House Hearing, 108TH Congress - Free Electronic Filing and National Taxpayer Advocate Annual Report
House Hearing, 108TH Congress - Free Electronic Filing and National Taxpayer Advocate Annual Report
House Hearing, 108TH Congress - Free Electronic Filing and National Taxpayer Advocate Annual Report
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BILL THOMAS, California, Chairman
NANCY L. JOHNSON, Connecticut ROBERT T. MATSUI, California
WALLY HERGER, California SANDER M. LEVIN, Michigan
DAVE CAMP, Michigan JIM MCDERMOTT, Washington
SAM JOHNSON, Texas RICHARD E. NEAL, Massachusetts
PHIL ENGLISH, Pennsylvania XAVIER BECERRA, California
PAUL RYAN, Wisconsin
ALLISON H. GILES, Chief of Staff
JANICE MAYS, Minority Chief Counsel
AMO HOUGHTON, New York, Chairman
MARK FOLEY, Florida JOHN S. TANNER, Tennessee
PAUL RYAN, Wisconsin
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Advisory of February 6, 2003, announcing the hearing ....................................... 2
Internal Revenue Service:
Hon. Robert E. Wenzel, accompanied by Terry Lutes, Director, Electronic
Tax Administration .......................................................................................... 6
Nina E. Olson, National Taxpayer Advocate ..................................................... 30
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In view of the limited time available to hear witnesses, oral testimony at this
hearing will be from invited witnesses only. Witnesses will include Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) Acting Commissioner Robert Wenzel, the National Taxpayer Advocate
Nina Olson, Electronic Tax Administration Director Terence Lutes, and Electronic
Tax Administration Advisory Committee Chairman Kevin Belden. However, any in-
dividual or organization not scheduled for an oral appearance may submit a written
statement for consideration by the Committee and for inclusion in the printed
record of the hearing.
In announcing the hearing, Chairman Houghton said: We will hear about the
new initiative that allows more taxpayers to file their taxes for free over the Inter-
net. This will substantially increase the number of people filing their taxes elec-
tronicallybenefiting taxpayers and the IRS. I also look forward to a discussing
ways to improve our tax laws and streamline the functioning of the IRS with Nina
Olson, National Tax Payer Advocate.
The hearing will focus on the IRS Free Filing initiative, electronic tax administra-
tion, and the National Taxpayer Advocates annual report.
Please Note: Due to the change in House mail policy, any person or organization
wishing to submit a written statement for the printed record of the hearing should
send it electronically to [email protected], along with a
fax copy to (202) 2252610, by the close of business, Thursday, February 27, 2003.
Those filing written statements who wish to have their statements distributed to
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the press and interested public at the hearing should deliver their 200 copies to the
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Opening Statement of the Honorable Amo Houghton, a Representative in
Congress from the State of New York, and Chairman, Subcommittee on
Good afternoon. Today we are going to learn about an innovative agreement that
the IRS has entered into with the private sector to bring free electronic filing to mil-
lions of taxpayers this year: the Free File Initiative. Both government and tax-
payers will benefit. Many taxpayers will no longer have to pay an average of $12.50
per return to e-file and they will receive tax refunds in an average of 14 days, in-
stead of four to six weeks. The government will benefit from reduced errors and
processing costs. Last year, 47 million taxpayers filed their tax returns electroni-
cally, and the Initiative should lead to millions of additional e-filed returns.
Before us today on our first panel is one of Americas most dedicated public serv-
ants, Bob Wenzel, who is now the Acting Commissioner of the IRS. Mr. Wenzel was
nearing what he thought was the end of a thirty-five year career with the IRS when
incoming Commissioner Charles Rossotti asked him to reconsider his retirement
plans. To his creditand to our great benefitMr. Wenzel took up Mr. Rossottis
offer and served an additional 5 years as Deputy Commissioner. It has now been
over 40 years since Bob Wenzel first joined the IRS. Few individuals can point to
such a long and distinguished career in public service. He is truly an example for
us all.
Also on our agenda is a review of the National Taxpayer Advocates Annual Re-
port to Congress. As was the case last year, Nina Olsons report is an excellent and
invaluable resource. Due to the leadership of Ms. Olson and her predecessors, the
Taxpayer Advocate has become the tax systems most effective guarantor of tax-
payer procedural rights. She has brought us a number of very thoughtful rec-
ommendations that we will review today.
I would now like to yield to a good friend of mine, the Subcommittees Ranking
Member, Mr. Pomeroy from North Dakota.
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Opening Statement of the Honorable Earl Pomeroy, a Representative in
Congress from the State of North Dakota
I am honored to have been elected as the Ranking Member on the Ways and
Means Oversight Subcommittee. Working with Chairman Houghton, on a bipartisan
basis, we will monitor the tax, health, Social Security, trade and human resource
issues within the Committees jurisdiction. This is a challenge I proudly accept.
It is appropriate that our first hearing of the 108th Congress focus on the Internal
Revenue Service. Clearly, the IRS must administer our tax laws in a fair and effi-
cient manner and the Subcommittee is responsible for overseeing its operation. I
look forward to todays discussion of the IRS new tax return Free File Program
and the Taxpayer Advocates annual report to the Congress.
The Free File Program is designed to provide low-income taxpayers with a no-cost
way to prepare and electronically transmit their tax returns to the IRS. I support
this initiative which is new for the 2003 tax return filing season. As we proceed,
I want to make sure that taxpayers have easy access to the Free File Program and
that the initiative works as intended.
Finally, I am pleased to receive the Taxpayer Advocates Annual Report on IRS
operations. I look forward to working with the Subcommittee to address the issues
raised by this study. I am particularly interested in pursuing the legislative rec-
ommendation designed to better enable married couples, who own a farm or other
small business, to file a simplified tax return. By simplifying the process of report-
ing, both spouses will be eligible for Social Security and Medicare benefits and avoid
tax penalties for incorrect filings. I will continue to seek the assistance of my local
Taxpayer Advocate from Fargo, North Dakota as the Subcommittee considers this
I thank Chairman Houghton for scheduling this important hearing and look for-
ward to the testimony of the hearing witnesses.
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Ms. TUBBS JONES. Well, I would like, thank you, Mr. Chair-
man. I would likegood afternoon. This is my first Subcommittee
on Oversight hearing. I have managed to visit Health today, this
afternoon, and I am serving on Social Security and Select Revenue
Measures. I am glad to have an opportunity to meet you, Mr.
Wenzel, and you, Mr. Lutes, as well; look forward to having an op-
portunity to get to know this process a little more. I get lots of IRS
calls in my congressional office, so I will be glad to know who I can
pick up the phone and call and get some results. So, thank you
very, very much. Mr. Chairman, looking forward to serving with
you, sir.
Chairman HOUGHTON. Thank you very much.
Mr. Kleczka.
Mr. KLECZKA. Mr. Chairman, I dont have any opening com-
ment except to say it is good to be back to the Subcommittee on
Oversight after an absence serving on the Committee on Budget,
so, Mr. Chairman, you will have to put up with me for a couple of
Chairman HOUGHTON. Okay. That is great. Well, now I would
like to call the first panel, who are already there. Mr. Robert
Wenzel, who, as we said earlier, is the Acting Commissioner, and
then Mr. Terry Lutes, who is Director of the Electronic Tax Admin-
istration (ETA) of the IRS. I dont think you are going to be giving
any testimony, but you will be here; is that right, Mr. Lutes?
Mr. LUTES. Yes.
Chairman HOUGHTON. Okay. Mr. Acting Commissioner, the
floor is yours.
Mr. WENZEL. Mr. Chairman and distinguished Members of the
Subcommittee, thank you for this opportunity to discuss the joint
IRS-private sector Free File Initiative. Also let me thank you, Mr.
Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee, for your leadership
and efforts to promote electronic filing and make it available to
more taxpayers.
As you mention, accompanying me today is Mr. Terry Lutes, our
IRS Director of Electronic Tax Administration.
As you know, the IRS Restructuring Reform Act of 1998 man-
dated that at least 80 percent of individual tax returns be filed
electronically by the year 2007. We have certainly made progress
toward that goal. Last year 35.6 percent of individual returns were
e-filed, and this year we expect the number to climb to over 40 per-
cent. Nevertheless, even with a 16-percent annual growth rate, the
IRS would fall short of the 80-percent goal.
Now, to meet this ambitious objective, we must make it not only
technologically possible, but also attractive for practitioners and
taxpayers to make a permanent change to electronic filing. Cost to
the taxpayer has been a barrier to further e-file growth. For years
the IRS and the tax community would grapple with this issue and
had very little success resolving it. That has changed dramatically
with Free File.
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Free Files roots can be found in the Presidents fiscal year 2002
management agenda, which championed e-government services. We
were also guided by two principles; that is, no one should have to
pay to file, and secondly, the IRS should not get into the software
business. Through Free File, Americas taxpayers can now access
free online tax preparation and electronic filing services through, or Free File will be available this year through
April 15, and some companies will also offer free services through
October 15 for taxpayers needing an extension.
The partnership agreement requires that the Alliance as a whole
provide free tax preparation and filing to at least 60 percent of in-
dividual taxpayers, or approximately 78 million Americans. Many
are taxpayers who prepare their own taxes and still file paper re-
Initial Free File reports are very encouraging. As of February 5,
Alliance Members have processed and transmitted almost 639,000
tax returns. This represents approximately 23 percent of the total
2.9-million-e-filed returns.
Mr. Chairman, we are also absolutely committed to protecting
taxpayers privacy and confidentiality. Taxpayer information and
data will be protected, and the Alliance members must adhere to
IRS strict privacy standards. We even required each participating
company to obtain both a privacy and security seal certification.
We also took into consideration taxpayers who do not have access
to a computer. Low income should never be a barrier to quality
service, including free electronic filing. Free tax preparation and e-
file are available in many communities at our Volunteer Income
Tax Assistance and Tax Counseling for the Elderly sites. Volun-
teers there help prepare basic tax returns for low-income tax-
payers, the disabled, the elderly and non-English speakers. Indi-
vidual taxpayers with incomes of $35,000 or less can also receive
free income tax return preparation and e-file help at IRS tax as-
sistance centers around the country. We extend this courtesy re-
turn preparation to all taxpayers also qualifying for the earned in-
come tax credit (EITC).
Mr. Chairman, I also would like to stress that taxpayers are
under no obligation to purchase any product from the software
company or to use refund anticipation loans. Obtaining a fee-based
product is a decision left to the individual taxpayer. The Internal
Revenue Service as well as many of the Alliance company Web
sites also reminds taxpayers that those who e-file and use direct
deposit often receive their refunds in 10 days or less.
Mr. Chairman, in conclusion, Free File is a breakthrough for
Americas taxpayers. We are putting e-file within reach of millions
more taxpayers and delivering on our Presidents commitment to
put the needs of citizens first. This new program may be called
Free File, but what it gives to millions of taxpayers and our gov-
ernment is invaluable. Thank you.
[The prepared statement of Mr. Wenzel follows:]
Statement of the Honorable Robert E. Wenzel, Acting Commissioner,
Internal Revenue Service
Mr. Chairman, and distinguished Members of the Subcommittee, thank you for
this opportunity to discuss the joint IRS-private sector Free File initiative. Accom-
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panying me today is Mr. Terry Lutes, IRS Director of Electronic Tax Administra-
Before I begin my formal testimony, let me thank you, Mr. Chairman, for your
leadership and efforts to promote electronic filing and make it available to more tax-
payers. Working closely with you, the Subcommittee, the Administration and the
private sector, we are making steady progress to achieve congressionally mandated
e-file goals and to provide service to taxpayers on a par with the very best private
sector companies. Free File is a big step in that direction.
On January 16, 2003, the Treasury Department, the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) and the IRS launched a free on-line tax preparation and filing serv-
ice called Free File. It was made possible through a partnership agreement between
the IRS and the Free File Alliance, LLCa private sector consortium of tax soft-
ware companies. It could not have come a minute too soon.
The IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 (RRA 98) mandated that at least
80 percent of individual tax returns be filed electronically by 2007. Electronic filings
benefits are clear and compelling. Taxpayers and the IRS find it more convenient
and economical and less time consuming to do business electronically rather than
sending paper through the mail. Moreover, the government saves money, but the
real benefits are conveyed to the taxpayer. They include reduced preparation time,
faster refunds, accuracy of returns and acknowledgment of return receipt.
We have certainly come a long way from e-files humble beginnings. It began as
a pilot program in 1986 in three metropolitan areas with 25 thousand returns filed
electronicallya miniscule .02 percent of all returns filed. However, e-files growth
literally exploded, and last year, 35.6 percent of returns were e-filed. This year, we
expect that over 40 percent of all individual returns will be filed electronically.
Taxpayers can now e-file from their home computers or by using an authorized
provider. For those eligible, TeleFile, the IRS file-by-telephone system, is the easiest
way to go. To attract potential e-filers, we have added new features and enhance-
ments, such as direct deposit of refunds and payments by credit cards or electronic
funds withdrawal. Taxpayers in 37 States and the District of Columbia can e-file
their Federal and State tax return in one transmission to the IRS. Taxpayers who
need a filing extension can get one automatically by making a simple telephone call.
We are systematically removing the last few barriers to e-file to open up eligibility
to almost every taxpayer. For example, we recently published final regulations re-
placing the temporary ones published last year, enabling virtually all 1040 forms
and schedules to be filed electronically, without any paper signature document.
Mr. Chairman, I also want to note that the IRS is making progress to better serve
the business communitys electronic tax administration (ETA) needs. During FY
2002, over $1.6 trillion came in electronically through the Electronic Federal Tax
Payment System, which now includes an online option. In FY 2002, we received
more than 3.16 million 941 e-file program returns (Employers Quarterly Federal
Tax Return) and 863,000 returns for 941 TeleFile and On-Line Filing Programs. In
FY 2002, over 320,000 businesses used the 940 e-file Program (Employers Annual
Federal Unemployment Tax Return), and more than 21,000 partnerships chose 1065
e-file (U.S. Return of Partnership Income) in FY 2002.
We are also working on new initiatives to develop and mature other additional
electronic products and services for this important taxpayer segment. For example,
later this spring, businesses will be able to apply for an Employer Identification
Number online through We are also building a new e-file system that will
grow and serve taxpayers for years to come. Scheduled to start in 2004, it will ad-
dress the current systems limitation. For example, it will accept complex business
returns, such as 1120s (corporate income tax returns), eliminate software barriers
and resolve standardization issues, such as reject code and validations.
Clearly, we have made considerable progress towards RRA 98s ETA goals. In ad-
dition, improved electronic exchange of information with taxpayers and practitioners
also advances all three of the IRS strategic goals: service to each taxpayer, service
to all taxpayers and productivity through a quality work environment. In its Decem-
ber 2002 report to you on the 2002 Filing Season, the General Accounting Office
The number of individual tax returns filed electronically grew from about
40.2 million in 2001 to about 46.9 million in 2002, an increase of about 16.5
percent, and the percentage of individual tax returns filed electronically
reached 35.9 percent. This 16.5-percent increase over the number of returns
received electronically in 2001 was more than the IRSs goal of 15 percent
and continued the upward trend in the number of returns filed electronically
since 1995. IRS took some positive steps, including an increased focus on
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taxpayers and tax practitioners who prepare returns on computer but file on
paper, that helped it achieve that increase and that could lead to further in-
creases in the future.
Nevertheless, even with a 16 percent annual growth rate, the IRS would fall short
of Congress extremely challenging 80-percent goal. To meet this ambitious objec-
tive, we must make it not only technologically possible, but also attractive to both
practitioners and taxpayers to make a permanent change from paper to electronic
filing. For example, to build practitioner interest, the IRS will offer later this year
a suite of electronic services, such as disclosure authorization, transcript delivery
and account resolution, to tax practitioners who file a certain number of returns
electronically. The Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee (ETAAC) ob-
served in its 2002 report to Congress that these types of e-services are a major in-
centive for practitioners to e-file their clients returns. The Administration also un-
dertook several initiatives to build taxpayer interest. For example, in addition to
Free File, the President proposed a major incentive in his FY 2004 budget that
would extend to April 30 the due date for returns filed and paid electronically.
However, e-file cost was a far more complex problem. IRS research and GAO re-
ports identified cost as an impediment to further e-file growth. Notwithstanding the
many advantages of preparing and filing a tax return electronically, some taxpayers
are deterred by cost, or find it prohibitive. For years, the IRS and the tax commu-
nity would grapple with this issue and had little success resolving it. That changed
dramatically with Free File.
Free Files roots can be found in the Presidents FY 2002 Management Agenda.
It contained five Government-wide initiatives, one of which was to expand electronic
government. The overarching goal was to champion citizen-centered electronic gov-
ernment that will result in major improvement in the Federal Governments value
to the citizen.
Subsequently, in November 2001, OMBs Quicksilver Task Force established 24
e-government initiatives as part of the Presidents Management Agenda. These ini-
tiatives were designed to improve government-to-government, government-to-busi-
ness, and government-to-citizen electronic capabilities.
One initiative instructed the IRS to provide free online tax return preparation and
filing services to taxpayers. In accordance with this OMB directive, the IRS began
working in partnership with the tax software industry to develop a solution. Two
principles would guide its development: no one should be forced to pay extra to file
his or her return and the IRS should not get into the software business.
The IRS believes that private industry, given its established expertise and experi-
ence in the field of electronic tax preparation, has a proven track record in providing
the best technology and services available. Rather than entering the tax software
business, IRS partnership with private industry will: (1) provide taxpayers with
higher quality services by using the existing private sector expertise; (2) maximize
consumer choice; (3) promote competition within the marketplace; and (4) meet
these objectives at the least cost to taxpayers.
The President stated in the preface to his Management Agenda that good begin-
nings are not the measure of success. What matters in the end is completion. . . .
Not just making promises, but making good on promises. That is exactly what the
Free File partnership didit made good on its commitment and delivered for tax-
Through the Free File Alliance, LLC (the Alliance), Americas taxpayers can now
access free, online tax preparation and electronic filing services through our rede-
signed Web site at, which received 3.2 billion hits last year, or by going
to These free services will be available this year through April 15,
2003. Some companies will also offer free services through October 15, 2003 to ac-
commodate taxpayers who may need an extension.
The partnership agreement requires that the Alliance as a whole provide free tax
preparation and filing to at least 60 percent, or approximately 78 million American
taxpayers. The primary candidates for Free File are those taxpayers who prepare
their own taxes and still file paper returns. Last filing season, the IRS received
nearly 85 million paper returns and nearly 47 million e-filed returns.
Each participating software company sets its own eligibility requirements. Gen-
erally, these requirements may be one, or any combination of the following: (1) age;
(2) Tax Year 2002 Adjusted Gross Income; (3) eligibility to file Form 1040EZ; (4)
eligibility to claim the Earned Income Credit; (5) State residency; and (6) active duty
military status (if applicable). Unless noted, if the taxpayer is married and filing
jointly, only one taxpayer must meet the eligibility requirement.
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Initial Free File reports are most encouraging. As of February 5, Alliance mem-
bers have processed and transmitted almost 639,000 tax returns. This represents
approximately 23 percent of the total 2.8 million on-line e-filed returns. The Alliance
partners will report the number of Free File returns to us on a monthly basis.
Mr. Chairman, I want to stress that Free File differs markedly from the free e-
filing that some companies offered to select taxpayer groups for several years. It is
far better in a number of key areas.
First, it is a multi-year agreement between the IRS and the Free File Alliance
that provides free services to millions more taxpayers. Previously, free offers were
not consistently available and were subject to modification or discontinuation from
year to year.
Second, taxpayers will have easier access. The Free File Web page hosted on provides in a single location a list of all free offerings.
Third, Alliance members will offer both free preparation and e-file service. The
taxpayer will incur no cost. Previously, some companies charged for preparation
(filling out forms and tax calculations) while offering the transmission free, or pro-
vided the preparation free while charging for transmission, or some variation there-
of. Under the Free File Agreement, both are free to eligible taxpayers.
Fourth, there will be oversight. The Alliance will be managed by the Council for
the Electronic Revenue Communication Advancement (CERCA). The IRS will also
monitor the progress of each Alliance member. Should any problems develop, the
members are required to alert the IRS. If appropriate, the IRS will remove the com-
pany from the online listing until the problem is resolved.
Before I discuss the actual workings of Free File, I want to reemphasize that the
IRS does not formally or tacitly endorse any of the products or services that any
of the Alliance companies may offer taxpayers. This is a private matter between the
companies and taxpayers. Moreover, using Free File is not contingent on a taxpayer
accepting any of these offers. The key word in Free File is free.
Upon arrival to the Free File page within, the taxpayer must determine
eligibility for using a particular companys free service. This can be done two ways.
First, the taxpayer may browse the complete listing of Alliance members and their
free services. Or, a taxpayer can use a questionnaire application (the Free File
Wizard) designed to assist the taxpayer to identify those free services for which he
or she may qualify.
Each Alliance member will identify its company name and will have a simple de-
scription of the criteria for using its free service. Each Alliance members company
or product name will also be linked to additional information about the company
and/or services. Not all taxpayers will be eligible for these free services.
Upon determining eligibility, the taxpayer can link directly to that Alliance mem-
bers free service by clicking their Start Now link. Upon doing so, taxpayers will
be notified they are leaving the Web site and are entering the Alliance mem-
bers Web site.
The companys software will prepare and e-file the taxpayers returns using pro-
prietary processes and systems. The company will then transmit the electronically-
filed return to the IRS using the established e-file system, which uses secure tele-
phone lines. Lastly, the company will e-mail the taxpayer an acknowledgment file,
notifying the taxpayer that the return has been either accepted or rejected.
As part of the Agreement, Alliance members will provide appropriate customer
service to their clients. Taxpayers who have service questions or are experiencing
problems with the services being offered by a particular Alliance members software
should contact the customer service function of that particular company. In the
event a taxpayer contacts the IRS first, our customer service representatives will
have contact information for each Alliance member and if necessary, will refer ac-
Mr. Chairman, I want to underscore that Free Files benefits are identical to those
of e-file. They bear repeating: (1) reduced tax return preparation time; (2) faster re-
funds; (3) accuracy of returns; and (4) acknowledgement of return receipt. In other
words, the use of free tax preparation software is comparable to the Alliance mem-
bers paid products.
Mr. Chairman, privacy and security are paramount considerations in all of IRS
electronic services, including Free File. We are absolutely committed to protecting
taxpayer privacy and confidentiality. Taxpayer information and data will be pro-
tected and the Alliance members must adhere to IRS strict privacy standards. To
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ensure taxpayer data safety, we required each participating company to obtain both
a privacy and security seal certification.
These programs, administered by third party providers, certify that taxpayer re-
turn information will be protected from unauthorized access during the tax prepara-
tion process. We also encourage taxpayers to visit the companys privacy and secu-
rity policy located on their commercial Web site.
Indeed, taxpayer security and privacy are woven throughout the Free File process.
Tax return preparation is accomplished using proprietary software approved by the
IRS. Transmittal is through the established IRS e-file system. As I mentioned, each
Alliance member must obtain a third party privacy and security certification. Alli-
ance members must also comply with all Federal rules and regulations on taxpayer
privacy for paying and free customers. These rules prohibit use of tax return data
for purposes not specifically authorized by the taxpayer.
Finally, the information taxpayers provide through the Free File Wizard will be
used solely to help taxpayers select a free service; thereafter it will be deleted. The
IRS only retains the officially-filed return information.
Mr. Chairman, as I previously discussed, Free File is premised in part on the
principle that no one should have to pay to file a return. That includes taxpayers
who do not have access to a computer. Low income should never be a barrier to
quality service, including free electronic filing.
Free tax preparation and e-file are available in many communities through the
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE)
programs. Volunteers help prepare basic tax returns for low-income taxpayers, per-
sons with disabilities, the elderly, and non-English speaking people. Taxpayers can
call 18008291040 to find their nearest VITA or TCE site. They may also call
AARPthe largest TCE participantat 18772277669 to see if there is a Tax
Aide site in their community.
However, Free File will not normally be used at VITA sites for a number of rea-
sons. First, we train our thousands of volunteers to use one standard software pack-
age, versus the many different ones offered by the Alliance companies. This consist-
ency is both cost efficient and produces a much higher accuracy rate in the volun-
teers preparation of taxpayer returns. In fact, we currently enjoy a 98 percent accu-
racy rate at the VITA sites. Second, we transmit large batches of e-file returns at
VITA sites; usually 50100 at a time. Free File is oriented towards the individual
taxpayer and was not intended for such high volume use. Third, some VITA sites
do not have access to the Internet so Free File is not an option.
Individual taxpayers with incomes of $35,000 or less can also receive free income
tax return preparation and e-file help at IRS Tax Assistance Centers (TACs). We
extend this courtesy return preparation service to all taxpayers qualifying for the
Earned Income Tax Credit, without placing the government in competition with pri-
vate industry. All of these returns are e-filed; we do not deal with paper individual
returns. Taxpayers whose income or preparation needs exceed the basic service will
receive service options, such as referrals to local volunteer organizations.
To better serve low-income taxpayers, the IRS Stakeholder Partnership, Edu-
cation and Communication (SPEC) organization is establishing extensive partner-
ships with external groups such as local governments, non-profit organizations, pri-
vate for-profit businesses, and others to create community coalitions. We are focus-
ing our limited resources on providing technical expertise and training while encour-
aging the community partners to supply resources such as volunteers, space and
computer equipment. This business model has rapidly gained national recognition
and acceptance.
Our goal is to make our partners as self-sufficient as possible and to identify those
organizations that could make available needed resources. This new approach allows
the IRS to expand access to low-income taxpayers, provide greater free tax return
preparation and filing, and sustain these services over time.
Mr. Chairman, as previously noted, taxpayers are under no obligation to purchase
any product from the software company (some participating companies do not offer
such services) or to use Refund Anticipation Loans. Obtaining a fee-based product
is a decision left to the individual taxpayer. The IRS, as well as many of the Alli-
ance company Web sites, also remind taxpayers that those who e-file and use direct
deposit often receive their refunds in 10 days or less.
Mr. Chairman, in conclusion, Free File is a breakthrough for Americas taxpayers.
We are putting e-file within reach of millions more taxpayers and delivering on the
Presidents commitment to put the needs of citizens first. In addition, we are fol-
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lowing up on our commitment to provide taxpayers with top quality service. And
we are making the best use of the taxpayers dollars by processing returns faster
and at a lower cost. This new program may be called Free File, but what it gives
to millions of taxpayers and our government is invaluable. Thank you.
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some taxpayers have traditionally sought refund anticipation loans as a way to get
their refunds even faster. The practice of using tax refunds as loan collateral goes
back many years, predating the advent of electronic filing. We anticipate that with
the rollout of the Customer Account Data Engine over the next several years tax-
payers will be able to receive refunds in a week or less, thus, reducing the demand
for refund anticipation loans.
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Taxpayers and government tax agencies are not the only players in the tax ad-
ministration life cycle. Third party tax practitioners and tax software developers are
key links in the value chain. Tax practitioners file 60% of all individual returns and
at least 85% of all business returns using tax software acquired from commercial
developers. Many of the returns prepared and filed by taxpayers themselves are pre-
pared using private sector tax software. The key challenge to increasing electronic
filing is to stimulate demand by taxpayers and tax preparers. That, in turn, is de-
pendent on increasing the value of electronic filing for taxpayers and the IRS third
party partners in tax administration.
To improve the growth rate of electronic filing, the IRS will need to overcome in-
creasingly challenging barriers to adoption. Research indicates that those barriers
include a continued preference by taxpayers for paper filing, lack of awareness of
e-filing and how to do it and concern about privacy, security and the role of third
parties in the process. Some of these barriers can be addressed through education
about the advantages of electronic filingfaster refunds, electronic receipts that
offer proof of filing, convenience, accuracy and reduced likelihood of receiving a no-
tice from the IRS. But the benefits offered today by electronic filing are not compel-
ling for all taxpayer and practitioner segments. More needs to be done to increase
the value of electronic filing for these segments. It needs to become part of a routine
way of doing business.
Free File AllianceAn Innovative Approach to No-Cost Online Filing
There are approximately 52 million individual tax returns filed each year by tax-
payers who prepare and file their own tax returns. At least 30 million of these re-
turns are prepared on a computer, but then printed and mailed to the IRS. The new
Free File Alliance initiative primarily targets this group of taxpayers. The Free File
Alliance eliminates cost as an obstacle for a potential target segment of at least 60%
of individual taxpayers. This innovative approach allows each of the players in the
tax administration value chain to focus on what they do best. The IRS will receive
more electronic returns, while avoiding the cost of developing its own online filing
product. The IRS can then focus its efforts on modernizing its backend systems and
electronic filing platforms to provide greater value and increased electronic services.
The initiative preserves and strengthens government/industry cooperative relations
which have led, in large part, to the electronic filing gains achieved to date. Tax-
payers have a choice of service providers, each offering unique value in a virtual
However, the Free File Alliance initiative alone will not solve the problem of at-
taining the 80% electronic filing target by 2007. Cost is only one of the inhibitors
to electronic filing. Demonstrating the value of electronic filing will continue to be
a challenge. Many in the target segment are comfortable with manual preparation
and may be resistant to change. Free File Alliance products will need to prove their
value by saving time, adding convenience, improving accuracy and contributing to
expedited refunds. To do so, the product offerings in future years will need to incor-
porate free State online filing.
Lack of access to a computer and the Internet will likely be a roadblock for many
in this group. The IRS will need to identify and encourage public access to com-
puters and the Internet in such places as IRS and other government offices, commu-
nity colleges, public schools, libraries and post offices. Additionally, tax preparation
companies may realize significant client development benefits from providing free
Internet access in their offices.
A Foundation for Future Growth
Many of the essential elements for rapidly expanding electronic filing participa-
tion are falling into place. The IRS is modernizing its core tax administration sys-
tems to make them more capable, flexible and responsive. New electronic service de-
livery channels are being implemented, including secure Web portals for access to
internal information resources, services and taxpayer account information by IRS
employees and trusted external customers, including taxpayers authorized rep-
The IRS is beginning to offer electronic services, like the ability to register as a
trusted external customer and for a new business to obtain an Employer Identifica-
tion Number (EIN) online. These e-services are highly anticipated and will be much
appreciated by the professional tax community. The IRS is also implementing the
first of a series of modernized electronic filing platforms, beginning with the Em-
ployment Tax e-Filing System earlier this month, to be followed by Corporation In-
come Tax (1120 and related forms) e-Filing in January 2004. These modern new
electronic filing platforms will be based on industry-accepted standards for data
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sharing and communication, making them cost-effective for the IRS and attractive
to software developers and tax practitioners.
ETAAC encourages the IRS to continue the current efforts and to expand them
rapidly to include a broader range of e-services and to encompass modernization of
the 1040 e-filing platform, as well as other business tax return types. While these
new e-services and modernized e-filing platforms require an upfront investment of
resources, ETAAC firmly believes that the costs will be more than offset by the ben-
efits, including significantly increased electronic filing by those practitioners who
still file computer-prepared individual income tax returns on paper (30 million such
V-code returns were filed by practitioners last year) and a substantial increase in
the percentage of e-filed business tax returns.
A Future Vision of End to End Electronic Tax Administration
As has happened in the private sector, the growth of the Internet and the develop-
ment of new networked supply chain business models have prompted a change in
the way we think about tax administration. The new viewwhich you might think
of as end to end electronic tax administrationacknowledges that third parties in
the tax business are also the IRS partners in serving a common customerthe tax-
In the private sector, new end to end business modelsdriven by innovative
thinking and enabled by new technologiesare emerging in industries with charac-
teristics similar to the tax administration environment. Those characteristics in-
clude a diverse customer base, complex and highly-specialized functions, seasonal
peaks and valleys and a high level of dependency on value-adding intermediaries.
Highly-competitive businesses have responded to new market challenges and oppor-
tunities by shifting their view from streamlining internal processes and systems to
integrating internal and external service providers in a seamless, end to end service
delivery value network. That view takes into account business partner capabilities
and needs, creating a flexible, dynamic environment that allows each partner to per-
fect its own specialized processes, reduce costs, enhance value and respond quickly
to customer needs.
For the IRS to achieve the electronic tax administration goals of RRA 98, it needs
to promote an end to end vision of tax administration with these characteristics:
Taxpayers would have multiple choices in terms of how they interact with the
IRS (e.g., directly or through an authorized representative; electronically, by phone
or by mail) and what value-added services they choose to use (e.g., online prepara-
tion and filing services from a variety of competing vendors). In this vision, tax-
payers would not only be e-filers, but e-customers. They could decide among a vari-
ety of options how they would like to view their own IRS account information, per-
haps choosing traditional paper correspondence, maybe through a secure session at, or potentially as part of an electronic financial portfolio offered securely by
a private sector financial institution. Taxpayers would be able to retain their books
and records electronically, a particular benefit to large corporations.
Tax Software Developers would continue to be active participants with the IRS
in defining new services that would be beneficial to mutual customers. The IRS
would define changes requiring software investments in ways that minimize costs
and maximize value for the tax software companies. The IRS would also provide
electronic services and secure account access in ways that would integrate securely
with private sector software. For example, the tax software used by a practitioner
would automatically validate taxpayer identification information in near real time
and securely pre-populate account information, such as Estimated Tax payments,
reducing costs for the practitioner and increasing accuracy for the taxpayer and the
IRS. Tax software companies, in turn, would be prompted by competitive market
pressures to enhance other features of their software, such as providing direct links
into IRS tax research knowledge bases.
Online Filing Providers similarly would have access to electronic services that
they could incorporate into their tax preparation and e-filing offerings. Their serv-
ices would be easily accessed and understood by taxpayers. The new Free File Alli-
ance is an excellent example of how this type of business model could benefit the
IRS, its partners and its customers.
Tax Practitioners, in the end to end vision of tax administration, would choose
from a variety of third party software products offering highly interactive e-services,
made possible through online communication with the IRS systems. A full range of
e-services would be available, allowing practitioners to make a clean break from
their paper processes. Those services would include the ability to e-file all form
types, research taxpayer account information online or through a direct software
interface, correspond electronically with the IRS, easily obtain electronic taxpayer
signatures and maintain all records electronically. Information returns would be
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filed electronically by employers and financial institutions (2D bar coding of infor-
mation returns would be a helpful interim enhancement), and made available timely
to taxpayers, practitioners and tax agencies.
Other Government Agencies, such as SSA, FMS and State tax agencies, would
exchange information electronically with the IRS to improve compliance, taxpayer
service and processing accuracy. Federal and State filing obligations would be ad-
dressed in a single transaction.
Employers and Financial Institutions would file withholding and information
returns electronically, providing electronic copies to taxpayers and their designated
representatives. Financial institutions may integrate tax account information with
other customer financial information into an electronic financial portfolio, allowing
online account inquiry, customized financial advice, tax filing and payment remind-
ers and electronic tax payments. As an incentive to customers, financial institutions
and other third parties may offer free online tax preparation and filing, provided
by a specialized online filing provider.
Achieving the Future Vision
The IRS would act as an integrator of this network of tax administration service
providers. Its own electronic tax administration processes and systems would be de-
signed to facilitate the smooth interaction of its internal functions with the special-
ized functions of its third party partners and taxpayers. The focus of its electronic
tax administration initiatives would be to increase value and reduce costs for all the
participants in the tax administration service network, while protecting the security
and confidentiality of taxpayer information.
Those initiatives would enhance timely processing of returns and refunds and
speedy resolution of issues, standardize interface and data transfer protocols, pro-
vide simple and comprehensive views of taxpayer account information and facilitate
the ability of third parties to dynamically tailor services to the needs of individual
customers. Key enablers of this future vision, led by the IRS, would be the creation
of natural integration points, such as an electronic means for designating, track-
ing, updating and authenticating authorized representatives, definition of open
standards such as XML for data exchange and development of simple but effective
data encryption and electronic signature mechanisms.
In this environment, existing tax administration service providers would likely in-
novate with new and creative electronic service offerings and new providers would
undoubtedly enter the market with fresh ideas and new business models. Taxpayers
will be the ultimate beneficiaries.
That concludes my remarks to the Oversight Subcommittee. Thank you for the
opportunity to comment on the future direction of electronic filing.
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We can now report, as you heard from the IRS, that as of last
week almost 650,000 free returns already had been processed,
transmitted and accepted by the IRS. Further, we know that 20
percent of the total traffic of visitors to the IRS site is going to the
Free File page, and that the total number of hits at the site is very
significant. The total number of individuals who will return to file
their taxes through the program before April 15 remains to be
seen, but we fully anticipate that the figure will represent a very
large addition to the 650,000 returns that have already been filed.
We believe that this is a truly unique public-private partnership
that offers American taxpayers significant benefits. It is a far bet-
ter public policy approach than the idea that has been suggested
in some quarters that the government should spend tens of mil-
lions of dollars to enter the tax preparation marketplace, thus sti-
fling competition and dampening the innovation that has been so
notable in the products and services emanating from this industry
over the past several decades. Despite some calls for government
intervention in the marketplace, we have not heard anyone suggest
that government software could possibly display the quality, diver-
sity and continuous innovation so readily visible in the competitive
Mr. Chairman, this initiative obviously provides tens of millions
of Americans with the option of preparing and filing their taxes
electronically online for free. Clearly we cannot say yet how many
taxpayers will take advantage of this offer.
We look forward to answering your specific questions about the
Alliance and its operations.
[The prepared statement of Mr. Cavanagh follows:]
Statement of Michael F. Cavanagh, Manager, Free File Alliance,
Alexandria, Virginia
Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman, and distinguished Members of the Subcommittee.
My name is Michael F. Cavanagh and I serve as the industry Manager of the Free
File Alliance LLC. I am accompanied by Stephen Ryan, General Counsel to the Alli-
ance and a partner in the Manatt law firm.
The Free File Alliance was launched last month, on January 16, at a press con-
ference conducted by the Acting Treasury Secretary, the OMB Director and the Act-
ing IRS Commissioner. Currently, seventeen industry companies offer free services
to taxpayers, each serving at least 10% of American taxpayers, and many consider-
ably more.
We can now report to you that the initial response to the Free File initiative has
been very, very strong. As of last week, almost 650,000 free returns already had
been processed, transmitted, and accepted by the IRS. Further, we know that 20%
of the total traffic of visitors to the IRS site is going to the Free File page, and that
the total number of hits at the site is very significant. The total number of individ-
uals who will return to file their taxes through the program before April 15 remains
to be seen, but we fully expect that the figure will represent a very large addition
to the number of returns already filed.
We believe that this is a truly unique public-private partnership that offers Amer-
ican taxpayers significant benefits. It is a far better public policy approach than the
idea suggested in some quarters that the government should spend tens of millions
of dollars to enter the tax preparation marketplace, thus stifling competition and
dampening the innovation that has been so notable in the products and services
emanating from this industry over the past several decades. Despite some calls for
government intervention in the marketplace, we have not heard anyone suggest
that government software could possibly display the quality, diversity or continuous-
innovation so readily visible in the competitive marketplace.
Mr. Chairman, this initiative obviously provides tens of millions of Americans
with the option of preparing and filing their taxes electronically online for free.
Clearly, we now can say that many taxpayers are taking advantage of this offer.
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Bringing the program to fruition has taken an intense amount of work over the
past year. First, I would like to acknowledge support that we have received from
a number of Members of Congress.
We would also like to thank the Bush Administration, and within the Administra-
tion, the Department of Treasury, the Internal Revenue Service, and even the De-
partment of Justice (which provided clearance and review). On a personal level, we
would like to thank former IRS Commissioner Charles Rossotti and IRS Director of
Electronic Tax Administration Terry Lutes. Since November, Acting IRS Commis-
sioner Bob Wenzel has taken up the leadership of the program. At the Treasury De-
partment, Christopher Smith, Counselor to the Secretary, and George Wolfe, Deputy
General Counsel, played a critical role in achieving the Agreement.
For industry, there is an important philanthropic basis to the services donated
under this program, but there is also a practical side to the Agreement. It permits
stability in the marketplace of providing tax preparation services and, again, fun-
damentally the continuation of a successful competitive marketplace without gov-
ernment competition.
The Alliance companies are offering readily available commercial products, the
same as are being offered with paid preparation. The members of the Free File Alli-
ance look forward to working with this Subcommittee and others in the Congress
to ensure that this program serves the American taxpayer to the maximum extent
We look forward to answering your specific questions about the Alliance and its
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arena, but in other arenas. Certainly any product like that is, of
course, appropriate for your oversight. It doesnt have anything to
do with the Free File Alliance.
Mr. POMEROY. What are people buying, the 600,000 that have
filed this year; do you know?
Mr. CAVANAGH. Pardon me?
Mr. POMEROY. I see that my time is expired. I will just close
with whathave you surveyed your members, and what are tax-
payers purchasing by way of add-on services of the 600,000?
Mr. CAVANAGH. No, we are not surveying them on that ques-
Mr. POMEROY. Perhaps after the tax year we could. It would
be very interesting to see what kind of commercial activity is tak-
ing place.
Mr. CAVANAGH. Yes, Mr. Congressman, yes. Thank you.
Chairman HOUGHTON. There are only two of us here, if you
want to continue asking the questions.
Mr. POMEROY. I think I pretty well got through it. I am inter-
ested in when the Commissioner said there is no express or im-
plicit endorsement of products, the fact that there is a public-pri-
vate partnership and you can access these vendors through the IRS
Web site leaves me a little concerned that there may be an implicit
statement by the IRS that these are appropriate products, and yet
there does not seem to be an active review of whether the products
are indeed appropriate. So, maybe we can install that going for-
Mr. CAVANAGH. Congressman, but I would just note these com-
panies are not vendors to the Federal Government. This is the Web site. These companies are not contracting with
thethrough the IRS to do anything. So, vendorsthat is not the
relationship they have.
Mr. POMEROY. If I refer someone to someone else, I want to
make sure that what they are selling is legit, and I think the same
is true about the United States.
Mr. POMEROY. If we refer we want to feel good about the prod-
uct sold. By the way, I believe absolutely there are appropriate
business opportunities for companies providing a service for prod-
ucts that taxpayers need. So, I dont impugn this. This isnt some-
thinga marketplace that I think is judged guilty before proven in-
nocent. I think it is a fine opportunity. I just want to know what
activity is taking place in this marketplace. Thank you very much.
Chairman HOUGHTON. I think that is about all. The only other
question I might have is about the EITC and those people who
were involved in that, how do you reach them?
Mr. CAVANAGH. Well, Mr. Chairman, they are providedthere
are a number of offers that would cover them and would cover
thethose schedules, and so that is certainly included in the pro-
gram. Absolutely.
Chairman HOUGHTON. All right.
Mr. CAVANAGH. Even as I thinkas I saw here today the IRS
was actually showing some the screens that the IRS has developed
for information for EITC. So, that is absolutely an area that is
that is available as part of this Free File Alliance, Mr. Chairman.
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provide taxpayers with the services they are requesting. Take offer
in compromise, for example. We understand the basis for the Serv-
ices decision to centralize the processing of offers; however, we be-
lieve that centralizing offers does not mean that offers should be
rejected without contact or discussion with the taxpayer. It may be
with a phone call that some apparently unacceptable offers might
turn into valid ones. There might be some vital information or
some special circumstance left off the form, or with one follow-up
phone call the taxpayer might be willing to enter into an install-
ment agreement. Thus the taxpayer might not get the offer he or
she wants, but he will get closure of some sort and a fresh start
toward compliance. Yet direct phone contact with the taxpayers is
the exception, not the norm, in centralized sites.
This emphasis on efficient processing of offers can lead to rework
of the case by Appeals or the Taxpayer Advocate Service or, more
importantly, to a lost opportunity to collect the tax. The IRS simply
does not know what happens to offers after they are rejected. We
do not know if we collect another dime on those rejected offers.
Moreover, the programs own quality measures indicate that much
can be done to improve the IRSs computation of the taxpayers
ability to pay or the correct offer amount.
In addition to the right to communicate with the IRS, the tax-
payer has the right to be advised clearly and specifically about any
proposed changes on his or her income tax return. For example,
under math error authority, the IRS sends a notice to the taxpayer
telling him that it has changed the tax due on the taxpayers re-
turn. Unless the taxpayer timely requests an abatement of tax, the
taxpayer cannot petition the U.S. Tax Court, which is the only
forum in which a taxpayer can litigate a tax before it is assessed
and becomes collectible. When Congress expanded math error au-
thority in 1976, it clearly told the IRS to send taxpayers detailed,
itemized, line-by-line explanations of the error so that taxpayers
could timely respond with an abatement request. Yet math error
notices today do not set out the adjustments line by line, and a
sample of tax cases indicates that taxpayers do not know what is
being adjusted and cannot reach someone in the IRS to explain the
adjustment of the item, so they miss the opportunity to request
In 2001, Congress expanded math error authority, effective in
2004, to the use of the Federal Case Registry of Child Support Or-
ders. This 2001 expansion applies math error authority to a ques-
tion that is inherently factual and not ascertainable from the face
of the tax return. It is our recommendation that Congress repeal
the expansion of math error authority it enacted in 2001 and limit
expansion of math error to quantitative, not qualitative, items.
In addition to math error authority, we have identified several
key legislative recommendations in our reports, including the tax
treatment of attorneys fees in nonphysical personal injury cases
and a system of registering, testing and certifying Federal income
tax return preparers who are not already attorneys, certified public
accountants or enrolled agents.
We are also proposing that a husband and wife who jointly own
an unincorporated business and who file a joint Federal income tax
return be permitted to elect out of the partnership provisions of the
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Currently the NTA receives advice from a special counsel who re-
ports directly to the Chief Counsel of the IRS. Given the unique
role of the NTA to take positions that may be different from the
official position of the IRS, there are times when this reporting
structure creates a serious conflict of interest and limits the Advo-
cates access to independent legal advice.
We believe it is important to maintain the counsel to the Advo-
cates current ability to participate in the day-to-day development
of guidance and regulation. We also believe it is important that the
TAS continue to receive its legal advice on substantive tax law
matters in specific cases from the IRS counsel. However, and fi-
nally, we believe that the conflict of interest on taxpayer rights and
tax administration would warrant independent advice from a coun-
sel that directly reports to the NTA.
We also propose that the Taxpayer Advocate Directive, which is
currently delegated to the Advocate by the Commissioner, and
which authorizes her to act on behalf of groups of taxpayers or tax-
payers at large, be codified to ensure that it cannot be revoked.
We also propose that the definition of significant hardship,
which grants taxpayers access to TAS, be expanded to explicitly in-
clude impairment of taxpayer rights as a grounds for issuance of
a Taxpayer Assistance Order or Taxpayer Advocate Directive.
Finally, we make some recommendations about the ability of and
discretion of the Taxpayer Advocate Service to hold taxpayer com-
munications confidential both from the IRS and in Federal courts.
I would like to conclude by acknowledging again the support your
Committee has shown for my office and indeed the entire IRS. I
know that the key subjects of this years report, taxpayer rights
and making the system simpler and more accessible so it is easier
for taxpayers to comply with their tax obligations, are of special in-
terest to this Committee. I hope our report has been of some assist-
ance to your oversight duties.
Thank you for this opportunity. I also request permission at this
time to submit a written statement for the record.
[The prepared statement of Ms. Olson follows:]
Statement of Nina E. Olson, National Taxpayer Advocate, Internal Revenue
Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee, thank you for inviting me to ap-
pear before you today to discuss my 2002 Annual Report to Congress. I appreciate
your and the Committees interest in the Taxpayer Advocate Service and your work
on tax simplification and taxpayer rights. I also wish to acknowledge the efforts and
talents of the many Taxpayer Advocate Service employees who contributed to this
Last year I came before you to discuss some of our legislative recommendations,
most notably the uniform definition of a qualifying child and the alternative min-
imum tax. Our focus was on tax simplification. This year, we focus on the difficulty
facing the IRS to fairly administer an enormous tax system. Combined with the
complexity of the tax lawwell, one can easily declare this task impossible. And yet,
98,000 employees each day show up to work, willing to take on this thankless job
and do the best they can at it. Their efforts are obviously the reason why the Fed-
eral tax system runs as well as it does, despite all the challenges it faces.
The theme of this years report is taxpayer rights. We do not use this term nar-
rowly. Although clearly the concepts of sufficient notice and due process are integral
to taxpayer rights, in this years report we focused on a broader definitionone that
looks at the essential contract between the government, as represented by its tax
administration agency, and the taxpayer.
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The U.S. tax system is, in fact, a voluntary tax system. Although people may joke
about this, we rely on taxpayers to voluntarily file their tax returns and report the
correct income and deductions and credits and tax. We ask employers to voluntarily
submit the earnings and withholdings of their employees, and we ask the self-em-
ployed to voluntarily report revenue and expenses. And we ask everyone to volun-
tarily pay their correct share of the tax burden. Certainly, in some instances the
IRS must take additional steps to secure this information or payment, but the com-
pliance and enforcement functions of the IRS are only two of many aspects of tax
The recognition and protection of a taxpayers rights is a necessary and quite pos-
sibly paramount element of a voluntary tax system. By taxpayer rights, I mean the
taxpayers right to expect to be treated promptly and courteously and to be provided
accurate information; the right to receive adequate notice of any disagreement the
tax agency has with the taxpayers return or position and the grounds for that dis-
agreement; and the right to an adequate opportunity to dispute the tax agencys po-
sition before the taxpayer is required to pay any additional tax. These rights must
be available to the taxpayer without causing the taxpayer undue burden in obtain-
ing them. We are, after all, asking taxpayers to voluntarily pay over their taxes to
us. We should not make it difficult for them to do so.
I believe that the next serious challenge to tax administration in the 21st century
will NOT revolve around the balance between enforcement and taxpayer rights or
customer service. Rather, it will involve the balance between taxpayer rights, in-
cluding customer service, and the drive toward efficiencies as a consequence of the
sheer size and complexity of the U.S. tax system.
Right now, the IRS is trying to identify when taxpayers should be spoken with
in person, when they can receive recorded answers to questions, when they can be
asked to leave a message and receive a return call. It is trying to determine what
should be the core services delivered at Taxpayer Assistance Centers, formerly
called walk-in sites. It is also trying to streamline processing of certain offers in
compromise, correspondence audits of underreporter amounts and the earned in-
come tax credit, and even the collection of certain tax debts through the use of pri-
vate collection agencies.
Taxpayers and practitioners, on the other hand, complain of not being able to
reach the IRS by phonethey cannot find the appropriate person to speak with or
identify the management chain of command, or they leave messages that are not
returned. They miss the geographic footprint of the IRS and they are unable to iden-
tify an IRS employees job duties merely from that persons job title. Thus, we iden-
tify the top problem of taxpayers (and IRS employees, I might add) as that of merely
navigating the IRS.
Over and over, in the Reports Top 20 problems section, we highlight the difficult
choices the IRS must make in its struggle to provide taxpayers with the services
they are requesting. Take offer in compromise, for example. This is a program in
which the Office of the Taxpayer Advocate has been very active. We agree with the
IRS that having Revenue Officers work the vast majority of offers, which present
very simple situations, would be an inefficient use of very valuable resources. The
expertise of Revenue Officers should be reserved for those offers that present dif-
ficult questions of valuation or other specific circumstances. We also understand the
basis for the Services decision to centralize the processing of offers, and my office
and I are working with the IRS to improve that aspect of the program.
However, we believe that centralizing offers does not mean that offers should be
processed without contact or discussion with the taxpayer. We understand that ap-
proximately 14 percent of submitted offers are returned to the taxpayer because the
taxpayers own financial calculation shows that he or she can fully pay the tax and
does not need a compromise. Yet it may be, with a phone call, that some of these
offers might turn into a valid offerthere might be some vital information or some
special circumstance left off the form. Or, with one follow-up phone call, the tax-
payer might be willing to enter into an installment agreement. Thus the taxpayer
might not get the offer he or she wanted, but he will get closure of some sort, and
a fresh start toward compliance. Yet direct phone contact with the taxpayer is the
exception, not the norm, in centralized sites.
This emphasis on efficient processing of offers can lead to re-work of the case
by Appeals or the Taxpayer Advocate Service, or, more importantly, to a lost oppor-
tunity to collect tax. The IRS simply does not know what happens to offers after
they are rejected. We do not know if we collect another dime on those taxpayer ac-
counts. Moreover, the programs own quality measures indicate that much can be
done to improve the IRSs computation of the taxpayers ability to pay, or the correct
offer amount.
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In our report we identify what we believe is a serious taxpayer rights issuethe
IRSs increasing use of a notice called a combination letter, which combines into
one letter the notice of the Services proposed decision as well as notice of the tax-
payers appeal rights. This combination letter pops up in the context of both offers
in compromise and the earned income tax credit. For most other situations where
a taxpayer is offered administrative appeal rights, including audits, the taxpayer re-
ceives two separate lettersone setting forth the proposed change and offering an
opportunity to present more information, and the other outlining the IRSs decision
and explaining appeal rights. In the EITC combo letter, however, the IRS invites
the taxpayer to send in additional information if he or she disagrees with the IRSs
proposed position. At the same time, the taxpayer is advised that he has a right
to appeal, which is explained in an enclosed publication. Yet, that enclosed publica-
tion refers the taxpayer back to the letter for information on how to request an ad-
ministrative appeal.
We simply do not believe that the combo letter format adequately advises the
taxpayer of his or her right to an administrative appeal. It is poor customer service,
leads to rework as audit reconsiderations and refund claims, and imposes an undue
burden on taxpayersall in the name of efficiency and minimizing resources.
In addition to the taxpayers right to be advised, clearly and specifically, about
his or her administrative appeal rights, we believe the taxpayer has the right to be
advised, clearly and specifically, about any proposed changes on his or her income
tax return. As you know, the IRS has the authority under section 6213 to sum-
marily assess mathematical and clerical errors that a taxpayer might make on his
or her return. These errors include errors in addition, switching the digits on a So-
cial Security number, or transcribing the wrong number from one form to another.
If the taxpayer does not agree with the IRS about the adjustment, then the taxpayer
must write the IRS within 60 days and ask it to abate the tax. If the taxpayer
misses the 60 days, the IRS begins collection, and the taxpayer must make a refund
claim. The taxpayer loses the ability to request an administrative appeal or the abil-
ity to go to the United States Tax Court, which is the only forum in which a tax-
payer can litigate a tax before it is assessed and becomes collectible.
When Congress expanded the summary assessment authority in 1976 to clerical
as well as math errors, it clearly directed the IRS to send taxpayers detailed,
itemized, line-by-line explanations of the math or clerical error, so that taxpayers
could timely respond with an appropriate abatement request. Yet math error notices
today do not set out the adjustments line-by-line, and a sample of Taxpayer Advo-
cate Service cases indicates that taxpayers do not know what is being adjusted and
cannot reach someone in the IRS to explain the adjustment to them, so they miss
their opportunity to request abatement.
Today, in the interests of efficiency and driven by concerns about EITC compli-
ance, Congress has expanded math error authority to include matching information
against external databases, despite Congresss original concern that the authority
should only be used where the error and inconsistency is apparent from the face
of the return. In most of these expanded provisions, the correct answer is quan-
titative and not based on facts and circumstances, and the external database is
highly reliable. However, in 2001, Congress expanded math error authority, effective
in 2004, to the use of the Federal Case Registry of Child Support Orders. I have
grave reservations about the currency and adequacy of the FCRs data, but these
concerns will be expressed in a report to be issued by the Treasury Department, in
consultation with my office. My point today is that this 2001 expansion applies
math error authority to a question that is inherently factualwhether a child lived
with a taxpayer for more than half the year. I do not believe this information can
accurately be determined from the face of the return, nor from any existing data-
base. It relies on the specific facts and circumstances of a taxpayers situation, it
is a qualitativenot quantitativeanalysis, and as such is not the proper subject
of a summary assessment, one that can result in the taxpayer losing the opportunity
to petition the Tax Court.
Thus it is our recommendation that Congress repeal the expansion of math error
authority it enacted in 2001 and impose certain requirements for any proposed ex-
pansion of math error authoritynamely, that it apply only in those situations
where inconsistencies can be determined from the face of the return, where items
or schedules are omitted from the return, and where numerical or quantitative
items are reported on the return and can be verified by a government entity that
issues or calculates those items. We believe this approach to summary math error
authority, coupled with clear and understandable explanations of math error adjust-
ments, recognizes the IRSs need to process information expeditiously without vio-
lating a taxpayers right to deficiency procedures in disputes of a factual nature.
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In addition to math error authority, we have identified several key legislative rec-
ommendations in our report, including the tax treatment of attorney fees in non-
physical personal injury cases, which results in significantly different tax treatment
of Federal taxpayers depending on the underlying State law. We also propose a sys-
tem of registering, testing, and certifying Federal income tax return preparers who
are not already attorneys, CPAs, or enrolled agents. Our proposal is comprehensive
and, we believe, does not require the expenditure of significant resources once the
registration system is established.
We submit a proposal relating to the taxation of childrens incomealso known
as the kiddie tax. This proposal goes to tax simplification and the reduction of tax-
payer burden. As you know, if children under 14 have more than $1,500 in un-
earned income, their tax must be computed at the parents top marginal tax rate.
Further, the parent can elect to include the childs unearned income on his or her
return. Because these options lead to different tax results, a parent must calculate
three returns in order to determine what is the best tax outcome. This process must
be repeated for each additional child. Add to this the possibility of triggering a
childs alternative minimum tax liability, or the difficulty of obtaining tax informa-
tion from an estranged spouse, and you have a needlessly complex provision.
We propose that the calculation of tax on childrens income be severed from the
parents tax computation or tax rate. The concern that taxpayers might shift in-
come-producing assets to children and thereby take advantage of lower tax rates can
be addressed by establishing an appropriate tax rate on the childrens income. In
a related matter, we note that the dependents standard deduction is the only deduc-
tion that is not a set, flat amount. A dependents standard deduction can be any
number between $750 and the single standard deduction amount. In the interests
of simplification, we propose that Congress establish a set standard deduction for
As another simplification measure, we have suggested that a husband and wife
who jointly own an unincorporated business and who file a joint Federal income tax
return be permitted to elect out of the partnership provisions of the Code and in-
stead file a joint sole proprietorship or farm schedule and report each spouses
share of self-employment income. Under todays law, a husband and wife jointly
owning and operating an unincorporated businesssay a dairy farm or small shop
or even pet-sitting businessesshould file a partnership return. In practice, most
couples merely report the business income as a sole proprietorship, with only one
member of the couple receiving credit for Social Security and Medicare purposes.
This can lead to disastrous consequences if the uncovered spouse becomes disabled
or dies. Because 97 percent of all sole proprietorship and farm schedules show in-
come below the Social Security wage cap and because we propose to make this pro-
vision elective in any event, no couple would experience a tax increase yet many
would clearly benefit from Social Security and Medicare eligibility. This proposal
clarifies and simplifies the status of husband and wife co-owned businesses and en-
sures appropriate Social Security and Medicare coverage for the working couple.
One of our proposals was actually enacted and later repealed, but we think it is
a good idea so we are proposing it again. Today, under section 3402(i)(1), taxpayers
can increase their withholding from paychecks by a specified amount. They cannot,
however, decrease their withholding by specified amounts. The only way to decrease
withholding is by claiming additional withholding allowances, which requires a com-
plex set of calculations on various schedules or worksheets. We propose that tax-
payers be able to decrease the amount of their withholding by discrete amounts, just
as they can increase their withholding. This approach reflects the way taxpayers ac-
tually think about their withholding and, in many instances, eliminates the burden
of having to fill out schedules and forms.
Our last proposal addresses the operation of the Office of the Taxpayer Advocate.
We are recommending six revisions to our authorizing statute, five of which I will
discuss today. Our proposal for amicus brief authority I will leave to another time.
All of these recommendations derive from the fundamental premise, reaffirmed in
1998, that the Office of the Taxpayer Advocate must be independent and yet func-
tion within the IRS. These recommendations attempt to strengthen that independ-
ence while preserving the Advocates internal placement. These proposals also at-
tempt to strengthen the Advocates ability to protect taxpayer rights.
We first propose that the National Taxpayer Advocate be authorized to appoint
a Counsel to the National Taxpayer Advocate, who shall report directly to the Advo-
cate and advise her on matters pertaining to taxpayer rights, tax administration,
and the Office of the Taxpayer Advocate. Currently, the Advocate receives advice
from a special counsel, who reports directly to the Chief Counsel of the IRS. Given
the unique role of the National Taxpayer Advocate to take a position that may be
different from the official position of the IRS, there are times when this reporting
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structure creates a serious conflict of interest and limits the Advocates access to
legal advice. We believe it is important to maintain the Counsel to the Advocates
current ability to participate in the day-to-day development of guidance and regula-
tions. We also believe that it is important that the Taxpayer Advocate Service con-
tinue to receive its legal advice on substantive tax law matters in specific taxpayer
cases from the Office of Chief Counsel. Thus, this proposal provides the Office of
the Taxpayer Advocate with dedicated legal counsel on matters specifically related
to its statutory mission, namely taxpayer rights in the context of tax administration.
The other proposals flow from the recognition of our statutory mission. We pro-
pose that the Taxpayer Advocate Directive, currently delegated to the National Tax-
payer Advocate, be codified to ensure that it cannot be revoked. The Taxpayer Advo-
cate Directive grants the National Taxpayer Advocate the authority to direct the
IRS to act or not act with respect to any program or actionactual or proposed
that may create a significant hardship for a group of taxpayers or for all taxpayers.
We also propose that the definition of significant hardshipwhich grants taxpayers
access to the Taxpayer Advocate Servicebe expanded to explicitly include impair-
ment of taxpayer rights as a grounds for issuance of a Taxpayer Assistance Order
or a Taxpayer Advocate Directive.
Finally, we recommend that the provision relating to the discretion of the Local
Taxpayer Advocate to not disclose to the rest of the IRS any information obtained
from the taxpayer directly be amended to make clear that this discretion applies
notwithstanding any other provision of the Code. This discretion applies except in
clear instances of criminal acts or civil fraud. Our proposal clarifies the source of
authority for the approach we have adopted. We also recommend that the confiden-
tiality provisions of the Administrative Dispute Resolution Act with respect to com-
pelling a neutral to testify be incorporated into IRC section 7803(c)(4). These pro-
visions would require a judge to weigh whether the need for a Taxpayer Advocate
Service employees testimony outweighs the chilling effect such testimony might
have on future taxpayers seeking our assistance. We believe this neutral, third
party determination will provide some assurance to taxpayers that their conversa-
tions with the Taxpayer Advocate Service, absent some serious violation or need,
will not be disclosed to the IRS or even in open court, unless necessary to resolve
the taxpayers problem.
I would like to conclude by acknowledging again the support your Committee has
shown for the work of my office, and indeed the entire IRS. I know that the key
subjects of this years reporttaxpayer rights and making the tax system simpler
and more accessible so it is easier for taxpayers to complyare of special interest
to this Committee. I hope our report has been of some assistance to your oversight
duties. Thank you for this opportunity to come before you to discuss these important
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the IRS. It was irrelevant in a way to the underlying tax law, but
they wanted to have an ear in the IRS that they could speak to.
So, I think that that provision is very important. Our employees
understand the importance of it.
We have tried to work with the IRS to convince them that we
will be implementing this and not using it as a way to hide impor-
tant information from the IRS, but rather to bring taxpayers into
compliance and have them feel comfortable coming to us on touchy
issues and coming into compliance with the Internal Revenue laws.
I think confidentiality is vital to that.
Chairman HOUGHTON. All right. Well, I am always in awe of
lawyers, but I wonder why you are adding a counsel to your staff
at this particular time.
Ms. OLSON. We have had several issues in which my office has
taken a different position from the direction in which the IRS has
chosen to go. As you know, I do have the ability through the an-
nual report to Congress and other means to take positions that are
different from the Commissioner. I cannot override the Commis-
sioners decision, but I can be on the record about my position. It
places the counsel that I currently havewho reports to Chief
Counsel, who advises the Commissioner and would advise the Com-
missioner on his positionin sort of an untenable conflict position.
I would like to have sound advice if I am going to take a position.
I dont want to be taking a position that is out of ignorance rather
than sound principle or law.
Chairman HOUGHTON. Right. Well, just one final question for
you, then I will ask Mr. Portman to question. Of all the rec-
ommendations you have made, what is the most important?
Ms. OLSON. Oh, dear. That is very difficult to answer because
they are all so different. In terms of taxpayer rights, I think the
math error authority recommendation is the most important. In
terms of tax simplification, I think it is actually a toss-up between
the childrens income proposal and the husband and wife co-owned
business proposal. I think both of them present simplification
issues. Probably the childrens income affects many more taxpayers
than the husband and wife proposal.
Chairman HOUGHTON. Okay. Well, thank you very much.
Mr. Portman.
Mr. PORTMAN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Although you are in-
accurate in saying that Ms. Olson got her job because of our work,
you probably made her mad at me by saying that, because she has
been in the middle of some very, very tough issues, but she has
done well, and she has managed to do what we had hoped would
happen in the legislation that went through this Subcommittee,
which is to have a truly independent Taxpayer Advocate and some-
one who could give us an unvarnished view on not just Tax Code
simplification, which you did well in your report last year, but also
on tax law administration, which you have focused on more this
year. That is extremely important to this Subcommittee and to our
Committee because it gives us the ability to legislate with better
I want to focus on two things, if I could, quickly. One is the offer
in compromise issue. You said that is the number 2 issue for you.
There has been a lot of attention focused on that recently. I know
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the oversight board met late January and discussed this issue at
some length, and some practitioner groups have raised concerns
with the offer program. On the other hand, I saw that Dale Hart
was recently quoted in the Wall Street Journal, who is the Deputy
Commissioner of the small business area and self-employed, saying
he thought the offer and compromise program had turned the cor-
So, I am hearing sort of different perspectives on it. We added
under the IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 (P.L. 105
206) another criteria. You could always do it if there is a question
about liability or collectability, and we added this relatively broadly
defined notion of effective tax administration. Has that created
some of the problems, and where do you think the offer and com-
promise program is at this point?
Ms. OLSON. Well, first let me address why we put it as number
2, because if you look at it in the context of all the business that
the IRS does, we only get 130,000 offers a year, and that is a pit-
tance in terms of all the other work that we do. We put it as num-
ber 2 because it has been around for so long. In fact, 1868 is the
first time it showed up in the U.S. Code, the authority for the rev-
enue officer to compromise tax debts. We have felt that at least
since 1992, the IRS hasnt gotten it right, so we thought maybe by
giving a lot of attention to it and going carefully through what we
thought were problems with the program, we could lay out some
of the adjustments that needed to be made.
Since we started, maybe since 2001, we have had an analyst
dedicated entirely to that program, and much to the Small Busi-
ness and Self Employed Divisions great credit, they have worked
closely with us, and I think it is a successful partnership.
I agree with Deputy Commissioner Hart that the program has
turned the corner. I think that I can live with centralization, but
there are things that we need to do to make the centralized sites
more responsive to taxpayers. It does take some adjustment, but if
we continue to work along some of the lines that we have identified
in the report, we will finally get there.
Now, effective tax administrationthere were three grounds
economic hardship, equity and public policy. I think the IRS has
understood economic hardship pretty well, but I think on the
grounds of equity and public policy, we have had some difficulty in
trying to decide what those words mean. What we came up with,
what Treasury announced through its recent regulation that was
issued this past summer was, on those two categories, equity and
public policy, we want taxpayers, if there is some reason other than
financial inability to pay, or you dont think you actually owe the
tax, to come in to us and tell us why it is that you should be cut
a break as opposed to all the other taxpayers in the world who pay
their taxes. What is so different about your facts and cir-
We would take a look at those factors, rather than giving a list
to which somebody could say, well, you are not on the list, so we
are not going to listen to you. We would see what came in. People
had to answer that first question, though: What is so special about
you? Can you look at your neighbor and say to them with a
straight face, I am going to get a break, but you have to pay?
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But while Congress rebuffed these attempts to expand the role of government at
the Federal level, there were no similar checks and balances at the State level, and
as a result over the last several years some 26 State revenue collection agencies in-
stituted the very programs the Federal Government has so wisely shunned, and in
the process the States collectively expended literally billions of taxpayer dollars to
pay for the design, development and operation of these government-run online tax
preparation systems.
Their national tax collectors union, the Federation of Tax Administrators (FTA),
reported last year that all of these State online tax systems combined generated
800,000 tax returns in the last tax season. Thats just 1% of State income tax re-
turns, all at a staggering administrative cost. (With this kind of waste, its little
wonder that our State governments are now going broke.) So why do they press
ahead with this effort? Indeed, why did they try in the first place?
We know that at least some State revenue agencies designed their online tax
preparation systems with the intent of using them to increase revenue receipts from
taxpayers, and actually financed the substantial cost of the systems from those pro-
jected new revenues. The Virginia Department of Revenue, for example, has boasted
of their plans, in reports addressed to their Governor, bragging that their new
$125M iFile online tax preparation system would be financed from increased tax
revenues attributed to the successful implementation, and that the system would
assist the tax agency in selecting audits and . . . performing focused, effective, and
timely account collections.
Just last week, the New Jersey Star-Ledger, The Los Angeles Times and other
newspapers across the Nation reported that State tax agencies across the Nation
are using the modern tools of electronic data retrieval and examination to do exactly
what the Virginia Department of Revenue described. The Executive Director of the
national Federation of Tax Administrators (FTA), Harley Duncan, is quoted pro-
moting the value of using data mining to deeply penetrate electronic taxpayer
records, and how State revenue agencies are now using their modern computerized
tools to dig through citizen data files of personal financial information.
It amounts to combing through files that can tell you something about tax-
payers, the FTAs Duncan explained. He went on to justify these new practices by
his members in State tax agencies across the Nation, saying that data mining isnt
enough, in and of itself, to bring States through this particular (budget) crisis, but
if youre . . . looking for $25 million to augment a program, and you can pick it up
by better mining your tax base, thats significant.
This kind of intrusive surveillance, and surreptitious investigation of taxpayer
records and personal financial information, is deeply disturbing, and is but the lat-
est in the long, sorry history of abuses of taxpayers by government revenue collec-
tion agencies. However, this is not unexpected; indeed, it is just one of the dangers
that has long been predicted from the conflict of interest created when tax collectors
are put into the role of tax preparers.
The reality is that when a citizen prepares their taxes online in a State revenue
agency computer system, every keystroke, correction, change and draft created in
the course of preparing that tax return is automatically recorded and stored in the
tax agencys data files. That is the basic nature of server-based online transactional
technology. And when government unwisely decides to provide personal financial
services to citizens, such as tax preparation, the dangers of this technology are sud-
denly very real.
In defending its desire to build these systems and begin preparing citizens tax
returns for them online, the State of California revenue bureaucrats actually had
the temerity to tell the public that (We) will always be beholden to the taxpayers
and have the taxpayers best interest at heart.
That is not reassuring, nor is it credible.
Back in a more sensible past, government tax agencies only received a citizens
final, completed return. And tax agencies only lawfully got their hands on a citizens
preliminary tax information and other personal financial data through official inves-
tigations, and by court order in civil and criminal proceedings. But not anymore.
If a citizen is foolish enough to prepare their tax return on a State revenue agen-
cys online system, they are playing with fire, and, unwittingly, with potential self-
incrimination. If our citizens use the online tax preparation systems provided and
operated by State revenue agencies, they are effectively serving themselves up to
be flagged for examination, investigation and audits.
The high risk of this threat to our citizenry is a prime example of why the Bush
Administration well deserves the bipartisan support it has received for instituting
its Public-Private Partnership solution, where those in need can get free online tax
services, but from the private sector, instead of the government. Under this national
solution, the IRS will still only receive a citizens final, completed tax return. And
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thats the way it should be in the voluntary compliance system we have in the
United States.
It has been our consistent view at Americans for Tax Reform that changes in tax
policy should be dealt with openly and with full public disclosure and debate. Bu-
reaucratic ambitions for stealth tax increasesenabling government to grow and ex-
pand its mission without oversight or checks and balancesshould never be per-
mitted by policymakers under any circumstances. It is, in reality, a betrayal of the
public trust.
Notwithstanding the vociferous advocacy of these programs by the Federation of
Tax Administrators, as the preferred electronic weapon of choice for its nationwide
membership of professional tax collectors, the fact is that the per-return cost of
these government systems is astronomical, and, in the end, is serving only to pro-
vide employment security for tax bureaucrats. These initiatives are not electronic
government or citizen service; they are electronic fraud and amount to nothing
more than citizen deception.
It is little wonder, then, that this same national tax collectors union has tried
mightily to protect its vested self-interests by going around to newspapers all over
the United States attacking the Federal Free File Alliance initiative. However, the
Bush Administration solution is so cost-effective and even-handed that it puts the
lie to any justification for governments wasting public funds on creating their own
online tax systems.
Some States know better than to pay heed to their tax bureaucrats self-interested
ambitions, and are instead looking for better answers that maintain the integrity
of their relationship with their citizens. After the Federal Free File Alliance Agree-
ment was signed on October 31 last year, the States of New York, Massachusetts
and Michigan had already replicated the Federal initiative and launched their own
Free File Alliances by the following January.
But those States that do not choose this sensible approach are headed down a
road to nowhere. This same folly of building government online tax systems has
been attempted elsewhere, and with results similar to those weve seen in the
U.S.taxpayers shun them.
For example, in the United Kingdom, hundreds of millions of pounds have been
incinerated on these same government online tax systems, but which collected only
75,000 tax returns last tax year (less than 1% of total returns, with much of the
online filing done by panicked procrastinators) in a service that was riddled with
errors, breakdowns and breaches of privacy and security. Polls released just this
week in the United Kingdom have shown that 93% of Britons say they refuse to
even consider using the government online tax system, citing risks relating to secu-
rity, reliability and accuracy among other concerns. A similar system deployed by
the Australian government has been used by only 3% of the taxpayers there.
The decision by the Bush Administration to ultimately reject this path is not only
enlightened, but, most importantly, puts the best interest of the citizen ahead of
that of the bureaucrat. The American taxpayer simply cannot afford the public
waste of government investing hundreds of millions of dollars for bureaucratic feath-
erbedding, duplicating the electronic tax systems already invented, developed and
deployed by the private sector e-commerce industry, with services already available
at low-cost and no-cost to taxpayers today. Whether tax bureaucrats would build or
buy such systems and services is irrelevant. Either way, it would waste precious tax
dollars on expansion of government into a mission that is a gross conflict of interest,
and the taxpayer would end up paying the freight, coming and going.
The new Public-Private Partnership announced by the Administration is a prece-
dent-setting innovation that chooses the consumer benefits of market competition
instead of anti-competitive government expansion, and ensures protection of tax-
payer privacy and taxpayer rights over the threat of government intrusion and con-
flict of interest.
The Administrations voluntary agreement with industry costs the public treasury
virtually nothing, and encourages continued private sector investment, competition
and innovation, while encouraging the private sector to provide free services to
those who truly need them. Congress has already legislatively endorsed the Admin-
istrations policy direction. Now the national solution to this issue should be emu-
lated by all of the Nations governors and State legislatures.
Asking taxpayers to trust the tax collector is ludicrous. Making them pay for such
folly is unacceptable.
VerDate Jan 31 2003 10:53 May 27, 2003 Jkt 087113 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 6633 Sfmt 6011 E:\HR\OC\87113.XXX 87113