Skid Resistance
Skid Resistance
Skid Resistance
This paper reports the principle, procedure, and results acquired while
conducting the Skid Resistance test. In this test, the skid resistance of a road
pavement is measured using a Portable Skid Resistance tester. This is the most
widely used method of measuring the skid resistance of the road pavement as it
is easy to handle. The road pavement selected are tested at three locations
which is at the centre, corner, and parking space. Three readings are taken at
each location to find the average. The test is conducted on dry and wet condition
of the pavement. It is important to note that the higher skid resistance, the lower
chance of skidding. The significance of this study is that the results will be able
to determine the skid resistance on a road pavement so that safety measures
can be taken if the skid resistance is too low.
Keywords: skid resistance, road pavement, skidding
A crucial factor or requirement for highway engineer with a practical
road pavement is that is should means of obtaining reliable scientific
possess adequate skid resistance. evidence on which to take
Skid resistance is important for road appropriate measures to reduce
safety. With skid resistance it allows skidding
better grip between the tyres of a
Skid resistance is road surface
vehicle and the road surface. Most
property which characterises road
road surfaces have adequate skid
pavement roughness, impact on
resistance in dry conditions
friction forces when the pavement is
compared to wet conditions. The
exposed to the wheel load. Friction is
presence of water between tyres and
described as a movement resistance
road surface reduces the contact
of two surfaces in at their contact
area which are needed to create the
location. Friction is expressed via
grip. This method describes the
friction coefficient which is a sum
procedure for determining the
value of two acting forces, one is
frictional properties (skid resistance
parallel to contact surface between
value) of a pavement surface using a
two bodies and opposite to their
Portable Skid Resistance tester. The
movement direction (friction force),
instrument, which gives a measure of
and other acting force is
friction between a skidding tyre and
perpendicular to the contact surface
dry/wet road surface in low speed
(normal force)
situation (<50km/h). It provides the
Most accurate results can only be
obtained if the procedures are Kane, M.; Scharnigg, K. 2009. Report
conducted carefully without on different parameters influencing
mistakes. In this experiment, we skid resistance, rolling resistance and
must make sure the Portable noise emissions. TYROSAFE project
Pendulum Skid Resistance tester is deliverable D10, 95 p.
balanced and stationery for as long
as taking the readings at one
location. Make sure the apparatus
does not move away from its original
position to ensure the rubber slider Skid Resistance Test & Sand Patch
contacts the same surface for all Test. URL:
readings at one location. Then, to
avoid parallax errors, be sure to read resistance-test-sand-patch-test-_-
the measurements on eye level. pavement-engineering-_-uthm-_-
Another step that could be done to sami-jamal-humaid/
minimize the error is to take more
readings, such as eight or ten
readings for each location and Evaluation of skid resistance
condition. characteristics and measurement
methods report. URL:
CONCLUSION VIRO_2014/Articles/4/141_Andriejaus
Based on the test conducted, the
skid resistance value at the center of
the road is 17.2 for dry surface and Skid Resistance, British Pendulum
13.3 for wet surface, at the car park Tester and Full Scale Tyre Friction
is 17.4 for dry surface and 11.0 for Test.
wet surface, and at the edge of the URL:
road is 19.3 for dry surface and 10.7
for wet surface respectively. s/lab_note_8_skid_resistance_test_an