Kerala Inland Vessel Rules

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SL. No. Page No.

1. Short Title and Commencement
2. Definitions
3. Types of Survey
4. Categorization of vessels
5. Procedure for survey
6. Application for Survey
7. Date, Time and Place of survey
8. Manner of survey
9. Declaration of Survey
10. Notice regarding Certificate of Survey
11. Application for certificate of survey
12. Certificates of Survey
13. Change of name
14. All Vessels to be registered
15. Application for registration
16. Procedure for registration
17. Certificate of registration
18. Manner of display of distinguishing mark
19. Book of registration
20. Safety Inspection, suspension/cancellation
21. Appeal
22. Report of alteration
23. Duplicate of the certificate
24. Transfer of vessel
25. Mortgage of vessel
26. Fees payable
27. Re-survey of the Vessels
28. Method of payment
29. Refund
30. Qualification of Chief Surveyor
31. Qualification of Surveyor
32. Qualification of Registering Authority
33. Minimum crew/manning
34. Qualifications for Ist Class Masters Certificate
35. Qualifications for IInd Class Masters Certificate
36. Qualification for Serangs Certificate of competency
37. Qualifications for a lascar
38. Qualifications for an Engineer
39. Qualification for First Class Engine Driver
40. Qualification for 2nd Class Engine Driver
41. Certificate of Competency as Serang-cum- Driver
42. Appointment of examiners for issuing competency certificates
as Masters, Serangs, Engineers, Engine drivers ,and Lascars
43. Grant of Masters, Serangs Engineers
Engine Drivers and Lascars certificate of competency
44. Grant of, Serangs, IInd class Engine drivers
certificate of service
45. Certificate of service for Ex Army/Navy/Coast guard personnel
46. Grant of certificate of competency without examination
47. Power of the competent authority to suspend or
cancel certificates in certain cases
48. Obligation to deliver suspended or cancelled certificate
49. Time and place of Examination
50. Fee for examination
51. Repayment of examination fee
52. Period of Validity of Certificate
53. Temporary Certificates
54. Duties of the Competent Authority
55. Duties of the Chief Examiner, Inland Water Transport
56. Look-Out
57. Safe Speed
58. Risk of collision
59. Action to avoid collision
60. Narrow channels
61. Single lane traffic
62. Sailing vessels
63. Overtaking
64. Head-on situation
65. Crossing situation
66. Action by give-way vessel
67. Action by stand-on-vessel
68. Responsibilities of (between) vessels
69. Vessels not in sight of one another
70. Lights &Shapes
71. Different Lights used in vessels
72. Visibility of Lights
73. Lights to be exhibited by mechanically propelled vessel under-way
74. Lights to be exhibited by towing & pushing vessels
75. Lights to be exhibited by sailing vessel and vessels under oars
76. Lights to be exhibited by fishing vessels
77. Lights to be exhibited by vessels not under command
or restricted in their ability to maneuver
78. Lights to be exhibited by vessels engaged in dredging
79. Lights to be exhibited by pilot vessels
80. Lights to be exhibited by anchored vessels and vessels aground
81. Lights to be exhibited by hydrofoils & mechanized country crafts
82. Sound Signals
83. Equipment for sound signals
84. Maneuvering and warning signals
85. Sound signals in restricted visibility
86. Distress signals
87. Exemptions
88. Application of the provisions of Port rules and
National waterway regulations
89. Marking of Navigable Channel
90. Traffic Signals and Signs
91. Storm Warning
92. Carriage of Dangerous Goods
93. Prevention of Explosions or Fire
94. Prevention and containment of pollution of harbors,
ports and waterway by oil/chemical/hazardous cargo etc.
95. Passage through Bridges
96. Passage through locks
97. Reduction of speed in certain circumstances
98. Drifting of a vessel
99. Crossing of navigable channel
100. Mooring of vessels
101. Stationary Vessels
102. Responsibility of Master /Owner
103. Classification of vessels
104. Technical requirements
105. Stowage
106. Display of usage
107. Exemption
108. Applicability of this rule
109. Appliances to be carried by Inland vessel
110. Approval by Competent Authority
111. Responsibility of Master/Owner
112. Hull
113. Watertight Subdivision
114. Bulkheads
115. Hull side Valves and Fittings
(other than those on scuppers ad sanitary discharges)
116. Deck openings, Hatch comings
117. Height of Sides and Rails
118. Water closets
119. Freeboard
120. Flooring
121. Position of Helmsman
122. Boilers and pressure vessel
123. Internal Combustion Engines
124. Propeller Shafts
125. Power
126. Machinery Fencing
127. Trials
128. Motor compartment construction, ventilations etc.
129. Fuel tanks
130. Fuel Pipe arrangements
131. Bilge Pumping and Bailing Arrangements
132. Steering Gear
133. Passenger Accommodation
134. Stability
135. Stability of Hovercrafts
136. Anchors & Cables etc.
137. Exemptions
138. Advisory committee
139. Penalties
140. FORM No.1
141. FORM No.2
142. FORM No.3
143. FORM No.4
144. FORM No.5
145. FORM No.6
146. FORM No.7
147. FORM No.8
148. FORM No.9
149. FORM No.10
150. FORM No 11
151. FORM No.12
152. FORM No 13
153. FORM No.14
154. FORM No.15
155. FORM No.16
156. FORM No.17
157. FORM No 18
158. FORM No.19
159. FORM No 20
160. FORM No.21
161. FORM No.22
162. FORM No-23
163. FORM No.24
164. FORM No.25
165. FORM No.26
166. FORM No.27
167. FORM No.28
168. FORM No.29
169. FORM No.30
170. FORM No.31
171. FORM No.32
172. FORM No.33
(Coastal Shipping and Inland Navigation Department)


Dated, Thiruvananthapuram..
G.O.(P) No ./CSIND.

S.R.O. No../2010.- In exercise of the powers conferred by section

19(1), 19 R, 29(1), 30, 30 A, 52(1), 53(1), 54 (1), 54(b) and 67(1) of the Inland
Vessels Act, 1917 (Central Act 1 of 1917) and in supersession of the Travancore
Public Canals and Public Ferries Rules, 1100 ME, issued under the Public
Canals and Public Ferries Act, 1096, the Cochin Public Canals and Backwaters
Navigation Rules, 1114 ME issued under the Cochin Public Canals and
Backwaters Navigation Act, 1092 and the Canals and Public Ferries Rules, 1917
issued under the Canals and Public Ferries Act, 1890, to the extent they apply to
mechanically propelled vessels and the Inland Vessels Survey and Registration
(Kerala) Rules, 1999 issued under G.O.(P) No.1/99/CS&IND dated 5th June, 1999
and published as S.R.O. No. 503/99 in the Kerala Gazette Extraordinary No.1112
dated 5th June, 1999, the Government of Kerala hereby make the following rules,
namely :-



1. Short Title and commencement . (1) These rules may be called the Kerala
Inland Vessels Rules, 2010.
(2) They shall come into force at once
2. Definitions .- (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a) Act means the Inland Vessels Act,1917(Central Act 1 of 1917);
(b) amidships means at the middle of the length L;
(c) Approved life-buoy shall be deemed sufficient to provide buoyancy for
two persons;
(d) approved consultant means a naval architect or a marine engineer
qualified to certify the safe construction of hull/machinery of the vessel for
the purpose of survey and duly approved by the Competent Authority;
(e) Buoyant apparatus means rectangular rafts fitted with buoyancy tanks
sufficient to support up to fourteen persons in the water and includes
buoyant deck seat;
(f) Certificate of Survey means the certificate of survey granted under section
9 of the Act;
(g) Class Survey of Classification Society means survey by a ship
classification society to assign characters and class notations of inland
(h) channel marks include coconut piles/bamboo marks, buoys and beacon;
(i) Chief examiner Inland Water Transport means an officer so appointed by
the Government in charge of syllabus, examination and issue of
(j) Chief surveyor means an officer duly so appointed by the Government
under this rules;
(k) Competent Authority means an authority so appointed by the
(l) convoy means a group of vessels, floating equipments or raft towed or
pushed by a mechanically propelled vessel;
(m) drifting means being driven by the current with the engine stopped;
(n) ferry boat means any vessel providing a transport service across or along
a waterway;
(o) Form means form appended to these rules;
(p) freeboard means the distance measured vertically downwards amidships
from the upper edge of the deck line to the position at which the upper edge
of the appropriate load line mark lies;
(q) G.T means gross tonnage;
(r) Government means the Government of Kerala;
(s) length and breadth of a vessel means maximum length and breadth of a
(t) lock means confined section of river or canal where level can be changed
for raising and lowering boats between adjacent sections by use of gates
and sluices;
(u) lock basin means the approach to the lock narrowing towards the lock from
upstream and downstream;
(v) master means any person possessing a certificate of competency/service
issued under the Act and in overall charge and control of a vessel;
(w) miles means nautical miles;
(x) name of the vessel includes the registration mark referred to in section 19
H of the Act;
(y) navigable channel means the channel intended for uninterrupted passage
of vessels;
(z) owner means the owner of a vessel ;
(aa) Registering Authority means the registering Authority appointed under this
(ab) restricted visibility means any condition in which visibility is restricted by
fog, mist, heavy rainstorms, sandstorms or any other similar causes;
(ac) sailing vessel means any vessel under sail, without using the propelling
machinery ;
(ad) Schedule means the schedule appended to these Rules;
(ae) surveyor includes Chief Surveyor also;
(af) Underway means a vessel which is not at anchor or made fast to the
shore or aground;
(ag) Vessel means an inland vessel or inland mechanically propelled vessel;
(ah) Vessel not under command means a vessel, which through some
exceptional circumstances is unable to maneuver as required by these
rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel.
(2) Words and expressions used, but not defined in these Rules, shall have the
meaning assigned to them in the Act

Survey of vessels
3. Types of Survey. (1) Every vessel to which the provisions of the Act apply
shall be subjected to the surveys specified below;-
(i). A survey before the vessel is put in service.

(ii). A periodical survey once in every twelve months.

(iii). Additional surveys as occasion demands.

(2) The survey before the vessel is put in service shall include a complete
inspection of the hull, machinery and equipments to ensure that
arrangements, material, scantlings of hull, main and auxiliary machinery, life-
saving appliances, fire appliances and other equipments fully comply with the
requirements under the Act and these Rules as are applicable in its case
provided that the bottom of the vessel which has been surveyed or
examined by a surveyor before the vessel is launched may be exempted
unless the surveyor has special reasons for considering it necessary.
(3) The periodical survey of the vessel shall include an inspection of the whole of
the hull, machinery and equipments to ensure that hull, machinery and
equipments are in satisfactory condition and fit for the service for which the
vessel is intended and that she complies with the requirements under this Act
and these rules as are applicable in its case.
(4) All Vessels shall be inspected once in every twenty four months by a
surveyor in a dry dock or on a slipway such that all portions of hull external
can be examined during the hours of daylight:
Provided that a vessel may be exempted from inspection in a dry dock or a
slip way only where the approved classification society conducting the
periodical survey of the vessel does not insist for the same.
(5) No survey of the external hull shall be carried out during the hours of
darkness unless specially authorized in any exceptional case by the
competent authority.
(6) The period of validity of a certificate of survey shall be twelve months from
the date of survey.
(7) A survey either general or partial, according to the circumstances shall be
(a) the efficiency or competence of its equipments has changed or
whenever a request for extension of certificate of survey is being
(b) every time a defect is discovered or an accident occurs which affects
the safety of the vessel,

(8) The survey shall be conducted in such a way to ensure that the necessary
repairs or renewals have been effectively made, that the material and
workmanship of such repairs or renewals are in all respects satisfactory and
that the vessel is fit for the service for which she is intended.
4. Categorization of Vessels. For the purpose of survey inland vessels may be
classified into two categories as follows:-
Category A
(a) Vessels driven with more than 300 HP in board engine;
(b) Passenger Vessels/House Boats with deck above the free board
(c) Vessels with Fibre Reinforced Plastic hull having a passenger
capacity of more than 25;
(d) Vessels other than house boats of more than 24m length;
(e) Hover crafts and Hydro foils;
(f) House Boats of length more than 30 m. with no upper deck.
Category B
All mechanically propelled vessels not included in Category A.

5. Procedure for survey . (1) The owner or builder who intends to build a
vessel shall, before laying the keel of the vessel, submit a preliminary
application expressing his intention to build a vessel, in Form No.1
along with particulars specified in sub clause (b), (c) ,(d) ,(e) and (f) of
rule 6(4), to the Chief Surveyor so that the progress of construction
can be watched by the Surveyor from the very beginning and at
different stages of construction.
(2) Upon receipt of application as above, the Chief Surveyor shall verify the
same and decide the category to which the vessel is to be included and
intimate it to the applicant.

(3) The date and place of laying the keel for the new vessel shall be intimated
to the Chief Surveyor ,in writing , at least seven days before laying the

Category A vessels shall be required to be built under the class

survey of classification society as may be specified by the
Government and

Category B vessels built either under class survey of classification

society or under the inspection of State Survey authority, assisted by
certified Naval Architects or Marine Engineers for approval of drawings,
stage survey etc.
Provided that Government may exempt any vessel or class of
vessels satisfying the requirements of Travancore Public Canals and
Public Ferries Act 1096, the Cochin Public Canals and Back waters
Navigation Act of 1092, the keel of which is laid, under construction or
constructed before the coming into force of these rules, from rule 4 and
provisions in sub rules (1) and (2)of this rule, for a period not exceeding
one year from the date of commencement of these rules if the vessel or
class of vessels equipped with adequate life saving and fire fighting
equipments for the purpose of attaining the standards of survey as
specified in rule 5.

6. Application for Survey . (1) Every application for survey shall be made to the
surveyor, fifteen clear days before the date on which the applicant
would like to have the survey made.
(2) The application shall be made in Form No. 2 and shall contain the
particulars required therein.
(3) Every application shall be accompanied by the following records in
respect of the vessel, namely .-

(i) copy of registration of the vessel or records evidencing the title of

the applicant in respect of the vessel;
(ii) copy of latest certificate of Survey , if it is an existing vessel and in
case the vessel undergoing the first initial survey, a declaration
to that effect;
(iii) authorization from the registered owner, in the cases where the
applicant is not the registered owner;
(iv) documentary proof of his legal/natural guardian in case of minor;
(v) chalan receipt evidencing payment of such fees as specified in
Schedule-I for the survey;
(vi) duplicate of latest declaration, if any, given to the owner;
(vii) the name of port or place at which survey is expected to be
carried out;
(viii) such other records as are necessary for and in connection with
the survey;

(4) For survey of Inland Vessel either newly constructed or existing vessel
being surveyed for the first time, application shall be accompanied

(a) particulars in Form No. 3

(b) General Arrangement plans, structural drawings, freeboard marking,
shell expansion, machinery and machinery layout, propeller,
shafting, gears and steering plans, pipeline such as bilge and
ballast, oil transfer etc;
(c) particulars of wheel house, crew accommodation, passages ,
galleys, stores/service place etc.
(d) particulars of ventilation/change of air for engine room, crew
accommodation etc.
(e) particulars of Life Saving, Fire Fighting, Light and Sound signals,
Navigational and Communication equipments.
(f) drawings and computation as required under (b), (c), (d),and (e)
below and signed by a Naval Architect / Classification Society
approved by Government;
(5) For Category A vessels, application shall be accompanied by.

(a) relevant plans;

(b) computation of the strength of the hull, decks, bulkhead including
collision bulkhead etc;
(c) computation of stability, free board clearly showing amount of cargo
and method of its placement, depicting calculation of
metacentric height;
(d) all possible data from the Ex Registering Authority regarding
stability, drawings as mentioned above etc. and builders certificate,
if available; Provided that , if previous Surveying Authority is unable
to supply such data, for any reason and communicates the same in
writing, the owner shall produce such communication;
(e) certificate of machineries from manufacturers or classification
societies or surveyors and copy of Registration Certificate of vessel,
if necessary;
7. Date, Time and Place of survey. (1) On receipt of an application for
survey, the surveyor shall fix the date, time and place of survey and
shall give intimation thereof to the applicant in Form No. 4
(2) Survey of Inland vessel shall be conducted at such places as may
be declared by the Government as places of survey under section
4 of the Act.

8. Manner of survey .(1) The survey shall be made at such time, place and
date, as may be specified in the intimation referred to in rule 7.
Provided that the surveyor may postpone the survey for reasons to
be recorded and in the case of such postponement, the survey shall be
made only after fresh intimation, in the manner herein before specified;
Provided further that the surveyor may require the vessel to be
brought over to dry dock or any other suitable place, if such a step is, for
reasons to be recorded, considered necessary by the surveyor for the
purpose of the survey and no survey need be made in pursuance of an
application unless the directions of the surveyor in this regard are
complied with by the applicant:
Provided also that no survey shall be made on a public holiday
unless it is mutually convenient for the surveyor and the applicant and
unless the additional fees as provided thereof in these rules are paid by
the applicant.

(2) The survey shall be made by actual inspection of the vessel and every
part thereof including the machinery thereof and any other article
in the vessel, the inspection of which is relevant for the purposes of
the Act.
(3) At the survey, the surveyor shall satisfy himself as to the particulars
specified in section 7 of the Act
(4) (a) If, as a result of the survey any defect is noticed in the vessel or in
any part thereof or in any machinery or article therein, intimation
of such defect shall be given to the applicant with a direction to
rectify such defect within the period to be specified in such
(b) On receipt of information from the applicant regarding rectification
of such defects, further survey shall be made and at further
survey, the surveyor shall, before giving the declaration referred to
in section 7 of the Act, satisfy himself as to the rectification of such
(c) The surveyor shall not give the declaration referred to in section 7
of the Act unless and until the defect is rectified as directed by
(5) Where a vessel offered for survey in pursuance of an application in
that behalf by the owner is withdrawn by the owner owing to any
default or any other act or conduct by the owner and the survey is
hindered or made impossible, no survey of the vessel shall be made
based on that application;
Provided that nothing in this sub rule shall prevent the owner
from filing a fresh application for survey.
(6) (a) The surveyor shall, as and when so required by the Government,
furnish to the Government such information as he has in respect of
any vessel and if he is not in possession of such information, he
shall obtain such information from the owner or master and furnish
it to the Government.
(b) The owner or master of the vessel shall be bound to give such
information on a requisition in that behalf by the surveyor.
(7) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, it shall be competent
for the surveyor to go on board any vessel and inspect it or any part
thereof or any machinery or article thereon relevant to the purpose of
the Act, if such inspection becomes necessary for or in connection
with any of the purposes of the Act.
(8) No surveyor shall enter a vessel for the purpose of survey of the vessel
under this Act except under a notice to the owner or master of the
9. Declaration of Survey. (1) The declaration referred to in section 7 of the Act
shall be in a Form No.5 for category A vessels and in Form No.6 for
category B vessels and shall be given in duplicate.
(2) The owner or master to whom the declaration is given shall within
fourteen days after the date of receipt thereof, send the declaration to
such officer, as the Government may by notification appoint in this
(3) The surveyor giving such a declaration shall obtain from the owner or
master of the vessel the current or expired certificate of survey in
respect of the vessel and forward the same to the competent officer
with information regarding the survey made by him of the vessel and
regarding the declaration given by him to the owner under section 7 of
the Act.
10. Notice regarding Certificate of Survey. A notice under clause (b) of sub
section (1) of section 9 of the Act shall be in Form No.7 and shall contain the
particulars specified therein.
11. Application for certificate of survey. An application for a certificate of
survey shall be made to such officer authorized under sub section (2) of
section 9 of the Act in Form No. 8 and shall contain the particulars specified
12. Certificates of Survey. The certificate of survey in respect of class A
vessels shall be in Form No. 9 and in respect of class B vessels shall be in
Form No. 10 and shall contain the details specified therein.
13. Change of name. (1) Where a change of name of a vessel in respect of
which a certificate of survey had been granted under the Act is required, the
owner or master of the vessel shall forward the certificate of survey to the
authority who issued the certificate along with an application for change of
the name of the vessel entered in the certificate of survey.
(2) Such application shall be in Form No. 11 and shall contain the particulars
required therein.
(3) Such officer shall , after due enquiry by himself or through any other
officer satisfy that the new name is not allotted to any other vessel and
cause such change as is necessary to be effected in the certificate of
survey, which shall thereupon be returned to the owner.

Registration of Vessels
14. All Vessels to be registered. Every vessels coming under category A and
category B, except those mentioned in section 19S of the Act shall be
registered with the registering authority appointed by the Government under
section 19 B of the Act.
15. Application for registration. (1) Every application for registration shall be
in Form No. 12 and shall contain the particulars required therein.
(2) Each application for registration shall be accompanied by :-

(a) a statement by the owner that the provisions of the Act and these
rules have been complied with;

(b) a duplicate of the certificate of survey;

(c) chalan receipt evidencing payment of such fees as specified in the

Schedule-II for the registration of the vessel;

(d) copy of the third party insurance certificate of the Vessel.

16. Procedure for registration. (1) On receipt of the application for

registration, the registering authority shall give a notice in Form No.13, to
the applicant informing him of the time and date of the enquiry in
respect of the vessel.
(2) For the purpose of enquiry under these rules, it shall be competent for
such authority;-
(a) to inspect the vessel or any part thereof or any machinery therein
or any article therein relevant to the purpose of such enquiry;

(b) to call for any record from the owner or master of the vessel and
examine it in so far as such records are relevant for the purpose of
such enquiry and

(c) to have such assistance as it deems fit for the purpose of such

(3) The owner, the master and every member of the crew of the vessel shall
afford to such authority all reasonable facilities for the enquiry and
furnish such information as the authority requires for the purpose of
such inquiry.
17. Certificate of registration. The certificate of registration shall be in Form
No. 14 and shall contain the particulars specified therein.
18. Manner of display of distinguishing mark. (1) The distinguishing mark
(herein after called the registration mark ) assigned to a Vessel under section
19H of the Act, such as registration number, port of registry and name of
Vessel shall be displayed conspicuously on Star board or such other places
and both sides of the vessel.
(2) Every vessel except such small crafts which may be specified by the
Government by notification shall bear the following identification marks
on its hull;-
(a) Name of vessel, (Name shall be inscribed on each bow and stem of
the vessel);
(b) Registration No;
(c) Place of registry and year of registration.
(3) The identification mark shall be inscribed with letters not less than 20 cm in
height and 2 cm. wide and shall be painted in light colour on a dark
background or in a dark colour on a light background,
(4) In addition to the identification marks, every vessel shall be painted and
displayed on a fixed board, exhibited on the upper deck, the following
(a) gross registered tonnage ;
(b) maximum permissible number of passengers ;
(c) name of the owner ;
(d) date of last survey.
(5) Every vessel shall have the load line marked at least for one meter amid
ship on both sides and draught scale marked in meters and decimeters at
both ends of the vessel,
(6) Every small craft shall have its registration number inscribed on both sides
of the vessel.
(7) Every craft shall have its registration number or the name of the owner, or
both, exhibited on a wide board at a conspicuous part of the craft.,
19. Book of registration. (1)The book of registration referred to in section 19 C
of the Act, shall be in Form No.15 and it shall contain the particulars
required therein;
(2) The book of registration shall be kept in bound volumes with machine
numbered pages.
20. Safety Inspection, suspension/cancellation. (1) The registering
authority may, at any time, require that an Inland Vessel under his jurisdiction
be inspected by an officer appointed by Government in this behalf under
section 19 (0) of the Act.
(2) The registering authority may at any time, if satisfied that the vessel is in
such a condition not fit to ply in the Inland water, suspend the registration
of the vessel and require the owner thereof to surrender forth with the
certificates of survey and registration in respect of that vessel .
(3) A registering authority may also suspend or cancel a certificate of
registration if the vessel has been destroyed or rendered permanently unfit
for service. Provided that no certificate of registration shall be cancelled
without affording an opportunity for being heard to the owner of the vessel.
21. Appeal.- (1) Every appeal under section 19 P of the Act shall be in Form
No. 16 and shall contain the particulars required therein.
(2) The appeal shall be accompanied by the following, namely:-
(a) two copies of the order appealed against; (of which at least one
shall be the original or an attested copy)
(b) chalan receipt evidencing payment of the fee for the appeal specified
in the Schedule- II;
(c) such other records as are necessary for the disposal of the appeal

(3) (a) The notice of appeal referred to in sub-section (2) of section 19 P of

the Act shall be in Form No. 17 and shall contain the particulars
specified therein;
(b) The notice shall be communicated to the registering authority
through post or through a messenger or by any other method
which has the effect of communicating the notice.
22. Report of alteration. (1) No alteration to a vessel, shall be made without
obtaining sanction from the Registering Authority.
(2) The report of alteration referred to in sub-section (1) of section 19 J of
the Act shall be made by the owner of the vessel within thirty days
of the alteration in Form No.18

23. Duplicate of the certificate. (1)The authority which issued the certificate of
registration shall issue a duplicate of the certificate of registration to
replace a certificate lost, destroyed or mutilated:

Provided that no such duplicate certificate shall be issued

(a) in the case of a certificate lost, it is proved to the
satisfaction of the Registering Authority that all
measures possible for tracing out the certificate have
been exhausted;
(b) in the case of a certificate destroyed , such authority is
satisfied after due enquiry that the certificate has
actually been destroyed; and
(c) in the case of mutilated certificate, the owner delivers up
such certificate to such authority.
(2) Every duplicate of the certificate shall, on the face of it, be stamped
with the word duplicate in red ink.
(3) In the case of a certificate lost if, subsequent to the issue of a
duplicate certificate, the original certificate is found, the later shall be
delivered up to such authority who shall take such action in respect
of the original certificate as he deems fit.

24. Transfer of vessel. (1) If a vessel is transferred to any person, whether

resident within the State or not, the transferor and the transferee shall make
joint report of the transfer to the registering authority within whose
jurisdiction the transferee resides or carries on business within thirty days of
such transfer along with a chalan receipt evidencing payment of fees
specified in Schedule -II, for such transfer.
Provided that no transfer shall be made to any person resident in
another State or in any country outside India, without the previous approval
of the Government.
(2) The certificate of registration in respect of the vessel shall also be
surrendered along with the report referred to in sub section (1) in order
that the particulars of the transfer of the ownership may be entered
25. Mortgage of vessel. (1) Instrument creating a mortgage of a vessel or a
share therein shall be in Form No. 19.
(2) Instrument creating a transfer of a mortgage or a share therein shall be
in Form No. 20.
(3) Instrument creating the discharge of mortgage shall be in Form No. 21.
(4) On production of the instrument of mortgage or the instrument of
discharge of such mortgage the registering authority shall record it on
the book of registration to the effect that the Inland Vessel is mortgaged
or , as the case may be, the Inland Vessel is discharged from the said
(5) It shall be competent for the registering authority to call for and
examine any such instrument and any person having custody,
possession or control of the instrument shall be bound to make
available such instrument to such authority.
26. Fees payable. The fees payable under the Act shall be as specified in the
Schedule- I and Schedule- II of these rules.
27. Re-survey of the Vessels.Where a resurvey is necessitated on account of
any default, act or omission on the part of owner or master or any
member of the crew the owner shall be liable to pay such fee as may be
payable for a survey.
28. Method of payment.Any fee payable under the Act or under these rules
shall be paid by remittance into a Government Treasury to the credit of the
Government under such head of account as the Government may specify
from time to time.
29. Refund. No fee paid under the Act or these Rules shall be refundable.

Qualification, powers, functions and
Duties of Surveyor and Registering Authority
30. Qualification for appointment as Chief Surveyor of vessels and his
duties. (1) No person shall be appointed as surveyor unless he possesses
a basic degree in Marine Engineering or Ministry Of Transport first class
certificate of Director General of Shipping or a basic degree in Naval
Architecture with 15 years experience in sea going regular vessels /
Classification Societies / Ship Building yards/reputed International Shipping
Corporations or State Port Department.
(2) A Chief Surveyor shall discharge the following duties; namely:-
(a) receive applications for survey of vessels, and confirm that they are
in order.
(b) fix the date and place of surveys and conduct the survey as per
(c) verify and ensure that the vessels are constructed as per the
approved drawings, General Arrangement plans etc.
(d) determine whether the hull of the vessel is in proper condition and
fit for service;
(e) test the stability of the vessel so as to ensure against capsizing
under any conditions;
(f) ascertain that the machinery and machinery layout, propeller,
shafting, gears and steering, pipe lines such as bilge and ballast, oil
transfer etc., wheel house, crew accommodation , passages, galleys,
stores, service place etc., ventilation, change of air for engine room
etc., life saving , fire fighting, Light and sound signals, Navigation
and communication equipments etc. are in order and that generally
the vessel is fully equipped for the safety and convenience of
(g) issue declaration of survey to the vessels surveyed by him to the
owner or master of the vessel;
(h) give copies of documents on payment of fees specified in these
rules and maintain accounts of all dues connected with survey and
miscellaneous receipts;
31. Qualification for appointment as Surveyor of vessels and his duties. (1) A
of vessels shall possess a basic degree in Marine Engineering or
Ministry of Transport first class certificate of Director General of Shipping
or a basic degree in Naval Architecture with 7 years experience either/or
in sea going regular vessels / Classification Societies / Ship Building
yards/reputed International Shipping Corporations or State Port
(2) The surveyor shall be subordinate to the Chief surveyor and shall
discharge the following functions and duties , namely:-
(a) attend to the survey of vessel as per directions from the Chief
(b) maintain registers of vessels;
(c) conduct surprise inspection as per statutory provisions on
board vessels and verify the records to be maintained on board,
validity of crew certificate, survey certificate, Life Saving
Appliances, Fire Fighting Appliances, navigation and
communication equipment etc. Incase of default he shall detain
the vessel and make necessary recommendations for
suspension/cancellation of the certificate of registration/survey
to the competent authority. Such detention order shall be in
Form No.22 ;
32. Qualification for appointment as Registering Authority and his powers,
functions and duties . (1) The Registering Authority shall possess a basic
degree in Marine Engineering or Ministry of Transport first class certificate
of Director General of Shipping or a basic degree in Naval Architecture with
15 years in experience either/or in sea going regular vessels / Classification
Societies / Ship Building yards/reputed International Shipping Corporations
or State Port Department or a certificate of competency as Master Mariner
with 15 years of experience.
(2) The Registering Authority shall .
(a) ensure that all documents as specified in Rule 15 are received and
are in order.
(b) conduct enquiry after giving a notice to the applicant informing the
date and time of enquiry
(c) For the purpose of such enquiry the authority shall be competent
(i) inspect the vessel or any part thereof or any machinery
thereon or any article therein relevant to the purpose of such
(ii) call for any record from the owner or master of the vessel and
examine it in so far as such records are relevant for the
purpose of such enquiry.
(iii) have such assistance has he deems fit for the purpose of such
(d ) issue certificate of registration and maintain all records related to
registration of vessels.
(e) inspect any vessel under his jurisdiction, or get it inspected by an
officer appointed on his behalf at any time and to suspend the
registration of the vessel if satisfied that she is not fit to ply in
Inland Waters.
(f) cancel certificate of registration after necessary formalities, if found
(g) issue duplicate copy of certificates issued by the authority.




33. Minimum crew/manning. (1) Every vessel having passenger capacity of

more than 25 numbers shall be in charge of a Master and also shall have a
minimum of two Lascars possessing competency certificate issued as per
these rules.
(2) Every mechanically propelled vessel shall have on board the following
crew when proceed on any voyage, namely:-

(i) For vessels having inboard engines with 565BHP or more ,-

(a) one Master possessing a first class masters
Certificate granted under the Act or masters
certificate issued under Merchant Shipping Act, 1958.

(b) one Engineer possessing Engineers Certificate

granted under the Act.

(c) two Lascars possessing competency certificate issued

as per these rules.

(ii) For vessels having inboard engines with 226BHP or more but
less than 565BHP,-
(a) one Master possessing a second class masters
Certificate granted under the Act;

(b) one Engineer possessing first class Engine Drivers

certificate issued under the Act or Engine Drivers
certificate issued under Merchant Shipping Act, 1958
(c) two Lascars possessing competency certificate issued
as per these rules.

(iii) For vessels having inboard engines with 113BHP or more but
less than 226BHP,-
(a) one Master possessing a serang certificate granted
under the Act.
(b) one Engineer possessing second class Engine Drivers
certificate issued under the Act.
(c) one Lascar possessing competency certificate issued
as per these rules.

(iv) For vessels having inboard engines with less than 113BHP,-
(a) one Master possessing a serang certificate granted
under the Act;
one Master possessing competency certificate as
Boat Serang issued under the Act.

(b) one Engineer possessing second class Engine

Drivers Certificate issued under the Act.
one Engine Driver possessing competency certificate
as Boat Driver issued under the Act.
(c) one Lascar possessing competency certificate issued
as per these rules.

(3) For vessels having inboard engine less than 75 BHP, one serang- cum-
driver possessing both driver and serang certificate and one lascar.

(4) For owner driven vessels of less than 75BHP, the owner may drive if he
possesses a combined driver- cum- serang certificate.

(5) Any Vessels or class of vessels satisfying the requirements of the

Travancore public Canals and Public Ferries Act of 1096, the Cochin
Public Canals and Backwaters Navigation Act of 1092, the keel of which
is laid, under construction or constructed before the coming into force
of these rules may be exempted from compliance therewith of the
provisions of this chapter for a period not exceeding one year from the
date of commencement of these rules for the purpose of compliance of
the provisions of this chapter.
34. Qualifications and age of applicant for First Class Masters Certificate
of Competency. (1) The minimum qualifications to be required for a
person desirous of obtaining a first class Master's certificate of
competency shall be as follows:-

(i) A pass in X th. Standard Exam and shall be able to read and write
English and Malayalam; and
(ii) he shall be not less than twenty four years of age ; and
(iii) he shall ,
have served as second class Master in charge of an inland
vessel of not less than 260 HP for not less than three years;
while possessing a second class Masters certificate have
served as second serang of an inland vessel for not less
than four years; or
hold a certificate of second mate, foreign-going or mate home
trade granted under the Merchant Shipping Act,1958 and
have served as a mate of an inland vessel for not less than
one year; or
have served not less than three years at sea and three years
as mate of an inland vessel; or
have served not less than six years as a mate of an inland
(2) The applicant shall satisfy the Examining Board his ability to
distinguish colours, unless already holds a Board of Trade sea-
going certificate as Mate or Master;
(3) The applicant shall produce a medical certificate as to his physical
fitness in Form No.33
(4) The applicant shall pass a written examination and viva voce
examination in the following subjects, namely:
(a) general principles of navigation, in particular for river and
backwater navigation.
(b) management of vessels under all contingencies of meeting,
passing and overtaking vessels and the Rule of the road;
(c) questions regarding the exercise of seamanship in case of diffi-
culty and danger eg. when a vessel has grounded when
anchors and chains are carried out, when a vessel has to be got
afloat, when the hull is damaged or leaking or what steps to
take in case of fire or other accident to the vessel;
(d) provisions of the Inland Vessels Act 1917, Travancore Public
Canals and Public Ferries Act,1096, Cochin Public Canals and
Backwaters Navigation Act,1092,and the rules made thereunder
and National waterways Regulations and Cochin Port Rules;
(e) tide Tables/Storm signals; and
(f) compass.

35.Qualifications and age of applicant for Second Class Masters

(1) The minimum qualifications to be required of a person desirous
of obtaining a second class Master's certificate of competency
shall be as follows;

(a) a pass in Xth Standard examination and able to read and

write both English and Malayalam

(ii) he shall be not less than twenty two years of age.

(iii) Shall have served at least five years at sea or on inland

waters, the last three years of which must have been as
serang in an inland vessel with a serang certificate granted
under the Act.

Shall have served at least six years as a lascar/deck hand

in an inland vessel of not less than 226BHP

(2) the applicant shall satisfy the Examining Board of his ability to
distinguish colours, unless already holds a Board of Trade sea-
going certificate as Mate or Master;

(3) the applicant shall produce a medical certificate as to his

physical fitness in Form No.33
(4) the applicant shall pass a written examination and viva voce
examination in the following subjects namely:-
(a) general principles of navigation, in particular for river and
backwater navigation;
(b) management of vessels under all contingencies of meeting,
passing and overtaking vessels and the Rule of the road;
(c) questions regarding the exercise of seamanship in case of
difficulty and danger eg : when a vessel has grounded when
anchors and chains are carried out, when a vessel has to be
got afloat, when the hull is damaged or leaking or what
steps to take in case of fire or other accident to the vessel;
(d) provisions of the Inland Vessels Act 1917, Travancore public
canals and public ferries Act,1096 Cochin Public Canals
and backwaters Navigation Act,1092, and the rules made
there under ,National waterway regulations and Cochin Port
(e) tide tables, storm signals; and
(f) compass
36.Qualifications and age of applicant
for Serangs Certificate of competency,- (1) The minimum qualification to
be required for a person desirous of obtaining a Serang's
certificate of competency shall be as follows:-
(i) a pass in Xth. Standard Examination and shall be able to read
and write both English and Malayalam (This is not applicable
to those holding a certificate of service as Boat Master and
Boat serang issued in lieu of the certificate of competency as
Master and Serang under the Travancore public Canals and
Public Ferries Act 1096 and the Cochin Public Canals and
Backwaters Navigation Act, 1092 granted to those persons.)
(ii) he shall be not less than twenty one years of age
(iii) shall have served at least two years at sea or inland waters,
on vessels of engine with not less than 113 BHP the last year
of which must have been on an inland vessel as either a
helmsman or deck hand/lascar;
(iv) shall be able to swim and dive in canals and back waters
(2) The applicant shall produce a medical certificate as to his physical
fitness in Form No.33
(3) The applicant shall produce testimonials of sobriety and intelligence.
(4) The applicant shall pass a viva voce examination in the following
subjects namely:
(a) the general principles of navigation, in particular for river and
backwater navigation;
(b) the management of vessels under all contingencies of meeting,
passing and overtaking vessels and the Rules of the road;
(c) questions regarding the exercise of seamanship in case of diffi-
culty and danger eg : when a vessel has grounded when anchors
and chains are carried out, when a vessel has to be got afloat,
when the hull is damaged or leaking or what steps to be taken in
case of fire or other accident to the vessel.
(d) the provisions of the Inland Vessels Act 1917, Travancore Public
Canals and Public Ferries Act, Cochin Public Canals and
Backwaters Navigation Act and the rules made there under ,
National waterway regulations and Cochin Port Rules.
(e) tide tables, storm signals; and
(f) compass
(5) The existing competency certificate issued under the Travancore
Public Canals and Public Ferries Act, 1096ME (1921),the Cochin
Public Canals and Backwaters Navigation Act, 1092ME (1917) the
Madras Canals and Public Ferries Act, 1890 (II of 1890) as master /
serang shall be renewed as boat master / boat serang certificate
issued under these rules within a period of six months from the
date of commencement of these rules.

(6) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the persons

holding probationary licence for Master or Serang issued under the
Canals and Ferries Acts, prior to the commencement of these rules
may appear for the examination for the Boat serang certificate of
competency within a period of two years from the date of
commencement of these rules if they have two years service in an
inland vessel of not less than113 BHP and upon passing of the
examination they shall be issued a certificate of competency as
Boat serang.
37. Qualifications for a lascar. The qualifications for a Lascar shall be ;-

(1) a pass in VIIIth Standard Examination and shall be able to read

and write English and Malayalam

Provided that this clause shall not apply to the renewal of the
existing competency certificate

(2) he shall be not less than eighteen years of age.

(3) he shall produce sufficient evidence of sobriety and intelligence,
(4) he shall have served on year as pole man/helper in any country
craft or other vessels.
(5) he shall exhibit his ability to swim and dive in canals and
(6) he shall produce a medical certificate as to his physical fitness in
Form No.33
(7) he shall pass viva voce examination in the following
(a) colour test.
(b) the use of navigation lights and how to act when they are seen
in different directions.
(c) the rules regarding sound signals to give indications to other
vessels as to the position of the helm, etc.
(d) use of life saving and fire fighting appliances.
(e) the management of small inland vessels in all conditions.

(8) The existing competency certificate issued under the Travancore

Public Canals and public Ferries Act 1096 ME, the Cochin Public
Canals and Backwaters Navigation Act, 1092 ME, the Madras
Canals and public Ferries Act 1890 ( Act II of 1890) as Lascar
shall be liable to be renewed as Lascar certificate issued under
these rules, with in a period of six months from the date of
commencement of these rules.
38. Qualifications and age for obtaining Engineers certificate of
competency. (1) The qualification required of a person desirous of
obtaining an Engineers Certificate of competency shall be as follows : -
(i) a pass in ITI certificate for diesel mechanic/motor mechanic.
(ii) must have served as an apprentice Engineer for two years.
(iii) must have served four years with a first class engine drivers
certificate granted under the Act in charge of the engines of a
vessel having not less than 226BHP or two years in vessels of
not less than 565 BHP.
(iv) shall be able to explain the actual working of engines and the
separate uses of the feed pumps, pistons and other
(v) shall be able to show how he would act in case of the break-
down of any portion of the machinery, etc
(vi) shall be not less than twenty two years of age.
(2) The applicant produce a medical certificate as to his physical fitness in
Form No.33
(3) The applicant shall pass a written and viva voce examination to satisfy
(a) he fully understands the working and management of motor engines
and separate use of, magnetos, carburetors water circulating and oil
pumps, sparking plugs, etc.
(b) he is able to dismantle motor engines and any accessory part of
them detecting excessive wear or other defects and re-assemble
their parts in correct order;
(c) he is able to detect what is wrong in the event of the engine failing to
start up or any accessory part to perform its proper function;
(d) he is able to show how he would act in case of breakdown of any
portion of the machinery;
(e) he is able to show that he fully realises the danger of fire and
understands the precautions necessary to prevent it and what to do
when a fire actually breaks out;
(f) he is having thorough knowledge of auxiliary machineries,
instruments, hull protection , refrigeration etc.
39. Qualification for First Class Engine Driver. (1) The qualification required
of a person desirous of obtaining a First class engine Drivers Certificate of
competency shall be as follows : -
(i) he must have passed ITI examination for diesel mechanic/motor
(ii) he must possess a second class engine drivers certificate granted
under the Act and have served not less than one year as engine
driver on regular watch on the main engines of a vessel not less
than 565BHP or must have served for a period not less than two
years as second driver with a second class engine driver certificate
issued under the Act. in charge of any vessel of not less than
(iii) he must have served for a period of not less than 18months with a
second class engine drivers certificate granted under the Inland
Vessels Act, as driver in charge of the engine of an inland vessel of
not less than 113BHP;
(iv) he shall be able to explain the actual working of engines and the
separate uses of the feed pumps, pistons and other appliances;
(v) he shall be able to show how he would act in case of the break-
down of any portion of the machinery, etc.
(vi) he shall be not less than twenty two years of age;
(2) The applicant shall produce a medical certificate as to his physical
fitness in Form No.33
(3) The applicant shall pass a written examination and viva voce to
satisfy that;
(a) he fully understands the working and management of motor engines
and separate use of, magnetos, carburetors water circulating and oil
pumps, sparking plugs, etc. , and that he is able to some extent, to
explain their actual means of operation;
(b) he is able to dismantle motor engines and any accessory part of
them detecting excessive wear or other defects and reassemble
their parts in correct order;
(c) he is able to detect what is wrong in the event of the engine failing to
start up or any accessory part to perform its proper function;
(d) he is able to show how he would act in case of breakdown of any
portion of the machinery;
(e) he is able to show that he fully realizes the danger of fire and
understands the precaution necessary to prevent it and what to do
when a fire actually breaks out;
(f) he has thorough knowledge of auxiliary machineries, instruments
,hull protection ,refrigeration etc;

40. Qualification for Second Class Engine Driver . (1) The qualification
required of a person desirous of obtaining a second class engine Drivers
Certificate of competency shall be as follows : -
(i) he must have passed ITI course for diesel mechanic/motor
(ii) he must have served for one year as a serang/ lascar/greaser of an
Inland Vessel of not less than113 BHP;
he must have served for not less than two years as an apprentice in
the making, fitting or repairing of IC engines and in addition, he
must have served for six months in the engine room of an Inland
Vessel of not less than 226 BHP or twelve months in a vessel with
engines of not less than 113 BHP;
(iii) he shall be not less than twenty two years of age.
(2) The applicant shall produce a medical certificate as to his physical
fitness. in Form No.33
(3) The applicant shall pass a written examination and viva voce satisfy
(a) he fully understands the working and management of motor
engines and separate use of, magnetos, carburetors water
circulating and oil pumps, sparking plugs, etc. , and that he is
able to some extent, to explain their actual means of operation;
(b) he is able to dismantle motor engines and any accessory part of
them detecting excessive wear or other defects and reassemble
the parts in proper order;
(c) he is able to detect what is wrong in the event of the engine
failing to start up or any accessory part to perform its proper
(d) he is able to show how he would act in case of breakdown of
any portion of the machinery;
(e) he is able to show that he fully realises the danger of fire and
understands the precautions necessary to prevent it and what
to do when a fire actually breaks out;
(f) he has thorough knowledge of auxiliary machineries,
instruments, hull protection, refrigeration etc.
(4) The existing competency certificate issued under the Travancore Public
Canals and Public Ferries Act, 1096ME (1921),the Cochin Public
Canals and Backwaters Navigation Act, 1092ME (1917),the Madras
Canals and Public Ferries Act 1890 (Act II of 1890) as Driver shall be
renewed as Boat Driver certificate under the Act within a period of
six months from the commencement of these rules.

(5) Not withstanding any thing contained in sub rules (1) to (4), persons
holding probationary licence as Driver issued under the Canals &
Ferries Acts prior to commencement of these rules may appear for the
examination for the Boat driver certificate of competency within a
period of two years from the commencement of these rules provided
they have two years service in an inland vessel as a helper.

41. Certificate of Competency as Serang-cum- Driver. (1) A candidate not

below the age of twenty two and desirous of obtaining a certificate of
competency as serang-cum- driver in order to be eligible to man a
mechanically propelled vessel with engine of less than 75BHP shall submit
the application in Form No. 23 with documents evidencing the remittance of
the required fee as per Schedule-III.
(2) The competent authority may issue a combined Certificate of
Competency as Serang-cum-Driver in Form No.24 to persons who will be
eligible to operate their own vessels of less than 75 BHP, subject to passing
of a test consisting of subject areas given in rule 44(3) and practical test of
boat handling.

42. Appointment of examiners for issuing competency certificates as

Masters, Serangs, Engineers, Engine drivers and Lascars. The State
Government shall appoint duly qualified examiners for the purpose of
examining the qualifications of persons, desirous of obtaining certificates of
competency to the effect that they are competent to act as masters or
serangs or as engine-drivers, as the case may be, on board inland vessels.

43. Grant of Masters, Serangs Engineers , Engine Drivers and Lascars

certificate of competency. (1) Every application for grant of certificate of
competency is to be made in Form No. 25.

(2) Every Certificate of competency granted under these rules shall be issued
in Form No. 26.

44. Grant of certificate of service as Serang /

Second class engine driver. (1)The State Government may grant to any
person who has served as a Master, Serang , Engine driver, or as a Lascar of
a vessel for a period of not less than 2 years before the date of coming into
force of these rules and holding certificate of competency as Master, Serang /
Driver / Lascar issued under the Travancore Public Canals and Public Ferries
Act ,1096 or Cochin Public canals and Backwaters Navigation Act of 1092, a
certificate (hereinafter called a certificate of service) to the effect that he is by
reason of his having so served, and having qualified in the viva voce is
competent to act as a Serang or Second class Engine driver, as the case may be
on board an Inland vessel under these Rules.
(2) All applications for grant of Certificate of Service are to be made in
Form No. 27.
(3) The examiner will conduct a viva voce before recommending issue of the
certificate of service by the competent authority in the following
(a) knowledge of Inland Vessel Act,1917 and Rules made thereunder,
(b) navigation safety and Rule of the road in inland waters,
(c) provisions and operations of Life Saving Appliances/Fire Fighting
(d) stability of vessel, general principles of navigation,
(e) propulsion Machinery/Preventive maintenance.
(4) A certificate of service so granted shall have the same effect as a
certificate of competency granted under these Rules. Certificate of
Service shall be issued in Form No. 28.
45. Certificate of service for Ex Army/Navy/Coast guard personnel.
(1) The competent authority may grant to any person who has served in the
Army/Navy/Coast guard in the capacity of a Master/ Serang /Engineer or
as an Engine-Driver of a vessel for a period of not less than 3 years and
holding an experience certificate from the concerned department, a
certificate of service as Master, Serang/ Engineer , Engine Driver,as the
case may be, without an examination;
(2) An application for issue of the certificate is to be made in Form No. 29;
(3) The candidates should be medically fit and under 65 years of age;
(4) A certificate of service so granted shall have the same effect as a
certificate of competency granted under these Rules. A certificate of
Service so issued shall be issued in Form No. 30;

46. Grant of certificate of competency without examination. (1) In

accordance with the provisions of Section 28 of the Act., the competent
authority may issue certificate of competency as Master/ Serang/ Engineer/
Engine Driver under the Act to any person without examination whether
that person possesses;-
(a) Masters Certificate issued under the Merchant Shipping Act,1958;

(b) An engineer or engine driver certificate granted under the

Merchant Shipping Act,1958;

(2) An application for issue of the certificate is to be made in Form No.


(3) The candidates should be medically fit and under 65 years of age;
(4) A certificate of competency so issued shall be in Form No.32
certificate granted under sub section (1) shall have the same effect
as a certificate of competency granted under these Rules after

47. Power of the competent authority to suspend or cancel certificates

certain cases.- (1) Any certificate granted under this Rules may be
suspended or cancelled by the competent authority;

(a) If the wreck or abandonment of, or loss or damage to, any vessel
or loss of life has been caused by the wrongful act or default of the
holder of such certificate, or if the holder of such certificate is
incompetent or has been guilty of any gross act of drunkenness,
tyranny or other misconduct, or

(b) If the holder of such certificate is proved to have been convicted of

any non bailable offence, or

(c) If in the case of person holding a certificate of competency or

service, such person is, or has become, in the opinion of the
prescribed authority, unfit to act as master , serang, engine driver
or as a lascar as the case may be.

(2) The competent authority may at any time revoke an order of

suspension or cancellation made under subsection (1), or grant a new
certificate without an examination to any person whose certificate was
so cancelled.

48. Obligation to deliver suspended or cancelled certificate. Every

certificate of survey which has expired or which has been suspended or
cancelled and every certificate of competency or service which has been
suspended or cancelled under the rule shall be delivered up by the owner,
Master, Serang, Engine-driver or as a Lascar, as the case may be, to the
competent authority or to any officer empowered by him in this behalf.
49. Time and place of Examination. Examination for Masters, Serang's,
Engineers, Engine Driver's, and Lascar's certificates of competency shall
ordinarily, provided there is any candidate for examination, be held once in
six months at Alapuzha ,Kollam, Kochi, Kozhikode, and Kannur. The date
and place of examination shall be duly notified to the candidates applying for
the examination and shall be published in the Government Gazette by the
competent officer to whom application shall be made.
50. Fee for examination. The fee for examination of a Master's, Serangs,
Engineers, Engine Drivers, Lascars certificates shall be as specified in
Schedule-III and shall be paid by the candidate in advance while submitting
his application for examination together with testimonials as to the
qualifications as required in the foregoing rules.

51. Repayment of examination fee. If the candidate's service is insufficient

or if his testimonials do not in other respects fulfill the requirements of the
rules, no part of the fee shall be returned but if he should within two years of
his first application comply with the requirements of the rules, he shall be
examined without payment of an additional fee.

52. Period of Validity of Certificate. (1)The validity of the competency

certificate issued for the first time to the candidates who pass the Masters,
Serangs, Engineers, Engine Drivers or Lascar's examination shall be for a
period of five years from the date of issue of such certificates after which it
shall be revalidated by the competent officer. Such renewal will be effected
only on production of medical Fitness certificate in FormNo.33. Certificate of
service shall be issued for a period of five years.
(2) Master's, Engineers, Engine Driver's, Serang's and Lascar's Certificates
of competency and certificate of service shall be renewed for five years
at a time on expiry of the period of their validity.

(3) Applications for renewal shall be made to the competent officer, with
the original certificate and chalan receipt for the remittance of the fee
prescribed in Schedule-III to the rules at least fifteen days before the
expiry of the period of validity of the certificate.

(4) Any certificate not so renewed shall be invalid. A lapsed certificate may
be renewed only on payment of the enhanced fee specified in Schedule-
III to the rules and on production of satisfactory evidence that the
holder of the certificate was on sufficient cause prevented from
applying for the renewal in proper time.

(5) No certificate produced for renewal after a period of three years from
the date of expiry of its validity shall, however be renewed. An
application for renewal received after this time limit shall, unless there
be anything repugnant to the rules in force be treated as an application
for a new certificate and the candidate shall be asked to undergo all the
formalities required for the grant of a new competency certificate.
53. Temporary Certificate. If the original of a certificate be lost or spoiled a
copy thereof shall be issued by the competent officer on receipt of an
application, with the fee fixed in Schedule-I, and one copy of the applicant's
photo. If there is any delay in issuing the copy of the certificate the
competent officers shall issue a temporary certificate valid for one month
only to enable the applicant to continue in employment during the period
between the loss of certificate and the issue of the copy of the certificate.

54. Duties of the Competent Authority . It shall be the duties of the

competent authority

(1) to approve and promulgate the syllabus and course duration for all
categories of Inland Water Transport crew;
(2) to arrange for organized onboard and campus training for the Inland
Water Transport crew and to approve appropriate institutions for
conducting such training as per Government notified guidelines;
(3) to select and nominate qualified professionals for conduct of
examinations for various examination centers in the state;
(4) to issue certificate of competency, certificate of service and licenses
as per the provisions of the Act;
(5) to arrange for traffic control , search and rescue and pollution control;
55 . Qualification and Duties of
the Chief Examiner Inland Water Transport . (1) The Chief Examiner
shall have minimum a basic degree in Marine Engineering or Ministry of
Transport first class certificate of Director General of Shipping with fifteen
years of experience either in sea going regular vessels or certificate of
competency with Master sea going with fifteen years of experience.

(2) It shall be the duties of the Chief Examiner

(i) to prepare the syllabus for examination for all categories of
Inland Water Transport crew for approval by the competent
(ii) to notify the places and date of examination and proper conduct of
(iii) to process application for issue of certificates and issue of
certificate with the approval of the competent officer;
(iv) to issue of Duplicate certificate and copy of the certificates as
provided in the Act;
(v) to maintain the books and records as required by the Act;
(vi) to assess and notify the additional requirement of crew for safety
of passengers and cargo.



56. Look-Out . (1) Every vessel shall maintain a proper look-out by sight and
hearing to make a full appraisal of the situation and of the risk of collision.
(2) Every vessel shall make use of searchlights to locate luminous marks
used for channel marking.

57. Safe Speed . (1) Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so
that she can take proper and effective action to avoid collision and
grounding, and be stopped within a distance appropriate to the
prevailing circumstances and conditions.
(2) In determining a safe speed as provided in sub rule (1) the following
factors shall be taken into account namely:-

(a) the state of visibility;

(b) the traffic density including concentrations of fishing vessel or

other vessels;

(c) the maneuverability of the vessel with special reference to

stopping distance and turning ability in the prevailing

(d) the state of the river, wind, current and the proximity of
navigational hazards;

(e) state and availability of shore navigational aids and channel

marking by day and night;

(f) speed restrictions imposed by the waterway authority;

(g) the draught of the vessel in relation to available depth of water;


(h) the presence of background light such as from the shore lights
or from the back scatter other own lights during night.

58. Risk of collision . (1)Every vessel shall use all available means appropriate
to the prevailing circumstance and conditions to determine if risk of
collision exists and there is any doubt about such risk it shall be
deemed to exist.

(2) In determining the existence of risk of collision the following factors

shall be taken into account ;

(a) Such risk shall be deemed to exist if a compass bearing of an

approaching vessel does not appreciably change and apparent
distance from own vessel decreases;
(b) Such risk may exist even when an appreciable bearing change is
evident, particularly when approaching a very large vessel or a
tow or when approaching a vessel at close range; and

(c) For vessel not fitted with a compass, if the relative position
remains unchanged

59. Action to avoid collision. (1) Any action taken to avoid collision shall, if
the circumstances of the case admit, be positive, made in ample time
and with due regard to the observance of good seamanship;
(2) Any alteration of course or speed to avoid collision shall, if the
circumstances of the case admit be large enough to be readily
apparent to another vessel. A succession of small alterations of
course and / or speed shall be avoided;

(3) Action taken to avoid collision with another vessel shall be such as to
result in passing at a safe distance and the effectiveness of the action
shall be carefully checked until the other vessel is finally passed and

(4) If necessary, to avoid collision or allow more time to assess the

situation, a vessel shall slacken her speed or take the way off by
stopping or reversing her means of propulsion;

60. Vessels proceeding through Narrow channels . (1) A vessel proceeding

along the course of a narrow channel shall keep as near to the outer limit of
the channel which lies on her starboard side as is safe and practicable. A
vessel of less than 10 meters in length or a sailing vessel shall not impede
the passage of a vessel which can safely navigate only within the marked
(2) A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of any other
vessel in the navigable channel;

(3) A vessel shall not cross a navigable channel if such crossing impedes the
passage of vessel proceeding upstream or downstream along the
navigable channel;

(4) In a narrow channel when over taking can take place only if the vessel to
be overtaken has to take action to permit safe passing, the vessel
intending to overtake shall indicate her intention by sounding the
appropriate signals provided in clauses and sub rule 2 of rule85(a) and (b).
The vessel to be overtaken shall if in consent, sound appropriate signals
provided in clause (c) of sub rule(2) of rule 85 and take action to permit
safe passing. If in doubt she may sound the signal prescribed in sub rule
(3) of rule 85. This provision is not in derogation of the provisions in rule
(5) A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a narrow channel where other
vessels may be obscured by an intervening obstruction shall navigate
with particular alertness and caution and shall sound the appropriate
signal prescribed in sub rule (4) of rule 85.

(6) Every vessel shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, avoid
anchoring in a narrow channel.

61. Single lane traffic. When single lane traffic is in force, vessels shall join the
lane only when the traffic signal permits to do so. While in the lane, the
vessels shall proceed with maximum permissible speed and clear the
channel as quickly as possible. Vessels shall not stop or anchor in a
traffic lane and shall exercise caution while joining or leaving the
single lane to avoid collision with waiting vessels at anchor.

Conduct of vessels in sight of one another
62. Sailing vessels. When two sailing vessels are in sight of one another or
approaching one another so as to involve risk of collision, one of them shall
keep out of the way of the other as follows,-
(1) in a non tidal river when one vessel is proceeding upstream and the
other vessel proceeding downstream the vessel proceeding upstream
shall keep out of the way of the other;
(2) when both are proceeding, upstream or downstream and in a tidal lagoon
the vessel which is to windward shall keep out of the way of the vessel
which is to leeward;
(3) a vessel which is running free shall keep out of the way of a vessel which
is close-hauled; and
(4) a vessel which is close-hauled on the port tack shall keep out of the way
of a vessel which is close-hauled on the starboard tack.
(5) explanations for the purposes of this rule, upstream means the
direction against current , downstream means the direction with the
current and Wind ward side means the side opposite to that of which
the main sail or the largest fore and aft sail is carried.
63. Overtaking.(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules a vessel
overtaking another vessel shall keep out of the way of the vessel being
(2) A vessel shall be deemed to be overtaking when coming up with
another vessel from a direction more than 22.5 degrees abaft her beam.
In such a position with reference to the vessel she is overtaking, that at
night she would be able to see only the stern light / towing light of that
vessel but neither of her sidelights.; and
(3) Any subsequent alteration of bearing between two vessels shall not
make the overtaking vessel a crossing vessel within the meaning of
these rules or relieve her the duty of keeping clear of the overtaken
vessel until she is finally passed and cleared.
64. Head-on situation.When two mechanically propelled vessels are meeting
on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal courses so as to involve risk of collision
each shall alter her course to starboard so that each shall pass on the port
side of the other.
65. Crossing situation. When two mechanically propelled vessels are crossing
to involve risk of collision, the vessel which has the other on her own
starboard side shall keep out of the way and shall, if the circumstances of the
case admit avoid crossing ahead of the other vessel.
66 . Action by give-way vessel . Every vessel which is directed by these rules
to keep out of the way of another vessel shall, so far as possible take early
and substantial action to keep way clear.
67. Action by stand-on-vessel. (1) (a) where by any of these rules one
of two vessels is to keep out of the way, the other shall keep her course
and speed.
(b) the latter vessel may however take action to avoid collision by her
maneuver alone, as soon as it becomes apparent to her that the vessel
required to keep out of the way is not taking appropriate action as
required by these rules.
(2) when from any cause, the vessel required to keep her course and speed
finds herself so close that collision cannot be avoided by the action of
the give-way vessel alone, she shall take such action as will best aid to
avoid collision;

(3) a vessel which takes action in a crossing situation in accordance with

sub rule (b) of this rule to avoid collision with another vessel, shall, if the
circumstances of the case admit, not alter course to port for a vessel on
her own port side; and

(4) the provision in the above sub rule does not relieve the give-way vessel
of her obligation to keep out of the way.

68. Responsibilities of (between) vessels. Except where rules 62 and 65

otherwise require:
(i) a mechanically propelled vessel underway shall keep out of the way
(a) a vessel not under command;
(b) a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver;
(c) a vessel engaged in fishing;
(d) a sailing vessel, vessel under oars or country boat; and
(e) a vessel proceeding downstream by a vessel proceeding
upstream, if the prevailing circumstances permit.
(ii) A sailing vessel under way shall keep out of the way of;
(a ) a vessel not under command;
(b) a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver; and
(c) a vessel engaged in fishing.
(iii) A vessel engaged in fishing when underway shall, so far as possible,
keep out of the way of;

(a) a vessel not under command; and

(b) a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver;
Conduct of vessels in restricted visibility
69. Vessels not in sight of one another. Every vessels not in sight of one
another when navigating in or near an area of restricted visibility shall
comply the following;
(i) they shall make appropriate sound signals in accordance with Rules
and exhibit lights while navigating in restricted visibility;
(ii) they shall proceed at a safe speed adapted to the prevailing
circumstances and conditions of restricted visibility. A mechanically
propelled vessel shall have her engines ready for immediate maneuver;
(iii) they shall have due regard to the prevailing circumstances and
conditions of restricted visibility;
(iv) except where it has been determined that risk of collision does not
exist. every vessel which hears apparently forward of her beam the fog
signal at another vessel or which cannot avoid a close-quarters
situation with another vessel forward of her beam, shall reduce her
speed, she shall if necessary take all her way off and in any event
navigable with extreme caution until danger of collision is over;
70. Lights &Shapes. (1) Provisions in this Rule shall be complied with in all

(2) The provisions in theses rules regarding lights shall be complied with
from sunset to sunrise, and during such times no other lights shall be
exhibited, except such lights as cannot be mistaken for the lights
specified in these rules ,do not impair their visibility or distinctive
character, or interfere with the keeping of a proper look-out.

(3) The lights prescribed by these rules shall, if carried, also be exhibited
from sunrise to sunset in restricted visibility and may be exhibited in all
other circumstances when it is deemed necessary.

(4) The rules concerning shapes shall be complied with by day.

(5) The lights and shapes unless otherwise specified in these rules shall
comply with the positioning and technical details as per the provisions of
Annex-I to International Regulations for prevention of collision at sea
71. Different Lights to be used in vessels. The different kinds of lights that
shall be used in a vessel are specified below,-
(i) masthead light - a white light placed over the fore and aft centerline of
the vessel showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 225
degrees and so fixed as to show the light from right ahead to 22.5
degrees abaft the beam on either side of the vessel. This light shall be
placed as far as practicable at height above the hull of not less than 3
meters for vessels of 20 meters or more in length and 2 meters for
vessels of less than 20 meters in length.
(ii) sidelights - a green light on the starboard side and a red light on the
port side each showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of
112.5 degrees and so fixed as to show the light from right ahead to 22
degrees abaft the beam on its respective side. In a vessel of less than
20 meters in length the sidelights may be combined in one lantern
carried the fore and aft centerline of the vessel. Side lights shall be
placed not less than 1 meter below the mast head light.
(iii) stern light - a white light placed as nearly as practicable at the stern
showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 135 degree arid
so fixed as to show the light 67.5 degrees from light aft on each side of
the vessel.
(iv) towing light - an yellow light having the same characters as Stern
light mentioned in clause (iii) of this rule.
(v) all-round light - a light showing an unbroken light over an arc of the
horizon of 360 degrees.
(vi) flashing light - a light flashing at regular intervals.
72. Visibility of Lights .The lights required to be provided in a vessel, by these
rules shall be visible at the following minimum ranges

(1) A vessel of 20 meters or more in length, mast head light - 3 miles,

Side lights - 2 miles, Stern light - 2 miles, Towing light - 2 miles, all-
round light -1 mile.
(2) A vessel less than 20 meters in length, a mast head light - 2 miles
side light - 1 mile. Stern light -1 mile, towing light -1 mile, white, red,
green or yellow all-round light -1 mile.
73. Lights to be exhibited by a vessel under-way. (1) A vessel under-way
shall exhibit the following namely,-
a) a mast head light forward.
b) side lights
c) a stern light.
(2). A vessel of less than 10 meters in length shall exhibit an all-round white
light in-lieu of the lights prescribed in sub rule (1) and shall if
practicable also exhibit side lights or a combined lantern.
74. Lights to be exhibited by towing and pushing vessels . (1) A vessel
when towing or pushing shall exhibit the following namely,-
(a) two mast head lights forward in a vertical line when the length of the
tow exceeds 200 meters three such light shall be in a vertical line.
These lights will be in-lieu of the lights prescribed in sub rule (1) of
rule 74. The lights shall be placed not less than 1 meter apart and the
lowest light placed at a height not less than two meters above the
(b) side lights;
(c) a stern light;
(d) a towing light in a vertical line above the stem light;
(2) When a pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed ahead are connected
in a
composite unit, they shall be regarded as a mechanically propelled
and exhibit the lights provided rule 74
(3) A vessel or object being towed shall exhibit
(a) side lights:
(b) a stern light:
Provided that any number of vessels being towed or pushed in a group
shall be treated as one vessel.
(4) A vessel being pushed ahead, not being part of a composite unit, shall
exhibit at the forward end, side lights:
(5) A vessel being towed aside shall exhibit a stem light at the forward end
side lights:
(6) Where, from any sufficient cause, it is impracticable for vessel or object
being towed to exhibit the lights prescribed in this rule, all possible
measures shall be taken to light the vessel or the object towed at least to
indicate the presence of unlighted vessel or object:
75. Lights to be exhibited by sailing vessel and vessels under oars. (1) A
sailing vessel shall exhibit side lights and a stern light.
Provided that in a sailing vessel of less than 20 meters in length, the
lights specified in sub rule (1) may be combined in one lantern carried at
or near the top of the mast where it can be seen.
(2) A sailing vessel underway may in addition to the lights specified in sub
rule (I), exhibit at or near the top of the mast where they can best be
seen, two all-round lights in a vertical line, the upper being red and lower
(3) A sailing vessel of less than 10 meters in length and a vessel under oars
may exhibit lights specified in this rule, but if does not exhibit, such
vessel shall have an electric torch or lighted lantern showing white light
which shall be exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision.
76. Lights to be exhibited by fishing vessels .
(1) A vessel engaged in fishing shall exhibit
(a) two all-round lights in a vertical line the upper being red and the
lower white and during day a shape consisting of two cones with
their apexes together in a vertical line or a basket:
(b) side lights, and a stern light when making way through the water in
addition to the lights prescribed in (a):
(2) A vessel of less than 10m in length, a vessel under oars may exhibit
lantern and shall have an electric torch which shall be exhibited in
sufficient time to prevent collision;
77. Lights to be exhibited by vessels not under command or restricted in
their ability to maneuver.
(1) A vessel not under command shall exhibit
(a) two all-round red lights in a vertical line where they can best be
seen by night;
(b) two balls or similar shapes in a vertical line by day;
(c) side lights and a stern light in addition to the lights specified in
clause (a) above when making way through the water;
(2) A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver shall exhibit:
(a) three all-round lights in a vertical line, the highest and lowest of
these shall be red and the middle light shall be white;
(b) three shapes in a vertical line, the highest and lowest shapes
shall be balls and the middle one a diamond;
(c) mast head lights, side lights and stern light in addition to the
lights specified in (a) when making way through the water.
Note: When at anchor, in addition to the lights and shapes specified in
(a) and (b) above, lights and shapes specified in rule 81 for
anchored vessels shall also be exhibited.
78. Lights to be exhibited by vessels engaged in dredging . A vessel
engaged in dredging, in addition to the lights in sub rule (2) of Rule78 shall
exhibit two all-round red lights or two balls in a vertical line to indicate the
side on which obstruction exists.
79. Lights to be exhibited by pilot vessels . A vessel engaged on pilotage
duty shall exhibit
(1 ) at or near the mast head two all-round lights in vertical line, the upper
one white and the lower one red.
(2) in addition to the lights specified in sub rule (1) side light and stern light
, when under way;
80. Lights to be exhibited by anchored vessels and vessels aground.
(1) A vessel at an anchor shall exhibit ,
(a) in the fore part an all-round white light or one ball by day,
(b) at or near the stern and at a lower level than the light in (a), an
all round white light.

Provided that a vessel of less than 20 m in length may exhibit one

all-round white light where it can best be seen
(2) A vessel aground shall exhibit in addition to the lights prescribed in
sub-rules(1) where they can best be seen,
(a)two all-round red lights in a vertical line,
(b)three balls in a vertical line by day.
(3) A vessel less than 10m in length and a vessel under oars may exhibit
lantern and shall have an electric torch which shall be exhibited
in sufficient time to prevent collision.
81. Lights to be exhibited by hydrofoils & mechanized country crafts.
Where it is impracticable for a mechanized country craft or a hydrofoil to
exhibit lights and shapes of the characteristics or in positions, as specified in
the Rules, she shall exhibit lights and shapes as closely similar in
characteristics and position as is possible.

82. Sound Signals. The sound signal appliances unless otherwise specified in
the rules shall comply with the technical requirements as per the provisions
of Annexure-Ill of the International Regulations for Prevention of Collision at
sea, 1972.

83. Equipment for sound signals . A vessel of 20 meters or more in length

shall be provided with a whistle and a bell and a vessel of 100 meters or more
in length, in addition, shall be provided with a gong.

84. Maneuvering and warning signals . The maneuvering and warning

signals shall be as follows
(1) Single vessel : when vessels are in-sight of one another a
mechanically propelled vessel underway, when maneuvering as
authorized or required by these rules, shall indicate her intentions by
the following signals on her whistle
(a) One short blast of about 1 second duration to indicate
I am altering my course to starboard.
(b) Two short blasts to indicate, I am altering my course to port.
(c) Three short blasts to indicate I am operating stern propulsion
(2) Overtaking vessels :
(a) Two prolonged blasts (blast of about 4 to 6 seconds duration
each) followed by one short blast to indicate I intend to over take
you on your starboard side.
(b) Two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts to indicate I
intend to over take you on your port side
(c) A vessel being overtaken shall indicate her consent by the
following signals on her whistle in in the order; one prolonged,
one short, one prolonged, one short blast, and if in doubt, she
may sound signals prescribed in sub-rule (3).

(3) When in doubt : When vessels in sight of one another are

approaching each other and from any cause either vessel fails to
understand the intentions or actions of the other or is in doubt
whether sufficient action is being taken by the other to avoid
collision, the vessel in doubt shall immediately indicate such doubt
by giving at least 5 short and rapid blasts on the whistle, the signal
may be supplemented by a light signal of at least 5 short and rapid

(4) At bends : A vessel nearing bend or an area of a channel where other

vessels may be obscured, shall sound one prolonged blast, such
signal shall be answered with a prolonged blast by any approaching
85. Sound signals in restricted visibility .
In or near an area of restricted visibility, where by day or night, signals
specified in these rules, shall be used as follows:
(1) A mechanically propelled vessel making way through the water shall
sound at intervals of not more than 2 minutes one prolonged blast.,
(2) A mechanically propelled vessel underway but stopped and making no
way through the water shall sound at intervals of not more than 2
minutes two prolonged blasts in succession with an interval of about 2
seconds between them.,
(3) A vessel not under command, a vessel restricted in her ability to
maneuver, a vessel constrained by her draught, vessel engaged in
towing, fishing or pushing another vessel, shall at intervals of not
more than 2 minutes three blasts with an interval of two seconds
between them.,
(4) A vessel at anchor shall at intervals of not more than one minute ring
the bell rapidly for about 5 seconds. A vessel at anchor may in addition
sound three blasts in succession namely one short, one prolonged
and one short blast to give warning on her position, and possibility of
collision to any approaching vessel. A vessel aground shall give three
separate and distinct strokes on the bell immediately before and after
the rapid ringing of the bell.,
(5) A vessel of less than 10 meters in length shall not be obliged to give
the above mentioned signals but shall make some other effective
sound signal at intervals of not more than 2 minutes.
86. Distress signals. When a vessel is in distress and requires assistance
from other vessels or from shore, the following signals shall be used or
displayed by her, either together or separately.
(1) A continuous sounding of any sound signal apparatus.
(2) A flag or a light waved in a circle to draw attention.
(3) Flares on the deck.
(4) May day transmitted by radio telephony.
(5) International code of signal N.C. hoisted on the vessel.
87. Exemptions. Any vessel or class of vessels may be exempted from
compliance of the following provisions for a period up to one year from the
date of commencement of these rules, provided that such vessel or class of
vessels complies with the requirement of the Travancore Public Canals and
Public Ferries Act,1096, The Cochin Public Canals at Backwaters Navigation
Act of 1092 and the keel of which is at the stage of construction before the
coming into force of these rules.
(1) The installation of lights with colour specifications and intensity as
prescribed in rule 71 (5)
(2) Repositioning of masthead lights and side lights on vessels resulting
from prescriptions of rule 72.
(3) The installation of lights with ranges prescribed in rule 73.
88. Application of the provisions of Port rules and National waterway
regulations. Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, the provisions
of the Port Rules and Prevention of Collision Regulations, 2002 for National
Waterways shall apply mutatis mutandis, to the mechanically propelled
vessels while making voyages within the port limits and National

89. Marking of Navigable Channel. Channel marks like coconut piles,
bamboo marks or buoys are provided to mark the safe limits of the channel.
Details of channel marking are given in Annexure I. Marks painted with
luminous paint or lights shall be provided for navigation at night.
(1) All vessels shall;
(a) navigate within the channel limits as far as possible.
(b) avoid close passing or causing any damage to the channel
(c) avoid fouling or mooring to the channel marks.
(2) No fishing stakes, fishing nets, or obstructions of any kind are
permitted in the channel.
(3) Small vessels and fishing boats with nets shall give a wide berth to
90. Traffic Signals and Signs. (1) Traffic Signals or Signs shall be erected
on the banks of the river or on any fixtures on the river to ensure safety
on the navigable channel. The sign boards shall be painted with bright
luminous paint. Specimens of which are shown in Annexure - II. All
vessels shall keep a look out for such marks and to take timely action as
required by the seamanship practices to ensure safety.
(2) Navigation marks shall not be tampered or damaged or used for mooring
of vessels.
(3) Any person who has committed a branch of the provision contained in
the sub-rule (2) of rule 91, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a
term which, may extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to
five hundred rupees, or with both.
91. Storm Warning Signal. Storm warning signals as shown in Annexure III
shall be exhibited from the ports.
92. Carriage of Dangerous Goods. No dangerous goods shall be carried
onboard or transported in the waterway without the specific approval and
safety clearance from the competent officer. Provisions of the Merchant
Shipping (Carriage of Dangerous Goods) Rules, 1978 with respect to
transportation of dangerous cargo shall mutatis mutandis apply to carriage
of dangerous goods under these rules.
93. Prevention of Explosions or fire. No explosives shall be brought
onboard, stored or carried in a vessel without the prior approval and safety
clearances from the competent authority and clearances from the Controller
of Explosives as required under the provisions of the Explosive Act 1884.
94. Prevention and containment of pollution of harbors, ports and
waterway by oil/chemical/hazardous cargo etc. The provisions of the
Merchant Shipping Act 1958, and the rules issued there under shall be the
guiding criteria for inland vessels and shall be applicable to all vessels under
these rules.
95. Passage through Bridges. When a vessel passes under a bridge, the
height of the mast or the height of the collapsed mast and that of the
wheelhouse or super structure should be less than that between waterway
level and the height of the road bridge. Speed of such vessel shall be
regulated with reference to prevailing weather conditions and the currents
likely to be experienced.
96. Passage through locks. (1) While navigating through the locks and lock
basin While navigating through the locks and lock basin, the master shall
comply with any orders given to him by the lock master to ensure safety and
movement of ship and quick passage through the lock.
(2) The order of priority for passage through the lock shall be as follows:
(a) Vessels of the Government, vessels belonging to the military, police
and the Inland Waterways Authority of India;
(b) Passenger craft
(c) Fishing boats
(d) Cargo vessels
(3) Vessels shall be warped or poled into or out of locks and shall not use
their propellers or paddle wheels until clear of the lock.
(4) Vessels used or intended for passengers and cargo shall ply only on
such portions of the backwaters or canal system as may be specified in
their survey certificate.
97. Reduction of speed in certain circumstances. (1) Every vessel shall
regulate their speed to avoid creating excessive wash or suction likely to
cause damage to its stationary or other moving vessels or structures and
(2) In particular the vessel shall reduce speed in good time, but without
loosing the steering way required for safety:
(a) out side port entrances;
(b) near vessels made fast to the bank or to a landing stage loading or
discharging cargo;
(c) near vessels lying at normal stopping places.
98. Drifting of a vessel. Drifting of vessel in the inland waterways, unless
authorized by the Competent Officer, is prohibited.
99 . Crossing of navigable channel. While crossing the navigable channel, a
ferry vessels shall keep at such distance from vessels or rafts moving along
the navigable channel, so that the latter shall not be obliged to change their
course or reduce speed:
Provided that ferry vessels, under special circumstances may be
granted priority of passage across the navigable channel by the Competent
Officer and such vessel shall exhibit a green all-round light by night and a
green flag by day, and shall have right of way as the circumstances permit.
100. Mooring of vessels, No vessel shall be moored or anchored within a port
except in areas designated for such purposes by the Competent Officer.
101. Stationary Vessels. All stationary vessels, rafts and floating equipment
shall be anchored or made fast securely enough to withstand the current in
such a way that they can adjust to the changes in water level.
102. Responsibilities of Master and Owner. (1) Every vessel shall be in
charge of a Master who shall be qualified and possesses a certificate to that
effect under the Rule. The Master shall be jointly and severally responsible
with the Owner for any or all breaches of these rules. Responsibilities of the
Master and Owner, shall inter alia include the following namely;
(a) to take all precautions required to keep vigilant and to avoid damage to the
vessel, installations in the waterway and avoid causing obstructions to
shipping and navigation;

(b) to take all steps required by the situation to avoid imminent danger.
(c) to comply with the rules or regulations applicable to his vessel and his
crew and to the vessels in tow, while his vessel is engaged in towing of
other vessels;
(d) the Master or Owner shall ensure that the vessel has a valid certificate of
survey applicable for the voyage or service in the zone of operation;
(e) the Master or Owner shall ensure that the vessel has a valid certificate of
Registration and that the certificate of registration granted in respect of
any vessel shall be used only for the lawful navigation of that vessel;
(f) the Master or Owner shall ensure that the crew are sufficient for the type of
vessel and type and area of operation as required by these rules;
(g) the Master or Owner shall ensure that the crew has valid certificate of
(h) the Master or Owner shall ensure that dangerous goods or explosive
materials are carried on board only as authorized by Competent Authority
and procedures and safety precautions as per the Explosives Rules, 1983 ;
(i) the Master shall maintain Ships Article/crew list, Ships log and Engine
(j) the Master shall ensure that at no time the vessel is overloaded or more
than the number of passengers it is certified to carry, are taken onboard;
(k) the Owner shall ensure no unauthorized alterations are made to the vessel;
(l) the Master or Owner shall ensure that the vessel is adequately equipped to
fight any fire and to rescue the passengers and that the crew adequately
trained to meet emergent situations;
(m) the Owner or Master shall ensure that Life saving devices like life buoys,
life jackets, Life raft etc as required as per the Rules are provided in each
vessel and they are kept in such a position for quick deployment in case
of emergency;
(n) the Owner shall ensure insurance of the vessel against third party risks;
(o) the Owner/Master shall display the details showing the date of manufacture
of the vessel, date of survey, expiry date of survey, passengers and cargo
capacity and such other details as required by law;
(p) to ensure timely and quality maintenance work;
(q) to ensure that at no time the vessel discharges in the waterway except at
the reception facilities of inland ports , raw sewage, oily substances,
garbage etc;
(2) The Master or the person in charge of the vessel shall make immediate
report to the nearest competent officer or Police on
(a) any vessel has been wrecked, abandoned or materially damaged;
(b) accidents or causality involving, death ,grievous hurt;
(c) sighting of any other vessel in distress:
(d) outbreak of fire or flooding in his vessel:
(e) damage caused to any waterway installations or permanent
(f) any vessel has caused loss or material damage to any other
vessel, or
Observing uncharted obstruction or failure of navigational aid ;
(g) falling over board of any object which may become an
obstruction or
danger to navigation;
(h) spillage of oil into the waterway:;
(i) piracy or theft onboard.
(3) The master shall;
(a) on sighting a vessel or raft which has suffered an accident
endangering persons or the vessel or threatening to obstruct the
channel, give
immediate assistance to such vessels without endangering safety of
his own vessel;
(b) in case of any marine casualty, give warning to the approaching
vessels to enable them to take necessary action in good time and
steer clear of the channel when in danger of sinking or goes out of
(4) All the crew employed on board a vessel shall be under the control
and orders of the master of such vessel, who shall see that proper
discipline and good conduct is maintained by them. The crew shall on no
account interfere with passengers or behave rudely towards them.
(5) When the master of a vessel is temporarily absent during a voyage, the
Serang on board of the vessel shall be held to be in charge with the powers
and responsibilities of the Master. If such absence of the Master
exceeds a day a duly qualified Master shall be appointed immediately and
the fact communicated forthwith to the competent authority.
(6) Master or persons in charge of a vessel shall give the competent officer
or any person authorized by him all necessary facilities for verifying
compliance with these regulations.
(7) The master of a passenger or tourist vessel shall ensure that the
passengers are informed of the use and disposition of life saving devises
103. Classification of vessels. (1) For the purposes of this Rule inland
vessels shall be classified as follows namely:
(a) Class I - Passenger vessels, Ferry launches and boats;
(b) Class Il - Cargo vessels and vessels other than those falling under;
Class I, Class III and IV.
(c) Class III - Non- propelled vessels (Barges);
(d) Class IV - Pleasure crafts and adventure vessels.
(2) Requirement for Vessels of Class I
(a) Sufficient number of life rafts or buoyant apparatus to accommodate at
least 50% number of passengers and crew on board.
(b) One life jacket for 50% of the passengers and crew on board.
(c) Life jacket for child, for 10% of total number of persons certified to carry.
For the purpose of this rule, child means persons weighing below 30 kg.
(d) At least four life buoys for vessels up to 25 meter length, six life buoys for
vessel 25-45 meter length and eight life buoys more than 45 metre length.
At least two of the lifebuoys supplied shall be equipped with self igniting
light if the vessel navigates at night.
(e) Every vessel of Class I , passenger capacity 150 and above shall have at
least one life boat with minimum passenger capacity of ten persons. The
boat shall be provided with necessary davit for launching. Boats are to be
stowed equally on either side of the vessel if more than one boats are
(f) Life Boats plus Life Raft plus life jacket together to accommodate 100 % of
the passengers and crew onboard.
(g) All boat crew shall possess sufficient training in rescue work in addition to
artificial respiration and first aid.
(h) All boats shall have headlights or Search lights, hand torches and
emergency lanterns.
(i) Boats shall be sturdy and maintain rigid standards . The under water
material should be sound, strong and sea worthy. In small vessels one pair
of oars shall be kept in readiness for use in the event of power failure.
(3) Requirement for Vessels of Class II
(a) Every vessel of Class Il shall be provided with:
(i) minimum one life raft to accommodate all crew for vessel over 10 m.
(ii) one life jacket for each crew or person on board.
(iii) minimum two life buoys for vessel up to 25 meter length and four life
buoys for vessel of above 25 meter length of which one shall be
equipped with self igniting light if the vessel navigates at night.
(b) Life raft plus life jacket plus life buoys to accommodate 100 % of the
(4) Requirement for Vessels of Class III
Every manned vessel of Class III shall be provided with,
a) minimum two life buoys, one of which shall be equipped with a self
igniting light if the vessel navigates at night.
b) one life jacket for every crew on board.
(5) Requirement for Vessels of Class IV
(a) Every vessel of Class IV up to 10 meter in length shall carry life jacket
for each person. Vessel above 10 meter shall carry sufficient life raft
or life buoys for all persons on board. For small vessels where
buoyant apparatus could not be accommodated, 100% buoyancy by
way of life jackets and life buoys shall be provided.
(b) All vessels of Class IV shall carry at least two Life Buoys of which one
to be of self igniting type if the vessel navigates at night. For small
vessels where buoyant apparatus could not be accommodated, 100%
buoyancy by way of life jackets and life buoys shall be provided.
104. Technical requirements. Every life saving appliances provided as per
the provision of these rules shall meet the requirement of Schedule- 4.
105. Stowage. Every life saving appliances provided as per the provisions of
these rules shall be stowed according to the requirement of Schedule- 5, as
far as applicable.
106. Display of usage. On every vessel of Class I , the list of life saving
appliances and instruction of their use shall be displayed at conspicuous
107.Exemption. Vessels or class of vessels provided that she complies with the
requirements of the Travancore public Canals and Public Ferries Act of
1096, the Cochin Public Canals and Backwaters Navigation Act of 1092,
the keel of which is at corresponding stage of construction before the
coming into force of these rules may be exempted from compliance
therewith of the provision for carriage of life boats until one year after the
date of commencement of these rules provided that adequate life raft in
lieu are provided on board.
108. Applicability of this rules. This rule shall apply to all vessels except
the following:
(1) vessels above 500 tons gross or passenger capacity over 100numbers.
These vessels shall be required to comply with the requirements of
Merchant Shipping (Fire Alliances) Rules 1969 as applicable to ships on
coastal voyages;
(2) Requirements in respect of hovercrafts and small vessels up to 10 Ton
shall be specially considered by the competent officer;
from the date of publication of these rules.
109 . Appliances to be carried by inland vessels. All inland vessels shall be
provided with the following approved type fire appliances;
(1) Minimum one power driven fire pump with motor in every vessel above 150
tons or 12 m;
(2) Minimum one hand operated fire pump in every vessel exceeding 6 metre
in length;
(3) Water service pipes, hydrants, fire hoses:- In every vessel required to carry
a fire pump, with water service pipes, hydrants and fire hoses so arranged
that at least one powerful jet of water may be directed to any part of the
vessel. Hoses shall not be less than 32 mm in diameter;
(4) One Plain Nozzles for every fire hose carried in accordance with these
(5) One Spray Nozzle for every fire hose carried in accordance with these
(6) One Portable Soda-Acid type fire extinguisher in each of the passenger
spaces above the upper deck and with at least two such extinguishers in
each of the crew spaces and of the passenger spaces below that deck.
Provided that vessels less than 15 meters in length need carry only one
such extinguisher;
(7) Minimum two Portable foam type fire extinguishers in every machinery
(8) Minimum one Portable Dry Power type fire extinguishers in every vessel
having a large electrical installation.
(9) Minimum one Fire Axe in every vessel exceeding 15 meters in length.
(10) Minimum one Fire Buckets for each number of the crew with a minimum of
two. Fifty percent of those buckets shall be fitted with lanyards. No vessel
need carry more than twenty buckets.
(11) Minimum one Sandbox with scoop in every vessel at least one in the
machinery and boiler spaces. Quantity of sand shall not be less than 0.075
cubic meters;
(12) Minimum one Non Portable Foam type fire extinguishers in case of motor
vessels exceeding 30 meters length. Capacity of such extinguishers shall
not be less than 45 litres;
(13) Smothering Arrangement: All fixed installation in all vessels having areas
containing fuel oil installations shall be covered by smothering
110. Approval by Competent Authority. If in any case an Inland Vessel is
unable to comply fully with the requirements set out as above, and in all
cases of vessels exceeding 45 m. in length, or 150 ton gross, the fire
Appliances to be provided shall be referred to the competent officer for
111. Responsibility of Master or Owner. The Master or Owner of all Inland
Vessels shall ensure that the vessel is provided with Appliances and
Equipments for fire fighting and for protection from danger or explosion in
accordance with these rules and that the crew of the vessel are well
conversant with the use of the appliances.
112. Hull. (1) The Structural strength of every vessel to which these rules apply
shall be sufficient for the service for which the vessel is intended.
Scantlings in accordance with Rules of recognized Classification Societies
will ordinarily be accepted;
(2) Vessels intended for the carriage in bulk of petroleum and petroleum
products shall comply with the Indian Petroleum Act, 1934 (Act XXX of
1934) and the Rules made there under;
(3) Ordinarily only decked vessels of length exceeding 12 meters shall be
allowed to ply during the foul season.
113 Watertight Subdivision. (1) Vessels designed to carry more than 150
passengers shall comply with the watertight division requirements of Part II
of the Indian Merchant Shipping (Construction and Survey of Passenger
Steamers) Rules, 1981 as they apply to Class VI of said Rules;
(2) Vessels over 18 meters length shall be adequately subdivided to the
satisfaction of the Surveying Authority.
114. Bulkheads. (1) In all vessels except wooden house boats greater than 15
meters in length, a collision bulkhead shall be fitted at approximately 0.05
lengths abaft the (foreside of the designed waterline) forward
(2) In all vessels except wooden house boats exceeding 15 meters in length,
the machinery shall be enclosed between watertight bulkheads extending
to the upper deck or gunwale.
(3) In Vessel fitted with internal combustion engines, the bulkheads
separating the machinery space from the accommodation spaces shall be
made of steel and insulated so as to provide an effective fire division.
Provided that in the case of wooden vessels below 15 meters length
wooden bulkheads, suitably lined may be used.
(4) Side scuttles fitted below deck must be of non-opening type.
115. Hull side Valves and Fittings (other than those on scuppers ad
sanitary discharges). (1) All waterway inlet and overboard discharge
pipes shall be fitted with valves or cocks secured direct to shell plating or
water boxes.
(2) All valves and cocks are to be of bronze or other approved material.
(3) Gratings having adequate net area are to be fitted at all openings for water
inlet valves.
(4) Waterway inlet and discharge valves and cocks are to be fitted in easily
accessible positions.
116 Deck openings, Hatch comings. All openings in deck shall be well
designed and capable of being effectively closed water tight. Hatch comings
shall be provided with hatch covers of adequate strength and shall be
capable of being battened down.
117 Height of Sides and Rails. In open vessels the top of the gunwale,
covering board or wash strakes, or the upper edge of the half deck at side as
the case may be, shall not be less than 75 cms above the flooring boards in
the case of vessels 6 m in length or less, and not less than 90 cms in the
case of vessels 12 m in length or more. From lengths between 6m and 12 m,
the height shall be in proportion. Decked vessels shall be provided with
bulwarks or rails not less than 1 m in height and the rails shall not be more
than 22.5 cms apart unless strong netting is provided.
118 Water closets. (1) In addition to and exclusive of a sufficient number of
closets for saloon passengers and crew, inland vessels on voyages of more
than six hours duration shall be provided with latrines for the exclusive use
of deck passengers and one for every additional hundred or part of hundred
such passengers for which the vessel is certified. A fair proportion of
latrines shall be allotted from the above for the sole use of women and shall
be so marked outside. In no case shall there be a lesser number than two or
not more than six latrines so provided. The latrines shall be of approved
dimensions, having adequate head room and ventilation, and shall provide

(2) On vessels which ply by day on voyage not lasting more than six hours,
there shall be one latrine for every 200 passengers with a minimum of two,
and one of these shall be marked for women.
(3) The Surveying Authority may exempt wholly or in part vessels below 16m
length from the full or part requirements of above two sub-rules if the
vessels are employed on voyage of less than 2 hours duration.
119 Freeboard. (1) In case of passenger vessels when the vessel is loaded
with weights representing the full number of passengers and crew at 65 kg
for each person, and when all necessary fuel is on board, the clear height of
the side above water, at the lowest point, is not less than 38 cms for vessels
6 m in length or less, and 76 cms for vessels 18 m, in length and over. For
lengths between 6 m and 18 m the height shall be in proportion. The length
shall be measured from the forward side of the stem to the after side of the
stern post, and the clear side shall be measured to the top of the covering
board or to the top of the wash strake, if one is fitted above the covering
board, if however a half deck is fitted, the clear side shall be measured to the
top of the deck at side or to the top of the gunwale, whichever measurement
gives the smaller freeboard. In decked boats the freeboard shall be
measured from the top of the deck at side.
(2) Vessels permitted to ply during foul season shall be required to have
freeboard 1.5 times as of that calculated under sub rule (1).
120. Flooring. Floorings shall be provided throughout the vessel. It shall be
removable to allow for cleaning and inspection and shall allow rapid drainage
of water to the bilges. Drain plugs in the skin of the vessel shall not be
121. Position of Helmsman. There shall be a provision in all vessels, whether
or not fitted with raised decks or similar obstructions, for the helmsman to
have a clear view for safe navigation.
122. Boilers and pressure vessels. Steam boilers and pressure vessels shall
comply with the requirements laid down in Merchant Shipping (Construction
and Survey of Cargo Steamers) Rules, 1991 as amended from time to time.
123. Internal Combustion Engines. They shall be of approved design and
shall be driven by heavy oil, paraffin or other similar fuel and not by petrol.
124. Propeller Shafts. They shall be of non-corrosive metal provided that mild
steel shafts may be permitted, if fitted with a non-corrosive liner or when
used with an oil-grease lubricated stern bush in a stem tube provided with
oil sealing glands.
125. Power. Power of the propelling machinery shall be sufficient to enable the
vessel to operate safely.
Provided that vessels permitted to ply during foul season shall be
required to have sufficient power to enable such vessels to attain a speed of
not less than nine knots in fully loaded condition in calm weather. Speed
trials will be conducted only in Fair Season in calm weather conditions.
126. Machinery Fencing. The machinery including the shafting shall be fenced,
if there is no separate engine room, where necessary so as to protect
persons in the vessel from injury.
127.Trials. Test bed trials of machinery shall, be witnessed by a surveyor.
Running and maneuvering trials under service conditions shall also be
witnessed by a survey before the declaration is issued.
128. Motor compartment construction, ventilations etc. (1) If the motor or
fuel tanks are situated below deck and oil of a flash point lower than 60
degree Celsius is used, the motor and fuel bulks must be enclosed in
separate watertight and well ventilated compartments, in which no stove or
other similar heating apparatus is to be placed. Each compartment shall be
furnished with at least two cowl ventilators one of which is to be led well
down into the space to prevent accumulation of vapor in the lower part. Any
enclosed space within which a motor or fuel tank is placed must be
ventilated in this manner irrespective of whether heavy or light oil is used as
(2) In open vessels, the space occupied by the motor and fuel tank shall,
preferably, be at the after end of the vessel and separated from the space
allotted for the accommodation of passengers and crew by a substantial
bulkhead as high as

the seats and watertight up to at least half its height to prevent the spread of
oil to the passenger or crew space. If it is desired to place the motor amid
ships or forward, either arrangement may be allowed provided that a
bulkhead or casing formed in the manner stated, is placed between the motor
space and the passenger of crew space.
(3) Motor shall be covered in, and the compartments or casings containing them
shall be constructed.
(4) If the vessel is of wood, a metal tray which can readily be cleaned and is of
suitable depth shall be fitted under the motors; the bilges shall be protected
against saturation by oil.
129.Fuel tanks. (1) Fuel tanks shall be constructed of suitable material, and
shall be securely fixed in position. They shall be of robust construction with
riveted, brazed or welded joints. No part of the fuel tanks or their fittings
shall depend on soft solder for tightness.
(2) Fuel tanks and their fittings shall be perfectly water tight and tested by
hydraulic pressure to a head of water of at least 15 feet. If a pressure feed
system is employed the particulars of tanks and fittings shall be submitted to
the Surveying Authority for prior approval.
(3) A properly secured wire-gauge diaphragm of tube strainer, which can be
easily taken out for cleaning and examination shall be fitted to each filling
inlet and at each vapour or oil outlet on the tanks and the filling pipe or orifice
shall have a suitable screwed cap.
(4) Fuel tanks shall not be fitted in machinery spaces, but shall be placed in a
separate compartment, or on deck remote from engine a modification of this
requirement will be granted only where the flash point of fuel exceeds 66
Celsius (This temperature limit may be reduced to 60 degree Celsius as per
class norms) or in the case of small open vessels where the machinery is
fitted at the after end.

130. Fuel Pipe arrangements. (1) The pipes conveying the fuel shall be of
seamless material made with easy bends and metal to metal joints. A valve or
cock shall be fitted at each end of the fuel pipe and no joint shall depend on
soft solder for tightness. The joints and couplings shall be readily accessible.
Every fuel tank outlet valve or cock shall be capable of being readily closed
from a position outside the compartment containing the tank and the engine
and such valve shall be so positioned that it is not likely to be out off in the
event of fire in these compartments.
(2) On engines using paraffin as fuel the air inlet pipe to the carburetor shall be
fitted with a satire-gauze diaphragm and so arranged as to satisfy the
surveyor that there will be no danger of fire or explosion from escaping
vapor when the engine is stopped or from flame should a back-fire occur.
131. Bilge Pumping and Bailing Arrangements. (1) All vessels shall have an
efficient Pumping system having the suctions and means for drainage so
arranged that any water within any compartment of the vessel, or any
watertight section of any compartment can be pumped out.
(2) Bilge pipes shall not be less than 32 mm internal diameter.
(3) All vessels over 18m length shall have a power driven bilge pump and
one rotary or semi- rotary hand bilge pump. Power driven pump may be
driven by main engine.
(4) All vessels below 18m length shall have a rotary or semi-rotary hand
bilge pump
132. Steering Gear. (1) Steering gear chain blocks, etc. running through
passenger and or crew spaces shall be covered in or provided with portable
guards properly secured so as not to endanger passenger or crew.

(2) Where the rudder is ordinarily operated by power, it shall also be capable
of being operated by hand in an emergency.

(3) Launches below 15 m length shall be provided with a spare tiller.

133. Passenger Accommodation . (1) Area of each part of passenger space
and the length of seats therein shall be measured and the lesser of the
numbers given by area and by seating shall be the allowable number
during fair season provided that in open vessels the number of passengers
shall not exceed two per 0.3m of length and in no case to exceed 100.

(2) Total number of passengers permitted to be carried during the off

season shall not exceed two third the total number allowed for fair
season provided that vessels operating in sheltered waters such as
creeks may be permitted to carry same number of passengers
throughout the year.
(3) Open Launches:
(a) The forward extremity of the space available for the passenger
accommodation is to be determined by the Surveyor, with due
regard to the proper stowage of the anchor and cable to any other
necessary equipment in the bow of the vessel, and the length shall
be measured from this point to the foreside of the bulkhead
separating the machinery space from the passenger space.
(b) If the machinery is placed amidships, and additional space is
available for passengers between the after bulkhead of the
machinery space and a position near the stem of the vessel, to be
determined by the Surveyor as suitable having due regard to the
steering arrangements and fuel tank space, such space shall also be
considered for accommodating passengers. The breadths are to be
measured at suitable intervals to the back of the side benches or to
the inside of the gunwale or to the inside of the half deck (where
fitted) whichever measurement is least.
(c) The space abreast of the machinery space may be included in the
passenger measurements if the engine is enclosed by a casing of

longitudinal bulkheads and if the distance between the sides of the

casing or bulkheads and the back seats is at least 0.9m.
(d) The number of passenger allowable by area shall be found by
dividing by 0.36 the area in square meters of the clear space
measured as above. Allowance shall be made for the crew and
baggage in the area measurements (15%). The number allowable by
seating shall be found by dividing the length in meter of each
continuous fixed seat by 0.45.
(e) Seating on buoyant apparatus shall be computed separately.
(4) Decked Launches:
(a) The forward extremity of the space available for passenger
accommodation shall be determined as provided for open launches,
and the clear area of this space is to be obtained by deducting all
encumbrances such as skylights, companions, machinery casings,
navigating spaces, lifeboats and ventilator.
(b) The maximum number of passengers that may be allowed shall be
ascertained by using the divisor 0.56 for the area of the deck in
square meter of the saloon or cabin floor below deck. Only one
saloon below deck shall be included in the passenger
measurements, except that where the vessel has an appropriate
standard of watertight subdivision, two saloons may be included if
they are of moderate size. In no case more than 250 passengers
shall be allowed.
(5) In all vessels the seating shall be so arranged that there shall be no
serious obstacle to prevent a person from passing forward and aft quickly
in case of emergency.
(6) No space within 0.5m of entrance to any ladder way, wash place or lavatory
shall be included in the space measured for passengers.
(7) Vessels engaged in carrying large number of passengers shall have a
strong barrier constructed on each deck.
134. Stability. (1) An inclining experiment shall be carried out to determine the
elements of stability resulting in a Trim and Stability booklet. Unless
particulars of the position to transverse metacentre at various drafts are
available the experiment shall be carried out with the vessel loaded with
weights to represent the fully laden condition.
(2) Calculation showing the transverse meta centric height and the angle of
heel which would occur with total of the passengers concentrated on one
side of the vessel to be undertaken. In a multi deck vessel the total
passengers concentration should be on one side of the upper most deck.
Each passenger shall be represented by a weight of 65kgs.
(3) In decked vessels the passengers shall be taken as congregated at 0.27 sq.
meters each on the uppermost deck or decks to which they have access
and the centre of gravity of the passenger at 1 metre above the deck.
(4) In open vessels the center of gravity of passengers shall be taken at 0.3 m
above the seat.
(5) In no case shall the surveyor certify a vessel for any number of passengers
unless he is satisfied that the vessel has sufficient stability and freeboard
to carry that number safely.

135. Stability of Hovercrafts.-Stability of Hovercrafts shall be specially


136. Anchors & Cables etc. (1) Every inland vessel shall be provided with at
least two anchors and chain cables and every vessel exceeding 100 tons
shall be provided with anchors and cables as specified by the Surveying
Authority in each case provided that anchors and cables complying with
Classification Society requirements shall ordinarily be accepted.
(2) Every vessel over 100 ton shall be provided with an echo sounder. In
addition every vessel shall be provided with at least one hand lead line
15 fathoms in length with lead of at least 3.2kgs weight provided that
small vessels plying in shallow waters may be provided with a depth
measuring pole or rod suitably marked.
(3) Every open vessel shall be provided with at least three oars, three
rowlocks and two efficient boat hooks.
(4) Every vessel shall be provided with at least two heaving lines.
(5) Appropriate communication and navigation equipment like compass,
binoculars, wheel indicator, bridge engine control, public address
system, mobile phone etc. shall be provided as specified by the
surveying authority.
137. Exemptions.- The competent authority may exempt any vessel or class of
vessels already existing or the keel of which is laid, under construction or
constructed before the coming in to force of these rules, from the
compliance of the provisions of this chapter for a period of one year with
effect from the date of commencement of these rules provided that the
vessels complies with the requirements of the Travancore Public Canals
and Public Ferries Act.1096, the Cochin Public Canals and Back Waters
Navigation Act.1092 and the Madras Canals and Public Ferries Act 1890.
138. Advisory Committee. (1) The competent authority shall with the
approval of Government, notify the constitution of an advisory committee
to advise the owners, agents, charterers of inland vessels on questions
affecting the interests of passengers and shippers of goods.
(2) The advisory committee shall consist of a chairman and members not
exceeding seven representing the shippers, carriers and chambers of
commerce and experts in the field of inland water transport.
(3) The tenure of the Committee shall be for a period of three years and shall
be extendable to five years. The Committee shall transact its business by
following such procedure as may be specified by the competent authority.

139. Penalties. Any person committing a breach of any of these rules, other
than for which penalties are provided in the Act, shall be punishable with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months or fine which may
extend to five hundred rupees or both.

[ See Rule 5 (1) ]
Form for expressing the intention to build a new vessel

1. Name of vessel :
2. Owners name and address :

3. Length, breadth and depth of vessel :

4. Type of Vessel. :
5. Passenger, cargo cum passenger,
Chemical Carrier, Liquid Carrier ,Towing unit :
6. Particulars of hull
a) Builders name and address :
b) Material of the hull :
c) Whether with a deck above free board deck :
d) Number of Bulk heads, their placement
and thickness :
e) Hull plating material and thickness :
7. Particulars of propulsion of Engines
(a) Number of sets with BHP of each :
(b) Manufacturers name and brand :
(c) Model Number :
(d) Type of Engine :
(e) Diameter of propulsion shaft and material :
(f) Type and Number of gears :
8. Particulars of equipments
(a) Anchor-Port, Starboard (weight &
Material of each) :
(b) Anchor-Spare (weight & material) :
(c) Chain: size type and length(Port) :
(d) Chain: size type and length(Starboard) :
(e) Ropes- size, material and number of
ropes :
(f) Search Lights, number, size and power :
(g) Life buoys, Buoyant apparatus with self
ignited light with buoyant lanyard :
(h) Navigation Lights giving particulars :
(i) Sound signals : Mechanical or Electrical :

9. Particulars of fire appliance

(a) Number, size and capacity of fire pumps :
(b) Fire mains, diameter ,material and
number of hydrants :
(c) Number of hose :
(d) Nozzles :
(i) Jet type
(ii) Spray type
(iii) Jet/Spray type
(e) Any other equipments
10. Number of portable fire extinguisher with
(a) Soda Acid :
(b) Foam :
(c) Dry Powder :
(d) Any other types :
11. Particulars of communication equipments :
12. Particulars of navigation equipments :
13. Particulars of pollution control devices :
(a) Sewage treatment and disposal

(b) Solid waste processing and disposal

(c) Sound Pollution Control

(d) Water consumption /day

(e) Source of water

Signature of Owner

Plans, Drawings etc. as per Rule 6(4)(b), (c) and (d) of the Rules.

FORM No - 2
[ See Rule 6 (2) ]

Application for Survey of Inland Vessel


The Surveying Authority Place:

At Port..
I/we being owner/Agent/incase of Minor,
Legal/Natural Guardian (Legal documents of guardianship attached ) of the Inland Vessel
duly authorized by the owner (copy of authorization attached ).Vessel
Name.. Official No.. hereby apply for
the survey of the said vessel at the port /place of.
I /we have remitted Rsvide chalan No.. dated.. in
respect of the survey. I/we agree to pay on demand such extra fees as may be leviable
under the rules.

The particulars of the vessel are as under ;

1. Name of vessel :
2. Official No of the vessel :
3. Port of registry of vessel :
4. Gross tonnage of vessel :
5. Place and date of last survey :
6. Nature of survey
(state if survey in dry dock is required) :
7. Length, Breadth ,Depth :
8. Type of main propulsion engines and total H.P.
9. Details of other machineries :
10. Type of the vessel passenger cum cargo/
Cargo/Chemical Carrier, Liquid Carrier etc. :
11. Owners name and address :

12. Agents name and address

with telephone No. :

1. Documents as per rules-6 (3) [ (a) to ( f) ]
2. Treasury chalan for the total amount paid.\
3. Last expired certificate of survey.
4. Attested copy of certificate of registration.
5. In case of agent, authorization from the owners to undertake the survey of the vessel.
6. In case of minor, legal documents in respect of legal /natural guardian.

FORM No. 3

[ See Rule 6 (4) ]

Particulars to be furnished for Survey of New Vessel or Vessels
which are to be surveyed for the first time

1. Name of vessel :
6. Owners name and address :

7. Length, breadth and depth of vessel :

8. Type of Vessel. :
9. Passenger, cargo cum passenger,
Chemical Carrier, Liquid Carrier ,Towing unit :
6. Particulars of hull
a) Year of built :

b) Builders name and address :

c) Builders certificate :
d) Material of the hull :
e) Number of Bulk heads, their placement
and thickness :
f) Hull plating material and thickness :
7. Particulars of propulsion of Engines
(a) Number of sets fitted :
(b) Manufacturers name and brand :
(c) Model Number :
(d) Year of built :
(e) Type of Engine with HP of each :
(f) Diameter of propulsion shaft and material:
(g) Type and Number of gears :
(h) Test certificate :
8. Particulars of equipments
(j) Anchor-Port, Starboard (weight &
Material of each) :
(k) Anchor-Spare (weight & material of each
Equipment) :
(l) Chain: size type and length and
test certificate(Port) :
(m) Chain: size type and length and
test certificate(Starboard) :
(n) Ropes- size, material and number of
ropes :
(o) Search Lights, number, size and power :
(p) Life buoys, Buoyant apparatus with
Self Ignited lights, Number with
buoyant lanyard :
(q) Navigation Lights giving particulars and
certificate, main mast, auxiliary mast,
port, Starboard, Stem, Anchor not under
command :
(r) Shapes for anchor not under command etc. :
(s) Sound signals : Mechanical or Electrical :

9. Particulars of fire appliance

(f) Number, size and capacity of fire pumps :
(g) Fire mains, diameter ,material and
number of hydrants :
(h) Number of hose :
(i) Nozzles :
(i) Jet type
(ii) Spray type
(iii) Jet/Spray type
(j) Any other equipments
10. Number of portable fire extinguisher with
particulars and name of manufactures
(e) Soda Acid :
(f) Foam :
(g) Dry Powder :
(h) Any other types :
11. Particulars of communication equipments :
12. Particulars of navigation equipments :
13. Particulars of pollution control devices :
(f) Sewage treatment and disposal
(g) Solid waste processing and disposal
(h) Sound Pollution Control
(i) Water consumption /day
(j) Source of water
14. Plans, Drawings Etc. : As per Rule 6(4) (b),(c) and (d)
of the Rules.

Signature of Owner

FORM No. 4
[ see Rule 7(1) ]
Intimation of time, and date of Survey of Vessel

Place :

Date :
The Surveyor of Inland Vessel


The Owner/Master of the Inland Vessel

(Name & Address)


(1) I have to acknowledge receipt of your application for survey of the

vessel name above under the Inland Vessels Act 1917,(Central Act 1
of 1917) and to state that a Surveyor will proceed on board the
vessel at . O' clock of the. Day . 20

(2). I enclose a list of the requisite preparations for the survey, which
shall be made before the day and hour above mentioned,



(1) Last certificate of survey, if any:

(2) Master's Certificate;
(3) Engineer or Engine Driver's Certificate:
(4) There shall be no obstruction for the free movement of the Surveyor around
and inside the vessel.
(5) The vessel shall be chipped and cleaned internally and externally
(6) Proper ladders, safe lines etc. shall be rigged and kept ready
(7) Suitable shock proof lighting arrangements are available.
(8) A representative having sufficient authority for carrying out and
all the instructions shall accompany the Surveyor and remain present
the entire surveying process. He shall also note down the defects pointed
out by the surveyor.

(9) The gauging report of the hull/deck/bulkhead by authorized agents shall be

made available. The surveyor has an option to check on the results

(10) An anchor and an anchor chain and steering chain and rods shall be laid
down on the floor duly cleaned and kept ready for inspection.

(11) Crew cabins, service area and sanitary areas shall also be kept cleaned and
ready for inspection.

The following guidelines shall be observed for preparing the vessel ready for

The vessel shall be kept in dry dock or on hard in a suitable dry place
conveniently approachable in such condition that
(1). HULL
a) The keel of the vessel shall be at least 1m. above the ground.

b) There shall be no obstruction for the free movement of the Surveyor

around and inside the vessel.

c) The vessel shall be chipped and cleaned internally and externally

d) Proper ladders, safe lines etc shall be rigged and kept ready
suitable shock proof lighting arrangements shall also be made

e) A representative having sufficient authority for carrying out and

understanding all the instructions shall accompany the Surveyor and
remain present during the entire surveying process.

f) The gauging report of the hull/deck/bulkhead by authorized agents

shall be kept ready. The Surveyor has an option to check on the results
g) An anchor and anchor chain and steering chain and rods etc. shall be
laid down on the floor duly cleaned and kept ready for inspection.

h) The propeller, propeller shaft, propeller shall be removed and kept

ready for inspection.

i) The sea suction and discharge valve shall be detached from the hull,
open out and cleaned and kept ready for inspection.

j) Crew Cabins, service area and sanitary areas shall also be kept cleaned
and ready for inspection.

k) Rudder shall be dismantled and kept ready for inspection.


a) All main propulsion units shall be striped open and cleaned, gauged
and gauging report shall be kept ready for inspection.

b) Gear Box shall also be striped open and kept ready for inspection
together with suitable gauging.

c)All auxiliary machinery such as fire and bilge pumps, generator and
alternator and any other types of machinery on board including
capstan and windless to be striped and opened and also gauged and
kept for inspection.
(a) Life Jacket as applicable
(b) Buoyant apparatus
(c) Life Boat or any other boat together with lowering and hoisting
appliances if any
(d) Life Buoys and Buoyant Life tines should be cleaned and kept ready
for inspection
(e) Inflatable life raft as applicable
(a) Fires hoses and nozzles
(b) Fire lines and fire valve,
(c) Portable and fixed fire fighting appliances as applicable
(d) Quick closing or remote closing valves for fuel oil
(e) Fuel tanks etc. shall be evacuated, cleaned and kept ready for
(a) All navigation lights, whistle together with spares shall be kept ready for
(b) Emergency lighting system if applicable, shall be kept ready for
All communication equipments such as Very High Frequency Radio
Receivers, Telephones, Public address systems, torches, Aldies lamps etc.
shall be kept ready for inspection.
All relevant Navigational Equipments such as Compasses etc, shall be kept
ready for inspection.
All relevant pollution control devices shall be kept ready for inspection.
At the conclusion of preliminary survey or part thereof, the Surveyor shall
issue a defect list to the attending representative.
You are also requested to pay towards the survey charges fees mentioned
in the Schedule - I on adhoc basis. Before issuance of the certificate of
survey, all the charges must be paid
You are requested to approach this office on completion of above
formalities, for mutually convenient date to conduct the survey.

Signature of

FORM No. 5

[ See Rule 9 (1) ]

Declaration of survey of inland vessels
1. Name of Inland Vessel ;


2. Tonnage : Gross Registered Tonnage Net

Registered Tonnage .

Length ..Breadth Depth

3. Place and date of building:

4. Name and address of owner:


5. Length for identification , (State points of measurements)


6. Place and date of the vessels last examination in dry dock

.. ..

7. Condition of the Hull



8. Means of propulsion (single or twin screw, side or stern paddle etc)


If screw, date on which propeller shaft was last drawn


9. Total Horse Power of Main Engine


10. Description of engines and date of their


11. Condition of

12. Boats Length Breadth Depth

No.1 .. .

No.2 .. .

No.3 .. . .
13. Life- buoys, number and description of those actually on board at the

time of survey

14. Buoyancy apparatus, number and description


15. Anchors Number . Weight of


16. Navigation lights:

Number and description


17. Fire apparatus


18. Electrical Generator how driven and where


19. Pollution control devices

20. Condition of Equipments:

21. Master and deck crew

Name of Master..Class and No. of his


Name of serang. Class and No. of his


No of other deck

Engineers and Engine Room


22. Passenger Capacity.

If the vessel is not found fit to carry passengers, or if the owner does not
desire passenger certificates, the table below should be crossed with the
word NIL in block capitals.

Number of When When plying by When plying by Second Saloon
Deck plying by day (smooth & day on voyages cabin passenge
passengers night partially which do not passen rs
on each deck (smooth & smooth water) last more than gers
partially or in canals by 6 hours
smooth night and day (smooth water
water) only)
On a between
deck,if any

On main deck

On the upper
deck or

Total of deck,
cabin and

23. The nature and the quantum of cargo the vessel is fit to carry
24. Limits beyond which the Vessel is not fit to ply
(State Smooth water only or smooth and Partially smooth water only)
25. TOWING should be prohibited
may be permitted
26. Time of service, if less than one year, For the period ending on
for which the hull, boilers, engines or the day of.
any of the equipments will be sufficient.


27. I hereby declare as follows, viz.,

(i) That on the day of .at..

I have inspected the machinery of the vessel named at (1) above, and all
the equipments are onboard the same.

(ii) That the machinery of the said vessel is in accordance with the foregoing
descriptions, sufficient for the service intended, and is good approved

(iii) That the said machinery will, in my judgment, be sufficient until the
day of ..
(iv) That the equipments are such and in such condition as required by the
rules and Instructions under the Act 1 of 1917.

(v) That I.C. Engine/Bilge/Pumps were examined by me personally and found

in satisfactory operating conditions.

(vi) That the said vessel as regards her machinery is, in my judgment fit to ply
as an inland vessel.

(vii) That the hull of the said vessel is sufficient for the service intended, and
is in good approved conditions.

(viii) That the hull of the said inland vessel and the equipments will in my
judgment, be sufficient until the.. day of ..

(ix) That the said vessel is, in my judgment, fit to ply as an inland vessel with
the number of passengers stated in the space marked(22) in this form,
when there is no encumbrance of the space measure for the passenger
accommodation, but is not fit to ply with a greater number of

(x) That I am satisfied that the fees due have been paid into the treasury.


This.. day of

Signature of

[ See Rule 9(1) ]

Declaration By Surveyor

1 Name and Registration Number of Vessel :

2 Name , address and Telephone No.of Owner :

3 Amount and date of Fee remitted :

4 Length :
Breadth :
Depth :
Tonnage :

5 Hull
(a) Material Used :
(b) Is the hull in good condition :

6 Particulars of stability test, time and

duration of trial run :

7 Clear Area :

8 Passenger Capacity :

9 Is the Passenger capacity painted :

on boat visible to passengers

10 Are protective railings provided

wherever necessary :

11 Safety Precautions taken :

(a). Sand Box :

(b). Fire Extinguishers :
(c). Lifebuoys :
(d). Life Jacket :
(e). Buoyant Apparatus :

12. Arrangements for pollution control

a) Sewage treatment and disposal :

b) Solid waste processing and disposal :

c) Sound pollution control :

13 Details of Crew with name and License No.

Serang :
Driver :
Lascar :

14 Is the log book properly maintained :

15 Engine
(a) Make and No. of Engine :
(b) Fuel used :
(c).Are the fuel tank and fuel lines made of
good material and properly leak proof :
(d).Is the Engine room getting overheated :
Are all necessary

16 Lights provided :

17 Internal height of Cabin :

18 Height of free board :

19 Is the boat and accommodation

area clean and good :

20 Any repairs renewals or alteration

needed at the time of inspection :

Certified that I have inspected the Boat________________________________ on

at__________________ and found in good condition for issuing fitness certificate.

Signature of

Office Seal Name &


FORM No. 7
[ See Rule 10 ]
Notice to owner that a Certificate of Survey granted under the
Inland Vessels Act is ready for delivery.

The day of 20.

The owner / master of the




I hereby give you notice that the certificate of survey of the above
inland vessel applied for by is ready for delivery, and will
be forwarded to you by registered post on payment by you to the local treasury or
sub-treasury as the case may be and on production of the treasury chalan of the
following sum, viz.:-
Forfeiture under section 8(2) of the Inland Vessels Act, 1917,for delay in excess of
fourteen days in sending in the declaration being at the rate of
Rsper day for.. days.

Yours faithfully,

Certifying officer.

[ See Rule11 ]



..(Here enter the name of owner or Master of the

[The designation and address of the officer
appointed under Section 9(2) of the Act]


Sub: Application for certificate of Survey.

Ref: Declaration of Survey


My vessel named
has been surveyed on.and Declaration of Survey as above has
been issued on.I request that the Certificate of Survey
may be issued.

Yours faithfully,

Name of the Owner
[ See Rule 12 ]
Certificate of Survey
To remain in force until the day of .20..only; unless previously
cancelled or suspended.

The Vessel ..





TONNAGE, Gross Registered Tonnage .. Net Registered Tonnage


Name of Master and No. of his certificate or license

Declaration:- This is to certify that the provisions of the Inland Vessels Act
1917(Central Act 1 of 1917) and the Rules made there under
regarding survey and the transmission of declarations in respect of
this vessel have been complied with.

Plying limits :- This vessel is not to ply other than

Passengers :- This vessel, according to the declaration of the Surveyor is fit to

carry passengers in accordance with the following scale:-
No. of Deck When When plying by When plying by Second Saloon
passengers plying by day on smooth day on voyages cabin passenge
on each deck night on and partially which do not passen rs
smooth smooth water last more than gers
and or in canals by six hours on
partially night and day smooth water
smooth only
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
On between
deck, if any

On main deck

On the upper

Total Deck

Total of deck,
cabin and

Two children above 5 years and under 12 years of age to be reckoned as one
Encumbrance:- If the space measured by the surveyor for passenger
accommodation is encumbered by cattle, cargo or other articles then
ONE PASSENGER is to be deducted from the foregoing table for each-

65 dm2 passenger area encumbered when plying at A above

50 dm2
at B above
40 dm2
at C above
Towing by this vessel while plying with passengers is prohibited/permitted as
follows (only)
Equipments:- Required by law to be carried and maintained in proper condition
and in the positions approved by the Surveyor on this vessel while this certificate
remains in force include the following:-
Bilge and Hold pumps.. Fire Buckets .Boats of aggregate
Fire Pumps Fire Sand Boxes. of..cubic
Fire Hose Fire Extinguishers.
Life buoys and Buoyancy apparatus As below :-
When plying as at A.. Life buoys; and Buoyancy
at B..
at C..

Exhibition of certificate This certificate (or a duplicate signed by the Certifying Officer)
must be exhibited in a legible condition, protected by glass
where it may be easily read by all persons on board.
Expiry of certificate The vessel must cease to ply on the date given above for the
expiry of this certificate (except in so far as may be necessary for
her to reach a place of survey if she is not at such a place at that
date) until she is again surveyed and granted a fresh certificate.
Name of vessel While this certificate is in force the vessels name, as printed or
otherwise marked in positions approved by the Surveyor, is not to
be removed or defaced; and if a change of name is desired, 14
clear days notice is to be given to the Certifying Officer before the
change is made.
Accidents After any accident, howsoever caused, occasioning loss of life or
any material damage affecting the safety of the vessel either in
her hull, machinery or equipments, the master or serang is to
report the particulars at the nearest police station; and as soon as
possible the owner or master is to report the matter fully in
writing signed by him to the surveyor at the nearest declared
place or survey.


FORM No.10
[ See Rule12 ]
Certificate Of Survey
1 Name of Vessel :
2 Registration Number :
3 Owners Name and Address :
4 Master, Serangs Name and Address :
5 Year of Built :
6 Area of Operation :
7 Nature of operation :
8 Extreme inner dimension of the
vessel Length :
Breadth :
Depth :
9 Net Registered Tonnage :
10 Description of Engine :
11 Engine Number and Brake Horse Power :
12 Nature of fuel used :
13 Details of crew required for the vessel
Master :
Serang :
Driver :
Lascar :
14 Is the hull of the vessel in good condition
and fit for service :
15 Material used for hull :
16 Has the vessel been tested for
stability and found safe for
passenger service :
17 Details of life saving equipments :
18 Details of fire fighting equipments :
19 Details of Pollution control devices :
20 Are all the equipment and facility prescribed
under the rules provided on board. :
21 Nature of repairs, renewals needed at the
time of inspection
22 Number of passengers which the
vessel is licensed to carry
Lower Deck :
Upper Deck :
For Day Cruise :
23 Period for which the certificate shall :
Signature Name and
FORM No. 11

[ See Rule-13(2) ]



The Chief Surveyor of Inland Vessels,

[Designation and address of the officer
appointed under Section 9(2) of the Act]


Sub: Change of name of the vessel.

Ref: .

I ... of
being the owner /master of Inland Vessel .(name)
bearing No. .. hereby request that the name of the vessel may
be changed as (here enter the new name). The
certificate of survey No.. dated . in
original is enclosed herewith for making the change of name.


Name of owner/ master

Encl: as above.
FORM No.12

[ See Rule 15(1) ]



The Registering Authority,


I, of
being the Owner/Master of an Inland Vessel
. hereby request that the said vessel be
registered at the .
I agree to pay such fees as may be leviable under the Rules.
Particulars in respect of the said vessel are as under:-
1. Owners name and address in full :

2. Occupation :

3. Name of Master and his Certificate No. :

4. Name of Registry and No. if previously registered :

5. Hence, when and how the vessel was secured :

6. Kind of vessel, viz., motor, name and address of

engine makers with horse power, speed and the

year of make. :

7. Name and address of builders

with place and year of build. :

8. Details of Insurance Certificate :


(a) A statement by the owner that the provisions of the Act and these rules have been
complied with;

(b) A duplicate of the certificate of survey;

(c) Chalan receipt evidencing payment of such fees as specified in the schedule for
the registration of the vessel.

(d) Copy of the 3rd party insurance certificate of the vessel duly attested.

Place: Signature of the Owner/

Date: of the vessel


of..the state ofresiding
permanently at/ having principal place of business
atdo hereby declare that
. (name) was built
in the year.and was purchased by me on
for Rupees.and
wish to have registered it in my name at the port of
and that I am the sole owner of the same. I
further declare that the vessel is intended to ply in the port of.

Signature of the

Made and subscribed on of20by above named

in the presence
Signature of Magistrate/
Notary Public/ Registering

Note:- The declaration shall be made before a registering Authority, a Magistrate

or a Notary Public.

FORM No.13

[ See Rule 16(1) ]

Appointment of Date and Time of Inspection of the Inland Vessel

By the Registering Authority


The Owner/Master of the Inland Motor Vessel

... (Name and



Ref:- ..

1. I have to acknowledge receipt of your application for Registration of the

vessel named above under the Inland Vessel Act, 1917 and to state that I
shall proceed onboard the vessel at .Oclock
of the .. day of 20..

2. You are requested to afford to the Registering Authority all reasonable

facilities for the registration of the vessel and all such information
respecting the vessel and her machinery or any part thereof and all
equipments and articles onboard as he may require for the purpose of the

Yours faithfully,

Registering Authority

FORM No. 14

[ See rule 17 ]
Certificate of Registration
Official No. No., year and place of Registry.

This is to certify that(registering authority) of .....

has declared
that(Owner).subject of the
state of..and the sole owner of (kind of vessel)
called(Name of vessel)and that the
said..was built at .. by
. Of .
the year 20 The said had been duly registered
at (place) under the Inland Vessels Act , 1917. Certified under my hand
this day of 20.
Description of Engines :
Name and address of makers :
When made :
No. of sets of Engines :
No. of shafts :
Total Brake Horse Power :
Estimated speed of Inland Vessel :
Particulars of Vessels of Tonnage
Extreme length :
Length :
Breadth :
Depth :
Gross Registered Tonnage :
Net Registered Tonnage :
No. of Decks :
No. of Bulkheads :
Build and material :
Stern :
Registering Authority,
by port of .

Note.- This Certificate of Registration shall be produced for inspection on demand by any authority authorized by
the State Government.
1) This certificate shall be surrendered to the Registering Authority if so required by him.

2) While the certificate is in force, the vessels name and registration mark as painted or otherwise marked
in position approved by the Government of Kerala shall not be removed or defaced.
3) In case of any accident occasioning loss of life, or any material damage affecting the river worthiness
or efficiency of the vessel, either in the hull or in any part of the machinery, a report by letter, signed by
the owner or master of the vessel shall be forwarded to the Registering Authority, Kerala within 24
hours after the happening of the accident, or as soon thereafter as possible.

FORM No.15

[ See Rule 19 (1) ]

Name of the Owner .............................................................

Address of the Owner.............................................................

Name of the Vessel .............................................................

Registration Mark ...............................................................

Description of Inland Vessels

1. (a) Gross Registered Tonnage....................................

(b) Net Registered Tonnage ......................................

2. Particulars of Vessels:

(a) Length overall

(b) Breadth
(c) Depth
(d) Make
(e) Year of make
(f) Hull is of wood, steel etc.
3. Engine:

(a) Description
(b) Number of set
(c) Made by
(d) Year of Make & Engine No.
(e) Surface, jet of any other
(f) No. of cylinder per set
(g) R.P.M.
(h) B.H.P.
4. Propulsion:

Single twin screw, side, quarter of stern paddle, etc.

Revolution per minute
Propeller geared or direct driven
Speed of vessel.

5. Equipments:

(a) Boats ...................Number.......................Size, Length, Breadth, Depth,

Capacity in Cubic meter

(b) Life Buoys, number and description

(c) Buoyancy apparatus number and description

(d) Ground Tackle Warps etc.

Bow anchor number..................Kg.

Kedge anchor number..............Kg.

Span anchor number................Kg.

(e) Length, description and size of each cable

(f) Warps and Hawsers number, description, size, length each.

(g) Number of leads..........weights each

(h) Number of line...............length each

(i) Fire apparatus

(i) Pumps and Hose Number.....Type............

size..............where located........................

(ii) Hose Number.............................

(iii) Buckets Number............................

(iv) Chemical extinguishers number...............

Chemical extinguishers Type...................

Chemical extinguishers Capacity.............

Chemical extinguishers where located.....

(j) Pump..................Bilge..............Fire......................


Main Engine

Independent Engine

6. Electrical number.........Type of Generator......................

7. Engine room crew................

8. Deck crew.............................

9. Passengers..................................

Main deck area for deck (only) passenger

Upper deck area for deck (only) passenger

Bridge deck area for deck (only) passenger

When plying by night on When plying by day When plying by
smooth and partially on smooth and day on Voyage
smooth water only partially smooth which do
water only not exceed six
hours on smooth
water only

1 - On a between deck if any

2- Main deck
3- Upper deck
4- Bridge deck

Two children above 5 years and under 12 years of age will be reckoned as

one passenger.

Encumbrance - If space measured for passenger is encumbered by cattle,

cargo or other article, then one passenger is to be deducted from the

foregoing table for each.

65 dm2 of passenger area encumber when plying as A above

50 dm2 of passenger area encumber when plying as B above

40 dm2 of passenger area encumber when plying as C above

10. Towing by the vessel while plying with passenger is prohibited permitted


follows only.

11. Plying limits.

FORM No.16

[ See Rule 21(1) ]

Form of Appeal
Before the Secretary to Government, Coastal Shipping and Inland
Navigation Department

1. Name of the Appellant :

2. Registering Authority passing the

original Order :

3. Date of receipt of the original Order :

4. Nature of the order appealed against :

(specify whether the order is under section
19 F, 19N or 19 O of the Act) with
No. and date of the Order.
5. Address at which the appellant undertakes

to receive the notices. :

6. Address to which the notice may be sent

to the respondent. :
7. Relief claimed in the appeal :

8. Grounds of Appeal


Date: Appellant/ Authorised
I We.the
Appellant do hereby declare that what is stated above is true to the best of my/
our knowledge, information and belief.
Dated this of

Appellant (s)

Authorised representatives if

N.B. The appeal shall be presented in duplicate and should be accompanied by two
copies (at least one of which should be the original or an attested copy) of the order
appealed against.
FORM No.17

[ See Rule 21(3)(a) ]

The Secretary to Government
(Coastal Shipping & Inland Navigation Department)
Government of Kerala.

(Here enter the name of Registering Authority)



Sub: Appeal against cancellation of registration of Inland Vessel.

Ref: - 1. Your Order

2. Appeal petition

In forwarding herewith a copy of the petition filed by

. against your order No.
I am to request you to furnish your remarks on or
before .

Yours faithfully

Encl: as above The Secretary to

FORM No 18

[ See Rule 22 (2) ]



Date :

The Registering Authority


I.. of
being the owner of Inland Vessel
(name) bearing No.
hereby report that the following
alterations have been carried out on the vessel on . 20 I,
therefore, apply for registering the alterations/for the issue of a fresh registration
certificate. I enclose herewith a duplicate copy of treasury chalan showing the
deposit of the necessary fees. I also enclose herewith the original certificate of

Encl: as above
Signature of the Owner the

FORM No.19

[ See Rule 25 (1) ]


Official Number :

Name of the Vessel :

No. date and place of Registry :

Description of the vessel (whether propelled

wholly or in part by electricity, steam or
other mechanical power) :

Horse power of Engine :

Hull (Length for identification...............................)

Boats Length Breadth Depth
No.1 ........... .......... ..........
No.2 ........... .......... ..........
No.3 ........... .......... ..........
Number of Tonnage

Gross Registered Tonnage Net Registered Tonnage

and as described in more detail in the certificate of survey and book of registry.
(a)..........................................the undersigned (b).............................................son of consideration of................................. this day lent
to (c) (d)............................................... do hereby for
(e).............................................and (f)........................ heirs, executors or
administrators covenant with the said ............... Firstly, that (a) .................. or (f)
.................... heirs, executors, or administrators, will pay to the said......................
the said sum of.................. together with interest thereon at the rate of
.................... per cent, per annum on the (g),............... day of............ next ; and
secondly, that if the said principal sum is not paid on the said day
(a).........................or (f)...................... heirs, executors of administrators, will during
as the same or any part thereof remain unpaid, pay to the said.......................
interest on the whole or such part thereof as may for the time being remain
unpaid, at the rate of ...................... per cent per annum, by equal half-yearly
payments on the .............................. day of ....................... and ............................. day
of ....................................... in every year; and for better securing to the said
........................ the re-payment in manner aforesaid of the said principal sum and
interest (a)........... hereby mortgage to the said ...................... shares of which (b)
the owner in the Inland vessel above particularly described, and in her boats, and
appurtenances, lastly, (a) .. for (e)
. and (f) heirs, executors or
administrators covenant with the said..................... and his assigns that
(a)................................ have power to mortgage in manner aforesaid the
above mentioned shares, and that the same are free from encumbrances
In witness where of (a)................ have here unto subscribed (f).....................
name ....................... and affixed (b).................... seal this ....................... day of
............... and Executed by the above named....................................................

In the presence of (j)

(1) ................................................
(2) ................................................
(a) I or We
(b) Here insert full name and address with description of the mortgager or
(c) me or us
(d) Here insert full name and address of mortgager or mortgagee with their
description in the case of individuals, and adding a joint mortgagees
where such is the case.
(e) myself orourselves
(f) my or our
(g) Insert the day fixed for payment of principal as above,
(h) I am or : we are
(i) If any prior encumbrances add, save as appears by the book of
registration of the said vessel
(j) Name, address and description of at least two Witnesses.
* (Space for Signature and Seal)
Mortgage (By Company or Body Corporate)(to secure principal sum and interest)
Official Number Name of the vessel Number,date
Place of

Description of the vessel (whether propelled Horse power

wholly or in part by electricity, steam or Engines
other mechanical power)
Hull (length for identification.....................
Equipments :
Boats Length Breadth Depth
No.1 .......... .......... ..........
No.2 .......... .......... ..........
No3 .......... .......... ..........

Number of Tonnage

Gross Registered Tonnage Net Registered Tonnage

and as described in more detail in the certificate of Survey and book of Registry
We, (a).................. in consideration of ................................... this day lent to
us by (b) hereby for ourselves and our successors covenant with the
said ....................... and (c).............................................. assigns firstly, that we or our
successors, will pay to the said......................................... or (c)..................................
assigns the said sum of .......................... together with interest thereon at the ate of
.................. per cent, per annum on the (d)...................... day of ...................... next;
and secondly, that of the principal sum is not paid on the said day, we or our
successors will, during such time as the same or any part thereof remains unpaid,
pay to the said ........................................ or (c)................................ assigns interest
on the whole or such part thereof as may for the time being unpaid, at the rate of
.................. per cent, per annum, by equal half-yearly payments on the......................
day of....................... and day of ......................... in every year; and for better
securing the said...................... the repayment in manner aforesaid of the said
principal sum and interest we hereby mortgage to the said .............................
share/shares of which we are the Owners in the vessel above particularly
described and in her boats and appurtenances. Lastly, we for ourselves and our
successors covenant with the said ........... and (c).................. assigns that we have
power to mortgage in manner aforesaid the above mentioned shares and that the
same are free from encumbrances.
(e) ..................................
In witness whereof we have hereunto affixed our common seal this .......................
day of ...................... and the common seal of the ................................ was affixed
hereunto in the presence of ................. (description of witnesses, Directors,
Secretary as the case may be)

(a) Name in full of Company together with its principal place of business.
(b) Full name, address and description of mortgagee. If joint mortgagees are concerned
they shall be described, if the mortgagee is a Company, the full title and address shall be
(c) his, their, its
(d) Insert the day fixed for payment of principal as above.
(e) If any prior encumbrances add, save as appears by the book of registration of the sad
FORM No . 20

[ See Rule 25(2) ]

By Individual or Joint Owners

(a) the within-mentioned ..

son of in consideration of
.. this day paid to(b) .. by
.. hereby transfer to (c) the
benefit of the within written security.
In witness whereof (a) .. have here-un-to
subscribed (d) ... name . and
affixed (d) . Seal this . Day of
. and Executed by the above- named
.. in the presence of

(By Company or Body Corporate)

The within-mentioned in consideration of

this day paid to it by
hereby transfer to (c) .. the benefit of the within-written
In witness whereof we have here un to affixed our common seal this
.. day of
This common seal of the . was affixed in the
presence of (Signature and description of at least two witnesses, Directors,
Secretary etc. as the case may be.)

N.B. In the case of transfer of mortgage it shall be made by endorsement in the

above forms.
(a) I or we
(b) me or us
(c) him, them or it
(d) my or our
(e) Name, address and signature of at least two witness.

FORM No.21

[ See Rule 25(3) ]


In case of Mortgage is paid off, a Memorandum of its Discharge one
of the following forms must be used.

By Individual or Joint Owners

Received the sum of discharge of

this within written security, dated of .20..

By Companies or Body Corporate

Received the sum discharge of the

within-written security. In witness whereof we have here-un to affixed our
common seal this . Day of.. 20....
The common seal of the .
was affixed with presence of. (Description and
Signature of at least two witnesses ie ., Director, Secretary etc.)

(*)The name and signature of at least two witnesses.

FORM No.22

[ See Rule 31(2)(c) ]

Provisional detention order

Inland Vessel .. Official No. .of

Port was inspected by the undersigned at on
. The vessel is hereby provisionally detained under the power
vested under rule.of Kerala Inland Vessels Rules 2010 issued under the
Inland Vessel Act 1917. The defects are as per annexure issued along with this
The Vessel is forbidden to ply in Inland waters of Kerala till further orders.
The master/owner have been issued copy of this order together with
annexure on at.

The master/owner have refused to accept the Order and the Order is pasted on the
vessel on . in the presence of whose signature are appended

Copy with a request for needful action to

1) The Surveyor
2) The Registering authority
3) The Port officer
4) The survey Authority in Head Quarters.

FORM No.23

[ See Rule 41(1) ]

Application for grant of Certificate of competency as

Serangcum- Driver in an Inland Mechanically Propelled Vessel
With engine of less than 75 BHP


1.Name :

2.Number and date of existing competency certificate if any:

(Certificate in original to be enclosed)
3. Son/Wife/Daughter of :
4. Permanent address (Proof to be enclosed) :

5. Temporary address/Official address :

6. Duration of stay at the present address :

7. Date of birth ( Proof to be enclosed) :

8. Place of Birth :

9. Educational Qualification :

10.Details of Experience :

11. Identification mark(s) :

12.Nationality :

13. Blood Group :

Date: Signature or thumb impression of


Application should be accompanied with documents to prove

1) Date of birth.
2) Educational qualifications.
3) Experience.
4) State of health in Form no 33
5) Address.

FORM No.24

[ See Rule 41(2) ]

Certificate of Competency as Serang-cum-driver

to man a vessel with engine of less than 75 BHP

No. :
Name :

Son/ /daughter/ wife of :

Permanent Address :

Temporary Address :

Date of Birth :

Height :

Marks of identification




Signature or Thumb Impression

Note:- When thumb impressions are taken they should be those of all the five fingers of
left hand.
When as it has been reported to me that you have been found duly qualified to
fulfill the duties of a Serang-cum- Driver on an Inland mechanically propelled Vessel
with engine of less than 75BHP , I do here by under the provisions of the rules issued
under Kerala Inland Vessels Rules, 2010 grant you the Certificate of competency as a
Serang-cum- Driver on an inland mechanically propelled vessel with engine of less than 75




FORM No-25
[ See Rule 43(1) ]

Application for grant of Certificate of competency as

Master/Serang/Engineer/Engine Driver/Lascar/ in an Inland
Mechanically Propelled Vessel

Passport size

1. Name :

2. Son/Wife/Daughter of :

3. Permanent address (Proof to be enclosed) :

4. Temporary address/Official address :

5. Duration of stay at the present address :

6. Date of birth (Proof to be enclosed) :

7. Place of Birth :

8. Educational Qualification :

9. Details of Experience :

10. Identification mark(s) (1) :

(2) :

11. Nationality :

12. Blood Group :

Date: Signature or thumb

impression of Applicant

Application should be accompanied with documents to prove

1) Date of birth.
2) Educational qualifications.
3) Experience.
4) State of health in Form no 33
5) Address.

FORM No.26

[ See Rule 43(2) ]

Certificate of Competency as Master/Serang/Engineer/

Engine Driver/Lascar

No. :

Name :

Son/wife/daughter of :
Permanent Address :

Temporary Address :

Date of Birth :
Height :

Marks of identification (1)


Photograph of
the certificate
holder duly
attested by the

Signature or Thumb Impression

Note:- When thumb impressions are taken they should be those of all the five
fingers of left hand.
When as it has been reported to me that you have been found duly
qualified to fulfill the duties of a Master/Serang/Engine Driver/Lascar on an Inland
mechanically propelled Vessel, I do here by under the provisions of the rules
issued under Kerala Inland Vessels Rules, 2010 grant you the certificate of
competency as a First class Master/Second class Master/Serang/Engineer/First
class Engine Driver/Second class Engine Driver/Lascar on an inland mechanically
propelled vessel.




FORM No.27

[ See Rule 44(2) ]

Application for grant of Certificate of competency as Boat

Master/ Boat Serang / Boat Driver / Lascar / in an Inland
Mechanically Propelled Vessel

Passport size

1.Name :

2.No. and date of existing competency certificate:

(Certificate in original to be enclosed)
3. Son/Wife/Daughter of :

4. Permanent address (Proof to be enclosed) :

5. Temporary address/Official address :

6. Duration of stay at the present address :

7. Date of birth ( Proof to be enclosed) :

8. Place of Birth :

9. Educational Qualification :

10.Details of Experience :

11. Identification mark(s) :

12.Nationality :
13. Blood Group :

Date: Signature or thumb impression of


Application should be accompanied with documents to prove

1) Date of birth.
2) Educational qualifications.
3) Experience.
4) State of health in Form no 33
5) Address.

FORM No.28

[ See Rule 44(4) ]

Certificate of Service as Boat Master/

Boat Serang/ Boat Driver/ Lascar

No. :

Name :

Son/wife/daughter of :
Permanent Address :

Temporary Address :

Date of Birth :

Height :

Marks of identification



Signature or Thumb Impression

Note:- When thumb impressions are taken they should be those of all the five
fingers of left hand.
When as it has been reported to me that you have been found duly
qualified to fulfill the duties of a Master/Serang/Engine Driver/Lascar on an Inland
mechanically propelled Vessel, I do here by under the provisions of the Kerala
Inland Vessels Rules, 2010, grant you the Certificate of Service as a
Master/Serang/Engine Driver/Lascar on an inland mechanically propelled vessel.




FORM No.29

[ See Rule 45(2) ]

Application for grant of Certificate of Service for Ex-army / Navy

/ Coast guard personnel as Master / Serang / Engine driver /
Lascar in an Inland Mechanically propelled vessel.

Passport size

1. Name :

2. No. and date of discharge certificate :

(Certificate in original to be enclosed)

3. Son/Wife/Daughter of :
4. Permanent address (Proof to be enclosed) :

5. Temporary address/Official address :

6. Duration of stay at the present address :

7. Date of birth (Proof to be enclosed) :

8. Place of Birth :

9. Educational Qualification :

10. Details of Experience :

11. Identification mark(s) :

12. Nationality :

13. Blood Group :

Signature or
impression of

Application should be accompanied with documents to prove

1) Date of birth.
2) Educational qualifications.
3) Experience.
4) State of health in Form no 33.
5) Address.

FORM No.30

[ See Rule 45(4) ]

Certificate of Service as Master/Serang/Engine Driver/Lascar

for Ex-Army/Navy/Coastguard personnel

No. :
Name :

Son/wife/daughter of :
Permanent Address :

Temporary Address :

Date of Birth :
Height :

Marks of identification (1)



Signature or Thumb Impression

Note:- When thumb impressions are taken they should be those of all the five
fingers of left hand.
When as it has been reported to me that you have been found duly
qualified to fulfill the duties of a Master/Serang/Engine Driver/Lascar on an Inland
mechanically propelled Vessel, I do here by under the provisions of the rules
issued under Kerala Inland Vessels Rules, 2010 grant you the certificate of
competency as a First class Master/Second class Master/Serang/Engineer/First
class Engine Driver/Second class Engine Driver / Lascar on an inland
mechanically propelled vessel.

FORM No 31

[ See Rule 46(2) ]

Application for grant of Certificate of Competency for personnel

having Certificate issued under Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 as
Master / Serang / Engineer / Engine driver in an Inland Mechanically
propelled vessel.

Passport size

1. Name :

2.Number and date of existing certificate :

(Attested copy of Certificate to be enclosed) :

3. Son/Wife/Daughter of :

4. Permanent address (Proof to be enclosed) :

5. Temporary address/Official address :

6. Duration of stay at the present address :

7. Date of birth (Proof to be enclosed) :

8. Place of Birth :

9. Educational Qualification :

10.Details of Experience :

11. Identification mark(s) :

12.Nationality :

13. Blood Group :

Date: Signature or thumb impression of

Application should be accompanied with documents to prove the following:
1) Date of birth.
2) Educational qualifications.
3) Experience.
4) State of health in Form no 33.
5) Address.

FORM No.32

[ See Rule 46 (4) ]

Certificate of Competency as Master/Serang/ Engineer/

Engine Driver for personnel having certificate
issued under Merchant Shipping Act 1958

Number. :

Name :

Son/wife/daughter of :
Permanent Address :

Temporary Address :

Date of Birth :

Height :

Marks of identification (1)



Signature or Thumb Impression

Note:- When thumb impressions are taken they should be those of all the five
fingers of left hand.
When as it has been reported to me that you have been found duly
qualified to fulfill the duties of a Master/Serang /Engine Driver on an Inland
Mechanically propelled Vessel, I do here by under the provisions of the Kerala
Inland Vessels Rules, 2010 grant you the Certificate of Service as a First class
Master/Second class Master / Serang/ Engineer / First class Engine Driver/Second
class Engine Driver on an inland mechanically propelled vessel.


FORM No.33

[ See Rules 34 to 41 and 52 ]

(To be filled in by a registered medical practitioner appointed for the purpose by

the State Government or person authorized in this behalf by the State

1.Name of applicant:
2. Identification Marks (1)


3 (a) Does the applicant to the best of your

judgment suffer from any defect of vision? Yes/No
If so, has it been corrected by suitable spectacle? Yes/No
(b) Can the applicant to the best of your judgment readily distinguish
the pig-mentary colours, red and green?
(c) In your opinion is he able to distinguish with his eye sight
at a distance of 25 meters in good day light? Yes/No
(d) In your opinion does the applicant suffer from a degree of deafness
which would prevent his hearing, the ordinary sound signals? Yes/No
(e) In the opinion does the applicant suffer from night blindness?
Or deformity or lose of number which would interfere with
the efficient performance of his duties as a driver? Yes/No
If so, give your reasons in details:

I certify that I have personally examined the

applicant I also certify that while examining
the applicant I have directed special attention to the distant vision and hearing
ability the condition of the arms, legs, heads, hand joints of both extremities of
the candidate and to the best of my judgment he is medically fit/not fit to hold
a driving licence.
The applicant is not medically fit to hold a licence for the following


1. Name and designation of the Medical


2. Registration Number of Medical Officer

Date: Signature or thumb impression of the Candidate

Note: The Medical Officer shall affix his signature over the Photograph affixed in such a
manner that part of his signature is upon the photograph and part on the certificate.
[ See Rule 89 ]
Buoyage and marking of the waterway

(1) Direction of buoyage .

The direction of buoyage shall be defined as follows:

(a) The general direction taken by the mariner when approaching harbour,
river or estuary or waterway from seaward.
(b) In case of non-tidal rivers the direction against the flow of the river.
(c) The direction in which the kilometer chainage increases in case of
(2) Port hand Marks
These marks indicate the left side of the channel.
By day: Red Buoys, preferably cylindrical (CAN), or red spars. Red
Cylindrical top mark is compulsory on the spars and on the buoys if
they are not cylindrical.

By night: Rhythmic red lights of any type

(3) Starboard hand Marks.

These marks indicate the right side of the channel.
By day : Green buoys, preferably conical, or green spars. A green
conical top mark point upward is compulsory on the spars and on the
buoys if they are not conical.

By night : Rhythmic green lights, of any type.

(4) Isolated danger Marks
An isolated danger mark is a mark created on, or moored on, or
above an isolated danger which has navigable water, all round it.
Description of an isolated danger mark

(a) Top mark: Two black spheres, one above the other.

(b) Colour: Black with one or more broad

horizontal red bands.
(c) Shape: Optional, but not conflicting with
lateral marks; pillar or spar preferred.

By Night: Rhythmic white light - group



[ See Rule 90 ]
Signs and Signals

(1) Day and Night marking

Lights may be provided at night for lighting of the lower parts of a

bridge, of the piers of a bridge, of the approaches to a lock, of a section of
small canal etc. The lights recommended in this rules shall be visible for a
distance of at least 2 kms. and shall be distinct from the surrounding
Fixed lights

(1) Single red light No passage

Either to some of the channels or arms of the

waterway, or to the whole of the waterway
(2) Red light placed one above the other
Complete and prolonged stoppage of navigation
(blockage of, waterway budges or locks out of service)

(3) Two or more red No passage (between the lights)

lights set apart

(4) Single green light

GO ahead (the green light is always placed at side of the navigable

channel) The use of this signal shall however, be restricted to cases where a
single green light is sufficient clearly to indicate the clear passage. In other
cases the use of two green lights set apart and indicating the passage is

(5) Two green lights set Go ahead between the

apart Lights.

(6) Single yellow light, along or Go ahead, but look out for traffic
between green lights coming the other way Vessels
may steer
towards the light, which is placed above
the navigable channel.
Y Y Or
Proceed with caution.
(7) A red light above a white light Do not cause wash

(8) Not exceed the speed indicated

(in Km /hour)

(9) Clearance above water level limit (10) Width of fairway or channel

W = White , R = Red , G = Green , Y = Yellow , B = Black

[ See Rule 91 ]


1. WARNING: A storm may affect you shortly Day Night

2. DANGER: A storm will soon strike you

3. DANGER: The port is threatened by a bore- tide or flash flood sudden rise in
water level and strong current expected.

4. GREAT DANGER: A violent storm will soon strike you



1. Boats

(a) All boats shall be well designed and of such shape and
proportions that they have sufficient stability and freeboard when
carrying their full load of persons and equipment. With half the
maximum permissible number of persons standing on one side of the
boat, their shall have a freeboard of not less than 100 milli metre.

(b) All boats shall be capable of being lowered into the water with their
full load of persons and equipment. They shall be of such strength that
they will not suffer permanent deformation if subjected to an overload
of 25 percent.

2. Life rafts

a. Every life raft shall be fitted with securing beckets.

b. Every life raft shall be so constructed as to comprise units
containing a volume of air of at least 0.096 m3. (or
equivalent buoyancy devices in

the case of rigid life rafts) and have a deck area of at least 0.372
sq.m., for every person it is permitted to carry.
c. The life raft shall be so constructed that if it is dropped into the
water from the highest deck neither the life raft nor its equipment
will be damaged.
d. Every rigid life raft shall be constructed as to retain its shape in all
weather conditions, on deck and in the water.

3. Life jackets

A life jacket shall satisfy the following requirements:

(a) It shall be properly designed and made of suitable material.

(b) It shall be capable of supporting a mass of 7.5 kg. in fresh water for
24 hours.
(c) It shall be capable of keeping the head of an exhausted or
unconscious person above water.
(d) It shall be so designed as to eliminate so far as possible all risk of
its being put on incorrectly, however, it shall be capable of being
worn inside out.
(e) It shall be capable of turning the wearers body, on entering the
water to a safe floating position slightly inclined backwards from the
(f) It shall withstand the effects of oil and oil products and of
temperatures up to 50C.
(g) It shall be reflecting orange in colour.
(h) It shall be easy and quick to put on, and shall fasten securely to the
(i) It shall be fitted with a whistle held in a pocket.
(j) It shall bear the type, name of manufacturer and the year of

4. Life buoys

(a) Every life buoy shall:

(i) be capable of supporting a mass of 14.5 kg. in fresh water for 24

(ii) be made of suitable materials and withstand the effects of oil and
oil products and of temperatures up to 50C.
(iii) be reflecting orange in colour.
(iv) have a mass of not less than 6.5 kg.
(v) have an internal diameter of 0.45metre + or -10 percent.
(vi) be encircled with rope which can be grasped.

(b) At least one life buoy on each side of the vessel shall be fitted with self
igniting light and buoyant life line which is not less than 25 meter long and
which is firmly secured by a hook.

5. Stowage and handling of Life Saving Appliances

(1) All buoyant apparatus and life buoys shall be so placed as to be

capable of floating off the vessel freely.
(2) Suitable arrangements shall be made for access to the boats and rafts.
(3) Effective means shall be provided for lighting the life saving appliances
and their launching devices.
(4) The launching devices provided for boats shall be so designed and
arranged that the boats can be lowered reliably, quickly and without
danger to persons.
(5) The launching devices, davits, falls, blocks and other gear shall be of
such strength that the boats can be safely lowered on either side in
unfavorable conditions of list or trim.
(6) Life saving appliances shall be so stowed that they are easily
accessible and can be launched as quickly as possible.
[ See Rule 26 ]


Fees Payable by the

For an Inland mechanically propelled vessel of
Sl. owner to the Govt.
which the gross registered tonnage
No. of Kerala(Rule 27)
(1) (3)
1 Does not exceed 10 Tonnes 500/-
2 Exceed 10 tonnes but does not exceed 20 tonnes 750/-
3 Exceed 20 tonnes but does not exceed 30 tonnes 1000/-
4 Exceed 30 tonnes but does not exceed 50 tonnes 1500/-
5 Exceed 50 tonnes but does not exceed 75 tonnes 2000/-
6 Exceed 75 tonnes but does not exceed 100 tonnes 2500/-
7 Exceed 100 tonnes but does not exceed 150 tonnes 3000/-
8 Exceed 150 tonnes but does not exceed 300 tonnes 5000/-
9 Exceed 300 tonnes but does not exceed 600 tonnes 8000/-
10 Exceed 600 tonnes and above 12000/-

For Special Inspection i.e. first inspection of vessel and inspection conducted
after expiry of the validity of last certificate issued for a vessel, double the rate
prescribed above
[ See Rule 26 ]


1. On initial registration the scale of

fees payable will be : @ Rs. 10 per ton subject to
minimum of Rs.50/-
2. For registering any vessel which has : Rs. 5 per ton subject to a
been registered under the Merchant minimum of Rs.50/-
Shipping Act,1958 as amended by
any subsequent enactment
3. Registration of any alteration to a
Vessel : @ Rs.5 per ton subject to a
minimum of Rs.50/-
4. Issue of a duplicate certificate : @ Rs. 50/-
5. Registration as a result of transfer
of registry from any other State : Half the rate indicated in
(1) above
6. Registration as a result of transfer
of ownership within the same State : Half the rate indicated in
(1) above

7. Appeal against the decision of the

Registering Authority : The same rate indicated in

(1) above. (Not refundable)

[ See Rule 50 ]
Fee for examination

Fee for examination of a Master, Serang, Engine Driver and Lascar Certificates
(1) Master(1st class/2nd class) - Rs.150/-
(2) Serang - Rs.100/-
(3) Engineer/Engine Driver - Rs.100/-
(4) Lascar - Rs. 50/-
Fee for certificate of competency
(1) Master(1st class/2nd class) - Rs.300/-
(2) Serang - Rs.200/-
(3) Engineer/ Engine Driver - Rs.200/-
(4) Lascar - Rs.100/-
(5) Serang-cum-Driver - Rs.200/-

Fee for certificate of competency without examination (Rule 47)

1) Master(1st class/2nd class) - Rs.100/-
2) Serang - Rs.100/-
3) Engineer/ Engine Driver - Rs.100/-
4) Lascar - Rs. 50/-
Fee for Certificate of service
1) Master(1st class/2nd class) - Rs.100/-
2) Serang - Rs.100/-
3) Engineer/ Engine Driver - Rs.100/-
4) Lascar - Rs. 50/-
Fee for renewal of certificates
1) Master(1st class/2nd class) - Rs.100/-
2) Serang - Rs.100/-
3) Engineer/Engine Driver - Rs.100/-
4) Lascar - Rs. 50/-
5) Serang-cum- Driver - Rs.100/
Penalty for delay in renewing
Certificates For delay of every
three months - @ Rs.50/-

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