House Hearing, 108TH Congress - Cyber Security: The Challenges Facing Our Nation in Critical Infrastructure Protection
House Hearing, 108TH Congress - Cyber Security: The Challenges Facing Our Nation in Critical Infrastructure Protection
House Hearing, 108TH Congress - Cyber Security: The Challenges Facing Our Nation in Critical Infrastructure Protection
APRIL 8, 2003
Available via the World Wide Web:
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TOM DAVIS, Virginia, Chairman
DAN BURTON, Indiana HENRY A. WAXMAN, California
JOHN L. MICA, Florida PAUL E. KANJORSKI, Pennsylvania
RON LEWIS, Kentucky DANNY K. DAVIS, Illinois
JO ANN DAVIS, Virginia JOHN F. TIERNEY, Massachusetts
ADAM H. PUTNAM, Florida STEPHEN F. LYNCH, Massachusetts
JOHN J. DUNCAN, JR., Tennessee LINDA T. SANCHEZ, California
CANDICE S. MILLER, Michigan Columbia
TIM MURPHY, Pennsylvania JIM COOPER, Tennessee
MARSHA BLACKBURN, Tennessee (Independent)
TOM DAVIS, Virginia HENRY A. WAXMAN, California
BOB DIX, Staff Director
CHIP WALKER, Professional Staff Member
DAVID MCMILLEN, Minority Professional Staff Member
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Hearing held on April 8, 2003 ................................................................................ 1
Statement of:
Clarke, Richard, former special advisor to the President for Cyberspace
Security; Michael A. Vatis, director, Institute for Security Technology
Studies at Dartmouth College and chairman, Institute for Information
Infrastructure Protection; and Mark A. Forman, Associate Director,
Information Technology and Electronic Government, Office of Manage-
ment and Budget ........................................................................................... 9
MacLean, Rhonda, senior vice president and director of corporate infor-
mation security for Bank of America, sector coordinator for the Finan-
cial Services Industry Public/Private Partnership on Critical Infrastruc-
ture Protection and Homeland Security; Robert F. Dacey, Director,
Information Security Issues, U.S. General Accounting Office; and
Thomas Pyke, Chief Information Officer, Department of Commerce ....... 52
Letters, statements, etc., submitted for the record by:
Clarke, Richard, former special advisor to the President for Cyberspace
Security, prepared statement of .................................................................. 11
Dacey, Robert F., Director, Information Security Issues, U.S. General
Accounting Office, prepared statement of ................................................... 79
Forman, Mark A., Associate Director, Information Technology and Elec-
tronic Government, Office of Management and Budget, prepared state-
ment of ........................................................................................................... 33
MacLean, Rhonda, senior vice president and director of corporate infor-
mation security for Bank of America, sector coordinator for the Finan-
cial Services Industry Public/Private Partnership on Critical Infrastruc-
ture Protection and Homeland Security, prepared statement of .............. 55
Putnam, Hon. Adam H., a Representative in Congress from the State
of Florida, prepared statement of ................................................................ 4
Pyke, Thomas, Chief Information Officer, Department of Commerce, pre-
pared statement of ........................................................................................ 72
Vatis, Michael A., director, Institute for Security Technology Studies
at Dartmouth College and chairman, Institute for Information Infra-
structure Protection, prepared statement of ............................................... 22
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Washington, DC.
The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 9:30 a.m., in room
2247, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Adam Putnam (chair-
man of the subcommittee) presiding.
Present: Representatives Putnam and Clay.
Staff present: Bob Dix, staff director; John Hambel, senior coun-
sel; Chip Walker, Scott Klein, and Lori Martin, professional staff
members; Ursula Wojciechowski, clerk; David McMillen, minority
professional staff; and Jean Gosa and Early Green, minority clerks.
Mr. PUTNAM. A quorum being present, this hearing of the Sub-
committee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental
Relations and the Census will come to order.
Good morning, and welcome to a series of planned hearings on
cyber security, a topic that is critically important and one that has
largely been neglected both in congressional debate, private sector
action, and administrative action. It is a pleasure to have a distin-
guished panel of witnesses with us this morning.
Virtually every aspect of our lives is in some way, shape, or form
connected to computers. Networks that stretch from coast to coast
or around the world connect these computers to one another. In the
traditional sense, we have thought of our security as a Nation in
the physicalbridges, power plants, water supplies, airports, etc.
Security of our physical infrastructures has been a high priority
and a particularly visible priority since September 11, 2001.
The military, customs, and border patrol are charged with pro-
tecting and securing our borders. The Coast Guard protects our wa-
terways. Federal, State, and local law enforcement officials protect
our bridges, railways, and streets and provide for our own personal
protection. But in this day and age, this type of one-dimensional
thought is no longer adequate. Our critical infrastructure of the
cyber kind must have the same level of protection if we are to be
secure as a Nation from random hacker intrusions, malicious vi-
ruses, or worseserious cyber terrorism.
There are several things unique to cyber attacks that make the
task of preventing them particularly difficult. Cyber attacks can
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occur from anywhere around the globe; from the caves of Afghani-
stan to the war fields of Iraq, from the most remote regions of the
world or simply right here in our own back yard, perhaps in the
bedroom of some 16-year-old who is particularly gifted in comput-
ers and electronics. The technology used for cyber attacks is readily
available and changes continuously. And perhaps most dangerous
of all is the failure of many people, critical to securing these net-
works and information from attack, to take the threat seriously, to
receive adequate training, and to take the steps needed to secure
their networks. I am happy to say today that all of the witnesses
here are on the forefront of this waron cyber terrorismand I
am looking forward to their insightful testimony.
In May 1998, President Clinton released Presidential Decision
Directive No. 63. This Directive set up groups within the Federal
Government to develop and implement plans that would protect
Government-operated infrastructures and called for a dialog be-
tween Government and the private sector to develop a National In-
frastructure Assurance Plan that would protect all of the Nations
critical infrastructures by 2003. The Directive has since been sup-
plemented by Executive Order 13231, which established President
Bushs Critical Infrastructure Protection Board and the Presidents
National Strategy for Homeland Security.
Since January 2001, efforts to improve Federal information secu-
rity have accelerated at individual agencies and at the Govern-
ment-wide level. For example, implementation of Government In-
formation Security Reform Act [GISRA] legislation, enacted by the
Congress in October 2000 was a significant step in improving Fed-
eral agencies information security programs and addressing their
serious, pervasive information security weaknesses. In implement-
ing GISRA, agencies have noted benefits, including increased man-
agement attention to and accountability for information security.
Although improvements are under way, recent GAO audits of 24 of
the largest Federal agencies continue to identify significant infor-
mation security weaknesses that put critical Federal operations
and assets in each of those agencies at risk.
On December 17, 2002, the Federal Information Security Man-
agement Act [FISMA], was enacted as Title III of the E-Govern-
ment Act of 2002. FISMA permanently authorizes and strengthens
the information security program, evaluation, and reporting re-
quirements established by GISRA. Among its provisions, it also re-
quires the National Institute of Standards and Technology to de-
velop standards that provide mandatory minimum information se-
curity requirements for Federal information security systems.
While securing Federal information systems is critical, so is se-
curing the critical infrastructure of the Nation80 percent of
which is privately controlled. Reports of computer attacks abound.
The 2002 report of the Computer Crime and Security Survey con-
ducted by the Computer Security Institute and FBIs San Francisco
Computer Intrusion Squad showed that 90 percent of the respond-
ents, mostly large corporations and Federal agencies, had detected
computer security breaches within the last 12 months; 90 percent.
In addition, the number of computer security incidents reported to
the CERT Coordination Center rose from over 9,800 in 1999 to over
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52,000 in 2001 and over 82,000 in 2002. And these are only the at-
tacks that are reported.
The director for CERT Centers, operated by Carnegie Mellon
University, stated that he estimates as much as 80 percent of ac-
tual security incidents go unreported. In most cases, this is because
either the organization was unable to recognize its systems have
been penetrated or there were no indications of penetration or at-
tack, or the organization was just reluctant to report.
Our own GAO has found a disturbing trend among Federal agen-
cies. In both 2001 and 2002, GAO continued their analysis of audit
reports for 24 major departments and agencies. The audits identi-
fied significant information security weaknesses in each that put
critical Federal operations and assets at risk.
While the Federal Government and private sectors have made
improvements in cyber critical infrastructure protection, there is
still much work to be done. In July 2002, GAO identified at least
50 Federal organizations that have various national or multiagency
responsibilities related to cyber critical infrastructure protection.
The interrelationship of these organizations is vital to a successful
cyber CIP strategy. These organizations also interrelate and coordi-
nate with even more private sector organizations as well as the
State and local governments.
The ability of all of these groups to communicate well, to under-
stand the risks involved, accept common goals and minimum stand-
ards, and accept full accountability will be the keys to a successful
national effort to protect the Nations critical infrastructures and
our Government networks.
This subcommittee accepts the serious nature of the oversight re-
sponsibility related to this topic, and this hearing today is simply
the beginning of what will be a series of hearings that examine and
measure the progress toward achieving true cyber security.
We are delighted to be accompanied by the gentleman from Mis-
souri, the ranking member, Mr. Clay. I recognize you for any open-
ing remarks. Thank you for joining us.
[The prepared statement of Hon. Adam H. Putnam follows:]
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Mr. CLAY. Good morning. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for calling
this hearing. I would like to welcome the witnesses who are going
to testify before us today. The issue before us today, as the chair-
man has pointed out, is as critical as any national security issue.
Unfortunately, it is even more complex than most.
There are really two issues before us today. First, as the title of
this hearing implies, we must examine the processes in place for
protecting our Nations critical infrastructures, like the telephone
system, financial systems, the supply of electricity, natural gas,
water, and emergency services. Second, and equally important, we
must examine the security of the computer systems that run our
Government from day to day.
Just last November, this committee issued a report on computer
security where only 3 agencies got grades of C or above and 14
agencies failed. Some of the answers to these questions are the
same. Computer security takes place in the trenches. If the man
or woman sitting at the desk does not do the proper thing, then our
systems will not be secure. If the system administrator does not in-
stall the proper patches when they become available, then our sys-
tems will not be secure. If the procurement officer does not exam-
ine software for security features before recommending or approv-
ing a purchase, then our system will not be secure. All of the secu-
rity plans in the world will not make our systems secure unless
those at the heart of the system do their job.
As we have learned, computer security has not been a priority
at agencies. Over the past 4 years, Congress has steadily turned
up the heat. Former Representative Horn issued a number of re-
port cards, each one showing the situation was worse than we real-
ized. One of the lessons from that experience was that when we
asked agencies to evaluate themselves, they are often overly opti-
mistic. Last year, the report cards, based primarily on audit report
from the Inspector General, were the worst ever.
We may have turned the corner. Last year, we passed the Fed-
eral Information Security Management Act [FISMA], which is a
significant step forward in setting out requirements for computer
security that agencies must follow. Now we must assure that those
requirements are implemented. It is my understanding that OMB
has yet to issue the guidance required under FISMA. I hope that
Mr. Forman will tell us that OMB has renewed its efforts to assure
that the requirements of FISMA are implemented.
We have a long way to go but I believe we are on the right track
to secure our Governments day to day computer system. I am not
sure I can say the same thing about protecting our critical infra-
structure. While I believe we are making progress in this arena, it
is very slow. It has been almost 7 years since President Clinton es-
tablished the Presidents Commission on Critical Infrastructure
Protection and almost 5 years since President Clinton issued Presi-
dential Decision Directive No. 63, to assure critical infrastructure
protection. I expect our witnesses today will report on how we are
progressing toward the goals established in that Directive.
What concerns me, however, is that we have entered an era
where things like critical infrastructure protection and Homeland
Security are being used to erode our open Government. Just last
week, USA Today reported that we are facing the biggest rollback
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Mr. CLARKE. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Mr. Clay. Mr. Chair-
man, first let me start by commending you for having this hearing
and recognizing the importance of this issue. Your remarks were
right on point. I am not surprised that you are on top of this issue.
I recall very well that long before September 11th, you asked me
when I was the Counter-Terrorism Czar to come up and brief you
on al-Qaeda before most Members of the Congress knew what al-
Qaeda was. So I am not surprised that you are on top of this issue
before other people.
I would hope that with cyber security we could do more to raise
our defenses before we have a major disaster. With al-Qaeda, un-
fortunately, we had to wait until we had a major disaster for peo-
ple to get it and for people to act on that understanding. It would
be nice if, for once, we were able to get the Congress and the ad-
ministration and the corporate world to understand the issue be-
fore the disaster occurs.
The problems that we have had to date in cyber security are
minor when compared to the potential. And the mistake a lot of
people make is that they look at the past as a predictor of the fu-
ture, that the past $17 billion a year worth of damage by cyber se-
curity they think is just a minor nuisance. Unfortunately, as long
as we have major vulnerabilities in cyberspace and we do not ad-
dress those major vulnerabilities, we run the potential for some-
body doing us much more severe damage than has been done to
date. So people who look at the cost of cyberspace security prob-
lems today and say those problems are not significant should in-
stead be looking to the future and what could happen based on the
vulnerabilities that exist.
Mr. Chairman, I have suggested in my written testimony 10
things which I think this committee and the Congress could do in
general. Let me quickly go over them in the time allowed.
First and foremost, I think the Department of Homeland Secu-
rity must be the focus, the location in the executive branch that
has clear responsibility for cyberspace security. That is the intent
of President Bushs National Strategy. Unfortunately, the depart-
ment in its early days, and I admit these are early days, has not
organized itself to take on that heavy responsibility, has not cre-
ated a Cyberspace Security Center, has not recruited senior recog-
nized cyberspace security experts. Until it does, we will continue to
have a major problem.
Second, we still lack a Chief Information Security Officer for the
Federal Government. I have the utmost respect for my friend and
colleague Mark Forman, but he is not the Chief Information Secu-
rity Officer. We do not have one. You would think that since Con-
gress has given to OMB by law the responsibility for managing the
IT security of the Federal agencies, except for the Defense Depart-
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provements since 2001. But they also identify an awful lot of work
to be done.
The administration plans to make significant progress again this
year. In our Clinger-Cohen report, which was Chapter 22 of the
Analytical Perspectives of the Presidents 2004 budget, we included
targets for improvement in critical IT security weaknesses by the
end of this calendar year. Some of the key targets: All agencies
shall have an adequate process in place for developing and imple-
menting the plans of actions and milestones to ensure that pro-
gram and system level IT security weaknesses are identified,
tracked, and corrected.
Eighty percent of Federal IT systems shall be certified and ac-
Eighty percent of the Federal Governments fiscal year 2004
major IT investments shall appropriately integrate security into
the lifecycle of their investments.
I would like to talk a little bit about funding. Our analysis for
the second year in a row shows that there is not a direct correla-
tion between how much agencies spend on IT security and the
quality of their results. That said, spending on IT security has in-
creased 70 percent since 2002. Federal agencies plan to spend
$4.25 billion this year on IT security, that is 7 percent of the Fed-
eral Governments overall IT budget and a 57 percent increase
from the $2.7 billion spent last fiscal year. In next fiscal year,
agencies plan to spend $4.7 billion on IT security, and that will rise
to 8 percent of the overall Federal Government IT budget.
I would like to talk very briefly about some of the improvements
and changes in handling cyber security incidents. Last year when
I testified before the Government Reform Committee, I pointed out
that we need to move to respond to threats within 24 hours. And
so we have taken fairly aggressive action to do that.
OMB and the CIO Council have developed and deployed a proc-
ess to rapidly identify and respond to cyber threats and critical
vulnerabilities. CIOs are advised by a conference call as well as fol-
lowup e-mail of specific actions needed to protect agency systems
when a threat has been identified. Agencies must then report to
OMB on the implementation of the required countermeasures. This
emergency notification and response process has been used three
times since the beginning of the year. We started out with the first
vulnerability with a 90 minute cycle time to get the message out
and get affirmative contact back that the process had begunfirst
for the Slammer Worm and then for the Sendmail and the IIS
vulnerabilities. As a result of these early alerts, agencies have been
able to rapidly close vulnerabilities that otherwise might have been
I would also like to talk a little bit about the integration of
FedCIRC, the National Infrastructure Protection Center and the
Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office [CIAO], under one depart-
ment. That represents an opportunity for the administration to
strengthen the Government-wide processes for intrusion detection
and response through maximizing and leveraging the important re-
sources of these previously separate offices. Now this has only been
in effect for a little over a month. So I think as they produce the
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results of their planning, you will see that there will be significant
Experts agree though, and I would just like to conclude with a
final thought, it is virtually impossible to ensure perfect security of
IT systems. Therefore, we must maintain constant vigilance while
also maintaining the focus, as my colleagues have said, on business
continuing plans. Thank you.
[The prepared statement of Mr. Forman follows:]
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Mr. PUTNAM. Thank you very much, Mr. Forman. I thank all of
our panelists. We will get right to the questions.
All of you have touched on the simple fact that most of the criti-
cal infrastructure is controlled by the private sector. Mr. Vatis, in
particular, singled out the need for an aggressive innovative ap-
proach that goes beyond merely the soapbox to incent or coerce
greater accountability and compliance, greater focus on cyber secu-
rity in the private sector. Could you elaborate a little bit more, be-
ginning with Mr. Vatis, and then the other two as well, on the best
way for the Federal Government to approach the regulation of and
the incentivizing of better cyber security in the private sector.
Mr. VATIS. Mr. Chairman, thank you. I do not have any particu-
lar silver bullet that I think is the answer to the problem. But I
think there are a number of ideas that have been discussed but
over the past few years have basically been dismissed out of hand
because of the fear of even getting into anything that might smack
of regulation. So what I am really urging is a considered study of
several different options. The fact of the matter is we do have some
instances of direct regulation, of coercion, if you will, that are al-
ready in place but which were not instituted for securitys sake, per
se, but more out of a concern for privacy: of HIPAA and Graham-
Leach-Bliley, for example.
So I think one thing that should be done is to study those acts
as they are implemented to see if they actually result in a net in-
crease of security, and if so, at what cost, in terms of efficiency or
other things. I think there are other ideas that have been talked
about, such as requiring disclosure of security plans for security
breaches by companies that suffer breaches so that there is a fur-
ther incentive to take security seriously. Because what we have
seen over the years again and again and again is that many com-
panies are simply sweeping the problem under rug so that it does
not become public. I think if there were some sort of disclosure re-
quirement, as the State of California, for example, is now institut-
ing for companies that do business in that State, as of this sum-
mer, that could create an additional incentive. Requiring disclosure
of plans in a 10k form for publicly traded companies is another
idea that has been talked about. Tax incentives for upgrading of
technology to address security is another idea. Best practices for
hardware and software manufacturers.
So there are many ideas. I think the wonderful congressional
staff that are out there are a good resource to look into these ideas.
And some of the Federal R&D moneys should be devoted not just
to technical R&D, but to research into the legal, policy, and eco-
nomic factors that affect the implementation of technical security
Those are some of the things that I would urge.
Mr. PUTNAM. Mr. Clarke.
Mr. CLARKE. Mr. Chairman, I think we want to avoid regulation
here. The thought of having a Federal cyber security regulation
agency and a Federal cyber security police scares me to death. But
I think there are some things we can do to stimulate the private
sector without regulation. One, Michael just mentioned, is we can
have the SEC do what it did for Y2K, which is to require that pub-
licly traded companies have in their reports a report against some
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brings. But, again, the department has only been up for several
weeks now. I think when you see their go forward plan, you will
see how they have integrated things, building on the successes and
giving some innovation to that as well.
Mr. PUTNAM. Mr. Vatis, do you want to comment on that?
Mr. VATIS. I am hopeful, Mr. Chairman, that Mr. Forman will
prove to be right and that once the key personnel are in place in
the new department we will see things start to roll. But I think,
to be realistic, it will take some time, because the operational per-
sonnel are not likely to be in place for over a year, and there are
so many vacant positions now that are responsible for infrastruc-
ture protection and intelligence analysis.
I would make one other point about something that worries me.
And that is what appears to be the administrations policy that
cyber security is a subset of critical infrastructure protection as a
whole, including physical vulnerabilities of our critical infrastruc-
tures. I think there is definitely a logic to that view in that we do
need to look at the infrastructures as a whole and consider all the
different vulnerabilities. But the worry I have is that if an official
or a subset of DHS is looking at both physical and cyber
vulnerabilities and threats, cyber will always get short-shrift, espe-
cially in these years so soon after September 11th when so much
focus is on the vulnerability to physical terrorist attack. I think we
have seen that happen in prior years. When we tried to do both
things through the same offices, through the same people, cyber al-
ways got less attention than it was due. So that is another thing
I think we need to keep an eye on, to make sure that does not hap-
Mr. PUTNAM. Mr. Clarke, when you analyze the threat environ-
ment out there, what particular nations or particular non-state ac-
tors are out there that have made cyber security a priority as their
way of getting at capitalism or the United States or western civili-
zation or whatever?
Mr. CLARKE. Mr. Chairman, there is a classified answer to that
in terms of what we know about other nations that have created
offensive cyber security organizations. Suffice it to say in an open
hearing there are nations, including our own, that have created
cyber security offensive organizations. And there are terrorist
groups, organized criminal groups that are interested in this. I am
not very good at predicting the who here. And I think we make a
mistake by focusing on who is going to do it to us.
I think rather than focus on the who, we should focus on the
what, what are they going to do. And it is real simple. As long as
we have major cyber security vulnerabilities that would allow
someone who does not like us to screw up our economy, then some-
one will. It may not happen this year. We may not be able to guess
who it is in advance. But it is a very high probability that as long
as we have very well known major vulnerabilities that are cheaply
exploited, somebody will do it. And I do not think the emphasis
ought to be on trying to figure out who that is in advance and get-
ting them before they do it, because someone else will do it. What
we should try to do is raise the barrier.
And in answer to your last question about DHS and OMB, I
think the question answers itself when you ask who is the highest
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thing is what will it mean for the actual technology, your architec-
ture that you have deployed as a department.
So, as an example, we worried and fast responded to the Slamer
threat. But as you recall, the Congress was affected by this. There
was a cyber sit-in where people called and used the Internet as a
way to show their response to the administrations policy in the
war in Iraq. Our policy decision on that was that was not a cyber
security threat; that was e-democracy moving into the Internet age.
The cyber security community view on that was that was a cyber
threat. So if we do not meld these two groups together and look at
this from the standpoint of the CIO overall, as was laid out going
back to the Clinger-Cohen Act, we will not be able to get that deci-
sion properly placed as a policy decision.
Mr. PUTNAM. Correct me if I am wrong or if I am heading in the
wrong direction on this. But from my perspective, the OMB role
would be an internal Federal IT management role, protecting and
preserving the sanctity of Federal systems, of the Federal net-
works, of containing the costs of a breach that would spread agen-
cy-wide or department-wide or Government-wide. The role of
Homeland Security would be analyzing the threats, detecting as
quickly as possible when a virus or some other cyber attack has oc-
curred, and then distributing that word as quickly as possible to
the public and private sectorState, local governments, the re-
mainder of the Federal Government, and critical infrastructure. So
how well is Homeland Security equipped to handle that, not from
an internal Federal IT perspective, but from the external perspec-
Mr. FORMAN. Again, a lot of this may change, but let me tell you
because there is an area of overlap between the Federal and the
external. FedCIRC maintains the catalogue, if you will, of the
vulnerabilities and the patches that are associated with fixing that
vulnerability. Generally, when we see a threat materialize that we
have to respond quickly to, the threat targets a certain vulner-
ability. And if the patch gets rapidly deployed or if it had already
been deployed, there is no impact. And so we have been fairly effec-
tive, certainly this year we have been 100 percent effective, in mak-
ing sure that when the threat is identified FedCIRC puts out, in
coordination with the CIO Council, the link to the patch and the
characterization of that vulnerability, the threat, etc.
There is a partner organization, the National Infrastructure Pro-
tection Center, that was not totally but the key elements moved
from the FBI to that same office to integrate this together better.
They produce a daily report. I expect that will continue. I do not
know that for a fact. We will see I think some innovation there.
But that tells you the threats that are current, the patches that are
current, hot links, and so forth. So I think that part is focusing
fairly well on the topical threats.
In the area outside of Government, the longer term remediation
and maintenance of the architectures is an area where I think
there is a big question as to how to proceed. There is a multifaceted
approach laid out in the Presidents National Cyberspace Strategy.
And that was thoroughly vetted, as in Dick Clarkes testimony. So
I am fairly comfortable we are going to see a good implementation
plan for that as Bob has the time to make that work at Depart-
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ment of Homeland Security and they are ready to release their im-
plementation plan for that strategy.
Mr. PUTNAM. I know that there has been a great deal of focus
on this and I know that it is a daunting task. But in the latest re-
port in 2002, after 4 solid years of focused, specific attention to this
issue of cyber security, we only had 3 out of 24 agencies that re-
ceived a report card grade that was better than a D, and 14 of the
24 got an F. What are we doing wrong? What is Congress role?
That is just unacceptable, obviously. And while it does not reflect
a lack of effort on the part of OMB perhaps to manage this, it cer-
tainly reflects a lack of success on the part of agencies to improve
outcomes. So I will let you get situated and then answer that.
Mr. FORMAN. I share 100 percent this focus. First of all, we did
have differences in scores and ratings between what Mr. Horn
scored the agencies on and how we scored them in 2001. I will say
2001 was the first year that we actually measured progress and
that set the benchmark. So it was not until the end of 2001 that
we even knew quantitatively how bad it was and subsequent to
that put in place a process, these plans of actions and milestones,
that laid out the workload to fix that.
Last year, we had pretty much quarterly oversight for both OMB
as well as Congress. I would ask that we maintain that because I
think we made a lot of progress. It is documented in the data that
we shared in the testimony, in some more detailed data we shared
with the staff and GAO in the 2002 GISRA report, and we will be
able to see to the agency. But the progress of going from 27 percent
to 53 percent, is 53 percent acceptable? Absolutely not. By the end
of this year, we believe, it is a slight stretch goal, but with the con-
stant vigilance, we believe we get up to 80 percent on a couple of
these security measures and 100 percent on putting in place a proc-
ess. That is going to take a lot of continued oversight throughout
this year to get there. But at that point we are talking about sig-
nificantly improved security. And I would put that up against any
company and you will find very few that hit those benchmarks.
Mr. PUTNAM. Just very briefly, would you put that up against
any other country?
Mr. FORMAN. I think that there are a coupleI have not really
thought about that. But certainly our view is that the United
States spends the most, we have to protect our citizens and the in-
formation, and so we are going to be the best not because we are
competing with other countries, but because it is the right thing to
do for Americans.
Mr. PUTNAM. Mr. Clarke, Mr. Vatis, what other countries out
there are ahead of us on protecting critical infrastructure from
cyber attack?
Mr. CLARKE. The good news, Mr. Chairman, is that nobody is
ahead of us. The bad news is that we are pretty bad. I disagree
with Mark in saying that the Federal Government is as good as
any company. That just is not true. The private sector is way
ahead of the Federal Government.
Mr. PUTNAM. So who do I needI do not mean to interrupt, I am
going to let you finishwhat companys CIO do I need to bring in
to our next hearing?
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Thank you for this opportunity to tell you about what we have
done in the Commerce Department to improve our information se-
curity posture. We have come a long way in these last 2 years, and
we are working hard to complete the next steps that are essential
to provide adequate protection of our data and systems. We under-
stand, however, that IT security is a never-ending process, and we
are committed to maintaining a high level of vigilance to ensure
that the Department is able to carry out its mission without dis-
ruption caused by cyber threats.
[The prepared statement of Mr. Pyke follows:]
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Mr. CLAY. Thank you. Mr. Pyke, in the last panel, Mr. Clarke
suggested that IT security be contracted to private firms with pen-
alties on the contractor for breaches. I would like to hear your
thoughts on that suggestion.
Mr. PYKE. Mr. Clay, I respectfully disagree with that particular
recommendation, although I think that there is plenty of room for
us to outsource many of the capabilities we need to have a com-
plete and effective IT security program. As we have done in Com-
merce from the Secretary on down, I think it is very important to
have personal accountability of our managers for the management
of IT security. I also think it is important to have a high level indi-
vidual or individuals responsible for IT security within the organi-
zation. When I was the CIO of the National Oceanic and Atmos-
pheric Administration, I raised IT security to the top level within
the CIO office. At the Commerce Department, we have IT security
and critical infrastructure protection at the top level within the
Commerce CIO office. I should add that we have full-time individ-
uals responsible for each of these important functions.
So I do not think the responsibility for IT security within any
Federal agency can be delegated by outsourcing. But I do think, es-
pecially since we all face a shortfall of the scarce resources nec-
essary to keep on top of IT security, I do think that it is an excel-
lent idea to take advantage of outsourcing to get the job done.
Mr. CLAY. Mr. Pyke, let me also ask you about the Census Bu-
reau. Do they have an enterprise architecture for the moderniza-
tion of its geographic system, and has your office reviewed that ar-
Mr. PYKE. Yes. The Census Bureau does have an architecture,
and their overall architecture for the agency as a whole and for
moving ahead toward the next decennial census is a part of the
overall enterprise architecture that we have for the entire Depart-
ment of Commerce.
Mr. CLAY. What is the cost of this modernization project?
Mr. PYKE. Are you talking about the census modernization?
Mr. CLAY. Yes.
Mr. PYKE. If I may, sir, I would like to provide that number for
you for the record.
Mr. CLAY. That will be fine. Thank you.
Ms. MacLean, the last question. Has the banking industry been
concerned about sharing information with the Federal Govern-
ment? And does the FOIA exclusion passed as part of Homeland
Security address those concerns?
Ms. MACLEAN. That is a very great question. The financial serv-
ices sector as a whole believes strongly that FOIA protection is crit-
ical to our ability to share information with the Federal Govern-
ment. Being able to share that information without fear of disclo-
sure of specifics I think is very, very important. So, keeping with
that FOIA protection another aspect of that, if we go back to Y2K
and the way that Y2K protection was handled with the FOIA; also,
liability protection is another aspect that we feel is important.
Mr. CLAY. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. PUTNAM. Thank you, Mr. Clay. I would like to followup on
that question with Ms. MacLean. What would be the threshold of
breach or the threshold of cyber threat or cyber attack that would
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What are your feelings on the minimum standards and the ap-
proach of regulation? How do we incent that in the private sector
so that we have the information that we need and we are getting
the results that we need without an over-reaching from the regu-
latory approach?
Ms. MACLEAN. Today, our particular sector, the financial services
sector is highly regulated. So, in some ways, we are already the
beneficiary of having some of those guidelines in place. There are
a number of regulations today. I think it was mentioned, the
Graham-Leach-Bliley Act is one of those regulations which incent
or require you to put in additional controls.
The second part of that question on how do we make that proc-
ess, should we make that process and do more of that, I really do
not think additional regulation is conducive to actually getting
companies to put those controls in place. Risk management, in
most companies, especially in the financial sector, is in the busi-
ness of selling trust. So it is to our advantage to really provide se-
cure services to our customers. The customers demand that. And
so there is a market force that really is at the heart of everything
we do. We do it because it makes good business sense. And the
checks and balances are in place, if you will, through the regu-
latory agencies who oversee us.
Mr. PUTNAM. Did you agree with the recommendation of the first
panel that perhaps the way to get at publicly traded corporations
is to have a certified audit process that is reflected in a report to
the SEC?
Ms. MACLEAN. I do agree with that. And we do that to an extent
today within the financial services sector. I think that would be an
effective means. And you are looking more at an effective program
versus regulating that program.
Mr. PUTNAM. One of the challenges that has come up is that a
number of the issues we deal with are not as much technological
challenges as they are human challenges or cultural challenges.
How are you or others in the private sector held accountable for
protecting your infrastructure from security breaches?
Ms. MACLEAN. My whole job at Bank of America is to provide
that leadership, that vision, and I mentioned execution and ac-
countability. I think those are four core things that have to be in
place for any effective program. I think within the financial serv-
ices sector, the way that we have organized with the associations
is to provide that leadership and guidance to all of the financial
services sector so that we are consistent in our approach.
The other key to this I think is the outreach opportunities, be-
cause we are very interdependent on other sectors, such as tele-
communications and energy and our government partners, the Fed-
eral Reserve Bank, other people with whom we have interdepend-
encies. Making sure that everyone within each link of the chain,
if you will, those chains, the links in the chains are all doing the
right things. I think the leadership around those best practices and
expectations that we have are really critical to having a cohesive
integrated program.
Mr. PUTNAM. Let me give you a version of what I asked Mr.
Pyke. If you get a report that there is something very suspicious
going on, something that is raising red flags in your infrastructure
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