseload of children, monitoring eligibility 74.09.510 Prostate cancer screening 41.05.177
43.41.260 health care providers, audit program Public employees and retirees insurance
Health information audit and investigation, authority for account 41.05.120
administrators duties 41.05.039 74.09.290 Public employees and retirees insurance
definitions 41.05.036 bribes, kickbacks, rebates, or self-referrals reserve fund 41.05.140
federal requirements, conflict with 41.05.046 penalties 74.09.240 Public employees benefits board
lead organization 41.05.039 excessive, improper charges duties 41.05.065
processes, guidelines, and standards penalties 74.09.260 eligibility criteria for benefit plans,
41.05.042 false verification of written statements establishing 41.05.065
secure access 41.05.039 penalty 74.09.280 medical benefits administration account
Home health program fraudulent practices 41.05.143
reimbursement 74.09.658 liability 74.09.210 members 41.05.055
telemedicine 74.09.658 penalty 74.09.210 retirees, health care authority ombuds for
Hospitals legislative intent, policy 74.09.200 48.02.093
contracting with authority 74.60.160 patient trust funds, failure to deposit in trust Purchasing agent for state health services,
Individual health plan coverage 41.05.400 account designation as single agent for 41.05.022
Inmate health care system penalty 74.09.270 Purpose 41.05.006
department of corrections to confer with health care providers audit program Retired employees, continuation of benefits
authority to develop plan to conform to reporting penalties 74.09.300 41.05.080
health care reform act requirements hospitals, noncritical access Risk pool
41.05.280 quality incentive payments 74.09.611 merger of state-purchased health services
Law enforcement officers and fire fighters limited casualty program program into single, community-rated risk
retirement system authorization for, qualifications, eligibility pool 41.05.022
eligibility of members to enroll in authority 74.09.700
benefit plans 41.04.205 Medical care, See also PUBLIC ASSISTANCE, Robert Bree collaborative
Long-term care subtitle Medical care duties, membership 70.250.050
administrative responsibility, performance of Medical care services, See PUBLIC Rules, authority 41.05.160, 41.05.165
74.09.080 ASSISTANCE, subtitle Medical care Salary reduction agreements
Managed competition 41.05.021 services amendment or termination 41.05.340
Mandated health insurance benefits Ch. 48.47 Medical director 41.05.015 authorization 41.05.300
Medicaid Medical insurance plan construction 41.05.360
inmates in work release and similar programs, dental procedures, general anesthesia eligibility 41.05.320
eligibility for coverage 74.09.672 41.05.183 participation 41.05.320
medicaid and state childrens health insurance Medical services programs plan, policies, and procedures 41.05.310
program demonstration project 74.09.756 federal government, cooperation with recordkeeping requirements 41.05.330
Medicaid fraud 74.04.055 rule-making authority 41.05.350
durable medical equipment providers, social and health services, department of, withdrawal 41.05.320
medicare requirement for medicaid agreements with School district employees
program 74.09.597 responsibilities, division of 43.20A.865 health benefits, report concerning by authority
medicaid fraud false claims act Ch. 74.66 waste, fraud, and abuse detection, prevention, 41.05.655
medicaid fraud penalty account 74.09.215 and recovery solutions Ch. 74.64 Section 1115 demonstration waiver request
medical services programs Medical services programs, See also MEDICAL 74.09.5222
waste, fraud, and abuse detection, ASSISTANCE; PUBLIC ASSISTANCE, Self-insurance
prevention, and recovery solutions Ch. subtitle Medical care authority 41.05.140
74.64 Medicare insurance plan Shared decision-making demonstration project
medical supplies providers, medicare choice of policies to be made available 41.05.033
requirement for medicaid program 41.05.195 Social and health services, department of,
74.09.597 self-insured supplemental plan 41.05.197 agreements with
whistleblowers, relief for 74.66.090 Mental health services responsibilities, division of 43.20A.865
whistleblowers, workplace reprisal or definition, coverage 41.05.600 State employee health program 41.05.540
retaliatory action 74.09.315 rules, adoption 41.05.601 State health care cost containment policies
Medical and dental plan benefits administration Mental health services, See also MENTAL 43.41.160
accounts 41.05.143 ILLNESS, subtitle Medical assistance Store and forward technology
Medical assistance Migrant health centers health plan reimbursement of 41.05.700
dental care for assistance clients multicultural health care technical assistance
prior authorization for providers, work group programs 41.05.230 Tax on premiums
74.09.759 transfer of responsibilities to authority exemption, expiration 48.14.027
incarcerated or involuntarily hospitalized 41.05.220 Telemedicine
persons Multicultural health care technical assistance health plan reimbursement of 41.05.700
guidance and training for organizations and programs 41.05.230 Tricare supplemental insurance policy 41.05.205
providers 71.24.500 Nurse hotline 41.05.037 Underserved populations, multicultural health
jails, persons incarcerated in, federal Ombuds, health care authority, establishment care technical assistance programs 41.05.230
expenditure authority for services within office of insurance commissioner Underserved populations, responsibility for
74.09.671 48.02.093 extension of access to managed care to
managed care contracting to include chemical Organization and duties 41.05.021 41.05.220
dependency and mental health services Overpayments of assistance and coordination of Uniform policies, requirement for 41.05.013,
71.24.380, 74.09.522 benefits Ch. 41.05A 41.05.017
medical and behavioral health services, Performance measures for contracts HEALTH CARE AUTHORITY
integrating medicaid purchasing and service coordination organizations Ch. 70.320 OMBUDSMAN (See INSURANCE
delivery of 74.09.758 Political subdivisions COMMISSIONER)
powers and duties of authority 74.09.530 benefit plans, participation in
suspension of benefits rate surcharge 41.05.050 HEALTH CARE FACILITIES
incarcerated or committed persons 74.09.670 transfer procedure 41.04.205 Abortion
Medical assistance, See also MEDICAL Prescription drugs definitions 9.02.170
ASSISTANCE; PUBLIC ASSISTANCE, assistance and education, rules 41.05.530 infants right to medical treatment 18.71.240
subtitle Medical care assistance foundation 41.05.550 refusal to perform 9.02.150
Medical care medication synchronization policy 41.05.533 AIDS
adjudicative proceedings 74.09.741 pharmacy connection program 41.05.520 education and training 70.24.310
administrative responsibility, performance of purchasing consortium Ambulatory surgical facilities Ch. 70.230
74.09.080 account 70.14.070 Birthing centers, licensing and regulation Ch.
director, responsibilities and duties 74.09.050 participation, exceptions, rules 70.14.060 18.46
disproportionate low-income care, payment to Prevention of blindness program Certificate of need
hospitals providing 74.09.730 established 74.09.720 amendment 70.38.115

[RCW Indexpage 312] (2016 Ed.)


applications pending as of July 1, 1989, financing, requests for 70.37.050 Third-party payor release of information
review and action based on prior law financing plan 70.37.050 70.02.045
70.38.918 leasing, selling authority 70.37.040 Use or disclosure prohibited, when 70.02.270
exemptions 70.38.111 members 70.37.030 Without patients authorization 70.02.050,
hospice care centers, application of chapter powers 70.37.040, 70.37.100 70.02.200, 70.02.210
70.38.230 projects, investigation and financing costs, HEALTH CARE OVERSIGHT, JOINT
issuance, review criteria 70.38.115 payment 70.37.090 SELECT COMMITTEE ON (See JOINT
pending at time of 1983 act 70.38.914 revenue bonds 70.37.040 SELECT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH
savings clause, 1980 act 70.38.156 special fund authorized 70.37.050 CARE OVERSIGHT)
savings clause, 1983 act 70.38.157 special fund bonds 70.37.040
savings clause, 1989 act 70.38.158 terms 70.37.030 HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONERS
services and facilities subject to 70.38.105 vacancies 70.37.030 Applied behavior analysis
Clinics, provider-based Washington health care facilities licensed behavior analyst Ch. 18.380
licensed as part of hospital bond issues licensed behavior analyst, See also APPLIED
facility fee notice, posting of 70.01.040 administration of special trust fund BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS AND
Declaration of public policies 70.37.010 70.37.070 LICENSED BEHAVIOR ANALYSTS
Definitions 70.37.020 legal investment for 70.37.060 Blood samples, drawing
Employees payment 70.37.060 without consent under law enforcement
hours of labor 49.28.130, 49.28.140, terms 70.37.060 direction
49.28.150 bonding authority 70.37.050 professional misconduct, is not 18.130.410
Fees and charges Whistleblowers, protection 43.70.075 Chemical dependency professionals, See
estimate by provider or facility, requirements Workplace violence planning and prevention ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG
70.01.030, 70.41.450 definitions 49.19.010 ADDICTION, subtitle Chemical
facility fee when provider-based clinic home health, hospice, and home care agencies, dependency
licensed as part of hospital enforcement 49.19.070 Chiropractors, See CHIROPRACTIC
notice of fee, posting of 70.01.040 noncompliance, penalties 49.19.050 Controlled substances, uniform act Ch. 69.50
Hazardous drugs plan development and implementation, Counselors, See COUNSELORS
definitions 49.17.460 assistance 49.19.060 Death certificates
rules for handling 49.17.465 security and safety assessment 49.19.020 methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus,
Health resources strategy, statewide Ch. 43.370 violence prevention training 49.19.030 presence to be noted 70.58.400
Hospitals, See HOSPITALS violent acts, recordkeeping requirements Drug samples Ch. 69.45
Interference with facilities or providers 49.19.040 Drug-related overdoses
civil damages 9A.50.050 HEALTH CARE FALSE CLAIM ACT medical assistance, seeking 69.50.315
civil remedies 9A.50.040 East Asian medicine practitioners, See EAST
Circumstantial evidence 48.80.040
informational picketing not prohibited Civil action not limited 48.80.050
Conviction of provider, verification to regulatory Emergency or disaster assistance
9A.50.060 volunteers 43.70.680
penalties 9A.50.030 agency 48.80.060
Definitions 48.80.020 Fees and charges
protection of patients and providers 9A.50.070 estimate by provider or facility, requirements
unlawful acts 9A.50.020 Prohibited acts 48.80.030
warrantless arrest, when authorized 10.31.100 HEALTH CARE INFORMATION ACCESS Health department duties 43.70.620
Malpractice AND DISCLOSURE Health extension program
actions for injuries resulting from 7.70.010, Agency rule-making requirements 70.02.290,
70.02.340 evidence-based tools and resources,
7.70.020, 7.70.030, 7.70.040, 7.70.050, dissemination by certain providers
7.70.060, 7.70.070, 7.70.080 Certification of medical records 70.02.070
Medical records Civil remedies, failure to comply 70.02.170
Correction, amendment, or statement of Health personnel, strategic plan for supply of
access and disclosure Ch. 70.02 28C.18.120
Medical test sites, See MEDICAL TEST SITES disagreement
procedure 70.02.110 Health professional conditional scholarship
Mental illness, See HOSPITALS FOR program Ch. 28B.115
MENTALLY ILL Correction or amendment of record 70.02.100
Definitions 70.02.010 Health professions account 18.71.401
Natural death act
patient discharge to die at home Discovery request or compulsory process Health resources strategy, statewide Ch. 43.370
immunity from civil or criminal liability 70.02.060 Immune from liability
70.122.110 Facilities, prohibited actions 70.02.280 when charging another member with
Nursing homes False pretenses, obtaining confidential records incompetency or gross misconduct
administrators, licensing and regulation Ch. under, penalty 70.02.330 4.24.250
18.52 Mental health counselors, marriage and family Immunity from liability
bed-to-population ratio therapists, social workers 70.02.180 making reports, filing charges, presenting
redistribution and addition 70.38.250 Mental health services 70.02.230, 70.02.240, evidence 4.24.260
ethnic minorities 70.02.250, 70.02.260, 70.02.310, 70.02.320, provision of care to minor 26.09.310
pool of beds to serve special needs of 70.02.340 Licenses
70.38.220 Mental illness controlled substances, suspension for
licensing and regulation Ch. 18.51 records maintenance, disclosure, and violations 69.50.413
Nursing pools, registration and duties Ch. 18.52C confidentiality Ch. 71.05 out-of-state licenses, health care professionals
Purposes 70.37.010 Notice of information practices 70.02.120 with
Rural, See RURAL HEALTH CARE Patient authorization 70.02.020, 70.02.030 in-state practice on limited voluntary basis
Uniform administrative procedures for health Patient authorization, revocation 70.02.040 43.70.117
care services Ch. 48.165 Patients examination and copying, requirements Malpractice insurance
Washington death with dignity act 70.02.080 coverage by self-insurer conditioned upon
role of provider Ch. 70.245 Patients request for examination and copying, practitioner participation in risk
Washington health care authority denial 70.02.090 management training 48.05.410
advancements, contributions by political Providers, prohibited actions 70.02.280 liability risk management training program
subdivisions 70.37.110 Representative of deceased patient 70.02.140 48.22.080
bond issues Representative of patient 70.02.130 Marijuana
disposition of proceeds, special fund Retention of records 70.02.160 medical use of cannabis act Ch. 69.51A
70.37.080 Security breach by state agency, when notice Medical assistants
payments 70.37.070 completed 42.56.590 certification, registration, and regulation Ch.
special trust fund 70.37.070 Security safeguards 70.02.150 18.360
bonding authority 70.37.040 Sex offenses, dismissal of medical assistant-certified Ch. 18.360
chair 70.37.030 release of information to protect the public medical assistant-hemodialysis technician Ch.
governor 70.37.030 70.02.350 18.360
compensation and travel expenses 70.37.030 Sexually transmitted diseases 70.02.220, medical assistant-phlebotomist Ch. 18.360
established 70.37.030 70.02.300 medical assistant-registered Ch. 18.360

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 313]


Medical malpractice unauthorized, penalty 9.02.120 Funds, public health pooling fund, generally Ch.
actions for injuries resulting from health care Clinics, provider-based 70.12
Ch. 7.70 licensed as part of hospital Generally Ch. 70.46
arbitration of health care actions Ch. 7.70A facility fee notice, posting of 70.01.040 Health services
health care services coordinated quality Credentialing applications, health carrier, expenses, responsibility for 70.46.085
improvement program to identify and electronic database use 48.43.750, 48.43.755 One county 70.46.031
prevent 43.70.510 Emergencies, providers responding to Two or more counties 70.46.020
Medical malpractice suits providers credentialing or granting practice Well sealing and decommissioning, authority
admissibility, gestures of apology 5.64.010 privileges to other providers 4.24.810 18.104.043
Medical records Epinephrine autoinjectors (EPI pens) Withdrawal from 70.46.090
access and disclosure Ch. 70.02 prescribing to certain entities for emergency HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE
Medical school students, allopathic or use 70.54.440 ACCESS ACT (See INSURANCE,
osteopathic Fees and charges subtitle Health care access)
clinical rotations, agreements with hospitals or estimate by provider or facility, requirements
physicians for 28B.115.150, 28B.115.155 70.01.030, 70.41.450 HEALTH MAINTENANCE
Multicultural health awareness and education ORGANIZATIONS (See also HEALTH
Health resources strategy, statewide Ch. 43.370 SERVICES COMMISSION)
program 43.70.615 Hospitals
Natural death act Administrative review 48.46.220
cost disclosure to providers 70.41.250 Adopted children
patient discharge to die at home Indecent liberties
immunity from civil or criminal liability coverage 48.46.490
class B felony 9A.44.100 Advertising
70.122.110 Interference with facilities or providers
Nurses, See NURSES false or misleading prohibited 48.46.400
civil damages 9A.50.050 Asset acquisitions and dispositions, disclosure
Occupational therapists, See OCCUPATIONAL civil remedies 9A.50.040
THERAPY 48.46.610, 48.46.615
definitions 9A.50.010 Basic health plan benefits
Orthotic and prosthetic services Ch. 18.200 informational picketing not prohibited
Osteopaths and osteopathic physicians small employers 48.46.066, 48.46.068
9A.50.060 Benefits reduction or refusal on basis of other
assistants, See OSTEOPATHIC penalties 9A.50.030
PHYSICIANS ASSISTANTS; existing coverage
protection of patients and providers 9A.50.070 restrictions on the use of 48.21.200
OSTEOPATHY unlawful acts 9A.50.020
Out-of-state licenses, health care professionals Cancellation, denial, refusal of coverage
Peer review insurance commissioner not liable 48.46.390
with actions by peer review body Ch. 7.71
in-state practice on limited voluntary basis Cancellation, denial, refusal to renew agreement
Rape and indecent liberties notice of reason for 48.46.380
43.70.117 persons with mental disorders and chemical
Overdoses, drug-related Cancer treatment
dependencies 9A.44.010, 9A.44.100 prescribed, self-administered anticancer
medical assistance, seeking 69.50.315 Rape in second degree
Peer review medication coverage 48.46.274
defined elements 9A.44.050 Catastrophic health plans 48.46.045
actions by peer review body Ch. 7.71 Rebating prohibited, penalty Ch. 19.68
Personal aides for persons with functional Certificate of need
disabilities 74.39.007, 74.39.050, 74.39.060, Restrooms in retail establishments hospital construction or development
74.39.070 access for customers with certain medical 70.38.105
Physical therapists, See PHYSICAL THERAPY conditions issuance, review criteria 70.38.115
Physician assistants, See PHYSICIAN provider to sign standard electronic form Certificate of registration
ASSISTANTS 70.54.400 application requirements 48.46.030
Physicians and surgeons, See PHYSICIANS Uniform administrative procedures for health eligibility requirements 48.46.030
AND SURGEONS care services Ch. 48.165 issuance
Practice indicators and risk management Warren Featherstone Reid award for excellence financial solvency requirements 48.46.040
protocols, department of health development in health care 43.70.045, 43.70.047 grounds for refusal 48.46.040
and evaluation duties 43.70.500 Washington death with dignity act inspection and review by department
Prescription drugs Ch. 69.41 role of provider Ch. 70.245 48.46.040
Prescriptive authority Whistleblowers, protection 43.70.075 name restrictions 48.46.040
emergency medications, prepackaged HEALTH CARE SERVICE suspension or revocation 48.46.130
70.41.480 CONTRACTORS (See INSURANCE, fine in lieu of or in addition to 48.46.135
Psychologists, See PSYCHOLOGISTS subtitle Health care service contractors) Certified health plans
Records of review committee or board, members, taxes
HEALTH CLUBS (See HEALTH STUDIOS) premiums and prepayments tax 48.14.0201
or employees not subject to process 4.24.250
Risk management protocols and practice HEALTH COORDINATING COUNCIL (See uniform benefits package
indicators, department of health HEALTH PLANNING AND disapproval by legislature, submission of
development and evaluation duties RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT) modified package 43.72.180
43.70.500 uniform benefits package constitutes
HEALTH DISTRICTS minimum benefits that may be offered by
Steroid use restricted, recordkeeping Board of health
requirements 69.41.320 plan 43.72.090
powers and duties 70.46.060, 70.46.100 Chemical dependency treatment 48.46.350
Suicide assessment, treatment, and management representation 70.46.020, 70.46.031
training, requirements for health care Children, coverage for
Cities over 100,000 inclusion within 70.46.080 under age twenty-six 48.46.325
professionals 43.70.442 Contaminated properties
evidence-based training, study of, report Compliance with federal funding requirements
decontamination, disposal, or demolition of 48.46.210
concerning 43.70.443 decontamination by owner 64.44.050
Surgical technologists Ch. 18.215 Congenital disorders, prenatal testing 48.46.375
definitions 64.44.010 Conservators 48.46.130
Tuberculosis immunity from civil liability 64.44.080 Continuation of coverage
report of cases 70.28.010 local health officer, duties 64.44.020 former family members, individual
Uniform administrative procedures for health powers 64.44.070 agreements 48.46.480
care services Ch. 48.165 report to local health officer 64.44.020 Contracts, agreements, and documents
Uniform disciplinary act Ch. 18.130 unfit for use order, issuance procedure cancellation limitations 48.46.060
Vision care, consumer access to Ch. 18.195 64.44.030 filing requirement 48.46.060
Washington death with dignity act Defined 70.12.030 grounds for disapproval 48.46.060
role of provider Ch. 70.245 Disincorporation of special districts in counties individual contracts, rates 48.46.062,
HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS with population of two hundred ten thousand 48.46.064
Abortion or more Ch. 57.90 minimum standards 48.46.060
defenses to prosecution 9.02.130 Expenses of public health services, responsibility Corporate document filings 48.46.012
definitions 9.02.170 for 70.46.085 Corporate documents, certain copies provided to
refusal to perform 9.02.150 Fees for license or permit 70.46.120 insurance commissioner 43.07.175
right to assist physician in providing 9.02.110 Funds, district health, district as custodian of Definitions 48.46.020
state regulation 9.02.140 70.46.082 Denturist services 48.46.570

[RCW Indexpage 314] (2016 Ed.)


Dependent children coverage 48.46.250 Labor disputes HEALTH PLANNING AND RESOURCES
congenital anomalies 48.46.250 group subscriber, individual may pay on own DEVELOPMENT
newborns to keep coverage 48.46.360 Board of health recommendation authority
notification of birth 48.46.250 Legislative declaration, purposes 48.46.010 70.38.135
termination of coverage 48.46.320 Lumpectomy Certificate of need
Diabetes coverage 48.46.272 discrimination based on, certain prohibited amendment 70.38.115
Disabilities, persons with 48.46.285 applicable law, effective date 70.38.915
may not deny coverage based on 48.46.370 Malpractice applications pending as of July 1, 1989,
Discrimination actions for injuries resulting from Ch. 7.70 review and action based on prior law
freedom from for insurance transactions arbitration of health care actions Ch. 7.70A 70.38.918
49.60.030 Mammograms duration of 70.38.125
prohibited practices 49.60.178 required coverage 48.46.275 elective percutaneous coronary interventions
Discrimination, prohibited 48.46.110 Mastectomy 70.38.128
Effect of chapter as to other laws, construction discrimination based on, certain prohibited exemptions 70.38.111
48.46.170 48.46.285 hospice agencies 70.38.118
Employer health plans, registered reconstructive breast surgery hospice care centers, application of chapter
uniform benefits package constitutes coverage required 48.46.280 70.38.230
minimum benefits that may be offered by Material transactions, disclosure 48.46.600, issuance, revocation procedures 70.38.115
plan 43.72.090 48.46.605, 48.46.615, 48.46.620, 48.46.625 pending at time of 1983 act 70.38.914
Employers duty to inform employees of health Medical risk adjustment mechanisms procedures and review criteria, establishment
maintenance organizations enrollment disapproval by legislature, submission of of 70.38.115
option 48.46.180 revised package by health services savings clause 70.38.155
Endorsement of agreement modifications commission 43.72.180 savings clause, 1980 act 70.38.156
required 48.46.470 Mental health treatment savings clause, 1983 act 70.38.157
Enforcement authority of insurance waiver of preauthorization requirement for savings clause, 1989 act 70.38.158
commissioner 48.46.430 persons involuntarily committed 48.46.292 services and facilities subject to 70.38.105
Examinations of operations by commissioner Minimum net worth requirements 48.46.235, violations
48.46.120 48.46.237
False or misleading advertising prohibited injunctive relief 70.38.125
Misrepresentation to induce retention or penalties 70.38.125
48.46.400 termination of agreement prohibited
Fees 48.46.140 Definitions 70.38.025
48.46.410 Effective date, 1980 act 70.38.916
Financial interests of authorities Name restrictions 48.46.110
regulated 48.46.270 Expert or consultant services, contracting
Neurodevelopmental therapy authority 70.38.135
Financial statement, annual reporting required coverage, employer-sponsored
requirements 48.46.080 Facilities survey authority 70.38.135
contracts 48.46.520 Federal law, conflict with, construction
Funded reserve requirements 48.46.240 Nonresident pharmacies
Future dividends or future refunds 70.38.905
insurer may provide coverage only from Health, department of, authority 70.38.135
regulated 48.46.300 licensed nonresident pharmacy 48.46.540
Governing body Health systems agencies
proof of licensure requirements, insurer duties public disclosure, records, meetings 70.38.095
advisory boards 48.46.070 48.46.540
federal compliance in lieu of certain state Nursing homes
Osteopathic medicine and surgery, bed-to-population ratio
requirements 48.46.070 discrimination prohibited 48.46.575
members redistribution and addition 70.38.250
Premiums and prepayments tax 48.14.0201 ethnic minorities
nomination and election 48.46.070 Prepayment agreements 48.46.060
qualifications 48.46.070 pool of beds to serve special needs of
Prescriptions 70.38.220
Grievance procedure 48.46.100 preapproved individual claim may not be
Group disability insurance Public policy, declaration of 70.38.015
rejected later, recordkeeping requirements Rule making authority 70.38.135
benefits reduction or refusal on basis of other 48.46.535
existing coverage Statewide health resources strategy 70.38.018
restrictions on the use of 48.21.200 Producer
Group subscribers OF (See HEALTH SERVICES, subtitle
ineligibility of an individual license 48.46.023
Professional negligence Health professions)
continuation option 48.46.440
conversion option 48.46.450, 48.46.460 limitation on suits arising from 4.16.350 HEALTH PROFESSIONS ADVISORY
labor disputes Public employees COMMITTEE (See HEALTH CARE
individual may pay on own to keep coverage payroll deductions authorized 41.04.233 PRACTITIONERS)
48.46.360 Receivers 48.46.130
Reconstructive breast surgery HEALTH SCIENCES AND SERVICES
Health maintenance organizations AUTHORITIES
insolvency coverage required 48.46.280
Generally, including creation by local
commissioners duties 48.44.057 Recovery of costs for unentitled services governments Ch. 35.104
Individual agreements 48.46.110
continuation of coverage for former family Registration HEALTH SERVICES
members 48.46.480 not an endorsement by insurance AIDS
group subscribers who become ineligible commissioner 48.46.310 education and training for health professionals
continuation option 48.46.440 penalty for violations 48.46.027 70.24.270
conversion option 48.46.450, 48.46.460 required 48.46.027 Children with multiple disabilities Ch. 74.26
modification Rules and regulations 48.46.200 Chore services
signed endorsement required 48.46.470 Securities issuance home health care
return within ten days of delivery penalty for violations 48.46.027 definitions 70.126.010
refund 48.46.260, 48.46.340 regulations 48.46.027, 48.46.300 disability insurance 48.21A.090
Individual contracts, rates 48.46.062, 48.46.064 Standard of services 48.46.090 group disability insurance 48.21.220
Insolvency State employee health care programs Ch. 41.05 health care insurance to cover 48.44.320
allocation of coverage 48.44.057, 48.46.247 Temporomandibular joint disorders legislative finding 70.126.001
contracts between organizations and providers optional coverage requirements 48.46.530 services and supplies included, not included
48.46.243 Unfair practices 49.60.178 70.126.020
insurance commissioners duties 48.44.057, Violations insurance provisions, limited application
48.46.243, 48.46.245, 48.46.247 compliance orders 48.46.130 70.126.060
participants options 48.44.057, 48.46.247 injunctive relief 48.46.130 Diabetes
plan for handling 48.46.245 investigations, hearings, penalties 48.46.130 disability insurance coverage 48.20.391
priority in distribution of assets 48.46.225 receiver or conservator appointment Emergency medical services, See
supervision by commissioner 48.46.225 48.46.130 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES
Insurance commissioner Violations of chapter Employer and employees
enforcement authority 48.46.430 penalties 48.46.420 deductions for 49.52.010

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 315]


duty of employer 49.52.010, 49.52.030, fees 70.127.090 procedures, generally 70.127.080,

49.52.040 interpretive guidelines 70.127.125 70.127.100, 70.127.170, 70.127.200
Evaluation and analysis of outcomes and procedures, generally 70.127.080, required after 7/1/90 70.127.020
effectiveness, department of health duties 70.127.100, 70.127.170, 70.127.200 rules 70.127.120
43.70.070 required after 7/1/90 70.127.020 scope of regulation, exemptions 70.127.040
Excreta and animal remains, disposal of, powers rules 70.127.120 survey 70.127.085
as to 43.20.050 scope of regulation, exemptions 70.127.040 terms, use restricted 70.127.030
Food and food products, powers as to 43.20.050 survey 70.127.085 volunteer organizations 70.127.050
Health boards terms, use restricted 70.127.030 pharmacy, practice of, in hospice care
consumer representative respite services or in-home personal care programs 18.64.550, 18.64.560, 18.64.570,
defined 43.20.025 department not authorized to pay when care 18.64.580, 18.64.590
Health officer provided by family member of client provider to be a hospice agency 70.126.030
defined 43.20.025 74.39A.326 services included 70.126.030
Health professional conditional scholarship electronic timekeeping, requirements for Hospitals
program Ch. 28B.115 agencies 74.39A.325 disclosure of information 70.41.150
Health professions unlicensed operation, cease and desist orders standards and rules 70.41.030
domestic violence education program for 70.127.213 Hospitals, See also HOSPITALS
health care professionals 43.70.610 unlicensed operation, consumer protection act Informed consent 7.70.065
licenses 70.127.216 Inmates in custody of department of corrections
armed forces and merchant marine, license Home health care 72.10.040
remains valid while member, renewal definitions 70.126.010 accompanied by officer, required to be, when
upon discharge 43.70.270 disability insurance 48.21A.090 Ch. 10.110
examinations, appointment of temporary group disability insurance 48.21.220 contracts for services 72.10.030
members to licensing boards and health care insurance to cover 48.44.320 definitions 72.10.010
committees for administration and insurance provisions, limited application health services delivery plan 72.10.020
grading of 43.70.260 70.126.060 rule making authority 72.10.040, 72.10.050
extension or modification of duration of legislative finding 70.126.001 Insurance
license, certificate, or registration licensure child support 26.09.105
43.70.280 bill of rights 70.127.140 Long-term care ombuds program
fees 43.70.250 billing statements 70.127.140 municipal authority 36.39.060
health professions account, deposit of fees compliance procedure 70.127.180, Lumpectomy
and penalties 43.70.320 70.127.190 insurance
issuance, renewal, or reissuance, procedures definitions 70.127.010 discrimination based on, certain prohibited
43.70.280 drugs and controlled substances, rules 48.21.235, 48.44.335, 48.46.285
transfer of department of licensing duties and 70.127.130 Mammograms
powers to department of health 43.70.220 durable power of attorney, prohibition disability insurance coverage 48.20.393
written operating agreements 43.70.240 70.127.150 group disability insurance, required coverage
regulation criteria fees 70.127.090 48.21.225
applicants requesting regulation 18.120.030, interpretive guidelines 70.127.125 required coverage, health care services
18.120.040 procedures, generally 70.127.080, contracts 48.44.325
continuing education as condition of 70.127.100, 70.127.170, 70.127.200 required coverage, health maintenance
licensure 18.120.050 required after 7/1/90 70.127.020 organizations 48.46.275
definitions 18.120.020 rules 70.127.120 Mastectomy
purpose 18.120.010 scope of regulation, exemptions 70.127.040 insurance
uniform administrative provisions survey 70.127.085 discrimination based on, certain prohibited
advisory committees 18.122.070 terms, use restricted 70.127.030 48.20.397, 48.21.235, 48.44.335,
application of chapter 18.122.160 services and supplies included, not included 48.46.285
applications 18.122.110 70.126.020 reconstructive breast surgery
credentialing by endorsement 18.122.130 unlicensed operation, cease and desist orders disability insurance coverage 48.20.395
credentialing requirements 18.122.080 70.127.213 group disability insurance coverage
definitions 18.122.020 unlicensed operation, consumer protection act 48.21.230
educational programs, approval 18.122.090 70.127.216 health care insurance to cover 48.44.330
examinations 18.122.100 Hospice care health maintenance organizations
health care administration work groups applicants, rules 70.127.280 coverage required 48.46.280
18.122.165 business and occupation tax exemption Medical assistants
recordkeeping requirements 18.122.060 82.04.4289 certification, registration, and regulation Ch.
registration, certification, and licensure certificate of need, application of chapter 18.360
18.122.030, 18.122.040, 18.122.140 70.38.230 Medical test sites, See MEDICAL TEST SITES
secretary of health, duties 18.122.050 certificate of need, exemption 70.38.118 Membership 43.20.030
secretary of health, participation in health controlled substances, dispensing to hospice Neurodevelopmental therapy
care administration work groups programs 69.50.308 required coverage, employer-sponsored
18.122.165 definitions 70.126.010 contracts 48.46.520
uniform disciplinary act, application disability insurance 48.21A.090 required coverage, employer-sponsored group
18.122.150 group disability insurance 48.21.220 contracts 48.21.310, 48.44.450
waiver of examinations 18.122.120 health care insurance to cover 48.44.320 Orthotic and prosthetic services Ch. 18.200
uniform disciplinary act Ch. 18.130 hospice care plan 70.126.030 Physicians, regulation of professional services
Home care agencies insurance provisions, limited application 70.41.180
in-home personal care or respite services 70.126.060 Physicians and surgeons, See PHYSICIANS
department not authorized to pay when care legend drugs, dispensing to hospice programs AND SURGEONS
provided by family member of client 69.41.041, 69.41.055 Powers and duties, generally 43.20.050
74.39A.326 legislative finding 70.126.001 Public facilities, powers as to 43.20.050
electronic timekeeping, requirements for licensure Public health, threats to
agencies 74.39A.325 bill of rights 70.127.140 attorney general, duty to enforce 43.20A.660
licensure billing statements 70.127.140 notice to violators 43.20A.660
bill of rights 70.127.140 compliance procedure 70.127.180, prosecuting attorneys, duties to enforce
billing statements 70.127.140 70.127.190 43.20A.660
compliance procedure 70.127.180, definitions 70.127.010 reports of violations, duty of attorney general
70.127.190 drugs and controlled substances, rules and prosecuting attorneys to enforce
definitions 70.127.010 70.127.130 43.20A.660
drugs and controlled substances, rules durable power of attorney, prohibition Quarantine, powers as to 43.20.050
70.127.130 70.127.150 Reconstructive breast surgery
durable power of attorney, prohibition fees 70.127.090 disability insurance coverage 48.20.395
70.127.150 interpretive guidelines 70.127.125 group disability insurance coverage 48.21.230

[RCW Indexpage 316] (2016 Ed.)


health care insurance to cover 48.44.330 disciplinary action, grounds 18.35.110, reciprocity 18.35.085
health maintenance organizations 18.35.120 renewal 18.35.090
coverage required 48.46.280 licenses permits 18.35.060
Report to governor 43.20.100 applicants, eligibility 18.35.040 place of business 18.35.100
Reports of abuse of dependent adults 74.34.040 competency standards 18.35.090 recordkeeping requirements 18.35.105
Rules and regulations, duty of public officers to continuing education 18.35.090 Uniform disciplinary act, application 18.35.172
enforce, penalty 43.20.050 examinations 18.35.050 Unprofessional conduct 18.35.162
Rural, See RURAL HEALTH CARE exemptions 18.35.195 Violations
Sexually transmitted diseases inactive status 18.35.095 cease and desist orders 18.35.220
venipuncture, case workers authorized to issuance 18.35.080 injunctions 18.35.220
perform 70.24.120 prerequisite to suits 18.35.190 misrepresentation of credentials 18.35.260
Surgical technologists Ch. 18.215 reciprocity 18.35.085 remedies 18.35.250
Telemedicine or store and forward technology renewal 18.35.090 service of process 18.35.230
hospitals, physicians privileges granted by required 18.35.020 surety bond or security 18.35.240
requesting information on physician permits 18.35.060 HEARING IMPAIRED (See DEAF)
70.41.230 place of business 18.35.100
Temporomandibular joint disorders recordkeeping requirements 18.35.105 HEARINGS (See also ADMINISTRATIVE
optional coverage requirements, group Audiology HEARINGS, OFFICE OF;
disability plans 48.21.320, 48.44.460 applied doctorate level degrees ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE;
optional coverage requirements, health Western Washington University 28B.35.216 MEETINGS AND ASSEMBLIES)
maintenance organizations 48.46.530 Board of hearing and speech Acquisition and disposition of property for
Terminally ill persons, palliative care not membership, organization, and operation highway construction 47.12.180
criminal mistreatment 9A.42.045 18.35.150 Administrative hearings, office of Ch. 34.12
Venereal diseases powers and duties 18.35.161 Appearance of fairness doctrine Ch. 42.36
Chapter exclusive 18.35.205 Certiorari proceedings 7.16.110, 7.16.330
generally Ch. 70.24 judicial determinations 7.16.120
Vision care, consumer access to Ch. 18.195 Definitions 18.35.010
Health, department of, powers and duties Cities and towns, local improvements and
Vital statistics, See VITAL STATISTICS assessments
Vulnerable adults 18.35.140
Hearing aid specialists hearings by superior court 35.44.250
reports of abuse 74.34.035, 74.34.053, Comprehensive plans
74.34.063, 74.34.067, 74.34.068, advertising, application of false advertising
act 18.35.180 hearing examiner system 35.63.130
74.34.070, 74.34.095 County bridges, franchises 36.55.050
reports of abuse of dependent adults 74.34.050 consumer protection act, application
18.35.180 Criminal procedure, material witnesses, hearing
Warren Featherstone Reid award for excellence on materiality 10.52.040
in health care 43.70.045, 43.70.047 disciplinary action, grounds 18.35.110,
18.35.120 Erotic material, sale or distribution to minors,
Water and water supply, treatment, storage and hearing on nature of material 9.68.060
distribution of, powers as to 43.20.050 licenses
applicants, eligibility 18.35.040 Highway railroad crossings, alteration or change
Whistleblowers, protection 43.70.075 of crossing, petition, notice waiver
competency standards 18.35.090
HEALTH SERVICES COMMISSION continuing education 18.35.090 81.53.060
Certified health plans examinations 18.35.050, 18.35.070 Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL
uniform benefits package exemptions 18.35.195 INSURANCE, subtitle Hearings
disapproval by legislature, submission of inactive status 18.35.095 Injunctions, motion to reinstate 7.40.210
modified package 43.72.180 issuance 18.35.080 Insurance
Definitions 43.72.011 prerequisite to suits 18.35.190 generally Ch. 48.04
Managed competition reciprocity 18.35.085 Judges, superior court, habeas corpus
anti-trust immunity 43.72.310 renewal 18.35.090 adjournment of 7.36.110
attorney general duties 43.72.310 required 18.35.020 summary procedure 7.36.120
Medical risk adjustment mechanisms permits 18.35.060 Juvenile court
disapproval by legislature, submission of place of business 18.35.100 proceedings 13.34.110
modified package 43.72.180 receipt required, contents 18.35.030 public excluded, conditions 13.34.115
recordkeeping requirements 18.35.105 records 13.34.115
HEALTH STUDIOS summary proceedings 13.34.070
Attorney fees for prevailing buyer 19.142.110 sales
rescission of transaction, procedures Juvenile offenders
Cancellation notice 19.142.050 time and place 13.40.120
Consumer protection act, application 19.142.100 unlawful practices 18.35.175 Land use
Contracts Hearing instruments hearing examiner system 35.63.130
contents 19.142.040 charitable donation, liability immunity Legislature, See LEGISLATURE, subtitle
waivers of regulation illegal 19.142.090 4.24.800 Hearings and inquiries
written contract required 19.142.030 Speech-language pathologists Limited access facility establishment 47.52.135
Definitions 19.142.010 assistant ratios, data collection 18.35.270 Local improvement districts, fire protection
Membership plans 19.142.020 assistants districts, formation hearing, notice 52.20.020
Refund 19.142.050 certification, applicants and eligibility for Lost or destroyed records, application for
Special offers 19.142.020 18.35.040 replacement of court records lost or
Surety bond guaranteeing opening 19.142.070, certification, inactive status 18.35.095 destroyed 5.48.030
19.142.080 delegated tasks, duties of supervisor Mandamus 7.16.240, 7.16.250
Trust account for preopening membership dues 18.35.280 Motor vehicles
19.142.060, 19.142.070, 19.142.080 duties delegated to 18.35.290 drivers license 46.20.329
Violation of trust account or bond requirement no requirement for pathologist to contract directors designee, authority to preside and
19.142.080 with 18.35.300 make decision 46.20.331
HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES AND delegation to assistive personnel habitual traffic offenders
PRODUCTS duties of assistant 18.35.290 revocation of license, procedure 46.65.065
Washington global health technologies and supervisor duties 18.35.280 Obstructions on highway rights of way, hearings
product development competitiveness disciplinary action, grounds 18.35.110, relating to Ch. 47.32
program 18.35.120 Parks and recreation
finding, intent, purpose 43.374.005 licenses county recreation districts formation
Washington global health technologies and applicants, eligibility 18.35.040 36.69.040
product development account 43.374.020 competency standards 18.35.090 local improvement districts 36.69.250
continuing education 18.35.090 Parole
HEARING AIDS (See HEARING AND examinations 18.35.050 on-site parole revocation hearing, right to
SPEECH SERVICES) exemptions 18.35.195 9.95.121
HEARING AND SPEECH SERVICES inactive status 18.35.095 Pollution control hearings board, See
Audiologists issuance 18.35.080 POLLUTION CONTROL HEARINGS
assistant ratios, data collection 18.35.270 prerequisite to suits 18.35.190 BOARD

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 317]


Port districts, boundaries 53.16.020 HERBICIDES (See PESTICIDES) HIGHLY CAPABLE STUDENTS (See
Railroad crossings, alteration or change of HERITAGE BARN PRESERVATION SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS,
81.53.070 PROGRAM (See HISTORIC subtitle Highly capable students)
State limited access facility through city or town PRESERVATION) HIGH-SPEED GROUND
47.52.131, 47.52.133, 47.52.135, 47.52.137, TRANSPORTATION (See PUBLIC
47.52.139, 47.52.150, 47.52.160, 47.52.170, HERITAGE COUNCIL (See HISTORIC
47.52.180, 47.52.190, 47.52.195 subtitle High-speed ground
State personnel appeals transportation program)
hearings officers, appointment authority HERRING (See FISH AND FISHING)
mitigating circumstances, explanation TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, DEPARTMENT OF)
46.63.100 subtitle High capacity transportation Abandonment
procedure, appeals from 46.63.090 systems) transfer to counties, procedure 36.75.090
Unsworn written statements in place of affidavits HIGH SCHOOLS (See SCHOOLS AND Access control program
or other sworn statement 9A.72.085 SCHOOL DISTRICTS, subtitle High access permits
Zoning schools) existing connections, when permit not
HIGHER EDUCATION (See COLLEGES required 47.50.080
hearing examiner system 35.63.130 modification or revocation of permit
Burning wood for heat, limitations 70.94.473 nonconforming access permit, conditions
Heating oil pollution liability protection BOARD
program, See POLLUTION LIABILITY required to make connection to highway
Abolishing the board 28B.77.005 47.50.040
INSURANCE AGENCY; Transferring board powers, duties, and functions
UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS, Access management program
to student achievement council 28B.77.900 access control classification system
subtitle Heating oil storage tanks, including
underground HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES department to develop, adopt, and maintain
AUTHORITY 47.50.090
Process heaters access permits
industrial, commercial, or institutional Bond counsel selection 28B.07.120
Bond holder or owner conditions may be imposed on permit
assessment and reporting requirements 47.50.070
70.94.992 enforcement of rights 28B.07.090
foreclosure sale 28B.07.090 fees 47.50.050
Solid fuel burning devices Contract procedures permit review process 47.50.060
opacity levels connections to state highway system
certain exemptions 28B.07.110 regulation of 47.50.030
enforcement and public education 70.94.470 Created 28B.07.030 definitions 47.50.020
residential and commercial construction Debt limit 28B.07.050 legislative findings and policy 47.50.010
standards 70.94.455 Definitions 28B.07.020 Acquisition and development of property for
Foreclosure sale 28B.07.090 lease of unused highway land, limitation of
Municipal Ch. 35.97 zoning ordinance 47.12.120
bonds 28B.07.100 Acquisition and disposition of property for
HEATING SUPPLIERS Legislative intent 28B.07.010 acquisition
Low-income energy assistance Membership 28B.07.030 acquisition of land outside highway right of
termination of utility heating service Moneys deemed trust funds 28B.07.080 way to minimize damage 47.12.160
Participant agreement 28B.07.070 in advance of programmed construction
city-owned utility 35.21.300
Powers and duties 28B.07.040 advance right of way acquisition, defined
limitation 80.28.010 Project or financing 47.12.242
limitations 54.16.285 contract procedures, certain exemptions reimbursement of from other funds
Termination of utility heating service 28B.07.110 47.12.246
city procedure 35.21.300 Special obligation bonds agreements with state finance committee
limitations 35.21.300, 80.28.010 issuance 28B.07.050 authorized 47.12.200
Thermal energy companies liability of authority 28B.07.050 scope 47.12.210, 47.12.220
payment 28B.07.060 warrants pursuant to agreement
exemption from utilities and transportation 47.12.210, 47.12.220, 47.12.230,
commission authority 80.04.550 securities, legal investments 28B.07.100
Student loan financing 47.12.240
HEIRS (See also DESCENT AND administration 28B.07.310 authorized 47.12.180, 47.12.190
DISTRIBUTION; PROBATE) authority, liability 28B.07.300 condemnation authorized 47.12.190
Adverse possession, See ADVERSE bonds hearing required 47.12.180
POSSESSION, subtitle Heirs debt limitation 28B.07.370 maintenance of property purchased in
Definitions 11.02.005 advance 47.12.248
default 28B.07.360 authorized, generally 47.12.010
Ejectment and quieting title actions issuance 28B.07.320 court priority 47.12.044
action by known heirs after ten years proceeds fund 28B.07.350 easements across navigable waters and
possession 7.28.010 refunding 28B.07.330 harbors 47.12.026
unknown heirs, quieting title action against trust 28B.07.340 generally 47.12.010
7.28.010 definitions 28B.07.021 lands of county or political or municipal
Execution against property in custody of, writ sale of assets 28B.07.380 subdivision of state, acquisition procedure
contents 6.17.110 Travel expenses and compensation 28B.07.030 47.12.040
Limitation of actions, See LIMITATION OF Trust funds sale or exchange of rights or land not
ACTIONS all moneys received deemed 28B.07.080 needed for highway purposes as
bank or trust company may manage payment 47.12.080
Reversal of judgment tolls limitation on action 28B.07.080
4.16.240 work on remaining land as payment
Underwriters selection 28B.07.130 47.12.050
Unknown limited access facilities 47.52.050
quieting title action against 7.28.010 HIGHER EDUCATION PERSONNEL
SYSTEM proceedings, precedence 47.12.044
real property actions 4.28.140 State internship program purchase options authorized 47.12.011
judgment, effect of 4.28.160 executive fellows program 43.06.420 for relocation of displaced facility of United
service of process against by publication States or a municipal or political
undergraduate internship program 43.06.420 subdivision of state 47.12.150
HEMP Nuclear incidents, storage or transportation procedure 47.12.023
Industrial hemp research program Ch. 15.120 liability 4.24.450, 4.24.460 prohibited uses 47.12.029

[RCW Indexpage 318] (2016 Ed.)


removal of valuable materials 47.12.023 Alaskan Way viaduct, Seattle Seawall, state route priority of charge against fuel tax revenue
state lands, rights and materials, acquisition 520 47.26.4255
procedure, compensation improvements, requirements 47.01.390, state highways
work on remaining land as payment 47.01.400, 47.01.405, 47.01.406, bond retirement fund 47.26.406
47.12.050 47.01.408, 47.01.410, 47.01.412, bonds
air space corridor 47.52.050 47.01.415, 47.01.417 designation of funds to repay 47.26.405
conveyances to the federal government Ch. Alaskan Way viaduct replacement project generally 47.26.401, 47.26.402
47.08 account 47.56.864 nature of obligation 47.26.404
engineering costs deep bore tunnel, tolls authorized for pledge of excise taxes to repay 47.26.404
in advance of programmed construction 47.56.862 proceeds of bond sales, deposit and use
advance right of way acquisition, defined deep bore tunnel option 47.01.402 47.26.403
47.12.242 Alley repayment procedure 47.26.406
advance right of way revolving fund defined 47.04.010 surplus funds, use 47.26.407
creation 47.12.244 motor vehicle law 46.04.020 declaration of purpose 47.26.400
agreements with state finance committee American Veterans Memorial Highway legal investment for state funds 47.26.402
authorized 47.12.200 47.17.140 urban transportation projects, See
scope 47.12.210, 47.12.220 Approaches TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT
warrants pursuant to agreement construction by port districts 53.34.010 BOARD, subtitle Bond issues
47.12.210, 47.12.220 county roads and bridges 36.75.130 Bridges
authorized 47.12.180 Arterial highways local bridges remaining responsibility of
exchange of land with abutting owner defined 47.04.010 department of transportation enumerated
authorized 47.12.160 motor vehicle law 46.04.030 47.17.960
sale of land to abutting owner, authorized designated 46.61.195 Bridges, See also BRIDGES
47.12.063 Bicycle routes Bridges, tunnels, underpasses
granting of franchises on toll facility property establishment, authorized, directed 47.26.305 speed limits 46.61.450
47.56.256 legislative declaration 47.26.300 Buffer zones, acquisition of property for
disposition of moneys received 47.56.257 Bicyclist facilities to be provided 47.30.020 47.12.250
lease of unused highway land 47.12.120 Bond issues Ch. 47.10 Buildings and facilities for department of
disposition of proceeds 47.12.125 2003 transportation projects - nickel account transportation
notification requirements 47.12.055 47.10.861, 47.10.862, 47.10.863, approval of plans required 47.02.010
purchase options authorized 47.12.011 47.10.864, 47.10.865, 47.10.866 authorized 47.02.010
removal of materials which have no market connecting Washington projects and bond issue
value, permits 47.12.140 improvements2015 act 47.10.889, district 1 headquarters
reservation boundary, defined 47.12.015 47.10.890, 47.10.891, 47.10.892, equal charges against revenue sources
sale of real property 47.10.893, 47.10.894, 47.10.895 47.02.190
attestation and delivery of deed by the highway improvements 47.10.843 issuance and sale 47.02.120
secretary of transportation 47.12.290 improvements 47.10.844, 47.10.845, pledge of excise taxes 47.02.160
47.10.846, 47.10.847, 47.10.848 proceeds, deposit and use 47.02.150
certification of payment to governor interstate and other highway improvements
47.12.240 repayment procedures 47.02.170
1993 act 47.10.819, 47.10.820, 47.10.821,
execution, acknowledgment, and delivery of state finance committee duties 47.02.140
47.10.822, 47.10.823, 47.10.824
deed by the secretary of transportation multimodal transportation projects2003 act use of proceeds 47.02.130
47.12.290 47.10.867, 47.10.868, 47.10.869, Center line, defined 47.04.010
listing of available properties with real estate 47.10.870, 47.10.871, 47.10.872 for motor vehicle purposes 46.04.100
brokers authorized 47.12.320 refunding bonds 47.56.770, 47.56.771, Center of intersection, defined 47.04.010
sale or exchange of rights or land not needed 47.56.772, 47.56.773, 47.56.774 motor vehicle law 46.04.110
47.12.063 selected projects and improvements2005 for motor vehicle purposes 46.04.110
severance and sale of timber and other act 47.10.873, 47.10.874, 47.10.875, City hardship assistance program
personalty from highway lands, disposition 47.10.876, 47.10.877, 47.10.878 implementation by transportation
of proceeds 47.12.140 special category C improvements 47.10.812, improvement board 47.26.164
transfer of lands to United States, municipal 47.10.813, 47.10.814, 47.10.815, City street, defined 47.04.010
subdivisions, or public utilities 47.12.080 47.10.816, 47.10.817 motor vehicle law 46.04.120
unneeded toll bridge authority property state route 520 corridor projects2009 act Classification of 47.04.020
permit, lease or license to governmental administration and amount of sale 47.10.880 Closing of or restricting traffic on
entities to use 47.56.253 bond issue authorized 47.10.879 closure authorized on highways, streets and
disposition of moneys received 47.56.257 definitions 47.10.888 county roads 47.48.010
sale of authorized 47.56.254 equal charge against motor vehicle and disobedience of closure or restricting notice
disposition of moneys received 47.56.257 special fuels excise taxes 47.10.885 unlawful, civil liability 47.48.040
sale of to governmental entities proceeds, deposit and use 47.10.881 emergency closures by state patrol 47.48.031
disposition of moneys received 47.56.257 repayment procedure 47.10.884 fire prevention despite closures, registry
unneeded toll bridge property state finance committee authority, bond 47.48.060
sale of authorized owners rights 47.10.887 notice of 47.48.020
certification to governor, execution, statement of general obligation, pledge of for urban transportation system 47.48.010
delivery of deed 47.56.255 toll revenue and excise taxes 47.10.883 Columbia river crossing project 47.56.890,
Acquisition and disposition of property for, See toll facility bond retirement account 47.56.892, 47.56.894
also HIGHWAYS, subtitle Eminent domain 47.10.882 Combination highway routes Ch. 47.22
Acquisition of property for preservation of toll revenue bonds 47.10.886 Community restitution litter cleanup programs
beauty, historic sites, viewpoints and rest state route 520 floating bridge replacement 72.09.260
areas, exception 47.12.250 state route 520 corridor account 47.56.875 Condemnation, See HIGHWAYS, subtitle
Adopt-a-highway program 47.40.100 urban areas Eminent domain
local programs 47.40.105 county and city arterials 47.26.424, Construction
Adopt-a-highway signs 47.36.400 47.26.425, 47.26.426, 47.26.427, indemnification for negligence related to,
Advance right of way revolving fund 47.26.4252, 47.26.4254 against public policy 4.24.115
creation, moneys to be deposited in fund bonds Construction, See also HIGHWAYS, subtitle
47.12.244 proceeds, deposit and use 47.26.423 Priority programming for highway
deposit of funds received from lease of unused sales requirements 47.26.422 development
highway lands 47.12.125 terms and conditions 47.26.421 Construction and maintenance of
expenditures from fund, authority to make declaration of purpose 47.26.420 actions for labor and materials used in,
47.12.244 issuance and sale of general obligation limitation of 47.28.120
reimbursements to fund bonds 47.26.420 alternative delivery of services 47.28.241,
when required 47.12.246 legal investment for state funds, exception 47.28.251
Advertising, See HIGHWAYS, subtitle Highway 47.26.422 bid procedure for emergency work 47.28.170
advertising control series II, 1979 reenactment bond issues Ch. 47.10

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 319]


bridges, projects including reciprocal agreement, waiver of indirect costs stationing of signs or flaggers at thoroughfare
river and waterway access, public 47.01.500 47.28.260 work sites, relating to 47.36.200
compost schedule rental of equipment with driver authorized Crosswalk, defined 47.04.010
purchasing schedule for use in transportation 47.28.030 for motor vehicle purposes 46.04.160
projects 47.28.220 road machinery, road rollers and snow Curves, reduction of speed required 46.61.400
connecting Washington projects removal machinery Definitions
bond issue for connecting Washington lighting and other equipment provisions motor vehicle definitions Ch. 46.04
projects and improvements2015 act under motor vehicle law, application to public highways and transportation definitions
47.10.889, 47.10.890, 47.10.891, 46.37.280, 46.37.300 Ch. 47.04
47.10.892, 47.10.893, 47.10.894, vehicle drivers license unnecessary for Department of
47.10.895 operation of 46.20.025 defined 36.75.010
connecting Washington account 46.68.395, routes director
82.32.385 latitude in selection of 47.28.010 defined 36.75.010
delivery using practical design, including new or limited access highway established state design standards committee, state aid
design build process 47.01.480 by state agency, route to be recorded engineer, member of 43.32.010
transportation future funding program 47.28.025 toll bridges, improvement of existing bridge
account 46.68.396 signs or flaggers required at thoroughfare and construction of new bridge as single
transportation future funding program and work sites 47.36.200 project, directors powers and duties
account, role of 47.01.480 state forces, when may be used 47.28.030 relating to Ch. 47.58
construction program business plan cost of project defined 47.28.035 state aid engineer, design standards on county
requirements, progress report, advisory surveying, test drilling, other exploratory roads
group 47.01.495 engineering, without bid 47.28.030 assistant for state aid, design standards on
contract, by trails and paths county roads 36.86.080
award of 47.28.090, 47.28.100 definitions 47.30.005 Department of transportation
bidders qualifying financial information, provision for required 47.30.020 sale of property
confidential 47.28.075 severance, alternative or reconstruction sale of property authorized, execution,
bids 47.30.010 delivery of deed 47.56.254
call for bids 47.28.050 width of right of way Design-build projects 47.20.780, 47.20.785
contract proposal form, questionnaire and minimum 47.28.020 Director
financial statement as requisites for, new or limited access highway established defined 36.75.010
refiling, refusal 47.28.070 by state agency, width to be recorded state design standards committee, state aid
deposit or bond requisite for consideration 47.28.025 engineer, member of 43.32.010
of 47.28.090 workforce development 47.01.435 toll bridges, improvement of existing bridge
elimination of bids for surveying, test Contractors and construction of new bridge as single
drilling, exploratory engineering, when bond 47.28.100, 47.28.110 project, directors powers and duties
47.28.030 Conveyances, transfer to counties, procedure relating to Ch. 47.58
opening and award of contract under 36.75.090 District engineer, may award contract for work,
47.28.090 Counties, open spaces Ch. 36.89 when 47.28.030
procedure when bidder fails to enter into County roads Drainage districts, improvements along
contract or contractors bond 47.28.100 approaches 36.75.130 85.08.385
rejection of bids authorized 47.28.100 defined 47.04.010 Driving on shoulders, permitted when 46.61.428
motor vehicle law 46.04.150 East Pacific highway 47.22.010
contractors bond Electric vehicles
for motor vehicle purposes 46.04.150
qualification of sureties under 47.28.110 not to be maintained or improved as temporary infrastructure requirements
required 47.28.100 route of new highway or extension by alternative fuels corridor pilot project
copies of maps, plans and specifications transportation department 47.04.100 47.38.070
available, fee 47.28.060 County roads, See also COUNTY ROADS AND electric outlets and battery exchange or
precontract preparation 47.28.040 BRIDGES charging stations at state-owned highway
when 47.28.030 Crimes relating to rest stops 47.38.075
contracts to small businesses and veteran, altering, defacing, injuring, knocking down or regional transportation planning
minority, and women contractors removing any traffic control signal, device organizations 47.80.090
47.28.030 or railroad sign or signal 47.36.130 Emergency construction
cooperative agreements between state and constructing or maintaining facilities on contracting procedure 47.28.170
political subdivisions to highway rights of way without franchise or Eminent domain
construct, maintain or improve highways, short distance permit 47.44.060 actions authorized for, extent and purposes
roads and streets 47.28.140 damaging roadside improvement or 47.12.010
establish urban public transportation system beautification 47.40.070 in advance of programmed construction
47.28.140 destroying native flora on state lands or on 47.12.180, 47.12.190
cost of project defined 47.28.035 adjoining highways and parks 47.40.080 against, railroad and canal companies,
emergency construction to protect and restore disregarding notice of closure or traffic relocating expenses 81.36.010
highways 47.28.170 restriction on highways, streets or county buffer zones, sound barrier 47.12.250
engineering errors on construction projects, roads 47.48.040 court priority 47.12.044
department of transportation report on erecting or maintaining federal aid highway system acquisitions, See
47.01.490 business places on highway right of way HIGHWAYS, subtitle Federal aid highway
environmental review 47.32.120 system acquisitions
multiagency permit program 47.85.020 certain structures, signs or devices on or near outside right of way 47.12.160
streamlined decision making through city streets, county roads or state railroad crossings 81.53.180
regulatory reform Ch. 47.85 highways, as public nuisance 47.36.180 relocate displaced facility 47.12.150
fish passage barrier removal as compensatory merchandising (receiving, delivering or set off for benefit to remaining property
mitigation 77.95.185 vending) structures on highway right of 8.25.210, 8.25.220, 8.25.230, 8.25.240,
new or limited access highways, description way 47.32.110 8.25.250, 8.25.260
and plan of recorded 47.28.025 signs contrary to highway advertising Energy freedom program
buildings and improvements prohibited after control act of 1961 47.42.080 account, projects funded by 43.325.090,
recording, when 47.28.026 failure to comply with stop sign 47.36.110 43.325.902
ineffectual, when 47.28.026 illegal use of county road or city street funds, Environmental review of transportation projects,
permit applications, local government penalty 47.08.100, 47.08.110 See TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT
determinations on, when due 35.21.950, limited access facilities, violations relating to OF, subtitle Environmental review of
35A.21.400, 36.01.340, 47.01.485 enumerated, penalty 47.52.120 transportation projects
permit applications for projects, construction maintaining or occupying obstructions on Equestrian facilities to be provided 47.30.020
starting date for 90.58.140 highway right of way 47.32.010 Equipment, chains or studded tires, when may be
railroad underpasses or overpasses obstructing or interfering with, public required 46.37.420
constructed with federal aid, apportionment nuisance 9.66.010 Erwin O. Rieger Memorial Highway 47.17.640
of maintenance costs 47.28.150 roadway construction area speeding 46.61.527 Facilities located on

[RCW Indexpage 320] (2016 Ed.)


actions against state High occupancy vehicle systems Highway defined, motor vehicle law 46.04.197
measure of damages 47.44.150 generally, including taxing authority Ch. Highway infrastructure account 46.68.240
Fences, temporary gate across highway 81.100 Highway route numbers Ch. 47.17
16.60.080, 16.60.085, 16.60.090, 16.60.095 High-occupancy toll lanes Historic sites, acquisition of property for
Ferries account, operations 47.66.090 47.12.250
designation of routes as part of scenic and definition 47.56.401 HOV lanes, use restrictions 46.61.165, 47.52.025
recreational highway system 47.39.020 pilot project 47.56.403 Human trafficking, general provisions, See
routes included in state highway routes Ch. Highway advertising control HUMAN TRAFFICKING
47.17 adopt-a-highway signs 47.36.400 Improvement, cooperation with county
Ferries, See also PUGET SOUND FERRY AND agreements to secure federal aid authorized 36.75.030
TOLL BRIDGE SYSTEM 47.42.110 Improvements
Flaggers bus shelters 47.36.141 county may fund 36.75.035
safety standards 49.17.350 commercial and industrial areas Improvements necessitated by planned economic
Flood control benefits permissible signs, requirements 47.42.062, development
liability for 86.09.529 47.42.063 procedures 43.160.074
Flood damage prevention projects preexisting signs 47.42.063 Intersection area, defined 47.04.010
payments by department of transportation, compensation for removal of signs for motor vehicle purposes 46.04.220
requirements 47.28.140 action to determine amount 47.42.103 Intersection control area, defined 47.04.010
Franchise on toll roads, granting 47.56.256 agreements to secure federal aid 47.42.110 for motor vehicle purposes 46.04.240
Franchises on state highways authorized 47.42.102 Intersection entrance marker, defined 47.04.010
actions against state federal share of payment 47.42.104 Intersections or entrances to county roads
measure of damages 47.44.150 local government actions 47.42.107 coating or discoloring 36.86.060
application for payment 47.42.103 oil, restrictions on use of 36.86.060
contents 47.44.010 removal not required if federal share Interstate 90 corridor
notice of 47.44.010 unavailable 47.42.105 court proceedings priority 47.20.653
authority of highway commission to grant signs to which applicable 47.42.102 legislative finding 47.20.645
47.44.010 states share of payment 47.42.103 local division deadline 47.20.647
exception, lease for personal wireless service definitions 47.42.020 local withdrawal, effect on use of state funds
47.44.081 existing statutes, resolutions or ordinances 47.20.647
franchises across bridges jointly owned or unaffected 47.42.070 Interstate 405 corridor
operated 47.44.040 highways and streets not part of any system, capacity improvements and performance
granting of, renewal procedure 47.44.020 regulations 47.42.065 measures 47.56.880
hearing on application for 47.44.020 highways designated as scenic areas Interstate 405 express toll lanes operation
liability of franchise holder 47.44.020 47.42.140 account 47.56.884
limitations on granting 47.44.020 information signs on interstate highway right state route 167 and Interstate 405 express toll
limited access highways when joint of way 47.36.310 lane system 47.56.886
governmental facility, franchise rights information signs on primary and scenic tolling authorization, facility, rate schedule,
flowing from 47.52.090 highways 47.36.320 and violations 47.56.880
permissible grantees 47.44.010 informational signs authorized for state, Interstate highway system
permits for short distance facilities 47.44.050 counties, city or town 47.42.050 specialized equipment, interstate travel by
removal of franchise facilities, motorist information signs size and weight criteria 46.44.101
reimbursement, when 47.44.020, lodging activity listings 47.36.340 Irrigation district land, compensation 87.03.810,
47.44.030, 47.44.031 placement 47.36.330 87.03.815
state highways in cities and towns 47.24.020 "RV" logo 47.36.360 Islands, motor vehicle tax and license fee refunds
violations relating to, penalties 47.44.060 number of signs permitted 47.42.045 to counties composed of islands 47.17.990
Freight mobility strategic investment program permissible signs in protected areas 47.42.040 Junkyards adjacent to highways
and board Ch. 47.06A permits to erect or maintain signs abatement 47.41.070
Fringe and corridor parking facilities assignment of 47.42.120 acquisition of property by department
motorist transferring from public fees 47.42.120 47.41.040
transportation or car pool vehicles permit identification number 47.42.130 definitions 47.41.020
acquisition of property for 47.12.270 revocation, grounds 47.42.090, 47.42.120 legislative declaration 47.41.010
Functional classes of highways, See temporary agricultural directional signs other laws not affected 47.41.060
HIGHWAYS, subtitle Priority programming 47.42.120 prohibited, exceptions 47.41.030
for highway development preexisting signs, date for removal 47.42.100 public nuisances
Functional classification 47.05.021 prohibited signs as public nuisance, abatement abatement 47.41.070
General provisions procedure, penalty 47.42.080 nonconforming 47.41.010
acceptance of federal acts 47.04.050 purpose 47.42.010 regulations 47.41.050
custody and disbursement of federal funds regulations to implement, judicial review review 47.41.050
47.08.130 47.42.060 screening 47.41.040
procedure to conform with federal roadside area information panel or display United States secretary of transportation,
requirements 47.04.070 authorized 47.42.055 agreements with 47.41.080
transportation department as administrator scenic and recreational system violations, penalty 47.41.070
47.04.060 definitions 47.42.020 Jurisdictional transfers
contracts with United States as to transfer of highways excluded from 47.42.025 transportation commission to receive petitions
state highway property 47.08.040, signs visible from prohibited 47.42.030 requesting changes in state highway system
47.08.050, 47.08.060 signs 47.01.425
cooperation with other governments and maintained under permit to bear permit Lane highway, defined 47.04.010
agencies 47.04.080 number and permittees name 47.42.130 Laned highway, defined
custody of federal funds, disbursement prohibited for motor vehicle purposes 46.04.260
47.08.130 protected or scenic areas 47.42.030 Lewis and Clark highway 47.22.020
definitions 47.04.010 visible from highway systems prohibited, Limited access facilities
general penalty 47.04.090 exceptions 47.42.040 acquisition of property for facilities 47.52.050
lease of right of way 47.04.045, 47.04.046 specific information panels abutters right of access protected,
title to rights of way vested in state 47.04.040 installation time, limits on 47.36.350 compensation 47.52.080
Granting of franchises on, toll facilities supplemental direction signs, erection by local assistance vans may stop 47.52.120
47.56.256 governments 47.36.300 authority powers, HOV lanes 46.61.165,
disposition of moneys received 47.56.257 tourist facilities, business, or agricultural signs 47.52.025
Green highway, Washington 47.17.020, 47.42.045 closure of roads, streets or highways not
47.17.135, 47.17.140 tourist oriented directional signs on primary actionable when access by other route
High occupancy vehicle lanes and scenic highways 47.36.320 exists 47.52.041, 47.52.042
private transportation provider vehicles, use Highway commission, See control of vehicles entering, closure of ramps,
by 46.61.165, 47.04.340, 47.52.025 TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF, metering, restrictions, notice 47.52.026
use restrictions 46.61.165, 47.52.025 subtitle Transportation commission court process for to be expedited 47.52.060

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 321]


cooperative agreements between dangerous objects and structures on highway abatement of illegal crossings 81.53.190
governmental entities right of way as public nuisance 47.32.130 alteration or change of crossing
right devolving from 47.52.090 logs on highway right of way or in drainage costs 81.53.130
for urban transportation systems 47.52.090 ditch as public nuisance 47.32.130 employment of engineers, etc., expenses of
defined 47.52.010 merchandising structures (receiving, 81.53.250
design of facility, ingress and egress delivering or vending) on highway right of hearing 81.53.060, 81.53.070
restricted, intersecting roads, streets or way 47.32.110 notice 81.53.060
highways closed 47.52.040, 47.52.042 nuisances 7.48.010, 7.48.120, 9.66.010, petition 81.53.060
emergency vehicles 47.52.120 47.32.120, 47.32.130 waiver of hearing 81.53.060
eminent domain to avoid access roads or to obstructions unlawful 47.32.010 authority from utilities and transportation
reduce compensation 47.52.105 railroad grade crossings, brush, timber and commission required for grade crossing
enforcement of laws on facility within city or signs at 47.32.140 81.53.020
town, jurisdiction 47.52.200 removal, generally canals 81.36.030
establishment of facility action in rem upon failure to remove city streets, franchise to cross 35.22.340
abutting owner, appeal by 47.52.195 obstructions 47.32.030, 47.32.040, consent of transportation commission required
franchise power when joint governmental 47.32.050, 47.32.060, 47.32.070 for construction of, when 81.53.240
facilities 47.52.090 affidavits of proof of posting returned costs
grade separations at intersections with access 47.32.020 acquisition of property for crossings
facilities 47.52.070 order to remove 47.32.010 81.53.130
record of 47.52.070 reclaiming confiscated property 47.32.080, alteration or change of crossings 81.53.130
existing highway, defined for purposes of 47.32.090, 47.32.100 apportionment 81.53.130
47.52.011 structures and buildings to be removed arbitration 81.53.130
existing roads or streets, vacation of or posted with notice to vacate 47.32.020 eminent domain, exercise of in relation to
designation of as service roads 47.52.100 Open spaces, counties Ch. 36.89 81.53.180
facility marked with signs 47.52.110 Paradise, road to 47.17.820 grade separation required 81.53.020
franchise powers when joint governmental Parks hearing for alteration of crossings 81.53.060,
facilities 47.52.090 state park directional signs 47.36.290 81.53.070
hearings, access reports, when not required Passing lane highway, defined 81.53.010
47.52.134 signs indicating multilane usage 47.36.260 highway across railroad 81.53.030
landlock prevention roads 47.52.105 Paths and trails, See HIGHWAYS, subtitle Trails change of highway route 81.53.040,
modification of adopted plan without hearing and paths 81.53.050
47.52.145 Pavement marking standards for arterials in cost apportionment 81.53.110
personal wireless service facilities urbanized areas 47.36.280 hearings 81.53.040
approach permit, report 47.52.220 Pedestrian illegal crossings, abatement of 81.53.190
policy declaration on need for 47.52.001 defined 47.04.010 industrial crossings
powers in state, city or county officials for motor vehicle purposes 46.04.400 definitions 81.54.010
relative to limited access facilities Ch. Pedestrian facilities to be provided 47.30.020 inspection 81.54.020
47.52 Plat record, county road engineer, keeping of penalty for violations 81.54.030
prior determinations of an authority 36.80.050 reporting and inspection costs 81.54.030
establishing a limited highway facility Platting, subdivision, dedication of land, notice reporting and inspection fees 81.54.030
validated 47.52.121 of proposed subdivision required 58.17.080 reports to commission 81.54.030
standards, rules and regulations for national Port districts injunction against construction of illegal
system of interstate and defense highways approaches, construction 53.34.010 crossings 81.53.190
within state 47.52.027 bridges and tunnels 53.34.010 judicial review 81.53.170
state facilities through city, town, or county construction, improvement, or repair of road limitation on contribution by state and
Ch. 47.52, 47.52.150, 47.52.160, serving port political subdivision 81.53.275
47.52.170, 47.52.180, 47.52.190 authorization 53.08.330 location of highway change, permission of
title vests in state for portions within cities and expenditure of funds 53.08.340 transportation commission required
towns 47.52.090 toll facilities, contracts for money, services 81.53.240
violations on specified, penalty 47.52.120 and materials 53.34.180 maintenance costs, duties and requirements
Limited access highways Primary highways 81.53.090
speed limits 46.61.430 routes, See HIGHWAYS, subtitle Routes mandamus to compel performance of work in
Littering tourist oriented directional signs 47.36.320 accordance with order 81.53.200
glass bottles, duty of department of Priority programming system notice of hearing for alteration of crossings
transportation to provide for collection and functional classification of highways 81.53.060
removal 47.40.090 47.05.021 obstruction on highways during construction
Livestock herding on right-of-way, limitations purpose 47.05.010 of crossings permitted 81.53.220
16.24.070 ten year plans over-crossing, defined 81.53.010
Marijuana contents and objectives 47.05.030 penalty for failure to comply with laws or
possessing or consuming in vehicle on demand modeling tools 47.05.035 orders of commission 81.53.210
highway 46.61.745 Private road or driveway, defined 47.04.010 performance of work
Marked crosswalk, defined 47.04.010 motor vehicle law 46.04.420 mandamus to compel 81.53.200
for motor vehicle purposes 46.04.290 Projects, environmental review of, See time limitations or extensions 81.53.140
Minority and womens business enterprises TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF, petition for alteration of crossing 81.53.060
construction and maintenance subtitle Environmental review of petition for crossing 81.53.030
bids 47.28.050 transportation projects hearings 81.53.040
contracts, bonds, deposits 47.28.090 Public highways railroad across highway
Motor vehicle fund, See MOTOR VEHICLE cities and towns, streets over tidelands cost paid by railroad 81.53.100, 81.53.130
FUND 35.21.230 petition for, hearing, order of commission
Multiple lane highway, defined 47.04.010 defined 47.04.010 81.53.030
motor vehicle law 46.04.350 motor vehicle law 46.04.197 railroad across railroad 81.53.030
Nickel account (transportation 2003 account) trespass to repair, damages 64.12.040 costs, apportionment between companies
46.68.280 Public land abutting highways, withdrawal from 81.53.120
Numbering system sale 79A.05.105 service of process and notices 81.53.160
authority of department to establish 47.36.095 Public land not abutting highways, exchange for signals and devices
filing with secretary of state 47.36.097 land on highway 79A.05.110 installation
route numbers Ch. 47.17 Public nuisances concerning 7.48.140, 9.66.010, agreements covering installation and cost
Obstructions on highway right of way 47.32.120, 47.32.130 81.53.261
approach roads or other appurtenances on Public-private transportation initiatives program allocation of funds to cities and towns and
highway rights of way 47.32.150, Ch. 47.46 counties to defray costs of 81.53.281
47.32.160, 47.32.170 Railroad crossings appeal 81.53.261
business places on highway right of way abandonment or vacation laws not affected costs, apportionment 81.53.261
47.32.120 81.53.230 formulas 81.53.271

[RCW Indexpage 322] (2016 Ed.)


evidence, record not admissible as evidence pesticide application act Ch. 17.21 specifications for signs, banners 47.36.030
in civil or criminal action arising out of title to certain rights of way vested in state regional shopping center directional signs
an accident 81.53.261 47.04.040 47.36.270
federal funding toll bridge and facility construction 47.56.100, route and branches designations 47.36.095
allocation of costs 81.53.295 47.56.110 filing with secretary of state 47.36.097
effect on fund transfers 81.53.281 unfranchised use route numbers Ch. 47.17
findings of commission 81.53.261 penalties 47.44.060 specific information panels
hearing 81.53.261 Right of way across given for erection of toll installation time, limits on 47.36.350
hearing upon installation 81.53.261 bridges and related facilities, compensation specific motorist information, business signs,
liability of railroad for failure to provide 47.56.100, 47.56.110 and directional information 47.36.310
81.53.261 Roadside improvement and beautification state park directional signs 47.36.290
maintenance, costs, apportionment damaging roadside project unlawful, supplemental direction signs, erection by local
81.53.271 exceptions 47.40.070 governments 47.36.300
notice of hearing 81.53.261 department funds for may be spend Sound buffer zones, acquisition 47.12.250
optional application in first class cities independently or in conjunction with others Special highway construction equipment
81.53.291 47.40.020 definition 46.04.551
petition 81.53.261 destroying native flora on state lands or on or Speed limits
contents 81.53.271 adjoining highways and parks unlawful alteration or establishment by local authorities
sawbuck signs 81.53.030 47.40.080 46.61.415
structures or equipment near crossings, permits to private persons for 47.40.030 auto stages 46.61.405, 46.61.410
restrictions 81.53.080 agreement to maintain project upon granting bridges, tunnels, underpasses 46.61.450
traffic control devices during construction, of permit 47.40.060 cities and towns
repair, etc. of application contents 47.40.040 alteration or establishment by local
required 81.53.400 survey and report on, grant or refusal of authorities 46.61.415
rules 81.53.420 permit 47.40.050 maximums 46.61.400
standards and conditions 81.53.410 as proper highway purpose 47.40.010 exceeding to pass slower vehicle 46.61.425
waiver of hearing for alteration of crossings Roadway, defined 47.04.010 minimums may be set 46.61.425
81.53.060 motor vehicle law 46.04.500 county roads, maximums 46.61.400
Railroad overpass Roadway construction area speeding 46.61.527 curves, reduction of speed 46.61.400
traffic control devices during construction, Routes, state route numbers Ch. 47.17 exceeding maximum speed limit to pass
repair, etc. of Routes and branches vehicle driving below maximum speed
required 81.53.400 filing with secretary of state 47.36.097 limit 46.61.425
rules 81.53.420 numbering system 47.36.095 hazardous conditions, lower speed required
standards and conditions 81.53.410 state route numbers Ch. 47.17 46.61.400
Real property Rules of the road, See MOTOR VEHICLES, highways, increases by secretary of
acquisition policy Ch. 8.26 subtitle Rules of the road transportation 46.61.410
Reestablishment and redesignation of RV account, motor vehicle fund impeding traffic by slow speed, violation
intersection when highway relocated sanitary disposal systems, rest areas 46.68.170 46.61.425
47.20.640 Safety zone, defined 47.04.010 increase of
Regional significance, highways of motor vehicle law 46.04.510 local authorities 46.61.415
funding 47.05.025 Scenic and recreational highways increases by secretary of transportation
Relocation assistance allocation of costs 47.39.030 46.61.410
persons displaced by public works programs corridor management plan 47.39.075 intersections, reduction of speed 46.61.400
Ch. 8.26 creation 47.39.010 limited access facilities 46.61.430
Renumbering of routes and branches department of transportation consultation with lowering of maximums, power of secretary of
authority of department to make 47.36.095 other agencies 47.39.090 transportation 46.61.405
filing with secretary of state 47.36.097 designation of portions of existing highways maximum specified 46.61.400
Rest areas and ferry routes as part of system 47.39.020 exceeding to pass slower moving vehicle
electric vehicles infrastructure designation of system on maps 47.39.060 46.61.425
electric outlets and battery exchange or development and maintenance of system minimum speeds
charging stations at state-owned highway 47.39.030 local authorities may set 46.61.425
rest stops 47.38.075 funding priorities 47.39.080 rules for operation 46.61.425
human trafficking information posters highway advertising control secretary of transportation may set 46.61.425
47.38.080 definitions 47.42.020 pedestrian traffic, reduction of speed
information centers may be established in, information signs, contents 47.36.320 46.61.400
services 47.38.040 planning and design standards establishment playground crosswalks 46.61.440
limitations on use 47.38.020 by office of community affairs railroad crossings, reduction of speed
prisoner of war and missing in action facilities and factors to be considered 46.61.400
memorial signs 47.38.060 47.39.050 reasonable and prudent rule 46.61.400
property acquisition 47.12.250 planning and design standards establishment reduction of speed
recreational vehicle sanitary disposal systems by the planning and community affairs hazardous conditions 46.61.400
designation 47.38.050 agency 47.39.040 local authorities 46.61.415
fee adjustments 47.01.460 removal of designation 47.39.100 roadway construction area speeding 46.61.527
RV account, motor vehicle fund 46.68.170 scenic areas designated 47.42.140 school crosswalks 46.61.440
rules and regulations for use and control of, signage 47.39.080 signs
adoption by department 47.38.010 tourist oriented directional signs 47.36.320 alterations effective when signs posted
Right of way tourist routes, identification 47.39.090 46.61.410, 46.61.415
advance acquisition of Scenic areas under highway advertising control schools or playground crosswalks, effect of
definitions 47.12.242 act of 1961, designation of 47.42.140 posting 46.61.440
bicycle at intersection with inoperative vehicle Scenic byways, designation Ch. 47.39 tribal reservation boundaries, within
detection device 46.61.184 Scenic vistas act Ch. 47.42 46.61.480
electrical installations 19.28.141 Shoulder driving, permitted, when 46.61.428 Spirit lake memorial highway 47.20.700
failure to obey yield signs, prima facie Signs Spirit Lake Memorial Highway 47.17.655
evidence of violation 47.36.110 adopt-a-highway signs 47.36.400 Standards, county roads, compliance with
intersections, right of way given to vehicles on informational, contents 47.36.310, 47.36.320 36.86.020
right 46.61.180 motorist information signs State highway, defined 47.04.010
lease 47.04.045, 47.04.046 definitions 47.36.005 motor vehicle law 46.04.560
moped at intersection with inoperative vehicle local governments may erect 47.36.300 State highway system
detection device 46.61.184 lodging activity listings 47.36.340 criteria for changes to 47.17.001
motorcycle at intersection with inoperative placement 47.36.330 designation as part of, criteria 47.17.001
vehicle detection device 46.61.184 "RV" logo 47.36.360 State parks, transportation department authorized
nonfunctioning signal lights 46.61.183 multilane usage 47.36.260 to construct and maintain within 47.01.180
personal wireless service facilities 47.04.047 over highways State route 520

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 323]


improvements, requirements 47.01.380 powers and duties relating to, generally procedure upon failure to post 47.36.070
State route 520, Alaskan Way viaduct, Seattle 47.56.070 transportation department may erect signs at
Seawall Puget Sound ferry system, toll roads as a part highway-railroad grade crossing
improvements, requirements 47.01.390, of Ch. 47.60 47.36.080
47.01.400, 47.01.405, 47.01.406, sale of property signals, yellow change interval duration for
47.01.408, 47.01.410, 47.01.412, sale of property authorized, execution, 47.36.022
47.01.415, 47.01.417 delivery of deed signs or flaggers at thoroughfare work sites
State route 99 Alaskan Way viaduct replacement disposition of money received 47.56.257 required 47.36.200
project sale of unneeded property to governmental standard federal road markers to be placed on
Alaskan Way viaduct replacement project entities, execution, delivery of deed state-interstate highways 47.36.090
account 47.56.864 disposition of moneys received 47.56.257 standard traffic devices to be manufactured
deep bore tunnel, tolls authorized for satisfaction of valid claims 47.56.243 and furnished to cities, towns and counties
47.56.862 Toll bridge construction and financing at cost 47.36.040
deep bore tunnel option 47.01.402 procedure, bond issues authorized stop and "yield right of way" signs on streets,
State route 167 and Interstate 405 express toll form, contents, interest and conditions of roads and highways, generally 47.36.110
lane system bonds 47.56.140 traffic devices on county roads and city
traffic and revenue analysis and finance plan Toll bridges, See BRIDGES, subtitle State toll streets, duty to erect and maintain
47.56.886 bridges 47.36.060
State route 520 corridor Toll facilities transportation department to erect traffic
toll rates, legislative approval, adjustments, Alaskan Way viaduct replacement project devices on state highways 47.36.050,
report 47.56.796 47.56.864 47.36.053
State route 520 improvements approval of tolls 47.56.031 uniform system to be adopted, standards for
corridor projects 47.01.418 Columbia river crossing project 47.56.890, 47.36.020, 47.36.030
bridge replacement program, work groups 47.56.892, 47.56.894 vehicle-activated traffic control signals
47.56.870 contracts for repairs 47.56.030 47.36.025
state route 520 corridor account 47.56.875 created after July 1, 2008 47.56.805, Traffic lights, nonfunctioning 46.61.183
state route number 520 civil penalties 47.56.810, 47.56.820, 47.56.830, Traffic safety commission, See TRAFFIC
account 47.56.876 47.56.840, 47.56.850, 47.56.860 SAFETY COMMISSION
toll authorization, revenue, and rate schedule definitions 47.56.010 Trails and paths
47.56.870 electronic toll collection and photo toll establishment, design, expenditures,
work group, subgroups 47.01.418 systems 47.56.795 restrictions Ch. 47.30
State route number 520 bridge replacement high-occupancy toll lanes Transfer to counties
shoreline management development account, operations 47.66.090 abandoned state highways 36.75.090
permitting 90.58.140 definition 47.56.401 used for ten years, effect 36.75.080
State route numbers Ch. 47.17 pilot project 47.56.403 worked by county for seven years, effect
Statewide significance, highways of 47.05.022, Interstate 405 corridor 36.75.070
47.05.195, 47.05.200 capacity improvements and performance Transportation commission
Statewide transportation planning Ch. 47.06 measures 47.56.880 contributions to project by city or town,
Stop and "yield" signs on streets, roads and Interstate 405 express toll lanes operation county or political subdivision authorized
highways, generally 47.36.110 account 47.56.884 47.56.250
Stop or stopping state route 167 and Interstate 405 express toll Transportation future funding program and
defined lane system 47.56.886 account 47.01.480
tolling authorization, facility, rate schedule, Transportation improvement board
motor vehicle law 46.04.565, 46.04.566
and violations 47.56.880 rural arterial program coordination 36.79.110
Storm water treatment facilities notification requirements 47.56.258 Transportation partnership account
highway construction projects, planning plans and specifications for approved by legislative transfer 46.68.294
90.03.540 transportation commission 47.56.070 Tribal highway cooperative agreement
Streets purchasing 47.56.030 47.20.710, 47.20.715, 47.20.720, 47.20.725,
abandoned state highway as 36.75.090 state route 520 corridor 47.20.730, 47.20.735
aid in construction and maintenance of by bridge replacement program, work groups Tribal reservation boundaries, within
state or county, procedure 47.24.050 47.56.870 speed limits 46.61.480
city street fund established, use 47.24.040 state route 520 corridor account 47.56.875 Twenty-four hour headlight policy on state
highway commission may acquire rights of state route number 520 civil penalties highways, cities and counties may request
way to 47.24.030 account 47.56.876 creation by department of transportation
as state highways, See HIGHWAYS, subtitle toll authorization, revenue, and rate schedule 47.04.180
Streets as state highways 47.56.870 Two-lane
used as temporary route pending construction toll rates, legislative approval, adjustments, slow moving vehicles to turn off roadway,
of new highway, not to be maintained or report 47.56.796 when 46.61.427
improved as temporary route by state route 99 deep bore tunnel 47.56.862 Unfranchised use of right of way
transportation department 47.04.100 transportation commission, report to penalties 47.44.060
Streets, See also STREETS AND ALLEYS legislature on toll rate increases and University of Washington arboretum and
Streets as state highways decreases 47.56.855 botanical gardens, reconveyance for state
construction and maintenance 47.24.010 Toll tunnels, See TUNNELS, subtitle Toll highway purposes 28B.20.356, 28B.20.364
designation 47.24.010 tunnels University of Washington campus highway
franchises across bridges jointly owned or Tolling authority, state authorized 47.20.590
operated with state 47.44.040 transportation commission designated as Urban arterial construction
jurisdiction, control and duties of city or town 47.56.850 advance right-of-way, definition 47.26.320
and state with respect to 47.24.020 Town plats, platted streets as 58.08.035, allocation of funds, rules 47.26.450, 47.26.460
return of to city or town 47.24.010 58.08.050 apportionment of funds
speed, parking and traffic control regulations, Traffic control devices for by regions 47.26.050
subject to approval of department of city limit signs 47.36.120 arterial, defined 47.26.090
transportation 47.24.020 county roads and bridges, standards for signs, bicycle routes
Surplus real property program 47.12.063 signals, and guideposts 36.86.040 legislative declaration 47.26.300
Telecommunications companies use of right of directional, caution and stop signs on streets, bond issues
way 80.36.040 roads and highways, generally 47.36.100 city and county arterials in urban areas
Tire chain installation forbidden structures, signs or devices on city 47.26.420, 47.26.421, 47.26.422,
permits to install 47.04.270 streets, county roads or state highway, as 47.26.423, 47.26.424, 47.26.425,
Toll bridge authority public nuisance 47.36.180 47.26.426, 47.26.427, 47.26.440,
granting of franchises on authorized meddling with signs prohibited 47.36.130 47.26.460
disposition of moneys received 47.56.257 motorist information signs state highways in urban areas 47.26.400,
permits, leases and licenses to governmental definitions 47.36.005 47.26.401, 47.26.402, 47.26.403,
entities to use facilities authorized railroads crossing state highways at grade to 47.26.404, 47.26.405, 47.26.406,
disposition of moneys received 47.56.257 be posted 47.36.050 47.26.407

[RCW Indexpage 324] (2016 Ed.)


budget for expenditures 47.26.440 Cemeteries and burial sites, database 27.34.415 tax immunity or exemption, conditions
definitions 47.26.040, 47.26.044, 47.26.090, Cities and towns 35.21.755
47.26.100, 47.26.110 authority 35.21.395 Highway commission authorized to acquire
interpretation of statutes, liberal construction Counties property for 47.12.250
authorized 47.26.930 authority to acquire, maintain, improve, etc. Historic buildings
legislative intent 47.26.010 36.32.435 state building code, exception 19.27.120
long-range arterial construction plans Counties, cities, and towns authorized to expend wood burning, permitted 70.94.041
counties and cities to prepare and submit to funds for preservation and exhibition of National historic towns, designation 36.70A.520
board 47.26.170 27.48.010 Special review districts
long-range needs studies, coordination Department of archeology and historic historical sites
47.01.240 preservation tax immunity or exemption, conditions
matching funds 47.26.270 advisory council, services provided to 35.21.755
payment process 47.26.260 27.34.280 State parks
project selection for funding 47.26.190 director historic archaeological resources,
qualifications for administering projects duties 27.34.230, 27.34.240 identification 79A.05.195
47.26.185 powers 27.34.220 Taxation, in lieu excise taxes, public
regions, groupings by for apportionment of grants, apportionment 27.34.240 corporations, convention, performing and
funds 47.26.050 Heritage barn preservation program 27.34.405, fine arts centers, federal grants 35.21.755
transportation improvement account 27.34.410
47.26.084, 47.26.086 HITCHHIKING
Heritage capital projects, proposals and
apportionment 47.26.190 prioritized list for funding 27.34.330 Regulation of 46.61.255
transportation improvement board Heritage council, duties Ch. 27.34 HIV (See AIDS)
coordination of long-range needs studies Historic properties HOLDING CORPORATIONS (See BANKS
with transportation department 47.01.240 taxation Ch. 84.26 AND BANKING, subtitle Bank holding
urban area, definition 47.26.040 Historical societies companies)
Urban public transportation systems in budget requests 27.34.060
conjunction with existing highways definitions 27.34.020 HOLES
declaration of public purpose 47.04.083 purpose for creation 27.34.010 Failing to fence or cover a public nuisance
definition 47.04.082 Indians 7.48.140
exclusion from limited access facilities graves, other artifacts Ch. 27.44 HOLIDAYS
47.52.010 Maritime history Courts, judicial business prohibited, exception
highway funds may be expended for maritime historic restoration and preservation 2.28.100
47.08.070 account 88.02.660 Enumerated 1.16.050
participation in 47.04.081 restoration and preservation, voluntary Habeas corpus, power of superior court to issue
Viewpoints, acquisition of property for donations for 88.02.580 writ on holiday 2.08.010
47.12.250 Museums or historical societies Injunctions, power of superior court to issue on
Violations of title unclaimed property Ch. 63.26 holiday 2.08.010
penalty 47.04.090 National historic towns, designation 36.70A.520 Legal holidays
Washington State University stadium highway Oral history program, See ORAL HISTORY courts
authorized 47.20.580 PROGRAM adjournments 2.28.110
Waters backed and held over highways for public Real property acquisition closed 2.28.100
purposes 90.28.010, 90.28.020 monitoring criteria for conformance governors proclamation may make
HISPANIC AFFAIRS COMMISSION 64.04.135 exceptions as to 2.28.100
Chair 43.115.040 open space law 64.04.130 judicial business prohibited 2.28.100
Created 43.115.020 State capital historical museum 27.34.900 designated 1.16.050
Executive director 43.115.045 State capitol public and historic facilities Ch. Observances not designated legal holidays
Legislative declaration 43.115.010 79.24 enumerated 1.16.050
Membership 43.115.030 State historical societies Prohibition, power of superior court to issue writ
Powers and duties 43.115.040 directors 27.34.080 of on holiday 2.08.010
Quorum 43.115.030 educational publications printing 27.34.075 Publication of legal notices, omission, legality
Relationships with local government and private heritage capital projects, proposals and 65.16.100
industry 43.115.060 prioritized list for funding 27.34.330 Schools, designation of legal holidays
Specialized forest products Pickett House, conveyance by, held in trust 28A.150.050
minority groups, assistance and training 27.34.906 State offices closed 42.04.060
76.48.241 powers and duties 27.34.070 Time computation, exclusion from 1.12.040
Sunset act State parks Writs that may be issued and served 2.28.100
termination 43.131.341, 43.131.342 historic archaeological resources,
Terms 43.115.030 identification 79A.05.195 HOLOCAUST
Travel expenses 43.115.030 State-owned aquatic lands Instruction encouraged in high school curriculum
Vacancies 43.115.030 archaeological activities 79.105.600 28A.300.115
discovery and report 27.53.100 Materials, preparation and availability of
Advisory council 27.34.250, 27.34.260, State-owned archaeological resources
27.34.270, 27.34.280 contracts for discovery and salvage 27.53.110, HOME CARE AIDES (See also LONG-
Archaeological sites and resources 27.53.120, 27.53.130, 27.53.150 TERM CARE)
abandoned resources, declaration 27.53.045 Superior court exhibits of historic value, delivery Long-term care Ch. 18.88B
activities on public lands 27.53.080 to historical societies 36.23.070 HOME DETENTION (See SENTENCES,
crimes relating to 27.53.060 Unclaimed property held by museums or subtitle Home detention)
definitions 27.53.030 historical societies Ch. 63.26
Vancouver national historic reserve 27.34.390, HOME ECONOMICS
field investigations 27.53.070 Counties, extension work 36.50.010
legislative declaration 27.53.010 27.34.395
preservation 27.53.020 Womens history consortium HOME HEALTH CARE (See HEALTH
resources, declaration 27.53.040 board of advisors 27.34.365, 27.34.370 SERVICES, subtitle Home health care)
rule-making authority 27.53.140 created, managing agency 27.34.360
report to legislature 27.34.380 HOME INSPECTORS
violations and penalties 27.53.090, 27.53.095 Advisory licensing board Ch. 18.280
Archaeology and historic preservation, responsibilities 27.34.375
Licensing and regulation Ch. 18.280
department of HISTORIC SITES Structural pest inspector 18.280.190
generally Ch. 43.334 Cities and towns
Capitol furnishings preservation committee special review districts HOME RULE (See COUNTIES, subtitle
27.48.040 tax immunity or exemption, conditions Home rule charter)
Cemeteries 35.21.755 HOME SCHOOLING
historic cemetery preservation capital grant Counties Defined 28A.225.010
program, Washington state 27.34.420 special review districts Duties of parent 28A.200.010, 28A.200.020

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 325]


Exceptions to mandatory public school office of homeless youth prevention and appraisal by appointed appraiser 6.13.100,
attendance 28A.225.010 protection programs 43.330.705, 6.13.110, 6.13.120, 6.13.130, 6.13.140,
Extension programs of private schools 43.330.710 6.13.150, 6.13.190, 6.13.200
28A.195.010 programs, state-funded, review of costs 6.13.200
High school assessments, exemption 43.330.717 division of 6.13.150
28A.200.010 training programs 43.330.715 levy 6.13.100
HOMELESS PERSONS lodging tax, use for services for homeless petition of appraisal to recite levied upon
youth 67.28.180 6.13.110
Courts, homeless, authorized 2.30.010
HOMELESS SHELTERS proceeds of sale, distribution of 6.13.170
Emergency housing programs 43.63A.645 sale of property not divisible 6.13.160
Essential needs and housing support program Alcoholism treatment facilities, availability
74.50.010 Exemptions
43.185C.220, 74.04.805, Ch. 74.62 from attachment, when 6.13.070
Families with children Hotel-motel tax, exemption 67.28.183
State surplus property, donation to emergency automatic 6.13.040, 6.15.060
department of social and health services duty from execution, when 6.13.070
to provide services to 74.13.232 shelters 43.19.1920
temporary encampments, hosting by religious from forced sale, when 6.13.070
shelter and housing services 43.20A.790 limitations on value 6.13.030
Housing, affordable, and housing-related organizations 36.01.290
Temporary encampments, hosting by religious Filing
services letters patent 65.08.090
local sales and use tax for 82.14.530 organizations 35.21.915, 35A.21.360
petition for homestead alienation in case of
Housing and assistance HOMEMAKERS incompetency or disability of spouse or
account 43.185C.060, 43.185C.061 Displaced homemaker program, See domestic partner 6.13.230
affordable housing for all account DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAM Forced sale
43.185C.190 HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATIONS exempt, when 6.13.070
census or count 43.185C.030 Board of directors 64.38.025 subject to, when 6.13.080
client management information system Bylaws 64.38.030 Income tax
43.185C.180 Definitions 64.38.010 exemption from judgment for out-of-state
definitions 43.185C.010 Financial statements 64.38.045 income tax 6.13.030
document recording surcharge funds, use of Flag of United States, display 64.38.033 Jurisdiction, homestead exemption, contest of
43.185C.240 Funds and accounts 64.38.045 validity 6.13.070
findings 43.185C.005 Governing documents Liens
interagency council on homelessness adult family homes 64.38.060 judgment against owner 6.13.090
43.185C.170 removal of discriminatory provisions laborers, homestead subject to execution or
local plans 43.185C.050 64.38.028 forced sale 6.13.080
offenders, transitional housing assistance solar panels 64.38.055 material suppliers, homestead subject to
43.185C.200 Greenbelts or open space not subject to adverse execution and forced sale 6.13.080
program created 43.185C.020 possession 36.70A.165 mechanics homestead subject to execution
strategic plan 43.185C.040 Homestead exemption 6.13.080 and forced sale 6.13.080
transitional housing operating and rent Meetings 64.38.035, 64.38.040 vendors, homestead subject to execution and
program 43.185C.210, 43.185C.215 Membership 64.38.015 forced sale 6.13.080
Housing and assistance, See also JUVENILES, Political yard signs 64.38.034 Limitation on value of homestead 6.13.030
subtitle Youth services Powers 64.38.020 Mobile homes included 6.13.010
Mental and behavioral health facilities, Mortgages, homestead subject to execution and
Recordkeeping requirements 64.38.045 forced sale 6.13.080
programs, and services Reserve account 64.38.065, 64.38.075,
local sales and use tax for 82.14.530 Net estate, homestead excluded from
64.38.085 computation for probate purposes 11.02.005
Street youth Reserve study 64.38.065, 64.38.070, 64.38.080,
HOPE centers 74.15.250 Net value, defined 6.13.010
64.38.085, 64.38.090 Nonabandonment
responsible living skills program 74.15.230, Speed limits on private roads, enforcement
74.15.240, 74.15.250 acknowledgment of declaration of 6.13.050
46.61.419 execution of declaration of 6.13.050
Students, homeless
building points of contact for unaccompanied HOMEPORT (See NAVY HOMEPORT) Owners, defined 6.13.010
and homeless students 28A.320.142 HOMES (See also HOUSING) Personal or real property used as residence
grant process to identify students and district included in 6.13.010
HOMESTEADS Power of attorney
support capacity 28A.300.542 Abandonment
grant program to link families with housing probate
acknowledgment of declaration of 6.13.050 absolute ownership power includes right to
43.185C.340 execution of declaration of 6.13.050
health care informed consent for homeless convey or encumber 11.94.060
Abandonment, declaration of 6.13.040 Presumptions of homestead validity 6.13.070
child or youth Appraisal by appointed appraiser 6.13.100, Probate
school nurse, counselor, or homeless student 6.13.110, 6.13.120, 6.13.130, 6.13.140, net estate, homestead excluded from
liaison authority 28A.320.147 6.13.150, 6.13.190, 6.13.200 computation 11.02.005
homeless student liaisons, each school Attachments exempt, when 6.13.070 Property subject to 6.13.020
districts 28A.300.540, 28A.320.142, Bankruptcy Real or personal property used as residence
28A.320.145, 28A.320.147 federal, state exemption included in 6.13.010
support from school districts 28A.320.145 duplication prohibited 6.13.080 Redemption period, during
transportation of Child support obligation, homestead subject to accounting not required 6.23.110
uniform process to track expenditures for execution and forced sale 6.13.080 possession 6.23.110
28A.300.540 Claims, recording 65.04.030 real estate brokers listing, sales, proceeds
Temporary encampments, hosting by religious Community property distribution 6.23.120
organizations 35.21.915, 35A.21.360, homestead may consist of 6.13.020 Requirements 6.13.010
36.01.290 Contest of validity Residence
Vision services jurisdiction 6.13.070 homestead requirements 6.13.010
coordination 43.20A.800 Conveyances Sales
funding 43.20A.810 acknowledgments 6.13.060 execution, on
provider liability 43.20A.830 execution 6.13.060 homesteads divisible 6.13.150
third-party payers 43.20A.840 incompetency or disability of spouse or homesteads not divisible 6.13.160
used eyeglass frames, use by providers domestic partner 6.13.210, 6.13.220, proceeds, disposition 6.13.170
43.20A.820 6.13.230, 6.13.240 exempt from forced sale, when 6.13.070
Youth Dwelling or mobile home, homestead includes new homestead exempt 6.13.070
homeless youth prevention and protection act 6.13.010 proceeds exempt 6.13.070
data and outcome measures, report Encumbrance of proceeds from sale
43.330.706 acknowledgment required 6.13.060 disposition of 6.13.180
definitions 43.330.702 execution 6.13.060 process, protection from 6.13.180
findings 43.330.700 Execution against Separate property

[RCW Indexpage 326] (2016 Ed.)


homestead may consist of 6.13.020 determination 15.62.140 HORSES (See also EQUESTRIAN;
Spousal maintenance obligation, homestead failure to remit 15.62.150 LIVESTOCK)
subject to execution and forced sale 6.13.080 refunds 15.62.160 Appaloosa horses, races 67.16.080, 67.16.090
Use requirements and limitations 6.13.030 Certified copies of proceedings, records, and acts Arabian horses, races 67.16.080
Value as evidence 15.62.120 Arabian horses, racing 67.16.090
homestead limitations 6.13.030 Definitions 15.62.020 Brands and marks Ch. 16.57
petition for appraisal to show excessive value Elections and referenda penalty 9.16.010
6.13.110 costs and reimbursement 15.62.100 Carcasses, disposal Ch. 16.68
Venue notices 15.62.090 Cruelty to animals Ch. 16.52
homestead exemption contest of validity Establishment by referendum 15.62.030 Docking horses, penalty 16.52.090
6.13.070 Gifts, grants, and endowments, acceptance and Equine activities
HOMICIDE use 15.62.150 limitation on liability for injuries arising from
Coroners inquest, authority, venue, and costs Injunctions to enjoin violations 15.62.230 4.24.530
36.24.020 Membership 15.62.050 exceptions 4.24.540
Defined 9A.32.010, 9A.32.055 Nonliability of state and commission 15.62.210 Horse meat, unlawful possession, exceptions
Excusable when by accident or misfortune Notices of activities 15.62.090 16.68.140
9A.16.030 Officers, fidelity bonds 15.62.130 Horse park, state Ch. 79A.30
Inquests, See CORONERS, subtitle Inquests Powers and duties 15.62.040 Identification certificates 16.57.400, 16.57.410
Justifiable Prosecutions, superior court jurisdiction Logs and logging, liens for services 60.24.020
private person 15.62.230 Microchip implant, removal with intent to
defense of family or others 9A.16.050 Qualifications of members 15.62.060 defraud 16.57.405, 16.57.407
defense of home 9A.16.050 Quorum 15.62.110 Quarter horses, races 67.16.070, 67.16.080,
self-defense 9A.16.050 Recordkeeping 15.62.170, 15.62.200 67.16.090
public officer Reporting to commission 15.62.180 Racing, See HORSE RACING
apprehension of felon 9A.16.040 Termination, suspension, or continuance Rendering plants Ch. 16.68
escaped felon prisoner, retaking of 15.62.300 Special open consignment horse sales, licensing
9A.16.040 Termination or suspension 15.62.310 and regulation Ch. 16.65
execution of court process 9A.16.040 Terms of office 15.62.070 Standardbred, races 67.16.070
obedience of court judgment 9A.16.040 Travel expenses 15.62.110 Thoroughbred, races 67.16.070
suppression of a riot 9A.16.040 Vacancies in office 15.62.070 Thoroughbred horses, races 67.16.090
Manslaughter Violations of chapter or commission rule Thoroughbred race track
first degree 9A.32.060 15.62.220 tax deferrals Ch. 82.66
second degree 9A.32.070 Transport or delivery, unlawful 16.57.440
Murder, aggravated first degree Ch. 10.95 HOOD CANAL AQUATIC
HONEY Generally Ch. 90.88 Agriculture, department of
Adulterated, sale unlawful 69.28.130 On-site sewage disposal systems, marine directors powers and duties 43.23.050
Agriculture, department of recovery areas Ch. 70.118A Apple commission Ch. 15.24
enforcement powers and duties 69.28.020 Christmas trees, See CHRISTMAS TREES
rules and regulations 69.28.030 HORIZONTAL PROPERTY REGIMES (See Commodity commissions
Artificial honey CONDOMINIUMS) trade promotion and development
labeling requirements 69.28.400 HORSE PARK, STATE expenditures 15.04.200
Bees, See BEES AND BEEKEEPING Definitions 79A.30.010 Farmers markets
Containers Establishment and siting 79A.30.020 nursery dealer license and fees 15.13.270,
labeling 69.28.050 Horse park authority 15.13.280
marking requirements 69.28.060 collaboration with state agencies 79A.30.050 Fresh fruit sales limitation act Ch. 15.21
slack-filled 69.28.100 formation and board of directors 79A.30.030 Fruit and vegetable businesses, tax deferrals Ch.
used containers 69.28.110 powers 79A.30.030, 79A.30.040 82.74
Definitions Ch. 69.28 youth recreational activities, cooperation with Fruit and vegetable inspection
Embargo 69.28.410, 69.28.420, 69.28.450 groups to provide 79A.30.050 account 15.17.240
Floral source 69.28.120 Operation and management 79A.30.020 Fruit tree certification, advisory committee
Grades and standards 15.13.315
purchaser to be advised 69.28.080 HORSE RACING (See also HORSE RACING
COMMISSION) General provisions Ch. 15.04
rules 69.28.030 Ginseng
Honey bee commission, See HONEY BEE Business and occupation tax
imposed 82.04.286 certification and grower registration Ch. 15.19
COMMISSION Grades and packs
Inspection 69.28.040, 69.28.170 Business and occupation tax exemption
82.04.350 containers 15.17.050
Labels culls, designation 15.17.080
artificial honey 69.28.400 Generally, including race meets, races,
employees, receipts, wagering, prohibitions, definitions 15.17.020
floral source 69.28.120 directors duties 15.17.030, 15.17.050
forgery or false representation 69.28.090 and violations Ch. 67.16
Horse racing commission Ch. 67.16, 67.17.120 enforcement 15.17.030
mixtures containing honey 69.28.400 exemptions 15.17.213
mutilation, destruction, or removal 69.28.095 Licenses
meets 67.16.050 fruit and vegetable inspection account
Nonconforming honey, sale unlawful 69.28.133 15.17.240
Right of entry 69.28.040 Live horse racing compact Ch. 67.17
inspection and certification
Violations Public assistance electronic benefit cards
67.16.065 fees 15.17.150
adulterated honey 69.28.130 inspection certificates or other official
consolidation of petitions 69.28.430 Thoroughbred race track documents as evidence 15.17.170
enforcement 69.28.170 tax deferrals Ch. 82.66 request for, fees 15.17.140
evidence 69.28.140 Workers compensation right of entry and search warrants 15.17.190
nonconforming honey 69.28.133 premium assessment 51.16.210 inspections 15.17.050
penalty 69.28.185 supplemental pension fund assessments intergovernmental cooperation and
rules and regulations 69.28.180 51.32.073 agreements 15.17.270
sampling of products 69.28.440 Workers compensation coverage noncomplying plants or products,
warning-tagged honey, movement prohibited premium assessment 67.16.300 enforcement 15.17.200
69.28.135 HORSE RACING COMMISSION private grades or brands 15.17.090
Warning-tagged honey, movement prohibited Accounts standards 15.17.050, 15.17.060
69.28.135 class C purse fund account 67.16.285 violations 15.17.210
HONEY BEE COMMISSION commission operating account 67.16.280 civil penalty 15.17.290
Apiarist members Washington bred owners bonus fund and injunctions against 15.17.260
election 15.62.080 breeder awards account 67.16.275 Horticultural pest and disease boards, powers and
Assessments Generally Ch. 67.16 duties Ch. 15.09
collection and deposit 15.62.150 Pathological gamblers, information for 9.46.071 Horticultural pests and diseases inspection board

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 327]


duties and powers 15.08.180, 15.08.190 surcharge to support research projects clubs, conservation districts, and nonprofit
Horticultural tax 15.08.260, 15.08.270 15.13.285 organizations, licensing exemption
Insect pests and diseases suspension 15.13.500 15.13.270
quarantine and regulation of movement Ch. moneys collected, disposition 15.13.470 condemnation order on plants 15.13.440,
17.24 unlawful acts 15.13.420, 15.13.425 15.13.445
Inspectors Orchards export facilitation agreements 15.13.480
horticultural premises, right to enter for liens, See LIENS, subtitle Orchards and hold order on infected or infested plants
inspection 15.08.040 orchard lands 15.13.430
Integrated pest management Ch. 17.15 Permits injunctions to prevent violations 15.13.450
Ladybugs and other beneficial insects Ch. 15.61 sales by clubs, conservation districts, and inspection and certification fee 15.13.380
Liens nonprofit organizations 15.13.270 inspection and licensing
condemnation of infected property Pest control access to premises for enforcement and
costs, lien for 15.08.090 integrated pest management Ch. 17.15 inspection purposes 15.13.265
deficiency, action to recover costs 15.08.110 Pest districts Ch. 17.12 definitions 15.13.250
foreclosure, impoundment, and sale Pesticide application act Ch. 17.21 enforcement of rules and regulations
15.08.100 Pesticide control act Ch. 15.58 15.13.260
record of proceedings 15.08.120 Pests and diseases exemptions 15.13.270
sale proceeds, application 15.08.110 condemnation of infected property 15.08.050, inspection request 15.13.370
disinfection of infected property 15.08.060, 15.08.070, 15.08.080, intergovernmental agreements and
costs, lien for 15.08.140 15.08.090, 15.08.100, 15.08.110, cooperation 15.13.480
failure to pay costs 15.08.170 15.08.120 licenses and fees
hearing on costs 15.08.150 condemnation order 15.13.440, 15.13.445 delinquent assessments 15.13.340
payment 15.08.160 definitions 15.08.010 hearings 15.13.360
record of proceedings 15.08.130 disinfection of infected property 15.08.130,
Marijuana, See MARIJUANA moneys collected, disposition 15.13.470
15.08.140, 15.08.150, 15.08.160, prohibition on recovery of damages 15.13.447
Northwest nursery fund, See PUBLIC FUNDS, 15.08.170
subtitle State, northwest nursery fund selling, shipment or transport of plants not
dumping or piling of infected products or meeting standards unlawful 15.13.390
Noxious weeds, See WEEDS containers unlawful 15.08.240
Nurseries and nursery stock shipment or delivery of plants into state
hold order on infected or infested plants inspection and certification, requirements
access to premises for enforcement and 15.13.430, 15.13.445
inspection purposes 15.13.265 15.13.400
horticultural pest and disease boards, powers labels and tags, contents 15.13.410
agreements with governmental entities and and duties Ch. 15.09
other organizations 15.14.075 unlawful acts 15.13.420, 15.13.425
horticultural tax 15.08.260, 15.08.270 violations, penalties 15.13.490
certification host-free districts, declaration of 15.08.250
failure to meet requirements 15.14.095 Potatoes
inspection board
fees 15.14.125 certified seed potatoes
duties and powers 15.08.180, 15.08.190
samples for inspection and testing 15.14.025 restricted production areas, establishment
inspectors, right to enter horticultural Ch. 15.15
compliance agreements 15.14.045 premises for inspection 15.08.040
definitions 15.14.010 nuisance abatement 15.08.190, 15.08.200, Products, sale of exempt from county peddlers
grapevine certification, advisory committee 15.08.210, 15.08.220 licensing 36.71.010, 36.71.090
15.13.315 prevention, control, and disinfection Seed bailment contracts Ch. 15.48
injunctions 15.14.115 duties 15.08.030 Seeds, See SEEDS
inspections, directors authority 15.14.035 methods 15.08.020, 15.08.025 Temporary growing structures for commercial
moneys collected, disposition 15.13.470, prohibition on recovery of damages 15.13.447 purposes, building code exemption
15.14.145 19.27.065
noncompliance by growers, remedies public property, duty to disinfect or destroy
when on 15.08.230 Tree fruit research act and commission Ch. 15.26
15.14.135 Weeds, See WEEDS
pests and diseases Ch. 15.08 quarantine and regulation of movement Ch.
17.24 Wildlife damage control Ch. 77.36
definitions 15.08.010
duty to disinfect or destroy 15.08.030 tree fruit research act and commission Ch. HOSPICE CARE (See HEALTH SERVICES,
prevention, control, and disinfection 15.26 subtitle Hospice care)
pests and diseases, quarantine and regulation agreements with governmental entities and SURVEY AND CONSTRUCTION ACT
of movement Ch. 17.24 other organizations 15.14.075 Construction 70.40.120, 70.40.140
plants and facilities, inspection and licensing certification inspection and certification 70.40.120
Ch. 15.13 failure to meet requirements 15.14.095 Definitions 70.40.020
registered, foundation, and breeder stock, fees 15.14.125 Distribution of facilities 70.40.070
availability 15.14.050 samples for inspection and testing 15.14.025 Federal funds 70.40.080
registered, foundation, or breeder stock compliance agreements 15.14.045
applications for construction projects
acceptance 15.14.065 definitions 15.14.010 70.40.120
restrictions on use 15.14.050 injunctions 15.14.115 minimum standards for operation of hospitals
rules adoption and scope 15.14.015 inspections, directors authority 15.14.035 70.40.110
selling, shipment or transport of plants not moneys collected, disposition 15.14.145 Generally Ch. 70.40
meeting standards unlawful 15.13.390 noncompliance by growers, remedies Health, department of
shipment or delivery of plants into state 15.14.135
pests and diseases, quarantine and regulation assumption of powers and duties of
inspection and certification, requirements department of social and health services
15.13.400 of movement Ch. 17.24
under chapter 70.40.005
labels and tags, contents 15.13.410 registered, foundation, and breeder stock,
availability 15.14.050 Hearings, construction project applicants
unlawful acts 15.14.105 70.40.130
Nursery dealers registered, foundation, or breeder stock
Hospital and medical facilities, state plan for
assessments on gross sale price of wholesale acceptance 15.14.065 construction 70.40.090
market value of fruit trees, ornamental restrictions on use 15.14.050
Inventory of facilities 70.40.060
trees, and rootstock 15.13.310 rules adoption and scope 15.14.015
Secretarys duties 70.40.040
injunctions against dealers without valid unlawful acts 15.14.105
licenses 15.13.455 Plants and facilities Section of state department of health, duties
licenses and fees 70.40.030
advisory committee 15.13.335
application 15.13.300 Title 70.40.010
advisory committee for fruit tree and fruit tree
delinquent assessments 15.13.340 related ornamental tree certification and HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL SERVICES
exemptions 15.13.270 nursery improvement program 15.13.320 FOR EMPLOYEES
hearings 15.13.360 assessments on gross sale price of wholesale Deduction and employers contribution
late renewal fee 15.13.290 market value of fruit trees, ornamental constitute trust fund for 49.52.010
requirements 15.13.280 trees, and rootstock 15.13.310 Liens against trust fund for payment 49.52.020

[RCW Indexpage 328] (2016 Ed.)


HOSPITAL BENEFIT ZONES financial and patient discharge information, frequent problems posted on website
Conditions for financing public improvements department of health duties 43.70.052 70.41.045
39.100.020 Data collection and reporting Insurance benefits, See INSURANCE, subtitle
Creation of zone 39.100.030 confidentiality requirements 70.170.090 Casualty insurance
Definitions 39.100.010 definitions 70.170.020 Intellectual disabilities, persons with
Local excise tax, use of excess 39.100.050 legislative intent 70.170.010 intermediate care facilities
Local sales and use tax 82.14.465, 82.14.470 violations, penalties 70.170.070 purchase of services 74.09.120
Ordinance 39.100.040 Death, See NATURAL DEATH ACT Labor relations
Revenue bonds, issuance 39.100.060 Definitions for purposes of licensing and actions for relief from unfair labor practices
HOSPITAL COMMISSION regulation 70.41.020 49.66.070
Health, department of Discharge planning, lay caregivers, and aftercare arbitrators, compensation, expenses 49.66.120
all references to hospital commission to be 70.41.020, 70.41.320, 70.41.322, 70.41.324, bargaining units 49.66.030
construed as to secretary or department of 70.41.326 definitions 49.66.020
health 43.70.902 Disciplinary proceedings, immunity from suit, picketing 49.66.060
process 4.24.250 policy 49.66.010
HOSPITAL DISTRICTS (See HOSPITALS, Disproportionate low-income care
subtitle Public hospital districts) procedures 49.66.080
payment to hospitals providing 74.09.730 remedial orders 49.66.070
HOSPITALS (See also HEALTH CARE Districts, See HOSPITALS, subtitle Public strikes 49.66.060
FACILITIES; HEALTH PLANNING hospital districts unfair labor practices 49.66.040, 49.66.050
AND RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT) DMSO, prescription, administration permitted Lay caregivers, discharge planning, and aftercare
Adverse health events and incident reporting 70.54.190 70.41.020, 70.41.320, 70.41.322, 70.41.324,
systems Down syndrome, when diagnosis provided by 70.41.326
confidentiality 70.56.050 hospital Licenses
definitions 70.56.010 parents, information for 70.41.500 applications for 70.41.100
department of health duties 70.56.030 Earthquake resistance standards 70.86.020, denial, suspension, modification, or
independent entity, contract with 70.56.040 70.86.030 revocation 70.41.130, 70.41.150
notification, reports 70.56.020 Eastern state hospital, See HOSPITALS FOR duration 70.41.110
Alcoholic beverages MENTAL ILLNESS health, department of
administration and prescription 66.20.120 Emergency care assumption of powers and duties of
authorized use 66.12.150 cardiac and stroke care system, emergency department of social and health services
Alcoholism treatment 70.168.150 under chapter 70.41.005
private establishments, licensing requirements immunity from civil liability 18.71.220 inspection
and operating standards Ch. 71.12 medications, prepackaged
exemption, when 70.41.122
Ambulatory surgical facilities Ch. 70.230 authority for practitioners to prescribe
70.41.480 report 70.41.120
Billing, patients 70.41.400 responsibilities 70.41.120
Board of directors Employees, See also HOSPITALS, subtitle
Labor relations penalty for violations 70.41.170
malpractice liability, limitation 7.70.090
Certificate of need Fees and charges provisional 70.41.110
requirement 70.38.105 estimate, requirements 70.41.450 renewals 70.41.100
tertiary service, required to initiate 70.41.090 estimate by provider or facility, requirements requirement of 70.41.090
Certificates of need Ch. 70.38 70.01.030 specialty hospitals 70.41.115
Charges, disclosure to health care providers Fire protection, generally 70.41.080 Licensing and regulation
70.41.250 Hazardous drugs chemical dependency and mental illness Ch.
Charity care definitions 49.17.460 71.12
definitions 70.170.020 rules for handling 49.17.465 public policy 70.41.010
legislative intent 70.170.010 Health care practitioners privileges Liens for services Ch. 60.44
prohibited practices and policies 70.170.060 report restrictions to medical quality assurance Long-term care
requirements 70.170.060 commission 70.41.210, 70.41.220 information on department of social and
violations, penalties 70.170.070 Health resources strategy, statewide Ch. 43.370 health services programs
Chemical dependency Heart disease, critical congenital screening development and distribution to hospitals
private establishments, licensing requirements infants born in a hospital 70.83.090 70.41.310
and operating standards Ch. 71.12 Hospital personnel options available to patients, information
Cities and towns professional negligence provided 70.41.310
first class cities, establishment and regulation limitation on suits arising from 4.16.350 patient discharge requirements for hospitals
of 35.22.280 standard of proof, evidence, exception and acute care facilities, pilot projects
second class cities, establishment and 4.24.290 70.41.320
maintenance of 35.23.440 Hospital survey and construction act, See Long-term care, assessment and assistance for
Clinics, provider-based HOSPITAL SURVEY AND persons in need of care 74.39A.040
licensed as part of hospital CONSTRUCTION ACT Low-income care, disproportionate
facility fee notice, posting of 70.01.040 Human remains, use for medical purposes, See payment to hospitals providing 74.09.730
Complaints HUMAN REMAINS, subtitle Anatomical Malpractice
duty to investigate 70.41.155 inquiry or instruction actions for injuries resulting from 7.70.010,
toll-free telephone numbers 70.41.330 Immunity from prosecution 7.70.020, 7.70.030, 7.70.040, 7.70.050,
Construction performance of duty on review committee 7.70.060, 7.70.070, 7.70.080
earthquake resistance standards 70.86.020, 4.24.240 board of directors liability, limitation 7.70.090
70.86.030 Industrial insurance Medical malpractice
review process 70.41.125 self-insurers 51.14.150, 51.14.160 health care practitioners privileges, hospitals
Conversion to nonhospital health care facility Infections, health care-assisted to report restrictions to medical quality
70.41.240 account 43.70.323 assurance commission 70.41.210,
Corrections, department of Infections, health care-associated 70.41.220
inmate health care services, contracts with data collection, reports, advisory committee physicians privileges, hospitals duty to
hospitals for 70.41.460 43.70.056 request information on physicians
Cost disclosure to health care providers Information regarding, disclosure prohibited 70.41.230
70.41.250 70.41.150 Medical school students, allopathic or
County, See COUNTIES, subtitle County Insane, for, commitment applications, court osteopathic
hospitals commissioners power to hear and determine clinical rotations, agreements with hospitals or
Crimes relating to, operating without license 2.24.040 physicians for 28B.115.150, 28B.115.155
70.41.170 Inspections Mental illness, See HOSPITALS FOR
Criminal mistreatment exemption, when 70.41.122 MENTAL ILLNESS
withdrawal of life support systems not final report 70.41.120 Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus
applicable to chapter 9A.42.040 responsibilities 70.41.120 policy regarding, required elements 70.41.430
Data collection and assessment surveys or audits Newborn screening Ch. 70.83

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 329]


Nonprofit confidential subjects 70.44.062 administration and collection 74.60.050

community health needs assessment, wide health care provider status, confidential assessment part of operating overhead
availability of 70.41.470 70.44.062 74.60.070
sale or acquisition, procedures Ch. 70.45 commissioners for assessments 74.60.030
Nursing staffing committee 70.41.410, 70.41.420 appointment or election, validity 70.44.041 conditions 74.60.150
Patients compensation and expenses 70.44.050 contracting with health care authority
billing 70.41.400 generally 70.44.040, 70.44.042, 70.44.045, 74.60.160
complaint toll-free telephone number 70.44.050 critical access hospital payments 74.60.100
70.41.330 increase in number 70.44.053, 70.44.054, definitions 74.60.010
complaints, duty to investigate 70.41.155 70.44.056 direct supplemental payments to hospitals
records vacancies 70.44.045 74.60.120
retention and preservation 70.41.190 community revitalization financing 70.44.067 exemptions 74.60.040
safe patient handling 70.41.390 consolidation of districts 70.44.190 grants to certified public expenditure hospitals
Pharmacies construction 74.60.090
drug transfers between hospitals and affiliated bonds 70.44.110 hospital safety net assessment fund 74.60.020,
companies contracts for material and work, bid 74.60.080
authority for, when 70.41.490 procedures, alternatives, and exemptions local assessments or taxes not authorized
Pharmacies and pharmacy services 70.44.140 74.60.060
individual practitioner offices and contracting with other districts to provide managed care capitation payments 74.60.130
multipractitioner clinics connected with services or facilities 70.44.240 multihospital locations, new hospitals, and
hospital 18.64.043 contracts for purchase of real or personal changes in ownership 74.60.140
Physicians property 70.44.260 purpose, findings, intent 74.60.005
limited licenses 18.71.095 definitions 70.44.007 small rural disproportionate share hospital
Physicians privileges division of payments 74.60.110
applications, may not discriminate based on petition to court 70.44.370 Self-insurers, self-funding excluded from term
type of license 70.43.020 plan 70.44.360 "insurer" 48.01.050
hospitals duty to request information on special election 70.44.350
challenge 70.44.380 Sexual assault kit tracking system, statewide,
physicians 70.41.230 participation in 70.41.365
telemedicine services, physicians providing elections 70.44.020, 70.44.040
70.41.230 funds public records act exemption 42.56.240
hospitals to set standards and procedures handling 70.44.171 Sexual assault victims
70.43.010 payment to treasurer 70.44.171 emergency care and contraception 70.41.350,
injunctive remedies 70.43.030 public hospital district fund 70.44.171 70.41.360
osteopathic physicians and surgeons, treasurers duties 70.44.171 Specialty
discrimination against prohibited generally Ch. 70.44 licenses 70.41.115
70.41.235 interest in contracts prohibited, exceptions Staff membership
telemedicine or store and forward services 42.23.030 applications, may not discriminate based on
requesting information on physician legal challenge type of license 70.43.020
70.41.230 time period 70.44.028 hospitals to set standards and privileges
Professional negligence other health care facilities, services, defined 70.43.010
limitation on suits arising from 4.16.350 70.44.007 injunctive remedies 70.43.030
standard of proof, evidence, exception personal property, surplus Surveys or audits
4.24.290 disposal of 70.44.320 frequent problems posted on website
Public hospital capital facility areas petition for 70.44.020, 70.44.030, 70.44.035 70.41.045
authority for facility construction, purchase, powers and duties, enumerated 70.44.060 Tax imposed 82.04.260, 82.04.440
maintenance, etc. 70.265.060 property Terminally ill persons, palliative care not
definitions 70.265.020 transfers 70.44.470 criminal mistreatment 9A.42.045
dissolution of facility area 70.265.080 real property, surplus Tertiary services
establishment, process 70.265.030 appraisal 70.44.300 certificate of need required to initiate
financing lease of 70.44.310 70.41.090
bonds authorized 70.265.070 sale of 70.44.300 Tuberculosis, See COUNTIES, subtitle County
generally 70.265.070 sale or acquisition of nonprofit hospitals, hospitals
finding 70.265.010 procedures Ch. 70.45 Tuberculosis hospitals and facilities Ch. 70.30
funds, surety bonds 70.265.100 services or facilities, contracts for providing unanticipated outcomes, notice 70.41.380
governing body 70.265.050 70.44.240 Violent injuries
hospital facilities or hospital services superintendent duty to report 70.41.440
contracting with other entities to provide appointment, removal, compensation Western state hospital, See HOSPITALS FOR
70.265.110 70.44.070 MENTAL ILLNESS
interlocal agreements 70.265.060 duties 70.44.090 Workplace violence planning and prevention Ch.
legal challenges, limitations on 70.265.090 powers 70.44.080 49.19
legal title to facilities 70.265.060 treasurer, duties, fund 70.44.171
petition for formation of facility area less than validation of 70.44.016 HOSPITALS FOR MENTAL ILLNESS (See
entire county, process 70.265.040 validation of existing districts 70.44.015 also MENTAL ILLNESS)
treasurer 70.265.100 withdrawal of territory 70.44.400 Administration by department of social and
Public hospital districts withdrawal or reannexation of areas 70.44.235 health services Ch. 72.01
1974 act, construction 70.44.901 Quality improvement and medical malpractice Ambulance services
abolishing commissioner districts 70.44.042 prevention program 70.41.200 mental health emergencies
acquisition of hospitals, evaluation criteria Records of patients work group concerning alternative facility
70.44.315 retention and preservation 70.41.190 guidelines 70.168.170
annexation of territory 70.44.200 Rules and regulations Authority over patients 71.02.490
alternate method, procedure, election enforcement by department of health Beds, new psychiatric, addition of
70.44.210, 70.44.230 70.41.040 certificate of need requirements exemption,
authority for 70.44.010 standards and rules 70.41.030 when 70.38.260
authorized 70.44.003 surveys or audits use requirements for beds, when 70.38.270
bond issues, generally 70.44.130 frequent problems posted on website Commitment applications, court commissioners
boundaries, assignment of commissioners to 70.41.045 power to hear and determine 2.24.040
redrawn districts 70.44.047 Rural health care facilities, not to be considered Committee
boundary bisecting irrigation unit, change as 70.175.120 select committee on quality improvement in
authorized 70.44.185 Rural hospitals state hospitals Ch. 72.07
chaplains, employment authorized 70.44.059 critical access hospital status 70.38.111, Cooperation with local programs 72.06.070
commissioner districts, resolution to abolish 70.41.090, 74.09.5225 Definitions 72.23.010
or reestablish 70.44.042 Safe patient handling 70.41.390 Eastern state hospital
commissioner meetings Safety net assessment duties 72.23.025

[RCW Indexpage 330] (2016 Ed.)


Eastern state hospital, See also HOSPITALS reporting system Ch. 70.124 Guests property, liability for loss or injury
FOR MENTAL ILLNESS, subtitle State whistleblowers and residents, retaliation 19.48.030, 19.48.070
Financial responsibility 43.20B.340 70.124.100 Liability for loss or injury of guests property
adjudicative proceedings 43.20B.340 prohibited objects or substances, penalty for 19.48.030, 19.48.070
authority of department of institutions to violations 72.23.300 Lien on property of guests, See LIENS, subtitle
assess charges 43.20B.330 property of patient, management and Inn keepers
determination of ability to pay accounting 72.23.230, 72.23.240, Record of guests 19.48.020
adjudicative proceedings 43.20B.340 72.23.250 Sports franchises, restrictions on special tax
modification or vacation of findings quality improvement in state hospitals revenue 67.28.184
43.20B.350 bed reduction 72.07.070 Tax for stadiums, convention centers, and arts
notice 43.20B.340 behavioral health organizations, role of Ch. facilities 67.28.180, 67.28.181, 67.28.1801
rules and regulations pursuant 43.20B.335 72.07 Tax for stadiums and convention centers
standards for 43.20B.335 executive and legislative branch homeless lodging exempt 67.28.183
judgment for accrued amounts of charges collaboration 71.24.855 Unclaimed property, storage, disposal 19.48.070
43.20B.345 long-term planning Unlawful occupant conducting 59.12.040
modification or vacation of findings behavioral health innovation fund
43.20B.350 72.07.050 HOURS, OFFICE
notice 43.20B.340 financial management, office of, role of Cities and towns 35.21.175
period of responsibility 43.20B.340 72.07.040 Counties 36.16.100
personal service required, when 43.20B.340 financing, staffing, consultants, HOURS OF LABOR
service of notice 43.20B.340 recommendations 72.07.040 City and town employees, generally 49.28.010,
treatment costs, revenue recovery 43.20B.347 progress reports by DSHS 49.28.040
Firearms bed reduction progress 72.07.070 County employees, generally 49.28.010,
possession of, prohibited in certain areas, implementation progress 72.07.060 49.28.040
exceptions 9.41.300 select committee Ch. 72.07 Domestic employees 49.28.080
Hospitalization charges strategies Ch. 72.07 Eight hour day
collection 43.20B.355, 43.20B.370 seal of hospital 72.23.040 1889 Act
criminally insane 43.20B.320 superintendent, exemption from certain duties generally 49.28.010
how computed 43.20B.325 72.23.050 1903 Act
statute of limitations 43.20B.360 superintendent, powers and duties 72.23.030 contracts
Institutes for study and treatment of mental temporary residential observation and cancellation for violations 49.28.050
disorders evaluation 72.23.125 stipulation in 49.28.060
establishment and purposes 72.23.025 transfer of patients 72.23.290 policy 49.28.040
Insurance violence prevention and workplace safety Health care facility employees 49.28.130,
waiver of preauthorization requirement for 72.23.400, 72.23.410, 72.23.420, 49.28.140, 49.28.150
persons involuntarily committed 72.23.430, 72.23.440, 72.23.451 Longshoremen 49.28.100
48.21.242, 48.44.342, 48.46.292 voluntary patients Minimum wages, generally Ch. 49.46
Interstate compact on mental health Ch. 72.27 charges for hospitalization 72.23.120 Motor freight carrier employees 81.80.211
Involuntary commitment, See MENTAL detention limitations 72.23.100 Public works, ten hour day 49.28.065
ILLNESS, subtitle Involuntary commitment number limitations 72.23.110 State employees, generally 49.28.010, 49.28.040
Licensing and regulation recordkeeping requirements 72.23.080 Street railway employees 81.64.160
mental illness and chemical dependency Ch. western state hospital 72.23.025 Wages for, See SALARIES AND WAGES
71.12 Voluntary commitment
Medical facilities rights and procedures 71.05.050 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (See
adverse health events and incident reporting Western state hospital LEGISLATURE, subtitle House of
system Ch. 70.56 duties 72.23.025 representatives)
Mental health advance directives Western state hospital, See also HOSPITALS HOUSEHOLD WASTE
generally Ch. 71.32 FOR MENTAL ILLNESS, subtitle, State Deduction and recycling 70.95.600
Nonprofit organizations, agreement with to HOST HOMES AND HOST HOME HOUSES (See HOUSING)
provide services 72.01.480 PROGRAMS (See CHILDREN, subtitle
Northern state hospital Host homes and host home programs for HOUSING (See also JOINT CITY-COUNTY
lease of lands for county fairgrounds youth in need) HOUSING AUTHORITIES)
36.37.160 Accessory apartments 35.63.210, 36.70.677,
Private HOSTAGES 36.70A.400
licensing requirements and operating Telecommunications may be intercepted incorporation of report recommendations into
standards Ch. 71.12 9.73.030 local government development and zoning
Provisions applicable, chapter 72.23.460 Telephone communications may be manipulated regulations 43.63A.215
Psychiatric outpatient clinics 72.06.060 70.85.100 optional municipal code cities required to
Safe patient handling 72.23.390 HOSTELS (See TRANSIENT comply with law regarding development
State ACCOMMODATIONS) and placement of 35A.63.230
behavioral health innovation fund 72.07.050 report to legislature on development and
HOT WATER (See BOILERS AND placement of accessory apartments
criminally insane, competency to stand trial PRESSURE VESSELS)
evaluations and inpatient services, 43.63A.215
assessment by legislative audit and review HOT WATER HEATERS Affordable housing
committee 10.77.810 Temperature regulation 19.27A.060 accessory apartments 35.63.210, 36.70.677,
designation 72.23.020 HOTELS (See also TRANSIENT 36.70A.400
eastern state hospital 72.23.025 ACCOMMODATIONS) affordable housing entity joint self-insurance
employee background checks 72.23.035 Alcoholic beverages, See ALCOHOLIC programs Ch. 48.64
escape 72.23.160, 72.23.170 BEVERAGES, subtitle Hotels definitions 43.185A.010
federal patients, agreements authorized Automatic service charges, disclosure 49.46.160 department of corrections unneeded real
72.23.260 Construction defect disputes property, inventory 72.09.055
gifts, receipt and use 72.23.060 generally Ch. 64.55 discrimination against developments
inappropriate placement discouraged Conversion of from store to own use or unpaid 36.130.005, 36.130.010, 36.130.020
72.23.027 restaurant meals, liability and penalty housing and housing-related services
inmates, booking by jails 70.48.215 4.24.230 local sales and use tax for 82.14.530
integrated service delivery 72.23.027 Definitions 19.48.010 incentive programs
minors, confinement standards 72.23.200, Defrauding an innkeeper 19.48.110 low-income units 36.70A.540
72.23.210 Discrimination inventory of department of transportation real
nonresident patients 72.23.280 denial of public accommodations because of property suitable for 47.12.064
patient death, report 72.23.190 race, color, or creed, penalty 9.91.010 inventory of state-owned land available for
patient discharge or death, notice 72.23.180 prohibited practices 49.60.215 lease as sites 43.63A.510
patient history 72.23.130 Employees liens, See LIENS, subtitle lease of county property for 36.34.135
patients, abuse of Businesses selling prepared foods or drinks purpose, administration 43.185A.020

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 331]


regulatory barriers, provision of technical Energy efficiency activities deferred collection of, for certain residential
assistance and information to state agencies low-income residences Ch. 70.164 construction 82.02.050
and local governments to identify and Essential needs and housing support program low-income housing, exemption for 82.02.060
remove 43.63A.660 43.185C.220, 74.04.805, Ch. 74.62 Impact fees, See also IMPACT FEES
state agencies, inventory of unneeded property Factory built housing and commercial structures Indigent persons housing
suitable for 43.19.19201, 43.20A.037 approval of department of labor and industries emergency exemptions from state building
workforce housing, affordable, use of lodging required 43.22.455 code 19.27.042
tax revenues for 67.28.180 compliance with laws, ordinances or Indoor air quality
workforce housing near transit station, regulations 43.22.455 interim and final requirements for
affordable, general obligation bonds for definitions 43.22.450 maintenance 19.27.190
67.28.150 delegation of inspection duties to local Low cost, savings bank financing 32.20.450,
workforce housing near transit station, agencies 43.22.470 32.20.460
affordable, revenue bonds for 67.28.160 fee schedule 43.22.480 Low income, See CITIES AND TOWNS,
Affordable housing program financing, savings bank 32.20.460 subtitle Housing authorities law
activities eligible for assistance 43.185A.030 housing built according to another states Low income, See CITIES AND TOWNS,
affordable housing and community facilities standards, when acceptable 43.22.485 subtitle Urban renewal
rapid response loan program 43.185A.120 injunctions 43.22.465 Low-income
conflict with federal requirements local zoning requirements retained 43.22.460 cities and towns
43.185A.902 modification, approval required 43.22.455 loans and grants 35.21.685
eligible organizations 43.185A.040 penalty for violations 43.22.490 counties
grant and loan application process rules 43.22.480
43.185A.050, 43.185A.090 Farmworker housing loans and grants 36.32.415
land acquisition revolving loan fund program advisory group 43.330.165 grants and loans 43.185.074, 43.185.076
43.185A.110 construction manuals and plans, to develop impact fees, exemption from 82.02.060
monitoring of recipient activities 43.185A.070 and make available 43.63A.500 Washington works housing program
protection of state interest 43.185A.060 one-stop clearinghouse 43.63A.505 43.180.160
review of reporting requirements proposal review and funding Manufactured/mobile home landlord-tenant act
43.185A.100 recommendations 43.330.165 Ch. 59.20
rules promulgation 43.185A.080 Federally assisted, preservation Mortgage financing program 43.180.220,
Brokers trust account board application of chapter 59.28.030 43.180.230, 43.180.240
grants and loans definitions 59.28.020 Multi-unit dwellings in urban centers and urban
applications 43.185.074 eviction 59.28.070, 59.28.130 growth areas, property tax exemption
review of 43.185.076 expiration or prepayment of assisted contract, qualification and procedure Ch. 84.14
Building code, state mortgage, or loan, owners duty to give Nonprofit homeownership development by
emergency exemptions for housing for notice 59.28.040 nonprofit entities
indigent persons 19.27.042 legislative findings and purpose 59.28.010 property tax exemption 84.36.049
Carbon monoxide alarms notice of expiration or prepayment, contents Permits for facilities
residential occupancies 19.27.530 59.28.060 certain conditional or special use permits,
Cities and towns, See CITIES AND TOWNS, regulatory powers of agencies not increased mediation prior to appeal 36.70.678
subtitle Housing authorities law; CITIES 59.28.050 Public housing projects
AND TOWNS, subtitle Housing cooperation rent increases after notice of expiration or drug-free zones, violations and penalties
law repayment given, restrictions on 59.28.080 69.50.435
Commerce, department of rental agreement modifications after notice of Relocation assistance for low-income tenants
affordable housing expiration or prepayment given, authorization for certain cities, towns,
regulatory barriers, provision of technical restrictions on 59.28.090 counties, and municipal corporations to
assistance and information to state technical assistance 59.28.120 require 59.18.440
agencies and local governments to termination of prepayment of contract, payments not considered income, eligibility
identify and remove 43.63A.660 mortgage, or loan, owners rights for public assistance unaffected 59.18.450
departmental responsibilities 43.330.110 59.28.050 Residential mortgage loan closing
duties 43.63A.650 violations, civil action as remedy, parties valuation disclosure requirements Ch. 19.149
statewide housing market analysis 43.330.170 59.28.100 Residential real property
Washington youth and families fund Governmental projects, county property, transfer sellers disclosures, requirements Ch. 64.06
43.330.167 to state or United States 36.34.250, Residential structures occupied by persons with
Condemned or unlawful to occupy dwelling 36.34.260 disabilities, treatment of 35.63.220,
rental, tenants remedies 59.18.085 Homeless persons 36.70.990, 36.70A.410
Contaminated properties families with children, shelter and housing Rural housing projects 35.82.240, 35.82.250,
decontamination, disposal, or demolition of services 43.20A.790 35.82.260
certification, conditions 64.44.060 housing and assistance Ch. 43.185C Temporary worker housing
city or county action, options 64.44.040 housing and assistance, See also JUVENILES, definition 43.70.334
decontamination by owner 64.44.050 subtitle Youth services department of labor and industries duties
definitions 64.44.010 students 49.17.300
immunity from civil liability 64.44.080 grant program to link families with housing health and safety regulation Ch. 70.114A
local health officer, duties 64.44.020 43.185C.340 inspection fund, deposit of fees 43.70.340
report to local health officer 64.44.020 Home-matching program 43.63A.670,
rules and standards 64.44.070 43.63A.680 licensing, operation, and inspection 49.17.310
unfit for use order, issuance procedure Housing authorities law, See HOUSING operation standards 49.17.320
64.44.030 AUTHORITY Vulnerable adults
Counties, comprehensive plans, elements of Housing cooperation law, See HOUSING elder and vulnerable adult referral agency act
36.70.350 COOPERATION LAW Ch. 18.330
Crime-free rental housing Ch. 35.106 Housing finance commission, See HOUSING Washington works housing program 43.180.160
Criminal offenders FINANCE COMMISSION Weatherization of low-income residences
rental vouchers 9.94A.729, 72.09.285 Housing policy compliance with laws and rules 70.164.050
Disabilities, persons with affordable housing advisory board definitions 70.164.020
optional municipal code city may not treat a 43.185B.020 energy audit required 70.164.050
residence occupied by persons with duties 43.185B.030 leased or rented residences, limits 70.164.060
disabilities differently than any similar definitions 43.185B.010 legislative findings 70.164.010
residence 35A.63.240 goal 43.185B.007 low-income weatherization and structural
Emergency housing programs 43.63A.645 housing advisory plan rehabilitation assistance account
Energy efficiency preparation and reporting requirements 70.164.030, 70.164.070
climate pollution reduction in built 43.185B.040 payments to account, treated as energy
environment legislative findings and purpose 43.185B.005 conservation 70.164.070
energy performance score for residential objectives 43.185B.009 proposals by sponsors, matching funds
buildings 19.27A.180 Impact fees 70.164.040

[RCW Indexpage 332] (2016 Ed.)


Youth, independent housing program Bond proceeds to be made available in an Anatomical inquiry or instruction, use of remains
43.63A.305, 43.63A.307, 43.63A.309, equitable manner 43.180.120 68.50.060, 68.50.070, 68.50.080, 68.50.090
43.63A.311, 43.63A.313, 43.63A.315 Bondholders Autopsies and postmortems
Youthbuild program, See YOUTHBUILD protection of 43.180.130 analyses and opinions 68.50.106
PROGRAM Bonds not debt of state 43.180.030 authorization 68.50.101
HOUSING AUTHORITY (See also JOINT Created 43.180.040 cost 68.50.104
CITY-COUNTY HOUSING Debt limitation 43.180.160 court petition 68.50.102
AUTHORITIES) Declaration of public policies 43.180.010 embalming and cremating body, consent
Background investigations of prospective Definitions 43.180.020 68.50.108
employees Eminent domain, not within authority findings, liability of coroner or medical
definitions, records 43.43.830 43.180.060 examiner 68.50.115
Bond issues Energy efficiency immunity for determining cause of death
certification by attorney general 35.82.160 financing assistance 68.50.015
covenants and pledges of 35.82.150 rule adoption 43.180.140 industrial deaths 68.50.103
form and sale 35.82.140 Internal revenue code 43.180.200 infants 68.50.100
housing authority power in regard to Judgment claim procedure insurance companys right
35.82.150 exemption 4.92.040 disability insurance 48.20.132
issuance authority 35.82.130 Legislative review of initial policies 43.180.110 group disability insurance 48.21.100
obligees remedies 35.82.170, 35.82.180 Membership 43.180.040 jurisdiction of coroner 68.50.010
Commissioners Mortgage financing reports and records 68.50.105
appointment and powers 35.82.040, 35.82.045 flexible loan underwriting guidelines time limitation 68.50.108
conflicts of interest 35.82.050 43.180.220 Burial or cremation
removal 35.82.060 program elements 43.180.230 authorization 68.50.170
Cooperation by cities Ch. 35.83 report to legislature 43.180.240 time factor 68.50.110
Cooperation with other authorities 35.82.100 state investment in mortgage-backed Burial or cremation, See BURIAL AND
Counties securities 43.180.220 INTERMENT
advance to authorized 35.83.050 Mortgage insurance 43.180.130 Concealment, removal, or interference with,
juveniles with developmental disabilities or Mortgagors penalty 68.50.050
released from state institutions equitable and fair manner of availability Corneal transplant tissue
authority to operate group homes or halfway 43.180.120 presumption of good faith 68.50.290
houses 35.82.285 Nonprofit corporation facilities Coroners
rural housing projects 35.82.240 commission powers 43.180.310 jurisdiction 68.50.010
Creation by city resolution 35.82.030 default 43.180.360 Counties, disposal of remains 36.39.030
Deactivation 35.82.320, 35.82.325 definitions 43.180.300 Cremated remains, possession 68.50.270
Declaration of necessity 35.82.010 lessees and assignees, liability of 43.180.350 Cremation, See CREMATION
Definitions 35.82.020 revenue bonds 43.180.320 Crimes
Drug-free zones in public housing projects, revenue refunding bonds 43.180.330 holding body for debt 68.50.120
violations and penalties 69.50.435 trust agreements 43.180.340 sexual violation 9A.44.105
Farms and farmers, low income Plan of housing finance objectives 43.180.070 unlawful disposal 68.50.130
definitions 35.82.260 Powers 43.180.050, 43.180.060, 43.180.080 unlawful disturbance, removal, or sale of
housing application by farmers 35.82.250 Rule adoption 43.180.110 68.50.140
rural housing projects 35.82.240 Sustainable energy trust program Death certificates, See VITAL STATISTICS,
Federal government aid, authority to receive development and implementation 43.180.260 subtitle Death certificates
35.82.200 Taxation, not within authority 43.180.060 Definitions relating to cemeteries, morgues, and
Findings 35.82.010 Underwriters, selection of 43.180.100 human remains Ch. 68.04
Planning, zoning, and building laws, housing Veterans Dental identification system 68.50.310,
projects subject to 35.82.120 homeownership downpayment assistance 68.50.330
Powers program 43.180.250 Disposition 68.50.070
enumeration 35.82.070 Washington works housing program 43.180.160 by counties 36.39.030
Powers of HOUSING TRUST FUND liability for cost 68.50.160
eminent domain 35.82.110 Affordable housing advisory board 43.185.110 remains not disposed of 68.50.230
Property exemptions Application, procedure 43.185.070, 43.185.130 right to control disposition 68.50.160
assessments and taxation 35.82.210 Compliance monitoring 43.185.090 unlawful, penalty 68.50.130
levy and sale by execution 35.82.190 Conflict with federal requirements 43.185.910 Dissection 68.50.070, 68.50.100
Rentals and tenant selection 35.82.090 Definitions 43.185.020 Donation
Rents and profits, policy statement 35.82.080 Eligible organizations 43.185.060 anatomical gift statement on drivers license
Reports 35.82.230 Findings 43.185.010 46.20.113
Supplemental projects 35.82.280 Housing assistance program Ch. 43.185 Funerals, See FUNERALS
Tax-title properties, disposal by counties Loans or grants 43.185.050 Holding for debt, penalty 68.50.120
36.35.150 Low-income housing Indigent persons, disposal by county 36.39.030
HOUSING COOPERATION grants and loans 43.185.074, 43.185.076 Indigents, disposition of body by county coroner
Advances to housing authorities 35.83.050 Preconstruction technical assistance 43.185.080 36.24.155
Declaration of necessity 35.83.010 Protection of states interest 43.185.120 Insurance, disability, autopsy of insured
Definitions 35.83.020 Review of all housing property in portfolio 48.20.132
Findings 35.83.010 43.185.140 Missing persons 68.50.320
How accomplished, generally 35.83.030 Rule-making authority 43.185.100 Notification of coroner, medical examiner, or law
Procedure, resolutions of legislative body Washington housing trust fund enforcement 68.50.020
35.83.060 created 43.185.030 Personal effects, listing 68.50.040
Taxation of housing authorities, payments in lieu Recordkeeping requirements 68.50.240
HUCKLEBERRIES Remains not disposed of 68.50.230
of 35.83.040 Specialized forest products Removal, procedure 68.50.200, 68.50.210,
HOUSING FINANCE COMMISSION general provisions Ch. 76.48 68.50.220
Audit, annual audit by state auditor 43.180.050 HUMAN GROWTH HORMONES (See Skeletal remains
Aviation biofuels facilities and production STEROIDS) duty to notify 27.44.055, 68.50.645, 68.60.055
bond issuance and financing powers of Transportation at direction of coroner or medical
(See AIDS) examiner, costs 68.50.032
Beginning farmer financing program 43.180.290
Bond counsel, selection of 43.180.090 HUMAN REMAINS (See also HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR (See
disposition of proceeds 43.180.170 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND OF, subtitle Human resources director)
disposition of revenues 43.180.180 EMBALMERS) HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION (See also
legal investments 43.180.190 Anatomical gift statement on drivers license DISCRIMINATION)
terms, issuance 43.180.150 46.20.113 Administrative law judge

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 333]


assignment 34.12.037 public places 49.60.215 Minors, hunter education training program
Advisory agencies or councils, authority to create real estate rights, coercion or threats regarding 77.32.155
49.60.130 49.60.2235 Permits Ch. 77.32
Affirmative action real estate transactions 49.60.222 application, information required 77.32.070
discrimination or preferential treatment civil action in lieu of hearing 49.60.340 contests 77.65.490
prohibited 49.60.400 temporary or preliminary relief 49.60.350 field trials for dogs 77.65.480, 77.65.490
financial management, office of, director real property hunters with disabilities 77.32.237, 77.32.238
41.06.150 civil penalty 49.60.225 issuance
legislative findings, purpose 49.74.005 cooperation at local level 49.60.226 authorized issuers, fee collection, and
noncompliance restrictive covenants prohibited 49.60.224 payment 77.32.050
conciliation, order issued 49.74.030 HUMAN TRAFFICKING (See CRIMES, revocation for support order noncompliance
failure to reach conciliation, referral to subtitle Trafficking; LABOR, subtitle 77.32.014
administrative law judge for hearing Human trafficking; VICTIMS, special season permit, fees 77.32.370
procedure 49.74.020 CRIME, subtitle Human trafficking) eastern Washington pheasant enhancement
superior court, remedies 49.74.050 account, funding 77.12.810
state patrol 43.43.015, 43.43.340 HUMANE SOCIETIES eastern Washington pheasant enhancement
AIDS, HIV, unfair practices 49.60.172, Abandoned animals, procedures Ch. 16.54 account, use 77.12.820
49.60.174 Enforcement authority and duties 16.52.020 eastern Washington pheasant enhancement
Appeals from orders 49.60.270, 49.60.280 Low-income households program 77.12.790
Board redesignated commission 49.60.051 services 18.92.250, 18.92.260 juvenile hunting opportunities 77.12.800
Civil rights enumerated 49.60.030 Members as animal control officers 16.52.025
western Washington pheasant permit, fee
Community athletics programs Prescription drugs, possession and use 69.41.080 77.32.575
sex discrimination Sodium pentobarbital use, registration 69.50.310
definitions 49.60.500 HUNG JURY authorization, procedure 77.32.530
nondiscrimination policy requirement Generally 4.44.330 private lands, authorization and procedure
49.60.505 77.32.535
prohibitions 49.60.500 HUNTING (See also FISH AND WILDLIFE,
DEPARTMENT OF, subtitle Invasive raffle tickets, issuance 77.32.050
Compensation and travel expenses 49.60.070 Regulation Ch. 77.12
Complaints species)
investigation 49.60.240, 49.60.243 Auctions Seasons 77.12.150
procedure to eliminate unfair practice authorization, procedure 77.32.530 Small game hunting license 77.32.460
49.60.240 Bag limits 77.12.150 Special hunting season
time limitation on filing 49.60.230 Big game hunting license 77.32.450 definition 77.32.007
whistleblower, reprisal or retaliation against Canada goose 77.12.722 Special hunts
49.60.243 Contests wildlife damage control 77.12.150
who may file 49.60.230 permits 77.65.490 Special season permit, fees 77.32.370
Created 49.60.050 Contests, limitations 77.32.525, 77.32.540 Special seasons 77.12.150
Definitions 49.60.040 Crimes and penalties, generally Ch. 77.15 Terminally ill persons, hunting opportunities
Disabilities, drivers with Disabilities, hunters with, permits for 77.32.237, 77.32.565
refueling services 49.60.360 77.32.238 Transport tag
Discrimination Disabled hunter permits required, exceptions 77.32.320
policy of state declared 49.60.010 advisory committee 77.04.150 Trapping, See WILDLIFE, subtitle Trapping
remedies 49.60.020 Eastern Washington pheasant enhancement Turkey tags 77.32.460
Dog guides and service animals, commission program 77.12.790 University of Washington lands 28B.20.328
duties 49.60.390 Enforcement Ch. 77.12 Veterans
Hearings Enforcement code Ch. 77.15 reduced rate licenses, criteria 77.32.480
appeals from orders 49.60.270, 49.60.280 Field trials for dogs Violations
authority 49.60.140 permits 77.65.480 authority of wildlife agents, procedures Ch.
enforcement of orders 49.60.260 Field trials for dogs, limitations 77.32.525, 77.12
subpoena power 49.60.160 77.32.540 crimes and penalties, generally Ch. 77.15
unfair practice complaint 49.60.250 Hunter education training program 77.32.155 Washington State University lands 28B.30.325
witnesses Indians, hunting rights, when excluded from state Wildlife account 77.12.170
fees 49.60.170 jurisdiction 37.12.060 Wildlife agents
may be compelled 49.60.150 Injuries on outdoor recreational land, limitation license authenticity powers 77.32.250
Hepatitis C, unfair practices 49.60.174 on liability of landowner 4.24.200, 4.24.210 Wildlife agents, powers and duties Ch. 77.12
Interference with commission, misdemeanor Juveniles Wildlife damage
49.60.310 pheasant hunting opportunities 77.12.800 trapping or killing wildlife threatening human
Membership of commission 49.60.060 Licenses Ch. 77.32 safety or causing property damage,
Offices to be in Olympia 49.60.090 aliens with valid hunting licenses limitations and conditions 77.36.030
Official seal to be adopted 49.60.080 firearm license not necessary under certain Wildlife raffles 9.46.400
Orders against state or subdivision, governor to conditions 9.41.175 Wildlife violator compact Ch. 77.75
secure compliance 49.60.320 application, information required 77.32.070
Policies and recommendations, commission big game 77.32.450 HUSBAND AND WIFE
authority 49.60.110 duplicate licenses, rebates, permits, tags, and Actions and suits
Powers and duties 49.60.120 stamps 77.32.256 capacity to sue and be sued 26.16.150
Refueling services for drivers with disabilities fees 77.65.480 between husband and wife 26.16.180
49.60.360 collection, payment 77.32.050 Actions between
Reports 49.60.100 issuance property rights 26.16.180
Unfair practices authorized issuers, fee collection and Agreements as to community property 26.16.120
age discrimination 49.60.205 payment 77.32.050 Children
aiding violations 49.60.220 nontransferable 77.32.250 custody and control 26.16.125
blockbusting 49.60.223 reduced rate licenses, criteria 77.32.480 death of father 26.16.125
conciliation agreements 49.60.240 requirements 77.32.010 dissolution of marriage, provision for child
credit transactions 49.60.176 requirements, reports 77.65.500 support, custody, and visitation 26.09.050
employment 49.60.180 revocation for support order noncompliance earnings
employment agencies 49.60.200 77.32.014 equality of right to 26.16.125
enforcement of orders 49.60.260 rules for form, display, procedures 77.32.090 separate property of custodial parent
financial institutions 49.60.175 small game 77.32.460 26.16.140
insurance transactions 49.60.178 supplemental licenses, permits, and stamps stepchildren, liability of stepparent 26.16.205
labor unions 49.60.190 77.32.350 support and education, joint liability
persons opposing unfair practices, Migratory birds 26.16.205
discrimination against 49.60.210 permit 77.32.350 Civil disabilities of wife abolished 26.16.160

[RCW Indexpage 334] (2016 Ed.)


Community property group policies, assignments 48.18.375 Wage assignment, consent necessary 49.48.100
agreements between husband and wife Legal separation, See LEGAL SEPARATION HYDRAULIC PROJECTS
26.16.120 Liabilities Aquatic noxious weed removal
deeds and conveyances antenuptial debts 26.16.200 rules and pamphlet 77.55.081
power of attorney to husband or wife each spouses separate property exempt from Bulkheads or rockwalls 77.55.141
26.16.090 other spouses liability 6.15.040 Columbia river anadromous fish sanctuary
power of attorney to husband or wife to third family expenses and education of children,
person 26.16.090 77.55.191
joint liability, liability for stepchildren
purchasers title and rights 26.16.095 26.16.205 Compliance
real property separate debts 26.16.200 information concerning requirements,
between husband and wife 26.16.050 torts, liability of spouse 26.16.190 preparation and distribution 77.55.341
joinder of spouse 26.16.030 wifes separate property exempt from Definitions 77.55.011
recording of claim by husband or wife husbands liability 6.15.040 Derelict crab and other shellfish gear, exception
26.16.100 Marriage, See MARRIAGE 77.55.041
effect of failure 26.16.100 Military spouses Derelict fishing gear, exception 77.55.041
removal as cloud 26.16.110 boxing, martial arts, mixed martial arts, and Dike vegetation management guidelines
defined 26.16.030 wrestling, licensing for 67.08.321 77.55.131
descent and distribution 11.04.015 certification of common school personnel Driving across established ford 77.55.031
personal property 28A.410.010 Environmental excellence program agreements
control and powers 26.16.030 driver training school licensure 46.82.441 77.55.101
disposal by will, limitation on spouse notary public, appointment as 42.44.221 Fish habitat enhancement projects 77.55.181
26.16.030 occupational licensing Fish passage barrier correction and removal
prenuptial debts, liability 26.16.200 camping resorts 19.105.571 77.55.181
real property professional licensing Ch. 18.340 Fishways on agricultural drainage facilities,
control and management 26.16.030 professional licensing, inactive status exception 77.55.281
deeds and conveyances between husband 43.24.130, 43.70.270 Flood damage
and wife 26.16.050 Power of attorney between husband and wife as brochure, prevention and reduction projects
execution sales 26.16.040 to property 77.55.211
liens 26.16.040 community property, deeds, mortgages, repair and reduction activities 77.55.221
purchasers title and rights 26.16.095, leases, encumbrances 26.16.090 Forest practices hydraulic projects
26.16.100 control and management 26.16.060 application of rules, limitations on 77.55.361
recording claim to by husband or wife separate property 26.16.070 approvals, integration into forest practices
26.16.100 execution of deed, conveyance, lease, applications 77.55.371
removal as cloud 26.16.110 encumbrance 26.16.080 concurrent review process 77.55.361
sale or encumbrance, spouse must join Power of attorney to third person to encumber or information and assistance, intradepartmental,
26.16.030 convey concerning projects 76.09.490
release of claim community property 26.16.090 Habitat incentives program 77.55.111, 77.55.121
powers of attorney to effectuate 26.16.090 separate property 26.16.090 Hazardous substance remedial action, exception
shares Property agreements, community property 77.55.061
transfer to surviving spouse or domestic 26.16.120 Hydraulic project approval account 77.55.331
partner, requirements, corporate liability Protection orders Landscape management plan 77.55.201
11.02.120 issued in conjunction with temporary Marina or marina terminal 77.55.151
testamentary disposition maintenance or support motions 26.09.060 Permit
limitation on spouse 26.16.030 Same-sex marriage, See MARRIAGE, subtitle required 77.55.021
Community property, See also COMMUNITY Same-sex marriages Permits
PROPERTY Separate earnings of wife applications
Contracts minor children living separate with her access to approval applications 77.55.351
agreements 26.16.120 26.16.140 fee imposition, exemptions, disposition
husbands separate property 26.16.010 Separate property 77.55.321
wifes separate property 26.16.020 descent and distribution, real and personal forest practices applications, integration of
Coverture abolished 26.16.160 property 11.04.015 hydraulic project approvals into
Debts earnings 26.16.140 77.55.371
antenuptial, liability 26.16.200 husbands conditions imposed upon 77.55.231
child support, liability 26.16.200 deed of wifes community realty to husband hydraulic project approval account, deposit of
community debt, judgment lien 26.16.040 26.16.050 fees in 77.55.331
husbands separate property 26.16.010 generally 26.16.010 mitigation plan review 77.55.251
prenuptial debts, liability 26.16.200 personal exemption as 6.15.040 off-site mitigation 77.55.241
separate debts, liability 26.16.200 power of attorney to third person to Sediment dredging or capping actions 77.55.271
wifes separate property 26.16.020 encumber or convey 26.16.090 Small scale prospecting and mining 77.55.091
Deeds and conveyances power of attorney to wife to encumber or Spartina/purple loosestrife, exception 77.55.051
community property convey 26.16.070 Storm water discharges 77.55.161
conversion to separate property 26.16.050 income of separated spouses 26.16.140 Violations, civil penalty 77.55.291
between husband and wife 26.16.050 wifes Watershed restoration projects 77.55.171
joinder of spouse 26.16.030 deed of husbands community realty to wife
power of attorney to husband or wife 26.16.050 Woody debris, placement 77.55.261
26.16.090 generally 26.16.020 HYDROELECTRIC GENERATION
power of attorney to third person 26.16.090 personal exemption, as 6.15.040 DEVELOPMENT (See IRRIGATION
purchasers title and rights 26.16.095, power of attorney to husband to encumber or DISTRICTS)
26.16.100 convey 26.16.070 HYDROELECTRIC POWER DAMS (See
recording of claim by husband or wife power of attorney to third person to POWER FACILITIES AND
26.16.100 encumber or convey 26.16.090 RESOURCES)
real property, between husband and wife, right to acquire, hold and dispose of
validation of previous transfers 26.16.050 26.16.150 HYDROSTATIC TESTS
Desertion and nonsupport, See also Spousal maintenance, provision for in Boilers and pressure vessels 70.79.270
DESERTION AND NONSUPPORT dissolution of marriage, legal separation, or HYPNOTHERAPY (See COUNSELORS)
Dissolution of marriage, See DISSOLUTION declaration of invalidity 26.09.050
Domestic partnerships, See DOMESTIC Desertion and nonsupport Retailers duty to determine sale legality
PARTNERSHIPS Torts, liability of spouse 26.16.190 70.115.050, 70.115.060
Domestic violence, see DOMESTIC Transfers IDAHO
VIOLENCE good faith, proof 26.16.210 Coastal ecosystems compact and agreements Ch.
Family abandonment and nonsupport Ch. 26.20 Transfers, See HUSBAND AND WIFE, subtitle 77.75
Insurance, application for 48.18.060 Deeds and conveyances Pacific marine fisheries compact Ch. 77.75

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 335]


Pacific Northwest economic region (See Trafficking, See also CRIMES, subtitle disciplinary board members 4.24.240
PACIFIC NORTHWEST ECONOMIC Trafficking; LABOR, subtitle Human Department of corrections
REGION) trafficking; VICTIMS, SURVIVORS, AND release of information regarding sexual
Reciprocity, tuition and fee program WITNESSES OF CRIME, subtitle Human offenders 9.94A.843
waiver of nonresident tuition fees differential trafficking Disciplinary boards, medical and dental
28B.15.750 IMMUNITY (See also BAR TO disciplinary board members, in performance
School district running start program PROSECUTION; PUBLIC OFFICERS of their duties 4.24.240
cooperative agreements with Oregon and AND EMPLOYEES, subtitle Dog handler using police or accelerant detection
Idaho community colleges 28A.600.385 DisclosureImproper governmental dog in line of duty 4.24.410
Wildlife cooperative agreements action; SELF-INCRIMINATION) Domestic violence
Snake river Ch. 77.75 24/7 sobriety program participation 4.24.545 immunity for arresting officer 26.09.300,
IDENTIFICATION (See IDENTITY; STATE Agriculture, department of 15.49.420 26.50.140
PATROL, subtitle Identification and Aiding police officer or other officer of the law, Domestic violence arrests 10.31.100
criminal history section) limitation 9.01.055 Donors and distributors of items to children
Amber alerts 70.200.020
IDENTITY construction of chapter 70.200.030
Brands and marks, See BRANDS AND MARKS radio and television broadcasting 4.24.720
Animals, destruction by law enforcement officer definitions 70.200.010
Credit cards used as check cashing identification East Asian medicine practitioners
card number not to be recorded 62A.3-512 16.52.210
Apple commission 15.24.190 immunity from prosecution 4.24.240
Criminals, See STATE PATROL, subtitle Electrical utilities
Identification and criminal history section Architects
emergency worker exemption from liability civil immunity for good faith mistakes
Identicards 35.21.415
duplicates, fee 46.20.200 for architect acting as volunteer 38.52.1951
Aviation activities on recreational land Electronic monitoring 4.24.545
facial recognition matching system 46.04.174, Emergency care or medical care
46.20.037, 46.20.0371 landowner immunity from liability for
immunity of doctors and hospitals 18.71.220
issuance and fees 46.20.117 unintentional injuries 4.24.210
persons rendering 4.24.300
proof of identity required for issuance Beef commission 16.67.160 Emergency communications systems and
46.20.035 Blood, tissue, organs, use, etc., immunities from information
Identification cards 19.192.010, 19.192.020 implied warranty and civil liability, extent immunity from civil liability for businesses,
Identification devices 70.54.120 companies, and individuals 38.52.550
reading remotely, prohibitions 19.300.030 Blue alert system Emergency health care
Identification documents immunity from liability for radio and providers credentialing or granting practice
television broadcasters 10.108.040 privileges to other providers 4.24.810
enhanced drivers licenses and enhanced
identicards, crimes regarding Ch. 9A.58 Boating accidents, persons rendering assistance Emergency management employees, volunteers
79A.60.200 38.52.080, 38.52.180
Labels, See LABELS
Bovine handling activities 4.24.740 Emergency medical services and trauma care
Possession of anothers identification
Boxing, martial arts, mixed martial arts, and system
penalties 9A.56.330 wrestling
Theft prehospital trauma care providers
licensing director, immunity from liability conditions and limitations 70.168.140
defined, penalties 9.35.020 67.08.300
electronic communication devices Emergency medical services program directors
Bribery, witness not excused on ground of self- 18.71.215
19.300.010, 19.300.020 incrimination 9.18.080
fair credit reporting Ch. 19.182 Emergency workers
Bribery action, witnesses not excused on ground architect or engineer exempt from liability
financial fraud and identity theft crimes of self-incrimination 9.18.080
investigation and prosecution program when serving as volunteer 38.52.1951
Building wardens 4.24.400 Employers
43.330.300 Cancer registry, statewide program
identity theft to improperly access financial disclosure of employee information 4.24.730
immunity from liability for providing required Engineers
information 9.35.010 information 70.54.260
incident reports 9.35.050 emergency worker exemption from liability
Child abuse and neglect for engineer acting as volunteer 38.52.1951
information available to victim 9.35.040 liability of governmental entities and their Equine activities
IGNITION INTERLOCKS (See DRIVING officers, limiting of 4.24.595, 26.44.280 limitation on liability for injuries arising from
UNDER THE INFLUENCE) Child abuse reporters 26.44.060 4.24.530
ILLNESS (See also DISEASES) Child mortality review by local health exceptions 4.24.540
Jurors department 70.05.170 Eyeglasses, donation of
discharge of jury without verdict because of Children charitable organizations, liability immunity
4.44.330 donors and distributors of items to children 4.24.800
Trials 70.200.020 Financial institutions, department of
priority for aged or ill parties in setting cases construction of chapter 70.200.030 department personnel immune from liability
for trial 4.44.025 definitions 70.200.010 for acts done in good faith in the
Collection agency board members 19.16.330 performance of departmental duties
IMITATION Community placement
Brands and marks, penalty 9.16.020 43.320.070
limited liability 72.09.320 Foreign orders
IMMIGRATION Community public health and safety networks nonrecognition of, when incompatible with
Aliens committed to state institutions, duty to 70.190.190 public policy 4.24.820
notify immigration authorities 10.70.140 Commuter ride-sharing vehicles, operator and Fruit commission 15.28.130
Coercion of involuntary servitude 9A.40.110 driver limited immunity 46.74.030 Funeral and cemetery board members 68.05.290
Family relationships Contaminated properties Gambling commission, members, employees
proceedings for determination of decontamination, disposal, or demolition of 9.46.095
presumptions 5.44.140 64.44.080 Good faith reports to government agencies
Human trafficking Ch. 19.320 Cooperative associations 23.86.030, 23.86.050 legislative findings and purpose 4.24.500
Human trafficking, See also CRIMES, subtitle Coroners and medical examiners 68.50.015 when agency or attorney general may defend,
Trafficking; LABOR, subtitle Human Court reporter certification recovery of costs and fees 4.24.520
trafficking; VICTIMS, SURVIVORS, AND immunity of director and individuals acting in Good faith reports to government agencies or
WITNESSES OF CRIME, subtitle Human the course of duties 18.145.070 self-regulatory organizations
trafficking Criminal investigations scope of immunity 4.24.510
Immigration services fraud prevention act Ch. grand jury 10.27.130 Government officials or members 4.24.470
19.154 special inquiry judge 10.27.130 Habeas corpus, public officers and employees
Involuntary servitude, coercion of 9A.40.110 Criminal justice agencies obeying writ or order 7.36.180
Public assistance release of sex offender criminal history Hazardous materials emergency response,
eligibility of immigrants 74.08A.100, information 10.97.050 planning committee 4.24.480
74.08A.110, 74.08A.120 Dairy products commission 15.44.150 Hazardous materials incidents
naturalization facilitation 74.08A.130 Defibrillators, immunity for users 70.54.310 emergency aid
Trafficking 9A.40.010, 9A.40.100 Dentists good faith rendering

[RCW Indexpage 336] (2016 Ed.)


immunity from liability 70.136.050 immunity for disclosure of information protection for registering entity, discharge
Health care practitioners, professional review required by state risk manager or state from claims to security by estate,
activities 4.24.250 auditor 48.62.171 creditors, heirs, or devisees, requirements
Health care provider Local health departments 21.35.040
provision of care to minor based only on lack child mortality review 70.05.170 Sex offenders
of consent Militia, liability of state for federal activities release of information regarding
conditions 26.09.310 38.40.025 public agencies and officials
Health care providers, disciplinary hearings Militia personnel, immunity from arrest authorization and immunity 4.24.550
4.24.250 38.32.030 Sexual offender treatment providers
Health personnel, facilities, physicians Money laundering advisory committee, immunity from liability
child abuse reporters 26.44.060 government officers, release from liability 18.155.060
withholding of life-sustaining treatment when engaged in lawful performance of State patrol officers
70.122.060 duties 9A.83.040 off-duty law enforcement employment
withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining Motion picture projectionists, employees, immunity of state for liability, notice
treatment 70.122.051 exhibition of obscene films 7.48.100 4.92.175
Health professions Nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual Strip, body cavity searches
unprofessional conduct complaints, immunity corporations 24.06.035 search delayed, nonliability of government for
of complainants 18.130.080 Noxious weed control boards 17.10.134 damage 10.79.170
Nursing homes, state hospital patients, abuse, Supplemental proceedings
Health professions disciplinary authorities reports of 70.124.060 parties 6.32.200
18.130.300 Osteopaths and surgeons witnesses 6.32.200
Hearing instruments, donation of review committee or board members 4.24.240 Timeshares
charitable organizations, liability immunity Peer review committees of colleges and good faith acts 64.36.160
4.24.800 universities 28B.10.648 Travel business, enforcement of chapter
Hospitals rendering emergency care 18.71.220 Perjury, immunity from prosecution not applied 19.138.200
Hostage situation, telephone service disruption, to perjury committed in self-incriminating Tree fruit research commission 15.26.240
companys immunity from liability testimony 10.52.090 Vaccine repository, fee schedule 70.54.200
70.85.120 Persons licensed to provide health care or related Vehicle and vessel titling and registration
Indeterminate sentence review board services, employees, hospitals, clinics, etc. 46.01.310
release of information regarding sexual professional review committee, society, Vessel registration law, immunity of licensing
offenders 9.95.140 examining, licensing or disciplinary board department and state 88.02.410
Information sharing, court ordered supervision or members, in performance of their duties Vision services for homeless persons 43.20A.830
treatment 4.24.240 Volunteers providing emergency or medical care
mental illness, chemical dependency 4.24.558 Persons rendering emergency care, medical care, 4.24.300
Insurance, liability for content of requested or transportation Water companies
filings 48.01.190 definitions 4.24.310 substandard water systems, limited immunity
Insurance commissioner, notice of cancellation immunity from liability for certain persons from liability on assumption of
48.30.330, 48.44.270 4.24.300 responsibility for 80.28.275
Insurance examinations, civil actions arising Pharmacists Water conservancy boards 90.80.100
from the conduct of review committee or board members 4.24.240 Witnesses
civil immunity and indemnification Physicians criminal investigations
protections for commissioner, child abuse reporters 26.44.060 grand jury 10.27.130
commissioners representatives, emergency care 18.71.220 special inquiry judge 10.27.130
examiners, and good faith providers of seat belts, verification of inability to wear not excused if given immunity from
information 48.03.075 4.24.235 prosecution 10.52.090
Insurance fraud reporting immunity act Ch. withholding of life-sustaining treatment supplemental proceedings 6.32.200
48.50 physicians responsibility 70.122.060 IMMUNIZATION (See also HEALTH AND
Insurers, delinquency proceedings against Physicians and surgeons SAFETY)
immunity from suit and liability, persons medical disciplinary board members 4.24.240 Assessment and enhancement proposals by local
entitled to protection 48.31.115 unprofessional conduct reports 18.71.0195 health jurisdictions 43.70.525
Irrigation districts 87.03.139 Pistols Childhood immunizations
assumption of substandard water systems, agencies and officials, immunity from liability expecting parents, information for 43.70.526
limited immunity from liability 87.03.860 for good faith acts 9.41.0975 School children, See SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL
good faith performance of duties 87.03.138 Poison information center personnel 18.76.070, DISTRICTS, subtitle Immunization program
Jail industries program board of directors 18.76.080 for school children
36.110.085 Public utility districts
assumption of substandard water system, IMPACT CENTER
Joint operating agencies Washington State University, See
executive board 43.52.374 limited immunity 54.16.320
good faith mistakes and errors of judgment WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY,
Kidnapping offenders subtitle International Marketing Program for
release of information regarding 54.12.110
Real estate appraiser licensure and certification Agricultural Commodities and Trade
public agencies and officials, authorization (IMPACT) Center
and immunity 4.24.550 director, board, and individuals in the course
of duties 18.140.040 IMPACT FEES
Landowners allowing land to be used for fish or Reports by professionals of abuse of dependent Accounts 82.02.070
wildlife cooperative project or solid waste adults 74.34.050 Appeals, administrative 82.02.070
cleanup Respiratory care practitioner administrators and Authority to impose
not liable for unintentional injuries to ad hoc committee 18.89.080 exclusions 36.70B.210, 82.80.050
volunteers or other users 4.24.210 Review committee or board, pharmaceutical generally 82.02.050
Law enforcement officer society members, in performance of duties metals mining operations, mitigating impact
domestic violence arrests 10.31.100, related to 4.24.240 of 78.56.130
26.09.300, 26.50.140 Riparian and upland areas left unharvested for transportation benefit districts, imposition by
response to secure community transition benefit of public resources 36.73.120
facility 4.24.551 landowner immunity from civil liability for transportation impact fees 39.92.030,
Liabilities damages resulting from trees being left 39.92.040
flood control, cities 86.12.037 76.09.330 Commercial and industrial buildings and land,
flood control, counties 86.12.037 Schools impact fees, when 36.73.120
flood control, special purpose districts administration of medicine 28A.210.270, Deferred collection of, for certain residential
86.12.037 28A.210.275 construction
health care providers who withdraw blood for harassment, intimidation, and bullying comprehensive planning, effect on
implied consent law 46.61.508 prevention policies and procedures 36.70A.070
persons rendering emergency care, medical 28A.600.480 report on process, annual, by department of
care, or transportation 4.24.300 Securities commerce 43.31.980
Local government self-insurance authority transfer on death security registration review of requirements by JLARC 44.28.812

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 337]


system for 82.02.050 public official requests, procedure 46.55.080 reduction in amount of bond 11.88.105
Definitions redemption procedure 46.55.120 when bond not required 11.88.107
generally 82.02.090 state patrol duties and authority 46.55.115 compensation and expenses, payment
transportation impact fee 39.92.020 unauthorized vehicle in right of way 11.92.180
Development agreements, impact fees in context 46.55.085 complaint against and investigation,
of 36.70B.170 Nuclear energy and radiation 70.98.160 procedures 11.88.120
Developments, impact fees in context of IMPRISONMENT (See COMMITMENT; contracts of incapacitated person
certain developments and communities GARNISHMENT, subtitle performance of 11.92.130
36.70A.350, 36.70A.365, 36.70A.367 Imprisonment; PRISONS AND death of, procedure, delivery of estate to
Exemptions from impact fees PRISONERS) successor 11.88.120
broad public purposes, development activities duties of 11.92.040, 11.92.043
with 82.02.060 IMPRISONMENT, UNLAWFUL funds of incapacitated person
fire sprinkler systems in residential single- Class C felony 9A.40.040 authorization for actions regarding
family homes, installers of 82.02.100 Definitions 9A.40.010 11.92.140
low-income housing 82.02.060 IMPROVEMENTS (See also LOCAL letters of guardianship 11.88.127
SEPA mitigation fees, persons paying for IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS) modifying guardianship or authority of
same system improvements 43.21C.065, Buildings leased by cities and towns 35.42.050 guardian 11.88.120
82.02.100 Counties oath of 11.88.100
Limitations on collection and use 82.02.050, labor and material claims 36.45.040 powers and duties of 11.92.040, 11.92.043
82.02.070, 82.02.100 planning agency control 36.70.690, 36.70.700 professional guardian, definition 11.88.008
Local ordinance, requirements for 82.02.060 Ejectment and quieting title actions real property, sale of
Metals mining operations, economic impact counterclaims for permanent improvements confirmation of sale 11.92.115
mitigation for 78.56.130 7.28.170, 7.28.180 order, contents 11.92.110
Mitigation payments related to impact fees counterclaims for value of 7.28.160 return and confirmation of sale 11.92.115
voluntary agreements 82.02.020 exclusion of use of from damages 7.28.150 removal of, procedure, delivery of estate to
Project review, impact fees in context of Public lands, See PUBLIC LANDS, subtitle successor 11.88.120
36.70B.030 Improvements representation of incapacitated person
Refunds 82.02.080 Real property 11.92.060
School impact fees, extending 82.02.110 agreements to indemnify for negligence sale, exchange, lease, or mortgage of property
SEPA mitigation fees and impact fees, related to, against public policy 4.24.115 petition for, contents 11.92.100
nonduplication requirement 43.21C.065, claim arising from 4.16.300 powers and duties 11.92.090
82.02.100 limitation on 4.16.310, 4.16.325 standby guardian, designation of 11.88.125
Subdivision approval, impact fees as condition of Guardian ad litem
Accounting appearance in civil action 4.08.060
IMPAIRED PHYSICIAN PROGRAM (See citation of surety on bond 11.92.056 appointment 11.88.090
PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS) intermediate accounts, settlement of eminent domain proceedings 8.25.270
IMPEACHMENT hearing and order 11.92.050 ex parte communications, prohibition
County commissioners, refusal to act, joint settlement of estate upon termination 11.88.093
commission 36.54.070 11.92.053 fees 11.88.097
Proceedings preserved 42.04.040 Actions and proceedings qualifications and duties 11.88.090
representation of incapacitated person Guardianship
IMPERSONATION (See FALSE guardians powers and duties 11.92.060 guardianship courthouse facilitator program
PERSONATION) Appointment of guardian 11.88.010 11.88.170
IMPLIED CONSENT LAW (See MOTOR hearing, notice 11.88.040 involuntary residential placement prohibited
VEHICLES, subtitle Implied consent law) jury trial, right to 11.88.045 11.92.190
IMPORTERS legal counsel for alleged incapacitated person modification of guardianship or authority of
11.88.045 guardian, pro se litigants seeking
Malt liquors
reports of sales to distributors 66.24.270 legislative intent and purpose 11.88.005 guardianship courthouse facilitator program
order appointing, required contents 11.88.095 11.88.170
IMPOSTS petition removal of guardian, pro se litigants seeking
Legality of contents 11.88.030 guardianship courthouse facilitator program
superior courts jurisdiction to determine disposition 11.88.095 11.88.170
2.08.010 hearing 11.88.030 residential placement, notice 11.92.190
IMPOUNDING proof, standards 11.88.045 settlement of estate
Bicycles Assets, holders of financial assets of liability of guardian 11.92.056
intoxicated bicyclists 46.61.790 incapacitated person settlement of estate upon termination
Motor vehicle law, under access to and control over assets to be 11.92.053
defective vehicles 46.32.060 provided to guardian 11.92.096 termination of
Motor vehicles Attorneys fees, payment 11.92.180 grounds, effect, procedure 11.88.140
abandoned or unauthorized Claims against estate of incapacitated person transfer of jurisdiction and venue 11.88.130
notice to owners 46.55.110 guardians duty to pay 11.92.035 uniform adult guardianship and protective
auction of unredeemed vehicles 46.55.120, presentation of claim 11.92.035 proceedings jurisdiction act Ch. 11.90
46.55.130 Concealed or embezzled property 11.92.185 veterans 11.88.160
contaminated property 46.55.117 Contracts of incapacitated person Intermediate accounts
definitions 46.55.010 performance of 11.92.130 settlement of
driving under the influence, impoundment Credit reports hearing and order 11.92.050
after arrest 46.55.350, 46.55.360, protected consumers, security freeze for Nonresident incapacitated person
46.55.370 19.182.220, 19.182.230 removal of property to another jurisdiction
driving without a valid license 46.55.113, Death of incapacitated person 11.92.170
46.55.120 administration of estate 11.88.150 Notices
law enforcement impound 46.55.075 Definitions 11.88.010 special notice of proceedings
lien by tow truck operator 46.55.140 Eminent domain proceedings failure to file account or report, citation for
local ordinances 46.55.240 guardian ad litem, appointment 8.25.270 11.92.160
notice requirements 46.55.100 Funds of incapacitated person request for 11.92.150
posting requirements 46.55.070 authorization for guardian to take actions Personal care reports
private impounds, rate and fee limitations in regarding 11.92.140 settlement of
certain cases 46.55.118 Guardian hearing and order 11.92.050
private impounds, tow truck operator attorneys fees, separate accounting for Probate, final report and petition for distribution,
compensation 46.55.037 compensation requested 11.92.180 guardian ad litem or limited guardian
private person requests, procedure and bond 11.76.080
liability 46.55.080 citation of surety on bond 11.92.056 Proceedings
procedure 46.55.090 bond requirements 11.88.100 special notice of

[RCW Indexpage 338] (2016 Ed.)


failure to file account or report, citation for Community redevelopment financing Ch. 39.88 Metropolitan park districts
11.92.160 Community revitalization financing Ch. 39.89 conditional sales contracts for purchase of real
request for 11.92.150 Conditional sales contracts by cities and towns, or personal property authorized,
Property of incapacitated person counties, metropolitan park districts, and indebtedness limitations 39.30.010
concealed or embezzled property library districts for purchase of property Municipal corporations
discovery proceedings 11.92.185 authorized, vote required if exceeds bankruptcy readjustment and relief from debts
real property, sale of indebtedness 39.30.010 Ch. 39.64
confirmation of sale 11.92.115 Corporations, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle short-term obligations Ch. 39.50
order, contents 11.92.110 Liabilities Port districts, toll facilities, effect 53.34.130
return and confirmation of sale 11.92.115 Counties Public hospital districts
removal of property of nonresident to another bankruptcy readjustment and relief from debts bonds 70.44.110
jurisdiction 11.92.170 Ch. 39.64 limitation on indebtedness 70.44.110
sale, exchange, lease, or mortgage of bond issues Public utility districts, See PUBLIC UTILITY
guardians powers and duties 11.92.090 interest payment, coupons 36.67.070 DISTRICTS, subtitle Fiscal matters
petition for, contents 11.92.100 retirement 36.67.060 School districts
Real property of incapacitated person city harbor lying in two counties, transfer of community and technical college facilities
sale of territory 36.08.050, 36.08.060 effect on indebtedness, limitations
confirmation of sale 11.92.115 conditional sales contracts for purchase of real 28B.50.740
order, contents 11.92.110 or personal property authorized, special meetings of voters to determine if
return and confirmation of sale 11.92.115 indebtedness limitations 39.30.010 district will incur 28A.320.420
Voting division, apportionment 36.09.010, 36.09.020, School districts, See also SCHOOLS AND
effect of guardianship on right to vote 36.09.035, 36.09.040 SCHOOL DISTRICTS, subtitle
11.88.010 eminent domain in aid of federal or state Indebtedness
improvements 8.08.120 Sewer districts, See SEWER DISTRICTS,
INCENTIVE PAY (See PRODUCTIVITY juvenile detention facilities, exceeding debt
BOARD) subtitle Fiscal matters
limitations authorized for 13.16.060 Short-term obligations
INCINERATION FACILITIESASH limitations upon 36.67.010 municipal corporations
Application of chapter to existing incinerators juvenile detention facilities, exceeding debt authorized, when 39.50.020
70.138.900 limitations authorized for 13.16.060 contracts for future sale 39.50.030
Civil penalties 70.138.040 refunding bonds not to exceed debt limitations definitions 39.50.010
Criminal penalties 70.138.070 39.52.020 interest rate 39.50.030
Definitions 70.138.020 Debt adjusters, See DEBT ADJUSTERS issuance of, procedure 39.50.030
Disposal permits 70.138.030 Diking districts, See DIKING AND nonvoted general indebtedness 39.50.060
Enforcement, injunctive relief 70.138.060 DRAINAGE, subtitle Diking districts payment of principal and interest
Legislative findings 70.138.010 Drainage districts, See DIKING AND funds for 39.50.070
Management plans 70.138.030 DRAINAGE, subtitle Drainage districts refunding, renewal 39.50.040
Special ash, waste disposal authority 70.105.112 Evidence of, loss or destruction security 39.50.050
Violations, compliance orders 70.138.050 cancellation of original 39.72.020 State
INCOME TAX issuance of duplicate 39.72.010 bonds, notes and other evidences of
Cities, counties, city-counties notification of fiscal officers 39.72.020 indebtedness, See STATE
prohibited, net income 36.65.030 records to be kept 39.72.020 Taxing district relief act Ch. 39.64
Unemployment compensation, voluntary federal Exceeding limitations upon Unclassified cities 35.30.040, 35.30.060
tax deduction and withholding 50.20.220 cities and towns, See also INDEBTEDNESS, University of Washington, limitation upon
subtitle Cities and towns regents incurring 28B.20.145
INCOMPETENTS (See also GUARDIAN port districts, emergency public works
39.28.030 subtitle Fiscal matters
Escheats, limitation of action for filing of claim Exceeding limitations upon, See also
tolled during disability 11.08.280 INDEBTEDNESS, subtitle Limitations upon INDECENCY
Tolling of statute of limitations of actions Fire protection districts Nuisances, ground for 7.48.010, 7.48.120
4.16.190 contracting for 52.16.061 INDEMNITY
INCORPORATIONS (See limitation 52.16.070 Injunctions 7.40.160
CORPORATIONS) Insurance in connection with, credit transactions,
INCRIMINATION (See SELF- Interest rate, debts of public bodies declared legal Business and occupation tax status 82.04.360
INCRIMINATION) regardless of interest rate 39.90.060 INDETERMINATE SENTENCE REVIEW
Cities DISTRICTS, subtitle Fiscal matters
consolidation or annexation of cities, effect of INDEX
Library districts, conditional sales contracts for Abstract of, admissible in action to replace court
on indebtedness 35.10.331 purchase of real or personal property
Cities and towns records lost or destroyed 5.48.040
authorized, indebtedness limitations Filed or recorded documents, county auditor to
bankruptcy readjustment and relief from debts 39.30.010
Ch. 39.64 index in accordance with printed or
Limitations upon typewritten names 65.04.115
cities and towns under 20,000 35.37.040 cities and towns
conditional sales contracts for purchase of real Judgments
refunding bonds not to exceed debt abstract of 4.64.120
or personal property, indebtedness limitations 39.52.020
limitations 39.30.010 execution docket, indexing of by clerk
counties 4.64.120
harbor in two counties, transfer of territory refunding bonds not to exceed debt
36.08.050, 36.08.060, 36.08.070 limitations 39.52.020 Record of instruments
leases with or without option to purchase county park and recreation service areas necessity of recording officer to keep
indebtedness limitations upon 35.42.200 36.68.520 65.04.050
option to purchase, indebtedness limitation port districts Revised Code of Washington, duty of code
35.42.210 emergency public works, exceeding reviser 1.08.020
public utilities 35.92.075 indebtedness for 39.28.030 Session laws, duty of code reviser 44.20.050
public utility acquisition refunding bonds of counties and cities and INDIAN LANDS
authority for 35.92.070 towns not to exceed debt limitations Diking, drainage districts, acquisition of, when
limitations 35.92.090 39.52.020 85.05.620
refunding bonds not to exceed debt limitations school districts Jurisdiction of state over, assumption of, extent
39.52.020 validating indebtedness, bond issues of Ch. 37.12
sewerage systems Ch. 35.67 28A.535.010 Leasehold excise taxes
unclassified cities 35.30.040, 35.30.060 taxing districts Ch. 39.36 payment in lieu when exempt from property
Community and technical colleges, bonds of Loan principal and interest fund tax, conditions 82.29A.055
common school districts for, effect on created in general fund to alleviate cash flow payment in lieu when exempt from property
indebtedness limitations 28B.50.740 deficiencies 43.79.440 tax, economic impact report 43.136.090

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 339]


INDIANS retrocession 37.12.100, 37.12.110, 37.12.120, Mental illness, See also MENTAL ILLNESS,
Adoption 37.12.130, 37.12.140, 37.12.160, subtitle Behavioral health services and
petition 26.33.270 37.12.170, 37.12.180 organizations; MENTAL ILLNESS, subtitle
Adoption proceedings, assumption of state state jurisdiction limited by federal law Community services
jurisdiction 37.12.010 37.12.050, 37.12.060 Motor vehicle violations, state jurisdiction
Adult family homes licensed by tribes Criminal justice 37.12.010
duties of department of social and health certification, police officers 43.101.157 Native American heritage day 1.16.050,
services 70.128.122 noncertified, training 43.101.230 28A.150.050
Anadromous game fish Dependent children Native education, office of
purchase or sale emergency placement of Indian child in out- creation, duties, report 28A.300.105
license 77.65.480 of-home care 26.44.240 native education public-private partnership
purchase or sale, license 77.65.490 placement of Indian child in out-of-home care account 28A.300.106
Behavioral health system 13.34.130 Natural resources management
mental health and chemical dependency termination of parent-child relationship, order, state policy, express domain 77.110.030
services grounds 13.34.190 Off-reservation legal rights or privileges through
tribal-centric 43.20A.897 Domestic relations, assumption of state treaties are unconstitutional 77.110.040
Behavioral health system, See also MENTAL jurisdiction 37.12.010 Police officer certification, tribal 43.101.157
ILLNESS, subtitle Behavioral health Effective date of assumption of jurisdiction by Property, state, county, or municipal,
services and organizations; MENTAL state 37.12.030, 37.12.040 intergovernmental transfer of 39.33.010
ILLNESS, subtitle Community services Fire protection services, contracts for Property tax
Ceremonial and subsistence fishing tribal property located within districts or exempt property to be subject to payment in
authorities 52.30.080 lieu of leasehold excise taxes 82.29A.055
Wanapum (Sokulk) band 77.12.453 Foster care 13.34.245 economic impact report 43.136.090
Child support, cooperative agreements for payment requirements 74.13.080 exemption in certain cases 84.36.010,
enforcement services Ch. 26.25 tribal authority to license agencies 74.15.190 84.36.012
Children Funds economic impact report 43.136.090
emergency placement of Indian child in out- investment of surplus tribal funds Public assistance
of-home care 26.44.240 definitions 43.250.020 assumption of state jurisdiction 37.12.010
Indian child welfare act Ch. 13.38 public funds investment account 43.250.040 program access 74.08A.040
Children residing on Indian lands, attendance at purpose 43.250.010 tribal program 74.08A.050
schools 28A.225.170 Gambling compacts Public schools
Cigarette tax contracts authority of governor to execute 43.06.010 tribal history and culture, curricula
eligibility, tax rate 43.06.460 enforcement 9.46.360 28A.320.170
Puyallup tribe 43.06.465 federal jurisdiction 9.46.36001 tribal relationships, meetings 28A.345.070
requirements, definitions 43.06.455 negotiation process with gambling Quileute Indians, Olympic National Park,
Civil jurisdiction over commission 9.46.360 jurisdiction retrocession 37.12.150
adoption proceedings 37.12.010 Governments, tribal Retrocession of criminal jurisdiction 37.12.100,
assumption by state 37.12.010, 37.12.040 benefit plans for employees, participation in 37.12.110, 37.12.120, 37.12.130, 37.12.140,
compulsory school attendance 37.12.010 rate surcharge 41.05.050 37.12.160, 37.12.170, 37.12.180
dependent children 37.12.010 Graves Sale of land or materials, consent of congress,
domestic relations 37.12.010 protection authorization 64.20.030
effective date 37.12.040 civil action by tribe or member 27.44.050 Salmon
hunting and fishing rights excluded 37.12.060 criminal sanctions 27.44.040 management of salmon and steelhead
juvenile delinquency 37.12.010 skeletal human remains, duty to notify resources Ch. 77.110
limited by federal law 37.12.050, 37.12.060 27.44.055 recovery and habitat restoration Ch. 77.85
mental illness 37.12.010 Graves and records Ch. 27.44 Salmon fishing by Wanapum (Sokulk) band
probate not to apply 37.12.060 Health care delivery plan 43.70.590 77.12.453
procedure for assumption of state jurisdiction Health data Scholarships
37.12.021 statistics information system 43.70.052 American Indian endowed scholarship
proclamation of governor as to assumption by Indian child welfare act Ch. 13.38 program Ch. 28B.108
state 37.12.021 Indian tribes Schools
property rights excluded 37.12.060 airports state-tribal education compacts, schools
public assistance 37.12.010 federal aid moneys, disbursement by established under
request for state assumption of 37.12.021 department of transportation, authorized compacts authority, school operations, and
retrocession 37.12.160, 37.12.170, 37.12.180 47.68.090 other requirements Ch. 28A.715
tribal ordinances and customs applicable Interlocal cooperation act, tribe as public agency hiring preferences and prioritized admission,
37.12.070 under 39.34.020 allowing 28A.642.070
Claims settlements Intrastate mutual aid system 38.52.040, Ch. State agencies, government-to-government
counties, creation of local improvement 38.56 relationship with Ch. 43.376
districts for purposes of payment Juvenile delinquency, assumption of state Steelhead
authorized 36.32.540 jurisdiction 37.12.010 management of salmon and steelhead
Juveniles resources Ch. 77.110
local improvement districts, organization of purchase or sale, license 77.65.480
juvenile court act as affecting, See
district to finance authorized 35.43.280 JUVENILES, subtitle Juvenile court, Teacher education course in state or Pacific
Colleges and universities families in conflict, procedures for Northwest history and government
tuition rates 28B.15.0131 Lands information regarding Indian peoples to be
Compulsory school attendance, assumption of jurisdiction of state, assumption of Ch. 37.12 included in 28B.10.710
state jurisdiction 37.12.010 leasehold excise taxes Timber harvest excise tax agreements 43.06.475,
Conservation, preservation interest in land payment in lieu when exempt from property 43.06.480
acquistion, authorized 64.04.130 tax, conditions 82.29A.055 Treaties, denial of rights based on, declaration of
conveyance, form 64.04.130 payment in lieu when exempt from property policy 77.110.040
Conveyances, sale of land or materials, tax, economic impact report 43.136.090 Tribal police officers Ch. 10.92
authorization 64.20.030 Library services provided for tribes by public Unemployment compensation Ch. 50.50
Criminal jurisdiction over libraries 27.12.285 Vulnerable adults
assumption by state 37.12.010, 37.12.030 Marijuana investigations
effective date of assumption of jurisdiction tribal agreements, tax exemptions 43.06.490, department of social and health services
37.12.030 82.08.9997, 82.12.9997 agreements with tribes 74.34.067
hunting and fishing rights excluded 37.12.060 tribal marijuana tax 43.06.490 Water rights
motor vehicle violations 37.12.010 Mental illness notice to tribal governments of expedited
procedure for assumption of state jurisdiction behavioral health system processing of applications 90.03.660
37.12.021 tribal-centric 43.20A.897 Weed control on federal and tribal lands
proclamation by governor 37.12.021 Mental illness, assumption of state jurisdiction 17.10.201
request for state assumption of 37.12.021 37.12.010 Weed control on Indian lands 17.04.170

[RCW Indexpage 340] (2016 Ed.)


INDICTMENTS dismissal for, not a bar 10.40.125 assignments or executions, payments exempt
Animals, description of 10.37.070 INDIGENTS 51.32.040
Certainty required 10.37.054 Attorney compensation payments are in lieu 51.32.010
Charge must be by indictment or information, fees on appeal, state to pay for indigent party default assessment 51.48.120, 51.48.131,
exceptions 10.37.015 4.88.330 51.48.140, 51.48.150
Consolidation 10.37.060 Counsel, when provided 10.73.150 employers default in payments 51.16.150
Construction Counties execution of judgments, property acquired by
statutes, equivalent words may be used disposal of remains 36.39.030 state 51.16.180
10.37.160 veterans, burial 73.08.070 injury or death, actions against employer or
words and phrases used in 10.37.190 Court fees and costs 10.73.160 third person Ch. 51.24
Contents, necessary 10.37.052 lien for payments due 51.16.160, 51.16.170
Defense services, provision of nurses testimony not privileged 51.04.050
Defects and imperfections deemed immaterial
10.37.056 appropriated funds 10.101.050, 10.101.060 penalties, waiver 51.48.100
Defendants attorney selection 10.101.040 penalty collections 51.48.090
joinder of 10.37.060 city moneys 10.101.080 physicians testimony not privileged
naming of 10.37.054 county moneys 10.101.070 51.04.050
Defined, for Criminal Code 9A.04.110 definitions 10.101.010 statute of limitations 51.04.100
Demurrer to determination of indigency 10.101.020 Aliens, nonresident beneficiary 51.32.140
grounds 10.40.110 promissory notes 10.101.020 Amputation
overruling demurrer provisional appointments 10.101.020 compensation schedule 51.32.080
failure to plead over, judgment on demurrer standards 10.101.030 Appeals
10.40.140 Deferred prosecution programs 10.05.130 board of industrial insurance appeals
pleading of defendant 10.40.140 Fees and costs in appeals to supreme court or 51.52.010, 51.52.020, 51.52.030,
sustaining demurrer court of appeals, state to pay when 4.88.330 51.52.040
when final judgment, discharge of defendant Forma pauperis, See FORMA PAUPERIS compensation payment after appeal,
10.40.120 Funerals, deceased veterans, county to provide enforcement 51.32.215
when not final, not bar to subsequent burial 73.08.070 crime victims compensation actions,
prosecution 10.40.125 Hospitals, counties 36.62.010 exception 51.52.200
Forgery, description of instrument subject to Housing generally, including hearings, decisions, court
which is destroyed or withheld 10.37.080 emergency exemptions from state building appeals, and attorneys fees Ch. 51.52
Form of 10.37.040 code 19.27.042 study, department of labor and industries
Grand jury Juvenile, transcript and costs, state to pay in 51.52.800
criminal investigations delinquency proceeding 2.32.240 Applicability 51.04.090
number of members necessary for returning Legal aid, See LEGAL AID Apprentices or trainees, coverage 51.12.130
10.27.150 Party, transcript and costs, state to pay in Artificial substitutes and mechanical aids
presented to court 10.27.150 delinquency proceeding 4.88.330 51.36.020
motions to set aside, grounds 10.40.070 Public assistance, See PUBLIC ASSISTANCE Basic health plan
Injury to person, erroneous allegation as to Public defense, office of Ch. 2.70 availability, notice 51.28.090
person injured immaterial 10.37.090 Rights, criminally insane, procedures 10.77.020 Beneficiaries
Joinder of defendants 10.37.060 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT compensation
Judgments, pleading of, facts as to jurisdiction CORPORATIONS application 51.28.030
need not be pleaded in 10.37.100 Generally Ch. 31.24 change in compensation 51.28.040
Larceny, description of money or securities death benefits 51.32.050
10.37.110 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT proof of dependency 51.28.060
Motion to set aside DISTRICTS (See PORT DISTRICTS, Benefits
grounds 10.40.070 subtitle Industrial development districts) adjustments 51.32.075
irregularities in grand jury selection, etc. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT aggravation, diminution, or termination of
10.40.070 PROJECTS disability 51.32.160
not available to defendant held to answer Investments and projects of statewide amputation 51.32.080
before indictment 10.40.075 significance during course of employment 51.32.015,
overruling motion, effect 10.40.100 application for designation - project facilitator 51.36.040
persons improperly before grand jury or coordinator 43.157.030 death benefits 51.32.050
10.40.070 declaration, intention 43.157.005 direct deposit into financial institutions
sustaining motion, no bar to future prosecution definitions 43.157.010 51.32.045
10.40.090 expedited completion, planning requirements direct deposit to accounts 51.04.085
Name, inserting true name during trial 10.46.060 43.157.020 elective adoption procedure 51.12.110
Obscene literature, describing 10.37.130 Revenue bonds Ch. 39.84 employers rights to compensation 51.32.030
Parties, naming of 10.37.054 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE erroneous payments, liability for willfully
Perjury, description of 10.37.140 BONDS (See COMMUNITY obtaining 51.48.250, 51.48.260
Pleas to ECONOMIC REVITALIZATION exemption or waiver prohibited 51.04.060
guilty BOARD, subtitle Industrial development failure to pay, adjustment 51.32.240
defendant only in open court may plead revenue bonds) false information, penalties 51.48.020
guilty 10.40.170 false statements or concealing information
not guilty INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 51.48.270
denies each and every allegation in Accident fund 51.44.010 jobsite 51.32.015, 51.36.040
indictment or information 10.40.180 appropriation not required for payment of kickbacks, bribes, or rebates 51.48.280
refusal to answer, plea of not guilty entered 43.88.180 lunch period 51.32.015, 51.36.040
10.40.190 defined as trust fund, appropriation not medical aid Ch. 51.36
Presumptions of law, averments 10.37.150 required for payment of 43.88.180 medical examinations 51.32.110
Probation, dismissal of indictment after Accidents nonresident alien beneficiaries 51.32.140
probation completed 9.95.240 application for compensation 51.28.030 occupational disease 51.16.040, 51.32.180
Public nuisance, authorized 7.48.200 catastrophe injury account, uses 51.16.130 pensions, additional payments to prior
Separation into counts 10.37.060 compensation application 51.28.020 pensioners 51.32.072, 51.32.073
Statutes notice and report 51.28.010 permanent partial disabilities
exact wording not necessary 10.37.160 reporting compensation schedule 51.32.080
private, how pleaded 10.37.170 employers duties 51.28.025 permanent total disabilities 51.32.060,
Sufficiency requirements 10.37.050 second injuries, liability for costs 51.16.120 51.32.067
Untried indictments against imprisoned person second injury after lump sum payment personal attendant 51.32.060
disposition of 9.98.010, 9.98.020, 9.98.030, 51.32.120 preexisting disease, effect of delay of recovery
9.98.040 Acting in course of employment, benefits from injury 51.32.100
Untried indictments against imprisoned person, available 51.32.015, 51.36.040 proration, when 51.12.050
See also DETAINERS, INTERSTATE Actions and proceedings recovery of erroneous payments 51.32.240
Variances appeals Ch. 51.52 recovery of overpayments 51.32.230

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 341]


social security payments, effect 51.32.220, application 51.28.020 Crimes

51.32.230 beneficiaries, application 51.28.030 medical aid, illegal collections 51.48.050
social security retirement benefits, effect change in compensation 51.28.040 misrepresentation in payroll 51.48.020
51.32.225 damage to clothing or protective equipment Death
surviving spouse 51.32.050 51.32.260 actions against employer or third person Ch.
temporary total disabilities death benefits 51.32.050 51.24
compensation schedule 51.32.090 direct deposit of benefits into financial adjustments in benefits 51.32.075
earnings during disability 51.32.090 institution 51.32.045 autopsies and postmortems 68.50.103
return to work 51.32.090 education and outreach 51.04.150 benefits payable 51.32.050
waiver or exemption prohibited 51.04.060 eligibility to receive 51.32.010 compensation
willful misrepresentation 51.32.240 employers entitled, when 51.32.030 application 51.28.030
Board of industrial insurance appeals, erroneous payments, liability for willfully decedent leaving no beneficiaries, self-
membership, powers, and duties Ch. 51.52 obtaining 51.48.250, 51.48.260 insurers payment to supplemental pension
Burial expenses 51.32.050 exemptions from assignment or execution fund 51.48.110
Catastrophe injury account 51.44.050, 51.44.060 51.32.040 occupational disease, compensation 51.32.180
uses 51.16.130 false statements or concealing information payment of awards 51.32.040
Catastrophes 51.48.270 scholarship information for surviving spouses
costs, how distributed 51.16.130 further accident after lump sum payment and children 51.04.165
Certificate of coverage 51.32.120 Default in payments, notices, enforcement,
penalty for not obtaining 51.48.103 ineligibility to receive 51.32.020 appeal 51.48.120, 51.48.131, 51.48.140,
required, exception 51.04.120 jobsites, benefits available 51.32.015, 51.48.150
revocation 51.48.160 51.36.040 Definitions Ch. 51.08
Chemically related illness kickbacks, bribes, or rebates 51.48.280 Delinquent taxes, penalties 51.48.210
claims criteria and procedures 51.32.350 lump sum conversion 51.32.130, 51.32.135, Dependents
Child support obligations enforcement 51.32.150 compensation
workers compensation or certain benefits lunch periods, benefits available 51.32.015, children, termination at age eighteen
payments 51.36.040 51.32.025
paid on behalf of child 26.18.190 medical aid Ch. 51.36 eligibility to receive 51.32.010
Chiropractic services medical examinations 51.32.110 ineligibility to receive 51.32.020
advisory committee 51.36.150 nonresident alien beneficiaries 51.32.140 proof of dependency 51.28.060
care and evaluation 51.36.015 occupational disease 51.32.180 Disability compensation, subject to collection for
chiropractors authorized to conduct special payment after death 51.32.040 support payments 74.20A.260
medical examinations 51.32.112 payment in lieu of action 51.32.010 Disaster response
Claim resolution structured settlement pensions, additional payments to prior reimbursement from account 51.16.220
agreements, See INDUSTRIAL pensioners 51.32.072, 51.32.073 Educational service districts
INSURANCE, subtitle Claims permanent disabilities, determination self-insurers 51.14.150, 51.14.160
Claims 51.32.055 Elective adoption 51.12.110
benefits acceptance, effect 51.32.210 permanent partial disabilities
Electrical contractors
claim resolution structured settlement schedule 51.32.080
permanent total disability benefits 51.32.060 coverage required 19.28.041
agreements 51.04.062, 51.04.063,
51.04.065, 51.04.069, 51.52.120 personal attendant, payments 51.32.060 Emergency assessment and collection of taxes
confidentiality of records, inspection and preexisting disease, effect of delay of recovery 51.48.170, 51.48.180, 51.48.190
review 51.28.070 from injury 51.32.100 Emergency management workers, workers
dependency, proof 51.28.060 prisoners in institutions, eligibility 51.32.040 compensation 38.52.290
false information, penalties 51.48.020 prohibited, when 51.32.020 Employer
hearing loss, time for filing 51.28.055 recovery of erroneous payments 51.32.240 certificate of coverage
injuries, time for filing 51.28.050 recovery of overpayments 51.32.230 requirements, exception 51.04.120
occupational disease, time for filing 51.28.055 social security benefits, effect 51.32.220, exemption or waiver prohibited 51.04.060
promptness of action 51.32.210 51.32.230 notices or orders, sending to employer
records, confidentiality and allowed review social security retirement benefits, effect 51.04.082
51.28.070 51.32.225 Employers
retaliation against employee prohibited surviving spouse 51.32.050 accidents, notice and report 51.28.010
51.48.025 temporary total disabilities claim records, review 51.28.070
Classification compensation schedule 51.32.090 classification change 51.16.100
changes 51.16.100 earnings during disability 51.32.090 compensation
degree of hazard to govern 51.16.035 return to work 51.32.090 authorized for employers, when 51.32.030
Clothing or protective equipment, compensation time limitations for filing 51.32.040 cost experience, evasion of unfavorable
for loss or damage 51.32.260 unspecified permanent partial disability 51.16.090
Collection of tax or penalty may not be enjoined 51.32.080 cost experience impacts 51.16.090
51.52.113 Construction of title Ch. 51.98 coverage for employees, failure to apply
Colleges and universities Contractors 51.48.105
foreign branch campuses, application of act fraud, underground economy 51.04.153 default in payments, assessment 51.48.120,
51.12.160 governmental entity premium liability 51.48.131, 51.48.140, 51.48.150
Commercial transportation services drivers 51.12.050 delinquency, sale of property acquired by state
coverage, exclusion from mandatory and premium liability 51.12.070 on execution of judgment 51.16.180
election of optional 51.12.020 registration to include coverage information delinquency in payments, procedure
Common and contract carriers, application of act 18.27.030 51.16.150
51.12.095 subcontractors, premium liability 51.12.070 delinquent taxes, penalties 51.48.210
Common carriers Contracts elective adoption 51.12.110
application of act 51.12.090 continuation 51.04.105 emergency assessment and collection of taxes
Community improvement projects governmental entity premium liability 51.48.170, 51.48.180, 51.48.190
public/private partnerships 51.12.050 51.12.050 employment records, requirements and
Community restitution by offenders premium liability 51.12.070 confidentiality 51.16.070
workers compensation coverage 35.21.209, Contributions execution upon property 51.48.220,
35A.21.220, 36.16.139, 51.12.045 elective adoption procedure 51.12.110 51.48.230, 51.48.240
Compensation Cost experience experience rating, impact of employer
actions, payments in lieu 51.32.010 continuation when employers legal structure changes 51.16.090
adjustments 51.32.075 changes 51.16.090 failure to report, penalties 51.48.020
aggravation, diminution, or termination of unfavorable, evasion 51.16.090 failure to report or pay premiums, collection
disability 51.32.160 Counties 51.16.155
amputation 51.32.080 benefits otherwise provided, effect 51.12.050 failure to secure payment of compensation
appeals, compensation payment after appeal premium liability 51.12.050 stop work order 51.48.022
51.32.215 Crime victims compensation Ch. 7.68 job modification costs 51.32.250

[RCW Indexpage 342] (2016 Ed.)


liability of employer quitting or disposing of false or misleading advertising and Logging

business 51.16.200 representations 51.36.130 logger safety initiative 51.04.160
lien for payments due 51.16.160, 51.16.170 representation fee charged while providing Longshoremans and harbor workers
limitation of actions, by or against 51.16.190 services, penalty 51.48.280 compensation coverage
misrepresentation in payroll 51.48.020 verification 51.48.290 plan creation 48.22.070
new or resumed business, duties 51.16.110 Hearings Lunch periods, benefits available 51.36.040
payroll report 51.16.060 appeals, See also INDUSTRIAL Lunch periods, when benefits available
penalties Ch. 51.48 INSURANCE, subtitle Appeals 51.32.015
records, failure to keep 51.48.030 For hire vehicle businesses and operators Managed care pilot projects
records, refusal of inspection 51.48.040 mandatory coverage 81.72.240 authorization 43.72.860
report of injury or disease, duties, penalties For hire vehicle operators owning or leasing Maritime occupations
51.28.025 vehicle application of act 51.12.100
reports, failure to make 51.48.030 coverage, exclusion from mandatory and asbestos-related disease, benefits 51.12.102
retaliation against employee prohibited election of optional 51.12.020, 51.12.185 Mechanical aids and artificial substitutes
51.48.025 Horse racing industry 51.36.020
search and seizure of property to satisfy tax premium assessment 51.16.210, 67.16.300 Mediation of disputes 51.52.095
warrant 51.48.200 supplemental pension fund assessments Medical aid
stop work order 51.32.073 advisory committee 51.36.140
failure to secure payment of compensation Hospitals artificial substitutes 51.36.020
51.48.022 safe patient handling program, reduced care and treatment supervision 51.04.030
temporary total disabilities premium 51.16.230 catastrophes, costs, how distributed 51.16.130
notification of worker entitlement and self-insurers 51.14.150, 51.14.160 chiropractic advisory committee 51.36.150
employers rights 51.28.080 Industrial safety and health contracts, continuation 51.04.105
waiver of penalties 51.48.100 expenses, financing, accounting 51.16.105 during course of employment, benefits
Employment Injunctions against delinquent employers payable 51.36.040
covered employments 51.12.010 51.16.150 discrimination prohibited 51.04.030
elective adoption procedure 51.12.110 Injuries elective adoption 51.12.110
excluded employments 51.12.020 actions against employer or third person Ch. extent and duration of treatment 51.36.010
Excluded employments 51.12.020 51.24 fee schedule 51.04.030
Execution upon property 51.48.220, 51.48.230, application for compensation 51.28.030 illegal collections, penalty 51.48.050
51.48.240 catastrophe injury account, uses 51.16.130 jobsite, benefits payable 51.36.040
Exemption or waiver prohibited 51.04.060 claims, time for filing 51.28.050 legislative findings, other matters 51.36.010
Extraterritorial coverage 51.12.120 compensation application 51.28.020 lunch period, benefits payable 51.36.040
Failure to pay benefits, adjustment 51.32.240 further accident or disease, distribution of mechanical aids 51.36.020
False statements or concealing information costs 51.16.120 premiums
51.48.270 notice and report 51.28.010 worker liability 51.16.140
Farm internship pilot program preexisting disability, costs for further providers 51.36.010
special workers compensation risk class disability 51.16.120 records, availability 51.36.060
51.16.242 reporting records and bill payment 51.04.030
Farming, optional exclusion for persons working educational initiative, alternative system residence modification assistance 51.36.022
on parents family farms 51.12.020 51.28.015 student volunteers, coverage 51.12.170,
employer to assist workers 51.28.015 51.12.175
Fault for claimants damages
employers duties 51.28.025 transportation costs 51.36.020
determination of percentage of fault among Inmates unpaid students in work-based learning
multiple parties 4.22.070 benefits sent in care of corrections department programs 51.12.170, 51.12.175
Federal employees, application 51.12.060 51.32.380 volunteers, coverage 51.12.035
Fees and medical charges eligibility 72.60.100, 72.60.102 Medical aid fund 51.44.020
audits 51.36.080 Investigations appropriation not required for payment of
audits of health care providers 51.36.100, subpoena power 51.04.040 43.88.180
51.36.110 Investigative unit 51.04.024 defined as trust fund, budget and accounting
establishment of schedule 51.04.030 Jail industries program system 43.88.180
payment 51.36.080 employment status of inmates 36.110.120 Medical examinations
self-insurers 51.36.085 Job modification costs 51.32.250 chiropractors authorized to conduct special
Fire fighters, disease presumption 51.32.185 Job modification or accommodation costs for medical examinations 51.32.112
First aid injured workers, payment 51.32.095 compensation and reporting guidelines
training and supply requirements 51.36.030 Jobsites, benefits available 51.36.040 51.32.112
Foreign degree-granting institutions, application Jobsites, when benefits available 51.32.015 costs 51.36.070
of act 51.12.160 Jurisdiction 51.04.010, 51.12.060, 51.12.120 department to monitor 51.32.114
Fraud, annual report 43.22.331 Juvenile forest camps refusal to submit 51.32.110
Fraud, contractors, underground economy industrial insurance benefits prohibited, reports 51.36.070
51.04.153 exceptions 72.05.152, 72.05.154 standards and criteria 51.32.112
Funds Kickbacks, bribes, or rebates 51.48.280 travel expenses and time lost pay 51.32.110
accident fund 51.44.010 Labor and industries, department of Medical treatment
catastrophe injury account 51.44.050, directors powers and duties 51.04.020 review of billings 51.36.090
51.44.060 financial statements and information unauthorized 51.36.090
collection of penalties, deposit 51.48.090 audit and report, annual 51.44.115 Medical treatment, See also INDUSTRIAL
general requirements and procedures for funds power and duties 51.04.150 INSURANCE, subtitle Medical aid
Ch. 51.44 powers and duties 43.22.030 Minors
industrial insurance rainy day fund 51.44.023 Law enforcement officers, volunteer, coverage civil rights established 51.04.070
investment policies 43.33A.110 51.12.140 disability payments 51.04.070
medical aid fund 51.44.020 Liability for penalties Ch. 51.48 guardianship expense 51.04.070
premium refund account 51.44.170 Lien for payments due 51.16.160, 51.16.170 Motor vehicle modification 51.36.020
reserve fund 51.44.030, 51.44.090 Limitation of actions 51.04.100 Municipal corporations
second injury fund 51.44.040 aggravation, diminution, or termination of benefits 51.12.050
supplemental pension fund 51.44.033 disability, compensation 51.32.160 premium liability 51.12.050
Geoduck harvesting 51.12.100 hearing loss claims 51.28.055 Musicians or entertainers, coverage 51.12.150
Hanford nuclear reservation injuries, time for filing claims 51.28.050 New business, duties 51.16.110
special insuring agreements for workers occupational disease, time for filing claims Notices
51.04.130 51.28.055 delivery to claimant 51.04.080
Health care providers Limousine service chauffeurs owning or leasing sending to employer 51.04.082
audits 51.36.100, 51.36.110 limousine Nurses
confidential trade and financial information coverage, exclusion from mandatory and application for compensation, duties
51.36.120 election of optional 51.12.020, 51.12.185 51.28.020

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 343]


failure to make report or comply with law failure of employer to pay, collection allowance or denial of claim, time allowed for
51.48.060 51.16.155 request 51.14.130
medical aid information, availability governmental liability 51.12.050 application, evaluation fee 51.14.020
51.36.060 horse racing employment 51.16.210 certification 51.14.030
services authorized 51.36.017 lien for payments due 51.16.160, 51.16.170 claims
testimony not privileged 51.04.050 limitation of actions to claim 51.16.190 denial or controversies 51.32.190
Occupational and environmental research medical aid submittal of reports to department 51.32.195
facility, funding 51.16.042 worker liability 51.16.140 violations, penalty 51.14.140
Occupational disease payroll report 51.16.060 closure of claim 51.14.120
benefits 51.16.040, 51.32.180 rating system 51.16.035 closure of permanent disabilities claims
claims, time for filing 51.28.055 successor liability for employer quitting or 51.32.055
fire fighters, disease presumption 51.32.185 disposing of business 51.16.200 compensation order, enforcement 51.32.200
further injury or disease, costs 51.16.120 termination, dissolution, or abandonment of corrective action 51.14.095
immunological treatment 51.36.010 business decedent leaving no beneficiaries 51.48.110
preexisting disability, costs for further liability 51.48.055 default 51.14.060, 51.14.070, 51.14.073
disability 51.16.120 waiver or exemption prohibited 51.04.060 delaying or refusing to pay benefits 51.48.017
Offenders performing community restitution Printed materials, departments duties 43.22.035 duty to secure payment of compensation,
workers compensation coverage 35.21.209, Prisoners in institutions, eligibility 51.32.040 options 51.14.010
35A.21.220, 36.16.139, 51.12.045 Public assistance recipient receiving educational service districts 51.14.150,
Orders compensation, See PUBLIC ASSISTANCE, 51.14.160
delivery to claimant 51.04.080 subtitle Industrial insurance compensation, electronic reporting system 51.14.110
sending to employer 51.04.082 recipient receiving employee notice of protest or appeal
Outside state injuries 51.12.120 Public hospital districts 51.14.120
Overpayments self-insurers 51.14.150 employees claim file, availability 51.14.120
recovery 51.32.230, 51.32.240 Puget Sound ferry and toll bridge system fees and medical charges, payment 51.36.085
Payments employees under 47.64.070 hospitals 51.14.150, 51.14.160
delivery to claimant 51.04.080 Railroads notice of compliance with title to be posted
direct deposit to accounts 51.04.085 application of act 51.12.080 51.14.100
further accident after lump sum 51.32.120 Rates ombuds, office of
lump sum conversion 51.32.130, 51.32.135, changes 51.16.100 annual report 51.14.400
51.32.150 rating system 51.16.035 confidentiality 51.14.370
Payroll reports by employers 51.16.060 Records created 51.14.300
Penalties and liability Ch. 51.48 claimant review 51.28.070 explaining program 51.14.380
Pensions confidential trade and financial information funding 51.14.390
additional payments 51.32.072 51.36.120 liability 51.14.360
premium liability of worker and employer confidentiality 51.16.070, 51.28.070 powers and duties 51.14.340
51.32.073 employer review 51.28.070 qualifications 51.14.320
failure to keep, penalty 51.48.030 referrals 51.14.350
Permanent disabilities
inspection by department, penalty for refusal staffing 51.14.330
determination 51.32.055 term of office 51.14.310
medical examinations 51.32.112, 51.32.114 51.48.040
required records 51.16.070 overpayments
Permanent partial disabilities recoupment 51.32.240
compensation schedule 51.32.080 subpoena power 51.04.040
reimbursement fund 51.32.242, 51.44.142
second injuries 51.32.080 Recovery of erroneous payments 51.32.240 public hospital districts 51.14.150
Permanent total disabilities Rehabilitation center qualification 51.14.020
additional payments for prior pensioners operation and control 51.36.050 records, duties 51.14.110
51.32.072 Reports records, electronic reporting 51.14.110
compensation amount 51.32.060 failure to file payroll report 51.16.155 reserve fund deposits 51.44.140
personal attendant payments 51.32.060 failure to make, penalty 51.48.030 school districts 51.14.150, 51.14.160
recovery of overpayments 51.32.230 physicians and nurses, penalty for failure to security bond 51.14.020
scholarship information for spouses and make 51.48.060 self-insurers insolvency trust 51.14.077
children of worker 51.04.165 Reserve fund 51.44.030, 51.44.090, 51.44.140 surety liability, termination 51.14.040
social security benefits, effect on Residence modification 51.36.020 termination of status 51.14.050
compensation 51.32.220, 51.32.230 Retaliation by employer prohibited 51.48.025 withdrawal of certification 51.14.080,
social security retirement benefits, effect on Retrospective rating plan 51.14.090
compensation 51.32.225 availability and coverage 51.18.010 State
Personal attendants department approval of groups 51.18.060 benefits 51.12.050
permanent total disabilities, amount allowed direct primary care services 51.18.065 premium liability 51.12.050
51.32.060 entrance criteria 51.18.020 State employees
Pesticide incident reporting and tracking review industry and business categories 51.18.040 vocational rehabilitation coordinator,
panel probationary status of groups, when imposed appointment, duties 51.32.300
industrial insurance laws, administration not 51.18.050 State employees retirement allowances, effect of
affected 70.104.100 sponsoring entities of new or existing groups benefits from workers compensation
Physician assistant signatures 51.28.100 51.18.030 41.40.300
Physicians Rules Statute of limitations 51.04.100
application for compensation, duties violations 51.48.080 Stay-at-work program
51.28.020 Safety standards, See LABOR AND administrative expenses 51.44.180
failure to make report or comply with law INDUSTRIES, DEPARTMENT OF, advisory committee 51.44.180
51.48.060 subtitle Industrial safety and health generally 51.32.090
medical aid information, availability Sale of property acquired by state on execution of Student volunteers, medical aid coverage
51.36.060 judgment 51.16.180 51.12.170, 51.12.175
testimony not privileged 51.04.050 School districts Subcontractors
Preexisting conditions self-insurers 51.14.150, 51.14.160 premium liability 51.12.070
costs for further accident or disease, Search and seizure of property to satisfy tax Supervisor of industrial insurance
distribution 51.16.120 warrant 51.48.200 appointment and authority 43.22.020
diseases, effect of delay of recovery from Second injuries Supplemental pension fund 51.44.033
injury 51.32.100 costs, distribution 51.16.120 Surviving spouses
Premium refund account 51.44.170 Second injury fund 51.44.040 death benefits 51.32.050
Premiums uses 51.16.120 Taxicab companies
delinquency 51.16.150 Self-insurers mandatory coverage 81.72.240
delinquency, sale of property acquired by state administration costs, liability 51.44.150 Taxicab operators owning or leasing taxicab
on execution of judgment 51.16.180 administrative costs of self-insured employer coverage, exclusion from mandatory and
exemption or waiver prohibited 51.04.060 program 51.44.145 election of optional 51.12.020, 51.12.185

[RCW Indexpage 344] (2016 Ed.)


Temporary total disabilities Compliance by employees, notice, review, notice to employees exposed to harmful
compensation violations 49.17.110 materials 49.17.220
lien against compensation by health care Compliance program, voluntary, consultation regulations 49.17.220
authority 41.05A.230, 41.05A.240, and advisory services 49.17.250 reports 49.17.220
41.05A.250, 41.05A.260 Compliance with federal act 49.17.230 Rules and regulations
compensation schedule 51.32.090 Construction crane safety agricultural safety standards
earnings during disability 51.32.090 application 49.17.410 establishment and adoption, limitation and
employer notification of worker entitlement certification 49.17.420, 49.17.430 requirements 49.17.041
and employers rights 51.28.080 definitions 49.17.400 authority 49.17.040
recovery of overpayments 51.32.230 rules 49.17.440 director of labor and industries 49.17.040
return to work 51.32.090 Court orders, injunctions, temporary restraining guidelines 49.17.050
social security benefits, effect on orders 49.17.170 procedure 49.17.040
compensation 51.32.220, 51.32.230 Death standards 49.17.050
social security retirement benefits, effect on autopsies and postmortems 68.50.103, Safety and health investment projects
compensation 51.32.225 68.50.104 grants or contracts, rules 49.17.243
stay-at-work program 51.32.090 Definitions 49.17.020 Safety and health standards 49.17.240
wages, effect of receiving 51.32.090 Director of labor and industries Standards, safety and health 49.17.240
Time-loss claimants agricultural safety standards Statistics, investigations, reports 49.17.260
basic health plan, notice of availability establishment and adoption, limitation and Supervisor of industrial safety and health
51.28.090 requirements 49.17.041 appointment and authority 43.22.040
Trainees or apprentices, coverage 51.12.130 authority 49.17.040 Temporary worker housing
Training and information inspections by 49.17.070 electricity requirements 49.17.300
labor and industries, department of 51.16.107, procedure 49.17.040 food storage, handling, and preparation
51.48.075 rules and regulations 49.17.040 49.17.300
Unpaid students in work-based learning guidelines 49.17.050 licensing, operation, and inspection 49.17.310
programs, medical aid coverage 51.12.170, standards 49.17.050 operation standards 49.17.320
51.12.175 Discrimination against employees, procedure, Trade secrets, confidentiality of information
Unspecified disabilities remedy 49.17.160 49.17.200
compensation schedule 51.32.080 Electrical apparatus use and construction rules Variances for research, experiments or
Violations Ch. 19.29 demonstrations for safety purposes
penalties and liability Ch. 51.48 Employees 49.17.210
Vocational rehabilitation services compliance by confidentiality of information 49.17.210
advisory committee 51.32.096 notice 49.17.110 Variances from safety and health standards
benefits and options 51.32.096 review 49.17.110 application 49.17.080
generally 51.32.095, 51.32.098 violations 49.17.110 contents 49.17.080
pilot program 51.32.099 notice to, exposed to harmful materials hearing 49.17.090
subcommittee 51.32.099 49.17.220 modification 49.17.090
vocational plans 51.32.096, 51.32.099 Employers, standard, general safety, compliance notice 49.17.090
Volunteer law enforcement officers, coverage 49.17.060 order 49.17.090
51.12.140 Employers records procedure 49.17.090
Volunteers, coverage 51.12.035 notice to employees exposed to harmful revocation 49.17.090
Waiver of penalties 51.48.100 materials 49.17.220 Violations
Waiver or exemption prohibited 51.04.060 regulations 49.17.220 citations 49.17.120, 49.17.130
Workers compensation advisory committee, reports 49.17.220 dangerous conditions 49.17.130
membership and duties 51.04.110 Ergonomics 49.17.360, 49.17.370 penalties
Workers compensation insurance Federal acts, compliance with 49.17.230 civil 49.17.180
casualty insurance, as part of 48.11.070 Fees and charges 49.17.030 criminal 49.17.190
Flaggers restraints, restraining orders, orders of
loss expense, defined 48.12.140 immediate restraint 49.17.130
loss payments, defined 48.12.140 safety standards 49.17.350
Grants, agreements and acceptance of, WISHA advisory committee 49.17.055
schedule of experience 48.12.110 Worker and community right to know
Wrongful death action, effect on 4.20.030 authorized 49.17.230
Hazardous drugs industrial safety and health act applies
INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE APPEALS, definitions 49.17.460 49.70.180
BOARD OF (See INDUSTRIAL rules for handling by health care facilities Workers compensation, See INDUSTRIAL
INSURANCE, subtitle Board of industrial 49.17.465 INSURANCE
insurance appeals) Health care settings INDUSTRIAL WELFARE
INDUSTRIAL LIFE INSURANCE (See workplace violence planning and protection Annual report 49.12.180
INSURANCE, subtitle Industrial life Ch. 49.19 Child labor laws
insurance) Injunctions 49.17.170 violations
INDUSTRIAL LOAN COMPANIES Inspections appeals to director 49.12.400
Insurance premium finance company act, building and construction safety inspection civil penalties and restraining orders
application to 48.56.030 services 49.12.390
supervisor, appointment and authority criminal penalties 49.12.410
INDUSTRIAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 43.22.053 remedies in chapter are exclusive 49.12.420
Administration 49.17.270 powers and duties of director of labor and Collective bargaining, rights of, not affected
Agricultural safety standards industries 43.22.050 49.12.187
agriculture, definition 49.17.022 Inspections and investigations Conditions of employment
establishment and adoption, limitation and contempt 49.17.070 generally Ch. 49.12
requirements 49.17.041 employer and employee representatives wages 49.12.020
Agricultural workers 49.17.100 Definitions 49.12.005
worker production standards, coordination of right of entry 49.17.070 Employers records of employees 49.12.050
regulation and enforcement 17.21.440 search warrants 49.17.075 Exemptions from chapter 49.12.185
Appeal to board subpoenas 49.17.070 Farm internship pilot program 49.12.470,
final order 49.17.140 Labor and industries, department of 50.04.1501
penalty 49.17.140 expenses, financing, accounting 51.16.105 Hearings 49.12.101
procedure 49.17.140 powers and duties 43.22.050 Investigation information, furnished to director
redetermination 49.17.140 Mercury 49.12.091
Appeal to superior court reduction and education Ch. 70.95M Investigation of wages, hours and working
enforcement of orders 49.17.150 Penalties 49.17.180, 49.17.190 conditions 49.12.041
review 49.17.150 Pesticide application act Ch. 17.21 Minimum wages and working conditions
Application of chapter 49.17.030 Purpose 49.17.010 penalty for violations 49.12.170
Citations, violations 49.17.120 Records, employers rules 49.12.091

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 345]


Minors DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES, disposition of provided for 9.98.010, 9.98.020,

actors or performers, permits and variances subtitle Information technology) 9.98.030, 9.98.040
49.12.124 INFORMATIONS Untried informations against imprisoned person,
child labor laws Animals, description of 10.37.070 See also DETAINERS, INTERSTATE
violations of, civil penalties and restraining Certainty required 10.37.054 Variances
orders 49.12.390 Charge must be by information or indictment dismissal for, not a bar 10.40.125
information program, department of labor and exceptions 10.37.015 INFORMED CONSENT
industries duties 49.12.380 Consolidation 10.37.060 Health care 7.70.065
minimum wage 49.12.121 Construction
special rules 49.12.121 INFRACTIONS
statutes, equivalent words may be used Boating safety laws
wages and working conditions 49.12.121 10.37.160
work permits 49.12.121 decriminalization of certain offenses Ch. 7.84
words and phrases used in 10.37.190 Civil infractions Ch. 7.80
work permits required 49.12.123 Contents, necessary 10.37.052
Minors, employment of Natural resource infractions Ch. 7.84
Defects and imperfections deemed immaterial Traffic, See TRAFFIC INFRACTIONS
child labor laws, violations of, appeals to 10.37.056
director 49.12.400 Defendants INHERITANCE (See also DESCENT AND
child labor laws, violations of, criminal joinder of 10.37.060 DISTRIBUTION; PROBATE; WILLS)
penalties 49.12.410 naming of 10.37.054 Children
child welfare laws, violations of, remedies in Demurrer to by 11.04.081
chapter are exclusive 49.12.420 grounds 10.40.110 from 11.04.081
Special certificate or permit 49.12.110 overruling demurrer Real property, technical words of, fee simple
Variance orders 49.12.105 failure to plead over, judgment on demurrer estate 64.04.060
Wages, exceptions to minimum scale 49.12.110 10.40.140 Registered land, registration of 65.12.580
INDUSTRIES, ASSOCIATION OF pleading of defendant 10.40.140 INHERITANCE TAX (See TAXES -
Occupational and environmental research facility when final judgment, discharge of defendant
advisory committee 28B.20.456 ELECTIONS)
when not final, not bar to subsequent
INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE prosecution 10.40.125 Cities and towns
Artesian wells, provisions relating to use Ch. Forgery, description of instrument subject to cities with commission form of government,
90.36 which is destroyed or withheld 10.37.080 ordinances subject to 35.17.220, 35.17.240
Industrial development districts, See PORT Injury to person, erroneous allegation as to first class cities, charter provisions 35.22.200
DISTRICTS, subtitle Industrial development person injured immaterial 10.37.090 ordinances by petition, commission
districts Inserting true name during trial 10.46.060 government cities 35.17.260, 35.17.270,
Regulatory fairness, See REGULATORY Joinder of defendants 10.37.060 35.17.280, 35.17.290, 35.17.300,
FAIRNESS Judgments, pleading of, facts as to jurisdiction 35.17.310, 35.17.330, 35.17.340,
Water appropriation for industrial purposes Ch. need not be pleaded in 10.37.100 35.17.350, 35.17.360
90.16 Larceny, description of money or securities Expenditure limitations Ch. 43.135
Water pollution control Ch. 90.48 10.37.110 Forgery of petition, misconduct concerning,
Water resources act Ch. 90.54 Motion to set aside penalty 9.44.080
INFANTS (See also CHILDREN; overruling motion, effect 10.40.100 Initiative 601, state expenditure and taxation
PREGNANCY) sustaining motion, no bar to future prosecution limits, See EXPENDITURES
Body of deceased infant, autopsy 68.50.100 10.40.090 Noncharter code cities, in 35A.11.080,
Crib safety requirements Name, inserting true name during trial 10.46.060 35A.11.090, 35A.11.100
civil actions 70.111.060 Nuisances, contempt for violation of injunction Petitions for referendum
definitions 70.111.020 7.48.080 forgery or misconduct, penalty 9.44.080
exemption 70.111.040 Obscene literature, describing 10.37.130 State initiative and referendum Ch. 29A.72
penalty for violations 70.111.030 Parties, naming of 10.37.054 Taxation
Perjury, description of 10.37.140 business and occupation increase 35.21.706
remedies 70.111.070
unsafe cribs, definition and prohibition Pleas to INJUNCTIONS (See also RESTRAINING
70.111.030 guilty ORDERS)
Drug and alcohol-affected infants defendant only in open court may plead Abatement of malicious structures 7.40.030
definition 13.34.801, 13.34.802 guilty 10.40.170 Abuse of dependent adults
model project 13.34.800 not guilty interference with investigation 74.34.080
Drug-affected babies, prenatal newborn denies each and every allegation in Actions, injunction to prevent interference with
screening Ch. 70.83E indictment or information 10.40.180 7.40.020
refusal to answer, plea of not guilty entered Actions for recovery of real property, damages
INFERIOR COURTS (See also JUSTICE 10.40.190 on stay of proceedings 7.40.200
AND INFERIOR COURTS ACT OF Preliminary hearings, statement of prosecuting Actions to defeat assessment sales 35.44.190
1961; JUSTICES OF THE PEACE) attorney if information not filed 10.16.110 Advertising, injunction or restraining action
INFORMATION AND RESEARCH Presumptions of law, averments 10.37.150 against false or deceptive advertising
SERVICES Public nuisance, authorized 7.48.200 9.04.060
Contracting for or purchasing of by school Quo warranto proceedings Affidavits
districts and educational service district annul or vacate patent, certificate or deed disobedient contempt shown by 7.40.150
superintendents of school 28A.320.110 7.56.140, 7.56.150 motion to reinstate injunction 7.40.210
INFORMATION OFFICER, CHIEF, contents of information 7.56.030 reading of on hearing 7.40.060
OFFICE OF THE STATE (See escheats and forfeitures, recovery of 7.56.120 Agencies, children, expectant mothers,
CONSOLIDATED TECHNOLOGY filed on relation of private person, costs developmental disabilities, licensing,
SERVICES AGENCY, subtitle Chief 7.56.130 enforcement 74.15.140
information officer, office of the state) grounds for filing 7.56.010 Agricultural marketing fair practices, injunctions
information filed by prosecuting attorney, to enjoin violations 15.83.090
INFORMATION SERVICES, costs 7.56.130 Alcoholic beverage violations 66.36.010
DEPARTMENT OF persons against whom may be filed 7.56.010 Animal facilities
Transferring certain powers, duties, and persons who may file 7.56.020 injunctive relief to prevent harassment or
functions of requisites when ground is usurpation of office occurrence of tort 4.24.580
to department of commerce 43.330.910 7.56.040 Appearance, contempt for disobedience, bond for
Transferring certain powers, duties, functions, Separation into counts 10.37.060 7.40.170
and assets of department Statutes Apple commission 15.24.210
to department of enterprise services 43.19.902 exact wording not necessary 10.37.160 Arrest, contempt of court for disobedience
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, STATE private, how pleaded 10.37.170 7.40.160
(See CONSOLIDATED TECHNOLOGY Sufficiency requirements 10.37.050 Attachment, contempt for disobedience
SERVICES AGENCY; STATE Untried informations against imprisoned person 7.40.150, 7.40.160, 7.40.170

[RCW Indexpage 346] (2016 Ed.)


Bonds Fish marketing associations contracts 24.36.450 release of property to innocent owner
contempt for disobedience of injunctions Franchise investments 19.100.210 7.48.068
7.40.170 Fresh fruit sales limitation act 15.21.050 complaint 7.48.060
damages and costs 7.40.080, 7.40.090 Grounds 7.40.020 costs, taxing of 7.48.076
effect 7.40.130 Hazardous waste disposal costs of abatement, lien on property 7.48.090
public construction contracts 7.40.085 attorney general, authority 70.105.120 damages, amount to be paid to city and
public construction contracts 7.40.085 Health care facilities county governments 7.48.090
state not required to furnish 4.92.080 certificate of need 70.38.125 dismissal, condition 7.48.076
Business opportunity fraud 19.110.160 Hearings 7.40.060 effect of admission or guilt in criminal
Certification, order of injunction 7.40.100 motion to reinstate injunction 7.40.210 proceedings 7.48.072
Cities and towns Honey bee commission 15.62.230 immunity from prosecution of public
bringing to defeat assessment sales, grounds Horticultural grades and packs 15.17.260 officials 7.48.058
35.44.190 Horticultural plants and facilities 15.13.450 judgment 7.48.076
water pollution 35.88.070 Indemnity, damages on contempt for bond, renewal 7.48.078
Clerks of court disobedience 7.40.160 costs 7.48.078
bond for damages and costs 7.40.080 Industrial insurance, delinquent employers order of abatement 7.48.078
contempt for disobedience, issuance of 51.16.150 penalty 7.48.078
attachment or order by clerk 7.40.150 Industrial safety and health act 49.17.170 property, disposition, sale, destruction
disposition of money collected on stay of Insurance code violations, power of 7.48.078
7.40.140 commissioner 48.02.080 release of property to innocent owners
order of injunction Insurance company delinquency proceedings 7.48.078
certification of 7.40.100 48.31.200 jurisdiction 7.48.060
issuance 7.40.100 Judges of superior courts may be enjoined 7.48.056
Collection agencies 19.16.460, 19.16.480 power to grant 7.40.010 persons authorized to maintain action
Commercial telephone solicitations 19.158.090 Judgments 7.48.058
Commitment, default on bond in contempt for injunction to prevent interference with priority of action on calendar 7.48.070
disobedience 7.40.170 7.40.020 procedure when allegations are sustained
Complaints, stay of proceedings 7.40.110 injunction to prevent proceedings on 7.40.020 7.48.066
Contempt of court for disobedience 7.40.150, obscene materials 7.42.030 reputation, as evidence, admissibility
7.40.160, 7.40.170 release of errors in on stay of proceedings after 7.48.074
Controlled atmosphere storage of fruits and 7.40.110 temporary injunction
vegetables 15.30.220 stay of proceedings after 7.40.110 hearing procedure, consolidation with trial
Controlled substances, violations 69.50.503 damages on dissolution 7.40.190, 7.40.200 on merits 7.48.064
Costs disposition of money collected 7.40.140 restraining order pending hearing 7.48.062
bond 7.40.080 vacation or modification of injunction to violations, penalty 7.48.080
covering on contempt for disobedience suspend proceedings 4.72.070 places of prostitution, assignation or lewdness,
7.40.170 Jurisdiction to grant 7.40.010 against 7.48.110
obscene materials, injunction against, Justification, bond for damages and costs Nursery dealers without valid license 15.13.455
prosecuting attorney not liable for costs 7.40.080 Obscene materials
7.42.050 Labor disputes exemptions 7.42.070
Court of appeals, limitation on jurisdiction generally Ch. 49.32 judgment 7.42.030
2.06.030 grounds for 49.32.072, 49.36.015 jurisdiction of superior courts to enjoin
Creditors, temporary injunction 7.40.020 Labor disputes, See also LABOR, subtitle 7.42.010
Criminal records, dissemination of 10.97.110 Injunctions jury trial 7.42.030
Dairy products commission 15.44.180 Law, unlawful practice 2.48.180 knowledge of contents presumed 7.42.060
Damages Legal holidays prosecuting attorney
bond 7.40.080 hearing applications and issuance 2.28.100 authorized to commence action 7.42.020
covering on contempt for disobedience issuance of on 2.08.010 nonliability for costs or damages 7.42.050
7.40.170 Malicious structures 7.40.030 surrender of materials to sheriff 7.42.040
contempt for disobedience 7.40.160 Mandatory injunctions, malicious erection of Open public meeting law violations 42.30.130
dissolution of injunction to stay judgment structures 7.40.030 Orders of court
7.40.190, 7.40.200 Milk and milk products 15.36.481 injunctions to prevent proceedings on
Debts, damages for dissolution of injunction to Milk and milk products for animal food 7.40.020
stay judgment of 7.40.190 15.37.130 order of injunction
Defaults, bond on contempt for disobedience Milk pooling act 15.35.290 binding effect of 7.40.120
7.40.170 Modification, motion, by 7.40.020 certification 7.40.100
Depositions, motion to reinstate injunction Money, collected on stay of proceedings, issuance 7.40.100
7.40.210 disposition of 7.40.140 motion to reinstate 7.40.210
Diking districts, court powers in regard to Moral nuisances service unnecessary, when 7.40.100,
85.05.420 may be enjoined 7.48.056 7.40.130
Dissolution, motion, by 7.40.020 Mortgage brokers, violations 19.146.227 order to dissolve or modify injunction,
Drainage districts, court powers in regard to Motion picture fair competition act, violations suspension on motion to reinstate
85.06.400 19.58.050 injunction 7.40.210
Drugs Motions rule to show cause why contempt should not
damages not precluded 7.43.130 dissolve or modify injunction 7.40.020, issue 7.40.150
forfeiture, proceeds 7.43.100 7.40.180 vacation or modification of injunction to
lien 7.43.120 reinstate injunction 7.40.210 suspend proceedings 4.72.070
nuisances 7.43.010, 7.43.020, 7.43.030, Notices Pendente lite, See INJUNCTIONS, subtitle
7.43.040, 7.43.050, 7.43.060, 7.43.070, application for injunction Temporary injunction
7.43.110, 7.43.120, 7.43.130 required 7.40.050 Pesticide control act 15.58.340
Elevators, lifting devices, and moving walks service of, effect 7.40.130 Pesticides or devises 15.58.170
injunction for operation without permit motion to dissolve or modify injunction Planting stock 15.14.115
70.87.140 7.40.180 Platting, subdivision and dedication of land act,
Emergencies, restraining orders 7.40.050 Nuclear energy and radiation, compliance with enforcement 58.17.200
Employment agencies 19.31.230 law 70.98.140 Prevention of waste on public land, posting of
Energy facility site locations, permit Nuisances bond 64.12.050
requirements, injunctions against violations authorized, when 7.48.020 Profiteering 9A.82.090
80.50.150 moral nuisances Radioactive waste storage and transportation,
Evidence, motion to reinstate injunction 7.40.210 abatement by owner of property, release of violations 70.99.050
Factory built housing and commercial structures property 7.48.068 Railroad crossings, injunction against
injunction against installation of substandard application for temporary injunction construction of illegal crossings 81.53.190
housing 43.22.465 7.48.060 Real property, malicious erection of structures
Farm labor contractors 19.30.180 bond 7.48.058 7.40.030

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 347]


Release of errors in judgment on stay of INJURIES TO PROPERTY (See Insurance companies, See also INSURANCE,
proceedings 7.40.110 DAMAGES; PERSONAL PROPERTY; subtitle Liquidation
Rents and profits, damages for on dissolution of REAL PROPERTY) Jurisdiction over
injunction staying proceedings 7.40.200 INMATE WORK PROGRAMS (See superior courts 2.08.010
Restraining orders CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES, Mutual savings banks
bond for damages and costs 7.40.080 subtitle Inmate work programs) insolvent bank receiving deposit, penalty
emergencies 7.40.050 INMATES (See CORRECTIONAL Mutual savings banks, See also SAVINGS
power to grant 7.40.010 FACILITIES) BANKS, subtitle Mutual savings banks
Security, damages on contempt for disobedience INN KEEPERS (See HOTELS; LIENS, Ne exeat 7.44.040
7.40.160 subtitle Inn keepers) Police pensions in first class cities as exempt
Seed law violations 15.49.460 from operation of 41.20.180
Service ACCOMMODATIONS) Port and other districts, dissolution 53.48.060
contempt for disobedience 7.40.150, 7.40.160 Preferences
INQUESTS (See also GRAND JURY) savings associations, preferences prohibited,
notice of application, effect 7.40.130 Fee of county coroner 36.18.030 penalty 33.36.030
order of injunction 7.40.100 Holding, venue and costs 36.24.020 Priorities, labor claims 49.56.040
unnecessary, when 7.40.130 Jurors for Public corporations, performing and fine arts
Sheriffs, contempt for disobedience, service of authorized 2.36.020 programs, federal grants 35.21.750
attachment or order 7.40.150 duty 36.24.040 Savings associations, transfers for preference of
Show cause, contempt for disobedience 7.40.150 penalty for nonattendance 36.24.030 creditors prohibited, penalty 33.36.030
Soft tree fruits 15.28.280 verdict 36.24.070 Savings banks
Solar easements, interference with 64.04.170 Physicians and surgeons, power to employ banks right to contest directors possession
36.24.060 32.24.060
State department of social and health services, grounds for liquidation 32.24.050
regulation of hospitals 70.41.160 Procedure
accused at large 36.24.100 insolvent banks receiving deposit, penalty
State not required to furnish bond 4.92.080 32.04.120
accused under arrest 36.24.090
Stay of proceedings Property of deceased liquidation procedure Ch. 32.24
damages for rents and waste 7.40.200 delivery to possession by director, levy of assessment
stay of judgment 7.40.110 county treasurer 36.24.130 when savings bank is critically
damages on dissolution 7.40.190 representatives 36.24.150 undercapitalized 32.24.050
disposition of money collected 7.40.140 treasurers duty 36.24.140 transfers of assets when insolvent, penalty
Recognizance and inquisition, delivery to 32.24.080
Superior courts Superior courts, original jurisdiction of 2.08.010
power to grant 7.40.010 superior court 36.24.090
Referral to prosecuting attorney 36.24.100 Trust companies, See TRUST COMPANIES,
Supplemental proceedings 6.32.120 subtitle Liquidation and dissolution
Testimony reduced to writing 36.24.080
service 6.32.130 Unemployment compensation, lien for employer
Verdict of jury 36.24.070 contributions 50.24.060
Sureties Witnesses
bond for damages and costs 7.40.080, Wage priorities 49.56.010
power to summon 36.24.050
7.40.090 testimony reduced to writing 36.24.080 INSPECTIONS
bond on contempt for disobedience 7.40.170 Boilers and pressure vessels Ch. 70.79
INSANE (See MENTAL ILLNESS) Cities and towns, drawbridges, inspection upon
Telecommunications fraud 7.40.230
Temporary injunction INSECTICIDES AND HERBICIDES (See completion 35.74.060
PESTICIDES) Dockets, inspection by public, when 4.64.060
court commissioners Electricity, See ELECTRICITY, subtitle
bond approval power 2.24.040 INSECTS
Bees, See BEES AND BEEKEEPING Inspections
power to issue 2.24.040 Elevators, escalators and dumbwaiters, See
Beneficial insects, See LADYBUGS
Honey bee commission Ch. 15.62 DUMBWAITERS
Terms and conditions may be imposed 7.40.070 Horticultural pests and diseases Ch. 15.08
Time of granting 7.40.040 Explosives manufacturers, generally 70.74.110
Insect pests Hazardous materials transportation
Timeshares 64.36.220 forests and forest products, See FORESTS motor carriers 46.48.185
Tolling statute of limitations of action 4.16.230 AND FOREST PRODUCTS, subtitle Partition proceedings, accounts of proceeds from
Unemployment compensation, contributions by Diseases and insect pests sale of property 7.52.430
employers 50.24.180 liens for control of, See LIENS, subtitle
Agricultural dusting and spraying INSTALLMENT SALES OF GOODS AND
Utilities and transportation commission actions SERVICES
80.04.260, 81.04.260 Invasive species council Ch. 79A.25
Ladybugs and other beneficial insects, See Actions and proceedings
Vacation or modification of superior court declaratory judgments, excess service
judgment or orders, injunction to suspend LADYBUGS
Mosquito control districts, organization and charges, limitation 63.14.152
proceedings 4.72.070 venue, agreements concerning, effect
duties Ch. 17.28
Verdicts, stay of proceedings after, damages on Pest control compact Ch. 17.34 63.14.150
dissolution 7.40.200 Pest control through solid waste management Allocation of payments, subsequent purchase
Warehouses for storage of agricultural agriculture, department of, role of 70.95.095, 63.14.110
commodities 70.95.165, 70.95.180, 70.95.200, Assignment, buyers right not cut off by
enjoining of violations 22.09.870 70.95.205, 70.95.300, 70.95.315 63.14.020
Waste Pests and plant diseases, quarantine and Assignment of contract or charge agreement
regulation of movement Ch. 17.24 allowed 63.14.145
damages for dissolution of injunction staying Attorneys fee prohibited unless contract or
proceedings 7.40.200 State insect 1.20.047
charge agreement provides 63.14.090
redemption period, during 6.23.100 INSOLVENTS AND INSOLVENCY Buyer, defined 63.14.010
Weights and measures violations 19.94.520 Assignment for benefit of creditors, See rights of
Writs of injunction, issuance not required ASSIGNMENT FOR BENEFIT OF assignment does not cut off 63.14.020
7.40.100 CREDITORS declaratory judgment, excess service charge
Banks 63.14.152
INJURIES (See also DAMAGES; receiving deposit while insolvent
PERSONAL INJURIES) Cancellation, procedure 63.14.154
penalty 9.24.030 Cash payments, receipt must be given for
Liability of landowner to outdoor recreation Banks, See BANKS AND BANKING, subtitle 63.14.100
users Insolvency and liquidation Cemeteries
limitation 4.24.210 Fraudulent transfers Ch. 19.40 prearrangement contracts 68.05.330
purpose 4.24.200 Insurance companies Charge agreement, defined 63.14.010
Product liability actions Ch. 7.72 claims against, time for filing 48.31.310 Claim or defense of buyer

[RCW Indexpage 348] (2016 Ed.)


provision of contract or agreement that buyer defined 63.14.010 excess service charges, declaratory judgment
agrees not to assert a claim or defense delinquency charges to establish 63.14.152
against seller void 63.14.150 limits on 63.14.090 extension or deferment of payments,
venue, agreements concerning, effect delinquency or collection charges prohibited agreement, charges 63.14.156
63.14.150 unless agreement provides 63.14.090 mail, contracts negotiated and entered into by
Compliance with truth in lending act deemed insurance, statements to be included in 63.14.060
compliance with ch. 63.14 RCW 63.14.151 agreement 63.14.140 maximum service charge 63.14.040
Consumer lease, not a retail installment contract notice to buyer, mandatory provision of mortgage on real property may be in separate
63.14.010 contract 63.14.120 document 63.14.020
Consumer leases, See CONSUMER LEASES security interests prohibited 63.14.125 motor vehicle purchase 63.14.043
Contracts service charge 63.14.130 printed or typed portion, size of type
definitions 63.14.010 seller to advise buyer 63.14.120 requirement 63.14.020
Contracts, See INSTALLMENT SALES OF truth in lending act compliance 63.14.151 promissory note secured by chattel mortgage,
GOODS AND SERVICES, subtitle Retail violations of chapter, remedy, recovery, etc. note may be separate instrument 63.14.020
installment contract 63.14.180 refinancing agreement, costs, contents
Damages, limitation 63.14.180 Maximum service charge 63.14.040 63.14.158
Definitions 63.14.180 New payment schedule, when authorized service charge
Delinquency charges 63.14.159 maximum 63.14.130
limits on 63.14.090 Notice to buyer, mandatory contract provisions usury law exclusion 19.52.120
Delinquency or collection charges prohibited 63.14.040 signing by retail buyer required 63.14.020
unless contract or agreement so provides Official fees usury law exclusion 19.52.120
63.14.090 contract to contain amount of 63.14.040 Retail installment transaction, defined 63.14.010
Employment agency contracts, applicability defined 63.14.010 Retail seller, defined 63.14.010
19.31.040 violation of act by seller bars recovery of, Revolving charge agreement, defined 63.14.010
Excess service charge, declaratory judgment to exception 63.14.180 Sale, transfer, or assignment of contract or charge
establish, effect 63.14.152 Payments agreement allowed 63.14.145
Extension or deferment of payment, agreements, cash payments, receipt must be provided Sale price
charges 63.14.156 63.14.100 contract to contain 63.14.040
Financial institution statement of dates and amounts of payments defined 63.14.010
defined 63.14.010 must be provided on request 63.14.100 Sales receipts
Financial institution credit card agreement not Periodic time balances, defined, maximum restrictions 63.14.123
applicable 63.14.165 63.14.080 Seller, defined 63.14.010
Goods, defined 63.14.010 Person, defined 63.14.010 Service charge
Insurance Prearrangement funeral service contracts advising buyer by seller required 63.14.120
contract to contain amount, types, and terms 18.39.350 contract to contain 63.14.040
63.14.040 Prepayment of unpaid time balance defined 63.14.010
costs, maximum 63.14.140 authorized 63.14.080 excessive, declaratory judgment to establish
procured by buyer or seller, contract or refund credit, computation of 63.14.080 63.14.152
agreement to state 63.14.140 when permitted 63.14.080 extension or deferral 63.14.156
statements to be included in contract or Principal balance maximum, contract to contain 63.14.040
agreement 63.14.140 payment of total unpaid balance, seller to
Insurance premium finance company act, contract to contain 63.14.040
defined 63.14.010 advise buyer of rights 63.14.120
exemption for 48.56.030 prepayment, allowable charge 63.14.080
Interest Rate, defined 63.14.010
Receipts, cash payment, receipt must be provided subsequent purchases 63.14.110
highest rate permissible published in violation of act by seller bars recovery of,
Washington State Register 34.08.020 63.14.100
Refinancing agreements, costs, contents exception 63.14.180
not subject to usury law 19.52.100 Services, defined 63.14.010
Lease-purchase agreement act 63.14.150
Retail buyer, defined 63.14.010 Subsequent purchases
violation is unfair or deceptive act or practice allocation of payment 63.14.110
63.19.110 Retail charge agreement
assignees, usury law exclusion 19.52.130 consolidation with previous contracts
Lease-purchase agreements 63.14.110
advertising assignment does not cut off rights 63.14.020
cancellation of contract, procedure 63.14.154 memorandum to be provided by seller
liability 63.19.090 63.14.110
requirements 63.19.090 defined 63.14.010
notice to buyer, mandatory provision of Telephone catalog orders, contracts negotiated
application of lease-purchase agreement act and entered into by 63.14.060
63.19.020 contract 63.14.120
service charge Three-day period for cancellation of transaction
content restrictions 63.19.050 63.14.154
definitions 63.19.010 seller to advise buyer 63.14.120
usury law exclusion 19.52.120 Time balance, defined 63.14.010
disclosure by lessor Transfer of contract or charge agreement allowed
contents of agreement 63.19.040 statements to be supplied buyer, contents
63.14.120 63.14.145
requirements 63.19.030 Unconscionable transactions, judicial actions
new agreements Retail installment contract
assignees, usury law exclusion 19.52.130 63.14.136
renegotiation between same lessor and
consumer assignment does not cut off rights 63.14.020 Usury, exclusion 19.52.100
disclosure requirements 63.19.080 blank spaces, seller not to obtain signatures of Venue, agreements concerning, effect 63.14.150
events not considered renegotiation buyer until filled in, exception 63.14.070 Violations
63.19.080 cancellation, procedure 63.14.154 assurance of discontinuance of violations,
receipts for payments catalog of seller, contract based upon, acceptance by attorney general, failure to
lessors duty to provide 63.19.070 requirements 63.14.060 perform terms of assurance 63.14.200
reinstatement by consumer contained in attorney general or prosecuting attorney may
terms 63.19.060 more than one document, when permitted bring action to restrain and prevent
upholstered furniture or bedding 63.14.050 63.14.190
used, sanitizing required before leasing single document 63.14.020 bars recovery of service charge, official fees,
63.19.100 contents 63.14.040 or delinquency or collection charges,
Lender credit card dating of required 63.14.020 exception 63.14.180
defined 63.14.010 defined 63.14.010 civil penalty 63.14.210
Lender credit card agreement delivery or mailing copy to buyer criminal penalty 63.14.170
acts of buyer do not constitute waiver of rights acknowledgment of delivery by buyer, size penalty 63.14.170
or remedies 63.14.160 of type requirement for acknowledgment, remedies, limitations on 63.14.175
contract provision that buyer will not assert exception for mail order catalog sales Waiver, act or agreement of buyer cannot waive
claim or defense is void 63.14.150 63.14.030 provisions of act or other remedies 63.14.160
credit to account for returned goods, buyer not obligated to pay other than sale INSTITUTE OF FOREST RESOURCES
procedure 63.14.167 price until receives copy 63.14.030 Provisions relating to Ch. 76.44

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 349]


INSTITUTIONS disqualification of data 48.19.350 reciprocals 48.10.300

Closure, See SOCIAL AND HEALTH examination of, in general 48.03.010 process against
SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF, subtitle practices of, desist order 48.19.340 commissioner attorney for 48.05.200
Economic impact act qualification 48.19.330 service 48.05.200
Correctional institutions, See CORRECTIONAL Affidavits retaliatory provisions 48.14.040
FACILITIES examination by examining bureau 48.19.410 service of process upon, procedure 48.05.215
Hospitals for insane, commitment applications, Affordable housing entity joint self-insurance state authorization to conduct business
court commissioners powers to hear and programs Ch. 48.64 required 48.35.050
determine 2.24.040 Agents, See INSURANCE, subtitle Managing trust agreement
Mentally ill, See HOSPITALS FOR general agents; INSURANCE, subtitle Title amendment of 48.35.070
MENTALLY ILL insurance creation, commissioners approval of trust
Superintendents Air ambulance services, private, by subscription agreement required 48.35.060
single executive may serve for multiple exemption from insurer provisions 48.01.280 vesting of trusteed assets 48.35.090
institutions 43.20A.607 Aircraft insurance withdrawal of commissioners approval
Workshops exemption from 48.35.080
preference to nonprofit shelters to provide rate filing 48.19.010 trusteed assets
services 43.20A.445 surplus line 48.15.160 amount of deposit 48.35.020
training, habilitation, and rehabilitation of memorandum of or duplicate policy, assignment or transfer of, commissioners
residents 43.20A.445 requirement for, contents and delivery approval required 48.35.120
INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION 48.18.260 compensation and expenses of trustee
(See COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES; Alien insurers 48.35.150
COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL application of chapter 48.35.010 continuation of trusts created before May 17,
COLLEGES) assets 1991 48.35.040
amounts required 48.05.090 creation, commissioners approval of trust
INSTRUMENTS (See also CONVEYANCES; conservation of agreement required 48.35.060
DEEDS; NEGOTIABLE grounds for 48.31.090 examination by commissioner 48.35.120
INSTRUMENTS) order for 48.31.100 maintenance of deposit 48.35.030
Filing of, See RECORDING AND FILING deposit of, in general 48.05.090 substitution of trustee 48.35.140
Probate, pre-executed, application and special deposits, exclusion of 48.05.270 trustees recordkeeping duties 48.35.100
construction of chapter 117, Laws of 1974 Canadian or Mexican insurer trustees statement, filing requirements
extraordinary session 11.02.080 United States manager provisions applicable 48.35.110
Recording of, See RECORDING AND FILING insurers officers 48.35.160 vesting of trusteed assets 48.35.090
Written capital funds withdrawals, commissioners approval
forgery 9A.60.020 determination of 48.05.270 required 48.35.130
obtaining a signature by deception or duress certificate of authority United States manager provisions
9A.60.030 mandatory revocation or suspension, when applicability to officers of Mexican or
INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE 48.05.130 Canadian insurer 48.35.160
Nonsuit, ground for 4.56.120 prerequisite 48.05.105 Annual meetings
conservation of assets of 48.31.090, 48.31.100 domestic insurers 48.07.040
INSURANCE defined 48.05.010 notice of, domestic mutuals 48.09.140
Accident and health insurance, See definition 48.35.010 Annual statement
INSURANCE, subtitle Disability insurance deposit filing, fee 48.05.250
Actions and proceedings resolution for 48.05.100 of insurers, contents, filing 48.05.250
existing at time of code adoption, continuation special 48.05.270 reciprocals, making and filing 48.10.180
of 48.01.130 deposit of assets tax statement included 48.14.030
limitation, See INSURANCE, subtitle amount of deposit 48.35.020 Annuities, variable contracts, See INSURANCE,
Limitation of actions assignment or transfer of, commissioners subtitle Life insurance, variable contracts
process, service of, See INSURANCE, approval required 48.35.120 Annuity contracts
subtitle Service of process compensation and expenses of trustee age and sex, misstatement of 48.23.180
stay of action, pending appeal 48.04.140 48.35.150 benefits
venue of, actions against insurers 48.05.220 continuation of trusts created before May 17, additional 48.23.510
Actuaries, rating organizations, purchase of 1991 48.35.040 anniversary date 48.23.500
services 48.19.260 creation, commissioners approval of trust calculation 48.23.500
Adjusters agreement required 48.35.060 cash surrender
examination of transactions of 48.03.020 examination by commissioner 48.35.120 minimum 48.23.440, 48.23.460
examinations for license maintenance of deposit 48.35.030 optional maturity dates 48.23.480
manual for applicants 48.02.180 substitution of trustee 48.35.140 certain insurance types excluded 48.23.420
Adjusters, independent, public, and crop Ch. trustees recordkeeping duties 48.35.100 charitable annuities, certain exempt 48.23.010
48.17 trustees statement, filing requirements contracts without
Administrative supervision, See INSURANCE, 48.35.110 cash surrender 48.23.470
subtitle Insurers vesting of trusteed assets 48.35.090 prominent notice in contract 48.23.490
Admission of insurers, See INSURANCE, withdrawals, commissioners approval death benefits 48.23.470
subtitle Certificates of authority required 48.35.130 prominent notice in contract 48.23.490
Adopted children domestication agreement death benefits 48.23.440
coverage 48.01.180 commissioners approval of corporate cash surrender minimum 48.23.460
health care 48.20.500, 48.21.280, 48.44.420, proceedings 48.35.190 optional maturity dates 48.23.480
48.46.490 necessary authorizations 48.35.180 dividends 48.23.190
Advertisements domestication of insurer entire contract 48.23.170
assets, owned only 48.30.070 commissioners approval required 48.35.170 exemption of proceeds 48.18.430
false deposits, effect on 48.35.200 forfeitures, See INSURANCE, subtitle
deceptive or misleading, prohibited transfer of assets 48.35.200 Annuity contracts, nonforfeiture benefits
48.30.040 when effective 48.35.200 grace period 48.23.150
regarding insurance 48.06.190 investments of 48.13.360 incontestability 48.23.160
financial condition 48.30.070 jurisdiction of state courts, procedure individual deferred
guaranty associations, sales activities 48.05.215 nonforfeiture benefits 48.23.200
prohibited 48.30.075, 48.32A.185 liquidation limitation of liability 48.23.260
name and domicile, must show 48.30.050 ancillary, order of 48.31.100 minimum nonforfeiture amounts 48.23.440
solicitations in other states 48.07.150 generally 48.31.070 nonforfeiture benefits 48.23.200
Advertising health care services 48.44.110 Mexican or Canadian insurer calculation of 48.23.360
Advisory committees, reciprocal insurers United States manager provisions applicable optional maturity dates 48.23.480
48.10.230 insurers officers 48.35.160 paid up annuity and cash surrender provisions
Advisory organizations nonassessable policies required 48.23.430
definition 48.19.320 mutuals 48.09.270 paid up annuity benefit

[RCW Indexpage 350] (2016 Ed.)


minimum present value 48.23.450 purchase money mortgages, valuation of rights of providers and facilities to refuse to
purchase or exchange of annuities 48.23.015 48.12.200 participate in services for reason of
reinstatement 48.23.210 reporting of material transactions 48.05.510, conscience or religion 70.47.160
reversionary annuities 48.05.515, 48.05.520, 48.05.525, rules 70.47.050
reinstatement 48.23.240 48.05.530, 48.05.535 stabilization account 43.79.487
standard provisions share of subscription account 70.47.030
cases in which same as for other annuities members of domestic mutuals 48.09.360 temporary unemployment compensation
48.23.230 subscribers of reciprocals 48.10.320 increase, leaving out of income
reinstatement 48.23.240 stocks, valuation of 48.12.180 determination 70.47.0601
required 48.23.220 Assigned risks timber impact areas, enrollment of persons in
standard provisions casualty insurers, plans for 48.22.020 70.47.115
age and sex, misstatement of 48.23.180 rates 48.19.400 trust account 70.47.030
dividends 48.23.190 Assignment of Beneficiaries
entire contract 48.23.170 interests under group policies 48.18.375 disability insurance
grace period 48.23.150 life and disability policies, generally change of 48.20.152
incontestability 48.23.160 48.18.360 standard provision regarding 48.20.152
nonforfeiture benefits 48.23.200 Attorney, commissioner as, for foreign and alien group life insurance 48.24.160
reinstatement 48.23.210 insurers 48.05.200 industrial life insurance, standard provision
required 48.23.140 Attorney general, duty to represent regarding 48.25.150
structured settlement protection Ch. 19.205 commissioner 48.02.080 life insurance, generally 48.18.440
variable, mandatory and permissive Attorney-in-fact, reciprocals, See INSURANCE, Binders
provisions 48.18A.050 subtitle Reciprocals defined 48.18.230
Annuity corporations duration and premium 48.18.230
charitable gift annuities Ch. 48.38 Audit, examination 48.03.010 insurance producers or title insurance agents
Annulment, disability insurance, prohibition of Auto transportation company requirements liability on 48.18.240
retroactive 48.18.320 81.68.060, 81.68.065 receipt, contents 48.18.220
Anti-compact law 48.30.020 Automobile insurance, See INSURANCE, receipt of premium binds 48.18.220
Appeals subtitle Motor vehicle insurance surrender of 48.18.300
health care service contractors 48.44.170 Autopsy of the insured, disability insurance Blanket policy, See INSURANCE, subtitle
Applications for insurance 48.20.132 Group disability insurance
alteration 48.18.070 Aviation, limitation of liability for Bonds
attachment to policy, requirement of group life 48.24.210 bail bond insurance, See INSURANCE,
48.18.080 industrial life 48.25.230 subtitle Bail bond insurance
evidence 48.18.080 life insurance 48.23.260 investments in, See INSURANCE, subtitle
false statements, effect on recovery 48.18.090 Bail bond insurance Investments
form of defined 48.11.080 Brokers, See INSURANCE, subtitle Surplus line
disapproval, grounds for 48.18.110 Banks, casualty insurance 30A.12.030 coverage
forms Basic health plan Buildings leased by cities and towns 35.42.050
filing and approval administration, staff, technical advisory Bylaws
certification and noncertification 48.18.100 committees 70.47.040 domestic mutuals in general 48.09.130
husband and wife 48.18.060 administrator, power and duties 70.47.120 filing 48.05.070
minors 48.18.060 annual reporting requirement 70.47.170 policies, how included in policies 48.18.160
misrepresentations in availability, notice 50.20.210, 51.28.090, Cancellation
effect in general 48.18.090 74.04.033 rider, health care 48.46.500
prohibited 48.30.210 benefits from other coverages not reduced Cancellation of policies
persons required to make 48.18.060 70.47.070 automobile insurance policies 48.18.291,
required, when 48.18.060 contracts for services 70.47.120 48.18.292, 48.18.293, 48.18.295,
warranties and representations in 48.18.090 coordinate with managed health care system 48.18.296, 48.18.297
Arson projects 74.09.522 commissioner 48.18.310
cancellation of policy definitions 70.47.020 disability insurance, optional standard
conditions 48.53.030 director, powers and duties 70.47.060 provisions for 48.20.242
procedure 48.53.040, 48.53.050 eligibility determination and coordination disability policies 48.18.299
classification of areas 48.53.020 70.47.010 release of premium, notice, when 48.20.013
fraud 48.53.010 enrollee premium share 70.47.015 insured 48.18.300
Arson investigation information system enrollment, participation limitations insurer 48.18.290
43.43.952 70.47.080 nonpayment of premium finance company
Articles of incorporation exemption from insurance code 70.47.130 charges, procedure 48.56.110
amendment, domestic insurers 48.07.070 expedited application and enrollment process notice 48.18.289, 48.30.320
general provisions 48.06.200 70.47.015 rider, health care 48.20.510, 48.21.290,
Assessments federal basic health option 70.47.250 48.44.430
liquidation and rehabilitation proceedings, legislative findings and purpose 70.47.010 when 48.18.310
generally 48.31.320, 48.31.330, 48.31.340, Capital and surplus requirements
managed health care systems participation amounts 48.05.340
48.31.350, 48.31.360
70.47.100 risk-based capital, reporting and control
mutual insurers, See INSURANCE, subtitle
Mutual insurers medical assistance recipients enrollment 48.05.430, 48.05.435, 48.05.440,
reciprocals, See INSURANCE, subtitle 70.47.110 48.05.445, 48.05.450, 48.05.455,
Reciprocals medical records 48.05.460, 48.05.465, 48.05.470,
Assets confidentiality 70.47.150 48.05.475, 48.05.480, 48.05.485
advertisements of, generally 48.30.070 mental health services Capital funds
alien insurers, See INSURANCE, subtitle definition, coverage required 70.47.200 alien insurers, determination of 48.05.270
Alien insurers rules, authority to adopt 70.47.201 defined 48.05.060
bonds, valuation of 48.12.170 powers, duties, and functions transferred to insurers, requirement 48.05.040
conservation of, See INSURANCE, subtitle health care authority 70.47.005 Capital stock
Liquidation preexisting condition in cases of previous impairment of, domestic stock insurers
contingent liability as, domestic mutuals coverage prior to applying 70.47.240 48.08.050
48.09.250 proprietary information submitted to support increase of, domestic insurers 48.08.010
defined 48.12.010 rate filing reduction of, domestic insurers 48.08.020
deposits, special for alien insurers 48.05.270 confidentiality 70.47.150 illegal reductions 48.08.040
distribution of prostate cancer screening 70.47.210 Cash surrender
mutual insurers 48.09.360 reimbursement rates for hospitals 70.47.220 standard nonforfeiture law 48.76.020
reciprocals 48.10.320 removal of enrollees 70.47.090 Cash surrender, See also INSURANCE, subtitle
not allowed 48.12.020 rights of individuals to receive services Surrender value
property, valuation of 48.12.190 70.47.160 Casualty insurance

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 351]


assigned risk plan 48.22.020 nonpayment of taxes 48.14.060 supplements, publication and sale of
automobile insurance notice 48.05.150, 48.05.180 48.02.180
cancellation 48.18.291 surplus funds for violations, duty of commissioner to certify
exceptions permitted 48.18.296 mutual insurers, See INSURANCE, subtitle 48.02.080
limitation on liability of insurance Mutual insurers Collateral loans, See INSURANCE, subtitle
commissioner for transmittal of cause suspension Investments
for cancellation 48.18.293 duration 48.05.160 Collateral protection or vendor single-interest
employment driving record, consideration of grounds for coverage, requirements 48.22.110,
prohibited 48.30.310 compulsory 48.05.130 48.22.115, 48.22.120, 48.22.125, 48.22.130,
nonrenewal discretionary 48.05.140 48.22.135
exceptions permitted 48.18.296 notice 48.05.150, 48.05.180 Colleges and universities
limitation on liability of insurance Certificates of renewal 48.18.280 officers, employees, and students 28B.10.660
commissioner for transmittal of cause Certified health plans students participating in studies or research
for nonrenewal 48.18.293 certification required to provide the uniform outside the United States 28B.10.660
premium, deductible changes 48.18.292 benefits package and supplemental benefits Colorectal cancer 48.43.043
notice of 43.72.090 Combination policies, generally 48.18.250
cancellation 48.18.291 premiums and prepayments tax 48.14.0201 Combinations in restraint of trade 48.30.020
nonrenewal 48.18.292 uniform benefits package Commercial bribery defined 9A.68.060
private passenger automobile, defined disapproval by legislature, submission of Commercial property casualty insurance
48.18.297 modified package by health services issuance prior to filing, conditions 48.18.103
broker-controlled property and casualty commission 43.72.180 policies, forms of 48.19.043
insurers, See INSURANCE, subtitle uniform benefits packages constitutes Commissioner
Broker-controlled property and casualty minimum benefits that may be offered by attorney for foreign and alien insurers
insurers plan 43.72.090 48.05.200
defined 48.11.070 Certified health plans, See also HEALTH examination of health care services contracts
electronic notices and document delivery SERVICES COMMISSION 48.44.020
48.185.005 Charitable gift annuities examinations by, See INSURANCE, subtitle
information, mailing or delivering or posting exemption from certain provisions 48.38.040 Examinations
on insurers web site, when 48.185.010 generally Ch. 48.38 hearings, See INSURANCE, subtitle Hearings
insurer authorized to transact disability and minimum unrestricted net assets 48.38.012 Commissioner, See also INSURANCE
liability insurance 48.05.350 prohibited activities 48.38.042 COMMISSIONER
underinsured, insolvent, phantom, or hit and reserve fund 48.38.020 Common stocks, investments in, See
run motor vehicle coverage provided, Charter INSURANCE, subtitle Investments
exception defined 48.05.050 Communications equipment
claims 48.22.030 filing 48.05.070 portable electronics
underinsured, insolvent or hit and run motor policies, how charter included in 48.18.160 specialty producer licenses Ch. 48.120
vehicle coverage provided, exception Chemical dependency Community and technical colleges
48.22.040 defined 48.21.195, 48.44.245, 48.46.355 students participating in studies or research
Cease and desist orders 48.02.080 outside the United States 28B.10.660
rules 48.21.197
Certificate of exemption for charitable gift Community property, life insurance,
annuity business Ch. 48.38 Chiropractors determination of community interest in
Certificates, use as evidence 48.02.130 health care coverage to include certain circumstances 48.18.440
Certificates of authority exceptions 48.44.310 Community restitution by offenders
alien insurers payment, parity 48.43.190 workers compensation and liability insurance
assets for 48.05.090 reimbursement, provider agreement 48.43.083 coverage 35.21.209, 36.16.139
requirements, exception 48.05.105 Cities and towns Compacts prohibited 48.30.020
amendment 48.05.120 employees, participation in state insurance Companies, See INSURANCE, subtitle Insurers
application for, specific requirements program 41.04.205 Competition, unfair prohibited 48.30.010
48.05.070 officials and employees, liability insurance, Comprehensive auto coverage, nonrenewal,
contents 48.05.030 authority to purchase for 35.21.205 premium, deductible changes 48.18.292
deposit for, foreign insurers 48.05.080 Claims Conditions, breach prior to loss, effect 48.18.350
duration 48.05.120 adjustment of, necessity for certificate of Condominium unit owners
existing at time of code adoption, continuation authority 48.05.030 flood damage, notice to certain policyholders
of 48.01.110 administration of, waiver, when 48.18.470 indicating their policy does not cover
expiration 48.05.120 false, penalty 48.30.230 48.27.030
fine in addition or in lieu of suspension, forms, standard provisions for 48.20.092 Condominiums, See CONDOMINIUMS,
revocation or refusal 48.05.185 insolvent insurers, time for filing 48.31.310 subtitle Insurance
governmentally owned insurers 48.05.045 investigation, effect of commencing Conflict of interests, prohibition 48.02.090
issuance of, reciprocals 48.05.110, 48.10.110 48.18.470 Congenital disorders, prenatal testing 48.21.244,
mutual insurers, See INSURANCE, subtitle liquidation, See INSURANCE, subtitle 48.42.090, 48.44.344, 48.46.375
Mutual insurers Liquidation Conservation of assets of insurers, See
nonprofit corporations, filing 24.03.332, notice of, standard provisions for 48.20.082 INSURANCE, subtitle Liquidation
24.03.334 possession by director, expenses of possession Consolidations
nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual and winding up, first charge against assets insurer
corporations 24.06.367, 24.06.369 30A.44.130 definition for purposes of chapter 48.31.020
notice of refusal, revocation, or suspension proofs of, insurer to furnish forms 48.18.460 Consolidations, generally 48.31.010
48.05.180 receipt of, effect of acknowledgment Constitutionality
qualifications for, generally 48.05.040 48.18.470 code and provisions 48.01.090
reciprocal insurers 48.10.110 rehabilitated or liquidated insurers, Construction of
refusal assessments to pay 48.31.320 forms, noncomplying 48.18.510
discretionary, grounds 48.05.140 Code policies, in general 48.18.520
required, grounds 48.05.130 actions and proceedings 48.01.130 Contingent liability
time for 48.05.110 constitutionality 48.01.090 mutuals, members
renewal 48.05.120 credit insurance provisions 48.34.020 as asset 48.09.250
refusal to renew, notice of intent 48.05.150 definitions for, generally Ch. 48.01 in general 48.09.230
refused, notice 48.05.180 effective date 48.01.170 liquidation, See INSURANCE, subtitle
required, when 48.05.030 forms, existing 48.01.120 Liquidation
revival following revocation, etc. 48.05.170 general provisions regarding Ch. 48.01 reciprocals
revocation licenses, existing 48.01.110 subscribers
grounds for officers, existing 48.01.100 aggregate liability 48.10.290
compulsory 48.05.130 publication and sale of 48.02.180 assessments
discretionary 48.05.140 rule of construction, particular provisions in general 48.10.270
reciprocals, failure of attorney 48.10.110 prevail 48.01.150 time limit for 48.10.280

[RCW Indexpage 352] (2016 Ed.)


in general 48.10.250 earned surplus, domestic stock insurers recoverable amount not reduced by
judgments 48.10.260 48.08.030 proceedings 48.31.135
liquidation, See INSURANCE, subtitle employees uniform insurers liquidation act
Liquidation group disability insurance 48.21.020 attachment, garnishment, or execution
Contracts, See INSURANCE, subtitle Insurance group life insurance 48.24.020 stayed during pendency of proceedings
contract employer, group disability insurance 48.99.070
Contributions, political 48.21.020 claims
prohibited 48.30.110 family expense disability insurance 48.20.340 domestic insurer, claim of nonresident
Conversion fidelity insurance 48.11.080 against, procedure 48.99.040
domestic mutuals 48.09.350 foreign insurer 48.05.010 foreign insurer, claim of resident against,
life policies, See INSURANCE, subtitle Life franchise plan 48.20.350 procedure 48.99.050
insurance group disability insurance 48.21.010 priority of claims 48.99.060
reciprocals 48.10.330 group stop loss insurance 48.21.015 definitions 48.99.010
Cooperative associations health care groups 48.21.030 domestic insurer, claim of nonresident
filing of documents 23.86.022 illegal inducements 48.30.150 against, procedure 48.99.040
Corporate obligations, investments in, See indebtedness 48.34.030 domestic insurer, conduct of proceedings
INSURANCE, subtitle Investments industrial life insurance 48.25.020 involving 48.99.020
Corporations insurable interest foreign insurer, claim of resident against,
filing of records 23B.01.202, 23B.02.032, personal insurance 48.18.030 procedure 48.99.050
23B.04.035, 23B.04.037, 23B.10.012, property insurance 48.18.040 foreign insurer, conduct of proceedings
23B.14.392, 23B.15.032 insurance 48.01.040 involving 48.99.030
nonprofit policy 48.18.140 interpretation and construction of act
insurance, joint self-insurance programs Ch. insurance transactions 48.01.060 48.99.080
48.180 insurer 48.01.050 lien obtained by attachment, garnishment, or
Cosmetic insurers issuer 48.01.053 execution voided 48.99.070
life insurers, separate accounts in connection liabilities 48.12.030 priority of claims 48.99.060
with pension, retirement or profit-sharing life insurance 48.11.020 short title 48.99.010
annuity, See INSURANCE, subtitle Life loss Delivery of policies, generally 48.18.260
insurance expense 48.12.140 Dental care
Counselors, insurance benefits not mandated payments 48.12.140 dental-only plans
18.19.010 marine and transportation insurance 48.11.050 data statement, annual, by health carrier
County employees marine protection and indemnity insurance 48.43.743
health care or group 36.32.400 48.11.050 emergency dental conditions 48.43.740
participation in state program 41.04.205 motor vehicle insurance 48.11.060 group disability policies for 48.21.030
Credit accident and health insurance rates and forms 48.43.733
national association of insurance
defined 48.34.030 commissioners 48.02.140 services not subject to contract or provider
Credit accident and health insurance, See agreement 48.44.495
ocean marine and foreign trade insurances Dental care assistance plans
INSURANCE, subtitle Disability insurance 48.11.105
Credit insurance requirements 49.64.040
person 48.01.070 Depositaries, funds for domestic insurers
defined 48.11.070 policy 48.18.140
single premium credit insurance 48.18.543 48.07.110
premium 48.18.170 Deposits
as surety insurance 48.11.080 property insurance 48.11.040
Credit life and credit accident and health title insurers, See INSURANCE, subtitle Title
reciprocal insurers
debtor groups 48.24.040 insurance 48.10.010 Deposits of insurers
Credit life insurance, See INSURANCE, subtitle insurer 48.10.020 generally Ch. 48.16
Life insurance reciprocating state 48.07.150 Destruction of property, willful 48.30.220
Credit transactions, generally Ch. 48.34 stop loss insurance 48.11.030, 48.21.010 Development credit corporations, membership in
Crimes in regard to, See CRIMES, subtitle surety insurance 48.11.080 31.20.070
Insurance; INSURANCE, subtitle Unfair surplus line insurance 48.15.040 Developmental disability
practices title insurance 48.11.100 defined 48.01.035
Crop adjusters twisting 48.30.180 Diabetes
examination of Ch. 48.03 unauthorized insurers 48.15.010 disability insurance coverage 48.20.391
generally Ch. 48.17 unfair practices, generally 48.30.010 health care service contractors, coverage
Customer satisfaction benefits 48.18.610 United States 48.05.010 48.44.315
Day care Delinquency proceedings health maintenance organizations, coverage
joint underwriting association, insurers Ch. commencement by insurance commissioner 48.46.272
48.88 48.31.111 Dietitians and nutritionists, coverage not
self-insurance Ch. 48.90 cooperation with commissioner required in mandated 18.138.100
Deaths, simultaneous, payment of proceeds on 48.31.105 Direct patient-provider primary health care Ch.
life, disability insurance 48.18.390 definitions 48.31.105 48.150
Debts, exemption of proceeds from 48.18.400, failure to cooperate with commissioner, Directors
48.18.410, 48.18.420, 48.18.430 penalties 48.31.105 citizenship, domestic insurers 48.07.050
Deceptive acts, See INSURANCE, subtitle foreign or alien insurer concurrence presumed 48.30.130
Unfair practices formal delinquency proceeding misconduct of 48.30.120
Defamation of insurers, prohibited 48.30.080 commissioner may institute proceeding at qualifications, domestic mutuals 48.09.160
Defined 48.01.040 request of domiciliary state of insurer residence, domestic insurers 48.07.050
Definitions having property in this state 48.31.175 Disabilities, persons with
alien insurer 48.05.010 formal delinquency proceeding restrictions based on disability, notice
assets 48.12.010 commissioner may petition court for requirements 48.30.320
bail bond insurance 48.11.080 48.31.121 Disability insurance
binders 48.18.230 foreign or alien insurer actions on, time for 48.20.142
blanket disability insurance 48.21.040 commissioner may institute proceeding at age
capital funds 48.05.060 request of domiciliary state of insurer limits 48.20.312
casualty insurance 48.11.070 having property in this state 48.31.175 misstatement of
charter 48.05.050 insurer may petition for hearing and review effect 48.20.312
commissioner 48.02.010 48.31.121 assignment of, generally 48.18.360
credit accident and health insurance 48.34.030 immunity from suit and liability, persons autopsy of insured 48.20.132
credit insurance 48.11.070 entitled to protection 48.31.115 beneficiaries, rights, changes of standard
creditor 48.34.030 jurisdiction of courts 48.31.111 provision 48.20.152
debtor 48.34.030 recovery from reinsurer benefits
disability insurance 48.11.030 direct payment to insured does not diminish basic, minimum conditions and terminology
domestic insurer 48.05.010 obligation, exceptions 48.31.135 for 48.18.120

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 353]


death from any cause 48.20.360 false statements in application, effect change of beneficiary 48.20.152
payment of on simultaneous deaths 48.18.090 claim forms 48.20.092
48.18.390 family expense disability insurance, defined effective date of 48.20.322
services not subject to contract or provider 48.20.340 entire contract, changes 48.20.042
agreement 48.20.417 fixed payment insurance 48.20.550, 48.20.555 generally 48.20.032
for services performed by franchise plans 48.20.350 grace period 48.20.062
licensed dentists 48.20.416 grace period 48.20.062 legal actions 48.20.142
licensed optometrists 48.20.410 home health care misstatement of age or sex 48.20.050
benefits reduction or refusal on basis of other optional coverage 48.21A.090 notice of claim 48.20.082
existing coverage hospice care payment of claims 48.20.122
restrictions on the use of 48.21.200 optional coverage 48.21A.090 physical examination and autopsy 48.20.132
cancellation, by the insurer 48.18.299, illegal inducements 48.30.155 proofs of loss 48.20.102
48.20.242 illegal occupation 48.20.262 reinstatement 48.20.072
cancellation, denial, or refusal to renew policy incontestability after reinstatements 48.20.380 requirement 48.20.032
notification requirements 48.18.540 issuance by insurer for delivery in other states substitutions for 48.20.032
cancellation or imposition of restriction based 48.20.022 time limit on certain defenses 48.20.052
on disability, notice 48.30.320 life insurer, authority to transact disability time of payment of claims 48.20.112
chiropractic services included 48.20.412 insurance 48.05.330 waiver of 48.18.130
claims lumpectomy standards for terms and coverage
forms 48.20.092 discrimination based on, certain prohibited definitions 48.20.450
notice of 48.20.082 48.20.397 establishment 48.20.450
payment of 48.20.122 mammograms, required coverage 48.20.393 minimum standards 48.20.460
proofs of loss 48.20.102 mastectomy outline of coverage to be furnished
time of payment 48.20.112 discrimination based on, certain prohibited 48.20.470
conditions and terminology, minimum 48.20.397 purpose 48.20.450
standards for 48.18.120 reconstructive breast surgery 48.20.395 simplified application form, preexisting
conformity with state statutes 48.20.252 mental health services 48.20.580 condition coverage 48.20.480
continuation of policy coverage by former newborn infant coverage statements in application, how deemed
spouse and dependents 48.20.490 notice of birth 48.20.430 48.18.090
contract, entire, changes 48.20.042 nondelivery in state, exemptions for 48.18.010 terminology, standards for 48.18.120
credit nonrenewal 48.18.298 third party ownership 48.20.292
charges to debtor 48.34.110 one person, limitation to 48.20.012
commencement of term 48.34.080 optional standard provisions time, payment of claims 48.20.112
debtors right to furnish own insurance cancellation 48.20.242 valuation
48.34.120 change of occupation 48.20.172 minimum standards, insurance
limitation on amount 48.34.070 generally 48.20.162 commissioner to establish by rule
policies illegal occupation 48.20.262 48.74.090
content 48.34.090 insurance with other insurers 48.20.212 violation of law by insured, effect of
filing 48.34.100 provision of service or expense incurred 48.20.262
purpose of provisions 48.34.010 basis 48.20.202 Washington life and disability insurance
refunds 48.34.110 other insurance in this insurer 48.20.192 guaranty association act Ch. 48.32A
substitute insurers 48.34.090 relation of earnings to insurance 48.20.222 Disability insurance, See also HEALTH
termination date of term 48.34.080 unpaid premium 48.20.232 SERVICES COMMISSION
when subject to law 48.34.020 palliative care 48.21.220, 48.21A.090 blanket policies, See INSURANCE, subtitle
death from any cause, benefit for 48.20.360 payment discharges, insurer 48.18.370 Group disability insurance
defined 48.11.030 payroll deductions by public employees forms, See INSURANCE, subtitle Disability
dentists services included 48.20.416 41.04.020 insurance, standard provisions
denturist services 48.20.418, 48.21.148 podiatrists rendering medical or surgical group disability insurance, See INSURANCE,
dependents services, benefits not to be denied because subtitle Group disability insurance
under age twenty-six 48.20.435 of 48.20.390 standard provisions, See also INSURANCE,
developmental or physical disabilities policies subtitle Disability insurance, optional
48.20.420 format of 48.20.012 standard provisions
diabetes coverage 48.20.391 issuance by insurer for delivery in other Disability insurers
discrimination states 48.20.022 general casualty insurers authorized to
unfair discrimination prohibited 48.30.300 provisions, order of certain 48.20.282 conduct 48.05.350
examination of the insured 48.20.132 policy changes must be evidenced by joinder with other insurers to offer residents
excess insurance 48.20.192 endorsement 48.20.015 over sixty-five years disability insurance,
exemption of proceeds 48.18.400 prescribed, self-administered anticancer extended health Ch. 48.21A
exemptions from rate filing 48.19.010 medication coverage 48.20.389 Disclosure of material transactions 48.05.510,
extended disability benefit 48.20.360 prescription claims 48.05.515, 48.05.520, 48.05.525, 48.05.530,
extended health, for aged preapproved individual claim may not be 48.05.535
annual reports 48.21A.060 rejected later, recordkeeping requirements Discounts, unlawful practice with premiums
application of remedies to other law 48.20.525 48.30.140
48.21A.080 proof, forms for 48.20.092 Discrimination
cancellation, when 48.21A.030 proof of loss, time for filing 48.20.102 employment driving record 48.30.310
commissioners powers and duties relating psychologists services included 48.20.414 freedom from, rights enumerated 49.60.030
to 48.21A.060 public employees, retired prohibited practices 49.60.178
deceptive name or advertising prohibited deduction from retirement allowance for sensory, mental, or physical disability, sex, or
48.21A.070 benefit plans 41.04.235 marital status, discrimination prohibited
definitions 48.21A.020 reconstructive breast surgery 48.20.395 48.30.300
documents filed 48.21A.070 registered or advanced registered nurses unfair
federal, state benefits, policy adjustment rendering health care services, benefits not against insureds 48.18.480
48.21A.060 denied 48.20.411 prohibited, against competitors 48.30.020
insurance producers 48.21A.040 reinstatement 48.20.072 Dividends
insurers may join in association 48.21A.030 requirements of other jurisdictions 48.20.302 annuities and pure endowment contracts
master group policy, as 48.21A.030 reserves for 48.12.060 48.23.190
policy holder, who may be 48.21A.030 return of premium upon cancellation, notice dealing in, life insurer 48.23.330
policy provisions, generally 48.21A.060 required, when 48.20.013 domestic mutuals, in general 48.09.300
powers and duties of association 48.21A.050 scope of provisions 48.20.002 group disability, application of 48.21.120
purpose 48.21A.010 services not subject to contract or provider group life, application of 48.24.260
rates 48.21A.060 agreement 48.20.417 guarantee of prohibited, policy dividends and
reduced benefit provision 48.21A.030 standard provisions savings 48.30.100
withdrawal of approval 48.21A.060 captions for 48.20.032 health care service contractors 48.44.130

[RCW Indexpage 354] (2016 Ed.)


illegal dividends, domestic stock insurers solicitation in other states 48.07.150 Expenses, limitation of, domestic mutuals
48.08.040 special meetings 48.07.040 48.09.180
industrial life insurance 48.25.090 stock insurers Experience, schedule of, liability and workers
life insurance par value of shares, minimum 48.06.200 compensation insurance 48.12.110
generally 48.23.070 stock insurers, See also INSURANCE, False exhibits and advertisements, organization
payment to beneficiary 48.23.320 subtitle Stock insurers of insurers 48.06.190
mutuals, domestic 48.09.300 stockholder meetings, duty to inform of False or misleading information, prohibition
participating policies 48.08.070 matters to be presented, proxies 48.08.090 against giving 48.19.390
payable to real party, participating policies Domestic violence victims Family expense disability insurance 48.20.340
48.18.340 discrimination against prohibited 48.18.550 Federal deposit insurance corporation, See
reciprocals 48.10.310 Double indemnity, life insurance 48.23.250 FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE
stock insurers, domestic East Asian medicine, insurance coverage not CORPORATION
payment to stockholders 48.08.030 mandatory 18.06.200 Federal home loan banks
on reduction of capital 48.08.020 Educational service districts borrowing from authorized 30A.32.020
Documents self-insurance 28A.310.440 depositary for its funds, may designate as
failure to file, penalty 48.08.190 Employees 30A.32.040
Domestic insurers defined Fees
annual meeting 48.07.040 group disability insurance 48.21.020 refunds of 48.14.070
articles of incorporation 48.06.200, 48.07.070 group life insurance 48.24.020 schedule 48.14.010
certificate of authority, mandatory revocation of insurers, misconduct of in matters affecting services, extra by insurance producer
or suspension, when 48.05.130 insurer 48.30.120 48.30.157
conversion to 48.07.210 local governments, participation in state Fidelity insurance
corporate meetings, corrupt practices in program 41.04.205 casualty insurers authorized to conduct
48.07.060 Employer, defined 48.05.350
corporation law applies 48.07.030 group disability insurance 48.21.020 defined 48.11.080
defined 48.05.010 group life insurance 48.24.020 Filings
directors Employer health plans, registered annual filing of statement convention blank
removal 48.07.050 uniform benefits packages constitutes 48.05.400
residence qualifications 48.07.050 minimum benefits that may be offered by Finance company, insurance premium, See
directors and officers, fees on funds plan 43.72.090 INSURANCE, subtitle Premium finance
prohibited, exceptions 48.07.130 Employers group life insurance, trustee groups companies
emergency, continuation of business 48.24.070 Financial
bylaws 48.07.170 Employment driving record, consideration of condition, advertisement of in general
planning standards, adoption for business prohibited, when 48.30.310 48.30.070
continuity planning 48.07.205 Endorsements statements, insurers, false 48.30.030
principal office and place of business during effect of, construction of policies 48.18.520 Financial exploitation of vulnerable adult by
48.07.200 form of abuser
provisions effective during emergency disapproval, grounds for 48.18.110 abusers, inheritance from victim prohibited
48.07.180 validity of, noncomplying 48.18.510 Ch. 11.84
purpose 48.07.160 forms Financial statements
succession list of officers 48.07.190 filing 48.05.073
certification and noncertification 48.18.100 Fine, in lieu of or in addition to suspension,
written plan, requirement 48.07.203 filing, approval 48.18.100
equity security revocation or refusal of certificate of
defined 48.08.100 not to conflict with standard provisions authority 48.05.185
duty to file statement of ownership of 48.18.130 Fire
48.08.110 Endowment contracts arson
equity security of domestic stock insurers as benefits, calculation of 48.23.360 cancellation of policy
exemption 48.08.160 liability under, limitation 48.23.260 conditions 48.53.030
foreign or domestic arbitrage transactions as standard provisions 48.23.140 procedure 48.53.040, 48.53.050
exemption 48.08.150 value, calculation of 48.23.360 classification of areas 48.53.020
profits from short term transactions, Endowments, pure, See INSURANCE, subtitle fraud 48.53.010
recovery by insurer, limitation of actions Annuities willful destruction of property, penalty
48.08.120 Equipment trust obligations, investments in, See 48.30.220
exemptions 48.08.140, 48.08.150, INSURANCE, subtitle Investments Fire and casualty
48.08.160 Evidence tax imposed 82.04.440
rules and regulations 48.08.170 application for insurance as 48.18.080 Fire departments, blanket disability 48.21.040
sales of, unlawful when 48.08.130 certificate of the commissioner as 48.02.130 Fire insurance
exemptions 48.08.140, 48.08.150, records of commissioner 48.02.130 flood damage, notice to certain policyholders
48.08.160 Examinations indicating their policy does not cover
existing insurers, compliance with code civil immunity and indemnification 48.03.075 48.27.030
48.07.010 producers, surplus line brokers, adjusters, title home, cancellation 48.30.320
expenditures, vouchers for 48.07.100 insurance agents, managers, and promoters rate filing by rating bureau 48.19.050
financing after organization Ch. 48.03 savings banks
bond 48.06.120 witnesses, in general 48.19.410 restrictions upon conducting 32.08.160
permit for 48.06.180 Examining bureaus standard policy form 48.18.120
foreign laws, compliance with 48.07.140 examination of 48.03.010 Fire insurance, See also INSURANCE, subtitle
funds generally 48.19.410 Property insurance
depositaries for 48.07.110 Execution, proceeds from exempt property Fire losses
pecuniary interest of director, officers, exempt 6.15.030 release of information 48.50.055
restrictions upon, exceptions 48.07.130 Execution sale, redemption from, credit, as reporting requirements 48.50.030, 48.50.040
investments, See INSURANCE, subtitle 6.23.090 reports by insurers 48.05.320
Investments Exemption of proceeds Fire marshal, See FIRE MARSHAL, STATE
mutual insurers, See INSURANCE, subtitle annuities 48.18.430 Fire policy forms, standard form, promulgation
Mutual insurers disability insurance 48.18.400 of 48.18.120
officers obligations, guaranty prohibited group life insurance 48.18.420 Fire risks, limitation of single risk 48.11.140
48.07.080 life insurance 48.18.410 Fishers, commercial
offices, principal 48.07.020 Exhibiting false accounts, advertisements pooling of funds by
organization of, See INSURANCE, subtitle prohibited 48.06.190 exclusion from definition of "insurer"
Organization of insurers Expenditures, vouchers for, domestic insurers 48.01.050
pecuniary interest of director, officers, 48.07.100 Flooding
restrictions upon, exceptions 48.07.130 Expense experience excess flood insurance, joint underwriting
reciprocals, See INSURANCE, subtitle recording of 48.19.370 association for
Reciprocals reporting of, rate making purposes 48.19.370 amounts of coverage authorized 48.164.025

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 355]


annual statement 48.164.075 beneficiaries, designation of 48.36A.170 unlawful acts 48.30A.015

application to association for insurance benefit certificates, impaired reserves violation is unprofessional conduct, penalty
48.164.035 48.36A.190 48.30A.040
composition of association 48.164.045 benefits Fraudulent claims, penalty for 48.30.230
creation of association 48.164.015 contractual 48.36A.160 Funds
dams, assistance for persons located near protection of 48.36A.180 life insurance, premium deposit funds
market assistance plan required 48.164.125 commissioner findings subject to review 48.23.290
definitions 48.164.010 48.36A.410 title insurers guaranty funds, See
dissolving association 48.164.115 consolidation and merger 48.36A.140 INSURANCE, subtitle Title insurers
examination of association by commissioner conversion to mutual life insurance company Gifts, etc., for referral of insurance business
48.164.085 48.36A.150 when allowed, restrictions 48.30.133
fees and taxes, exemption from payment of deficiencies, noncompliance 48.36A.310 Gifts as illegal inducements, limitation on value
48.164.095 defined 48.36A.010 48.30.150
funding by premiums, authorization of domestic society, formation procedures and Grace period
assessments 48.164.105 requirements 48.36A.100 disability policies, standard provisions for
governing board examinations 48.36A.280 48.20.062
administration by 48.164.055 exclusive application of chapter 48.36A.230 group life insurance 48.24.110
plan of operation 48.164.065 exemptions 48.36A.370 industrial life 48.25.050
losses, responsibility for 48.164.095 financial statements, filing 48.36A.263 life insurance 48.23.030
period of operation 48.164.115 fraternal mutual insurers, destination Group
purpose 48.164.005 48.36A.390 assignment of interests under group policy
report to legislature 48.164.018 fraternal mutual life insurers 48.36A.400 48.18.375
rules 48.164.013 funeral homes prohibited 48.36A.120 public utility districts 54.04.050
flood damage, notice to certain policyholders hazardous operations Group disability insurance
indicating their policy does not cover financial condition, determination age limitations 48.21.090
48.27.030 48.36A.284 alcoholism treatment benefits
Foreign insurers rehabilitation, liquidation, or conservation contracts with right of renewal without
authorization to do business 48.07.210 48.36A.286 change 48.21.190
certificate of authority, mandatory revocation standards for consideration 48.36A.282 autopsy of insured 48.21.100
or suspension, when 48.05.130 injunctions benefits, to whom payable 48.21.110
conservation of assets of, order of 48.31.080, by attorney general only 48.36A.320 benefits for
48.31.100 insurance producers 48.36A.330 newborn infants
defined 48.05.010 investments, authorized 48.36A.210 notice of birth 48.21.155
deposit of, certificate of authority 48.05.080 laws and rules 48.36A.050 services not subject to contract or provider
investments of 48.13.360 liability for benefits 48.36A.080 agreement 48.21.147
liquidation, ancillary, order of 48.31.100 license 48.36A.270, 48.36A.290 services performed by
nonassessable policies lodge system 48.36A.020 licensed dentists 48.21.146
mutuals 48.09.270 meetings, place of 48.36A.070 licensed optometrists 48.21.140
reciprocals 48.10.300 membership benefits reduction or refusal on basis of other
premium tax, liability for payment of after liability for benefits 48.36A.080 existing coverage
withdrawal from state 48.14.100 membership, classes of 48.36A.060 restrictions on the use of 48.21.200
process against nonwaiver provisions 48.36A.090 blanket policies
commissioner, attorney for 48.05.200 not-for-profit institutions authorized benefits, to whom payable 48.21.110
service of 48.05.200 48.36A.120 defined 48.21.040
retaliatory provision 48.14.040 office, location of 48.36A.070
Foreign securities, investments in, See certificates for 48.21.080
operations, beneficial 48.36A.050
INSURANCE, subtitle Investments paid-up nonforfeiture benefits and cash chemical dependency treatment benefits
Foreign trade insurance, See INSURANCE, surrender values 48.36A.200 contracts, requirements 48.21.180
subtitle Ocean marine and foreign trade penalties 48.36A.360 legislative declaration 48.21.160
insurance reauthorization of license 48.36A.276 chiropractic services included 48.21.142
Forfeiture rehabilitation, liquidation, or conservation contract 48.21.060
standard nonforfeiture law 48.76.010 48.36A.286 debtor groups, defined 48.24.040
Forfeitures, See INSURANCE, subtitle Standard reinsurance 48.36A.130 defined 48.21.010
nonforfeiture law representative form of government dentists services included 48.21.146
Forms 48.36A.030 dependents
approval of, generally 48.18.100 service of process upon commissioner under age twenty-six 48.21.157
credit life, accident and health 48.34.040 48.36A.350 developmental and physical disabilities
disability insurance policies 48.18.120 surplus requirements 48.36A.290 48.21.150
disability policies, See INSURANCE, subtitle suspension of license, duration 48.36A.274 diabetes benefits in state-purchased health
Disability insurance suspension or refusal to renew license, notice care 41.05.185
existing at time of code adoption, continuation 48.36A.272 diabetes coverage 48.21.143
of 48.01.120 tax exempt status, exception 48.36A.240 disability insurance, extended health, for aged,
filing unfair trade practices 48.36A.340 as master group policy 48.21A.030
certification and noncertification 48.18.100 valuation standards, reserves 48.36A.250 dividend exemptions 48.18.340
mortgage or loss payable clause 48.18.125 World War I societies 48.36A.380 dividends, application of 48.21.120
noncomplying Fraud employees, defined 48.21.020
construction of 48.18.510 antifraud plan, insurers duties 48.30A.045, employer, defined 48.21.020
validity of 48.18.510 48.30A.050, 48.30A.055, 48.30A.060, examination of insured 48.21.100
policies 48.30A.065 exemption of proceeds 48.18.400
disapproval, grounds for 48.18.110 defenses to proceedings 48.30A.020 fixed payment insurance 48.21.370, 48.21.375
filing and approval 48.18.100 definitions 48.30A.010 health care groups, defined 48.21.030
mortgage or loss payable clause 48.18.125 detrimental judgments, notification of home health care
standard forms 48.18.120 regulatory body 48.30A.035 optional coverage 48.21.220
validity of noncomplying 48.18.510 fraud program Ch. 48.135 hospice care
proof of loss 48.18.460 health care false claim act Ch. 48.80 optional coverage 48.21.220
standard fire policies 48.18.120 injunctions 48.30A.030 ineligibility of an individual
Franchise plan, disability insurance 48.20.350 insurance fraud reporting immunity act Ch. continuation option 48.21.250
Fraternal benefit societies 48.50 conversion option 48.21.260, 48.21.270
agents loss of authority, notice 48.36A.278 investigation and enforcement 48.30A.070 issuance 48.21.010
amendment of laws 48.36A.110 limitation of actions 48.30A.030 lumpectomy
annual financial statement 48.36A.260 negotiation of contract, effect 48.18.090 discrimination based on, certain prohibited
assets, investment and disbursement remedies 48.30A.030 48.21.235
48.36A.220 unfair practices and fraud Ch. 48.30 mammograms, required coverage 48.21.225

[RCW Indexpage 356] (2016 Ed.)


mammograms, required coverage in public Health examination and reports 48.41.070

employee plans 41.05.180 child support orders, responsible parent financial participation 48.41.090
mastectomy required to provide 74.20A.300 forms 48.41.130
discrimination based on, certain prohibited Health and accident insurance, See medicare supplement policy 48.41.150
48.21.235 INSURANCE, subtitle Disability insurance mental health services 48.41.220
reconstructive breast surgery 48.21.230 Health and welfare benefit trusts plain language required in explanatory
mental health treatment existing health and welfare benefit trust brochure 48.41.110
preauthorization requirement waived for program, compliance requirements plan of operation 48.41.050
persons involuntarily committed 48.62.123 policy coverage, benefits 48.41.110
48.21.242 self-insuring local governments authorized to populations needing coverage, review of
neuro developmental therapy, provision for in participate in 48.62.121 48.41.240
public employee employer-sponsored plans Health care renewal provisions 48.41.160
41.05.170 administrative procedures for health care requirements 48.41.160
neurodevelopmental therapy, required services, uniform Ch. 48.165 risk management functions, administration
coverage 48.21.310, 48.44.450 basic policy for small employers 48.21.045 of 48.41.250
newborn infant coverage, exception children enrolled under parents plan rules, required rule making 48.41.170
notice of birth 48.21.155 requirements and restrictions 48.01.235 standard risk rate, maximum rates 48.41.200
noninsurance benefits 48.21.380 claims data, statewide subrogation, other benefits, priority of
nonresident pharmacies, insurer may provide data submission and statewide all-payer payments 48.41.210
coverage only from licensed 48.21.330 health care claims database Ch. 43.371 health insurance pool account 48.41.037
nonresident pharmacies, proof of licensure direct patient-provider primary health care Ch. intent 48.41.020
requirements 48.21.330 48.150 third-party payors, contracts with insurance
payment discharges insurer 48.18.370 eligibility for coverage contingent on medical carriers and health care providers Ch. 48.39
payment of benefits 48.21.110 assistance eligibility prohibited 48.01.230 Health care discount plan organization act Ch.
podiatrists rendering medical or surgical health care discount plan organization act Ch. 48.155
services, benefits not to be denied because 48.155 Health care false claim act Ch. 48.80
of 48.21.130 individual benefit plans Health care groups, defined 48.21.030
premiums definitions 48.20.025, 48.20.028 Health care insurance reform Ch. 48.43
defined 48.18.170 premium rates 48.20.028 Health care plans
payment by employee during work premium rates and loss ratio 48.20.025 anatomic pathology services 48.43.081
stoppages caused by labor dispute nonresident pharmacies, insurer may provide asset acquisitions and dispositions, disclosure
48.21.070 coverage only from licensed 48.20.530 48.43.205, 48.43.215
payment of 48.21.070 nonresident pharmacies, proof of licensure authorization, prior
readjustment of 48.21.120 requirements 48.20.530 standards, criteria, requirements 48.43.016
prescribed, self-administered anticancer organ transplant benefits cancer treatment
medication coverage 48.21.223 lifetime limit on transplants 48.43.680 prescribed, self-administered anticancer
prescription claims waiting period and prior creditable coverage medication coverage 48.20.389,
preapproved individual claim may not be 48.43.017 48.21.223, 48.44.323
rejected later, recordkeeping requirements plans for small employers 48.21.047 carriers
48.21.325 premium reduction subsidy for retired assessments paid by carriers considered to be
psychologist services included 48.21.142 employees or employees with disabilities medical expenses 48.43.690
reconstructive breast surgery 48.21.230 41.05.085 responsibilities 48.01.260
registered nurses rendering health care prior authorization requirements carriers, contracts with health care providers
services, benefits not denied 48.21.141 recommendations, lead organization and and third-party payors Ch. 48.39
representations 48.21.060 work group to develop 48.165.0301 carriers to file provider contracts and
services not subject to contract or provider providers, contracts with insurance carriers compensation agreements with
agreement 48.21.147 and third-party payors Ch. 48.39 commissioner 48.43.730
standard provisions renewal of plan or contract chiropractor services
age limitations 48.21.090 wellness program, modification of 48.43.670 payment, parity 48.43.190
autopsy of insured 48.21.100 retired state and school employees premium reimbursement, provider agreement
certificates 48.21.080 reduction subsidy 41.05.085 48.43.083
contract 48.21.060 rider, cancellation 48.20.510, 48.21.290, colorectal cancer 48.43.043
examination of insured 48.21.100 48.44.430, 48.46.500 comparison of health carriers, immunity of
premiums, payment of 48.21.070 school district benefits, insurance document preparer 48.43.105
representations 48.21.060 commissioner report concerning 48.02.210 complaints, review and adjudication
required, group and blanket policies school district benefits review and 48.43.055
48.21.050 performance grants 44.28.157 definitions 48.43.005
temporomandibular joint disorders, optional state dental procedures, general anesthesia
coverage requirements 48.21.320, tax on premiums 48.14.027 48.43.185
48.44.460 state employees health care programs and dental-only plans
Group life insurance insurance, See HEALTH CARE data statement, annual, by health carrier
dividend exemptions 48.18.340 AUTHORITY 48.43.743
exemption of proceeds 48.18.420 transplants emergency dental conditions 48.43.740
funeral, last illness expenses, payment of lifetime limit 48.43.680 denturist services 48.43.180
48.24.160 Washington health partnership plan disputes, review procedures 48.43.537
generally Ch. 48.24 reform deliberations by state, principles and durable medical equipment and mobility
payment discharges insurer 48.18.370 policies 43.06.155 enhancing equipment
policy illustrations, format and use Ch. womens health care services, duties of coverage when prescribed
48.23A insurance carriers 48.42.100 definitions 48.43.290
premiums Health care access sales and use tax calculation 48.43.290
defined 48.18.170 definitions 48.41.030 emergency medical services coverage
variable contracts, See INSURANCE, subtitle health insurance pool 48.43.093
Life insurance, variable contracts administrator 48.41.080 enrollment of persons under age nineteen
Group stop loss insurance board powers and duties 48.41.060 48.43.0122
defined 48.21.015 carryover of eligible expenses 48.41.120 eosinophilic gastrointestinal associated
Guaranteed asset protection waivers Ch. 48.160 civil and criminal immunity 48.41.190 disorder, elemental formula for, required
Guaranteed stocks or shares, investments in, See coinsurance requirements 48.41.120 coverage 48.43.176
INSURANCE, subtitle Investments continuation of coverage 48.41.160 financial statements, filing 48.43.097
Guaranty association coverage for children, dependents 48.41.140 fixed payment insurance, report 48.43.650
Washington insurance guaranty association creation, organization 48.41.040 grace period, notification or information
act Ch. 48.32 deductibles 48.41.120 concerning 48.43.039
Washington life and disability insurance discontinuing pool coverage 48.41.160 grievance process 48.43.530
guaranty association act Ch. 48.32A eligibility for coverage 48.41.100 group health benefit plans Ch. 48.43

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 357]


guaranteed issue and continuity of coverage, transplants examination of contract by commissioner for
exceptions 48.43.035, 48.43.038 lifetime limit 48.43.680 48.44.020
health benefit exchange Ch. 43.71, 48.39.003, Health care programs and insurance for false advertising 48.44.110
48.43.700, 48.43.705, 48.43.710, local government employees, participation in financial condition of contractors, inaccurate
48.43.715, 48.43.720 state program 41.04.205 statements 48.44.100
navigators 43.71.075 Health care savings accounts financial interest in entity regulated 48.44.350
health care discount plan organization act Ch. authorized 48.68.005 financial statement, annual
48.155 duties of governor and agencies 48.68.010 filing requirement 48.44.095
health care sharing ministries 48.43.009 Health care service contractors penalty for failure to file 48.44.095
health plan requirements 48.43.045 access to care of choice group contracts
independent review of health care disputes legislative finding 48.44.299 ineligibility of an individual
48.43.535 asset acquisitions or dispositions, disclosure continuation option 48.44.360
individual health benefit plans 48.43.0122 48.44.540, 48.44.545 conversion option 48.44.370, 48.44.380
individual plans Ch. 48.43 benefits reduction or refusal on basis of other hearings and appeals 48.44.170
long-term care facility, coverage following existing coverage home health care to be included in insurance
hospitalization 48.43.125 restrictions on the use of 48.21.200 coverage 48.44.320
mandated benefits Ch. 48.47 bonds or sureties for 48.44.030 hospice care to be included in insurance
mandatory benefits 48.43.041 cancellation, denial, or refusal to renew coverage 48.44.320
material transactions, disclosure 48.43.200, contract, notice 48.44.260 indemnity underwritten by policy 48.44.030
48.43.215, 48.43.220, 48.43.225 certificate of registration individual contracts, rates 48.44.022
maternity services 48.43.115 effect as endorsement 48.44.150 individual contracts, rates, loss ratio 48.44.017
medical assistance, enrollment in employer- revocation or suspension insolvency
sponsored plan 48.43.008, 48.43.517 grounds 48.44.160 allocation of coverage 48.44.057, 48.46.247
mental health care services contracted at hearing 48.44.160 commissioners duties 48.44.057
enrollees expense 48.43.087 certified health plans insurance commissioners duties 48.44.057,
mental health services, outpatient coverage certification required to offer uniform 48.46.247
48.43.091 benefits package and supplemental participants options 48.44.057, 48.46.247
organ transplant benefits benefits 43.72.090 plan for handling required, review by
lifetime limit on transplants 48.43.680 uniform benefits package commissioner 48.44.055
waiting period and prior creditable coverage disapproval by legislature, submission of priority in distribution of assets 48.44.033
48.43.017 modified package 43.72.180 supervision by commissioner 48.44.033
patient bill of rights 48.43.500, 48.43.505, uniform benefits package constitutes investigation and examination of contractors
48.43.510, 48.43.515, 48.43.520, minimum benefits that may be offered by records 48.44.145
48.43.525, 48.43.530, 48.43.535, plan 43.72.090 legislative finding
48.43.540, 48.43.545, 48.43.550 chemical dependency treatment benefits parity among providers 48.44.299
payment 48.44.240 police power regulation 48.44.309
second-party payment process 48.43.059 children liability of participant 48.44.020
personally identifiable information, release under age twenty-six 48.44.215 limited health care service
restrictions 48.43.021 chiropractic, discrimination against prohibited definitions 48.44.035
pharmacist-provided services, requirements 18.25.0192 uncovered expenditures, security
48.43.094 chiropractic services to be included in health requirements 48.44.035
pharmacy benefit managers, regulation of Ch. care coverage lumpectomy
19.340, 48.02.220 exceptions 48.44.310 discrimination based on, certain prohibited
pharmacy identification cards 48.43.023 confusing names 48.44.090 48.44.335
preexisting conditions 48.43.012, 48.43.015, continuation for former family members mandatory offering for small employers
48.43.025 48.44.400 48.44.023
preferred drug substitution, state purchased contract for service mastectomy
health care program 69.41.190 liability of participant 48.44.020 discrimination based on, certain prohibited
prescriptions contract for services 48.44.020 48.44.335
medication synchronization policy contractors reconstructive breast surgery 48.44.330
48.43.096 examination of records for compliance with material transactions, disclosure 48.44.530,
price and quality information 48.43.007 chapter 48.44.145 48.44.535, 48.44.545, 48.44.550,
prior authorization contracts, disapproval, grounds 48.44.020 48.44.555
standards, criteria, requirements 48.43.016 contracts, individual, rescission within ten medical risk adjustment mechanisms
provider credentialing applications 48.43.750, days 48.44.230 disapproval by legislature, submission of
48.43.755 contracts between insurance carriers, health revised package by health services
questionnaire, requirements, exemptions care providers, and third-party payors Ch. commission 43.72.180
48.43.018 48.39 mental health treatment
renewal of plan or contract contracts of participation waiver of preauthorization requirement for
wellness program, modification of 48.43.670 definitions 48.44.010 persons involuntarily committed
reporting requirements, exemptions 48.43.045 master list of participating providers to be 48.44.342
rights of individuals to receive services filed with commissioner 48.44.080 minimum net worth requirements 48.44.037,
48.43.065 termination, notice to commissioner 48.44.039
rights of providers, carriers, and facilities to 48.44.080 misleading comparisons 48.44.140
refuse services 48.43.065 corporate document filings 48.44.013 misrepresentation of benefits 48.44.120
risk-based capital standards 48.43.300, corporate documents, certain copies provided modification of agreement, endorsement
48.43.305, 48.43.310, 48.43.315, to insurance commissioner 43.07.175 required 48.44.390
48.43.320, 48.43.325, 48.43.330, definitions 48.44.010 neurodevelopmental therapy
48.43.335, 48.43.340, 48.43.345, denturist services 48.44.500 required coverage 48.44.450
48.43.350, 48.43.355, 48.43.360, dependents newborn infant coverage
48.43.370 developmental or physical disabilities notification of birth 48.44.212
services contracted outside plan, carriers may 48.44.200, 48.44.210 nonresident pharmacies, insurer may provide
not prohibit 48.43.085 newborn infant coverage, notification of coverage only from 48.44.470
small employer partnership program Ch. birth 48.44.212 nonresident pharmacies, proof of licensure
70.47A diabetes coverage 48.44.315 requirements 48.44.470
small employers and groups, eligibility disabilities, persons with, notice of offering to small employers, requirements
48.43.028 cancellation, denial, or refusal to renew 48.44.024
store and forward technology, services contract 48.44.260 participating providers
provided through discrimination on account of race, religion, master list to be filed with annual statement
reimbursement of 48.43.735 national origin, or disability prohibited 48.44.080
telemedicine, services provided through 48.44.220 payment
reimbursement of 48.43.735 dividends or refunds 48.44.130 joint endorsement
transparency tools for members 48.43.007 enforcement 48.44.180 exception 48.44.026

[RCW Indexpage 358] (2016 Ed.)


joint issuance to and endorsement by navigators 43.71.075 populations needing coverage, review of
participating provider and enrolled lumpectomy 48.41.240
participant discrimination based on, certain prohibited requirements 48.41.160
exception 48.44.026 48.20.397, 48.21.235 risk management functions, administration of
penalties for violation of registration and mammograms, required coverage 48.20.393, 48.41.250
agent registration requirements 48.44.015 48.21.225, 48.44.325 rules, required rule making 48.41.170
penalty for violations 48.44.060 mandated benefits standard risk rate, maximum rates 48.41.200
plan benefits benefit proposal, assessment of impact subrogation, other benefits, priority of
rates 48.44.022 48.47.030 payments 48.41.210
podiatrists definitions 48.47.010 Health maintenance organizations
discrimination prohibited 48.44.220, establishment 48.47.020 prescribed, self-administered anticancer
48.44.225, 48.44.300 legislative findings 48.47.005 medication coverage 48.46.274
podiatry 48.44.220, 48.44.225, 48.44.300 mastectomy Health maintenance organizations, See
premium payments by employee during work discrimination based on, certain prohibited HEALTH MAINTENANCE
stoppages caused by labor disputes 48.20.397, 48.21.235 ORGANIZATIONS
48.44.250 reconstructive breast surgery 48.20.395, Hearings
premiums and prepayments tax 48.14.0201 48.21.230 adjournment of 48.04.060
prescribed, self-administered anticancer neurodevelopmental therapy, required appeal from, See INSURANCE, subtitle
medication coverage 48.44.323 coverage 48.21.310 Appeals
prescriptions newborn infant coverage general powers of commissioner 48.02.060
preapproved individual claim may not be notice of birth 48.20.430 general provisions 48.04.010
rejected later, recordkeeping requirements nonprofit corporation act, application health care service contractors 48.44.170
48.44.465 24.03.015 nonattendance, effect of 48.04.070
producers pharmacist-provided services, requirements notice of
defined 48.44.011 48.43.094 show cause 48.04.050
license 48.44.011 preferred drug substitution, state purchased place of 48.04.030
registration requirements health care program 69.41.190 public, when 48.04.030
notice 48.44.164 premiums and prepayments tax 48.14.0201 stay of action pending 48.04.020
suspension, revocation or refusal to issue prescription claims witnesses 48.03.070
license preapproved individual claim may not be Heating oil pollution liability protection Ch.
notice 48.44.164 rejected later, recordkeeping requirements 70.149
prohibited acts 48.44.020 48.20.525 For hire vehicle operators, public liability
public employees, authority of employer to prescriptions insurance policies for 46.72.050
contract for hospitalization and medical aid medication synchronization policy inapplicability to personal vehicles under Ch.
benefits for 41.04.180 48.43.096 48.177 RCW 46.72.039
radiology benefit managers public employees, retired HIV antibody testing
registration with business licensing service deduction from retirement allowance for insurance eligibility requirements
Ch. 19.365 benefit plans 41.04.235 consent and counseling requirements
reconstructive breast surgery 48.44.330 radiologic technologists, coverage not 70.24.325
registered or advanced registered nurses, mandated 18.84.010 Holding corporations
services 48.44.290 reconstructive breast surgery 48.20.395, amendment to articles of incorporation
registration 48.44.015 48.21.230 48.07.070
registration with commissioner 48.44.040 respiratory care practitioners, coverage not annual meetings 48.07.040
regulate to promote access and competition mandated 18.89.010 directors
legislative finding 48.44.309 state employee benefit plans Ch. 41.05 qualifications 48.07.050
rules 48.44.050 store and forward technology, services removal 48.07.050
state employee benefit plans Ch. 41.05 provided through special meetings 48.07.040
suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew reimbursement of 48.43.735 Home health care
registration, procedure 48.44.166 disability insurance 48.21A.090
taxes telemedicine, services provided through
group disability insurance 48.21.220
premiums and prepayments tax 48.14.0201 reimbursement of 48.43.735 health care insurance to cover 48.44.320
temporomandibular joint disorders, optional temporomandibular joint disorders, optional Homeowner
coverage requirements 48.44.460 coverage requirements 48.21.320 cancellation or imposition of restriction based
Health care services uniform administrative procedures Ch. 48.165 on disability, notice 48.30.320
benefits reduction or refusal on basis of other vaccination Homeowners
existing coverage Washington vaccine association Ch. 70.290 flood damage, notice to certain policyholders
restrictions on the use of 48.21.200 Health care services, See also HEALTH indicating their policy does not cover
cancellation, denial, or refusal to renew policy SERVICES COMMISSION 48.27.030
notification requirements 48.18.540 unfair practices, See INSURANCE, subtitle Hospice care
cancellation or imposition of restriction based Unfair practices disability insurance 48.21A.090
on disability Health insurance, payroll deductions by public group disability insurance 48.21.220
notice requirements 48.30.320 employees 41.04.020 health care insurance to cover 48.44.320
child support 26.09.105 Health insurance pool Hospital insurance, See INSURANCE, subtitle
chiropractic services, discrimination against administrator 48.41.080 Group disability insurance
prohibited 18.25.0193, 18.25.0194, board powers and duties 48.41.060 Hospitalization and medical aid for public
18.25.0195, 18.25.0196, 18.25.0197 carryover of eligible expenses 48.41.120 employees and dependents, contracts with
computerized information sharing civil and criminal immunity 48.41.190 health care service contractors, choice of
definitions 74.09A.010 coinsurance requirement 48.41.120 plan or policy to be offered 41.04.180
duties of health insurers 74.09A.030 continuation of coverage 48.41.160 Hospitals, self-insurers, self-funding excluded
legislative findings 74.09A.005 coverage for children, dependents 48.41.140 from definition of "insurer" 48.01.050
medical assistance administration, provision creation, organization 48.41.040 Housing
of information to private insurers deductibles 48.41.120 affordable housing entity joint self-insurance
74.09A.020 discontinuing pool coverage 48.41.160 programs Ch. 48.64
counselors, insurance benefits not mandated eligibility for coverage 48.41.100 Housing for state offices, departments and
18.19.010 examination and reports 48.41.070 institutions, insurance on buildings
diabetes coverage 48.20.391 financial participation 48.41.090 43.82.140
dietitians and nutritionists, coverage not forms 48.41.130 Hypothecation of notes prohibited 48.30.200
mandated 18.138.100 medicare supplement policy 48.41.150 Illegal inducements, defined 48.30.150
discrimination mental health services 48.41.220 Impaired insurers
unfair discrimination prohibited 48.30.300 plain language required in explanatory Washington life and disability insurance
health benefit exchange Ch. 43.71, 48.43.700, brochure 48.41.110 guaranty association act Ch. 48.32A
48.43.705, 48.43.710, 48.43.715, plan of operation 48.41.050 Impairment of capital, domestic stock insurers
48.43.720 policy coverage, benefits 48.41.110 48.08.050

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 359]


Impairment of surplus standard provisions, generally 48.18.130 fiduciary relationship to the insurer
domestic mutuals 48.09.340 surplus line coverage 48.05.370
reciprocals 48.10.340 endorsement of 48.15.050 customer satisfaction benefits 48.18.610
Incapacitated persons validity of 48.15.060 defined 48.01.050
access to and control over assets to be unauthorized insurer, voidable 48.15.030 deposits, See INSURANCE, subtitle Deposits
provided to guardian 11.92.096 variable contract act Ch. 48.18A directors
Incontestability Insurance contract, See also INSURANCE, guilt of imputed 48.30.130
after reinstatement 48.23.270 subtitle Policies misconduct of officers or employees
annuities and pure endowment contracts Insurance interests 48.30.120
48.23.160 property insurance 48.18.040 discharge of liability, payments as 48.18.370
disability insurance, noncancellable policies Insurance producers, title insurance agents, and discrimination prohibited 48.18.480
48.20.380 adjusters Ch. 48.17 domestic, See INSURANCE, subtitle
group life insurance 48.24.120 Insurance stocks, investments in, See Domestic insurers
industrial life insurance 48.25.070 INSURANCE, subtitle Investments domestic stock, See INSURANCE, subtitle
life insurance 48.23.050 Insured Stock insurers
Independent adjusters, See INSURANCE, fees, extra services 48.30.157 equity security
subtitle Adjusters interest of, insurance applied to 48.18.050 rules and regulations 48.08.140
Inducements to insurance 48.30.140 Insureds examination of, in general 48.03.010
Inducements to insurance, illegal 48.30.150 reinsurance, credit for false or misleading information to 48.19.390
Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL protecting insureds Ch. 48.12 financial condition
INSURANCE Insurer holding companies Ch. 48.31B assets
Industrial life insurance acquisition of control of domestic insurer what considered 48.12.010
assignment of 48.18.360 48.31B.015, 48.31B.020 what excluded 48.12.020
generally Ch. 48.25 aggrieved persons 48.31B.070 liabilities, how determined 48.12.030
payment discharges insurer 48.18.370 documents, materials, information financial statements, false 48.30.030
Information, failure to file, penalty 48.08.190 confidentiality, when 48.31B.038 fire losses, reports of to state patrol chief
Injunctions, power of commissioner to bring, in holding company systems 48.05.320
general 48.02.080 registered insurers 48.31B.025, 48.31B.030, fire reporting requirements 48.50.030
Insolvency, See INSURANCE, subtitle Uniform 48.31B.035 foreign, See INSURANCE, subtitle Foreign
insurers liquidation act liquidation or rehabilitation of insurer insurers
Insolvency of insurer or reinsurer 48.31B.060 governmentally owned, certificate of authority
reinsurance, credit for Ch. 48.12 rule-making authority of insurance 48.05.045
Insolvent insurers commissioner 48.31B.040 information exchange with rating
Washington life and disability insurance securities subject to acquisition, treatment of organizations 48.19.380
guaranty association act Ch. 48.32A 48.31B.045 insolvency, See INSURANCE, subtitle
Inspection fee as premium 48.18.170 subsidiary of insurer 48.31B.010 Liquidation; INSURANCE, subtitle
Installment sales of goods and services, supervisory college for domestic insurer Uniform insurers liquidation act
statements to be included in contract or investments, See INSURANCE, subtitle
agreement 63.14.140 commissioner participation in, when
48.31B.037 Investments
Insurable interest joint action, liability 48.18.250
generally 48.18.030 violations of chapter 48.31B.045, 48.31B.050,
48.31B.055, 48.31B.065 liabilities
guardians, trustees and other fiduciaries in general 48.12.030
48.18.030 Insurers
nonprofit organizations, procedure to accounts required 48.05.280 payment as discharge of 48.18.370
establish interest in life of person 48.18.030 actions against, venue 48.05.220 liability of organizers 48.05.130
personal insurance 48.18.030 admission of, See INSURANCE, subtitle licenses
Insurable interest, See also INSURANCE, Certificates of authority revocation or suspension 48.15.020
subtitle Insurance interests advertising, false 48.06.190 liquidation, See INSURANCE, subtitle
Insurance commissioner alien, See INSURANCE, subtitle Alien Liquidation; INSURANCE, subtitle
cancellation of policies, limitation of liability insurers Uniform insurers liquidation act
of insurance commissioner for transmittal annual statement losses
of cause 48.18.293 contents in general 48.05.250 proof of, forms to be furnished 48.18.460
insurance premium finance companies filing 48.05.250 records of 48.12.070
authority to adopt rules and regulations verification 48.05.250 material transactions, disclosure requirements
under 48.56.070 antifraud plan, duties 48.30A.045, 48.05.510, 48.05.515, 48.05.520,
authority under 48.56.030 48.30A.050, 48.30A.055, 48.30A.060, 48.05.525, 48.05.530, 48.05.535
premium finance companies, application of 48.30A.065 mergers, See INSURANCE, subtitle Mergers
act 48.56.030 articles of incorporation, generally 48.06.200 mutual, See INSURANCE, subtitle Mutual
Insurance contract assets insurers
annulment retroactively, prohibition in general 48.12.010 name, in general 48.05.190
48.18.320 not allowed 48.12.020 officers and directors
breach of condition of warranties, effect assets, reporting of material transactions duty of good faith 48.05.370
48.18.350 48.05.510, 48.05.515, 48.05.520, fiduciary relationship to the insurer
customer satisfaction benefits 48.18.610 48.05.525, 48.05.530, 48.05.535 48.05.370
examination by examining bureau 48.19.410 authority to transact other kinds of insurance organization of, See INSURANCE, subtitle
generally Ch. 48.18 48.05.330 Organization of insurers
group disability insurance, representations in capital and surplus requirements premium finance company act, application
48.21.060 amounts 48.05.340 48.56.030
health care services, rescission within ten days risk-based capital, reporting and control premium taxes 43.135.0342, 48.14.020
48.44.230 48.05.430, 48.05.435, 48.05.440, process, service of, personal 4.28.080
illegally effectuated, validity of, unauthorized 48.05.445, 48.05.450, 48.05.455, proof of loss forms, duty to furnish 48.18.460
insurers 48.15.030 48.05.460, 48.05.465, 48.05.470, reciprocal, See INSURANCE, subtitle
personal coverage 48.05.475, 48.05.480, 48.05.485 Reciprocal insurers
underwriting restrictions, credit history certificate of authority, See INSURANCE, records
48.18.545 subtitle Certificates of authority false or incomplete entries 48.30.120
policy, deemed as 48.18.140 claim administration by, waiver, when losses 48.12.070
portable electronics policies 48.18.470 required 48.05.280
cancellation, nonrenewal, or modification, consolidations, See INSURANCE, subtitle unauthorized insurance, subject to
terms for 48.18.278 Consolidations examination 48.15.170
power to enter into, minors 48.18.020 contributions, political reinsurance, credit for Ch. 48.12
representations in, group disability insurance prohibited 48.30.110 risk management
48.21.060 corporation holding controlling interest insurer risk management framework,
scope of provisions 48.18.010 duty of good faith 48.05.370 maintaining Ch. 48.05A

[RCW Indexpage 360] (2016 Ed.)


own risk and solvency assessment (ORSA), liquidation mergers and rehabilitation cancellation or imposition of restriction based
completing Ch. 48.05A 48.31.190 on disability, notice 48.30.320
schedule of experience, liability insurance provisions in policies concerning 48.18.200 charter, founders, coupon policies, and profit-
48.12.110 Labor unions sharing Ch. 48.25A
state preemption of field 48.14.020 group disability insurance Ch. 48.21 college and university faculty, officers, and
stock, See INSURANCE, subtitle Stock group insurance, trustee groups 48.24.070 students 28B.10.660
insurers group life insurance 48.24.050 community property interests in 48.18.440
unauthorized, See INSURANCE, subtitle Liabilities credit
Unauthorized insurers deduction of special deposits, alien insurers charges to debtor 48.34.110
underwriter combinations, liability 48.18.250 48.05.270 commencement of term 48.34.080
unfair practices, See INSURANCE, subtitle defined 48.12.030 debtors right to furnish own insurance
Unfair practices mutual insurers, subscribers 48.09.220 48.34.120
unlawful use of name 48.30.060 reciprocal insurers, subscribers 48.10.250, group policy, limitation on amount repayable
withdraw from state 48.10.260, 48.10.270, 48.10.280, 48.34.060
reinsurance on 48.05.290 48.10.290 individual policy, limitation on amount
waiver of reinsurance 48.05.290 Liabilities, See also INSURANCE, subtitle 48.34.050
womens health care services, duties of Contingent liability policies
insurance carriers 48.42.100 reserves, See INSURANCE, subtitle Reserves content 48.34.090
Insuring powers Liability for content of requested filings, filing 48.34.100
additional immunity 48.01.190 purpose of provisions 48.34.010
domestic mutuals, qualification, in general Liability insurance refunds 48.34.110
48.09.090 annulment of policies void, when 48.18.320 substitute insurers 48.34.090
limitation of single risk 48.11.140 college and university officers, employees and termination date of term 48.34.080
reciprocals 48.10.050 students 28B.10.660 when subject to law 48.34.020
Interinsurers, See INSURANCE, subtitle insurers to report loss and expense data defined 48.11.020
Reciprocals 48.05.390 dividends 48.23.070, 48.23.075
Investigations loss expense, defined 48.12.140 dealing in 48.23.330
commissioners power to make 48.02.060 loss payments, defined 48.12.140 double indemnity, rules and regulations
court powers in conducting 48.03.070 loss reserve, computation 48.12.090 48.23.250
power of commissioner to make 48.02.060 municipal corporations and political duties of insurer issuing both participating and
Investments subdivisions, officers and employees nonparticipating policies
bonds 36.16.138 rule-making 48.23.370
valuation of 48.12.170 public utility districts officials and employees entire contract 48.23.040
domestic, foreign, and alien insurers Ch. 48.13 54.16.095 exemption of proceeds 48.18.410
investments of insurers Ch. 48.13 purchase by irrigation districts for officials exemptions from rate filing 48.19.010
and employees, authorized 87.03.162 false statements in application, effect
investments of insurers model act, adoption of 48.18.090
schedule of experience 48.12.110
48.13.005, 48.13.009, 48.13.021, fire protection district personnel 52.12.031
48.13.031, 48.13.041, 48.13.051, unallocated loss expense, distribution
48.12.100 grace period 48.23.030
48.13.061, 48.13.071, 48.13.081,
Licenses illegal inducements 48.30.155
48.13.091, 48.13.101, 48.13.111,
48.13.121, 48.13.131, 48.13.141, adjusters, See INSURANCE, subtitle incontestability 48.23.050
48.13.151, 48.13.161, 48.13.171, Adjusters, independent, public, and crop after reinstatement 48.23.270
48.13.900 agents Ch. 48.17 individual
variable insurance contracts, requirements noninsurance benefits 48.23.525
property insurable interest
valuation of 48.12.190 agents, See also INSURANCE, subtitle defined 48.18.030
purchase money mortgages Managing general agents; INSURANCE, guardians, trustees, and other fiduciaries
valuation of 48.12.200 subtitle Title insurance 48.18.030
real property brokers, See also INSURANCE, subtitle nonprofit organizations, procedure to
valuation 48.12.190 Surplus line coverage establish interest in life of person
securities business licensing service exemption 48.18.030
safeguarding procedures 48.13.450, 19.02.800 personal insurance 48.18.030
48.13.455, 48.13.460, 48.13.465, examination bureaus 48.19.410 juvenile, fraud 48.23.345
48.13.470, 48.13.475, 48.13.480, examination for, See INSURANCE, subtitle life settlements Ch. 48.102
48.13.490 Examinations limitation of liability 48.23.260
stocks existing at time of code adoption, continuation minors
valuation of 48.12.180 of 48.01.110 effectuation of insurance on, insurable
title insurance 48.29.130 fees 48.14.010, Ch. 48.17, Ch. 48.97 interest 48.18.060
United States corporation bonds, valid general agents, See INSURANCE, subtitle right to insure 48.18.020
investment for trust funds 39.60.010 Managing general agents miscellaneous proceeds, payment of to
valuation of interrogatories of the commissioner, beneficiary 48.23.320
bonds 48.12.170 disclosure of information, requirement nonforfeiture
purchase money mortgages 48.12.200 48.56.030 options 48.23.100
stocks 48.12.180 managing general agents, See INSURANCE, options, table of 48.23.090
variable contracts, voting securities subtitle Managing general agents participation in surplus 48.23.070
48.18A.020 rating organizations 48.19.160, 48.19.170, form requirements 48.23.075
Irrigation districts, purchase of 87.03.160 48.19.180, 48.19.190 payment discharges insurer 48.18.370
liability insurance for officials and employees, specialty producer licenses Ch. 48.120 payment on, simultaneous deaths 48.18.390
purchase authorized 87.03.162 variable contracts payroll deductions for public employees
Issuer, defined 48.01.053 return of and effect 41.04.020, 41.04.030
Joint reinsurance, rate provisions, applicability printed notice of 48.18A.035 policy illustrations, format and use Ch.
48.19.360 variable life insurance and annuity contracts, 48.23A
Joint underwriting association for excess flood special requirements 48.18A.040 policy loans
insurance Ch. 48.164 Life expectancy, See INSURANCE, subtitle interest rate 48.23.085
Joint underwriting or joint reinsurance Mortality tables standard provision
examination of 48.03.010 Life insurance settlements 48.23.300
rate provisions, applicability 48.19.360 accidental death, additional indemnity standard provisions 48.23.080
Judicial bonds, premiums as recoverable cost 48.23.250 power to hold under agreement 48.23.300
48.28.030 age, misstatement of 48.23.060 premium deposits and agreements 48.23.290
Jurisdiction assignment of 48.18.360 premium refund ten days after purchase
contract of insurance within state submits out- aviation, limitation of liability as to 48.23.260 penalty for late return 48.23.380
of-state resident or nonresident to state beneficiary designation, consent of spouse proceeds
jurisdiction 4.28.185 presumed, when 48.18.440 deduction of indebtedness from 48.23.310

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 361]


exemption of proceeds 48.18.410 optional modes of settlement 48.18A.020 contingent liability, assessmentlevy of
indebtedness deducted from 48.23.310 other laws applicable 48.18A.050 48.31.330
miscellaneous proceeds applied under dividend options date rights fixed 48.31.260
definition 48.23.320 48.18A.020 delinquency proceedings
payment of 48.23.320 reserves required 48.18A.020 commencement by insurance commissioner
prohibited plans 48.23.340 return of and effect 48.31.111
reinstatement incontestability after 48.23.120, printed notice of 48.18A.035 commencement of 48.31.190
48.23.270 trustee, insurer, not to set self out as cooperation with commissioner required in
scope of provisions 48.23.010 48.18A.020 48.31.105
settlement on proof of death 48.23.130 valuation of investments 48.18A.020 definitions 48.31.105
spouses rights in 48.18.440 victims of crimes failure to cooperate with commissioner,
standard nonforfeiture law reduction of benefits 7.68.130 penalties 48.31.105
adjusted premiums war risks, limitation as to 48.23.260 formal delinquency proceeding
calculation 48.76.050 Washington life and disability insurance commissioner may petition court for
benefit in case of premium default 48.76.040 guaranty association act Ch. 48.32A 48.31.121
cash surrender policies issued after 1986 Life insurance, See also INSURANCE, subtitle insurer may petition for hearing and review
48.76.080 Group life insurance; INSURANCE, subtitle 48.31.121
cash surrender value 48.76.030 Industrial life insurance; INSURANCE, immunity from suit and liability, persons
cash surrender value and benefit subtitle Life insurers entitled to protection 48.31.115
calculation 48.76.070 annuities, See INSURANCE, subtitle Annuity jurisdiction of courts 48.31.111
defined 48.76.010 contracts recovery from reinsurer
inapplicable to certain policies 48.76.090 forfeiture, See INSURANCE, subtitle direct payment to insured does not diminish
premium determination Standard nonforfeiture law obligation, exceptions 48.31.135
specified method forms, See INSURANCE, subtitle Standard recoverable amount not reduced by
unfeasible 48.76.060 provisions proceedings 48.31.135
provisions required group life, See INSURANCE, subtitle Group deposit of moneys 48.31.220
nonforfeiture and cash surrender 48.76.020 life insurance dispersal of assets by receiver, procedure
standard provisions industrial life insurance, See INSURANCE, 48.31.185
age, misstatement of 48.23.060 subtitle Industrial life insurance domiciliary liquidator
entire contract 48.23.040 Life insurers resident claimants may file claims with
grace period 48.23.030 authority to grant annuities and transact liquidator, with ancillary receiver, or with
incontestability 48.23.050 disability insurance 48.05.330 the domiciliary liquidator 48.31.171
nonforfeiture options 48.23.100 policy plans, types prohibited 48.23.340 vesting of title to assets and property in,
participation in surplus 48.23.070 reciprocal insurer, prohibited from transacting insurance commissioners duties
form requirements 48.23.075 life insurance 48.05.330 48.31.171
policy loans, interest rates 48.23.080 Life settlements Ch. 48.102 filing fees, exemption 48.31.230
reinstatement 48.23.120 Limitation of actions foreign insurers
required 48.23.020 disability policies, standard provisions for ancillary liquidation, order of 48.31.100
settlement on proof of death 48.23.130 48.20.050, 48.20.052, 48.20.142 conservation of assets, order of 48.31.080,
table of installments 48.23.110 officers salaries, domestic mutuals 48.09.210 48.31.100
table of values and options 48.23.090 policies, provisions in concerning 48.18.200 funds, deposit of 48.31.220
statements in application, how deemed Limitation of single risk 48.11.140 grounds for 48.31.050
48.18.090 Liquidation injunctions in aid of 48.31.200
suicide, limitation as to 48.23.260 actions at law or equity following appointment insurer
supplemental benefits, rules and regulations of liquidator definition for purposes of chapter 48.31.020
48.23.250 powers and duties of liquidator 48.31.131 mutual insurers, assessment
surrender of policy 48.18.300 special procedural rules 48.31.131 judgment on 48.31.360
table of alien insurers levy of 48.31.330
installments 48.23.110 ancillary liquidation, order of 48.31.100 order of, publication and transmittal
values and options 48.23.090 conservation of assets of order of 48.31.090, 48.31.350
trustees 48.31.100 order to pay 48.31.340
designation of trustee as beneficiary ancillary liquidation, foreign or alien insurers, report for 48.31.320
11.98.170 order of 48.31.100 offsets 48.31.290
trusts borrowing on assets 48.31.240 order of 48.31.060
corpus for 48.18.450 claims premiums
designating trustee as beneficiary in will, ancillary receiver in another state or country, responsibility for payment of earned or
payment of proceeds to trustee 48.18.452 failure to transfer assets, effect on claims unearned premiums; violations, penalties,
failure of trustee to make claim, disposition filed in that ancillary receivership and rights of aggrieved party 48.31.141
of proceeds 48.18.452 48.31.184 priority and order of distribution of claims
payment of proceeds to trustee authorized contingent claims, allowance of 48.31.300 48.31.280
48.18.450 creditors claim secured by another person; proceedings
unclaimed property subrogation rights, distribution in absence appeal 48.31.190
funds owing 63.29.070 of agreement 48.31.151 removal 48.31.210
valuation, minimum standard for 48.74.030 date rights fixed 48.31.260 receivers
variable contracts denial by liquidator; notice requirements, ancillary receiver in another state or country,
accounting procedure 48.18A.020 court hearing on claimants objections failure to transfer assets, effect on claims
agents, licensing requirements 48.18A.060 48.31.145 filed in that ancillary receivership
assets, sale, exchange or transfers of distributions involving one or more 48.31.184
48.18A.020 reciprocal states, governing law domiciliary receiver appointed in another
authority of insurers to establish fixed or 48.31.181 state, liquidator to act as ancillary receiver
variable accounts 48.18A.020 filing, time for 48.31.310 48.31.165
contract, required provisions 48.18A.030 party with right of action against insured of if no domiciliary receiver appointed
federal requirements, compliance with insolvent liability insurer, allowance of commissioner may apply for liquidation
48.18A.020 48.31.300 order; notice requirements 48.31.165
insurer, licensing requirements to be priority and order of distribution of claims reciprocals, assessment
compiled with 48.18A.040 48.31.280 judgment on 48.31.360
investments priority of claims 48.31.181 levy of 48.31.330
authority 48.18A.020 resident claimants may file claims with order, publication and transmittal 48.31.350
valuation of 48.18A.020 liquidator, with ancillary receiver, or with order to pay 48.31.340
issuance and sale, commissioners authority the domiciliary liquidator 48.31.171 report for 48.31.320
to regulate 48.18A.070 secured claims 48.31.181 rehabilitation
mandatory and permissive provisions secured claims, allowance of 48.31.300 action to which insurer subject to
48.18A.050 special deposit claims 48.31.181 rehabilitation order is party

[RCW Indexpage 362] (2016 Ed.)


special procedural rules 48.31.045 preexisting programs, notice to state auditor quarterly review of books and records to
grounds for 48.31.030 required 48.62.131 determine if agent has become managing
rehabilitation order 48.31.040 producers, use of 48.62.121 general agent 48.98.020
reopening of liquidation proceedings program approval or disapproval, state risk required practices for 48.98.020
good cause required 48.31.161 managers duties 48.62.091 licensing requirements 48.98.010
rights, date fixed 48.31.260 program approval required from state risk rule-making authority 48.98.035
termination of coverage following issuance of manager 48.62.071 violations of chapter, penalties 48.98.030
liquidation order 48.31.125 public disclosure, limits on 48.62.101 Mandated health benefits
transfers, voidable 48.31.270 reviews and investigations, costs to be charged benefit proposal, assessment of impact
unclaimed funds 48.31.155 to program under review or investigation 48.47.030
uniform insurers liquidation act 48.62.161 definitions 48.47.010
attachment, garnishment, or execution risk manager as attorney for acceptance of establishment 48.47.020
stayed during pendency of proceedings service 48.62.031 legislative findings 48.47.005
48.99.070 school district or educational service district Manuals, publication and sale of 48.02.180
claims health and welfare benefits programs Marine and transportation insurance
domestic insurer, claim of nonresident 48.62.181 defined 48.11.050
against, procedure 48.99.040 scope of authority 48.62.031 exemption from surplus line coverage
foreign insurer, claim of resident against, start-up assessments, authority of state risk 48.15.160
procedure 48.99.050 manager to levy and collect 48.62.161 limitation of actions 48.18.200
priority of claims 48.99.060 state risk manager unearned premiums reserve 48.12.050
confidentiality of documents and other rule-making and standard setting authority Marine and transportation insurance, See also
information 48.99.017 48.62.061 INSURANCE, subtitle Ocean marine and
definitions 48.99.010 summons, service of 4.28.080 foreign trade insurance
domestic insurer, claim of nonresident treasurer, designation of 48.62.111 Marine and transportation insurers, profits tax
against, procedure 48.99.040 Long-term care coverage Ch. 48.83 48.14.020
domestic insurer, conduct of proceedings Long-term care insurance act prepayment requirements 48.14.025
involving 48.99.020 definitions 48.84.020 Marine insurance policies
foreign insurer, claim of resident against, disclosure rules 48.84.050 used vessels, upon transfer of ownership
procedure 48.99.050 general provisions, policies issued before 79.100.170
foreign insurer, conduct of proceedings January 1, 2009 48.84.010 Marine protection and indemnity, defined
involving 48.99.030 prohibited practices 48.84.060 48.11.050
interpretation and construction of act prohibited provisions, policies and contracts Market conduct oversight Ch. 48.37
48.99.080 48.84.040 Mastectomy
lien obtained by attachment, garnishment, or rules 48.84.030 discrimination based on, certain prohibited
execution voided 48.99.070 separation of data 48.84.070 48.20.397, 48.21.235, 48.44.335
priority of claims 48.99.060 Long-term care partnership program reconstructive breast surgery
receiver, insurance commissioners capacity consumer education program 48.85.040 disability insurance coverage 48.20.395
as 48.99.017 financing of long-term care through private group disability insurance coverage
insurance and medicaid funds 48.85.010 48.21.230
short title 48.99.010 health care insurance to cover 48.44.330
venue 48.31.210 insurance policy criteria 48.85.030
protection of participant assets 48.85.020 Material transactions, disclosure requirements
voidable transfers 48.31.270 48.05.510, 48.05.515, 48.05.520, 48.05.525,
Liquidation, See also INSURANCE, subtitle Loss, proof of, forms
48.05.530, 48.05.535
Uniform insurers liquidation act furnished by insurer 48.18.460 Medical insurance, See INSURANCE, subtitle
Loans, investments in, See INSURANCE, furnishing not waiver 48.18.470 Disability insurance; INSURANCE, subtitle
subtitle Investments Loss expense, defined 48.12.140 Health care services
Local government, self-insurers, self-funding Loss experience Medical malpractice
excluded from definition of "insurer" recording of 48.19.370 closed claim reporting Ch. 48.140
48.01.050 reporting of, rate making purposes 48.19.370 health care liability risk management training
Local government self-insurance authority Loss payments, defined 48.12.140 program 48.22.080
access to program information 48.62.101 Loss records 48.12.070 health care practitioner coverage by self-
bond requirements 48.62.111 Loss reserve insurer conditioned upon participation in
definitions 48.62.021 liability insurance, computation 48.12.090 risk management training 48.05.410
deposit requirements 48.62.111 Lumpectomy midwives and birthing centers, joint
educational service district programs, rule- discrimination based on, certain prohibited underwriting association Ch. 48.87
making authority of superintendent of 48.20.397, 48.21.235, 48.44.335 osteopathy settlements and awards, insurers
public instruction 48.62.125 Mammograms must report 18.57.245
employees and officials, remuneration beyond disability insurance coverage 48.20.393 retired providers providing free care to low-
salary and benefits prohibited 48.62.121 group disability plans, required coverage income persons, health department may
executive sessions, authority to hold 48.21.225 provide insurance for 43.70.460
48.62.101 required coverage, health care services conditions for participation 43.70.470
governing control, obligation to maintain contracts 48.44.325 settlements and awards, insurers must report
48.62.121 Management organization, examination of to medical quality assurance commission
health and welfare benefit trusts 48.03.020 18.71.350
authority to participate in 48.62.121, Managers, examination of Ch. 48.03 Medical risk adjustment mechanisms
48.62.123 Managing general agents disapproval by legislature, submission of
health care services, inclusion of mandated continuing use of agent, compliance with revised package by health services
benefits 48.62.121 chapter required 48.98.040 commission 43.72.180
immunity for disclosure of information contract between managing general agent and Medicare supplemental health insurance
required by state risk manager or state insurer, insurer duty to notify benefit limitations 48.66.030
auditor 48.62.171 commissioner of entry into or termination "benefit period," "medicare benefit period,"
insufficient assets, provision for, requirements of 48.98.020 minimum requirements 48.66.080
48.62.141 contract between managing general agent and benefit standards 48.66.030
insurance premium taxes, exemption from insurer, minimum provisions 48.98.015 commissioners approval required before
48.62.151 definitions 48.98.005 issuance or use of policy, form, rider, or
investigation fee, state risk manager to examination by insurance commissioner endorsement 48.66.035
establish and charge 48.62.161 48.98.025 conformity with federal law, authority of
investments, restrictions on 48.62.111 insurers insurance commissioner to make necessary
multi-state program participation, loss reserves established by managing rules 48.66.165
requirements 48.62.081 general agent, duty to obtain annual definitions 48.66.020
operation and management of program, actuarial opinion on 48.98.020 disclosure requirements 48.66.110
general conditions and restrictions on on-site review of managing general agent eligibility 48.66.055
48.62.121 48.98.020 federal law supersedes 48.66.160

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 363]


health deterioration, cancellation for, liability insurance rental car specialty insurance producer license
prohibited 48.66.090 requirements governed exclusively by act Ch. 48.115
loss ratio requirements 48.66.100 chapter 81.80 RCW 81.80.195 restriction based on disability, imposition of
mandated coverage 48.66.045 Motor vehicle financial responsibility law, See notice 48.30.320
mass sales policies treated as individual MOTOR VEHICLES, subtitle Financial seat belts, other life-saving devices
policies 48.66.100 responsibility law rate-making consideration 48.19.500
medical history, completion requirement Motor vehicle insurance senior citizens, fifty-five and over
48.66.140 accident prevention course premium reduction for accident prevention
medicare cost-sharing changes, automatic reduction of premium for older insureds course 48.19.460, 48.19.470, 48.19.480,
benefit adjustments 48.66.070 completing 48.19.460, 48.19.470, 48.19.490
minimum standards 48.66.041 48.19.480, 48.19.490 umbrella or excess policies, underinsured
outline of coverage, delivery to potential anti-theft devices, lights, rate consideration coverage inapplicable 48.22.030
policy holder required 48.66.110 48.19.501 underinsured motorist to be provided,
PACE program 48.01.270 assigned risk plan 48.22.020 exception 48.22.040
police, first class city cancellations 48.18.291 claims 48.22.030
board authorized to reimburse retired exceptions permitted 48.18.296 usage-based
member for premiums paid 41.20.120 limitation on cancellation, nonrenewal, or information collected concerning,
policy or certificate provision prohibitions denial based upon driving record restrictions 48.18.600, 48.19.040
48.66.050 46.52.130 vehicle sharing
preexisting condition limitations, restrictions limitation on liability of insurance personal vehicle sharing programs Ch.
48.66.130 commissioner for transmittal of cause for 48.175
rates 48.66.045 cancellation 48.18.293 Motor vehicle operators record furnished
record keeping data required to be maintained notice 48.30.320 insurance companies 46.52.130
separate from other disability insurance private passenger automobile, defined Mutual insurers
data 48.66.150 48.18.297 assessment of members 48.09.230
rejection of medicare eligible person commercial transportation services Ch. assessment plan, insurers prohibited,
48.66.057 48.177 exception 48.06.020
renewability of policy must be guaranteed debt and financing coverage 48.22.060 domestic
48.66.090 defined 48.11.060 additional insuring powers, qualifications
return of policy, premium refund, effect of drivers license suspension for nonpayment of 48.09.090
return 48.66.120 child support, effect 48.22.140 annual meetings, notice of 48.09.140
sickness, accident coverage equality drivers record, cancellation, nonrenewal, or assessment liability, assessment plan
48.66.060 denial based upon, limitation 46.52.130 insurers 48.09.240
state health care authority drivers record, contents and access 46.52.130 borrowed capital
choice of policies available 41.05.195 employment driving record, consideration of generally 48.09.320
state health care authority self-insured plan prohibited 48.30.310 repayment 48.09.330
41.05.197 hit and run insurance to be provided, bylaws, generally 48.09.130
Membership exception, claims 48.22.030 contingent liability of members 48.09.240
domestic mutuals, in general 48.09.110 insolvent motorist 48.22.040 accrual of 48.09.220
fee, premium as part of 48.18.170 liability coverage, mandatory assessment on liquidation or rehabilitation
rights, domestic mutuals 48.09.120 financial responsibility, giving false judgment on 48.31.360
share of assets, domestic mutuals 48.09.360 evidence of penalty 46.30.040 levy of 48.31.330
Memorandum of insurance, motor vehicle and insurance identification card 46.30.030 order, publication and transmittal
aircraft, contents, delivery 48.18.260 insurance identification card, refusal to 48.31.350
Mental health behavioral health organizations produce 46.61.020 order to pay 48.31.340
exemption from title 48 RCW in regard to insurance or other form of financial report for 48.31.320
operation of a medical assistance managed responsibility required, violations, as asset 48.09.250
care system 48.01.220 exceptions 46.30.020 computation of 48.09.230
Mental health services liability policy, defined 46.29.490 generally 48.09.220
disability insurance 48.20.580 minimum coverage 46.29.090 lien on reserves 48.09.260
health care access 48.41.220 proof of financial responsibility, defined offset against 48.09.230
Mergers 46.29.260 stipulation of 48.09.110
generally 48.31.010 proof of financial responsibility, duty to conversion of 48.09.350
insurer present at request of law enforcement corporate meetings, proxies 48.09.150
definition for purposes of chapter 48.31.020 officer 46.30.020 directors, qualifications 48.09.160
mutuals 48.09.350 market assistance plans 48.22.050 disability insurers, additional insuring
reciprocals 48.10.330 memorandum of or duplicate policy, contents powers 48.09.090
Midwife and birth center malpractice insurance and delivery 48.18.260 distribution of assets upon liquidation
joint underwriting association Ch. 48.87 nonrenewal 48.18.292 48.09.360
Minors exceptions permitted 48.18.296 dividends, generally 48.09.300
effectuation of insurance upon, insurable limitation on liability of insurance expenses, limitation of 48.09.180
interest 48.18.060 commissioner for transmittal of cause for penalty for violation 48.09.190
power to contract for insurance 48.18.020 nonrenewal 48.18.293 impairment of surplus 48.09.340
Misrepresentation private passenger automobile, defined limitation of single risk 48.11.140
generally 48.30.040 48.18.297 members
health care service contractors 48.44.120 personal injury protection benefits generally 48.09.110
negotiation of insurance contract 48.18.090 coverage in lieu of required minimum proxies 48.09.150
of policies 48.30.090 coverage, benefit limits 48.22.100 rights of 48.09.120
Misstatement of age or sex definitions 48.22.005 share of assets 48.09.120
standard provisions exceptions and exclusions 48.22.090 name 48.06.200
disability insurance 48.20.050 minimum coverage requirements, benefit nonassessable policies
group life insurance 48.24.150 limits 48.22.095 in general 48.09.270
Monopolies, generally 48.30.250 offering as optional coverage required policies included 48.09.280
Moorage facilities 48.22.085 qualifications on issuance of nonassessable
insurance requirements 53.08.480 rejection of optional coverage by insured policies 48.09.280
Moorage facilities, private 48.22.085 revocation of authority to issue 48.09.290
insurance requirements 88.26.030 rule-making authority of insurance nonparticipating policies, in general
Mortality tables, duty of commissioner to obtain commissioner 48.22.105 48.09.310
and publish 48.02.160 personal vehicle sharing programs Ch. 48.175 officers salaries, limitation of actions on
Mortgage insurance Ch. 61.10 "phantom vehicle," defined 48.22.030 48.09.210
Mortgage loans and contracts, investments in, phantom vehicles property insurers, additional insuring
See INSURANCE, subtitle Investments claims 48.22.030 powers, qualifications 48.09.090
Motor freight carriers 81.80.190, 81.80.200 reciprocals 48.10.070 qualification, in general 48.09.010

[RCW Indexpage 364] (2016 Ed.)


reinsurance of, acceptance of, assessment organization expenses 48.06.130 health insurance pool explanatory brochure
plan insurers 48.09.350, 48.11.130 promoters, liability of 48.06.130, 48.06.150 48.41.110
reorganization as stock insurer 48.09.350 solicitation permit health maintenance organizations, notice of
surplus application cancellation, denial, or refusal to renew
additional requirements 48.09.090, contents 48.06.040 agreement 48.46.380
48.09.100 examination 48.06.050 notice of cancellation or imposition of
impairment of 48.09.340 bond for 48.06.110 restriction based on disability 48.30.320
minimum 48.09.100 contents 48.06.070 Podiatrists
liquidation, distribution of assets 48.09.360 deposit for 48.06.110 health care contractors cannot deny payment
nonassessable policies 48.09.270 expiration 48.06.070 48.44.220, 48.44.225, 48.44.300
organization of as inducement 48.06.080 Policies
application to form 48.06.160 issuance 48.06.060 annulment retroactively, prohibition
organization of, See also INSURANCE, modification 48.06.100 48.18.320
subtitle Organization of insurers required 48.06.030 applications for, See INSURANCE, subtitle
reorganization as stock insurer revocation 48.06.100 Applications for insurance
distribution of assets 48.09.360 solicitation under, license for 48.06.090 binders, generally 48.18.230
Mutual savings banks, See SAVINGS BANKS, surety bond 48.06.110 breach of conditions or warranties, effect of
subtitle Insurance premium finance company stock intervening breach 48.18.350
act, application to; SAVINGS BANKS, issuance of, conditions for 48.06.150 bylaws, how included 48.18.160
subtitle Mutual savings banks type of insurers permitted 48.06.010 cancellation
Mutualization, domestic stock insurers 48.08.080 Over-insurance of property prohibited 48.27.010, automobile policies 48.18.291
Names 48.30.260 exceptions permitted 48.18.296
documents filed affecting, notice requirements Participating policies, dividends disability policies 48.18.299
48.02.122 mutuals 48.09.300 insurer, effectuation of 48.18.290
health care service contractors 48.44.090 payable to real party in interest 48.18.340 procedure for 48.18.290, 48.18.300
misleading, prohibited 48.30.060 reciprocals 48.10.310 cancellation by commissioner 48.18.310
mutual insurers, use of 48.06.200 stock insurers, domestic 48.08.070 cancellations
reciprocal insurers, use of 48.10.060 Penalties automobile policies
underwriter policies, liability for use failing to file information, documents or private passenger automobile, defined
48.18.250 reports, daily fine 48.08.190 48.18.297
use of by insurers 48.05.190 combination policies, generally 48.18.250
general 48.01.080 commercial property casualty insurance
National association of insurance
commissioners, defined 48.02.140 Perjury 9A.72.030 issuance prior to filing 48.18.103
Neurodevelopmental therapy Permanent and total disability, life insurance policies, forms of 48.19.043
required coverage, employer-sponsored group 48.23.250 construction of 48.18.520
contracts 48.21.310, 48.44.450 Permits laws applicable 48.18.200
Nonassessable policies solicitation provisions in policy regarding 48.18.200
mutuals, generally 48.09.270 application, contents 48.06.040, 48.06.050 contents in general 48.18.140, 48.18.150
policies included 48.09.280 endorsement by commissioner, construction credit life, accident and health 48.34.040,
reciprocals 48.10.300 as 48.06.080 48.34.090
revocation of power 48.09.290 organization of insurers, generally customer satisfaction benefits 48.18.610
Nonforfeiture 48.06.030, 48.06.040, 48.06.050, definition 48.18.140
standard nonforfeiture law 48.76.010 48.06.060, 48.06.070 delivery of 48.18.260
Nonparticipating policies, domestic mutuals, solicitation, See also INSURANCE, subtitle disability, right of cancellation with full return
generally 48.09.310 Organization of insurers of premium, notice, when 48.20.013
Nonprofit corporation act, excluded from solicitation permit 48.06.040 disability insurances, changes to be evidenced
24.03.015 solicitation permit to organize insurer by endorsement 48.20.015
Nonrenewal 48.06.030 duplicates
notice requirements 48.18.289 Person, defined 48.01.070 coverage of third persons or property of,
Notes, hypothecation of prohibited 48.30.200 Personal coverage statement 48.18.260
Ocean marine and foreign trade insurance insurance commissioner authority 48.42.010 generally 48.18.260
nondelivery in state, exemptions for 48.18.010 lack of coverage, must advise purchasers endorsements
unauthorized insurers may write 48.15.160 48.42.050 disapproval, grounds for 48.18.110
Ocean marine and foreign trade insurances rates filing and approval
defined 48.11.105 credit history or insurance score 48.19.035 certification and noncertification 48.18.100
Offenders performing community restitution regulation entire contract 48.18.190
workers compensation and liability insurance examination by commissioner to see if in examination by examining bureau 48.19.410
coverage 35.21.209, 36.16.139 compliance 48.42.030 execution of
Officers if unable to show other regulation subject to facsimile signatures 48.18.210
existing, continuation of 48.01.100 insurance commissioner 48.42.040 generally 48.18.210
misconduct of 48.30.120 jurisdiction belongs with another agency, obsolete signatures, effect upon validity
salaries, limitation of actions on, domestic how shown 48.42.020 48.18.210
mutuals 48.09.210 underwriting restrictions, credit history exemption of proceeds
Orders of the commissioner 48.18.545 annuities 48.18.430
appeal from, See INSURANCE, subtitle Pharmacy benefit managers disability insurance 48.18.400
Appeals registration requirements and regulatory group life insurance 48.18.420
Organ transplant benefits provisions Ch. 19.340, 48.02.220 life insurance 48.18.410
lifetime limit 48.43.680 Phenylketonuria 48.20.520, 48.21.300, form existing at time of code adoption,
waiting period and prior creditable coverage 48.44.440, 48.46.510 continuation of 48.01.120
48.43.017 Physical examinations, standard provisions form numbers 48.20.012
Organization of insurers 48.20.132, 48.21.100 form of
defamation of proposed insurers prohibited Physical therapy, coverage and benefits not disapproval, grounds for 48.18.110
48.30.080 mandated or regulated 18.74.135 standard forms 48.18.120
escrow of funds, withdrawal on failure to Physicians examining, misrepresentations by in validity of noncomplying 48.18.510
complete organization 48.06.120, applications for insurance 48.30.210 format, disability insurance 48.20.012
48.06.170 Pilot vehicles, mobile home movements forms
failure to complete 48.06.170 minimum coverage 46.44.180 certification and noncertification 48.18.100
false exhibits 48.06.190 Plain language required filing and approval 48.18.100
illegal inducements 48.30.150 health care insurance, notice of cancellation, group, assignment of interests under
insurance applications for, contents 48.06.160 denial, or nonrenewal of policy 48.18.540 48.18.375
liability of organizers 48.05.130, 48.06.130 health care service contractors, notice of insured named, interest controls 48.18.050
mutual assessment insurers prohibited, cancellation, denial, or refusal to renew lapses, unlawful inducement 48.30.180
exceptions 48.06.020 contract 48.44.260 limitation of actions in 48.18.200

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 365]


lost, cancellation by insured, procedure specialty producer licenses Ch. 48.120 Proof of loss
48.18.300 Preferred or guaranteed stocks or shares, false, penalty 48.30.230
misrepresentation of, prohibition 48.30.090 investments in, See INSURANCE, subtitle forms
modifications, writing required 48.18.190 Investments furnished by insurer 48.18.460
motor vehicle underinsured motorist to be Premium deposits, life insurance 48.23.290 furnishing not waiver 48.18.470
provided, exception, claims 48.22.030 Premium finance agreement, mandatory contents Property
nonassessable, See INSURANCE, subtitle 48.56.080 commercial property casualty insurance
Nonassessable policies Premium finance companies Ch. 48.56 issuance prior to filing 48.18.103
noncomplying, construction of 48.18.510 Premium rates, supervision of, See policies, forms of 48.19.043
nonparticipating, domestic mutuals, generally INSURANCE, subtitle Rates insurable interests in 48.18.040
48.09.310 Premium tax investments in, See INSURANCE, subtitle
nonrenewal amount of direct premium taxable in this state, Investments
automobile policies how determined 48.14.090 valuation of property held by insurer
exceptions permitted 48.18.296 credit for assessments for payment of claims 48.12.190
private passenger automobile, defined against insolvent insurers 48.32.145 willful injury to or destruction 48.30.220
48.18.297 foreign or alien insurer, liability to pay tax Property and casualty
disability policies 48.18.298 after withdrawal from state 48.14.100 insurers to report loss and expense data
premium, deductible changes in lieu of other forms of taxation 48.14.080 48.05.380
automobile policies 48.18.292 premiums received from pension, annuity or Property in rented premises, lien on proceeds
notice, automobile policies 48.18.292 profit-sharing plans exempt under internal 60.72.010
participating, See INSURANCE, subtitle revenue code, rate of tax 48.14.021 Property insurance
Participating policies purchasing groups broker-controlled property and casualty
payment of proceeds, simultaneous deaths, requirements regarding imposition, insurers, See INSURANCE, subtitle
life and disability insurances 48.18.390 obligation, and members liability Broker-controlled property and casualty
payments under 48.92.095 insurers
discharges insurer 48.18.370 Premiums cancellation or imposition of restriction based
persons entitled to receive, life and disability defined 48.18.170 on disability, notice 48.30.320
insurance 48.18.370 determination of reserves by, generally debtor selection, right of 48.30.260
plain language required 48.12.040 defined 48.11.040
health care insurance, notice of cancellation, disability insurance, unpaid, optional standard electronic notices and document delivery
denial, or nonrenewal of policy 48.18.540 provisions for 48.20.232 48.185.005
health care service contractors, notice of disability policy, return of premium upon flood damage, notice to certain policyholders
cancellation, denial, or refusal to renew cancellation, notice, when 48.20.013 indicating their policy does not cover
contract 48.44.260 discounts, prohibitions 48.30.140 48.27.030
health maintenance organizations, notice of excess premiums, penalty for collection information, mailing or delivering or posting
cancellation, denial, refusal to renew 48.30.190 on insurers web site, when 48.185.010
agreement 48.46.380 group disability insurance 48.21.070 limitation of single risk 48.11.140
notice of cancellation or imposition of illegal dealing in 48.30.190 over-insurance prohibited 48.27.010,
restriction based on disability 48.30.320 industrial life, refund of percentage 48.30.260
premiums, See INSURANCE, subtitle 48.25.170 replacement insurance 48.27.020
Premiums insolvent insurer Property insurers
renewal responsibility for payment of earned or mutuals, domestic, See INSURANCE,
certificate of 48.18.280 unearned premiums; violations, penalties, subtitle Mutual insurers
procedure for 48.18.280 and rights of aggrieved party 48.31.141 reciprocal, domestic, surplus required
riders must include all charges 48.18.180 48.10.070
disapproval, grounds for 48.18.110 notes, hypothecation of prohibited 48.30.200 Prosecuting attorneys, duty to represent
filing and approval rate making criteria 48.19.030 commissioner 48.02.080
certification and noncertification 48.18.100 rates Proxies
spouses right in, life insurance 48.18.440 standards 48.19.020 holders of, examination of 48.03.020
standard provisions rates, See INSURANCE, subtitle Rates members, domestic mutuals 48.09.150
generally 48.18.130 refund, life insurance, ten day period Public adjusters, See INSURANCE, subtitle
surrender of, concurrence presumed 48.18.300 penalty for late return 48.23.380 Adjusters, independent, public, and crop
underwriters policies, generally 48.18.250 return of, penalty for failure to return Public employees associations, group life
validity, effect of illegal provisions upon 48.30.190 insurance 48.24.060
48.18.200 surety insurance, general provisions Public fireworks display 70.77.285
valuation, minimum standards 48.74.030 48.28.020, 48.28.030, 48.28.040 Public interest
variable contracts, mandatory and permissive tax on declaration of 48.01.030
provisions 48.18A.050 credit for assessments for payment of claims duties in regard to 48.01.030
variable life insurance and annuity contracts against insolvent insurers 48.32.145 Public obligations, investment in, See
return of and effect title insurance, generally 48.29.140 INSURANCE, subtitle Investments
printed notice of 48.18A.035 unearned, determination of reserve necessary Public offices, bonds of, costs paid by public
variable life insurance and annuity contracts, 48.12.040 48.28.040
mandatory policy provisions 48.18A.030 Premiums and prepayments tax 48.14.0201 Public records act
Policy fee, as part of premium 48.18.170 Prenatal testing 48.21.244, 48.42.090, 48.44.344, exemptions
Policy loans, life insurance 48.46.375 insurer holding company documents,
deduction of from proceeds 48.23.080, Prepaid care, See INSURANCE, subtitle Health materials, and information, when
48.23.310 care services 48.31B.038
interest rate 48.23.085 Prizes, as illegal inducement 48.30.150 Publications concerning 48.02.180
Pollution liability insurance agency and Process, See INSURANCE, subtitle Service of Puget Sound ferry system, insurance on facilities
programs, See POLLUTION LIABILITY process of authorized Ch. 47.60
INSURANCE AGENCY Producer-controlled property and casualty Purchase money mortgages, investments in, See
Pollution liability insurance program insurers Ch. 48.97 INSURANCE, subtitle Investments
director Producers, insurance Purchase of bridges or ferries by transportation
powers and duties 70.146.050 charitable or nonprofit organizations department, insurance on authorized
Port district commissioners, insurance for benefit sponsoring events for or making 47.56.050
of 53.08.170 contributions to organizations 48.30.135 Pure endowments, See INSURANCE, subtitle
Port district officials and employees, liability examination of Ch. 48.03 Annuities
insurance 53.08.205 generally Ch. 48.17 Rates
Portable electronics gifts, etc., for referral of insurance business advisory organizations
cancellation, nonrenewal, or modification of when allowed, restrictions 48.30.133 definition 48.19.320
policy, terms for 48.18.278 Product regulation, interstate compact Ch. desist orders on 48.19.340
service contracts for electronic equipment Ch. 48.130 disqualification of data 48.19.350
48.110 Promoters, examination of 48.03.020 examination of 48.03.010

[RCW Indexpage 366] (2016 Ed.)


qualification 48.19.330 acceptance by insured, penalty 48.30.170 group disability insurance coverage 48.21.230
agreements as to rates 48.19.420 prohibited 48.30.140 health care insurance to cover 48.44.330
assigned risks 48.19.400 Receipt of premium Records
consultation regarding 48.19.380 binder adjusters, agents, and brokers
control by compact, prohibition 48.30.020 contents, effect 48.18.220 surplus line brokers 48.15.100
customer satisfaction benefits 48.18.610 Receivers obligations, investments in, See commissioners, generally 48.02.120
deviations, generally 48.19.280 INSURANCE, subtitle Investments examination by commissioner
examination of contracts 48.19.410 Reciprocal insurers expenses, responsibility for payment
excess rates 48.19.090 actions against binding on subscribers 48.03.060
exchange of experience 48.19.380 48.10.170 generally 48.03.030
expense experience, recording and reporting annual statement, attorney to make and file report of examination 48.03.040
of 48.19.370 48.10.180 reports
false and misleading information, prohibition attorney withholding from public inspection
48.19.390 bond of 48.10.140 48.03.050
filings actions on 48.10.160 insureds, policies in unauthorized insurers,
bureau filings 48.19.050 deposit in lieu 48.10.150 examination 48.15.170
contents 48.19.040 contributions by, repayment 48.10.190 insurers required 48.05.280
disapproval of 48.19.100, 48.19.120 misconduct of in general 48.30.120 motor vehicle insurance, usage-based
effective date 48.19.060 certificate of authority, revocation, grounds information collected concerning,
review of 48.19.060 for 48.10.110 restrictions 48.18.600, 48.19.040
special disapproval of 48.19.070, 48.19.110 contingent liability Refunds
waiver of 48.19.080 aggregate liability 48.10.290 cancellations 48.18.290, 48.18.300
joint reinsurance, applicability of provisions assessment taxes 48.14.070
to 48.19.360 generally 48.10.270 Rehabilitation of insurers
joint underwriting, applicability of provisions judgment on, liquidation 48.31.360 action to which insurer subject to
to 48.19.360 order, publication and transmittal, rehabilitation order is party
loss experience, recording and reporting of liquidation 48.31.350 special procedural rules 48.31.045
48.19.370 order to pay, liquidation 48.31.340 grounds for 48.31.030
making of rates report for, liquidation 48.31.320 rehabilitation order 48.31.040
consultation in regard to 48.19.380 time limit 48.10.280 Rehabilitation of insurers, See also
credit history or insurance score 48.19.035 conversion or merger 48.10.330 INSURANCE, subtitle Liquidation
criteria 48.19.030 defined 48.01.050, 48.10.010, 48.10.020 Reinstatement
how made 48.19.030 dividends 48.10.310 annuities
penalties for violation of rate supervision financial conditions, determination of pure endowment contracts 48.23.210
provisions 48.19.430 48.10.200 reversionary 48.23.240
prohibited practices 48.30.240 impairment of assetsprocedure 48.10.340 disability policies 48.20.072
rate agreements 48.19.420 insuring powers industrial life insurance 48.25.120
rate wars prohibited 48.30.240 additional 48.10.070 life insurance 48.23.120
rating organizations, See INSURANCE, generally 48.10.050 Reinsurance
subtitle Rating organizations judgments, subscribers liability 48.10.260 authority to accept 48.11.130
scope of chapter 48.19.010 life insurance, reciprocal insurer not to credit for reinsurance Ch. 48.12
standard for rates 48.19.020 transact 48.05.330 domestic mutuals, of 48.09.350
supervision of, scope 48.19.010 liquidation, distribution of assets 48.10.320 exemptions from rate filing 48.19.010
violation of provisions regarding, penalties merger or conversion 48.10.330 title insurers not prohibited the ceding of
48.19.430 name 48.10.060 reinsurance 48.05.330
Rating organizations nonassessable policies 48.10.300 unauthorized insurers 48.15.160
changes in, notice of 48.19.200 organization withdrawal of insurers from state 48.05.290
cooperation authorized 48.19.250 application to form 48.06.160 Reinsurance intermediaries Ch. 48.94
deviations by subscribers from filing made by generally 48.10.090 Renewal
48.19.280 policies effective, when 48.10.100 offer, notice requirements 48.18.289
discrimination prohibited 48.19.140 organization, See also INSURANCE, subtitle policies, certificate of 48.18.280
examination of, in general 48.03.010 Organization of insurers required, exceptions 48.18.2901
false or misleading information to 48.19.390 power of attorney, contents, generally Replacement insurance, property 48.27.020
filing by 48.19.050 48.10.120 Reports, failure to file, penalty 48.08.190
insureds powers, insuring 48.10.050 Representations, false or misleading prohibited
appeals by 48.19.310 process against, service of 48.10.170 48.30.040
service to 48.19.300 property insurers, domestic 48.10.070 Reserves
license 48.19.160 qualification, generally 48.10.070 charitable annuities 48.38.020
application for 48.19.170 real property, authority to engage in disability insurance 48.12.060
issuance of 48.19.180 transactions affecting title to 48.10.055 gross premiums in force, generally 48.12.040
revocation or suspension 48.19.190 savings, return of 48.10.310 increasing by commissioner 48.12.080
members, not governed 48.19.140 scope of chapter 48.10.030 as a liability, generally 48.12.030
records of subscribers liability insurance, computation 48.12.090
examination by commissioner 48.19.270 advisory committee 48.10.230 loss expense
rules, dividends not to be affected 48.19.240 distribution of assets upon liquidation defined 48.12.140
special filings 48.19.070 48.10.320 unallocated, distribution
subscribers liability liability insurance 48.12.100
admission of, review of refusal 48.19.220 aggregate 48.10.290 loss payments, defined 48.12.140
advisory committees of 48.19.230 in general 48.10.250 unearned premiums
appeal by 48.19.290 judgments 48.10.260 generally 48.12.040
defined 48.19.140 who may be 48.10.220 increased 48.12.080
deviation from rates filed by 48.19.280 subscribers agreement, modification of marine and transportation 48.12.050
rights and limitations 48.19.210 48.10.130 Reserves, See also INSURANCE, subtitle Loss
subscriberships suits in own name 48.10.060 reserve
requirement of 48.19.150 surplus Residential tenants
rules, review of 48.19.220 deposit of 48.10.070 flood damage, notice to certain policyholders
rules for 48.19.210 impairment 48.10.340 indicating their policy does not cover
technical services, procurement of 48.19.260 minimum required 48.10.070 48.27.030
Real estate contracts, investments in, See vehicle insurers, domestic 48.10.070 Retaliatory provisions 48.14.040
INSURANCE, subtitle Investments Reciprocals or interinsurance exchange, defined Riders
Real property, investments in, See as insurers 48.01.050 conflict with standard provisions 48.18.130
INSURANCE, subtitle Investments Reconstructive breast surgery effect of, construction of policies 48.18.520
Rebates disability insurance coverage 48.20.395 form of

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 367]


disapproval, grounds for 48.18.110 school districts 28A.320.070 group life insurance, group requirements
validity of noncomplying 48.18.510 Self-service storage insurance producers Ch. exception 48.28.010
forms 48.170 State fire marshal, See FIRE MARSHAL,
certification and noncertification 48.18.100 Service contracts Ch. 48.110 STATE
filing and approval 48.18.100 Service of process State patrol, group life insurance, generally
health care, cancellation 48.20.510, contractor bonds 48.24.090
48.21.290, 48.44.430, 48.46.500 department of labor and industries 48.05.200 Stay of action
Riot reinsurance reimbursement, receipt of foreign or alien insurers 48.05.200 pending appeals 48.04.140
funds, contribution by insurers, recalculation commissioner as attorney 48.05.200 pending hearings 48.04.020
48.58.010 personal service with insurers 4.28.080 Stock, investments in
Risk management reciprocal insurers 48.10.170 shares, as illegal inducement 48.30.150
insurer risk management framework, surplus line insurers 48.15.150 Stock, investments in, See also INSURANCE,
maintaining Ch. 48.05A underwriters or combination policies subtitle Investments
own risk and solvency assessment (ORSA), 48.18.250 subscription contracts, See INSURANCE,
completion by insurer Ch. 48.05A Service of process, See also SERVICE OF subtitle Organization of insurers
Risk management office, See RISK PROCESS AND PAPERS Stock insurers
MANAGEMENT, OFFICE OF Services or assistance provided through dues, domestic
Risk retention groups Ch. 48.92 assessments, or payments amendment of articles to change par value of
Risks certificate of authority required 48.01.250 shares 48.06.200
classification for rates 48.19.030 Share accounts, investments in, See capital
limitation of single risk 48.11.140 INSURANCE, subtitle Investments illegal reduction of 48.08.040
Rules and regulations Shares, investments in, See INSURANCE, impairment of 48.08.050
fire policies, standard fire form 48.18.120 subtitle Investments dividends
health care service contractors 48.44.050 Signatures, facsimile, execution of policies by payment to stockholders 48.08.030
power of commissioner to make 48.02.060 48.18.210 on reduction of capital 48.08.020
supplemental benefits, life insurance Simultaneous death, payment of proceeds on increase of capital 48.08.010
48.23.250 48.18.390 mutualization 48.08.080
Rural health care Single risk, limitation 48.11.140 participating policies 48.08.070
health care service arrangements Slayers, inheritance from victim prohibited Ch. reduction of capital 48.08.020
authority to operate, requirements 48.45.020 11.84 surplus, contributed
definitions 48.45.010 Small employer health insurance partnership repayment of 48.08.060
legislative findings 48.45.005 program Stock purchase plan, officers, employees,
rural health care service arrangements account 70.47A.080 domestic insurers 48.08.010
insurance commissioner, rule-making board 70.47A.100, 70.47A.110 Stop loss insurance
authority 48.45.030 childrens program defined 48.11.030, 48.21.010
Savings and loan institutions, investments in, See federal waiver request 70.47A.090 group stop loss insurance, defined 48.21.015
SAVINGS ASSOCIATIONS, subtitle definitions 70.47A.020 Structured settlement protection
Investments director of health care authority duties application/approval of transfer 19.205.050
Savings and share accounts, investments in, See 70.47A.030 definitions 19.205.010
INSURANCE, subtitle Investments enrollment within appropriation 70.47A.050
Savings associations, power to procure disclosure statement 19.205.020
legislative findings 70.47A.010 payment rights 19.205.030
School districts premium subsidies, application for post transfer of rights 19.205.040
employees, participation in state insurance 70.47A.040 transfer agreements 19.205.060
plans, conditions 41.04.205 reports 70.47A.070 Subpoenas, power of commissioner to issue
Schools and school districts rules, authority 70.47A.060 48.03.070
buildings, insuring of 28A.335.010 Solicitation permits, contents of application for Subscribers
first class districts, insurance reserve, use 48.06.040 rating organizations
28A.330.110 Solid waste collection companies 81.77.060 reciprocals, See INSURANCE, subtitle
health insurance benefits, insurance Solvency of insurer Reciprocals
commissioner report concerning 48.02.210 own risk and solvency assessment (ORSA), rating organizations, See also INSURANCE,
insurance relative to transporting students, etc. completion by insurer Ch. 48.05A subtitle Rating organizations
28A.160.010 Specified disease insurance Subscriptions and solicitations, See
liability, life, health, accident, disability and benefits INSURANCE, subtitle Organization of
salary 28A.400.350 reasonable level 48.70.040 insurers
liability insurance for officials and employees definitions 48.70.020 Suicide, limitation of liability for 48.23.260
of, purchase authorized 28A.400.360 expected returns 48.70.030 Surety insurance
officers, employees and students legislative intent 48.70.010 court bonds, costs include expense of
28A.400.350, 28B.10.660 Stamping bureaus, See INSURANCE, subtitle 48.28.030
retired district employees and district Examining bureaus defined 48.11.080
employees with disabilities Standard provisions fiduciary bonds, expense of allowable
payment to public employees and retirees annuities, See INSURANCE, subtitle Annuity 48.28.020
insurance account 28A.400.410 contracts legal requirements deemed met by surety
retired employees or employees with disability insurance, See INSURANCE, obligations 48.28.010
disabilities subtitle Disability insurance public construction contracts, exemptions
continued coverage, application disability insurance, See INSURANCE, 48.30.270
28A.400.391 subtitle Group disability insurance public officers bonds, cost paid by public
school buildings, powers of directors group life, See INSURANCE, subtitle Group 48.28.040
28A.335.010 life insurance release from liability 48.28.050
school buses, powers of directors industrial life insurance, See INSURANCE, violation, public construction contracts
28A.160.010 subtitle Industrial life insurance exemption 48.30.270
self-funding 28A.400.350 life insurance, See INSURANCE, subtitle Life Suretyship, general requirements Ch. 19.72
self-insurance 28A.320.070 insurance Surplus
Securities, investments in, See INSURANCE, Standard valuation law contributed, repayment, domestic stock
subtitle Investments disability insurance 48.74.090 insurers 48.08.060
Self-funded multiple employer welfare life insurance company reserve liabilities Ch. impairment of
arrangements Ch. 48.125 48.74 domestic mutuals 48.09.340
Self-insurance valuation manual Ch. 48.74 domestic reciprocals 48.10.340
affordable housing entity joint self-insurance State convention and trade center mutual insurers, domestic, See INSURANCE,
programs Ch. 48.64 surety exemption 48.30.270 subtitle Mutual insurers
educational service districts 28A.310.440 State employees health care, See HEALTH reciprocals, domestic 48.10.070
nonprofit corporations CARE AUTHORITY Surplus line coverage
self-insurance programs, joint Ch. 48.180 State employees insurance board brokers

[RCW Indexpage 368] (2016 Ed.)


agents may place business through filings, confidential and not subject to public Unemployment compensation, See
48.15.080 disclosure 48.29.018 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION
annual statement 48.15.110 statistical reporting agent 48.29.017 Unfair competition, See also INSURANCE,
failure to file 48.15.130 Title insurers subtitle Unfair practices
application of other chapters to 48.15.025 administration of chapter, rules 48.29.005 Unfair practices
bond 48.15.070 business inducements 48.29.210 advertisements
business name and place of business ceding of reinsurance permitted 48.05.330 false or deceptive 48.30.040
48.15.103 county tract indexes required 48.29.160 financial condition, must correspond with
diligent effort requirement for exempt defined 48.11.100 filed statement 48.30.070
commercial purchaser 48.15.043 definitions 48.29.010 must show name and domicile of insurer
duties 48.15.103 doing business in more than one county, 48.30.050
examination of Ch. 48.03 restrictions 48.29.040 alteration of application 48.18.070
fiduciary capacity of broker, violations energy conservation payment obligation auto glass repair, restrictions 48.30.340
48.15.180 disclosure requirements 48.29.180 combinations in restraint of trade 48.30.020
license escrow agent, conducting business as compacts prohibited 48.30.020
questions used to determine qualifications 48.29.190 defamation of insurers 48.30.080
and competence, unlawful use of escrow services 48.29.193 denial of claim, unreasonable 48.30.015
48.15.185 exemptions from rate filing 48.19.010 discrimination as 48.18.480, 48.30.020
revocation, suspension, or failure to renew filings 48.29.140, 48.29.147 dividends not to be guaranteed 48.30.100
48.15.140 guaranty fund domestic insurers, corrupt practices at
suspension for failure to comply with additional counties 48.29.040 meetings 48.07.060
support order 48.15.142 guaranty fund deposit requirement 48.29.020 false advertising in organization of company
licensing 48.15.070 investments by 48.29.130 48.06.190
licensure, national database for 48.15.039 ownership interest, return on 48.29.213 false claims or proofs 48.30.230
nonresident 48.15.073 premium rates 48.29.140, 48.29.143 financial condition, advertising of 48.30.070
records of 48.15.100 prohibited from transacting other kinds of financial statements, false 48.30.030
exempt lines 48.15.160 insurance 48.05.330 free insurance 48.30.155
grounds for 48.15.040 prohibited practices 48.29.200 generally 48.30.010
insurer assuming direct risk 48.15.085 qualification of, generally 48.29.020 hypothecation of notes 48.30.200
insurers liability for unearned premium records 48.29.015 inducements, illegal 48.30.150
48.15.085 scope of provisions 48.29.010 interlocking ownership or management
policies, endorsement of 48.15.050 special reserve fund 48.29.120 48.30.250
service of process on surplus line insurer stock insurer, designated as 48.05.330 misleading comparisons, twisting 48.30.180
48.15.150 taxation of 48.29.150 misrepresentation
solvent insurer required 48.15.090 title insurance agents Ch. 48.17 in applications 48.30.210
taxation of 48.15.120 tract indexes, requirements 48.29.020 generally 48.30.040
validity of 48.15.060 Toll bridge projects, insurance for 47.56.230 of policies 48.30.090
Surplus lines contracts Toll bridges name, insurers name by noninsurer
examination by examining bureau 48.19.410 authority to carry insurance on 47.56.050, prohibited 48.30.060
Surrender value 47.56.060
standard provision for 48.23.090, 48.25.110 over insuring interest 48.30.260
where improvement of existing bridge and over-insuring interest 48.27.010
tables of 48.23.090 construction of new bridge as single project
Tax on insurance producers, surplus line brokers, 47.58.050 political contributions prohibited 48.30.110
and title insurance agents 82.04.260 Toll facilities, insurance for authorized, generally premiums, illegal dealing in 48.30.190
Taxes 47.56.070 property insurance, debts or loans 48.30.260
exemptions and deductions 48.14.022 Tontine plans prohibited, life insurance rate control by compact 48.30.020
failure to pay 48.14.060 48.23.340 rate wars 48.30.240
health care, state purchased 48.14.027 Towing, comprehensive for autos, nonrenewal rebates 48.30.140, 48.30.170
insurer premium taxes 43.135.0342, 48.18.292 representations, false, misleading, prohibited
48.14.020 Transplants 48.30.040
premium tax lifetime limit 48.43.680 solicitation for unauthorized insurers
amount of direct premium taxable in this Travel or automobile services or assistance not 48.15.020
state 48.14.090 considered insurance 48.01.250 personal liability for performance of
foreign or alien insurer, withdrawal from Trustee groups, group life insurance 48.24.070 contract, exception 48.15.020
state 48.14.100 Trustees, power to insure trust property twisting 48.30.180
in lieu of other forms of taxation 48.14.080 11.98.070 unfair competition 48.30.010
pension, annuity or profit-sharing plans Trustees or receivers obligations, investments in, willful destruction, secretion, injury to
exempt under internal revenue code, rate See INSURANCE, subtitle Investments property 48.30.220
of tax 48.14.021 Twisting, defined, prohibited 48.30.180 Uniform administrative procedures for health
premiums and prepayments tax 48.14.0201 Unallocated loss expense, distribution care services
prepayment requirements 48.14.025 liability insurance 48.12.100 lead organizations Ch. 48.165
refund of 48.14.070 Unauthorized insurers prior authorization requirements,
retaliatory provisions 48.14.040 adoption of rules by insurance commissioner recommendations 48.165.0301
state preemption 48.14.020 48.15.015 Uniform insurers liquidation act
surplus lines 48.15.120 contracts illegally effectuated, validity of claims
failure to pay 48.15.130 48.15.030 priority and order of distribution of claims
tax statement 48.14.030 definitions 48.15.010 48.31.280
failure to file 48.14.060 exempt lines 48.15.160 dispersal of assets by receiver, procedure
title insurers 48.29.150 insurance in, records of insured subject to 48.31.185
unlawful or delinquent insurers or taxpayers examination 48.15.170 United States, defined 48.05.010
48.14.095 reciprocal law regarding 48.07.150 Unlawful acts
Washington insurance guaranty association, solicitation by, prohibition, remedy 48.15.020 fraud Ch. 48.30A
exemption 48.32.130 personal liability for performance of Valuation of
Temporomandibular joint disorders contract, exception 48.15.020 property held by insurer 48.12.190
optional coverage requirements 48.21.320, Unauthorized insurers, See also INSURANCE, purchase money mortgages held by insurer
48.44.460 subtitle Surplus line coverage 48.12.200
Termination of coverage following issuance of Underground petroleum storage tanks, See standards 48.74.030
liquidation order 48.31.125 POLLUTION LIABILITY INSURANCE stocks held by insurer 48.12.180
Title insurance AGENCY; UNDERGROUND STORAGE Variable contract act Ch. 48.18A
agents TANKS Vehicle insurance, See INSURANCE, subtitle
examination of Ch. 48.03 Underground storage of natural gas, public Motor vehicle insurance
generally Ch. 48.17 liability insurance required 80.40.040 Vendor single-interest or collateral protection
information gathering Underwriters policies, generally 48.18.250 coverage, requirements 48.22.110,

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 369]


48.22.115, 48.22.120, 48.22.125, 48.22.130, fire, casualty, penalty 48.30.220 commissioner may institute proceeding at
48.22.135 Witnesses request of domiciliary state of insurer
Venue expense for 48.03.070 having property in this state 48.31.175
actions against insurers 48.05.220, 48.18.200 subpoena of 48.03.070 formal delinquency proceeding
liquidation, rehabilitation, proceedings in Womens health care services, duties of health commissioner may petition court for
48.31.210 care carriers 48.42.100 48.31.121
Violations Workers compensation, See INDUSTRIAL foreign or alien insurer
duty of commissioner to certify 48.02.080 INSURANCE commissioner may institute proceeding at
surety insurance on public construction Workers compensation insurance request of domiciliary state of insurer
contracts casualty insurance, as part of 48.11.070 having property in this state 48.31.175
exemption 48.30.270 longshoremans and harbor workers insurer may petition for hearing and review
Vouchers for expenditures, domestic insurers compensation coverage 48.31.121
48.07.100 plan creation 48.22.070 immunity from suit and liability, persons
Warranties loss expense, defined 48.12.140 entitled to protection 48.31.115
intervening breach, effect of 48.18.350 loss payments, defined 48.12.140 Deposits of insurers, generally Ch. 48.16
negotiations of insurance contracts 48.18.090 schedule of experience 48.12.110 Deputies, generally 48.02.090
representations, in general 48.18.090 Domestic insurers
Washington death with dignity act INSURANCE COMMISSIONER directors and officers, pecuniary interests,
effect on insurance or annuity policies Actions and proceedings, commissioners duty to restrictions on
70.245.170 bring 48.02.080 exceptions, authority to make 48.07.130
Washington insurance guaranty association Actions by or against, duty of attorney general organization of, generally Ch. 48.06
actions to prevent insolvency 48.32.110 and prosecuting attorney 48.02.080 Duties
board of directors Alien insurers delegation of 48.02.100
reimbursement for expenses 48.32.050 domestication agreement generally 48.02.060
selection 48.32.050 commissioners approval of corporate publication of material 48.02.180
claims proceedings 48.35.190 special 48.02.160
obligation for, limitation 48.32.060 necessary authorizations 48.35.180 Election of 48.02.010
order of recovery 48.32.100 domestication of insurer Employees and deputies
creation of association 48.32.040 commissioners approval required 48.35.170 conflict of interests 48.02.090
credit against premium tax for assessments for deposits, effect on 48.35.200 delegation of duties to 48.02.100
payment of claims 48.32.145 transfer of assets 48.35.200 employment, generally 48.02.090
definitions 48.32.030 when effective 48.35.200 Employer health plans, registered
duties and powers of the commissioner state authorization to conduct business uniform benefits package constitutes
48.32.080 required 48.35.050 minimum benefits that may be offered by
effect of paid claims 48.32.090 trust agreement plan 43.72.090
examination by the commissioner 48.32.120 amendment of 48.35.070 Enforcement of orders 48.02.080
insolvency, prevention of 48.32.110 creation, commissioners approval of trust Examinations
insurers insolvency pool, termination, agreement required 48.35.060 duty to conduct, generally Ch. 48.03
distribution 48.32.170 withdrawal of commissioners approval general power to make 48.02.060
no liability for performance of powers and 48.35.080 Examinations, See also INSURANCE, subtitle
duties under this chapter 48.32.150 trusteed assets Examinations
nonduplication of recovery 48.32.100 assignment or transfer of, commissioners False or misleading information to, prohibition
plan of operation for the association 48.32.070 approval required 48.35.120 48.19.390
powers and duties 48.32.060 compensation and expenses of trustee Fees to be collected, schedule 48.14.010
setting aside of default judgments against 48.35.150 Fire marshal, See FIRE MARSHAL, STATE
insolvent insurers 48.32.160 creation, commissioners approval of trust Fixed payment insurance, report 48.43.650
stay of all proceedings against insolvent agreement required 48.35.060 Flooding
insurer 48.32.160 examination by commissioner 48.35.120 excess flood insurance, joint underwriting
tax exemption 48.32.130 substitution of trustee 48.35.140 association for Ch. 48.164
Washington insurance guaranty association act trustees statement, filing requirements Health care authority ombuds 48.02.093
sales promotions prohibited 48.30.075 48.35.110 Health care disputes
Washington life and disability insurance withdrawals, commissioners approval independent review organizations 48.43.537
guaranty association act required 48.35.130 Health care service contractors
assessments 48.32A.085 Annual report 48.02.170 duties in regard to 48.44.090
assessments, credits and tax offsets Attorney for foreign or alien insurers, insolvency
48.32A.125 appointment of commissioner as 48.05.200 plan for handling required, review by
association, board of directors 48.32A.065 Bond of 48.02.030 commissioner 48.44.055
association, creation 48.32A.055 Cancellation notice, no liability, slander or libel supervisory duties 48.44.033
association, examination and annual report 48.30.330, 48.44.270 minimum net worth requirements
48.32A.145 Cease and desist orders 48.02.080 authority to establish review standards
association, powers and duties 48.32A.075 Certificates issued by, generally 48.02.130 48.44.037
commissioner, duties and powers 48.32A.105 Certificates of authority, See INSURANCE, Health care services
construction 48.32A.035 subtitle Certificates of authority generally Ch. 48.44
coverage and limitation 48.32A.025 Certified health plans uniform administrative procedures Ch. 48.165
definitions 48.32A.045 certification Health maintenance organizations
immunity 48.32A.165 required to provide the uniform benefits insolvency
insolvencies, prevention 48.32A.115 package and supplemental benefits commissioners duties 48.46.247
miscellaneous provisions 48.32A.135 43.72.090 supervisory duties 48.46.225
plan of operation 48.32A.095 uniform benefits package constitutes minimum net worth requirements 48.46.235,
purpose 48.32A.015 minimum benefits that may be offered by 48.46.237
sales promotions prohibited 48.30.075, plan 43.72.090 Health plans
48.32A.185 Code, publication of 48.02.180 insurance reform Ch. 48.43
stay of proceedings, judgments 48.32A.175 College, supervisory, for certain domestic prior authorization requirements
tax exemptions 48.32A.155 insurers recommendations, lead organization and
Water recreation facilities commissioner participation 48.31B.037 work group to develop 48.165.0301
insurance required 70.90.230 Consumer protection 48.02.160 Hearings
Water-sewer districts Cooperation with other states 48.02.140 general power to hold 48.02.060
authority to provide health care, group, and Credit transaction insurance, approval 48.34.100 Hearings, See also INSURANCE, subtitle
life insurance 57.08.100 Definition 48.02.010 Hearings
liability insurance for officers and employees Delinquency proceedings Injunctions by 48.02.080
57.08.105 commencement by commissioner 48.31.111 Insurance commissioner regulatory account
Willful destruction, secretion, injury, of property foreign or alien insurer 48.02.190
insured against formal delinquency proceeding Insurer holding companies

[RCW Indexpage 370] (2016 Ed.)


regulation of, powers and duties Ch. 48.31B Reinsurance, credit for The Evergreen State College, buildings and
Interest in insurance companies limited commissioner role Ch. 48.12 facilities bonds 28B.35.730
48.02.090 Reinsurance intermediaries The Evergreen State College, refunding
Interstate cooperation 48.02.140 regulation of, powers and duties Ch. 48.94 bonds 28B.35.770
Investigations, power to make 48.02.060 Risk management regional universities, buildings and facilities
Investments of insurers framework and own risk and solvency bonds 28B.35.730
commissioner role Ch. 48.13 assessment (ORSA) regional universities, refunding bonds
Libel or slander, no liability, cancellation notice commissioner role Ch. 48.05A 28B.35.770
48.30.330, 48.44.270 Rural health care insurance University of Washington1957 act
Life settlements Ch. 48.102 rural health care service arrangements 28B.20.715
Liquidation of insurers 48.31.050, 48.31.060, rule-making authority 48.45.030 refunding bonds 28B.20.730
48.31.070 Salary, amount of 43.03.010 Washington State University 1961 bond
Liquidation proceedings Schools and school districts issue act 28B.30.730
commencement 48.31.190 health insurance benefits, insurance community and technical college buildings
domiciliary liquidator commissioner report concerning 48.02.210 and facilities 28B.50.350
vesting of title to assets and property in, Seal of 48.02.050 community renewal bonds 35.81.100
commissioners duties 48.31.171 Self-service storage insurance producers Ch. county
Long-term care partnership program 48.170 hospital bonds 36.62.070
consumer education program 48.85.040 Service contracts Ch. 48.110 revenue bonds
financing of long-term care through private Service of process funding and refunding 36.67.560
insurance and medicaid funds 48.85.010 foreign or alien insurers, acting as attorney, road improvement districts 36.88.140,
insurance policy criteria 48.85.030 service on commissioner 48.05.200 36.88.200
protection of participant assets 48.85.020 service of legal process against a person on the county assistance, transportation, department
Managing general agents commissioner 48.02.200 of 36.76.140
regulation of, powers and duties Ch. 48.98 surplus line brokers 48.15.150 diking and drainage
Market conduct oversight Ch. 48.37 State fire marshal, See FIRE MARSHAL,
Medicare supplemental health insurance bond issues 85.07.070
STATE fire protection districts
commissioners approval required before State of emergency
issuance or use of policy, form, rider, or local improvement district bonds 52.20.060
authority of commissioner 48.02.060 housing authority bonds 35.82.140
endorsement 48.66.035 Supplies, printing, furniture, etc., power to
conformity with federal law, authority of irrigation districts
procure 48.02.150 refunding bonds 87.22.150
commissioner to make necessary rules Term of office 43.01.010, 48.02.020
48.66.165 revenue bonds 87.28.020
Unearned premium reserves, increasing metropolitan municipal corporations
Midwife and birth center malpractice insurance 48.12.080
joint underwriting association Ch. 48.87 funding and refunding bond issues 35.58.470
Violations of code, duty to certify 48.02.080 general obligation bonds 35.58.450
Mortality tables, duty to obtain and publish Washington insurance guaranty association
48.02.160 revenue bonds 35.58.460
Motor vehicle insurance actions to prevent insolvency 48.32.110 municipal airport bonds 14.08.112
personal injury protection benefits duties and powers 48.32.080 municipal bonds, sold to United States
rule-making authority of commissioner examination 48.32.120 government 39.48.010
48.22.105 insolvency, prevention of 48.32.110 municipal revenue bonds 35.41.030
Names Workers compensation municipal water redemption bonds 35.89.020
documents filed affecting, notice requirements longshoremans and harbor workers port district revenue bonds 35.40.030,
48.02.122 compensation coverage 53.40.110, 53.40.130
Oath of office 43.01.020 plan creation 48.22.070 port district toll facilities, revenue bonds
Office location 48.02.110 INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (See 53.34.030, 53.34.040, 53.34.060
Operating costs of office RODENTS AND PESTS) public utility general obligation bonds
regulatory surcharge 48.02.190 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 35.92.080
Orders City and town taxation 35.21.855 public utility revenue bonds 35.92.100
cease and desist 48.02.080 Counterfeit marks Ch. 9.16 revenue bonds, issuance at greater interest rate
enforcement of 48.02.080 Unauthorized reproduction or copy than that contained in ballot, resolution or
Personal coverage penalty Ch. 9.16 ordinance, authorized 39.90.050
authority of commissioner 48.42.010 school district bonds, validated and ratified
lack of coverage, must advise purchasers INTENT indebtedness 28A.535.050
48.42.050 Defined, for Criminal Code 9A.08.010 school refunding bonds 28A.530.040
regulation Fraud, intent to defraud any person sufficient sewerage system revenue bonds 35.67.140
examination by commissioner to determine 10.58.040 state toll bridge bonds 47.58.040
if in compliance 48.42.030 Logging liens, error in claim intent to defraud toll bridge bonds 47.56.140
if unable to show other regulation subject to 60.24.160 water-sewer districts Ch. 57.20
insurance commissioner 48.42.040 Murder, first degree 9A.32.030 Bonds issues
jurisdiction belongs with another agency, Unlawful issuance of checks or drafts, county
how shown 48.42.020 presumption 9A.56.060 revenue bonds 36.67.530
Pharmacy benefit managers INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE FOR Cities and towns
insurance commissioner regulatory role Ch. OUTDOOR RECREATION (See
19.340 bonds, interest on, paid out of the general
RECREATION AND CONSERVATION revenues of the city 35.45.030
delegation of 48.02.100 improvement bonds, interest on payment from
generally 48.02.060 INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT general revenues 35.45.065
Public meetings, notices of, contained in state BANK local improvement assessments
register 34.08.020 Savings banks, investment in obligations of limitations upon 35.49.030
Receiver, commissioner as 32.20.215 lowland filling 35.55.100
capacity of commissioner as receiver INTERCOUNTY RIVER IMPROVEMENT local improvement guaranty fund 35.54.030
48.31.025, 48.34.100, 48.99.017 FUND (See PUBLIC FUNDS, subtitle public utility bonds 35.92.150
confidentiality of documents and other Counties) water redemption bonds 35.89.070
information 48.31.025, 48.34.100, Consumer leases not loan or forbearance, when
Records and documents DISTRICTS (See LIBRARIES) Consumer loan act Ch. 31.04
confidentiality 48.02.065 INTEREST County bond issues
copies as evidence 48.02.130 Banks designated as public depositaries, county roads and bridges 36.76.120
generally 48.02.120 contracts as to 35.38.040 coupon interest payments on registered bonds
public inspection 48.02.120 Bond issues 39.44.120
Rehabilitation of insurers 48.31.030, 48.31.040, airport funding or refunding bonds 14.08.114 County warrants
48.31.045 colleges and universities interest rate 39.56.020

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 371]


Debts, contracts and obligations of state, colleges payment not timely component agencies responsibilities, effect
and political subdivisions, declared legal attorney fees 39.76.040 on the agreement 39.34.030
regardless of interest rate 39.90.060 exceptions 39.76.020 cooperative action, requirement, effect
Debts owed to state source of funds for payment of penalties 39.34.030
interest rate, exceptions 43.17.240 39.76.030 criminal justice responsibilities 39.34.180
Depositaries Public debts, contracts and obligations, declared effect 39.34.030
public, qualified, rate, how fixed 43.85.190 legal regardless of interest rate 39.90.060 filing 39.34.040
state Public warrants joint action, requirement, effect 39.34.030
prohibition by federal statute, effect rate fixed by issuing officer 39.56.030 submission
43.85.220 Qualified public depositaries 43.85.190 to state agencies or offices 39.34.050
Ejectment and quieting title actions rate, how fixed 43.85.190 Air pollution control, authorities, application
action against tenant on failure to pay rent term deposits 43.85.230 39.34.020
7.28.250 Rate Appropriation of funds by participating agencies
counterclaims for permanent improvements in absence of agreement 19.52.010 39.34.060
and taxes paid 7.28.160, 7.28.180 computation, published in register 19.52.025, Architectural or engineering services, joint
Eminent domain verdicts 34.08.020 utilization by public agencies 39.34.030
interest rate established, suspension during maximum 19.52.020 Bus service, agreements between cities or towns
pendency of appeal 8.28.040 written agreement 19.52.010 or counties or combination thereof,
Execution, redemption from sales on, interest Redemption authority, limitation 39.34.085
rates 6.23.020, 6.23.110 agricultural lands, lien on crops 6.23.110
execution sale, rates 6.23.020, 6.23.110 Component agencies, responsibilities, effect on
Foreign judgments, enforcement of, uniform act the agreement 39.34.030
6.36.140 Retail installment sales
High risk consumers loans Ch. 31.04 enumeration of in contract, mandatory Constitutionally prohibited powers not granted
Insurance policy loans 63.14.040 39.34.110
rate 48.23.085 excluded from usury law 19.52.100 Contracts
rate limitations 48.23.080 maximum amount of service charge 63.14.120 perform governmental activities which each
Insurance premium financing, generally Ch. maximum permitted, service charge agency has power to perform 39.34.080
48.56 63.14.130 power regarding contracts for electricity and
Joint operating agencies, advancements to School buildings and plants bond issues, See utilities not affected 39.34.090
agency by members 43.52.391 SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS, Criminal justice responsibilities 3.50.815,
Judgments subtitle Buildings and plants, state aid 39.34.180
rate 4.56.110, 4.56.111 Setup charges 19.52.020 Definitions 39.34.020
writ of execution to include 6.17.110 State moneys in qualified public depositaries Discrimination, processing of complaints by
Judgments against state, political subdivision, or 43.85.190 state board against 49.60.226
municipal corporations, torts 4.56.115 Teachers retirement funds 41.50.215 Effect of agreement on component agencies
Judgments or orders, vacation and modification Teachers retirement system salary deductions 39.34.030
of, denial of, interest on former judgment or 41.32.042 Electricity, contracting powers concerning
order 4.72.090 Usury preserved 39.34.090
Judicial sale, announcement of 6.21.090 agent, effect on principal 19.52.030 Emergencies, mutual aid 39.34.230
Lease-purchase agreements not loan or consumer protection act, application Federal loans and grants, power to accept
forbearance, when 19.52.010 19.52.036 39.34.070
Local improvement bond issues, cities and towns consumer transactions 19.52.080 Filing agreements 39.34.040
35.45.020 declaratory judgment to establish 19.52.032 Financial management, director of, duties
Local improvement guaranty fund 35.54.030 defense, exceptions 19.52.080 relating to fiscal procedures 39.34.140
Maximum rate 19.52.020 defense of usury prohibited in transactions Financing of joint projects 39.34.070
Mobile home purchase, chapter inapplicable occurring after May 1, 1980 and before Fire protection districts
19.52.160 March 1, 1981 19.52.090 application 39.34.020
Negotiable instruments 62A.3-112 loan made outside of state, application state or municipally owned property in or
Partition proceedings, investment of proceeds on 19.52.034 adjacent to, contracts for fire protection
sale of property, on 7.52.400 penalty 19.52.030 services 52.30.020
clerks duties 7.52.430 retail charge agreements, installment Fiscal
Pawnbrokers, rate of interest and fees 19.60.060 contracts, assignees, exclusion 19.52.130 advanced funds, limitations on use 39.34.160
Payment agreements retail installment transactions excluded from advancement of funds to other agencies,
state and local government authority to enter usury law 19.52.100 authority 39.34.150
into sales contracts, deferred payment of purchase construction of fiscal policies 39.34.170
authority cumulative 39.96.080 price, excluded from usury law 19.52.120 reimbursement of advanced funds, exception
calculations regarding payment of securities brokers-dealers, exclusion 39.34.130
obligations 39.96.060 19.52.110
validity of contract, effect 19.52.030 reimbursement procedures, transfers on books
credit enhancement or similar agreements, in state treasurers office 39.34.140
authority to make in connection with Warrants, unpaid school warrants Ch. 39.56
Wills 11.12.220 Funds appropriated by participating agency
payment agreement 39.96.050 39.34.060
definitions 39.96.020 INTERGOVERNMENTAL
findings 39.96.010 Grants, authority to receive 39.34.070
COOPERATION (See also High school students enrolled in technical
payment sources 39.96.050 INTERLOCAL COOPERATION)
status of payments 39.96.060 colleges
Ecology department duties 43.21A.140, basic education allocation to serving college
terms and conditions of agreements 43.21A.150
39.96.040 rather than school district 28A.150.275
Electric power resources development Indian tribe as public agency under 39.34.020
state and local governments authority to enter 43.21A.605
into International fire code, administration and
Public defender system, creation and financing enforcement 19.27.110
authorization and conditions for entry into 36.26.020
agreement 39.96.030 Interstate agreements, status as interstate
Shoreline management 90.58.050 compacts 39.34.040
Payment of conditioned to satisfaction of Shoreline management act 90.58.250
judgment 4.56.100 Irrigation districts
Water pollution control 90.48.153, 90.48.156
Permanent common school fund Water supply projects 90.54.150 mutual aid agreements for emergency
losses borne by state, interest 28A.515.310 assistance 87.03.870
Postsecondary school loans INTERLAKE SCHOOL (See STATE Loans, authority to accept 39.34.070
rates allowed to nonprofit corporations INSTITUTIONS) Parties in interest, actions and proceedings
24.03.480 INTERLOCAL COOPERATION (See also 39.34.040
Prices or rates in excess of published rates, INTERGOVERNMENTAL Personnel, property, and services, provision by
interest 19.52.060 COOPERATION) participating agencies 39.34.060
Property taxes, interest, penalties, costs on Actions and proceedings, real party in interest Powers
delinquent taxes 19.52.140 39.34.040 contracting for electricity or utility,
Public contracts Agreements preservation of 39.34.090

[RCW Indexpage 372] (2016 Ed.)


contracts to perform governmental activities INTERNATIONAL REGISTRATION PLAN advisory group on digital inclusion and
each agency authorized to perform (See MOTOR VEHICLES, subtitle technology planning 43.330.421
39.34.080 Proportional registration, international) availability reporting and state agency
joint powers 39.34.030 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS infrastructure surveying 43.330.403
prohibited by the Constitution, not affected by Citizens exchange program 43.07.350 broadband deployment and adoption,
act 39.34.110 International relations and protocol, office of including governors actions 43.330.418
supplemental nature of chapter 39.34.100 authority of office 43.290.020 broadband mapping, deployment, and
Public agency, defined, application of chapter created 43.290.010 adoption 43.330.409
39.34.020 finding and purpose 43.290.005 broadband mapping activities and account
Public purchase agreements Legislative committee on economic development 43.330.400
and international relations Ch. 43.15 community technology opportunity program
public benefit nonprofit corporations may 43.330.412
enter into participation agreement with INTERNATIONAL SERVICES
department of enterprise services 39.34.055 community technology opportunity account
Tax imposed 43.330.415
Purpose 39.34.010 credit against tax due, conditions 82.04.44525 geographic information system map
Rail districts 36.60.030 43.330.403, 43.330.406
Responsibilities of component agencies, effect INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE
Complaints 19.166.080 transferring certain powers, duties, and
on the agreement 39.34.030 functions to department of commerce from
Consumer protection act, application 19.166.100
Rural public hospital districts 39.34.030 Definitions 19.166.020 department of information services
School districts, joint purchasing associations, Higher education international exchange 43.330.910
mortgaging of property, authority scholarship program Ch. 28B.109 Internet crimes against children
28A.335.100 Informational document, distribution and account 43.101.435
Schools contents 19.166.070 Prostitution, advertising on internet
requirements 39.34.030 Organizations penalties and fees 9.68A.106
Status of interstate agreements as interstate registration fee 19.166.060 Social networking
compacts 39.34.040 registration with secretary of state 19.166.030, personal employee accounts, restricting
Submission of agreements to 19.166.040 employer access to 49.44.200, 49.44.205
state offices and agencies, when 39.34.050 standards 19.166.050 INTERNMENT BY ENEMY
Transactions suspension of license or certificate for support Federal missing persons act, written finding of
account transfers 39.34.140 order noncompliance 19.166.040 federal officer or employee prima facie
charging at costs 39.34.130 Registration fee 19.166.060 evidence 5.40.030
Utility contracting powers of agencies not Registration of organizations with secretary of INTERNSHIP PROGRAM (See
affected 39.34.090 state 19.166.030, 19.166.040 GOVERNOR, subtitle Internship
Watershed management partnerships Rule-making authority of secretary of state program)
eminent domain authority 39.34.215 19.166.060
Standards for organizations 19.166.050 INTERPLEADER
Watershed management plan projects Superintendent of public instruction Actions to determine conflicting claims to
formation 39.34.200, 39.34.220 to make information available to school property 4.08.160
indebtedness, bonds 39.34.210 districts annually regarding exchange Contracts, actions on 4.08.150
use of water-related revenues 39.34.190 programs 28A.300.240 Deposit of property and disclaimer 4.08.170
Violations of chapter, application of consumer Ejectment and quieting title actions, substitution
INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT (See of landlord in action against tenant 7.28.110
EDUCATIONAL SERVICE protection act 19.166.100
Violations of chapter constitute misdemeanor Service by publication, when 4.28.100
19.166.090 Substitution and interpleader 4.08.150
INTERMENT (See BURIAL AND Trial of issue on conflicting claims 4.08.180
Agricultural marketing INTERPRETATION (See RULES OF
INTERNAL REVENUE department of agriculture powers and duties CONSTRUCTION)
Charitable trusts 43.23.035 INTERPRETERS
tax reform act of 1969 Companies investing in Washington Educational interpreters
application to 11.110.200 excise tax incentives 43.330.068 standards, adoption of 28A.410.271
Federal employer identification numbers and Countries of strategic importance to states Hearing or speech impaired persons involved in
documents, state agency authority to issue international trade relations, identification legal proceedings, for Ch. 2.42
19.02.300 43.330.065 Juvenile court
Federal employer identification numbers and International commercial arbitration Ch. 7.05 administer to obtain for non-English-speaking
federal documents, state agency authority to Joint legislative oversight committee on trade youth and families 13.04.043
issue 43.22.550, 50.12.045 policy Ch. 44.55 Juvenile diversion agreements
Lien, See LIENS, subtitle Internal revenue taxes Office of Washington state trade representative, provision in hearings and negotiations
Marital deduction purpose and authority Ch. 43.332 13.40.080
construction of certain marital deduction INTERNET (See also STATE Legal proceedings
formula bequests 11.108.040 DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES, hearing or speech impaired persons involved
Marital deduction gift subtitle Information technology) in Ch. 2.42
compliance with internal revenue code Business and occupation tax on services non-English-speaking persons involved in Ch.
11.108.020 82.04.297 2.43
City or town taxation or fees on access 35.21.717 Non-English-speaking persons
trust governance 11.108.050
Cyberbullying appointment in legal proceedings involving
INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR prevention and response, school instruction in juvenile court proceedings 13.04.043
RECONSTRUCTION AND 28A.650.045 practices, procedures, code of ethics Ch. 2.43
DEVELOPMENT Digital assets in custody of internet service Phone interpretation services
Savings banks may invest in obligations of providers schools, use by, for communication with
32.20.210 uniform fiduciary access to digital assets act parents, guardians, and family
ARBITRATION Digital citizenship, internet safety, and media Public assistance
literacy, school instruction in 28A.650.045 bilingual services 74.04.025
Comprehensive provisions Ch. 7.05 School districts
Electronic impersonation
INTERNATIONAL MATCHMAKING invasion of privacy, action for 4.24.790 model family language access policy and
ORGANIZATIONS E-mail procedure 28A.345.032
Consumer protection act 19.220.030 cyberstalking 9.61.260 INTERROGATORIES
Definitions 19.220.010 unpermitted or misleading commercial Judgment debtor, required to answer 6.32.015
Dissemination of information 19.220.010 messages, prohibition Ch. 19.190 Legislative hearings and inquiries 44.16.060
Intent 19.220.005 High-speed internet services Secretary of state
Jurisdiction 19.220.020 accountability and oversight 43.330.406 corporations

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 373]


nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual Pacific marine fisheries compact Ch. 77.75 employees retirement funds, legislative guide
corporations Pest control compact Ch. 17.34 line 41.28.085
confidential 24.06.475 Washington-Oregon boundary on Columbia funds of 35.38.040
INTERSECTION river, interstate compact determining Ch. local improvement fund 35.55.150, 35.55.160
Reduction of speed required at 46.61.400 43.58 local improvement installment notes
Western interstate nuclear compact 43.21F.400, 35.45.150
INTERSTATE 43.21F.405, 43.21F.410, 43.21F.415, local improvement bonds for repayment of
Common carrier charges for interstate travel, See 43.21F.420 35.45.150
TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES, Western regional higher education compact Ch. metropolitan municipal corporation
subtitle Common carriers 28B.70 obligations 35.58.510
Telephone and telegraph company charges for Western regional short haul air transportation pension fund 35.39.060
interstate calls or messages, See PUBLIC compact Ch. 81.96 securities 35.39.070
UTILITIES, subtitle Telegraph companies; Wildlife violator compact Ch. 77.75 Cities and towns, See also CITIES AND
PUBLIC UTILITIES, subtitle Telephone TOWNS, subtitle Fiscal matters
SYSTEMS Cities of first class employees retirement fund
INTERSTATE AGREEMENTS (See also Exempted from motor freight carrier laws 41.28.080
INTERSTATE COMPACTS) 81.80.040 Colleges and universities
Adoption of children with special needs investment authority, generally 28B.10.928
74.13A.090, 74.13A.095, 74.13A.100, INTERVENTION Common trust funds, uniform act Ch. 11.102
74.13A.105, 74.13A.110, 74.13A.115, County boundary determinations, affected
residents 36.05.030 Community and technical colleges
74.13A.120, 74.13A.125 investment authority, generally 28B.10.928
Detainers Ch. 9.100 Utilities and transportation commission where
rule or order involved, judgment void, when investment of surplus funds 43.250.010,
Educational personnel qualifications, interstate 43.250.020
agreement on Ch. 28A.690 81.04.420
Community renewal bonds 35.81.110
Emergency management INTESTATE SUCCESSION (See DESCENT Counties
mutual aid and interlocal agreements AND DISTRIBUTION) authorized investments 36.29.020, Ch. 39.59
38.52.091 INTOXICATING LIQUOR (See expenses 36.29.024
Mental health and developmental disabilities ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES) limitations 36.29.020
services 71.28.010 tax refund warrants 36.33.070, 36.33.080,
Parolees, out-of-state supervision 9.95.270 INTOXICATION
Defense to criminal prosecution 9A.16.090 36.33.090, 36.33.100
Unclaimed property 63.29.330 United States bonds 36.33.190
Uniform interstate family support act Ch. 26.21A INTRASTATE BUILDING SAFETY Executors and administrators
associated foreign order provisions 4.24.820 MUTUAL AID SYSTEM (See community renewal obligations 35.81.110
Wildlife violator compact Ch. 77.75 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS) metropolitan municipal corporation
Alcoholic beverages, transportation 66.12.030 INVASIVE SPECIES (See FISH AND United States corporation bonds authorized, in
Milk pooling act FISHING; FISH AND WILDLIFE, 39.60.010
milk control between states 15.35.090 DEPARTMENT OF) Federal home owners loan corporation bonds,
Motor vehicle fleets operating interstate, valid investment for trust funds 39.60.010
highway user tax structure, See MOTOR INVASIVE SPECIES COUNCIL Fiduciary trust fund investments, See
VEHICLES, subtitle Fleets, operating Recreation and conservation funding board INVESTMENTS, subtitle Trust funds by
interstate, highway user tax structure creation of council, provisions Ch. 79A.25 fiduciaries
Motor vehicle highway user tax structure, See INVENTIONS Fish marketing associations 24.36.330
MOTOR VEHICLES, subtitle Reciprocal or Employees rights Freight mobility strategic investment program
proportional registration conditions 49.44.140 and board Ch. 47.06A
Motor vehicles in combination, maximum length disclosure at time of employment 49.44.150 Funds, trust 39.60.050
46.44.030 Housing authority bonds, authorized as legal
INVENTORY (See also APPRAISERS AND investments 35.82.220
INTERSTATE AGREEMENTS) Absentees estates 11.80.020 Industrial insurance funds 51.44.100
Adult offender supervision 9.94A.745, Appraisement, See APPRAISERS AND Insurance, life, purchased with trust funds
9.94A.74501, 9.94A.74502, 9.94A.74503, APPRAISALS 11.100.120
9.94A.74504, 9.94A.74505 Attachment, sheriff, by 6.25.160 Insurance companies, See INSURANCE,
Boating offense compact Ch. 88.01 Personal representatives subtitle Investments
Coastal ecosystems compact and agreements Ch. partnership interests of decedent 11.64.002 International investment management services
77.75 Probate tax imposed 82.04.290, 82.04.293
Columbia river compact Ch. 77.75 partnership interests of decedent 11.64.002 Investment advisers, See SECURITIES, subtitle
Corrections State equipment 43.19.1917 Investment adviser
interstate corrections compact Ch. 72.74 State land resources Investment of trust funds
intrastate corrections compact Ch. 72.76 office of financial management commercial accounts 11.100.037
western interstate corrections compact Ch. responsibilities 43.19.805 savings accounts
72.70 collateral security 11.100.037
Driver license compact Ch. 46.21 INVESTIGATIONS Investment securities Art. 62A.8
Emergency management assistance compact Ch. Fires, investigation and police power 43.44.050 Law enforcement officers and firefighters
38.10 Police funds
Insurance product regulation Ch. 48.130 prosecuting standards 9.94A.411 duties of director of retirement systems
Interstate library compact Ch. 27.18 INVESTMENT ADVISERS (See 41.50.055
Interstate placement of children compact Ch. SECURITIES, subtitle Investment Life insurance, purchase authorized with trust
26.34 adviser) funds 11.100.120
Juveniles, interstate compact on Ch. 13.24 INVESTMENT PROJECTS Local government surplus public funds
Live horse racing compact Ch. 67.17 Community empowerment zones Ch. 82.60 generally, including separate accounting Ch.
Low-level radioactive waste management, Tax deferral program Ch. 82.60 43.250
northwest interstate compact on Ch. 43.145 Local governments, authorized investments,
Mental health, interstate compact Ch. 72.27 INVESTMENT SECURITIES (See generally Ch. 39.59
Militia, compacts with other states for guarding UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE, Metropolitan municipal corporation obligations,
boundaries 38.08.100 subtitle Investment securities) authorized for public deposits 35.58.510
National guard mutual assistance counter-drug INVESTMENTS Metropolitan municipal corporations, investment
activities compact 38.08.500 Banks, See BANKS AND BANKING, subtitle of surplus funds 35.58.520
Nonresident violator compact Ch. 46.23 Investments Mutual savings banks, authorized investments,
Oil compact commission, governor may join Bonds, notes and debentures of banks, savings See SAVINGS BANKS, subtitle
43.06.015 and loan associations 39.60.050 Investments
Oregon-Washington boundary compact Ch. Cities and towns Partition proceedings, See PARTITION, subtitle
43.58 authorized investments Ch. 39.59 Investments

[RCW Indexpage 374] (2016 Ed.)


Port district toll facility bonds and notes as legal acquisition of property and rights 54.16.020, Board of directors
investments 53.34.150 54.16.030 immunity
Probate estates, See PROBATE, subtitle survey and plans for 54.16.010 good faith performance of duties 87.03.138
Investment of estate Railroads, authority to construct irrigation canals lawful disposal of sewage and waste by
Public funds and ditches 81.36.130 others 87.03.139
investment in bonds and securities of United Reclamation districts of one million acres or meetings, regular and special 87.03.115
States, state, counties, cities and towns, and more Ch. 89.30 organization of 87.03.115
school districts Ch. 43.84 United States water rights Ch. 90.40 powers and duties 87.03.115
Retirement and pensions, cities of first class, Wastewater Bond issues
employees retirement fund 41.28.080 reclaimed water use Ch. 90.46 certification of
Savings associations, See SAVINGS Water rights generally Ch. 87.25
ASSOCIATIONS, subtitle Investments ground waters determination and elections 87.03.200
Savings banks, See SAVINGS BANKS, subtitle appropriation Ch. 90.44 federal agencies, rights to 87.03.235
Investments registration, waiver, and relinquishment Ch. generally 87.03.200, 87.03.210, 87.03.215
Schools and school districts 90.14 interest on 87.03.430
insurance reserve of first class district surface waters, determination and judicial confirmation of proceedings
28A.330.110 appropriation Ch. 90.03 87.03.780, 87.03.785, 87.03.790,
Securities, See SECURITIES Water rights, See WATER AND WATER 87.03.795, 87.03.800, 87.03.805
State investment board Ch. 43.33A RIGHTS lien enforcement, extent of liability 87.03.215
Statewide city employees retirement system Yakima river basin integrated water resource local improvement districts 87.03.515
funds 41.44.100 management plan Ch. 90.38 payment of, generally 87.03.430
Title insurance, how authorized 48.29.130 Yakima river basin water rights Ch. 90.38 payments 87.03.215
Trust funds IRRIGATION AND REHABILITATION proposed works
liability of persons acting for designated DISTRICTS (See IRRIGATION exclusiveness of method 87.03.205
trustee 11.100.130 DISTRICTS, subtitle Irrigation and generally 87.03.200
life insurance purchase, authorized rehabilitation districts) refunding1923 act
11.100.120 authority for 87.22.010
IRRIGATION COMPANIES election 87.19.010, 87.19.020
Trust funds by fiduciaries Railroads, authority to own securities of
application of chapter 11.100.050 exchanging or selling 87.19.050
irrigation companies 81.36.120 exclusiveness of methods 87.19.005
authorized investments Ch. 11.100 Reports of revenue, fees 80.24.010
buying or selling for self or affiliate prohibited generally 87.19.030
11.100.090 IRRIGATION DISTRICTS (See also hearing 87.22.050
community renewal obligations 35.81.110 PUBLIC WATERWAY DISTRICTS; series
criteria to be followed 11.100.020 WATER DISTRIBUTION DISTRICTS) series 87.19.040
deviation from instrument, court permission Acquisition of water districts, when 87.03.015 refunding1929 act
11.100.040 Actions by and against 87.03.155 appellate review 87.22.090
eligible securities Ch. 11.100 Assessments assessments 87.22.230, 87.22.240,
claims 87.03.440 87.22.245, 87.22.250
estate guardian funds are trust funds benefits
11.100.015 collection, assessment statement, records
87.03.270 determination 87.22.080
governed by this chapter 11.100.010 schedule of maximum 87.22.040
instrument contracts with United States
cancellation procedure 87.03.280 bond fund, excess 87.22.270
authorized investment, defined 11.100.070 generally Ch. 87.68 bond owners rights 87.22.275
legal investment, defined 11.100.070 county treasurers fees for handling, contents 87.22.170
instrument creating trust controlling collecting, dispersing, and accounting for elections 87.22.120, 87.22.125, 87.22.130,
deviation upon court permission 11.100.040 special assessments, fees, rates, or charges 87.22.140
investment trust or company securities, 36.29.180 exchange of bonds 87.22.145
authorized investment 11.100.035 delinquency charge, when 87.03.270 foreclosed land, sale or lease of 87.22.260
jurisdiction of court 11.100.040 deputy secretary for 87.03.245 form 87.22.150
metropolitan municipal corporation securities director divisions 87.04.100 hearing 87.22.070
35.58.510 evidence of 87.03.420 institution of proceedings, when 87.22.020
prudent investor rule 11.100.020 how made 87.03.240, 87.03.250, 87.03.255, irrigable acreage, determination 87.22.085
savings accounts 87.03.260 judgments 87.22.100, 87.22.105, 87.22.110
collateral security 11.100.030 lien of 87.03.265, 87.03.271 judicial confirmation 87.22.280
federally insured 11.100.030, 11.100.037 local improvement districts 87.03.495 notice 87.22.060, 87.22.065
self-dealing prohibited 11.100.090 payment 87.03.275, 87.03.277 payment 87.22.150, 87.22.160, 87.22.165,
United States corporation bonds valid public lands lying within district 87.03.025 87.22.210, 87.22.215
investment 39.60.010 refunded bonds 87.22.230, 87.22.240, petition 87.22.030
Trustees 87.22.245, 87.22.250 priority 87.22.200
persons acting in place of, liability 11.100.130 secretary registration 87.22.175, 87.22.190
powers as to investment 11.98.070 assessments, collection procedure 87.03.272 transfer 87.22.170
United States corporation bonds, valid collection agent, when, bond 87.03.272 refunding revenue bonds, authorized
investment for trust funds 39.60.010 delinquency list 87.03.272 87.28.150
Urban arterial bonds 47.26.402, 47.26.422 monthly statement to treasurer 87.03.272 revenue bonds
Veterans guardianship, investment of funds of segregation 87.03.285, 87.03.290, 87.03.295, authority 87.28.010
ward 73.36.130 87.03.300, 87.03.305 county treasure, defined 87.28.005
INVOLUNTARY COMMITMENT (See special 87.03.470 election for exception 87.28.103
MENTALLY ILL, subtitle Involuntary tolls as 87.03.445 form and terms 87.28.020
commitment) treasurer, county generally Ch. 87.28
collection agent 87.03.270 legality 87.28.120
IRRIGATION duties, generally 87.03.440 not general debt of district 87.28.040
Appropriation of water for 90.40.020 Assessments, See also IRRIGATION payment limitations 87.28.030, 87.28.110
Artesian wells, provisions relating to use Ch. DISTRICTS, subtitle Fiscal matters payment of, covenants 87.28.108
90.36 Association of districts resolutions for 87.28.120
Dams cooperation and coordination by agencies Ch. sale 87.28.070
authorization 90.28.170 87.76 special fund
Ditches Association of districts, See also IRRIGATION amount payable to 87.28.100
limitation on number 90.28.040 DISTRICTS, subtitle Joint control special fund or funds
Environmental impact statements Bankruptcy readjustment and relief from debts amount payable to 87.28.035
exemptions for certain projects 43.21C.035 Ch. 39.64 payment from 87.28.030
Family farm water act Board of control treasurer of the county defined 87.28.005
water withdrawal permits Ch. 90.66 coordination with other districts 87.76.010 warrants, interim financing 87.28.015
Public utility districts funds for 87.68.110 sale or pledge of 87.03.210

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 375]


state ownership, adjustment of indebtedness, Disincorporation of special districts in counties power to generate and sell 87.03.015
generally Ch. 87.64 with population of two hundred ten thousand Electrical utilities
Bond issues, See also IRRIGATION or more Ch. 57.90 irrigation pumping service, tariff 87.03.880
DISTRICTS, subtitle Fiscal matters Disposal or sale of property, preference rights of net metering of electricity Ch. 80.60
Boundaries adjacent owners 87.03.820 Eminent domain
change of 87.03.555 Dissolution against by cities and towns 35.92.190
change of to add lands to district, procedure with bonds Ch. 87.53 generally 87.03.140, 87.03.145, 87.03.150
87.03.565 generally Ch. 53.48 Employees, compensation of 87.03.460
Boundary review boards insolvent districts Employees, insurance, liability, purchases for,
district actions subject to board review appellate review 87.56.225 authorized 87.03.162
87.03.001, 87.52.001, 87.53.001, apportionment of assets 87.56.230 Energy conservation, home owners financial
87.56.001 assessment for remaining debts 87.56.160 assistance 87.03.017
Claims, crop damage claims, limitation, claims Federal reclamation areas, state lands within Ch.
procedure 87.03.440 unmatured 87.56.100 89.12
Columbia basin project, irrigation and creditors Federal reclamation projects
reclamation districts within Ch. 89.12 trustees for 87.56.180, 87.56.203 use attainability analysis 90.48.540
Connection with lower district, generally decree of dissolution 87.56.230, 87.56.240 Federal surplus property acquisition, See
87.03.700, 87.03.705, 87.03.710, 87.03.715 distribution of funds 87.56.020 FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTY
Consolidated local improvement districts election for 87.56.010, 87.56.020 Fiscal matters
authority to establish for bond issuance hearing procedure assessments
87.03.553 initial 87.56.030, 87.56.040, 87.56.050, county treasurers fees for handling,
bond issuance, authority to establish for 87.56.060, 87.56.065 collecting, dispersing, and accounting for
87.03.553 judgment upon stipulation 87.56.170, special assessments, fees, rates, or charges
Consolidation 87.03.530, 87.03.535, 87.03.540, 87.56.180, 87.56.190, 87.56.205, 36.29.180
87.03.545, 87.03.550, 87.03.551 87.56.210 bond issues
Construction plan of liquidation 87.56.160 limitation of actions on 4.16.060
contracts receiver 87.56.065 refunding, bankruptcy readjustment and
small works roster, use of 87.03.436 report of receiver relief from debts Ch. 39.64
funds for 87.03.445 final 87.56.230 savings banks, investment in 32.20.130
general procedure 87.03.435 when deemed 87.56.010 indebtedness
Contracts with other irrigation districts, authority without bonds1897 act adjustment of
87.03.015 authority 87.52.010 state authority when owning entire bond
Contracts with United States election 87.52.030, 87.52.040 issue 87.64.010
generally, including assessment payment, petition 87.52.015 Formation
deposits, and board of control Ch. 87.68 trustees for 87.52.060 election
permissible provisions 89.12.050 without bonds1939 act conduct 87.03.035, 87.03.040
Sunnyside Division, Yakima Project, deposit authority 87.52.070 generally 87.03.020, 87.03.030, 87.03.031,
of funds 87.68.070 election 87.52.090 87.03.032, 87.03.033, 87.03.034
Coordinating agency, generally 87.76.020 petition 87.52.080 notice 87.03.020
Coordination with other districts 87.76.010 Divisions, See IRRIGATION DISTRICTS, hearings 87.03.020
Crop damage claims, limitations, procedure subtitle Director divisions petition 87.03.020
87.03.440 Domestic water services proposing 87.03.005
Delinquent assessments Ch. 87.06 rates 87.28.090 purposes for 87.03.010
revenue bonds Funds
application of chapter to existing
delinquencies 87.06.120 generally Ch. 87.28 board of control 87.68.110
Drain systems, revenue bonds, generally Ch. construction and operating 87.03.445
combined foreclosure for district and county indemnity fund 87.48.030, 87.48.040
87.06.110 joint control fund 87.80.190, 87.80.200
Drainage and irrigation improvement districts,
Delinquent charges, lien on property 87.03.445 diking and drainage districts reorganized as, local improvement district guarantee fund
Depositaries, surety bonds for 87.03.442, generally Ch. 85.22 87.03.510
87.03.445 Drinking water facilities temporary 87.03.441
Diking, drainage, and irrigation districts, diking proposal notice 87.03.487 upgrading and improvement fund 87.03.443
and drainage districts reorganized as, Elections Heating systems, See HEATING SYSTEMS
generally Ch. 85.22 ballots 87.03.075 Highway purposes, irrigable lands acquired for,
Diking and drainage improvement districts bond issues 87.03.200 compensation 87.03.810, 87.03.815
benefit to 85.08.380 directors, recall, discharge 87.03.083 Horticultural pests and diseases
merger with 85.08.830, 85.08.840, 85.08.850, generally 87.03.030 duty to disinfect or destroy when on public
85.08.860, 85.08.870, 85.08.880, only one qualified candidate nominated, no property 15.08.230
85.08.890 election required 87.03.075 Hydroelectric generation development
Director divisions organization, generally 87.03.020, 87.03.030, authorization 87.03.015
additional land added, when 87.04.055 87.03.031, 87.03.032, 87.03.033, county treasurer, defined 87.03.438
assessment limitations 87.04.100 87.03.034 legislative intent 87.03.013
county commission, duty to divide 87.04.030 petitions of nomination 87.03.075 multidistrict operating authorities, separate
directors, redivision of land addition post-organization 87.03.085, 87.03.090, legal entities 87.03.018
87.04.050 87.03.095, 87.03.100, 87.03.105, purchase, condemnation
elections 87.04.070, 87.04.080 87.03.110 authority 87.03.137
federal works or contracts proposed works 87.03.190 separate legal authority
assessment limitation 87.04.100 voter qualifications acquisition of facilities, procedures
levy limitations when involved 87.04.090 districts of two hundred thousand acres 87.03.831
hearings 87.04.070 87.03.045 cooperative development 87.03.825
levy limitation, when 87.04.090 districts under two hundred thousand acres indebtedness, repayment of 87.03.837
number 87.04.010 87.03.051 law supplemental, when 87.03.840
petition for exception, over fifty percent of land in small membership, procedures 87.03.831
generally 87.04.040 individual lots 87.03.071 ratification and approval of actions
hearing on 87.04.060 Electric power services 87.03.834
redivision 87.04.050 rates 87.28.090 treasurer of the county, defined 87.03.438
vacancy, filling 87.04.020 revenue bonds Immunity
when required 87.04.010 generally Ch. 87.28 good faith performance of duties 87.03.138
Directors Electrical energy lawful disposal of sewage and waste by others
board of, authorized to purchase liability hydroelectric generation development 87.03.139
insurance for officials and employees 87.03.015 Income from sale of electricity, generally
87.03.162 legislative intent 87.03.013 87.03.450
compensation and expenses 87.03.460 income from sale of 87.03.450 Indebtedness

[RCW Indexpage 376] (2016 Ed.)


adjustment of obligations not impaired districts of two hundred thousand acres

assessments and taxes, cancellation enforcement remedies 87.03.851 87.03.615, 87.03.620, 87.03.625,
87.64.060 proceedings to initiate 87.03.845 87.03.630, 87.03.635, 87.03.640
claims for money expended by state statement of property and assets of minor generally 87.03.560, 87.03.565, 87.03.570,
87.64.040 district 87.03.853 87.03.575, 87.03.580, 87.03.585,
contracts to sell land to pay debts 87.64.020 transfer of property and assets 87.03.849 87.03.590, 87.03.595, 87.03.600,
power of district in regard to 87.64.070 water rights, existing rights not impaired 87.03.605, 87.03.610
powers to increase 87.03.475 87.03.857 exclusion of lands from, generally 87.03.645,
state authority when owning part of bond Merger with diking and drainage improvement 87.03.650, 87.03.655, 87.03.660,
issue 87.64.020 districts 85.08.830, 85.08.840, 85.08.850, 87.03.665, 87.03.670, 87.03.675,
bankruptcy readjustment and relief from debts 85.08.860, 85.08.870, 85.08.880, 85.08.890 87.03.680, 87.03.685, 87.03.690,
Ch. 39.64 Merger with drainage districts, generally 87.03.695
Indebtedness, See also IRRIGATION 87.03.720, 87.03.725, 87.03.730, 87.03.735, sale or disposal, preference rights of adjacent
DISTRICTS, subtitle Fiscal matters 87.03.740, 87.03.745 owners 87.03.820
Indemnity contracts Merger with water-sewer districts, generally Property owned by, condemnation by cities and
federal 87.48.020 87.03.720, 87.03.725 towns 35.92.190
state 87.48.010 Mutual aid agreements for emergency Proposed works
Inland bodies of water, rehabilitation districts, interdistrict assistance 87.03.870 bond issues for 87.03.200
See IRRIGATION DISTRICTS, subtitle Nonirrigable land, exclusion when state holding general procedure for 87.03.165, 87.03.170,
Rehabilitation districts bonds, generally 87.03.750, 87.03.755, 87.03.175, 87.03.180, 87.03.185,
Insurance 87.03.760, 87.03.765, 87.03.770 87.03.190, 87.03.195
liability, board of directors may purchase for Officers Public utility districts, restrictions on utility
employees and officials 36.16.138, directors and employees operations 54.04.030
87.03.162 board Purchases 87.03.437
purchase 87.03.160 meetings, regular and special 87.03.115 Rates, tolls, charges
risk management services authorized Ch. organization of 87.03.115 fixing, collection, authority, attorneys fee
48.62 powers and duties 87.03.115 87.03.445
self-insurance authorized Ch. 48.62 compensation, expenses 87.03.460 lien on property 87.03.445
Interdistrict agreements coordination with other districts 87.76.010 Real property, sale or lease 87.03.136
emergency mutual aid assistance 87.03.870 county treasurer, defined 87.03.438 Reclamation projects of state, contracts with
Irregularities in assessments, costs, or interest declaration of candidacy 87.03.075 districts Ch. 89.16
87.06.060 director divisions, See IRRIGATION Refunding revenue bonds
Irrigation and rehabilitation districts DISTRICTS, subtitle Director divisions authorized 87.28.150
generally, including lakes within boundaries generally 87.03.080, 87.03.081, 87.03.082 Reorganization
of districts Ch. 87.84 immunity authorization 85.22.010
Joint control good faith performance of duties 87.03.138 Revenue bonds
generally, including board of joint control Ch. petition of nomination 87.03.075 county treasurer, defined 87.28.005
87.80 qualifications, districts under two hundred generally Ch. 87.28
Yakima basin entities, coordination with thousand acres 87.03.051 payment of, covenants 87.28.108
federal and state programs 87.80.230 qualifications, districts with two hundred treasurer of the county defined 87.28.005
Judicial confirmation of bonds and contracts, thousand acres 87.03.045 warrants, interim financing 87.28.015
generally 87.03.780, 87.03.785, 87.03.790, recall and discharge 87.03.083 Rules and regulations, penalty for violations
87.03.795, 87.03.800, 87.03.805 treasurer of the county, defined 87.03.438 87.84.090
Land settlement contracts secretary Sanitary sewer and sewage disposal system or
indemnity to state 87.48.030 collection of assessments when, bond, treatment plants, revenue bonds, generally
approval of contract 87.48.020 procedure, delinquency list 87.03.272 Ch. 87.28
assessments 87.48.030 monthly statement to treasurer 87.03.272 Sewer facilities
authority 87.48.010 Officials, insurance, liability, purchase for, proposal notice 87.03.487
expenses and losses 87.48.040 authorized 87.03.162
generally Ch. 87.48 Personal property, sale or lease 87.03.135 Sewerage improvement districts
state obligation 87.48.020 Plan approval 87.03.175, 87.03.180, 87.03.185, benefit to 85.08.380
Legal representation of officers, employees, 87.03.190 merger with 85.08.830, 85.08.840, 85.08.850,
agents 87.03.158 Plats for subdivisions, etc., within district 85.08.860, 85.08.870, 85.08.880,
Liability insurance for officials and employees, irrigation facilities, application and 85.08.890
purchase authorized 36.16.138, 87.03.162 requirements for approval 58.17.310 Short-term obligations Ch. 39.50
Lighting, streets and highways, may provide Powers Small works roster, use of 87.03.436
limitations 87.03.016 change of name 87.03.130 State lands, inclusion within 87.03.025
Local improvement districts condemnation 87.03.140, 87.03.145, State losses on land settlement contracts, See
bonds, valid claim, general indebtedness 87.03.150 IRRIGATION DISTRICTS, subtitle Land
87.03.492 contracts, agreements, and formation of settlement contracts
costs 87.03.505 separate legal entities 87.03.0155 Subdivision of land within district
establishment, procedure 87.03.485 crossing other property 87.03.455 application and requirements for approval
generally 87.03.480, 87.03.495, 87.03.500, electrical energy generation and sale 58.17.310
87.03.505, 87.03.510, 87.03.515, 87.03.015 Sunnyside Valley irrigation district funds,
87.03.520, 87.03.522, 87.03.525, multidistrict operating authorities, separate deposit of 87.68.070
87.03.526, 87.03.527 legal entities 87.03.018 Taxing district relief act Ch. 39.64
notice of formation to contain statement that eminent domain 87.03.140, 87.03.145, Tenant delinquencies 87.03.445
assessments may vary from estimates 87.03.150 Tolls
87.03.486 general enumeration 87.03.015 fixing, collection, methods 87.03.445
plan for, bonds, requirements 87.03.490 generally 87.03.140 when levied 87.03.445
sanitary sewers or water facilities hydroelectric generation development Treasurer
proposal notice 87.03.487 legislative intent 87.03.013 duties and authority 87.03.440
Maps, making and filing 87.03.775 property, purchase, condemnation Treasurer of the county, defined 87.03.438
Merger of smaller districts into larger districts hydroelectric generation 87.03.137 Upgrading and improvement fund
application of RCW 87.04.030 - 87.04.055 sanitary sewers, sewage disposal or treatment authorized 87.03.443
87.04.058 plants 87.03.015, 87.03.120, 87.03.125 Utility local improvement districts
approval of request 87.03.847 utility local improvement districts authorized 87.28.200
authorization 87.03.530 authorized 87.28.200 conversion of local improvement districts
board of directors 87.03.849 conversion of local improvement districts 87.28.210
denial of request 87.03.847 87.28.210 Warrants of, limitation of actions on 4.16.050
local improvement districts to carry out water distribution systems 87.03.015 Water conservation
obligations authorized 87.03.851 Property district assistance to landowners 87.03.0175
merger of more than two districts 87.03.855 adding lands to Water rights

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 377]


ground waters determination and special detention facilities education programs Ch. 28A.194
appropriation Ch. 90.44 authorized 70.48.210 segregation from adult offenders 72.01.415
surface waters, determination and fees for cost of housing 70.48.380 Juveniles not to be confined in adult facilities,
appropriation Ch. 90.03 state hospital inmates, booking of 70.48.215 exceptions 13.04.116
Water services work release programs, authorized 70.48.210 Kidnapping offenders
rates 87.28.090 working of prisoners 9.92.130 registration requirement, notice 70.48.470
revenue bonds City and county jails act Ch. 70.48 Local governments, standards of operation
generally Ch. 87.28 Communicable disease prevention guidelines 70.48.071
Water systems 70.48.480 Offenders performing community restitution
assumption of substandard systems, limited Community restitution by offenders workers compensation and liability insurance
immunity from liability 87.03.860 workers compensation and liability insurance coverage 35.21.209, 35A.21.220,
Water-sewer districts merging into irrigation coverage 35.21.209, 35A.21.220, 36.16.139, 51.12.045
districts, procedure 57.02.080 36.16.139, 51.12.045 Operational authority
Watersheds Construction projects chief law enforcement officer 70.48.090
cooperative watershed management state financial assistance interlocal contracts for jail services
87.03.019 funding limitation, period of 70.48.160 70.48.090
Yakima river basin integrated water resource Contraband, introduction into detention or secure counties 70.48.180
management plan Ch. 90.38 facility department of corrections 70.48.090
Yakima river basin water rights Ch. 90.38 first degree 9A.76.140 Overcrowded, exceeding maximum capacity
ISLAND COUNTY second degree 9A.76.150 emergency procedure 9.94A.875
Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.150 third degree 9A.76.160 Parole holds
Superior court judges, number of 2.08.065 Contracts for incarceration unaffected by financial responsibility 70.48.420
financial responsibility law 70.48.460 Prisoners
ISLANDS Convicted felons, transfer to state institution chemical dependency evaluation, discharge
Community councils Ch. 36.105 pending appeal 36.63.255 review 70.96A.142
Island library districts, See LIBRARIES Counties confinement in jail of contracting authority,
Motor vehicle taxes and license fees, refunds to aliens committed to, notification of authorized 70.48.220
counties composed of islands 47.17.990 immigration authorities 10.70.140 crisis stabilization units, mental health
ISSUES camps, authorized 70.48.210 locating at jail facilities, when 71.24.645
Defined 4.40.010 contracts with state for confinement 72.64.110 developmental disabilities, persons with
Descent and distribution county to furnish 2.28.139 transfer to department of corrections facility
defined for purposes of 11.02.005 duty to furnish 2.28.139 70.48.245
intestate property 11.04.015 farms, authorized 70.48.210 felons, state institution, transfer to, required
Exceptions and denials of challenges to jurors, farms for confinement, See COUNTIES, 70.48.240
trial of 4.44.230 subtitle Farms and camps for confinement medical assistance, federal expenditure
Fact, issue of pregnant women and youth, use of restraints authority for services 74.09.671
court not to decide on challenge to sufficiency on 70.48.500, 70.48.501, 70.48.502, medications and medication assistance for
of evidence 4.56.150 70.48.800 inmates
declaratory judgments 7.24.090 prisoners delivery and administration by
forcible entry and detainer, determination by early release for good behavior 9.92.151 nonpractitioner jail personnel 70.48.490
jury 59.12.130 work, authority to require 9.92.140 review by health department of medication
jury to decide 4.44.090 to provide 2.28.139 practices of jails using nonpractitioner jail
kind of issue 4.40.010 sales and use tax for juvenile detention personnel 43.70.710
mandamus proceedings 7.16.210 facilities and jails 82.14.350 mental health review, release of offender
notice of 4.44.020 special detention facilities subject to 70.48.475
prohibition proceedings 7.16.320 authorized 70.48.210 pregnant women and youth, use of restraints
trial, by whom tried 4.40.060, 4.40.070 fees for cost of housing 70.48.380 on 70.48.500, 70.48.501, 70.48.502,
Kinds, of state hospital inmates, booking of 70.48.215 70.48.800
fact 4.40.010 work release programs, authorized 70.48.210 reentering community from incarceration
law 4.40.010 County prisoners reentry council, Washington statewide Ch.
Law, of employment, procedure 36.28.100 43.380
court to decide 4.44.080 County use of state partial confinement facility temporary confinement authorized 70.48.230
kind of issue 4.40.010 reimbursement of state 9.94A.190 testimony obtained, how 5.56.090
notice of 4.44.020 Definitions 70.48.020 transportation expenses, financial
trial, by whom tried 4.40.050 Emergency or necessary medical and health care, responsibility for 70.48.230
reimbursement 70.48.130 traumatic brain injuries, persons with
Partition proceedings, issues triable 7.52.070
Escape transfer to department of corrections facility
Trial of, action against joint debtor after 70.48.245
judgment 4.68.060 first degree 9A.76.110
second degree 9A.76.120 Records
JAILS (See also CORRECTIONAL third degree 9A.76.130 confidentiality, exceptions 70.48.100
FACILITIES) Farms, camps, work release programs, Regional camps
Address confidentiality program for criminal authorized 70.48.210 generally 72.64.100
justice participants 40.24.030 Federal prisoners, confinement of 70.48.140 industrial insurance 72.64.065
Admission to jails Felons Regional jails 70.48.095
prompt reporting to office of financial financial responsibility of department of Reimbursement rates for county use of state
management 10.98.130 corrections 70.48.410 facilities 9.94A.190
AIDS testing and counseling 70.24.360 Financial responsibility 70.48.240, 70.48.400 Release from jails
Assault, custodial assault 9A.36.041, 9A.36.100 felons prompt reporting to office of financial
Booking and reporting, electronic statewide department of corrections responsibility management 10.98.130
system and standards committee 70.48.410 Reporting form
36.28A.040, 36.28A.050 parole hold 70.48.420 corrections department to develop 70.48.450
Booking fee 70.48.390 reimbursement rate to be established Restraints
Cameras, body worn, use by jail personnel 70.48.440 pregnant women and youth, use on 70.48.500,
generally, including task force Ch. 10.109 work release inmates 70.48.430 70.48.501, 70.48.502, 70.48.800
public records act exemption 42.56.240 Firearms, possession of, prohibited in certain Sentences
Cities and towns areas, exceptions 9.41.300 less or more than one year
authority to build and maintain 70.48.190 Jail industries program Ch. 36.110 incarcerate in jail or state institution
camps, authorized 70.48.210 Jail labor, reduction of fines and costs for 70.48.400
farms, authorized 70.48.210 ratesetting authority of county legislative violation of condition or requirement, penalty
pregnant women and youth, use of restraints authority 10.82.030 arrest and confinement in jail 9.94A.631
on 70.48.500, 70.48.501, 70.48.502, Jail register, requirements 70.48.100 security searches, authorization 9.94A.631
70.48.800 Juvenile offenders Sex offenders
separation of prisoners 35.66.050 inmates in adult jails registration requirement, notice 70.48.470

[RCW Indexpage 378] (2016 Ed.)


Standards for correctional facilities to be adopted Necessary parties defendant Board of directors 43.52.370, 43.52.374,
by corrections department 72.09.135 dismissal for failure to join 4.56.120 43.52.375
Standards for operation 70.48.071 nonsuit for failure to join 4.56.120 Bond issues
Status of suspected or convicted felons Parties bidding 43.52.343
prompt response by patrol or corrections challenges to jurors 4.44.130 negotiation and advertisement of 43.52.343
department 10.98.150 ejectment and quieting title actions, powers as to 43.52.3411
Strip, body cavity searches authorized, when 7.28.280 sale by negotiation or advertisement and bid
alternatives, less intrusive 10.79.140 necessary parties defendant 43.52.343
application of law 10.79.120 dismissal for failure to join 4.56.120 Compensation 43.52.290
authorization for 10.79.080 nonsuit for failure to join 4.56.120 Conservation authority, duties 43.52.260
conducting, standards for 10.79.100 Contracts
damages, actions for 10.79.110 REVIEW COMMITTEE (See
definitions 10.79.070 emergency purchases 43.52.585
injunctive relief 10.79.110 subtitle Rules review committee)
legislative intent 10.79.060 competitive negotiation 43.52.565,
medical care not precluded by procedural JOINT CITY AND COUNTY HOUSING 43.52.567
requirements 10.79.090 AUTHORITIES sealed bids 43.52.560
physical exams for public health purposes are Authorized 35.82.300 telephone bids or written quotations 43.52.570
not searches 10.79.160 Dissolution 35.82.310 Definitions 43.52.250
reasonable suspicion, probable cause Ordinance, contents 35.82.300 Dissolution 43.52.360
10.79.130, 10.79.140 Powers 35.82.300 Electric energy
report of 10.79.080 Property apportionment basis 43.52.380
search delayed, nonliability of government for transfer, provisions 35.82.330 city or district contracts 43.52.410, 43.52.595
damage 10.79.170 JOINT COMMITTEE ON ENERGY members preference to buy 43.52.380
uncategorized searches 10.79.140 SUPPLY AND ENERGY surplus 43.52.380
unnecessary persons prohibited at search CONSERVATION Eminent domain powers 43.52.300, 43.52.391
10.79.150 Energy supply alert or energy emergency duties Energy financing approval act
warrant for 10.79.080 44.39.070 purpose 80.52.020
warrant requirement 10.79.130 Members and procedures Ch. 44.39 Energy financing voter approval act
written record required 10.79.150 Study of state building code relating to energy cost-effectiveness
Weapons, deadly 44.39.038 priorities 80.52.080
provision to person in detention or secure definitions 80.52.030
facility 9A.76.140 JOINT DEBTORS (See also DEBTS AND election approval required
Weapons possession prohibited in, exceptions DEBTORS) bonds 80.52.040, 80.52.050, 80.52.060,
9.41.300 Confession of judgment by 80.52.070
Work release inmates enforcement 4.60.030 short title 80.52.010
financial responsibility 70.48.430 who may confess 4.60.030 Executive board 43.52.374, 43.52.375
Procedure to bind after judgment Ch. 4.68 Fiscal controls 43.52.375
JAPANESE AMERICANS Fishways and fish protective devices to be
Civil liberties day of remembrance 1.16.050, JOINT DEFENDANTS (See DEFENDANTS,
subtitle Joint) maintained by 43.52.350
1.16.090 Formation 43.52.360
Civil liberties public education program JOINT HIGHER EDUCATION Guidelines
World War II internment 28A.300.390, COMMITTEE best interests of ratepayers govern 43.52.385
28A.300.395, 28A.300.400, 28A.300.405, Legislative branch, deemed part of 43.88.230 Interest rates
28A.300.410, 28A.300.415 Meetings, reimbursement, rules, staffing maximum for repaying a member 43.52.395
Kip Tokuda memorial Washington civil liberties 44.04.364 Least-cost approach plan for energy resources
public education program Membership 44.04.362 investment 43.52.360
World War II internment 28A.300.405 Oversight 44.04.260 Members
JAPANESE EMPLOYEES Purpose 44.04.360 incompatibility of offices doctrine voided
OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES, subtitle REVIEW COMMITTEE (See Membership 43.52.360
World War II reparations) LEGISLATIVE AUDIT AND REVIEW Nuclear generating projects
Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.160 competitive negotiation
JOINT LEGISLATIVE OVERSIGHT applicability of Titles 9 and 9A RCW
Superior court judges, number of 2.08.064 COMMITTEE ON TRADE POLICY 43.52.515
JET SKIS (See WATER SKIING, subtitle Members, staff, rules, powers and duties Ch. Open public meetings
Personal watercraft) 44.55 compliance 43.52.383
JETTIES AND SEA WALLS JOINT LIABILITY Performance audits, reports 43.52.378
Port districts, acquisition and operation of Attachment, assignors having an interest Powers and duties 43.52.300, 43.52.391
facilities 53.08.020 6.25.080 Preservation of rights 43.52.450
Confession of judgment Public utility district properties, restriction on
JOB SKILLS PROGRAM acquiring 43.52.391
Definitions 28C.04.410 enforcement 4.60.030
who may confess 4.60.030 Purchasing
Grants to educational institutions competition, purchasing without authorized
requirements 28C.04.420 Confession of judgment by joint debtor
enforceable against 4.60.030 43.52.575
Work force training customer advisory emergency purchases 43.52.580
committee 28C.04.390 Contracts
procedure to bind joint debtors after judgment sealed bids 43.52.560
Worker retraining program funds, use telephone bids or written quotations 43.52.570
28C.04.390 Ch. 4.68
Joint debtors, procedure to bind after judgment Ratepayers
JOINDER Ch. 4.68 best interest govern 43.52.385
Causes of action Security force
effect on petition for removal from district to JOINT OBLIGORS authorized 43.52.520
superior court 4.14.010 Ne exeat proceedings available to 7.44.040 criminal record information use 43.52.525
improper joinder ground for demurrer JOINT OPERATING AGENCIES (See also powers and duties 43.52.530
objection by answer, when 4.32.070 POWER FACILITIES AND retirement provision 43.52.535
Challenges to jurors, several parties must join RESOURCES, subtitle Joint operating Steam, sale of 43.52.391
4.44.130 agencies) Tax levying authority 39.64.085
Costs, failure to join, limitations on recovery of Administrative auditor Taxation, in lieu of taxes, amount 43.52.460
costs 4.84.050 appointed by executive board 43.52.378 United States, contracts with for power
Defendants in criminal actions 10.37.060 Advancements to agency by members, interest 43.52.391
Indictments, joinder of defendants 10.37.060 43.52.391 Utilities and transportation commission not to
Logging liens, multiple actions 60.24.180 Appeals 43.52.360, 43.52.430 govern rates 43.52.450

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 379]


Validity of organization 43.52.470 alternative to judicial setting Ch. 7.75 transfer of member from public employees
Warrants, powers as to 43.52.3411 Disqualification of retirement system 2.12.100
Washington public power supply system waiver 2.28.030 transfer of powers, duties, and functions
(W.P.P.S.S.) Ch. 43.52 when 2.28.030 from state treasurer to department of
Water, sale of 43.52.391 District courts retirement systems 41.50.030
JOINT OWNERS salaries 3.58.010 judicial retirement account (JRA) plan
Municipal local improvement assessments, Fingerprints judicial retirement account act Ch. 2.14
payment by one 35.49.090 duties 10.98.050 judicial retirement administrative account
Implied powers 2.28.150 2.14.070
JOINT PARTIES (See JOINDER) Inferior judicial officers, powers 2.28.090 judicial retirement principal account
JOINT PROPERTY Intimidating a judge 2.14.060
Confession of judgment by joint debtor defined 9A.72.160 participation in plan, date closed 41.32.581,
enforceable against 4.60.030 Judicial conduct, commission on, See JUDICIAL 41.40.124, 41.40.760, 41.40.870
Port districts, acquisition with other districts CONDUCT, COMMISSION ON supplemental retirement through plan Ch.
53.08.240 Judicial officers, as 2.28.030 2.14
Judicial retirement system, See JUDGES, judicial retirement system
HEALTH CARE OVERSIGHT disability, retirement for 2.10.120, 2.10.130,
Malicious prosecution claim by a judicial officer 2.10.146
Generally Ch. 44.82 4.24.350 funding of system 2.10.090
JOINT STOCK COMPANIES Municipal courts judicial retirement system act Ch. 2.10
Criminal actions against power to act as magistrates Ch. 35.20, membership, date closed 2.10.040
restitution, in lieu of fine 9A.20.030 35.20.020 membership, date opened 2.10.040
Nonresident, service of summons on, personal salaries 3.58.010 retirement board
service 4.28.080 National guard and air national guard abolished, transfer of powers, duties, and
JOINT TENANCY membership authorized 38.12.030 functions to department of retirement
Agreements not affected 64.28.030 Plea agreements systems 2.10.052
Character of interests held by spouses or sentencing judge not bound by agreement hearings 2.10.190, 2.10.200
domestic partners 64.28.040 9.94A.431 powers, duties, membership 2.10.070
Ejectment and quieting title actions, action by Powers 2.28.060 retirement fund
joint tenant against co-tenant 7.28.240 distinguished from courts powers 2.28.050 funding of system, fund role in 2.10.090
Execution of judgment on out of court 2.28.050 state investment board role 41.50.080
personal property 6.17.180 Practice of law prohibited 2.48.200 state treasurer role 2.10.080
Interest in common 64.28.020 Prejudice tax deferral benefits 41.04.440, 41.04.445,
Registration of land titles, manner or application administrative law judges 34.12.050 41.04.450, 41.04.455
65.12.005 superior court 34.12.040
Pro tempore transfer of membership to public employees
Right of survivorship authorized 64.28.010 retirement system 41.40.095, 41.40.098
appointment 2.56.170
Safe deposit boxes, See SAFE DEPOSIT compensation 2.28.160 transfer of powers, duties, and functions to
BOXES lodging, reimbursement for, affidavit to court department of retirement systems
Shares issued or transferred jointly, presumption 2.28.160 41.50.030
of joint tenancy 11.02.110 retirement benefits, effect on 2.10.155 municipal court judges
Survivorship, See SURVIVORSHIP subsistence, reimbursement for, affidavit to mandatory retirement 3.74.030
JOINT TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE court 2.28.160 state retirement system membership
Administrative and support services travel expenses, reimbursement for, affidavit 3.74.010
office of legislative support services to court 2.28.160 public employees retirement system (PERS)
44.80.020 Public employees retirement system benefit multiplier
Allowances, expenses 44.04.310 disability in line of duty court of appeals judges 41.40.124
Created, duties 44.04.300 applicability 41.40.200 district or municipal court judges 41.40.127
Legislative branch, deemed part of 43.88.230 disability not in line of duty 41.40.230 superior court judges 41.40.124
Oversight 44.04.260 earned disability allowance 41.40.670 supreme court justices 41.40.124
death of recipient, disposition 41.40.670 disability, retirement for 41.40.038,
JOURNALS 41.40.054, 41.40.200, 41.40.210,
Court Residence of
demonstration of any kind in or near, 41.40.220, 41.40.230, 41.40.235,
rulings or decision embodied in, exceptions 41.40.250, 41.40.310, 41.40.320,
need not be taken 4.80.020 obstructing justice, penalty 9.27.015
picketing or parading in or near, obstructing 41.40.670, 41.40.825
verdict entered in 4.44.460 district or municipal court judges
Legislative, See LEGISLATURE, subtitle justice, penalty 9.27.015
use of sound-truck or similar device in or near, additional benefit for 41.40.127, 41.40.873
Journals membership in PERS 41.40.763
obstructing justice, penalty 9.27.015
JUDGES (See also COURT OF APPEALS; Retirement retirement allowance 41.40.408, 41.40.770,
DISTRICT JUDGES; SUPERIOR age of retirement 41.40.880
COURTS; SUPREME COURT) district judges 3.74.030 judicial retirement account (JRA) plan,
Adjournment, power of 2.28.120 court of appeals 2.06.100 PERS member participation in, date
Appearance of fairness doctrine Ch. 42.36 district and municipal court judges closed 41.40.124, 41.40.760, 41.40.870
Arrest and fingerprint form mandatory retirement 3.74.030 membership for elected or appointed judges
duties 10.98.050 public employees retirement system 41.40.023
Attorney, may act as, when 2.28.040 additional benefit 41.40.127, 41.40.873 membership for judges newly elected or
Certiorari proceedings, service of writ on membership in 41.40.763 appointed on or after July 1, 1988
7.16.100 retirement allowance 41.40.408, 41.40.770, 2.10.040
Contempt of court 41.40.880 membership for newly elected or appointed
power to punish for 2.28.070 state retirement system membership district or municipal court judges
Contempt of court, See also CONTEMPT, 3.74.010 41.40.763
subtitle Judicial officers judge pro tempore, service as, effect on retired for disability, by supreme court at
Court of appeals retirement benefits 2.04.250, 2.10.155 recommendation of commission on
creation 2.06.020 judges retirement fund (JFR) plan judicial conduct 41.40.200, 41.40.230,
judicial conduct, commission, membership on disability, retirement for 2.12.020 41.40.670
2.64.020 judges retirement system Ch. 2.12 retirement allowance 41.40.404, 41.40.408,
power to grant writ 7.36.040 retirement fund 2.12.050, 2.12.060 41.40.690, 41.40.767, 41.40.770,
Courts of limited jurisdiction judges retirement fund (JRF) plan 41.40.877, 41.40.880
annual conference of judges 2.56.060 investment of funds by state investment tax deferral benefits 41.04.050, 41.04.440,
Defined, for Criminal Code 9A.04.110 board 41.50.080 41.04.445, 41.04.450, 41.04.455
Demonstration of any kind in or near residence membership, date closed 2.10.040 transfer of membership from judicial
of, obstructing justice by, penalty 9.27.015 tax deferral benefits 41.04.440, 41.04.445, retirement system to PERS 41.40.095,
Dispute resolution centers 41.04.450, 41.04.455 41.40.098

[RCW Indexpage 380] (2016 Ed.)


supplemental retirement powers 2.28.080 Use of sound-truck or similar device in or near

judicial retirement account (JRA) plan Ch. to issue writs 2.08.010 residence of, obstructing justice by, penalty
2.14 prejudice of 9.27.015
teachers retirement system (TRS) plan 1 affidavit of prejudice 4.12.050 Venue change of superior court judge or court
additional benefit 41.32.584 ground for change of venue 4.12.050 commissioner due to prejudice 4.12.040
benefit multiplier 41.32.584 pro tempore 2.08.185 Veterans, reemployment rights 73.16.041
disability, retirement for 41.32.540, rendition of accused persons act Visiting judges
41.32.550 designated agent must file certain documents assigned under administrator for the courts
judicial retirement account (JRA) plan, TRS with 10.91.010 act, duty to obey, salary withheld 2.56.040
member participation in, date closed impose conditions of release to assure enhanced enforcement district, assignment to
41.32.581 appearance at hearing 10.91.020 serve in 2.56.110
retirement allowance 41.32.587 order for return of accused person to Wiretaps, illegal drug transactions
tax deferral benefits 41.04.440, 41.04.445, demanding court, judge or magistrate, authorizations, availability for, requirements
41.04.450, 41.04.455 issued by 10.91.030 9.73.220
Salaries preliminary hearing upon arrest of accused Witnesses, power to compel attendance,
citizens commission schedule 43.03.012 person 10.91.020 prepayment or tender of fees, subsistence
deductions for judges retirement fund advise right to confront witnesses against allowance, and travel allowance 5.56.010
2.12.050, 2.12.060 him 10.91.020 JUDGMENTS (See also DECREES)
district courts 3.58.010 advise right to counsel 10.91.020 Abstracts, of
municipal courts 3.58.010 advise right to produce evidence 10.91.020 contents 4.64.090
Search warrants may waive hearing and agree to be returned entry in execution docket 4.64.120
district and municipal court judges, issuance to demanding state 10.91.020
by 2.20.030 indexing of 4.64.120
set time and place of hearing 10.91.020 Actions for recovery of possession of personal
issuance by magistrates 10.79.035 warrant for arrest of accused person violating
State bar membership, excepted from 2.48.021 property 4.56.080
terms or release, issued by 10.91.010 Actions upon, commencement, time for and
Statewide special inquiry judge act Ch. 10.29
Superior court, See also SUPERIOR COURTS, salaries exception 4.16.020
subtitle Judges affidavit of compliance with administrator Adoption proceedings, See ADOPTION
Superior courts for the courts, salary withheld until Affecting real property, filing with county
acknowledgment of instruments 64.08.010 2.56.040 auditor, notice 65.04.070
administrator for the courts sessions of court Agreed cases Ch. 4.52
assignment to another county or district by may prescribe time 2.08.030 Amount, abstract of judgment entry 4.64.090
chief justice, duty to obey 2.56.040 state bar membership 2.48.021 Appeals
expenses when under assignment 2.56.070 transcripts of testimony, ordering for pauper execution docket entry of appeal 4.64.080
requests for information, must comply with 2.32.240 Arbitration, uniform act Ch. 7.04A
2.56.050 visiting judges Archives and records management services
affidavit of prejudice against 4.12.050 assigned under administrator for the courts judgment debtor surcharge to fund local
allocation of 2.08.061, 2.08.062, 2.08.063, act, expenses when under assignment government records management and
2.08.064, 2.08.065 2.56.070 protection 40.14.027
annual conference of judges 2.56.060 request for by judge or judges 2.08.150 Assignee of can sue in own name 4.08.080
contempt of court Supreme court Assignment of
punishment power 2.28.070 acknowledgment of instruments 64.08.010 acknowledgment of 4.56.090
costs furnished indigent party 2.32.240, annual conference of judges 2.56.060 execution in name of assignee 6.17.030
4.88.330 defined, as judicial officer 2.28.030 filing 4.56.090
county boundary determinations, disqualification of 2.28.030 notice of, procedure 4.56.090
qualifications 36.05.020 habeas corpus Attachment
defined as judicial officers 2.28.030 bail 7.36.150 defendant, for, procedure 6.25.270
disqualification of 2.28.030 criminal charge, investigation of 7.36.150 Attachment, See also ATTACHMENT
grounds 4.12.030 determination of case, powers 7.36.170 Attorneys lien upon 60.40.010
grounds for change of venue 4.12.030 determination of cause 7.36.120 Bail forfeiture 10.19.100
waiver 2.28.030 discharge 7.36.150 Bar to another action, when
election of 2.08.060 hearings challenge to sufficiency of evidence 4.56.150
habeas corpus adjournment of 7.36.110 merits, decision on 4.56.120
bail 7.36.150 summary procedure 7.36.120 official bonds 42.08.040
criminal charge, investigation of 7.36.150 limitation on inquiry 7.36.130 Certified abstracts of, liens commencing on filing
determination of case, powers 7.36.170 power to grant writ 7.36.040 of 4.56.200
determination of cause 7.36.120 Certified mail
recommitment 7.36.150
discharge 7.36.150 defined 6.01.060
return, determination of 7.36.110 Certiorari proceedings 7.16.110
hearings return of writs and process, specification of
adjournment of 7.36.110 copy, transmittal to inferior tribunal, board, or
time 7.36.240 officer 7.16.130
summary procedure 7.36.120 temporary orders 7.36.220
limitation on inquiry 7.36.130 defined 7.16.020
warrant to prevent removal or irreparable Challenge to sufficiency of evidence, on
power to grant writ 7.36.040 injury 7.36.190
recommitment 7.36.150 4.56.150
apprehension of offending party 7.36.200 Children, against 4.72.010, 4.72.030
return, determination of 7.36.110 witnesses 7.36.150
return of writs and process, specification of Cities and towns
time 7.36.240 compelling attendance of 7.36.170 second class, power to pay 35.23.440
temporary orders 7.36.220 not to practice law 2.48.200 sewerage system liens 35.67.250
warrant to prevent removal or irreparable powers of judges 2.28.080 Community renewal property, exemption from
injury 7.36.190 proof sheets of reports, correction of 2.32.130 35.81.120
witnesses 7.36.150 retirement plan, See also RETIREMENT Confession, judgment by Ch. 4.60
compelling attendance of 7.36.170 AND PENSIONS who may confess for state, county, public or
injunctions 7.40.010 state bar membership 2.48.021 private corporations, and minors 4.60.020
judicial conduct commission, membership on vacancy Constructive service, reopening after judgment
2.64.020 appointee to fill 2.04.100 4.28.200
jurisdiction election to fill 2.04.100 Contents 4.64.030
injunctions 7.40.010 how filled 2.04.100 Contracts
restraining orders 7.40.010 term of appointee 2.04.100 interest rate 4.56.110, 4.56.111
legal aid county committee, member of term of electee 2.04.100 setoff against plaintiff assignee 4.56.070,
2.50.070 Suspension of judge or justice 2.64.094 4.56.075
member of superior court judges association Traffic infractions Conveyance, compelling real estate conveyance
2.16.010 training requirements 46.63.050 appointment of commissioner 6.28.010,
not to practice law 2.48.200 Unfinished private law business 2.48.200 6.28.080

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 381]


attachments 6.28.080 District court proof of representative for execution of

sequestration, by 6.28.080 transcript of docket to contain copy of judgments in name of 6.17.030
Corporations judgment 4.64.110 expiration of lien measured from 4.56.210
criminal actions, force and effect 10.01.090 District courts 10.04.110 judgments 6.01.020
Costs certified transcript of liens commencing on 4.56.200
criminal actions entry in execution docket by clerk 4.64.120 satisfaction of judgment against local
default in payment, enforcement, collection indexing of by clerk 4.64.120 governmental entity 6.17.080
10.01.180 District judges time of entry
payment by defendant 10.01.160 default district court civil action 12.20.030
payment, deferred, installments 10.01.170 failure of defendant to appear and plead as Exceptions
security for, judgment on 4.84.240 grounds for 12.20.020 when to be taken 4.80.020
Court commissioners, review of judgments by relief or scope of judgment 12.20.020 Execution
superior court 2.24.050 setting aside of default judgment, procedure bail forfeiture 10.19.100
Court of appeals, power and authority of 12.20.020 by confession 4.60.070
2.06.030 vacation of default judgment, procedure exempt property 6.15.010
Criminal actions 12.20.020 generally Ch. 6.17
acquittal of, vacation or modification of, dismissal of action without prejudice homesteads
chapter 4.72 RCW not applicable to failure of plaintiff to appear 12.20.010 costs 6.13.200
criminal actions 4.72.080 venue wrong 12.20.010 homesteads, See HOMESTEADS
corporations, force and effect of judgment entry of, time of 12.20.030 local governmental entity, against 6.17.080
10.01.090 party refusing to testify, against 12.16.080 personal or real property Ch. 6.17
costs small claims referees power as to 2.24.060
default in payment, enforcement, collection nonpayment, procedure 12.40.110 sheriffs duties 6.17.120
10.01.180 payment of immediately 12.40.100 trust property
judgment to include 10.64.015 Domestic violence exemption where trust from person other
payment requirement 10.01.160 lien on real estate 26.50.200 than judgment debtor 6.32.250
fines, lien against real property of defendant Ejectment and quieting title actions Execution, See also EXECUTIONS
10.64.080 action by known heirs after ten years Execution against several persons 6.01.040
fingerprint of defendant affixed to 10.64.110 possession to quiet title 7.28.010 Execution by parties 2.44.010
interest on, impact of legal financial action by person in possession against Execution docket Ch. 4.64
obligations 10.82.090 unknown heirs and presumed deceased Execution of
interest on, rate 10.82.090 persons 7.28.010 pension benefits
liens, fines in criminal actions a lien against actions to quiet title and recover real property exemption from judgment for out-of-state
real property of defendant 10.64.080 7.28.010 income tax on benefits 6.15.025
pleading of, facts as to jurisdiction need not be appointment of trustee to carry into effect retirement benefits
pleaded in 10.37.100 7.28.010 exemption from judgment for out-of-state
rendition of on verdict of guilty 10.64.015 conclusive against landlord, when 7.28.130 income tax on benefits 6.15.025
vacation of, chapter 4.72 RCW not applicable counterclaims for permanent improvements Executors and administrators
to criminal actions 4.72.080 and taxes paid 7.28.180 default judgment as evidence of assets
Damages, assessment of without answer lis pendens, effect on 7.28.260 11.48.160
4.28.290 effect of judgment if on setoff action 4.56.050
Debt, foreign judgment as evidence of, faith plaintiffs right to possession expires before Extension of prohibited 4.56.210
accorded to 5.44.020 trial 7.28.190
Forcible entry and detainer
Debtors quieting title against outlawed mortgage or default by defendant 59.12.120
garnishment of 6.27.050 deed of trust 7.28.300 execution of 59.12.170
order for examination 6.32.010 Eminent domain proceedings generally 59.12.170
Debtors, See also SUPPLEMENTAL effect on unknown interested parties 4.28.120 Foreign, enforcement of, uniform act, See
PROCEEDINGS Eminent domain proceedings, See also JUDGMENTS, subtitle Enforcement of
Decisions of superior courts, time limit for EMINENT DOMAIN Foreign judgments
rendering 2.08.240 Enforcement of debt
Declaration concerning validity of marriage agreed cases 4.52.030 defenses available against 5.44.030
26.09.040 application of statutes to district courts, evidence, as, faith accorded to 5.44.020
Declaratory judgments, See DECLARATORY superior courts 6.01.010 Foreign money claims
JUDGMENTS confessed judgments of persons jointly liable short title of chapter 6.44.901
Default 4.60.030 uniformity in application and construction of
court commissioners power to enter 2.24.040 conveyance of real property 6.28.080 chapter 6.44.140
redemption rights on mortgage foreclosure debtors, examination of 6.32.010 Foreign-country money judgments
lost where property abandoned, rights not debtor fails to appear recognition, uniform act Ch. 6.40A
lost where deficiency judgment 61.12.094 plaintiff entitled to costs and fees 6.32.010 Foreign-money claims, uniform act Ch. 6.44
relief or scope of judgment execution Garnishment Ch. 6.27
district court civil action 12.20.020 generally Ch. 6.17 Habeas corpus
setting aside judgment 6.19.060 limitation on inquiry into 7.36.130
district court civil action 12.20.020 local governmental entity, against 6.17.080 summary determination 7.36.120
insolvent insurers 48.32.160 personal or real property Ch. 6.17 Harmless error disregarded 4.36.240
vacation of, defendant not personally served sheriffs duties 6.17.120 Homesteads
4.28.200 exemptions from execution, See execution for enforcement of judgment
Defendant becomes bankruptcy debtor, EXEMPTIONS FROM EXECUTION appraisal by appointed appraiser Ch. 6.13
procedure 6.01.050 foreign judgments, uniform act Ch. 6.36 generally Ch. 6.13
Defendants interrogatories, answer to 6.32.015 Housing finance commission 4.92.040
criminal actions by parties 2.44.010 Indictments, pleading of judgments, facts as to
costs power of courts 2.28.010 jurisdiction need not be pleaded in 10.37.100
default in payment, enforcement, collection procedure to bind joint debtors after judgment Injunctions
10.01.180 Ch. 4.68 injunction to prevent interference with
payment requirement 10.01.160 supplemental proceedings, See 7.40.020
deferred or installment payment of costs SUPPLEMENTAL PROCEEDINGS injunction to prevent proceedings on 7.40.020
10.01.170 Entry of moral nuisances 7.48.076
Defenses, See DEFENSES confessed judgments 4.60.070 obscene materials 7.42.030
Diking and drainage improvement districts, confession of judgment statement in writing to stay of proceedings after judgment 7.40.110
judgment liability, levy for 85.08.460 authorize 4.60.060 damages on dissolution 7.40.190, 7.40.200
Direction of writ, when sheriff a party 6.01.030 execution docket disposition of money collected 7.40.140
Discharge of, execution docket entry 4.64.080 proof of executor or administrator for Insurance, reciprocal insurers, subscribers
Dismissal execution of judgments in name of liability 48.10.260
grounds 4.56.120 6.17.030 Interest on

[RCW Indexpage 382] (2016 Ed.)


rate of 4.56.110, 4.56.111 challenge to, sufficiency of evidence, on execution of final judgment 7.64.115
against state, political subdivisions, municipal 4.56.150 Reversal on appeal, eviction of judicial sale
corporations 4.56.115 effect of 4.56.120 purchaser 6.21.130
Joint debtors grounds 4.56.120 Reversal tolls limitation on action of plaintiff
procedure to bind after judgment Ch. 4.68 Nuisances 4.16.240
Journals actions against places of prostitution, Revival of
entries assignation or lewdness 7.48.090 extension prohibited 4.56.210
rulings or decisions embodied in, exceptions damages or costs, executions on 7.48.250 Roll
need not be taken 4.80.020 execution of 7.48.020 certiorari proceedings 7.16.140
verdict entered in 4.44.460 voluntary abatement of prostitution, Satisfaction of
Justices of the peace assignation, or lewdness, effect on 7.48.110 acknowledgments, certification and taking of
garnishment, See JUSTICES OF THE Partition proceedings 7.52.100, 7.52.110 by inferior judicial officers 2.28.090
PEACE, subtitle Garnishment distribution of proceeds of sale 7.52.220 by judges of superior and supreme courts
Juvenile offenders liens, unsatisfied 2.28.080
legal financial obligations certificate of county clerk 7.52.160 attached property, from
enforcement and extension of judgment existence, ascertaining of 7.52.160, 7.52.170 insufficient property 6.25.250
13.40.192 notice to judgment creditor on sale of proceeds from sales 6.25.240
modification or relief, petition for 13.40.192 property 7.52.180 sale under execution 6.25.240
Liens priority 7.52.170 unsatisfied execution 6.25.260
cessation of referee, appointment of 7.52.170 attorneys authority 2.44.010
certificate to another county 4.64.100 Partnerships execution against local governmental entity
execution dockets procedure 4.64.100 judgment debtor owning interest, procedure requirement 6.17.080
when 4.64.100 6.32.085 execution docket entry 4.64.080
discharge of by satisfaction of judgment for against partner foreign judgments, enforcement of, uniform
money only 4.56.100 execution 6.17.180 act 6.36.150
domestic violence 26.50.200 Pensions motor vehicle financial responsibility law,
enforcement of exemption from judgment for out-of-state satisfaction of judgment, sufficient
local improvement special assessments income tax 6.13.030, 6.15.025 payment to satisfy requirements 46.29.390
4.16.030 Personal representatives, against default payment of money only, procedure 4.56.100
expiration of 4.56.210 judgment as evidence of assets 11.48.160 specific designation required 4.56.100
extension of lien prohibited 4.56.210 Pleading of, manner 4.36.070 state, judgments against 4.92.040
fines in criminal actions a lien against real Pleadings on may assess amount of recovery supplemental proceedings 6.32.110
property of defendant 10.64.080 when Second class cities, against, power to pay
logging, order of sale 60.24.190 jury 4.44.450 35.23.440
notice of Probate Securities for costs, on 4.84.240
entry of verdict as 4.64.020 default judgment as evidence of assets Setoff action
priority 4.64.020 11.48.160 dismissal motion by plaintiff barred if
personal property, commencement of several personal representatives considered as defendant seeks set-off 4.56.120
4.56.190 one 11.48.150 Setoffs and counterclaims
Prohibition proceedings affirmative relief for defendant 4.56.075
probate damages and costs, for 7.16.320
order of payment of claim 11.76.110 balance due from plaintiff 4.56.070, 4.56.075
defined 7.16.020 equal to plaintiffs demand 4.56.060
real property, on Property owners delinquent in assessment
commencement of 4.56.200 payments, warrants acceptable 35.45.140 executors or administrators, against 4.56.050
creation of 4.56.190 Quo warranto proceedings less than plaintiffs demand 4.56.060
duration 4.56.190 actions to recover escheats and forfeitures Sheriff as a party, direction of writ 6.01.030
notice of, entry of verdict as, priority 7.56.120 Shoplifting or unpaid restaurant meals,
4.64.020 annulment or vacation of patent, certificate or additional penalty assignment permitted
vendors interest under real estate contract deed 7.56.150 4.24.230
not included 4.56.190 corporations, against 7.56.110 Small claims in district court 12.40.110
vacation or modification of superior court ouster or forfeiture 7.56.100 State, against
judgments, liens preserved on modification right to office contest 7.56.060 interest on 4.56.115
4.72.050 Real property, on satisfaction of without execution, payment
Liens upon registered land, when becomes affecting, filing with county auditor, notice procedure 4.92.040
65.12.540 65.04.070 Stay of execution
Limitation of actions on 4.16.020 commencement of 4.56.200 bail forfeiture judgment 10.19.100
Local governmental entity, execution against conveyance, compelling real estate district courts 10.04.120
6.17.080 conveyance, attachments 6.28.080 Superior courts
Lost or destroyed, replacement Ch. 5.48 county auditors recording notice, effect as books to be kept 36.23.030
Mandamus proceedings 65.04.070 clerk to enter 2.32.050
damages and costs, for 7.16.260 unknown heirs in property actions, effect of records to be kept 36.23.030
defined 7.16.020 4.28.160 Supplemental proceedings, See
peremptory mandate 7.16.260 Record of SUPPLEMENTAL PROCEEDINGS
Mediation, uniform act Ch. 7.07 lost or destroyed, appeal time extended, when Supreme court
Medical service liens, amount authorized 5.48.050 clerk to enter 2.32.050
60.44.010 replacement if lost or destroyed 5.48.020, finality of as to parties 2.04.220
Mentally ill, vacation or modification of 5.48.030, 5.48.040, 5.48.050 judgments, execution of 2.04.020
judgments against 4.72.010, 4.72.030 Recording of, See RECORDING AND FILING Tort claims against state
Minors, against 4.72.010, 4.72.030 Recovery of money copy of judgments sent to risk management
Modification of execution against local governmental entity office 4.92.040
execution docket entry 4.64.080 6.17.080 payment of judgment
Modification of, See JUDGMENTS, subtitle Referees procedure 4.92.160
Vacation or modification of review of decision in same manner as court stipulation for judgment against state,
Moral nuisances decision 4.48.120 authority of attorney general 4.92.150
injunction proceedings 7.48.076 Referees report Transcripts of
Mortgage foreclosure 61.12.060 judgment on 4.48.090 satisfaction or release, county auditor, duty of
Motor vehicle financial responsibility law, motion for judgment on 4.48.080, 4.48.090 65.04.060
payment of judgment releases judgment Registered land affected, memorial on certificate Unknown heirs and claimants served by
debtor from deposit of security requirements of title 65.12.445 publication, effect of judgment on 4.28.160
46.29.150 Rendition date, abstract of judgment to contain Utilities and transportation commission
Municipal local improvement assessments 4.64.090 order review by superior court 80.04.170
foreclosure procedure 35.50.260 Reopening by one constructively served 4.28.200 Vacation or modification of
Nonsuits Replevin 4.56.080 conditions precedent 4.72.050

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 383]


consent or stipulated judgment, time JUDICIAL IMPACT NOTES (See Real property 6.21.030, 6.21.040, 6.21.050,
limitations do not apply where grounds to ADMINISTRATOR FOR THE 6.21.090, 6.21.100, 6.21.110, 6.21.120,
vacate based on fraud or terms and COURTS, subtitle Judicial impact notes) 6.21.130
conditions upon which judgment given not JUDICIAL INFORMATION SYSTEM Redemption from sale
fulfilled 4.72.080 Consultation of system by court before granting abandoned property, redemption rights lost in
defendant not personally served 4.28.200 certain orders 2.28.210 cases of 61.12.093
denial of Electronic access to judicial information authorized, when 6.21.080
costs 4.72.090 2.68.050 crops and homesteads 6.23.110
damages 4.72.090 Fees 2.68.010, 2.68.030 generally Ch. 6.23
interest on former judgment 4.72.090 Information technology portfolio and statewide lease, short term is absolute sale 6.21.080
judgment of 4.72.090 strategy lien of purchaser, payment of 6.23.020
ejectment and quieting title actions redemption, defined 6.23.010
duties of administrative office of the courts
authorized, when 7.28.260 2.68.060 Vendors interest 6.21.080
possession, effect on 7.28.270 Judicial information system account 2.68.020 JUNK DEALERS (See PAWNBROKERS
forfeiture judgment, vacation of if person increase in fines, penalties, and assessments to AND SECOND-HAND DEALERS)
produced 10.19.105 support 2.68.040 JUNK VEHICLES (See MOTOR
fraud or misrepresentation in obtaining Judicial information system committee VEHICLES, subtitle Junk vehicles)
vacation or modification, time limitation fee schedule determination 2.68.010
does not apply 4.72.080 JUNKYARDS
user fee schedule determination 2.68.030 Adjacent to highways
ground for may be tried first 4.72.060 Protection orders
grounds 4.72.010 abatement 47.41.070
child custody or residential placement, acquisition of property by department
injunction to suspend proceedings 4.72.070 prerequisites for court before granting
judgment of denial 4.72.090 47.41.040
order 26.50.135 definitions 47.41.020
liens preserved on modification 4.72.050 database information required 26.50.160,
mentally ill 4.72.010, 4.72.030 legislative declaration 47.41.010
26.50.165 other laws not affected 47.41.060
motion for foreign protection order full faith and credit
limitation of time 4.72.020 prohibited, exceptions 47.41.030
act Ch. 26.52 public nuisances
consent or stipulated judgments where JUDICIAL NOTICE abatement 47.41.070
grounds to vacate based on fraud or nonconforming 47.41.010
terms and conditions of judgment not Administrative rules 34.05.210
carried out, no time limitation 4.72.080 Cities and towns regulations 47.41.050
first class cities, charters 35.22.110 review 47.41.050
permitted, when 4.72.020 screening 47.41.040
service of 4.72.020 Foreign laws, uniform law Ch. 5.24
Mortgages, economic conditions 61.12.060 United States secretary of transportation,
petition, by agreements with 47.41.080
authorized, when 4.72.030 Statutes, constitutions, common law, and civil
laws of other states and territories, uniform violations, penalty 47.41.070
contents 4.72.030 law Ch. 5.24
limitation of time 4.72.030 JURIES AND JURORS
verification of 4.72.030 JUDICIAL OFFICERS (See also JUDGES; Action for forcible entry detainer, priority
reopening by one constructively served JUSTICES OF THE PEACE) 59.12.130
4.28.200 Adjournment, power of 2.28.120 Actions for recovery of
rule of construction 4.72.080 Contempt, power to punish for 2.28.070 specific personal property, verdict on 4.44.420
securities preserved on modification of Defined 2.28.030 Additional jurors, summoning of 2.36.130
4.72.050 Disqualification of Admonitions to 4.44.280
valid cause or defense condition precedent waiver 2.28.030 Allowing juror to leave jury room, penalty
4.72.050 when 2.28.030 9.51.030
Inferior, powers 2.28.090 Assessment of
Validity, burden of proof 4.36.070
Powers of 2.28.060 amount of recovery, actions to recover money
Variance in action to recover personal property or setoff 4.44.450
4.36.210 JUDICIAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM (See Care of while deliberating 4.44.300
Verdicts JUDGES, subtitle Retirement) Challenge for cause 4.44.120
entry of as notice of lien 4.64.020 Challenges to jurors
Written judgments, rulings or decisions JUDICIAL REVIEW (See also APPEALS)
Administrative proceedings 34.05.570 cause, for 4.44.130, 4.44.150, 4.44.160,
embodied in, exceptions need not be taken 4.44.170, 4.44.180, 4.44.190
4.80.020 Unemployment compensation
interstate petitions from decisions, to be filed denials of 4.44.230, 4.44.240, 4.44.250
JUDICIAL CONDUCT, COMMISSION ON with Thurston county superior court either party may challenge 4.44.130
(See also ETHICS IN PUBLIC 50.32.140 exceptions to 4.44.230, 4.44.240, 4.44.250
SERVICE) procedure 50.32.120, 50.32.130 individual jurors, to 4.44.130
Administration, powers, and duties Ch. 2.64 joinder by parties in challenge 4.44.130
Administrative procedure act not applicable to JUDICIAL SALES (See also EXECUTIONS, kinds 4.44.130
investigations and proceedings 2.64.092 subtitle Sales under; SALES) oral challenges 4.44.250
Ethics Acknowledgment of payment, personal property order of taking 4.44.220
judicial branch officers and employees, 6.21.070 peremptory 4.44.130, 4.44.140, 4.44.210,
commission enforcement duties 42.52.370 Attached property 6.17.130, 6.25.240 4.44.220
Investigations, proceedings, and disciplinary Auction, conducted by 6.21.050 referees not subject to 4.48.050
actions Ch. 2.64 Bill of sale 6.21.070 Communicating with
Membership and personnel Ch. 2.64 Delivery of personal property 6.21.070 person in charge permitting, penalty 9.51.030
Privilege from suit 2.64.080 Executors and administrators, objections to Coroners inquest, See CORONERS, subtitle
Public disclosure and open public meetings Ch. confirmation by 6.21.110 Inquests
2.64 Foreclosure Coroners jury, See JURIES AND JURORS,
Rules redemption rights lost where mortgagor subtitle Jury of inquest
publication in state register 34.08.020 abandons property Costs
sheriffs sale purchaser to take title free from fees taxable as 4.44.110
JUDICIAL DISTRICTS redemption rights 61.12.093 state reimbursement of counties 2.36.150
Population under 25,000 Leasehold, short term 6.21.080 Court recess while jury is out 4.44.350
court reporters 2.32.220 Notice of sale Courts of limited jurisdiction
joint reporters 2.32.230 form 6.21.040 jury management activities 2.36.052
Reporters mortgage foreclosure deficiency judgment selection of 2.36.050
appointment of 2.32.180 61.12.100, 61.12.110 Criminal cases
duties 2.32.200 personal property 6.21.020 allowing to leave jury room, penalty 9.51.030
expenses 2.32.210 Payment, acknowledgment of, personal property communicating with juror 9.51.030
qualifications 2.32.180 6.21.070 criminally insane instructions on 10.77.040
salaries 2.32.210 Personal property 6.21.020, 6.21.050, 6.21.070 district courts 10.04.050

[RCW Indexpage 384] (2016 Ed.)


fees Injunctions against obscene materials, jury trial during trial, effect 4.44.290
amount of 10.46.190 7.42.030 Residence of
convicted person liable for 10.46.190 Instruction to demonstration of any kind in or near,
grand jury, See GRAND JURY harmless error disregarded 4.36.240 obstructing justice, penalty 9.27.015
insanity cases, instructions to 10.77.040 legal holidays, giving on 2.28.100 picketing or parading in or near, obstructing
reconsideration of verdict 10.61.060 Intimidating a juror justice by, penalty 9.27.015
view of place of crime permissible 10.58.080 defined 9A.72.130 use of sound-truck or similar device in or near,
waiver of Juror qualifications, determination of obstructing justice by, penalty 9.27.015
permitted except in capital cases 10.01.060 declaration, written or electronic 2.36.072 Right to trial by
Definitions 2.36.010 Jury box mandatory arbitration 7.06.070
Demonstration of any kind in or near residence misconduct of officer drawing, penalty Selection of jurors Ch. 2.36
of, obstructing justice, penalty 9.27.015 9.51.010 Solicitation of jury duty, penalty 9.51.020
Diking districts improvement proceedings, Jury fees, taxable cost, as 4.44.110 Source list 2.36.054, 2.36.055, 2.36.057,
general provisions 85.05.120 Jury lists 2.36.063, 2.36.0571
Discharge of selection of jurors, state policy 2.36.080 Special inquiry judge, criminal investigations,
challenge to sufficiency of evidence sustained Jury of inquest evidence, subpoenas to witnesses 10.27.140
4.56.150 duty 36.24.040 Supplemental proceedings
disagreement 4.44.330 expense payments 2.36.150 fees 6.32.270
effect 4.44.290 penalty for nonattendance 36.24.030 jury trial
on receiving verdict 4.44.460 verdict 36.24.070 allowed, when 6.32.270
without verdict Jury room, allowing juror to leave jury room, prohibited, when 6.32.260
effect 4.44.340 penalty 9.51.030 Trial by jury
when 4.44.330 Jury service municipal courts 35.20.090
District courts 3.66.010 excusable persons, assignment to another term waiver of
criminal procedure 2.36.100 criminal proceedings 10.01.060
demand for 10.04.050 expense payments 2.36.150 Trial by jury, See also TRIALS, subtitle Jury
District judges failure to appear, penalty 2.36.170 trials
civil procedure leave of absence from employment, Trial of issues of fact, when tried by 4.40.060,
demand for jury trial 12.12.030 discrimination prohibited 2.36.165 4.40.070
discharge upon disagreement 12.12.090 qualifications 2.36.070 Unfit persons must be excused from jury service
fee 12.12.030 state policy on 2.36.080 2.36.110
oath 12.12.070 summons to persons selected 2.36.095 Use of sound-truck or similar device in or near
qualifications 12.12.030 time of juror service 2.36.093 residence of, obstructing justice by, penalty
Electronic data processing to compile source list Jury term 9.27.015
2.36.063 excusable persons, assignment to another term Venue, change of
Electronic data processing to list and select jurors 2.36.100 jury from another county 10.25.140
2.36.063 length and number of terms 2.36.093 Verdicts, See VERDICTS
Evidence addressed to, when 4.44.090 state policy on 2.36.080 View of
Excusable persons 2.36.110 summons to persons selected to serve place of crime permissible 10.58.080
Excusable persons, assignment to another term 2.36.095 premises by
2.36.100 Kinds of juries 2.36.020 procedure 4.44.270
Excused, expense payments 2.36.150 Leave of absence from employment, Waiver
Expense of keeping 4.44.310 discrimination prohibited 2.36.165 criminal proceedings 10.01.060
Expense payments 2.36.150 Legal holiday
Fact questions to be decided by jury 4.44.090 verdict received on 2.28.100 JURISDICTION
Failure to appear, penalty 2.36.170 Legal holidays Acquired, when 4.28.020
Fees requests for instructions 2.28.100 Action to be brought where defendant resides
costs taxable as 4.44.110 Licensed drivers and identicard holders, 4.12.025
criminal proceedings expanded source list created from 2.36.054, Actions to be commenced where subject matter is
amount of 10.46.190 2.36.057 situated 4.12.010
convicted person liable for 10.46.190 Master jury list 2.36.054, 2.36.055, 2.36.057, Actions to be tried in county where cause arose
district judges, civil actions 12.12.030 2.36.063, 2.36.0571 4.12.020
supplemental proceedings 6.32.270 Mentally ill, ground for challenging of 4.44.160 Alien insurers 48.05.215
taxable as costs 4.44.110 Misconduct of Auburn general depot, civil and criminal
Food and lodging officer drawing, penalty 9.51.010 jurisdiction of state preserved 37.08.260
expense of 4.44.310 Municipal court 35.20.090 Certiorari, exceeding jurisdiction as grounds for
sheriff to provide 4.44.310 Number of jurors 4.44.120 7.16.040
Forcible entry and detainer 59.12.130 district judges Change of, venue, transfer of jurisdiction
Grand jury civil procedure 12.12.030 4.12.090
depositions, disclosure of, penalty 9.51.060 Oaths 4.44.260 Child custody, multistate proceedings Ch. 26.27
disclosing transactions, penalty 9.51.050 district court civil actions 12.12.070 Child custody jurisdiction act Ch. 26.27
expense payments 2.36.150 Per diem and expenses, payment by county Civil actions
generally 10.27.080, 10.27.090, 10.27.100, 36.01.060 Auburn general depot, jurisdiction of state
10.27.140, 10.27.150 Peremptory challenges, See JURIES AND preserved 37.08.260
jurors JURORS, subtitle Challenges to jurors Indians, jurisdiction of state over Ch. 37.12
acting after challenge allowed, penalty Petit jury migratory bird preserves, jurisdiction of state
9.51.040 justice court, expense payments 2.36.150 preserved 37.08.230
prosecuting attorney, special deputies superior court, expense payments 2.36.150 military reservations, land acquired from
36.27.040 Picketing or parading in or near residence of, county 37.16.180
secretary, appointment of 10.27.070 obstructing justice by, penalty 9.27.015 national forests, jurisdiction of state preserved
transcript of testimony, disclosure of, penalty Polling of 4.44.390 37.08.220
9.51.060 Qualifications 2.36.070, 2.36.072 Olympic National Park, jurisdiction of state
Grand jury, See also GRAND JURY Random selection, judges duty 2.36.065 preserved 37.08.210
coroners inquest, See CORONERS, subtitle Referees Rainier National Park, jurisdiction of state
Inquests may not preside over jury trial 4.48.010 preserved 37.08.200
inquests, See CORONERS, subtitle Inquests waiver of right to jury trial, written 4.48.010 Compulsory school attendance law, court
Hung jury, when 4.44.330 Refreshments, person in charge permitting, jurisdiction 28A.225.090
Illness of jurors penalty 9.51.030 Contracts, out-of-state residents or nonresidents,
discharge of jury without verdict, because of Rendering verdict contracting within state submits to state
4.44.330 number who must agree in civil actions jurisdiction 4.28.185
Impanelling of 4.44.380 Convictions, jurisdiction required 10.01.050
misconduct, penalty 9.51.010 procedure 4.44.360, 4.44.370, 4.44.380 Corporations
procedure 4.44.120 Replacement of jurors residence of for purposes of 4.12.025

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 385]


County park and recreation district Indians, state jurisdiction, assumption of Ch. joint debtors, against 6.32.210
commissioners 36.69.260 37.12 Supreme court
Court commissioners 2.24.040 Injunctions 7.40.010 appellate jurisdiction 2.04.010
Court of appeals obscene materials 7.42.010 limitation on 2.04.010
generally 2.06.030, 4.80.030 Insurance contracts improper filing, effect 2.06.030
improper filing, effect 2.06.030 liquidation mergers and rehabilitation original jurisdiction 2.04.010
Court to which venue is changed 4.12.090 48.31.190 writs 2.04.010
Court without, ground for demurrer provisions regarding 48.18.200 Third party defendants in district courts, removal
objection by answer, when 4.32.070 with state, submits resident or nonresident to to acquire 4.14.010
Courts state jurisdiction 4.28.185 Third party defendants in justice courts, removal
agreed cases, over 4.52.010 Insurers to acquire 4.14.030, 4.14.040
exceeding, grounds for certiorari 7.16.040 alien insurers 48.05.215 Traffic control on state capitol grounds,
implied powers 2.28.150 Investment of trust funds, jurisdiction of court jurisdiction over 46.08.170
Courts of limited jurisdiction 11.100.040 Traffic infractions 46.63.040
traffic infractions Judges, implied powers 2.28.150 Uniform interstate family support act Ch. 26.21A
process, issuance 46.63.130 Justice and inferior courts associated foreign order provisions 4.24.820
Criminal actions traffic infractions United States land
Auburn general depot, jurisdiction of state process, issuance 46.63.130 acquired from county by donation, cession of
preserved 37.08.260 Justices of the peace state jurisdiction 37.16.180
district courts 3.66.060 writ of prohibition, jurisdiction prohibited veterans hospitals
felonies, jurisdiction of superior court as to 7.16.320 concurrent federal and state jurisdiction
2.08.010 Juvenile court 13.04.030 37.08.280
Indians, jurisdiction of state as to Ch. 37.12 Juvenile offenses (crimes) 13.40.060 Venue, See VENUE
migratory bird preserve, jurisdiction of state Labor disputes, generally 49.32.050
Landlords and tenants, residential 59.18.050 JURORS (See JURIES AND JURORS)
preserved 37.08.230
misdemeanors, jurisdiction of superior court Migratory bird preserve, jurisdiction of state JUSTICE AND INFERIOR COURTS (See
as to 2.08.010 preserved 37.08.230 also DISTRICT COURTS)
national forest, jurisdiction preserved Military reservations of United States, cession of Actions, damages, five thousand dollars of less,
37.08.220 jurisdiction by state 37.16.180 attorneys fees as costs 4.84.300
necessary for conviction 10.01.050 Motor vehicles Administrator for the courts act, application of
Olympic National Park, jurisdiction preserved control of traffic on capitol grounds 46.08.170 2.56.080
37.08.210 law generally 46.08.190 Annual conference of judges
persons amenable to criminal statutes traffic infractions 46.63.040 judges expenses 2.56.060
9A.04.070 Municipal airports 14.08.330 Application of act 3.30.020
persons liable to punishment 9A.04.030 Municipal courts 35.20.030 County legislative authorities
Rainier National Park, criminal jurisdiction concurrent jurisdiction with validation of prior action and organization
preserved 37.08.200 justices of the peace 35.20.250 3.74.940
United States military reservation acquired superior courts over ordinances adopting Damage actions, five thousand dollars of less,
from county 37.16.180 state gambling law 9.46.193 attorneys fees as costs 4.84.300
District courts National forest, civil and criminal jurisdiction of Gambling
state preserved 37.08.220 concurrent jurisdiction over city ordinances
certiorari 7.16.040 Obscene materials, injunctions against 7.42.010
civil actions and proceedings 3.66.020 which adopt the state gambling law
Olympic National Park, civil and criminal 9.46.193
criminal actions jurisdiction of state preserved 37.08.210
fisheries code violations 3.66.060 Jurisdiction
Out-of-state residents or nonresidents acts gambling, city and town ordinances which
ne exeat 7.44.060 submitting person to state jurisdiction
public nuisance abatement 9.66.040 adopt the state gambling law 9.46.193
4.28.185 traffic infractions 46.63.040
writ of prohibition, jurisdiction prohibited Park and recreation district commissioners
7.16.300 Municipal departments
36.69.260 courts
District judges Perjured unsworn certified written statement,
acquired, when 12.04.130 concurrent jurisdiction 35.20.250
committed out of state 10.25.065 jurisdiction, infringement upon 35.20.190
municipal courts, effect upon 35.20.910 Placement of delinquent children, interstate
small claims department 12.40.010 Traffic infractions
compact 26.34.060 jurisdiction 46.63.040
Divorce actions Pleading as to judgment 4.36.070
jurisdiction of superior courts over 2.08.010 process, issuance of 46.63.130
Probate proceedings
Domestic corporation without officer in state superior courts 2.08.010 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE (See also
upon whom process can be served 4.28.090 unclaimed estates, court retains jurisdiction DISTRICT JUDGES)
Ejectment and quieting title actions 7.28.010 11.76.247 Adjournment, power of 2.28.120
Equity, superior courts jurisdiction concerning Public nuisance abatement procedure 9.66.040 Administrator for the courts
2.08.010 Rainier National Park, civil and criminal assignment to other districts by chief justice,
Escheats, lands distributed to state, jurisdiction jurisdiction of state preserved 37.08.200 duty to obey 2.56.040
and supervision 11.08.220 Residential landlords and tenants act 59.18.050 expenses while under assignment 2.56.070
Exceeding, grounds for certiorari 7.16.040 Sales representatives and principals requests for information 2.56.050
Felonies, superior court jurisdiction 2.08.010 contractual relationship between Annual conference of judges
Fiduciaries, investment of trust funds by, personal jurisdiction, principal considered to judges expenses 2.56.060
jurisdiction of court 11.100.040 be doing business in state for purposes of Attachments
Forcible entry and detainer, superior courts 49.48.180 bond amount 6.25.080
2.08.010, 59.12.050 Small claims department 12.40.010 Complaints, requisites of 12.08.020
Gambling State, actions against state 4.92.010, 4.92.090 Contempt
cities and towns which adopt state gambling State land, acquisition by United States, cession punishment power 2.28.020
law, concurrent jurisdiction, inferior and of jurisdiction 37.04.020 Crimes relating to, using unfit or improper
superior courts 9.46.193 Superior courts language, penalty 42.20.110
Gambling commission, proceedings against appellate delineated 2.08.020 Disqualification 2.28.030
9.46.095 divorce actions 2.08.010 Garnishment, role of justices of the peace in
Garnishment, justice courts and superior courts, equity 2.08.010 process 6.27.040, 6.27.060, 6.27.070
state and political subdivisions, as to felonies 2.08.010 Judgments
6.27.040 original jurisdiction 2.08.010 garnishment, See JUSTICES OF THE
Guardianship felonies 2.08.010 PEACE, subtitle Garnishment
transfer of jurisdiction and venue 11.88.130 writs returnable to from supreme court Judicial officers
uniform adult guardianship and protective 2.04.010 defined 2.28.030
proceedings jurisdiction act Ch. 11.90 Superior courts, See also SUPERIOR COURTS, disqualification of 2.28.030
Homestead exemption contest of validity subtitle Jurisdiction waiver 2.28.030
6.13.070 Supplemental proceedings 6.32.240 when 2.28.030

[RCW Indexpage 386] (2016 Ed.)


Juries, See also JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, support during appointment 13.34.100, 13.34.102
subtitle Jury trial judgment of, enforcement of, time limitation duties 13.34.105
Jurisdiction 13.34.161 fees 13.34.108
writ of prohibition, jurisdiction prohibited parent or guardian, enforcement of support immunity 13.34.105
7.16.320 from 13.34.160 Indian children 13.34.105
Legal holiday Compulsory attendance information access 13.34.105
court closed 2.28.100 juvenile court jurisdiction 28A.225.035 removal, cause 13.34.107
Legal holidays Contempt Hearings
adjournment 2.28.110 nonappearance when summoned 13.34.070 proceedings 13.34.110
judicial business prohibited, exceptions Correctional facilities, See also public excluded, conditions 13.34.115
2.28.100 CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES, subtitle records 13.34.115
Municipal courts Juveniles social study and reports 13.34.120
jurisdiction, infringement upon 35.20.190 County executive summary proceedings 13.34.070
Night court transfer of administration of court services to Holding facilities, juveniles not to be confined in
municipal courts, night court department executive 13.20.060 adult facilities 13.04.116
35.20.020 Crisis residential centers, See JUVENILES, Improvement program, family and juvenile court
Nuisances, warrant of abatement, justice of the subtitle Crisis residential centers 2.56.220, 2.56.230
peace not to issue, transfer to superior court Dependency Informational materials on laws and court
7.48.260 permanency procedures, administrator for the courts to
Oaths, power to administer 2.28.010 parents for parents program Ch. 2.70 develop 2.56.130
Pleadings, civil actions plan of care when parent has developmental Interpreters for non-English speaking youth and
setoffs disability 13.34.136 families 13.04.043
reply to 12.08.020 Dependency cases Interstate compact on juveniles Ch. 13.24
Powers in conduct of judicial proceedings attorneys appointed in, state funds distribution Judgments
2.28.010 to 2.53.045 modification 13.34.150
Removal to superior court, third party defendants child protection and child welfare support of child, enforcement and time
Ch. 4.14 racial disproportionality, evaluation and limitation 13.34.161
Salaries report 13.34.830 Jurisdiction 13.04.030, 13.34.155
affidavit of compliance with administrator for civil contempt of court 13.34.165 delinquent juvenile, when 13.40.300
the courts, salary withheld until 2.56.040 court forms, standard 13.34.035 eighteenth birthday 13.40.300
Sessions, failure of, pending actions 2.28.130 jurisdiction of court 13.34.155 Juvenile as both dependent and as offender
Traffic infractions permanency 13.04.300
process, issuance of 46.63.130 annual report 13.34.820 Juvenile court advisory board
Trials placement of child 13.34.134 duties 13.20.060
jury trials, See JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, plan of care 13.34.136, 13.34.155 Juvenile offender or dependent children,
subtitle Jury trial placement 13.34.141, 13.34.142 judgment of not deemed conviction of crime
Vacancy in office status review, hearing 13.34.138 13.04.240
dockets, transfer of Detention Law regarding, application to juvenile institution
pending actions 2.28.130 educational program 13.04.145 72.05.210
Venue juvenile detention facilities Laws and court processes and procedures,
change of, prejudice, for 3.20.100 cameras, body worn, use by personnel Ch. administrator for the courts to develop
10.109, 42.56.240 informational materials on 2.56.130
Defined as homicide 9A.32.010 Legal financial obligations, express statutory
appointment and compensation of persons in authority, requirement for 13.40.720
Private person 9A.16.050 charge of 13.04.040
Public officer 9A.16.040 appointment of persons to take charge of Motor vehicle traffic records to be provided to by
13.04.040 department 46.20.293
Libel and slander 4.36.130 board of visitation to inspect 13.04.180 Necessity for detention, inquiry of court into
counties authorized to provide 13.16.040 13.16.085
Ne exeat, bond covering damages and costs
7.44.021 board of managers of facilities and services Offenders
Nuisances, sureties on bond to stay warrant of of counties with one million or more in collection and reporting of information on
abatement 7.48.040 population 13.20.010 generally, plan for improvement 2.56.031
Sureties bond issue for authorized 13.16.070 youth-level secure detention data 2.56.032
adverse claims to property levied on 6.19.040 budgeted funds, allocation for 13.16.080 consolidated juvenile services programs Ch.
debt limitations may be exceeded 13.06
JUVENILE CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES disparity in disposition of cases 13.40.430
federal and state aid 13.16.050 interpreters for non-English speaking persons
JUVENILE COURT private donations 13.16.050 13.04.043
Address confidentiality program for criminal counties to provide 13.04.135 motor vehicle theft
justice participants 40.24.030 motion pictures, unrated, R, X, or NC-17 adjudicated 13.40.305, 13.40.308
Administration 13.04.035 films not to be shown 13.16.100 Orders
Administrator of staff members, address confidentiality modification 13.34.150
fines, collection of 13.04.040 program for criminal justice participants Parental rights
fingerprinting of juveniles, authorization by 40.24.030 enforcement of dependent child support
10.98.050 racial disproportionality, annual report on payments 13.34.160
health and dental examination and care programs to reduce 13.06.050 Parents for parents program Ch. 2.70
consent, by administrator or staff 13.04.047 Disposition orders Petitions
interpreters for non-English speaking persons alternatives 13.34.130 commitment of child, petition for 13.34.040
13.04.043 entry 13.34.141 Prevention and intervention services, evidence-
Appeals 13.04.033 placement of Indian child in out-of-home care based and research-based Ch. 43.20C
Attorney for child 13.34.130 Probation counselors
appointment 13.34.100 Disposition standards and security guidelines, appointment 13.04.040
Board of managers in class AA counties published in state register 34.08.020 compensation 13.04.040
compensation 13.20.050 Drug courts, juvenile, authorized 2.30.010 expenses, how paid 13.04.050
organization 13.20.030 Financial responsibility for costs of detention, powers and duties 13.04.040
powers and duties 13.20.040 enforcement of support 13.16.085 Records
terms of office, removal, vacancies 13.20.020 Financial responsibility for dependent child court and judicial agency records, using for
Board of managers in counties with one million support 13.34.160 research or data gathering 13.50.280
or more in population 13.20.010 Fines, express statutory authority, requirement exchange with school districts
Board of visitation 13.04.180 for 13.40.720 notification of parents and students
Civil or traffic infraction cases 13.40.250 Guardian 28A.600.475
Commitment liability of guardian for support 13.34.161 keeping and release by administrative office
petition for 13.34.040 Guardian ad litem of the courts 13.50.010

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 387]


office of civil legal aid, release to and use by Indian children, requirements 13.32A.152 sexually exploited children, access to person
13.50.010 service on parents 13.32A.152 trained to work with 74.15.255
Released from state institutions petition in interest of youth services, in connection with Ch.
county housing authority acceptance by court 13.32A.205 43.185C
authority to operate group homes or halfway court procedure 13.32A.194 Custodial interference
houses 35.82.285 disposition hearing 13.32A.196, 13.32A.197 custody of children by law enforcement
Schools and school districts petition by parent 13.32A.191 officer 13.34.055
attendance violation petitions, report 2.56.140 prehearing procedure 13.32A.192 shelter care placement of child 13.34.060
case disposition notification 13.04.155 Attorney general Custodian, defined 13.04.011
truancy, petition to court 28A.225.030, duties in juvenile court 13.04.093 Custody
28A.225.035 Basic juvenile court act costs of support, treatment, and confinement,
Sexual offenses involving children definitions 13.04.011 liability for
admissibility of childs statement regarding juvenile court vested in someone other than parent, when
9A.44.120 commissioner, jurisdiction 13.04.021 custody is 13.40.220
Statutory authority for adjudication and how constituted 13.04.021 costs of support, treatment, and confinement,
disposition of judicial offenders 13.04.450 trial without jury 13.04.021 obligation and enforcement of payment
Summons Child, defined 13.04.011 13.40.220
failure to obey, contempt 13.34.070 Child welfare services dependency proceedings
issuance 13.34.070 records or information, disclosure 74.13.042 sexual contact evidence admissible
service 13.34.080 Commitment 9A.44.120
Support during detention, liability for, delinquent juvenile dependent children
enforcement of 13.16.085 commitment of beyond age twenty-one years attorney for child, appointment 13.34.100
Support for dependent child, enforcement prohibited 13.40.300 guardian ad litem, appointment 13.34.100
13.34.160 jurisdiction after eighteenth birthday Indian child welfare act, federal 13.34.040,
Suspension, deferral of sentence prohibited 13.40.300 13.34.070
9.92.200 inapplicability of statute to chapter 13.40.400 order for
Termination of parent-child relationship juvenile offender basic training camp program grounds 13.34.050
13.34.130, 13.34.132, 13.34.136 13.40.320 order modification 13.34.150
Traffic or civil infraction cases 13.40.250 Community facilities permanency planning 13.34.145
Traffic school of city or town and county, court community placement oversight committees, petition to court 13.34.040
may compel attendance at 46.83.050 establishment and duties 72.05.415 review hearings 13.34.145
Traffic violations department duties 72.05.420 support payments 13.34.160
driving while license is suspended or revoked infraction policy 72.05.405 grounds 13.40.040
46.20.342 law enforcement notification of placement hearings, release of information 13.50.100
records, department to provide 46.20.293 decisions 72.05.415 Indian child welfare act Ch. 13.38
Youth courts, programs 13.40.580, 13.40.590, placement and supervision of juveniles, law enforcement officer takes child into
13.40.600, 13.40.610, 13.40.620, 13.40.630, requirements 72.05.430 custody
13.40.640 placement conditions for certain offenders liability, limited 13.34.055
JUVENILE DETENTION FACILITIES (See 72.05.435 procedure 13.34.055
JUVENILE COURT, subtitle Detention) student records and information to ensure shelter care 13.34.055
proper placement 72.05.425 leaves
JUVENILES (See also CHILDREN; violations by juveniles, toll-free hotline for authorized 13.40.205
GUARDIAN AND WARD; MINORS) reporting 72.05.410 plan and order
Abuse of Community facility establishment and operation notice 13.40.205
DSHS staff training 26.44.220 public notification and participation 72.05.400 mental disorder or chemical dependency,
Administrator of juvenile court Community juvenile accountability programs detention of juvenile with 13.40.042
appointment of probation counselors and effectiveness standards 13.40.530 order for upon issuance of summons
detention personnel 13.04.040 establishment proposals, guidelines 13.40.510 13.40.100
fines, collection 13.04.040 grants 13.40.520 parole 13.40.210
health and dental examination and care information collection and reporting public employee
consent, by administrator or staff 13.04.047 13.40.540 liability, limited 13.34.055
probation counselor, and detention services purpose 13.40.500 reduction of in-residence population, early
appointment 13.04.035 Confinement releases to achieve 13.40.210
facilities release date setting 13.40.210 release
inspection of 13.04.037 security guidelines at juvenile facilities, report administrative 13.40.210
standards, adoption 13.04.037 13.40.030 date 13.40.210
responsibilities 13.04.035 Conservation corps, See CONSERVATION notice 13.40.205
Adult criminal prosecution 13.40.110 CORPS secure facilities 13.32A.128
Alcohol, firearms, and drug violations, driving Contempt of court shelter care 13.34.060, 13.34.062, 13.34.065,
privileges, revocation and reinstatement dependency cases 13.34.165 13.34.069, 13.34.092
13.40.265 families in conflict 13.32A.250 transfer to department of corrections
Alcohol or drug-related driving offenses Correctional facilities, See CORRECTIONAL 13.40.280, 13.40.285
child is present, arrest of vehicle operator FACILITIES, subtitle Juveniles Deferred disposition 13.40.127
when 26.44.250 County juvenile detention facilities Definitions
Arrest of parolee by parole officer 13.40.210 detention and risk assessment standards bail jumping 13.40.040
Assault on juvenile corrections staff member 13.40.038 child 13.04.011
transfer of juvenile to department of policy, humane, safe, and rehabilitative court 13.04.011
corrections, procedure 13.40.280 13.40.038 custodian 13.04.011
At-risk youth Court, defined 13.04.011 diversion agreements 13.40.080
court review of disposition 13.32A.198 Crimes juvenile 13.04.011
entitlement to services not created by chapter bail jumping 13.40.040 juvenile offender 13.04.011
13.32A.300 definitions 13.40.020 juvenile offense 13.04.011
family services and programs to be juvenile justice act of 1977 Ch. 13.40 offenses (crimes) 13.40.020
administered to benefit 43.20A.780 prosecution 13.40.070 parent or parents 13.04.011
nonoffender at-risk children and their families Crimes, See also JUVENILES, subtitle Offenses youth 13.04.011
Ch. 13.32A (crimes) Delinquent, See JUVENILE COURT;
orders Crisis residential centers JUVENILES, subtitle Crisis residential
failure to comply as civil contempt annual records, contents 74.13.035 centers
13.32A.250 licensing eligibility 74.13.035 Delinquents, delinquency, construed to mean
petition for child in need of services regulation of leave 13.32A.030 offenders, offenses 13.40.240
acceptance by court 13.32A.205 secure or semi-secure centers Dependency court system and permanency
court action 13.32A.160 collaboration, collocation, licensing parents for parents program Ch. 2.70
hearings 13.32A.170 requirements 74.15.255 Dependency proceedings

[RCW Indexpage 388] (2016 Ed.)


absences from school, unexpected or violation of conditions 13.34.176 power and capacity of emancipated minors
excessive, review of 28A.225.023 termination of parent-child relationship 13.64.060
attorneys appointed in, state funds distribution failure to send juvenile to school relevant to service of petition and notice of hearing
to 2.53.045 neglect petition 13.34.300 13.64.030
child protection and child welfare health care, evaluation and treatment voiding of fraudulent declaration 13.64.070
racial disproportionality, evaluation and 13.34.315 Erotic material
report 13.34.830 Indian child 13.34.190 distribution or sale to minors, penalty
child welfare proceedings no parent remaining, custody 13.34.210 9.68.050, 9.68.060, 9.68.070, 9.68.080
placement, documentation 13.34.400 order for, grounds 13.34.190 misrepresentation of age for purposes of
court forms, standard 13.34.035 petition for, grounds 13.34.180 securing 9.68.080
educational liason 13.34.045, 13.34.046 petition to reinstate 13.34.215 Families in conflict
entry 13.34.141 rights of parties upon 13.34.200 procedure for, See JUVENILES, subtitle
Indian child welfare act Ch. 13.38 summons and hearing 13.34.070 Juvenile court, families in conflict,
negligent treatment, maltreatment tribal records given effect 13.34.240 procedures for
DSHS initiated proceedings 26.44.195 visitation policy and protocols Family and childrens ombuds, office of Ch.
placement of Indian child in out-of-home care development 13.34.380 43.06A
13.34.130 petition for visitation 13.34.385 Family law commissioner
psychosexual evaluation for parent 13.34.410 Detention power and authority 13.04.021
rights of parties 13.34.090 bail fee 13.40.056 Family reconciliation services Ch. 13.32A
rights of parties to be heard 13.34.096 disposition order availability for child in out-of-home
summons 13.34.080 confinement in detention facility 13.40.185 placement 13.32A.100
summons and hearing 13.34.070 escapees department responsibilities 74.13.036
suspected abuse, payment for medical arrest warrant issuance 13.40.045 Fingerprinting
examination 7.68.068 grounds 13.40.040 authorization by juvenile court administrator
Dependent children mental disorder or chemical dependency, 10.98.050
absences from school, unexpected or juvenile with 13.40.042 Firearms, unlawful possession, data regarding
excessive, review of 28A.225.023 probation bond or collateral, posting, juvenile offenders 13.40.800
attorney for child, appointment 13.34.100 modification, or revocation 13.40.054 Firearms violations, revocation and
child welfare proceedings procedures 13.40.050 reinstatement of driving privileges 13.40.265
placement, documentation 13.34.400 Detention facilities Gang and drug-involved juvenile offenders,
civil contempt of court 13.34.165 education programs for juvenile inmates in transitional treatment program for 13.40.310
custody adult correctional facilities Ch. 28A.193 Harboring
detention order and summons 13.34.070 educational program 28A.190.010 definition 13.32A.080
Indian child welfare act, federal 13.34.040, educational service district agreements Health and dental examination and care
13.34.070 28A.190.015 consent, by administrator or staff 13.04.047
law enforcement officer takes into custody local sales and use tax for facilities and jails Hearings
13.34.055 82.14.350 families in conflict 13.32A.200
order 13.34.050 motion pictures out-of-home placement 13.32A.200
petition to court 13.34.040 Holding facilities, juveniles not to be confined in
summons and service 13.34.080 unrated, R, X, or NC-17 films not to be
shown 13.16.100 adult facilities 13.04.116
support payments 13.34.160 Homeless
definitions 13.34.030 Detention services
administration 13.04.035 homeless youth prevention and protection act
education coordination program for dependent data and outcome measures, report
youth 28A.300.590 facilities
inspection 13.04.037 43.330.706
education services, onsite individualized, for definitions 43.330.702
dependent students 28A.300.592 standards, adoption of 13.04.037
evaluation of parties 13.34.370 Developmental disabilities, juveniles with finding 43.330.700
extended foster care 13.34.267, 13.34.268 out-of-home placement 13.34.270 office of homeless youth prevention and
family, integrity of, statutory recognition, permanency planning hearing 13.34.270 protection programs 43.330.705,
rights of child 13.34.020 Disposition standards and security guidelines, 43.330.710
guardian ad litem 13.34.102 published in state register 34.08.020 programs, state-funded, review of
guardian ad litem, appointment 13.34.100 Diversion agreements 13.40.080 43.330.717
guardianship costs of services, payment responsibility training programs 43.330.715
court order 13.40.085 Indian child welfare act Ch. 13.38
contents 13.34.232 interpreters, provision when required in Jurisdiction 13.40.060
guardianship separate from dependency hearings and negotiations 13.40.080 court commissioners 13.04.021
guardianship, establishment of plain language required 13.40.080 Jury, cases tried without 13.04.021
permanency for children in foster care prosecutors decision 13.40.070 Justice system, care, custody, treatment,
through Ch. 13.36 prostitution or prostitution loitering departmental responsibility 74.13.036
guardianship subsidy, right of guardian to diversion of offense 13.40.213 Juvenile, defined 13.04.011
receive 13.34.234 prostitution or prostitution loitering offense, Juvenile accountability incentive account
modification 13.34.233 alleged 13.40.560
powers and duties of guardian 13.34.232 eligibility for diversion 13.40.070 Juvenile court
review exemption 13.34.235 services and treatment for offender administration of 13.04.035
termination 13.34.233 13.32A.270, 13.40.087 detention facilities
when dependency guardianship is subject to victims to be notified of referral of juvenile to inspection 13.04.037
provisions of juvenile court act, a diversion unit 13.40.070 standards, adoption 13.04.037
exceptions, options 13.34.237 Driving privileges affected by alcohol, drug, administrator
guidelines 13.34.350 firearms violations, revocation and appointment 13.04.035
newborn, transfer 13.34.360 reinstatement 13.40.265 detention facilities
permanency planning 13.34.145 Drug or alcohol-related driving offenses inspection 13.04.037
review hearings 13.34.145 child is present, arrest of vehicle operator standards, adoption 13.04.037
rights of parties 13.34.090 when 26.44.250 responsibilities 13.04.035
rights of parties to be heard 13.34.096 Drugs appeals 13.04.033
services, coordination 13.34.025 violations, revocation and reinstatement of child sexual assault
services, description 13.34.094 driving privileges 69.41.065 information identifying victims of juvenile
shelter care 13.34.060 Emancipation of minors offenders is confidential 13.50.050
support payments, judgment for 13.34.161 decree of emancipation, notation of status court commissioners jurisdiction 13.04.021
termination of parental rights 13.64.050 court forms for dependency matters, standard
alcohol or substance abuse evaluation and eligibility to petition 13.64.010 13.34.035
treatment forms for petition 13.64.080 dependent children
breach of court-ordered treatment hearing on petition 13.64.040 custody
13.34.174 petition, contents and filing fee 13.64.020 support payments 13.34.160

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 389]


guardianship placement, dependency proceedings felony convictions, placement 72.01.410

guardianship subsidy 13.34.234 13.34.141 firearms, unlawful possession, data regarding
order to establish 13.34.232 prosecuting attorney, as a party to offenders 13.40.800
when dependency guardianship is subject proceedings, election to participate inmates in adult jails
to provisions of juvenile court act, 13.40.090 education programs Ch. 28A.194
exceptions, options 13.34.237 records jail confinement, segregation from adult
tribal records given effect 13.34.240 destruction of 13.50.270 offenders 72.01.415
detention facilities expungement rights 13.50.150 juvenile accountability incentive account
inspection 13.04.037 sealing of, sealing hearings concerning 13.40.560
standards, adoption, review 13.04.037 13.50.260 juvenile facilities, designation and
diversion agreements 13.40.080 use for research or data gathering 13.50.280 management Ch. 72.05
costs of services, payment responsibility restitution orders 13.40.080 medical assistance, released from confinement
13.40.085 sexual assault of child 74.09.515
interpreters, provision when required in information identifying victims of juvenile mental institution, transfer 71.05.525
hearings and negotiations 13.40.080 offenders is confidential 13.50.050 motor vehicle theft
youth courts, programs 13.40.580, termination of parent-child relationship adjudicated 13.40.305, 13.40.308
13.40.590, 13.40.600, 13.40.610, failure to cause juvenile to attend school parental right to provide treatment 72.05.200
13.40.620, 13.40.630, 13.40.640 relevant to neglect petition 13.34.300 placement of certain offenders in community
duty of attorney general 13.04.093 traffic or civil infraction cases 13.40.250 facilities 72.05.435
duty of prosecuting attorney 13.04.093 traffic violations, records forwarded to license pregnant youth in custody, use of restraints
families in conflict, procedure for department 13.50.200 72.05.451
hearings trial without jury 13.04.021 pregnant youth in custody, use of restraints on
public excluded 13.32A.200 Juvenile court act in cases relating to dependency 13.40.650, 13.40.651, 70.48.500,
time or place 13.32A.200 of a child and the termination of a parent and 70.48.501, 70.48.502, 70.48.800,
interstate compact on juveniles to apply, child relationship Ch. 13.34 72.05.450, 72.09.651, 72.09.652
when 13.32A.110 Juvenile justice act of 1977 prostitution or prostitution loitering
orders, noncompliance, penalty 13.32A.250 suspensions, deferral of sentence, prohibited diversion of offense 13.40.213
out-of-home placement 13.32A.100 9.92.200 presumption that alleged offender is victim
agreement to continue 13.32A.120 Juvenile offense, defined 13.04.011 of trafficking and commercial sexual
child in need of services petition Learning and life skills grant program for court- abuse of a minor 13.40.219
13.32A.152 involved youth Ch. 13.80 prostitution or prostitution loitering offense,
child in need of services petition, procedure Legal financial obligations alleged
13.32A.150 express statutory authority, requirement for diversion, eligibility for 13.40.070
court action upon filing of petition 13.40.720 services and treatment for offender
13.32A.160 Mental health treatment 13.32A.270, 13.40.087
court order 13.32A.180 inpatient admission, procedure 13.34.320, residential group homes, policy for use
hearings, denial or approval 13.32A.170 13.34.330, 13.34.340 72.05.435
Indian children, requirements 13.32A.152 Misrepresentation of age for purposes of securing restraints, use on pregnant youth in custody
order, limitation and termination erotic material, penalty 9.68.080 13.40.650, 13.40.651, 70.48.500,
13.32A.190 Missing and exploited children, task force on 70.48.501, 70.48.502, 70.48.800,
petition, procedure 13.32A.140 13.60.100, 13.60.110 72.05.450, 72.05.451, 72.09.651,
support contribution by parents 13.32A.175 Motor vehicle traffic records, to be provided to 72.09.652
sheltering minor without consent, prohibited parents and guardians 46.20.293 sexual misconduct by state employees or
13.32A.080 Offenders contractors 13.40.570
family law commissioner 13.04.021 at-risk sex offenders sexually aggressive youth
family reconciliation act treatment, expenditure of funds for treatment services and information 74.13.075
at-risk youth of sexually aggressive youth 74.13.075 transfer of surplus funds for treatment
orders, failure to comply as civil contempt basic training camp program 13.40.320 74.13.077
13.32A.250 chemical dependency or mental health treatment, expenditure of funds 74.13.075
at-risk youth petition disposition alternative 13.40.165 student records and information, release
acceptance by court 13.32A.205 children and family services act 13.40.480
court procedure 13.32A.194 blended funding projects 74.14A.060 transitional treatment program for gang and
court review of disposition 13.32A.198 treatment drug-involved juvenile offenders 13.40.310
disposition hearing 13.32A.196, family unit to be included 74.14A.040 treatment
13.32A.197 nonresidential community-based care family unit to be involved 74.14A.040
petition by parent 13.32A.191 74.14A.030 nonresidential community-based care
prehearing procedure 13.32A.192 collection and reporting of information on 74.14A.030
definitions 13.32A.030 generally, plan for improvement 2.56.031 youth courts, programs 13.40.580, 13.40.590,
entitlement to services not created by chapter youth-level secure detention data 2.56.032 13.40.600, 13.40.610, 13.40.620,
13.32A.300 community juvenile accountability programs 13.40.630, 13.40.640
orders effectiveness standards 13.40.530 Offenses (crimes)
failure to comply as civil contempt establishment proposals, guidelines bail jumping 13.40.040
13.32A.250 13.40.510 child sexual assault
scope of services 13.32A.040 grants 13.40.520 information identifying victims of juvenile
semi-secure facilities, regulation of leave information collection and reporting offenders is confidential 13.50.050
from 13.32A.030 13.40.540 community supervision or confinement
fines, express statutory authority, requirement purpose 13.40.500 violations of conditions, penalty 13.40.200
for 13.40.720 community restitution 7.68.035 complaints
how constituted 13.04.021 community-based care, nonresidential diversion 13.40.070
jurisdiction 13.04.030 children and family services act 74.14A.030 firearms special allegation 13.40.196
jury, cases tried without 13.04.021 consolidated juvenile services probation counselor, responsibilities
juvenile as both dependent and as offender state payments, calculation, limitation 13.40.070
13.04.300 13.06.050 prosecuting attorney screening, purpose
keeping and release of records, See counseling services 72.05.170 13.40.070
JUVENILES, subtitle Records, keeping crime victims compensation, penalty confinement
and release by juvenile agencies assessment to support 7.68.035 commitment beyond age twenty-one
legal financial obligations, express statutory defined 13.04.011 prohibited 13.40.300
authority, requirement for 13.40.720 disparity in disposition of cases 13.40.430 firearms possession, length of confinement
offenses (crimes) disposition records, provision to schools and community supervision 13.40.193
prosecution proceedings 13.50.160 juvenile offender basic training camp
disposition employment or volunteer positions with program 13.40.320
suspensions, deferrals, prohibited juveniles, eligibility 72.05.440 leaves
9.92.200 family unit as part of treatment 74.14A.040 authorized 13.40.205

[RCW Indexpage 390] (2016 Ed.)


plan and order postrelease violations emergency or medical leave

notice 13.40.205 crimes committed before eighteenth birthday notice requirements 13.40.215
ranges, limitations 13.40.030 9.95.425 escape
reduction of in-residence population, early murder, aggravated first degree, committed notice requirements 13.40.215
releases to achieve 13.40.210 before sixteenth birthday 9.95.425 parole 13.40.210
release prosecuting attorney, as a party to release of information concerning
administrative 13.40.210 proceedings, election to participate authorization 13.40.217
notice 13.40.205 13.40.090 release or transfer
release date setting 13.40.210 prosecuting standards notice requirements 13.40.215
transfer to department of corrections equal application 13.40.0351 school attendance, may not attend school
13.40.280 prosecution proceedings attended by victim 13.40.215
costs of support, treatment, and confinement, admissibility of evidence 13.40.140 special sex offender disposition alternative
liability for 13.40.220 confinement, costs of, support payment 13.40.160, 13.40.162
custody enforcement 13.40.220 sexual assault of child
bail 13.40.040 custody information identifying victims of juvenile
bail fee 13.40.056 parole requirements 13.40.210 offenders is confidential 13.50.050
bail jumping 13.40.040 release date 13.40.210 sexual motivation special allegation 13.40.135
detention procedures 13.40.050 disposition 13.40.130, 13.40.160 stalking
grounds for 13.40.040 appeals from 13.40.230 emergency or medical leave
probation bond or collateral, posting, multiple offenses, consecutive terms, notice requirements 13.40.215
modification, or revocation 13.40.054 limitation 13.40.180 escape
release, conditions 13.40.050 single disposition order 13.40.180 notice requirements 13.40.215
deferred disposition 13.40.127 diversion agreements 13.40.080 release or transfer
definitions 13.40.020 firearms special allegation 13.40.196 notice requirements 13.40.215
detention hearings, time and place 13.40.120 student records and information, release
commitment beyond age twenty-one judicial rights 13.40.140 13.40.480
prohibited 13.40.300 jurisdiction 13.40.060 summons
escapees, arrest warrant issuance 13.40.045 multiple offenses, consecutive terms, order of detention 13.40.100
juvenile offender basic training camp limitation 13.40.180 procedure 13.40.100
program 13.40.320 parole officers, arrest authority 13.40.210 service 13.40.100
disposition order pleading 13.40.130 transfer for adult criminal prosecution, when
confinement in detention facility 13.40.185 privilege against self-incrimination 13.40.110
restitution 13.40.190 13.40.140 transfer to department of corrections
disposition records, provision to schools probation counselor 13.40.285
13.50.160 as prosecuting authority 13.40.090 venue 13.40.060
diversion agreements 13.40.080 responsibilities of 13.40.070 victims to be notified of referral of juvenile to
costs of services, payment responsibility prosecuting attorney a diversionary unit 13.40.070
13.40.085 as a party 13.40.090 violent offenders
interpreters, provision when required in responsibilities of 13.40.070 emergency or medical leave
hearings and negotiations 13.40.080 prosecuting authority 13.40.090 notice requirements 13.40.215
early release when committed before right to counsel 13.40.140 escape
eighteenth birthday 9.94A.730 sentencing standards 13.40.130 notice requirements 13.40.215
fines, express statutory authority, requirement subpoena power 13.40.140 release or transfer
for 13.40.720 summons notice requirements 13.40.215
firearms contents 13.40.100 Out-of-home care
special allegation, armed in commission of order of detention 13.40.100 social study, contents 74.13.065
offense 13.40.196 service 13.40.100 Out-of-home placement
firearms possession transfer for adult criminal prosecution child in need of services petition
driving privileges, revocation and 13.40.110 acceptance by court 13.32A.205
reinstatement 13.40.265 venue 13.40.060 approval or denial 13.32A.170
length of confinement and community verdicts 13.40.130 court action 13.32A.160
supervision 13.40.193 prostitution or prostitution loitering filing 13.32A.140, 13.32A.150
information, filing of 13.40.070 diversion of offense 13.40.213 Indian children, requirements 13.32A.152
jurisdiction 13.40.060 presumption that alleged offender is victim service on parents 13.32A.152
decline hearing of trafficking and commercial sexual contempt of court 13.32A.250
transfer for adult criminal prosecution abuse of a minor 13.40.219 costs of support, treatment, and confinement,
13.40.110 prostitution or prostitution loitering offense, liability for 13.40.220
when held 13.40.110 alleged court order 13.32A.180
learning and life skills grant program Ch. diversion, eligibility for 13.40.070 disposition hearing and court order
13.80 services and treatment for offender 13.32A.179
legal financial obligations 13.32A.270, 13.40.087 disposition plan 13.32A.170
enforcement and extension of judgment recommended prosecuting standards for disposition plan, limitation and termination
13.40.192 charging and plea dispositions 13.40.077 13.32A.190
modification or relief, petition for 13.40.192 records, keeping, release, or destruction fact-finding hearing 13.32A.170
legal financial obligations, express statutory 13.50.050 family reconciliation services available
authority, requirement for 13.40.720 records, sealing of, conditions 13.50.050 13.32A.100
multiple offenses, consecutive terms, referral of juveniles to mediation or victim hearings 13.32A.200
limitation 13.40.180 offender reconciliation programs 13.40.070 Indian child welfare act Ch. 13.38
parole 13.40.210 rehabilitation programs petition
intensive supervision program 13.40.210, administration by department of social and filing 13.32A.120
13.40.212 health services 13.40.460 support contribution by parents 13.32A.175,
penalty assessments 13.40.198 release, reinstatement of 13.32A.177, 13.32A.178
postrelease arrest crimes committed before eighteenth birthday Parent and child
crimes committed before eighteenth birthday 9.95.440 dependent children
9.95.430 murder, aggravated first degree, committed court order, grounds 13.34.050
murder, aggravated first degree, committed before sixteenth birthday 9.95.440 custody
before sixteenth birthday 9.95.430 restitution orders 13.40.080, 13.40.190 order modification 13.34.150
postrelease transfer to more restrictive sentencing guidelines support payments 13.34.160
confinement equal application 13.40.0351 petition to court 13.34.040
crimes committed before eighteenth birthday sentencing standards 13.40.0357 family, integrity of, statutory recognition,
9.95.435 sex offenders rights of child 13.34.020
murder, aggravated first degree, committed disposition of prosecution proceedings Indian child welfare act Ch. 13.38
before sixteenth birthday 9.95.435 13.40.160, 13.40.162 termination of parent-child relationship

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 391]


Indian child 13.34.190 private right of action or claim when Transitional living programs for youth in process
no parent remaining, custody 13.34.210 reporting requirements not met of being emancipated 74.13.037
order for, grounds 13.34.190 13.32A.085 Transitional treatment program for gang and
petition 13.34.145 Runaway hotline 74.13.039 drug-involved juvenile offenders 13.40.310
petition for, grounds 13.34.180 Runaway youth Vulnerable youth
petition to reinstate 13.34.215 law enforcement duty to identify and place residential facility commitment, protection
rights of parties 13.34.200 information 13.32A.086 from sexually aggressive youth 13.40.470
summons and hearing 13.34.070 policy manual of statutes regarding Witnesses
voluntary adoption plan 13.34.125 43.101.300 bail 10.16.150
Parent or parents, defined 13.04.011 secure facility, admitted to, limitations Youth, defined 13.04.011
Parental school facilities 72.05.300, 72.05.310 13.32A.128 Youth employment and conservation act, See
Parole officers, power of arrest 13.40.210 School attendance by sex offender 13.40.215 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION,
Photographing and fingerprinting Secure facilities subtitle Youth employment and conservation
juvenile court administrator, authority to order runaway youth admitted to, limitations act
43.43.735 13.32A.128 Youth services
Prevention and intervention services, evidence- Semi-secure facility crisis residential centers Ch. 43.185C
based and research-based Ch. 43.20C leave, conditions, notice 13.32A.030 families, referral to services Ch. 43.185C
Sentencing HOPE centers Ch. 43.185C
Privileged communications 5.60.060
chemical dependency or mental health multidisciplinary teams Ch. 43.185C
Probation counselor services disposition alternative 13.40.165
administration 13.04.035 referral to services Ch. 43.185C
commitment beyond age twenty-one
diversion agreements, contracts with private prohibited 13.40.300 youth taken into custody, procedures Ch.
agencies 13.04.040 43.185C
confinement in detention facility 13.40.185
predisposition studies 13.04.040 consecutive terms 13.40.180 Youth shelters, unlicensed
probation counselors 13.04.040 disposition hearing 13.40.150 sheltering, notification of parents when
Prosecuting attorney disposition order private right of action or claim when
duties in juvenile court 13.04.093 procedure 13.40.160 reporting requirements not met
Prosecuting standards special sex offender disposition alternative 13.32A.085
charging and plea dispositions 13.40.077 13.40.160, 13.40.162 K-20 EDUCATION NETWORK (See
equal application 13.40.0351 violation of order 13.40.200 EDUCATION)
Prosecution 13.40.070, 13.40.080, 13.40.090, firearms possession
13.40.100, 13.40.110, 13.40.120, 13.40.140 KAYAKS (See WHITEWATER RAFTING)
length of confinement and community
firearms special allegation 13.40.196 supervision 13.40.193 KEGS (See BEER)
Records, keeping and release by administrative juvenile offender basic training camp program KIDNAPPING (See also CRIMES, subtitle
office of the courts 13.50.010 13.40.320 Involuntary servitude, coercion of;
Records, keeping and release by juvenile penalty assessments 13.40.198 CRIMES, subtitle Trafficking;
agencies procedure 13.40.130 IMPRISONMENT, UNLAWFUL)
applicable scope 13.50.250 ranges of confinement, limitations 13.40.030 Definitions 9A.40.010
conditions when filing petition or information restitution First degree 9A.40.020
13.50.010 violation of order 13.40.200 Offender registration 9A.44.128, 9A.44.130,
confidential records, expunging 13.50.150 sentencing guidelines 9A.44.132, 9A.44.140, 9A.44.141,
destruction of records 13.50.270 equal application 13.40.0351 9A.44.142, 9A.44.143, 9A.44.145,
disposition records, provision to schools sentencing standards 13.40.0357 9A.44.148, 43.43.540, 70.48.470
13.50.160 Sex offenders failure to register 9A.44.132
duties 13.50.010 release of information concerning notice to defendant 10.01.200
juvenile offense records, maintenance, authorization 13.40.217 notice to offender at release 72.09.330
release, or destruction of 13.50.050 sexually aggressive youth offender attendance at or employment by
juvenile offenses records, sealing of, services and information 74.13.075 schools or higher education institutions
conditions 13.50.050 transfer of surplus funds for treatment 9A.44.138
motor vehicle operation violations 13.50.200 74.13.077 registered sex offender and kidnapping
office of civil legal aid, release to and use by treatment, expenditure of funds 74.13.075
offender address and residency verification
13.50.010 Sexually aggressive youth grant program 36.28A.230
records other than for juvenile offenses, protection of vulnerable youth committed to
residential facilities 13.40.470 Persons punishable 9A.04.030
maintenance and release 13.50.100 Release of information regarding offenders
sealing of records, sealing hearings Sexually transmitted disease, treatment of
minors, parental consent not required public agencies and officials, authorization
concerning 13.50.260 and immunity 4.24.550
student records, release 13.40.480 70.24.110
Shelter care 13.34.060, 13.34.062, 13.34.065, Second degree 9A.40.030
use for research or data gathering 13.50.280 Students required to register
Rehabilitation facilities 13.34.069
placement by law enforcement officer sample policy and educational materials,
motion pictures publication by superintendent of public
unrated, R, X, or NC-17 films not to be Sheltering instruction 28A.300.147
shown 13.16.100 liability, immunity when notice provided
Rehabilitation programs KIDNEY DIALYSIS
13.32A.084 Business and occupation tax exemption
administration by department of social and notification requirements 13.32A.082
health services 13.40.460 82.04.4289
sheltering, notification of parents when Drugs in facilities, allowed 18.64.257
state quality assurance program 13.40.468 private right of action or claim when
Reinvesting in youth program Prescription drugs dispensed to patients
reporting requirements not met 69.41.032
account 13.40.466 13.32A.085
generally 13.40.462 State identification number KINDERGARTEN
guidelines 13.40.464 state patrol to furnish 10.98.080 All-day, voluntary
Residential facilities Statute administration, consistency required funding 28A.150.315
educational program 43.20A.770 Washington kindergarten inventory of
educational service district agreements Statutory authority for adjudication and developing skills
28A.190.015 disposition of judicial offenders 13.04.450 implementation, administration, waivers
protection of vulnerable youth from sexually Traffic charges, records, disclosure 46.20.293 28A.655.080
aggressive youth 13.40.470 Traffic or civil infraction cases 13.40.250 phasing in 28A.150.315
sexual misconduct by state employees or Traffic violations work group 28A.655.080
contractors 13.40.570 records sent to department of licenses Establishment and maintenance
Rights of child 13.34.020 13.50.200 first class districts authority 28A.330.100
Runaway and homeless youth programs, youth court Ch. 3.72 Washington kindergarten inventory of
unlicensed Transfer to department of corrections 13.40.280, developing skills
sheltering, notification of parents when 13.40.285 fairness and bias review 28A.655.220

[RCW Indexpage 392] (2016 Ed.)


KING, MARTIN LUTHER Bribery of labor representative, See LABOR, prime contractor, duty to make information
School holiday 28A.150.050 subtitle Prohibited practices available to suppliers, subcontractors, or
KING COUNTY Broadcasting industry employees professionals 60.04.261
Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.170 noncompetition agreements 49.44.190 priority of liens 60.04.061
Echo Glen correctional institution Ch. 72.19 Child labor laws promissory note, effect of taking 60.04.191
Sports franchises, restrictions on special hotel- violations of, appeals to director 49.12.400 property subject to lien 60.04.051
motel tax revenue 67.28.184 violations of, civil penalties and restraining rank of lien 60.04.181
Stadium and exhibition center, See STADIUM, orders 49.12.390 release of lien rights 60.04.071
CONVENTION CENTER, AND ARTS violations of, criminal penalties 49.12.410 rights of owner, recovery options 60.04.151
FACILITIES violations of, remedies in chapter are withholding of funds 60.04.221
Superior court judges, number of 2.08.061 exclusive 49.12.420 County forces, county road and bridge
Child labor laws, See also LABOR, subtitle construction 36.77.065, 36.77.070
KINSHIP Minors County improvement claims 36.45.040
Degree of, computation of for purposes of Children, See LABOR, subtitle Minors Dental care assistance plans
descent and distribution 11.02.005 Collective bargaining requirements 49.64.040
KITSAP COUNTY minimum wage law, effect 49.46.110 Discharging employee because of garnishment
Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.180 policy 49.32.020 unlawful, exception 6.27.170
Superior court judges, number of 2.08.062 promises and undertakings, contrary Discrimination
KITTITAS COUNTY 49.32.030 age 49.44.090
Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.190 public employees, See PUBLIC OFFICERS apprentices and apprenticeship programs
Superior court judges, number of 2.08.062 AND EMPLOYEES, subtitle Collective 49.04.100, 49.04.110, 49.04.120,
bargaining 49.04.130
KLICKITAT COUNTY rights of, not affected 49.12.187 employment agencies 49.60.200
Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.200 Compressed air work wage differential due to sex 49.12.175
Superior court judges, number of 2.08.064 air chambers 49.24.130 Discrimination, See also DISCRIMINATION
KNIVES (See WEAPONS) air locks 49.24.140 Diseased persons, See DISEASES
air plant 49.24.160 Disputes
KNOWLEDGE electric power requirements 49.24.170 arbitration, See LABOR, subtitle Arbitration
Defined, for Criminal Code 9A.08.010 enforcement 49.24.070 of disputes
KOSHER FOOD PRODUCTS exhaust valves 49.24.110 defined 49.32.110
Consumer protection act, application 69.90.030 explosives and detonators 49.24.150, definition of for purposes of injunction
Definitions 69.90.010 49.24.220 49.32.110
Misrepresentation 69.90.020 fire prevention 49.24.120 employee replacement by out-of-state persons
Violations 69.90.030 inspection 49.24.180 49.44.100
KRAFT MILLS (See PULP AND PAPER lighting appliances 49.24.100 injunctions
MILLS) medical and nursing attendants 49.24.030 generally Ch. 49.32
penalty for violations 49.24.060 grounds for 49.32.072, 49.36.015
LABELS physical examination of employees 49.24.040 hearings and findings 49.32.072
Agricultural commodities pressure, defined 49.24.010 policy 49.32.020
Washington state grown, restrictions on use safety requirements 49.24.020 injunctions for, See LABOR, subtitle
for labeling or advertising 15.04.410 Compressed air work, See also LABOR, subtitle Injunctions
Alcoholic beverages Underground work replacement of employees 49.44.100
malt liquor 66.28.120 Concert of action seasonal laborers, settlement, generally
spirits 66.28.100 injunction, effect on granting 49.32.060 49.40.040, 49.40.050, 49.40.060
wine 66.28.110 Conditions of employment unemployment compensation
Beverage containers, filing of name and marks generally Ch. 49.12 effect on 50.20.090
19.76.100 women and minors 49.12.020 Employee benefit plans
Blind made products, requirements 19.06.010 workers 49.12.020 deductions for 49.52.010, 49.52.020,
Controlled substances, See DRUGS Construction liens 49.52.030, 49.52.040
Cosmetics, labeling requirements 69.04.680 acts of coercion 60.04.035 dental care assistance plans 49.64.040
Egg products 69.25.100 application of chapter 281, Laws of 1991, to enforcement of employers contribution
Food, drug, and cosmetic act Ch. 69.04 actions pending as of June 1, 1992 49.52.010
Honey, labeling requirements Ch. 69.28 60.04.904 generally 49.64.010, 49.64.020, 49.64.030
Misleading labeling or false advertising, how application of proceeds 60.04.181 Employees
determined 69.04.016 assignment of lien 60.04.121 collective bargaining, rights of not affected
Poisons attorneys fees 60.04.181 49.12.187
caustic or corrosive poisons, labeling, bond in lieu of claim 60.04.161 employers records 49.12.050
packaging, and sale Ch. 69.36 claim of lien personnel files
requirements 69.40.055 community interest, effect on 60.04.211 inspection by employee
Poultry products, labeling requirements designation of amount due on each piece of authorized 49.12.240
69.04.245, 69.04.333, 69.04.335 property 60.04.131 erroneous or disputed information
Prescription drugs, labeling requirements recording of notice of, time limits, and 49.12.250
69.41.050 contents 60.04.091 limitations 49.12.260
Turkeys, grade labeling 69.04.334 recording of notice of claim, requirements wages, exceptions to minimum scale
LABOR (See also EDUCATIONAL and fee 60.04.111 49.12.110
EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS ACT; separate residential units, time for filing Employment agencies, See EMPLOYMENT
Age discrimination 49.44.090, 49.60.205 contractor registration required to establish Employment contracts, remedy for violation
Agriculture, See AGRICULTURAL LABOR lien 60.04.041 49.36.020
Apprentices definitions 60.04.011 Extrahazardous employment
minimum wage, exceptions for 49.46.060 duration of lien, procedural limitations service benefits, deductions for 49.52.030
Apprentices, See also APPRENTICES 60.04.141 False pretenses to secure employment, See
Arbitration of disputes financial encumbrances, priorities 60.04.226 LABOR, subtitle Prohibited practices
generally, including board of arbitration Ch. foreclosure of liens, parties and procedure Family leave Ch. 49.78
49.08 60.04.171 definitions 49.78.020
health care activities Ch. 49.66 frivolous claims, procedure to seek dismissal Family leave insurance Ch. 49.86
Arbitration of disputes, See also 60.04.081 eligibility for benefits 49.86.030
ARBITRATION AND AWARD, subtitle lenders, notice to 60.04.221 family leave insurance account 49.86.170
Labor disputes lien authorized 60.04.021 report by administering department 49.86.210
Association of employees, See LABOR material exempt from process 60.04.201 Farm labor contractors, See FARM LABOR
UNIONS notice of right to claim lien, requirements and CONTRACTORS
Blacklisting, See LABOR, subtitle Prohibited exceptions 60.04.031 Forced labor
practices personal action on debt preserved 60.04.191 human trafficking Ch. 19.320

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 393]


human trafficking, See also LABOR, subtitle forced labor Ch. 19.320 child labor laws, violations of, appeals to
Human trafficking human trafficking awareness day 1.16.050 director 49.12.400
Foreign workers informational posters, placement at highway child labor laws, violations of, criminal
domestic employers of, human trafficking rest areas 47.38.080 penalties 49.12.410
disclosure statement jurisdiction of courts 19.320.030 child welfare laws, violations of, remedies in
liability 19.320.040 notice on human trafficking, model chapter are exclusive 49.12.420
requirements 19.320.020 restrooms, public, voluntary posting in dangerous employment 26.28.070
human trafficking 43.280.110 employment permits, school attendance, and
assistance for victims, information on Human trafficking, See also CRIMES, subtitle penalties 28A.225.080, 28A.225.090
19.320.050 Trafficking; VICTIMS, SURVIVORS, generally Ch. 49.12
definitions 19.320.010 AND WITNESSES OF CRIME, subtitle house to house sales by
jurisdiction of courts 19.320.030 Human trafficking definitions 49.12.320
international labor recruitment agencies, Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL employment advertisements, requirements
human trafficking disclosure statement INSURANCE and prohibitions 49.12.310
liability 19.320.040 Industrial relations registration of employers 49.12.300
requirements 19.320.020 labor and industries department, powers and rule-making authority 49.12.330
Foreign workers, See also LABOR, subtitle duties 43.22.270 immoral employment 26.28.070
Human trafficking supervisor of industrial relations, authority information program, department of labor and
Garnishment, discharging employee because of 43.22.260 industries duties 49.12.380
unlawful, exception 6.27.170 Industrial safety and health, See INDUSTRIAL minimum ages for employment, exceptions
Genetic screening prohibited 49.44.180 SAFETY AND HEALTH 26.28.060
Grafting by employees, See LABOR, subtitle Industrial welfare wages and working conditions, special rules,
Prohibited practices definitions 49.12.005 work permits 49.12.121
Hazardous work, See LABOR, subtitle exemptions from chapter 49.12.185 work permits required 49.12.123
Extrahazardous employment Injunctions Nursing homes, See LABOR, subtitle Health
Health and safety, See LABOR, subtitle appellate review 49.32.080 care activities
Safeguards; LABOR AND INDUSTRIES, complaints 49.32.073 Organization of employees, See LABOR
DEPARTMENT OF, subtitle Industrial concert of action, effect of 49.32.060 UNIONS
safety and health contempt proceedings 49.32.090, 49.32.100 Overtime compensation 49.46.130
Health care activities disputes, definition of 49.32.110 Prohibited practices
actions for relief from unfair labor practices findings and orders 49.32.074 acceptance of bribes 49.44.030
49.66.070 generally Ch. 49.32 age discrimination 49.44.090
arbitrators, compensation, expenses 49.66.120 grounds for 49.32.072, 49.36.015 blacklisting 49.44.010
bargaining units 49.66.030 hearings and findings 49.32.072 bribery of labor representatives 49.44.020
definitions 49.66.020 policy 49.32.011, 49.32.020 discrimination
picketing 49.66.060 promises and undertakings, unenforceable employers 49.60.180
policy 49.66.010 49.32.030 labor unions 49.60.190
procedures 49.66.080 security, filing of 49.32.072 discrimination, See also DISCRIMINATION,
remedial orders 49.66.070 subtitle Unfair practices
strikes 49.66.060 temporary orders 49.32.072
employment, securing by false pretenses
unfair labor practices 49.66.040, 49.66.050 Inventions 49.44.040
Health maintenance organization coverage for disclosure at time of employment 49.44.150 employment agents
employees labor dispute employees rights, conditions 49.44.140 corrupt influencing 49.44.060
individual may pay on own to keep coverage Investigation information, furnished to director fraud 49.44.050
48.46.360 49.12.091 endangering life by refusal to labor 49.44.080
Hearings 49.12.101 Investigation of wages, hours and working generally Ch. 49.44
Hospitals, See LABOR, subtitle Health care conditions 49.12.041 health care activities 49.66.040, 49.66.050
activities Kick-back of wages, See SALARIES AND replacement of employees involved in labor
Hours of labor WAGES, subtitle Rebates of wages, disputes 49.44.100
cities and towns, employees of, generally generally Public employees retirement system, elected
49.28.010, 49.28.040 Labor disputes, See LABOR, subtitle Disputes officials of labor guild, association, or
counties Labor market research organization becoming member 41.40.363
generally 49.28.010, 49.28.040 high-demand green industries, middle or high- Public employment labor relations, See PUBLIC
official officers 36.16.100 wage occupations in 50.12.320 EMPLOYMENT LABOR RELATIONS
domestic employees 49.28.080 Learners Public utility district employees, collective
eight hour day minimum wage, exceptions for 49.46.060 bargaining rights extended to 54.04.170,
1889 Act Lie detector tests, requiring of employee or 54.04.180
generally 49.28.010 prospective employee, unlawful, penalty, Railroad employees, See RAILROADS, subtitle
1903 Act exception 49.44.120 Employees
contracts Lie detector tests of employees Rebate of wages, See SALARIES AND
cancellation for violations 49.28.050 civil penalty and damages, attorney fees WAGES, subtitle Rebates of wages,
stipulation in 49.28.060 49.44.135 generally
policy 49.28.040 Lockouts Restraining orders, See LABOR, subtitle
health care facility employees 49.28.130, unemployment compensation 50.20.090 Injunctions
49.28.140, 49.28.150 annual report 50.62.040 Safety, See INDUSTRIAL SAFETY AND
longshoremen 49.28.100 Migrant, See LABOR, subtitle Seasonal HEALTH
minimum wages, generally Ch. 49.46 Minimum hour law, See LABOR, subtitle Hours Seasonal
motor freight carrier employees 81.80.211 of labor generally, including advances, contracts, and
state employees, generally 49.28.010, Minimum wages, See SALARIES AND disputes Ch. 49.40
49.28.040 WAGES, subtitle Minimum wages temporary worker housing
street railway employees 81.64.160 Minimum wages and working conditions health and safety regulation Ch. 70.114A
wages for, See SALARIES AND WAGES penalty for violations 49.12.170 Sex differential, discrimination 49.12.175
Human trafficking rules 49.12.091 Sick leave
assistance for victims, information on Minors care of family member 49.12.265, 49.12.270,
19.320.050 actors or performers, permits and variances 49.12.287
definitions 19.320.010 49.12.124 child care 49.12.275, 49.12.280, 49.12.285,
disclosure statement to foreign workers berry harvesting by workers under twelve 49.12.290, 49.12.295
domestic employers of foreign workers years of age 15.04.150, 15.04.160 Social networking, personal employee accounts
liability 19.320.040 child labor and prohibited employment types restricting employer access to 49.44.200,
requirements 19.320.020 26.28.060, 26.28.070 49.44.205
international labor recruitment agencies child labor laws Special certificate or permit 49.12.110
liability 19.320.040 violations of, civil penalties and restraining Street railway employees, See STREET
requirements 19.320.020 orders 49.12.390 RAILWAYS, subtitle Employees

[RCW Indexpage 394] (2016 Ed.)


Strikes Working conditions 49.12.020 hearings, public works contractor falsifying

unemployment compensation 50.20.090 LABOR AND INDUSTRIES, certificate as to hourly rate paid,
Symphony musicians DEPARTMENT OF prohibitions, when 39.12.050
collective bargaining Ch. 49.39 Agricultural labor minimum wage law, duty to notify employers
Trafficking (See CRIMES, subtitle Trafficking; 49.46.140
LABOR, subtitle Human trafficking; safety standards, establishment and adoption,
limitation and requirements 49.17.041 oath 43.17.030
VICTIMS, SURVIVORS, AND powers and duties 43.17.030
WITNESSES OF CRIME, subtitle Human unemployment insurance vacancy
trafficking) duties of department 49.30.005 filling of 43.17.040
Underground electrical systems 49.24.340, violations of chapter vocational disabilities, persons with, provide
49.24.360 civil infraction, authority to issue and for employment of, exempt from prevailing
Underground work enforce 49.30.040 wage rates, procedure 39.12.022
cages and hoisting apparatus 49.24.290, Amusement rides, safety regulations Ch. 67.42 Divisions enumerated 43.22.010
49.24.300 Apprenticeship, supervisor of, on-the-job Electric vehicle infrastructure
caissons requirements 49.24.260, 49.24.270, training agreements and projects, promotion installation, adoption of standards for
49.24.280 of 49.04.080 19.28.281
code of signals 49.24.250 Apprenticeship council Electrical apparatus use and construction rules
electrical systems 49.24.330 on-the-job training agreements and projects, Ch. 19.29
employees riding or walking, prohibited advice and guidance by 49.04.080 Electrical board, advisory duties to department
practices 49.24.190 Apprenticeship council, See also 19.28.311
explosives 49.24.220, 49.24.230, 49.24.240 APPRENTICES Electrical installations
lights 49.24.320, 49.24.350 Arbitration arbitration of disputes between municipalities
oil supply 49.24.210 generally Ch. 49.08 and state 19.28.021
penalty for violations 49.24.380 Arbitration, See also ARBITRATION AND standards and rules, adoption 19.28.031
rules and regulations, duty of department of AWARD, subtitle Labor disputes Electricians and electrical installations,
labor and industries to make 49.24.370 Asbestos projects department powers and duties Ch. 19.28
safety requirements, enumeration 49.24.080 fire cleanup, asbestos sites, policy and Elevators, lifting devices, and moving walks
telephone systems 49.24.310 procedure, power to establish 49.26.120 administration and rulemaking authority
vehicles, speed of 49.24.200 Boiler inspections 70.87.030
Underground work, See also LABOR, subtitle generally 70.79.100, 70.79.110, 70.79.120 Ergonomics 49.17.360, 49.17.370
Compressed air work special inspectors 70.79.130, 70.79.140, Explosives
Unemployment compensation, See 70.79.150, 70.79.160 access, authorization 70.74.160
UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION Branch offices 43.17.050 annual inspection 70.74.150
Unfair business practices, labor organizations Building and construction safety inspection funds, management 70.74.013
exempt 19.86.070 services licenses
Unions, See LABOR UNIONS dealers 70.74.130
Variance orders 49.12.105 supervisor, appointment and authority
43.22.053 manufacture 70.74.110
Vocational disabilities, persons with, director of storage 70.74.120, 70.74.140
labor and industries to provide for Carnivals, safety regulation of rides Ch. 67.42
Charter boats, regulation of boats operating on storage, reports on 70.74.120
employment of 39.12.022
Volunteer labor to state or local governmental state waters Ch. 88.04 Explosives, See also EXPLOSIVES
agency, nominal compensation not deemed Chemically related illness Factory assembled structures advisory board
salary 49.46.065 centers for research and clinical assessment 43.22.420
Wages 51.32.360 Factory built housing and commercial structures
actions to recover, attorneys fees 49.48.030 research projects, implementation and funding approval of department of labor and industries
assignment of claims 51.32.370 required 43.22.455
bond may be required 49.48.060 Child labor laws compliance with laws, ordinances or
penalty for failure to pay claim 49.48.060 information program, departmental duties regulations 43.22.455
authorized deductions or withholding 49.12.380 definitions 43.22.450
49.48.010 violations of, appeals to director 49.12.400 delegation of inspection duties to local
complaints of noncompliance 49.12.140 violations of, civil penalties and restraining agencies 43.22.470
employee ceasing work, payment 49.48.010 orders 49.12.390 fee schedule 43.22.480
exceptions to minimum scale 49.12.110 violations of, criminal penalties 49.12.410 housing built according to another states
recovery by civil action 49.12.150 violations of, remedies in chapter are standards, when acceptable 43.22.485
violations, penalty 49.48.020 exclusive 49.12.420 injunctions 43.22.465
vocational disabilities, persons with, exempt Claims, insolvency, priority 49.56.040 local zoning requirements retained 43.22.460
from prevailing wage rate, procedure Combined city and county municipal modification, approval required 43.22.455
39.12.022 corporations penalty for violations 43.22.490
wage claims, penalty for failure to pay public employee retirement or disability rules 43.22.480
49.48.060 benefits not affected 36.65.060 Farm internship pilot program, establishment by
wage complaints Conditions of employment, duties of department department 49.12.470
bond may be required after receipt of Ch. 49.12 Farm labor contractors, licensing and duties Ch.
complaint 49.48.060 19.30
Construction liens Farm labor contractors, See FARM LABOR
repeat willful violators, civil penalties informational materials, master documents
60.04.250 Federal employer identification numbers and
Wages, See also SALARIES AND WAGES, Contractor bonds
subtitle Wages documents, department authority to issue
actions on 43.22.550
Wearing apparel, employer obligations to furnish
49.12.450 service of process 48.05.200 Fees
Witnesses Contractors, registration requirements and public works
protection 49.12.130 department duties Ch. 18.27 approvals, certifications, arbitration
Women Created 43.17.010 39.12.070
callings open to men, also open to women Crime victims compensation Flaggers
49.12.200 generally Ch. 7.68 safety standards 49.17.350
conditions of employment 49.12.020 transfer of funds from department of Funds
employers record 49.12.050 corrections 72.09.095 investment policies 43.33A.110
equal pay for equal work 49.12.175 Director Health care activities, labor relations, duties Ch.
wages 49.12.020 appointment 43.17.020 49.66
Women in industry division assistant directors, authority to appoint Health care purchased by state agencies
workers 49.12.020 43.22.005 drug purchasing cost controls, evidence based
Workers, wages 49.12.020 chief assistant director 43.17.040 prescription drug program 70.14.050
Workers compensation, See INDUSTRIAL deputy directors, authority to appoint review of prospective rate setting methods
INSURANCE 43.22.005 70.14.040

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 395]


utilization review procedures, agencies to Printing and distribution of publications Wearing apparel, employer obligations to furnish
establish plan 70.14.030 authority 43.22.505 49.12.450
Hours, duties of department Ch. 49.12 deposit of fees 43.22.500 WISHA advisory committee 49.17.055
House to house sales by minors fees 43.22.500 Witnesses
rule-making authority 49.12.330 Public improvement contracts compelling attendance 43.22.300
Indoor air quality in public buildings certification to disbursing officer 60.28.060 refusing to attend to testify, penalty 43.22.300
duties 70.162.020 satisfaction of contractor taxes, increases, Workers compensation, See INDUSTRIAL
Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL penalties, and claims 60.28.060 INSURANCE
INSURANCE Public works, prevailing wages
Industrial insurance division approvals, certifications, arbitration LABOR DAY
powers and duties 43.22.030 fees 39.12.070 School holiday 28A.150.050
supervisor, appointment and authority arbitration of disputes 39.12.060 LABOR ORGANIZATIONS
43.22.020 certified statement of industrial statistician Apprenticeship programs, discrimination
Industrial relations division 39.12.040 49.04.130
powers and duties 43.22.270 disqualification of contractor for multiple Nonprofit corporation act, excluded from
supervisor, appointment and authority violations 39.12.065 24.03.015
43.22.260 hearing, remedies, penalties 39.12.065 Nonprofit miscellaneous and mutual
wage collection for aggrieved employees industrial statistician to make determinations corporations, authorized 24.06.015
49.48.040 of 39.12.015 LABOR RELATIONS (See EDUCATIONAL
Industrial safety and health investigation of complaints 39.12.065 EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS ACT;
research, experiments, or demonstrations for public works administration account PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT LABOR
safety purposes 39.12.080 RELATIONS)
variances from rules, director may grant for records, failure to provide or allow inspection
49.17.210 of 39.12.110 LABOR UNIONS
confidentiality of information 49.17.210 Regulatory apprenticeship council Authority for 49.36.010
Industrial safety and health division appeal of council decisions to the director Discrimination
powers and duties 43.22.050 49.04.065 unfair practices 49.60.190
supervisor, appointment and authority generally 49.04.010 Discrimination, See also DISCRIMINATION
43.22.040 Reports Group disability insurance, See INSURANCE,
Industrial welfare, duties of department Ch. workers compensation fraud 43.22.331 subtitle Group disability insurance
49.12 Right of entry of director or employees, refusal, Injunctions against
Industrial welfare committee penalty 43.22.310 generally Ch. 49.32
abolished, transfer of powers and duties Rule-making authority, restriction 43.22.051 grounds for 49.32.072, 49.36.015
43.22.282 Rules 43.17.060 Insurance
Injured or deceased workers five-year formal process of reviewing existing group disability Ch. 48.21
scholarship information for spouses and rules 43.22.052 group life, generally 48.24.050
children 42.52.575, 51.04.165 Rules compliance Legality of 49.36.010, 49.36.030
Investigative unit technical assistance program Ch. 43.05 Liability for unlawful acts 49.32.070
industrial insurance 51.04.024 Safety standards, See LABOR AND Port district employees Ch. 53.18
Labor disputes, See also LABOR, subtitle INDUSTRIES, DEPARTMENT OF, public employees collective bargaining
Disputes subtitle Industrial safety and health 53.18.015
arbitration, See also ARBITRATION AND Seasonal laborers Prosecutions against 49.36.030
AWARD, subtitle Labor disputes appeals 49.40.070 Public employees, See also PUBLIC OFFICERS
Manufactured homes dispute settlement 49.40.040, 49.40.050, AND EMPLOYEES, subtitle Collective
installation, generally Ch. 43.22A 49.40.060 bargaining
Medical gas piping installers findings and awards as evidence 49.40.080 Public utility district employees, collective
certification of competency and endorsement Small arms ammunition, authority to adopt bargaining rights extended to 54.04.170,
Ch. 18.106 regulations concerning 70.74.320 54.04.180
Mining safety, See LABOR AND Statistics Unemployment compensation
INDUSTRIES, DEPARTMENT OF, reports of employers, owners, and operators effect of 50.20.110
subtitle Industrial safety and health 43.22.290 Unfair practices 49.60.190
Minors, employment of right of entry to gather, penalty 43.22.310 Unlawful acts, responsibility for 49.32.070
child labor laws, violations Subpoena power of director 43.22.300
appeals to director 49.12.400 Telecommunications systems installations Ch. LABORATORIES
civil penalties and restraining orders 19.28 Animal facilities
49.12.390 Temporary worker housing criminal acts against
criminal penalties 49.12.410 department duties 49.17.300 definition 9.08.090
remedies in chapter are exclusive 49.12.420 licensing, operation, and inspection 49.17.310 legislative intent 9.08.080
information program, departmental duties operation standards 49.17.320 Environmental laboratories
49.12.380 Theatrical enterprises certification, qualifications, fees, and
Mobile and manufactured homes defined 49.38.010 exemptions 43.21A.230, 43.21A.235
consumer complaints 43.22.495 duties 49.38.020, 49.38.030, 49.38.040 Medical test sites, See MEDICAL TEST SITES
Mobile homes rules, adoption of 49.38.070 LABORERS (See EMPLOYER AND
installation, generally Ch. 43.22A Underground work EMPLOYEES; LABOR)
installation and warranty services safety rules 49.24.370
consumer protection act, subject to Underground work, See also LABOR, subtitle LADYBUGS
43.22.440 Underground work Application of chapter 15.61.040
performance of, compensation 43.22.442 Vocational disabilities, persons with, director of Beneficial insects, declaration 15.61.010
standards 43.22.440 labor and industries to provide for Injunctions to enjoin violations 15.61.030
Oaths, power of director to administer 43.22.300 employment of, exempt from prevailing Intergovernmental cooperation and agreements
Occupational and environmental research facility wage rate 39.12.022 15.61.020
advisory committee, membership Wage collection Regulation of commercial movement 15.61.010
28B.20.456 claim procedure 49.48.040 Violations, penalty 15.61.050
Office located at state capital 43.17.050 claims 49.48.040 LAETRILE
Plumbers duty, generally 49.48.070 Certification 70.54.140
certification of competency Ch. 18.106 reciprocal enforcement agreements, other
compliance inspections by city or county, pilot states 49.48.075 Legislative declaration 70.54.130
project 18.106.280 Wages, duties of department Ch. 49.12 Physicians immunity from disciplinary action
Prevailing wage rate Wages, minimum for prescribing or administering 70.54.150
determination by industrial statistician inspection of employers records 49.46.070 Prescription, administration, permitted 70.54.140
39.12.015 regulations 49.46.080 LAKE UNION SHORELANDS
Printed materials, workers compensation Wages, minimum, See also SALARIES AND Transfer to University of Washington
43.22.035 WAGES, subtitle Minimum wages 28B.20.370

[RCW Indexpage 396] (2016 Ed.)


LAKE WASHINGTON LAND BANK (See PUBLIC LANDS, subtitle Building permit applications
Lowering waters by United States, nonliability Bank, land) required contents 19.27.095
LAKE WASHINGTON SHIP CANAL LANDS, subtitle Commissioner of public hearing examiner system 35.63.130
Additional right-of-way 37.08.250 lands) Comprehensive plan and development
Consent of state given to United States to regulations, copy to county assessor
construct and operate 37.08.240 Advertising
Lowering and raising waters, liability for Comprehensive planning by cities and counties
false, misleading, or deceptive statements agricultural lands voluntary stewardship
damages 37.08.240 prohibited 58.19.190 program Ch. 36.70A
LAKE WASHINGTON TOLL BRIDGES Appearance of fairness doctrine Ch. 42.36 airports, general aviation 36.70A.510
(See BRIDGES) Aquatic resources mitigation Ch. 90.74 chapter implementation, intent 36.70A.180
LAKELAND VILLAGE (See Blanket encumbrances, lots or parcels subject to, cities and counties required to plan,
DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, sale of 58.19.180 compliance 36.70A.040
PERSONS WITH, subtitle Residential Cities and towns, comprehensive plans for classification of agriculture, forest, and
habilitation centers) 35.63.090 mineral lands and critical areas
Courts, jurisdiction of superior 58.19.280 guidelines 36.70A.050
LAKES Definitions 58.19.020 comprehensive plans 36.70A.140
Acid rain 70.94.820 Developers duties 58.19.045 accessory apartments 36.70A.400
Boats and boating, regulation Ch. 79A.60 Director coordination with other plans 36.70A.100
Cities and towns adjacent to defined 58.19.020 environmental planning pilot projects
calculation of area of city or town 35.21.160 Encumbrances, blanket, lots or parcels subject to, 36.70A.385
jurisdiction 35.21.160 sale of 58.19.180 extension of designation date 36.70A.380
Ferries, privately owned, generally Ch. 36.53 Environmental permits identification of lands useful for public
Fishways, flow, and screening Ch. 77.57 duties of department of commerce 43.330.125 purposes 36.70A.150
Freshwater aquatic algae control land use petitions, judicial review Ch. 36.70C innovative techniques 36.70A.090
account, program 43.21A.667 project review and permit procedures Ch. major industrial developments 36.70A.365
Freshwater aquatic weeds management program 36.70B mandatory elements 36.70A.070
43.21A.660, 43.21A.662 Exemptions from act 58.19.030 master planned resorts, when authorized by
Hydraulic projects and permits Ch. 77.55 Hazardous conditions, notice of 58.19.300 county 36.70A.360
Irrigation and rehabilitation districts, regulation Impact fees, See IMPACT FEES mineral resource lands 36.70A.131
and control over lakes within district Industrial/manufacturing facilities construction new fully contained communities, when
87.84.061 property tax exemption approved in county planning 36.70A.350
Jet skis, regulation Ch. 79A.60 targeted urban areas Ch. 84.25 noncompliance 36.70A.330
Lake or beach management districts Jurisdiction of superior courts 58.19.280 noncompliance and sanctions 36.70A.340,
cities and towns Land use petitions, judicial review Ch. 36.70C 36.70A.345
authorized 35.21.403 Offering statement, public open space corridors, identification and
generally, including bonds and special form, type and style 58.19.130 purchase of 36.70A.160
assessments Ch. 36.61 prohibited uses 58.19.140 optional elements 36.70A.080
Lake Osoyoos international water control uses, prohibited 58.19.140 order of invalidity 36.70A.335
structure 43.21A.450 Project review and permit procedures Ch. 36.70B planning activities and capital budget
Lowering, See LAKES, subtitle Outflow Public offering statement 58.19.045 decisions, conformity with 36.70A.120
regulation Public offering statement, contents 58.19.055 port elements 36.70A.085
Navigation, obstructing 88.28.050 Purchasers rights 58.19.045 presumption of validity 36.70A.320
Obstructing is nuisance 7.48.120 Purpose 58.19.010 private property protection 36.70A.370
Outflow fish protection devices and ladders Regional transfer of development rights program residential structures occupied by persons
90.24.050, 90.24.060 Ch. 43.362 with handicaps 36.70A.410
Outflow regulation 90.24.010, 90.24.020, Registration review, amendments 36.70A.130
90.24.030, 90.24.040, 90.24.070 amendments to, report required 58.19.120 state agencies to comply 36.70A.103
Personal watercraft, regulation Ch. 79A.60 changes, report required 58.19.120 sufficient land capacity for development
Polluted and environmentally sensitive waters, Requiring purchaser to pay additional sum to 36.70A.115
identification and designation 79A.60.520 construct, complete or maintain transmittal to state 36.70A.106
Public nuisances 7.48.140 development, unlawful, when 58.19.185 urban growth areas 36.70A.110
Public utility districts, water rights in regard to Short title of act 58.19.940 comprehensive plans and development
54.16.050 Unlawful practice, when 58.19.185 regulations 43.21C.420
Regulation of outflow, See LAKES, subtitle Violations county-wide planning policy 36.70A.210
Outflow regulation attorneys fees 58.19.265 definitions 36.70A.030
Rehabilitation districts, See IRRIGATION consumer protection act, application development project review process
DISTRICTS, subtitle Rehabilitation districts 58.19.270 36.70A.470
Shoreline management act Ch. 90.58 remedies 58.19.265 development regulations
Water appropriation for public and industrial Watershed compensatory mitigation Ch. 90.74 electric vehicle infrastructure 36.70A.695
purposes Ch. 90.16 LAND OFFICE RECEIPTS (See presumption of validity 36.70A.320
Water flows or levels, establishment of minimum RECORDING AND FILING) transmittal to state 36.70A.106
Ch. 90.22 environmental impact statements, nonproject,
LAND SURVEYORS (See ENGINEERS recovery of expenses of 43.21C.428
Water pollution control Ch. 90.48 AND LAND SURVEYORS)
Water rights greenbelts or open space, adverse possession
determination and appropriation Ch. 90.03 LAND TITLE REGISTRATION (See 36.70A.165
registration, waiver, and relinquishment Ch. REGISTRATION OF LAND TITLES) growth management hearings board
90.14 LAND USE (See LAND USE PLANNING) appeal by state, limitations 36.70A.310
Water skiing safety Ch. 79A.60 conduct, procedure, and compensation
Weed control, superior court jurisdiction LAND USE PETITIONS 36.70A.270
90.24.066 Actions reviewable under administrative consolidation into environmental and land
Wharves, docks, and landings Ch. 88.24 procedure act or land use petition act use hearings office 36.70A.252,
inapplicability of chapter 7.16.360 36.70A.903
LAMB (See MEAT) LAND USE PLANNING (See also PLANS creation, membership 36.70A.250
LAND AND PLANNING; ZONES AND expedited review 36.70A.305
Maps, See STATE BASE MAPPING SYSTEM ZONING) final orders 36.70A.300
Real property damage Agricultural lands invalidity, determination 36.70A.302
due to governmental action innovative zoning techniques 36.70A.177 judicial review 36.70A.295
claims, time limitation 64.40.030 voluntary stewardship program Ch. 36.70A legislative intent and finding 36.70A.3201
definitions 64.40.010 Appeals of decisions, fees and costs 4.84.370 matters subject to review 36.70A.280
relief provided 64.40.020 Appearance of fairness doctrine petitions to, evidence 36.70A.290
Right of entry 9A.52.010 limitations Ch. 42.36 regional panels 36.70A.260

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 397]


growth strategies commission, role definitions 36.70C.020 Execution against property in custody of tenant,
36.70A.800 discovery 36.70C.120 writ contents 6.17.110
master planned locations 36.70A.367, expedited review 36.70C.090 Fire alarms, required 43.44.110
36.70A.368 initial hearing 36.70C.080 Firearms, arrest for unlawful use
master planned resorts 36.70A.362 joinder of parties 36.70C.050 notification of landlord 59.18.075
military installations, incompatible record for judicial review, costs 36.70C.110 Firearms or deadly weapons
development 36.70A.530 required elements 36.70C.070 tenant duty regarding 59.18.130
natural resource lands and critical areas scope of chapter, exceptions 36.70C.030 unlawful detainer 59.18.180
designation 36.70A.170, 36.70A.172 scope of review 36.70C.120 Forcible entry and detainer
development regulations 36.70A.060 standards for granting relief 36.70C.130 appeal to supreme court
nonproject actions, exemption from SEPA standing 36.70C.060 writ of restitution, suspension 59.12.220
compliance 43.21C.450 stay of action pending review 36.70C.100 damages for, actions for recovery of
partial planning, resolution for 36.70A.040 Local infrastructure project areas possession of personal property 4.56.080
planned actions transfer of development rights programs Ch. jurisdiction over, superior courts 2.08.010,
state environmental policy act 43.21C.440 39.108 59.12.050
planning goals 36.70A.020 Permit assistance staff 36.70B.220 procedures and proceedings, including
playing fields, compliance 36.70A.171 Projects of statewide significance, procedures to complaints, pleadings, and judgment Ch.
public participation 36.70A.035 expedite development Ch. 43.157 59.12
review and evaluation program 36.70A.215 Regional transfer of development rights program RCW 59.12.090, 59.12.100, 59.12.121, and
shoreline master programs 36.70A.480 Ch. 43.362 59.12.170 inapplicable if property covered
siting of essential public facilities 36.70A.200 Shoreline management act, effect Ch. 90.58 by residential landlord-tenant act, chapter
submittal phasing 36.70A.045 Street projects 59.18 RCW 59.18.420
technical assistance, grants, and mediation construction or improvements, prerequisite to restitution, writ of 59.12.090, 59.12.100,
services 36.70A.190 property development Ch. 35.72 59.12.110, 59.12.220
watershed restoration projects, permit Surface mining, regulation and reclamation Ch. Gambling, termination of lease if premises used
processing 36.70A.460 78.44 for 4.24.080
wetlands delineation 36.70A.175 Transfer of development rights programs Gang-related activity
Contracts local infrastructure project areas Ch. 39.108 unlawful detainer 59.18.510
street improvements, prerequisite to land Transportation projects Gang-related activity by tenants
development environmental review definitions 59.18.030
contract with land owner 35.72.010 collaborative process 36.70A.430 duties of tenant 59.18.130
reimbursement by other land owners intent 36.70A.420 landlords remedies 59.18.180
35.72.020, 35.72.030, 35.72.040 LANDFILLS (See SOLID WASTE unlawful detainer 59.12.030
Development projects MANAGEMENT, subtitle Landfills) Harassment, unlawful
consistency with local development victim protection 59.18.570, 59.18.575
regulations, determination 36.70B.040 LANDLORD AND TENANT (See also Hazardous or threatening behavior
definitions 36.70B.020 LEASES; REAL PROPERTY) unlawful detainer 59.18.180
development agreements between local Applicability of chapter 59.04 RCW 59.04.900 Hot water heaters
government and person controlling Assault of another tenant temperature regulation 19.27A.060
property notification of landlord 59.18.075 Judicial sale, leasehold under two years absolute
additional fees not authorized 36.70B.210 Cities and towns, housing authorities, rentals and 6.21.080
authorization 36.70B.170 tenant selection 35.82.090 Jurors, challenge of, implied bias if juror landlord
effect 36.70B.180, 36.70B.190 Complaint, filing and service as notice to quit or tenant of party 4.44.180
public hearing 36.70B.200 59.08.080 Landlords
recording 36.70B.190 Condemned or unlawful to occupy dwelling information disclosure requirements, newly
impact fees, See IMPACT FEES rental, tenants remedies imposed
local governments not planning under growth relocation assistance 59.18.085 electronic notice by city or county 64.06.080
management act may use provisions Controlled substances Landlords duties
36.70B.150 building use for unlawful drugs 69.53.010 failure to perform
local governments to develop consolidated search and seizure, landlord notification time limits for remedial action 59.18.070
and integrated process, elements of process 69.50.510, 69.52.045 Leases
and when required 36.70B.060 seizure and forfeiture, damage to landlords month to month, when construed as 59.04.020
permit applications property 69.50.505 for specified time, termination 59.04.030
designation of person or entity to receive Crime victim protection time period, limitation where in writing but
notices 36.70B.100 domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking acknowledged, etc. 59.04.010
determination of completeness, notice to 59.18.570, 59.18.575, 59.18.580, year to year abolished except under written
applicant 36.70B.070 59.18.585 contract 59.04.010
local government review 36.70B.050 unlawful harassment 59.18.570, 59.18.575 Lien for rent, See LIENS, subtitle Rent
notice of application, required elements Crime-free housing Ch. 35.106 Manufactured/mobile home landlord-tenant act
36.70B.110 Criminal provisions applicability of act 59.20.040
notice of decision, distribution 36.70B.130 unlawful detainer 59.12.030 arbitration, any controversy may be submitted
regulations, determination of applications Discrimination 59.20.260, 59.20.270, 59.20.280,
compliance 36.70B.080 restrictive covenants 49.60.227 59.20.290
permit review process Domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking attorneys fees
exclusions 36.70B.140 victim protection 59.18.570, 59.18.575, costs entitlement 59.20.100
procedures 36.70B.120 59.18.580, 59.18.585 criminal activities
project review, additional provisions Drug seizures termination grounds 59.20.080
encouraged 36.70B.160 notification of landlord 59.18.075, 69.41.062 definitions 59.20.030
project review, required elements and notify landlord 59.20.155 deposit, performance security
limitations 36.70B.030 Drugs retention
review process 36.70A.470 crack houses Ch. 69.53 statement of basis for 59.20.180
Growth strategies commission manufactured/mobile homes written rental agreement provision
role of 36.70A.800 tenant duties 59.20.140 59.20.160
Historic preservation tenant duty regarding 59.18.130, 59.18.180 trust account maintenance 59.20.170
national historic towns, designation unlawful detainer 59.18.180, 59.18.390, drug seizure, notify landlord 59.20.155
36.70A.520 59.18.400 drugs
Judicial review of agency action Ejectment and quieting title actions tenant duties 59.20.140
land use decisions, appeals and award of fees action against tenant eviction
and costs 4.84.370 failure to pay rent 7.28.250 grounds 59.20.080
Judicial review of land use decisions in possession 7.28.010 failure to renew tenancy or occupancy
commencement of review, procedure judgments, effect of 7.28.130 grounds 59.20.080
36.70C.040 substitution of landlord in action against forcible entry, detainer, applicability
decision of the court 36.70C.140 tenant 7.28.110 59.20.040

[RCW Indexpage 398] (2016 Ed.)


health and sanitation standards 59.20.190 use and occupation value 6.23.090 writ of restitution, hearing, order, and
improvements, by tenant, property of Relocation assistance for low-income tenants application for 59.18.370
59.20.100 authorization for certain cities, towns, affidavit, unable to pay arbitration fee, waiver
landlord 59.20.135 counties, and municipal corporations to or deferral of 59.18.340
duties of 59.20.130 require 59.18.440 agent of landlord, designated, when 59.18.060
failure to carry out, tenants remedies payments not considered income, eligibility agreements, written, arbitration, relating to
59.20.200, 59.20.210, 59.20.220, for public assistance unaffected 59.18.450 59.18.320
59.20.230 Rent agricultural employees, seasonal, housing
rent payment is a condition to tenants city control, prohibited 35.21.830 exempted from chapter, when 59.18.040
remedies 59.20.240 counties, rent control, state preemption agricultural land, residence thereon, exempted
nonrenewal, notice 59.20.090 36.01.130 from chapter, when 59.18.040
notice to tenant, service 59.20.150 failure to pay, notice to quit premises amount of damages, forcible entry or detainer
prohibited acts 59.20.070 59.04.040 action, judgment for 59.18.410
rent increase, notice 59.20.090 lien for answer, unlawful detainer action 59.18.380
retaliation or reprisal, presumptions creation, enforcement, and duration answer of defendant
concerning 59.20.075 60.72.010 defenses or set off to forcible entry or
live-in care provider may share home with possession gained without consent 59.04.050 detainer action 59.18.400
tenant 59.20.145 Rent, See also RENTS AND PROFITS forcible entry or detainer action 59.18.400
manufactured/mobile home communities Rent default appeals, arbitration decisions of, procedures
good faith negotiations 59.20.305 under forty dollars Ch. 59.08 59.18.330
notice of sale 59.20.300 when constitutes unlawful detainer appliances, tenant, duties relating to 59.18.130
mediation 59.12.030 applicability to prior, existing, or future leases
any dispute may be submitted 59.20.250 hearings 59.08.060 59.18.430
termination or nonrenewal of tenancy notice to quit premises 59.04.040 application for arbitration, completion and
59.20.080 Rental security deposit guarantee program delivery of 59.18.330
notice grant recipient authority 59.24.040 arbitration
services of 59.20.150 legislative findings 59.24.010 agreement to, exceptions 59.18.320
rental agreements program requirements 59.24.020, 59.24.030, appeal of decisions 59.18.330
exceptions 59.20.050 59.24.050 application for 59.18.330
prohibited provisions 59.20.060 source of funds 59.24.060 arbitrator
renewals and nonrenewals, requirements Residential landlord and tenant act choice of 59.18.320
59.20.090 screening of prospective tenants powers of 59.18.330
required, when 59.20.050 notices to prospective tenant 59.18.257 authorized, when 59.18.320
required contents 59.20.060 Residential landlord-tenant act choice of arbitrator 59.18.320
required terms 59.20.060 abandonment completion, time for 59.18.350
terms 59.20.050 landlords duty to mitigate damages contempt of court under 59.18.330
transfer of, procedure 59.20.073 59.18.310 cost of
waiver 59.20.050 landlords remedies 59.18.310 allowed to prevailing party, when
repossessed home in mobile home park liability of tenant 59.18.310 59.18.280
secured party liable for rent 59.20.074 rent, liability for 59.18.310 recoverable, when 59.18.300
retaliation or reprisals tenants liability upon occurrence 59.18.310 court action as bar, when 59.18.320
presumptions relating to 59.20.075 what constitutes 59.18.310 decision
rights and remedies, obligation of abandonment of premises appeal of 59.18.330
good faith required 59.20.020 deposit 59.18.280 effect of 59.18.330
sanitation standards 59.20.190 abandonment of property, landlords rights enforcement of 59.18.330
tenancy 59.18.230 finality of 59.18.330
termination 59.20.090 actions and proceedings requirements of 59.18.330
termination, armed forces exemption bar to arbitration, when 59.18.320 defective conditions
59.20.090 deposit, recovery of, costs and fees allowed, affecting more than one dwelling 59.18.330
tenant when 59.18.280 certain, arbitration 59.18.320
duties of 59.20.140 forcible entry, writ of restitution determination that landlord has failed to
enforceability of rules against, necessary application for 59.18.370 carry out duties 59.18.110
conditions for enforcement 59.20.045 hearing upon 59.18.370 enforcement of decision 59.18.330
improvements, property of 59.20.100 order for 59.18.370 evidence 59.18.330
live-in care provider may share home with forcible entry or detainer exceptions to 59.18.320
tenant, criteria 59.20.145 answer 59.18.380 fee
nonrenewal, notice 59.20.090 answer of defendant 59.18.400 amount of 59.18.340
notice to landlord, service 59.20.150 bond, post-judgment by defendant payment, by whom 59.18.340
rent must be paid, condition to exercising 59.18.390 waiver or deferral of 59.18.340
remedies 59.20.240 bond prior to final judgment 59.18.380 hearing
venue 59.20.120 costs and attorneys fees, award in procedure 59.18.330
written receipts for payments made by tenant judgment 59.18.410 scheduled by arbitrator, time requirements
59.20.134 damages, judgment for 59.18.410 59.18.330
zoning changes defendants bond 59.18.390 notice, requirements 59.18.320
notify tenants 59.20.090 defenses or set off, assertion of 59.18.400 powers of arbitrator 59.18.330
Notice execution of judgment 59.18.410 procedural requirements 59.18.320
complaint filing and service as 59.08.080 forfeiture of lease or tenancy, judgment prohibited, when 59.18.320
failure to pay rent, notice to quit premises may include 59.18.410 recording of proceedings under 59.18.330
59.04.040 judgment, payment into court 59.18.410 requirements generally 59.18.320
periodic tenancies, termination 59.04.020 judgment and execution 59.18.410 situations where prohibited 59.18.320
rent default less than forty dollars, notice to judgment and order 59.18.380 subpoena, issuance of 59.18.330
quit or pay 59.08.010 notice, bond hearing 59.18.390 tenant wrongfully removed or excluded from
termination of month to month tenancy rent due, inclusion in judgment 59.18.410 premises 59.18.290
59.04.020 restitution, judgment for 59.18.410 termination of tenancy, when 59.18.120
Notice, See also LANDLORD AND TENANT, satisfaction of judgment by payment into time for completion of process 59.18.350
subtitle Residential landlord-tenant act court 59.18.410 time requirements, hearings 59.18.330
Possession gained without consent stay of order 59.18.380 unlawful detainer action as bar to 59.18.320
payment of rent 59.04.050 writ of restitution, service of 59.18.390 written decision, requirements of 59.18.330
surrender 59.04.050 possession of premises by tenant 59.18.290 attorney, tenants, approval of exemptions,
Redemption unlawful detainer when required 59.18.360
possession during redemption period 6.23.110 limited dissemination 59.18.367 attorney general, consumer protection
rents and profits 6.23.090 requirements for commencing action division must approve exemptions from
unexpired lease 6.23.110 59.18.180 chapter 59.18.300

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 399]


attorneys fees defective conditions eviction

forcible entry or detainer actions, judgment affecting more than one dwelling, arbitration presumptions created 59.18.250
may award 59.18.410 regarding 59.18.330 rebuttal of presumption of retaliation or
payment of, tenant, when 59.18.180 arbitration, not available, when 59.18.320 reprisal 59.18.250
provided at no cost, not recoverable bids for repair of 59.18.100 reprisal or retaliation, when 59.18.240
59.18.250 failure of tenant to remedy, landlords evidence
recoverable, when 59.18.230, 59.18.280, remedies 59.18.160 admissibility of into arbitration hearing
59.18.290, 59.18.300 landlords duties concerning 59.18.060 59.18.330
recovery of 59.18.250 landlords failure to remedy, tenants choice arbitration hearings 59.18.330
tenant liable, when 59.18.180 of actions 59.18.090 rules of in arbitration 59.18.330
bargaining position of parties, inequality of notice from tenant to landlord 59.18.070 exclusion of children, conversion to
precludes exemptions from chapter repair of condominium, notice 59.18.200
59.18.360 authorized by court of arbitrator 59.18.110 execution of judgment, forcible entry or
bids for repair of defective conditions liability for 59.18.180 detainer 59.18.410
59.18.100 by tenant 59.18.100 exemptions
bond limitations and exclusions 59.18.100 agreement in writing, requirements for
forcible entry or detainer, defendants post- reduction of rent 59.18.100 59.18.360
judgment 59.18.390 when 59.18.100 allowable 59.18.360
unlawful detainer action, final judgment, time for 59.18.110 approval by attorney general, county
prior to 59.18.380 tenant may repair, when 59.18.100 prosecutor, or tenants attorney 59.18.360
charges, damage or cleaning, withholding of termination of tenancy, when 59.18.120 from chapter, living arrangements, certain
59.18.260 time for landlord to remedy 59.18.070 59.18.040
checklist of conditions 59.18.260 unfeasible to repair within time limits conditions when permitted 59.18.360
claims, tenant against security deposit, priority 59.18.120 requirements regarding 59.18.360
of 59.18.270 vacation of premises, when, conditions for farm rental, residence thereon, exempted from
cleaning 59.18.120 chapter, when 59.18.040
duty of tenant 59.18.130 definitions 59.18.030 farm workers, seasonal, housing exempted
fee deposit from chapter, when 59.18.040
tenants duties affected 59.18.130 abandonment of premises 59.18.280 fees
terms for charging included in written action for recovery of, costs and fees arbitration 59.18.340
rental agreement 59.18.260 allowed, when 59.18.280 attorneys, recoverable, when 59.18.230
code enforcement officials, inspection cleaning or damage, withholding of cleaning, tenants duties affected 59.18.130
searches by 59.18.150 59.18.260 damage or cleaning, written rental
completion of arbitration, time for 59.18.350 recovery of, action for, costs and fees agreement, included in 59.18.260
condemned or unlawful to occupy dwelling allowed, when 59.18.280 deposit to secure tenancy, landlords duties
rental, tenants remedies 59.18.085 retained, statement concerning 59.18.090 59.18.253
condemned property, highway purposes, retention of, statements relating to 59.18.280 nonrefundable, not designated as part of
exempted from chapter, when 59.18.040 return of, statement concerning 59.18.090 deposit 59.18.285
contempt of court, arbitration proceedings, security for tenants performance, trust screening of prospective tenants, notice of
when 59.18.330 account, deposit in 59.18.270 costs 59.18.257
contract withholding of fire hazard, remedy of 59.18.180
terms of, termination of tenancy 59.18.220 terms for included in written rental
time of tenancy, termination of 59.18.220 firearms or deadly weapons
agreement 59.18.260
correctional facilities, exempted from chapter wear and tear, normal, prohibition tenant duty regarding 59.18.130, 59.18.180
59.18.040 59.18.280 forcible entry or detainer
costs deposit to secure tenancy answer of defendant 59.18.400
paid into court, forcible entry or detainer landlords duties concerning 59.18.253 attorneys fees and costs, award in judgment
59.18.380 dispute resolution 59.18.410
payment of, tenant, when 59.18.180 mediation 59.18.315 bond, defendants, when required 59.18.390
recoverable, when 59.18.290, 59.18.300 distress for rent, landlords right to abolish costs and attorneys fees, award in judgment
recovery of 59.18.250 59.18.230 59.18.410
tenant liable for, when 59.18.180 drayage, tenants liability upon abandonment damages, judgment for 59.18.410
costs of action, forcible entry or detainer, 59.18.310 defenses or set off, assertion of 59.18.400
judgment may award 59.18.410 drug and alcohol free housing 59.18.550 execution of judgment 59.18.410
costs of suit, recoverable, when 59.18.230 drug seizure forfeiture of lease or tenancy, judgment may
county prosecutors, approval of exemptions notification of landlord 59.18.075 include 59.18.410
from this chapter, when required 59.18.360 drugs judgment, payment into court 59.18.410
court action, bar to arbitration, when tenant duty regarding 59.18.130, 59.18.180 judgment and execution 59.18.410
59.18.320 unlawful detainer 59.18.180, 59.18.390, rent due, inclusion in judgment 59.18.410
criminal provisions 59.18.400 rent payment into court registry 59.18.375
hazardous or threatening behavior 59.18.130 duties, arbitration, relating to completion of restitution, judgment for 59.18.410
malicious or intentional destruction 59.18.350 satisfaction of judgment by payment into
59.18.130 duties of court 59.18.410
damage deposit landlord 59.18.060 writ of restitution, service of 59.18.390
written agreement 59.18.260 failure to carry out, tenants remedies forcible entry or detainer, See also
damages 59.18.100 LANDLORD AND TENANT, subtitle
forcible entry or detainer action, judgment failure to perform 59.18.070 Residential landlord-tenant act, unlawful
for 59.18.410 tenant 59.18.130 detainer
hold over by tenant, landlords remedies rules, conformance to 59.18.140 foreclosure upon property
59.18.290 electricity deposit refund, remedy for tenant 59.18.270
recovery for 59.18.280 termination of service by landlord 59.18.300 gang-related activity
tenants for removal or exclusion from time for landlord to remedy defect 59.18.070 duty of tenant 59.18.130
premises 59.18.290 emergency landlords remedies 59.18.180
utility services, termination of by landlord landlord, rights of 59.18.180 gang-related activity by tenant, legislative
59.18.300 repairs during 59.18.180 findings and declarations 59.18.500
decisions employee housing, exempted from chapter, gang-related activity by tenant, unlawful
arbitration proceedings, time for, when 59.18.040 detainer action 59.18.510
requirements of 59.18.330 entry, code enforcement officials 59.18.150 garbage and waste, landlords duties
enforceability of from, arbitration 59.18.330 entry, fire officials 59.18.150 concerning 59.18.060
finality of arbitration 59.18.330 entry, landlords right of gas, termination of service by landlord
default in rent abandonment of premises by tenant 59.18.300
landlords remedies 59.18.310 59.18.310 hazardous conditions, time for landlord to
tenants liability 59.18.310 conditions, purposes 59.18.150 remedy 59.18.070

[RCW Indexpage 400] (2016 Ed.)


hazards, remedy of, responsibility for failure to carry out duties 59.18.170 moneys, security deposits, deposit into trust
59.18.180 of noncompliance 59.18.190 account, receipt of interest 59.18.270
hearing obligations 59.18.100 moving expenses, tenants liability upon
arbitration 59.18.330 receipts for payments, landlord to provide abandonment 59.18.310
bond, defendants post-judgment, forcible 59.18.063 municipalities, inspection by local 59.18.125
entry or detainer action 59.18.390 remedies noncompliance
unlawful detainer action 59.18.180, abandonment by tenant 59.18.310 landlords, tenants complaint concerning
59.18.370 tenants failure to correct defective 59.18.240
heat conditions 59.18.160 notice of 59.18.190
landlords duties concerning 59.18.060 removal or exclusion of tenant from tenants complaint about landlord 59.18.240
termination of service by landlord 59.18.300 premises 59.18.290 nonrefundable fees
time for landlord to remedy defect 59.18.070 reprisals or retaliation not designated as part of deposit 59.18.285
hold over by tenant, landlords remedies defined 59.18.240 notice
59.18.290 prohibited 59.18.240 abandonment by tenant, landlord to notify of
hospitals, exempted from chapter 59.18.040 retaliation or reprisal, presumptions property sale 59.18.310
hot water concerning 59.18.250 arbitration
landlords duties concerning 59.18.060 rights hearings 59.18.330
time for landlord to remedy defect 59.18.070 distress for rent abolished 59.18.230 requirements 59.18.320
hotel, motel, transient lodging, exempted from entry of premises deposits, retention of 59.18.280
chapter 59.18.040 conditions 59.18.150 duties of tenant, landlord may notify tenant
inspection upon abandonment 59.18.310 of failure to carry out 59.18.170
municipalities, local 59.18.125 screening of and notices to prospective entry by landlord 59.18.150
searches by code enforcement officials tenants 59.18.257 expiration of 59.18.190
59.18.150 landlords failure to remedy defective forcible entry or detainer, bond, defendants
institutional residential facilities, exempted condition tenants choice of actions post-judgment 59.18.390
from chapter 59.18.040 59.18.090 hearings, arbitration 59.18.330
judgment lease landlord to tenant of
confession of prohibited by terms of lease exemptions appearing in 59.18.360 noncompliance 59.18.190
59.18.230 forfeiture of, forcible entry or detainer action sale of tenants property upon
diminished rental value 59.18.110 59.18.410 abandonment 59.18.310
forcible entry or detainer, execution of lien provision, prohibited, when 59.18.230 tenants failure to carry out duties
59.18.410 printed, requirements 59.18.210 59.18.170
repair costs 59.18.110 requirements for 59.18.210 noncompliance, tenants 59.18.180,
satisfaction of by payment into court standard form, exemptions appearing in 59.18.190
59.18.410 59.18.360 rent increase, rebuttal of presumption of
judgment and execution, forcible entry or term for 59.18.210 reprisal or retaliation 59.18.250
detainer action 59.18.410 terms of, waiver of chapter prohibited rental agreement, modification of 59.18.140
jurisdiction, district or superior courts 59.18.230 restitution, writ of, application for 59.18.370
59.18.050 terms prohibited 59.18.230 rules of tenancy, modification of 59.18.140
landlord unenforceability of prohibited terms tenants failure to carry out duties, landlord
actions, certain deemed to be reprisals or 59.18.230 may notify 59.18.170
retaliation 59.18.240 validity of 59.18.210 trust account for security deposit 59.18.270
complaints against by tenant, protection waiver of chapter prohibited 59.18.230 unlawful detainer action 59.18.370
59.18.240 written notice of defective conditions, tenant to
deposits, withholding of 59.18.260 cleaning deposit, withholding of 59.18.260 landlord 59.18.070
distress for rent, right abolished 59.18.230 damage deposit, withholding of 59.18.260 notices
duties 59.18.060 deposits, cleaning or damage, withholding exclusion of children or conversion to
deposit of security in trust account of 59.18.260 condominium 59.18.200
59.18.270 requirement 59.18.210 termination of tenancy, time for 59.18.200
failure to carry out 59.18.110 liability nuisance, tenants duty not to permit
tenants remedies 59.18.100 indemnification of landlord for, prohibited 59.18.130
failure to perform 59.18.070 59.18.230 nursing homes, licensed, exempted from
failure to perform, time limits for remedial landlords chapter 59.18.040
action 59.18.070 tenants property 59.18.230 obligation of good faith, imposed for exercise
notice to tenant of termination of utility services 59.18.300 of rights and remedies 59.18.020
depositary of trust account 59.18.270 tenant for order, unlawful detainer action 59.18.380
retaining deposit 59.18.280 rent default 59.18.310 parties, bargaining position of, inequality
receipt to tenant for moneys held as security storage and drayage upon abandonment precludes exemptions from chapter
59.18.270 59.18.310 59.18.360
rental agreement, written, landlord to lien periodic tenancy
provide copy to tenant 59.18.065 personal property, creation prohibited termination of 59.18.220
statement of basis for retaining deposits 59.18.230 notice requirements 59.18.200
59.18.280 prohibition against on tenants property personal property
time limits for fulfilling 59.18.070 59.18.230 sale of upon abandonment of premises by
emergency, rights during 59.18.180 living arrangements, certain exempted from tenant 59.18.310
entry onto premises, tenants noncompliance chapter 59.18.040 tenants recovery of 59.18.230
59.18.180 locks and keys, landlords duties concerning premises
eviction by, reprisal or retaliation, when 59.18.060 damages to, deposit, withholding 59.18.260
59.18.240 maintenance of premises exclusion of landlord by tenant 59.18.290
information disclosure requirements, certain duties of tenant 59.18.130 hold over by tenant 59.18.290
electronic notice by city or county damage and cleaning fees, withholding of removal or exclusion of tenant from
64.06.080 59.18.060 59.18.290
liability of duties of landlord 59.18.060 vacation of
deposit of tenant, for 59.18.280 landlord, duties of concerning 59.18.060 retention of deposit, statement relating to
property of tenant 59.18.230 tenant, certain duties of 59.18.130 59.18.280
refund to tenant 59.18.280 malicious or intentional destruction return of deposit 59.18.280
tenants property 59.18.230 criminal provisions 59.18.130 presumptions
name and address available to tenants mediation rebuttal of 59.18.250
59.18.060 dispute resolution 59.18.315 reprisal or retaliation, when 59.18.250
noncompliance, tenants, complaint mold procedure
59.18.240 information, landlords duties 59.18.060 answer of defendant, forcible entry or
notice of termination of tenancy 59.18.200 monasteries and convents, exempted from detainer action 59.18.400
notice to tenant chapter 59.18.040 arbitration, relating to 59.18.320

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 401]


defenses to forcible entry or detainer action, forcible entry or detainer 59.18.375 forcible entry or detainer action, answer of
assertion of 59.18.400 rental agreement defendant 59.18.400
forcible entry or detainer action 59.18.380 conformance to by tenant 59.18.140 tenants liability upon abandonment
answer of defendant 59.18.400 copy of written agreement, landlord to 59.18.310
restitution, writ of 59.18.370 provide to tenant 59.18.065 shipping charges, tenants liability upon
unlawful detainer 59.18.370 damage deposit, withholding of 59.18.260 abandonment 59.18.310
writ of restitution 59.18.370 exemptions appearing in 59.18.360 short title 59.18.010
prohibited acts modifications of, time effective 59.18.140 single family dwellings, excluded from
eviction of tenant, retaliation or reprisal, remedy for failure of landlord to provide application of act, when 59.18.415
when 59.18.240 59.18.285 smoke detection device
landlords retaliation 59.18.240 termination of, repairs, payment for duty of tenant 59.18.130
retaliation or reprisal by landlord 59.18.240 59.18.180 landlords duties concerning 59.18.060
waiver in lease 59.18.230 waiver of chapter provisions prohibited storage and sale of tenants property
property 59.18.230 notification of tenant 59.18.312
abandonment of, landlords rights 59.18.230 written payment of storage cost 59.18.312
drayage and storage costs cleaning fee, withholding of 59.18.260 proceeds from sale 59.18.312
payment by tenant 59.18.310 nonrefundable fees 59.18.285 writ of restitution 59.18.312
personal repair of property, landlords duties storage charges, tenants liability upon
abandonment, landlords rights 59.18.230 concerning 59.18.060 abandonment 59.18.310
tenants, taking by landlord 59.18.230 repairs subpoenas
return of tenants property authorized by court or arbitrator 59.18.110 arbitrator may issue 59.18.330
landlords duties 59.18.310 emergency, during 59.18.180 issuance by arbitrator 59.18.330
tenants, sale by landlord interruption of utility services, when allowed substandard and dangerous conditions
abandonment by tenant 59.18.310 59.18.300 certification by government agency
distribution of proceeds 59.18.310 landlord, by 59.18.115
public lands, exempted from chapter, when charged to tenant, when 59.18.180 tenants remedies, procedure 59.18.115
59.18.040 tenant may be charged, when 59.18.180 suit, costs of, recoverable, when 59.18.230
public policy, violation of as precluding payment for, tenant, when 59.18.180 superior court
exemptions this chapter 59.18.360 by tenant 59.18.100 jurisdiction, arbitration proceedings
purchaser as tenant, exempted from chapter tenants responsibility, when 59.18.180 59.18.330
59.18.040 time for, determination by court or arbitrator orders, jurisdiction to issue in relation to
receipts for payments, landlord to provide 59.18.110 arbitration 59.18.330
59.18.063 reprisals or retaliation tenancy
refund, deposit, time for 59.18.280 defined 59.18.240 deposit to secure, landlords duties
remedies prohibited 59.18.240 59.18.253
landlords restitution forfeiture of, forcible entry or detainer action
certain noncompliance by tenant 59.18.180 judgment for, forcible entry or detainer 59.18.410
failure of tenant to remedy defective action 59.18.410 month to month, when construed to be
condition 59.18.160 writ of 59.18.200
tenant intentionally causing loss of utility period of 59.18.200
services 59.18.300 notice 59.18.375 year to year, abolished, exceptions
tenant, bar to arbitration, when exercise of order, hearing, and application for 59.18.210
constitutes 59.18.320 59.18.370 periodic, termination of 59.18.220
tenants 59.18.070 retaliation or reprisals termination of
assertion of protected 59.18.240 defined 59.18.240 notice 59.18.200
termination of utility services by landlord presumptions relating to 59.18.250 periodic 59.18.220
59.18.300 prohibited 59.18.240 year to year, requirements for 59.18.210
tenants choice upon failure of landlord to rights, abandonment by tenant 59.18.310 tenant
correct defective condition 59.18.090 rights and remedies, obligation of good faith abandonment, liability for rent and damages
unlawful detainer 59.18.380 imposed 59.18.020 59.18.310
rent rights of landlord, entry into premises, actions of, good faith and lawful 59.18.240
amount due, judgment, inclusion 59.18.410 conditions for 59.18.150 charged for repairs, when 59.18.180
deductions from, cost of repairs 59.18.100 rules of tenancy complaints against landlord, cause for
default by tenant 59.18.310 conformance to by tenant 59.18.140 59.18.240
diminished, when 59.18.110 effective date, time of 59.18.140 deceased, disposition of property of
distress for, right to abolished 59.18.230 safety 59.18.030, 59.18.310, 59.18.590,
forcible entry or detainer action, amount due affected by noncompliance 59.18.180 59.18.595
may be included in judgment 59.18.410 public policy of state 59.18.360 deceased, landlord duties and liability
increase sanitary housing, public policy of state 59.18.595
presumptions relating to 59.18.250 59.18.360 deceased, tenant-designated person to act for
reprisal or retaliation, when 59.18.240 satisfaction of judgment in forcible entry or 59.18.590
liability of tenant upon abandonment detainer action 59.18.410 defective conditions, repair of 59.18.100
59.18.310 screening of prospective tenants defenses to unlawful detainer action
nonpayment, when allowed 59.18.090 costs, notice to tenant 59.18.257 59.18.180
paid into court, unlawful detainer action landlord decisions based on screening, deposits, withheld, when 59.18.260
59.18.380 limitations 59.18.580 duties of
payment of reports used for screening 59.18.030, performance, security for, retention of
condition of exercise of tenants remedies 59.18.257 59.18.280
59.18.080 search warrants performance of, security for 59.18.260,
duty of tenant 59.18.130 code enforcement officials, inspection 59.18.270
exceptions 59.18.080 searches by 59.18.150 rent, utilities payment of 59.18.080
tenants remedies conditioned upon service of process, alternatives to personal eviction of, reprisal or retaliation, when
59.18.080 service 59.18.055 59.18.240
when not required 59.18.090 services exclusion of children or conversion to
receipts for payments, landlord to provide reduction of, reprisal or retaliation, when condominium, notice 59.18.200
59.18.063 59.18.240 failure to
reduced, when 59.18.110 utility comply with duties, landlords remedies
reduction in 59.18.100 tenant intentionally causing loss of 59.18.180
refund of, when required 59.18.090 59.18.300 remedy defective conditions 59.18.160
tenants termination by landlord unlawful 59.18.300 good faith and lawful actions 59.18.240
default 59.18.310 set off, assertion of landlords reprisal or retaliation 59.18.250
liability upon abandonment 59.18.310 answer of defendant in forcible entry or holdover on premises, unlawful except under
rent payment into court registry detainer action 59.18.400 court order 59.18.290

[RCW Indexpage 402] (2016 Ed.)


noncompliance unlawful detainer, See also LANDLORD recall of, bond 59.08.080
entry by landlord, when 59.18.180 AND TENANT, subtitle Residential service and execution by sheriff 59.08.060
notice of by landlord 59.18.190 landlord-tenant act, actions and LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS
unlawful detainer, grounds for 59.18.180 proceedings; LANDLORD AND Agreements to indemnify against liability for
notice of termination of tenancy 59.18.200 TENANT, subtitle Residential landlord- negligence, validity 4.24.115
obligations, performance of, security for, tenant act, forcible entry or detainer Licensing and regulation
trust account 59.18.270 unlawful detainer actions generally Ch. 18.96
property, personal distressed home, previously 59.18.363 landscape architects license account
recovery of 59.18.230 limited dissemination 59.18.367 18.96.210
taken or detained by landlord 59.18.230 summons, form 59.18.365 Licensure, board of, for landscape architects Ch.
taking by landlord 59.18.230 utilities 18.96
protection of rights and remedies 59.18.240 payment of
remedies tenants remedies conditioned upon LARCENY (See CRIMES)
bar to arbitration, when exercise of 59.18.080 LASERS
constitutes 59.18.320 utility services Unlawful discharge, penalties Ch. 9A.49
landlords failure to carry out duties tenant intentionally causing loss of LAW ENFORCEMENT CHAPLAINS
59.18.100 59.18.300 Duties 41.22.040
removal or exclusion from premises by termination by landlord 59.18.300 Legislative findings 41.22.010
landlord 59.18.290 time for landlord to remedy defect 59.18.070 Local law enforcement agencies may use
utility services, termination by landlord vacation of premises, time for, reasonable, volunteers 41.22.030
59.18.300 determination by court or arbitrator State patrol may use volunteers 41.22.020
removal or exclusion from premises 59.18.120
remedies 59.18.290 waiver LAW ENFORCEMENT
unlawful except under court order fee, arbitration 59.18.340 COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK
59.18.290 prohibitions against, lease waiving Charges for use 43.89.010
repair of defective conditions 59.18.100 provisions of chapter 59.18.230 Cities and counties, participation 43.89.030
rights water Connections with other systems 43.89.010
approval by attorney of exemptions from landlords duties concerning 59.18.060 Transfer of powers and duties to state patrol,
this chapter 59.18.360 termination of service by landlord 59.18.300 effect 43.89.050
occupancy of premises 59.18.290 time for landlord to remedy defect 59.18.070 LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS (See
possession of premises 59.18.290 wear and tear, normal, deposit may not be also CONSTABLES; PEACE
utility services 59.18.300 withheld for 59.18.260 OFFICERS; POLICE; SHERIFFS;
rights and remedies, protection of 59.18.240 writ of restitution STATE PATROL)
vacation of premises, when 59.18.120 how obtained 59.18.370 Address confidentiality program for criminal
tenants duties 59.18.130 notice 59.18.375 justice participants 40.24.030
failure to carry out, notice by landlord, service 59.18.390 Alcoholic beverages
contents 59.18.170 written agreement report of seizure 66.32.090
rules, conformance to 59.18.140 arbitration, submission to 59.18.320 Animals left or confined in unattended motor
tenants property, proceeds from landlords exemptions from certain provisions of this vehicle or enclosed space
sale of upon abandonment 59.18.310 chapter 59.18.360 officer authority to remove 16.52.340
tenants remedies yearly tenancies, abolished, exceptions Assault of law enforcement personnel with a
prerequisite, payment of rent, utilities 59.18.210 firearm 9.94A.831
59.18.080 Residential property, inapplicability of chapter Blood samples, drawing by health care
rent, utilities payment of as prerequisite of 59.04 RCW 59.04.900 professionals
exercise 59.18.080 Service of process, alternatives to personal without consent under law enforcement
termination of rental agreement service 59.18.055 direction
payment for repairs 59.18.180 Substandard and dangerous conditions professional misconduct, is not 18.130.410
retention of deposit, statement relating to certification by government agency 59.18.115 Blue alert system Ch. 10.108
required 59.18.280 tenants remedies, procedure 59.18.115 Cameras, body worn
return of deposit 59.18.280 Tenancies from use by officers
tenants removal or exclusion from premises month to month generally, including task force Ch. 10.109
59.18.290 construed as periodic 59.04.020 public records act exemption 42.56.240
termination of tenancy termination notice, time to be given Chief of police
defective conditions, when 59.18.120 59.04.020 eligibility criteria 35.21.333, 35.21.334
deposits, return of 59.18.260 year to year, abolition unless express written vacancies 35.21.335
exclusion of children or conversion to contract 59.04.010 Child abuse
condominium, notice 59.18.200 Tenancy by sufferance child taken into custody
notice of, armed forces exemption 59.18.200 liability of tenant for rent 59.04.050 statement to parents 26.44.110
notice of, requirements for 59.18.200 termination 59.04.050 custody, taking child into without court order
time of 59.18.220 when deemed 59.04.050 26.44.050
time of, armed forces exemption 59.18.220 Termination of tenancies, when deemed reporting
threatening behavior 59.04.030 duties 26.44.030
tenant duty regarding 59.18.180 Threatening another tenant with deadly weapon records maintained by agencies 26.44.035
termination of rental agreement 59.18.352, notification of landlord 59.18.075 response by more than one agency,
59.18.354 Unclaimed property procedure for coordination 26.44.035
time for completion of arbitration 59.18.350 landlord, held by as result of sheriffs sale Child abuse and neglect training 43.101.365,
time limits, landlords duties 59.18.070 63.29.133 43.101.370
time requirements, termination of tenancy Unlawful detainer Child neglect
59.18.200 action 59.12.032 custody, taking child into without court order
trust account actions, limited dissemination of 59.18.367 26.44.050
moneys held as security deposit, receipt of criminal provisions 59.12.030 Child sexual abuse
interest 59.18.270 Unlawful entry and detainer Ch. 59.16 investigation 26.44.180, 26.44.185, 26.44.190
notice of depositary to tenant 59.18.270 Unlawful harassment investigator training 43.101.224
unlawful detainer victim protection 59.18.570, 59.18.575 Criminal identification, See STATE PATROL,
action may be commenced, when 59.18.180 Unlawful holding by tenant subtitle Identification and criminal history
bar to arbitration, when 59.18.320 jurisdiction of court 59.08.020 section
bond prior to final judgment 59.18.380 proceedings for recovery of possession Criminal justice information act, See
claims under 59.18.230 59.08.020 CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION
defenses 59.18.180 Utilities ACT
judgment and order 59.18.380 tenant delinquencies 87.03.445 Cruelty to animals, powers and duties Ch. 16.52
procedure regarding action for 59.18.370 Waste, when commission of waste constitutes Disarming a law enforcement or corrections
rent payment into court registry 59.18.375 unlawful detainer 59.12.030 officer, definition and elements 9A.76.023,
stay of order 59.18.380 Writ of execution 9A.76.025, 9A.76.027

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 403]


Disposition form and report exemption from prohibition 9.41.251 requirements for providers and officers
prosecuting attorney to send to state patrol Law enforcement medal of honor 80.36.570
10.98.090 generally Ch. 41.72 Training
state patrol sole recipient for federal law enforcement medal of honor committee basic law enforcement
transmission 10.98.070 41.72.020 required for new personnel 43.101.200
transmitted to prosecuting attorney 10.98.050 Liquor law enforcement child abuse and neglect training 43.101.365,
Dog handler using police dog in line of duty, resisting or opposing officer, penalty 43.101.370
immunity from liability 4.24.410 66.44.370 core requirements 43.101.350
Domestic violence Lost and found property education at approved existing institutions
arrests 10.31.100 duties of 63.21.050 43.101.170
foreign protection order full faith and credit Malicious harassment and other crimes of Indian tribes
act Ch. 26.52 bigotry and bias certification 43.101.157
immunity for arresting officer 26.09.300, training required in the identification of, noncertified, training 43.101.230
26.50.140 response to, and reporting of violations priorities 43.101.180
no-contact order 43.101.290 report to legislature 43.101.360
enforcement 10.99.055 Malicious harassment information repository Tribal police officers Ch. 10.92
procedure for issuing and entering 10.99.045 reporting and dissemination 36.28A.030 Truthfulness and honesty policy 43.101.021
sentence conditions and procedures Malicious prosecution claim by a law Volunteer
10.99.050 enforcement officer 4.24.350 industrial insurance coverage 51.12.140
statewide notice 10.99.040 Marshals
policy on violence committed by officers eligibility criteria 35.21.333, 35.21.334 LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS AND
10.99.090 vacancies 35.21.335 FIRE FIGHTERSRETIREMENT (See
protection orders Missing persons 68.50.320 RETIREMENT AND PENSIONS,
computer entry for statewide notice Motorcycle profiling 43.101.419 subtitle Law enforcement officers and fire
26.09.060 Motorists duty to obey officers orders fighters)
computer entry to constitute statewide 46.61.021 LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS AND
notice, requirements 26.50.100 Mutual aid peace officers powers FIREFIGHTERS RETIREMENT
ex parte temporary order for protection authority and powers SYSTEM (See RETIREMENT AND
penalties, prerequisite, duty to serve copy extraterritorial and interagency cooperation PENSIONS, subtitle Law enforcement
of order 26.50.115 Ch. 10.93 officers and fire fighters)
issuance, assistance by peace officer Overtime compensation 49.46.130 LAW REVISION COMMISSION
26.50.080 Peer support group counselors, privileged
personal service Civil service
communications 5.60.060
exceptions 26.50.090 Police dogs exemptions 41.06.083
Domestic violence, official response, See immunity from liability for handler using dog LAWS (See ORDINANCES AND
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE in line of duty 4.24.410, 16.08.040 RESOLUTIONS; REVISED CODE OF
Driving record, abstract of Privacy WASHINGTON; SESSION LAWS;
information to be excluded from record unlawful release of personal information STATUTES)
46.52.130 4.24.680, 4.24.690, 4.24.700 LAWYERS (See ATTORNEYS AT LAW)
Ethnic and cultural diversity Racial profiling 43.101.410
training required to incorporate cultural Records LEAD-BASED PAINT
sensitivity and awareness into law exchange with school districts Activities program Ch. 70.103
enforcement activities 43.101.280 notification of parents and students LEAP (See LEGISLATIVE EVALUATION
False arrest insurance 28A.600.475 AND ACCOUNTABILITY PROGRAM
cities and towns 35.23.460 Reflective warning devices placed on cars broken COMMITTEELEAP)
Fingerprints down on shoulder 46.37.450
judge to order 10.98.050 Reserve officers LEASES (See also FORCIBLE ENTRY AND
Fingerprints and identifying data city legislative body members, service as DETAINER; LANDLORD AND
transmit to state patrol identification and 35.21.770 TENANT; REAL PROPERTY)
criminal history section 10.98.050 employment protection Airports
Firearms definitions 49.12.460 department of transportation authority
confiscation by officer of firearm subject to employer duties, violations 49.12.460 47.68.140
forfeiture authorized 9.41.098 optional municipal code city council members Airspace, conveyance or lease by cities of the
return to owner by law enforcement authorized to serve as 35A.11.110 first and second class 35.22.302
duties of law enforcement 9.41.345 Retired Cities and towns
notification to family or household member firearms certificates 36.28A.090 airspace, first and second class cities
9.41.340 Sexual assault examination kits 35.22.302
Fires, investigation and police power 43.44.050 laboratory examination of kit, agency request leases with or without option to purchase
First responders for 70.125.090 authorized 35.42.200
information, requesting during emergency Sexual assault investigation off-street parking facilities 35.86.040,
personal emergency response service training 43.101.270 35.86.060, 35.86.080, 35.86A.120
subscribers, contact information for Sexual assault kit program property acquired at local improvement
70.54.430 program and account, creating 43.330.470 proceedings 35.53.030
Human trafficking laws, Washingtons Sexual assault kit tracking system, statewide public transportation systems, financing, lease
statewide training 43.280.095 creation and operation by state patrol for operation and maintenance of 35.95.050
Immunity 43.43.545 public utilities 35.94.010, 35.94.020,
response to secure community transition forensic laboratory services, bureau of, 35.94.030
facility 4.24.551 participation 43.43.546 surplus property 35.94.040
Impersonation, criminal 9A.60.045 local law enforcement agencies, participation real property in community renewal areas
Interception of private conversations in system 35.21.195 35.81.090, 35.81.095
cell site simulator devices public records act exemption 42.56.240 waterways and canals located in fill areas
collecting and using electronic data or State identification number 35.56.220
metadata 9.73.270 state patrol to furnish 10.98.080 Commercial real estate broker lien act Ch. 60.42
use, requirements, procedures 9.73.260 Strip and body cavity searches, See JAILS, Consumer leases
Juvenile runaways, policy manual of statutes subtitle Strip, body cavity searches definitions 63.10.020
regarding 43.101.300 Supervision management and recidivist tracking disclosure requirements 63.10.040
Juveniles system (SMART) 43.10.095, 43.10.097 expiration, lessees liability
youth taken into custody, procedures Ch. Supervision of offenders, authority to assist attorney fees 63.10.030
43.185C 9.94A.718 legislative declaration 63.10.010
Killing or injuring of officers Telecommunications, wireless device and call remedies 63.10.055
blue alert system for apprehending location, requesting residual value at expiration 63.10.030
perpetrators Ch. 10.108 address confidentiality program records, unlawful acts or practices 63.10.045
Knives, spring blade disclosure exceptions, when 40.24.070 usury 63.10.060

[RCW Indexpage 404] (2016 Ed.)


violation is an unfair act or practice, damages Personal property upholstered furniture or bedding
63.10.050 subject to lease or rental agreement used, sanitizing required before leasing
Consumer leases, See also UNIFORM conversion, destruction, sale, removal, etc. to 63.19.100
COMMERCIAL CODE, subtitle Leases avoid, penalty 9.45.060 LEAVES OF ABSENCE
(Article 2A) failure to return property, penalty 9.45.060 Inmates at correctional facilities, See
Consumer leases not loan or forbearance, when warranty, disclaimer of, merchantability or CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES, subtitle
19.52.010 fitness limitation, exceptions 63.18.010 inmates
Contracts Art. 62A.2A Port district property School employees 28A.400.300
Counties generally 53.08.080
competitive bids 36.32.240 security for rent, waiver permitted 53.08.085 LEGACY PROJECT, WASHINGTON
competitive bids, procedure 36.32.253 Probate STATE (See SECRETARY OF STATE,
county hospitals, competitive bids 36.32.240 administrator cannot lease property unless subtitle Legacy project)
purchasing department 36.32.240 directory powers in will 11.28.070 LEGAL AID
County property approval of form by court 11.56.045 Assistance independent of county support
agricultural fairs 36.34.145 court may order 11.56.010 2.50.140
to federal or state government or political order directing lease 11.56.045 Attorneys fee 2.50.110
subdivision, authorized 39.33.010 validity 11.56.045 Chapter not exclusive 2.50.160
generally Ch. 36.34 Probate, See also PROBATE, subtitle Real City of any class, appropriation of funds for
long term to United States 36.34.310 property 2.50.125
County roads, along airspace above or below, Public lands Civil
authority, limitation 36.75.040 agricultural lands 15.04.090 legislative findings 2.53.005
Destruction, conversion, sale, removal, etc. of lease of for storage of natural gas 80.40.060 office created, directors duties 2.53.020
personal property to avoid lease or rental Recording 65.04.030 oversight committee 2.53.010
agreement, penalty 9.45.060 Residential landlord-tenant act public safety and education account, use
Discrimination applicability to prior, existing, or future leases 2.53.030
damages for unfair practices involving real 59.18.430 Code city, appropriation of funds for 2.50.125
property 49.60.225 School districts County funds
freedom from, rights enumerated 49.60.030 buildings, security systems, computers, available for 2.50.120
restrictive covenants prohibited 49.60.224 equipment expenditure of 2.50.140, 2.50.160
Ejectment and quieting title actions, performance extended terms, authorized 28A.335.170 Court costs 2.50.110
of in actions against tenant on failure to pay Single family dwelling Declaration of necessity by county
rent 7.28.250 excluded from application of landlord-tenant commissioners 2.50.040, 2.50.160
Energy audits, state occupied facilities 43.19.685 act 59.18.415 revocation of 2.50.130
Execution, sale under, sale not subject to State agencies Defined 2.50.010
redemption if lease under two years 6.21.080 real property, terms and use of proceeds Dependency proceedings, attorneys appointed in
Harbor area 43.17.360 state funds distribution by office of civil legal
assessments 35.44.150 State lands, See PUBLIC LANDS, subtitle State aid 2.53.045
Lease-purchase agreements lands Donations for 2.50.090
advertising State-owned lands Legal aid bureau
liability 63.19.090 agricultural fairs 36.37.150 creation of 2.50.060
requirements 63.19.090 Northern State Hospital, lands adjacent to defined 2.50.050
application of lease-purchase agreement act 36.37.160 supervision over 2.50.060, 2.50.080
63.19.020 Tax on leasehold interests Ch. 82.29A Legal aid county committee
content restrictions 63.19.050 Termination of, gambling, premises used for authority over 2.50.060
definitions 63.19.010 4.24.080 creation of 2.50.070
disclosure by lessor Theft of rental, leased, or lease-purchased legal aid supervisory powers 2.50.080
contents of agreement 63.19.040 property 9A.56.096 members 2.50.070
requirements 63.19.030 Tidelands, See TIDELANDS, subtitle Lease of Limitations upon giving 2.50.100
new agreements Toll roads, lease to governmental entities to use Public interest, declared to be in 2.50.010,
renegotiation between same lessor and facilities authorized 47.56.253 2.50.160
consumer Trustees, powers to lease property 11.98.070 Registration fees 2.50.090
disclosure requirements 63.19.080 Utility facilities, federal holding compliance,
events not considered renegotiation LEGAL HOLIDAYS (See HOLIDAYS)
commission approval 80.04.520
63.19.080 Wharves, cities and towns, first class cities, LEGAL NOTICES (See NOTICES;
receipts for payments limitation upon 35.22.410 PUBLICATION OF LEGAL NOTICES)
lessors duty to provide 63.19.070 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, INTERPRETERS
reinstatement by consumer LEASES WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE
Lease-purchase agreement act IN (See INTERPRETERS)
terms 63.19.060
upholstered furniture or bedding violation is unfair or deceptive act or practice LEGAL SEPARATION (See also
used, sanitizing required before leasing 63.19.110 DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE)
63.19.100 Lease-purchase agreements Actions 26.09.010
violation is unfair or deceptive act or practice advertising Address confidentiality program 26.12.270
63.19.110 liability 63.19.090 Affidavits
Lease-purchase agreements not loan or requirements 63.19.090 custody modification 26.09.270
forbearance, when 19.52.010 application of lease-purchase agreement act temporary custody 26.09.270
Manufactured homes, mobile homes, 63.19.020 temporary orders 26.09.060
commercial coaches, recreational vehicles, consumer leases Answer 26.09.010
and park trailers, safety regulations, definitions 63.10.020 Appointment of attorney 26.09.110
compliance required 43.22.340 content restrictions 63.19.050 Attorneys fees, litigation costs 26.09.140
Military property 38.12.020 definitions 63.19.010 Bigamy 26.09.040
Moral nuisances, voiding of lease, repossession disclosure by lessor Child custody
by owner 7.48.085 contents of agreement 63.19.040 invalidity 26.09.060
Motor vehicles requirements 63.19.030 investigation and report 26.09.220
subleasing or transfer, unlawful practices Ch. new agreements modification 26.09.260
19.116 renegotiation between same lessor and separation 26.09.060
Multi-purpose community centers, use or consumer Child support
operation of facilities 35.59.080 disclosure requirements 63.19.080 apportionment of expenses 26.09.100
Municipal pollution control facilities 70.95A.060 events not considered renegotiation authority 26.09.100
National guard property 38.12.020 63.19.080 invalidity 26.09.040, 26.09.050, 26.09.060
Off-street parking facilities, cities and towns receipts for payments marital misconduct 26.09.100
35.86A.120 lessors duty to provide 63.19.070 modification 26.09.070, 26.09.170
Pea patches, municipal, transmission right of reinstatement by consumer relevant factor 26.09.100
ways 35.92.370 terms 63.19.060 separation 26.09.060

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 405]


contract 26.09.070 acts submitting person to state jurisdiction modification, termination 26.09.170
temporary 26.09.060 4.28.185 payments 26.09.120
Children Juvenile courts, referrals for advice 26.09.210 separation 26.09.060
consent for psychiatric care 26.09.220 Legitimacy 26.09.040 contract 26.09.070
legitimacy 26.09.040 Liability disposition temporary 26.09.060
molesting, temporary orders 26.09.160 invalidity 26.09.050, 26.09.060 venue 26.09.280
as petitioners 26.09.040 marital misconduct 26.09.080 Summons 26.09.030
removal from jurisdiction, temporary orders separation 26.09.060 Temporary orders
regarding 26.09.060 In lieu of dissolution of marriage 26.09.030 maintenance, support, termination 26.09.060
Civil rules 26.09.010 Literacy assistance and other services 26.09.013 restraining order or preliminary injunction
Clerk of court, payments 26.09.120 Litigation costs 26.09.140 26.09.060
Coercion 26.09.030 Marital misconduct Termination of
Cohabitation 26.09.040 child support 26.09.100 child support 26.09.170
Consanguinity 26.09.040 not relevant 26.09.080 death of parent, emancipation 26.09.170
Conversion to decree of dissolution 26.09.150 spousal maintenance 26.09.090 spousal maintenance obligation 26.09.170
Costs, litigation costs 26.09.140 Marital status 26.09.010 Time limits 26.09.030
Counseling service 26.09.030 Mediation proceedings 26.09.015, 26.09.016 conversion of separation to dissolution
Court orders Mental incapacity 26.09.040 26.09.150
required warning, orders containing parenting Modification 26.09.070 Transmittal of certificate to state registrar of vital
plan provisions, contempt orders 26.09.165 child support 26.09.170 statistics 26.09.150
Custody proceeding health insurance 26.09.170 Trial, jury dispensed with 26.09.010
evidence 26.09.210 property disposition 26.09.170 Validity of marriage
intervention 26.09.280 spousal maintenance 26.09.170 procedure 26.09.040
interviewing child 26.09.210 venue 26.09.280 venue 26.09.280
investigation reports 26.09.220 Motions Venue 26.09.010, 26.09.280
venue 26.09.080, 26.09.280 custody modification 26.09.270 Visitation 26.09.050
Decree payment methods 26.09.120 interview of child 26.09.210
appeals 26.09.150 temporary custody 26.09.270 invalidity action 26.09.040
dissolution 26.09.010 temporary orders 26.09.060 modification 26.09.070, 26.09.240
finality 26.09.150 for validity 26.09.040 separation contract 26.09.070
modification 26.09.070, 26.09.280 Name change 26.09.150 terms with payments 26.09.160
no awards 26.09.010 Obligations
separation contract 26.09.070 separation contract 26.09.070 LEGAL SERVICES (See ATTORNEYS AT
validity of marriage 26.09.040 Parties LAW)
Delinquent support payments under temporary armed forces member 26.09.030 LEGEND DRUGS (See DRUGS, subtitle
order residence 26.09.030 Prescription drugs)
effect of final decree 26.09.060 Payments
Department of social and health services, litigation costs 26.09.140 LEGISLATIVE AUDIT AND REVIEW
payments 26.09.120 methods 26.09.120 COMMITTEE
Dependent children, guardian ad litem 26.09.110 termination Administrative and support services
Designation of proceedings 26.09.010 death, remarriage 26.09.170 office of legislative support services
Diagnosis, requests 26.09.220 visitation 26.09.160 44.80.020
Disclosure of information Petition, contents 26.09.020 Agency and local government reports furnished
court finding of domestic violence or child Pleading to committee 44.28.097
abuse 26.09.013 petition 26.09.010 Appropriations, examination 44.28.080
Dismissals 26.09.030 preliminary injunction 26.09.060 Budget and accounting system
Disobedience of decree or order 26.09.160 response 26.09.010 deemed legislative branch for purposes of
Disposition of property and liabilities 26.09.080 show cause 26.09.270 43.88.230
Duress 26.09.040 temporary restraining order 26.09.060 Confidential records, access to 44.28.110
Enforcement Preliminary injunction Contempt proceedings 44.28.120
separation contract 26.09.070 effect, scope, termination 26.09.060 Cooperation with legislative committees and
venue 26.09.280 Proceedings 26.09.010 interstate research organizations 44.28.150
Enforcement of contract, contempt 26.09.070 Professional service, referrals to juvenile court Defendants, competency to stand trial
Evidence 26.09.210, 26.09.220 26.09.210 evaluations and inpatient services by state
Failure to comply with decree or order, Property disposition hospitals, assessment by committee
obligation to make payments or permit by duress 26.09.080 10.77.810
visitation 26.09.160 generally 26.09.060 Definitions 44.28.005
Family courts 26.09.030 invalidity 26.09.040, 26.09.050, 26.09.060 Education performance agreement pilot
Family home 26.09.060, 26.09.080 marital misconduct 26.09.080 evaluation 44.28.156
Fees, litigation costs 26.09.140 modification 26.09.170 Environmental and forest restoration, program
Finality of decree 26.09.150 separation 26.09.060 implementation evaluation 43.21J.800
Findings separation contract 26.09.070 Executive committee
coercion 26.09.030 Psychiatric information, request 26.09.220 membership and duties 44.28.060
custody modification 26.09.270 Reconciliation 26.09.030 Federal funds and programs, state acceptance and
fraud 26.09.030 Recording 26.09.070 participation, notice and progress reports of
irreparable injury for temporary restraining Respondent to 43.88.205
order 26.09.060 invalidity actions 26.09.040 Fiscal matters of state, examination and reports
marriage irretrievably broken 26.09.030 service of summons 26.09.030 44.28.080
temporary custody, adequate cause 26.09.270 Response 26.09.010 Health disparities, governors interagency
unfairness of separation contract 26.09.070 Restraining orders coordinating council on
visitation endangering child 26.09.240 issuance of order in dissolution decree, review 44.28.810
Foreign marriage 26.09.040 procedure 26.09.050, 26.09.060 Impact fee deferral requirements, committee
Forma pauperis, guardian ad litem 26.09.110 Separation contracts 26.09.070 review of
Fraud 26.09.040 termination of payment 26.09.170 single-family detached and attached
inducing petition 26.09.030 Services to parties in dissolutions and legal residential construction 44.28.812
Guardian ad litem separations 26.09.013, 26.12.260 Improvement of state government efficiency
allowance for fees, litigation costs 26.09.110 Show cause 26.09.270 44.28.080
Indigency, guardian ad litem 26.09.110 Spousal maintenance Judicial services costs for civil commitment
Interpretive, literacy, and other services authority of court 26.09.090 cases
26.09.013 consideration 26.09.090 direct costs, audit and review of 71.05.732
Judgment 26.09.010 financial resources 26.09.090 Legislative auditor
changing venue 26.09.280 invalidity 26.09.040, 26.09.050, 26.09.060 duties 44.28.065
Jurisdiction marital misconduct 26.09.090 selection 44.28.060

[RCW Indexpage 406] (2016 Ed.)


task force for tax preference performance duties 44.48.120 Business professions, regulation guidelines Ch.
statements 43.136.080 Exemption from data processing authority 18.118
tax preference performance statements 44.48.130 Certified health plans
43.136.080 Expenses of uniform benefits package
Members committee, vouchers 44.48.050 disapproval by legislature, submission of
appointment 44.28.010 members 44.48.040 modified package by health services
expenses 44.28.040, 44.28.050 LEAP, defined 44.48.070 commission 43.72.180
terms 44.28.020 Members Childrens oversight committee, membership
vacancies 44.28.020 terms 44.48.020 and powers 44.04.220
Mental illness, persons with travel expenses 44.48.040 Claims against the state
evaluation of legislation affecting 44.28.800 Minutes 44.48.100 housing finance commission 4.92.040
Minutes 44.28.100 Officers 44.48.060 payment procedure 4.92.040
Motor vehicle excise tax repeal Oversight 44.04.260 payments, report of 4.92.040
city and county assistance Powers 44.48.090 Commission to examine absent witnesses, See
review, report 44.28.805 Purpose and responsibility 44.48.070 LEGISLATURE, subtitle Hearings and
Oaths, power to administer 44.28.110 Reports to the legislature 44.48.100 inquiries
Oversight 44.04.260 Rules 44.48.060 Committee hearings and inquiries, See
Performance audits State expenditure information web site 44.48.150 LEGISLATURE, subtitle Hearings and
committees powers and duties 44.28.080 Vacancies 44.48.020 inquiries
compliance reports 44.28.091 Witness fees and mileage 44.48.110 Committees, standing
conduct 44.28.071 LEGISLATIVE JOURNALS (See legislative branch, deemed part of 43.88.230
legislative auditors duties 44.28.065 LEGISLATURE, subtitle Journals) Committees and agencies, oversight 44.04.260
preliminary and final reports 44.28.088 Composition and organization
scope 44.28.075 LEGISLATIVE SUPPORT SERVICES, compensation 43.03.010
tuition-setting authority of four-year colleges, OFFICE OF members
systemic audit of 44.28.816 Generally Ch. 44.80 compensation 43.03.010
Legislative branch, deemed part of 43.88.230 vacancies
work plans 44.28.083
Oversight 44.04.260 term of person elected to fill 42.12.030
Privacy and data protection, office of, review of
44.28.818 LEGISLATURE when 42.12.040
Quality control review of joint committee Acid rain Composition and organization, See also
44.28.094 notified if critical levels reached 70.94.875 LEGISLATURE, subtitle Members of
Records, books and accounts, power to examine Acts and resolutions Computer, information processing
44.28.110 certification and delivery of copies to statute joint legislative systems committee, See
Reentry council, Washington statewide law committee 44.20.020 LEGISLATURE, subtitle Joint legislative
performance audit of council by committee citation of acts 44.20.020 systems committee
43.380.080 numbering of laws by secretary of state Computers
Reports to legislature and public 44.28.100 44.20.020 surplus equipment, donation to schools
Rule making power 44.28.060 secretary of state custodian of 43.07.040 44.04.250
School district health benefits Acts and resolutions, See also SESSION LAWS Continuity of government in event of enemy
review, recommendations, performance Appointees to, emoluments of office 43.03.015 attack
grants, reports 44.28.157 Appropriations calling into session 42.14.030
Subpoena power 44.28.110 accounting for by state treasurer 43.08.010 proportional voting 42.14.030
Sunset termination and review of state entities governor-elect office expenses 43.06.055 quorum requirements dispensed with
Ch. 43.131 judges retirement fund, biennial 42.14.030
Tax preference reviews appropriation by to guarantee solvency of sessions during emergency 42.14.030
hog fuel tax exemption 43.136.057 2.12.060 Counsel
machinery and equipment used in generating state funds for schools 28A.150.380 retention of legislatures own choosing
electricity, sales of, exemption for Washington judicial retirement system, 43.10.045
43.136.058 request for 2.10.080 Crimes relating to
Tax preferences, duties Ch. 43.136 Attorney general contempt of witnesses 44.16.130
Witnesses 44.28.110, 44.28.130 advice to members 43.10.030 hearings and inquiries, witnesses refusing to
WorkFirst program evaluation 44.28.155 opinions for members and committees attend or testify 44.16.120
43.10.030 witnesses refusing to attend and answer when
LEGISLATIVE BUDGET COMMITTEE Attorneys summoned 9.55.020, 44.16.120
(See LEGISLATIVE AUDIT AND retention of legislatures own choosing Criminal justice
REVIEW COMMITTEE) 43.10.045 costs, county petition for reimbursement of
LEGISLATIVE ETHICS (See Bill drafting extraordinary costs 43.330.190
LEGISLATURE, subtitle Ethics) amendment or repeal to include reference to disposition form and report
code number 1.08.050 annual audit 10.98.100
ETHICS IN PUBLIC SERVICE, subtitle code reviser 1.08.027 Debate, sound recordings, preservation
validity or constitutionality of measures, code 40.14.170
Legislative ethics board)
reviser not required to give opinion District court judges
LEGISLATIVE EVALUATION AND 1.08.028 determination of number by weighted
ACCOUNTABILITY PROGRAM Bills caseload analysis 3.34.020
COMMITTEELEAP amendment or repeal to include reference to Economic development and international
Administrative and support services code number 1.08.050 relations, committee on Ch. 43.15
office of legislative support services certification and delivery of copies to statute Elections
44.80.020 law committee 44.20.020 contest of election of members 44.04.100
Administrator code reviser, bill drafting 1.08.027 Employees
appointment 44.48.120 engrossed bill, filing with secretary of state temporary salary reductions
duties 44.48.120 44.20.010 implementation, exceptions 41.04.820
Budget and accounting system fiscal notes, local government Ch. 43.132 vouchers for payment of 44.04.050
deemed legislative branch for purposes of fiscal notes, state government Ch. 43.88A warrants for payment of 44.04.050, 44.04.051
43.88.230 judicial impact, judicial impact notes 2.56.120 Ethics
Composition 44.48.010 numbering when becoming law 44.20.020 activities incompatible with public duties
Continuity of membership, powers, duties validity or constitutionality of measures, code 42.52.020
44.48.030 reviser not required to give opinion confidential information, release of 42.52.050
Cooperation with legislative committee and 1.08.028 gifts, honoraria, etc. 42.52.130, 42.52.140,
others 44.48.140 Budget and accounting system 42.52.150, 42.52.170
Created 44.48.010 balanced budget requirement 43.88.055, Ch. legislative ethics board 42.52.310, 42.52.320
Duties 44.48.080 82.33 legislative ethics board, See also ETHICS IN
Employment of staff budget estimates 43.88.090 PUBLIC SERVICE, subtitle Legislative
appointment 44.48.120 review of budget document 43.88.060 ethics board

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 407]


legislator, investigation of complaint against membership 44.68.030 travel, per mile, to and from sessions
42.52.450 powers and duties 44.68.050 43.03.010
public resources travel expenses 44.68.090 amount of 43.03.010
political campaigns, using for 42.52.180 coordinator vacancies
private gain, using for 42.52.160 duties 44.68.040 term of person elected to fill 42.12.030
Expenses secretary of administrative committee when 42.12.040
warrants for incidental expenses 44.04.060, 44.68.030 Members-elect
44.04.070 created 44.68.020 payment of per diem and expenses for meeting
Federal funds and programs, state acceptance and definitions 44.68.010 attendance 44.04.125
participation, notice requirements 43.88.205 electronic access to legislative information Oral history program, See ORAL HISTORY
Financing contracts, state 44.68.100 PROGRAM
approval, when required 39.94.040 exemption, information services 44.68.105 Purchasing, records of state purchasing to be
Gift center members, terms, vacancies 44.68.020 available to members of the legislature, the
account 44.73.020 oversight 44.04.260 legislative committees, and legislative staff
created, governance 44.73.010 salaries and expenses of employees 44.68.085 on request 43.19.1917
findings 44.73.005 service center Radioactive waste regulation
wine, selling for off-premises consumption additional duties 44.68.065 legislature retains an autonomous role
44.73.015, 66.12.195 establishment, duties 44.68.060 43.200.020
Governor-elect, appropriation of funds for office travel expenses 44.68.090 Records
for 43.06.055 Joint legislative-executive overtime oversight classification and arrangement 40.14.130
Hazardous waste disposal task force, creating 74.39A.270 clerk, defined 40.14.120
federal law implementation Joint select committee on health care oversight committee chair, delivery of records to chief
rules, review 70.105.140 Ch. 44.82 clerk or secretary of senate 40.14.130
Health insurance Joint transportation committee confidentiality of bill drafting records
mandated benefits Ch. 48.47 administrative and support services by office 40.14.180
Health professions Ch. 18.120 of legislative support services 44.80.020 contribution of personal papers 40.14.110
Hearings and inquiries by committees allowances, expenses 44.04.310 defined 40.14.100
commission to examine absent witnesses created, duties 44.04.300 delivery of records to chief clerk or secretary
44.16.040, 44.16.050, 44.16.060, legislative branch, deemed part of 43.88.230 of senate 40.14.130
44.16.070, 44.16.080, 44.16.090, oversight 44.04.260 information and instructions for keeping
44.16.100, 44.16.110, 44.16.130, Journals 40.14.140
44.16.140, 44.16.150, 44.16.160 recordings of debate 40.14.170
custodian of 43.07.040
records of proceedings 44.16.170 research, use for 40.14.150
distribution, exchange, and sale 40.04.090 rules for access 40.14.160
service of process 44.16.020
subpoena power 44.16.010 secretary of state custodian of 43.07.040 secretary, defined 40.14.120
witnesses 44.16.010, 44.16.030, 44.16.110, Legislative audit and review committee, See sound recordings of debate 40.14.170
44.16.120, 44.16.130, 44.16.140, LEGISLATIVE AUDIT AND REVIEW Redistricting1983 act
44.16.150, 44.16.160 COMMITTEE commission
Highways, streets and bridges joint fact-finding Legislative districts cessation of operations 44.05.110
committee, See JOINT FACT-FINDING number 44.05.090 duties 44.05.070, 44.05.080
COMMITTEE ON HIGHWAYS, Legislative evaluation and accountability members
STREETS AND BRIDGES program committeeLEAP Ch. 44.48 appointment, chairperson, filling of
House of representatives Legislative records, preservation 40.14.100, vacancy 44.05.030
judiciary committee 40.14.110, 40.14.120, 40.14.130, 40.14.140, compensation of 44.05.070
judicial impact notes, copies filed with 40.14.150, 40.14.160, 40.14.170, 40.14.180 oath 44.05.040
2.56.120 Legislative support services, office of 44.04.260, persons ineligible to serve 44.05.050
members Ch. 44.80 political activities prohibited 44.05.060
appointees, emoluments of office 43.03.015 Legislative systems committee, See reconvening 44.05.120
compensation 43.03.010 LEGISLATURE, subtitle Joint legislative definitions 44.05.020
number 44.05.090 systems committee effective date
salary 43.03.010 Legislative ways and means committees contingent on constitutional amendment
travel, per mile, to and from sessions notification that financial management 44.05.900
43.03.010 director has approved creation of fund plan
speaker outside of state treasury 43.88.195 challenges 44.05.130
secretary of state to account for expenses and Medical risk adjustment mechanisms district and precinct delineation 44.05.090
purchases to 43.07.030 disapproval by legislature, submission of duties of supreme court, when 44.05.100
transportation committee revised package by health services modification 44.05.120
bicycle, pedestrian, and equestrian facilities commission 43.72.180 report to accompany 44.05.080
comprehensive plans, review 44.04.290 Members of submission to by commission 44.05.100
ways and means committee committee members, per diem and mileage Reports to
judicial impact notes, copies filed with allowance 44.04.120 biennial, period covered by 43.01.035
2.56.120 contest of election of, procedure 44.04.100 center for international trade in forest
Housing finance commission insurance for while passengers or crew products, funding sources 76.56.050
review of rules 43.180.110 members of nonscheduled aircraft flight department of transportation 47.01.141
Information and communication functions, 43.01.120 budget for expenditures 47.26.440
applicable law 44.68.080 mailings, restrictions 42.52.185 electronic format, requirements 43.01.036
Information service, code reviser to provide mileage allowance 43.03.010 fire commissioners association 44.04.170
1.08.031 vouchers for payment of 44.04.040 fish and wildlife director 77.04.120
Jails warrants for payment of 44.04.040, indeterminate sentence review board 9.95.265
emergency in population 44.04.041 judicial conduct commission 2.64.100
governors response, alternatives 9.94A.875 nonresidence in district where elected, monthly financial report of state treasurer
Joint committee on energy supply and energy grounds for vacation of office, exceptions 43.08.150
conservation Ch. 44.39 42.12.010 municipal corporations associations
Joint committee on veterans and military affairs per diem 44.04.090, 44.04.120 44.04.170
73.04.150 resignation, to whom made 42.12.020 operational activities, recommendations for
Joint higher education committee 44.04.260, salary 43.03.010 future operations, department of
44.04.360, 44.04.362, 44.04.364 amount of 43.03.010 transportation 47.01.141
Joint legislative oversight committee on trade vouchers for payment of 44.04.040 private activity bond allocation 39.86.190
policy Ch. 44.55 warrants for payment of 44.04.040, radioactive waste regulation 43.200.020
Joint legislative systems committee 44.04.041 school, college enrollment forecasts
administrative and support services by office teachers 43.62.050
of legislative support services 44.80.020 retirement, earnable compensation, school district association 44.04.170
administrative committee limitation 41.32.4945 school districts

[RCW Indexpage 408] (2016 Ed.)


transportation allocation determination submission of reports by governor and Child abuse reporting 26.44.060
28A.160.180 revenue department 43.06.400 Childrens administration
state treasurer 43.08.010, 43.08.150 Teachers on leave as legislator employees hired by contracting agencies
summary of proposed construction, insurance benefits, reimbursement to district department of social and health services not
department of transportation 47.01.141 44.04.230, 44.04.240 liable, conditions 74.15.038
water/wastewater district association Telecommunications companies Cities and towns, indebtedness incurred in excess
44.04.170 intensive review by legislature 80.36.901 of budget appropriations, liability of city and
Representatives Transportation funds and accounts officer for 35.33.125
commencement of term 44.04.021 study/analysis 43.88.125 Commanding officer, for acts done in line of duty
Retirement or annuity plans Vacancies 38.40.020
participation by public employees while election, when 42.12.040 Common carriers, See COMMON CARRIERS,
serving as legislators 28B.10.409 term of person elected to fill 42.12.030 subtitle Liability
Revised Code of Washington Washington state redistricting act Ch. 44.05 Contingent liability, security against
availability in digital form on legislative web Witnesses, See LEGISLATURE, subtitle confession of judgment statement in writing to
sites 1.08.080 Hearings and inquiries disclose facts and sum not excessive
loans of sets to committees 1.08.060 4.60.060
LEMON LAW confession of judgment without suit 4.60.050
members to receive set on digital media Motor vehicle warranties Ch. 19.118
without charge 1.08.070 Contributory negligence
Rules review committee LENSES (See OPTICIANS, DISPENSING; effect of 4.22.005
advisory boards, appointment 34.05.671 OPTOMETRY; VISION CARE) fault, defined 4.22.015
created 34.05.610 LEOFF (See RETIREMENT AND spouse, domestic partner, minor child,
enforcement of committee subpoena PENSIONS, subtitle Law enforcement negligence not imputed 4.22.020
34.05.681 officers and fire fighters) Conversion of goods or merchandise from store
failure to adopt rule, review 34.05.640 or unpaid restaurant meals 4.24.230
LETTERS (See also MAIL) Corporations, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle
membership, terms, vacancies 34.05.610 Opening or reading without permission, penalty
no presumption of legality 34.05.660 Liabilities
9.73.020 Counties
objections to agency action 34.05.640 Publishing without permission, penalty 9.73.020
petition for review 34.05.655 depositaries, treasurers liability, effect
Sending letter, when complete for purpose of 36.48.050
powers and authority 34.05.675 criminal law 9.01.130
procedure 34.05.620 excess expenditures, county liability
recommendations to the legislature 34.05.650 LETTERS OF CREDIT (See UNIFORM 36.40.130
reports on findings or recommendations COMMERCIAL CODE, subtitle Letters liability insurance for protection against
34.05.671 of credit) authorized 36.16.136
review procedure 34.05.630 LETTERS PATENT Criminal liability 9A.08.010
state employees submitting rules warranting Granting real property, recording 65.08.090 Criminal procedure 9A.08.010
review, protection 34.05.665 costs, liability of convicted person for
suspension of rule 34.05.640 PROBATE, subtitle Letters testamentary)
Salaries hospital charges, criminally insane
members, citizens commission schedule LEVEES (See also CANALS, DITCHES, 43.20B.320
43.03.013 AND DRAINS) Database of property crimes
temporary salary reductions Cities and towns, authority to construct liability of database creators for sharing
implementation, exceptions 41.04.820 35.21.090 information 4.24.340
Security and protection of while in session, duty LEVIES (See ASSESSMENTS; LOCAL school districts 28A.320.020
of state patrol to provide 43.43.037 IMPROVEMENTS AND upon death of either or both spouses or
Senate ASSESSMENTS) domestic partners 4.20.046
judiciary committee LEVY AND SALE (See JUDGMENTS, Deposits, bank officer or employee receiving
judicial impact notes, copies filed with subtitle Execution) while insolvent
2.56.120 penalty 9.24.030
Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.210 Diking and drainage improvement districts,
number 44.05.090 judgment liability, levy for 85.08.460
salary 43.03.010 Southwest Washington fair
jurisdiction and control Ch. 36.90 DMSO, physicians, surgeons, immune from
travel, per mile, to and from sessions 70.54.190
43.03.010 Southwest Washington fair, jurisdiction and
control Dog handler using police or accelerant detection
transportation committee dog in line of duty, immunity from liability
bicycle, pedestrian, and equestrian facilities lands conveyed to 36.90.070
Superior court judges, number of 2.08.062 4.24.410
comprehensive plans, review 44.04.290 Domestic violence
ways and means committee LIABILITY (See also JOINT LIABILITY) peace officers, performance of duty 10.99.070
judicial impact notes, copies filed with Administrators, See LIABILITY, subtitle Electronic impersonation
2.56.120 Executors and administrators invasion of privacy, action for 4.24.790
Senators Adult Emergency care, medical care, or transportation,
commencement of term 44.04.021 conversion of goods or merchandise from rendering of, immunity for certain persons
Service of process 44.16.020 store or unpaid restaurant meals 4.24.230 4.24.300
Session laws, See SESSION LAWS Aiding a police officer or other officer, Emergency health care
Sessions exemption from liability 9.01.055 providers credentialing or granting practice
date of 44.04.010 Attachment, assignor with interest 6.25.080 privileges to other providers 4.24.810
defined 44.04.200 Aviation activities on recreational land Emergency management employees, volunteers
reference to regular session 44.04.200 landowner immunity from liability for 38.52.080, 38.52.180
time for holding 44.04.010 unintentional injuries 4.24.210 Emergency medical service personnel 18.71.210
State arts commission, legislative membership Bank stockholders, See BANKS AND Erotic material, publisher, etc., punishing
on 43.46.030 BANKING, subtitle Stockholders retailer, etc., because of compliance with
State auditor, information furnished to legislature Blood procurement, use, etc., immunities from state law, treble damages 9.68.090
43.09.050 implied warranty and civil liability, extent Executors and administrators
Statute law committee 70.54.120 continuation of decedents business, authority
availability of committee publications on Blood withdrawal, implied consent law to incur 11.48.025
legislative web sites 1.08.080 purposes, immunity, civil, criminal 46.61.508 executor de son tort 11.48.180
created, composition 1.08.001 Blue alert system not liable for loss without fault 11.48.030
expenses and per diem of members 1.08.005 immunity from liability for radio and special administrator to creditors 11.32.050
Statutes television broadcasters 10.108.040 Eyeglasses, donation of
improvement by statute law committee Building wardens, immunity from 4.24.400 charitable organizations, liability immunity
1.08.025 Child abuse and neglect 4.24.800
Subpoena power 44.16.010 liability of governmental entities and their Family and childrens ombuds, office of
Tax exemptions officers, limiting of 4.24.595, 26.44.280 43.06A.085

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 409]


Fire protection districts Livestock, railroad injuring 81.52.060 Several

contracts 52.20.070 Logging liens, concealment or injury to property attachment, assignors having an interest
Firearms safety programs, liability of operators, 60.24.200 6.25.080
employees, or volunteers 4.24.640 Lost and found property, liability of finder to Sexual offender treatment providers
Fish marketing associations, members owner 63.21.040 limited liability 4.24.556
breach of marketing contract 24.36.440 Marine pilots 88.16.115, 88.16.118 Sheriffs, misconduct or malfeasance 36.28.150
debts of association 24.36.270 Marine vessels, owners, or operators 88.16.118 Shoreline management act, violations 90.58.230
Flood control Mercury-containing light recycling program State
cities, immunity from liability 86.12.037 product stewardship programs, immunity for tortious conduct 4.92.090
counties, immunity from liability 86.12.037 from antitrust liability 70.275.170 State patrol officers
special purpose districts, immunity from Metals mining and milling operations 78.56.110 off-duty law enforcement employment
liability 86.12.037 Militia members for acts done in line of duty immunity of state for liability, notice
Food donation and distribution to needy persons 38.40.010 4.92.175
Ch. 69.80 Minor Strip, body cavity searches
Franchises on state highways, liability of holder conversion of goods or merchandise from search delayed, nonliability of government for
47.44.020 store or unpaid restaurant meals 4.24.230 damage 10.79.170
Guardian ad litem, liability for costs against Motor carrier transportation contracts Trust funds, persons acting in place of designated
infant plaintiffs 4.84.140 agreement to indemnify against liability for trustee 11.100.130
Hazardous material incident negligence 4.24.115 Volunteers of nonprofit or governmental entities
extraordinary costs Motor vehicles limited liability 4.24.670
person other than operating employees of damages for unlawful size, weight, and load LIABILITY RISK RETENTION
transportation company 4.24.314 limits 46.44.110 Generally Ch. 48.92
Health care insurance private employer, liability when vehicle
comparison of health carriers, immunity of owner LIBEL AND SLANDER
document preparer 48.43.105 injury to unauthorized third-party occupant Action on limited to two years 4.16.100
Hearing instruments, donation of 4.24.770 Burden of proof on application of defamatory
charitable organizations, liability immunity state or local government, vehicle owned or matter to plaintiff 4.36.120
4.24.800 leased by Costs and disbursements, limitation on recovery
Heating oil pollution liability protection Ch. injury to unauthorized third-party occupant, of by plaintiff 4.84.040
70.149 government liability 4.92.180 Insurance commissioners liability, notice of
"Hold-harmless" agreements, real estate, repairs, Multiple defendants at fault, joint and several reasons for cancellation 48.30.330,
construction, etc., against public policy, void liability 4.22.030 48.44.270
4.24.115 Nuclear incidents, storage or transportation Insurance companies, prohibited practices
Hotels, liability for loss of guests property liability 4.24.450, 4.24.460 48.30.080
19.48.030 Obesity lawsuits Justification by truth, pleading of 4.36.130
Husband and wife food and beverage consumption 7.72.070 Mitigating circumstances
either spouses separate property exempt from Organizers of insurance companies 48.06.130 evidence of, pleadings 4.36.130
other spouses liability 6.15.040 Parent pleading of 4.36.130
torts, liability of spouse 26.16.190 conversion of goods or merchandise from Pleading of 4.36.120
wife store or unpaid restaurant meals by Radio, owner or operator liability limited
separate property exempt from husbands unemancipated minor 4.24.230 19.64.010
liability 6.15.040 injury to person or property by minor child, Television, owner or operator liability limited
Industrial life insurance, limitation of liability limitation 4.24.190 19.64.010
48.25.230 Partnerships Ch. 25.05 LIBRARIES
Insurance companies, See INSURANCE, Personal representatives Annual report of trustees 27.12.260
subtitle Liabilities continuation of decedents business, authority Cities and towns
Insurance for, See INSURANCE, subtitle to incur 11.48.025 first class cities, establishment and
Casualty insurance; Liability insurance embezzlement 11.48.060 maintenance of 35.22.280
Intimate images, distribution of executor de son tort 11.48.180 Conditional sales contracts by cities and towns,
liability for damages, other civil penalties not liable for loss without fault 11.48.030 counties and library districts for purchase of
4.24.795 Persons rendering emergency care or property for libraries authorized, vote
Joint and several liability transportation required if exceeds indebtedness 39.30.010
contribution immunity for certain persons 4.24.300 Counties
enforcement of 4.22.050 immunity from 4.24.310 libraries on county-owned parks and
right of 4.22.040 Pharmacists dispensing prescription, limitations recreation land authorized 36.68.110
Joint liability on liability 18.64.275 library capital facility areas authorized
attachment, assignors having an interest Pharmacy ancillary personnel, responsibility of 36.32.610
6.25.080 pharmacy or pharmacist 18.64A.080 County law libraries Ch. 27.24
confession of judgment Physician assistants, liability of supervising Discrimination to deny public accommodations
enforcement 4.60.030 physicians 18.71A.050 because of race, color, or creed, penalty
who may confess 4.60.030 Product liability actions 9.91.010
contracts definitions 7.72.010 Employees
procedure to bind joint debtors after length of time product sellers are subject to recruitment expenditures authorized
judgment Ch. 4.68 liability 7.72.060 27.12.215
family support, joint liability of husband and manufacturers 7.72.030 Exchanges of books with other libraries
wife, limitation of liability of stepparent product sellers other than manufacturers 27.12.280
after divorce 7.72.040 Free use of library 27.12.270
joint debtors, procedure to bind after relevance of industry custom, technological Gifts of money or property to library 27.12.300
judgment Ch. 4.68 feasibility, and standards 7.72.050 Indian tribes, services provided by public
Juvenile court, liability of parent for support of scope 7.72.020 libraries 27.12.285
child 13.34.161 Property damages caused by removal, waste or Intercounty rural library districts
Labor unions, unlawful acts 49.32.070 injury, liability 4.24.630 annexation of city or town into 27.12.360,
Landlord and tenant, rent default, sheriffs Property owners, recreational users, woodcutters, 27.12.370, 27.12.380, 27.12.390,
liability for damages 59.08.100 limitation 4.24.210 27.12.395
Liabilities, See also INSURANCE, subtitle Public works contractors bond, liability for appropriations and expenditure control
Contingent liability public officer failing to take bond 39.08.015 27.12.240
Liens, liability for service of stevedores and Railroad policemen, liability for unlawful acts of assumption of property, assets and liability
longshore workers 60.36.030 81.60.060 27.12.120
Limited liability companies Ch. 25.15 School districts board of trustees 27.12.130, 27.12.170,
Limited liability partnerships Ch. 25.04, Ch. contracts with youth programs, liability 27.12.190, 27.12.210
25.05 4.24.660 bond issues 27.12.222, 27.12.223
Lis pendens debts and judgments 28A.320.020 budget 27.12.210, 27.12.220
liability of claimants 4.28.328 Settlement agreements, effect of 4.22.060 community revitalization financing 27.12.212

[RCW Indexpage 410] (2016 Ed.)


county treasurers duties 27.12.160 board of trustees 27.12.050, 27.12.190, LICENSE PLATES (See MOTOR
establishment 27.12.090, 27.12.100 27.12.210 VEHICLES, subtitle License plates)
library capital facility areas, organization, bond issues 27.12.222, 27.12.223 LICENSES
operation, and duties Ch. 27.15 budget 27.12.210, 27.12.220 Accountants Ch. 18.04
name 27.12.140 county legislative authority, duties 27.12.050 Adjusters, insurance Ch. 48.17
tax levies 27.12.150, 27.12.222 county treasurers duties 27.12.070 Adjusters, insurance, See INSURANCE, subtitle
withdrawal or reannexation of areas 27.12.355 establishment 27.12.040 Adjusters, independent, public, and crop
Interstate library compact Ch. 27.18 expansion into intercounty rural library Advisory committees
Island library districts districts 27.12.110 director may appoint 43.24.060
annexation of city or town into 27.12.360, general powers 27.12.060 Aid vehicles and ambulances Ch. 18.73
27.12.370, 27.12.380, 27.12.390, tax levies 27.12.222
Aircraft 47.68.230
27.12.395 tax levy rate, proposed maximum 27.12.040
tax levy to support services 27.12.050 airmen and airwomen
board of trustees 27.12.190, 27.12.210, certificate and licenses 47.68.230
27.12.420 Rural partial-county library districts 27.12.470
Sale of library materials authorized, disposition dealers Ch. 14.20
bond issues 27.12.223
budget 27.12.210, 27.12.220 of proceeds 27.12.305 federal licensing of required 14.16.020
dissolution 27.12.450 School district public libraries, abolished, registration 47.68.250
establishment 27.12.400, 27.12.410 disposition of assets 27.12.321 Airman and airwoman 47.68.230
indebtedness Schools Alcoholic beverages Ch. 66.24
powers, limitations 27.12.440 information and technology programs, armory vicinity, license for sale of liquor
library capital facility areas, organization, resources and materials for 28A.320.240 prohibited without permission of adjutant
operation, and duties Ch. 27.15 State law library Ch. 27.20 general 38.32.120
name, adoption of 27.12.430 librarian Alcoholic beverages, See also ALCOHOLIC
tax levies 27.12.420 court reports commission, duties 2.32.160 BEVERAGES, subtitle Licenses
withdrawal or reannexation of areas 27.12.355 Revised Code of Washington, loans of sets to Appeals 43.24.120
Law libraries 1.08.060 Applications for licenses, discrimination to
filing fees for support of 27.24.070, 27.24.090 State library require disclosure of race or religion in
regional law libraries 27.24.020 employees penalty 43.01.100
Librarians reimbursement for offender or resident Appraisal management companies Ch. 18.310
qualifications and certification 27.04.055 assaults 27.04.100 Architects Ch. 18.08
Library capital facility areas, organization, lending fees for interlibrary services Assisted living facilities Ch. 18.20
operation, and duties Ch. 27.15 27.04.045 Athletic contests, See ATHLETICS AND
Nonresident use 27.12.280 librarian SPORTS, subtitle Licenses
Public libraries duties 27.04.055 Auctioneers
appropriations and expenditure control management and control of state publications county requirements 36.71.070, 36.71.080
27.12.240 definitions 40.07.020 Auctioneers and auction companies Ch. 18.11
authorization 27.12.025 director Automobiles, See MOTOR VEHICLES
board of trustees 27.12.190, 27.12.210 duties 40.07.030 Bail bond agents Ch. 18.185
charter provisions superseded 27.12.310 governor, duties 40.07.040 Beer and breweries Ch. 66.24
conditional sales contracts by cities and towns, guidelines for 40.07.030 Birthing centers, licensing and regulation Ch.
counties and library districts for purchase legislative declaration 40.07.010 18.46
of property for libraries authorized, vote mailing lists, notification, removal from, Boats and vessels Ch. 88.02
required if exceeds indebtedness 39.30.010 exceptions, mailing rates 40.07.060 Boxing, martial arts, and wrestling Ch. 67.08
contracts for library service 27.12.180 reports Brokers, insurance, See INSURANCE, subtitle
definitions 27.12.010 where filed 40.07.030 Surplus line coverage
dissolution, disposition of property and books review of state publications 40.07.030 Business license service Ch. 19.02
27.12.320 state agency Business professions, regulation guidelines Ch.
establishment 27.12.030 duties of agency head 40.07.030 18.118
interstate library compact Ch. 27.18 state publications Camping resorts Ch. 19.105
penalties review of 40.07.030 Cemeteries
injury to property 27.12.330 sale of library materials authorized, prearrangement contracts Ch. 68.46
retaining books 27.12.340 disposition of proceeds 27.12.305 Cemetery prearrangement sales 68.05.155
Purchase of books, magazines, periodicals, secretary of state Certain business activities
publications, postage, subscriptions, method authority 27.04.010, 27.04.900 cities and towns, uniform rate, maximum rate
for payment of 42.24.035 gifts, grants, and conveyances 43.07.370, established 35.21.710
Purchase of real or personal property by 43.07.380 voter approval for excess 35.21.711
conditional sales contracts, indebtedness state librarian single uniform rate 35A.82.050
limitations 39.30.010 appointment 27.04.010 Certified public accountants Ch. 18.04
Reading materials, obsolete, surplus, disposal of, duties 27.04.045 Child support
procedure 39.33.070 state publications suspension of licenses for support order
Regional law libraries 27.24.062 management and control of 40.07.010, noncompliance 43.24.112, 74.20A.320,
Regional libraries 40.07.020, 40.07.030, 40.07.040, 74.20A.330, 74.20A.350, 74.20A.360,
appropriations and expenditure control 40.07.060 74.20A.370
27.12.240 state publications distribution center adjudicative proceeding 74.20A.322
authorized 27.12.080 created 40.06.020 certification of noncompliance 74.20A.324
board of trustees 27.12.190, 27.12.210 definitions 40.06.010 payment schedule arrangements 74.20A.326
budget 27.12.210 depository contracts with other libraries rules, adoption of 74.20A.328
Rules and regulations 27.12.270 authorized 40.06.040 Child welfare agencies, See PUBLIC
Rural county library districts exemptions 40.06.060 ASSISTANCE, subtitle Child welfare
annexation of city or town into 27.12.360, list of publications to be furnished by state agencies
27.12.370, 27.12.380, 27.12.390, agencies 40.06.060 Chiropractors Ch. 18.25
27.12.395 publication and distribution of list of Cities and towns
community revitalization financing 27.12.212 available state publications 40.06.050 bicycles 35.75.030
disincorporation of special districts in counties state agencies to deposit copies of drawbridges operated as toll bridges
with population of two hundred ten publications with, exemptions 40.06.030 35.74.060, 35.74.070
thousand or more Ch. 57.90 Videos and video games farmers, exemption 36.71.090
library capital facility areas, organization, minors access to violent videos and games, first class cities, general power 35.22.280
operation, and duties Ch. 27.15 library policy formulation 19.188.030 gardeners, exemption 36.71.090
withdrawal or reannexation of areas 27.12.355 Violators, exclusion from library use 27.12.290 license applicants and licensees for certain
Rural library districts LIBRARY DISTRICTS occupations
appropriations and expenditure control Incorporation of city or town, territory removed background checks, initiation by cities and
27.12.240 from district 35.02.180 towns 35.21.920

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 411]


background checks, initiation by code cities Feed lots Ch. 16.58 Livestock markets Ch. 16.65
35A.21.370 Fees Lottery agent 67.70.070
produce stands, exemption 36.71.090 determination by rule 43.24.086 Marriage
second class cities, generally 35.23.440 paid into state general fund 43.79.020 out-of-state requirements, compliance, fee
towns, general power of granting 35.27.370 Fees, See also FEES schedule 70.58.380
unclassified cities, general power 35.30.010 Ferries, privately owned, see FERRIES, subtitle Marriage, See also MARRIAGE, subtitle
Collection agencies Ch. 19.16 Privately owned Licenses
Commission merchants, See COMMISSION Fire sprinkler system contractors, duties of state Martial arts Ch. 67.08
MERCHANTS director of fire protection Ch. 18.160 Massage practitioners [therapists] Ch. 18.108
Corporations Firearms optional code cities 35A.82.025
doing business without, penalty 9.24.040 aliens, possession Master licenses, See BUSINESS LICENSE
legal entity renewals alien firearm license, requirements 9.41.173 CENTER
revenue, department of, to be secretarys possession without firearm license, Maternity homes, See MATERNITY HOMES,
agent 43.07.200 conditions 9.41.175 subtitle Licenses
staggered renewal 43.07.180 requirements, penalty 9.41.171 Meat
Cosmetologists, hair designers, barbers, Fireworks, See FIREWORKS custom slaughtering and custom meat
manicurists, and estheticians Ch. 18.16 First responders Ch. 18.73 facilities Ch. 16.49
Counties Fish and fishing, See FISH AND FISHING, Midwifery Ch. 18.50
auctioneers 36.71.070, 36.71.080 subtitle Licenses Military and merchant marine, moratorium
dog license tax, See COUNTIES, subtitle Fishing during service 43.24.130
Dogs, license tax commercial fishing Ch. 77.65 Military spouses
hawkers 36.71.070, 36.71.080 license limitation programs Ch. 77.70 boxing, martial arts, mixed martial arts, and
license applicants and licensees for certain recreational fishing Ch. 77.32 wrestling, licensing for 67.08.321
occupations Food processing plants Ch. 69.07 driver training school licensure 46.82.441
background checks, initiation by counties Forms prescribed by director of licensing occupational licensing
36.01.300 43.24.040 camping resorts 19.105.571
peddlers 36.71.010 Foster care 74.15.100 professional licensing Ch. 18.340
deposit before, lien on 36.71.050 Fuel dealers and distributors professional licensing, inactive status
produce selling, requirements 36.71.090 license application information, data base 43.24.130, 43.70.270
Crimes relating to 46.01.340 Mills, uranium and thorium 70.121.030
corporation doing business without, penalty Funeral directors Ch. 18.39 Mixed martial arts Ch. 67.08
9.24.040 Gambling Mortgage brokers Ch. 19.146
pistols devices, manufacturers, sales, distributors Motels, See TRANSIENT
concealed pistol license 9.46.310 ACCOMMODATIONS
revocation 9.41.075 employee, unlicensed, penalty 9.46.198 Motor inns, See TRANSIENT
dealers, license and registration required generally 9.46.075 ACCOMMODATIONS
9.41.100 Gambling, See also GAMBLING Motor vehicle dealers, salesmens, and
verification, notice to bureau of alcohol, Geologists, licensing requirements and standards manufacturers, See MOTOR VEHICLES,
tobacco, and firearms 9.41.135 of practice Ch. 18.220 subtitle Dealers, salesmens, or
Dance halls, See DANCES Hawkers, counties 36.71.070, 36.71.080 manufacturers licenses
Defined 43.24.030 Health professions Ch. 18.120 Motor vehicle driver training schools, See
Dental hygienists Ch. 18.29 uniform administrative provisions Ch. 18.122 MOTOR VEHICLES, subtitle Driver
Dentistry Ch. 18.32 uniform disciplinary act Ch. 18.130 training schools
Denturists Ch. 18.30 Hearing aid specialists Ch. 18.35 Motor vehicle operator, See MOTOR
Department of, See LICENSING, For hire vehicles, See MOTOR VEHICLES, VEHICLES, subtitle Drivers licenses
DEPARTMENT OF subtitle For hire vehicles Motor vehicle transporters, See MOTOR
Director of licenses, See also LICENSING, Horse sales, special open consignment Ch. 16.65 VEHICLES, subtitle Motor vehicle
DEPARTMENT OF Hospitals, See HOSPITALS, subtitle Licenses transporters
Dog licensing in dog control zones Ch. 16.10 Hotels, See TRANSIENT Motor vehicle wreckers, See MOTOR
Driver license compact 46.21.010 ACCOMMODATIONS VEHICLES, subtitle Motor vehicle wreckers
Drivers licenses Hulk haulers or scrap processors, See MOTOR Motor vehicles (See also MOTOR VEHICLES,
case record of convictions and findings VEHICLES, subtitle Hulk haulers or scrap subtitle Licenses)
46.52.120 processors licenses agents, subagents, and subagencies 46.01.140
Drugless healing Ch. 18.36 Identicards automotive repair statutes, notice to registered
East Asian medicine practitioners Ch. 18.06 duplicates, fee 46.20.200 owners 46.71.080
Egg handlers and dealers Ch. 69.25 issuance and fees 46.20.117 department records relating to, destruction of
Electrical contractors Ch. 19.28 prohibited actions 46.20.0921 46.01.260
Embalmers Ch. 18.39 violations relating to disabilities, persons with
Emergency management workers, licensing display or possession of canceled, revoked, license plates and placards
requirements waived during emergency or suspended license or identicard reciprocity with other jurisdictions
38.52.180 46.20.338 46.61.583
Emergency medical technicians Ch. 18.73 Inns, See TRANSIENT ACCOMMODATIONS drivers license
Employment agencies Ch. 19.31 Insurance out-of-state license, surrender 46.20.021
Engineers and land surveyors Ch. 18.43 fees 48.14.010, Ch. 48.17, Ch. 48.97 resident defined for purposes of obtaining
Escrow agents Ch. 18.44 surplus line brokers 48.15.070 46.20.021
Examinations surplus line coverage, brokers license plates, surrender of, driving privilege
conduct of 43.24.060 questions used to determine qualifications suspended 46.29.605
disabilities, persons with 43.24.090 and competence, unlawful use of size, weight, and load limits
examining committee 43.24.060 48.15.185 enforcement 46.44.105
filing of lists of candidates and questions and revocation, suspension, or failure to renew Naturopathy Ch. 18.36A
answers with director of licensing 48.15.140 Nuclear energy and radiation, licensing
43.24.060 suspension for failure to comply with requirements and procedure 70.98.080
temporary additional board or committee support order 48.15.142 Nurses Ch. 18.79
members for administration 43.24.065 Insurance, See also INSURANCE, subtitle Nursing home administrators Ch. 18.52
times and places 43.24.060 Licenses Nursing homes Ch. 18.51
Expenses of licensing paid from state general Insurance premium finance companies, required Occupational therapy Ch. 18.59
fund 43.79.020 48.56.030 Ocularists Ch. 18.55
Explosives Issuance Opticians, dispensing Ch. 18.34
dealers 70.74.130 notice to applicants 43.24.080 Optometry and optometrists Ch. 18.53, Ch. 18.54
manufacturers 70.74.110 preparation of licenses 43.24.080 Orthotic and prosthetic services Ch. 18.200
Farm labor contractors Ch. 19.30 Land surveyors Ch. 18.43 Osteopathic medicine and surgery Ch. 18.57
Farm labor contractors, See FARM LABOR License, defined 43.24.030 Osteopathic physicians assistants Ch. 18.57A
CONTRACTORS Liquor licenses Ch. 66.24 Pesticide applicators Ch. 17.21

[RCW Indexpage 412] (2016 Ed.)


Pharmacies and pharmacists Ch. 18.64 immunity for vehicle and vessel titling and motorcycle operator training and education
Physical therapists Ch. 18.74 registration 46.01.310 program, duties relating to 46.20.520
Physician assistants Ch. 18.71A Alcohol information school for drunk drivers, motorcycle safety education advisory board,
Physicians and surgeons Ch. 18.71 notice to be sent to department 46.61.5056 duties relating to 46.20.520
Pilots of vessels Ch. 88.16 Armored vehicle guards oath 43.17.030
Pistols licensing and regulation Ch. 18.170 personnel screening 46.01.130
concealed pistol license 9.41.070 Auctions and auctioneers, licensing powers and duties 43.24.016, 43.24.020
reciprocity 9.41.073 administration Ch. 18.11 generally 43.17.030
revocation 9.41.075 Automotive repair statutes, duties relating to reciprocity agreement authority 46.85.030
work group on revocation and information 46.71.080 records destruction 46.01.260
transmittal 2.56.250 Bail bond agents Ch. 18.185 refusal, revocation or suspension of licenses,
dealers, license and registration required, Bicycles directors duties, assistants may act
penalty 9.41.100, 9.41.110 traffic safety education 46.20.093, 46.20.095 43.24.115
verification, notice to bureau of alcohol, Boats and vessels, registration Ch. 88.02 report to governor 46.01.290
tobacco, and firearms 9.41.135 Body art, body piercing, and tattooing Ch. 18.300 rule-making authority 43.24.023
Plumbers, certification of competency Ch. Boxing, martial arts, and wrestling Ch. 67.08 tow truck operators
18.106 Branch offices 43.17.050, 46.01.150 duties relating to 46.55.190
Podiatric medicine and surgery Ch. 18.22 Burglar alarm response runners traffic safety commission, membership on
Police relief and pension fund, payment of city licensing and regulation Ch. 18.170 43.59.030
and town license fees into 41.20.130 Business and professions account 43.24.150 vacancies 43.17.040
Private investigators and agencies Ch. 18.165 Business and professions administration, See vehicle dealers, salesmens and
Produce peddling, exemption 36.71.090 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS manufacturers licenses, powers and duties
Psychologists Ch. 18.83 ADMINISTRATION relating to 46.70.220
Public dances, See DANCES Business day vehicle dealers and manufacturers licenses,
Radiologic technologists, registration or defined 46.04.079 powers and duties relating to 46.70.101,
certification Ch. 18.84 Business licensing service Ch. 19.02 46.70.102, 46.70.111, 46.70.120,
Real estate appraisers Ch. 18.140 Camping resorts Ch. 19.105 46.70.160
Real estate brokers and managing brokers Ch. Collection agencies Ch. 19.16 vehicle registration 46.01.130
18.85 Commercial drivers licenses Discover passes, sale and distribution at drivers
Reflexology, certification and practice Ch. agreements to carry out chapter, authorization licenses offices 46.01.370
18.108 to enter into 46.25.150 Dishonored checks or money orders for motor
Rendering plants Ch. 16.68 rule-making authority 46.25.140 vehicle fees, procedure 46.01.230
Resorts, See TRANSIENT Commercial telephone solicitations Driver license compact, director of as licensing
ACCOMMODATIONS rule-making authority 19.158.080 authority 46.21.020
Respiratory care practitioners Ch. 18.89 Confidential license plates, drivers licenses, and Driver licensing examinations, knowledge and
Scrap metal processor, recycler, or supplier Ch. identicards driving portions
19.290 publicly owned vehicles 46.08.066 administration by driver training schools,
Securities act, licensing requirements Ch. 21.20 rules, department oversight authority
Court reporters, powers and duties of department 46.82.450
Security guards and companies Ch. 18.170 regarding certification Ch. 18.145
Spirits Ch. 66.24 immunity of director when administered by
Created 43.17.010 driver training school or school district
Surveyors Ch. 18.43 Creation of department 46.01.020
Suspension 46.01.315
Day-use permits, sale and distribution at drivers Driver training schools
noncompliance with support order 43.24.112 licenses offices 46.01.370
Telecommunications contractor Ch. 19.28 administrative authority 46.82.290
Director business and profession act 46.82.285
Telephone business appointment 43.17.020, 43.24.005
cities and towns 35.21.712 rule making authority 46.82.290
boxing, martial arts, mixed martial arts, and Drivers licenses
network telephone service 35.21.714 wrestling, directors powers 67.08.017
toll telephone service, taxable amount data furnished to consolidated technology
branch offices and appointments 46.01.130 services agency, exception 46.20.157
35.21.714 certified copies of records
gross revenue facilities siting coordination with state patrol
authority to furnish 46.01.250 46.01.330
optional code cities 35A.82.060 deposit of funds in highway safety fund
optional code cities 35A.82.055 falsification prevention program 46.20.114
46.01.250 internet payment option 46.01.240
Toll roads, license to governmental entities to use fee 46.01.250
facilities authorized 47.56.253 payment options 46.01.230
restrictions 46.01.250 Driving under the influence
Trading stamp licenses Ch. 19.83 chief assistant director 43.17.040
Travel businesses Ch. 19.138 department notification of violator alcohol
departmental activities information school attendance, diagnostic
Uniform regulation of business and professions annual report to governor 46.01.290
act Ch. 18.235 treatment and evaluation recommendation,
driver training school, directors powers and and noncompliance 46.61.5056
Vessels and boats Ch. 88.02 duties relating to Ch. 46.82
Veterans Embalmers and funeral directors Ch. 18.39
fees Employment agencies Ch. 19.31
peddlers and hawkers determination by rule 43.24.086 Employment agencies, powers and duties
exemption from having 73.04.050 for hire vehicle certificates and operators relating to, See EMPLOYMENT
fee, counties and cities prohibited from permits, directors powers and duties AGENCIES
charging 73.04.050 relating to Ch. 46.72 Enforcement actions 43.24.125
issuance without charge 73.04.060 interstate fleets, highway user tax structure Engineers and land surveyors Ch. 18.43
Veterinarians Ch. 18.92 for, directors powers and duties relating to Facilities
Wastewater treatment systems, designer Ch. 46.85 siting coordination with state patrol 46.01.330
licensing Ch. 18.210 motor vehicle law Federal employer identification numbers and
Weather modification and control, See annual report to governor 46.01.290 documents, department authority to issue
WEATHER MODIFICATION AND financial responsibility act, directors 19.02.300
CONTROL powers and duties under Ch. 46.29 Federal tax liens
Weighers license 15.80.490, 15.80.500 general powers and duties 46.01.130 duties concerning 60.68.045
Weighmasters license 15.80.450, 15.80.460, lighting and other vehicle equipment, Fees
15.80.470, 15.80.480, 15.80.520, 15.80.590, directors powers and duties relating to determination by rule 43.24.086
15.80.600, 15.80.610 Ch. 46.37 study and adjustment 46.01.360
Wine and wineries Ch. 66.24 rule-making authority 46.01.110 Financial institutions, department of
LICENSING, DEPARTMENT OF motor vehicle revenue, directors powers and apportionment of budgeted funds 43.320.016
Administration of motor vehicle laws, charged duties relating to Ch. 46.68 collective bargaining agreements unaffected
with 46.01.030 motor vehicle transporters licenses, directors 43.320.017
Advisory committees powers and duties relating to Ch. 46.76 continuation of rules, pending, business,
director may appoint 43.24.060 motor vehicle wreckers licensing, directors contracts, and obligations 43.320.014
Agents powers and duties relating to Ch. 46.80 transfer of

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 413]


banking, savings, and loan related powers, Mixed martial arts Ch. 67.08 Rules compliance
functions, and duties 43.320.011 Model traffic ordinance technical assistance program Ch. 43.05
civil service employees 43.320.013 rule-making authority 46.90.005 Scrap metal licenses, department role Ch. 19.290
equipment, records, and funds 43.320.012 Motor vehicle dealers and manufacturers Seal 46.01.170
validity of acts performed relating to franchises, petition or protest proceedings Security guards and companies, licensing and
transferred powers, duties, and functions hearing, filing fees, costs, and security regulation Ch. 18.170
43.320.015 46.96.210 State patrol, designation as agent to secure
Firearms Motor vehicle fund surrender of drivers licenses 46.01.190
dealers department of licensing services account State patrol functions as agent of director of
license and registration 46.68.220 licenses transferred to department of
required 9.41.100 Motor vehicle fund moneys distributed to licensing 46.01.070
verification, notice to bureau of alcohol, 46.68.090 Subagency
tobacco, and firearms 9.41.135 Motor vehicle law definition 46.04.574
recordkeeping requirements 9.41.129 certified copies of departmental records Subagent
Forms for applications, licenses, and certificates relating to, department to furnish 46.01.250 definition 46.04.575
46.01.160 to recommend improvement in 46.01.030 Surveyors Ch. 18.43
Fuel dealers and distributors records destruction 46.01.260 Technology improvement and data management
license application information, data base Motor vehicle licensing account 46.68.063
46.01.340 agent, appointment of county auditor as Timeshare regulation, See TIMESHARE
Fuel tax advisory group 46.01.350 46.01.140 REGULATION
Funeral directors and embalmers Ch. 18.39 internet payment option 46.01.240 Transfer of
review of statutes regulating, recommendation payment options 46.01.230 powers, duties and functions of department of
of needed changes 43.70.290 subagents and subagencies 46.01.140 motor vehicles to department 46.01.020
Geologists, licensing requirements and standards Motor vehicles Travel businesses Ch. 19.138
of practice Ch. 18.220 accident reports, availability 46.52.060 Uniform commercial code
Head injury prevention financial responsibility law, duties of director, duties concerning 43.07.150
driver information 43.70.420 See MOTOR VEHICLES, subtitle Uniform regulation of business and professions
Health professions Financial responsibility law act Ch. 18.235
licensing habitual traffic offenders Vehicle dealers license applications, retention,
transfer of powers and duties to department revocation of license, procedure 46.65.065 confidentiality 46.70.042
of health 43.70.220 licenses Vessel titles and registration Ch. 88.02
Identicards facilities siting coordination with state patrol Wastewater treatment systems, designer
duplicates, fee 46.20.200 46.01.330 licensing Ch. 18.210
issuance and fees 46.20.117 limousine and for hire vehicles, regulation Ch. LIE DETECTOR TESTS
Immunity for vehicle and vessel titling and 46.72A Requiring of employee or prospective employee
registration 46.01.310 Motorcycle operator training program 46.20.520 unlawful, penalty 49.44.120
Investigation unit 46.01.135 Motorcycle safety education account 46.20.520 Test employees, unlawful, exceptions, penalties
Land surveyors Ch. 18.43 Motorcycle safety education advisory board 49.44.120, 49.44.135
Landscape architects, registration and regulation created 46.20.520
Ch. 18.96 Motorcycles LIENS (See also ATTACHMENT)
License plates motorcycle safety education account Abatement, moral nuisances 7.48.090
prisoners of war created 46.68.065 Advancements Ch. 60.60
deceased, license plate free to spouse or Natural person Agister liens Ch. 60.56
domestic partner 73.04.115 definition 46.04.356 Agisters, See LIENS, subtitle Livestock
Licenses Nonresident violator compact Ch. 46.23 Agricultural
certificates, permits, registration, failure to Oaths and acknowledgments 46.01.180 agister and trainer liens Ch. 60.56
surrender when canceled, penalty Offices maintained at state capital 43.17.050 crop liens Ch. 60.11
46.01.230 Organization of department 46.01.100 orchards and orchard lands, labor liens on Ch.
defined 43.24.030 Powers and duties 60.16
examinations motor vehicle excise taxes 46.01.040 perfection of agricultural liens Art. 62A.9A
conduct of 43.24.060 motor vehicle laws 46.01.030, 46.01.040 processor and preparer liens for agricultural
examining committees, duties, uniform commercial code 43.07.150 products Ch. 60.13
compensation 43.24.060 Private investigators and agencies, department sires, liens for services of Ch. 60.52
filing of lists of candidates and questions and duties Ch. 18.165 Agricultural products
answers with director of licensing Private security guards and companies, licensing preparer liens, processor liens, and wine
43.24.060 and regulation Ch. 18.170 producer liens Ch. 60.13
temporary or additional board or committee Publicly owned vehicles Airports
members for administration 43.24.065 confidential license plates, drivers licenses, state charges for equipment, services
times and places 43.24.060 and identicards 46.08.066 47.68.150
extension or modification of licensing, Purpose 46.01.011 Animals, See LIENS, subtitle Livestock
certification, or registration period Real estate appraisers, licensing and certification Attorneys Ch. 60.40
authorized 43.24.140 duties Ch. 18.140 Bills of lading, carriers lien 62A.7-307, 62A.7-
failure to surrender when canceled, penalty Real estate brokers and managing brokers, 308
46.01.230 directors powers and duties Ch. 18.85 Boarding houses, See LIENS, subtitle Inn
fees Reciprocal or proportional registration keepers
determination by rule 43.24.086 agreements, arrangements or declarations of Boats and vessels Ch. 60.36
issuance 43.24.080 reciprocity Businesses selling prepared foods or drinks Ch.
refusal, revocation or suspension of, directors authority of department to enter into 60.34
duties 43.24.115 46.85.040 Canal company laborers lien Ch. 60.32
suspension for noncompliance with support reciprocity Cargo handling Ch. 60.36
order 43.24.112 general authority 46.85.030 Chattel liens Ch. 60.08
Licenses, professional Records Child support 26.18.055, 74.20A.060,
social security and drivers license numbers furnishing copies of, fees, restrictions, deposit 74.20A.070
prohibited 43.24.084 of funds 46.01.250 Cities and towns
Limousine and for hire vehicles, regulation Ch. motor vehicle records, destruction of by city property assessments 35.44.130
46.72A county auditors or other agents, time curb and gutter construction 35.68.070
Manufactured homes 46.01.270 first class cities
elimination of title vessel owner records, disclosure by filling and closing of cesspools 35.22.320
rule-making authority 65.20.110 department 88.02.430 lien on benefited property, payment from
supervisory powers 65.20.100 Reports local improvement guaranty fund for
Marine recreation land Massachusetts trusts, making of 23.90.040 deferred collection of assessments for
duties Ch. 79A.25 Rule-making authority 46.01.110 economically disadvantaged persons
Martial arts Ch. 67.08 Rules 43.17.060 35.54.100

[RCW Indexpage 414] (2016 Ed.)


removing garbage and brush 35.22.320 Flood control districts, assessments, priority franchises, earnings, property of certain
local improvement of lowlands 35.55.090, 86.09.490 companies, lien on Ch. 60.32
35.56.100 Foreclosure, personal property Ch. 60.10 homestead subject to execution or forced sale
metropolitan park district improvements, Forest practices, actions required by order or 6.13.080
lands adjoining 35.61.240 decision, costs 76.09.120 Land boundaries, civil suits to establish, costs as
municipality owned utilities 35.21.290, Forests and forest products, See FORESTS AND 58.04.040
35.21.300 FOREST PRODUCTS, subtitle Liens; Landlord, See LIENS, subtitle Rent
obstructing vegetation, debris, removal or LIENS, subtitle Logging Life insurance, assessments of contingent
destruction by city 35.21.310 Franchises, earnings, property of certain liability, reserves 48.09.260
public utilities, revenue, bond issues are a lien companies, laborers lien on Ch. 60.32 Limitation of actions on
against 35.92.100 Fraud, personal property subject to lien, chattel liens 60.08.040
sanitary fills 35.73.050 destruction, conversion, sale, removal, etc. local improvement and assessment liens
second class cities, railroads in streets, 9.45.060 4.16.030
assessments for street improvement Freight Ch. 60.60 logging liens 60.24.110
35.23.430 Fruit, condemnation when infected, lien for costs medical services liens 60.44.060
sewerage systems 35.67.200, 35.67.210, Ch. 15.08 orchard liens 60.16.030
35.67.215, 35.67.220, 35.67.230, Garnishment, continuing lien on earnings public works liens 60.28.030
35.67.240, 35.67.250, 35.67.260, answer form 6.27.340 Livestock
35.67.270, 35.67.280, 35.67.290 authorized 6.27.330 freight and transportation, sale of to satisfy
sidewalks and driveways across 35.68.070 compliance with answer form required 60.60.030
solid waste collection and disposal systems 6.27.340 services of sires Ch. 60.52
creation 35.21.130 lien continues to subsequent earnings 6.27.350 Livestock, for feeding and care of Ch. 60.56
notice and foreclosure 35.21.140 priority 6.27.360 Local improvements and assessments
priority 35.21.150 Homesteads 6.13.090 limitation on action to enforcement of
warrants against local improvement funds Horticultural property, condemnation when 4.16.030
35.45.130 infected, lien for costs Ch. 15.08 Local improvements and assessments, See also
Commercial real estate broker lien act Ch. 60.42 Horticultural property, lien for disinfection costs, LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS AND
Commission merchants Ch. 60.60 See HORTICULTURE ASSESSMENTS
Common carrier, for freight, transportation, Hospital and medical services for employees Lodging houses Ch. 60.66
storage Ch. 60.60 employee deduction and employers Logging Ch. 60.24
Common law liens, nonconsensual Ch. 60.70 contribution constitutes trust fund for lien Longshoremen Ch. 60.36
Community property against trust fund for payment 49.52.010, Lumber Ch. 60.24
liens for community debt 26.16.040 49.52.020 Lumber company laborer, lien on company
Community renewal property, exemption from Hospitals Ch. 60.44 franchise, earnings, property Ch. 60.32
35.81.120 Hotels Ch. 60.66 Manufactured or mobile homes
Condominiums Industrial insurance, lien for payments due repossessed
assessments for common expenses 64.34.364 51.16.160, 51.16.170 secured party liable for rent 59.20.074
Condominiums, See also CONDOMINIUMS, Inn keepers Ch. 60.64, Ch. 60.66 Manufacturing company laborer, lien on
subtitle Liens or encumbrances Insurance company liquidation or delinquency company franchise, earnings, property Ch.
proceedings 60.32
Construction liens Ch. 60.04 voiding of lien obtained by attachment, Marine pilots 88.16.140
Contractors, public works, wages, nonpayment garnishment, or execution 48.99.070 Materialmen Ch. 60.04
or underpayment of 39.12.050 Interpleader 4.08.160, 4.08.180 Mechanics and material suppliers
Conveyances, liens on franchises, earnings, Investment securities, issuers lien 62A.8-209 homestead subject to execution or forced sale
property of certain companies, precedence of Irrigation districts 87.03.265, 87.03.271, 6.13.080
60.32.010 87.03.445 Mechanics and materialmens
County peddlers licensing deposit, lien on Judgments informational material, master documents
36.71.050 cessation of 60.04.250, 60.04.255
County road improvement district assessments certificates of to another county 4.64.100 satisfaction or release, county auditors duty
36.88.120, 36.88.140 execution docket procedure 4.64.100 as to 65.04.060
Crop liens Ch. 60.11 when 4.64.100 Medical assistance
Dairy products 60.13.035 discharge of by satisfaction of judgment for liens in connection with overpayments of
Dairy products commission assessments money only 4.56.100 assistance Ch. 41.05A
15.44.090 enforcement of Medical services Ch. 60.44
Defined for purposes of logging lien 60.24.030 local improvement special assessments Mining company laborer, lien on company
Destruction, conversion, sale, removal, etc., of 4.16.030 franchise, earnings, property Ch. 60.32
personal property to avoid lien, penalty expiration of 4.56.210 Mortgage foreclosure deficiency, judgment
9.45.060 extension of lien prohibited 4.56.210 61.12.080
Dies, molds, forms, and patterns fines in criminal action lien against real Motor vehicle financial responsibility law, bond
fabricators lien Ch. 60.84 property of defendant 10.64.080 as lien 46.29.530
Dikes and ditches, drainage of tidelands or logging liens 60.24.190 Nonconsensual common law liens Ch. 60.70
marshlands, division of costs 85.28.130 notice of Notice of, verdict entry as 4.64.020
Domestic violence entry of verdict as 4.64.020 Nuisances, voluntary abatement of prostitution,
judgment, costs and fees, lien on real estate priority 4.64.020 assignation, or lewdness, effect on 7.48.110
26.50.200 personal property, commencement of Orchards and orchard lands Ch. 60.16
Eminent domain proceedings 4.56.190 Partition proceedings
notice to lienors, publication of 4.28.120 probate liens, lienholders, and lien creditors, role of
Employee benefit plans, liens for payment of order of payment of claim 11.76.110 Ch. 7.52
49.52.020 real property, on Peddlers, county licensing of, deposit when, lien
Employees, contributions to benefit plans Ch. commencement of 4.56.200 on 36.71.050
60.76 creation of 4.56.190 Physicians and surgeons Ch. 60.44
Enforcement duration 4.56.190 employee benefit plans 49.52.020, 49.52.040
chattel liens 60.08.040 notice of, entry of verdict as, priority Premium finance agreements, filing not
local improvement special assessments 4.64.020 necessary to perfect 48.56.130
4.16.030 vendors interest under real estate contract Preparer liens for agricultural products Ch. 60.13
logging liens 60.24.120, 60.24.150 not included 4.56.190 Prevailing wage rate
Estate and transfer tax payments due 83.100.110 small claims 12.40.110 noncomplying public works contractor
Execution sales, payment of 6.21.020, 6.21.050, vacation or modification of superior court 60.28.040
6.23.020, 6.23.070, 6.23.080, 6.23.090, judgments, liens preserved on modification Priority
6.23.100, 6.23.110 4.72.050 judgment liens 4.64.020
Federal tax liens Ch. 60.68 Labor and materials Ch. 60.04 Processor liens for agricultural products Ch.
Fine in criminal proceeding lien against real Labor and materials, public works Ch. 60.28 60.13
property of defendant 10.64.080 Laborers Profiteering lien

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 415]


notice 9A.82.140 municipal local improvement assessments subcommittees 43.15.065

procedure 9A.82.120 35.49.130, 35.49.140 travel expenses 43.15.080
trustee of real property 9A.82.130 public improvement contracts, priority Oath of office 43.01.020
conveyance of property by, liability 60.28.040 Powers and duties of acting governor 43.06.050
9A.82.150 solid waste disposal districts 36.58.140 President of the senate 43.15.020
failure to comply 9A.82.160 Tenant property Ch. 60.72 Public meetings, notices of, contained in state
Public assistance Timber company laborer, lien on company register 34.08.020
grant assistance franchise, earnings, property Ch. 60.32 Salary, amount of 43.03.010
lien against real property 43.20B.670 Timber workers Ch. 60.24 Security and protection of lieutenant governor,
revenue recovery Toll bridge rates and charges, bond redemption duty of state patrol to provide 43.43.035
medical or residential care and interest as lien on 47.56.240 State capitol committee member 43.34.010
discharge or compromise by settlement or Tow truck operators have lien on impounded State finance committee member 43.33.010
judgment 43.20B.050 vehicle 46.55.140 Statutes relating to, consolidation 43.15.005
form of lien 43.20B.040 Trainers, See LIENS, subtitle Livestock Term of office 43.01.010
subrogation to recipients rights, delegation Transportation, storage, and advancements, Threats against, penalty 9A.36.090
43.20B.060 including livestock and perishables Ch. LIFE CYCLE COST ANALYSIS (See
mental health treatment 43.20B.347 60.60 PUBLIC BUILDINGS, subtitle Life cycle
Public contractor Transportation company laborer, lien on cost analysis)
taxes and penalties due 60.28.040 company franchise, earnings, property Ch.
Public works subtitle Life insurance)
generally Ch. 60.28 Unclassified cities, taxes 35.30.030
nonpayment or underpayment of wages Unemployment compensation LIFE SCIENCES RESEARCH (See
39.12.050 assessments for employers contributions, RESEARCH)
payments to departments of revenue, warrants 50.24.115 LIFE SETTLEMENTS
employment security, and labor and contributions by employers 50.24.050, Licensing and regulating Ch. 48.102
industries, duty of disbursing officer 50.24.180 Viatical settlement licenses, existing 48.102.190
60.28.060 Unfit dwellings, demolition assessment lien
against property 35.80.030 LIGHTHOUSES
public transportation projects 60.28.011 Injury to, penalty 88.08.050
Quieting title against outlawed mortgage or deed Unknown claimant in real property action,
of trust 7.28.300 service of process on 4.28.150 LIMITATION OF ACTIONS (See also
Railroad company laborers lien on franchises, Utility services STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS)
earnings, property Ch. 60.32 cities and towns 35.21.290 Absent or nonresident defendant 4.16.180
Railroads real property, satisfaction of unrecorded utility Accounts, mutual open accounts 4.16.150
freight, transportation, storage Ch. 60.60 liens Ch. 60.80 Accounts receivable 4.16.040
livestock watering and feeding, sale of Vacation or modification of superior court Actions for labor and materials used in
60.60.020 judgment, preserved on modification construction or maintenance of highways
Real property 4.72.050 47.28.120
boundaries, suits to establish, costs 58.04.040 Vegetables, condemnation when infected, lien Actions not otherwise provided for 4.16.130
commercial real estate broker lien act Ch. for costs Ch. 15.08 Adverse possession, See ADVERSE
60.42 Vendors POSSESSION
notice of, entry of verdict as, priority 4.64.020 homestead subject to execution or forced sale Assault and battery, action on 4.16.100
priority 4.64.020 6.13.080 Assessments for local improvements 4.16.030
unknown claimant, service of process Verdicts Bank deposits and collections 62A.4-111
4.28.150 cessation of Bigamy 9A.04.080
Recording of, See RECORDING AND FILING certificate of to another county 4.64.100 Bills of lading, carriers liability 62A.7-309
Redemption from execution sale, payment of execution docket procedure 4.64.100 Chattel liens 60.08.040
6.21.020, 6.23.020, 6.23.070, 6.23.080, when 4.64.100 Child, death or injury, joinder of other parent
6.23.090, 6.23.100, 6.23.110 entry of as notice, priority 4.64.020 4.24.010
Registered land 65.12.400 Warehouse and grain dealer Child sexual abuse
creation upon 65.12.510 depositors lien 22.09.371, 22.09.391 recovery actions 4.16.340
Warehouse lien 62A.7-209, 62A.7-210 Child support
Registration of land titles 65.12.520 action to be commenced within ten years after
notation upon certificate 65.12.010 Warehouse operators
authorization of lien for transportation, eighteenth birthday of youngest child
Rent 4.16.020
generally Ch. 60.72 storage and advancements Ch. 60.60
Washington clean air act, enforcement of Chiropractor, professional negligence, claims
mobile home lots arising from 4.16.350
creation, enforcement, and duration penalties incurred under 70.94.431
Water company laborer, lien on company Cities
60.72.010 actions by 4.16.160
private homes or residences 60.72.010 franchise, earnings, property Ch. 60.32
Water rights, partnership ditches 90.03.450 sewerage system liens 35.67.230
Sale of property Cities and towns, local improvements,
disposition of funds, inn keepers, lodging Weed control costs 17.10.280, 17.10.290,
17.10.300 challenging 35.43.100
house, etc., liens 60.64.040, 60.66.020 Claims and debts against estate
Satisfaction or release, duties of county auditor Wharfinger, See LIENS, subtitle Transportation,
storage, and advancements; LIENS, subtitle ranking 11.40.090
65.04.060 Commencement of actions 4.16.005
Sawmill company laborer, lien on company Warehousemen
Wills, devisee takes property subject to liens Common carriers
franchise, earnings, property Ch. 60.32 baggage 81.29.020
Secured transactions Art. 62A.9A 11.12.070
Wine producers Ch. 60.13 rates and charges, limitation of action for
Secured transactions, See also UNIFORM collection of overcharges 81.28.270
COMMERCIAL CODE, subtitle Secured LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Concealed defendant 4.16.180
transactions Absence of governor, to be notified, assumption Conflict of laws, limitations act Ch. 4.18
Self-service storage facilities Ch. 19.150 of duties of governor 43.06.040 Constables, against 4.16.080
Service of process by publication, when 4.28.100 Association of Washington generals 43.15.030, Construction contracts, claims arising on
Sewerage, water and drainage systems, counties, 43.15.040 4.16.310, 4.16.325
lien for delinquent charges 36.94.150 Duties 43.15.010 Construction defect claims, actions or claims
Solid waste disposal districts Legislative committee on economic development arising for
delinquent taxes and penalties 36.58.140 and international relations comparative fault 4.16.326
Stevedores Ch. 60.36 account, legislative international trade emergency repairs 4.16.327
Storage Ch. 60.60 43.15.050 Construction defect claims, actions or claims
Stumpage Ch. 60.24 cooperation with other entities 43.15.090 arising from
Taverns, labor liens on earnings and profits expenses 43.15.085 statute tolled 4.16.320
60.34.010 powers 43.15.070 Consumer reporting agencies 19.182.120
Tax liens purpose, membership 43.15.060 Contracts for sale, breach 62A.2-725
foreclosure Ch. 84.64 staff support 43.15.075 Contracts or agreements

[RCW Indexpage 416] (2016 Ed.)


not in writing 4.16.080 Highways, construction and maintenance, action Optometrists, professional negligence, claims
tolling for labor and materials used in 47.28.120 arising from 4.16.350
by new promise or acknowledgment Homicide by abuse 9A.04.080 Orchards and orchard land liens 60.16.030
4.16.280 Hospital personnel, professional negligence, Osteopathic physician, professional negligence,
by part payment 4.16.270 claims arising from 4.16.350 claims arising from 4.16.350
in writing 4.16.040 Hospitals, professional negligence, claims Osteopathic physicians assistant, professional
Coroners, against 4.16.080 arising from 4.16.350 negligence, claims arising from 4.16.350
Counties Hospitals for mental illness, hospitalization Parents
application of statute of limitations to actions charges 43.20B.360 acts of children 4.24.190
by 4.16.160 Identity theft 9A.04.080 Part payment 4.16.270
County road improvement districts, enumeration Improvement to real property, claims arising on Paternity 4.16.360
of 36.88.290 4.16.310, 4.16.325 Penalties, actions on 4.16.100, 4.16.115
Credit reports 19.182.120 Industrial insurance, collection of delinquent Personal injury 4.16.080
Crime victims application for benefits 7.68.060 premiums 51.16.190 Personal property
Criminal actions 9A.04.080 Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL detaining of 4.16.080
Criminal judgments and sentences INSURANCE, subtitle Limitation of actions injury to 4.16.080
collateral attacks on, See CRIMINAL Injunctions 4.16.230 recovery of 4.16.080
PROCEDURE, subtitle Judgments, Insurance taking of 4.16.080
collateral attack on; CRIMINAL disability policies, standard provisions Petition to vacate or modify superior court
PROCEDURE, subtitle Sentences, 48.20.052, 48.20.142 judgments or orders 4.72.030
collateral attack on limiting time for application of insurers Pharmacist, professional negligence, claims
Crop damage actions against irrigation districts, defenses 48.20.052 arising from 4.16.350
limitation, procedure, filing claim 87.03.440 fraud 48.30A.030 Physical therapists, professional negligence,
Death, tolling of statute by 4.16.200 officers salaries, domestic mutuals 48.09.210 claims arising from 4.16.350
Deed to claimants, incorporated towns on United policies, provisions in concerning 48.18.200 Physicians and surgeons
States land 58.28.120 Irrigation districts liens for services 60.44.060
Dentists, professional negligence, claims arising bonds 4.16.060 professional negligence, claims arising from
from 4.16.350 warrants, action on 4.16.050 4.16.350
Devisees and legatees Joint debtor, action against after judgment, Physicians assistant, professional negligence,
ejectment and quieting title 7.28.060 defense not available 4.68.040 claims arising from 4.16.350
Disabilities Judgment liens on real property 4.56.190, Physicians trained mobile intensive care
coexistent 4.16.260 4.56.210 paramedic, professional negligence, claims
enemy aliens 4.16.210 Judgments 4.56.210 arising from 4.16.350
mentally ill 4.16.250 execution of, time limitation and exceptions Podiatric physicians and surgeons, professional
military personnel 4.16.220 6.17.020 negligence, claims arising from 4.16.350
minors 4.16.250, 4.16.260 reversal of plaintiffs judgment 4.16.240 Practical nurse, professional negligence, claims
nonresidents 4.16.180 vacation or modification of arising from 4.16.350
personal disability of plaintiff 4.16.190, minors, by 4.72.030 Prisoners
4.16.250 motion 4.72.020 imprisonment on a criminal charge does not
prisoners 4.16.250 persons of unsound mind, by 4.72.030 toll statute except for period prior to
substitution of representative 4.20.050 petition 4.72.030 sentencing 4.16.190
Judgments or decrees Probate
when must exist 4.16.250
contest of admission or rejection of will
Drainage districts, warrants, action on 4.16.050 actions upon, commencement, time for and 11.24.010
Ejectment and quieting title actions 7.28.050, exception 4.16.020 special administration, suspended during
7.28.060 Juvenile court judgments, time limitation for 11.32.050
quieting title against outlawed mortgage or enforcement of support 13.34.161 Product liability actions 7.72.060
deed of trust 7.28.300 Lease contracts, default 62A.2A-506 Professional negligence, health care providers,
Enemy aliens 4.16.210 Libel, action on 4.16.100 claims arising from 4.16.350
Escape Liens on Psychologist, professional negligence, claims
exception from 4.16.080 boats and vessels 60.36.010 arising from 4.16.350
prisoner under civil process 4.16.110 Local improvement districts, challenging Public nuisance not subject to, when 7.48.190
Escheated property, claims for, limitation of 35.43.100 Public officers
action 11.08.240 Local improvements, foreclosure of special escape of prisoner imprisoned under civil
Ethics in public service actions 42.52.540 assessments and liens thereon for 4.16.030 process 4.16.110
Execution of judgment, time limitation 6.17.020 Logging liens 60.24.110 misappropriation of funds 4.16.080
Execution sale, redemption from 6.23.020, Medical service lien 60.44.060 penalties or forfeitures 4.16.080
6.23.040 Mentally ill 4.16.250 Public utility districts formation, questioning
accounting of rents, profits and expenses Military personnel 4.16.220 54.08.050
6.23.090 Minors 4.16.190, 4.16.250 Public works lien 60.28.030
redemption from 6.23.020 coexistent disabilities 4.16.260 Quasi-municipalities, application of statute of
Executors and administrators when disability must exist 4.16.250 limitations to actions by 4.16.160
actions and suits, suspended during time of Money laundering 9A.04.080 Quo warranto proceedings, action for damages
special administration 11.32.050 Municipal local improvements 7.56.090
recovery of real property sold by 4.16.070 assessments, foreclosure proceedings Rape 9A.04.080
False imprisonment, action on 4.16.100 35.50.050 Real property
Foreign statutes of limitation reassessments 35.44.340 ejectment and quieting title actions 7.28.050,
application of 4.16.290 supplemental assessments 35.44.400 7.28.060, 7.28.300
Forfeitures to the state, action on 4.16.100 Municipalities, actions by 4.16.160 recovery of
Fraud 4.16.080 Mutual open accounts 4.16.150 actions to be commenced within ten years,
Gambling tax collections 9.46.350 Negotiable instruments 62A.3-118 exception 4.16.020
Ground for demurer Negotiable instruments, bills of exchange, tolling sold by executors, administrator, or guardian
objection by answer, when 4.32.070 by part payment 4.16.270 4.16.070
Guardians, recovery of real property sold by New promise 4.16.280 rents and profits 4.16.040
4.16.070 New trials tax deeds, sold under, limitation on action to
Healing arts, professional negligence, claims discovery of grounds after verdict, report or recover 4.16.090
arising from 4.16.350 decision, time limitation for motion trespass 4.16.080
Health care claims 4.76.080 waste 4.16.080
tolling of statute of limits for, requirements Nonresident defendant 4.16.180 Redemption from sales on execution 6.23.020,
7.70.110 Nursing homes, professional negligence, claims 6.23.040
Health maintenance organizations, professional arising from 4.16.350 accounting of rents, profits and expenses
negligence, claims arising from 4.16.350 Opticians, professional negligence, claims 6.23.090
Heirs, ejectment and quieting title 7.28.060 arising from 4.16.350 Registered land 65.12.710

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 417]


Registered nurse, professional negligence, guardian; PROBATE, subtitle Limited Enforcement of laws and rules applicable to
claims arising from 4.16.350 guardianship) carriers and chauffeurs
Registration of land titles, decrees of registration LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES (See contracts between department of licensing and
65.12.190 also BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS) certain cities 46.72A.150
Rents and profits from real estate 4.16.040 Businesses or professions licensed under Title Fees, deposit 46.72A.110
Reopening action when service by publication, 18, operation as limited liability companies Industrial insurance
time limit 4.28.200 Ch. 18.190 chauffeurs owning or leasing limousine
Securities act violations 21.20.400 Conversion of savings bank or its holding coverage, exclusion from mandatory and
Sheriffs, against 4.16.080 company to 32.08.025 election of optional 51.12.020, 51.12.185
escape of prisoner imprisoned under civil Professions or businesses licensed under Title 18, Inspections, fees, penalties 46.72A.030
process 4.16.110 operation as limited liability companies Ch. Insurance requirements, penalty for violations
Slander, action on 4.16.100 46.72A.060
State Limousine carriers account 46.72A.160
Trade names, registration required 19.80.010 Regulatory authority of department of licensing,
against 4.92.050 Washington limited liability company act
state warrant appearing to be redeemed state patrol, and port districts 46.72A.030,
assignment of limited liability company 46.72A.040
4.92.200 interests Ch. 25.15
actions by 4.16.160 Rule-making authority of department of
contributions Ch. 25.15 licensing 46.72A.120
Supplemental proceedings 6.32.010 derivative actions Ch. 25.15
Sureties, probate proceedings 11.28.235 Uniform regulation of business and professions
dissenters rights Ch. 25.15 act 46.72A.140
Tax deeds, actions to cancel or set aside 4.16.090
dissolution Ch. 25.15 Vehicle certificate, issuance and penalty for
actions by other states 4.24.140 distributions Ch. 25.15 violations 46.72A.070
Theft from tax exempt corporation 9A.04.080 fees, rule making for establishing Ch. 25.15 Vehicle certificate required 46.72A.050
Theft in first or second degree, certain conditions foreign limited liability companies Ch. 25.15
formation, certificate of, amendment, filing, LINCOLN COUNTY
9A.04.080 Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.220
Tolling of and execution Ch. 25.15
general provisions Ch. 25.15 Superior court judges, number of 2.08.063
action commenced, not commenced, when LINCOLNS BIRTHDAY
4.16.170 management and managers Ch. 25.15
members Ch. 25.15 School holiday, presidents day 28A.150.050
criminal actions 9A.04.080
health care claims, requirements 7.70.110 mergers and conversions Ch. 25.15 LIQUID PETROLEUM GAS (See OIL AND
taxation, actions by other states, absence from miscellaneous provisions Ch. 25.15 GAS, subtitle Liquid petroleum gas)
when, for whom, in which circumstances (See also BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS) Banks, See BANKS AND BANKING, subtitle
4.16.180, 4.16.190, 4.16.200, 4.16.210, Application 25.05.500 Liquidation
4.16.220, 4.16.230, 4.16.240, 4.16.250, Fees and charges, authority of secretary of state Corporations, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle
4.16.260, 4.16.270, 4.16.280, 4.16.325 25.05.902 Insolvency
Trade secret misappropriation 19.108.060 Foreign limited liability partnerships Insurance companies
Trafficking in stolen property activities not constituting transacting business alien insurers
motor vehicle or major component part 25.05.565 generally 48.31.070
9A.04.080 registered agent mutual insurers, domestic distribution of
Transportation companies designation and maintenance 25.05.580 assets 48.09.360
damages 81.04.235 resignation of 25.05.586 reciprocal insurers, distribution of assets
overcharges 81.04.235 service of process 25.05.589 48.10.320
Trust and estate dispute resolution Ch. 11.96A registered agent for service of process Insurance companies, See also INSURANCE,
Unemployment compensation, contributions by change of 25.05.583 subtitle Liquidation
employers, collection 50.24.190 registration, effect of 25.05.550 LIQUOR (See ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES)
Unfair business practices 19.86.120 registration, effect of failure to register
Uniform conflict of laws, limitations act Ch. 4.18 LIQUOR AND CANNABIS BOARD
25.05.560 Actions and proceedings against board,
Vacation or modification of superior court registration requirement 25.05.555
judgment or order jurisdiction 66.08.100
Formation 25.05.500 Administrative authority 66.08.020
minors, by 4.72.030 Health care professionals, organization to render
persons of unsound mind, by 4.72.030 Administrative expenses, appropriation and
professional services 25.05.510 payment 66.08.026
time limitation does not apply where consent Name 25.05.505
or stipulated judgment, vacation grounds Administrative procedure act, application
Professional services, organization to render 66.08.150
based on fraud or terms and conditions of 25.05.510
judgment not fulfilled 4.72.080 Advertising liquor, restrictions 66.08.060
Registered agent 25.05.500 Alcohol awareness program, duties 66.08.050
time limitation for motion for 4.72.020 Registered agent for service of process
Vehicle business practices act 46.70.190, Alcohol servers, See ALCOHOLIC
change of 25.05.530 BEVERAGES, subtitle Alcohol servers
46.70.220 resignation of 25.05.533
Vehicle crimes 9A.04.080 Attorney general as counsel 66.08.022
service of process 25.05.536 Audits of records 66.08.024
Warehouse receipts, liability 62A.7-204
Waste 4.16.080 LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS (See Bond and oath 66.08.014
Wills, contest of admission or rejection of PARTNERSHIPS, subtitle Limited Definitions 66.04.010, 66.20.160
probate 11.24.010 partnerships) Employees
Writing signed by person to be charged 4.16.280 employment authorized 66.08.016
LIMOUSINE SERVICE OPERATORS interest in manufacture or sale of liquor
LIMITATION ON LIABILITY Advertising 46.72A.080 prohibited 66.08.080
Aiding a police or other law officer 9.01.055 Business license required 46.72A.050 liability of board for actions 66.08.100
Automobile insurance Carrier license required 46.72A.050 unauthorized sale of liquor prohibited
transmittal of cause for cancellation or Carrier services, service records, carrier 66.08.090
nonrenewal from insurance commissioner information, penalties, rules 46.72A.020 Inspection of books and records 66.08.130,
48.18.293 Chauffeur, defined 46.04.115 66.08.140
Dentist, filing charges or presenting evidence Chauffeurs Inspection of licensed premises or banquet
against another member 4.24.050 criteria and physical examinations permit premises authorized 66.28.090
LIMITATION ON TAX REVENUE (See 46.72A.090 Law enforcement training or investigation, use of
TAX REVENUE LIMITATION) owning or leasing limousine forfeited liquor 66.08.095
industrial insurance coverage, exclusion Liability for damages 66.08.100
LIMITED ACCESS HIGHWAY from mandatory and election of optional Licensee, defined 66.20.160
FACILITIES (See HIGHWAYS, subtitle 51.12.020, 51.12.185 Licenses
Limited access facilities) unprofessional conduct, sanctions 46.72A.100 licensing and enforcement system
LIMITED GUARDIANSHIP (See Continued operation of existing limousine modernization project account 66.08.260
GUARDIAN AND WARD, subtitle 46.72A.130 powers and duties Ch. 66.24
Appointment of guardian, limited Definitions 46.04.274 rules adoption 66.08.0501

[RCW Indexpage 418] (2016 Ed.)


Liquor control board, renamed as liquor and AND MODEL LITTER CONTROL crime concerning 9.16.010
cannabis board 66.08.012 ACT) definitions 16.57.010
Liquor revolving fund Adopt-a-highway program 47.40.100 enforcement 16.57.350, 16.57.360
border areas, distribution 66.08.195, local programs 47.40.105 federal requirements, rule compliance
66.08.196, 66.08.198 Cities and towns 16.57.353
cities and towns, distribution 66.08.210 public works contracts fees, disposition 16.57.370
counties, distribution 66.08.200 recycled materials, preferential purchase of, inspection by veterinarians 16.57.025
deposits and disbursements 66.08.170 authorization 35.23.352 inspection documents, replacement 16.57.430
distribution 66.08.180 recyclable and reusable materials, collection, instruments affecting title 16.57.090
excess funds, disbursement 66.08.190 transportation, and sales by private or production record brands 16.57.040
transfer of funds 66.08.240 nonprofit entity, authorization 35.21.158 reciprocal governmental agreements
wine commission disbursement 66.08.230 Collection, transportation, and sales of recyclable 16.57.340
Marijuana materials in optional municipal code cities, recording requirements 16.57.020, 16.57.060,
controlled purchase programs authorization 35A.21.155 16.57.130, 16.57.140
retailers selling to underage persons, Counties removal or alteration 16.57.120
penalties 69.50.560 collection of source separated recyclable renewal 16.57.023, 16.57.080
Membership 66.08.012 material 36.58.040 right to use 16.57.100, 16.57.105
Oaths and affirmations 66.08.055 disposal sites, recyclable materials self-inspection certificates 16.57.160,
Powers and duties 66.08.030, 66.08.050, acquisition 36.58.010 16.57.240, 16.57.243, 16.57.245,
66.08.055 Disposal sites, recyclable materials 16.57.280, 16.57.290
Public records, availability 66.08.024 county acquisition and use 36.58.010 size and characteristics 16.57.110
Quorum 66.08.012 First class cities tattoo brands and marks not recordable
Regulatory authority and scope of powers public works contracts 16.57.030
66.08.030, 66.08.050, 66.28.350 recycled materials, preferential purchase of, unlawful possession of branded livestock
Salary 66.08.012 authorization 35.22.620 16.57.280
Subpoena issuing authority 66.08.145 Grants for litter reduction unrecorded brand, use prohibited 16.57.050
Taxes on liquor, collection of nonprofit organizations Bulls
streamlining, board report on 66.08.250 business and occupation tax exemption castration of bulls running at large 16.24.180
Terms, vacancies, and removal 66.08.014 82.04.755 running at large, restrictions 16.24.190,
Vapor products Litter collection programs, coordination 16.24.200, 16.24.210
regulatory and enforcement authority of board 70.93.220 Carcasses
Ch. 70.345 Littering infractions composting 70.95.306
subpoena issuing authority of board 66.08.145 litter receptacles 70.93.090 disposal Ch. 16.68
Vapor products, See VAPOR PRODUCTS littering prohibited 70.93.060 Care, liens for, See LIENS, subtitle Livestock
Wine commission, initial disbursement and Pull-tab openers Cattle
repayment 66.08.230 prohibited animal disease traceability activities
definitions 70.132.020 16.36.150
LIQUOR REVOLVING FUND (See enforcement, rules 70.132.040 Certificates of permit, inspection, or self-
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, subtitle penalty 70.132.050 inspection 16.57.240
Liquor revolving fund) legislative finding 70.132.010 Certified feed lots, licensing Ch. 16.58
LIS PENDENS sale 70.132.030 Consignor 20.01.430
Actions affecting title to real property Recyclable materials Cows
cancellation 4.28.320 collection and transportation by recycling milk from diseased cows, sale prohibited,
effect 4.28.320 company or nonprofit entity exception 15.36.151
liability of claimants 4.28.328 application of chapter 36.58.160 Cows and other mammals
procedure 4.28.320 processing facilities health requirements 15.36.161
Conveyances, actions affecting title to real notice of applications for assistance Cruelty to animals Ch. 16.52
property, effect on 4.28.320 43.160.077 Dairy cattle
Ejectment and quieting title actions, effect of Recycled materials and products electronic cattle transaction reporting system
7.28.260 market development 43.31.545 16.57.450
Land boundary proceedings, filing 58.04.040 Roads and highways identification tags 16.57.160
Registration of land titles, copy of application community restitution litter cleanup programs Dairy nutrient management Ch. 90.64
65.12.100 72.09.260 dairy nutrient infrastructure account
Unknown heirs and claimants as to real property Solid waste 43.79.530
actions, filing notice of Lis pendens 4.28.160 generally Ch. 70.95 Damage by wildlife Ch. 77.36
State parks Damaged or stolen, action for, treble damages,
LITERACY community restitution policy and procedures
Reading and early literacy attorneys fees 4.24.320
79A.05.050 Dead animals, disposal, See CARCASSES
grade placement and strategies for student waste reduction and recycling 79A.05.045
improvement, meeting for 28A.655.230 Dealers
Tax imposed on retailers, manufacturers Ch. identification, carrying 20.01.380
K-4, comprehensive system of instruction and 82.19
services 28A.320.202 payment required, when 20.01.390
Transportation, department of, right of way provide bond for agent 20.01.210
K-4 report cards 28A.320.203 duties 47.40.090
professional development for educators Diagnostic service program, livestock diseases
Vehicles prevention and control Ch. 16.38
28A.415.400 covering requirements 46.61.655
support of 28A.300.570 Diseases
Reading literacy improvement programs LIVESTOCK duty to bury carcass 16.36.102
28A.300.290, 28A.300.295, 28A.300.300 Agister liens, See LIENS, subtitle Agister liens state veterinarian, powers and duties
Reading skills Agricultural fairs, youth shows, and exhibitions 43.23.070
intensive reading and literacy improvement Ch. 15.76 Diseases, See also ANIMAL HEALTH
strategy from state menu of best practices Artificial insemination Dogs killing or injuring
28A.655.235 lien upon female or offspring 60.52.035 killing of dog allowed 16.08.020
primary grade reading grant program Beef commission Ch. 16.67 liability 16.08.010
28A.300.330, 28A.300.340 Brands and marks Feed, See also FEED
second grade assessment 28A.300.310, agriculture department directors powers and Feed containing noxious weed seeds or toxic
28A.300.320 duties 43.23.160 weeds, penalty 17.10.235
brand inspection 16.57.160, 16.57.165, Feed lots, licensing Ch. 16.58
LITERARY ORGANIZATIONS 16.57.170, 16.57.180, 16.57.200, Fences Ch. 16.60
Nonprofit corporations, authorized 24.03.015 16.57.210, 16.57.220, 16.57.230 Fire protection
LITTER CONTROL AND RECYCLING brand is owners personal property 16.57.090 livestock on public lands during wildfire,
(See also RECYCLING; TIRE certificates of permit, inspection, or self- retrieving or caring for 76.04.021,
RECYCLING; WASTE REDUCTION; inspection 16.57.240 79.13.060
WASTE REDUCTION, RECYCLING, conflicting claims to brand 16.57.070 Floodplain management ordinances

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 419]


livestock flood sanctuary areas required Registration of 16.65.260, 16.65.270, 16.65.280, 16.65.290,
86.16.190 false certificate of registration, penalty 16.65.300, 16.65.310
Goats 9.08.030 Rates and charges
brands and marks Ch. 16.57 Rendering plants Ch. 16.68 schedule 16.65.190
Grazing Running at large unjust or discriminatory prohibited 16.65.180
grant of grazing privileges required on state or bulls to female ratio 16.24.210 Records of licensee 16.65.170
federal lands 16.24.065 limitations 16.24.090 Refusal to accept consignment 16.65.370
Hanford reservation old or diseased animal, cruelty, penalty Rulemaking authority of agriculture director
disposition of impounded livestock 43.23.220 16.52.110 16.65.020, 16.65.445
Health, See ANIMAL HEALTH prohibitions 16.24.065, 16.24.230 Sale dates 16.65.420, 16.65.424
Herd laws, See LIVESTOCK, subtitle Stock prosecution, brand as evidence of ownership Sanitation 16.65.350, 16.65.360
restricted areas 16.24.100 Special open consignment horse sales, See
Highways public nuisance, impoundment 16.24.110, HORSES, subtitle Special open consignment
herding on highway right-of-way, limitations 16.24.120, 16.24.130, 16.24.140, sales
16.24.070 16.24.150, 16.24.160, 16.24.170 Supervision 16.65.020
Horses, See HORSES restrictions and requirements 16.24.180, Vendors and consignors
Humane slaughter Ch. 16.50 16.24.190, 16.24.200, 16.24.210 generally Ch. 16.65
Identification Ch. 16.57, Ch. 16.58 separating strays (estrays) from herd prohibited practices 16.65.150
agriculture department directors powers and 16.24.220 Violations, penalties 16.65.440
duties 43.23.160 stock restricted areas, designation procedures Weighing of livestock 16.65.400
dairy cattle identification tags 16.57.160 16.24.010, 16.24.020, 16.24.030, LIVING WILLS
investigations, fee for time and mileage 16.24.040, 16.24.050 Natural death act Ch. 70.122
16.57.360 United States military reservations 16.04.080
transport or delivery, unlawful 16.57.440 Slaughterhouses, See SLAUGHTERHOUSES LLAMAS (See ANIMALS)
Identification certificates 16.57.400 State veterinarian LOANS
Importation 16.36.050, 16.36.140 powers and duties 43.23.070 Agricultural lenders
Impounding - no certificate or proof of Stock restricted areas, designation procedures farmers home administration loan guaranty
ownership when offered for sale 16.24.010, 16.24.020, 16.24.030, 16.24.040, program Ch. 31.35
disposition 16.57.290 16.24.050 Banks, See BANKS AND BANKING, subtitle
notice of sale 16.57.310 Stolen or damaged, action for, treble damages, Loans
proceeds from sale 16.57.300 attorneys fees 4.24.320 Boats
proceeds from sale, disposition of 16.57.320, Strays vendor single-interest or collateral protection
16.57.330 abandoned animals coverage, requirements 48.22.110,
Injury to Ch. 9A.48 duty of sheriff 16.54.030 48.22.115, 48.22.120, 48.22.125,
Liens, See LIENS, subtitle Livestock livestock from another state, when an estray 48.22.130, 48.22.135
Livestock identification advisory committee 16.57.340 Check cashers and sellers
membership and duties 16.57.015 separating strays (estrays) from herd small loan endorsement Ch. 31.45
Maliciously killing or causing substantial bodily 16.24.220 Colleges and universities, See COLLEGES AND
harm to livestock belonging to another, Swine UNIVERSITIES, subtitle Loans
penalty 16.52.320 brands and marks Ch. 16.57 Consumer leases, See CONSUMER LEASES
Marketing, See AGRICULTURAL Theft 9A.56.080, 9A.56.083, 9A.56.085 Consumer loan act Ch. 31.04
MARKETING Transportation and storage liens, sale 60.60.020 Courts, money deposited in, consent of party
Moving or transporting Trespassing animals 4.44.500
authority to stop vehicles 16.57.245 damages, liability, actions for damages and Credit reports, fair credit reporting act Ch. 19.182
carcass or primal part, requirements 16.57.275 costs 16.04.010, 16.04.015, 16.04.030, Credit unions
certificate or proof of ownership required 16.04.040, 16.04.045, 16.04.050, limit on amount 31.12.428
16.57.243 16.04.060, 16.04.070 Credit unions, See CREDIT UNIONS, subtitle
failure to present for inspection 16.57.267 via fence damaged by wildlife 16.04.100 Loans
removal from state, requirements 16.57.260 fences Ch. 16.60 Development credit corporation loans 31.20.060,
stops, mandatory, at state patrol-operated owner unknown, procedure 16.04.025 31.20.080
ports of entry restraint 16.04.020 Development loan fund committee, See
vehicles or combinations, weight rating over United States military reservations 16.04.080 COMMUNITY, TRADE, AND
forty thousand pounds, transporting cattle Water flows or levels, establishment of minimum ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT,
46.44.200 for stockwatering requirements Ch. 90.22 DEPARTMENT OF, subtitle Development
transport or delivery, unlawful 16.57.440 Wolves, damage to livestock by Ch. 77.36 loan fund committee
unlawful to refuse assistance in establishing Farmers home administration loan guaranty
identity and ownership 16.57.270 LIVESTOCK IDENTIFICATION program Ch. 31.35
Federal loans and grants for public works,
transporting or accepting delivery LIVESTOCK MARKETS acceptance of authorized 39.28.040
monetary penalty 16.36.116 Appeals of orders 16.65.450 Gambling purposes, prohibited 9.47.120
violations 16.52.225 Bond to operate 16.65.200, 16.65.210, High risk consumer loans Ch. 31.04
Nutrient management program 16.65.220, 16.65.230, 16.65.235, 16.65.240, Industrial loan companies, See INDUSTRIAL
investigating and inspecting, including 16.65.250 LOAN COMPANIES
application for search warrant 90.64.200 Complaints, investigations 16.65.320, 16.65.330 Insurance
public records, disclosure 90.64.190 Consignors and consignment life and annuities
statutory review 90.64.170 generally Ch. 16.65 generally 48.23.080
water monitoring, protocol 90.64.180 prohibited practices 16.65.150 interest rate 48.23.085
Quarantine, See ANIMAL HEALTH Examinations and testing 16.65.340, 16.65.350 Insurance in connection with credit transactions
Rabbits Facilities 16.65.350, 16.65.360, 16.65.370, generally Ch. 48.34
brand and marks Ch. 16.57 16.65.380, 16.65.390 Linked deposit program 43.86A.060
Railroads Fees 16.65.030, 16.65.037, 16.65.040 Loan originators Ch. 19.146, Ch. 31.04
cattle guards 81.52.050 Hearings, public 16.65.445 Math and science teachers
cruelty to livestock in transit, penalty Importation of livestock 16.36.140 definitions 28B.15.760
81.48.070 Information and records, availability to news procedures, conditions 28B.15.762
fences, duty to construct and maintain services and agriculture director 16.65.430 program duration 28B.15.766
81.52.050 Inspection, fees 16.65.090, 16.65.100 publicize program 28B.15.764
liability for injury to 81.52.060 Licensees, duties Ch. 16.65 Metropolitan municipal corporations, powers,
prima facie negligence if inadequate fence or Licenses 16.65.030, 16.65.037, 16.65.040, money, borrowing from component city or
cattle guard 81.52.070 16.65.060, 16.65.080, 16.65.445 county 35.58.480
Range areas Packers ownership or controlling interest in Minority and womens business enterprises
moving anothers livestock 16.24.230 market limited 16.65.410 linked deposit program 43.86A.070,
posting of sign on road entering area Proceeds from sales, duties of licensees 43.86A.080
16.24.060 16.65.120, 16.65.130, 16.65.140, 16.65.160, Mortgage brokers Ch. 19.146

[RCW Indexpage 420] (2016 Ed.)


Mortgage insurance Ch. 61.10 automatic number or location identification employee remuneration beyond salary and
Mortgage lending, reverse Ch. 31.04 database information benefits prohibited 48.62.121
Mortgage lending and homeownership Ch. public inspection and copying exemption executive sessions, authority to hold
19.144 38.52.577 48.62.101
Mortgage loan originators Ch. 31.04 Energy audits, municipalities 43.19.691 governing control, obligation to maintain
Mortgage loan servicing, sale, or transfer Ch. Environmental excellence program agreements 48.62.121
19.148 Ch. 43.21K health and welfare benefit trusts
Motor vehicles Execution of judgments against 6.17.080 authority to participate in 48.62.121
vendor single-interest or collateral protection Financial reports to state auditor 43.09.230 existing health and welfare benefit trust
coverage, requirements 48.22.110, Funds program, compliance requirements
48.22.115, 48.22.120, 48.22.125, authorized investments Ch. 39.59 48.62.123
48.22.130, 48.22.135 investment of surplus health care services, inclusion of mandated
Municipal corporations, loans from state or annual summary 43.250.080 benefits 48.62.121
federal government definitions 43.250.020 immunity for disclosure of information
agreements 39.69.020 employment of personnel by state treasurer required by state risk manager or state
constitutional debt limitation 39.69.030 43.250.050 auditor 48.62.171
municipal corporation defined 39.69.010 investment pool 43.250.060 insufficient assets, provision for, requirements
Pistols, regulation of 9.41.120 public funds investment account 43.250.030, 48.62.141
Profiteering Ch. 9A.82 43.250.040 insurance premium taxes, exemption from
Public facilities separate accounts for participants 48.62.151
county-wide planning policy, preference to 43.250.070 investigation fee, state risk manager to
party to 43.17.250 Health care claims data, statewide establish and charge 48.62.161
Public works assistance account data submission and statewide all-payer health investments, restrictions on 48.62.111
public works board 43.155.070 care claims database Ch. 43.371 multi-state program participation,
Residential mortgage loan closing Improper governmental action requirements 48.62.081
valuation disclosure requirements Ch. 19.149 whistleblower protection operation and management of program,
Residential mortgage loan modification services definitions 42.41.020 general conditions and restrictions on
licensure Ch. 31.04 intimidation of whistleblower prohibited 48.62.121
Reverse mortgage lending Ch. 31.04 42.41.045 preexisting programs, notice to state auditor
Savings associations, See SAVINGS legislative policy 42.41.010 required 48.62.131
ASSOCIATIONS, subtitle Loans Indebtedness producers, use of 48.62.121
Savings banks limitations Ch. 39.36 program approval or disapproval, state risk
limits on loans and extensions of credit Joint municipal utility services act Ch. 39.106 managers duties 48.62.091
32.04.012 Judgments, execution against 6.17.080 program approval required from state risk
Savings banks, See SAVINGS BANKS Local government management of program manager 48.62.071
Small business loans, federally guaranteed Ch. delegated by state public disclosure, limits on 48.62.101
31.40 final report or study, prerelease copy to local reviews and investigations, costs to be charged
Small loans made by licensed check cashers and government 43.17.370 to program under review or investigation
sellers Ch. 31.45 Local infrastructure project areas 48.62.161
Student loans transfer of development rights programs Ch. risk manager, state
allowable interest rates, nonprofit 39.108 rule-making and standard setting authority
corporations 24.03.480 Local revitalization financing Ch. 39.104 48.62.061
Tax refund anticipation loans Ch. 19.265 Local revitalization financing, See also LOCAL risk manager as attorney for acceptance of
Teachers retirement funds, trustees not to REVITALIZATION FINANCING service 48.62.031
guarantee loans 41.50.220 Newly incorporated city or town school district or educational service district
Trustees, power to make 11.98.070 duty to assist during interim 35.02.270 health and welfare benefits programs
Payment agreements 48.62.181
LOBBYING AND LOBBYISTS (See also scope of authority 48.62.031
PUBLIC DISCLOSURE) authority of local governments to enter into
authority cumulative 39.96.080 start-up assessments, authority of state risk
Disclosure and restrictions Ch. 42.17A
authorization and conditions for entry into manager to levy and collect 48.62.161
LOCAL ASSESSMENTS (See LOCAL agreement 39.96.030 summons, service of 4.28.080
IMPROVEMENTS AND calculations regarding payment of treasurer, designation of 48.62.111
ASSESSMENTS) obligations 39.96.060 Service agreements
LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT credit enhancement or similar agreements, children and family services, criteria
FINANCING (See ECONOMIC authority to make in connection with 36.115.030
DEVELOPMENT) payment agreement 39.96.050 contents 36.115.040
definitions 39.96.020 counties affected 36.115.060
LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE findings 39.96.010 definitions 36.115.020
AGREEMENTS payment sources 39.96.050 geographic area covered 36.115.040
Motor vehicle fuel taxes, distribution to counties, status of payments 39.96.060 growth management act, effect 36.115.080
cities, and towns terms and conditions of agreements matters included in agreements 36.115.050
transfer of funds by government service 39.96.040 procedures for establishment 36.115.060
agreement authorized 46.68.230 Purchasing Taxation
Sales and use taxes blind-made products 39.24.060 levies, review of by state auditor, mandatory
alteration of county share of city tax receipts Recycled products 43.09.265
under government service agreement procurement lodging tax Ch. 67.28
82.14.034 definitions 43.19A.010 Tourism-related facilities
alterations in rate under government service duties 43.19A.030 financing Ch. 67.28
agreement 82.14.032 preferential purchase policy 43.19A.040 Water resource management Ch. 90.82
transfer of funds under government service purpose 43.19A.005 Watershed planning and management Ch. 90.82
agreement 82.14.212 requirements Ch. 43.19A Watershed restoration projects, consolidated
LOCAL GOVERNMENTS procurement, notice of requirements permit application process 89.08.450,
Architectural or engineering services, joint 43.19A.080 89.08.460, 89.08.470, 89.08.480, 89.08.490,
utilization by agencies 39.34.030 Road projects 89.08.500, 89.08.510
Community restitution litter cleanup programs compost products use in 43.19A.110 Whistleblowers
72.09.260 Self-insurance authority disclosures
Credit card use for purchases, conditions access to program information 48.62.101 confidentiality 42.41.900
43.09.2855 bond requirements 48.62.111 intimidation of whistleblower prohibited
Electronic signatures and records definitions 48.62.021 42.41.045
use and acceptance Ch. 19.360 deposit requirements 48.62.111 local government administrative hearings
Emergency management program, powers and educational service district programs, rule- account 42.41.060
duties Ch. 38.52 making authority of superintendent of protection
Emergency notification systems public instruction 48.62.125 definitions 42.41.020

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 421]


exemptions 42.41.050 notice to contain statement that assessments filling lowlands 35.55.060, 35.55.070,
legislative policy 42.41.010 may vary from estimates 53.08.055 35.56.070, 35.56.080
retaliatory action unlawful Potable water facilities 35.43.270 hearings 35.44.070
penalty 42.41.040 notice of proposal 36.94.235 modification or revision, authority of council
relief by employee 42.41.040 Public corporations 35.44.100
right to report joint planning, construction, and operation notice of hearing 35.44.080, 35.44.090
policies and procedures 42.41.030 35.51.020 objections 35.44.110
Public corporations may use financing posting proposed roll 35.50.005
LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS roadways, elevated 35.85.020, 35.85.030
Assessments mechanisms 35.43.005
Public utility districts, See PUBLIC UTILITY viaducts 35.85.020, 35.85.030
alternative or additional method 35.51.030 water rights acquisition 35.92.260
loan agreements, payment 35.51.050 assessments
Right of way donations, credit against
Authority to establish assessment 35.44.420 assessable units of frontage 35.44.040
counties 36.94.230 Risk management services authorized Ch. 48.62 bonds to pay, installments, number and due
Bond issues Sanitary sewer facilities 35.43.270 date 35.49.020
savings associations, investment in 33.24.080 notice of proposal 36.94.235 bridges, elevated 35.85.030
savings banks, investment in 32.20.120 Underground utilities, location, damage Ch. canals and ditches, rates of, computation
Bonds, notes, warrants, obligations 19.122 35.44.045
reserve fund authorized 35.51.040 Water-sewer districts Ch. 57.16 city property
Cities and towns, See LOCAL authority for 35.44.130
subtitle Cities and towns ASSESSMENTS transfer of money from general fund
Classification of property Aquatic plant control, authority, generally 35.49.060
assessments 35.43.040 treasurer, duties 35.49.060
alternative or additional methods 35.51.030 Assessment rolls collection by city treasurer 35.49.010
definitions 35.51.010 park and recreation districts 36.69.280 county property
public or private restrictions, assessment sidewalks and driveways across 35.68.050 authority for 35.44.140
based on 35.51.030 Assessments payment 35.49.070
Community renewal 35.81.190, 35.81.200 alternate method of computation 35.44.047 curbs and gutter construction and repair,
County park and recreation districts alternative or additional method 35.51.030 method of payment 35.68.060, 35.68.070
authority for 36.69.200 fire protection districts, emergency medical delinquent, interest for 35.49.030
hearings 36.69.250 purposes 52.20.010 first class cities, special 35.22.280
initiation of proceedings 36.69.210, loan agreements, payment 35.51.050 harbor area leaseholds 35.44.150
36.69.220, 36.69.230 public utility districts 54.16.160, 54.16.165 installments, failure to pay, effect 35.50.040
County roads and bridges, service districts, Bonds joint owners, payment by one 35.49.090
authorized to form 36.83.050 guaranty fund lands adjoining metropolitan park districts
Fire protection districts bondholders remedies, money transfers 35.61.220
emergency medical purposes 36.94.400 lower uniformly if funds available 35.44.190
authorization for 52.20.010 establishment, delinquency 36.94.380 metropolitan park district property
formation hearing, notice 52.20.020 subrogation, interest, foreclosure purchases 35.44.170, 35.49.080
cities and towns law, application 36.94.390 payment 35.49.080
definitions 52.20.025 Bridges, authority, generally 35.43.040 noncontinuous improvements 35.43.050
petition Cities and towns notices of collection 35.49.010
dismissal or approval 52.20.020 appeal procedure 35.44.260 omitted property
resolution of board, dismissal or approval bonds and securities, execution 35.44.220 authority for 35.44.360
52.20.010, 52.20.020 decisions, copy to officer with assessment certification of roll for collection 35.44.380
formation roll 35.44.270 confirmation ordinance 35.44.380
cities and towns law, applicability, hearing by superior court 35.44.250 hearing 35.44.370
definitions 52.20.025 how perfected 35.44.200 law relating to 35.44.350
notice of 35.44.210 notice of 35.44.370
notice to contain statement that assessments resolution of council 35.44.370
may vary from estimates 52.20.022 notice to city legal department 35.44.240
transcripts payment
local improvement district fund after thirty day period 35.49.050
creation 52.16.020 contents 35.44.230
fees 35.44.230 error in, remedy 35.49.100
Indian claims settlement joint owners 35.49.090
counties, creation for purpose of payment aquatic plant control 35.43.040
assessment districts ordinance to prescribe time of 35.49.030
authorized 36.32.540 record of 35.49.110
organization of district to finance authorized basis for assessment 35.44.010
cost items, inclusion 35.44.020 time for, generally 35.49.040
35.43.280 without interest or penalty 35.49.040
Insurance, pools, self-insurance authorized Ch. subdivisions of 35.44.030 pedestrian malls 35.71.100
48.62 what property assessed 35.44.010 prepayment of installments subsequently due
Intercounty rural library districts, See zones 35.44.030 35.49.050
LIBRARIES, subtitle Intercounty rural assessment liens rates per square foot 35.44.040
library districts attachments 35.50.010 record of payment, duty of treasurer
Irrigation districts bridges, elevated 35.85.030 35.49.110
notice of formation to contain statement that objections or defenses 35.50.020 refund of excess funds
assessments may vary from estimates priority 35.50.010 demands 35.45.090
87.03.486 roadways, elevated 35.85.030 protected balances 35.45.090
Irrigation districts, See also IRRIGATION sanitary fills 35.73.050 rights of action 35.45.090
DISTRICTS, subtitle Local improvement validity 35.50.020 roadways, elevated 35.85.030
districts viaducts 35.85.030 sanitary fills 35.73.040
Joint planning, construction, and operation of assessment reimbursement accounts segregation of assessment upon division of
improvements 35.43.188 land 35.44.410
authority 35.51.020 assessment rolls sidewalks and driveways across, method of
Liability of officials, members, immunity amendments 35.44.120 payment 35.68.060, 35.68.070
4.24.470 bridges, elevated 35.85.020, 35.85.030 special benefit or whole benefits 35.43.050
Parking and business improvement areas, curb and gutter construction and repair subways 35.85.060, 35.85.070
establishment and authority to levy special 35.68.050 supplemental
assessments Ch. 35.87A diagram on preliminary survey, conclusive law relating to 35.44.350
Petition for creation 35.43.125 effect 35.44.060 limitation of time for 35.44.400
Port districts entry of assessments against property when authorized 35.44.390
authority to establish 53.08.050 35.44.050 time of payment, ordinance to prescribe
formation filing 35.44.070 35.49.030

[RCW Indexpage 422] (2016 Ed.)


tunnels 35.85.060, 35.85.070 width of draw, determination by county general authority 35.68.010
unfit dwellings, repair, removal, or commissioners 35.74.030 laws relating to 35.68.080
demolition costs 35.80.030 driveways across sidewalks, construction, resolution required prior to undertaking
viaducts 35.85.030 reconstruction, and repair contents 35.68.020
warrants acceptable in payment of 35.45.140 general authority 35.68.010 hearing 35.68.030
water rights 35.92.230, 35.92.240 laws relating to 35.68.080 sidewalk construction fund 35.68.040
mode of 35.92.260 resolution required prior to undertaking gymnasiums, authority, generally 35.43.040
auditoriums 35.43.040 contents 35.68.020 housing, See HOUSING
authority, generally 35.43.040 hearing 35.68.030 initiation of proceedings
auxiliary water systems sidewalk construction fund 35.68.040 consolidated cities, procedure 35.43.060
authority, generally 35.43.040 electrified public streetcar line 35.43.040 contract letting
bonds escalators competitive bids 35.43.190
authority to issue 35.45.010 authority for local improvement 35.43.040 determination when not to let competitive
bondholders remedies 35.45.080 petition for local improvement district bids 35.43.190
calling 35.45.050 when necessary 35.43.110 council action, finality of 35.43.100
content 35.45.030 estimated cost and expense of improvements, initiation by petition for district outside city
contractor share 35.45.040 filing 35.50.005 or town, denial of petition by legislative
date payable 35.45.020 existing districts (irrigation, water supply) authority authorized 35.43.075
form 35.45.030 validated 35.92.265 law suit challenging, limitations on
interest field houses, authority, generally 35.43.040 35.43.100
how payable 35.45.060 filing title of improvement and diagram noncontinuous improvements
may by paid from general revenues 35.50.005 assessments 35.43.050
35.45.030 first class cities creation of local improvement district or
limitation upon issue 35.45.010 authority for special assessments 35.22.280 utility local improvement district
local improvement guaranty fund, bonds voted by people, transfer of funds 35.43.050
bondholders recourse to 35.45.080 35.22.590 parking, off-street facilities 35.86.020
payment by installments 35.49.020 special fund petition, initiation by
generally 35.49.020 creation 35.22.580 requirements of 35.43.120
proceeds of sale 35.45.040 refunding of balance 35.22.580 sufficiency of 35.43.130
sale of 35.45.040 transfer to other funds 35.22.590 when mandatory 35.43.110
savings associations may invest in 33.24.080 violations of law 35.22.600 petitions or resolutions, finality of council
water rights 35.92.230 foreclosure assessments action 35.43.100
mode of 35.92.260 property acquired by city at proceedings, protest of proceedings 35.43.180
bonds and warrants, nonguaranteed and disposition 35.53.070 restraints on proceedings
delinquent, special revolving fund Ch. foreclosure of assessments protest filing 35.43.180
35.48 authority and conditions 35.50.030 injunctions, brining to defeat assessment sales,
boulevards and lanes, authority, generally city payment of general taxes 35.49.140 grounds 35.44.190
35.43.040 curbs and gutter construction and repair installment and installments, defined
bridges, elevated, ordinance ordering 35.68.070 35.43.010
improvement 35.85.020 deferral of collection of assessments for installment notes
calling in bond issues 35.45.050 economically disadvantaged persons,
charters of first class cities superseded bonds for repayment of 35.45.150
authorized 35.43.250
35.43.030 limitation of action 35.50.050 content of 35.45.150
city council, defined 35.43.010 procedure 35.50.260 redemption of 35.45.150
city liability to bondholders 35.45.070 commencement of action 35.50.220 sale exclusively to another municipal fund
contracts, work done for assessments form of summons 35.50.225 35.45.150
35.43.190 parties and property included 35.50.230 interest certificates, noninterest-bearing
conflict with municipal ordinances pleadings and evidence 35.50.240 defaulted, payment from guaranty fund
35.43.030 sale of property 35.45.150
general rule 35.43.020 redemption 35.50.270 local improvement districts
conversion of local improvement district into summons and service 35.50.250 assessment rolls 35.43.130
utility local improvement districts property acquired by city at proceedings, bridges, elevated 35.85.020
35.43.043 disposition 35.53.010, 35.53.020, enlargement of boundaries for special
credits for other assessments 35.43.186 35.53.030, 35.53.040, 35.53.050, benefits 35.43.080
curbs along streets, construction, 35.53.060 lying outside city or town, divestment of
reconstruction, and repair sidewalks and driveways across 35.68.070 jurisdiction 35.43.180
general authority 35.68.010 tax title property metropolitan municipal corporations, effect
laws relating to 35.68.080 city acquisition from county before resale on 35.58.500
resolution required prior to undertaking 35.49.150 ordinances creating 35.43.080
contents 35.68.020 disposition of proceeds upon resale petition for
hearing 35.68.030 35.49.160 requirements of 35.43.120
sidewalk construction fund 35.68.040 formation of local improvement districts sufficiency of 35.43.130
definition of terms 35.43.010 composed of territory within city or town when mandatory 35.43.110
diagram of improvements, filing 35.50.005 authorized for transportation and preliminary estimates 35.43.130
districts lying outside city or town, formation infrastructure purposes 35.43.030 proceedings to establish 35.43.110
authorized 35.43.030 formation of local improvement districts property in name of deceased person, effect
districts lying within city or town, formation composed of unincorporated adjacent 35.43.120
authorized for transportation and territory authorized 35.43.030 property included in 35.43.080
infrastructure purposes 35.43.030 formation of utility local improvement resolutions to initiate proceedings 35.43.110
divestment of jurisdiction, procedure districts composed of territory within city roadways, elevated 35.85.020
35.43.180 or town authorized for transportation and sewers not constructed within ten years of
drawbridges infrastructure purposes 35.43.030 voter approval, service fees to be credited
authority to construct 35.74.010 formation of utility local improvement against future assessments, service
county commissioners districts composed of unincorporated charges 35.43.260
notice to 35.74.020 adjacent territory authorized 35.43.030 subways 35.85.060
width of draw, determination 35.74.030 guaranty fund tunnels 35.85.060
franchises to construct bondholders recourse to 35.45.080 viaducts 35.85.020
authority to grant 35.74.010 bonds and warrants not protected by Ch. water rights acquisition 35.92.220
prerequisites to grant 35.74.060 35.48 local improvement guaranty fund Ch. 35.54
inspection upon completion 35.74.060 payment of interest certificates on notes mayor defined 35.43.010
navigation, effect upon 35.74.040 35.45.150 metropolitan municipal corporations, See
notice to county commissioners 35.74.020 gutters, construction, reconstruction, and METROPOLITAN MUNICIPAL
specifications 35.74.040 repair CORPORATIONS

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 423]


metropolitan park districts, lands adjoining assessment district 35.43.210 initiation of proceedings
35.61.220 assessment of cost, how 35.43.220 petitions 36.69.210, 36.69.230
museums, arts, or cultural facilities 35.43.040 authority of 35.43.200 resolutions 36.69.210, 36.69.220
notices, mailing, conclusive effect of petition, initiation by 35.43.210 notice 36.69.240
35.44.180 procedure 35.43.230 notice, to contain statement that
ordinances complying with state law streets and alleys assessments may vary from estimates
35.43.030 agreements with county 35.77.020 36.69.245
parking, off-street facilities 35.86.020 authority, generally 35.43.040 powers and duties of board 36.69.270
parking commission 35.86A.090 county furnishing construction and protests 36.69.260
parking facilities 35.43.040 maintenance 35.77.020 subrogation, interest, foreclosure purchases
parkways and park drives county use of road fund 35.77.030 36.94.390
authority for, generally 35.43.040 establishing grade, procedure Ch. 35.73 park and recreation districts, generally Ch.
petition for local improvement district, when subways, authority to construct 35.85.050 36.69
necessary 35.43.110 tax liens sewerage, water and drainage systems
pedestrian malls, financing 35.71.060 city protection of assessment liens 35.49.130 appellate review 36.94.290
posting proposed assessment roll and city satisfaction of 35.49.140 assessment roll 36.94.240
improvements 35.50.005 foreclosure of local assessments, effect conclusiveness of roll when approved
preformation expenditures 35.43.184 35.49.140 36.94.280
proceedings town council, defined 35.43.010 decrease of assessment if other funds
brining actions to defeat assessment trust property acquired by city Ch. 35.53 available 36.94.280
35.44.190 tunnels, authority to construct 35.85.050 assessments
conclusive effect of 35.44.190 unfit dwellings notice of filing roll, protests 36.94.250
injunctions, grounds for 35.44.190 assessments for 35.80.030 unfit dwellings, repair, removal or
protest of formation demolition assessment lien against property demolition costs 35.80.030
waiver 35.43.182 35.80.030 divestment of power to order formation, time
public places and drives, authority generally urban renewal, See CITIES AND TOWNS, limitation 36.94.240
35.43.040 subtitle Urban renewal enlarged local district may be formed
public transportation systems 35.43.040 utility local improvement districts 36.94.270
reassessments assessment rolls 35.43.130 establishment 36.94.220
amount limitations 35.44.310 assessments 35.43.042 hearing on protests, order, appeal 36.94.260
basis for 35.44.290 authorization 35.43.030 hearings 36.94.240
credit for prior payments 35.44.320 off-street parking facilities 35.43.042 initiation of district, procedure 36.94.240
irregularities, effect of 35.44.300 ordinances creating 35.43.080 notice of filing assessment roll, protests
law relating to 35.44.350 outside city or town, divestment of 36.94.250
limitation of time for 35.44.340 jurisdiction 35.43.180 segregation of special assessments, fee, costs
original assessments 35.44.280 petition for, sufficiency of 35.43.130 36.94.300
payment preliminary estimates 35.43.130 unfit dwellings, demolition assessment lien
penalties and delinquencies charged procedure to establish 35.43.042 against property 35.80.030
35.44.330 property included in 35.43.080 utility local improvement districts
time for 35.44.330 viaducts, ordinance ordering improvement bondholders remedies, money transfers
property included 35.44.290 35.85.020 36.94.400
supplemental assessments 35.44.280 warrants subrogation, interest, foreclosure purchases
when authorized 35.44.280 acceptance in payment of assessments 36.94.390
resolutions, publications and hearings 35.45.140 County road improvement districts, See
35.43.140, 35.43.150 authorization for 35.45.130 COUNTY ROADS AND BRIDGES,
revenue bonds for water or sewerage system, claims and liens against improvement fund subtitle County road improvement districts
pledge of utility local improvement district 35.45.130 Culverts, authority, generally 35.43.040
assessments 35.41.095 interest rate 35.45.130
roadways, elevated, ordinance ordering water quality enhancement 35.43.040 Definitions 35.43.010
improvement 35.85.020 water rights Dikes and embankments, authority, generally
rules of construction, municipal local acquisition by purchase of shares in water 35.43.040
improvement 35.43.020 users association, etc. 35.92.263 Diking and drainage districts, See DIKING AND
sanitary fills acquisition of 35.92.220 DRAINAGE
assessment of costs 35.73.040 areas need not be contiguous 35.92.250 Eminent domain by city or town Ch. 8.12
authority for first and second class cities Classification of property Escalators, authority, generally 35.43.040
35.73.010 assessments Fire protection districts
city declaration of intention by resolution alternative or additional methods 35.51.030 emergency medical purposes
content 35.73.020 definitions 35.51.010 formation hearing, notice
publication 35.73.030 public or private restrictions, assessment petition
improvement district bonds based on 35.51.030 content 52.20.010
payment, limitation 35.73.070 Community redevelopment financing Ch. 39.88 Fire protection districts, emergency medical
ordinance for improvement 35.73.040 Community revitalization financing Ch. 39.89 purposes
protest filing 35.73.040 Consolidated districts, purpose 35.45.160 assessments for 52.20.010
second class cities, providing for 35.23.440 Consolidated local improvement districts, Gymnasiums, authority, generally 35.43.040
sidewalks Ch. 35.69, Ch. 35.70 authorized, procedure 35.45.160 Heating systems 35.97.090
construction, reconstruction, and repair Contracts, cities and towns, work done for Indian claims settlement
general authority 35.68.010 assessments 35.43.190 organization of district to finance authorized
laws relating to 35.68.080 Counties 35.43.280
resolution required prior to undertaking assessments Irrigation districts, See IRRIGATION
contents 35.68.020 county lands assessment fund 36.33.120 DISTRICTS
hearing 35.68.030 park and recreation districts Local improvement districts
sidewalk construction fund 35.68.040 authority, generally 36.69.200 assessments
special revolving fund, delinquent segregation of 36.69.290, 36.69.300 decrease if other funds available 36.94.280
nonguaranteed bonds and warrants rentals of irrigated land, application toward hearing on protests, order, appeal 36.94.260
35.48.010, 35.48.030, 35.48.040, 36.33.170 consolidation authorized 35.45.160
35.48.050, 35.48.060 local improvement districts county sewerage, water and drainage districts
street grades, sanitary fills bondholders remedies, money transfers appellate review 36.94.290
improvement district bonds 36.94.400 assessments
issuance 35.73.060 guaranty fund assessment roll 36.94.240
street lighting systems, petition for local establishment, delinquencies 36.94.380 notice of filing roll, protests 36.94.250
improvement district, when necessary park and recreation districts conclusiveness of assessment roll 36.94.280
35.43.110 authority for 36.69.200 divestment of power to order formation, time
street railways hearings 36.69.250 limitation 36.94.240

[RCW Indexpage 424] (2016 Ed.)


enlarged local districts may be formed local improvement districts 35.58.500 LOCAL INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING
36.94.270 Metropolitan municipal corporations, See also TOOL PROGRAM
establishment 36.94.220 METROPOLITAN MUNICIPAL Administration, rules 39.102.220
hearing CORPORATIONS Application process 39.102.040
improvement ordered 36.94.240 Open canal hazards
protests, order, appeal 36.94.260 fences, culverts, syphons, or coverings Bond repayment, use of tax revenue 39.102.160
initiation of district, procedure 36.94.240 assessments for 35.43.040 Bonds issued, limitations 39.102.170
notice of filing assessment roll, protests authority for 35.43.040 Conditions for use 39.102.070
36.94.250 presumption 35.43.040 Creation of program 39.102.030
segregation of special assessments, fee, costs installation of safeguards 35.43.045 Definitions 39.102.020
36.94.300 right of entry 35.43.045 Demonstration projects 39.102.050
special assessments 36.94.220 Parks and recreational areas, authority, generally
Local improvement fund, investment 35.55.150, 35.43.040 Evaluation of program 39.102.210
35.56.140 Port districts Expiration date 39.102.905
Local revitalization financing Ch. 39.104 generally 53.08.050 General obligation bonds 39.102.150
Lowlands, filling harbor improvement projects, generally Ch. Legislative audit and review committee reports
bonds, local improvement 53.20 39.102.200
guaranties 35.55.130, 35.56.140 Public corporations Legislative finding 39.102.010
sale of 35.55.140, 35.56.150 assessment districts 35.44.020
terms 35.55.120, 35.56.130 Local excise tax allocation revenues 39.102.110
contracts 35.43.190
concurrent provisions 35.56.290 Public lands Local property tax allocation revenues
contract for improvement assessments and charges against state lands 39.102.120
payment of contractor 35.55.170, 35.56.180 Ch. 79.44 Reporting requirements 39.102.140
when let 35.55.160, 35.56.170, 35.56.270 Public utility districts, See PUBLIC UTILITY Revenue bond to fund public improvements
contractor, payment, how 35.55.170, DISTRICTS, subtitle Local utility districts 39.102.190, 39.102.195
35.56.180 Railroads Revenue development areas
damages, proceedings to recover 35.55.040, crossing protection devices 35.43.040
35.56.050 creation 39.102.080
Reassessments, omitted property 35.44.280 limitations 39.102.060
eminent domain, power of 35.55.040, Sanitary fills
35.56.050 lien of assessments 35.73.050 notice 39.102.100
financing by city funds 35.55.020, 35.55.060, Sewer systems, authority, generally 35.43.040 ordinance 39.102.090
35.56.020 Sewers, See WATER-SEWER DISTRICTS Sales and use tax, use of funds 39.102.130
first class cities, authority 35.56.010 Sidewalks, authority, generally 35.43.040
payment of cost by issuance of warrants LOCAL LAW AND JUSTICE COUNCIL
Solid waste collection districts, See SOLID
35.56.120 WASTE COLLECTION DISTRICTS Duties and procedures 72.09.300
preliminary financing 35.55.140 Special assessments and liens, limitation on
reassessments 35.55.180, 35.56.280 LOCAL OPTION (See ALCOHOLIC
foreclosure actions 4.16.030 BEVERAGES, subtitle Local option)
second class cities, authority 35.55.010, Street lighting systems, authority, generally
special assessment method of financing Administration by departments of revenue and
Television reception improvement districts, See
assessment rolls TELEVISION RECEPTION commerce
equalizing 35.55.070, 35.56.080 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS
hearing 35.55.070, 35.56.080 adoption of rules 39.104.150
preparation 35.55.060, 35.56.070 Trestles, authority, generally 35.43.040 Authority to issue a sales or use tax
board of equalization Underground utility transmission lines, port districts 39.104.140
appeals from 35.55.080, 35.56.090 authority, generally 35.43.040
Utility local improvement districts Bond authorization
city council as 35.55.070, 35.56.080 general obligation bonds, issuance of
boundaries of district 35.55.030, 35.56.030 assessments
decrease if other funds available 36.94.280 39.104.110
collection of assessments, liens 35.55.090, limitation on bonds issued 39.104.130
35.56.100 cities and towns
equalization 35.55.070, 35.56.080 assessments 35.43.042 repayment of bonds, use of tax revenue for
estimates, generally 35.55.050, 35.56.060 authority to establish 35.43.042 39.104.120
excess or deficiency in 35.55.160, procedure to establish 35.43.042 General provisions
35.56.170 county sewerage, water and drainage districts conditions 39.104.030
excepted properties from district 35.55.030, appellate review 36.94.290
assessments definitions 39.104.020
35.56.030 finding 39.104.010
improvement district 35.55.010, 35.56.010 assessment roll 36.94.240
interest on assessments, limitation notice of filing roll, protests 36.94.250 participating in revitalization financing
35.55.100, 35.56.110 conclusiveness of assessment roll 36.94.280 interlocal agreement 39.104.070
plans and specifications 35.55.050, divestment of power to order formation, time ordinance to opt out 39.104.070
35.56.060 limitation 36.94.240 property tax allocation revenues
protests 35.56.040 enlarged local districts may be formed
36.94.270 ordinance to opt out 39.104.060
tax levy, limitation 35.56.190
unimproved and uncultivated, damages to establishment 36.94.220 use for revitalization financing 39.104.060
35.55.040, 35.56.050 hearing revitalization areas
warrants improvement ordered 36.94.240 creation of 39.104.040
issuance of local improvement fund protests, order, appeal 36.94.260 limitations on 39.104.050
35.55.110 inconsistent acts, modification 36.94.910 Local property tax allocation revenues
to pay cost of improvement, interest initiation of district, procedure 36.94.240
35.56.120 notice of filing assessment roll, protests public improvements, use of revenues to pay
sale 35.55.140, 35.56.150 36.94.250 cost of
waterways constructed in purpose 36.94.020 revenue distribution, determination,
abutting property segregation of special assessments, fee, costs termination 39.104.080
acquisition of 35.56.240 36.94.300 Local sales and use tax increments
lease of special assessments 36.94.220 public improvements, use of increments to pay
city 35.56.250 Water mains, hydrants, and appurtenances, cost of
private party 35.56.230, 35.56.260 authority, generally 35.43.040 estimating revenues 39.104.090
contract, letting for 35.56.270 Water quality enhancement, authority, generally State contribution
control of 35.56.210 35.43.040
dock lines established 35.56.210 Water-sewer districts, See WATER-SEWER applying for
leasing to private parties 35.56.220 DISTRICTS application process 39.104.100
requirements 35.56.200 Wildlife department lands, assessments approval by departments of revenue or
Metropolitan municipal corporations 77.12.230 commerce 39.104.100

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 425]


LOCAL UTILITY DISTRICTS (See LOCAL Assisted living facilities, See also ASSISTED Information on department of social and health
UTILITY DISTRICTS, subtitle local Assisted living services, contracts 74.39A.010 development and distribution to hospitals
utility districts) Border communities 70.41.310
LOCAL VOTERS PAMPHLETS (See medicaid services, contracts for 74.09.171 In-home care services
ELECTIONS, subtitle Voters pamphlets, Case management services 74.39A.090, findings 74.39A.220
local) 74.39A.095 Insurance act, policies issued before January 1,
Chronic care management 2009 Ch. 48.84
LOCKOUTS (See LABOR, subtitle Lockouts) medical homes 74.09.710 Insurance coverage standards, policies issued
LOCKSMITHS primary care health homes 74.09.5229 after January 1, 2009 Ch. 48.83
Geographic location, misrepresenting Community residential options 74.39.041 Lay caregivers
requirements and prohibitions Ch. 19.355 Complaint workload hospital discharge planning and aftercare
addressing, department of social and health 70.41.020, 70.41.320, 70.41.322,
LOCOMOTIVES (See RAILROADS) services responsibilities 74.39A.370 70.41.324, 70.41.326
LODGES Complaints Long-term care ombuds program Ch. 43.190
Building corporations Ch. 24.24 dispute resolution process 18.20.195 Long-term care partnership program
Incorporation Ch. 24.20 inspections, enforcement, screening consumer education program 48.85.040
Insurance, See INSURANCE, subtitle Fraternal 18.20.125 financing of long-term care through private
benefit societies investigation and referral 74.39A.060 insurance and medicaid funds 48.85.010
LODGING HOUSES (See also BOARDING retaliation prohibited 74.39A.060 insurance policy criteria 48.85.030
AND LODGING HOUSES; HOTELS) toll-free telephone number 74.39A.060 protection of participant assets 48.85.020
Tax for stadiums, convention centers, and arts Conflict with federal requirements 74.39A.901 Nursing facilities
facilities 67.28.180, 67.28.181, 67.28.1801 Continuing care retirement communities, See community residential options 74.39.041
Tax for stadiums and convention centers CONTINUING CARE RETIREMENT medicaid payment system Ch. 74.46
homeless lodging exempt 67.28.183 COMMUNITIES rates and reimbursement Ch. 74.46
Definitions 70.41.300, 74.39A.009, 74.39A.240 skilled nursing facility safety net assessments
LOGS AND LOGGING (See also FORESTS Discharge planning 74.39A.090 Ch. 74.48
AND FOREST PRODUCTS) Enhanced adult residential care Options available to patients, information
Brands and marks, See FORESTS AND contracts, requirements 74.39A.010 provided 70.41.310
FOREST PRODUCTS, subtitle Brands and Facilities Patient discharge requirements for hospitals and
marks construction defect disputes acute care facilities, pilot projects 70.41.320
Eminent domain generally Ch. 64.55 Personal care services, medicaid
private way of necessity Family caregiver information and support clients and workers
obligation to carry products of condemnees services 74.41.050, 74.41.070 glove access 74.39A.390
8.24.040 Home and community services community first choice option, refinancing
Fires, kindling of by persons driving lumber chore services 74.39A.100, 74.39A.120, services under 74.39A.400
4.24.050 74.39A.130, 74.39A.140, 74.39A.150 Pharmacy, practice of, in long-term care facilities
Industrial insurance, See INDUSTRIAL contracts, reassessment and reauthorization 18.64.550, 18.64.560, 18.64.570, 18.64.580,
INSURANCE, subtitle Logging 74.39A.090 18.64.590
Liens, See LIENS, subtitle Logging disclosure of employee information Prescription drugs
Logs on county rights-of-way, confiscation and 74.39A.210 controlled substances, dispensing to long-term
removal 36.86.090 expansion 74.39A.030 care facilities 69.50.308
Logs on highway right of way or in drainage oversight of care 74.39A.095 legend drugs, dispensing to long-term care
ditch as public nuisance 47.32.130 payment rates 74.39A.030 facilities 69.41.041, 69.41.055
Private way of necessity support for persons at risk of institutional Probate actions and collection of bad debts,
logging road placement 74.39A.155 payment of costs 74.39A.180
obligation to carry products of condemnees Home and community-based services programs Providers and caregivers
8.24.040 military dependents with developmental advanced training 74.39A.351
Railroad engines, liens for service 60.24.020 disabilities 74.04.815 assisted living facilities Ch. 18.20
Roads Home care agencies background checks, fingerprint-based
private way of necessity in-home personal care or respite services 43.43.837
obligation to carry products of condemnees department not authorized to pay when care chronic conditions, training and assistance
8.24.040 provided by family member of client 43.70.533
Sabotage, interference with lumbering 74.39A.326 collective bargaining
constitutes 9.05.060 electronic timekeeping, requirements for individual providers considered public
Safety agencies 74.39A.325 employees, compensation 74.39A.270
logger safety initiative 51.04.160 respite services or in-home personal care compliance with federal and state regulations
Tow or tugboats, liens for services 60.24.020 department not authorized to pay when care 74.39A.070
Tree spiking 9.91.150, 9.91.155 provided by family member of client continuing education 74.39A.341
LONG-ARM STATUTE (See 74.39A.326 cost of increase in wages and benefits
JURISDICTION, subtitle Out-of-state electronic timekeeping, requirements for 74.39A.310
residents or nonresidents acts submitting agencies 74.39A.325 criminal history checks 74.39A.056
person to state jurisdiction) Home care aides failure to comply, department of social and
authority of department of health 18.88B.060 health services authority 74.39A.080
LONGSHOREMEN background checks, disqualification investigation of state employees and care
Hours of employment 49.28.100 18.88B.080 providers by department of social and
Liens, See LIENS, subtitle Boats and vessels certification of long-term care workers as Ch. health services 43.20A.710
Workers compensation 18.88B overtime, quarterly expenditure reports on
longshoremans and harbor workers certification reciprocity with nursing assistant 74.39A.275
compensation coverage certification 18.88A.087 overtime hours and compensation for
plan creation 48.22.070 nurse delegated tasks 18.88B.070 providers
LONG-TERM CARE Home care aides, persons not certified as joint legislative-executive overtime
Admission of individuals, requirements enforcement against, and against their oversight task force, creating 74.39A.270
70.129.030 employers 74.39A.086 peer monitoring 74.39A.331
Adult family homes, See ADULT FAMILY Home care quality authority qualifications and training 74.39A.070
HOMES funding 74.39A.300 Title 41 RCW, not applicable to 41.04.810
Adult residential care Hospital patients, assessment and assistance for training 70.128.230, 70.128.240
contracts, requirements 74.39A.020 persons in need of long-term care training partnerships 74.39A.360
Assisted living facilities 74.39A.040 training requirements 74.39A.074
capital add-on rate 74.39A.320 Increase in funds received under title XIX of the workers, long-term care Ch. 18.88B, Ch.
medication federal social security act 74.39.020 74.39A
assistance 69.41.085 Individual providers caring for family members Purposes 74.39.005
regulation by code cities 35A.70.020 training requirements 74.39A.076 Quality improvement consultation program

[RCW Indexpage 426] (2016 Ed.)


principles 18.20.115 Workers, long-term care Ch. 74.39A Commerce, department of

Quality improvement principles 74.39A.051 certification, provisional 18.88B.035 departmental responsibilities 43.330.130
Recovery of payments 74.39A.170 certification examinations 18.88B.031 Community action agencies network
Recreation therapy Ch. 18.230 certification requirements 18.88B.021 delivery system for federal and state anti-
Residential care services definitions 18.88B.010 poverty programs, designation as
internal quality review and accountability disciplinary action 18.88B.050 43.63A.115
program 74.39A.380 training requirements, exemptions from Community health care collaborative grant
quality assurance panel 74.39A.380 18.88B.041 program 41.05.650, 41.05.660
Residents rights uncertified practice 18.88B.050 Community-based sealant programs in schools
access and visitation rights 70.129.090 uniform disciplinary act, application 18.29.220, 18.32.226
background checks on employees by 18.88B.050 Energy efficiency improvements Ch. 70.260
department of social and health services LONG-TERM CARE OMBUDS PROGRAM Forma pauperis, See FORMA PAUPERIS
70.129.130 (See also NURSING HOMES) Housing
client advocates, right to contact with City, town, and county ombuds programs assistance for very-low income and homeless
70.129.070 36.39.060 households
construction 70.129.170 Community based services program, ombuds document recording surcharge funds, use of
definitions 70.129.010 programs as part of 74.38.040 43.185C.240
disclosure, transfer, or discharge of resident Generally, including liability, residents rights energy efficiency activities Ch. 70.164
70.129.110 and confidentiality Ch. 43.190 housing authority, powers 35.82.070
disclosure of fees and charges 70.129.150 Residents rights impact fees for low-income housing,
examination of survey or inspection results ombuds implementation duties 70.129.160 exemption from 82.02.060
70.129.070 rental housing for very low-income persons,
exercise of rights 70.129.020 LOST AND FOUND PROPERTY tax exemption 84.36.560
financial affairs rights 70.129.040 Chief law enforcement officer Housing assistance program
freedom from physical or chemical restraints duties of 63.21.050 created 43.185.015
70.129.120 Cities and towns Housing policy
freedom from punishment, abuse, or seclusion disposition procedure 63.21.060 affordable housing advisory board
70.129.130 duties of 63.21.060 43.185B.020
grievances 70.129.060 Counties duties 43.185B.030
legislative intent 70.129.005 disposition procedure 63.21.060 definitions 43.185B.010
long-term care ombuds implementation duties duties of 63.21.060 goal 43.185B.007
70.129.160 Exclusions from chapter application 63.21.080 housing advisory plan
mail and telephone privacy 70.129.080 Finder preparation and reporting requirements
medicaid as a payment source, facilitys claiming of found property, procedures 43.185B.040
policy on accepting 63.21.010 legislative findings and purpose 43.185B.005
disclosure to residents 70.129.180 expiration of claim 63.21.030 objectives 43.185B.009
nonjudicial remedies through regulatory noncompliance Housing trust fund
authorities 70.129.170 forfeiture of rights 63.21.040 affordable housing advisory board 43.185.110
notice of rights and of rules of resident liability to owner 63.21.040 application, procedure 43.185.070,
conduct and responsibilities 70.129.030 public officers and employees, rights of 43.185.130
notice or transfer requirements, disclosure 63.21.060 compliance monitoring 43.185.090
70.129.150 release of property to finder, conditions definitions 43.185.020
other rights not diminished 70.129.007 63.21.030 eligible organizations 43.185.060
personal property 70.129.100 Governmental entities findings 43.185.010
waiver of liability and residents rights disposition procedure 63.21.060 loans or grants 43.185.050
limited 70.129.105 duties of 63.21.060 preconstruction technical assistance
privacy and confidentiality of personal and Port districts 43.185.080
medical records 70.129.050 disposition procedure 63.21.060 rule-making authority 43.185.100
protection of residents funds 70.129.040 duties of 63.21.060 Washington housing trust fund
quality of life rights 70.129.140 Property not covered by lost and found law created 43.185.030
refund of deposits 70.129.150 63.21.080 Legal aid, See LEGAL AID
remedies cumulative 70.129.170 Unclaimed, disposition of 63.21.010, 63.21.030 Public assistance, See PUBLIC ASSISTANCE
storage space 70.129.100 LOTS (See REAL PROPERTY) Residential weatherization program
Respite services, amendment of community compliance with laws and rules 70.164.050
options program entry system waiver under definitions 70.164.020
federal social security act to include LOTTERY, STATE (See STATE LOTTERY) energy audit required 70.164.050
74.39.030 LOW-INCOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE leased or rented residences, limits 70.164.060
Retirement communities, continuing care, See (See PUBLIC ASSISTANCE, subtitle legislative findings 70.164.010
CONTINUING CARE RETIREMENT Low-income energy assistance) low-income weatherization and structural
COMMUNITIES rehabilitation assistance account
Service coordination organizations LOW-INCOME HOUSING 70.164.030, 70.164.070
contract outcomes and performance measures Cities and towns payments to account, treated as energy
Ch. 70.320 loans and grants 35.21.685 conservation 70.164.070
Services Counties proposals by sponsors, matching funds
eligibility 74.04.670 loans and grants 36.32.415 70.164.040
Social and health services, department of Energy efficiency activities Ch. 70.164 Retired health providers providing free care to
collective bargaining Housing authority, powers 35.82.070 health department may provide malpractice
individual providers considered public Impact fees, exemption from 82.02.060 insurance for 43.70.460
employees, compensation 74.39A.270 Rental housing for very low-income persons, tax conditions of participation 43.70.470
criminal background checks on individual exemption 84.36.560 SEED act, individual development accounts
provider 74.39A.261 Taxation exemption and immunity 35.21.755 account 43.31.470
duties 74.39A.250 Washington works housing program 43.180.160 definitions 43.31.455
Toll-free telephone number for complaints LOW-INCOME PERSONS findings 43.31.450
74.39A.060 Affordable housing foster youth program 43.31.465
Training and education accessory apartments 35.63.210, 36.70.677, program, rules 43.31.460
competencies and learning outcomes 36.70A.400 State
43.20A.880 lease of county property for 36.34.135 additional funds, purposes 43.31.475
curricula and materials 74.39A.200 Affordable housing program report 43.31.480
Training standards and delivery system review generally, including loans Ch. 43.185A short title 43.31.485
70.128.210 Aquifer protection areas, reduced fees 36.36.035 Supreme court appeals, fees and costs paid by
Transfer of assets, penalties 74.39A.160 Burial by counties 36.39.030 state 4.88.330
Utilization of services available under title XIX veterans 73.08.070 Telephone assistance program
of the federal social security act 74.39.010 College bound scholarship program Ch. 28B.118 availability, components 80.36.420

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 427]


community service voice mail, funding MAIN STREET PROGRAM (See quality improvement and medical malpractice
80.36.430 COMMERCE, DEPARTMENT OF) prevention program 70.41.200
definitions 80.36.005 MAJORITY (See also MINORS) Injuries resulting from health care
deposit waivers, connection fee discounts Age of majority Ch. 26.28 informed consent, elements 7.70.050
80.36.460 Medical
eligibility 80.36.470 MALFEASANCE AND MISCONDUCT attorneys fees 7.70.070
limit, one line per household 80.36.450 County treasurer, grounds for suspension burden of proof 7.70.030
36.29.090 compensation by a defendant health provider
Utility connection fees, waiver 35.21.305, Insurers directors, officers, agents, attorneys-in-
35.41.080, 35.92.380, 54.24.080 7.70.080
fact, and employees, misconduct of compensation from other sources 7.70.080
Utility rate reduction for low-income persons 48.30.120 consent form
74.38.070, 80.28.068 Jury box, misconduct of officer drawing, penalty contents 7.70.060
Vehicle fee rebate program 9.51.010 failure to use inadmissible 7.70.060
transportation benefit districts 36.73.067 Sheriffs consent to treatment 7.70.060
Veterinary services 18.92.250, 18.92.260 civil liability 36.28.150 elements of proof 7.70.040
Water-sewer districts informed consent, elements 7.70.050
rates and charges, adjustment or delay HARASSMENT, subtitle Malicious) insurance, closed claim reporting Ch. 48.140
57.08.014 Medical services
voluntary contributions to assist low-income MALICIOUS MISCHIEF OR INJURY action for damages
residential customers, administration Ch. Attachment limitation on 4.16.350
57.46 assignor liability 6.25.080 action for personal injury, complaint not to
Youthbuild program, See YOUTHBUILD bond liable for 6.25.080 include statement of damages 4.28.360
PROGRAM Bomb threats Mental health advance directives
government property 9.61.160 informed consent 7.70.068
LUMBER (See FORESTS AND FOREST Government property Osteopathy
PRODUCTS; LOGS AND LOGGING) bomb threats 9.61.160 insurance settlements and awards, insurers
LUMPECTOMY (See HEALTH SERVICES, Insurance against, See INSURANCE, subtitle must report 18.57.245
subtitle Lumpectomy) Casualty insurance Physicians and surgeons
LURING (See CRIMES) MALICIOUS PROSECUTION insurance settlements and awards, insurers
Costs and disbursements, limitation on recovery must report 18.71.350
SPRAY DEVICES) of by plaintiff 4.84.040
Counterclaim for litigated in principal action BEVERAGES; BEER AND
Contraband, declared to be 9.41.220 Defined, elements, penalty 9.62.010 MAMMALS (See ANIMALS; WILDLIFE)
Prohibited, exceptions 9.41.190 Instituting action in name of another, penalty
9.62.020 MANDAMUS
Use in commission of felony 9.41.225 Affidavit, issued on 7.16.170
Judicial officer may pursue claim 4.24.350
MAGAZINES Law enforcement officer may pursue claim Alternative writ
Erotic material, compliance with law, not to 4.24.350 form 7.16.180
result in sanctions against retailer, treble Prosecuting attorney may pursue claim 4.24.350 issued, when 7.16.190
penalties for violation 9.68.090 Answer 7.16.200
Intercepting private conversations 9.73.030 MALLS (See CITIES AND TOWNS, subtitle Appeals
Libel, See LIBEL AND SLANDER Pedestrian malls) county board of adjustment 36.70.890
Mailed or sent without order are gift 19.56.010 MALPRACTICE (See also INSURANCE; Application by affidavit 7.16.170
Obscene materials, injunctions against 7.42.010, PROFESSIONAL NEGLIGENCE) Costs
7.42.020, 7.42.030, 7.42.040, 7.42.050, Arbitration of health care actions Ch 7.70A execution for 7.16.260
7.42.060, 7.42.070 uniform arbitration act, application 7.70A.090 judgment for 7.16.260
Purchase of subscriptions by public agencies, Counterclaims for malicious prosecution Court of appeals, limitation on jurisdiction
methods for payment of 42.24.035 4.24.350 2.06.030
Health care Courts having jurisdiction to issue 7.16.160
Subscription sales for fundraising Damages
sales tax exemption 82.08.02535 burden of proof 7.70.030
certificate of merit 7.70.150 execution for 7.16.260
MAGISTRATES (See also COURTS OF closed claim reporting 7.70.140 judgment for 7.16.260
LIMITED JURISDICTION; JUDGES; Default writs prohibited 7.16.190
declaration of modification of actions for Definitions
JUSTICES OF THE PEACE) damages because of injury 7.70.010
Definition 2.20.010 judgment 7.16.020
elements of proof 7.70.040 mandamus 7.16.150
Who are magistrates 2.20.020 frivolous claims 7.70.160 motion 7.16.020
MAIL health care provider, defined 7.70.020 order 7.16.020
Certified mail, use where registered mail mediation Determination of damages 7.16.210
authorized in Revised Code of Washington exemption of mediated action from superior Determination of issues of fact 7.16.210
1.12.060 court arbitration or settlement conference Enforcement of writ 7.16.280
Consolidated mail service for state agencies requirements 7.70.130 Executions for damages and costs 7.16.260
area served 43.19.715 mandatory mediation required, procedures Fines, enforcement of writ by 7.16.280
definitions 43.19.710 7.70.100 Grounds 7.16.160, 7.16.170
review of agency needs 43.19.720 right to trial not abridged by unsuccessful Hearings 7.16.240, 7.16.250
attempt 7.70.120 required 7.16.190
Evidence of mailing to state 1.12.070
propositions required to be established time of 7.16.330
Fees, mailed, evidence of remittance, time 7.70.030
1.12.070 Judgments
tolling of statute of limits for, requirements damages and costs, for 7.16.260
Filing by, evidence of, time 1.12.070 7.70.110 peremptory mandate 7.16.260
Opening or reading without permission, penalty Health care practitioners, review proceedings,
9.73.020 Motions, enforcement of writ 7.16.280
immunity, damages, process 4.24.250 Notice of application 7.16.190
Publishing without permission, penalty 9.73.020 Hospital board of directors Open public meeting law violations 42.30.130
Solicitation of undesired mail to annoy or harass liability, limitations 7.70.090 Orders, enforcement of writ 7.16.280
another person, penalty 9.35.030 Hospitals Parties, designation of 7.16.010
State, claims, fees, filing, reports, remittances, health care practitioners privileges Penalties, enforcement of writ 7.16.280
mailed, evidence of 1.12.070 restricted, report to medical quality Peremptory mandate, judgment of 7.16.260
Theft of mail 9A.56.010, 9A.56.370, 9A.56.380, assurance commission 70.41.210, Peremptory writ
9A.56.390 70.41.220 form 7.16.180
Time, use of mail to file or remit to state, physicians privileges issued, when 7.16.190
evidence of 1.12.070 hospitals duty to request information on Platting, subdivision and dedication of land,
Unsolicited goods or services are gifts 19.56.020 physicians 70.41.230 enforcement 58.17.190

[RCW Indexpage 428] (2016 Ed.)


Railroad crossing work, enforcement by conveyances, form and procedure 65.20.060 Dies, molds, and forms
81.53.200 department of licensing unclaimed property in possession of molder,
Rules of practice 7.16.340 rule-making authority 65.20.110 procedures Ch. 63.52
Service of writ 7.16.270 supervisory powers 65.20.100 Dies, molds, forms, and patterns
Show cause by answer 7.16.180, 7.16.200 falsification or omission of required fabricators lien Ch. 60.84
State agency action reviewable under information Explosives, generally Ch. 70.74
administrative procedure act or land use penalty 65.20.130 Food, drug, and cosmetic laws enforcement, right
petition act fees 65.20.090 of entry 69.04.820
inapplicability of chapter 7.16.360 lenders consent 65.20.060 High technology businesses
Superior courts power to issue 2.08.010 moving home after title eliminated, procedure tax credits and deferrals Ch. 82.63
Supreme court jurisdiction as to 2.04.010 65.20.070 Information technology
Utilities and transportation commission actions notice stolen or misappropriated Ch. 19.330
80.04.260, 81.04.260 county auditor to county assessor 65.20.120 Investments, tax deferral
Verdict, certification of 7.16.240 prospective effect 65.20.900 invest in Washington act, pilot program Ch.
Writ returnable, when 7.16.330 removal of home from mortgaged premises 82.85
MANDATED HEALTH CARE COVERAGE consent of mortgagee 61.12.030 Litter tax imposed Ch. 82.19
(See LEGISLATURE, subtitle Mandated standard forms 65.20.080 Mercury
health care coverage) taxation, chapter not to affect 65.20.910 reduction and education Ch. 70.95M
Implied warranty 46.70.132 Novelty lighters, prohibition of distribution and
MANDATORY ARBITRATION (See Installation sales Ch. 70.255
ARBITRATION AND AWARD) generally Ch. 43.22A Product liability actions Ch. 7.72
MANDATORY INJUNCTIONS (See permits 35.21.897, 35A.21.310, 36.01.220 Projects of statewide significance, procedures to
INJUNCTIONS) warranty 46.70.134 expedite development Ch. 43.157
Installation violations 18.27.117 Public nuisance, when 7.48.140
MANHOLES Sabotage, interference or injury to manufacturing
Electrical safety rules Ch. 19.29 Manufactured home real property act
short title 65.20.930 constitutes 9.05.060
MANICURISTS Manufactured/mobile home communities Washington manufacturing services
Cosmetologists, hair designers, barbers, dispute resolution and registration board of directors 24.50.010
manicurists, and estheticians Ch. 18.16 dispute resolution program 59.30.030, impact Washington, may be known as
MANLIFTS (See ELEVATORS, 59.30.040 24.50.010
ESCALATORS AND DUMBWAITERS) generally Ch. 59.30 legislative intent 24.50.005
Manufactured/mobile home landlord-tenant act organization, mission, powers, duties
MANSLAUGHTER Ch. 59.20 24.50.010
Coroners inquest, testimony reduced to writing Office of manufactured housingresident-
36.24.080 MAPLE LANE SCHOOL (See
owned parks and communities CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES)
Defined as homicide 9A.32.010 loans 59.22.032, 59.22.034, 59.22.036,
Duress, not a defense 9A.16.060 59.22.038 MAPS AND MAPPING (See also PLATS
First degree 9A.32.060 technical assistance 59.22.039 AND PLATTING; SURVEYS AND
Second degree 9A.32.070 Office of mobile/manufactured home relocation SURVEYORS)
MANUFACTURED HOMES, MOBILE assistanceresident-owned parks Counties
HOMES, COMMERCIAL COACHES, comprehensive plans, required elements
definitions 59.22.020
legislative findings 59.22.010 official controls, plans and planning 36.70.560
PARK TRAILERSSAFETY office duties 59.22.050
REQUIREMENTS zones and zoning 36.70.720, 36.70.730
Placement or use of manufactured/mobile home County roads and bridges, construction
Advisory board 43.22.420 county regulations 36.01.225
Compliance, effect on city and county ordinances 36.77.010
Placement or use of manufactured/mobile homes Evidence, copies as evidence, prima facie, when
43.22.410 city regulations 35.21.684, 35A.21.312
Compliance, exceptions 43.22.350, 43.22.370 5.44.070
Property tax Geological survey of the state, provisions for
Definitions 43.22.335 manufactured/mobile home landlord tax mapping Ch. 43.92
Federal standards, enforcement, inspection responsibility 84.56.335 Irrigation districts
43.22.431, 43.22.432 Real estate brokers and managing brokers, generally 87.03.775
violations, penalty 43.22.433 licensing and regulation Ch. 18.85 proposed works 87.03.165
Financing, savings banks 32.20.460 Safety and construction standards enforcement State base mapping system
Foreign standards, reciprocity 43.22.400 expiration 43.63A.490 establishment and maintenance, standards
Insignia, fee schedule, exceptions 43.22.350 hearing procedures 43.63A.480 58.22.020
Insignia of approval 43.22.390 inspections and investigations, authority to United States geological survey maps
Inspections, enforcement 43.22.434 conduct 43.63A.470 department of natural resources, duties
Mobile or manufactured homes, alterations rule making authority 43.63A.475 58.22.030, 58.22.040, 58.22.050
43.22.435 violations, fines 43.63A.485 United States survey markers, transportation
Mobile or manufactured homes, installations Sales department to aid in restoration of 47.36.010
43.22.436 implied warranty 46.70.132
Out-of-state sales and use, exemptions 43.22.380 warranties, inspections, delivery, occupancy, MARES (See HORSES)
Plans and specifications 43.22.360 and advertising requirements 46.70.135 MARGARINE
Recreational vehicles used as primary residences Security interests in Weights and measures 19.94.410
35.21.684, 35A.21.312, 36.01.225 perfection 65.20.030 MARIJUANA (See also CONTROLLED
Rules and regulations, compliance required, Siting violations 18.27.117
Self-certification, procedures 43.22.355 installation warranty 46.70.134 Bundled transactions, retail sales, tax, exception
Standards for plumbing, frame design, heating sale, implied warranty 46.70.132 69.50.570
and electrical equipment 43.22.340 Zoning Butane or other explosive gases, use by
MANUFACTURED HOUSING housing communities, elimination 35.63.161, marijuana processor
Classification as real or personal property 35A.63.146, 36.70.493 prohibition 69.50.450
65.20.010, 65.20.030 housing communities, nonconforming use Cannabinoids, synthetic
definitions 65.20.020 35.63.161, 35A.63.146, 36.70.493 unfair or deceptive practice 69.50.455
prospective effect of chapter 65.20.900 prohibitions, review 35A.63.145 Cannabis health and beauty aids
taxation, chapter not to affect 65.20.910 MANUFACTURING regulations and penalties, inapplicability of
Consumer complaints Bisphenol A 69.50.575
department of labor and industries 43.22.495 restrictions on manufacture and sale of Cathinone or methcathinone
Definitions, city regulations 35.63.160 containers containing Ch. 70.280 unfair or deceptive practice 69.50.460
Elimination of title Brake friction material Commission merchant requirements
application 65.20.040 restrictions on manufacture and sale of certain exemption from 20.01.030
approval 65.20.050 material Ch. 70.285 Cooperatives

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 429]


business and occupation tax exemption MARINE EMPLOYEES COMMISSION first class cities, regulating weights and
82.04.756 (See also FERRIES, subtitle Collective measures 35.22.280
Excise taxation bargaining and arbitration) second class cities, regulation of 35.23.440
definitions 82.02.010 Agency shop Fish marketing associations, See FISH
Legal production, sale, and use nonassociation rights, commission duties MARKETING ASSOCIATIONS
generally Ch. 69.50 relating to 47.64.160 Horse sales, special open consignment Ch. 16.65
licensing and regulation of producers, Civil service law, state, exception from Livestock markets Ch. 16.65
processors, and retailers Ch. 69.50 41.06.290 Organic food products Ch. 15.86
License applicants, signage and public notice Collective bargaining Public, See PUBLIC MARKETS
requirements mediation, to act as mediator in absence of MARRIAGE (See also DISSOLUTION OF
producers, processors, researchers, retailers impasse agreement 47.64.210 MARRIAGE; HUSBAND AND WIFE)
69.50.580 Collective bargaining and arbitration Advertising, prohibited, judges of courts of
Licenses interest arbitration 47.64.310 limited jurisdiction 3.66.110
application and renewal fee, additional mediation 47.64.210, 47.64.230
66.08.2602 Age of majority 26.28.020
notice and service 47.64.260 Age requirements 26.04.010
Licensing exemptions parties not bound by arbitration 47.64.320,
nursery dealer licensing 15.13.270 consent 26.04.210
47.64.330 Annulment
various licenses and permits 15.13.270
Liquor and cannabis board MARINE INSURANCE (See INSURANCE, jurisdiction over, superior courts 2.08.010
liquor control board renamed as 66.08.012 subtitle Marine and transportation Application 26.04.150
Marijuana insurance; INSURANCE, subtitle Ocean disclosure 26.04.175
medical use 28B.20.502 marine and foreign trade insurance) Certificate
Marijuana club, conducting or maintaining MARINE MAMMALS (See WILDLIFE, contents 26.04.080
penalty 69.50.465 subtitle Mammals) failure to deliver for filing 26.04.110
Medical use, tax exemptions 82.08.9998, filing and recording 26.04.100
MARINE RECREATION LANDS (See also forms 26.04.090
Medical use of cannabis act Ch. 69.51A Community property, See COMMUNITY
Conversion to other use 79A.25.100 PROPERTY
Personal services by producer or processor Definitions 79A.25.010
69.50.585 Contracts, wifes separate property 26.16.020
Marine fuel tax County auditor, fee 36.18.010
Promotional items from producer or processor proportion of motor vehicle fuel tax moneys
69.50.585 Disqualifications 26.04.020
that are tax on marine fuel 79A.25.030 Domestic partnerships
Property tax
Marine fuel tax refund account 79A.25.040, dissolution when married 26.60.100
marijuana land uses, exemption in certain 79A.25.050, 79A.25.070
cases 84.34.410 Domestic relations terminology, construction of
Research license 69.50.372 Outdoor recreation account 79A.25.060 1.12.080
Retail store with pharmacy license, amount Recreation and conservation funding board Family law handbook 2.56.180
inadvertently left at 69.50.515 directors duties 79A.25.020 Family relationships among immigrants
Retailers Recreation resource account 79A.25.070, proceedings for determination of
medical marijuana endorsement 69.50.375 79A.25.080 presumptions 5.44.140
medical marijuana endorsement, holding MARINE SAFETY, OFFICE OF International matchmaking organizations Ch.
THC concentration in products 69.50.378 Abolished 88.46.921 19.220
underage persons, selling to Judges of courts of limited jurisdiction,
MARINE WATERS AND RESOURCES (See advertising, prohibited 3.66.110
controlled purchase programs, penalties for also MARINE RECREATION LANDS)
violators 69.50.560 Legal unions in other states, recognition in
Coastal marine advisory council 43.143.050, Washington 26.04.260
vending machines and drive-through purchase 43.143.060
facilities, prohibiting 69.50.390 Licenses
marine resources stewardship trust account, affidavit required 26.04.210
Sales of marijuana and marijuana products council recommendations for expenditures
prohibiting certain sales 69.50.380 from 43.372.070 application
Seeds Marine biological preserve 28B.20.320 content 26.04.160
exceptions to chapter application 15.49.061 form 26.04.165
Marine recreation lands 79A.25.010,
Transporting or delivering 79A.25.020, 79A.25.030, 79A.25.040, certificate, form 26.04.165
common carriers 69.50.382, 69.50.385 79A.25.050, 79A.25.060, 79A.25.070, county auditor
Tribal agreements, tax exemptions 43.06.490, 79A.25.080, 79A.25.100 issuance 26.04.140
82.08.9997, 82.12.9997 Marine resources advisory council 43.06.338 record 26.04.220
Tribal marijuana tax 43.06.490 disqualifications 26.04.210
Marine resources committees
Tribe and state agreement, commercial activities fee 26.04.160, 26.04.210, 36.18.010
covered by generally Ch. 36.125
Marine safety ad hoc advisory committees, duties family court 26.12.220
taxes, fees, assessments, charges 69.50.555 issuance
Trust fund taxes, unpaid 88.46.200
Oil spill prevention and response Ch. 88.46 out-of-state requirements, compliance, fee
liability, administrative hearing 69.50.565 schedule 70.58.380
Planning and management
MARINAS (See also PUBLIC LANDS, generally, including marine management out-of-state requirements, compliance, fee
subtitle Aquatic lands) plans Ch. 43.372 schedule 70.58.380
Boat sewage pumpout or dump units, location penalties for violation of marriage
marine interagency team 43.372.020 requirements 26.04.220
and installation 79A.60.530, 79A.60.540, marine resources stewardship trust account
79A.60.550 perjury for falsifying 26.04.210
Hydraulic projects and permits 77.55.151 preservation of license applications 26.04.105
Pollution control hearings board, jurisdiction and
Moorage, parks and recreation commission duties Ch. 43.21B public inspection 26.04.170
facilities refusal to issue, appeal 26.04.190
abandoned vessels MARINES (See SOLDIERS, SAILORS, AND required 26.04.140
determination of abandonment 79A.65.020 MARINES) retention by person solemnizing 26.04.220
disposal 79A.65.030 MARITIME (See VESSELS AND solemnization within sixty days of issuance
public sale and use of proceeds 79A.65.030 SHIPPING) 26.04.180
definitions 79A.65.010 waiting period 26.04.180
MARITIME COMMISSION Penalties for violations 26.04.200
unauthorized vessels
delinquent charges, action to recover Terminated 88.46.062, 88.46.063 Prenuptial agreements void unless in writing
79A.65.030 MARKETS AND MARKETING 19.36.010
Private moorage facilities Ch. 88.26 Agricultural cooperatives, See Prohibited marriages 26.04.020
abandoned and impounded vessels 88.26.020 AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVES Qualifications 26.04.010
delinquent charges 88.26.020 Agriculture, See AGRICULTURAL Recognition
insurance requirements 88.26.030 MARKETING religious officials not required to recognize
Recycling Aquaculture marketing Ch. 15.85 any marriage 26.04.010
receptacle placement and signing 70.93.095 Cities and towns Records disclosure 26.04.175

[RCW Indexpage 430] (2016 Ed.)


Records lost or destroyed, replacement of MASTECTOMY (See HEALTH SERVICES, exemption of mediated action from superior
probate records 5.48.060 subtitle Mastectomy) court arbitration or settlement conference
Religious organization, construction of term MASTER LICENSE SYSTEM (See requirements 7.70.130
26.04.900 BUSINESS LICENSE CENTER) mandatory mediation required, procedures
Religious organization, definition 26.04.007 7.70.100
Religious ritual 26.04.120 MATERIALMEN right to trial not abridged by unsuccessful
Same-sex marriages Ch. 26.04, 26.60.100 County improvement claims 36.45.040 attempt 7.70.120
domestic relations terminology, construction Liens, See LIENS, subtitle Construction liens Privilege and confidentiality, determination in
of 1.12.080 Public works proceedings conducted by state or federal
Separation contracts 26.09.070 notice to contractor condition to suit on bond agency 5.60.072
when supplies are furnished to Uniform mediation act
Solemnization subcontractor 39.08.065
failure to deliver certificate to county auditor confidentiality 7.07.070
for filing 26.04.110 MATERNITY HOMES (See also PUBLIC conflicts of interest, mediators disclosure
ASSISTANCE, subtitle Child welfare 7.07.080
form of 26.04.070 definitions 7.07.010
persons authorized to perform 26.04.050 agencies)
Birthing centers, licensing and regulation Ch. electronic signatures 7.07.100
religious officials not required to solemnize mediator reports, prohibited 7.07.060
any marriage 26.04.010 18.46
Disposal of infants participation in mediation 7.07.090
religious organizations not required to provide privilege against disclosure
facilities or goods 26.04.010 agencies, licensing 74.15.100
Licenses admissibility, discovery 7.07.030
religiously affiliated educational institutions exceptions 7.07.050
not required to provide facilities or goods suspension for noncompliance with support
order 74.15.134 waiver and preclusion 7.07.040
26.04.020 scope 7.07.020
unauthorized person, validity of marriage Professional service corporations Ch. 18.100
uniformity of application and construction
26.04.060 MATERNITY SERVICES 7.07.110
unlawful solemnization 26.04.240, 26.04.250 Health care insurance benefits 48.43.115 Violence reduction
Vital statistics 26.04.090, 26.04.165 MAUSOLEUMS conflict resolution and mediation program
Voidable marriage 26.04.130 Construction standards Ch. 68.28 28A.300.280
Waiting period 26.04.180 Definitions relating to cemeteries, morgues, and MEDICAID (See MEDICAL ASSISTANCE)
Witnesses 26.04.070 human remains Ch. 68.04 MEDICAL ASSISTANCE (See also PUBLIC
(See COUNSELORS) subtitle Mayor) Adjudicative proceedings 74.09.741
MARSHALS MEAT Ambulance services
Cities and towns, control of police department Animal carcasses, disposal Ch. 16.68 mental health facility or chemical dependency
35.27.240 Bacon, packaging requirements 69.04.205 program, transport to
Eligibility criteria 35.21.333, 35.21.334 Bacon, packaging requirements, violations reimbursement of 74.09.330
Towns 69.04.206 Behavioral health services
control of police department 35.27.240 Beef commission Ch. 16.67 jails, persons incarcerated in, federal
pursuit and arrest of violators beyond town Cattle expenditure authority for services
limits 35.27.240 74.09.671
animal disease traceability activities Bilingual services for applicants 74.04.025
Vacancies 35.21.335 16.36.150
MARSHLANDS Horse meat, unlawful possession, exceptions prevention of blindness program 74.09.720
16.68.140 Care and services included 74.09.520
Ditches and drains, private construction
85.28.130, 85.28.140 Humane slaughter of livestock Ch. 16.50 Caseload forecast council, organization and
Inspection duties Ch. 43.88C
MASON COUNTY custom slaughtering and custom meat Children
Boundaries, tracing of 36.04.230 facilities, licensing and inspection Ch. mental health services 74.09.521
Superior court judges, number of 2.08.065 16.49 services provided by school district 74.09.520
MASS TRANSIT (See PUBLIC Lamb, imported products, labeling requirements Children, See also PUBLIC ASSISTANCE,
TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS) 69.04.940 subtitle Children
Livestock identification Ch. 16.57 Children with multiple disabilities Ch. 74.26
1959, Massachusetts trust act of, comprehensive Chiropractic
Rendering plants Ch. 16.68 service and fee limitations, authority to set
provisions Ch. 23.90 Ritual slaughter of livestock defined as humane 18.25.200
MASSAGE PRACTITIONERS 16.50.150 Chronic care management
[THERAPISTS] Sale of as exempt from county peddlers legislative findings 74.09.5223
Animal massage practitioners [therapists] licensing 36.71.010 Community property, allocation of income and
certification Ch. 18.240 Sale of as exempt from county peddlers resources, fair hearing at request of
endorsement to massage practitioner license licensing, exceptions 36.71.090 institutionalized or community spouse
18.108.230 Weights and measures 19.94.400 74.09.595
Board of massage Ch. 18.108 MECHANICS Community property, allocation of income
Counties Automotive repair Ch. 46.71 between institutionalized and community
licensing or operating fee 36.32.122 Liens, See LIENS, subtitle Construction liens spouse 74.09.565
Employment, for unemployment compensation Public works, claim against contractors bond Community property, allocation of resources
purposes Ch. 39.08 between institutionalized and community
excluding massage therapists from definition spouse 74.09.575
MEDAL OF MERIT Community property, transfer of income for
of 50.04.223 Award established Ch. 1.40
Intraoral massage, license endorsement eligibility 74.09.545
18.108.250 MEDAL OF VALOR Community property, transfer of resources,
Award established Ch. 1.60 period of ineligibility due to 74.09.585
Licenses Complex needs patients
cities and towns 35.21.692 MEDIA (See MOTION PICTURES; NEWS complex rehabilitation technology products,
convicted prostitutes, license revocation MEDIA; NEWSPAPERS; RADIO; individually configured 74.09.557
18.130.045 TELEVISION) Continuity of care
convicted prostitutes, license revocation and MEDIATION incarcerated or committed persons 74.09.670
reinstatement 18.108.085 Communications and materials exempt from incarcerated or involuntarily hospitalized
generally Ch. 18.108 disclosure in later proceeding, exceptions persons
optional code cities 35A.82.025 5.60.070 guidance and training for organizations and
Reflexology, certification and practice Estates and trusts, dispute resolution procedures providers 71.24.500
certification requirement 18.108.030 Ch. 11.96A inmates in work release and similar programs
generally Ch. 18.108 Health care claims 74.09.672

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 431]


jails, persons incarcerated in, federal community property, allocation of resources federal government, health care authority
expenditure authority for services between institutionalized and community cooperation with 74.04.055
74.09.671 spouse 74.09.575 waste, fraud, and abuse detection, prevention,
Crimes relating to community property, transfer of income for and recovery solutions Ch. 74.64
excessive or improper charges 74.09.260 eligibility 74.09.545 Medical services programs, See also PUBLIC
false statements regarding institutions and community property, transfer of resources, ASSISTANCE, subtitle Medical care
facilities 74.09.250 period of ineligibility due to 74.09.585 Medical supplies providers
Debt recovery Long-term care partnership program medicare requirement for medicaid program
real property, transfer or encumbrance consumer education program 48.85.040 74.09.597
notice to department of social and health financing of long-term care through private Medication management
services 64.04.210 insurance and medicaid funds 48.85.010 legislative findings 74.09.5223
Dental care, access to 74.09.715 insurance policy criteria 48.85.030 Mental illness, See MENTAL ILLNESS, subtitle
Dental care for assistance clients protection of participant assets 48.85.020 Medical assistance
prior authorization for providers, work group Managed health care systems Nursing facilities
74.09.759 agreements for services to recipients of
temporary assistance for needy families medicaid payment system Ch. 74.46
Disproportionate low-income care, payment to skilled nursing facility safety net assessments
hospitals providing 74.09.730 74.09.522
outcomes and criteria, incorporation into Ch. 74.48
Durable medical equipment providers Outcomes
medicare requirement for medicaid program contracts with managed care organizations
74.09.597 74.09.605 managed care organizations, incorporation of
Maternity care access program outcomes and criteria into contracts with
Eligibility 74.09.510 74.09.605
community property, allocation of income and alternative maternity care service delivery
resources, fair hearing at request of program, maternity care distressed areas Overpayments of assistance and coordination of
institutionalized or community spouse 74.09.810 benefits
74.09.595 definitions 74.09.790 health care authority powers and duties Ch.
community property, allocation of income legislative power, reservation 74.09.780 41.05A
between institutionalized and community loan repayment program, providers of PACE program 74.09.523
spouse 74.09.565 maternity care in underserved areas Powers and duties of department of social and
community property, allocation of resources 74.09.820 health services 74.09.520
between institutionalized and community services and procedures, requirements Powers and duties of health care authority
spouse 74.09.575 74.09.800 74.09.520
community property, transfer of income for short title 74.09.760 Primary care health homes
eligibility 74.09.545 system established 74.09.770 chronic care management
community property, transfer of resources, Medicaid findings, intent 74.09.5229
period of ineligibility due to 74.09.585 border communities Rehabilitation
Emergency services chemical dependency, long-term care, and complex rehabilitation technology products,
ground emergency medical transportation mental health services, contracts for individually configured 74.09.557
medicaid reimbursement, supplemental 74.09.171 Revenue recovery
41.05.730, 41.05.735 inmates in work release and similar programs, intent 43.20B.090
Establishment 74.09.500 eligibility for coverage 74.09.672
managed care contracting to include chemical rules and procedures 43.20B.080
Family planning services Rural hospitals
definitions 74.09.790 dependency and mental health services
74.09.522 payment for services 74.09.5225
eligibility and available services 74.09.800 Section 1115 demonstration waiver request
expansion of services 74.09.657 medicaid and state childrens health insurance
program demonstration project 74.09.756 74.09.5222
family planning waiver program request Smoking cessation assistance 74.09.655
74.09.659 medical and behavioral health services,
integrating purchasing and delivery of Store and forward technology, services provided
Foster care 74.09.758 through
behavioral health care and managed health Medicaid fraud reimbursement of 74.09.325
care, integrated 74.09.860 durable medical equipment providers, Suspension of benefits
Health care authority, powers and duties medicare requirement for medicaid
74.09.530 commitment to state hospital 74.09.670
program 74.09.597 incarceration 74.09.670
Health insurance medicaid fraud false claims act Ch. 74.66
computerized information sharing Telemedicine, services provided through
medicaid fraud penalty account 74.09.215 reimbursement of 74.09.325
definitions 74.09A.010 medical services programs
duties of health insurers 74.09A.030 Third party liability for payments 74.09.185
waste, fraud, and abuse detection, Traumatic brain injuries
legislative findings 74.09A.005 prevention, and recovery solutions Ch.
private insurers, provision of information to 74.64 generally Ch. 74.31
74.09A.020 medical supplies providers, medicare strategic partnership advisory council
enrollment employer-sponsored plan requirement for medicaid program 74.31.020
48.43.008 74.09.597 Working individuals with disabilities 74.09.540
enrollment in employer-sponsored plan whistleblowers, relief for 74.66.090 Youth released from confinement 74.09.515
48.43.517 whistleblowers, workplace reprisal or MEDICAL ASSISTANTS (See HEALTH
Home health program retaliatory action 74.09.315 CARE PRACTITIONERS)
reimbursement 74.09.658 Medicaid fraud false claims act
telemedicine 74.09.658 qui tam provisions MEDICAL EXAMINERS
Hospitals termination, repeal 43.131.419, 43.131.420 Counties, when authorized to replace coroners
noncritical access hospitals Medical assistance, enumeration of services office 36.16.030, 36.24.190
quality incentive payments 74.09.611 included 74.09.520 Liability
safety net assessment Ch. 74.60 Medical care, See PUBLIC ASSISTANCE, autopsy and postmortem findings 68.50.115
Indigents, health care for subtitle Medical care Sudden, unexplained infant death
managed health care systems 74.09.522 Medical care services, See PUBLIC training program 43.103.100
Limited casualty ASSISTANCE, subtitle Medical care MEDICAL EXAMINERS, BOARD OF
eligibility requirements 74.09.700 services Forensic pathology fellowship program
Limited casualty program 74.09.700 Medical homes
death investigations account disbursements
community property, allocation of income and chronic care management 74.09.710 43.79.445
resources, fair hearing at request of Medical services programs
administration by health care authority Physicians and surgeons, See PHYSICIANS
institutionalized or community spouse AND SURGEONS
74.09.595 74.04.050
community property, allocation of income agreements between health care authority and MEDICAL GAS PIPING INSTALLERS
between institutionalized and community department of social and health services Certification of competency and endorsement
spouse 74.09.565 responsibilities, division of 43.20A.865 Ch. 18.106

[RCW Indexpage 432] (2016 Ed.)


MEDICAL MALPRACTICE (See Fish marketing associations 24.36.180, Alcohol and drug abuse, See also
MEDICAL PROGRAM DIRECTORS (See Governor, state of emergency, power to suppress Alcoholism and drug addiction treatment, See
actions taken in noncompliance are null and Aliens, deportation Ch. 72.25
MEDICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE void 42.30.060 Ambulance services
COMMISSION adjournments 42.30.090 mental health emergencies
Disciplinary actions against persons exempt from application, exceptions 42.30.140 work group concerning alternative facility
licensure 18.71.230 attorney general, assistance 42.30.210 guidelines 70.168.170
Duties and powers 18.71.015 conditions for attending prohibited 42.30.040 Antipsychotic medications
Legislature, information to 18.71.460 continuances 42.30.100 involuntary administration 71.05.215
Members, qualifications and terms 18.71.015 definitions 42.30.020 right to refuse 71.05.215
Pain management rules for noncancer pain disturbing meetings, procedure 42.30.050 Arrest of individuals with mental disorders
18.71.450 emergencies 42.30.070 10.31.110
Physician assistants, regulation Ch. 18.71A exceptions 42.30.070, 42.30.140 Attorneys
Recordkeeping requirements 18.71.060 executive sessions compensation of appointed counsel 71.05.110
Retired active physicians 18.71.080, 18.71.440 authority 42.30.110 Bank or trust company may act as personal
Rule-making authority 18.71.017 subject matter 42.30.110 representative of 11.36.010
Secretary and commission relationship governing body meetings, regular Behavioral health services and organizations
18.71.430 agendas, online availability 42.30.077 access to chemical dependency and mental
Unprofessional conduct health professionals 43.20A.896
governing body members
reports, confidentiality and immunity authority
18.71.0195 training, mandatory 42.30.205
interrupting meetings, procedure 42.30.050 DSHS as state behavioral health authority
MEDICAL RECORDS (See also HEALTH joint operating agencies 43.52.383 71.24.035
CARE INFORMATION DISCLOSURE) legislative declaration 42.30.010 DSHS as state mental health authority
Access and disclosure Ch. 70.02 meetings declared open and public 42.30.030 71.24.035
MEDICAL SCHOOLS minutes of meeting 42.32.030 behavioral health organizations
Requisites for approval 18.71.055 multimember student board, state colleges and contracting process 43.20A.894, 71.24.100,
universities, applicable to 42.30.200 71.24.110, 71.24.370, 71.24.380,
MEDICAL TEST SITES notice required 42.30.060, 42.30.080 74.09.522, 74.09.758
Confidentiality of information obtained by contracts with department of social and
department of health 70.42.210 health services
Licenses, violations, and penalties Ch. 70.42 state register, contained in 34.08.020
ordinances, adoption at open public meeting liability of state, limitation on 71.05.026
Regulation of sites, including department of contracts with DSHS 71.24.330
health role Ch. 70.42 required 42.30.060
places for 42.30.070 definitions 71.24.025
MEDICARE SUPPLEMENTAL HEALTH regular meetings establishment of new organizations
INSURANCE ACT (See INSURANCE, defined 42.30.075 71.24.360
subtitle Medicare supplemental health schedule of evaluation and treatment services, estimating
insurance) filed with code reviser 42.30.075 capacity needs 71.24.490
notice of change filed with code reviser generally Ch. 71.05, Ch. 71.24
MEDICATIONS (See DRUGS; hospitals, state, quality improvement in, role
publication in state register 42.30.075 of organizations Ch. 72.07
PHARMACISTS; PRESCRIPTIONS) integration of mental health services with
MEDICINE, FAMILY (See PHYSICIANS rules and regulations, adoption at open public
meeting required 42.30.060 community services 71.05.025
AND SURGEONS, subtitle Family jails, city and county, agreements with
medicine) special meetings 42.30.080
times for 42.30.070 71.24.340
MEDICINE AND SURGERY (See violations mental disorders and/or substance use
OSTEOPATHY; PHYSICIANS AND disorders, persons with, development of
civil penalty 42.30.120 program for 71.24.385
SURGEONS) court action, fees, costs 42.30.120 tribal authorities, inclusion of 71.24.300
MEDICINES (See also DRUGS; injunctions against 42.30.130 behavioral health services and organizations
PHARMACIES AND PHARMACISTS; mandamus actions against 42.30.130 definitions 71.36.010
PRESCRIPTIONS) voting by secret ballot prohibited 42.30.060 behavioral health system
Administration Public corporations 35.21.759 improvement strategy for adult system
schools, public and private 28A.210.260 Saboteurs, criminal 9.05.030 43.20A.895
epinephrine autoinjectors (EPI pens) MEMORIALS tribal-centric system 43.20A.897
28A.210.383 Korean conflict 73.40.040 children, access to services, report 74.09.495
immunity from liability 28A.210.270, Missing-in-action or died in southeast Asia childrens mental health services 71.24.049,
28A.210.275 memorial within the state capitol building 71.24.055, 71.24.061, 71.24.065, Ch. 71.36
Dextromethorphan, regulating sales Ch. 69.75 73.40.010, 73.40.030 community mental health services Ch. 71.24
DMSO contract outcomes and performance measures
prescription, administration permitted MENTAL HEALTH (See also MENTAL
ILLNESS) 71.24.016
70.54.190 definitions
Epinephrine autoinjectors (EPI pens) MENTAL HEALTH ADVANCE behavioral health services and organizations
prescribing to certain entities for emergency DIRECTIVES 71.24.025, 71.36.010
use 70.54.440 Fraudulent creation or revocation 9A.60.060 health care authority
school supply and use of 28A.210.383 Generally Ch. 71.32 contracting process 43.20A.894
Hypodermic syringes, needles Informed consent 7.70.068 managed care contracting to include
dealers duty to determine sale legality chemical dependency and mental health
70.115.050, 70.115.060 MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELORS (See
COUNSELORS) services 71.24.380, 74.09.522
Laetrile medical and behavioral health services,
certification 70.54.140 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES (See integrating medicaid purchasing and
legislative declaration 70.54.130 MENTAL ILLNESS, subtitle Community delivery of 74.09.758
physicians immunity from prescribing or services) integrated behavioral health services, task
administering 70.54.150 MENTAL ILLNESS (See also HOSPITALS force on
prescription, administration, permitted FOR MENTAL ILLNESS; SUICIDE) aligning primary care and behavioral health
70.54.140 Alcohol and drug abuse regulations 71.24.860
Liquor laws, exemptions 66.12.060, 66.12.070 integrated crisis response and involuntary integrating
Vaccine repository, fee schedule 70.54.200 treatment, pilot programs Ch. 70.96B medical and behavioral health services,
MEETINGS AND ASSEMBLIES involuntary commitment or detention medicaid purchasing and delivery
Corporations, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle 71.05.040 71.24.380, 71.24.850, 74.09.522,
Meetings screening and assessment process 71.05.027 74.09.758

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 433]


mental health and substance use disorder behavioral health organizations court-ordered treatment or supervision,
treatment Ch. 71.24 agreements with city and county jails information-sharing concerning 4.24.558
substance use disorder and mental health 71.24.340 Definitions 71.05.020
involuntary treatment systems behavioral health ombuds office 71.24.350 Dementia, persons suffering from
crisis responders, designated Ch. 71.05, childrens mental health services, involuntary commitment or detention
71.05.760 coordination Ch. 71.36 71.05.040
evaluation of effect, institute for public contracts with department 71.24.330 Detention for evaluation and treatment
policy to conduct 71.05.810 evaluation and treatment services, estimating additional commitment for intensive
jails, persons incarcerated in, federal capacity needs 71.24.490 treatment, procedures and conditions
expenditure authority for services generally Ch. 71.24 71.05.280, 71.05.285, 71.05.290,
74.09.671 integration of services 71.05.025 71.05.300, 71.05.310, 71.05.320
mental health services, continuity of care for limitation on state liability 71.05.026, additional detention, time limit and
persons needing Ch. 71.05 71.24.370 procedures 71.05.230
performance measures for contracts 71.24.016 new organizations, establishment 71.24.360 assisted outpatient treatment, determining
providers and services, minimum standards powers and duties 71.24.035, 71.24.045 need of 71.05.240, 71.05.245, 71.05.280,
71.24.037 procurement process 71.24.320 71.05.320
purchasing reimbursement of county by organization for capacity needs for evaluation and treatment
contracting process 43.20A.894, 71.24.100, judicial services costs for civil services, estimating 71.24.490
71.24.110, 71.24.370 commitment cases 71.05.730, 71.34.415 conditional release orders 71.05.590
medical and behavioral health services responsibilities 71.24.250, 71.24.300, corrections department supervision, persons
74.09.758 71.24.310 subject to
mental health and chemical dependency streamlining delivery system 71.24.400, release of information to corrections
treatment services 71.24.380, 74.09.522 71.24.405, 71.24.415 71.05.445
regional service areas transfers between organizations, developing credible witnesses 71.05.212
establishment 43.20A.893 uniform transfer agreement for 71.24.845 criminal defendant, examination and
managed care integration, reporting on childrens services 71.24.049, 71.24.055, evaluation 71.05.235
71.24.850 71.24.061, 71.24.065 crisis responders, designated
social and health services, department of collaborative service delivery 71.24.430 superseding designated mental health
contracting process 43.20A.894, 71.24.100, counties, joint agreements 71.24.100, professionals with Ch. 71.05, 71.05.760,
71.24.110, 71.24.370 71.24.110 Ch. 71.34
medical and behavioral health services, crisis stabilization units decision not to detain
integrating medicaid purchasing and jail facilities, locating at, when 71.24.645 petition for detention, procedures and court
delivery of 71.24.380, 71.24.850, dangerous offenders review of 71.05.201
74.09.522, 74.09.758 case management and other services petition for detention, process for,
mental health and chemical dependency 71.24.470 information concerning 71.05.203
treatment services, managed care liability limitation 71.24.480 upholding by designated mental health
contracting for 71.24.380, 74.09.522, definitions 71.24.025 professional, notice requirement
74.09.758 DSHS powers and duties 71.24.035, 71.05.203
providers and services, minimum standards 71.24.045 discharge from facility or state hospital
71.24.037 educational requirements for providers, notice to designated mental health
state behavioral health authority 71.24.035 waiver 71.24.260 professional office 71.05.435
state mental health authority 71.24.035 fees 71.24.215 evaluation and consultation with emergency
task force on integrated behavioral health funding Ch. 71.20, 71.24.155, 71.24.160, room physician 71.05.154
services 71.24.200, 71.24.220 facilities for detention
aligning primary care and behavioral health funding, federal 71.24.420 unavailable though person meets criteria,
regulations 71.24.860 incarcerated and involuntarily hospitalized required report 71.05.750, 71.05.755
Behavioral health services and organizations, persons unavailable though person meets criteria,
See also ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG guidance and training for organizations and responsibilities and corrective actions
ADDICTION, subtitle Chemical providers aiding persons 71.24.500 71.05.755
dependency; MENTAL ILLNESS, subtitle intent, policy 71.24.015, 71.24.016, 71.24.030 grave disability, determination of 71.05.245
Community services interlocal cooperation act, agreements grave disability, evaluation of person with
Border communities authorized under 71.24.525 71.05.156
medicaid services, contracts for 74.09.171 interstate contracts 71.28.010 involuntary outpatient evaluation 71.05.150
Center for research and training in intellectual mental and physical health services legislative audit and review committee
and developmental disabilities established at evaluation and treatment facilities 71.24.640 evaluation of legislation 44.28.800
University of Washington 28B.20.410 offenders, access to treatment and support less restrictive alternative treatment
Chemical dependency, See ALCOHOLISM services 71.24.450, 71.24.455, 71.24.460 71.05.230, 71.05.240, 71.05.290,
AND DRUG ADDICTION, subtitle performance audit recommendations 71.05.320, 71.05.585, 71.05.590,
Chemical dependency; ALCOHOLISM affirmed 71.24.805 71.05.595
AND DRUG ADDICTION, subtitle implementation 71.24.810 less restrictive alternative treatment orders
Treatment study of long-term outcomes 71.24.840 71.05.590, 71.05.595
Children program plans, approval 71.24.240 less restrictive alternatives 71.05.320
access to behavioral health services, report screening and assessment process, integrated liability of applicant 71.05.500, 71.05.510
74.09.495 comprehensive 71.24.510, 71.24.630 likelihood of serious harm, determination
medication and care 74.09.490 Community services, See also MENTAL 71.05.245
mental health and substance use disorder ILLNESS, subtitle Behavioral health persons who have fled from state of origin
treatment systems, integrating services and organizations 71.05.195
crisis responders, designated Ch. 71.34 Comprehensive community health centers petition for initial detention 71.05.160,
mental health services Ch. 71.34, Ch. 71.36 construction, funding, and cooperation 71.05.170
prevention and intervention services, between agencies Ch. 70.10 petition for involuntary or alternative
evidence-based and research-based Ch. Counselors Ch. 18.19, Ch. 18.225 treatment 71.05.240
43.20C Court mental health commissioners physician assistants, role of 71.05.020,
program standards, medical assistance appointment 71.05.135 71.05.210, 71.05.215, 71.05.217,
74.09.521 authority and duties 71.05.137 71.05.230, 71.05.290, 71.05.300,
system of care Ch. 74.55 Courts, mental health, authorized 2.30.010 71.05.360, 71.05.660, Ch. 71.34
Children and family services act 74.14A.020 Crime victims and witnessesdependent procedure 71.05.150, 71.05.153, 71.05.190,
legislative intent 74.14A.010 persons Ch. 7.69B 71.05.212
policy goal 74.14A.025 Criminally insane, See CRIMINAL property of detainee 71.05.220
Commitment PROCEDURE, subtitle Criminally insane protocols, development 71.05.214
applications, court commissioners power to Criminally violent offenders psychiatric beds, new, addition of
hear and determine 2.24.040 release, leave, transfer, or escape, notice hospital certificate of need requirements
joinder of petitions 71.05.032 requirements 71.05.425 exemption, when 70.38.260
Community services Defendants use requirements for beds, when 70.38.270

[RCW Indexpage 434] (2016 Ed.)


release from involuntary intensive treatment purchase by contract 74.09.120 transfer to mental institution 71.05.525
71.05.260 Insurance coverage Law enforcement officers, training requirement
release or disposition 71.05.210 basic health plan 70.47.200, 70.47.201 interactions with individuals with mental
seventy-two hour period, computation Interstate compact on mental health Ch. 72.27 illness 43.101.227
71.05.180 Investigation of state employees and care Legal financial obligations
single-bed certification 71.05.745 providers 43.20A.710 mental health conditions, defendants with
single-bed certification for minors 71.34.420 Involuntary commitment 9.94A.777
temporary, for person refusing voluntary applicable laws 71.05.030, 71.05.040 Liability, exemption for treatment agencies
admission 71.05.050 assistance for released persons 71.05.350 71.05.120
temporary release 71.05.270 capacity needs for evaluation and treatment Malicious harassment 9A.36.080
time frame for evaluation, care requirements services, estimating 71.24.490 Medical assistance
71.05.210 conditional release 71.05.340 ambulance transport to treatment program,
transportation for persons not admitted corrections department supervision, persons reimbursement for 74.09.330
71.05.190 subject to border communities, contracts for medicaid
Developmental disabilities, persons with release of information to corrections services for 74.09.171
involuntary commitment 71.05.445 children, access to behavioral health services,
service plans to include habilitation services crisis responders, designated report 74.09.495
71.05.801 superseding designated mental health children, medication and care 74.09.490
involuntary commitment or detention professionals with Ch. 71.05, 71.05.760, children, program standards 74.09.521
71.05.040 Ch. 71.34 children, system of care Ch. 74.55
Discharge from evaluation and treatment facility data, reporting of 71.05.740 coverage upon release from confinement
or state hospital disclosure of commitment information 74.09.555
notice to designated mental health 74.09.295 foster care
professional office 71.05.435 duration limitation 71.05.320 behavioral health care and managed health
Disclosure of health care information 70.02.230, early release 71.05.330 care, integrated 74.09.860
70.02.240, 70.02.250, 70.02.260, 70.02.310, group disability insurance inmates in work release and similar programs,
70.02.320, 70.02.340 preauthorization requirement waived eligibility for medicaid coverage 74.09.672
Drug addiction, See ALCOHOLISM AND 48.21.242 institutional care, purchase, by contract
DRUG ADDICTION health care services contractors 74.09.120
Duty to warn of potential violent behavior preauthorization requirement waived jails, persons incarcerated in, federal
71.05.120 48.44.342 expenditure authority for services
Enhanced services facilities Ch. 70.97 individualized discharge plan 71.05.365 74.09.671
Escheats, limitation of actions for filing claim inpatient treatment, order modification managed care contracting to include chemical
tolled during disability 11.08.280 71.05.335 dependency and mental health services
Facilities, alternative, transportation to judicial proceedings, duty of court when 71.24.380, 74.09.522
ambulance services commitment recommendations not medical and behavioral health services,
work group concerning alternative facility followed 71.05.237 integrating medicaid purchasing and
guidelines 70.168.170 judicial services delivery of 74.09.758
Facilities, programs, and services, local sales and direct costs, audit and review of by Medical assistance, See also MENTAL
use tax for 82.14.530 legislative audit and review committee ILLNESS, subtitle Behavioral health
Facilities, public and private Ch. 72.23 71.05.732 services and organizations
Financial responsibility of reimbursement of county by behavioral Medical care services, eligibility for
modification or vacation of findings health organization for costs 71.05.730 mental health services, eligibility for
43.20B.350 reimbursement of county by behavioral 74.04.230
Fishing permits, group 77.32.550 health organizations for costs 71.34.415 Mental health
Funding for services and facilities 71.05.100, less restrictive alternatives 71.05.320 behavioral health system
71.05.530 liability of applicant 71.05.500, 71.05.510 tribal-centric 43.20A.897
Guardian, See GUARDIAN AND WARD, mental health professionals behavioral health system, adult
subtitle Appointment of guardian superseding with designated crisis improvement strategy 43.20A.895
Guardian or limited guardian responders Ch. 71.05, 71.05.760, Ch. Mental health advance directives
of estate, competency as witness 5.60.030 71.34 fraudulent creation or revocation 9A.60.060
habeas corpus writ granted to 7.36.020 outpatient treatment 71.05.340 generally Ch. 71.32
partition proceedings prosecuting attorney and attorney general, informed consent 7.70.068
consent by 7.52.470 duties 71.05.130 uniform power of attorney act, chapter 11.125
proceeds of sale received by 7.52.460 psychiatric hospital beds, new, addition of RCW, relation to directives 71.32.020,
Habeas corpus, granting of writ to guardian or hospital certificate of need requirements 71.32.050, 71.32.060, 71.32.100,
limited guardian 7.36.020 exemption, when 70.38.260 71.32.180, 71.32.200, 71.32.260
Harrison Memorial Hospital as multi-use facility use requirements for beds, when 70.38.270 Minors
72.29.010 records maintained 71.05.140 generally, including commitment, treatment,
Home or crisis visit, health professional or release from involuntary treatment 71.05.325 and court proceedings Ch. 71.34
intervention worker 71.05.700, 71.05.705, rights of committed person 71.05.217, mental health and substance use disorder
71.05.710, 71.05.715, 71.05.720 71.05.360, 71.05.520 treatment systems, integrating
Housing trust fund Involuntary outpatient evaluation 71.05.150 crisis responders, designated Ch. 71.34
affordable housing advisory board 43.185.110 Involuntary treatment system Nonresidents, return to state of residence Ch.
Incapacitated adults integrating with substance use disorder 72.25
mental health advance directives treatment system Offenders
relation to power of attorney 71.32.050, crisis responders, designated, role of Ch. community treatment and services, access
71.32.060, 71.32.100, 71.32.260 71.05, 71.05.760, Ch. 71.34 71.24.450, 71.24.455, 71.24.460
uniform power of attorney act, chapter evaluation of effect, institute for public corrections mental health center
11.125 RCW, relation to directives policy to conduct 71.05.810 research, training, and treatment services
71.32.020, 71.32.050, 71.32.060, Judgments or orders against, vacation or 72.09.350
71.32.100, 71.32.180, 71.32.200, modification of court-ordered treatment 71.05.132, 72.09.315
71.32.260 ground 4.72.010 court-ordered treatment or supervision,
Indecent liberties by health care providers limitation of action exception 4.72.030 information-sharing concerning 4.24.558
9A.44.100 motion for 4.72.010 criminal insanity, evaluation procedure
Insane petition, by 4.72.030 71.05.212, 71.05.214
commitment applications, court Jurors, unsoundness of mind, ground for dangerous
commissioners power to hear and challenging of 4.44.160 case management and other services
determine 2.24.040 Juvenile offenders 71.24.470
Institutes for study and treatment of mental mental disorder or chemical dependency, postrelease treatment and support services
disorders detention of juvenile with 13.40.042 plan 72.09.370
establishment and purposes 72.23.025 mental health or chemical dependency treatment services, liability limitation
Institutional care disposition alternative 13.40.165 71.24.480

(2016 Ed.) [RCW Indexpage 435]


discharge from state hospital 71.05.232 definitions 71.09.020 product stewardship programs
evaluation by mental health professional medical care 71.09.085 account 70.275.130
71.05.157 petition for classification immunity from antitrust liability 70.275.170
less restrictive alternatives 71.05.145, filing 71.09.030 listing of participating producers on
71.05.575 hearing, judicial determination 71.09.040 department of ecology web site
medical assistance probable cause determination 71.09.040 70.275.110
coverage upon release from confinement release mandatory producer participation
74.09.555 notice to prosecuting attorney 71.09.025 70.275.090
mental health services information, release release of information authorized 71.09.120 producers of mercury-containing lights
72.09.585 social and health services, department of 70.275.030
notification to treatment providers at time of conditional release, requirements 71.09.112 proposed plans, submission by producers
release 72.10.060 disclosures to prosecuting agency 71.09.111 70.275.040
offender reentry community safety program jurisdiction 71.09.112 rules, establishment by department of
72.09.370 special commitment center 71.09.060, ecology 70.275.040
plan for postrelease treatment and support 71.09.080 written warning to nonparticipating
services for dangerous offenders special commitment center, transfer of producers, penalty 70.275.100,
72.09.380, 72.09.381 indigent defense services to office of public 70.275.110
screening and assessment process, integrated defense 2.70.025, 2.70.900 rules, adoption by department of ecology
and comprehensive transition facilities adoption, report, other department duties
use by department of corrections 72.09.755 generally, including procedures, less 70.275.140
transfer from facilities Ch. 72.68 restrictive alternative placements, and utilities and transportation commission,
Partition proceedings conditional release Ch. 71.09 application of chapter to 70.275.150
consent to partition by guardian or limited operational advisory boards 71.09.320 Mercury-containing lights product stewardship
guardian 7.52.470 trial program
guardian may receive proceeds of sale determination as sexually violent predator termination, repeal 43.131.421, 43.131.422
7.52.460 71.09.060 Reduction and education Ch. 70.95M
Patients records rights of parties 71.09.050
corrections department supervision, persons Social and health services, department of MERGERS
subject to responsibilities for mental health Ch. 71.05, Banks, See BANKS AND BANKING, subtitle
release of information to corrections Ch. 72.06 Merger, consolidation or conversion
71.05.445 Students, See SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL Corporations, See CORPORATIONS, subtitle
sexually violent predators DISTRICTS, subtitle Mental health Merger
disclosures to prosecuting agency by Substance use disorder, See ALCOHOLISM Drainage districts, merger with irrigation
department of social and health services AND DRUG ADDICTION districts 87.03.720
71.09.111 Suicide, See SUICIDE Fish marketing associations 24.36.090
Personal representative, disqualified to act as in Tolling of statute of limitations of actions Insurance companies
probate 11.36.010 4.16.190 generally 48.31.010
Pistols, delivery to mentally ill person prohibited coexistent disabilities 4.16.260 mutuals 48.09.350
9.41.080 when disability must exist 4.16.250 reciprocals 48.10.330
Prisoners, mental health services information Treatment records Irrigation districts
disclosure 9.94A.500 access under false pretenses, penalty diking and drainage improvement districts
Private institutions or establishments, See 71.05.680 85.08.830, 85.08.840, 85.08.850,
HOSPITALS FOR MENTAL ILLNESS court files and records closed 71.05.620 85.08.860, 85.08.870, 85.08.880,
Psychologists, licensing and regulation Ch. 18.83 privileged communications unaffected 85.08.890
Rape by health care provider 9A.44.050 71.05.660 drainage districts, merger with, generally
Recreation therapy Ch. 18.230 Violent offenders 87.03.720, 87.03.725, 87.03.730,
Regional service areas release, leave, transfer, or escape, notice 87.03.735, 87.03.740, 87.03.745
establishment 43.20A.893 requirements 71.05.425 merger of smaller districts into larger districts
managed care integration, reporting on Voluntary commitment 87.03.530, 87.03.845, 87.03.847,
71.24.850 person refusing, temporary detention for 87.03.849, 87.03.851, 87.03.853,
Respectful language requirements 71.05.050 87.03.855, 87.04.058
RCW references 44.04.280 rights and procedures 71.05.050 water rights, existing rights not impaired
Restraining of, use of force, when lawful rights of committed person 71.05.380 87.03.857
9A.16.020 Voting rights, loss of 11.88.010, 11.88.090 water-sewer districts, merger with, generally
Rights of confined persons 71.05.217, 71.05.360, Witnesses 87.03.720, 87.03.725
71.05.520 effect on competency of witness 5.60.050 Water-sewer districts
Service coordination organizations guardian or limited guardian of estate, generally Ch. 57.36
contract outcomes and performance measures competency as witness 5.60.030 merger with irrigation districts 87.03.720
Ch. 70.320

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