Drymix Conference Yearbook 2007
Drymix Conference Yearbook 2007
Drymix Conference Yearbook 2007
For many years hydrophobisation agents have been the me- modified with polymer binders and special powdery additives
dia of choice in order to protect masonry facades and building such as hydrophobizing agents (water repellents). At present
surfaces against moisture and destruction by weathering the- metal salts of fatty acids are widely used as water repellents in
reby leading to an increased lifetime. dry mortars and represent the largest group of hydrophobi-
In the beginning, hydrophobizing systems to be applied exter- zing additives. Particularly in regard to long term performance,
nally on the final constructed parts and outside structures were metal salts of fatty acids exhibit some weaknesses. With this
the first to successfully enter the market. However, although ex- paper we would like to introduce newly developed powdery
ternal hydrophobisation still accounts for the major share in the hydrophobizing additives. These additives are composed of si-
above mentioned applications, integral hydrophobisation en- lane/siloxane blends based on an inorganic carrier to be easily
joys increasing popularity and accpetance. In other words buil- applied to drymix systems. As powdery water repellents they
ding protection is already taken into consideration during the provide superior performance compared to metal salts of fatty
actual construction phase. On the other hand dry mortars ha- acids and are easy to handle and dose. Due to their unique
ve gained importance in the construction industry over the chemical design they provide outstanding water repellence
past decades as they lead to increased productivity and im- and excellent beading along with true long term performance
proved quality. In order to improve product quality and to and sustainably protect buildings and architectural construc-
meet all kinds of specific requirements, dry mortars are tions.
1 Introduction
Stefan Stadtmller is Head of Applied Technologies for
Goldschmidt Industrial Specialties, a business line within
Degussa since 2006. Based in Essen, he is responsible for
the technical service group and product development.
Prior to this he held various positions in other industries
such as Plastics or Lubricants.
In order to effectively control humidity in the ma- The volume of certain salts increases by reversibly
sonry, different water absorption mechanisms need absorbing crystallisation water.
to be considered. Construction defects, destroyed Damages to the surface and the interior of the ma-
joints, cracks and non-existing insulation give ac- sonry, where crystallisation pressures cause structu-
cess to moisture. Via defective or non-existing hori- ral cracks, are the consequences. Through these
zontal insulation, moisture can rise in capillary form cracks water penetration is accelerated, thereby in-
in the masonry. Capillary action (Fig.4) in the porous creasing the damp zones and becoming an ideal
substrates leads to a fast and high water uptake in medium for the development of micro-organisms
masonry. This process is accelerated through the which may further worsen the damage.
condensation of air humidity when the tempera- Moisture in the masonry may cause paints and ren-
ture falls below the thaw point in cold areas, as well ders to peel off, mainly due to freeze/thaw stress.
as the condensation of water vapour when the tem- Moreover, powdery surfaces as well as the cracking
perature rises above the thaw point. of joints and stone surfaces reduce the strength of
Infiltration of ground water might additionally oc- the masonry. Reduction of the heat insulation and
cur in the basement area if insulation is insufficient. thus increased costs for energy are secondary ef-
Salt blooming is the most apparent moisture-indu- fects.
ced damage. Salts which are contained in the buil-
ding material are dissolved by penetrating water To summarize: Water is one of the major causes for
and reach the surface where the water evaporates structural damage to building materials in the
and the salts crystallise. Salts in the masonry are hy- course of time. The results range from total destruc-
drophilic centres which may cause damp zones. tion to expensive restoration of the affected buil-
Fig. 4:
dings. The attack of mould and fungus is not only ing techniques or with rollers and brushes. These
unpleasant but also poses a health risk. are post completion techniques which means that
the finished architectural structure is being treated.
Although external treatment still accounts for
rotection against water the major share of hydrophobization applications,
Hydrophobizing agents integral hydrophobization enjoys increasing
acceptance. In other words building protection is
Being aware of all the damages that can be caused already taken into consideration during the cons-
by water and moisture the requirements for a good truction phase e.g. via appropriate dry mortars for-
protection can be described as follows: mulations.
Reduction of water absorption
Effective protection from heavy wind and driven
rain 4 Hydrophobizing agents in dry mortar
High penetration depth of the water repellent formulations
Prevention of efflorescence
Protection against de-icing salts Nowadays advanced dry mortar products are availa-
Reduction of dirt build-up ble to the construction industry. In contrast to job-
No adverse effects on the appearance of the site mortars modern drymix mortars are produced
substrate in special factories. Drymix technology can be de-
No significant reduction of the vapour permea- scribed as highly controlled process of pre-blen-
bility ding and batching of all the necessary ingredients.
Over the past decades drymix technology has been
Although many different types of water repellents displacing the job-site technology since it provides
are available in the market, for the last decades sili- numerous advantages which are crucial for modern
cone based products as silicone resins, silanes and and efficient construction works. Different types of
organomodified siloxanes proved to be the best so- mortar can be produced with well-defined proper-
lution. No other chemistry fulfils simultaneously as ties to achieve reproduceable performance of high
many of the above mentioned requirements. quality. Only water needs to be added at the site. A
With respect to concrete structures impregnation high level of consistency and reliability is achieved
with silanes/siloxanes based water repellents
strongly reduces water penetration which is the
most important measure. Such products may be
used as 100 % product, dilution in white spirit or as
environmentally friendly aqueous emulsion. Due to
the difference in surface tension between water (72
mN m-1) and silicones (22 mN m-1) water cannot pe-
netrate into the impregnated areas. In contrast to
other water repellents silicone based products do
not negatively affect the permeability (openness of
pores) and the air exchange (breathability) of buil-
ding materials [2].
For faade impregnation hydrophobizing agents
can be applied by means of flooding, airless spray-
Table 1: Characteristics / Chemistry:
Preparation of test specimen mould to avoid any interference. Before testing the-
In order to test the individual hydrophobizing se specimen they were left for 2 days at 23C and
agents they were incorporated in standard drymix 90% relative humidity and for further 26 days at
formulations as subsequently described. The formu- 23C and 50% relative humidity.
lations were used to prepare test specimen e.g.
mortar blocks as shown in Fig.5.
All solid components of the dry mortar formulation Water-uptake according to UNI 10859 (similar to
(Table 2) were premixed, including the cement, DIN 52617)
sand, filler, the water repellent (dosage = 0.2 - 0. 5 %; The test specimen were dried in an oven and then
referring to the total amount of dry material) and kept on a water saturated polyurethane soft foam
other additives. To this premix 3/4 of the total (density 25-30 g/l). The water absorption is determi-
amount of water is added under continuous stirring ned in mg/cm by weighing the specimen after 10
in a Hobart-Mixer. After complete addition of water min, 20 min, 30 min, 60 min, 4 h, 6 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h.
stirring is continued for additional three minutes. The higher the water absorption the worse is the
From each formulation four test specimen were performance regarding water repellence.
prepared. No release agents were used on the Test results
The beading performance of the individual hydro-
phobizing additives is shown in following table. For
comparison a test specimen not containing any wa-
ter repellent (control) was tested and beading per-
formance was rated 6 meaning that the water dro-
plet was totally adsorbed. In general the beading
Test specimen were prepared according to standard formulations for tile grouts, standard plaster and
Dispersible 1
Water repellent 0,20
Water 25
effect was more pronounced in tile grouts. While Fig. 5
Additive 1,2 and 4 show only moderate beading be- Test specimen for water
up-take measurement
haviour in the render and plaster, the beading be-
were placed on a water
haviour of Additive 3 is excellent in all three formu- saturated PU-foam. The
lations. specimen in the upper
half is untreated whereas
Water uptake the specimen lower half is
In Figures 8-10 the water up-take over a period of treated with Additive 3
48 h is shown, again for comparison a test specimen
based on a standard formulation not containing
any hydrophobizing agent (control) was used.
The tile grout control specimen (Fig.8) started im-
mediately to absorb water reaching a plateau due
to total saturation already after 4 h. For Additive 1
the saturation was reached after about 24 h. With As for the plaster specimen (Fig.9) the water up-
Additives 3 and 4 even after 48 h the water up-take take generally was much faster reaching the full
was still as low as approx. 50 % of the maximum up- load for the control already after about 10 minutes.
take. However none of the tested additives was able to
The newly developed powder products provide Fig. 10: Water up-take of hydrophobized Standard Renders
mortars with outstanding long time resistance
against penetrating water. In contrast, fatty acid de-
rivatives, e.g. stearates or oleates, do not exhibit any
durability and will suffer performance losses due to
wash out processes.
6 Conclusion